Curriculum vitae Stellan Vinthagen Summary


Curriculum vitae Stellan Vinthagen Summary
Curriculum vitae Stellan Vinthagen
Updated Sunday, 24 April 2011
Name: Stellan Vinthagen
Titles: Associate Professor; PhD; Subject Coordinator of Sociology; Director of Resistance
Studies Program
Date of Birth: 1964, 13th October.
Qualifications: Associate professorship (Docent) in Sociology April 2010. PhD October 2005
in Peace and Development Research (University of Gothenburg), BA Sociology and
International Relations (Göteborg) 1997.
Current Positions:
1. Associate Professor of Sociology (Docent) and Subject Coordinator of Sociology at
University West, Trollhättan, (2009-),
2. Senior lecturer in Peace and Development Studies, part-time (Timlärare,
högskolelektor) and Director of Resistance Studies Program at School of Global
Studies, University of Gothenburg, (2007-),
3. Academic Advisor for the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), (2009),
Previous Appointments: Senior Lecturer at Department of Peace and Development Research,
Göteborg (2006-2007); and at School of Global Political Studies, Malmö (2008-2009).
Director of Globalverkstan, Göteborg (2004). Visiting Lecturer at several institutions, e.g.
Globalverkstan: International Project Management for Social Movements & NGOs; Göteborg
(2004-2006), and Kulturverkstan (2001-2004); College for International Citizenship (CIC),
Birmingham, UK, (2005-2009) (
Areas of Expertise: Resistance Studies, Nonviolent Action Strategies (Civil Resistance),
Social Movements & Change, Globalisation, Conflict Resolution/Transformation, Power
Current Book Projects (with completed manuscripts):
1. Editor together with J. Kenrick and K. Mason of the volume Academics vs. Weapons
of Mass-Destruction: Academic Conference Blockade of Faslane 2007 (ms submitted
to publishers; no contract, planned publication 2011)
2. Author together with Pelle Strindlund of the book Civil Olydnad [Civil Disobedience].
(ms submitted, book contract with Karneval, Sweden; planned publication Sep. 2011).
3. Author of The Sociology of Nonviolent Action (book contract with Zed Books,
planned publication Oct 2011)
Selection of publications: PhD: Ickevåldsaktion – En social praktik av motstånd och
konstruktion [Nonviolent Action – A Social Practice of Resistance and Construction]
(Göteborg University, 2005), Books: Editor together with Mona Lilja of Motstånd
[Resistance], Liber Förlag (2009), Förberedelse för Motstånd [Preparation for Resistance]
(Omega Förlag, 1998). Chapters in edited books; e.g. ”Kommunikation i ett maktperspektiv”
[Communication From a Power Perspective] (Studentlitteratur, 2007); Ickevåldsrörelsens
samhällsgestaltning [The Society Enactment of Nonviolent Movements] (Studentlitteratur,
2006). Articles in journals; e.g. “Is the World Social Forum a Democratic Global Civil
Society” (Societies without Borders, 2008), “Rethinking Nonviolent Action and Contentious
Politics” (Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, 2007).
Selected examples of relevant professional work and “esteem indicators” etc.:
 Grant reciever (as main applicant) for a research program on resistance studies (20112015) by Swedish Research Council (VR) with 10 million SEK (equal to 1,5 million
 Co-founder of several academic networks, e.g. The Resistance Studies Network
( with 150 associated researchers globally. Organized e.g.
two panels at the ISA (International Studies Association) conference, New York, Feb
 Key-note speaker at e.g. a Conflict Research Conference in Hamburg 2006, and the
XIV Trobada de Barcelona on Peace Building & Social Movements, Barcelona, 2003.
 Peer-reviewer for, e.g. Acta Sociologica; Research in Social Movements, Conflict and
Change; The Round Table; Cooperation and Conflict.
 The Exhibition “Take Action! 83 Ways to Change the World” (2008-2009) at
Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg, is partly built on one of my articles (the
“Political Underground”) and my work as consultant (
 Regular external lecturing work around the world since 1986 in 12 countries on four
continents with over 100 lecture subjects given to mainly universities, high schools,
state/municipal institutions or voluntary organisations (complete list available).
 Main conference organiser of e.g. the international research seminar on resistance,
University of Gothenburg, June 2007; and a number of international movement
 Nominated for the Jamnalal Bajaj International Award 2007 by Ms. Deepa Gopalan
Wadhwa, Ambassador of India to Sweden, Stockholm.
 Esteem Positions; TRANSCEND (a global network of invited scholars-practitioners
working for peace and development); Associate of TFF (Transnational Foundation for
Peace and Future Research); and Council-member of WRI (War Resisters’
 11 months of research field work experience totally in Europe, Africa and Asia.
More than twenty years of movement experience with education and organising, e.g.
action and strategy trainings in peace, justice and environmental movements.
Six years as editor of a peace movement journal (Plogbillen).
Full CV
Stellan Vinthagen, Associate Professor, PhD.
Department of Social and Behavioural Studies
University West
SE 461 86 Trollhättan
Peace & Development Research
School of Global Studies
University of Gothenburg
Box 700,
SE 405 30 Göteborg
Phone: (+46) 0520 22 37 71
Mobile: (+46) 0704 763 789
Phone (+46) 031 786 4026 (or -1000).
Fax (+46) 031 786 49 10
Home address: Krossekärr 706, SE 473 94 Henån, (+46) 0304-374 43
Current Research Projects:
1. Globalization of Resistance: Influences on Democracy Advocators in Civil Society in
the South (2011-2015), funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).
2. Legal Change and Social Movements (2010-2012), funded by the Swedish Research
Council (Vetenskapsrådet).
3. Everyday Resistance (2010), funded by University West.
4. World Culture and Resistance (2010), funded by University of Gothenburg.
5. Transnational Social Movements & Resistance Strategies (2001-2004, 2007, 2009-)
(Unfunded). Funding applied for a continuation of the project.
Current Book Projects (with completed manuscripts):
(forthcoming, 2011) Main editor, in associtation with Justin Kenrick and Kelvin Mason, of
Academics vs. Weapons of Mass-Destruction: Academic Conference Blockade
of Faslane 2007, publisher not decided.
(forthcoming, Sep. 2011) Author together with Pelle Strindlund of Det nödvändiga
motståndet [The Necessary Resistance]. Book contract with Karneval, Sweden
(planned submission, Oct 2011) Author of The Sociology of Nonviolent Action. Book
with Zed Books. No manuscript yet.
Areas of research work: Resistance Studies, Nonviolent Action Strategies (Civil Resistance),
Social Movements & Change, Globalisation, Conflict Resolution/Transformation, Power
Docentur (Associate Professorship), Sociology, University West, Sweden
(including pedagogical courses for university lecturing and PhD-tutoring,
and an external review of research production)
Ph.D. PADRIGU, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Research program courses (1997-2005):
Conflict Resolution, Social Psychology, The Doctrine History of Peace Research and
Development Research, Research Methodology, Power Theory, Movement Theory,
World System, Globalisation, Social System Theory.
B.A. in Sociology and International Relations, University of Gothenburg
With additional courses in Conflict Resolution, State Politics, Practical Philosophy,
History of Economics and Peoples Pedagogic.
History and Philosophy of Nonviolent Movements,
One year study at a “people high school”,
Grebbestad Folkhögskola, Sweden.
College (Gymnasium). 3 years program on Physical Science
(Theme focus: Environmental protection)
Researcher sociology (50 % of full time, 2010-2015)
Research consultant, Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg, one month,
preparing the Exhibition “Take Action! 83 Ways to Change the World”
Research assistant, University of Gothenburg (3 months, full-time)
PhD Candidate position, (Doktorandtjänst), University of Gothenburg
(2002-01-01 to 2003-03-31)
“Globalization of Resistance: Influences on Democracy Advocators in Civil
Society in the South”, 5 years (10 million SEK, about 1,5 million USD),
main applicant and program director (with three other researchers, PhD-students
and other collaborating researchers). Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).
“Resisting Western Cultural Hegemony”, 3 months grant, Uni. of Gothenburg
“Everyday Resistance”, 3 months grants, University West
“Legal Change and Social Movements”, 3 years, (about 2,5 million SEK)
Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), together with the main applicant
Associate Prof. Håkan Gustafsson, Dep. of Law, University of Gothenburg.
“Padrigu - Madras University collaborative education project to develop
‘Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies’ in India”. (70 000 SEK)
From SASNET, Lund University.
“Political Underground”, 3 months grant, Museion,
University of Gothenburg.
And a number of smaller grants (e.g. from University West, Wallenbergsstiftelsen,
Göteborgs Universitets Donationsstipendium)
For the following journals (starting from):
1. Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, Elsevier Sciences/JAI Press,
Oxford. (Nov. 2006-)
2. Cooperation and Conflict, Nordic ISA. (Oct 2007-).
3. The Round Table, Routledge. (Nov. 2007-)
4. Security Dialogue, Sage. (March 2009-)
5. Acta Sociologica, Sociology Assocation of Scandinavia. (July 2009-)
6. Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest, Taylor &
Francis. (Feb. 2011-)
I have field research experience abroad totally about three years.
Brazil, one month (2002 and 2003)
Participation at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre. Interviews with 10 social movement
Germany, six months (1991)
During my BA-thesis in Sociology I made participatory observation and interviews, studying
a system-critical social movement.
India, three months (2001, 2004, 2010)
The field visits included interviews with 20 representatives of grassroots’ movements doing
nonviolent resistance to “globalisation”, international regimes (e.g. WTO) and transnational
corporations in India. Some researchers was also interviewed.
South Africa, two months (1994), and two weeks (2009)
The field visit was made to prepare future research on nonviolent resistance against the
apartheid regime. Contacts where made and about 20 interviews with organisers, educators
and leading activists from ANC, UDF, MK and others. The visit 2009 was to reconnect and
build research cooperation with universities in Durban and Johannesburg.
Extensive travelling in Europe during 1986-1999, approximately two years abroad totally, in
order to take part in movement activities, as well as making interviews with activists and
trainers of nonviolent resistance movements.
PhD DISSERTATION (2005) in Peace and Development Research;
Ickevåldsaktion – En social praktik av motstånd och konstruktion [Nonviolent Action – A
Social Practice of Resistance and Construction], Department of Peace and
Development Research (Padrigu), University of Gothenburg, Sweden (ISBN
918738065X). Online at (Swedish text and English Abstract)
ARTICLES (Peer-reviewed)
2011 “Framväxten av sociala rörelsers globala politik” [The Emergence of Social
Movements’ Global Politics], in the peer-reviewed journal Sociologisk
Forskning, Nr. 1: 2011, pp. 25-50.
2010 “Rättens rörelser och rörelsernas rätt” [The Movement of Law and The Law of
Movements], with Håkan Gustafsson, in the peer-reviewed journal Tidsskrift for
Rettsvitenskap, vol. 123, 4 & 5/2010, pp. 637–693. ISSN 0040-7143.
2008 “Strategic Changes and Cultural Adaptations: Explaining Differential Outcomes in the
International Plowshares Movement”, with Sharon Erickson Nepstad,
University of Southern Maine, in the peer-reviewed Journal International
Journal of Peace Studies, IPRA, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring/summer, pp. 15-42.
2008 ”Is the World Social Forum a Democratic Global Civil Society?”, in the peer-reviewed
Journal Societies without Borders, (v.3, #1), Brill; and the edited volume, The
World and US Social Forums: A Better World Is Possible and Necessary by
Judith Blau and Marina Karides, Brill, Chapter 8, pp. 131-148.
2008 “Political Undergrounds: Raging Riots and Everyday Theft as Politics of
Normality?”, online publication with internal referee process, Museion,
University of Gothenburg and Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg, (or at )
2007 “Rethinking Nonviolent Action and Contentious Politics: Political Cultures of
Nonviolent Opposition in the Indian Independence Movement and Brazil’s
Landless Workers Movement”, together with Ass. Prof. Sean Chabot, in the
peer-reviewed Journal Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change,
Elsevier Sciences/JAI Press, Oxford, Vol. 27, pp. 91-122.
2006 “Power as Subordination and Resistance as Disobedience: Nonviolent Movements
and the Management of Power”, in the peer-reviewed Journal, Asian Journal
of Social Science, 34:1, pp. 1-21.
ARTICLES/CHAPTERS (research and/or educational publications)
2010 “People Power and the New Global Ferment”, Open Democracy
(, 15 Nov 2010.
2010 “En ny sorts dilemma-aktion” [A New Form of Dilemma Action], s. 183-194, in
Mikael Löfgren (red.) Ship to Gaza: Bakgrunden. Resan. Framtiden. Leopard
Förlag: Stockholm.
2009 “Global Movements Facilitating Local Campaigns”, in Unarmed
Resistance – The Transnational Factor, Clark, Howard & Rigby, Andrew (eds.),
Pluto Press: London.
2009 “Power as Subordination and Resistance as Disobedience: Nonviolent Movements and
the Management of Power”, in Giri, Ananta Kumar (ed) The Modern Prince and
the Modern Sage: Transforming Power and Freedom, SAGE India.
2008 “Bortom politisk normalitet? Om underjordens ociviliserade vardagsmotstånd, “stöld”
och nya allmänningar” [Beyond Political Normality? About the Everyday
Resistance of the Underground, ”Theft” and New Commons], Glänta, 4:07,
p.72-78, Göteborg.
2008 “Critique in Action - Academic Conference Blockades”, with
Justin Kenrick, in Angie Zelter (ed.), Faslane 365: A Year of Anti-Nuclcear
Blockades. Luath Press Limited: Edinburgh.
2007 ”Kommunikation i ett maktperspektiv” [Communication From a Power Perspective], in
Fossum, Björn (ed.) Kommunikation: Samtal och bemötande i vården,
Studentlitteratur: Lund. (2nd edition 2011).
2007 “Clamshell Alliance”, in Anderson, Gary L. & Herr, Kathryn (eds.) Encyklopedia of
Activism and Social Justice, SAGE.
2007 “Gandhi, Mahatma”, in Anderson, Gary L. & Herr, Kathryn (eds.) Encyklopedia of
Activism and Social Justice, SAGE.
2007 “Direct Action” in Anderson, Gary L. & Herr, Kathryn (eds.) Encyklopedia of Activism
and Social Justice, SAGE.
2007 “Resistance” (with Mona Lilja), in Anderson, Gary L. & Herr, Kathryn (eds.)
Encyklopedia of Activism and Social Justice, SAGE.
2006 ”A Research Network on Resistance, Power & Social Change”, with Mona Lilja, the
“Missionstatement” for the network RSN with overview of “resistance studies”,
published online,
2006 “Ickevåldsrörelsens samhällsgestaltning” [The Society Enactment of the Nonviolent
Movement], pp. 321-352, in Wettergren, Åsa & Jamison, Andrew (eds) Sociala
rörelser – Politik och Kultur, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
2003 “Ickevåldsrörelsens idéhistoria” [The History of Ideas of the Nonviolent Movement],
pp. 186-206, in Fronesis Nr. 11-12; “Våld”, LO-Tryckeriet, Stockholm.
2003 ”Motståndet mot den nya världsordningen” [The Resistance Against the New World
Order], pp. 232-264, in Janne Flyghed & Magnus Hörnqvist (eds) Laglöst land,
Ordfront, Stockholm.
2002 ”Motståndets globalisering” [The Globalisation of Resistance], pp. 240-263, in Mikael
Löfgren & Masoud Vatankhah (eds) Vad hände med Sverige i Göteborg?,
Ordfront Förlag, Stockholm.
2001 ”Makt och motstånd – Ickevåldsrörelsers hantering av makt i konflikter”, [Power and
Resistance – Nonviolent Movements and the Management of Power in
Conflicts] pp. 179-235, in Leif Eriksson & Björn Hettne (eds) Makt och
internationella relationer, [Power and International Relations] Studentlitteratur,
2000 “Nonviolent Movements and Management of Power”, in Gandhi Marg, Vol. 22, No. 2,
July-September, New Delhi, India.
1999 “Obedience is the Enemy”, in Peace News, No. 2435, May-August, London.
1997 “Symboler i rörelse - Om sociala rörelser som tilltal”, [Symbols in Movement – About
Social Movements as Communication], unpublished BA-thesis in
International relations, Peace and Development Research Institute, University of
BOOKS (see also existing manuscripts, above)
2009 Editor together with Mona Lilja of Motstånd [Resistance], Liber Förlag: Stockholm.
1999 Fängelsebrev [Prison Letters] with A. Sternfeldt and A. Spalde, published online:
1998 Förberedelse för Motstånd – En kritik av plogbillsrörelsens förberedelsemetoder och
inre konflikthantering, [Preparation for Resistance – A Critique of the
Preparation Methods and Internal Conflict Management of the Plowshares
Movement], published by Omega Förlag and Stiftelsen för Fredsarbete,
1992 Handbok: Avrustningslägret i Linköping [Handbook: The Disarmament Camp in
Linköping], together with Per Herngren, Omega Förlag, Göteborg.
2011 (forthcoming) “Resisting Western Hegemony: Subaltern Cultural Articulations of the
World Civil Society”, research report for Museion, University of Gothenburg.
2007 Research papers for the Exhibition Take Action! 83 Ways to Change the World, the
Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg: (1) Strategies of Change; (2) Action
and Confrontation; (3) Civil Courage; (4) The Political Rationality of the
Autonomy Movement; (5) The Zapatistas; (6) Humour Against Power; (7)
Nonviolence and Civil Disobedience; (8) Challenging Ownership; (9) Rebellion
and Riots; (10) Anti-Apartheid (all were written in Swedish, here given with
English title translations). About the exhibition:
2007 “WSF-Kenya: Another WSF is Possible”, (War Resisters’
International) published online, (2007-09-06)
2006 “WRI Theme Group Report: Strategising the Globalisation of Nonviolence” Stellan
Vinthagen (ed.) (War Resisters’ International) published online (2006-08-28)
1997a “Direkt demokratins svårigheter: En studie av den tyska Graswurzelrörelsen och dess
organisation Graswurzelrevolution, Föderation Gewaltfreier Aktionsgruppen
(FöGA)” [The Difficulties of Direct Democracy: A Study of the German Graswurzel
Movement and its Organisation Graswurzelrevolution Föderation Gewaltfreier
Aktionsgruppen (FöGA) ], unpublished BA-thesis in Sociology, Department of
Sociology, University of Gothenburg.
1997b “En direkt demokratisk organisations historia: En undersökningsrapport utifrån en
studie av tyska Graswurzelrörelsen och dess organisation Graswurzelrevolution,
Föderation Gewaltfreier Aktionsgruppen (FöGA)” [The History of a Direct
Democratic Organisation: A Research Report from a Study of the German
Graswurzel Movement and its Organisation Graswurzelrevolution Föderation
Gewaltfreier Aktionsgruppen (FöGA)], unpublished empirical report, associated to
the BA-thesis in Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Gothenburg.
1994 An investigation of nonviolent action training and resistance to apartheid in South Africa,
report written in Swedish for Omega Forum, Göteborg (two months field study).
1991 Educational material on National Non-military Defence (Civilmotstånd), written report in
Swedish for the Swedish organisation for conscious objectors to conscription: VTPAG, Karlstad.
2010 “Law on the Move: Mapping the Dynamic Interactions of Law and Social Movements”,
with Håkan Gustafsson, presented for the Critical Legal Conference (CLC),
Utrecht, Sep 10-12.
2010 “International Law, Legal Mobilization and Resistance Movements”, presented for
International Studies Association (ISA), at the 2010 Conference, New Orleans,
Feb 17-20.
2010 “Legal Strategy for Activists”, presented for War Resisters’ International (WRI), at the
conference on “Nonviolent Livelihood Struggle and Global Militarism: Links &
Strategies”, Ahmedabad, India, Jan 22-25.
2009 “Labeling ‘Low-level Terrorism’: The Out-definition of Social Movements”, presented
for International Studies Association (ISA), at the 2009 Conference, New York
City, Feb 15-18.
2007 “Understanding “Resistance”: Exploring Definitions, Perspectives, Forms and
Implications”, presented for Critical Approaches to Security in Europe III.
Emancipation, Resistance and Violence (COST), at University of Southern
Denmark, Odense, 29 Nov to 1 Dec.
2007 “The State of Resistance Research”, paper for European Sociologist Association
Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 3-6 Sept 2007, research thread “Resisting
Neoliberalism”, the Panel on Resistance Studies.
2007 “Cultural Dilemmas in Cross-National Movement Diffusion: A Comparison of the
International Plowshares Movement”, with Sharon Erickson Nepstad,
University of Southern Maine, presented at Workshop on “Movement Cultures,
Strategies and Outcomes”, for Collective Behavior and Social Movements
Section of the American Sociological Association, Hofstra University in
Hempstead, New York, Aug.
2006 “Transnational Movement Strategies – Some Reflections”, seminar on Unarmed
Resistance – The Transnational Factor, Centre for Peace and Reconciliation
Studies, Coventry University, July 2006.
2006 “New Global Wars a Challenge for Nonviolence”, Swedish Network of Peace, Conflict
& Development Research, Padrigu, Göteborg Uiversity, Sept.
2005 “A Call for a Nonviolent Strategy of the Global Peace & Justice Movement”, for the
War Resisters’ International (WRI) Conference on “Globalising Nonviolence”,
Paderborn, Germany, July 2006, published at WRI-webpage
(and at )
October and in The Brooken Rifle, WRI, London, November.
2004 “From Techniques to Repertoires: Studying Nonviolent Action and Social Movements”,
Paper presented (together with Ass. Prof. Sean Chabot) for the International
Peace Research Association Conference (IPRA), Sapron, Hungary, July 2004.
2003 “A Movement Culture of Nonviolent Action”, Paper presented for the Swedish
conference on development research (“Fattiga & Rika”), Lund University,
January 2003.
2002:a, b & c “The Sociology of Nonviolent Action”; “New Challenges of Nonviolent Action
Research”; (together with Sean Chabot) “The Relational and Constructionist
Dynamics of Nonviolent Action”, three papers presented for the international
research workshop on nonviolence research, Tromsö University, Norway,
November 2002.
2002 “Motståndets globalisering” [The Globalisation of Resistance], Paper presented at the
research conference on Global Social Movements, Lund University, Sweden,
May 2002.
2001 “Towards the Globalisation of Globalisation – Structural Transformation through
Dialogue or Confrontation”, Paper presented together with PhD Hans
Abrahamsson for the international research RC 40/Expert Group on
Development Initiative workshop on New Regionalisms and New/Old Security
Issues, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, May 31-June 2 2001.
2001 “Globalisation from Below: Social Movements Trying to Influence Corporate
Globalisation from Above”, presented for War Resisters’ International (WRI),
at the “World Conference on Social Empowerment”, India, February 2001 and
for the Nordic Research Workshop “Rethinking Development Theory” by
NORFA and Padrigu, Göteborg, Sweden, February 2001.
2000 “Power as Subordination”, presented for the International Peace Research Association
(IPRA) international conference, Tampere, Finland, August 2000.
1998 “Maktbrytande och dialogunderlättande konflikthantering” [Power Breaking and
Dialogue Facilitating Conflict Management], presented for Sociologiförbundets
årsmöte [The Annual Meeting of Sociologists] Göteborg Sweden, January 1998.
Research results have regularily been presented at workshops during various movement
conferences, for example: European Hope & Resistance Kiel, Germany, May 1998;
Nyårsträffen Hopp & Motstånd, Sjövik, Sweden, January 2000 and European Hope &
Resistance Oxford, England May 2000.
I have also published a number of articles in newspapers or non-academic journals, as well as
drafts of academic papers, out of which some exists online at or
I am currently supervising two PhD students with planned completition of thesises 2012
(PhD-project on antiracism social movements and framing theory, Umea University) and
2014 (PhD-project on Rwandan genocide and resistance in civil society, University of
I have lectured on PhD-level: Nonviolent Action Theory (within Peace Research), Research
methodology (within Global Studies) and lectured on Masters level in several disciplines:
International Relations; Peace & Conflict Studies; Media, Journalism and Global Studies;
Human Rights; Global Studies; Development Studies; International Conflict Resolution.
I have since year 2000 worked as a lecturer on undergraduate and graduate levels totally more
than 8 000 hours (about 1 500 hours / year for full time), out of which about 2 000 hours have
been in class.
Course are full-time and undergraduate if not stated otherwise
Senior Lecturer (Högskolelektor) in Sociology at University West
Course responsibility:
2009-01 Poverty and Marginalization (5 weeks)
 Sociology C (BA-level) Theory, scientific methods and thesis work (20 weeks)
Senior Lecturer (Högskolelektor) in Peace and Conflict Studies,
Malmö University. Course responsibility:
 Conflict Scenarios and Analysis (5 weeks)
 Global Conflict Scenarios and Analysis (10 weeks, masters level)
 Cosmopolitanism (5 weeks)
 Conflict Theory (10 weeks)
 International Political Economy (5 weeks)
Senior Lecturer (Högskolelektor) in Peace and Development Studies,
2006-02at SGS and Museion University of Gothenburg. Course responsibility:
 International Relations – The World Economic System (5 weeks)
 Internat. Relations – War, Peace and Security (5 weeks)
 Internat. Relations – Problem Areas in International Politics (5 weeks, advanced level)
 Internat. Conflict Resolution (4 weeks)
 Development Studies – Development in North and South (5 weeks)
 Dev. Studies – Development; Concepts, Theory and the Growth of a World System (5
 Dev. Studies – Thematic Studies in Social and Economic Development (10 weeks,
advanced level)
 Dev. Studies – Dev. And Social Change: Actors and Strategies (5 weeks, advanced
 Dev. Studies – Issues of Power and Global Development (5 weeks)
 Dimensions of Globalisation (20 weeks)
 Social and Legal Movements (20 weeks, half-time)
 Power, Resistance and Change (20 weeks)
Co-responsible lecturer and organiser of Peace Work Course
 Distance learning through Internet/ICT (40 weeks, half-time)
Full-time Junior Lecturer (Adjunkt) in Peace and Development Studies,
2003-04University of Gothenburg 2003-12
 Internat. Relations – Research Methodology (5 weeks)
 Dev. Studies – Development; Concepts, Theory and the Growth of a World System (5
 Internat. Relations – War, Peace and Security (5 weeks)
Regular tutor - B.A. & Masters thesis’ in Peace and Development Studies,
Padrigu, University of Gothenburg.
Visiting Lecturer in Sociology at University West
(Sociology lectures, advanced level)
Teaching Sociology and Social Psychology
 Sociological Analysis (10 weeks, advanced level)
Visiting Lecturer in International Relations at Halmstad University 2005-10 & 2007-10
 Democracy and Globalisation (5 weeks)
Visiting Lecturer at CIC (College for International Citizenship), Birmingham
 Peace, Violence and Conflict (1 week, two times a year)
Visiting Lecturer in NGO Project Management at Globalverkstan, 2004-01Göteborg, (Lectures about Globalisation, Conflict Resolution and Project Work) 2006-04
Visiting lecturer in Culture Project Management at Kulturverkstan,
 Group Dynamics, Conflicts & Democracy
Main tutor for the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency,
SIDA (Organized by Padrigu, University of Gothenburg)
 Masters thesis’ course in Development Studies
LECTURING AND CONSULTING (Swedish organisations):
I have since 1986 done regular visiting lecturing, training or consultation for
various organisations in Sweden on e.g. Nonviolent Conflict Resolution,
Nonviolent Resistance or Global Social Movements.
So far it has been more than (complete list is available if requested):
19 universities or high schools,
23 folk high schools,
10 educational associations,
4 municipal schools,
6 political parties or trade unions,
8 media companies,
11 state/municipal institutions,
7 private companies,
54 NGOs or other voluntary organisations.
I am regularly giving shorter lectures or conduct consultations for NGOs as well as
universities abroad.
Keynote speaker, seminar on War on Terror, Minden, Germany
Lectured at Rutgers University, NJ, USA
Research seminar at University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
Workshop speaker at War Resisters’ International Conference, Israel
Workshop speaker at World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya
Keynote speaker, seminar on Peace & Conflict Research, Hamburg, Germany 2006
Keynote speaker, international conference on “Globalising Nonviolence”,
Paderborn, Germany
Keynote speaker, “Cultura de Paz y Reconciliación Juvenil”, Medellín,
Lectured one week for PhD-students at Department of Politics and
Public Administration, University of Madras, Chennai, India
Workshop speaker at World Social Forum, Mumbai, India
Key-note speaker, research seminar for the Arbeitsgruppe Gütekraft,
IFGK Essen, Germany
Keynote speaker, XIV Trobada de Barcelona on Peace Building &
Social Movements, Barcelona, Spain
Lectured one day each year at Nordic Centre for Journalists, Århus, Denmark
Consulting Election Peace Keeping, two days, youth NGOs, Nairobi, Kenya
Consulting, three days on Nonviolent resistance for Tibetan supporters and
activists, Oslo, Norway
Workshop speaker at World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Lectured one day at the University of Bogotá, Colombia
Consulting, two weeks for social movements on Conflict Theory, Colombia
Lectured one day at the Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Lectured one day at HM Prison Preston, Britain
Lectured one day for townships youth in Cape Town, South Africa
Consulting, one week for civil rights activists from Lithuania, a training for
trainers in Nonviolent Resistance, Landskrona, Sweden
Consulting, one week for environmental activists, Krakow, Poland
I have been director or administrator in several organizations, and, organized numerous
academic seminars, panels as well as conferences.
Subject Coordinator of Sociology unit, University West
Co-Convenor of Resistance Studies Panels at International Studies
Association (ISA): 2009 (NYC) and 2010 (New Orleans)
Deputy Director of Museion, University of Gothenburg (3 years)
Co-Founder and Coordinator, research network on “Resistance Studies”
Organizing e.g. 40+ Resistance Seminars (3 years)
Vice-Chair of the board of “people high school” FiA, Folkhögskolan i Angered 2005-2008
Director of the NGO school: Globalverkstan, Göteborg
Co-Founder and Coordinator of the Swedish research network on
Social Movement Studies
Board member of the “people high school” FiA, Folkhögskolan i Angered
Board member of the Peace and Development Department,
University of Gothenburg (during 2 years)
Chief Organiser of the one week international movement conference
Nyårsträffen Hopp & Motstånd
Co-founder and Coordinator of the Swedish research network on
nonviolent resistance
Co-Director of the conflict consultancy company Rabalder Utbildningar
Co-Director of the movement education office Omega Forum
(with five employees)
Administration officer, the German office of Grassroots Movements
(Graswurzel Werkstatt, GWW Köln) (3 months)
Chief Editor, Plogbillen – Hopp & Motstånd (a magazine on nonviolence)
Administration officer, the Swedish office of Peace Movements (Fredsrådet)
Organiser in various environmental-, peace- and solidarity organisations
(e.g. The World Peace Conference 1986, Copenhagen and a
number of international movement conferences in
Germany and Sweden)
TRANSCEND, a global network of invited scholars-practitioners working for peace and
IPRA (International Peace Research Association) working group on Nonviolence
TFF Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
ISA International Studies Association
WRI War Resisters’ International, Council member (2006-)
English: Speaking, reading and writing excellent.
German: Speaking fair, reading good.
French: Understanding poor.
Swedish: Speaking, reading and writing excellent.