The Railway in Focus The Danish Rail Sector Association
The Railway in Focus The Danish Rail Sector Association
The Railway in Focus The Danish Rail Sector Association Background • Until 15 years ago most knowledge about railways was rooted in DSB • The railway 6 years ago: – Fragmentation (responsibility, objects and competence) – Competition (more operators, increased tendering of technical railway projects) – Lack of education—and no common place for education – High average age for employees • Many future investments in railway infrastructure Background • More engineers would be needed in the future. • Desired accession of 45-50% in 2009 • The future today: • Approx. 60 billion DKK are invested in railways the next 10 years • 500 new engineers are needed. The future Electrification Decision Design Construction/delivery Test End of project New trains Copenhagen-Ringsted Fehmern Belt(including Rg-Rf) Suburban railway lines The signalling programme Long distance railway lines Copenhagen metro Re-establishment of track quality Today 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 History of BaneBranchen • Founded Febuary 28, 2008 • The foundation for the railway education was laied in 2008 • Introductory course was offered • The first railway conference was held in 2009 • The first network meeting for members was held in 2009 The railway education at DTU today • Establish 4 PhD positions – build up an academic environment, gather knowledge at DTU and education of students • 2 years master study (opportunity for PhD afterwards) 13125 Rail Traffic Engineering 5 ETCS 13111/13321/13511 Geometric Highway Design 5 ETCS 13128 Signalling Technology on Railways 10 ETCS 13127 Rolling stock 13126 Railway Design and Maintenance 10 ETCS Other core courses Other relevant courses Master project within railways (30-50 ETCS) 5 ETCS The future – Education • Create an interest in the railway sector at the gymnasiums • Extended cooperation with universities abroad (e.g. Aachen, Braunschweig, Dresden, ETH Zürich, KTH Stockholm, Imperial College London etc.) • Extended cooperation with other departments at DTU • More railway research • Supplementary training HOW? A Virtual Railway Centre THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION QUESTIONS? HANNE NYBO JOHANSEN HANNE.NYBO.JOHANSEN@ATKINSGLOBAL.COM WWW.BANEBRANCHEN.DK 1 Railway Education at NTNU (and in the nordic) present and future Elias Kassa Department of Civil and Transport Engineering e-mail: Banekonference, 14 May 2014 2 content • Ordinary master programme • Experience-based master programme (Erfaringsbasert master i Jernbane) – Teaching methods – Specialisations – Possible new extensions • Nordic Railway master programme – Visions – Plan • Future NTNU’s Railway Research and Education centre • Discussion 3 Education at different levels PhD/ Post doc • Research Master • • Specialisation Research / Experience-based Bachelor • Fundamental knowledge • provide fundamental knowledge • make ready students for the available market • consult the industry to get the actual demand • continuous improvement of the course and programme 4 Specialisations within the study line «Road, transport and geomatic» at NTNU • Road and Transport • Geomatic • Railway (from 2014) 5 Railway Specialisation for the ordinary programme 1. Semester H2014 2. Semester V2015 3rd. year • TBA4201 - Highway and Environment (Veg og miljø) 4th. • TBA4225 – Railway year Engineering (Jernbaneteknikk) • TBA4853 - Experts in Teamwork - Punctual and Efficient Rail System (Punktlig og effektiv jernbane) 5th. • TBA 4222 Advanced Railway year Design (Avansert jernbaneteknikk) • TBA Railway main project (Jernbane, fordypningsprosjekt) • TBA Railway master thesis (Jernbane, masteroppgave) 6 Other elective courses • TBA4100 - Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology • TBA4291 - Transport Analysis • TBA4275 - Dynamic Response to Irregular Loadings • TKT4201 - Structural Dynamics • TKT4180 - Structural Mechanics - Computational Methods • TKT4145 - Finite Element Methods in Engineering Science 7 Why railway specialisation? • Very high demand for railway professionals 8 Nasjonal Transport Plan 9 Experience based (EB) master in Railway • Master’s degree 90 sp • Part-time (50 %) - 3 study year • Based on bachelor degree and 2 years experience • All courses have 7,5 sp • To utilise the practical experience with theoretical background 10 EB master Railway • The 8 courses each with 7,5 SP costs 18 000 NOK • Master thesis 30 SP costs 35 000 NOK • It is possible to select single course, or possible to register for the whole programme • Last day to apply for individual courses is 15. Nov for vårsemester, and 15. June for høstsemester. • Last day to apply for the master programme is 1 May. But if you/your colleagues are interested, take a contact with as soon as possible • For further information see: 11 Experience based master Railway Teaching method • 2 gatherings each with 4 days pr. 7,5 ETCS • Lecture, exercise, discussion and problem solution in group and individual • Most part of the study is self-study • Minimum three weeks between the two gatherings for self-study • Examination two weeks after the last gathering 12 Overview over EB master program Masteroppgave 30 sp Master i Jernbane med spesialiseringsprofil i Valgemner/ Prosjektoppgave for hovedpropfilen 3 valgbare hovedprofiler på 30 sp Elektro Signal Bane /Trafikk Kontaktledningsanlegg Signal- og sikringsanlegg 1 Sporgeometri & sporteknikk EMC, El.magn. sameksistens Punktlighet & Kapasitet Elektrisk Traktionsteknik Signal- og sikringsanlegg 2 Punktlighet & Kapasitet EMC, El.magn. sameksistens Sporvedlikehold Punktlighet & kapasitet Prosjektoppgave, eller valgbart emne Geoteknikk 1+2 Prosjektering av bruer Prosjektledelse Basismodul til sammen 30 sp 2 obl. Felles m/veg Kostnader & nytte av samferdselsanlegg Strat.plan. Infrastru. Grunnleggende Jernbanetekn. Sikkerhet & vedlikh.styring Prosjektoppgave 13 EB master program Specialisation: signalling 3. studieår TK6010 Masteroppgave TK6100 2. ET6007 Signal- og studieår EMC, Elektromagnetis- sikringsanlegg 1 30 sp k sameksistens i TK6105 BA6055 Signal- og sikringsanlegg 2 Punktlighet og kapasitet BA6051 PK6024 BA6052 Kostnader og nytte av samferdselsanlegg Sikkerhet og vedlikehold Strategisk planlegging av infrastruktur jernbaneanlegg 1. BA6012 studieår Grunnleggende jernbaneteknikk 30 sp HØSTSEMESTER Kontakt: Tor Onshus: Ida Knutsen: VÅRSEMESTER 14 EB master program Specialisation: elektro 3. studieår ET6100 Masteroppgave ET6011 2. ET6007 Elektrisk studieår EMC, Elektromagnetis traktionteknikk 30 sp k sameksistens i KT6002 BA6055 Kontaktlednings- Punktlighet og anlegg kapasitet jernbaneanlegg 1. BA6012 studieår Grunnleggende jernbaneteknikk 30 sp BA6051 PK6024 BA6052 Kostnader og nytte av samferdselsanlegg Sikkerhet og vedlikehold Strategisk planlegging av infrastruktur HØSTSEMESTER VÅRSEMESTER Kontakt: Hans K. Høidalen: Ida Knutsen: 15 EB master program Specialisation: track/traffic BA6903 Masteroppgave 3. studieår BA6056 2. BA6053 studieår Sporgeometri og Prosjektoppgave sporteknikk (eller valgbart 30 sp emne) BA6054 (Drift og) Sporvedlikehold Punktlighet og kapasitet 1. BA6012 studieår Grunnleggende jernbaneteknikk 30 sp BA6051 PK6024 BA6052 Kostnader og nytte av samferdselsanlegg Sikkerhet og vedlikehold Strategisk planlegging av infrastruktur HØSTSEMESTER Kontakt: Elias Kassa: Ida Knutsen: BA6055 VÅRSEMESTER 16 EB master program Specialisation: track/traffic • Basics railway system engineering – common for all • Track geometry and technology – a core part of the specialisation focusing on design (geometry and structural) and construction of track forces and the interaction with the rolling stock • Operation and maintenance – focusing on the infrastructure management from the operation and maintenance views 17 Possibilities for future extension • Possible to divide Track/Traffic in two specialisations: – Track technology – Traffic planning and modelling • New specialisation: Rolling stock Major courses: – Rail Vehicle Technology – Rail Vehicle Dynamics and Control 18 Possibilities for future extension Specialisation: Rolling Stock 3. studieår xxxx Masteroppgave 2. xxxx Rail Vehicle studieår Technology 30 sp 1. BA6012 studieår Grunnleggende jernbaneteknikk 30 sp xxxx KT6002 BA6055 Vehicle Dynamics & Kontaktlednings- Punktlighet og Control anlegg kapasitet BA6051 PK6024 BA6052 Kostnader og nytte av samferdselsanlegg Sikkerhet og vedlikehold Strategisk planlegging av infrastruktur HØSTSEMESTER VÅRSEMESTER 19 Demand for research and PhD study • There is a strong need for recruitment of researchers and Ph.D students! we need to develop a master programme within railway specialisation 20 Nordic railway master - initiative • Strong interst to develop a joint programme among four universities in Sweden, Norway and Denmark • To create a strong joint force among the Nordic universities • To attract more students from the Nordic countries, and to motivate young and talented students – Possibility to specialise in track/traffic/signal/rolling stock 21 Nordic Railway master - plans Nordic Railway Master from 2016 – Joint degree Specialisation 1 Specialisation 2 Traffic planning & Track Engineering Traffic Technology Specialisation 3 Rolling stock Specialisation 4 Electric power system Specialisation 5 Signal systems and control Graduation Sem. 4 Sem. 3 NTNU/LU Thesis NTNU/DTU Thesis KTH/DTU Thesis NTNU/KTH Thesis KTH/LU Thesis NTNU Courses DTU Courses KTH Courses KTH Courses KTH Course Internship/Trainees Sem. 2 Sem. 1 LU Courses KTH Courses DTU Courses NTNU Courses NTNU Courses NTNU Courses NTNU Courses LU Courses LU Courses DTU Courses 22 The future NTNU Railway technology excellence centre (RailTEC) (research and education) Applied research • A platform for railway research •Industry initiated research and education at the national and •EU, NRC, UIC research international level • Academic and research partner to the rail sector RailTEC • A center to develop and exchange new knowledge and competence; develop network Master education and cooperation • Experience-based • Ordinary programme • Nordic master • Professional development Research studies • PhD studies • Post-Doc research • Master thesis 23 Contact us at Road, Transport and Geometic (VTG) group if you are interested in master and main project, PhD research and industry PhD within railway Contact: Elias Kassa Department of Civil and Transport Engineering e-mail: Tel: 73 59 47 06 Norsk jernbaneutdanning i dag og i fremtiden Bente Tangen, Jernbaneverket Kompetansesenteret Nasjonal Transportplan • Sterk vekst i investeringer • Satsning på effektivisering av dagens bane og rasjonalisering av drift og vedlikehold • Omorganisering av Jernbaneverket: skape en moderne prosjektorganisasjon med sterk gjennomføringsevne • Kompetanse og kapasitet er et strategisk satsningsområde Sektor-/bransjeansvar Jernbaneverket skal arbeide for at det utvikles og vedlikeholdes jernbanefaglig kompetanse innen prioriterte fagområder i sektoren, for å kunne gjennomføre den til en hver tid gjeldende NTP Kompetansesenteret Kompetansestrategi og kapasitetsanalyse Strategisk kompetansestyring Markedsføring og profilering Norsk Jernbaneskole Høyere utdanning og fagarbeiderutdanning Interne opplæringsprogrammer Satsningen på utdanning 2009 2010 2010 2011 Siste jernbanefag på et norsk universitet legges ned Kompetansestrategi for norsk jernbane etableres Vi etablerer jernbanefag på første bachelor utdanning NTNU etablerer Erfaringsbasert mastergrad i jernbanefag – sponset av Jernbaneverket 2012 Jernbaneverket gir NTNU et gaveprofessorat innen jernbanefag Sektorens talentpool Nasjonalt arbeidsmarked: Forskning: •Evne til å tiltrekke seg aktuell arbeidskraft i det åpne markedet • Etablere forskningsprogrammer • Satsning på Ph.D • Samarbeid med forskningsinstitusjoner Etter- og videreutdanning + intern opplæring: • Høyskoler/Universitet • Traineer • Norsk jernbaneskole • Andre interne tiltak • Internasjonale hospiteringer • Samarbeid med SVV Grunnutdanning: •Videregående skoler •Fagarbeiderutdanning •Høyskoler og universitet 6 Nasjonalt arbeidsmarked Forskning Etter- og videre utdanning Grunn utdanning Andre samarbeidsformer: •Nordisk sektor samarbeid Andre samarbeidsformer Internasjonale aktører Jernbanesektorens talentpool Internasjonale aktører: •Strategiske samarbeid/ partnermodeller •Kompetanse overføringsmodeller Internasjonalt arbeidsmarked Internasjonalt arbeidsmarked: •Nordisk •EU •Asia