2007 Template 03-36 (Page 5)


2007 Template 03-36 (Page 5)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Central PA’s Guide to Business & Industry - Connections 2007
May Eye Care Center and Associates Offers the
Latest in Refractive Eye Surgery Technology
patients' eyes are completely
healed over. For the other 10%, it
may be necessary to wear the
contacts for another two to three
days. This healing process is not
the end result, however.
"Once the contacts come out, their
vision still hasn't reached the final
stage," he says. "Now the surface
of the cornea has to smooth itself
out. It could take another one to
six weeks to reach their final vision
level. But statistically, our AST
patients have shown slightly better
vision than those who have had the
LASIK procedure."
making the
The May Eye Care Center
Hillside Medical Center
250 Fame Ave., Suite 200
Hanover, PA 17331
Phone: 717-637-1919
Fax: 717-637-2326
Website: www.mayeyecare.com
Email: lasikdr@mayeyecare.com
Business Type
medical/ surgical
AST also allows May to do higher
prescription work, anywhere from
-12 to +4. Amazingly, less than 1%
of patients still require glasses after
the procedure.
April 2001
President: Carl J. May Jr., M.D.
Number of Employees
American Academy
of Ophthalmology,
American Society of Cataract
and Refractive Surgery,
American Medical Association,
PA Medical Society
By Brooks Heintzelman
Connections 2007
here's an exciting new
development in the evolution
of laser vision correction,
and May Eye Care Center and
Associates is proud to offer it to
patients in Central Pennsylvania
and Northern Maryland.
The traditional LASIK procedure
has become the most widely known
method of refractive eye surgery.
LASIK was, and still is, an effective
method of improving a patient's
vision. But now there's a new
procedure that’s proving to be just
as effective, while also lowering the
risks of long-term complications.
It's called AST—
Advanced Surface Treatment.
The AST Difference
While AST and LASIK are similar in
that they each remove part of the
cornea, the difference is the amount
CONNECTIONS / Sue Masenheimer
Dr. May prepares an eye for surgery
of tissue removed from the eye.
With Advanced Surface Treatment
the laser is only applied to the
surface of the cornea, whereas
in traditional LASIK the laser is
applied under a flap of tissue
deeper into the cornea.
One of the challenges associated
with traditional LASIK is that
because the laser is applied to
the deeper layer of the cornea, it
is necessary to create a flap on
the surface. When the procedure
is complete, the flap is folded back
onto the cornea to heal. However,
there is the slight possibility that
the flap could create complications
somewhere down the line.
benefits greatly outweigh the brief
initial inconvenience. In fact, by
the next day patients are typically
seeing with 20/30 or 20/40 vision,
which is good enough to drive. A
protective post-op contact lens is
removed three days after the
procedure. May says that on the
third day more than 90% of their
Is AST Right For You?
These recent advances in the field
of refractive eye surgery have
created a trend among patients
seeking laser vision correction.
According to May, more and more
patients are choosing AST. For
most patients, AST will present the
best option for improved vision with
fewer complications.
It is important to remember that
Continued on Page 07
"With AST, we treat just the surface
of the eye—we don't have to remove
a separate layer of the tissue,"
says Dr. Carl J. May, Jr., M.D.,
founder and president of May Eye
Care. "It's safer, because almost
all of the major complications in
LASIK come from the flap. Between
the two, AST leaves the patient’s
eye stronger because we're not
taking as much tissue away from
the eye."
While AST does have a slightly
longer recovery period, the long-term
CONNECTIONS / Sue Masenheimer
Technician uses advanced technology to screen surgical patient.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Central PA’s Guide to Business & Industry - Connections 2007
Continued from page 06
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Centers
• Used as a variable resistance
neck strength machine
with a neck injury, which can leave
an individual’s neck feeling heavy
and unsupported. This can lead
to vicious cycles of more pain and
headaches. The greater the
support that can be restored to the
neck through strength exercises, the
less pain experienced.
• Provides computer engineered
graphic reports of range of
motion and strength compared
to normal values
This is where the MCU unit as a
variable resistance strengthening
machine comes in. A treatment
program called the Melbourne
Protocol, created by internationally
recognized Australian physiotherapist Robert DeNardis, is
utilized by the therapists here at
HealthSouth. This protocol
allows our therapists to create a
customized exercise strength
program for the patient based on
the specific findings from their
evaluations. This aspect of the
MCU is similar to a fitness gym’s
weight exercise machine, but for
the neck.
In short, prior to the MCU,
individuals who experienced neckrelated injuries from car accidents,
whiplash, work related injuries, and
sports injuries did not have actual
data to support their efforts or
recovery. Therapy was based on
the subjective recommendations of
therapists and physicians. While
these were, and continue to be,
vital to the recovery of neck pain,
factual, measurable data has
proven to be revolutionary in satisfying the needs of patients, therapists, and insurers. This technology
is now here in York with the MCU at
For more information on the MCU
and its programs, or to schedule an
evaluation, call HealthSouth at
(717) 751-0975.
Fast Facts
• HealthSouth’s MCU machine is
the only one in South Central PA
• Treatment has up to a 75%
success rate
• Used as an evaluator for:
a) Comprehensive range
of motion
b) Complete neck strength
c) Measurable outcomes
for diagnosis
• Allows for evidence-based
medical treatment through use
of the Melbourne Protocol
making the
Continued from page 03
DirectBuy of Lancaster
situation. That costs them money,
and you see that cost factored
into retail prices. Since we deal
with manufacturers directly, they
are much more likely to take
care of the situation, because
it’s their name and reputation
on the line instead of a retail
1493 S. Queen St.
York, PA 17403
Phone: 717-852-0983
Added Services
For people furnishing a new home
or planning a major renovation,
buying direct is the easiest and
most cost-efficient way to do it.
No matter their taste or decorating
style, DirectBuy can help them find
the products they want and need.
Instead of running from store to
store in order to find everything
for a new kitchen or bedroom,
members can do it all from the
comfort of the Lancaster DirectBuy
Showroom and Design Center.
635 Lombard Road
Red Lion, PA 17356
Phone: 717-417-1271
DirectBuy makes it even easier by
helping with the whole process:
Rehabilitation Centers
2127 Industrial Hwy.
York, PA 17402
Phone: 717-751-0975
design, delivery, and even
installation services are available.
“It gives our members peace of
mind,” says Marketing Manager
Nicole Paz. “It also illustrates the
membership advantage. We get to
know them by name—they’re not
just one-time customers to us.”
New Additions
DirectBuy of Lancaster has plans
to open a new showroom at the
end of the summer. The 25,000
square foot facility will be bigger
and better than ever, offering
design centers and service staff
for each of the individual areas of
the showroom.
DirectBuy is also proud to add two
new members to its team in 2007.
Renowned interior designer, author,
and Emmy Award winning television
host Christopher Lowell will design
a line of full kitchens, bedrooms
and bathrooms especially for
DirectBuy members. Tanya
Memme, host of A&E’s Move This
House, will join the company as a
16315 Mt. Airy Road
Shrewsbury, PA 17361
Phone: 717-227-2316
1850 Normandie Drive
York, PA 17404
Phone: 717-767-8734
4185 N. George St. Ext.
Manchester, PA
Phone: 717-266-6731
Rehabilitation Hospital
of York and Transitional
Rehab Unit
1850 Normandie Drive
York, PA 17404
Phone: 717-767-6941
Therapy at Home
1850 Normandie Drive
York, PA 17404
Phone: 717-767-8772
Pain Center
1850 Normandie Drive
York, PA 17404
Phone: 717-767-8238
Business Type
Physical Rehabilitation
Continued from page 05
May Eye Care Center
there is a portion of patients for
whom LASIK may not be suitable.
For people who have thin corneas,
dry eyes, or corneas that are
naturally too flat or too steep,
AST could be the solution. Those
patients whose professional or
leisure activities put them at risk
for eye injuries will also find AST
a worry-free option.
Many patients who shy away from
LASIK surgery are wary of the
surgical blades used to score the
deeper layer of the cornea during
LASIK. The good news is that
AST uses no such blade. Patients
receive a topical anesthetic, and
it's a short, pain-free procedure.
Most are in the operating room for
less than 20 minutes.
"Our patients love the idea of a
‘bladeless LASIK’ with no cutting
involved," says May. "They're
acutely aware of the fact that it's
safer. When we were first making
the transition [from LASIK to AST]
I worried that patients would be
hesitant because of the three-day
recovery period, whereas with
LASIK it's usually the next day.
Patients tend to want ‘instant’
results. But once they hear that
AST is safer, and that in the long
run their vision might be slightly
better, most people choose to
have the surface treatment."
The move to AST is just one
example of the commitment
May Eye Care extends to its
patients. Dr. May and Dr. Leslie
E. O'Dell, O.D. pride themselves
on both staying on the leading
edge of technology and
maintaining close relationships
with those whom they treat.
May Eye Care customizes each
procedure and follow up to the
individual. And the value of
giving people such a powerful
thing as sight is something not
lost on May.
"I enjoy how excited my patients
are about their results," he says.
"I love my job. It's really what I
have a passion to do."