Install and Configure MISP2 Server
Install and Configure MISP2 Server
csc Install and Configure MISP2 Server Short Guide, MISP2 version 1.3.50. Version 0.1 pmuhonen 3/14/2014 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Contents 1. Purpose of this document ..................................................................................................................... 3 2. Software version information ............................................................................................................... 3 3. Before you begin ................................................................................................................................... 3 4. Other requirements .............................................................................................................................. 3 5. Other Information ................................................................................................................................. 3 6. OS Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 5 7. OS configuration ................................................................................................................................. 10 8. Installing MISP2 software ................................................................................................................... 11 9. Creating portal in MISP2 ..................................................................................................................... 15 10. Adding new Producer...................................................................................................................... 25 2 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Purpose of this document This document gives the reader a simplified manual for MISP2 server software installation and configuration. 2. Software version information Os version: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is required, other versions are not currently supported MISP2 version 1.3.50 3. Before you begin We strongly advice you to make a short trip to MISP documentation 4. Other requirements Before you can add new Producer to your MISP2, you must have producer’s database network connection allowed and your Consumer configured into Procucer database’s Security server. CSC provides a dummy test database connection called BMI. If you want to test that connection, please send email to . 5. Other Information Screenshots are made in environment where DHCP in enabled. If you don’t want to use DHCP initially, you must configure the IP-settings of your server manually during OS installation In this example MISP2 server is configured with 1 network interface using NAT Complete installation manuals are also available, for example, in Palveluväylä development environment’s web page 3 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OS Installation 5 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type in server FQDN 6 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. OS configuration After OS installation following steps should be taken in order to install MISP2 Server software 7.1 Os patching with commands sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade 7.2 Make server IP address configuration static in file /etc/network/interfaces sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway (these IPs are for examples only, please remove this line) 7.3 Restart networking sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart 7.4 You (may) want to remove dhcp-client software packages from your server sudo apt-get remove dhcp3-client 7.5 Change X-road binary repository information sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list add row deb lucid main 10 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Installing MISP2 software sudo su apt-get update apt-get install xtee-misp2-keyring apt-get install python-software-properties apt-get update apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk 8.1. Postgres-installation apt-get install postgresql-8.4 nano /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf change “local all postgres ident” to “local all postgres trust” (nano /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf remove comment from the beginning of “#listen_addresses = 'localhost'” and change to listen_addresses = '*' ) obsolete /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 restart apt-get install xtee-misp2-postgresql accept given directory, port and all else except with database change “upgrade” to “add” user exists: no, password: ”your password here” creating additional users: no load default classifiers: yes add apache sympse func: no 8.2. Apache installation (sudo su -) apt-get install tomcat6 apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-jk apt-get install xtee-misp2-base choose defaults create certificate, update certificate (optional) apt-get install tomcat6-admin 11 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8.3. Oberon XForms asennus (sudo su -) apt-get install xtee-misp2-orbeon accept default installation path (Tomcat) 8.4. MISP2 web application (sudo su -) apt-get install xtee-misp2-application select “install” accept installation path (Tomcat) Application name, choose Default (misp2) Choose database address, port, name, username: all default Give a new password Enable support: Estonia ID card: false Enable support: Mobile ID: false SMTP host Address Server email-address new admin account creation username password nano /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/misp2/WEB-INF/classes/config.cfg locale.default_contry_code = EN languages=FI,EN,EE auth.password = true change auth.IDCard=true to auth.IDCard = false change xrd.namespace= to xrd.namespace= change producer.namespace_format = to producer.namespace_format = change to rows o countries-en = Finland,Estonia o countries-et = Finland,Eesti o countries-ru = Finland,Estonia o countryCodes = FI,EE service tomcat6 restart 12 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl add to <Location "/*/admin/*"> Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from Allow from aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd (Portal administrators admin IPs </Location> service apache2 restart 8.5. Creating certificate to Security server Log in to web interface of corresponding Secure server 1. On the Configuration menu, click Servers, then click Information system servers. 2. On the same page, click Generate new key. Enter the security server's internal network interface IP address, check server’s domain name and click Save. The security server will generate a key for the communication with the IS server and the adapter server, and the respective self-signed certificate. The security server's certificate fingerprint will also change. Press Save again. 3. Click Export certificate and save the file to disk. 4. Click Save to apply the changes. 5. Transport the exported certificate to the IS server and continue certifying the organization as instructed Moving certificate to MISP2-server: scp proxycert.tar.gz user@server: In a MISP2-server SSH-console: cd /etc/apache2/ssl/ tar -zxf /home/user/proxycert.tar.gz keytool -import -keystore misp2truststore.jks -file cert.der (cert.der – the security server's certificate) type store password (new) trust this certificate: Yes 13 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8.6. Creating MISP2-certificate Run the ./ script (the openssl configuration file misp2.cnf must be located in the same directory). Convert the private key and certificate to the PKCS12 format (java keytool cannot import any other format): openssl pkcs12 -export -in sslproxy.cert -inkey sslproxy.key -out misp2.p12 type password (new) Create the key repository and import the PKCS12 file obtained: keytool -importkeystore -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srckeystore misp2.p12 -destkeystore misp2keystore.jks type in password (new) type in previous pkcs12-password Set the following system parameters for the MISP2 web application:,,, Add the following to the Tomcat configuration file /etc/default/tomcat6: nano /etc/default/tomcat6 JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS}<misp2truststore.jks password><misp2keystore.jks password>" (previous example is in one row, you can add it to the end of the file Remember to replace passwords for example in <misp2keystore.jks password > to a real one) service tomcat6 restart 8.7. Adding MISP2 certificate to Security server 14 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ create file cert.pem in your local machine at MISP2-server’s SSH-console type: cat /etc/apache2/ssl/sslproxy.cert copy the output to a file cert.pem in your local machine and save it Log in the web interface of the Security server and Load the IS server certificate: 1. On the Configuration menu, click Servers, then click Information system servers. 2. Select an organization, from the Connection type drop-down list select HTTPS, and then click Load. 3. Click Browse and load the IS server certificate from the disk. The file must be in the PEM or DER -format and with the file name cert.pem or cert.pem 4. Click Save. On success, the certificate's fingerprint is displayed in the list of the organization's certificates. Click Save 9. Creating portal in MISP2 Log in to MISP2 admin portal https://ip/misp2/admin 15 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 16 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Click Sisene, change language by clicking “English” 17 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Click Add New 18 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Fill in information above, you must have your own Organization name, Organization code and Security host IP available. Because of long FQDN string these screenshots have IPs instead of DNS names. Please REPLACE IPs with real FQDN. Click Save portal configuration 19 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Click Add new manager 20 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Click Add new person as manager 21 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Now Ylermi Ylläpitäjä has got a user account FI123456 Click Exit Log in MISP2 server SSH-console and type in commands Psql -Umisp2 -hlocalhost misp2db Type in user misp2 password update person set password=’Lailailai, etc….’ where ssn=’FI123456’ ; \q (remember to replace password and ssn with some of your own that you created…) 22 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Log in using account crated earlier. Use path “https://IP/MISP2/” 23 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Change language again 24 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Adding new Producer Before you can add new producer you must have producer’s database network connection allowed and you consumer configured in database’s Security server. CSC provides a dummy database connection called BMI. If you want to test that connection, please send email to . In the following it is assumed that connection is allowed. Click All producers 25 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Click Refresh producers Choose BMI and click Save complex producers 26 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Click BMI Click From security server 27 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Now follows a dirty hack, as of writing, proper WSDL was not available, so Click “No Description” 28 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Paste following XML to text field and click Save <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xhtml:html xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:xforms="" xmlns:events="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xtee="" xmlns:xrd="" xmlns:bmi=""> <xhtml:head> <xhtml:title xml:lang="et">Suvaline sisend document/literal stiilis</xhtml:title> <xhtml:title xml:lang="en">Random input document/literal style</xhtml:title> <xforms:model> 29 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ <xforms:instance id="xrddlGetRandom.input"> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <xrd:consumer/> <xrd:producer>bmi</xrd:producer> <xrd:userId>FI</xrd:userId> <xrd:id/> <xrd:service>bmi.xrddlGetRandom.v1</xrd:service> <xrd:position/> <xrd:issue/> <xrd:authenticator/> <xrd:userName/> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns5:xrddlGetRandom xmlns:ns5=""> <request> <in/> </request> </ns5:xrddlGetRandom> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> </xforms:instance> <xforms:instance id="xrddlGetRandom.output"> <dummy/> </xforms:instance> <xforms:bind nodeset="instance('xrddlGetRandom.input')/SOAP-ENV:Body"> <xforms:bind nodeset="bmi:xrddlGetRandom"> <xforms:bind nodeset="request"> <xforms:bind nodeset="in" type="xforms:string"/> </xforms:bind> </xforms:bind> </xforms:bind> <xforms:bind nodeset="instance('xrddlGetRandom.output')/SOAP-ENV:Body"> <xforms:bind nodeset="bmi:xrddlGetRandomResponse"> <xforms:bind nodeset="response" type="xforms:string"/> </xforms:bind> </xforms:bind> <xforms:submission id="xrddlGetRandom.submission" action="" mediatype="application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8; action=" encoding="UTF-8" ref="instance('xrddlGetRandom.input')" 30 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ method="post" replace="instance" instance="xrddlGetRandom.output"> <xforms:setvalue ref="instance('temp')/relevant" value="false()" events:event="xforms-submit"/> <xforms:setvalue ref="instance('xrddlGetRandom.input')/SOAP-ENV:Header/*:id" value="digest(string(random()), 'SHA-1', 'hex')" events:event="xforms-submit"/> <xforms:toggle case="xrddlGetRandom.response" events:event="xforms-submit-done"/> <xforms:setvalue ref="instance('temp')/relevant" value="true()" events:event="xforms-submit-done"/> <xforms:setvalue ref="instance('temp')/relevant" value="true()" events:event="xforms-submit-error"/> <xforms:message level="modal" events:event="xforms-submit-error"> <xforms:output xml:lang="et" value="if (event('error-type') = 'submission-in-progress') then 'Üks päring juba käib!' else if (event('error-type') = 'no-data') then 'Pole andmeid, mida saata!' else if (event('error-type') = 'validation-error') then 'Valideerimise viga!' else if (event('error-type') = 'parse-error') then 'Viga vastuse töötlemisel!' else if (event('error-type') = 'resource-error') then 'Päringu vastus ei ole XML!' else if (event('error-type') = 'target-error') then 'Sihtkoha viga!' else 'Sisemine viga!'"/> <xforms:output xml:lang="en" value="if (event('error-type') = 'submission-in-progress') then 'Submission already started!' else if (event('error-type') = 'no-data') then 'No data to submit!' else if (event('errortype') = 'validation-error') then 'Validation error!' else if (event('error-type') = 'parse-error') then 'Error parsing response!' else if (event('error-type') = 'resource-error') then 'Response is not XML!' else if (event('error-type') = 'target-error') then 'Target error!' else 'Internal error!'"/> </xforms:message> </xforms:submission> <xforms:instance id="temp"> <temp> <relevant xsi:type="boolean">true</relevant> </temp> </xforms:instance> <xforms:dispatch targetid="xrddlGetRandom.request" name="xforms-select" events:event="xforms-ready"/> </xforms:model> </xhtml:head> <xhtml:body> 31 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ <xhtml:h1 xml:lang="et">Suvaline sisend document/literal stiilis</xhtml:h1> <xhtml:h1 xml:lang="en">Random input document/literal style</xhtml:h1> <xforms:group class="help" xml:lang="et">Suvalisele sisendile tuleb ka suvaline vastus.</xforms:group> <xforms:group class="help" xml:lang="en">Random input needs a random output.</xforms:group> <xforms:switch> <xforms:case id="xrddlGetRandom.request"> <xforms:group ref="instance('xrddlGetRandom.input')/SOAP-ENV:Body"> <xforms:group ref="bmi:xrddlGetRandom"> <xforms:group ref="request"> <xforms:input ref="in"> <xforms:label xml:lang="et">Random input</xforms:label> <xforms:label xml:lang="en">Random input</xforms:label> </xforms:input> </xforms:group> </xforms:group> </xforms:group> <xforms:group class="actions"> <xforms:submit submission="xrddlGetRandom.submission"> <xforms:label xml:lang="et">Esita päring</xforms:label> <xforms:label xml:lang="en">Submit</xforms:label> </xforms:submit> </xforms:group> </xforms:case> <xforms:case id="xrddlGetRandom.response"> <xforms:group ref="instance('xrddlGetRandom.output')/SOAP-ENV:Header" class="serviceid"> <xforms:output ref="xrd:id"> <xforms:label xml:lang="et">Päringu id</xforms:label> <xforms:label xml:lang="en">Query id</xforms:label> </xforms:output> </xforms:group> <xforms:group ref="instance('xrddlGetRandom.output')/SOAP-ENV:Body"> <xforms:group ref="bmi:xrddlGetRandomResponse"> <xforms:output ref="response"> <xforms:label xml:lang="et">Random response</xforms:label> <xforms:label xml:lang="en">Random response</xforms:label> </xforms:output> </xforms:group> </xforms:group> <xforms:group ref="instance('xrddlGetRandom.output')/SOAPENV:Body/xrddlGetRandomResponse[not(response/*)]" 32 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ class="info"> <xhtml:span xml:lang="et">Andmeid ei tulnud.</xhtml:span> <xhtml:span xml:lang="en">Service returned no data.</xhtml:span> </xforms:group> <xforms:group ref="instance('xrddlGetRandom.output')/SOAP-ENV:Body/SOAP-ENV:Fault" class="fault"> <xforms:output ref="faultstring"/> </xforms:group> <xforms:group class="actions"> <xforms:trigger> <xforms:label xml:lang="et">Uuesti</xforms:label> <xforms:label xml:lang="en">Again</xforms:label> <xforms:toggle events:event="DOMActivate" case="xrddlGetRandom.request"/> </xforms:trigger> </xforms:group> </xforms:case> </xforms:switch> </xhtml:body> </xhtml:html> 33 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Click Back 34 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Click “Play” button 35 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type in random input, Press submit 36 Palveluväylä Developmet Environment MISP2 server installation and configuration 14.3.2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Service should give you a “random” output 37