Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja


Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja
v sodelovanju z
1. Mednarodni
23. in 24. april 2015
Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorož,
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Mojca Talan Zajc
T: 01 200 18 58
Celoten program in ostale informacije si lahko ogledate
na spletni strani
Uradni list Republike Slovenije, d.o.o.
Dunajska cesta 167, 1000 Ljubljana
CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana
izdalo in založilo:
za založbo:
priprava za tisk:
Javno podjetje Uradni list Republike Slo­ve­nije, d. o. o., Dunajska cesta 167, Ljubljana
Matjaž Peterka
Robert Ravšl
Javno podjetje Uradni list Republike Slo­ve­nije, d. o. o., Dunajska cesta 167, Ljubljana
100 izvodov
?, d. o. o., april 2015
© Urad­ni list Re­pub­li­ke Slo­ve­ni­je, 2015. Vse pra­vi­ce pri­dr­ža­ne.
Brez pi­sne­ga do­vo­lje­nja za­lož­ni­ka je pre­po­ve­da­no re­pro­du­ci­ra­nje, di­stri­bui­ra­nje, jav­na priob­či­tev, pre­de­la­va ali dru­ga upo­ra­ba te­ga av­tor­ske­ga
de­la ali nje­go­vih de­lov v ka­kr­šnem ­ko­li ob­se­gu ali po­stop­ku, vključ­no s fo­to­ko­pi­ra­njem, ti­ska­njem ali shra­ni­tvi­jo v elek­tron­ski ob­li­ki. Ta­ko
rav­na­nje je, ra­zen v pri­me­rih iz 46. do 57. čle­na Za­ko­na o av­tor­ski in so­rod­nih pra­vi­cah, kr­ši­tev av­tor­ske pra­vi­ce.
Zahvala vsem predavateljem na 1. Mednarodnem kongresu
javnega naročanja
We express our gratitude to all the following speakers for
their professional participation
• dr. Manfred Kraff, namestnik generalne
direktorice Direktorata za proračun pri Evropski
Manfred Kraff, Ph.D., Deputy Director General at
Directorate-General for Budget at the European
• Saša Varinac, predsednik Republiške komisije
za zaščito pravic v postopkih javnega naročanja,
Saša Varinac, President of the Republic
Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public
Procurement Procedures, Serbia
• dr. Igor Šoltes, evropski poslanec,
podpredsednik Odbora Evropskega parlamenta
za nadzor proračuna EU
Igor Šoltes, Ph. D., Member of European
Parliament, Vice-Chair of the EU Committee on
Budgetary Control at the European Parliament
• Bojana Ačković, svetovalka v sektorju za
spremljanje in izvrševanje predpisov in nadzora,
Uprava za javna naročila, Črna gora
Bojana Ačković, Adviser in the Sector for
Monitoring and Implementing, Montenegro
• Sašo Matas, generalni direktor Direktorata za
javno naročanje, Slovenija
Sašo Matas, Director General of Public
Procurement, Slovenia
• Filko Cezner, pomočnik ministra za
gospodarstvo, Hrvaška
Filko Cezner, Assisstant to the Minister of the
Economy, Croatia
• dr. Predrag Jovanović, direktor Uprave za javna
naročila, Srbija
Predrag Jovanović, Ph. D., Director of Public
Procurement Administration, Serbia
• Joanna Szychowska, vodja enote za zakonodajo
javnih naročil pri Evropski komisiji, Generalni
direktorat za notranji trg in storitve
Joanna Szychowska, Head of the Public
Procurement Legislation at the European
Commission, Directorate-General for Internal
Market and Services
• Matej Čepeljnik, Ministrstvo za finance,
Direktorat za javno premoženje, Slovenija
Matej Čepeljnik, Ministry of Finance, Public
Property Directorate, Slovenia
• Radojko Obradović, direktor Inštituta za javne
finance, Srbija
Radojko Obradović, Director The Institute of
Public Finance, Serbia
• Borut Smrdel, predsednik Državne revizijske
komisije, Slovenija
Borut Smrdel, President of the National Review
Commission, Slovenia
• Goran Matešić, predsednik Državne komisije za
kontrolo postopkov javnega naročanja, Hrvaška
Goran Matešić, President of the State
Commission for Supervision of Public
Procurement Procedure, Croatia
• Aleksandar Argirovski, direktor Uprave za javna
naročila, Makedonija
Aleksandar Argirovski, Director of Public
Procurement Administration, Macedonia
• Đinita Fočo, direktorica Agencije za javna
naročila, Bosna in Hercegovina
Đinita Fočo, Director of Public Procurement
Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Ivančica Franjković, namestnica vodje Urada za
javna naročila, Hrvaška
Ivančica Franjković, Deputy Head of Public
Procurement Office, Croatia
• Željka Klobučar, članica Urada za pritožbe javnih
naročil, Bosna in Hercegovina
Željka Klobučar, Member of Public Procurement
Complaints Office, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• dr. Mersad Mujević, direktor Uprave za javna
naročila, Črna gora
Mersad Mujević, Ph.D., Director of Public
Procurement Administration, Montenegro
• Suzana Muljavec Kahne, Ministrstvo za javno
upravo, Direktorat za javno naročanje, Slovenija
Suzana Muljavec Kahne, Ministry of Public
Administration, Public Procurement Directorate,
• mag. Urška Skok Klima, Ministrstvo za javno
upravo, Direktorat za javno naročanje, Slovenija
mag. Urška Skok Klima, Ministry of Public
Administration, Public Procurement Directorate,
• Matjaž Uhan, Ministrstvo za javno upravo,
Direktorat za javno naročanje, Slovenija
Matjaž Uhan, Ministry of Public Administration,
Public Procurement Directorate, Slovenia
Predstavitev avtorjev in vsebina
Presentation of authors and content
Boris Koprivnikar, minister za javno upravo, Slovenija
Boris Koprivnikar, Minister of Public Administration, Slovenia
dr. Manfred Kraff, namestnik generalne direktorice Direktorata za proračun pri Evropski komisiji
Manfred Kraff, Ph.D., Deputy Director General at Directorate-General for Budget at the European
Sašo Matas, generalni direktor Direktorata za javno naročanje, Slovenija
Sašo Matas, Director General of Public Procurement, Slovenia
Ivan Palčić, vodja službe, Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, oddelek za javna naročila, Hrvaška
Ivan Palčić, Head od Office, Ministry of Economy, Directorate fpr Public Procurement, Croatia
dr. Mersad Mujević, direktor Uprave za javna naročila, Črna gora
Mersad Mujević, Ph.D., Director of Public Procurement Administration, Montenegro
Đinita Fočo, direktorica Agencije za javna naročila, Bosna in Hercegovina
Đinita Fočo, Director of Public Procurement Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Radojko Obradović, direktor Inštituta za javne finance, Beograd, Srbija
Radojko Obradović, Director The Institute of Public Finance, Belgrade, Serbia
Borut Smrdel, predsednik Državne revizijske komisije, Slovenija
Borut Smrdel, President of the National Review Commission, Slovenia
Bojana Ačković, svetovalka v sektorju za spremljanje in izvrševanje predpisov in nadzora, Uprava za
javna naročila, Črna gora
Bojana Ačković, Adviser in the Sector for Monitoring and Implementing, Montenegro
Ivančica Franjković, namestnica vodje Urada za javna naročila, Hrvaška
Ivančica Franjković, Deputy Head of Public Procurement Office, Croatia
Željka Klobučar, članica Urada za pritožbe javnih naročil, Bosna in Hercegovina
Željka Klobučar, Member of Public Procurement Complaints Office, Bosnia and Herzegovina
URED ZA RAZMATRANJE ŽALBI, mjerodavnosti, organizacija,
problemi u radu
Procurement Review Body Competencies, Organization, Problems
mag. Urška Skok Klima, Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Direktorat za javno naročanje, Slovenija
mag. Urška Skok Klima, M.A., Ministry of Public Administration, Public Procurement Directorate,
Saša Varinac, predsednik Republiške komisije za zaščito pravic v postopkih javnega naročanja,
Saša Varinac, President of the Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public
Procurement Procedures, Serbia
Suzana Muljavec Kahne, Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Direktorat za javno naročanje, Slovenija
Suzana Muljavec Kahne, Slovenia, Ministry of Public Administration, Public Procurement
Matjaž Uhan, Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Direktorat za javno naročanje, Slovenija
Matjaž Uhan, Ministry of Public Administration, Public Procurement Directorate, Slovenia
Spoštovani udeleženci 1. Mednarodnega
kongresa javnega naročanja!
V čast in veliko veselje mi je, da vas lahko pozdravim ob tej priložnosti, ki je pomembna ne le za sistem in vse udeležence javnega naročanja v Sloveniji, temveč tudi za
širši evropski prostor in je obenem simbolična. Prvi mednarodni kongres, ki ga skupaj
organizirata Ministrstvo za javno upravo in Uradni list Republike Slovenije, se dogaja v
času, ko smo v sistemu javnega naročanja ne le v Sloveniji, ampak tudi v Evropi pred
pomembnimi spremembami.
Reforma sistema javnega naročanja v Evropi, ki se je začela že leta 2011, naj bi
odgovorila na nekaj ključnih izzivov, s katerimi se srečujemo v skupnem evropskem prostoru in za katere se zdi, da lahko pomembno pripomorejo k inovacijam, gospodarski
rasti in splošni blaginji v družbi. Sistem javnega naročanja, ki naj bi postal preprostejši in
bolj fleksibilen ter bi zagotavljal večjo pravno varnost, pa ni pomemben samo zato, ker
vstopa v tako rekoč vse pore javnega, ampak predvsem zato, ker pomeni znaten delež
javne porabe in v Evropski uniji predstavlja kar 18 odstotkov bruto domačega proizvoda.
Glavni izziv kongresa pa ni določitev optimalne normativne podlage za delovanje,
ki je brez dvoma izjemno pomembna, temveč vzpostavitev razumnega in enostavnega
sistema, ki naj bo usmerjen k ciljem gospodarnega in kakovostnega javnega naročanja,
temelječega na načelu „prave vrednosti za denar“, a naj obenem pazi na vse omejitve,
ki jih prinaša tak sistem. Le tako bomo lahko resnično zagotovili optimalno učinkovitost
in nenazadnje upravičili obstoj tega posebnega podsistema javnega sektorja, za katerega se v tem trenutku zdi, da je že skoraj izgubil stik z razlogi in namenom urejanja. Seveda ne smemo podcenjevati zakonodajnega okvira in pozabljati nanj, najpomembnejša
vprašanja javnega naročanja pa naj bi se vendarle osredotočala na vsebino naročil,
ekonomijo zadovoljevanja potreb, učinkovitost postopka, modernizacijo sistema vključno z informatizacijo in zagotavljanje ustreznih politik, kot sta socialno in zeleno javno
naročanje. Postopek oddaje javnega naročila naj bi bil manjši, vendar pa razumen in
logičen del kompleksnega sistema javnega naročanja.
Upamo in tudi pričakujemo, da bodo nova evropska pravila, ki jih bomo že letos
prenesli tudi v slovenski zakonodajni sistem javnega naročanja, lahko odgovorila na te
izzive, pomembno pa je spoznanje, in to še zlasti v slovenskem sistemu, da brez drugačnega pristopa in razumevanja ključnih ciljev javnega naročanja bistveno drugačnih
rezultatov izključno na podlagi novih pravil ne bo mogoče doseči.
Ker javno naročanje ni samo sebi namen, temveč je sredstvo za doseganje cilja gospodarnega naročanja javnega sektorja, pa je treba najti ustrezno ravnovesje med strogimi postopkovnimi pravili in fleksibilnostjo, ki omogoča večjo gospodarnost. Konkretne
učinke in uspešnost sprememb bomo v širšem smislu lahko videli že čez nekaj let, ko
bo novi sistem zaživel v praksi. Predvsem pa ne pozabimo, da bomo na to, ali nam bo
uspelo ali ne, vplivali vsi, ki v tem kompleksnem sistemu delujemo.
Želim vam uspešno delo ter veliko novih spoznanj v luči iskanja odgovorov na izzive
sistema javnega naročanja.
​​​​​​​​Minister za javno upravo
Boris Koprivnikar
Dear participants of the 1st International
Procurement Congress,
It is an honour and great pleasure to welcome you on this occasion, which is important for public procurement systems and stakeholders not only in Slovenia but also
in the wider European area. The first international congress, organised by the Ministry
of Public Administration and the Official Journal, also has a symbolic significance, as it
takes place at a time when Slovenian and European public procurement systems face
major changes.
The reform of the public procurement system in Europe, introduced in 2011, aims at
responding to some of the key challenges faced by the common European area. These
challenges seem to have a significant impact on innovation, economic growth, and
general well-being in our society. The simplified and more flexible public procurement
system with greater legal certainty is important not only because it fits into all public aspects, but also because it represents a substantial share of public spending, amounting
to as much as 18% of gross domestic product in the European Union.
The key challenge is not to determine the optimal normative basis for the operation, but to develop a rational and simple system, which is directed towards efficient
and high-quality public procurement, based on the principle of “true value for money”,
and respects all the restrictions imposed by such a system. Only then, can we really achieve optimal effectiveness and justify the existence of this special public sector sub-system, which now seems to have nearly lost contact with the reasons and
purpose of its regulation. Naturally, we should not underestimate or ignore the legal
framework, but the key issues of public procurement should focus on the content of
contracts, the economics of meeting the needs, the efficiency of the procedure, the
modernisation and computerisation of the system, and the establishment of adequate
policies, such as social and green public procurement. The contract award procedure
should be a small, but reasonable and logical part of the complex public procurement
We hope and expect that the new European rules, which will be transferred into the
Slovenian public procurement system this year, can respond to these challenges. However, it is important to recognise that, especially in the Slovenian system, it will not be
possible to achieve significantly different results solely on the basis of the new rules. We
also need to change the approach and understanding of the key public procurement
Since public procurement is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve the objective of economical public sector procurement, it is necessary to find the right balance
between strict procedural rules and flexibility that provides greater economy. Actual
effects and effectiveness of the changes will be seen in a broader sense in a few years,
when the new system will be implemented in practice. Above all, we should not forget
that every one of us operating in this complex system would have an impact on the success of the project.
I hope you will work successfully and find many answers to the challenges of the
public procurement system.
​​​​​​​​Public Administration Minister
Boris Koprivnikar
New directives on public procurement
dr. Manfred Kraff, Ph.D.
Deputy Director General at Directorate-General for Budget at the European Commission
1. Background
Public procurement refers to the process by which public authorities, such as government departments or regional and local authorities, purchase work, goods or services from companies which they have selected for this purpose. Examples are building
a bridge or a school, purchasing furniture for an administration, contracting cleaning
services for a Ministry or acquiring technical assistance from external experts.
The rules on public procurement of the European Union (EU) implement the
principles and freedoms established by the EU treaties. They aim at making the procedures for awarding public procurement contracts transparent and open to all European companies, which can thus offer their products and services throughout the EU.
The Commission estimates that the value of public procurement contracts represents EUR 425 billion, or 3.4 % of EU Gross Domestic Product (2011 figures).
2. Legal Framework for Public Procurement
The initial legal framework for public procurement was adopted in 2004:
– Directive 2004/17/EC on public procurement in the water, energy, transport and
postal services sectors; and
– Directive 2004/18/EC on public works, supply and service contracts.
Economic, social and political developments and current budgetary constraints
have made it necessary to reform the rules. Therefore, the Commission proposed in
December 2011 the revision of these Directives. The objective was to provide simpler
and more efficient rules for purchasers and companies, while obtaining best value for
money and respecting the principles of transparency and competition (see section 4).
The new legal framework was voted by the European Parliament on 15 January
2014 and adopted by the Council on 11 February 2014:
– Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement; and
– Directive 2014/25/EU on public procurement by entities operating in the water,
energy, transport and postal services sectors.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
New directives on public procurement
Manfred Kraff
The Member States have until April 2016 to transpose the new rules into their
national law (except with regard to e-procurement, where the deadline is September
2018 – see section 5).
3. Procurement Errors in EU Projects
In the context of its audit for the Declaration of Assurance (DAS) on the legality
and regularity of transactions underlying the EU accounts, the European Court of Auditors analyses each step of the procurement procedure –from the drafting of the call
for tender to the award and the implementation of the contract- where a distortion of
competition could potentially occur.
The statistics provided by the European Court of Auditors in its 2013 Annual
Report highlight that the overall estimated error rate of 4.7 % over the EUR 147 billion EU budget’s expenditures (i.e. EUR 6.93 billion) was due for a fifth (21 %, i.e.
EUR 1.46 billion) to ‘serious errors in public procurement’ of projects funded under
the regional policy. The auditors found in particular the following problems:
– Non-respect of publication threshold;
– Unauthorised negotiation during the award procedure;
– Substantial modification of an existing contract;
– Restrictive selection / award criteria;
– Disproportionate selection/ award criteria; and
– Lack of transparency and equal treatment.
Although these statistics are not broken down by Member State, the situation of projects funded by the EU budget is a mirror image of what goes wrong at the national level.
As a reaction to the problems identified concerning public procurement, the two
institutions exercising the political control over the implementation of EU policies, i.e.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
New directives on public procurement
the European Parliament and the Council, took clear positions as regards the necessary improvements.
The European Parliament pointed out in paragraph 111 of its 2013 draft Resolution for Discharge „… that Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council is to be implemented by Member States until 18 April 2016; considers that it will
bring considerable changes in procurement procedures and might necessitate further
methodological changes;…” (emphasis added by the author).
Furthermore, the Council stressed in paragraph 8 of its 2013 Recommendation
for Discharge”… that any simplification of the national public procurement rules should
aim at limiting errors, whilst fully ensuring the protection of the Union’s financial interests. Finally, in the light of the newly revised public procurement rules and procedures,
the Council invites the Commission to ensure through its technical assistance that the
recently updated guidelines on public procurement are disseminated and understood
by all relevant actors” (emphasis added by the author).
Manfred Kraff
4. Main Changes
Taking into consideration political, economic and social factors and current budgetary constraints, the EU legislator decided to reform the rules for public procurement. The first objective was to make them simpler and more efficient for public purchasers and companies. The second objective was to provide the best value for money
for public purchases, while respecting the principles of transparency and competition.
The following new rules simplify public procurement procedures and make them
more flexible, which will benefit both public purchasers and businesses, particularly
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs):
– Public purchasers will be better able to negotiate the terms of contracts with companies to obtain the service that best suits their needs.
– Minimum deadlines for procedures will be shorter.
– Regional and local authorities will benefit from reduced publicity obligations and
may set procedural deadlines (e.g. tendering bids), by mutual agreement with the
participating companies.
– For a company to participate in the procedure, it will be sufficient to submit a selfdeclaration that it fulfils these conditions which will drastically reduce the volume
of documents required for selecting companies.
– Only the winning company needs to submit all the documentation proving that it
qualifies for the contract in question.
Under the new rules, public procurement is becoming a policy strategy instrument. Public procurement procedures will help public purchasers to implement environmental policies, as well as those governing social integration and innovation:
– Public authorities will be able to base their decision on the best life cycle cost of the
goods offered. Here, the CO2 footprint of products could be a decisive factor.
– Public bodies will be able to base their assessment on the process by which the
work, services and supplies purchased are produced. Thus, employing the most
vulnerable or disadvantaged people or using non-toxic substances may be a decisive factor in selecting the winning bidder.
– Any public purchaser may reserve contracts not only for sheltered workshops, but
also for companies whose main objective is to integrate disadvantaged workers
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
New directives on public procurement
Manfred Kraff
into the world of work, provided that they account for at least 30 % of the organisation’s workforce (compared to the current level of 50 %).
– The new procedure for the purchase of innovative products and services will stimulate innovation.
European small and medium-sized businesses, with their significant potential for
job creation, growth and innovation, will have better access to public procurement
– Public purchasers will be encouraged to award several contracts to various small
businesses, rather than a single contract to a large company.
– The turnover required to participate in public procurement will be limited to a
maximum of double of the estimated contract value.
Stronger measures to prevent conflicts of interest, favouritism and corruption are
– A clearer definition will require Member States to take steps to effectively prevent,
identify and correct ‘conflicts of interest’.
– Anyone attempting to influence a public purchaser or making false statements may
be excluded from public procurement procedures.
– It will be easier to identify cases where a contract could be modified after it is
awarded, without a new call for tenders.
– Public purchasers must reject any bid that comes at an abnormally low price because the company concerned may be violating EU or international social, environmental and labour laws.
Social, cultural and health services and certain others, such as legal, hospitality,
catering and canteen services listed in the Directives, will benefit from the new simplified arrangements:
– These arrangements apply to contracts worth more than EUR 750 000 (compared
with EUR 200 000 for other services).
– Public purchasers may award contracts to tenders that meet all quality criteria
such as the accessibility, continuity and sustainability of the services offered, which
they consider critical to the service concerned
– Apart from the obligation to treat all companies equally and provide adequate
publicity to the call for tenders and award of contracts, only national rules will apply to the relevant procedures.
The new EU rules will not affect the national organisation of public services:
– Member States will continue to choose the way in which they organise their public
services. Public authorities may either carry out their own public service remit using their own resources or may draw on an external body.
– Rules on public procurement will apply only when a public authority decides to
outsource services.
– Public procurement rules do not cover cooperation between public authorities, in
particular municipalities.
5. Key Role of E-procurement
E-procurement means to conduct public procurement electronically. This involves,
publishing contract notices online (e-notification), publishing all documents for a call
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
New directives on public procurement
for tenders online (e-access to tender documents) and suppliers submitting offers to
public buyers/contracting authorities electronically (e-submission), etc.
This new way of conducting public procurement can significantly simplify current procedures, increase efficiency, generate considerable savings and deliver better
procurement outcomes (lower price, better quality) by stimulating greater competition across the Single Market. Public buyers who have already made the transition to
e-procurement estimate their savings to reach between 5 and 20%. Given the size of
the total procurement market in the EU, each 5% saved could return around EUR 100
billion to the budgets.
Given these advantages offered by e-procurement, the European Parliament and
the Council decided that e-procurement will gradually become mandatory in the EU.
Practically this means that:
– By March 2016, electronic notification (notices will be sent electronically to be
published) and electronic access to tender documents will become mandatory.
– By March 2017, electronic submission of offers (e-submission) will become mandatory for central purchasing bodies (public buyers buying on behalf of other public buyers).
– By September 2018, electronic submission of offers (e-submission) will become
mandatory for all contracting authorities.
The new Directives specifically mention that tools and devices used for communicating electronically should be non-discriminatory, generally available, and interoperable. This means that a public buyer should not restrict the ability of a company
to participate in a public procurement procedure. For example a public buyer cannot
oblige a company to purchase software which is not generally available to reply to a
call for tenders.
E-Certis is a free, on-line information system for companies and contracting authorities on different documents required when tendering for a public contract in another country and certificates most frequently requested in procurement procedures
across the EU. The new Directives require that Member States keep up-to-date all the
information about certificates required in their country in public procurement procedures. Thus, users can be sure that by consulting e-Certis they have always up-to-date
and correct data. Public buyers should request as a general rule the types of certificates
available in e-Certis, to avoid requiring too many certificates from companies.
Dynamic Purchasing Systems are electronic systems allowing public purchasers to
consult a large number of potential suppliers of standardised (“off-the-shelf ”) works,
supplies or services, whose capabilities have already been verified. These systems have
been thoroughly simplified by the new Directives. Companies may enter the system easily and at any time during their period of validity. The notice informing companies of
the existence and purpose of the various systems will be published on a permanent basis.
The procedure for the use of an electronic auction follows essentially the same
rules as the current ones. In a specific procurement procedure, when the offers have
been presented and examined, an electronic auction can be launched to determine
in particular the final price to be paid for the generally standardised goods, works or
The electronic catalogue is a completely new electronic procurement tool which
was made available to public purchasers and companies. An electronic catalogue al1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Manfred Kraff
New directives on public procurement
Manfred Kraff
lows companies to submit offers in a structured format. Their offer can be assessed
automatically by the e-procurement system of the purchaser.
6. Decrease Errors through Transposition and Implementation
In the transposition into national law, Member States should use effectively the
potential offered by the new Directives in order to reduce the risk of error in public
procurement procedures. In this context, a fine balance has to be found between possibilities given to the Member States for adapting the new rules to their specific national
requirements and needs (national legal framework, administrative systems and procedures, traditions, etc.) and using the existing opportunities as regards simplification
and flexibility.
National „gold plating“ should be avoided. This requires that objectives and principles of the new Directives are transposed in national law without adding unnecessary extra obligations. Detailed provisions on how to implement and apply the new
rules in practice should as far as possible be provided in the form of „soft law“. This
includes guidelines in order to avoid abuse and misinterpretation of the rules for the
new negotiated procedures without publication, the simplified competitive dialogue
and the new innovation partnership. In cases of doubt, the European Commission‘s
Directorate-General „Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs“ provides material and advice to all stakeholders.
A very efficient and effective way to ensure better public procurement procedures
is to develop and use professional skills through centralisation of purchases. In addition, a rapid e-procurement roll-out will reduce the administrative burden on companies, streamline internal procedures and automatize certain processes within contracting authorities.
7. Final Remarks
Public procurement is often considered as a heavy and complex procedure which,
in many cases, is affected by inefficiencies and errors. On the basis of proposals of the
European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council have adopted new
Directives which aim at introducing in particular simplification and flexibility in the
public procurement procedures. It is now up to the Member States to use the existing
opportunities by transposing the new rules into national law without “falling into the
trap of gold plating”.
Meeting the objectives, principles and main purposes of the Directives, such as
equality of treatment, transparency, high competition and obtaining best value for
money, does not require a complex and rigid legal framework. More simple and flexible rules have a positive impact on the risk of error and reduce the burden for public
purchasers and contractors. This should be an incentive for the national legislators to
use the potential of the new Directives. But also national administrations have to take
up the new opportunities, for example by implementing the new and simplified procedures, creating central purchasing bodies and rolling out e-procurement. 16
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Javno naročanje v Sloveniji, kratek pregled
Sašo Matas
generalni direktor Direktorata za javno naročanje
Slovenija je svoj prvi zakon, ki je urejal področje javnega naročanja, dobila leta
1997, z Zakonom o javnih naročilih.1 Predtem so se javna naročila izvajala v skladu s
podzakonsko odredbo, ki je bila sprejeta že leta 1993 oziroma 1994. V letu 2015 pa, po
nekaj več kot 20 letih, dobiva Slovenija že svoj četrti zakon, ki bo v slovenski pravni red
prenesel predvsem dve novi evropski direktivi s področja javnega naročanja.2
Slovenski sistem je, še posebno v zadnjih letih, doživel več sprememb, ki so, zelo
splošno povedano, težile k poenostavitvi postopkov javnega naročanja, njegovi deformalizaciji in odpravi konflikta interesov oziroma korupcijskih tveganj. Tudi z besedilom nove direktive je žal postalo jasno, v kako ne vedno najbolj primerno in učinkovito orodje se je v vseh teh letih izoblikoval sistem javnega naročanja tako v skupnem
evropskem prostoru kot v Sloveniji.3
Slovenski sistem javnega naročanja torej v celoti izhaja iz evropskih direktiv, urejajo pa ga štirje zakoni:
– Zakon o javnem naročanju (ZJN-2),
– Zakon o javnem naročanju na vodnem, energetskem, transportnem področju in
področju poštnih storitev (ZJNVETPS),
– Zakon o javnem naročanju na področju obrambe in varnosti (ZJNPOV) in
– Zakon o pravnem varstvu v postopkih javnega naročanja (ZPVPJN).
Prva dva zakona urejata javno naročanje na klasičnem oziroma na infrastrukturnem področju, tretji ga ureja na področju obrambe in varnosti. Četrti zakon ureja področje pravnega varstva v sistemu javnega naročanja, predstavitev tega dela sistema pa
bo nanizana v drugi razpravi. Poleg naštetih zakonov pa sistem vzpostavljajo tudi pod Uradni list RS, št. 24/97.
Direktiva 2014/24/EU Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 26. februarja 2014 o javnem naročanju in razveljavitvi Direktive 2004/18/ES ter Direktiva 2014/25/EU Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 26. februarja 2014 o javnem naročanju naročnikov, ki opravljajo dejavnosti v vodnem, energetskem in prometnem
sektorju ter sektorju poštnih storitev ter o razveljavitvi Direktive 2004/17/ES.
Ne le v Sloveniji, tudi evropski zakonodajni okvir žal ni usmerjen k nakupom »value for money«, ampak
bolj teži k vzpostavitvi rigoroznih postopkov za učinkovito vzpostavitev enotnega notranjega trga. Ti so se
v nekaterih državah prevesili v sistem, ki je mnogokrat sam sebi namen oziroma se vsaj oddaljuje od bistva
javnega naročanja.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Javno naročanje v Sloveniji, kratek pregled
Sašo Matas
zakonski predpisi. Tri uredbe, vse izhajajoče iz vseh treh zakonov o javnem naročanju,
podrobneje razdelajo nekatera pravila, ki jih uredijo priloge k direktivi. Poleg tega pa
v Sloveniji poznamo, če morda omenim samo najbolj zanimive, še nekaj predpisov, ki
jih je sprejela Vlada RS in urejajo področje javnega naročanja:
– Uredba o zelenem javnem naročanju,
– Uredba o skupnem javnem naročanju Vlade RS in
– Uredba o finančnih zavarovanjih pri javnem naročanju.
S sprejemom veljavnega Zakona o javnem naročanju se je zakonodaja otresla nekaterih nepotrebnih določb prejšnje ureditve, normativni okvir pa se je skrčil na po
večini nujne norme, ki naj urejajo sistem javnega naročanja. Tako so prenehali veljati
nekateri podzakonski predpisi, ki so do takrat zelo podrobno urejali posamične institute v sistemu javnega naročanja, saj so se ti uredili v zakonu, kot npr. Pravilnik o
ugotovitvi, kdaj šteje ponudba za nepravilno, neprimerno ali nesprejemljivo, Pravilnik
o natančnejši vsebini sklepa za začetek postopka oddaje javnega naročila ali Navodilo
o postopku odpiranja ponudb.
V Sloveniji danes v klasičnem sektorju javnega naročanja poznamo dva pragova,
ki urejata javno naročanje. Naročila male vrednosti, ki so sicer popolnoma transparenten postopek,4 se za blago in storitve uporabljajo za vrednost od 20.000 € dalje (za
gradnje od 40.000 €), pod to vrednostjo pa naročniki nimajo, razen sporočanja statističnih podatkov, nikakršnih obveznosti. Za vrednost od 134.000 € za blago in storitve in 274.000 € za gradnje pa morajo naročniki, spet poenostavljeno, uporabljati
postopke (npr. odprti, omejeni postopek), kot veljajo predpisani z evropsko direktivo. Slovenija pa v primerjavi z direktivami nekaj materije ureja tudi podrobneje, kot
na primer nekatere institute v postopku, dokumente in instrumente, ki jih direktiva
ne pozna. Tako posebej ureja institut odpiranja ponudb in vpogleda v ponudbe, postopek javnega naročila v primeru, če ga želi naročnik zaključiti pred prejemom ponudb, prav tako uredi postopek (predpiše pogoje) po dokončnosti oddaje odločitve
v primeru, če želi naročnik odstopiti od izvedbe naročila. Zakon določi tudi sklep
o začetku postopka kot formalni začetek postopka in odločitev o oddaji naročila
kot formalni konec, česar direktiva, vsaj v takšni obliki, spet ne pozna. Posebej tudi
predvideva, kot nujni pogoj za pristop k javnemu naročilu, izpolnitev obveznosti
plačila davkov in drugih dajatev, skupno naročanje vlade in obveznost neposrednega plačila podizvajalcem ter nekatere sankcije (prekrške) – tako za naročnike kot za
ponudnike in tudi za podizvajalce. Od leta 2012 zakonodaja na področju javnega
naročanja tudi bolj natančno ureja konflikt interesov (obveščanje sodelujočih o morebitnem konfliktu interesov) in posebej uredi sklepanje aneksov k pogodbam. Pri
podzakonskih predpisih pa je treba izpostaviti obveznost zelenega javnega naročanja (za nekatere skupine javnih naročil, kot so vozila, računalniška oprema, gradnje
in podobno) in upoštevanje uredbe, ki govori o omejitvah pri zahtevah naročnikov
po finančnih zavarovanjih. Od 1. februarja 2015 se s posebnim sklepom Vlade RS za
organe ožjega javnega sektorja, državne organe, uredi obveznost oddaje naročila z
uporabo elektronskih dražb.
Z istim imenom je bil do leta 2010 urejen postopek, ki je zahteval od naročnika, da k naročilu povabi vsaj
tri ponudnike, če je bilo to mogoče. Z letom 2010 pa so, omejeno enostavnejša, postala tudi ta naročila
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Javno naročanje v Sloveniji, kratek pregled
Še nekaj statistike. Na podlagi statističnih podatkov in ocene Ministrstva za javno
upravo obseg vseh javnih naročil, oddanih v letu 2013, znaša 3.969.176.587 javnih
naročil. Navedena vrednost javnih naročil v BDP dosega 11,25 %. Glede na odhodke
državnega proračuna ima obseg vseh javnih naročil 36,57-odstotni delež, ob upoštevanju javnih naročil, ki so jih oddali organi Republike Slovenije, pa je ta delež 8,16-odstoten. Glede na navedeno so več kot tretjina državnega proračuna sredstva, ki jih naročniki namenjajo za dobavo blaga, storitev in gradenj, preostala proračunska sredstva
pa se namenjajo za materialne stroške dela in v večjem delu za transferje (subvencije,
državne pomoči …).
Sašo Matas
Graf 1: Delež javnih naročil, oddanih v letih 2011–2013, v BDP
Vir: Statistični podatki o javnih naročilih, oddanih v letih 2011–2013
Iz obvestil o oddaji javnih naročil, objavljenih na Portalu javnih naročil oziroma v
Uradnem listu Evropske unije, obvestil o oddaji posameznih naročil na podlagi okvirnih sporazumov in sporočenih statističnih podatkov o evidenčnih naročilih je razvidno, da je v letu 2013 javna naročila oddalo 1424 naročnikov. Po oceni je bilo v letu
2013 oddanih 35.741 evidenčnih naročil in naročil, ki niso bila namenjena sklenitvi
okvirnih sporazumov. Skupaj pa so naročniki na Portalu javnih naročil in v Uradnem
listu Evropske unije objavili 5689 javnih naročil v 9889 sklopih. Naročnikov, ki oddajajo naročila v skladu z ZJN-2 ali ZJNVETPS, je skupaj 3140, kar kaže na veliko
razdrobljenost na strani naročnikov.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Javno naročanje v Sloveniji, kratek pregled
Sašo Matas
Graf 2: Porazdelitev izvedenih postopkov v obdobju 2011–2013 glede na število
izvedenih oddanih naročil
Vir: Statistični podatki o javnih naročilih, oddanih v letih 2011–2013
Zanimivo je bilo videti, v primerjavi s povprečjem EU, kako je videti sistem javnega naročanja primerjalno na podlagi nekaj številk. Povprečni odprti postopek traja
več kot 200 dni, medtem ko je v EU ta številka 108. Čeprav gre za odgovore iz anket,
ki jih je prejelo Ministrstvo za javno upravo v lanskem letu, pa so ti pokazatelj več kot
60 odprtih postopkov javnih naročil.
Graf 3: Skupni prikaz povprečnega trajanja faz v odprtem postopku
Vir: podatki anketnih vprašalnikov
Če pogledamo udeležbo malih in srednjih podjetij, prav tako vidimo, da je ta nasproti EU (38 %) nadpovprečna. Iz podatkov, ki so jih oddali naročniki, je razvidno,
da je bila v letu 2013 ponudnikom iz kategorije velike enote po vrednosti oddana malo
manj kot polovica naročil oziroma sklopov, po številu pa petina. Največji delež v številu oddanih naročil oziroma sklopov imajo ponudniki iz kategorije SME, in sicer
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Javno naročanje v Sloveniji, kratek pregled
71,19-odstotnega. Porazdelitev oddanih javnih naročil v letu 2013 glede na velikost
ponudnikov, njihov delež v številu oddanih naročil oziroma sklopov in delež v pogodbeni vrednosti so prikazani v spodnjem grafu.
Sašo Matas
Graf 4: Porazdelitev oddanih javnih naročil glede na velikost ponudnikov, delež
v številu oddanih naročil oziroma sklopov in delež v pogodbeni vrednosti
Vir: Statistični podatki o javnih naročilih, oddanih v letu 2013
Prav tako smo ugotavljali, kakšno je povprečno število ponudb za javna naročila.
V povprečju so bile v Sloveniji v letu 2013 oddane 3,4 ponudbe na sklop (na naročilo
6 ponudb), v EU pa 5,4 ponudbe. Iz statističnih podatkov pa je razvidno, da se z delitvijo naročila na sklope običajno zagotavlja večja konkurenčnost v postopku javnega
Graf 5: Povprečno število prejetih ponudb glede na število sklopov v naročilu
Vir: Statistični podatki o javnih naročilih, oddanih v letu 2013
Zanimivo je pogledati tudi razmerje med prejetimi zahtevki za revizijo glede na fazo
postopka (kot učinek pritožbenih postopkov) – čeprav se s predstavitvijo sistema pravnega varstva v postopkih javnega naročanja ukvarja prispevek kolege Boruta Smrdela.
V letu 2013 je bilo vloženih 460 zahtevkov za revizijo. Od tega se jih je 380 ali 82,61 %
nanašalo na faze postopka javnega naročanja po odpiranju ponudb. Največ zahtevkov
za revizijo se je nanašalo na odločitev o oddaji javnega naročila, in sicer 350 ali 76,09 %.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Javno naročanje v Sloveniji, kratek pregled
Sašo Matas
Preglednica 1: Predmet zahtevkov za revizijo
Zahtevek za revizijo zoper
za revizijo
razpisno dokumentacijo
Delež zahtevkov
za revizijo
17,39 %
76,09 %
odločitev o priznanju sposobnosti
1,09 %
odločitev o izločitvi vseh ponudb
1,52 %
odločitev o zavrnitvi vseh ponudb
3,70 %
0,22 %
100,00 %
odločitev o oddaji JN
druga ravnanja v postopku javnega naročanja
Vir: odločitve DKOM o zahtevkih za revizijo, prejetih v letu 2013
Za konec, sistem javnega naročanja je zaradi izhajajočih predpisov, evropskih direktiv, v Sloveniji primerljiv z državami članicami. Z novo ureditvijo se bo ta podobnost še povečala, saj nova direktiva ureja nekaj več institutov, ureja pa jih tudi bolj
podrobno. Seveda pa je precejšnja razlika žal še vedno v pristopu in ciljih javnega
naročanja, pri katerih bi se prav gotovo morali približati državam članicam. 22
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
A Brief Overview on Public Procurement
in Slovenia
Sašo Matas
Director General of Public Procurement
The first act regulating the field of public procurement in Slovenia, Public Procurement Act, was passed in 1997.1 Previously, procurement was carried out in accordance
with a secondary legislation order, adopted in 1993 and 1994. In 2015, after more than
20 years, Slovenia is introducing its fourth act that will transfer two new European
public procurement directives to the Slovenian legal system.2
In recent years, the Slovenian system has undergone several changes that, very
broadly speaking, aimed at simplifying and deformalising public procurement procedures as well as ending the conflict of interest and corruption risks. The text of the
new directive made it clear that, in all these years, the European and Slovenian public
procurement systems have developed into a tool which is not always very appropriate
and effective.3
The Slovenian public procurement system therefore entirely derives from European directives and is regulated by four acts:
– Public Procurement Act;
– Public Procurement in the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sector
– Public Procurement for Defence and Security Act;
– Legal Protection in Public Procurement Procedures Act.
The first two acts govern public procurement in the classical field of infrastructure
and the third one in the field of defence and security. The fourth act regulates the field
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 24/97.
Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC, and Directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 26 February 2014 on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and
postal services sectors and repealing Directive 2004/17/EC.
Unfortunately, it is not focused on the “value for money” purchase, but rather on the establishment of rigorous procedures for the development of the single market, both in Slovenia and in the broader European
legal framework. In some states, the procedures have turned into a system that is often an end in itself,
digressing from the essence of public procurement.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
A Brief Overview on Public Procurement in Slovenia
Sašo Matas
of legal protection in the public procurement system. This part of the system will be
presented in another debate. In addition to the above-mentioned acts, the system is
also established by secondary legislation. Three regulations, all of them resulting from
the three public procurement acts, further elaborate some of the rules imposed by the
annexes to the directive. Slovenia also has some other rules on public procurement,
adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. To mention only the most
interesting ones:
– Regulation on Green Public Procurement;
– Regulation on the Joint Public Procurement of the Government of the Republic of
– Regulation on Financial Interests in Public Procurement.
By adopting the current Public Procurement Act, the legislation has avoided some
unnecessary provisions of the previous order. What is more, the regulatory framework
has mostly restricted the urgent norms of the public procurement system. Some of
the secondary legislation rules regulating in detail individual institutes of the public
procurement system thus expired, such as the rules on when a tender is considered
incorrect, inappropriate, or unacceptable, the rules on the precise content of the decision to launch a contract award procedure or the instructions on the process of tender
Today, Slovenia has two thresholds governing public procurement in the classical
procurement sector. Low-value contracts, which are considered as completely transparent procedures,4 are used for the value of €20,000 and more in case of goods and
services (€40,000 in case of construction). Below this value, the contracting authorities
have no obligations, except for the communication of statistical data. For the value of
€134,000 and more in case of goods and services and €274,000 in case of construction, the contracting authorities have to use simplified procedures (e.g. open, restricted
procedure) as laid down by the European directive. Contrary to the directives, Slovenia governs in detail some specific matters, e.g. certain institutes, documents, and
instruments. Thus, it specifically regulates the institute of tender opening and access,
public procurement procedures that the contracting authority wants to conclude before receiving the tenders, and procedures (by specifying the conditions) following
the conclusion of the award decision if the contracting authority wants to withdraw
from the contract. Contrary to the directive, the act also takes the decision to initiate the procedure and to award the contract, marking the formal initiation and end
of the procedure. Moreover, it provides a precondition for accession to the contract,
i.e. the fulfilment of the obligation to pay taxes and other duties, joint government
procurement and the obligation of direct payments to the subcontractors and certain
sanctions (offences) – for contracting authorities, tenderers and subcontractors. From
2012, public procurement legislation governs more in detail the conflict of interest
(informing all parties about the possible conflict of interest) and the conclusion of
annexes to contracts. As for the secondary legislation, it is necessary to highlight the
obligation of green public procurement (for certain categories of public procurement,
such as vehicles, computer equipment, construction, etc.) and compliance with the
regulation concerning the restrictions on the requirements of contracting authorities
By 2010, a procedure with the same name requested from the contracting authority to invite at least three
tenderers to the contract if possible. From 2010, these contracts are somehow simpler and more transparent.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
A Brief Overview on Public Procurement in Slovenia
for financial insurance. From 1 February 2015, a special decision by the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia concerning the immediate public sector bodies, i.e. state
authorities, regulates the contract award via electronic auctions.
And now for some statistics. Based on statistical data and assessment of the Ministry of Public Administration, there were 3,969,176,587 contracts awarded in 2013.
That value of public procurement accounts to 11.25% of GDP. According to the state
budget expenditure, all contracts have a 36.57% share. Having regard to the contracts
awarded by the authorities of the Republic of Slovenia, the share is 8.16%. Given the
above, more than a third of the state budget consists of the appropriations that the
contracting authorities provide for the supply of goods, services, and constructions,
while other budget appropriations are used for material labour costs and transfers
(subsidies, national aid, etc.).
Sašo Matas
Chart 1: Share of the contracts awarded in 2011–2013, in GDP
Source: Statistical data on the contracts awarded in 2011–2013
Contract award notices published in the Public Procurement Portal and in the
Official Journal of the European Union, notices of award of individual contracts based
on framework agreements and the reported statistical data on the recorded contracts
indicate that 1,424 contracting authorities awarded contracts in 2013. It is estimated
that 35,741 recorded contracts and contracts that were not intended for the conclusion of framework agreements were awarded in 2013. All together, the contracting
authorities published 5,689 contracts in 9,889 sets in the Public Procurement Portal
and the Official Journal of the European Union. 3,140 contracting authorities awarded
contracts in accordance to the Public Procurement Act or Public Procurement in the
Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sector Act, which indicates a great fragmentation of contracting authorities.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
A Brief Overview on Public Procurement in Slovenia
Sašo Matas
Chart 2: Distribution of the procedures carried out in 2011–2013 based on the
number of contracts awarded
Source: Statistical data on the contracts awarded in 2011–2013
It was interesting to look at the state of the public procurement system on the basis
of a few numbers, as compared to the EU average. An average open procedure lasts
more than 200 days, compared to 108 days in the EU. Although the answers were taken from the surveys received by the Ministry of Public Administration last year, they
indicate over 60 open public procurement procedures.
Chart 3: Overall display of the average durations of individual phases in open procedures
Source: data from the questionnaires
The participation of small and medium-sized enterprises is above the EU average
(38%). The data submitted by contracting authorities indicate that, in 2013, a little less
than a half of the contracts or sets were awarded to the tenderers from the large unit
category by value or a fifth by number. Tenderers from the SME category have the lar26
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
A Brief Overview on Public Procurement in Slovenia
gest share of awarded contracts or sets, i.e. 71.19%. Distribution of contracts awarded
in 2013 according to the size of tenderers, their share in the number of contracts or sets
awarded and in the contract value are shown in the chart below.
Sašo Matas
Chart 4: Distribution of contracts awarded in 2013 according to the size of tenderers,
their share in the number of contracts or sets awarded and in the contract value
Source: Statistical data on the contracts awarded in 2013
We also calculated the average number of tenders for contracts. In 2013, there
were, on average, 3.4 contracts awarded per set (per contract of 6 tenders) in Slovenia
compared to 5.4 in the EU. Statistical data shows that the division of the contracts into
sets usually provides greater competitiveness in public procurement procedures.
Chart 5: Average number of tenders received according to the number of sets in
the contract
Source: Statistical data on the contracts awarded in 2013
It is also interesting to look at the ratio between the received audit claims depending on the procedure phase (as an effect of the appeal proceedings). However, the
article by Borut Smrdel focuses on the legal protection system in public procurement
procedures. 460 audit claims were submitted in 2013. 380 (82.61%) of them referred to
the phases of public procurement procedure after the opening of tenders. Most audit
claims referred to the decision on contract award, i.e. 350 or 76.09%.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
A Brief Overview on Public Procurement in Slovenia
Sašo Matas
Table 1: Subject of audit claims
Number of audit
Share of audit
Decision to recognise qualifications
Decision to exclude all tenders
Claim for the audit of
Tender documents
Decision to award contract
Decision to reject all tenders
Other actions in public procurement procedures
Source: decisions by the National Review Commission on audit claims received in 2013
Finally, due to the regulations resulting from European directives, the Slovenian
public procurement system is comparable to other Member States. The new regulation
will further increase this similarity, as it governs more institutes and more in detail.
However, there is still a considerable difference in the approach and objectives of public procurement that definitely need to be closer to other Member States. 28
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Pregled sustava javne nabave
u Republici Hrvatskoj
U radu se daje pregled povijesnog razvoja sustava javne nabave u RH, važećeg
zakonodavnog i institucionalnog okvira, analiziraju se neke posebnosti javne
nabave u RH te se daje kratki osvrt na planirane aktivnosti tijekom 2015.
godine u vezi s prenošenjem novih EU direktiva o javnoj nabavi.
Ivan Palčić, dipl.iur.1
voditelj službe, Ministarstvo gospodarstva, uprava za sustav javne nabave
Ključne riječi: javna nabava, elektronička javna nabava, upravno pravo
Hrvatski sustav javne nabave 2015. godine obilježava 20. obljetnicu. Prije 20 godina, u veljači 1995., Vlada RH je usvojila Uredbu o postupku nabave roba i usluga i
ustupanju radova (NN 13/95). Iako sadržajno vrlo štura, ta uredba predstavlja prvi
opće normativni akt kojim započinje sustavno pravno uređenje javne nabave u RH.
Nadzor nad primjenom uredbe bio je tada u nadležnosti Ministarstva financija. Vlada
RH je i u sljedeće dvije godine, 1996. i 1997., usvojila nove uredbe istog naziva sa manjim sadržajnim unaprjeđenjima, ponajviše nomotehničke prirode.
Prvi zakonodavni akt koji je uređivao područje javne nabave bio je Zakon o nabavi
roba i usluga i ustupanju radova (NN 142/97) koji se počeo primjenjivati 9. ožujka
1998. godine. Od 1. siječnja 2002. godine javnu nabavu uređuje Zakon o javnoj nabavi
(NN 117/01). Tada se pojam javna nabava po prvi puta formalno pojavljuje u hrvatskoj
pravnoj praksi. U to vrijeme u RH počinje osnivanje novih institucija specijaliziranih
za javnu nabavu. Zakonom o Državnoj komisiji za kontrolu postupaka javne nabave
(NN 117/03), koji je stupio na snagu u srpnju 2003., osnovana je Državna komisija
za kontrolu postupaka javne nabave (DKOM), tijelo ovlašteno odlučivati o žalbama.
U studenom iste godine Vlada RH usvojila je Uredbu o osnivanju Ureda za javnu nabavu Vlade RH (NN 179/03). Ured je osnovan kao stručna služba Vlade RH nadležna
Ivan Palčić je voditelj službe ad interim u Upravi za sustav javne nabave Ministarstva gospodarstva. Stajališta
navedena u ovom radu osobna su stajališta autora i ne predstavljaju mišljenje institucije u kojoj je zaposlen.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Pregled sustava javne nabave u Republici Hrvatskoj
Ivan Palčić
za provedbu, nadzor i primjenu Zakona o javnoj nabavi. U ožujku 2008. godine je
pripojen Ministarstvu gospodarstva (MINGO).
Radi usklađivanja s pravnom stečevinom EU, nove zakonodavne aktivnosti provode se donošenjem Zakona o javnoj nabavi (NN 110/07) koji je stupio na snagu
1. siječnja 2008. godine.
Zakonodavni okvir
Važeći zakon koji uređuje područje javne nabave u RH je Zakon o javnoj nabavi
(NN 90/11, 83/11, 143/11 i 13/14, ZJN). Stupio je na snagu 1. siječnja 2012. godine. Čl.
1. ZJN-a propisano je da se njime uređuju postupci sklapanja ugovora o javnoj nabavi
i okvirnih sporazuma radi nabave robe, radova ili usluga, pravna zaštita u vezi s tim
postupcima i nadležnost središnjeg tijela državne uprave nadležnog za sustav javne
ZJN ima 188 članaka podijeljenih u sedam dijelova (opće odredbe, sklapanje ugovora o javnoj nabavi za javne naručitelje, sklapanje ugovora o javnoj nabavi za sektorske naručitelje, pravna zaštita, središnje tijelo državne uprave nadležno za sustav javne
nabave, prekršajne odredbe te prijelazne i završne odredbe) te sadrži sedam dodataka
(popis djelatnosti u graditeljstvu, popis usluga II.A i II.B, popis vojne opreme, tehničke specifikacije, sadržaj objava javne nabave, obilježja objavljivanja i zahtjevi vezani
uz uređaje za elektroničko zaprimanje ponuda, zahtjeva za sudjelovanje, zahtjeva za
kvalifikaciju te plana i projekata).
Na temelju ZJN doneseno je osam podzakonskih propisa: Uredba o načinu izrade
i postupanju s dokumentacijom za nadmetanje i ponudama (NN 10/12), Uredba o
objavama javne nabave (NN 10/12), Uredba o javnoj nabavi za potrebe obrane i sigurnosti NN 89/12 i 145/14), Uredba o nadzoru nad provedbom Zakona o javnoj nabavi
(NN 10/12), Pravilnik o javnoj nabavi u diplomatskim misijama i konzularnim uredima Republike Hrvatske (NN 22/12 i 28/14), Pravilnik o primjeni Jedinstvenog rječnika javne nabave (CPV) (NN 6/12), Pravilnik o popisu obveznika primjene Zakona o
javnoj nabavi (NN 19/12) i Pravilnik o izobrazbi u području javne nabave (NN 6/12 i
ZJN je dva puta noveliran. Prva novela, Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona
o javnoj nabavi (NN 83/13), sadrži ukupno 45 članaka i stupila je na snagu 9. srpnja
2013. godine.2 Druga novela, Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o javnoj nabavi
(NN 143/13), ima 19 članaka i stupila je na snagu 10. prosinca 2013. godine.3
Odlukom Ustavnog suda RH broj: U-I-1678/2013 (NN 13/14) ukinute su odredbe
čl. 102. st. 3. i čl. 165. st. 3. ZJN-a koji su regulirali načine bilježenja podataka kod uvida u ponude i u spis predmeta.4
Uz ZJN, tu je i Zakon o Državnoj komisiji za kontrolu postupaka javne nabave
(NN 18/13, 127/13 i 74/14) kojim se uređuje ustrojstvo i nadležnost DKOM-a.
Detaljnije o prvoj noveli ZJN vidi Ante Loboja, Zoran Vuić, Ivan Palčić, Izmjene Zakona o javnoj nabavi,
TEB – Poslovno savjetovanje, Zagreb, lipanj 2013.
Detaljnije o drugoj noveli ZJN vidi Ivan Palčić, Promjene Zakona o javnoj nabavi, Računovodstvo, revizija
i financije, br. 1., siječanj 2014., str. 272.
Detaljnije o Odluci Ustavnog suda RH vidi Nevenka Šernhorst, Žalbena ograničenja u postupku
javne nabave, Pravo i porezi, br. 3., ožujak 2014., str. 46.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Pregled sustava javne nabave u Republici Hrvatskoj
Institucionalni okvir
Ivan Palčić
Institucije u sustavu javne nabave u RH su Ministarstvo gospodarstva (Uprava za
sustav javne nabave) i DKOM. MINGO je nadležno za: razvoj, unapređenje i koordinaciju cjelokupnoga sustava javne nabave, izradu nacrta prijedloga zakona i drugih
propisa, pružanje stručne pomoći, nadzor nad provedbom ZJN, podnošenje optužnih
prijedloga, vođenje Portala javne nabave5, provedbu izobrazbe, praćenje Elektroničkog oglasnika javne nabave RH (EOJN RH), izradu statističkih izvješća te suradnju
s drugim državnim i međunarodnim tijelima i dr. MINGO godišnje izda oko 450 pisanih mišljenja, odgovori na preko 4000 upita emailom te provede oko 100 nadzora.
Također, dežurni savjetnik svakog utorka i četvrtka odgovara na telefonske upite, a
posljednji petak u mjesecu prakticiraju se „otvorena vrata“.
DKOM je samostalno i neovisno državno tijelo nadležno za rješavanje o žalbama
u vezi s postupcima javne nabave, davanja koncesija i odabira privatnog partnera u
projektima javno-privatnog partnerstva.
Neke posebnosti javne nabave u rh
Tržište javne nabave
U 2012. i 2013. tržište javne nabave u RH kretalo se na razini od oko 39 milijardi
kn s PDV-om, što čini oko 12% BDP-a. Tako je ukupna vrijednost objavljenih ugovora
i okvirnih sporazuma u 2013. godini iznosila kn, vrijednost evidentirane bagatelne nabave iznosila je 6.335.248.494 kn. Od ukupno 22025 sklopljenih
ugovora, javni naručitelji sklopili su 17829 ugovora u vrijednosti 21.756.902.454 kn,
dok su sektorski naručitelji objavili 4196 ugovora u vrijednosti 11.391.133.171 kn.
U ukupnom broju objavljenih ugovora, na radove otpada 4093 ugovora u iznosu od
12.482.463.915 kn (37,66%), na robu 11414 ugovora u iznosu od 12.783.488.607 kn
(38,56%), a na usluge 6518 ugovora u iznosu od 7.882.083.103 kn (23,78%). Ponuditelji iz EU sklopili su ugovore u vrijednosti od 592.941.433 kn (1,79%), ponuditelji
iz trećih država 277.830.832 kn (0,84%), dok su ponuditelji iz RH sklopili ugovore u
vrijednosti od kn (97,37%).
2014 .(neslužbeni
11.244.347.991 kn
5.788.141.015 kn
7.693.191.294 kn
8.083.971.202 kn
7.269.684.432 kn
14.275.394.504 kn
12.783.488.607 kn
12.021.459.325 kn
15.275.405.923 kn
7.946.913.580 kn
7.874.500.546 kn
7.318.808.347 kn
9.544.799.999 kn
7.651.805.895 kn
7.882.083.103 kn kn
18.433.786.643 kn
8.446.201.287 kn
21.795.047.675 kn
4.773.060.550 kn
9.434.624.047 kn
11.323.129.612 kn
12.482.463.915 kn
11.697.114.285 kn
2.976.448.764 kn
3.234.779.805 kn
4.610.554.209 kn
4.591.752.822 kn
6.074.941.964 kn
6.335.248.494 kn
44.953.540.557 kn 25.157.704.646 kn
40.597.519.320 kn
24.786.394.308 kn
30.840.861.300 kn
39.325.271.975 kn
39.483.284.119 kn
30.914.578.409 kn
Nacionalni prag za primjenu ZJN-a
Čl. 18. st. 3. ZJN-a propisuje da se ZJN ne primjenjuje za nabavu robe i usluga procijenjene vrijednosti do 200.000,00 kn, odnosno za nabavu radova do
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Pregled sustava javne nabave u Republici Hrvatskoj
Ivan Palčić
500.000,00 kn.6 Ispod tih pragova, pravila o nabavi naručitelji su obvezni urediti
svojim aktom (primjerice pravilnikom, odlukom). Nešto viši pragovi propisani su
za sklapanje ugovora o javnoj nabavi za potrebe diplomatskih misija i konzularnih
ureda RH.7 ZJN ispod europskih pragova do nacionalnih pragova ne sadrži nikakve posebnosti (poput jednostavnijih postupaka) osim što propisuje kraće rokove
(za dostavu ponuda, žalbu, mirovanje).
Sukob interesa
Čl. 13. ZJN uređuje sukob interesa. Sukob interesa postoji ako predstavnik naručitelja istovremeno obavlja upravljačke poslove u gospodarskom subjektu, ili ako je
predstavnik naručitelja vlasnik poslovnog udjela, dionica odnosno drugih prava na
temelju kojih sudjeluje u upravljanju odnosno u kapitalu tog gospodarskog subjekta
s više od 0,5%. Predstavnik naručitelja jest: (1) čelnik te član upravnog ili nadzornog
tijela naručitelja, (2) ovlašteni predstavnici naručitelja, te (3) druge osobe koje imaju
utjecaj na odlučivanje naručitelja u pojedinom postupku. Ako su ispunjeni ti uvjeti
naručitelj ne smije sklapati ugovore o javnoj nabavi s gospodarskim subjektom koji se
pojavljuje bilo kao ponuditelj, član zajednice ponuditelja ili podizvoditelj. Predstavnici
naručitelja dužni su potpisati izjavu o (ne)postojanju sukoba interesa. Ako postoji, popis gospodarskih subjekata objavljuje se na internetskim stranicama naručitelja i u dokumentaciji za nadmetanje. Ako je sklopljen protivno čl. 13. ZJN, ugovor je ništetan.
Kriterij odabira ponude
ZJN predviđa dva kriterija između kojih naručitelji slobodno biraju: najniža cijena
ili ekonomski najpovoljnija ponuda (ENP). Nažalost, kriterij ENP u praksi javne nabave u RH koristi se vrlo rijetko. Prema statističkim podacima kriterij ENP koristi se
od 0.5 do 2% slučajeva što je vrlo mali postotak. U cilju što promicanja ENP kriterija u
praksi, MINGO na Portalu javne nabave objavilo je Smjernice br. 1 - Kriterij ekonomski
najpovoljnije ponude.8
2014. (neslužbeni
Broj ugovora
Najniža cijena
Udio ENP (%)
Prema čl. 86. ZJN-a naručitelj ne smije ograničavati gospodarske subjekte u odabiru podizvoditelja. Gospodarski subjekt pak mora navesti podatke o njima u po Takvi nacionalni pragovi na snazi su od druge novele ZJN-a koja je stupila na snagu u prosincu 2013. godine. Prije toga, od 1.1.2008., nacionalni prag bio je jedinstven, a iznosio je 70.000 kn bez PDV-a za nabavu
robe, radova i usluga.
Vidi čl. 12. ZJN.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Pregled sustava javne nabave u Republici Hrvatskoj
nudi. Ti podaci dio su ugovora iako podizvoditelji formalno pravno nisu ugovorne
stranke niti njihovo sudjelovanje utječe na odgovornost ponuditelja za uredno izvršenje ugovora. Naručitelj je obvezan neposredno plaćati podizvoditelju, osim iznimno. Ponuditelj, uz pristanak javnog naručitelja, smije tijekom izvršenja ugovora o
javnoj nabavi: (1) promijeniti podizvoditelja, (2) preuzeti izvršenje dijela ugovora
koji je dao u podugovor, ali i (3) uvesti jednog ili više novih podizvoditelja čiji ukupni udio ne smije prijeći 30% vrijednosti ugovora. Prije pristanka naručitelj može
zatražiti određene dokaze za novog podizvoditelja (o nepostojanju razloga isključenja, tehničkoj i stručnoj sposobnosti).
Ivan Palčić
Pojašnjenje dokumenta i ponude
Institut pojašnjenja i upotpunjavanja iz čl. 92. ZJN omogućava uklanjanje određenih formalnih nedostataka u ponudama vezano za dokumente koji se dostavljaju
sukladno čl. 67. do 74. ZJN-a (npr. izjava o nekažnjavanju, potvrda porezne uprave,
BON1, BON2, dokazi tehničke i stručne sposobnosti). Ipak, ponuditelj mora dostaviti u cijelosti prihvatljivu ponudu budući da je primjena ovog instituta opcionalna
za naručitelja pri čemu se on mora voditi načelima zabrane diskriminacije, jednakog
tretmana i transparentnosti te ne smije pogodovati pojedinom ponuditelju. Dakle,
naručitelj može pozvati ponuditelja da popravi pogreške, nedostatke ili nejasnoće
koje se mogu ukloniti. Pogreškama, nedostacima ili nejasnoćama smatraju se dokumenti koji jesu ili se čine nejasnima, nepotpunima, pogrešnima, sadrže pogreške ili
u njima nešto nedostaje. Vezano uz ostale dijelove ponude naručitelj može pozvati
ponuditelje da pojasne pojedine elemente ponude u dijelu koji se odnosi na ponuđeni predmet nabave pri čemu takvo pojašnjenje ne smije rezultirati izmjenom
Uvid u ponude
U razdoblju od primitka odnosno dostave odluke o odabiru ili poništenju do isteka
roka za žalbu ZJN daje pravo ponuditeljima uvida u ponude. Uvid u ponude dozvoljen
je i u one naknadno dostavljene dokumente u svrhu pojašnjenja ili upotpunjavanja dokaza sposobnosti i ponude. No, nije dopušten uvid u podatke i dokumente koje su ponuditelji označili poslovnom tajnom temeljem posebnog propisa. Odlukom Ustavnog
suda RH ukinute su odredbe čl. 105. st. 3. i čl. 165. st. 3. ZJN-a koje su dopuštale samo
ručno bilježenje, a izričito zabranjivale kopiranje, umnažanje, reproduciranje, fotografiranje ili snimanje podataka iz ponuda drugih ponuditelja odnosno spisa predmeta.
Ustavni sud RH zaključio je da takve odredbe ograničavaju Ustavom zajamčeno pravo
na žalbu.
Pravna zaštita
Pravnu zaštitu u javnoj nabavi uređuje 4. dio ZJN-a. Taj dio sadrži 39 zakonskih
članka (čl. 138. do 176.). ZJN izričito propisuje da je žalbeni postupak - upravni postupak. Prilikom izjavljivanja žalbe, žalitelji su obvezni platiti naknadu za pokretanje žalbenog postupka u iznosu od 10.000 do 100.000 kn ovisno o procijenjenoj vrijednosti
nabave. U slučaju usvajanja žalbe taj trošak pada na teret naručitelja. Odluke DKOM-a
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Pregled sustava javne nabave u Republici Hrvatskoj
Ivan Palčić
javno se objavljuju na internetskim stanicama.9 Protiv odluka DKOM-a osigurana je
sudska zaštita pred nadležnim upravnim sudom. U 2013. godini DKOM je rješavala
predmete prosječno u roku od 39 dana od zaprimanja žalbe (16 dana od kompletiranja
spisa predmeta) što je značajno ubrzanje u odnosu na prethodne godine (59 u 2012. te
61 u 2011. godini).10
Razvoj elektroničke javne nabave
Razvoj e-javne nabave u RH odvija se od 2008. godine kada je uvedena obveza eobjave u EOJN RH. Od siječnja 2012. obvezna je i elektronička objava dokumentacije
za nadmetanje. Pristup EOJN RH je besplatan za korisnike, dok naručitelji plaćaju
naknadu za objavu.
Usvajanjem Strategije razvoja elektroničke javne nabave u Republici Hrvatskoj
2013. – 2016. u svibnju 2013., te stupanjem na snagu druge novele ZJN-a u srpnju
2013., stvoreni su preduvjeti za omogućivanje elektroničke dostave ponuda i zahtjeva
za sudjelovanje.
Proces uvođenja e-dostave predviđen je po fazama i vrsti naručitelja u dvogodišnjem razdoblju. Od 1. siječnja 2015. godine e-dostava ponuda jedni je način dostave
ponuda u svim postupcima kod Državnog ureda za središnju javnu nabavu. Svi ostali
naručitelji od 1. siječnja 2015. moraju omogućiti e-dostavu u postupcima javne nabave
velike vrijednosti, a od 1. srpnja 2015. morat će isto omogućiti i u postupcima male
vrijednosti. Od 1. srpnja 2016. godine e-dostava će postati obvezna za sve dionike u
otvorenom postupku javne nabave, ograničenom postupku javne nabave, pregovaračkom postupku javne nabave s prethodnom objavom i natjecateljskom dijalogu.11
De lege ferenda
Europski parlament i Vijeće usvojili su 26. veljače 2014. tri nove direktive u području javne nabave (klasična, sektorska i direktiva o koncesijama). Stupile su na snagu 17. travnja 2014., a rok za transpoziciju je 18. travnja 2016.
SIGMA-OECD u ožujku 2014. je izradila „Analizu hrvatskih propisa o javnoj nabavi (u svjetlu novih direktiva)“. Prema analizi odredbe hrvatskog ZJN već su u većem
djelu usklađene s odredbama novih direktiva budući da je ZJN tijekom 2013. dva puta
Ipak, tijekom 2015. u RH planiraju su nove zakonodavne aktivnosti. Tako se tijekom proljeća očekuju sadržajno kraće izmjene ZJN kojima bi počelo preuzimanje
nekih novina iz novih EU direktiva. Na jesen 2015. u zakonodavnu proceduru planira
se uputiti novi ZJN kojim će se nove direktive u cijelosti preuzeti u nacionalno zakonodavstvo. Glavni cilj bit će pojednostavljivanje postupaka javne nabave, povećanje
transparentnosti te smanjenje administrativnih troškova. To bi u konačnici trebalo
omogućiti ostvarivanje bolje vrijednosti javni novac kao i većih ušteda kako za naručitelje tako i za gospodarske subjekte.
Detaljnije o pravnoj zaštiti u RH vidi Ivan Palčić, Pravna zaštita u postupcima javne nabave, Pravo i porezi,
br. 9., svibanj 2014., str. 81.
Detaljnije o e-javnoj nabavi u RH vidi Ivan Palčić, Novine u e-javnoj nabavi u 2015. godini, Riznica, br. 3.,
ožujak 2015., str. 37.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Pregled sustava javne nabave u Republici Hrvatskoj
Ivan Palčić
Ante Loboja, Zoran Vuić, Ivan Palčić, Izmjene Zakona o javnoj nabavi, TEB – Poslovno savjetovanje, Zagreb, lipanj 2013.
Nina Čulina, Ante Loboja, Ivan Palčić, Zoran Vuić, Izmjene i dopune Zakona o javnoj nabavi,
Hrvatska zajednica računovođa i financijskih djelatnika, Zagreb, 2013.
Ivan Palčić, Pravna zaštita u postupcima javne nabave, Pravo i porezi, br. 9., svibanj 2014.
Ivan Palčić, Javna nabava te njezina važnost u cestogradnji, gospodarenju cestama i njihovom
održavanju, Ceste i mostovi, god. 61., br. 1, Zagreb, siječanj/svibanj 2013.
Ivan Palčić, Novine u e-javnoj nabavi u 2015. godini, Riznica, br. 3., ožujak 2015.
Zakon o javnoj nabavi (NN br. 90/11, 83/13, 143/13 i 13/14)
Zakon o Državnoj komisiji za kontrolu postupaka javne nabave (NN br. 18/13, 127/13 i 74/14)
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Overview of the public procurement
system in the Republic of Croatia
This paper provides an overview of the historical development of public
procurement system in the Republic of Croatia, the applicable legislative and
institutional framework, analyses some particularities of public procurement
in the Republic of Croatia and gives a brief overview of the activities planned
for 2015 in connection with the transfer of new EU directives on public
Ivan Palčić, LL. B.1
Head od Office, Ministry of Economy, Directorate fpr Public Procurement
Key words: public procurement, electronic public procurement, administrative law
In 2015, Croatian public procurement system marks its 20th anniversary. 20 years
ago, in February 1995, the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted a decree
on the procurement of goods and services procedures and work contract (Official
Gazette 13/95). Although its content is very modest, this Regulation constitutes the
first general normative act with which a systematic legal regulation of public procurement in Croatia is commenced. The supervision over the implementation of the
Regulation was at that time under the responsibilities of Ministry of Finance. In the
following two years, namely in 1996 and 1997, the Croatian Government adopted a
new regulation of the same name with minor content improvements, mostly nomotechnical in nature.
The first legislative act that regulated the field of public procurement was the Law
on Procurement of Goods, Services and Works (Official Gazette 142/97) which entered into force on 9th March 1998. From 1st January 2002 the Public Procurement
is regulated by the Public Procurement Act (Official Gazette 117/01). At that time,
Ivan Palčić is Head of ad interim service in the Directorate for Public Procurement System of the Ministry
of Economy. The views set forth in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the
views of the institution in which he is employed.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Overview of the public procurement system in the Republic of Croatia
the notion of public procurement formally appeared in the Croatian legal practice for
the first time. At that time the Republic of Croatia saw the first establishment of new
institutions specialized in public procurement. The Law on the State Commission for
Supervision of Public Procurement (Official Gazette 117/03), which entered into force
in July 2003, established the State Commission for Supervision of Public Procurement
Procedures (SCSPPP), the body authorized to decide on appeals. In November of the
same year, the Government adopted the Regulation on the establishment of the Public
Procurement Office (Official Gazette 179/03). The Office was established as a professional government service responsible for the implementation, monitoring and application of the Public Procurement Act. In March 2008 the Office was merged with the
Ministry of Economy (MOE).
Due to harmonizing with the EU acquis, new legislative activities are carried out
through passing the Public Procurement Act (Official Gazette 110/07), which entered
into force on 1 January 2008.
Ivan Palčić
Legislative framework
The current legislation governing public procurement in the Republic of Croatia is
the Public Procurement Act (Official Gazette 90/11, 83/11, 143/11 and 13/14, PPA). It
entered into force on 1 January 2012. Article 1 of PPA stipulates that the Act regulates
the procedures of public contracts and draft agreements regarding the procurement
of goods, works or services, legal protection in connection with these proceedings
and the jurisdiction of the central state administration body competent for the public
procurement system.
PPA consists of 188 Articles divided into seven parts (general provisions, awarding
public procurement contracts for contracting authorities, awarding public procurement contracts for contracting entities, legal protection, central state administration
body responsible for the public procurement system, misdemeanour offences provisions, transitional and final provisions ) and contains seven annexes (list of activities in
construction, list of services II A and II B, list of military equipment, technical specifications, information to be included in public procurement notices, features concerning publication, requirements relating to devices for the electronic receipt of tenders,
requests to participate, applications for qualification and plans and projects).
Based on PPA, eight implementing regulations were adopted: Regulation of the
method of preparation, managing tender documents and the tender procedures (Official Gazette 10/12), Regulation of public procurement notices (Official Gazette 10/12),
Regulation of public procurement for the purpose of defence and security (Official
Gazette 89/12 and 145/14), Regulation of the supervision of the public procurement
act implementation (Official Gazette 10/12), Rules on public procurement in diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette 22/12
and 28/14), Rules on application of general procurement vocabulary (GPV) (Official
Gazette 6/12), Rules on listing the obligors under the Public Procurement Act (Official Gazette 19/12) and Rules on training in the field of public procurement (Official
Gazette 6/12 and 125/14).
PPA has been amended twice. The first amending act, The Law on Amendments
and Annexes to the Public Procurement Act (Official Gazette 83/13), contains a total
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Overview of the public procurement system in the Republic of Croatia
Ivan Palčić
of 45 articles and came into force on 9 July 2013.2. The second amending act, The
Law on Amendments and Annexes to the Public Procurement Act (Official Gazette
143/13), contains 19 articles and entered into force on 10 December 2013.3
The Constitutional Court Decision no. UI-1678/2013 (Official Gazette 13/14)
abolished the provisions of Article 102 paragraph 3 and Article 165 paragraph 3 of the
PPA that had been regulating the data recording system with an insight into the supply
and the case file.4
Besides the PPA, there is the Law on the State Commission for Supervision of
Public Procurement (Official Gazette no. 18/13, 127/13 and 74/14), which regulates
the organization and the jurisdiction of the Commission.
Institutional framework
The institutions involved in the public procurement system in the Republic of Croatia are the Ministry of the Economy (Directorate for Public Procurement System) and
the State Commission. MOE is responsible for the development, improvement and
coordination of the entire public procurement system, drafting laws and other regulations, providing technical assistance, supervision of the PPA implementation, submission of indictments, managing the Public Procurement Portal5, training, monitoring
the Electronic Public Procurement Classifieds of the Republic of Croatia (EPPC RC),
compiling statistical reports and cooperation with other national and international
bodies etc. MOE issues about 450 written opinions per year, responds to over 4,000
queries by email and performs about 100 surveillance activities. Also, the consultant
on duty responds to telephone inquiries every Tuesday and Thursday, and the last Friday of the month has been introduced as the “open door day”.
The State Commission is an autonomous and an independent state body responsible for deciding on appeals relating to public procurement procedures, granting concessions and selecting private partners in public-private partnerships.
Some special features of public procurement in Croatia
Public procurement market
In 2012 and 2013 public procurement market in the Republic of Croatia was at a
level of approximately 39 billion HRK including VAT, which accounts for about 12 %
of GDP. Thus, the total amount of published contracts and draft agreements in 2013
amounted to 33,148,035,625 HRK, the value of recorded bargain purchase amounted
to 6,335,248,494 HRK. From a total of 22,025 signed contracts, contracting authorities
have concluded 17,829 contracts worth 21,756,902,454 HRK, while the contracting
For details about the first PPA amending act, please see Anthony Loboja, Zoran Vuić, Ivan Palčić,
Amendments to the Law on Public Procurement, TEB - Business Consulting, Zagreb, June 2013.
For details about the second PPA amending act, please see John Palčić, Changes to the Law on Public Procurement, Accounting, Auditing and Finance, no. 1, January 2014, p. 272.
For details about the Decision of the Constitutional Court, please see Nevenka Sernhorst, M.Sc., the Appeal
Constraints within the Procurement Process, Law and Taxes, no. 3, March 2014, p. 46.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Overview of the public procurement system in the Republic of Croatia
entities concluded 4196 contracts worth 11,391,133,171 HRK. Within the total number of contracts, there are 4093 work contracts in the amount of 12,482,463,915 HRK
(37.66 %), there are 11,414 contracts in goods in the amount of 12,783,488,607 HRK
(38.56 %), and 6,518 service contracts in the amount of 7,882,083,103 HRK (23.78
%). Tenderers from the EU have entered into contracts in the value of 592,941,433
HRK (1.79 %), tenderers from third countries in the amount of 277 830 832 HRK
(0.84 %), while the tenderers from the Republic of Croatia signed contracts worth
32,277,263,360 HRK (97.37 %).
Ivan Palčić
2014 (unofficial
Bargain purchase
24,786,394,308 30,840,861,300
The National Threshold for the Implementation of PPA
Article 18, paragraph 3 of the PPA stipulates that the PPA does not apply to the
procurement of goods and services in the estimated value of up to 200,000.00 HRK,
or for the procurement of works up to 500,000.00 HRK. 6 For the amounts under these
thresholds, the contracting authorities are obliged to stipulate the rules with their own
acts (i.e. with the Rules, Decisions). Somewhat higher thresholds are prescribed for
concluding agreements on public procurement for the needs of diplomatic missions
and consular offices of the Republic of Croatia. 7 For the amounts below European
thresholds, PPA does not comprise any special features towards national thresholds
(such as simpler procedures) except that it prescribes shorter periods (for the delivery
of the offer, the appeal or stagnation).
Conflict of Interests
Article 13 of the PPA regulates conflict of interests. A conflict of interest exists if a
contracting authority’s representative also performs managing operations in the business entity, or if the contracting authority’s representative is the owner of a business
share, stocks or has other rights on the basis of which he participates in the manage Such national thresholds are in force as from the second amending act of the PPA, which entered into force
in December 2013. Prior to that, from 1.1.2008 the national threshold had been unique, and amounted to
70,000 HRK excluding VAT for the procurement of goods, works and services.
Please see Article 12 of the PPA.
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1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Overview of the public procurement system in the Republic of Croatia
Ivan Palčić
ment or in the capital of the business entity with more than 0.5 % proportion. The
contracting authority’s representative is: (1) the contracting authority’s head and the
member of the management or supervisory body, (2) the contracting authority’s authorized representatives, and (3) other persons who have influence on the contracting authority’s decision in a particular procedure. If these conditions are fulfilled the
contracting authority shall not enter into public procurement contracts with the business entity which acts either as a tenderer, a member of a tenderers’ consortium or a
subcontractor. Contracting authority’s representatives shall sign a statement of (non-)
existence of a conflict of interest. If it exists, a list of business entities shall be published
on the website of the contracting authority and in the tender documents. If a contract
is concluded contrary to Article 13 of the PPA, the contract is null and void.
Tender Selection Criterion
PPA provides two criteria among which the contracting authorities may freely
choose: the lowest price or the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT). Unfortunately, the criterion of the MEAT is used very rarely in the practice of public
procurement in Croatia. According to the statistics the MEAT criterion is used in 0.5
% to 2 % of the cases, which is a very small percentage. In order to promote the MEAT
criteria in practice, MOE issued Guidelines no. 1 − The criterion for the most economically favourable offer8 on the Portal of Public Procurement.
2014 (unofficial data)
Number of
Lowest Price
Percentage of
MEAT (%)
According to Article 86 of the PPA, the contracting authority shall not restrict
the business entities in the process of subcontractor selection. The business entity, in
turn, shall specify the subcontractors’ details in the tender. These data are a part of the
contract even though the subcontractors are not Contracting Parties nor does their
cooperation affect the responsibility of the tenderer for the proper execution of the
contract. The contracting authority shall pay directly the subcontractor, unless stated
otherwise. The tenderer with the consent of the contracting authority, is during the
execution of public contract allowed to: (1) change subcontractors, (2) take over the
execution of a part of the contract that had previously been given to the subcontractor,
and (3) appoint one or more new subcontractors whose total share should not exceed
30 % of the contract value. Prior to agreeing with a new subcontractor, the contracting
authority may request specific references (evidence there is no reason for exclusion,
technical and professional skills).
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Overview of the public procurement system in the Republic of Croatia
Document and Tender Clarification
Ivan Palčić
Clarification and update stated in Article 92 of the PPA provides for the removal of
certain formal shortcomings in tenders that are related to the documents submitted in
accordance with Article 67 and 74 of the PPA (e.g. the statement of having no criminal record, tax administration certificate, BON1, BON2, evidence of technical and
professional skills). However, the tenderer must submit a fully compliant tender since
following the above mentioned principles is optional for the contracting authority,
however, the tender selection shall be guided by the principles of non-discrimination,
equal treatment and transparency, and should not favour a particular tenderer. Therefore, the contracting authority may invite the tenderer to correct the errors, omissions
or ambiguities that can be improved. The documents that are or appear to be unclear,
incomplete, erroneous, or contain mistakes or where something is missing are considered as errors, omissions or ambiguities. With regard to the other parts of the supply,
the contracting authority may invite the tenderers to clarify certain elements of the
tender in the part related to the proposed subject-matter where such clarification shall
not result in the alteration of the tender.
Access to Tenders
In the period from the receipt or the submission of the decision on the selection
or cancellation until the appeal deadline the PPA entitles the tenderers to access the
tenders. Insight into the tenders is allowed also in the case of subsequently submitted
documents for the purpose of clarifying or supplementing the evidence of the skills
and the complete tender. However, it is not allowed to access the data and documents
that the tenderers marked as a business secret and are pursuant to a special regulation. Following the Decision of the Constitutional Court the provisions of Article 105
paragraph 3 and Article 165 paragraph 3 of the PPA were abolished, namely those
were the provisions that allowed only hand-written recording and expressly prohibited
copying, duplication, reproduction, photographing or recording of data from other
tenders or case files. The Constitutional Court concluded that such provisions restrict
the constitutionally guaranteed right to appeal.
Legal protection
Legal protection in public procurement is regulated by the fourth part of the PPA.
This part contains 39 legal Articles (Articles from no. 138 to no. 176). PPA expressly
states that the appeal procedure is considered an administrative procedure. When an
appeal is made, appellants are required to pay a fee to start the appeal process in the
amount of 10,000 to 100,000 HRK, depending on the estimated value of the public
procurement. In case the complaint is granted that cost must be borne by the contracting authority. The decisions taken by the State Commission are made public on the
web site9. Legal protection before the competent administrative court is provided for
against the decisions of the State Commission. In 2013, the State Commission dealt
with cases on average within 39 days of the receipt of the appeal (16 days from the
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Overview of the public procurement system in the Republic of Croatia
Ivan Palčić
completion of the case file), which is a significant acceleration compared to the previous years (59 in 2012 and 61 in 2011).10
Development of Electronic Public Procurement
The development of e-public procurement in the Republic of Croatia has been
carried out since 2008 when the mandatory e-publication in Electronic Public Procurement Classifieds of the Republic of Croatia was introduced. Since 1 January 2012,
electronic publication of tender documents is mandatory. Signing up to Electronic
Public Procurement Classifieds is free for its users, while the contracting authorities
pay a publication fee.
By adopting the Development strategy of electronic public procurement in the
Republic of Croatia 2013 to 2016 which took place in May 2013, and by the second
amendment to the Public Procurement Act coming into force in July 2013, the preconditions were fulfilled for enabling the electronic submission of both tenders and the
requests for participation.
The process of introducing e-delivery is scheduled in phases and according to the
type of contracting authority in the two-year period. Since 1 January 2015 e-delivery
of the tenders is the only way of tendering in all proceedings in the National Office for
Central Public Procurement. Since 1 January 2015, all other contracting authorities
have to allow for email delivery in public procurement procedures of large value, and
from 1 July 2015 onwards, the same will have to be allowed for the public procurement
procedures of small value. From 1 July 2016 onwards, e-delivery will become mandatory for all participants in an open public procurement procedure, a restricted public
procurement procedure, a negotiated procedure with prior publication and competitive dialogue. .11
De lege ferenda
On 26 February 2014 the European Parliament and the Council adopted three new
directives on the field of public procurement (classic directive, sector directive and a
directive on concessions). The directives entered into force on 17 April 2014, and the
deadline for transposition is 18 April 2016.
In March 2014, SIGMA-OECD has produced “The Analysis of Croatian Legislation on Public Procurement“ (considering the new Directives). According to the
analysis, the Croatian PPA provisions already are in line with the provisions of the
new directive, taking into account that the PPA has since been twice amended in 2013.
However, during 2015, the Republic of Croatia plans new legislative activities.
Thus, during the spring changes in shortening the PPA content are expected, which
would suggest taking over some innovations from current EU directives. In the autumn of 2015, the new PPA is planned to be sent to the legislative procedure, which
shall enable the new Directives to be fully incorporated into national legislation. The
For details on the legal protection in the Republic of Croatia, please see John Palčić, Legal Protection in
Public Procurement Procedures, Law and Taxes, no. 9, May 2014, p. 81.
For details about e-procurement in the Republic of Croatia, please see John Palčić, Innovations in e-procurement in 2015, Riznica, no. 3, March 2015, p. 37.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Overview of the public procurement system in the Republic of Croatia
main objective shall be to simplify the procurement procedures, to increase transparency and to reduce administrative costs. This should ultimately result in achieving a
better value for public money as well as major savings both for contracting authorities
and for business entities. Ivan Palčić
Ante Loboja, Zoran Vuić, Ivan Palčić, Amendments to the Law on Public Procurement, TEB Business Consulting, Zagreb, June 2013.
Nina Čulina, Ante Loboja, Ivan Palčić, Zoran Vuić, Amendments to the Public Procurement
Act, Croatian Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals, Zagreb, 2013.
Ivan Palčić, Legal Protection in Public Procurement Procedures, Law and Taxes, no. 9, May
Ivan Palčić, Public Procurement and its Importance in Road Construction, Management of
Roads and their Maintenance, Roads and Bridges, Year 61, no. 1, Zagreb, January / May 2013.
Ivan Palčić, Innovations in e-procurement in 2015, the Treasury, no. 3, March 2015.
The Public Procurement Act (Official Gazette no. 90/11, 83/13, 143/13 and 13/14).
The Law on the State Commission for Supervision of Public Procurement (Official Gazette no.
18/13, 127/13 and 74/14).
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i
njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
dr. Mersad Mujević, direktor
Uprava za javne nabavke Crne Gore
Abstrakt: Implementacija i primjena efikasnijeg sistema javnih nabavki, koji je zasovana na pravednom nadmetanju i koji može da garantuje efikasnost, transparentnost
i odgovornost javne potrošnje, predstavlja jedan od osnovnih ciljeva za modernizaciju
i efektivnost procesa unutrašnjih administrativnih reformi i prvi korak u pristupu Crne
Gore Evropskoj Uniji kao punopravne države članice.
Ključne riječi; javne nabavke, eurostat, dobro upravljanje, intezitet transakcija, stepen
I Uvod
Tokom proteklih godina dobro upravljanje javnim nabavkama postalo je ključna
odrednica dobrog upravljanja i napretka države. Njegov značaj za društveni i ekonomski razvoj odražava se u činjenici da vrijednost javnih nabavki čini značajan udio u
društvenom bruto proizvodu svake zemlje (od 10–20 %) [1].
Zemlje regiona u prethodne dvije godine nijesu ostvarile pomak u približavanju
nivoa ekonomske aktivnosti i standarda stanovništva, prosjeku EU, pokazuju podaci
evropske statističke službe Eurostat.
U regionu najbolje stoji Crna Gora, sa BDP-m od 42% evropskog prosjeka i potrošnjom po stanovniku od 52%. U slučaju Srbije, bruto domaći proizvod po stanovniku u 2013. godini je bio 2,8 puta niži od evropskog prosjeka, dok je stvarna potrošnja
po stanovniku, kojom se mjeri standard stanovništva, niža za skoro dva i po puta,
zatim Makedonija sa BDPm po stanovniku od 35% i potrošnjom od 41%. Na začelju
su i dalje Bosna i Hercegovina, sa 29% prosjeka po BDPu i 38% po potrošnji, i Albanija
sa 30% prosjeka po BDP-u i 36% po potrošnji po stanovniku [2].
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
Zemlje regiona su i dalje po ovim pokazateljima manje razvijene i od najsiromašnijih članica EU, Bugarske i Rumunije.
U svim zemljama regiona potrošnja po stanovniku je bliža prosjeku EU nego
BDPu po stanovniku. Raskorak ide do 10 procentnih poena u Crnoj Gori, a najmanji
je u Makedoniji i Albaniji, po šest procentnih poena.
Gdje su tu javne nabavke? I kakva je potrošnja u odnosu na ovu statistiku? Javne
nabavke učestvuju procentualno, dato po zemljama regiona sa podacima iz 2013. godine u BDP i to [3]:
Mersad Mujević
Tabela broj 1
Redni broj
Učešće javnih nabavki
u BDP %
Crna Gora
8,30 %
Bosna i Hercegovina
9,68 %
12,08 %
7,27 %
12,72 %
Imajući u vidu iznijete činjenice, jasno je da je obzirom na velike vrijednosti ugovora o javnim nabavkama, svaki postotak ušteda u ovoj oblasti značajan. Zato sa sigurnošću možemo govoriti da su javne nabavke, po svojoj suštini, razvojno pitanje.
Trošenje javnih resursa oduvijek je bilo veoma važno pitanje u raznim ekonomskim analizama. Ovo pitanje je postalo je još važnije zbog eskalacije Svjetske ekonomske krize, a naročiti značaj dobija u zemljama Evropske Unije. U svom članku posvećenom mobilizaciji i alokaciji javnih resursa Ljubomir Madžar je citirao Miltona
Friedmana koji dijeli sve vrste trošenja na četiri kategorije [4]:
1) trošenje novca za svoje sopstvene potrebe,
2) trošenje sopstvenog novca za tuđe potrebe,
3) trošenje tuđeg novca za svoje potrebe,
4) trošenje tuđeg novca za tuđe potrebe.
Kada govorimo o racionalnosti korišćenja sredstava, očito je da se najracionalnije
ponašamo kad trošimo naš sopstveni novac za naše sopstvene potrebe. Najniži stepen
racionalnosti prisutan je kad se tuđa sredstva troše za tuđe potrebe. Ovo je upravo slučaj kada govorimo o javnim nabavkama. Na primjer, direktor neke škole sigurno neće
biti tako pažljiv (kada govorimo o cijeni, kvalitetu, itd.) kada nabavlja opremu za školu,
ako njegovo ponašanje poredimo sa situacijom kada kupuje opremu za svoj sopstveni
stan. Ovaj fenomen se drugačije naziva „paradoks javnog dobra”, zato što je primijećeno da ljudi koriste javna dobra manje efikasno nego privatna dobra. Drugim riječima,
ljudi se ponašaju drugačije kad kupuju tuđim novcem, zato što nemaju taj „ugrađeni”
motiv za efikasnije korišćenje novca, što prouzrokuje preplaćivanje roba u poređenju
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
Mersad Mujević
sa cijenama koje postižu privatni kupci. Jedini racionalan način da se ovakve situacije
prevaziđu jeste da se nametnu pravne norme, u vidu Zakona o javnim nabavkama,
koji treba da natjera naručioce u javnom sektoru da se ponašaju što sličnije kupcima
u privatnom sektoru.
Javna nabavka, i ako prema samom naslovu javna, u radu državne uprave ostavlja
utisak marginalne sive zone, područja ostavljenog više manje individualnoj kontroli privatnog sektora i državne uprave. Na jedinstvenom evropskom tržištu, osnovni
principi javne nabavke – transparentnost, poštenje, takmičenje i vrijednost za novac,
kao što je navedeno u većini politika o javnoj nabavci – se u principu poštuju. Međutim, percepcija javnosti kao i mnogih učesnika u procesu je da je „nešto sumnjivo u
ugovorima o javnoj nabavci“. U procesu javne nabavke, kao što je definisano od strane
Evropske unije, zemalja članica i zemalja kandidatkinja, jedini autentični javni djelovi
javne nabavke su objavljivanje javnog nadmetanja i otvaranje ponuda, ostavljajući mašti zainteresovanih strana da popune rupe u procesu (npr. planiranje, izvršenje ugovora, praćenje ugovora i evaluacija) [5].
Uzimajući u obzir gore pomenute procente koji definišu ukupnu potrošnju na radove, robu i usluge na nešto više od 11 % ukupnog BDPa, a u EU i oko 15 %, očita je
važnost javne nabavke za zemlje kao i za privredu usmjerenu ka EU. S obzirom da je
tržište EU 28 najjače tržište na svijetu, realno je zaključiti da javna nabavka u EU 28
može imati značajan uticaj na globalnu finansijsku i ekonomsku stabilnost. Stoga, EU
također ima i jedinstvenu odgovornost, kako unutar svojih granica tako i globalno.
Uz ekonomski i finansijski uticaj procesa javne nabavke na zemlje članice (ili na
bilo koju drugu zemlju), javna nabavka ima još jednu ključnu ulogu u radu državne
uprave – osiguranje efikasnosti politika i njihova uticaja. Ne postoji gotovo nijedna
politika u modernom društvu koja ne treba procedure javne nabavke. Zdravstvo, obrazovanje, zaštita životne sredine, energija, saobraćaj i ostale politike, uopšte imaju
potrebu za procedurama javne nabavke za izvršenje javnih radova, nabavu robe ili
usluga. Stoga, efikasna i pravovremena procedura javne nabavke postaje ključni
element pri ostvarivanju ciljeva politika u bilo kojem sektoru državne uprave.
Javne nabavke nijesu više samo jednostavna, rutinska službenička djelatnost koja
se sprovodi unutar izolovanog odjelenja nekog ministarstva. Današnji stručnjaci za
nabavke moraju da se bave brzorastućim tržištima i brzonapredujućim tehnologijama, tehnikama i alatima za nabavljanje roba, usluga i radova. Kao dodatak tradicionalnim pravnim obavezama, stručnjaci za nabavku moraju da pokažu poznavanje
međunarodnih sporazuma, radnog i ekološkog okruženja, da uzmu u obzir rizike od
potencijalne korupcije, ali i da poznaju pokazatelje kojima bi se utvrdila korupcija u
ovoj oblasti.
Problemi u javnim nabavkama sa kojima se susreće većina zemalja koje su kandidatkinje za članstvo u EU ili su u procjeni pridruživanja mogu se sumirati sa sljedeći
1. instituta nedovoljno efikasnih mehanizama prevencije zloupotreba u javnim nabavkama;
– ovdje se prije svega radi o tome da unaprjeđenje sistema javnih nabavki ima
smisla samo ako se javne nabavke posmatraju kao proces koji započinje planiranjem potreba, a završava se izvještavanjem i revizijom relizovanih ugovora,
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
2. odsustvo primjerenog i pravovremenog sankcionisanja kršenja Zakona,
3. raskorak između zakonom određenih zadataka i kapaciteta institucija nadležnih
za politiku javnih nabavki,
4. obuka i način profesionalizacije službenika koji vode a i rade u sistemu javnih nabavki,
5. slaba koordinacija sa dugim državnim organima,
6. nedovoljno produktivno korišćenje međunarodne pomoći i prednosti od saradnje
sa odgovarajućim institucijama iz drugih zemalja.
Otklanjanje navedenih slabosti zahtijeva preduzimanje seta mjera. Da bi se razumjela njihova složenost, neophodno je, predhodno, ukazati na specifičnost usluga koje
pružaju regulatorna tijela u oblasti javnih nabavki.
Opšte obeležje, kada je riječ o uslugama državnih organa koje oni pružaju strankama, jeste da se produktivnost u sferi usluga generalno teško može objektivno mjeriti, a
teškoća mjerenja učinaka sa svoje strane, onemogućava stvaranje formalnog mehanizma za uspostavljanje, na učinku zasnovane, kontrole i odgovornosti, kao što to postoji
u privatnom sektoru.
Michael Woolcook i Pritchett Land prave razliku između dva svojstva javne usluge
1. Inteziteta transakcija i
2. Njihove specifičnosti (tj.stepena diskrecije).
Intezitet transakcija podrazumijeva broj odluka koje se donose, a diskrecija u kojoj
mjeri je potrebno da kompetentna osoba procjenjuje informacije i da, na osnovu njih,
donosi odluke, odnosno u kojem stepenu je odlučivanje rutinsko.
U zavisnosti od kombinacija inteziteta transakcija i stepena složenosti odlučivanja,
može se napraviti matrica za prikazivanje mjerenja učinaka javnog sektora.
Mersad Mujević
Slika 1. Učinak javnog sektora
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
Mersad Mujević
Kontrola i određivanje odgovornosti najlakše se uspostavlja u prvom kvadrantu
koji odlikuje visoka specifičnost i mali broj usluga. Za donošenje ovih odluka traži se
visoko specifično znanje, a njihove efekte je moguće precizno izmjeriti i oni su jasno
vidljivi, iz čega proizilazi da se odgovornost onoga ko ih donosi može lako odrediti.
Osim toga, ove odluke se ne donose često, što znači da im je intezitet nizak.
Sa druge strane, najteže je kontrolisati transakcije iz četvrtog kvadranta koje karakterišu masovnost i niska specifičnost.
Uzmimo na primjer vladavinu prava. Ona se često posmatra u pojednostavljenoj
relaciji da li postoji ili ne postoji. Ovdje se, međutim, radi o oblasti koju karakteriše
srednja ili niska specifičnost i veliki broj transakcija. Uspostavljanje vladavine prava obuhvata ne samo donošenje zakona, već i izgradnju sudova, „stvaranju“ sudija,
pravljenje advokatske komore kao strukovnog udruženja itd. Izgradnja takvog sistema
jedan je od najsloženijih zadataka koji graditelji države treba da obave.
Analogno tome, imajući u vidu da usluge državnih organa u oblasti javnih nabavki spadaju, po svojim obeležjima, u isti (četvrti) kvadrant, izgradnja sistema javnih
nabavki ne može se ograničiti samo na reformu propisa i jačanje Uprava i Žalbenih
tijela, već mora obuhvatiti sve aktere ovog veoma razuđenog sistema, što podrazumijeva izgradnju cjeline pravnog i institucionalnog okvira. Ona mora da se oslanja
na javnost u radu javne vlasti i slobodu pristupa informacijama, na antikorupcijske
propise i politike sprječavanja sukoba interesa i pranja novca, na propise koji regulišu
konkurenciju na tržištu, na krivično i prekršajno zakonodavdstvo, na standrade dobre
uprave primijenjene u svim organima javne vlasti i sve četiri grane – zakonodavnoj,
izvršnoj, sudskoj i u nezavisnim tijelima [6].
Sljedeća specifičnost javnih nabavki ogleda se u tome da se ovdje ne smije dozvoliti
da se jedno rješenje koje se uspješno primjenjuje u nekoj zemlji smatra univerzalnim
i da se pokuša mehanički preuzeti. Umjesto toga, uspješnim se, po pravilu, pokazuje pristup po kome se rješenje lokalnih problema pronalazi kroz korišćenje lokalnog
Koji su to savremeni izazovi koji se tiču konkretno moje zemlje, Crne Gore u budućem razvoju sistema politike javnih nabavki [7]:
1. Pronalaženje balansa između ekonomičnosti i kvaliteta sa jedne strane i sa druge
strane balansa između ljudskih prava i dobrog upravljanja,
2. Transparentnost procesa kao alata za poboljšanje efikasnosti javne nabavke,
3. Korupcija i javna nabavka,
4. Okvirni sporazumi (višegodišnji ugovori),
5. Međunarodna pomoć,
6. Kako unutrašnja i spoljna revizija i spoljni monitoring poboljšavaju kvalitet upravljanja,
7. Podrška inovacijama i učešćem malih i srednjih preduzeća
8. Napori na poboljšanju upravljanja u oblasti javnih nabavki u smislu;
– Harmonizacije politike i prakse javnih nabavki sa EU acquis-em,
– Izgradnja kapaciteta za naručioce i privredne subjekte,
– Pravni ljekovi u javnim nabavkama,
– Održive javne nabavke,
– Primjena elektronskih javnih nabavki, tj. primjena informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
1. Pronalaženje balansa između ekonomičnosti i kvaliteta sa jedne strane i sa
druge strane balansa između ljudskih prava i dobrog upravljanja
Mersad Mujević
Kao i što sam već rekao javna nabavka, i ako prema samom naslovu javna, u radu
državne uprave ostavlja utisak marginalne sive zone, područja ostavljenog više manje
individualnoj kontroli privatnog sektora i državne uprave. Na jedinstvenom evropskom tržištu, osnovni principi javne nabavke – transparentnost, poštenje, konkurencija i vrijednost za novac, kao što je navedeno u većini politika o javnoj nabavci – se u
principu poštuju [5].
U tržišnoj ekonomiji, konkurentnost se posmatra kao način promovisanja najoptimalnijeg balansa između ekonomičnosti i kvaliteta. U demokratiji, poštena konkurencija i slobodan ulaz na tržišta su povezani sa ljudskim pravima i dobrim upravljanjem.
Međutim, želja javnosti za pravovremeno i efikasno postupanje državne uprave sa jedne strane te principima dobrog upravljanja (npr. transparentnost, jednakost, poštena
konkurencija, vladavina prava, itd.) sa druge strane su često predstavljeni kao ključne
napetosti u procesima politika javne nabavke.
Takve napetosti i potreba za „zadovoljavanjem“ širokog spektra učesnika učinili
su javnu nabavku brzim i stalno mijenjajućim procesom koji se uokviruje kroz mnoge
politike .
Nažalost, i pored svih napora učesnika predvođenim nacionalnim vladama i supranacionalnim javnim tijelima (EU tijelima) da se javna nabavka učini javnom, i dalje
ostaje utisak da propisi javne nabavke kao i sami ugovori predstavljaju neku vrstu posebnog dogovora između nacionalnih i supranacionalnih vlada sa jedne strane i najjačih potencijalnih ponđača sa druge. Javnost ima malo ili uopće nema veze sa procesima
kreiranja politika javne nabavke ili praćenja i/ili evaluiranja istih na nacionalnom ili EU
nivou. Postoji mnogo argumenata koji idu u prilog tome zašto bi javnost trebala ostati
izvan procesa javne nabavke kao i onih koji idu u korist tezi da bi javnost trebala postati
integralni dio planiranja, sprovođenja i evaluacije javne nabave. Pronalazak odgovarajućeg balansa između ovih, često suprotnih, potreba bit će glavni izazov pri kreiranju
budućih politika javne nabavke, ne samo u CG već vjerujem i drugim državama.
2. Transparentnost procesa kao alat za poboljšanje efikasnosti javne nabave
Transparentnost je mahanizam koji se koristi da bi se osigurala prednost konkurencije. Proces javne nabavke zasniva se na fazama kao što su definisanje cilja projekta,
planiranje i analiza rizika, implementacija, završetak i ocjena. Kao što je navedeno
ranije u tekstu, jedini javni djelovi procesa javne nabavke su objavljivanje javnog nadmetanja (otvoreni poziv), otvaranje pristiglih ponuda, i često i ako ne uvijek, pristup
tekstu potpisanih ugovora. Ostatak procesa je uglavnom ostavljen naručicima, a planiranje, sprovođenje i evaluacija izvršenja ugovora su većinom izvan oka javnosti kao i
svih ponuđača. Ovakva situacija otvara razna pitanja vezana uz transparentnost, otvorenost i ne diskriminaciju [8] kao i probleme vezane uz efikasnost politika, zaštitu
javnog interesa i korupcije. Transparentnost se često i uopšteno obratno povezuje sa
nivoom korupcije u nekoj zemlji; niska transparentnost znači visok nivo korupcije.
U odsutnosti drugih indikatora, indeks percepcije korupcije Transparency Internationala (TI CPI Index ) [9] pokazuje negativan trend u većini EU zemalja, pokazujući da
je korupcija u porastu, a transparentnost u opadanju.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
Mersad Mujević
Grafikon 1
U 17 od 27 EU zemalja, CPI indeks pokazuje trend stagnacije ili pada tokom posljednje 4 godine. U 8 EU zemalja (Bugarska, Grčka, Italija, Latvija, Litvanija, Poljska,
Rumunija i Slovačka) CPI indeks je ispod 5, sugerišući da su donošenje politika i ostali
procesi donošenja odluka u državnoj upravi u tim zemljama zarobljeni od strane privatnih, korporativnih ili čistih stranačkih interesa. Podaci predlažu da je dostupnost
informacija na jedinstvenom EU tržištu u opadanju, ugrožavajući javnu nabavku kao
jednu od pokretača evropske privrede.
Gdje su tu zemlje regiona:
Tabela broj 2., Izvor:“Transparency International; Coruption Perceptions Index“ 2013.
Rang 2013
Crna Gora
Bosna i Hercegovina
Skor 2013
Koji je odnos percepcije korupcije i stvarnog nivoa korupcije? Kada se o korupciji mnogo govori to može da dovede do porasta percepcije korupcije, naročito kada
nije praćeno neselektivnim i sistemskim mjerama za otklanjanje korupcije i rješavanje
otvorenih afera. Ukoliko je priča o korupciji praćena konkretnim akcijama to može da
na duži rok da utiče i na smanjivanje percepcije korupcije.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
Dali je moguće uticati na smanjenje percepcije korupcije izolovanim antikorupcijskim mjerama ili kampanjama? U najvećem broju slučajeva ne, zbog prirode
istraživanja. Osim toga, prioritet državnim organima treba da bude sprječavanje,
otkrivanje i kažnjavanje aktuelne korupcije, a ne promjena utiska o njenoj rasprostranjenosti.
Mersad Mujević
3. Korupcija i javna nabavka
Rezultati istraživanja među poslovnom zajednicom na Zapadnom Balkanu koje je
sprovela YES fondacija [11] pokazuju percepciju među poslovnom zajednicom da su
nivoi korupcije u stagnaciji ili u porastu na Zapadnom Balkanu, kao i u EU; te da je
većina pogođenih poduzeća u kategoriji malog i srednjeg biznisa (do 250 zaposlenih)
koja rade u sektorima građevine sa namjerom da posluju na velikim poslovima finansiranim od strane države ili koja učestvuju u nekim drugim oblicima javne nabavke.
Ovakva percepcija – da je „aktivno mjesto“ za korupciju javna nabavka, posebno u
sektoru građevine – je više puta potvrđena i od strane drugih istraživača.
Međutim, čak i poznatija istraživanja kada analiziraju uticaj korupcije na javnu
nabavku ili privredu uglavnom ciljaju na mito. Ali mito nije jedini i najveći problem
povezan uz korupciju u postojećim politikama koje upravljaju privredom i javnom
nabavkom te praksama konkurencije. Sukob interesa kao i „trgovanje uticajima“ se
koriste češće za manipulaciju procedurama javne nabave, a puno ih je teže otkriti.
Koncept sukoba interesa je direktno povezan sa konceptom korupcije, a oba su
obrnuto proporcionalno povezani sa konceptom dobrog upravljanja. I ako sukob interesa nije sam po sebi korupcija, on je glavni temelj korupcije te bi se kao takav trebao
spominjati kao alat za suzbijanje korupcije u bilo kojoj politici vezanoj uz korupciju.
Tokom određenih istraživanja u našoj zemlji, Komisije za sprječavanje sukoba interesa
potvrđeno je da postoji veza između transparentnosti, sukoba interesa i koruptivnog
ponašanja. Što je Vlada manje transparentna i pouzdana u izvještavanju o svojim aktivnostima, može se pronaći više incidenata koji uključuju sukob interesa i koruptivne
radnje. U praksi, najviše devijacija se događa prije ili poslije otvaranja ponuda i potpisivanja ugovora u procesima javne nabavke [12].
Pojam sukoba interesa nije usklađen u cijeloj Europskoj Uniji. Neke države članice
(kao Rumunija) daju definicije u svom krivičnom pravu dok druge (npr. Francuska
i Engleska) to ne čine. Međutim, to ne znači da za taj problem ne postoji kaznena
odgovornost. Na primjer, Engleska nema zakonodavstvo kojim se to uređuje, ali ima
krivično djelo koje se naziva „zloupotreba službene dužnosti”, koje može obuhvatati
više od samog sukoba interesa i može se primjenjivati u slučaju da sukob interesa dovede do korupcije.
Situacije sukoba interesa mogu uzrokovati da privredni subjekti izgube povjerenje
u javnu nabavku i time obeshrabre poštene subjekte od učestvovanja u postupcima
javne nabavke.
Te se u tom smislu regulatornim tijelima, naručiocima preporučuje ovim da utvrde politiku o sukobima interesa kako bi se umanjili rizici i riješili budući slučajevi.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
Mersad Mujević
4. Okvirni sporazumi (višegodišnji ugovori)
Često viđeni kao alat za poboljšanje efikasnosti u radu državne uprave, predstavljaju još jednu rupu u zakonodavstvu javne nabavke i priliku za korupciju u procedurama javne nabavke, posebno pri nabavci roba. U praksi, okvirni sporazum se uglavnom
koristi za nabavku roba putem višegodišnjih ugovora posebno za poslove gdje se različita roba može nabaviti unutar jednog okvirnog sporazuma sa različitim cijenama
za različite predmete (npr. kancelarijski materijal, hrana...i dr). Manipulacija unutar
takvih sporazuma može se otkriti u cijenama najskuplje robe. Nadmećući se sa najnižom cijenom nekih skupih predmeta (ponekad i do 30% ispod tržišne cijene, ili dampingom cijena), ponuđačeva ponuda se može činiti najpovoljnijom u ranoj fazi nadmetanja. Međutim, unutar okvirnih sporazuma, određene količine različitih predmeta
nijesu strogo određene za svaku godinu; pa dostavljajući manju količinu skupe robe, a
istovremeno povisujući broj manjih predmeta (po cijeni iznad tržišne), ugovarač može
steći dobit na taj način značajno mijenjajući ugovorom određenu „vrijednost za novac“. Najpovoljnija ponuda ultimativno može postati najskuplja, a ne postoje nikakvi
mehanizmi, osim onih koje ima sam naručilac, za suzbijanje ili poništavanje ovakvih
Naravno, prethodna „saradnja“ između naručioca i ponuđača je uglavnom neophodna za ovakvu manipulaciju i upravo to je trenutak kada korupcija nastaje. Uz nedostatak podataka o stvarnim iznosima unutar okvirnih sporazuma ili ugovora, postoji
i nedostatak javnih informacija o izvršenju ugovora ili o evaluaciji izvršenih ugovora.
5. Međunarodna pomoć
Određivanje pravog načina korišćenja međunarodne pomoći od prvorazrednog je
značaja za u izgradnji institucionalnih kapaciteta zemlje primaoca pomoći. Dosadašnja iskustva svjedoče o paradoksu da je ova pomoć često imala naglašene kontraefekte:
dovodila je do slabljenja domaćih institucija, umjesto do njihovog jačanja. Negativni
efekti proizašli su iz međusobne suprostavljenosti dva osnovna cilja međunarodnih
organizacija koje pružaju pomoć, a to su:
prvo: da, pomoć stigne do krajnjih korisnika na brz i efikasan način, bez nepotrebnih gubitaka i
drugo: da se poveća kapacitet lokalne administracije da sama kasnije nastavi da
pruža te usluge krajnjim korisnicima na višem nivou.
Nedovoljno razvijena državna administracija zemlje primaoca pomoći predstavlja
„usko grlo“ za realizaciju drugog projektovanog cilja, a to je efikasna pomoć krajnjim
korisnicima. Iskustvo je pokazalo da je, u ovakvim situacijama, za davaoca pomoći
drugi cilj postajao prioritetan u odnosu na prvi. Posledica je bila da se uloga lokalne
administracije marginalizovala, svodeći je na pasivnog posmatrača, [13] kako bi se
što manje miješala u pružanje usluga krajnjim korisnicima i time, po viđenju donatora, smanjilo „ometanje“ realizacije programa pomoći. Lokalna administracija se time
svodi na obezbjeđenje podrške donatora na lokalu, koja se svodi na usluge najnižeg
nivoa, ostavljajući ga sa znanjima koja su nedovoljna da sam nastavi jednom kada
donator ode.
Prema tome programi pomoći, stoga, ne bi trebalo da se svode na mehaničko prenošenje „dobre prakse“ jer ne postoje univerzalna rješenja, čak ni u visoko razvijenim
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
zemljama,već je potrebno uvažiti brojne lokalne, specifične faktore. Dobra rješenja,
moraju da uvaže prije svega, lokalna obeležja što zahtijeva potpuno drugačiji odnos
stranih donatora i savjetnika prema lokalnim institucijama koje su korisnici njihove
Mersad Mujević
6. Kako unutrašnja i spoljna revizija i spoljni monitoring poboljšavaju
kvalitet upravljanja
Kontrola javnih finansija i državne imovine izuzetno je važna funkcija, koja se
ostvaruje na više načina i od strane više državnih organa. S obzirom da se u budžetu država koncentriše i preko 50 % bruto društvenog proizvoda (BDP), te da se vrši
njihova dalja alokacija neophodni su institucionalni mehanizmi kontrole, kao bi se
osiguralo raspolaganje državniim sredstvima od strane korisnika budžeta na zakonit
način, u skladu sa namjenama i u iznosima utvrđenim budžetom [14].
Postoji više vrsta podjela državne kontrole javnih sredstava (fiskalne i nefiskalne
imovine), ali primarna, za dalje razumijevanje, je podjela prema organima koji vrše
1. UPRAVNA – (interna, unutrašnja) kontrola Ministarstvo finansija,
2. EKSTERNA – (računsko-sudska) revizija Državna revizorska institucija CG,
3. PARLAMENTARNO – POLITIČKA (skupštinska) kontrola Skupština Crne Gore
Skupštine jedinica lokalne samouprave.
7. Podrška inovacijama i učešćem malih i srednjih preduzeća
Principi i pravci razvoja preduzetničke politike u Crnoj Gori definisani su Strategijom razvoja malih i srednjih preduzeća 2011-2015. godine, pored pomenute Strategije
valj pomenuti i
– Strategiju podsticanja konkurentnosti na mikro nivou 2011-2015,
– Strategiju za cjeloživotno preduzetničko učenje 2015-2019,
– Strategiju razvoja ženskog preduzetništva 2015-2020 [15].
Kako bi se pratila realizacije zadataka i aktivnosti u okviru navedenih strategija,
naša zemlja izrađuje:
– Godišnje akcione planove,
– Godišnje izvještaje o realizaciji akcionih planova.
– U skladu sa gore pomenutim Strategijama razvoja malih i srednjih preduzeća, planirane su aktivnosti na daljem unaprjeđenju i definisane su u okviru 4 strateška
– Poboljšanje poslovnog okruženja
– Jačanje finansijske podrške
– Jačanje konkurentnosti MSP i promocija preduzetništva
– Podrška početnicima u biznisu – start up.
Prema podacima nacionalnog zavoda za statistiku CG Monstata, ukupan broj malih i srednjih preduzeća u 2013. godini je 22.313 preduzeća. Njihovo učešće u izvozu
iznosi je oko 45.04%, dok je učešće u BDPu oko 60%, a u ukupnom zapošljavanju
učestvuje sa 65%.
I ovdje dolazimo do pitanja forsiranja centralizacije javnih nabavki, kada ovu temu
pominjemo mi u Crnoj Gori smo vrlo oprezni kada nam se nudi ova mogućnost „spasa“. Evo nekiloko riječi i na ovu temu.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
Mersad Mujević
Evropski pravni poredak na polju javnih nabavki podstiče prije svega slobodnu
konkurenciju između zemalja EU i zato u svim dokumentima od osnovnih ugovora o
osnivanju EZ do Direktiva o uređenju područja javne nabavke naglašava se slobodan
protok robe i usluga bez diskriminacije i maksimalnom transparentnošću. Osnovna
načela javnih nabavki moguće je pronaći u svim Direktivama koje je do sada usvojio
evropski parlament i usmjerena su prvenstveno ka cilju da države ne štite domaće ponuđače nego da otvaraju konkurenciju među država.
EK pripremila je puno analiza kako javne nabavke djeluju u praksi od bijele i
zelene knjige sa kojima se pokušala podstaći međunarodna saradnju na polju javnih
nabavki unutar EU.
Sva ta načela imaju za veliki evropski prostor puno dobrih namjera, koje su se u
stvarnosti djelimično ispunila ali slabosti su iskrsle pogotovo u vrijeme velike ekonomske krize, kada svaka država pokužava da rješava sopstvenu privredu. To je dokaz,
da je sistem javnih nabavki ograničeno upotrebljiv ako sa njim ne “baratamo” logično
i pametno.
Evropski pravni okvir javnih nabavki je u svojim osnovnim ciljevima na neki način
postao i svoj rob, jer podstiče sva načela, koju mogu biti uspješna kad je i privredni rast
visok, i kad nema ekonomske moralne i vrjednosne krize. Tada u konjukturi slobodan
prostor omogućava dovoljno posla za sve, tako za velika kao i mala preduzeća, tada
postojeći sistem javnih nabavki može biti promoter slobodnog protoka roba i usluga.
Ali i tada valja podsjetiti da bi morale javne nabavke biti oruđe politike za privredna,
ekološka, demografska, stambena, socialna pitanja.
Ako smo iskreni imamo tu veliki problem, pogotovo u malim zemljama, gdje su
baš ta gore pomenuta pitanja krucialnog značaja za razvoj zemlje.
Zato je potrebno biti pažljiv u uvodenju različitih instrumenata i koncepcija koja
su se moguće pokazale kao upotrebljive u većim sredinama. Prije svega je potrebno
naći kompromis između koncepcije potpune konkurencije i zaštite pojedinih za zemlju važnih činilaca.
Svaki postupak javne nabavke u sebi ima elemente diskriminacije jer uvjek bira
između boljeg i lošijeg. Ali baš zato možemo govoriti o takozvanoj pozitivnoj i negativnoj diskriminaciji. Negativna bez opravdanog razloga podstiče tačno određenog
ponuđača a pozitivna u ograničavanju štiti neki viši interes vrjednosti koji nije nužno
samo nacionalni nego i ekološki, socialni itd.
I tu dolazi pitanje, kako zaštititi mala i srednja preduzeća bez toga da bi se povrijedila načela EU o javnim nabavama. Sigurno da bi se postavilo pitanje kakva je dopuštenost tenderske dokumentacija koja bi unaprijed davala prednost u postupku javne
nabave malim i srednjim preduzećima. Dali bi to bilo prihvatljivo zavisi od argumentacije, koje vrijednosti štitimo tim u poređenju sa načelima otvorene konkurencije. To
znači da i u tom pitanju treba tražiti rješenje budućih interpretacija upotrebe Direktiva
EU iz 2014.
Uz to treba spomenuti i institucionalne ideje o racionalizaciji javnih nabavki. Jedna od tih je i uvodenje centralizacije javnih nabavki.
Centalizacija na prvi pogled może bit jako privlačna pogotovo u smislu obećanja
o velikim uštedama i racionalizaciji. Svakako možemo potvrditi tezu da centralizacija
javnih nabavki sama po sebi po teoretskom modelu može imati mnogo pozitivnih
ekonomskih rezultata. To je i logično iz aspekta poznatih teoretskih modela i praktič1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
nih iskustava. Ali treba naglasiti, da centralizacija po svaku cjenu ima i mnoge nedostatke. Posebno je potrebno naglasiti da centralizacija pogotovo u manjim sredinama
otvara velika vrata korupciji jer ima ograničen broj učesnika pravo da odlučuje za
velike naruđžbe najboljeg ponuđača, to otvara nemilosrdni boj ponuđača za posao
kojim omugućava veliku dobit i tu su uporebljavaju sva sredstva. I nije malo primjera
koji potrđuju tu misao. Na drugoj strani administrativna centralizacija zbog velike
potražnje onemogućava malim i srednjim poduzecima da uopšte konkurišu. Zato se
pogotovo u manjim sredinama veliki ponuđači povezuju isključuju konkurenciju i na
kraju prilagode cijenu svojim porebama a ne realnoj cijeni tržišta, koji ne postoji više
u tim uslovima.
Zato je potrebno razmisliti kakvu vrstu centralizacije zaiste zaslužuju male zemlje
da ne razore sopstveno blago malih i srednjih preduzeća od kojih zavisi i mnogo radnih mjesta… da ne pomiljem, socialna a i time demografska pitanja zemlja.
Zato je porebno ka centralizaciji pristupiti kao “organskom rastu” odnosa realnog
potraživanja u odnosu na ponudu, s obazirom na čuvanje domaćeg indetiteta. Te prema tome debata sa temom centralizacija nasuprot decentralizaciji nije samo prosto
pitanje crno nasuprot bijelom.
Možda bi neko pomislio da je čuvanje domaće privrede oblik diskriminacije ali je
potrebno odlučno reći, da ali je to oblik pozitivne diskriminacije.
Mersad Mujević
8. Napori na poboljšanju upravljanja u oblasti javnih nabavki u smislu;
8.1. Harmonizacije politike i prakse javnih nabavki sa EU acquis-em,
8.2. Izgradnja kapaciteta za naručioce i privredne subjekte,
8.3. Pravni ljekovi u javnim nabavkama,
8.4. Održive javne nabavke,
8.5. Primjena elektronskih javnih nabavki, tj. primjena IKTa.
8.1. 18.decembra 2013. godine otvoreni su pregovori za pet pregovaračkih Poglavlja,
između ostalih i Poglavlje 5 Javne nabavke, što je još jedan dokaz realne evropske perspektive Crne Gore.
Crna Gora je postala najnovija članice Sporazuma o Vladinim nabavkama pri
STO nakon što je naša ponuda o pristupanju, 29. oktobra 2014. godine, dobila zeleno svjetlo. Korak koji će našoj zemlji pomoći da dobije pristup tržištu
javnih nabavki čija se trenutna vrijednost procjenjuje i do 1,7 triliona dolara
godišnje. Pristupanje Sporazumu je iziskivalo postojanje usklađenog domaćeg
zakonodavstva sa Direktivama EU [16].
8.2. Programom i načinom stručnog osposobljavanja i usavršavanja u oblasti javnih
nabavki određuje se način organizovanja i sprovođenja stručnog osposobljavanja i usavršavanja u oblasti javnih nabavki i način izdavanja i obnavljanja sertifikata u oblasti javnih nabavki. Cilj obuke je sticanje znanja, vještina i sposobnosti
učesnika u procesima javnih nabavki i drugih lica, u cilju efikasnog, ekonomičnog i transparentnog sprovođenja, praćenja i kontrole sprovođenja postupaka
javnih nabavki na svim nivoima.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
Mersad Mujević
8.3. Jedan od razloga za neuspješnu primjenu prvih direktiva javnih nabavki iz 1970tih i 1980-tih je bio nedostatak efikasnih mehanizama koji bi ispravljali povrede
zakona. Glavni cilj žalbenih postupaka je da osiguraju pravilnu implementaciju
postupaka javnih nabavki (da spriječe i eliminiraju prekršaje) [17] da bi zaštitili
i javni interese i zakonite interese ponuđača. Direktive zahtijevaju da žalbeni
sistem bude efektivan i brz. Ova načela aksiom su za žalbena tijela , šta se desilo
ona su su se u mnogome pretvorila u svoju suprotnost. Pitanje budućeg institucionalnog uređenja žalbenih tijela je ozbiljan izazov za pisce novih vjerujem
brzo korektivnih direktiva. Danas kako rade žalbena tijela Direktive, Zakone o
javnim nabavkama i sve što je vezano za javne nabavke treba izbrisati i zamijeniti ZUPm. Mislim da je ovo i više nego očigledno.
8.4. Održiva nabavka je pametna nabavka – ovaj koncept podrazumijeva poboljšanje efikasnosti javne nabavke uz istovremeno korištenje snage javnog tržišta
kako bi se omogućile najveće ekološke i društvene koristi na lokalnom i globalnom nivou. Zajednice širom svijeta suočavaju se sa dramatičnim posljedicama
klimatskih promjena, pretjeranim korištenjem prirodnih resursa, prijetnjama
bioraznolikosti i povećanjem siromaštva. Ovi problemi ne mogu se riješiti bez
pomaka prema održivijim praksama proizvodnje i potrošnje.
8.5. Zašto nam je potreban razvoj, jačanje i adekvatna primjena elektronskih javnih
nabavki? Prije svega zato što djelotvorno, uključivanje, inovacije u digitalnom
društvu u kojem živimo može promijeniti poslovanje i društvo i time ponuditi
bolje proizvode i usluge korištenjem novih i efikasnijih procesa koje omogućuju
informaciono-komunikacione tehnologije. Zato što digitalna privreda raste sedam puta brže od ostalog privrede, i taj potencijal trenutno koči neujednačeni
sve evropski okvir politika...a za naš region da ne govorimo. Zato što potpunom
sprovođenjem tzv. Digitalne agende 2020 bruto domaći proizvod (BDP) povećao
bi se za 5 % po stanovniku tokom idućih pet godina. Zato se ovdje i postavlja
pitanje naši budućih izazova koje nas neće čekati, znajući pri tome da je Agenda
EU [19] već postavila cilj da modernizacija javnih nabavki u kojima se troši skoro
15-20 % BDP je obaveza svake zemlje članice do kraja 2016. godine koja podrazumijeva da se sve javne nabavke moraju odvijati elektronskim putem.
II Zaključak
Nivo javne nabavke u EU prema njenoj cjelokupnoj vrijednosti, u poređenju sa
BDPm, pokazuje da je EU peta najveća ekonomija. Kao takva, zaslužuje pažnju javnosti, ne samo od zemalja članica već i od globalne zajednice. Ključna dilema je može li
i do koje mjere takav veliki ekonomski izvor biti ostavljen samoregulatornim aktima
ili se u potpunosti zasnivati na politikama slobodnog tržišta kako bi se osiguralo sprovođenje osnovnih principa – transparentnosti, poštenja, konkurentnost i vrijednost
za novac. Očito je da je odgovor politika javne nabavke EU i EU zemalja kao i regiona
– s obzirom da se odnose na dihotomiju između efikasnosti politike, brzine i konkurentnosti naspram transparentnosti, odgovornosti i zaštite javnog interesa – trenutno
nedovoljan. Ova dihotomija takođe kroji budućnost razvoja politika u javnoj nabavci
rezultirajući sa potrebom za temeljnom reformom javne nabavke kao i pravosudnom
reformom samih principa.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
Mersad Mujević
Sve gori trendovi favoriziranja, sukoba interesa i ostalih koruptivnih ponašanja
predstavljaju ozbiljan izazov principima javne nabave i ugrožavaju ekonomije EU
zone. Takođe, se mora pojednostaviti proces kontrole i bazirati istu više na jačanje
kontrole nad izvršenjem ugovora i prikladna evaluacija ugovora nakon izvršenja.
Dalje, pošten pristup socijalnim i ekološkim pitanja u javnoj nabavci, kao i pitanjima razvoja malih i srednjih preduzeća.
Krajnji izazov u javnoj nabavi je problem zaštite socijalnog i ekološkog interesa kao
dijela procesa javne nabavke. Iako je prikladno promovisati socijalna i ekološka pitanja unutar javne nabave, zakonodavci bi trebali biti izrazito oprezni pri oslovljavanju
ovih problema. I na kraju jačanje i adekvatna primjena elektronskih javnih nabavki. III Literatura
[1] Trbović, S A., Đukanović, D., Knežević, B.,: Javna uprava i evropske integracije Srbije,
Fakultet za ekonomiju, finansije i administraciju Univerziteta Singidunum, Beograd 2010,
[2] Eurostat, EK;,
[3] Izvještaji o javnim nabavkama Crne Gore, Srbije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Kosova,
Makedonije za 2013,
[4] Madžar, Lj., Mehanizmi mobilizacije i alternativne alokacije javnih sredstava, Studija br.
1,Beograd 2008,
[5] Podumnjak, M., Politika javne nabavke: Prilike i izazovi za ekonomija Eurpske unije, Partnerstvo za društveni razvoj, Zagreb 2011,,
[6] Woolcook, M., Pritchett, L.,; Solutions When the Solution is the Problem, Washington D.C.
[7] Mujević, Z M., Javna nabavka; Pravni okvir sistema javnih nabavki iz 2012, sa upustvom za
primjenu, Podgorica 2012,
[8] Snider, Keith F, i Rendon, Rene G. Časopis za javne nabavke, vol 8, br.3, 303-311, 2008,
[9] Transparency International, Index percepcije korupcije
[10] Podumnjak, M., EU i korupcija; izvješće upozorenja, Partnerstvo za društveni razvoj, Zagreb 2010,,
[11] Podumnjak, M., Stavovi i percepcija o korupciji na Zapadnom Balkanau-regionalni pregled, YES Fondacija, EU IPA projekt, Odgovornost preduzetništvo: stvaranje antikorupcijske klime
u privatnom sektoru, 2010.
[12] Europska komisija, Europski ured za borbu protiv prevara (OLAF), Praktični vodič za
rukovditelje, 2014.godin,
[13] Van de Walle Nicolas., African Economies and the Politics of Permanent Crises, 1979-1999
Cambridge University Press, 2001,
[14] Ministarstvo finansija CG, Priručnik za unutrašnju reviziju, Treće izdanje, Podgorica
[15] Direkcija za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća, Strategije podsticanja konkurentnosti na
mikro nivou 2011-2015, Podgorica, 2011,
[16] Uprava za javne nabavke CG, integracje/ EU-GPA/ 2014-2015,
[17] EU PPP., Direktive EU o javnim nabavkama, Sigma, 2010,
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Savremeni izazovi reformi javnih nabavki i njena uloga u upravljanju javnim sektorom
Mersad Mujević
[18] Simon C, Peter D, Mark H, Amalia O, Aurea A Q, Ria M, Heimo S, Alexis C, Irene
S, Hannah I, Andrea I, Didier B, Francesca V, Martino M, Montserrat R M, Josep P, Barbara
A, Livia M, Spyros A, Carina H, Partick H, Johan H., Vodič za isplativu javnu nabavku, drugo
izdanje, Program ujedinjenih naroda za razvoj u Hrvatskoj (UNDP), projekt „Poticanje energetske
efikasnosti u Hrvatskoj“ Freiburg 2007,
[19] Evropska komisija, Politike Europske unije: Digitalna agenda za Europu, Europska komisija-Glavna uprava za komunikaciju, Informiranje građana 1049 Bruxelles 2014.
On line izvori:,,,,,,,,,,,
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Contemporary challenges of public
procurement reform and its role in
managing the public sector
Mersad Mujević, Ph.D.
Director of Public Procurement Administration
Abstract: The implementation and application of an efficient public procurement system,
which is based on fair competition and can guarantee the efficiency, transparency, and
accountability of public spending is one of the main goals of modernisation and effectiveness of internal administrative reform, and is the first step in Montenegro’s EU accession
as a full member state.
Key words: public procurement, Eurostat, good governance, the intensity of the transaction, the degree of discretion
I Introduction
Over the past years good governance of public procurement has become the key
determining factor of good governance and progress of a state. Its importance for social and economic development is reflected by the fact that the public procurement
value represents a significant share in the gross national product of every country
(from 10–20 %) [1].
According to data from Eurostat, the European Union statistical office, in the past
two years countries of the region have not made any progress in bringing the level of
economic activity closer to the population standard, EU average.
Regarding the region, Montenegro has the highest GDP in the region, which is
42% of European average and spending per capita of 52%. In the case of Serbia, in
2013, gross domestic product per capita was 2.8 times lower than the European average, whereas the real spending per capita, used for measuring the living standard of the
population, is almost two and a half times lower; then there is Macedonia with GDP
per capita of 35% and spending of 41%. Bosnia and Herzegovina, with 29% average
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Contemporary challenges of public procurement reform and its role in managing the public sector
Mersad Mujević
of GDP and 38% spending, and Albania with 30% and 36% per capita spending still
occupy the last two positions [2].
According to all the indicators, countries of the region are still less developed than
the poorest EU Member States, Bulgaria and Romania.
In all the countries of the region, spending per capita is closer to the EU average
than GDP per capita. The gap is as much as 10 percentage points in Montenegro, to six
percentage points in Macedonia and Albania.
What is the position of public procurement in all that? What is spending in regard
to these statistics? The share of public procurement in GDP, per country of the region,
according to 2013 data, is [3]:
Table number 1
Bosnia and
Share of public procurement
in GDP %
8.30 %
9.68 %
12.08 %
7.27 %
12.72 %
Having in mind the aforementioned facts, it is clear that, considering the high
values of the public procurement contracts, every percentage of savings in this field
is significant. Therefore we could safely argue that public procurement, in its essence,
represents a developmental issue.
Spending of public resources has always represented a significant issue in numerous
economic analyses. This issue became even more important with the global economic
crisis escalation, and it was assigned a particular significance in the EU countries. In
his paper on mobilisation and allocation of public resources, Ljubomir Madzar quoted
Milton who classifies spending of money into four categories [4]:
1) Spending one’s own money on oneself;
2) Spending one’s own money on someone else;
3) Spending someone else’s money on oneself;
4) Spending someone else’s money on still another person.
Regarding the rational use of assets, it becomes obvious that we behave in a most
rational manner when we spend our own money on ourselves. The lowest level of
rationality is present when someone else’s money is used for still another person. This
is exactly the case of public procurement. For example, a director of a school will definitely be not as careful (regarding price, quality, etc.) when procuring school equipment compared to a situation in which the same director purchases equipment for his
own apartment. This phenomenon is also called the “paradox of public goods”, as it was
observed that people use public goods in a less efficient manner than private goods. In
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Contemporary challenges of public procurement reform and its role in managing the public sector
other words, people behave differently when purchasing with someone else’s money,
as they do not have that “embedded” motive for more efficient money spending. This
leads to overpayment of commodities in comparison with prices achieved by private
buyers. The only rational way of overcoming situations like these is to impose legal
norms, like the Public Procurement Law, which is supposed to make contracting authorities in the public sector act as similar to buyers in private sector as possible.
Public procurement, although public according to its name, leaves an impression
of the marginal grey zone in state administration’s operations, an area that is more
or less individually controlled by the private sector and state administration. On the
single European market, the basic principles of public procurement – transparency,
fairness, competition, and value for money, as stated in most policies on public procurements – are generally complied with. However, perception of the public, as well
as many other participants in the process, is that “there is something rotten in public
procurement contracts”. In the public procurement process, as defined by the European
Union, member states, and candidate countries, the only authentic parts of public procurement are the publication of a tender and bid opening, leaving it to the imagination
of the stakeholders to fill in the gaps in the procedure (for example, planning, contract
performance, contract monitoring, and evaluation) [5].
Considering the aforementioned percent defining the total spending on works,
goods, and services to slightly over 11 % of the total GDP, and in the EU about 15 %,
the importance of public procurement for countries and economies oriented towards
the EU becomes obvious. As the EU 28 market is the strongest market in the world, it
may be reasonably concluded that public procurement in the EU 28 might have a significant influence upon global financial and economic stability. Therefore the EU also
has a unique responsibility both within its own borders and globally.
With economic and financial influence of the public procurement procedure upon
member states (or any other country), public procurement has another key role in the
activities of public administration – to ensure efficiency of policies and their influence. Almost all the policies in modern society require public procurement procedures. Health, education, environment, energy, traffic, and other policies require the
public procurement procedure in general for performance of public works, provision
of goods or services. Therefore, efficient and timely public procurement procedure
becomes the key element in meeting the policy objectives of every sector of the
state administration.
Public procurement is not just a simple, routine clerical activity conducted within
an isolated department of a ministry. Contemporary procurement experts need to deal
with rapidly growing markets and rapidly advancing technologies, techniques, and
tools for provision of goods, services and works. In addition to the traditional legal
requirements, procurement experts need to express knowledge of international agreements, working and ecological environments, consider the potential corruption risks,
as well as know the indicators for establishing corruption in this field.
Issues with public procurement that most of the countries that are candidates for
EU membership or are in the assessment of accession are facing may be summed up
in the following manner:
1. The institute of insufficiently efficient mechanisms for prevention of public procurement abuse:
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– most of all, this means that the public procurement system promotion makes
sense only if public procurement is observed as a process that starts with needs
planning and ends with reporting and auditing of the implemented agreements;
2. The lack of appropriate and timely sanctioning of violations of the Law;
3. Gap between legally stipulated tasks and capacities of institutions in charge of public procurement policy;
4. Training and manner of professionalism of civil servants, both managing public
procurement and working in that field;
5. Poor coordination with other government authorities;
6. Insufficiently productive use of international assistance and advantages of cooperation with corresponding institutions from other countries.
Elimination of the aforementioned weaknesses requires a set of measures. In order
to understand their complexity, it is, first of all, necessary to indicate to specificity of
services provided by regulatory bodies in the field of public procurement.
A general feature of state authorities’ services offered to clients is that the productivity in the field of services is generally hard to measure objectively, and issues of performance measuring hinders the development of formal mechanism for establishing
performance-based control and accountability, as in the private sector.
Michael Woolcook and Pritchett Land distinguish between two features of public
service [6]:
1. The intensity of transactions; and
2. Their specificity (or the degree of discretion).
The intensity of transactions represents the number of decisions made, and discretion means to which extent a competent person should assess the information and
make decisions based on that information, i.e. to which extent the decision-making
process represents a routine.
Depending on combinations of the intensity of transactions and the degree of decision-making complexity, the matrix for presenting the public sector performance
measurement may be made.
Picture 1 Public sector performance
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Contemporary challenges of public procurement reform and its role in managing the public sector
Control and identification of accountability are most easily established in the first
quadrant characterised by the high specificity and low number of services. High specific knowledge is required for making these decisions, and their impact may be precisely measured and it is clearly seen, therefore it is easy to identify accountability
of the decision-maker. These decisions are not frequently made, meaning that their
intensity is low.
On the other hand, transactions from the fourth quadrant are the most difficult
ones to control, as they are characterised by high numbers and low specificity.
Let us take the rule of law as an example. It is frequently observed in a simplified
relation – whether it exists or it does not exist. However, in this situation, it is the
field characterised by medium or low specificity and a large number of transactions.
Establishing the rule of law entails not only adopting the laws, but building the courts,
“creating” the judges, making the bar association as the professional association, etc.
Building of such a system is one of the most complex tasks that constructors of a state
need to perform.
Therefore, having in mind that services of the state authorities in the field of public
procurement belong to the same (fourth) quadrant according to their features, building the public procurement system may not be limited only to reform of regulations
and strengthening the Directorates and Appellate Bodies, but it needs to include all
the actors of this extremely heterogeneous system, which implies building the unity
of legal and institutional framework. It needs to rely on transparency in operations of
public authorities and freedom of access to information, anti-corruption regulations
and policies of prevention of conflict of interest and money laundering, regulations
governing the competition on the market, criminal and misdemeanour legislation,
good governance standards implemented in all the public authorities and all four pillars – legislative, executive, judicial, and independent bodies [6].
The next specificity of public procurement is the fact that we may not allow a solution which is successfully applied in a country to be considered universal, and that we
should not try to take it over mechanically. Instead of that, as a rule, the approach in
which the solution of local problems is found through using the local knowledge usually proves to be successful.
The contemporary challenges of my country, Montenegro, in the future development of the public procurement policy system [7]:
1. Finding the balance between cost effectiveness and quality, on one hand, and human rights and good governance on the other;
2. Transparency of the procedure as a tool for improving the public procurement
3. Corruption and public procurement;
4. Framework agreements (multiyear contracts);
5. International assistance;
6. How the internal and external auditing and external monitoring may improve the
quality of management;
7. Support to innovation also by participation of SMEs;
8. Efforts on improving management in the field of public procurement in terms of:
– Harmonisation of policy and practice of public procurement with the EU
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Contemporary challenges of public procurement reform and its role in managing the public sector
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Capacity building for contracting authorities and business entities;
Legal remedies in public procurement;
Sustainable public procurement;
Application of electronic public procurement, i.e. use of information and communications technologies.
1. Finding the balance between cost effectiveness and quality, on one hand,
and human rights and good governance on the other
As I have already mentioned, public procurement, although public according to
its name, leaves an impression of the marginal grey zone in state administration’s operations, an area that is more or less individually controlled by the private sector and
state administration. On the single European market, the basic principles of public
procurement – transparency, fairness, competition, and value for money, as stated in
most of policies on public procurements – are generally complied with [5].
In a market economy, competitiveness is observed as the manner of promoting
the most optimal balance between cost effectiveness and quality. In democracy, fair
competition and free entry to markets are tied to human rights and good governance.
However, desire of the public for timely and efficient acting of the state authorities, on
one hand, and principles of good governance (for example, transparency, equality, fair
competition, rule of law, etc.) on the other hand, are frequently presented as key tensions in the procedure of public procurement policies.
Such tensions and the need to “satisfy” a wide range of participants made the public procurement fast and constantly changing process framed through many policies.
Unfortunately, in spite of numerous efforts of actors led by national governments
and supranational public bodies (EU bodies) to make the public procurement public,
there is still an impression that public procurement regulations, as well as contract
themselves, represent a kind of special arrangement between national and supranational governments on one hand, and the strongest potential bidders on the other.
The public is only partially involved in the procedures of public procurement policies
creation and their monitoring and/or evaluation at the national or EU level, or it is not
involved at all. There are many arguments supporting the need for public to stay out
of the public procurement procedure, as well as those supporting the thesis that the
public should become an integral part of planning, implementation and evaluation
of the public procurement. Finding the appropriate balance among these, frequently
conflicting, needs, will represent the main challenge in creating the future policies of
public procurement, not only in MNE, but I believe in other countries as well.
2. Transparency of the procedure as a tool for improving the public
procurement efficiency
Transparency is the mechanism used to ensure the advantage of competition. Public procurement procedure is based on stages as defining the project objective, planning and assessment of risk, implementation, finalisation, and evaluation. As stated
earlier in the text, the only public parts of the public procurement procedure are publication of a tender (open call), opening of submitted bids, and frequently, if not always, approach to text of the signed contracts. The remaining part of the procedure is
usually left to contracting authorities, and planning, implementation and evaluation
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of contract performance are mostly out of the public view and the view of all the bidders. This situation opens up numerous questions related to transparency, openness
and non-discrimination [8], as well as issues regarding the efficiency of policies, public
interest protection and corruption. Transparency is frequently and generally inversely
related to the level of corruption in a country; low transparency means high level of
corruption. As there are no other indicators, the Transparency International corruption perception index (TI CPI Index ) [9] indicates the negative trend in most of the
EU countries, showing that corruption is on the rise, and transparency in decline.
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Graph 1
In 17 out of 27 EU countries, CPI index has indicated the stagnation or decline
trend over the last four years. In 8 EU countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia) the CPI index is below 5, suggesting that policy making and other decision making processes in the state administration of those
countries are trapped by private, corporate, or purely partisan interests. Data suggests
that availability of information on the single EU market is declining, representing a
threat to public procurement as one of the drivers of the European economy.
Countries of the region:
Table number 2. Source: “Transparency International; Corruption Perceptions Index” 2013.
Rank 2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Score 2013
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What is the relation between corruption perception and the actual corruption level? When corruption is broadly discussed, it may lead to rise in corruption perception,
particularly when it is not followed by non-selective and systemic measures for corruption elimination and solving of open affairs. If the talk on corruption is followed by
specific actions, it may influence reduction of corruption perception in the long term.
Is it possible to influence reduction of corruption perception by isolated anticorruption measures or campaigns? In most of cases it is not possible, due to nature
of research. The priority of state authorities should be prevention, identification, and
punishing of existing corruption, not changing the impression on its prevalence.
3. Corruption and public procurement
Results of a survey of the business community in the West Balkans, performed
by the YES foundation [11] indicate the perception among the business community
that the corruption levels are stagnating or on the rise in the West Balkans, as well as
the EU; that most of the affected companies are in the category of small and medium
enterprises (up to 250 employees) operating in construction business, with intention
to work on large-scale building projects financed by the state, or participating in other
forms of public procurement. This kind of perception – that the “active spot” for corruption is public procurement, especially in the construction sector– has been confirmed by other researchers on more than one occasion.
However, even well-known researchers mostly target bribery when analysing the
influence of corruption over public procurement or economy. Still, bribery is not the
only and the largest corruption-related issue in the existing policies managing businesses and public procurement, as well as competition practices. Conflict of interest
as well as “influence trading” are frequently used for manipulating the public procurement procedures, and they are very difficult to detect.
The concept of conflict of interest is directly related to the concept of corruption,
and both are inversely proportional to the concept of good governance. Even if the
conflict of interest is not corruption in itself, it is the main foundation of corruption
and as such it should be mentioned as tool for suppression of corruption in any corruption-related policy. During certain researches in our country, the Committee for
Conflict of Interest Prevention confirmed that there is a connection between transparency, conflict of interest and corruptive conduct. The less the Government is transparent and reliable in reporting on its activities, the more incidents including conflict of
interest and corruptive practices there are. In practice, most deviations occur before
or after bid opening and contract signing in the public procurement processes [12].
The concept of conflict of interest is not harmonised throughout the European Union. Some member states (for example, Romania) provide definitions in their criminal
law, whereas others (for example, France and England) do not. However, that does not
mean that there is no criminal liability for that issue. For example, England does not
have legislation governing it, but it has a criminal offence “misconduct in public office” that may include more than conflict of interest itself, and may apply in cases when
conflict of interest leads to corruption.
Situations of conflict of interest may cause business entities to lose trust in public
procurement and therefore discourage honest entities from participating in the public
procurement procedures.
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Contemporary challenges of public procurement reform and its role in managing the public sector
Regulatory bodies, contracting authorities are therefore hereby recommended to
establish the policy on conflict of interest in order to reduce risks and solve future
Mersad Mujević
4. Framework agreements (multiyear contracts)
Frequently perceived as a tool for improving the efficiency in the work of state administration, they represent another gap in the public procurement legislation and an
opportunity for corruption in the public procurement procedures, particularly in procurement of goods. In practice, framework agreements are mostly used for procurement of goods through multiyear contracts, particularly in cases when different goods
may be purchased within one framework agreement with different prices for different
items (for example, office supplies, food, etc.). Manipulation within such agreements
may be detected in prices of the most expensive goods. By bidding with the lowest
price of some expensive items (sometimes up to 30% below the market price, or price
dumping), the bidders bid may seem like the most favourable one in the early stage
of bidding. However, within framework agreements, certain quantities of different
items are not strictly determined for each year; and therefore by delivering the smaller
amounts of expensive goods, at the same time increasing the number of smaller items
(per price above the market price), the contracting authority may gain profit by significantly changing the contracted “value for money”. The most favourable (cheapest) bid
may ultimately become the most expensive one, but there are no mechanisms, apart
from those of the contracting authority itself, to suppress or cancel contracts like these.
Of course, prior “cooperation” between the contracting authority and the bidder
is usually required for such a manipulation, and this is exactly the moment when corruption occurs. Along with the lack of data on real amounts within the framework
agreements or contracts, there is also the lack of public information on contract performance or evaluation of the contracts performed.
5. International assistance
Identifying the right manner of using international assistance is of the utmost importance for institutional capacity building in the assistance recipient country. Present
experience indicates the paradox that this kind of assistance frequently had prominent
opposite effects; it led to weakening of domestic institutions, instead of their strengthening. Negative impact is the result of contradiction between the two primary objectives of international organisations providing assistance, which are:
First: that the assistance should reach the end users quickly and efficiently, without
unnecessary waste; and
Second: that the local administration capacity should be increased so that it could
later continue providing those services to end users independently, on a higher level.
Insufficiently developed state administration of the recipient country represents
a “bottleneck” for implementation of the second projected objective, and that is efficient assistance to end users. The experience has shown that in situations like these,
the second objective became more important than the first one for assistance donors.
As a consequence, the role of local administration was marginalised, making it just a
passive observer, [13] in order to include it in providing of services to end users as lit1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
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tle as possible, therefore, according to opinion of donors, reducing “interference” with
implementation of assistance programmes. Local administration therefore performs
mere provision of support to donors at local level, or services of the lowest level, leaving them with insufficient knowledge to continue operating on their own once the
donor leaves.
Therefore assistance programmes should not be just mechanical transfer of “good
practices”, as there are no universal solutions, even in the most developed countries,
but numerous local, specific factors need to be considered. First of all, good solutions
need to consider local features, requiring a completely different relation of international donors and consultants to local institutions – beneficiaries of their assistance.
How the internal and external auditing and external monitoring may improve the
quality of management
Public finance and state assets control is a function of particular importance, performed in several manners and by several state authorities. As state budgets at times
include more than 50% of gross national product (GNP), and that their further allocation is performed, the institutional mechanisms of control are necessary to ensure that
budget users are using the state funds in a legal manner, in line with intended purpose
and amounts established by the budget. [14].
There are several types of division of state control of public funds (fiscal and nonfiscal assets), but, for further understanding, the primary one is into authorities performing the control:
1. ADMINISTRATIVE – (internal) control - the Ministry of Finance;
2. EXTERNAL – (accounting-judicial) audit - State Audit Institution of MNE;
3. PARLAMENTARY – POLITICAL (assembly) control – the Assembly of Montenegro
Assemblies of the local government units.
7. Support to innovation also by participation of SMEs
Principles and directions of entrepreneurial policy development in Montenegro
are defined by the Strategy for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises 20112015, and apart from the aforementioned Strategy, the following are worth mentioning
– Strategy for Enhancement of Competitiveness at the Micro Level 2011-2015;
– Strategy for Lifelong Entrepreneurial Learning 2015-2019;
– Strategy for Development of Women Entrepreneurship 2015-2020 [15].
In order to follow the implementation of tasks and activities within the listed strategies, our country develops:
– Annual Action Plans;
– Annual Reports on Implementation of Action Plans.
In accordance with the aforementioned Strategies for Development of Small and
Medium Enterprises, activities for further promotion have been planned and defined
within the 4 strategic objectives:
– Business environment improvement;
– Financial support strengthening;
– SME capacity strengthening and promotion of entrepreneurship;
– Support to beginners in business – start-ups.
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Contemporary challenges of public procurement reform and its role in managing the public sector
According to Monstat, National Statistical Office of Montenegro, the total number
of small and medium enterprises in 2013 was 22,313 enterprises. Their share in export
was about 45.04%, whereas in GNP it was about 60%, and their share in total employment was 65%.
Here the question of forcing the centralisation of public procurement occurs again,
and when mentioning this topic we in Montenegro are very cautious when we are offered this option for “salvation”. Here are several words on this topic.
The European legal order in the field of public procurement encourages, first of
all, free competition among the EU countries and therefore free flow of goods and
services without discrimination and with maximum transparency is emphasised in all
the documents, from the basic agreements on establishing the EC to Directives governing the field of public procurement. Basic principles of public procurement may be
found in all the Directives adopted by the European Parliament, and they are primarily
focusing on the goal that countries should not protect domestic bidders, but that they
should open competition among countries.
EC prepared numerous analyses on how public procurement function in practice
from White and Green Papers that tried to encourage international cooperation in the
field of public procurement within the EU.
All these principles have numerous good intentions for a large European space,
and those have been partially fulfilled in practice. However, weaknesses occur, particularly in times of large economic crisis, when each country is trying to solve its own
economy. It is the proof that the public procurement system is of limited use if not
“handled” in a logical and intelligent manner.
The European legal framework of public procurement in a way became its own
slave in its primary objectives, as it encourages all the principles that may be successful
when the economic growth is high and when there is no economic moral and value
crisis. Then in conjuncture free space enables enough work for all, both large and
small enterprises, and then the existing public procurement system may promote free
flow of goods and services. However, even then we need to be reminded that public
procurement should be a tool of policies for economic, environmental, demographic,
residential, social issues.
To be quite honest, there is a large problem in that field, particularly in small countries, where the aforementioned issues are of crucial importance for development of a
One should therefore be careful with introduction of various instruments and concepts that might have proven to be usable in larger environments. First of all, a compromise between the concept of full competition and protection of some factors that
are important for a country needs to be reached.
Each public procurement procedure includes elements of discrimination, as there
is always a choice between better and worse. That is exactly why we may discuss the
so-called positive and negative discrimination. Without the justified reason, the negative one encourages a certain bidder, and positive by limiting protects a higher interest
of value that is not necessarily only the national, but also environmental, social, etc.
There is the question on how to protect small and medium enterprises without violating the basic principles of the EU on public procurement. Surely the question is how
to approve of tender documentation that would in advance give advantage to small
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Contemporary challenges of public procurement reform and its role in managing the public sector
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and medium enterprises in the public procurement procedure. Whether it would be
acceptable or not depends on arguments, which values we are protecting as compared
to the principles of open competition. It means that the solution of the following interpretations of the EU Directives of 2004 should be looked for in that field, too.
Here the institutional ideas on rationalisation of public procurement should be
mentioned as well. One of those is the introduction of centralisation of public procurement.
At first, centralisation might seem very attractive, particularly in terms of promises on large savings and rationalisation. We might definitely validate the thesis that
public procurement centralisation in itself, according to the theoretical model, may
have numerous positive economic results. It is logical from the point of view of renowned theoretical models and practical experience. But centralisation at all costs has
numerous disadvantages, too. It should be stressed that centralisation, particularly in
smaller environments, opens large doors to corruption, as only a limited number of
participants have the right to make decisions for large orders from the best bidder, and
it opens up a ruthless struggle of bidders for procurement enabling a large gain, so all
the means are used. There are more than a few examples confirming that thought. On
the other hand, administrative centralisation prevents small and medium entrepreneurs from competing at all due to high demand. That is why, particularly in smaller
communities, large bidders are networking, excluding competition and in the end adjusting the price to their own needs and not the realistic market price, which does not
exist under those terms any more.
Therefore the type of centralisation that small countries deserve needs to be considered, to avoid destruction of their own treasure represented by small and medium
enterprises that numerous jobs depend on… not to mention social and therefore demographic issues of countries.
That is why centralisation needs to be addressed as the “organic growth” of relation
between realistic demand and offer, in terms of preserving the domestic identity. The
debate related to centralisation as opposed to decentralisation is therefore not just a
simple question of black as opposed to white.
Maybe someone might think that preservation of domestic businesses is a form
of discrimination, but it should be decisively stated yes, but it is a form of positive
8. Efforts on improving management in the field of public procurement in
terms of;
8.1. Harmonisation of policy and practice of public procurement with the EU acquis;
8.2. Capacity building for contracting authorities and business entities;
8.3. Legal remedies in public procurement;
8.4. Sustainable public procurement;
8.5. Application of electronic public procurement, i.e. application of ICTs.
8.1. On December 18, 2013, negotiations for five negotiating Chapters were opened,
one of them being Chapter 5 Public Procurement, which is another proof supporting the real European perspective of Montenegro.
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Contemporary challenges of public procurement reform and its role in managing the public sector
Montenegro became the latest member of the Agreement on Government Procurement at WTO after our Proposal on the Accession was accepted on October
29, 2014. This step will help our country gain access to the public procurement
market currently worth an estimated US$ 1.7 trillion annually. Accession to the
Agreement required the existence of local legislation harmonised with EU Directives [16].
The programme and manner of professional training and development in this
field of public procurement determine the manner of organising and conducting
professional training and development in the field of public procurement and
the manner of issuing and renewal of certificates in the field of public procurement. The training objective is acquisition of knowledge, skills, and capacities of
participants in the process of public procurement and other persons, aiming at
efficient, economical, and transparent implementation, monitoring and control
of implementation of public procurement procedures at all levels.
One of the reasons for unsuccessful implementation of the first directives regarding public procurement from the 1970s and 1980s was the lack of efficient
mechanisms for correction of violations of the law. The main objective of appellate proceedings is to ensure correct implementation of public procurement
procedures (prevent and eliminate violations) [17] in order to protect both the
public interest and legal interest of bidders. Directives require the appellate system to be effective and quick. These principles represent an axiom for appellate
bodies, and what happened is that they mostly turned into their opposites. The
issue of future institutional setup of appellate bodies is a serious challenge for
developers of the new, I believe rapid, corrective directives. The current manner
of operating of appellate bodies regarding Directives, Public Procurement Laws
and all other issues related to public procurement should be erased and replaced
by LAP. I believe this is more than obvious.
Sustainable procurement is smart procurement – this concept includes improvement of public procurement efficiency, at the same time using the strength of
the public market in order to enable the greatest environmental and social benefits locally and globally. Communities all around the world are facing dramatic
consequences of climate change, excessive use of natural resources, threats of
biodiversity and poverty increase. These issues may not be resolved without
moving towards more sustainable practices of production and spending.
Why do we need development, strengthening, and appropriate implementation
of electronic public procurement? First of all, because effective inclusion of innovation in digital society we live in may change businesses and society, therefore offering better products and services through using new and more efficient
processes provided by information and communications technologies. Also,
because digital businesses are growing seven times faster than other businesses,
and that potential is at the moment hampered by uneven pan-European framework of policies...not to mention our region. Because the full implementation
of the so-called Digital Agenda 2020, would increase gross domestic product
(GDP) for 5 % per capita over the next five years. That is why there is a question
of our future challenges that will not wait for us, knowing that the EU Agenda
[19] has already set a goal that modernisation of public procurement in which
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almost 15-20 % GDP is spent should be a requirement for every Member State
till the end of 2016, meaning that all the public procurement procedures shall be
performed electronically.
II Conclusion
Public procurement level in the EU, according to its total value, compared to GDP,
indicates that EU is the fifth largest economy. As such, it deserves attention of the public, not only of member states, but of the global community as well. The key dilemma
is if such a large economic source, and to which extent, may be left to self-regulatory
acts, or if it may completely be based on free market policies in order to ensure implementation of the basic principles – transparency, fairness, competition, and value for
money. The response of the EU and EU countries and the regional public procurement
policies is obviously insufficient at the moment, as they relate to dichotomy between
policy efficiency, transparency, speed and competitiveness as opposed to transparency,
accountability and protection of public interest. This dichotomy also shapes the future
of development of policies in public procurement, resulting in the need for thorough
reform of public procurement and judicial reform of the principles themselves.
Worsening trends of favouring, conflict of interest and other types of corruptive
conduct represent a serious challenge for principles of public procurement and threaten economies of the EU zone. The control procedure also needs to be simplified and
based more on strengthening the control of contract performance and appropriate
evaluating of contracts upon performance.
Furthermore, fair approach to social and environmental issues in public procurement, as well as issues of development of small and medium enterprises.
The final challenge in public procurement is the issue of protection of social and
environmental interest as a part of public procurement procedure. Although it is
appropriate to promote social and environmental issues within the public procurement, legislators should be very careful when addressing these issues. Finally, there
are strengthening and appropriate implementation of electronic public procurement. III References
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[16] Uprava za javne nabavke CG, integracje/ EU-GPA/ 2014-2015,
[17] EU PPP., Direktive EU o javnim nabavkama, Sigma, 2010,
[18] Simon C, Peter D, Mark H, Amalia O, Aurea A Q, Ria M, Heimo S, Alexis C, Irene
S, Hannah I, Andrea I, Didier B, Francesca V, Martino M, Montserrat R M, Josep P, Barbara
A, Livia M, Spyros A, Carina H, Partick H, Johan H., Vodič za isplativu javnu nabavku, drugo
izdanje, Program ujedinjenih naroda za razvoj u Hrvatskoj (UNDP), projekt „Poticanje energetske
efikasnosti u Hrvatskoj“ Freiburg 2007,
[19] Evropska komisija, Politike Europske unije: Digitalna agenda za Europu, Europska
komisija-Glavna uprava za komunikaciju, Informiranje građana 1049 Bruxelles 2014.
Mersad Mujević
Online sources:,,,,,,,,,,,
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Propisi o javnim nabavkama u Bosni
i Hercegovini sa osvrtom na rješenja
iz Direktiva 24/2014 i 25/2014
Đinita Fočo, Dipl. Iur
direktorka Agencije za javne nabave i Ured za razmatranje žalbi
„Javna nabava od ključne je važnosti u Strategiji Europa 2020., utvrđenoj u Komunikaciji Komisije od 3. ožujka naslovljenoj „Europa 2020., strategija za pametan, održiv
i uključiv rast” („strategija Europa 2020. za pametan, održiv i uključiv rast”) jer se radi
o jednom od instrumenata utemeljenih na tržištu koji se koriste za postizanje pametnog, održivog i uključivog rasta, a kojima se osigurava najučinkovitije korištenje javnih
sredstava. U tu svrhu pravila o javnoj nabavi donesena na temelju Direktive 2004/17/
EZ Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća (4 ) te Direktive 2004/18/EZ Europskog parlamenta
i Vijeća (5) trebala bi se revidirati i unaprijediti kako bi se povećala djelotvornost javne
potrošnje, a pogotovo kako bi se olakšalo sudjelovanje malih i srednjih poduzeća (MSP)
u javnoj nabavi te kako bi se dobavljačima omogućilo da bolje iskoriste javnu nabavu
pri postizanju zajedničkih društvenih ciljeva. Također postoji potreba za pojašnjenjem
temeljnih pojmova i koncepata kako bi se osigurala pravna sigurnost i uzeli u obzir određeni aspekti povezane, dobro utvrđene sudske prakse Suda Europske unije.“1
Bosna i Hercegovina, kao i zemlje u regiji, zemlje članice EU, pa i u cijelom svijetu
su se nosili sa posljedicama ekonomske krize, kao i preduzimali korake da zaustave
daljnji pad ekonomija i drugih posljedica, koje je donijela ekonomska kriza. U svjetlu
tih desavanja, poremećaja na tržištu, takmičenja da se dobije ugovor, slabašna privreda
u Bosni i Hercegovini se teško nosila sa problemima dobijanja ugovora, zbog formalizma i forme koja se zahtjevala propisima o javnim nabavkama.
Stoga je Bosna i Hercegovina u 2011. godini počela izradu novog teksta zakona
o javnim nabavkama, nakon niza analiza propisa kao i dobrih i loših praksi u oblasti
javnih nabavki, kako u Bosni i Hercegovini, tako i u regiji. Također veoma je važno
Tačka 2. Direktive 2014/24/EU EUROPSKOG PARLAMENTA I VIJEĆA od 26. veljače 2014.o javnoj nabavi i o stavljanju izvan snage Direktive 2004/18/EZ
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Propisi o javnim nabavkama u Bosni i Hercegovini sa osvrtom na rješenja iz Direktiva 24/2014 i 25/2014
naglasiti da složeno uređenje Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i postojanje velikog broja zakonodavnih tijela (14), cijeli proces normiranja ove oblasti činio znatno težim. Veliki
broj propisa, koje u Bosni i Hercegovini donose različiti zakonodavni nivoi, direktno
ili indirektno utječu na sistem javnih nabavki, i najčešće nisu usaglašeni sa propisima
o javnim nabavkama.
U takvom okruženju, kao i pod snažnim pritiskom nevladinog sektora, tekst zakona koji je upućen u proceduru, je od tog momenta pretrpio izmjene, od kojih su neke
suštinske, kroz 47 usvojenih amandmana.
Nekako u isto vrijeme kada je počela izrada novog teksta zakona, i Evrospka komisija je počela sa izradom novih direktiva. Međutim, u fazi kada je tekst direktiva
poprimio neki finalni oblik, Agencija za javne nabavke, kao nadležni organ za predlaganje zakona, već je tekst zakona uputila u proceduru. Međutim, određena opažanja,
kao i rezultate prakse koji su analizirani, ugrađeni su u tekst zakona, i ta rješenja su na
pravcu Direktiva EU 2014/24 i 2014/25.
Đinita Fočo
Nova rješenja u propisima o javnim nabavkama Bosne i Hercegovine
a) U navođenju novih rješenja u oblasti javnih nabavki u Bosni i Hercegovini, treba istaći da se prvi put jasno razdvajaju ugovorni organi tzv.“klasičnog“ sektora i tzv.
„Sektorski“ ugovorni organi. Definicije ugovornih organa u potpunosti su harmonizirane sa Direktivama EU 24/2014 i 25/2014.
Član 4. Zakona o javnim nabavkama (u daljem tekstu:Zakon) glasi:
stav (1) tačka a):
Svaka institucija vlasti u Bosni i Hercegovini, entitetima, Brčko Distriktu Bosne i Hercegovine, na nivou kantona, grada ili općine (u daljem tekstu: institucija vlasti na državnom,
entitetskom ili lokalnom nivou).
stav (1) tačka b):
Pravno lice koje je osnovana za određenu svrhu s ciljem zadovoljavanja potreba od opšteg
interesa, a koje nema industrijski ili komercijalni karakter, i ispunjava najmanje jedan od
slijedećih uslova:
1)finansirana je, najvećim dijelom, iz javnih sredstava, ili
2)nadzor nad upravljanjem vrši ugovorni organ definisan u tač. a) i b) ovog stava, ili 3)više od polovine članova skupštine, upravnog ili nadzornog odbora su imenovani ili
izabrani predstavnici ugovornih organa iz tač. a) i b) ovog stava.
stav (1) tačka c):
Asocijacija formirana od strane jedne ili više institucija vlasti ili pravnih osoba koje su definisane u tač. a) i b) ovog stava.
Član 5. Zakona, koji glasi:
(1) Sektorski ugovorni organ je obveznik primjene ovog zakona ako obavlja djelatnosti u oblasti vodosnabdijevanja, energetike, prometa i poštanskih usluga, i to:
a) ugovorni organ iz člana 4. ovog zakona kada nabavlja robu, usluge ili radove za potrebe obavljanja djelatnosti navedenih u čl. 78. do 83. ovog zakona;
b) privredno društvo u kojem ugovorni organ ili više ugovornih organa ima ili može imati
neposredan ili posredan prevladavajući uticaj na osnovu vlasništva, finansijskog ud1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Propisi o javnim nabavkama u Bosni i Hercegovini sa osvrtom na rješenja iz Direktiva 24/2014 i 25/2014
Đinita Fočo
jela ili na osnovu propisa koji vrijede za društvo i koje obavlja jednu ili više djelatnosti
navedenih u čl. 78. do 83. ovog zakona, kada nabavlja robu, usluge ili radove za potrebe obavljanja tih djelatnosti. Preovladavajući uticaj u smislu ove tačke postoji u
slučaju kada ugovorni organ direktno ili indirektno:
1) ima natpolovičnu većinu osnovnog kapitala tog privrednog društva; ili
2) ima natpolovičnu većinu glasova koji su povezani s ulozima u tom privrednom
društvu; ili
3) može imenovati više od polovine članova uprave, upravnog ili nadzornog odbora
tog privrednog društva.
(2) Privredno društvo koje na osnovu posebnog ili isključivog prava obavlja jednu ili više djelatnosti navedenih u čl. 78. do 83. ovog zakona i kada nabavlja robu, usluge ili radove za
potrebe obavljanja tih djelatnosti, a nije ugovorni organ u smislu ovog zakona ili privredno
društvo u smislu stava (1) tačka b) ovog člana, obveznik je primjene ovog zakona.
b) Nadalje, stroga forma, koja je vremenom presla u formalizam, utjecala je na
drugači pristup definisanju dokazivanja kvalificiranosti za određeni ugovor. Naime,
zbog složenosti prikupljanja dokaza o kvalificiranosti za dokazivanje lične sposobnosti ponuđača, različitih propisa, troškova koštanja pribavljanja potrebnih dokumenta
u svrhu dokazivanja kvalificiranosti,, Zakon je predvidjeo samo izjavu, ovjerenu od
strane nadležnog organa, koju daje ponuđač u fazi takmičenja za ugovor, a samo pobjednik dostavlja dokumentaciju prije potpisivanja ugovora.
I nove direktive idu u pravcu dokazivanja kvalificiranosti putem izjava, međutim,
u zemljama članicama EU veoma lako je na jednostavan način utvrditi da li su podaci
iz izjave tačni ili su lažni, jer postoje jedinstveni registri i baze podataka za činjenice
koje se traže za dokazivanje lične sposobnosti. U Bosni i Hercegovini ne postoje jedinstveni registri niti baze podataka za privredne subjekte, ili su parcijalne, neuvezane u
siste, te je tesko dokazivati činjenice iz izjava na taj način. Stoga Zakon predviđa dva
uslova-da ponuđač/kandidat ispunjava uslove u momentu davanja izjave i da činjenice
date u izjavi potvrdi u naknadnoj dostavi tražene dokumentacije.
Prednosti ovog rješenja su da samo pobjednik dostavlja dokumentaciju kojom potvrđuje činjenice date u izjavi. U slučaju da u momentu davanja izjave nije ispunjavao
uslove, a dao je izjavu, i to se naknadno utvrdi,mkada dostavi dokumentaciju, onda
postoji mogućnost podnošenja krivične prijave zbog davanja lažne izjave.
Da li je ovo rješenje praktično, pokazat će vrijeme, jer ako već ispunjava uslove i
poshjeduje dokumente, može li ih dostaviti uz izjavu. Drugo pitanje koje se nameće
je pitanje roka u kojem je izabrani ponuđač dužan dostaviti dokaze, a sa tim u vezi
i pravo uvida u dostavljenu dokumentaciju od strane ostalih učesnika u postupku.
Prolongiranje dodjele ugovora ako izabrani ponuđač ne dostavi dokaze, i poziva se
drugorangirani da dostavi dokaze-da li u istom roku, da li ostali učesnici imaju ponovo pravo uvida-dakle sve su ovo pitanja koja se mogu pojaviti, kako po Zakonu, tako i
kroz implementaciju direktiva u nacionalna zakonodavstva.
c) Tehničke konsultacije je jedna od mogućnosti koja je data Zakonom,u okviru
odredbi o tehničkoj specifikaciji. Na taj način dat je „odgovor“ na presudu ECJ „Fabricom“ kao i izbjegavanje fiktivnog dokazivanja da onaj koji je pripremao tehničku
specifikaciju nije bio u povoljnijem položaju u odnosu na druge ponuđače, koji se
takmiče za taj ugovor.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Propisi o javnim nabavkama u Bosni i Hercegovini sa osvrtom na rješenja iz Direktiva 24/2014 i 25/2014
Član 52. Zakona definiše:
Đinita Fočo
(5) Ako je određeni privredni subjekat direktno ili indirektno učestvovao u tehničkim konsultacijama u pripremi postupka javne nabavke, ugovorni organ mora preduzeti odgovarajuće
mjere kako bi osigurao da konkurencija ne bude narušena učestvovanjem tog privrednog
subjekta kao kandidata/ponuđača u postupku javne nabavke u odnosu na ostale kandidate/ponuđače. Takve mjere uključuju davanje svih informacija ostalim kandidatima/
ponuđačima koje su saopćene za vrijeme tehničkih konsultacija ili su nastale kao rezultat
tehničkih konsultacija i određivanje adekvatnih vremenskih rokova za prijem zahtjeva za
učešće i ponuda. Mjere koje su preduzete ugovorni organ navodi u zapisniku o ocjeni ponuda iz člana 65. ovog zakona.
(6) Privredni subjekat iz stava (5) ovog člana ne može učestvovati u tom postupku javne nabavke kao kandidat/ponuđač samo ako ne postoji drugi način da se osigura poštivanje
principa jednakog tretmana.
Ovakav način definisanja dokazivanja nepostojanja „favorizovanja“ ili dovođenja
u „povoljniji“ položaj ponuđača, koji je pripremio tehničke specifikacije, daje mogućnost svim potencijalnim ponuđačima da istovremeno ostvare uvid u tehničke specifikacije, te ako su iste „diskriminatorne“ da nba vrijeme ukaže ugovornom organu na
tu činjenicu. Ovo predstavlja jedan vid „spašavanja“ postupka javne nabavke. Mada je
praksa pokazala da onaj koji je pripremao tehničke specifikacje, automatski treba biti
isključen iz postupka nabavke po tom predmetu nabavke (pravila WB, EBRD i drugih
međunarodnih organizacija).
d) Sprečavanje sukoba interesa u javnim nabavkam treba posmatrati u više različitih pravaca. Jedan od osnovih pravaca je sukob interesa rukovodioca ugovornog
organa, ili člana nadzornog ili upravnog odbora. Ovdje se može govoriti o jednom od
oblika „političkog“ sukoba interesa.
Sukob interesa se javlja i u radu komisije. Činjenica da direktive ne poznaju komisiju kao alat u sistemu javnih nabavki, a to je slijedeći nivo sukoba interesa. Svaki član
komisije u svakom postupku nabavke treba da u cilju integriteta člana komisije, da izjavu odmah kada bude imenovan da u slučaju postojanja sukoba interesa u bilo kojem
momentu postupka javne nabavke, podnijet će zahtjev za razrješenje iz komisije za
nabavke zbog postojanja sukoba interesa. Do kojeg nivoa i koliko daleko se smatra da
postoji sukob interesa- da li ići po srodstvu, ili unijeti i neke druge parametre, dokazive i moguće, tesko je dogovoriti. Ali je veoma bitno da se na određeni način prevenira
i djeluje pravovremeno i u ovom segmentu na nivou nacionalnog zakonodavstva.
Prema propisima o javnim nabavkama, izjave ovjerene kod nadležnog organa su
prvi korak za prevenitranje sukoba interesa u javnim nabavkama.
e) Podjela na lotove, koja je zemljama članicama data kao opciona obaveza koja se
treba regulisati nacionalnim zakonodavstvom, ide u pravcu podrške malim i srednjim
preduzećima. Međutim, ovdje se kao opravdano nameće pitanje – kako i na koji način
obrazložiti razloge zbog kojih ugovorni organ nije podjelio predmet nabavke na lotove. Da li ići u pravcu sankcionisanja? Ko bi bio nadležan da cijeni opravdanost razloga
zbog kojih nije napravljena podjela na lotove?
Može se ići i u drugommpravcu- zasto ne motivisati mala i srednja preduzeća da
se udružuju u cilju takmičenja za vece ugovore. Koliko je pomoć malim i srednjim
preduzećima da dobijaju ugovore po lotovima (ugovore manjih vrijednosti) i uvijek su
u rangu malih ili srednjih preduzeća. Dodjelom ugovora po lotovima nikad neće do1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Propisi o javnim nabavkama u Bosni i Hercegovini sa osvrtom na rješenja iz Direktiva 24/2014 i 25/2014
Đinita Fočo
biti reference da se takmiče za značajnije ugovore, odnosno da mala preduzeća pređu
u rang srednjih preduzeća ili da srednja preduzeća pređu u rang velikog preduzeća.
Treba poticati podjelu na lotove gdje god je to opravdano (ekonomski, tehnički) ali
isto tako treba razmisliti o određenimpoticajima u slučaju udruživanja i zajedničkog
nastupa više malih ili srednjih preduzeća.
Nadalje, vezano za lotove, direktive idu u pravcu da se može ograničiti broj ugovora koji će se dodjeliti jednom ponuđaču, da se u tenderskoj dokumentaciji mogu
vezati lotovi koji će biti dodjeljeni jednom ponuđaču. I Zakon je djelimično išao u
tom pravcu, ali uz komentar konsultanata, kao i kritički stav u fazi pripreme zakona,
dobar dio odredbe koja definiše lotove je brisan, a bio je u potpunosti harmonizovan
sa direktivama.
f) Praćenje realizacije ugovora je novina u direktivama EU, ali ova novina ide potpuno opravdano iz više razloga. Praćenje realizacije ugovora je jedna od najkritičnijih
tačaka (ili faza) u sistemu javnih nabavki. U fazi realizacije ugovora dolazi do različitih
promjena, koje su takve prirode da su postojale u momentu nadmetanja za ugovor, pitanje je da li bi taj ponuđač dobio ugovor. Praksa i nalazi revizija su ukazali da upravo
u fazi realizacije ugovora dolazi do devijacija, koje se direktno odražavaju na kršenje
principa javnih nabavki. Ovdje dolaze do izražaja i objektivne i subjektivne slabosti
postupka javne nabavke. Naime, u situacijama kada postoje i opravdani razlozi za izmjenu ugovora, kao i promptno reagovanje, na sceni imamo formu i niz formalističkih
zahtjeva koji samo otežavaju ukupnu situaciju ugovornom organu. Isto tako, kada se
dodjeli ugovor, i kada počne realizacija, izabrani ponuđač i ugovorni organ se, iza zatvorenih vrata (nema transparentnosti) dogovaraju o promjenama.
Primjena principa transparentnosti i objava realizacije ugovora, daje puni legalitet
svim izmjenama koje su opravdane i koje ni na koji način ne narušavaju osnovne zahtjeve koji su postavljeni u fazi provođenja postupka javne nabavke i dodjele ugovora.
Također, praćenjem realizacije ugovora, uz objavu plana nabavki, pratit će se stvarna
potrošnja unutar ugovornog organa, odnosno pokazat će se sve slabosti planiranja,
procjena, ispitivanja tržišta i svih drugih predradnji, koje su neophodne za kvalitetnu
nabavku i poštivanje principa „vrijednost za novac“.
Zakon je definisao obavezu objave realizacije ugovora na svojoj web stranici (sa
linkom na Portal javnih nabavki), kao i obaveznu formu i elemente koji se prate u fazi
realizacije ugovora ( i okvirnih sporazuma).
U vrijeme kada svaka zemlja pokušava pronaći put za izlazak iz krize, osnažiti
svoju privredu, i definisati nabavke kao dio procesa jačanja privrede, implementacija
novih direktiva EU bit će poseban izazov. Nacionalna zakonodavstva zemalja članica
treba da implementaciju direktiva dovrše do aprila 2016. godine, ali da pri tome se
odrede i za one elemente iz direktiva EU koje su date kao opcija, na način da svoje
ekonomije učine dovoljno otvorenim i atraktivnim za privredne subjekte.
Zemlje kandidati i potencijalni kandidati imaju dovoljno vremena da u potpunosti
harmoniziraju nacionalno zakonodavstvo sa direktivama EU, vodeći se pri tome da
preuzmu sve one odredbe direktiva koje pogoduju ekonomiji i privredi zemlje. Pri
tome je bitno istaći da educiranje privrednih subjekata treba da dobije značajno mjesto
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Propisi o javnim nabavkama u Bosni i Hercegovini sa osvrtom na rješenja iz Direktiva 24/2014 i 25/2014
uz edukaciju ugovornih organa, u smislu da se potiču za nastupe kao grupe ponuđača,
da neformalna komunikacija na tržištu treba da bude dobra praksa, a ne način kako
da se postupak ruši u žalbenim postupcima. Nema postupka nabavke koji nema svoju
slabu tačku, i ako ćemo vrijeme trošiti na traženju slabih tačaka , a ne na zdravoj konkurenciji, pitanje je da li će se privreda ojačati! 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Đinita Fočo
Regulations on public procurement in
Bosnia and Herzegovina with reference
to solutions from Directives 24/2014 and
Đinita Fočo, Dipl. Iur
Director of Public Procurement Agency
“Public procurement plays a key role in the Europe 2020 strategy, set out in the Commission Communication of 3 March 2010 entitled ‘Europe 2020, a strategy for smart,
sustainable and inclusive growth’ (‘Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’), as one of the market-based instruments to be used to achieve smart,
sustainable and inclusive growth while ensuring the most efficient use of public funds.
For that purpose, the public procurement rules adopted pursuant to Directive 2004/17/
EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (4) and Directive 2004/18/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council (5) should be revised and modernised in order
to increase the efficiency of public spending, facilitating in particular the participation
of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in public procurement, and to enable
procurers to make better use of public procurement in support of common societal goals.
There is also a need to clarify basic notions and concepts to ensure legal certainty and to
incorporate certain aspects of related well-established case-law of the Court of Justice of
the European Union.”1
Bosnia and Herzegovina, similar to countries in the region, countries of the EU
as well as of the whole world struggled with the consequences of the economic crisis
and took steps to stop further fall of economies and other consequences caused by the
economic crisis. In the light of those events, market disturbances, competitions to get
contracts, the weak economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina had problems coping with
February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Regulations on public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina with reference to solutions …
the difficulties of getting contracts, due to formalism and form required by regulations
on public procurement.
Therefore, in 2011, Bosnia and Herzegovina started to prepare a new text of the law
on public procurement, after a number of analyses of regulations as well as good and
bad practices in the area of public procurement both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
in the region. It is also important to emphasise that a complex organisation of Bosnia
and Herzegovina as well as the existence of a large number of legislative bodies (14)
made the process of regulation of this area considerably more difficult. A large number of regulations, passed by different legislative levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
directly or indirectly influence the public procurement system and they are usually not
harmonised with the regulations on public procurement.
In such an environment and under a great influence of the non-governmental sector, the text of the law sent to the procedure has suffered changes from that moment
on, some of which are essential, through 47 adopted amendments.
Approximately at the same time when the preparation of the new text began, the
European Commission also began with the preparation of new directives. However,
in the phase in which the text of the directives got a final form, the Agency for public
procurement, as the competent body for proposing laws, had already sent the text of
the law to the procedure. Nevertheless, certain observations and analysed results from
practice were included in the text of the law and those solutions follow the same direction as the EU Directives 2014/24 and 2014/25.
Đinita Fočo
New solutions in regulations on public procurement of Bosnia and
a) When specifying new solutions in the area of public procurement in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, it should be pointed out that for the first time there is a clear distinction
between the contracting authorities of the so-called “classical” sector and the so-called
“Sectoral” contracting authorities. Definitions of the contracting authorities are fully
harmonised with the EU Directives 24/2014 and 25/2014.
Article 4 of the Law on Public Procurement (hereinafter referred to as “the Law”)
reads as follows:
Paragraph (1) item a):
Any administrative authority at BiH, Entity, Brčko District, Cantonal, City or Municipal level
(hereinafter referred to as „authorities at State, Entity or local levels of administration“).
Paragraph (1) item b):
A legal person established for a specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest,
not having an industrial or commercial character, and meeting at least one of the following
conditions: 1)Financed, for the most part, from public funds; or 2)Subject to management supervision by the contracting authorities defined in items
a) and b) of this item; or 3)Having an administrative, managerial, or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed or voted representatives of the contracting authorities
from items a) and b) of this paragraph.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Regulations on public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina with reference to solutions …
Đinita Fočo
Paragraph (1) item c):
Association formed by one or more authorities or legal persons defined in items a) and b)
of this paragraph.
Article 5 of the Law which reads as follows:
(1) Sectoral contracting authority shall comply with this law if it performs activities in the area
of the distribution of water, energy, transport and postal services, namely:
a) The contracting authority from Article 4 of this law when supplying goods, services, or
work for the purpose of performing activities specified in Article 78 to 83 of this law;
b) Any public enterprise carrying out one or more activities defined in Articles 78 to
83 of this Law, over which a contracting authority or several contracting authorities
may exercise a direct or indirect dominant influence by virtue of its ownership of it,
its financial participation therein, or the rules which govern it, when supplying goods,
services or work for the purpose of performing those activities. A dominant influence
in the sense of this item exists in the case when the contracting authority directly or
1) Owns more than half of share capital of that enterprise; or
2) Holds more than half of votes attached to shares in that enterprise;
3) Can appoint more than half of the members of the administration, management
or supervisory board of that enterprise.
(2) Any public enterprise which performs one or more activities specified in Articles 78 to
83 of this law, on the basis of a special or exclusive right, and when supplying goods,
services, or work for the purpose of performing those activities, and it is not a contracting
authority in the sense of this law, or a public enterprise in the sense of paragraph (1) item
b) of this Article, is obliged to comply with this Law.
b) Furthermore, the strict form which eventually became formalism, influenced
a different approach to defining proof of eligibility for certain contract. Namely, due
to complexity of collecting proof of eligibility for proving ability of tenderers, various regulations, costs of obtaining necessary documents in order to prove eligibility,
the law prescribes only a statement notarised by the competent authority which the
tenderer submits in the phase of competing for the contract, whereas only the winner
submits documentation before the contract is signed.
The new Directives also follow the direction of proving eligibility by statements.
However, in the EU Member States, it is easy to determine in a simple manner, whether the information from the statement is true or false, because there are unified registers and databases for facts required for proving eligibility. In Bosnia and Herzegovina either there are no unified registers or databases for business entities or they are
partial, not connected, so it is difficult to prove facts from statements in this manner.
Therefore, the law provides for two conditions - that the tenderer/candidate meets all
conditions at the moment of giving the statement, and that the facts given in the statement are confirmed by the tenderer/candidate in the subsequently submitted required
The advantage of this solution is that only the winner submits documentation
which confirms the facts in the statement. In the event that the winner did not meet
the requirements at the moment of giving the statement, and he still gave the statement, and if this is subsequently determined once he had submitted the documentation, then there is the possibility of filing criminal charges for false statement.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Regulations on public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina with reference to solutions …
The time will show if this solution is practical, because if the winner meets the
requirements and has the documents, then could he submit the documents with the
statement. Another question which arises is the question of the time limit within
which the selected tenderer is obliged to submit the proof, and along with this, the
right of inspection of the submitted documentation by the other participants in the
procedure. Prolongation of awarding the contract if the selected tenderer does not
submit the proof and the second-ranked is called to submit the proof - should this be
within the same time limit, do the other participants have the right to inspection again
- so these are all questions that could arise whether according to the law or through the
implementation of directives in national legislation.
c) One of the possibilities given by the law within the provisions on technical specifications is technical consultations. In this way an “answer” is given to the judgement
of the ECJ “Fabricom” as well as to avoiding fictitious proving that the one that prepared technical specification was not in a more favourable position in relation to the
other tenderers who compete for that contract.
Đinita Fočo
Article 52 the Law defines:
(5) If certain business entity directly or indirectly participated in technical consultations during the preparation of the public procurement procedure, the contracting authority has to
take certain measures to ensure that the competition is not compromised by the participation of that business entity as a candidate/tenderer in the public procurement procedure
in relation to other candidates/tenderers. Such measures include giving information communicated during technical consultations or resulting from technical consultations to the
rest of the candidates/tenderers as well as determining adequate time limits for receiving
applications and tenders. The contracting authority specifies the measures taken in the
minutes on the assessment of tenders from Article 65 of this law.
(6) The business entity from paragraph (5) of this Article cannot participate in the public
procurement procedure as a candidate/tenderer only if there is no other way to ensure
respect for the principle of equal treatment.
This method of defining of proving the absence of “favouritism” or bringing the
tenderer who prepared technical specifications into a “more favourable” position,
gives all potential tenderers, at the same time, the opportunity to inspect technical
specifications, and if they are “discriminatory” they can point that out to the contracting authority in time. This represents one way of “saving” the procedure of public
procurement. However, the practice showed that the one that prepared the technical
specifications should automatically be excluded from the procurement procedure according to that subject of procurement (the rules of the WB, EBRD, and other international organisations).
d) Prevention of conflicts of interest in public procurement should be viewed from
various perspectives. One of the basic perspectives is the conflict of interest managers
of the contracting authority or of members of the supervisory or management board.
In this case we can speak of one of the forms of the “political” conflict of interest.
The conflict of interest also occurs in the work of the commission. It is a fact that
directives are not familiar with the commission as a tool in the public procurement
system, and this is the next level of the conflict of interest. In every public procurement procedure, every member of the commission should make a statement immedi1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Regulations on public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina with reference to solutions …
Đinita Fočo
ately when appointed, that in the event of the existence of a conflict of interest, at any
moment of the procedure, he/she will submit a request for dismissal from the public
procurement commission due to the existence of the conflict of interest, for the purpose of the integrity of the member of the commission. It is difficult to answer to what
level a conflict of interest is deemed to exist and how far, whether to go according to
kinship or introduce some other parameters as well, provable and possible. But it is
very important to act timely and in a preventable way also in this segment on the level
of national legislation.
According to public procurement regulations, statements notarised by a competent
authority are the first step to preventing conflicts of interest in public procurement.
e) Division into lots given to countries as an optional requirement that has to be
regulated by national legislation is going in the direction of the support for small and
medium-size companies. However, in this case a reasonable question which arises is
– how and in what way to explain the reasons why the contracting authority did not
divide the subject of public procurement into lots. Should there be sanctions? Who
would be competent to assess the justification of the reasons due to which there was
no division into lots?
It is also possible to go in another direction – why not motivate small and mediumsize companies to team up for the purpose of competing for larger contracts. How
big of a help is it for the small and medium-size companies to get contracts divided
into lots (smaller value contracts) and always be in the rank of small and medium-size
companies. With getting contracts divided into lots, they will never get references for
competing for more significant contracts, or for small companies to enter the rank of
middle-size companies or for middle-size companies to enter the rank of large companies. The division into lots should be encouraged whenever this is justified (economically, technically), but what should also be considered are certain incentives in case of
teaming up and acting together of several small or middle-size companies.
Furthermore, with regard to the lots, directives are going in the direction of the
possibility to limit the number of contracts which will be awarded to one tenderer, so
that the lots to be awarded to one tenderer can be connected in tender documentation. The Law, too, partly went in that direction, however, due to the commentary of
consultants and the critical position in the phase of the preparation of the Law, a significant part of the provision defining lots was erased although it was fully harmonised
with the Directive.
f) Monitoring of the realisation of the contract is a novelty in the EU directives but
this novelty is completely justified for several reasons. Monitoring of the realisation
of the contract is one of the most critical points (or phases) in the public procurement
system. Various changes happen in the phase of the realisation of the contract. The
nature of those changes is such that it is questionable whether that tenderer would
have got the contract, if they had existed at the moment of the competition for the contract. The practice and results of audits have shown that deviations happen precisely
in the phase of the realisation of the contract, and those deviations directly reflect on
the violation of the principle of public procurement. Both objective and subjective
deficiencies of the public procurement procedure are manifested here. Namely, in
situations when there are justified reasons for changing the contract and for prompt
reaction, we have the form and a number formalistic requirements which only compli1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Regulations on public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina with reference to solutions …
cate the whole situation for the contracting authority. Furthermore, when the contract
is awarded and when the realisation starts, the selected tenderer and the contracting
authority discuss changes behind a closed door (no transparency).
The application of the principle of transparency and the publication of the realisation of the contract give full legality to all modifications that are justified and do
not violate in any way basic requirements set in the phase of the implementation of
the procedure of public procurement and awarding the contract. In addition, with
monitoring the realisation of the contract and with the publication of the procurement
plan, the actual consumption within the contracting authority will be monitored, all
deficiencies of planning, assessments, market researches, and all other preliminary
actions necessary for quality procurement and for respecting the principle “value for
money” will be shown.
The Law defined the obligation of the publication of the realisation of the contract
on its website (with a link to the Public Procurement Portal), as well as the obligatory form and elements monitored in the phase of the realisation of the contract (and
framework agreements).
Đinita Fočo
At the time when every country is trying to find a way out of the crisis, to strengthen its economy and to define procurement as part of the process for strengthening the
economy, the implementation of new EU directives will be a special challenge. National legislations of the Member States should finish the implementation of directives
until April 2016, but at the same time they should also determine the elements of the
EU directives given as options in order to make their economies open and attractive
enough for economic entities.
Candidate countries and potential candidates have enough time to fully harmonise
their national legislation with the EU directives focusing on taking over those provisions of the directives which favour the economy of the country. It is import to emphases that the education of economic entities should have an important place next to
the education of contracting authorities, in the sense that they should be encouraged
to team up as groups of tenderers, that informal communication on the market should
be good practise and not the way to ruin the proceeding in the appeal proceedings.
There is no procurement procedure without deficiencies, and if we waste time on looking for deficiencies, and not on healthy competition, it is questionable if the economy
will be strengthened! 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Koncesije – iskustva Srbije
Radojko Obradović, direktor
Institut za javne finansije Beograd
U Republici Srbiji sve više se afirmiše javno-privatno partnerstvo sa ili bez elemenata koncesije. Zakonski modeli se unapredjuju, i od 1997. godine do danas tri
puta je usvajan novi zakon kojim se reguliše ova oblast. Pokretani su i postupci za
davanje koncesija. Do sada se pokazalo da su koncesije koje su iz nadležnosti lokalne
samouprave uspešnije i efikasnije od koncesija na republičkom nivou. To je razumljivo, uzimajući u obzir da su koncesije na lokalnom novou, manje vrednosti, a time i sa
manjim rizikom i lakše za realizaciju. Na osnovu dosadašnjih iskustava mogu se izvući
određeni zaključci, na osnovu kojih je moguće unaprediti postupke i narednom periodu povećati uspešnost pokrenutih postupaka i povećati broj koncesija.
Ključne reči: javno-privatno partnerstvo, koncesija, koncesionar, koncedent.
Pravni okvir
U Republici Srbiji na snazi je Zakon o javno-privatnom partnerstvu i koncesijama
(„Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije“, br. 88/2011). Ovim zakonom uređuju se: uslovi i
način izrade, predlaganje i odobravanje projekata javno-privatnog partnerstva; određuju subjekti nadležni, odnosno ovlašćeni za predlaganje i realizaciju projekata javnoprivatnog partnerstva; prava i obaveze javnih i privatnih partnera; oblik i sadržina
ugovora o javno-privatnom partnerstvu sa ili bez elemenata koncesije i pravna zaštita
u postupcima dodele javnih ugovora; uslovi i način davanja koncesije, predmet koncesije, prestanak koncesije; zaštita prava učesnika u postupcima dodele javnih ugovora;
osnivanje, položaj i nadležnost Komisije za javno privatno partnerstvo, kao i druga
pitanja od značaja za javno-privatno partnerstvo, sa ili bez elemenata koncesije, odnosno za koncesiju.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Koncesije – iskustva Srbije
Osnovna načela javno-privatnog partnerstva i koncesije utvrđena zakonom su: zaštita javnog interesa, efikasnost, transparentnost, jadnak i pravičan tretmana, slobodna tržišna utakmica, proporcionalnost, zaštita životne sredine, autonomija volje i ravnopravnost ugovornih strana. Takođe, prema zakonu, prilikom sprovođenja postupka
davanja koncesije, davalac koncesije dužan je da, u odnosu na sve učesnike u postupku, pored osnovnih načela, primenjuje i načelo slobode kretanja robe, načelo slobode
pružanja usluga, načelo zabrane diskriminacije i načelo uzajamnog priznavanja.
Javno-privatno partnerstvo u smislu zakona, jeste dugoročno saradnja između
javnog i privatnog partnera radi obezbeđivanja finansiranja, izgradnje, rekonstrukcije, upravljanje ili održavanje infrastrukturnih i drugih objekata od značaja i pružanja
usluga od javnog značaja, koje može biti ugovorno ili institucionalno.
Koncesija, u smislu ovog zakona, jeste ugovorno javno-privatno partnerstvo sa
elementima koncesije u kome je javnim ugovorom uređeno komercijalno korišćenje prirodnog bogatstva, odnosno dobra u opštoj upotrebi koja su u javnoj svojini ili
obavljanje delatnosti od opšteg interesa, koje nadležno javno telo ustupa domaćem
ili stranom licu, na određeno vreme, pod posebno propisanim uslovima, uz plaćanje
koncesione naknade od strane privatnog, odnosno javnog partnera, pri čemu privatni
partner snosi rizik vezan za komercijalno korišćenje predmeta koncesije. Koncesija
za javne radove je ugovorni odnos istovetan ugovoru o javnoj nabavci kojim se vrši
nabavka radova u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuju javne nabavke, osim činjenice
da se naknada za javne radove sastoji ili od samog prava na komercijalno korišćenje
izvedenih radova ili od tog prava zajedno sa plaćanjem. Koncesija za usluge je ugovorni odnos istovetan ugovoru ugovoru o javnoj nabavci usluga u skladu sa zakonom
kojim se uređuju javne nabavke, ako se naknada za pružene usluge sastoji ili od samog
prava na komercijalno korišćenje, odnosno pružanje usluga ili od tog prava zajedno
sa plaćanjem.
Koncesija se može dati radi komercijalnog korišćenja pripodnog bogatstva, odnosno dobra u opštoj upotrebi koja su u javnoj svojini ili obavljanje delatnosti od opšteg interesa, a naročito: za istraživanje i ekploataciju mineralnih sirovina i drugih
geoloških resursa; za pojedine delatnosti unutar zaštićenih područja pripode, kao i
za korišćenje drugih zaštićenih prirodnih bogatstava; u oblasti energetike; za luke; za
javne puteve; za javni prevoz; za aerodrome; u oblasti sporta i obrazovanja; na kulturnim dobrima; za komunalne delatnosti; u oblasti železnice; za komercijalno korišćenje
žičara; u oblasti zdravstva; u oblasti turizma; i drugim oblastima.
Davalac koncesije može biti: Vlada, u ime Republike Srbije kada su javna tela i
predmet koncesije u nadležnosti Republike Srbije; Vlada autonomne pokrajine, u ime
autonomne pokrajine kada su javna tela i predmet koncesije u nadležnosti autonomne
pokrajine; skupština jedinice lokalne samouprave, kada su javna tela i predmet koncesije u nadležnosti jedinice lokalne samouprave; javno preduzeće, odnosno pravno lice
ovlašćeno posebnim propisom za davanje koncesije.
Javni ugovor se zaključuje kao ugovor o javnoj nabavci ili kao ugovor o koncesiji.
Postupak dodele javnog ugovora sa javno-privatno partnerstvo sa ili bez elemenata
koncesije, pokreće se objavljivanjem javnog poziva.
Piprema se potrebna dokumentacija u skladu sa medjunarodnim standardima i
čitava pocedura je uobičajena za sklapanje javnih ugovora.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Radojko Obradović
Koncesije – iskustva Srbije
Radojko Obradović
Zakonom je predvidjeno i formiranje Komisije za javno privatno partnerstvo, sa
osnovnim zadatkom pružanja stručne pomoći pri realizaciji projekata javno-privatnih
partnerstava. Komisiju ima devet članova, koje na period od pet godina imenuje Vlada. Komisija pomaže u pripremi predloga, ali je posebno značajno da daje mišljenja u
postupku odobravanja predloga JPP projekata bez elemenata koncesije i u postupku
predlaganja koncesionog akta nadležnim organima za odobrenje.
Dosadašnja iskustva
Prva iskustva u davanju koncesija datiraju iz perioda Kraljevine Srbije i kasnije
Kraljevine Jugoslavije i dodeljivane su uglavnom za eksploataciju rudnih bogatstava.
Nakon Drugog svetskog rata do devedesetih godina prošlog veka nije bilo iskustava u koncesijama, a onda je 1991. godine zaključen koncesioni ugovor za izgradnju
mosta preko Drine, Pavlovića ćuprija. Koncesija je zaključena na period od 30 godina.
Koncesionar je finasirao i izgradio most i time ispunio ugovorne uslove, tako da naplaćuje naknadu. Postoje problemi sa računovodstvenim izveštavanjem i verovatno će
u narednom periodu ovaj koncesioni ugovor biti predmet analize.
U Republici Srbije je 1997. godine usvojen Zakon o koncesijama („Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije“, br. 20/97, 22/97 i 25/97). Na osnovu ovog zakona, početkom
2000. godine dodeljena je koncesija za izgradnju, korišćenje i održavanje dela autoputa
od Beograda do Novog Sada. Koncesiju je Vlada Republike Srbije dodelila konzorcijumu „RAST“, koji su činili Beogradska banka, PIM „Ivan Milutinović“ i „Borovica transport“. Koncesija je dodeljena na neuobičajeno kratak rok od šest godina. Zanimljivo
je da je neposredno nakon zaključenja koncesionog ugovora koncesionar preuzeo naplatu putarine na deonici od Beograda do Novog Sada i da je iznos naplaćene putarine
porastao za više od 50%. Koncesioni ugovor je raskinut zbog prekoračenja rokova,
prekida gradnje i nepoštovanja obaveza računovodstvenog izveštavanja.
U periodu posle dve hiljadite godine ponovo se afirmiše ideja koncesija, kao mogućnosti za nove investicije, odnosno za podizanje efikasnosti u nekim oblastima u
kojima su javna i komunalna preduzeća obavljala delatnost. To je rezultiralo i novim
Zakonom o koncesiji („Službeni glasnik“, br. 55/2003).
Na osnovu novog zakona, a radi obezbeđenja sredstava za finansiranje kapitalnih
investicija, 2006. godine je raspisan tender za koncesiju za izgradnju dela auto-puta
Subotica-Novi Sad i pokrenute su procedure za koncesiju za auto-put Niš-granica sa
Bugarskom i Horgoš-Požega, a takođe i za istraživanje i eksploataciju raznih ruda na
više lokacija.
Koncesija za izgradnju, korišćenje i održavanje auto-puta Horgoš-Požega dodeljena je španskoj firmi FCC i austrijskoj „Alpini“ na period od 25 godina. Predmet
koncesije je izgradnja leve trake auto-puta Horgoš-Novi Sad, u dužini od 107 kilometara i pun profil auto-puta od Novog Sada do Požege, ukupne dužine 148 kilometara.
Procenjena vrednost investicije bila je oko 1,5 milijardi evra uključujući i troškove
eksproprijacije zemljišta. U javnosti su postavljana brojna pitanja oko ugovora, aneksa
ugovora i drugih detalja za koncesiju. Očigledno da postupak pripreme ove koncesije nije bio odgovarajući, kao ni prateći akti, a rezultat je da je konzorcijum „AlpinaPor“ jednostrano raskinuo ugovor o koncesiji 16. decembra 2008. godine. Razlog je po
tvrdnjama koncesionara to što ih je Vlada Republike Srbije onemogućila da zatvore
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Koncesije – iskustva Srbije
finansijsku konstrukciju za taj projekat. Koncesionari su pred arbitražom u Parizu, u
maju 2009. godine pokrenuli postupak sa zahtevom za obeštećenje na ime izgubljene
dobiti i ulaganja u koncesiju od 71 milion evra. Vlada Republike Srbije je sa druge
strane imala stav da koncesioni ugovor nije nikada ni stupio na snagu, jer koncesionar
nije u ugovorenom roku zatvorio finansijsku konstrukciju. Austrijska kompanija je
pokrenula spor pred sudom u Austriju, koji je Republika Srbija prvo izgubila, a potom drugostepenom izvršnom presudom uspela da povuče bankarsku garanciju od 10
miliona evra. I u ovom slučaju se pokazalo da nedovoljno dobra i kvalitetna priprema
i manjkavosti ugovora, neminovno vode u probleme i sudske sporove, odnosno rezultiraju neuspešnim koncesijama.
U Republici Srbiji na snazi je Zakon o javno-privatnom partnerstvu i koncesijama
(„Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, br. 88/2011). U skladu sa zakonom formirana je
i radi Komisija za javno privatno partnerstvo. Komisija je od formiranja razmatrala
veliki broj predloga koncesionih akata i prema zvanično objavljenim informnacijama
dala je pozitivno mišljenje na: Predlog koncesionog akta za poveravanje obavljanja
delatnosti gradskog-prigradskog prevoza putnika na teritoriju grada Loznice; Predlog
koncesionog akta za projektovanje, finansiranje, izgradnju, održavanje i upravljanje
javnom garažom u Šapcu; Predlog koncesionog akta za poveravanje obavljanja komunalne delatnosti prigradskog prevoza putnika na teritoriji opštine Topola; Predlog
koncesionog akta za poveravanje obavljanja delatnosti gradsko-prigradskog prevoza
putnika na teritoriji grada Jagodine; Predlog koncesionog akta za poveravanje obavljanja komunalne delatnosti sakupljanja i transporta komunalnog otpada sa seoskog područja opštine Topola; Predlog koncesionog akta za poveravanje obavljanja komunalne delatnosti sakupljanja i transporta komunalnog otpada sa seoskog područja opštine
Žagubica; Predlog koncesionog akta za obavljanja komunalne delatnosti gradskog i
prigradskog prevoza putnika na teritoriji grada Šapca; Predlog koncesionog akta sa
Analizom finansijsko-ekonomskih efekata davanja koncesije na auto-put E-763, Beograd-Požega; Predlog koncesionog akta kojim se predlaže poveravanje poslova proizvodnje i distribucije toplotne energije na teritoriji opštine Batočina; Predlog koncesionog akta kojim se predlaže izgradnja regionalnog centra za upravljanje otpadom
U prethodne tri godine, većina zahteva odnosila se za predloge koncesionih akata
koji su u nadležnosti lokalne samouprave, a samo jedan je bio iz nadležnosti Vlade.
Vlada se saglasila svojom odlukom od 4.februara 2013. godine da se kao model
finansiranja za izgradnju deonice od Beograda do Obrenovca i od Preljine do Požege
usvoji koncesioni model. Predmet koncesije je deo autoputskog pravca E-763 od Surčina do Požege u dužini od 151,7 kilometara (Deonica 1: od Surčina do Obrenovca:
finansiranje, projektovanje, izgradnja, korišćenje i održavanje dela autoputa E-763 u
dužini od 17,6 kilometara; Deonica 2: od Preljine do Požege: finansiranje, projektovanje, izgradnja, korišćenje i održavanje dela autoputa E-763 u dužini od oko 30,96
kilometara; Deonica 3: od Obrenovca do Preljine: korišćenje i održavanje dela autoputa E-763 u dužini od 103.14 kilometara). Modelom ugovora o koncesiji predviđeno
je da je period na koji se daje koncesija do 35 godina i da taj period obuhvata i period
izgradnje koji bi preložio koncesionar. Na osnovu Međudržavnog ugovora između Republike Srbije i NR Kine, raspisan je konkurs za izbor koncesionara, a koji se odnosio
samo na preduzeća registrovana na teritoriji NR Kine. Nakon sprovedenog postupka
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Radojko Obradović
Koncesije – iskustva Srbije
Radojko Obradović
uslove su ispunile dve kineske kompanije i one su nastavile postupak davanja koncesije. Međutim, nijedna od dve kompanije nije u predviđenom roku dostavila ponudu.
Predmetni postupak još nije do kraja završen, a verovatno je da će u skladu sa zakonom koncesija u ovoj fazi biti proglašena neuspešnom. Razloga je verovatno više, a
osnovni je da u ovoj fazi nije bila predviđena garancija Vlade za broj vozila na deonici,
a kompanije nisu mogle da preuzmu i tu vrstu rizika.
U poslednjih dvadesetak godina u Srbiji postoji više iskustava sa koncesijama. Na
nivou republike uglavnom su predmet potencijalnih koncesija bile izgradnje autoputeva. I na žalost, sve dosadašnje koncesije su se pokazale kao neuspešne. U pojedinim
slučajevima postupci izbora koncesionara su bili neuspešni, a u više slučajeva su izabrani koncesionari, a onda su koncesioni ugovori raskidani zbog nepoštovanja ugovornih obaveza.
Ohrabruje činjenica da lokalne samouprave pokreći inicijative za koncesije iz svojih nadležnosti. Reč je o manjim investicijama, tako da je i verovatnoća uspešnog rezultata veća.
Razlozi za neuspehe prethodnih koncesija leže uglavnom u nedovoljnoj pripremljenosti samih akata. U postupak koncesija kreće se bez detaljne projektne dokumentacije, što značajno otežava procenu vrednosti investicije i stvara rizik od nemogućnosti
realizovanja zahteva neke od strana. Kako je reč o izuzetno vrednim projektima teško
se obezbeđuju potrebne garancije i time je realizacija projekta neizvesnija.
Naredni koraci u svakom slučaju moraju biti usmereni ka edukaciji i osposobljavanju kadrova koji će se u budućnosti baviti svim aspektima koncesija, a sa druge strane investiranjem u detaljnu razradu projektne dokumentacije, kada je reč o najvećim
projektima, čime će i koncesionar i koncedent biti u mogućnosti da realnije sagledaju
sve potrebne aspekte projekta, a time i stvaraju uslove za pravilnu procenu vrednosti
koncesionog ugovora. 90
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Concessions – Serbian Experience
Radojko Obradović
Institute of Public Finance, Beograd
Public-private partnership with or without elements of concession has been winning recognition in the Republic of Serbia. Legal framework is being updated and
since 1997 a new law regulating this area has been adopted three times. The procedures for granting concessions have been actuated. Until now, it has been proved that
the concessions within the jurisdiction of the local government are more efficient and
effective than the concession on the national level. This is understandable, given that
the concession at the local level have lesser value, and, thus, run a lower risk and are
easier to realize. Based on previous experiences certain conclusions can be drawn on
the basis of which it is possible to improve the processes, increase the success of the
upcoming processes as well as increase the number of concessions.
Keywords: public-private partnerships, concessions, concessionaire, grantor.
Legal Framework
In Serbia, the Act on Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions is in force („Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, no. 88/2011). This Act regulates the conditions
and the manner of preparation, proposing and approving projects of public-private
partnerships; it determines the subjects responsible or authorized to propose and
implement projects of public-private partnerships; the rights and the obligations of
public and private partners; the form and the content of public-private partnership
contract with or without elements of concession and the legal protection in the processes of awarding public contracts; the conditions and the manner of giving concessions, the subject of the concession, the termination of the concession; the protection
of the participants’ rights in the processes of public contracts awarding; the creation,
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Concessions – Serbian Experience
Radojko Obradović
the status and the authority of the Commission for Public Private Partnerships, as well
as other issues of importance to public-private partnerships with or without elements
of concession, for each concession respectively.
The basic principles of public-private partnerships and concessions are established
by law: protection of the public interest, efficiency, transparency, fair treatment, free
competition, proportionality, protection of the environment, autonomy and equality
of the parties. Also, according to the law, during the procedure of granting a concession, the concession grantor shall, with respect to all participants in the process, in
addition to the basic principles, consider also the principle of free movement of goods,
the principle of freedom to provide services, the principle of non-discrimination and
the principle of mutual recognition.
Public-private partnership in terms of law is a long-term cooperation between
public and private partners to secure financing, construction, reconstruction, management and maintenance of infrastructure and other facilities of interest and provision
of services of public interest, which may be contractual or institutional.
The concession, in terms of this Act, is the contractual public-private partnership
with the elements of the concession in which the public contract regulates the commercial use of natural resources or goods in general use which are publicly owned or
performs activities of general interest which the responsible public body assigns to the
national or foreign person for a certain period, under the special conditions, subject
to payment of concession fees by private or public partners, where the private partner
bears the risk connected to commercial use of the concession subject. Public work
concession is a contractual relationship identical to the public procurement contract
which implements the procurement in accordance with the Act governing public procurement, except for the fact that the reimbursement for public work consists of the
rights to the commercial use of the work performed, or of the same right including the
payment. Service concession is a contractual relationship identical to the contract of
public procurement of service in accordance with the law governing public procurement, if the reimbursement for services consists either of the rights of commercial use
or the provision of services or the same right including the payment.
The concession may be granted due to commercial use of natural resources or
goods in general use, which are publicly owned or for performing activities of general interest, in particular for: research and exploitation of mineral deposits and other
geological resources; for certain activities within protected areas-nature, as well as the
use of other protected natural resources; in the field of energy; for ports; for public
roads; for public transport; for airports; in the field of sport and education; the cultural
goods; for public utilities; in the field of railways; for commercial use of lifts; in the
health field; in the field of tourism; and other areas.
The concession grantor may be: the Government on behalf of the Republic of Serbia when public bodies and the objects of the concession are under the jurisdiction
of the Republic of Serbia; the government of the autonomous region on behalf of the
autonomous region when public bodies and objects of the concessions are under the
jurisdiction of the autonomous region; assembly of the local government unit when
public bodies and objects of the concession are under the jurisdiction of local governments; public enterprise or legal entity authorized by a special Concession Regulations.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Concessions – Serbian Experience
Public contract is concluded as a public procurement contract or concession agreement. Public contract awarding procedure with a public-private partnership with or
without elements of concession commences when a public call is published.
The necessary documentation is prepared in accordance with International Standards; and the complete public contracting procedure is performed as usual.
The Law also regulates the establishment of the Commission for Public Private
Partnership, with the primary objective to provide expert assistance in the implementation of public-private partnership projects. The Commission is formed of nine members who are appointed by the Government for a period of five years. The Commission assists in the preparation of the proposal, but it is especially important to give its
opinions in the process of approving the public-private partnership projects without
elements of concession and in the process of proposing concession document to the
competent authorities for their approval.
Radojko Obradović
Past Experiences
First experiences in granting concessions date back to the period of the Kingdom
of Serbia and later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and were generally granted for the exploitation of mineral resources.
After the Second World War and until the nineties in the last century there were
literally no concessions granted and therefore, no experience in concessions. In 1991,
a concession contract was concluded for the construction of a bridge over the Drina
river, the Pavlović bridge. The concession was concluded for a period of 30 years. The
concessionaire financed and built the bridge and thus fulfilled the contractual conditions, so that reimbursements are charged. There are problems with the accounting reports and, probably, this concession contract might be subject to analysis in the future.
In 1997, the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on Concessions (“Official Gazette
of the Republic of Serbia”, no. 20/97, 22/97 and 25/97). Based on this law, in early 2000,
the concession for the construction, operation and maintenance works of the highway between Belgrade and Novi Sad was granted. The Government of the Republic of
Serbia granted the concession to the “RAST” consortium which consisted of Belgrade
bank, “Ivan Milutinović” PIM and “Borovica transport”. The concession was awarded
for an unusually short period of six years. It is interesting that shortly after the conclusion of the concession contract, the concessionaire took over the toll collection on the
section between Belgrade and Novi Sad and that the amount of toll increased by more
than 50 %. The concession contract was terminated due to missed deadlines, interruptions in the construction and violation of the accounting report obligations.
In the period after the year 2000, the idea of concessions is reaffirmed as an opportunity for new investments, i.e. to raise efficiency in some areas where the public and
municipal utility companies were performing activities. This resulted in a new Law on
Concessions (“Official Gazette”, no. 55/2003).
Based on the new law, for the purpose of providing funds for capital investment
financing, an invitation to tender for the concession for the construction of part of the
highway Subotica − Novi Sad was opened and the procedures were initiated for the
concession for the highway Niš − Bulgarian border and Horgoš − Požega, as well as for
the exploration and exploitation of various ores in several locations.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Concessions – Serbian Experience
Radojko Obradović
The concession for the construction, operation and maintenance works of the
Horgoš − Požega highway was awarded to the Spanish company FCC and the Austrian
“Alpini” for a period of 25 years. The object of concession is the construction of the left
lane of the Horgoš − Novi Sad highway, the length of 107 kilometres, and a full profile
of the highway from Novi Sad to Požega, the total length of 148 kilometres. The estimated value of the investment was around 1.5 billion euros, including the cost of land
acquisition. The public asked numerous questions about the contract, the annex to the
contract and other details of the concession. Apparently, the process of preparation of
this concession was not appropriate, as well as the accompanying Acts, and the result
was that the “Alpina-Por” consortium unilaterally terminated the concession contract
on 16 December 2008. According to the claims of the concessionaire, the reason was
that the Government of the Republic of Serbia made it impossible to close the financial
structure for the project. In May 2009, the concessionaires entered an arbitration procedure in Paris and launched a process with a request for compensation for lost profits
and investment in the concession in the amount of 71 million euros. The Government
of the Republic of Serbia, on the other hand claimed that the concession contract had
never entered into force because the concessionaire did not close the financial structure within the agreed period. The Austrian company initiated the dispute before the
court in Austria, which the Republic of Serbia lost at first, and then at the second instance verdict managed to withdraw a bank guarantee of 10 million euros. This case
showed as well that insufficient and poor quality preparations and shortcomings of
the contract inevitably lead to problems and litigations, or result in failed concessions.
In the Republic of Serbia, the Law on Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions
is in force (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 88/2011). In accordance
with the Law, the Commission for Public Private Partnership has been formed and is
in function. The Commission has from its beginning considered the a large number
of concession laws proposals and according to the officially published information,
issued a positive opinion regarding: the Concession Act Proposal for entrusting the
performance of urban − suburban passenger transportation in the city of Loznica; the
Concession Act Proposal for the design, financing, construction, maintenance and
management of public garage in Šabac; the Concession Act Proposal for entrusting the
performance of public utilities for suburban passenger transport in the municipality of
Topola; the Concession Act Proposal for entrusting the performance of urban − suburban passenger transportation in the city of Jagodine; the Concession Act Proposal
for entrusting the performance of municipal utility services, collection and transportation of municipal waste from the Topola rural areas; the Concession Act Proposal for
entrusting the performance of municipal utility services, collection and transportation
of municipal waste from the rural areas of the Žagubica municipality; the Concession
Act Proposal for municipal communal activities of urban and suburban passenger
transportation in the city of Šabac; the Concession Act Proposal with the Analysis of
Financial and Economic Effects of granting concessions to the highway E-763, Belgrade − Požega; the Concession Act Proposal concerning the entrusting of production
and distribution of heat in the municipality of Batočina; the Concession Act Proposal
which concerns the construction of a regional waste management in the Kaleš center.
In the past three years, the majority of requests related to the Concession Act Proposals which are under the responsibility of local government, and only one request
was directed to the jurisdiction of the Government.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Concessions – Serbian Experience
The Government has agreed in its decision of February 4, 2013 to adopt a concession model as the model of financing the construction of the section from Belgrade to
Obrenovac and from Preljina to Požega. The object of the concession is the section of
the E-763 highway from Surčin to Požega in the a length of 151.7 kilometres (Section 1:
from Surčin to Obrenovac: financing, design, construction, operation and maintenance
work of the E-763 highway, a distance of 17.6 kilometres ; Section 2 from Preljina to
Požega: financing, design, construction, operation and maintenance work of the E-763
highway, in the length of about 30.96 kilometres; Section 3: from Obrenovac to Preljina:
the operation and maintenance of the highway E-763 in the length of 103.14 kilometres).
The concession agreement provides that the period for the concession granting is
35 years and that this period includes the period of construction proposed by the concessionaire. On the basis of the reciprocal Agreement between the Republic of Serbia
and the Republic of China, a tender for the selection of concessionaires was opened,
however, it pertained only to companies registered in the territory of the People›s Republic of China. After the procedure being concluded, two of the Chinese companies
fulfilled the conditions and they continued with the process of granting concessions.
However, neither of the two companies submitted the offer within the stipulated time.
The proceedings are still not completely finished, and, in accordance with the law, it
is likely that the concessions will at this stage be declared unsuccessful. The reasons
are probably multiple, but the primary one is that the government guarantee for the
number of vehicles on the section was not provided at this stage, and the companies
could not accept that kind of a risk.
Radojko Obradović
In the last twenty years, Serbia has had more experience with concessions. At the
national level, the construction of highways was predominantly the subject of potential concessions. And unfortunately, all past concessions have proved to be unsuccessful. In some cases, the concessionaire selection procedures were unsuccessful, and in
many cases concessionaires were selected, whereupon the concession contracts were
terminated due to non-compliance with contractual obligations.
Encouragingly, local governments support the initiatives for concessions from
their jurisdiction. Such concessions are a smaller investment, thus, the probability of a
successful outcome is bigger.
The reasons for the failures of the previous concessions can mainly be found in
the lack of preparation of the very acts. The concession processes are started without
sufficient detailed project documentation, which hampers significantly the assessment
of the investment value and creates the risk of inability of implementing the claims of
one of the parties. Since the projects are very valuable, the necessary guarantees are
difficult to provide, and thus, the implementation of the project is more unpredictable.
The following steps shall in any case be focused on education and training of personnel who will in the future deal with all aspects of concession, and at the same time
on investing in a detailed elaboration of project documentation when it comes to major projects, which will enable both the concessionaire and the grantor to realistically
comprehend all the aspects of the project, and, thus, create conditions for a proper
assessment of the concession contract value. 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Sistem pravnega varstva v postopkih
oddaje javnih naročil v Republiki Sloveniji
Borut Smrdel
predsednik Državne revizijske komisije
Načini, na katere so različne evropske države organizirale sistem pravnega varstva
v postopkih javnega naročanja, se od države do države precej razlikujejo. V grobem
obstajata dve možnosti.
Približno polovica držav članic EU (na primer Velika Britanija, Irska, Nizozemska,
Švedska, Italija, Francija) ni ustanovila posebnih in specializiranih organov pravnega
varstva za reševanje sporov iz postopkov oddaje javnih naročil. V teh državah je prevladalo mnenje, da splošna pravila civilnega in/ali upravnega postopka že ponujajo
dovolj procesnih zagotovil, ki jih zahtevajo pravovarstvene direktive (na primer spoštovanje obdobja mirovanja, možnost izdaje začasnih odredb, pooblastila za razveljavitev nezakonitih odločitev naročnikov, možnost povračila škode itd.). Tako imajo
v teh državah vse pristojnosti, ki zadevajo pravno varstvo v postopkih oddaje javnih
naročil v skladu z evropsko in/ali nacionalno zakonodajo, redna sodišča, bodisi civilna
ali upravna.
Druga polovica držav (na primer Nemčija, Danska, Madžarska, Češka, Slovaška,
Poljska) se je odločila ustanoviti posebne tribunale (na primer Tribunal za javna naročila, Arbitražni odbor, Pritožbeni senat, Revizijska komisija ipd.), katerih namen je
nuditi pravno varstvo v postopkih oddaje javnih naročil na način, kot ga zahtevajo
pravovarstvene direktive. Čeprav ti organi formalno niso del pravosodnega sistema,
imajo vsa potrebna pooblastila za odločanje o sporih med naročniki in ponudniki v
postopkih oddaje javnih naročil.
Ko se je v devetdesetih letih (v obdobju pridruževanja EU) v Republiki Sloveniji
odločalo o tem, kakšna naj bi bila najbolj primerna ureditev, je prevladalo stališče, da
je primerneje ustanoviti poseben, specializiran organ pravnega varstva, ki bo organi96
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Sistem pravnega varstva v postopkih oddaje javnih naročil v Republiki Sloveniji
ziran na način, kot to zahtevajo pravovarstvene direktive. V Sloveniji namreč postopki
oddaje javnih naročil pred letom 1993 na ravni nacionalne zakonodaje sploh niso bili
formalno urejeni, zato so v tistem času javna naročila predstavljala povsem novo področje urejanja v notranjem pravu. Zaradi tega razloga je prevladalo prepričanje, da bi
vzpostavitev sui generis sistema pravnega varstva, skupaj z ustanovitvijo neodvisnega
organa, ki bi se ukvarjal izključno s spori v postopkih oddaje javnih naročil, pomenila
boljše možnosti za koncentriranje strokovnega znanja na področju javnih naročil ter
bi bilo na ta način pravno varstvo na tem področju hitrejše in bolj učinkovito.
Prvi uradni organ, ki je bil zadolžen za nudenje pravnega varstva v postopkih oddaje javnih naročil (komisija, sestavljena iz dvanajstih, večinoma neprofesionalnih
članov, ki jih je imenovala Vlada Republike Slovenije), je bil ustanovljen leta 1997 na
podlagi tedaj veljavnega Zakona o javnem naročanju. Tedanja komisija ni upravičila pričakovanj prakse, zato je bila s spremembo ZJN v letu 1999 razrešena ter nadomeščena z Državno revizijsko komisijo za revizijo postopkov oddaje javnih naročil
(Dkom) v podobni sestavi, kot je današnja. Na ta način so bili vzpostavljeni formalni
pogoji za delovanje Dkom kot stalne, neodvisne in strokovne državne institucije.
Dkom je v zakonu definirana kot poseben, neodvisen in samostojen državni organ
nadzora nad zakonitostjo postopkov oddaje javnih naročil, ki zagotavlja pravno varstvo ponudnikov na vseh stopnjah postopkov oddaje javnih naročil. Čeprav formalno
ni del pravosodnega sistema, izpolnjuje vse pogoje za priznanje statusa sodnega tribunala v smislu sodne prakse Sodišča EU (zadeve Dorsch in Salzman):1
– ustanovljena je z zakonom,
– je stalnega značaja,
– je neodvisna,
– njene odločitve so obvezujoče,
– sprejete so v kontradiktornem postopku ter
– temeljijo na zakonu.
Borut Smrdel
Organizacija Dkom
Dkom sestavljajo predsednik in štirje člani. Predsednik in dva člana so pravniki
(predsednik mora imeti opravljen tudi pravniški državni izpit), preostala dva člana pa
z drugo izobrazbo. Vsi so izvoljeni v Državnem zboru Republike Slovenije, dolžina njihovega mandatnega obdobja je osem let, z neomejeno možnostjo ponovne izvolitve.
Poleg tega Dkom trenutno zaposluje 14 redno zaposlenih svetovalcev (vsi so s pravno
izobrazbo) ter 5 strokovnih delavcev. Vsega skupaj je na Dkom zaposlenih 24 oseb.
Materialni zakoni na področju javnega naročanja
Kot pravni koncept so javna naročila sestavljena iz različnih pravnih ravnanj, s
katerimi državni in drugi javni organi (naročniki) nabavljajo blago, storitve in/ali gradnje, ki so nujni za izvajanje njihovih funkcij. Pri vsaki takšni nabavi (blaga, storitve,
gradnje) mora naročnik spoštovati pravila enega od naslednjih treh zakonov:
C-178/99 Doris Salzmann, tč. 13; C-54/96 Dorsch Consult, tč. 23, in C-110/98 ter C-147/98 Gabalfrisa and
Others [2000] ECR I-1577, tč-33.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Sistem pravnega varstva v postopkih oddaje javnih naročil v Republiki Sloveniji
Borut Smrdel
– Zakon o javnem naročanju (2006, sprem. 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 in 2014), ki določa obvezna ravnanja naročnikov in ponudnikov pri javnem naročanju blaga, storitev in gradenj v t. i. klasičnem javnem sektorju ter temelji na zahtevah klasične
javnonaročniške Direktive 2004/18/ES.
– Zakon o javnem naročanju na vodnem, energetskem, transportnem področju in
področju poštnih storitev (2006, sprem. 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 in 2014), ki zavezuje naročnike in ponudnike v t. i. infrastrukturnem sektorju ter temelji na pravilih Direktive 2004/17/ES (infrastrukturna direktiva).
– Zakon o javnem naročanju na področju obrambe in varnosti (2012), ki vzpostavlja
posebna pravila za javno naročanje obrambno in/ali varnostno občutljivih naročil
in temelji na zahtevah, ki jih postavlja Direktiva 2009/81/ES o usklajevanju postopkov za oddajo nekaterih naročil gradenj, blaga in storitev, ki jih oddajo naročniki na področju obrambe in varnosti.
Zakon o pravnem varstvu v postopkih oddaje javnih naročil
Sam postopek pravnega varstva ureja poseben zakon (Zakon o pravnem varstvu
v postopkih javnega naročanja – ZPVPJN), sestavljen iz postopkovnih pravil, ki zajemajo vsa področja javnega naročanja, torej tako naročanje v klasičnem in infrastrukturnem sektorju, kot tudi javna naročila na področju obrambe in varnosti. ZPVPJN
temelji na zahtevah pravovarstvenih direktiv (Direktiva 2007/66/ES o spremembi direktiv 89/665/EGS in 92/13/EGS) in predstavlja procesni zakon, ki je namenjen zagotavljanju spoštovanja pravil vseh treh prej omenjenih materialnih zakonov s področja javnega naročanja. Ker slovenska pravna teorija javnih naročil ne obravnava kot
upravno stvar, temveč kot poseben, formaliziran postopek sklepanja civilne pogodbe,
so procesna pravila ZPVPJN po svoji naravi bolj kot na upravnem utemeljena na civilnem postopku. Zato se po izrecni določbi ZPVPJN glede vprašanj, ki jih ta zakon ne
ureja, uporablja zakon, ki ureja pravdni postopek.
Postopkovna pravila ZPVPJN zagotavljajo učinkovit dostop do hitrega pravnega
varstva za vse ponudnike, ki menijo, da so javni naročniki ob oddaji javnega naročila
prekršili določbe materialnopravnih javnonaročniških zakonov. Pravila ZPVPJN so
usmerjena zlasti k učinkovitemu predpogodbenemu pravnemu varstvu (omogočajo
razveljavitev nezakonitih odločitev naročnikov še pred sklenitvijo pogodbe o oddaji
javnega naročila). Poleg tega ZPVPJN omogoča intervencijo organa pravnega varstva
tudi po sklenitvi pogodbe o izvedbi javnega naročila, in sicer v primerih nezakonite
neposredne oddaje javnih naročil (t. i. sankcija neveljavnosti) ter v primerih, ko se
zahteva povračilo škode (odškodninske sankcije). Odločanje o zadnjih dveh vprašanjih ni v pristojnosti Dkom, temveč sodi v stvarno pristojnost rednih civilnih sodišč.
Postopek pravnega varstva
V Republiki Sloveniji je postopek pravnega varstva razdeljen na dve ločeni, vendar
obenem med seboj neločljivo povezani fazi:
V prvi fazi (t. i. predrevizijskem postopku) se zahteva za pravno varstvo (t. i. revizijski zahtevek) vloži pri naročniku, ki ima nato dve možnosti:
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Sistem pravnega varstva v postopkih oddaje javnih naročil v Republiki Sloveniji
– vlagateljevi zahtevi ugodi (s tem, da odpravi kršitev) ali
– zahtevo zavrne kot neutemeljeno (ter pri tem navede razloge za takšno odločitev).
Do postopka pred Dkom (t. i. revizijski postopek) lahko pride šele v drugi fazi, če
naročnik vlagateljevo zahtevo zavrne. V takem primeru se postopek pravnega varstva
nadaljuje avtomatsko, na podlagi samega zakona (ne zahteva se nobena dodatna aktivnost vlagatelja), saj mora naročnik zahtevo skupaj s svojo odločitvijo in kompletno
dokumentacijo o oddaji predmetnega naročila takoj poslati v reševanje Dkom.
Postopka pravnega varstva torej praviloma ni mogoče začeti neposredno pred
Dkom (postopek pred naročnikom je vedno obvezen). Edina izjema je t. i. molk naročnika. Če namreč naročnik o vlagateljevi zahtevi ne odloči v z zakonom predpisanem roku (20 dni), lahko vlagatelj zahteva odločitev o sporu neposredno od Dkom.
Borut Smrdel
Locus standi
Zahtevo za pravno varstvo je upravičena vložiti vsaka oseba, ki ima ali je imela
interes za dodelitev javnega naročila in ji je ali bi ji lahko z domnevno kršitvijo nastala
škoda (praviloma ponudnik ali vsaj potencialni ponudnik predmeta naročila).
Neposredno zakonsko pooblastilo za začetek postopka pravnega varstva imajo
tudi t. i. zagovorniki javnega interesa – Ministrstvo za finance, Računsko sodišče RS,
Agencija RS za varstvo konkurence in Komisija za preprečevanje korupcije. Katerikoli
od navedenih organov lahko vloži zahtevo za pravno varstvo v katerikoli fazi postopka oddaje javnega naročila, vendar najpozneje do pravnomočnosti odločitve o oddaji
javnega naročila.
Dkom ne more začeti postopka pravnega varstva po uradni dolžnosti (ex officio).
V nekaterih pravnih ureditvah ima začetek postopka pravnega varstva takojšen
suspenzivni učinek na postopek oddaje javnega naročila, medtem ko je treba v drugih
ureditvah za to, da se doseže ustavitev postopka v času odločanja o zahtevi za pravno
varstvo, pred pristojnim organom pravnega varstva zahtevati izdajo začasne odredbe.
V Republiki Sloveniji ima vložitev zahteve za pravno varstvo sicer avtomatski (ex
legae) suspenzivni učinek, vendar se ta nanaša le na možnost sklenitve pogodbe o oddaji javnega naročila. Naročnik tako lahko tudi po prejemu zahteve za pravno varstvo
nadaljuje postopek oddaje javnega naročila (čeprav pri tem tvega, da bodo njegova
dejanja zaradi odločitve Dkom brez učinka), nikoli pa ne sme podpisati pogodbe z
izbranim ponudnikom. Če bi naročnik vendarle sklenil pogodbo o izvedbi javnega
naročila, bi bila takšna pogodba nična.
Odločanje Dkom
Dkom sprejema odločitve praviloma v senatu treh članov. Senati niso stalni, ampak se oblikujejo za vsako zadevo posebej (zadeve se članom dodeljujejo po načelu
naravnega sodnika, in sicer na podlagi začetnic priimkov posameznih članov).
Pred sprejemom odločitve lahko Dkom pridobi strokovno ali izvedensko mnenje glede tehničnih, ekonomskih in drugih pomembnih vprašanj, od katerih je od1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Sistem pravnega varstva v postopkih oddaje javnih naročil v Republiki Sloveniji
Borut Smrdel
visna rešitev spora. V ta namen Dkom v praksi praviloma uporabi uradni seznam
zapriseženih sodnih izvedencev, ki ga vodi Ministrstvo za pravosodje, le izjemoma (če
tam ni mogoče najti strokovnjaka z ustreznimi znanji) imenuje tudi osebe izven tega
seznama. Stroške izdelave strokovnega mnenja praviloma založi stranka, ki predlaga
izvedbo dokaza s strokovnjakom, povrnjeni pa so v skladu z načelom uspeha v sporu.
Dkom mora sprejeti odločitev o sporu v roku 15 delovnih dni od dne prejema popolne dokumentacije s strani naročnika. Ta rok je v določnih primerih mogoče podaljšati še za nadaljnjih 15 delovnih dni. Navedeni roki so instruktivni (prekoračenje nima
pravnih posledic), vendar se v praksi praviloma strogo spoštujejo. Spori, v katerih so
udeležena sredstva evropskih skladov, Dkom rešuje prednostno.
Meje odločanja in vrste odločitev
Dkom praviloma odloča v mejah zahtevka za revizijo (tj., odločiti mora o vseh
zatrjevanih kršitvah, vendar teh meja ne sme prekoračiti). V primeru kršitev temeljnih
načel javnega naročanja (npr. enakopravnosti, transparentnosti itd.) lahko ugotavlja
tudi dejstva in izvede dokaze, ki jih stranki nista navajali oz. predlagali, če meni, da je
to potrebno za razjasnitev zadeve ter pravilno in zakonito odločitev o sporu.
V grobem lahko Dkom sprejme eno od naslednjih dveh vrst odločitev:
– zahtevo za pravno varstvo zavrne kot neutemeljeno ali
– zahtevi za pravno varstvo ugodi in postopek oddaje javnega naročila v celoti ali
delno razveljavi.
Pomembno je poudariti, da ima Dkom le kasatorna (razveljavitvena) pooblastila.
To pomeni, da lahko razveljavi napadeno odločitev naročnika, ne more pa je nadomestiti s svojo odločitvijo (ne more na primer odločiti o tem, kdo je najboljši ponudnik;
ali je treba nadaljevati ali zaključiti postopek oddaje naročila ipd.).
Na drugi strani je Dkom dolžna naročniku dati napotke za pravilno izvedbo postopka v delu, ki je bil razveljavljen. Dkom lahko od naročnika tudi zahteva, da ji
v določenem roku predloži t. i. odzivno poročilo o izvedbi postopka oddaje javnega
naročila, v katerem je bila vložena zahteva za pravno varstvo.
Odločitve Dkom se vročajo strankam v skladu s pravili o vročanju sodb. Od dne
prejema dokazila o vročitvi zadnji od strank se odločitve Dkom objavijo na njenem
spletnem portalu (
V skladu z ZPVPJN so odločitve Dkom pravnomočne in jih ni mogoče izpodbijati
z rednimi pravnimi sredstvi. Posredno je pravno varstvo zoper odločitve Dkom zagotovljeno z možnostjo vložitve odškodninske tožbe pred (civilnim) sodiščem redne
Popogodbeno pravno varstvo
Dkom je pristojna odločati izključno o sporih, ki nastanejo pred sklenitvijo pogodbe o izvedbi javnega naročila. Pravno varstvo je mogoče doseči tudi potem, ko je
pogodba že sklenjena, vendar je takšno pravno varstvo omejeno le na tožbo zaradi
ugotovitve ničnosti pogodbe in ali na odškodninsko tožbo. V obeh primerih so za
odločanje pristojna (civilna) sodišča redne pristojnosti. 100
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Legal protection system in public
contracting procedures in the Republic
of Slovenia
Borut Smrdel,
President of the National Review Commission
Different European countries organized their legal protection systems in public
procurement procedures each in their own manner and the systems vary considerably
from country to country. Roughly speaking, there are two possibilities:
About a half of EU Member States (for example, Great Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, France) has not established specific and specialized bodies of
legal protection for settling disputes in the public procurement procedures. In these
countries, it was felt that the general rules of civil procedures and / or administrative
procedures already provide sufficient procedural guarantees required by legal protection directives (for example, respecting the standstill period, the possibility of issuing
interim measures, the authorization to annul the contracting authority’s illegal decisions, the possibility of compensation for damage, etc.). In these countries, their courts
of justice whether civil or administrative have all powers relating to legal protection in
public procurement procedures in accordance with European and / or national legislation.
The second half of the countries (such as Germany, Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland) has decided to set up special tribunals (for example Tribunal
for the Public Contracts, Arbitration Committee, Appeals Chamber, Review Committee, etc.), whose purpose is to provide legal protection in procurement procedures in
the manner required by the legal protection directives. Although these bodies are not
formally a part of the judicial system they have all the powers necessary to rule on
disputes between contracting authorities and tenderers in procurement procedures.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Legal protection system in public contracting procedures in the Republic of Slovenia
Borut Smrdel
When in the nineties (in the period of EU accession), the Republic of Slovenia
decided on what would be the most appropriate arrangement, the view prevailed that
it is more beneficial to set up a separate, specialized body for legal protection that will
be organized as is required by legal protection directives. In Slovenia, the public procurement procedures prior to 1993 were not formally regulated on the level of national
jurisdiction, thus, at that time, public contracts represented a completely new field of
regulation in domestic law. For this reason, it was believed that the best solution would
be the establishment of a sui generis system of justice, including the establishment of
an independent body to deal exclusively with disputes in public procurement procedures. This was supposed to bring better chances for the concentration of expertise in
the field of public procurement and the legal protection in this area would be faster
and more efficient.
The first official body which was responsible for providing legal protection in public
procurement procedures (a commission composed of twelve, mostly non-professional
members, appointed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia), was established
in 1997 on the basis of the prevailing Public Procurement Act. The then Commission
did not justify the expectations in practice, therefore, it was relieved with the change of
the PPA in 1999 and later replaced by the National Review Commission for the Revision of Procedures for Reviewing Public Procurement Procedures (NRC) in a similar
composition as today. In this way, formal conditions for the functioning of NRC were
established, forming it as a permanent, independent and professional state institution.
NRC is defined as a separate, autonomous and independent state body of control
over the legality of public procurement procedures, which provides legal protection
to tenderers in all stages of the procurement procedures. Although it is not formally a
part of the judicial system, it fulfils all the conditions for being recognized as a judicial
tribunal within the meaning of the case law of the EU Court of Justice (Dorsch and
Salzman Affairs1):
– it is established by the law,
– it is permanent,
– it is independent,
– its decisions are binding,
– decisions are taken in adversary procedures, and
– decisions are based on the law.
Organization of NRC
NRC is composed of a chairman and four members. The chairman and two members are lawyers (the Chairman is supposed to have passed the state law examination), and the remaining two members are of a different education. All the members
are elected by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, the length of their
term of office is eight years, with unlimited re-election possibility. In addition, NRC
currently employs 14 full-time advisers (all lawyers) and 5 professionals. In all, NRC
employs a total of 24 people.
C-178/99 Doris Salzmann, item 13; C-54/96 Dorsch Consult , item 23, and C-110/98 and C-147/98 Gabalfrisa and Others [2000] ECR I-1577, item 33.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
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Legal protection system in public contracting procedures in the Republic of Slovenia
Substantive acts in public procurement
Borut Smrdel
As a legal concept, public contracts are comprised of various legal practices with
which the state and other public authorities (contracting authorities) procure goods,
services and / or works that are necessary for the performance of their functions. In
any such purchase (goods, services, works), the contracting authority must respect the
rules of one of the following three laws:
– Public Procurement Act (2006 amended 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014), which
specifies the behaviour of contracting authorities and tenderers in procurement of
goods, services and works in the so-called classical public sector and is based on
the requirements of the classical public procurement Directive 2004/18 / EC.
– Law on Public Procurement in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors (2006, amended 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014), which binds contracting
authorities and tenderers in the so-called infrastructure sector, and is based on the
rules of Directive no. 2004/17 / EC (Infrastructure Directive).
– Law on Public Procurement in the Field of Defence and Security (2012), which
establishes specific rules for procurement of defence and / or concluding security-sensitive contracts and is based on the requirements set by the Directive no.
2009/81 / EC on the coordination of procedures for public procurement of certain
works contracts , goods and services submitted by the contracting authorities in
the field of defence and security.
Legal protection act in public procurement procedures
The legal protection procedure is governed by a special act (Act on legal protection in public procurement procedures), consisting of procedural rules which cover all
areas of public procurement, so as ordering in a classical and infrastructural sectors,
as well as the procurement in the field of defence and security. Act on legal protection
in public procurement procedures is based on the requirements of legal protection
directives (Directive 2007/66 / EC on amending directives 89/665 / EEC and 92/13
/ EEC) and represents a procedural law aimed at ensuring compliance with all three
of the aforementioned substantive acts regarding public procurement. Since the Slovenian legal theory does not treat procurement as an administrative matter, but as a
specific, formalized process of concluding civil contracts, the procedural rules of the
Act on legal protection in public procurement procedures are, by their nature, rather
than on administrative grounds founded on the civil proceedings ground. Therefore,
by express provision of the Act on legal protection in public procurement procedures
regarding the issues that are not governed by this Act the law governing civil procedure is applied.
Procedural rules of the Act on legal protection in public procurement procedures
provide efficient access to quick legal protection for all tenderers who believe that public contracting authorities violated the provisions of substantive public procurement
laws. The regulations stated in the Act on legal protection in public procurement procedures are mainly focused on effective pre-contractual legal protection (allowing a
repeal of an unlawful decision of contracting authorities even before the conclusion
procurement contract). In addition, the Act on legal protection in public procurement
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Legal protection system in public contracting procedures in the Republic of Slovenia
Borut Smrdel
procedures allows the body in charge of legal protection to intervene even after the
conclusion of the contract, i.e. in cases of unlawful direct procurement (the so-called
sanction of nullity) and in cases where damages are claimed (damages sanctions). Deciding on the last two issues is not within the NRC jurisdiction, but falls within the
jurisdiction of civil courts.
Legal protection procedure
In Slovenia, the legal protection procedure is divided into two separate, but at the
same time inextricably linked phases:
In the first phase (the so-called pre-audit process), the request for legal protection
(the so-called audit application) is filed with the contracting authority, who then has
two options:
– to grant the applicant’s request (by eliminating the violations), or
– to dismiss the request as unfounded (and in this case states the reasons for such a
Proceedings before NRC (the so-called review procedure) can occur only on the
second stage, if the contracting authority refuses the applicant’s request. In that case,
the legal protection procedure continues automatically on the basis of the Act itself
(no further activity of the applicant is required), as the contracting authority has to
send the request together with the decision and complete documentation on public
contracting immediately to NRC.
The legal protection procedure, therefore, usually cannot be started directly in
front of NRC (the procedure before the contracting authority is always required). The
only exception is the so-called contracting authority’s silence. Namely, if the contracting authority does not decide on the applicant’s request within the prescribed period
(20 days), the applicant may request a decision on the dispute directly from NRC.
Locus Standi
Any person who has or had an interest in being awarded the procurement contract
and suffered damage, or it could suffer damage through an alleged violation is entitled
to file a request for legal protection (usually this is a tenderer, or at least a potential
Direct statutory authorization to initiate the process of legal protection is also the
authorization of the so-called defenders of the public interest − Ministry of Finance,
the Court of Auditors of the Republic of Slovenia, the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the Protection of Competition and the Commission for Prevention of Corruption. Any of the above mentioned entities may submit a request for legal protection
at any stage of the procurement procedure, but no later than the final decision on the
award of the contract.
NRC cannot begin the process of legal protection under compulsory powers (ex
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Legal protection system in public contracting procedures in the Republic of Slovenia
Borut Smrdel
in some jurisdictions, the initiation of a legal protection proceeding has an immediate suspensive effect on the public contracting procedure, whilst in the other
jurisdictions a request for interim decision should be filed for before the competent
authorities of legal protection in order to achieve the termination of the procedure
during the period of decision-making process.
In the Republic of Slovenia, the submission of a request for legal protection has
an automatic (ex legae) suspensive effect, but this only refers to the possibility of
concluding a contract on public contracting. The contracting authority may proceed
with public contracting even after receiving a request for legal protection (although
this runs the risk that the following actions shall have no effect due to the decision
of NRC), but may never sign a contract with the successful tenderer. If, however, the
contracting authority does sign a contract on the public procurement implementation,
such a contract would be null and void.
NRC decisions
NRC usually takes decisions in a Committee consisting of three members. The
Committees are not constant, but are formed for each case specifically (the cases are
assigned to members following the principle of natural justice, based on the surname
initials of the individual members).
Before taking a decision NRC may obtain professional or expert opinion regarding
the technical, economic and other relevant issues, which determine the outcome of
the dispute. To this end, NRC in practice normally uses the official list of sworn court
experts, provided by the Ministry of Justice, and only in exceptional cases (when a professional with specialized knowledge cannot be found) appoints people from outside
this list. The costs of preparing the expert opinion are usually covered by the contracting party that proposes the expert opinion; the costs are reimbursed in accordance
with the principle of success in litigation.
NRC shall take a decision regarding the dispute within 15 working days from
the receipt of complete documentation by the contracting authority. This time limit
may in certain cases be extended by a further 15 working days. These limits are
instructive (exceeding bears no legal implications), but in practice they are strictly
adhered to. Disputes in which European funds are involved are tackled by the NRC
as a priority.
The boundaries in decision-making and types of decisions
NRC generally decides within the restrictions of a review application (i.e. has to
decide regarding any alleged violations, but these restrictions are not to be exceeded).
In case of violation of fundamental principles of public procurement (e.g. equality,
transparency, etc.), NRC may also determine the facts and provide evidence that were
not cited or provided by the parties, if this seems necessary in order to clarify the matter and achieve the proper and lawful ruling regarding the dispute.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Legal protection system in public contracting procedures in the Republic of Slovenia
Borut Smrdel
NRC may, in general, adopt one of the following two types of decisions:
– a request for legal protection is denied as unfounded or
– a request for legal protection is granted and the public procurement procedure is
completely or partially repealed.
It is important to emphasize that the NRC only has repealing powers. This means
that they may repeal the decision of the contracting authority, but may not substitute it with its own decision (cannot, for example, decide on who is the best tenderer;
whether to continue or terminate the contract awarding procedure, etc.).
On the other hand, NRC is obliged to provide guidance to the contracting authority for the proper conduct of the proceedings in the part which has been repealed.
NRC may request from the contracting authority that a so-called response report is
handed in within the determined deadline, in which the implementation of the procurement procedure is specified.
NRC decisions are handed to customers in accordance with the rules on the handing of judgments. From the date when the last of the parties was handed the appropriate decision, all NRC decisions are published on its web site (
In accordance with the Legal Protection Act, the NRC decisions are final and cannot be challenged by regular legal means. Indirectly, the legal protection against the
NRC decisions is provided with the possibility to file an action for damages before the
(civil) court of jurisdiction.
Post contractual legal protection
NRC has the exclusive competence to decide on disputes arising prior to the conclusion of public procurement contract. Legal protection can be achieved even after
the contract has been concluded, but such legal protection is restricted to a pleas seeking annulment of the contract and or in an action for damages. In both cases, the
decision-making power is in the hands of (civil) courts of competent jurisdiction. 106
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procedure for the protection of rights in the
public procurement law in Serbia
Saša Varinac
President of the Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement
Protection of rights in public procurement procedures is of great importance
for every state attempting to spend public revenue assets for procurement of goods,
works or services economically. To this extent, protection of rights can not be seen
simply as protection of private economic interest of bidder submitting the offer for
realization of certain procurement financed by the state (protection of rights of bidders), but this protection at the same time contributes to enabling wider competition, which is one of the basic prerequisites for fulfilling general (public) interest in
public procurement procedures. Namely, if bidders are confident that the state is
objective while conducting, controlling, and possibly revising public procurement
procedures, this will attract great number of bidders to submit their bids, which in
turn provides the conditions for the state to realize certain public procurement at a
lower rate and in a high quality way.
This paper analyses protection of rights in accordance with the provisions of the
new Public Procurement Law, which has been in power as of April 1st, 2013. We can
affirm at the very beginning that law makers through new provisions tried to, on one
hand, establish more efficient system of protection of rights in public procurement
through determining clearer rules of the procedure, and on the other hand, to give
competent state institutions stronger authorities, so to enable them to sanction irregularities or violations in a more efficient way.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procedure for the protection of rights in the public procurement law in Serbia
Saša Varinac
Composition and Election of Republic Commission for Protection of
Republic Commission has status of legal entity and is responsible to National Assembly of Serbia. Head office of Republic Commission is in Belgrade.
National Assembly elects and relieves of duty President and Members of Republic
Commission, upon proposal of Committee for Finance of National Assembly, and after open application procedure has been conducted.
President of Republic Commission might be a person meeting the prerequisites to
be elected Basic Court Judge, except condition concerning Judicial Academy, and with
at least five years of work experience regarding public procurement. Same person can
be elected President of Republic Commission twice.
Member of Republic Commission might be a person meeting the prerequisites
to be elected Basic Court Judge, except condition concerning Judicial Academy, and
with at least three years of work experience regarding public procurement. Minimum
of four members of Republic Commission need to meet conditions prescribed by law.
Besides these four, member of Republic Commission might be a person with University Degree in legal, economics, technical – technological science (Master’s Degree,
Specialization Academic Study Degree, or Specialization Occupational Study Degree),
or University Degree that by law has been acknowledged as Master’s Degree and that
has been obtained at basic study lasting at least four years. At the same time, this person needs to have at least five years of work experience regarding public procurement,
as well as Public Procurement Officer Certificate, and he/she must meet other requirements prescribed for employment in state institutions.
Request for protection of rights can be submitted throughout the entire public
procurement proceeding, and against every activity of contracting authority, except if
stated differently in Public Procurement Law.
Request for Protection of Rights
Who can submit request for protection of rights
Request for protection of rights can be submitted by:
– interested party
– business association
– public procurement office
– state audit institution
– republic attorney
– civil supervisor
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procedure for the protection of rights in the public procurement law in Serbia
Suspension effect of request for protection of rights
Saša Varinac
А. Suspension of activities after request for protection of rights has been submitted, and before republic commission makes its decision
Submitted request for protection of rights has suspension effect, which means that
all further activities of contracting authority regarding public procurement procedure
are being suspended until decision on submitted request for protection of rights is
Exceptions to this suspension rule are explicitly legally prescribed and predicted
for following situations:
а) When Republic Commission, based on proposal of contracting authority decides otherwise, i.e. allows contracting authority to continue with the activities related
to public procurement procedure;
b) When there is negotiated procedure without invitation to bid from Article 36
paragraph 1 point 3 of Public Procurement Law.
B. Suspension of activities during the deadline for submitting of requests for protection of rights
Submitted request for protection of rights has suspension effect on further activities
of contracting authorities, but it is important to point out that certain activities cannot
be conducted before expiry of the deadline for submitting of request for protection
of rights. For example, based on decision to award the contract public procurement
contract cannot be concluded before the expiry of the deadline for submitting request
for protection of rights, which can be submitted against such a decision. Further activities can be conducted only after the expiry of deadline for submitting the requests
for protection of rights, only if there is no request for protection of rights submitted.
However, there are exceptions to the rule, prescribed by Article 112 of Public Procurement law. Before the expiry of the deadline for submitting the request for protection of rights, contracting authority may conclude the public procurement contract:
1) Based on framework agreement;
2) In case of negotiated procedure as in Article 36 paragraph 1 point 3 of Public
Procurement Law;
3) In case dynamic procurement system is applied;
4) In case of low value public procurement procedure as in Article 39 paragraph 6
of Public Procurement Law;
5) In case only one bid was submitted, except in negotiated procedure without
invitation to bid.
Although in these cases public procurement contract can be concluded before the
expiry of deadline for submitting requests for protection of rights, it is important to
emphasize that such a contract couldn’t be executed if after it has been concluded
contracting authority received a request for protection of rights. The execution of the
public procurement contract in this case is possible only if Republic Commission decides otherwise, i.e. if it allows the contract to be executed. Submitting the request for
protection of rights in this case postpones the execution of the public procurement
contract until Republic Commission makes a decision on submitted request, unless
Republic Commission upon proposal of contracting authority decides otherwise.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procedure for the protection of rights in the public procurement law in Serbia
Saša Varinac
Protection of rights procedure before contracting authority
After request for protection of rights is received, it is being checked. The aim is to
make sure that certain procedural conditions are fulfilled in order to decide on soundness of the request for protection of rights.
Contracting authority checks out whether the request for protection of rights has
been submitted timely, by a person having the authority to submit it, or whether it
contains all of the information prescribed by Article 151 paragraph 1 of Public Procurement Law.
Contracting authority is given five days from the day it received the request for
protection of rights to check the request and conduct the adequate procedures regarding the request.
Depending of the results of checking out the request for protection of rights, contracting authority:
а) Makes and delivers to the claimant a conclusion dismissing the request due to
the lack of capacity, if it establishes that the person that submitted the request doesn’t
have the authority to do so;
b) Makes and delivers to the claimant a conclusion dismissing the request as untimely, if it establishes that the request was submitted after the expiry of the deadline
for submitting the requests;
c) Makes a conclusion by which it cancels protection of rights procedure, if in
the meantime it received the written notification of the claimant that the request is
d) If contracting authority establishes that the request for protection of rights does
not include all of the information prescribed by Article 151 paragraph 1 of Public Procurement Law, contracting authority asks claimant to supplement the request within
the deadline prescribed by the law. Contracting authority is obliged to warn the claimant of the consequences ensuing from the failure to comply with the invitation to submit supplement to the request for protection of rights.
After the supplement to the request for protection of rights is received, contracting
authority within five days from its receiving:
а) Makes and delivers to the claimant the conclusion to dismiss the request for
protection of rights, if it establishes that the supplement to the request wasn’t timely
and/or in accordance to the invitation to submit the supplement;
b) Makes decision to accept the request for protection of rights, if it establishes
that it is founded;
c) Delivers the response to the request for protection of rights and complete documents concerning public procurement procedure to Republic Commission, so that it
can decide on submitted request for protection of rights, if contracting authority has
not acted in either of the two previously described ways;
d) Makes a conclusion to cancel the protection of rights procedure, if in the meantime it receives the written notification of the claimant on withdrawal of request for
protection of rights.
After it receives the request for protection of rights, contracting authority may
upon checking establish that the request is submitted untimely or by a person lacking the authority to submit it. In that case contracting authority dismisses the request
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procedure for the protection of rights in the public procurement law in Serbia
for protection of rights with a conclusion which is delivered to the claimant within
five days from the day the request was received. Another important issue concerns
the contents of the request for protection of rights. Namely, request for protection of
rights has to contain all the information prescribed by Article 151 paragraph 1 of Public Procurement Law in order to be deemed regular. A request for protection of rights
may be regular from the moment it has been received, but it is also possible to make
it regular later on. That is why the invitation to supplement a request for protection of
rights is important, as this way the request for protection of rights may be made regular. The moment the supplement to the request for protection of rights is received, i.e.
the moment the request for protection of rights has been made regular, is important
for contracting authority, as within five days from that moment contracting authority is obliged to act in one of the ways prescribed by Article 153 paragraph 1 and 2 of
Public Procurement Law. If contracting authority fails to make a decision to accept the
request for protection of rights or to deliver the response to the request for protection
of rights along with complete documents regarding public procurement procedure to
Republic Commission for it to decide, than contracting authority or its responsible
person may be fined. Republic Commission imposes fines in accordance with Article
162 of Public Procurement Law.
Saša Varinac
Means permitted by law
Against decisions of contracting authority claimant may submit:
а) Appeal to the conclusion of contracting authority to dismiss the request for
protection of rights due to the lack of authority of the person submitting the request.
The appeal is submitted to Republic Commission within three days from the day the
conclusion was received, while at the same time copy of the appeal is submitted to the
contracting authority;
b) Appeal to the conclusion of contracting authority to dismiss the request for
protection of rights as untimely. The appeal is submitted to Republic Commission
within three days from the day the conclusion was received, while at the same time
copy of the appeal is submitted to the contracting authority;
c) Appeal to the conclusion of contracting authority to dismiss the request for
protection of rights as incomplete. The appeal is submitted to Republic Commission
within three days from the day the conclusion was received, while at the same time
copy of the appeal is submitted to the contracting authority.
Protection of rights procedure before Republic Commission
After it receives the request for protection of rights from contracting authority,
Republic Commission within three days determines whether the request is timely,
submitted by the authorized person, or whether it contains all of the necessary information as prescribed by Article 151 of Public Procurement Law.
Republic Commission may ask contracting authority, claimant, and other parties to the procedure, Public Procurement Office, or third party, to submit additional
documents, data, explanations or opinions before it makes its decision. Contracting
authority, claimant, and other parties to the procedure, Public Procurement Office,
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procedure for the protection of rights in the public procurement law in Serbia
Saša Varinac
or third party have to comply with the demand of Republic Commission within the
deadline given by Republic Commission. If contracting authority or claimant fail to
act within the deadline given in request for receiving documents, data, explanations
and opinions, they will take responsibility for consequences caused, as in that case
doubt resulting from the fact that there is a lack of evidence will be ascribed to the party directly responsible, as it failed to comply to the request of Republic Commission
within given deadline. Republic Commission will therefore make its decision based on
evidence available.
Previous checking
Once it establishes that the request for protection of rights is untimely, Republic
Commission makes a conclusion to dismiss it.
If it establishes that the request for protection of rights is submitted by persons that
have no authority to submit it, Republic Commission makes a conclusion to dismiss
the request for protection of rights.
If it establishes that the request for protection of rights does not contain all of
the information prescribed by Article 151 paragraph 1 of Public Procurement Law,
Republic Commission invites contracting authority to supplement the request for protection of rights.
If it establishes that the request for protection of rights has not been supplemented
within the given deadline and in accordance with the invitation, Republic Commission makes a conclusion to dismiss the request for protection of rights.
Decision on foundness of request for protection of rights
Republic Commission decides within the scope of submitted request for protection of rights, and is obliged to make a stand on every allegation of the claimant, as
well as on violations that claimant has not been aware of, and which influenced the
decision of the contracting authority regarding public procurement procedure.
Republic Commission will present the evidence which it estimates to be of importance for making of rightful and legal decision on submitted request for protection of
To that extent Republic Commission may, before it makes its decision, ask contracting authority, claimant, other party in the procedure, Public Procurement office
or third party to submit additional documents, information, explanation or opinion,
and contracting authority, claimant, other party in the procedure, Public Procurement
office or third party are obliged to comply to this invitation within the given deadline.
It is possible for parties in the proceeding to propose oral hearing, if complexity of
the findings of facts or legal situation asks for it. Claimant may propose oral hearing to
be held via submitted request for protection of rights, and contracting authority may
ask for it in its response to the request for protection of rights.
Republic Commission by its decision:
1) Adopts the request for protection of rights and cancels the public procurement
procedure completely or partially, if request for protection of rights is well founded;
2) Dismisses the request for protection of rights as unfounded. 112
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Medjunarodni sistem pravne zaštite
Bojana Ačković
savjetnik, sektor za pračenje sprovođenja propisa i monitoring
u javnim nabavkama
Područje javnih nabavki je često predmet rasprava, razmatranja i prijedloga za
postizanje odgovarajućeg pravnog uređenja i ugradnje prava javne nabavke i revizije
postupka javne nabavke u pravni sistem Crne Gore.
Značaj pravne zaštite u postupcima javnih nabavki je veliki za svaku državu koja
nastoji da na ekonomičan način troši sredstva iz javnih prihoda u svrhu nabavki roba,
usluga ili radova. Polazeći od navedenog, zaštita prava u postupcima javnih nabavki se
ne može shvatiti jedino kao zaštita privatnog ekonomskog interesa onog ko podnosi
ponudu za realizaciju određene nabavke koja se finansira od strane države (zaštita
prava ponuđača), već se kroz tu zaštitu doprinosi i obezbjeđuje šira konkurencija, koja
je osnovni preduslov za ostvarivanje opšteg javnog interesa u postupcima javnih nabavki.
Pravna zastita je vrlo bitan elemenat kada govorimo o razvoju javne nabavke kao
institucije i njeno usmjeravanje kroz direktive.
Svaka država ponaosob odredjuje po osnovu autonomije- postupak pravne zastite
na području javnih nabavki.
Kako bi direktive imale efekat kao akt harmonizacije potrebna je jaka spona koja
bi ih sprovela i održala, a koja se ogleda kroz efikasne mehanizme zaštite, što je bio i
razlog neuspjesne primjene prvih direktiva iz 70-ih i 80-ih godina.
Cilj donosenja direktiva pravne zaštite, bio je da podstakne ostecene ponudjače
na čescu primjenu pravnih sredstava koja bi sa druge strane djelovala preventivno na
konkretnog naručioca.
Direktive pravne zastite primjenjuju se samo za javne nabavke koje spadaju u sklop
materijalnih direktiva.
Dvije direktive uredjuju postupak kontrole javne nabavke-svaka od njih odnosi se
na jedan režim javne nabavke-,,klasični sektor i komunalni sektor,,.
Odredbe koje se odnose na mjere i postupke kontrole javne nabavke sadržane su u
tzv.,, direktivama u pravnim lijekovima,,
Osnovno obilježje direktiva o pravnim lijekovima jeste da one navode minimalne
uslove koje moraju zadovoljiti zemlje članice, a tiču se mogućnosti da ponudjači traže
kontrolu odluka koju su donijeli naručioci.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Medjunarodni sistem pravne zaštite
Bojana Ačković
Direktive o pravnoj zaštiti zahtijevaju uspostavljanje efikasnih i brzih sistema kontrole javne nabavke odnosno da su države članice obavezne osigurati , da se odluke
koje donose naručioci moraju kontrolisati efikasno i brzo.
Direktive o pravnim lijekovima primjenjuju se i na povrede odredbi direktiva koje
se odnose na postupke javne nabavke i na povrede odredbi nacionalnog prava kojim
se sprovode direktive u području javne nabavke.
Što se tiče konkretnog institucionalnog okvira, EU dopušta primenu nekoliko
modela u ovoj oblasti, kao što se vidi iz sledećih primera modela koji su usvojile države članice EU.
Model 1: Pravosudni postupak revizije – jedna institucija za postupak revizije
(npr. Francuska, Švedska, Velika Britanija, Finska, Italija, Litvanija, Holandija)
Model 2: Kombinacija upravnog i pravosudnog postupka revizije – dve institucije.
U nekoliko država članica EU nepravosudni ili kvazi-pravosudni organi su osnovani
u svrhu sprovođenja postupka revizije u prvostepenom postupku. Primer su Kipar,
Češka Republika, Danska, Poljska ili Slovačka. Organ kome se može uputiti žalba u
okviru ovog modela je sud.
U preambuli direktive 2007/66 navedeni su glavni razlozi za donosenje novih
odredbi medju kojima su:
– slabost u postojećim mehanizmima pravne zaštite u državama članicama,
– potreba osiguranja transparentnosti i nediskriminacije, kako bi se postigli pozitivni učinci modernizacije i pojednostavljenja pravila o javnoj nabavci koja su uvedena direktivama 2004/17 i 2004/18.
– Uskladjenost sa pravom Zajednice - nova direktiva trebala bi osigurati uskladjenost sa pravom Zajednice i omogućiti ispravljanje povreda toga prava gdje je jos
– Izostavljanost razdoblja mirovanja (direktiva predvidja dvije vrste perioda mirovanja):
1. obustavljanje mogućnosti sklapanja ugovora u slučaju da je naručiocu izjavljena žalba
2. direktiva uvodi tzv. period mirovanja (to je period izmedju slanja obavjestenja
o izboru najpovoljnije ponude i sklapanja ugovora sa odabranim subjektom.
Crna Gora
Crna Gora daje poseban značaj sistemu javnih nabavki, koje će se kao posebno poglavlje procjenjivati pri ulasku Crne Gore u Evropsku uniju. Javne nabavke su dio unutrašnjeg tržišta i jedan od najzahtjevnijih sistema kada je u pitanju usvajanje evropskih
U skladu sa Ustavom Crne Gore član 19, 20 gdje -,,Svako ima pravo na jednaku
zaštitu svojih prava i sloboda.Svako ima pravo na pravni lijek protiv odluke kojom se
odlučuje o njegovom pravu ili na zakonom zasnovanom interesu.,, Zakon o javnim
nabavkama Crne Gore u poglavlju VI normirao postupak zastite prava i nadležnost za
odlučivanje putem kojeg se u svim fazama postupka javne nabavke u procesu zastite
prava pored materijalnog Zakona primjenjuju odredbe Zakona kojima je u redjen Opšti upravni postupak.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Medjunarodni sistem pravne zaštite
Crna Gora je usvojila model 2 postupka revizije: sa dve moguće instance u
postupku revizije.
Bojana Ačković
Prva instanca je Državna komisija.
Druga instanca je sud odnosno kako kaže Zakon: Protiv odluke Državne
komisije može se
pokrenuti spor pred Upravnim sudom.
U skladu sa clanom 123 ZJNCG:,, Žalbu mogu podnijeti ponuđači i druga zainteresovana lica.
Pod zainteresovanim licem iz stava 1 ovog člana smatra se lice koje je dostavilo
zahtjev za uvid, odnosno otkupilo tendersku dokumentaciju, kao i lice koje dokaže da
je pretrpjelo ili moglo pretrpjeti štetu zbog odluke, radnje ili propuštanja radnje naručioca, odnosno postupanja suprotno odredbama ovog zakona.,,
Postupak zaštite prava pokreće se žalbom koja se izjavljuje Državnoj komisiji za
kontrolu postupaka javnih nabavki i zasniva se na zakonitosti, materijalnoj istini, hitnosti postupka, sprječavanju korupcije, efikasnosti i efektivnosti postupka. Primjerak
žalbe se dostavlja istog dana naručiocu koji ce u roku od tri dana obavijestiti sve učesnike u postupku javne nabavke o izjavljenoj žalbi.
U skladu sa izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o javnim nabavkama Crne Gore - žalba se izjavljuje preko naručioca neposredno, putem pošte preporučenom pošiljkom sa
dostavnicom ili elektronskim putem sa naprednim elektronskim potpisom.
Pored 10 tacaka novina je da se žalba (izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o javnim
nabavkama) može se izjaviti na:
1) postupak prijema ponuda;
2) postupak javnog otvaranja ponuda, sadržaj i način dostavljanja zapisnika o javnom
otvaranju ponuda;
3) postupak pregleda, ocjene, upoređivanja i vrednovanja ponuda;
4) zakonitost odluke o izboru najpovoljnije ponude;
5) zakonitost odluke o obustavljanju postupka javne nabavke.
Državna komisija je obavezna da donese rešenje po podnetoj žalbi u roku od 15
dana od dana prijema spisa i kompletne dokumentacije o postupku javne nabavke.
Rok se može produžiti za najviše deset dana, u slučaju da postoji potreba za angažovanjem eksperata, pribavljanja mišljenja od nadležnih organa i kada su dokumenti u
vezi sa postupkom javne nabavke naročito obimni i podnosilac žalbe i ugovorni organ
(naručilac) moraju o tome biti obavešteni. Državna komisija mora da dostavi odluku
u roku od tri dana od dana njenog donošenja podnosiocu žalbe i ugovornom organu
(naručiocu) i objavi je na svojoj internet stranici.
U slučaju Crne Gore, Državna komisija može u svom zaključku/rešenju, npr:
– da odbije žalbu ako je žalba nedopuštena, neblagovremena i izjavljena od strane
neovlašćenog lica;
– da obustavi dalji postupak, prijemom pisanog obaveštenja podnosioca žalbe, da
odustaje od podnete žalbe;
– da usvoji žalbu kao osnovanu i poništi postupak za dodelu ugovora i donesene
odluke, ukaže ugovornom organu (naručiocu) na učinjene nepravilnosti i naloži
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Medjunarodni sistem pravne zaštite
Bojana Ačković
mu sprovođenje novog postupka i odlučivanja ili preduzimanje potrebnih mera
kojima se učinjene nepravilnosti uklanjaju.
Komisiji se daju velike nadležnosti utoliko što: Državna komisija može da odobri
nastavak postupka javne nabavke, na zahtev ugovornog organa (naručioca), ako bi
ugovorni organ (naručilac) pretrpeo znatnu materijalnu štetu zbog obustavljanja postupka javne nabavke koji bi bio nesrazmeran vrednosti ugovora o javnoj nabavci ili
ako bi to ugrozilo interese Crne Gore.
Podnosilac žalbe koji je propustio da izjavi žalbu u roku iz stava 4 ovog člana, u
1) sadržaj i način objavljivanja poziva za javno nadmetanje;
2) sadržaj poziva za nadmetanje;
3) sadržaj, pojašnjenje i dostupnost tenderske dokumentacije zainteresovanim licima;
4) postupak javnog otvaranja ponuda, sadržaj zapisnika o javnom otvaranju ponuda,
nema pravo na podnošenje žalbe u kasnijoj fazi postupka.
Važno je naglasiti da nakon izjavljivanja žalbe naručilac ne može da nastavi sa bilo
kojom aktivnosti postupka javne nabavke.
Ako se postupak nastavi bez obzira bez obzira na posledice obustavljanja istog
nakon podnosenja žalbe, svaki upravni akt naknadno usvojen smatraće se ništavnim.
Izuzetno, naručilac može dostaviti zahtjev Državnoj komisiji sa obrazloženjem
kako bi nastavila postupak javne nabavke sa prethodnim odobrenjem Komisije ili komisija odlučuje da odustane od obustavljanja postupka nakon podnosenja žalbe ako bi
odlaganje izazvalo veliku stetu koja se smatra neproporcinalnom u odnosu na vrijednost javne nabavke ili interese Crne Gore.
Postupak pravne zaštite započinje predajom žalbe naručiocu.
Dva su razloga ulaganja žalbe:
1. ko naručilac nadje da je ona u cjelosti ili djelimično osnovana, može ispraviti radnju, preduzeti činjenje ili sprovesti drugi postupak, ili može postojeću odluku staviti
van snage, zamijeniti je drugom odlukom ili ponistiti postupak javne nabavke.
2. Ulaganje žalbe naručiocu uslov je za zadržavanje prava ispitivanja zakonitosti u
kasnijoj fazi postupka pravne propuštanje izjavljivanja žalbe znači gubitak prava na dalji postupak pravne zaštite.
Lica koja imaju aktivnu legitimaciju smatra se svaki subjekat koji ima pravni interes za dobijanje predmetnog ugovora o javnoj nabavci, pod uslovom da je pretrpio ili
mogao pretrpjeti stetu od navodnog kršenja subjektivnih prava. Legitimaciju za ulaganje žalbe imaju Ured za javnu nabavu Vlade Republike kao i Državno odvjetništvo.
Žalba se može uložiti ne samo protiv odluka naručitelja u vezi odabira ili poništenja postupka već i protiv radnje ili propuštanja u vođenju postupaka na koje se mora
primijeniti Zakon o javnoj nabavi.
Državna je komisija ovlaštena odrediti i neku od privremenih mjera, kao što su
zabrana potpisivanja ugovora o javnoj nabavi i izvršavanje ugovornih obaveza i svaka
druga mjera kojoj bi cilj bio sprječavanje nastanka štete do koje bi moglo doci ako se
usvoji predložena mjera.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Medjunarodni sistem pravne zaštite
Stranke postupka i Državna Komisija će u toku cijelog postupka nastojati spor
riješiti mirnim putem.Stranke mogu u toku cijelog postupka sklopiti nagodbu koja
ne smije biti protivna zakonskoj normi pravilima javnog morala niti na štetu pravnog
interesa trećih lica.
Bojana Ačković
Makedonija je usvojila model 2 postupka revizije javnih nabavki: sa dve moguće
instance u postupku revizije.
Na prvostepenom nivou revizija se može pokrenuti pred Državnom žalbenom komisijom.
Kao drugu instancu, Zakon o javnim nabavkama predviđa sudski postupak revizije: upravnispor se može pokrenuti pred nadležnim sudom za rešavanje administrativnih sporova ulaganjem žalbe na odluku Državne komisije.
Državna komisija usvaja odluku u roku od 15 dana od dana kompletiranja dokumentacije koja se odnosi na žalbu.
Uložena žalba obustavlja potpisivanje ugovora o javnoj nabavci i njegovo izvršenje dok odluka Državne komisije ne postane konačna. Ugovorni organ (naručilac)
ne smije da potpiše ugovor o javnoj nabavci i da nastavi sa sprovođenjem postupka u
roku od 12 dana, to jest pet dana u slučaju pojednostavljenog konkurentnog postupka,
od dana prijema odluke o pojedinačnom pravu u postupku dodele ugovora. Zakon o
javnim nabavkama međutim definiše neke izuzetke (npr. na zahtev naručioca, Državna komisija može da odobri nastavak postupka dodele ugovora).
Državna komisija može da ukine odluku ili da poništi delovanje u onom delu u
kome je ono bilo nezakonito. Ugovor o javnoj nabavci može biti poništen i proglašen
ništavnim pod određenim okolnostima. Poništenje ugovora je moguće u slučaju kada
se nepravilnosti u postupku dodele ugovora smatraju razlogom za poništenje u skladu
sa odredbama ovog Zakona o javnim nabavkama i zakona koji regulišu upravni postupak.
Bosna i Hercegovina
Bosna i Hercegovina je usvojila model 2 postupka revizije javnih nabavki: sa dve
moguće instance u postupku revizije.
Kancelarija za razmatranje žalbi (KRŽ) je prvostepeni organ.
Protiv odluke KRŽ se može podneti tužba sudu u roku od 45 dana od prijema
odluke. U slučaju da se žalba ne uloži sudu u navedenom roku, odluka KRŽ postaje
Nadležnost suda postoji tek kada se iscrpi postupak upravne revizije pred KRŽ.
Nakon prijema pismene žalba podnosioca, Kancelarija za razmatranje žalbi mora
da se uveri da je ugovorni organ (naručilac) obustavio postupak za dodelu ugovora
koji je u toku u roku od pet dana, osim ako mu drugačije ne naloži Kancelarija.
Organ koji sprovodi postupak revizije može da poništi u celini ili u delovima bilo
koji akt ili odluku ugovornog organa (naručioca) koji nije u skladu sa Zakonom o
javnim nabavkama.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Medjunarodni sistem pravne zaštite
Bojana Ačković
On takođe može da naredi naručiocu da ispravi sve nepravilnosti i da nastavi sa
postupkom dodele ugovora nakon učinjenih ispravki:
– da naredi obustavljanje postupka dodele ugovora;
– da dodeli obeštećenje podnosiocu žalbe koji je kao ponuđač pretrpeo gubitak ili
štetu kao rezultat povrede Zakona o javnim nabavkama.
Postupak dodjele ugovora o javnoj nabavci i zahtjevi sadržani u direktivama
(2004/18 i 2004/17) ne primjenjuju se na sve ugovore o javnoj nabavci. To znaci da
ispod navedenih pragova vrijednosti i u nekim drugim slucajevima (npr. nabavke povjerljive prirode, koncesija za usluge, ugovori koji se dodjeljuju prema medjunarodnim propisima) njihova implementacija nije nužno potrebna.
Izuzeće iz pravila direktive ne znači da su ti ugovori u potpunosti izuzeti od obaveze primjene prava zajednice.
Naime, naručioci su obavezni primjenjivati temeljna pravila sadržana u Ugovoru
o Evropskoj zajednici, pravila tržišnog takmičenja, da ugovori trebaju biti objavljeni
u skladu sa njihovom važnošću kao i da njihova dodjela ne smije dovesti do diskriminacije.
Član 148 Republike Srbije normirao je pitanje pravne zaštite.
Naime, zahtjev za zaštitu prava može da podnese ponuđač, podnosilac prijave,
kandidat, odnosno zainteresovano lice (u daljem tekstu: podnosilac zahteva).
Zahtjev za zaštitu prava u ime lica iz stava 1. ovog člana, može da podnese poslovno udruženje.
Zahtjev za zaštitu prava može da podnese Uprava za javne nabavke, Državna revizorska institucija, javni pravobranilac i građanski nadzornik.
Organi i organizacije iz stava 3. ovog člana nisu dužni da podnose zahtev za zaštitu
prava na zahtjev lica iz st. 1. i 2. ovog člana ako to lice nije iskoristilo pravo na podnošenje zahteva.
Zahtjev za zaštitu prava podnosi se Republičkoj komisiji, a predaje naručiocu.
Zahtjev za zaštitu prava može se podneti u toku celog postupka javne nabavke,
protiv svake radnje naručioca, osim ako ovim zakonom nije drugačije određeno.
Srbija je usvojila model 2 postupka revizije: sa dve moguće instance u postupku
Postupak revizije u Srbiji definiše Član 28 Zakona o javnim nabavkama. Nadzor i
praćenje postupka javnih nabavki čija je procenjena vrednost veća od milijardu dinara
vrši Građanski nadzornik.
Za sve nabavke preko milijardu dinara imenovanje Građanskog nadzornika je
Naručilac ne može pre imenovanja građanskog nadzornika pokrenuti postupak
javne nabavke.
Postupak revizije se nalazi u rukama dva glavna suda: Upravnog suda i Višeg prekršajnog suda. Upravni sud se bavi proceduralnim i supstantivnim sporovima u vezi
sa javnim nabavkama u prvostepenom postupku.
Viši prekršajni sud se bavi sporovima u vezi sa prekršajima u postupcima javnih
nabavki u prvostepenom postupku.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Medjunarodni sistem pravne zaštite
Zahtev za zaštitu prava zadržava dalje aktivnosti naručioca u postupku javne nabavke, do donošenja odluke o podnetom zahtevu za zaštitu prava, osim u slučaju pregovaračkog postupka iz člana 36. stav 1. tačka 3) -razlozi hitnosti ili ako Republička
komisija na predlog naručioca ne odluči drugačije.
Ako je zahtev za zaštitu prava podnet nakon zaključenja ugovora u naručilac ne
može izvršiti ugovor o javnoj nabavci do donošenja odluke o podnetom zahtevu za
zaštitu prava, osim ako Republička komisija na predlog naručioca ne odluči drugačije.
Odluku Republička komisija donosi u slučaju kada bi zadržavanje aktivnosti naručioca u postupku javne nabavke, odnosno u izvršenju ugovora o javnoj nabavci prouzrokovalo velike teškoće u radu ili poslovanju naručioca koje su nesrazmerne vrednosti javne nabavke, odnosno značajno ugrozilo interes Republike Srbije.
Stranke u postupku mogu predložiti da se održi usmena rasprava ako složenost
činjenične ili pravne situacije to zahteva koja je špo pravilu javna osim ako je iz razloga
tajnosti neophodno isključiti javnost.
Svrha direktiva o pravnim lijekovima jeste jačanje postojećih mehanizama, na nacionalnom nivou tako i na nivou Zajednice, pa je glavni cilj postupaka pravne zaštite
osiguravanje primjene odgovarajućeg postupka javne nabavke u svrhu zaštite javnog
Cilj direktive pravne zaštite nije unifikacija pravne zastite već njena harmonizacija
te su u skladu sa navedenim države članice različito uredile pitanje pravne zastite gdje
je data mogućnost državi da u skladu sa clanom 249 Ugovora o osnivanju Evropske
Unije – direktive uključi u svoj poredak na način sto ce slobodno odlučivati o izboru
oblika i sredstava za njihovo sprovodjenje. 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Bojana Ačković
International system of legal protection
Bojana Ačković
Adviser in the Sector for Monitoring and Implementing
The area of public procurement is often the subject of debate, discussion, and proposals for achieving the appropriate legal arrangements and inclusion of laws of procurement and auditing of public procurement procedures in the Montenegro legal
The importance of legal protection in public procurement procedures is important for any state which aims at spending public funds cost-effectively for the purpose
of procurement of goods, services, or works. Starting from the abovementioned, the
protection of rights in public procurement procedures cannot be understood only as
the protection of private economic interests of those who submit an offer for the implementation of certain procurements financed by the state (protection of bidders‘
rights), but protection contributes and provides for wider competition, which is the
basic prerequisite for the accomplishment of general public interest in public procurement procedures.
Legal protection is a very important element when it comes to the development of
public procurement as an institution and its targeting through the directives.
Each country determines the process of legal protection individually in the field of
public procurement based on autonomy.
In order for the directives to have effect as an act of harmonisation, it is necessary
to develop a strong bond which would be implemented and maintained and which is
reflected through efficient mechanisms of protection. This was the reason for unsuccessful implementation of the first directives in the 1970s and 1980s.
The aim of adopting directives of legal protection was to encourage the affected
bidders to use remedies more often which would have a preventive effect on the specific customer.
The Directives of legal protection apply only to public procurement which fall within the set of material directives.
Two directives regulate the procedure of control of public procurement; each of
them refers to one public procurement regime – “classic sector and communal sector”.
The provisions relating to the measures and procedures for the control of public
procurement are contained in the so-called “directives on remedies”.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International system of legal protection
The basic characteristic of directives on remedies is that they state the minimum
requirements to be met by the Member States, relating to the possibility that tenderers
seek review of decisions adopted by the customers.
Remedies directives require the establishment of effective and quick control systems of procurement, i.e. that the Member States are obliged to ensure that decisions
taken by the customers must be controlled in an efficient and quick manner.
The remedies directives apply to breaches of the provisions of directives relating to
public procurement procedures and violation of the provisions of national law which
implemented the directive in the field of public procurement.
In terms of the specific institutional framework, the EU allows the application of
several models in this area, as can be seen from the following examples of models that
have been adopted by the EU member states.
Model 1: The judicial audit procedure – one institution for audit procedure (e.g.
France, Sweden, Great Britain, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands)
Model 2: The combination of administrative and judicial audit procedure – two
institutions. In several EU Member States non-judicial or quasi-judicial bodies have
been established in order to implement the audit procedure in the first instance. Model
2 examples: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Poland, Slovakia. Within this model,
the authority to which an appeal can be submitted is the court.
In the Directive 2007/66 preamble the main reasons for the adoption of new provisions are listed:
– Weaknesses in the existing legal protection mechanisms in the Member States;
– The need to ensure transparency and non-discrimination in order to achieve positive effects of modernisation and simplification of public procurement rules introduced by Directives 2004/17 and 2004/18;
– Compliance with the Community law – the new directive should ensure compliance with Community law and enable the correction of infringement of this
right where possible;
– Leaving out standstill period (the Directive provides the two types of standstill
1. Cancellation of the possibility to conclude the contract in the event that the
customer has submitted an appeal;
2. The Directive introduces the so-called standstill period (this is the period between sending the notification on the best bid and signing the contract with the
selected entity).
Bojana Ačković
Montenegro is especially important for the public procurement system, which will
be evaluated as a separate chapter in the process of joining the European Union. Public
procurement is a part of the internal market and one of the most demanding systems
when it comes to the adoption of European standards.
In accordance with the Constitution of Montenegro. Articles 19 & 20 according
to which “Everyone has the right to equal protection of their rights and freedoms.
Everyone has the right to legal remedy against the decision ruling on their right or
legally based interest.” Chapter VI of the Law on Public Procurement of Montenegro
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International system of legal protection
Bojana Ačković
regulates the procedure of protection of rights and competence for decision making
through which in all stages of public procurement in the process of protection of right,
besides the material Law, apply provisioned of the Law which regulates the general
administrative procedure.
Montenegro has adopted model 2 of the audit procedure, with two possible
instances in the procedure.
National Commission is the first instance.
The second instance is the court, according to the Law: it is possible to initiate
a dispute before the Administrative Court against the National Commission’s
In accordance with Article 123 of the Public Procurement Law: “Bidders and other
interested persons can file a complaint.
Interested person from paragraph 1 is a person who has submitted a request for
insight, i.e. gathered tender documentation, as well as the person who has proven that
he/she has suffered or could have suffered damage due to the decision, action or omission of the customer’s action, i.e. conduct against the provisions of this Law…”
The procedure of protection of rights shall be initiated through a complaint stated
to the National Commission for the control of public procurement and it is based on
legality, material truth, emergency procedures, and prevention of corruption, efficiency, and effectiveness of the procedure. A copy of the complaint shall be submitted on
the same day and the customer shall within three days inform all participants in the
public procurement procedure on submitted complaints.
In accordance with the amendments to the Law on Public Procurement of Montenegro, the complaint is stated directly via the customer, via registered mail with delivery note or electronically with the advanced electronic signature.
Regarding news, apart from the ten points, the complaint (amended through
amendments to the Law on Public Procurement) can be expressed on:
1) The procedure of collecting bids;
2) The procedure of public opening of bids, the content and method of delivery of
minutes on public bid opening;
3) The procedure of review, rating, comparison, and evaluation of the bids;
4) The lawfulness of the decision on the best bid;
5) The lawfulness of the decision to suspend the procurement procedure.
The National Commission is required to adopt a decision on the filed complaint
within 15 days of the date of receipt of files and complete documentation on the
procurement procedure. The deadline can be extended for a maximum of ten days if
there is a need to hire experts, obtain the opinion of the competent authorities, and
when the documents are related to the public procurement are particularly extensive
and the complainant and the contracting authority (the customer) must be notified
accordingly. The National Commission must deliver a decision to the complainant
and the contracting authority (the customer) within three days and publish on its
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International system of legal protection
When it comes to Montenegro, in its conclusion, the National Commission can:
– Reject the complaint if the complaint is unlawful, untimely, and presented by an
unauthorised person;
– Cancel further procedure after receiving a written notice from the complainant on
the cancellation of the complaint;
– Adopt a complaint as justified and cancel the contract award process and the decision, point out to the contracting authority (the customer) the irregularities and
commission the implementation of new procedures and decision-making, or take
necessary measures to eliminate the irregularities.
The Commission is competent in a great deal in so far as it may approve the continuation of the public procurement procedure at the request of the contracting authority (customer), if the contracting authority (customer) has suffered substantial damage
due to the cancellation of the procurement procedure which would be disproportionate to the value of public procurement An applicant who has failed to file an appeal
within the period referred to in paragraph 4 above, in the case of:
1) The content and method of publication of the call to tender;
2) The content of calls for tender;
3) The content, availability, and clarification of the tender documents to interested
4) The procedure of the public opening of bids, the content of the minutes of the public bid opening, has no right to file a complaint at a later stage.
It is important to emphasise that after filing a complaint, the contracting authority
may not proceed with any activity regarding procurement procedure.
If the process continues regardless of the consequences of suspension after submitting an appeal, any administrative act subsequently adopted shall be deemed null
and void.
Exceptionally, the customer may submit a request to the National Commission
with a justification to continue the public procurement procedure with prior approval
of the Commission or the Commission decides to withdraw from the cancellation of
the procedure on appeal if the delay would cause sustainable damage, which is considered to be disproportionately in relation to the value of the contract or the interests
of Montenegro.
Bojana Ačković
The procedure of legal protection shall begin by submitting the complaint to the
There are two reasons for filing a complaint:
1. If the customer finds that the complaint has been fully or partially established, he/
she can rectify the action, take action or conduct other proceedings, or he/she can
abrogate the existing, replace it with another or annul the procurement procedure.
2. Filing a complaint to the customer is a prerequisite for retention of review rights in
a later stage of the legal protection, that is, the failure to appeal represents the loss
of the right to the further procedure of legal remedies.
The person who has an active right is any entity that has a legal interest in obtaining the contract in the public procurement, provided that he/she has suffered or
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International system of legal protection
Bojana Ačković
could suffer damage from the alleged infringements of their rights. A PPO of the Government and the State Attorney‘s Office have the right to file a complaint.
A complaint may be filed not only against the customer‘s decision regarding the
selection or annulment of the procedure, but also against the acts or omissions in the
conduct of procedures on which the Law on Public Procurement must be applied.
The National Commission is also authorised to determine some provisional measures, such as the prohibition of signing the contract on public procurement and
execution of contractual obligations and any other measures which would be aimed at
preventing damage that could occur in the case of adoption of the proposed measure.
Parties to the procedure and the National Commission shall throughout the procedure endeavour to find a friendly dispute resolution. During the entire procedure,
the parties can make a settlement, which must not be contrary to the legal standards of
the rules of public morality, nor to the detriment of the legal interests of third parties.
Macedonia has adopted model 2 of audit procedure of public procurement: the two
possible instances in the audit procedure. At the first instance level, the audit may be
initiated before the State Appeals Commission. According to the Law on Public Procurement, the second instance is judicial review procedure: the administrative dispute
may be brought before the competent court for resolving administrative disputes by
filing a complaint on the decision of the National Commission.
The National Commission shall adopt a decision within 15 days of the completion
of documentation related to the appeal.
The appeal shall suspend the signing of the public procurement contract and execution while
the decision of the State Commission becomes final. The Contracting Authority
(customer) shall not sign the contract on public procurement and continue carrying
out the procedure within 12 days, that is five days in the case of a simplified competitive process, from receipt of the decision on an individual right in the contract award
procedure. However, the Law on Public Procurement defines some exceptions (e.g. at
the customer’s request, the National Commission may approve the continuation of the
contract award procedure).
The National Commission may revoke the decision or cancel the operation in the
extent to which it is was unlawful. The public procurement contract may be cancelled
and declared null and void under certain circumstances. Cancellation of the contract
is possible in the case of irregularities in contract award procedure. A reason for cancellation is considered in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement and the laws governing administrative procedure.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina has adopted model 2 of audit procedure of public procurement: the two possible instances in the audit procedure.
The first instance authority is The Office for reviewing complaints (ORC) is the
first instance authority.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International system of legal protection
It is possible to file a complaint against the ORC’s decision to the court within
45 days after receiving a decision. If the complaint fails to be filed in that period, the
ORC’s decision shall become final. Court competence is valid only when the procedure of administrative audit before the ORC has been exhausted.
After receiving the written complaint by the applicant, the Office for reviewing
complaints must be ensured that the contracting authority (the customer) has cancelled the procedure for the award of a contract in progress within five days, unless
otherwise ordered by the Office.
The body conducting the audit process can revoke in whole or partially any act
or decision of the contracting authority (customer) that is not in accordance with the
Law on Public Procurement.
It can also commission the customer to correct any irregularities and to pursue the
procedure of contract award after certain corrections:
– To order the cancellation of contract award procedures;
– To award compensation to the complainant who has suffered loss as a tenderer or
damage as a result of violations of the Law on Public Procurement.
The procedure of the award of public procurement contract and requirements contained in the directives (2004/18 and 2004/17) do not apply to all public procurement
contracts. This means that under identified value thresholds and in some other cases
(e.g. confidential procurement, concessions for service, contracts awarded in accordance with international regulations) their implementation is not necessarily required.
The exemption from the provisions of the Directive does not mean that these contracts are entirely exempted from the application of Community law.
The customers are obliged to apply the fundamental rules of the Treaty on European Community and rules of competition, that contracts should be disclosed in accordance with their importance and that they should not lead to discrimination.
Bojana Ačković
Article 148 of the Republic of Serbia regulates the issue of legal protection.
The request for protection of rights may be submitted by the bidder, the applicant,
candidate or interested person (hereinafter referred to as: the applicant). A request for
protection of rights on behalf of the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article
may be submitted by a business association. A request for protection of rights may be
submitted by the Public Procurement Office, the National Audit Institution, Public
Attorney and civil supervisor. Authorities and organisations referred to in paragraph 3
of this Article shall not be required to apply for protection of the rights of the persons
referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, if those persons have not exercised
the right to file complaints. A request for protection of rights shall be submitted to the
Republic Commission, and handed over to the customer.
A request for protection of rights may be submitted during the entire public procurement procedure against any actions taken by the customer, unless prescribed otherwise by the law.
Serbia has adopted model 2 of audit procedure of public procurement: the two
possible instances in the audit procedure.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International system of legal protection
Bojana Ačković
Audit procedure in Serbia is regulated by Article 28 of the Law on Public Procurement. Surveillance and monitoring the public procurement procedures whose value is
above one billion dinars is conducted by the civil supervisor.
For all procurements above one billion dinars, it is mandatory do denominate a
civil supervisor.
The customer cannot initiate public procurement prior to this decision.
Two main courts are responsible for audit procedure: Administrative Court and
Senior Magistrates Court. Administrative Court deals with procedural and substantive disputes related to public procurements in the first instance procedure. Senior
Magistrates Court deals with the disputes related to offences in terms of public procurement in the first instance procedure.
The request for the protection of the rights of customer maintains further activities
in the public procurement procedure, until reaching a decision on the request for protection of rights, except in the case of a negotiated procedure referred to in Article 36,
paragraph 1, item 3 – reasons for urgency or if the Republican Commission decides
otherwise on the proposal of the customer.
If the request for protection of rights has been filed after the conclusion of the
contract, the customer cannot carry out a public procurement contract until reaching
a decision on the request for protection of rights, unless the Republican Commission
on the proposal of the Purchaser decides otherwise.
The Republican Commission makes its decision in the case when maintaining the
customer activities in the public procurement procedure or in contract execution of
public procurement would cause major business difficulties that are disproportionate
to the value of public procurement, or significantly jeopardise the interest of the Republic of Serbia.
Parties can propose to hold an oral debate if required due to the complexity of the
factual or legal situation. It is generally public unless for confidentiality reasons it is
necessary to exclude the public.
The purpose of the remedies directive is to strengthen the existing mechanisms at
the national level and at Community level, so the main objective of legal protection
procedures is to ensure the application of appropriate procurement procedure in order
to protect public interest.
The aim of the directive for legal protection is not the unification of legal protection, but its harmonisation. So, in accordance with the above said, member states have
regulated the issue of legal protection differently. A state has been given a possibility to,
in accordance with Article 249 of the Treaty establishing the European Union, include
the directives in its system in a manner which will decide freely on the choice of forms
and means for their implementation. 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Isksutva u centraliziranoj nabavi i obvezna
primjena elektroničke dostave ponuda
u rh
Ivančica Franjković
v. d. zamjenika predstojnika, Državni ured za središnju javnu nabavu
1) Zakonodavni okvir za uspostavu centralizirane nabave na razini EU
Uspostavljanje središnje ili centralizirane javne nabave, kao što je predviđeno Direktivom 2004/18/EZ tijekom posljednjih deset godina postala je uobičajena praksa u
mnogim zemljama EU. U Godišnjoj analizi o implementaciji javne nabave (Annual Public Procurement
Implementation Review)1 Europska komisija potvrdila je trend povećanog utjecaja
centralizirane nabave i primjene okvirnih sporazuma. Naime, tijekom posljednjih
nekoliko godina, u EU zabilježen je trend povećane profesionalizacije javne nabave
u obliku uvođenja organizacijske jedinice za centraliziranu nabavu. Većina zemalja
članica EU sve više koristi specijalizirana tijela za središnju nabavu (dalje u tekstu:
TSN) na centralnoj i lokalnoj razini, koja provode postupke javne nabave uglavnom
primjenjujući institut okvirnog sporazuma.
Obje direktive EU o javnoj nabavi iz 2004 (2004/17/EZ i 2004/18/EZ)2 , kao i nova
direktiva iz 2014 (2014/24/EU) sadrže posebne odredbe o tijelima za središnju nabavu,
koje državama članicama EU-a omogućuju da donesu ili u svojim nacionalnim propisima o javnoj nabavi zadrže odredbe vezane uz tijela za središnju nabavu.
Države članice EU-a imaju pravo propisati da naručitelji mogu nabavljati radove,
robe ili usluge od ili posredstvom tijela za središnju nabavu. Stoga, uspostava TSN-a
Direktiva Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća 2004/18/EZ o koordinaciji postupaka za dodjelu ugovora o javnim
radovima, ugovora o javnoj nabavi robe, te ugovora o javnim uslugama i Direktiva Europskog parlamenta
i Vijeća 2004/17/EZ kojom se usklađuju postupci nabave subjekata koji djeluju u sektorima vodoopskrbe,
energetike, prometa i poštanskih usluga
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Isksutva u centraliziranoj nabavi i obvezna primjena elektroničke dostave ponuda u rh
Ivančica Franjković
nije obveza, već jedna od mogućnosti koje se stavljaju na raspolaganje državama članicama.
S obzirom da navedene preporuke iz Direktiva, kao i činjenicu da uspostava TSN
nije obvezna odnosno da nije propisan točan model, u EU je prisutna različita praksa
s obzirom na institucionalni ustroj, financiranje (iz proračuna iz naknada sudionika)
te način sudjelovanja (obvezni i dobrovoljni).
Povrh odredbi iz 2004, Direktiva 2014/24/EU3 detaljnije razrađuje i definira ulogu
središnjih tijela za nabavu i središnje aktivnosti nabave (čl. 37.) , povremenu zajedničku nabavu (čl. 38.) te nabave koje uključuju javne naručitelje iz različitih država
članica (čl. 39.)
Ono što je nadalje značajno u kontekstu centralizirane nabave su odredbe relevantne za elektroničku nabavu jer su posebno definirani rokovi za implementaciju kod
središnjih tijela za nabavu.
Naime, elektronički oblici informiranja i komunikacije postaju standardni i obvezujući oblici komunikacije i razmjene informacija u postupcima javne nabave jer
gospodarskim subjektima na unutrašnjem tržištu povećavaju mogućnost sudjelovanja
u postupcima javne nabave. Time su obuhvaćeni:
– Objava obavijesti u elektroničkom obliku (prethodna informacijska obavijest, poziv na nadmetanje, objava o sklopljenom ugovoru/okvirnom sporazumu), – elektronička dostupnost dokumentacije za nadmetanje (članak 53. Direktive
– komunikacija elektroničkim putem u svim fazama postupka javne nabave, posebice kod prijenosa zahtjeva za sudjelovanje te elektroničko podnošenje ponuda
(članak 22(1)), – dinamički sustav nabave (članak 34. Direktive 2014/24/EU),
– elektronička dražba (članak 35. Direktive 2014/24/EU),
– elektronički katalozi (članak 36. Direktive 2014/24/EU).
S tim u vezi, svi postupci javne nabave koje provodi središnje tijelo za nabavu provode se elektroničkim sredstvima komunikacije (članak 37(3) Direktive 2014/24/EU).
Potpuna e-nabava morat će se uspostaviti bez iznimke do 18. listopada 2018., a za
središnja tijela za nabavu taj rok je kraći,odnosno 18. travnja 2017.
2) Uspostava središnje organizacijske jedinice u RH
Hrvatsko zakonodavstvo javne nabave postavilo je okvir za provođenje objedinjenih postupaka javne nabave kao i za uspostavu posebnog središnjeg tijela za nabavu.
Važeći Zakon o javnoj nabavi definira središnje tijelo za nabavu u potpunosti sukladno Dirketivama iz 2004 godine.
Zakonom predviđenu mogućnost uspostave središnjeg tijela, Republika Hrvatska
je 2009. godine iskoristila i osnovala Ured za središnju javnu nabavu Vlade Republike
Hrvatske kao tijelo zaduženo za obavljanje poslova vezanih uz primjenu okvirnih
sporazuma. Isti Ured 2012. godine postao Državni ured za središnju javnu nabavu.
Prema zakonu4, Državni ured za središnju javnu nabavu obavlja:
Direktiva 2014/24/EU Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 26. veljače 2014. o javnoj nabavi i o stavljanju izvan
snage Direktive 2004/18/EZ
Zakon o ustrojstvu i djelokrugu ministarstava i drugih središnjih tijela državne uprave (»Narodne novine«,
broj 150/2011, 22/12, 39/13, 125/13, 148/13)
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Isksutva u centraliziranoj nabavi i obvezna primjena elektroničke dostave ponuda u rh
..upravne i stručne poslove koji se odnose na središnju javnu nabavu za središnja
tijela državne uprave i to: utvrđivanje ukupne potrebe za nabavom roba i usluga
obveznika središnje javne nabave i uspostavu baze podataka, vezano za zahtjeve
obveznika središnje javne nabave po nabavnim kategorijama; koordiniranje aktivnosti između obveznika središnje javne nabave; istraživanje tržišta; planiranje
provedbe postupaka nabave; uspostavu i upravljanje bazom podataka o sklopljenim ugovorima i okvirnim sporazumima te podnošenje statističkih izvješća
Vladi Republike Hrvatske; primjenu napredne tehnologije u provedbi postupaka
javne nabave; vođenje portala za središnju javnu nabavu i objavljuje sklopljene
ugovore i okvirne sporazume, kao i ugovore sklopljene na temelju okvirnih sporazuma; izradu dokumentacije za nadmetanje i ostale potrebne dokumentacije;
provođenje postupaka nabave; ugovaranje; praćenje izvršenja ugovora i okvirnih
sporazuma; analiziranje uspješnosti središnje javne nabave kroz kontinuirano
praćenje ušteda; pripremu prijedloga odluke o određivanju roba i usluga koje se
nabavljaju putem središnje javne nabave.
Obveznici središnje javne nabave su Ured predsjednice Republike Hrvatske, Hrvatski sabor, Vlada Republike Hrvatske, uredi i stručne službe Vlade Republike Hrvatske, središnja tijela državne uprave, (ministarstva i državne upravne organizacije). U
RH, kao i u drugim državama članicama EU, nabavne kategorije obuhvaćene centraliziranom nabavom su proizvodi i usluge na području IKT-a, uredski pribor, uredski
namještaj i uredska oprema, fotokopiranje, telefonske usluge, leasing vozila, održavanje, poštanske usluge, gorivo i energija, prijevozne usluge, itd.
Uredbom o Državnom uredu također je propisano da Vlada Republike Hrvatske
može ovlastiti Državni ured za provođenje pojedinog postupka javne nabave za druge
javne naručitelje, pa je tako, u sklopu Nacionalnog programa reformi Republike Hrvatske iz travnja 2014. godine, donesena Odluka Vlade RH kojom se proširuje nadležnost Državnog ureda za središnju javnu nabavu za dodatnih cca 600 korisnika za 4
Pored navedenog modela središnje nabave na središnjoj državnoj razini, u praksi
su se također pojavili i brojni primjeri zajedničke nabave između različitih naručitelja
na lokalnoj razini. U praksi su česti primjeri središnjih tijela državne uprave koja za
ustanove u svojoj nadležnosti provode postupke objedinjene javne nabave ili županije
koje provode objedinjene postupke za jedinice lokalne samouprave na svom području.
Ivančica Franjković
3) Razlozi uspostave centralizirane nabave, prednosti i nedostaci
Razlozi za uspostavu centralizirane nabave mogu se sagledati s više aspekata, ovisno o sudionicima cjelokupnog sustava, kao i učincima koji se postižu, a najbolje su
prikazani u sljedećem dijagramu.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Isksutva u centraliziranoj nabavi i obvezna primjena elektroničke dostave ponuda u rh
Ivančica Franjković
Slika 1 – Ciljevi centralizirane nabave
Dosadašnja europska praksa pokazala je i prednosti i slabosti centralizirane naba-
Razlozi za uspostavu TSN su sljedeći:
– Ekonomija razmjera – veće količine generiraju bolje cijene;
– Smanjenje administrativnih troškova;
– Profesionalizacija i specijalizacija u provođenju postupaka javne nabave;
– Standardizacija i katalogizacija roba i usluga;
– Primjena zelene i održive javne nabave i provođenje sekundarnih politika;
Na temelju iskustva zemalja koje su uvele centraliziranu javnu nabavu, vidljivo je
da se uspješnost centraliziranog modela mjeri se ne samo postignutim uštedama, već
i mnogim drugim pokazateljima. Ti pokazatelji ponovno postaju sve sofisticiraniji, jer
uz mjerenje ušteda kroz jedinične cijene bitni pokazatelji su kvaliteta ugovora, razina
sudjelovanja malih i srednjih poduzeća, razina inovativnosti, ekološke i socijalne održivosti, itd.
Argumenti protiv centralizirane nabave uglavnom su vezani za rizik tržišne koncentracije i razvoj monopolizma. Velike količine u centraliziranoj nabavi utječu na
tendenciju favoriziranja velikih dobavljača, odnosno ograničavanje konkurencije.
S obzirom da se u postupcima središnje javne nabave sklapaju ugovori velikih vrijednosti, TSN moraju malim i srednjim tvrtkama i poduzetnicima omogućiti što lakši
pristup informacijama o nadmetanjima i naglasiti mogućnost nuđenja i prednost zajedničke ponude.
Prednosti se očituju u vidu modernizacije tj. uspostavi suvremene nabavne funkcije optimiziranjem procesa nabave kroz uvođenje IT procesa i elektroničkih oblika
javne nabave, te promicanju izvrsnosti.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Isksutva u centraliziranoj nabavi i obvezna primjena elektroničke dostave ponuda u rh
Kako je navedno u novim direktivama, centralizirana nabava predstvalja „platformu“ kada je npr. u pitanju uvođenje elektroničke nabave. „Elektronička komunikacija
posebno je prikladna za pružanje podrške praksama i alatima središnje nabave zbog
mogućnosti koje takva komunikacija pruža u pogledu ponovnog korištenja i automatske obrade podataka te svođenja troškova informiranja i transakcija na najmanju
moguću mjeru. Korištenje elektroničkih načina komunikacije trebalo bi stoga najprije
učiniti obvezujućim za središnja tijela za nabavu, a u isto vrijeme olakšati usklađivanje
praksi diljem Unije.“5
Nadalje, pored redovne aktivnosti provedbe postupaka, tijelo za središnju nabavu
može obavljati tzv. „pomoćne aktivnosti nabave odnosno aktivnosti koje obuhvaćaju
pružanje podrške aktivnostima nabave, pogotovo u sljedećim oblicima:
– u obliku tehničke infrastrukture koja javnim naručiteljima omogućuje dodjelu javnih ugovora ili sklapanje okvirnih sporazuma za radove, robu ili usluge;
– u obliku savjeta o provođenju ili izvedbi postupaka javne nabave;
– u obliku pripreme i upravljanja postupcima javne nabave u ime i u korist određenog javnog naručitelja;“6
Dakle, tijela za centraliziranu nabavu u budućem razdoblju mogu biti nositelj uvođenja elektroničke javne nabave, te imati indirektnu i izravnu savjetodavnu funkciju u
okviru svoje nadležnosti.
Ivančica Franjković
4) Obvezna primjena elektroničke dostave ponuda
Elektronička dostava ponuda, sukladno Zakonu o javnoj nabavi u RH, od 1.1.2014.
godine omogućena je putem Elektroničkog oglasnika javne nabave (EOJN), i nastavlja
se na dosadašnje funkcionalnosti EOJN - elektroničku objavu poziva na nadmetanje
te na elektronički pristup dokumentaciji za nadmetanje. Do tada je Zakonom o javnoj
nabavi bila obvezna samo elektronička objava te elektronički pristup dokumentaciji za
nadmetanje, a tijekom 2014. i 2015. godine postepeno se uvodi modul koji se odnosi
na elektroničku dostavu ponuda.
Cjelokupni proces javne nabave sastoji od nekoliko faza, uključujući planiranje,
objavu poziva na nadmetanje i dokumentacije za nadmetanje, preuzimanje dokumentacije od strane gospodarskih subjekata, dostave ponuda, pregleda i ocjene ponuda,
odabira ponude, sklapanje okvirnog sporazuma/ugovora, narudžbe, praćenje izvršenja
ugovora. Premda je u javnoj nabavi potrebno staviti dodatni naglasak i na fazu pripreme postupka kao i na fazu nakon sklapanja ugovora i okvirnih sporazuma (praćenje
izvršavanja), uvođenje elektroničke dostave ponuda i zahtjeva za sudjelovanje predstavlja jedan od načina na koji će se osigurati unaprjeđenje elektroničkog poslovanja.
Modul e-dostave razvijen je na način da ispunjava zahtjeve vezane za uređaje za
elektroničko zaprimanje ponuda, zahtjeva za sudjelovanje i drugih dokumenata, a koji
se odnose na napredni elektronički potpis, vremenski žig, validaciju cjelovitosti ponuda, ograničenje pristupa ponudama i njihovu zaštitu.
Dinamika uvođenja e-dostave određena je po vrsti naručitelja – Državni ured za
središnju javnu nabavu i ostali naručitelji te veličini postupka (nabava male i velike
Stavak 72. Preambule Direktive 2014/24/EU Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 26. veljače 2014. o javnoj
nabavi i o stavljanju izvan snage Direktive 2004/18/EZ
Ibid. Članak 2., točka 14. i 15.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Isksutva u centraliziranoj nabavi i obvezna primjena elektroničke dostave ponuda u rh
Ivančica Franjković
Tijekom 2014. godine Državni ured je u svojim postupcima omogućavao elektroničku dostavu ponuda, iako je bilo dozvoljeno i klasično dostavljanje ponuda u
papirnatom obliku.
Od 1. siječnja 2015. godine u svim postupcima Državnog ureda za središnju javnu
nabavu moguća je jedino elektronička dostava ponuda.
Svi ostali naručitelji u RH će tijekom 2015. godine u svojim postupcima velike
vrijednosti omogućiti elektroničku dostavu ponuda, ali također dozvoliti i klasično
dostavljanje u papirnatom obliku.
Obveza primjene elektroničke dostave određena je za otvoreni postupak javne nabave, ograničeni postupak javne nabave, pregovarački postupak javne nabave s prethodnom objavom i natjecateljski dijalog.
Modul za elektroničko podnošenje, zaprimanje i otvaranje ponuda odnosno elektroničko postupanje s dokumentima i obrascima u postupcima javne nabave je sustav
za upravljanje i provedbu „Online“ nabava te je integriran s Elektroničkim oglasnikom
i podržava procese kao što su:
1. priprema postupka
2. predaja ponuda
3. javno otvaranje ponuda.
Modul koji će podržati i evaluaciju pristiglih ponuda, a koji je logičan slijed elektroničke dostave ponuda nije obvezan, ali će ga naručitelji moći koristiti u budućnosti.
Prilikom pripreme postupka koji omogugaća e-dostavu, Naručitelj priprema postupak, odnosno unosi podatke za objavu Poziva na nadmetanje, kao i obično, te aktivira opciju eNabava.
Postupak predaje ponude s aspekta ponuditelja obuhvaća sve procese od kreiranja
nove ponude pa sve do završnog koraka zaprimanja potvrde o uspješnoj predanoj ponudi. Također, u sustavu se može napraviti izmjena/dopuna te odustajanje od ponude.
Elektronička dostava ponude mora se izvršiti uporabom naprednog elektroničkog
potpisa od strane ponuditelja, sukladno Zakonu o elektroničkom potpisu (Narodne
Novine, 10/2002, 80/2008, 30/2014) i podzakonskim propisima. Proces dobivanja digitalnih certifikata je jednostavan, s tim da se određeni dokumenti i procedura zahtijevaju isključivo jer se radi o certifikatima za „napredni elektronički potpis“ tj. potrebno
je „nedvojbeno identificirati“ korisnika.
Trenutak zaprimanja elektronički dostavljene ponude dokumentira se potvrdom
o zaprimanju elektroničke ponude te se ponuditelju dostavlja potvrda o zaprimanju
elektroničke ponude s podacima o datumu i vremenu zaprimanja te rednom broju
ponude prema redoslijedu zaprimanja elektronički dostavljenih ponuda.
U prijelaznom razdoblju, tijekom 2015. godine, sustav podržava i evidenciju „papirnatih“, ponuda koje su pristigle poštom ili drugim načinom dostave. Također, ponuditelji u papirnatom obliku dostavljaju dokumente drugih tijela ili subjekata koji
su važeći samo u izvorniku, ako ih elektroničkim sredstvom nije moguće dostaviti u
izvorniku, poput traženih bankovnih jamstava odnosno jamstva za ozbiljnost ponude.
Detaljnije informacije za naručitelje i ponuditelje dostupne su u formi priručnika,
dostupnih u elektroničkom oglasniku, ali su u svakom slučaju korisne upute koje naručitelji daje u dijelu Dokumentacije za nadmetanje.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Isksutva u centraliziranoj nabavi i obvezna primjena elektroničke dostave ponuda u rh
Ivančica Franjković
Može se zaključiti da će elektronička dostava ponuda i zahtjeva za sudjelovanje
gospodarskim subjektima smanjiti troškove dostave i rizik zakašnjele dostave klasičnim poštanskim putem, a zbog elektroničke obrade dokumenata smanjenje troškova
moguće je ostvariti i na razini naručitelja. Tehničke karakteristike platforme EOJN-a i
uporaba naprednog elektroničkog potpisa onemogućit će uvid u ponude i zahtjeve za
sudjelovanje prije propisanih rokova, a time i manipulaciju njihovim sadržajem (npr.
zamjena ili umetanje stranica) koja se može javiti u slučaju papirnatih dokumenata.
Zbog svega navedenoga, potrebno je dodatno motivirati i ohrabriti ponuditelje
da koriste mogućnost e-Dostave, dok će se, s druge strane, naručitelji morati dodatno
educirati kako bi što uspješnije mogli koristiti novi modul za e-dostavu.
Dakle, uloga tijela a središnju javnu nabavu ne prestaje objavom ili provedbom
postupaka ili potpisom okvirnih sporazuma i sklapanjem ugovora o javnoj nabavi.
Pored navedenog, za uspješnu provedbu centralizirane nabave važno je osigurati
suvremenu IT infrastrukturu, te kontinuirano obnavljanje znanja o nabavnim kategorijama (od istraživanja tržišta, preko tehničkog poznavanja roba i usluga, javnonabavnog znanja te vještina pregovaranja, do poznavanja informacijskih tehnologija važnih
za primjenu elektroničke nabave). 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Experiences in centralised procurement
and a mandatory electronic delivery of
bids in the Republic of Croatia
Ivančica Franjković
Deputy Head of Public Procurement Office
1) The legal framework for the establishment of centralised
procurement at the EU level
The establishment of a central or centralised public procurement, as proposed by
the Directive 2004/18/EC, has become a common practice across EU countries in the
past decade.
In the Annual Public Procurement Implementation Review,1 the European Commission has confirmed the trend of increased impact of centralised procurement and
application of framework agreements. In the past decade, the EU has marked a trend
of increased professionalisation of public procurement in the form of introducing an
organisational unit for centralised procurement. Most EU countries use specialised
authorities to form central procurement (hereinafter: ACP) on central and local levels,
which conduct procedures of public procurement by applying a framework agreement.
Both public procurement Directives from 2004 (2004/17/EC and 2004/18/EC)2 , as
well as the new 2014 Directive (2014/24/EU) include special provisions on the central
procurement authorities, which enable EU Member States to adopt or keep provisions
regarding central procurement authorities in their national legislation on public procurement.
The EU Member States have the right to require that customers may procure
works, goods, or services from or through a central procurement authority. Therefore,
the establishment of ACPs is not an obligation, but one of the possibilities that is available to Member States.
Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination
of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts 1
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Experiences in centralised procurement and a mandatory electronic delivery of bids in the Republic of Croatia
In view of the above mentioned recommendations from the Directive, the fact that
the establishment of ACP is not mandatory and that has not been prescribed the exact
model, there are different practices in the EU with regard to the institutional structure,
funding (from the budget and the compensation of participants), and the manner of
participation (mandatory and voluntary).
In addition to the provisions from 2004, the Directive 2014/24/EU3 analyses and
defines the role of central procurement authorities and central procurement activities
(Art. 37), occasional joint procurement (Art. 38) and procurements which include
public customers from different Member States (Art. 39).
What is furthermore important in the context of centralised procurement are the
provisions relevant to electronic procurement because there are specific deadlines for
implementation with central procurement authorities.
The electronic forms of information and communication are becoming standard
and binding forms of communication and information exchange in procurement procedures because they increase the possibility of participating in public procurement
procedures for economic operators in the internal market. This includes:
– Publication of the notices in electronic form (prior information notice, call to tender, the publication of the conclusion of the contract / framework agreement);
– Electronic availability of the tender documentation (Art. 53 Directive 2014/24/
– Electronic communication in all stages of public procurement, especially when
transferring request to tender and electronic submitting of the (Art.22(1)); – Dynamic procurement system (Art. 34 Directive 2014/24/EU);
– Electronic auction (Art. 35 Directive 2014/24/EU);
– Electronic catalogues (Art. 36 Directive 2014/24/EU).
In this respect, all public procurement procedures carried out by a central procurement authority shall be carried out by electronic means of communication (Article
37 (3) of Directive 2014/24/EU).
Full e-procurement will have to be made without exception until October 18, 2018,
and for central procurement authorities this term is shorter, i.e. 18 April 2017.
Ivančica Franjković
2) Establishing a central organisational unit in Croatia
Croatian public procurement legislation established the framework for the implementation of integrated public procurement procedures and the establishment of a
special central procurement authority.
The current Public Procurement Act defines a central procurement authority in
full compliance with the 2004 Directives.
The Republic of Croatia used the possibility to establish a central procurement
authority in 2009 and established the Office for Central Procurement of the Croatian
Government as an authority responsible for carrying out tasks related to the application of the framework agreements. The same office became the National Office for Central Procurement in 2012. According to the Law, the National Central Procurement
Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Experiences in centralised procurement and a mandatory electronic delivery of bids in the Republic of Croatia
Ivančica Franjković
…administrative and professional activities related to central procurement for
central state administration authorities, namely: the determination of the total
need for procurement of goods and services from subjects obliged to conduct public central procurement, and setting up a database of requirements of entities
bound by central procurement according to procurement categories; coordination
of activities between subjects obliged to conduct central procurement; market research; planning the implementation of procurement procedures; establishing and
managing the database of awarded contracts and framework agreements, and
submitting statistical reports to the Croatian Government; the application of advanced technology in public procurement procedures; guidance portal for central
public procurement and publishing contracts and framework agreements, and
contracts awarded on the basis of framework agreements; preparation of tender
documents and other necessary documentation; implementation of procurement
procedures; contracting; monitoring the execution of contracts and framework
agreements; analysing the performance of central procurement through continuous monitoring of savings; preparing proposals of decisions specifying products
and services to be procured through the central procurement.
The subjects obliged to conduct central public procurement are the President’s office, Croatian Parliament, Croatian Government, offices and professional services of
the Croatian Government, central authorities of state administration (ministries and
organisations of state administration). In Croatia, as well as in other EU Member States, procurement categories included in public procurement are products and services
in the ICT field, office supplies, office furniture, copy machines, telephone services,
vehicle lease, maintenance, postal services, fuel and energy, transport services, etc.
Regulation on the State’s office also provides that the Croatian Government may
authorise the State Department to conduct a particular procurement procedure for
other contracting authorities, so that, as part of the National Reform Programme of
the Republic of Croatian in April 2014, Government Decision extending jurisdiction
of the State Office for Central Procurement for about an additional 600 users in four
categories has been adopted.
In addition to this model of central procurement at the national level, in practice
there are also numerous examples of joint procurement between different purchasers
at the local level. In practice, there are numerous examples of central state administration authorities for the institutions under its jurisdiction implementing a unified public procurement or counties that implement unified procedures for local governments
in their area.
3) The reasons for the establishment of a centralised procurement,
advantages, and disadvantages
The reasons for the establishment of centralised procurement can be viewed from
different aspects, depending on the participants in the system as a whole, as well as the
outcomes. These are presented in the following chart.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Experiences in centralised procurement and a mandatory electronic delivery of bids in the Republic of Croatia
Figure 1 – Objectives of a centralised procurement
Ivančica Franjković
The European practice has shown strengths and weaknesses of centralised procurement.
The reasons for establishing ACP offices are as follows:
– Economies of scale – larger amounts generate better prices;
– Reducing administrative costs;
– Professionalisation and specialisation in procurement procedures;
– Standardisation and cataloguing of goods and services;
– The use of green and sustainable procurement and implementation of secondary
Based on the experience of the countries that have adopted the centralised procurement, it is clear that the success of this approach is measured not only through the
savings, but also through many other indicators. These indicators are becoming more
and more sophisticated, because, apart from the measurement of savings through unit
prices, the important indicators are the quality of the contract, the level of participation of SMEs, the level of innovation, environmental and social sustainability, etc.
Reasons against centralised procurement are mainly related to the risk of market
concentration and the development of monopolism. Large quantities in centralised
procurement affect the tendency to favour major suppliers and therefore restrict the
Due to the fact that in central public procurement high value agreements are made,
ACPs need to enable SMEs and entrepreneurs easy access to information on bids and
highlight the possibility of bidding and the advantage of joint bids.
The advantages are reflected in a form of modernisation, i.e. the establishment of
modern procurement functions by optimising procurement procedure by introdu1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Experiences in centralised procurement and a mandatory electronic delivery of bids in the Republic of Croatia
Ivančica Franjković
cing IT processes and electronic forms of public procurement and promoting excellence.
As stated in the new directives, centralised procurement is the „platform“ in, for
example, terms of the introduction of electronic procurement. „Electronic communication is especially appropriate to support practices and tools of central procurement
because of the possibility that such communication provides in terms of re-use and
automatic processing of data and reducing the costs of information and transactions
to a minimum. The use of electronic means of communication should therefore begin
by binding to central procurement authorities, at the same time facilitating the reconciliation practices throughout the Union.“4
Furthermore, apart from the basic activity of procedure, the central procurement
authority may conduct so-called “support procurement activities or activities that include supporting the procurement activities, especially in the following forms:
– Technical infrastructure which enables public customers getting public agreements or framework agreements in terms of works, goods, or services;
– Advice on conducting or performing public procurement procedures;
– Preparation and managing procedures of public procurement on behalf and to the
benefit of certain public customer;“5
So, centralised procurement authorities can in future be the holders of introduction of electronic public procurement and have an indirect and direct advisory function
within their competence.
4) Mandatory electronic submission of bids
Electronic delivery of bids, in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement in
the Republic of Croatia, of 1 January 2014 has been enabled via the Electronic Public
Procurement Journal (EOJN), and builds on existing functionality of the EOJN - electronic publication of a call for tender and the electronic access to tender documents.
Until then, the Public Procurement Act was mandatory only in electronic publication
and electronic access to tender documents, and during 2014 and 2015, a module that
refers to the electronic submission of bids has been introduced.
The entire public procurement process consists of several stages, including planning, publication of a call for tender and tender documents, taking over documents
by the economic entities, the submission of bids, examination and evaluation of bids,
selection of the offer, concluding a framework agreement / contract, orders, monitoring the execution of contracts. Although in public procurement it is necessary to put
highlight the preparation stage of the process as well as the stage after the conclusion
of contracts and framework agreements (monitoring the execution), the introduction
of the electronic submission of bids and requests to participate is one of the ways that
will ensure the improvement of e-business.
The module of e-submission has been developed in a way that it meets the requirements in terms of devices for electronic bids, participation requests and other
documents which refer to the advance electronic signature, time stamp, validation
Paragraph (72) of the Preamble of the Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC
Ibid. Art 2, points (14) and (15)
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Experiences in centralised procurement and a mandatory electronic delivery of bids in the Republic of Croatia
of the completeness of the bids, restriction of the access to the bids, and their protection.
The dynamics of introducing e-submission has been determined according to the
type of the customer – State office for central public procurement and other customers, and the volume of the procedure (low and high value procurement).
During 2014, the State office enabled electronic submission of bids in its procedures, although a classic submission in paper form was allowed as well.
As from 1 January 2015, only electronic submission is available in all procedures
regarding the State office for central public procurement.
All other customers in the Republic of Croatia shall during 2015 in their high value procedures enable electronic submission of bids, but also the classic submission in
paper form.
The obligation to apply the electronic delivery is determined in the case of open
public procurement procedure, restricted public procurement procedure, and negotiated procedure with prior publication and competitive dialogue.
The module for electronic submission, receipt and opening of bids, that is, electronic handling of documents and forms in public procurement procedures is a system for managing and implementing the “Online” purchase and is integrated with the
Electronic and supports processes such as:
1. Procedure preparation;
2. Submitting the bids;
3. Public opening of the bids.
The module which will support the evaluation of the submitted bids, which is a
logic continuation of electronic submission, is not mandatory, but the users will have
the possibility to use it in the future.
When preparing the procedure that allows e-delivery, the customer prepares the
procedure, that is, enters the data for the publication of a call for tender, as usual, and
activates the option e-Procurement.
The procedure of submitting the bid from the bidder’s aspect includes all the processes from creating a new bid to the final steps of receiving a certificate of successful
submission. Also, the system can make changes / amendments and cancel the offer.
Electronic submission of the bid must be performed using the advanced electronic signature of the bidder, pursuant to the Electronic Signature Act (Official Gazette,
10/2002, 80/2008, 30/2014) and bylaws. The process of obtaining digital certificates
is easy, provided that certain documents and procedures require only because it is a
certificate for “advanced electronic signature”, i.e. it is necessary to “unambiguously
identify” the user.
The moment of receiving electronic bid submitted is documented with confirmation of the receipt of electronic bids and bidder shall be submitted a confirmation of
receipt of electronic bids specifying the date and time of receipt and ordinal number
of the bid according to the order of receiving electronic bids.
In the transitional period, during 2015, the system supports and the record of “paper” bids that have been submitted by mail or other delivery method. Also, in paper
form the bidders submit the documents of other authorities or entities which are valid
only in the original form, if it is not possible to deliver the original in electronic form,
such as the required bank guarantees or warranties regarding the bid.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Ivančica Franjković
Experiences in centralised procurement and a mandatory electronic delivery of bids in the Republic of Croatia
Ivančica Franjković
Detailed information for customers and tenderers are available in the form of manuals, available in the electronic advertisement sections, but in any case, the information that is provided by the customer in the part of the Tender documentation is useful.
It can be concluded that electronic submission of bids and participation requests
to the economic entities will decrease the costs and the risk of delayed submission
via classic delivery method. Also, due to electronic processing of the documents, the
customer also may have the possibility to decrease costs. Technical characteristics of
EOJN platform and the usage of advanced electronic signature will disable the insight into bids and requests for participation before the prescribed deadlines. In this,
way, there will be no manipulation with the content (e.g. changing or inserting pages)
which may occur in the case of paper documents.
Therefore, it is necessary to further motivate and encourage bidders to use the
possibility of e-submission, while, on the other hand, the authorities have to provide
additional training in order to enable users to use the new module for e-submission
Thus, the role of a central procurement does not stop with the publication or implementation procedures or the signature of framework agreements and the conclusion of public contracts.
In addition, for the successful implementation of centralised procurement, it is important to provide a modern IT infrastructure, and continuous updating of knowledge of procurement categories (from market research, through technical knowledge of
goods and services, knowledge in public procurement and negotiation skills, to the
knowledge of information technologies relevant to the implementation of e-procurement). 140
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Ured za razmatranje žalbi
mjerodavnosti, organizacija, problemi u radu
Željka Klobučar
Predsjedavajuća Ureda za razmatranje žalbi
Što je javna nabava?
– Javna nabava je nabava roba, usluga i radova koju provde ugovorna tijela, sukladno
Zakonu o javnim nabavama i podzakonskim aktima.
– Cilj zakonski uređenog sustava javnih nabavi je da se, kroz utvrđenje prava, dužnosti i odgovornosti učesnika u postupcima javne nabave, kao i postupak kontrole
javne nabave, osigura:
– najefikasniji način korištenja javnih sredstava, s obzirom na svrhu i predmet javne
– izvršenje javne nabave i dodjeljivanja ugovora o javnoj nabavi sukladno principima ZJN;
– osiguranje pravične i aktivne konkurencije među potencijalnim dobavljačima,
otvarivanjem jednakog tretmana, nediskriminacije i transparentnosti, a što je zadaća ugovornih tijela.
(»stari« ZJN) Zakon o javnim nabavama Bosne i Hercegovine („Službeni glasnik BiH“, broj: 49/04)
– U BiH se, prvi puta, posebnim zakonom uređuje sustav javnih nabavi - kroz Zakon
o javnim nabavama Bosne i Hercegovine („Službeni glasnik BiH“, broj: 49/04).
(skraćeno: ZJN)
– Ovaj „stari“ ZJN imao je više izmjena i dopuna („Službeni glasnik BiH“, broj:
19/05, 52/05, 8/06, 24/06, 70/06, 12/09, 60/10, 87/13 i 47/14).
– Poglavljem IV „starog“ ZJN prvi puta se u BiH uspostavljaju institucije za provođenje ovog zakona i to:
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Ured za razmatranje žalbi
Željka Klobučar
– Agencija za javne nabave (skraćeno: AJN)
– Ured za razmatranje žalbi (skraćeno: URŽ).
– „Starim“ ZJN utvđeno je da je URŽ samostalna, upravna organizacija, sa statusom
pravne osobe i sjedištem u Sarajevu.
– Iako je Zakonom utvrđeno da URŽ treba sa radom početi 31. 03. 2006. godine,
zvanično je početak rada bio travanja 2006. godine, kada su, proed dva člana URŽa, ugovor o radu zaključila i dav zaposlenika.
Mjerodavnost URŽ utvrđena „starim“ ZJN bila je „provođenje odredbi
ZJN utvrđenih u Odjeljku II Poglavlja IV – koji će URŽ voditi kao
drugostupanjski organ“
– URŽ se sastoji od ukupno 6 članova i to:
– 3 člana koji se biraju iz reda priznatih stručnjaka upravnog prava i/ili upravnog postupka, koji imaju status neovisnog suca, nespojiv s obavljanjem bilo kakve druge
neposredne ili posredne, stalne ili povremene dužnosti, sa izuzetkom akademkih
aktivnosti, i
– 3 člana koji su stručnjaci u oblasti izvođenja radova, javnih nabavi, transporta i
strateškog upravljanja.
– Parlamentarna skupština BiH imenovala je svih šest članova URŽ-a, po
– okončanju procedure javnog natječaja u kojem je Vijeće ministara BiH predlagalo
kandidate za izbor, vodeći računa o entitetskoj zastupljenosti.
– Za rad URŽ-a najznačajnija izmjena „starog“ ZJN bila je ona u kojoj:
– je predviđena uspostava filijala URŽ-a sa sjedištem u Banja Luci i Mostaru; i
– uvođenje obveznog plaćanja naknade za pokretanje žalbe. („Sl. glasnik BiH“, broj:
– Filijale URŽ-a ni do danas nisu uspostavljene (prošlo je više od godinu dana).
– Obvezna uplata naknade za pokretanje žalbenog postupka uticala je na broj uloženih žabi u proteklih godinu dana.
(»novi« ZJN) Zakon o javnim nabavama Bosne i Hercegovine („Službeni glasnik BiH“, broj: 49/04)
– »Novi«˝Zakon o javnim nabavama Bosne i Hercegovine, koji je objavljen dana 19.
05. 2014. godine u „Službenom glasnik BiH“, broj: 39/04, primjenjuje se počev od
27. 11. 2014. godine (istekom šest mjeseci od dana stupanja na snagu).
– I »novim« ZJN (čl. 91.) kao institucije za praćenje primjene ovog Zakona utvrđuju
– Agencija za javne nabave
– Ured za razmatranje žalbi.
– Uloga AJN je da osigura pravilno provođenje ZJN. (čl. 92. st. 3.)
– URŽ rješava po žalbama u postupcima javne nabave. (čl. 93. st. 8.).
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Ured za razmatranje žalbi
Mjerodavnost URŽ-a
Željka Klobučar
– Uloga URŽ-a je da donosi odluke po žalbama i to:
– URŽ sa sjedištem u Sarajevu je mjerodavan da donosi odluke po žalbama za vrijednosti nabave u iznosu većem od 800.000,00 KM, kao i za sve nabave institucija
Bosne i Hercegovine i institucija Brčko Distrikta BiH, i drugih ugovornih tijela
Bosne i Hercegovine i Brčko Distrikta BiH;
– Filijale URŽ-a sa sjedištem u Banja Luci i Mostaru mjerodavne su za donošenje
odluka po žalbama za vrijednosti nabave do 800.000,00 KM. Mjerodavnost filijala
utvrđuje se prema entitetskom sjedištu ugovornog tijela.
Status i članovi URŽ-a
– U pogledu statusa URŽ-a novi ZJN predviđa da je samostalna, neovisna institucija, sa statusom pravne osobe i sjedištem u Sarajevu.
– Za razliku od ranijeg (6 članova), »novi« ZJN predviđa da URŽ ima 7 članova i to:
– 3 člana, između kojih se bira predsjedavajući, moraju imati univerzitetsko obrazovanje pravnog smijera i položen pravosudni ispit;
– 3 člana su stručnjaci sa visokom stručnom spremom u oblasti izvođenja radova,
javnih nabavki, transporta ili strateškog poslovnog upravljanja;
– 1 član (sedmi) – zakon nije definirao uvjete za imenovanje.
– ZJN je utvrdio da će filijale URŽ-a sa sjedištima u Banja Luci i Mostaru imati po 5
članova od kojih su:
– 3 člana priznati stručnjaci upravnog prava i/ili upravnog postupka,
– 2 člana stručnjaci u oblasti izvođenja radova, javnih nabavki, transporta ili strateškog poslovnog upravljanja.
– Mandat članova URŽ-a je 5 godina, s mogućnošću jednog ponovnog imenovanja.
– Razlika u odnosu na »stari« ZJN glede imenovanja članova URŽ-a je u tome što
cjelokupnu proceduru izbora i imenovanja sada vodi Parlamentarna skupština
– Trenutno, URŽ ima 6 članova od kojih je jednom članu (pravni smijer) istekao
mandat, dok sedmi član još nije imenovan.
– Nisu imenovani ni članovi URŽ-a u filijalama u Banja Luci i Mostaru (5+5).
Unutarnje ustrojstvo URŽ-a
– Pravilnikom o unutrašnjoj organizaciji URŽ-a sistematizirano je ukupno 7 radnih
mjesta, odnosno 17 izvršitelja.
– Trenutno, URŽ ima 17 uposlenih od kojih su:
– 6 imenovanih osoba (članovi URŽ-a);
– 7 državnih službenika (stručni savjetnici)
– (od kojih 6 stručnih savjetnika radi neposredno na rješavanju žalbi, sa članovima
URŽ – po principu: 1 član URŽ – 1 stručni savjetnik za pitanja javnih nabavi)
– 4 zaposlenika.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Ured za razmatranje žalbi
Problemi u radu
Željka Klobučar
Žalbe uložene u periodu 19. 11. 2013. – 24. 06. 2014. godine;
Sugasnost na Pravilnik o unutarnjem ustrojstvu
nedostatak kadrova
nedostatak sredstava;
edukacija »ostalih« učesnika u sustavu javnih nabavi;
objavljivanje načelnih stavova
Žalbe uložene u periodu 19. 11. 2013. – 24. 06. 2014. g
– Stupanjem na snagu Zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o javnim nabavama
(»Sl. glasnik BiH«, broj: 82/13) dana 19. 11. 2013. godine bitno je izmijenjen način
odlučivanja u postupku javnih nabavi.
– (– vrijednosti nabave do 800.000,00 KM – filijale u Banja Luci i Mostaru
– (– vrijednosti nabave više od 800.000,00 KM i sve nabave institucija BiH i
– Brčko Distrkita BiH – sjedište URŽ u Sarajevu).
– U periodu od 19. 11. 2013. do 24. 06. 2014. godine URŽ je donio 519 Zaključaka o
nemjerodavnom postupanju, čija izreka glasi:
– »I. Ured za rješavanje žalbi u Sarajevu oglašava se stvarno nemjerodavnim za rješavanje po žalbi ponuditelja ____________________ od _________ godine.
– II. Nakon uspostave Filijala URŽ sa sjedištem u Banja Luci i Mostaru, spis URŽ broj:
UP2-01-07.1-___________/1_ dostviti će se ispostavi URŽ-a koja zakonom bude
određena za ugovorni organ na koji se odnosi ovaj zaključak (Banja Luka ili Mostar)
na dalji postupak«.
– Zakonom o dopuni Zakona o javnim nabavama (»Sl. glasnik BiH«, broj: 47/14)
»vraćena« je mjerodavnost URŽ-u sa sjedištem u Sarajevu da rješava po svim žalbama. (Zakon je u primjeni od 25. 06. 2014. godine).
– Ukupan broj žalbi koje su za navedeni priod ostale neriješene je:
– 111 žalbi iz 2013. godine i
– 409 žalbi iz 2014. godine.
– U praksi, jedan dio ovih žalbi riješen je:
– u postupku po sudskoj presudi
– (Sud BiH naložio rješavanje – 14 »utuženih« zaključaka)
– upravni inspektorat Ministarstva pravde BiH naložio rješavanje
– (1 predmet).
– URŽ je 11. 12. 2014. godine uputio upit Parlamentarnoj skuštini BiH u svezi autentičnog tumačenja odredbi »starog« ZJN, a koje se odnose na čl. 49a. Zakona.
Odgovor nismo dobili.
Sugasnost na Pravilnik o unutarnjem ustrojstvu
– URŽ trenutno radi 17 zaposlenih (od toga: 6 imenovanih osoba – članovi URŽ;
7 državnih službenika i 3 zaposlenika).
– Novi Pravilnik o unutarnjem ustrojstvu URŽ-a u postupku je dobivanja potrebitih
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Ured za razmatranje žalbi
– Od 2013. godine, već treći puta, Ministarstvo financija i trezora ne daje pozitivno
mišljenje, odnosno suglasnost na planirani broj zaposlenih u URŽ.
– Oba doma Parlamentarne skupštine BiH, kao i Ured za reviziju institucija BiH,
dali su podršku jačanju kapaciteta URŽ-a:
– »obzirom na važnost i ulogu URŽ u sustavu javnih nabavi, pitanje organizacije istatusa Ureda potrebito je riješiti bez odlaganja, te omogućiti dalje jačanje kapaciteta
Ureda, shdno zakonskim odredbama i zaključcima Parlamentarne skupštine BiH«.
– Sukladno čl. 93. st. 1. »novog« ZJN-a URŽ je samostalna, neovisna institucija, sa
statusom pravne osobe i sjedištem u Sarajevu.
– Da li na neovisnost URŽ-a mogu uticati organi o čijim odlukama u postupcima
javne nabave URŽ odlučuje ???
Željka klobučar
Edukacija »ostalih« učesnika u sustavu javnih nabavi
– Obzirom na stavove koje je Sud BiH iznosio u svojim presudama u kojima je donosio bitno drugačije odluke od onih koje je URŽ iznio u svojim rješenjima – koje
su predmetom sudskog odlučivanja u upravnom sporu, potrebito je obezbijediti
edukaciju sudaca u segmentu javnih nabavi – putem Centra za edukciju sudaca i
tužitelja, kao i zajedničkog učestvovanja na seminarima iz ove oblasti.
Objavljivanje načelnih stavova
– Zakonska je obveza objavljivanje zaključaka i rješenja URŽ, te presuda Suda BiH
po istima – na portalu javnih nabavi (čl. 113. st. 8. »novog« ZJN).
– Nedostatak kadrova (i opreme) uticaće na blagovremenost ispunjavanja ove zakonske obveze.
– Mogućnost zakonskog uporišta o objavljivanju načelnih stavova URŽ-a znatno bi
doprinjela sigurnosti u postupku, te smanjenju broja žalbi.
Za kraj
– uspostavom filijala URŽ-a, sukladno ZJN;
– pune neovisnosti u radu URŽ-a
(u smislu:
– suglasnosti na Pravilnik o unutarnjem ustrojstvu i
– odobravanjem dostatnog proračuna);
– edukacijom svih učesnika u sustavu javnih nabavi;
– objavljivanja odluka URŽa, kao i sudskih odluka, a posebito načelnih pravnih stavova URŽ-a;
u URŽ bi se uspostavio sustav upravljanja kvalitetom i takav upravljački sustav koji
organizaciju URŽ-a usmjerava na ostvarivanje postavljenih ciljeva u pogledu kvaliteta
poslovanja i pružanja usluga, a što, u konačnici, rezultira zadovoljstvom svih učesnika
u postupku javnih nabavi. 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procurement Review Body
Competencies, Organization, Problems
Željka Klobučar
Chair of the Procurement Review Body
What is public procurement?
– Public procurement is procurement of goods, services and works carried out by
the contracting authorities, pursuant to the the Public Procurement Law and by‐
– The aim of the legally regulated public procurement is, by establishment of rights,
duties, and responsibilities of the participants in the public procurement, as well as
the control procedure, to provide for:
– The most efficient manner of use of public funds, given the purpose and subject of
the public procurement;
– To carry out public procurement and award contract on public procurement pursuant to the principles defined by the Law;
To provide for fair and active competition of the potential suppliers, treating them
equally, without discrimination and transparently which is the task of the contracting bodies.
(»old« PPL) Public Procurement Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina
(hereinafter: PPL) („Official Gazette of BiH“, No: 49/04)
– In BiH, for the first time, a special law regulates the public procurement system –
the Public Procurement Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of BiH).
(hereinafter: PPL )
– This „old“ PPL was amended on several occasions, Official Gazette of BiH No.:
19/05, 52/05, 8/06, 24/06, 70/06, 12/09, 60/10, 87/13 i 47/14).
– Chapter IV of the „old“ PPL , for the first time in BiH, establishes the institutions
for implementation of the Law and as follows:
– Public Procurement Agency (hereinafter: PPA) Procurement Review Body (hereinafter: PRB).
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procurement Review Body
– „Old“ PPL establishes that PRB is independent administrative organization, legal
entity and with the seat in Sarajevo.
– Although the Law defines that PRB had to start working on 31 March 2006. godine, officially it was in April 2006, when, in addition to the two PRB members,
two employees were employed.
Željka klobučar
The competencies of the PRB defined by the „old“ PPL were
„implementation of the provisions of the PPL as set in Section II of
Chapter IV – referring to the PRB as the second instance body“
– The PRB has six members in total and:
– 3 members elected from the ranks of the recognized experts of administrative law
and/administrative procedure, with the status of independent judge incompatible
with any other direct or indirect, permanent or occasional duty, except for academic activities, and
– 3 members who are experts in the field of public works, public procurement, transport and strategic management.
– Parliamentary Assembly of BiH appointed all six members of the PRB, following
completion of the procedure of the public announcement for vacancies, when the
Council of Ministers of BiH proposed the candidates for election taking into consideration the ethnic representation.
– the most important amendment of the old PPL for the work of the PRB was: Envisaging the establishment of the branch‐offices of the PRB with the seats in Banja
Luka and Mostar; and
– Introducing mandatory payment of the fee for the appeal. (Official Gazette of BiH
No. 87/13).
– The PRB branch‐offices have not yet been established (more than a year has passed). The mandatory payment of the fee for instituting the appellate procedure has
affected the number of the filed appeals in the past year.
(»new« PPL) Public Procurement Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina Official Gazette of BiH No. 49/04)
– The »new« PPL of Bosnia and Herzegovina, published on 19 May 2014 in the Official Gazette of BiH No. 39/04, is being applied as of 27 November 2014(after expiry
of six months following entry into force).
– According to the »new« PPL (Article 91) the institutions for monitoring of application of this Law are:
– Public Procurement Agency
– Procurement Review Body.
– The role of PPA is to provide for regular implementation of the PPL. (Article 92.
Paragraph 3)
– The PRB decides on the appeals in the public procurement procedures (Article 93
Paragraph 8).
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procurement Review Body
Željka Klobučar
PRB Competencies
– The PRB role is to decide on the appeals and:
– The PRB, with the seat in Sarajevo, is competent to decide on the appeals for procurement in the amount exceeding KM 800,000.00, as well as for all the procurements of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and institutions of the Brčko
District of BiH, and other contracting authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
the Brčko District of BiH;
– The PRB branch offices with the seat in Banja Luka and Mostar are competent to
decide on the appeals in the amounts not exceeding KM 800,000.00. The competence of branch offices is established according to the entity seat of the contracting
Status and PRB members
– Regarding the PRB status, the new PPL stipulates that it is shall be an independent,
autonomous institution with a status of a legal person, with the seat in Sarajevo.
– Contrary to the previous (6 members), the »new« PPL stipulates that PRB has 7
members: Three members of the PRB among whom the chairperson shall be elected shall have to have university degree qualifications in law and shall have to have
passed bar examination.
– Remaining three members of the PRB shall be university degree experts in the
areas of works construction, public procurement, transport, or strategic business
– 1 member (the seventh ) – the Law has not defined the conditions for appointment.
– The PPL defines that the two branch offices with headquarters in Banja Luka and
Mostar shall have five members.
– 3 of whom three shall be recognized experts in administrative law and/or administrative procedure,
– 2 members shall be experts in the field of execution of works, public procurement,
transport, and strategic business operations.
– Term of office of the PRB members shall be five years with an option of one reappointment.
– The difference between the»old« PPL referring to the appointment of the PRB
members is that the entire procedure of selection and appointment is conducted
by Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.
– Currently, the PRB has six members and the term of office of one member (school
of law ) has expired, and the seventh member has not yet been appointed.
– The PBR members in branch offices in Banja Luka and Mostar have not been appointed (5+5).
PRB Internal Organization
– The PRB Rule Book on Internal Organization systematized 7 work posts in total,
that is 17 employees.
– Currently, the PRB has 17 employees and:
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procurement Review Body
– 6 appointed (PRB members);
– 7 civil servants (senior advisors)
– (6 senior advisors are directly engaged in deciding on the appeals wit the PRB
members – based on the principle: 1 PRB member – 1 public procurement advisor)
– 4 employees.
Željka klobučar
Problems in work
The appeals filed in the period 19 November 2013 – 24 June 2014;
Consent to the Rule Book on Internal Organization
Lack of staff
Lack of funds;
Education of the »other« participants in the public procurement system;
Publishing the principle positions
The appeals filed in the period 19 November 2013 – 24 June 2014
– When the Law on the Amendments to the Public Procurement Law entered into
force (Official Gazette of BiH No. 82/13) on 19 November 2013 the decision making manner in the public procurement procedure was significantly changed.
– (– procurement values below KM 800,000.00– branch offices in Banja Luka and
– (– procurement values exceeding KM 800,000.00 and all procurements of the BiH
institutions and of the Brčko District of BiH – PRB seat in Sarajevo.
– In the period from 19 November 2013 until 24 June 2014, the PRB made 519 Conclusions stating that it lacks competence to act, the operative part of which reads:
»I. The Procurement Review Body in Sarajevo declares itself not competent to decide
on the appeal of a bidder _______________ dated_________.
II. After establishment of the PRB branch offices in Banja Luka and Mostar, the PRB
file number: UP2‐01‐07.1‐____/1_ shall be forwarded to the PRB branch office, stipulated by the law for the contracting authority that this Conclusion refers to, (Banja
Luka or Mostar) for further procedure«.
– The Law on the Amendments to the (Public Procurement Law Official Gazette of
BiH No. 47/14) »restored« the competence of the PRB in Sarajevo to decide on all
the appeals . (The Law is applied as of 25 June 2014).
– The total number of the appleas not decided in this period is: 111 appeals from
2013 and 409 appeals from 2014.
– In practice, a number of the appelas was decided: In the procedure following the
judgement of the court (the Court of BiH ordered decision making – 14 »pressed
charges« conclusions) The administrative inspectorate of the Ministry of Justice of
BiH ordered decision making (1 case).
– On 11 December 2014, the PRB addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH
requesting the authentic interpretation of the provision of the »old« PPL referring
to Article 49a. of the Law. We have not received the answer.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procurement Review Body
Željka Klobučar
Consent to the Rule Book on Internal Organization
– Currently, the PRB has 17 employees (6 appointed – PRB members ; 7 civil servants and 3 employees).
– The new PRB Rule Book on Internal Organization is in the process of getting the
required approvals.
– Since 2013, for the third time, the Ministry of Finance and Treasury did not to give
a positive opinion, that is, consent to the planed number of the employees in the
– Both houses of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, as well as the Audit Office of
the Institutions of BiH, supported strengthening of the PRB capacities
– »considering the importance and role of the PRB in the public procurement system,
it is necessary to resolve the issue of the organization and status of the PRB without
delay, and enable further strengthening of the capacities of the Body, pursuant to the
provisions of the law and conclusions Parliamentary Assembly BiH«.
– Purusuant to Article 93 Para 1of the »new« PPL, the PRB is autonomous, independent institution, with the status of the legal entity and seat in Sarajevo.
– Can the bodies, on which decisions in the public procurement procedures the PRB
decides, influence the PRB ???
Education of the »other« participants in the public procurement system
– Given the positions that the Court of BiH gave in its judgments in which it made
decisions significantly different compared to those made by the PRB – which were
the subject‐matter of the administrative dispute, it is necessary to provide for education of judges in the public procurement segment – Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training – as well as the joint participation on seminars from this area.
Publication of the Principle Positions
– It is a legal obligation to publish the conclusions and decisions of the PRB, and
judgments of the Court of BiH –on the portal of the public procurement. (Article
113 Paragraph 8 of the »new« PPL).
– Lack of staff (and equipment ) shall affect the timely fulfillment of this legal obligation.
– The possibility given by the law for publishing of the principle positions of the PRB
would significantly contribute to safety of the procedure and decrease the number
of the appeals.
If we provide for:
– establishment of the PRB branch offices according to the PPL;
– Full independence in work of the PRB (referring to:
– Consent to the Rule Book on Internal Organization
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Procurement Review Body
– Approval of the adequate budget
– Education of all the participants in the public procurement system );
– publishing of the PRB decisions, as well as court decision, and in particular the
principle legal positions of the PRB;
– The quality management system would be established in the PRB and such a management system would direct the PRB organization to realization of the set goals
referring to quality of the operations and provision of services which, finally, would
result in satisfaction of all the participants in the public procurement system. 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Željka klobučar
Mednarodni pregled ureditve pravnega
varstva na področju javnega naročanja
mag. Urška Skok Klima
Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Direktorat za javno naročanje
Zakonodaja Evropske unije dopušča, da države članice Evropske unije pravno varstvo zoper kršitve v postopkih javnega naročanja uredijo samostojno, zato se ureditev
sistema pravnega varstva med državami zelo razlikuje. V večini držav članic Evropske
unije so za odločanje o kršitvah pri oddaji javnih naročil pristojna sodišča – bodisi
administrativna bodisi civilna. Mnoge države članice so sistem pravnega varstva uredile tako, da potekajo postopki pravnega varstva najprej pred posebnimi neodvisnimi
organi, šele nato pa pred sodišči. Nekatere države (Francija, Luksemburg) ločijo organe za odločanje tudi glede na klasični in infrastrukturni sektor. Pri tistih državah,
v katerih imajo na prvi stopnji odločanja poseben organ (in ne sodišče), člani tega
organa v večini primerov nimajo položaja, primerljivega s položajem sodnika, v večini
primerov pa se zanje zahtevajo posebni pogoji (državljanstvo, nekaznovanost, ponekod integriteta ipd.) in tudi posebno imenovanje.
Če primerjamo ureditev večine držav članic EU, lahko ugotovimo, da ima približno 62 % držav na prvi stopnji posebno telo, 20 % jih ima upravno sodišče in 18 %
klasično oziroma civilno sodišče; od tega ima približno 87 % držav drugo stopnjo in
okoli 10 % držav tretjo stopnjo.
Države, ki imajo na prvi stopnji specializiran revizijski organ, imajo običajno drugo (pritožbeno) stopnjo na sodišču. Izjemi sta Češka in Poljska, kjer predsednikov
Urad za varstvo konkurence in Urad za javna naročila delujeta kot samostojna organa
tudi na drugi stopnji zoper odločbe, izdane na prvi stopnji.
V nekaterih državah članicah, na primer na Nizozemskem, ima posebno vlogo
nacionalni ombudsman. Možnost zaslišanja strokovnjakov pa obstaja v avstrijskem,
estonskem, francoskem in madžarskem sistemu.
V državah, ki nimajo specializiranega organa in v katerih v sporih v postopkih javnega naročanja odločajo sodišča tako na prvi kot na drugi (ali celo tretji) stopnji, imajo
v večini primerov pristojnost odločanja na prvi in drugi stopnji upravna sodišča (z
izjemo Finske in Litve, kjer na prvi stopnji odloča civilni oddelek klasičnega sodišča,
ter Irske, kjer odloča višje sodišče).
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Mednarodni pregled ureditve pravnega varstva na področju javnega naročanja
V ureditvah, v katerih na prvi stopnji odloča specializirani organ, ima v približno
50 % ureditev pristojnost odločanja na drugi stopnji vrhovno sodišče in v okoli 50 %
držav upravno sodišče.
Prav tako so tudi nadomestila za vodenje postopkov pravnega varstva v državah
urejena zelo različno. V večini držav članic Evropske unije je višina takse, ki jo morajo
vplačati vlagatelji zahteve za pravno varstvo, odvisna od več dejavnikov, na primer od
vrednosti javnega naročila, vrste predmeta javnega naročanja (blago, storitve ali gradnje), vrste in teže kršitve naročnika, vrste odločitve naročnika, ki se izpodbija, števila
očitanih kršitev.
V nadaljevanju so predstavljene ureditve pravnega varstva zoper kršitve v postopkih javnega naročanja v Nemčiji, Italiji, Litvi in Romuniji ter na Madžarskem, Češkem,
Poljskem in Nizozemskem, in sicer zlasti glede pristojnosti za odločanje o zahtevkih
za pravno varstvo in nadomestil za postopke, v katerih specializirani organi oziroma
sodišča obravnavajo tovrstne zahtevke, ter primer ureditve, po kateri je specializirani
organ na prvi stopnji sestavljen iz sodnikov in porotnikov (Avstrija), primer ureditve,
ko je specializirani organ del določenega ministrstva in pri odločanju sodelujejo zunanji strokovnjaki (Latvija in Luksemburg), ter primer ureditve, v kateri je specializirani
organ samostojen državni organ (Bolgarija).
Urška Skok Klima
Na Nizozemskem se pravno varstvo v postopkih javnega naročanja zagotavlja pred
civilnimi sodišči, in sicer po rednem ali hitrem postopku. Kršitve v postopkih javnega
naročanja ponudniki po večini uveljavljajo v hitrih, poenostavljenih postopkih, ki trajajo od 14 do 42 dni. Za vodenje postopka je predvidena taksa, ki jo mora ob vložitvi
zahteve za pravno varstvo vplačati vlagatelj. Taksa znaša:
– 1.836 evrov za pravne osebe in 842 evrov za fizične osebe, kadar se pravno varstvo
uveljavlja zoper kršitve v postopku javnega naročanja, katerega vrednost je nižja
od 100.000 evrov, in
– 3.715 evrov za pravne osebe in 1.474 evrov za fizične osebe, kadar se pravno varstvo uveljavlja zoper kršitve v postopku javnega naročanja, katerega vrednost je
višja od 100.000 evrov.
Za primere, ko ocenjena vrednost javnega naročila ni znana, znaša taksa za vložitev zahteve za pravno varstvo 589 evrov za pravne osebe in 274 evrov za fizične osebe.
Pravno varstvo v postopkih javnega naročanja na zvezni ravni je v Nemčiji urejeno
z javnonaročniškimi tribunali, ki so organizirani v neodvisnem organu za varstvo konkurence. Tribunali morajo o zahtevah za revizijo odločiti najpozneje v sedmih tednih,
rok za odločanje je namreč določen z zakonom (pet tednov z možnostjo izrednega
podaljšanja za dva tedna). Zoper odločitve tribunalov je mogoča pritožba, o kateri
odločajo civilna sodišča. Za postopek pravnega varstva morajo vlagatelji plačati takso. Višina takse je določena v razponu, in sicer od 2.500 do 50.000 evrov. Določa se
za vsak primer posebej, upoštevajoč pri tem vrednost javnega naročila in materialne
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Mednarodni pregled ureditve pravnega varstva na področju javnega naročanja
Urška Skok Klima
stroške ter stroške dela, ki nastanejo organu odločanja v postopku pravnega varstva.
V izjemnih primerih, ko so stroški zelo visoki, se lahko določi tudi višja taksa, in sicer
do 100.000 evrov.
Litovska ureditev pravnega varstva zagotavlja ponudnikom uveljavljanje kršitev v
postopkih javnega naročanja pred regionalnimi civilnimi sodišči. Kadar želi ponudnik
uveljavljati pravno varstvo zoper ravnanje naročnika pred oddajo javnega naročila,
mora pravno varstvo predhodno uveljavljati pri naročniku. Iz razpoložljivih podatkov
izhaja, da so v letu 2011 postopki pred regionalnimi sodišči na prvi stopnji trajali v
povprečju 120 dni, na drugi stopnji pa 73 dni. Taksa za postopek pravnega varstva je
približno 290 evrov.
Na Češkem se pravno varstvo v postopkih javnega naročanja zagotavlja pred Uradom za varstvo konkurence. V skladu s predvidenim administrativnim postopkom
poteka odločanje v tem organu na dveh stopnjah, in sicer na prvi stopnji odloča pristojni direktor, na drugi stopnji pa predsednik urada. Odločitve se lahko izpodbijajo
v postopku pred rednimi sodišči. V letu 2011 so postopki pred uradom glede na statistične podatke trajali 98 dni, pred sodišči pa 94 dni. Za začetek postopka pravnega
varstva morajo vlagatelji plačati takso v višini 1 % vrednosti ponudbe, vendar ne manj
kot 2.000 evrov in ne več kot 80.000 evrov. Kadar vrednost ponudbe ni znana oziroma
se vlagateljeva zahteva nanaša na prepoved izvrševanja pogodbe, znaša taksa približno
4.000 evrov.
Za odločanje o zahtevah za pravno varstvo je na Madžarskem na prvi stopnji pristojen odbor (Public Procurement Arbitration Board), ki deluje v državnem organu,
pristojnem za javno naročanje (Public Procurement Authority). Zoper odločitve tega
organa je dopustna pritožba na sodišče. Postopek na prvi stopnji, tj. pred odborom,
traja od 15 do 60 dni, pri čemer se rok odločanja izjemoma lahko podaljša še za največ
30 dni. Za vodenje postopka pravnega varstva je predvidena taksa, ki jo mora ob vložitvi zahteve za pravno varstvo plačati vlagatelj. Taksa znaša:
– za postopke javnega naročanja, ki presegajo mejne vrednosti iz zakonodaje Evropske unije, zaradi česar jih je treba objaviti v Uradnem listu Evropske unije, tj.
za naročila blaga in storitev od 130.000 evrov dalje in gradnje od 5.000.000 evrov
dalje, 1 % ocenjene vrednosti javnega naročila oziroma sklopa javnega naročila,
vendar ne več kot 84.400 evrov,
– za postopke javnega naročanja, ki jih glede na vrednost ni treba objaviti v Uradnem
listu Evropske unije, tj. za naročila blaga in storitev do 130.000 evrov in gradnje do
5.000.000 evrov, ter za javne natečaje 1 % od ocenjene vrednosti javnega naročila
oziroma sklopa javnega naročila, vendar ne več kot 20.270 evrov, in ne manj kot
675 evrov.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Mednarodni pregled ureditve pravnega varstva na področju javnega naročanja
Na višino takse vpliva tudi število kršitev, za katere vlagatelj uveljavlja pravno varstvo. Z večjim številom kršitev se progresivno povečuje tudi višina takse za pravno
varstvo, in sicer največ za dvakratnik zneska, izračunanega po opredeljenih splošnih
pravilih za izračun takse.
Urška Skok Klima
Na Poljskem se na prvi stopnji pravno varstvo zoper kršitve v postopkih javnega
naročanja uveljavlja pred posebnim organom – National Chamber of Appeals, na drugi stopnji pa pred pristojnimi sodišči. Postopki na prvi stopnji se končajo v 15 dneh,
sodišča pa morajo o pritožbah zoper odločitve prvostopenjskega organa odločiti najpozneje v enem mesecu. Za postopke pravnega varstva je predvideno plačilo takse.
Za postopke javnega naročanja blaga ali storitev, katerih vrednost je nižja od 130.000
evrov, in za postopke javnega naročanja gradenj, katerih vrednost je nižja od 5.000.000
evrov, taksa lahko znaša do 17 % vrednosti naročila. Za javna naročila, katerih vrednost presega omenjene vrednosti, pa znaša taksa 5 % vrednosti naročila, pri čemer je
zgornja meja takse 1.179.245 evrov.
V Romuniji je za pravno varstvo v postopkih javnega naročanja pristojen poseben
organ – National Coucil for Solving Complaints, ki je del državne uprave, na drugi stopnji pa o pritožbah zoper odločitve tega organa odločajo sodišča. Postopki pravnega
varstva na prvi stopnji lahko trajajo do največ dvajset dni, sodišča pa o pritožbi zoper
prvostopenjsko odločitev odločajo več mesecev. Romunska ureditev v primerjavi z
večino drugih držav članic Evropske unije za postopek pravnega varstva ne predvideva
plačila takse, določa pa obveznost, da se iz finančnega zavarovanja za resnost ponudbe
unovči nadomestilo za postopek pravnega varstva, kadar ponudnik z zahtevkom za
revizijo ni uspel. Višina unovčenja, ki ga mora zahtevati naročnik, znaša:
– za javna naročila do 95.000 evrov: 1 % vrednosti naročila,
– za javna naročila od 95.000 evrov do 950.226 evrov: 950 evrov in 0,1 % vrednosti
naročila, ki presega vrednost 95.000 evrov,
– za javna naročila od 950.226 evrov do 9.502.262 evrov: 1.805 evrov in 0,01 % vrednosti naročila, ki presega vrednost 950.226 evrov,
– za javna naročila od 9.502.262 evrov do 95.022.624 evrov: 2.260 evrov in 0,001 %
vrednosti naročila, ki presega vrednost 9.502.262 evrov,
– za javna naročila od 95.022.624 evrov do 950.226.244 evrov: 3.515 evrov in 0,0001 %
vrednosti naročila, ki presega vrednost 95.022.624 evrov, in
– za javna naročila od 950.226.244 evrov dalje: 4.371 evrov in 0,00001 % vrednosti
naročila, ki presega vrednost 950.226.244 evrov.
V Italiji se pravno varstvo zoper kršitve pri oddaji javnih naročil na prvi stopnji
uveljavlja pred regionalnimi upravnimi sodišči, na drugi stopnji pa pred pravno-administrativnim posvetovalnim organom, ki je pristojen za odločanje o zakonitosti aktov
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Mednarodni pregled ureditve pravnega varstva na področju javnega naročanja
Urška Skok Klima
organov javne uprave (State Counsil). Na prvi stopnji se postopki pravnega varstva
običajno končajo v 80 dneh.
Za postopek pravnega varstva na prvi in drugi stopnji je treba plačati takso. Njena
višina je odvisna od ocenjene vrednosti javnega naročila in znaša za postopek pravnega varstva na prvi stopnji:
– 2.000 evrov, če je vrednost javnega naročila nižja od 200.000 evrov,
– 4.000 evrov, če je vrednost javnega naročila med 200.000 evri in 1.000.000 evri, in
– 6.000 evrov, če je vrednost javnega naročila nad 1.000.000 evri.
Za postopek pravnega varstva na drugi stopnji morajo vlagatelji plačati višjo takso,
in sicer 1,5-kratnik takse, določene za postopek pravnega varstva na prvi stopnji. Avstrija
Po avstrijski zvezni ustavi obstaja deset različnih revizijskih organov za pritožbe
zoper ravnanje naročnikov in en organ na zvezni ravni. Zvezni urad za javna naročila (Bundesvergabeamt) je del pravosodnega sistema in je sestavljen iz neodvisnih
upravnih sodnikov (imenovani so najprej za tri leta, pozneje pa z možnostjo trajnega
mandata) in porotnikov, ki se imenujejo pod enakimi pogoji za določeno obdobje na
predlog naročnikov in ponudnikov. Odločitve se običajno sprejemajo v senatih, sestavljenih iz enega upravnega sodnika in dveh porotnikov.
Druga stopnja je na vrhovnem sodišču, na katerem za ta namen stalne člane imenuje predsednik države, imeti pa morajo vsaj 5 let izkušenj kot odvetniki ali 5 let na
področju javnih naročil. Podoben sistem ima Nemčija.
Latvija ima na prvi stopnji Urad za nadzor naročanja – Procurement Monitoring
Bureau (PMB). PMB je državna upravna ustanova, ki je podrejena ministrstvu za finance in deluje v skladu z zakonom o javnih naročilih. PMB, ki se ukvarja tudi z drugimi zadevami v zvezi z javnim naročanjem, je za reševanje pritožb ustanovila Komisijo
za pritožbe (CEC), ki jo sestavljajo vsaj trije člani. CEC oziroma njeni člani nimajo
statusa, primerljivega s sodniki. PMB k odločanju vabi strokovnjake javnega naročanja
ali druge strokovnjake. Ti sodelujejo v CEC na sestankih brez glasovalne pravice in
podajo komisiji za pritožbe neodvisno strokovno mnenje o dejstvih. Na drugi stopnji
odloča upravno sodišče.
Podobno ima Luksemburg za odločanje na prvi stopnji ustanovljeno Komisijo za
razpise v okviru ministrstva za javna dela. Komisija je sestavljena iz devetih članov, od
katerih jih pet, vključno s predsednikom, zastopa naročnike, štirje pa zastopajo strokovne organizacije. Naloge komisije vključujejo nadzor nad izpolnjevanjem razpisnih
postopkov in odločanje o sporih. Komisija je hkrati svetovalno telo, vendar te odločitve niso zavezujoče, druga stopnja je na upravnem sodišču.
V Bolgariji je Komisija za varstvo konkurence (CPC) poseben prvostopenjski revizijski organ, ki je neodvisen od vlade. Člani komisije nimajo statusa, primerljivega s
sodniki. Komisijo sestavlja sedem oseb, izvoljenih s strani državnega zbora za obdobje
petih let, lahko pa so ponovno izvoljene za nadaljnjih pet let. Predsednik komisije
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Mednarodni pregled ureditve pravnega varstva na področju javnega naročanja
mora biti usposobljen pravnik, ki je specializiran na področju vsaj deset let. Vsi člani
morajo biti bolgarski državljani, imeti morajo diplomo iz prava ali ekonomije in najmanj pet let delovnih izkušenj v praksi, pogoj za njihovo izvolitev pa so še visoke poklicnoetične kvalitete in to, da niso bili obsojeni za naklepno kaznivo dejanje splošne
narave. Prav tako zanje velja, da ne morejo opravljati drugega plačanega poklica, razen
v okviru znanstvene ali izobraževalne dejavnosti. Na drugi stopnji odloča vrhovno
sodišče, sodnik posameznik. 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Urška Skok Klima
International Overview of Legal Protection
in the Field of Public Procurement
mag. Urška Skok Klima
Ministry of Public Administration, Public Procurement Directorate
EU legislation allows its Member States to regulate their legal protection against violations of public procurement independently. Legal protection systems therefore vary
considerably from State to State. In most EU Member States, the competent courts
(administrative or civil) rule on the violations of contract award. Legal protection proceedings in many Member States first take place before special individual bodies and
only then before courts. Some States (France, Luxembourg) even have separate bodies for traditional and infrastructure sectors. In most of those States where the first
instance decision-making is carried out by a special body (and not the court), the
members of the body do not hold a position comparable to judges, but their function
is anyway subject to special conditions (citizenship, impunity, integrity, etc.) and appointment.
When comparing most of EU Member States, we can conclude that cca. 62% of
them have a special body at first instance, 20% an administrative court, and 18% a
traditional or civil court; ca. 87% of Member States have second instance and cca. 10%
the third one.
The States with special audit bodies at first instance usually have a court in the second (appeal) one. The only exceptions are the Czech Republic and Poland where the
Office for the Protection of Competition and the Public Procurement Office operate
as independent bodies at second instance against the decisions issued at first instance.
In some States, such as the Netherlands, the national ombudsman has a special
role. Austrian, Estonian, French and Hungarian systems allow the possibility of expert
In those States with no specialised body, where the disputes in public procurement
procedures are decided by courts at both first and second (or even third) instances, the
decision-making power at first and second instance is mostly given to administrative
courts (except for Finland and Lithuania, where the civil division of the traditional
court decides, and Ireland, where the High Court holds this power).
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International Overview of Legal Protection in the Field of Public Procurement
In the States where the first instance decision-making is carried out by a specialised body, the power of second instance decision-making is held by the Supreme Court
(cca. 50%) or by the Administrative Court (cca. 50%).
The compensations for the conduct of legal protection proceedings are also very
different. In most EU Member States, the fees charged to the applicants for legal protection depend on several factors, such as the value of the contract, type of the procurement subject (goods, services or constructions), nature and gravity of the violation by
the contracting authority, type of the contracting authority decision challenged, and
number of alleged violations.
Below we present the systems of legal protection against the violations of public
procurement procedures in Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Hungary, the Czech
Republic, Poland and the Netherlands, particularly with regard to the competence to
decide on legal protection claims and compensations for the proceedings in which the
specialised bodies or courts deal with such claims. The overview provides an example
where the specialised first instance body is composed of judges and jurors, an example
where the specialised body is a part of a specific ministry and where decision-making
includes external experts (Lithuania and Luxembourg), and an example where the
specialised body is an independent national body (Bulgaria).
Urška Skok Klima
The Netherlands
In the Netherlands, legal protection in public procurement procedures is conducted before civil courts following ordinary or expedited procedures. Tenderers mostly
enforce the violations of public procurement procedures by expedited, simplified procedures that last 14 to 42 days. The proceeding provides for a fee that has to be paid by
the applicant when applying for legal protection. This is:
– EUR 1,836 for legal persons and EUR 842 for natural persons when legal protection is applied against the violations of public procurement procedures with a
value lower than EUR 100,000;
– EUR 3,715 for legal persons and EUR 1,474 for natural persons when legal protection is applied against the violations of public procurement procedure with a value
higher than EUR 100,000;
If the estimated value of the contract is not known, the fee for applying for legal
protection is EUR 589 for legal persons and EUR 274 for natural persons.
Legal protection in public procurement procedures at the federal level is carried
out before public procurement tribunals, organised within an independent body for
the protection of competition. The tribunal must decide on the request for audit at the
latest within seven weeks, the deadline prescribed by law (five weeks with the possibility of an extraordinary extension of two weeks). It is possible to appeal against the
decisions made by the tribunals, i.e. before a civil court. The applicants must pay a fee
for legal protection proceedings. The fee is between EUR 2,500 and EUR 50,000. It is
set on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the value of public procurement and
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International Overview of Legal Protection in the Field of Public Procurement
Urška Skok Klima
material and labour costs incurred in the legal protection proceeding. In exceptional
cases of extremely high costs, a higher fee can be charged, i.e. up to EUR 100,000.
The Lithuanian legal protection system allows tenderers to enforce the violations
of public procurement procedures before regional civil courts. If the tenderer wants
to enforce legal protection against the contracting authority prior to the award of the
contract, legal protection must first be enforced before the contracting authority. The
available data indicates that in 2011 the proceedings before regional courts lasted an
average of 120 days at first instance and 73 days at second instance. The fee for the legal
protection proceeding is cca. EUR 290.
The Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic, legal protection is conducted before the Office for the Protection of Competition. In accordance with the required administrative procedure, the
decisions are made by the director in charge at first instance and by the president of the
office at the second one. The decisions can be challenged in proceedings before the ordinary courts. According to statistics, the proceedings before the office in 2011 lasted
98 days and 94 days before the courts. To commence a legal protection proceeding, the
applicants must pay a fee of 1% of the tender value, but not less than EUR 2,000 and
not more than EUR 80,000. If the value of the tender is not known or the applicant’s
request relates to the prohibition of contract execution, the fee is cca. EUR 4,000.
Decisions on the requests for legal protection in Hungary are at first instance
made by a competent board (Public Procurement Arbitration Board), which operates within a national body responsible for procurement (Public Procurement Authority). It is possible to appeal against the decision of the body in court. The proceeding at first instance, i.e. before the board, lasts 15 to 60 days and the deadline
may be exceptionally extended for a maximum period of 30 days. The legal protection procedure provides for a fee that has to be paid by the applicant when applying
for legal protection. This is:
– for public procurement procedures that go beyond the limits of the EU legislation
and have thus to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union, i.e. for
the procurement of goods and services of more than EUR 130,000 and constructions of more than EUR 5,000,000, 1% of the estimated value of a contract or a
series of contracts, but not more than EUR 84,000;
– for public procurement procedures that do not have to be published in the Official
Journal of the European Union, i.e. for the procurement of goods and services of
less than EUR 130,000, constructions of less than EUR 5,000,000 and open competitions, 1% of the estimated value of a contract or a series of contracts, but not
more than EUR 20,270 and not less than EUR 675.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International Overview of Legal Protection in the Field of Public Procurement
The fee also depends on the number of violations for which the applicant enforces
legal protection. The fee for legal protection progressively goes up with the increasing
number of violations, i.e. a maximum of twice the amount calculated according to the
general rules on fee calculation.
Urška Skok Klima
In Poland, legal protection against the violations of public procurement procedures is at first instance carried out before a special body (National Chamber of Appeals) and at second instance before competent courts. Proceedings at first instance
are completed in 15 days. The courts must decide on the appeals against the decisions
of the first instance body within one month. Legal protection proceedings provide for
the payment of fees. For public procurement procedures of goods and services with
a value lower than EUR 130,000 and for public procurement procedures of constructions with a value lower than EUR 5,000,000, the fee can amount to 17% of the contract value. For contracts with a higher value, the fee is 5% of the contract value, while
the upper fee limit is EUR 1,179,245.
In Romania, legal protection in public procurement procedures is within the competence of a special body (National Council for Solving Complaints), which is part of
the state administration. At second instance, appeals against the decisions of the body
are ruled on by courts. Legal protection proceedings at first instance last no more than
20 days, while the courts can decide on the appeals against first instance decisions for
months. Compared to most other Member States, Romania does not provide for the
payment of fees for legal protection procedures. However, it imposes an obligation to
collect legal protection proceeding collateral if the tenderer’s request for audit fails.
The collateral requested by the contracting authority amounts to:
– for contracts of up to EUR 95,000: 1% of the contract value;
– for contracts from EUR 95,000 to EUR 950,226: EUR 950 and 0.1% of the value of
the contract exceeding EUR 95,000;
– for contracts from EUR 950,226 to EUR 9,502,262: EUR 1,805 and 0.01% of the
value of the contract exceeding EUR 950,226;
– for contracts from EUR 9,502,262 to EUR 95,022,624: EUR 2,260 and 0.001% of
the value of the contract exceeding EUR 9,502,262;
– for contracts from EUR 95,022,624 to EUR 950,226,224: EUR 3,515 and 0.0001%
of the value of the contract exceeding EUR 95,022,624;
– for contracts of more than EUR 950,226,224: EUR 4,371 and 0.00001% of the value
of the contract exceeding EUR 950,226,224.
In Italy, legal protection against the violations of contract award is carried out
before regional administrative courts at first instance and before a legal administrative consultative body responsible for deciding on the legality of public authority acts
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International Overview of Legal Protection in the Field of Public Procurement
Urška Skok Klima
(State Council) at second instance. Legal protection proceedings at first instance are
usually completed in 80 days.
It is necessary to pay a fee for legal protection proceedings at first and second instance. It depends on the estimated value of the contract; in case of first instance legal
protection proceedings, it is:
– EUR 2,000, if the contract value is less than EUR 200,000;
– EUR 4,000, if the contract value is between EUR 200,000 and EUR 1,000,000;
– EUR 6,000, if the contract value is more than EUR 1,000,000.
In case of second instance legal protection proceedings, the applicants must pay a
higher fee, i.e. 1.5 times the fee for the first instance legal protection. Austria
According to the Austrian Federal Constitution, there are ten different audit bodies responsible for appeals against contracting authorities and one at the federal level.
The Federal Public Procurement Office (Bundesvergabeamt) is part of the judicial system and is composed of independent administrative judges (appointed for 3 years,
with the possibility of a permanent mandate) and jurors appointed under the same
conditions for a specific period on the proposal of contracting authorities and tenderers. Decisions are usually made by senates composed of one administrative judge and
two jurors.
Second instance decisions are made by the Supreme Court with permanent members appointed for this purpose by the President of Austria. The members must have
at least 5 years of lawyer or public procurement experience. Germany has a similar
Latvia has the Procurement Monitoring Bureau (PMB) at first instance. The PMB
is a national administrative institution within the Ministry of Finance and operates according to the Public Procurement Act. The PMB, which also deals with other public
procurement matters, established the Commission of Complaints (CEC), composed
of at least three members, responsible for resolving the complaints. The CEC members
do not have a status comparable to judges. Public procurement experts and others
are regularly invited by the PMB to participate in decision-making. They take part in
the CEC meetings without voting rights and give the Commission of Complaints an
independent expert opinion on the facts. The second instance decisions are made by
the Administrative Court.
Similarly, Luxembourg has the Commissions of Tenders that makes decisions
at first instance and operates within the Ministry of Public Works. The Commission
consists of nine members with five of them, including the president, representing the
contracting authorities and four of them representing professional organisations. Duties of the Commission include the supervision of compliance with tender procedures
and the decisions on disputes. At the same time, the Commission is an advisory body.
However, these decisions are not binding; the second instance is carried out before the
Administrative Court.
In Bulgaria, the Competition Protection Commission (CPC) is a special first instance audit body, which is independent from the government. Its members do not
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
International Overview of Legal Protection in the Field of Public Procurement
have a status comparable to judges. The Commission consists of seven persons elected
by the National Assembly for five years. They can be re-elected for another five years.
The president must be a qualified lawyer who has at least 10-year experience in the
field. All members must be Bulgarian citizens with a degree in law or economics and
at least five years of professional experience. They must have high professional ethical qualities and should have never been convicted of intentional criminal acts of a
general nature. They are also forbidden to perform any other paid profession, except
for scientific or educational activities. At second instance, decisions are made by the
Supreme Court, by a single judge. 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Urška Skok Klima
Elektronsko javno naročanje (e-JN)
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Direktorat za javno naročanje
Matjaž Uhan
Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Direktorat za javno naročanje
Sistem e-JN v celoti podpira elektronsko izvedbo postopka oddaje javnega naročila,
prav tako pa podpira tudi izvajanje javnega naročila in je integriran v ustrezne zaledne
sisteme (evidentiranje finančnih obveznosti, shranjevanje elektronskih dokumentov v
dokumentni sistem in pridobivanje podatkov iz javnih evidenc). S funkcionalnostmi
pripomore k poenostavitvi in racionalizaciji postopkov, večji transparentnosti ter konkurenčnosti in gospodarnosti pri porabi javnih sredstev, poleg tega pa omogoča tudi
prihranek pri času, znižanje stroškov in zmanjšanje administrativnih ovir.
Sistem je razdeljen na posamezne module, ki se povezujejo med seboj in si pri tem
izmenjujejo podatke. Razlog za graditev sistema po modulih je predvsem v kompleksnosti sistema in obstoju nekaterih informacijskih rešitev ob začetku graditve sistema. Modularna gradnja sistema omogoča posameznim naročnikom tako uporabo
posameznih modulov kot uporabo celotnega sistema.
Sistem prinaša prednosti tako naročnikom kot ponudnikom, in sicer so prednosti
– za naročnike:
– hitrejša realizacija naročil,
– zniževanje stroškov delovanja in administracije z uporabo elektronskih orodij,
– ugodnejše cene,
– standardizacija postopkov in večja transparentnost,
– nižji operativni stroški izvedbe posameznih dobav,
– za ponudnike:
– nižanje fiksnih stroškov kandidiranja za javna naročila/razpise – prijaznost do SME,
– hitrejša realizacija naročil,
– zniževanje lastnih stroškov delovanja in administracije,
– nižji operativni stroški izvedbe posameznih dobav.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Elektronsko javno naročanje (e-JN)
Moduli sistema e-JN
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Posamezni moduli so v informacijskem sistemu tesno prepleteni, tako da med njimi z vsebinskega vidika ni vedno mogoče postaviti ločnice.
Matjaž Uhan
Modul e-Nabave je procesna aplikacija, ki zajema izvedbo internih procedur naročnika od ideje za izvedbo naročila do formaliziranja odločitve o začetku postopka,
brezpapirno izvedbo postopka, pripravo in e-objavo razpisne dokumentacije ter sprejem in obdelavo e-prejete ponudbe, povezana pa je z dokumentnim in finančno-računovodskim sistemom naročnika.
Osnovne funkcionalnosti modula e-Nabave so naslednje:
– priprava in potrjevanje predloga za nabavo v povezavi s finančno-računovodskim
sistemom MFERAC,
– oblikovanje javnega naročila,
– priprava in izvedba vseh postopkov javnega naročanja po ZJN-2, ZJNVETPS,
– povezljivost z dokumentnimi sistemi,
– generiranje obrazcev, ki nastanejo v postopku javnega naročanja na podlagi predlog in podatkov iz evidence,
– priprava razpisne dokumentacije,
– povezljivost z modulom e-Oddaja,
– odpiranje in vrednotenje prejetih ponudb,
– povezljivost s portalom javnih naročil.
Implementacija modula e-Nabave zahteva več sprememb pri organizaciji poslovanja, saj z informatizacijo postopkov predvsem odpravljamo dosedanje anomalije.
Preskok od fizičnega k elektronskemu izvajanju posameznih nalog je odvisen predvsem od predhodne urejenosti in kompleksnosti poslovanja, vzpostavljenega pri organu.
Uporaba modula e-Nabave omogoča transparentno poslovanje z enostavno pripravo poročil, izvajanje nadzora nad izvajanjem postopkov ter predvsem zaznavo in
odpravo zastojev v procesu.
To je modul, ki zainteresiranim ponudnikom omogoča oddajo ponudb v elektronski obliki in pomeni stično točko ponudnika z naročnikom. Uporaba modula
je za ponudnike preprosta in ne zahteva organizacijskih prilagoditev, za uporabo
modula in oddajo ponudbe pa ponudniki potrebujejo kvalificirano digitalno potrdilo. Modul je zgrajen z upoštevanjem najvišjih varnostnih protokolov s časovnim
žigosanjem in potrjevanjem ponudbe s kvalificiranim elektronskim podpisom, zagotavlja pa možnost kreiranja ponudbe, dodajanja dokumentov v različnih formatih
in oddajo ponudb. Ponudbe so v modulu shranjene in do roka za oddajo ponudb
imajo vanje vpogled samo ponudniki. Ponudniki shranjene ponudbe lahko urejajo
do poteka roka za oddajo. Naročniki imajo dostop do ponudb in njihove vsebine po
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Elektronsko javno naročanje (e-JN)
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Matjaž Uhan
poteku roka za odpiranje ponudb. Z integracijo modula e-Oddaja z modulom e-Nabave se podatki iz ponudb prenesejo v modul e-Nabave, v katerem jih prevzamejo
naročniki. Modul sicer za naročnika ni viden in ga ta pri operativnem delu ne opazi.
Vse podatke, ki jih prejme, lahko kasneje obdeluje v modulu e-Nabave, vključno z
vrednotenjem ponudb. Zajem podatkov skupaj s predračunom naročniku omogoča
medsebojno primerjavo in bazo podatkov za kasnejše analize. Na drugi strani tak
način zajema podatkov omogoča kasnejšo povezavo z dokumentnim sistemom in
samodejnim odlaganjem dokumentov v zadeve, ki so bile kreirane že ob začetku
javnega naročila v modulu e-Nabave.
Uporaba modula e-Oddaja prinaša največjo dodano vrednost ob uporabi skupaj z
modulom e-Nabave. Osnovne funkcionalnosti modula e-Oddaja so naslednje:
– vnos ponudbe (vnos podatkov in možnost dodajanja dokumentov),
– digitalno podpisovanje ponudbe in časovni žig,
– pošiljanje ponudbe v varno vložišče,
– varna hramba ponudbe do odpiranja,
– fizično in programsko onemogočanje dostopa do ponudbe pred iztekom roka za
– možnost spreminjanja ponudbe z možnostjo sledenja spremembam in hrambo
vseh verzij ponudbe v varnem vložišču,
– povezljivost z drugimi moduli sistema e-JN.
Uporaba obratne elektronske dražbe je opredeljena v javnonaročniški zakonodaji,
za naročnike pa pomeni možnost ustvarjanja prihrankov pri izvedbi oddaje javnih
naročil. Poleg tega z elektronsko oddajo ponudb naročnikom omogoča lažjo obdelavo
(pregled) ponudb v zalednih sistemih. Na drugi strani ponudnikom omogoča zniževanje cene prvotno oddane ponudbe, medtem ko pri postopkih, pri katerih obratna
elektronska dražba ni uporabljena, to ni mogoče. Naročnik ima po zaključku dražbe
na voljo grafični prikaz gibanja cen vseh ponudnikov med izvajanjem obratne dražbe in grafični prikaz, iz katerega je razvidna primerjava cen glede na najugodnejšo
ponudbeno ceno po končani dražbi, najugodnejšo ponudbeno ceno pred začetkom
dražbe in ocenjeno vrednost.
V osnovi se z uporabo e-Dražbe lahko izvaja klasična dražba – višanje ponudbene
cene, ki se lahko uporabi pri odprodaji premoženja, in obratna dražba – nižanje cene
in spreminjanje necenovnih delov ponudbe, če je merilo za izbiro ekonomsko najugodnejša ponudba (naročanje blaga in storitev).
Uporaba obratne dražbe je najbolj smiselna pri naročanju blaga za široko porabo
(t. i. blaga s police), ki je tudi sicer standardizirano in dostopno na trgu, in pri naročanju storitev. Gre za blago, ki ni izdelano po posebnih zahtevah naročnika, temveč
je brez posebnih prilagoditev ali predelav dostopno na trgu. Seveda pa je mogoče z
dražbo kupovati tudi katerokoli drugo blago ali storitev (tudi gradnje). Ker obratna
elektronska dražba omogoča različne možnosti izvedbe, je primerna tako za izvedbo
postopkov z enim sklopom, v katerem je več postavk, kakor tudi za več sklopov z več
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Elektronsko javno naročanje (e-JN)
Obratna elektronska dražba temelji na:
– cenah, če se naročilo odda ponudniku z najnižjo ceno,
– cenah in/ali novih vrednostnih elementih ponudb, navedenih v razpisni dokumentaciji, če se naročilo odda ekonomsko najugodnejšemu ponudniku.
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Matjaž Uhan
V modulu je mogoče izvajati dva tipa obratne dražbe, in sicer:
– običajno obratno dražbo
Gre za primer obratne dražbe, ki se izvaja v časovno določenem trajanju. Pri tem
tipu obratne dražbe se določi čas začetka in čas zaključka. Ponudniki lahko spreminjajo cene, kolikokrat želijo, do izteka oziroma do zaključka obratne dražbe. Vsaka nova
cena mora biti nižja od predhodno oddane cene. Uporaba tega tipa obratne dražbe
je primerna pri naročilih, pri katerih niso oblikovani sklopi, ali naročilih z manjšim
številom sklopov ali postavk.
– intervalno obratno dražbo
Ta tip obratne dražbe je najbolj primeren pri naročilih z večjim številom sklopov
ali postavk. Obratna dražba se izvaja v določenem številu intervalov, ki trajajo enako dolgo (npr. interval traja 5 minut). Ponudniki lahko znotraj intervala spreminjajo
cene, ki so jih že oddali v predhodnem intervalu, cene pa se razkrijejo, ko se interval
zaključi. Pri tem tipu obratne dražbe je pomembno, da se določi trajanje intervala
tako, da imajo ponudniki dovolj časa za oddajo cen pri vseh sklopih oziroma postavkah – več, ko je sklopov oziroma postavk, daljši naj bo interval.
Osnovne funkcionalnosti modula e-Dražba so:
objava razpisne dokumentacije,
zastavljanje zahtev za pojasnila, povezana z javnim naročilom, in objava pojasnil
(npr. ob ponovnem odpiranju konkurence med strankami okvirnega sporazuma),
oddaja elektronsko podpisane ponudbe – uporaba digitalnega potrdila,
odpiranje prejetih ponudb, kreiranje zapisnika ob odpiranju ponudb in objava zapisnika,
izvajanje dražbe oziroma obratne dražbe,
možnost samodejnega podaljševanja dražbe, če je ob predvidenem zaključku več
ponudnikov oddalo isto najugodnejšo ponudbo glede na postavljeno merilo,
anonimnost ponudnikov med izvajanjem obratne dražbe,
kreiranje zapisnika po koncu dražbe oziroma obratne dražbe,
izpis dnevnika dogodkov,
grafični prikaz gibanja cen in doseženih prihrankov.
V skladu z 41. členom Zakona o javnem naročanju, 45. členom Zakona o javnem
naročanju na vodnem, energetskem, transportnem področju in področju poštnih storitev, 31. členom Zakona o javnem naročanju na področju obrambe in varnosti in Pravilnika o enotnem informacijskem sistemu na področju javnega naročanja je naročnikom omogočeno, da na podlagi predhodnega pooblastila ponudnika poizvedujejo v
javnih evidencah o relevantnih podatkih ponudnika. Ker so podatki, ki se nanašajo na
izpolnjevanje pogojev za priznanje sposobnosti, v bistvu opredeljeni v smislu pogoja,
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Elektronsko javno naročanje (e-JN)
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Matjaž Uhan
so informacije, ki jih tako pridobi naročnik, le v obliki »DA« ali »NE«. Zato je podatke
kasneje mogoče hraniti v enaki obliki, vendar ne v podatkovni zbirki, ampak v obliki
dokumenta v dokumentnem sistemu.
Podatki se zajemajo z obstoječega »pladnja«, ki je bil zgrajen za potrebe drugih
informacijskih sistemov, vendar je njegove funkcionalnosti in povezave do virov podatkov mogoče uporabiti tudi za potrebe sistema e-JN. Tako bodo naročniki na podlagi pooblastila prek »pladnja« lahko avtomatično pridobivali podatke iz naslednjih
uradnih evidenc:
– poslovnega registra in registra transakcijskih računov – AJPES,
– kazenske evidence (fizične in pravne osebe) – Ministrstvo za pravosodje,
– evidence zapadlih, neplačanih davkov in prispevkov za socialno varnost – Finančna uprava RS,
– evidence insolvenčnih postopkov – Vrhovno sodišče RS,
– evidence ponudnikov z negativnimi referencami – Ministrstvo za javno upravo.
Glede na različne stopnje povezljivosti in način organiziranja evidenc pri posameznem viru se bo en del podatkov pridobival prek sinhronega, drugi del pa prek
asinhronega modula.
Pomembna funkcionalnost modula je tudi njegov »generični« del, ki je skladišče
vseh dokumentov, ki jih je ponudnik v postopkih javnega naročanja do sedaj predložil
naročnikom v različnih postopkih oddaje javnih naročil. Ponudnik si lahko pripravi
svoj profil, v katerem shrani različne dokumente (reference, potrdila v zvezi s kadri
– certifikati ...), to pa mu olajša delo pri pripravi ponudb pri novih postopkih oddaje
naročil. Ta del e-Dosjeja za naročnike ni viden.
Modul je povezan z modulom e-Oddaja, prek njega pa posledično z modulom
e-Nabave. Uporaba modula je za ponudnika preprosta in ne zahteva organizacijskih
E-Katalog pomeni operacionalizacijo posameznih nakupov, ko je postopek oddaje javnega naročila zaključen. Podlaga za izvajanje naročil prek kataloga so sklenjeni
okvirni sporazumi oziroma pogodbe med naročniki in ponudniki. Najbolj primeren
je za nakupe blaga »s police«, uporabiti pa ga je mogoče tudi za nakupe drugega blaga
in tudi nekaterih storitev. Z izvajanjem naročil prek kataloga se poenostavlja postopek
naročanja, zagotavlja se njegovo poenotenje, zagotavlja pa se tudi preglednost naročil
in skrajšuje čas, ki je potreben za pripravo in izvedbo posameznega naročila. V katalogu potekajo izbira artiklov za posamezno naročilo, hierarhično potrjevanje naročila,
pošiljanje naročila dobavitelju in dobaviteljeva potrditev izvedbe naročila.
Podatke iz kataloga ponudnik lahko uporabi pri oblikovanju svoje naslednje ponudbe, s čimer si olajša delo pri pripravi ponudbe. Na drugi strani pa e-Katalog naročniku v vsakem trenutku omogoča popoln pregled nad realizacijo naročil v okviru posamezne pogodbe, dinamika izvajanja naročil in naročene količine pa so mu v veliko
pomoč pri pripravi naslednjega naročila.
Dodatna funkcionalnost e-Kataloga je tudi možnost zbiranja potreb posameznih
naročnikov pri izvajanju skupnih javnih naročil (»generični« del kataloga). Posamezni
naročniki v delu kataloga, ki je namenjen zbiranju potreb, oddajo svoje potrebe za
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Elektronsko javno naročanje (e-JN)
javno naročilo, ki je v pripravi, na podlagi zbranih podatkov vseh naročnikov se izdela
ocenjena vrednost javnega naročila in se objavijo skupne količine posameznega predmeta naročanja. Podatki tega dela kataloga so osnova za izdelavo kataloga po zaključenem postopku oddaje javnega naročila in se dopolnijo s podatki izbranih ponudnikov.
Osnovne funkcionalnosti e-Kataloga so:
– priprava kataloga – priprava novega oddelka,
– vnos vsebin v nove oddelke,
– potrditev in objava kataloga,
– vnos limitov glede na pogodbene vrednosti,
– priprava naročil glede na potrebe – košarica priljubljenih,
– izvoz naročila v dokumentni sistem naročnika oziroma možnost shranjevanja dokumenta,
– posredovanje elektronskega naročila dobavitelju,
– statistično vodenje porabe sredstev,
– izdelava statističnih poročil in analiz za naročila na vseh nivojih po različnih parametrih za vse vrste uporabnikov,
– povezljivost in izmenjava podatkov z dokumentnimi sistemi uporabnikov e-Kataloga,
– povezljivost z drugimi moduli sistema e-JN,
– zbiranje potreb posameznih naročnikov pri pripravi javnega naročila.
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Matjaž Uhan
Objava sklenjenih pogodb na portalu javnih naročil
V okviru e-JN je v sklepni fazi nadgradnja portala javnih naročil, s katero bo na
enem mestu naročnikom omogočeno objavljanje sklenjenih pogodb. Zakon o dostopu do informacij javnega značaja (Uradni list RS, št. 51/06 – UPB, 117/06 – ZDavP-2,
23/14 in 50/14; v nadaljnjem besedilu: zakon) določa, da so registrirani zavezanci iz
1. člena in drugega odstavka 1.a člena ZDIJZ, ki nastopajo kot naročniki, koncedenti
ali javni partnerji, v roku 48 dni od oddaje javnega naročila, podelitve koncesije ali
izbire izvajalca javno-zasebnega partnerja dolžni objaviti javno dostopne informacije
javnega značaja iz pogodbe, ki jo sklenejo. Zavezanci objavijo elektronsko kopijo pogodbe brez morebitnih varovanih podatkov, poleg tega pa še podatke o:
– izvedbi javnega naročila (številka objave obvestila o oddaji javnega naročila, podatki o naročniku – matična številka, naziv, naslov sedeža, predmet javnega naročila – vrsta predmeta, glavna referenčna oznaka po Enotnem besednjaku javnih
naročil, opis predmeta za posamezen sklop naročila),
– pogodbi (pogodbena vrednost z DDV, datum sklenitve pogodbe, trajanje, navedba, ali gre za okvirni sporazum ali ne),
– ponudniku, ki mu je bilo oddano naročilo (naziv, naslov sedeža),
– koncedentu ali javnem partnerju (matična številka, naziv, naslov sedeža),
– predmetu koncesije ali javno-zasebnega partnerstva (vrsta predmeta, opis predmeta),
– koncesionarju, ki mu je podeljena koncesija, ali zasebnem partnerju, s katerim je
sklenjeno javno-zasebno partnerstvo (naziv, naslov sedeža),
– objavi razpisa za podelitev koncesije ali sklenitev javno-zasebnega partnerstva
(mesto in datum objave, morebitna referenčna oznaka objave). 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Electronic procurement (e-JN)
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Ministry of Public Administration, Public Procurement Directorate
Matjaž Uhan
Ministry of Public Administration, Public Procurement Directorate
The e-procurement system fully supports the electronic public procurement procedure and its actual implementation. It is integrated into the relevant back-end systems
(recording of financial liabilities, storage of electronic documents in the document
management system, and retrieval of data from public records). Its functionalities simplify and rationalise procedures, increase transparency, competitiveness, and efficiency in the use of public funds, save time, cut costs, and reduce administrative barriers.
The system is divided into individual modules that connect with each other and
thus exchange data. The reason for the use of a modular system lies in the complexity
of the system and the existence of certain IT solutions in system design. The modular
system design allows individual contracting authorities to use individual modules or
the entire system.
– The system offers many benefits for both contracting authorities and tenderers:
– Contracting authorities:
– Faster contract realisation;
–Reduced operation and administration costs by using electronic tools;
–Lower costs;
–Standardisation of procedures and greater transparency;
–Lower operating costs of individual suppliers.
– Reduced fixed costs of public procurement/invitations to tender – SMEfriendly
– Faster contract realisation;
– Reduced operation and administration costs;
– Lower operating costs of individual suppliers.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Electronic procurement (e-JN)
E-Procurement System Modules
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
As individual modules of the information system are closely intertwined, it is not
possible to draw a dividing line between them in terms of content.
Matjaž Uhan
The e-purchasing module is a process application covering internal procedures
of the contracting authority, from the idea of contract execution to the formalisation
of procedure initiation, paperless procedure execution, drafting, and e-publication
of tender documents, and receipt and processing of e-tenders. It is connected to the
document management system and to the financial and accounting system of the contracting authority.
– The basic functionalities of the e-purchasing module are as follows:
– Preparation and validation of the purchasing proposal in relation to the MFERAC
financial and accounting system;
– Formation of contracts;
– Preparation and execution of public procurement procedures in accordance with
the Public Procurement Act, Public Procurement in the Water, Energy, Transport,
and Postal Services Sector Act, Public Procurement for Defence and Security Act;
– Connectivity to document management systems;
– Generation of forms arising from the public procurement procedure on the basis
of templates and record data;
– Drafting of tender documents;
– Connectivity to the e-submission module;
– Opening and evaluation of tenders received;
– Connectivity to the public procurement portal.
The implementation of the e-purchasing module requires certain changes in the
organisation of business, as the computerisation of procedures eliminates the existing
anomalies. The shift from physical to electronic implementation of individual tasks
depends mainly on the organisation and complexity of the established business of the
The use of the e-purchasing module enables transparent business with simple report drafting, procedure control and implementation and, above all, bottleneck detection and elimination.
This module allows interested tenderers to submit tenders electronically and represents a point of contact between the contracting authority and the tenderer. The
module is easy to use and does not require any organisational adjustments. To use the
module and submit their tender, the tenderers need a qualified digital certificate. Its
design observes the highest security protocols with time-stamping and tender validation by a qualified electronic signature. The module provides the possibilities of tender
creation, adding of documents in different formats, and tender submission. Tenders
are stored in the module and only the tenderers can access them. They can edit them
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Electronic procurement (e-JN)
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Matjaž Uhan
by the deadline for submission. The tenderers can access tenders and their content
after the deadline for tender opening. After the integration of the e-submission and
e-purchasing modules, tender details are transferred to the e-purchasing module and
taken over by the contracting authorities. The module is not visible to the contracting authority and thus cannot be noticed during the operational work. All data received can later be processed in the e-purchasing module, including the evaluation of
tenders. Together with the quote, data acquisition provides the contracting authority
with mutual comparison and database for further analysis. Such data acquisition also
enables connection to the document management system and automatic document
disposal into the matters created in the e-purchasing module at the very beginning of
public procurement.
The model has the greatest value when used together with the e-purchasing module. The basic functionalities of the e-submission module are as follows:
– Tender entry (data entry and the possibility of adding documents);
– Digital signature and time-stamp;
– Transmission of the tender to a safe filing office;
– Secure storage of the tender until its opening;
– Physical and electronic blocking of the access to the tender prior to the deadline
for submission;
– The possibility of changing the offer, tracking changes, and storing all versions of
the tender in a safe filing office;
– Connectivity to other modules of the e-procurement system.
The use of electronic reverse auction is defined in the public procurement legislation. It allows the contracting authorities to make savings when awarding a contract.
The electronic submission of tenders also makes it easier for the contracting authorities to process (review) tenders in the back-end systems. On the other hand, it allows
the tenderers to reduce the price of the original tender, which is not possible in the
procedures without the electronic reverse auction. When the auction is completed, the
contracting authority can see the graphical price trend of all tenders during the reverse
auction as well as the graphical display showing the comparison of prices with respect
to the lowest tender price after the auction, the lowest tender price before the action
and the estimated value.
Basically, the e-auction provides a common auction (raising the tender price that
can be used in divestment) and reverse auction (lowering the price and changing nonprice parts of the tender if the criterion is the most economically advantageous tender
(procurement of goods and services)).
Reverse auctions make the most sense when procuring fast-moving consumer
goods (i.e. goods from the shelves), which are otherwise standardised and available on
the market, and when procuring services. These goods are not produced according to
specific customer requirements; they are available on the market with no special adjustments or modifications. It is also possible to purchase any other goods or services
by auction (including constructions). Given the fact that the electronic reverse auction
enables different execution possibilities, it is suitable for procedures with one multiitem sets and for procedures with multiple multi-item sets.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Electronic procurement (e-JN)
The electronic reverse auction is based on the:
– Prices if the contract is awarded to the tenderer with the lowest price;
– Prices and/or new values of tender features indicated in tender documents if the
contract is awarded to the most economically advantageous tenderer.
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Matjaž Uhan
The module allows two types of reverse auctions:
– Common reverse auction
This is a reverse auction conducted within a specific time. This type of reverse auctions has fixed start and end time. Tenderers can change prices until the end of the
auction as much as they want. Every new price must be lower than the previous
one. This type of reverse auctions is suitable for procurement with no sets or with
few sets or items.
– Interval reverse auction
This type of reverse auctions is the most suitable for procurement with a large
number of sets or items. The reverse auction is conducted at a certain number of
intervals of the same durations (e.g. an interval takes 5 minutes). The tenderers can
change the prices submitted at the previous interval, while the prices are revealed
when an interval ends. It is important that the duration of intervals gives the tenderers enough time to submit the prices in all sets or items – the more sets or items
there are the longer should be an interval.
Basic functionalities:
– Publication of tender documents;
– Setting of the requirements for explanations about procurement and publications
of these explanations (e.g. at the reopening of competition between the parties to
the framework agreement);
– Submission of electronically signed tender – use of digital certificates;
– Opening of the tenders received, keeping the minutes of the tender opening and
publication of these minutes;
– Auction/reverse auction execution;
– Possibility of automatic auction extension if more than one tenderer submitted the
most advantageous tender according to the set criterion;
– Anonymity of tenderers during the reverse auction;
– Keeping the minutes after the auction/reverse auction execution;
– Copy from the event log;
– Graphical price trend and savings achieved.
In accordance with Article 41 of the Public Procurement Act, Article 45 of the
Public Procurement in the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sector Act,
Article 31 of the Public Procurement for Defence and Security Act and the Rules on
the Single Information System for Public Procurement, the contracting authorities are
allowed to search for the relevant data on the tenderer in public records on the basis of
prior authorisation by the tenderer. Given the fact that the data about the compliance
with the conditions for ability recognition are defined in terms of a condition, such in1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Electronic procurement (e-JN)
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Matjaž Uhan
formation can only be obtained in the form of “YES” or “NO”. Therefore, the data can
later be kept in the same form, but only as a document in the document management
system and not in the database.
Although the data are gathered from the existing “tray” created for the needs of
other information systems, their functionalities and connections to data sources can
also be used for the needs of the e-procurement system. Based on the authorisation,
the contracting authorities can therefore automatically obtain data via the “tray” from
the following public records:
– Business register and register of transaction accounts – Agency of the Republic of
Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services (AJPES);
– Criminal records (natural and legal persons) – Ministry of Justice;
– Records of overdue, unpaid taxes and social security contributions – Financial
Administration of the Republic of Slovenia;
– Records of insolvency proceedings – Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia;
– Records of tenderers with negative references – Ministry of Public Administration.
Due to the varying degree of connectivity and organisation of records by individual sources, some data will be gathered through a synchronous module and some
through an asynchronous one.
An important functionality of the module is also its “generic” part where all the
documents submitted by the tenderer during various public procurement procedures
are stored. The tenderer can construct its own profile for the storage of various documents (references, staff certificates, etc.) which facilitates the preparation of new tenders. This part of the e-dossier is not visible to the contracting authorities.
The module is connected to the e-submission module and, consequently, to the epurchasing module. The module is easy to use and does not require any organisational
It represents the operationalisation of individual purchases after the completion of
the contract award procedure. Procurement via the catalogue is based on framework
agreements and contracts between the contracting authorities and the tenderers. It
is most suitable for purchases of goods “from the shelves”, but it can also be used for
purchases of other goods and some services. Catalogue procurement simplifies and
unifies the procurement procedure, ensures the transparency of contracts and shortens the time needed for the preparation and execution of individual contracts. The
catalogue provides for the selection of articles for each contract, hierarchical validation of contracts, sending of contracts to the supplier and supplier’s confirmation of
contract execution.
The catalogue data helps the tenderers to form their tenders and thus facilitates
tender preparation. It also provides the contracting authority with a complete overview of the procurement realisation within individual contracts, while the dynamics
of contract executions and the quantities ordered help the contracting authority to
prepare the next contract.
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Electronic procurement (e-JN)
Additional functionality of the e-catalogue is the possibility of gathering the requirements of individual contracting authorities when conducting joint procurement
(“generic” part of the catalogue). In the part of the catalogue reserved for requirement
gathering, individual contracting authorities submit their requirements for public
procurement; the estimated value of public procurement is made based on the data
collected from all contracting authorities, while the total quantity of each procurement
subject is published on the same basis. The data from this part of the catalogue is the
basis for the production of the catalogue after the completion of the contract award
procedure and is supplemented with the data of selected tenderers.
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Matjaž Uhan
Basic functionalities:
Cataloguing – preparation of a new section;
Data entry into new sections;
Catalogue validation and publication;
Limit entry in relation to the contract values;
Preparation of contracts depending on the needs – favourites;
Import of the contract into the document management system of the contracting
authority – possibility to store the document;
Provision of electronic procurement to the supplier;
Spending statistics;
Production of statistical reports and analyses of contracts at all levels, by various
parameters, for all types of users;
Connectivity and sharing of data with document management systems of e-catalogue users;
Connectivity to other modules of the e-procurement system;
Collection of the needs of individual contracting authorities when preparing a
Publication of Contracts on the Procurement Portal
The final stage of the procurement portal upgrade, which will allow the publication
of contracts in one place, is underway. The Access to Public Information Act (Official
Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 51/06 – official consolidated text, 117/06 –
Tax Procedure Act, 23/14 and 50/14; hereinafter: Act) stipulates that the registered
entities referred to in Article 1 and the second paragraph of Article 1(a) of the Access
to Public Information Act acting as contracting authorities, concession grantors or
public partners shall publish the available public information from the contract within
48 days from the contract award, concession granting or selection of a contractor in a
public-private partnership. The entities publish an electronic copy of the contract with
no protected data, plus information on the:
– Execution of public procurement (publication number of the contract award notice, data on the contracting authority (registration number, name, head office address), procurement subject (type, main reference of the Common Procurement
Vocabulary), subject description for each set of the contract);
– Contract (contract value including VAT, contract date, duration, indication of
whether it is a framework agreement or not);
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Electronic procurement (e-JN)
Suzana Muljavec Kahne
Matjaž Uhan
– Tenderer to whom the contract was awarded (name, head office address);
– Concession grantor or public partner (registration number, name, head office address);
– Subject of concession or public-private partnership (type, description);
– Concessionaire to whom the concession was granted or private partner with whom
the public-private partnership was formed (name, head office address);
– Invitation to tender for concession or public-private partnership (place and date,
any reference). 1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Za vas organiziramo izobraževanja na področju:
 javnih naročil,
 črpanja sredstev EU,
 aktualne zakonodaje,
 mentorskega usposabljanja,
 internega izobraževanja.
Prednosti naših seminarjev:
 strokovni predavatelji z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami iz prakse,
 vprašanja lahko predavateljem postavite vnaprej,
 manjše skupine do največ 50 udeležencev,
 lahko dostopna lokacija.
Aktualna izobraževanja preverite na spletni strani:
Uradni list RS, d. o. o., Dunajska cesta 167, 1000 Ljubljana ■ tel. 01/200 18 34 ■ faks 01/425 14 18 ■
Ko načrtujete:
 izobraževanja, konference in posvete,
 predstavitve ter poslovna srečanja,
 tiskovne konference ter druga avdio/video
snemanja …
LOKACIJA: Dunajska cesta 167, Ljubljana
(Poslovna stavba Rotonda)
Dvorana s svojo opremo in velikostjo omogoča
organizacijo različnih poslovnih, družabnih
in protokolarnih dogodkov.
Prednost: poskrbimo za vse – od svetovanja
do tehnične izvedbe, priprave prostorov, opreme
in pogostitev; bližina prometne infrastrukture
omogoča enostavno dostopnost.
• Dvorana sprejme do 70, ob razširitvi
pa celo do 100 udeležencev.
Več informacij:
Uradni list RS, d. o. o., Dunajska cesta 167, 1000 Ljubljana ■ tel. 01/200 18 33 ■ faks 01/425 14 18 ■ ■
Uradni list – Zanesljivo do javnih naročil
Vsake tri ure
boste prejeli
obvestilo o izbranih
Vsak dan
Vso slovensko
boste obveščeni
zakonodajo boste
o izbranih javnih naročilih
z UL info tokom
na TED portalu.
imeli vedno
pri roki.
boste lahko
shranjevali v
v državah članicah
EU boste imeli
na enem mestu.
V letu 2014 je bilo objavljenih več
kot 20.000 slovenskih javnih naročil in več kot 120.000 mednarodnih objav na TED portalu ter več
kot 4.000 predpisov v Uradnem
listu RS.
Uradni list RS, d. o. o., UL info tok, Dunajska cesta 167, 1000 Ljubljana ■ tel. 01/200 18 33
■ faks 01/425 14 18 ■ e-pošta:
 zbirke predpisov
 pravni priročniki
 strokovna literatura
 e-knjige
Več na:
Uradni list RS, d. o. o., Dunajska cesta 167, Ljubljana ■ faks: 01/425 14 18 ■ e-naslov: ■ Informacije tel.: 01/200 18 38 in na
Ali se javno naročilo razlikuje od naročila — investicije v zasebnem sektorju? KAKO NAČRTOVATI, …
Vili Vindiš
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Ali se javno naročilo razlikuje od naročila — investicije v zasebnem sektorju? KAKO NAČRTOVATI, …
Vili Vindiš
1. Mednarodni kongres javnega naročanja 2015
1st International Congress on Public Procurement 2015
Za sodelovanje in podporo pri izvedbi kongresa se zahvaljujemo pokroviteljem: