Slovensko-ameriški časi


Slovensko-ameriški časi
Faith, Family,
Freedom: the Foundation
of Slovenians
January, 2013
By Breda Loncar
Published in
Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A.
hrove Tuesday is for the body,
and Ash Wednesday is for
the soul. Slovenians take both
days very seriously. From Saturday
through Mardi Gras day, numerous
parades travelled the streets and
alleys of cities and towns in Slovenia;
costumed beings traversed miles in
parades and even visiting homes. But
on Ash Wednesday, a ghost-like, quiet
replaced the revelers and church bells
rang out calling folks to receive their
Mardi Gras festivities are fun,
but thoughts of 40 days of Lent loom
in the recesses of our minds. Sister
Joan Chittister in her book, The Rule
of Benedict: Insight for the Ages wrote:
“Lent is the time for trimming the
soul and scrapping the sludge off a
life turned slipshod…Lent is about
exercising control that enables us to
say no to ourselves…and to say yes to
life’s twists and turns with faith and
hope…the time to make new efforts
to be what we say we want to be.”
In a sense, Lent, for the Christian,
is more important than New Year’s
when everyone makes resolutions
for improvement. It should be a
season of fasting and intense prayer.
Isn’t it easier to be more focused on
the Lord during Lent? After all, we
rationalize that all sacrifices made
are for a “higher purpose” and will
bring greater rewards. We know all
our material possessions are only
“lent” to us, and that when we die,
we will take nothing with us. Christ
died for sinners only, and don’t we
all belong to that exclusive club? So
it’s up to us during Lent to renew our
communication with God through
prayer. “To be a Christian without
prayer is no more possible than to
be alive without praying.” (Martin
Luther King Jr.)
There is a time for every
activity on earth – a time to be born,
a time to die; a time to act and a time
to pray. The Dutch Christian, Corrie
Ten Boom, renowned speaker, Nazi
Holocaust survivor and author of The
Hiding Place gives this advice: “Don’t
pray when you feel like it. Have an
appointment with the Lord and keep
it. A man is most powerful on his
knees.” What exactly is prayer? We
know that there is a vast difference
between praying and saying prayers.
Mother Teresa explained: “Prayer
is not asking. It is a longing of the
soul. It is daily admission of one’s
weakness...” She also said: “We need
to find God and He cannot be found in
noise and restlessness; God is a friend
of silence.”
How many of us use prayer
as a last resort – when all else has
failed? We should use it as the first
line of defense before we do anything
at all. Martin Luther had the right
idea: “I have so much to do that I shall
spend the first three hours in prayer.”
Prayer is our most powerful tool. It
is communication with the Divine.
“When prayers go up, blessings come
down.” (Unknown) The Bible assures
us: “And whatever you ask in prayer,
you will receive, if you have faith.”
(Matthew 21:22)
Most will agree that to pray
fervently, with total concentration
is a very difficult task for us mortals.
The famous story of the “Our Father”
has circulated the globe a few times.
A farmer was boasting that he has
no trouble praying …. A skeptical
neighbor made him a wager: “If you
can say one Our Father out loud with
total concentration, I will give you
this horse.” All present stood in awe.
The farmer began: Our Father who
art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come….then he asked:
“Does that mean the saddle too?”
Minister and author Henry Ward
Beecher understood the dilemma of
the farmer: “I used to think that the
Lord’s Prayer was a short prayer; but
as I live longer, and see more of life,
I begin to believe there is no such
thing as getting through it. If a man,
in praying that prayer were to be
Happy Valentine's
“I have found the
paradox, that if you love
until it hurts, there can
be no more hurt, but
only more love.”
Mother Teresa
The power of
Moč molitve…
Artist and sculpturer - Stan Jarem’s wooden statue depicting the First Station
of the Cross- Jesus is condemned to death. The Stations are seen on the
road to Kočevski Rog, a burial site of murdured Homeguards (Domobranci)
in Kočevje, Slovenia.
stopped by every word until he had
thoroughly prayed it, it would take
him a lifetime.”
Do we pray, or do we beg? Do
we pray just to pray when we should
be praying to know God? Corrie Ten
Boom, known for her deep devotion
as well as her sense of humor said: “Is
prayer your steering wheel or your
Read about remarkable
Slovenian American women: the
first woman governor of Arizona,
governor and U.S. Senator, a
woman colonel and two U.S. Navy
captains, a 24-year-old trainer of
British and American fighter pilots
featured in London Daily Express,
several award-winning artists, and
Jennie Dobnikar, hailed in Life
magazine as “the first Gold Star
Mother of America.”
COMING IN MARCH: Easter --- Food --- Spring
Permit No. 1372
spare tire?” The good news is that
we can pray anytime, anywhere. In a
difficult, sad, happy, moment, we can
send a message to God. Words are not
needed. He reads our hearts and He
Remember: God answers all knee
mail. Contact Him.
At a glance...
Have a Headache?
Page 4
February – month of
See story on Page 5
In the News
See page 6
Picture log of Slovenia
See page 15
Novice Iz Slovenije
Stran 19
Notices Stran 28
Page 2,
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
Breda Loncar
The Federation Woman of the Year
Cestitke Mami!
Congratulations Mom!
We are all very
proud of you.
With love,
Matt, Chris, Jessica,
Nicholas, Hannah, Tanya,
Ray, Benjamin, Jacob,
Peter,Tanya, Rachel, Luke,
Holly, Marty, Stephanie,
Vincent, Mia, Marty, Lola,
Renne and Frank.
and the Best Mom too!
Father Pedro Opeka
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Slovenian American Times
33977 Chardon Road, Suite 120
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15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 3
By Rudi Flis
It was Valentine’s Day
and less than a month since my
classmate, Therese, said “yes,”
when I asked her for a date. I
was a Copy Boy for the Cleveland
Shopping News, and made ninety
cents per hour. That was fifteen
cents an hour more than I made
as a stock boy for the May Co. I
was loaded with dough. My job
as a copy boy was to visit the
department stores in Downtown
Cleveland and collect their art
work and bring it to our office in
the Euclid Arcade. At the end of
the day, I took a trackless trolley to
53rd and St. Clair Ave. and walked
a block north to Hamilton Ave
and the Shopping News printing
plant. There, I delivered the last
of the day’s advertisements from
the stores and picked up the mail
to deliver to the Main Post Office
at Prospect and Superior. That
was in 1952. Ancient history, isn’t
With all that money I was
making, I splurged and bought
a box of Fanny Farmers candy
to give to Therese on Valentine’s
Day. A good deal for me, because
it bought her interest in me for
life. She yet loves chocolate and
me, in that order; and I don’t care,
as long as we’re together.
On Valentine’s Day 1953,
we just exchanged cards, as I
was in transit in Germany to
my new outfit. In 1954, it was
cards again because I was still
overseas. We’ve been together
ever since. We married, raised a
family and now live and watch
our children, grandchildren and
Letters to the Editor:
Dear Editor:
I have been receiving your
publication and as a Slovenian
whose grandparents immigrated
from Slovenia, I was exposed to
the Slovenian culture in so many
ways. The music, the food, and
the dancing as well as too many
to mention. I remember helping
my mother with the potica baking
for every holiday.
I was so impressed to
hear Senator Amy Klobuchar
of Minnesota proclaim on TV
that she was the only Slovenian
Woman in the Senate. She is so
very thought of in the Senate and
I had hoped you would include
her in your series on Slovenian
Women. Maybe even have an
interview with her?
Margaret Mead
Fairview Park, Ohio, 44126
Dear Editor
You probably do not
receive as much public gratitude
for your work as you deserve,
so I want you to know how
much I appreciate your expertlycomposed theme, monthly cover,
Most people
probably do not appreciate how
difficult this task is.
The SAT is one periodical
that I look forward to each
Les Miserables
By Pavle Borstnik
incomprehensible coincidences,
the political crisis in Slovenia
reached its highest plateau at
about the same time Victor Hugo’s
epic story “Les Miserables”
enjoys its second revival in both
cinemas and as a TV musical.
At least these were my thoughts
while opening the computer
morning after morning to learn
of the newest development
in our miserable Slovenia. It
was not enough that the state
Government had to be reshuffled
dramatically, which meant that an
incompetent Prime Minister was
finally persuaded to resign, only
to be – despite his shortcomings
– found suitable enough to be
elected the new President of the
Republic and with the vote of
the political RIGHT, no less. The
former President, his term full
of unbelievable blunders, was
dropped unceremoniously even
by his own Party.
The defeat of the “left”
was complete and humiliating.
As such it demanded an
immediate action by the left
leadership (mostly by those
“uncles in the background”): the
Party has invested too much in
this “state”; their “habits” turned
into “addiction” and there was
no way in the world they would
cede the leadership of the state
to anyone outside their inner
The answer? The streets.
“Ulica.” Labor unions, those
under the leftist leadership above
all, were urged to demonstrate
and to demand a new
government to replace the one
led by their perennial nemesis
- Janez Jansa. He had to go and
go NOW. Never mind that his
government has been active for
less than half a year: the “results”
were not “there”; therefore, his
Government was incompetent
great-grandchildren grow and
develop into adults. It’s a blessing
from God and a blessing that we
prayed for and received.
Next August 20th, we’ll be
married fifty eight years. It seems
we did something right. It is said
that there are three rings to every
marriage. First, is the engagement
ring, then the wedding ring and
last, the suffer-RING.
During our marriage, we
laughed often, cried some, but we
prayed constantly for guidance
and peace in our home. Before
supper each evening our family
prayed this prayer to the Sacred
Hear of Jesus: Dear Sacred Heart
of Jesus, remember that we are
consecrated and belong to You,
Bless and protect us all, Make
our home a shrine of Your love
and Your grace, Strengthen the
bond of affection that unites us
together, Help us to bear one
another’s burdens, in peace,
harmony and unselfishness, Keep
us always near to You and Your
Blessed Mother. Amen!
We knew our marriage
would need God’s help. We
asked for it, and I like the life we
have been blessed with. Love can
age, but true love never gets old.
You have my word.
Please pray for our troops
and their families and that God
Bless our nation with strong Godfearing leaders.
month, and enjoy it cover to
cover. "Thank you" to you and
your entire staff and benefactors.
Keep up your good work.
we live. Informative articles of
great interest, such as those of
Dr. Gobec, are very welcome as
they bring us information which
would otherwise not be known by
the public; especially the younger
As an independent radio
announcer, and one who also
organizes a weekly newscast
for Ljubljana- Radio Ognišče, I
am very well aware of the time
spent in preparing each line of
news and other information for
the publication of The Slovenian
American Times.
With gratitude,
Jerry Zupan
Putnam Valley, New York
Dear Editor
May the New Year be
filled with renewed success
and new members of this very
valuable monthly publication,
which you carefully prepare each
month. You bring us news of the
Slovenian communities locally
and around the world. Otherwise,
we would not be privileged to
hear details of Slovenian life
across the globe, no matter where
and had to go. NOW.
It did not help that a small
group of calculating individuals
stuck Jansa in his back. Their
unbelievable machinations, ever
since the previous Government’s
fall, represent a classic example of
corrupt, unscrupulous political
minds, bent on grabbing the
authority of the State, regardless
of the price and regardless of the
means necessary to achieve their
goal. The country at this moment
is like a rudderless ship, thrown at
R irc
Tone Ovsenik
Willoughby Hills, Ohio
the mercy of a political hurricane.
The people are confused beyond
redemption, unable, unwilling
and just plain hopeless in the
face of the deepest political crisis
Slovenia has ever lived through.
And so this miserable mass
of people stumbles through this
political night, grappling to find
a redeemable path and facing the
cruel reality: …empty chairs and
empty tables… the final reality of
their symbolic predecessors – Les
ar p
We need
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Page 4,
Issue 4, Volume V,
Headaches Part I (Treatment)
By Dr. Irene Druzina
diagnosis is needed to begin an
effective treatment plan. The most
important aspect of the headache
evaluation is the headache history,
which is obtained from the patient.
It is important for you to describe
your headache symptoms and
characteristics to your doctor
as completely as possible so
the headache can be properly
treated. Your headache can be more
accurately diagnosed by knowing:
when the headache started, how
long you have had the headache,
whether there is a single type of
headache or multiple types of
headaches, how often the headache
occurs, what causes the headache,
if known (for example, do certain
situations, foods, or medications
usually trigger the headache?), if
physical activity aggravates the
headache pain, what events are
associated with the headache, who
else in your family has headaches,
and what symptoms, if any, occur
between headaches. Often, your
doctor will also ask additional
questions about performance at
work, family background, and if
there is any history of drug abuse.
There are certain symptoms
of headaches that physicians try
define for patients by the patient's
history. They want to know where
the pain is located, what it feels
like, how severe the headache pain
is, using a scale from one (mild) to
10 (severe), if the headache appears
suddenly without warning or
with accompanying symptoms,
what time of day the headache
usually occurs, if there is an aura
(changes in vision, blind spots, or
bright lights) before the headache,
what other symptoms or warning
signs occur with the headache
(weakness, nausea, sensitivity to
light or noise, decreased appetite,
changes in attitude or behavior)
and how long the headache lasts.
You should provide your
physician with a history of prior
headache treatments. Tell your
doctor what medications you
have taken in the past and what
medications you are currently
taking. Don't hesitate to list them,
bring in the medication bottles,
or ask your pharmacist for a
printout. If any studies or tests
were previously performed, bring
them with you to save time and
repetition of tests. After completing
physician will perform physical
and neurological examinations.
The physician will look for signs
and symptoms of an illness that
may be causing the headache.
These can include: fever, infection,
high blood pressure, muscle
weakness, balance problems, or
vision problems. After evaluating
the results of your headache
history, physical examination,
and neurological examination,
your physician should be able to
determine what type of headache
you have, whether or not a serious
problem is present, and whether
additional tests are needed.
If the results of the physical
exam show signs of a condition
within your brain that may be
causing the headaches (organic
cause), additional laboratory tests
may be needed. An imaging test
called a computed tomography
(CT) scan or a magnetic resonance
down from the 2012 deficit of $1
trillion or 7% of GDP. The deficit
is the difference between money
we spend and money collected;
the shortfall is added to the total
borrowing needs of current and
past deficits.
The forecast projections
assume that the across-the-board
spending cuts set for March
1 will be in place and that the
government will live within the
caps on annually appropriated
spending that were proposed
by the Administration in August
2011. At that time, Congress took
the fallback position when the
White House and the Republican
congress could not agree during
the 2011 debt ceiling debate
negotiations. This agreement is
now known as the “sequester”
that nobody wants to embrace,
including the President – the
initial proposer who approved
and signed the resolution into
law. This is a tall order to enforce
for our Washington incumbents
serving our country today. The
CBO's projections serve as the
base line for measuring budget
proposals to come later from the
White House and congressional
budget committees.
Democrats and Republicans
have wrestled for years over
how to reduce the deficit, with
Democrats demanding higher
taxes as part of any package and
Republicans calling for large
spending reductions in programs
such as Medicare and Medicaid.
So now we have yet another
Washington crisis – big spending
cuts while the treasury continues
to print money keeping interest
rates near zero. The banks are still
refusing to pay an honest interest
rate for our CD’s; however, the
stock market did well last year. So
what do we do with our savings?
Buy stock? The stock market’s
recent spike has heightened the
allure of market-timing. When
to buy and when to jump in and
out before the stocks fall, and
then buy at the low before the
rise. Market timing is a fool’s
gold that leaves investors worse
off than if they had remained
invested. Did you know that
historically bull markets have
greatly exceeded bear markets in
terms of duration and return?
Market timers are most
likely to buy after the stocks have
already gained and sell stocks
after they have declined. Even the
pros cannot do it! Warren Buffett
and others have made it clear
that they think market timing the
stock market is a loser’s game.
A well-diversified portfolio
will allow you to avoid the full
brunt of a bear market and still
share in the bull market gains.
Keep in mind that a long-term
approach can best protect your
future against temporary market
declines. That is because stocks’
likelihood of growth increases
By Peter Osenar
“The budget should be
balanced, the Treasury should
be refilled, public debt should
be reduced, the arrogance of
officialdom should be tempered
and controlled, and the assistance
to foreign lands should be
curtailed, lest Rome become
bankrupt. People must again
learn to work instead of living
on public assistance.” Cicero, 55
BC. It appears we have learned
nothing in the past 2,068 years.
Would Cicero be a candidate
for the office of president today
with his platform? Much could
be learned from the past and we
do know that history repeats,
but few wise men take the time
to learn from the past. Now that
we avoided the FISCAL CLIFF
at year-end, all is well! The stock
market has responded positively
to some record breaking corporate
earnings and those of us who
stayed the course are glad that all
our savings are not in a bank CD.
Perhaps there is light at the
end of the fiscal tunnel, or is that a
train coming at us? In the annual
budget and forecast, the CBO
(Congressional Budget Office)
reported that the slight economic
growth and recent legislation
have cut the federal budget deficit
in half in the past four years.
However, more cuts are needed
in order to avoid our federal debt
reaching historic record breaking
levels. The projections for this
year are slow growth and a
better recovery outlook for 2014.
The federal deficit for 2013 is
projected to be 5.3% (845 billion)
of GDP (gross domestic product),
15 February, 2013
imaging (MRI) scan may be
recommended if a structural
disorder of the central nervous
system is suspected. Both of these
images of the brain that can
reveal problems within the brain.
Skull X-rays are not helpful. An
electroencephalogram (EEG) is also
unnecessary unless a person has
lost consciousness with his or her
headaches. Although additional
tests may be important to ensure
that the headaches are not the result
of a serious medical condition, they
do not help in diagnosing migraine,
cluster, or tension-type headaches.
(Next month: Treatment of Headaches.)
Dr. Irene Družina, M.D. is
Internal Medicine and preventive
care at the Cleveland Clinic
in Willoughby Hills, Ohio.
Cleveland Clinic is ranked one of
the top hospitals in America by
U.S. News & World Report.
interested in a specific topic for the
Doctor Says column, please write
or call the SAT office. We will be
happy to oblige.
the longer you hold them. The
S&P since 1950 has not declined
during any periods of 10 years or
We might not be able
to influence the arrogance on
display by our politicians, but
we can be a wise consumer.
Protecting our savings is key
during the current turbulent
financial environment. Our focus
should be on the amount of time
we have until we need to tap
the savings, not on timing the
market. That factor is critical in
guiding us to a proper balance
of real estate, stocks, bonds, and
cash we need to survive the shortterm market environment while
providing potential growth and
needed income. This might be
a good time to review our game
plan with a financial planner.
When you hear of a great deal,
that sounds like it’s too good to
be true, you will find that most
of the time it is not true. Never
spend or invest money you do
not have!
Peter Osenar lives in Willoughby
Hills, Ohio. He is a former CEO of
Emerald Health and former Executive
Vice-President of AmeriTrust Bank.
and Kiln Inc.
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 5
By Agnes Koporc
These are excerpts from a book I have had for many years called the
Joy of Words. How well do we know our Presidents?
George Washington’s own words in his twilight years: “Though
in reviewing the incidents of my administration, I am unconscious of
intentional error, I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think
that I may have committed many errors. Whatever they may be, I fervently
beseech the Almighty to avert or mitigate the evils to which they may tend.
I shall also carry with me the hope that my country will never cease to
view them in indulgence and that after forty-five years of my life dedicated
to its service with an upright zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be
consigned to oblivion as myself must soon be to the mansion of rest."
Lincoln – Man of Steel and Velvet: Not too often in the story of
mankind does a man arrive on earth who is both steel and velvet, who is
hard as rock and soft as drifting fog, who holds in his heart and mind the
paradox of terrible storm and peace unspeakable and perfect. Here and there
across centuries come reports of men alleged to have these contrasts. The
incomparable Abraham Lincoln, born over 150 years ago, is an approach if
not a perfect realization of this character.
In the time of the April lilacs, in the year 1865, on his death, the casket
with his body was carried north and west a thousand miles; and the American
people wept as never before; bells sobbed; cities wore crepe; people stood in
tears and with hats off as the railroad burial car paused in the leading cities
of seven States, ending its journey at Springfield, Illinois, his home town.
Poet/playwright Mark Van Doren said of Lincoln: “To me, Lincoln seems, in
some ways, the most interesting man who ever lived. He was gentle, but this
gentleness was combined with a terrific toughness, an iron strength.”
February is also the month of Valentines, not only for the young,
but the Golden Oldies as well. Remember your loved ones with a card or
just a few kind words, at least, on that day.
Birthday Remembrances for February: Edward Cimperman,
formerly of Carl Ave., now residing with his daughter Ruth in New Berlin,
Wisconsin - Annie Arhar, now living at the Elmcroft Assisted Living - Fred
Spelic (92) - Joseph LoConti - Ralph Sibert and anyone who might be sharing
On the get well list: Fritz Spelic – David Stanonik – Lillian Sanuik
who is nursing a broken wrist - Dorothy Ljubi is now residing at the Slovene
Home for Aged – Jean Kuhar had a bout with surgery - and all friends who
are ailing at this time. Prayers are with you for a return to better health.
For a Valentine wish - remember:
It’s the little things we do and say that mean so much as we go our way.
A kindly deed can lift a load from weary shoulders on the road.
A gentle word, like summer rain, may soothe some heart and banish pain.
What joy or sadness often springs from just the simple little things! (WH)
Vol V. No. 4
February, 2013
From the desk of Jurček Žmauc
Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia – Cleveland
Dear readers of the Slovenian American Times,
The Slovenian Consulate has been part of a partnership with the
Slovenian American Times now for the past three years. Most of the projects
that have been featured in the paper have been successfully completed. A few
of them haven’t gained much traction due to lack of support; however, there
is no need to worry. We are not in any danger of losing our determination or
our innovative ideas.
We’ve already had a very optimistic start to the New Year. As far
as business goes, three major projects are already underway. All of the
projects are closely tied with Slovenia and Slovenians abroad (mostly in
Cleveland). Fostering cooperation between the United States and Slovenia
is the foundation of developing a stronger Slovenian economy.
The government of the Republic of Slovenia has enacted a program
named ‘International Challenge 2013’ on January 24, 2013. The program’s
goal is to promote International trade with Slovenian enterprises. The plan
within the program defines the key objectives and measures for promoting
the internationalization of Slovenian enterprises, drawing in foreign direct
investments and establishing target sectors in foreign markets.
The Key Objectives defined in IC 2013
• coordinate the activity of all government institutions in the field of
international guidance and promotion of the Slovenian economy;
• increase the growth of Slovenian exports abroad;
• increase the number of entries of Slovenian enterprises in new foreign
markets and increase the share of total exports in chosen priority markets;
• increase the number of exporters, especially in markets outside the
former Yugoslavia and the European Union;
• increase the recognition of Slovenia as a location of opportunity for
foreign investment and reduce barriers in the field of foreign investments;
• increase foreign direct investment in Slovenia to 33% of GDP
The action plan defines the following branches of the Slovenian economy
as the most promising:
• biomedicine and biotechnology,
• energy and environmental technologies,
• advanced materials and technologies and nanotechnology,
• information and communication technologies,
• wood-processing industry,
• automotive industry,
• transport and logistics,
• metal-processing industry,
• tourism,
• food industry.
Based on the above-mentioned efforts taking place in Slovenia, we
would like to encourage you to explore the Slovenian American Business
Association website at
If you are looking for the
opportunity to do business with Slovenia, the Slovenian Consulate would be
happy to assist in any way it can.
Sending you warm greetings from the Slovenian Consulate,
Jurček Žmauc, Špela Ivančič Smuk, Christy Vidmar
55 Public Square, Suite 945
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Phone: (216) 589-9220 E-mail:
Published in Cleveland, U.S.A.
Slovenian American Times
33977 Chardon Road, Suite 120
Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 USA
Telephone: 440.833.0020
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To submit business or personal advertisements, please visit:
General office hours: Monday - Friday from 9AM to 5PM.
Other times available by appointment.
Board of Directors:
Janez Dejak,
Ivan Hauptman,
John Hocevar,
Rudi Kolaric,
Pavle Kosir,
Tom Lobe,
Peter Osenar
Business Manager:
John Hocevar
Editor (English):
Breda Loncar
Child's Play:
Anka Zakelj
Ron Sterling
Editor (Slovenian):
Mara Cerar-Hull
Stan Kuhar
(Sports & Leisure)
Tom Percic
Phil Hrvatin &
Breda Loncar
Circulation &
Sonja Kolaric
Tim Percic
Mission Statement:
SLOVENIAN AMERICAN TIMES is a publication fostering communications vital to Slovenian
communities. Trusting in God's blessings, we confidently embark on this mission in a spirit
of goodwill toward Slovenians everywhere, with truth, freedom, and love for both Slovenia
and America as our guiding principles.
Editorial Policy
We welcome your comments, suggestions, or articles. To be published, your correspondence
must be signed, along with a phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit
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Address Change, 33977 Chardon Road, Suite 120, Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 USA. Suggested retail price $3 US.
The Slovenian Consul General Jure Žmauc and members of the Slovenian community
gathered for a flag raising ceremony on Cleveland's Public Square, Friday, February
8, 2013. The event was held in conjunction with the Slovenian cultural holiday Prešeren
Day. (photo by Philip Hrvatin)
Page 6,
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
Slovenian flag was raised during this year's celebration of Prešeren
Day and it will remain there permanently. Let us all be proud!
In the News...
Phil Hrvatin & Breda Loncar
Pristava News - Milan Ribic
As we all know, “time flies” and a month has already gone by
since we celebrated the last day of the year and welcomed the New
Year 2013 at Pristava. A crystal white blanket covered the road as we
drove from the chapel to the entrance of Lausche’s new hall; it was
cold and flakes of snow continued to fall. The cottages in the campsite
twinkled with lights and looked like a hillside village in Slovenia.
Revelers began coming after seven, bringing food and sweets.
The ambience was friendly, warm, and all of us were ready to await
the New Year in the
lively company of the
We began by indulging
in the pot-luck dinner
dishes – something for
everyone’s palate. The
food was plentiful and
delicious. The spirits
flowed and the noise
became louder and louder as people relaxed. Many musicians and
singers, under the capable leadership of Slavko Teskač filled the stage
and lively music reverberated into all corners of the hall.
The older folks danced and were soon joined by courageous
youngsters. Time passed quickly and soon someone on the stage
began the countdown as
the musicians played the
Midnight waltz: seven, six,
five, four, three, two, one:
Happy New Year – srečno
novo leto! Best wishes for
health, success, happiness
and everything good were
exchanged, people hugged
while toasting each other
aromas from the kitchen
wafted in the air and new
treats were offered, so
all would be sated until
Musicians changed places and Figa Five entered the stage.
They played melodies which appealed even to the older crowd – rock
of the 70’s and 80’s. Some older folks left, but campers stayed to enjoy
the rock music. All good things must come to an end, so sometime
after 3:00 a.m., the campers went in search of their cottages. All agreed
the evening was a success, filled with friendship and wishes for health
and a desire to “do it again” next year.
New bishop coming to Marquette, MI
On TV. they announced on Jan. 29th that Bishop Sample of the
Marquette diocese is leaving to serve as an archbishop in Oregon. So
we will soon have a new successor to Fredrick Baraga.
A Flag Raising Ceremony - Jure Žmauc, Consul General
On Friday, February 8th, 2013 at 5 p.m. a flag raising was
held in the plaza in front of the office of the Consulate General of
the Republic of Slovenia at
55 Public Square, Cleveland,
OH. The event took place
in honor of the great poet
France Prešeren and the
cultural holiday (Prešeren
Day) observed in the Republic
of Slovenia. Although the
Republic of Slovenia has had
a consulate in Cleveland since
2001, there has never been an
official, permanent and public Slovenian Consul General Jure Žmauc, Clevedisplay of the Slovenian land City Councilman Joe Cimperman, Ernest
Patrolman at Cleveland Police Division,
flag there. So, the Consulate Graves
Cleveland Police Sergeant. Anthony Gorsek
decided to take action. As and Ray Marvar pose for a photo in front of
a result of our efforts, the Cleveland iconic Terminal Tower. (photo by
Phil Hrvatin)
DSPB Tabor Reminder
A great man and a hero of many, Dr. +Valentin Meršol is being
remembered at a Memorial Mass Sunday, February 17th, 2013 at 10
a.m. at St.Mary's Church in Collinwood. Most former refugees still
remember the horrifying days of May 1945 in Vetrinje (Viktring),
Austria, when their lives were at the mercy of an uncaring Allied
commander. Only the fervent pleas of Dr. Meršol saved the civilian
population of the refugee camp from the fate of “domobranci” (Home
Guardsmen), who were forcibly returned to Tito's Yugoslavia and into
certain death at the hand of partisans - the SLOVENIAN Holocaust...
We need to impress our younger generation about the importance of
remembering our benefactor with love and gratitude. All are urged to
attend the Memorial Mass in his honor. May God grant him eternal
peace. God, nation, homeland! DSPB TABOR
Fish Fry at the Slovenian Workmen's Home
The Kitchen Angels at the Slovenian Workmen's Home are
noted for serving delicious meals. Every Friday throughout the year
from 3-8:00 p.m. dinners are served at the Slovenian Workmen's
Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland. MENU: fish (hand breaded
and deep fried or baked), shrimp, pork chops, goulash and macaroni
& cheese dinners. Side dishes include coleslaw made with their
special vinegar & oil dressing, Slovenian home fries, polenta, cabbage
& noodles, French fries, and macaroni & cheese. For dessert, a slice
of freshly baked strudel is always a good choice. A cash bar is also
available. For reservation of 8 or more, additional information or
take-out orders, please call 216.481.5378.
Slovenian KURENTOVANJE comes to Cleveland
The East Side’s
Community will hold
a Winter Carnival on
23rd from 12-6 p.m. The Slovenian National
Home, St Clair Superior
Development Corp, and
Sterle’s Country House
have partnered with local
businesses and institutions
to bring a piece of the
most popular carnival in
( k o o - r a h n - t o h - VA H N yay), to St. Clair Avenue.
has been celebrated in
Slovenia for the past 50 years. The central figure of the carnival, the
Kurent, is believed to chase away winter and usher in spring with its
supernatural powers.
The festival here in Cleveland will be free to the public,
supported by cash and in kind donations from corporate sponsors,
individuals and the many small businesses that make up the St. Clair
retail district. Visitors are encouraged to dress in costume as they
experience the many different foods, wines, beers, music and dance of
Slovenia and Eastern Europe.
Procession: The traditional Kurentovanje starts with a parade,
which, commencing at 1 p.m., will stretch through the neighborhood
from St. Vitus Church on Lausche Ave. to the Slovenian National
Home on St. Clair. The procession will include Kurents as well as
groups in traditional dress from across Eastern Europe.
Explore: Starting at 2 p.m., visitors can explore the Slovenian
National Home as well as many other storefront businesses in the area,
which will feature samplings of food, spirits and music. Wonderful
ethnic foods including Slovenian kielbasa and donuts (krofe), Laško
beer, and Eastern European wines will all be available to enjoy as well
as DJ Kishka and other musical acts. Visitors will also get a taste of
the new Cleveland Flea, an open market featuring collectors, artists
and artisans from the Cleveland area. When the Kurentovanje ends at
6 p.m., visitors can move to the after party at Sterle’s Country House
on East 55th, where they can enjoy schnitzel, polka, and even a shot of
slivovitz for the daring!
Cleveland Kurentovanje is run by a volunteer steering
committee and is supported by in-kind donations and sponsorships
from businesses and organizations including Charter One Bank.
Donations of all kinds are accepted through the St Clair Superior
Development Corporation, the festival’s non-profit fiscal agent. The
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 7
community organized Kurentovanje takes place on St Clair Avenue
Society St. Patrick's Day Dance, at Brennan's Party Center, 13000
between East 62nd and Addison Road, on Saturday, February 23rd
Trisket Rd., Clev. Call Brian (440) 842-0268 or Tim (216) 671-6223.
from 12-6 p.m. Entrance is free and open to the public. For more
Tuesday 3/12 from 12:30-3:00 Parma Moose; Second
information, please contact Michael Fleming of the St. Clair Superior
Tuesday of the Month Polka Dance. Dance and Lunch ONLY $3.00.
Development Corporation at 216-881-0644, ext. 103.
Best deal in town!
Saturday, 3/23 from 7 – 11:00 p.m. at Elyria Moose, 555 Ternes
Have Cabin Fever?
Rd., Elyria -New venue! Great place/food/drinks - come and enjoy!
A cure would be by participating in the "Cabin Fever Balina/
Mon. 4/1 DYNGUS DAY: 2-4 p.m. Spice Kitchen 5800 Detroit,
Balinca/Bocce Tournament" which will be held March 1 and 2 at Clev. 7-10 p.m. MPOL Club
the Slovenian Workmen's Home located at 15335 Waterloo Road,
Cleveland 44110. Your class A or B team can consist of all male, all
female or a mixed team. The entry fee is $40.00 per team. There are CD Review: The Commonwealth: Emerald City Blues
four indoor courts in excellent condition at the Slovenian Workmen's (self-released)
“On its full-length debut, this Cleveland band shows why it's
Home. Prizes for each class will be 1st $300, 2nd $150 and 3rd $100.
For an entry form, call 216/481-5378 or pick up a form at the Friday one of the city's more adventurous acts. It doesn't do anything the
Fish Fry between 3-8:00 p.m. The cutoff date for entries is February easy way. Loud Pop, for example, starts as a simple, sparse pop tune
with falsetto vocals, then turns into a raucous rocker and finally
recedes back to something somber. It's a tricky change of pace that
the band pulls off with little difficulty. Tornado Song is as intricate as
Cooking with Micka
the opening track, Ichabod, is delicate, the
At the Monday, March 4 class, participants will make štruklje
er a soulful number that has elements
and Lenten peasant soup. Cost : $20. Please remit to:
of the National and Coldplay. Up Titanic,
Toni Srsen
delivers on the band's reputation as an
2735 Morning Star Ct.
orchestral pop act and even includes a
Willoughby Hills, OH 44094
hint of horns. Meticulously executed and
Canadian Slovenian Historical Society (CSHS) Invites You delivered with great attention to detail,
all 11 songs have a strong cinematic
The exhibit of Canadian Slovenian Contributions to Canada
quality that distinguishes them from
produced in cooperation with the Slovenian Migration Institute at the
standard fare indie rock.” By Jeff Niesel research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC
Scene Magazine.
SAZU) and the CSHS was first displayed in Ljubljana, Slovenia, June
Commonwealth consists of Patrick Burke (guitar, horn, bass guitar),
2012. On Tuesday March 5th to 8th 2013, Main Floor - TORONTO CITY
Nicholas Kuhar (drums and percussion), and Andrew Kuhar (guitar and
piano). Pat Nick and Andy graduated from St. Ignatius High School: Pat
CSHS Tuesday, March 5, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Refreshments
then graduated with a bachelor degree in engineering (Cleveland State
served. The CSHS Committee members are looking forward to
University); Nick graduated with a bachelor degree in religious studies and
seeing you at the opening evening ceremony. RSVP acceptances only:
a Master Degree, English, John Carroll University; and Andy graduated
from Cleveland Institute of Art with a bachelor degree in fine arts.This is the
second CD of Commonwealth, the first entitled, Souvenir.
Commonwealth will be performing at Beachland Ballroom, 15711
Waterloo Road, on March 9, 2013.
Organ recital at St. Vitus on Sat. March 16
Concert by “Fantov s Praprotna,” – the original Lojze Slak Part of its events regarding the 120th Year Anniversary of the
founding of St. Vitus Parish in the diocese of Cleveland as the
first American Slovenian Roman Catholic Parish (1893-2013), Mr.
Daniel Hathaway will perform an organ recital on the historically
restored church Holtkamp pipe organ that consists of 1,500
wooden and metal pipes. The organ recital will be in the church on
Saturday, March 16, immediately following the 4:00p.m. vigil Mass.
Daniel Hathaway
completed 31 years of
tenure as artistic director
at Trinity Cathedral in
Cleveland (1977-2008),
where he founded Music
& Performing Arts at
Trinity Cathedral, the
Wednesday Brownbag
Orchestra. Mr. Hathaway
was educated at Harvard, Princeton and the Episcopal
The Polka Pirates
Divinity School, where he studied orchestral conducting
The Polka Pirates were formed in 2005. They feature bandleader/ at Tanglewood with Leon Barzin and Leonard Bernstein.
banjo/guitar player Duffy O'Neill, Andy Hudak and Joe Strukel on piano
He made his Latin American conducting debut at the Teatro
accordion, Patty Candela on button box, Frank Loucka on buttonbox/ Colón in Buenos Aires in 2004. As organist, he has played recitals in
piano, Tom Mrozcka on trumper and Paul Stejskal on drums. The
continued on page 8
band plays all style of music and is known for its hard hitting polkas.
They play ballroom events and are very well received. Festivals and
dances are their specialties with regular monthly engagements, some
ongoing for over 5 years. Fun, entertaining, seasoned and polished
musically, they are a crowd favorite. Our promo info/videos are on
their website: and on Facebook www. For information call: (440) 666-7022.
Polka Pirates events:
Sunday 3/3 from 3-6 p.m. at the Brothers Lounge, - Final
Dyngus Day Training Dance - This year will be epic. Come enjoy a
great venue/crowd/food/drink/band.
Wednesday 3/6 from 7-10 p.m. at the AMPOL Club, 4737 Pearl
Rd., Cleveland. Great dance location. Dinners are available from 5:307p.m. by calling Bonnie's Catering, (216)- 581-4362.
Saturday 3/9 from 6:00 p.m. Retired/Retireable Irish Police
On Sunday, March 10, 2013 the famous singers Fantje s
Praprotna from the Lojze Slak ensemble will be entertaining Cleveland
Slovenians. The concert will
begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Slovenian
National Home on St. Clair Ave.
Musicians from Cleveland will
take part in the concert as well.
A social will follow; food and
beverages will be available.
Presale tickets are $12, at the door
$14. Call Elizabeth at 440-537-1941
or Gerri at 216-361-5115. One can
also purchase tickets at the Polka Hall of Fame in Euclid. The concert
is sponsored by Slovenska Pristava, Slovenian National Home, Fantje
na Vasi and Mi smo Mi. Please join us to hear authentic sounds from
Page 8,
the U.S. cathedrals of St. John the Divine, New York, Washington,
Kansas City and Topeka, in the U.K. cathedrals of Chester, Edinburgh,
Norwich & Winchester, and in France, Germany, Austria & Sweden.
Among his recent projects is the founding of ClevelandClassical.
com, a web site promoting live classical music in northeast Ohio.
Mr. Hathaway is currently the principal organist at The Shrine
of The Conversation of St. Paul, east 40th and Euclid Avenue.
St.Vitus Parish is most pleased to have the opportunity to
provide this organ recital to the general public at no admission charge.
Free-will offering is permitted and recommended. There will be a
social with light food/pastry and refreshments after the organ recital
in the parish lower church hall.
KSKJ Life Matching Funds Benefit Dinner at
St. Vitus Parish
The St. Vitus KSKJ Lodge #25, St. Vitus Altar Society, and the
St. Vitus Holy Name Society will co-sponsor a Roast Chicken or Roast
Pork Dinner on Sunday, March 24, at the St. Vitus Auditorium located
in Cleveland, Ohio, on the corner of Norwood Road and Lausche
Avenue, (one block south of E. 62nd and St. Clair Avenue). On the
menu will be a choice of roasted chicken or roast pork with homemade
soup, mashed potatoes, vegetable, salad, bread, dessert, and coffee,
tea, or milk. Serving will be continuous from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m..
Take-out dinners will be available. Donation is $13.00 for adults and
$7.00 for children, 12 years old or younger.
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
This event will be part of the KSKJ Life, American Slovenian
Catholic Union, Matching Funds Program. The matching proceeds of
the event will benefit the Friends of the Slovenian National Home on
St. Clair Avenue for the renovation of the restroom facilities. All are
welcome to attend the dinner.
For tickets and further information, call the St. Vitus Rectory
at (216) 361-1444. Tickets are available from members of the above
organizations, the rectory, or at the door on the day of the event.
Fraternally yours,
Joseph V. Hocevar, Dinner Chairman.
Slovenian Singing Society Zarja
Presents “V šoli – The Reunion,” A One Act Comedy on
Saturday April 27, 2013, at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher
Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. Dinner: 5:30; Program: 7:00; Dancing to the
Jeff Pecon Orchestra: 8:00 Call: Barbara Elersich at 440-257-2540
Cleveland International Hall of Fame; Sponsorship
Opportunities. We are pleased to announce the 2013 Class of the
Cleveland International Hall of Fame. Bishop A. Edward Pevec is
a candidate. The induction dinner/ceremony will take place on
Wednesday May 8, 2013 in the Grand Ballroom of The Marriott Key
Center. Dinner tickets, sponsorships and program messages are
available to congratulate the inductees and to show your support for
Cleveland’s ethnic diversity pioneers. For more information, contact
Debbie Hanson at 216-381-8310 or deb@ClevelandPeople.Com.
Details on the Hall of Fame, the induction event and opportunities
to be involved are also available at
S l ove n i a n A m e r i c a n
Now Selling Slovenian Books!
Share your Slovenian heritage with your family and friends.
$37 + shipping
Need help reading the
Slovenian section of the
SAT? Here is the perfect
companion! Translate
from English to Slovenian
and Slovenian to English
with this handy dictionary
$25 + shipping
$45 + shipping
Hear an accounting of
the plight of Slovenians
who fled advancing
communist armies and
their forced repatriations.
Paperback. English. The
story of Metod Milac
and his struggles as
a student during the
Second World War.
$30 + shipping
$ + shipping
$40 + shipping
$25 + shipping
Slovenian only: Follow
Miro Rak as he tells
stories from his hunting excursions around
the world.
Hardcover. English or Slovenian. Detailed history of
post-WWII Slovenia and the struggles of its people.
Check the boxes next to the items you’d like to order.
Please enter the SHIPPING information
How to order?
Use the information below:
#1 By Phone: Call: 440.833.0020
#2 By Mail: Mail this form with
payment to:
Slovenian American Times
33977 Chardon Road, Suite 120
Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094
Learn the history of
Slovenian people durning and after WWII.
This takes you inside
the madness and bravery that only comes
in times of war. Soft
cover. English only.
TRIGLAV Paperback.
English. The author who
survived Nazi Occupation
and the Red Revolution in
Yugoslavia directs this bookk
to the scattered offspring of
those freedom fighters overr
North America.
Purchase 5 or more books and shipping is FREE!
Fill in the number of how many of each book you want to purchase:
______ APOSTLE OF HOPE ($18 each)
______ SLO-ENG & ENG-SLO DICTIONARY ($37 each)
______ RAD IMAM SONCE (Slovenian only) ($25 each)
______ MOJIH PET SVETOV (Slovenian only) ($25 each)
______ THE SLOVENIAN EXODUS OF 1945 ($40 each)
______ TESTIMONY ($25 each)
City/State (or Province):
______ THE ORCHARD ($30 each)
Zip/Postal Code/Country:
Shipping Cost: ADD $4 per book.
5+ books ships free =
Total Enclosed: =
This and other books may also be ordered from the Slovenska Pisarna. Please visit for more information.
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 9
hof/hof.htm. The doors open at 5:00 PM.
Dinner and induction will begin promptly
at 6:00. Payments and copy (PDF file) are
due by April 17, 2013. Earlier submissions
are greatly appreciated. All ads must be
camera ready. Please send PDF files to
me at deb@ClevelandPeople.Com. Please
make check payable to: Magnum Inc. and
mail to 3150 Payne Avenue, Cleveland,
OH, 44114-4504. Dress: Business casual.
Ethnic and cultural garb is encouraged.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with
questions or if you wish to be a sponsor.
I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at this exciting
Induction Ceremony.
Debbie Hanson ClevelandPeople.Com; Cleveland International Hall
of Fame, 216-406-6594 or deb@ClevelandPeople.Com; 3150 Payne
Avenue, Cleveland, OH, 44114-4504
The St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club’s Clam Bake:
The St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club invites you to their annual clam
bake on Saturday, September 28th at their club grounds, 6599 Ravenna
Road in Concord Township. Clam bakes and steak dinners will be
served from 4 - 7:00 p.m. The Stan Mejac Orchestra will provide the
musical entertainment for the evening. For tickets and information
call Bob Siers at 216-408-9366. Everyone welcome!
“Perpetuum Jazzile” - Featuring 35 A Cappella Singers
Of "Vocal Ecstasy"- Returns to the U.S. in March
Following A Sold-Out 2011 Tour The Group
(Los Angeles, CA)— Perpetuum Jazzile, the world-renowned a cappella group
from Slovenia features 35 powerful voices, creating a "Vocal Orchestra" with
vocal percussions, a human beat-box imitating an incredible array of drums,
electronic beats; and choreographed hand movements that simulate storms
for an intense sound experience. The group is YouTube’s most viewed “extralarge” vocal group in the world with more than 35 million views, as it has
garnered a massive worldwide following in just three years. They have toured
to sell-out crowds in the United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, United
Kingdom, France, Italy, Austria, Holland, Sweden, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia,
Ukraine, Czech Republic, Argentina and Brazil.
The tour dates are as follows:
March 5
7:30 p.m. The Paramount Theatre, Bristol, TN;
March 7
8:00 p.m. George Washington Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC;
March 9
9:00 p.m. Emporia Greensville Performing Arts Center, Emporia, VA;
March 10 3:00 p.m. Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE;
March 14 7:30 pm Cleveland State, Cleveland, OH;
March 16 8:00 p.m Carnegie Library of Homestead Music Hall, Munhall, PA;
March 17 9:00 p.m. The Gramercy Theatre, New York, NY;
March 19 8:00 p.m. The Helene Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts, Milwaukee, WI;
March 20 7:30 p.m. Rialto Square Theatre, Joliet, IL; and
March 23 7:30 p.m. North Iowa Community Auditorium, Mason City, IA.
For more information about Perpetuum Jazzile, please visit:
To view the Perpetuum Jazzile presentational video, please visit:
Clevelanders: if you would enjoy providing overnight accommodations to
singers for two nights while the group is in Cleveland, please call
by John Mercina
MARCH 16, 1963
Fifty years ago, on the above date, the above song and the first
line of the lyrics, by The 4 Seasons, was the top hit on the music charts
in the USA. The above fact pales in comparison to the feat/pilgrimage
completed by eight young Slovenian-Americans in Cleveland on that
day 50 years ago.
The background…
In 1960, as President-elect, John F. Kennedy wrote and
published in “Sports Illustrated” an article titled “The Soft American.”
Kennedy warned that “(Americans) were becoming unfit in a changing
world where automation and increased leisure time replaced the
benefits of exercise and hard work.” In 1963, President Kennedy
challenged Americans to become fit. Apparently he discovered an
executive order from President Theodore Roosevelt, challenging
U.S. Marine officers to finish 50 miles in twenty hours. According to
Wikipedia, Kennedy suggested to his own marine commandant that
“modern day marines should duplicate this feat.” Kennedy March
became a reality. President’s own brother, Attorney General Robert
F. Kennedy, completed the march “on an impulse,” on February 12,
1963, in 17 hours and 50 minutes.
The Slovenian-American feat in Cleveland…
On Saturday, March 16, 1963, one month after Robert
Kennedy’s “march,” eight young men, none being US Marines,
gathered in front of Baragov Dom on E. 64 and St. Clair, the center of
the then Slovenian community in Cleveland, at an un-godly hour of
3:30 am. (Some probably did not even go to sleep from the previous
day). They were ready and eager for the challenge: Walk 50 miles
in under 20 hours. Frank Lovsin, Louie and Charlie Loncar, Milan
and Frank Rihtar, Al Zupan, Tony Mrva and Frank Tominc were the
young men determined to complete the feat/pilgrimage…and they
did, with plenty of time to spare. They reached their destination 10
hours and 30 minutes later in Madison, Ohio, at 2:00 p.m.
How was it done?
It was definitely not a “march” the whole 50 miles. A fast-pace
at first, probably the first 20 miles, including one and two mile runs,
followed by fast and slow walk and boredom that set in. Since at least
half of the participants belonged to the Slavček singing group, they
sang, prayed the rosary, checked the blisters and were thirsty…never
mind, the water bottles were not invented yet. The last 10 miles were
probably walked in complete silence, since complaining would be a
sign of defeat. It was a physical and mental challenge. “We did it and
could probably do it again,” in the words of one participant!
50 years later…
Sometime in March of 2013, the young men from 1963,
now already “old farts,” will meet for a cookout at an undisclosed
location. Sadly, two of the participants, Frank Tominc, the youngest
of the bunch, and Frank Lovsin, the oldest, are strolling in heaven
and interceding on their behalf. For them and for their beloved, the
six remaining will say a prayer as they raise a glass of home-made
(Comments/complaints to:
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General Dentistry|Preventive Dentistry
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Saturday Appointments Available
Page 10,
(The articles and news are gleaned from The Embassy Newsletters,
STA, SinFo, Slovenia danes, Radio Ognjišče,The Republic of Slovenia
Government Communication office: Newsletter, the Internet, and the web
Schools, Kindergartens Closed, Other Institutes Limit
A massive, anti-austerity strike of public sector employees started on
January 23rd with almost all schools and kindergartens in the country
closed and the scope of work limited in many other public sector institutions. Almost 32,800 out of the total of 41,515 employees in educa-
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
economic situation in the country. Immediately after being sworn in,
the government had to limit public spending. After long negotiations
with social partners, it achieved a consensus on the implementation of
the so-called austerity act. Together with the savings made on material costs and subsequent amendments to legislation, it provided the basis for the budget and public expenditure. Prime Minister Janez Janša
expressed satisfaction with his government's record in office one year
into its term. "The way out of crisis is paved and only political blockades still threaten our future," Janša said in a written statement on
February 11. The government has worked hard to set up the foundations so that Slovenia can successfully deal with the consequences of
the crisis, Janša said, warning that Slovenians should not let "internal
discord and irresponsible, reckless and calculating political careerism
to shake the well-built foundation again."
PM Janša in Chile for EU-Latin America Summit
AP Photo/Matej Leskovsek)
tion, science and culture are on strike today, Branimir Štrukelj of the
trade union representing these workers said. Boris Koprivnikar of the
Community of Social Centres told the STA that the employees were on
strike in line with the law, which meant that they were still performing their duties to provide for health and security of the people. Protest rallies have also started in 14 major towns across Slovenia. Some
10,000 people are expected to turn out.
Citizens’ List Decides to Leave the Coalition
The Citizens’ List (DL), Prime Minister Janez Janša’s primary coalition partner, decided to leave the government due to refusal to step
down over corruption allegations. Party president Gregor Virant labeled it “the first step in the resolution of the political crisis.” Without
the ministers of justice and finance, and a majority in the parliament,
collapse of Janša’s Cabinet, isn’t immediate because he can continue
to lead a minority government pending a no-confidence vote in the assembly. “The political crisis erupted the day that the Commission for
the Prevention of Corruption presented its grave and damning findings. The party’s governing council is still in session and it remains
unclear what the other decisions will be, in particular with regard to
the resignation of both DL ministers, Finance Minister Janez Šušteršič
and Public Administration and Justice Minister Senko Pličanič, and
the resignation of Virant as speaker of parliament.
Vets Caution Against “Disastrous” Impact of Austerity
The Veterinary Chamber warned that radical cost cutting was beginning to jeopardize food safety and could pose a health risk to people
and animals in Slovenia. Austerity measures
in food safety are going
beyond all reasonable
boundaries and will
lead to disastrous consequences for public
and animal health, Veterinary Chamber president Borut Zemljič. He
warned that spending
(above)Miran Ačko; (left)
reduction would force Borut Zemljič
veterinary inspectors
to stop doing regular annual checks at farms
even though these are prescribed by the veterinary compliance criteria act. Head of the practicing vets’s section Miran Ačko warned that on some farms these were the only inspections
conducted in a year. Unless the implementation of regular checks is
secured, products from farms not complying with animal health standards could enter the food chain.
Janša Satisfied with Govt Record, Warns of Blockades
Prime Minister Janez Janša met on January 26 with representatives
of Slovenia living in Chile, ahead of an EU-Latin America summit in
Santiago de Chile. Janša thanked the representatives for their role in
international recognition of Slovenia. “We are thankful to you, compatriots from South America, for your support in the international recognition of our country, Slovenia,” Janša said in his speech. Janša also
expressed recognition for their work, ideas and example with which
they help shape the Slovenian state, preserve the Slovenian language
and culture and offer future to the new generations. Janša planted
a linden tree in Santiago’s
Nunoa commune to mark
the occasion. Estimates put
the number of Slovenians
living in Chile at about
300. Janša held a number
of bilateral meetings at the
sidelines of the EU-Latin
America summit which
began January 27. Representatives of some 60 countries and around 45 heads
of states and governments
Prime Minister Janez Janša in Chile. (photo BoBo)
were in attendance.
Slovenia Gets Another EU Reprimand over Air Quality
Slovenia received a warning from the European Commission over poor
air quality. The “additional letter of formal notice,” sent to Slovenia
regarding PM10 particles is the first step in a fresh procedure against
the country. The European Commission had previously successfully
sued Slovenia for failing to meet air quality standards. In January,
four decrees on air quality in the four cities where the PM10 particles
exceed limits on a daily basis (Celje, Novo mesto, Murska Sobota and
Kranj) entered public debate. The decrees include measures to reduce
air pollution and a programme to analyse the causes. PM10 airborne
particles are mainly present in emissions from industry, traffic and
domestic heating. They can cause asthma, cardiovascular problems,
lung cancer and premature death.
Economy Minister Concludes Visit to India
Economic Development and Technology Minister Radovan Žerjac
wrapped his visit to India on January 31 at a meeting with Minister of
Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises Praful Patel and West Bengal Commerce and Industry Minister Partha Chatterjee. Žerjav said
that the Ljubljana airport could
serve as gateway to Europe
for an Indian air
carrier and that
Koper was the
biggest port in
northern Adriatic. The West
Bengal minister
believes SloveEconomic Development and Technology Minister Radovan
location Žerjac (center) meets with Indian Gov’t officials.
is one of the
country’s key advantages, providing an excellent gateway to Europe.
Chatterjee also believes the countries could cooperate in the field of
film industry mentioning Maribor as a potential film location.
February 10 marked the first anniversary of government under Prime Minister Unveils 53 Measures to Reform Labor Market
Minister Janez Janša. When it took office, its first and key mission was Labor Minister Andrej Vizjak, on February 1, unveiled 53 labor market
to prepare the most urgent measures to exit the difficult financial and reform measures aiming to increase competitiveness and reduce mar-
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 11
ket segmentation. The proposal includes measures to simplify hiring
and laying off, remove administrative barriers, increase flexibility, as
well as incentives for employment for an indefinite period. Contract
termination will be easier through simpler procedures which employers need to follow in giving notice, also by limiting the possibility
for the worker representative’s opinion to suspend termination, and
through the use of information technology in notifying workers or
trade unions. The proposal moreover raises the age at which workers
are eligible for greater security against notice to 58 years.
ect - in which beverage
maker Fructal developed
the drink, glassworks
steklarna Hrastnik will
make the bottles and
plastics maker Feroplast
will produce the caps
- was initiated in 2009,
when renowned New
York chef Peter X. Kelly
Forests Singled Out as Key Untapped Resource
visited Slovenia. Vodka
is increasing in popularin Notranjsko
ity, why not be a part
Exploitation of Notranjsko’s
of this, Emil Gaspari,
expansive forests was singled
Peter X. Kelly (photo of Good Voda)
the boss of Good Voda,
out as a key opportunity for
which will market the
the region’s economic developdrink, said at the presentament as the government paid
tion in Ljubljana. The drink
a visit to the southwestern rewill be promoted on social
gion in late January. The forests
networks, addressing both
are “largely untapped,” Prime
young and old. Among the
Minister Janez Janša told the
investors are also two artpress. Members of the cabinet
Minister for Infrastructure and Spatial
met local officials, businessmen Planning Zvonko Černač (left) and ists of global acclaim - actor
and civil servants today, with Prime Minister Janez Janša (center) visit- Bill Murray and dancer and actor Mikhail “Misha” Baryshnikov.
Janša pointing out that a lot of ing the region in January.
questions revolved around naTraditional Ptuj Carnival Begins
tional strategies for forest management and wood biomass use. He The Mayor of Ptuj Štefan Čelan symbolically handed over power in
said the government last year adopted an action plan for better man- Slovenia’s oldest city to the carnival prince on February 3, opening the
agement of forests, which he said was very important not only for 53rd edition of the largest carnival in Central Europe, which ran until
Notranjsko-Kraško region but for the entire country. Infrastructure February 10. While an estimated 10,000 visitors gathered in Ptuj on
and Spatial Planning Minister Zvonko Černač also highlighted the opening day, organizers expected a total of 150,000 to attend more than
wood industry, for which the region has long been famous, but noted 100 events held during
that “significant changes” had taken place, not only because of the the week long event that
crisis but also because of privatization of some companies “ended un- featured 15,000 particifortunately.” Notranjsko-Kraško has a population of 52,500 and is the pants from 15 countries.
most sparsely populated Slovenian region, with just 35 inhabitants The festival culminated
per square kilometer.
on Sunday, February 10,
when around 4,000 traditional carnival figures
Slovenians Laying Off Cigarettes, Alcohol
A survey on the lifestyle of Slovenians between 2001 and 2008 recently from Slovenia, Croareleased by the Public Health Institute (IVZ) revealed some positive tia, Belgium, Serbia,
trends in people’s smoking and drinking habits but showed that more Macedonia, Greece and
should be done to promote healthy eating. Less encouraging are Germany occupied the
data on people’s eating habits, with the most negative trend noticed streets of Ptuj.
Photo: Gregor Mlakar/STA
among people with lower education, of lower social class and among
men. The share of people with high-level risks of stress, especially at Free WiFi Launched in Ljubljana
work, also increased. The respondents mostly listed too much work- Ljubljana launched the first phase of its municipal wireless network
load, poor financial situation, family problems, poor relations with in the beginning of February, allowing 1-hour free internet access
co-workers and loneliness as the reasons for feeling stressed.
per day in the city center. In the next stages, the coverage of the WiFreeLjubljana network
Choir Legend Donates Collection to Make Slovenian is to be extended to the
entire urban area within
Choir Archive
the Ljubljana ring by auLegendary Slovenian choir
tumn, project managers
master and conductor Mirko
said at the presentation.
Cuderman has donated his perThe project of the City of
sonal collection of music mateLjubljana, telco Telekom
rial gathered in over 50 years
Slovenije and data comof his work in vocal and instrumunication
mental music to make a SloveNIL will allow unlimited
nian Choir Archive, which was
free access to the sites
unveiled on January 28. Sloveof project partners and
nia ranks at the top in the choir
one-hour access to all
world and this archive, which
other sites. Alternativewill be open to the public, can
ly, users can buy 1-, 7- or
be crucial for the further develMirko Cuderman
30-day access, and touropment of Slovenian choirs. In
ists can use the access
his rich musical career, Cuderman has led some of the top choirs in Slovenia, including Consortium points by acquiring the
musicum, the RTV Slovenija Chamber Choir, the Slovenian Chamber Ljubljana tourist card.
Choir and the Slovenian Octet.He founded Consortium musicum in In 2014, the network is
1968 to perform the great vocal-instrumental works of musical mas- to grow beyond the ring,
ters, Slovenian and foreign. The choir, which has been led by Cuder- mostly to more densely
man since its founding, has had almost 400 singers in its history and populated areas, and the
has performed over 600 different musical works at over 400 concerts. number of access points
is to increase from the current 80 to a total of 1,430, explained Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Janković. The value of the project is estimated at over
Slovenia Vodka to Take on U.S. Market
10m EUR and Telekom Slovenije chairman Rudolf Skobe explained
Slovenia Vodka, a vodka made from Slovenian buckwheat, will soon
that the 10-year public-private partnership is expected to bring the
take the U.S. market. The drink, which aims at promoting Slovenia,
telco 30m-50m EUR in revenues.
is planned to be launched in New York at the end of April, followed
continued on page 12
by New Jersey and Connecticut, and later other markets. The proj-
Page 12,
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
previously nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Moreover, Ljubljana
Archbishop Anton Stres told the press that he supported the nominaSlovenia to Promote Entrepreneurship at Schools
Education Minister Žiga Turk told the business daily Finance on Janu- tion “with all my heart. I have had the privilege to see and admire
ary 30, the ministry was planning to introduce school subjects that his immeasurable dedication and sacrifice serving those abandoned
would encourage entrepreneurship. A pilot project of creative entre- by everybody.” The archbishop said that Opeka had rescued tens of
thousands of people from poverty and moral decay, giving them back
preneurship has already been launched at
human dignity and helped them to social inclusion. Pedro Opeka was
a secondary school center in Sežana (SW),
born to Slovenian expatriates in Buenos Aires in 1948. He joined the
which the minister hopes will provide the
Lazarian missionary society in 1966. He studied theology in Ljubljana,
ministry with the necessary experience in
but completed his studies at the Catholic Institute in Paris. He has
gradual introduction of such subjects at difbeen living and working in Madagascar since 1976. Opeka has earned
ferent levels of education. He also pointed
international acclaim with his humanitarian project for the most marout that entrepreneurship should be proginalized segment of the population in Antananarivo. He has foundmoted at schools both as a skill and as a valed several humanitarian associations, rescuing thousands of children
ue, adding that only teaching theory would
from the rubbish dumps. He has received numerous recognitions for
not change things and that local businesses
his work, including the Golden Order for Services from former Presishould take part in school activities to prodent Danilo Türk.
mote the entrepreneurial values. Schools
will be free to decide on the exact content,
but they will need to follow the ministry’s
guidelines, Turk said, adding that the preparation of plans may take some time.
Žiga Turk
Slovenia Remembers Poet Prešeren with Bank Holiday
Slovenia observed a bank holiday on February 8 in the memory of
France Prešeren (1800-1849), who is regarded as the greatest Slovenian poet. In addition, the recipients of the Prešeren Prizes and the
lesser Prešeren Fund Prizes were honored as Slovenia celebrated CulSlovenia Nominates Missionary Opeka for Nobel
ture Day. Culture Minister Žiga Turk hosted a reception and Prime
Peace Prize
Minister Janez Janša congratulated the laureates in a message. Turk
The only thing Slovenian politicians and religious leaders seem to and President Borut Pahor also laid wreaths at the landmark monuagree these days is the nomination of Slovenian missionary Pedro ment to France Prešeren in the center of Ljubljana as part of the CulOpeka for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize. Opeka, referred to as missionary of the garbage people, has dedicated his life to helping the people
living in rubbish dumps
of Madagascar’s capital Antananarivo. MEP
Lojze Peterle of the New
Slovenia (NSi) told the
press on January 28, that
he had been working on
a nomination for Opeka
for a year. In January,
support was voiced by
everybody from the opposition Positive Slovenia (PS), to the government and the Catholic
Church. PS deputy Roman Jakič sent a letter to Thorbjorn Jagland, the
Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, labeling Opeka “one
of the greatest modern-time humanitarians and friends of the poor.”
On February 2, the government expressed support for the nomination,
Statue of France Prešeren in Ljubljana
as well. Prime Minister
Janez Janša said after the
ture Day celebrations.
government session that
Diaspora Writer Simčič, Illustrator Stupica Honoured for
there was a good chance
Lifetime Achievement
of succeeding. “If anyThe winners of this year's Prešeren Prize, the top national award for
body deserves the Nolifetime achievement in culture, were diaspora writer Zorko Simčič
bel Peace Prize it is
and illustrator Marlenka Stupica.
Opeka for his years-long
Simčič was honored for his "rich
humanitarian activities
and versatile literary oeuvre"
in one of the poorest
which ranges from novels, short
countries in the world,”
stories and poetry to plays and
said Janša. He added
essays. Simčič was born in 1921
that the nomination also
Maribor. He gained recognienjoyed support among
tion already with his first novel
many foreign presidents
"Prebujenje" (Awakening) in
and the heads of various
1943. In May 1945 he moved to
respectable international institutions in Europe, Africa and other continents. Among oth- the Koroško region, and then
Zorko Simčič. (photo: Blaž Samec/Delo)
ers, support for Opeka was also voiced by Australia’s Health Minister later to Italy, before emigrating
Tanya Plibersek, who is also of Slovenian descent. Opeka has been to Argentina to escape Communism. He returned to his homeland in 1994.
The 86-year-old artist Stupica
is best known for her children's
book illustrations, but she also
designs puppets and works in
scenography. Born in Maribor
in 1927, she has illustrated more
than 100 books for the youngest and has received numerous
Slovenian and international
awards for her work, including Marlenka Stupica (photo:Jure Eržen/Delo)
the Prešeren Fund Prize for individual artistic achievements in 1972.
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 13
Community Calendar
Feb. 20 (Wed) St. Vitus food bank;
church hall. 11:30am. - 1:30pm.
Feb. 22 (Fri.) Lenten Fish Fry at St.
Mary’s in Collinwood. Prices: $9 for
ocean perch dinner: 2 pieces of hand
breaded fish, Slovenian home fried
potatoes, coleslaw dressed in oil and
vinegar, bread, homemade dessert,
and coffee. Dinners with oven baked
cod, fried shrimp, crab cakes, or
combos are $10. Homemade soup and
macaroni and cheese are also available.
Dine in/carry out. Site is handicapped
accessible. (216) 761-7740.
Feb. 22 (Fri.) Slovenian Workmen’s
Home on Waterloo – Fish Fry: 3 –
8:00 p.m. Fish (Deep fried or baked),
Shrimp, Goulash, Pork Chops,
Slovenian home fires, French fries,
polenta, cabbage & noodles, macaroni
& cheese, cole-slaw, strudel. Take-outs
and reservations: 216-481-5378.
Feb. 22 (Fri.) West Park Slovenian
Home Dance – 7:15 -11:00 p.m.
Admission $10. Music by Frank
Moravcik. Call: 216-941-3224.
Feb. 15-23 (Fri-Sat) 3 Vallees, France;
SlovenSki trip; Contact John Kamin
Feb. 23 (Sat.) St. Vitus community hot
meal in church hall. From 11:30am1pm. Sponsored by St Pascal Baylon
Helping Hand Ministry and St Vitus
Feb. 23 (Sat.) Slovenian Kurentovanje
- East Side’s Historic Slovenian
Community will hold a Winter
Carnival from 12-6 p.m. Parade of
Kurents, Open House of businesses;
food and beverages (See In the News)
Feb. 24 (Sun.) St. Vitus Slovenian
School Benefit Dinner in the St. Vitus
Auditorium: pork roast or chicken
served between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm.
Take-outs available in the social room.
$12 adults/$6 for children. Tickets
may be purchased in advance from
Slovenian School parents or at door.
Feb. 24 (Sun.) “Waterloo Ballroom”
of the Slovenian Workman’s Home
Polka Dance 3 – 7:00 p.m. Jeff Pecon
Band - $12 includes sandwich and soft
drink. 216-481-5378.
Feb. 27 (Wed.) Pristava Pensioners
monthly meeting at the Slovenian
Home on Holmes Ave. at 1:30.
March 1 (Fri.) Lenten Fish Fry at St.
Mary’s in Collinwood. Prices: $9 for
ocean perch dinner: 2 pieces of hand
breaded fish, Slovenian home fried
potatoes, coleslaw dressed in oil and
vinegar, bread, homemade dessert,
and coffee. Dinners with oven baked
cod, fried shrimp, crab cakes, or
combos are $10. Homemade soup and
macaroni and cheese are also available.
Dine in/carry out. Site is handicapped
accessible. (216) 761-7740.
March 1 (Fri.) Slovenian Workmen’s
Home on Waterloo – Fish Fry: 3 –
8:00 p.m. Fish (Deep fried or baked),
Shrimp, Goulash, Pork Chops,
Slovenian home fires, French fries,
polenta, cabbage & noodles, macaroni
& cheese, cole-slaw, strudel. Take-outs
and reservations: 216-481-5378.
March 1 (Fri.) West Park Slovenian
Home Dance – 7:15 -11:00 p.m.
Admission $10. Music by Wayne
Tomsic. Call: 216-941-3224.
March - Polka Pirates events: See In
the News.
March 1-2 (Fri.- Sat.) Slovenian
Workmen’s Home on Waterloo
Balina/Balinca/Bocce Tournament .
Prizes: 1st $300, 2nd $150 and 3rd
$100. For entry form, call 216/481-5378
or pick up Friday Fish Fry between
3-8:00 p.m. The cutoff date for entries
is February 22nd.
March 2 (Sat.) S.A.C. (Melvindale,
MI) Spring Chili cook-Off in memory
of Ford Hopper. Baked goods and
raffle prizes needed.
March 2 (Sat.) Slovenian Catholic
Center in Lemont, IL – Tarok
Tournament - Main Event
March 3 (Sun.) St. Mary’s parish
palačinka breakfast for benefit of
Slovenian school: Palačinka (fruit
jelly crepe) with scrambled eggs and
bread, home-made Slovenian sausage,
fruit garnish, orange juice, and coffee
$8 adults / $4 children. Served from
8:45 till noon.
March 3 (Sun.) St. Vitus annual
corporate Mass and breakfast,
Catholic Order of Foresters (COF),
Baraga and Maximilian Courts. Mass
at 9:00 a.m. Breakfast follows in the
parish auditorium.
March 5 – 8 (Tue. – Fri.) Canadian
Slovenian Historical Society (CSHS)
(10th anniversary celebration) –
Exhibition of Canadian Slovenian
Contributions to Canada at Toronto
City Hall, 100 Queen Street West. March
5, from 7 – 9:00 p.m.- refreshments served.
March 6 (Wed.) St. Anne Lodge
#4 AMLA monthly meeting in the
Slovenian Room, St. Vitus Village at
1:00 p.m. All members welcome.
March 8 (Fri.) Lenten Fish Fry at St.
Mary’s in Collinwood. Prices: $9 for
ocean perch dinner: 2 pieces of hand
breaded fish, Slovenian home fried
potatoes, coleslaw dressed in oil and
vinegar, bread, homemade dessert,
and coffee. Dinners with oven baked
cod, fried shrimp, crab cakes, or
combos are $10. Homemade soup and
macaroni and cheese are also available.
Dine in/carry out. Site is handicapped
accessible. (216) 761-7740.
March 8 (Fri.) Slovenian Workmen’s
Home on Waterloo – Fish Fry: 3 –
8:00 p.m. Fish (Deep fried or baked),
Shrimp, Goulash, Pork Chops,
Slovenian home fires, French fries,
polenta, cabbage & noodles, macaroni
& cheese, cole-slaw, strudel. Take-outs
and reservations: 216-481-5378.
March 8 (Fri.) West Park Slovenian
Home Dance – 7:15 -11:00 p.m.
Admission $10. Music by The Casuals.
Call: 216-941-3224.
March 9 (Sat.) St. Vitus Altar &
Rosary Society - Krofe in the social
room, parish auditorium.
March 9 (Sat.) Commonwealth
Band performing at Beachland
Please note local addresses:
Slovenska Pristava 1024 Brandt Rd., Harpersfield, Ohio,
SNPJ Farm Park 10946 Heath Road, Kirtland, Ohio,
Slovenian National Home (SNH) - 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, 216-361-5115
The Slovenian Workmen’s Home - 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, Ohio, 216-481-5378
West Park Slovenian Home 4583 W. 130th St., Cleveland, Ohio,
The Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio,
Ballroom, 15711 Waterloo Road.
com (See In the News).
March 10 (Sun.) Misijonsko Kosilo
– Mission Aid Dinner at St. Mary’s
parish hall. Adults $13/ child $7. Takeout orders available.
March 10 (Sun.) Fantje s Praprotna,
Slovenia, in Concert at the Slovenian
National Home on St. Clair Ave. at
5:00 p.m. Local musicians will also
participate in the concert. A social
evening will follow; food and drinks
will be available. The repertoire of
songs is set. Anyone who has a desire
to hear a specific song, should call:
March 10 (Sun.) S.A.C. (Melvindale,
MI) St. Patrick’s Day Dance. Music:
Frank Moravcik Band from Cleveland.
Doors open at noon. Dancing 2-6:00
p.m. $11. Food available. Donations of
prizes and baked goods appreciated.
March 15 (Fri.) Lenten Fish Fry at St.
Mary’s in Collinwood. Prices: $9 for
ocean perch dinner: 2 pieces of hand
breaded fish, Slovenian home fried
potatoes, coleslaw dressed in oil and
vinegar, bread, homemade dessert,
and coffee. Dinners with oven baked
cod, fried shrimp, crab cakes, or
combos are $10. Homemade soup and
macaroni and cheese are also available.
Dine in/carry out. Site is handicapped
accessible. (216) 761-7740.
March 15 (Fri.) Slovenian Workmen’s
Home on Waterloo – Fish Fry: 3 –
8:00 p.m. Fish (Deep fried or baked),
Shrimp, Goulash, Pork Chops,
Slovenian home fires, French fries,
polenta, cabbage & noodles, macaroni
& cheese, cole-slaw, strudel. Take-outs
and reservations: 216-481-5378.
March 15 (Fri.) S.A.C. (Melvindale,
MI) Fish Fry 5 - 7:30 p.m. $8 - Child
$4. Please bake.
March 15 (Fri.) West Park Slovenian
Home Dance – 7:15 -11:00 p.m.
Admission $10. Music by Ed Klimczak.
Call: 216-941-3224.
March 16 (Sat.) St. Vitus - Organ
Recital by renowned northeast Ohio
organist, Daniel Hathaway. After
the 4:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass
followed by social in lower church hall
with light pastry and refreshments.
March 16 (Sat.) Federation of
Slovenian National Homes 52n.
Annual Awards Banquet – St. Clair
Ave. Doors open at 2:00p.m.; dinner at
4:00 p.m.; program at 6:00 p.m. Music:
Jeff Pecon. For reservations:
March 20 (Wed) St. Vitus food bank;
church hall. 11:30am. - 1:30pm.
March 19-24 (Tue-Sun) Aspen, Co.,
SlovenSki trip Nastar Nationals
Aspen/Snowmass (qualified Racers);
Contact John. Kamin at
March 20 (Wed.) Perpetuum Jazzile
at Rialto Square Theatre on 102 N.
Chicago St; Joliet, IL 60432. Tickets on
sale. Call 815-726-6600 or
Workman’s Home on Waterloo –
Social. Doors open at 6:30. $12 admits
2 people, includes two sandwiches,
draft / pop. Raffle, sideboards, bingo.
March 22 (Fri.) Lenten Fish Fry at St.
Mary’s in Collinwood. Prices: $9 for
ocean perch dinner: 2 pieces of hand
breaded fish, Slovenian home fried
potatoes, coleslaw dressed in oil and
vinegar, bread, homemade dessert,
and coffee. Dinners with oven baked
cod, fried shrimp, crab cakes, or
combos are $10. Homemade soup and
macaroni and cheese are also available.
Dine in/carry out. Site is handicapped
accessible. (216) 761-7740.
March 22 (Fri.) Slovenian Workmen’s
Home on Waterloo – Fish Fry: 3 –
8:00 p.m. Fish (Deep fried or baked),
Shrimp, Goulash, Pork Chops,
Slovenian home fires, French fries,
polenta, cabbage & noodles, macaroni
& cheese, cole-slaw, strudel. Take-outs
and reservations: 216-481-5378.
March 22 (Fri.) West Park Slovenian
Home Dance – 7:15 -11:00 p.m.
Admission $10. Music by Bob Kravos.
Call: 216-941-3224.
March 22 (Fri.) Slovenian Catholic
Center in Lemont, IL – Traditional
Slovenian Butarice making for
Palm Sunday.
March 23 (Sat.) St. Vitus monthly
free community hot meal in the
lower church hall. From 11:30am.
to 1:00pm.. Sponsored by St Pascal
Baylon Helping Hand Ministry and St
Vitus Parish.
March 23 (Sat.) S.A.C. (Melvindale,
MI) First SAC Trivia Night.
March 24 (Sun.) St. Vitus Annual
Palm Sunday Parish Benefit Dinner in the parish auditorium. Chicken or
pork roast. From 11am. to 1:30pm. $13
adult/ $7 child 12 years-old or younger.
Co-sponsored by Altar Society, Holy
Name and St. Vitus KSKJ Lodge
#25. KSKJ Matching grant initiative.
Matching KSKJ Grant for remodeling
of Slovenian National Home restroom
facilities on St. Clair Avenue.
March 24 (Fri.) Slovenian Catholic
Center in Lemont, IL – Palm Sunday
March 27 (Wed.) Pristava Pensioners
monthly meeting at the Slovenian
Home on Holmes Ave. at 1:30.
March 29 (Fri.) Slovenian Workmen’s
Home on Waterloo – Fish Fry: 3 –
8:00 p.m. Fish (Deep fried or baked),
Shrimp, Goulash, Pork Chops,
Slovenian home fires, French fries,
polenta, cabbage & noodles, macaroni
& cheese, cole-slaw, strudel. Take-outs
and reservations: 216-481-5378.
To list your events on the SAT Calendar:
e-mail or call 440-833-0020
Page 14,
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
Memories of a Catholic Lenten Girlhood
by Arline Debelak-Price
Uh oh, here we go again. The big "L" -Lent. A time of fasting, meatless
Fridays, and the choice of what fault, vice or hang-up to give up for forty
days. Forty Days! Yikes, that is an eternity. Why in the world do we have to
do this every year? What a drag. Yuk. I hate Lent.
Back in the "old days" - the 50's and 60's - as a boomer child growing
up in a Slovene-Catholic home, Lent was the most depressing time of the
year. Nobody looked forward to Lent. It came in that nether world of the
seasons. Christmas was over, springtime was far away, it was bleak and
dreary outside, days were short, nights were long. Getting up was agony.
Worse still, standing at the bus stop in the dark and snowy cold waiting
for the school bus to take us to St. Mary's School (Collinwood) on Holmes
Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio.
Such was the innocence of the time that parents never feared for
our safety. Our neighborhoods were ethnic, and everyone knew everyone.
No child molesters in those days. Usually we were in groups and a parent
would be with us until the bus arrived. What a relief as the bus took us over
the bridge past the old Collinwood railroad yards to Holmes Avenue and
the sanctuary of St. Mary's School.
Lent was a big deal to us school kids, but nobody jumped for joy. We
usually had a school Mass every day during Lent. This was pre-Vatican II.
The Mass was in Latin, the Priest celebrating the Mass had his back to us
and the whole thing was strange and boring beyond belief. We never really
knew what was going on, until the Priest held up the Host and Chalice at
the Consecration. Then we figured Communion would follow, and the end
was in sight. Our teachers, the wonderfully long-suffering Ursuline nuns,
patrolled the aisle to make sure no one was sleeping, eating, talking, or
otherwise goofing off. We were also segregated: boys on one side of the
church (usually the side with the men’s hat hooks in the pews, probably to
remind them that they were young gentlemen), and the girls on the other
At the official start of Lent, Ash Wednesday, we all trooped into
church for the special Mass, but mostly to receive our “badge” of ashes on
our foreheads, which we proudly wore all day, even after school, when we
hoped to run into non-Catholic kids so we could show them how “holy”
we were. During Lent, Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday were always big
crowd days at church, known as “the something for nothing days,” as one
received ashes and palms. All you had to do was show up.
All of the statues, crucifixes and Stations of the Cross were covered in
purple cloth. I am told that St. Mary’s still does this, although many current
churches do not. Bravo and thank you, Father Kumse! The holy water fonts
were drained as Holy Week approached as well, and there were always a
few of us who checked that water had not somehow magically appeared
by dipping our fingers into the empty fonts, figuring we could still get our
“holy points” by touching the fonts, even without the blessed water in them.
St. Mary’s looks much the same today as it did in the 50’s and 60’s,
thanks to the hard work and dedication of current Pastor Father John
Kumse and its good parishioners. Back then, Father Jager was our Pastor,
and Father Rebol, Father Varga, Father Hobart and Father Godina, our
assistants who were there during the nine years our St. Mary Class of ’67
inhabited the school. Today, Priests who are assistants are called Parochial
Vicars. Father Tomc became Pastor in 1966-67, the year we graduated. Both
Father Tomc and Father Jager were very serious, as they were the Pastors
with the big responsibility of running the place (and dealing with us kids)
but they were always kind and genial, and worked very hard to make St.
Mary’s the wonderful parish it was and is today.
Father Hobart really scared the life out of us. He could yell and
pound the ambo (lectern) during his homilies with such fierce intensity we
expected it to disintegrate each time he spoke, instilling the fear of God in
us, and we would dive under the pews until one of the nuns dragged us out.
He was a good guy and a great Priest, as they all were, but Father Hobart
was a force to be reckoned with. He loved good cigars, and a wonderful
cigar aroma always surrounded him. (I wonder if he ever gave up cigars for
Lent also meant The Big C: Confession. The Black Box. We had to
go once a week, hardened sinners that we were. We hoped upon hope for
anybody but Father Hobart or Father Jager (no kid wants to confess to the
Pastor). I remember once in a Lenten Confession in The Black Box forgetting
my Act of Contrition, and was bawled out dreadfully by the Priest (won’t
tell you who). I was so traumatized by that incident that to this day I have
665 2nd Street Unit 8
Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077
to say the Act of Contrition a couple of times before going to Confession.
Priests had that kind of effect on kids in those days. What a difference 50
years makes! Whew.
Today, Catholics are allowed to eat meat on Fridays, excepting Lenten
Fridays, which are days of abstinence, as Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
remain days of fast and abstinence. However, when we were growing up,
every Friday was meatless. Many of our families would trek to McDonald’s
for their Filet of Fish sandwich on Friday. No Catholic who wanted to be
called Catholic would dare eat meat on Friday. Some Catholics managed to
get a dispensation (or special permission) to eat meat on Friday, but chances
are it was a special circumstance indeed. Fridays were always meatless to
Catholics. Meatless Fridays carried over to our school luncheon menu as
The twenty-five cent Friday lunches (yes that's right, only a quarter)
that were made by our good St. Mary school cooks (headed by the wonderful
Ann Pluscusky and her team of our mothers) were proper Friday and Lenten
fare: tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, or delicious breaded fish
sandwiches (the forerunner of McDonald’s) or macaroni and cheese, bread,
dessert (Ann made the greatest apple crisp in the world) and a carton of
milk, filled our tummies and got us ready for the supreme Lenten Friday
afternoon sacrifice: attending the whole school Stations of the Cross in
Most of us looked forward to the Stations of the Cross, mainly as a
way of getting out of school, as we were dismissed after Stations. Invariably,
one or two kids always got sick to their stomachs as the Stations were so
boring: sitting, kneeling, standing, genuflecting, and, of course, saying:
“because by Thy Holy Cross thou hast redeemed the world” fourteen times.
In our homes during Lent, many families also covered statues in the
home with purple cloth, and the general atmosphere was very subdued and
quiet. Of course, giving up television was mandatory, our parents saw to
that, and the one black and white TV console was silent and dark for forty
days. No radio, music, etc. My piano lessons were suspended during Lent,
as was my practicing and playing the piano. (I didn’t mind too much). One
also didn’t laugh (really) or do anything unseemly; and no parties during
Lent - if it was your birthday, too bad, it was celebrated after Easter. The list
goes on and on. Amazing, isn’t it? So much has changed.
The emphasis of Lent, however, was, and still is, to be aware of Our
Savior’s suffering and death. Although Lent is not half as bad as it used to
be when I was growing up, it should still be a time of reflection, sacrifice,
prayer, and fasting. I’m still not crazy about it, but I revere and embrace it
as a declaration of my Catholic faith, giving thanks to The One who suffered
and died for me. God bless all of you in this Holy Season of Lent.
As a postscript, I would like to thank some of my fellow classmates, St. Mary
School class of 1967, for their remembrances in contribution to this article: Father
William Jerse, Dr. Cyril Gostich, Margie Kokal Hudnell, Georgiann Basilone Moss.
Thanks guys. Loveya.
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15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 15
Andy's Picture Log of Slovenia
Andy Stupica, a SAT subscriber visited Slovenia and sent us beautiful pictures which should entice all of us to sign up for a trip in the near
future. He visited relatives, but found the history, scenery, and atmosphere unforgettable. His dad was from Sodražica and his mom from
Prilesje near Male Lašče
The Adriatic Sea
A typical gas station
Andy enjoying stuffed calamari
"Lušarje" at the church to see the famous painting of Maria Pomagaj.
A camera crew was filming a documentary of a nun who revisited
the shrine where she had experienced a healing miracle in her
childhood days.
"Odbojka" volleyball camp near the Adriatic.
Ski jump area Planica, where the world record 239 meters was made. The location has
an open restaurant. I had a blueberry strudel, with the real local berries!
Page 16,
Issue 4, Volume V,
American Women (continued from January issue)
By Edward Gobetz
The most successful politician was Rose Perica Mofford, the daughter
of Slovenian immigrants. She became the Globe High School valedictorian
and the Most Outstanding Student Award winner in 1940, and after
completing her college studies held responsible positions in Arizona State
Treasurer’s and State Tax
Commission offices. In
1977, she became Arizona
Secretary of State and was
reelected to that office
three times. A Democrat,
she then served as the
first woman governor
of Arizona from 1988 to
1990, when she retired at
age 68.
Kathleen Maria
Karpan, a Rock Springs,
Slovenian and Croatian
parentage, was elected in
1986 and in 1990 re-elected
Wyoming Secretary of
State. In 1994 she was the
Democratic nominee for
governor and in 1996 for
U.S. Senate. She lost in the
Republican tide, but was
appointed by President
Bill Clinton director of
the Office of Surface Rose Perica Mofford, the first woman governor
Mining Reclamation and of Arizona.
Enforcement in the U.S.
Department of Interior.
Assistant Secretary of
Interior in 1997. With the
change in administration,
she returned to Wyoming
and practiced law in
Cheyenne in the firm of
Bagley, Karpan, Rose and
Dorothy M. Slak,
from St. Lawrence Parish
in Cleveland, entered the
Foreign Service of the U.S.
Department of State in
1951 and served in Public
Affairs in Frankfurt, Bonn,
and Berlin, Germany; in
Zagreb, Croatia; and in
Milan, Italy. She then held
positions of Personnel
Officer in Washington,
D.C.; Executive Officer
and Attaché in Laos
and Indonesia; Cultural Kathleen Maria Karpan, the Slovenian-Croatian
Senegal; political star in Wyoming.
Officer in South Vietnam and, in the 1970s, Recruitment Officer of U.S.
Information Service.
In the late 1970s, two sisters entered Cleveland City administration:
Elizabeth Grdina became Director of Community Development and Chair of
Board of Zoning Appeals, and Tonia Grdina served as Deputy Clerk of the
Municipal Court and Assistant Safety Director.
Several Slovenian American women have served on various political
committees, councils, and in administrative positions. Among them, Lorraine
Bohinc Fende after serving eight years on Council was elected in 1995 as the
first woman mayor of the City of Willowick, Ohio.
Mary Somrak Arey, a KSU Slovenian Studies Award winner, is
manager of the HOME Program for the Illinois Housing Development
Authority. She was the coordinator of the State of Illinois’ 1992 Comprehensive
Housing Affordability Strategy and served as a facilitator for Governor
Edgar’s 1991 Statewide Conference on Housing.
The Military
Veda Ponikvar, an award-winning journalist and civic leader, enlisted
in 1942 in the U.S. Navy WAVES and was assigned to the Office of Naval
Intelligence in Washington, D.C., where she headed the Yugoslav, Polish,
and Czech desks until December, 1946.
Also working in the field of intelligence as FBI Counsel for Foreign
Affairs in Washington, D.C., was Dr. Maria Velikonja who has researched
war crimes in Bosnia for the War Crimes Tribunal in Hague.
London Daily Express (Feb. 23, 1992) featured Lieutenant Barbara
Sever, 24, as trainer of British and American “top gun” fighter pilots at Vance
15 February, 2013
Air Base in Enid, Oklahoma. She stated: “I hope that once women are assigned
to fighter squadrons it will be strictly on merit and not to meet artificial quota
set by the Pentagon.”
Prior to reporting
for peace keeping duties
in Bosnia or Kosovo
during the turbulent
1990s, American soldiers
were often sent to RheinMain military base near
There, a young captain
organizing courses about
these regions – their
peoples, customs, and
expectations. This was
Captain Martina Sever, Free Press Editor Veda Ponikvar, photographed
by training an engineer, with President John F. Kennedy and Civil Service
specializing in military Commissioner Ludwig Andolsek (Slovenian),
antennas and computer joined during World War II the U.S. Navy WAVES
technology. Yet, Captain and headed U.S. Navy, Yugoslav, Polish and
Czech intelligence desks.
Sever was not the first
Slovenian officer at Rhein-Main. Major Mary
Ann Grossnick, a flight nurse by training, was
there, teaching enlisted men and women in the
arts of giving nursing care. She was also liaison
in Japan, where she set up clinics during the
period of Tojo Trials. She retired in 1962, at
age 60, as major, but kept busy raising money
for in-patient hospices in California, visiting
the sick, helping the homeless, writing a book
on mythology, and volunteering wherever she
could be of help. In 1990, very busy and happy at
84, she stated: “I am ready to go anytime. I love Captain Martina (Tinca)
God. I want him to guide me, guard me, to make Sever, U.S. Army, sister
my life as fruitful as possible.” (Writer’s note of Barbara, organizer
in 2013: Major Grossnick died in 2004, of natural of military educational
courses in Germany.
causes, in her apartment, in Long Beach, California,
at the age of 102.)
After serving at Air Force
bases in America and France, Captain
Lilly T. Kapel, too, was a flight nurse
in Rhein-Main. A surgical nurse at a
number of Air Force bases in America,
she was then assigned to Clark A.F.B.
Hospital in the Philippines, serving
mostly American soldiers wounded
in Vietnam. An American writer, Nell
M. Dean, saw some of her letters and
was moved to write a book dedicated
to her, Nurse in Vietnam (1969). Much
decorated and adored, Kapel retired
in 1979, with the rank of Colonel,
Martha J. Svete Springer,
from Waukegan, Ill., started her career
in the Medical Service Corps as staff
dietitian in the Naval Hospital in
San Diego, California, followed by Lillian Kapel, surgical nurse, was
the position of chief dietitian at U.S. featured in the book Nurse in Vietnam
(1969), retired in 1979 as Colonel,
Naval Hospital in Yokosuka, Japan.
U.S. Army.
Among her many other assignments
she was Head of Clinical
Nutrition and Specialty
Advisor for Nutrition
and Dietetics to Surgeon
General of the Navy and,
in 1984, head of the Food
Management Department.
She was the first and only
practicing clinical dietitian
to be selected for the rank
of Captain, U. S. Navy.
M.D., Ph.D., originally
entered the Navy in 1980
and also rose to the rank
of Captain. She has been
responsible for diagnosis
and treatment of divingrelated illnesses and for
evaluating diving and
systems, Captain Martha Svete Springer, U.S. Navy,
planning compression and Advisor for Nutrition and Dietetics to Surgeon
decompression schedules General of the Navy.
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 17
for saturation divers, and demonstrating a working knowledge of submarines
and their related medical and psychological aspects. She was an undersea
the Navy Experimental
Diving Unit and qualified
in scuba, mixed gas and
submarine diving. A
published researcher and
associate professor of
Undersea Medicine, she
was also the first woman
saturation diving medical
And we should
never forget thousands
who lost their sons or
daughters fighting for
America. They were well
represented by Jennie
Dobnikar, a Slovenian
immigrant and member
of the Slovenian Women’s
Union whose picture was
over the whole page of
Life magazine of Nov.10,
1941, as she displayed a
large photograph of the
three sons she gave to the
American Navy. One of
them, Louis, was killed Captain Marie Knafelc, Ph.D., M.D., U.S. Navy,
in action on the destroyer was the first woman saturation diving medical
Kearney – one of the very officer in U.S. Navy.
first eleven American
casualties of the Second World War. Life and other national and Cleveland
media saluted Mrs. Dobnikar as the first Gold Star Mother of America.
The Chicago Tribune of September 8, 1991, listed Milena Kuhel
Hughes as one of “five of Illinois’ best artists.” A prominent marbler, she has
been featured in several books and magazines. Her art has been represented
also abroad, including at the National Museum of Netherlands, the “Queen’s
Book” of Elizabeth II, and the Cultural Olympics that preceded the Winter
Olympics of 1998 in Japan.
Brulc devoted much of
her endeavor to creating
related works in the
community. She has to
her credit several chapels
and churches in Illinois
and in Panama, including
altars, sculptures, murals,
and internal architecture.
Her art also graces the Milena Kuhel Hughes, named by Chicago
Joliet Jewish Temple and Tribune “one of five Illinois best artists” (photo by
Minnesota. Angela Klancnik).
Lillian's artistic creations
have been exhibited and
published in the United
States, Latin America,
Europe, and China. Her
themes include social
women’s heritage and
with women of the Old
peace, and ethnic dignity.
received one of the three
top prizes awarded by
the National Watercolor
Society at its millennium
exhibition in Fullerton,
Calif. As reported by
Zarja-The Dawn of MarchApril, 2001, “Lucija has
been exhibiting in several
states and her work
has been published by
Publishers: Lillian Brulc, prominent sculptor, painter, and
Creative Watercolor, 1995; illustrator.
The Best of Watercolor 2, 1997; and The Best of Watercolor 3, 1999.”
Nancy Bukovnik has received many prizes and awards, including the
Gold Medal Award from the Cleveland Society of Communicating Arts, CA
Magazine Award for Excellence, and Award of Distinction for Outstanding
Achievement in Graphic Communications at Chicago 1 Exhibit (1968). A
highly creative artist,
she, like Lillian Brulc, has
also designed greeting
cards and illustrated
ranging from commercial
directories of Ohio Bell
to children’s books and
school texts.
Prof. Erika M.
Bajuk who taught art
at Du Page College in
Glen Ellyn, Ill., also
continuously presented
at the Slovenian Cultural
Center in Lemont, Ill. She
exhibited her paintings,
sculptures, and ceramics
in America, Japan, and
Europe, especially in her
native Slovenia where a
monograph on her art was Lieutenant Barbara Sever, U.S. Air Force, trainer
published. Her art often of fighter pilots, featured in London Daily Express.
depicts the character of (Many thanks to her father, Janez Sever, a
people, from philosophers resident of St. Vitus Village, for a copy of the
and article.)
captures world events,
including the bombing of Libya and the atomic catastrophe of Chernobyl.
Prof. Emily Bukovec taught sculpture, ceramics, and printmaking at
Universidad del Norte in Chile and, starting in 1966, at Kent State University
in Kent, Ohio. She gave several group and solo exhibits in her native Ohio,
including Cleveland Museum of Art, Canton Art Institute, Van Deusen
Gallery in Kent, and Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts.
Vlasta Radisek started her career in the 1960s as a technical illustrator
and then opened Vlasta’s Art Gallery in Euclid, Ohio, where she also taught
painting. She specialized in oils, pastel, and a swirling abstract in enamels,
as well as in greeting cards for all occasions. Together with her sister Anna
Tekavec and other talented local artists, particularly Enika Zulic and Justine
Skok, she was active in local art societies, among them in the Slovenian
National Art Guild.
Emilia Bucik Razman has exhibited her landscapes and other art
works in Illinois and is particularly well known for her greeting cards which
depict the “old country” folklore, while Metoda Fischinger led a cultural
team of Slovenians who prepared many exhibits and cultural programs
(including singing under Dr. Vendelin Spendov and folklore dancing under
Corinne Leskovar) in the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. In 1982,
she painted huge wooden plates made by Adi Kranjc and secured the first
prize for the masterfully prepared Slovenian Pavilion.
While (in 2001) Mary Anne Vogel headed the Slovenian Cultural
Garden Committee of Rockefeller Nationalities Park in Cleveland, Ohio,
women represented most of the leaders of the Slovenian Arts Council
at the University of
Wisconsin in Milwaukee:
President Sylvia Murn,
Vice President Virginia
Kmet Strukel, Treasurer
Patricia Gorence, and
Recording Secretary Mary
Jeglic of Wadsworth,
Ohio, was for over 30 years
a noted tole painter and
traveling seminar teacher,
as well as author of several
books on tole painting.
In 1987, she was among
the tole painters who
had been invited by the
Smithsonian Institution
to decorate children’s toys
which the Smithsonian
put under its Christmas
tree. Meanwhile, Anne
cake and egg decorating Helen Jeglic, a leading tole painter and seminar
into an art which she teacher, with her husband, Dr. Frank Jeglic,
for manager of Nuclear Engineering Division of The
the Cleveland Board of Babcock & Wilcox Company in Barberton, Ohio.
Education. Her decorated
eggs (“pisanke”) were featured on Easter cards of the American Greetings
Company. She also frequently appeared on local and national (Mike Douglas
and Dick Clark) television shows.
Page 18,
By Pavle Borstnik
It was one of those dreary late
autumn days with patches of the first
snow melting on the ground. Low
clouds were hanging over the horizon and the ominous snow-white
vapor clouds were rising in the sky
over the nearby nuclear power plant
In the distance I could hear
the train whistles. I was walking
my dog along the nursery line. She
was her usual self, stopping at all
the saplings, each of them obviously
telling her something else, for she
was sniffing at each one of them.
Issue 4, Volume V,
When I returned to my room
I searched for some reading material. I found the book report on Alfred Camus’ newest work, The First
Man, published some 30 years after
his death. It is an autobiographical
story mainly of his youth in distant
Algeria and of the abject poverty in
which it was spent.
I started to think: what did I
15 February, 2013
remember of my youth?
I wrote this after some 50
years in exile, or at least, away from
home. I could no longer talk about
the exile. Communism was dead, or
so they said. I had visited my childhood home a number of times but
there were simply not many memories left of my childhood.
photo by Janez Medvesek
hereby expresses its appreciation for the hard work and dedication
of all involved with the Federation of Slovenian National Homes.
Preserving, maintaining, and enhancing our National Homes is a noble
and vital work which plays an integral part in making our
Slovenian community what it is.
Breda Loncar
Federation of Slovenian National Homes
Woman of the Year
Breda, you have been an extraordinary blessing
to the Slovenian community in so many ways. Obvious to
all is your dedication, expertise and hard work in making the
Slovenian American Times what it is in your role as editor. In
that role, you have been a wonderful bridge-builder in uniting
the Slovenian community. Beyond that, you have impacted
the lives of thousands of students in your role as educator,
administrator, and humanitarian. You are so very deserving
of being named “Woman of the Year” by the Federation of
Slovenian National Homes. May our Lord Bless you
for all you do and for who you are in
our Slovenian community.
Faith, Family,
Freedom: the Foundation
of Slovenians
Published in
Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A.
F e d e r a c i j a S l o ve n s k i h N a r o d n i h d o m o v
Federacoja je imenovala anglesko urednico našega časopisa
za letošnjo prejemnico tega pomembnega naslova.
Čestitke, Breda!
estitke tudi Federaciji za tako
sijajno izbiro, saj bo Breda, kot
pravijo Anglei, sijajen dragulj v kroni Federacije slavnih
slovenskih mo in ena, ki krasi
njene anale. Slovenski domovi
so pomembnen del slovenske
skupnosti, ki podpirajo, ohranjajo in bogatijo slovensko
dediino v Ameriki, posebno
pa zdruujejo vse Slovence v
pestri panorami mnogoplasti
ne kulture in vizije.
Pokop kofa Romana
v domai zemlji
Ob 550. obletnici
ustanovitve ljubljanske
kofije in imenovanja prvega ljubljanskega kofa se je
nadkofija odloila, da zane
postopek prenosa posmrtnih
ostankov pokojnega kofa
Gregorija Romana iz ZDA v
domovino. Po ureditvi potrebnih postopkov bodo kofa
Romana pokopali v grobnico
kofov v ljubljanski stolnici.
Ljubljanski nadkof Anton
Stres je na novinarski konferenci povedal, da se s tem
uresniujejo elje in pobude,
do katerih je prilo e pred
12. leti. Vso potrebno dokumentacijo za prekop kofa
Romana e urejujejo, a da ni mogoe predvidevati, kdaj bo lahko konno
pokopan v domai zemlji.
"Glede na to, da je Vrhovno sodie Republike Slovenije obsodbo ljubljanskega kofa Romana razveljavilo, je upravienost do domaega groba
e toliko bolj utemeljena. Zato smo zaeli z zbiranjem soglasij in dokumentacije ter upamo, da bodo potrebni in dokaj zapleteni postopki potekali brez
teav. elimo, da prenos in pokop ostaneta na etini ravni pravice do dostojnega pokopa v domai zemlji, kar bi bil korak naprej k pomiritvi. Verjamem, da bo slovenska javnost to tako tudi sprejela," je e povedal nadkof
Nominacija misijonarja Petra Opeke
Nadkof Anton Stres je na isti novinarski konferenci tudi poudaril, da je
velik povezovalec razdeljenih Slovencev tudi misijonar Pedro Opeka, prvak
kranske ljubezni. Predlog za nominacijo Opeke za Nobelovo nagrado za
mir so namre podprli razlini predstavniki in ustanove.
Ve na st. 24
Vabljeni ste k udelebi spominske
sv. mae, ki bo 17. februarja ob 10.
uri dopoldne pri Mariji Vnebovzeti
v Collinwood-u darovana v spomin
naega dobrotnika dr. Valentina
Merola. Bog mu daj veno plailo,
mi ga pa bomo ohranili v hvalenem
spominu. Bog, narod, domovina.
Ve na strani 22
Letno kosilo Slovenske ole Sv. Vida
bo v nedeljo, 24. februarja v avditoriju. Postregli bodo z domao juho,
peenimi pianci in svinjsko peenko
z vsemi prikuhami. Kosilo boste lahko
tudi vzeli domov. Cena za odrasle je
$12.00, za otroke pa $6.00. Nakaznice
lahko kupite od starev ali pri vratih
na dan kosila. Vsi toplo vabljeni!
V etrtek, 7. februarja, smo dobili sporoilo, da je ponoi umrl poznani in
priljubljeni Frank ega. Ve na str. 25
Sijajno zdravilo za zimsko nestrpnost:
Slovenski narodni dom na 15335
Waterloo Rd. v Clevelandu bo imel 1.
in 2. marca Balinca turnejo. Imajo tiri
notranja igria. Igrajo lahko moke,
enske ali meane ekipe. Cena $40.00
za ekipo. Imeli bodo tudi nagrade: 1st
$300.00, 2nd $150.00 in 3rd $100.00.
Pokliite na 216-481-5378 ali pa se
prijavite ob petkovi ribji veerji. Zadnji dan vpisa je 22. februarja.
V cerkvi sv. Vida bo imel v soboto,
16. marca takoj po mai ob 4. uri
popoldne organist Daniel Hathaway
koncert na Holtkamp orglah.
G. Hathaway je bil 31 let glasbeni
direktor pri Trinity Katedrali, kjer
je ustanovil in igral na "Brownbag
Concert Series". Imel je mnoge
koncerte v New Yorku, Washingtonu in drugod po Ameriki, pa tudi v
cerkvah v Angliji, Nemiji, Avstriji in
na vedskem.
Hataway je bil izuen na Harvard,
Princton in Episcopal Divinity
School. Sedaj je glavni organist v
The Shrine of The Conversion of St.
Paul na E. 40. cesti in Euclid Ave
S. Kuhar
V ponedeljek, 4. marca bodo z
Micko kuhali kmeko juho in pekli
truklje. Cena $20.00
Cleveland mednarodna dvorana
slavnih bo na slovesnosti 8. maja
2013 v glavni dvorani Marriot Key
Center v 4. razred vkljuila sedem
zelo poznanih in zaslunih oseb v
Clevelandu. Imena na str. 25
V soboto, 9. februarja je bil v dvorani
Marije Vnebovzete Makaradni ples, v
torek, 12. februarja pa nam je ustanova Slovenski kulturni vrt pripravila
pustno veerjo s slovenskimi kolinami
- krvavicami.
Drugi dan, na pepelnino sredo, se je
zael post.
Zato bodo imeli pri Mariji Vnebovzeti vsak petek na razpolago postno
veerjo: ribe in rakce ter pasto, kar
lahko dobite od 3. ure popoldne do 7.
ure zveer. Vsi dobrodoli!
Smuali se bodo v Sun Valley, Idaho
in sicer od 1. do 7. aprila letos. Cena
$1,450.00 iz LaGuardia ali Newark
Boise letali; nekateri bodo lahko prili
tudi z drugih letalii. Vkljueno v ceno
je hotel, lifts, buffet in drugo. Datum
je e preel, lahko pa pokliete Ivana
Kamina: Tel: 718-424-2711 Mobile:
Fax: 718-424-2236 Email: JFKamin@
Slovenski narodni dom na St. Clair
Ave, Slovenski muzej in arhiv, St. Clair
Superior Development Corp in Strle
Country House, vsi v Clevelandu, bodo
28. februarja priredili pozno pustovanje
ali kurentovanje ...
Kot nam sporoajo iz pisarne konzulata v Clevelandu in pisarne Slovenske
ambasade v Washingtonu, bodo imeli
po St. Clair Ave. pustno parado.
Poglejte na st. 22
Drutvo sv. Vida t. 25 KSKJ, Oltarno
drutvo sv. Vida in Drutvo Najsvetejsega Imena St. Vida bodo imeli v
nedeljo, 24. marca v avditoriju na Lausche Ave. kosilo (za KSKJ bratskega
podviga v namen podpore Slovenskega
narodnega doma na St. Clair Ave, ki potrebuje modernizacijo). Punudili bodo
juho, piance in svinjsko peenko,
pire krompir, solato in poslastice, pa
tudi kavo, aj ali mleko. Kosilo bo
na razpolago od 11. ure dopoldne do
1:30 popoldne. Hrano boste lahko tudi
vzeli domov.
Cena je $13.00 za odrasle in $7.00 za
Nakaznice lahko rezervirate s klicem
v upnie 216-361-1444, ali pa jih
kupite pri lanih. Imeli jih bodo pa
tudi pri vratih.
Vabi Joe Hocevar
V kanadskem parlamentu je Joy Smith
(Kildonan-St. Paul) predlagala, da bi
bil 22. februar oklican za dan zavednosti o lovekem prekupevanju (National Human Trafficking Awareness
Day). lanica Community Life Nancy
Simms je napisala molitev za vse rtve
tega stranega kriminala. Molimo tudi
mi, da se ta kriminal kmalu konca.
Poslala Ema Pogaar
Page 20,
Ali se spominjate ...
Cirila Kermavner
Na pustni torek se je začelo z mesenjem testa za špehovko, bobe
in flancate. Špehovko in bobe gotovo vsi poznate, flancati so pa iz istega testa kot bobi, le odrežete jih drugače. Naredite štirioglate krpe in jih
prerežete po sredi dvakrat po dolgem in nato scvrete.
Po vsej vasi je dišalo po peki in cvrtju.
Ob pustu so bili bolj flancati v navadi, posebno po Gorenjskem.
Po šoli so otroci zbirali dračje po gmajni, pa še od doma so sli
skrivaj; zmaknili so kaka polena, da so jih nesli na njivo, kjer bodo
napravili grmado, da bodo tam "kurili pusta." Otroci so radi pomagali,
ker so potem lahko ostali tam in gledali grmado s pustom v njej.
Po opravljenem delu pri hiši so se fantje zbrali pri eni izmed hiš.
in napravili pusta. Stlačili so slamo v moške hlače in suknjo. Naredili so
tudi glavo in seveda tudi rogove so nataknili nanjo in Pust je bil narejen.
Tudi eden izmed fantov se je napravil kot parkelj - ves v rdečem
od nog do glave. Drugi fantje so si nadeli papirnate maske in tako je
bilo sedaj vse pripravljeno.
Odpeljali so pusta po vasi, vmes pa peli, piskali na piščali in
seveda tudi kaj popili. Nekaj maškar je vodilo parklja na ketni. Drazili
so ledig dekleta in peli: "Prišla je pepelnica, ostala si samica." Dekleta so
se jih bale in vedno bežale pred njimi.
Ob mraku so šli kurit pusta. Mlado in staro se je zbralo okoli grmade. Zažgali so smrekovo dračje, ki je bilo polno smole, da je pokalo
in gorelo, da je bilo veselje gledati. Naredili so veliko grmado: čim večji
ogenj, tem večji ponos za vas. Tako so vasi tekmovale med seboj, kdo
bo imel večjega.
Bilo je lepo videti ognje po vaseh, po hribih - Šmarna gora, Krvavec, Sv. Jošt. Drugi dan pa je bilo seveda precej bahanja, če so dobili
Vsi skupaj zbrani so (ob ognju) se malo zapeli in zaplesali in
nato so "kurili Pusta."
Po končani ceremoniji so navadno vsi odšli v eno hišo v vasi,
kjer so se mastili s špehovko, šunko, klobasami, flancati, pili domače
vino, šnops iz jabolk in hrušk, in peli in plesali tja do polnoči.
Opolnoči je oče - gospodar - obrisal nož, ker se ne bo več rabil za
rezanje mesa vse tja do Velike noči. Gostje in maškare so odšli domov.
Gospodinja je z dekleti pospravila vse, kar je še ostalo od hrane,
da se ne bi kdo spozabil na pepelniočno sredo in vtaknil kaj od mesa ali
cvrtja v usta.
In začel se je post.
Pepelnična sreda. Zjutraj so vsi odšli v cerkev k maši in pepelnenju. Ta dan se je jedlo samo dvakrat: ob enajstih so bili žganci in kislo
zelje, vse zabeljeno z maslom. Za večejo pa kislo mleko s krompirjem.
Ob sredah in petkih je bil strogi post, vseskozi do Velike noči.
Te dni se je jedlo samo dvakrat na dan, druge dneve v tednu pa trikrat.
Hrana, ki je bila večinoma na kmečki mizi med postom je bila: zjutraj
ječmenova kava s cikorijo in 'caharinom' in malo sladkorja, močnik ali
kaša kuhana na vodi, zalita z mlekom. Za južno ali večerjo kislo zelje,
repa, kislo mleko, večinoma z žganci ali krompirjem. Tako se je med
postom pojedlo kar veliko krompirja.
Ob nedeljah ni bilo posta, Kupili so malo svežega mesa za juho.
Tako je bilo opoldne juha, testan krompir, solata, in meso od juhe, ki se
je jedel s hrenom.
(Zgornja pripoved je bila objavljena v Zarji mnogo let nazaj. Hvala, gospa
Cirila, za zanimivo pripoved!)
Pust, Slovenia
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
Uli so smrti
Ta izrezek iz asopisa DRUINA, datiran 20. junija 1999, ki ga je napisal Franc Zorec iz Argentine nam je poslal g. Janez akelj.
Vsebina bo gotovo bo zanimiva tudi za nae bralce
Tako je naslov knjige, ki jo je uredil
g. Ciril Turk, lani pa zaloila Mohorjeva druba (v Ljubljani). Vsebuje
prievanja treh domobrancev, ki
so bili leta 1945 vrnjeni, vreni na
razlinih krajih, skupaj z drugimi, v
roka brezna, pa so se reili in uli.
Vse opisano v knjigi je resnica.
Nekatere strani pa so bile napisane
e v asih, ko je bilo treba marsikaj
zamolati ali prikriti, da objavljeno
ne bi kodilo temu ali onemu v domovini. Dobro se spominjam tistih
asov. Zato se mi zdi prav, da dopolnim, kar je bilo takrat zaradi varnosti
Pri begu Milana Zajca, ki je bil
eden od treh piscev knjige, sem
sluajno sodeloval. Zdi se mi, da je
moja moralna dolnost, da se ohranijo imena oseb, ki so takrat na pobegu pomagale.
V ponedeljek, zadnji teden v februarju leta 1946, sva se odpravila s
Pavletom akljem zgodaj zjutraj na
pot iz taboria 'Campo 7' v Senigaliji. Iz Italije, kjer smo bili begunci,
sva bila s pomojo zaveznikega
poveljstva v Caserti in po posredovanju naih v Rimu, namenjena
skrivaj v Jugoslavijo. Vzpostavila
sva stike v Sloveniji, pa tudi z nekaterimi, ki so bili v slubi pri tedanji
Titovi vladi v Beogradu. Ostala sva
v Jugoslaviji nekaj tednov.
Skrivala sva se v vasi t. Jot. Za
naju je vedelo malo ljudi, med drugimi tamkajni upnik g. Oblak in
Stovnikova mama, gospa Malovrh,
ki je bila najina glavna povezava s
svetom. Pavle je imel tudi naslov nekega meniha, ne vem ve iz katerega
smostana, kateremu sva sporoila,
kje sva nastanjena. Tako je zvedel
za najino navzonost tudi ljubljanski
škof Vovk.
K njemu se je e prej zatekla po
pomo mama reenega domobranca
Milana Zajca. Prosila ga je, naj pomaga e more, da bi se sin, ki se je
skrival, lahko reil ez mejo. Takrat
je bilo to nevarno in vsi omenjeni
smo bili neprestano v nevarnosti.
kof Vovk je po duhovniku, kasnejemu kofu Leniu sporoil Zajevi mami za mono reitev.
Kako so odgovorili ne vem.
Pri Sv. Jotu se je v tistem asu
skrival tudi g. Filipi, oe dveh
sinov, ki ivita v Argentini. Pavle
in jaz sva svoje posle opravila in
doloila dan odhoda. Takrat sva se
la poslovit od upnika Oblaka, kjer
je bil tudi Filipi. Odpro se vrata in
vstopita gospod Leni, napravljen
kot kmet, za njim pa Milan Zajc.
Pavle je govoril z g. Oblakom, gospod Leni pa je stopil k meni. Dal
mi je roko in rekel: 'Do tod sem ga
jaz pripeljal, od tod pa vidva glejta."
Potem smo se hitro poslovili in odli
v no. ez dva dni smo bili sreno v
Leta 1989 sem bil prvi po vojni
spet v Ljubljani. Gospod upnik
Janez Rihar me je peljal pozdravit
gospoda kofa Lenia. Po nekaj besedah me je g. kof spoznal, da sem
iz skupine, ki jo je sreal takrat pri
upniku Oblaku. Vsem navzoim je
povedal, da lahko potrdim, da je bilo
vse res tako, kot jim je e prej sam
pravil. Takrat je bila z mano tudi
moja ena. kof pa je omenil tudi v
telefonskem pogovoru s prelatom
retnikom v Parizu, da je sreal
loveka iz tiste dobe, ko so pomagali reevati ljudi ez mejo. Gospod
Leni ni vedel, da sva midva z eno
ravno prila iz Pariza, kjer smo se o
teh dogodkih pogovarjali.
Tale zapis, majhno dopolnilo k
opisu reitve g. Milana Zajca, nima
drugega namena, kakor da ohranja
spomin na ase, ko so si morali rojaki pomagati med seboj in so nekateri
to z vsemi momi res delali. Prav
je, da ljudje to vedo. To je njihova
pravica in moja dolnost.
Podobe Marije Pomagaj po svetu
Piše Matjaž Mertljak
Franikani na Brezjah pripravljajo spletni zemljevid podob Marije Pomagaj v svetu. Dosegljiv je na naslovu
Pogovarjali smo se s patrom Bogdanom Rusom.
Podoba Marije Pomagaj je la z ljudmi ob odhodu Slovencev leta 1945
in tudi kamor so se pozneje naselili jo najdemo na vseh koncih sveta. V
slovenskih in drugih domovih je Marija Pomagaj nala svoj dom.
Marija je najprej simbol zmage. Zmaga dobrega nad zlom. Nato je
tudi simbol slovenstva. Mnogi Slovenci so jo vzeli za svojo. Njena nena
in duhovno bogata upodobitev kae pravo pot k Bogu, pie na naslovu
Velika elja bratov franikanov, ki so skrbniki narodnega svetia
na Brezjah je, da bi bila ta spletna stran zbiralie vseh, ki imajo Marijo
Pomagaj radi in jo nosijo v svojem srcu. Veseli bodo vseh podatkov o
podobah brezijanske Marije Pomagaj na domovih, v cerkvah, kapelicah,
ob znamenjih ali kjerkoli. e posebno bodo dobrodoli zapisi o podobah,
dogajanih ob njih, uslianj in udenih Marijinih delovanjih.
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 21
Novice iz Slovenije
Pavle Borštnik
Potem, ko je padla vlada Boruta Pahorja in jo je nasledil Janez Janša s
svojo garnituro – in potem, ko je bil Pahor na predsedniških volitvah izvoljen za predsednika republike (tudi z glasovi “desnice”!), se je zdelo, da se
je politično ozračje v Sloveniji nekoliko pomirilo. Janševa vlada je sprejela
določene odločitve, ki so zniale pritisk na javne finance, vladi je nekako
uspelo prepričati večino volilcev, da je edini realističen izhod iz sedanje
krize v drastičnem zategovanju “pasov” in sprva je kazalo, da so ljudje to
sprejeli. Na alost je bil to samo – videz.
V resnici namreč, je šel celoten komunistični aparat v dravi takoj
po Janševem ponovnem nastopu, na delo in takoj sprejel vrsto “kritičnih”
odločitev, ki so se zdaj pričele “obrestovati”.
Janša sam pa je ob vsem tem izjavil, da je njegova stranka zagrešila
napako, ker je šla v koalicijo z nezanesljivimi partnerji. To velja v prvi vrsti
za predsednika “Državljanske Liste”, ki jo vodi Gregor Virant. Ta pa je e
takoj na začetku sedanje krize pokazal, da je navaden mešetar, brez trohice
politične vesti in doslednosti.
Inicijativo proti Janši so prevzeli “strici iz ozadja”, ki so najprej
ugotovili, da je vsaka “akcija”, na čelu katere bi stal ljubljanski župan
Jankovič, - pa četudi samo “formalno”, - obsojena na neuspeh. Jankoviču
je slednjič “zmanjkalo štrene” v njegovih mahinacijah in zdaj ga po vsej
verjetnosti čaka vrsta tekih odločitev, ki se jim ne more izmakniti in bodo
zrušile njegov ljubljanski “imperij”. Zato je tudi za “strice” – “gotof”, kot
je zdaj “moderno” reči v naši beli Ljubljani.
Druga odločitev “stricev” pa se je nanašala na Janšo samega. Afera
z Dejanom Karbo, žurnalistom časopisa “Delo”, ki je neprevidno “bleknil”,
da je Janšev mladoletni sin Črtomir umrl zaradi zgrešenega zdravljenja določene bolezni, je bila po vsej priliki ideja imenovanega urnalista samega,
toda po predvidenem načrtu, ali po “srečnem” naključju, je stricem prišla
na pomoč dravna “Komisija za Boj proti Korupciji”, ki naj bi ugotovila,
da tako upan Jankovič, kot tudi ministrski predsednik Janša, ne moreta
razloiti določenega dela svojega finančnega premoenja in to je zadostovalo, da se je Janševa vladna koalicija zamajala in slednjič – razpadla.
Istočasno, seveda, je domala razpadla tudi “koalicija” starega komunističnega establišmenta in ”navadnemu” opazovalcu tega razvoja celo
v domovini primanjkuje “domišljije”, kako in kaj se bodo “stvari” razvijale
Gotovo je samo eno: nad Slovenijo, takšno ali drugačno, zdaj “visi”
Damoklejev meč: če Slovenci sami ne bodo našli izhoda iz te neverjetne
zmešnjave, ga bo našla Evropska zveza s svojimi komisarji, ki bodo Sloveniji DIKTIRALI voljo Evropske zveze. To pa lahko pomeni konec slovenske samostojnosti, ali pa – konec slovenskega članstva v Evropski zvezi.
Kakšna bo slovenska, ali točneje: “komunistična” reakcija na odločanje Evropske zveze, si pa “navadni” zemljani ne moremo predstavljati.
Kako je e rekel pokojni ljubljanski škof dr.Roman? – “Komunizem je največja nesreča, ki je zadela naš narod….”
Opomba: Vsebina se nanaša na dogodke do 1. februarja, 2013.
Slovenske novice (Ljubljana, 5. februarja, 2013)
Zunanji minister je predlagal in Dravni zbor je z 70. glasovi proti petimi
potrdil predlog, da naj se mejna vpraanja med Slovenijo in Hrvako prepustijo arbitrani tribuni. (Slovenia News)
V minulem tednu je odstopil predsednik Dravnega zbora Gregor Virant z
liste Progresivna Slovenija (Jankovieve. Neko je bil lan SDS). "Odhajam
zato, ker niso odli tisti, ki bi morali oditi," je Virant pojasnil svojo odloitev. Do nadaljnega ga bo nadomeal najstareji podpredsednik dravnega
zbora Jakob Presenik, poslanec stranke SLS.
Prejni teden se je dravni zbor seznanil e z odstopom ministra za finance
Janeza utaria ter ministra za pravosodje in javno upravo Senka Plianica (Oba lana DL). (Oddaja Slovencem po svetu) Oba sta se predsedniku Jani
zahvalila za dobro sodelovanje in razumevanje. (Demokracija)
Odloitev, da naj oba ministrstva nadaljujeta svoje delo kot doslej, sta
podprla oba ministra in potrdili poslanci (Slovenian News) posebno odhajajoi minister Plianic je menil, da pripravljene spremembe Slovenija potrebuje ne glede na to, kakno vlado bo imela. Poslancem je dejal, naj podprejo
pripravljene zakonske predloge s podroja pravosodja in javne uprave,
novelo steajnega zakona, novelo zakona o sodiih in sodniki slubi ter
novelo o dravni upravi in e zakona o sistemu pla v javnem sektorju in
javnih uslubencih. (Ognjie)
"Nadaljevanje dela bo zagotovilo, da se bo kriza v Sloveniji kmalu
konala," je povedal premier Jana. (Oddaja Slovencem)
Poziv k odstopu
Svet Dravljanske liste, oz. njen
predsednik in predsednik Dravnega
zbora Gregor Virant je konec januarja
oznanil poziv primierju Jani, naj v
roku desetih dni odstopi ali pa polje
v dravni zbor predlog o glasovanju
o nezaupnici vlade. Po njegovem
mnenju namre ugotovitve komisije
za prepreevanje korupcije o premoenjskem stanju primierja Jane in
ljubljanskega upana Jankoviča terjajo
KPK - Komisija za prepreevanje
korupcije - in njena agenda
Ekonomist Bernard Bri je 20.1. v
Demokraciji komentiral najnovejo afero v Sloveniji: Ugotovitev ali
bolje, obtobo brez sodia o izvoru
premoenja predsednika SDS primiera
Jane je "...Namen reiserjev zdajne politine krize je blokada izvedbe
napovedanih reform. Poroilo KPK je
samo eden od inštrumentov," (ki naj
bi prisilil Jano, da odstopi.)
Na vpraanje, zakaj leviarji tako sovraijo Jano je odgovoril: "Ker Jana
predstavlja simbol osamosvojitve e
od l. 1989 dalje ..."
Zbor za republiko je imel v petek, 18.
januarja, v unionski dvorani, kjer je
bila l. 1988 ustanovljena Slovenska
kmeka zveza, prvo tribuno. Zbralo
se je okrog tiso ljudi, govorniki pa so
izpostavili predvsem to, da ne verjamejo oitkom prokorupcijske komisije.
Demokracija, 24. jan.
Jana odgovoril:
Jana je napovedal, da bo vlada
delovala naprej s polnimi pooblastili. "Mi smo toliko, kolikor je v
nai moi pripravljeni konstruktivno
sodelovati." Ministrica Ljudmila
Novak pravi: "Pred dravo je namre
nekaj nujnih odloitev, tako da jih
neko brezvladje ne bi moglo uresniiti in bi za Slovenijo nastala velika koda." In e Jana: "e bi vlada
odstopila pred koncem pogajanj, bi
se take posledice merile v desetinah
ali stotinah miljonov evrov."
V sredo, 23. januarja, je bila napovedana stavka delavcev javnega
sektorja. Sprva so stavko napovedali
tudi v olstvu, a je skupina starev
izrazila svoje nestrinjanje s stavko
kot nainom reevanja nastalih teav
tudi zato, ker se poraja vtis, da je v
nekaterih akterjih stavke prisotna
predvsem elja po ruenju obstojeega stanja, pojasnuje Marjeta umer.
V poroilu Ognjia pie: Zanimiv je
namre podatek, da je za razliko od
drugih evropskih drav po zadnjih
statistinih podatkih bruto plaa v
(slovenskem) javnem sektorju za
priblino 150 evrov vija od pla v
zasebnem sektorju, oziroma gospodarstvu.
Stranke izstopile iz koalicije
Stranke SLS, DeSUS in SD pozivajo
Janeza Jana naj odstopi oziroma
gre po zaupnico v dravni zbor ali
pa bo 10 poslancev vloilo interpelacijo o delu vlade. e Jana ne dobi
zaupnice, se zamenja samo primier,
- stranko SDS pozivajo naj predlaga
drugega mandatorja - pri glasovanju
interpelacije pa drava ostane brez
(Presenetil pa je predsednik Borut
Pahor, ki Jane ni pozval k odstopu.)
Oddaja Slovencem
V tudijskem centru za narodno
spravo je v torek, 5. februarja, Igor
Omerza imel predavanje z naslovom: Kako je delovala UDBA? o
njenih metodah, vlogi in pomenu,
nekaterih akcijah, strukturi, organizaciji in e o em. Naslov predavanja
Podelitev nagrade
Narodni svet korokih Slovencev
(NSKS) in Kranska kulturna zveza
(KKZ) sta 24. januarja letos podelili
najvije priznanje korokih Slovencev, Tischlerjevo nagrado trakemu
pisatelju Borisu Pahorju. Predsednik NSKS dr. Zdravko Inzko je v
Oddaja Slovencem pozdravnem govoru poudaril, da z
besedami ne morejo izraziti svojega
Grafiti v Ljubljani
spotovanja in obudovanja, zato
Na Zaloki cesti v Ljubljani je bil na Borisu Pahorju to simbolino izraasteni ene izmed poslovnih stabv ta
jo, z nagrado. Ob utemeljitvi nagrateden (2. februarja) napisan poziv k
de je dejal: "Skrb za celotni prostor,
fizinemu obraunu s kristajani, pokjer se govori naa domaa beseda,
roa Radio Ognjie in poilja fotone glede na reim in as. Ko ste
grafijo stene. Napis je dobro razviden
pisali o vai situaciji, ste pisali tudi o
in pravi: "Kristjani, klali smo vas leta
nai. Ko ste se lotevali vaih proble1945, klali vas bomo leta 2013,"
mov, so bili to tudi nai problemi. V
Brez dvoma takno sporoilo neti
vaih podobah spoznamo sebe."
nestrpnosti na podlagi verske skuBoris Pahor je v zhvalnem govoru
pnosti, torej dejanje, ki ga izrecno
povedal, da jezik in kultura ne moreprepoveduje slovenska ustava:
ta obstajati brez narodne zavesti.
Protiustavno je vsakrno spodbujaNa prireditvi so podelili tudi nagranje k narodni, rasni, verski ali drugi
do govorniškega nateaja; prejel jo
neenakopravnosti ... Na policiji so
je Matja Smrtnik.
potrdili, da so e prejeli prijavo in se
soglaajo, da grafit kae znake kaLetalie Ljubljana
znivega dejanja javnega spodbujanja Druba Aerodrom Ljubljana in misovratva, nasilja ali nestrpnosti.
nistrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor
Varuhinja lovekih pravic Zdenka
sta podpisala pogodbo o sofinanciraebaek je napis oznaila kot nespre- nju novega potnikega terminala na
jemljivo in zavreno dejanje.
Letaliu Joeta Punika. Terminal
Radio Ognjie bo zgrajen do januarja 2015
Page 22,
Issue 4, Volume V,
Pristavske novice
as gre hitro naprej in e mesec je pretekel, ko smo na Pristavi praznovali zadnji dan v letu in zaeli novo leto 2013.
Spominjamo se velikega dobroSnena odeja je pokrivala poljano pred Lovetovo dvorano, ko smo se
tnika Slovencev v zamejstvu in
od kapelice navzgor, kajti sneg je padal in bilo je hladno. Koe v
po svetu, pokojnega Dr. Valentina
Merola, ki je leta 1945 reil ivlje- kampu so bile razsvetljene in vse je izgledalo kot mala vasica nekje na poboju hribov v Sloveniji.
nje netetim bivim beguncem v
Gostje so e zaeli prihajati po sedmi uri in prinaali so jedi in slaice.
Vzduje v dvorani je bilo prav prijetno in domae: vsi smo bili pripravljeni
e se ne bi on na kolenih ponipraznovati v veselju in ob glasbi priakati novo leto.
al pred brezutnim zaveznikim
Zaeli smo z veerjo (Potluck dinner) in hrane je bilo ve kot zadosti:
poveljnikom ter prosil usmiljenja,
bilo je vsega na pretek in zelo dobro smo jedli. Seveda smo pridno obiskobi vse civiliste zadela enaka kruvali tudi toilnico. Dvorana je postajala vedno bolj glasna in vsi smo bili vse
ta usoda, kot je zvijano vrnjene
bolj razpoloeni.
Ne smemo pozabiti tega junakeNa odru je bil cel kup muzikantov, ki so s pevkami pod vodstvom Slavga moa, in glejmo tudi, da se nai
kota Teskaa zaeli igrati poskone vie in peti. Plesali smo - najprej stapotomci zavedajo njegove portvo- reji, potem so se ojunaili e mlaji. Ob muziki in petju je as hitro potekal;
plesali smo skoraj do polnoi, ko je na odru nekdo zael teti - e malo in
Vabljeni ste k udelebi spominzanemo leto 2013! ... sedem, est pet, tiri, tri, dve, ena ... Happy new
ske sv. mae, ki bo zanj darovana
year! Godci so igrali polnono pesem! Sreno novo leto!
v nedeljo, 17. februarja ob 10. uri
Drug drugemu smo zaelili zdravja in sree, zadovoljstva in e marsikaj,
dopoldne pri Mariji Vnebovzeti v
se objemali in pili napitnico s ampanjcem upajo na vse dobro v novem
Bog mu daj veno plailo, mi ga
Iz kuhinje je spet nekaj zadialo in zopet smo e malo pojedli - da bomo
pa ohranimo v hvalenem spomizdrali do jutra.
Prvi muzikanti so zakljuili svoj "gig" in na oder so prili "Figa Five"
Bog, narod, domovina.
fantje. Igrali so melodije, ki so bile tudi nam starejim ve - "rock 70's in
Marie Dular za Tabor 80's", da smo e plesali.
Nekaj starejih je kmalu po polnoi odlo, mlaji in tisti, ki imamo koe,
smo ostali in uivali ob glasbi "Fige Five" rokarjev.
Vsake veselice je enkrat konec in tudi kar nas je ostalo smo poasi po
tretji uri odrinili vsak v svoj brlog. Preiveli smo lep veer v drubi prijateljev v upanju, da ostanemo zdravi in ponovimo isto prihodnji konec leta.
Milan Ribi
Letos 20. februarja bi Frank dosegel 89 let.
Od vsega zaetka, od svojega
prihoda v Ameriko, je bil faran sv.
Vida in mnogo let tudi lan farnega
finannega odbora. Vse do zadnjega,
e lani, je prostovoljno pomagal kjer
je bilo potrebno, posebno v cerkvekot skladbe Igorja Lundra. Janeza
Modna firma Sanja
nem poslopju po sv. maah, poleti na
Gregorca, Vida Pupis in Lojzeta
farnih piknikih, ob gradnji St. Vitus
Kranjca, pa tudi amerikega GoeorVillage pa je bil eden tistih faranov,
ge Gershwin.
ki so prostovoljno, vsak enkrat na
Slovenska modna firma, ki jo
Priblino 60 gostov je v dvorani
teden, sprejemali in preverjali gradbe- vodi Sanja Cric in se je e leta 2011
najprej pozdravil ambasador Kirn in
ni material, pregledali spisek delovne
predstavila v mestu New York, je
pomoi in prevzemali naloge v katerih letos odprla v mestu modno trgovino spomnil na slovenski kulturni dan
pesnika Preerna.
so bili vei.
Koda 386 (kar je mednarodna telePo koncertu v New Yorku se je
Dolgoletni tajnik drutva Kristus
fonska tevilka za Slovenijo).
Kralj KSKJ t. 226 v Clevelandu in
skupina odpeljala v Connecticut,
Trgovino, ki je predstavila znamnjen agent je v spomin pokojne ene
kjer so imeli koncert v prostorih
ko Firm, je The New York Times
Antonije ega ustanovil olski tipenUniversity of Hartford. Pozneje
dijski sklad za mlade delavne lane pri ocenil kot eno boljih modnih proda- v tednu so igrali e v Salisbury v
jaln. Znamka je bila razkazana tudi
Kristusu Kralju. V zgodnjih letih je z
na New York Fashion Week in 15.
eno Antonijo rad pomagal na piknijanuarja kot POPUP, del RSPOP, ko
kih in dobrodelnih kosilih.
Bil je lan nekdanjega Baragovega je Edi Simi predstavil slovenska
v Clevelandu
vina in je trajala do 31. januarja.
doma, lan DSPB in pobudnik spoRazstavo so ogledali poznani
minskih slovesnosti za pobite domoSlovenci so vasih res domiselni.
modni inovatorji, cenilci in novinar- Ker niso predstavili svojih makarad
brance, posebno pri Lurki votlini na
Chardon Rd. kjer je vsako leto ob spo- ji modnih revij. "Firma-by-Sanja"
na pustno soboto ali torek, bodo to
znamko so oznaili kot instinktno,
minskem dnevu organiziral sv. mao,
storili 23. februarja, torej e globoko
vodil molitve in poloil venec padlim novostno in domiselno s portnim
v postu, v asu nezabav.
soborcem. Vsa leta je bil tudi lan
Ambasada sporoa, da bodo SloPristavskih upokojencev in vestno
narodni dom, Slovenski arhiv
Koncert tirih saxafonov venski
pomagal pri njihovih prireditvah.
in muzej na St. Clair Ave., Strle's
Frank je bil oe Franka ml. in hera
Januarja je skupina z imenom
Country House in St. Clair Superior
Toni, Jennie in Mary Ann ter stari oe
4Saxess Quartet podala koncert v
Development Corp. v Clevelandu
mnogih vnukov in vnukinj.
imeli 23. februarja ob 1. uri popolFrank je leal v pogrebnem zavodu
dne "parado makarad" od Strletove
Zevnik-Kosic v Willoughby Hills in je Yorku.
gostilne, oziroma mimo slovenske
bil pokopan v ponedeljek, 11. februcerkve Sv. Vida pa do Slovenskega
arja iz cerkve Sv. Vida na pokopalie Lev Pupis - soprano sax, Primo
Fleischerman - tenor, Dejan Preinarodnega doma, kjer bo na razpoVernih du v Chardon. Ohio.
lago jedaa in pijaa in glasba, goste
Naj mu Bog nakloni plailo za vsa
-- ki mnogokrat nastopa v evroppa bodo gostili tudi drugi trgovski
njegova dobra dela.
skih mestih, se je zdruila l. 2000 v
lokali na St. Clair Ave.
Njegovi druini izrekamo nae
Parizu, kjer so njeni lani studiragloboko soalje.
Ta Festival Kurenta bo trajal do
MCH li. Igrajo mnoge variance glasbe,
6. ure zveer.
Umrl je
Frank ega
Novice iz asopisa
Newsletter slovenske ambasade
15 February, 2013
e dolgo nismo imeli tako dobro
pripravljenega koncerta kot nam ga
je 17. novembra v Domu predstavil
moki pevski zbor pendov pod vodstvom Marka Magajne.
Prva polovica programa je bilo
petje domaih narodnih pesmi,
druga polovica pa je bila s petjem
in glasbo predstavljena v domai
Ob odlinem programu smo se v
lepem tevilu zbrani zelo lepo imeli
in uivali. Po programu so muzikantje zbora pendov igrali za ples in
Hvala lepa, zbor pendov!
Upam, da se e pripravljate za naslednji koncert.
Imamo tudi
Koledar dogodkov v domu za
meseca februar in marec:
Feb. 3 - Preernov Dan Kulture in
Super Bowl party
Feb. 10 - Koline
Feb. 16 - Tarok Mini - Tekmovanje
March 2 - Tarok Tournament Glavno tekmovanje
March 8 - Fantje s Praprotna Koncert
March 10 - Meseno kosilo
March 22 - Izdelovanje butaric za
Cvetno nedeljo
March 24 - Cvetna nedelja in sveano kosilo (brunch) v Domu.
Ana Hozjan
Uitelji sobotnih
ol v Sloveniji
Devetnajst uiteljic in uiteljev
slovenskih sobotnih ol po svetu je
bilo od 23. januarja do 1. februarja
2013 v Sloveniji na seminarju, ki
ga je zanje pripravil Zavod RS za
olstvo, organizirala in financirala pa
sta ga Urad Vlade RS za Slovence
v zamejstvu in po svetu ter Ministrstvo za izobraevanje, znanost,
kulturo in port.
Udeleencev je bilo devetnajst:
iz Argentine jih je prilo tirinajst,
iz Kanade dva, iz ZDA, Brazilije in
Avstralije pa po eden. Vsi pouujejo slovenino in druge predmete v
slovenskem jeziku na sobotnih olah
v slovenskih skupnostih po svetu.
Zavod za olstvo je pri pripravi
programa in izboru predavateljev
upoteval potrebe uiteljev pri delu
v razredu v slovenskih skupnostih.
Poseben poudarek je bil namenjen
pridobivanju osnovnih pedagokih
vein za delo s predolskimi otroki,
ter uenci in odraslimi udeleenci
teajev slovenskega jezika ter usmeritvam za njihovo motivacijo.
Zakljuek programa so praznovali s pesmijo in besedo in predstavili,
kar so doiveli. Obiskala jih je tudi
ministrca za Slovence v zamejstvu
in po svetu. Zaelela jim je, da bodo
s pridobljenim znanjem ucenem e
z vejim arom povedali vse o Sloveniji.
Oddaja Slovencem
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 23
Pismo urednitvu
Willoughby Hills, 24. prosinec, 2013
Spotovani v urednitvu!
Pismo slovenskega konzula
Spoštovane bralke in bralci našega časopisa Slovenian American Times!
Naj bo novo leto polno uspehov in novih naronikov tega dragocenega
mesenika, ki ga tako skrbno pripravljate vsak mesec. Prinaate nam novice
in vesti iz kroga Slovencev tu in po celem svetu. Gotovo drugae ne bi bili
tako obveeni o podrobnostih slovenskega ivlja po irnem svetu, kjerkoli
domujejo rojaki. Lepi in informativni lanki, ki jih poiljajo dopisniki, kot
npr. dr. Gobec, so tudi dobrodoli, saj nam prinaajo imformacije za katere
marsikdo ne bi vedel. Posebno e mlaji rod.
Kot samostojen radijec, ki pripravljam tedensko oddajo in tudi poiljam
tedenska poroila na Radio Ognjie v Ljubljano, se natanko zavedam koliko asa je vloenega v vsako vrstico novic in drugih informacij, dokler ne
pridejo v na dom v obliki Slovenskih amerikih asov.
Hvala vam e enkrat.
Tone Ovsenik
(G. Ovsenik oddaja vsako soboto od 9. do 10. ure zveer na WCPB 90.3 FM Slovenian Hour - Slovenska ura. Za njegovo delo ga lahko nagradite na
31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Oh 44292. Op. ur.)
Ob pregledu sodelovanja slovenskega konzulata in Slovenian American Times
vidimo, da naše sodelovanje traja e tretje leto. Pa smo naredili majhen pregled
dosedanjih člankov in ugotovili, da se je večina naših projektov uresničila oziroma se še izvaja, nekateri pa niso v skupnosti dobili dovolj podpore za izvedbo. A nič za to! Volje in idej nam ne zmanjkuje!
V leto 2013 smo stopili zelo optimistično saj bi se naj na gospodarskem področju izvedla dva projekta, sledijo pa e zametki tretjega. In vsi trije so povezani
s Slovenijo in nami Slovenci v ZDA, še posebej v Clevelandu in njegovi okolici. In gospodarsko povezovanje ZDA in RS je tudi eden od temeljev razvoja v
Vlada RS je dne 24. januar 2013 sprejela akcijski načrt Mednarodni izzivi 2013 – Partnerstvo za spodbujanje mednarodnega poslovanja slovenskih
podjetij (MI 2013). Ta opredeljuje ključne cilje in ukrepe politike spodbujanja
internacionalizacije slovenskih podjetij, pridobivanja tujih neposrednih nalob
ter ciljne sektorje in ciljne tuje trge.
Ključni cilji, opredeljeni v MI 2013, so:
Slovenija danes
Spletna skupnost Slovencev po svetu - Slovenija danes - je 31. januarja 2013
poslala naslednje sporoilo:
Z dananjim dnem se konuje zgodba, ki smo jo dve leti pisali skupaj z
Uradom vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu.
Slovenija je majhna deela, a al je tudi ozka v smislu politine (strankarske) zrelosti. Tako danes zakljuuje delovanje portala skupnosti: Slovenija v
Po dveh letih uspenega dela medija in zgrajene mree sodelavcev po celem svetu so se v sedanji vladi odloili, da bo izdajatelj nekdo drug. elimo
mu uspeno delo in veliko dobrih zgodb.
Zahvaljujemo se vam za zaupanje. Bilo nam je v ast in veselje spoznavati
in objavljati vae zgodbe.
Upam, da bomo stike ohranili e naprej. Ekipa medija
Zorko Simi prejemnik
Velike Preernove nagrade
Pisatelj in pesnik Zorko Simi, akademik in med drugimi tudi argentinski
Slovenec, ki se je po letu 1990 vrnil in ostal v Sloveniji, bo za svoje ivljensko delo letos prejel Veliko Preernovo nagrado.
Prvo novico nam je posredoval kofjeloan Bla, ki pravi: "Pisatelj Zorko
Simi je s kofjo loko zelo povezan in Loani smo zelo ponosni, da je doakal to ast."
Pisatelj Simi je namre konal povest 'Poslednji deseti brat' pri Tavarjevem Visokem.
eli nam prijetno praznovanje kulturnega praznika.
• usklajeno delovanje vseh dravnih institucij na področju mednarodnega
usmerjanja in
spodbujanja slovenskega gospodarstva;
• povečanje rasti slovenskega izvoza v tujino;
• povečanje števila vstopov slovenskih podjetij na nove tuje trge in povečanje
celotnega izvoza na izbrane prednostne trge,
• povečanje števila izvoznikov, še posebej na trge izven območja nekdanje
Jugoslavije in
Evropske unije;
• povečanje prepoznavnosti Slovenije kot prilonostne lokacije za tuje nalobe
in zmanjšanje
ovir na področju tujih nalob.
• povečanje tujih neposrednih nalob v Sloveniji na 33 % BDP-ja.
Kot najbolj perspektivne panoge slovenskega gospodarstva so določene:
• biomedicina in biotehnologija,
• energetika in okoljske tehnologije,
• napredni materialni in tehnologije ter nanotehnologija,
• informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije,
• lesno-predelovalna industrija,
• avtomobilska industrija,
• transport in logistika,
• kovinsko-predelovalna industrija,
• turizem,
• živilsko-prehrambena industrija.
In v tej zvezi vse bralke in bralce SAT pozivamo, da si ogledajo še spletno stran in ob videnju skupnega interesa kontaktirajo naš konzulat, ki
bo z velikim veseljem pomagal pri vzpostavljanju stikov s podjetji v Sloveniji
in obratno.
Pa lep pozdrav! Jure Žmauc, Christy Vidmar in Špela Smuk
(Poslano 31. JANUARJA 2013)
Spoštovane Slovenke in Slovenci!
Ob spominu na našega največjega pesnika
Franceta Prešerna in obeležju kulturnega
praznika Republike Slovenije vas vabimo,
da se dne 8. februarja 2013 ob 17:00 uri
(5 PM) udeležite slavnostnega dviga
slovenske in EU zastave, ki se bo izvedla
pred zgradbo v kateri se nahaja slovenski
generalni konzulat na naslovu 55. Public Square,
Cleveland, Ohio 44114.
Republika Slovenija ima generalni konzulat v
Clevelandu od leta 2001 a še nikoli ni bilo
slovenske zastave zaznati v javnosti, v samem
mestu Clevelandu. Zato smo se na konzulatu
pozanimali in dogovorili, da bomo na letošnji
kulturni praznik dvignili slovensko zastavo v
samem centru mesta Clevelanda in bo tukaj
Pictured to right: Slovenian Flag raising ceremony Cleveland, Ohio
ostala za vedno. Vsem nam v ponos!
55 Public Square Cleveland, Ohio, Friday, February 8, 2013. The
S spoštovanjem,
Jure Žmauc
event was held in conjunction with the Slovenian cultural holiday,
Prešeren Day. The flags of the Republic of Slovenia and European
Union will now be permanently displayed along with the flag of the
United States. (photo by Philip Hrvatin)
Page 24,
Pogovor in razprava
Študijski center za narodno spravo in Svetovni slovenski kongres
so v ponedeljek, 28. januarja 2013,
v prostorih Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa, govorili o
Cirilu Kotniku, ki ga imenujejo bodoči slovenski pravičnik
Sodelovali so:
Ivo Jevnikar, časnikar in publicist
Ivan Martelanc, upokojeni diplomat
mag. Renato Podbersič, zgodovinar
Dogodek je bil organiziran ob mednarodnem dnevu spomina
na rtve holokavstva.
Kdo je Ciril (Čiro) Kotnik?
Rojen l. 1895 v Ljubljani – umrl l. 1948 v Rimu, Ciril Kotnik je bil slovenski diplomat, ki je več kot dvajset let deloval na veleposlaništvu Kraljevine
SHS oz. Jugoslavije v Rimu. Med drugo svetovno vojno je opravljal službo
diplomatskega predstavnika jugoslovanske begunske vlade pri Sv. sedežu in
je tako smel ostati v Rimu. Aktivno je deloval v prid preganjanim Judom
in protifašitom, zato ga je oktobra 1943 aretiral gestapo. Zveza italijanskih
judovskih občin mu je leta 1955 posmrtno podelila zlato kolajno. Potekajo
priprave za priznanje njegovega statusa pravičnika med narodi, za zasluge
pri reševanju Judov med holokavstom.
Pedro Opeka za Nobelovo
nagrado za mir
Iz Misijonskega središča Slovenije
Objavljeno: 1. feb. 2013 v Ljubljananatisni
Stanislav Kerin, narodni ravnatelj in nadškof Anton Stres
V teh dneh se veliko piše o nominaciji Pedra Opeke za Nobelovo nagrado za mir.
Zelo smo veseli odzivov na ta predlog. Potrebno je dodati še nekaj podatkov za
razjasnitev poteka nominacije. Postopek ni preprost. Namen pojasnil je spodbuditi
vse, ki bi še eleli podpreti nominacijo Pedra Opeke za Nobelovo nagrado za mir.
V Misijonskem središču Slovenije podpiramo vsako pobudo, ki širi pozitivno védenje o velikem humanitarnem delu, ki ga po celem svetu opravljajo slovenski misijonarji. Zato smo tudi po svojih močeh pomagali pri podpori in uresničitvi ideje, da
se Pedra Opeko predlaga za prejemnika Nobelove nagrade za mir, saj z njim tvorno
sodelujemo e več kot 30 let.
Pedro Opeka je šel v misijone leta 1975. Pri občudovanju njegovega dela
je veliko število dobrih ljudi, ki ga ne samo spoštujejo, ampak s svojimi darovi tudi
podpirajo njegovo poslanstvo pri odpravljanju in omejevanju revščine na Madagaskarju. Morda podatek, da so ljudje dobre volje v Sloveniji v zadnjih treh letih
samo za nakup ria za otroke iz smetišča zbrali preko 381.380,00 €. To dejstvo
pove, da ljudje poleg občudovanja misijonarjeve osebnosti razumejo stisko otrok in
druin ter preko Opeke konkretno pomagajo. Samo občudovanje in sočustvovanje
pa nista dovolj, potrebno je narediti korak naprej in pomagati. Dobrotniki so zgled
udejanjene pomoči najrevnejšim na Madagaskarju.
Pri vsem tem ima pomembno mesto tudi nacionalna televizija, ki je pred dobrim
letom predvajala odmeven film z naslovom Pedro Opeka, dober prijatelj. Pri njegovem nastajanju je sodelovalo tudi Misijonsko središče Slovenije. Lani spomladi
je stekla tudi akcija za Opekovo nominacijo na najvišji vladni ravni, tako s strani
predsednika vlade Janeza Janše, ki je imel v ta namen pogovore v Združenih narodih, kot evropskega poslanca Lojzeta Peterleta. Vse je v skladu s pravili Nobelove
ustanove potekalo v tajnosti do uradne objave.
Pedro Opeka je nesporno ena največjih osebnosti našega časa. Z neizmerno energijo in osebno rtvijo je vzpostavil globalni zgled za spopad z eno največjih ran
človeštva – revščino. Vsem, ki podpirajo njegovo delo in sodelujejo pri pobudi, da
bi prejel Nobelovo nagrado, se iskreno zahvaljujemo.
Posebna zahvala gre dr. Ediju Gobcu iz Clevelanda v ZDA, ki ima kot posameznik
največje zasluge za promocijo Pedrove nominacije med mnogimi osebnostmi po
svetu. Zadnje leto je skoraj vse delo ustanove SRCE (Slovenskega ameriškega raziskovalnega centra) posvetil tej dejavnosti. V Misijonskem središču Slovenije vse
ljudi dobre volje vabijo, da se pridruijo tej pobudi.
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
Cvetki v spomin
Kot je povedal gospod Bonar na dan njenega pogreba, je odgovorila na
ime Cvetke ali Terry ali Terezije – brez razlike. Vsa imena so ji bila enako
ljuba in tako smo jo tudi mi klicali z vsemi imeni. Terry so ji rekli mlaji
lani zbora Korotan, katerega predsednica je bila kar nekaj let, in tudi neaki in neakinje so jo poznali kot Terry: Teta Terry. Sorodniki in prijatelji
njenih let smo jo klicali Cvetka, ker je bila krena za Malo Terezijo – bojo
cvetko. Stareji so jo neko gotovo klicali z imenom Peklarjeva Terezija,
vendar je to ime prelo v pozabo, ko se je leta 1963 poroila s Frankom in
postala Rihtarjeva Cvetka.
Njena nenadna smrt je bila velik udarec za mnoge. Njen nenaden odhod,
tako tih, tako nepreklican, ko je komaj komu povedala, da nosi v sebi kalek, e klico smrti in je do zadnjega vse teave prenaala s potrpeljivostjo
in neizbenim nasmehom: kaj pa naj? je bil navadno njen odgovor. In e:
Kaj mi pomaga?
Polna energije in vedno pripravljena za pomo kjer je bila potrebna,
zavzeta za stvari, za katere je doloila, da so v sklopu njenih talentov in zato
njena dolost, je bila v neprestanih stikih s slovensko skupnostjo in njenim
delovanjem. Tako je bilo z njenim pevskim glasom in njeno prironostjo
dobre ivije ter njenim talentom za organiziranje. In tako je bilo tudi z njenim poklicnim delom: izbrala si je najbolji poklic: kot diplomirana bolnika
sestra je vedela, kako lahko pomaga drugemu.
Od vsega zaetka je bila vkljuena v pevske zbore: najprej je pela pri
mladinskem zboru Slavek in otrokem cerkvenem zboru Sv. Vida. Ko je bil
ustanovljen pevski zbor Korotan, je takoj postala lanica in resnino pela do
svoje smrti: njen zadnji nastop je bil na koncertu maja leta 2011. Z velikim
veseljem je pela pri ansamblu Veseli Slovenci in razveseljevala mnoge, ki so
jo sliali. Enako je tudi pela pri etvidskem cerkvenem zboru Lira in na vsakoletnem boinem koncertu ob koncu leta. Le malokdaj je zamudila vaje in
nastope Korotana, ko so peli na mnogih prireditvah in proslavah.
Na mene osebno je naredila velik vtis njena nadarjenost kot ivilja. Njena
posebnost je bilo izdelovanje in oblikovanje – resnino kar konstrukcija enskih in mokih narodnih no. Neteto mladih plesalcev Kresa nosi njene
narodne noe – ter vse njene vnukinje in vnuk - in tudi mene je nauila te
umetnosti: od krinega vboda v tirih vrstah za krilo do pravilnega zbiranja
blaga za velika, puhasta rokava na bluzah. Ne vem, e je bila edina v Clevelandu, ki je vedela, kako se zgradi avba, ampak zgradila jo je, mogoe ve
kot eno. To pa je umetnost, ki jo obvladajo le nekateri.
Ko je pevski zbor Korotan izgubil pevovodja je bila ona, ki je pregovorila sorodnika Srena, da je prevzel vodstvo zbora. Kot predsednica je dvakrat popeljala Korotan na turnejo v Slovenijo, kjer so pevci poeli izjemen
uspeh. Ona je tudi tista, ki se je pogajala s Slovenskim narodnim domom,
da so se s koncerti vrnili v njegovo dvorano, eprav ob drugem asu. In ob
petdeseti letnici obstoja zbora Korotan je odlino organizirala njegov gala
concert in banket.
Kot lovek je bila posebna v tem, da je nad vse drugo ljubila resnico.
Vedno je povedala svoje misli, vendar vedno tako, da ni ranila svojega
blinjega. Do svojih prijateljev je bila neizmerno radodarna. V zadnjih letih
sta z moem vsako leto na soboto pred Novim letom povabila vse sorodnike
v svojo hio na veer sreanja. To je bila njena zahvala za njihovo prijateljstvo.
Cvetko e vedno pogreajo ne samo njeni sorodniki temve vsa slovenska
skupnost, v kateri je ustvarila poseben lik delavne, portvovalne in zanimive
osebe. Pogream jo tudi jaz.
Mara Cerar Hull
Umrl je Joe Koar, st.
Komedija na odru!
V Sloveniji na Gorejnskem je v
85. letu življenja v Gospodu zaspal
Jožef Kočar starejši iz Most pri
Pogreb s pogrebno mašo je bil v
torek, 22. januarja 2013 v Komendi.
Pevski zbor 'Zarja', ki letos praznuje 97 let obstoja, bo 27. aprila
v Slovenskem domu na 20713
Recher Ave v Euclidu postavil na
eno-dejanko veseloigro, komedijo, z naslovom
"V oli"
Predstava bo ob 7. uri zveer,
pred predstavo pa bodo postregli s
veerjo. Po predstavi bo za zabavo igral Jeff Pecon orkester.
Za podrobneje informacije
pokliite Barbaro Elersich na
"Dober boj sem dobojeval,
tek dokončal, vero ohranil."
Njegov sin Joe Koar mlaji nam
sporoa, da na željo pokojnika
prijatelji in znanci lahko namesto
cvetja in sveč darujejo za Karitas ali
v druge dobrodelne namene.
Njegov sin nam tudi redno poilja
poroila iz Slovenije.
Njemu in druini nae iskreno
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 25
8. maja 2013 bo organizacija podelila priznanje naslednjim
zaslunim osebam:
Jack Coyne
Joe Holzer
Sam Miller
Nancy Panzica
Bishop Edward Pevec
Maria Pujana
Ratanjit Sondhe
Ceremonija bo v Veliki dvorani v Marriott Key Center.
Za podrobneje informacije se lahko obrnete na
ali na
Debbie Hanson
Cleveland International Hall of Fame
3150 Payne Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114-4504
216-406-6594 or 216-381-8310
Klub Upokojencev Slovenske Pristave
Frank Vidmar
Vstopili smo v novo leto 2013. Malo moramo pomisliti na leto 2012 in
se zahvaliti za vse kar smo dobili in preživeli.
Upokojenci smo se v velikem številu zbrali pri St. Mary’s 11. decembra
in zaključili leto 2012 z vsakoletno božičnico z dobrim in okusnim kosilom,
ki ga je pripravila ga. Julka Zalar z njenimi pomočnicami. Zahvala gre
tudi odboru in vsem članom ki ste tako pridno sodelovali in pripravili da je
bil naš božični program uspešen in zadovoljen. Hvala za udeležbo našim
gostom: Konzul Jure Žmauc, Fr. Jože Božnar in Fr. Janez Kumse, ki smo ga
sprejeli za novega člana. Med nami je tudi gostoval Gospod Maks Kozjek
iz Slovenije, ki je bil na kratkem obisku v Clevelandu.
Mesečni sestanek je bil v sredo, 30. januarja v Slovenskem Narodnem
domu na Holmes Avenue ob 1:30 popoldne. Tam ste lahko dvignili 2013
članske izkaznice, dobite jih pa lahko pri Mileni tudi drugi mesec.
Vse najboljše sledečim članom, ki so praznovali rojstne dneve v mesecu
Tone Adamič
Jože Kolenko
Frank Pieronek
Ivan Berkopec
Mici Košir
Vinko Radišek
Ivan Berlec
Josef Lah
Tone Škerl
Mari Celestina
Vinko Lipovec
Vinko Štefančič
Tony Champa
Ana Lunder
Nežka Tomc
Pavla Dolinar
Marija Lunder
Nežka Tominec
Milena Gobetz
James Mochan
Antonija Urankar
Pavle Hren
Anton Mrva
Frank Urankar
Angelca Hribar
Stane Mrva
Ivan Zakrajšek
Anton Kocjan
Zdravko Novak
Želimo vsem veliko zdravja, veselja in še mnogo let v naši družbi!
(Ker smo imeli pri asopisu v januarju neke teave in januarski dopis ni bil objavljen, objavljamo oba ta mesec. Uprava se za spregled opraviuje. )
S tem "plakatom" naim bralcem posredujemo primer
proslavlanja slovenskega kulturnega praznika na Korokem
Frank Vidmar
France Prešeren
(3. 12. 1800 - 8. 2. 1849)
Verena Gotthardt
Februar, 2013
Niko Grafenauer Urška in Jaka Slavkov
Ob Slovenskem kulturnem Anlässlich des slowenischen
prazniku Kulturfeiertages
Vas prisrčno vabimo na laden wir Sie herzlich ein zum
literarno-glasbeni večer literarisch-musikalischen Abend
Kdaj/Wann? petek, 15. 2. 2013, ob/um 19.00, Freitag
Kje/Wo? Pri Primku/Thomashof, Reka/Mühlbach.
Gostje/Gäste: Verena Gotthardt, Niko Grafenauer (besedila/Texte)
Urška in Jaka Slavkov (prečni flavti/Querflöten).
Niko GRAFENAUER (roj.1940) je pesnik, kritik, esejist, urednik. Bil je urednik za otroško literaturo založbe Mladinska knjiga in soustanovitelj, direktor
in glavni urednik mesečnika in založbe Nova revija; po svoji upokojitvi l. 2002
je ostal glavni urednik založbe Nova revija.
Izdal je nad ducat osebne lirike in in nad 20 knjig mladinske lirike in proze, v
katere je vključil humor, igro in fantazijo. Niko Grafenauer je prejemnik Prešernove nagrade in mnogih drugih literarnih nagrad, za svoje založniško delo
je prejel Schwentnerjevo nagrado, je pa tudi redni član Slovenske akademije
znanosti in umetnosti SAZU
Verena GOTTHARDT (roj. 1996) živi v Celovcu ter tam obiskuje 6. razred
Slovenske gimnazije in je s 14 leti začela pisati pesmi. Pri literarnem natečaju
ob Tischlerjevi nagradi je zasedla 3. mesto ter pri literarnem natečaju mesta
Pliberk 2. mesto. Verena se ukvarja tudi s filmanjem.
Urška in Jaka SLAVKOV, Beljak, sta učenca slovenske Glasbene šole na Koroškem, oddelek Ledince. Njun učitelj je mag. Christina Filipič. Dosegla sta na
raznih tekmovanjih odličen uspehe tako na deželni kakor tudi na državni ravni.
Vašega obiska se veseli: /Auf Ihr Kommen freut sich:
Kulturno društvo "Peter Markovič", Rožek/Rosegg, Kulturverein
Ponosni smo da je Federacija Slovenskih Narodnih Domov izbrala enega
od naših članov, Bredo Lončar, za “eno Leta” (“Woman of the Year”).
Čestitamo ti, Breda.
Ministrica za Slovence po svetu, Ljudmila Novak, nam je pisala in se
zahvaljuje za prisrčen sprejem članov Kluba Upokojencev na Slovenski
Pristavi. Ona ocenjuje gostovanje med nami vsestransko izjemno koristno
in uspešno. Pravi da smo lahko ponosni na Slovensko Pristavo.
Klub Upokojencev je prijazna organizacija. Skupaj se dobimo enkrat na
mesec za kratek sestanek, malico in drubo; imamo vsakoletni piknik na
Slovenski Pristavi; priredimo koline v mesecu oktobru; in tudi na izlete gremo z avtobusom. Največji del našega dobička podarimo Slovenski Pristavi,
ker Slovenska Pristava nam je pri srcu in delamo zato da se ohrani za bodoče generacije, da se bodo tam še dolgo zbirali in zabavali mladi in starejši.
Vse člane Slovenske Pristave, ki ste dopolnili 60 let, vabimo da se pridruite tudi našemu klubu. Vsi boste dobrodošli.
Mesečni sestanek bo v sredo, 27. februarja v Slovenskem Domu na Holmes
Avenue ob 1:30 popoldne.
Vse najboljše sledečim članom ki praznujejo rojstne dneve v mesecu
Drago Androjna
Ivanka Brumen
Marija Cerer
Joseph Chauby
Pavli Dolinar
Angela Hutar
Rosemarie Jisa
Matt Lončar
Francka Mrva
Marjan Peri
Frank Piman
Helena Ribi
Marjan trancar
Anton vigelj
Tina Urbanija
Julka Zalar
Vsem elimo zdravja, veselja in še mnogo let v naši drubi!
Page 26,
Na nedeljo, 10. marca vas vse vabimo na kosilo Misijonske Znamkarske
Akcije v upnjisko dvorano Sv. Marije Vnebovzete v Collinwoodu.
as kosila bo od 11. ure dopoldne do 1. ure popoldne.
Kosilo imate lahko v dvorani, ali pa ga vzamete domov.
Nakaznice bodo na razpolago pri vhodu v dvorano.
Ves dobiek tega dne gre v glavno blagajno, da ob koncu leta lahko pomagamo naim misijonarjem pri njihovem velikem misijonskem delu.
Iz Ugande se je e pred prazniki oglasil misijonar Danilo Lisjak in pie:
Dragi prijatelji in sorodniki!
Vsem poiljam lep misijonski pozdrav iz gornjega Ponija.
Vesel sem, da Vas smem nagovoriti, vam voiti za bliajoe se praznike, se Vam iskreno zahvaliti za mnogovrstne pozornosti, predvsem pa za
duhovno in gmotno pomo pri gradnji novega misijonskega sredia v kraju
Atede na severu Ugande ob Knobleharjevem misijonskem Nilu. In ta reka
tee in tee, vedno polna, mogona, kot bi se okrog nje ni ne dogajalo. Ja,
kakna brzica in slap sta tudi na tej mogoni poti. Podobno naemu ivljenju. Da le imamo tisto dobrino, ki ji pravimo mir.
Prerok Izaija nas usmerja na mesijansko dobo in pravi: "Tedaj bo tvoj
mir kot velika reka in tvoja pravinost kakor valovje morja." Kako zelo
pogojujeta ti dve dobrini druga drugo. Veliko gorja, krivic in ponianja e
danes prizadene afrikega loveka prav zaradi nepravinosti bogatih. (Velike multinacionalke - coorporacije - npr. hlastajo po dragocenih kovinah, ki
leijo v pokrajinah najbolj bogatih in hkrati najbolj obuboanih in ponianih
prebivalcev, kot so npr. v Kongu in drugje.)
Kdo bolj potrebuje Mesija? Revni ali bogati? Oboji. Kako nevsivljiv je
njegov mir, bliina, preprostost. V kolibah, na slamnjaah naih ljudi in vernikov bi se On bolj poutil doma, med svojimi. Kot v Betlehemu. V istem
prostoru se stiska tevilna druina, poljine, orodje, kakna koza, koko in
morski praiek... Vsi so del velike druine. Trdo delo na njivi je podobno
boju za preivetje nazareke druine... In ob dananji vroini ... 55 stopinj
celzija na soncu. e ivina zbei k reki ali v senco, kjer je samo 36 stopinj.
In ti ljudje si po 23 letih vojne vsak dan elijo miru, obljubljeno dostojneje
ivljenje, olanje za otroke in zdravnike oskrbe. Bog v betlehemskem hlevu
je na njihovi strani. Vraa jim dostojanstvo in upanje.
Misijonarji smo zato tukaj, da jim prisluhnemo, se pribliamo njihovim skrbem in nartom. Veseli gledajo, kako je zadnji mesec misijon Atede
od februarja do decembra dobival svojo dokonno zunanjo podobo.
Mnogi Slovenci (navajam samo njihove zaetnice imen), npr. tisti
iz skupine "Bejz c vejd' s" - N, Z, M, N, C, L, I, U, F, M, so se zvrstili pri
delu skupaj z domaimi zidarji in gradnja je napredovala dokaj hitro glede
na afriki ritem ivljenja. Nekateri so prili bolj kot radovedni turisti... Kako
majhen je ta svet, ko te dobijo ne le na spletnih straneh ampak tudi v ivo,
na delu....
In tudi streho je v teh dneh strokovno dokonal z izkueno roko in bogatimi ivljenskimi izkunjami gradbenik Mirko iz rnic, ki je z eno skoraj
dva meseca na delu od jutra do veera skupaj z naimi vedoeljnimi zidarji.
In po vrnitvi (v domovino, op. ur.) bo zbral vse tiste, ki so pomagali pri postavljanju temeljev misijona in ponosni bodo, da so dali svoj peat na novo
nastajajoemu misijonu.
Vrtec, internat in upnjiski dom so dograjeni (elektriko bo naredil domain - predsednik upnjiskega sveta, sanitarne instalacije pridejo iz Italije
zahvaljajo se dobroti Tineta K. iz Vrtojbe) in po Veliki noi se usmerimo k
dograditvi cerkve sv. Petra in Pavla, da bi 29. junija vse blagoslovili.
S pastoralnim delom sledimo 7. osnovnim olam in 11. podrunicam,
tako da jih pripravljamo na zakramente in darujemo nedeljske ter olske
mae v domaem jeziku acoli. Okrog 500 krenih - med njimi je 150 katehumenov. Skromni, a obetajoi zacetki. Na egnanje pri Sv. Katarini je bilo
25. novembra 49 krstov.
Boji mir boine noi Vam elim in bodimo e naprej prijatelji tistih, ki
jih ima betlehemsko Dete najbolj pri srcu. On je Knez miru. Po poti drobnih
sre in veselja ob sreavanju z 'malimi' bomo razumeli bliino Novorojenega. Bodimo sami reka. Ne ustavljajmo se, niti ne drvimo. Obudujmo in
skupaj s tolikimi hvalenimi srci v moji bliini molimo drug za drugega.
e bo mir, bomo kljub skromnemu ivljenju veseli in optimistini!
Zbogom! Danilo Lisjak
Galu, advent 2012
Vsem posiljam misijonski pozdrav!
Marica Lavrisa
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
tudijski center za narodno spravo sporoa:
Koroki deelni arhiv in Mohorjeva zaloba v Celovcu sta 6. februarja v
Sobi deelne zgodovine v Korokem deelnem arhivu odprla razstavo z
Vroče sledi hladne vojne
Meja med Slovenijo in Koroško
v letih od 1945 do 1991
Razstavo sta odprla dravni sekretar Ministrstva za izobraevanje,
znanost, kulturo in port Aleksander Zorn iz Slovenije
in deelni svetnik, referent za kulturo pri koroki deelni vladi
Dr. Wolfgang Waldner.
Razstava Vroče sledi hladne vojne predstavlja predvsem posledice
prehodov Slovencev ez elezno zaveso med Slovenijo in avstrijsko Koroko v letih od 1945 do 1991 ter dolgo ukvarjanje z njenimi posledicami oz.
presedanjem le-teh.
Z izbranimi primeri usod ljudi eli predstaviti, kaj je pomenila totalitarna
komunistina oblast v Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji za ljudi, ki so iveli v "socialistini drubeni ureditvi, so z njo prihajali v stik ali pa so bili njeni odkriti
Ob slovenskem prazniku kulture v Frankfurtu
Skupaj smo v večjem številu prisli v nedeljo 3. februarja, ko smo imeli
našo vsakoletno prireditev ob slovenskem kulturnem prazniku. Tudi letos
smo pripravili proslavo skupaj z učenci šole slovenskega dopolnilnega pouka ter evropske šole in učiteljico Natalijo Robnik. Otroci (in nekateri odrasli
z njimi) so nam s svojim nastopom v recitacijah predstavili ljudske pesmi,
poleg njih pa tudi z njihovimi pesmimi posamezne pesnike (Župančiča,
Gangla, Voranca, Bora). Vmes pa so vstopala tudi glasbila kakor so harmonika in kitara ter pianino.
Pevci in petje pa dajo takšni prireditvi še dodatno lepoto in vrednost.
Letos smo medse povabili ljudske pevce Fantje z vasi iz Škocjana pri Novem mestu. Pojejo namreč triglasno brez not in dirigiranja, samo po posluhu, tako kakor so nekdaj peli na vasi: nekdo začenja, ostali pa poprimejo.
Lepo so nam zapeli pri maši, med njimi tudi romarsko Marijino pesem iz
Stopnega pri Škocjanu oziroma Bučki, pa o zvonovih, ki vabijo k Bogu.
Prav tako lepo so nam zapeli tudi po maši na naši prireditvi, tako v tistem
uradnem delu proslave kakor kasneje med večerjo in po njej. Marsikatero
novo lepo 'staro' pesem smo slišali. Lepo je bilo poslušati njihovo petje, še
lepše pa njihovemu petju tudi pritegniti. V nekaj manj kot dvajsetih letih so
bili zelo pridni in rodovitni, saj so zbrali in posneli zelo veliko starih narodnih pesmi in nekaj dokumentarnih filmov o običajih med letom.
Kratek nagovor ob tem praznovanju je imel župnik Martin Retelj, ki
nam je govoril o slovenskih misijonih in kulturi, omenil pa je tudi dogodke
v domovini. Med drugim je povedal:
"Pretreslo nas je nasilje, s kakršnim so nastopili nekateri in h kateremu
so, pa ne toliko politiki, ampak tako imenovani kulturniki z 'zariplimi obrazi' (nekateri pesniki, pisatelji, filozofi, zgodovinarji), skoraj spodbujali, ne
pa ga obsojali ali vsaj pokazali nestrinjanje z njim. "Pri teh demonstracijah
pa me moti agresivnost. Žalosti me, da je bil del mariborske inteligence do
tega toleranten. Del univerze je celo podpiral in fizično sodeloval na demonstracijah. Ljudje iz univerzitetne srenje bi morali reči jasen ne toleranci do
nasilja, kot je dejal dr. Ivan Štuhec."
Kaj pa, če niso k temu pripomogle tudi pesti, upodobljene pred nekaj
leti na raznih plakatih in celo šolskih pripomočkih, vse to pa spodbujeno
s pomočjo takratnega ministra za šolstvo. Stisnjena pest pa lahko pomeni
samo eno, nasilje. Zopet nam prihaja na pomoč pesnik iz Vrbe, ki je, prepričan sem, take in podobne kulturnike prepoznal in zato zapisal: 'Lani je
slepar starino / še prodajal, nosil škatle, / meril platno, trak na vatle, / letos
kupi si graščino /grab te dnarje vkup gotove, / kupovajte si gradove (Glosa).
K temu pa lahko takoj dodamo Bogomilino misel: 'Ljubezni prave ne pozna,
kdor méni, / da ugásniti jo more sreče jeza' (Krst pri Savici).
Sedmo kitico Prešernove Zdravljice bi morali znati in poznati vsi, če že
ne poznamo vseh osmih, saj je naša državna slovesna pesem, himna. Poleg
te pa, če že ne vseh, vsaj drugo, in četrto seveda: 'Edinost, sreča sprava / k
nam naj nazaj se vrnejo; /otrok, kar ima Slava, / vsi naj si v róke sežejo, / da
oblast / in z njo čast, / ko pred, spet naša boste last!' (Zdravljica).
Seveda smo bili že globoko v noči, ko smo zapustili dvorano te prireditve, zadnji seveda vsi tisti člani župnijskega sveta in njihovi pomočniki, ki
so imeli na skrbi dvorano, hrano in pijačo za vse, ki so prišli na to osrednjo
prireditev ob slovenskem kulturnem prazniku v Frankfurtu. Hvala vsem za
to prireditev. Mnogi pa tudi ugotavljamo, da je med nami žal kar nekaj slovenske 'jare gospode', ki ne zmore priti na prireditev ob slovenskem kulturnem prazniku ali ob državnem prazniku in maši za domovino.
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 27
60 let Slovenske vasi v Lanusu
Svobodna Slovenija
Ta slovenska skupnost - Slovenska vas - je bila prva krajevno organizirana. Celotno bogato praznovanje tako pomembnega jubileja je 18. novembra 2012
dospelo do glavne prirediteve.
Zaela se je z jutranjo poklonitvijo naima dvema domovinama s petjem
argentinske in slovenske himne in dviganjem zastave, ki so se jih udeleili veleposlanik Republike Slovenije v Argentini Toma Mencin, predsednik Zedinjene
Slovenije Franci nidar, predsedniki drugih krajevnih domov, odborniki drutev in
ostali gosti.
Slovenska vas je nastala po osebnem prizadevanju mons. Janeza Hladnika
in je ves njen razvoj v tesni zvezi s katoliko Cerkvijo. Vanjo smo vkljueni kot
skupnost, pa tudi vsak njen ud posamezno in predvsem druinsko. Samoumevno je
torej, da smo se ob praznovanju slovensno zahvalili Bogu v nai vaki cerkvi Marije Kraljice, ki je po zaslugi slovenskih lazaristov duhovno sredie vasi e skozi 53
Ves ta as se vsak dan daruje sv. maa - od koncila naprej - v slovenskem
jeziku, za praznike pa nas je poastil z maevanjem kof Vinko Bokali, ki se je kot
eden prvih vakih otrok rodil v istem letu 1952, kot se je ustanovilo nae krajevno
drutvo. Z njim je somaeval Janez Cerar, ki sedaj znova skrbno in prijazno opravlja duno pao in z nami deli alost in veselje.
Po prejeti duhovni hrani smo se tudi telesno okrepali v prenovljeni dvorani Hladnikovega doma z odlinim skupnim kosilom, ki so ga pripravile lanice
krajevnega odseka Zveze ena in ga je urno postregla mladina.
Popoldanski program se je zael s pozdravom predsednika drutva Staneta Jemca, vzpodbudno in navdueno je estital predsednik Zedinjene Slovenije,
veleposlanik Republike Slovenije pa je estitkam ob pomembni obletnici e dodal
izroitev priznanj Urada za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Drutvu Slovenska
vas in Slavku Revnu, enemu njegovih ustanovnih lanov in dololetnemu zaslunemu sodelavcu, ki se je predvsem udejstvoval na gledalikem podroju. Sledil je
govor Francija Sunika.
Jedro programa je bil prikaz slovenske zgodovine v slikah z recitacijami
izbranih literalnih tekstov in petjem, ki ga je zamislila, sestavila in pripravila Mirijam Goljevek s sodelovanjem Andreja Finka. Domaini smo podoivljali odloilne narodne korake, od naselitve do proglasitve lastne samostojne drave.
Po krajem obotavljanju zaradi preteega deja, ki pa konno ni prekorail
mere dobrosprejetega egna, se je na prostem vril drugi del programa s folklornimi nastopi najrazlinejih starostnih skupin. Z nekaterimi tehninimi zaprekami se
je v svoji neformalnosti razvil v pravo narodno veselico, ko se je prijetni ambientaciji, veselemu razpoloenju, dobri hrani in pijai pridruilo e izvajanje priznane
skupine Baires polka, ki je zvabila navduene pare na plesie v se dolgotrajno
veselo praznovanje.
Padre Pedro Opeka
Obisk is Slovenije
Fantje s Praprotna
Slavni pevci, ki so prepevali vsa leta z ansamblom
Lojzeta Slaka, bodo obiskali clevelandsko slovensko
Koncert bo v nedeljo, 10 marca ob 5. uri popoldne v
Narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave.
Na koncertu bodo sodelovali tudi tukajni glasbeniki.
Po koncertu bo druabni veer, kjer boste postreeni
s hrano in pijao.
Karte v predprodaji so $12.00, na dan koncerta pa
$14.00. Pokliite Elizabeto na t. 440-537-1941 ali Gerri
na t. 216-361-5115. Vstopnice boste lahko kupili tudi
pri Polka Hall of Fame v Euclidu.
Koncert sponzorirajo Slovenska pristava, Slovenski
narodni dom, Fantje na vasi in Mi smo mi.
Vabljeni so vsi prijatelji avtetinega slovenskega
podeeljskega petja.
Milan Ribi
Page 28,
Michael J. Agnich, 37, passed
away on Jan. 19, 2013. He was born
on Apr. 18, 1975. Loving son of
Karen Agnich (Mentor) and David
(Lakewood). Brother of Melanie
Agnich-Polak and Matthew James.
Grandson of Zora Kocin. Nephew
of Debbie and Ron Suhy, Cheryl
(Ray) Horwood, and Ed (Missy)
Kocin Jr. Boyfriend of Jackie
Jakacki. Preceded in death by
his grandparents of Ed Kocin Sr.,
Rudolph and Victoria Agnich; and
godmother, Barb Marek. Michael
was a restaurant general manager.
He graduated with a bachelor
degree, cum laude, Clev. State
Univ. in history and archaeology.
Funeral Mass was at St. Mary
Church on Holmes Ave.
Marie Armbruster (nee Gornik)
90 years-old, passed away on
Jan. 1, 2013. Loving wife of Paul.
Dearest mother of Paul Jr. and
Mark. Treasured grand-mother of
Jeffrey (Leigh Ann) Armbruster
and Lindy Simpson. Great-grandmother of Hayden, Abigail and
baby-to-be Lillian Armbruster.
Sister of Ray (Margaret) Gornik,
and late Johanna "Honey", John,
Rozalija, Ermin, Jim, and Joe
Gornik, and Sophia Marinko.
Daughter of late John and Johanna
(nee Novak) Gornik.
on January 19, 2012. Devoted
husband of late Emma (Kuzmic).
Beloved father of Patricia Wilks and
Francine (Brian) Zabkar; brother of
Ann Roberts; grandfather of 10,
great-grandfather of 18 and greatgreat-grandfather of 3. Brother of
the deceased Agnes Henderson,
father of the deceased daughter
Jacqueline Shemkanas. Frank was
a prominent, well-known and
respected member of the Slovenian
Geraldine Agnes Cipra (nee
Dober), 80 years-old. Loving
wife of Robert. Dearest mother
of Marcia, Helen, Mark, Jean and
John. Grandmother of 17 and greatgrandmother of four.
Alice M. Fink (nee Potochnik), 88
years-old, passed away on Jan. 12,
2013. Loving wife of late Martin J.
Dearest mother of Martin G., James
J., Thomas A., Marianne (Neal)
Jacobs and David F. Cherished
grandmother of seven. Long-time
resident off East 69th St. Place in
the St. Clair Avenue neighborhood.
Life-long member, St. Vitus Parish.
Funeral Mass was at St. Vitus
Church followed by interment at
Calvary Cemetery. Family and
friends were received at Zele
Funeral Home.
John J. Fortuna, 65 years-old.
Loving husband of Linda (nee
Amsden). Dearest father of
Christine. Brother of Pat J. (Diane),
Joseph L. (Joyce) and Robert
Frank J. Cesen Jr. Passed away
3-4-1953 ~ 10-2-2011
I will lie down
sleep in peace,
for thou alone,
O Lord,
hast established me
in hope.
Psalm 4:9
missing you ~ your family and friends
Issue 4, Volume V,
Patricia R. French (nee Bokar),
76 years-old. Devoted wife of late
Richard. Loving mother of Denise
(William) Powell, Patrice (Robert)
Santi and Rick (Stacie) Flaisman.
Stepmother of Richard (Carmen),
Joseph (Tracy) and Kirsten (Glenn)
Williams. Treasured grandmother
of Denean, Sandra, Adam, Brian,
Greg, Drew, Joe, Megan, Will and
Abby. Great-grandmother of four.
Sister of Joseph and Catherine
(Fred, deceased) Johnson. All
arrangements were handled by
Zele Funeral Home.
George L. Fumich, 84 years-old.
Beloved husband of Zell (formerly
Burnosky). Brother of Francis "Ike"
(deceased) (Judy) Fumich and
Helen Dewitt (deceased). Brotherin-law of George (Lynda) Shantery,
Katy (Tony) Giancola, Michael
(deceased) (Karen) Shantery and
Chuck (Laura) Shantery. Uncle of
many. Veteran, U.S. Army. Family
and friends were received at Zele
Funeral Home.
Frances “Faye” Gulich (nee
Strumbly), 98 years-old. Loving
wife of late Maurice Sr. Dearest
mother of Maurice Jr. (Delight)
and Jane (Nick) LaRich. Treasured
grandmother of Kelly O’Donell,
Deaver and Peter Gulich. Greatgrandmother of five. Sister of
Pauline Marik, Edith Tegel, Ernest
and the following, all deceased:
Genevieve Calta, Frank, Mildred,
Adolph and Raymond. Family and
friends were received at ZevnikCosic Funeral Home.
15 February, 2013
Josephine “Jozi” Jakopic (nee
Petelin), 87 year-old, passed away
on Jan. 14, 2013. Born in Ribnica,
Republic of Slovenia. Fled Slovenia
to lower Austria after W.W. II due
to the imposition of Communism
in Slovenia. Settled in Cleveland,
OH. Devoted wife of late Marjan.
Loving mother of Bernadette (Ron)
Waid and Greg (Sandy). Cherished
grandmother of Brittney, Justin,
Bronson, and Baby Ronnie
(deceased). Sister of late Lojze
(Lou) Petelin. Member, St. Vitus
Parish and Upokojenci Slovenska
Pristava. Most recently resided in
Concord, OH. Funeral Mass was
at St. Vitus Church. Family and
friends were received at ZevnikCosic Funeral Home.
Joseph Kikol, 89 years-old. Most
recently a resident of Richmond
Hts., OH. Loving husband of Paula.
Dearest father of Joyce (Steve)
Laszlo and Debra (Sam Travarca)
Trimbol. Cherished grandfather
of Kim (Tony VonDuyke) DiCillo,
Melissa (Matt) Damko, Dan
DiCillo, and Michael R. Trimboli.
Great-grandfather of one. Brother
of Mary Jackson.
Mara Koncilija, 83 years-old,
passed away on Jan. 6, 2013. Loving
daughter of late Nicola and Luca
Konjicija. Loving family of Franci
and Romic Konjicija, Pravdic,
Tanovic, and Juga.
John “Sonny” F. Kotlarsic.
Loving husband of Barbara
(nee Klishak). Dearest father of
Linda, John (Renee), Frank (Jean),
Pokojna Helena je bila rojena 15. oktobra 1931 na Jesenicah,
v družini Petra in Pavle Arnež. Imela je sestro dvojēico, Pavlo,
sestro Mimi in brata Petra in Toneta. Otroška leta so ji minila
v miru a prišla je vojna vihra in z njo bridki ēasi. Brat je bil
mobiliziran v nemško vojsko, bil ranjen na ruski fronƟ in
ko je okreval na Nizozemskem je bil ubit v letalskem napadu. Tik pred
koncem vojne pa so ji komunisƟ ubili oēeta ko se je vraēal iz dela. Ob
koncu vojne so se, Helena, Pavla in Mimi umaknile na Koroško k neki
znani kmeƟji, brat Tone pa je prišel tja z domobranci. Ko so izvedele da so
v taborišēu Lienz ustanovili gimnazijo so se vselile v taborišēe in pozneje
tudi v taborišēe SpiƩal.
Po šƟrih leƟh so dobile dovolenje za naselitev v USA in sicer v
mesto Milwaukee. Od tam pa so prišle v Cleveland kjer sta dvojēki dobile
delo v GE tovarni. Med tem ēasom pa se je dopisovala s Sreēkotom
Gaser ki je emigriral v ArgenƟno. Po peƟh leƟh ko je dobila ameriško
državljanstvo je šla na obisk v ArgenƟno. Sreēko je bil prepriēan da bo tam
tudi ostala. A tega ni hotela ker je vedela da bo življenje boljše v USA in
da bosta od tam lažje pomagala Sreēkotovi mami! Poroēila sta se civilno
na ameriški ambasadi da je tako Sreēko dobil dovolenje za vselitev v USA
Helena Gaser
in ēez leto dni je Sreēko prišel za njo. Cerkveno pa sta se poroēila 22.
novembra 1956 v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Tu so se jima rodili šƟrje otroci, Tomaž, Jože, Andrej in Monika.
Pokojna je bila ēlanica pevskega zbora Korotan, cerkvenega pevskega zbora pri fari Marije
Vnebovzete in pela je tudi pri ansamlu Veseli Slovenci. Bila je ēlanica Oltarnega društva Marije Vnebovzete,
pomagala pri Slovenski šoli in tudi pomagala pri peki krofov ali kuhanju kosil v prid fare. Po dolgi bolezni katero
je junaško prenašala je odšla k Vsemogoēnemu 26. decembra 2012.
Pogreb pokojne je bil v ponedeljek 31. decembra iz pogrebnega zavoda Zevnik-Cosic s sv. mašo pri
Mariji VnebovzeƟ od tam pa na pokopališēe Vernih duš v Chardon, Ohio.
Z veliko hvaležnostjo se zahvaljujemo ē. g Kumšetu za podeljeno maziljenje v bolnici in obhajila in
tudi ē.g. Božnarju za somaševanje pri pogrebni sv. maši. Hvala vsem pevcem cerkvenega zbora za petje pri sv.
maši in molitve rožnega venca v pogrebnem zavodu, kakor tudi Društvu upokojencev Slov. Pristave, za ganljivo
petje pevskega zbora Fantje na vasi in molitve ē.g. Kumšeta v pogrebnem zavodu.
Zahvaljujemo se vsem ki so v tako velikem številu prišli pokojno kropit, za vse darove in cvetje in
izreēeno sožalje. Zahvala vsem tudi ki so se udeležili pogrebne sv. maše in jo spremljali na zadnji poƟ vkljub
slabemu vremenu v tako lepem številu. Res vsem lepa hvala kakor tudi pogrebnemu zavodu Zevnik Cosic za
lepo vodstvo pogreba .
Poslali smo vsem zahvalne karƟce v znak hvaležnosƟ. e smo koga po pomoƟ izpusƟli naj nam
Ljuba žena, mama in stara mama, nikdar ne boš pozabljena in spomin na Tebe tvoje plemenito
srce in vso ljubezen ki si nam jo izkazovala ko si bila še med nami bo za vedno ostal med nami. Naj Ɵ bo
Vsemogoēni obilni plaēnik in poēivaj v miru v tuji zemlji!
mož - Felix (Sreēko)
sin - Tomaž, žena AnneƩe (Paros), hēerki Natasha in Alexia
sin - Jože, žena Marta (Švigelj), hēerke Rachael, Anna in KaƟ
sin - Andrej, žena Tammy (OƩ), sinova Jacob in Luka
hēerka - Monika Visalden, mož Edwin, sin Diego, hēerka Sasha in sin Emilio.
sestra - Pavla in Ivan Hauptman z družino
sestra - Mimi in Janez Grum z družino
brat - Tone in žena Marija z družino,
in vsi bližnji in daljni sorodniki tu v USA in Sloveniji!
Naj Ti Vsemogoēni podeli mir in veēno življenje v nebesih!
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Liza and Laura Porter (J. Matt).
Cherished grandfather of Heather
Ratliff, Frank Jr., Casmira Rounds
(Christian), Jeanette, Justin and
John III. Great-grandfather of
three. Son of late John F. and Stella
(nee Racut). Brother of Dorothy
Potocar (deceased), Rose Stefanko,
Julius, Jerome, Nellie McCann and
Betty Ann McCann. Uncle and
great uncle of many.
Casimer “Casey” Kozinski, 93
years-old. Devoted husband of
Anne (nee Pintaric) (deceased).
Loving father of Chester (Helaine)
and Marianne (Jeffrey) Monger.
Cherished grandfather of Kenneth
(Tina), David, Steven (Colleen),
Kathleen, Charles (Debra), Stacy,
Jonathan and Melinda. Greatgrandfather of eight. Brother of the
following deceased: Chester and
Stanley. Brother-in-law of Irene
Kozinski and Mary Harrington.
Uncle of many. Member, St.
Mary Church, Catholic Order of
Foresters, St. Mary Holy Name
Society and K.S.K.J. Funeral Mass
was at St. Mary Church. Family
and friends were received at Zele
Funeral Home.
Joseph P. Kuhar, 82 years-old.
Loving husband of Audrey (nee
Bell). Dearest father of Karen.
Cherished grandfather of Michael
and Joseph Pinjuh. Veteran, U.S.
Army, Korean War. Member, VFW
Collinwood Post #2926. Funeral
Mass was at St Mary Church
(Chardon) followed by interment
at All Souls Cemetery with full
Military Honors.
Page 29
Mary Jo Bandi (nee Lautizar), 89
years-old, passed away on Jan. 16,
2013. She was born on Apr. 29, 1923
in Cleveland as the daughter of
late Louis and Mary Lautizar (nee
Vidic). Loving wife of late John M.
Dearest mother of John T. (Susan),
Gregory (Anne), Thomas and Pam
Czeck (Rick Zenz). Cherished
grandmother of Alyson Bandi,
Jessica Czeck and John Christopher
Bandi. Sister of Helene Glavan,
Louis, and late Hermine Babic.
Registered nurse at St. Vincent
Charity Hospital where she was
also a nursing instructor. Also
employed at Sunny Acres Hospital,
retiring in 1983, as associate director
of nursing. A founding member of
St. Noel Catholic Parish. Served on
the Stephen's Ministry at St. Noel.
Josephine P. Ludwig, passed away
on Jan. 28, 2013. Devoted wife of
late Edward. Dearest mother of
JoAnn (Mitchell), Elaine (Joseph
M), Jeanne (Kevin). Treasured
Christopher, Melody, also Bridgett
(David) and Heather (Jacob)
Great-grandmother of five. Sister
of Nancy Van Duesen and the late,
Samuel DiFrancesco. Preceded in
death by her parents, Samual T.
and Jennie.
Elsie R. Moze (nee Zallar), 86
years-old, passed away on Jan.
27, 2013. Elsie was born on Aug.
16, 1926 in Cleveland. Dearest
aunt of Marilyn (Stan) Tkaczuk.
Great-aunt of Amanda and Adam
Tkaczuk. Friend of Nancy Greene.
Preceded in death by her husband,
Carl; parents, John and Mary
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V blag in nepozaben spomin
ob obletnicah naših staršev
Zallar; brother, Albert Zallar; and
sister-in-law, Mary Zallar. Family
and friends were received at Zele
Funeral Home.
Anton Oresar, Born December
25, 1922. Entered into eternal life
February 1, 2013. Beloved husband
of Albina (nee Klavzar). Loving
father of Edward (Christine)
Oresar and the late Mario (Rebecca)
Cenin. Dearest grandfather of
Michael(Katie), Nicole, Robert and
the late Kurt. Great-grandfather of
Molly Ovsek (nee Bencelic), 87
years-old. Devoted wife of John
Frank. Dearest mother of Barbara
Ann (Jeff) Krouse and John Paul
(Kelly). Treasured grand-mother
of Peyton, Camryn and Zach. Sister
of Julia (Frank, deceased) Sadar
(deceased). Funeral Mass was at St.
Mary Church, Holmes Ave.
Daniel L. Pavsek, 91 years-old.
Loving husband of late Helen A.
(nee Femec). Dear father of Daniel,
Irene Pavlinsky (Paul), Marilyn
Poklar, late Janice Mylott (Dennis).
Treasured grandfather of seven
and great-grandfather of seven.
Son of late Lawrence and Mary (nee
Makovec). Brother of late Mary,
Edward (Eleanor), and William.
Uncle of many. Funeral Mass was
at St. Mary Church, Holmes Ave. At
the request of the family donations
may be sent to St. Mary Church,
15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH
Umrla 19. marca 2004
James Daniel Ponikvar, 49 yearsold, passed away on Jan. 5, 2013.
He was born on June 30, 1963
to Leon "Skip" and late Marlene
Ponikvar (nee Rinaldi). Dearest
step-son of Kathleen (nee Lodge)
Ponikvar. Brother of John R.,
stepbrother of Jennifer (nee Lodge)
(Tim) Backovsky and James
Lodge. Preceded in death by his
mother, brother, Joseph F., and
Henry R. Pugel, 85 years-old,
passed away on Jan. 26, 2013.
Dearest husband of Lillian (nee
Klemencic). Devoted father of
Robert (deceased), Ron, and Rich
(Laura). Treasured grandfather of
Rebecca (Joe) Mears, Aaron and
Abby Pugel, Justin, Ericka and
Claire Pugel. Great-grandfather
of two. Brother of Michael, John
(deceased), Laddie, William, Cyril,
Vera, and Ann. Brother-in-law
of Amy Klemencic. Member of
Slovenian Home Holmes Avenue
and Euclid Pensioners, AMLA
Lodge No. 6, SNPJ Lodge No. 142
and St. Mary Magdalene Church.
Henry was also active, Boy Scouts,
Pack 421, for more than 20 years.
Josephine Rebic, 90 years-old,
passed away on Jan. 13, 2013.
She was born on Nov. 22, 1922
in Cleveland. Loving wife of late
Zele Funeral Home
Located at:
452 EE. 152 St
Cleveland, OH 44110
Richard J.J.Zele
Louis E.
Sutton J.J.Girod
Cilka Žakelj
44110 or to Hospice of the Western
Reserve, 17876 St. Clair Ave., Clev.,
OH. 44110.
(216) 481-3118
Anton Žakelj
Umrl 13. januarja 2006
V miru božjem poÿivajta,
Draga nepozabna nam,
V nebesih rajsko sreÿo uživajta,
V ljubezni božji vekomaj.
Družina Žakelj ter sorodniki v Kanadi in Sloveniji
Servi 100 Years s!
ng Slovenian Tradition
Page 30,
Methodius. Dearest aunt of Greg
Koerlin, John Koerlin, Kathy
Koerlin, and Dr. Jeff (Pam) Krause.
Eleanore A. Rudman (nee Picman),
86 years0old, passed away on Jan.
2, 2013. Devoted wife of Joseph.
Fondest mother of Natalie (Allen)
Brown. Cherished grandmother
of Marshall and Camilla Brown.
Sister of Frank (Justine).
Frank Sega, age 88 of Willoughby
Hills. Husband of the late Antonia;
beloved father of Antonia (Eric)
Snyder, Frank, Jenny (Nicholas)
Cipollo and Mary Ann (Robert)
Krueger; cherished grandfather of
Robert and Carl Snyder, Marko
and Nikko Cipollo and Anthony,
Alexa, Evan and Tyler Krueger;
dear brother of Stanka Cepin
of Slovenia and nine deceased.
Family suggests KSKJ Scholaship
Fund. Mass of Christian Burial
held at St. Vitus Church. Family
will received friends at the ZevnikCosic Funeral Home.
Max Stanonik, 95 years-old,
passed away on Jan. 20, 2013.
Funeral Mass was at Assumption
Catholic Church in Geneva, OH.
Ronald F. Suhar, passed away on
Jan. 20, 2013. Devoted husband of
Kathleen (nee Duchon). Dearest
father of Ronald S., Christopher
F. (Nichole), and Melissa M.
(Zane) Bogosian. Son of Wilma
and late Frank. Brother of Jerry
(Angie) and Judith (Anthony)
Cirino. Cherished grandfather of
Christopher E. Uncle of many.
Veteran, U.S. Military.
Cynthia Lee Troha (nee Strazar),
67 years-old, passed away on Jan.
14, 2013. She was born on Dec.
16, 1945 in Cleveland, OH to the
late Frank and Marie Strazar (nee
Perko). Dearest mother of Kelley
(David) Cerroni, Kris (Bill) Crasi,
James (Jennifer) Troha, Kerry
(Shawn) Shelton and Tim (Crosby)
Troha. Treasured grandmother
of Abigail and Andrew Cerroni,
Allison, Adrienne, Ava and Dylan
Crasi, Madison, Nicholas and
Natalie Troha, Jack, Grace, Noah
and Luke Shelton and Jacob Troha.
Sister of Marie Strazar-Doody,
Gloria Strazar, Monica Belina,
Timothy Strazar, Donna Payne,
Frank Strazar, Nadine Teply
(deceased) and Angel Marino.
Aunt of many. Volunteer for Notre
Dame India Mission and St. Ann
Drago M. Udovic, 80 years-old,
and most recently a resident of
Wickliffe, OH. Loving husband
of Veronika“Vera” (nee Filipcic).
Dearest father of Drago (Rose).
Brother of Maria Fidel, Milka
Knafelc, Danica Sustar, Joseph
Udovic and six deceased. Member
of St. Mary Church, Upokojenci
Slovenska Pristava, and KSKJ.
Funeral Mass was at St. Mary
Church on Holmes Ave. Family
and friends were received at
Zevnik-Cosic Funeral Home.
Issue 4, Volume V,
father of Louis III (Michelle),
Jim (Elizabeth), Nick (Robin).
Cherished grandfather of Louis IV,
Alex, Emma, Riley, Laina, Ryan,
Jacob and Samuel. Brother of the
following, all deceased: Louise,
Frank, Joseph, Julia, Frances, and
Mary. Uncle of many. Veteran,
U.S. Navy, W.W. II. Stationed on
USS Cowpens as naval aviation
ordanceman, third class. Lou as
employed at Grinnell over four
decades. Funeral Mass was at
St. Vitus Church followed by
interment at Calvary Cemetery.
Family and friends were received
at Zak Funeral Home.
Elizabeth Ann Vranic (nee
Portik), 77 years-old. Dearest
wife of Andrew. Loving mother
of David, Gregory (Lisa), Gary
(Isabelita), and Cheryl (Paul)
Smith. Treasured grandmother of
Stephan (Brittany), Bryan, Clayton,
Steven (Amber) and Daniel
Vranic, Megan and Christopher
Smith. Great-grandmother of two.
Preceded in death by her parents,
15 February, 2013
Stephen and Emily Portik.
Joseph Eugene Zele. Devoted
husband of Katherine "Kay"
Eleanore (nee Andulics). Dearest
(Gregory) and Master Chief Petty
Officer Joseph (Marcia). Brother
of Robert Zele (Jenny). Preceded
in death by parents, Joseph
and Mildred Zele. Treasured
grandfather of Sgt. Christopher
and SPC Matthew Skowron,
Jessica, Katherine and Lauren Zele.
Veteran, U.S. Air National Guard.
Retired, Senior Master Sergeant.
George Zivkovich, 86 yearsold, most recently a resident of
Willoughby Hills, OH., passed
away on Dec. 31, 2012. George was
born on Apr. 6, 1926 in Smock,
PA to the late Gliso and Eva
Zivkovich. Veteran, U.S. Navy
Armed Guard, W.W. II. Dearest
husband of Lucille. Fondest father
of Mark (Eileen) and Leslie (James)
Graham. Memorial service to be
held at a later date.
At the first anniversary of her death we remember
our beloved wife, mother and grandmother.
Louis Frank Vertosnik, Jr., 88
years-old, passed away on Jan. 11,
2013. Louis "Duke" was born in
Cleveland to the late Louis Frank,
Sr. and Frances. Devoted husband
of Audrey (nee White). Loving
V globoki žalosƟ sporoēamo da nas je 29. oktobra,
2012 zapusƟl ljubljeni mož, brat in stric
Rojen je bil v Ptuju 25. januarja, 1930. Ob koncu vojne leta 1945 je odšel z drugimi begunci
v Avstrijo. Tam je ostal sedem let in leta 1952 odšel v Ameriko. Naselil se je v Clevelandu kjer je
spoznal Joži Varšek. Poroēila sta se leta 1956 v cerkvi Sv. Vida in se pozneje preselila v Euclid. Rudi
je bil ēlan Slovenske Pristave in Kluba Upokojencev Slovenske Pristave.
Poleg žene Joži, pri kateri je zvesto stal in zanjo ljubeēe skrbel v dolgoletni bolezni, zapušēa
tudi sestre Marto Sparks z družino v Floridi, Berto Tribillian z družino v Nemēiji, že pokojno sestro
Trudi, neēaka in neēakinjo v CincinnaƟ, in ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji.
Najlepša hvala župniku fare Sv. Vida g. Jožetu Božnarju za vso naklonjenost, za obiske na
dom, za opravljeno pogrebno sv. mašo, obrede in molitve na pokopališēu.
Iskrena hvala pristavskim upokojencem in vsem prijateljem in znancem ki so se poslovili
od Rudija v pogrebnem zavodu s kropljenjem in molitvijo rožnega venca. Lepa hvala nosilcem krste,
pevcem pri pogrebni maši in vsem ki so se udeležili in spremljali Rudija na zadnji poƟ na pokopališēe
All Souls v Chardon.
Hvala vsem ki so darovali v Rudijev spomin za sv. maše ali dobrodelne namene. Lepa hvala
tudi za krasne šopke cvetja. Hvaležni smo Ediju Mejaēu in Tonetu Ovseniku za radijska oznanila in Zak
Funeral Home za lepo vodstvo pogreba.
Še posebna, prišrēna hvala našim dobrim prijateljem Ivanu Zupanēiēu, Marty Tomincu,
Jožetu Radišku in Ani Erdani kakor tudi sosedi Marici Novak za velikodušno pomoē takrat ko je
bila najbolj potrebna. Tudi vsem ƟsƟm ki so kakorkoli priskoēili na pomoē, naj Vsemogoēni obilno
poplaēa! Zahvalne karƟce smo razposlali, ēe smo koga prezrli, naj sprejmejo to zahvalo ki je njim
Dragi Rudi, dokler se ne snidemo v veēnosƟ, poēivaj v miru v Ameriški zemlji, tvoja duša
pa naj uživa božjo milost in obilno plaēo za tvojo dobroto in zvestobo.
Kakó bi zabil to gomilo
kjer blago tvoje spi srcé,
ki mi brezmejno vdano bilo
ves ēas do zadnjega je dné?
Simon Gregorēiē
Žalujoēi: žena: Joži sestri: Marta in Berta neēak, neēakinja in ostalo sorodstvo
Theresa (Terry, Cvetka) Rihtar
born September 30, 1945 - died February 16, 2012
Daughter of Amalija and Konrad Peklar, both deceased, she was born
in Lienz, Austria and came with her family to United States in 1949.
She began singing first with the Youth group Slavek and St. Vitus
school choir, then with adult church choir Lira. She also sang with
choir Korotan. Still later she also sang with the Ansambel Veseli Slovenci. For many years she was the president of Korotan and twice guided the choir on a tour to perform in Slovenia. She was also member of
St. Vitus Altar Society, Pristava Pensioners and St. Vitus Mothers’ club,
holding the office of president for number of years.
Terry was registered nurse working at the Euclid General Hospital,
Gateway Old Age House and University Primary Care.
She was married to Frank Rihtar and they had two daughters, Mary
Anne Zakrajsek and Cindy Urbic. She was grandmother of Anna,
Sarah, Claire and Graci Zakrajsek and Emma and Jacob Urbic.
She is resting at the All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, Ohio
The family gratefully remembers all who visited her, helped her, and
cherished her, especially fellow members of the choir Korotan, members of the Altar Society, Pristava Pensioners, Father Joe Boznar,
doctors and nurses at the University Hospital and Hospice of Western
Reserve and Joe Zevnik – Cosic Funeral Home.
Still mourning her are husband Frank,
daughters Mary Ann and Cindy;
grandchildren: Anna, Sarah, Claire and Graci Zakrajsek,
and Emma and Jacob Urbic;
sons-in-law Mark Zakrajsek and Ken Urbic; sisters Veronika Znidarsic and Barbie Celestina; brothers-in-law John Znidarsic and
Pete Celestina; nieces and nephews, and other relatives.
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Frank Sega
by Stan Kuhar
Frank Sega, who would
have celebrated his 89th Birthday
on Feb. 20, 2013, passed away
on Feb. 7, 2013, around 2:30AM.
Frank was the long-time
secretary for Christ The King
KSKJ Lodge #226, Cleveland,
He was born in the
Dolenjsko Region, Republic
of Slovenia, on Feb. 20, 1924.
From his own accounts before,
during and after World War II,
he escaped the hand of death
at least nine times by both
the German Nazis and the
Communist Partisans. By hand
of death, I mean in a counting
line of many men, some allowed
ob peti obletnici smrti
našega oɗeta in starega oɗeta
nas je za vedno zapustil
24. februarja 2008
Minilo je pet let dni
odkar zapustil si nas Ti.
ko smrt Ti vzela je življenje,
a v naših srcih hrepenenje
si s Tabo snidenja želi.
Tvoji dragi
Milena, žena
Nancy, hþi z družino
Danny, sin z družino
Page 31
to live and others chosen by the
Nazis or Communists to die
at the hands of a firing squad.
In May-June 1945 Frank, like
so many other thousands of
Slovenians, escaped to lower
Austria where he awaited for
five more years in displacement
camps prior to being allowed
to emigrate to Cleveland,
Ohio USA. He married his
wife,Toncka, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Frank is the loving
husband of the late Toncka
(Antonia) who preceded him in
death in 1998. He is the devoted
father of Frank Jr., Toni (Eric)
Ivana (Jennie) and Mary Ann,
both who are also married. He is
a grandfather many times over.
In addition to being a KSKJ
Lodge officer and member for a
number of decades, Frank was
also a member of St. Vitus Parish,
DSPB, the former Baragov Dom,
Upokojenci Slovenska Pristava,
Slovenian American Council,
former member, St. Vitus Parish
annual summer festival and
summer picnics, St. Vitus Parish,
and as a volunteer, St. Vitus
Village, during the construction
period of this building. Once a
week for 52 consistent weeks
Frank was one of five volunteers
who helped with verifying
delivery of supplies, making
sure all tradespeople were at
the work site and many other
major and minor tasks during
the construction phase.
Frank was an devout,
honest, and demanding Catholic
and Slovenian who greatly
loved his adopted new home
in the United States of America.
He helped raise funds for many
religious and secular in nature.
When he committed himself
to a task, it was all or none. He
was a key volunteer for the Ohio
Federation of KSKJ Lodges for
its annual summer picnic on
Slovenska Pristava or the annual
Marian Day devotions at the The
Shrine on Chardon Road, Euclid,
Zevnik Cosic
Funeral Home
2012 Donors to St.Vitus Slovenian School
Angel Fund
Thank you for your generous gifts to our school!
From the faculty, parent board and students.
Names of Donors
In Memory of
Edward and Linda Baznik
Archer and Veronika Blood
Ani Bloom
Frances Cizel
Maria Crnic
Marija Cugelj
John Dejak
Joseph and Anton Evanetic
Milena Ferkul
Juliana Florea
Mr. and Mrs. Edi Gobec
Margaret Gorensek
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hauptman
Robert and Geri Hopkins
Mara Cerar Hull
Cirila Kermavner
Tom and Sonja Kolaric
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Kolaric
Ivanka Kosir
Peter and Caitlyn Kozelj
John and Mary Kozina
Anton and Margaret Lavrisha
Anuska Lekan
Mili Lekan
Andrew and Jane Leksan
Rudy and Majda Leksan
Zalka Likozar
Albin Lipold
Matija and Breda Loncar
Mr. Valentin Mersol
Vida Oblak
Milka Odar
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Osenar
Mary Ovsenik
Frances Piletic
Rudolph Pintar
Andrea and Greg Plassard
Maria Plecnik
Branko and Maruska Pogacnik
Mrs. S. Prelog
Mary Prijatel
August and Gloria Pust
Thea and Vladimir Rus
Franc and Lojzka Sever
Heda Sfiligoj
Shepard Family
Milena Stropnik
Ivanka Stupica
Apolonia Zakelj
John Zakelj
Marija Zakelj
Edward A. Baznik, Sr.
Pavel and Antonija Dolenc
Stefanija Vidmar
Ivan Cugelj
Ciril Ferkul
Francek and Julka Gorensek
Anton and Vinko Hauptman
Catherine Hopkins
Janez Kermavner
Wendy Kolaric
Janeza Kosir
Adolf Rot
za domaci jezik in besedo
Lavrisha,Rihtar, Srsen, Cerar
Family (deceased)
Ignatius Hren
Shirley Lipold
Franc Gaber
Anton Oblak
Miro Odar
Jakov Zaper
Matija Plecnik
Prijatel and Dominak Family
Maria Jordan Rus
druzin Sever and Marolt
Marko Sfiligoj
Mary Strancar
Jozef Stropnik
Joe Zakelj
Joe Zakelj
American Mutual Life Association
AMLA Lodge #9
AMLA Lodge Kras #8
Belokranjski Klub
deceased members
Christ the King Lodge #226 KSKJ
living and deceased members
Pevski Zbor Korotan
Primorski Club
St. Joseph #169 KSKJ
Sheliga Drug
Slovenska Pristava
Stajerski Klub
Sunset Industries
TRV, Inc.
Page 32,
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
(Continued from page 18)
Yes, I knew we, too, were
poor, not as poor as Camus’ family
in Algeria, but poor just the same.
My father was a bank clerk. One
day, eighty or more years ago, he
cashed someone’s “substantial”
check which turned out to be a fake.
My father was required to make restitution to the bank. Supposedly, it
was his carelessness that led to the
fraud by the other person. According to his employers, my father
had not been meticulous enough in
checking the signature on the check.
This I remember: we had
to sell my father’s extensive book
collection which I had to deliver
downtown to the City Club in a
hand-wagon. I also remember many
nights lying wide-awake in my bed
waiting for my father to come home
from wherever he was that particular evening. He was very active in
the community and attended a meeting or two practically every evening.
While he was away, the rest of us,
my mother, my sister and I, sat at
home, waiting for him to return. Yes,
this I remember. I also know that
this waiting left an indelible mark
on my psyche, that it was really the
source of all the insecurities I sensed
all my life.
What else did I remember?
My mother did the family laundry
every week. It was all done by hand
and I had to take it down to the
creek in a wheelbarrow where she
would rinse it and then hang it on
the line. During the winter the laundry froze almost immediately. We
would sometimes pick the stiff underwear off the line like “stock-fish”
in seaports of the north. This, too, I
As I racked my brain to remember some particular incident,
pleasant or even unpleasant, I always drew a blank. I did not remember anything.
Memories are meant to be
cherished, to be revived. This can
only be done if one finds another
person involved in them: a brother,
a sister, the old “Grandpa” or at least
a distant cousin.
If, however, you are thrown
out of your family environment,
there is simply no one to share old
memories with you and so they
slowly but surely die. Nothing is left
of them. Not in your mind, anyway.
This is the unknown sorrow
of exile. It was bad enough that one
had to leave one’s home of so many
years, of so many tears, leaving
behind one’s parents, friends and
schoolmates. It is only after a number of years have passed that you
realize the other things you had left
behind as well. Memories are foremost among them.
And yet, things must have
happened to me. There must have
been some moments of joy, down
at the creek or in the woods across
the street that still exist to a degree,
as I have just found out. There must
have been some moments of joy and
exhilaration on the top of the moun-
tains that still stand there in their
crystal white majesty. I know for
sure that I once stood on their summits. I know each one of them that
I have visited. Yet, no matter how
hard I try to remember what happened then and there, I find nothing
in my memory that might satisfy
my longing.
Yes, everything is much as
it used to be. True, the city grew;
there are new streets and new houses all around my old territory, but
not enough to erase all of the old
signposts. Walking through the
neighborhood after all these years,
I would still recognize a landmark
or two. I could still tell where in the
creek the water was at its deepest,
providing us the ever refreshing
swimming hole. I could still walk
past the old willow tree that was
old even back then, yet there it was,
swaying in the summer wind, majestic and mysterious as ever.
And then, there are the faces.
You meet an old man and he stops,
looking at you and you back at him.
Slowly the lines disappear, the hair
darkens and a smile appears on the
face: Is it really you?
Yes, it is really I and it is really him.
Those are the moments when
you feel the burden of the past the
most: the injustices, the horror of being robbed of all those mellow moments, nay, hours and days, when
memories could have been cherished, maintained and enjoyed.
But then, perhaps there is
still some time left. Perhaps there are
still more old haunts to be discovered, more faces to be recognized.
Perhaps there are still some mellow,
rosy evenings left before the light
dims forever. Perhaps…
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 33
Student Forum:
By Anka Žakelj
For the academic year 2013-2014 in the amount of $4,000.00
The Josef Princ Memorial Scholarship for a Graduate Student will
be available to a full time graduate student majoring exclusively in Science,
Mathematics, or Engineering during the 2013-2014 school year. The Scholarship
will be awarded in April 2013.
This Scholarship is open to full time graduate students who have one
parent, grandparent, or great grandparent of Slovenian ancestry, and will be
offered on alternate years. The next award will be offered during the 2016-2017
academic year, April 2016 being the award date.
Josef Princ, a native of Velika Bukovica, Illirska Bistrica, Slovenia,
graduated with an Engineering Degree from the University of Ljubljana and
continued his studies in Germany. After immigrating to the United States in
l957, he continued his studies and worked for Nichols Home Shield as their chief
designer and acquired a number of patents. He also was a designer for Anderson
Window Company. Josef and his wife Rose Marie were married for 36 years,
before he died in l999. Josef loved being an American although he was also very
proud of his heritage.
The Rose Marie Princ Scholarship for a Graduate Student will be available
to a graduate student majoring exclusively in the field of Education in alternate
years. The next award will be offered in April 2014 for the 2014-2015 academic
The SWU Scholarship Foundation is also offering $1,000 and $2,000
college student scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year. Applicants for these
awards must hold membership in the Slovenian Union of America three years
prior to application, and must be attending an accredited college or university full
Applications can be found on website for
further information on either the Josef Princ Memorial Scholarship for a Graduate
Student, or the SWU Scholarship Foundation College Student
The month of February is filled with love, flowers, chocolate and…
hearts. You probably know the word for heart, but how well do you
know the Slovenian words for other parts of the human body? You’ll
need a slovar to solve this puzzle! Srečno!
Scholarships, please contact:
Mary Turvey at
4 Lawrence Drive, Marquette, Michigan 49855
OR Marge Church at
1028 Skyland Drive, Macedonia. Ohio 44056
Say it in Slovenian
(Note: the Slovenian"ž" sound equals the last two letters in garage; the sound
“j” = the sound “y” in yes.)
Tone: Greš na maškarado?
Toeneh: Grehsh nah mahshcarahdoh?
Tony: Are you going to the masquerade?
Jakob: Seveda. Imam že masko, tako da me nihče ne bo poznal.
Yahkohb: Sehvehdah. Eemahm žeh mahskoh, tahkoh dah meh kneehcheh neh boh
Jacob: Of course. I already have a mask; no one will recognize me.
Answers to January's Child's Play
Thanks to all the contestants who completed the January Child's
Play. (Answers appear below.) Their names were added to the $100
drawing contest which ends in December 2013. Enter every month!
Send this month's answers to: Mrs. Anka Žakelj, 29019 Eddy Rd.
Willoughby Hills, OH 44092.
1) q
9) p
17) f
25) dd
33) o
2) ll
10) gg
18) x
26) mm
34) u
3) ee
11) h
19) hh
27) ff
35) cc
4) y
12) v
20) nn
28) r
36) m
5) c
13) jj
21) e
29) z
37) a
6) n
14) g
22) kk
30) d
38) bb
7) ii
15) j
23) k
31) w
39) s
8) i
16) l
24) b
32) t
40) aa
Metka: Jaz bom balerina in me ne briga če me bodo vsi spoznali, tako
bom lepa.
Mehtkah: Yahz bohm bahlehreenah een meh neh breegah cheh meh bohdoh vsee
spohznahlee, tahkoh bohm lehpah.
Maggie: I will be a ballerina and I don’t care if everyone recognizes me,
I will be so beautiful.
Jožko: In jaz bom zopet opica, ker pravi mami da ni denarja za novo
Yohshkoh: Een yahz bohm zohpeht ohpeacah, kehr prahvee mahmee dah nee
dehnahryah zah nohvoh mahskoh.
Joey: And I will be a monkey again, because mom says we don’t have
money to buy a new mask.
Miha: Moja maska bo najlepša. Ali se spomnite kralja Matjaža? Če ne,
ga boste zopet videli.
Meehah: Mohyah mahskah boh nahylehpshah. Ahlee seh spohmneeteh krahlyah
Mahtyahžah? Cheh neh, gah bohsteh zohpeht veedehlee.
Mike: My mask will be the most beautiful. Do you remember King
Mathais? If not, you will see him again.
Page 34,
Slovenian Oven
By Slovenian Baker
Radovljica, Slovenia
Radovljica is a small town about an hour north of Ljubljana. One of
its claims to fame is beautiful and medieval Linhart Square. Boasting both
Gothic and Renaissance architecture, the Square also features Inn Lectar,
a family-run inn and restaurant that has been in business for 180 years,
famous for its LECTOVO SRCE – the Slovenian valentine!
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
Lectova Srca -
Recipe by Marica Novak
Honey Cookies
4 oz. Butter (1 stick)
1⅓ Cups Honey (1lb)
1 Cup Sugar
1 t. Cinnamon
¼ t. Cloves
1 Lemon - zest only
2 Eggs
4 Cups Flour
2 t. Baking Powder (heaping)
Visitors can tour the delightfully aromatic and colorful gingerbread bakery
housed in the lower level. The bakery has been in operation since 1822.
Now, gingerbread is one a favorite treats, but these look too pretty to eat.
1. Cook first six ingredients until boiling.
2. Let Cool.
3. Add half of the flour and 2 eggs.
4. Let rest overnight.
5. Add rest of flour mixed with baking powder.
6. Knead into soft dough, it will be sticky, add little flour to
prevent sticking.
7. Roll out dough on floured surface to less than ¼ inch.
8. Cut out cookies into desired shapes.
9. Place cookies on floured baking sheet.
10. Bake in pre-heated oven at 350° for 20-25 minutes.
Red Glaze for Hearts
4 Egg Yolks
Red Food Color - Wilton Icing in tube, "Valentine Red"
1. Add color to desired shade of red.
2. Brush glaze on top and sides of cooled cookies
Icing for Decoration
The February COOKING WITH MICKA class made Lectove srce – the
gingerbread decorated hearts for Valentine’s day. (Thank you Ms. Fran
Coberly for providing the pictures from the class.)Hint: A shortcut to
making the frosting: Go to: Sweet Beginnings Shoppe located at 4145 Erie
St., Willoughby, OH 44094, and ask for: Royal Frosting Mix. The phone #:
4 Egg Whites
1 Lemon - juice only
2 T. Cold Water
4 Cups Powdered Sugar
Food Colors
1. Whip whites to stiff peaks.
2. Add half of the sugar. Beat.
3. Combine lemon juice and water, add to whites mixture
4. Distribute soft icing into 4 separate bowls.
5. Add sugar to desired consistency:
Soft - White for side of cookie
Yellow for lines
Green for leaves
Harder - for flowers
1. Use white icing for sides of cookie.
2. Place papers with poem etc... on heart. Glaze should
be a bit tacky when you do this.
3. Use yellow icing for line to outline heart shape.
4. Use green icing for border of poem and leaves.
5. Used desired color for flowers.
6. Allow to dry completely before wrapping/sealing.
Cooking with Micka class- 2013!
We would love to have you join us!
ATTENTION: The next Cooking with Micka class (Monday, March
4) participants will make štruklje and Lenten peasant soup. Cost is
$20. Send payment to:
Toni Srsen
2735 Morning Star Ct.
Willoughby Hills, 44094
15 February, 2013,
Volume V, Issue 4,
Page 35
Page 36,
Issue 4, Volume V,
15 February, 2013
St. Mary's - Cleveland, Ohio
photos by Sylvia Pisorn
photos by
Janez Medvesek