Fibrous MSK tumors in different location
Fibrous MSK tumors in different location
Fibrous MSK tumors in different location: Pictorial essay with MRI and histopathology correlation. Abstract number : EE35 Category: Educational review Authors: Dr. Ashutosh Prakash Dr. Mathew George Diagnostic Radiology Tan Tock Seng Hospital 11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng Singapore 308433 E-mail of corresponding author : Introduction: Fibrous musculoskeletal are common tumors with varied anatomic locations. We present the MRI findings of fibrous musculoskeletal tumors in the soft tissues. Subcutaneous, intramuscular, intermuscular, and intra-articular fibrous tumors with MRI appearance and histopathology diagnosis are shown. WHO classification of soft tissue tumors: •Adipocytic tumours •Fibroblastic / Myofibroblastic tumours •So-called fibrohistiocytic tumours •Smooth muscle tumours •Pericytic (prevascular) tumours •Skeletal muscle tumours •Vascular tumours •Chondro-osseous tumours •Tumours of uncertain diffrenentiation FIBROBLASTIC / MYOFIBROBLASTIC SOFT TISSUE TUMOURS BENIGN INTERMEDIATE (locally aggressive) Nodular fasciitis Proliferative fasciitis Proliferative myositis Myositis ossificans Fibro-osseous pseudotumour of digits Ischaemic fasciitis Elastofibroma Fibrous hamartoma of infancy Myofibroma / Myofibromatosis Fibromatosis colli Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis Inclusion body fibromatosis Fibroma of tendon sheath Desmoplastic fibroblastoma Mammary-type myofibroblastoma Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma Angiomyofibroblastoma Cellular angiofibroma Nuchal-type fibroma Gardner fibroma Calcifying fibrous tumour Giant cell angiofibroma Superficial fibromatoses (palmar / plantar) Desmoid-type fibromatoses 8821/1 Lipofibromatosis INTERMEDIATE (rarely metastasizing) Solitary fibrous tumour and haemangiopericytoma (incl. lipomatous haemangiopericytoma) Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour Low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma Myxoinflammatory Fibroblastic sarcoma Infantile fibrosarcoma MALIGNANT Adult fibrosarcoma Myxofibrosarcoma Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma Hyalinizing spindle cell tumour Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma SO-CALLED FIBROHISTIOCYTIC SOFT TISSUE TUMOURS BENIGN Giant cell tumour of tendon sheath Diffuse-type giant cell tumour Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma INTERMEDIATE (rarely metastasizing) Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumour Giant cell tumour of soft tissues MALIGNANT Pleomorphic ‘MFH’ / Undifferentiated Pleomorphic sarcoma Giant cell ‘MFH’ / Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma with giant cells Inflammatory ‘MFH’ / Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma with prominent inflammation Following slides show the MRI features of histopathologically proven “fibroblastic / myofibroblastic and so-called fibrohistocytic tumours” that we encountered. The microscopic findings and final histopathological diagnosis are described. MRI of left thigh: Subcutaneous lesion TIW T2W FS GRE T1 FS with contras of left thigh shows a subcutaneous mass; it appears slightly hyperintense on T1, heterogeneously hyperintense on T2, no ming on GRE and shows diffuse intense contrast enhancement. ROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION ion shows skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue. There is a well-circumscribed and encapsulated tumor within the utaneous tissue, composed of bland spindle cells arranged around a rich vascular network. The larger blood vessels show vascular hyalinization. There is myxoid change in the less cellular areas. Entrapped adipocytes are present. Tumor necrosis t identified. Mitotic activity is less than 1 per 10 hpf. GNOSIS: Benign mesenchymal lesion, compatible with solitary fibrous tumor MRI of left foot: subcutaneous lesion T1W T2W FS GRE T1W FS with contrast MRI of left foot shows subcutaneous T1W, T2W and GRE hypointense mass in the sole. Mild contrast enhancement is seen, few vessels are seen in proximity. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION Sections show skin and subcutaneous tissue with a lesion displaying a multinodular to plexiform growth pattern. The lesion involves the dermal-subcutaneous junction as well as the subcutaneous fat. The nodular areas are composed of spindle cells arranged in short fascicles associated with a storiform appearance in some areas. In some nodules, plump to slightly oval cells are noted in the center. There are accompanying osteoclast like giant cells. Areas of hemorrhage with hemosiderin pigments are present. The tumor appears to infiltrate the walls of some blood vessels. No significant mitotic activity or necrosis is present. On immunohistochemistry, the tumor shows diffuse positivity for CD 163. Factor 13a highlights the osteoclast like giant cells and scattered stromal dendritic cells within the tumor. CD 34 also shows focal positivity in the tumor cells. The tumor cells are negative for S-100 protein, desmin and SMA. DIAGNOSIS: PLEXIFORM FIBROHISTIOCYTIC TUMOUR MRI of left knee: subcutaneous lesion T1W T2W FS GRE T1W FS with contrast MRI of left knee shows subcutaneous T1W, T2W and GRE hypointense mass in the knee. Mild contrast enhancement is seen. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION LEFT KNEE TUMOUR, EXCISION BIOPSY: Sections show a circumscribed, hypocellular nodule composed of bland spindle cells set within markedly collagenous stroma with scattered blood vessels and slit-like spaces. The spindle cells do not exhibit cytologic atypia, mitotic activity or necrosis. No stellate cells can be seen. Foci of calcification and ossification are present. Some foreign body-type multinucleated giant cells surrounding birefringent suture material can be seen. A few mature adipocytes are also seen within the tumour. There is no evidence of malignancy. DIAGNOSIS: BENIGN HYPOCELLULAR SPINDLE CELL AND FIBROUS NODULE. MRI of left leg: subcutaneous lesion T1W T2W FS GRE T1W FS with contrast MRI of left leg shows subcutaneous T1W, T2W FS and GRE isointense nodule. Contrast enhancement is seen. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION Sections of show a circumscribed lesion within the subcutaneous tissue. It is composed of a hypocellular proliferation of cytologically bland spindle and stellate shaped myofibroblastic cells separated by abundant thick collagen bundles. Focally, the stroma appears more myxoid and extravasated red blood cells are seen. There is no significant atypia, increased mitotic activity or necrosis. The lesion abuts the skeletal muscle at the base of the specimen. The overlying epidermis is unremarkable. DIAGNOSIS: DESMOPLASTIC FIBROBLASTOMA. MRI of foot : Fascial lesion T1W T2W FS GRE T1W FS with contrast MRI of left foot shows nodular thickening in the medial plantar fascia. It appears isointense on T1, hyperintense on T2, no blooming on GRE and shows diffuse contrast enhancement. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION The section shows fibrous connective tissue with adjacent fatty tissue, consistent with being derived from the plantar fascia. Focally there appears to be mild increase of cellularity in the fibrous tissue, probably reactive in nature. There is no evidence of malignancy. DIAGNOSIS: PLANTAR FASCIA LESION / FIBROMATOSIS; NO EVIDENCE OF MALIGNANCY MRI of right forearm: Fascial based T1W T2W FS GRE T1W with contrast MRI shows a fascia based nodule; it is hypointense on T1w, T2w, GRE and does not show contrast enhancement. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION The lesion shows nodular circumscribed spindle cell proliferation with features suggestive of a fibroma of tendon sheath. Nerve bundles are seen in the outer fibroadipose tissue. No evidence of malignancy. DIAGNOSIS: FEATURES SUGGESTIVE OF A FIBROMA OF TENDON SHEATH. MRI of right hand: intramuscular lesion MRI findings: Intramuscular mass lesion in the 1st web space isointense on T1W, hypointense on T2 W FS, hypointense on GRE and shows heterogeneous contrast enhancement. TI W T2 W FS GRE TI W FS with contrast MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION TUMOUR FROM RIGHT HAND, EXCISION: Sections show a relatively well circumscribed hypocellular lesion comprising scattered bland spindled fibroblasts and stellate-shaped myofibroblasts in a collagenous background. Several small blood vessels are seen. There is no cytological atypia or mitoses. However, the lesion is invading into the skeletal muscle and bone. There is no evidence of malignancy. DIAGNOSIS: BENIGN DESMOPLASTIC FIBROBLASTOMA. MRI of left leg: intramuscular lesion T1W T2W FS GRE TIW FS with contrast MRI shows a heterogeneous intramuscular mass; it has hypointense and hyperintense areas on T1W, T2W FS, GRE and shows heterogeneous contrast enhancement. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION Sections show a moderately cellular tumor with a heterogeneous composition located within the skeletal muscle. The tumor comprises spindle cells arranged in fascicles with a vague storiform pattern in some areas. In some areas, the tumor cells appear epithelioid and rhabdoid. Some cells show abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm with some resemblance towards rhabdomyoblasts. A significant population of foam cells is present. Some scattered multinucleated cells as well as bizarre cells are seen. No necrosis is noted. Mitotic index is about 6 per 10 high power fields. Brown pigments shown to be iron special stains are present. No acid fast bacilli or fungi are seen on special stains. On immunohistochemistry, the tumor stains for desmin and factor XIIIa. The stains for SMA, S-100, HMB45, CD34, myo-D1 and myogenin. EBER ISH is negative. DIAGNOSIS: SPINDLE CELL TUMOUR WITH FIBROHISTIOCYTIC PATTERN. MRI of left thigh: intramuscular lesion T1W FSEIR TIW FS with contrast MRI shows an intramuscular mass; it is hyperintense on T1W, FSEIR and shows diffuse homogenous contrast enhancement. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION LEFT THIGH TUMOR, WIDE EXCISION: The tumor comprises a cellular, well-circumscribed proliferation of fibrohistiocytic cells arranged in short fascicular and storiform patterns, containing scattered chronic inflammatory cells, foamy macrophages and Touton-type giant cells. There is no evidence of malignancy. DIAGNOSIS: DEEP DERMATOFIBROMA MRI of left hip: Intramuscular lesion T1W T2 W GRE T1W FS with contrast MRI of left hip shows T1w and T2w hyperintense lesion with the left iliopsoas muscle. It shows peripheral blooming on GRE and peripheral irregular contrast enhancement. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION The sections show pieces of a fibro-osseous lesion featuring proliferation of irregular and anastamosing trabeculae of woven bone rimmed by osteoblasts intermixed with myofibroblastic spindle cell proliferation with deposition of variable collagenous fibrous tissue. The lesion demonstrates a zonal pattern of proliferation characterised by more cellular, haemorrhagic and loose myofibroblastic matrix centrally, while more mature fibrous tissue and organizing trabeculae of woven bone exhibiting evidence of a lamellar pattern are present towards the periphery. There is no significant cytologic atypia or increased mitotic activity. There is no evidence of malignancy. DIAGNOSIS: BENIGN FIBRO-OSSEOUS LESION, SUGGESTIVE OF MYOSITIS OSSIFICANS. MRI of left middle finger : tendon based lesion MRI of the middle finger shows T1w, T2W and GRE hyperintense mass with contrast enhancement abutting the flexor tendon. T1W T2W FS LEFT MIDDLE FINGER LUMP, EXCISION BIOPSY: Sections show a circumscribed tumour composed of multiple nodular collections of mononuclear cells, foamy macrophages and osteoclast-like multinucleated giant cells. The nuclei of the mononuclear cells and the multinucleated giant cells appear similar and are devoid of cytologic atypia. Scattered mitotic figures can be identified. The stroma appears sclerotic and hyalinised. Cholesterol clefts and a few foci of necrosis are seen. There is no evidence of malignancy. DIAGNOSIS: GIANT CELL TUMOUR OF TENDON SHEATH (NODULAR TENOSYNOVITIS). GRE T1W with contrast T1W with contrast MRI of right shoulder: Intermuscular lesion T1W T2W T1W FS with contrast axial T1W FS with contrast sagittal MRI of the right shoulder shows two intermuscular mass lesions; it appears isointense on T1W, hyperintense on T2W and shows intense heterogeneous contrast enhancement. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION RIGHT SHOULDER TUMOR, INCISIONAL BIOPSY: The tumor comprises well circumscribed and irregular lobules of mostly spindled cells with mild nuclear atypia amidst a fibromyxoid stroma. The tumor cells also demonstrate focal epithelioid morphology and vacuolated cytoplasm especially within myxoid areas. There is focal necrosis and apparent involvement of intertrabecular stroma in an adjacent fragment of trabecular bone. The tumor cells are diffusely positive for calponin and focally positive for S-100, desmin and SMA. AE1/3, CAM5.2, CK14, EMA, p63 and GFAP are negative. No foci of ductal differentiation are seen. DIAGNOSIS: MYXOID TUMOUR WITH CHONDROID AREAS IN KEEPING WITH A MALIGNANT OSSIFYING FIBROMYXOID TUMOR. MRI of right knee : intra-articular lesion PD PD FS MRI shows intra-articular PD hypointense nodule in the Hoffa’s fat pad. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION RIGHT KNEE INTRA-ARTICULAR LUMP: Sections show synovium with a lobulated, poorly circumscribed lesion consisting of solid sheets of foamy xanthomatous cells, small round to spindled mononuclear cells and multinucleated giant cells. The cells have bland ovoid, frequently grooved nuclei and evenly dispersed chromatin. Occasional mitotic activity is seen. There is no necrosis. Hemosiderin deposits and scattered lymphocytes are present. The stroma is focally hyalinised. DIAGNOSIS: NODULAR TENOSYNOVITIS (GIANT CELL TUMOUR OF TENDON SHEATH). MRI of right knee: Intra-articular lesion PD PD FS GRE T1W FS with contrast MRI of right knee shows PD FS and GRE hyperintense nodule showing contrast enhancement in the suprapatellar region. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Sections show fibroadipose tissue with a circumscribed nodular moderately cellular lesion composed of bland mononuclear cells, scattered giant cells and aggregates of foamy histiocytes. There are also chronic inflammatory cells and fibrosis. There is no evidence of malignancy. DIAGNOSIS: GIANT CELL TUMOUR OF TENDON SHEATH MRI of left hip: Intra-articular lesion T1W T2W FS T1W FS with contrast MRI of left hip shows T1w isointense, T2w slightly hyperintense intra-articular nodule not showing significant contrast enhancement. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION Sections show cores of fibroadipose tissue in which there are portions of a lesion composed a proliferation of sheets of mononuclear cells admixed with foam cells, few osteoclast-like multinucleated giant cells and scattered haemosiderophages. Mononuclear cells are relatively uniform and lack significant cytologic atypia or increased mitotic activity. The lesion is focally covered by synovial type cells and shows interspersed variably sized blood vessels and fibrous stroma. No necrosis is seen. No epithelioid histiocyte granulomas are seen. No bone is present. DIAGNOSIS: GIANT CELL TUMOUR OF TENDON SHEATH CONCLUSION: Awareness of the MRI features of this common group of fibrous soft tissue tumors is necessary for accurate diagnosis and avoiding mistakes. Imaging features are not always diagnostic. Hypointensity on T2w images is suggestive of high collagenous lesions and hyperintensity on T2w images is suggestive of myxoid matrix. Differentiation between be benign and malignant fibrous tumors is not always possible. Malignant variants shows heterogeneous signal intensity and heterogeneous contrast enhancement. We don’t have any disclosure to make References: Dinauer PA, Brixey CJ, Moncur JT, Fanburg-smith JC, Murphy MD. Pathologic and MR imaging features of Benign fibrous soft-tissue tumors in adults. Radiographics 2007;27(1):173-87. Wignall OJ, Moskovic EC, Thyway K, Thomas JM. Solitary fibrous tumors of the soft tissue: review of the imaging and clinical features with histopathological correlation. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2010;195(1):W55-62.