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-----Original Message----- From: onbehalfof+kvandenbos+cheminst
-----Original Message----From: onbehalfof+kvandenbos+cheminst.ca@manuscriptcentral.com [mailto:onbehalfof+kvandenbos+cheminst.ca@manuscriptcentral.com] On Behalf Of kvandenbos@cheminst.ca Sent: November-19-14 5:34 AM To: Pawlik, Marek Subject: The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 19-Nov-2014 CJCE-14-0567.R1 - OBSERVATIONS ON THE YIELDING BEHAVIOR OF OIL SAND SLURRIES UNDER VANE AND SLUMP TESTS Dear Dr. Pawlik, The article has now been added to the queue of articles to copyedit prior to exporting to the typesetting phase of production as the figures are now per the publishing requirements. Ms. Pearce will be in contact with you directly if there are any edits. Best regards, Ms. Kyra Van Den Bos The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering Observations on the yielding behavior of oil sand slurries under vane and slump tests Leopoldo Gutierrez and *Marek Pawlik University of British Columbia Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering 517-6350 Stores Road Vancouver, BC, Canada * Corresponding author: Tel. 1 604 827 5034; fax: 604 822 5599; mpp@mining.ubc.ca. ABSTRACT Yield stress measurements were carried out on slurries prepared with five different ore samples of varying contents of bitumen and fines in the sand fraction. These rheological measurements were performed using the vane, slump, and relaxation methods, as well as by extrapolation of equilibrium flow curves to zero shear rate. In the case of the vane tests it was found that the yield stress values agreed better with the results obtained from the other techniques when the yield stresses were calculated using the torque value at the point of departure from linearity on the torque-time curves. It was found that the yield stress values of oil sands slurries increased with an increase in bitumen content in the ores. High-bitumen ores tended to yield within a volume of the slurry extending well beyond the geometry of the vane. In contrast, low-bitumen ores yielded much closer to the vane edges. As a result, the torque value at the point of departure from linearity on the torque-time curve was recommended for calculating the yield stress of high-bitumen ore slurries. On the other hand, the maximum torque value on the torque-time curve can be used for determining the yield stress of low bitumen ores. Keywords: oil sands, yield stress, bitumen, sand Introduction Oil sand ores can be described as mixtures of three components, i.e., sand (80-85 %), a viscous form of petroleum called bitumen (4-14 %) which is the valuable component, and finally intrinsic water (215%) dispersed within the ore matrix. It is believed that bitumen is not in direct contact with the hydrophilic grains of sand, and a film of water surrounds the sand grains (Mossop 1980; Takamura 1982). Bitumen in these ores is extracted using a process which consists of several inter-related unit operations, i.e., mining, ore conditioning, bitumen-froth recovery, froth treatment and upgrading, and finally water management (Kasongo et al. 2000). Ore conditioning is very important because it is during this stage when bitumen liberation from the surfaces of sand particles takes place. In the contemporary practise ore conditioning is generally done in hydrotransport pipelines where oil sands are mixed with warm/hot water and some pH modifiers to produce mixtures of solid contents varying between 60 and 70 wt%. The factor that makes oil sand slurries different compared to mineral slurries that are typically encountered in mineral processing operations is the presence of hydrophobic bitumen. Attractive forces acting between two bitumen-coated surfaces are significantly increased by a contribution of hydrophobic forces. It was determined (Liu et al. 2005) that the force constant of attractive interactions between bitumen surfaces was on the order of 10-19 J, which is 20 times higher than the Hamaker constant of interactions between quartz particles of around 5x10-21 J (Franks 2002). This result could not be explained by considering only the effect of van de Walls forces and an attractive hydrophobic force component had to be added to the overall force balance. From a practical point of view and considering that the zeta potential of bitumen and quartz are very similar over a wide range of pH, it is reasonable to expect that a strong internal network characterized by a high yield stress, can develop in these types of slurries, especially when bitumen liberation is low, that is, bitumen coats the sand particles and at a sufficiently high bitumen content it starts forming a continuous oily phase. Model slurries prepared from pure quartz particles exhibit much lower viscosities and yield stresses than slurries prepared using bitumen-coated quartz particles with a bitumen content of only 0.7% (wt.) (Gutierrez and Pawlik 2012). Although the conditioning stage of oil sand slurries in hydrotransport pipelines seems to be the most affected by the rheology of these types of slurries, a proper bench-scale measurement of the rheology of oil sand slurries is not a simple task. Most of the available rheological studies in this area have been conducted in order to understand the behavior of pure bitumen at different conditions (Mossop 1980; Clark and Pasternack 1932; Basu et al. 1996; long et al. 2007) and of oil-in-water emulsions with additions of solids (Pal and Masliyah 1990; Yan et al. 1991). Our work on this important subject (Gutierrez and Pawlik 2012) showed that some properties of oil sand slurries, such as bitumen liberation/detachment from the sand grains, could be followed using rheological data. Several definitions of the yield stress were proposed with some significant physical differences. Some authors (Bingham 1930; Lang and Rha 1981; Nguyen and Boger 1983) defined the yield stress as the minimum shear stress at which continuous deformation is observed, marking the transition from elastic to viscous behavior (Keentok 1982; Bingham, 1922). Other authors (Scott Blair, 1933), who showed that plastic deformation could be detected and measured at shear stresses below the yield stress, preferred to define the yield stress as the value below which no flow can be detected under the experimental conditions, particularly over the time scale of the test. This last definition also led to suggestions that the yield stress may even not exist (Barnes and Walters, 1985). Several methods and procedures were proposed to estimate the yield stress of concentrated suspensions with good results for a variety of applications (Lang and Rha 1981; Nguyen and Boger 1983; Nguyen and Boger 1985; Keentok 1982; Scott Blair 1935; De Kee et al. 1980; Cokelet et al. 1963; Magnin and Piau 1987; Pashias et al. 1996). However, the applicability of those various techniques to measure the yield stress of oil sand slurries has to be carefully analyzed. A first characteristic to consider is the potential adhesion of bitumen to measuring surfaces and geometries such as bobs, cups, metal parts, etc. Bitumen adheres to steel surfaces with the degree of this adhesion fluctuating depending on the experimental conditions, i.e., temperature, ore grade, and clays content (Xu et al. 2004). Another characteristic is the phenomenon of water migration in a sample that is confined in a container. In concentrated slurries, water will tend to migrate from the center of the container to the top surface of the slurry. This phenomenon produces an increase in the solids concentration of the sample in the center of the container leading to non-homogeneous conditions, producing rheological results that can be difficult to interpret. A third feature to consider is the existence of significant thixotropy and the time-dependent rheological behavior of oil sand slurries. The main objective of the current work is to measure/estimate the yield stress of concentrated oil sand slurries and to identify conditions (and limitations) under which various techniques can be applied. Although the main focus is on the vane and slump tests, other rheological techniques will also be used, i.e., extrapolation of equilibrium flow curves, and the stress relaxation method. Material and methods Samples and reagents Five oil sand ores of varying quality were supplied by Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Table 1 shows a characterization of these ores in terms of bitumen, water, solids, fines contents and BET surface area (Dean-Stark analysis - Bulmer and Starr, 1979). As can be seen from the wide range of bitumen concentrations and fines contents covered by these samples, the quality of these ores was diverse including good (high bitumen and low fines), and poor processing ores. Table 1 also shows information regarding the particle size distributions of the tested samples, i.e., mean size ( ), standard deviation (S), and coefficient of variation (CV= S/ ). The coefficient of variation can be used to quantify the degree of polydispersity of a distribution. It can be seen that the particles size distributions of all the samples are similar which means they have the same degree of polydispersity. It has to be noted that all the oil sands ores were stored in freezers at approximately -4 °C so that possible changes in properties due to weathering or aging were kept at minimum. Table 1. Characterization of the tested oil sand ores. Sand Bitumen Water Solids <44 m < 3 m BET wt.% wt.% wt.% vol.% vol.% m2/g m m % Ore 1 10.7 3.6 84.8 26.4 5.6 1.5 112 8 7 Ore 2 10.6 3.0 85.7 41.5 7.9 1.7 67 5 8 Ore 3 9.4 3.9 86.1 35.1 6.3 2.2 85 7 8 Ore 4 6.4 4.3 89.3 32.6 6.9 2.6 93 8 9 Ore 5 5.9 4.7 88.9 55.2 8.7 4.0 48 4 8 S S/ The data reported in Table 1 show that ores 4 and 5 have bitumen contents lower than 8 wt.% and high concentrations of fines (< 44 μm) in the sand fraction. Although ores 1, 2, and 3 display bitumen contents above 9 wt.%, the concentration of fines in the sand fraction is for all of them higher than 20 vol.% (cut off value for defining an ore as poor or good). The majority of the detailed experimental work was performed on ores 1 and 5, as the best and poorest ore types, respectively. However, the main comparative study of the slump and vane tests was performed for all the ores. Procedures Oil sand slurries were prepared by manually mixing the ore samples with a predetermined volume of a dilute sodium chloride (0.01 mol/L) solution as a background electrolyte for 3 minutes, which was followed by a resting time of 0.5 minutes before performing the tests. Some precautions were taken in order to remove as much air as possible which was done by gently stirring the slurries with a glass rod. All the yield stress measurements were carried out at room temperature (21 ºC). The vane method was implemented using 4 different four-bladed vanes connected to a Haake Rotovisco VT550 rheometer. The vanes were of a constant diameter (Dv) of 1.9 cm, and of different heights (Hv) of 2.9, 4.1, 4.7 and 6.0 cm. The vanes were machined out of brass. The procedure started by gently introducing the vane into the tested sample contained in a beaker. The dimension of the vanes and beaker were such that the ratios of beaker-to-vane heights, and beaker-to-vane diameters were larger than 3 so that rigid boundary effects were kept at minimum (Nguyen and Boger 1983; Nguyen and Boger 1985). After this, the vane was rotated at a constant speed, and the torque required to keep a constant rotational speed was recorded as a function of time in order to determine the values of the maximum torque (Tm), and the torque of departure from linearity (Tdl) of the torque-time curve. These torque values were used to calculate the yield stresses according to the procedure described by Nguyen and Boger (1983). All these measurements were performed in triplicates. The point of departure from linearity, Tdl, of a torque-time/vane rotation curve was determined by fitting an increasing number of the initial data points on the curve with a straight line, and finding such a torque value (data point) on the curve at which the coefficient of determination (R2) of the linear fit decreased below 0.995. For example, linear equations of the type Y = a*X were first fitted to the initial three data points as can be seen in Figure 1 (A). As the R2 in this case is 1 (>0.995), the linear equation was successively fitted to the fourth (Figure 1 (B)), fifth (Figure 1 (C)) and sixth (Figure 1 (D)) data points, until the value of R2 decreased below 0.995. In the example presented in Figure 1, R 2 was below 0.995 when the linear equation was fitted to the first six data points. Then, the torque of departure from linearity was calculated as an average between the 5th and 6th torque data points, in this example T dl equaled (0.28+0.33)/2 = 0.31 Ncm. Fig. 1. Example of determination of the torque of departure from linearity (Tdl) of the torque-vane rotation curve from vane tests. The second rheological technique used to estimate the yield stress of oil sands slurries was the “slump test”. This test was originally developed to evaluate the flow properties of concrete (Christensen 1991), and the technique was gradually modified for measuring the flow behavior of very concentrated slurries (Pashias et al. 1996). Slump tests were done using a single PVC cylinder of 77 mm diameter and 100 mm height. The procedure consisted of first placing the PVC cylinder filled with a slurry over a flat surface. Then, the cylinder was evenly lifted so that the column of slurry settled under its own weight. The height of the slump was measured, and the yield stresses were calculated using the procedure proposed by Pashias et al. (1996). Direct extrapolation to zero shear rate of the corresponding equilibrium flow curves was also used to estimate yield stresses. The data for the flow curves were obtained from stress decay experiments performed using a Haake Rotovisco VT550 rotational viscometer connected to an elongated fixture originally designed to measure properties of suspensions likely to settle (Klein, 1992). This fixture consisted of a concentric cylinder, bob-in-cup, double-gap arrangement with gap sizes of 2.5 mm and 3.03 mm for the inner and outer gaps, respectively. The shearing surfaces of this fixture were grooved to minimize wall slip effects. The procedure to obtain the rheological data for the equilibrium flow curves started by inserting the hollow bob into the study sample confined in the cup of the elongated fixture. After a resting time of 1 minute the rheometer was started. The shear rate was increased from 0 to 20 s -1 over a period of 120 seconds. The shear rate was kept constant at that value for 90 seconds, after which it was suddenly changed from 20 s-1 to a different target value. The samples were sheared at these final values for a period of 200 seconds so that equilibrium shear stresses could be reached. Since the bob of the fixture is essentially a hollow cylinder, inserting such a bob into the sample minimized the distortion of the slurry network. This was an important measuring aspect since the tested oil sands slurries were expected to display a strongly thixotropic response. The yield stresses of concentrated oil sands slurries were also estimated using the relaxation method (Whorlow, 1980). The same elongated fixture from the stress decay experiments was used again. The procedure followed in these measurements consisted of pre-shearing oil sand slurries at a given shear rate for a period of 180 seconds. After this, the shear rate was suddenly lowered to zero, and the shear stresses were recorded as a function of time during an additional 180 seconds. Pre-shearing was carried out at shear rates of 10, 20, 30, and 40 s-1. All the different techniques could most reliably be used only over a solids content range. Suspensions with lower solids contents, typically below 68% (wt), were tested using the rotational rheometer to obtain equilibrium flow curves and stress relaxation data within the measuring limits of the instrument. Vane and slump tests were performed on more concentrated suspensions with solids contents of up 72-76% (wt). At the same time, the vane and slump methods did not give reliable and reproducible results in the solids content range below about 66-64% (wt.) since neither technique was sensitive enough to measure the corresponding low yield stresses. Although these transition solids contents were orespecific, several sets of data were collected in the solids concentration range between 64-68% (wt) common to all the measuring methods. Therefore, whenever possible, the yield stress results are presented over the full solids range although in several figures the results are divided between the higher and lower solids content ranges. Results and discussion The effect of bitumen on the yield stress of concentrated slurries was evaluated through experiments performed on slurries prepared in the solids content range from 64 to 73% (wt.). These tests were done on slurries prepared using ores, and on slurries prepared only from sand fractions of the ores. In this way, it was possible to assess the contribution of bitumen to the rheological behavior of the ore slurries. The sand fractions were separated from bitumen by repeatedly washing the ores with toluene. Slurries of ores 1 and 5, as well as of their corresponding sand fractions, were prepared and tested in order to study two ores of extreme qualities. The results obtained from the vane, slump, relaxation, and flow curve extrapolation methods are presented in the following sections. Vane tests In order to obtain reliable data from vane tests it is essential to first analyze the effect of the vane rotational speed on the measurements of the T m and Tdl values. Nguyen and Boger (1983) found for suspensions of bauxite residue that the maximum torque on the torque-time curve was not affected by the rotational speed of the vane below a speed of 8 rpm, above which the torque increased. They proposed that the increase in the maximum torque observed beyond 8 rpm was due to viscous resistance effects. Figure 2 shows the effect of the vane rotational speed on T m and Tdl for slurries prepared with ore 1 at 68 wt.% solids (a), and with ore 5 at 72 wt.% solids (b). These results show that both values of torque are relatively constant in the range of rotational speeds below 1 rpm. Nguyen and Boger (1983) recommended using the lowest rotational speed possible. However, in order to maintain the time scale of the experiments at minimum and to reduce the effect of water migration and ore segregation it was decided to use the highest rotational speed at which the torque value was still unaffected by vane rotation, which according to Figure 2 (a and b) was 1 rpm. Another aspect that deserves some additional discussion is the general shape of the torque-time curve. Figures 2 (c) and (d) show examples of torque-time curves for ores 5 and 1 respectively. Figure 2 (c) shows torque-time curves for slurries of ore 5 at 72 wt.% solids, as well as two curves obtained from testing of samples of pure bitumen. This figure shows that it can be very difficult to clearly identify T m due to the rather flat shape of the torque-time curves. However, if the maximum values of torque are directly taken, it can be seen that these values are reached at large vane rotations between 0.75 and 1.2 rad (4369°). Tdl values were also determined for these data following the procedure outlined in Figure 1. These results show that Tdl values are obtained at vane rotations below 0.25 rad (<14°), which is in agreement with the results obtained by Nguyen and Boger (1983) who reported rotation angles of around 0.35 radians (20 °) at the yield point. Besides, angles of rotations less than 0.25 rad agree with what could reasonably be expected from a material deforming under conditions of elastic deformation (before yielding). These observations suggest that yielding in oil sand slurries occurs at T dl, and that a disagreement between the yield stresses calculated using Tm or Tdl should be expected. In order to verify which torque value should be used in the calculation of the yield stress, the vane results will be compared with the results obtained using other rheological techniques. The torque-time curves obtained from vane tests performed on samples of pure bitumen are also illustrated in Figure 2 (c). It can be seen from these results that the torque remains constant over the entire timescale of the measurement. The fact that torque remains constant during these experiments shows that bitumen does not exhibit a yield stress, a conclusion that agrees with those obtained by other authors who showed that bitumen was a Newtonian fluid (Basu et al., 1996; Gutierrez, 2009). Another interesting observation is that the torque values for bitumen are in the range of 0.22-0.42 Ncm, which are significantly lower than those obtained for the slurries of ores 1 and 5. The fact that bitumen alone does not display a yield stress, and that the values of torque are significantly lower compared to the values obtained from testing slurries of ores 1, and 5, suggest that it is the combination of bitumen and sand what generates the conditions for the existence of high yield stress and viscosity. The reasons why ore 5 does not display a clear maximum on the torque-time curves are not very clear. However, ore 5 stands out from the other tested ores as having a fines content twice as high as that of ore 1, and a higher specific surface area. It has to be noted that after yielding takes place in a suspension, particles start sliding over other particles, and the resistance to flow will depend on the number of collisions and contacts between the flowing particles. It could perhaps be argued that after yielding takes place, the flow resistance remains high due to a large number of contacts between the fine particles of ore 5 so the slurry structure can quickly recover. In contrast, in the case of slurries of ore 1, after Tm collisions are less frequent due to a smaller number of fine particles. Fig.2. Effect of vane rotational speed on the maximum torque (T m), and on the torque of departure from linearity (Tdl) obtained for slurries of ore 1 at 68 wt.% solids (a), and of ore 5 at 72 wt% solids (b), using a single vane of 1.9 cm diameter and 2.9 cm height. Torque-time curves for slurries of ore 5 (poor ore) at 72 wt.% solids (c), ore 1 (good-average ore) at 68 wt.% solids (d). Figure 3 shows graphs of Tm and Tdl values plotted against the vane height (H v) for slurries of ores 1 and 5 at different solids contents. These results verify that these relationships are indeed straight-lines, and consequently the yield stress values can be determined using the procedure described by Nguyen and Boger (1983). It is important to note that the reproducibility of these measurements was very good as can be observed from the standard deviations () of experiments performed in triplicates (see legends in Figure 3). Fig.3. Maximum torque (Tm) versus vane height (Hv) (a and c), and torque of departure from linearity (Tdl) versus vane height (Hv) (b and d) obtained from experiments on slurries of ore 1 and 5 at different solids contents. Figure 4 shows the vane yield stresses plotted as a function of solids content for slurries of ores 1 and 5, as well as for slurries prepared with only the sand fractions of ores 1 and 5. The resulting pH values for slurries of ore 1 were on the order of 7.0-7.3, and 6.5-6.8 for slurries of ore 5. The first observation that can be made is that the yield stresses (obtained either using Tm or Tdl values) for slurries of ore 1 are higher than those obtained from slurries of ore 5. At the same solids content, slurries of ore 1 contain more bitumen than the ones of ore 5, which leads to a stronger inter-particle aggregation and higher yield stresses in the slurries prepared with ore 1. Removal of bitumen from the ores decreases the yield stresses to almost zero at lower solids contents. This effect of increasing bitumen content on the rheology of quartzbitumen mixtures was also described by Gutierrez and Pawlik (2012). Another factor contributing to the differences in the yield stresses of slurries of ores 1 and 5 is the degree of bitumen weathering in these samples. As was shown in our previous publication (Gutierrez and Pawlik, 2014), the amount of humic acids per mass of bitumen in the oil sand ores was significantly higher in ore 5 than in ore 1. Accordingly, bitumen in ore 5 is expected to be less hydrophobic which leads to weaker hydrophobic forces and lower yield stresses. It is also important to note that the slurries prepared with the solids from ore 5 give higher yield stresses than those prepared with the solids from ore 1. This result should be expected since the solids from ore 5 are much finer and have a higher surface area than the solids of ore 1 although both types of solids have the same degree of polydispersity. At the same time, the high fines content in ore 5 does not generate high yield stresses in suspensions of the entire ore. Another interesting aspect observed from Figure 4 is related to the difference between the yield stresses calculated using T m and Tdl. It can be seen that this difference is significantly higher in the case of slurries of ore 1 than in the case of slurries of ore 5, which suggests that bitumen plays a very significant role in generating this difference already at low solids contents. The difference between T m and Tdl can also be substantial for solids only, but at very high solids contents. This in turn suggests that interparticle contacts (aggregation) also contribute to the difference. Fig.4. Vane yield stresses of slurries of ores 1, and 5, as well as for the sand fractions of ores 1, and 5. If yielding occurs at T dl, the structure would be broken down at this torque, and the suspension would deform permanently after T dl, with the torque values decreasing with time during the rest of the test. However, as can be seen in Figure 2 (d) torque keeps increasing after T dl until Tm is reached for slurries of ore 1. The explanation for this type of behavior can be associated with two phenomena. First, the method proposed by Nguyen and Boger (1983) to estimate the yield stress assumes that yielding takes place on a cylindrical surface of radius Dv/2 defined by the vane geometry. However, the exact dimensions of this cylindrical yielding surface do not seem to correspond with the height and diameter of the vane as the difference between Tm and Tdl can be large. As was discussed by Keentok et al. (1985), a fracture zone or yielding volume of thickness is generated, and in this case the slurry yields not just on one plane but on a number of yielding planes in the volume section located between D v/2 and Dv/2+. According to this analysis, it can be argued that slurry volumes located right on the cylindrical shearing surface defined by the vane geometry yield at Tdl, after which additional layers of slurry farther away from the vane start to yield, and the total torque still increases after Tdl. This advance of the yielding plane away from the vane edges continues until the Tm is reached. Therefore, the results shown in Figure 4 can be analyzed following this concept of a yielding volume rather than of a single yielding plane. For slurries of ore 1, which have high bitumen contents, the difference between T m and Tdl is large because interparticle aggregation and cohesion within the slurry are enhanced by the bitumen phase, and propagation of shearing affects a larger volume of the slurries. In the absence of bitumen, suspensions of solids alone do not exhibit a large difference between Tm and Tdl as they yield along the vane surfaces. Even for solids only, this difference can be increased at higher solids contents at which interparticle aggregation promotes the formation of extensive structuring within the slurry. It is this internal slurry structure, whether produced by bitumen or by interparticle aggregation that leads to yielding within a volume rather than on a well-defined plane. To verify how the deformation of the slurry propagates to planes away from the vane, a test was carried out in which the vane was inserted only half way into slurries of ores 1 and 5. The idea was to draw a white straight line on the surface of the slurry, and to follow the deformation and the position of the white line as a function of time and vane rotation angle. The extension of the deformation of this line from its zero time position gives a measure of how advanced is the propagation of shearing generated by the vane. Figure 5 shows changes in the position of the line at different times and rotation angles for high and low bitumen ores. These results show that for the slurries of ore 1 the deformation of the white line extends almost across the whole gap between the vane and the cup. In the case of the slurry of ore 5, the deformation of the white line was localized to a section closer to the vane, and did not extend to the outer cup. These visual observations qualitatively confirm the concept that yielding of oil sand slurries does not take place at the cylindrical surface of the vane, but rather over a distance farther away from the vane tips. Moreover, this distance appears to increase with the bitumen content in the ore. Since high bitumen ores produce the largest discrepancy between T m and Tdl values, the difference between these two torque values seems to result from the presence of bitumen. As noted earlier, slurries of solids from oil sand ores basically yield at Tm = Tdl. It can be postulated that a sufficiently high amount of bitumen creates a continuous highly viscous medium, compared to a low-viscosity aqueous phase, which produces a solids- in-bitumen suspension of very strong cohesion and elasticity. As the vane rotates in such a medium, the deformation extends/propagates much farther away from the vane ends. A key question as to which torque value represents the yield point will experimentally be tested using other techniques for yield stress measurements. Fig.5. Schematic of extension of the deformation of the time zero line for high and low bitumen ores. Slump tests Slump tests were performed on slurries prepared from ores 1 and 5, as well as using only solids from those ores. Figure 6 shows the yield stress values obtained using this method. As can be seen from this figure, the yield stresses of slurries of ore 1 are significantly higher than the values obtained for slurries of ore 5, which is in agreement with the results obtained from vane tests. This result again reveals the high degree of cohesion existing in the slurries prepared with ore 1. Figure 6 also displays the slump yield stresses for slurries prepared with the sand fractions of ores 1, and 5. It can be seen that the yield stresses of slurries prepared from solids from ore 5 are higher than those from solids of ore 1 which is also in agreement with the vane tests. Similarly to the vane results, the high content of bitumen in ore 1 leads to a large difference between the yield stress values for ore suspensions and the yield stresses of the sand suspensions. At the same time, the effect of the much smaller bitumen content in ore 5 on the yield stress of the sand and of ore suspensions is rather small, and the two sets of the yield data are very close together. Fig.6. Comparison of yield stresses determined from slump tests on slurries of ores 1, and 5, as well as slump results from tests on slurries prepared from solids (sand) from ores 1 and 5. Relaxation method Attempts were made to use the relaxation method to measure the yield stress of concentrated slurries for ores 1 and 5. However, the high bitumen content of ore 1 led to significant levels of bitumen build-up on the rotating surfaces of the concentric cylinder rheometer, which made it impossible to perform reliable and reproducible measurements. It is interesting to note that the build-up of bitumen on the shearing surfaces of the rheometer was not observed during experiments on slurries of artificial mixtures of fresh bitumen with fine quartz tested at 45 wt.% solids (Gutierrez and Pawlik, 2012) probably due to the lower bitumen liberation of those slurries. Consequently, the relaxation method was only used to measure the yield stress of concentrated slurries of ore 5. Figure 7 (a-c) shows the results of relaxation tests on slurries of ore 5 tested at three different solids concentrations, i.e., 64, 66, and 68 wt.%. The first observation that can be made about these results is that after the shear rate is switched to zero, the shear stress increases as a function of time until reaching a steady-state value. This phenomenon is observed at all the solids concentrations tested in these experiments. This result is associated with the thixotropic behavior of these slurries. After shearing is stopped there is a recovery of the internal structure of the slurry, which leads to an increase of the shear stress as a function of time. In addition to this, it can be observed that the shear stresses obtained at the steady-state conditions, corresponding to the yield stresses, slightly depend on the initial shear rate used in these experiments. These results show that the yield stresses increase when the initial shear rates decrease which is another demonstration of the time-dependent nature of these slurries (Cheng, 1986). In order to compare the results of the relation method with those obtained from the vane and slump techniques, average values of the different yield values obtained at different shear rates were taken. Flow curve extrapolation (equilibrium flow curves from stress decay tests) Yield stresses were also estimated by extrapolation of flow curves to zero shear rates. The rheological data were obtained from equilibrium flow curves generated from stress decay experiments. The idea behind these experiments was again to obtain additional rheological data and to gain more confidence in the yield stresses estimated using the vane and slump tests for ore 5. As in the case of measurements using the relaxation method, the determination of rheological flow curves of slurries of ore 1 was not possible, thus, only slurries of ore 5 were investigated. Figure 7 (d-f) illustrates the corresponding equilibrium flow curves for slurries of ore 5 tested at solids contents of 64, 66, and 68 wt.%. Fitting of the experimental data was done using the Herschel-Bulkley (HB) model presented in Equation 1. ̇ ( ) Where B is the Herschel-Bulkley yield stress, KHB is called the consistency parameter and n the power-law index. The HB model was only used to fit the data at shear rates above 8 s -1. The first observation that can be obtained from these experimental results is the shear thinning behavior of these slurries, as can be detected from the values of the parameter n in the HB model which is less than 1 in all the cases. Another very important observation is that oil sand slurries exhibit static yield stresses as defined by Cheng (1986).The static values are higher than those determined by extrapolation of the HB model. This type of behavior was previously reported in suspensions of bentonite and waxy crude and fuel oils, and was explained by the presence of more than one type of internal structure in the suspension (Cheng, 1986). One very sensitive structure is readily broken at very low shear rates, and a second stronger structure exists at moderate to high shear rates. The occurrence of a static yield stress is related to the sequential breaking of these two structures. In the case of ore 5, it seems that shear rates on the order of 5-10 s-1 promote the formation of a stronger network through collisions between bitumencoated particles. It is noteworthy that such a rheological response is not observed in the case of fine quartz suspensions (Scott, 1982). Fig.7. Stress relaxation curves of slurries of ore 5 obtained using the elongated fixture designed by Klein (1992) (a-c), and equilibrium flow curves generated from stress decay data (d-f). Comparison of the yield stress values obtained using the vane, slump, relaxation, and flow curve extrapolation methods Figure 8 (a) shows the yield stress values measured using the vane, relaxation, and extrapolation methods for slurries of ore 5 in the solids concentration range from 64 to 68 wt.%. These results show that, apart from the yield stress values calculated using T m at 68 wt.% solids, all the other results fall in a band of standard deviation of around ±20-25 Pa. Figure 8 (b) shows the yield stresses obtained from vane and slump measurements for slurries of ore 5 in the solids content range from 66 to 73 wt.%. The results are split between two figures in order to highlight any differences in the yield stresses particularly at lower solids contents. These data show that the yield stresses calculated from T dl values agree with the values from slump tests over a wide range of solids contents. However, the yield stresses calculated from T m values are higher in the whole range of solids contents. As was already discussed, the process of interparticle aggregation and networking in suspensions is promoted by higher solids contents and by higher amounts of bitumen, and the plane of yielding generated by the vane propagates to positions away from the cylindrical plane surrounding the vane, which creates the difference between the yield stresses calculated with Tm and Tdl. Fig.8. (a) Yield stresses estimated using the slump, vane, flow curve extrapolation, and relaxation method for slurries of ore 5 prepared at solids concentrations between 64 and 68 wt.%. (b) Yield stresses estimated using the slump, and vane methods for slurries of ore 5 prepared at solids concentrations between 66 and 73 wt.%. Figure 9 shows the yield stresses obtained from vane and slump tests, for slurries of ore 1 in the solids content range from 64 to 70 wt.%. It can be seen that for slurries of this relatively good processing ore the difference between the yield stress values calculated using T m and Tdl is rather high over the entire solids content range although the difference is more significant at higher solids contents. Although the yield stresses calculated using Tdl are between 30 to 100 Pa higher than those from slump tests, the experimental data suggest that the value of T dl should be taken to calculate the yield stress of oil sands slurries of high bitumen ores (good ores) since in such a case the agreement between the yield stresses obtained from these two techniques is much better. Fig.9. Yield stresses estimated using the slump and vane methods for slurries of ore 1 prepared at solids concentrations between 64 and 70 wt.%. Figure 10 presents the data obtained from vane and slump tests on slurries of the sand fractions of ores 1 and 5, respectively. These results show that the yield stresses obtained using T dl agree well with the values obtained from slump tests in the whole range of solids content. In contrast, the yield stresses calculated using Tm, only agree with the rest of the data in the low range of concentrations, and significant departures can be observed at higher solids contents. Fig.10. Yield stresses estimated using the slump and vane tests for slurries of solids of ore 1 (a) and 5 (b). Effect of ore quality on the yield stress The effect of ore quality on the yield stress was also studied. In this case, slurries of ores 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were prepared at 70 wt.% solids and tested through the vane and slump techniques. The results are shown in Figure 11. The first observation that can be made is that slurries of high-bitumen ores (ores 1, 2, and 3) display higher yield stress values than slurries prepared from low-bitumen ores, such as ores 4 and 5. It should also be remembered that the relative amount of humic matter per mass of bitumen is much higher in the case of ores 4, and 5, so the hydrophobicity of bitumen also varies from ore 1 to ore 5 (Gutierrez and Pawlik, 2014). Bitumen in ore 1 can be expected to be more hydrophobic than bitumen in ore 5, and the wettability of bitumen also contributes to the trend in Figure 11. As shown by Gutierrez (2013) even mild oxidation of an otherwise good quality ore drastically lowered the yield stress of a concentrated slurry prepared from the oxidized ore to a point where no slump could be measured and the slurry flowed freely. As a result, a low amount of bitumen with a higher amount of oxygen functional groups in poor processing ores does not generate high yield stresses and has a small overall influence on slurry rheology. Another important observation that can be obtained from Figure 11 is related to the disagreement between the yield stresses calculated using Tm and Tdl values. These results show that yield stresses calculated using Tdl are in close agreement with the yield stress values obtained from the slump tests. However, a significant disagreement is observed in the case of yield stresses calculated using T m, with this difference being more pronounced in the case of slurries of high-bitumen ores 1, 2, and 3. These results illustrate well the previously discussed effect of bitumen content on the discrepancy between yield stresses calculated using either Tm or Tdl. Fig.11. Yield stresses of slurries of ores 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 at 70 wt.% solids. Conclusions The rheology of oil sands slurries depends on the bitumen content of the oil sands slurries as well as on the quality or processability of the ores from which the corresponding slurries are prepared. At the same solids content, slurries prepared from good processing ores display high yield stresses, while slurries of poor processing ores display low yield stresses. Bitumen acts as a high-viscosity binder increasing the internal cohesion of the slurry although the strength of the internal slurry structure, as measured by the yield stress of the slurry, also depends on the hydrophobicity of bitumen. Observations made during the vane test indicated that concentrated slurries of high-bitumen ores yielded within a volume of the slurry that extended far beyond the cylindrical surface defined by the geometrical dimensions of the vane. This propagation of the yielding plane beyond vane dimensions was much less pronounced in concentrated slurries of low bitumen ores. Therefore, it was proposed that this unusual behavior of concentrated oil sands slurries was caused by the presence of bitumen, which at sufficiently high concentrations created a continuous high-viscosity medium of high elasticity. As a result, the calculation of the yield stress from torque-vs-time curves generated using the vane method required a careful analysis of the shape of the curves. It was found that the torque value at the point of departure from linearity (Tdl) along the initial part of the curve, rather than the maximum torque value on the curve (Tm), gave yield stress values that agreed very well with those obtained with other measuring techniques. The difference between the maximum torque on the torque-time curve and the torque at the point of departure from linearity was large for high bitumen ores which suggested that this difference was produced by bitumen. Additional vane tests on slurries prepared only from the solids extracted from the ores showed that the difference between T m and Tdl was very small and either Tm or Tdl could be used to assess the yield stress. However, even for those bitumen-free slurries the difference between T m and Tdl increased with increasing solids content, which suggested that the difference between those two torque values generally originated from extensive aggregation between particles within a concentrated slurry. 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