Doing their part for a cure | 2011 annual report


Doing their part for a cure | 2011 annual report
le ade rs
Doing their part for a cure | 2011 annual report
Photo by Nancy Ostertag
Photo by Linda Pedersen
Photo by David Kenny
Letter from the President/CEO and
Board Chair
Dear Supporter,
National Psoriasis Foundation programs and initiatives reached new heights this past
fiscal year, thanks to the support of volunteers, advocates and generous donors. With your
help, we saw a 14 percent increase in contributions and other income, marking the first
time the Foundation exceeded $7 million in annual revenue. In fiscal year 2011 (July 1,
2010, to June 30, 2011), we were able to:
Rick Seiden
Board of Trustees
Los Angeles, Calif.
• Step up efforts to find a cure for psoriatic disease by investing nearly $1.8 million in
research, more than twice the amount the Foundation invested just two years ago.
• Increase the number of grassroots advocates in the Psoriasis Action Network to
nearly 69,000, an all-time high.
• Expand our reach and generate local support by forming community divisions based in
New York City, South Florida, Chicago, Dallas, San Diego and Los Angeles.
During this fiscal year, we deepened our commitment to fighting psoriatic arthritis, which
affects up to 30 percent of people with psoriasis. Among our efforts:
Randy Beranek
President and CEO
Napa, Calif.
• We formed the Joint Smart Coalition ( with the Arthritis
Foundation to provide an educational resource for people with psoriatic arthritis and
other related inflammatory conditions.
• For the first time in Foundation history, we funded research projects that focused
solely on psoriatic arthritis, awarding grants totaling $400,000.
When we invest in research, we are speeding up the search for better treatments and a
cure, not only for our own future but for the future of children who are living with psoriasis
and psoriatic arthritis.
Editorial staff
Catie Coman
Director of
Mary Bellotti
Martha Wagner
Writer/copy editor
Carrie Geygan
Graphic Design
In this report, you’ll read about our 2011 Walk to Cure Psoriasis youth ambassadors—
more than 20 young volunteers who led efforts to educate their communities and to raise
money for Foundation programs. With your support, we are working toward a time when
they and all young people will lead lives free from the effects of psoriatic disease.
Thank you for your generous contributions. Together, we can achieve our mission to find a
cure for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and to eliminate their devastating effects.
Randy BeranekRick Seiden
President and CEO
Chair, Board of Trustees
ii | N at io n a l p s o r i a s i s f o und at io n
Youth ambassadors walk the walk
Photo by Melissa Davidson
ach year, a special group of children across the country
become the faces and names associated with the Walk to
Cure Psoriasis in their cities. The walks—in 22 cities, plus
an online “virtual” walk—build awareness about psoriasis
and psoriatic arthritis while raising funds for Foundation research,
advocacy and education programs.
These youth ambassadors, who have psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis
or both conditions, range in age from 7 to 18. They are selected
by National Psoriasis Foundation community development
managers in each of the Foundation’s six regions. More than
40 young people have served as youth ambassadors since the
program began in 2008.
On the following pages are profiles of six of the 28 young people
who served as youth ambassadors in fiscal year 2011.* These
three girls and three boys represent all of the Walk to Cure
Psoriasis youth ambassadors and their courage, determination
and hope for the future. They are doing their part to help find a
cure for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. To find out more about
the Walk to Cure Psoriasis and the youth ambassadors, visit
Photo by Becca Mercer
Youth ambassadors lead local efforts in promoting the walks, such
as telling their story to the media, appearing at event kickoffs,
setting up a family walk team and making a short speech at the
walk. They all maintain an online personal walk page where
supporters can find out more about them and can donate to their
efforts to raise money for psoriatic disease research.
Left to right: Lela Ann Kemp with Hailey and Bronte Davidson,
co-youth ambassadors for the 2011 Walk to Cure Psoriasis in
* The names of all 28 fiscal year 2011 youth ambassadors are listed on
page 8.
Lauren Henry, 2011 youth ambassador for the Walk to
Cure Psoriasis in Seattle.
2 011 Annu a l r e p o r t | 1
Photo by Amber Drum
Rose Franzen, 14 | Sewickley, Pa.
2010 Youth Ambassador, 2011 Co-Youth Ambassador
Walk to Cure Psoriasis in Pittsburgh
Pictured above, front
row: Rose and her
mother, Debbie; back
row: Rose’s father, Mike,
and her brothers, Tim
and Joe.
Age at time of diagnosis: “12, but I may have had it as early as third grade,” Rose says.
“Shortly after the diagnosis, I found out I have psoriatic arthritis, too.”
How psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis affect her life: “Because of stiffness from the arthritis,
it takes me much longer to get moving in the morning and get ready for school. It takes
longer for me to do my makeup since I want to cover the psoriasis. I also get pretty
exhausted at the end of the day and often have to take a nap before I can do my homework.
But I still try to do the things that are important to me, like trying out for the musical at
school, writing for the literary magazine and volunteering.”
Hopes and dreams for the future: “I take biologic injectable medications that compromise
my immune system, which is already compromised and, because of psoriasis, I get sick
very easily. I missed most of two years of school because of medication side effects. My
hope is to make it through this school year without having to drop classes or use homebound education or tutoring. I want to help with the work to find better medications and,
eventually, a cure. That’s why I’m a youth ambassador and why I shared my experience
of living with this disease in Washington, D.C. (during National Psoriasis Foundation
Capitol Hill Day, when advocates meet with members of Congress and their aides seeking
federal support for psoriatic disease research). I think a lot about a career in medicine
or research.”
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Photo courtesy of the Jerez family
Paola Jerez, 18 | Houston, Texas
2011 Youth Ambassador
Walk to Cure Psoriasis in Houston
Age at time of diagnosis: 9
How psoriasis affects her life: “I have mild plaque psoriasis on my hands, elbows and feet.
I had it on my knees, but it’s been dormant for about six years,” Paola says. “Psoriasis
has affected my life in many ways, mostly my self-esteem. I am very outgoing due to my
psoriasis because I just want people to like me for my personality. But sometimes it’s not
enough because, in the back of my mind, I always feel self-conscious about my skin and
how people will react to it.”
Hopes and dreams for the future: “My dream is for an easy and common cure for everyone.
I hate that I feel uncomfortable because I know I am not that shallow that I would judge
anyone like that. For now, I just hope to get the word out there to everyone that psoriasis is
not something to be repelled by. I don’t plan on letting my psoriasis affect me in decisions
for the career I want. And I do want to become a more involved advocate for research into
2 011 Annu a l r e p o r t | 3
Photo courtesy of the Leuthold family
Jacob Leuthold, 14 | Tampa, fla.
2010 Youth Ambassador
Walk to Cure Psoriasis in Tampa
Age at time of diagnosis: 9
How psoriasis affects his life: “When he was diagnosed, his psoriasis was considered
severe—it covered most of his body,” says Jacob’s mother, Susan. After finding the right
combination of treatments, his skin and scalp cleared up nicely and he has remained
mostly clear since then. He has a few spots on his back and scalp flare-ups from time
to time but they are nothing compared to the lesions he had early on. Jacob wears a
middle school uniform that includes a gray or black polo. I often encourage him to avoid
the black shirt so people don’t see flakes from his scalp. He shrugs his shoulders and
tells me that he doesn’t care, he likes the black shirt better! He would tell you that
psoriasis is annoying.”
Hopes and dreams for the future: “We hope to keep psoriasis at bay and avoid psoriatic
arthritis,” says Susan Leuthold. “We hope that psoriasis never gets in the way of anything
he wants to do in life.”
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Photo by Nancy Ostertag
Daven Rose, 7 | Fremont, Calif.
2011 Youth Ambassador
Walk to Cure Psoriasis in San Francisco
Age at time of diagnosis: 3
How psoriasis affects his life: At times, Daven has had scaly patches over 90 percent of his body, says his mother,
Jennifer. The scale on his head once became so thick that his hair could not grow through and he had bald patches.
Kids in his preschool would ask if he fell down or got burned, and he would respond by saying that his “patches”
made him run faster like a cheetah, because, in his mind, cheetahs’ patches make them run fast. These days, his
“patches” are on his legs, arms and torso. Many can be hidden with long pants and long-sleeve shirts during the
winter, when they are worse. During the spring and summer for the past two years, Jennifer Rose says, he has
been fortunate to have a sort of remission, likely due to extra sunlight exposure.
Hopes and dreams for the future: “In the beginning, we thought this was just going to be a skin issue that we would
have to deal with,” says Daven’s mother. “But now that we have come to understand more about the disease and
the other health risks associated with it. This, of course, makes any parent scared and sorrowful, but we have a
great support team who walk with us each year to raise research funds. Daven used to hope for a cure so he didn’t
have to deal with the creams and ointments and coal tar treatments. Now we hope that we find a cure so that he
and all the other children (who live with psoriasis) can grow up healthy.”
2 011 Annu a l r e p o r t | 5
Photo courtesy of the Silver family
Eitan Silver, 9 | Chicago, ill.
2010 Youth Ambassador
Walk to Cure Psoriasis in Chicago
Age at time of diagnosis: 7
How psoriasis affects his life: “I wear a hat to help me not touch the psoriasis on my scalp.
Worrying about the psoriasis on my head distracts me from focusing on work that I have
to do at school, like math. It hurts, too, especially my groin and my ears. With family
members it doesn’t really affect me so much, but with friends I worry that they are not
talking to me when I pick at my head. My mom has psoriasis, too, and it turned into
arthritis. I really don’t want to have arthritis.”
Hopes and dreams for the future: “My hope is that they’ll find a cure for psoriasis. But, until
then, I will put lots of medicine on and work with my doctors. I hope that not too many
other kids get it like I did when I was 7.” His mother, Stacey Silver, says that one of his
dreams is to be a professional basketball player. Psoriasis has not prevented him from
playing sports, she notes. “He plays basketball and football with friends and his older
brother. This summer, he played baseball in a league.”
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Photo by Andrew Lee Studios
Isabel “Izzy” Tittle, 13 | Blue Springs, Mo.
2010 Youth Ambassador
Walk to Cure Psoriasis in Kansas City, Mo.
Age at time of diagnosis: 3
How psoriasis affects her life: At first, Isabel’s hands and feet developed deep cracks
that bled, as well as pitted and discolored fingernails and toenails, says her mother,
Eunna. When she started school, she was often unable to participate in PE and sports.
Her teacher suggested she wear cotton gloves because her hands would bleed on her
paperwork. Eunna Tittle says Isabel has always received support and understanding
from teachers and classmates. “The school worked with us to develop a special plan that
included dictating to a scribe when necessary.”
Hopes and dreams for the future: Isabel’s early days with psoriasis were the most difficult.
When she began [the biologic drug] Enbrel injections almost five years ago, it took a while
to see results, but the clearing she’s experienced with her hands and feet opened a whole
new world of opportunities, her mother says. Free of pain and symptoms, Isabel has been
able to pursue swimming seriously. She began swimming competitively at age 8 and is a
member of the Kansas City Blazers team. A swim coach with psoriasis encouraged her to
continue doing what she loves. Today, she swims five days a week, 11 months a year, and
looks forward to swimming in high school next year, with the goal of one day swimming
in college.
2 011 Annu a l r e p o r t | 7
fy2011 Walk to cure psoriasis
youth ambassadors & top fundraising teams
Photo by Robin Simmons
Sean Curzan, co-youth ambassador
for the 2011 Walk to Cure Psoriasis
in Raleigh, N.C., with teammates.
His Team Sean was a top fundraiser
in 2011.
Photo by Hector Lara
Top fundraising PAMF PASI team at
the Walk to Cure Psoriasis in
San Francisco.
Youth ambassadors
Top fundraising teams & captains
Aric AllenLos Angeles, Calif.
Morgan ChapaDallas, Texas
Jacob ClementSouth Florida
Nickolette Corso New York, N.Y.
Sean CurzanRaleigh, N.C.
Hailey Davidson &
Bronte Davidson Indianapolis, Ind.
Maria DeBartoloPortland, Ore.
Clarissa DempseyPhiladelphia, Pa.
Rose FranzenPittsburgh, Pa.
Emily HarrisSalt Lake City, Utah
Lauren Henry Seattle, Wash.
Lauren HenschelSouth Florida
Ally HuffmanSt. Louis, Mo.
Paola Jerez
Houston, Texas
Caitlyn Kinsey
Washington, D.C.
Melanie KnightDenver, Colo.
Deirdre LearyRaleigh, N.C.
Jacob LeutholdTampa, Fla.
Katelyn Morris &
Carly MorrisPhiladelphia, Pa.
Andy Moy
Virtual walk
Allison RefermatSan Diego, Calif.
Daven RoseSan Francisco, Calif.
Eitan Silver
Chicago, Ill.
New York, N.Y.
Jamie Singer
Nicholas StemPhiladelphia, Pa.
Isabel Tittle
Kansas City, Mo.
Henschel’s Victors
Laub Weiss Team
Pop’s Dream
Rick’s Team
Bender’s Helpers
Team Alyssa
Tampa Bay Virtual
Bender Family Team
Beth’s Buddies Team
Jon Lamb’s Team
UCSF Psoriasis Center
Team Cohen
Project XIII
Psoriasis Psux
Team Centocor
Ortho Biotech
Team Sean
American Airlines
Flight Crew
Schanerman Family
Team Duffin
Pso Like U
Just “Heel” It
Nicky’s Patch
Jamie Henschel
Carol Laub
Neal Henschel
Rick Seiden
Dean Bender
Alyssa Krafsur
Chip Newton
Janice Bender
Sam Weinbaum
Beth/David Geduld
Jon Lamb
Tina Bhutani, M.D.
Stephanie Cousin
David Cohen
Danny Henschel
Julie Lipsett-Singer
Nancy Morse
Tracy Curzan
LaMar Thomas
Bari Schanerman
Kristina Callis Duffin, M.D.
Lauren Henschel
Dana Vanden Boom
Photo by Lisa Weber
Left to right: Alex, Dean, Janice and Lynnsey Bender at the 2011 Walk to Cure Psoriasis in Los Angeles. Bender’s
Helpers and the Bender Family Team were top fundraising teams in 2011.
8 | N at io n a l p s o r i a s i s f o und at io n
Volunteer Board of Trustees and Volunteer
Medical Board 2010-2011
Volunteer Board of Trustees
Photo by David Kenny Images
Photo by Nancy Ostertag
Board of Trustees member Holly Fields Krafsur, with daughter
Alyssa and son Neil.
Dr. Mark Lebwohl (holding plaque) and the Mount Sinai Dermatology team at the 2011
Walk to Cure Psoriasis in New York City.
Volunteer Medical Board
Richard Seiden
Los Angeles, Calif.
Lawrence Green,
Rockville, Md.
Mark G. Lebwohl, M.D.
New York, N.Y.
Daniel Farrington
Bethesda, Md.
Krista Kellogg
Miami, Fla.
Lakshi M. Aldredge, M.S.N., R.N.,
A.N.P. – B.C.
Portland, Ore.
Mark S. Lillie
Chicago, Ill.
Benjamin Isenberg
Lake Oswego, Ore.
Eric W. Kimble
Sudbury, Mass.
Sarah Kurts
Denver, Colo.
Michael Laub
New York, N.Y.
Chip Newton
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Mark G. Lebwohl,
New York, N.Y.
Colby Evans, M.D.
Austin, Texas
Pete Redding
Reno, Nev.
and Phoenix, Ariz.
Holly Fields Krafsur
El Paso, Texas
Kathleen L. Gallant
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Terri Theisen
Atlanta, Ga.
ex officio
Dale A. White
Immediate Past Chair
Virginia Beach, Va.
Jerry Bagel, M.D.
East Windsor, N.J.
Andrew Blauvelt, M.D.
Portland, Ore.
Kristina Callis Duffin, M.D.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Jeffrey Crowley, M.D.
Los Angeles, Calif.
Lawrence Eichenfield, M.D.
San Diego, Calif.
David Fiorentino, M.D., Ph.D.
Stanford, Calif.
Abby A. Jacobson, M.S., P.A.-C
Lancaster, Pa.
Robert E. Kalb, M.D.
Buffalo, N.Y.
Arthur Kavanaugh, M.D.
La Jolla, Calif.
Gerald G. Krueger, M.D.
Chairman Emeritus
Salt Lake City, Utah
Christopher Ritchlin, M.D.
Rochester, N.Y.
Linda Stein Gold, M.D.
West Bloomfield, Mich.
Stephen Stone, M.D.
Springfield, Ill.
Bruce Strober, M.D., Ph.D.
New York, N.Y.
Joel Gelfand, M.D., M.S.C.E.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Gerald D. Weinstein, M.D.
Chairman Emeritus
Irvine, Calif.
Alice Gottlieb, M.D., Ph.D.
Boston, Mass.
Stefan Weiss, M.D.
Boca Raton, Fla.
Sylvia Hsu, M.D.
Houston, Texas
2 011 Annu a l r e p o r t | 9
Treasurer’s report
Chip Newton,
Financial highlights of 2011
Year ended June 30, 2011
Balance sheet
Cash and investments
Accounts receivable
Pledges receivable - net
Legacies and bequests receivable
Other assets
Total assets
Liabilities and net assets
Accounts payable and
accrued liabilities
Deferred revenue
Total liabilities
Net assets
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and
net assets
e are deeply grateful to you, our donors, whose support
helps to advance our mission. For the fiscal year ended
June 30, 2011, we received $7.2 million in gifts, pledges and
other support, an increase of 14 percent over the previous
fiscal year. This funding furthers our mission to find a cure for psoriasis
and psoriatic arthritis and to eliminate their devastating effects through
research, advocacy and education.
During the 2011 fiscal year, we awarded nine new research grants totaling
$550,000 and continued our Medical Dermatology Fellowship Program
by funding 12 fellowship grants totaling $464,500. We continue to collect
DNA samples for the National Psoriasis Victor Henschel BioBank to
further the study of psoriasis genetics. Walk to Cure Psoriasis raised
$1.2 million—a more than 30 percent increase over the previous fiscal
In FY2011, we committed more than $5.4 million, or 79 cents of every
dollar spent, to programs that advance the mission of the Foundation.
Our balance sheet remains strong with $6.2 million in assets. We are
committed to being fiscally responsible so that we can continue our
mission during tough economic times.
Thank you for your generosity.
Statement of Activities
Revenue, gains, and other support
Individual contributions
Corporate contributions and
Legacies and bequests
Net special events revenue
Fees, advertising and other
Total revenue, gains and
other support
Public education
Patient services
Professional education
Advocacy and government relations
Management and general
Total expenses
Increase (decrease) in
net assets
Legacies & bequests
Chip Newton
Walk to Cure Psoriasis
& special events
Management & general
Advocacy &
government relations
Complete financial statements are available at
Professional education
& patient services
Public education
All accounts of the National Psoriasis Foundation are maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for not-for-profit organizations as
established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. This annual report, including a complete copy of our audited financial statements, is available on our website at The Psoriasis Foundation is in full compliance with the Standards of Excellence—Good Operating Practices of the National Health Council.
10 | N at io n a l p s o r i a s i s f o und at io n
2010-2011 Corporate partners
e are grateful to the corporate sponsors who provide unrestricted funds
that support National Psoriasis Foundation programs and our mission
to find a cure for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and eliminate their
devastating effects. Some highlights:
Diamond ($1 million+)
($500,000 - $749,000)
• Alva-Amco Pharmacal Companies Inc. earned the National Psoriasis
Foundation Seal of Recognition for the over-the-counter topical treatment,
Psoriasin Gel.
• Amgen Pfizer supported the National Psoriasis Foundation’s first-ever joint
venture, Joint Smart, a coalition of the Psoriasis and Arthritis Foundations
( The initiative raised awareness about psoriatic arthritis
and provided patients with disease-management information. The coalition was
formed in response to golf champion Phil Mickelson’s psoriatic arthritis diagnosis in 2010.
• Janssen Biotech Inc. (formerly Centocor Ortho Biotech Inc.) teamed up with
the National Psoriasis Foundation to launch the “Are You Serious?” public awareness campaign featuring comedian Jon Lovitz, who was diagnosed with severe
plaque psoriasis at age 42. The campaign, including online videos starring Lovitz
(, delivered an important message: Though
psoriasis is a lifelong disease, it can be treated and managed with the help of a
• Leo Pharmaceuticals bolstered Foundation efforts to educate health professionals, including nurses and physician assistants, about psoriatic disease by
supporting our peer-reviewed, quarterly medical journal, Psoriasis Forum, the
only publication for medical professionals devoted exclusively to psoriasis and
psoriatic arthritis. Nearly 5,000 health care providers receive Psoriasis Forum to
keep up to date about the latest research and treatment information.
• Abbott, Amgen Pfizer , Janssen Biotech Inc. , Galderma and Stiefel
Labs supported the Foundation’s Walk to Cure Psoriasis. Their financial support
and interest enabled the Foundation to organize 22 walks and an online virtual
walk in cities across the country.
• Abbott, Amgen Pfizer , Beiersdorf Inc. , Janssen Biotech Inc. ,
Galderma , Neutrogena and Promius Pharma provided funding to present
More Than Skin Deep, the Foundation’s educational program that focuses on
psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, how to manage these diseases and the importance of the doctor-patient relationship. The Foundation made 20 More Than
Skin Deep presentations throughout the U.S. in FY2011, reaching more than
880 people.
($275,000 - $399,999)
($100,000 - $149,000)
($50,000 - $99,999)
Practicing Clinicians
Exchange (PCE)
($25,000 - $49,999)
Alva–Amco Pharmacal
Eucerin (Beiersdorf Inc.)
National Biological Corp.
Promius Pharma
($10,000 - $24,999)
Boehringer Ingelheim
UV Biotek
2 011 Annu a l r e p o r t | 11
Foundation highlights
Photo by Nancy Ostertag
• Invested $1.8 million for research, including 11 research
grants and 12 fellowship grants, to advance discoveries
that could lead to better treatments and a cure
• Reached the Foundation goal to collect 2,000 DNA
samples for the National Psoriasis Victor Henschel
BioBank, which will offer researchers the largest single
collection of psoriasis-specific DNA in the world
• Distributed the first DNA samples to researchers at
University of Michigan, Washington University in
St. Louis, Mo., and University of California, San Francisco
Eric Kimble, Psoriasis Foundation Board of Trustees member, was
among 170 Capitol Hill Day advocates in Washington, D.C., in June 2011.
Photo courtesy of University of Michigan Health System
• Mobilized volunteer advocates who contacted every
U.S. senator and 408 U.S. representatives to alert them
to the need for more psoriasis research
• Spearheaded introduction of the Psoriasis and Psoriatic
Arthritis Research, Cure, and Care Act of 2011 in
Congress. For Capitol Hill Day, organized 170 advocates
who met with 141 members of Congress, urging them
to support the bill and federal commitment to psoriatic
• Continued to work directly with insurance companies
to change policies that limit access to prescribed
treatments. In just two years, helped improve insurance
policies for nearly 250,000 people with psoriatic disease
Community development
Dr. James T. Elder (fourth from left) and his University of Michigan
research team received Foundation-sponsored DNA samples for
psoriasis research.
• Established community divisions based in Los Angeles,
San Diego, Dallas, Chicago, South Florida and New York
City, mobilizing volunteer and financial support at the
local level
Photo by Nancy Ostertag
Walk to Cure Psoriasis
• Raised a record $1.2 million, an increase of more
than 30 percent over the previous fiscal year,
supporting Foundation research, advocacy and
education programs
• Increased the number of walks from 17 to 23 in fiscal
year 2011, extending Foundation reach into local
communities and widening grassroots and financial
support for the Foundation
Advocate Clara Stanfield in Washington, D.C., for Capitol Hill Day.
12 | N at io n a l p s o r i a s i s f o und at io n
Support from individuals, foundations and
Beverly Foster Halprin
Psoriasis Champions
for a Cure
Named to honor the founder of the
National Psoriasis Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
$100,000 and above
American Academy of Physician Assistants
Michael and Carol Laub
Millie Chuck
Richard Coffman Circle
Named to honor the first chairman of the
Psoriasis Foundation Board of Trustees
$25,000 to $49,999
Michael Graff and Carol Ostrow
Neal and Barbara Henschel
Sun Capital Partners Foundation
Daniel and Rebecca Farrington
Bill and Jodi Felton
Multiyear pledges
These generous donors have made
long-term commitments to support
the Foundation.
$1 Million
Neal and Barbara Henschel and
family for the National Psoriasis
Victor Henschel BioBank
Irwin and Joan Geduld
$250,000 to $499,999
Michael John
Edward Lewis
John Y. M. Koo, M.D.
Mark G. Lebwohl, M.D.
Mark and Celine Lillie
$50,000 to $99,999
Bill and Jodi Felton
Chip Newton and Liz Smith
Dale and Karen White
Florence Petrlik
$10,000 to $24,999
Rita Allen Foundation
Richard and Ellen Seiden
Alan and Bari Shaffran
Randy Beranek
Bill Cardamon and Alicia Wright
Terri Theisen
Daniel and Rebecca Farrington
Virginia Morris Kincaid Charitable Trust
Donald and Lesley Grilli
Benjamin and Janice Isenberg
Dale and Karen White
Krista F. Kellogg
Carol A. Yermal
Eric W. Kimble
(Piggy) banking on a cure
Valentina Gaxiola, 8, shown here with
cousin Aric Allen, 7, at the 2011 Walk to
Cure Psoriasis in Los Angeles, made
a special donation in honor of Aric, the
walk’s youth ambassador. Valentina
donated all the money she had saved in
her piggy bank to help find a cure
for psoriasis.
Photo by Lisa Weber
2 011 Annu a l r e p o r t | 13
$5,000 to $9,999
$1,000 to $4,999
Anonymous (3)
Thomas B. Daniels
Altman Dermatology Associates
William Abramovits, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronn Davids
The Attilio & Beverly Petrocelli Foundation
Donald J. Adler, D.O.
Dermatology and Laser Institute of Colorado
Aventura Mall Marketing Fund
Corey A. Beckett
Stan Burnstein
Russell, Judith, Cecily and
Edward Carson
Myron and Nancy Cohn
Dawes Fretzin Dermatology Group
Drinker Biddle & Reath
Early-career dermatologists at the
Foundation’s 2010 Chief Residents meeting
in Chicago.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Bruce Bebo
C. M. Garver
Donald and Lesley Grilli
Jeff and Lisa Henschel
Home Box Office
Insurance Brokers of San Diego
The James Cook Family
Medical programs
• Kept 5,000 medical
professionals up to
date through Psoriasis
Forum, the only medical
journal dedicated to
psoriatic disease
• Educated 118
dermatology resident physicians and
physician assistants
and provided
Continuing Medical
Education sessions for
thousands of health
care professionals
about psoriatic disease
and the variety of its
treatment options
The Katz Family Foundation
Lerner Medical Devices
Edward Lewis
Adobe Systems
Advanced Dermatology
Akerman Senterfitt
Cole Family Charitable Foundation
Michael and Kimberly Cornell
The Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center
Amegy Bank
Dermatology Associates of Colorado
American Express Foundation
Paul and Ivy Dodwell
Amgen Foundation
Kristina Callis Duffin, M.D.
Alexis M. Anderson
Ernst & Young
Dr. David W. Andrews
Jayne I. Eshelman
Dr. Marc and Mrs. Ronit Arginteanu
Antonio Espindola
Dr. Anthony Armada
Barbara D. Aves
Louis and Susan Axelrod
Baptist Health South Florida
Vincent Peter Beltrani, Jr., M.D.
Sonia Bender
Colby C. Evans, M.D.
John H. Exner, M.D.
Fahringer Foundation
Faith Wesleyan Church
Robert and Lauren Fales
Joe and Diana Farina
Randy Beranek
Dr. Steve Feldman and
Leora Henkin
Les and Joan Berman
Finfer Family Foundation
The Biegelsen Foundation
Nancy Fitzgerald
Marc & Carolyn Rowan Family Foundation
Lee Bloom
Mark Flint
Microsoft Corporation
Boehringer Ingelheim USA
Organization of Teratology Information Specialists
Richard K. Bowman
Florida Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants
Marie R. Pitchford
Steven J. Rand
Peter and Lorelei Redding
Therapeutics Clinical Research
University of Pennsylvania
Kenneth and Mary Voertman
Walton Family Foundation
Mark and Blanche Wine
Seth and Deb Wohlberg
David Brockway
Marian C. Burke
The Cana Foundation
Leslie Capin, M.D.
Capital One
Bill Cardamon and Alicia Wright
Corey Cardine
Cardon Healthcare Network
Jennifer Clay Cather, M.D.
Michael and Carey Cavaliere
John Cefalone
The Center For Dermatology,
in Honor of Eugene Stassi
Foley & Lardner
Joseph F. Fowler, Jr., M.D.
Sandra Inez Frank
Scott Fretzin, M.D.
Brian P. Friedman
Bernard A. Gasch, M.D.
Norman B. Gaylis, M.D.
Dr. David and Mrs. Beth Geduld
GEICO Philanthropic Foundation
Leonard Genet
GE Foundation
Jeanette Gladstone
Central Ohio Skin & Cancer
Brad P. Glick, D.O.
Yoo Sang Choi
Gold & Rosenblatt
Michael Cisewski
Henry L. Goldberg, Esq.
Missy M. Clifton, M.D.
Dr. Gail Goldman
Irwin and Patricia Cohen
Arlene & Arnold Goldstein
Family Foundation
Russell W. Cohen, M.D.
14 | N at io n a l p s o r i a s i s f o und at io n
Mona Foad, M.D.
Good Works Health
Google Matching Gift Program
Thomas G. MacCracken
Robert A. Snyder, M.D.
Dr. Lawrence and Mrs. Allison Green
David and Michelle Margules
St. Michael’s Catholic School
Mark and Jaclyn Marinovich
Stanford University
Penny E. McConnell
Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler
Alhadeff & Sitterson
Joseph Greenberg, M.D.
Stephanie E. Grobaski
in memory of Seymour Gross
Ram P. Gupta
Paula H. Gwosdz
H&R Block
Jon Halpern
Barry J. Hartzberg
Victor R. Henschel
Robert J. Hiler Family Foundation
Laura A. Hirschmann
Ralph and Brenda Hoffman
Luciann L. Hruza, M.D.
Mrs. Needham Hurst
Benjamin and Janice Isenberg
Ernest Isenstadt
Jevan Dhara Foundation
Judith Ripka Creations
“Lab Rat”
The Katz Family Foundation
Krista F. Kellogg
Eric W. Kimble
Leon Kircik, M.D.
Michael Kraley
Gerald G. Krueger, M.D.
Richard and Priscilla Kurz
Kathleen M. LaCroix
Barry and Sara Lee Larner
Craig and Sharon Larson
Las Olas Chemist
Andrew and Lori Laub
Gillian Laub
Patricia C. Lee, M.D.
Giulio A. Leone, M.D.
Jacob Levitt, M.D.
Wilson J. Liao, M.D.
The Liebowitz Foundation
Norman and Phyllis Lipsett
Clive M. Liu, M.D.
Jody W. Lockridge
The Edward A. & Catherine L. Lozick Foundation
Randy Luongo
William Lynch, M.D.
William M. Lyons
Marsha E. McCormick
M. J. Mecklenburg
Alan and Pam Menter
Scott Morgan
Nelson and Jaime Moy
National Biological Corporation
Newport Beachside Resort
Steven J. & Bede Levinson Foundation
Bruce E. Strober, M.D., Ph.D.
Jack and Alice Styza
Robert and Carol Summers
Sunflower Dermatology & Day Spa
Ray E. Newton Jr.
Sussman Shank
Northern California Rheumatology Society
Abbie Y. Tidmore
Mark Oberman and Judith Eisenberg
Carol O’Kane
Pacific Marketing & Publishing
Roberta J. Palmer
PFS Group
Richard Pollack
Ann Feder-Pomerantz
Paul H. Prigge
Marjorie E. Purvis
Quest Diagnostics
Bruce and Mary Rabiner
Mike and Hulda Refermat
Terrence J. Riley
The Robert Sheft & Hope Gittis Sheft Foundation
Rochdale Investment Management
Jeff Rochlis,
in honor of Elizabeth Jenkins
The Rockefeller University
Carrie Rodrigues-Jackson
Susan S. Roper, M.D.
Matthew Ross
George R. Russell, M.D.
Beata L. Rydzik, M.D.
Marc and Frances Samit
Total Life Care Pharmacy
Cheryl J. Tracey
James and Toni Turner
Catherine Ungerboeck
• Launched, a
website for children with
psoriasis and psoriatic
• Served 468 people
through the Psoriasis
One to One program
• Educated nearly 3,000
people through six
health-related webcasts
• Distributed more than
62,000 educational
booklets and assisted
5,000 patients via phone
and email
UPMC Health Plan
US Bank
Eugene J. Van Scott, M.D.
Abby S. Van Voorhees, M.D.
Vrishali Wagle
Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy
Susanne Watkins
Robert M. Weekley
Fred and Joan Weisman
Scott and Allison Weiss
Mark and Tobi Weiss
Roger K. West
Harry M. Wheeler
William and Barbara Whittaker
Chris Williams
John S. Wilson
Windsor Dermatology
Esther L. Woods
Edward Wright
Joseph and Sylvia Yasgur
ZBI Employee Allocated Gift
Board of Trustees vice-chair Mark Lillie,
with 2011 Volunteer of the Year Lillian
Photo by Nancy Ostertag
Rolland Fritz Zeck
Hans M. Sander, M.D.
Sidney and Betsy Savelle
Wendy Schimel
Pamela B. Schultz
Richard Sharpstein
The Shepard Broad Foundation
Robert and Sue Shoenberg
David N. Silvers, M.D.
2 011 Annu a l r e p o r t | 15
• Distributed Foundation
magazine Psoriasis
Advance to 90,000
• Got the word out about
psoriatic disease (via
TV, radio, print, online
media outlets) more
than 4,700 times, a
27 percent increase over
the last fiscal year
The National Psoriasis Foundation received bequests from the estates of the following
generous supporters.
Jerry V. Gilbert
Eleanor F. LeValley
Hazel Grayson,
in memory
of her daughter,
Patricia J. Grayson
Thamar Luksenberg
Left to right: Board of Trustees Secretary
Ben Isenberg and wife Janice and Board
Chair Rick Seiden with wife Ellen. Both
couples are Legacy Society members.
Photo by Fitzgerald Fotography
Fran Thompson
Legacy Society
• Received 2,066,202
individual visitors to
our website, a fiscalyear increase of
11 percent
• Increased the
Foundation’s social
media presence,
gaining 11,000 Facebook
“friends,” a 41 percent
increase over the last
fiscal year, and 2,561
56% Twitter followers, a
56 percent increase.
Ross Merritt
William Throckmorton Putnam III
The Legacy Society honors members who provide for the Psoriasis Foundation
in their estate plans.
Anonymous (14)
Sandra Allison
Jack and Patricia Allweiss
Alexis M. Anderson
Ralph P. Arens
Elsa Aybar
Corky L. Balzac
Robert and Cathleen Becker
George and Mary Bell
James P. Bennett, Ph.D.
Jeffrey B. Berman
Richard I. Besser
Frank M. Beveridge
Mary Kay Boylan
Robert L. Brooks
Richard Brotherston
LaVerne Beall Burhans
Mary B. Burrows
Laurie Anne Carlson
Jerry and Helene Cotter
Enid L. Crook
Robert Crooks and Sami Tucker
Paul and Ivy Dodwell
Lucille Doree
Karen M. Durbak
Jackie Eber
Richard L. Elmendorf
Daniel and Rebecca Farrington
Michael C. Finn, M.D.
Bruce and Susan Foat
Ruth I. Foerster
Marvin and Carole Frankel
Robert and Cynthia Galletly
Richard C. Gardner
Robert and Adrienne Ginsberg
Richard W. Good
Donald and Lesley Grilli
16 | N at io n a l p s o r i a s i s f o und at io n
Bill and Mary Ann Grove
Louise K. Hawke
Mrs. Mary Beth Hedrick
Carol W. Henshaw
Jim Hergert
Lynn Hodges
Dr. Amy J. Holstein
Benjamin and Janice Isenberg
Charles H. Jacobs
Betty Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Jones
David W. Kapor
John and Diane Kazibut
Mara Kelly
Eric W. Kimble
William and Frances Klein
Barry and Sara Lee Larner
Brian Larson
Patricia A. Laurie
Edward Lewis
Carl Wayne Littlejohn
Scott S. Lochridge
Charles Campbell Magee
Ellen Louise Magee
Mark and Jaclyn Marinovich
Craig and Irene McCall
John and Rebecca McCann
Sharon E. McCrae
Glennis McNeal
Kenneth A. Meersand
Linda V. Miller
Diane E. Moore
Ronald and Marcy Morris
Mary L. Mullarkey
Chip Newton and Liz Smith
Robert J. Osterman
Diane N. Paul
Harold and Harriet Phillips
Eileen Prouty
Diane Robinson
Sherri A. Rosen
Marie D. Roser
Irvin J. Roth
Paul and Barbara Sanders
Pamela B. Schultz
Michael F. Score
Harold and Edna Seemann
Richard and Ellen Seiden
A. Marilyn Sime, Ph.D.
Timothy Jay Smith
Dr. Judith A. Snyder
Lisa Spiekermann
Steven Brad Stacey
Nell V. Steele
Jo Ann Steggerda
Brenda M. Tolley
Clivia Torres-Lacend
Cheryl K. Turay
Ruby B. Van Rooyen
Kenneth and Mary Voertman
Stephen and Jana Wessels
Roger K. West
Margaret J. Whittle
Kevin Timothy Wilson
Gregory J. Winslow
Martha Wood
Robert P. Woodward
Charles and Marsha Woolley
Gloria Wren
Edward Wright
Susan K. Zeller
Gail Zimmerman and Nils Nilsson
We recognize and thank the following medical professionals who
have demonstrated their commitment to the patient community by
supporting the President’s Council.
William Abramovits, M.D.
Christine M. Adamick, M.D.
Donald J. Adler, D.O.
Andrew F. Alexis, M.D., M.P.H.
Laila Almeida, M.D.
Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D.
David J. Altman, M.D., Ph.D.
Nancy J. Anderson, M.D.
Lawrence L. Anderson, M.D.
Humberto C. Antunes
Peter J. Aronson, M.D.
Jerry Bagel, M.D.
Diane R. Baker, M.D.
Rodney S.W. Basler, M.D.
Eric W. Baum, M.D.
Vincent Peter Beltrani, Jr., M.D.
Robert S. Berger, M.D.
Paul R. Bergstresser, M.D.
Brian Berman, M.D., Ph.D.
J. Raymond Bernat, M.D.
Michael Bernhardt, M.D.
Neal Bhatia, M.D.
Joseph B. Bikowski, M.D.
Charles Birbara, M.D.
Andrew Blauvelt, M.D.
David Blum, M.D.
Erin E. Boh, M.D., Ph.D.
Mary Ruth Buchness, M.D.
Michael Bukhalo, M.D.
Daniel A. Buscaglia, D.O.
Jeffrey P. Callen, M.D.
Charles Camisa, M.D.
Patrick Carney, M.D.
Carolina Mountain Dermatology
Tamella B. Cassis, M.D.
Jennifer Clay Cather, M.D.
Robert L. Chappell, M.D., P.A.
May J. Chow, M.D.
David Clemons, M.D.
Missy M. Clifton, M.D.
Russell W. Cohen, M.D.
Steven R. Cohen, M.D., M.P.H.
Kevin D. Cooper, M.D.
Raymond L. Cornelison, Jr., M.D.
David J. Coynik, M.D.
Jeffrey J. Crowley, M.D.
Theodore Daly, M.D.
Kenneth Dawes, M.D.
A. Damian Dhar, M.D.
Kristina Callis Duffin, M.D.
Joseph S. Eastern, M.D.
Charles N. Ellis, M.D.
Craig A. Elmets, M.D.
Michelle Endicott, D.O.
John A. Erianne, M.D.
Colby C. Evans, M.D.
Lydia Evans, M.D.
John H. Exner, M.D.
Steven R. Feldman, M.D., Ph.D.
A. Fernandez Obregon, M.D.
David Fiorentino, M.D., Ph.D.
David Fivenson, M.D.
Mona Foad, M.D.
Michael Ford, M.D.
Joseph Francis Fowler, Jr., M.D.
Ellen H. Frankel, M.D.
Steven A. Franks, M.D.
Scott Fretzin, M.D.
Suzanne Friedler, M.D.
Glenn H. Fuchs, M.D.
Bernard A. Gasch, M.D.
Joel M. Gelfand, M.D.
Brad P. Glick, D.O.
Bernard S. Goffe, M.D.
Michael H. Gold, M.D.
David J. Goldberg, M.D.
Michael T. Goldfarb, M.D.
Herbert P. Goodheart, M.D.
Kenneth B. Gordon, M.D.
Alice Bendix Gottlieb, M.D., Ph.D.
Jennifer W. Gould, M.D.
Gloria F. Graham, M.D.
Richard D. Granstein, M.D.
Lawrence J. Green, M.D.
Michael Greenberg, M.D.
Harry L. Greenberg, M.D.
Joseph Greenberg, M.D.
Robert G. Greenberg, M.D.
Daniel Groisser, M.D.
Scott T. Guenthner, M.D.
Cynthia Guzzo, M.D.
John H. Hall, Jr., M.D.
Tiffani K. Hamilton, M.D.
John G. Hancox, M.D.
Aubrey Chad Hartmann, M.D.
Sarah A. Haydel, M.D.
Stephen E. Helms, M.D.
Warren R. Heymann, M.D.
Deirdre Hooper, M.D.
Luciann L. Hruza, M.D.
Charles Hudson, M.D.
Davide Iacobelli, M.D.
Francis W. Iacobellis, M.D.
Robert L. Jackson, M.D.
J. Mark Jackson, M.D.
Sarah C. Jackson, M.D.
Joseph L. Jorizzo, M.D.
Robert E. Kalb, M.D.
Susan E. Katz, M.D.
Leon Kircik, M.D.
John Y. M. Koo, M.D.
Neil Korman, M.D., Ph.D.
Craig A. Kraffert, M.D.
Cheryl Kramer
James M. Krell, M.D.
Indira Rao Krishnarao, M.D.
Gerald G. Krueger, M.D.
William V. Krug, M.D.
Michael A. Kurzman, M.D.
Richard Langley, M.D.
Oanh Lauring, M.D.
Stanton S. Lebouitz, M.D.
Mark G. Lebwohl, M.D.
Craig L. Leonardi, M.D.
Giulio A. Leone, M.D.
Jacob Levitt, M.D.
Ross S. Levy, M.D.
Gary D. Lichten, M.D.
Benjamin Lockshin, M.D.
Frederick A. Lupton III, M.D.
William Lynch, M.D.
Eugene Mandrea, M.D.
Linda Susan Marcus, M.D.
Barbara M. Mathes, M.D.
Robert T. Matheson, M.D.
Timothy D. Mattison, M.D.
Elizabeth I. McBurney, M.D.
Patrick S.J. McElgunn, M.D.
Philip J. Mease, M.D.
Alan M. Menter, M.D.
Lawrence S. Meyers, M.D.
Jami Lyn Miller, M.D.
William S. Mirando, M.D.
Andrew Mitchell, M.D.
Craig Mohney, M.D.
Angela Yen Moore, M.D.
Warwick L. Morison, M.D.
Eliot N. Mostow, M.D.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Department of Dermatology
George J. Murakawa, M.D., Ph.D.
John C. Murray, M.D.
Mark S. Nestor, M.D., Ph.D.
Peter H. Niebyl, M.D.
David S. Nieves, M.D.
Martin M. Okun, M.D.
Seth J. Orlow, M.D., Ph.D.
Patrick Ottuso, M.D.
Amy S. Paller, M.D.
Robert J. Pariser, M.D.
Jeffrey D. Pittis, M.D.
Justin Platzer, M.D.
Ross B. Pollack, M.D.
Robert B. Posnick, M.D.
Steven A. Proper, M.D., M.P.H.
Ronald B. Prussick, M.D.
John Karl Randall, M.D., R.Ph.
Oliver M. Reed, M.D.
Charles N. Reed, M.D.
Kathleen Remlinger, M.D.
Phoebe Rich, M.D.
Jennifer M. Ridge, M.D.
Darrell S. Rigel, M.D.
Christopher Ritchlin, M.D.
Douglas N. Robins, M.D.
David Rodriguez, M.D.
Susan S. Roper, M.D.
Marti J. Rothe, M.D.
Beata L. Rydzik, M.D.
Neil Sadick, M.D.
Hans M. Sander, M.D.
Robert F. Schwarze, D.O.
David C. Semler, M.D.
Kerry Shafran, M.D.
Patrick Shannon, M.D.
Mary E. Shepherd, M.D., Ph.D.
Jerome L. Shupack, M.D.
Michael T. Siegel, M.D.
David N. Silvers, M.D.
Stacy R. Smith, M.D.
Robert A. Snyder, M.D., P.A.
Jeffrey M. Sobell, M.D.
Howard L. Sofen, M.D.
Mark Steele, NeoStrata Company
Linda Stein Gold, M.D.
Lawrence M. Stokar, M.D.
Stephen P. Stone, M.D.
Timothy Jon Storer, M.D.
Bruce E. Strober, M.D., Ph.D.
Emil A. Tanghetti, M.D.
Artthapol Tanphaichitr, M.D.
Amy Forman Taub, M.D.
Craig F. Teller, M.D.
Ira H. Thorla, Jr., M.D.
Cynthia Tie, M.D., P.A.
Helen Mary Torok, M.D.
Cyndi Torosky, M.D.
Eric S. Treiber, M.D.
Ruth K. Treiber, M.D.
James E. Turner, M.D., Ph.D.
Stephen K. Tyring, M.D., Ph.D.
Eugene J. Van Scott, M.D.
Abby S. Van Voorhees, M.D.
K. Dawn Vincent, M.D.
Paul Wallace, M.D.
Robert R. Walther, M.D.
Guy Webster, M.D., Ph.D.
Jeffrey M. Weinberg, M.D.
Gerald D. Weinstein, M.D.
Jonathan S. Weiss, M.D.
Stefan Weiss, M.D.
Schield M. Wikas, D.O.
Johnnie Woodson, M.D.
Paul S. Yamauchi, M.D., Ph.D.
Joseph J. Zaladonis, Jr., M.D.
Michael Zanolli, M.D.
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OUr mission is to find a cure for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
and to eliminate their devastating effects through research, advocacy and education.
6600 SW 92nd Ave., Suite 300, Portland, OR 97223-7195
Tel: 503.244.7404 | 800.723.9166 | Fax: 503.245.0626 |