Of Note for June 2013 Young Israel of Sharon


Of Note for June 2013 Young Israel of Sharon
Friday, May 31
6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:00 p.m. Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma'ariv
7:55 p.m. Standard candle lighting
Shabbat, June 1
Parshat Shelach
Eliezer Ehrenkranz, Bar Mitzvah
7:30 a.m. Early Shacharit
9:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:15 p.m. Shiur with Rabbi Sendor
7:55 p.m. Mincha,
Mishnah Torah Shiur w/Rabbi Sendor
9:06 p.m. Ma'ariv, Havdalah
Sunday, June 2
8:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:55 p.m. Mincha/Ma'ariv
Weekday schedule for June 3-6:
Mon/Thurs: 6:00 & 6:55 a.m. Shacharit
Tues/Wed: 6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
Mon-Thurs: 7:55 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv
Friday, June 7
6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:00 p.m. Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma'ariv
8:00 p.m. Standard candle lighting
Of Note for June 2013
Young Israel of Sharon
Shabbat, June 8
Rosh Chodesh I
Parshat Korach
Doni Berg, Bar Mitzvah
7:30 a.m. Early Shacharit
9:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:15 p.m. Shiur w/Rabbi Sendor
8:00 p.m. Mincha, Mishnah Torah Shiur w/ Rabbi Sendor
9:12 p.m. Ma'ariv, Havdalah
Please Support Our Sponsors:
Sunday, June 9
Rosh Chodesh II
8:00 a.m. Shacharit
8:00 p.m. Mincha/Ma'ariv
Weekday schedule for June 10-13:
Mon/Thurs: 6:00 & 6:55 a.m. Shacharit
Tues/Wed: 6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
Mon-Thurs: 8:02 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv
Friday, June 14
6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:00 p.m. Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma'ariv
8:04 p.m. Standard candle lighting
Young Israel of Sharon | 100 Ames Street, Sharon, MA 02067 | 781-784-6112 Fax 781-784-7758
Please Support Our Sponsors
Shabbat, June 15
Parshat Hukat
Eitan Altabet, Bar Mitzvah
7:30 a.m. Early Shacharit
9:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:15 p.m. Shiur w/Rabbi Sendor
8:04 p.m. Mincha, Mishnah Torah Shiur w/ Rabbi Sendor
9:16 p.m. Ma'ariv, Havdalah
Weekday schedule for June 24-27:
Mon/Thurs: 6:00 & 6:55 a.m. Shacharit
Tues*: 5:50 & 6:45 a.m. Shacharit
Wed: 6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
Mon, Wed, Thurs: 8:06 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv
Tues*: 8:00 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv
*Note: Tues 6/25 Fast of 17th of Tammuz.
Fast begins 3:16 a.m. Fast ends 9:07 p.m.
Sunday, June 16
8:00 a.m. Shacharit
8:05 p.m. Mincha/Ma'ariv
Friday, June 28
6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:00 p.m. Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma'ariv
8:07 p.m. Standard candle lighting
Weekday schedule for June 17-20:
Mon/Thurs: 6:00 & 6:55 a.m. Shacharit
Tues/Wed: 6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
Mon-Thurs: 8:05 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv
Friday, June 21
6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:00 p.m. Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma'ariv
8:06 p.m. Standard candle lighting
Shabbat, June 22
Parshat Balak
Deena Karger, Bat Mitzvah
7:30 a.m. Early Shacharit
9:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:15 p.m. Shiur w/Rabbi Sendor
8:06 p.m. Mincha, Mishnah Torah Shiur w/ Rabbi Sendor
9:19 p.m. Ma'ariv, Havdalah
Sunday, June 23
8:00 a.m. Shacharit
8:06 p.m. Mincha/Ma'ariv
Shabbat, June 29
Parshat Pnchas
7:30 a.m. Early Shacharit
9:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:15 p.m. Shiur w/Rabbi Sendor
8:07 p.m. Mincha, Mishnah Torah Shiur w/ Rabbi Sendor
9:19 p.m. Ma'ariv, Havdalah
Sunday, June 30
8:00 a.m. Shacharit
8:06 p.m. Mincha/Ma'ariv
Weekday schedule for July 1-4:
Mon/Thurs: 6:00 & 6:55 a.m. Shacharit
Tues/Wed: 6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
Mon-Thurs: 8:06 p.m. Mincha/Ma’ariv
Friday, July 5
6:10 & 7:00 a.m. Shacharit
7:00 p.m. Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma'ariv
8:06 p.m. Standard candle lighting
Sponsors: We appreciate your sponsorship and hope you will renew it for 2013 by
contacting Roy Strunin strunin@yahoo.com. Note that we will refresh our sponsor
list shortly to reflect those sponsors that have chosen to continue their support.
From the Rabbi:
The summer in Western culture is a time of vacations and carefree relaxation. In Torah culture, however, summer in the
northern hemisphere is dominated by the Three Weeks, the period between the Fast of the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the
Fast of Tisha B’Av, two of the historical fast days that commemorate the events that led to the destruction of the Holy Temple.
While this is anything but a carefree period, it is not a morbid time either. The Rambam in Hilkhot Taanit (5:1) explains that
the purpose of the fast days and this period in general is
“to awaken the hearts to open to the paths of Tshuvah, a remembering of our bad actions and the actions of our
ancestors that were similar to our actions now, such that they caused these sufferings for them and for us. By
remembering these things we shall return to improve ourselves.”
According to the Rambam, this period in which we remember the troubles that have come upon our People is not a time to
wallow in depression or negativity. It’s a time to take action, to improve our relations to each other, to strengthen our
commitment to Torah and Mitzvot and strengthen our sense of connection to Ha-Shem. So the summer for us is not a time of
frivolity, it is a time of uplifting activity, serious activity to improve ourselves and our community, the beginning of the season
of Tshuvah on the national level.
In keeping with this spirit, the Young Israel of Sharon for many years now has hosted the Summer Beit Midrash, sponsored by
the Center for Modern Torah Leadership, under the direction of Rabbi Aryeh Klapper. Students from colleges, graduate schools
and yeshivot around the world are granted fellowships to come and study in Sharon, in an intensive, high-level six-week Torah
learning program. These students also engage with our Kehillah. They are hosted by many of our families and learn in
chavrutot and chugim with our members. They also offer shiurim to which our members are invited. In addition, Rabbi
Klapper’s weekly general shiur is an intellectual highlight of our year. This summer, the Summer Beit Midrash Program runs
from June 26 through August 6. I encourage everyone to take advantage of the Summer Beit Midrash, and to turn our summer,
in the vacationland of Sharon, into a time of inspiring activity and a season to remember. As my father-in-law likes to say:
Enjoy, seriously!
Rabbi Meir Sendor
From Our New President
In Parshat Naso, that we read a couple of weeks ago, the leaders of each Shevet bring a Korban offering to consecrate the
Mishkan. Even though each of the tribes’ offerings is exactly the same, the Torah takes the time to describe each one
individually. I believe this demonstrates the importance of how each tribe took the time to gather their items and bring them
to the Mishkan, exhibiting their desire to be a part of this event. The same can be true today in our times. Each member of our
Shul has the potential and ability to make a difference. As we kick off our new board and fiscal year at Young Israel, I ask each
of you to find a way to be involved in the Shul. We are setting up committees for
each board member and hope that you will join and contribute your talents as
part of whatever committee interests you. Look at the list on the next page, talk
with the directors and find the place where you can make a difference. As always,
helping to create a warm and friendly atmosphere in the Shul by reaching out to
new members and visitors is always needed. We are also looking to grow our
daily minyanim, so pick one minyan a week and make the commitment to attend.
If you need help finding your place, you can ask any of the board members for
suggestions. It takes a tremendous effort each week to keep the Shul running, so
everyone’s help is greatly appreciated!
This also marks the end of board service for Amir Karger and David Blaszkowsky. Amir has lead the Education committee
keeping our members’ minds challenged and entertained for the past few years. Amir has brought in speakers on all subjects.
David led the fundraising committee this past year, while juggling his travels and the Shul fundraising program.
Finally, what can I say about Michael Delman, our out-going president. There is too much to fit into this short letter, so I will
just say – Thank you for putting your heart and soul into our Shul. It has been inspiring watching you work tirelessly, focusing
on every detail to make the Shul function. You have focused the board on building a better community, and taking care of each
other. I hope to continue your efforts and I truly appreciate all that you have done.
To the returning board members, thank you for time and effort. I truly look forward to working closely with all of you this
- David
Thanks to Our Shul Board – Outgoing, Continuing, and New Members!
Thanks to the 2012-2013 Board!
And Thanks to the 2013-2014 Board!
Michael Delman, President
David Katz, Vice President
Rebecca Milgram, Recording Secretary
Naomi Korn Gold, Corresponding Secretary
Adam Goldman, Treasurer
David Katz, President
Cookie Gebler, Vice President
Rebecca Milgram, Recording Secretary
Naomi Korn Gold, Corresponding Secretary
Adam Goldman, Treasurer
Amir Karger, Education
Tzvi Diamond, Financial Secretary
David Blaszkowsky, Fundraising
Aaron Saks, House
Sareet Bluestone, Membership
Roy Strunin, Publicity/Marketing
Jodi Saltzman, Programming
Ilyse Ehrenkranz, Youth & Family
Cookie Gebler, Chesed
Rabbi David Jaffe, Social Action
Akiba Covitz, Education
Tzvi Diamond, Financial Secretary
Jonathan Marcus, Fundraising
Aaron Saks, House
Sareet Bluestone, Membership
Roy Strunin, Publicity/Marketing
Jodi Saltzman, Programming
Ilyse Ehrenkranz, Youth & Family
Cyna Reisman, Chesed
Rabbi David Jaffe, Social Action
Michael Delman, Without portfolio
Get To Know Our Members
This month we feature our new president and his wife, David and Shari Katz!
How long have you been living in Sharon? What brought you here?
Shari and I moved to Sharon 12 years ago from Teaneck NJ. We heard from Ruth and
Ari Schwartz, who had just moved to Sharon the year before, that it was a great place
to live. We came to visit and could feel the sense of community. We had been
thinking about moving closer to our parents and family in Newton, and this gave us a
great opportunity to live in our own community and be near family.
What is your family's favorite part of Sharon?
We love the open feel of Sharon, Lake Massapoag, Moose Hill, and Borderland park,
being surrounded in nature.
What do you do to keep busy, for work and play?
Shari and I run a construction/maintenance company that we started over ten years
ago . Our 4 children keep us busy and constantly on the go – Shoshana 17, Nava 14,
Ami 12 and Yardana 9.
Tell us an interesting tidbit about yourselves!
We have been married for 21 years this summer, but we have know each other since we were 5 years old in 1st grade at
Maimonides. We didn’t start dating officially until the end of our Junior year of High School.
David, what made you join the YI Board initially? Any big plans as president?
The shul is the center of our lives. Each week we attend shul and catch up on the lives of our friends. It’s a place to go and feel
part of a larger group who care for each other. We have celebrated so many simchas together, births and bris’s, bar and bat
mitzvas and now weddings. We are truly a family.
My goal as President is to get more shul members involved in the daily running of the shul. Each member has an opportunity
to make a difference in the growth of our shul.
‫‪From Stav and Yarin‬‬
‫לכל קהילת שרון שלום וברכה!‬
‫לא להאמין איך שהזמן טס לו‪ ,‬והנה אנחנו כבר בסוף השנה‪.‬‬
‫לפני הכל רצינו להגיד שאתם קהילה מדהימה‪ ,‬חמה ואוהבת‪ ,‬תומכת ומקשיבה ובעיקר מקבלת כל אדם‪.‬‬
‫בתחילת שנה באנו בלי לדעת למה לצפות ואיך תהיה השנה הזאת‪ ,‬וישר בשבוע הראשון הבנו שהגענו‬
‫למקום מיוחד במינו‪.‬‬
‫גילנו תרבות חדשה‪) ,‬בכל משפט באנגלית חייב להכניס את המילה !‪ (Awesome‬שפה שונה )למה פתאום‬
‫כולם מדברים אנגלית?!?(‪ ,‬מנהגים שונים )גם נשים מברכות על חלה!! ;(( ‪ ,‬עיירה חדשה )נטולת תאורה‬
‫בלילה אך מלאה בעצים(‪ ,‬מזג אוויר שונה )הידעתם שהשנה היה אפילו יותר שלג מהסופת שלג שהייתה‬
‫באוקטובר שנה שעברה?! אגב זה היה בסוכות תשע"ב(‪ ,‬שהמקום בילוי היחידי שפתוח אחרי ‪ 8‬בערב זה‬
‫‪ !SHAWS‬ועוד המון תגליות מרגשות‪!!..‬‬
‫השנה התחילה ואיתה מיד החגים ושלל הפעילויות שבהם‪ ,‬לדוגמה‪ -‬קבלת פני הילדים עם תפוח בדבש ומחזיק מפתחות בבוקר‪ ,‬סדר ר"ה לכל כיתה וכיתה ועוד‪..‬‬
‫אחרי החגים התחלנו להתאקלם וללמוד לעומק את העבודה‪ ,‬התחלנו להפעיל את תוכנית שליחות ולמלא את הבית ספר באווירה ישראלית וכבר הגענו לחנוכה ואין‬
‫דרך טובה יותר לחגוג את חנוכה מאשר משחק דאג' בול בחושך עם הילדים אחרי שוק חנוכה מדהים!‬
‫*קישור שמסכם את שוק חנוכה ‪http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2WT3l-e-qI‬‬
‫והנה בא ינואר ואיתו חודש ארגון של סניף שרון בנושא "אהבת ישראל"! במהלך החודש היו לפחות ‪ 3‬פעילויות בשבוע‪ ,‬צבענו פוסטרים‪ ,‬הילדים הכינו ריקוד‪,‬‬
‫הצגה ותיפוף שכולם סביב נושא אהבת ישראל‪ ,‬ושלא נשכח גם מערב סרט‪ ,‬ערב פיצה ויום גלידה‪ .‬את סיום החודש ציינו בטקס מיוחד בו כל קבוצה הציגה בפני‬
‫ההורים את ההופעה שלהם!‬
‫*מצורף קישור שמסכם את חודש אירגון‪http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu3fpqCGHSE -‬‬
‫לאחר מכן הגיע ט"ו בשבט ועבדנו עם הילדים על קליפ לכבוד ט"ו בשבט‪http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1QUhgfzBtI -‬‬
‫בפורים ראינו מהי שמחה אמיתית בשרון‪ ,‬התרשמנו מאוד מקריאת המגילה בקהילה והסעודה הכיפית עם כול הקהילה יחד! ומשמחה לשמחה‪-‬‬
‫שמחה רבה‪ ,‬שמחה רבה אביב הגיע פסח בא! )למרות שבשרון עדיין יורד שלג( מכירים את השיר המפורסם אחד מי יודע?! קבלו בבקשה את הגרסה של הילדים‬
‫שלנו‪http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT1rgq-CVNA -‬‬
‫וכמו מידי שנה בסיומו של פסח מגיעים אנו לחגים הלאומיים‪ -‬יום השואה‪ ,‬יום הזיכרון‪ ,‬יום העצמאות והשילוב החזק שבין שלושתם‪ ,‬שמחזק את התחושה שבליבנו‪,‬‬
‫שלמרות ובגלל הכל אין מקום כמו ארץ ישראל!‪ -‬הבית האמיתי היחידי לעם ישראל! ביום הזיכרון למדנו יחד עם הילדים על משפחת פרץ ששני בניה נפלו על הגנת‬
‫המולדת ולמרות זאת אמם מרים פרץ חזקה ומחזקת את האמירה שאין לי ארץ אחרת גם אם אדמתי בוערת‪ ,‬למדנו גם על בניה ריין מיהי מסירות נפש ואהבה אמיתית‬
‫לארץ ישראל ולעם ישראל! הילדים מאוד התחברו לאנשים הללו והבינו עד כמה הקשר עמוק בין הגנת ישראל והקמת מדינת ישראל ואיך בזכות כל אותם הגיבורים‬
‫)‪(Message from Stav and Yarin continued‬‬
‫הללו אנו זוכים שתהיה לנו מדינה יהודית ושכל אחד יכול לעלות אליה בכל רגע שיבחר‪ .‬ביום העצמאות זכינו להציג בפניכם את ריקוד הדגלים שילדי הקהילה עמלו‬
‫שבועות רבים כדי להכינו‪ .‬ושמחנו לחגוג יחד אתכם את יום העצמאות‪.‬‬
‫כשיום העצמאות נגמר הבנו עד כמה קרובה סוף השנה‪ ,‬יום ירושלים ושבעות חלפו עברו להם והנה אנחנו שבועיים לפני סיום השנה כותבות לכם ולא מאמינות‬
‫שכבר נגמר וצריך לחזור הביתה זה מרגיש כאילו רק אתמול הגענו לשרון ‪.‬‬
‫זה הזמן להודות למספר אנשים משמעותיים ביותר בשבילנו‪ ,‬ושבלעדיהם השנה לא הייתה יכולה להיות אותו דבר!‬
‫בראש ובראשונה לשתי המשפחות המדהימות שפתחו את ביתם ואת ליבם בפנינו‪ -‬משפחת מילגרם ומשפחת ווינברג‪ .‬לשתי המשפחות הללו נקשרנו בצורה מדהימה!‬
‫הם דאגו לנו להכול ובצורה הכי טובה שאפשר‪ ,‬התייחסו אלינו ממש כאילו היינו אחד הילדים הביולוגיים שלהם ואין בפיננו מילים לתאר עד כמה אנו מודים להם‬
‫באמת! בעיננו קיבלנו השנה עוד שתי אמהות‪ -‬רבקה ושרונה ושתי אבות‪ -‬קני‬
‫ואהרון! תודה תודה תודה!!‬
‫אנו רוצים גם להודות לאליס‪ ,‬מייקל והרב פוטק על כל התמיכה והלווי השנה‪.‬‬
‫אנו רוצים להודות לרב סנדר על הקהילה המדהימה שהוא מדריך ומלווה‪.‬‬
‫אנו רוצים גם להודות לצוות המדריכים המקסים של בני עקיבא סניף שרון )רפי‪,‬‬
‫מרים‪ ,‬עטרה‪ ,‬ג'ייק‪ ,‬נועם‪ ,‬אדרת‪ ,‬ואלק( על כל ההשקעה וההגעה לשלל הפעילות‪,‬‬
‫על ליווי והדרכת הילדים המתוקים שבקהילתנו‪ -‬תודה!!‬
‫אנו רוצים להודות לכל הילדים שהגיעו לשלל הפעילויות השנה ולקחו חלק פעיל‬
‫בבני עקיבא‪.‬‬
‫אנו רוצים להודות לכל המשפחות שאירחו אותנו בכל השבתות והחגים הרבים –‬
‫תודה רבה שנתתם לנו להרגיש אווירה משפחתית וחמה‪.‬‬
‫ולסיום אנו רוצות להודות לכל אחד ואחת מכם על שתרמתם לנו בכל דרך שהיא‬
‫שהשנה הזאת תהיה בצורה הטובה ביותר!!!!‬
‫וכל שנותר לאחל‪-‬‬
‫לשנה הבאה בירושלים הבנויה!!‬
‫בהוקרה ענקית ובתודה אין סופית‪-‬‬
‫ירין פולק וסתיו אלמליח‬
‫שליחות תשע"ג!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‪The B’not 2013‬‬
The Newest Leaves on our Tree of Life
Mazal Tov to Jake Kosowsky
on his Bar Mitzvah
Parshat Vayeira
November 3, 2012
Summer Beit Midrash: We are looking forward to another great summer of learning with the fellows and the community.
Please let Anne Sendor know if you’d like to set up learning, either in a one-to-one hevruta or in a small-group habura,a s well
as any particular topics that interest you so that the fellows can prepare appropriately. To remind you, the group will be here
from June 26 to August 6, so do take advantage of this opportunity to learn something for yourself. Also, if anyone can house 4
young men for part of the time, please let Anne know.
Tefilat Nashim has a booklet available in the Young Israel office illustrating the structure for Tefilat Nashim; what we do and
don't do, page numbers for the service and ideas for celebrating a Bat Mitzvah. It is especially helpful for those planning to
celebrate a bat mitzvah in Tefilat Nashim. The handbook is approved by Rabbi Sendor. (We will be gathering on Shabbat 5/25
at 9:30a to celebrate Daphne Spira’s Bat Mitzvah.)
Don’t forget about our paper recycling bin! More information is available at http://www.paperretriever.com or by contacting
Hershel Ellenbogen at ellenbogen@juno.com.
The monthly shul bulletin is produced by Naomi Korn Gold. If you have anything you’d like included, please contact her at
Help Young Israel, Help Yourself
Purchase of Yahrtzeit Memorial Plaques
You can memorialize a loved relative or friend who has
departed by purchasing a Yahrtzeit Memorial Plaque.
The plaque is hung on the yahrtzeit board in the sanctuary of
the Young Israel. Light bulbs are lit on the occasion of the
yizkor services and the name of the departed individual is read
aloud by the Rabbi at the time of the yizkor prayers. In addition,
a reminder card is sent to the purchaser with the date of the
If you’re interested, please call Dan Shimshak at 781-784-8192.
We are stocked with the 6- liter hot water urns,
the original "pump pots," in a white with floral
pattern. 12-month complete warranty.
$75 to YI of Sharon (It is a fundraiser).
Contact Amy Fistel, 781-784-0085.
Your ad here helps the shul…
– and you!
Contact Roy Strunin
(roy@strunin.com) for details.
Please Support This Year's Ad Journal Professional and Business Sponsors - Be sure to mention the ad journal!
Catering by Andrew
(617) 731-6585
Striar Hebrew Academy
(781) 784-8724
Strawberry Hill Confectionary
(617) 319-3557
Maimonides School
(617) 232-4452
Law Offices of Deborah G. Kohl
(508) 677-4900
The Community Kollel of Sharon
(410) 710-7000
Van Leer Remodeling and Painting
(781) 784-3297
Your Lucky Day! Thrift Shop
(617) 254-8300
My Grandma's of New England
(800) 8-GRANDMA
Roy Schreiber & Co., CPAs
(781) 784-2929
Crown Automotive Sales
(781) 319-3100
Meyer, Connoly, Simons & Keuthen LLP
(617) 423-2254
Tri-Town Discount Liquors
(781) 828-8393
Dr. Alice Cusner, Optometrist
(781) 821-1225
Camp Yavneh
Best Residential Renovation & Construction
(781) 806-5639
Isacc's Moving and Storage
(781) 436-4700
Israel Book Shop
(617) 566-7113
Aidance Skincare
Steven Shenkel, Indep. Insurance Agent
(781) 575-9111
John Bronski, Loan Officer
(617) 429-1444
Dr. David Gale, DMD (family dentistry)
(781) 784-3218
Peter Needham Electrical
(781) 396-4800
Sharon Optical
(781) 784-8284
Performance Health Center (chiropractic, massage)
(508) 655-9008
CCL (Cape Cod Lumber; materials&design)
(781) 878-0715
Pierce, Pierce, & Napolitano, Attorneys at Law
(978) 745-0914
Staula Plumbing & Heating
(781) 784-8815
Hefez & Sons Jewelers
(508) 261-8823
Sharon Cleaners
(781) 784-7773
Stanley Painting
(781) 264-1563
Allan Kitchen Gallery
(781) 821-5775
Nina Rogoff, RE/MAX Executive Realty
(781) 883-3764
Zucker's Bakery
(978) 535-5335
Etailing Solutions
Colpitts World Travel
(781) 326-7800
Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP)
David Sharff, Architect
(508) 359-5737
Paul Kaplan DMD (Endodontics)
(508) 261-9261
Portraits by Chaya
(781) 784-3414
Elihu Stone, JD (Insurance)
(781) 784-2848
Aspects of Wood
(781) 793-9656
Brigham&Women’s Foxborough
(866) 378-9164
Tova’s Catering
(508) 286-2242
Arch Orthodontics
(800) 28-SMILE
If you know of information to be included in the bulletin, please e-mail naomikorn@gmail.com. For other Shul contacts, go to our website.
To sponsor a Kiddush, schedule a Simchah, and for all other Shul business, contact Iris Blitstein at 781-784-6112 or iris@yisharon.org.