Vibrational Essence Booklet
Vibrational Essence Booklet
w w w .Ro ber tReeves .c om . au Robert Reeves A CC R E D I T E D N AT U R O PAT H B E S T- S E L L I N G A U T H O R SPIRITUAL TEACHER T h e s e e s s e n c e s a re m a d e w i th pur e i nt e nti o ns to he a l, a n d b a l a n c e , yo ur m ind , b od y , a n d s pirit in a ll ways. T h ey c o m b i ne the powe rful vi b r at i o n s o f cr ysta ls, a nd th e uni que e ne rg y o f a ng e ls. B y t a k i ng t h e se e sse nc e s y o u r em i n d y o ur bo d y o f the n at ur a l s t at e o f we llbe ing a n d p e a c e . I tr ust yo u will en joy t h e s e e sse nc e s a s mu c h a s I d o. Wa r me s t r e ga rd s a nd b l es s i ngs , Robert TO HEAL, AND BALANCE, YOUR MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT IN ALL WAYS HOW THEY ARE MADE The essences are made in a natural environment under the strong rays of the Australian Sun. Created away from other people, these healing tools are free from Ego and contain pure, uplifting energy. The energy is stabilised, and preserved, by using glycerol and pure Spring Water. WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM THESE ESSENCES? Anyone! People of all ages can benefit from the essences. There’s no concern of interactions with medications as the essences work in a totally different way – on an energetic level, rather than physical. Children under 16 years of age should only take essences with their parents/guardians consent. If you’re unsure please contact us and we will do our best to assist you. It’s always a good idea to involve your healthcare practitioners before you start anything new. DIRECTIONS Each essence is created with a specific intention in mind. You can take more than one essence at a time, however leave 15 minutes between each dose to attain the most benefit. They are taken internally and allow the energy to spread throughout your entire being. The essences are made with glycerol and have a mild, sweet taste. HOW TO TAKE YOUR ESSENCE: o Take five drops under the tongue. Hold the essence under your tongue for a moment, and then swallow. This is the most common, and often easiest way to take your essence. o Add five drops to a glass of water, or drink bottle. Stir vigorously and drink immediately, or sip over an hour or two. o Add five drops in the bath o Add five drops to a watering can for your plants You can add the essences to any beverage, or food, with the exception of those that are extremely hot. In general, the standard dose is five drops of essence two, or three times per day. You may find it beneficial to keep this routine for a month or two. If needed, you can increase the dose to every 15 minutes. This can be useful in situations that need fast change, and immediate healing. For example, taking the Calm Down essence every 15 minutes in a stressful situation is more valuable than taking it once. There’s no fear of over dosing with the essences as they are energetic products. So, if your body no REMEMBER TO TRUST longer needs the energy, it will simply be released. YOUR INTUITION Remember to follow you personal feelings and intuition WHEN USING THE when using the essences. ESSENCES Essences CALM DOWN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE To Assist During Times Of Stress To Open You Up To All Aspects Of Love This is an excellent formula to have on hand at all times. It’s a good idea to carry Calm Down in your bag so you’re always ready to handle unexpected stress. It works very quickly at calming you down. It allows you to better focus on the task at hand, and to think more rationally. It can be taken every 15 minutes in acute situations, or added to a glass of water and sipped over time. (30ml) This essence is like a loving and comforting hug. It allows your heart to heal from old hurts, and welcome the new, refreshing energy of joy. Allow your center of love to open fully and completely. By doing so you’ll find you’re attracted to more loving and like-minded people. This essence isn’t simply for people wishing to attract a loving partner. It helps you to love who you are. It gives you the ability to love yourself at a deep, and healing level. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Removing stress • Helping during crisis • Bringing relaxation • Easing anxiety • Calming anger • Bringing peace BENEFICIAL FOR: • Awakening your heart chakra • Bringing your focus and attention to love • Raising your vibration to joy • Releasing the past and welcoming the new • Choosing peace over pain CHAKRA BALANCE To Cleanse And Balance The Chakra System This is a great everyday formula for the healer and psychic. It’s also wonderful to anyone wishing to become more spiritual. It keeps all of your chakras in balance, and removes any negative energy. It brings about a sense of stability. Chakra Balance ensures you find harmony in all aspects of your life including: work, rest, and play. It’s an excellent pick me up when you lose motivation and drive. It brings you back to a positive state where you enjoy life, and continue your important role as a helper. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Clearing fatigue • Removing feelings of being stuck • Opening blocks • Removing lethargy • Dissolving psychic blocks • Improves your spiritual abilities • Helps with direction • Beneficial for healers • Beneficial for helpers • To clear and balance your chakra system • Lifting the energy of negative environments • Beneficial for Angel / Psychic readers • To bring general balance ENERGY PURIFIER To Remove Any And All Negativity The Energy Purifier essence is a very strong, and powerful cleanser. It quickly, and effectively, releases all the negativity from your body and aura, removing it from your life. It pulls out psychic attack, and jealousy that other people may have thrown your way. If you feel like you’ve been wearing a target on your back, this essence is for you. By working with the Energy Purifier, you welcome healing angels to your side. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Clearing negativity of all kinds • Releasing negative thoughts • Dissolving psychic attack • Removing unexplained heaviness or tension • Helps cleanse and release the energies of: o Gossip o Mean behaviour o Nastiness o Hate o Bars o Clubs o Seeing clients o Listening to problems FEAR FIGHTER To Protect And Give Comfort Fear Fighter is like having Archangel Michael walking by your side. He’ll protect you in all ways. This essence makes you feel safe and secure by releasing fears. When we focus on fear-based issues, we have a tendency to attract more of them. So by removing these fears we can assure ourselves of a brighter future. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Removing fear • Bringing protection • Overcoming obstacles GROUNDING To Ground And Center Your Energy Grounding is often overlooked, but it’s a really important aspect of living. If we get too caught up in stress, we easily lose touch with our physical bodies. Then, our health could be compromised. This essence brings your attention back into your body. Now you can connect with this very important part of your being. You’ve been issued a body as part of this life – it’s essential you’re present within it. Grounding is really beneficial after deep meditation, or healing work. It quickly takes away that ‘spacey’ feeling. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Centering your energy • Bringing you back into the moment • Gets you out of your head and into your body • Plants your feet on the ground • Clearing ‘spacey-ness’ after meditation MIRACLE MANIFEST To Bring More Magic Into Your Life The Miracle Manifest essence is seriously magical. The people that have taken this essence frequently write to me explaining how they were presented with amazing experiences, promotions, and gifts that they never dreamed possible. It’s a great essence to remind you that truly anything is possible. You deserve the stars, so why reach for anything less. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Bringing more magic into your life • Presents you with unique opportunities • Attracting your desires • Bringing your heartfelt needs into reality MONEY MAGNET To Attract Abundance In All Areas Of Your Life This formula dissolves any energetic restrictions to reaching your full potential of abundance. The Money Magnet essence opens your arms to receiving. It helps you to get ready for the abundance that is heading your way. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Attracting abundance • Clearing any financial blockages • Enhancing your flow of money in a positive direction PSYCHIC To Open And Enhance Your Spiritual Abilities This essence opens up all of your spiritual, and psychic abilities. It opens the heart, throat, and the third eye, so you can easily connect with your Angels and Guides. Share the love in your heart by gently delivering their healing messages of comfort, and support. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Enhancing your intuition • Psychic readings • Deeper meditation • Bringing calmness and clarity to connect with the Divine • Any kind of spiritual work A UNIQUE COMBINATION OF CRYSTAL AND ANGEL ENERGY SELF EMPOWERMENT To Give You The Power And Courage To Become The True You This is a wonderfully empowering essence that helps you realise your dreams. It gives you the strength to become, and be, the real you. Shine your light in your own special way. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Giving you the strength and courage to go on • Allowing you to make serious life decisions • Allowing you to follow your true life path • Helps you to know that it will be okay • Helps to keep fear and procrastination at bay • Helps you to be comfortable with yourself in all ways SUPER STUDY To Assist Memory, Learning & Concentration This was a formula I had to create for myself during my many years of study. It brings you focus and clarity so you may complete the jobs at hand. You’ll do them quickly, and to your best ability. You’ll retain more information, and have the ability to recall it when needed. It’s excellent to take during study, completing assignments, and just prior to exams. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Studying • Enhancing concentration • Assisting exams • Enhancing memory • Increasing learning • Useful during assignments SWEET DREAMS To Assist You In Drifting Off To A Sound And Peaceful Sleep Sweet Dreams calms your mind, allowing you to drift off to a sound night of sleep. Please note that it relaxes you for sleeping, but will not make you drowsy or tired during the day. (30ml) BENEFICIAL FOR: • Helping sleep • Removing any difficulties with sleep • Removing difficulties falling to sleep initially • Waking through the night • Clearing constant thoughts that are keeping you up GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO HEAL The sprays are designed with essences and essential oils. This means they have a subtle, healing aroma, as well as an energetic property. USE THEM BY SPRAYING: • Through your aura • Around your body • Through the house • In a particular room • Over crystals Normally only three, or four, pumps of the spray are needed. Feel free to experiment on how many times you feel guided to spray. Each one has an intention to clear, and uplift the surrounding area. These sprays are for external use only. They have similar healing properties to the essences of the same names, yet with the added energy from the pure essential oils. Chakra Balance Spray Peaceful Dreams Spray • Recharging crystals • Balancing the energy of a room • Please see Chakra Balance essence • Calming • Helps settle your mind for sleep • Preparing your body, and mind for relaxation BENEFICIAL FOR: Grounding Spray BENEFICIAL FOR: • Centering your energy • Bringing you back into the moment • Please see Grounding essence BENEFICIAL FOR: Energy Purifier Spray BENEFICIAL FOR: • Clearing a room of negative energy • Cleansing crystals • Cleansing oracle cards • Please see Energy Purifier essence Online Classes If you’d like to learn more about Vibrational Essences, or other spiritual topics, Robert teaches classes online. His easy to follow approach has become very popular! Several of the online classes also offer certification upon completion. So, if you’d like to become a certified Vibrational Essence Practitioner, visit his website at Stock Kits We have Vibrational Essence Stock Kits available for purchase that contain all the stock essences created by Robert. We currently have 48 healing essences that include Crystals, Angels, and some Environmental energies. The kits contain detailed information on how to use each essence. This means you can create your own healing blends to help yourself, your loved ones, and clients. For more information visit Order Your Essences: Browse through our complete range of healing essences at Phone: 1300 668 772 Email: Our website accepts secure payments for Visa and MasterCard. However, we can process payments through PayPal and American Express manually via email and phone. Please contact us if you’d prefer these methods. DISCLAIMER: Vibrational Essences are not intended as a replacement to medical treatment. Vibrational Essences can be used in conjunction with, and compliment, any other form of medical treatment without adverse effect. The information contained in this booklet is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Robert Reeves Pty Ltd and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information, products, services, or related graphics contained in the booklet for any purpose. Any reliance placed on such information is strictly at your own risk. About ROBERT REEVES About Robert Reeves Robert Reeves is an accredited naturopath who blends his herbal medicine and nutrition training with his psychic and mediumship abilities. He has a strong connection to the angels and to the natural world, believing that nature holds the ability to heal when one is guided by the Divine. Robert gives self-help and spiritual-development workshops, writes magazine articles, and has been featured on international radio programs. He loves to teach about spirituality, hoping that with the right tools, everyone can live the life of their dreams. He owns and runs a successful natural-therapies clinic in Australia, which he began when he was 17 years old. Robert is the best-selling author of Angel Detox, Flower Therapy and the Flower Therapy Oracle Cards, with Doreen Virtue. F o r m o r e i n fo r m at i o n a b o u t R o b e r t , p l e a s e v i s i t : w w w . R o b e r t R e e v e s . c o m . au CONNECT ON FACEBOOK WITH ‘ROBERT REEVES NATUROPATH’ Phone: 1300 668 772 Australia