The Tachomaster Drivers` Guide to the Digital Tachograph
The Tachomaster Drivers` Guide to the Digital Tachograph
Tachomaster Drivers’ Guide to the Digital Tachograph The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 i © 2013 Road Tech Computer Systems Ltd. All rights reserv ed. All t he re gulator y i nf or mation giv en i n this gui de i s av ail abl e t hrough the Eur opean Commi ssion and the UK Depart me nt for Tr ansport. All of the infor mation specific all y rel ating to Siemens , Stoneri dge and Actia Di gital Tac hogr aph Ve hicl e Units has bee n s ourced fr om specific ation s heets and us er manuals . W hile ev er y ef fort has bee n made to prov ide ac cur ate c ontent wit hi n t his gui de, Tac homaster does not ass ume any l egal liability or res ponsibilit y for t he acc ur ac y or completeness of any i nf or mation c ontai ne d herei n. Ref ere nc e herei n to any company or pr oduct does not necess aril y c onstitute or i mpl y its endors ement or recomme ndation by Tac homaster . Tac homaster and the Tac homaster L ogo ar e Tr ademarks of Road Tec h Computer S ystems Ltd. All other tr ade marks and copyrights are her ei n ac knowledged. Thi s doc ume nt may be fre el y distri buted, el ectronic all y or i n pri nt , pr ov ided that it remains in its entiret y and is not e dite d, ame nde d or c hange d i n any way whatsoev er . w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k ii The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 This Tachomaster Driv er Guide has been compiled by Stev e Williams. Stev e Williams has been inv olv ed in the road haulage sector for ov er 30 years, beginning as an employed lorry driv er then mov ing on to become an ow ner-driv er, before setting up his ow n haulage company in 1982. From 1997 until 2007, Stev e w orked for the Road Haulage Association, setting up the Association’s first regional help desk, before mov ing on to become Project Manager w ithin the new ly formed ‘National Operations Centre’. Stev e then joined the Policy Department at RHA Head Office, representing the Trade Association and the w ider Road Haulage sector at meetings w ith Gov ernment bodies and agencies. During this time Stev e w as directly inv olv ed at Gov ernment lev el w ith the introduction of the Digital Tachograph and the EC Driv ers' Hours Regulations w hich came into force in 2006. Thanks to this w ork, Stev e is now w idely considered to be one of the foremost authorities on Digital Tachographs and Driv ers' Hours Regulations. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 iii Contents 1 2 3 4 Introduction........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Driv ers’ Hours ................................................................................................. 1 What is a Digital Tachograph? .......................................................................... 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 The Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit (VU)........................................................ 2 Your Driv er Card............................................................................................. 3 The Company Card........................................................................................ 4 Introduction to the Operation of the VU............................................................ 5 3.1 Basic use of the VU......................................................................................... 5 3.2 Recording of Duty Period ............................................................................... 6 3.3 Multi-Manning ................................................................................................ 7 3.4 Driv ing w ithout a Valid Driv er Card ................................................................. 7 3.4.1 Lost, Stolen or Faulty Driv er Cards ............................................................. 8 3.5 Ejecting your Driv er Card from the VU ............................................................. 8 3.6 VU Specification Anomalies ............................................................................ 9 3.6.1 Anomaly 1- Recording of Breaks for Crew Members .................................. 9 3.6.2 Anomaly 2 – Automatic Selection of ‘Other Work’ Activ ity Mode ............... 9 3.8 VU Printouts.................................................................................................... 9 3.8.1 Printer Rolls ............................................................................................... 9 3.8.2 Things to Note w hen Printing ....................................................................10 3.9 VU Time.........................................................................................................10 3.9.1 U TC Time and Local Time .........................................................................10 3.9.2 Setting Local Time on the Vehicle Unit .....................................................10 General Operator Notes .................................................................................. 11 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Cleanliness....................................................................................................11 Protecting the VU System from Damage ........................................................11 Printer Maintenance......................................................................................11 VU Periodic I nspections and Security Checks .................................................12 VU Warnings (Ev ents and Faults Conditions) ...................................................12 5 Analysing the Data .......................................................................................... 13 6 Points to Rem ember ......................................................................................... 15 Appendix 1: User Notes for the Continental Autom otive Group (formerly Siemens) VDO DTCO 1381 Digital Tachograph ..................................................... 16 1 2 The VDO DTCO 1381 Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit........................................16 Using the DTCO 1381 ........................................................................................17 2.1 Menu Buttons .............................................................................................17 2.2 Card I nsertion.............................................................................................18 2.3 ‘Signing On’ ...............................................................................................18 2.4 Screen Displays ..........................................................................................20 2.5 Card Withdraw al ........................................................................................20 2.6 Taking Driv er and Vehicle Printouts from the VU ..........................................21 2.7 Changing the Print Roll ...............................................................................22 3 Adv anced Usage .............................................................................................22 w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k iv The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Appendix 2: User Notes for the ACTIA SmarTach ® Digital Tachograph .............. 23 The ACTI A SmarTach® Digital Tachograph .........................................................23 Using the ACTI A SmarTach® VU .........................................................................24 2.1 Menu Buttons .............................................................................................24 2.2 Card I nsertion.............................................................................................25 2.3 ‘Signing On’ ...............................................................................................26 2.4 Screen Displays ..........................................................................................27 2.5 Card Withdraw al ........................................................................................28 2.6 Taking Driv er and Vehicle Printouts from the VU ..........................................29 2.7 Changing the Print Roll ...............................................................................29 3 SmarTach ® Specific Options..............................................................................30 3.1 Driv er Activ ity Reminders ............................................................................30 3.2 Warning Alarms ..........................................................................................30 3.3 Printout Options..........................................................................................30 4 Adv anced Usage .............................................................................................31 1 2 Appendix 3: User Notes for the Stoneridge SE5000 Digital Tachograph ............. 32 1 2 The Stoneridge SE5000 Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit.....................................32 Using the SE5000...............................................................................................33 2.1 Menu Buttons .............................................................................................33 2.2 Card I nsertion.............................................................................................34 2.3 ‘Signing On’ ...............................................................................................34 2.4 Screen Displays ..........................................................................................36 2.5 Card Withdraw al ........................................................................................36 2.6 Taking Driv er and Vehicle Printouts from the VU ..........................................37 2.7 Changing the Print Roll ...............................................................................38 3 Adv anced Usage .............................................................................................38 Appendix 4: Digital Tachograph Display Symbols ............................................... 39 1 2 Basic Display Symbols .......................................................................................39 Display Symbol Combinations ...........................................................................40 Appendix 5: Digital Tachograph Events and Warnings ........................................ 41 1 2 3 General Ev ents W arning Messages ...................................................................41 Recording Equipment Faults Warning Message .................................................41 Standard Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit W arnings..........................................42 Appendix 6: The Traffic Commisioner's Guidelines for Dealing with Driving Offences Committed by Vocational Drivers ......................................................... 43 Appendix 7: The New Drivers’ Hours Regulations – A Brief Update ..................... 45 1 2 3 4 5 Basics Driv ing Times and Breaks Remain the Same.............................................45 Daily Rest Periods .............................................................................................45 Weekly Rest Periods..........................................................................................46 Keeping Records Correctly ...............................................................................46 EC Driv ers’ Hours – Since 11t h April 2007 .............................................................47 Appendix 8: Useful Contacts ................................................................................. 48 1 2 Tachomaster ....................................................................................................48 Digital Tachograph Cards.................................................................................48 w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 1 1 Introduction There are presently three manufacturers of digital tachograph v ehicle units: Stoneridge, Continental Automotiv e (formerly Siemens) and Actia. Most v ehicles are equipped w ith the Continental Automotiv e unit, w ith the follow ing exceptions: • • Until recently, all Scania trucks and buses w ere fitted w ith the Stoneridge dev ice. Scania hav e recently changed their policy and customers may now specify the Continental Automotiv e Unit as an option in new v ehicles, for an additional cost. Actia dev ices are mainly found in buses and coaches. They can also be found in larger LDV v ans and minibuses. All four smartcards – the driv er card, the company card, the w orkshop card and the control card - can be used in all three types of v ehicle unit, as all three dev ices hav e to conform to the same European specifications. This guide cov ers the general principles of use for Digital Tachograph equipment. Much like v ideo, DVD and ev en mobile phones, each type of Vehicle Unit does basically the same thing, but in a different w ay. More detailed help for using each type of Vehicle Unit is therefore included in the appendices. 1.1 Drivers’ Hours Please don’t forget that w hatev er type of recording equipment you are using you must comply w ith the EC Driv ers’ Hours Regulations at all times. Whether you use a Digital or Analogue Tachograph, you must always be able to prov ide a record of the current day’s activ ities and records of all w ork completed during the prev ious 28 calendar days. I f you do not complete a tachograph record for ev ery w orking day you w ill be expected to hav e some other type of ev idence of w hat w ork, if any, you hav e carried out. This may be a time sheet, a diary entry or any w ritten ev idence of w hat you did on each specific w orking day. Be aw are that from April 2009 VOSA examiners hav e the authority to issue graduated fixed penalties to the driver for a list of offences, including: • • • • • failure to ensure that the recording equipment is functioning correctly; failure to ensure that the Driv er Card is functioning correctly; failure to comply w ith the driv ers' hours rules; failure to ensure that printing can be carried out correctly in the ev ent of an inspection; failure to carry sufficient print roll supplies. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 2 2 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 What is a Digital Tachograph? A Digital Tachograph is an electronic system for recording driv ing and rest times for driv ers and co-driv ers (crew members) of buses, coaches and trucks that are driv en under EC driv ers’ hours rules. I nstead of the familiar Analogue Tachograph Chart Recorder, all new v ehicles that hav e been registered w ithin the UK since 1st May 2006 and are subject to the EC driv ers’ hours rules must be fitted w ith a Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit (VU). I n addition, all driv ers operating a Digital Tachograph equipped v ehicle are required to hold a Driv er Card (issued by the DVLA in Great Britain and the DVLNI in Northern I reland). The company operating the v ehicle is also obliged to obtain a Company Card from the relev ant licensing authority. Details of all your activ ities are recorded and stored by the Digital Tachograph VU and are also w ritten to your Driv er Card w henev er you use it in a Digital Tachograph VU. This means that, unlike the Analogue Tachograph system, there is no need to fill out a ‘centrefield’ at the beginning and end of ev ery w orking day or w henev er you change v ehicles during a w ork period. 2.1 The Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit (VU) The Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit (VU) is an electronic dev ice that is able to record and store driv er and v ehicle records. The VU must hav e the ability to store this data for at least 365 days and must make it possible to dow nload that data. Operators based in Great Britain are obliged to dow nload the data at least ev ery 56 days, and then store it safely and make it av ailable for inspection by the authorities for the next tw elv e months. Data recorded by the VU include v ehicle speed, distance trav elled and other system related parameters. General v ehicle speed data is limited to 24 driv ing hours and is recorded only in the memory of the Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit. I t is NOT w ritten to the Driv er Card. Details of excessiv e speeds (ov erspeeds) are recorded how ev er, and analysis of the data can show these ev ents and other useful information such as ‘harsh braking’. Ev en if the external pow er supply to the VU is remov ed, (for example, I f the v ehicle batteries are disconnected for maintenance), the VU is still able to store data as it is fitted w ith its ow n internal battery that must be able to prov ide pow er for at least tw o years. As such, there should not normally be any need to hav e the internal VU clock reset betw een calibration dates, w hich are ev ery tw o years rather than the six year period for analogue equipment. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 2.2 3 Your Driver Card I f you driv e a v ehicle for commercial purposes, and that v ehicle is fitted w ith a Digital Tachograph, you must hav e been issued w ith a Driv er Card by the relev ant authority. This is a so-called ‘smartcard’ and has an electronic chip on it (similar to the chip on a ‘Chip and PI N’ credit card). The Driv er Card must store at least 28 days w orth of data and Operators in Great Britain are required to dow nload that data at least ev ery 28 days, although it is recommended that dow nloading be carried out at least ev ery 21 days w here possible. Your Driv er Card holds information that identifies you uniquely and, w hen used w ith a Digital Tachograph VU, all relev ant information on your activ ities w ill be w ritten to it. Once you hav e been issued w ith a Driv er Card, you must keep it w ith you whenever you are at w ork, ev en if you are not using a commercial v ehicle w ith a Digital Tachograph. The follow ing data w ill be stored on a Driv er Card for at least 28 w orking days: • • • • • • • • I dentification of the v ehicles used. Activ ities (driv ing, w orking, activ e and rest times). Crew status (1 or 2 driv er operation). Dates and times of insertion into or w ithdraw al from a Digital Tachograph VU. Location in w hich the w orking days begin and end. Total distance. I dentification of the control official and date/time of the last check. Tachograph ev ents and errors. Your Driv er Card is your personal property, but you are obliged to make it av ailable to the operator of the v ehicle for dow nloading w hen required and to any authorised enforcement official on request. It is important to remember that once you have been issued with a Driver Card, you MUST ALWAYS carry it with you when driving commercially, EVEN IF YOU ARE DRIVING A VEHICLE FITTED WITH AN ANALOGUE TACHOGRAPH. When driving a vehicle covered by the EU drivers’ hours regulations in Great Britain, you must ALWAYS be able to produce your Driver Card on request by VOSA, even if you have never used it to record drivers’ hours. Can I display and print out information stored on m y Driver Card? Yes. The data stored on the Driv er Card can be displayed through any VU w hen the card is in the VU. I f necessary, the data can also be printed off v ia the integrated VU printer. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 4 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Can I be issued with more than one Driver Card? No. The authorities in all the 27 European Member States must ensure that a driv er is the holder and specific user of only one v alid and personal Driv er Card. The Driv er and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) are the gov ernment agency responsible for issuing the v arious types of smartcard, including Driv er Cards, w ithin Great Britain and DVLNI are the authority responsible for issuing these cards to those resident in Northern I reland. 2.3 The Company Card Ev ery operator that runs one or more v ehicles fitted w ith a Digital Tachograph must apply for a Company Card. This is a different type of smartcard - used to identify the Company - and is required ev ery time a VU is dow nloaded. The Company Card does not store any data as such - its function is simply to ensure that the Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit recognises the operator before allow ing any data to be dow nloaded. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 3 5 Introduction to the Operation of the VU This guide uses the Continental Automotiv e (formerly Siemens) Digital Tachograph VU in most images, as this is by far the most common type of VU currently in use. For user notes for each type of VU, please consult the relev ant appendices at the end of this guide. 3.1 Basic use of the VU Before carrying out any procedure inv olv ing the VU, you must ensure that the v ehicle ignition is turned on. When starting a w orking period you must insert your Driv er Card into the correct slot of the VU, ensuring that the ‘chip’ is facing upw ards and tow ards the front of the tray (i.e. aw ay from you). I f you are to be the driv er of the v ehicle for this period of activ ity, you must ensure that you insert your card into ‘slot 1’. I f the v ehicle is being double-manned and you are the crew member, you must insert your card into ‘slot 2’. Once a Driv er Card is inserted into either slot on the VU, that slot is locked in the closed position w hilst the v ehicle is being driv en. The slot can only be opened again once the v ehicle is stationary. The vehicle should NOT be moved or driven until your card has been successfully inserted into the VU. I f you attempt to insert your Driv er Card into the VU once the v ehicle is mov ing, a w arning message w ill be show n on the VU screen to indicate that a card has been inserted w hilst driv ing. You should stop the v ehicle, acknow ledge and clear the w arning and then insert your Driv er Card in the normal w ay. The VU w ill store an electronic record of an attempt being made to insert a Driv er Card w hile the v ehicle w as in motion, and this w ill be made av ailable to the Operator as part of the regular dow nload of the VU. Once your Driv er Card has been accepted and v erified, last withdrawal the time of last w ithdraw al w ill be displayed and the VU 04.11.08 22:30 w ill start processing. Data w ill be stored in the internal memory of the VU a copy of that data w ill be w ritten to the Driv er Card as required. I f you hav e carried out any recordable duties since your card w as last w ithdraw n, details of these must now be entered manually. I f manual duty entries are not required you can either tell the VU that this is the case, or simply start driv ing w hich w ill cause the VU to terminate the manual duty entry procedure automatically. Once you hav e completed the card insertion procedure, and until you start driv ing, the VU w ill record your mode of activ ity as ‘Other Work’ both in the VU and on your Driv er Card. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 6 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Once the v ehicle starts mov ing, the display w ill default to a ‘standard’ v iew . 10 24 Ą 48km/h Ą 6724.0km ć Typically this standard v iew w ill display a confirmation that a v alid Driv er Card has been inserted into ‘slot 1’ and the current mode of w ork being recorded against the driv er, the mode that ‘slot 2’ is set to (irrespectiv e of w hether or not a card has been inserted), the local time, the current speed of the v ehicle and the current odometer reading. For more detailed descriptions of the standard v iew , please consult the relev ant appendix in this document or the User Guide for your specific VU. As soon as the v ehicle begins to mov e, the VU w ill automatically record ‘Driv ing’ as the activ ity against the card in ‘slot 1’ - irrespective of the mode displayed before the truck started to move - and this data w ill be copied onto the Driv er Card. As the VU is programmed to record data at all times, any v ehicle fitted w ith a Digital Tachograph that is mov ed or driv en w ithout a v alid Driv er Card being inserted in the VU w ill record this mov ement as ‘driv ing by an unknow n driv er’. There is no function av ailable that w ill allow any mov ement of the v ehicle to be recorded and calculated as anything other than a period of ‘Driv ing’. 3.2 Recording of Duty Period When a v ehicle is stationary, you may select one of three activ ity modes. The correct activ ity mode must be used to indicate w hether your current activ ity is ‘Other Work’, ‘Av ailability’ or ‘Break/Rest’, as defined in the relev ant driv ers’ legislation. There is nev er any need to explicitly choose ‘Driv ing’ as this activ ity mode is recorded automatically w henev er the v ehicle is in motion. ‘Other Work’ should be recorded on the ‘crossed hammers’ activ ity mode. ‘Availability’ should be recorded on the ‘box’ activ ity mode. mode. ‘Breaks’ during the day and daily and w eekly ‘Rest’ should be recorded on the ‘bed’ activ ity I t is important to remember that a Digital Tachograph VU does not w ork in the same w ay as the more familiar Analogue Tachograph equipment w hen it comes to recording ‘Breaks’ or ‘Rest’ and that this mode must be selected explicitly w hen required. Unlike Analogue Tachograph equipment, a Digital Tachograph w ill automatically set the mode to ‘Other Work’ ev ery time a mov ing v ehicle comes to a halt. I t doesn’t matter w hat activ ity mode w as chosen before the v ehicle w as last driv en or mov ed, the VU w ill always default to ‘Other Work’ w hen the ignition is on and the v ehicle is brought to rest. I f you hav e prev iously set the mode to ‘Av ailability’ or ‘Break/Rest’ and the v ehicle subsequently mov es, ev en by only a few inches, the mode w ill default to ‘Other Work’ once the v ehicle is stationary again. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 7 To record ‘Av ailability’ or ‘Breaks/Rest’, you must explicitly select the relev ant mode once the v ehicle has come to a complete standstill and you hav e applied the handbrake. You may change modes as required prov ided that the v ehicle is stationary, but remember, unless the handbrake is on ev en a fractional mov ement of the v ehicle could result in the VU recording a short period of ‘Driv ing’ before defaulting to ‘Other Work’. Remember: Whenev er the v ehicle is mov ing the VU w ill automatically record ‘Driv ing’ as the current activ ity against the card in ‘slot 1’ and w ill alw ays record a period of ‘Other Work’ once the v ehicle comes to a halt. 3.3 Multi-Manning Whenev er a v ehicle is ‘manned’ by more than one driv er the current driv er of the v ehicle must alw ays insert their Driv er Card into ‘slot1’ and use the associated activ ity mode change button. The crew member must use ‘slot 2’ and the corresponding mode change button for that slot. When a v ehicle begins to mov e, the activ ity mode for the current driv er w ill automatically be recorded as ‘Driv ing’ and the activ ity of the crew member w ill be recorded as ‘Av ailability’. The crew member may manually change the activ ity mode to ‘Other Work’ if they required. Whenev er the current driv er and crew change places their Driv er Cards must be ejected and then re-inserted so that the driv er’s card is in ‘slot 1’ and the crew member’s card is in ‘slot 2’. 3.4 Driving without a Valid Driver Card You must hav e applied for and been issued with a Driv er Card before you can legally driv e a v ehicle equipped w ith a Digital Tachograph. I f a v ehicle begins to mov e and no v alid Driv er Card has been inserted, a w arning message w ill be displayed on the VU screen and a record of the ‘ev ent’ w ill be stored. I f you hav e simply forgotten to insert your Driv er Card, you should stop the v ehicle as soon as it is safe to do so and simply insert your Driv er Card in the normal w ay. Ev en w hen a Driv er Card is not inserted into the VU, all activ ities are recorded and stored. The information relating to these activ ities can still be obtained in the normal w ay, but they w ill be marked as activ ities by an ‘unknow n driv er’. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 8 3.4.1 Lost, Stolen or Faulty Driver Cards I f your Driv er Card is lost, stolen or dev elops a fault, you must apply for a replacement card, to the DVLA in Great Britain or to the DVLNI in Northern I reland. These authorities are required to issue a replacement card w ithin fiv e w orking days of receiv ing a v alid application. I n the meantime, provided that you have had a Driver Card issued to you, you may continue to operate a Digital Tachograph equipped v ehicle if you adhere to the follow ing rules: • • • • You must make one printout at the start of ev ery day’s duty and another at the end of the duty period. You must w rite your name and driv ing licence number on the rear of each printout and sign them to confirm the details. You must keep these printouts av ailable for inspection on request by the appropriate authorities for the next 28 calendar days. After 28 days, you must pass the printouts to the v ehicle Operator w ho must store them w ith your records for at least the next 12 months. You may not, under normal circumstances, continue to driv e for more than 15 calendar days w ithout using a v alid Driv er Card. 3.5 Ejecting your Driver Card from the VU You can only eject your Driv er Card from the VU w hen the v ehicle is stationary and w hen the VU is displaying one of the main driv ing displays, or the VU is in the main menu. Your Driv er Card must be treated as your ow n personal property and it should always be w ithdraw n if the v ehicle is to be driv en by another driv er or if you hav e to leav e the v ehicle for any reason. W hen a Driv er Card is w ithdraw n from a VU an electronic record of the card ejection w ill be stored. I f the Driv er Card is being ejected at the end of the daily ejecting card duty period, the VU w ill ask you to confirm your current location. Once you hav e entered your location, the display w ill show ‘ejecting card’ to indicate the card ejection process is under w ay. There may be a short delay as the VU needs to w rite some final information to your Driv er Card before it is ejected. Don’t keep pressing buttons: be patient and w ait for the VU to release your card w hen it is ready! w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 3.6 9 VU Specification Anomalies Due to the delay betw een the ratification of the specification for the manufacture of Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units and the final implementation of Digital Tachograph legislation, there are a number of known anomalies in the behav iour of current Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units. 3.6.1 Anomaly 1- Recording of Breaks for Crew Members None of the three types of VU (Continental, Stoneridge or Actia) has the facility to allow the crew member to record ‘Break’ as an activ ity w hen the v ehicle is in motion. This is an error in the VU specification and has been recognised by the authorities as such. I n Great Britain, the Vehicle and Operator Serv ices Agency (VOSA) hav e acknow ledged that it is acceptable for a crew member to take a period of ‘Break’ w hen the v ehicle is in motion. This should be recorded using the ‘Av ailability’ mode, as the VU recording dev ice is incapable of storing this mode of activ ity as ‘Break’. VOSA traffic examiners hav e been instructed to accept 45 minutes of any crew member ‘Av ailability’ record as a ‘Break’. 3.6.2 Anomaly 2 – Automatic Selection of ‘Other Work’ Activity Mode I f a v ehicle comes to rest after a period of mov ement, the activ ity mode show n on the VU screen w ill automatically change to ‘Other Work’. I f the v ehicle begins to mov e again after less than approximately 120 seconds (2 minutes), the ‘Other Work’ duty mode automatically selected may not be correctly stored w ithin the VU or copied onto the inserted driv er card as an ev ent. The authorities hav e acknow ledged this recording problem and they may be prepared to consider additional ev idence to prov e that the record produced by the VU is incorrect due to this specification anomaly. 3.8 VU Printouts Printing is only possible w hen the v ehicle is stationary and the ignition is sw itched on. A VU has the ability to supply v arious types of printout relating to the unit itself and to the v arious smartcards. 3.8.1 Printer Rolls The paper print roll cassette is used to house a roll of print paper. The printer cassette should remain closed at all times, except w hen fitting a replacement print roll. When a printout is requested the paper w ill emerge from a slot in the front of the VU. When a print roll is close to running out, a red line w ill be v isible dow n the side of the paper. As the driv er of the v ehicle, it is your responsibility to ensure that there is alw ays a spare print roll av ailable. During a side-of-the-road Vehicle and Driv er check, a VOSA Traffic Examiner may ask you to show that you hav e a spare print roll in the cab. I f you cannot prov ide a printout on request, then you are liable to a £60.00 fixed penalty at the roadside. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 10 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 3.8.2 Things to Note when Printing Printouts w ill normally show the record in relation to U TC time (see below ). I f the duty period started before 00.00 U TC time, after ‘w ithdraw driv er card’, the VU w ill automatically print the daily v alues of the prev ious day and the current day. 3.9 VU Time 3.9.1 UTC Time and Local Time All VUs are programmed to use and record Univ ersal Time Co-ordinated (U TC) as their master reference time. U TC time is an incremental count of the number of elapsed seconds since 1st January 1970 and is approximately equiv alent to Greenw ich Mean Time (GM T). U TC time does not change due to seasonal adjustments such as British Summer Time (BST) and irrespectiv e of w hat time is show n on the front display of the VU, the internal time clock is set and w ill alw ays record in U TC. 3.9.2 Setting Local Time on the Vehicle Unit I f the local time has been manually set on a VU, there w ill be a large ‘dot’ (Ė) next to the time displayed on the VU screen, indicating that this is local time and NOT U TC time. The local ‘offset’ time may be changed in ±30 minute steps, up to a maximum of ±12 hours from the U TC time w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 4 General Operator Notes 4.1 Cleanliness 11 Smartcard draw ers, as fitted to the Stoneridge SE5000 VU, should be kept closed at all times, except w hen inserting or remov ing cards. The paper cassette should be closed at all times, except w hen changing the printer paper. This w ill prev ent any contamination of the thermal paper. Replacement paper should be kept in its w rapper until it is to be used. Printouts should be stored in as cool and dark a place as possible as the thermal paper can be easily damaged if it becomes hot and/or damp. I f it is necessary to clean the outside of the VU, use a v ery mild detergent solution. Av oid the use of solv ents that could permanently damage the plastic fascia. 4.2 Protecting the VU System from Damage Replacement printer paper rolls must be of a type approv ed by the VU manufacturer. Failure to use approv ed printer paper may cause permanent damage to the printer mechanism. Tachomaster print rolls, av ailable to buy online at www, are of the approv ed type and standard for all VUs. Smartcards must be handled w ith care and must not be flexed or bent. Ensure that the card contacts are kept free from dirt. I f it becomes necessary to clean the contacts, simply w ipe them clean using a soft damp cloth - solv ents or other cleaning agents must never be used. 4.3 Printer Maintenance The VU is a sealed unit and the only user serv iceable parts are the paper cassette and the printer paper. I f the paper cassette is damaged then the complete cassette must be replaced as a single item. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 12 4.4 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 VU Periodic Inspections and Security Checks An approv ed calibration w orkshop must carry out an inspection w hen a VU is first installed and registered to a v ehicle. The VU must then be inspected and recalibrated ev ery 2 years, at w hich time the internal battery w ill be checked. This inspection w ill include checks to ensure that the VU conforms to legislativ e security requirements. The ‘Tachograph I nstallation Plaque’ can be found on or near to the VU. This prov ides proof that an inspection w as passed as at the date indicated on the plaque itself. I f a VU fails an inspection, then the unit w ill be decommissioned and must be replaced. I t should be remembered that w ithin Great Britain, a VOSA Traffic Officer has the authority to stop a v ehicle and carry out an inspection of its VU system at any time w hilst a v ehicle is being driv en on the public highw ay. A VU must nev er be opened or manipulated in any w ay. All seals on the VU and the installation plaque must be intact and show no ev idence of tampering. I f there is any ev idence of tampering or other damage the unit w ill fail its inspection and w ill hav e to be replaced. I f a VU has any exterior damage it is recommended that the VU be presented to an approv ed Digital Tachograph w orkshop that w ill check w hether the unit still conforms to the inspection security requirements. Whether or not the unit w ill still pass an inspection w ill depend on the sev erity of the damage. 4.5 VU Warnings (Events and Faults Conditions) There are certain ev ents and fault conditions (see Appendix) that w ill cause the VU to issue a w arning. Details of these ev ents and fault conditions are stored by the VU and an appropriate message is displayed (it should be noted that w arnings of pow ersupply interruptions are issued once the pow er is restored). Any such w arning w ill remain on the display until it has been explicitly acknow ledged. As long as a w arning remains ‘activ e’ (i.e. the condition that caused the w arning remains) it w ill be redisplayed w henev er the ignition is turned on, ev en if it has prev iously been acknow ledged and cleared. I f the VU displays a w arning, you should press the ‘OK’ (or equiv alent) button to acknow ledge it. Once you hav e acknow ledged the message, you may need to press the ‘OK’ button a second time to clear it from the display. Manufacturer-specific w arnings, (i.e. those w ith a reference number greater than 0x80), require only one button press to acknow ledge them and clear the display. I f a w arning message is displayed that indicates a VU or other malfunction, you are strongly adv ised to make a note of the w arning and to inform the appropriate person to ensure the fault is dealt w ith as soon as possible. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 5 13 Analysing the Data As w ith Analogue Tachograph Charts, the information on both the Driv er Card and in the VU needs to be analysed and stored to ensure compliance w ith the regulations. The industry standard solution for Digital and Analogue Tachograph analysis is Tachomaster, w hich enables instant analysis for both types of Tachograph and prov ides an immediate, comprehensiv e and transparent v iew of both Driv er and Vehicle activ ity. With a secure I nternet connection to Tachomaster, the Head Office sees the w hole operation at a glance and each Depot Manager can see the information relev ant to their depot. Should the company w ish to, they may issue each of their driv ers w ith their ow n personal login, w hich allow s them to v iew their ow n Tachograph records online. Below , you can see one w ay that Tachomaster clearly show s any infringements on a Driv er’s Diary w ith the exact details of the day in question easily v iew ed simply by clicking on the date. I n addition to the Driv er Diary, there are many other useful reports av ailable to all driv ers. For example, each driv er can v iew their ow n ‘Time Usage Breakdow n’, w hich giv es comprehensiv e details of all hours they hav e w orked, driv en etc. By combining the details from Driv ers’ Tachographs w ith the information dow nloaded from Vehicle Units, Tachomaster prov ides operators w ith a w ealth of management reports. With a Digital Tachograph equipped v ehicle it is possible to know w hen the v ehicle w as driv en and by w hom, as w ell as how it w as driv en. Tachomaster’s configurable Vehicle Diary allow s operators to fully understand how their v ehicles are being used at all times. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 14 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Below , you can see one w ay that Tachomaster lets you to v iew this information in a clear and concise format. Operators can look through this information or click on a particular day to see a full breakdow n of the v ehicle’s activ ity on that day. Comprehensiv e cross-company reporting is, of course, standard w ith Tachomaster. Operators may compare driv ers, v ehicles and depots for compliance, infringements and productiv ity, drilling dow n to driv er and v ehicle lev el as required. I f you w ould like to find out more about any aspect of Tachomaster, please v isit www or email for further information. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 6 15 Points to Remember Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units are only machines! I f you, as a professional driv er, believ e that the hours or data the v ehicle unit is show ing are incorrect, make a w ritten note and keep that note w ith your records. ♦ Always remember that the Vehicle Unit records any movem ent of the vehicle as ‘Driving’. Even if you have manually changed the m ode to ‘Other Work’ or ‘Break’, if you subsequently pull on the handbrake and cause even a slight m ovem ent of the vehicle, the Vehicle Unit may interpret this m ovem ent as a period of ‘Driving’! ♦ On most Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units you must manually change the mode to ‘Break’ if you want to record a break. Unlike the old Analogue Tachograph equipment, once a vehicle stops m oving the Digital Tachograph does not automatically start recording the activity that the mode switch was on before the driving period commenced. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 16 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Appendix 1: User Notes for the Continental Automotive Group (formerly Siemens) VDO DTCO 1381 Digital Tachograph This appendix relates specifically to the Continental Automotiv e Group (formerly know n as Siemens) VDO DTCO 1381 Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit. These notes highlight the key features and methods of operation for this type of VU. 1 The VDO DTCO 1381 Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit This is the most common type of Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit and it is fitted in the majority of commercial v ehicles registered since May 2006 w hich are subject to the EU driv ers’ hours rules. I f you regularly operate or driv e v ehicles fitted w ith the DTCO 1381 Vehicle Unit, it is strongly recommend that you read the User Manual w hich should be w ith the v ehicle. IMPORTANT NOTE: While the DTCO 1381 VU is generally v ery simple to use, it is important to note that some default settings for this Vehicle Unit can be specified by the v ehicle manufacturer. As a result, there may be slight differences in the w ay it operates from v ehicle-to-v ehicle. Notably: • Some v ehicle manufacturers are specifying that the DTCO 1381 w ill automatically default to ‘Break’ after the ignition has been sw itched off for a period of time. • The printout menu may default either to ‘yes’ or ‘no’ w hen first accessed, depending on the manufacturer’s specification. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 2 Using the DTCO 1381 2.1 Menu Buttons 17 Before attempting to use this type of VU, the v ehicle ignition must be sw itched on. Below the main display are the Driv er button (‘1’) and the Crew button (‘2’), w hich are used to select the appropriate activ ity mode for the driv er or crew member. Adjacent to each of these is an ‘Eject’ button for the relev ant slot. I f a Driv er Card is inserted in either the driv er or crew slot, the associated button is only activ e w hen the ignition is sw itched on and the v ehicle is stationary. This type of VU has a unique and distinctiv e ‘toggle sw itch’ housed in the front of the print roll cassette to the right of the display screen. This is used to nav igate the menus and make the appropriate choices. This toggle sw itch has four functions: • • Up Button Down Button Press to: o Scroll up or dow n through the main menu and sub-menu options as appropriate. • OK Button (Also referred to as the ‘Enter’ button) Press to: o Access the main menu of the VU. o Choose selected menu options. o Confirm a selected action. • Back/Cancel Button Press to: o Exit the main menu. o Return from a sub-menu to the next higher lev el of menu. o Exit from a selected action w ithout change. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 18 2.2 Card Insertion As w ith all types of VU, the DTCO 1381 uses small electric motors to driv e the card mechanisms and the printer. This means that to function fully, you must ensure that the v ehicle ignition is sw itched on. The engine does not need to be running. The driv er of the v ehicle must alw ays ensure that they insert their Driv er Card into ‘slot 1’ and use the Driv er button (‘1’) to make any required mode changes. I f the v ehicle is to be operated by tw o driv ers during any duty period, the second driv er is know n as the ‘crew member’. The crew member is a driv er w ho is not physically driv ing the v ehicle, but w ho is assigned to driv e at some other time during the duty period. I f you are acting as the crew member, you must insert your driv er card into ‘slot 2’ and use the Crew button (‘2’) to make any necessary mode changes. Card insertion w ith this type of VU is v ery straightforw ard. Simply slide your Driv er Card gently into the relev ant slot (‘slot 1’ on the left for the driv er, slot ‘2’ on the right for the crew member), ensuring that the ‘chip’ is facing upw ards and tow ards the front of the tray (i.e. aw ay from you). The VU w ill automatically draw the card fully in to the slot. The VU w ill then display ‘Welcome’ and tw o times: U TC time and local time (ev en if they are the same) for approximately 3 seconds. Welcome 16:00ĩ 15:00UTC Next, your last name (as stored on the card) w ill be displayed and a progress indicator w ill show that the data on the card is being read. Once the VU has read your card, it w ill display the date and time that you last w ithdrew your Driv er Card from a VU. 2.3 ‘Signing On’ Once your card has been successfully inserted into the VU and the initial read is complete, you w ill be asked w hether you need to make any manual entries for activ ities undertaken prior to insertion of your card. M entry addition? no Either: No Manual Entries to be Added to the Record I f you hav e not carried out any w ork activ ities since last using your Driv er Card, you do not need to add any manual entries at this time. Ensure that ‘no’ is displayed on the screen, using the ‘Up’ (▲) or ‘Down’ (▼) button on the toggle sw itch if required and then press the ‘OK’ button on the toggle sw itch to confirm this selection. Or: Enter Activities Manually I f you hav e carried out w ork activ ities since last using your Driv er Card, you can manually enter additional data at this time. The DTCO 1381 only allow s you to enter manual activ ities carried out betw een the prev ious w ithdraw al of your card from a VU and the time that you inserted your card into the DTCO 1381. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 19 As such, you may manually enter additional activ ities cov ering the end of your prev ious duty period, activ ities cov ering the beginning of the current duty period or activ ities w ithin the current duty period (i.e. w orking time betw een operating one v ehicle and another during the current duty period). To make a manual entry, you should ensure that ‘yes’ is displayed on the screen, using the ‘Up’ (▲) or ‘Down’ (▼) button on the toggle sw itch if required and then press the ‘OK’ button on the toggle sw itch to confirm this selection. The VU w ill then display the last time the driv er card w as w ithdraw n and ask you w hether this is the end of your shift. ę? end of shift 21.11 15.15 no I f you need to add manual entries, press the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ button until ‘no ’ is displayed, then press the ‘OK’ button. Tw o sets of the same date and time w ill then be displayed, one abov e the other. You should then use the ‘Up’ button to alter the time show n at the bottom of the display, until the correct time for the end of the period of w ork you need to enter is show n. I f the required end time is inadv ertently passed, you can use the ‘Down’ button to correct this. Once the correct end time is show n, press the ‘OK’ button. The VU display w ill then show an activ ity mode. You should select the correct activ ity mode for the added time period by pressing the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ button until the required activ ity mode pictogram is show n. 19.11 22.45 20.11 01.20 ĉ Once the correct activ ity is selected, press the ‘OK’ button. Finally, you w ill be asked to confirm the location that your last duty period ended. Again, use the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ buttons as required to and then press the ‘OK’ button to confirm your choice. When you hav e completed the manual entry procedure, the VU w ill prompt for confirmation of the start location for your new period of duty. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ buttons as required to select the correct country and press the ‘OK’ button to confirm your choice. At this point, the VU w ill process and store any data for manual activ ities that you hav e entered and w ill w rite a copy of this data to your Driv er Card. W hile the VU is processing and storing the data, a Ļ symbol w ill be displayed next to the activ ity mode pictogram in the low er left hand corner of the display. Once the VU has completed the required processing for the beginning of the duty period, this w ill be replaced by the driv er card symbol, ċ. You may now begin carrying out your day’s duties. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 20 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 I f you hav e signed on as the driv er (i.e. you hav e placed your Driv er Card in ‘slot 1’), the VU w ill automatically default to the ‘Other Work’ (crossed hammers, ĉ) activ ity mode w henev er the v ehicle is stationary and the ‘Driv ing’ (steering w heel, Ĵ) activ ity mode w henev er the v ehicle is in motion. Activ ity modes can be changed only w hen the v ehicle is stationary. To change the activ ity being carried out by the driv er, repeatedly press the ‘1’ button until the required pictogram is show n at the bottom left hand side of the VU screen. I f you hav e signed on as the crew member (i.e. you hav e placed your Driv er Card in ‘slot 2’), the VU w ill automatically default to the ‘Av ailability’ (box, ć) activ ity mode and w ill rev ert to this mode automatically w henev er the v ehicle is in motion, irrespectiv e of its prev ious mode. Activ ity modes can be changed only w hen the v ehicle is stationary. To change the activ ity being carried out by the crew member, repeatedly press the ‘2’ button until the required pictogram is show n at the bottom right hand side of the VU screen. 2.4 Screen Displays A standard display w ill normally be show n on the VU screen. This differs slightly dependent on w hether or not the v ehicle is in motion. I n addition, the DTCO 1381 can display v arious types of useful information throughout the duty period. For full details of the different displays av ailable, consult the VU user manual, w hich should be kept w ith the v ehicle documentation. 2.5 Card Withdrawal You must w ithdraw your card from the VU if the v ehicle is to be driv en by another driv er or if you hav e to driv e in another v ehicle. W hen your Driv er Card is w ithdraw n from a VU, a record of the card ejection is stored in the VU and on the Driv er Card. A card may be ejected from the VU at any time, prov ided that the v ehicle is stationary and the VU is show ing one of the main driv ing displays or the main menu. To w ithdraw your Driv er Card from the VU, proceed as follow s: 1. Press and hold the ‘Eject’ ( ) button adjacent to the ‘1’ button. The display screen w ill then show your name. 2. You w ill then be prompted to confirm the location w here your duty period is finishing. Make the appropriate selection using the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ buttons and press the ‘OK’ button to confirm your choice. 3. The VU w ill then ask you if you w ish to take a 24-hour printout for your Driv er Card by displaying ‘24hċĐ day’ and asking you to select ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the normal w ay. Note: Some DTCO 1381 VU’s default to ‘yes’ at this stage and some default to ‘no’ so, to av oid making unnecessary printouts, it is important you check w hat is displayed before proceeding. The same procedure should be follow ed to eject your card if you are acting as a crew member, but in this case, the ‘Eject’ button adjacent to the ‘2’ button should be pressed to eject your card. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 21 Please be aw are that the ejection of a smartcard can take some time because the VU needs to copy data onto the card relating to the activ ities you hav e undertaken. Once all the data is w ritten, your Driv er Card w ill be ejected. Once your Driv er Card has been successfully ejected, the v ehicle ignition may be sw itched off. 2.6 Taking Driver and Vehicle Printouts from the VU I t’s v itally important that you know how to take printouts from a VU. I f your Driv er Card dev elops a fault, is lost or is stolen, you must take a printout from the v ehicle record at the start of ev ery duty period and another at the end of ev ery duty period. Failure to do so could lead to prosecution of both the driver and the operator. Printouts produced by the DTCO 1381 Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit ALWAYS show UTC time. A printout from the v ehicle can be taken w hether or not there is a Driv er Card inserted in the VU. Ev en if a v ehicle is driv en w ith no Driv er Card inserted in the VU, the VU w ill still hold a record of all activ ities carried out by the v ehicle. I n such a situation, the activ ities w ill be recorded and allocated to an ‘unknow n driv er’. Printouts can only be made if the v ehicle ignition is sw itched on. The VU data can be printed as follow s: 1. Ensure that the VU is in the standard display mode, then press the ‘OK’ button to enter the main menu: Whenev er the ‘OK’ button is pressed from the main menu, the DTCO 1381 VU alw ays goes directly the option ‘printout driver 1’. This w ill print the data held on the card in ‘slot 1’. I f a printout of the data held on the card in ‘slot 2’ (the current Crew Member) is required, the ‘Dow n’ button should be pressed until ‘printout driver 2’ is displayed. I f a printout of the data held in the VU is required, (for example if you hav e to carry out your duties w ithout using your personal Driv er Card because it is faulty or has been lost or stolen), the ‘Down’ button should be pressed until ‘printout vehicle’ is displayed. Once the required option is displayed, press the ‘OK’ button; 2. The VU w ill now offer a selection of v alid printouts. The default is to make a 24hour printout for a specific day. Press the ‘Down’ button until the required report type is displayed and press ‘OK’ to continue; 3. I f appropriate, the VU w ill now ask for confirmation of the date for w hich to print the data. Select the required date using the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ buttons as required, then press ‘OK’ to start the printout. 4. Once the printout process is complete, the VU should alw ays be returned to the standard display mode: Press the ‘Return’ button repeatedly until ‘exit main menu?’ is displayed and then press the ‘OK’ button. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 22 2.7 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Changing the Print Roll Changing the print roll in the DTCO 1381 is v ery straightforw ard. The print cassette is located to the right hand side of the VU. To replace the print roll, first ensure that the v ehicle ignition is sw itched on, then press the cassette draw er sw itch situated to the right and near the top of the draw er face. The draw er w ill then open automatically. Do not force the draw er or try to w ithdraw it completely from the VU as it is an integral part of the VU and is not remov able. With the draw er fully open, place the replacement print roll into the cassette, ensuring that the loose end of the print roll is to the top and a small piece of it is hanging ov er the top front edge of the draw er. Gently press the cassette draw er back into the VU and the VU printer is now ready for use. 3 Advanced Usage Within this appendix are the basic settings required to correctly operate the DTCO 1381 Vehicle Unit for the first time. I f you are to be a regular user of a v ehicle fitted w ith this type of unit, it is strongly recommended that you read the VU user manual. This should be kept w ith the v ehicle documentation. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 23 Appendix 2: User Notes for the ACTIA SmarTach ® Digital Tachograph This appendix relates specifically to the ACTI A SmarTach® Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit (VU). These notes highlight the key features and methods of operation for this type of VU. 1 The ACTIA SmarTach ® Digital Tachograph ACTI A is one of the three manufacturers that presently prov ide Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units (VU) for use in both goods and passenger transport v ehicles operated from w ithin the 27 European member states. This VU is commonly referred to as the SmarTach ®. Although all the Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units that are manufactured must legally be of the same specification, the w ay in w hich the SmarTach® is operated is in many w ays different to both the Stoneridge SE5000 and the Continental Automotiv e (prev iously Siemens) VDO DTCO 1381 v ersions. This model of Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit comes complete w ith a v ariety of custom options that w ill not be found on the other tw o types of VU. Many of these settings w ill only ev er be accessed and used if the v ehicle that the VU is fitted into is largely in the hands of one driv er. For instance, you may set the contrast of the display screen, decide w hether the reading show n on the display is in kilometres or miles, choose w hether you w ant to be ‘bleeped’ w hen changing settings or a w arning is activ ated, or decide w hether to make printouts in local time or U TC. There is also the ability to store default settings that cut dow n on time spent inputting information at the start and end of each day’s duty. I f you regularly operate or driv e v ehicles fitted w ith the ACTI A SmarTach ® VU, it is strongly recommend that you read the ACTI A SmarTach ® Tachograph User Manual, reference AC520956, av ailable from the Actia w ebsite at www w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 24 2 Using the ACTIA SmarTach® VU 2.1 Menu Buttons Unlike the CAG (Siemens) VDO DTCO 1381 and the Stoneridge SE5000 VUs this type of VU, has a single card insertion and mode selection button for the Driv er and another for the Crew Member. To the right of ‘slot 1’ is the Driv er button (‘1’) w hich must be pressed and held to enable the insertion and w ithdraw al of the driv er’s card. Similarly, there is a single Crew button (‘2’) to the left of ‘slot 2’ w hich allow s a crew member to insert or w ithdraw their card. The buttons in the panel directly abov e ‘slot 1’ are: • Escape Button: Press to: o Exit the main menu. o Cancel the current action. • Back Button: Press to: o Go back to the prev ious item or menu. o Change the v alue presently being entered. o Mov e/scroll backw ard w ithin the main menu. • Forward Button: Press to: o Choose the v alue to be entered. o Mov e/scroll forw ard w ithin the main menu. • OK Button: Press to: o Answ er ‘Yes’ or ‘OK’. o Confirm a choice. o Acknow ledge w arnings. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 2.2 25 Card Insertion As w ith all types of VU, the SmarTach® uses small electric motors to driv e the card mechanisms and the printer. This means that to function fully, you must ensure that the v ehicle ignition is sw itched on. The engine does not need to be running. The driv er of the v ehicle must alw ays ensure that they insert their Driv er Card into ‘slot 1’ and use the Driv er button (‘1’) to make any required mode changes. I f the v ehicle is to be operated by tw o driv ers during any duty period, the second driv er is know n as the ‘crew member’. The crew member is a driv er w ho is not physically driv ing the v ehicle, but w ho is assigned to driv e at some other time during the duty period. I f you are acting as the crew member, you must insert your driv er card into ‘slot 2’ and use the Crew button (‘2’) to make any necessary mode changes. Before carrying out any w ork, you should insert your Driv er Card into the VU as follow s: 1. Hold dow n the Driv er button or Crew button as appropriate. This w ill open the relev ant slot, to enable card insertion. 2. When the slot is ready, the display w ill show ċ Ģ 1, w ith the ‘1’ flashing to indicate that it is expecting the Driv er Card. I f you are signing on as the crew member, the display w ill be the same except that ‘2’ w ill be show n instead of ‘1’. 3. Your Driv er Card must be inserted into the appropriate slot, w ith the chip facing up and nearest the VU. You should then slide it gently in until it reaches the stop. The slot w ill close automatically w hen your Driv er Card has been successfully inserted. The display panel on the VU w ill now indicate that it is reading the card in the relev ant slot by show ing the symbols /-\ in rapid succession to giv e the impression of a rotating bar. Once the data on your card has been successfully read, the VU screen w ill display your last name. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 26 2.3 ‘Signing On’ Once your Driv er Card has been successfully inserted into the VU and the initial read is complete, you hav e tw o alternativ es: Either: No Manual Entries to be Added to the Record The SmarTach ® VU w ill display the date and time that your Driv er Card w as last w ithdraw n from a VU and w ill ask you w hether the date and time displayed w as the end of your prev ious duty period. ‘YES’ w ill be show n as the default option. I f you hav e not carried out any other duties since last using your Driv er Card, simply press the ‘OK’ button to confirm this. SmarTach ® w ill then ask you to confirm that the date show n on the display is correct and that you are starting your duty period on the date show n. Press the ‘OK’ button to confirm the date show n. After this, the SmarTach® w ill ask you to confirm that the time show n on the display is correct and that you are starting your duty period at the time show n. Press the ‘OK’ button to confirm the time show n. Next, the SmarTach® w ill ask you to confirm that the location show n (e.g. UK) is the correct location at w hich you are starting this duty period. N ot e: The VU speci fi catio n requi res t hat ‘Locati on’ defi nes t he co untry w here the dut y perio d i s to st art , for exampl e, ‘ UK’ i f you are beginni ng your dut y perio d i n t he Unit ed K ingdom. Select as appropriate or if correctly displayed, simply press the ‘OK’ button to confirm that the location show n is correct. Once all the abov e has been checked and confirmed, the SmarTach® w ill ask you to confirm that you hav e correctly made all the required entries by displaying ’CONFIRM?’ on the display screen and w aiting for you to once more press the ‘OK’ button. At this point, it can be assumed that the VU has successfully communicated w ith the Driv er Card and that all the required data has been checked, recorded and copied. Or: Enter Activities Manually I f you hav e carried out w ork activ ities since last using your Driv er Card, you can manually enter additional data at this time. The SmarTach ® only allow s you to enter manual activ ities carried out betw een the prev ious w ithdraw al of your card from a VU and the time that you inserted your card into the SmarTach ® . w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 27 As such, you may manually enter additional activ ities cov ering the end of your prev ious duty period, activ ities cov ering the beginning of the current duty period or activ ities w ithin the current duty period (i.e. w orking time betw een operating one v ehicle and another during the current duty period). Full and detailed instructions on how to manually enter additional activ ity data is av ailable in the ACTI A SmarTach ® Tachograph User Manual, reference AC520956, av ailable from the Actia w ebsite at www You may now begin carrying out your day’s duties. I f you hav e signed on as the driv er (i.e. you hav e placed your Driv er Card in ‘slot 1’), the VU w ill automatically default to the ‘Other Work’ (crossed hammers, ĉ) activ ity mode w henev er the v ehicle is stationary and the ‘Driv ing’ (steering w heel, Ĵ) activ ity mode w henev er the v ehicle is in motion. Activ ity modes can be changed only w hen the v ehicle is stationary. To change the activ ity being carried out by the driv er, repeatedly press the ‘1’ button until the required pictogram is show n at the bottom and just to the left of centre on the VU screen. I f you hav e signed on as the crew member (i.e. you hav e placed your Driv er Card in ‘slot 2’), the VU w ill automatically default to the ‘Av ailability’ (box, ć) activ ity mode and w ill rev ert to this mode automatically w henev er the v ehicle is in motion, irrespectiv e of its prev ious mode. Activ ity modes can be changed only w hen the v ehicle is stationary. To change the activ ity being carried out by the crew member, repeatedly press the ‘2’ button until the required pictogram is show n at the bottom right hand side of the VU screen. 2.4 Screen Displays A standard display w ill normally be show n on the VU screen. This w ill differ slightly dependent on w hether or not the v ehicle is in motion. I n addition, the SmarTach ® can display v arious types of useful information throughout the duty period. There are 8 different data displays av ailable to v iew as and w hen required. For details of the displays av ailable, you should read the ACTI A Tachograph User Manual, reference AC520956, w hich may be dow nloaded from the Actia w ebsite at www w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 28 2.5 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Card Withdrawal You must w ithdraw your card from the VU if the v ehicle is to be driv en by another driv er or if you hav e to driv e in another v ehicle. W hen your Driv er Card is w ithdraw n from a VU, a record of the card ejection is stored in the VU and on the Driv er Card. A card may be ejected from the VU at any time, prov ided that the v ehicle is stationary and the VU is show ing one of the main driv ing displays or the main menu. To w ithdraw your Driv er Card from the VU, proceed as follow s: 1. Hold dow n the Driv er button (‘1’). The display screen on the VU w ill display the number ‘1’ and your last name 2. You w ill then be prompted to confirm your Driv er Card w ithdraw al request Press the ‘OK’ button to confirm. 3. You w ill now be asked to confirm the location w here the duty period is finishing. Select as appropriate or if correctly displayed, simply press the ‘OK’ Button to confirm. The same procedure should be follow ed to eject the card for a crew member, but in this case the Crew button (‘2’) should be pressed to eject the card. Please be aw are that the ejection of a smartcard can take some time because the VU needs to copy data onto the card relating to the activ ities you hav e undertaken. Once all the data is w ritten, your Driv er Card w ill be ejected. Once the card has been successfully ejected, the slot may remain open for up to 3 minutes. Do not try to close the slot manually or press buttons unnecessarily during this period. The SmarTach ® VU automatically goes into standby mode w hen the v ehicle ignition is sw itched off, how ever, unlike the CAG (Siemens) VDO DTCO 1381 and the Stoneridge SE5000 VUs , it is possible to change the activ ity mode on the SmarTach ® VU w hen the ignition is sw itched off. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 2.6 29 Taking Driver and Vehicle Printouts from the VU I t’s v itally important that you know how to take printouts from a VU. I f your Driv er Card dev elops a fault, is lost or is stolen, you must take a printout from the v ehicle record at the start of ev ery duty period and another at the end of ev ery duty period. Failure to do so could lead to prosecution of both the driver and the operator. This type of printout must be produced showing UTC time. DON’T FORGET: Printouts from the ACTIA SmarTach® give you the added option of choosing whether to print off in local tim e or UTC time. BUT REMEMBER: Printouts requested by the authorities MUST be produced and made available in UTC time. A printout from the v ehicle can be taken w hether or not there is a Driv er Card inserted in the VU. Ev en if a v ehicle is driv en w ith no Driv er Card inserted in the VU, the VU w ill still hold a record of all activ ities carried out by the v ehicle. I n such a situation, the activ ities w ill be recorded and allocated to an ‘unknow n driv er’. Printouts can only be made if the v ehicle ignition is sw itched on. The VU data can be printed as follow s: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.7 Press the ‘OK’ button to enter the main menu. Press the ‘Forward’ button as many times as necessary to find ‘settings’. Press the ‘OK’ button w hen ‘settings’ is show n on the display screen. Press the ‘Forward’ button as many times as required to find ‘PRI NT REPORT’. Press the ‘OK’ button w hen ‘PRI NT REPORT’ is v isible on the display screen. Press the ‘Forw ard’ button to select the required report. For a v ehicle report, press ‘OK’ w hen !ĘēĐ is displayed on the VU screen. For a driv er report press ‘OK’ w hen !ĘċĐ is displayed. The selected report w ill then be printed. Changing the Print Roll Changing the print roll in an ACTI A SmarTach ® VU is fairly straightforw ard. The print cassette is located to the right hand side of the VU. To access the print roll cassette, you need to gently pull open the cassette draw er by putting your finger in the ridge at the top of the front of the draw er and pulling dow n the front cov er. The cov er w ill drop dow n on a hinge and a red piece of plastic w ill then be v isible. Pull the red plastic out to the front of the cassette draw er and place a new print roll onto it. Push the front of the plastic back into the cassette draw er w ith the print roll on top of it, then lift up and close the cassette front. Ensure that the loose end of the print roll is draw n out ov er the top of the cassette draw er front w hen it has been latched back into place. The VU printer is now ready for use. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 30 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 3 SmarTach ® Specific Options 3.1 Driver Activity Reminders 3.2 Warning Alarms The SmarTach ® has an optional activ ity reminder that issues an alert to remind you to check the settings on the VU w hen the v ehicle is sw itched on or off. I n addition, the SmarTach ® allow s you to select default activ ities that can be automatically activ ated by the VU ev ery time the v ehicle ignition is sw itched off. This can reduce your w orkload at the end of each daily duty period. Another innov ativ e idea that has been programmed into the SmarTach ® VU is an independent v isible w arning light on the front of the VU and the option to set w arning ‘beeps’. 3.2.1 Warning Light The w arning light flashes to w arn that: • • • The VU has detected a w arnable ev ent or a fault. The driv er or crew member has requested an action that is not possible at this time. The manual entry of activ ities has not been completed. 3.2.2 Warning ‘beep’ When the w arning light flashes on the front of the VU, a ‘beep’ may sound. The w arning ‘beep’ sounds sev eral times w hen: • • A w arning has been triggered. No key is pressed for more than 30 seconds during manual entry of activ ities. 3.2.3 Keyboard ‘beep’ A keyboard ‘beep’ can be set on or off through the main menu so that any selections or settings made w ill be audibly confirmed by a ‘beep’ w hen the button is pressesd. • • 3.3 One ‘beep’ for a positiv e answ er. Tw o consecutiv e ‘beeps’ for a negativ e answ er. Printout Options Another unique feature of the SmarTach ® VU is the option it prov ides to print data from the mass memory in either local time or U TC time. Care must be taken to ensure that U TC time is always used w hen taking printouts that may be required by or submitted to the enforcement authorities. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 4 31 Advanced Usage The ACTI A SmarTach® has a v ast menu of additional settings and options ov er and abov e the standard settings legally required to comply w ith the European specification. Within this appendix are just the basic settings and operations required to correctly operate the ACTI A SmarTach ® VU for the first time. I f you are to be a regular user of a v ehicle equipped w ith this type of VU, it is strongly recommended that you familiarise yourself w ith the ACTI A Tachograph User Manual, reference AC520956, w hich may be dow nloaded from the Actia w ebsite at www w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 32 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Appendix 3: User Notes for the Stoneridge SE5000 Digital Tachograph This appendix relates specifically to the Stoneridge SE5000 Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit (VU). These notes highlight the key features and methods of operation for this type of VU. 1 The Stoneridge SE5000 Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit This model of Digital Tachograph v ehicle unit is generally to be found in Scania v ehicles. At the time of w riting there is speculation that DAF are considering the fitment of the Stoneridge SE5000 into their v ehicles in the future, w hereas Scania hav e recently agreed to giv e customers the option of hav ing a Continental Automotiv e Group VDO DTCO 1381 fitted in place of the Stoneridge SE5000. The settings and methods of input used by the SE5000 are also substantially different from those found w hen using an ACTI A SmarTach ® VU, although the SE5000 does share some of the characteristics of the Continental Automotiv e Group (formerly Siemens) VDO DTCO 1381. There are three v ery significant differences in operation of the SE5000 Vehicle Unit w hen compared to the SmarTach® and the DTCO 1381 Vehicle Units: 1. When inserting a Driv er Card into the Vehicle Unit, you do not insert your card into a slot on the front of the VU as you w ould w ith the DTCO1381 and SmarTach ® Vehicle Units. I nstead, the SE5000 has a smartcard draw er w hich must first be ejected. Your Driv er Card then has to be placed on the draw er and the draw er has to be pushed back into the VU before any processing can begin. Important Note: The smartcard draw ers on the SE5000 VU are not designed to support w eight w hen in the open position. 2. The loading procedure for the print roll is significantly more inv olv ed than that for either the DTCO 1381 of the SmarTach ® units and unlike the other tw o types of unit, the printer feeds the paper from underneath the printer cov er. 3. The third major difference w ill only be apparent to operators, w hen they dow nload data from the v ehicle unit. Rather than hav ing a simple connector for the dow nload tool on the front of the VU, the SE5000 requires the operator to remov e the print roll cassette. This rev eals a 5-pin plug to w hich the dow nload tool may be connected. I f you regularly operate or driv e v ehicles fitted w ith the Stoneridge SE5000 VU, it is strongly recommend that you read the SE5000 Tachograph User Manual (part number 6800-900), av ailable from the Stoneridge w ebsite at www w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 2 Using the SE5000 2.1 Menu Buttons 33 To the right of ‘slot 1’ there is a single Driv er button (‘1’) and to the left of ‘slot 2’ is the Crew button (‘2’). When pressed briefly, these buttons are used to select the appropriate activ ity mode for the driv er or crew member, as appropriate. Activ ity mode changes may only be made w hen the v ehicle is stationary. I f the Driv er button (‘1’) or Crew button (‘2’) is pressed and held, it w ill initiate the card insertion or ejection sequence as appropriate. These buttons are not activ e w hen the electrical supply to the VU is interrupted, so if it is not possible to restore the pow er, it w ill be necessary to send the v ehicle to a Tachograph Workshop to hav e the card released. The buttons in the panel directly abov e ‘slot 1’ are: • Quit Button: Press to: o Cancel processes. o Return to the prev ious display. • Up Button: Press to: o I ncrease v alues. o Select options. • Down Button: Press to: o Decrease v alues. o Select options. • Enter Button: Press to: o Confirm entries. o Acknow ledge messages. o Acknow ledge w arnings. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 34 2.2 Card Insertion As w ith all types of VU, the SE5000 uses small electric motors to driv e the card mechanisms and the printer. This means that to function fully, you must ensure that the v ehicle ignition is sw itched on. The engine does not need to be running. The driv er of the v ehicle must alw ays ensure that they insert their Driv er Card into ‘slot 1’ and use the Driv er button (‘1’) to make any required mode changes. I f the v ehicle is to be operated by tw o driv ers during any duty period, the second driv er is know n as the ‘crew member’. The crew member is a driv er w ho is not physically driv ing the v ehicle, but w ho is assigned to driv e at some other time during the duty period. I f you are acting as the crew member, you must insert your driv er card into ‘slot 2’ and use the Crew button (‘2’) to make any necessary mode changes. Before carrying out any w ork, you should insert your Driv er Card into the VU as follow s: 1. Press and hold the Driv er button (‘1’) until the ejection process for the tray in ‘slot 1’ starts. 2. When the tray is ejected place the driv er card onto the tray, w ith the chip facing upw ards and nearest the VU. 3. Push the tray gently and firmly back into the VU. The display panel on the VU w ill then indicate that it is reading your Driv er Card. Be patient as this initial dow nload process may take sev eral minutes. 1 Busy processing Ĭ Once the data on your card has been successfully read, the VU screen w ill display your name as held on your Driv er Card. 2.3 ‘Signing On’ Once your card has been successfully inserted into the VU and the initial read is complete, you w ill be asked w hether this insertion is the continuation of your duty period. ĕ?ęCont. day.? 16:22 22.11.2008 ī Ę At this point, you hav e tw o alternativ es: Either: No Manual Entries to be Added to the Record I f you hav e not carried out any w ork activ ities since last using your Driv er Card, you do not need to add any manual entries at this time. Simply press the ‘Quit’ button. You w ill then be asked to confirm the start location in the European Community for your current period of duty. Use ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ buttons as required and once the correct location is displayed, press the ‘Enter’ button to confirm your choice. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 35 Or: Enter Activities Manually I f you hav e carried out w ork activ ities since last using your Driv er Card, you can manually enter additional data at this time. The SE5000 only allow s you to enter manual activ ities carried out betw een the prev ious w ithdraw al of your card from a VU and the time that you inserted your card into the SE5000. As such, you may manually enter additional activ ities cov ering the end of your prev ious duty period, activ ities cov ering the beginning of the current duty period or activ ities w ithin the current duty period (i.e. w orking time betw een operating one v ehicle and another during the current duty period). The SE5000 only allow s the input of up to 16 manual entries in each 24-hour period. I f the current duty period is a continuation of your w orking day, use the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ button to ensure that the tick (ī) is highlighted in the display. I f you hav e activ ities to add relating to your prev ious w orking day, ensure that the cross (Ę) is highlighted. Once you hav e made the appropriate selection, press the ‘Enter’ button to continue. You w ill then be prompted to the dates and times of any additional activ ities that you hav e carried out. Use the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ buttons to make the appropriate selections, and use the ‘Enter’ button to confirm your entries at each stage. Full and det ail ed inst ructio ns o n how to m anuall y ent er addit ional act ivit y dat a i s availabl e in t he SE5000 Tachograph User Manual (part number 6800-900), av ail abl e from t he Stoneri dge w ebsit e at www.sto neridge-el ectroni cs. info . You may now begin carrying out your day’s duties. I f you hav e signed on as the driv er (i.e. you hav e placed your Driv er Card in ‘slot 1’), the VU w ill automatically default to the ‘Other Work’ (crossed hammers, ĉ) activ ity mode w henev er the v ehicle is stationary and the ‘Driv ing’ (steering w heel, Ĵ) activ ity mode w henev er the v ehicle is in motion. Activ ity modes can be changed only w hen the v ehicle is stationary. To change the activ ity being carried out by the driv er, repeatedly press the ‘1’ button until the required pictogram is show n to the right of the Ā symbol at the left hand side of the upper row of the display. I f you hav e signed on as the crew member (i.e. you hav e placed your Driv er Card in ‘slot 2’), the VU w ill automatically default to the ‘Av ailability’ (box, ć) activ ity mode and w ill rev ert to this mode automatically w henev er the v ehicle is in motion, irrespectiv e of its prev ious mode. Activ ity modes can be changed only w hen the v ehicle is stationary. To change the activ ity being carried out by the crew member, repeatedly press the ‘2’ button until the required pictogram is show n to the right of the ā symbol at the left hand side of the low er row of the display. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 36 2.4 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Screen Displays A standard display w ill normally be show n on the VU screen. This differs slightly dependent on w hether or not the v ehicle is in motion. I n addition, The SE5000 can display v arious types of useful information throughout the duty period. For full details of the different displays av ailable, consult the SE5000 Tachograph User Manual (part number 6800-900), av ailable from the Stoneridge w ebsite at www 2.5 Card Withdrawal You must w ithdraw your card from the VU if the v ehicle is to be driv en by another driv er or if you hav e to driv e in another v ehicle. W hen your Driv er Card is w ithdraw n from a VU, a record of the card ejection is stored in the VU and on the Driv er Card. A card may be ejected from the VU at any time, prov ided that the v ehicle is stationary and the VU is show ing one of the main driv ing displays or the main menu. To w ithdraw your Driv er Card from the VU, proceed as follow s: 1. Press and hold the Driv er button (‘1’) until the ejection sequence starts. 2. You w ill now be asked to confirm the location w here the duty period is finishing. Select as appropriate or if correctly displayed, simply press the ‘Enter’ Button to confirm. 3. Once the card tray has been successfully ejected, you w ill need release your Driv er Card from the tray. There is an opening in the tray to allow you to push your card upw ards from underneath. The same procedure should be follow ed to eject the card for a crew member, but in this case, the Crew button (‘2’) should be pressed to eject the card. Please be aw are that the ejection of a smartcard can take some time because the VU needs to copy data onto the card relating to the activ ities you hav e undertaken. Once all the data is w ritten, your Driv er Card w ill be ejected. Once you hav e remov ed your Driv er Card, you should alw ays slide the card tray back into the VU before sw itching the v ehicle ignition off. The Stoneridge SE5000 VU automatically goes into standby mode approximately 10 seconds after the v ehicle ignition is sw itched off. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 2.6 37 Taking Driver and Vehicle Printouts from the VU I t’s v itally important that you know how to take printouts from a VU. I f your Driv er Card dev elops a fault, is lost or is stolen, you must take a printout from the v ehicle record at the start of ev ery duty period and another at the end of ev ery duty period. Failure to do so could lead to prosecution of both the driver and the operator. Printouts produced by the DTCO 1381 Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit ALWAYS show UTC time. A printout from the v ehicle can be taken w hether or not there is a Driv er Card inserted in the VU. Ev en if a v ehicle is driv en w ith no Driv er Card inserted in the VU, the VU w ill still hold a record of all activ ities carried out by the v ehicle. I n such a situation, the activ ities w ill be recorded and allocated to an ‘unknow n driv er’. Printouts can only be made if the v ehicle ignition is sw itched on. The VU data can be printed as follow s: 1. Press the ‘Enter’ button to go to the main Đ/čPrint Ą menu. Menu Ľ 2. Press the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ button until the ‘Print Menu’ screen is show n. 3. Press the ‘Enter’ again to enter the print sub-menu, and use the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ button to scroll through the list of av ailable printouts until the required option is displayed. 4. Press the ‘Enter’ button again to start the printout. Once a printout has been started, it can only be stopped by pressing and holding the ‘Quit’ button. A w arning message w ill then be displayed to acknow ledge that printing has been cancelled. I f there is a problem w ith the printer, an appropriate w arning message w ill be displayed. Full details of the v arious printouts av ailable from the SE5000 can be found in the SE5000 Tachograph User Manual (part number 6800-900), av ailable from the Stoneridge w ebsite at www w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 38 2.7 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Changing the Print Roll Unlike the DTCO 1381 and SmarTach ® VUs, the SE5000 has a paper cassette that must be completely w ithdraw n from the VU to allow loading of a new print roll. Great care needs to be taken w hen loading a print roll to ensure that it is loaded correctly and that the cassette mechanism is not damaged. To remov e the cassette mechanism, first press the upper edge of the printer cov er on the right hand side of the VU. The panel hinges out from the top, allow ing the cassette mechanism to be remov ed by pulling firmly but gently on the low er edge of the panel. The paper roll should now be inserted into the top of the cassette, and the free end of the paper should be fed around the rear of the cassette, ov er the roller and then underneath the cassette mechanism, tow ards the front of the panel. IMPORTANT: If, at any stage, undue resistance is felt or the paper becomes torn of damaged, remove the cassette and check that the print roll is correctly inserted. Do NOT force the cassette home as this can cause severe damage to the VU. Once loaded, the cassette should be slid carefully back onto the rails of the back into the VU by pressing on the centre of the panel until it engages and ensuring that loose end of the print roll remains protruding from underneath the cassette draw er. The VU printer is now ready for use. 3 Advanced Usage Within this appendix are just the basic settings and operations required to correctly operate the Stoneridge SE5000 VU for the first time. I f you are to be a regular user of a v ehicle fitted w ith this type of VU, it is strongly recommended that you familiarise yourself w ith the SE5000 Tachograph User Manual (part number 6800-900), av ailable from the Stoneridge w ebsite at www w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Appendix 4: Digital Tachograph Display Symbols 1 Basic Display Symbols People Ă ă Ą ą Ć ć Ą Ĉ ĉ Ċ ? Modes of Operation Company Company Mode Controller Control Control Mode Driv er Driv ing Operational Mode Workshop/Test Station Inspection/Calibration Calibration Mode Manufacturer Activities Duration Available Current Availa bility Period Driv ing Continuous Driv ing Time Rest Current Rest Period Work Current Work Period Break Cumula tiv e Break Time Unknown Equipment 1 ċ č ď Đ Ē Actions Functions Equipment 2 Č Ď Đ Ē Driv er Slot Card Display Displaying Power Supply Sensor Functions Co-Driv er Slot Clock External Storage Downloading Printer/Printout Printing Tyre Siz e Vehicle/Vehicle Unit Specific Conditions OUT Ĕ Out of Scope Ferry/Train Crossing Miscellaneous ! ĕ Ė ė Č ij ĥ Ġ° Ev ents Start of Daily Work Period Location Security Time Eject Case Opened High Temperature Ę ę Ě > Ĝ Ħ ħ ġ° Faults ĝ ğ Weekly End of Daily Work Period Manual Entry of Driv er Activ ities Speed Total/Summary Lock Paper Low Temperature Į į Ĭ İ ı IJ Ć Ĥ° Qualifiers 24h Ğ Ev ents Two Weeks From or To w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k Menu Settings Busy Contrast Invert Enter Activ ation High or Low Temperature 39 40 2 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Display Symbol Combinations Miscellaneous ăĖ Ėĕ Čğ OUTğğ Control Place Location Start of Daily Work Period From Time Out of Scope Begin ēğ ęĖ ğČ ğOUT From Vehicle Ăċ ąċ Company Card ĄĞ Driv ing Time for Two Weeks 24hēĐ !ĘēĐ >>Đ Driv er Activ ities from VU Daily Printout ę? ęĖ? End of Previous Work Period? Location End of Daily Work Period To Time Out of Scope End Cards Ąċ ăċ ċ--- Driv er Card Control Card Workshop Card No Card Driving Ąĝ Driv ing Time for One Week Printouts 24hċĐ !ĘċĐ ąČĐ Driv er Activ ities from Card Daily Printout Ev ents and Faults from Card Printout Technical Data Printout Ev ents and Faults from VU Printout Over Speeding Printout Manual Entries ĕ?ę Ėĕ? Still Same Daily Work Period? Enter Location of Start of Work Period Confirm or Enter Location of End of Work Period w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 41 Appendix 5: Digital Tachograph Events and Warnings 1 General Events Warning Messages Me ssa ge De scr ipt io n W ar ning Mess age W ar ning Refere nce N umber Reaso n for Occ ur ring and Req uired Act io n to be Take n I nse rt ion o f a No n-Vali d Car d !ċ In sertion of a non-v alid card 0x 01 The c ard may be f ault y, out of dat e or t he w rong ty pe. Eje ct t he c ar d and c heck as descri bed below Car d Co nf lict !ċċ C ard Confl ict 0x 02 This w ill occur eit her if Workshop and Driv er Cards or any combinat ion of Workshop, Cont rol or Company Cards is insert ed in slots I and 2 at t he same t ime. Eject one of t he cards t o stop t he card conflict . Ti me Ov erl ap (Not e: 2 displ ay ed for slot 2) !ČČ1 Card 1 tim e overl ap 0x 03 The smart card just insert ed has a last card w it hdraw al t ime t hat is lat er t han t he Cur rent VU U TC t ime. Check Cur rent VU U TC t ime is corre ct . Adjust VU U TC t ime if necessary. I f VU U TC t ime more t hat 20 mi nut es i naccurat e, t he VU sy st em must be se nt t o a Tac ho graph W orkshop f or rec alibrat io n. Driv i ng w it hout an appr opr iat e Card !Ąċ D riving w/o valid card 0x 04 The v ehicle is in mot ion and t here is no v alid Driv er or W orkshop Card insert ed in t he driver smartcard draw er. St op driving and insert a v alid Driver Card in t he VU. Car d I nsert io n W hile Dr iv ing !ċĄ C ard ins. While driving 0x 05 A card has been insert ed w hilst t he v ehicle is in motion. If card is v alid cont inue driv ing. Last Car d Sessio n Not Correct ly Close d (Not e: 2 displ ay ed for slot 2) !ċē1 Last sess. Not c losed OK 0x 06 The card w as removed erroneously from t he last VU in w hich it w as insert ed or t he prev ious w it hdraw al of t he card w as not t erminat ed correct ly by t he VU. Eject t he card and check as described in not e I below . Ov er Spee di ng >> Ov er Speed ing 0x 07 The v ehicle has t ravelled fast er t han t he set ov er-speed limit for l minut e and t he ev ent w ill be st ored. The v ehicle speed must not increase above t he speed limiter setting. Pow er Supply I nt err upt io n !ď Po wer supply inter ruption 0x 08 The VU supply v olt age has dropped below t he minimum limit or abov e max imum limit for t he correct operat ion of t he VU . I f t he reason for t he w arning message is unknow n (not e: t he messagew ill be displayed if t he batt ery is disconnected t o enablew elding t o be carried out for example), t hen t he v ehicle must be ret urned t o a Tachograph W orkshop fro VU invest igation. Mot ion D at a Erro r !đ Se nsor data error 0x 09 The dat a fr om t he v ehic le mot ion se nsor is erro neo us. The v ehicle must be ret ur ne d t o a Tachogr aph W orkshop f or VU i nv est igat io n. 2 Recording Equipment Faults Warning Message Me ssa ge De scr ipt io n W ar ning Mess age W ar ning Refere nce N umber Reaso n for Occ ur ring and Req uired Act io n to be Take n VU I nt er nal error ×ē VU inter nal error 0x 31 The VU has det ect ed an i nt ernal f ault duri ng sel f-t est . The v ehicle must be ret ur ne d t o a Tachogr aph W orkshop f or VU i nv est igat io n. Pri nt er Fault ×Đ Pr inter fault 0x 32 The VU has detect ed an int ernal fault during t he print er t est . Check print er operat ion. Check paper cassette and print er and replace if necessary. I f t he print er st ill fails t he vehicle must be ret urned to a Tachograph W orkshop for VU inv est igat ion. Ti me Ov erl ap (Not e: 2 displ ay ed for slot 2) Ęč Di splay fault 0x 33 The VU has detect ed an int ernal fault w it h t he display. If t he display is unreadable t he v ehicle must be ret urned to a Tachograph W orkshop for VU inv est igat ion. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 42 3 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Standard Digital Tachograph Vehicle Unit Warnings Message Descr iptio n Warning Me ssage Warning Reference Number Reason for Occurr ing and Required Actio n to be Taken Quart er Left reminder >4½h? Quarter left reminder 0x 81 The Driv er has 1 5 mi nut es of driv ing t ime left unt il t hey reac h 4.5 hours of cont inuous driv ing t ime. Ti me for Break reminder >4½h? Time for break reminder 0x 82 The Driv er must complet e t heir 45 – minut e c umul at iv e break f ollow ing 4.5 hours of co nt inuous driv ing. U nable t o Ope n Slot 1 ( not e: 2 dis play ed for slot 2) Ę1ĥĪ Unable to open slot 0x 83 The appropriat e smart card slot w ill not ope n. Check Dr aw er operat ion. I f Draw er w ill not e ject t he v ehicle must be ret ur ned t o a Tacho graph W orkshop for VU inv est igat ion. Print i ng Cancelle d ĐĪĐ Printing cancelled ĐħĪ Printer out of paper 0x 85 The curre nt print out has be en cancelle d. 0x 86 The curre nt print out has st opped bec ause t here is no paper left . Repl ace paper. I f pri nt er w ill not w ork t he v ehicle must be ret ur ned t o a Tac hograph w orkshop for VU inv est igat ion. Print er St oppe d- Low Pow er Đġď Printer low power 0x 87 The curre nt print out has st opped bec ause t he i nput VU v olt age has dropped below t he minimum allow ed. Check v ehicle bat t ery v olt age if OK t ake v ehicle t o Tac hograph W orkshop for VU I nv est igat ion. Print i ng st opped- Low Te mperat ure Đġ° Printer low temperature 0x 88 The curre nt print out has st opped bec ause t he ambie nt t emper at ure has dropped below t he minimum allow ed v alue for t he pri nt er. The v ehic le c ab ambie nt t emper at ure must i ncrease t o allow t he pri nt er t o w ork. Print i ng St oppe d-Hi gh Te mperat ure ĐĠ° Printer high temperature 0x 89 The curre nt print out has st opped bec ause t he ambie nt t emper at ure has risen abov e t he max imum allow ed v alue for t he pri nt er. The v ehic le c ab ambie nt t emper at ure must decrease t o allow t he print er t o w ork. Print i ng st opped – High or Low Te mperat ure ĐĤ!° ° Printer high temperature 0x 8A The curre nt print out has st opped bec ause t he pri nt er t emperat ure is out side t he range of allow ed t emperat ures. W ait unt il t he pri nt er t emperat ure is w it hin allow able range and t ry t o print agai n. Card W it hdraw n w it hout proper sav ing (Not e:2 display ed for slot 2) !ċĢĪ1Card eject without saving 0x 8B The card w as remov ed aft er a fail ure t o w rit e dat a t o t he car d. Check card and replace w it h a new card if necessary . W ant ed Funct ion Not Possible t o perfor m FnĪ Function not possible 0x 8C The last f unct io n request w as not possible. Ov er Speeding – Pre W arning >>? Overspeeding pre-warning 0x 8D The v ehicle is t rav elling fast er t han t he set ov er-speed l imit (Not e: 1 minut e cont inuous ov erspeedi ng w ill result i n an ov erspeed ev ent bei ng st ored). The v ehicle speed must not i ncrease abov e t he speed limit er set t ing. Ti meo ut – Card i nsert ion of w it hdraw al Passiv it y ċĢČ Timeout No key pressed 0x 8E A user has t ried t o i nsert (or w it hdraw ) a smart card and has not answ ered t he required quest ions w it hin t he allow ance t ime li mit s. Driv ing Cannot O pen Slot ĄĀ/āĪ Driving can't open slot 0x 8F A user has at t empt ed t o open a smart card draw er w hilst t he v ehicle is i n mot ion. A smart card may not be accessed w hilst a v ehicle is mov ing. Pairi ng ĐĢē... Sensor pairing 0x 90 The Mot ion Se nsor and VU are i n t he process of pairi ng - message o nly relev ant t o Tac hogr aph W orkshops. Pairi ng Co mplet e ĐĢē...ī Pairing complete 0x 91 The Mot ion Se nsor–VU pairing pr ocess has bee n co mplet ed successf ully – message only relev ant t o Tac hogr aph W orkshops. Pairi ng Failed ĐĢē...Ī Pairing failed 0x 92 The Mot ion Se nsor –VU pairi ng process has f ailed - message o nly relev ant t o Tac hogr aph W orkshops. Lock-in Complet e ĦĢī Lock-in complete 0x 93 VU Company Dat a Lock-I n has been s uccessful. Lock – Out Complet e ĢĦī Lock-out complete 0x 94 VU Company Dat a Lock-Out has bee n successf ul I nsert ed Valid Car d Ex pired (not e: 2 Display ed for slot 2) Čċ1 Card expired 0x 96 The insert ed card is v alid, but has now ex pired. Eject car d and replac e w it h v alid car d. Act iv at ion Ć Activation 0x 97 The VU is bei ng act iv at ed for use – message o nly relev ant t o Tac hograph W orkshops. Act iv at ion Co mplet e Ćī Activation complete 0x 98 The VU act iv at ion process has bee n complet ed s uccessfully – message o nly relev ant t o Tac hogr aph W orkshops. Please w ait eject ing Slot 1 (Not e: 2 display ed for slot 2) Ejecting Card 1 0x EC A request has been made t o rej ect a card – t he message w ill be display ed unt il t he VU is ready t o eject t he card. No Driv er or W orkshop car d insert ed !Ą/ąċ No driver/ workshop card 0x ED The user has t ried t o i nt erface w it h a card and t here is no Driv er or W orkshop Card prese nt i n eit her draw er. I nsert a v alid card as re quire d. Ent er PI N 1 PIN? 0XEE U sed t o infor m t he user t o e nt er a pi n code t o act iv at e a VU or t o ent er t he VU Calibrat ion Mode - A message o nly relev ant t o Tac hograph W orkshops. Memory Full M.....! Memory full! 0XE F The max imum number of manual dut y ent ries has bee n reac hed. More t han 2 4 ho urs si nce last >24h ċĢlast card card w it hdraw n withdrawal >24h 0XFO The card j ust i nsert ed w as last w it hdraw n from a VU more t han 24 hours ago. Dow nloading Busy ĎĬ Downloading busy OXF1 The VU is dow nloading dat a. W ait for t he dow nload procedure t o complet e. Dow nloading i ncomplet e ĎĪĎ Download failed 0XF2 The VU Dow nload process has f ailed. Check ex t ernal dow nload equipme nt and co nnect ions. I f a VU is t he cause of re peat ed dow nload fai lures t he v ehicle must be ret ur ned t o a Tac hograph w orkshop for VU inv est igat ion. Dow nloading Co mpl et e ĎīĎ Download completed 0XF3 The VU dow nload process has bee n complet ed s uccessfully . Print i ng St oppe d-No Paper w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 43 Appendix 6: The Traffic Commisioner's Guidelines for Dealing with Driving Offences Committed by Vocational Drivers I f you hold v ocational categories on your driv ing licence to driv e commercial v ehicles, buses and coaches, you are liable to hav e action taken against you by the Traffic Commissioner if you commit any driv ing offences, w hether in your priv ate car or w hile employed as a commercial v ehicle driv er. Although the courts initially deal w ith such offences as speeding, dangerous driv ing, drink-driv ing etc., the Traffic Commissioner can decide to take additional action ov er and abov e the court decision if it is felt that a v ocational driv er should be dealt w ith in a harsher w ay. The Traffic Commissioner has unlimited pow ers to take action against v ocational driv ers and Goods Vehicle Operators. The Senior Traffic Commissioner has published guidelines on action to be taken w ith regard to v arious driv ing offences. Here is a brief summary of the guidance: Offence Action Defectiv e Speed Limiter (not reported) One-month suspension I nterference w ith Speed Limiter Suspension of driv ing licence for 2-4 months / rev ocation or disqualification of driv er. Use of dev ice to disable the speed limiter Rev ocation or disqualification of 6-12 months. Tachograph offence Employers may treat this as a case for dismissal. Courts may decide upon a prison sentence. Failure to keep a suitable record of driv ers’ hours From a formal w arning to a one-month suspension of v ocational driv er. Deliberate falsification of driv ers’ hours records Suspension / rev ocation / disqualification dependent on scale or degree: • One-month suspension per offence for up to three offences. • Rev ocation or disqualification for up to six months for up to fiv e offences. • Rev ocation or disqualification for up to 12 months for six or more offences. Use of any dev ice to interfere w ith tachograph equipment Rev ocation or disqualification of driv ing licence for 12 months. Driv ers' Hours offences (isolated or infrequent) Formal w arning. Driv ers' Hours offences (persistent or habitual) Minimum of four w eeks' suspension to be increased according to the number of offences. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 44 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Offence Action Breach of Traffic Commissioner's orders (driv ing under suspension / disqualification / rev ocation) Rev ocation and disqualification for an indefinite period w ill be considered. Penalty-point endorsements (new applicants and renew als) The Traffic Commissioner w ill decide how long a driv er w ill hav e to w ait to reapply if disqualified. This depends on the nature of the endorsement or conv iction. Offenders under the New Driv ers Act w ill hav e their application refused/delayed but be giv en a chance to appeal to the Traffic Commissioner directly. Drink-driv ing (new applicants and renew als) An application follow ing a first disqualification for 12 months or less w ill normally be granted. A first disqualification for more than 12 months, but less than three years, w ill result in a refusal/delay w ith the right to a formal hearing. For a second and subsequent disqualification, the Traffic Commissioner w ill rev iew matters indiv idually. NOTE: The Traffic Commissioner has the authority to require a v ocational driv er to take a re-test if an LGV or PCV has not been driv en for fiv e years or longer. Graduated Fixed Penalties issued at the roadside Since April 2009 VOSA examiners hav e been able to issue fixed penalty notices to driv ers of heav y goods v ehicles from both the UK and abroad, in addition to immobilising v ehicles w here offences under driv ing hours rules are detected. The lev el of fixed penalty ranges from £60.00 to £200.00. Driv ers' hours offences w ill be subject to graduated fixed penalties, w hich are dependent upon the seriousness and circumstances of the offence. The penalties that may be imposed are set out in the Fixed Penalty (Amendment) Order 2009 (S.I . 2009/488, w hich amends the Fixed Penalty Order 2000). w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 45 Appendix 7: The New Drivers’ Hours Regulations – A Brief Update The recognised European Driv ers’ Hours Rules, (EC) Regulation 3820/85, w ere replaced in May 2006 by (EC) Regulation 561/2006. 1 Basics Driving Times and Breaks Remain the Same The basic limits to driv ing are unchanged; although it should be remembered that all driv ing, w hether on road or w hat w as prev iously seen as ‘off road’, now counts tow ards the daily and w eekly driv ing limits. Only journeys that take place from start to finish entirely off road can be recorded as ‘out-of-scope’. For instance, if a load is picked up in one area of a distribution depot or quarry and is transported to another part of the same distribution depot or quarry and no part of the mov ement of the v ehicle takes place on the public highw ay, then that period of mov ement can be recorded and calculated as ‘Other Work’ / ‘out-of-scope’ rather than driv ing. Any journey that inv olv es mov ement on the public highw ay, how ev er brief, must be recorded and calculated as ‘driv ing’. The maximum continuous or accumulated driv ing period is still 4½ hours, after w hich a 45-minute break must be taken. This break can no longer be split into 3 X 15 minutes sections. From 11t h April 2007, if the 45 minute break requirement is to be spilt up the first period of break must now be at least 15 minutes and the second period must be at least 30 minutes, in that order. Breaks must also be distributed throughout the driv ing period. The only other alternativ e is to take the w hole 45 minutes once 4½ hours driv ing has been completed. The daily driv ing limit is still 9 hours, w hich may be extended, tw ice in a w eek (a w eek runs from 00:00 Monday to 24:00 Sunday), to no more than 10 hours. A new w eekly limit of 56 hours has been introduced. The fortnightly limit of 90 hours’ driv ing remains unchanged. 2 Daily Rest Periods Daily rest remains unchanged at 11 hours w ithin the 24-hour period from the end of the prev ious rest period. A driv er may reduce their daily rest to no less than 9 consecutiv e hours, up to 3 times betw een w eekly rest periods. ‘Compensation’ is no longer required for this ‘reduced daily rest’, although compensation for reduced ‘w eekly rest’ is still required – see below . I f w orking a ‘split shift’, driv ers must hav e 1 period of at least 3 hours of rest follow ed by an additional 9 hour rest period w ithin the 24-hour cycle. Where a v ehicle is double manned, the daily rest requirement is now 9 hours in 30 hours. An additional point to note w ith crew ed v ehicles is that during the first hour, the presence of the second driv er is optional. After that first hour it is mandatory for both driv ers’ to be present in the v ehicle throughout the w hole period. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 46 3 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Weekly Rest Periods After no more than 6 X 24 - hour periods – follow ing the end of the last w eekly rest period – a new regular w eekly rest period must be started. A regular w eekly rest period is at least 45 hours. It may be reduced to no less than 24 hours – a reduced weekly rest period. I f a reduced rest is taken one w eek, the next w eekly rest period must be at least 45 hours. Additionally, any reduction in w eekly rest from 45 hours dow n to at least 24 hours must be compensated by taking an equiv alent amount of rest ‘en bloc’ by the end of the third w eek follow ing the w eek of reduction. This compensation can be taken added on to either a daily or w eekly rest period. 4 Keeping Records Correctly All drivers, irrespective of what type of recording equipment they are using, shall make available, on request at the roadside by authorised inspecting officers, records sheets for the current day and those completed in the previous 28 calendar days. NOTE: This isn’t the previous 28 working days, it is records for the previous 28 ‘calendar days’ Records of drivers’ hours, including analogue charts and printouts from digital tachograph v ehicle units, must be kept by operators for at least tw elv e months, in chronological order*, and made easily av ailable for inspecting officers. * Arti cl e 26 requires t hat reco rds and printout s are k ept in chro nol ogi cal order. In the case o f a dam aged D riv er C ard t he regul ati on requires t he driv er to pri nt o ut t he det ail s o f t he v ehi cl e at t he start of the jo urney and ent er t he det ail s t o enabl e the driv er to be i denti fi ed and signature; at the end of the jo urney print o ut t he i nform ati on rel ati ng to t he perio d of tim e reco rded by t he equi pm ent and agai n ent er details that wil l i dentify t he driv er and si gnat ure. All driv ers, irrespectiv e of w hat type of recording equipment they are using, must record ‘Other Work’ under: * ‘Availability’ must be recorded under: Transport (W TD) Regulations 2005. to ensure compliance w ith the Road * Arti cl e 26 sti pulat es that ‘ Other Work’, includi ng wo rk fo r another emplo yer wit hi n o r o ut si de t he sect or, is recorded under t he fi rst sym bol shown abov e and t hat ‘ Av ail abilit y’ i s now reco rded under the seco nd sym bol. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 5 47 EC Drivers’ Hours – Since 11 th April 2007 The dail y dri vi ng time shall not normall y exceed 9 hours, alth ou gh th e daily d rivin g limit may be extended to a t most 10 h ou rs, not more than twice durin g the week. Daily Driving Increases to 10 h ou rs daily driv in g n o lon ger requ ire any comp ensat ory da ily rest to be ta ken . Weekly Driving The weekl y dri vi ng time shall not exceed 56 hours and sh all not resu lt in the ma ximum weekly d rivin g time laid down in th e R oad Tran sp ort Directive 2002/15/E C b ein g exceeded . P rev iously (b efore 11.04.07) n o weekly d riv ing limit was specified as part of EU driv ers’ h ours legislat ion. Fortnightly Driving M axim um 90 hours in any two con secu tive weeks. Breaks from Driving 45 mi nutes break in or immed iately followin g 4½ h ou rs d rivin g – can b e b roken d own in to an initial minimum period of at least 15 mi nutes, foll owed by at least a 30 mi nute break period , in tha t order. P rev iously (b efore 11.04.07) maximum 90 h ours in any fortnight - ju st a word in g chan ge. P rev iously (b efore 11.04.07) cou ld b e b roken down int o 3 min imum periods of 15 minut es. Not any more. 11 hours dail y rest, may b e repla ced by a reduced daily rest of it is at lea st 9 h ou rs – a redu ced da ily rest may be ta ken up to 3 times b etween any two weekly rest p eriod s – n o comp en sation requ ired . Daily Rest P rev iously (b efore 11.04.07) compen sation for redu ced da ily rest was requ ired. A regular weekl y rest period i s at l east 45 hours, which can be reduced to a reduced weekly rest period of at lea st 24 h ou rs, in alterna te weeks. Any rest ta ken a s comp en sa tion for a redu ced weekly rest mu st b e mad e up by the end of th e 3rd week followin g, attach ed to a rest period of at lea st 9 h ours. Weekly P rev iously (b efore 11.04.07) 45 hou rs regu lar weekly rest cou ld be reduced t o 36 hou rs at base or 24 h ou rs away from base, with compen sat ion made up by the end of the 3rd week, added to a rest of at lea st 8 h ours. Multi-manning 9 hours rest i n 30 hours permitted, with further allowan ce for a d river to op erate th e 1st h ou r solo. P rev iously 8 hou rs rest in 30 h ou rs for each driv er, with the need for a ll crew memb ers to be present with the v ehicle at all t imes within that p eriod. THE ABOVE EC DRIVERS’ HOURS HAVE BEEN LEGALLY BINDING SINCE 11 T H APRIL 2007 The requirem ent to be abl e to pro duce reco rds fo r t he current day and any com pl et ed in t he prev io us 28 cal endar days becam e a l egal requirem ent o n 1st January 2008. The requirem ent to be abl e to pro duce a driv er card if one has been i ssued, ev en i f it has nev er been used, cam e i nto fo rce i n May 2006. Fail ure to do so can l ead to pro secutio n fo r ‘ faili ng to produce suffi ci ent reco rds’ . A LWA YS USE THE CORR ECT MODE SWIT CH ON THE T A CHOGRA PH. IT IS IN COR RECT T O LEA VE A T A CHOGRA PH ON THE ‘ BED’ M ODE WHEN YOU AR E CA RR YIN G OUT OTHER DUTIES, WHATEVER T YPE OF TA CHOGA PH RECOR DI NG EQUI PMENT YOU A RE USI NG. MOST D IGITAL TACHOGRAP H VEHIC LE UNITS D O N OT REC ORD BREAK OR REST UNLESS YOU P HYSIC ALLY C HOOSE THE ‘ BED’ MOD E AN D SW ITCH THE MOD E YOURSELF W HEN YOU STOP THE VEHIC LE. w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k 48 The Tachom ast er D riv ers’ Guide to t he Di git al Tacho graph D ecem ber 2013 Appendix 8: Useful Contacts 1 Tachomaster For more information about Tachomaster, please v isit our w ebsite at www or email us at 2 Digital Tachograph Cards Digital Tachograph cards are issued by the DVLA in Great Britain and the DVLNI in Northern I reland. For more information on Digital Tachograph Cards and details on how to apply for them, please either the VOSA Digital Tachograph site or the DVLNI w ebsite. They may also be contacted by phone on 0870 850 1074 for the DVLA and 0845 402 4000 for the DVLNI . w w w .t a ch o ma s t e r . c o . u k