„Atmospheric Correction“
„Atmospheric Correction“
2011/11/30 NOWPAP / PICES / WESTPAC Joint Training Course on Remote Sensing Data Analysis Introduction and recent progress in ocean color remote sensing part II: Correction of the influence of the atmosphere in Ocean Colour RS Roland Doerffer Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht Institute of Coastal Research roland.doerffer@hzg.de Space Shuttle 335 km 20060720 , NASA „Atmospheric Correction“ • • Goal: to determine the water leaving radiance or water leaving radiance reflectance from top of atmosphere (TOA) radiances or reflectances The following quantities have to be determined: – Path radiance of the atmosphere – Transmittance of solar flux through the atmosphere – Transmittance of the radiance at the bottom of atmosphere (BOA) to the satellite – Solar light which is reflected at the water surface • Direct: sun glint • After scattering in the atmosphere: reflected sky light • • Normalisation of the reflectance, i.e. recomputation of the bi-directional reflectance for a sun in zenith and nadir viewing direction Further problem is the adjacency effect: sun light, which is reflected by a bright target in the neighbourhood of the water surface and which is then scattred by the atmosphere into the sensor 1 2011/11/30 Basic principles of Water Color RS sensor sun air molecules aerosols gases - atmospheric scattering and absorption suspended particles phytoplankton pigment gelbstoff - reflection and refraction - scattering and absorption by water and its constituents - bottom reflection Light paths to the sensor the satellite observes both the ocean and the atmosphere NASA SeaDAS Training Material 2 2011/11/30 Optical Thickness, Transmittance, Angstrom • • • • Beam Transmittance T = Iz /I0 Extinction tau = -log(T), T = exp(- ) T = exp(- /cos()) Aerosol Optical Thickness AOT = ae TOA • Angstrom coefficient: – Alpha = log(1 / 2) / log(1 / 2) BOA Solar Spectrum 1 Composition of earth atmosphere: • 78.09% nitrogen • 20.95% oxygen, • 0.247% water vapor (variable) • 0.93% argon • 0.038% carbon dioxide • traces of hydrogen, helium, methane, ozone etc. • Gases cause scattering and absorption • Areas with no absorption are called windows • Aerosols: • Salt cristals • Dust from deserts • Soot • Vulcanic ash 3 2011/11/30 Solar Spectrum 2 Atmospheric Transmission Solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere and the actual radiation at sea level which has been reduced due to absorption by atmospheric gases. The dashed curve is a blackbody at 5900K for comparison with the solar curve outside the earth's atmosphere 4 2011/11/30 Solar Flux at TOA (Thullier) Solar flux by Thullier 2500 irradiance [W m-2 µm] 2000 1500 1000 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 wavelength [nm] Downwelling irradiance Downwelling irrradiance Poseidon, 05/15/98 Sta 50 1400 1300 irrradiance [W m-2 µ m-1] 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 400 500 600 700 lambda [nm] 800 900 5 2011/11/30 Aerosol Optical Properties 1.80E+00 1.60E+00 1.40E+00 norm. scattering 1.20E+00 conti mari99 strato urba50 sun glint 1.00E+00 8.00E-01 6.00E-01 4.00E-01 2.00E-01 0.00E+00 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 wavelength 6 2011/11/30 Annual variation of the Aerosol optical depth 500nm Frequency of occurrences for Angstrom parameter 440_870 7 2011/11/30 Cosine effect transmission air-water Snell‘s Law sin a nw sin w na nw = 1.34 8 2011/11/30 Specular reflectance Fresnel‘s Equation for unpolarized light 1 sin 2 ( w ) tan 2 ( a w ) r 2 a 2 sin a w tan 2 a w Remote Sensing Reflectance For comparison with the satellite-sensed signal, it is needed to consider the above-surface remote-sensing reflectance which is the ratio of the upwelling radiance to the downwelling irradiance just above the sea surface RRS , , j, 0 + ) = Lu , , j, 0 + ) / Ed , 0 + ). The subsurface upwelling radiance Lu(0 - ) passing through the sea surface decreases due to reflection and refraction; the above-surface downwelling irradiance passing through the sea surface decreases due to reflection but it is augmented due to internal reflection of the subsurface upward flux from the sea surface Lu (0 + ) = (t- /n 2 Lu (0 - ); dW Ed (0 - ) = t+ Ed (0 + )/(1- R)× RRS = (t- t+ /n 2 rRS /(1- R); RRS = z rRS /(1- G rRS ); dW/n2 z= t- t+ /n 2 ×; G = Q. For nadir viewing: z 0.518, G 1.562, (Lee et al. 1998). 9 2011/11/30 Radiances at Top of Atmosphere (TOA) 45 40 35 W m-2 sr-1 µm-1 30 25 Lray 20 15 10 Laer Lwat 5 0 400 450 500 550 600 wavelength nm 650 700 750 The composition of the Radiance Spectrum at Top of Atmosphere Contribution of Lwat, Laer and Lray to Ltoa 1 Relative contribution to TOA radiance 0.9 Lray 0.8 relative contribution 0.7 water leaving radiance: Lw 0.6 0.5 0.4 aerosol path radiance: Laer Laer 0.3 0.2 Rayleigh path radiance: Lray Lwat 0.1 0 400 450 500 550 600 wavelength nm 650 700 750 10 2011/11/30 Ocean color the atmosphere is 80-90% of the total top-of-atmosphere signal in bluegreen wavelengths (400-600 nm) ~1% error in instrument calibration or atmospheric model leads to ~10% error in Lw() NASA SeaDAS Training Material Effects of the atmosphere gaseous absorption (ozone, water vapor, oxygen) Rayleigh scattering by air molecules Mie scattering and absorption by aerosols (haze, dust, pollution) polarization (MODIS response varies with polarization of signal) Rayleigh (80-85% of total signal) Aerosols (0-10% of total signal) • small molecules compared to nm wavelength, scattering efficiency decreases with wavelength as -4 • particles comparable in size to the wavelength of light, scattering is a complex function of particle size • reason for blue skies and red sunsets • whitens or yellows the sky • can be accurately approximated for a given atmospheric pressure and geometry (using a radiative transfer code) • significantly varies and cannot be easily approximated NASA SeaDAS Training Material 11 2011/11/30 Spectral Attenuation of Water Constituents 3 2.5 k m-1 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 wavelength nm 700 750 800 Diffuse attenuation k for pure water, chlorophyll (30µg/l), sus. matter (50 mg/l), gelbstoff Bands for atmospheric correction Ltoa over water with high SPM and gelbstoff concentration 70 MERIS FR 20030416, x=589, y=194, Elbe/Oste radiance L [W m^^-^2 sr^-^1 µm^-^1} 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 wavelength [nm] 750 800 850 900 12 2011/11/30 Atmospheric correction TOA gas pol glint whitecap air aerosol td() Lw() = Lt() / tg() / fp() - TLg() - tLf() - Lr() - La() brdf Sun nLw() = Lw() fb() / td0() 0 f0 But, we need aerosol to get Lw() Lw(=NIR) ≈ 0 and can be estimated (model extrapolation from VIS) in waters where Chl is the primary driver of Lw() NASA SeaDAS Training Material Magnitudes of Lw(NIR Lw(NIR) ≠ 0 (turbid or highly productive water) Lw(NIR) = 0 (clear water) NASA SeaDAS Training Material 13 2011/11/30 Aerosol determiniation in visible wavelengths Given retrieved aerosol reflectance at two , and a set of aerosol models fn(,0,). = L F0 · 0 a(748) & a(89) model a(NIR) as(NIR) (748,89) = (,89) = as(748) as(89) as() as(89) (748,89) NASA SeaDAS Training Material Iterative correction for non-zero Lw(NIR) (1) assume Lw(NIR) = 0 (2) compute La(NIR) (3) compute La(VIS) from La(NIR) (4) compute Lw(VIS) (5) estimate Lw(NIR) from Lw(VIS) + model (6) repeat until Lw(NIR) stops changing iterating up to 10 times NASA SeaDAS Training Material 14 2011/11/30 Level-2 ocean color processing (1) determine atmospheric and surface contributions to total radiance at TOA and subtract, iterating as needed. (2) normalize to the condition of Sun directly overhead at 1 AU and a nonattenuating atmosphere (nLw or Rrs = nLw/F 0). (3) apply empirical or semi-analytical algorithms to relate the spectral distribution of nLw or Rrs to geophysical quantities. (4) assess quality (set flags) at each step NASA SeaDAS Training Material Case 2 water reflectance spectra (simulations) Case 1 High absorption Low scattering Clear case 2 High absorption high scattering 15 2011/11/30 Strange Spectra producing negative reflectances MERIS FR 20030416 0.06 RL_toa RL_tosa RL_path RLw_bread 0.05 RL [sr-1] 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 wavelength [nm] 750 800 850 900 Main Problems • Atmospheric correction often not sufficient for all 9 bands • Partly bands 1-2 negativ, or bands 7,8,9 noisy (in case 1 water) Algal_1 • Result: 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 -0.005 400 – Noise in data – Wrong ys or chl data Algal_2 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 16 2011/11/30 Design of a Model Atmosphere direct calc. Model Atmosphere Ozone variable Rayleigh variable Eotoa Ltoa stratosphere TOA Eotosa TOSA Ltosa MC calculation Cirrus troposphere with fixed continental aerosol planetary boundary layer variable aerosol maritime, urban Edboa Lboa water with scattering particles BOA Attenuation coefficients of boundary layer aerosols extinction coefficients for urba50 and m ari99 aerosols 2.0 m ari99 urba50 c norm at 550 nm 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 wavelength nm Attenuations coefficients of maritime and urban aerosols, normalized at 550 nm. The maritime aerosol has an angstroem coefficient of – 0.065, the urban aerosol of - 2.15 17 2011/11/30 Variables of the atmosphere Aerosol Layer [km] Optical thickMax mean ness at 550 nm extinction at 550 nm [km-1] maritime (99 % rel. hum.) 0 - 3 km 0 - 0.6 0.2 urban (45% rel. hum.) 0 - 3 km 0 - 0.6 0.2 continental 2-12 0 – 0.6 0.165 cirrus 8-11 0 - 0.6 0.2 12-50 0 - 0.003 0.0000625 stratosphere max. optical thickness 0.6 Max optical thickness at 550 nm: 0.6 Wind speed 0 – 8 m/s Angström Coefficient Aerosol Optical Properties used for NN Training data set Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) at 550 nm 18 2011/11/30 Sun glint problem: Hawai 20030705 Cross section Hawai scene radiance_9 [mW/(m^2*sr*nm)] 200 180 160 140 120 radiance_9 [mW/(m^2*sr*nm)] 100 80 60 40 20 -160 -158 -156 -154 -152 -150 -148 0 -146 longitude (deg) 19 2011/11/30 No glint and high glint TOA reflectance spectra M ERIS spectra for no sun glint with RL_toa band 865 < 0.004 M ERIS spectra for sun glint with RL_toa band 865 > 0.06 0.08 0.085 0.07 0.080 0.06 0.075 RL_toa [sr-1] 0.04 0.070 0.03 0.065 0.02 0.060 0.01 0.00 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 0.055 400 900 450 500 550 wavelength [nm ] 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 wavelength [nm ] Simulated Rayleigh path radiance reflectance and sun glint radiance reflectance 0.04 nadir view 0.035 sun zenith 20 deg wind 3 m/s 0.03 Radiance refelctance [sr-1] RL_toa [sr-1] 0.05 Rayleigh path radiance 0.025 0.02 sun glint 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 wavelength [nm] 20 2011/11/30 NN for atmospheric correction – 3rd version in C2R and Glint processor Input Output RLtosa 12 bands Tau_aerosol 412, 550, 778, 865 Sun_glint ratio a_tot, b_tot sun zenith view zenith azimuth diff Neural Network MERIS band 1-9 Trans tosa-surface [Opt. Wind] Path radiance reflectance RLw errcode RLw(,) =Lw (,) /Ed Training of a neural network for atmospheric correction Atmosphere -optical model 1 Bio -optical model 7 NNforward water (based on Hydrolight simulations ) RLw 9 12 Transmittance L_up 5 MC code 2 RLpath_noglint RLpath_glint Ed_boa Tau_aerosole RLpath Ed_boa Tau_aerosole 4 6 Optional Polarisation correction 8 Selection Max sunglint Max tau_aerosol Min. Rlw(560) Etc. 10 RLtosa RLpath Ed_boa RLw Tau_aerosole Training & Test data set 13 11 21 2011/11/30 MERIS 20070429 Standard AC Algal_2 C2R full spek AC Algal_2 Radiance reflectance: TOA, path, RLw MERIS RR 20030422 pix 864 line 253 lat 54.477386 lon 7.5852623 0.06 0.05 RL_toa RL_tosa RL_path RLw_bread foam 0.00 RL [sr-1] 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 wavelength [nm] 750 800 850 900 22 2011/11/30 TOA Radiance reflectance RLw RGB Shetland Path radiance at 550 nm Shetland 23 2011/11/30 C2R Chlorophyll (MERIS FR) 100 km Shetland MERIS full resolution: Baltic and North Sea, 20080606 Stockhom Sun glint Oslo Baltic Sea North Sea Sun glint Copenhagen Spatial resolution: 300 m Hamburg Swath: 1200 km, 4800 pixel 24 2011/11/30 Water leaving radiance reflectance Path radiance reflectance incl. Sun glint band 5 (560 nm) 25 2011/11/30 Water leaving radiance reflectance band 5 (560 nm) MERIS FR, Area of Gotland, TOA RLw RGB Stockholm Estonia sunglint Lettland Ca. 100 km Gotland Baltic Sea 26 2011/11/30 Water leaving radiance reflectance RGB Gotland Ca. 100 km Black Sea MERIS RR May 12 2007 Azovskoe More Dnipro Krim Danube Sun glint Full swath RR 1200 m RL_toa Istanbul 27 2011/11/30 Path radiance reflectance band 5 (560 nm) MERIS RR 20070512 water leaving radiance reflectance Azovskoe More Dnipro Danube Krim Istanbul 28 2011/11/30 Total Suspended Matter Chlorophyll distribution 29 2011/11/30 MERIS 20070429 LTOA RGB C2R AGC Path radiance reflectance band 5 30 2011/11/30 Water leaving radiance reflectance band 5 MERIS 20070505: TOA reflectances RGB New York 31 2011/11/30 reflectance RLpath MERIS band 5 (560 nm) reflectance RLw MERIS band 5 (560 nm) 32 2011/11/30 Chlorophyll MERIS FR USA East Coast 12.6.2008, Signal depth z90 Philadelphia Chesapeake Bay Washington North Atlantic 33
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