- Putzmeister
- Putzmeister
The Magazine for our Customers and Friends 64 PM 3723 GB Contents L a te s t Ne w s 7 2 L a t e s t Ne w s 3 4 24 Record number of participants Information from VDMA Colossal hangars for superjumbos Ti t l e St o r y 4 Power station construction in Canada's wilderness Ba c k g ro u n d 10 20 24 New machinery means ideally equipped to compete High quality requirements even in the construction of model concrete pumps Ten in a row 8 4 3 22 14 26 Re f u rb i s h m e n t 12 Not as easy as you think – Diamant Mühle Hamburg refurbishment new! Te c h n o l og y 9 14 Flexible 20 m "quad" – Universal truck-mounted concrete pump with an unfolding height of just 3.9 m 20 Numerous concrete pumps at Germany's largest construction site Sp e c i a l c o n c re t e 22 26 Concrete placement on 109 m high pit frame Large boom concrete pumps inject "Bügelbauten" bookend buildings Ap p l i c a t io n 28 2 PM 3723 GB Concreting on water Dubai International Airport, the major international gateway in the United Arab Emirates, has been expanding since 2002 thanks to investment totalling $ 4.1 US billion. The project mainly involves the construction of a third passenger terminal, two concourses and one enormous air cargo centre. Completion of the project will triple the airport’s annual capacity from 22 million to 60 million passengers. This increase in capacity will be made possible by the introduction of modern superjumbo aeroplanes. In order to reach as many participants as possible in their respective mother tongues, the PM Academy trainers offer the individual courses not only in German and English, but also in French and Spanish. Translation into other languages, such as Arabic, Russian, Chinese, etc. is carried out on-site by qualified interpreters, depending on the composition of the group of participants. In addition to the expansion of the takeoff and landing strips of Dubai International Airport, there is another major project underway. A gigantic hangar complex is under construction in which it will also be possible to carry out demanding maintenance work on any of the models in the rapidly expanding fleet of EMIRATES AIRLINE and its contractual partners. The hangars are dimensioned to even be able to house AIRBUS A380 superjumbos with a wingspan of almost 80 m. EMIRATES AIRLINE has already ordered 45 of these superjumbos, which have ample room for up to 850 passengers. For seminar season 2006, the Putzmeister Academy has again extended its range of courses. For more information, and to register for a seminar online, see: www.pm-akademie.de The Chinese STATE DEVELOPMENT & INVESTMENT CORP is planning to invest approximately USD 17.3 billion in the construction of six hydroelectric power stations at the upper reaches of the Yangtzee (Sichuan Province). One of the projects has already been approved by the responsible authorities and is to join the mains supply by 2012. 5 Large construction site 16 In December, the Putzmeister Academy is looking forward to a record number of seminar participants for the 2005 training season. Within a year, over 1,100 Putzmeister guests from all continents will have achieved further qualification in 61 customer seminars. The one- to five-day courses are held either at Putzmeister's premises in Aichtal or directly at the customer's premises. The contents are aimed at the operators of concrete pumps and at the machine maintenance staff (mechanics, workshop managers). Information from the German Association of Machine and Plant Engineering (VDMA) "Quintuplet" adapts itself Between sun and sea Colossal hangars for superjumbos 10 Building construction 15 25 Record number of participants 6 16 10 12 It is estimated that the construction of the Messina bridge, one of the largest Italian infrastructure projects, will start in spring 2006. The contract to construct the 3.3 km long suspension bridge over the Strait of Messina was awarded to a consortium under the management of the Italian construction company IMPREGILO. The consortium also includes the Japanese company ISHIKAWAJIMA HARIMA HEAVY INDUSTRIES, the Spanish company SACYR VALEHERMOSO and other Italian construction firms. The two towers of the bridge will be higher than the Eiffel Tower, at 383 m each. The costs of the bridge designed for road and rail traffic, is estimated at EUR 3.88 billion. The new “Emirates Engineering Center” includes eight hangars, workshops, a washing zone, an aeroplane painting facility, office space, two taxiways, a mosque and a powerplant. The Putzmeister BSF 42.16 H shown below will also be used for the extensive concreting work. 11 3 PM 3723 GB Ti t l e St o r y Power station construction in Canada's wilderness – 1200 km from the nearest service support point The on-going energy development of Hydro-Québec is part of a $2 billion project undertaken by SEBJ – Societe Energie de Baie James. For HydroQuébec, SEBJ has been instrumental in the development of a very rich hydroelectric area via numerous power stations Title Sto r y 12 The enormous project – underway in a desolate region in northern Québec – includes a powerhouse, a main dam across the Eastmain River, the spillway on the right bank of the river, and 33 dikes for reservoir closure. The construction of the project's complex was broken down into five major contracts, awarded independently via open public bids. installed since the 1970s. The new Eastmain-1 hydroelectric power plant – The largest of all structures being built is the 50 m tall, 125 m long and 55 m wide powerhouse – where three huge turbines will generate the power. This surface powerhouse, built into a rocky hill, is on the left bank of the Eastmain River. By the time the water exits through the tailrace, it will have dropped over 60 m from the water intake. This head, combined with the flow, develops kinetic energy that causes the turbines and generators to turn, producing electricity. In particular, the major $ 108 million Canadian powerhouse, penstocks, and water intake project were started in the spring of 2004 under the direction of Canadian contractor AECON HOCHTIEF. The AECON Group is one of Canada's largest publicly traded construction companies, and the group is 49 %-owned by German construction giant HOCHTIEF. Upon completion in early 2006, the reputable general contractor will have pumped over 46,000 m3 of concrete. This amounts to about two-thirds of the total 68,000 m3 needed for the entire project. Aggregates of granite, a little water and low cement content located on the Eastmain River near James Bay – is designed to generate 480 megawatt of electric power for Hydro-Québec. This was preceded by extensive negotiations with the Cree Indian clans resident in the region. Several different Putzmeister machines are being used here in the Canadian wilderness – far from any service support point. In order to guarantee the most economic concrete placement possible, in addition to efficient concrete manufacture, the site management is absolutely dependent on reliable machine equipment. For, in this remote area, the failure of machines would lead to extremely high costs – Montreal, the nearest big city, is over 1,200 km away. For this reason, AECON HOCHTIEF decided on the Canadian representation of Putzmeister, POMPACTION Inc., from Pointe-Claire. It delivers practically all the concreting equipment to the remote construction site in the extremely sparsely populated north-east of the country. Project Manager Ken Chryssolor of AECON HOCHTIEF said, "For over 30 years, I've worked on huge jobs within James Bay so I know how difficult the abrasive granite mix is to pump. As we needed high performance equipment that could handle the tough aggregate mix, we're depending on all Putzmeister products." Putzmeister introduces three variants of the ZX coupling system to the program: 14 The ZX-S threaded coupling is especially suited to quick assembly of delivery lines which are seldom or never rerouted. Shorter boom for thicker lines For the specific powerhouse and water intake project, the mix of equipment includes two BSA 2109 H-D high pressure trailer-mounted concrete pumps, a JT 5000 jumbo trough mixer, and two PM towers for mounting specially modified MXR 30 Z-150 separate placing booms. The two Putzmeister placing booms were originally standard MXR 34 Z-125 units modified by shortening the boom length to 30 meters to make up for the weight difference in using the 150 mm pipe required. 15 PM recommends the ZX-K wing-head coupling for quick assembly of delivery lines that have to be installed more frequently. 16 Instead of typical 125 mm pipe, 150 mm diameter was needed throughout the delivery system in handling the extremely harsh concrete mix supplied by the on-site batch plant. The brutal mix comprises crushed granite at 38 mm wide yet an inconceivable 100 mm long. Due to the abrasive mix, high pressures, and up to 150 mm pumping distances involved, Putzmeister ZX pipes and couplings are also being used. In addition, with generally lower water/cement values, the concretes for many constructional elements have hardly any free water and the cement content is often significantly reduced in order to reduce the hydration heat. Particularly hard-wearing ZX delivery lines "We needed heavy duty pipe and couplings for handling the extremely hard aggregate mix and for long usage life. 13 The ZX-W wedged coupling was developed so that delivery lines can be opened at lightning speed, for example at emptying stations or cleaning connections. Putzmeister's special ZX pipe and couplings are completely leak-proof and high-pressure resistant. They definitely outlast any standard pipe and are an absolute necessity for this application," Ken noted. Two Putzmeister BSA 2109 H-D trailermounted concrete pumps were also selected because of their field proven S-valve for handling the coarse mix. They would also help keep wear costs to a minimum with their inherently long 2100 mm stroke cylinders and up to 152 bar high-pressure capabilities. Without a set pattern, pumping occurs on an irregular basis. Average outputs range between 20 to 60 m3/h with the rate of placement governed by the specifications and the complexity of the intricate forms, not by the equipment capabilities. View of the dam of the Eastmain-1 hydroelectric power plant in north-east Canada. The outlet tunnels are shown in the left of the picture (Photo: SEBJ) 4 PM 3723 GB The concrete contains aggregates with an edge length of up to 100 mm 5 PM 3723 GB Ti t l e St o r y Title Sto r y 17 19 From April to November 2004, concrete work for the powerhouse took place. Two 24 m tall placing boom towers were anchored with bolts and had to be precisely mounted in specified locations so no cold joints would interfere with the flow of water upon project completion. Concrete mixing trough as an additional "buffer" Of the two trailer pumps, one serves as the main production unit being fed via a Putzmeister JT-5000 jumbo trough – a surge hopper directly flanged to the pump's hopper. The jumbo trough with a concrete capacity of 5 m3 allows a quick and full discharge of the mixer trucks into its large capacity hopper. The buffer function of the mixing trough means it is also possible to continuously supply the main pump (max. output 95 m3/h) with concrete. "Z" folds show their strengths under the roof The two placing booms – each using their full 30 m horizontal reach – first provided full coverage to place concrete for both the walls of the huge turbines and the powerhouse structure itself. The second Putzmeister trailer pump serves as backup because cold joints are absolutely forbidden or the powerhouse would be structurally deficient. Consequently, in case of an equipment malfunction, the second pump can finish a pour. In November, the two towers were moved to handle the intake structure. This time, they were supported by 4.5 m x 4.5 m x 1.2 m high poured concrete mats, and the placing booms still provided ample reach to all concrete placing areas. Ken said, "We basically have to almost duplicate equipment needs because of our remote location 15 hours away from Montreal. With 600 men on a job, we can't afford down time. Fortunately, no major problems have resulted to-date, and the equipment has performed to our demanding expectations." Especially noteworthy is the placing boom's Multi-Z boom configuration, which proved exceptionally maneuverable in working under the low roof of a temporary Project manager Ken Chryssolor (Photo: AECON HOCHTIEF) overhead steel structure. The structure was specially built so construction could continue during the frigid winter months. AECON HOCHTIEF is also handling the horizontal concrete work for the penstocks. The three enormous penstocks are concretelined conduits excavated in the rock to channel water from the reservoir to the powerhouse turbines and are designed to maximize the head (drop in level). A Putzmeister BSA 2109 H-D trailer pump is pumping the concrete lining of these 107 m long penstocks, each at a 7.6 m diameter ranging from a 0.3 m to 1.2 m thickness. Important: reliable machines a n d good service Besides the equipment's proven performance, service and support capabilities were a significant factor in AECON HOCHTIEF selecting POMPACTION for their equipment needs. POMPACTION assisted in specifying the appropriate equipment, helped train operators, and is making service calls when deemed necessary. The two PM MX 30 stationary booms are installed in 24 m high lattice towers (Photo: POMPACTION) 18 20 A Stationary concrete pump BSA 2109 H-D B „Jumbo“ Trough mixer JT 5000 C ZX delivery line B A C 6 PM 3723 GB A MX 30 used for concrete placement in the turbine house. One of the inlet tunnels is shown in the background (Photo: SEBJ) 7 PM 3723 GB Ti t l e St o r y Title Sto r y 21 And making service calls isn't easy. As a closed site, entry is by invitation only via SEBJ (Air Creebec) aircraft or a 15-hour drive from Montreal. That's why a specially developed workcamp was built to house construction site workers, who in staggering shifts work 42 days followed by a tenday leave. 24 In summary, Francis Gagnier, Vice President at POMPACTION said, "We've sold several different pieces of Putzmeister equipment to various contractors working on this enormous and demanding project complex. That alone is valid testimony to the value placed on the equipment's performance and reliability within such a remote location." During a peak period in summer 2004, nearly 2,400 workers were housed in dormitories. Work is carried out in alternating shifts, each lasting 42 days. There are then ten days free. Similar to a mini-town, the site offers a variety of services such as cafeteria, hair salon, convenience store, post office and library along with indoor and outdoor recreational facilities. Once the project is complete, the approximate 1.3 km3 workcamp will be dismantled and transported to another job site. As of spring 2005, the entire Eastmain-1 project was 66 % complete. Plans are for the facility to be operational by late 2006. Wide range Besides building the concrete intensive powerhouse, other construction projects on site are also utilizing various Putzmeister models, resulting in basically a monopoly of Putzmeister equipment on Eastmain-1. This includes a BSA 1409 electric-powered trailer pump being used by NORASCONHEBERT joint venture, two companies well established in Québec. The unit is competently placing concrete for all incline work associated with the penstocks. 23 Even the DYNAJET high-pressure cleaners were on-site working six months for NEILSON CONSTRUCTION of Québec City. Next to the dam, two 500th models sprayed water at high 500 bar pressures to thoroughly clean selective areas of rock before concrete placement was possible. The TELEBELT was used to deliver hardcore, sand, broken rock and also concrete to the large construction site In addition, a TELEBELT TB 105 belt conveyor was utilized for placing concrete on the main dam across the Eastmain River. The contractor, HAMEL CONSTRUCTION took full advantage of the conveyor's special functionality to place unusually tough mixes and other aggregates such as sand, gravel and rock with ease. The large scale Eastmain-1 camp has all the conveniences of a small town (PHOTO: SEBJ) For construction of the numerous dams, various Thom-Katt trailer-mounted pump models were utilized for shotcreting by NORASCON-HEBERT and also by EDM CONSTRUCTION, who were sub-contracted by CCDC in Montreal. In addition, a Putzmeister P-11 diesel-powered rotor/stator pump handled injection grouting for EBC, Inc. We would like to thank POMPACTION, PM America and Sheila Eden for their assistance with this article. With a DYNAJET high pressure cleaner and up to 500 bar water pressure, a worker removes the loose stone from the rock surface. 25 Self-confident First Nations peoples The Cree people are now one of the largest First Nations groups in North America. Their settlement area stretches from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic coast, in the north of the USA and in the south of Canada. The Cree people speak the Algonquin language and have their own written language. 22 After years of dispute over the dam project in their Reserve at James Bay, several clans of the Canadian Cree Indians, such as the Mistissini, the Nemaska and the Waskganish, agreed to a negotiation compromise between the provincial government of Québec and their chieftains in February 2002, after an agreement was reached among the clan members in the nine villages of the Reserve. According to this agreement, the Cree people will receive a total of 3.4 billion Canadian dollars (approximately EUR 2.4 billion) over a period of 50 years as compensation for the construction of dams at the Eastmain and Ruppert Rivers, and as compensation for the flooded areas. The Cree people want to use the money to develop the economy, the infrastructure and living space. The negotiated compromise was strongly disputed, especially among the younger members of the clans. Today, there are around 1 million "First Nations" or "Inuit" people. The first inhabitants of Canada are supposed to have reached 8 PM 3723 GB 26 the country via a land bridge from Siberia to Alaska. The first contact between Europeans and the First Nations people occurred around 1,000 years ago when Vikings settled predominantly in Newfoundland. Due to its rich supply of oil and gas, Canada is today one of the leading energy exporters in the world. However, extortionate amounts are spent on using natural energy resources in their own country. Today, Canada has 31.5 million inhabitants (Germany: 81.5 million) and covers an area of approximately 10 million km2 (Germany: 0.357 million km2). The population density is around 3 people per km2 (Germany: 231 inhabitants per km2). 9 PM 3723 GB Ba c k g ro u nd 29 New machinery means ideally equipped to compete 28 AUSTRIAN ARABIAN READY MIX CONCRETE was newly established in 2004. Two new concrete mixing plants, 50 truck mixers and six Putzmeister truckmounted concrete pumps imported only a few months ago make the concrete manufacturer and pumping service provider with its modern machinery ideally equipped to face the rigourous competition in the United Arab Emirates. AUSTRIAN ARABIAN opted for the spacious area in Jebel Ali, approximately 25 km South West of Dubai, for its strategically located site. Construction will begin near here on a new airport this year and the island world of Palm Jumeirah off the coast will not be far away. Two-shift pumping The new mixing plants currently produce approximately 2,000 to 3,000 m3 of concrete a day yet they are still operating below their maximum capacity. Presently, around 50 % of the concrete production is placed by their own truck-mounted concrete pumps. The fleet of pumps comprises two BSF 36.16H and four BSF 42.16H. The truck-mounted concrete pumps are operated by two drivers who alternate between shifts in a similar way to their counterparts in most of the other pumping services in the UAE. 27 10 PM 3723 GB Khaled Ahmed Abu Shaeerah and Najeeb M. Ashour (right) in front of a map showing the future island world of Palm Jumeirah AUSTRIAN ARABIAN is currently highly involved in the construction projects on Palm Jumeirah, e.g. in the concreting of the motorway bridges linking the trunk of the palm tree to the mainland. Moreover, AUSTRIAN ARABIAN is delivering and pumping greater volumes of concrete on six other office and apartment towers. The company plans to purchase two stationary pumps and stationary booms for each highrise pumping site in the near future. Since September 2005 the company belongs to the ARABTECH group. Demand for customer training on site Najeeb M. Ashour, Chief Technical Officer and Deputy General Manager for AUSTRIAN ARABIAN in Dubai, places considerable value on the qualifications of his employees, especially of the concrete pump drivers who may not yet be responsible for valuable machines but assume a great deal of responsibility on the construction sites when operating the pumps and placing booms. “We are pleased to have our employees travel to Germany for training, but we would much prefer it if Putzmeister could carry out the training here on site,” remarks Najeeb M.Ashour. This is because AUSTRIAN ARABIAN cannot cease delivery operations on the construction sites. There is never any talk of a “winter break” or an interruption in work due to periods of poor weather here in the UAE. At the PM Academy, Najeeb M. Ashour managed to win support for his proposal of customer training in the country itself: two-day courses covering the topics of engineering, controls and safety in concrete pumping and training on how to operate stationary pumps are expected to be offered in the UAE from mid-November with the cooperation of PM agency, GERMAN GULF. The large construction sites on Palm Jumeirah, which AUSTRIAN ARABIAN supplies with concrete and on which the company uses its concrete pumps, also include the slip roads onto and exits from the feeder road from the mainland Najeeb M. Ashour in front of one of the new AUSTRIAN ARABIAN motorway concrete pumps 30 31 Modern mixing facilities even for challenging concrete mixture breakdowns 11 PM 3723 GB Re f u rb i s h me n t Re fu rb is h me n t 34 Not as easy as you think – Diamant Mühle Hamburg refurbishment of up to 112 bar (maximum/theoretical). The SANIMA is therefore also equipped for larger delivery distances. 125 mm delivery line reduced to 65 mm The connected delivery line is a Putzmeister ZX high pressure line, which can withstand a concrete pressure of 250 bar. The concrete was initially pumped 30 m high on the external wall and then delivered approximately 30 to 40 m to the silo roof. At the end of the now horizontal line, TBG employees had fitted a flexible delivery hose, which was manually switched to one of the three downpipes leading to the silo cells (length approximately 30 m each), according to requirements. Over the entire distance, the cross section of the delivery line was reduced from DN 125 to just DN 65. The riser could easily be closed via a mechanical guillotine in the pipeline at ground level. Thomas Göllner said, "This multiple tapering of the line diameter was a particular challenge for us, as there was a risk of concrete jams especially at the tapering points, and this was to be avoided at all costs in a line of this length!" 32 Sometimes its not all that easy to deliver concrete to where it is needed. For the refurbishment of the nearly 70 year old Diamant mill in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg, the concrete first had to cover a distance of about 110 m, for example, before arriving at the sliding formwork. This was a real challenge for the team from TBG Pumpendienst Nord GmbH from Bad Oldesloe, which relied on a Putzmeister SANIMA concrete pump and a high pressure delivery line. As part of the refurbishment of the Diamant mill, the 15 silos were concreted inside the building between February and September 2005. For each job, the sliding formworks in three silo cells were each continuously fed with concrete for approximately 80 to 90 hours. For each of the five construction sections in total, approximately 300 m3 of concrete was used. The relatively long delivery distance and the tight time frame, which was prescribed by the stroke speed of the sliding structure, made particular demands on the concrete. On the one hand, the material had to be easily pumpable, and on the other hand, it had to set quickly. As the concreting work was carried out both in winter and in the warm summer months, the concrete supplier ROBA also adapted the concrete mixture to the season. 12 PM 3723 GB For easier feeding from truck mixers, the 20 m SANIMA boom is slightly raised. At this refurbishment site, the concrete is delivered by a riser connected to the hopper (Photo: TBG Pumpendienst Nord) The vertical delivery line was carefully mounted on the wall (Photo: TBG Pumpendienst Nord) The mill silos were refurbished under the management of the construction company WASSMANN + SÖHNE, Burgdorf. Completion is planned for the end of December 2005. usually already fully equipped with these additional hoses and pipelines in special magazines. Several variants can be selected in the stowage compartments, for example, TBG-Betonpumpendienst Nord's SANIMA has up to 150 m of DN 65 hose on board. 33 SANIMA delivers direct to the riser At this construction site, the distance to be covered by the concrete before it reaches the sliding formwork is not run of the mill. This is because the total length of all three lines to be fed with concrete was 230 m. The concrete pump, a Putzmeister SANIMA 20.09 S, therefore not only used the delivery line on the boom, but also pumped the ready-mixed concrete directly from the hopper to a connected riser. "We specifically adapted this delivery line", said Thomas Göllner, managing director of TBG Pumpendienst Nord GmbH, "for this property and mounted it on the exterior walls of the silo building to be refurbished." A further typical use is illustrated by the refurbishment works at the Hamburg Diamant mill. The construction process required close cooperation by all those involved. For within each construction section, all processes had to smoothly mesh within a defined period of time. For TBG Pumpendienst Nord, this construction site is also an example of how specialists can collaborate to successfully solve a technically challenging task. Here, TBG Betonpumpendienst Nord benefits from the characteristic advantages of SANIMA. For example, the compact truckmounted concrete pump contents itself with a minimum support extent of just 3.9 m to the front and a support extent of 2.3 m to the rear, meaning it remains within the vehicle dimensions. In addition, the machine has an efficient pump aggregate, which is designed for a concrete pressure We would like to thank TBG Betonpumpendienst Nord and Heidelberg Cement for their support. 35 36 The SANIMA 20.09 S allows extremely flexible work, especially in refurbishment projects. The machine, built on a 2-axis chassis, has a 20 m high placing boom with three arm segments in a "Z" fold, whose working range is often sufficient in smaller construction sites. If the use of a larger truck-mounted concrete pump is required but not possible due to the limited footprint, the 20 m SANIMA boom can also be used as a pipe bridge and the missing reach is compensated for with connected pipelines or delivery hoses. The SANIMA is This SANIMA 20.09 S has a 150 m delivery hose (DN 65) on board The ZX high pressure line is supported with timber blocks in the area of the guillotine (Photo: TBG Pumpendienst Nord) 13 PM 3723 GB Te c h n o l o gy Buildin g c o n s tru c tio n 38 Flexible 20 m "quad" – Universal truck-mounted concrete pump with an unfolding height of just 3.9 m With its new M 20-4 ZR model, Putzmeister AG has extended its range of compact truck-mounted concrete pumps which can be used even in the narrowest of spaces. What is particularly noticeable about the machine is the boom which is folded four times according to the "Z roll and fold" principle. Previously, this boom folding type was only used on larger truck-mounted concrete pumps, e.g. for the type M 24-4 ZR. It is easy to tell which concreting tasks the new M 20-4 "Z roll and fold" was designed for, with its boom folding principle and low truck height. Primarily, it is intended for construction sites which could not previously be operated with standard truckmounted concrete pumps. For example, narrow back yards in residential and industrial areas as well as rooms that are lower than 4 m high. The sites in question also include construction and refurbishment "Quintuplet" adapts itself A large boom pump with a particularly flexible placing boom was required in the carcass of the new EL CORTES INGLES shopping centre in Spanish Castellón. A wide and deep bottom plate with five basement floors also had to be concreted, in addition to the long underground parking access and the spacious floor areas. Due to the narrow space conditions around the Old Town, the position for setting up the machine had to be considered in great detail. The contract for placing the concrete was awarded to the GRUPO TELEBOMBEO pump service provider, which used a new Putzmeister BSF 52.16 H for many weeks at this construction site. projects in low buildings, tunnels or underpasses. Of course, normal construction sites can also be operated with the folding boom. For in concreting work in high construction, the 20 m boom is excellently suitable as a pipe bridge which – practically without any loss in vertical reach – can snake horizontally up to the 6th storey (usual floor height approximately 2.7 m) and be fed through windows or other opening, even the smallest of brickwork openings. The unfolding height of the new "quad" M 20 ZR is just 3.9 m. In addition to the specially developed placing boom, the newly designed base structure also takes into account the latest findings from weight-optimised steel construction. With a front support extent of just 3.2 m (rear within the vehicle width of 2.5 m), the compact truck-mounted concrete pump can be supported and unfolded in even the narrowest of passageways. In short – the space required to support the M 20-4 is not greater than the area that the machine takes up when the driver's door is open. Our photo shows the machine during concrete placement on the fifth storey after machine operator Alfredo Muñoz had integrated 100 m3 of concrete in the underground parking area of the future shopping centre a few hours previously. It is easy to see how the boom of the M 52 "quintuplet" can adapt to the building structure without wasting any horizontal reach: first, the "A" and "B" arms are used to reach the required building height. Then the length of arms "C", "D" and "E" is available as a horizontal working range. 40 37 2,5 m 3,2 m Our illustration clearly shows the narrow conditions under which the M 20-4 placing boom can be used (passageways, back yards, etc.). The extremely flexible concrete boom has a 125 mm delivery line as standard, in a particularly hard-wearing, 2-layer design. The core pump recommended by Putzmeister is an aggregate with a 1,400 mm stroke and 230 mm delivery cylinder Ø, which is designed for delivery rates of up to 90 m3/h or pump pressure up to 78 bar. Delivery will begin in spring 2006. The short wheelbase of just 4.5 m ensures an extremely small turning circle. With a permissible gross weight of less than 18 tons for the 2-axis chassis and an actual tare weight of approximately 15 tons (depending on the vehicle), the M 20-4 also has significant weight reserves. This enables the small "quad" to carry additional hoses and pipes, meaning that the working range of the machine is significantly extended. 39 Horizontal reach 16.1 m Vertical reach 19.5 m Unfolding height 3.9 m 14 PM 3723 GB 15 PM 3723 GB Large construction site 42 43 Numerous concrete pumps at Germany's largest construction site Since September 2004, the new Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre has been under construction at spellbinding speed, south of the regional capital of Baden-Württemberg The parking decks of the new Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre stretch across the A8 motorway – here is a model view (Fig.: Projektgesellschaft Neue Messe) motorway with direct access roads and Stuttgart International Airport, which is within sight of the complex. concrete pumps is scheduled centrally. The contract for construction of the trade fair halls, the congress centre and the underground car park was awarded to the Rohbau Landesmesse consortium, consisting of MAX BÖGL and LEONHARD WEISS. The two partners have also joined forces to create a civil engineering consortium, which will construct two bypass tunnels – one near the airport and one on the north side of the A8 – as well as a bridge. By its opening in spring 2007, seven standard halls with an exhibition area of 10,000 m2 each, a 25,000 m2 tall building (headroom of 14 to 24 m), an international congress centre and a generously proportioned convention centre will be constructed here on a total area of 83 hectares. Optimal transport connections will be ensured by a planned ICE long distance and regional train station, an underground car park beneath the convention centre, the new multi-storey car park over the A8 Another consortium consisting of WAYSS & FREYTAG INGENIEURBAU, BARESEL and DONGES STAHLBAU, has been awarded the contract for completion of the new multi-storey car park, which, at a length of 440 m, spans across the A8 motorway and a planned new stretch of ICE track. The total investment for the new Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre is estimated at EUR 806 million. The project is currently considered to be Germany's biggest construction site. between the A8 motorway, the B 27 main road and the airport. Several concrete pump service providers use their machines here almost every day. In order to ensure that concrete placement proceeds as smoothly as possible, the use of the many 41 44 A Putzmeister M 52-5 large boom pump during concreting of the foundations Photo: AOP aerial photo 16 PM 3723 GB Until recently, the fields on which the new trade fair premises are now being constructed, were intensively farmed for pointed cabbage – a regional speciality 45 17 PM 3723 GB Large construction site 46 48 Up to 1,500 workers are employed on the vast site. In peak times, 60 cranes lift the various loads to the different sections. In a separate production facility, prefabricated steel parts are supplied, and the necessary welding and anticorrosion work is carried out on site. Two concrete pump centres ensure smooth placement of 270,000 m3 of concrete In order to guarantee self-supply with concrete, two mixers have been set up on the premises. A MAX BÖGL owned system delivers the Rohbau consortium with approximately 250,000 m3 of concrete, while the concrete produced by the other mixer is required for the construction of the multi-storey car park (approximately 20,000 m3) and also covers the peaks in demand from the Rohbau consortium. The mixers also produce self-compressing concretes, in addition to standard concrete with strength class C40/50. construction of the interior, the exposed concrete, with its natural surface structure, plays an important role and must be pumped without interruption. To do this, BRM uses all sizes of truck-mounted concrete pumps – from a refurbishing mobile through to a large boom pump. TB Göppingen or BP Schwaben's machines are also scheduled. For the concrete work around the multistorey car park, pump service provider SAUSSELE (Besigheim), which belongs to CEMEX, controls the use of concrete pumps. Here too, it is usually the maintained machines from their own fleet that are set up on both sides of the motorway. With increasing completion of the interior of the car park levels, the flexible "low building masters" with 24 m booms with four folds are most in demand. Other concrete pump service providers, such as UNION-BETON (Ludwigsburg) and GODEL-BETON (Stuttgart) also provide their machines as required. 49 According to information from project manager Dipl.Ing. Michael Frey, the coordination with the central pump scheduling takes place fairly smoothly, taking into consideration the large concrete volumes and the number of contract sections. He considers the fact that his consortium only has to coordinate with one concrete pump schedule as a great advantage: "Of our ten foremen, each one works with his people on a separate construction section. Often they all need concrete in the afternoon. Central scheduling is therefore very helpful if our concrete mixer is constantly fully loaded and we want to use the pumps with the required boom reach at the same time at the individual sections." Project manager Dipl.Ing. Michael Frey A PM M 36 truck-mounted concrete pump filling a wall formwork The concrete pump scheduling for the MAX BÖGL and LEONHARD WEISS construction sections is carried out by Betonpumpendienst Rhein-Main (BRM), Lorsch. The range of concrete work is considerable: long strip foundations, powerful bottom plates, floors, girders and circular supports, external walls and internal partitions, etc. Above all, in the 47 This M 36 used by the concrete pump service provider BRM is today encountered on several sections of the vast trade fair construction site 50 BRM operator Werner Mann. He has been operating concrete pumps for 13 years 51 Our picture shows one of BP Schwaben's BSF 52.16 H pumps on field 2 during the placement of 280 m3 of concrete. As soon as the bottom plate is completely concreted, the machine is moved by a few hundred metres, in order to pump 400 m3 of concrete into a ceiling formwork. 18 PM 3723 GB A BSF 28.16 H with refurbishment equipment 19 PM 3723 GB Ba c k g ro u nd Ba c k g ro u n d 54 High quality requirements even in the construction of model concrete pumps These are gifts with which you can give 55 required material strengths are calculated and the mobility – e.g. the composition of a multi-part concrete boom – is simulated. The handmade model is also used as a pattern for the construction of the model and for the subsequent mould construction. Modern CAD/CAM computer systems and CNC milling machines play an important role in conveying the fine contours. particular pleasure to business partners. Some people have even collected their exhibits, sometimes over the course of many years, with great commitment – above all of a financial nature. We are talking about miniature construction machines, which are produced to scale by highly specialised manufacturers, such as CONRAD GmbH (Kalchreuth). Putzmeister too has been buying the different models of its truck-mounted concrete pumps since the 70s, and also the TELEBELT telescopic deliverer, as models produced to a scale of 1:50 from the Franconian specialist. A larger model scale of 1:35 has been chosen for the PM plastering machines and floor screed conveyors – let's not forget the machines are actually significantly smaller in real life. The decision to order a model of a concrete pump with the new placing boom, for example, must be well thought out. For, in addition to the later unit costs, the customer often also has to cover the costs for the handmade model, that is, for the prototype, as well as for the construction of the mould. Before the new models can be produced, an accurate manually produced specimen must be created. To do this, the dimensions of the original are converted to scale, the 52 As with the "real" construction machines, CONRAD uses metal (zinc) and highquality plastic for its models. The relatively heavy zinc is not only easy to handle in liquid form, but its weight also gives the finished model part of the "valency" and "mass" of the actual original. The plastic and the zinc are both pressed in injection moulds in which the respective components are given their later, often filigree structure. Several components are held by one mould carrier. The zinc is pressed at a pressure of up to 150 t/cm2. Even the latest PM models are produced with attention to detail. The picture shows the SIKA-PM 500 shotcrete device as well as the high pressure BSA 14000 HP-D concrete pump CONRAD was founded in 1956 and began producing faithful model vehicles in 1971. Today, the company presents itself as the leading manufacturer of model vehicles, with modern prototype and mould construction, a pressure casting foundry, plastic injection moulding, an environmentally friendly painting system and a department for screen printing. Due to the good collaboration they have experienced over decades, Putzmeister AG has also arranged to have its new models, such as the BSA 14000 HP concrete pump and the SIKA-PM 500 shotcrete device manufactured by CONRAD GmbH. After the mould carriers are automatically ejected from the injection moulding machines, CONRAD employees carefully check the individual parts. The edges are filed by machine, but the grinding and polishing is still often manual work. The entire production process is organised to the last detail. As with the original, the visual impression of the product also plays an important role in model construction. This includes a smooth, notch-free surface as well as careful painting. At CONRAD, the same undercoat and topcoat paint is used as in the automotive industry. The paint is applied in up to six stages. As the colour tone of the components consisting of different materials must be the same, different paint compositions are used for colouration of the plastic components and the cast zinc parts. 57 53 A CONRAD employee operating the injection moulding machine 56 Mould carriers with parts of the stationary pump model The zinc raw material is delivered to model builder CONRAD in bars 20 PM 3723 GB The two halves of an injection mould for the BSA model 21 PM 3723 GB Special concrete 58 The ZX delivery line in the lattice tower of the crane runs to the sliding formwork 60 New platinum mine in South Africa: concrete placement on 109 m high pit frame Platinum and its costly mining Platinum is currently almost twice as expensive as gold, and significantly harder. World-wide, only approximately 200 tons of this precious metal are mined each year, with 90 % of the production stemming from South African mines. Platinum is required, for example, for the production of catalytic converters in the automotive industry, in dental medicine, in space travel and for the production of jewellery. To acquire 15 grams of pure platinum, up to five tons of stone must be exploded, conveyed, pulverised and chemically treated. The metal is prepared above ground in high security areas. The platinum discovery sites around the Rustenburg region were mined in a strip of approximately 400 km. Here, 27,000 miners work under the hardest of conditions at depths of approximately 2,000 m. With an air humidity of 90 %, there are temperatures at this depth of up to 50 °C. The platinum reserves were discovered in 1924 by the German geologist Hans Merensky. The land rights in Rustenburg belong to the Bafokeng clan, to which the IMPALA PLATINUM group assigns 5 % of its profit each year as payment for rights of use. In Rustenburg in South Africa, the IMPALA PLATINUM LTD mining com- flexibly to the wall diameter which becomes thinner as you move upwards. The contract for concrete delivery was awarded to the specialists from MURRAY & ROBERTS CONSTRUCTION, who, incidentally, have been working with Putzmeister pumps for many years. pany is investing significant sums of money in the mining of the precious metal platinum. In the meantime, work is being carried out on the completion of the 16th shaft. Already before commissioning, Putzmeister pumps were used here, In total, 7,000 m3 of concrete was required to construct the carcass of the pit frame. The concrete used had a specially developed mixture breakdown. It contained, amongst other things, aggregate with a maximum particle size of 19 mm (of which 50 % was slag), drift sand, stone dust and various concrete additives. The further details of the concrete composition are considered to be confidential. In other construction measures within the project, a further 14,000 m3 of concrete was placed. although not for pumping residues from the ore dressing (tailings), but for highrise concrete pumping. In addition to constructing the shaft and connecting a new mining field to the existing mining fields, the tapping of a new mine also includes the installation of a pit frame. At its tip, the pit rope, to which the haulage skips for bringing up the mined material and the baskets for transporting the miners are attached, runs over a large pulley. In order to move the largest loads possible, or to achieve short circulation times, the pit frame must be of a certain height. At the 16th pit of IMPALA in Rustenburg, the tower is certainly not too small: with a base of 21 m x 20 m and a pulley at the record height of 109 m, the new pit is designed for extraordinary conveying capacities. 59 61 Service technicians available at all times The work on the pit frame with several integrated concrete decks began with the pit brow at a depth of approximately 25 m. The main contractor assigned with the construction work is RENNIKS CONSTRUCTION. The project, costing around 80 million rand (approximately EUR 10 million), also includes the construction of the main ventilation shaft, several access tunnels, the foundation of the conveying system and various digging works. Completion is planned for May 2006. During the carcass construction phase, employees of Putzmeister South Africa were on site at least once a week. They trained the concrete pump operators, gave tips on cleaning and maintenance of the BSA and clarified any service questions. In addition, the PMSA emergency service was also available 24/7 via a hotline. A service technician could have been on site within 2 hours, if required. In total, approximately 21,000 m3 of concrete are processed at the pit frame 62 As the construction progressed, additional pipe sections were used between the riser and the delivery hose. On average, the pit frame grew by 4.5 m each day, with the best daily performance being 6 m. At 109 m, the BSA 1408-E reached its highest pump height on the new IMPALA pit. The walls of the pit frame, which are between 0.95 m and 0.55 m thick, were constructed using the sliding formwork procedure. Here, the formwork adapted PM 3723 GB The free-pumping material was delivered by MURRAY & ROBERTS with a Putzmeister BSA 1408 E via a ZX high pressure line, which was mounted on a tower crane. With a hydraulically activated gate valve, the concrete flow in the pipeline could be interrupted, for example for cleaning operations on the stationary pump. A second BSA was kept ready as a standby pump. The crane was set up about three metres from the carcass and mounted with cross-beams in the continuously rising structure. The upper end of the riser was connected with a flexible hose (DN 125), so that a connection to the RV 10 rotary distributor on the sliding formwork could be established at any time in the 90 ° delivery line bend. Incidentally, this too was a device manufactured by the Putzmeister subsidiary in South Africa. In the interest of the most unrestricted slewing circle possible, the construction company elevated the four support legs of the deck distributor by approximately 5 m. 63 A sliding formwork adapts to different wall thicknesses 22 BSA and rotary distributors work as a team Truck mixers load the BSA 1408 E with a special type of concrete The PM gate valves are activated via a hydraulic circuit in the stationary pump The "chief operator" has full control of his Putzmeister stationary pump. On the left you can see the cable remote control of the BSA 1408 E 23 PM 3723 GB Background Building construction 64 Ten in a row For decades, Putzmeister concrete, mortar and high density solids pumps have been used in Japan, a country which is spoilt for technology. Of course, it takes quite a bit longer to transport the machines to the Far East, and the transport process is associated with significantly higher costs for PM dispatch. The simultaneous shipment of ten truck-mounted concrete At about 7.30 am, they begin loading the PM truck-mounted concrete pumps. In groups of two and three, they are driven from the assembly site which is 600 m away, across a relatively flat bow ramp onto the main deck of the "Hual Tokyo". The drivers appear to be able to move anything that has more than four wheels: 200 ton mining trucks for strip mining, heavy mobile cranes, road cutters, track vehicles or even truck-mounted concrete pumps – everything has to be positioned in the narrowest of spaces and lashed securely. The total of around 150 trucks and heavy commercial vehicles are relatively quickly accommodated on board, with the loading of almost 2,500 passenger cars lasting through to the evening. At around 11 pm, the "Hual Tokyo" departs. The journey will take it via Southampton and Le Havre through the Mediterranean and into the Suez Canal. After stops in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the floating vehicle transporter is expected in Toyohashi Harbour (near Tokyo) on 28th November. pumps on the 21,000 km long ocean voyage to Tokyo at the end of October was the exception to the rule but, at the same time, was a fascinating example of the careful planning and smooth cooperation between all those involved. 24 October: From 3.30 pm, six truckmounted M 28 concrete pumps and four M 36 machines are standing in two rows of five, ready for departure, on PM's company premises. The drivers from GERBER Transfer und Logistik, to whom the shipping company FR.MEYERS’S SOHN INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS GmbH has assigned the contract to transport the ten right-hand drive truck-mounted concrete pumps to Bremerhaven, are ready to go, now that each of them has checked that the tyre pressure and the oil and coolant levels in the vehicles entrusted to their care are ok. They set off in convoy towards the north, with a good 700 km motorway or nine hours of pure driving time ahead of them. The next morning, the transport drivers hand the concrete pumps over to BLG Automobile Logistics GmbH, a company in Bremerhaven which has specialised in loading and unloading freight ships. 24 PM 3723 GB 26 October: Loading of the 200 m long "Hual Tokyo" begins at 6.30 am. The RoRo freight ship, specially designed for transporting vehicles, has just docked a few hours ago after arriving from Newcastle in England. While high-quality passenger vehicles by famous manufacturers from Munich, Augsburg and Stuttgart disappear into the huge ship in dozens and, depending on the port of destination, are driven onto different decks, the teams are still also busy clearing the freight intended for Bremerhaven. Between sun and sea Long sea route to Japan The "Hual Tokyo", commissioned in 2004, was designed as a RoRo freight ship, i.e. the ship only takes truckmounted freight on board ("roll on/roll off"). The ship, with a displacement of 57,280 gross register tons, sails under the Norwegian flag and measures approximately 32 m across and 199 m in length. On its twelve decks, the "Hual Tokyo" has an area of approximately 54,300 m2, space enough for 6,100 passenger cars. The crew of 24 is accommodated in single cabins and is predominantly made up of Philippinos. Some call it a "holiday factory", others are happy that there are still holiday homes in which entire families can spend their vacation relatively cheaply. We are of course talking about the Spanish tourism stronghold of Benidorm on the Costa Blanca. The mild climate in the area means that the holiday season lasts all year. For more than 40 years, the former fishing town of Benidorm has lived in high style for and as a result of tourism. The town has 130 hotels with nearly 40,000 beds, as well as around 200,000 holiday apartments. Over an area of 18 km2, there are 150 high-rise buildings, including four of the ten highest buildings in Spain. The direct sea route from Bremerhaven to Toyohashi in Japan is approximately 11,400 nautical miles, which corresponds to around 21,100 km. However, the transport route is longer, due to the five intermediate stops. Nonetheless, the "Hual Tokyo" scarcely needs more than four weeks sailing time. At an average speed of 20 knots (37 km/h), the fuel consumption (heavy oil) is approximately 60,000 l per day (2,500 l/hour). The freight costs for a 30 metre long truck-mounted concrete pump are approximately EUR 7,000. As our picture shows, construction work is still going on. At present, EDIFESA is building two high-rise apartment blocks and four underground car parks. Compared with the 210 m tall Gran Hotel Bali (52 storeys), the modern residential towers, with "just" 20 storeys, almost blend into their surroundings. As is usual in Spain, only relatively little concrete is required to fill the floors, due to the use of the cavity stone construction method. At this construction site, for example, only about 100 m3 of concrete are required per storey. This concrete is a C30 with aggregates of broken material and a maximum particle size of 12 mm. The concrete is delivered through 2-layer pipelines with a stationary Putzmeister BSA 2109 H-D concrete pump. Señora Claudia Fernandez monitors the correct composition of the concrete batches on the construction site. A BSA 2109 H-D during concrete delivery on the Spanish Mediterranean coast 66 Six M 28 and four M 36 stand on PM's company premises, ready to depart on their journey to Japan 65 At the crack of dawn, the truck-mounted concrete pumps are driven on board the special transporter together with 150 other commercial vehicles and 2,500 passenger cars 25 PM 3723 GB Special concrete 68 69 Large boom concrete pumps inject "Bügelbauten" bookend buildings Berlin's first main train station As in London and Paris, Berlin never had a central main train station in the past. Due to the star-shaped railway network, the railway lines ended at the edge of the capital city. At the end of the 19th century, a suburban railway line connected the city's most important long-distance train stations. The old Lehrter train station, opened in 1871, was severely damaged in the Second World War, and the ruins of the former building were blasted at the end of the 50s. Thereafter, the Berlin suburban railway used the site as a stopping point. After the fall of the Berlin wall, intensive work went into plans for a central traffic node for the German capital city. In 1998, work on the new train station began. At the end of May 2006, shortly before the Football World Cup, the Lehrter train station is to be officially opened as "Europe's most modern train terminal" – according to DEUTSCHE BAHN AG. With the completion of the two 46 m tall office towers, the last construction section of the new Berlin main train station began at the end of July 2005. The imposing building is being constructed on the site of the former Lehrter train station and, after completion, will be used as the central terminal for north/south and east/west rail transport in the German capital. According to forecasts, 300,000 passengers and visitors are expected at the Lehrter train station each day. The pump service provider LICHTNER used three Putzmeister concrete pumps to inject the complicated floor structure of steel sections with a specially developed concrete, as well as to concrete the floors. The aboveground part of the new Berlin main train station (east/west direction) has four platforms for long-distance and regional trains and two platforms for suburban railway traffic, 10 m above street level. For the north/south connection, eight platforms for long-distance and regional trains as well as two for the underground line U5 will be constructed 15 m below ground. A huge glass roof with a length of 321 m, which is installed above the east/west wing, will act as protection against bad weather and will allow daylight to reach even the deeper floors. The critical section of the project is the completion of the bookend buildings. These are two 46 m tall office buildings which, at a length of 87 m, straddle the east-west line like bridges at the intersection of the railway. The two twelve storey buildings were initially constructed as four vertical tower halves, which were tilted by 90° in summer 2005 and welded. This procedure, which is not carried out every day, was chosen to ensure that the railway traffic flowing beneath the buildings did not have to experience disruption caused by a long construction period. The carcass construction work for the solid structure of the bookend buildings was carried out by WAYSS & FREYTAG INGENIEURBAU AG. Highly effective deflocculant helps the concrete spread into "dead angles" 26 PM 3723 GB The four bookend buildings consist of numerous steel pipe sections which are designed as loadbearing composite constructions. Lowering of the bookend buildings over the east/west line of the Lehrter train station (Photo: DB AG/Reiche) Up to three concrete pumps simultaneously inject the numerous steel sections of the bookend buildings. Picture shows M 36. 67 Even in the narrowest of spaces, the two Putzmeister M 42 and M 52 can be set up by the concrete pump service provider LICHTNER – as shown here for concreting the floors Amongst other things, the pylons, the external and internal supports of the bases of the bookend buildings and the lattice girders of the four 1,250 ton bookend halves with their numerous upper, middle and lower flanges were injected with concrete. The contract for this work was awarded to LICHTNER pump service provider from Velten, which, over a period of months, used its Putzmeister truck-mounted BSF 36.16 HLS, BSF 42.16 H and BSF 52.16 H concrete pumps for the work. The steel sections contain a very densely set reinforcement and, up to a height of 10 m, are injected with a specially developed concrete with strength class C45/55 in one operation. The mixture breakdown includes an increased fines content and a highly effective plasticising admixture based on polycarboxylatether (PCE), which displays an even higher deflocculation effect compared with the familiar super deflocculants. As the pumped concrete contains practically no more air particles, and has a very free-flowing consistency (F5 to F6), additional shaking is not necessary. Injection through 150 m long 65 mm delivery hose At the start of the injection work, the boom length of the BSF 36.16 HLS was still sufficient. As the construction progressed, however, LICHTNER started to use its concrete pumps with 42 and 52 metre vertical reach. In order to also be able to 70 reach the farther removed filler pipes, a tapering, which reduced the line diameter to 65 mm, was connected to the machine's boom tip instead of an end hose. The connection of up to 150 metres of hose meant a significantly increased working range could be achieved. As expected, the hydraulic pressure of the pumps increased, but remained within a reasonable limit. Filler pipes situated beneath the steel sections fill them with quantities of 5 to 6 m3. The slow ascent of the concrete in the constructional element discharges the available air upwards. The filler pipes in the injected steel sections are closed with guillotines and concrete is prevented from escaping by cutting the line. Injection of the bookend buildings started in April 2005 and completion is planned for the end of 2005. The floors are concreted with the boom tip extended and with a 65 mm delivery hose attached 71 In addition to injecting the steel sections with special concrete, the two LICHTNER large boom pumps BSF 42.16 H and BSF 52.16 H are also used for concreting the floors. Their boom length means they can also reach higher levels of the bookend buildings. To do this, the large boom pumps need a C 40/50 concrete with a maximum particle size of 16 mm, and the individual sections each hold approximately 120 m3. For this work too, the pipe at the boom tip of the truck-mounted concrete pump was reduced to 65 mm diameter through the addition of a tapering and a flexible hose with a length of up to 30 m was connected. Guillotines are used to close the steel sections after injection 27 PM 3723 GB Ap p l i c a t i on Concreting on water Imprint: Publisher Putzmeister AG Putzmeister AG, Max-Eyth-Str. 10, D-72631 Aichtal PSdg, Deutsche Post AG, Entgelt bezahlt, E 60458 Max-Eyth-Str. 10 D-72631 Aichtal Tel.+49 (71 27) 599-0 Fax 599-520 ■ Editor: Jürgen Kronenberg ■ Design: Friedrich Pippich This picture shows how you can set up an efficient concreting unit for underwater concrete work in the smallest of spaces. The six machines consisted of four truck mixer swap bodies with independent power unit, a stationary concrete pump and a stationary Putzmeister MX 24 boom on a tubular column. Our picture does not reveal the location of the stationary pump, which is between the four truck mixer swap bodies and was fed via chutes from the mixers. The concrete was delivered via a short pump line to the stationary boom (here still the older "triplet" version with roll-and-fold system). To fill the mixer drums, each with a capacity of 7 m3, the pontoon was pulled to the "short line" by two small tugs and towed to the harbour quay. There, the "correct" truck mixers were waiting to handover the ready-mixed concrete. 72 Your fax for further information Name ........................................................................................................ ■ Would you like more information on certain topics in this edition of Putzmeister Post? Company .................................................................................................. If so, just copy this page, make a cross next to the topics you are interested in and fax the form to us. We will then send you detailed information immediately. Position .................................................................................................... ❏ Delivery line systems ............................................................................PM 2300 Street ........................................................................................................ ❏ Stationary concrete pumps ....................................................................BP 2632 Post code/City .......................................................................................... ❏ Economic concrete distribution with stationary booms..........................MT 2059 ❏ TELEBELT Telescopic belt conveyor TB 105 ..........................................TB 2409 Tel. no. ...................................................................................................... ❏ DYNAJET-High Pressure Cleaners ......................................................MM 3464 E-Mail........................................................................................................ ❏ Truck-mounted concrete pump M 20-4 „Z“ ............................................BP 3697 ❏ Truck-mounted concrete pump M 52-5 „Multi-Z“ ................................MT 3231 Putzmeister AG ❏ Truck-mounted concrete pump M 36-4 „Z“ ............................................BP 3180 Max-Eyth-Str. 10 · D-72631 Aichtal P.O.Box 21 52 · D-72629 Aichtal ❏ Truck-mounted concrete pump M 28-4 ................................................MT 2634 Tel. +49 (71 27) 599-0 ❏ Truck-mounted concrete pump SANIMA 20.09 S ..................................BP 2765 Fax +49 (71 27) 599-520 ❏ Truck-mounted concrete pump M 42-4 „R“ ..........................................MT 2391 E-mail: pmw@pmw.de Internet: http://www.putzmeister.de PM 3723 GB All rights reserved. Subject to technical amendments without notice. The illustrations in some cases show special-purpose machine designs and snapshots of site practice which do not always comply with the regulations determined by professional bodies. © 2005 by Putzmeister Printed in Germany (3.50512RR)