יומא דף נח - Daf-A-Week


יומא דף נח - Daf-A-Week
(718) 376-9663
‫יומא דף נח‬
Dedications/Sponsorships Available
Name _________________________________
Email your completed ‫ בחינה‬to dafaweek@gmail.com or fax it to (973) 860-1661 within one week of
its release and we’ll send it back marked, ‫בל'נ‬. All scores 90 or above will receive a stipend in the form
of a gift certificate. If you prefer to mark your own test, email us or call (718) 376-9663 for a copy of
the answer key. Please write clearly and use only black ink. Any comments, suggestions or corrections
would be appreciated. Unless otherwise indicated, all questions are based on ‫גמרא\רש"י‬.
Times reviewed the ‫דף‬: _______
Please Circle One: Open ‫ גמרא‬/ Closed ‫גמרא‬
Copies of these tests can be obtained by contacting us directly at (718( 376-9663 or info@dafaweek.com or download at
www.dafaweek.com/DafAWeekTests.php. Initially, the “questions only” test will be posted. A few weeks later, we will post the
“question/answer” sheet.
This week’s test starts on ‫ עירה דם‬:‫דף נז‬
1. According to the conclusion of the ‫גמרא‬, how was the ‫ דם‬applied to the inner ‫ מזבח‬according
to …
A) ‫?רבי יאשיה‬
Answer: The blood of the ‫ פר‬is mixed with the blood of the ‫ שעיר‬and applied on the ‫קרנות המזבח‬.
B) ‫?רבי יונתן‬
Answer: First the blood of the ‫ פר‬was applied to the ‫קרנות המזבח‬, then the blood of the ‫שעיר‬.
C) Which opinion does our ‫ משנה‬follow?
Answer: Our ‫ משנה‬follows the opinion of ‫רבי יאשיה‬.
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(718) 376-9663
‫יומא דף נח‬
Dedications/Sponsorships Available
Name _________________________________
‫וכפר אהרן על קרנתיו אחת בשנה מדם חטאת הכפרים אחת בשנה יכפר עליו לדרתיכם קדש קדשים הוא לד' (שמות‬
)‫ט‬:‫ (ויקרא כ‬.‫כי איש איש אשר יקלל את אביו ואת אמו מות ימת אביו ואמו קלל דמיו קלל‬
2. From where in the abovementioned ‫ פסוקים‬do we learn that a child is liable if he curses his
father and not his mother, or his mother and not his father according to …
A) ‫?רבי יאשיה‬
Answer: From the words ‫ אביו ואמו קלל‬at end of the ‫ פסוק‬which seem to be a repetition of the
words ‫יקלל את אביו ואת אמו‬. ‫ רבי יאשיה‬learns that one is liable even if he cursed only one of his
B) ‫?רבי יונתן‬
Answer: The ‫ ו‬in the word ‫ ואת‬in the phrase ‫ יקלל את אביו ואת אמו מות ימת‬without the word ‫יחדיו‬
by default means either cursing ones ‫ אביו‬or ‫אמו‬.
3. What does ‫ רבי יונתן‬learn from the word ‫ אחת‬in ‫י‬:‫?פסוק שמות ל‬
Answer: ‫ רבי יונתן‬learns from the word ‫ אחת‬that both the blood of the ‫ פר‬and the blood of the ‫שעיר‬
may only be applied once on the four ‫ קרנות‬of the ‫מזבח‬.
4. ‫ מין במינו חוצץ או אינו חוצץ‬,‫בעא מיניה רמי בר חמא מרב חסדא הניח מזרק בתוך מזרק וקבל בו את הדם מהו‬.
How does ‫ רב חסדא‬try and answer ‫ רמי בר חמא‬from our ‫ משנה‬and why was this proof ultimately
Answer: Our ‫ משנה‬said that after pouring the blood of the ‫ פר‬into the ‫ מזרק‬of the ‫ שעיר‬that, ‫נתן את‬
‫המלא בריקן‬. ‫ רב חסדא‬initially understood this to mean that the full ‫ מזרק‬of the ‫ שעיר‬was put into
the empty ‫ מזרק‬of the ‫פר‬, proving that ‫מין שבמינו אינו חוצץ‬. The ‫ גמרא‬rejects this proof, for the
‫ משנה‬really means that after the blood of the ‫ פר‬was poured into the ‫ מזרק‬of the ‫שעיר‬. The mixture
was then poured from the ‫ שעיר מזרק‬back into the empty ‫פר מזרק‬. This was done so that the
bloods would be thoroughly mixed.
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(718) 376-9663
‫יומא דף נח‬
Dedications/Sponsorships Available
Name _________________________________
5. The ‫ גמרא‬then tried to prove from the ‫משנה‬, ):‫היה עומד על גבי כלי או על רגל חבירו פסול (זבחים טו‬.
How did the ‫ גמרא‬try and answer ‫’רמי בר חמא‬s question from this ‫ משנה‬and why was this proof
Answer: The ‫ משנה‬says that a ‫ כהן‬is not allowed to stand on the feet of other ‫כהנים‬, because the
‫’כהן‬s feet must be directly on the floor of the ‫בית המקדש‬. We therefore see that other ‫’כהנים‬s feet
constitute a ‫ חציצה‬to the feet of a ‫ כהן‬even though it is ‫מין במינו‬. Therefore we should similarly
prohibit putting one ‫ כלי שרת‬into a second one because the second ‫ כלי שרת‬would constitute a
‫חציצה‬. The ‫ גמרא‬rejects this proof for perhaps standing on a fellow ‫’כהן‬s feet is different than
holding the ‫ מזרק‬in a second ‫מזרק‬. In the case of a ‫ כהן‬standing on his fellow ‫’כהן‬s feet, ‫לא מצי‬
‫מבטיל ליה‬, we cannot assume that the ‫ כהן‬will remain on his friend’s feet for the entire ‫עבודה‬. By
the ‫מזרק‬, we can assume the outer ‫ מזרק‬is ‫ בטל‬to the inner one and will remain there for the entire
6. The ‫ גמרא‬had a second version of what ‫ רמי בר חמא‬asked ‫רב חסדא‬. Is receiving blood in a ‫מזרק‬
‫ בתוך מזרק‬considered ‫ דרך שירות‬or not. How did the ‫ גמרא‬answer this? (explain)
Answer: The ‫ גמרא‬says that this is considered ‫דרך שירות‬. The ‫ גמרא‬learns this from the ‫פסוק‬, ‫את‬
)‫יב‬:‫כל כלי השרת אשר ישרתו בם בקדש (במדבר ד‬. The word ‫כלי‬, plural, indicates that multiple ‫כלים‬
can be used for ‫השרת‬, singular, one ‫עבודה‬.
7. ‫בעא מיניה רמי בר חמא מרב חסדא סיב בותך המזרק וקבל בו את הדם מהו‬. What were the two sides to
‫’רמי בר חמא‬s question and how did ‫ רב חסדא‬answer?
Answer: This case is ‫ מין בשאינו מינו‬which should be ‫חוצץ‬. The issue here is whether a ‫סיב‬, since
it is porous, perhaps it would not be considered a ‫חציצה‬. ‫ רב חסדא‬proved from a ‫ משנה‬in ‫ג‬:‫פרה ו‬
regarding ‫ מי חטאת‬of the ‫ פרה אדומה‬that if there was a sponge in the ‫שוקת‬, hollowed stone used for
the preparation of the ‫מי חטאת‬, the water in the sponge is invalid, however, the sponge is not ‫חוצץ‬.
So too the ‫ סיב‬with blood is not ‫חוצץ‬.
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(718) 376-9663
‫יומא דף נח‬
Dedications/Sponsorships Available
Name _________________________________
8. Does the ‫ גמרא‬accept ‫’רב חסדא‬s answer? (explain both versions)
Answer: The first version distinguishes between water and blood. Therefore, while the sponge with
water is not considered a ‫חציצה‬, the ‫ סיב‬with blood, which is thicker, would be a ‫חציצה‬. The ‫איכא‬
‫ דאמרי‬does not distinguish between blood and water.
9. List two differences between the ‫ תנא קמא‬and ‫ רבי אליעזר‬for our ‫ משנה‬regarding the ‫ מתנות דם‬on
the inner ‫?מזבח‬
Answer: 1) The ‫ תנא קמא‬had the ‫ כהן גדול‬physically walk from corner to corner while ‫רבי אליעזר‬
has the ‫ כהן גדול‬stand on the south east corner and with his hand reached over to each of the
corners. 2) The ‫ תנא קמא‬said that the blood was applied on all four corners with a downward
motion while ‫ רבי אליעזר‬said that for each corner, the blood was applied with an upward motion
except for the south east corner (where the ‫ כהן גדול‬was standing) which was applied in a
downward motion.
10. Regarding ‫ הזאת הדם‬on the ‫ פרוכת‬by ‫ יום כיפור‬the ‫ פסוק‬says, ‫ויצא אל המזבח אשר לפני ד' וכפר עליו‬
)‫יח‬:‫ולקח מדם הפר ומדם השעיר ונתן על קרנות המזבח סביב (ויקרא טז‬. There is another time where
there is a ‫ מצוה‬to do ‫ הזאה‬on the ‫פרוכת‬. That is by the ‫ קרבן‬of ‫ פר הבא על כל המצוות‬which the ‫כהן‬
‫ גדול‬brings if he inadvertently transgressed because of a faulty ruling by a sin that is
punishable with ‫כרת‬. Regarding ‫ פר הבא על כל המצוות‬the ‫ פסוק‬says ‫ונתן הכהן מן הדם על קרנות‬
‫מזבח קטרת הסמים לפני ד' אשר באהל מועד ואת כל דם הפר ישפך אל יסוד מזבח העולה אשר פתח אהל מועד‬
)‫ז‬:‫(ויקרא ד‬. What difference does our ‫ גמרא‬tell us between these two ‫ הזאות‬and from where in
these ‫ פסוקים‬is this learned?
Answer: For the ‫ זריקה‬of ‫יום כיפור‬, the ‫ כהן‬stands between the ‫ מזבח‬and the ‫פרוכת‬. We learn, from
the phrase ‫ויצא אל המזבח‬, that after the ‫הזאה‬, the ‫ כהן גדול‬leaves the area of the ‫מזבח‬. We can
deduce from this that during the ‫ הזאה‬he was in the area of the ‫מזבח‬, between the ‫ מזבח‬and the
‫פרוכת‬. By ‫פר הבא על כל המצוות‬, the ‫ כהן‬stands past the ‫ מזבח‬and does ‫ הזאה‬towards the ‫פרוכת‬.
This is learned from the phrase '‫מזבח קטרת הסמים לפני ד‬, the ‫ מזבח‬is before '‫ ד‬but the ‫ כהן‬is not
before '‫ד‬, but rather past the ‫מזבח‬.
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(718) 376-9663
‫יומא דף נח‬
Dedications/Sponsorships Available
Name _________________________________
11. In what order did the ‫ כהן גדול‬apply the blood on the four corners of the ‫מזבח פנימי‬, according
A) ‫?רבי עקיבא‬
Answer: Southeast, southwest, northwest, northeast
B) ‫?רבי יוסי הגלילי‬
Answer: Northeast, northwest, southwest, southeast
12. The ‫ גמרא‬points out that the starting point according to both ‫ רבי עקיבא‬and ‫ רבי יוסי הגלילי‬is
counterintuitive. What was counterintuitive about the starting point and why, in fact, did they
use this as a starting point?
Answer: The ‫ כהן גדול‬came to the ‫ מזבח פנימי‬from the west. One would have thought that he
should start from the western side. Both ‫ רבי עקיבא‬and ‫ רבי יוסי הגליל‬said that the ‫ כהן גדול‬passed
the western side and started applying the blood on the eastern side. They learned this from the ‫פסוק‬,
‫ויצא אל המזבח‬, which teaches us that the ‫ כהן גדול‬should totally pass the ‫ מזבח‬before applying the
13. Regarding the ‫ים שעשה שלמה‬, the ‫ פסוק‬says: ‫עומד על שנים עשר בקר שלשה פנים צפונה ושלושה פנים‬
)‫ימה ושלשה פנים נגבה ושלשה פנים מזרחה והים עליהם מלמעלה וכל אחריהם ביתה (דברי הימים ב ד ד‬. What
did ‫ רמי בר יחזקאל‬learn from this ‫ פסוק‬and how did he learn it?
Answer: ‫שכל פינות שאתה פונה לא יהו אלא דרך ימין‬, that all turns a person should take, should be
towards the right. He learns this from the order that the ‫ פסוק‬lists the supporting ‫ – בקר‬north, west,
south, east, which is counter-clockwise, to the right.
Please feel free to add any questions/answers and/or ‫ הערות‬on the back:
As a follow up to Rabbi Goldhar’s lecture on remembering the ‫דף‬, Please list a few headlines of
the key ‫ סוגיות‬from this week’s ‫ דף‬in a concise manner. We hope to share these ideas with the
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