שלח - Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham


שלח - Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham
Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham
‫ ז“ל‬,‫ע“ש ר‘ יונה אברהם בן ר‘ שמואל‬
HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav
Rabbi Joel Padowitz, President
‫ התשע״ה · אבות פרק ד׳‬,‫כ״ו סיון‬
‫שבת מברכין‬
Recap of Kever Rochel Trip
The ladies’ trip to Kever Rochel worked out very
successfully, BH, and, beH, the tefillos it
inspired (together with “Mama Rochel’s”)
will open shaarei shamayim and bring
about a complete and speedy refuah for Yeshaya
Shalom ben Malka Gitel, b’soch she’ar cholei Yisrael.
About 50 ladies participated (including Rebbitzen Malinowitz who
met us there) and received tremendous chizuk from the size of
the group, Rebbetzin Nissenbaum’s inspiring divrei Torah on the
ko’ach of Rochel Imainu's tefillos, and the sanctity of the Kever
itself. Rebbetzin Nissenbaum also led the ladies in Nishmas, and
the Yehi Ratzon for the completion of the whole sefer Tehillim
three times. May we merit to hear b’soros tovos and to see
Yeshaya Shalom’s return to Eretz Yisroel in full strength very
Thanks to Mrs. Gherman for organizing and overseeing all the
technical details of the trip. Thanks to Mrs. Kalla for fielding the
RSVPs and preparing the attendance list. Thanks to Mrs Noll for
“pulling it all together”.
Thanks also to Chanie Loring for creating the gorgeous flier; and
to R' Lev Seltzer for preparing it for posting to the email lists and
also for past-the-last-minute rearranging of the Shabbos bulletin.
Shabbos Schedule ‫לוח שבת‬
Erev Shabbos
‫ערב שבת‬
“‫מנחה ”מוקדמת‬
“‫הדלקת נרות ”מוקדמת‬
‫הדלקת נרות‬
One should be mekabel Shabbos
before Sh’kia
‫יש לקבל שבת לפני שקיעה‬
“Late” Ma’ariv
Shabbos Day
Shacharis - Vasikin
Hanetz HaChama
B’rachos and Korbanos
Pesukei D’Zimrah
Youth Minyan
Latest Shema – G’ra
Tefillas Mincha Gedola
Avos u’Banim
Tefillas Mincha Ketana
Next Shabbos
Early Mincha
“Early” Candle Lighting
Candle Lighting
‫ערבית מאוחרת‬
‫יום השבת‬
‫שחרית כותיקין‬
‫הנץ החמה‬
‫ברכות וקרבנות‬
‫פסוקי דזמרה‬
‫מנין בחורים‬
‫סוף זמן ק“ש לגר“א‬
‫תפילת מנחה גדולה‬
‫אבות ובנים‬
‫תפילת מנחה קטנה‬
‫שבת הבאה‬
“‫מנחה ”מוקדמת‬
“‫הדלקת נרות ”מוקדמת‬
‫הדלקת נרות‬
Shabbos Shiurim
These z'manim are correct for ‫פרשת שלח‬
“Early” Mincha
“Early” Candle Lighting
Candle Lighting
 The Rav’s ‫ נ״ך‬shiur. Sefer Zecharya Perek 7 7:25am.
 English Shabbos shiur for women: 3:45pm, at Beit
Knesset Ahavat Tzion, Nachal Timna 2.
Speaker: Rebbetzin Shira Smiles.
 Rebbetzin Malinowitz’s Shiur in ‫ הלכות שבת‬after the
women’s shiur.
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Yehoshua and
Yehudis Landau, and to Naftali and
Shari Spiegel, on the birth of a grandson,
on Monday, to their children, Mordy and Yonina Landau.
Shalom Zachar at the Rabbi Landau family home,
Nachal Maor 12/2, from 9:00pm.
!‫ עוסקים בתורה ובמצוות‬,‫שתזכו לראות בני ובני בנים‬
Mazel Tov to Steven and Debra Glanz on
the birth of a baby girl, Hadassah
Tzipora, on Friday!
Mazel Tov to Mike and Tamar Kashnow
on the birth of a baby boy! The Shalom
Zachor will take place at HaYarkon 38
starting at 9:30pm. (Women invited, wife
and baby are home). Bris is scheduled
for Sunday morning at 9am in BTYA.
Mazal Tov to Daniel & Amy Michaels and
their son, Aharon, on Aharon's upcoming
marriage to Sheina Wacks from
Manchester, England. See invitation on
other side.
New Time for Tefillas Mincha Gedola
Tefillas Mincha Gedola is moving to 1:20pm
starting Sunday June 14th, and will remain at
that time for several weeks.
Rosh Chodesh Tammuz
,‫יעי ַּבבּ ֹו ֶקר‬
ִ ‫ַה ּמ ֹולַד יִ ְהיֶה ְ ּב ֹיום ְר ִב‬
‫קות וְ ִ ׁש ָׁשה‬
ֹ ‫ישים וְ ָח ֵמ ׁש ַד‬
ׁ ִ ‫חֲ ִמ‬
.‫ַח ָל ִקים ַאחֲ ֵרי ְ ׁש ּ ַתיִ ם‬
The Molad will be on Wednesday
morning, 2 hours, 55 minutes
and 6 chalakim after midnight
(Israeli Clock Time 3:34am).
ִ ‫ֹאש ח ֶֹד ׁש ּ ַתמוּז יִ ְהיֶה ְ ּב ֹיום ְר ִב‬
ׁ ‫ר‬
‫ישי ַה ָּבא ָעלֵינ ּו וְ ַעל ָּכל‬
ׁ ִ ‫ו ְּב ֹיום חֲ ִמ‬
.‫טובָ ה‬
ֹ ְ‫יִ ְ ׂש ָר ֵאל ל‬
Rosh Chodesh Sivan will be on Wednesday and Thursday
Tefillas Yom Kippur Katan will be on Tuesday at the 1:20pm Mincha.
 The Rav’s ‫ אגדות הש״ס‬,‫ עין יעקב‬shiur. 4:15pm.
 The Rav’s Pirkei Avos shiur in sefer Ru'ach Chaim.
6:25pm until 30 minutes before shekiah.
 ‫דף יומי‬:
‫ ליל שבת‬9:20pm in the ‫בית מדרש‬, R’ Ari Stern
‫ שבת‬4:00pm in the ‫בית מדרש‬, R’ Zabrowsky
Avos uBanim
Chocolate Chase
Continues, Week 2
Each week that you attend
AUB you earn 1 ticket,
come for 3 weeks
(does not need to
be 3 in a row) and
you earn a BIG
chocolate bar!
For Grades 7-12
Starting at 8:45 Every Shabbos Morning
To sponsor a Kiddush (360₪), contact Asher Gherman, Naftali
Rischall or Rabbi Tully Bryks. To Daven for the Amud, contact Meir
Bisk or Tzvi Greenberg. To sign up for Laining, contact Tzvi Greenberg.
To give a 2-5 minute Dvar Torah during Kiddush, contact Didi Frankel.
For all other questions, contact Rabbi Bryks at RavBryks@gmail.com
AUB begins at 5:00pm, and
is sponsored by the Tzvi
Gherman family, l`ilui nishmas Tzvi's aunt:
Tehillim Locations and Times
For Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel and all the cholim in our
 Sunday: Landau, Nachal Maor 12/2 - 9:00am
 Sunday: BTYA (upstairs) - 1:00pm
 Sunday: Reuben, Nachal Revivim 7/6 - 8:15pm
 Monday: Lewitan, Nachal Refaim 21/2 - 8:30am
 Monday Loring, Nachal Noam 6/2 - 10:00am
 Tuesday: Gherman, Nachal Tamar 6 - 10:20am
 Wednesday: BTYA (upstairs) 1:00pm
 Wednesday: Schulman, Nachal Tamar 8 - 8:30pm
 Friday Night: Bornstein, Nachal Luz 7/3 - at Shekiah
 Shabbos Day: Sassen, Nachal Refaim 21/4 - 4:45pm
 Shabbos Day: Baum, Nachal Alexander 11/2 - 6:00pm
 Shabbos Day: Swinkin, Nachal Ayalon 9/3 - 6:00pm
 Shabbos Day: Bodenheim Nachal Noam 2/1 - 6:00pm
‫לע"נ שושנה בת יעקב‬
If you would like to sponsor Avos uBanim as a zechus
for or in memory of a loved one, please contact: Mutti
Frankel: muttif@nioi.gov.il or 050-613-6340 Yehuda
Nyssen: 050-412-0515.
Planning Your Summer Budget?
BTYA is planning our
almost-annual Shabbos
Chevron, on Parshas Ki
Savo (Sep 4-5).
The purpose of the
Shabbos is to derive
inspiration for our
personal ‫ תפילות‬via the
Hashpa'ah of the ‫ישיני חברון‬, the ‫ אבות‬and ‫אמהות‬, and
through their great-grandchildren who will be guiding us.
Shul Setup
Erev Korach: Daniel Feiner, Benjamin Fishman, Mutty Frankel.
Vasikin Minyon News
The BTYA Vasikin Minyon now begins
about 5:25 each morning—the earliest it
will get all year. Come join us each
The program, taking place the Shabbos of ‫ערב סליחות‬,
serves as the perfect preparation for the ‫ ימים נוראים‬as
well as a primer for the enhancement of our daily ‫תפילות‬.
When you plan out your summer budget, you won’t find a
more-enriching way to spend a Shabbos, in so many
This week’s Shabbos Kiddush is
sponsored by Daniel Michaels. If you have a special event coming
up, please consider sponsoring a Kiddush—complete with a
famous Weismandl Cholent—for only 125₪. Contact Lev Seltzer
ISO: Office Manager
BTYA is seeking someone to take over
the office management for 4 months,
starting very soon, while our Mrs.
Zweiter is out on maternity leave, Be’H.
 Spoken and written English & Hebrew at mother
tongue level
 Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word, and Outlook.
 Collecting funds and paying vendors.
3-4 hours daily, Sun-Thu.
Payment will be discussed with qualified candidates.
To express interest in this position, contact Aryeh
Sonnenberg at info2@btya.org. No phone calls, please.
HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav
054-914-6311 or rav@btya.org
Rabbi Joel Padowitz, President
052-789-0033 or joelpadowitz@gmail.com
8:15 & 10:15
Subscribe to BTYA Lists
Main list: btya-announce-list+subscribe@googlegroups.com
Members-only: btya-members+subscribe@googlegroups.com
Neshei List: btya-neshei-subscribe@btya.org
Vasikin List: vasikin-subscribe@btya.org
Hall Reservations: 02-996-0008
BTYA office hours: Su-Th: 8:20a-12:45p.
077-228-5175 admin@btya.org
Send US tax-deductible donations to American
Friends of Bais Tefilla, c/o Sonnenberg, 180 W End
Ave #12A, NY, NY 10023.
Newsletter Design: Lev Seltzer
Newsletter Contact: Send your lifecycle events,
news, etc. to newsletter@btya.org. If we don’t know
about your event, we can’t publish it!
‫תפלת מנחה‬
‫ה׳‬-‫קטנה א׳‬
‫תפלת מנחה‬
‫ה׳‬-‫גדולה א׳‬
8:00 ,6:55
7:45 ,6:40
7:45 ,6:40
8:00 ,6:55
8:00 ,6:50
8:00 ,6:55
Vasikin Room
‫זמנים לימי חול‬
‫עד שבת פרשת‬
‫שלח לך‬