Connections between equipment and structures
Connections between equipment and structures
Lehigh University Lehigh Preserve Fritz Laboratory Reports Civil and Environmental Engineering 1977 Connections between equipment and structures subject to seismic loading -- preliminary bibliography, December 1977 PB286054/AS G .C. Driscoll U. Yuceoglu J. W. Tedesco Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Driscoll, G .C.; Yuceoglu, U.; and Tedesco, J. W., "Connections between equipment and structures subject to seismic loading -preliminary bibliography, December 1977 PB286054/AS" (1977). Fritz Laboratory Reports. Paper 495. This Technical Report is brought to you for free and open access by the Civil and Environmental Engineering at Lehigh Preserve. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fritz Laboratory Reports by an authorized administrator of Lehigh Preserve. For more information, please contact II~fli"iIl i'lj~li l)iI~,~ji~ililil~S 3 9151 00942817 4 -- PRELl by Umuf Yuceoglu' Joseph W. "edesco , fRiTZ ENG\NEER'NG LABORATORY LIBRARY George C. Driscoll LIMIGH/FL"4'2-4 ·-2 Fritz Engine.ring Laboratory Report No. 424.2 CONNECTIONS BETWEEN EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURES SUBJECT TO SEISMIC LOADING -- PRELIMINARY BIBLIOGRAPlfY by Umur Yuceoglu Joseph W. Tedesco George C. Driscoll This material is based upon research supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ENV76-01551. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Department of Civil Engineering Fritz Engineering Laboratory #13 Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 December 1977 LEHIGH/FL/424--2 Fritz Engineering Laboratory Report No. 424.2 424.2 i ABSTRACT Literature on earthquake and dynamic response, analysis, and design approaches for connections between equipment or machinery and structures are covered in this comprehensive bibliographic survey. The equipment or machinery involved includes a wide range of units found in typical industrial installations such as materials processing plants, chemical plants, petroleum refineries, and £ossi1 fuel power plants. Connections are treated in their role as a component in an overall dynamic system including equipment or machinery, connections, structure, and foundations. The interaction of several components of the dynamic system is identified as the main problem in connection design. Over 700 reference citations are presented including over 450 references on general analysis and "design and over 250 references on equip- ment and machinery. Subdivisions of the portions on g~neral analysis and design cover damage, codes, damping, details and decisiDn analysis. Among the categories of equipment and machinery are generators, motors, pumps, pressure vessels, piping, tanks, stacks~ electrical equipment, furnaces, bins, conveyor systems, mixers, precipitators and cranes. Findings of the survey are that literature specifically treating the connections of concern is scarce, especially with regard to earthquake problems. Persons seeking design information must interpolate and extrapolate from information gathered from other related areas. Synthesis of the refer- ences into a state-of-the-art report will be done in a separate paper. 424.2 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. OBJECTIVES 4 3• MAm PROBLEMS 5 4. SUMl1ARY AND OUTLOOK 8 5• REFERENCES ON GENERAL ANALYS IS AND DES IGN 9 5.1 Earthquake Damage 9 5.2 Seismic Analysis and 'Design 5.3 Codes, Specifications and Guides 12 22 5.4 Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction 29 5.5 Damping Effects, Shock and Vibration Isolation in Structure and Machinery 35 5.6 Design Details 47 5.7 Seismic Design Decision Analysis 50 REFERENCES ON EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY 52 6.1 Turbine-Generators, 52 6.2 Pumps, Fans, Compressors 59 6.3 Pressure Vessels 63 6.4 Piping 64 6.5 Low-Pressure Liquid Storage Tanks 68 6.6 Stacks, Towers and Chimneys' 70 6.7 High Voltage Electrical Equipment (Transformers, Switch Gears, etc.) 71 6.8 Light Mechanical and Electrical Equipment 72 6.9 Furnaces and Incinerators 74 6. M~tors 6.10 Bins and Hoppers 75 6.11 Conveyor Systems 76 6.12 Mixers and Separators 78 6.13 Precipitators and Dust Collectors 6.14 Cranes and, Hoists 79 80 7• ACKNOWLEDGEM:ENTS 81 8. FIGURES 82 424.2 1. INTRODUCTION Earthquake effects on a structure and the equipment or machinery connected to it are very much dependent on earthquake ground motion and on the mechanical and dynamic properties of the structure and equipment and their connecting elements. The most important of these properties are the strength and energy absorbing capacity of the entire load carrying structure and of the connectibns joining the equipment to the structure. In order to establish the proper relationships between equipment and the rest of the structure, the so-called systems approach may be used. Then, any structure whether it is an industrial plant, a commercial building, or a public building can be considered in terms of a combination of components or subsystems. These. subsystems are (see, for instance, Figs. 1 and 2) : (1) Soil-Foundation System (2) Main Structural System (3) Non-Structural System (curtain walls, ceilings, cladding, etc.) (4) Equipment or Machinery and their Connecting Systems The connecting system includes "connections" as a component. In general, connections are made up of fasteners, detail material added to accommodate fasteners or to stiffen the joint, and any parts of a machine or structure which are extended to accommodate fastening. Within the context of this report, connections are also assumed to be composed of machinery or equipment supports, shock absorbing and damping elements 424·.2 2 (pads, springs, viscoelastic layers), hanging or suspension systems, mounting platforms, pedestals, etc. (A more precise definition of the connecting system will be introduced in Sec. 3.) This report will be primarily concerned with the literature related to the dynamic response of equipment and connections to earthquakes. Equipment and machinery for purpose"s of this report, will include machines used in industrial processes as well as other associated apparatus, equipment, and devices. Any class of equipment or machinery is included if it might be subject to earthquake hazard by virtue of its own size and mass distribution or if it might contribute to the earthquake hazard of a structure housing it. In the past, the prime objective of earthquake resistant design was to maintain overall integrity and safety of the structure itself during and after an earthquake, without much concern for the response of "non-structural elements" or ttequ'ipment and machinery systems" attached to the structure. This design approach ass'urnes that the non-structural elements will take care of themselves with negligible damage if the load carrying structural system or structural elements su,rvive the earthquake shock and motion. However, more recent investigations and evaluations conducted in the aftermath of recent earthquakes clearly ind1cate the real extent and magnitude of damage s,uffer·ed by the non-structural elements and equipment or machin- ery. For instance, in the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, electrical and mechanical equipment suffered damage which rendered it "';inoperable, even though many buildings containing such equipment suffered negligible structural damage. 3 424.2 Therefore, the damage incurred by the equipment or machinery and its consequent effect on the safety of the building's occupants and contents and the economic loss due to down production time, repair, -and replacements can not be neglected. Furthermore, damage to equipment or machinery which is part of the so-called "life-line" system$ (i.e., power plants, communication facilities, hospitals) may result ion unacceptable con~equences for a modern society. The literature available on structural connections for equipment or machinery is limited and is scattered among several disciplines and areas and, in some cases, among the design manuals and handbooks of manufacturers and consulting engineers. Therefore, the present authors approached the subject in a three-pronged way: (1) an in-depth literature survey (2) a direct industry survey through a "questionnaire" sent to the professionals in industry and in consulting engineering firms working in the subject area (3) visits and discussions with the professionals in industry and consulting engineering firms. Currently, the initial phase of the literature survey has been completed and is the subject of this report. The direct industry survey is at the finishing stage and the responses are being sorted out and evaluated. art report. The results will be included in a forthcoming state-of-the- 424.2 2. 4 OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the current investigation are: (1) to review the state-of-the-art in earthquake resistant design of connections for equipment or machinery (2) to consider and describe briefly the general principles and and analytical models employed and upon which the current, design practice is based (3) to review the related codes, specifications, standards and guides (4) to define the gaps and research needs for safer and more economical design of connections. The emphasis here is to be on conn~ctions ment or machinery in industrial installations. associated with the equip- These installations are primarily fossil fuel power plants, petroleum refineries, chemical plants, and materials processing plants. The results would be applicable to other installations which involve at least some facilities similar to those' -listed in this report. Nuclear power plants, however, are beyond the scope of this report since they are the subject of many other investigations. However, pertinent literature on some nuclear plant equipment of a nature similar to equipment or machinery in other industrial- instal1atio'ns will also be taken, into account. The purpose of this report is to present the initial part of the literature survey and study as a preliminary bibliography on the subject (see Sections 5 and 6 of this report). A critical review of the available literature and knowledge gathered from other sources will be presented in the form of a state-of-the-art report and also an intensive review of the 424.2 5 related codes, specifications and standards will be the subject matter of subsequent technical 'reports. A final bibliographic report which is to include further relevant references is planned. 3. MAIN PROBLEMS Any item of equipment or machinery is usually joined to a main structural system by means of a system of connecting elements. In the current engineering and technical literature there is no common name or definition used for these connecting elements. For the sQ~e of clarity and simplicity, the system of connecting elements will be defined here as the "connections" and will be considered as a part of an overall dynamic system. This overall dynamic system can be considered to be composed of the following physical components: (1) Equipment or Machinery System (2) Connections (3) Connecting Sub-Structure (4) Structural Member S~stem A typical configuration of these dynamic systems is given in Fig. 3. The problem to be considered in,the analysis of the equipment togethe,r with t-he rest of th'e structure for s'eismic effects is mainly the" interaction" of several elements in a dynamic environment. The most general problem is the three-dimensional problem of "Foundation-Structure-Equipment Interactions".* However, the problem stated this way poses analytical and com- putational difficulties and can only be handled succes'sfully in rare and simple *Here, the word foundation is meant to include not only the foundation of the structure itself but also the soil and its effects. 6 424.2 cases. Several sub-problems may be defined to simplify the main problem. To a large extent each of these subproblems must consider the interaction of equipment or machinery with: or (a) foundation or supports, (b) structural elements, (c) connections. The subproblems may be divided further depending on the type of supports such as supporting platform, hanging platform, pedestal, or types of foundation. In the formulation of the above problems, the types and combinations of the connections used and their configurations have to be taken into account in each individual case. problem encountered in pr~ctice Consequently, any particular design eventually ~as to be reduced into one or more of the above mentioned types on the basis of engineering judgement, 'experience', analytical and numerical difficulties involyed, and the physical parameters to be studied. The above classification of the subproblems is derived from a purely analytical point of view. These and other sub-problems will be considered in great detail in the subsequent state-of-the-art report. Much of the information associated with the various aspects of seismic analysis and design of connections available in the open engineering and technical literature is scattered among many disciplines. A certain amount of the pertinent literature covers analysis and design in general, whereas other papers cover individual kinds of machinery and equipment. treatment on connections within this literature may be incidental to the The 424.2 7 main problem and is rarely reflected in the titles. Some of the more prominent sources of literature covered in this survey are the Seismological Society of America, the chemical and hydrocarbon process industries, the Nuclear Regulatory 'Commission, the Power and Structural Divisions of the ASCE, the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of the ASME, various building code committees, and the various international committees on earthquake engineering. Over 700 reference citations are included in Sections 5 and 6. Section 5 contains over 450 references on general analysis and design further subdivided into sections on various general aspects of analysis and design. Section 6 contains over 250 references on equipment and machinery broken into fourteen categories which appear in a wide variety of industrial installations. The major subdivisions of both reference lists are enumerated in the table of contents. Where a given reference 'gives substantial information on two or more of the selected subtopics, duplicate reference listings are provided in each of the subdivisiDns lists of Sections 5 and 6. 424.2 4• 8 SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK The bulk of literature available on the subject of seismic design of connections for equipment and machinery is unevenly distributed among several major categories. For example, an abundance of information· exists on the seismic analysis and design of building structures. However, there is substantially less information available, on the seismic response of buildings' contents and of structur~s other than building structures. These are areas for-which more information would be extremely valuable in design practice. Literature in the field of civil engineering with respect to structural connections is also abundant. However, only a very small percentage of it is associated with earthquake-resistant design; and literature with respect to the design of structural connections for equip;->. ment (industrial or otherwise) is almost non-existentin the civil engineering field. Most of the information on the design of structural connections for industrial equipment, which is not plentiful by any means, exists in the literature of the chemical and hydrocarbon process industries. tunately, any consideration given to seismic loadi~g Unfor- in the design proce- dures presented is purely incidental. Regardless of this lack of information in some crucial areas, the bibliography pres~nted herein will serve as a nucleus around which to organize an appraisal of the state of the art. Moreover, the bibliography will serve as a source of references for individuals confronted with design problems in this area. 424.2 9 5. REFERENCES ON GEN.ERAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 5.1 1. Earthquake Damage Ambraseys, M. M. THE BUYIN-ZARA EARTHQUAKE OF SEPTEMBER 1962: A FIELD REPORT, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 53~ No.4, July 1963. 2. American Iron and Steel Institute mE AGADIR, MOROCCO EARTHQUAKE, FEBRUARY 29, 1960, AISI, New York, 1962. 3. American Iron and Steel Institute EARTHQUAKES, AlSI, Washington, D. C., 1975. 4. Ayres, J. M. and Sun, T.Y. NONSTRUCTURAL DAMAGE, SAN FERNANDO, CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKE OF FEBRUARY 9, 1971, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1973. 5. Ayres, J. M., Sun, T. Y. and Brown, F. R. NONSTRUCTURAL DAMAGE TO .BUILDING~, THE GREAT ALASKA EARTHQUAKE OF 1964, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C., 1973. 6. Berg, G. V. and Hanson,R. D. ENGINEERING LESSONS TAUGHT BY EARTHQUAKES, Proceedings of the Fifth ·World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 1, Rome, 1973. 7. Berg, G. V. and Husid, R. L. STRUCTURAL EFFECTS OF THE PERU EARTHQUAkE, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 61, No.3, June 1971. 8. Berg, G. v. and Husid, R. L. STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOR IN THE 1970 PERU EARTHQUAKE, Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 1, Rome, 1973. 9. Blwne, J. A. A STRUCTURAL DYNAMIC ANALYS IS OF STEEL PLANT STRUCTURES SUBJECTED TO THE MAY 1960 CHILEAN EARTHQUAKES, Bulletin of the Seismolo~ gical Society of America, Vol. 53, No.2, February 1963. 10. Blume, J. A. and Scholl, R. E. DAMAGE PREDICTION FOR LOW-RISE BUILDINGS, Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, Rome, 1973. 11. Bolt, B. A., Johnston, R. G., Lefter, J. and Sozen, M. A. THE STUDY OF EARTHQUAKE QUESTIONS RELATED TO VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL FACILITIES, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 65, No.4, August 197~ pp. 937-949. 424.2 12. 10 Duke, C. M. EARTHQUAKES AND CITY LIFELINES, Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Structural Engineers Association of California, 1971. o. and Sanchez, J. R. EFFECTS OF THE. EARTHQUAKES OF MAY 1960 IN CONCEPCION AND VICINITY 13.. Galli, C. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 53, No.6, December 1963. - ••.. ~ - .. ~ ~ ~ .- ~ eo. _. _ _ ~ 14. Hara, F. A NEW METHOD OF, EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE ANALYSIS FOR INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE CASES OF RECENT EARTHQUAKES IN JAPAN, Proceedings, Fifth European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, Paper No. 133, 14, Ankara, September 22-25, 1975. 15'. Hazen, R. MANAGUA EARTHQUAKE: SOME LESSONS LEA'RNED IN DESIGN AND MANAGE- MENT, Journal of the American Water Works No.6, June 1975. 16. A~sociation, Vol. 67, Jennings, P. C. and Hausner, G. W. THE SAN FERNANDO, CALIFORNIA, EARTHQUAKE OF FEBRUARY 9, 1971, Proceedings of the Fifth. World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Rome, 1973. 17. Konno, T. and Kimura, E. EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS ON STEEL TOWER STRUCTURES ATOP BUILDINGS, Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 1, Rome, 1973. 18. Konno, T. and Kumura, E. EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS ON STEEL TOWER STRUCTURES SUPPORTED ON CROSSBRACED TOWERS, Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 1, Rome, June 1973. 19. Lashico, R.·M. and Monge, J. ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF THE JULY 8, 1971 EARTHQUAKE IN CENTRAL CHILE, Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on.Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 1, Rome, 1973. 20. Lew, H. S. Leyendecker, E. V. and Dikkers, R. D. ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF THE 1971 SAN FERNANDO EARTHQUAKE, Building Science Series 40, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C., 1971. 21. Madolski, M. E. ARCHITECTURAL DAMAGE TO RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES FROM SEISMIC DISTURBANCES, Bulletin' of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 59, No.2, April 1969. 2'2. Schiff, A. J. EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS ON ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS, Journal of the Power Division, ASeE, Vol. 99, No. P02, November 1973. ' 424.2 11 23. Schiff, A. J. and Yas, J. T. P. MITIGATING'EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS ON ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS, Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineer~ ing, Vol. 2, Rome, 1973. 24. Scholl, R. E. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF LOW RISE BUILDING DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE SAN FERNANDO EARTHQUAKE, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of Am~rica, .Vol., 64, No.1,. February 1974. 25. Snyder, A. I. DAMAGE TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AS A RESULT OF FEBRUARY 9, 1971, EARTHQUAKE IN SAN FERNANDO, CALIFORNIA, Seismi.c Analysis of Pressure Vessel and Piping Components, ASME, 1971. 26. State of California El\RTHQUAKES IN KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DURING 1952, Bulletin 171, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines, San Francisco, Ca., 1955. 27. Steinbrugge, K. V., Manning, J. H. and Degenkolb, H. J. THE PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND, ALASKA, EARTHQUAKE OF 1964 AND AFTERSHOCKS, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1967. 28. Structural Engineers Association of Northern California 1952 EARTHQUAKES IN KERN COUNTY, San Francisco, Ca., 1956. 29. ranev, P. PEACE OF MIND IN EARTHQUAKE COUNTRY, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1974. u.s. Department of Commerce A STUDY OF EARTHQUAKE LOSSES. IN THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, Washington, D. C., 1972. 31. Wall, J. R., Jr. SEISMIC INDUCED ARCHITECTURAL DAMAGE TO MASONRY STRUCTURES AT MERCURY, NEVADA, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 57, No.5, October 1967. 32. Warren, G., Knowles, P., Allender, J'., Sizemore, J. F. and Carson, D. E., STRUCTURES IN ANCHORAGE, THE GREAT AIASKA EARTHQUAKE OF 1964, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C., 1973. 33. Wyllie, L. A., Jr., Wright, R. N., Sozen, M. A., Degenkolb, H. J., Steinbrugge, K. V. and Kramer, S., EFFECTS ON STRUCTURES OF THE MANAGUA EARTHQUAKE OF DECEMBER 23, 1972, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 64, No.4, August 1974. 424.2 12 5.2 1. Seismic Analysis and Design Applied Technology Council AN EVALUATION OF A RESPONSE SPECTRUM APPROACH TO SEISMIC DESIGN OF BUILDINGS, National Bureau of Standards, September 1974. 2. Architectural Institute of Japan, Editor" DESIGN ESSENTIALS IN EARTHQUAKE RES,ISTANT BUILDINGS, Architec- tural Institute of Japan, Tokyo, 1970. 3. Arya, A. S., Prakash, S., Srivastava, L. S., Chandra, v. and Chandrasekaran, A. R., EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, Sarita Prakashan, India, 1974. 4. Berg, G. V. and DaDeppo, D. A. DYNAMIC AN.ALYSIS OF ELASTO-PLASTIC STRUCTURES, Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASeE, Vol. 86, No. EM2, April 1960. 5. Bergstrom, R. N., Chu, S. L. and Small, R. J. SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF NUCLEAR POWER P~NT STRUCTURES, Journal of the Power Division, ASeE, Vol. 97, No. P02, March 1971. 6. Biggs, J. M. INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1964. 7. Biggs, J. M. SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF EQUIPMENT MOUNTED ON A MASSIVE STRUCTURE, Seminar on Seismic Design for Nuclear Power Plants, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma., March 1969. 8• Biggs, J. M. STRUCTURAL RESPONSE TO SEISMIC INPUT, Seminar on Seismic Design for Nuclear Power Plants, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma., Mar~h 1969. 9. 10. Blume, J. A., Newmark, N. M. and Corning, L. H. DES-IGN OF MULTISTORY REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDINGS FOR EARTHQUAKE MOTIONS, Portland Cement Association, Chicago, II., 1961. Bogdanoff, J. L., Goldberg, J. E. and Bernard, M. C. RESPONSE OF A SIMPLE. STRUCTURE TO A RANDOM EARTHQUAKE- TYPE DISTURBANCE, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 51, No.2, April 1961. 11. Castellani, A. ON DESIGN CRITERIA FOR EQUIPMENT MOUNTED ON A MASSIVE STRUCTURE, Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, Rome, Italy, July 1973. 12. Chen, C. THE DEFINITION OF STATICALLY INDEPENDENT TIME HISTORIES, Journal of the Structural 1975. Divis~on, ASeE, Vol. 101, No. ST2, February 424.2 13 13. Clough, R. W. EARTHQUAKE.ANALYSIS BY RESPONSE SPECTRUM SUPERPOSITION, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 52, No.3, July 1962, pp. 647-660. 14. Clough, R. W. and Penzien, J. DYNAMICS OF STRUCTURES, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1975. 15. Cornell, C. A. DESIGN SEISMIC INPUTS, Seminar on Seismi~ Design for Nuclear Power Plants, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma., March 1969. 16. Decapua, N. J. and Liu, S. C. PROTECTION OF COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES IN EARTHQUAKE AREAS, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake Structural Engineering, Vol. 1, St. Louis, Mo., August 1976. 17. deEstrada, M. TEST METHOD FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT, Journal of the Power Division, ASeE, Vol. 100, No. POI, July 1971. 18. Delal, J. S., Seed, H. B. and Wu, D. L. SITE-DEPENDENT SEISMIC RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR SOFT SITES, Journal of the Power Division, ASeE, Vol. 103, No. POl, July 1977. 19. Directorate of Licensing, USAEC A STUDY OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL D. C;, 1973. ~RTHQUAKE SPECTRA, Washington, 20. Dorwick, E. J. 'EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT DESIGN, A Manual for Engineers and Architects, John Wiley and Sons, 1977. 21. Esteva, L. SEISMIC RISK AND SEISMIC DESIGN DECISIONS, Seminar on Seismic Design for Nuclear Power Plants, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma., March 1969. 22. Fage1, L. W. and Liu, S. C. EARTHQUAKE INTERACTION FOR MULTISTORY BUILDINGS, Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASeE, Vol. 98, No. EM4, August 1972. 23. Fallgren, R. B., Jennings, P. C., Smith, J. L. and Ostrom, D. K. ASEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA FOR ELECTRICAL FACILITIES, Journal of the Power Division Division, ASCE, Vol. 100, No. POI, July 1974. 24. Fertis, D. G. DYNAMICS AND VIBRATION OF STRUCTURES, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1973. 424.2 14 25. Fritz, R. J. SEISM+C ANALYSIS OF POWER PLANT COMPONENTS BASED ON APPLICATIONAL EXPERIENCE WITH DYNAMIC AND SHOCK ANALYSIS, Seismic Analysis of Pressure Vessel and Piping Components, ASME, 1971. 26. Goldberg, J. E., Bogdanoff, J. L. and S.harpe, D. R. THE RESPONSE OF SIMPLE NONLINEAR SYSTEMS TO A RANDOM DISTRUBANCE OF THE EARTHQUAKE TYPE, Bulletin of the Seismological Society uf America, Vol. 54, No.1, February 1964. 27. Goodno, B. J. and Gere, J. M. EARTHQUAKE BEHAVIOR OF SUSPENDED FLOOR BUILDINGS, Journal of the Structural Division, ASeE, Vol. 102, No. ST5, May 1976. 28. Guha, S. K., Wedpathak, A. V. and Desai, P. J. ASEISMIC TESTS ON SOME ELECTRO-MECHANICAL SYSTEMS, Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 12, New Delhi, India, January 1977. 29. Gupta, A. K. and Chu, S. L. DES IGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES SUBJECTED TO THREE COMPONENTS OF EARTHQUAKE, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 36, No.1, 1976. 30. Gupta, ,S. P~ and Arya, A. S. DYNAMIC PROBLEMS OF INDUSTRIAL STRUCTlfflES IN INDIA AND THEIR SOLUTIONS, Proceedings of the Central American Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. I, El Salvador, C.A., January 1978. 31. Guzman, R. A. and Jennings, P. C. DESIGN SPECTRA FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, Journal of the Power Division, ASCE, Vol. 102, No. POZ, November 1976. 32. Hadjian, 'A. H. EARTHQUAKE FORCES ON EQUIPMENT IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, Journal of the Power Division, ASCE, Vol. 97, No. P03, July 1971. 33. Hart, G. C.· and Ibanez, P. EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF DAMPING IN NUCLEAR POWER PlANT STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 25, No.1, 1973. 34,. Hisada, T., Akino, K., Iwata, T., Kawaguchi, 0., Sato, H., Shibata, H., Sonobe, Y. and Tajimi, H., PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE OF THE ASEISMIC DESIGN OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS - SUMMARY 'OF THE GUIDELINES IN JAPAN, Nuclear ,Engineering and Design, Vol. 20, No.2, 1972. 35·. Hausner, G. W. LIMIT DESI_GN OF STRUCTURES TO RESIST EARTHQUAKES, Proceedings of the World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Berkeley, Ca., 1956. 424.2 36. 15 Hausner, G. W. BEHAVIOR OF. STRUCTURES DURING EARTHQUAKES, Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASeE, Vol. 85, No. EM4, October 1959. 37. 38. Hausner, G. W. 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International Atomic Energy Agency ASEISMIC DESIGN AND TESTING OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, Technical Report Series No. 88, Vienna, 1968. 44. Iwan, W. D. PREDICTING THE EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE OF RESILIENTLY MOUNTED EQUIPMENT WITH MOTION LIMITING CONSTRAINTS, Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 12, New Delhi, India, January" 1977. 45. Jankov, Z. D. and Reeves, C. F. SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF LIGHTWEIGHT EIASTIC SYSTEMS IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, Rome, Italy, July 1973. 46. Jeanpierre, F. and Livolant, M. DIRECT CALCULATION OF FLOOR RESPONSE SPECTRA FROM THE FOURIES TRANSFORM OF GROUND MOVEMENT - APPLICATION TO THE SUPERHENIX FAST REACTOR PROJECT, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 41, No.1, 1977. 47. Jordan, C. H~ SEISMIC RESTRAINT OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IN BUILDINGS, prepared for the ASCE meeting in San Francisco, October 1977. 424.2 16 48 •. Kircher, c. 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EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE OF MULTIPLY CONNECTED LIGHT SECONDARY SYSTEMS BY SPECTRUM METHODS, Seismic Analysis of Pressure ____ . ~:"~_~_ :_~_~ ~_~~~~ping Compone~ts, ASME, 197_1. 2-., Anonymous DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF CEILING SUSPENSION SYSTEMS, Office of Architecture and Construction, State of California, Sacramento. 3. Anonymous RECOMMENDED STANDARDS FOR SEISMIC RESTRAINT OF DIRECT HUNG SUSPENDED CEILING ASSEMB~IES, Ceiling and Interior System Contractors Association. 4.• Ayres, +j.M:, 'S'un, T'. Y.-and Brown,·-F-. NON-STRUCTURAL DAMAGE DUE TO' ALASKA EARTHQUAKE (MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT), Building Systems Design., November-December 1971. 5. Biggs, J. M. SEISMIC RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, Proceedings, First International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, September 1971. 6. Charravorty, M. K. and Vanmarcke, E. H. PROBABILISTIC SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF LIGHT EQUIPMENT WITHIN BUILDINGS, Proceedings, Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, Rome, June 1973,. 7. de Estrada, M. TEST METHOD FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT, Journal of the Power Division, ASCE, Vol. 100, No. POI, July 1974, pp. 9~108. 8. Ferguson, W. H., Fischer, E. G. and Colajaco, A. P. TEST METHOD TO DEMONSTRATE SEISMIC CAPABILITIES OF EQUIPMENT, Transactions, IEEE Winter Meeting, New York, January 30February 4, 1974. 9. Jankov, Z. D. and Reeves, C. F. SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF LIGHTWEIGHT ELASTIC SYSTEMS IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, Proceedings, Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, Rome, June 1973. 10. Jordan, C. H. SEISMIC RESTRA INT OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IN BUILDINGS, Paper presented to American Society of Civil Engineers meeting in San Francisco, October 1977. 11. Kapur, K. K. and Shao, L. C. GENERATION OF SEISMIC FLOOR RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN, Proceedings, Specialty Conference on Structural Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities, ASeE, Chicago, II., December 17-18, 1973. 424.2 12. 73 Kassawara, R. P. EARTHQUAKE.RESPONSE OF LIGHT MULTIPLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM SECONDARY SYSTEMS BY SPECTRUM TECHNIQUES, University of Illinois at Urbana Ph.D. Thesis, 1970. 13. Tsai, N. C. et a1. SEISMIC ANALYSES OF STRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, Topical Report BC-TOP-4, Bechtel Corporation, San Francisco, Ca., 1971. 6.9 Furnaces and Incinerators 1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings of the 1968 National Incinerator Conference, New York, May 5-8, 1968. 2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings of the 1970 National Incinerator Conference, Cincinnati, Oh., May 17--20, 1970. 3. Corey, R. C., Editor PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF INCINERATION, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1969. 4-. 'Flores, R. DES IGN PRINCIPLES OF EARTHQUAKE RES ISTANT BLAST FURNACES, Proceedings, Third World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 3, New Zealand, 1965. 5. Griswald, ,J. FUELS, COMBUSTION AND FURNACES, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1946. 6. Trinka, W. and Mawhinney, M. H. INDUSTRIAL FURNACES, Volume I, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New .__. __ _._. __ y._.ork~_, 1961_____ 7. Zegel, W.- C. _,, .. DIRECT-FLAME FLUME INCINERATORS, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No-. 18, September 2, 1976. 424.2 75 6.10 Bins and Hoppers 1. Christensen, C. M., Editor STORAGE OF CEREAL GRAINS AND THEIR PRODUCTS, American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, Mn., 1954. 2. Johnson, J. R. STORAGE BINS FOR BULK SOLIDS, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 14, July 8, 1976. 3. Ketchum, M. S. THE DESIGN OF WALLS, BINS AND GRAIN ELEVATORS, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, .1919 •. 424.2 76 6•.11 Conveyor Syst'ems 1. Annett, F. A. ELECTRIC ELEVATORS: THEIR DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1935. 2. Apple, J. M. MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEMS DESIGN, The Ronald Press Co., 1972. 3. Gupta, P. S. and Arya, A. S. DYNAMIC PROBLEM:S OF INDUSTRIAL STRUCTIJRES IN INDIA AND THEIR SOLUTION, Proceedings, Central American Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Sa~vador, January 9-12, 1978, ,pp. 297-327. + - ~. ,." - _. Haynes, D.O. .. - •. • ... __ , +._._ _. - ~ - - • • _ I.. '" • . + ~ _ . MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT, Chilton Company, 1957. 5,. Hudson, W. G. ~ONVEYORS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT, John Wiley and Sons, 1954. 6,. Kraus, M. N. PNEUMATIC CONVEYING OF BULK MATERIALS, The Ronald Press Co., New York, 1968 ~ , 7. Melchior, J. 'OVERHEAD MONORAIL CONVEYORS - Part I, Plant Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 10, May 12, 1977. 8. Melchior, J. OVERHEAD MONORAIL CONVEYORS - Part II, Plant Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 12, June 9, 1977. 9... Schultz, G. A. CHAIN CONVEYORS AND ELEVATORS, Plant Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 27, 1975. 10. Schultz, G. A. CHAIN CONVEYORS FOR UNIT AND PACKAGE HANDLING, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No.3, February 5, 1976. 11. Schultz, G. A. OVERHEAD TROLLEY CONVEYORS, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No.4, February 19, 1976. 12.• Schultz, G. A. SELECTING CHAIN CONVEYORS AND ELEVATORS FOR BULK MATERIALS, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No.8, April 15, 1976. 13. Schultz, G. A. SELECTING VIBRATING CONVEYORS, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 17, August 19, 1976. 14.• Schultz, G. A. . PLANNING AND BUDGETING A PACKAGE CONVEYOR SYSTEM, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 18, September 2, 1976. __ . _ _ .. _ ". 424.2 15. 77 Schultz, G. A.• PLANNING AND BUDGETING A BULK CONVEYOR SYSTEM" Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 19, September 16, 1976. 16. Schultz, G. A. HANDLING BULK MATERIALS WITH BELT CONVEYORS, Plant Engineering, Vol. 31, No.9, April 28, 1977. 17. 18,. Strakosh, G. R. VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION: and Sons, Inc., 1967. Stupa;-, J.~ ELEVATORS AND ESCALATORS, John Wiley Jr. PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS, Machine Design, Vol. 48, No. 12, May 20, 1976. OPTIMIZING 19. Wirth, s. V. SOLVING A CONVEYING PROBLEM, Plant Engineering, Vol. 31, No.1, January 6, 1977. 424.2 78 6~12 Mixers a~d Separators 1. Ambler, C. M. CENTRIFUGE SELECTION, Chemical Engineering, Vol. 78, No.4, Gebruary 15, 1971. 2. Casto, L. V. PRACTICAL TIPS ON DESIGNING TURBINE-MIXER SYSTEMS, Chemical Engineering, Vol. 79, No.1, January 10, 1977. 3. Dahlstrom, D. A. and Cornell, C. F. THICKENING AND CLARIFICATION, Chemical Engineering,' Vol. 78, No.4, February 15, 1971. 4,. Danckwerts, P. V., Ed i tor THE HYDROCYCLONE, Pergamon Press, 1965. 5. Penny, W. R. RECENT TRENDS IN MIXING EQUIPMENT, Chemical Engineering, Vol. 78, No.7, March 22, 1971. 6. Sargent, G. D. GAS/SOLID SEPARATIONS, Chemical Engineering, Vol. 78, No.4, .February 15, 1971. 424.2 79 6.13 1. Precipitators and Dust Collectors Cowie, D. UPGRADING MECHANICAL DUST COLLECTION SYSTEMS, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 17, August 19, 1976. 2. Engelbrecht, H. L. ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No.9, April 29, 1976. 3. Kleissler, E. A. and Leist, ~. L. SELECTING SECONDARY DUST-HANDLING SYSTEMS, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 15, July 22, 1976. 4. Lyons, M. CHOOSING1A DUST COLLECTOR CLEANING SYSTEM, Plant Engineering, Vol. 30, No.6, March 18, 1976. 5. Rose, H. E. and Wood, A. J. AN INTRODUCTION TO ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATION IN THEORY AND PRACTICE, Constable and Company, Ltd., London, 1966. 6. Rymarz, T. M. UNDERSTANDING PULSE-JET DUST COLLECTORS, Plant Engineering, Vol. 31, No.8, April 14, 1977. 7. Schneider, G. G., Horzella, T. I~, Cooper, J. and Striegl, P. J. ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS: HOW THEY ARE' USED IN THE c.p.r., Chemical Engineering, Vol. 82, No. 17, August 18, 1975. 424.2 80 6.14 Cranes and Hoists 1. Broughton, H. A. ELECTRIC WINDERS, E. and F. N. Span, Ltd., London, 1948. -- 2. Crane Manufacturers Association of America SPECIFICATION FOR ELECTRIC OVERHEAD TRAVELING fication No. ?~, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1971. CRANE~, Speci- 3. Kogan, J .. CRANE DESIGN: THEORY AND CALCULATIONS OF RELIABILITY, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., '1976. 4·. Maas, G. INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING CRANEWAY GIRDERS, Iron and Steel Engineer, Vol. 49, No.3, March 1972, pp. 49-58. 5. Snyder, M. D., Shaw, D. E. and Krissenpfenning, J. F. SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF A NUCLEAR CONTAINMENT POLAR CRANE, Proceedings, Third International Conference on Structural Mechanics and Reactor Technology, Vol. 4, 'Part K, Paper No. I{6/7, London, September 1-5, 1975; I 424.2 7. 81 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This bibliography was prepared at the Fritz Engineering Laboratory, Lehigh University, as part of a program on "Structural Connections in Industrial Installations Subject to Earthquake". Financial support was provided by the National Science Foundation. The authors wish to express their thanks for the efforts of Mrs. Christine L. Roysdon and Miss Linda Khatri, reference librarians of the Mart Science and Engineering 'Library at Lehigh University. also extended to Miss Shirley Matlock who typed the report. Thanks are +' N . .po. N I Ilr hi ht I I Equipment or Machinery I I I liT', Main Structural System ~ I WI Ilf ,\WI I' ~ a&. ....... ITI Connections and Connecting Substructure I ... I I I Non-Structural System ~ (cladding, window syst. etc.) ~ III I I Structural Member Equipment and Machinery I Soil- Foundation System Fig. 1 Industrial Plant and its Physical Components ()) ~ 424.2 83 Main Structural System Soil - Foundation System Industria I Plant o'r Instal lotion (Building) Non - Structural Systems Machinery or Equipment and Connecting Systems Fig. 2 Systems Representation of an Industrial Plant 424.2 84 Equipment or, Machinery Connections Connecting Sub - structu~ Foundation or Structural Member Fig. 3 A Typical Configuration of an Equipment Dynamic System BLIOGRAPHIC DATA 11• 3.~ecipient's Accession No. Report No. EET r itle and Subc icle LEHIGH/FL/424--2 5. Report Date December 1977 )RELll1INARY BIBLIOGRAPHY ON CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MACHrnERY ~ND STRUCTURE 6. ~ uthor(s) 8. Performing Organization Repc. Jmur Yuceoglu, Joseph W~ Tedesco, George C. Driscoll ~ritz Engineering Laboratory ~ehigh 11. Contract/Grant No. University ~ethlehem, PA . No. LEHIGH/FL/424--2 .10. Pr.oject/Task/~o,k·Unit No. Performing Organization Name and Address 18015 ENV 76-01551 13. Type of Report &: Period Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Covered National Science Foundation Interim 14. Supplementary Notes Abstracts Literature on earthquake and dynamic response, analysis, and design approaches )r connections between equipment or machinery and structures are covered in this ccm-~ehensive bibliogr'aphic s·urvey. The equipment or machinery involved includes a wide loge of units found in typical industrial installations such as materials processing Lants J chemical plants, petroleum refineries, and fossil fuel power plants. Connections are treated in their role as a component in an overall dynamic systecr lcluding equipment or machinery, connections, structure, and foundations. Over 700 reference citations are presented including over 450 references on gen,:al analysis and design and over 250 references on equipment and machinery,. Findings of the survey are that literature specifically treating the connecLons of concern is scarce, especially with regard to earthquake problems • ...... Key '\\'o~ds and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors lbliography; .Connections; Dynamic Response; Earthquake Resistant Structures; arthquakes; Equipment; -Industrial Plants; Joints; Machinery ). Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms ~. COSATI Field/Group' Availabilit)p Statenlent 19•. Security Class (This Report) . UNCl ASSIFTED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED MAY BE REPRODUCED No restriction on distribution. Available from .• National Technical Information Service. Springf1.elo VA 22151 ~M N TI 5 .. 35 t REV. 3-72) TH,[S FOR~f 21. No. of Pages 84 22. Price