
April 2012
Lenart Škof, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy and Religion
University of Primorska
Faculty of Humanities
Depts. of Anthropology and Philosophy
Titov trg 5, SI-6000 Koper
Research Councellor
University of Primorska
Science and Research Centre of Koper
Institute of Mediterranean Humanities
Garibaldijeva 1, SI-6000 Koper
American Pragmatism, American Neopragmatism, American Religious Naturalism, Social and
Political Ethics, Ethics of Compassion, Ethics of Solidarity, History of Religion, Anthropology of
Religion, Indian Studies (Hindu Religion and Philosophy), Intercultural Philosophy, Comparative
Philosophy, The Philosophy of A. Schopenhauer
Ph.D. (Religious Studies), Theological Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
M.A. (Theology), Theological Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
B.A. (Philosophy), Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Indological Seminars, Department of Oriental Studies, Faculty of Arts, University
of Zagreb, Croatia
Professor, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Slovenia
Research Councellor, Science and Research Centre of Koper, University of
Primorska, Slovenia
Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Senior Research Associate,
Science and Research Centre of Koper, both University of Primorska, Slovenia
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska,
Chair, Departments of Anthropology and Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Slovenia
Research Associate, Science and Research Centre of Koper, University of
Primorska, Slovenia
Research Assistant, Science and Research Centre of Koper, University of
Primorska, Slovenia
Teaching Assistant, Theological Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ethics & Bioethics
Introduction to Theology
Ethics and Society
Introduction to Intercultural Thinking
Anthropology of Religion
Anthropology of Asian Religions
History of Religion
History of Christianity
Humboldt Grant for Experienced Researchers (7 months), Germany (Universität
Erfurt, Max-Weber-Kolleg; host: prof. dr. Hans Joas)
Fulbright Research Grant (8 months), United States of America (Stanford
University; academic supervisor: prof. dr. Richard Rorty)
»Svečana listina Univerze na Primorskem« (University's Junior Scholar Award),
University of Primorska, Slovenia
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and
Technology, Slovenia (University of Primorska)
KAAD Research Grant (6 months), Bonn, Germany (Eberhard Karls Universität
Tübingen; supervisor: prof. dr. Michael Eckert)
Postgraduate Research Grant for Young Researchers, Ministry of Science,
Education and Sport, Slovenia (University of Ljubljana)
»Tomaževa nagrada« (Faculty's Award for an Outstanding M.A. Thesis),
Theological Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Books authored:
Pragmatist Variations on Ethical and Intercultural Life (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012).
Etika diha [Ethics of Breath] (Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, forthcoming 2012).
Razprave o pragmatizmu in medkulturni filozofiji [Essays on Pragmatism and Intercultural Philosophy]
(Koper: Annales, 2008).
Upanišade: Besede vedske Indije [Upanishads: Words of Vedic India] (Ljubljana: Nova revija, 2005)
(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad and Iśa Upanishad: translation from Sanskrit with notes and a
Sočutje med religijo in filozofijo: pot k Schopenhauerjevi etiki sočutja [Compassion between Religion and
Philosophy: A Way to Schopenahauer’s Ethics of Compassion] (Acta Theologica Sloveniae, vol.
2) (Ljubljana: Družina, 2002).
Books edited:
Breathing with Luce Irigaray, ed. by L. Škof and E. Holmes (London: Continuum, under review)
Bodily Proximity,ed. by Sigrid Hackenberg y Almansa and L. Škof (Ljubljana: Nova revija, 2012).
Ethical Gestures, ed. by L. Škof (Ljubljana: Nova revija, 2010).
Ayurveda: A New Way for Healthy Life in Europe [a collection of papers from the International Scientific
Conference on Ayurveda, Portorož, Slovenia, March 5–6, 2009], ed. by S. Kreft and L. Škof
(Koper: Annales, 2010).
Človekove pravice [Human Rights], ed. by H. Motoh and L. Škof (Ljubljana: Nova revija, 2010).
Svoboda in demokracija [Freedom and Democracy], ed. by H. Motoh and L. Škof (Ljubljana: Nova
revija, 2009).
Eduardo Mendieta – Three Pragmatist Lectures (Mediterraean Lectures in Philosophy 2008), ed. and
introduced by L. Škof and T. Grušovnik (Ljubljana: Nova revija, 2008).
On Community, ed. by L. Škof (Ljubljana: Nova revija, 2008).
Indian Studies – Slovenian Contributions, ed. by L. Škof (Kolkata: Sampark Publ., 2008).
Solidarity and Interculturality, ed. by L. Škof (Ljubljana: Nova revija, 2006).
Ameriška filozofija religije [American Philosophy of Religion], ed. by L. Škof (Ljubljana: Nova revija,
Richard Rorty, Izbrani spisi, [Selected Essays], ed. and tr. by L. Škof et al. (Ljubljana: LUD Literatura,
Articles (peer rewieved journals and edited collections):
“Ethik des Atems,” Crossing Borders Conference – Proceedings Volume, Universität Wien (forthcoming
“Two Recurrences of an Idea: On Political and Ethical Vicissitudes of Democracy: Towards A Politics of
Nonviolence,” Synthesis Philosophica, International ed. (forthcoming 2012).
“Ethics of Breath: Towards New Ethical Spaces of Intersubjectivity,” Poligrafi 17 (2012): 199–208.
“Pragmatism and Deepened Democracy: Ambedkar between Dewey and Unger”, in: A. Bilgrami (ed.),
Democratic Culture: Historical and Philosophical Essays, (Critical interventions in theory and
praxis, 1), New Delhi: Routledge (2011): 122–142.
“Body and Religion: a Phenomenologico-Empirical Interpretation of Rorty’s Neopragmatism”, Sophia
50:1 (2011), 91–99.
“Pragmatism, Democracy and Inequalities: An Intercultural Approach”, Peace Review: Journal for Social
Justice 22: 4 (2010): 399–407.
‘The Second Philosophy’ of Arthur Schopenhauer: Schopenhauer and Radical Empiricism”,
Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch 91 (2010): 55–64.
“On progressive alternative: Unger versus Žižek”, Synthesis philosophica, International ed. 25: 1 (2010):
“Bog, prihodnost, transcendenca: variacija na Dionizijevo temo” [God, future, transcendence: Variation
on a theme of Dyonisious], Nova revija 29: 333–335 (2010): 222–229.
“Mild Gestures: Ethical Pragmatism and the Spirit of Democracy”, Poligrafi 15: 57 (2010): 113–138.
“In Dialogue for Democracy: R. M. Unger's Pragmatist Vision of Democratic Experimentalism and
Explorations of Democracy in Luce Irigaray”, Synthesis philosophica, International ed. 24: 2
(2009): 233–242.
“Življenje drugega: pragmatizem v medkulturnem ključu” [Life of the other: Pragmatism in an
intercultural key], Phainomena 18: 70-71 (2009): 89–107.
“Richard Rorty in filozofija ironičnega pragmatizma” [Richard Rorty’s Philosophy of Ironic Pragmatism],
Literatura, 21 (2009): 194–206.
“Thinking Between Cultures: Pragmatism, Rorty and Intercultural Philosophy”, Ideas y Valores, no. 138
(2008): 41-71.
“Pragmatism and Social Ethics: An Intercultural and Phenomenological Approach”, Contemporary
Pragmatism, 5: 1 (2008): 121–146.
“Mišljenje med kulturami: pragmatizem, Rorty in medkulturna filozofija” [Thinking Between Cultures:
Pragmatism, Rorty and Intercultural Philosophy], Nova revija 27: 309–311 (2008): 281–306.
“Otto, primerjalna religiologija in teologija milosti” [Otto, Comparative Religion and Theology of Grace],
in: Rudolf Otto: Indijska religija milosti in krščanstvo (tr. A. Leskovec), Ljubljana: KUD Logos
(2007): 7–29.
“The Upanishads, Hermeneutics and Indian Tradition”, in: L. Škof (ed.), Indian Studies – Slovenian
Contributions, Kolkata: Sampark Publ. (2008): 223–236.
“K pojmu medkulturnosti pri Deweyju,” [Towards Dewey's Notion of Intercultural Philosophy], Annales,
Series historia et sociologia 17: 2 (2007): 393–402.
“Interculturality, Solidarity and Political Ethics,” in: L. Škof (ed.), Solidarity and Interculturality,
Ljubljana: Nova revija (2006): 91–103.
“Metaphysical Ethics Reconsidered: Schopenhauer, Compassion and World Religions”, Schopenhauer
Jahrbuch 87 (2006): 101–117.
“Pragmatizem, vzgoja in medkulturnost” [Pragmatism, Education and Interculturality], in: V. Mikolič &
K. Marc Bratina (eds.), Slovenščina in njeni uporabniki v luči evropske integracije, Koper:
Annales (2005): 49–56.
“Od samilosti do solidarnosti: etičko sopstvo, vrijednosti i društvo” [From Compassion to Solidarity: the
Ethical Self, Values and the Society], in: P. Barišić (ed.), Demokracija i etika, Zagreb: Hrvatsko
filozofsko društvo (2005): 223–232.
“Do Rta dobrega upanja in nazaj: tri vprašanja o afriški filozofiji” [A Round Trip to the Cape of Good
Hope: Three Questions on African Philosophy], Filozofski vestnik 26: 3 (2005): 171–185.
“From Compassion to Solidarity: the Ethical Self, Values and the Society”, Synthesis philosophica 20: 1
(2005): 141–150.
“Vera, upanje, ljubezen: k neopragmatistični filozofiji religije” [Faith, Hope, and Love: Towards a
Neopragmatist Philosophy of Religion], Poligrafi 9: 35/36 (2004): 177–195.
“Upanišade, hermenevtika in indijska tradicija [The Upanishads, Hermeneutics, and Indian Tradition],
Phainomena 13: 49/50 (2004): 109–122.
“Il ruolo ed il significato degli elementi acqua, aria e terra nell'antica filosofia indiana e greca: uno studio
comparative” [The Role and Significance of the Elements of Water, Air and Earth in the Classical
Philosophies of India and Greece: A Comparative Study], Magazzino di filosofia 5: 13 (2004):
“The Mediterranean and Asia: a History of their Intercultural Encounters and Related Issues in
Comparative Philosophy”, in: Powell, D., Sze, F. (eds.), Interculturalism: exploring critical
issues, (Critical issues, vol. 8), Oxford UK: Inter-disciplinary Press (2004): 33–37.
“Primerjave v medkulturnosti: začetki indijske in grške filozofije” [Comparisons in Interculturality: The
Origins of Greek and Indian Philosophies]. Annales, Series historia et sociologia 13: 1 (2003):
“Janžekovičeva etika” [Janžekovič’s Ethics], in: Juhant, J., Potočnik, V. (eds.), Mislec in kolesja ideologij:
filozof Janez Janžekovič, Ljubljana: Družina (2002): 209–224.
“Rorty in pot ameriškega pragmatizma” [Rorty and American Pragmatism], in: Škof, L. (ed.), R. Rorty,
Izbrani spisi, Ljubljana: LUD Literatura (2002): 181–207.
“Rigvedske himne Varuni in vprašanje moralnosti v stari vedski religioznosti” [Morality in Vedic
Religion as Exemplified by the Rigvedic Hymns to Varuna ], Studia mythologica Slavica 5
(2002): 163–188.
“Budizem in versko izkustvo” [Buddhism and Religious Experience], in: Juhant, J. (ed..), Kaj pomeni
religija za človeka: znanstvena podoba religije, Ljubljana: Družina (2000): 177–193.
“Etična zavest pri Lévinasu: filozofska dediščina in Lévinasova filozofija” [Ethical Consciousness in
Lévinas: Philosophical Heritage and the Philosophy of E. Lévinas], Bogoslovni vestnik 60: 1
(2000): 25–42.
“Aristotelova etika in vprašanje phrónesis” [Aristotle’s Ethics and Phrónesis], Anthropos 32: 1/2 (2000):
“Nishitanijeva filozofija v knjigi Kaj je religija?” [K. Nishitani’s Philosophy in his Book Religion and
Nothingness], Poligrafi 3: 11-12 (1999): 261–288.
“Vprašanje etične zavesti in praktična filozofija sv. Tomaža Akvinskega [Ethical Consciousness and
Practical Philosophy in St. Thomas Aquinas], Bogoslovni vestnik 59: 1 (1999): 77–91.
“Filozofska diskusija v tibetanski akademiji” [Philosophical Discussion at Tibetan Academy], Anthropos
26: 1/3 (1994): 170–176.
Book Reviews:
Review of: Rita D. Sherma, Arvind Sherma, eds., Hermeneutics and Hindu Thought: Toward a Fusion of
Horizons, in: Sophia (2008), published online (July 10, 2009):
Review of: Raúl Fornet Betancourt (Hrsg.): Neue Formen der Solidarität zwischen Nord und Süd:
Gerechtigkeit universalisieren; New forms of Solidarity between the North and the South:
Universalize Justice; Nuevas Formas de Solidaridad entre el Norte y el Sur: Universalizar la
Justicia (Dokumentation des XI. Internationalen Seminars des Dialogprogramms Nord–Süd).
Frankfurt am Main / London: IKO – Verlag fur interkulturelle Kommunikation, 2006, in: L. Škof
(ed.), Solidarity and Interculturality (Ljubljana: Nova revija, 2006): 181–183.
Annales, Ser. Hist. et Soc. (Editor – Humanities Section)
Poligrafi (Editor-in-Chief)
PhD theses:
I. Presl: “Non-textual Elements of a 16th-Century Printed Book as a Historical Source” (defended 2012).
M. Gomboc: “Understanding of Wholeness in Budhist Zen Master Dōgen and Master Eckhart” (defended
B.A. theses:
A. Kopitar: “India and Caste System: Is there a Homo Hierarchicus? (2010).
J. Halas: “On Slovene Religion and Gods” (2010).
M. Lukač: “The Beginnings of the Anthropology of Religions and the Theories of the Essence of
Religion” (2010).
M. Kolarević: “(De)constucting our Knowledge of Mental Ilness: European and Indian Approaches
K. Rožman: “Black Theology: History, Slavery and Ascension of Black Churches (2008).
S. Štuva: “Understanding of Animals in Western Philosophical Tradition (2006).
“Towards Ethics of Breath”, Universität Erfurt, Philosophische Fakultät, Seminar für Philosophie, Erfurt,
Germany, November 2010.
“Mild Gestures and the Spirit of Democracy”, Universität Erfurt, Max-Weber-Kolleg, Erfurt, Germany,
November 2010.
“Filozofija, vzgoja in medkulturnost” [Philosophy, Education and Interculturality], Akademia technicznohumanistyczna w Bielsku-białej, Wydział Humanistyczno- Społeczny, Katedra Studiów
Środkowoeuropejskich, Bielsko-biała, Poland, December 2005.
“Interculturality, Solidarity and Political Ethics”, Univerzita Palackého v Olomoci, Filosofická fakulta,
Katedre filosofie, Olomouc, Czech Republic, November 2005.
“Uvod u komparativno filozofsko mišljenje: metode i komparacije” [An Introduction to Comparative
Philosophical Thought: Methods and Comparisons], University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Arts, Dept.
of Philosophy and Sociology, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 2004.
“Living with Consequences”, organization by Faculty of Humanities, Koper, Slovenia, October 14-15,
2011. Keynote address: Martin Balluch.
“The Age of Breath: Yoga, the Body and the Feminine”, organized by Faculty of Humanities, Koper,
Slovenia, held in Portorož, Slovenia, May 6–8, 2010. Keynote address: Luce Irigaray.
“Ayurveda: A New Way for Healthy Life in Europe”, organized by Faculty of Humanities, Koper,
Slovenia, held in Portorož, Slovenia, March 5–6, 2009. In cooperation with the Embassy of India
in Slovenia.
“Freedom and Democracy: European Perceptions, European Perspectives”, “Freiheit und Demokratie:
europäische Perzeptionen, europäische Perspektiven”, organization and venue: Faculty of
Humanities, Koper, Slovenia, December 4-6, 2008. In cooperation with Swansea University and
Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Keynote address: Oded Stark.
“Towards New Ethical Spaces of Subjectivity”, international conference Living with Consequences,
University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia, October 2011
“Two Recurrences of an Idea: on Political and Ethical Vicissitudes of Democracy”, 20. dani Frane Petrića:
glavna tema: Filozofska gibanja na jugoistoku Europe = main theme: Philosophical Trends in
southeast Europe = Hauptthema: Philosophische Entwicklungstendenzen im südosten Europas,
Cres, Croatia, September 2011
“Ethics of Breath: Towards New Ethical Spaces of Subjectivity”, 9th Congress of the Austrian Society for
Philosophy Crossing Borders: Thinking (across) Boundaries, Wien, Austria, June 2011
“Od diha do diha, ali o izvornem mestu etike” [“Breath by Breath: on the Origins of Ethics”], 8. kongres
zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije [8th Congress of Medical Care], Maribor; Slovenia, May
“Body, Breath & Spirit: on Schelling and Irigaray”, conference Postmodernism, Culture and Religion: The
Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion, Syracuse University, New York, USA, April 2011
“O neenakosti in demokraciji kot prostoru solidarnosti” [“On Inequality and Democracy as Spaces of
Solidarity”], conference K novi paradigmi pravičnosti [Towards New Paradigms of Justice],
University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia, June 2010.
“Body, Breath and Spirit: from Schelling to Irigaray”, Mednarodni znanstveni sestanek Doba diha: yoga,
telo in ženskost = international conference The Age of Breath: Yoga, the Body and the Feminine,
University of Primorska, Portorož, Slovenia, May 2010
“Towards Ethics of Sustainability: Reflections on a Life = Prema etici održivosti : refleksije o životu”, 9.
Lošinjski dani bioetike: simpozij Integrativna bioetika i nova epoha = symposium Integrative
Bioethics and New Epoch, Mali Lošinj, Croatia, May 2010
“Sodobna etika: življenje za trajnostni razvoj” [“Contemporary Ethics: the Importance of the Concept of
'Life' for Sustainable Development Theories”], Mednarodni znanstveni sestanek Izobraževanje za
trajnostni razvoj in univerza [International Scientific Meeting Education for Sustainable
Development and the University], University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia, November 2009
“Prolegomena to Pragmatism and Inequalities: Ethico-intercultural Reading of Unger's The self
awakened”, Inequalities in the World System: Political Science, Philosophy, Law = Les inégalités
dans le système mondial: science politique, philosophie, droit, São Paulo, Brazil, September 2009
“Mild Gestures: Ethical Pragmatism and the Spirit of Democracy”, 5th International Course Philosophy
and Democracy. Democracy and Political Education = Philosophie und Demokratie. Demokratie
und politische Bildung, Dubrovnik, Croatia, August 2009
“The Life of the Other: Pragmatism in an Intercultural Key”, Interkulturnost - drugost - tujost =
Interkulturalität - Alterität - Fremdheit, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2009
“Solidarity and Social Hope: the European Case”, Mednarodni znanstveni sestanek Svoboda in
demokracija: evropske percepcije, evropske perspektive = Freedom and Democracy: European
Perceptions, European Perspectives = Freiheit und Demokratie: europäische Perzeptionen,
europäische Perspektiven, Univeristy of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia, December 2008
“In a Dialogue for Democracy: R. M. Unger's Pragmatist Vision of Democratic Experimentalism and
Exploration of Democracy in Luce Irigaray”, 17. dani Frane Petrića : glavna tema Filozofija i
globalizacija = main theme Philosophy and Globalization = Hauptthema Philosophie und
Globalisierung, Cres, Croatia, September 2008
“Thinking between Cultures: Pragmatism, Rorty and Intercultural Philosophy”, RMIT University,
Melbourne, Australia, July 2008
“Interculturality, Solidarity and Polical Ethics”, University of Southern Mississippi, Long Beach,
Mississippi, USA, March 2005
“The Mediterranean and Asia: a history of their intercultural encounters and of related issues in
comparative philosophy”, 1st global conference Critical Issues: Interculturalism, Milan, Italy,
October 2003
“From Compassion to Solidarity- from the Ethical Self to Political Ethics”, Dani Frane Petrića: glavna
tema: Demokracija i etika = main theme: Democracy and ethics = Hauptthema: Demokratie und
Ethik, Cres, Croatia, September 2003
“Towards a Reinterpretation of a Schopenhauer's Metaphysical Ethics of Compassion”, 21st world
congress of philosophy Philosophy Facing World Problems, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2003
Bilateral research projects:
Title of the project: “Eco-feminist Theology and Contemporary Ecological Crisis”
Project manager: dr. Lenart Škof
Scientific cooperation with the Claremont Graduate University, Claremont School of Theology,
USA; responsible project manager dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether
Duration: July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2012
Title of the project: “Norwegian Financial Mechanism – Individual Mobility”
Project manager: dr. Lenart Škof
Scientific cooperation with the University of Oslo
Duration: January 1, 2010 – December 31, 2010
Title of the project: “Democratic Experimentalism and Intercultural Philosophy”
Project manager: dr. Lenart Škof
Scientific cooperation with the Swansea University, School of Humanities, Department of Politics
and International Relations, UK; responsible project manager dr. Mark Evans
Duration: January 1, 2008 – December 31, 2008
Title of the project: “Institutions of Freedom and the Language of Politics”
Project manager: dr. Lenart Škof
Scientific cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy, Palackỳ University of Olomouc, Czech
Republic; responsible project manager dr. Mirko Wischke
Duration: January 1, 2005 – December 31, 2006
National projects (Slovene Research Agency):
Title of the project: “Etika živali kot paradigma etike trajnostnega razvoja” [Animal Ethics as a Paradigm
of Sustainable Development Ethics]
Project leader: dr. Lenart Škof
Duration: May 1, 2010 – April 30, 2013
Title of the project: “Ungerjev demokratični eksperimentalizem: pragmatistični in medkulturni pogled”
[Unger’s Democratic Experimentalism: Pragmatist and Intercultural Approach]
Project leader: dr. Lenart Škof
Duration: February 1, 2008 – January 31, 2011
Slovensko filozofsko društvo (Slovene Philosophical Society)
Društvo za primerjalno religiologijo (Society for Comparative Religion; president)
International American Studies Association (IASA)
International Pragmatism Society
The International Association for Philosophy and Literature (IAPL)
Schopenhauer Gesellschaft