Recall Report # 1 Recall Report # 1
Recall Report # 1 Recall Report # 1
Recall Report # 1 ● ● ● Dangerous Cribs ● ● ● 1 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. ● ● ● Table of Contents The most recent recalls are listed last. Cribs by Little Folks or Simmons ....................................................................................................................... 4 “Molly” and “Betsy” Cribs by LaJobi – one fatality .......................................................................................... 4 Cribs by Vermont Precision Woodworks ........................................................................................................... 5 Cribs by Baby’s Dream Furniture ...................................................................................................................... 6 Babi Italia “Tiffany” and “Josephine” Cribs by LaJobi ....................................................................................... 7 “Legacy” Cribs by Child Craft ............................................................................................................................ 8 “Isabella” Cribs by Stanley Furniture ................................................................................................................ 9 White Lancaster Cribs by Simplicity .................................................................................................................10 Spindle Cribs by Pottery Barn Kids ...................................................................................................................10 Aspen 3-in-1 Crib by Graco – one fatality ......................................................................................................11 Cribs by Orbelle Trade ....................................................................................................................................11 Sleigh Round Cribs by Song Lin ........................................................................................................................12 “Moderne” and “Loft” Cribs by NettoCollection ...............................................................................................13 Multiple Cribs by Simplicity and Graco (2007) – one fatality ..........................................................................13 BassettBaby Cribs by Wendy Bellissimo ..........................................................................................................15 5 Munire Furniture Cribs .................................................................................................................................16 Jardine Cribs sold at Babies “R” Us ..................................................................................................................18 2nd Nature Built to Grow Cribs .........................................................................................................................20 Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Cribs ..................................................................................................................21 Davenport Cribs by Baby Appleseed ................................................................................................................22 Drop-Side Cribs by Simplicity ...........................................................................................................................22 Convertible Cribs by Playkids U.S.A. ................................................................................................................24 Delta Drop Sided Cribs ....................................................................................................................................25 Delta Drop Sided Cribs with Safety Peg ...........................................................................................................26 Munrie “Newport Rubbed Black” 4-in-1 Crib and Furniture..............................................................................28 Expansion of Jardine Cribs from Babies “R” Us ................................................................................................29 Stork Craft Baby Cribs .....................................................................................................................................30 Second Expansion of Jardine Cribs from Babies “R” Us ....................................................................................32 (Continued on Next Page…) ● ● ● 2 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. ● ● ● Table of Contents The most recent recalls are listed last. Bonavita “Cabana” Drop Side Cribs by LaJobi ..................................................................................................34 Bonavita “Hudson” and Babi Italia “Pinehurst” Cribs by LaJobi ........................................................................34 Expansion of Simplicity Drop Side Cribs ...........................................................................................................35 Drop-Side Cribs by Stork Craft, sold under Fisher Price – four fatalities ...........................................................36 Dorel Asia Cribs – one fatality ........................................................................................................................40 Generation 2 Worldwide and “childESIGNS” Drop Side Crib Brands – three fatalities .....................................43 Simplicity Cribs – one fatality .........................................................................................................................45 Graco-Brand Cribs made by LaJobi ..................................................................................................................46 Sorelle and Golden Baby Drop Side Cribs by C&T International .......................................................................49 “Crib N Double Bed” by Child Craft and sold at Babies R Us .............................................................................53 Drop-Side Cribs by Child Craft..........................................................................................................................55 Cribs by Delta .................................................................................................................................................56 Jenny Lind Cribs by Evenflo..............................................................................................................................57 Drop-Side Cribs by Jardine sold at Toys R Us ....................................................................................................59 Bonavita, Babi Italia, and ISSI Drop-Side Cribs by LaJobi Inc. ...........................................................................61 Million Dollar Baby, Baby Mod, and Da Vinci Drop Side Cribs by Bexco ...........................................................61 Simmons Easy Side Drop-Side Cribs .................................................................................................................64 Drop-Side Cribs by Pottery Barn Kids ...............................................................................................................65 “Prescott” Fixed-Sided Cribs by Sorelle ............................................................................................................67 Alexander Designs Cribs Sold at JC Penny ........................................................................................................67 ● ● ● 3 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Cribs by Little Folks or Simmons Date of recall: February 21, 2001 These 68,600 cribs being recalled were made by Simmons Juvenile Products in 1998. The cribs were sold under the name “Little Folks”. “Simmons” and the two-digit year it was made are written on a label attached to the crib’s headboard. It would be written like this: 98-025260. “98” is the year and “025260” is the model number. All cribs made in 1998 are being recalled. All cribs with the models 025260 and 65060 are being recalled, if manufactured in 1999 or 2000. The cribs were made of maple or ash and were stained or painted in a dozen different colors like natural, golden and white. “Simmons” is written on the top rail. The cribs were sold at discount, mass merchandise (like Wal-mart) and other stores (including Sears) from January 1998 until December 2000 for between $200 and $600 each. Reason for the recall: The bracket hooks used to position the height of the mattress can break, causing the mattress to collapse. This can trap and suffocate babies. There have been more than 800 reports of breaking bracket hooks. There was incident of a 6-month-old splitting his chin on the side rail when the mattress dropped. What should you do? Stop using the cribs immediately and contact Simmons (800-4212951) to receive replacement brackets by overnight mail. “Molly” and “Betsy” Cribs by LaJobi Date of recall: December 18, 2001 Nearly 400 “Molly” and “Betsy” style wooden cribs have been recalled by JaJobi. Both crib styles have openings on each end panel. The “Molly” style are made with solid wood with openings on both sides. The “Betsy” style uses wooden slats. These cribs were sold in juvenile specialty shops between May 2000 and September 2001. The Molly model was $750 and the Betsy was $650. 4 Molly Betsy 0101327 02 (Natural) 0101257 02 (Natural) 0101327 11 (Antique Green) 0101257 11 (Antique Green) © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. 0101327 12 (Antique White) 0101257 12 (Antique White) Reason for the recall: Both cribs have cut-outs in the end panels that could let young children get their heads entrapped, resulting in strangulation. In 2003 (after this recall), a one-year-old girl died in Mississippi as the result of getting her head entrapped in the headboard cutout on the “Betsy” style. These cribs may be found in thrift stores and second-hand shops. Do not purchase! The design does not meet CPSC’s standards. What should you do? Stop using the cribs immediately. Contact LaJobi at 888-266-2848 for replacement end panels. Cribs by Vermont Precision Woodworks Date of recall: April 25, 2002 About 990 cribs are being recalled by Vermont Precision Woodworks. The recalled models are 7010 Alpine, 7020 Caspian, 7030 Coventry, 7040 Dunmore, and 7070 Haystack. They are solid maple and available in five different finishes: natural, colonial, white, cherry, and cinnamon. There is a label on the bottom of the cribs that says “Vermont Precision Woodworks” with the manufacturing date and model name. The cribs were made in the USA and sold nationwide from January 2000 through March 2002 for between $500 and $800 each. Reason for the recall: 5 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. The slats on the cribs can loosen and detach from the drop side rail. This creates a large enough opening for a child’s head or neck to become entrapped resulting in serious injury or death. There have been 21 reports of the slats detaching, but no injuries. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact Vermont Precision Woodworks (866-869-7974) for free replacement drop side rails. Cribs by Baby’s Dream Furniture Date of recall: May 6, 2003 These 4,600 recalled cribs were sold under either the Baby’s Dream Furniture label or the National Baby Furniture label in five different models. Those models were “Always Crib,” “Crib 4 Life,” “Legendary Crib,” “Set 4 Life,” and “Crib-2College.” They were honey, amber or cherry colored. The model names and manufacturing date are on a label on the lower inside of the frame. “Made in USA” is also printed on the label. They were sold at juvenile furniture and retail stores for between $300 and $400 each. They 6 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. were made between January and August 2001. In addition, an unknown number of cribs made between 1996 and 2002 may also be faulty. Reason for the recall: The three hinges along the fold-down drop gate can crack or break and allow babies to have their fingers pinched or crushed. There have been 38 reports of cracked or broken hinges. The cribs being recalled made between 1996 and 2002 may have drop gate trigger latches that are not correctly aligned to fit securely. A misaligned latch can allow the gate to open if a child leans on it. There have been 2 reports injuries to children when the latches didn’t hold. One report involved a child whose head was bruised after falling to the floor when the latch failed. The other report involved a crushed finger when the rail unexpectedly moved inward when the parent leaned into the crib. There were also 5 reports of children falling out of the crib who received no injury. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact Baby’s Dream (800-835-2742) to receive a free repair kit for the hinges or latches along with specific instructions on how to inspect your crib latches. Babi Italia “Tiffany” & “Josephine” Cribs by LaJobi Date of recall: June 4, 2003 Babi Italia, a division of LaJobi Industries is recalling about 2,000 “Tiffany” and “Josephine” model cribs. They are made of solid natural wood with a chest of drawers attached to the footboard. The cribs can be converted into a toddler bed and adult bed. The Tiffany cribs were made from June through October 2001 and the Josephine cribs were made from January through October 2001. They were sold exclusively at Babies R Us from July 2001 through January 2003 for about $500. The crib manufacture date code is on the inside bottom of the headboard. The four middle numbers in the eight-number sequence indicate the month and year the cribs were made. The “x” would be replaced by various numbers. Tiffany 7 xx 0601 xx xx 0701 xx xx 0801 xx xx 0901 xx xx 1001 xx Josephine © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. xx 0101 xx xx 0201 xx xx 0301 xx xx 0401 xx xx 0501 xx xx 0601 xx xx 0701 xx xx 0801 xx xx 0901 xx xx 1001 xx Reason for the recall: The slats on the drop-side rails can come loose or detach. A child’s head can become caught in the space left by these missing rails and can fall or be suffocated. There have been 41 reports of slats coming loose from the rails. One child became entrapped and ten fell out when the slats were missing. No serious injuries were reported. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact LaJobi (877-440-2224) for free replacement drop-side rails. “Legacy” Cribs by Child Craft Date of recall: April 24, 2004 Child Craft Industries voluntarily recalled about 3,500 “Legacy” cribs. Those included have model numbers 16741, 21021, 23111, and 28721. They are printed on the bottom rail of the head or foot board. They were made from ash and maple woods and sold in a variety of colors. All carry the “Legacy” brand label. They were sold from March 2002 through January 2004 for between $399 and $549 each. Reason for the recall: The slats on the cribs can loosen and detach from the drop side rail. This creates a large enough opening for a child’s head or neck to become entrapped resulting in serious injury or death. There have been 12 reports of the slats detaching, but no injuries. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact Child Craft (812-206-2200) for a free replacement drop side rail. 8 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. “Isabella” Cribs by Stanley Furniture Date of recall: March 24, 2004 The “Isabella” model includes numbers 326-94C1 or 326-94C2. This number is found on the bar code label. They were distributed through Stanley Furniture Company’s Young America line. They are made of wood and painted white. They were sold from November 2003 through February 2004 for about $980 each at various department and furniture stores nationwide. Reason for the recall: An incorrect screw, used to attach the movable gate, was provided for assembly. The crib cannot be assembled correctly with this screw. If consumers provided their own screw, it may not hold the movable gate in place, leaving the risk of a fall or entrapment. What should you do? 9 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Contact the store where the crib was purchased to schedule a free, in-home crib inspection and repair if necessary. Further questions can be directed to Stanley Furniture at 888-839-6822. White Lancaster Cribs by Simplicity Date of recall: May 3, 2005 White Lancaster Cribs made by Simplicity have been recalled from consumers. These cribs are made of wood and are painted white. The model numbers 8554W-PT and 8554WW are printed inside the headboard and on the envelope attached to the mattress support. The Simplicity name, address, manufacturing date and model number are written on a label found on the inside bottom of the headboard. These cribs were sold at department stores, children’s product stores and from June 2004 through April 2005 for about $200 each. Reason for the recall: The white paint used on the cribs can chip, posing a choking hazard to young children. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact Simplicity (800-858-8323) for a refund. Spindle Cribs by Pottery Barn Kids Date of recall: September 8, 2005 The Spindle Crib, model #4825402, sold at Pottery Barn Kids has been recalled. The product name and model number are on a label attached to t he base of the crib. These cribs were sold in white, pink, and blue and are made of hardwood. They measure 30.5 x 54.5 x 45” high. They were sold exclusively through Pottery Barn stores, catalogs, and online store from January 2004 until August 2005 for between $300 and $500 each. 10 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Reason for the recall: The spindles on the front rail can loosen and detach from the rail. This can allow the child to fall or pose as an entrapment risk. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact Pottery Barn Kids (800-330-6905) for a free replacement front rail or a full refund (including shipping). Aspen 3 in 1 Crib by Graco Date of recall: February 8, 2006 About 104,000 Aspen 3 in 1 cribs have been recalled. These cribs have the Graco label on them, but are manufactured by Simplicity. They are made of wood and have wooden mattress supports. Only those with model number 8740KCW SC and serial number 2803 SC (made 28th week of 2003) through 1605 SC (made 16th week of 2005) are involved in this recall. Both the model and serial number are printed on the envelope attached to the mattress support. These cribs were sold in department and children’s product stores from August 2003 until May 2005 for about $130 each. Reason for the recall: A 19-month old child suffocated because two of the mattress support slabs came out. There have been 14 reports of the supports coming loose, including 8 entrapments. Five injuries were reported with scratches and bruises to the face and head, a strained neck, and a child turning blue. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact Simplicity at 800-784-1982 for a free repair kit. Cribs by Orbelle Trade Date of recall: April 28, 2006 11 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Nearly 7,700 cribs made by Orbelle Trade, Inc. are being recalled. This includes the Daniella, Leeat, Noa, Naomi, Gabriella, Amber, and Series 300 models. They are wood and come in a variety of painted and stained finishes including natural, cherry, blonde, or white wood. Some have built-in drawers on the side or underneath the crib. The model names may be printed on the lower part of the headboard of each and “Orbelle Trade Inc” is printed on each side of crib warnings when provided. They were sold at juvenile furniture stores in New York and New Jersey from January 2003 until September 2004 for between $135 and $335 each. Reason for the recall: The Amber model crib does not comply with crib safety standards because of a gap between the side rail and crib mattress support. This is an entrapment hazard for infants. All the other models in this recall do not have proper assembly instructions and diagrams required for cribs. They are also missing cautionary and warning labels that are required by federal law. The crib could become an entrapment hazard if incorrectly assembled. What should you do? If you own the Amber model, contact Orbelle Trade at 516-481-1500 for a free in-home repair or request a replacement crib. If you own any of the other models, contact Orbelle for new assembly instructions and warning labels. Sleigh Round Cribs by Song Lin Date of recall: May 31, 2007 Nearly 180 Sleigh Round Cribs have been recalled by manufacturer Song Lin. The crib measures about 42 inches in diameter and is made of solid wood. It has a mahogany finish. Model #2005 is the model being recalled. The crib has 4 posts that are about 31 inches high and a portion of the crib can be raised and lowered. This uniquely designed crib was sold at children’s furniture stores from January 2005 through March 2007 for $600. Reason for the recall: The assembly instructions included encouraged consumers to build the crib with the mattress support in the highest position and do not indicated that the support can be lowered. This poses as a fall hazard to children who are able to sit or stand in the crib. What should you do? If your child is able to sit or stand up in the crib you should lower the mattress support to the lower setting. Contact Song Lin at 888-589-0088 for a revised version of assembly instructions and directions on how to lower the support. 12 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Crib with mattress support in the high position. Crib with mattress support in the lower position. “Moderne” & “Loft” Cribs by NettoCollection Date of recall: September 4, 2007 About 400 “Moderne” and “Loft” Cribs have been recalled from NettoCollection, LLC. The crib side rails are made of wood and are covered with a brown finish. Only cribs with model numbers NC-137 and NC-140 and date codes 9/03 and 02/04 are being recalled. The numbers and date codes, along with “Made in Poland” are printed on a label on the crib end panels. Each of the 400 cribs were sold at juvenile furniture stores nationwide between October 2003 and June 2005 for about $1,350 each. Reason for the recall: The crib slats can separate from the side rails. This poses as an entrapment and strangulation hazard to young children. There have been 3 reports of the spindles separating, but fortunately no injuries. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact NettoCollection at 866-996-3886 for two replacement side rails. 13 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Cribs by Simplicity and Graco Simplicity appears to no longer conduct day-to-day operations. Repair kits are no longer available to fix these recalled cribs. Parents and caregivers are advised to dispose of these cribs, even if it is believed that the hardware and drop side have been installed correctly. All of the recalled cribs have the potential to pose a danger to young children. See update on July 2nd, 2009. Date of recall: June 6th, 2007 revised September 24, 2007 Nearly 1 million cribs have been recalled from manufacturer Simplicity due to infant deaths. The recalled crib models include Aspen 3 in 1, Aspen 4 in 1, Nursery-in-a-Box, Crib N Changer Combo, Chelsea and Pooh 4 in 1. They also include Simplicity cribs that carry the Graco Logo: Aspen 3 in 1, Ultra 3 in 1, Ultra 4 in 1, Ultra 5 in 1, Whitney and the Trio. The model numbers can be found on the envelope attached to the mattress support and on the label attached to the headboard: 4600 4605 4705 5000 8000 8324 8800 8740 8910 8994 8050 7850 8760 8996 The older hardware attaching the drop-side of the crib is being recalled. The recalled older hardware has a flexible tab at the bottom of the lower tracks and the top of the lower tracks are open. Follow the instructions below. The newer hardware is not being recalled, but consumers are strongly advised to check the crib’s drop side to make sure it is assembled right side up and inspect for broken hardware. The newer hardware has the flexible tab located at the top of the lower track, and a permanent stop at the bottom. These cribs were manufactured in China and sold in department stores, children’s stores, and mass merchandisers nationwide from January 1998 through May 2007 for between $100 and $300 each. Reason for the recall: The drop-side of the crib can detach. This can create a dangerous gap and lead to the entrapment and suffocation of infants. Sadly, there have been two infant deaths as a result of these cribs. A 9-month-old and a 6month-old child. The cribs they used had older style hardware and the drop-side was installed upside down. There have been 7 other infant entrapments and 14 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. 55 other incidents related to these cribs. The CPSC is also investigating the death of a 1-year old who slept in a newer-style hardware Simplicity crib where the drop-side was also installed upside down. What should you do? First, check your crib to make sure that they drop-side is installed right side up. The slightly rounded rail with the decorative grove should be installed at the top and the plain rail at the bottom. The drop-side should be securely attached to the tracks in all four corners. If the dropside is not installed right side up or is loose, stop using the crib immediately. Second, check to see if your crib is using recalled hardware (see descriptions above) Consumers with the older-hardware can receive a free repair by calling Simplicity at 888-5939274 or visiting If you have newer hardware but have installed the drop-side upside down or have broken hardware, contact Simplicity immediately. A correctly installed drop-side, right side up An incorrectly installed drop-side, upside down Photo of old hardware, recalled Photo of new hardware 15 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Bassettbaby Cribs by Wendy Bellissimo Date of recall: November 8, 2007 This recall involves the Wendy Bellissimo Collection convertible cribs sold exclusively at Babies R Us. Model numbers 5945-0521 and 5545-0521 were sold in honey and cherry finishes. These cribs were manufactured by Goodbaby Child Products Company. They have a sleigh design and one of the following purchase order numbers at the bottom rail of the headboard. Honey Color 272903, 272904, 273904, 276728, 276729, 291081, 323975, 324472, 320318, 323976, 332883, 365620, 368466 Cherry Color 338535, 338537, 332884 These cribs were sold only at Babies R Us from July 2005 until November 2007 for about $500. Reason for the recall: The bolts connecting the top corners of the crib can come loose, which creates a gap and posing a serious entrapment and strangulation hazard. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact Bassettbaby (888-897-4689) for a free repair kit. Munire Furniture Cribs 16 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Date of recall: February 28, 2007 Munire Furniture has recalled nearly 24,000 of its popular cribs. The recalled cribs include Majestic Curved Top, Flat Top, Essex, Brighton/Sussex, and Captiva Cribs. These cribs are wooden. The only cribs being recalled were made between November 1st, 2005 and November 1st, 2007. The crib model number can be found printed on the white label on the bottom inside of the right side rail. The manufacture date is printed on the either the white label near the model number or on the white label located on the bottom of the headboard. Those cribs that have a green sticker on the mattress frame are not included in this recall. These cribs were sold in specialty juvenile product stores from November 1st, 2005 through November 1st, 2007 for between $400 and $600 each. Crib Type Model Number Crib Type Model Number Majestic Flat Top 9000 Brighton/Sussex 9100 Essex 7100 Captiva 5100 Reason for the recall: The cribs fail to meet the federal safety standards for cribs. The four support brackets on the mattress support spring are too long. These brackets prevent the springs from being lowered to the full 26-inch minimum height in its lowest position, allowing children inside to crawl over the railing and fall. What should you do? Stop using the cribs immediately. Contact Munire Furniture (866-856-9639) to receive replacement spring brackets. 17 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Majestic Flat Top Crib Model # 9000 Majestic Curved Top Crib Model # 9500 Essex Model # 7100 Captiva Model # 5100 Brighton/Sussex Model # 9100 Jardine Cribs by Babies “R” Us Date of recall: June 24, 2008 There are several styles and finishes for the Jardine Cribs. The matrix below provides the model numbers, description, and dates first sold. The model number is printed on the inside of the bottom rail of the headboard or footboard. 18 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. The cribs were sold at KidsWorld, Geoffrey Stores, Toys “R” Us, and Babies “R” Us stores nationwide and online from January 2002 through May 2008 for between $150 and $300. The Mahogany Positano Lifetime Crib (Model number 0309K00) sold for $450. Model # Description First Sold Model # Description First Sold Berkley Drop Side White Flat Panel Single Crib Wicker 3-in-1 White Crib Haven 3-in-1 Oak/Dark Pine Crib 4-in-1 White Convertible Crib BC-23 Drop Side Blue Spindle Crib 8/2004 BC-110W BC-36B Drop Side Light Blue Spindle Crib 8/2005 DA617BC BC–36G Drop Side Sage Spindle Crib 7/2005 DA620BC BC–36P Drop Side Pink Spindle Crib 7/2005 DA770BC 1/2002 DV730N Natural Lifetime Crib 9/2003 BC-007 BC-010 BC-10C BC-010HP BC-010W BC-017 BC-107C BC-107CR BC-110C BC-110HP 3/2005 1/2002 5/2002 1/2004 Hilton Drop Side Cherry Single Crib Windsor Drop Side Cherry Flat Panel Crib Windsor Drop Side Cherry Flat Panel Crib Windsor Drop Side Oak/Honey Pine Crib Hilton Drop Side White Full Panel Crib 1/2002 DV730W White Lifetime Crib 8/2003 11/2003 DV830-N Natural Lifetime Crib 11/2004 11/2003 DV830-W White Lifetime Crib 11/2004 7/2002 0113B00 Windsor Drop Side Dark Pine Single Crib 1/2002 0113K00 3/2005 0303B00 4/2007 0303C00 3/2005 0303G00 3/2005 0309K00 Hilton Drop Side Cherry Single Crib Windsor Cherry Single Sleigh Crib Berkley Drop Side Cherry Flat Panel Single Crib Windsor Drop Side Honey Pine/Honey Single Crib Drop Side Natural Spindle Crib Drop Side Mahogany Spindle Crib Berkley Natural Lifetime Crib Berkley White Lifetime Crib Berkley Cherry Lifetime Crib Positano Mahogany Lifetime Crib 7/2006 6/2006 9/2005 8/2005 5/2005 4/2006 Reason for the recall: The wooden crib slats and spindles can break, creating a gap which is an entrapment and strangulation hazard. There have been 42 incidents of crib slats and spindles breaking. Four children became entrapped in the space created. Two of them had abrasions and bruising. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact Jardine (800-646-4106) to receive a full credit toward the purchase of a new crib. 19 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. 2nd Nature Built to Grow Cribs Date of recall: June 26, 2008 This current recall involves the full size 2nd Nature Built to Grow cribs, model number 353-14-220. Model and serial numbers can be found located on the headboard. The crib is natural maple in color. Only the serial numbers below are being recalled. The recall does NOT involve cribs sold after December 2007. Serial Numbers 353-14-220-L-01 353-14-220-L-02 353-14-220-L-03 353-14-220-L-04 353-14-220-L-05 353-14-220-L-06 353-14-220-L-07 353-14-220-L-08 353-14-220-L-101 353-14-220-L-103 The cribs were sold at department and furniture stores from March 2006 until January 2008 for about $1,100. 20 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Reason for the recall: The cribs could fail to meet a federal safety standard for crib dimensions. When the mattress support is in the middle setting, the space between the matt ess and the crib could be too wide, posing an entrapment hazard to infants. What should you do? Stop using the crib with the mattress in the middle setting, a justing to the low or high setting. Contact Stanley Furniture to determine if your crib is being recalled and receive a free replacement crib headboard if it is. (888-839-6822) Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Cribs Date of recall: August 5th, 2008 The recall includes the following wooden full-size cribs: "Enchantment" (model #210), "Hush a Bye" (model #215), "Once upon a time" (model #320) and "Rock a bye" (model #1900-350). Only date codes from 0306 through 0308 are included in this recall. "Mother Hubbard's Cupboards", the model number and date code are printed on a label located on the bottom inside of the right side. The cribs were sold at juvenile product stores from March, 2006 through March 2008 for between $500 and $650 each. Reason for the recall: The cribs failed to meet federal safety standards. The distance between the mattress support bracket in the lowest position and the top of the side rail in the highest position is less than the required 25 inches, creating a fall hazard. What should you do? Stop using the cribs immediately. 21 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Contact Mother Hubbard’s Cupboards (888-661-8201) to receive instructions on how to re-install the support brackets to eliminate the hazard. Enchantment ~ Model 210 Hush a Bye ~ Model 215 Once Upon a Time ~ Model 320 Rock A Bye ~ Model 1900-350 Davenport Cribs by Baby Appleseed Date of recall: August 5th, 2008 22 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. The recall includes Davenport crib models that begin with the model numbers 273-xxxx-xxxx and have manufacture dates on or before August 2007 printed on a label located on the right side of the lower inner panel of the crib. The recalled cribs have two mattress support systems-a metal one and a wooden one. Newer Davenport cribs with model numbers beginning with 244-xxxxxxxx that have one mattress support are not included in the recall. The cribs were sold from December 2006 until October 2007 for between $600 and $800 each. Reason for the recall: The cribs fail the federal safety guidelines. They have a two mattress support system. The second mattress support, used for the lowest position, does not meet the full 26 inch height requirement, allowing children to crawl over the railing and possibly fall. What should you do? Stop using the crib in the third lowest position, which uses the wooden mattress support. You can continue to use the crib in the other two positions. Contact Baby Appleseed (877-348-2199) for a free repair kit. Drop-Side Cribs by Simplicity Date of recall: August 5th, 2008 This recall of drop-side cribs involves a different set of Simplicity cribs than those recalled in September, 2007. The newly recalled model numbers are 8620, 8745, 8748, 8755, 8756, 8778, 8810, and 8994. These recalled cribs also have a date code, which can be found on a label on the headboard under the mattress support. Look for those codes that end in 05DH, 05GB, 06DH, 06GB, 07DH, or 07GB. (Example: 1806 DH or 0507 GB – bold to emphasize). The recalled model names are Aspen and Crib N Changer Combo, Gabrielle, Camille, Providence, Shenandoah. Only the brand name “Simplicity” can be seen on the label on the headboard. The cribs were sold at department stores, children stores, and mass merchandisers nationwide from January 2005 through August 2008 for between $150 and $300. Reason for the recall: Due to sizing problems with the crib’s hardware, the 23 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. drop side can come off its tracks. When the drop side detaches (or partially detaches) it leaves a dangerous gap that could lead to entrapment and strangulation. There have been at least 9 incidents where the drop side detached. There have been no injuries. What should you do? These cribs are not being recalled by Simplicity, but by the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the stores below. Stop using the crib immediately, and use a safe sleeping alternative instead. Return the crib to one of the stores below (where purchased) to receive a refund or store credit. Stores involved in the recall effort. o AAFES ~ 800-866-3605 o Babies “R” Us ~ 800- 869-7787 o Burlington Coat Factory / Baby Depot ~ o Meijer Distribution ~ 866-280-8419 o Nebraska Furniture Mart ~ 800-359-1200 o ShopKo ~ 800-791-7333 o Target ~ 800-440-0680 o Wal-Mart ~ 800-925-6278 SFCA is helping these retailers with this recall effort. You can contact Amanda Lahan at SFCA at 202-466-6210 or at 24 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Convertible Cribs by PlayKids Date of the recall: October 16, 2008 These convertible cribs/bassinets have model number PLK-909. The phrase “Playkids U.S.A.” can be found on the packaging and on a label sewn into the side of the crib. The model number is on the packaging. These cribs have a drop side rail, a stationary side rail, a canopy assembly, and a bassinet. The sides of the convertible crib, the mattress support, the bassinet, the canopy, and the bed skirt, are all covered in fabric and mesh. The fabric and the mesh come in a variety of colors and patterns. These cribs were sold in juvenile product retailers in New York from March 2007 through September 2008 for about $100. Reason for the recall: The sides of the crib are made of mesh that expands, creating a gap between the mattress and the side through which an infant can slip. A 5-month old child died on August 31, 2008 in Brooklyn NY after becoming entrapped between the mattress and drop side rail of the convertible crib and suffocating. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately Contact PlayKids (718-797-0302) for a full refund. 25 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Delta Drop Side Cribs Date of the recall: October 21, 2008 600,000 recalled cribs were made before 2006 and have a “Crib Trigger Lock with Spring Peg” drop side hardware design. Model Numbers 4340 4343 4520 4600 4620 4624 4625 4629 4660 4665 4720 4750 4751 4850 4855 4857 4880 4920 4925-2 4925-2B 4925-6 4980 8605 The model number, country of origin and manufacture date are located at the top of the mattress support board. The recalled cribs have Delta’s name and address on the mattress support boards and Delta’s logo on the teether rail. The cribs were sold at major retailers nationwide from January 2000 through January 2007 from between $33 and $200. Cribs currently being sold are not being recalled. Reason for the recall: The crib’s drop side can detach when the spring peg is not engaged, which can create an entrapment and suffocation risk to infants. If the spring pegs in the base of the leg of the crib are pushed back into the lower track, the pegs can become nonfunctional. This can cause the drop side to detach. An 8-month-old suffocated when the drop side of his crib detached. There was also a child entrapment and one incident where the drop side detached due to an disengaged spring peg. What should you do? Stop using the crib. 26 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Contact Delta (800-816-5304) for a free, easy to install repair kit. Delta Drop Side Cribs – Missing Peg Date of the recall: October 21, 2008 985,000 cribs have been recalled. This recall involves all Delta cribs made in Taiwan or Indonesia and sold from major retailers including Wal-Mart, Kmart and Target from January 1995 through September 2007 for about $100. They are also being sold secondhand. Cribs currently being sold retail are not involved. These cribs had the “Crib Trigger Lock with Safety Peg” drop side hardware design. The model numbers and country of origin can be located on the mattress support board label. They have date codes ranging from 1995 through December 2005. One model (#4624) was made in 2007. You can find the model numbers on the top of the mattress support board. Model Numbers from Production Date 01/06 – 11/07 4320, 4340, 4500, 4520, 4530, 4532, 4540, 4542, 4550, 4551, 4580, 4600, 4620, 4624 Model Numbers from Production Date 01/95 – 12/00 4640, 4660, 4720, 4735, 4742, 4750 27 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Other Model Numbers 4760, 4770, 4780, 4790, 4820, 4840, 4850, 4860, 4880, 4890, 4892, 4900, 4910, 4920, 4925-2, 4925-6, 4930, 4940, 4943, 4944, 4947, 4948, 4949, 4950, 4958, 4963, 4968, 4969, 4980. Reason for the recall: When the safety pegs in the base of each leg are missing from the lower track, the crib locks can disengage and detach if lowered below the peg hole, creating a dangerous gap. This gap can become a entrapment hazard. There has been one death due to missing safety pegs. There have been two entrapments and nine disengagement incidents in cribs where the pegs were missing. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately and find a safe alternative sleeping solution. Contact Delta (800-816-5304) for a free repair kit. 28 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Munrie “Newport Rubbed Black” 4-in-1 Cribs and Furniture Date of the recall: December 23, 2008 These cribs are made of wood and have a rubbed black finish. Only the “Newport Rubbed Black” cribs and matching furniture made in Indonesia between April 2006 and November 2008 are included in this recall. The model number, date, and country of manufacture are printed on the label attached to the side panel of the crib and the date of manufacture is on the back panel of the furniture. The models listed below are being recalled. Model # Description 7900 Newport Lifetime Crib 7918 Hutch for Combo and Double Dresser 7915 Mirror 7908 Combo 7902 Nightstand 7907 Conversion Kit for Lifetime Crib 7905 5 Drawer Dresser 7929 Armoire 7975 Guardrail for Lifetime Crib 7906 Double Dresser 7914 Bookcase 7901 Newport Olde World Crib This crib and matching furniture were sold from April 2006 through November 2008 for about $600 for the crib and the matching furniture pieces were sold for between $700 and $1,000. Additional accessories were sold for $170. Reason for the recall: The red pain that is underneath the black finish paint on the crib and some of the matching furniture pieces exceeds federal lead paint standards. There has been one report of a child ingesting the paint. That child was diagnosed with lead poisoning. 29 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. What should you do? Immediately stop using the crib and furniture. Contact Munrie Furniture (866-586-9639) to receive a replacement coupon that will let you exchange the products for another product for free. Jardine Crib Expansion of Babies “R” Us Cribs Date of the recall: January 6, 2009 This is an expansion of an earlier recall in June, 2008 of Jardine Cribs sold at Babies “R” Us. It is regarding three other model numbers. Cribs not with these model numbers are not being recalled. The model number and date code can be found printed on the label inside the bottom rail of the headboard or footboard. Model # Description Date Code Between DA715BC Dark Pine Olympia Lifetime Crib 2/04 – 1/07 0108L00 Antique Walnut Capri Single Crib 7/06 – 11/07 0308C00 White Capri Lifetime Crib 12/05 – 11/07 These cribs were sold at KidsWorld, Geoffrey Stores, Toys “R” Us, and Babies “R” Us stores nationwide and at from March 2004 through January 2009 for between $220 and $330. Reason for the recall: The wooden slats can break, creating a gap that creates an entrapment hazard. 30 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. There have been 19 additional reports since the original recall in June, 2008 of slats breaking. In 9 of these incidents, consumers reported that their infant or toddler broke the slat while in the crib. One toddler fell through the gap when a slat broke. No injuries have been reported. What should you do? Stop using the crib immediately. Contact Jardine (800-646-4106) for a full credit to purchase a new crib. Dark Pine Olympia Lifetime Antique Walnut Capri Single White Capri Lifetime Stork Baby Craft Cribs Date of the recall: January 13, 2009 The recalled cribs have manufacturing and distribution dates between May 2000 and November 2008. They were sold in a wide variety of styles and finishes. 31 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. You can find the manufacture date, model number, crib name, country of origin, and the firm’s name, address, and contact information on the assembly instruction sheet attached to the mattress support board. The firm’s insignia “storkcraft baby” is inscribed on the drop side teething rail of some of the cribs. The cribs were sold at major retailers like JC Penny, Kmart, and Wal-mart stores, as well as online at,,,, and from May 2000 through January 2009 for between $100 and $400 each. Reason for the recall: The metal support brackets used to support the crib mattress board can crack and break. In several incidents, the mattress can collapse and create a dangerous gap between the mattress and crib rails, in which a child could become entrapped and suffocate. There have been 10 incidents where one or more of the mattress support brackets broke. One toddler sustained bruises to his forehead. In another incident, a child became entrapped but was not injured. What should you do? Immediately stop using the cribs and find a safe alternative sleeping place for your child. Contact Stork Craft (866-361-3321) to receive a free replacement kit with new mattress support brackets. 32 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Second Expansion of Jardine Cribs from Babies “R” Us Date of the recall: April 30th, 2009 Please note there are two previous recalls of these cribs: One in June, 2008, and one in January, 2009. This expansion regards 7 additional models of Jardine wooden cribs with the date codes in the chart below. Cribs with other date codes are not being recalled at this time. The date code and model number can be found printed on the label located on the inside of the bottom rail of the headboard or footboard. Model # Description Date Code Between 0102B00 Drop-Side Natural Olympia Single 9/2005 – 1/2007 0102E00 Drop-Side Dark Pine Olympia Single 9/2005 – 1/2008 0302P00 Black Olympia Lifetime 11/2005 – 5/2008 0302C00 White Olympia Lifetime 6/2006 – 12/2006 0312D00 Americana Pecan 4-in-1 5/2006 - 11/2007 0308L00 Antique Walnut Capri 4-in-1 12/2005 – 11/2007 0108C00 Drop-Side White Capri Single 8/2006 – 11/2007 These cribs were sold at KidsWorld, Geoffery Stores, Toys R Us, and Babies R Us stores nationwide as well as at from September 2005 through April 2009 for between $220 and $330. Reason for the recall: The wooden crib slats can break, creating a gap where an infant or toddler can become entrapped and suffocate. There have been 31 reports of the slats breaking, including two reports of children becoming entrapped in the gap provided. In 10 of these incidents, consumers reported that the child broke the slat while inside the crib. There was one report of minor bumps and bruises, and no deaths. What should you do? Immediately stop using the cribs. Contact Jardine (800-646-4106) for a full credit toward the purchase of a new crib. (see next page for photos) 33 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Drop Side Natural Olympia Single Model# 0102B00 Drop Side Dark Pine Olympia Single Model# 0102E00 Drop Side White Capri Single Model# 0108C00 White Olympia Lifetime Model# 0302C00 Antique Walnut Capri 4-in-1 Model# 0308L00 Americana Pecan 4-in-1 Model# 0312D00 Black Olympia Lifetime Model# 0302P00 34 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Bonavita “Cabana” Drop Side Cribs by LaJobi Date of the recall: June 9th, 2009 This particular recall are for “Cabana” wooden drop side cribs with metal mattress supports. They were made between January 2006 and November 2008 and have production dates between 01 JAN 2006 and 31 OCT 2008. The model name, color, product order (PO) number, production date, and other information is printed on a label located on the inside bottom rail of the headboard or footboard. The cribs were made with three finishes: antique white, classic cherry, and montego brown. Cribs with other production dates are not being recalled. The cribs were sold at USA Baby, Beautiful Beginnings, Buy Buy Baby, and other specialty stores nationwide from January 2006 through May 2009 for around $450. Reason for the recall: The wooden crib slats can detach or break, creating a gap that can entrap or suffocate an infant. There have been 16 reported incidents of crib slats failing. 10 of these involved slats falling off, and 6 were reports of the slats breaking. No injuries have been reported. What should you do? Stop using the “Cabana” crib immediately and find a safer sleeping location for your infant. Contact LaJobi (866-688-9009) for replacement side rails. Bonavita “Hudson” and Babi Italia “Pinehurst” Cribs by LaJobi Date of the recall: June 9th, 2009 These cribs are wooden with a metal mattress support. They have drop sides and were sold in many different finishes, like cherry, espresso, natural, and white. This recall involves those Hudson and Pinehurst cribs that have production dates between December 2006 and August 2007. 35 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. The production date, product order (PO) number, item number, and color are printed on a label that can be found attached to the footboard or headboard. The Babi Italia “Pinehurst” crib was sold exclusively at Babies “R” Us. The Bonavita “Hudson” cribs were sold at Baby Basics, Beautiful Beginnings, and Buy Buy Baby (among others) for about $300. The cribs were sold from December 2006 through December 2007. About 2,900 cribs are being recalled. The recall does not involve LaJobi cribs with straight pins on the headboard or footboard, or those cribs that do not have drop sides. Spring Pin Reason for the recall: The lower spring pins on the footboard and headboard can pop out of the tracks located on the drop side, causing the drop side to detach. When this happens, it creates a dangerous gap between the side and the mattress that a baby could get entrapped and suffocate. There have been a total of 33 reports of this happening. Two children were entrapped, and one fell out of the crib altogether. Both were freed by caregivers. One child was bruised. What should you do? Immediately stop using the cribs and find a safer sleeping area for your baby. LaJobi is offering professional technicians to perform in-home installations of a free retrofit hardware kit. Contact LaJobi (866-688-9009) to register for the service and receive the free kit. Expansion of Simplicity Drop Side Cribs Important Note: This is an expansion and revision of several previous Simplicity recalls. Date of the recall: July 2nd, 2009 This particular Simplicity recall involves those cribs with a different or “newer” style of plastic hardware from those cribs that were originally recalled on September 24, 2007. The newer hardware can be identified by a flexible plastic tab at the top of the lower tracks. 36 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. The new recall numbers include (but may not be limited to): 8050, 8325, 8620, 8745, 8748, 8755, 8756, 8765, 8778, 8810, and 8994, 8995, 8996. The cribs were sold nationwide from January 2005 through June 2009 for between $150 and $300. Reason for the recall: The plastic hardware can break and come off, creating a gap for babies to become entrapped and suffocate. At least one child as died as a result of this. What should you do? Immediately stop using the crib and find a safe sleeping place for your baby. Return the crib to the place of purchase for a refund, replacement, or store credit. Drop-Side Cribs by Stork Craft (sold under Fisher Price) Date of recall: November 23rd, 2009 Nearly 2.1 million cribs Stork Craft cribs have been recalled. Of these, 147,000 were sold under the brand name of Fisher Price. The recall does not involve Stork Craft cribs that do not have a drop-side. It also does not include any cribs with metal rod drop-side hardware. It involves only those cribs with a plastic trigger and one-hand-system drop-side hardware. 37 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. The recalled Stork Craft cribs have manufacturing and distribution dates between January 1993 and October 2009. The Stork Craft cribs sold under Fisher Price were made between October 1997 and December 2004. The Fisher Price cribs were first sold in the US in July 1998 and in Canada in September 1998. They come in a wide variety of styles and finishes. The manufacture date, model number, crib name, country of origin, and the firm’s name, address and contact information can be found on the assembly instruction sheet attached to the mattress support board. The firm’s insignia, “storkcraft baby” or “storkling” is inscribed on the drop-side teething rail of some of the cribs. Those Stork Craft cribs sold under the Fisher Price label contain the Fisher Price logo on the teething rail, in the manufacturer’s instructions, and on the assembly instruction sheet attached the mattress support board. You can also find the Fisher Price logo on the end panels of the Twinkle-Twinkle and Crystal crib models. The cribs were sold at major retailers in the US and Canada including: BJ’s Wholesale Club, J.C. Penny, Kmart, Meijer, Sears, USA Baby, and Wal-Mart. They were also sold online at,,,, and They were sold from January 1993 through October 2009 for between $100 and $400. Reason for the recall: The plastic hardware on the drop-side can break, deform, or parts can become missing. The drop-side can be installed upside-down by accident, which can result in broken or disengaged plastic parts. All these problems can cause the drop-side to detach in one or more corners, creating a space in between the rail and the mattress. The bodies of infants and toddlers can become entrapped in the space and lead to suffocation. Complete detachment of the drop-side can lead to falls. There have been 110 reports of drop-side detachment. 67 of these were in the US, 43 in Canada. Of these, 15 involved entrapments (12 in US, 3 in Canada). Four of these entrapments resulted in suffocation and death: a 7-month old in New York, a 7month old in Louisiana, a 6-month old in West Virginia, and a 9-month old in New York. There were also 20 incidents of falls from the cribs (12 in US, 8 in Canada), where injuries ranged from concussion to bumps and bruises. 38 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. The cribs involved in these accidents had plastic drop-side hardware that had broken, missing, deformed claws, connectors, tracks, or flexible tab stops; loose or missing metal spring clips; stripped screws; and/or drop sides installed upside-down. What should you do? Immediately stop using these cribs and wait for the free repair kit. Do not attempt to repair without the repair kit. Find a safe alternative sleeping environment for the child. Contact Stork Craft (877-274-0277) for a free repair kit that will convert the drop-side on these cribs to a fixed side. 39 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Dorel Asia Cribs Date of recall: January 19th, 2010 About 635,000 Dorel Asia cribs are being recalled. These cribs were sold at Kmart, Sears, and Walmart nationwide from January 2005 through December 2009 for between $120 and $700 each. The following models are being recalled. Model # Front Rail Description WM1633 Drop Side 3-1 Sleigh Crib – Cherry WM1633-0 Drop Side 3-1 Sleigh Crib – Cherry (no castors) WM1676BC Fixed 4-1 Bethany James Crib – Walnut WM1676BCR-DC Fixed 2-1 Crib – Walnut WM2163 Fixed 4-1 Crib – Manhattan Walnut WM2163DC Fixed 4-1 Crib – Manhattan Walnut 40 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. WM1633-0-DC Fixed 3-1 Sleigh Crib (no castors) GP004B3EGR Drop Side 3-1 Convertible – Espresso GP004B3WGR Drop Side 3-1 Convertible – White GP006BCEGR Drop Side Single – Espresso GP006BCWGR Drop Side Single – White DA1615B3 Drop Side 3-1 Convertible Crib – Natural DAKM5132 Drop Side 3-1 Convertible Crib – White DASE5005 Drop Side Cottage Hill Single Crib – White DASE5009 Drop Side Vintage Estate 3-1 Sleigh Crib – Cherry DA0504KMC-1N Drop Side 3-1 Heritage Crib – Natural DA0504KMC-1W Drop Side 3-1 Heritage Crib – White DA1614B3 Drop Side 3-1 Lexington Crib – Cherry DAKM5152 Drop Side Single Jenny Lind Crib – Walnut DASE5015 Drop Side 3-1 Convertible – Toffee Reason for the recall: The drop side hardware can fail, causing the drop side to detach. This creates a small gap between the side and the mattress, large enough for an infant or toddler to become entrapped and suffocate. There has been one report of the death of a 6-month-old child from Cedar Rapids, Iowa who became entrapped and strangled in a crib after the drop side hardware broke. The crib continued to be used after the parents attempted to fix the hardware themselves. There have been 31 drop side incidents. In six of these, children became entrapped. Three children resulted in bruises. There has also been 36 incidents of slat breakage, including 7 with reports of bruising or scratches. What should you do? Immediately stop using these cribs, and place your infant in a different safe sleeping situation. Contact Dorel Asia (866-762-2304) for a free replacement kit. (photos on the following page) 41 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. 42 4-1 Crib – Walnut Model # WM1676BC 3-1 Sleigh Crib – Cherry Model # WM1633 & WM1633-0 3-1 Lexington Crib – Cherry Model #DA1614B3 3-1 Heritage Crib – Natural Model #DA0504KMC-1N 3-1 Heritage Crib – White Model #DA0504KMC-1W 3-1 Convertible Crib – White Model #DAKM5132 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Cottage Hill Single Crib – White Model #DASE5005 Vintage Estate 3-1 Crib – Cherry Model #DASE5009 3-1 Convertible Crib – Natural Model #DAKM1615B3 Generation 2 Worldwide and “ChildESIGNS” Drop Side Crib Brands Date of recall: February 9th, 2010 Manufacturer Generation 2 went out of business in 2005, so we have only limited information about these deadly cribs. Some of the known model numbers are: 10-110X, 10-210X, 21-110X, 20-710X, 64-315X, 26-110X, 90-257X, 20-810X, 46-715X, 64-311X, 74-315X, 21-815X, 21-810X, 20815X, 308154 and 54915. (The “X” denotes where an additional and varying number may appear at the end of the model number.) However, all Generation 2 Worldwide and “ChildESIGNS” drop side cribs are included in this recall, including those with other model numbers. The phrase “Generation 2 Worldwide” appears on a label fixed to the crib’s headboard or footboard. Some cribs have a manufacture location listed as Dothan, Ala. Others list China. The name “ChildESIGNS” can be seen on the teething rail of some of the cribs. These cribs were sold at numerous local furniture and retail stores like Buy Buy Baby, Kmart, and Walmart stores for between $60 and $160. Reason for the recall: 43 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. The crib’s plastic hardware can break, creating a gap between the drop side of the crib and the mattress. A child can be entrapped in this gap and suffocate. There have been 3 incidents where an infant suffocated when they became entrapped between the crib mattress and the drop side. o In July 2007, an 8-month-old from Newark, OH suffocated when he became entrapped between the drop side and crib mattress. The drop side had detached when the plastic stop tab on the lower rack broke. o In October 2003, an 8-month-old child from Richmond, IN suffocated when he became entrapped. The plastic hardware on the drop side was broken, allowing the drop side to detach from the headboard in one corner. o In September 2002, a 6-month-old from Staunton, VA suffocated when he became entrapped. The lower drop side track was missing two screws, allowing it to pull away from the headboard. There have also been 20 other reports of drop side incidents. 12 of these involved the drop side detaching in a corner of the crib. In 2 of these a child became entrapped. One of the children suffered bruising from the entrapment. There are 5 reports of children falling out of cribs due to drop side detachment. One child suffered a broken arm as a result of the fall. There have been 8 reports of mattress support detachment in these cribs as well. Due to the space created by the supports coming off, three children became entrapped between the crib frame and the mattress and four children crawled out of the crib. There was one report of cuts and bruises. What should you do? Call your place of purchase for a remedy. If you have a problem obtaining a remedy from your place of purchase, contact the CPSC at 800638-2772. 44 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Simplicity Brand Cribs Date of recall: April 29th, 2010 The CPSC is recalling all Simplicity full-size cribs with tubular metal mattress support frames. This recall includes fixed side AND drop-side cribs. These cribs are flawed and extremely dangerous. Do not attempt to fix these cribs. The phrases “Simplicity” or “Simplicity for Children” is printed on a label on the crib’s mattress-support frame and/or the crib’s end panels. They were sold at Walmart, Target, Babies R Us, and other stores for between $150 an $300. Reason for the recall: The crib’s tubular metal mattress-support frame can bend or detach and cause part of the mattress to collapse, creating a space where an infant or toddler could become wedged and suffocate. There was one report of a 1-year-old boy from Attleboro, MA who suffocated when he became entrapped between the crib mattress and the crib frame in April 2008. There have been 13 additional incidents involving the recalled cribs collapsing due to the metal support frame bending or detaching, including 1 child entrapment that did not result in injury, and 1 child who suffered minor cuts to his head when his mattress collapsed and he fell out of the crib. What should you do? Stop using these cribs immediately. Find a safe alternative sleeping place for your child. Contact the store where purchased for a refund, replacement, or store credit. Simplicity is no longer in business and cannot be reached for comment. 45 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Graco-Brand Drop-Side Cribs Date of recall: April 29th, 2010 This recall involves the LaJobi-built, Graco-Brand wood cribs. These full-size cribs were sold in cherry, espresso, natural, and white finishes. The production date, item number, purchase order number, and finish name can all be found printed on a label attached to the footboard or headboard. The phrase “LaJobi” and the crib model name are printed on a product sticker located on the stabilizer bar or bottom rail of the crib. See the chart below for models. Picture 46 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Name Model Numbers Ashleigh Drop Side 3280142 3280154 3280181 47 Hampton Drop Side 3080136 Jason Convertible Drop Side 3290235 3290254 3290281 Kendal Drop Side 3570170 3570181 Lauren Drop Side 3250235 3250242 3250247 3250254 3250281 3250282 3150281 3150282 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Rachel Convertible Drop Side 3300236 3300281 Sarah Drop Side 3000135 3000136 3000142 3000147 3000154 3000181 Shannon Drop Side 3010136 3010154 3010181 Tifton Drop Side 3090136 3270136 The cribs were sold at children’s product stores and other retailers from February 2007 through March 2010 for between $140 and $200. 48 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Reason for the recall: The drop side hardware can break, allowing the side to detach and creating a space where infant or toddlers can become entrapped and suffocate. There have been a total of 99 reports of the drop side failing, including hardware breakage and the drop side coming off. There were 2 incidents where children became entrapped. Both were freed by their caregivers. There were 6 reports of children falling, including one report of a mild concussion. What should you do? Immediately stop using the cribs and find a safe sleeping alternative. Contact LaJobi (888-842-2215) for a free hardware retrofit kit that will immobilize the drop side. Sorelle & Golden Baby Drop Side Crib by C&T International Date of recall: May 6th, 2010 These wooden cribs are full-sized and were sold in natural, white, and cherry finishes. The model number and/or model name is printed on a label attached to the footboard or headboard under the Caution statement. The cribs were sold at children’s product stores from January 2000 through March 2010 for between $300 and $600. Reason for the Recall: The drop-side hardware can disattach from the tracks, causing the drop-side to come partially off and creating a gap where children can become entrapped and suffocate. There have been 104 incidents of the drop-side detaching. Six infants received bruises and abrasions to the head, face, torso, or leg from becoming entrapped or falling. Five infants became entrapped but were found by their parents and were unharmed. What should you do? Stop using the cribs immediately, and find a safe alternative for your baby. Contact C&T/Sorelle (877-791-9398) for a free replacement kit. For four of the older models (Hampton, Jackie, Nina, and Rita models) the firm was unable to supply a part to repair the kit and will, instead, provide consumers with a $100 voucher towards the purchase of another C&T product. Alessandra, Model # 180 49 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Alex 3 in 1; Model # 910 50 Amelia Model # 185 Chelsea, Model # 100 Federica, Model # 170 Glenda/Toscana, Model # 350 Hampton, Model # 303 Jackie, Model # 440 Jessica, Model #801 Lana, Model #240 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Marissa, Model # 680 Leonardo, Model #395 Mirabella, Model #930 Martina, Model # 135 Nadia, Model # 245 51 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Natasha, Model # 900 Nico, Model # 630 Nina Pine, Model # 710 Noelle, Model # 999 Pagodina, Model #195 Rosa, Model # 870 Rita, Model # 490 (manufactured between 2001 and October 2007) 52 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Rosemary, Model #925 Silver, Model #485 “Crib N Double Bed” Cribs by Child Craft Date of recall: June 24th, 2010 All Child Craft cribs with the foot top dowel (which you can see in the photo below) are being recalled. This includes (but isn’t limited to) the model number F36101. The phrase “Child Craft” can be found on a label on the crib’s frame and identifies it’s manufacturing location as Salem, Indiana or New Salisbury, Indiana. These cribs were made by Child Craft Industries, a company no longer in business. The cribs were sold at Babies R Us and other stores from January 1998 and June 2009 for between $600 and $650. Reason for the recall: The crib’s stationary side can be accidently assembled upside-down, and appear to have been assembled correctly. If assembled upside-down, the crib side contains a hazardous five-inch gap at the top of the crib. This gap is an entrapment hazard. There have been 4 reports of children becoming entrapped between the dowel and the crib’s stationary front side. In two of those reports, the child was trapped by his/her head and was in danger of being strangled. In the other two reports, the child was trapped by his/her arm. This hazard can occur on the front and back sides of the crib. What should you do? 53 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Examine your crib immediately to determine whether it was assembled correctly. To do this… o Measure the gap between the front and back sides of the crib and the dowel that runs parallel to the sides. o The gap should be no more than 2 and 3/8 inches (see photos below). If the gap is greater than this, the side has been installed upside-down and needs to be re-assembled. o Another way to see if the side is upside down is to look for a barrel nut (see photo of incorrect assembly). o The nut should be at the bottom of the side, not the top. Owners of these cribs are to call Foundations Worldwide at 866-614-0557 to obtain instructions and decals to affix to the stationary sides of the crib to make sure the crib is assembled correctly in the future. More information can be made by calling Foundations above or visiting their website at Incorrect Assembly (upside down) ~ 5” space (note Barrel Nut location) 54 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Correct Assembly ~ 2” space (no Barrel Nut seen) Drop-Side Cribs by Child Craft Date of recall: June 24th, 2010 This crib recall involves the drop-side cribs manufactured by Child Craft. The phrase “Child Craft” can be found on a label located on the crib’s frame and identifies the place of manufacture as Salem, Indiana or New Salisbury, Indiana. This recall is for all drop-side cribs with the hardware pictured below and made between 2000 and 2009. The affected model numbers are…F10151, F10171, F10181, F10281, F13311, F13761, F16001, F16011, F16131, F16661, F17001, F17701, F17731, F17801, F17811, F20161, F20181, F20191, F21041, F21081, F21091, F26131, F27301, F27771, F31061, F31701, F32901, F33301, F33601, F33801, F33901, F34101, F35101. The cribs were sold at Babies R Us, Sears, Burlington Coat Factory, Target, and other stores nationwide between January 2000 and July 2009. Reason for the recall: The drop-side hardware can fail, causing the drop-side to detach from the crib or fall to the dropped position. Either situation will create a situation where an infant or toddler could become entrapped and suffocate. There have been 7 reports of the drop-side failing. In one of those reports, the child became entangled in the gap created. In another incident, a child fell out of the crib and suffered bruises on his head when the drop side disengaged. What should you do? Stop using these cribs immediately and find a safe sleeping place for your child. Do not attempt to fix these cribs. Although Foundations Worldwide did not manufacture or sell these recalled cribs (Child Craft Inc is out of business), they have agreed to provide Child Craft Owners with a rebate towards the purchase of a new fixed-sided Child Craft brand crib manufactured by Foundations Worldwide. Contact Foundations Worldwide at 866-614-0557 to request this rebate. 55 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Cribs by Delta Date of recall: June 24th, 2010 The recalled drop-side cribs by delta were sold with three different types of drop-side hardware. This recall also involves Delta cribs with wooden stabilizer bars that support the mattress platform. The cribs were sold at retail stores nationwide and on-line from January 2000 through May 2009 for between $100 and $300. For a complete list of affected models, extra photographs, models, and videos on correcting the assembly, visit and click on “Delta Recall” for June 24th, 2010. Reason for the recall: These cribs are being recalled for two separate reasons: The drop-sides can malfunction, detach, or fail and allow the drop-side to come out of position and creating a dangerous gap children can become entrapped and suffocated in. There have been 57 reports of the drop-sides malfunctioning and detaching, resulting in 3 entrapments, which include 2 incidents of bruising and one where a child fell out of the cirb. The wooden stabilizer bar on some of these cribs (and some fixed-side Delta Cribs) can be installed upside down, which puts added stress on the crib and can cause the mattress platform to collapse, creating an entrapment gap. There have been 19 reports where the stabilizer bars were installed upside down. 10 of these incidents involved the mattress platform collapsing. Two children were entrapped but freed without injury, and one sustained scratches. What should you do? For the drop-side issue, stop using immediately and contact Delta (877-342-3418) to receive a free repair kit that will immobilize the drop side. For the mattress stabilizer bar issue, inspect the crib to make sure the bar has been installed correctly, and inspect the joints of the crib for any damage. The videos at (click on Delta 6/24/10 recall) may be helpful in this. If the bar has been installed upside down, stop using immediately and contact Delta (877-342-3418) for information on how to correctly install the bar (see pictures on following page) 56 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Three types of Delta drop-side hardware Pictures of Mattress Stabilizer Bar (without mattress support bar installed) Correctly Installed Incorrectly Installed (upside down) Jenny Lind Cribs by Evenflo Date of recall: June 24th, 2010 The recalled cribs were sold at children’s product stores from January 2000 through November 2007 for around $200. The chart below lists the model names and numbers being recalled. You can locate the model number on a label on the bottom beam of the headboard. 57 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Model # Model Names 012614 Evenflo Jenny Lind Crib, Maple 0126141 Evenflo Jenny Lind Crib, Maple 012615 Evenflo Jenny Lind Crib, White 012616 Evenflo Jenny Lind Crib, Oak 012617 Evenflo Jenny Lind Crib, Natural 014614 Evenflo Jenny Lind Convertible Crib, Maple 014615 Evenflo Jenny Lind Convertible Crib, White 014616 Evenflo Jenny Lind Convertible Crib, Oak 014617 Evenflo Jenny Lind Convertible Crib, Natural 0151614 Evenflo Jenny Lind Hidden Hardware Crib, Maple 0151615 Evenflo Jenny Lind Hidden Hardware Crib, White 0151616 Evenflo Jenny Lind Hidden Hardware Crib, Oak 0151617 Evenflo Jenny Lind Hidden Hardware Crib, Natural 0161614 Evenflo Jenny Lind Hidden Hardware Crib, Maple 0161615 Evenflo Jenny Lind Hidden Hardware Crib, White 0161617 Evenflo Jenny Lind Hidden Hardware Crib, Natural Reason for the recall: The drop-sides can malfunction, creating an entrapment gap and a fall hazard. There have been 31 reports of the drop sides detaching. o One involved the entrapment of a 7-month-old boy. He sustained bumps and bruises to his head. o Nine children fell out of the crib when the drop-side detached, unlocked, or fell off. Seven of those children sustained minor injuries. 14 other incidents involved no injuries. o There have also been 2 reports of children who became entrapped when the mattress support detached in one corner of cribs made between 2000 and 2004. What should you do? Immediately stop using these cribs. Contact Evenflo (800-356-2229) to receive a free repair kit that will immobilize the drop side. There is also a free repair kit available for cribs with model number starting with 012 and 014 and made between 2000 and 2004. 58 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Visit Evenflo’s recall site at Models 012/014 Jenny Lind Crib Models 015/016 Jenny Lind Hidden Hardware Crib Jardine Drop Side Cribs Date of recall: June 24th, 2010 All Jardine drop side cribs are being recalled. The model number and date codes are in the chart below. You can find them on the labels attached to one of the end panels. Model # Description Date Code Between 0102B00 Natural Olympia Single 02/2007-11/2008 0102P00 0Black Olympia Single 04/2006 - 01/2009 0108C00WP White Capri Single 12/2007 - 12/2008 0108L00WP Antique Walnut Capri Single 12/2007 - 11/2008 0115S00 Rubbed Black Claremont Single 12/2006 - 06/2007 BC-33 Dark Pine 3-1 Convertible 01/2000 - 06/2004 BC-66 White 3-1 Convertible 09/2001 - 08/2003 DA0930B Walnut Single - DA333BC Natural Madison Single 01/2004 - 11/2004 DA616BC Dark Pine Siera 2 in 1 11/2001 - 04/2004 59 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. DA616BN Natural Siera 2 in 1 - DA618BC Natural Hampton 11/2002 - 06/2003 DA833BC Natural Madison Single 05/2005 - 08/2005 DV601BC Dark Pine Windsor Single 03/2001 - 06/2003 DV623BC Cherry Windsor Single 11/2001 - 08/2003 DV628BC White Windsor Single 02/2003 - 09/2003 The cribs were sold at Babies R Us, Toys R Us, Geoffrey Stores, and KidsWorld from January 2002 through June 2009 for between $150 and $480. Reason for the recall: The drop sides can malfunction and detach, creating an entrapment gap. There have been 47 reports of detaching drop sides. o In one of these, a child was found unconscious after becoming entrapped and was hospitalized. o Nine other reports were filed involving entrapments or fallouts that resulted in scratches and bruises, including one who sustained a broken collarbone. What should you do? Immediately stop using the cribs. Contact Jardine (800-295-1980) for a free repair kit that will immobilize the drop side. Visit Jardine’s website at 60 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Bonavita, Babi Italia, and ISSI Drop Side Cribs by LaJobi Date of recall: June 24th, 2010 All models of Bonavita, Babi Italia, and ISSI drop-side cribs manufactured by LaJobi are being recalled. The cribs have drop side hardware that contains metal or plastic pegs that are recessed into either the drop side or the headboard or footboard of the crib. There is also a label on the headboard of the crib that lists the manufacturer as LaJobi. The cribs were sold at children’s product stores from May 1999 through May 2009 for between $300 and $430. Reason for the recall: The drop side can malfunction and detach, creating an entrapment gap. There have been 40 reports of the drop sides detachinging. o In one incident, a child fell out of the crib and received a bruise. What should you do? Immediately stop using the cribs and contact LaJobi (888-738-5676) for a free repair kit that will immobilize the drop side. Visit LaJobi’s website at Million Dollar Baby, Baby Mod, and Da Vinci Drop Side Cribs Date of recall: June 24th, 2010 The name “Million Dollar Baby,” “Da Vinci,” or “Baby Mod,” along with that company’s l;ogo and the crib’s serial number can be found printed on a label on the crib’s headboard. The cribs were sold at children’s product stores nationwide from January 2000 through March 2010 for between $100 and $330. The following full-sized Million Dollar Baby (MDB), Da Vinci, and Baby Mod brand cribs with drop sides are being recalled: 61 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Drop Side Hardware Model Name Model Number(s) Sold As… Alexandria Alpha Bailey 5201 Caleb 1701 Jenny Lind Exposed Hardware Hidden Hardware 62 4191 M4191 591 M0591 Lauren 371 391 M0391 5691 4491 4001 Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Naomi 4291 Oxford 2191 Pine Canopy 3991 Sleigh 2991 Twinkle 2301 Anastasia 4801 Annabelle 5901 5940 Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Kendall W5921 Baby Mod Kirsten W5941 Leonardo 3101 Michelangelo 3401 Robin 6001 Roxanne W5941 Baby Mod Roxanne 5921 Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Serena W4801 Baby Mod © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Million Dollar Baby / Da Vinci Hardware Photo Reason for the recall: The drop sides can detach, creating an entrapment gap which can lead to suffocation or strangulation. There have been 43 reports of drop-side failures. o There were 8 reports of children becoming entrapped, resulting in 3 bruises to the head or upper body. Additionally, three children have fallen out of the crib when the drop-side failed. None were injured. What should you do? Immediately stop using these cribs and find a safe sleeping alternative. Contact Million Dollar Baby (888-673-6488) for a free repair kit that will immobilize the drop side. Visit Million Dollar Baby’s recall page at 63 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Simmons Easy Side Drop-Side Cribs Date of recall: June 24th, 2010 These cribs are called Simmons “Easy Side” Drop Side Cribs. The model numbers are… 011641; 011671; 011941; 015341; 016061; 016771; 016821; 016831; 017201 ; 017211; 017351; 018500; 018501; 018502; 018510 ; 018511; 018512; 026261; 028061; 028081; 028180; 029061; 29062; 029071; 029180; 029561; 029562; 029571; 034060; 034560; 039180; 044091; 053091; 065071; 068261; 068271; 068561; 201060; 202060; 202080; 202180; 202181; 203060; 204060; 204180; 205060; 206060; 207060; 209560; 211060; 211080; 212060; 214060; 214080; 215060; 216060; 216070; 216080; 216180; 216180; 216570; 218060; 219560; 220180; 220181; 221060; 221070; 221070; 221077; 222060; 222070; 224060; 225060; 225070; 225080; 227560; 228060; 229060; 230060; 231070; 236180; 236187; 236188; 236189; 238060; 238069; 239180; 239187; 239189; 240060; 248069; 251060; 251069; 257060; 261060; 053091A; 251060M. You may find the style numbers that go with these model numbers at The style numbers are printed on a permanent label on the headboard. The cribs were sold at children’s product stores and online from January 2002 through February 2007 for between $100 and $500. Reason for the recall: The drop sides can detach, creating an entrapment hazard that could suffocate or strangle a child. There have been 30 reports of malfunctioning drop sides. o Two children became entrapped between the drop side and the mattress but were freed without injury. o Two other children feel out of their cribs when the side malfunctioned, one of which received scratches. What should you do? Immediately stop using these cribs and find a safe sleeping alternative. Contact Simmons (877-342-3439) for a free repair kit that will immobilize the drop side. Visit their recall page at 64 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Pottery Barn Kids Drop-Side Cribs Date of recall: July 14th, 2010 All of the Pottery Barn Kids drop-side cribs are being recalled, regardless of the model number. The phrase “Pottery Barn Kids” is printed on a label attached to the crib headboard or footboard. The cribs were sold exclusively through the Pottery Barn Kids catalog, online at, and at Pottery Barn Kids retail stores from January 1999 through March 2010 for between $300 and $600. The photos below list only a few of the recalled models (ALL is a lot!). To see the complete list, visit their website at Reason for the recall: The drop sides can detach when the hardware breaks, creating an entrapment gap that can lead to a child’s suffocation or strangulation. 65 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. There have been 36 reports of the drop sides malfunctioning. o Seven children received minor injuries when they fell out of the cribs or got their legs caught between the mattress and the drop side. o One child became entrapped at the head between the drop side and the crib mattress but was freed without injury. What should you do? Immediately stop using the recalled cribs and locate a safe sleeping alternative for your baby. Inspect the hardware and make sure it is not broken. Contact Pottery Barn Kids (877-804-3847) to receive a free fixed-gate conversion kit to immobilize the drop side. 66 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. “Prescott” Fixed-Sided Cribs by Sorelle Date of recall: September 14th, 2010 These are full sized fixed-sided cribs that were sold in an oak finish as 3-in-1 or 4-in-1 convertible cribs. The phrase “Sorelle Furniture” along with the company’s address , crib’s model number, and manufacture code are printed on a label attached to the headboard or footboard. This specific recall involves only the Sorelle “Prescott” cribs sold online at between July 2009 and October 2009 for between $180 and $210. Reason for the recall: These cribs are re-labeled fixed-sided Simplicity cribs that were recalled in April 2010 due to faulty tubular metal mattress-support frames. The frames can bend or detach, causing part of the mattress to drop. That causes a space to form between the mattress and the crib where an infant could become entrapped and suffocate. In the April 2010 recall, a 1-year-old child tragically suffocated due to this flaw. There have been 29 other reports involving these Simplicity cribs There was one report of a consumer who, in April 2010 removed the Sorelle Prescott label from the crib and found a Simplicity crib label underneath. (The crib was purchased in July of 2009, before the recall occurred.) What should you do? Immediately stop using the recalled cribs and find a safe alternative sleeping place for your child. Contact Albee Baby at 877-692-5233 for a replacement crib, store credit, or refund. The original manufacturer, Simplicity, is no longer in business. Drop-Side Cribs by Alexander Designs sold at JC Penny Date of recall: October 7th, 2010 These cribs are sold exclusively at JC Penny and sold under the “Alexander Designs” brand name. the JC Penny catalog/item number can be found printed on a label on the crib’s headboard. The following models are being recalled: 67 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. Model JC Penny Item Number Alexander 3-in-1 Crib 343-8359 Alexander Classic Crib 343-8180 Alexander Sleigh Crib 343-8802 Colors Honey pine White Cherry Honey pine White Cherry White The cribs were sold through JC Penny printed catalogs and online at from March 2003 through April 2007 for about $200. Reason for the recall: The drop-side hardware can break or fall off, allowing the side to detach. This creates a fall and entrapment hazard. Other cribs manufactured by Jardine were recalled for repair on June 24, 2010. There have been 2 reports of injuries involving these cribs. In one incident, the crib had been misassembled, the plastic broke, and the drop-side rail fell unexpectedly. In the second incident, hardware failure caused the rail to detach. There have been no injuries. What should you do? Immediately stop using the cribs and find a safe alternative sleeping location for your infant. Obtain a free repair kit to immobilize the drop-side rail by calling Jardine at 800-295-1980. Get more information at 68 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time. 69 © Growing into motherhood, one day at a time.
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