arts/dates - Clabough Foundation


arts/dates - Clabough Foundation
No. 152
December 2008 – January 2009
Publication of the Ashe County Arts Council
The Ashe County Choral Society’s annual Holiday Concert will be held at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 7, at the Ashe Civic Center in West Jefferson. Formed in 1985
through the sponsorship of the Ashe County Arts Council, the Choral Society is
under the direction of Grady Lonon. Accompanist is Michael Bell.
The concert will offer something for everyone! Sacred and secular works of the season will be included. A cappella pieces will be performed as well as accompaniments
on the Civic Center’s Steinway Grand piano. The audience will participate in singing
the favorite carol, “Hark the Harold Angels Sing.”
The 2008 program begins with Alice Parker’s rendition of “Personent Hodie” and is followed by “Worthy is the Lamb”
from Handel’s Messiah. Selections from Mozart’s Coronation Mass will be performed with several local soloists.
Johannes Brahms’ “How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place,” “The Holly and the Ivy,” “Angels We Have Heard on High,”
and John Rutter’s “Angel Carol” are seasonal favorites incorporated into the concert. The secular portion of the concert includes the jazzy “A Holly Jolly Christmas” and the popular “Christmas Time Is Here.”
The concert is sponsored by the Ashe County Arts Council and is partially funded by a Community Arts Program
(CAPs) Grant from the Grassroots Arts Program of the North Carolina Arts Council, a state agency. Admission is $10
for adults and $5 for students to help defray the costs of the performance. Reserved seating tickets are available in
advance at the Ashe Arts Center in West Jefferson. Visa and Mastercard are accepted. For more information, call 846ARTS.
The Ashe County Arts Council will sponsor a community celebration in honor of Dr. Martin
Luther King at 7 p.m., on Monday January 19 at the Ashe Arts Center in West Jefferson.
Included in the evening’s activities will be musicians, student readings, and tributes from local
Mike Wiley
Mike Wiley will be the featured performer for the celebration. Mike will perform excerpts from
Tired Souls: King and the Untold Stories of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The play documents the
tales of Martin Luther King, Junior and nearly a dozen of the hundreds of men and women
who stood up to Jim Crow’s segregation, held tight to their bus money and walked for freedom
for 381 days. The powerful presentation offers historical narrative dramatized as a patchwork
quilt of cultures and communities inspiring the audience to seek opportunities in the shadow
of success or failure and to make a change.
This performance is made possible, in part, by an Arts and Audiences Grant from the North Carolina Arts Council, a
state agency, and is sponsored by the Ashe County Arts Council. Mike’s programs on Jackie Robinson and The Noble
Journey will also reach the students at Ashe County High School and Ashe County Middle School on January 20.
The program is free and open to the public. For more information, call 336.846-ARTS.
Does your mailing label above have a red dot beside it? If so, it means this may be your last issue of ARTS/DATES. Because of increased printing and postage costs, we need to
announce the following: If you live outside the immediate Ashe County region, if you’ve been receiving our newsletter for a year or more, and it we have not received a fund drive contribution from you, we must assume you are no longer interested in keeping up with the arts in Ashe County. Please let us hear from you by December 31 if you’d like to continue
receiving ARTS/DATES every other month. If you prefer, we can send you the newsletter electronically. And next time you’re in West Jefferson, please stop by the Ashe Arts Center.
We’d love to renew our acquaintance with you!
1-30... “Tree Fest” exhibit, Ashe Arts Center
1-28.. Miracle on 34th Street, Barter Theatre, Abingdon, VA
1-28... Another Night Before Christmas, Barter Stage II, Abingdon, VA
3-20... The Elves and the Shoemaker, Barter Theatre, Abingdon, VA
5... Lee Greenwood Christmas, 8 pm, Walker Center, Wilkesboro
5-7... Johnson County Community Theatre: My Three Angels,
7:00 pm Fri-Sat, 2:30 pm Sun, Heritage Hall, Mountain City
5,12,19,26... Phipps Store Friday Night Jam, Lansing 336-384-2382
5-14... A High Country Christmas Carol, 7:00 pm, Hayes Center, Blowing
6... Holiday Open House and reception for “Tree Fest” artists, 10am -4pm,
Ashe Arts Center
6... Mountainhome Music: Christmas Tree Concert, 8 pm, Henson’s
Chapel, Vilas
7... Ashe County Choral Society Concert, 7:30 pm, Ashe Civic Center
7... Glenn Bolick in concert, Hayes Center, Blowing Rock
11... Shapenotes Singers meet, 7 pm, Ashe Arts Center
13... Blue Country Band, Mountain Music Jamboree, Glendale Springs
13... Mountainhome Music: An Appalachian Christmas, 8 pm, Grace
Lutheran Church, Boone
13... The Nutcracker, 2 pm and 6 pm, Ashe Civic Center
20... Puddingstone in concert, 7:30 pm, Ashe Civic Center
27... Big Country Bluegrass, Mountain Music Jamboree, Glendale Springs
The Conservatory of Dance &
Theatre presents
The Nutcracker Ballet
December 13, 2008, 2 pm & 6 pm
Ashe Civic Center
Adults: $12 Students: $5
All seats reserved
Call 846-ARTS for tickets
7-31... “Dreams of Summer” exhibit, Ashe Arts Center
8... Artists’ reception for “Dreams of Summer” exhibit, 5-7 pm, Ashe Arts
8... Shapenotes Singers meet, 7 pm, Ashe Arts Center
9,16,23,30... Phipps Store Friday Night Jam, Lansing 336-384-2382
13... Ashe County Arts Council meets, 6:30 pm, Ashe Arts Center
19... Martin Luther King Holiday Celebration with Mike Wiley, 7:00 pm, Ashe
Arts Center
23... Winter Blues Festival, 7:30 pm, Hayes Center, Blowing Rock
24... Harmonia Baroque, 7:30 pm, Ashe Arts Center
24... The John Cowan Band,, 7:30 pm, Hayes Center, Blowing Rock
31... Gary Lewis & The Playboys in concert, 8 pm, Walker Center, Wilkesboro
in concert
December 20, 2008
7:30 p.m.
Ashe Civic Center
Adults $12
Students $5
STAFF: Jane Lonon, Executive Director
inda Harms, Director of Operations
Rebecca Herman, Program Director
Zaneeta, Resident Mouse-Catcher
Web site:
303 School Avenue,West Jefferson, NC 28694
Happy Holidays to you and
yours from the Ashe County
Arts Council.
To celebrate the upcoming
holidays, the Ashe Arts Center
will be closed December 25-27
and January 1.
Beginning in January, the
Ashe Arts Center will be closed on Saturdays.
303 School Avenue
Downtown West Jefferson
The Ashe County Arts Council is grateful for the grant
support received from the North Carolina Arts Council
Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. December only and the Southern Arts Federation for 2008-2009 community and school programming. Grants received are
We will resume Saturday
listed below.
hours in the spring!
• Grassroots Arts Program Grant
• Regional Artist Project Grant for Ashe, Alleghany,
Wilkes and Watauga counties to fund individual artist
• The Junior Appalachian Musicians (JAM) Program is
Good things come in small supported by a Folklife Grant from the North Carolina
packages! And that definitely Arts Council and grants from the Wayne C. Henderson
applies to art! Following last Festival and the Helen M. Clabough Charitable
year’s successful Christmas Foundation
Miniatures Exhibit, artists • Arts in Audiences Grant in support of community arts
“March Snow”
have been challenged to once programming
by Joan Bell
again create new works of art • A Southern Arts Federation Touring Grant for a resino larger than twelve inches square. The miniature dency by Sol y Canto
works in oil, watercolor, acrylics and photography are
from artists Joanie Bell, Julia Bishop, Janet Brashear, These performances and programs received support
Linda Bruce, Doug Butler, Joy Campbell, Anne Hardin, from the North Carolina Arts Council, an agency of the
Sharon Kasel, Lib McRimmon, Ed Perzel, Scot Pope, Department of Cultural Resources, the Southern Arts
Cheryl Roberts, Loretta Weaver, and Susan Van Wyk. Federation, and the National Endowment for the Arts,
Christmas Miniatures will be on display through which believes that a great nation deserves great art,
December 29. Celebrate the season with a new work of and are sponsored locally by the Ashe County Arts
art – they make great gifts, too!
Imagine, it’s January!
over…it’s cold and it’s
dark by the time you
get home from work.
snowflakes are dancing
in the air. You’re sipping a warm beverage,
gazing out the window
into a patch of brown
grass in the backyard.
by Carlton Trainum
You recall how green
the grass was in July and how many times you had to
mow the lawn! You slip into a summertime reverie.
Ah, yes…the good ole summertime!
Ashe County artists have recreated those wonderful
feelings of summer in The Gallery of the Ashe Arts
Center. Dreams of Summer opens January 8 and runs
through February 6. Original paintings and photography will be offered evoking thoughts of those lazy days
of summer. Participating artists include Catherine
Altice, Scott Ballard, Joanie Bell, Earl Davis, Lenore
DePree, Elaine Dowdell, Barbara Evans, Molly
Gambill, Janice Grant, Susan Marlowe, Melba Miller,
Pat Morrison, Ed Perzel, Scot Pope, Sonny Remington,
Phil Rhyne, LaMae Strange, Shirley Tarlton, Carl
Trainum, Loretta Weaver, Susan Van Wyk, and Peg
An opening reception with lemonade and the goodies
of summertime will be held at the Arts Center from 5 to
7 p.m. Thursday, January 8.
North Carolina is truly “The State of the Arts.” The
Ashe County Arts Council exists to enrich the cultural
life of Ashe County by nurturing and supporting the
arts. Ashe County appreciates the financial and technical support from these state, regional and national arts
organizations. Their support of local arts agencies help
make quality arts happen in rural Ashe County.
Tree Fest includes nine artfully-decorated theme
Christmas trees.
“Christmas Miniatures,” new works by
area artists.
Christmas Marketplace brings you the finest in
handmade holiday crafts and gifts.
Complete your holiday shopping locally with the
finest in jewelry…pottery…baskets…paintings
and photography…books…
wooden bowls…ornaments…stained glass…silk
scarves…quilted goods…
CDs and tapes…note cards and much more!
Thank you! Thank you! To a great group of
volunteers! Thank you to ticket takers, movers
and haulers, bakers, mailers and hard working
committee members.
Mary Allen, Tab Bell, Sara Benfield, Joanne Boman, Mary
Jane Brown, Buffalo Tavern Bed & Breakfast, Jennie and
Fowler Bush, Linda Bruce, Joy Campbell, Nancy Carter,
Theresa Early Curd, Judy Dancy, Jeff Dreyer, Kathy Howell,
Sarah Johnson, Sharon Kasel, Grady Lonon, Matthew
Lonon, John MacConnell, Becky Marsten, Barbara Miller,
Carolyn Mock, Vicky Moody, Judy Mullen, Michele
Obenchain, Tammy Parunak, Ed & Ellie Perzel, Carol
Pollack, Karen Powell, Burt Prange, Martha Rhodes,
Riverside Canoe–Susan, Terry & Samantha Kepple, Nancy
& Stephen Shoemaker, Ann Snyder, June Weaver, Lisa
Willingham, Amanda Wright, Michael Yelton
An evening of classical music will be presented at the
Ashe Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, January 24,
by Harmonia Baroque. The ensemble is composed
of Ashe county’s own Michael Bell on harpsichord,
and Appalachian State University School of Music
faculty members Alicia Chapman (baroque oboe),
Nancy Schneeloch-Bingham (baroque flute),
Priscilla Porterfield (soprano), and Barbara
Krumdieck (baroque cello.)
The ensemble performs on historical
instruments that are
distinct replicas of
18th-century instruments for which
Baroque music was
written. The sound
and style of the
music of early composers are re-created in an intimate atmosphere for
a true chamber music experience. Repertoire for the
concert includes selections by Monteverdi, Handel,
Bach, a Flute Sonata by Boismortier, Variations on
La Folia, and other period appropriate works.
Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for students; tickets are available at the Ashe Arts Center in advance
or at the door. Credit cards are accepted. Call
336.846-ARTS for more information.
Starlight Barn Quilt
Take a chance on owning
a 2x2 Barn Quilt Square!
Suggested donation of
$1 per ticket, drawing on
December 20.
Created by Steve and Lisa
The Ashe County Arts
Council is partnering with the
Ashe County 4-H Afterschool
Program again this year to
bring the Junior Appalachian
Musicians (JAM) Program to
Ashe County’s youth. The
JAM Program is available to
students at Blue Ridge,
Mountain View, and Westwood elementary schools.
Designed to give 4th through 6th grade students an
opportunity to learn banjo, guitar or fiddle, JAM’s primary
purpose is to preserve traditional mountain music with our
youth. The Arts Council does not charge a fee for instruction and instruments are made available to the students
on a loan basis. This year’s sessions will end in late April.
Students learn technique, chords, strumming, picking,
repertoire, and most importantly, they learn the value of
playing and working together.
JAM is made possible by grants from the Wayne C.
Henderson Festival, the Helen M. Clabough Charitable
Foundation, and a Folklife Grant received from the North
Carolina Arts Council, a state agency, and is sponsored by
the Ashe County Arts Council. For scheduling information, call the Arts Council at 336.846-ARTS.
Ashe Arts Center
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday, December 6
One Day Only – 10% Discount on all
Gallery Shop items!
2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Artist Reception
Refreshments will be served!
The Ashe Arts Center
celebrates the holiday season
and Ashe County Christmas
trees with beautifully
decorated trees.
This winter wonderland
has been created with
something for
everyone and
with the arts.
Tree Fest
Decorations in royal
blue, baby blue, silver,
white, and lots of sparkle will
adorn this tree showcasing the
fame and glamour of Elvis’ life and
career. Elvis’ number one selling
Christmas hit song, “Blue Christmas,” was the
inspiration for the tree; it was created by Agnes
Baldwin, Joyce Cain, Catherine Finch, Susan Hunt
and Wyvonna (Terri) Ring.
November 24 through
December 30, 2008
Butterfly Tree: High Country Hospice decorates
this Tree of Hope with yellow and orange organza ribbons,
raffia bows, and butterflies. Handcrafted butterfly ornaments designed by Candice Cook are made from recycled
paper and are infused with wildflower seeds. The ornaments can
be planted and will bloom in honor of a loved one.
Immigrant Hope: Amanda, Darby and Daisy Chapuz and members of the Cristo el Salvador Hispanic Misson share a holiday tree with a
seasonal message of hope for everyone. Colorful Mexican paper flowers,
garlands, and candles all in bright Christmas colors will create a tree celebrating our multi-cultural community. A bright star of hope will decorate the
top of the tree.
My Favorite Things:
The Ashe County Arts Council’s tree features
handcrafted holiday decorations from
local artists Tara Belk, Linda Bruce,
Betsy Isaacs, Sharon Kasel, Jane
Maddox, Pat Morrison, New
Beginnings of Ashe, Cheryl Roberts,
Becky Rose, Kristin Sevensky, Cher
Shaffer, Ellen Sinford, Lyn Soeder,
Holly Soukup, Summit Support
Services, Jennifer Gardiner
Wilson, and others. The original ornaments by these
artists include works in
wood, clay, metal, glass,
paper and fabric. The
ornaments are for
sale and make great
Hairbows: Molly Gambill and Helen Sexton have done it again! Do trees have
“bad hair days” with leaves and needles sticking out in all the wrong directions? See
this cleverly created tree adorned with colorful bows, glittery clips, rubber bands, and barrettes by the dozens. White lights and garlands of white tulle and a tree topper appropriate for
this year and the season will bring a smile to everyone’s face!
My Christmas Kitchen Tree: Nancy Carter has added a charming primitive wood and fence wire
tree, reminiscent of pioneer days, that usually sits in the kitchen of her log cabin home. Hanging from its rusty
branches are all the miniature kitchen tools needed to make cookies, and gingerbread men made of various materials.
You can almost smell those cookies baking in the oven when you look at the tree!
Barn Quilts: The Arts Council’s popular Barn Quilt Project is the theme of a table topper tree created by Joy Campbell, Theresa Early
Curd, Josette Glover, Kathy Howell, Dana Johnson, Michele Obenchain, Nancy Shoemaker, and Lisa Willingham. Ornaments reflecting the quilt
patterns from many of the Ashe County Barn Quilts have been created with quilted squares, painted wooden patterns, and beaded boxes.
Cabernet Carousel: This tree features the vibrant colors of wine – the dark red of a fine Cabernet Sauvignon, the translucent red of Merlot, the
subtle red of a Pinot Noir. These deep colors are highlighted by the crisp whites – Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and the tree is topped by
a sparkling spray of Champagne. The fragrance of the Christmas tree mingles with the scent of wine corks that have been saturated in fine wines.
Snow-covered grape clusters cast a holiday feel on wine’s sunny origins, and the tree skirt features labels from around the world. This is a tree to stir the
taste buds! It was designed and decorated by Ed and Ellie Perzel and Freda, Charles, and Mark Huffstetler.
The Green Tree: In many cultures green is the symbol for hope and growth. Today green means taking care of our earth by recycling, reducing,
renewing and conserving. Paper windmills on the tree illustrate alternative energy sources from the wind. Hand beaded prisms symbolize energy from the
sun. Reusing items for decorations include the plastic sleeves from the morning newspaper becoming flowers, old CD’s adding sparkle, yogurt bottles reminding us to save plastic for the convenience centers. Old Christmas cards were cut into shapes for ornaments many sporting pictures of animals, a reminder
that their habitats are in danger in our changing environment. Jennie Bush’s Green Tree inspires us for hope and growth.
Trees donated by Hudler Carolina Tree Farms
and Scott Ballard
Wreath donated by Omni Farms
The Ashe County Arts Council exists to enrich the cultural life of Ashe County by nurturing and
supporting the arts. Your contribution is an investment in the future of your community. Our
2008-2009 Fund Drive continues with lots of community support. The Ashe County Arts
Council is grateful to the following business and individual contributors who make our program
possible. These donations were made between July 1 and November 15, 2008 :
ARCHANGEL $5000-up
North Carolina Arts Council
ANGEL $2500-4999
SPECIAL $1000-2499
Ashe County Little Theatre
Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff
R.T. Morgan
Ed & Ellie Perzel
SPONSOR $600-999
Blue Ridge Electric
Ron & Nancy Carter
Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Davis
Gambill Oil
Michael & Joanie Bell,
Greenhouse Craft Shop
High South Realty of Ashe
Grady & Jane Lonon
Nation’s Inn
Scott & Barbara Sears
Frank & Nancy Sherrill
Ashe County Builder’s Supply
Ashe Memorial Hospital
Ashley Hardwood Flooring
Badger Funeral Home &
Ashelawn Memorial Chapel
Ralph J. Bartholomew
David & Sara Benfield
Lois Buckspan
Buffalo Tavern Bed &
Dr. & Mrs. S. Fowler Bush
John & Kathy Chefas
Johnny Burleson &
Walter Clark
Community One Bank
Rudy & Theresa Early Curd
Dave & Lynne Eastburn
First Citizens Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Gant
The Gates Corporation
Thomas & Kathy Howell
Roy & Irby Hutchins
Dr. Alvin Jenkins & Dr.
Emily Stopper
Clint & Barb Johnson
Donnie & Dana Johnson
Phillip & Carolyn Johnson
Tom & Sharon Kasel
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Lafferty
Chester & Judy Leggett
John MacConnell
Kent & Becky Marsten
Calvin & Katrina Miller
Jack & Pat Moncrief
Vicky Moody
Russ & Jean Moxley
BENEFACTOR continued
Peter & Victoria Moyer
Bill & Anita Pangle
Harold & Wanda Parks
Herb & Tammy Parunak
Howell & Becky Pruett
Larry & Martha Rhodes
The River House
Stephen & Nancy Shoemaker
SkyLine Membership Corp.
David B. Smith
Gaylord & Anne Snyder
Vannoy & Reeves, PLLC
James R. Vannoy & Sons
Robert & Trilby Wall
Yadkin Valley Bank
PATRON $200-299
Jeff Alexander
Chip & Judy Anderson
Ashe High Country Realty
Dave & Gwen Ashley
Ashe Woodworking Inc.
Ed & Carol Ann Baker
Best Western Eldreth Inn
Blue Ridge Art Clan
Tonya Bottomley
Joy Campbell
Bill & Kathy Cissna
Peggy Dollar
Elaine Dowdell
Fraser’s Restaurant & Pub
Gene & Laurie Greene
George Knight
Jo Marie Lilly
Mast General Store
Bob & Kay McCloskey
Patricia S. Mills
Barbara Land Moncrief
Northwest Trading Post
T.M. Rector, DDS, PA
Wade & Sarah Sanders
Dick & Betsey Sesler
Lee Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Brett Summey
Charles & Bonnie Supin
Jane Testerman
United Chemi-Con
David VanHoy
Oren & Betty Wagner
Janet Warner
FRIEND $50-199
David Alff & Eloise Shepard
Chuck & Judy Atwell
Scott & Beckie Ballard
Millie Barbee
Ruth R. Bare
Charity Barr
Wilson & Linda Barr
B&G Plumbing & Electric
Joanne Boman & Gary
Bud & Bess Boudrow
FRIEND continued
Tom Burgiss
Elliott & Joan Byrd
The Cabin Store
Toy N. Campbell, Jr.
W. Clay & Melonie Church
Mrs. Dean Colvard
Creative Printers
Joe & Diana Culbreth
Current Chiropractic Clinic
Kermit & Judy Dancy
Evelyn Darr
Georgia O. Davis
Don & Carol Day
Luther & Carolyne DeVaun
Edd & Betsy Dickens
Vitie & Dee Drake
Tom & Phyllis Efford
Truett Eller
Bob & Dianne Ferree
Pete & Catherine Finch
Larry & Carol Fisher
Cindy Fowler & Ken Crouse
Molly Gambill
Belle R. Gardner
Lewis & Pat Gaskin
Mr. & Mrs. Durward Grady
Charles & Elaine Graham
Robert & Bibi Greer
Gene Grubb
Mark & Lu Hagel
Cabot & Teri Hamilton
Melinda Hamrick
Jack Apple & Michelle Handler
Neal & Connie Hardison
Penny Harless
Ed & Annabel Harrill
Vernon & Pat Hartman
Jennie W. Hightower
Henry Hobson
Laurie Holloway
Dr. & Mrs. C.M. Hunt
Clyde and Eva Ingle
Craig & Sandy Jackson
Jefferson Drug Store
Jefferson Landing Real Estate
William & Dorothy Jeremiah
Dr. & Mrs. G.W. Kalmus
Margaret Keane
Arlie & Grace Keith
Gladys Kester
Charles & Mary Knapp
Larry & Nancy Kautz
Jef Lambdin
Ramona Lampell
Dal & Sandy Lassen
Barbara Lawrence
Stuart & Allison Malter
Terri Marshall
Matthew’s 102 North
T.D. McClure
Greg & Karen McGinnis
Tom & Linda McLintock
Robert & Marianne Meshot
Cliff & Petsy Mezey
Caroline Mickalitis
Miranda Miles
FRIEND continued
Dick & Barbara Miller
Melba Miller
Rev. & Mrs. Stephen A. Miller
Gil & Eileen Millsaps
David & Lorena Mims
Lewis & Joyce Mize
Don & Marlene Norwood
Mountain Overtones
Joe & Florence Oaks
Barney & Marion O’Quinn
John & Ellen Painter
Carl & Carole Passiglia
Ron Pehmoeller
George & Allmuth Perzel
Carl & Marta Pfaffenberger
Harry & Donna Phillips
Max Preston
Jim & Diana Rackley
Alberta Raysinger
Phil & Karen Rea
I.S.K. Reeves IV & Sara W.
Denise Ringler
Lee & Annette Rogers
Arvill Scott
Benjy & Ann Seagle, in honor
of Hilda S. Farrar
Benjy & Ann Seagle, in honor
of Jim Mathews’ 60th
Ward & Helen Sexton
James & Nanci Shannon
Richard & Anne Shumate
Carol & Walt Skroch
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Stark
Robert & Judith Statnick
Tommy & LaMae Strange
Jack & Norma Suddreth
Jim & Pam Tapp
Cullie & Sylvia Tarleton
Paul & Judy Tobin
Carl Trainum
Bill & Joann Underwood
Wade T. & Dorothy Vannoy
Harry & Susan Van Wyk
Fred & Dot Wagoner
Allen B. & Joan K. Weaver
Joel & June Weaver
Martin & Carol Williams
Yardy & Barbara Williams
M.S. Willingham
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wolfe
Greg & Sheryl Wooley
Bob & Bobbie Worley
June Worth
Stephen Lowe Young
DONOR $10-49
Dale & Ella Baldwin
Lee & Kathie Beckworth
Jim & Elaine Bentley
Richard & Mary Blackburn
Garner & Maxine Blevins
Dick & Bonnie Blohm
Charles & Judy Blythe
Bohemia Gallery
Dr. Ben G. Bosworth
Linda Bruce
Judith Bryant
Edd Clay
Clairene Cockerham
DONOR continued
Jessie Cockerham
Alice Collins
Leland & Mary Lee Cooper
Norma Cosby
William & Janice Cox
James & Florence Culbreth
Marlette Cullen
Ken & Cindie Diehl
Gene & Jackie Eisen
Lee & Mannon Eldreth
Garry & Tammy Elliott
Lesa Eremita / Silver Designs
Will & Marlene Fischer
Herb & Anne Foltz
Mary Foreman
Sharon Gambill
Susan Allen Graham
Hattie Jo Greene
David & Karin Griffiths
Evalynn Halsey
Linda Harms
Mr. & Mrs. George Hayworth
Ann A. Helms
Jeanette Herman
Rebecca Herman
Sigrid Hice
High Country Memorials
Jim Hinkel
Ronald & Peg Hofstetter
Betty Holjes
Ronnie & Chris Hughes
John & Janet Jenny
Edith Jones
Kina & Charles Jones
Craig & Carol Kennedy
Ken & Doris Kern
Bob & Joyce Kilby
Vera Kincheloe
Dorothy Korb
Fred Lamphere
Denise Lawless
Edward & Doris Little
Henry Lum
Pat & Lesa McClellan
Judy & Dan McConnell
Belva Miller
Vaughn & Beth Morrison
Alyce Nadeau
Anne S. Nash
Michele Obenchain
Mr. & Mrs. Andy O’Sullivan
Ann Paisley
Gerald Park
People’s Drug Store
Alda Perkins
Mary F. Phillips
Ms. Marian Roy
Jimmy & Betsy Savely
Skip & Mary Schwenn
Jack & Linda Shekinah
Tony & Beth Shelton
Carolyn Shepherd
Ilene Stump
Summit Support Svcs. of Ashe
Jeff Thomas
Bill & Judy Troiani
B’Ann Vance
Charles & Ellen Vitale
Mimi Vollum
Fay Weaver
Joe & Loretta Weaver
Pamela G. Weaver
Carol Whitmore-Herring
Mrs. Kay C. Wilson
Mark & Martha-Anne Wright