April 2015 - Bethesda Mission
April 2015 - Bethesda Mission
The quarterly publication of the Bethesda Mission bethesdamission.org Apr. 2015 • Vol. 2 Children’s Mission “God’s Expanding Vision” by Scott Dunwoody, Vice President of Business Development Up on the hill, literally, at the top of Herr Street, headed east from Cameron Street, is a small center created from an old closed-down fire station. 1990 marked the opening of Bethesda Mission’s Youth Center – a direct response to the growing needs of inner city children and youth. With the help of an incredible team of staff and volunteers, the old firehouse (built in early 1900’s) has been the setting to reach the Herr Street community for the past 25 years, by becoming a lighthouse to hundreds of inner city kids and their families. Each day these impressionable young lives come, facing enormous challenges - fractured families, no families in some instances, challenges to learn, crying out for someone to love them, to encourage them, to share with them the love of God. Inside, virtually every weekday, year round, in a safe, nurturing environment, they find a place to learn, grow, and discover purpose and their God-given potential. These kids are being fireproofed to cope with and absorb the challenges they face, and to find hope and success, all from a foundation of experiencing the love of God expressed through the mentoring of dedicated, gifted adults. This community has been greatly impacted by our mission to children and youth, and we’re excited about what lies ahead for the next 25 years. Need 8 Feet – How about half an acre? While our staff has done a wonderful job in reaching the children and community, our facilities are woefully inadequate, placing Scott Dunwoody significant restrictions on Vice President of Business Development what can be accomplished, and the number of kids we can reach. This 1908 vintage former fire station is structurally sound, but is in need of major systems and functional overhaul and upgrades. A feasibility study targeted $400,000 of essential improvements to the existing Youth Center. Intending to make improvements to the existing facility, we approached the adjacent property owner to request expanding 8 feet toward his building, allowable under the code if the owner approves. When meeting with him, he said, not only could we have the 8 feet, but divulged his intent to sell the entire property, consisting of .55 acres and a 10,000 s.f. building. The Mission has been praying for several years about how beneficial it would be if the adjacent property were ever available, that we could reach two to three times the number of children. God has opened that opportunity. PO Box 3041 • Harrisburg, PA 17105 • 717-257-4442 • bethesdamission.org continued on page 2 1 The quarterly publication of the Bethesda Mission Apr. 2015 • Vol. 2 Children’s Mission continued from page 1 Bethesda’s Board of Directors executed a Settlement Agreement to purchase this adjacent property, conditioned upon raising the funds and receiving City zoning and land use approvals. Local foundations have financed the acquisition and the City approvals have been requested and are expected to be approved. Chuck Wingate EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Kenneth A. Ross DIRECTOR of COMMUNITY RELATIONS EDITOR of NEW LIFE The overall vision for the Youth Center site along Herr Street is renovation of the existing converted fire station, improved entryway, indoor activity facility, outdoor play area and parking. A breakdown of the costs includes: Acquisition of Adjacent Site $ 275,000 Renovate Existing Youth Center $ 450,000 Improved Entryway $ 100,000 Renovate Adjacent Property Activity Center, Outdoor Play Area/Parking Total Cost $ 1,100,000 BOARD of DIRECTORS The Bethesda Mission is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Membership in the ECFA is your assurance that we adhere to the highest standards of financial integrity. 2 NEW ROOF FOR INDOOR ACTIVITY CENTER ADJACENT PROPERTY (.55 acres / 10,000 SF bldg.) NEW OUTDOOR ACTIVITY AREA & PARKING EXISTING BETHESDA YOUTH CENTER Street Sheila M. Anderson Georgeanne Burkholder Warren L. Dutka Mark A. Everest Joseph L. Green Andrew H. Groop Dr. Gordon Kauffman Kevin Lutz Don Schin Sherburne P. Hill DIRECTOR EMERITUS Sassafras Street North 1 5th James G. Tatnall CHAIRMAN Aaron Jackson VICE CHAIRMAN Drew Myers SECRETARY David E. Dyson TREASURER for Indoor $ 275,000 Herr Street NEW ENTRANCE SITE CONCEPT MASTER PLAN In the upcoming months our architect, Maule & Associates, and Pyramid Construction will be meeting with our Children’s Mission staff, developing details for the vision of how these improvements will be designed. A funding campaign will then be launched appealing to foundations, businesses, churches, and individuals to complete this visionary project. Tell Someone about God’s Amazing Work at Bethesda! PO Box 3041 • Harrisburg, PA 17105 • 717-257-4442 • bethesdamission.org The quarterly publication of the Bethesda Mission Apr. 2015 • Vol. 2 Sheila Is Leaving Hopelessness Behind And Seeking To Inspire Hope In Others! by Shelley Brooks, Women’s Mission Director a child, would always give Yesterday, “I guess I me sound advice . . . loving would have said that I lived advice, just as a Mother as a person of unbelief. would. But the drugs – oh However, I realize now that the drugs - seemed like they I have been a person who forced me to stop believing. has always been searching. It came to a point where I God brought me to this point just didn’t know how to get in my life. God brought back. My life was being me to Bethesda Mission’s destroyed. I was destroying Women’s Mission because the lives and relationships of the destruction that I was of the very people I loved experiencing in my own life. the most.” In July 2013, I walked into the Mission and on August Today, “I am living 24, 2013, I accepted Jesus proof that Jesus can change as my Lord and Savior your life. I’d lived at the and was saved! Now I’m Women’s Mission for over living proof that Jesus can a year and now am blessed change your life!” to live in my own apartment. I began attending HACC “Family and relationships last fall, starting over as have always been important Like the flowers blooming on a bright, a new student for the first to me. I always believed in summer day, Sheila has allowed Christ’s love time in over twenty years. I relationships, but I found to bloom in her life, inspiring hope to others remember the advice that that I was drawn into who are just beginning their journey! my mother used to tell me relationships that were and I’m thankful for the good mother that I had. I’m one-sided. There wasn’t the spirit of sharing, or also much more open to listening to good advice.” being equally one, and they became work and full of “The year at the Women’s Mission wasn’t all fun bondage. I even joined a religion at one point, which and games. I had to learn the hard lessons of surrender was very controlling, just in order to be in a relationship. and loss. Important relationships were taken And, if you add the addiction to drugs to all of this, away. My mother you can see that I passed, a supportive was a worldly person sponsor passed, with no hope.” and I experienced a divorce. I learned to “My mother, who let go and let God took me to church as “God brought me to Bethesda Mission’s Women’s Mission because of the destruction that I was experiencing in my own life.” continued on page 4 PO Box 3041 • Harrisburg, PA 17105 • 717-257-4442 • bethesdamission.org 3 The quarterly publication of the Bethesda Mission Apr. 2015 • Vol. 2 Seeking To Inspire Hope In Others! continued from page 3 become my strength. You can’t keep on doing the same things the way you thought you could. You have to allow the Lord to take care of you and direct your path. But He will, when you allow Him to do just that. You learn that Jesus is real and He is here at the Women’s Mission changing lives. It isn’t anything to play with. You learn YOU, and you learn God. And then you watch and experience how He gives back the most important relationships. I have my siblings and my children - all are very proud of me, and routing for my best. I have self-respect because I know that there is hope for tomorrow.” Forevermore, “With all the love that I received at the Mission from staff, from volunteers, from other guests … there were no conditions … it was all unconditional. People loved because they love. They have taught me to grow up. I am thankful and Sheila says she no longer has to hide, but my prayer is that from what is praising Jesus for the transformation I have learned that I too, can that has taken place in her life through inspire someone else along His unconditional love! their life’s journey!” “You have to allow the Lord to take care of you and direct your path. But He will, when you allow Him to do just that.” The 25th Annual Mission Open Golf Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities Corporate Platinum Sponsor Entry of 12 golfers, 12 lunches, Tee/Green Sponsor, full page ad in the program, and hanging of a company supplied banner at the dinner...................$5,000 Gold Sponsor Entry of 4 golfers, 4 lunches, Tee/Green Sponsor and full page ad in the program...................................................$1,200 Trophy Sponsor Includes Trophy Sponsorship page listing in the program and a sign at the tee or green..................................................$1,000 Silver Sponsor Entry of 2 golfers, 2 lunches, Tee/Green Sponsor and a half page ad in the program......................................................$600 Individual Player Entry of 1 golfer and 1 lunch. ............................................................$175 Tee/Green Sponsor Includes a sign at the tee or green and a full page ad in the program booklet ............................................................$375 Program Sponsor Full page ad in program (5.5”x8.5”).................................................$200 Half page ad in program (5.5”x4.25”)...........$100 Dinner Patron Table of 8 and full page ad in the program......................................................$400 One dinner ticket...........................................$40 Patron Listing Name in the program...........$50 For more information or to preregister, visit www.bethesdamission.org 4 PO Box 3041 • Harrisburg, PA 17105 • 717-257-4442 • bethesdamission.org Volunteer Needs • Youth Center helpers! • Volunteers to build/purchase a storage shed — 8’ x 8’ x 19.5’ at the Men’s Shelter Contact Debbie King, Volunteer Coordinator at 717-257-4442, ext. 222. The quarterly publication of the Bethesda Mission Apr. 2015 • Vol. 2 Bridging The Gap In Families by Serina Brown, Director of Youth Ministry Jamie has been a part of the Bethesda Mission Youth Center for about 4 years. She has been ostracized by her family and indulges in alcohol to numb her from the painful memories of feeling like a failure. When you encounter her, the beauty that she shows is almost child-like behind her sense of humor. Unfortunately, her pain forever remains evident. Then there is Melissa, who appears to be very distant from the reality of things happening around her. She struggles with feeling disconnected, lost, and hopeless. Her son struggles with a learning disability, while her daughter struggles with mental health issues. Her children are in need of assistance, but in her desperation for help she pushes away because of the fears in her heart. Both individuals are in fear of repeating the past. Jamie and Melissa are two of many Youth Center parents that we have an opportunity to minister to on a consistent basis. We can reach the children, but without a holistic reach out to the families, the changes are at best temporary. Psalm 51:12 says, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.” At the Youth Center there is a deep desire for not only the youth but also their families to know the joy of the Lord’s salvation. The Youth Center ministers to individuals, such as single moms struggling to make ends meet and dads which are few, struggling with alcohol and drug abuse. There are also grandparents who are inflicted with pain in their body and heart. These are situations that cannot be ignored when families are crying out for restoration in their heart, mind, and spirit. There are various activities the Center does to try to combat this area within the family unit. One thing we do is have family dinners once a month to stay connected with families. These dinners allow the staff to sit down with families, share a meal, and highlight relevant issues that affect them and the youth as a whole. Another activity we attempt to do is engage in individual parent/guardian outreach where we provide meals and talk to them about who they are as individuals. This is usually a specific time set aside to minister to them as parents. We also have been going into their homes to discuss issues with their child that they may also be seeing at home. The purpose of the home meeting is to meet the parent/guardian in a safe environment. It is also to reassure that we are able to connect to discuss specific situations. There are times issues arise and it is a daunting task to connect with parents. As we continue to bridge the gap between generations, please pray for more opportunities to reach parents and guardians. Pray that their hearts will become softened to the message of salvation. It can be challenging at times to share this message with the adults blinded by the pain of this world. Also pray for how you can partner in assisting to bridge the gaps in families. Inspire HOPE in others today! PO Box 3041 • Harrisburg, PA 17105 • 717-257-4442 • bethesdamission.org 5 The quarterly publication of the Bethesda Mission Apr. 2015 • Vol. 2 Memorial Gifts In Memory of Given by Wilbur & Rosa Amspacher Patricia Amspacher, daughter Lowell T. Angeli Timothy & Tracy Keene Robert Kostosky Nancy Pautz Maxine R. Antonicelli Tina Antonicelli Florence B. Armstrong MG (Ret) & Mrs. Charles H. Arms Russell J. & Gladys S. Baer Gerald R. Baer, M.D. Edward & Lucia Baran Lorraine A. Klees Donald Beistline, II Laura Beistline, Mother Bonita S. Bender Ronald Bender, Husband Roosevelt Bennett Catherine Finley Edwin W. Bickhart C. Bob & Helen Lapinsky Kathryn S. Bierly Boyd M. Bierly Russ Blessing Patricia L. Blessing Scott A. Booher Grace Booher, Mother Sister’s & Brother’s Family Eleanor L. Bowman James L. Bowman Dr. B. Lawrence Brennan Dr. Peter R. Lewis Joseph A. Britt Joann & Matt Decker Gerald Burkholder Don & Ladonna Martin Chuck & Nancy Wingate Geraldine Christian, Dorothy M. Christian, Valentine’s Day Daughter Geraldine M. Christian Maryann Arnold Winnie Church Carol Ann Martz, daughter Jacqueline Conjar & Barbara Conjar George F. Conjar, Jr. B. Glen Coons Thelma M. Stahor Dave Czwalina Carrie Czwalina Linda M. DeFrank Mertie M. Arnold Merle & Bette Capp John J. Devaney, Jr. Robert & Elizabeth Kane Helen H. DeLuca Theodore B. DeLuca Henry & Earline Dillon, my parents Alice M. Dillon Arlene Dinger C. Bob & Helen Lapinsky Rose Donnangelo Joseph & Catherine Lattuca Peg Drake, my wife Richard Drake Scott Drake, son Richard Drake Kenneth W. Eaves Mother-in-law Julius Fealtman Bud & Deb McClain James E. Finnen Julia A. Machamer Timothy Fogarty Phil & Jeannette Fogarty Barbara Fressie Mary Ann Miick Donald E. Getz Christine Yanick Harvey B. Good Tonya Noll James E. Gunderman James E. Gunderman, Jr. Pauline W. Haber John & Phyllis Shafer Andrew A. Haines William & Muriel Haines George R. Sheets Mrs. Juanita Harper Catherine Finley 6 In Memory of Given by Norman & Elga Hendrie, Sr Joseph & Catherine Lattuca William O. Henney Janet Henney, wife Martin Luther King, Jr Christina M. Deloglos Joseph & Dorothy Hoeflich Carol A. McCall Mary “Molly” Hoffman David I. Hoffman Anna Jones Hope Beth Freedman Elwood Hoy Rosena Barry Frank & Lois Hutchinson David S. Hutchinson John Irvin Georgeanne Burkholder Daniel Kassahun Joyce A. Larson Charlie Jones Alfred R. Leal Aaron & Esther Kapp Dennis & Karen Kapp Lance Keckler Thomas L. Keckler, his dad Patricia Kelley David K. Kelley Dave Kline Kim Kile Grace Klees Lorraine A. Klees John Knohr Joy S. Knohr Ed Knopp Barb Sears Jeanette Laughlin Lee H. Laughlin Harold J. Light Hank & Jenny Snyder Arthur L. Longnaker, Sr. Shirley Longnaker, His Wife Alex Longwell Carol Longwell Dr. George Love Catherine Finley John Lovett at Christmas Joyce, Daughter Nikolas W. Lyons Carol Ferenz Rosalia Marinuti Mr. & Mrs. William A. Shimp Robert D. Mark S. Harriet Mark, wife Isaac A McCleaf Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. McCleaf Tom McDole Dave & Debbie Harding David C. Miller, Sr Rene Miller Mittenzwei James Miller, Jr Bob & Flo Shultz Paul A. Miller, of Scott Campbell “The Greatest Generation” Ruby Mohr Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kolva Paul A. Mumma Linda P. Mills, Daughter Elizabeth S. Muska Richard & Carol Basalik Mark Nelson Patricia Vastine Richard D. Nesbit, Sr Lisa M. Nesbit Dorothy A. Nudge Debra Putt Dick Nye, my late husband Dorothy M. Nye Robert D. O’Hara Deborah Musselman Gene Orris Gary & Pamela Swanger Donald Otto, Jr. Melissa Beaverson Harold and Henrietta Palmer Edith Ann Pazmino Brandon Pankake Cathy & Edward Scheer Edith Patterson Leland F. Patterson Jenifer Mappes Pierce Betty Mole Jerry & Mary Pistor Janice M. Pistor Noble & Elanore Quandel Noble C. Quandel, Jr., The Quandel Group, Inc. William H. Quesenberry GDD Pharmacy Services, Inc. PO Box 3041 • Harrisburg, PA 17105 • 717-257-4442 • bethesdamission.org In Memory of Given by William H. Quesenberry Good Hope Middle School Karl & Patricia Longenbach Ernest & Maxine Moppin William J. Rehill Janet L. Rehill Ezra Samuel Romberger Linda and Richard Romberger, mom & dad Howard Henry Sanford, Jr. Mark Sanford-Shiloh Berean Grace Fellowship J. Sanghvi Regina Bass Bessie Shindler Lois H. Barbour Jay B. Shoop Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Baker Elizabeth Bowen Abe & Pat Campbell Donald L. Campbell, Sr. R. Franklin & Susan Campbell Richard & Pat Dixon Bob & Shirley Dunkelberger Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Hetrick Richard & Lois Hudson Mr. & Mrs. E. Edward Kapp Mike Large Tina Magill Robert H. Kepler Masonry Glenn Miller Family Clair & Donna Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sanderson Don & Nancy Shoop Donald & Elizabeth Shope Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Sweger Joan Sigmund Beth Hawthorne Sandra B. Smallen Ray H. Smallen Gil Smith C. Bob & Helen Lapinsky Wayne C. Smith Betty Smith, Wife Ana Spaeder Mary Wallace Delores Stahr David & Penny Shuey William F. Suhring Mrs. Virginia Suhring Jane A. Sullivan Mary Wallace Anthony Michael Tucker Sharon Parks Doris & Dick Waltz Rick and Paulette Waltz Mabel Weida Verna A. Deibler Dwaine H. Welling Frances C. Welling Kevin Wert Ella Mavretic Roy-David and Eli Wilbert Marie Wilbert Elizabeth A. Wingate Joyce H. Ostrander Eric & Sue May Jamesina “Jane” Witchey Karen Christie Horace Flynn Family Loretta Wieger Robert G. Wrightstone Mary J. Wrightstone Kathryn Yordy Marily Brinton Harrisburg Chapter of IAAP Mr. & Mrs. Chester Zimmerman Virginia L. Jorda Donald J. Zutlas Mrs. Claire Zutlas The quarterly publication of the Bethesda Mission Apr. 2015 • Vol. 2 Tribute Gifts In HONOR of Given by In HONOR of Bill & Marion Alexander Doris Allamong Constance Barker Anna Barnett Susan Bauchman Karl Beardsley-Mobile Mission Bethesda Mission Jayne Boccelli Co-Workers at Bowmansdale Family Practice Nancy Bowry Sharon Boyer 45th Wedding Anniversary Judy Boyer Darwin Bushor III Wendy Byers Capital Area Intermediate Unit Lemoyne Preschool Center, awesome co-workers Tim Carson Daisy Cassel at Christmas Robert Cassel at Christmas Erin Criswell Joan Croteau Courtney Davis Dr & Mrs. James Davis Family Brain & Pat DeLong Scott Dunwoody Kathleen Ebling Carol Fernback, Wife Mr. &Mrs. Chris Flynn Wally & Trish Foulkrod Walter Glover Marilyn Haberchak Dan & Maria Harter Floyd & Helen Hartley Harry & Ruth Heath Sarah Heffleger Linda & Dennis Hoke Our Grandchildren Penn State Harrisburg Police Services The Staff of Hospice of Central PA 6 Grandchildren Virginia Hoffman at Christmas Sheldon L. Hostetter Hank & Jackie Imhof Ken & Helen Imhof Carole D. Bowman Mabel Oliphant Horace & Prudy Mann Curtis & Holly Barnett Jody R. Zipperer David W. Craft Joseph Erskine Audrey R. Keefer Larry & Carol Sollenberger Jo E. Hoffman Kathy Jacob Mabel Oliphant Diane Jocken Larry & Carol Sollenberger Marleen Karns Gordon Daly, brother Susie Kaylor Holly Gessner Cathie Kimmel Bruce G. Baron Justin LaMascus Ronald LaMascus David P. Lavery Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Marie Ledger Mark Notarangelo Debbie Leshak & Family Russel & Marjorie Cassel at Christmas Mark A. Limbert at Christmas Carol Washington, daughter Susan Long Edward Chism Sylvester S. Macut, Dad’s BirthdayDebra Macut Bill & Sonya May at Christmas Margit May Tom & Pam Mazza Larry & Carol Sollenberger Joseph & Susan McCorkel Michael & Jennifer McCorkel Alexander McLemore His Grandparents Lori McNeil Larry & Carol Sollenberger Anthony F. Miscavige Donna & Danny Miscavige Stan & Victoria Moist at Christmas Russel & Marjorie Cassel George & Joyce Morley Dorothy W. Biller Zach & Ben Mosher Judith A. Schwab Meghan Leigh Mull at Christmas Thelma M. Stahor Stanley Murphy, 80th Birthday Michael & Tara McGovern Susie Nailor Larry & Carol Sollenberger Barb Miller Nelligan Insurance Prof. of Susquehanna Valley Gary Newton’s retirement Judi Long Pamela Panckeri Larry & Carol Sollenberger George Parmer Bryon Earhart-Snow Sandra Sweigert Kenneth L. Peiffer at Christmas Virginia A. Currey Ken & Louise Peterman Scott Gardner Bruce & Kim Phillips Kathy Finley Anne Pietropola Carrie Knight Rocco Pugliese Linda S. Tully Andy & Elizabeth Richards Larry & Carol Sollenberger Holly Rohrbach Ronald & Deborah Hassinger A. Renee Rumple Terrie Wolf Don Schin-for the support of the Justin McClure Mission Edward Barry Serviente Mary G. Serviente Bonnie Sheaffer Larry & Carol Sollenberger Sue Shively Larry & Carol Sollenberger Cindy Shroyer Larry & Carol Sollenberger John & Laurie Sisak Linda Kellogg Angela Slocum & David Gernert Jack & Peggy Slocum Jason Smeltz & Noelle Gecik Dennis & Mary Smeltz Brandon and Jordan Snyder Kenneth & Gail Snyder Floyd Sollenberger, Jr. Mindy Aunkst Steven & Suzane Neiman Jesse Boyer Steve & Trisha Boyer Jody R. Zipperer Larry & Carol Sollenberger Lori Holtzinger Frank Carson Russel & Marjorie Cassel Russel & Marjorie Cassel Larry & Carol Sollenberger Ronald Katzman Bruce & Amy Clutcher Rosemary K. (Beaver) Fried Larry L. Sollenberger Jesse Burns Scott Campbell Huichen Hsieh-Ebling John Fernback Suellyn Bixler Yohe Carole D. Bowman 4 Men Yolanda Ballantyne Edith Warren Larry & Carol Sollenberger Huichen Hsieh-Ebling Mr. & Mrs. Arlen Keller Carole D. Bowman Steve & Retta Reisinger Stephanie Hoke Joseph & Mary Ann Zugay Frank J. Divonzo Bruce & Amy Clutcher Grandma & Grandpa Griffith Russel & Marjorie Cassel Shelly Hostetter Larry & Nanci Jo Swistoski Hank and Jackie Imhof Given by In HONOR of Given by Sally & Roger Sprague’s 50th Roger & Sally Sprague Anniversary Linda Straw at Christmas Dorothy Straw LT & Nanci Swistoski Hank and Jackie Imhof Tyco Gift Exchange Susan F. Rolon Scott and Lynne Van Kirk Nancy I. Van Kirk Rick & Heidi Vognetz at Christmas Russel & Marjorie Cassel Bret K. Waggoner, birthday Elaine K. Wilt Michelle Wascho Diane M. Thiboutot Angelique Watson Rutan Interactive, Inc Robert & Kathy Weber Hank & Jackie Imhof Granddaughters: Anna, Abby, Lee & Ruth Nace & Audrey Weger Claire & Jim Zeiters at Christmas John & Kandi Bottiglier Bob & Barb Zimmerman Karen E. Swain Certificate of Love A gift has been given in your name to so someone in need can share in your honor! Honored Person: Honored By: Reason / Occasion: Your gift will be used to provide hope, healing, and sustenance to people in need in the Harrisburg area. CERTIFICATES OF LOVE Honor someone with a gift that provides hope, healing and sustenance to those in need in Harrisburg. Those you honor will receive a certificate to remind them of what you did for Bethesda in their name. PO Box 3041 • Harrisburg, PA 17105 • 717-257-4442 • bethesdamission.org 7 The quarterly publication of the Bethesda Mission Apr. 2015 • Vol. 2 Mission Statement Since 1914, Bethesda Mission has been a missionary arm of the local church, reaching out to men, women, and children of all races, nationalities and creeds, providing the poor and homeless with shelter, food, clothing, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and discipling them in the Christian life. Core Values Cornerstone Value: Core Values: Mission Needs Men’s Mission • • • • • • • • Long underwear (Size L – XXXL) Lightweight long sleeve shirts Short sleeve shirts Khaki pants & Jeans (Size 38 & larger) Deodorant & Shampoo Shop towels for the kitchen Recovery Bibles Notebook & printer paper Outreach-Warehouse • • • Canned – meat, fruit, vegetables, soups Financial gifts for two new battery systems for the warehouse forklifts ($11,050 total cost) Introductions to local/regional businesses that would consider becoming donation partners Jesus Christ Is Our Foundation Relentless Pursuit of Excellence in All Things Faithfulness in Transforming Lives Integrity Without Compromise Please drop off all donations anytime at 611 Reily Street, Harrisburg, PA … Thank You! Women’s Mission Children’s Mission Medical/Dental Clinics • Postage stamps • Paper towels • Ziploc bags • GladWare • Paper products • Baby wipes • Crib sheets • Gas cards for the van • Dishtowels • Dishcloths • Heavy duty trash bags (39 gallon & larger) • • • • • • • • • • Alka-Seltzer cold medicine • Antibiotic cream • Hydrocortisone cream • Foot powder • Anti fungal cream • Multi-vitamins • Large band aids • Ibuprofen – large bottles • Tylenol – large bottles Swim suits – all sizes Swim goggles Arts & crafts School supplies – notebooks, pens, etc. Booster seats ITunes cards for apps Gift cards from various stores A stereo A flat screen TV Transitional Living • Twin bed frames • A Blu-ray player • 30 gallon trash bags Food Services • Fish and meats (tuna, beef, pork, sausage, bacon, chicken) • #10 cans of fruits & vegetables • Pam, cooking, vegetable & olive oil • Fresh vegetables & instant potatoes • Gravy, ketchup & salad dressings • Spaghetti & tomato sauces • Cheese, Butter & milk • Pancake mix & syrup • • • • • • • • • • • Spices & Pepper Potato Chips Coffee & Juices Lysol & all-purpose cleaners Dishwashing detergent Oven mitts & aprons Napkins, plastic ware & alum. foil Laundry cart Counter top steamer 40-quart mixer with dough hook Pizza deck oven for 4 pizzas Visit Amazon.com Gifts & Wish Lists to purchase new items from our needs list! Saturday, May 16, 2015 Harrisburg Area Community College Harrisburg, PA We are one of 46 organizations participating in the 2015 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community. Highmark Blue Shield underwrites 100 percent of the cost of the event and funds raised directly benefits the participating organizations. Mark your calendar, find those walking shoes, and register today at http://hcf.convio.net/bethesdamission. 8 PO Box 3041 • Harrisburg, PA 17105 • 717-257-4442 • bethesdamission.org
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PO Box 3041 • Harrisburg, PA 17105 • 717-257-4442 • bethesdamission.org