
Official Publication of the Slovene National Benefit Society
USPS: 448-080
ISSN: 1080-0263
Slavija Lodge 1 putting a wrap on 2014 events
Lodge 1 Secretary/Treasurer
Up-and-Coming Calendar of Events.......... 2
Slovenska Stran......................................... 3
PROSVETA Crossword Puzzle.................. 5
SNPJ Recommender Coupon.................... 6
SNPJ Fraternal Sympathies....................... 6
brief ly
CHICAGO — On Dec. 7, 2014, Slavija Lodge 1 held its annual
meeting in Berwyn, Ill. The officers elected for 2015 were President
Conrad Novak, Secretary/Treasurer Janina Hribar, Sergeant-at-Arms
Marianne Murray, and auditors Marlene O’Connell, Chuck O’Connell
and Frank Mikec.
Donations were approved for the SNPJ Scholarship Fund, American
Heart Association, American Lung Association and cancer research.
It was also decided that in 2015, our Lodge meetings will be held the
first Thursday every third month.
Members and friends who attended the meeting celebrated the
holiday season with lunch at Czech Plaza Restaurant. President
Conrad Novak brought a box of homemade rum balls for everyone in
In This Issue
Important information
for SNPJ annuity holders
Slavija Lodge 1 members and friends attended a performance at Drury
Lane Theater in Oak Brook, Ill., on Dec. 17, 2014.
IMPERIAL, Pa. — Effective Jan. 1,
2015, SNPJ will no longer accept additional deposits into existing annuity
contracts that have the 3.0% minimum
guarantee crediting rate. We welcome
anyone wishing to make a deposit to put it
into a new annuity contract. Please contact
the SNPJ Home Office at 1-800-843-7675
for additional information.
Western Pa. Fed electing
officers at Jan. meeting
The members of Youth Circle 19 enjoyed a bounty of year-end holiday fun, which kicked off
with the Circle’s Halloween party in October.
Time flies while Strabane
Youth Circle 19 closes 2014
Youth Circle 19 Director
STRABANE, Pa. — I feel as though
I’d blinked and the holidays were over!
Youth Circle 19 is about midway through
the 2014-2015 bowling season, and in the
last few months we’ve had Halloween,
Thanksgiving and Christmas. Let’s take
a look back at all of the recent Circle 19
Oct. 25, 2014, was our annual Halloween party. There was a good turnout
of youth members dressed in their best
costumes. There were activities, and
prizes were awarded to the scariest, cutest, funniest and most original costumes.
Miss SNPJ 2015 and Circle 19 member
Nicole Vehar was our special guest of the
night. She helped out with the judging and
activities. Thank you so much, Nicole, for
coming and helping out!
Next up was Thanksgiving. I hope
everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving with
friends and family. I know I did! It has
always been tradition that over Thanksgiving weekend, we open our lanes for
those who want to participate in the
Family Twosome Bowling Tournament.
We had quite a number of participants
this year, and we even had a 300 game by
Vince Paris (138), who was bowling with
his son Vinny. Congratulations to Vince!
I don’t have the statistics to be certain,
but this may be the first 300 game ever
in this tournament.
Dec. 14, 2014, was our annual Christmas party. This year’s theme was “The
Polar Express.” With their tickets in hand,
the children followed the train tracks to
where they were greeted by Conductor
Ian Brumbaugh, who punched their ticket
Lodge 786
members take
to the lanes
for family fun
Lodge 786 Secretary/Treasurer
Youth Circle 19 member ERIN LAWRENCE, Circle
19 Director COURTNEY KOENIG and Shannon
(Fetcko) Muraco (138) were feeling festive as
they awaited their turn to visit with Santa.
During the Christmas party, Lodge 138 youth
members Hannah Teahan [left] and Ella
Thompson wore their PJs for a viewing of The
Polar Express.
ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. — The day
after Thanksgiving has been the traditional
day for Family Twosome Bowling here on
the Orange Coast. So on Nov. 28, 2014, 26
members and friends came out to bowl, eat
and have a great time together.
The main purpose of the day was to give
our youth members a chance to participate
in the SNPJ Family Twosome Bowling
Tournament. We had five of our Youth Circle
104 members and their parents compete in
the contest. Their scores were submitted
for the national tournament, but we also
had a local competition among our youth
members, guests, other family members and
friends. The youngest bowler was Evander
Lawson, almost 3 years old at the time,
who partnered with his father, Jonathan.
This was Evander’s first experience and he
thoroughly enjoyed it.
We had all bantam and prep bowlers in
this year’s Family Twosome tournament, and
it was a lot of fun. Bella and Benci Udovch
Gottdank haven’t missed a bowling contest
Autumn a busy season at Greensburg Lodge 223
Lodge 223 Secretary
GREENSBURG, Pa. — Oct. 18
was cold and rainy, but it didn’t stop
dedicated riders at Lodge 223 from
raising funds for a great cause. After
braving the elements during the bike
run, participants returned to Lodge
223 to warm-up with a hearty beef
stew dinner and dancing to DJ Randy.
This inaugural bike run raised $1,000
for autism awareness.
The children’s activities comSEE LODGE 223 AUTUMN
Lodge 223 children’s
activity committee
members [from left]
Karen Chicka,
Tara Wall,
Karen Thomas,
Andrea Parfitt,
Stephanie Smola,
Terri Hendrick,
Rose Masarik and
Elaine Serembo
planned the Oct. 19
youth Halloween party.
SYGAN, Pa. — The Slovene Federation
of SNPJ Lodges of Western Pa. will hold
its annual election of officers during the
Jan. 11 meeting. The meeting will begin
at 3 p.m. at Sygan Lodge 6. We encourage all Lodges to send representation to
this meeting. If you plan to attend, RSVP
to Chris Petukauskas by phoning (724)
Federation Recording Secretary
Updated Lodge 6, SASC
membership dues policy
SYGAN, Pa. — At the Dec. 9, 2014,
meeting, SNPJ Lodge 6 voted to no longer
charge Lodge dues to its members. Lodge
6 beneficial members wishing to belong
to the Sygan American Slovene Club
(SASC) must still pay $1 per year for
membership. Membership dues for those
who are not Lodge 6 beneficial members,
but who wish to belong to the SASC, are
$10 per year.
Lodge 6 Secretary/Treasurer
The next two PROSVETA issue dates
are Jan. 21 and Feb. 4. All material
must be received by Monday, Jan. 12,
for the Jan. 21 issue, and by Monday,
Jan. 26, for the Feb. 4 issue. If you are
concerned about making the deadline,
send an e-mail to prosveta@snpj.com
or submit your material via the publications area of our website, www.snpj.org.
• Laiken M. Poborski
Born Oct. 6, 2014
Bon Air, Pa., Lodge 254
The members of Lodge 254 welcome Laiken
Mae Poborski as their newest addition.
Laiken is the daughter of Peter and Loren
(254) Poborski; sister of Laine Poborski
(254); granddaughter of Ray and Lucille
(254) Pribish, and Peter and Brenda Poborski; and great-granddaughter of Ludwig
Vautar (254). We welcome Laiken to SNPJ
and extend our best wishes to her family.
Make snpj.org
your first stop for
SNPJ information
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Scan the code
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www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
January 7, 2015
Holidays a busy time for Youth Circle 19
(USPS 448-080)
(ISSN 1080-0263)
The Official Publication of the
Slovene National
Benefit Society
247 W. Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
Phone: (724) 695-1100
1-800-843-7675 (THE SNPJ)
Fax: (724) 695-1555
e-mail: prosveta@snpj.com
web site: www.snpj.org
and let them in. We had a viewing of The Polar Express movie and even a hot cocoa bar!
The children enjoyed
lunch, activities and a jolly
visit with Santa Claus. I’m
so glad he was able to take
time out of his busy schedule
to come hear the Christmas
wishes of our youth members.
Santa had a treat bag for every
boy and girl; they were all on
the nice list this year!
I am currently gathering
ideas to put on a Christmas
show for next year, so gather
your thoughts for a song,
dance, poem or other talent
you’d like to showcase at next
year’s Christmas party. It will
surely be an event that you
won’t want to miss!
Thank you to all the parents
and children of Lodge 138
and Circle 19 for making my
first year as Circle director
one I will never forget! You
are the reason why I put my
heart into what I do. SNPJ has
always been a big part of who
I am, and I love that I get to
share that with all of you. A
very special thank you to all
of my co-contributors at these
events; your help and input
has been greatly appreciated.
As always, you can stay
up-to-date on upcoming
events on our Facebook page.
Find us by searching “SNPJ
Youth Circle 19.” My e-mail
address is misssnpj@yahoo.
com. I wish everyone a vesel
božič in srečno novo leto
(merry Christmas and happy
New Year)!
Cayden [left] and Chloe Laskosky were sure to tell
Santa everything on their Christmas wish list during the
Youth Circle 19 Christmas party.
Jay Sedmak
Associate Editor:
Kimberly Gonzalez
Subscription rate is $8 per year for non-SNPJ
members in the United States (Fla. subscribers, please add 6 percent sales tax). Canadian
and foreign subscriptions, $50 per year.
Advertising information available by writing
our office. Material concerning the official
workings of the Slovene National Benefit Society is given publication priority. Unsolicited
manuscripts returned only if a self-addressed,
stamped envelope is enclosed.
Postmaster: Send all address changes to:
PROSVETA, 247 W. Allegheny Rd.,
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
(Issued biweekly on Wednesday)
(Periodical postage paid at Imperial, Pa.,
and additional mailing office.)
Among those enjoying
SNPJ Family
Twosome bowling
fun on the Orange
Coast of California
were Lodge 786
members and friends
[clockwise from
upper left] Carynn,
Joe and Cathy
Udovch; Christi,
Benci, Bella and
Adam Gottdank;
Jonathan and
Evander Lawson;
and Jesse,
Angela, Devin,
Joe, Juliette and
Zaria Leathers.
SNPJ National Board
Executive Committee:
National President
Joseph C. Evanish
National Secretary
Karen A. Pintar
National Treasurer
Robert J. Lawrence
Correspondence received at:
247 West Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
Office hours are Monday -Thursday, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.; Fridays 7:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Finance Committee:
Chrm.: Roger C. Clifford – 568 Lang
Road, Sewickley, PA 15143
Robert Lawrence, Secretary
Joseph C. Evanish
Kenneth Anderson – 2400 Derby Road,
Birmingham, MI 48009
Richard Hervol – 183 Wylie Ave.,
Strabane, PA 15363
Supervisory Committee:
Chrm.: Phyllis Wood – 9519 Evergreen
Lane, Fontana, CA 92335
e-mail: pwoodhcs@aol.com
Vincent Baselj – 1001 Grandview Ave.,
Apt. 903, Bridgeville, PA 15017
Louis J. Novak – 6308 Highland Rd.,
Highland Heights, OH 44143
Stan Repos – 1255 McCaslin Rd.,
Imperial, PA 15126
Regional Vice Presidents:
Frank Bregar, Region 1 – 25 Willow
Crossing Rd., Greensburg, PA 15601
James L. Curl, Region 2 – 503 Orchard
St., Carnegie, PA 15106
Linda Gorjup, Region 3 – 712 Fiddlers
Way, Painesville, OH 44077
Tracey Anderson, Region 4 – 1014
Edgewood Dr., Royal Oak, MI 48067
Justina Rigler, Region 5 – 1116 Berkley
Lane, Lemont, IL 60439
Fred Mlakar, Region 6 – 13592 On kayha Cir., Irvine, CA 92620
SNPJ Recreation Center
270 Martin Road
Enon Valley, PA 16120
(724) 336-5180 • fax (724) 336-6716
Toll-free: 1-877-767-5732
web site: www.snpjrec.com
e-mail: snpj@snpjrec.com
Have something for
Type of Event
If a concert or dance, who is
Who to contact
Phone (
Complete and return to:
247 W. Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
e-mail: prosveta@snpj.com
Family Twosome competition hits the mark with Lodge 786 bowlers
since Bella was quite young. They
bowled with their parents, Christi and
Adam. Devin and Juliette Leathers
have also been with us for several
years, and they bowled with their
parents, Jesse and Angela.
We were happy to have Carynn
Udovch, our newest adult member,
bowl again. Joe Udovch and his family have been regulars at this event
for many years, and now they are all
members of Lodge 786. Our local
family also took part, and those that
didn’t bowl came for dinner afterward
at California Pizza Kitchen. Awards
were presented at the restaurant and
everyone enjoyed that part of the
evening. Congratulations to Paul and
Mary Lou Jensen, who won high series
in the adult category. They traveled all
the way from Victorville in the high
desert to take part. That’s dedication!
Events heat up the autumn activity at Greensburg Lodge 223
mittee, led by Lodge 223 Secretary Rose Masarik, held the annual youth Halloween party
Oct. 19, 2014. The kids decorated pumpkins,
made seed treats for the birds and created spookyfaced posters with stickers. After a parade around
the inside, they received a round of applause by
the adult members and a treat bag to take home
with their crafts.
DJ Amy Jo provided the adult members with
a great time at their Oct. 25, 2014, Halloween
party. To the delight of everyone, the Lodge
hall was once again transformed into a haunted
antechamber by Vice President Tom Harrold.
On Nov. 8, 2014, Lodge 223 held its second
annual chili cook-off. Last year there were
only three entrants; this year there were 11 vying for first place! Though there was only one
champion, everyone was a winner by enjoying
the great tasting chili and the bluesy sounds of
the Jukehouse Bombers.
Rich Gunther and Joe Peters show off the T-shirts designed for the Oct. 18 Lodge 223 Autism
Awareness Bike Run.
A look at events planned by the Slovene National Benefit Society
• JAN. 10......Verbick Fraternal Memorial Bowling
Tournament at Lucky Lanes, Milwaukee;
11 a.m. For additional information contact
Mary Donovan at (414) 817-0192.
• JAN. 12 ......Cleveland Lodge 576 meeting and
holiday gathering at Waterloo Hall,
Cleveland; 6 p.m. Reservations must
be made before Jan. 5 by calling Lou
Novak at (440) 796-6203.
• JAN. 11 ......Herminie, Pa., Lodge 87 “Start the
New Year” jam session; 1-5 p.m. All
musicians welcome. For additional
information contact Shirley Bailley at
(724) 864-1606.
• JAN. 18 ......Western Pa. Federation tubing trip to
Boyce Park, Monroeville, Pa.; 9:30-11:30
a.m. Reservations required by Jan. 10.
For details or to RSVP, contact Chris
Petukauskas at (724) 869-0530 or Judy
Krivacek at (724) 745-6976.
• FEB. 7 ......CAL Sweetheart Doubles bowling at
Wickliffe Lanes, Wickliffe, Ohio. Time
and cost TBA. For information phone
Linda Gorjup at (440) 853-8776.
• FEB. 7 ......Midway, Pa., Lodge 89 community
bingo in the upstairs hall; 5 p.m. Refreshments will be available. All are welcome
to play.
• FEB. 21-23...... SNPJ Winter Classic Bowling
Tournament co-hosted by Sygan, Pa.,
Lodge 6 and Strabane, Pa., Lodge 138.
Friday night entertainment at Lodge 6 by
Outlaw Karaoke with DJ Dave McMurdy;
Saturday night entertainment at Lodge
138 featuring Johnny Koenig.
• MARCH 7........ Midway, Pa., Lodge 89 community
bingo in the upstairs hall; 5 p.m. Refreshments will be available. All are welcome
to play.
• APRIL 18........ SASC Couples Night Out in the
Sunshine Room at Lodge 6, Sygan, Pa.
Advance tickets are required and include
appetizers, dinner, drinks and music. For
more information e-mail Lisa Brand at
• APRIL 18-19... SNPJ National Bowling Tournament at Game of Wickliffe (formerly
Freeway Lanes), Wickliffe, Ohio. Singles
and doubles events will be rolled Saturday, and the team event on Sunday.
• JUNE 21-26.... Youth Roundup at the SNPJ
Recreation Center, Borough of SNPJ,
Pa. Contact Fraternal Director Kevin
Richards at 1-800-843-7675 ext. 144
or krichards@snpj.com for registration
forms and additional information.
• JUNE 26-28.... SNPJ Young Adult Conference at
the SNPJ Recreation Center, Borough of
SNPJ, Pa. For details contact Fraternal
Director Kevin Richards at 1-800-8437675 ext. 144 or krichards@snpj.com.
• JULY 10-12..... The 34th Slovenefest and the
59th Miss SNPJ Pageant at the SNPJ
Recreation Center. For additional information phone the SNPJ Recreation
Center toll-free at 1-877-767-5732.
• JULY 17-19...... TEL Workshop at the SNPJ Recreation Center, Borough of SNPJ, Pa.
For registration forms, contact Fraternal
Director Kevin Richards at 1-800-8437675 ext. 144 or krichards@snpj.com.
• JULY 19-28..... First Family Week at the SNPJ
Recreation Center, Borough of SNPJ, Pa.
For details phone the SNPJ Recreation
Center toll-free at 1-877-767-5732.
• JULY 26-AUG. 1.....Second Family Week at the
SNPJ Recreation Center, Borough of
SNPJ, Pa. For details phone the Recreation Center toll-free at 1-877-767-5732.
• AUG. 7-8.......Fraternal Weekend at the SNPJ
Recreation Center. For details, contact
Fraternal Director Kevin Richards at
1-800-843-7675 ext. 144 or krichards@
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
January 7, 2015
Hospitals will benefit
from extra funding
SNPJ Marketing Department
An eventful year
he year 2014 was very eventful. In case you have
forgotten already, let me remind you of a few happenings. The Winter Olympics held our attention
in February. Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared
into the sea in March. The southern United States had
an outbreak of tornados in April that left 36 people dead.
The “ice bucket challenge” had a lot of people shivering for
ALS awareness throughout the summer. George Clooney
finally got married in September, and just as improbable,
the European Space Agency landed a mini-lab on a comet
in November. It truly was an eventful year.
I’m sure 2014 was an eventful year in your personal life
as well. You may be surprised when you look back and
realize just how many “events” actually took place. Maybe
you got a new job, or lost your job. Maybe you got married, or got divorced. Maybe you bought a new house, or
moved back in with your parents. Maybe you had a baby,
or maybe you had two. Maybe you started college, or
maybe you graduated college. There are so many things
that could have happened in those 12 months.
You rarely think about it, but any one of those events
can affect your life insurance needs. For example, if you
lost your job, you probably also lost any life insurance that
your employer provided. And if you got a new job, it’s good
to know that the life insurance most companies provide is
usually term insurance, and isn’t meant to last your lifetime.
If you got married, you suddenly have another person
to think about and provide for, and very soon you may
have children depending on you. These new commitments
mean you are now responsible for the lives of others, and
you must take into consideration what would happen to
them in the event of your untimely death. Buying a new
home or taking out a school loan usually means more life
insurance is needed to avoid leaving your family in debt.
The start of a new year usually causes us to reflect and
to reminisce. Make it a habit every January to look at your
personal events of the past year and to review your insurance needs. You might be surprised at what an eventful
year you had. Call your local agent, your Lodge secretary
or the SNPJ Home Office for help in determining your life insurance needs.
• Thought for the Week — Cheers to
a new year and another chance for us
to get it right.
Oprah Winfrey
Cookbook for the Ages:
From the Slovenian Alps
to America’s Tables
$20 each plus $3 s/h for first 2 copies
For 3 or more books, add $1 shipping for each additional copy.
Make check or money order payable to SNPJ Heritage Center.
Return this order form to:
SNPJ Heritage Center • 270 Martin Road • Enon Valley, PA 16120
Phone __________________ Number of copies _______
Uncle Sam wants your
money... and it’s up to you whether
you pay now or pay later.
SNPJ offers Roth IRAs
in addition to our regular
IRAs and annuities
to help build a safe
financial future for you
and your family. We’ve
helped build secure
futures for our members for over a century.
Phone 1-800-843-7675
and we’ll be happy to
help you too.
in the making
Proud of your SNPJ membership? Then you
owe it to yourself to delve deeper into SNPJ
history through the pages of An Inspired Journey
— The SNPJ Story: The First One Hundred Years
of the Slovene National Benefit Society.
This richly-illustrated chronicle of SNPJ
history compiled and written by SNPJ Publications Editor Jay Sedmak is now available
for purchase.
$15.00 each — plus $2.50 s/h
add $1 shipping for each additional copy ordered
Slovene National Benefit Society
247 West Allegheny Road • Imperial, PA 15126-9774
Number of copies________________________________
Payment in full must accompany all orders. Make checks payable to SNPJ.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
Ljubljana (STA) — Slovenia’s hospitals were slated to receive an additional
$11 million by year-end 2014 and $77.5
million next year for additional services
and to reduce waiting periods, according
to an early December proposal that is still
awaiting government approval.
The figures were introduced by Health
Minister Milojka Kolar Celarc at a meeting with hospital directors and the head
of the public health insurer (ZZZS).
The funds are part of an annual general
agreement for health care, a document
adopted by the government that specifies
funding for treatment. Minister Celarc
said the figures indicated a reversal of
years of cuts and would “alleviate hospitals’ problems.”
The additional money will be earmarked for the reduction of waiting
periods, meaning it will be allocated for
programs where demand is greatest for
expensive treatments.
The funding comes as a surprise, given
the government’s problems making ends
meet in the 2014 and 2015 budgets. Minister Celarc said the figures were based
on the assumption that economic growth
will lead to job creation, and hence more
contributions next year.
Hospital directors greeted the announcement as a welcome respite after
years of belt-tightening. “We’ve had a
few cruel years... the minister says things
will change. I’m moderately optimistic,”
said Sergej Hojker, the director of UKC
Ljubljana, Slovenia’s largest hospital.
Hospitals have been reporting dismal
results this year: the 26 public hospitals
reported a combined deficit of $14.7
million in the first six months of this
year, equal to about two percent of their
total annual revenue. There are huge
differences between facilities, however.
UKC Ljubljana accounted for the bulk
of the deficit ($11 million), while half
Slovenia’s hospitals have been operating
in the black.
“We want to get paid for our services.
If that succeeds, the situation will improve,” Hojker said.
VW Golf thieves’ choice
for Car of the Year
Ljubljana (STA) — The Volkswagen Golf remains the model of choice
among car thieves in Slovenia, accord­ing
to automobile theft statistics for the year.
Also “high in demand” were two Renault
models, the Megane and the Clio.
As its name would suggest, Volkswagen was the most popular car make for
thieves: 124 Volkswagens were stolen
in the first half of the year, among them
76 VW Golfs.
The second most theft-prone make
was the French Renault: 93 were reported
to have been sto­len in the first half of
the year. Most of the stolen Renaults
were the Megan, Megan Grandtour and
Clio models. Owners also reported 78
BMWs and 42 Audis as being stolen,
but no Mercedes models in the first half
of the year.
Slovenia investing
in methanol production
Ljubljana (STA) — The Chemistry
Institute in Ljubljana is launching a $13.5
million project aimed at transforming
carbon dioxide into methanol, which
is used to produce energy, in what has
been labeled the biggest project in the
institute’s history.
The institute will be working on the
four-year project in conjunction with
several partners in the industry, including Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems.
The project is led by institute researcher
Blaž Likozar and two of his closest aides,
and includes eight other international
research teams and one subcontracting
team, the institute announced in midDecember.
The aim of the project, titled “Synthesis of Methanol from Carbon Dioxide
with the Use of Excessive Electricity,”
will be the development of a facility
capable of transforming a ton of carbon
dioxide per day.
In the next phase of development,
the production model will be applied
on a larger scale, using carbon dioxide
emissions to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, and applying excessive electricity to produce a versatile substance
such as methanol. The advantage of the
technology is its adaptability and the
possibilities it offers for connecting with
other processes, according to a release
prepared by the institute.
from the
The bulk of the reactor and processing equipment will be developed and
built by the institute’s laboratory for
catalysis and reaction engineering. “The
new technology moves on the edge of
energy efficiency. We are synthesizing
the useful methanol from excess carbon
dioxide, and will pay a special attention
to the optimization of the catalyst to make
the process economical,” Likozar said.
“At this phase, it is necessary to set up
intensive cooperation with the industry
– which we have no problems with as an
engineering laboratory – because we are
developing applications which the industry is very interested in,” Likozar added.
According to institute representatives,
the technology could provide a solution
to Slovenia’s energy problems if there
is sufficient interest.
Ljubljana a top 100
sustainable destination
Ljubljana (STA) — Based on an
assessment by 30 international experts,
Ljubljana has been listed among the
world’s top 100 most sustainable tourist
The Global Top 100 Sustainable
Destinations 2014 list, released in midDecember, has been compiled based on
open invitations for assessment or based
on sustainability certificates obtained,
Turizem Ljubljana representatives explained. Ljubljana has been nominated
due to its efforts for sustainable development which have been acknowledged
internationally, according to spokesmen
for the tourist organization.
Slovenia’s capital has already attained
the title of 2016 European Green Capital
and is one of the first Slovenian tourist
destinations to be introducing the system
of European indicators for sustainable
destinations (ETIS). The system has been
developed by the European Commission
to help tourist destinations monitor,
manage, measure and enhance their
sustainability performance.
Ljubljana is also the first Slovenian
destination to have requested a Global
Sustainable Tourism Review (GSTR),
which enables comparisons among
destinations in terms of sustainability
on a global level.
The Global Top 100 Sustainable Destinations 2014 is a joint initiative of four
international organizations promoting
sustainable tourism: Green Destinations,
TravelMole.com, Vision on Sustainable
Tourism, and Totem Tourism. Tourist
destinations have been assessed in six
categories: nature, environment, culture
and tradition, social well­-being, green
economy and certified green tourist
policy. The destinations are ranked
based on their scores and according to
their location.
Ljubljana’s score in the first five
categories was 8 out of 10. The capital’s
grade in the certified green tourist policy
category will depend upon the GSTR
assessment procedure.
The highest-graded destination in the
world is Azores, a Portuguese volcanic
island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean,
with an average score of 8.9.
Eating habits improving,
but food production low
Ljubljana (STA) — According to a
series of statistics presented in Ljubljana
in mid-December, Slovenians are eating
less meat, potatoes and grains than a
decade ago, while the consumption of
vegetables is on the rise. However, the
diet of the average Slovenian still does
not qualify as healthy.
In terms of food products, Slovenia’s
self-sufficiency is decreasing. Domestic
production of agricultural prod­ucts fell
by 41 percent from 2004 through 2013,
as did domestic consumption (by 21
percent), according to data compiled
for the brochure “A Pinch of Information on Food” that was presented by the
Statistics Office.
Slovenia does not produce enough
agricultural products; in fact, only 40
percent of the food consumed in Slo­
venia is actually produced in Slovenia.
This is why Slovenia relies heavily on
imported food. Last year, 955,000 tons
of food were imported, 37 percent from
neighboring countries. The biggest deficit in domestic production was recorded
in vegetable, potato and grain production.
On the other hand, poultry production
has been generating a surplus.
Data collected by the Statistics Office also revealed some positive trends
in Slovenians’ eating habits. The daily
consumption of vegetables rose from 8.5
ounces in 2004 to 9.5 ounces in 2013,
while annual sugar consump­tion totals
dropped 36 percent. In 2004, the average Slovenian consumed 26.5 pounds of
sugar, but that amount dropped to 17.5
pounds in 2012.
Less food is also discarded. In 2013,
63 percent less food waste was generated
than during the previous five years. In
2008, 435 pounds of food waste were
generated per inhabitant, whereas last
year 159 pounds per person were discarded. On average, one-half pound of
food is wasted per inhabitant each day.
The last decade saw an almost 40
percent increase in the retail price of
food items, while the average monthly
wage increased by 42 percent. The biggest price hikes were recorded in sales
of oils and other fats (56 percent); milk,
diary products and eggs (51 percent); and
vegetables (45 percent). The majority
of Slovenian households spend most of
their food budget on meat products (25
percent), followed by bread and grains,
milk, cheese and eggs, and desserts.
Postojna cave a top
tourist attraction in 2014
Postojna (STA) — The Postojna
cave, one of Slovenia’s most popular
tourist destinations, welcomed more
than 600,000 visitors in 2014, the highest
number of guests recorded in 24 years.
The lucky 600,000th visitor was a
U.S. tourist of Slovenian and Croatian
descent who visited the cave earlier in
mid-December with her husband and
daughter. She indicated that this wasn’t
her first time in the Postojna cave; she
had paid a previous visit as a child.
The Postojna cave has recorded more
than 35 million visitors since Aug. 17,
1819, when Archduke Ferdinand I
opened the cave to the public. The karst
cave system measures some 13 miles,
of which more than five miles are open
to the public.
The cave operator has said that the
2014 business year was very successful. The spokesman added that a total of
900,000 people visited the cave or nearby
destinations, such as Predjamski grad, a
castle built into a vertical cliff.
While many tourist destinations in
Slovenia were very unhappy with the
weather last summer, the frequent rain
seemed to have benefited Postojnska
jama, which welcomed more than 5,000
visitors a day on several days in July. The
cave also attracted a record number of
visitors during the Easter holiday, when
more than 19,000 people flocked to the
cave and to Predjama castle.
The Postojna cave was expecting
to see its visitor numbers surge again
during the year-end holidays since it
again hosted the annual nativity scene
Exhibit traces the history
of color photography
Maribor (STA) — An exhibition
bringing the first-ever overview of the
development of color photography on
Slovenian territory from the mid-19th
century through 1945 opened in Maribor
in mid-December.
Arranged by the Museum of Architecture and Design and the National
Museum of Contemporary History in
Ljubljana, “Light as Color” will be
on display at the Maribor Art Gallery
through Feb. 15.
Visitors will have the unique opportunity to see everything from the
first attempts at coloring photographs
using various techniques – including
autochrome plates, which was the first
standard coloring process available to
non­professionals – to the first colorized
films from the mid-1930s. A total of
300 works by various authors are on
display, mostly reproductions, covering
the main themes of landscape, portraits
and night shots.
A portion of the exhibition is dedicated to color printing, featuring both
the first color postcards and the first
color magazines.
Apart from the Museum of Architecture and Design, several other Slovenian
museums, galleries and other institutes
contributed pieces from their collections.
Some of the works were provided by the
Denver Public Library and several private collections, the Maribor Art Gallery
announced in a press release.
The articles comprising this feature have been
reprinted with permission from the Slovenian
Press Agency (STA).
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
7. Januarja 2015
Ureja Vida Kosir
dražba slaščic
HEADLINE: The charitable auction of sweets
TOPIC: Funds collected
at a charitable event will be
intended to help the sociallydeprived children who are
attending all three elementary schools in Tržič, as well
as the Tržič Music School.
These children will receive
free lunches and dinners, and
fees for their participation
in the School In Nature will
be covered, along with their
school excursions. The music
school will award scholarships to their most talented
Jana Babšek, the director of the Tržič Museum,
thanked everyone who donated baked goods for this
charitable event. A total of
$2,150 was collected, and the
highest bid, $90, was placed
on a tarragon potica.
Sredstva, zbrana z dobrodelno dražbo, bodo namenili
za pomoč socialno ogroženim
otrokom, ki obiskujejo vse tri
tržiške osnovne šole in Glasbeno šolo Tržič. Otrokom bodo
omogočili plačilo malic in kosil
ter krili stroške udeležbe v šoli
v naravi, na šolskih ekskurzijah, v glasbeni šoli pa bodo
pokrili šolnino svoji izjemno
nadarjeni učenki. Direktorica
Tržiškega muzeja Jana Babšek
se je zahvalila najprej vsem, ki
so brezplačno spekli pecivo,
članicam Društva podeželskih
žena Svit Tržič, Mestni kavarni, Slaščičarstvu Cerkovnik,
Slaščičarstvu Ma-ja Podljubelj
in posameznikom. “Tako bomo
vsi skupaj naredili nekaj dobrega za tržiške otroke,” je dejala
Jana Babšek in poudarila, da se
v življenju seštevajo že majhne
spremembe. “Na tej dobrodelni
dražbi sodelujemo že vsa tri
leta in se zelo rade odzovemo.
Tokrat smo spekle štiri hlebe
kruha, 25 škatel piškotov, orehovo in pehtranovo potico,” sta
v imenu enajstih članic Društva
podeželskih žena Svit, ki so
pripravile dobrote, povedali
podpredsednica društva Marinka Damjan in članica Marija
Celoten izkupiček dobrodelnega dogodka je bil 1717
evrov, najvišjo ceno, kar 70
evrov, pa je dosegla pehtranova
Prišel je na počitnice in postal najstarejši čevljar
HEADLINE: He came for a vacation
and became the oldest shoemaker
TOPIC: “Our craft work is quality,
but it can’t compete to the cheap imported shoes which aren’t even worth
repairing,” said 83-year-old Aleksandar Vukovič from Koper about the
bad times for master shoemakers. The
Slovenia Chamber of Crafts and Small
Businesses presented Vukovič with an
acknowledgement for being the oldest
craftsman of the year. He opened his
shop in Koper 45 years ago and he still
repairs shoes there every day. His is
the oldest trade workshop in Slovenia.
“Naše ročno delo je kakovostno, a
ne more konkurirati poceni uvoženim
čevljem, ki se jih niti ne splača popravljati,”
o slabih časih za mojstre čevljarje pravi
Aleksandar Vuković iz Kopra, ki mu je
Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije
podelila priznanje za najstarejšega obrtnika leta. Kljub temu in kljub svojim 83
letom v delavnici v Kopru, ki jo je odprl
pred 45 leti, vsak dan popravlja čevlje.
Času ne kljubuje le čevljar Aleksandar
Vuković, pač pa tudi njegova delavnica v
Župančičevi ulici v Kopru. “Pravijo, da je
bil čevljar v teh prostorih že pred 150 leti,
tu je bila tudi brivnica in krojaštvo. V njej
sem najprej tri mesece delal, ko sem prišel
v Koper, nato sem odprl svojo delavnico v
Šmarjah, po dveh letih in pol pa sem odkupil ta prostor in ostal tu. To je najstarejša
obrtniška delavnica v Sloveniji,” opisuje
svojo obrtniško pot. Vuković je v Slovenijo
prišel iz Andrijevice v Črni gori, kjer se
je izučil za čevljarja. Izpite za mojstra je
opravil v Žireh, v Koper pa je prišel na
počitnice k sorodnikom. Nato pa ostal tu.
Njegovi dolgi obrtniški karieri sta
botrovala vztrajnost in trma, pravi. Poleg
tega je bilo nekoč več dela, z njim pa je
bilo mogoče tudi zaslužiti. “Zdaj je vse
drugače, saj čevljarska obrt propada zaradi
uvoza poceni kitajskih čevljev. A če ima
vezalke, to še ne pomeni, da je obutev
dobra. Nekakovostni čevlji niso udobni,
niti niso dobri za noge. Prav tako se jih
ne splača popravljati.”
Nekdaj so ljudje imeli en ali dva para
dobrih ročno izdelanih čevljev, ki so jih
nosili več let, zdaj pa sledijo modi in kupujejo čevlje za 15 ali 20 evrov, ki jih nosijo
nekaj mesecev ali le nekaj dni. “Naše ročno
delo temu ne more konkurirati,” ugotavlja.
Zato so tudi minili časi, ko je izdeloval
kakovostne unikatne čevlje po naročilu in
ko je bil prvi, ki je imel ustrezno izobrazbo
za izdelavo ortopedskih čevljev. Kljub
temu Vuković za marsikoga ostaja najbolj
priljubljen čevljar za udobne korake.
Znamki z vipavskimi štruklji in fižolovo mineštro
HEADLINE: Stamps with
Vipava’s dumplings and
bean soup
TOPIC: Along with other
significant dishes from Prekmurje, Carinthia, Styri,
Upper Carniola and other
parts of Slovenia, Vipava’s
dumplings and bean soup
also received stamps in the
series “With A Spoon Across
Slovenia” issued by the Post
of Slovenia. During a recent
introduction of the stamps at
the Zemon Mansion, there
were plenty of dumplings
available to taste.
This new stamp series is
extremely popular among
both domestic and foreign
philatelists. According to
Igor Pirc, the vice president
of the Slovenian Philatelic
Association, the release of
occasional stamps is always a
special event for philatelists.
Ob značilnih jedeh iz Prekmurja, s Koroške, Štajerske,
Gorenjske in drugih koncev
Slovenije so zdaj v seriji Z
žlico po Sloveniji Pošte Slovenije svoji znamki dobili tudi
vipavski štruklji in fižolova
mineštra. In kot se spodobi
za praznovanje, tudi na njuni
predstavitvi na Dvorcu Zemono ni šlo brez štrukljev.
Pošta Slovenije je v seriji
znamk Z žlico po Sloveniji
predstavila že številne tradicionalne jedi iz različnih koncev Slovenije. Ob bujti repi,
bograču, solčavskem sirneku,
haloškem ftiču, zgornjesavskem želodcu, prleški
tunki, zasavski klobasi, blejski
kremšniti in drugih kulinaričnih
posebnostih 24 gastronomskih
regij Slovenije se v tokratni
izdaji priložnostnih znamk
predstavljajo vipavski štruklji
in fižolova mineštra. Znamki
spremljata ovitek in žig. Avtor
fotografij je Tomo Jeseničnik,
oblikoval ju je Edi Berk.
Kot je na predstavitvi
poudaril direktor novogoriške
poslovne enote Pošte Slovenije
Franc Gorjup, serija Z žlico
po Sloveniji kaže na izjemno
raznolikost in bogastvo slovenskih pokrajin. Serija je
tudi izredno priljubljena med
domačimi in tujimi filatelisti.
Zato je izdaja priložnostnih
znamk po besedah podpredsednika Filatelistične zveze Slovenije Igorja Pirca za filateliste
poseben dogodek.
Da se zdaj s kulinarično
podobo predstavlja tudi
Vipavska dolina, so po besedah Aleša Breclja veseli tudi v
Društvu zbiralcev AjdovščinaNova Gorica. Tu so zelo aktivni
in skrbijo, da bi naravne in
kulturne značilnosti Vipavske
doline na znamkah, dopisnicah,
ovojnicah in razglednicah našle
pot med zbiralce in druge ljudi.
Društvo je izdajo znamk skupaj s Pošto Slovenije, Občino
Vipava in Tomažem Kavčičem
iz Gostilne pri Lojzetu na
Dvorcu Zemono pospremilo
s kulturnim programom in
pogostitvijo z vipavskimi
V društvu, ki letos
zaokrožuje 20 let delovanja,
so ob tej priložnosti izdali tudi
razglednico z motivi štrukljev
in Dvorca Zemono.
NAJHITREJŠI - Trije dečki se pogovarjajo,
čigav oče je najhitrejši. Prvi pravi: “Moj oče je
nogometaš in je tako hiter, da kadar brcne žogo
z enajstih metrov, steče in jo ujame, preden pride
v gol.” Drugi reče: “Moj oče je še hitrejši: vrže
kamen s hriba, steče dol in ga ujame. Tretji pa se
pohvali: “ Moj oče je najhitrejši. Dela na občini
do treh, ob pol treh je pa že doma.”
Smuča še pri devetdesetih
HEADLINE: He is still skiing
at 90
TOPIC: Franci Primožič from
Kamnik is among those who can
hardly wait for the first snow and
the beginning of the ski season.
Every year he purchases a seasonal
pass to ski on the Krvavec slopes,
which is nothing unusual – if the
man wasn’t 90 years old.
Primožič is the oldest skier
on the slopes, and he hasn’t even
thought about placing his skies in
the “corner.” He skied a lot in Italy
and Austria, but now he prefers
Krvavec. Franci leaves his house
at 7 a.m., picks up his friend, and
they ski from 8 until noon. If it is
possible, it’s like this every day.
Med tistimi, ki komaj čakajo
sneg in začetek smučarske sezone,
je tudi Kamničan Franci Primožič,
ki je ponovno kupil letno smučarsko
vozovnico za smučišče Krvavec. Nič
nenavadnega, če mož ne bi dopolnil
že devetdeset let.
“To pa res ni nič posebnega,” se z
nami sprva ni strinjal Franci Primožič,
a v isti sapi priznava, da svojih vrstnikov na smučišču ne srečuje (več)
in da je res najstarejši. Medtem ko
se številni, več desetletij mlajši od
njega, že pri šestdesetih ali mnogo
prej na smučeh ne počutijo več dovolj
močnih, pa on še ne razmišlja, da bi
jih postavil v kot.
Smuča že od malih nog, še posebej rad pa od sredine tridesetih let
prejšnjega stoletja, ko se je družina,
ki sicer izvira iz italijanske Gorice,
preselila v Kamnik. Aktiven je bil v
kamniškem smučarskem društvu, še
posebej rad pa je, kot vsi Kamničani,
smučal na Veliki planini, dokler se je
gor še smučalo, pa tudi na Zelenici,
kmalu pa se je navdušil nad Krvavcem, kjer je leta 1948 opravil tečaj za
smučarskega vaditelja.”Zelo dobro se
spominjam prve sedežnice, ki je bila
še zelo preprosta, nadaljnji razvoj pa
je bil sploh navdušujoč. Veliko sem
presmučal tudi v Italiji in Avstriji, a
Krvavec je zame preprosto tisto pravo,
zato zadnjih nekaj let, ko je to mogoče,
kupim tudi letno vozovnico. Žena
zaradi zdravstvenih težav smučati
ne more več, zato na Krvavec hodim
s prijateljico Erno Pahor, ki je prav
tako Kamničanka. Ker njen sin dela
na Krvavcu, ga vsako jutro pokliče in
se pozanima, kakšne so na smučišču
razmere, in če je vse v redu, se malo
po 7. uri z avtom odpravim od doma,
jo spotoma poberem in ob 8. uri že
smučava, vse do dvanajstih. Če se le
da, je tako vsak dan,” nam navdušen
pripoveduje Franci Primožič, ki svoja
leta dobro skriva. Prizna, da je za
to zaslužno veliko športa, ki se mu
posveča tudi na stara leta. Redno hodi
na telovadbo, poleti veliko kolesari in
hodi v gore.
“Dneva brez gibanja si ne predstavljam in hvaležen sem, da mi zdravje še
služi. Res je smučanje postalo luksuz,
ki si ga mnogi, sploh upokojenci,
težko privoščimo, a sam se mu še ne
nameravam odpovedati.
V življenju sem dal skozi mnogo
hudih stvari, zato mi je morda zdaj
toliko lepše. Ne vem, koliko življenja
še imam pred sabo, vem pa, da ga
bom polno izkoristil,” še pravi devetdesetletnik.
Kraševci gredo že tretjič v London
HEADLINE: People from
Karst will go to London for
the third time
TOPIC: Borut Benedejčič,
a garden designer from
Škrbine, will participate
at the prestigious garden
exhibition in London for
the third time. This time he
will present Karst wells and
their important role in old
village life. The wells were
always a social place where
people gathered, talked and
exchanged news.
Benedejčič will compete in
the Fresh Garden category,
along with eight other gardeners. The materials for
his water well, which will be
transported to Great Britain,
will be donated by sponsors.
Benedejčič designed the
plans for the stone well. Most
of the plants and flowers that
will be exhibited along with
the well will be from Slovenia,
while some will be imported
from Italy.
“Tudi tokrat je Borut navdih za načrt črpal iz tradicije
Krasa,” je pojasnila Tanja
Godnič, ki skupaj z Borutom Benedejčičem tvori
nepremagljivo kraško ekipo
Zavoda za trajnostni razvoj
Pepa s Krasa. Prav ta Pepa je
v svet ponesla kraško dušo.
Borut Benedejčič je tokrat
pod drobnogled vzel kraški
vodnjak in funkcijo, ki jo je
imel v starem vaškem življenju.
The Ethnic Kitchen
¼ cup seasoned bread crumbs
1 head cauliflower (about 2¾ pounds)
separated into flowerets (7-8 cups)
1 (26-oz.) jar chunky marinara sauce
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (½ pound)
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 375°. Scatter 2 tablespoons bread
crumbs over bottom of an 11x7x1½-inch baking
pan. Place half of cauliflower on top. Pour 1½ cups
marinara over cauliflower. Sprinkle 1 cup mozzarella cheese and remaining 2 tablespoons bread
crumbs over sauce. Repeat layering, ending with
mozzarella. Cover with foil. Bake at 375º for 40 minutes. Remove foil and sprinkle top with Parmesan
cheese. Bake another 15 minutes or until Parmesan is melted and golden. Let stand 15 minutes before serving. Serves 8.
SNPJ Slovenian Heritage Center Cookbook For The Ages
Vodnjak je bil vedno družabni
prostor, kjer so se ljudje zbirali,
se pogovarjali in izmenjevali
Tudi sedaj se v mestih ljudje
ustavljajo ob vodi, pa naj bo
to pipa, fontana ali kovinska
škatla z vodo, a si ne vzamejo časa, samo spijejo in že
hitijo naprej, je pojasnila Tanja:
“Borut rešitev ponuja z vodno
postajo. Poleg pitne vode ponuja tudi kotiček za sprostitev,
zeleno okolje, okrasno zasaditev rastlin. Torej spodbuja
ljudi, da si vzamejo par minut,
v miru in lepem okolju spijejo
malo vode, se poglobijo vase
ali poklepetajo z nekom, ki prav
tako išče trenutek sprostitve in
oddiha od stresnega in hitečega
Borut Benedejčič, oblikovalec vrtov iz Škrbine na
Krasu, se bo na prestižni vrtnarski razstavi v Londonu tokrat
predstavil že tretjič. Prvič je
zaslovel z zmago v kategoriji
malih vrtov na hortikulturni
razstavi Hampton Court Palace
v Londonu in si z njo pridobil
vabilo na eno najprestižnejših
hortikulturnih razstav na svetu Chelsea Flower Show. Na obeh
je dal glavno vlogo samoniklim
kraškim rastlinam in s tem v
tujini promoviral Kras, doma
dvignil zavest o vrednosti te
na videz “revne”, dejansko
pa z rastjem, živalskim svetom, življenjskimi prostori in
sožitjem narave in ljudi na njem
izjemno bogate pokrajine. S
svojimi hortikulturnimi kreacijami, ki jih vedno povezuje
z načinom življenja ljudi, pa
obenem ohranja tudi kraško
kulturno dediščino, z vsem
pa očitno navdušuje tudi strokovne žirije.
Vodna postaja je vrt, širok
tri in dolg devet metrov.
Sodeloval pa bo v kategoriji
Fresh garden skupaj s še
osmimi vrtovi. Material za
vodno postajo, ki bo potovala
v Anglijo, je sponzorski. Tlak,
klopi in mizice je izdelal Marmor Sežana, kamniti vodnjak,
izdelan po Borutovem načrtu,
je delno sponzoriralo podjetje
“Rastline večinoma že
vzgajajo v vrtnariji Trajnice
Carniola v Ljubljani. Nekaj
rastlin bomo prepeljali tudi iz
vrtnarij po Italiji,” pripoveduje
Tanja. Tako po Pepi s Krasa in
Pepini zgodbi v Anglijo odhaja
še vodna postaja.
ALASKA - Američan pride
na Aljasko in vidi, da so
krzneni plašči neverjetno
poceni in kupi za svojo mater plašč iz tjulnje kože za
500 dolarjev. Ker ve, kako
varčna je njegova mati, na
listek s ceno napiše “150
dolarjev”. Kmalu prejme
materin telegram: “Krzno
sem lahko prodala za 200
dolarjev-stop-pošlji mi jih
še deset!”
Obrtnik leta 2014 je mesar Janez Kodila
HEADLINE: The tradesman of the
year 2014 is butcher Janez Kodila
TOPIC: Janez Kodila, a butcher
from Markiševci, received recognition
as last year’s “Tradesman of the Year”
for his work, dedication and business
excellence. Shoemaker Aleksandar
Vukovičhe was recognized as the oldest
still-active tradesman.
Three generations of the Kodila
family have been processing meat and
meat products. In 2002, Janez Kodila
introduced a specialized method of
production, and from his small butcher
store he began producing dried and
smoked meats. He created the Kodila trademark, which has become well
known on the Slovenian market in the
past decade. Kodila’s slogan, “When
you know what you eat,” describes the
quality raw material he uses, to which
the Kodila employees add only salt and
spices, and they take their time finishing
their products.
Aleksandar Vukovič came to Koper
in 1958 and still lives there to this very
day. He does his sewing with the help
of a 200-year-old Singer machine. He
was the first shoemaker in the area to
acquire the appropriate education for
making orthopedic shoes, but mainly
he has become well known for making
unique and very high-quality shoes.
Lanskoletno priznanje obrtnik leta je
za svojo delovno predanost in poslovno
odličnost prejel mesar Janez Kodila iz
Markiševcev. Za najstarejšega (aktivnega)
obrtnika leta so razglasili čevljarja Aleksandra Vukoviča.
Družina Kodila se že tri generacije
ukvarja s predelavo mesa in mesnih
izdelkov, Janez Kodila pa je leta 2002
uvedel proizvodno specializacijo in se
usmeril iz majhne trgovine z mesom in
mesnimi izdelki v proizvodnjo sušenih in
prekajenih mesnin ter maščobnih izdelkov.
Ustvaril je blagovno znamko Kodila, ki
se je v desetletju že dobro uveljavila na
slovenskem trgu. Pod sloganom “Ko veš
kaj ješ” se skrivajo kakovostne surovine
iz kontrolirane reje njihovih kooperantov,
pri predelavi mesa pa pri Kodili, kjer je
zaposlenih 22 ljudi dodajajo samo sol
in začimbe in si za dokončanje izdelkov
vzamejo čas.
Aleksandar Vukovič je leta 1958 prišel
na počitnice v Koper in tam ostal vse do
danes, ko še vedno šiva s pomočjo dvestoletne singerice. Bil je prvi, ki je imel
ustrezno izobrazbo za izdelavo ortopedske
obutve, znan pa je bil predvsem po izjemno
kvalitetnih unikatnih čevljih.
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
News from
Here & There
by Grace Doerk
Lodge 559
CHICAGO — Can you believe that
the holidays have come and gone?
Christmas is such a beautiful time of
the year, then comes the New Year.
I sure hope it brings happiness and
good health in every way to everyone.
Health is wealth, of course, and the
most important thing.
We were sorry to hear that Helen
Zacharski was injured in a recent fall.
Thank goodness she is doing well.
We were also sorry to hear that Lillian Stan underwent surgery and was
in intensive care. We wish her well.
I have heard from so many of my
SNPJ friends, and all have encouraged
me to start writing again. Sometimes it
gets hectic and you only have time to
catch up with the day-to-day routine.
I was so happy to hear from Clarence and Joann Zaitz. Clarence was
a pen pal of mine back when the
January 7, 2015
Mladinski List was our Society’s
youth magazine. The Voice of Youth,
which was named by late Youth Circle
26 member Ed Udovick, came after
the Mladinski List.
It’s always nice to hear from
Marion and Ermando Volpe, whose
articles I read in PROSVETA. It had
been a long time since I’d heard from
Roman Possedi who lives in Las
Vegas. It sure was nice to receive his
holiday greetings. Roman played at
my 25th wedding anniversary. Oh,
the memories.
What a surprise to hear from Chris
Rouse who worked at SNPJ for a short
time. Evelyn Paitl (8) and her husband
Dick, who now reside in Arizona,
celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary on Dec. 26. Congratulations!
Evelyn was a longtime employee at the
SNPJ Home Office and just recently
moved to Arizona. Marge Murin,
daughter of the late Louise Hegner,
visited Evelyn during the holidays.
Pioneer Lodge 559 members held
their monthly meeting Dec. 12, 2014.
How nice to have Betty Nadvornik
join us again; she’s looking great
after a long absence. Lodge Secretary
Anita Vitous brought dishes of candy
Official Proceedings
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
Feb. 26, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President Evanish
with Sis. Pintar and Bro. Lawrence in attendance.
The minutes from the Feb. 10, 2014, meeting were read and
Reported that President Evanish is attending Florida SNPJ Days
and the SNPJ cruise.
Discussed the upcoming National Board meeting.
Discussed the new sales campaign for the year.
Discussed the plans for the update to the SNPJ website.
Reviewed the bids for the repairs needed to the ceiling in the
Home Office lobby and the painting that needs done in the board
room and some other areas of the Home Office.
Reported that National Board member Bro. Johnnie Zibert (225)
has passed away.
Approved a $100 donation to Special Olympics.
Approved ad in the amount of $158 for the Federation of Slovenian
National Homes annual awards banquet.
Cash Withdrawals:
Feb. 12 - There were two Adult Cash Withdrawals, neither of which
were conversions. Cash value, $1,229.12; insurance, $4,000.
Feb. 19 - There were seven Adult Cash Withdrawals, none of which
were conversions. Cash value, $11,125.34; insurance, $93,748.
Feb. 26 - There were nine Adult Cash Withdrawals, none of which
were conversions. Cash value, $5,482.07; insurance, $33,519.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m.
National President
to raffle off in memory of her father
who passed away in 2012.
The minutes were read and Secretary Vitous presented the financial
report. We received correspondence
from SNPJ National Secretary Karen
Pintar regarding restrictions for
members who outlive their policies
and will now be classified as honorary members.
Lodge 559 currently has 535 adult
members and 26 youth members.
Jane Rohrbein was recognized as
a 60-year member for the month,
and Sylvia Cerkoney and Ann
Smagaj as 80-year members. The
following members were reported
as deceased: Richard Krueger from
Wisconsin and Louis Kramer from
Brookfield, Ill.
Otto Doerk reported on the Chicago Federation youth Christmas party.
The next Federation meeting will be
held Feb. 27 beginning at 7:30 p.m.
The Pioneer Lodge 559 officers for
2015 include President Jean Cherway,
Vice President Otto Doerk, Secretary
Anita Vitous, Recording Secretary
Grace Doerk, Sergeant-at-Arms Ann
Cretnik, and auditors John Cretnik,
Mike Vidmar and Helen Zacharski.
Badger Jabber
Lodge 584
MILWAUKEE — I hope everyone
enjoyed their Christmas and New Year
celebrations. Now that all the wonderful
time we spent with our lovely families and
friends during the holidays is part of the
2014 history book, we can start the 2015
pages. Best wishes to all in 2015. Let the
fun begin!
I can start out the year by reminding
all Badger Lodge 584 members of the annual Lodge assessment of $3.60 per adult
member. This assessment is not part of
the billing that you receive from the SNPJ
Home Office as part of your insurance
billing; this is a local assessment that covers secretarial and Lodge expenses such
as mailings, postage and office supplies
needed for daily Lodge business.
This assessment is payable each January. If the assessment is not paid, your
ability to participate in local and national
SNPJ functions may be effected. Please
don’t take that chance for a mere $3.60
annual assessment. Make your check
National Secretary
29%... people who would purchase more
life insurance if they were asked
at your
62%... people who own coverage, but don’t
know what they have or why they have it
If your coverage is over 5 years old
contact SNPJ for a policy review.
payable to “Badger Lodge 584 SNPJ” and
send it to Secretary/Treasurer Jeff Mlaker,
6760 S. Ash St., Oak Creek, WI 53154. Sit
down today, write that check and mail it
to Bro. Mlaker.
The Verbick Memorial Bowling
Tournament is where the local fraternal
organizations – SNPJ, KSKJ, Sloga and
CFU – get together for some friendly bowling competition. In the past, you had to be
a member of one of the aforementioned
organizations to be eligible to bowl. This
year, however, the rule has been modified
and only three of five team entrants need be
a member of one of the specified organizations. You can mix and match your teams:
all men, all women or mix it up. Bowlers
are asked to check in 15 minutes before
the scheduled 11 a.m. start time. Fun and
socializing are the main purposes of this
bowling event, as well as raising funds
for the scholarship programs of the four
organizations involved.
The first 16 teams to submit their $85
entry fee will be accepted to fill the competitive field. Entries should have been
submitted by Jan. 3, but you can contact
Sis. Mary Donovan at (414) 817-0192 for
vacancy information. At last report, Sis.
Donovan revealed that there were 12 teams
Looking for information on
your SNPJ life insurance and
annuity policies? Simply log
on to snpj.org and follow the
step-by-step instructions.
Cleveland — The Federation of Slovenian National Homes will hold its 54th
annual Awards Banquet Saturday, March
21, at the Slovenian National Home, 6417
St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Jan Jones Artz
and Richard Zele will be honored as the
Federation’s Woman and Man of the Year.
Jan Jones Artz, of full Slovenian heritage,
is well known throughout Northeast Ohio.
For many years, she was a regular on television’s “The Morning Exchange” and PM
Magazine. She has also appeared in many
commercials. Richard Zele is president
of Cleveland’s Zele Funeral Home, Inc.
PROSVETA Crossword
T.V. Classics
6. FEMA provisions, e.g.
9. “____” by Van Halen
13.*Like the Fonz
14.Go a-courting
15.Saints’ lights
16.Holy water holder
17.To carry, as in heavy suitcase
18.Lowest point
19.*Sabrina, Kelly and Jill
21.*Tom Selleck’s PI character
23.*“Wide World of Sports”
opened with a failed ___ jump
24.*Otis’ room on
“The Andy Griffith Show”
25.Chance occurrence
28.Shells, e.g.
30.*Talking palomino’s title
35.*West of “Batman”
37.Lad, in Ireland
39.Do penance
40.*“Project Runway” judge
41.Root of iris, ingredient
in many gins
43.Old Norse texts
44.“__ ___ in sight”
46.Pottery oven
47.Log splitter
48.Like Princess Aurora
52.*“___, Dear” starring Anthony
Clark and Mike O’Malley
(#0115) by StatePoint Media
53.*“My ____ is Earl”
55.Cook in a pan
57.*Arnaz-Ball production
60.*Kevin James was its king?
64.Winter bug
66.*Like Thurston Howell III
of “Gilligan’s Island”
68.Declare invalid
69.High ___
70.Hiding place
71.*Voice of the Mayor
in “Family Guy”
72.It would
73.Used for searching
1. Emergency responder
2. *Lt. Commander ____ in “Star
Trek: the Next Generation”
3. Clickable image
4. *What Thomas the Train does
5. Kansas capital
6. Hole-making tools
7. Debtor’s note
8. Proclaimed as true
without proof
9. Ponce de León’s first name
10.Language of Pakistan
12.P in m.p.g.
15.England, in Latin
was a very active member of Sokol,
a gymnastic organization, for many
years. It was wonderful seeing old
friends. Unfortunately, Otto and
I missed the SUA #20 Christmas
party since we were both ill; Otto
with bronchitis, and me with the
flu. The holiday is too busy and the
running around is enough to lower
your resistance, and then you catch
something. It never fails to happen
every year, so I’m used to it.
I tend to panic about three days
before Christmas since I never seem to
have everything in place, but somehow
it all comes together and it’s smooth
sailing. We spent Christmas Eve at my
daughter’s house and Christmas Day
at my son’s home. It was wonderful
being with the family, and I’m sure
every one of you enjoyed gathering
with your family and friends.
The hustle and bustle are finally
over and now we greet the new year
2015. May it be a prosperous, happy
and – most of all – a healthy New Year
for all of you. Once again, I thank all
of my SNPJ friends for encouraging
me to write for PROSVETA. I love
you all, and may we meet someday
and rekindle our friendship.
entered. Get on this right away as it is first
come, first served.
Congrats to Brittney Smole, who just
graduated from Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC) in Waukesha, Wis.,
and is now a dental assistant. Best wishes
to you in your new profession.
You must plan to attend the first Badger
Lodge 584 meeting in 2015 which will take
place on the second Thursday of January,
tomorrow, Jan. 8. The meeting will begin
at 7 p.m. in the Mary Queen of Heaven
gym, 2360 S. 106 St., West Allis, Wis.
Turn over a new leaf in 2015 by regularly
attending our monthly meetings. Meetings are on the second Thursday of each
month. They always start at 7 p.m. sharp
and are always held in the Mary Queen
of Heaven gym.
Do you have any newsworthy information about you, your family or special
SNPJ friends such as accomplishments
in sports, a report on someone “under
the weather” or a milestone birthday or
anniversary? Let “Badger Jabber” know
and I will be more than happy to include
your information in a future article. All I
need is some notification from you and it
will be done. I’m always looking for new
facts to share.
Slovenian National Homes to
honor Man, Woman of the Year
Federation of Slovenian National Homes
Important figures to consider...
82%... people who are under-insured
Our Lodge delegates to the Chicago
Federation are Otto and Grace Doerk
and Mike Vidmar. In 2015, Lodge
559 meetings will be held every other
month starting with the second Friday
in February.
We celebrated birthdays for John
Cretnik, Jean Cherway, Otto Doerk
and Kaitlyn Chiappetta. Mike Vidmar
won the attendance award. After
the meeting was adjourned, we participated in a grab bag exchange and
enjoyed a great meal.
We were so happy to have friends
Bill and Harriet Hood visit us for a few
days. They usually come to Chicago
for the holidays since most of their
children live in the area. Like us,
they are in the midst of those lovely
golden years.
We recently went to see a performance of “Camelot” at Drury Lane.
What a wonderful performance. The
Joliet Women’s Club hosted a delightful Christmas party at Al’s Steak
House. These women all dress as
though they were going to a wedding.
This club helps the elderly, seniors in
nursing homes and veterans.
Otto and I attend the Sokol
Christmas party each year. Otto
20.Horizontal bar dance
22.This was true for Annie Oakley
24.A drive for fun
25.*Barbera’s animated partner
26.*Dora the Explorer’s farewell
27.Instrument _____
29.*He greeted others
with “Na-Nu Na-Nu”
31.Kind of cell
32.*NBC’s “The _____ Show”
33.Provide with ability
34.Old Brazilian coins
36.Lion’s do
38.Like acne-prone skin
45.Coping mechanism
51.In fancy clothing
54.Civilian clothes
56.Female gossip
57.Ready to serve
58.A long, long time
61.*____ Wyle of TV’s
“ER” 2014 movie
62.Comme ci, comme ça
63.*“Hee ___” variety show
67.However, poetically
The solution to puzzle #0115 will
run in the Jan. 21 issue.
© StatePoint Media
Through the years, he has been a strong
supporter of the Federation by advertising
in its annual tabloid as well as sponsoring
tickets for events at the various homes.
Five Slovenian Homes will also be honoring individual members for their contributions to their respective homes. Honorees
include Rudy Floral, Waterloo; Joanne
Fordyce, St. Clair; Lee Jackopin, Fairport
Harbor; Ed Kocin, Collinwood; and Judy
Kawczynski, E. 80th.
The Federation of Slovenian National
Homes, organized in 1960, was formed to
assist in the preservation of the 13 original
Slovenian Homes in the area. There are eight
active homes today.
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
January 7, 2015
Lodge 1 closes 2014, readies for a new year of activity
For the month of August 2014
DEATH City-State
Theresa A. Yurasits 08-01-2014
Edward Borisek
Lillian Balkovec
Agnes Paslosky
Angeline M. Garcar 06-26-2014
John Gratchen
Christine A. Creehan06-07-2011
Barbara E. Edowski 08-05-2014
Marcella C. Tempfer 07-13-2014
Rose Indiano
Jennie A. Senkinc 07-04-2014
Peter W. Zofchak 07-16-2014
Frances A. Lis
Alan R. Ruskin
Noreen J. Fantozzi 08-02-2014
William C. Dablock 07-20-2014
Joseph M. Zakraysek Jr.06-22-2014
Anne Huiras
Nancy K. Stavanja 07-25-2014
Anna Cestnik
Louis P. Zagonel
Rose Lacy
Kathy Jo Grilz
Ann Rose Jenko
Lawrence Serre
Charles Slabe
William J. Gossman 04-20-2014
Robert A. Fatur
Steve Matievich
Waldo B. Pirok Sr. 07-20-2014
Elizabeth Kisela
Chester E. Groff
Virginia Vidakovic 07-04-2014
Eleanore J. Reinke 06-13-2014
Jane T. King
John J. Chiec Sr. 07-21-2014
Peter Sokol Jr.
Mary Langerholc
Joseph A. Fedon 08-13-2014
Helen Richards
William R. Leighty 07-29-2014
Marion Mae Cigich 08-02-2014
Judith A. Gaus
Susan L. Case
Thomas W. Bryan 08-09-2014
Northampton, Pa.
La Salle, Ill.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Centerville, Ohio
Danville, Pa.
Wintersville, Ohio
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Coraopolis, Pa.
Price, Utah
Chesterland, Ohio
Altoona, Pa.
Houston, Pa.
Washington, Pa.
Louisville, Ohio
Broadview Heights, Ohio
Blairsville, Pa.
South Euclid, Ohio
Roseville, Minn.
Anaconda, Mont.
Portland, Ore.
Girard, Kan.
Overland Park, Kan.
Girard, Kan.
Chisholm, Minn.
Dunlo, Pa.
Orion, Mich.
Elizabeth, Pa.
Land O Lakes, Fla.
Deltona, Fla.
Rockdale, Ill.
Hillside, Ill.
Lancaster, Pa.
Winthrop Harbor, Ill.
West Allis, Wis.
Ash, N.C.
Girard, Ohio
Cheswick, Pa.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Verona, Pa.
Columbus, Ohio
Scottdale, Pa.
Johnstown, Pa.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
New Waterford, Ohio
Youngstown, Ohio
National Secretary
2015 SNPJ Winter Classic Bowling Tournament
February 20-22, 2015
co-sponsored by SNPJ Lodge 6 and SNPJ Lodge 138
and SNPJ Athletic Districts 1 and 2
Doubles & Singles Events
at Sygan Lodge 6
540 Third Ave.
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Phone: (412) 221-9862
Friday, Feb. 20, 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 21, 9 a.m.
Saturday, Feb. 21, 1 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 21, 5 p.m.
Team Event
at Strabane Lodge 138
269 Latimer Ave.
Strabane, PA 15363
Club: (724) 745-9860
Lanes: (724) 745-9775
Sunday, Feb. 22, 9 a.m.
Sunday, Feb. 22, Noon
Sunday, Feb. 22, 3 p.m.
Doubles & Singles
Entry fee $30 per person
Friday/Saturday Only
Doubles & Singles Events
at Strabane Lodge 138
269 Latimer Ave.
Strabane, PA 15363
Club: (724) 745-9860
Lanes: (724) 745-9775
attendance, and we thank him for the delicious gift.
On Dec. 17, 2014, members and friends of Lodge 1
attended a performance of “Camelot” at Drury Lane
Theater in Oak Brook, Ill. The excursion represented
our fourth Lodge event for 2014.
The members of Slavija Lodge 1 would like to
welcome their newest youth members, Alexandra Hernandez, Penelope Hernandez and Olivia Neisewander.
We’d also like to thank youth members Julianna and
Caitlyn Conroy for their performance at the annual
Chicago Federation Christmas party.
Brothers Conrad Novak and Frank Mikec, and Sis.
Marlene O’Connell made a generous donation to the
Lodge 1 treasury. On behalf of all Lodge 1 members,
thank you!
Wishing everyone happiness and health in the
new year. We look forward to seeing members and
friends in 2015.
In December, Slavija Lodge 1 members gathered for their meeting and
annual holiday lunch.
SNPJ fraternal sympathies
Bro. Paul M. Meriage
• Lodge 89 •
MIDWAY, Pa. — The members of Lodge 89 sadly announce the Nov. 13, 2014, passing of Bro. Paul M. Meriage,
68, of McDonald, Mt. Pleasant
Twp., Pa, in his home.
Bro. Meriage was born
Sept. 22, 1946, in Primrose,
Pa., a son of the late George
and Florence Lewis Menage.
A U.S. Army veteran, he was
employed as an office manager
for Lanxess Co.
In addition to 50 years of
SNPJ membership, he was a
member of Independent Bible
Presbyterian Church in Mc-
Donald. He enjoyed hunting,
fishing and playing dartball
on the church team.
Surviving are his wife of
46 years, Diane Torboli Meriage; a son, Scott Meriage;
two sisters, Amelia Whitaker
and Marie (Ron) Snyder; and
a brother, Stanley Meriage. He
was predeceased by his parents
and an infant sister.
Services for Bro. Meriage
were held Nov. 17 at ThomasLittle Funeral Service, Inc.,
McDonald. Interment followed
in Center Cemetery, Midway.
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 89 and the Slovene
National Benefit Society, we
extend our condolences to Bro.
b. March 18, 1929
d. March 20, 2004
b. May 30, 1926
d. June 30, 2012
In Loving Memory of Conrad & Gloria Ladstatter
On Jan. 13, 1951, Conrad married the love of his life, Gloria Bohinc.
They were together for 53 years until Gloria's passing.
They are now “TOGETHER FOREVER.”
Sadly missed by their daughter and son-in-law,
Anita and Alan Vitous, relatives and friends.
Pioneer Lodge 559, Chicago
SNPJ Crossword
YEAR IN REVIEW (#2614) solution
Saturday, Feb. 21, 9:30 a.m.
Saturday, Feb. 21, 1:30 p.m.
Team Event
at Sygan Lodge 6
540 Third Ave.
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Phone: (412) 221-9862
Sunday, Feb. 22, 9:30 a.m.
Sunday, Feb. 22, 12:30 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 22, 3:30 p.m.
$5 per
Meriage’s family, relatives and
friends on their loss.
Sis. Margaret A. Jastrebski
• Lodge 562 •
BARTON, Ohio — With sadness, the Jastrebski family and
members of Lodge 562 report
the Oct. 21, 2014, passing of Sis.
Margaret A. Jastrebski, 91, of
Bridgeport, Ohio, at East Ohio
Regional Hospital.
Sis. Jastrebski was born
on Dec. 16, 1923, in Blaine,
Ohio, a daughter of the late
Frank and Rose (Widmor)
Milhelcic. She was a member
of St. Joseph Catholic Church,
Wolfhurst, Ohio; St. Joseph’s
Women’s Club of Wolfhurst;
CDA 1414 Bridgeport; SNPJ
Lodge 562; and the American
Catholic Union.
In addition to her parents,
Margaret was preceded in
death by her husband, Walter
Jastrebski; a brother, John
Mihelcic; and two sisters,
Mary Klotz and Frances Mihelcic. She is survived by two
daughters, Mary (Anthony)
Cappucci and Judy (Duane)
Kesterson; a grandson, Don
(April) Van Fossen; her granddaughter and caregiver, Charity (Thomas) Hollingshead;
two step-­grandchildren, Duane
Kesterson Jr. and Missy Weas;
seven great-grandchildren,
Elizabeth VanFossen, Danielle
and Tommy Hollingshead,
Alyssa Svoboda, Brittany
Kesterson, Brianna Weas, and
Tyler Clark; and her nieces and
nephews, Barbera (Bob) Hartzell, Diana Carney, John Mihelcic Jr., Dr. Regina (Charles)
Jennette, Rudy (Mary Ann)
Berus, Francis (Diane) Berus,
Charles (Carolyn) Mozden, David (Sam) Mozden and Joanie
(Ed) Pengal.
A Mass of Christian Burial
was celebrated Oct. 24 at St.
Joseph Catholic Church, Wolfhurst, with Fr. John Mucha as
celebrant. Interment followed
at Linwood Cemetery, Blaine,
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 562 and the Slovene
National Benefit Society, we
offer our condolences to Sis.
Jastrebski’s family, relatives
and friends on their loss.
Sis. Frances Remezo
• Lodge 715 •
UNIVERSAL, Pa. — The Remezo family and the members
of Lodge 715 sadly announce
the Dec. 3, 2014, passing of Sis.
Frances “Fran” Remezo, 96,
a longtime Universal resident
and SNPJ Lodge 715 member,
at Golden Living Center, Murrysville, Pa.
Born June 7, 1918, in Universal, Sis. Remezo was a devoted wife, caring mother and
fun-loving grandmother. She
enjoyed good food, accordion
music, sports and dancing.
She bravely raised two baby
girls while her young husband
fought in World War II, baked
the most delicious Slovenian
nut rolls, danced the Charleston
like a pro, and had a smile that
could light up a room.
Surviving are her daughters,
Natalie Cromie and Georgette
Sorrentino; a son-in-law, Tom
Sorrentino; her grandchildren,
Michael Sorrentino, Jennifer
Wohletz, Natasha Brill, Michael Cromie and Sue Cromie;
and her great-grandchildren,
Ashley, Angie, Abby, Natalia,
Mark, Sam and Grace.
Sis. Remezo was preceded
in death by her husband,
George “Gish” Remezo; six
sisters, Agnes Rubash, Rose
Keenan, Ann Marince, Sally
Rady, Helen Sheedy and Mary
Kumer; three brothers, Daniel,
Joseph and Thomas Bertovic;
and her parents, Michael and
Agnes Bertovic.
The family gives a special
thanks to the team at Golden
Living Center, hospice nurse
Chris Collins, hospice aide
Crystal Timko, and friends
Marlene and Tom Dean and
Carol Flagle for their attentive care; as well as musician
Kevin Solecki for brightening
Fran’s life with accordion polka
A viewing for Sis. Remezo
was held Dec. 6 at Soxman
Funeral Home, Pittsburgh, followed by burial at Plum Creek
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 715 and the Slovene
National Benefit Society, we
offer our condolences to Sis.
Remezo’s family, relatives and
friends on their loss.
SNPJ Recommender Program
Submit bowlers’ names by position in lineup
Four Person Team Event
Entry fee $60 per team
Sunday Only
I would like to introduce
for SNPJ membership
Please contact:___________________________________________
(Parent or guardian if under age 18)
Team name______________________________________
Team captain’s name, phone number & e-mail address:
The entry fee for each event is $15 per bowler, $9.00 of which shall be used for prizes
and $6.00 for bowling. An extra $5.00 is charged to all who desire to compete for
handicap all-events prizes. The Slovene National Benefit Society adds $6.00
per member to each prize fund except all-events.
Return form, along with fees of $15 per person, per event, to:
John Baselj
742 Mill St., Bridgeville, PA 15017
e-mail: baselj1@verizon.net
Make checks payable to SNPJ Lodge 6
The Home Office will verify all memberships. Complete tournament rules are
available by contacting the SNPJ Fraternal Department, 247 West Allegheny
Road, Imperial, PA 15126. Rules are also available online at www.snpj.org.
The SNPJ Recommender Program provides an
opportunity for adult members to encourage
family, friends, children and acquaintances to join
the Slovene National Benefit Society and take
advantage of SNPJ’s competitive products and
numerous fraternal benefits. Not only will you
be helping a friend and strengthening our Society,
you’ll also be receiving benefits yourself.
Recommender Benefits
• Receive $10 for each valid referral submitted.
• Every valid referral earns the recommender
one chance in the Quarterly Drawing for an
opportunity to win $100.
• Every valid referral also earns the recommender
one chance in the Year-end Drawing for an
opportunity to win $500 cash.
By submitting one valid referral,
you have the opportunity to earn
a total of $610 in cash prizes!
Phone: (
Indicate Preferred Agent____________________________________
My Name:_______________________________________________
My Lodge Number:________________________________________
Phone: (
Each individual must be informed that an agent will contact him/her and the referral
must have some interest in SNPJ in order for the recommender to be considered valid.
Complete this coupon and return to
Slovene National Benefit Society
Att’n: Marketing Department
247 West Allegheny Road • Imperial, PA 15126