August - Callender Lake, Texas


August - Callender Lake, Texas
Covering YOUR Community News
Board of Directors
Jo Ann Ishmael
Eddie Hueston
Sara Kesler
Jan Liedtke
Jeff Smith
Architectural Control
Tilla Strickland
Community Center
Jan Liedtke
Fish & Wild Life
Larry Giles
Lake Silting
John Harwood
Public Areas
Eddie Hueston
John Harwood
Debra Abbuhl
Jo Ann Ishmael
Larry Giles
Eddie Hueston
Jo Ann Ishmael
Sara Kesler
CL Office: 903-469-3080
Tue/Thu - 8:30 to 5:00
Saturday - 9:00 to 1:00
Visit the Callender Lake
Website at
From the Editor...
Volume 15 | Issue 8
Callender Lake Lines
August 2015
(Just Outside the Entrance Gate)
Store Hours
Monday - Saturday: 7am to 6pm
Sunday: 8am to 6pm
Mike Pugh: Proprietor
Red Hat
July luncheon was at Olive Garden Italian restaurant. We
had a great time, thanks Anne. August 20th at 12:30 we
head to Sonoma Grill at 5875 Old Bullard Rd. in Tyler.
Shrimp, scallop, salmon crostini, and smoked veal piccata all
sound good. Becky Sossamon is the hostess for the day.
September 17th at 12:30 we're going to the Farmhouse
Restaurant at 1125 South Oak St. in Van. Chicken fried
steak, farmhouse burgers, and Asian chicken salad are on the
menu. Tilla Strickland is our hostess. October 15th at 12:30
we're going to Wade's Place in Chandler with boudain,
po-boys and catfish on the menu so bring your appetite.
Gloria Beck is the hostess. Get your red hat and come join
the fun! Happy Hatting!
Question's call Charisse 4824
Callender Lake will be hosting the Van
Zandt Precinct 4, Crime Watch
committee. They will be meeting in our
Community Center on Thursday,
September 10th at 7pm. Everyone is
invited to attend and to join. The crime
rate in Van Zandt County has been
reduced by 54% since the Crime Watch
has been in place. Callender Lake is in
this Crime Watch area. Come, get
involved and help protect our
Volume 15 | Issue 8
Callender Lake Lines
August 2015
The Lake Lines will no longer be sent out via email from John Harwood due to
the increased file size. If you have a computer, you can access a
version of
the Lines on our website at:
For a black/white hard copy print out, please go to the Information Station just inside
the front gate. If the Information Station copies are gone, you may pick up a hard copy
in the Callender Lake office during regular business hours.
The Lake Lines are usually posted to the website around the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Keith Dillion
460 Island Dr
New Homes, Add-ons & Remodeling
Free Estimates
Volume 15
15 || Issue
Issue 8
Callender Lake
Lake Lines
August 2015
Callender Lake has an Emergency Phone Tree
Messaging Service that sends out alerts to the
Callender Lake family! Emergency emails are
also sent out. If you are not receiving these
alerts and would like to be added, send your
information (i.e., email address & phone
number) to John Harwood at:
You MUST notify the CLPOIA office
if your mailing address changes or
has changed in the last two years.
Please contact Sherri at the front
office either by email at
or phone 903-469-3080
Saturday, September 26th, 2015
8 - 10AM
Community Center
Everyone is invited! Come out and have a great time!
Sponsored By: The Recreation Committee
JOAN BAKER - First introduced to Callender Lake in the late 80’s by my mother-in-law, Donna
Patterson, Richard, my husband, and I fell in love with the lake. In 1991, we bought property and decided
this is where we wanted to semi-retire. Three years later, we made the move to the Callender Lake area
from Las Vegas, Nevada. After raising two children, helping Richard with his successful career, and a 30
year hiatus, I decided to return to college. I graduated from UT Tyler with a Bachelor of Science in
Nursing, accomplishing my lifelong dream of becoming a nurse. My 10 year career encompassed various
positions with a main focus in public health. Since my retirement, I have joined several community
activity groups allowing me to spend more time with Callender Lake neighbors and meeting new friends.
I look forward to being even more involved if elected to the board.
HOPE ENOCHS - I’m a native Texan and I’m an artist. I love to paint and I love to save, restore and/or
repurpose vintage finds. I’m also a software implementation project manager. I assist businesses both
large and small in becoming more efficient, productive and profitable through the change of software.
I’ve been in this line of work for 30+ years and it’s given me a wide range of business skills, knowledge
and experience. My career requires travel and it has taken me all over the world. And I’ve got to tell you
that I think Callender Lake is a very special place. I would welcome an opportunity to use my skills and
talents to serve our community.
JULIE MORRIS - Hello Callender Lake family. My name is Julie Morris. My husband, Tony, and I
have been married for 24 years. We have been blessed with two wonderful children, Tyler who is 21 and
Kelsey who is 18. Tyler is a Senior at the University of North Texas studying to be a CPA, like his father.
Kelsey will be a Freshman at Collin College studying to be an English teacher. We purchased our lake
home in 2008 and absolutely love our tranquil and relaxing get-a-way!
Raising a family is a priority for my husband and I. In 2001, I became a stay-at-home mom; however,
prior to raising children, I was a Business Analyst for Bank One. Being active in my community and
giving back has always been and continues to be very important to me. I enjoy being able to help make a
difference in the lives of other people. I have held many community volunteer positions over the last 20
years. My husband and I served in our church leading Home Groups, as well as, Tony served as a Deacon.
I held an elected position as Board of Trustee for Metro Christian Academy in Garland, Texas. I also
served a term on the Planning and Zoning Committee for the City of Sachse, Texas. I have delivered
meals-on-wheels to home bound elderly, and have been very active in the school district where my
children attended school. This past January, I became the Editor for the Callender Lake Lines.
If given the opportunity to serve the Callender Lake community, I will strive to represent everyone fairly
and to the best of my ability.
CRAIG LIDDELL - Craig Lidell began his Edward Jones career in 1991 as a financial advisor in
Arlington, Texas. In 2010, he qualified to attend the Edward Jones Managing Partner’s Conference, an
honor reserved for the firm’s top 350 financial advisors. He has now qualified five times for this
prestigious honor. Mr. Lidell earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics from the University of
Texas at Arlington in 1970 and he received the professional designation, AAMS in 2003. Prior to
becoming a financial advisor, Mr. Lidell owned several restaurants in Fort Worth, Texas. One of them,
Zeke’s Fish and Chips, has been in operation since 1971.
Mr. Lidell is an active member of the Arlington community, currently serving as president of the Theatre
Arlington Board of Directors. He is also a past president and current member of Arlington Sunrise Rotary.
He and his wife, Kara, have two sons, a daughter and son-in-law, and two grandchildren with another on
the way. In their free time, they enjoy spending time with family, traveling, and their lake home at
Callender Lake.
Board Meeting Minutes
Callender Lake Property Owners Improvement Association
Saturday, August 8, 2015
The CLPOIA Board meeting was called to order by President JoAnn Ishmael at 1:00 PM in the
Callender Lake Community Center. All nine Board members were present with twenty six guests in
The invocation was given by John Harwood. All attendees voiced the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Ishmael asked if any changes to the Agenda. There were no changes. Agenda approved.
President Ishmael began the meeting by announcing ballot envelopes would be stuffed Tuesday, August
11 at 10:00AM and encouraged anyone that would like to help, to please show up at the Community
Center. With enough volunteers, it should not take more than a couple of hours.
Secretary’s Report – Sara Kesler reported that the minutes from the July 2015 meeting were circulated
via email and published in the CL Lines. If there are no corrections and with no objections from the
Board, she moved that the minutes from the July meeting be accepted and filed for record. Motion was
seconded by Tilla Strickland. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer's Report - Jan Liedtke announced the Reconciliation Report is located on the table near the
library and she would be happy to answer any questions during the Questions and Announcement portion
of our meeting. She moved that the Reconciliation Report be approved and filed for audit. Motion
seconded by Eddie Hueston. The motion passed unanimously.
Recreation Committee – Sara Kesler reported the Recreation Committee met Tuesday, August 4 for their
scheduled monthly meeting in the community center with 8 members, and 3 new members in attendance.
Since the Recreation Committee did not presently have a Committee Chairperson, Sara Kesler,
Board liaison, conducted the meeting. Treasurer Dick Bolle gave the financial report.
Details were finalized regarding the committee providing refreshments of cookies and punch for the
“Meet the Candidates” function. Members were invited to participate in the stuffing of ballot envelopes
on Tuesday, August 11. Officers elected for the Recreation Committee were Co-chairs: Elain Giles,
Boneta Strickland, Treasurer Dick Bolle and Secretary Barbara Wiesner.
Discussion was held for upcoming events:
Saturday, September 26
8:00 – 10:00AM COFFEE & DONUTS
Saturday, October 24
Wednesday, November 11
Saturday, December 5
Next meeting will be held Tuesday, September 1 as we make plans and move forward to the upcoming
Community Center – Jan Liedtke reported our library continues to look great with the continued efforts of
our library committee which is committed to cleaning shelves and shelving the books. Thank you ladies
for all your volunteer hours. We also thank Dick Bolle for his continued work on installing solar screens
for our Community Center. The screens are making a difference. Thank you, Dick!
Public Areas – Eddie Hueston reported removal of excessive tree, shrub and weed growth near
intersections and along roadways continued throughout the month. Weakened boards were replaced on the
walkway and deck of the covered fishing pier park. Rusted trash containers were replaced with PVC
recycled barrels in the parks. Five fallen trees and various limbs were removed from roads and public
Roads – Larry Giles reported the road committee hopes you can see improvements in our never ending
battle. Mr. Boyce (Boyce’s Asphalt Paving) has completed all but one of the projects he was contracted to
do. The one remaining contract is the intersection of Long Shadow and Briar Grove. This work is waiting
for the water company to relocate a water line installed in a location preventing needed repairs. We are on
the schedule!
We need to express our thanks to the members of the road committee for the tremendous amount of time
and effort they have put into road work this year. Thanks committee!
Architectural Control – Tilla Strickland reported the ACC met Saturday, August 1 with a quorum present.
We received 4 permit applications and after much discussion and further investigation by team members,
3 of those were approved for one carport, an irrigation well and a garage/shop.
It’s always nice to see these requests because they improve those properties and benefit the community as
a whole.
Two violation letters were sent out:
1. First one was for a carport that was built without obtaining a permit.
We would like to remind property owners that any improvements being considered on their
property must first be approved by the ACC who requires a permit request with a
drawing/plans attached showing the improvements being proposed.
2. The second violation letter was for brush and limbs being placed in the right of way and easements.
New member, Keith Rowe, attended Tuesday’s meeting. New Co-chairs Dan Peden and Jerry Sossamon
were elected.
On a separate note, Marion Tait has decided not to return to this committee next year and we want to
publicly thank her for the many years and huge effort she has given the ACC as she served as its Chair.
Her contributions have been enormous to this community and, in particular, to ACC. She will be missed.
Thank you!
Publicity Committee – John Harwood reported the Publicity Committee is currently working with our
local water expert, Debra Abbuhl, on strategies to get more water to our newly planted area at the
Information Station.
We wish to extend a big thank you to Dick Bolle for his work in refurbishing the Info Station sign after
another collision with a large vehicle or RV.
We are also finalizing plans for our new Card reader B-Board.
John also encouraged new people to sign up to get on our Callender Lake E-mailing as well as our
Emergency Call Tree.
Audit Committee -Eddie Hueston reported the 2015 Audit Committee was complete and would start again
early 2016.
Security and Fire Committee - Jeff Smith reported upgraded security cameras have been installed. One
quote for new gate has been obtained, still working on additional quotes. There were some issues with the
gate this week. Fleming Overhead Door was out and got the gate working again but it is not operating
100% correctly. They will be out again Monday, August 10 to readjust it. There will be additional security
for the upcoming Labor Day holiday weekend.
President Ishmael stated that as you approach the gate, after swiping your card, wait for it to go all the
way up, then hesitate before pulling forward to make sure it is not going to come back down.
Fish and Wildlife – Larry Giles reported the Fish and Wildlife Committee is working with Hickory Hills
on new lake signage. We have agreed on the wording and looks of the signs. The signs will match on both
sides of the lake. We look forward to new signs in the near future.
Sanitation and Pollution – Debra Abbuhl reported Sanitation and Pollution Chairperson, Andy Lutz,
combed through our past dumpster expenses and discovered we were overbilled for our small dumpsters
on six different occasions. The total amount equaled $1118.91. She also found we were not billed for the
April large dumpster for a cost of $579.99. The net over billed amount is $539.91. We will be contacting
Republic to see about a credit to our account in this amount.
Nominating Committee – Committee Chairman, Charisse Holland, thanked her committee, Becky
Sossamon, Ann Faulkner and Jan Marler for their great work in helping her. The nominees for the Board
positions are Joan Baker, Hope Enochs, Julie Morris and Craig Liddell.
President Ishmael asked the candidates to please stand (round of applause) She expressed appreciation to
each for their willingness to run for the Board. The election results will be announced at the September
meeting. Three positions will become available when Eddie Hueston, John Harwood and JoAnn Ishmael
rotate off the Board at that time. Bios of the candidates will be on the ballots. “Meet the Candidates” will
be immediately following this meeting. You can meet them at that time.
Other Reports
CVZCC/ GLPC/ Legislative – C.A. Cockrell reported the Courts took the month off so he did not have
anything to report other than he would be going to the Van Zandt County meeting on Tuesday. This
meeting will be addressing emergency issues, FEMA and road repairs. He asked to let him know if you
have any questions.
President Ishmael advised road repairs and FEMA were discussed at the morning work session. To date
CLPOIA has not been asked dollar amounts for repairs and every week more forms are received
requesting more information, documents or questionnaires to be filled out. Not knowing where we are
status wise, would be my only question. FEMA is working with Van Zandt County.
New Business
Confirmation of Committee Members and Appointment of Chairpersons
Vice President, Eddie Hueston announced a page listing all committee members for 2015 – 2016 is on the
back table for attendees to read. The list is rather lengthy, which is good news, in that we have so many
persons willing to serve on these committees as well as Chairpersons. Eddie then moved that the
confirmation of the standing committee members, Ad Hoc committees and appointment of chairpersons
for the year 2015 - 2016 be approved in accordance with the list dated August 8, 2015, and submitted in
the CLPOIA monthly meeting on August 8, 2015. Motion seconded by Jan Liedtke. Motion passed
Larry Giles stated without all the people on these committees our community would not be what it is.
Look at these names and see how many committees some serve on. All we can say is “Thank You”.
President Ishmael further quoted past President, John Bradfield who said “we are only as strong as our
committees”. The more volunteers we get, the stronger we are! We have lots of volunteers but would
welcome any others that are interested. There is always a place for YOU on a committee. Throughout the
year, any new member would be confirmed the following month. Should you find you are interested in
joining a committee, just contact that Chairperson and they will get you signed up.
President Ishmael called for any nominations from the floor. There were none.
Announcements & Questions
President JoAnn Ishmael asked if there were any questions or announcements.
Property owner from the floor voiced concern regarding the “dog incident” of last week. Board member,
Debra Abbuhl stated that incident did not involve the Board but was between the two property and pet
owners involved. She further stated, per the CLPOIA restrictions, it is the pet owner’s responsibility to
keep pets restrained or properly secured at all times.
Guest from floor announced the Van Zandt Precinct 4 Crime Watch committee will be meeting in our
community center Thursday, September 10 at 7:00. Everyone is invited to attend.
John Harwood made motion to adjourn at 1:20PM. Seconded by Sara Kesler. Motion carried.
“Meet the Candidates” began immediately following adjournment.
CLPOIA Secretary
CLPOIA President