autumn elegance in texas - Coalition of Texans with Disabilities


autumn elegance in texas - Coalition of Texans with Disabilities
Fall 2013
Volume 98, Issue 4
Photo taken by Steve Baldwin at Onion Creek Ranch on old San Antonio Road, Austin, Texas
Inside This Issue
Page 3
Editor’s View
Pages 5-10
TAD President’s column
New editor!
2013-15 TAD Board bio sketches
TAD archives
TSD student at YLC
Page 12
Poetic Silence –Hot Dogs and ASL
Pages 13-22
Feature article: Suzy Barker Scott, TSD track star
Leroy Colombo book review
TAD-SC update
New coordinator of TEHDI
Large VP remote control
Feds movie regulations
Deaf Awareness Week in West Texas
GURC-SW updates and news
Pages 24-26
Football huddle origin
Two mystery pages
Pages 27-28
TAD membership application form
TAD ad rates and Ranger Press
2013 - 2015 TAD Board
Dr. Marcus Myers
Ronny Taylor
Susie Grona
John Mills
Two-Year Director
Alma Bebee
Four-Year Director
Paul Rutowski
Six-Year Director
Wesley Singleton
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
8801 La Cresada Dr. #414
Austin, TX 78749
Editor’s View
By Tim Jaech
This is my last issue
It’s somewhat odd,
as I thought I would be
frantically rushing to finish
this issue by now, but I’m
feeling that oft-quoted
feeling of serenity. I finally
figured out why – no more
Jose Ovi Velasquez
“Jose Ovi” as we fondly call him, will
also be stepping down as the TAD membership
coordinator as of this issue. No one really
knows how much work is involved. I appreciate
all the work you have done for us and it was
fun meeting over ideas on how to increase the
membership rolls of the TAD.
Clyde Egbert
Clyde is the only layout expert whom
I know that can clickety-clack a keyboard at
1,000 words per minute. We are tremendously
fortunate to have a person of such skill in
setting up the layout for The Deaf Texan.
On top of that, Clyde is fun to engage when
working and talking about the intricacies of this
weird, wonderful world of ours. Thanks.
Joanne Brininstool
Joanne is a very good proof reader and
she has kept me away from the funny farm
with her spot-on proofing and making my life
bearable as an editor. Muchas gracias, Joanne.
Ranger Press. I have not once seen him
raise an eyebrow and grumble at my many
printing requests for our magazine, not (!)
newsletter. Everyone should be so lucky to
have him as a boss. Thanks mucho.
Steve Baldwin
“Baldy” retired as the previous editor
of TDT in early 2010, but he never really
left! He has been so prolific with his ideas
and articles for this magazine. I could tell
you a lot more about Steve, but he would
probably challenge me to a foot race just to
punish me. Good work, kiddo.
All of the TDT writers
It would be fun to list every one of
you, but there isn’t enough room left – you
all have done a bang-up job!
A mystery article is in here!
Before I was about to begin the
work of laying out this issue, some Boston
Brahmin emailed me with an unusual
request – would I please reserve two pages
for an article that I could not see until
after the TDT magazine had gone to press?
This fellow does not sport a beard,
like his beloved Boston Red Sox players
do. His hair is completely white, so you
should know by now who this is. I still have
not seen these 2 mystery pages at this
writing, and I am supposed to “…be treated
with more entertaining stories for my last
hurrah.” I’m nervous. Farewell.
Marcus Myers
Just when everyone thinks they have a
perfect copy of TDT, Grand Proofer Marcus pops
up and finds a “phooey!” – which is my word
for an error. As a former editor himself, I have
to ask, “How the heck did you proof yourself?”
Thanks and stick around, young fellow.
Mark Johnston
Mark is the Grand Poobah of TSD’s
[Editor’s note: Articles submitted for publication in The Deaf Texan by writers who state opinions and ideas
are not necessarily endorsed by the Texas Association of the Deaf officers and/or board members.]
Fall 2013
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
TAD President’s Column
By Marcus Myers
Greetings! By
the time you receive
this publication, Timothy
Jaech’s last as editor, three
months would have passed
since the TAD conference
in Galveston. Boy, does time fly!
Our first TAD board meeting took place
on October 4, 2013 at the Austin Association of
the Deaf clubhouse. We’re much obliged to the
AAD board for allowing us use of their facilities.
The meeting kicked off with a TAD goals
workshop led by Jaech to set a roadmap for
the next two years. The board will be pursuing
goals in the areas of (1) TAD activities and (2)
adherence to the TAD bylaws with respect to
duties of officers, directors, and committees.
The TAD board is very pleased to have
Genelle Timperlake-Sanders of Corpus Christi
as our new editor of The Deaf Texan. She
brings to bear her background in editing with
a BA degree in English, Rhetoric from Texas
A&M University—College Station and an MA
degree in communication arts from Texas
A&M University—Corpus Christi. Peggy Ann
Wenger has agreed to serve as membership
chairperson. In addition, Taurean (Tar) Burt
is our coordinator of youth relations. We
look forward to great things from these three
We established an Education Committee
to address Texas issues presented during the
mini-symposium portion of the Galveston
conference. This will tie in with the Conference
of Educational Administrators of Schools and
Programs for the Deaf’s (CEASD) call to act on
their “Child First” national campaign to make
certain that educational programming at the
national, state, and local level is guided by the
individualized education program (IEP) and
properly focuses on the educational, language,
communication, and social needs of deaf and
hard-of-hearing children.
Another area that was discussed centered
on an unprecedented state association of the
deaf conference that other state associations
will emulate with TAD taking the lead. We’re
thinking of something along the lines of RanchO-Rama and do away with the traditional hotel
setting for a conference. “Thinking outside of
the box” is what we’re trying to do. More
information will be in the next Deaf Texan.
I maintain my goal to increase TAD
membership through affiliate organizations.
If your club or organization wishes to
become an affiliate member of TAD, please
contact me at emsquared_77710@yahoo.
com. We also invite you to join as a
direct member. TAD represents everyone
regardless of race, sex, or religion as we
ALL share common issues and wish to
assure our rightful place under the sun as
Texas citizens and safeguard the future of
Deaf children.
Until the next column, have a festive
holiday season.
Genelle Sanders: New editor
of TDT
During the October
4th TAD board
meeting at the
Austin Association
of the Deaf
clubhouse [aka
Austin Deaf Club],
President Marcus
Myers announced
that a new editor
of The Deaf Texan,
Genelle Sanders had been appointed. We
are most pleased to welcome her aboard!
Genelle’s appointment indicates
the perception that she possesses a
huge potential for success and a positive
reception by the deaf community in Texas.
Sanders recently said, “Like many
of you, I have seen the word leadership
defined numerous ways over the years.
After earning a Bachelor’s from Texas A&M
University-College Station and a Master’s
from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi,
I appreciate and share that leadership is a
moment-to-moment choice not dependent
on title, position, or background. Everyone
is capable of leadership.”
Genelle works as the head of
communications for a local start-up
company and serves on the community
board for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Center of Corpus Christi. She also works
as an adjunct professor for the Del Mar
College American Sign Language and
Fall 2013
Deaf Studies program. This fall, she will
present her Master’s thesis at the National
Communication Association conference in
Washington D.C.
When she is not working or
volunteering, you can find her with her
husband building endless fences at her
family’s ranch, speed-reading the latest
new book, or emerging from a gym. She
appreciates a good sense of humor and has
mastered the art of cooking a five-minute
brownie in three minutes. Genelle Sanders
resides in South Texas with her husband
Ricky and two dogs.
Welcome, Genelle. The future looks
bright in many more ways than one.
2013-15 TAD Board
Marcus Myers, President
Born and raised
in historic
Charleston, South
Carolina, Marcus
Myers graduated
from the South
Carolina School
for the Deaf
(SCSD) in 1970. After graduating from
then Gallaudet College in 1979, he landed
his first professional job as teacher at
the Regional Day School Program for the
Deaf in El Paso. He was among the first
instructors at the SouthWest Collegiate
Institute for the Deaf during its inception in
1980. He earned his master’s degree from
California State University at Northridge in
In 1985, SCSD beckoned his
return. It was his first stint outside of the
classroom as assistant dean of students
until 1989. He remained in the area of
student life serving as dean of boys at the
Iowa School for the Deaf (1990-92) and
coordinator of residential services at the
Texas School for the Deaf (1992-98).
After some soul-searching, he
realized his heart was in the classroom so
he decided to pursue his doctorate from
Lamar University, graduating in 2011.
Currently, he is assistant professor in the
American Sign Language & Interpreting
program at Del Mar College in Corpus
Christi where he has been employed since
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
2013-15 TAD Board:
Susie Grona, Vice President
Susie Eysnogle
Grona’s sign name is
made with a “bouncing
ball” hand motion, which
fits her natural energy
level. She was born in
Madison, Wisconsin.
Grona attended the
Texas and Rochester (NY) Schools for the Deaf,
as well as South Grand Prairie High School in
Dallas. She graduated from Texas Women’s
University and was a teacher of the deaf in
Corpus Christi for 30 years until her retirement.
Susie also worked in the Interpreter
Training Program (ITP) at Del Mar College in
Corpus Christi. For 25 years she has conducted
Communication Skills Workshops at TSD.
Currently, she is an adjunct instructor for ITP
classes at Tyler Junior College.
The “bouncing ball” lady is married
to Patrick Grona and they have two grown
children, Katie and Jacob. The other “kids” in
the family are two dogs, Molly and Timber.
Susie and her husband enjoy fishing,
traveling, attending the theater, cooking, and
reading. Both are fans of watching the Food
Network programs and the Turner Classic
Movies (TCM) on television.
2013-15 TAD Board:
Ronny Taylor, Secretary
Ronny Taylor
was born in Fort
Worth, Texas and
moved to Austin
at age 3. He
graduated from
TSD with the Class
of 1974.
Taylor became
a printer by trade and worked as a certified
bartender before becoming a houseparent
at TSD until 1989. He enrolled at Gallaudet
University in the fall of ’89 and majored in
Psychology. In 1995, he returned to Texas as
a drug/alcohol addiction counselor, and then
was a Deaf Outreach Director with the Texas
Office of the Attorney General. After 7 years,
he retired and currently owns a computer repair
business out of his home.
Three years ago, Ronny married his wife
Amy and lives in San Marcos near the river with
their four granddaughters, of whom Ronny and
Amy are legal guardians.
Ronny is currently very active in various
organizations as a volunteer. He is the current
president of the Austin Bass Club of the Deaf
and on the Board of Governors at the Austin
Association of the Deaf, in addition to being a
TAD board member.
One of his favorite things is being “Papi”
to his girls. What keeps him smiling are bass
fishing, boating, camping, and many more
productive activities.
2013-15 TAD Board:
John Mills, Treasurer
John Thomas
Mills was born
in Hobbs, New
Mexico in 1944.
He enrolled at the
Texas School for
the Deaf in 1950
and graduated in
1963. He attended
Gallaudet University
and later transferred to Texas State University
where he obtained a Bachelor of Science in
Education degree with a teaching certificate in
Mills was a journeyman printer
and worked in book publishing shops and
newspaper companies, including the Austin
American-Statesman before he became the
printing instructor at the Texas School for
the Deaf in 1975 and retired in 2004. Other
jobs included volunteering at Vaughn House,
teaching ASL, and working as a part-time tax
auditor. He currently is a subsitute teacher at
John has been married to Brenda Fogg
Mills for 49 years and has one son, Johnny, and
one grandson, Dahlton. His hobbies are bass
fishing, deer hunting, golfing, collecting coins,
and working on the family tree.
John has been very active in many deaf
organizations, and enjoys helping and getting
involved with them.
Mills has been inducted into the
SouthWest Deaf Golfers Association Hall of
Fame and the TSD Alumni Association Hall
of Fame.
2013-15 TAD Board:
Alma Pizarro-Gould,
2-Year Director
Alma PizarroGould is the
Deafness Resource
Specialist at The
Deaf and Hard of
Hearing Center
in Corpus Christi,
Texas, funded by
the Department
of Assistive
Services (DARS) Office for Deaf and
Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS). This
program provides advocacy services for
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing consumers of all
ages needing equal communication access
in thirteen counties.
Alma is an experienced trainer and
presenter to the community with topics
related to Deafness including: Deaf
and Hard-of-Hearing Sensitivity Issues,
ADA Law, Client Rights, Deaf Culture,
Communication Issues and Resources.
Alma was born Deaf and was raised
in El Paso. She attended the Texas School
for the Deaf. She has provided services to
the Deaf for over 20 years with various Deaf
community agencies and organizations.
She works closely with DARS, HHSC (Health
and Human Services Commision), DPFS
(Department of Protective Family Services)
and various community service providers to
fulfill her passion of breaking down barriers
that affect the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
community members to ensure that they
have full, equal access to communication
and services.
She is also a member of the Coastal
Bend SilenT Deaf Club, National Association
of the Deaf, Texas Latino Council for the
Deaf and Hard of Hearing and on the Board
for Texas Association of the Deaf.
Fall 2013
2013-15 TAD Board:
Paul Rutowski,
4-Year Director
[Editor’s note:
Our extremely
bashful board
member, Paul
Rutowski has
taken off for
an unknown
but rumor has
it that he is in
DC. Perhaps he is advising politicians on
how to get things done on time. We’ll give
him the benefit of the doubt and give him a
free pass until the next issue!]
2013-15 TAD Board:
Wes Singleton,
6-Yr. Director
Wesley Singleton
became the third
generation of his family
to graduate from the
California School for
the Deaf, Berkeley,
with the class of
2004, as well as from
Gallaudet University in
2012 with a degree in
Communication Studies.
At Gallaudet Wes met his wife,
Antonia, who is a Texan! She used a cattle
rope and halter to pull Wes to the beautiful
state of Texas. They have two lovely deaf
kids, Zyle (4) and Zyra (9 months), and
they attend/will attend the Texas School for
the Deaf.
Singleton is proficient in computer
publishing applications such as Final Cut
Pro, adobe programs, and web designs.
Wes says he “kissfist” going deep
sea and lake fishing and getting his hands
greasy while working with vintage cars.
Wes says he “would like to thank the
TAD members for giving me the wonderful
opportunity to serve on the TAD board as a
Director for 6 years.” He is very interested
in bringing a new vision to the TAD
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
organization instead of traditional methods.
He urges all members to work closely with
community development, consumer affairs,
health and social services, communication
access, and monitoring legislative activities as
they impact the deaf community.
Singleton looks forward to meeting all
TAD members and recruiting more of them.
TAD Archives:
Preserved for posterity
By Steve Baldwin
The story of the TAD archives, artifacts
and records is more like a saga trying to keep
all the documents in one place for many years.
The first time I saw all the TAD documents
packed in piles of boxes was in 1991. The
disorganized boxes were stacked in a room on
East Campus at TSD. A former TAD president
then moved them to South Campus in Building
505, which was next to my office. The sorry
heap of TAD historical boxes and outdated
equipment was a pitiful eyesore, as well as a
safety and fire hazard. You would think you
were in a hoarder’s heaven upon seeing such a
sight. After seven TAD administration changes,
I became an accidental president of TAD in
Among my presidential goals was to
track down the TAD boxes of historical records,
especially the old organization seal, which was
also missing. Preserving and storing records
and property is a bylaw requirement. From
two different homes, I managed to retrieve the
materials, which reeked with mildew, mold and
stale cooking odors. I could not locate the seal
apparatus until an ex-TAD officer “found” it in
East Texas somewhere. As mandated through
our bylaws, subsequent secretaries must closely
guard the seal as well as all the old and new
documents; some are now in CDs and portable
hard drives.
Other “lost” TAD records were picked
up in Fort Worth. Those were mostly financial
books from over
the years. It
turned out that
my recovery of
the documents
was an encore
or better, a
variation of a
deja vu because
Byron Bridges,
a former TAD
board director, said he searched high and low
for the TAD archives himself and found the
elusive cast iron seal a few years earlier, which
has been with TAD secretaries for more than 50
years. He located them somewhere in the home
of a former officer in South Texas. The seal is
now guarded by our current TAD secretary,
Ronny Taylor.
After storing the
records in two
different classroom
closets at TSD,
I met with TSD
Claire to discuss a
better location for the
TAD archives. As a
former TSD facility
planner I knew the
perfect location would
be on the 4th floor
of the high school
department, which
is located between
the library and the elevator. Supt. Bugen, a
longtime staunch supporter of TAD, did not
hesitate and granted me special permission to
use the little room for archival reasons. The
room is measured at 100 square feet, just
about right. Maybe it will remain a home for
the TAD archives in the years to come.
Eventually I located free file cabinets and
other furniture. Then we hired a professional
librarian to label and organize all the materials
for a short time. Volunteers like Fred Newberry
and myself discarded unimportant or damaged
materials. Eventually, some members donated
valuable historic photos, films and other
materials. The late Jerry Hassell donated all
13 years of The Deaf Texan newsletters when
he was editor. His contribution filled a serious
gap of missing documents. One of the most
exciting acquisitions was the rare original films
by Troy Hill, which were donated by Sarah Beth
Stanley Harris whose mother Betsy was one
of TAD’s best supporters in the olden days. In
addition to filming their oral history of TAD, late
old timers like Anita Dalla and Early McVeigh
also donated valuable documents, photos and
With the TAD archives room slowly
taking shape, the concept of the TAD film,
“Journey Through Deaf Texas,” was born. After
getting a $10,000 grant from Greater Austin
Foundation for the Deaf in 2007, David Pierce
of Davideo Productions from Seguin agreed to
develop the documentary with me, which
took about two years to do. Nearly all the
documents, photos, films, materials from
the pageants and conferences, old minutes,
group photos, legal papers, old awards, and
even signatures of past presidents were
professionally cleaned, treated, scanned,
photographed, filmed then digitally filed
by Davideo. The film premiered on June
10, 2009 at the University of Texas-San
Antonio to kick off the 45th TAD Conference.
Without the TAD archives the TAD history
film would not have materialized.
At present we have two members
of a DVD/
archival special
committee who
are now doing
an inventory,
the room and
adding necessary
equipment to
preserve the
materials and
store them
in acid-free
containers. Mark
Gunderson and
Fred Newberry
still need volunteers to help out with the
archival project. Thanks to donations from
the DVD “Journey” project, $5245.60 was
raised to purchase the needed items like a
computer, scanner, and one more external
portable hard drive, and other items.
Not many state associations
across America can say that they have
a documentary film and an archival
room. TAD is fortunate to have both. We
should be aware of the constant need to
preserve our TAD history on an on-going
basis. The archives need to stay in one
secured location instead of being scattered
across Texas. We cannot afford to lose
our recorded history for posterity. In truth,
future generations of deaf and hard-ofhearing Texans will then realize that they
have protected civil rights, favorable laws
and cherished privileges because of the
past achievements of TAD. The current TAD
archives room definitely underscores the
significance of preserving our Deaf Texas
Fall 2013
TSD student at Youth Leadership Camp
[Editor’s note: The Texas Association (TAD) helped sponsor Amelia Hamilton, a senior at the
Texas School for the Deaf (TSD), to send her to the acclaimed Youth Leadership Camp (YLC)
at Stanton, Oregon during the summer of 2013. Amelia sent in a marvelous 8-page pictorial
and narrative of her experiences there and due to space limitations in this issue, we have
entered Amelia’s report into the TAD website. Go to then click on
“News & Video,” then click on “Amelia Hamilton at YLC”]
Before YLC I thought there was nothing about myself that I needed to improve,
but during YLC, I learned so much through different workshops (Social Media,
Bullying, Branding, Oppression, and more) and different activities that made me
realize I had so much to improve. It all couldn’t happen overnight and I am
committed to take step by step and make myself into a better person. For
example, I didn’t really knew what a leader truly means. I always thought it
meant one person leading everyone else, but it was not. It means a leader with
people by the leader’s side not the leader’s back. The purpose is to empower and
teach others to be leaders because if the leader doesn’t, who will? So that was a
big impact on me not to take over too much. It is time to get people by my side
and I can teach them and they will become leaders themselves. After YLC, I
decided to bring back to my school, and the community more by becoming the
JR.NAD president at my school, and more involved with preventing bullying. I
am going to find different volunteering jobs at an animal shelter, marathons, our
local children’s hospital, and more. I also have many ideas to share with my
school to make TSD a more better school for everyone. I can’t wait to start all of
those things during my senior year. All of this wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for
your kind support. I truly appreciate your help with my once-in-a lifetime
opportunity to grow at the YLC. Thank you so much!!!
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
Sorenson myPhone gives you convenience.
Fall 2013
Poetic Silence
Hot Dogs and American Sign Language (ASL)
Hungry was the little deaf toddler…
He had been at the carnival all day,
Excited and tired from all the fun rides…
Never once thinking about food.
Suddenly, his little belly rumbled and protested!
With nary a nickel in his pocket,
And Mom nowhere to be seen,
The little boy spotted the cotton candy booth…
Cotton candy was free! But…
Only if you bought a hot dog and soda pop first…
Awww, not fair, thought the hungry one,
Where was Mom?
The hot dog vendor took pity…
She was excited about “talking” with the deaf boy.
I know sign language! I can sign to him!
“Would you like a hot dog,” said she…
“No, no, no, no!” signed the starving boy...
I’ll say it differently, thought the girl.
“Do you like to eat hot dogs?”
Horror-stricken, the boy furiously shook his head.
The boy began to weep…
Mom magically came to the rescue,
For she had always been nearby, watching…
She looked over to the girl, who was baffled.
“You signed hot and dog literally…
As if he would eat a dog that was hot.”
Mom showed the girl the ASL version,
Which looked like a sign for sausage links.
“Oh gosh…no wonder he cried and he was hungry!” said the girl.
So, she turned to the boy and signed perfectly.
The little toddler munched on his hot dog happily,
While Mom, his heroine, didn’t even have to pay for it.
By Tim Jaech
October 29, 2013
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
Donna Sue “Suzy” Barker Scott:
Once “World’s Top Deaf Woman
By Franna Camenisch, TSD Museum Curator
Generations ago, Houston Chronicle staff
writer Josie Weber wrote:
Bangs flying, muscular legs going faster
and faster, spiked shoes kicking up dust each
time they leave the ground…Crowds cheer the
15-year-old as she races around the track,
but Suzy Barker doesn’t hear the roar of their
encouraging cries. Only when the Lubbock
girl streaks past the finish line can she look at
the people in the bleachers and realize that
she is being applauded for another winning
Suzy Barker ran track for eight years
at TSD. When she participated in Physical
Fitness tests sponsored by President John F.
Kennedy, she was so outstanding that her
PE teacher Ruth Seeger began training her
in the track program.
Ruth Seeger believes that she was
a great athlete if not the best in Texas
– easily breaking TSD track records and
American deaf track records. She was also
thought to be among the best in the world
of deaf athletes. She has been named in
many deaf history books and articles about
famous deaf people. Among them was Deaf
History, a Narrative History of Deaf America
by Jack R. Gannon, which was published
by the National Association of the Deaf, in
which she is named the “World’s Top Deaf
Woman Hurdler.” When she was 17 years
old, the Texas House of Representatives
passed a resolution congratulating Suzy.
Texas Governor Preston Smith presented it
to her.
Suzy Barker was nationally recognized at age 15 in
Donna Sue “Suzy” Barker was one of the
top tracksters at the Texas School for the Deaf.
Among the former and present TSD students,
Suzy has the most medals from the World
Games for the Deaf (now Deaflympics).
Suzy was born on October 13, 1953 in
Lubbock, Texas. She became deaf when she
was 18 months old and had a high fever with
chicken pox. She started public school at the
age of 5 years old. When she was eight, she
was sent to the Texas School for the Deaf
where she graduated in 1974.
In 1968, at the Berkeley Classic in
California, Suzy as a 14-year-old sprint star
broke the American records in the 100 and
200. Also, she won another gold medal in
the 4x100 relays. Ruth Seeger said, “She
could have won 80 meter hurdles too, but
she was too shy to try it. A few weeks
before, she tried hurdles and she became
adept quickly – runs over hurdles smoothly
– no problem and I couldn’t believe it! The
following year she became more confident.”
In 1969, she was undefeated in the
80-meter hurdles all season and broke
the American deaf record with an 11.8
time. She bettered the Texas High School
girls’ state record with a 12.1 time. In the
Southwest State College (now Texas State
University) Invitational, she won the High
Fall 2013
Point Individual Trophy.
At the World Games for the Deaf,
held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, she was one of
the youngest (15 years old) to compete and
is remembered as the “first deaf woman”
from the United States to win four medals
(one gold, two silver, and one bronze) in
the 100, 200, 100m hurdles and 440 relay
Admiring Suzy’s haul of 4 medals from the 1969
W.G.D are her mother and Mayor of Lubbock, TX
W.D. Rogers
Later in 1971, Suzy Barker set a
new state record – 10.2 in the 80-yard
hurdles, senior girls division at the Texas
Amateur Athletic Federation track meet
in Fort Worth. She also held the American
deaf records in both 100 (11.0) and the
200 (25.7). The week before, she picked up
first place in the four events she entered:
the long jump, 60-yard hurdles, the 100,
and the 220 in the Lubbock, TX Amateur
Athletic Federation Track Meet.
In 1972, she was undefeated in
the 100m hurdles all season. At the Texas
School for the Deaf Relays, she won the
100m hurdles at 14.0, which was a record,
but not official due to failure to notify the
AAAD (American Athletic Association of the
Deaf). At the North Carolina tryouts for the
World Games for the Deaf, she earned four
gold medals in the 100, 200, 100m hurdles,
and 440 relay. She was the first female
trackster to earn four gold medals at the
At the 1973 World Games for the
Deaf at Malmo, Sweden, she defeated the
great Nina Ivanoa of Russia with a 15.1
time. She broke the World record in the
100m hurdles with a 14.7 time. She tied
her own World record at the 100m hurdles
with another 14.7 time. Barker was chosen
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
the most outstanding athlete in Track & Field,
breaking her own American record with a 12.6
in the 100m. Barker won two medals (1 gold, 1
silver) in the 100m hurdles and the 4x100 relay
after resting three days, due to a pulled muscle.
During these three days, she was not allowed
to participate in the 200m dash and two events
of the Pentathlon. Her coach Ruth Seeger swore
that Suzy could have earned four or five medals
if it was not for her pulled muscle.
While Suzy was running track for TSD,
her teams placed first in the nation four times
and second twice from 1968 to 1973. She
was one of the reasons for the girls’ track
Suzy worked and lived in Lubbock until
she met her husband in August 1978. David
W. Scott, her husband, was in the Air Force
stationed at Reese AFB just west of Lubbock.
He had orders to go to Germany for six months.
Then he went back to the United States for
a month to get married. After his four-year
military commitment was over, they moved to
Fort Worth in 1980. They have two children,
Kevin and Kimberly. She was active with the
school that her children attended, helping as
a room mother. Suzy is a member of the Fort
Worth Association of the Deaf. She has been
active in sports such as bowling and softball
and in the social activities for the deaf.
In 1991, the American Athletic
Association of the Deaf inducted her into their
Hall of Fame. In 1998, Texas School for the
Deaf Alumni Association also inducted her into
their newly established Hall of Fame.
Lilia Valdez, who worked with Suzy at the
Waverly Park Elementary School, applauded her
as a wonderful, friendly person. Suzy works in
the Pre-Kindergarten classroom. She said she
has infinite patience when working with the
young deaf students and she is a great role
model for them.
She donated
all of her
World Games
for the Deaf
memorabilia to
the Texas School
for the Deaf
archives. Some
of hers are on
display in the
and TSD People”
exhibition at the
TSD Heritage
*All Photo Credits - TSD Museum*
Fall 2013
Book review: High Tides, Low
Tides: The Story of
Leroy Colombo
Reviewed by Dr. Steve C. Baldwin
High Tides,
Low Tides: The
Story of Leroy
Colombo, by Jean
A. Andrews, Ph.D.,
is a biography that
skillfully covers
the life and legacy
of the world’s
foremost saltwater
lifeguard, Leroy
Colombo (19051974). There
Photo Credit: Rosenberg
Library, Texas
few scholarly
biographies and even fewer autobiographies
about famous deaf Americans aside from
Thomas Edison or Helen Keller. This
extensive biography about Colombo’s
remarkable life is impressive because
Colombo wrote very few documents. The
use of mostly contemporaneous friends,
witnesses, and relatives is what makes the
book convincing, educational and a worthy
The biography is also a study of how
a Texas School for the Deaf student, who
became deaf from spinal meningitis, found
his cultural identity at the school. If a
strait-laced school superintendent had not
expelled him in 1922 at age 16 for “immoral
behavior,” Colombo might have had more
survival and job skills as well as practical
knowledge as a first generation ItalianAmerican while living in stark isolation on
Galveston Island. To live in a non-signing
society is always daunting and frustrating
anywhere, anytime. Therefore, the book
also qualifies as a must-read for educators
in Deaf education, parents of deaf children,
and even children with disabilities.
Andrews, a long-time professor at
Lamar University, traces how Colombo
overcame insurmountable obstacles
to become a world-class long distance
swimmer and an amazing lifeguard who
is still listed in Guinness’ Book of World
Records for saving the most lives at
the beaches of Galveston from 1919 to
1945 -- the documented number is
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
907, but Colombo claimed to have saved
over 1000, which is debatable. As the town
celebrity, Colombo relished all the accolades
to the hilt, but gave no thought to earning a
decent living beyond his meager $1 an-hour
salary as a seasonal lifeguard. He breathed,
swam, walked, slept, lived, and died in the
environment of the beach.
Andrews manages to develop a balanced
perception about Colombo by blending into the
narrative of both deaf and hearing people’s
personal encounters with Colombo. Their
stories provide the high tides of Colombo’s
personality, popularity, triumphs, and legacy
alongside the low tides—abject failures, several
vices, and stark poverty Colombo experienced.
Andrews allows the reader to recognize that
alcoholism, arrogance, and other human
flaws can and do destroy one’s reputation.
Hence, Andrews went beyond Colombo’s
being a template for saving lives at Galveston
Bay by examining his personal history in
comprehensive fashion. A true biographer does
not put the protagonist on a pedestal.
In fairness, however, Dr. Andrews points
out that discrimination, unemployment, lack
of interpreters, and other factors were the
inevitable social variables causing Colombo’s
downfall. If he were living in the current age
of increased accessibility, Colombo might not
have become the homeless alcoholic beach bum
whom some perceived him to be at the end of
his life. The book is also a study of tragic irony
where Galveston Bay earned his fame, and then
his hearse pointed one last time at the waters
that made him the way he was -- heroic and
famous, yet broke and broken.
The book is a true, but tragic, human
story in which society of the time was partially
at fault. Colombo’s story contains many
dramatic episodes worthy of a Hollywood movie
-- of course, only if scripted adequately and
performed by a qualified deaf actor who can
swim like Johnny Weissmuller or Michael Phelps
without any stunt men or special effects.
In addition to the beautiful cover design,
there are more than 15 “faded” black and
white photos to delight the reader. Other
educational appendixes include a chronology
and bibliography that should assist aspiring
Andrews’ book should be a required
aspect of curriculum for Deaf studies, Deaf
history, minority studies, sociology, Galveston
history, and even general sports stories and
studies. High Tides, Low Tides: The Story
of Leroy Colombo is the first true authoritative
biography of Leroy Colombo. Casual readers
and serious scholars alike are in for a real treat.
Andrews has successfully portrayed Colombo
as the real Tarzan of the sea whose incredible
feats and fame outlived him and his tragic
downfall as a person born into a society where
deaf people had few or no tangible rights as
first-class citizens.
Stephen C. Baldwin, Ph.D., author of Pictures in the Air:
The Story of the National Theatre of the Deaf
Who was Leroy Colombo?
How did this Deaf lifeguard save more people
than has any other lifeguard?
Why was he called Tarzan of the Sea?
"This biography skillfully
covers the life and legacy
of Leroy Colombo. The
use of friends, witnesses
and relatives is what
makes the book
convincing, educational
and a worthy purchase. It
is also a study of how a
deaf boy found his Deaf
cultural identity at the
Texas School for the
Deaf." —Stephen C.
Baldwin, author of Pictures
in the Air: The Story of the
National Theatre of the Deaf
“Dr. Andrew’s clear, concise writing style makes the story of
Colombo’s life a fascinating read.” —McCay Vernon and Marie
Vernon, coauthors, Deadly Charm, published by Gallaudet
University Press.
“This is a good read.”—Tim Jaech, retired educator of deaf
students and editor of The Deaf Texan.
book club discussion questions included
order from any bookstore, on line or local
Travis Association of
Deaf Senior Citizens
By Joanne Brininstool, Secretary
The Travis Association of Deaf Senior
Citizens had some interesting speakers the last
few months. In August, Dr. Elizabeth Calabria
from Texas Physical Therapy Specialists
discussed the work they do with patients and
answered questions about therapy.
In September, Tim Jaech spoke on
reasons for joining the Texas Association of
the Deaf and poor excuses for not joining.
He was followed by David Gehrig, a preplanning consultant with the Cook Walden
Funeral Home, who gave a presentation on,
“Your Life, Your Legacy.”
After Tim Jaech’s speech about the
benefits of TAD membership, it was voted
to affiliate with the Texas Association of the
Deaf. This allows us a number of benefits
and also benefits the TAD. We can send
two representatives to TAD board meetings.
Some of the members went to the
Fall Harvest Picnic on September 7th, which
was hosted by the La Vista Deaf Seniors of
San Marcos.
In October we were excited to
welcome Mark Murray, the KVUE TV
weatherman. He held a question and
answer session and we learned some
interesting things about the weather.
Plans are currently in the works for a
day trip to Goliad, Texas to see historic forts
on November 7th.
The Symposium Committee met in
October and is working hard to shape up
the schedule and plans for the second Deaf
Seniors of Texas Symposium in April 2014.
The first one was held in Houston last year
and the next one will be in San Marcos,
At this time we have 414 members.
We meet on the first Wednesday of the
month at 1:00 p.m. at the South Austin
Activity Center on Manchaca Road. Visitors
are welcome.
Doug Dittfurth: New
Coordinator of TEHDI
After working for the state’s Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
(DHHS) for 14 years, Doug Dittfurth recently accepted a new position with the
Texas Department of State Health Services
(DSHS) as the state’s Coordinator of Texas
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
(TEHDI) program with the newborn screening unit.
Dittfurth has worked in the area of
deafness/hearing loss for over 35 years.
As the TEHDI Coordinator, he oversees
Fall 2013
the hospital hearing screening prior to discharge and reporting of infants and children
who are deaf or have a hearing loss so referrals can be made for appropriate followup. One of the TEHDI program’s slogans is:
A baby’s language is a developmental
Additionally, he serves as an officer
on the Board of Directors for the American
Foundation for the Elderly Deaf (AFED) Inc.
AFED’s main project is LaVista Retirement
Center for the Deaf in San Marcos, Texas.
He also serves as Treasurer of the National
ADARA, a professional organization
networking for excellence in service delivery
to individuals who are deaf or hard-ofhearing.
In 2011, Dittfurth was the recipient
of ADARA’s Boyce R. Williams award in
recognition of his contributions towards the
rehabilitation of and services to persons
who are deaf/hard-of-hearing. In 2012,
he was the recipient of the Texas Society
of Interpreters for the Deaf’s President’s
Award and he was a 2013 recipient of
a Presidential Award from the Texas
Association of the Deaf last August in
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A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
Feds readying movie theater
regulations for blind and deaf
By Julian Hattem - 09/14/13
[Ed. note: The following article has been
excerpted and an update will be published,
hopefully in the near future.]
The Obama administration is nearing
completion of a proposal to require that
movie theaters offer technology so blind
and deaf people can go to the cinema.
The draft rule, which is part of a
decades-long effort by advocates for
people with disabilities, would likely require
thousands of movie theaters across the
country to offer devices that display closed
captioning and provide audio narration of
what’s happening onscreen.
Disability associations say that the
new regulation will make sure that blind
and deaf people can appreciate the latest
blockbuster just like everyone else.
But theater owners worry that a
federal mandate will force small, rural and
struggling theaters to close given the costs
associated with the rule.
Lawmakers are taking note of the
new regulation.
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) has been a
proponent of new accessibility rules.
In March he released a bill calling
for all theaters with two or more screens
to provide the services for all movies at
all showings. At the time, he said that
requiring the technology would “allow these
Americans with disabilities to have the
same access as everyone else.”
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Fall 2013
Deaf Awareness Week
In West Texas
By Dr. Steve Baldwin
SouthWest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf was one of the many programs in Texas
that conducted Deaf Awareness activities during the third week of September. Howard
College President, Dr. Cheri Sparks, and SWCID director of academic affairs, Nancy Bonura,
encouraged the Big Spring community to take advantage of the special activities. Featured
speaker and guest exhibitor on September 18 was Dr. Steve Baldwin. Photos: (1) Deaf Smith
exhibit entrance in Mattux Student Center; (2) Godines’ “Council of War” was popular; (3) Dr.
Cheri Sparks (L), President of Howard College and Nancy Bonura, SWCID Dean of Academic
Affairs pose as if ready to scout with Deaf Smith; (4) the newly-added pantomime DVD
about the tree and exhibit awards delighted many visitors; (5) Visitors were in awe of the
genuine 1841 Republic of Texas $5 on display; and (6) Dr. Cheri Sparks, President of Howard
College (center), recognized Dr. Baldwin as a founding staff member of SWCID (1980-1985)
and thanked him for his donated collection of SWCID memorabilia. During his presentation,
Baldwin premiered a newly captioned and re-edited Deaf Smith play that debuted at Howard
College in May of 1985. [All photo credits here: Steve Baldwin]
Deaf Smith academic materials available now
October 16, 2013 -- The Educational Resource Center on Deafness (ERCOD) at Texas
School for the Deaf (TSD) is proud to announce the Deaf Smith Collection: a collection of
lesson plans, videos, and resources focusing on Erastus “Deaf» Smith, famous hero of the
Texas Revolution. The first lesson plan in this collection, which focuses on the play “Deaf Smith, The
Great Texian Scout” will be available on the ERCOD website in October 2013. Additional
lesson plans focusing other performances, publications, and materials related to Deaf Smith
will follow. We expect that this collection will be a valuable learning tool for deaf students,
ASL classes, interpreter training programs, and others schools and programs.
This collection was developed, assembled, and edited by Dr. Steve Baldwin, a retired
educator and author who taught at TSD and Denton’s Regional Day School Program for the
Deaf. These lesson plans can be found at
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
2013 Fall Updates & News
Due to federal Budget Control Act of 2011, commonly
known as budget sequestration has impacted all of
the regional centers, which concludes to a reduction of
one staff as well as operations and funding constraints
at the center starting October 1 for the new Fiscal Year
of 2014. However, the center remains an essential
part of Gallaudet’s vision and efforts to deliver quality
programming and outreach services to the states in
the southwest region.
In late September,
our center visited the
San Antonio College
and had a tour of
their Deaf & Hard
of Hearing Services
and the American
Sign Language &
Interpreting Training Program, which is accredited by
the Collegiate on Interpreter Education.
In early October, the
director of the center
attended the NAD
Leadership Training
in Omaha, Nebraska
with the rest of 150
registrants from all
over the country. The director found their legislative
advocacy trainings very valuable as it takes a lot of
understanding and skills to be effective with legislative
advocacy efforts as every state’s legislative system is
different but the basic process of a legislative bill as
it becomes a law becomes clear to many of us at the
training. There were also many other trainings such
as advocacy, diversity, education policy, employment,
language equality, organization development, and we
had an opportunity to participate in the regional and
professional caucuses to confer matters of importance
and priorities to develop strategies to act on identified
Our center is starting a new fitness trend once a
month on Saturdays at the Austin Deaf Club partnering
with Sabrina Valencia from Zeal Fitness. Sabrina will
contribute her expertise and time at the Deaf Club so
come on out and do something different for yourself
and your health! We will continue to host Austin Fit
Club every second Saturdays every month at Austin
Deaf Club and it starts
at 9am! The cost is $5
and all proceeds benefit
the Austin Deaf Club so
come on out and support
the Deaf Club and get
Our center sponsored by
donated water bottles at
the Texas Latino Council
of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TLCDHH)
Seminar, which was held in El Paso, Texas on
Saturday, October 12. For more information, click
attended the
Transition Fair at
the Clearcreek
ISD, which is
Houston. The
center gave
Youth Leadership
Training for 14
high school students on Friday October 18, 2013
and it was a huge success. They want us back
in the spring! The youth leadership training has
expanded and this is the 5th school that has
received this training. To learn more about our
youth leadership training, go to this link: http://
and contact our center if you’d like to schedule
this training at your school.
The center has been the major sponsor of the
National Student Life for the Deaf & Hard of
Hearing organization. The center also took lead on
planning the 2013 conference, which will happen
November 1 – 4 at Gallaudet University. We have
over 60 Student Life Administrators registered
and we received sponsors from CEASD, CSD,
Sorenson, Purple Communications, and ZVRS.
For more information on the NSLDHH
organization and its conference, please go to this
Fall 2013
Self - Assements
Individual Expressions
Critical Thinking Skills
Group Discussions & More
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
Fall 2013
Origin of the huddle
in football
Source: Office of the Texas Governor’s
Committee on People with Disabilities
The football huddle was invented at a
college for people who are deaf—Gallaudet
University in Washington DC—as a means of
hiding signals from other deaf teams.
“When Gallaudet played nondeaf
clubs or schools, [quarterback Paul]
Hubbard merely used hand signals—
American Sign Language—to call a play
at the line of scrimmage, imitating what
was done in football from Harvard to
Michigan. Both teams approached the line
of scrimmage. The signal caller—whether
it was the left halfback or quarterback—
barked out the plays at the line of
scrimmage. Nothing was hidden from the
defense. There was no huddle.
“Hand signals against nondeaf
schools gave Gallaudet an advantage. But
other deaf schools could read Hubbard’s
sign language. So, beginning in 1894,
Hubbard came up with a plan. He decided
to conceal the signals by gathering his
offensive players in a huddle prior to the
snap of the ball. ... Hubbard’s innovation
in 1894 worked brilliantly. ‘From that point
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
on, the huddle became a habit during regular
season games,’ states a school history of the
football program.
“In 1896, the huddle started showing
up on other college campuses, particularly the
University of Georgia and the University of
Chicago. At Chicago, it was Amos Alonzo Stagg,
the man credited with nurturing American
football into the modern age and barnstorming
across the country to sell the game, who
popularized the use of the huddle and made the
best case for it. ...
“At the time, coaches were not permitted
to send in plays from the sideline. So, while
Stagg clearly understood the benefit of
concealing the signals from the opposition, he
was more interested in the huddle as a way of
introducing far more reaching reforms to the
“Stagg viewed the huddle as a vital
aspect of helping to teach sportsmanship.
He viewed the huddle as a kind of religious
congregation on the field, a place where the
players could, if you will, minister to each
other, make a plan, and promise to keep faith in
that plan and one another.”
Quotes from How Football Explains America by Sal
Paolantonio, published by Triumph Books, 2008
An interview with TDT Editor Tim Jaech
by Steve Baldwin, Ph.D.
As a former editor of The Deaf Texan from
2006 to 2010, I can safely say that Tim Jaech
has done an amazing job as an editor/writer
for nearly four years. He literally ignored his
own health issues until they caught up with
him. Most volunteered editors are not always
appreciated for their hard work because it is a
thankless task in the first place. Consequently,
I decided to interview Tim for this fall issue:
TDT: How many issues have you edited alone?
TJ: Including this 2013 fall issue, I’ve done 15
issues since the spring of 2010. Plus, two preconference issues in 2011 and 2013, including
the 2013 Galveston conference program book.
Of course, we published the popular 2012 Deaf
Smith Special Edition, which raised money for
our TDT account. In all, I edited a total of 19
publications. TDT: Your real reason for resigning as editor?
TJ: My official reason for resigning is due to
chronic problems with legs and danger of deep
vein thrombosis (blood clots). Sitting down
long hours is not a good idea as an editor with
these problems.
TDT: How do you plan to be involved in the
transition with the newly appointed editor?
TJ: I plan to work with the new editor, Genelle
Timperlake-Sanders (from Corpus Christi),
probably during the next two issues.
TDT: Tell the readers about the good, bad and
ugly as an editor of this publication.
TJ: The Good-Working with writers/TDT staff,
developing new ideas/formats, increasing total
readership nationally, and certainly getting
great support from the Texas School for the
Deaf. The Bad-Physical stress. The Ugly-A
few people who think editors have an easy job.
End of interview.
TDT: Well, TAD members and friends, here is a
list of selected comments from the readership
that appreciate the effort, time and energy that
Tim put forth for nearly 20 quality publications
without missing a deadline of his own!
You have brought TAD to a higher level.
-Dr. Gertie Galloway
Former NAD, DSA and CEASD president
He is eloquent beyond words, a great read/
-Jim MacFadden
Gallaudet U. Hall of Fame Athlete
Founder of MacFadden and Associates,
Our thanks for giving us a highly readable
-Joanne Brininstool
TDT proofreader
The nonpareil going the extra mile to
indoctrinate the new editor…thanks for
easing the transition, Tim!
Dr. Marcus R. Myers
TAD president and former editor.
His expertise, words of wisdom and
encouragement have helped TAD as a
whole. Thanks, Tim!
-Susie Grona
TAD vice president
Tim, kudos on your outstanding editorship
and we all appreciate you.
-Larry and Betty Evans
Retired educators
I have not counted the issues that we’ve
done together, only the years that we’ve
spent as good friends. Looking back the
20 issues we’ve done, I’ve come to the
realization that you are an excellent editor
(and friend)
-Clyde Egbert
Layout Consultant
To Tim, an editor who creatively assembled
an outstanding magazine with compelling
articles for the Deaf community.
-Dr. Jean Andrews
Lamar University professor and author
Fall 2013
Kudos to Tim for all his hard work and
dedication. THANK YOU, TIM!
-David H. Pierce
TAD Consultant
Thank you for covering news about senior
citizens and encouraging them to join and
support TAD.
-Kathy Caldcleugh
TAD member since 1952
As members of the deaf community
we have been privileged to enjoy the
journalistic endeavors of Tim Jaech.
-Claire Bugen
Superintendent of Texas School for the
What is life after TDT editorship?
Reading 1945 TDT volume in 2010
“Take me out to the ball game, take me...”
Cowboy editor at Ranch-O-Rama (2011)
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication
(All captions and photos by Steve Baldwin)
Texas Association of the Deaf
Membership Application Form
P.O. Box 1982, Manchaca, Texas 78652
Established in 1886
Today’s Date: ___________________________
Full Name:
Zip/Postal Code:
TTY Phone:
Voice Phone:
FAX Phone:
E-mail computer address:
(No cell phone email address, please.)
Membership: $________
Donation, if made: $__________
Check which is applicable:
Active Members: $20.00 for two years – Any person, 18 years old and up, who is a
resident of the State of Texas
Associate Member: $15.00 for two years – Any person, 18 years old and up, who is a
non-resident of the State of Texas
Retired Member: $15.00 for two years – Any Texas resident who is 60 years of age or
Membership term lasts 2 years from date of sign-up.
Payable to: Texas Association of the Deaf
P.O. Box 1982, Manchaca, Texas 78652
TAD is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions are tax-deductible.
A returned check fee of $30.00 will be charged to defray bank-processing fees.
For questions about TAD membership, contact Membership Chair,
Website address:
Revised: 8-26-2013
Fall 2013
Check Payable to:
Texas Association of the Deaf
Revised February 20, 2012
Mail Check to:
Tim Jaech, Editor TDT
8801 La Cresada Dr. #414
Austin, TX 78749
A Texas Association of the Deaf Publication