April 2016 - Lebanon Valley Brethren Home


April 2016 - Lebanon Valley Brethren Home
April 2016
Independent Living Newsletter
Table Of Contents:
Thank You Notes ................ p. 1
Presidential Ponderings ..... p. 2
Trips & Excursions .............. p. 3, 4, 5
Auxiliary News.................... p. 6
IT Corner............................. p. 6
Volunteerism ...................... p. 7
Games ................................ p. 8
Musicals & Presentations... p. 9, 14
On Campus ......................... p. 10, 13
Monthly Calendar .............. Center
Meetings, Talks & Groups .. p. 15, 16
Common Good ................... p. 17
Reservations Forms ............ p. 18, 19
Menus ................................ Back
Page 1 - April 2016
Activities Locator:
CC means Snell Community Center
Scripture & Song ................. The Den (Leffler)
Gleaner’s Bible Study ....... North View Dining
Nimble Fingers ........................ Activity Room
Art Class .................................. Activity Room
Pinochle .................................. Activity Room
Conversations with Judy ......... Activity Room
Bridge ...................................... Activity Room
Lunch ‘n’ Learn ..................... Fellowship Hall
Display Case
Teapots & Teacups
Thrift Shop Hours: 1 - 4 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Need something printed
in the newsletter?
Email Lisa Thomas at lthomas@lvbh.org OR put
items in the bin at the Snell CC Reception Desk.
All entries MUST be submitted
by the 15th of the prior month.
Return all reservation slips to the
Snell CC Receptionist between 8 a.m.-4 p.m.,
Monday thru Friday. If Receptionist is not at the desk,
place reservation slip with ATTACHED check/money
in the box on her desk.
Please submit a separate check for each event.
Page 2 - April 2016
It has been twelve years since I began my employment with the Lebanon Valley
Brethren Home as your President. One of the things that impressed me as I was going
through the interview process for this position was the foresight of the Board of Directors in
making decisions that would put LVBH in good stead for the future. For example, they
acquired over 150 acres of land, which was more than needed at the outset but which
provided ample room for future expansion. Many of our colleague and competitor
organizations are land-locked, and have no opportunity to grow as demands for their services
increase. A second step the Board took was to slowly and incrementally build just a few
cottages and/or duplexes each year, using the entrance fees from the prior year to build the
units for the next year. In that way, we now have about 200 cottages and duplexes on the
campus…and all of them are debt-free.
Another good decision the Board made in the early years of LVBH, but which is not
as well known, was the creation of an Independent Living Care Fund (sometimes also called
the Benevolent Fund). For several decades, a portion of each Entrance Fee that was received
was set aside and transferred into the Independent Living Care Fund. The purpose of that
Fund was to be able to provide financial assistance to any independent living resident whose
personal funds became inadequate (over time) to pay the current fees. Essentially, the
Independent Living Care Fund was the independent living equivalent of the Good Samaritan
Fund, which provides financial assistance to residents in Personal Care and Skilled Nursing.
The Independent Living Care Fund (ILCF) continues to grow with each Entrance Fee
received, and the 2016 balance is well over one million dollars. There are currently eight
independent living residents who are being assisted each month by the ILCF, but the Fund is
capable of supporting more than that. If there are folks out there who are concerned about
their finances and their ability to “pay the rent”…please make an appointment with Doug
Garrett (x3059) to discuss your situation. All of those discussions are completely confidential
(I can’t even tell you who the eight people are who are currently getting assistance!).
The Board never wanted anyone to live in fear of what might happen if they outlived their
resources…and they prepared for those situations in creating the Independent Living Care
Fund. And that kind of wisdom and compassion is why I still want to work here after twelve
years on the job!
Thanks for listening,
Jeff Shireman
Page 3 - April 2016
Trips & Excursions
40 Diners - April 1 & May 6
Hop On Board - April 26
Friday, April 1 trip is to Golden Corral Restaurant.
Bus leaves the Snell CC entrance at 12:30 p.m.
The April lunch trip will be to Friendly’s
Restaurant on Tuesday, April 26.
Looking ahead: Friday, May 6 the
40 Diners trip will be to Olive Garden
Restaurant. Reservations required.
Sign up slip in this newsletter.
Bus leaves the Snell CC entrance at
12:30 p.m.
Reservations required.
Sign up slip in this
Red Hats - April 14
The Red Hat Rambling Roses will journey to T.J. Rockwell's in Elizabethtown
on Thursday, April 14. Bus leaves the Snell CC entrance at 12:30 p.m.
Reserve your place with the reservation slip in this newsletter. RSVP
deadline is April 12. Newcomers are welcome. We have extra red hats!
Questions, call the Red Hats coordinator.
“Under the Lights”
Art Exhibit - April 7:
On Thursday, April 7 we travel to the
Hershey Area Art Association Annual Members
Exhibit at the Hershey Library to see the show
of local artists on display. This is an annual
exhibit and sale. One of our LVBH residents
will be showing his work. He has found many
ways to use his interest and talents in art
during his retirement. Being both an artist and
poet, he has published a book of collections
entitled Heavenly Poems and Paintings.
Following the Art Show we will travel to Isaac’s
Famous Grilled Sandwiches for lunch. Join us
for this enjoyable cultural outing. Reservations
required. Please see slip in this newsletter.
The LVBH bus leaves the Snell Community
Center at 10:15 a.m.
Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
Giant Food Store Experience April 13:
On Wednesday, April 13 at 9:00 a.m. we
travel to Giant Food Store, Hummelstown.
This is a large store with a variety of products
for your shopping needs. This is a trip for the
residents who miss visiting the Giant Food
Store. Clip your coupons!
Reservations required—
see Barb Showers at the
Snell CC reception desk
to sign up. The LVBH
Bus leaves at 9:00 a.m.
and returns to LVBH
before noon.
Questions: Call Mary Lee
at 3186.
Page 4 - April 2016
Trips & Excursions
Annual Senior Citizen Prom - April 16:
Lower Dauphin VolunTeen invites you to attend the 19th Annual Senior
Citizen’s Prom on Saturday, April 16 from 1:00—4:30 p.m. “Come aboard
the Falcon Love Boat” for a fun filled afternoon of music, refreshments,
door prizes, entertainment and dancing. Cost is FREE! Reservations are
required. Please see slip in this newsletter. LVBH Bus leaves the Snell CC
entrance at 12:00 p.m. Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
Third Tuesday Shopping April 19:
Lebanon Big Swing Band April 29:
Tuesday, April 19 we travel to the Tanger
Outlet Shopping Center in Hershey. Many
new spring items are on display. There also
are final clearance items! The LVBH bus
leaves Snell CC entrance at 9:00 a.m. and
plans to return to LVBH by noon. Sign up
at the Snell CC receptionist desk with Barb
Showers. Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
Friday, April 29, 7:00 p.m. at Derry
Presbyterian Church Arts Alive! Free will
offering will be taken. LVBH bus leaves
the Snell CC entrance at 6:00 p.m.
Reservations required. Please see slip in
this newsletter.
Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
Milton Hershey High School Musical
“Bye Bye Birdie” - May 5:
Join us on Thursday, May 5 at 7:00 p.m. for Milton Hershey
High School’s performance of the Broadway musical
comedy Bye Bye Birdie! We will travel to Founders Hall
Auditorium where admission is Free (first come, first serve
seating). LVBH Bus leaves the Snell CC entrance at 6:00 p.m. Reservation is required.
Please see slip in this newsletter. Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186
Page 5 - April 2016
Trips & Excursions
Journeys with June: Final reminder for the Wednesday, April 6 trip to see “Samson” at Sight
and Sound Theatre in Strasburg. This show has been in development for three years. It features an
original score and one of the most complex sets in the theatre’s history. Call June if you would like to
be added to the wait list for last minute cancellations. Depart the Snell CC at 11:40 a.m. Lunch on
your own at Country Meadows in Elizabethtown. The show plays at 2:45 p.m. Non-stop return.
Join us Wednesday, May 4 for “Crooners” at American Music Theatre for the 10:30 a.m. performance.
This is an all new original American Music Theatre show with singers, dancers, and an orchestra all
celebrating singers of by-gone days up to entertainers of the present day. Then a short drive to
“Good ‘N Plenty” Restaurant for a family style meal, featuring PA Dutch Food at 1:15 p.m. Departure
from Snell CC at 9 a.m. The cost for one bus, AMT show, meal, all taxes and
gratuities is $48.00. per person. Reservations slip in this newsletter.
Deadline to sign up is April 6, but sign up early as it’s sure to be
sold out before then. Questions?
Call the Snell Community Center Receptionist (838-5406 ext. 3058).
...Thanks from June
Ladore Lodge Trip: June 13-17, 2016
There is magic in the air! The trip to Ladore Lodge in Waymart, PA is coming up fast. We have about
40 people that have paid their deposit. The balance for the Ladore trip is due as of April 1, 2016. Make
your check out to LVBH and on the memo line put" Ladore 2016". Please give your check to Barb at
the receptionist desk. Please do not send your check to Ladore Lodge. Early payment would be
appreciated. However, it is not too late for any newcomers to sign up for the trip. There are a limited
amount of Ladore Messengers (their newsletter) at the receptionist desk. Please read and return for
others to read. Also, in a few weeks there will be an information sheet in the mailbox of those signed
up for the trip. If any new residents are interested and need more information please call. You can ask
friends to go along. Questions? Call the Snell Community Center Receptionist (838-5406 ext. 3058)
Ladore Lodge Back Yard
Page 6 - April 2016
Auxiliary News
Our next Sunday evening program is on April 17 and will have Amy Burgdorf, a vocalist, and Marie
Monville, the widow from the Nickel Mines Amish School House Tragedy. Marie tells how God’s
love helped her through this tragic time. She has written a book entitled One Light Still Shines
detailing her faith and how it saved her after this event. She is a very popular speaker and her
message captures the audiences. Admission to the program on Sunday, April 17 is free, but
reservations are required. A free will offering will be taken.
Sandwiches and Popcorn that have been ordered can be picked up in the Stoneback Pavilion on April
23 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The next meeting of the Auxiliary is Saturday, May 7 at 9 a.m. in the DiMatteo Worship Center.
Dates to Remember
April 17: Volcalist Amy Burgdorf and Marie Monville, widow of the Amish School House Tragedy
at 7 p.m. Reservations are needed.
April 23:
Sandwich & Popcorn Sale Order Pick Up 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Stoneback Pavilion
May 7:
Auxiliary Meeting at 9 a.m. in the DiMatteo Worship Center
“IT Corner” - Information Technology
For those whom I haven’t met yet I am Keith Fernsler the new IT Specialist.
I started working for you at the end of September and absolutely love being
here! I’m the guy in the picture with my one year old son which happens to
be one of three children that my wife and I have.
This IT Corner will be a new feature in the IL Newsletter where I will share tips, things to look out for,
and post dates for future trainings. Also my services are available to you by calling in a work order to
Dawn Sternberger and I will schedule a time that works for both of us. There is a fee for repair
services of $49/hour, which is almost half of the cost of going to one of the local businesses. There
are some things we can’t do in-house, but we can evaluate that at the time of need. Things that will
NOT be charged back to you are “How To’s” and return of services (already paid for wireless service
through the cable hook up).
This summer when the kids from Palmyra High school aren’t available, I would like to offer classes
during the Ice Cream Socials. What I would like to know from you is what kind information would
you like to learn? Examples would be, “How to use Skype”; “How to safe guard your files and your
computer/internet connections”, etc. Feel free call me at 838-5406 ext. 3051 and let me know what
you would like to learn.
I look forward to meeting you all throughout the year. Have a blessed April!
Page 7 - April 2016
Volunteer Invitations have been sent to all
volunteers who have recorded volunteer services
hours for 2015. If you did not receive your invitation
please contact Mary Lee at 3186.
Annual TB Screening
Forms are due.
GAIN Service Trip - April 28:
Please sign and return the
TB Screening Forms for 2016.
All completed forms should be
returned to Barb Showers at the
Snell CC Receptionist desk. If
you did not receive a copy in
your IL-mail box please contact
Mary Lee at 3186.
Thursday, April 28 is our next trip to GAIN. The work accomplished in two hours changes lives for
so many people around the world. Come join this service group. All are welcome because the
task is completed at a table. After the work is done we head for lunch at the Silver Spring Family
Restaurant. (10% discount!) Reservations required. Please see slip in this newsletter. LVBH Bus
leaves the Snell CC at 8:30 a.m. Please dress with layers because the warehouse can be chilly.
Questions: contact Mary Lee at 3186.
Thank You to all the participants in the 2016 Volunteer Fair !
The personal contacts and positive energy shared at our Volunteer Fair encourages everyone to
get involved. Who wouldn’t like to be part of a enlightened group caring for the needs of so many
people? Being involved as a volunteer brings everyone happiness in some unique way. Your
involvement is the connection that brings new volunteers to our active program.
Page 8 - April 2016
Game Night & Computer Buddies - April 25:
Monday, April 25 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the Stoneback Library, the Palmyra HS Honor Society
Students join us for an evening of game fun! Bring your favorite games to share or bring your
computer device/phone for some one-on-one help with questions you may have. This will be our
farewell night for our Senior Students. Reservations required for set up. Please see slip in this
newsletter. Questions: call Mary Lee at 3186.
LVBH Annual Spring/Summer
Wii Bowling Tournament
Sign up by April 15 in the Northview Dining Room at the Wii
Bowling Table. This is our “regular” Wii Bowling for teams of
2 people. The tournament begins Tuesday, May 3 in the
Fellowship Hall, and we will play games every Tuesday evening
through August. Find your partner and sign both of you up
along with a catchy name for your TEAM...Let the games begin!
BINGO! - April 11:
Monday, April 11 from 3:00 p.m.
to 4:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.
Bring your friends along. It’s fun and
relaxing! We have prizes and lots of
laughs. Reservations required for
seating. Please see slip in this
newsletter. Questions: Call Mary
Lee at 3186.
Page 9 - April 2016
Musicals & Presentations on Campus
Programs in the Di Matteo Worship Center:
 Lebanon County Youth Chorus on Monday, April 4 at 7:00 p.m.
 Lebanon Senior Singers on Thursday, April 7 at 2:00 p.m.
 Music Program with Lee Moyer on Tuesday, April 19 at 2:30 p.m.
 Voice and Piano Recital with Roger Lentz’ students on Friday,
April 29 at 7:00 p.m.
Paul Brandt 419 Bypass Program - April 18:
Monday, April 18 at 10:30 a.m. in the Di Matteo Worship Center Photographer Paul Brandt
is returning to share a program he presented a few years ago. There are a
number of people who have not yet seen this program which features
many historic sites encountered while traveling along the 419 Bypass.
The images were filmed over four seasons and Paul has added even more
pictures to create some new and interesting elements. Come join us for a
morning of picturesque sites from the local area.
Question: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
Annville Cleona Kids Chorus - April 18:
Monday, April 18 the students from Annville Cleona Elementary School will share their spring
concert with our LVBH residents. Teacher Nikki Rowe directs the student elementary chorus.
The program begins at 6:45 p.m. in the Di Matteo Worship Center. The students have been
practicing hard to brighten the hearts of our residents. Come to hear these young voices and
enjoy this fun evening performance! Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
Page 10 - April 2016
On Campus Information
Miracle Ear - April 13
Donna Way from Miracle Ear returns on Wednesday,
April 13. To schedule an appointment for that day,
call 838-6611.
If you’re having problems, stop by the Leffler Care
Private Dining Room between 10 a.m.-12 p.m. on
April 13.
The ‘What’s New With Jeff’ meeting has been changed and will meet on
Wednesday, April 6 at 1:00 p.m. in the Di Matteo Worship Center
Convenience Store:
Hours: Mon.— Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Now that Easter is over we can report that we sold 330 Easter Eggs and when they ran out our Caring
Givers added a large additional supply of Peanut Butter and Coconut Eggs. While not many of you
signed up as a requester, there was a noticeable difference in flavor selection because the preferences
of some were not available.
Now on to April and May! On April 5 & 6 we will be selling Kleenex Tissues for $0.50 per box while
the supply lasts. On Wednesday, May 18 we will be having another Hoagie Day. As before you have
a choice of American with Cooked Salami and German Bologna or Italian with Hard Salami and Spicy
Ham. All hoagies include provolone cheese and separately wrapped tomato, lettuce, and onion. The
cost is $3.50 each. If you wish to participate please sign up using the slip on the reservation page
(found in this newsletter) and return your completed form to the Convenience Store by the Wed,
May 11 deadline. Pick up will be on May 18 the Convenience Store.
In closing I would like to mention that the beautiful display of roses that has often been requested for
purchasing in our store will remain to remind us of our friend John, who recently left our midst. The
sharing of his talents with floral displays was loved and enjoyed by many of us in all areas of our
campus. Isn’t it wonderful that death cannot erase the remembrance of one’s existence?
Greeting Cards: Come see our new addition to the card section in the
Convenience Store! Get Well cards for children (ages 3 - 12). Some cards have fun
things for them to do (e.g. word search, finger puppets, find the path and more).
These cards are located on the shelf next to the revolving card racks. Also available
for your May greeting card needs are Mother's Day and Graduation cards.
April 2016
 Newspaper collection on
the 3rd Sat. is for ALL
 Trash is collected every
Tues. & Fri. morning.
 Recycling is every Thurs.
of the month.
April 3
April 4
April 5
April 6
10:30am ........... Sunday School
2:30pm ...... Scripture and Song
9-11am……...Adventures in Art
10am ... Adult Coloring Session
10:30am ........................... Yoga
3:00pm ........ Open Wii Bowling
3pm ........... LVBH Singers Meet
7pm ........... Lebanon Co. Youth
8am ........................................ Trash
8am .............................. Blood Sugar
8,9,10am .................... Walmart Trip
10am .................. Men’s Bible Study
1pm......................... Nimble Fingers
1pm............................ HSP Meeting
3:30pm.............. Harmonizers Meet
5pm................ Wii Bowling Practice
6pm................................... Pinochle
9am .................
9:45am ...... Har
10:15am .......Sr
11:40am ..........
7pm..... Cleona
April 10
April 11
April 12
April 13
10:30am ........... Sunday School
2:30pm ...... Scripture and Song
6:30pm . David Jeremiah Video
9-11am ........ Adventures in Art
10:30am ........................... Yoga
1:30pm ............. …ILC Quarterly
3pm ....... Gleaners’ Bible Study
3pm ............. Open Wii Bowling
3pm ............................. BINGO!
8am ................................. Trash
8am ...................... Blood Sugar
10am ...........Men’s Bible Study
3:30pm ...... Harmonizers Meet
5pm .........Wii Bowling Practice
6pm ............................ Pinochle
9am .................
9am ........Giant
9:45am...... Har
10am ...............
April 17
April 18
April 19
April 20
10:30am ........... Sunday School
2:30pm ...... Scripture and Song
7pm . Sunday Evening Program
9-11am ........ Adventures in Art
10:30am ........................... Yoga
10:30am .. 419 Bypass Program
3pm ............. Open Wii Bowling
6:45pm ....Annville-Cleona Kids
8am ................................... Trash
8am .........................Blood Sugar
9am ......3rd Tues. Shopping Trip
10am ............. Men’s Bible Study
2:30pm .. Lee Moyer Music Prog.
3:30pm ......... Harmonizers Meet
5pm ........... Wii Bowling Practice
6pm .............................. Pinochle
9am .................
9:45am ...... Har
April 24
April 25
April 26
April 27
10:30am ........... Sunday School
2:30pm ...... Scripture and Song
6:30pm . David Jeremiah Video
9-11am ........ Adventures in Art
10am .................... Communion
2pm ....... Gleaners’ Bible Study
3pm ............. Open Wii Bowling
6pm .. Game Night/Comp. Bud.
8am ................................... Trash
8am .........................Blood Sugar
10am ............. Men’s Bible Study
12:30pm…….Hop On Board Trip
3:30pm ......... Harmonizers Meet
5pm ........... Wii Bowling Practice
6pm .............................. Pinochle
Amy Burgdorf &
Marie Monville
11 am .. Low V
7pm........ Leban
9am .................
9:45am...... Har
10am ...............
7pm............ Pal
April 2016
....... Wood Shop
rmonettes Meet
r. Ministries Trip
... “Samson” Trip
t’s New with Jeff
Immanuel UMC
April 1
April 2
April 7
April 8
8am ........................... Recycling
10:15am ........ Under the Lights
Art Exhibit Trip
2pm .... Lebanon Senior Singers
8am ................................. Trash
8,9,10am ..... Grocery Shopping
9am ....................... Wood Shop
9am ..Artists Painting Together
6:30pm ………….....Movie Night
“Cheaper by the Dozen”
7pm .... Symphonic Blockbuster
Hershey Symph. Orchestra Trip
April 14
April 15
April 16
8am ................................. Trash
8,9,10am ..... Grocery Shopping
9am ....................... Wood Shop
9am ..Artists Painting Together
2pm .............................. Bridge
8am ..... Newspapers Collection
12pm .............Senior Prom Trip
April 21
April 22
April 23
8am ........................... Recycling
12pm ................ Lunch n’ Learn
8am ................................. Trash
8,9,10am ..... Grocery Shopping
9am ....................... Wood Shop
9am ..Artists Painting Together
12:45pm .. Volunteer Luncheon
6:30pm ................ Movie Night
”The Help”
11am .. Auxiliary Order Pick Up
(Sandwich & Popcorn Sale)
7pm ..........Gershwin’s America
Hershey Symph. Orchestra Trip
April 28
April 29
April 30
8am ........................... Recycling
8:30am .........GAIN Service Trip
8am ................................. Trash
8,9,10am ..... Grocery Shopping
9am ....................... Wood Shop
9am ..Artists Painting Together
6pm .......... Big Swing Band Trip
7pm ............. Roger Lentz Recital
1pm ....... Mother’s Day
Celebration &
Butterfly Release
Vision Support
non Valley Bible
....... Wood Shop
rmonettes Meet
...... Men’s Circle
a Vacation Prog.
lmyra First UMC
8am ................................. Trash
8,9,10am ..... Grocery Shopping
9am ....................... Wood Shop
9am ..Artists Painting Together
12:30pm ..............…..40 Diners
....... Wood Shop 8am ........................... Recycling
Food Store Trip 12:30pm ............. Red Hats Trip
rmonettes Meet 2pm .......... Caregiver’s Support
…….. Miracle Ear
...... Men’s Circle
rsation with Judy
...... Annville CoB
....... Wood Shop
rmonettes Meet
April 9
Page 13 - April 2016
On Campus Information
Adult Coloring Sessions - April 4:
Let’s try something new on Monday, April 4 at 10:00 a.m. in the IL Activity Room. On the first Monday
of each month we are going to have an adult coloring class. We have a few books to get us started
along with colored pencils. The books contain beautiful pictures in intricate designs to be colored.
Our resident art instructor will be available to give guidance. You will learn about color combinations,
shading, and the joy of exploring art. Coloring is a wonderful stress reducer. Each design will help your
stress slip away as you color calming designs. If you have gel pens, fine markers, color pencils, and your
own “coloring books” bring them along. We are looking forward to sharing the fun of art together. No
need to sign up, simply show up! Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
The Elusive White Squirrel: Have you ever
Estate & Yard Sale – Jewelry Committee
seen a white squirrel? Did you
know that LVBH has one that
roams our campus? That’s
right; a white squirrel lives at
Lebanon Valley Brethren Home
and folks here have named it
"SNOBALL"! If anyone would like a DVD about the
white squirrel who has made a home here, please
call the receptionist. This delightful DVD is titled
“The Search for the Elusive White Squirrel.”
The Jewelry Committee continues to collect:
Jewelry Boxes
We accept men’s and ladies’ fine quality as well
as costume jewelry in any condition. Please make
donations as soon as possible as the committee
needs time to prepare items for sale. Drop-off to
the Snell Community Center Receptionist
Library Books - Look What’s New:
Brunstetter, Wanda:
Prairie State Friends Series, #3 The Restoration
A photograph taken by an LVBH resident
has been published in the LeadingAge PA
Celebrations 2016 Calendar “My Favorite
Places”. The photograph was selected as
the April picture. The picture entitled “Apple
Blossoms Time” was captured at the entrance
of the Lebanon Valley Brethren Home.
Residents from all around the area submitted
photographs celebrating favorite places in
LeadingAge communities. We are honored that
this wonderful photo has been selected as a
finalist for the calendar. A copy of the calendar
is on display in the Independent Living bulletin
board at the Snell CC entrance desk.
Ford, Jamie:
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
Hannon, Irene: That Certain Summer
Henderson, Dee: Unspoken
Kelley, Evangeline: Whispers on the Dock
Latty, Sally/Crawford, Dianna:
The Daughters of Harwood House Trilogy
Paterno, Heather: “H” is for Hershey
Wayne, Jimmy: Walk to Beautiful
Books by Baldacci, Crichton, Follett, Irving,
Michener, and Turow are on the shelves.
Thank You! - The Jewelry Committee
Page 14 - April 2016
Musicals & Presentations on Campus
A Vacation Memory of China - April 27:
On Wednesday, April 27 at 10:30 a.m. in the Di Matteo Worship Center resident, an LVBH resident
will share a memorable vacation to China she and her husband experienced, many years ago. They
headed to the People’s Republic of China six years after they first allowed visitors into the country
in 1985. Her wonderful slides will give you a glance at life in the orient. It may bring back fond
memories of a vacation you took in the past. She treasured her trip to China so she is sharing its
beauty with her friends at LVBH. Come enjoy her slide show and commentary. Please sit toward
the front of the auditorium. Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
Sunday Sinfonia Orchestra Concert - May 1:
On Sunday, May 1 at 3:00 p.m. in the Di Matteo Worship Center LVBH will hold a spring concert for
our residents and the community. The Sunday Sinfonia is a Lancaster Community Orchestra of 30
members directed by Simon Mauer. The group’s mission is to perform quality chamber orchestra
music bringing the joy of music to the surrounding community. Come enjoy an afternoon of classical
music and more. Some selections you will recognize are by famous composers Vivaldi, Beethoven,
Respighi and some lighter genre! Family members and friends are welcome to attend.
Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
Hershey Symphony Orchestra Reminder - April 8 & 23
Friday, April 8 , 8:00 p.m. - Symphonic Blockbuster. LVBH Bus leaves at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 23, 8:00 p.m. - Gershwin’s America. LVBH Bus leaves at 7:00 p.m.
Friday Night Movies
April 8 - “Cheaper by the Dozen”
with Steve Martin & Bonnie Hunt
April 22 - “The Help”
with Viola Davis & Octavia Spencer
All movies are at 6:30 p.m. in the DiMatteo
Worship Center
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Meetings, Talks & Groups
Health, Safety, and Prevention meeting - April 5:
Tuesday, April 5 at 1:00 p.m. join us for tips on “Nutrition to Energize your Life.” LVBH Wellness Staff
members Mary George and Grace Lankford will be sharing health eating plans, recipes, and tips to
keep your energy up with interesting food choices! Stop by for an educational experience to kick off
your spring healthy eating plan. Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
Senior Ministries Program - April 6 and May 4:
The meeting on Wednesday, April 6 features guest speaker Kyle Hoffsmith, Youth Pastor at
Community Bible Church. Lunch is $2.00 paid at the door. Come meet and share with other seniors
from the area for wonderful fellowship. Bus leaves the Snell CC entrance at 10:15 a.m.
Looking ahead to Wednesday, May 4 the speaker will be Omar Zook who serves as pastor of
visitation, counseling, and senior adults. He also works with the College in Moldovia developing a
Master’s program in Counseling. He is a very compassionate pastor and speaker. Bus leaves the
Snell CC entrance at 10:15 a.m. Reservations required. May sign up slip in this newsletter.
Conversations With Judy - April 13
All are welcome to join us on Wednesday, April 13 at 1:00 p.m. in the IL Activity Room.
Caregiver’s Support Group - April 14
Please join us on Thursday, April 14 from 2-3p.m. at
the Stoneback Pavilion for an interactive program
called Reflections: Life Review and Reminiscing
presented by Joan Groh, Hospice and Community
Care. You are welcome to bring your love one along
to participate and learn
about the benefits of
reminiscing. We hope
to see you there!
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Meetings, Talks & Groups
Low Vision Support Group - April 20:
Wednesday, April 20 we will travel to Lebanon Vision Corps. There will be a speaker followed
by a hoagie lunch for the cost of $5.50 paid at the door. The LVBH bus leaves the Snell CC
entrance at 11:00 a.m. Reservations required. Please see slip in this newsletter.
Questions: Call Mary Lee at 3186.
Lunch n’ Learn - April 21
Join us Thursday, April 21 at 12 noon in Fellowship Hall. The Susquehanna
Service dogs will be visiting, and volunteers will talk about how service dogs are
chosen, trained to match their human partner, plus demonstrate what the dogs
can do. Order a lunch, bring your own lunch, or just come to hear the speaker.
Reserve your seat and lunch with the form in this newsletter.
Gleaners’ Bible Study - April 25
Gleaners' Bible Study will begin a new study on Monday, April 25. On this day we will begin a study
of The Book of Romans. Come discover together with us why commentators call this letter written
by Paul as the book that has had the greatest impact of all the books of the Bible in the history of
the church.
Gleaners’ Bible Study is an interactive Bible study group which meets the second and fourth Monday
of each month at 2 p.m.in the North View Dining Room. Questions? Call the Snell Community
Center Receptionist (838-5406 ext. 3058)
Special Note – the Gleaner’s Bible Study meeting on April 11 will begin at 3 p.m. due to the
ILC Quarterly meeting being held the same day.
Men’s Circle - April 13 & April 27
This month's meetings will be on Wednesday, April 13 and April 27, 10:00—11:00 a.m. in
the IL-Activity Room. On April 13, an LVBH resident will share his carving and wood working
skills. On April 27, another LVBH resident will share his water color painting skills from start to
finish. The Men’s Circle is a casual setting for men to gather and participate in stimulating
conversations. No need to sign up. The men meet early for coffee and cookies. This is a
relaxing time to share and grow in friendship. Stop by and see for yourself!
Questions? Call the Snell Community Center Receptionist (838-5406 ext. 3058)
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Property Tax/Rent Rebate Applications Available:
Forms for the state’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate program for 2015 are now
available. Eligible participants can receive a rebate of up to $650 based on
their rent or property taxes paid in 2015. The program benefits eligible
Pennsylvanians who are 65 years or older, widows and widowers 50 years
or older, and those 18 years or older with disabilities. You can download an
application through the link on the PA website at:
Eligibility income limits for homeowners are set at the following levels, excluding 50 percent of
Social Security, Supplemental Security Income and Railroad Retirement Tier 1 benefits:
• $0 to $8,000, maximum $650 rebate (homeowners and renters).
• $8,001 to $15,000, maximum $500 rebate (homeowners and renters).
• $15,001 to $18,000, maximum $300 rebate (homeowners only).
• $18,001 to $35,000, maximum $250 rebate (homeowners only).
Please contact me Friday mornings in the Fountain Area if you need a copy of the application to
complete…or call me at Balsbaugh Insurance Agency at (717) 949-6534.
Thank you! ...Mike
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RESERVATION FORMS : Accepted Mon.- Fri., 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. at Snell CC Receptionist Desk
Provide exact amount, no change given.
Checks made payable to LVBH-ILC. Checks should be written for one event only - do not combine.
Remember to mark “paid” on your calendar to avoid confusion.
PC Residents must include a nurse’s signature on reservation form.
Under the Lights Art Exhibit - Thursday, April 7
Deadline: April 4
Name _________________________________________
Phone ___________________________
BINGO - Monday, April 11
Name _________________________________________
Deadline: April 8
Phone ___________________________
Red Hats Trip - Thursday, April 14
Deadline: April 12
Name _________________________________________
Senior Prom - Saturday, April 16
Deadline: April 13
Name _________________________________________
Low Vision Support Group - Wednesday, April 20
Name _________________________________________
 Italian
 Ham
 Turkey
Phone ___________________________
Deadline: April 15
Phone ___________________________
 No Lunch
Lunch n’ Learn - Thursday, April 21
Deadline: April 15
Name _________________________________________
Reserve _________seats.
Phone ___________________________
Phone ___________________________
I’m enclosing $________for #________ lunches ($5.00 each.)
“Hop On Board” - Tuesday, April 26
Name _________________________________________
Game Night & Computer Buddies - Monday, April 25
Name _________________________________________
Deadline: April 22
Phone ___________________________
Deadline: April 22
Phone ___________________________
The Speed Limit
On Campus Is
Thank you for
your compliance
Page 19 - April 2016
RESERVATION FORMS : Accepted Mon.- Fri., 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. at Snell CC Receptionist Desk
Provide exact amount, no change given.
Checks made payable to LVBH-ILC. Checks should be written for one event only - do not combine.
Remember to mark “paid” on your calendar to avoid confusion.
PC Residents must include a nurse’s signature on reservation form.
Gain Volunteer Trip - Thursday, April 28
Deadline: April 22
Name _________________________________________
Phone ___________________________
Lebanon Big Swing Band - Friday, April 29
Deadline: April 15
Name _________________________________________
Phone ___________________________
“Crooners” American Music Theatre - Wednesday, May 4
Deadline: April 6
Name _________________________________________
My Check#_________
Phone ___________________________
If full, add to waiting list?  Yes
 No
for $_________ ($48 pp attached).
“Bye Bye Birdie” Milton Hershey High School - Thursday, May 5
Name _________________________________________
Senior Ministries - Wednesday, May 4
Name _________________________________________
40 Diners - Friday, May 6
Name _________________________________________
Convenience Store Hoagie Sale—Wednesday, May 18
Deadline: April 29
Phone ___________________________
Deadline: April 29
Phone ___________________________
Deadline: April 29
Phone ___________________________
Deadline: May 11
I have enclosed $_________for ________ Hoagies ($3.50 each) ________American ________Italian