היצירתיות- רקע תיאורטי- אילון אבירם - music-creation.net
היצירתיות- רקע תיאורטי- אילון אבירם - music-creation.net
!"# &$%%% ' ' & (product, work, composition) $ (creation) (creativity) ' (creativeness?) ' & (maker) ' & creator ( ' ' ) &+ * !"$ ' &$, * ' (Webster 1990) !"$ & ' ' ) &$" * !!- (de-Bono) ' ' (Wallas ' (preparation, incubation, illumination, verification) &4, * Webster 1989 .,# * !"$ J. P. Guilford # $ - %% . ' . ' & !/" & $ # , & & & & / " + ! & % $ & & # , - (flexibility) (fluency) ) (divergent production &,- * (elaboration) !"$ &Hickey 2001) (Calvin Taylor) . . . ( ( . * &,- * !-! !"$ (I. Taylor) (expressive creativity) (productive creativity) $ (inventive creativity) # (innovative creativity) , (emergentive creativity) - ' * ' - &$ &,, * Webster 1989. Torrance 1965 pg. 5 (Torrance E .P.) &. . ' . .(Hickey 2001) . ' ' (Torrance's Tests of ' Creative Thinking, or TTCT) &Webster 1989. Torrance 1965 (Lewenfeld V.) . &$- * !"# . ) (Gardner) ' . . . . ) !+# !+$ (Frames of Mind) . * . . . !!& %" ! &$" * !!- (De-Bono) . . ' ' . . . . & !!- !!, ' . . ' ' . 21 0 &* 2 &* & ' & & ' &$- / * !"$ (Peter Webster) Northwestern in Evaston ' ' ' * theoretical speculation, practical application, empirical data . . process, product, person, ' environment. (Measure of Creative Thinking in Music MCTM) # $ - , divergent ' 3 Convergent 3 . . novel ( ' ' .(Webster 1988, 1989, 1990, Priest 2001) ' ' ' &,- * % $% !"$ . . #% * ' .U . ' . &, * & #* % $% & !!-