Summer 2010.qxp - Trinity High School


Summer 2010.qxp - Trinity High School
Tr i n i t y H i g h S c h o o l N e w s F o r A l u m n a e a n d F r i e n d s
Dr. Mary Ann Malone Malloy and her classmates,
Beth McBride and Mary Pat Bowler Berens.
Mary Agnes Lee Gebhardt ‘55, Marlene Tomaso
Bordignon ‘55 and Betty Sheridan Hansmann ‘55.
Trinity High School
7574 W. Division Street
River Forest, IL 60305
Main School Line
Special Events
Pat Ryan Liska ‘43, Jane Daley Clark ‘42 and
Michelle Germanson, O.P., President.
Barbara Carroll Riley ‘60 and Mickey Doherty ‘60
Lisa Becker Grimes ‘84 Gina Gagliardo
Novak ‘81 and Kathleen Costello Parrilli ‘82
Annie Hall ‘10 and
Mary Martino Hall ‘81.
Michelle Germanson, O.P.
M i c h e l l e
G e r m a n s o n ,
Antonia Bouillette, Ph.D.
Deborah Murphy
Assistant Principal/Dean of Students
Jill Watts
O . P .
Director of Finance
Christine Lee Bollettino ‘68
My Dear Friends,
We are winners!
We are the champions! We are Trinity!
Our Trinity Blazer softball team is the IHSA
State Runner-up, taking second place in the
state tournament. Oh, the teams they had to
beat to get there! Our softball team truly lives
the mission, the spirit of Trinity; they dared to
dream dreams, to stretch themselves beyond
their own imaginings! They were not quitters,
but determined, focused, committed young
women who made the impossible possible!
They believed in themselves; they believed in
each other! Yes, this is the essence of the Trinity
Remember when people told us back in the
nineties that we'd never survive? This past year
we had our highest enrollment since 1991!
When you have a great history, an awesome
product, as well as amazing tenacity to be the
best, why would we ever call it quits? We know
who we are, we love our mission, and we
believe we can make a difference in the young
women of today as well as tomorrow. Just as
we made a difference in your lives, so must we
come together as a community of believers to
make that imprint on today's young women. It
gives me pause when I hear someone say my
college made me who I am. Trinity was that
journey that shaped you during your
challenging adolescent years. We gave you the
tools to know yourself, and your unique gifts so
you could journey onward toward a fulfilling
Yes, we need you to come up to the plate and
partner with us so that we may continue to
empower young women. With your
partnership, we can win the game against all
odds. So often our alums/friends leave it to
someone else. You are that someone else!
Whatever you can offer will collectively give us
a win for women's education. Trust us -- we are
truly worth the investment! Remember that a
team is more than a group of individuals; it is
all of us working to gether for a common goal.
When you see Trinity continue to thrive you,
too, can take pride and say, “I have a part in
Trinity's victory!”
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Institutional Advancement
Cindy Cronin
Director of Special Events
Joanne Ferlito
Assistant Data Management
Mary Ann Hagerty
Coordinator of Grants and Corporate Giving
Marigayle Watts Harrington ‘78
Director of Alumnae/Annual Fund
LINK Editor
Frances Nolan
Executive Assistant to the President
Mary O’Hara Tansey ‘73
Co-Director of Marketing and Admissions
Norma Uscila
Director of Records & Research/Publications
LINK Layout
Patricia Ferlito Williams ‘87
Co-Director of Marketing and Admissions
Stay ever close to the heart, the mission, the
spirit of Trinity High School!
Letters/Upcoming Events
School News
Summer of Significance
Honor Roll of Donors
Alumnae “Giving Back”
Link Page 2
(S E E
Summer 2010
What’s News With You?
Marigayle Watts Harrington ‘78
Mon., August 30th
River Forest Country Club
Elmhurst, IL
Dear Fellow Alumnae and Friends,
I am in disbelief… I cannot believe I have been at Trinity for five years. It has truly been my
pleasure to work for an institution I believe so strongly in. The school is strong, vibrant and
academically successful; the students are inspiring and the alumnae are fantastic to work with! As
you read through this edition of The Link I know you, too, will be very proud of all that is
happening at Trinity.
We at Trinity are especially grateful to those who “give back”. Trinity would not be able to continue
its mission without the generosity of the pages and pages of donors listed in this edition of The
Link. As you will read, people give back not only monetarily but through their time and talents.
From the alums that help in the classrooms to those who work on their reunions to those who take
part in and support all of our events, we are extraordinarily grateful. If you have not "given back"
to Trinity, I ask you to please consider it; it truly benefits all of us.
I hope that you have a wonderful end to your summer and wish you much good health and
“Trinity our alma mater, we’ll be ever true to you...”
Kind regards,
Sun., Sept. 19th
Glen Eagles Country Club
Lemont, IL
Fri. Oct. 1st
Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres
and Sat., Oct. 2nd
Liturgy at Trinity followed by Lunch
at Oak Park Country Club
River Grove, IL
Support the proposed Health &
Fitness Center
Sun. Oct 3 9:00 - 11:00
Shopping - Appetizers and a cash
bar! What more can you ask for?
Don’t miss it! Call your friends.
Thurs., Oct. 7th 5:30-9:00 pm
Reunions provide a wonderful opportunity for classmates to reconnect. I find it amazing that no
matter how many years have passed, how many experiences our alumnae have gone through, the
minute they reunite at a reunion they are brought right back to their high school days (giggling
included)! It is my pleasure to be able to assist in planning and then witness these memorable
events. Reunions are far more successful if the classmates work together to contact one another and
get involved in the reunion planning.
Trinity provides a date for an all-school reunion (October 16th, 2010). A Mass is held in the
auditorium; tours of the school are given by the National Honor Society students, and a luncheon is
served in the cafeteria. The following classes have taken it upon themselves to arrange alternate
plans to make their reunion more personal:
Class of 1960 - 50th Reunion Weekend
Friday night cocktail party.
Saturday Liturgy in the Trinity Chapel,
tours of the school followed by a
luncheon at Oak Park Country Club.
Class of 1955 - Reunion Mass at Trinity, tours
of the school followed by a luncheon at Oak
Park Country Club.
The Class of 1960 Leadership Circle
has set a goal to raise $30,000 to
purchase a new elevator in the name
of their class!
Class of 1970 - Reunion Mass at Trinity, tours
of the school followed by a luncheon at
Francesca Fiore.
Class of 2000 - Reunion Mass at Trinity, tours
of the school followed by a boat cruise.
If you are a member of a class year ending in “5” or “0” and
would like to work on your reunion, please contact:
Marigayle Harrington at 708 453 8328 or email at .
Link Page 3
Summer 2010
Sat., Oct. 16th
Honoring Classes Ending in
“5” or “0”. However all alumnae
are invited.
Junior high girls and their families are
invited to tour Trinity
Sun., Oct. 17th, 1:00 pm
or Wed., Nov. 17th., 7:00 pm
All Alumnae, Parents and Friends are
invited. Held in the SMG Athletic Facility
Fri., Oct. 22nd 6:30-11:00 pm
Trinity Thespians present
“Bye Bye Birdie”
Fri. - Sun. Nov. 19-21
held in the Sister Michelle Germanson
Athletic Facility
Sat. Dec. 11th 9:00-11:00 am
Palm Springs, CA - Jan. 2011
Northern, FL - Feb. 16, 2011
Naples , FL- Feb. 21, 2011
For more information visit
academically talented Black American
high school students and provided
scholarships for 4,700 out of the
160,000 participants. We are pleased to
announce that Kamaria Price was
named one of these recipients.
From the Principal’s Desk
Antonia C. Bouillette, Ph.D.
Congratulations to Trinity seniors, Ivette Castro (left), attending the
University of Illinois in the fall, Bianca Lopez (middle), attending
Marquette University in the fall, and Alison Murray (right),
attending Northwestern University in the fall, for receiving the
prestigious "Chick" Evans Scholarship.
O F T H E C LASS O F 2010
Siliunas (left). Andreja will attend the College of Wooster and
study Social Work and Art.
The SALUTATORIAN OF THE CLASS OF 2010 is Alison Murray
(right). Alison is heading off to Northwestern and will major in
We wish these hard working alumnae great success!
Ariel Gonzalez, is among one
hundred outstanding Illinois high
school students named as Golden
Apple Scholars of Illinois Class of 2010
by the Golden Apple Foundation, the
largest pre-service teacher-support
program in the nation.
This is a tremendous and notable
achievement for an Illinois student. The Golden Apple Scholars of
Illinois is a highly competitive program that seeks the best and
brightest of Illinois youth interested in a teaching career. Those
selected receive advanced teacher preparation through Summer
Institutes that give them early practice and exposure to the art of
teaching and financial assistance for college.
Ariel’s essay, written about a teacher who influenced her was
written about Mrs. Sheila Scott. Ariel, who portrayed Annie in the
fall production of “Annie”, and is also a member the the
LeRegazze Choir, has shared her beautiful voice and talents with
Trinity for four years.
Link Page 4
On Friday, November 6, 2009 the entire
Trinity community gathered to celebrate
the founder of the Sinsinawa Dominican
Sisters, Father Samuel Mazzuchelli, O.P.
announcement of the Founders' Day
Award recipient, awarded to a senior
who exemplifies the traits of Father
Samuel: service, Christian values, and an exemplary attitude and
behavior. Emily Kurtenbach was honored with this year’s award.
The Michele Whitehead leadership
award is given to an elected senior
officer who embodies the legacy of the
sixteenth principal of Trinity High School.
This senior, like Mrs. Michele
Whitehead, makes the advancement
and well being of the Trinity community
her first priority. She leads by example,
she is reflective in her practice, she
motivates others through her compassionate nature, and she
graces the community with her confident presence. This year's
recipient is Danielle DuBois.
Danielle was also nominated by her classmates for the Christian
Womanhood Award. This award is bestowed each year on a
senior who best exemplifies the values of Jesus as well as his
mother Mary as she lives them out in her life at Trinity. She iis a
person of service who is kind, caring as well as thoughtful to
others. She is a person of living faith! Danielle spent the summer
as a camp counselor at our Junior Blazers Summer Camp for four
weeks then attended a service trip to Detroit where she was a
young adult leader. She will be attending the University of
Michigan in the fall where she will study pre-med.
Summer 2010
Margaret Miller was the first place
winner in the “Dividends for Life” Essay
Contest. The contest was sponsored by
the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of
Catholic Schools of Cook and Lake
Counties in partnership with Catholic
New World, the newspaper for the
Archdiocese of Chicago. Margaret was
awarded $1,000 and her essay will be
published in an upcoming issue of the Catholic New World.
Congratulations to
sophomore, Catherine
Busam, first place winner in
this year’s Optimist Club
Oratorical Contest held in
Oak Park, IL on March 10,
2010. The topic each
contestant addressed was
“Cyber Communication:
Progress or Problem”.
Named for Cindy Romano ‘77, Campus
Minister at Trinity 1991-99, is given to a
sophomore or junior at Trinity whose faith
gives direction to her life and integrates
service as a part of her life. This year’s award
went to junior, Theoni Richardson.
By Kristin Peterson, Dominican University
Dominican University has awarded 33 Trinity High School students
with certificates for a tuition-free college-level class at Dominican
this summer. The students, all of whom have a GPA of 3.75 or
higher, were recognized as Trinity-Dominican Scholars during a
program held at the university on Monday, February 22.
Dominican University and Trinity High School launched the
collaborative Trinity-Dominican Scholars program in 2007 in
recognition of their shared Dominican mission and to advance the
educational opportunities of academically talented Trinity students.
Through the program, Trinity students can get a head start on their
college careers by taking tuition-free classes, be granted early
admission to the university, and be awarded a $2,500 scholarship
each year for up to four years. Trinity-Dominican Scholars may
also participate in joint service projects with Dominican students
and have full access to the university’s extensive library resources.
Congratulations to Trinity senior Dana
Nolan who was honored Friday, March
19th by the West Suburban Art League
for her artwork entitled “Pieces of Me”,
a photomontage portrait inspired by
contemporary artist Cindy Sherman.
Dana will be studying at Dominican
University this fall.
Each year administors choose two art pieces created by seniors.
The art selected is proudly displayed in the school.
Pictured left.
or Destruction;
Landscape’ in
acrylic by
The 2010 Trinity-Dominican Scholars include: Tiffany Alvarado,
Katherine Ball, Meagan Bura, Francesca Chimera, Kamarri
Chruciel, Danielle Cinkues, Analisa Concepcion, Maureen
Conneely, Dana Dahhan, Catherine Figura, Sarah Flaherty,
Christina Francisco, Britta Jacob, Leigh Ann Jandrist, Claire
Jaster, Erica Johnson, Laura Laszkiewicz, Stephanie Luviano,
Emily Martinez, Hannah McDonald, Rebecca Mendoza, Jani
Mikel, Julia Murphy, Elizabeth Pasquini, Darcy Peters, Theoni
Richardson, Nancy Samatas, Sarah Schmidt, Samantha
Szykowny, Maya Theus, and Rhea Torresso.
S CHOLARSHIP is awarded to the editor of the yearbook for the
Pictured right: “Breaking
Out” in mixed media”
by Andreja Siliunas.
2010-2011 school year. The award is given in the name of Mrs.
Brady, Class of 1940 and editor of the 1940 Yearbook. This year’s
award was given to junior, Britta Jacob. We are grateful to Triss
Brady Meyers ‘67 who maintains this award.
Link Page 5
Summer 2010
This impressive group of students earned over $10.1 million in academic scholarships. Once
again 100% of our graduates will continue their education.
Elizabeth Albert
• 100% of our graduates will
continue their education!
• 17% of the class are Illinois
State Scholars
• One National Merit
Commended Student
• 82% of the 130 graduates
of the class of 2010 received
over $10.1 million dollars in
academic scholarships
• 3 "Chick" Evans Scholars
• 1 Golden Apple Scholar
• 3 full tuition athletic
• 98% IB passing rate
• 49 IB certificate students
• 19 full diploma IB students
• Sampling of Colleges and
Universities the Class of 2010
will be attending:
Brown University
College of Wooster
Columbia College
DePaul University
Dominican University
Fordham University
Georgetown University
Loyola University
Marquette University
Northwestern University
Spring Hill College
Syracuse University
University of Alabama- Huntsville
University of Illinois UrbanaChampagne
University of Iowa
University of Michigan
and many others…
Sophie Amado * +
Catherine Amaro
Julia Anderson *
Erin Asta +
Cristina Aviles
Byanca Avitia * +
Olinda Ayala *
Stephanie Ayala *
Ann Babbington *
Chelsea Balesh *
Kleo Barnes *
Alexandria Bell *
Clair Belmonte * +
Magdalena Bierma * +
Katherine Blonski *
Hallie Bonk
Erin Brady *
Caitlin Calcagno * +
Vivian Castellanos * +
Ivette Castro *
Jessica Chappell +
Lauren Chin
Katryna Ciurlionis *
Briana Collins * +
Bridget Connolly *
Courtney Connolly * +
Tatiana Cooper *
Stephanie Corral
Danielle Cruz *
Claire Cusack * +
Alexandra DeLaPiedra *
Dana Dengler *
Claire DiGirolamo * +
Talicia Drink
Danielle DuBois *
Laura Eichenold * +
Sarah Elpayaa *
Stephanie Figueroa * +
Elizabeth Froelich * +
Katherine Fruehling * +
Jennifer Gallagher
Samantha Gay *
Gabrielle Gebien * +
Christie Giudice *
Taylor Golden *
Ariel Gonzalez * +
Micaella Gonzalez
Anna Grabowy * +
Carina Guerrero
Rosario Gutierrez +
Anna Hall *
Margaret Harrington * +
Julie Hartney *
Lauren Hoffman * +
Katherine Hoffmeister * +
Caroline Ibarra
Paige Immordino *
Allison Javorka *
Emma Jolliff-Blake * +
Victoria Juran * +
Nicole Keating* +
Emily Kurtenbach *
Karina LaBarbera * +
Amanda Lamacki *
Emma Lang
Elise LeCoure *
Meaghan Lee *
Sarah Lentes *
Bianca Lopez *
Melanie Lowe * +
Vivian Lozano +
Clarissa Lugo * +
Patricia Lyle *
Natasha Mables *
Britanne Maddox * +
Becca Madormo * +
Bianca Manzo +
Alicia Marchetti *
Jacqueline Marciel * +
Andrea Massey *
Colleen McDonald
Bianca Medina * +
Samantha Michelli
Belinda Miller *
Margaret Miller * +
Molly Mitchell *
Alison Murray *
Tiffany Negron * +
Jaime Neidenbach * +
Denise Nelson *
Dana Nolan * +
Tronice Norman *
Amanda Nunez *
Kristen Oggerino *
Wendy Ortega
Olivia Pacini *
Francesca Paterno *
Kamaria Price * +
Yarina Pylypiv *
Amanda Ramirez * +
Vanessa Ramos * +
Jessica Rubin *
Shanna Sadah +
Samantha Sanchez +
Annamarie Savio * +
Lauren Serrano
Andreja Siliunas *
Jessica Stack
Olena Stasula *
Paige Stewart * +
Shayna Stone *
Emily Stranski * +
Samantha Strok
Kristine Stutz
Virginia Susa *
Stephanie Swiecicki *
Katherine Szewc * +
Shanitra Tate *
Thea Thommen
Victoria Valde *
Ashley Valdez * +
Shelby Vcelka *
Janelle Wazorick *
Emily Wessell *
Stephanie White
Braunz Williams
Kimberly Wilson *
Erin Wind * +
Alicia Zyburt *
denotes Full IB Diploma Candidate +denotes IB Certificate Recipient *denotes scholarship award recipient
Link Page 6
Summer 2010
Each year the Mother’s Club of Trinity High School invite seniors and their mothers to join together for a wonderful luncheon. Senior
officers address the group with grace and humor. It is a day that will not be forgotten by the attendees.
Alumnae with their senior daughters pose together at the Mother Daughter Luncheon.
Back row: Gina Staten Brabham ‘88 with daughter Shelby Vcelka. Shelby will attend the University of Alabama-Huntsville and
Gina works for a mental health facility. Sabrina Bassi LaBarbera ‘84 and daughter Karina LaBarbera , (grandaughter of
Maria Sciacqua Bassi ‘59, not pictured). Karina will attend the University of Iowa and Sabrina is a director for Belmont Funeral
Home. Marisa Romeo Manzo ‘82 with daughter Bianca Manzo. Bianca will attend Columbia. Nancy Montroy ‘78 and
daughter Claire Cusack (grandaughter of Pat Bates Montroy ‘50, not pictured). Nancy is an attorney and Claire is heading off
to Marquette University. Mary Martino Hall ‘81 and daughter Annie Hall (grandaughter of Marie Pecora Martino ‘52, not
pictured). Mary is an office administrator and Annie will attend St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame. Margaret Supina Michelli ‘78
with daughter Samantha Michelli. Margaret is currently working on her college degree and Sam will attend Triton College. Joan
Eder Lang ‘79 and daughter Emma Lang. Joan is an account coordinator and Emma will attend Triton College. Laura Eichenold
and her mother Maureen McGinnis Eichenold ‘72 and aunt, Jeannine Eichenold Schorn '80, Laura will head off to the
University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Maureen is an administrator for Dolan and Associates and Jeannine has recently retired from
banking and is enjoying life.
Seated: Peggy Harrington daughter of Mairgayle Watts Harrington ‘78. Peggy is heading off to Marquette University and
Marigayle is Trinity’s alumnae director. Kristine Stutz daughter of Denise Ryan Stutz ‘82. Kristi will attend Triton College and
Denise is an office manager. Sarah Lentes daughter of Anne Donegan Lentes ‘75. Sarah will attend Marquette University and
Anne is a realtor.
After forty-three years of teaching at Trinity, Mrs. Sheila Scott retired at the end of
this school year. A pioneer in the IB English program, Mrs. Scott also taught Speech
and Dance through the years. We will miss her wisdom and warmth and wish her
happy days as she pursues her diverse interests. Also retiring after over twenty years
is senior counselor Mrs. Diana Pascarella. Her supportive role and unflinching
dedication served Trinity's graduating students well. We bid adieu to these wonderful
ladies who enriched our Trinity family and wish
them much happiness and fulfillment!
Pictured left: Diana Pascarella.
If you would like to send any well wishes to these
two teachers, send them to their attention in care of
Trinity High School, 7574 West Division,
River Forest, IL 60305.
Sheila Scott, Rose Crnkovich and Barbara Mezyk.
Link Page 7
Summer 2010
An Interview With Maki
Maki Kishimoto, applied for and was chosen to be a
foreign exchange student by her local Rotary. Oak Park/
River Forest Rotary working with Rotary International chose
Maki to come and stay with volunteer host families in the
Oak Park/River Forest area. Trinity graciously sponsored
Maki's education. Maki, a 17 year old senior at Senzoku
Gaken High School in Kawaski Japan was thrilled to
attend an all-girls' school outside of Chicago. Rotary
International is the largest international exchange
program in the world.
First impression of Chicago? I thought it was really cool. I
loved the buildings and Chicago pizza!
How did you survive the Chicago Winter? Luckily, I
purchased a warm North Face winter coat and a pair of UGG
boots! I really was able to enjoy the winter! I learned how to ski at
Alpine Valley! Christmas was definitely the most beautiful seasonseeing snow all over and listening to Christmas songs was the
most beautiful thing I ever experienced!
First impression of Trinity? I was confused.
Favorite class and teacher? I loved everything and
everyone! The classes were awesome and the teachers were nice
and sweet!
Favorite memory of Trinity? Lunch period was always so
much fun and I will never forget Spirit week; it was crazy and fun!
My lunch table.
What will you miss
most about Trinity?
The girls I ate lunch with
everyday, my friends and
my great teachers!
What will you miss most about the United
States? I will miss my friends and my wonderful host families. It
was so great to have an opportunity to get to know them. I want
to especially thank the Kurtenbachs and the Rauhs for hosting me.
What are you most excited about
seeing/doing/eating when you get home? I am so
excited to see my Mom and Dad and my sister Rie. I am also
excited to see my best friends. I cannot wait to eat Japanese foods
that my mother will cook!
TH E H O N O R S S CHOLARSHIP is given to two students who
have a superior score on the entrance exam. The recipients are:
Lindsay Dodovich from St. Bartholomew School and Michela
Williams from St. Vincent Ferrer School, daughter of Patti
Ferlito Williams ‘87.
awarded to students from our neighboring Dominican schools.
These students displayed qualities of leadership, character, and
service and have been recommended by their principals. This
year's scholarship recipients are: Claire Hasley from St Giles
School, Katherine Hazen from St. Luke School, and Alexandra
Lister from St Vincent Ferrer School.
is awarded to the daughter or grandaughter of an alumna and is
a graduate of a Catholic elementary school and shows academic
promise. This year’s recipient is Keyana Latimer from St. Giles
School daughter of Larisa Paschal Latimer ‘85.
This Scholarship is awarded by the Trinity High School Mother's
Club to an incoming freshman of academic promise. This year's
awardee is Margot Doppes from Roosevelt Middle School.
Incoming Scholars - Class of 2014
Awarded to incoming freshmen who have strong academic
standing and have exhibited exemplary service and leadership.
The recipients are: Sarah Burke – St. Thecla, Clare Fairbanks
– St. Celestine, Rebecca Flaherty – St Peter the Apostle, Claire
Hasley – St. Giles, Alexandra Hayworth – Walther Academy,
Danielle Lovero – St. Mary ( Riverside), Gabriela Montesinos
– Home Schooled, Erin O’Leary – Ascension, and Mary Kate
Whiteside – Immaculate Conception, daughter of Sharon
Masterson Whiteside ‘88.
Link Page 8
Summer 2010
A L A B A M A - HUNTSVILLE. Shelby Vcelka, daughter of Gina
Staten Brabham ‘88, has committed to
playing volleyball with the UAH
Chargers. She is a very gifted student
athlete having received numerous
awards and honors.
Among her accomplishments, Shelby
was a member of the 3-time Illinois High
School Association (IHSA) Regional
Championship Team (2007, 2008, 2009). She was also a
member of the IHSA Sectional Championship squad in 2007. She
earned the Girl's Catholic Athletic Conference (GCAC) Red
Division All-Conference Award and GCAC All-Academic Team
honors in 2009. Shelby is a full IB student and will be in pre-med
at the University of Alabama - Huntsville.
Trinity’s Basketball Team made it to
the super sectionals!! Trinity loaded
up their buses full of fans dressed in
blue and white to cheer on the
Blazers at Loyola University for the
basketball super sectionals!!
Although the game did not turn out
in our favor, the fan support was
A THLETE A W A R D went to Vivi
Castellanos. Vivi played and excelled in
three sports: Volleyball, Basketball and
Softball. She will be attending the
Universtiy of Illinois - UrbanaChampaign, where she received five
awards and scholarships. She is a
preferred walk on to the University of
Illinois-Urbana Softball Team and was named the 2010
Doings/Pioneer Press West Player of the Year as well as their 200910 Scholar-Athlete. Some of her accomplishments while at Trinity
were: Dominican Scholar, President’s Education Award, National
Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Art Honor Society,
Blazer of the Month, Archdiocesan Vicariate IV Award for Prayer
and Worship, and first honors all four years. Vivi’s sports
participation and awards include: Volleyball JV/Varsity (4 years),
Basketball JV/V (3 years), Softball JV/V (4 years); where she broke
several state records. Other clubs and activities included:
Ambassador Leader, Eucharistic Minister, Diversity Club, Art Club,
Peer tutor. Vivi truly made the most of her high school years!
For the first time in Trinity's history the softball team went downstate
and placed Second in the 3A state championship!! Laura
Eichenold ‘10 (daughter of Maureen McGinnis Eichenold ‘72),
told a reporter, “I am so proud of everybody. We wanted it this year
and we had a lot of heart!" Laura, who fought back from a serious
hand injury, was able to play in the championship game.
The team proudly boasts the following stats:
• Season record of 33-5 (The most wins in THS history!)
• Second place in the state for homeruns (50)
• First all girls school to go downstate in softball
• All time State records for:
- All tournament homerun record (3)
- 3A record for runs (9)
- 3A record for RBI's (7)
• All time school records for:
- most wins in THS history
- most stolen bases (119)
- most hits (505) - most runs (354)
- most RBI’s (319)
- broke team batting average (446)
• The team consisted of:
4 seniors, 4 juniors, 5 sophomores and 4 freshmen
The team is young and driven; it is no doubt
they will be back downstate next year!
Link Page 9
Summer 2010
Trinity's Summer Camp was another huge sucess this year! Over two hundred
young women ages 5 - 14 participated in 20 different academic and athletic
camps, including the second year of Junior Blazers. The girls created beautiful
masterpieces, tapped into their inner drama queen, analyzed crime scenes,
conditioned their bodies, expressed their inner vision, but most of all spent quality
time with other young women in an environment where they can be themselves
and experience a "Summer of Significance." Trinity Alumnae must remember those special years
at Trinity. We are proud to say that over 35% of our camp participants were daughters of
alumnae. The girls traveled from not only the Chicago metropolitan area, but as far as Virginia!
Anna Alisius Bolton ‘88 sent her two daughters, Audrey and Olivia, (pictured right) on a plane
to visit grandma and attend the Trinity Junior Blazers Camp!
The Junior Blazers Summer Camp just wrapped up another successful summer of fun. This year the Junior Blazer themed days included
"Take Me Out to the Ballgame Day", "Western Day", "Halloween in June" and the "Junior Blazer Olympics". The Junior Blazers spent a
great deal of time in Trinity's art studio painting ceramic flower pots and planting beautiful begonias, puffy painting camp bags, frosting
sheet cakes, decorating foam visors for a mini golf outing and collaborating on the composition of two beautiful murals which served
as backdrops for photos during our Farewell cookout. In addition to travelling to Haunted Trails for a round of mini-golf, the Junior
Blazers boarded the Trinity bus for trips to the Lake Street Theater for a movie and popcorn, the Hal Tyrell Trailside Museum for a guided
tour and nature hike and Pump It Up for an afternoon of bouncing and rock wall climbing. A new addition to this year's schedule was
"Junior Blazers Give Back Day" during which campers explored issues surrounding homelessness, pediatric cancer and the health and
well being of seniors in assisted living. By the end of the day, campers collaborated to fashion "no sew" fleece blankets for children
hospitalized with cancer, to make sack lunches with personalized notes and drawings for the clients of the Lincoln Park Community
Shelter and to create canvas paintings for lonely residents of the British Home. It was a busy and fun-filled summer for all of this year's
Junior Blazers. Many memories and friendships were created throughout the four weeks. I would personally like to thank this year's Junior
Blazers for their infectious enthusiam, their daily display of compassion to those in need both within camp and beyond the walls of Trinity,
their unabounding curiosity, and their love of learning. I can't wait to see you all back in June of 2011 for another summer of Junior
Blazer adventures. We are Trinity!
“My six-year old did all four weeks of this camp and absolutely loved it. The picture shows the “no-sew” blankets
(pictured below, center) the campers made for the oncology patients at the hospital. The program was superb and
Susie, the camp director, was amazing! We are definitely signing up again next summer.” said, Gerri Foran
Humbert ‘85.
Link Page 10
Summer 2010
Christine Lee Bollettino ‘68
Dear Alumnae and Friends,
In this summer issue, Trinity celebrates and shares so many high points of the year, including the tremendous impact made as a result
of you, giving back: generously gifting your time, special talents, and evident on these following pages, your monetary support!
One of the highpoints I experienced and celebrate was participating in focus groups with the Class of 2010 during the last weeks of
their senior year! (I am sure some are envious this experience was not an opportunity before their graduation!!!) At the conclusion of
these insightful sessions I was truly affirmed by what powerful and prepared young women they are and then reflected.
What if ... they had not been blessed with the spiritual guidance that is the daily mission of Trinity
… they were not able to participate and intellectually excel in this premier academic curriculum
… their athletic and artistic talents had not been identified and enhanced
… their self confidence had not been challenged and then bolstered by their leadership opportunities
… they had not laughed, cried and grown with their classmates, developing lifelong friendships
… they had not learned to be so giving through a multitude of service projects
… they do comprehend how vital alumnae support was in their four year education
... As alumnae, they look in the rear view mirror, realize the fine woman they have become, and pay forward to positively impact
the experience for another Trinity student?
What if …
Our sincere gratitude for the benevolence of our donors. We sincerely thank you for your support.
(Donors recognized are from July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010.)
Bernadette Connelly
Estate of Virginia Burke Gearen
Marie O'Keefe Schiewe
Estate of Lillian Banahan
Laurette Higgins Heinz
Margaret Horwath Berman
Rita Grieco Bold
Mary Edna Torney Dailey
Jeannette Fogarty Russell
Blanche Cenek Vedral
Lorraine Svoboda Welch
Mary Jane Vaughan DeWan
Elaine Forrest
Mary Fran Sackley McCarthy
Marie Bachner Miller
Gertrude Daley Moran
Virginia Roman Thomas
Harriet Kruppenbacher
Mary Duggan Philbin
Virginia Cossmann Quirk
Virginia Roche Rossi
Betty Kennedy Sandeen
Patricia Hosty Donoghue
Marian Michels Donovan
Eleanor Hrody
Elaine Cicero Kolovitz
Eleanor Capilupo Montgomery
Marijo Martin O'Brien
Loretta O'Dowd
Rita Jones Platt
Margaret Byrne Rateau
Rosemary Strening Rogers
Loretta O'Mara Walsh
Link Page 11
Valerie Ryan Carlin
the late Rita Quinn Cunningham
Helen Winter Davy
Nancy Corbett Dillon
Mary Florence Routson Finedore
Marilu Flanagan Matre
Margaret O'Connell
Mary Davy Prochaska
Florence Read Seery
Jean Drallmeier Wadman
Mary Kiley Bowman
Jane Daley Clark
Helen McSweeney Goggin
Anne Cox Harmon
Marilyn Keeley Johnson
Helen Grady McAndrews
Colette Magner McNichols
Katherine Coughlin Bracco
Joan Clark Cassaday
Summer 2010
Anna Marie Fahey Cyr
Lorna Hill Folk
Louise Geis Frett
Mary Joan Weitzel Hennessy
Joan Cummings Hickey
Valerie Layman Kelly
Patricia Ryan Liska
Therese Furlong Molony
Mary Ellen Ryan O'Hara
Geraldine Morrissey Redmond
Harriette Strening Reedy
Betty Mahoney Robinson
Barbara Kennedy Walsh
Rita Jean Hayes Anderson
Margery Cross Buckingham
Mary Louise Burke Burns
Kathleen Hudson Callahan
Kathryn Dooley Dunn
Dolores Shaunessy Fleming
Rose Marie Franklin MM
Peggy O'Neill Gawne
Rita Domas McCabe
Thonk you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Jean Halm McKenney
Ruth Hanson Michael
Lila Chenal Milford
Gloria Trucco Moroni
Shirley Siebengartner Murray
Mary Feeley Ostrem
Rosa Rauth O.P.
Mary Brady Ryan
Marilyn Mooney Trainor
Claire Daley Archibald
Rose Marie Torraco Baldo
Annette Scardine Bondelli
Patricia Campbell
Frances Conway
Claire Cusack Cronin
Joan Crowley Cusack
Doris Gillen
Rosemarie Stanke Hansen
Geraldine Sagehorn Johnson
Marianne Skriba Koys
Mary McGinnis Lynch
Joan Perry Mix
Jean Murray O.P.
Lorraine Kerr Nettleton
Marie Kroger O'Donoghue
Mary Lou Hannagan Sarver
Marilyn McNamara Schaub
Mary Eileen Scully O.P.
Geraldine Paoli Sullivan
Rosemarie Brady Sullivan
Marjorie Valleau
Joan Riley Bowes
Geraldine Hanley Brennock
Jean Holmberg Brokamp
Marilyn Tyrrell Carrigan
Marjorie McKeon Digan
Jane Dailey Dunne
Doris Grant Fanning
Jean Hackett Finn
Mary Jo Walpole Hannon
Marie McGinty Hansen
Marilyn Salmon James
Barbara Aird Jordan
Jeanne Hopkinson Kevil
Elizabeth Klug Leonard-Rould
Laurene McKirnan
Marilyn Healy McNichols
Catherine Meyering O.P.
Mary Ellen Farah Miezwa
Rose Fahey Perry
Agnes Tierney Prindiville
Rita Winter Rogers
Norine Kresich Slott
Joan Cahill Stephens
Mary Dempsey Sullivan
Veronica Fitzmaurice Watts
Blanche Foley Antonello
Marianne Reeb Brooker
Rita Kelly Brown
Joan Cain Ph.D.
June Wright Canty
Joan Jacobson Cella
Joan Lawley Dunne
Marynoel Gubbins Durkin
Barbara O'Reilly Gleason
Ethel Casey Grobe
Alice Malloy Gyuran
Florence Phelan Higgins
Barbara Kelly
Marianne Moore Kelly
Mary Agnes Condon Kelty
Elwyn McHale O.P.
Anastasia McNichols O.P.
Mary Mlady Murphy
Mary Jeanne Crane Novak
Dorothy Haley Ogdon
Mary Perkins O.P.
Kathleen Auer Powers
Mary Jean McMahon Rigali
Dorothea Feeley Smith
Winifred Maher Strueber
Laurie McCawley Van Tassel
Rosemary White
Jeanne O'Reilly-Jersey
Donna Ginocchio Piegore
Maureen Sammon Quinn
Nancy MacGillis Remick
Emma Orrico Ricchio
Mary Therese Mullins Rigali
Geraldine Eberhardt Santelli
Rosemary Kinsella Schmiedeler
Ellen Shea Shiels
Lynn Kingsbury Specht
Jeanne Rambaud Swiatowiec
Nancy Higgins Theisen
Marilyn McQuinn Tyznik
Concetta Varco Vacco
Jeanne Cusack Walsh
Josephine Dooley Blaber
Celeste Kroger Bonin
Betty Jean Murphy Breen
Patricia Hayman Brogan
Virginia Brizzolara Canning
Rosemary Cowan Conroy
Dorothy Ann Shields De Spain
Dolores Staehle Dom
Marilyn McSweeney Dorsch
Gloria Swanson Dunne
Mary Ann Powell Hannon
Irene Mattion Hurley
Margaret O'Day Kendler
Joan Strening Kipp
Joyce Madden Lennon
Mary Raymond Marcucci
Joan Fitzgerald Morgan
Beatrice Romano Nicolau
Joan Callaghan O'Brien
Zita Baubkus Petroski
Mary Jane Zito Smith
Bernice Fogarty Sullivan
Audrey Reeb Walsh
Teesie Kelly Weston
Colette Malecki Wheeler
Barbara Young Zidek
Joanne Weichbrod Anderson
Dolores Martinello Boveri
Edith Richards Clark
the late Joan Mallon Coughlin
Camille Grydyk Demos
Mary Pat Kennedy Donahugh
Margaret Chestnut Fasano
Jacqueline Heirens Henry
Katheleen Thorne Higgins
Loretta Mulvaney King
Carol Kelliher Kirk
Nancy McCarron Mc Gee
Virginia Zymali McHugh
Marjorie Viola McLain
Patricia Bates Montroy
Eileen Pare
Carol Giles Parrillo
Joan Scheve Raney
Barbara Ann Grimm Ries
Patricia Twombly Rossow
Joanne James Russell
Betty Lou Staehle Smith
Joan Basse Solberg
Claire Sansone Storto
Maureen Buckley Toner
Martha Schindler Tuohy
Eleanor Finnegan Warzoha
Mary Carol Kernan Willsey
Angela Russo Amberg
Jeanne Leuthesser Bertaut
Elizabeth Bertucci
Catherine Smith Blattner
Barbara Brault MD
Carol Cunningham Cain-Ruth
Mary Gies Commins
Betty Morris Curley
Barbara Hennigan Drain
Margaret Gladstone Dwyer
Margaret McGovern Edwards
Frances Quinn Gibbons
Dorothy Hannagan Gibson
Loretta Slawinski Gildo
Marion Cotter Glassman
Francine DiCostanzo Gorman
Eileen Mooney Healy
Joan Santen Holland
Patricia Lasar
Margaret McAllister Lattner
Marilyn Lawley
Nancy Knowles Leban
Joan Daley Lee
Bernadette Curry Lowum
Joan Grafer Lurie
Mary Ann Otto McCullough
Mary Eileen Dougherty Mullins
Mary Knowles Neubauer
Juleann Moylan Nolan
Link Page 12
Suzanne Carroll Beeman
Lois Lyon Brennan
Maureen Delargy Brutto
Patricia Chase Budo
Joan Carpenter Carstens
Virginia Tully Cavanagh
Patricia Toomey Clark
Rosemary Condon Conway
JoAnne Campagna Cosentino
Catherine Kenney Frey
Beryl Kinner Garbrecht
Colette Jordan Garippo
Carole Lavezzorio Gates
Edith Cella Gaumond
Suzanne Morrissey Gaumond
Marie Ciabattoni Grassick
Abigail Conmy Hafner
Suzanne Burns Hanley
Corinne O'Brien James
Joanne Gagliardo Kelly
Diane Kennedy O.P.
Mary Patricia Anderson Lahtinen
Lois Pope Malcak
Margaret Houha Mlady
Carol Gibbons Murphy
Jeanne O'Connor
Mary Ellen Cullen Phillips
Summer 2010
Ellen Kernan Powers
Sylvia Manzo Roderer
Joanne Hannagan Rouse
Catherine Spinner Ryan
Joan Jackson Schwartz
Patricia Bauer Stoeber
Suzanne Dayton Tracy
Grace Dougherty Wisdom
Maureen Fuller Barnicle
Claudette Peyrebrune Barrett
Maryjeanne Ryan Burke
Patricia Caraher O.P.
Maureen McGrath Carey
Denyse Brown Cedarburg
Myrtle Elder Ciesla
Patricia Sprafka Condon
Adele Nardi Danzo
Ellen Dee Dattilo
Lea Daudelin
Virginia Long Hagerty
Barbara Coffey Houda
Mary Dahm Kearney
Mary Kay Shanahan Kennedy
Jacqueline Keogh
Peggy Sweeney Kocar
Joan Mitchell Kuhn
Lucy Blume Lane
Joann Flynn LaPorte
Margaret McNichols Little
Nancy Brizzolara Lorenz
Carol Malloy Madigan
Virginia Ryan Maier
Mary Therese O'Brien McMahon
Roberta Metz
Mary Lou Gentle Morrissy
Arlene O'Brien
Margaret Barrett O'Neill
Mary Alice Parsons
Patricia Mullins Pinter
Jeanne Bromann Regan
Mary Fitzpatrick Richardson
Nancy Marks Riley
Nancy Fiedler Ryan
Ann Fitzgibbon Smith
Ann Sweeney Sullivan
Barbara Meiers Sullivan
Frances Brennan Sullivan
Mary Carey Swift
Marcella Melloan Szpak
Barbara Forrest Vignola
Mary Lou Reedy Ahlering
Mary Lou Vainisi Alfini
Ella Osweiler Barker
Patricia McCabe Bartusek
Margot Bauer Bauer
Bernadine Kunkel Bedingfield
Barbara Bonner Bonner
Sarah Anne Cahill Brennan
Barbara O'Donnell Bright
Mary Gwen Williams Brinkman
Margaret Mary Smith Broucek
Carolyn Kelley Burke
Margaret Kearin Carey
Nancy Cook Carson
Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund
Eileen Flood Cocco
Sarina Varco Conmy
Mary Healy Conrad
Joan Smith Costello
Joan Carroll Davis
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Patricia Egan Day
Alice Moriarty Durocher
Mary Gladys Turner Enderle
Patricia Egan Faley
Loretta Gawne Gillen
Judith McDermott Henderson
Donna Kalb Herbst
Ruth Keefe Herman
Nancy Zalewski Hilbert
Patricia Montalbano Hugar
Mary Lou Corrigan Just
Alice Quinn Kalafut
Kathryn Welch Konrad
Joan Krueger Krueger
Barbara Anderson Laper
Helen Gilligan LaViolette
Dee Kiley LeFevour
Ann Lee Tyler Levitt
Carol Lord-Evans
Janet O'Connell McCue
Jackie Reeb McGill
Janet Cormack Miller
Mary Saigh O'Donnell
Linda Moretti Ojemann MD
Margaret Doherty O'Keefe
Joan Tyne O'Rourke
Patricia Smith Parish
Joy Ann Amidei Payne
Katherine Perry
Lois Steenhausen Poehlmann
Roberta Ivins Rigali
Donna Daly Ryan
Mary Alice Scanlon Ryan
Mary Shannon Ed.D.
Adrienne Darovic Smith
Jane Mannion Sullivan
Marie Valleau
Donna McGann Weber
Anne McDonald Weisskopf
Elizabeth Reuland Welch
Rosemary Andrew
Joy Ann Barth
Nancy Doherty Bidwill
Janet Proteau Bonnike
Maureen Kelly Bransfield
Flora Losacco Breidenbach Ph.D.
Mary Alice Brennan
Joan Brichacek O.P.
Nancy Sheridan Burke
Judith Butler
Arlene Celano Chiaro
Judith Pape Clark
Ann Sullivan Devereux
Francine Korte Devitt
Margaret Egan
Arlene Anderman Fanning
Sheila Jones Ferrari
Mary Anne Cormack Fitzpatrick
Louise Siller Florian Ed.D.
Ann Fagan Frederking
Susanne Gibbons
Maggie Kelly Glimco
Violet Rudis Grabow
Sandra Meyer Groddy
Mary Pat Dolan Handrigan
Clara Reckamp Harris
Joan Drymalski Heuel
Veronica Hanley Joslin
Maureen Connerty Krause
Darlene Delargy Limber
Margaret Ahern Lorr
Felice Mooney Madda
Marlene Mueller Marggraf
Joanne Duffy May
Nora Mahoney McGuinness Ph.D.
Kathleen McKeown
Marian Flanagan McNulty
Grace Mastri Minck
Maureen Murray O'Bryan
Carolyn Gentle O'Leary
Marianne Kenny Olson
Rosemary Connor Peebles
Jacquelyn Cantrell Poole
Susan Raasch Sandvoss
Dorothy Bachner Sauer
Mary Roberta Fitch Skach
Mary Patricia Colby Stearns
Joan Steinbrecher Ph.D.
Mary Lu Pinns Stewart
Joan Cormack Strassmaier
Amy River Valenzuela
Mary Walsh Winklebleck
Mary Ann Wixted
Gail Shea Wolfkiel
Marilyn Aiello O.P.
Joan O'Hara Bissing
Roberta McGoorty Boris
Jacqueline Chott Carey
Elayne Gladinus Considine
Barbara Mattke Damko
Dorothy Finnegan Driscoll
Anastasia Theiss Engh
Mary Frances Houlihan Fogarty
Bernadine Streicker Fuhrman
Eileen Day Galvin
Kathleen Trumbull Gary
Mary Agnes Lee Gebhardt
Rosanna Airdo Glueckert
Elizabeth Sheridan Hansmann
Mary Hawkins
Jean Williams Henry
Mary Beth Hoffman Holpuch
Alyce Davy Kissane
Susanne Meany Kramer
Marlene Kusch
Judith Ernst Larkin
Marilyn Devereux Lawlor
Rosemary Lizzadro
Janine Grunt Middleditch
Carol Lane Nash
Barbara Gesto O'Brien
Patricia McGrath O'Sullivan
Joanne Murphy Reynolds
Kathleen Conway Rivet
Annette Spicuzza Roeder
Carmel Casciato Ryan
Kathleen O'Brien Salmon
Mary Lou Lacke Samuelson
Marilyn Schmid
Patricia Schulz
Mary Margaret Smith O.P.
Ronne Shannon Stankus
Joan Whitehead Steskal
Adele Keane Stocco
Alice Triekey Swiatek
Kathleen Griffin Swift
Elaine Syrek
Margot Lynn Tunney
Barbara Rice Wacker
Marilyn Miller Wilson
Catherine Carlstrom Yagunic
Joan Ulveling Young
Aurelia McCormick Zimmerman
Rosie Granata Beshk
Kathy O'Donnell Borkenhagen
Patricia Costello Bowles
Madonna Casey
Barbara Dannhausen O.P.
Mary Louise Salg Donlin
Catherine Wuertz Duffy
Sheila Cullen Erlach
Katherine Falbo
Sally Conroy Fenlon
Maureen Gallagher
Rosemary Fiduccia Gaudreault
Helen Higgins Gomberg
Eugenia Gladstone Hoyne
Mary Lee McCarthy Janis
Suzanne Elliott Kunkel
Ursula Ginocchio Lambke
Carole Workman Lopez
Martha Ryan Maddock
Marylou Pearson Mangan
Cecelia Novak Mascari
Denise Heintz McAllister
Mary Bedingfield McGady
Michaela O'Donnell McHugh
Elizabeth McDonald McLean
Ann Fahey Moran
Winifred Morgan O.P.
Anita Meyer Muehleck
Jean O'Shaughnessy Murray
Marietta Ranzino Norvid
Darlene Willix O'Connor
Elizabeth Bachl O'Leary
Donna Bondi Poppe
Barbara Prack
Joyce Woods Roberts
Mary Ryan Rowley
Joan Hennelly Schroeder
Patricia Edmier Schwartz
Patricia Walsh Sharkey
Nancy Gulley Smith
Mary Frances Gallery Sorquist
Anita DeOrio Spina
Loudelle Werling
Rita Scuderi Winrow
Mary Tim Ratner Baggott MD
Julie Matanock Barcia
Bernadette May Boyle
Joan Kane Boyle
Mary Lou Clark Bradley
Ann Cullen Callahan
Carleen Spicer Campbell
Rosalind Cigan
Ellen Cunningham S.P.
Nancy Mally Czajkowski
Mary Sullivan Dewyer
Mary Kay Zahn Benson
Link Page 13
Mary Loretto Dillon
Brenda Bartelt Donahue
Bette Jo Sitzberger Gorman
Marie Griffin O.P.
Jeanne De Zutter Honikel
Nanda Manetti LaPata
Madonna Leen
Mary Wood Martin
Alice McMahon
Eileen McNamara
Roberta Meyer
Patricia Ruddy Micucci
Jean Dore Mills
Mary Ann Hurley Morreale
Nancy Egan Morrissey
Judith Brown Muller
Nancy Carroll Mumford
Barbara Quartullo Nicosia
Sheila Forrest Perry
Rosemary Marchese Rigali
Mary Madden Rooney
Catherine Crowley Ryan
Judith Croke Sammon
Elizabeth Nash Schwartz
Dorothy Nebel Smith
Patricia Shaw Stokes
Helen Hosty Stout
Barbara Cormack Sullivan
Cecelia Fitzgerald Ward
Patricia Hawkins Williams
Valerie Zatopa Wolfgram
Margaret Brennan Woody
Mary Kay Loess Andrew
Mary Ann Gogola Bauernfeind
Maryellen Wood Becker
Roberta Zellick Burns
Donna Drevs Carlson
Joan McCabe Drennan
Kathryn Masa Duffy
Marilyn Kayda Edwards
Elizabeth Fox
Elizabeth Freidheim
Alice Gill
Rosemary McCarron Griffin
Frances Leslie Haras
Judith Winterhalter Herbstritt
Elizabeth Slater Johnson
Eileen Kenny
Maura Kiley
Rita Klinge
Mary Ellen Spellmire McBride
Mary Nulty McCauley
Joan Shea McMahon
Charlotte Meyer
Kathleen Mulaney
2009-2010 KAIROS
Summer 2010
Thonk you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Mary Ellen Holland Oeschger
Bernadette Halloran O'Reilly
Barbara Sullivan Poindexter
Marilyn Smith Power
Monica Rozwadowski
Ronile Murphy Rubino
Nancy Murphy Ryan
Sharon Poggensee Santelli
Barbara O'Brien Scheuring
Peg O'Brien Schuessler
Kathleen Kerwin Steber
Carolyn Mattern Stuckwisch
Patricia Koster Thompson
Judith Burke Torgus
Susan McDonald Vanek
Kathleen Walsh
Barbara Herbstritt Ward
Denise Bechtold Achtermeier
Diane Colby Angsman
Eleanor Rigali Arnold
Kathleen Canning Bakos
Maria Sciacqua Bassi
Mary Pat Bowler Berens
Mary Ann Beuthin
Bonnie Ebert Bobrowski
Maria Spina Brandstrader
Helen Callahan
Georgiana Carroll Canniff
Mary Jo McCauley Carey
Jacqueline Gherra Carretta
Antoneea Nigro Casey
the late Elizabeth Cassidy
Susan Jennings Collins
Mary Ellen Conboy
Mary Cullitan
Diana Calek Davis
Mary Jane Traiser Deeds
Mary Gilligan Dolan
Catherine McDermott Donahue
Jo Ann Drossart Driscoll
Susan Sobey Druffel
Dianne White Ebert
Michele Murray Eckert
Lynn Mercati Engels
Mary Moran Ewald
Rogene O'Brien Funderburg
Linda Uhlir Glennie
Caron Danz Gorka
Kathleen Kenna Greco
Mary James Griffin O.P.
Denise Moran Halloran
Mary Kate Zimmerman
Laurie Faulkner Huget
Mary Ellen Hughes
Judith Inman
Sharon Fitzpatrick Johnson
Virginia McTigue Kavanaugh
Therese Marren Kenneally
Roberta Stack Kuhfuss
Janice Janks Lane
Marilyn Russell Lanigan
Patricia O'Brien Lehman
Joan Lescher
Nancy Decanio Libby
Mary Ann Malone Malloy
Mary Claire Hock Malloy
Mary Ann Butler Marcoux
Mary Ann Hunter Marrese
Kathleen O'Connell Marsh
Mary Ann Hartney Martino
Beth McBride
Patricia Randazzo McCutcheon
Helen Foley McNaney
Mary Lou Andro Moran
Ann Conlon Mowery
Rita Durkin Murphy
Carolann Maloney Nemec
Alice Hawley Neuschwanger
Carole Redini Nicholus
Mary McAuliffe Nigro
Anne Gilligan O'Connor
Mary Ellen Creadon O'Donnell
Judith Mannion O'Hara
Mary O'Leary
Joan Agrella Parker
Gertrude Johnson Peterson
Barbara Deutschle Ranieri
Susan Reymond
Susan Busa Riley
Mary Ann MD Rosanova-Kaper
Jane McClelland Sawtell
Sandra Cullen Schuster
Joan Calmeyn Seegers
Susan Keefer Stahr
Ann McDonnell Stoll
Susan Finn Stone
Carol Abrath Swezey
Noreen Scuderi Tasto
Katherine Barron Tuite
Mary Ann Schaefer Tyrrell
Phyllis Lanphier Ulrich
Marilyn King Wojcik
Patricia Tamburino Zygler
Mary Ann Dalton Bailey
Sheila Catrambone Barrett
Mary Judith Colohan Blatherwick
Linda Welch Brennan
Marie Triolo Brien
Mary Lee Duggan Burke
Sue Carole DeVale Carter Ph.D.
Luna Muratore Casaccio
Anastasia Todd Criscione
Ginny Gaul Cullen
Rita Busa Dearth
Gay Gingher DiGiovanni
Jeanne Houlihan Doherty
Mavourneen Doherty
Julie Gallagher Donalek Ph.D.
Daryl Lynne Doris Etzbach
Mary Sullivan Feeley
Catherine Vigna Fillichio
Mary Curnes Fuller
Dorothy Schuessler Ganey
Maureen Serra Gilchrist
Jane Seward Gillespie
Grace Lucca Guarisco
Joan Krueger Hamilton
Gloria Dauer Hanson
Nancy Fagan Hardin
Mary Beth Ford Hawkins
Dianna Pruyn Henning
Joann Casciato Hillebrand
Mary Jacobs Ph.D.
Joan Galman Jones
Patricia Pulaski Kautz
Deborah McAuliffe Keenan
Marisue Reardon Kelly
Carol Weiler Kenney
Sharon Begg Kilburg
Maureen Andrew Latimer
Judith-Ann Rehm LeDoux
Geraldine Michelotti Lenzi
Cecilia Wilson Leonard
Gloria Marcheschi Levandoski
Mary O'Boyle Lyons
Link Page 14
Margaret Krivy Matviuw
Margaret Mayer
Ellen Brown McBride
Kathleen Fleming Morrissey
Carolynne McDevitt Morvis
Ann McDonald Murphy-Oswald
Helen Cullerton O'Connell
Maureen Cox O'Doherty
Mary Kay Murphy Olson
Mary Pazdan O.P.
Patricia Melone Picardi
Donna Beard Pope
Mary Prendergast
Geraldine Schumacher Pugh
Barbara Carroll Riley
Joan Inzerillo Robinson
Joyce Rozwadowski
Sylvia Perry Rudolph
Grace Sanfilippo
Cecilia Sehr O.P.
Patricia McDonald Starshak
Rita Smeriglio Stopa
Vicki O'Hara Swaney
Roberta Limarzi Weinsheimer
Patricia Connon Andersen
Sara McDonald Barry
Barbara Beckert
Susan Bremner Bleers
Carol Murray Bracewell
Barbara Cecchini Braithwaite
Margaret Moran CarstensenJohnson
Marifred Broucek Cilella
Rosemary Adams Cox
Helen Kamm Faust
Cherry Godinez
Joan Ford Hogan
Janet Best Homer
Anne Hoban Jean
Suzanne Sheridan Joyce
Carol Forss Lyall
Cynthia Wicker Marquis
Joanne Crowley McAdams
Margaret McDonald McGrath
Denise Lynskey Medema
Judith Valle Murdach
Judith Murphy
Marilyn Cerone Passeri
Virginia Daleiden Persha
Janice Alumbaugh Pilon
Frances LaCalamita Pipala
Maribeth Brennan Sheahan
Marie Doherty Sloan
Kathleen Creadon Sullivan
Regina Hanley Thorpe
Kathleen O'Brien Wanhatalo
Mary Delaney Willer
Phillis Goedert Wilson
Christine Hillier Berg
Patricia Murphy Borla
Kathryn Dunne Brankin
Elizabeth Gerler Brennan
Julie Wendt Brundage
Ernestine Santucci Bruno
Mary Burritt
Susan O'Leary Cahill
Mary Beth Keefe Cherskov
Irene Clarke David
Judith Martin Clohessy
Elizabeth Loess Combiths
Sylvia Troyke Corcoran
Summer 2010
Gene Dalton DeGeus
Eloise Ciotti Georgen
Sharon Gogola
Margaret Schuele Gourley
Nancy Cowel Hayden
Patricia Carroll Healy
Kathleen McCormack Holthaus
Mary Ellen Thallemer Kenny
Josephine Leo Knollenberg
Roberta Tyrakowski Kufner
Maureen Theiss Lanno
Mary Anne Prell McMahon
Sharon O'Neil Miller
Kristine Poggi Oakey
Suellen Herbstritt O'Brien
Mary Fran Petricca O'Connor
Susan Shennan Ozanne
Carol Jo Wojteczko Reynolds
Cordelia Ryan
Joanne Beckert Schier
Pamela Zwers Sullivan
Judith Boyer Sumka
Patricia Gallagher Vena
Joan Smith Wiaduck
Marianne McGloon Williams
Linda Giannini Wolff
Mary Mulholland Wood
Judith Ferraro Annis
Mary Dempsey Buffardi
Kathleen Burns
Kathlyn Edmier Callen
Mary Ellen Boyle Callow
Susan O'Connor Christian
Susan Loos Dunham
Deirdre Quirk Graziano
Kathleen Kelly Hartman
Lynne Helphrey Hill
Mary Jo Bergl Jacobs
Nancy Perri Keefe
Margaret Phillips Kenny
Mary Madden Kerwin
Patricia Williams Kilburg
Diane DaValle Kulik
Mary Anne Moldenhauer
Arlene Lord
Jane Shanahan Lucas
Charlotte McTigue
Barbara Coughlin Moran
Eileen Mulaney
Joyce Mannion O'Brien
Patricia Lynch O'Brien
Louise Berman O'Sullivan-Oslin
Kathleen Phelan O.P.
Joanne Schillaci Sanders
Nancy Spak
Nancy Brown Anderson
Mary Eileen O'Keefe Bateman
Elaine McIntyre Beaudoin
Carol Francona Becvar
Carol Broderick
Isabelle Sansonetti Cox
Maureen Coyne
Florence Dillon Cullerton
Elizabeth Tornabene David
Patricia Benick Drozd
Patricia Eichenold
Karen Sheahan Forman
Kathleen Fitzgerald Fuchs Ph.D.
Angelyn Chott Geary
Camille Giraldi Gembacz
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Susan Cox Hosty
Mary Patt Atkins Kennedy
Jo Anne Smith Kennelly
Margaret Kilroy
Margaret Mulryan King
Molly Rowe Ksander
Christine Leonard
Catherine Hearne Lynch
Margaret Pedersen Marro
Carol Welch Matusak
Mary Lahey McClelland
Eileen O'Brien
Carol Godek Olas
Marita Doyle Osterloh
Susan Peterson
Joanne Laterza Ponzio
Marybeth Raff
Barbara Vigna Rocha
Mary Lennox Schmidt
Mary Jane Kelly Thorpe
Genette De Vry Tracy
Theodora Turula
Kathleen Ferri Verta
Nancy Nolan Walsh
Christine Lytle Wood
Pamela Stirton Woodbury
Christelle Adelman-Adler
Linda Hallinan Baehr
Margaret Bellock
Mary Ann Kevil Biggins
Nancy Artman Brindley
Lorraine Gunkel Brophy
Linda Kolovitz Brown
Mame Conroy Byrne
Donna Roth Calvert
Alice Louise Curnes Carey
Brenda Carroll
Kathleen Ford Chapman
Deirdre Murray Collins
Marguerite Gallagher Collins
Bonnie Capizzi Connolly
Margaret Jane Butler Connors
Maureen Burke Furey
Marilyn Kamm
Mary Ann Fitzgerald Kelly
Madelon Sandy Koerner
Sherry Cesare Kozarits
Constance Gryzlo Lanphier
Kathleen Connon Leahy
Lorraine Spinello Masick
Margaret Braniff McCall
Gahan Jacobs McDonald
Linda Cowel McGuire
Sheila Fox McLaughlin
Mary Virginia D'Orio
Joanne Burns Murray
Donna Jason Oberhill
Jane O'Brien
Mary Ellen Rickard Oczko
Margaret Jirasek Percival
Catherine Tracy Peterson
Julianne Devitt Phelan
Maria Ambrosia Pudlo
Merrilee Clark Redmond
Elizabeth Haeger Reis
Mary Ann Weber Reyburn
Mary Pelletier Roos
Rosemary Colletti Rushing
Jane Fitzgerald Sabatino
Joanna Ciaglia Sarre
Barbara Frey Schmitt
Ellen Shanahan
Wallis Dolan Sloat
Gail Molnar Torres
Susan Tourtelot
Patricia McQuaid Trimarco
Denise O'Connor Ursini
Janet Peresin Weitz
Virginia Kuenster Yarbrough
Susan Marren Balmes
Anita Berman Berry
Donna Di Francesca Bobco
Kathleen Sullivan Bold
Mary Beleanger Byrns
Sandra Adams Clarke
Marilyn Lenehan Conner
Monica Broucek Corman
Brigitte Hillier DePue
Diane Leahy Dunn
Veryl Gambino
Janet Vanderslice Geary
Susan Rizzo Harrison
Kay Fitzgerald Hartmann
Maureen Sweeney Hinds
Pauline Koster Johnson
Angelika Kuehn
Sheila Elkins McDonnell
Denise Dalton Megall
Luanne Nystrom
Rosemarie Rinella Stocky
Colette Giroux Switski
Mary Sue Auer Voeller
Carolyn Cronin Whittington
Serajean Ferrara Alioto
Susan Allen Bailey
Mary Schiffmann Bauer
Pamela Wallace Blumenstein
Eileen Brusek-Kaczmarek
Kathleen Kernan Buck
Barbara Lahey Cassin
Francine Morrone Chapin
Michele Josh Cibula
Terry Bigane Coakley
Barbara Shea Collins
Florence Capraro Connelly
Pamela Nickels Dieschbourg
Jean McSheehy Divane
Pamela Carrigan Dvonch
Marilyn Ganser
Catherine Emond Gassmann
Jennifer Sacco Gibbs
Mary Jean Lang Griffin
Bridget Tobin Herald
Mary Sue Sweeney Higgins
Kathryn Kernan
Dorothy Kirie Kinnaird
Mary Kay Shannon Lewin
Maureen White Matthews
Anne McDevitt
Charlotte Laterza Messina
Triss Brady Meyer
Flavia Trucco Morrissey
Kathy Weiler Rush
Jamie Nystrom Shuler
Bonnie Stenson
Jean Fitzpatrick Sullivan
Mary Ann Grusecki Tuerk
Joan Powers Turnbull
Judith Gawne Varias
Mary Agnes Pedicone Vostal
Regina Tassi Weber
Alice Vonesh Williams
Charleen Constantino Zanetich
Link Page 15
Christine Lee Bollettino
Deborah Duff Bradt
Maryann Trojan Calkins
Mary Beth Rupp Carpenter
Mary Ellen Kavanagh Casey
Nancy Sweeney Coaker
Noreen Fitzgerald
Mary Gail Fitzpatrick
Barbara Sanderlin Gearen
Gael Brennan Hanauer
Marylou Goetz Hipskind
Susan Kantor Kenter
Irene Kiep Longua
Rosemary Rogers Madden
Kathleen McGinnis
Mary McQuillan McKinney
Linda Brozeau Moss
Mary Kathryn Bowman Mullen
Marjorie Nemzura
Julie Suero Olsen
Mary O'Donnell O'Shea
Linda Michaud Rinella
Rosemary Conley Roussil
Christine Anlauf Sabatino PhD
Danita Pacelli Schmidt
Mary Beth Smith
Diane Marcuccilli Steffen
Neila Cogan Teiber
Rita Calkins Tierney
Lynda Taylor Wagner
Beverly Roach Wallace
Joan Herbstritt Wilkie
Jeanne Graham Williams
Liane Taglia Zulkey
Kristine Baum Arkoosh
Irene Ouska Bakos MD
Jeannine Kiel Bartnicki
Lois Bedlek
Elizabeth Roche Bellock
Maureen Ross Bernardi
Sandra Storino Black
Lois Bluestein
Judith Mondi Bohmann
Joan Moran Brennan
Mary Campagna
Pat Viglione Carley
Diane Ciangi
Deidre Shanahan Connolly
Sue Donoghue
Kathleen Julius Doyle
Victoria Dvonch Ed.D.
Patricia McMahon Fitzgerald
Ramona Lacey Fox
Judith Gallagher
Linda Barth Giovingo
Jacqueline Leo Hackett
Kathleen Kinsella Hamill
Barbara Harmon
Eileen Huber Hendrickson
Kathleen Hourihan Hosty
Georgianne Jirousek
Mary Jo Lillis Johnson
Carlotta Marcucci Lucchesi
Jane Cormack Maher
Kathleen Mangos
Priscilla Masterson McGaughan
Catherine Cusick McGrath
Elizabeth Romano McNulty
Mary Joan Clark Murray
Mary Helen Thegze O'Hanley
Mary Catherine Ratty
Barbara Rizzo
Anne Rogers Roche
Therese O'Leary Rudersdorf
Kathryn Pignatelli Schruba
Cathy Giunta Sorice
Catherine Zachar Sweitzer
Lorraine Rossi Tritthardt
Bridget Faul Viglione
Celeste Anlauf
Maria Nitti Auriemma
Joan Bludeau-Lavelle
Joyce Carpino
Grace Castillo Knapp
Mary Beth Meyer Chapel
Mary Cusick Collins MD
Paula Cozzi Goedert
Mary Cronin MD
Stephanie Di Prima
Nancy Dadario Fagiano
Gail Scatchell Fiumefreddo
Nancy Geraci
Nancy Haag
Mariefrancine Bachusz Kolodziej
Elizabeth Buccieri Lawrence
Diane Wilczynski Lichtenberg
Geraldine Biagiotti Lobraco
Mimi Madden Marcucci
Christine O'Connell McAleer
Anne Tentler McGee
Kathleen Kinnare McShane
Eileen Braniff Mesi
Julie Kremer Murray
Margaret Sowa Nagel
Cecilia Trucco Parenti
Bill and Hope (Fiedler ‘81) Geldes and Jessica and Tony Roche.
Summer 2010
Thonk you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Mary Patricia Hennessy Resch
Catherine Moroni Ryan
Lynn Marzullo Salvetti
Lucy Orzehoskie Smith
Susan Nadar Thompson
Sheila Duffy Trant
Christine Biggio Weyna
Anne Cavenagh Cahill
Terry Romano Estness
Dee Dee Balsamo Goggin
Eleanor Quinn Halt
Mary Grace Cibula Harrison
Deborah Marzinelli Hopkinson
Susan Kaszynski
Nancy Blackman Lukasik
Debra Lund
Barbara Gryzlo Mazukelli Ph.D.
Marilou Rinella McGirr
Cathleen Gianforte McHugh
Mary Walsh McHugh
Mary Merola
Mary Ann Ryan
Patricia Province Savage
Loretta Calkins Tierney
Violeta Valadka
Nancy Morrissy Van Grinsven
Cynthia White
Anna Marie Albergo Bergl
Kathleen McNulty Born
Elizabeth Mathieu Bremer
Nancy Ridolfi Brewster
Jean Ude Bruno
Cecilia Walsh Burke
Mary Fran Henegan Byrne
Deborah Panico Capraro
Mary Philbin Carlson
Mary Rochford Demetrio
Maureen McGinnis Eichenold
Marybeth McGirr Flater
Dorothy Tentler Hamby
Marycarm Fosco Healy
Diane Zelten Jaeger
Eileen Storto Jaracz PharmD
Marcia Kaiser
Roseann Finnegan LeFevour
Margaret McNichols McNamara
Martha Maggiore Meier
Valerie Michelotti MD
Mary McSheehy Mullen
Jean Gibson Nass
Karen Notaro
Joanne Jacobazzi Plunkett
Sally Cusick Runnells
Rita McDonald Russell
Mary Hagerty Wayne
Sally Clark Arden
Mary Giuffre Ball
Patrice Halpin Broeren
Barbara Brown
Ann Caragher
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Carey
Jeanne Matre Conway
Jerianne Haag
Carol Murphy Herbstritt
Claire Keenan Hurd
Patricia Benko Kappmeyer
Marijo Rogers Kelly
Maureen Higgins Lantero
Linda Storino Lucchese
Nancy Beahan McGurn
Mary Mennella Nordin MD
Mary Culhane Mireles
Margaret Cozzi Olson DPM
Patricia Demario Perretti
Mary Catherine O'Hara Tansey
Catherine Walsh Tobin
Margaret Walsh
Pam Lorenc Carlson
Margo McNamara Chadwick
Class of 1974
Joan Cusack Conley
Virginia Dwyer-Aoyama
Ann Brooker Fischer
Cherubina Iatarola
Marita Williams Jorgensen
Kristy Kokenes Kokenes-Mau
Laurie Lee Lillis
Mary DiGilio Lyons
Geralyn Marano
Mary Ellen McBride
Mary McGah
Mary Beth Montroy McIntosh
Claudia Melino Nevoral
Mary Pat Cormack Riggins
Angela Lucca Zaprzal
Maureen Moore Bingle
Sheila Brennan-Johnson
Diana Palmer Cincinello
Julie Costello Collins
Georgeanne Thegze Croft
Anna Cuomo-Paul
Monica Iacono
Meg Cassin Kearton
Margaret Kraft
Julie Gorman Lepri
Marijo Spina Letizia
Kathleen Nolan McMahon
Lynda Miles
Barbara Clark O'Brien
Kimberly Ford Sullivan
Mary Parker Taglia
Judith Duchon Totin
Catherine Loftus Anderson
Michelle Burny
Teresa Mooney Cullen
Elena Pocina Demitropoulos
Mary Pat Devereux
Peggy O'Neill Gleason
Mary Kathleen Hanrahan Hefner
Julie Reedy Kazimier
Julie Kelly
Margaret D'Onofrio Lauterbach
Lori Gagliardo McCarter
Jane McInerney
Mary Beth Murnane Murphy
Julie James O'Brien
Laurita Williams Panagoulias
Kathleen Prendergast Regan
Susan Szymanski Riley
Mary Pietryga Straka
Tyrrell Mathias Taylor
Jane O'Brien Trainor
Donna Baldo Arnesen
Link Page 16
Patricia Patten Boblick
Laura Pascucci Bunte
Catherine Cahill Anderson
Mary Jo Norton Ciuni
Monica Devereux
Mary Disis MD
Susan Ryan Entwistle
Nancy Fanning-Basso
Mary Krickl Flanagan
Katie Lattner Gancer
Tosca Kekish MD
Megan McAndrews McEnroe
Peggy Sweeney Montesi
Tagger Walsh O'Brien
Joanne O'Hara
Madeleine Philbin
Marian Sassetti-Kent MD
Kathleen Keane Schmidt
Sue Ellen White
Mary Therese Keenan Windle
Cynthia Cacciatore Bickel
Mary Rita Powers Bishea
Patricia Riley Bowman
Mary Helen Powers Brady
Alice McCracken Burr
Marina Costanza
Nora Costello Egan
Michelle Ferrer Grilli
Marigayle Watts Harrington
Mary Pat Larocca
Diana Reyes McGarr
Mary Anne McHugh-Chaljub
Marianne Wrenn Metzig
Renee Sciacca Miastkowski
Nancy Montroy
Katherine Nee
Lauren Hock Perrino
Margaret James Reedy
Carolyn Banich Schanzer
Carla Raabe Tibbitts
Anita Perivolidis Trainor
Mary Jean McGrail Walsh
Margaret Weitzel
Deborah O'Bryan Alm
Eileen Marie Cyr Bagarella
Anne Wicker Burke
Eileen Burke
Annette Petrocelli Caras
Anne Cusick
Jeanne Hosty Eckstrom
Ann Marie Feeney
Marita O'Brien Finnegan
Linda Rooney Gallo
Karen Lundy Giammarese
Carolyn Karpinski Johnson
Janet Dvonch Kelly Ph.D.
Lisa DeGeratto LoMonaco
Elizabeth Scarano Looby
Margaret Philbin McKinley
Marie Monhardt
Kathleen Houlihan Okrent
Frances Digati Panepinto
Jean Kunkel Powers
Jane White Reidy
Clare Devereux Roche
Julia Sciaraffa
Susan McNaney Scoville
Renee Bassi Stephan
Mary Puccetti Stroth
Joanne Pittacora Tibbs
Summer 2010
Kathleen Clements Tuma
Maureen Whelan
Francine Salerno Albala
Meg Bracco Bracco-Liebreich
Victoria Saracco Brander
Mary Ellen Sullivan Casselman
Nancy Cozzi-Freda D.D.S.
Jody Lescher Dan
Peggy O'Shea Geraghty
Mariann Biagiotti Giuliano
Bernadette Prunty Goldman
Barbara Bruce Gustafson
Mary McEnery Harding
Nora Gillespie Kantwill
Maribeth Ryan Lane
Nancy Lombardo
Sabina Garippo Matza
Julie Ann Elliott Nolan
Ginna Nee Radeke
Melissa Esposito Rascia
Mary Catherine Watts Rauh
JoEllyn Hoey Romano
Judith Spencer Rutt
Jeannine Eichenold Schorn
Molly Mullins Swock
Melinda Hock Triner
Terese Nelligan Feeney
Maddalena Marzullo Flight
Mary Therese Costello Foley
Amy Gieseman
Mary Martino Hall
Joan Rogers Herlihy
Elizabeth Brooker McCracken
Jodiann Nowicki Pacer
Jennie Polizzotto
Jacqueline DeSanto Romolo
Maura Rowley
Judy Mangos Schomer
Michele Jacobellis Termini
Gloria Cacciatore Turan
Moira Keating Wade
Shavonne Doyle Wagner
Christianne Bowers Cone
Regina Coleman Dienberg
Nancy Carpino Donlan
Karen Olsen Frank
Karen Judy MD
Mary Beth Lavezzorio
Mary Jo McEnery
Mary Kay Minaghan
Kathleen Filec Recchia
Carla Abruzzini Reid
Rita Ann Peresin Atwood
Jane Wiaduck Birmingham
Mary Bransfield
Nancy D'Andrea
Mary Ellen O'Connor Dopp
Diane Palumbo Galo
Victoria Gombotz
Susan Cacciatore Lasek
Mary Tabet Leone
Sheila Montroy
Laura Gleason Moran
Maureen O'Rourke
Wendy Milewski Planek
Mary Pat McKee Sullivan
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathleen Cibula Vecchio
Mary Ann Foran Zalinski
Lori Wolf Birkey
Mary Beth Corvino Dvorak
Maura Carey Gates
Nancy Brooker Graham
Lisa Becker Grimes
Maureen O'Donoghue Hannon
Marianne Kasper
Ann Sego Kikas
Alison Burke Moriarty
Mary Ann Di Novi Olson
Barbara Bracco Sipes
Christina Sofiakis
Terese Papa Surges
Georgia Rombakis Tsaganos
Patricia Walsh
C LASS O F 1985
Sharon Maas Breytspraak
Karin Connelly
Margaret O'Connell Glenzinski
Elizabeth Kennedy
Sheila Galvin O'Hara
Carolyn Koron Parise
Erin O'Brien Rhoads
Maureen Shea Stephenson
Maureen Cusack Healy
Catherine Cullen Kane
Christine Costello Kidder
Dena Anton Puccillo
Darlene Warta Renie
Maureen Gazzolo Cox
Patricia Faldani
Crissy Jungwirth Jemison
Maria Kwilas Jerkovic
Julia Gibson Kling
Andrea Kuhn McFarlane
Gina Radoha Power
Muriel Quinn
Amy Herbstritt Reardon
Kimberly Marinaro Stauber
Deborah Topolski
Pamela Zink Ward
Julia Harmon Bell
Anne Chang Blaeske
Colleen Bransfield
Beth Drinan
Mary Drwila
Mary Peterson Gibbons
Genevieve Watts Halloran
Rosemary Mungovan Hoffman
Tanya Hussein-Drummond DDS
Cinnamon Scanio Kettner
Eileen O'Sullivan Koch
Bridget Carey Krafton
Elizabeth Kenny Mohanty
Maria Scala Pieranunzi
Elizabeth Pope
Gina Virruso Prendergast
Maria Spina Samatas
Rosanne Di Benedetto Sikich
Julie Scully Tucek
Christine Crnich Uhlir
Sharon Masterson Whiteside
Andrea Zemgulys
Patricia Favata Andolino
Giovanna Atteo
Kimberly Banks
Angela Brown
Donna Caldarulo
Theresa Szeluga Carey
Kerri Curcuro Chambers
Lisa Farina Chavez
Class of '89
Cynthia Day Erwin
Colleen Schiewe Geraghty
Maureen Beacom Gorman
Dionne Gross
Margaret Rice Hohman
Yvonne Horne
Teresa Alfano Izrael
Mary Cagney Jacobs
Kerry O'Brien Judy
Assunta Ambrosino Karris
Amy Quirk Kiley
Michelle Klisz
Michelle Passarelli Krage
Kathleen Lockie
Anne Bottigliero Mazzone
Molly Braithwaite McGarry
Denise Edwards McHale
Elizabeth Harmon Miller
Shari Radoha Olas
Eftyhia Pappas
Christine Jambrosek Ryan
Theresa Riccio Scanio
Marybeth Schuh
Amy Simon
Kathryn Sloan Smith
Annette Mosco Spencer
Marian Di Salvo Spina
Jennifer Toschi Tegel
Bridget McKeever Thomason
Dora Cerami Vaccaro
Gail Vittori-DeLeon DDS
Molly Weithers Walsh
Patricia Scheiberle White
Candice Zito-Gilhooly
Kristin Donahue Cummins
Molly Furey Hanley
Luz Jimenez
Frances Kruse LaMantia
Sara Meilinger
Michelle Uscila Balich
Jennifer Holesha
Salomea Bittenbinder Klunzinger
Patricia Mohl
Atica Kalamperovic Sabovic
Kimberly Trusco Graaff
Jennifer Szwaya-Musial
Brianna Dahly
Dorina Felella
Jacqueline Ivey-Brown MD
Helen Jonas
Lisa Marie Fornaro Macchione
Mary Bauer
Carmen Hernandez
Meredith Matthews
Margaret McMahon
Monica Obniski
Sheila Morrissey Ryan
Jennifer Mielecki Stern DDS
Jacqueline Suen Garcia
Christine Gulino
Annamarie Gustello
Lee Dries Thomas
Diane Valos
Kristen Barry Labovsky MD
Bridget Tyrrell Regan
Michelle Savalier
Alicia VandeVusse
Amy Uscila
Jennifer DeFily
Dana Cici
Emily Jensen
Kelly McMahon
Lauren Hague Roggenbuck
Julie Honcharevich
Kelly Mullins
Mary O'Brien
Bridgette O'Connor
Sabrina Ruff
Megan Coronado
Kelley Donlan
Carolyn Rutili
Brooke Donlan
Genevieve Borowski
Christina Kosanovic
Sophie Amado
Peggy Harrington
Emily Kurtenbach
Molly Mitchell
Dana Nolan
Victoria Valde
Emily Wessell
Jennifer Quinn Broda
Erin Cleary
Ann Lagges
Felicia Spina DiGiovanni
Jamie Powers Kuzniar
Emily Gibbs Schultz
Maureen Bransfield
Carol Frantilla
Marianne Watts Morrissey
Gina Murray Naas
Mary Catherine Meyer Ortiz
Ann Crnich Rambasek
Margaret Rubino Marshall
Colleen McMahon
Catherine O'Rourke
Sheilah Credo Phan
Kathleen Crnich Riggins
Kelly Louis Sellers
Anastasie Senat
Alicia Jaeger Smith
Top. Sammantha Gay ‘10,
Theoni Richardson ‘11,
Middle: Ariel Gonzalez ‘10,
Clair Belmonte ‘10, and
Olivia Pacini ‘10.
Front: Cristina Aviles ‘10.
Kathryn Murray Critchfield
Link Page 17
Summer 2010
Thonk you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Margaret Kearin Carey 1953
$25,000 - $49,999
Lois Lyon Brennan 1951
$10,000 - $24,999
Monica Devereux 1977
Jean McSheehy Divane 1967
Jean Hackett Finn 1946
Mary Kathleen Hanrahan Hefner
Judith Winterhalter Herbstritt 1958
Carol Giles Parrillo 1950
Mary Catherine Watts Rauh 1980
Mary Lu Pinns Stewart 1954
$5,000 - $9,999
Mary Helen Powers Brady 1978
Class of 2009
Mary Louise Salg Donlin 1956
Estate of
Virginia Burke Gearen 1934
Jamie Powers Kuzniar 1991
Margaret McMahon 1998
Charlotte McTigue 1963
Barbara O'Brien Scheuring 1958
$2,500 - $4,999
Margot Bauer 1953
Christine Lee Bollettino 1968
Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund
Molly Furey Hanley 1994
Suzanne Burns Hanley 1951
Bridget Tobin Herald 1967
Barbara Kelly 1947
Judith-Ann Rehm LeDoux 1960
Triss Brady Meyer 1967
Louise Berman O'Sullivan-Oslin 1963
Ronile Murphy Rubino 1958
Joan Basse Solberg 1950
Moira Keating Wade 1981
$1,000 - $2,499
Estate of Lillian Banahan 1935
Maureen Fuller Barnicle 1952
Rita Grieco Bold 1937
Victoria Saracco Brander 1980
Maureen Kelly Bransfield 1954
Maryjeanne Ryan Burke 1952
Mary Louise Burke Burns 1944
Mary Ellen Boyle Callow 1963
Mary Jo McCauley Carey 1959
Marilyn Tyrrell Carrigan 1946
Joan Carpenter Carstens 1951
Judith Pape Clark 1954
Class of 2010
Patricia Sprafka Condon 1952
Bonnie Capizzi Connolly 1965
Maureen Gazzolo Cox 1987
Paula Cozzi Goedert 1970
Ginny Gaul Cullen 1960
Dorothy Ann Shields De Spain 1948
Mary Gilligan Dolan 1959
Sheila Cullen Erlach 1956
Sheila Jones Ferrari 1954
Catherine Emond Gassmann 1967
Carole Lavezzorio Gates 1951
Jennifer Sacco Gibbs 1967
Susan Rizzo Harrison 1966
Susan Cox Hosty 1964
Alice Quinn Kalafut 1953
Kristy Kokenes-Mau 1974
Patricia Lasar 1949
Mary Beth Lavezzorio 1982
Julie Gorman Lepri 1975
Jane Shanahan Lucas 1963
Martha Ryan Maddock 1956
Mary Claire Hock Malloy 1959
Ellen Brown McBride 1960
Marie Bachner Miller 1938
Nancy Montroy 1978
Kathleen Mulaney 1958
Jodiann Nowicki Pacer 1981
Julianne Devitt Phelan 1965
Mary Prendergast 1960
Muriel Quinn 1987
Kathleen Prendergast Regan 1976
Mary Patricia Hennessy Resch 1970
Catherine Crowley Ryan 1957
Nancy Murphy Ryan 1958
Marian Sassetti-Kent MD 1977
Anastasie Senat 1993
Cecelia Fitzgerald Ward 1957
Cynthia White 1971
Joan Herbstritt Wilkie 1968
$500 - $999
Janet Proteau Bonnike 1954
Sarah Anne Cahill Brennan 1953
Mary Ellen Sullivan Casselman 1980
Jody Lescher Dan 1980
Mary Disis MD 1977
Patricia Hosty Donoghue 1940
Pamela Carrigan Dvonch 1967
Terry Romano Estness 1971
Maddalena Marzullo Flight 1981
Mary Therese Costello Foley 1981
Maureen Burke Furey 1965
Katie Lattner Gancer 1977
Suzanne Morrissey Gaumond 1951
Mary Martino Hall 1981
Mary Kate Zimmerman Hermann
Florence Phelan Higgins 1947
Janet Best Homer 1961
Luz Jimenez 1994
Virginia McTigue Kavanaugh 1959
Nancy Perri Keefe 1963
Mary Ellen Thallemer Kenny 1962
Ann Lee Tyler Levitt 1953
Mary Kay Minaghan 1982
Flavia Trucco Morrissey 1967
Marjorie Nemzura 1968
Jane White Reidy 1979
Virginia Roche Rossi 1939
Nancy Gulley Smith 1956
Anita DeOrio Spina 1956
Patricia McDonald Starshak 1960
Susan Finn Stone 1959
Nancy Morrissy Van Grinsven 1971
Patricia Hawkins Williams 1957
$250 - $499
Serajean Ferrara Alioto 1967
Claire Daley Archibald 1945
Mary Rita Powers Bishea 1978
Mary Lou Clark Bradley 1957
Joan Brichacek O.P. 1954
Kathleen Kernan Buck 1967
Nancy Sheridan Burke 1954
Link Page 18
Alice McCracken Burr 1978
Kathlyn Edmier Callen 1963
Theresa Szeluga Carey 1989
Francine Morrone Chapin 1967
Arlene Celano Chiaro 1954
Marifred Broucek Cilella 1961
Class of 1974
Class of 1989
Joan Cusack Conley 1974
Mary Cronin MD 1970
Pamela Nickels Dieschbourg 1967
Brenda Bartelt Donahue 1957
Jo Ann Drossart Driscoll 1959
Mary Drwila 1988
Diane Leahy Dunn 1966
Victoria Dvonch Ed.D. 1969
Mary Gladys Turner Enderle 1953
Mary Sullivan Feeley 1960
Patricia McMahon Fitzgerald 1969
Mary Gail Fitzpatrick 1968
Dolores Shaunessy Fleming 1944
Ramona Lacey Fox 1969
Maureen Serra Gilchrist 1960
Cherry Godinez 1961
Helen McSweeney Goggin 1942
Mary McEnery Harding 1980
Barbara Harmon 1969
Eileen Mooney Healy 1949
Judith McDermott Henderson 1953
Deborah Marzinelli Hopkinson 1971
Emily Jensen 2004
Karen Judy MD 1982
Catherine Cullen Kane 1986
Mary Dahm Kearney 1952
Valerie Layman Kelly 1943
Therese Marren Kenneally 1959
Mary Kay Shanahan Kennedy 1952
Susan Kantor Kenter 1968
Elizabeth Buccieri Lawrence 1970
Laurie Lee Lillis 1974
Nancy Brizzolara Lorenz 1952
Bernadette Curry Lowum 1949
Mary Ann Hunter Marrese 1959
Christine O'Connell McAleer 1970
Beth McBride 1959
Marilou Rinella McGirr 1971
Gertrude Daley Moran 1938
Laura Gleason Moran 1983
Kathleen Fleming Morrissey 1960
Eileen Mulaney 1963
Suellen Herbstritt O'Brien 1962
Joanne O'Hara 1977
Joan Agrella Parker 1959
Katherine Perry 1953
Wendy Milewski Planek 1983
Virginia Cossmann Quirk 1939
Joanne Murphy Reynolds 1955
Mary Therese Mullins Rigali 1949
Lauren Hague Roggenbuck 2004
Christine Anlauf Sabatino PhD 1968
Jane Fitzgerald Sabatino 1965
Dorothy Bachner Sauer 1954
Patricia Schulz 1955
Renee Bassi Stephan 1979
Patricia Shaw Stokes 1957
Carla Raabe Tibbitts 1978
Gloria Cacciatore Turan 1981
Marie Valleau 1953
Barbara Herbstritt Ward 1958
Teesie Kelly Weston 1948
Summer 2010
$100 - $249
Mary Lou Reedy Ahlering 1953
Francine Salerno Albala 1980
Mary Lou Vainisi Alfini 1953
Deborah O'Bryan Alm 1979
Mary Kay Loess Andrew 1958
Diane Colby Angsman 1959
Celeste Anlauf 1970
Mary Ann Dalton Bailey 1960
Michelle Uscila Balich 1995
Mary Giuffre Ball 1973
Joy Ann Barth 1954
Jeannine Kiel Bartnicki 1969
Maria Sciacqua Bassi 1959
Mary Schiffmann Bauer 1967
Elaine McIntyre Beaudoin 1964
Carol Francona Becvar 1964
Lois Bedlek 1969
Suzanne Carroll Beeman 1951
Julia Harmon Bell 1988
Margaret Bellock 1965
Mary Kay Zahn Benson 1956
Elizabeth Bertucci 1949
Maureen Moore Bingle 1975
Lori Wolf Birkey 1984
Josephine Dooley Blaber 1948
Mary Judith Colohan Blatherwick 1960
Pamela Wallace Blumenstein 1967
Barbara Bonner Bonner 1953
Roberta McGoorty Boris 1955
Bernadette May Boyle 1957
Carol Murray Bracewell 1961
Colleen Bransfield 1988
Mary Alice Brennan 1954
Geraldine Hanley Brennock 1946
Barbara O'Donnell Bright 1953
Jennifer Quinn Broda 1990
Patrice Halpin Broeren 1973
Marianne Reeb Brooker 1947
Linda Kolovitz Brown 1965
Ernestine Santucci Bruno 1962
Mary Dempsey Buffardi 1963
Laura Pascucci Bunte 1977
Carolyn Kelley Burke 1953
Eileen Burke 1979
Cecilia Walsh Burke 1972
Mary Lee Duggan Burke 1960
Michelle Burny 1976
Mame Conroy Byrne 1965
Catherine Cahill Anderson 1977
June Wright Canty 1947
Deborah Panico Capraro 1972
Annette Petrocelli Caras 1979
Alice Louise Curnes Carey 1965
Jacqueline Chott Carey 1955
Mary Beth Rupp Carpenter 1968
Brenda Carroll 1965
Nancy Cook Carson 1953
Sue Carole DeVale Carter PhD 1960
Mary Ellen Kavanagh Casey 1968
the late Elizabeth Cassidy 1959
Barbara Lahey Cassin 1967
Mary Beth Meyer Chapel 1970
Mary Beth Keefe Cherskov 1962
Michele Josh Cibula 1967
Mary Jo Norton Ciuni 1977
Edith Richards Clark 1950
Jane Daley Clark 1942
Nancy Sweeney Coaker 1968
Deirdre Murray Collins 1965
Julie Costello Collins 1975
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Barbara Shea Collins 1967
Mary Cusick Collins MD 1970
Susan Jennings Collins 1959
Mary Ellen Conboy 1959
Christianne Bowers Cone 1982
Sarina Varco Conmy 1953
Florence Capraro Connelly 1967
Bernadette Connelly 1934
Deidre Shanahan Connolly 1969
Jeanne Matre Conway 1973
Sylvia Troyke Corcoran 1962
Monica Broucek Corman 1966
Marina Costanza 1978
Isabelle Sansonetti Cox 1964
Kathryn Murray Critchfield 1994
Claire Cusack Cronin 1945
Kristin Donahue Cummins 1994
Joan Crowley Cusack 1945
Diana Calek Davis 1959
Patricia Egan Day 1953
Mary Rochford Demetrio 1972
Francine Korte Devitt 1954
Stephanie Di Prima 1970
Felicia Spina DiGiovanni 1991
Nancy Corbett Dillon 1941
Mary Loretto Dillon 1957
Jeanne Houlihan Doherty 1960
Brooke Donlan 2008
Kelley Donlan 2007
Sue Donoghue 1969
Beth Drinan 1988
Kathryn Masa Duffy 1958
Joan Lawley Dunne 1947
Michele Murray Eckert 1959
Jeanne Hosty Eckstrom 1979
Lynn Mercati Engels 1959
Anastasia Theiss Engh 1955
Katherine Falbo 1956
Patricia Faldani 1987
Patricia Egan Faley 1953
Doris Grant Fanning 1946
Sally Conroy Fenlon 1956
Catherine Vigna Fillichio 1960
Marybeth McGirr Flater 1972
Lorna Hill Folk 1943
Elizabeth Freidheim 1958
Kathleen Fitzgerald Fuchs PhD 1964
Bernadine Streicker Fuhrman 1955
Rogene O'Brien Funderburg 1959
Maureen Gallagher 1956
Diane Palumbo Galo 1983
Eileen Day Galvin 1955
Colette Jordan Garippo 1951
Kathleen Trumbull Gary 1955
Rosemary Fiduccia Gaudreault 1956
Edith Cella Gaumond 1951
Mary Peterson Gibbons 1988
Mariann Biagiotti Giuliano 1980
Peggy O'Neill Gleason 1976
Linda Uhlir Glennie 1959
Maggie Kelly Glimco 1954
Dee Dee Balsamo Goggin 1971
Violet Rudis Grabow 1954
Rosemary McCarron Griffin 1958
Mary Jean Lang Griffin 1967
Lisa Becker Grimes 1984
Dionne Gross 1989
Virginia Long Hagerty 1952
Dorothy Tentler Hamby 1972
Gael Brennan Hanauer 1968
Marie McGinty Hansen 1946
Elizabeth Sheridan Hansmann 1955
Nancy Fagan Hardin 1960
Marigayle Watts Harrington 1978
Kay Fitzgerald Hartmann 1966
Nancy Cowel Hayden 1962
Patricia Carroll Healy 1962
Laurette Higgins Heinz 1936
Jean Williams Henry 1955
Carol Murphy Herbstritt 1973
Ruth Keefe Herman 1953
Joan Cummings Hickey 1943
Joann Casciato Hillebrand 1960
Maureen Sweeney Hinds 1966
Rosemary Mungovan Hoffman 1988
Kathleen McCormack Holthaus 1962
Patricia Montalbano Hugar 1953
Tanya Hussein-Drummond DDS 1988
Monica Iacono 1975
Judith Inman 1959
Jacqueline Ivey-Brown MD 1997
Mary Jo Bergl Jacobs 1963
Corinne O'Brien James 1951
Eileen Storto Jaracz PharmD 1972
Pauline Koster Johnson 1966
Carolyn Karpinski Johnson 1979
Geraldine Sagehorn Johnson 1945
Marilyn Keeley Johnson 1942
Barbara Aird Jordan 1946
Marita Williams Jorgensen 1974
Veronica Hanley Joslin 1954
Suzanne Sheridan Joyce 1961
Mary Lou Corrigan Just 1953
Marilyn Kamm 1965
Susan Kaszynski 1971
Julie Reedy Kazimier 1976
Joanne Gagliardo Kelly 1951
Mary Ann Fitzgerald Kelly 1965
Janet Dvonch Kelly Ph.D. 1979
Marijo Rogers Kelly 1973
Mary Agnes Condon Kelty 1947
Margaret O'Day Kendler 1948
Diane Kennedy O.P. 1951
Jo Anne Smith Kennelly 1964
Margaret Phillips Kenny 1963
Cinnamon Scanio Kettner 1988
Patricia Williams Kilburg 1963
Sharon Begg Kilburg 1960
Margaret Kilroy 1964
Dorothy Kirie Kinnaird 1967
Joan Strening Kipp 1948
Madelon Sandy Koerner 1965
Sherry Cesare Kozarits 1965
Susanne Meany Kramer 1955
Angelika Kuehn 1966
Joan Mitchell Kuhn 1952
Diane DaValle Kulik 1963
Ann Lagges 1990
Ursula Ginocchio Lambke 1956
Maribeth Ryan Lane 1980
Maureen Higgins Lantero 1973
Joann Flynn LaPorte 1952
Maureen Andrew Latimer 1960
Margaret McAllister Lattner 1949
Joyce Madden Lennon 1948
Geraldine Michelotti Lenzi 1960
Elizabeth Klug Leonard-Rould 1946
Mary Tabet Leone 1983
Marijo Spina Letizia 1975
Gloria Marcheschi Levandoski 1960
Diane Wilczynski Lichtenberg 1970
Patricia Ryan Liska 1943
Rosemary Lizzadro 1955
Kathleen Lockie 1989
Irene Kiep Longua 1968
Margaret Ahern Lorr 1954
Mary O'Boyle Lyons 1960
Felice Mooney Madda 1954
Rosemary Rogers Madden 1968
Mary Ann Malone Malloy 1959
Link Page 19
Marylou Pearson Mangan 1956
Marlene Mueller Marggraf 1954
Cynthia Wicker Marquis 1961
Margaret Pedersen Marro 1964
Margaret Krivy Matviuw 1960
Mary Ellen Spellmire McBride 1958
Margaret Braniff McCall 1965
Mary Fran Sackley McCarthy 1938
Janet O'Connell McCue 1953
Gahan Jacobs McDonald 1965
Mary McGah 1974
Anne Tentler McGee 1970
Kathleen McGinnis 1968
Linda Cowel McGuire 1965
Jane McInerney 1976
Jean Halm McKenney 1944
Kathleen McKeown 1954
Mary McQuillan McKinney 1968
Sheila Fox McLaughlin 1965
Elizabeth McDonald McLean 1956
Alice McMahon 1957
Margaret McNichols McNamara 1972
Marilyn Healy McNichols 1946
Kathleen Kinnare McShane 1970
Denise Dalton Megall 1966
Martha Maggiore Meier 1972
Sara Meilinger Meilinger 1994
Roberta Metz 1952
Valerie Michelotti MD 1972
Jean Dore Mills 1957
Mary Culhane Mireles 1973
Margaret Houha Mlady 1951
Patricia Mohl 1995
Peggy Sweeney Montesi 1977
Patricia Bates Montroy 1950
Alison Burke Moriarty 1984
Mary Ann Hurley Morreale 1957
Marianne Watts Morrissey 1992
Linda Brozeau Moss 1968
Anita Meyer Muehleck 1956
Mary McSheehy Mullen 1972
Mary Beth Murnane Murphy 1976
Jean O'Shaughnessy Murray 1956
Julie Kremer Murray 1970
Mary Joan Clark Murray 1969
Katherine Nee 1978
Carole Redini Nicholus 1959
Beatrice Romano Nicolau 1948
Mary McAuliffe Nigro 1959
Karen Notaro 1972
Luanne Nystrom 1966
Donna Jason Oberhill 1965
Monica Obniski 1998
Jane O'Brien 1965
Joyce Mannion O'Brien 1963
Helen Cullerton O'Connell 1960
Anne Gilligan O'Connor 1959
Jeanne O'Connor 1951
Maureen Cox O'Doherty 1960
Mary Ellen Creadon O'Donnell 1959
Mary Saigh O'Donnell 1953
Loretta O'Dowd 1940
Judith Mannion O'Hara 1959
Linda Moretti Ojemann MD 1953
Margaret Doherty O'Keefe 1953
Mary O'Leary 1959
Elizabeth Bachl O'Leary 1956
Mary Kay Murphy Olson 1960
Margaret Barrett O'Neill 1952
Jeanne O'Reilly-Jersey 1949
Joan Tyne O'Rourke 1953
Maureen O'Rourke 1983
Mary Feeley Ostrem 1944
Susan Shennan Ozanne 1962
Eftyhia Pappas 1989
Mary Alice Parsons 1952
Joy Ann Amidei Payne 1953
Rosemary Connor Peebles 1954
Virginia Daleiden Persha 1961
Catherine Tracy Peterson 1965
Susan Peterson 1964
Mary Duggan Philbin 1939
Madeleine Philbin 1977
Janice Alumbaugh Pilon 1961
Rita Jones Platt 1940
Lois Steenhausen Poehlmann 1953
Barbara Sullivan Poindexter 1958
Jacquelyn Cantrell Poole 1954
Donna Beard Pope 1960
Jean Kunkel Powers 1979
Kathleen Auer Powers 1947
Ann Crnich Rambasek 1992
Joan Scheve Raney 1950
Mary Catherine Ratty 1969
Amy Herbstritt Reardon 1987
Merrilee Clark Redmond 1965
Bridget Tyrrell Regan 2000
Jeanne Bromann Regan 1952
Elizabeth Haeger Reis 1965
Erin O'Brien Rhoads 1985
Roberta Ivins Rigali 1953
Rosemary Marchese Rigali 1957
Mary Pat Cormack Riggins 1974
Nancy Marks Riley 1952
Susan Szymanski Riley 1976
Linda Michaud Rinella 1968
Kathleen Conway Rivet 1955
Barbara Rizzo 1969
Joyce Woods Roberts 1956
Barbara Vigna Rocha 1964
Anne Rogers Roche 1969
Clare Devereux Roche 1979
Rosemary Strening Rogers 1940
Jacqueline DeSanto Romolo 1981
Jean Kelly O’Connell ‘72, Kathy O’Connell Kroll ‘69, Nancy
Sullivan O’Connell ‘45 and Mary Beth O’Connell Reilly ‘81.
Summer 2010
Alumnae G ive B ack - “ G i v i n g
Maureen Connerty Krause '54, (pictured above in her kelly
green sweater), a lifelong Irish dancer and an Irish dancing
instructor, wanted to share her passion with her alma mater. She
wanted the students "to laugh and have fun while learning Irish
folk dances"! She was successful!! Maureen volunteered to come
to Trinity in March and teach Irish Folk Dancing to the Dance
class. She taught them the terminology, the history and, most
importantly, to have FUN while learning. It was so kind of
Maureen to give back in a way the twenty girls in the dance class
will never forget!
back benefits a
Margi Burns Abu-Taleb
'80 and Hope Fiedler
Geldes '81 offered their
real life expertise to the
Economics classes this
Spring. Margi, the owner
restaurant in Oak Park,
told the students about the
importance of and how to
create a business plan.
Hope, an attorney, talked
Hope Fiedler Geldes ‘81 discusses
investments with students.
about Real Estate and
Stock investments and
played an investment game complete with balance sheets. “The
students learned about passive income!" Hope proudly exclaimed.
Both alums were happy to give back and really enjoyed sharing
their expertise with current Trinity students.
Trinity is most grateful to Maura Carey Gates '84 for sharing her
love of physical fitness with Trinity students. Maura taught a pilates
class this summer to all interested students. Through her example,
her students learned the importance of strength training.
Maura is also co-chairing the 5K for Fitness run/walk which will be
held Sunday, October 3rd to benefit the new health and fitness
center. Together with Eileen Dolan and Gary Towsend , Maura
hopes that this inaugural walk/run will be a huge success!
Michelle Germanson, O.P., President, Rose Crnkovich, Sheila
Scott, Kathleen Spale ‘98 and Antonia Bouillette, Ph.D, Principal
are pictured above at the induction of the National Honor
Societies. Kathleen was the keynote speaker. She told the girls
how following her passion has led her to a career that she loves.
Kathleen received her BA from Loyola University of Chicago and
a BFA from the Academy of Art in San Francisco. Her love of art,
books and animated films led her to her dream job of a children's
book illustrator. She greatly appreciated her Trinity education
because it opened many doors for her and gave her the
determination to pursue her passions. Trinity is grateful that
Kathleen gave back to her alma mater through her encouraging
words to our honor students.
Link Page 20
Chrissy Crnich Uhlir poses next to
her sign supporting Trinity at the
annual T-Club Sports Day.
Summer 2010
Chrissy Crnich Uhlir '88 is
bringing her volleyball
talents back to the Trinity
gym! Chrissy and her
husband Ken are opening
a new club called Triple
Ace Volleyball Club. The
club will hold their practices
at her alma mater. The
volleyball club for girls
fourth grade and older is
open to all. We hope that
they will become Trinity
Blazers! Good luck,
and strengthens Trinity and enriches your life.”
In memory of their mother and grandmother, Margaret (Honey) McGuire Powers '45 spirit
will live on at Trinity High School for many years to come through the scholarship her
caring family established. The Honey McGuire Powers Scholarship is to benefit a freshman
student who needs financial assistance. The scholarship will follow the student for her four
years at Trinity. Moreover, their gift was amortized over ten years; therefore six students
will be recipients of this four year scholarship! Honey is the loving mother of the late
Kathleen Powers McMahon '71, John Powers (Fenwick class of '76), Mary Helen Powers
Brady '78, and Jamie Powers Kuzniar '91. Honey is also the grandmother of Maggie McMahon '98.
Maggie so kindly shared the following reflection about her grandmother:
“I cannot think of a life which better exemplified the mission of Trinity than that of my
grandmother, Honey Powers. While she was only a student for four years, her devotion to the
school as well as to the values which are taught within its classrooms, lasted for the duration
of Honey's 81 years. This tireless devotion was evidenced in the countless hours which she
spent volunteering, not only for Trinity, but also for numerous organizations within the
community, including Misericordia Home. Within our family, Honey was a constant source of
support, compassion, and strength. As the matriarch of our family, she selflessly devoted
herself to each of us and while she was always willing to provide advice, simply her very
presence in a room would provide a sense of peace and love.
Through her own example, Honey instilled an ethic of care in her own family. Each of her three daughters
attended Trinity, and as her granddaughter, I looked forward to the day that I would join the community in which
my mother and my aunts flourished. Following in Honey's footsteps, my own mother, Kathleen Powers
McMahon '71, became an active member of the Mother's Club and often sought the advice of Honey, who
remained a fixture at the school. Not only was Honey an active member of the Board of Directors, I knew that
on any given day, I could find her in the Development Office tirelessly working to help Trinity continue to instill in
young woman the values which she held so dear.
I consider myself to be very
blessed in that I was fortunate
to have been raised with the
support of my grandmother,
who was the ideal role model
of strength, courage, and
utter selflessness and I pray
that I will become the
considerate, intelligent, and
spiritual woman that Honey
was. While Honey is no
longer with the Trinity
community, her spirit of
kindness and utter dedication
will live on though the
women who will benefit from
the scholarship created in her
name. While these women
have big shoes to fill, I am
confident that the Trinity
community will help each of
them become beautiful,
gifted, and spiritual women
in the memory of Honey.“
Sttanding: Mary Helen (Powers ‘78
8) Brady,, Jamie (Powers ‘91)) Kuzniar,, Jason Kuzniar,,
Joseph and Katthleen (Powers ‘71)) McMahon.. Seatted: James Brady,, James and
Margarett (Honey)) (McGuire ‘45)) Powers.. (Pictture was taken at Bal Dominique 2001..)
Link Page 21
Summer 2010
Thonk you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Rain did not dampen the spirit of the Trinity girls.
Mary Madden Rooney 1957
Mary Pelletier Roos 1965
Mary Ann MD Rosanova-Kaper 1959
Joanne Hannagan Rouse 1951
Mary Ryan Rowley 1956
Maura Rowley 1981
Sabrina Ruff 2005
Sally Cusick Runnells 1972
Joanne James Russell 1950
Carolyn Rutili 2007
Judith Spencer Rutt 1980
Cordelia Ryan 1962
Catherine Moroni Ryan 1970
Lynn Marzullo Salvetti 1970
Judith Croke Sammon 1957
Grace Sanfilippo 1960
Sharon Poggensee Santelli 1958
Carolyn Banich Schanzer 1978
Joanne Beckert Schier 1962
Kathleen Keane Schmidt 1977
Danita Pacelli Schmidt 1968
Rosemary Kinsella Schmiedeler 1949
Jeannine Eichenold Schorn 1980
Kathryn Pignatelli Schruba 1969
Sandra Cullen Schuster 1959
Joan Jackson Schwartz 1951
Elizabeth Nash Schwartz 1957
Patricia Edmier Schwartz 1956
Florence Read Seery 1941
Ellen Shanahan 1965
Mary Shannon Ed.D. 1953
Wallis Dolan Sloat 1965
Adrienne Darovic Smith 1953
Lucy Orzehoskie Smith 1970
Mary Beth Smith 1968
Mary Jane Zito Smith 1948
Cathy Giunta Sorice 1969
Mary Frances Gallery Sorquist 1956
Kimberly Marinaro Stauber 1987
Kathleen Kerwin Steber 1958
Jennifer Mielecki Stern DDS 1998
Adele Keane Stocco 1955
Ann McDonnell Stoll 1959
Mary Dempsey Sullivan 1946
Bernice Fogarty Sullivan 1948
Jean Fitzpatrick Sullivan 1967
Kimberly Ford Sullivan 1975
Pamela Zwers Sullivan 1962
Vicki O'Hara Swaney 1960
Molly Mullins Swock 1980
Noreen Scuderi Tasto 1959
Tyrrell Mathias Taylor 1976
Neila Cogan Teiber 1968
Virginia Roman Thomas 1938
Regina Hanley Thorpe 1961
Loretta Calkins Tierney 1971
Catherine Walsh Tobin 1973
Judith Duchon Totin 1975
Patricia McQuaid Trimarco 1965
Theodora Turula 1964
Marilyn McQuinn Tyznik 1949
Christine Crnich Uhlir 1988
Phyllis Lanphier Ulrich 1959
Marjorie Valleau 1945
Kathleen Cibula Vecchio 1983
Gail Vittori-DeLeon D.D.S. 1989
Mary Agnes Pedicone Vostal 1967
Shavonne Doyle Wagner 1981
Barbara Kennedy Walsh 1943
Jeanne Cusack Walsh 1949
Kathleen Walsh 1958
Loretta O'Mara Walsh 1940
Margaret Walsh 1973
Veronica Fitzmaurice Watts 1946
Roberta Limarzi Weinsheimer 1960
Maureen Whelan 1979
Jeanne Graham Williams 1968
Mary Walsh Winklebleck 1954
Linda Giannini Wolff 1962
Gail Shea Wolfkiel 1954
Mary Mulholland Wood 1962
Charleen Constantino Zanetich 1967
Andrea Zemgulys 1988
Barbara Young Zidek 1948
Candice Zito-Gilhooly 1989
Liane Taglia Zulkey 1968
Denise Bechtold Achtermeier 1959
Christelle Adelman-Adler 1965
Marilyn Aiello O.P. 1955
Sophie Amado 2010
Angela Russo Amberg 1949
Patricia Connon Andersen 1961
Catherine Loftus Anderson 1976
Joanne Weichbrod Anderson 1950
Nancy Brown Anderson 1964
Rita Jean Hayes Anderson 1944
Patricia Favata Andolino 1989
Rosemary Andrew 1954
Judith Ferraro Annis 1963
Blanche Foley Antonello 1947
Sally Clark Arden 1973
Kristine Baum Arkoosh 1969
Donna Baldo Arnesen 1977
Eleanor Rigali Arnold 1959
Giovanna Atteo 1989
Rita Ann Peresin Atwood 1983
Maria Nitti Auriemma 1970
Linda Hallinan Baehr 1965
Eileen Marie Cyr Bagarella 1979
Mary Tim Ratner Baggott MD 1957
Susan Allen Bailey 1967
Kathleen Canning Bakos 1959
Irene Ouska Bakos MD 1969
Rose Marie Torraco Baldo 1945
Link Page 22
Susan Marren Balmes 1966
Kimberly Banks 1989
Julie Matanock Barcia 1957
Ella Osweiler Barker 1953
Claudette Peyrebrune Barrett 1952
Sheila Catrambone Barrett 1960
Sara McDonald Barry 1961
Patricia McCabe Bartusek 1953
Mary Eileen O'Keefe Bateman 1964
Mary Bauer 1998
Mary Ann Gogola Bauernfeind 1958
Maryellen Wood Becker 1958
Barbara Beckert 1961
Bernadine Kunkel Bedingfield 1953
Elizabeth Roche Bellock 1969
Mary Pat Bowler Berens 1959
Christine Hillier Berg 1962
Anna Marie Albergo Bergl 1972
Margaret Horwath Berman 1937
Maureen Ross Bernardi 1969
Anita Berman Berry 1966
Jeanne Leuthesser Bertaut 1949
Rosie Granata Beshk 1956
Mary Ann Beuthin 1959
Cynthia Cacciatore Bickel 1978
Nancy Doherty Bidwill 1954
Mary Ann Kevil Biggins 1965
Jane Wiaduck Birmingham 1983
Joan O'Hara Bissing 1955
Sandra Storino Black 1969
Anne Chang Blaeske 1988
Catherine Smith Blattner 1949
Susan Bremner Bleers 1961
Joan Bludeau-Lavelle 1970
Lois Bluestein 1969
Donna Di Francesca Bobco 1966
Patricia Patten Boblick 1977
Bonnie Ebert Bobrowski 1959
Judith Mondi Bohmann McMahon
Kathleen Sullivan Bold 1966
Annette Scardine Bondelli 1945
Celeste Kroger Bonin 1948
Kathy O'Donnell Borkenhagen 1956
Patricia Murphy Borla 1962
Kathleen McNulty Born 1972
Genevieve Borowski 2009
Dolores Martinello Boveri 1950
Joan Riley Bowes 1946
Patricia Costello Bowles 1956
Mary Kiley Bowman 1942
Patricia Riley Bowman 1978
Joan Kane Boyle 1957
Katherine Coughlin Bracco 1943
Meg Bracco Bracco-Liebreich 1980
Deborah Duff Bradt 1968
Barbara Cecchini Braithwaite 1961
Maria Spina Brandstrader 1959
Kathryn Dunne Brankin 1962
Mary Bransfield 1983
Maureen Bransfield 1992
Barbara Brault MD 1949
Betty Jean Murphy Breen 1948
Flora Losacco Breidenbach PhD 1954
Elizabeth Mathieu Bremer 1972
Elizabeth Gerler Brennan 1962
Joan Moran Brennan 1969
Linda Welch Brennan 1960
Sheila Brennan-Johnson 1975
Nancy Ridolfi Brewster 1972
Sharon Maas Breytspraak 1985
Marie Triolo Brien 1960
Nancy Artman Brindley 1965
Mary Gwen Williams Brinkman 1953
Carol Broderick 1964
Summer 2010
Patricia Hayman Brogan 1948
Jean Holmberg Brokamp 1946
Lorraine Gunkel Brophy 1965
Margaret Mary Smith Broucek 1953
Angela Brown 1989
Barbara Brown 1973
Rita Kelly Brown 1947
Julie Wendt Brundage 1962
Jean Ude Bruno 1972
Eileen Brusek Brusek-Kaczmarek 1967
Maureen Delargy Brutto 1951
Margery Cross Buckingham 1944
Patricia Chase Budo 1951
Anne Wicker Burke 1979
Kathleen Burns 1963
Roberta Zellick Burns 1958
Mary Burritt 1962
Judith Butler 1954
Mary Fran Henegan Byrne 1972
Mary Beleanger Byrns 1966
Anne Cavenagh Cahill 1971
Susan O'Leary Cahill 1962
Joan Cain PhD 1947
Carol Cunningham Cain-Ruth 1949
Donna Caldarulo 1989
Maryann Trojan Calkins 1968
Ann Cullen Callahan 1957
Helen Callahan 1959
Kathleen Hudson Callahan 1944
Donna Roth Calvert 1965
Mary Campagna 1969
Carleen Spicer Campbell 1957
Patricia Campbell 1945
Georgiana Carroll Canniff 1959
Virginia Brizzolara Canning 1948
Ann Caragher 1973
Patricia Caraher O.P. 1952
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Carey 1973
Maureen McGrath Carey 1952
Pat Viglione Carley 1969
Valerie Ryan Carlin 1941
Donna Drevs Carlson 1958
Mary Philbin Carlson 1972
Pam Lorenc Carlson 1974
Joyce Carpino 1970
Jacqueline Gherra Carretta 1959
Margaret Moran Carstensen-Johnson
Luna Muratore Casaccio 1960
Antoneea Nigro Casey 1959
Madonna Casey 1956
Joan Clark Cassaday 1943
Grace Castillo Knapp 1970
Virginia Tully Cavanagh 1951
Denyse Brown Cedarburg 1952
Joan Jacobson Cella 1947
Margo McNamara Chadwick 1974
Kerri Curcuro Chambers 1989
Kathleen Ford Chapman 1965
Lisa Farina Chavez 1989
Susan O'Connor Christian 1963
Diane Ciangi 1969
Dana Cici 2003
Myrtle Elder Ciesla 1952
Rosalind Cigan 1957
Diana Palmer Cincinello 1975
Patricia Toomey Clark 1951
Sandra Adams Clarke 1966
Irene Clarke David 1962
Erin Cleary 1990
Judith Martin Clohessy 1962
Terry Bigane Coakley 1967
Eileen Flood Cocco 1953
Marguerite Gallagher Collins 1965
Elizabeth Loess Combiths 1962
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Mary Gies Commins 1949
Karin Connelly 1985
Marilyn Lenehan Conner 1966
Margaret Jane Butler Connors 1965
Mary Healy Conrad 1953
Rosemary Cowan Conroy 1948
Elayne Gladinus Considine 1955
Frances Conway 1945
Rosemary Condon Conway 1951
Megan Coronado 2007
JoAnne Campagna Cosentino 1951
Joan Smith Costello 1953
the late Joan Mallon Coughlin 1950
Rosemary Adams Cox 1961
Maureen Coyne 1964
Nancy Cozzi-Freda D.D.S. 1980
Anastasia Todd Criscione 1960
Georgeanne Thegze Croft 1975
Teresa Mooney Cullen 1976
Florence Dillon Cullerton 1964
Mary T. Cullitan 1959
the late Rita Quinn Cunningham 1941
Ellen Cunningham S.P. 1957
Anna Cuomo-Paul 1975
Betty Morris Curley 1949
Anne Cusick 1979
Anna Marie Fahey Cyr 1943
Nancy Mally Czajkowski 1957
Brianna Dahly 1997
Mary Edna Torney Dailey 1937
Barbara Mattke Damko 1955
Nancy D'Andrea 1983
Barbara Dannhausen O.P. 1956
Adele Nardi Danzo 1952
Ellen Dee Dattilo 1952
Lea Daudelin 1952
Elizabeth Tornabene David 1964
Joan Carroll Davis 1953
Helen Winter Davy 1941
Rita Busa Dearth 1960
Mary Jane Traiser Deeds 1959
Jennifer DeFily 2002
Gene Dalton DeGeus 1962
Harriet Kruppenbacher DeMartini
Elena Pocina Demitropoulos 1976
Camille Grydyk Demos 1950
Brigitte Hillier DePue 1966
Ann Sullivan Devereux 1954
Mary Pat Devereux 1976
Mary Jane Vaughan DeWan 1938
Mary Sullivan Dewyer 1957
Regina Coleman Dienberg 1982
Marjorie McKeon Digan 1946
Gay Gingher DiGiovanni 1960
Mavourneen Doherty 1960
Dolores Staehle Dom 1948
Catherine McDermott Donahue 1959
Mary Pat Kennedy Donahugh 1950
Julie Gallagher Donalek PhD 1960
Nancy Carpino Donlan 1982
Marian Michels Donovan 1940
Mary Ellen O'Connor Dopp 1983
Marilyn McSweeney Dorsch 1948
Kathleen Julius Doyle 1969
Barbara Hennigan Drain 1949
Joan McCabe Drennan 1958
Dorothy Finnegan Driscoll 1955
Patricia Benick Drozd 1964
Susan Sobey Druffel 1959
Catherine Wuertz Duffy 1956
Susan Loos Dunham 1963
Kathryn Dooley Dunn 1944
Gloria Swanson Dunne 1948
Jane Dailey Dunne 1946
Marynoel Gubbins Durkin 1947
Alice Moriarty Durocher 1953
Mary Beth Corvino Dvorak 1984
Margaret Gladstone Dwyer 1949
Virginia Dwyer-Aoyama 1974
Dianne White Ebert 1959
Margaret McGovern Edwards 1949
Marilyn Kayda Edwards 1958
Margaret Egan 1954
Nora Costello Egan 1978
Maureen McGinnis Eichenold 1972
Patricia Eichenold 1964
Susan Ryan Entwistle 1977
Cynthia Day Erwin 1989
Daryl Lynne Doris Etzbach 1960
Mary Moran Ewald 1959
Nancy Dadario Fagiano 1970
Arlene Anderman Fanning 1954
Nancy Fanning-Basso 1977
Margaret Chestnut Fasano 1950
Helen Kamm Faust 1961
Ann Marie Feeney 1979
Terese Nelligan Feeney 1981
Dorina Felella 1997
Mary Florence Routson Finedore 1941
Marita O'Brien Finnegan 1979
Ann Brooker Fischer 1974
Noreen Fitzgerald 1968
Mary Anne Cormack Fitzpatrick 1954
Gail Scatchell Fiumefreddo 1970
Mary Krickl Flanagan 1977
Louise Siller Florian Ed.D. 1954
Mary Frances Houlihan Fogarty 1955
Karen Sheahan Forman 1964
Elaine Forrest 1938
Elizabeth Fox 1958
Karen Olsen Frank 1982
Rose Marie Franklin MM 1944
Carol Frantilla 1992
Ann Fagan Frederking 1954
Louise Geis Frett 1943
Catherine Kenney Frey 1951
Mary Curnes Fuller 1960
Judith Gallagher 1969
Linda Rooney Gallo 1979
Veryl Gambino 1966
Dorothy Schuessler Ganey 1960
Marilyn Ganser 1967
Beryl Kinner Garbrecht 1951
Jacqueline Suen Garcia 1999
Maura Carey Gates 1984
Peggy O'Neill Gawne 1944
Barbara Sanderlin Gearen 1968
Angelyn Chott Geary 1964
Janet Vanderslice Geary 1966
Mary Agnes Lee Gebhardt 1955
Camille Giraldi Gembacz 1964
Eloise Ciotti Georgen 1962
Nancy Geraci 1970
Colleen Schiewe Geraghty 1989
Peggy O'Shea Geraghty 1980
Karen Lundy Giammarese 1979
Frances Quinn Gibbons 1949
Susanne Gibbons 1954
Dorothy Hannagan Gibson 1949
Amy Gieseman 1981
Loretta Slawinski Gildo 1949
Alice Gill 1958
Doris Gillen 1945
Loretta Gawne Gillen 1953
Jane Seward Gillespie 1960
Linda Barth Giovingo 1969
Marion Cotter Glassman 1949
Barbara O'Reilly Gleason 1947
Margaret O'Connell Glenzinski 1985
Link Page 23
Rosanna Airdo Glueckert 1955
Sharon Gogola 1962
Bernadette Prunty Goldman 1980
Helen Higgins Gomberg 1956
Victoria Gombotz 1983
Caron Danz Gorka 1959
Bette Jo Sitzberger Gorman 1957
Francine DiCostanzo Gorman 1949
Maureen Beacom Gorman 1989
Margaret Schuele Gourley 1962
Kimberly Trusco Graaff 1996
Nancy Brooker Graham 1984
Marie Ciabattoni Grassick 1951
Deirdre Quirk Graziano 1963
Kathleen Kenna Greco 1959
Marie Griffin O.P. 1957
Mary James Griffin O.P. 1959
Michelle Ferrer Grilli 1978
Ethel Casey Grobe 1947
Sandra Meyer Groddy 1954
Grace Lucca Guarisco 1960
Christine Gulino 1999
Barbara Bruce Gustafson 1980
Annamarie Gustello 1999
Alice Malloy Gyuran 1947
Jerianne Haag 1973
Nancy Haag 1970
Jacqueline Leo Hackett 1969
Abigail Conmy Hafner 1951
Denise Moran Halloran 1959
Genevieve Watts Halloran 1988
Eleanor Quinn Halt 1971
Kathleen Kinsella Hamill 1969
Joan Krueger Hamilton 1960
Mary Pat Dolan Handrigan 1954
Mary Ann Powell Hannon 1948
Mary Jo Walpole Hannon 1946
Maureen O'Donoghue Hannon 1984
Rosemarie Stanke Hansen 1945
Gloria Dauer Hanson 1960
Frances Leslie Haras 1958
Anne Cox Harmon 1942
Margaret Mary Harrington 2010
Clara Reckamp Harris 1954
Mary Grace Cibula Harrison 1971
Kathleen Kelly Hartman 1963
Mary Hawkins 1955
Mary Beth Ford Hawkins 1960
Marycarm Fosco Healy 1972
Maureen Cusack Healy 1986
Eileen Huber Hendrickson 1969
Mary Joan Weitzel Hennessy 1943
Dianna Pruyn Henning 1960
Jacqueline Heirens Henry 1950
Donna Kalb Herbst 1953
Joan Rogers Herlihy 1981
Carmen Hernandez 1998
Joan Drymalski Heuel 1954
Katheleen Thorne Higgins 1950
Mary Sue Sweeney Higgins 1967
Nancy Zalewski Hilbert 1953
Lynne Helphrey Hill 1963
Marylou Goetz Hipskind 1968
Joan Ford Hogan 1961
Margaret Rice Hohman 1989
Jennifer Holesha 1995
Joan Santen Holland 1949
Mary Beth Hoffman Holpuch 1955
Julie Honcharevich 2005
Jeanne De Zutter Honikel 1957
Yvonne Horne 1989
Kathleen Hourihan Hosty 1969
Barbara Coffey Houda 1952
Eugenia Gladstone Hoyne 1956
Eleanor Hrody 1940
Laurie Faulkner Huget 1959
Mary Ellen Hughes 1959
Claire Keenan Hurd 1973
Irene Mattion Hurley 1948
Teresa Alfano Izrael 1989
Mary Cagney Jacobs 1989
Mary Jacobs PhD 1960
Diane Zelten Jaeger 1972
Marilyn Salmon James 1946
Mary Lee McCarthy Janis 1956
Anne Hoban Jean 1961
Crissy Jungwirth Jemison 1987
Maria Kwilas Jerkovic 1987
Georgianne Jirousek 1969
Elizabeth Slater Johnson 1958
Mary Jo Lillis Johnson 1969
Sharon Fitzpatrick Johnson 1959
Helen Jonas 1997
Joan Galman Jones 1960
Kerry O'Brien Judy 1989
Marcia Kaiser 1972
Mary Elizabeth Kaiser 1959
Nora Gillespie Kantwill 1980
Patricia Benko Kappmeyer 1973
Assunta Ambrosino Karris 1989
Marianne Kasper 1984
Patricia Pulaski Kautz 1960
Meg Cassin Kearton 1975
Deborah McAuliffe Keenan 1960
Tosca Kekish MD 1977
Julie Kelly 1976
Marianne Moore Kelly 1947
Marisue Reardon Kelly 1960
Elizabeth Kennedy 1985
Mary Patt Atkins Kennedy 1964
Carol Weiler Kenney 1960
Eileen Kenny 1958
Jacqueline Keogh 1952
Kathryn Kernan 1967
Mary Madden Kerwin 1963
Jeanne Hopkinson Kevil 1946
Summer 2010
Thonk you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Laura Eichnold, Jamie Neidenbach, Paige Stewart, and Amanda Nunez.
Christine Costello Kidder 1986
Ann Sego Kikas 1984
Amy Quirk Kiley 1989
Maura Kiley 1958
Loretta Mulvaney King 1950
Margaret Mulryan King 1964
Carol Kelliher Kirk 1950
Alyce Davy Kissane 1955
Julia Gibson Kling 1987
Rita Klinge 1958
Michelle Klisz 1989
Salomea Bittenbinder Klunzinger 1995
Josephine Leo Knollenberg 1962
Peggy Sweeney Kocar 1952
Eileen O'Sullivan Koch 1988
Mariefrancine Bachusz Kolodziej 1970
Elaine Cicero Kolovitz 1940
Kathryn Welch Konrad 1953
Christina Kosanovic 2009
Marianne Skriba Koys 1945
Margaret Kraft 1975
Bridget Carey Krafton 1988
Michelle Passarelli Krage 1989
Maureen Connerty Krause 1954
Joan Krueger Krueger 1953
Molly Rowe Ksander 1964
Roberta Tyrakowski Kufner 1962
Roberta Stack Kuhfuss 1959
Suzanne Elliott Kunkel 1956
Mary Anne Moldenhauer Kurowski
Marlene Kusch 1955
Kristen Barry Labovsky MD 2000
Mary Patricia Anderson Lahtinen 1951
Frances Kruse LaMantia 1994
Janice Janks Lane 1959
Lucy Blume Lane 1952
Marilyn Russell Lanigan 1959
Maureen Theiss Lanno 1962
Constance Gryzlo Lanphier 1965
Nanda Manetti LaPata 1957
Barbara Anderson Laper 1953
Judith Ernst Larkin 1955
Mary Pat Larocca 1978
Susan Cacciatore Lasek 1983
Margaret D'Onofrio Lauterbach 1976
Helen Gilligan LaViolette 1953
Marilyn Lawley 1949
Marilyn Devereux Lawlor 1955
Kathleen Connon Leahy 1965
Nancy Knowles Leban 1949
Joan Daley Lee 1949
Madonna Leen 1957
Dee Kiley LeFevour 1953
Roseann Finnegan LeFevour 1972
Patricia O'Brien Lehman 1959
Cecilia Wilson Leonard 1960
Christine Leonard 1964
Joan Lescher 1959
Mary Kay Shannon Lewin 1967
Nancy Decanio Libby 1959
Darlene Delargy Limber 1954
Margaret McNichols Little 1952
Geraldine Biagiotti Lobraco 1970
Nancy Lombardo 1980
Lisa DeGeratto LoMonaco 1979
Elizabeth Scarano Looby 1979
Carole Workman Lopez 1956
Arlene Lord 1963
Carol Lord-Evans 1953
Linda Storino Lucchese 1973
Carlotta Marcucci Lucchesi 1969
Nancy Blackman Lukasik 1971
Debra Lund 1971
Joan Grafer Lurie 1949
Carol Forss Lyall 1961
Catherine Hearne Lynch 1964
Mary McGinnis Lynch 1945
Mary DiGilio Lyons 1974
Lisa Marie Fornaro Macchione 1997
Carol Malloy Madigan 1952
Jane Cormack Maher 1969
Virginia Ryan Maier 1952
Lois Pope Malcak 1951
Kathleen Mangos 1969
Geralyn Marano 1974
Mary Ann Butler Marcoux 1959
Mary Raymond Marcucci 1948
Mimi Madden Marcucci 1970
Kathleen O'Connell Marsh 1959
Margaret Rubino Marshall 1993
Mary Wood Martin 1957
Mary Ann Hartney Martino 1959
Cecelia Novak Mascari 1956
Lorraine Spinello Masick 1965
Marilu Flanagan Matre 1941
Meredith Matthews 1998
Carol Welch Matusak 1964
Sabina Garippo Matza 1980
Joanne Duffy May 1954
Margaret Mayer 1960
Barbara Gryzlo Mazukelli PhD 1971
Anne Bottigliero Mazzone 1989
Nancy McCarron Mc Gee 1950
Joanne Crowley McAdams 1961
Denise Heintz McAllister 1956
Helen Grady McAndrews 1942
Mary Ellen McBride 1974
Rita Domas McCabe 1944
Lori Gagliardo McCarter 1976
Mary Nulty McCauley 1958
Mary Lahey McClelland 1964
Elizabeth Brooker McCracken 1981
Mary Ann Otto McCullough 1949
Patricia Randazzo McCutcheon 1959
Anne McDevitt 1967
Sheila Elkins McDonnell 1966
Mary Jo McEnery 1982
Megan McAndrews McEnroe 1977
Andrea Kuhn McFarlane 1987
Link Page 24
Mary Bedingfield McGady 1956
Diana Reyes McGarr 1978
Molly Braithwaite McGarry 1989
Priscilla Masterson McGaughan 1969
Jackie Reeb McGill 1953
Catherine Cusick McGrath 1969
Margaret McDonald McGrath 1961
Nora Mahoney McGuinness PhD
Nancy Beahan McGurn 1973
Denise Edwards McHale 1989
Elwyn McHale O.P. 1947
Cathleen Gianforte McHugh 1971
Mary Walsh McHugh 1971
Michaela O'Donnell McHugh 1956
Virginia Zymali McHugh 1950
Mary Anne McHugh-Chaljub 1978
Mary Beth Montroy McIntosh 1974
Margaret Philbin McKinley 1979
Laurene McKirnan 1946
Marjorie Viola McLain 1950
Colleen McMahon 1993
Joan Shea McMahon 1958
Kathleen Nolan McMahon 1975
Kelly McMahon 2004
Mary Anne Prell McMahon 1962
Mary Therese O'Brien McMahon 1952
Eileen McNamara 1957
Helen Foley McNaney 1959
Colette Magner McNichols 1942
Anastasia McNichols O.P. 1947
Elizabeth Romano McNulty 1969
Marian Flanagan McNulty 1954
Denise Lynskey Medema 1961
Mary Mennella Nordin MD 1973
Mary Merola 1971
Eileen Braniff Mesi 1970
Charlotte Laterza Messina 1967
Marianne Wrenn Metzig 1978
Charlotte Meyer 1958
Roberta Meyer 1957
Catherine Meyering O.P. 1946
Renee Sciacca Miastkowski 1978
Ruth Hanson Michael 1944
Patricia Ruddy Micucci 1957
Janine Grunt Middleditch 1955
Mary Ellen Farah Miezwa 1946
Lynda Miles 1975
Lila Chenal Milford 1944
Elizabeth Harmon Miller 1989
Janet Cormack Miller 1953
Sharon O'Neil Miller 1962
Grace Mastri Minck 1954
Molly Mitchell 2010
Joan Perry Mix 1945
Elizabeth Kenny Mohanty 1988
Therese Furlong Molony 1943
Marie Monhardt 1979
Mary Virginia D'Orio Montalbano
Eleanor Capilupo Montgomery 1940
Sheila Montroy 1983
Ann Fahey Moran 1956
Barbara Coughlin Moran 1963
Mary Lou Andro Moran 1959
Joan Fitzgerald Morgan 1948
Winifred Morgan O.P. 1956
Gloria Trucco Moroni 1944
Nancy Egan Morrissey 1957
Mary Lou Gentle Morrissy 1952
Carolynne McDevitt Morvis 1960
Ann Conlon Mowery 1959
Mary Kathryn Bowman Mullen 1968
Judith Brown Muller 1957
Kelly Mullins 2005
Summer 2010
Mary Eileen Dougherty Mullins 1949
Nancy Carroll Mumford 1957
Judith Valle Murdach 1961
Carol Gibbons Murphy 1951
Judith Murphy 1961
Mary Mlady Murphy 1947
Rita Durkin Murphy 1959
Ann McDonald Murphy-Oswald 1960
Joanne Burns Murray 1965
Shirley Siebengartner Murray 1944
Jean Murray O.P. 1945
Gina Murray Naas 1992
Margaret Sowa Nagel 1970
Carol Lane Nash 1955
Jean Gibson Nass 1972
Carolann Maloney Nemec 1959
Lorraine Kerr Nettleton 1945
Mary Knowles Neubauer 1949
Alice Hawley Neuschwanger 1959
Claudia Melino Nevoral 1974
Barbara Quartullo Nicosia 1957
Juleann Moylan Nolan 1949
Julie Ann Elliott Nolan 1980
Marietta Ranzino Norvid 1956
Mary Jeanne Crane Novak 1947
Kristine Poggi Oakey 1962
Arlene O'Brien 1952
Barbara Gesto O'Brien 1955
Barbara Clark O'Brien 1975
Eileen O'Brien 1964
Joan Callaghan O'Brien 1948
Julie James O'Brien 1976
Marijo Martin O'Brien 1940
Mary O'Brien 2005
Patricia Lynch O'Brien 1963
Tagger Walsh O'Brien 1977
Maureen Murray O'Bryan 1954
Margaret O'Connell 1941
Bridgette O'Connor 2005
Darlene Willix O'Connor 1956
Mary Fran Petricca O'Connor 1962
Mary Ellen Rickard Oczko 1965
Marie Kroger O'Donoghue 1945
Mary Ellen Holland Oeschger 1958
Dorothy Haley Ogdon 1947
Mary Helen Thegze O'Hanley 1969
Mary Ellen Ryan O'Hara 1943
Sheila Galvin O'Hara 1985
Kathleen Houlihan Okrent 1979
Carol Godek Olas 1964
Shari Radoha Olas 1989
Carolyn Gentle O'Leary 1954
Julie Suero Olsen 1968
Marianne Kenny Olson 1954
Mary Ann Di Novi Olson 1984
Margaret Cozzi Olson DPM 1973
Bernadette Halloran O'Reilly 1958
Catherine O'Rourke 1993
Mary Catherine Meyer Ortiz 1992
Mary O'Donnell O'Shea 1968
Marita Doyle Osterloh 1964
Patricia McGrath O'Sullivan 1955
Laurita Williams Panagoulias 1976
Frances Digati Panepinto 1979
Eileen Pare 1950
Cecilia Trucco Parenti 1970
Carolyn Koron Parise 1985
Patricia Smith Parish 1953
Marilyn Cerone Passeri 1961
Mary Pazdan O.P. 1960
Margaret Jirasek Percival 1965
Mary Perkins O.P. 1947
Patricia Demario Perretti 1973
Lauren Hock Perrino 1978
Rose Fahey Perry 1946
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Sheila Forrest Perry 1957
Gertrude Johnson Peterson 1959
Zita Baubkus Petroski 1948
Sheilah Credo Phan 1993
Kathleen Phelan O.P. 1963
Mary Ellen Cullen Phillips 1951
Patricia Melone Picardi 1960
Donna Ginocchio Piegore 1949
Maria Scala Pieranunzi 1988
Patricia Mullins Pinter 1952
Frances LaCalamita Pipala 1961
Joanne Jacobazzi Plunkett 1972
Jennie Polizzotto 1981
Joanne Laterza Ponzio 1964
Elizabeth Pope 1988
Donna Bondi Poppe 1956
Gina Radoha Power 1987
Marilyn Smith Power 1958
Ellen Kernan Powers 1951
Barbara Prack 1956
Gina Virruso Prendergast 1988
Agnes Tierney Prindiville 1946
Mary Davy Prochaska 1941
Dena Anton Puccillo 1986
Maria Ambrosia Pudlo 1965
Geraldine Schumacher Pugh 1960
Maureen Sammon Quinn 1949
Ginna Nee Radeke 1980
Marybeth Raff 1964
Barbara Deutschle Ranieri 1959
Melissa Esposito Rascia 1980
Margaret Byrne Rateau 1940
Rosa Rauth O.P. 1944
Kathleen Filec Recchia 1982
Geraldine Morrissey Redmond 1943
Harriette Strening Reedy 1943
Margaret James Reedy 1978
Carla Abruzzini Reid 1982
Nancy MacGillis Remick 1949
Darlene Warta Renie 1986
Mary Ann Weber Reyburn 1965
Susan Reymond 1959
Carol Jo Wojteczko Reynolds 1962
Emma Orrico Ricchio 1949
Mary Fitzpatrick Richardson 1952
Barbara Ann Grimm Ries 1950
Mary Jean McMahon Rigali 1947
Kathleen Crnich Riggins 1993
Barbara Carroll Riley 1960
Susan Busa Riley 1959
Betty Mahoney Robinson 1943
Joan Inzerillo Robinson 1960
Sylvia Manzo Roderer 1951
Annette Spicuzza Roeder 1955
Rita Winter Rogers 1946
JoEllyn Hoey Romano 1980
Patricia Twombly Rossow 1950
Rosemary Conley Roussil 1968
Joyce Rozwadowski 1960
Monica Rozwadowski 1958
Therese O'Leary Rudersdorf 1969
Sylvia Perry Rudolph 1960
Kathy Weiler Rush 1967
Rosemary Colletti Rushing 1965
Jeannette Fogarty Russell 1937
Rita McDonald Russell 1972
Carmel Casciato Ryan 1955
Catherine Spinner Ryan 1951
Christine Jambrosek Ryan 1989
Donna Daly Ryan 1953
Mary Brady Ryan 1944
Mary Alice Scanlon Ryan 1953
Mary Ann Ryan 1971
Nancy Fiedler Ryan 1952
Sheila Morrissey Ryan 1998
Atica Kalamperovic Sabovic 1995
Kathleen O'Brien Salmon 1955
Maria Spina Samatas 1988
Mary Lou Lacke Samuelson 1955
Betty Kennedy Sandeen 1939
Joanne Schillaci Sanders 1963
Susan Raasch Sandvoss 1954
Geraldine Eberhardt Santelli 1949
Joanna Ciaglia Sarre 1965
Mary Lou Hannagan Sarver 1945
Patricia Province Savage 1971
Michelle Savalier 2000
Jane McClelland Sawtell 1959
Theresa Riccio Scanio 1989
Marilyn McNamara Schaub 1945
Marie O'Keefe Schiewe 1934
Marilyn Schmid 1955
Mary Lennox Schmidt 1964
Barbara Frey Schmitt 1965
Judy Mangos Schomer 1981
Joan Hennelly Schroeder 1956
Peg O'Brien Schuessler 1958
Marybeth Schuh 1989
Emily Gibbs Schultz 1991
Julia Sciaraffa 1979
Susan McNaney Scoville 1979
Mary Eileen Scully O.P. 1945
Joan Calmeyn Seegers 1959
Cecilia Sehr O.P. 1960
Kelly Louis Sellers 1993
Patricia Walsh Sharkey 1956
Maribeth Brennan Sheahan 1961
Ellen Shea Shiels 1949
Jamie Nystrom Shuler 1967
Rosanne Di Benedetto Sikich 1988
Amy Simon 1989
Barbara Bracco Sipes 1984
Mary Roberta Fitch Skach 1954
Marie Doherty Sloan 1961
Norine Kresich Slott 1946
Alicia Jaeger Smith 1993
Ann Fitzgibbon Smith 1952
Betty Lou Staehle Smith 1950
Dorothea Feeley Smith 1947
Dorothy Nebel Smith 1957
Kathryn Sloan Smith 1989
Mary Margaret Smith O.P. 1955
Christina Sofiakis 1984
Nancy Spak 1963
Lynn Kingsbury Specht 1949
Annette Mosco Spencer 1989
Marian Di Salvo Spina 1989
Susan Keefer Stahr 1959
Ronne Shannon Stankus 1955
Mary Patricia Colby Stearns 1954
Diane Marcuccilli Steffen 1968
Joan Steinbrecher PhD 1954
Bonnie Stenson 1967
Joan Cahill Stephens 1946
Maureen Shea Stephenson 1985
Joan Whitehead Steskal 1955
Rosemarie Rinella Stocky 1966
Patricia Bauer Stoeber 1951
Rita Smeriglio Stopa 1960
Claire Sansone Storto 1950
Helen Hosty Stout 1957
Mary Pietryga Straka 1976
Joan Cormack Strassmaier 1954
Mary Puccetti Stroth 1979
Winifred Maher Strueber 1947
Carolyn Mattern Stuckwisch 1958
Ann Sweeney Sullivan 1952
Barbara Meiers Sullivan 1952
Barbara Cormack Sullivan 1957
Frances Brennan Sullivan 1952
Geraldine Paoli Sullivan 1945
Jane Mannion Sullivan 1953
Kathleen Creadon Sullivan 1961
Mary Pat McKee Sullivan 1983
Rosemarie Brady Sullivan 1945
Judith Boyer Sumka 1962
Link Page 25
Terese Papa Surges 1984
Catherine Zachar Sweitzer 1969
Carol Abrath Swezey 1959
Alice Triekey Swiatek 1955
Jeanne Rambaud Swiatowiec 1949
Kathleen Griffin Swift 1955
Mary Carey Swift 1952
Colette Giroux Switski 1966
Elaine Syrek 1955
Marcella Melloan Szpak 1952
Jennifer Szwaya-Musial 1996
Mary Parker Taglia 1975
Mary Catherine O'Hara Tansey 1973
Jennifer Toschi Tegel 1989
Michele Jacobellis Termini 1981
Nancy Higgins Theisen 1949
Lee Dries Thomas 1999
Bridget McKeever Thomason 1989
Patricia Koster Thompson 1958
Susan Nadar Thompson 1970
Mary Jane Kelly Thorpe 1964
Joanne Pittacora Tibbs 1979
Rita Calkins Tierney 1968
Maureen Buckley Toner 1950
Deborah Topolski 1987
Judith Burke Torgus 1958
Gail Molnar Torres 1965
Susan Tourtelot 1965
Genette De Vry Tracy 1964
Suzanne Dayton Tracy 1951
Anita Perivolidis Trainor 1978
Jane O'Brien Trainor 1976
Marilyn Mooney Trainor 1944
Sheila Duffy Trant 1970
Melinda Hock Triner 1980
Lorraine Rossi Tritthardt 1969
Georgia Rombakis Tsaganos 1984
Julie Scully Tucek 1988
Mary Ann Grusecki Tuerk 1967
Katherine Barron Tuite 1959
Kathleen Clements Tuma 1979
Margot Lynn Tunney 1955
Martha Schindler Tuohy 1950
Joan Powers Turnbull 1967
Mary Ann Schaefer Tyrrell 1959
Denise O'Connor Ursini 1965
Amy Uscila 2001
Dora Cerami Vaccaro 1989
Concetta Varco Vacco 1949
Violeta Valadka 1971
Victoria Valde 2010
Amy River Valenzuela 1954
Diane Valos 1999
Laurie McCawley Van Tassel 1947
Alicia VandeVusse 2000
Susan McDonald Vanek 1958
Judith Gawne Varias 1967
Blanche Cenek Vedral 1937
Patricia Gallagher Vena 1962
Kathleen Ferri Verta 1964
Bridget Faul Viglione 1969
Barbara Forrest Vignola 1952
Mary Sue Auer Voeller 1966
Barbara Rice Wacker 1955
Jean Drallmeier Wadman 1941
Lynda Taylor Wagner 1968
Beverly Roach Wallace 1968
Audrey Reeb Walsh 1948
Mary Jean McGrail Walsh 1978
Molly Weithers Walsh 1989
Nancy Nolan Walsh 1964
Patricia Walsh 1984
Kathleen O'Brien Wanhatalo 1961
Pamela Zink Ward 1987
Eleanor Finnegan Warzoha 1950
Mary Hagerty Wayne 1972
Donna McGann Weber 1953
Regina Tassi Weber 1967
Anne McDonald Weisskopf 1953
Janet Peresin Weitz 1965
Margaret Weitzel 1978
Elizabeth Reuland Welch 1953
Lorraine Svoboda Welch 1937
Loudelle Werling 1956
Emily Wessell 2010
Christine Biggio Weyna 1970
Colette Malecki Wheeler 1948
Patricia Scheiberle White 1989
Rosemary White 1947
Sue Ellen White 1977
Sharon Masterson Whiteside 1988
Carolyn Cronin Whittington 1966
Joan Smith Wiaduck 1962
Mary Delaney Willer 1961
Alice Vonesh Williams 1967
Marianne McGloon Williams 1962
Mary Carol Kernan Willsey 1950
Marilyn Miller Wilson 1955
Phillis Goedert Wilson 1961
Mary Therese Keenan Windle 1977
Rita Scuderi Winrow 1956
Grace Dougherty Wisdom 1951
Mary Ann Wixted 1954
Marilyn King Wojcik 1959
Valerie Zatopa Wolfgram 1957
Christine Lytle Wood 1964
Pamela Stirton Woodbury 1964
Margaret Brennan Woody 1957
Catherine Carlstrom Yagunic 1955
Virginia Kuenster Yarbrough 1965
Joan Ulveling Young 1955
Mary Ann Foran Zalinski 1983
Angela Lucca Zaprzal 1974
Aurelia McCormick Zimmerman 1955
Patricia Tamburino Zygler 1959
Ticket sellers: Kitty Harrington ‘13. Molly Kunkel ‘12, Bitta Pacer ‘12,
and Mary Rauh ‘12. All are daughters of alumnae.
Summer 2010
(Donors recognized are from July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010.)
If you are a parent or former parent and also an alumna, you have been listed with your class.
$50,000 +
THS Mother's Club
$25,000 - $49,999
A. Montgomery Ward
James and Debra Donahugh
Douglas and Kathleen
Stritzel Cooney Scholarship Fund
$10,000 - $24,999
Paul and Lisa Barry
Mary L. Burke
John and Stephanie Flynn
Michelle Germanson O.P.
Robert and Mary Ann Kaminski
Nancy W. Knowles
William and Kathleen Planek
Sinsinawa Dominicans
St. Luke Parish
The Hefner Agency
THS Father's Club
THS Parent Steward Committee
Hugh and Mary Kay Totten
$5,000 - $9,999
Carol Bernick
Thomas and Roxanne Collins
Kevin Connelly
Daniel P. Haerther Trust
The Drs. Marco and Susan G.
John and Patricia Powers
$2,500 - $4,999
Bigane Paving Co.
Jimenez Enterprises, Inc.
Philip and Maureen Kenny
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation,
John and Rosemarie Nowicki
Mary T. Schneider
$1,000 - $2,499
Advent Systems, Inc.
Agape Foundation
Archdiocese of Chicago Cardinal Scholarship Award
Patrick Baldwin
Robert and Kathryn Berti
The Drs. Bernard and Antonia
Dr. Michael Brown and Dr.
Christina Marciniak
Ed and Laura Coronado
Brian and Tracey Ann Donlan
Elmhurst Memorial Hospital
First Merit Bank
Mary J. Foley and Steve
Margaret Gipson
Thomas D. Grusecki Family
Craig Jenks
The Drs. Donald and Donna
Stephen Kennedy
K-Five Construction Corporation
Loyola - Gottlieb Memorial
Dr. Eugene and Clare McEnery
Thomas McNamara
Medtronic Foundation
John and Kathy Morrissey
Northern Builders
Oak Park Apartments /
Greenplan Management, Inc.
Oak Park Country Club
The Drs. Kevin and Marianne
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers
James and Cathy Platt
State Representative Angelo
The Belmont Funeral Home
The Pasta Shoppe & Cafe
The Private Bank and Trust
$500 - $999
Bansley and Kiener, L.L.P.
Edward Bellock Jr.
Victor and Nancy Ciardelli
Robert and Marcia Coleman
Collins Engineers, Inc.
Nancy Cribari
Susan Crnich
Deutsch, Levy & Engel Chartered
Dominican University
Dr. David and Barbara Dries
Edward Fiedler
Forest Park National Bank
Donald Gancer
John and Mary Ann Gaynor
Gene & Georgetti
Hawthorne Race Course
Jane McEvilly Warren
Jeremiah F. Bransfield
Paul Johnson
Kevin and Cynthia Killips
Mary Leyden
Liquor & Wine Sales Reps,
Warehousemen, Clerical,
Joseph McMahon
Mark and Karen Mitchell
Hon. John and Maureen
Link Page 26
Timothy and Margaret O'connor
Michael O'Halloran and Linda
Quest Management Services
W. Stephen and Catherine
Ruggie Saunders
Shaker Family Foundation
Rimas and Victoria Siliunas
Frank and Carol Spale
Spannuth Boiler Co.
St. Vincent Ferrer Church
Margaret Stender
Michael and Kim Tobin
Village of Rosemont
Zimmerman Enterprises, Inc.
$250 - $499
Michael and Deborah Allen
Amvest Realty, Ltd
Bernstein Wealth Management
Blizzard Ski and Snowboard
James and Katie Carney
Patricia Cassidy
Chris Guillen Photography
CPS, Inc.
Customized FX
Drechsler, Brown and Williams
Funeral Home
Dressel's Hardware
Drs. Battistoni & Beam,
E.J. Mullins Co., Inc.
Elmcrest Banquets
Epigraphics Software Inc.
Paul Gearen
Herff Jones Class Rings
Heritage Cadillac
Jos. Cacciatore & Co. Real
Levin, Schreder & Carey, LTD
Lincoln Park Savings Bank
Loyola Medical Dept. of
Orthopedic Surgery
Marquette National Bank
Mohr Oil Co.
James and Pamela Mulshine
Oak Park & North Auto Service
James and Helen Marie O'Hara
O'Sullivan's Public House
Peckar & Abramson, P.C.
Performance Graphics
Plass Appliance & Furniture
Henry and Yvonne Poindexter
Riley Heating & Cooling Co.
Ryan Repair Services
Commissioner Peter Silvestri
Spina, McGuire and Okal
St. Luke Bridge Club
Target Corporation
Summer 2010
Mike Tsakalakis
Ross and Marguerite Tyrrell
World' Vest Base Inc.
$100 - $249
American Courier Service, Inc.
American Wilbert Vault Corp.
Dan and Linda Bacher
Randall and Karen Bacidore
Michael and Sharon Beaulieu
Michael and Madelyn Bielawa
William and Lynn Bila
Marianne Breen
Catherine Anne Brennan
Kenneth and Debra Ann Busam
Mary J. Cannon
Gerard Cicero and Cathy Cicero
Community Bank
James and Catherine Costello
John and Emily Costigan
Virginia Coughlin
Rose Crnkovich
Timothy and Cindy Cronin
Perry and Julie DiGirolamo
Leonard and Dolores Disis
Paul and Mrs. Faherty
Richard and Margaret Fantasia
Jeffrey and Debra Fetterman
Lorraine Gagliardo
Gagliardo Realty Co., Inc.
Catherine Garvey
Lenore M. Garvey
Donald and Argene Giannetti
Rose Haddad
Thomas and Nereida Hague
Harman & Fedick LTD
Walter, Phyllis and Jessica Harris
Harrison and Company
John Hinck
Joseph Hoffman Jr.
Hugar Foot & Ankle Specialists
J. Milito & Associates, Inc.
James and Marian Jordan
David and Kathleen Juran
Judie Kelly
Kelty Financial Services, Inc.
John and Dorothy Kezios
Thomas Kraft
Patrick J. and Barbara Lamb
Patricia Laraia
Irene Lizak
Peggy Macaluso
Marani Land Services, Inc.
John and Patricia McParland
Edmund Meyer
Molloy Masonry
Thomas and Lynette Moriarty
Denis and Angeline
Greg Nelson
Thomas and Patricia Nelson
Esther Nicholas
Thank you! Thank you!Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Oak Park-River Forest Community
Oak Roofing & Tuckpointing
Ms. Bridget O'Malley
William and Mary Kate O'Reilly
Dr. Jessie Panko and Dr. Stephen Panko
Pediatrics Unlimited LLC
Richard and Diane Ravizza
William Reimnitz
John and Sharon Rizzo
Robert and Rose Rojas
Joseph and Mary Romano
Gabriele Romanucci and Maria Defeo
Dave Roselund
Roy and Anne Roselund
Ronald Rosenblum
Annamarie Sciaraffa
Kenneth and Mary Sichz
Suzanne Smith
Smith & LaLuzerne, LTD
Patricia and T.J. Spohnholtz
St. Giles Church
Ed Stritzel
Helen Tentler
The Irish Shop
Manfred and Jacqueline Thommen
Gloria J. Tysl
Andrew Wallach
Fr. Wayne Watts
Dr. James and Mrs. Arlene Watts
James and Michele Whitehead
Marc and Carol Zyburt
Edward and Theresa Zyszczynski
Ahern Funeral Home
Kristen A. Anderson
Joseph and Therese Anlauf
Alice Barda
Delores Bialek
Paul and Mary Binder
Mary Clare Brady
Kathleen and Martin Brown
Gary L. Brownfield
Maryalyce and Edmond Burke
Gregory and Jan Burzynski
Salvatore and Ann Campagna
John and Nancy Carr
Madonna Carsello
Diane Casaccio
Dominic and Elaine Castanoli
Lawrence M. Celeste
Chamberlin Group
Anthony and Sheryl Chimera
James Z. Chrones
Josephine Cleff
David and Linda Colclazier
Margaret N. Collins
Mike Costello
Donald Coyle
Grazyna Cwiakala
Lois Dahlberg
Bradford and Barbara Dahly
Brian and Mary Jule Daly
Kimberly A. Decker
Joana DeSanto
Devco Foil Stamping & Print Corporation
Louise Dieterle
Dominican Friars
Joy Donahue
Robert and Patricia Donnelly
Norbert and Florence Fehringer
First Tennessee Bank
Patricia Florio
William and Jacqueline Foulk
Fullmer Locksmith Service Inc.
Bernard and Loretta Garvey
John and Jane Guagliardo
Thomas and Constance Guardi
Lawrence and Loretta Gustello
Joanne Hall
Margaret E. Hans
Margaret Harmon
Gaile Higashi
Phyllis Hindery
James and Gwendolyn Jaeger
Mary James
Carol Jankowski
Mark and Avis Jason
JBS & Associates
Whipp and Lita Johnson
Eugene and Mary Ellen Kelly
Michael Kelty
Peter Kennedy
David and Orysia Killion
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Kowalik
Robert Koys
Joanne LaBanco
Leonard and Angela Lanzito
Robin Lavender
Anne Leonard
Donald and Joan Leone
Thomas and Angela Liszewski
Charles and Dolores Lizak
Frank and Mary Kay Macchione
Edward and Rosa Mangiarulo
James and Kathryn Mc Cormack
Mary McEnery
Colleen McNicholas, O.P.
John and Julie Ann Menton
Merrill Lynch
Susan Mielenhausen
Judith Miller
Pamela Moriarty
Francis Mott and Therese M. Fitzpatrick
Mark and Eileen Marie Mullins
Helen Murphy
William and Winifred Northey
Nancy Norton
Irene O'Shea
Paul and Marjorie Ostendorf
Joseph and Beth Paneral
Peter and Alice Pantarotto
Anthony and Kathleen Pareti
James and Fran Pawlak
Frank and Mary Pellegrini
Ronald Pirau
Portec Rail Products, Inc.
Paul and Mary Beth Porucznik
Jean Quillman
Jaime and Jasmin Quindara
Paul Reynolds
Jim and Mary Anne Riedy
John Roberts
Rosemary Rybak
Gregory and Joan Sargent
Rosemarie Saylor
Carl and Karen Schwebl
Sheila Scott and Family
Carmen Smidl
George and Irene Stasula
SW Florida Regional Reunion
Andrzej and Maria Szewc
Tina Tassone
The Graphic Edge
Brian and Maureen Von De Bur
Link Page 27
Summer 2010
George and Susan Vrechek
Robert and Teresa Whymer
Kenneth and Jeanna Willms
Richard and Carol Wray
Publication Name
American Wilbert Vault Corp.
Arlington Park Racecourse
John Barleycorn Memorial Pub
Patti Rigney Bellock '64
Bolingbrook Golf Club
Maureen Kelly Bransfield '54
Bushwood Golf Practice Center
Kathleen Byrne
F.J. and Ginny (Gaul '60) Cullen
Dennis Cusack
Customized FX
Joana DeSanto
Dolores the Florist
The Drake Hotel
Doug and Suzanne DuBois
Jeff and Kimberly (Niziolek '75) Eggert
Raymond and Frances Garro
Virgil and Cherise (Partipilo '82) Gerin
Daniel Hefner
Patrick and Bridget (Tobin '67) Herald
Jewel Foods
Kane County Cougars
Barbara Kelly '47
Thomas and Cynthia Macchione
Marion Street Gallery
Nora Feming Products, Mary Neidlinger
Oak Brook Golf Club
Oak Park Jewelers
Mary Ellen Miles O'Rourke '68
O'Sullivan's Public House
Panera Bread, LLC
William and Kathleen Planek
James and Cathy Platt
Mary Prendergast '60
Robert and Jacqueline (DeSanto '81) Romolo
Lawrence and Nancy (Murphy '58) Ryan
Shedd Aquarium
Sporting News
Starship Restaurant
Michael and Patricia (Ferlito '87) Williams
Zanies Comedy Nite Club
Gen Zoufal
Vivi Castellanos ‘10
reads petitions at the
Baccalaureate Mass.
A group of fifty lively women gathered at the beautiful Collier Athletic Club in Naples, Florida. The sun was shining and the group
was thrilled to have Sister Michelle light up their day even more! The annual President's Day luncheon has become a tradition many
will not miss! A special thank you to Judy Rehm LeDoux ‘60 and Diana Pruyn Henning ‘60 for being such wonderful hostesses. Next
year's luncheon will be held on Monday, February 21st, 2011. Plan to attend! Sister Michelle will also have a Northern
Florida Gathering on February 16th, 2011.
Members of the Class of 1960. Dianna Pruyn Henning, Joanne Giunta, Sue Carole DeVale Carter, Kate Camfield Caballero,
Ellen Brown McBride, Joanne Robbins Hunt, Jeanne Houilihan Doherty. Seated: Mary Carol Gray Peske, Margaret Mary
Cella Seery, Sis Reynolds McBride, Judy Rehm LeDoux, Beth Hawkins. Seated front: Ginny Gaul Cullen.
Peachy Gawne Gillen ‘53, Nancy Murphy
Ryan ‘58 and Sistie McEnery.
Joan Lawley Dunn ‘47 and Blanche Foley
Antonello ‘47.
Joanne Giunta ‘60, Marilyn Doherty, Peg Casey,
Mary Carol Gray Peske ‘60 and Mary Madden.
9:00 - NO O N
Tracy Ewell Hollenbach '88 and some of her classmates came up with the wonderful idea of having a Christmas
party for alums and their children and grandchildren. After a few discussions, the plans are well underway. Please
save the date and be sure to come to this fun party! Come join the fun planning committee! Call Marigayle Watts
Harrington at 708.453.8328 or e-mail
Link Page 28
Summer 2010
More than thirty girls braved the freezing Chicago temperatures to attend the second annual Girl'’s Night Out. The fun-loving group
gathered at O'Sullivan's Public House on a chilly February evening. The weather did not deter the group from having a great time!
Karen Judy ‘82, Mary Kay Minaghan ‘82, Laurie Gangi Regnier
‘82, Cherise Marcheschi ‘82, and Debbie O’Bryan Alm ‘79.
Melanie Betti ‘88(from Oregon), Michelle Betti ‘88 (from
California), Chrissy Crnich Uhlir ‘88 and Genie Watts
Halloran ‘88.
Diane Shea DuBois ‘80, Maribel Jimenez ‘93, and Jill
Hefner Carlson ‘80.
Marina Costanza ‘78 and Nancy Montroy ‘78.
More opportunities to get together. Join us for these NEW events!
Ladies Nite Out and Boutique
5K for Fitness
Thursday, October 7th
5:30 - 9:00 pm
Held in the
Sister Michelle Germanson Athletic Facility
7574 West Division Street
River Forest, Illinois 60305
7574 West Division Street
River Forest, IL
Trinity High School Mother’s Club Event
Run or Walk
Sunday, October 3, 2010
$25 per person
$10 for THS Students and $15 for all other students.
•jewelry •purses •hand painted giftware
•handcrafted items •holiday gifts
•and more
$30 per person (on Race Day 8:00 - 8:45)
•Free Admission •Cash bar available •Appetizers will be served
For more information contact:
Jackie Thommen at (708) 366-2582.
All proceeds will benefit the
NEW Trinity High School Health and Fitness Center.
Link Page 29
For more information or to register online visit:
Have a question? Contact: Gary Townsend at
Open to all men, women and students!
All proceeds to benefit the NEW Health and Fitness Center.
Summer 2010
Supporting Financial Assistance
Dr. Mary Ann Malloy, Honoree, Mary K. Totten, Board Chair,
Dr. Antonia Bouillette, Principal,
and Michelle Germanson, O.P. President
On April 17 the Gold Coast Room of the Drake Hotel was the
most elegant setting for Bal Dominique 2010. Over $100,000
was raised and will significantly impact the lives of many THS
students who meet the academic criteria. It was a beautiful gala
honoring our esteemed alumna, Dr. Mary Ann (Malone) Malloy,
internist and cardiologist. Dr. Malloy was awarded the inaugural
Trinity High School Leadership Award for her direction and
guidance as Honorary Chair of the
Trinity High School Heath & Fitness
Initiative. Dr. Malloy was joined by
her good friends and event CoChairs, pictured right, Carol Giles
Parrillo ‘51 and Nancy Knowles
along with family, fellow alumnae,
friends, and physicians and staff
from Elmhurst Hospital.
1. Drs. Susan and Marco Martinez. 2. Sue and George Vrechek. 3. Mary Foley and Steve Kastenholz. 4. Allan and Catherine Ryan,
Barbara and Patrick Lamb. 5. Bob and Marcia Coleman. 6. Bill and Katie Planek. 7. Terry Constantino and Mary Ellen Boyle Callow ‘63.
8. Cathy and Jim Platt and Triss Brady Meyer ‘67 and Tim Meyer.
The Jose Jimenez family.
Dr. Mary Ann Malone Malloy, seated center,
with her family and friends.
Link Page 30
Summer 2010
The Ed Coronado family and guests.
On Thursday, April 29th, fifty alumnae from the Classes of 1924 through 1954 gathered at the Annual Alumnae Tea in the foyer of the Sister
Michelle Germanson Athletic Facility. It was a beautiful afternoon. New this year, five senior art students displayed and explained their artwork
and the choir class performed for our distinguished alumnae. Both the students and the alumnae thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Katryna Ciurlionis ‘10, Ginny Roman
Thomas ‘38, Dolores Purcell Zitnik ‘38.
the late Margo O’Connor Mundt
‘34 and her daughter, Lindsey
Mundt ‘74.
Lois Pope Malcak ‘51 and
Margaret McNichols Little ‘52.
Sr. Jean Murray ‘45 and Sr. Mary
Eileen Scully ‘45.
Lynn Tyrrell
Carrigan ‘46.
Katie Perry ‘53 and Peg Kearin
Carey ‘53.
Peg is ready for the Derby!
Doris Grant Fanning ‘45 and
Beryl Kinner Garbrecht ‘51.
Rosemary Strening Rogers ‘40
and Bianca Medina ‘10.
The Class of 1978 decided they wanted to have a BIG birthday party to celebrate their milestone birthday! On
Thursday April 30th forty-five members of the Class of 1978 gathered at Volare Restaurant in Oakbrook Terrace
to celebrate this big event in their lives. It was a wonderful evening filled with lots of laughter and camaraderie!!
Link Page 31
Summer 2010
Two hundred and fifty alumnae and friends of Trinity had a fantastic time at the Barbara Rinella Book review,
Luncheon and Boutique on Friday May 7th, 2010. As the pictures on this page will verify, the group enjoyed the
day tremendously! From the gathering for conversation, shopping and coffee before to the outstanding
presentation by Barbara to the delicious luncheon it was truly an unbelievable day! A special thank you to
Joanne Murphy Reynolds ‘55 for hosting this event. Please save the date for next year - May 6th, 2011.
Pictured right: Barbara Rinella and Mary Agnes Beierle Pedicone ‘39.
Jackie Thommen, Peg Kearin Carey ‘53 and
Nancy Collins enjoy the amazing shopping!
Corinne O’Brien James ‘51, Sue Maier
Schemmel ‘58, Barb Sullivan Poindexter ‘58,
and Judy Winterhalter Herbstritt ‘58.
Carolyn Gentle O’Leary ‘54, Nancy Doherty Bidwill Fran Plotke Pettersen ‘62, Arlene O’Brien
‘54, Felice Mooney Madda ‘54 and Sr. Mary Woods. ‘52 and Suzanne Quinlan LaRocca ‘52
Carolyn Kelley Burke ‘53, M.G. Turner
Nancy Carr, Michele Whitehead, former
Enderle ‘53, and Peggy Doherty O’Keefe ‘53. principal, and Judy McGuire.
The group was completely entralled with Barbara’s presentation!
Ximena Leonardi, Jessie Wiktor, Molly Furey Hanley ‘94,
Cassie Coleman Crotty ‘90, and Maria Cullerton.
Seated: Margi Verni, Meg Ferrara, Carole Bativala, Jae Berni, and
Pam Renzi Mauro ‘69. Standing: Bonnie Mandell, Lori Prinz, Marcia
Coleman, Phil Speziale and Sistie McEnery.
Link Page 32
Mary Pedicone Vostal ‘67, Maureen White Matthews ‘67, Luanne
Nystrom ‘66, Chris Lee Bollettino ‘68, Flavia Trucco Morrissey ‘67,
Trish O’Malley and Kathy Caloia.
Summer 2010
It was another glorious day for the 20th Annual T-Club Sports Day!! You can hear the laughter and sense the
fun that was had that day through all the pictures. Eaglewood Resort and Spa was the perfect place to host our
fun loving group! Whether they played 9 or 18 holes of golf or just came for dinner…ALL HAD A GREAT TIME!!
Cathy Spina Samatas ‘82, SueDeOrio
Barbara Walsh, Kristy Kokenes-Mau ‘74,
Ponzio ‘70, and Olivia Antoniolli Ponzio ‘98 and Carol Vidas.
The Class of 1981 having fun!
Mary Prendergast ‘60, Ginny Gaul Cullen Nicole Yungerman, Christy Yungerman Smith ‘92,
Kathy Kurtenbach, and Ginny Schiewe Beacom ‘72.
‘60 and Ellen Brown McBride ‘60.
Linda Storino Lucchese ‘73, Sue Giorango, Marla Blum, Karin Ryan, Jan
Anderson, Marta Popel Kozbur ‘76 and Pam Condon.
Sistie McEnery, Pat Bates Montroy ‘50 and
Sue Cox Hosty ‘64.
Peggy Van Zeyl, Jeannine Eichenold Schorn ‘80,
and Terri Shaker.
Julie Elliott Nolan ‘80, Jeannine Eichenold Schorn ‘80, Kelly Shaw Mueller ‘80, Katie
Watts Rauh ‘80, Trisha Romano Barry ‘80, Rosary Newsham Smith ‘80, and Margi
Burns Abu-Taleb ‘80.
Link Page 33
Mary Grace
Cibula Harrison ‘71
Summer 2010
Linda Rosasco Rutilli ‘71, Linda Di Benedetto
Bradley ‘71, Dee Dee Balsamo Goggin ‘71 and
Ellie Quinn Halt ‘71.
Sixty two alumnae and friends gathered in Lake Geneva on July 22nd. A historical reenactment of Lake Geneva in the 1900's
thoroughly entertained the crowd. The historian became Mary Sturges, a wealthy Chicagoan who survived the Chicago Fire and told
all about life in Lake Geneva during that era. It was a lovely afternoon filled with laughter, entertainment, delicious food and …a little
history!! Thank you to our kind hostesses pictured below.
Marianne Egan McKeague ‘51 and
Nancy Egan Morrissey ‘57.
Hosttesses: Barbara O’Keefe Hiffman ‘63, Pat Gaul Dorian ‘58, Sharon Begg
Kilburg ‘60, Therese Mullins Rigali ‘49, and Dee Dee Balsamo Goggin ‘71.
Elizabeth Bertucci ‘49 and Michelle Germanson
O.P., President.
Darlene Crowley Caron ‘55, Dianne Honquest Whitaker ‘55, Kay Griffin
Swift ‘55, Eileen Day Galvin ‘55, and Bernie Streicker Fuhrman ‘55.
Historical Reenactment of Mary Sturges.
Standing: Pat Mullins Pinter ‘52, Maureen Mullins Connelly ‘76,
Juleann Moylan Nolan ‘49, Peggy McAllister Lattner ‘49, Molly Mullins
Swock ‘80. Seated: Bunny Dougherty Mullins ‘49, Therese Mullins
Rigali ‘49, and Virginia Cavanaugh.
Sister Michelle is traveling. She will be in Minneapolis, September 18-20th and in Houston and Dallas,Texas on October 20th-24th!
Link Page 34
Summer 2010
by Judy Colohan
Blatherwick ‘60
Hello, everyone. I hate to start out on a sad note, but this time
there's no avoiding it. On June 13, Rodney Blatherwick, my
husband of almost 36 years, passed away. Rodney had had a
seemingly successful kidney transplant just over a year ago;
ultimately, the kidney failed. He was a dedicated supporter of
environmental and historic preservation causes; an avid student
of national and international politics; a loving godfather to our
niece, Meghan Clark McDonough; and above all, a strong
supporter of everything I set out to do, whether he agreed with me
or not. He will be most dearly missed by everyone who knew him.
"There's life in the old girl yet!" writes
Ginnie Coss Maun Quirk '39,
who sent a photo of herself and
George Frey celebrating at her
granddaughter's wedding in the
"I enjoy the events at Trinity and look forward to many more,"
writes Dorothy Ann Shields DeSpain '48, who lives in
Barrington, IL. Dorothy's grandson is with the Forestry
Department and fights fires in different states. Dorothy herself is
preparing for her upcoming 80th birthday in early 2011.
Thanks to Nancy McCarron McGee '50 for pointing out her
correct class year, 1950, which we erred on in the winter issue.
Nancy lives at The Moorings in Arlington Heights, IL.
Caroline Goedart Bernero Doyle '50, having been widowed
twice, went back to nursing school. Now she is working for a
gastroenterologist at Westlake Hospital and living in Elmwood
Park, IL.
Ginny Ryan Maier '52 sent a great photo taken at an annual
gathering last February
of 1955 and 1956
Notre Dame graduates
in Palm Desert, CA.
Shown in the photo are
Beeman ‘51, Mary
Dahm Kearney '52,
Burke ‘52, Sheila
Conlin Brown ‘52,
Joan Tyne O'Rourke
'53 and Ginny Ryan Maier '52.
Last October, Florence Read Seery '41 visited her son John,
who lives on Catalina Island, "40 miles out to sea, on a
mountainous rock sticking up in the sea." Florence and husband
Frank live in Scottsdale, AZ.
Classmates Kathleen Auer Powers '47 and Winifred Maher
Strueber '47 discovered through Trinity that they are both living
in Arnold, MD, and that they both have granddaughters on
lacrosse scholarships at the University of Oregon! Both
classmates visited their granddaughters, Beana Barrett and Mary
Powers, at school last March.
“Cold weather and snow didn’t stop classmates of the class of
1955 -- long-time friends, from getting together in January!
What fun!” Pictured top: Eileen McAvoy Hennessy, Pat
McGrath O’Sullivian, Frank Houlihan Fogarty, Mary Agnes
Lee Gebhardt, Nancy Grow Clohecy and Betty Sheridan
Hansmann. Bottom: Eileen Day Galvin, Darlene Lewis
Kaatz, Carol Lane Nash, and Dorene Duffy Finlon.
Members of the class of 1948 gathered together, thanks to
Annette Graham Mosier for the photo. L-R Annette Graham
Mosier, Joan Callaghan O’Brien Jane Reidy McGurn, Mary
Kay Johnson Frazier, (friend) Phyllis Hughes Flando,
Teesie Kelly Weston, Audrey Reeb Walsh, Bebe Romano,
and Ginny Brizzalaro Canning. Seated: Lois Pecaro Rutz.
Link Page 35
Sheila Forrest Perry '57
was featured in an art
exhibit at the Lifeworms
Gallery, North Beach, San
Francisco, CA. Sheila's
work is deeply influenced
by the colors and rhythms
of the southwest. The
Morada series is based on
the small adobe churches that can be found throughout northern
New Mexico. Sheila lives in San Jose, CA.
Summer 2010
Congratulations to Noreen Ryan '57, who was recently awarded
the prestigious designation of Certified Logistics Professional
(CLP) by the International Warehouse Logistics Association.
Noreen is Vice President of First Logistics LLC in Alsip, IL. She is
responsible for managing operations, customer service and
information technology. Noreen lives in River Grove, IL.
Bonnie Bunner Westphal '62 has retired from teaching after
34 years and is now enjoying travel. Bonnie lives in Elgin, IL.
What a wonderful note Jim Schiller wrote about his wife,
Maryellen Harnett Schiller '63! Maryellen is an associate
professor at Roosevelt University in Chicago. "She obtained her
masters and doctorate while working full time and raising two
children -- and me." Maryellen is currently finishing a semester
teaching "Integrated Marketing Communications and Ethics" to
MBA students at the University of Lodz, Poland, on a Fulbright
grant. "In her mid-fifties, she decided that there was room in our
house for another child, and started and completed a two-year
process to bring an abandoned little girl from China into our
home." The Schillers have been happily married for 40 years,
and Jim describes himself as "the luckiest guy in the world." They
live in Arlington Heights, IL.
Christine Leonard '64 lives in St. Paul, MN. She is legally blind,
part of the aftermath of a horrendous car accident in 1972 that
left her in a coma for three months.
Congratulations to Ed and
Laurie Anton Ivory '64,
who will celebrate their
44th wedding anniversary
this coming December.
The Ivorys have five
grandchildren. "We are
both retired and spend
most of our time enjoying
the beautiful family God
has so generously given
us." The Ivorys live in
Albany, IL.
Current sophomore, Sam Liska 2013, gathered with her aunts,
grandma and cousins for a Ryan/Liska Christmas. Pictured top:
Mary liska Phelps ‘69, Debbie Duff Bradt ‘68, Madeline
O’Hara Jordan ‘74, Sharon O’Hara Habiger ‘84, Mary
Ellen O’Hara Duffy ‘76, and Jannie O’Hara McNamara
‘69. Bottom: Nancy Murphy Ryan ‘58, Samantha Liska
2013, Pat Ryan Liska ‘43, and Rita Ryan Novack ‘76.
Also receiving a high honor was Kathleen Walsh '58, who
received the Order of the Long Leaf Pine from the governor of
North Carolina. The award recognizes individuals who have a
proven record of extraordinary service to the state, through
contributions to their communities, extra effort in their careers,
and many years of service to their organizations. Past honorees
include Maya Angelou, Michael Jordan, Billy Graham, Charles
Kuralt, and the Most Reverend F. Joseph Gossman, Bishop
Emeritus of Raleigh, NC. Kathleen is executive director of
Catholic Charities.
Sister Mary Margaret Pazdan, O.P.,'60 was featured in the
Janesville Gazette (WI) last March 15th. In an article titled
"Doctor's vision for healthcare includes mind, body and spirit," Sr.
Mary Margaret was credited for being a college advisor to the
doctor. They understood together that at the heart of ministry is
relationship, and relationship should be a core of medicine and
physical, psychological and spiritual healing.
Thanks go to Sylvia
Troyke Corcoran
'62 for sending in the
photo of Mary Fran
Petricca O'Connor
'62, Kate Berggren
Collins '62, Sylvia
Troyke Corcoran
Svehla Grady '62.
The group gets together every summer to catch up, compare
notes and enjoy each other's company.
Link Page 36
Congratulations to Priscilla Cardenas Barbier '65, who just
became a first-time grandmother with the arrival of Maxim
Alexander Barbier, born this past April to Priscilla's son Kevin and
wife Trish. Priscilla, who lives in Glen Ellyn, IL, is the assistant
principal of O.A. Thorp Scholastic Academy, a Chicago Public
magnet school.
My cousin, Jenny Newhart DeDario '67, is the proud
grandmother of three: Dylan, 3, and twins Ella Grace and Lily
Ana, 9 months by the time you read this! The equally proud
parents are Jenny's older son, Vince, a high school English
teacher and football coach in South Bend, IN. Jenny's younger
son, Nick, is out of the army after four and a half years and is
now a freshman at Holy Cross College in South Bend. Jenny
herself spent this past April in Paris, as well as touring the beaches
of Normandy and ballooning over the Loire. She is also still active
in community theatre in Elkhart and South Bend. We recently had
a family field trip to watch her play a leading role in I Love You,
You're Perfect, Now Change with the Elkhart Civic Theatre.
Author! Author! Debbie Izzo Szesko '72 had her first novel,
Onyx, published in May of this year. She is currently working on
the sequel. It’s available on Amazon. Way to go, Debbie!
Summer 2010
married on April 10th of this year. Trinity alums in the large
wedding party included matron of honor, Nancy WojciechowskiPecora '87 (Gina's sister-in-law); and bridesmaid Nicole
DeWaele-Friemen '91. Two of the three flower girls were Nancy's
daughters, Natalie Rose and Julia Marie Pecora. Ricky and Gina
are living in Elmwood Park, IL.
Ana Cristina Nery '92 has been living and working in Los
Angeles, CA, since December, 2002. She is working in marketing
for Access Licensing Group.
Members of the class of 1978 gathered for a Christmas brunch
and to view pictures of Katie Nee’s wedding! Pictured are: Julie
Walsh Fabrizius, Nancy Montroy, Patti Maddock Page,
Colleen McMahon Horrigan, Liz Gorski Ruzicka, Marigayle
Watts Harrington, Meg Marcucci McDonnell, Marianne
Wrenn Metzig, and Katie Nee.
Best wishes to Cynthia Ritchie Szustak ‘78! Cynthia married her
first love, Bruno, from high school last October! She has three
grown sons, Tim, Joe and Dan, ages 21-29 and is looking forward
to grandchildren. The Szustak’s live in Berwyn, IL.
Donna Witt Vorreyer '80 has just had her first chapbook of
poems, entitled Womb/Seed/Fruit, published by Finishing Line
Press in Kentucky this past June. "A chapbook is a small collection,
usually theme-based, and is often the first avenue of book
publication for a poet." Donna and her husband and son live in
Willowbrook, IL, and she is still teaching middle school in
Hinsdale. "Sister Angele did an excellent job connecting me with
words during my junior and senior year -- I was lucky."
Judy Mangos Schomer '81 was named
Vendor of the Year at the National Hardware
Show in Las Vegas. She is currently employed
by TMS Sales and Marketing. Judy sells
domestically and handles all international
sales. She travels to China and Dubai to
oversee production and sales of the
company's product lines.
Susan Brooks '94 is entering her thirteenth year as a video
producer and editor for the United Center scoreboard operations
department. "In this position, I help to handle all of the video needs
for the Bulls and Blackhawks, as well as other United Center
events." In February, Susan was elected president of the
Information Display and Entertainment Association (IDEA). IDEA is
a national organization whose members include video production
and game entertainment specialists from sports teams and
facilities across North America. She is the first woman to be elected
to this position. Congratulations!
Greg and Mary Ellen Marren Peters '95 welcomed their sixth
child, Jack James Peters. He turned one on May 30th. He joined
big sister Madeline, Julia, Emily and Sydney and big brother
Benjamin. The Peters family lives in Plainfield, IL.
Tawanda Flowers Olla '96 received her B.S. in Business
administration in 2000, with a concentration in human resources
and payroll management. Tawanda and husband Baraka have
four children and live in Elgin, IL.
It was a New Year's Eve
wedding for Sammy and
Rosa Ambrosino Sinno '97,
who were married last
December 31st. Maid of
honor was classmate Dorina
Felella '97 and matron of
honor was Rosa's sister,
Assunta Ambrosino '89.
THE 2000’S
Carey and Bridget Tyrell Regan '00 sent a lovely Christmas card
with photos from their August, 2009 visit to Ireland and a hint of
things to come: a baby on the way! Boy or girl? Stay tuned.
Karen Germanos Olker '81 has earned her doctorate in
education from National-Louis University. Her dissertation was
entitled, “Joyful Classrooms, Successful Kids: A study in the
Connection between Joy and Learning.” "Clearly, she drew on our
years at Trinity as inspiration!" writes classmate Jackie DeSanto
Romolo '81, who sent in the updates on both Karen and Judy.
Congratulations to Dr. Catherine Logisz
Saja, O.D., '01, pictured left with her
husband David. Cathy graduated from
the Illinois College of Optometry in May,
Valerie Boik Farries '82 wrote to let us know that alumna Jean
Rose Bailey Boik '46, who passed away earlier this year, was her
aunt. "I just wanted it to be known that she did have relatives that
were alumnae." Valerie and husband Brody live in Hillside, IL.
Sonia Hart '04 has settled in Austin, TX,
and was recently accepted into the
psychology at the University of Texas at
Best wishes to Ricky and Gina Pecora Sumera '91, who were
Link Page 37
Kelly Mann '04 graduated from the University of Illinois in
December, 2009, with a master's degree in human resources and
industrial relations. She is currently living in Fullerton, CA, where
she is doing her first of three rotations in the human resources
Summer 2010
leadership development program with Raytheon.
Ann Henning ‘04 is busy obtaining her masters while working!
Sarah Mueller '05 graduated summa cum laude from
Dominican University in May, 2009, with a degree in early
childhood education. She is currently working as a kindergarten
and special education preschool teacher at North Elementary
School in Franklin Park, IL.
Carrie Schwebl '05 is a Personal Stylist at the Nordstrom Michigan
Avenue store. The summer before she started college, she worked
at Walt Disney World in Orlando as a character (Chip, Dale,
Gideon, and King Louie). She was offered a role as a Princess
(Snow White, Cinderella), but returned to Chicago to attend
college at DePaul University. In the winter of 2008, she interned
with CNN in Chicago. "I was a runner for the Presidential
Inauguration and I also sat in the first Press Conference for
President Obama!" She is also still singing! "I continued the
National Anthem tradition at DePaul for Men's and Women's
Basketball games, Club Hockey team, Men's and Women's Soccer
and Softball. " Carrie graduated from DePaul in June, 2009, with
a major in journalism and a minor in media communications.
Rebecca and Sarah Saunders '06 both graduated this past May
from Washington University in St. Louis, with B.A. degrees in
biology and minors in environmental studies. Rebecca will begin
the doctorate of Veterinary Medicine Program at the University of
Missouri at Columbia. Sarah has been accepted in the Ph.D.
program at the University of Minnesota with a full fellowship. Her
career goal is to work with a government agency or a zoological
society doing research on the breeding programs for endangered
species…either the reproductive biology or the behavior aspect. "I
know that their continued interest in the sciences was nourished by
the superior education they received at Trinity, and just wanted you
to share in that joy," writes their proud mom, Cathie Saunders.
Cathie stated that she felt her daughters were well prepared for all
that faced them in college and beyond, thanks to Trinity.
Carolyn Rutili '07 is on the tennis team at Eastern Illinois
University, where she is majoring in elementary education.
Anna Babicz '07 traveled to Italy over the summer and emailed Ms. Capizzano to share the experience. "I finally
understand what you mean by the Italians have so much
passion for everything they do…last Sunday I went to the
Pentecost Mass at the Pantheon. It may have been the most
beautiful thing I have ever seen. Until now I was never able to
understand how beauty can bring people to tears."
As always, thanks to everyone who sent in their news! For our next
issue, I call especially on the reunion classes. Let us all know what
you've been up to!
Save the date!
Friday, October 22nd
6:30 - 11:00 pm
for more information call Cindy
Cronin at 708.453.8343 or
in the Trinity High School
Sister Michelle Germanson Athletic Facility
7574 West Division Street
River Forest
.Buffet dinner .Music and dancing .Raffle
Sebastian Albergo, father of Anna Marie
Albergo Bergl '72
Regina Mary Alexander, sister of Lorraine
Alexander Carpenter '38, deceased and Barbara
Alexander Mullarkey '53; aunt of Alexandra
Dossey '11
Amy Allen, daughter in law of Dorothy Toohey
Allen '41; sister in law of Susan Allen Bailey '67,
Barbara Allen Cox '71, Debbie Allen Watts '80;
aunt of Kelly Cox O'Brien '95
Joseph Anlauf, father of Dr. Christine Anlauf
Sabatino '68 and Celeste Anlauf '79; step father
of Sarah Longley Lauzen '70
John Baldo, husband of Rose Marie Torraco
Baldo '45'; father of Donna Baldo Arnesen '77
Ramon Barrera, MD, grandfather of Bridget
O'Connor '05, Gabriella O'Connor '09 and
Magdalena O'Connor '12; father in law of Kevin
O'Connor, THS Track & Field Coach
Gail Wolverton Bernero '55
Rodney Blatherwick, husband of Judy
Colohan Blatherwick '60; brother in law of
Kathleen Colohan Novy '65
Mary Higgins Blume '52, sister of Nancy
Higgins Theisen '49; sister in law of Lucy Anne
Blume Lane '52
Jean Bailey Boik '46, aunt of Valerie Boik
Farries '82 and Roseanne Boik '83
William Coakley, father of Nancy Coakley
Mueller '77, Catherine Coakley '80 and Mary
Ellen Coakley Pascolia '81
Alice Mae O'Shaughnessy Collins '49, sister
of Helene O'Shaughnessy '48
Judith T. Collins '58, sister of Maureen Collins
Schutz '67, Kathleen Collins Gregg '68 and
Colleen Collins Caponi '74
Eva Andreoni Coutre '51
William Bold, husband of Rita Grieco Bold '37
Peggy Goggin Cox '55
Patrick Bourke, husband of Carol Ann D'Orio
Bourke '61; brother in law of Mary Virginia
D'Orio Montalbano '65
Rita Quinn Cunningham '41, sister of Jean
Quinn Delaney '39 deceased and Claire Quinn
Campbell '48
Charlene Hanley Burns '53
Roxanne Dalesandro, mother of Adele
Dalesandro-Haug '74
James Busse, brother of Cordelia Busse Wert '74
Jeanne Mullooly Carey '58
Dawn Waldman Cihak '87
Link Page 38
Summer 2010
Robert Day, husband of Patricia Egan Day '53;
brother of Maripat Day Parker, deceased '53 and
Eileen Day Galvin '55
Edward Del Beccaro, father of Nina Louise
Del Beccaro '65, Maria Del Beccaro '69, Lisa
Del Beccaro Wolf '71 and Tina Del Beccaro
'75; grandfather of Hannah Wolf '96 and
Haley Wolf, '13
John DeSantis, husband of Marie Lavezzorio
DeSantis '50, deceased
Joanne Plumer Detro ‘50
Denise Dilger, mother of Nicole Dilger '07
John Divane, husband of Sue Shaub Divane '55
Mae Dote, mother of Vita Dote Salerno '60
Claudia Connolly Fecarotta, sister of Dr.
Maureen Connolly '61 and Barbara Connolly '65
Dolores Eberle Fisera '47
Martha Fitzsimmons '70, sister of Mary
Fitzsimmons '67, Catherine Fitzsimmons '74 and
Nora Fitzsimmons Armstrong '76
Sara Sloan Foley '49, daughter of Frances
Swaufield Sloan '25; niece of Virginia Swaufield
Ryan '23, deceased; cousin of Ginny Ryan Maier
'52, Mary Ryan Rowley '56 and Martha Ryan
Maddock '56
John Gancer, son of Mary Jane Garvey
Gancer '53, deceased; brother in law of Kate
Lattner Gancer '77
Raymond P. Georgen, husband of Rosemary
Ruppert Georgen '50
Bob Giroux, husband Yvonne Organ Giroux
'54, father of Colette Giroux Switski '66, Linda
Giroux Carroll '68, Diane Giroux McCarthy '71
and Pamela Giroux '73
Edward Gonerka, grandfather of Barbara
Miller '97 and Cathy Miller '99; father of Judy
Miller, THS faculty
Stanley Gruszesky, grandfather of Laura Kane
'00; father of Carol Kane, THS staff
Dawn Zarlinga Haggerty '41
Yvonne Sprafka Hoshell '49, sister of Patricia
Sprafka Condon '52
Kenneth Jones, husband of Rosemary
Burggraf Jones '50
Rosemary Kaiser, mother of Marcia T. Kaiser '72
Jenanne Keenan Kelly '49, cousin of Joan
Carpenter Carstens '51 and the late Jayne Sullivan ‘54
Carter Kettner, son of Cinnamon Scanio
Kettner '88
Daniel Alexander Kurowski, husband of
Audre Lee Coia Kurwoski '53
Mary Jo Ketchum Laraia '57
Noreen Loan ‘50 sister of Geraldine Loan
Barkei ‘52 and Karen Loan Haggerty ‘56
Messina '67
Foley Antonello '47
Celeste Mariani '45
Guadalupe Jimenez Perez, grandmother of
Maribel Jimenez '94, Board Member and Lupe
Jimenez '07
Elizabeth Daley Marsh '36, sister of Margaret
Mary Daley McGurn '35 deceased,
Gertrude Daley Moran '38, Patricia Daley
O'Keefe '41 deceased, Jane Daley Clark '42
Claire Daley Archibald "45, Sr. Anne Daley O.P.
'48 deceased and Joan Daley Lee '49; aunt of
Trudy Moran Kerwin "65, Mary Joan Clark
Murray '69, Molly Moran Hansen '70, Sally Clark
Arden '73, Patricia Moran Lillis '74, Theresa Clark
Naughton '74, Mary Claire Archibald '76 and
Bessie Moran Sullivan '76
Marie Mazzuca, mother of Marie Mazzuca
Meagher '65, Pamela Mazzuca Palenscar '70;
grandmother of Colleen Mazzuca '04
Thomas McDonnell, father of Trisha
McDonnell '84
Thomas McGinnis, brother of Kathleen
McGinnis ‘68 and Maureen McGinnis Eichenold
'72; uncle of Laura Eichenold '10
Donna Frasco McGrath '78, sister of Susan
Frasco Rose '77 and Linda Frasco Bonarigo '79
Helen Mae Sullivan McIntyre '31, mother of
Elaine McIntyre Beaudoin '64; sister in law of
Margaret Carmody Sullivan '27
Agnes Cain Metzdorf '39, sister of Patricia
Cain Ball '38, deceased, Ann Cain Ross '48 and
Mary Louise Cain McGraw '51
Lorraine "Sis" Mulholland Moran '36,
mother of Joan Moran Brennan '69 and
Maureen Moran Jones '71
Joseph Murnane, brother of Marie Murnane
Walsh '45 and Dorothy Murnane McMahon '48
John Nettleton, father of Margaret
Nettleton, MD '75; father-in-law of Colleen
Casey Nettleton '85. Brother-in-law of Lorraine
Kerr Nettleton ‘45
Margaret O'Connor Mundt '34, mother of
Marie Mundt McMahon '73 and Linda Mundt
Mooney '74
Mary Elizabeth O'Connor '41
James Olis, uncle of Moira Keating Wade '81
and Elizabeth Keating '85
Robert Francis O'Neill, husband of Patricia
O'Day O'Neill '48; brother in law of Margaret
Barrett O'Neill '52
James Pape, father of Donna Pape Kamysz
'83; father in law of Donna Abruzzo Pape '82
Thomas Lord, brother of Carol Lord Evans '53
Mary Partipilo, mother of the late Yvonne
Partipilo Ward '49 and Diane Partipilo '56
Vincent Marchiona, father in law of Gabriele
Romanucci, THS Board Member; grandfather of
Elisa Defeo-Romanucci '12 and Elena DefeoRomanucci '13
Bernadette Patzelt, sister of Mary Beth
Devereux Geibel '53; sister in law of Marge
Moylan Devereux '55; aunt of Mary Clare
Devereux '79
Concetta Margiotta, sister of Charlotte Laterza
Alice Foley Pawlowski '45, sister of Blanche
Virginia Grace Petrin, mother of Donna Petrin
McDonald '76; mother in law of Kathleen
Nasshan Petrin '78; grandmother of Nicole Petrin
Barbieri '00
Angeline Pizzello mother of Anna Marie
Pizzello Bomba '65 and Lenora Pizzello '71
Gwenn Purcell, mother of Jill Purcell Manning
'70 and Jamie Purcell Colwell '74
Pat Purl, grandmother of Lindsey Purl '06, Kelly
Purl '08 and Jamie Purl '11
James Josef Rheinberger, husband of Mary
Ann Puhl Rheinberger '43
Deborah Richards, daughter of Barbara
Anderson Laper '53
Mae Rinella, mother of Dorothy Rinella Kerber '64
, Rosemarie Rinella Stocky '66, Marianne Rinella
Fotopoulos ‘71 and Marilu Rinella McGirr ‘71
Marilyn White Roundtree '65, sister of
Maureen White Matthews '67 and Cynthia White
'71; aunt of Meredith Matthews '98
Donald Ryan, brother of Darlene Ryan Walsh '53
Thomas H. Ryan, brother of Barbara Ryan
Bischof '58
Grace Patricia Ryan Samfilippo ‘37, aunt of
Barbara Ryan Bischof ‘58
Jeff Savino, son of Wyn Colby Savino '57
Eleanor Herbstritt Shanahan '33, mother of
Jane Shanahan Lucas '63; sister in law of Eileen
Brandt Herbstritt '31, deceased; aunt of Maureen
Herbstritt Chott '55, Stephanie Herbstritt Sabo
;56, Katie Herbstritt McMahon '57, Babs
Herbstritt Ward '58, Susie Herbstritt O'Brien '62
and Joan Herbstritt Wilkie '68; aunt in law of
Judy Winterhalter Herbstritt '58; great aunt of
Julie Herbstritt Scanlon '82, Debbie Herbstritt
Maloney '84, Erin O'Brien Rhoads '85 and Amy
Herbstritt Reardon '87
Marie Slattery, mother of Patricia Slattery '69,
Ricky Sorrentino, father of Nicole Sorrentino
'08 and Kelly Sorrentino '12
Grace Boland Sullivan '45
Henry Theisen, husband of Nancy Higgins
Theisen '49
Patricia Lampe Tice '53, sister of Mary Ann
Lampe Cavanaugh '51, deceased and Jane
Lampe Groh '56; aunt of Mary Pat Cavanaugh '76
Tracey O'Donnell Yeager, daughter of Sara
O'Donnell Lewitzke '59
Marie Zvetina Zak '36
Please notify Trinity of the death of an alumna or a relative of an alumna. Unless specifically requested, we will list the
living, immediate alumnae relations of the deceased. We apologize for any errors that occur in this Memorial section.
Link Page 39
Summer 2010
7574 West Division Street
River Forest, IL 60305
Parents of Alumnae: If this publication is
addressed to your daughter who no longer
maintains a permanent address at your
home, please notify the Office of Institutional
Advancement of her new mailing address.
Join us at these fun events! For more information visit:
Join us!
Monday, August 30, 2010
River Forest Country Club
15W615 Grand Ave.
Elmhurst, Illinois
Be a hole or Event Sponsor!
For details call Cindy Cronin at
708.453.8343 or e-mail:
MASS 10 A.M.
Lunch will follow.
Class of 1955 - Lunch at Oak Park Country Club, River Grove
Class of 1970 - Lunch at Francesca Fiore, Forest Park
Class of 2000 - A Boat Cruise
Look for your invitation in the mail.