Program Book, Single
Program Book, Single
PROGRAM GUIDE January 4-6, 2008 IV TAB L E OF CON TEN TS JANUARY 4 - 6, 2008 Welcome to the Convention 2 Live Programming 14 2 Bands 14 2 Karaoke 16 Workshops & Panels 16 Convention Spaces 17 Chairman’s Message Program Book Features Convention Information 3 Badge Ribbons 3 Filming Disclaimer 3 Dealers Hall 17 Weapons Policy 3 Artists’ Alley 17 Fairy Godfathers 4 Con Suite 18 Bench Project 4 Game Plaza 20 Hall Cosplay 4 Video Rooms 21 Volunteers 4 Registration 22 Photo Gathering Area 22 Information 22 Costume Repair Station 22 Program Participants 5 Guests of Honor 5 Panel Participants 7 Events 10 Anime Music Video Awards (AMV) 10 Rum Party 11 Cosplay Gatherings 12 Dances 12 Cosplay Chess 12 Masquerade 13 Convention Staff 24 Committee 24 Staff 25 Artists’ Credits 26 Advertiser’s Index 26 Signing Area 27 Animé Los Angeles is a project of the Institute for Specialized Literature, an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. PROGRAM DESIGN Creative Director . . . . . .Evan James IV Content Manager . . . . Arianna Unciano Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura Smoley Character Artist . . . . . . . Jessica Gaona Cover Artist . . . . . . . . . . . Bryan Wong Back Cover Artist . . . . Jessica Wynters 1 E M ELCO W L CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE adies and gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages: Welcome to Anime Los Angeles 4! Four years and look how we’ve grown! We’re too big for our old hotel in Van Nuys, and we’re just barely going to fit into this place for the weekend. And we’ve come together again, old friends and new ones here for the first time. western eye -- but it’s not about Japan. it’s clearly a manga, even though it’s not asian and it’s not western either. We had the artistcreator out for a few panels a year or so back, to try him out. Now we have him as our Artist Guest of Honor, all the way from Fontana, California: Bryan Wong. By now most of you know our irrepressible Toastmaster. He’s been eaten by Godzilla, killed by vampires, has asked dozens of celebrities inane questions as Mr. Shake-Hands Man, and most recently was NOT killed while doing his most dangerous feat yet -- speaking Japanese in Season 1 Episode 2 of HEROES. I am speaking, of course, of the man who will do most of my talking this weekend so I don’t have to: Tadao Tomomatsu. We’re here from all over: Ontario and Alberta, Arizona and Arkansas, Texas and New Mexico, New York, Nevada and Virginia. We’ve made it here from Minnesota and Wisconsin, Oregon and Washington and Wyoming. All the way from Utah and the U.K., and from Hawaii and Guam. Wow. I’m amazed, awed, and thunderstruck. My job here as chair is sort of like the band leader in front of the marching band. I’m humming “Seventy Six Trombones” to myself, and occasionally looking off to the side to make sure everyone’s still marching behind me. This is our first year to have a Voice Actor Guest of Honor. We’ve had VAs on our live program before, and bowing to popular demand we now have our first V.A. G.o.H. He’s no stranger to the convention scene in California -- I saw him last summer in Long Beach, and bumped into him again in October up in Lancaster. Everyone tells me he’s a fun guest to have, very friendly, can be tamed, capable of simple tricks, and domesticated... He’s voiced a zillion different characters, most recently Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist, and back in Texas he’s a musician too: Vic Mignogna. We also have a few honored guests that I’d like to introduce. Anime Los Angeles honors artists for the quality of their art, not simply because everyone already knows them. I keep an eye on some of the web-manga online, as some people are doing some amazing things with pen & ink, pixel & screen. I’ve been reading, on and off, a series called “Seasons of Constancy” ( is about a country, a world, with different customs, religions, and alphabet that are strange to the Enjoy the convention, and please remember: Don’t break the hotel! PROGRAM BOOK FEATURES I HAVE A STAMP! Rum Par ty STAMP ZONES Go to an event, roam the halls in a costume, or visit a convention space and you might stumble across the opportunity to have your program book stamped. Just look for the Staff Members with the “I Have a Stamp” Badge and they will stamp the appropriate zone. Try to collect them all! SIGNATURE SIGNING AREA 2 SIGNING AREA MAP NUMBERS 10 Find yourself getting lost easily at a Convention? These numbers help by corresponding with our map when the subject deals with a particular location. Give them a chance and find your way around. AUTOGRAPH SPACES Meet our Guests of Honor, Panelists and even our Convention Committee Members, and while you’re at it have them jot down their Autographs in the spaces next to their own sections, adding value to your program book and your convention experience. SIGNATURE PAGES Want your friends to sign your book too? Now you have just the area to do it. Meet new people, develop new friendships, have an artist render you, or just enjoy creating new memories on these pages. CON VEN H BADGE RIBBONS undreds of years ago, pilgrims that journeyed from shrine to holy shrine (think of Canterbury Tales) would collect pins -- “badges” -- from each site. They’d either pin them to their cloaks, or they’d put them on their walking stick. And today, RVs plough the highways, with the same concept carried out in bumper stickers from the Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota, or outlines of the 48 contiguous states with some of them colored in. These show where you’ve been. Meanwhile, in the military, service is sometimes marked with medals. One of the most well-known medal is the “Purple Heart,” given to those wounded on the battlefield. The actual metal medal is cumbersome to wear, so it’s generally saved for extreme dress occasions, and a little colored substitute is worn instead. These are nicknamed “ribbons,” and they show what you’ve done. In the Old West, and today on the street, the law officers have a shiny badge, sometimes shaped like a shield or a star. (We’re still waiting to see a police badge shaped like something else, like a banana or a phone...) Wearing the badge shows what your job is. At the White House and 10 Downing Street, at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station and backstage at the Fighting Scallions concert, people with access to restricted areas are issued badges. Sometimes they’re very large, as big as a Mikomicon badge or bigger. Sometimes they have photos on them. These passes show where you can go. At the County Fair, excellence in various judged categories is rewarded with a ribbon. Granted, it doesn’t necessarily go on the person, but these ribbons show what you’ve accomplished. (continued next column) T FILMING his year, we have a professional film crew on site, working for our Publications Division, to capture footage for use in our upcoming promotional clips. Other video crews are asked to check in at Information before filming. We will ask you to give us a copy of your video release, and we’ll give you ribbons for your badges that say ASK ME ABOUT MY VIDEO PROJECT. If you specifically do not wish to be filmed, then please visit our Information Desk to obtain a strip of Red Tape to place along the side of your badge. This will indicate to our crew to avoid filming you and mark you out to the post production team for you to be edited out if you are caught in view by mistake. FILMING COURTEOUSLY PROVIDED BY: TION INFO . Badge ribbons are all of these. They’re like bumper stickers for your badge. At this convention, ribbons that say Chair, Division Head, Department Head, Staff, and Volunteer are fairly explanatory. Artist, Dealer, Musician, Program Participant, and Cosplay Masquerade Participant also shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. There are some ribbons handed out by particular individuals that mean something. For example, “Shot by a Bear” means a particular big guy with teddy bear ears took your picture. And Carolyn Ayton is giving away the “JAILBAIT” ribbons (while they last) to anyone under 18. We have Hall Costume Awards and Masquerade Awards for achievement in making costumes and presenting them on stage. There are badge ribbons to go on your badge, and there are big rosette ribbons that you can keep with the costume for the ones that are really good. There are some ribbons that you can get at Information if you qualify. If you’re here for the first time, or if you’ve been to every Anime Los Angeles, or if you’re a “Parent-inTow” or if you’re from out of state, stop by the Info Desk, why don’t you? In summary: Badge ribbons have some official uses. But there are an awful lot of silly ones, too. WEAPONS POLICY N o real projectile weapons unless it is obvious from a casual glance that there are no projectiles available for them. If I have to look hard to tell, leave it in your room. Exceptions to this are Airsoft weapons with orange tips, but even then, please leave the ammunition at home. No real edged weapons unless peace bonded in such a way that no one can take it away from you. Exceptions to this are when posing in specified areas for photos and Ops will be happy to help you re-peace bond after you are done. Anyone found to be carelessly using a real or imitation weapon in such a way that others might be hurt will be required to put their weaponry away for the remainder of the convention. Robbie (ie me) is the only final arbiter and I have a huge collection myself so I’m not going to be some sort of hard ass, but I will not compromise other people’s safety. Robbie Bourget, Operations Head 3 TI EN ONV C . FO N I ON FAIRY GODFATHERS R T he Fairy Godfather division was started in response to the concerns of last year’s attendees. Animé LA created this division to act as a attendee friendly liaison that will consult directly with the con chair If there is a concern or question that you, the attendees, don’t feel comfortable taking to a staff member, find members of the Fairy Godfathers and we will find the answers or resolution for you. The five Godfathers will be roaming the halls not only ready and willing to hear your concerns, but will have spontaneous give-a-ways! Catch us for candy, and ribbons. You may even find the Godfathers passing out keychains or other random goodies courtesy of On Sunday, Wings Day, our big random give-away will be three pair of wings. I BENCH PROJECT n the convention center foyer, next to Registration, Photo Gathering Area, and Artists’ Alley, you’ll find some places to sit down and rest, including beanbag chairs and wooden benches. The benches you see were all designed and painted by fans, members of the convention. Many of the artists are in Artists’ Alley, or are volunteering at the convention in some capacity. BENCH ARTISTS › Ashley Armstrong & Michelle Armstrong › Melissa De Mello › Jessica Gaona › Elizabeth “Saturn Neko” Jones › Connie Law › Kelly Mayfield › Heide “Magic Heide” Nichols › Christina Patterson › Laura Smoley & Arianna Unciano › Barrie Thomas › Leslie Wenglein › Bryan Wong We’d like to have more next year. If you’ve got an idea for a creative way to paint a bench, write to after the convention with “Bench” in the subject line. 4 HALL COSPLAY oam the hallways in costume for a chance to win a Hall Cosplay Award! Currently, Anime Los Angeles Hall Cosplay has three levels of awards. The first level is a ribbon that states “Hall Cosplay Award Nominee”. This is an award for attention to detail shown in your costume. It may be given for something like a well made prop. These ribbons have a double sided tape on them to affix to your badge to wear with pride! The second level is a ribbon that states “Hall Costume Award Nominee”. This is an overall hall cosplay award for a job well done on the entire costume. These ribbons also have a double sided tape on them to affix to your badge. The third and top level is a special rosette ribbon to pin to your costume or badge. This is given for excellence in construction and difficulty of costume. RULES 1. You can win more than one award ribbon. Anime Los Angeles’ hall cosplay costume staff gives awards by the costume, not by the person. That being said, see Rule 2. 2. You must have made the costume yourself. If someone else made it for you, the ribbon goes to that person to put on their badge. That person who made it must be present at Anime Los Angeles, and a badged member of the convention to receive the award. Persons found to have misinformed judges on the making of their costume will have their award revoked. Please don’t lie about where your costume came from for a ribbon. It’s not worth it, and you’ll only end up humiliating yourself in the end by branding yourself as a cheater. 3. Hall Costume Awards are only available to members of the convention. 4. Have fun! We can’t wait to see all the great costumes! W VOLUNTEERS ould you like to help Anime Los Angeles, but you don’t know how? Become a volunteer! We need your help in all departments of the convention. We are looking for enthusiastic people who want to get involved in making Anime Los Angeles better and more fun. This convention is run entirely by volunteers, and you can help. Do you think you have what it takes? Let us know. Stop by the Volunteers desk, across from Registration. When you sign up and take your first assignment, we’ll give you a spiffy headband. For each hour of volunteer time, we’ll give you a raffle ticket, and we’ll be drawing prizes every day from those tickets. After ten hours we’ll give you an Anime Los Angeles t-shirt, and after twelve you’ll be eligible for a free “pass-on” membership to next year’s convention! BRYAN WONG PAR T ICIP ANT S Artist - Guest of Honor Seasons of Constancy B encouraging and inspiring artists to continue pursuing their dreams. Along with that comes on-the-spot comic, art, and story development presentations, activities, printed comics and plenty of corny jokes. ryan Wong has been drawing comics for the web since 1999. His drama series “Seasons of Constancy” has completed after a seven year run. Bryan is continuing his tenure as Chief Editor for “Hamthology”, an international manga print anthology, whose members are in the midst of putting out their second volume for 2008. Bryan has also created a multitude of other works and participated in other projects, including PMBQ Studio’s “Tea Party” anthology, and his very own “Star Fruit Universe” specials. Bryan is currently in the development stage for his next comic series, “Sömmat-Nieh Municipal Youth Association”, a comedy. In the spirit of Anime Los Angeles, Bryan has taken the opportunity of being ALA4’s Artist Guest of Honor to devote himself to not his ego, but to other aspiring artists just like himself. He and his trusty studio sidekick Christine have focused their booth and workshops to revolve around interactivity, exchange of knowledge and advice, and SIGNATURE Bryan Wong is the Artist behind this year’s convention badges, t-shirts and program guide cover. TADAO TOMOMATSU Toastmaster Mr. Shake-Hands Man E ven though he doesn’t have the legs for a kilt, this slanty-eyed Scotsman is just about the best person to have around in a crisis, or indeed any other circumstance. He not only jumps in to help out, he’ll strike up a conversation in any of a number of accents. And what is the secret of Tadao’s success? Well, an uncanny devotion to his craft, his friends and fandom. Oh, and timing -- Banzai! An actor of great determination and ability, Tomomatsu brings forth the subtle emotional resonance of Jack Nicholson combined with the comic timing of Pauly Shore. So, you ask what are Tadao’s special powers? Well, he can leap a tall building in a single bound, he is faster than a speeding bullet, he can unhook a woman’s bra with a single hand. But his strongest power is loyalty & friendship to his friends.Tadao? Oh Tadao! Yeah isn’t he that awesome yet annoying guy in Inspector Gadget? Tadao is especially proud of his extensive collection of boxer shorts. He has German flannels, Indonesian silks, Easter Island stone shorts (very thin stone) and many others. Tadao will talk for hours about his shorts. Just ask him. I am absolutely sure that I saw him in a 1938 production of “Mr. Moto goes to the Opera.” He was an extra in the back, but I spotted him. There’s no mistaking Tadao. SIGNATURE Written by members of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society 5 S NT A P I IC T PAR VIC MIGNOGNA Voice Actor - Guest of Honor Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), Dark Mousy (D.N. Angel) V ic remembers loving anime even as a kid… he just didn’t know it was anime. He and his friends loved imitating the characters from favorite shows like Speed Racer or Kimba The White Lion. Although Vic has been acting and writing music since his teens, it was not until about ten years ago that a friend in Houston with whom he was working on a video with made a life changing suggestion. He told Vic of a place in town called ADV Films that dubbed Japanese anime into English. They needed actors, and he recommended that Vic audition. He did, and found himself playing Vega in Streetfighter II. Vic continued to work on shows for ADV until a few years later when he met some new friends from Funimation at an anime convention. Shortly after he was cast as Broly in Dragonball Z and his work with Funimation began. Opportunities in anime then spread to LA and New York City in such shows as Giant Robo and Bleach and many others. Today Vic has been involved in more than a hundred anime series and dozens of video games. Last year he was voted Best Actor at the First Annual American Anime Awards. In addition to Vic’s work in anime, he is a professional music writer & producer responsible for hundreds of compositions from jingles to TV themes, from instrumental to vocal. He recently merged the two when he was asked to sing the opening theme for cartoon network’s One Piece. Vic also has a college degree in Film & Theater and works regularly shooting, directing or editing video and film productions. In his spare time, Vic loves to play most every sport, and serves regularly at his church in Houston. When asked about his feelings on anime conventions, he likes to tell the fans of his days growing up as a “trekkie”, making phasers and communicators and attending Star Trek conventions dressed as Captain Kirk. He even corralled the other kids in his neighborhood into his fan films. Above all, Vic is so grateful and gives all the credit to God for the privilege to do the things he loves for a living. SIGNATURE 6 CASTING INFORMATION › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › Air (movie) as Yukito Kunisaki Air (TV) as Yukito Kunisaki; Sora Air Gear (TV) as Sora Takeuchi (Ep. 13-14) All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku DASH! (OAV) as Young President AM Driver (TV) as Ragna Lawrelia Angelic Layer (TV) as Host Aquarian Age - Sign for Evolution (TV) as Shingo Hirota Area 88 (TV) Aura Battler Dunbine (TV) as Neal Gibbons; Tokamaku Coyote Ragtime Show (TV) Crying Freeman (OAV) as Tateyou (ADV Dub) D.N.Angel (TV) as Dark Mousy; Male Reporter (ep 25) Dark Water (live-action movie) as Kono Diamond Daydreams (TV) as Radio Boy Dirty Pair Flight 005 Conspiracy (OAV) as Dornenschtern (ADV dub) Dirty Pair: Affair on Nolandia (OAV) as Sheriff (ADV dub) Dragon Ball GT (TV) as Broly E's Otherwise (TV) as Dzhyuma Excel Saga (TV) as Wolf Full Metal Panic! (TV) as Kurz Webber Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) as Edward Elric Generator Gawl (TV) as Gawl Gensomaden Saiyuki: Requiem (movie) as Kougaiji Giant Robo (OAV) as Zangetsu (NYAV Post dub) Gravion (TV) as Raven Hakugei: Legend of the Moby Dick (TV) as Dew Innocent Venus (TV) as Jin Tsurusawa Jinki:Extend (TV) as Kalis Kiddy Grade (TV) as Dextera Kidou Shinsengumi Moeyo Ken (TV) as Narukama Le Chevalier D'Eon (TV) as Francis Dashwood, Baron le Despencer Legend of the Mystical Ninja (TV) as Goemon Madlax (TV) as Carrossea Doon MÄR (TV) as Alibaba; John Peach (Ep. 15) Megazone 23 (OAV) as Shougo Yahagi Mezzo (TV) as Mugiyama Midori Days (TV) as Shiori's Dad Misaki Chronicles (TV) as Samurai Najica Blitz Tactics (TV) as Yoshiki Naruto (TV) as Iruka Umino (Young) Neo Ranga (TV) as Takuya Kimuro Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV) as Shigeru Aoba (directors cut) Noir (TV) as Domenic; Heinz; Wellman Nuku Nuku (TV) as Young President One Piece (TV) (FUNimation) Orphen (TV) as Cox; Lai Papuwa (TV) as Arashiyama Paradise Kiss (TV) as Suguru Hayasaka (Older) Peacemaker (TV) as Tatsunosuke Ichimura Princess Nine (TV) as Hiroki Takasugi RahXephon (TV) as Mamoru Torigai Rahxephon: Pluralitas Concentio (movie) as Mamoru Torigai Red Garden (TV) as Emilio Rune Soldier (TV) as Renard; Littler Saint Seiya (TV) as Jabu (ADV uncut dub) Saiyuki (TV) as Kougaiji Sister Princess (TV) as Mac Yamato Street Fighter II V (TV) as Vega (ADV dub) Suzuka (TV) as Tetsuto Kinugasa The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV) as Yutaka Tamaru The Wallflower (TV) as Takenaga Oda UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie (TV) as Mar Utawarerumono (TV) as Benawi Xenosaga: The Animation (TV) as Wilhelm Yugo the Negotiator (TV) as Lall Many Many More... STEPHANIE DUCHIN TOKYOPOP S A TOKYOPOP lexis is a manga editor and translator at TOKYOPOP, since 2003. Alexis is a huge manga fan who lived in Japan as a child. He has translated manga titles for a variety of companies but now focuses mainly on editing and title acquisition. He is currently working hard on Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives among other titles. KATHERINE SCHILLING SIGNATURE BARBARA WONG Editor & Translator - Panelist TOKYOPOP K SIGNATURE Professional Storyteller - Panelist B Honolulu Academy of Arts arbara is a professional storyteller who shares stories with audiences of all ages in schools, libraries, zoos, museums and at festivals and other special events. She has performed Hungry Ghosts, her theatre program of Chinese ghost stories and supernatural tales, at the Honolulu Academy of Arts theatre, as well as a story program called Kuei & Obake (Chinese and Japanese terms for ghost). Barbara is currently presenting a program of international spooky tales for Young Adults in public libraries throughout southern California, and she is producing a CD of Asian supernatural tales called Asian Spooks. She has also been a guest storyteller on the Emmy award-winning children’s TV program Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks currently airing on PBS. S STEVE YUN Editor & Translator - Panelist SIGNATURE atherine is a manga editor and translator at TOKYOPOP, since 2006. A passionate manga fan since junior high, Kathy has spent time in Japan and has taught seminars on manga. She is currently working on exciting projects such as the Gothic and Lolita Bible and the Avalon High manga. ICIP ANT ALEXIS KIRSCH Junior Editor - Panelist tephanie is a Junior Editor at TOKYOPOP. Having been a fan of manga since middle school, she began working with the company as an intern in 2006. Stephanie is now the editor of such series as GTO: The Early Years, Rozen Maiden, and Life. She has also contributed content to TOKYOPOP’s Gothic & Lolita Bible. PAR T Digital Animator - Panelist Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles S teve Yun - While still a young college student and part-time hacker in 1998, Steve got his first job at an anime company as a digital animator. It was a dream come true for any fan who grew up on Robotech and Macross to be working somewhere in the anime industry. After slaving away through 80 hour work weeks and one really bad 100 hour work week where he started hallucinating from being awake too long, Steve called it quits and went back to Riverside where he got his B.A. in Creative Writing. Stay in school, kids! Soon afterwards, Steve joined Harmony Gold, where he slept and ate and even showered at the office while under grueling deadlines to put together in time for its February 2001 launch. After being caught working overtime after being told not to, Steve has been allowed to keep a cot at the office ever since. Since becoming part of Harmony Gold, Steve Yun has had fansites and fanclubs devoted to him, as well as internet stalkers, convention stalkers, petitions to get him fired and web sites devoted to exposing the “real” Steve Yun. Steve has co-produced and associate-produced several other projects as well, including the Macross restoration, the Robotech: Battlecry video game, the Robotech: Invasion video game, Robotech Remastered and Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles. Steve has also been featured in an anime documentary called Geeks, which he has still not had a chance to see. Since its launch, has constantly been one of the busiest anime-related destinations on the internet, being the subject of a Slashdot article, a Conan O’Brien feature and mentioned on countless anime websites. You can email Steve at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it to send him Robotech-related fan mail, complaints, constructive criticism and suggestions. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE 7 TS N A P ICI T PAR KEVIN MCKEEVER Producer - Panelist A Jackass, Robotech graduate of the lighting design program from Emerson College, Kevin has been working in the entertainment industry for nearly 15 years. He has worked in theater production at world class venues such as the Goodspeed Opera House, the Emerson Majestic Theater, Foxwoods Casino, and the Mohegan Sun Resort which he helped open in 1996. TODD ALLIS Super Fan - Panelist DANI DIXON Comic Book Creator & Writer - Panelist “13” D ani Dixon, creator and writer for the new, scifi comic book series “13,” established TUMBLE CREEK PRESS in 2007. Dani has found the process of making comics both fascinating and satisfying - from drafting outlines to reviewing colored pages. She looks forward to telling stories, her own and those of other creators, that can’t or won’t be told in other mediums. SIGNATURE NICK SMITH Reviewer - Panelist Pasadena Public Library N ick works with kids and teens at the Pasadena Public Library, where he runs an anime club, a Go club, and buys a lot of manga as part of his job. He also performs as a storyteller of folktales and historical pieces from around the world, and is a reviewer of manga and graphic novels for various journals. SIGNATURE 8 T odd has been involved in anime fandom since the eighties. He has been active in newsletters, anime viewing clubs, parody fan dubs, room parties, anime rooms, and anime music videos. He went to Japan for the first time in August 2007 and attended Comic Market and Worldcon there and learned how hot and humid summer in Japan can be. He is currently contracting at Google in Mountain View as a system administrator for Google Checkout. He is trying to learn kanji and American Sign Language at the same time and is often confused. His love of Fruits Basket is immortalized on the hood of his Honda Civic. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE His television production credits include Jackass, Kids Say the Darnedest Things, Guinness Book of World Records, Krypton Factor,, The 60’s as well as various television commercials. His film credits include Mystery Men, For Love of the Game, and Billy Frankenstein. Kevin has also served as Assistant VP of Production for feature film producer and New York Times best-selling author Lynda Obst. Kevin’s first official assignment in the Robotech universe was as an audit of Robotech’s television ratings and viewer demographics during its original run in the 1980s. Kevin’s analysis of the ratings in a cost effective manner along with his years of production experience made him a natural candidate for the Robotech team. Google DARREL GUILBEAU Voice Actor - Panelist Samurai Champloo, Bleach D arrel has been voicing anime since 2004 beginning with the lead role of Gainer Sanga in Overman King Gainer. Since then more projects started coming his way including Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, Bleach, The Prince of Tennis, Stellvia, DearS, The Melody of Oblivion, Boys Be, and GunXSword to name a few. Currently he is voicing the characters of Seijuro in Zoids Genesis, Satoshi Hojo in When They Cry and Kouji Rokumasu in Busou Renkin. He also has several video games under his belt including Culdcept Saga, Dawn of Mana, Radiata Stories, Romancing Saga: Minstrel Song, and Fall of Liberty. Film/TV credits include Windtalkers, Alias, and The Comeback. Each summer he performs with the Independent Shakespeare Company in Los Angeles, having had roles in MacBeth, Hamlet, and Richard II. SHANNON MUIR Author - Panelist Gardner’s Guide to Animation Writing and Production S hannon is the author of Gardner’s Guide to Animation Writing and Production from GGC Inc., which covers both original and ADR animation production. Her animation credits include being only one of two Western writers for the Japanese animated series Midnight Horror School; Production Coordinator for Say it with Noddy, Invader Zim, and Extreme Ghostbusters; and Production Assistant for Jumanji: the Animated Series. Shannon first became known to the animation community as one of the premier fan sites for the Voltron series and ultimately partnered with World Events Productions to create the visual Denubian Galaxy starmap for their website. She has also worked as Project Management Coordinator for Animation World Network. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE CRAIG MILLER C GI Joe, Beast Wars, Smurfs Muppets Take Manhattan for Jim Henson, and many other films for Warner Bros., Disney, Universal, etc. He has also lectured on and taught writing at Columbia College, the Art Institute of California, and Woodbury University. SIGNATURE ICIP ANT DAWN Writer & Producer - Panelist raig is a well-known writer/producer and consultant in the animation and games industry. He has over 150 produced credits on projects ranging from The Smurfs to GI Joe to Beast Wars to, most recently, Curious George (PBS) and Trollz (CBS). Other recent work includes developing and writing animated and live-action series for Australia and China. He’s been a guest speaker at events like the International Conference on Television Animation (Positano, Italy), the Annecy Animation Festival (Annecy, France) and the Interactive Games Festival (Edinburgh, Scotland). He is a member of the Writers Guild of America, the Writers Guild of Canada, and the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (where he is a regular judge for the Emmy Awards), among other organizations. Prior to his career in animation, Miller was a publicity and marketing consultant to the feature film industry, including working on Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back for George Lucas, The Dark Crystal and PAR T S Event Host & Cosplayer - Panelist Southern California NANA Day D awn has been attending conventions and cosplaying since 2000; and is constantly involved in the growing Japanese pop culture in the U.S. About a year and a half ago, she studied abroad in Japan at Tokyo International University. She immersed herself in both the youth culture and older traditions of the country. Ever since she came back to California, she’s been active in the Japanese music scene in Los Angeles, hosting events such as “Southern California NANA Day.” She has also been involved with a prominent OEL manga artist, which gives her some insights on the manga industry. She is looking forward to sharing her different experiences. SIGNATURE SIONNA NEIDENGARD Cosplayer & Costume Designer - Panelist “Hoshikage” S ionna, who also goes by the cosplay name “Hoshikage,” is a devoted (aka “insane”) cosplayer who has been making costumes and participating in the hobby for 12 years, and has tried everything from wig styling to lightup electronics. More recently, she has begun learning to sew to smaller scale with the goal of selling doll clothing professionally. During the (rare) times when she is not sewing, she has also been known to write fanfiction, play video games, and attempt to keep her two monster Maine Coon cats out of trouble. TOMMY YUNE Creative Director - Panelist Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles T ommy has worked for over a decade in the comic book and video game industries. His early game development experience includes character design of the pioneering 3D fighting game FX Fighter for the Nintendo SuperFX chip and conceptual design of the award-winning Journeyman Project series. He also wrote and illustrated hit comic book titles such as Speed Racer, Racer X, Robotech, and Danger Girl: Kamikaze which were published by DC Comics’ Wildstorm and Cliffhanger labels. His first work in feature animation was creating the computer-generated opening sequence of Kevin Altieri’s Gen13. Tommy grew up on a steady diet of anime, watching as much Prince Planet, Gatchaman and Casshan as he could in Asia and the United States. Then he shunned television and went back to being a responsible student to the delight of his parents. However, right before entering the UCLA School of Engineering, Robotech brought anime back into his life and he eventually found himself at the ArtCenter College of Design instead. His parents wept. Tommy first worked in an official capacity for the Robotech universe by helping to design for its launch in 2001. He has since come aboard as Harmony Gold’s creative director and oversees new development, including Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles which completed production in 2006. His recent work can been seen on Robotech. com SIGNATURE SIGNATURE 9 TS EVEN AMV CONTEST Friday - 7:00 pm LP 1 7 T he AMV contest has been around since the very first Anime Los Angeles. It is the main event that occurs on Friday and showcases the creative spirit of Anime Los Angeles members in the form of Anime Music Videos. Participants spend hours on end merging your anime titles with music. Come join us for hours of fun! 2008 ENTRIES Drama Artist Title Video Source Audio Source Matt Lewis The Shinobi Ballad Naruto; Naruto Shippuuden 10th man down by Nightwish Maria Preciado Forgotten Saiyuki Lost, by Red Cynthia Delker Amnesia Utena Movie Amnesia by Jimmy Somerville Cynthia Delker Broken Gankutsuou Selfish Days by Jimmy Somerville Lark Isenberg Unknown Alchemist Fullmetal Alchemist Kerry Potts I See Someone Else... Ouran High School Host Club Switchfoot - Stars Artist Title Video Source Audio Source Matt Lewis The Shinobi Ballad Naruto; Naruto Shippuuden 10th man down by Nightwish Jamie Dyer Darkness Beneath the Skin Fatal Frame 1,2,3 Papercut, by Linkin Park Lark Isenberg Unknown Alchemist Fullmetal Alchemist Unknown Soldier by Breaking Benjamin and You by Breaking Benjamin Margarita Lara Blame KH Kingdom Hearts Blame by Linkin Park Artist Title Video Source Audio Source Antman 537 Vash is Bad Company Trigun Bad Company, by Bad Company Christina Patterson Good Old Fashion Lover Boy Ouran Style Ouran High School Host Club Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen Jared Griego Put it Together Doujin Work Oh! Gravity by Switchfoot Coreen Davis Mr. Cat likes to MOVE IT! Princess Tutu I like to Move it from Madagascar Martha Lara Ouran Spectacular Ouran High School Host Club Spectacular from Moulin Rouge Rafael Lara Fuhrers Face Fullmetal Alchemist Der Fuhrer's Face by Spike Jones Action Comedy 10 RUM PARTY Friday - 9:00 pm EVE NTS LP 2 10 A rrrrrrrgh, matey! Come all ye landlubbers, pirates, damsels, and scallywags to the Rum Party, headed by good ol’ Captain Jack! Much fun to be had, with games and [not-so-rum] drinks all around! Come to the party, matey, or else we shall make ye walk the plank! Yo ho! All gold coins will be returned to the Rum Party treasury to be recycled for further use. GAMBLING TABLES Blackjack 21 The Code: All ye a playin’ will be bettin’. After ye place ye bets, the player to the dealer’s left be dealt 2 cards face up. The dealer be getting’ 2 cards, but only 1 be facing up. Te win the game ye must be getting close to or exactly 21 while still beatin’ yer dealer. If ye gets 21 yer paid double yer bet. “Dealer stands on all 17s”: This be the most common rule. In this case, yer dealer must continue to take cards (“hit”) til his total is 17 or greater. Aces in a dealer’s hand be always counted as 11 if possible without the dealer being over 21. Spanish Monte CONTESTS Captain’s Challenge Entry Fee: 30 gold coins Scallywags test their skills at several games to determine who the most competent Captains are. The three most competent scallywags will be the promoted to Captains of the Treasure Hunt. The 4th, 5th, and 6th most competent will be their First Mates. Each pair will pick their three Crewmembers and form the standard Treasure Hunt crew of five. So if ye not be interested in the Treasure Hunt, the Captain’s Challenge might not be the contest for you.If ye didn’t make the cut in the Captain’s Challenge, don’t feel bad! Ye can bet (in Gold Coins) on who’ll be winnin’ the Treasure Hunt to earn yerself a mighty fine stash to use in the Auction. The Code: The Rum Party will supply a number of nonalcoholic drinks: sodas, juices, Gatorades, etc. and line them up on a table. Under supervision of Will, contestants will mix their own Swill using the available drinks in an attempt to make the best tasting concoction. After all of the entries are in, Will and his chosen judges for the contest will drink a sample of each Swill, then choose a winner. Scallywags be chosin’ a side to bet on. They be bettin’ on the next suite t’will be coming up. Say ye top has a 3 of spades and 4 of hearts, and a player places a bet their, they be betting that either a spade or heart will be coming up next. Once bets are place ye flip the next card and give out winning bets as needed. Belly Dancing @ 11:00 P.M. Liars Dice EVENTS The Code: This game be tougher to play. Ye place yer bets. After bets are placed, each takes their cup and in goes five dice, gives it a good shaking, then slams it down on the table with ye cup over ye dice. They looks at their dice. This game be played on a bidding system. Anyone can start the bidding. The object be to fool yer fellow pirates in to either going over the number of dice of their bid or guessing on or under the number of dice. Bids can be handled in 3 types. GAMES This one be for the ladies, and the gents, too, if they be brave enough. Come and show us yer flexibility ‘n belly dancing skills, or lack thereof. There be a grand reward of gold coins and beads fer yer efforts. However, we must ask ye to keep yer clothes on. Treasure Hunt We be givin’ an explanation, answerin’ questions, and laying down te rules during the Rum Party. So ye best be sure yer paying ‘ttention or ye will be missin’ out. The Auction Auctioneer: Tadao “Toast Master” Tomomatsu Ah, the auction. A classic event at the Rum Party. This be where all those gold coins ye’ve been collecting can finally be spent! Arm Wrestling The Code: Two gents lock hands and try to force the other’s to the table. We be honorable pirates, so there be no cheatin’. Use only one arm, with yer elbow on the table. Who ever be the first to get the other’s arm down gets gold coins. Sharp Shooting The Code: All ye playin’ must stand a certain distance (usually about 10 feet) away from the table and use the Rubber band gun to shoot down as many targets as possible with a limited amount of ammunition. After yer turn be up, ye be free to wait in line and try again. Ye get more of them coins for this. Walk the Plank The Code: Participants can play against each other, standing on opposite ends of the plank ‘n attempting to knock one another off without physical contact. Or if ye aren’t the fighten’ kind, ye can play solo, depending on the rules at any given time. Players with ye best balance are rewarded with gold coins. During the Rum Party, civilians (con-goers dressed in pirate or wench garb) will be kidnapped (pulled aside and asked to participate in the Auction). We’ll be selecting ten pirates and ten wenches to be auctioned off to the Rum Party crowd for them gold coins ye been earning from those Gambling Games. The Code: You must be a registered Anime Los Angeles convention member. The purpose of the Auction is simply to have fun in a classic pirate way. Keep in mind that this is not a true to life auction, and winners don’t truly own the people that they bid on. At most, we expect Auctionees to hang out a bit with the person that buys them, and enjoy the Rum Party as they normally would. Of course, anything ye do on yer own time is entirely up to ye, just don’t do it during the Rum Party. Convention members under 18 cannot participate in the auction without written, witnessed permission from a parent or guardian. 11 DANCES TS EVEN Friday COSPLAY GATHERINGS 13 18 After Masquerade - 2:00am Christian B. “Mokita” McGuire, Patrick Beckstead, Scott Beckstead Saturday 9:00pm - 2:00am 19 › › › › › › › Friday Phoenix Wright Harry Potter CLAMP Ai Yazawa All Series Hellsing Vampire Knight 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Academy Quad Academy Quad Academy Quad Academy Quad Academy Quad Photo Gathering Area › › › › Saturday Full Metal Alchemist Code Geass “Tales of” All Series 11:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm › › › › › › › Naruto Ouran High School Host Club Type-Moon Resident Evil Yu Yu Hakusho Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:40 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm Academy Quad Academy Quad Front of Convention Center Academy Quad Photo Gathering Area Academy Quad Academy Quad Academy Quad Academy Quad Front of Convention Center Academy Quad Photo Gathering Area Photo Gathering Area 10:00 am Academy Quad › Kingdom Hearts › Final Fantasy Gathering › Katekyo Hitman Reborn LP1 7 “Vongla’s Last Supper” › Sunday › Bleach › Johnny’s Entertainment & DBSK 10:30 am › One Piece › Death Note › Avatar: The Last Airbender 12 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm Front of Convention Center Academy Quad Academy Quad Academy Quad COSPLAY CHESS Friday - 4:00 pm 18 F ACADEMY QUAD or either fans of Alice in Wonderland, and even Wizard’s Chess comes a chess game played on a large scale with cosplayers acting as the pieces. We’ll be acting out battles and defeats, and there will be two announcers running a commentary throughout the match. MASQUERADE EVE NTS Saturday - 8:00 pm LP 1 W 7 elcome to the Anime Los Angeles 2008 Cosplay Competition. I’m your competition director, Lindsay Tallman. We do not intend to take the fun out of cosplay. We are attempting to give stage time to as many entrants as we can support, and we’re attempting to counter complaints that favoritism and politics influence competitions by providing a fair and safe environment to compete in. 9. All special effects must be reviewed with us before contestant meeting (the earlier, the better). There are 3 main sections here… The first explains how division placement works. The second is the rules (i.e. the things that can get you disqualified). The third is the basic briefing of what you’ve got to work with. 11. If you’re going to have large props, bring your own ninjas to get them on and off stage. “Presentation” and “Workmanship” judging are entirely separate. There is a judging panel for Presentation and a judging panel for Workmanship. Each panel selects and gives its own awards. Workmanship judging is not required, and the decisions and deliberations of the Workmanship panel have no influence on the Presentation panel. Registration Contestant Meeting Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm Saturday 9:00am -11:45am Convention Center Lobby Saturday LP2 Green Room Check-In Post-Mortem Saturday LP2 Sunday LP2 6:00pm 12:00am - 1:00pm 10. Attending the contestant meeting is required. You need it to get a feel for the stage. We need it to double-check your tech, and to make sure the crew knows what to expect from your entry. Contestants not present at the meeting will be dropped from the competition. 12. All entries are granted 2 minutes on stage. You may use less time, but if you exceed the limit, you will be ineligible for any award. DIVISION PLACEMENT Most entries will be placed in either the Novice or Open Division. A group entry will be placed in the division appropriate for its most experienced member. Open: › Any competitor may enter in the Open division Novice: 11:00am - 12:00am › Professional costumers may not enter in the Novice division Rules › If you have won an award at a major regional competition (San Diego Comic Con, Fanime or AnimeExpo, for example) you may not enter in the Novice division If you violate any of these rules, you may be disqualified and dropped from the competition. › If you have won more than 3 awards in local competition (conventions under 1000 members), you may not enter in the Novice division 1. All contestants must be attending members of Anime Los Angeles. If the maker and presenter are different people, both must be attending members. 2. Purchased and rented costumes may not be entered. 3. A costume may not be entered in competition if it has won “Best in Show” or “Best in Division” at another competition. It may be entered in the Exhibition division (not in competition). 4. Each presenter may only appear on stage in a single entry. One body, one presentation. 5. The standard PG rule applies. No costume is “no costume.” 6. No live animals are allowed on stage with the exceptions of a) people and b) service animals. 7. No materials or effects that will leave a mess on stage or in the green room are allowed. No materials or effects that may ruin another entrant’s costume are allowed. 8. No pyrotechnics or any other sort of open flame are allowed. Young Fan: › The Young Fan division is only open to competitors under the age of 15 who have participated in the design and construction of their costumes › If a costume is entirely adult-designed and adult-constructed, it may not be entered in the Young Fan division Exhibition: › The Exhibition division is an open division. Any presenter may enter in the Exhibition division › The Exhibition division is a presentation-only division. Exhibition entries are not judged, nor are they eligible for any award › Entries that have already won awards at other conventions and have not been significantly modified may enter in the Exhibition division If you’re not sure whether you should consider a past competition to be a major regional competition or a local competition, please ask the director. The size of the event and number of entrants in the competition will be considered. For this competition, any person who made more than 1/2 of his or her annual income from costuming in any of the last 5 years qualifies as a “professional.” Any competitor may enter in a more advanced division than he or she is placed. 13 GR RO P E V LI G IN M M A BAND PERFORMANCES VINE - MUSIC ROOM 12 LYV DIG JELLY Friday - 5:00pm JPOP, Hard Rock F ormerly under the project name NIKITA w/Metallic Beasts, Christian Hart and his support band performed for California based events like Jrock Connection, Anime Expo and The Pillows (avex band) @ Slim’s SF, as well as various street lives. Their musical style ranges from JPOP to Hard Rock in both Japanese and English. Samples of music can be heard at www. (English), or www. (Japanese) NICK SMITH Friday - 6:00pm Friday - 9:00pm JPOP, Alternative D ig Jelly is the crossroads of 4 abused hopeless dreamers. They are your life in a different dimension. Dig Jelly is your biggest fan, the shadows that lurk in your private thoughts. They are promoters of your humanity and the Windex to your personal reflection. Dig Jelly doesn’t agree with everything you do or believe in but they agree with your freedom to do and believe. Dig Jelly only expresses what you have already felt or will feel someday. They did not invent anything they just describe and express the same world that so many have lived in. To hate Dig Jelly is to turn your back on yourself and the embodiments of existence. It is the same as shunning your very soul. Dig Jelly would never dream of telling you what to do or how to think. Dig Jelly only wishes for you to love yourself. Dig Jelly loves you . Hear music from their new release, ParaNoize, at: digjelly FILK LO:LITA F ilk is a corruption of the word folk and is applied to parodies, original lyrics applied to well known songs, and new music in a fan-based genre. Nick Smith, a convention panelist who leads games and selects anime for Pasadena’s public libraries, just happens to be a reknown filker! He will be here to explain filk and share some examples that apply to the anime fan base. PIRATES CHARLES Friday - 7:00pm Drinking Songs, Ballads, Shanties T he Pirates Charles is a crew of crazed scallywags here to rock your very existence to the core. Armed with cutlasses dripping moonshine, epic tales of the sea and its many heroes and villains and of course the trusty Sarton Blades, they will pillage your mind and leave you bewildered and compelled to drop your entire existence and join us on our adventures and become a Pirate Charles as well. 14 Friday - 11:00pm Metal, Punk, Industrial T he sound of lo:lita is a challenge to what people expect from the genres of punk, metal, and industrial. A strange meshing of all of the above, lo:lita uses its varied backgrounds to create a distinct and unique yet identifiable sound. In 2006 lo:lita self released their first full length CD and a minialbum. Since then they have opened for bands such as BLOOD, Karma Shenjing, Voltaire, the Psycrons, and more. They have played cons such as Anime Expo and Jrock Connection. Also, they did a song with indie visual band Suicide Ali. It was the first time an American band had collaborated with an indie VK band. JUN FAN LIVE Saturday - 12:00pm Various The band members are: Anton - Vocals, Vinnie - Guitar, Tom - Guitar, Tyler Smith - Drums I n 2006 two guitarists from the small port town of San Pedro birthed the initial idea of DarkSide Rising. Compelled by the need to break the typical death metal scene set in place for our town, Andrew and Alex set out to recruit a force worthy of putting an end to our urban mediocrity. Now in 2007, after the addition of a Singer(Ricky), a Bassist(Mike), a Drummer(Chris), and a Keyboardist(Shen), DSR has built their fortress of metal with countless influences including heavy hitting bands such as Dragonforce, Avenged Sevenfold, Children of Bodom and Galneryus. Utilizing sounds from an incomprehensible amount of genres, DSR as a whole will continue to strive for musical excellence and a unique approach to modern metal. S erafilia, born in 1998, has been a reflection of visual rock slowly encompassing the American rock underground. Convicting social violators with light of truth, they intend to comfort the inflicted with a long empathetic shadow. While nothing can piece back together the shattered nerves of the truly tormented, there is some solace in providing the hurt with a voice to reflect the pavement in the streets we all walk. Ran, Hazel, Jeremy, Tony, Stephanie and Maggie are a North Hollywood band with a unique sound. Hear them at: VAEIDOS Saturday - 6:30pm Hybrid Rock V aeidos is a newly formed unique hybrid rock quartet with members from both Japan and the United States consisting of Xion on vocals, Perry on guitar, Gene on bass & AiRA on drums. Representing the Japanese side of the equation are Xion & AiRA. Bringing in Westernized perspectives are the two Americans, Perry & Gene. They are currently based out of Los Angeles, California. BLACK CRYSTALS Saturday - 3:00pm Anime & Video Game W ING Rock DARKSIDE RISING Modern Metal MM Saturday - 5:00pm We were brought together by Music, Anime, Martial Arts, and too many hours spent on Video Games. Saturday - 2:00pm GRA SERAFILIA T he name of our band is Jun Fan (pronounced “Juhn Fun”). Its name is taken from Bruce Lee’s birth name Lee Jun Fan. We did this not only because we love Martial Arts but becauae our music shares the same philosophy as his Martial Arts. Not being set by styles, taking things from everything and integrating it into your own form. We strongly believe music is a form of self expression. A good way to express emotion, but human beings have many emotions. We aren’t always mad, or happy, or angry, or emo. So our music varies. Some songs are hard and fast, some soft and melodic, some both. PRO e are delighted to welcome back the Black Crystals! Three friends, Allie, Ryo, and C, started a band dedicated to covering Anime & Video Game music such as: Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, D.Gray-man, Witch Hunter Robin, Ouran High School Host Club, FLCL, NOIR, .hack//, One Piece, Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop, BECK (Mongolian Chop Squad), Guitarfreaks / Drummania, Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy, Guilty Gear, Sonic The Hedgehog, Megaman, The Legend of Zelda, and more! Also throwing in original arrangements of certain songs and every now and then playing some original music. Check their music out at http:// RANDOM Saturday - 8:30pm | Sunday - 1:00pm Hip-Hop R ANDOM (a): Unpredictable, Following no particular pattern, deterministic...a system whose evolution cannot be predicted exactly. Philadelphia native, Phoenix resident Random, aka Random Beats, or Mega Ran, personifies what HipHop should be: Spontaneous, fun, and true-to-life. A full time educator as well as a full time musician, Random continues innovate and elevate a dying art form. Released the critically acclaimed “The Call” which was named “best of 2005” by many sources, and followed up with “Mega Ran,” a full length album dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the classic video game series ‘Mega Man.’ Check it out at: random215 MAJA (pronounced “Mey-juh”) is taking hip-hop to a whole new level through fresh themes, merged with the style and sound of current hip-hop, creating a musical fusion of New School sound. Linguistically gifted, he rhymes at times in Japanese and Spanish, mixing it with English to make what he calls “Janglish Speak.” 15 LIVE G IN M M A GR PRO L2D Saturday - 10:00pm | Sunday 2:00pm Pop, Rock M elding Pop and Rock influences from Japan and America, Los Angeles ‘ L2D (Love Twice Despaired) creates a fresh, yet familiar sound. L2D’s sound is rich and layered, but also grounded in the beauty of simple, catchy melodies. Their EP “Infinite Finale” features guest appearances by Kevin Ridel (AM Radio, Ridel High) and Matt Harris (The Posies, Oranger). It was recorded and mixed by Brad Cook (Foo Fighters, Counting Crows, Tool). Influences include L’arc~en~Ciel, Gackt, Luna Sea, Malice Mizer, Glay, Penicillin, Baiser, TM Revolution, Janne Da Arc. KARAOKE 12 G Friday - Sunday VINE - MUSIC ROOM ot a voice burning to be heard, a song aching to be sung? Then come join us for one of these Karaoke sessions. Let us hear your lovely voices and, who knows, you might see someone try out for American Idol and become famous someday! DAYTIME KARAOKE Friday Saturday Sunday 2:00pm - 4:00pm 10:00am - 12:00pm 10:00am - 12:00pm Daytime sessions on all three days of the con will be available for members of the convention to express themselves in song. Bring along your own discs or sing to selections we have. Two KJs (Heide and Aimèe ) will be there to introduce the talent and hand out ribbons. MIDNIGHT KARAOKE Midnight Karaoke on Friday and Saturday nights gives convention members a chance to sing out their own songs or select from our book of hits. Our KJs will be there with ribbons for the participants! THEME SONG SING-ALONGS Friday GHOST TOWN Sunday - 3:00pm Pop, Rock G host Town is Nobu (guitar,vocal),Yasu (drums), and Yoshi (Bass). This current line up above, has been together for a year. Formerly known as Nobu Yellow Blues Band, we changed name recently to Ghost Town. We are a hard striving Rock n Roll band just trying to create a new style of music, all of us are from Japan and presently reside in Los Angeles. THEE OUT MODS Sunday - 4:00pm Rock T hee Out Mods was formed in the summer of 2006 with three Japanese rockers SANA(Vocals), YOSHIKI(Bass), KENNY(Drums) as the band produced by Ace (lead singer of Tokyo Smog) from 7 Samurai Records. SANA’s straight and ironic expression of the youth generation is powerfully combined with the band’s intense rock n’ roll sound. Their sharp, stylish, high energy performances have earned them a committed fan following in Los Angeles, even though most of their songs are performed in Japanese. 16 Sunday 4:00pm - 5:00pm 12:00pm - 1:00pm This idea came from last year when an entire elevator broke into song singing the Speed Racer Theme Song. We know them. We sing along at home. Here is a chance to sing em out loud! We will be holding an opening theme song sing-along on Friday and a closing theme song sing-along on Sunday. WORKSHOPS & PANELS Friday - Sunday LP 1, 2, & 3 7 E 9 10 xplore Anime Los Angeles’s selections of Workshops and Panels and meet our awesome group of Honored Guests and Panelists. Want to learn a new skill? Perhaps gain some insight into the industry we all so love and adore? We have a great deal of options for you, so take a look at our POCKET PROGRAM for the finer details on the locations and times of these wonderful events and opportunities. CON VEN TION DEALERS HALL 6 SPA CES HOURS Friday Saturday 12:00pm - 6:00pm Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am - 6:00pm DEALERS › Fetish Falls › Anime Hot Cosplay › Studio Constancy Roman Hair falls and cosplay Hats, clothing, jewelry, collectibles Bryan Wong, Artist Guest of Honor › The Gilded Bat Books › Anime Japan › Tokyopop Collectibles, manga, comics Anime Toys Manga publisher › The Hornsmythe › Anime Palace › Toy Mandala Items made of horn, antler, leather, etc All kinds of anime toys, prints, art books Hobby/anime toys, replica swords › IMT › Anime Pavilion › Toy Zone Anime Poster, plush, figures, key chain, t-shirt, cosplay DVD, manga, wall scroll, plush, Copic marker › Jones Bones › Cartoon Passion Anime Toys › The White Peacock Swords and collectibles Japanese character anime goods and collectibles. Clothing › Kichi-oni › 88 Dragon Anime DVD, posters, manga, figures, plush, pins, etc Merchandise/t-shirts › Starry Petals › Fat Rabbit Farm Elegant gothic lolita and cosplay accessories Clothing brand ARTISTS’ ALLEY 5 Participating Artists › Atari › Jessica Chang › Joyce Cheuk › Christina Gaona › Jessica Gaona › Anna Huang › Leslie Hung › Kristine Jones › Kelly Mayfield › Diane Neill HOURS Friday Saturday 12:00pm - 1:00am Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am - 1:00am L ooking for some fan art? Want a sketch done of yourself, or just looking to admire some artistic works? Then stop by the Artists’s Alley, conveniently located in the Convention Center Foyer (West Side), We have more space this year than ever before. Attention all starving artists! We are once again offering a place to call your own for the weekend at our very own Artists’ Alley! For those of you who missed the opportunity to preregister for 2008, we will have an on-site waiting list ready for you. Signing up on the waiting list in no way guarantees you a table space, but should any become available, there will be a $15 fee to cover the entire weekend. These will be distributed according to the order of the waiting list. › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › › Ava Nguyen Kristina Nguyen Marissa Northrop Jeannie Park Angelica Perez RivetSPOOn Laura Scoby Carli Squitieri Katherine Stocking Elly Susanto Joshua Tanner Thea Teufel Barrie Thomas Hans Tseng Mojgon Vatanchi Rex Witzel David Wong Dana Yu 17 S ACE P S N O NTI E V N CO CON SUITE PRODUCER A & B 17 HOURS Friday Saturday 1:00pm - 1:00am Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am - 1:00am O pen to all convention’s members, the Con Suite provides free snacks and drinks to members for that extra boost before heading to the next panels. All food and drinks are paid from membership fees. This year is the first year Con Suite is participating in the CCTV – you can watch the Masquerade on live feed and grab some snacks between the performances. We’ll have part of the room with chairs and other parts where you can sit on the ground and watch the show. This is our first year sponsoring the Blue Rose Maid Café, happening inside the Con Suite. Con Suite Etiquette › Rule of Thumb: Take no more than two handfuls to eat while you’re in the Con Suite – such as a soft drink in one hand and a small bowl in the other. Please don’t be greedy. You can always get a second bowl after you’re done with your first. › Food from Con Suite stays in Con Suite. Enjoy your snacks inside Con Suite instead of taking it outside, keeping the convention a little cleaner. › We are not here to supply your private party. No food or snacks are allowed to leave Con Suite. Bringing a plastic zip bag and stocking up on snacks is rude and unfair to other members. If this happens, we’ll ask that you don’t return to Con Suite. › If you spill it, clean it up. If you can’t, ask a staff or volunteer inside Con Suite to help. Any damage done to the room is paid by us, thus possibly increasing membership fees for next year. RESERVATION HOURS Friday 1:00pm - 5:00pm 8:00pm - 12:00am Saturday Sunday 10:00am - 6:00pm 10:00am - 2:00pm B lue Rose Maid Café is the blend of Con Suite hospitality with the Anime Community ideals. Maids and host will be there where you can spend some time with them and enjoy your snacks. Most of the snacks will be the same offered in the Con Suite; however there will be a couple of items especially for the Maid Café. Reservations for time slots are available on a first come first serve bases. If you are late to your reservation by 10 minutes, we will not honor those reservations. We encourage you to have a good time; however, due to having no more than two serving tables, we’ll ask that you leave after 25 minutes so that other members can have a chance to experience this as well. There will only be a 5 minute warning. Blue Rose Maid Café Etiquette › Respect the maids/hosts. Please don’t touch the maid/host, unless you ask them and get their consent. Same goes for taking their pictures – ask before you take pictures. › Chew with your mouth closed. Chew, swallow, and then speak. › Request for a maid or a host to be at your table. Please inform the host/maid when you are placing your order. › Eat solid food. Con Suite is there to provide light snacks and drinks, but be sure to eat proper nourishments, at least twice a day. › This is AnimeLA Maid Café, not Japan Maid Café. We’re trying to create a family friendly environment, so we’re not going to be exactly like the Japanese maid cafés and what they do. › Give other members a chance to experience Blue Rose Maid Café. If you stay for 25 minutes and we ask you to leave, please do so quickly. We would like you to have a good time, but we also would like others to be able to have a good time. 18 CON VEN TION SPA CES 19 S O NTI E V N CO 8 Friday Saturday ACE P S N GAME PLAZA TOURNAMENTS HOURS 3:00pm - 2:00am Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am - 2:00am T he Keepers of the Vault are proud to present the Anime Los Angeles 2008 game plaza. We had great success last year, and this year we aim to continue that streak. We would like to call our game room, “Valhalla”. In Norse mythology, it was a heaven for great warriors, and as such, our game room should likely be filled with great gaming warriors from all genres. RULES 1. No food or drink in the game plaza at any time. If you have any of these items, please finish them outside before coming in. 2. All bags are to be checked in before entering the game plaza. No bags, backpacks, or purses, open or closed, will be allowed in the game plaza at any time. 3. If you have a game you want to request, please feel free to ask us. So long as there is an open console, we will be more than happy to accommodate you. 4. If there are any issues with the games, systems or controllers, please let a staff member know so that it may be repaired. Do not attempt to repair the equipment on your own. 5. Please do not bring any equipment of your own into the game plaza. We will not hold responsibility for any equipment brought in that has not been previously authorized by the game plaza. If we ask for equipment or games and you have these items, we will discuss an arrangement. 20 Friday: › 5:00pm › 9:00pm Naruto 4 GNT King of Fighter XI Entry Fee: $2 Entry Fee: $2 Saturday: › 1:00pm › 6:00pm › 9:00pm Super Smash Bros. Melee. Entry Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Bottom Tier Halo 3 FFA Fee: $3 Entry Fee: $2 Entry Fee: $2 Sunday: › 11:00am › 1:00pm Street Fighter Alpha Anthology ”Champion of Valhalla” Entry Fee: $2 No Entry Fee. The “Champion of Valhalla” tournament is a special tournament available to certain contestants only. In order to be allowed into this tournament, you must attend the Naruto 4 tournament and at least four of the first five tournaments. Put simply, if you enter the Naruto GNT 4, you are in the running for the final tournament. Your performance over the course of the 5 tournaments will decide who gets to enter the final tournament. You may miss one tournament, or choose not to compete, in which case you will be assessed no score for it. If you miss more than one tournament, you will be out of the running. Rules will be established throughout the tournaments so that everyone will have a fair shot. THERE MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 8 CONTESTANTS FOR THE FINAL TOURNAMENT TO COMMENCE. There is no entry fee for this tournament. The game of choice for the final tournament will be announced on Sunday. Cash and prizes will be handed out for all of the tournaments that are entered. Tournament times and/or rules are subject to change per the staff’s discretion. CON VEN VIDEO ROOMS Video 1 - Anime PARLOR 127 Video 2 - Live Action HOURS HOURS PARLOR 123 16 Friday Saturday TION 12:00pm - 2:00am Sunday 8:00am - 4:30pm 8:00am - 2:00am Friday Saturday 1:00pm - 1:00am Sunday SPA CES 14 10:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am - 1:00am Video Room 1 will be showcasing the following titles and episodes during the convention. Please refer to the POCKET PROGRAM for details on showtimes* and suggested viewing age information. Video Room 2 will be showcasing the following titles and episodes during the convention. Please refer to the POCKET PROGRAM for details on showtimes* and suggested viewing age information. Special BANDAI Screening: Freedom Ep. 1 - 3 You’re Under Arrest The Motion Picture Doki Doki School Hours Ep. 1 & 2 Ah! My Goddess 2: Flights of Fancy Ep. 1 & 2 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Ep. 1 & 2 My OTOME Ep. 1 & 2 Pumpkin Scissors Ep. 1 & 2 Coyote Ragtime Show Ep. 1 & 2 Black Lagoon Ep. 1 & 2 When They Cry Ep. 9 & 10 My HiME Ep. 25 & 26 Paranoia Agent Ep. 12 & 13 Di Gi Charat Nyo! Ep. 4-6 Bottle Fairy Ep. 1 & 2 Magical Meow Meow Taruto Ep. 1 Special BANDAI Screening: SOS! Tokyo Metro Explorers: The Next Ep 1 Kaleido Star Ep. 25 & 26 Special BANDAI Screening: Gundam MS IGLOO Ep 1 .hack//ROOTS Ep. 1 & 2 Karin Ep. 1 & 2 Argentosama Ep. 1 & 2 Disgaea Ep. 1 & 2 Best Student Council Ep. 25 & 26 Ai Yori Aoshi Ep. 1 & 2 Karau Phantom Memory Ep. 1 & 2 Comic Party Ep. 1 & 2 Mezzo Ep. 1 & 2 Ergo Proxy Ep. 1 & 2 Lain (Serial Experiments) Ep. 12 & 13 Di Gi Charat Nyo! Ep. 10-12 Bottle Fairy Ep. 3 & 4 Magical Meow Meow Taruto Ep. 2 Paniponi Dash Ep. 21 & 22 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Ep. 13 & 14 Special BANDAI Screening: Gundam MS IGLOO Ep 2 My OTOME Ep. 7 & 8 Haibane Renmei Ep. 1 & 2 The Mysterians Atragon Cromartie High: The Movie Mega 64 Version 2 Ep. 1 - 5 Kamen Rider the First Zebraman Dogora Matango Frankenstein Conquers the World Great Teacher Onizuka: The Movie Dragonhead Snot Rocket and Super Detective *Viewing times and titles subject to change. 21 S ACE P S N O NTI E V N CO REGISTRATION 1 HOURS Friday Saturday 9:00am - 8:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 1:00pm 9:00am - 8:00pm There will be nighttime registration. Look for the helpful person wearing an apron. INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION HOURS Friday Saturday Saturday T HOURS 10:00am - 1:00am ired of gathering outside in the cold and sometimes rainy January weather? We don’t have any beautiful landscaping at our new Burbank location, so we’ve decided to set up a photo area indoors. There will be scheduled gathering times, which will be posted. Interested parties can also make an appointment to use the area and the area will be available for ad hoc photo opportunities as well. Badges will be checked at the doors to the Convention Center, so you won’t have to worry about having your character wearing a badge for photos indoors. Rules You’ve spent countless hours on working on your costume; now get some great looking photos to go with it! Anime Los Angeles has professional photography backdrops and lights set up that are open for all members to use next to registration. No need to wait in line either! Simply sign up for a time slot, and come back at the appropriate time. Time slots are arranged in five minute intervals, and the number of slots you may use at one time is determined by the number of members within your group. › 1-2 1 (5 minutes) › 3-7 2 (10 minutes) › 8+ 3 (15 minutes) Cosplayers: Please arrive at least 2 minutes before your scheduled time slot. Larger groups are advised to show up earlier to ensure that all members are ready to take photos. Groups later then 2 minutes after their scheduled time slot will forfeit their spot and will be asked to sign up for another time. Photographers do not need to sign up to use the backdrop, but please be respectful of other photographers who may also want an opportunity to take photos. 22 9:00am - 8:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 1:00pm 9:00am - 8:00am I f you don’t know where a panel room or event is located; if you want to look at a menu for a local restaurant; if you want to know about schedule changes, if you’ve got questions and need answers, come to the Information Desk, located across from Registration. This is also the location where you can pick up red tape to place on your badge to indicate that you do not wish to be filmed by our production team. Refer to Page 3 for our Filming Policy. PHOTO GATHERING AREA W 13 2 SALES TO MEMBERS ant that great Anime Los Angeles convention t-shirt that everyone else is wearing? Then come to Sales to Members (aka Information Desk) and fork over your $$. Sizes range from Small to 4X Large (all men’s sizes) but quantities are limited. COSTUME REPAIR STATION SUNSET - A 11 HOURS Friday Saturday H 11:00am - 6:00pm Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am - 6:00pm ave a problem with a split seam? Need a quick shot of a glue gun? Did a button fall off? Forgot your own repair kit in the hurry to get to Anime Los Angeles? The Costume Repair Station is here to help you with those costume problems that crop up during the day. We’ve been around since the first Anime Los Angeles, offering help with sewing, gluing and advice. We’ve even assisted with a soft sculpture naked mole rat. The only thing we ask is that you don’t build your costume here, as there is limited space. Please note that our hours are subject to change. TI EN ONV C AFF T S ON CHAZ BOSTON BADEN CHAIRMAN ARLENE SATIN DIVISION HEAD - LIVE PROGRAMMING EVAN JAMES IV DIVISION HEAD - PUBLICATIONS SIGNATURE SIGNATURE JEANNE GOLDFEIN D CHRISTIAN B. MCGUIRE DIVISION MENT SIGNATURE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE JESSICA GAONA Tadao Tomomatsu SIGNATURE SIGNATURE IVISION HEAD - EVENTS ELAYNE PELZ DIVISION H EAD - ADMINISTRATION SIGNATURE 24 COMMITTEE HEAD - SPACE MANAGE ANIME LOS ANGELES ARTIST SIGNATURE JOYCE HOOPER DEPUTY DIVISION HEAD - SPACE MANAGEMENT TOASTMASTER STAFF CON VEN All of the people working on the convention are volunteers, from the chair on down. Bold names are department heads and co-heads/seconds. CHAIRMAN’S DIVISION Chair Chaz Boston Baden Fairy Godfather Fer “Jubei-Chan” Morgan Carolyn “Divine Sage” Ayton Angelica “Videl-chan” Mora Christina “Squirrellyness” Patterson Matt “Matt Squared” Wells GoH Liaison Sherri Benoun Hotel Contract Negotiation Christian B. “Mokita” McGuire Meeting Secretary Heide Nichols Minions Arianna Gonzales Jose Zamora Bianca Lindsay Melissa De Mello Postcards and Publicity Chaz Boston Baden Postcard Artists Jessica Gaona Kelly Mayfield Sam Escobosa AniZona Crew Christian B. McGuire Andrew Vo Marko Dominguez Skye Claborne October Mailing Stan Oh Tadao Tomomatsu Lynn Baden Pacific Media Expo crew Carolyn “Divine Sage” Ayton, Edward Hooper FER “Jubei-chan” Morgan Christian B. “Mokita” McGuire Caroline “Midnight Rocket” Smeby Tiffany “Neo_Serenity” Thomas Loscon Crew Andrew Vo Jill Claborne Jack Jackson Website/Forum/LJ coordinator Mikal Saltveit PROGRAM DIVISION Program Division Head Arlene Satin Autograph Table Amy Horswill Green Room Lynn Baden Christian B. McGuire Marcia Minsky Wendy Newton Mama Judy FanimeCon Crew Live Program Arianna Gonzales Esther Kim Lisa Kim Andrew Vo Jose Zamora Anime Expo Crew Lynn Baden Jarod Nandin Ani-Magic crew Lynn Baden Esther Kim Lisa Kim Caroline “Midnight Rocket” Smeby Patty Engel Matt “Satoru San” Tsang Scavenger Hunt Sabrina Moore Music Heide “Magic Heide” Nichols Aimee Hoff Scott Nichols Karaoke Aimee Hoff Pocket Program Katt Thornton Program Ops Katt Thornton Warren “Whisky” Johnson Video Crew Ken “Nanidesuka” Davis Greg Bilan Video Program Schedule Anime Ken “Nanidesuka” Davis Brett Achorn Live Action Jim Flynn TION STAF F PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Publications Division Head Evan James IV Artistry Jessica Gaona Christina “Squirrellyness” Patterson Documentary & Film Indigo H. David Paul Paige On-Site Sign Artist Christina “Squirrellyness” Patterson Program Book Arianna Unciano Laura “RivetSPOOn” Smoley Noelle Le Bienvenu Restaurant and Resource Guide Patrick Saul Heide Nichols Signage Wendy Newton Noelle Le Bienvenu EVENTS Events Division Head Jeanne Goldfein Ala Mascot Costume Look-Alike Contest Tiffany Thomas Yukiko Greene | Judge AMV Contest Mikal Saltveit Catherine “Brooke” Downer Jason Fiore Victoria Shapero Cosplay Chess Matthew “Maguma/Dynamite Breakdown” Lewis Carolyn Ayton Masquerade Lindsay “Faire Goddess” Tallman Karisu-sama | Workmanship Judge Colleen Crosby | Workmanship Judge Rock Dance | Friday Night Christian B. “Mokita” McGuire Patrick Beckstead Scott Beckstead Rock Dance | Saturday Night Andre “DJ Jinrei” Smith Jason “DJ Amaya” Parrish Dominic “DJ Sandman” Young Patrick “DJ Tw33k” Chua Rum Party Mike Young Salina Conlan Melissa De Mello Nasir Lateef Matt Simmons Tech Scott Beckstead John Mongan Toastmaster Tadao Tomomatsu 25 TI EN ONV C AFF T S ON SPACE MANAGEMENT Division Head Christian B. “Mokita” McGuire Fabulous Deputy Division Head Joyce Hooper Artists’ Concourse Laura “RivetSPOOn” Smoley Arianna Unciano Con Suite Andrew “Lifeless Dummy” Vo Jill “Zalora” Claborne Skye “Aniki” Claborne Mathurin Kasten Marco “Ryuu” Dominguez Jackie “Jack” Siu Rebecca “LadyMDK” Ken “Keonis” George Esther “Natsuki” Kim Angie Karnes Victoria “Baconator” Pierrine Nitcha, Jackson Dan Park Christina “YukiFrost” Lisa “Hitomi” Kim Jason “DJ Amaya” Parrish Greg Hemsath Prize Coordination Gaming Masoud “Koru Kinshi” Karkehabadi Athena Pappa Mike “Olaf” Spragg “Poor Man Joey” Vargas Autumn Smith Nicole Hoight Andrew Kerr Tony “Moogle” Walker Paul Vargas Rex Monson Kat (Catherine) Timothy Pappa Ian Hueck Hall Costume Awards Tiffany “Neo_Serenity” Thomas Zach Shaffer Tara Hatchett Courtney Lorenz FER “Jubei-chan” Morgan On-site Hotel Liaisons Joyce Hooper Christian “Mokita” McGuire BACK COVER Arlene Satin Sales to Members (T-shirts) Jessica Wynters Ed Hooper Staff Lounge Genny Dazzo Victoria Shapero PAGES Volunteers 1,2,3,4,11,16,17,18,20,22,24 Character Images Patrick “TheTaskmaster” Saul Dominic “DJ Sandman” Young Nikki Wilson Jessica Gaona ADMINISTRATION PAGE Administration Division Head Elayne Pelz Logistics Orange County Truck Jarod Nandin Office Kris Bauer Richard Stott Bryan Wong Lisa “Kokuu” Gochnauer Richard “Didjiman” Man Costume Repair Station Dealers Room COVER Photo Gathering Area Membership (Pre-registration) Jess Miller Jocelyn Baden Malcolm Scott Annie Mitschek Shirley Bigna Mela Hoyt-Heydon Kathy Lear Zoe Jones Maryann Jones 26 Ed Hooper Interior Decorating Crew Cosplay Gathering Coordinator Tiffany “Neo_Serenity” Thomas ARTISTS’ CREDITS Information 5 Self Portrait, T-Shirt & Badge Designs Bryan Wong Elayne Pelz PAGE Joyce Sperling Michael Pell 12 Dance Flyer Operations Robbie Bourget John Harold Registration (At-con) Lynn Baden Sherri Benoun Tony Benoun Pearl Newton Victoria Shapero Jennifer Ernster Cathy “Menolly” Mullican Treasurer Elayne Pelz Andre Smith ADVERTISER’S INDEX BANDAI 19 Conjecture 23 LosCon 23 Indigoverse Productions Back Cover SIGN ING ARE A 27 I SIGN 28 A RE A G N
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