1 - Heritage Avon Lake
1 - Heritage Avon Lake
I2j 7 / V 1?|||to Press currently hss roules,ou( Today /s the 53rd anniversary of the JiHealherwood& Meadow;Williams Court .LAKE™ East Drive 11W7CRD W03F0L. CIMMI i^in Aulo, A.T*. **•.!>•• t ' l u i d i C U I C V M U I »»- US'M- Dec. 7, f £ Dec. 7, 7S94 v attack on Pearl Harbor Serving Avon • Avon Lake • Sheffield • Sheffield Lake .Community V Pulse ...AtidMore RJ.H.Jn What lha heck's 5°lng an? !n this week's Avon Lake mayor's column. Mayor Vlnce Urbin labeb. "Why oro rain for basic package cable TV higher in Avon Lake than anywhere else?" as the question of the week. • The reason so many residents aru mis-. Ing their eyebrows b because Continental Cabtevison. in accordance with federal guidelines, providod Avon Lake . customers (via the mail) with an area breakdown that reads as follows: Amhorst Township - S10.04: Bay V\\lnno -$12.04; Carlisle Township, Elyria and Elyrio Township - 510.77: Eaton Townshlp.'-New Russia Township and North RldgBviU? - S10.73: and Painenville and other eastsidc communities - S10.86. Avon Lako was the highest at $12.12. It will bo yery Interesting to hear the who/whol/why on this one. Stay tuned!! Smouth sailing,tt'-agroat to see LearNaglo Road open all-the way throu&e Avon. Traveled the road a number of limes this past week, and tho repairs in some a'reas and finished road in others look good. , ... . Tho main concern of many was the section between iho Avon Lake tracks : and Chestor Road. While it's not him'•'• plko quality, it has done tho job making •it easier to roach The Rock Pile. - Wutloke Auto Body, linden's Land'•capo and other businesses. *- . I am sure their customers will be hap,? py to know all Is clear. -. i Photo opportunltyll Get your pichire J ' -\taknn with Santa Claus on Saturday. v Doc 17 from 9 a.m. to noon. The ALHS '^Leadership 101 c^ss and Student Coun: -;cU will charge' $2 por photo in tho high l-o'-idwot media center. Money from tho T b o t o session will go to children s - . „ « « . ttuir.-.Tiio Avon Board of 'Education is already working on community Involvemenvfoi^the now high ^school. Superintendent John Bionchi has promised open discussion on the 1 project...the Wendy"! dilemma has somu mldents buzzing, whtlo many could scare 1-fiS ir another Fost-food restaurant ^cornea to town - they arc expressing concern regarding an anti-business attitude...The Avon Lake BUMIUMS "AiMiclation's annual Christmas party ils this Saturday, Dec. 10 at the Foun"UlriB Dleau. If you haven't Rotten your ratorvatlon in, you had bettor hurry •• I understand there are only 20 to 25 scuts Copyright " tW4 Phone rate update v PUCO decision postponed until January f -3;r Jim Polrutzl AVON LAKE - Residents will have to sit tight for another month until the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio issues its decisinn on tollfrne calling into Western Cuyahoga County. Last April, a public hearing was hold as the city of Avon Lake tried to acquire a Flat rate to call Cuyahoga County. Th« PUCO conducted the hearing, and since April its enly decision has boon to deny be. according to 'Jrbin. Council is hoptollfrue catting into alt rf Cuyuhogu ing for a maximum SIO flat rate oddet" to County. the existing local rate, but Urbin admits The decision as to whether Avon Lake the amount is a rough example. "° residents will be granted a flat rale for "We really can't lose," Urbin said, calling Western Cuyahoga County was "because tl.tr people have the final say." due in September, but the PUCO is now According to Junior Women's Club expected to give the decision in January. "Tho Junior Women's Ciub is leading . Vice President Joyce Kubiic. irthe PUCO docides in Avon Lake's favor, a docuthe effort." Mayor Vinci- Urbin said. ment would bo sent to each phono If tho PUCO decides that Century Telephone mus^provlde a flat rate, th« Continued on page 9 PUCO also decides what thai rate will AHS carolers Avon High School seniors performed holiday carols in front of Avon City Hall during the community's tree-lighting ceremony Saturday. Dec. 3. PRESS photo - David Brandt -i:^r--::^'^ Rose building nicely progressing By Marcclla Grande AVON - As the A.J Rose plant begins to tako shape at the corner or Moore and Chester Roads. City Council discussed setting up a sewer district in the Muoru Road area at its Monday evening work session. Council musl set up a sewer assessment equalization board as part ol the establishment oE the sower district. A -1,130-foot. 15-inch sewer line. cidk-d the North Branch Interceptor, will run from Moore Road to SK 611. Finance Director Bill Hyde said the si-wur line will benefit not only tht> mnv A.I. Knst; plant but other anw Industry as well such us American Y«zuki. \ I RUSH'S biniliiit! umtribulum IIL-W ifihs. Thu pusttir.ii'i must hv (.ri'Mtfil w i t h i n IB m o n t h s i.f t h e Lomplrtifjn nt Ihc now Kiisi! pliitit. A i-nit't w a s ulitiiini!'! for tli-i proi-'ct, ..stiniaiml t o i:ost S^r,.ui).i, ui.umliiw; in • i'wdf T h c c i t y of Avon h.is crjinmitlutl S17U.U00 Uiwanl ll>i! [uu\>nA. whil« I ' " - , s t a t e Rrant will pruvM.r th« ina,uniy p o tion Ibetweun 52 o r 53 perw"»> w]nOJ Continuod on pago 13 Vienna Choir breakfasts in AL i'l IA "* ™j~"cO»VErjlEPlT F0"0D"MARr COUPON EXPIRES MTQNIGHT IZ/1S;94~j R-»d*#m Vat coupon at any Convanninl Food Mart" In EHrf. Lormn 0 ' Siatfc County and r»ceiv« B 10 LB. BAG o f ALL PURPOSE •gss I I « WITHOUT COOPOVOfHH 6O0O 0M.Y wm^COWONAlWI ONI K) lBR*ti »t» COUPON ™) COMVENIENT fOOP MART COUPON EXPIRES MIDNIGHT IS/15/94 R«o**tn INa coupon i t «ny Coovtntwil Food Mart in En». Loram. Mwfcna. Wayrw. Suraml. Portaga or S'arfc Coun on any of our custom deluxe or fancy FRESH CKICMMH Now Taking s p d Jb^ FARMLAND PIT HAM UAISYHELD BONELESS HAMS BONELESS BREAST BREADED QUARTIRS BUFFALO STYLE PAniES WINGS $979 WBk ## Midnight AVON IAKE 137 Lear Rd. • 933-2718 SHEFFIELD LAKE 4786 Lake Rd. • 949-7631 nvenierit Food Marc ABSOLUTELY NO COUPONS NEEDED OUR>WN A 12 Inch Large With One Item Costs : THAT'S z o LBS. o p Foot? AUD D ? I W K OUR 5 t-U FuLLUPToTHf Every Day Of The Week At 933-4224 • 933-4477 • 933-5708 BBQ Ribs BBQ Chicken THERE iS NO PRICE LIKE OUR PRICE. 7 Nancy Benton King and William W. King, the following arv rccopttized for seeing us through this most difficult time: The Avon Lake Policemen's 4 special dedication Association: The Avon Lake Fire To the Editor and the community: Department and staff; Avon Lake :. Over the last 11 months, Nancy and Mayor Vince Urbin and Council. I havo witnessed with many people, y. members; The Avon Lake Board of" We shared laughter, sadness anr^Js^r^" Education: The administrators, and foar. Fear, by far, waa the'most teachers and staff of the Avon Lake prevalent emotion. SadnoM has Education Association: all the replaced the tear noW. We nc^td'to students of .Nancy Bun ton King; focus, though, on what hnppmjvis > Lorcln County Sheriff Mitrtin Nancy, must be fnclifjj in heaven. -\K'1 Mahony and family; Lorain Com. Many people have "gone out of ihcii ^. munity & St. Joseph Hospital and all way to support us.3eUove me. wo do \ ; its employees; St. John Wcstshoro live in! a compassionate world, Cancer Support group (they aro thu especially in our intimate community most courageous bunch); tho comotAvqnXa]ce£:.-,::v; ''-. -• •; munity and neighbors of Avon Lake and all friends far and near: St. I thank all the people connected to Joseph School Family and Pariah; thu either Nancy or myself. I feel inParents organization of St. Joseph debted to all of you. and all circle group;*; tho Lnkuwost Over the past two weeks. I've. Singles. Conplus and Friendship pour?d out more love to relatives and groups; the paliunts who untervd my friends than 1 thought I had. I now nursing career; the nurses and curing know H is because my heart feels like staff of CCF: and m>V.. beloved it is forever broken. LIE'S sending out children. Becky. Hobby and Duvid. love as a leaking fouriiin. my IOVH^, Bill King goes out to oil the people we've boon associated with.cVou are all dear to NanCy and me. Again, I feel so inHeartfelt gratitude debted for your kindness, generosity To the Editor and Avon Lake and love. community: Our God bears our pain of sin and On behalf of my family. I would like yet still ovorpowers us with Incomto express appreciation to till those prehensible LOVE! Knowing all the who havo supported us in friendship trials, tests, challenges and acand faith throughout this last year. complishments of Nancy and myself, Your though I fulness, kindness and and as I reflect, I don't understand overwhelming genorosity have boon a jow wo endured all of thoso. But 1 so i/s source of comfort and strength. look forward lo loving all who touch- V-" Mnyt God-bless you always for the ad Nancy and mol care end lovo you havo expressed in Let all the t/ogodles of our lEfo He in each of us. Wo fiel honored and peace with the remains of my dearest privileged to call Avon Lake our wife and spirit. home. ,' - Give us a break. Lord! j ' With hnartfelt gratitudu '• '•• Pat Vaccaro . As a dedication. In association with Letters • Letters/News items I T&n&* Complete Selection Discounted 50-70% nawOHrlEtfSfllDB $% rs+ si=; • S~ 933-2470 wooommmtm 1994 CHRISTMAS MEMORIES WITHOUT 1995 INTEREST HEADACHES- FULL YEAR Thanks to all To t H Editor: • ' The PRESS wolcomes letters to the "The Avon Lnku Soccer Organization "' editor and oniclos far submission. (ALSO) held a work party at Learwood ;' All Items MUST BE DOUBLEon Nov. 5 following completion of the 'SPACED and complete with a name adfall soccer season. 1 would like to thank • dreii,.telephone number and signature . a\\ tho volunteers wha~ gave up their :^=i1or purposes of verification. Saturday morning to help move 24 cubic ": Letters will be edited Tor brevity and yards of top soil into all the low spots on clarity. News. items and Ic'iors are -thn fields. ••.: • publUhBd on a space-available basis. All Special thanks also to Kendera Con" 1tfin» must bo In by Thursday^ p.m. for struction for supplying their equipment and manpower/'to Novotny Catering publication in th« following Wednesand lo the Avon Lake School System f-.~ day's paper. : allowing ALSO the use of thoir fields. Send letters to the editor and news Following cleanup and re- distribution itonw;to: Tho PRESS. P.O. Box 300. of wheelbarrows and hand tools, i endAvon Lake, Ohio ,44012. or tako them to ed up with an extra child's jacket and our pffido at 158 Lear Rd.. Avon Lake. two baseball gloves. Give me a call Rogulor office . hours are Monday (933-0014) ir you enn Identify these Uums through F.-iday, H a.m. to 5 p.m. and I'll Rut them rolurmid ASAP. In the We allow'.authors' names to be meantime, grow, grass seed, grow find withheld from letters to the editor, prowe'll seo uveryone in ihu spring! vided tho letters do not contain blatantly Jf derogatory references to individuals. We thank you for your opinions, comAl.SoVii.-ld ments and nnws items. Continued or. pug~ 13 Fine Jewelry * Low Prices High Quality AT 1 PETER& l! | l Leanvood * Square Corner of Uar A Walker Rdn. Avon Lake. Oil 933-4871 Daily 10-8 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 11-5 1 i l / m mi . Kiv^M^i^Mi^SP NEWS ITEMS: Thursday - 5 P.M. ADVERTISING: Friday - NOON CLASSIFIEDS: Monday - 5 P.M. Telephone: 933-51Q0 933-79O4 ^ GlaucctrJ 5 Calarad Evaluation MarWta Gnirtl*. Nevit Editor RfJa flaxn. Notts Jennifer ScMft. Secretary ANNUAL SUUSCIUPTtON BATE. « 3 U 0 OUT OF AKEA: SJODO aiimilaliif and • rtleles la: T>lE PRESS P.O. Dai 000 Avon Lake. OK 44013 Avon Lake City Schools Eastview Eler. jntary. Tho group meets weakly for enrichment bey-ind thu regular curriculum. It ts open to Eastview fifth Binders who enjoy playing together with poors, and will 'prepare extra music pieces for Fun. II any Eastview fiftl- graders would like to join the ensumblc. call Susanne Wynne at 933-3199. Rehearsals are in the Vocal Music mom after school until 5 p.m. on Wednesday. SCHOOL LUNCK MENU (Subject to change) Dec. 12 • Chickeri ,Vatty Sandwich. Hash Browns. Pretzel Rod. Pineapf..V-.and Pears. Milk. Doc. 13 - Fruit fuicu,\ ii-nch Toast Stix. Sausage Links. Applesauce, Milk. V ii Due. 14 - Hot Dag u'.. Corn Dog. Nachos w/Cheesu. Orange Juice. Choice d. Fruit, Miik. Dec. 15 - Santa's Hot \\\>ast Betif Sandwich w/Gravy. Marry Mashed PotatatVi- KudoIPs Corn. Snow Flake Roll. Icicle Ice Cream. Christmas Cookie, Milk. Dec. 10 - Pepperoni Pizy.;, Mixed Green Salad. Fruit Cup. Brownie, Milk. \-\\ Avon Schoc!) News Academic notes PublUh: 12-7-94 ERIE INSURANCE GROUP (Roar, L-R): Emily Faistenhammer, Hillary Hancock, Kyle Engolan. Adam Zurkey. Nick Hoffman. Stephanie Wynne. (Front row, L-fl): Stephanie Hasty. Kathryn Petro, Allison Lee. Susanne Wynne (Instructor). .i GRANDPARENTS DAY AT EASTVIEV/. Un Grandparonts Day a! Easlvlew Elomiinlnry. Nov. 23. members of tho Jazz 5 performed for the fifth grade grandpa runts in Mrs. Burkhnrdl'a class. Thu Jazz 5 is H ntiw ensemble formed by fifth graders who piny in th.> hand ut 3 • Treatrnent of Eye Infections i Inlfamatians. • Disposable • -Astigmatic i • 'Change Brown eyes to Blue* i SCHOOL CALENDAR. AVON LAKE BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING, AVON LAKE HIGH SCHOOL, ROOM 125, DEC. 13. 3 P.M. AVON HIGH SCHOoV FINANCIAL AID Wed.. Dec. 7 - R/jtlwood Holiday Bazaar MEETING. This meeting isVJor parents o^ colloac Thurs.. Doc. 8 - Westview Candy Cane Shoppe bound junior and seniors. Arc\r.iu wondering how you Thurs., Dec. 8 - Erleviow Holiday Shoppe are going to finance your - i\-. your child's college 1 Mon.. Dec. 12. 7:30 p.m. - ALHS Instrumental Holieducation? Vday Concert -Auditorium. - What financial aid is availabW' OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS AT AVON - What determines your eligibility for financial aid? LAKE HIGH SCHOOL. School has buen in session Tor - Need help Infillingout those\t.\infu3ing forms? a liltlo more than three months so far this year. A If you onswerod yes to any of \lle above, maybo we numlwrorexciling and interesting events and activities can holp. V-.[ hovn httiiponod which havo boon quilo rownrdinR for •' JzOn Thursday ovenlng. Due. 8. ym Avon Guidance bolh Avon Lak.o students and stalf membvr. These activities havo included very successful fall, 'Departmnnl will hold a financitV aid information sports seasons which worn highlighted by the recogni- meeting at 7 p.m. in tho high school .cafctnrta. Mr. lim White, former director of financial i\'d at Oborlin Coltion of 17 athletes as Southwestern Conference "AllConferonco Athletes." more than 400 Avon Lake Ifge and currant director of tho Lora 1'n County Access students earning a first quarter grade point average to Highir Education Program, wit ,be on hand to (GPA) of more than 3.00 on a 4.00 scalu, a multitude of answer your questions. yj superior band and Chorale performances, a highly sucHope to soo you there. \ cessful "candidates night: sponsored by American Government students, a solid Lorain County Blood NofJco Bank blood drive, a vary successful "Stars of the North Coast" community Homecoming Festival, an entertainV! ing ems act Theatre Festival weekend, an intense week NO1£CTO of proficiency tests, numerous academic field trips and DIDDERS a whole lot more. Nottca la h*r»by g(v«n out Mated btda wilt b* r«c*lv«d on or tutor* if* (ames Butler of Avon 19th day of D*c*mh«f. 1994 at the As you can see, lots of good things have happened Lake has boon named to ofllc* ol lh« ClmV-Tr»asur»f of th« thus for this year and more good things will happen in Ot SH*meld for two (2} 1995 tho honor ml! at Elyria Vltlaga tho days to come. Encourage tho teenagers you know to Ford Crown VlcUt'la Intarcwptors totCathohc High School for tha VUI«g«'i Poltea DeparUiMint. take advantage of at least ono of these upcoming advenSp*clftca3oro am on til* al the of tures. They will be better citizens because of their, the first quarter grading ncn of th* CVrV-Traaaur«f. ShaMiakt greater involvement in this developmental phaso of poriod. Ho is in tho ninth Vtlttg* Hall. 4820 7«tnHI ROM. srado. their life plus thoy will help raalco tomorrow a bettor Eryria. Onto 44035. SpociUcatlom place for us all. mual ba mat wxaclly or DMS may ba ttjeded by the VUlag*. Students at Avon Lake High School have many opporBid opening «na be Monday. DKembor tgtn. 1994 at 1:00 p.m. tunities to improve themselves becuusn of a wide varielor bids rKvtvnJ on or balorv ihti ty of reasons. Be suro to add your voice ui' encourageRead & Use The tlm« ft In* above addreis. Barbara M. Pairs ment to this group of reasons. Our futuro depends on Clerk .Tr Classifieds them. '-' / • • - KiffliTiliHlfflHyar • FAMILYVISIOHCAHE .CONTACTLINSES Rkkud Bcnner. Jr Semi r m i Itrnu. rl 1. v DR. SCOTT H. SEIPEL OPTOMETRIST pp citl CireuUlloii Lonla Canal*. 1 mW RICHARD FERONTI R. A. Feronti Insurance Group 33115 Lake Rd. Avon Lake 933-3295 AUTO, HOME, BUSINESS and LIFE INSURANCE EJ§! . Enc Insurance Group!; The Landings BWg J. Avon Laka 93 3-S3 0 0 Eve. a Sot. Ava3at>te Plans! I've got a better Idea! •-'* -.. .' £v .' Why build? This home isfiveyears yc-i and in an excellent areal 2800 square feet of living. Cannot be purchased new at this price. 5229,9001 Scratch your plans, call j , me! Weak of Dec. S ARIES (Uar. 21-Apr. 21) This month can see the regeneration of', your sex life and It can take you to new heights. You could meet a r r exerting new group of people but that doesn't moan they will be '. good for you and you'll do well not to believe everything you hoar. Good weekend to explore the mysteries of life. ' TAURUS (Apr. 23-Way 33) • Your othof-hatf may not sham your Ideas on what to do for Christmas. Your ruler, Venus is stiff moving slowty and matters at work may be doing the same. You couWrtl ask for a better weekend, you should get to do an your tavortW' things, meet new people and have a new experience. GEMINI (May 33-June 31) Check your Insurance poDcfet, y o u : may not be fully covered. S U y out of the boss's way unless irtw I t ; in a good mood or you'd be In trouble: but watch tor the chance to ;•;; propose your latsst brainstorm. You win discover you d o n t know..?-|1 everything and you'll wonder how you coutd have boon so nafc*. +--CANCER (June 22-July 30) You should be seeing your home; developing Into your Ideal but that doesn't mean your work ts over.; A Pisces could encourage you to break the rules and it win carlalrJjr £ : ] be exciting If you do. Something you do win be notod publicly (hope r * it isn't something you don't want known). : , .•£ LEO (July a t ' A u g . 30) A real esUte deal could hang ftre Mr don't give up, you'll make It next year. You will bo thinking how you i l l can bo ol greater aervice to your feltowman ark,\lhe first thing yotl V3f may have to do is climb down off your high t x x wv . You'B have U~p disagreement with your other-half but you may b* glad you dW. :\ gh VIRGO (Aug. 21-Sept. 33) You can create mjnew Image h r f e i l yourself by exploiting your present Innovatlveness. Details roty^vJ seom unimportant now as you are concentrating on a msfcx change$}» that will surprise everyone. You may be doing something out ol-S"l charador and you witl be as opan about It as you are usuaDy h reticent. •-.. '"» LIBOA (Sept. 23-Oct. 25) Take advantage of company • ? . sored education opportunities. You could become very upset wtffl .TJ] someone at work and say something you'll regret. You might 6**jL' preparing {or ordering) food for a group event but even If you havea"?r| cateror there wilt still be plenty of work to dc. ••' '>4 SCORPIO (Oct. as-Nov. 23) A misunderstanding could cause ^ problems nt home and they could bleed over Into the outside rf not ^ resolved. A plan may have to be scrapped because It isn't practlsaU^J A PlbCos will bo a perfect match for weokond activities, and:you." might even do something you didn't know was poss&to. ' :'^ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 24-Dec. 21) Even though »*• « « . " * • - . _ (amity neodj outdoor activities to stay healthy. Spend the rett of Wa -»J year planning what you're going to accomplish next year and ^ ^ : - f j be atrald to droam s little. It may be more work than play (or you ti"*,^j woekortd and that probably moans work for others « wtQ a* &J 1-1 yourself. • "ttx CAPRICORN (Dee. 22-Jan. 17) You could become less of B Mfr :$ spicuous soender during thu noxt year anO it may result In the KMI&-11 ol a "frtena". Your u i life can bo completely transformed before,-^ spring, biit it may be a rathur oxpansivo proposlHoruHaving (un.^may be harder than working but you will learn a valuable routine. * . AQUARIUS (J«n. 18-Feb. IS) Your may want to escape from » « the Injustices ot life and lust luxuriate In your dream Utopia. YotJ~:j won't nottlo lor anything less than perfection and that may not ma**.!;] you vory popular. You can make changes to make this thtxv' dreamiest Christmas ever as long as your money lasts. -i-'i, PISCES (Feb. 17-Mar. 20) You coul^mako an enemy now W ^ watch your slep because it might bo your ooss. You need to change, ^n your psychologv for dealing wlih "lass evolved souls." not everyone ;M is ready lor your ethics. This should be a lucky lima so lake your>>] b'."it r.ho'. ana tho greater an ddvontufor you ato tho better. . ij Utility. The enjuneenn.n plans are almost complete. Budget Process - We hnve be^-un ihe preparation for the 1"'J5 ijudj-el Afler wu, tho <idministrtitiu:i. have cuinpli.-li.'d uur meetings, we will IJ*.' turning H invr to council Fur their input ;md action. 1 am hopeful that you have found l'J9*l U> bo a -.ucci'sifi;! year from a city projects and service standpoint. We hope tu he July to accomplish mure in 1*]')5. THOUGHT YOWD UKE TO KNOW. . . By VlntwnlM.Urbln Avon Lake Mayor Question of Uie Week - "Why am the rales for ihe basic package or cable TV A Word of Praise...to the 191M higber in Avon Lake than unywhun* SHOKEMEN football team! All year elso?" My office received many calls long 1 purposely didn't make a tot of fuss about this subject. The only information over the play of the men in maruun iitnl I have ai this time is that our basic serguld so as p.ot to jinx th-jir efforts. On vice provides un additional four ch-nibehalf tjf the city. IVI like to extend if lit-> nels than thu others. Presently, ivu aru round uf applause \u Coach Uluni>v<-. !iis taking a look at this situation .to.deterstaff and every member tit the IOJIU for mine if tha rate request is justified. I'm the Firm season they ln»f. I don't thi:-ic' sure >ou will hear more on this. this team will vver tie forgo'li-n.' The Santa Glaus is coming to town cheerleaders awl the 'jiuiid curtainly. (sounds tike a good title for a song!] It's played a part in 'his'major accomplishtrue! This Saturday, Dec. 10. from 10 ment -stVi-ji1. Their encournfji-iuent goes a.m. to 2 p.m.. Panta will be with us to " '-2 loiiS way when it come1- to supporting meet with anyone wrm want* •« pay hi^i your local team. I am especially happy a visit. When 1 asked him to come he for the seniors because 1 know for a fact said, "A chance to bo with the kids in much of what you experienced over Ihe ' Avon Lake. ! can't wait to act there. Hopast few months will provide you with Ho-Ho!" San«? said to bring your memories you'll t'lways look back on camera and your Christmas desires. wi'h pride nnd pleasure. 1 hope ihe rest . He'll be watching for you. of ihis school year provides all of our students with more of thu same. Weridy» - Will we or-won't we have a Whether it be academics, sporting Wendys in OUT city? That question'reevents or any activity, your hard work main.3 unanswered. The most important will pay off in tho end! Tact at this paint is that they want to be here. Now we just have to find a way to Do you have any concern!-? Ideas? " get them hero in a way that satisfies Please don't hesitate to give mi u call at tKem and the codes of the city. 1 spoke 933-6141. 871-5351, or 933-1930. May •: with tho owners and they arc going to God continue to bless Avon Lake. In the -see what they can do to accomplish that. meantime, I'll bo serving you. Duff and Englewood Sewers - These projects are getting closo to becoming a .-V- Day of Beauty Gift Certificates Available 15% Off'u'llh Purchase ojAm} Ccmiw Package^$50 or more Phone in Your GIFT CERTIFICATE Order... Use Your G3S or To Select The Combo Package For That Special Someone and Well Mall (I Directly Tta YOU 1! COUNTRYSIDE PtAZA 3748O Harvest Drive, Avon just south of i-9o ©34-6994 . Robert R. UndorhUl, forraor director or Municipal -Utilities In Avon Lake. died Friday, Nov.'25 at the ago of 87. UDdorhtll lived in Gladwin. Michigan. Underbill, formerly of Lorain. was a 1925 graduate of Elyria High School. He received his college training at Miami University. .Ohio State. Toledo and "Western Reserve Unlyersitliis. .Tho Underbills had livud "on Redwood Boulevard In Avon Lako for several Photo ctub Xmas party • years-- ' Tho Erie Shotoa Photo Club v»ii: hold tholr anSurviving am a daughter and son-innual Christmas parly or Doc. 14 at tho CMist law: Marshall S. (Margra) Crilto of Clud- Winery. 32421 Walker Road. Avon Lake. It wll be lucH dinner and members arc asked to brwln: ono son and daughlnr-in-law: aingpot* a casserole to sf»aro. Memtwrs are uryod to Robert R. (Diane) Underbill of Carroll. their lamilies of a special trtend and live ot Ohio; ons'grad-doughtor, five grandson*; bring thfltr ^avortte slides to stww during the progum, nnd throe great- grandchildren. Please note U-at mis meeting will begin at 6:30 . UndorhUl was born Doc. IS. 1906 In ) ; p-m.' North • Olmstod to Fred and Grace (Salisbury) Underfill!. His wife {deceas- * , . • * [ $Q Cleansing facials Natural Nail Make Over v,dth Treatments Instruction Nail Extcntlons Tanning Soothing Facial fitBody Pedicure Relaxing y Wrap Massages • Herbal Glycolic Applications* Facials y pp ed) was the former Pauline J. Stastny. The couple was married Aug 20. 1926 in Monroe. Michigan. Underbill retired from the Utilities Department at ax« B-4. He had slnrti-fj witfi the department in 1940 - when the plant had four fillers nnd a water tower. He becamn superintendent in lanuiry of 1957 and became director In tUf.0. • / cfioosiijoS? OOTACKAGE commnom Former utilities director dies 1 O/ . - PLEASE JOIN US FOR AN EVENING OF FANTASY, EXCITEMENT. AND JOY THE BEGINNING OFATRADITION \ CHRISTMAS Ot\EN HOUSE TUESDAY. DECEMhER 13,1994 6:00 pjn. to 8:00 pjn. At TBEEUTRIA UNITED METHODIST HOME 807 WEST AVENUE, ELYRIA, OHIO CHOIRS CAROLERS : .BRASS BAND ^ PIANO MUSIC REFRESHMENTS STRING ORCHESTRA STROLUNG MAGICIAN AND MORE MORE We have more copies oflh\s hit in stock, i ••,."• ,. ' '• So, Why go anywhere else when your best chance of getting ihe movies you want IS HlRll * SANTA CLAUS WILL f "T HERE THE E\TIRK EVENING TO HEAR CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS USTS . W AVON LAKE - 375 LEAR ROAD , Learv/ood Square WFVH BXPANDBD... MQRB HITS » MORE COPIES H * Stores 'i1* Lcam and El/ria. ef in Arniersi or 1.1-9 rirst Unitc-l MetxxSat cn tit* nlgrii ol the concert. Smco soatng b d. n'owever. pt-opia are '.-ncouraged lo pur. d Dances scheduled at IHC proqrjm of seJ3dn.il I\VJ*C Do'Thea d Rewrvjtrans are a must rtg*evw. Make t..«ri with S.= Warned at 934-JV.J5toy9 a m Doc 12 The second ce'ed'aiion f.-j.- mo season w>'l bo a o r « <jjy &us inp. Cfi'"5t.im j t ^-i!j&.ir Farm. Saturday. Dec 17 The pn<u ft S39 or reservations, cni! iMe Lor.s at 93- -to. 23 Chamber Singers covert The Obortn Comr.i^nty CtiarDar Singers will present a Christmas program on Dec 10 at 8 p m in the First UrolPd Meihodim Church, 45 5. Professor Si.. OBerlirt. Tickets &"e S5 for adull.s ana 32 50 (or children 12 anrt urnler and may be pu,-chased ' « « " mo Cartyle Shop in O b l Mu*h Box Haus in VjVmil'ort. O-iscoi** • A Country Western Christmas Dance is beir^ sponsored *>y ih« Insh Hertiago Center on Saturday. D«c. 1C. 3 p m. !O midr-ighl Everyone ain-, vited. Music aid instruclicn Ey Ronna Murray:' Line dance instruction Irom S p.m. to 9 p.m. hllcwed by music a.id danciny until maMght Cash bJr. Snacks are welcome. Donation ol JS pur c'rson at tho door . . The Irish Heritage Centar invites you to jcin thorn in celebrating Mew Year's Eve with dinner, daicing and more on Dec. 31 from 7:30 p.m. to 1 . a.m. Mtwic by "Flanagan S Rite? - OASIS.* Ot«n baf, party 'avors. thafTipagne toast, ortfy . S30 per pe'son. Call now. Tickets are going last For unkeu or intcrmation call Joanna at 327-5726. The Center is located t« 726 Avon Road, Avcn LaKe. ; Around atid About Avon Lake Lundv. chainnan; Roger Doerr. Rici Potts." Oan Trent, and Bob Smitlt. Matt Kathy Kreeger invites Santa to Realty 1 Lundy and K.C. (Karl) Zubor reiitescnlAvon Lake Council on the commission. Yes the North Pole responded lo Kaihy Kreeger's invitaiion to have Santa join Around and About Awn U'ke isher a! Realty One. 32713 Walker Road, Saturday. Dec. 10 from 11 a.m. lo 2 p.m.! shown daily at 6 a.m.. 9 SLffl.. noon, 'S Bring your camera or use Kalhy's! Santa will be giving can-ay cane* and coloring p.m. o a.m.. 9 p.m.. midnight and 3 aiabooks lo all the kids. Cookies and punch loo! Donations of 32 will be going to uu.- - trenu Shuster explains the volunteer Chaancl 12. Avon Lake's govornment local Communfcy Resource Center to benefit a needy family's Christmas. Came program. Dana Klino. president 'of tho on access channoL ..' V join Ka'hy Kreeger and have a nice holiday treat while helping to benefit others in , Friends of the Library, lulls how the gilt Kids-Around anti, About Avon Lake, need.-x;ou can contact KtfJiy at Really One. 933-7700 for more information. shop aids in the Friends of the Library .its companion program, runs an hour program. -,.-. \ later. On Let's Talk which follows Aipund and About Avon Lake, host Dob Colon Bands to present holiday concert talks ivith Roney Tan from Singajiorc. certs, district and st-te contests, and When Roney was an AFS student in Historical society meets V; The Avon Lake Hiflh Schcol concert, Avon Lake 30 years ago, ho lived ivith pop concert. • > • The Avcn U k s Historical Society Invrtw youlo bands will best theirannual holiday conthe Stotter family. This fall he returned Join us Dec. 12 at l p.m. t t tho Avon U k a Pubte Thp bands will perlorni'tradilional to Avon Lake to attend the 30th reunion cert on Monday. Dec 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Library. Th« speaker will b» Jerte N«wounb who and some new pieces. After tho concert, oi win talk about and tibptay her csJIection of rotn the Class of I9G4. i the high school auditorium under the the Band Aids will host a punch and silvers spoons. Ptwirc bring any spoons you: direction of Ccra'd Scverns. ' .-The Avon Lake Cable Advisory CcmcOkiiis reception. Remomber Ihc conwould iik« to havo Identified. NorwnemborS The Concurt and Symphonic Bands, welcome! ••• cert and reception an? free! Mark your mission presents Around and About which consist of 200 mcabors. have calendar for Dec. 12- Come and enjoy Avon Lake. The rroyor appoints the •boon practicing music for their perforyour rtvon Lake High School Hands" commission which rnnsUts of (aciib mances tl tho holiday and winter conholidav music! SANTA SUGGESTS you do your HOLIDAY SHOPPING at This wveY. an Around and Ahptlt Avon Lukf Lintla Potts who manii^e*. the gift shop at the Avon Lake Pub'ic'Library, discusses the shop, its staft, \nnd its purpose. \. . • The shnn is run tiy.• "eiit«Js»>ia. and I1! OiAd A Unique Bessie Shop FRIDAY FISH FRYS!! JoinforSanta i Holiday Breakfast 933-64O4 • • > mm Brla? 1m Cum 933*9777 MENU: Pancakes Sausage &Mce CHILDREN & was $2*50 Located: 4654 Lake Road, Sheffield Lake l&» in Schuenemann Appliance Complex <g eRoad NOW... 2 WEDNESDAYS IN DECEMBER N O W "MORRIS CODE" featuring Bob & Peggy of'Kickl9-11pjn 33499:jLAKE RD.. AVON LAKE 933-4007 33493 LAME ROAD AVON LAKE (NexttoAvon Lake Theatre) KLINGSH3RN WOMEN^LOTHING, Glassware & Antiques •fit 83 949-7997 DAILY SPECIALS \.Monday-HOT WINGS Tittsday-TACOS Wcdiicsday-RIBS & STEAK TIuirsday-Ask About Our Specials Friday-PERCH Snatrday-RlBSSt STEAK . BREAKFAST Servcrf Daily 6 am t o 11 am Sat. 6 am to 12 pin: Sun. 9 am to 7 pm FINE GIFT .IDEA'S 1 1 " S H O W I N G Slarta Fri. Junior IPG-13) The Santa Clause (PC) I ( lM Djctosuro (») Da> ) iInterview S l S ? w/The S. f,Vampiro L (HJ (Ends Tnun) * *O"rt . . brart _ wr . . Wod. . COME CELESRATE EVE at ^ choose from 16 Varieties of Wines, 3 Champagnes, Two Custom Holiday Labels for personalized gifts, RESERVATIONS ARE NOW BEING Attractive Gift Packaging, ACCEPTED FOR OUR THREE SEATINGS UPS Shipping (in Ohio only) AT 5:30, 7:30, & 9 : 3 0 P.M. WINERY INC. 33050 ;Webbcr Road Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 Store Hours: 10 to 6 daily, closed Sundays and Holidays '- (216) 933-6666 1.6 miles north 1-90 off Rt 83 Master Card & Visa welcome Please Call In Loraln Co.: 9 3 3 - 3 3 6 0 • In Cuyahoga Co.: £71-3054 320&5 Electric Boulevard at- Lear Road (one bloc^south of Lake Rd.) Avon Like. OH 44012 ilties board wants authority to set wages By I'm Petnwii '"•'; . AVON LAKK - The Board of Utilities presented City Cauncii wiih proposed charter amendment changes to help slitiamlini l>>e function af the board. The board c'ocs net have the authority ';. to increase utility workers* wagt*s, and must yo ts Council for authorization. , Board mumbers believe they should - have the right to increase wages since iivry review operations end sugjiejt the, increases. Ohiorevisedcode also allows for the Board of Utilities to set wages. "The rationale from the charter review committee is that city council has approved, without question, the step increases and vrag? contracts approved by the Board ol Utilities." said Gregory JZtika. council president. The approval of this amendment would eliminate one layer of govern- As for bonding issues, any bonds issued on behalf of the city must go through Council anyway. "This has been talked about for ycars. l think it's time for the voters to decide." said M-syor Viruu Urbin. "I appreciated the opportunity to discuss this with Council." board member Ray Voriselt said. 'The past thrue years it was ignored. This Council is serious about it." Another atLontlmunt proposed by the S board is to allow them to contrrct without bidding for services. Board, members claimed that not having to bid would save 3 lot of time while ensuring quality services, according to Utilities Director |ohn Knicpper. The amendment would not affect bidding that must be done when purchasing tangible goods. tu ;t cum mil tee of Council. If the a mend tin;'H were to pas1* pointed out two (.hocks ami b;tli could by vxttrr.i^t'd in 'he ev-;-rn that thtcommunity did not tigrev wiih board decisions. Council would still -.have authority over water and sewer r>i> _'<*C'.i<-*ast:s. which is where the board gets its operating funds. Also, since board members are elected, thu community f:a:i show Hpptoval ur dliappruvai at the polls. Council must approve the board's budget as well, whether or not the ptn-tndment passe*. -^ Zill-a added that if the chau&ts'vrere adopted. Council would still have ihe authority to set vages of board members. Jack Uilbride, Board of C'.lities mtmber, bulieves It is inefficient to auh--. !«ct the conclusions of an elected board "I think it is a suu:l i^tai to lot this board function in Us totality." Council member Edward Mitchell said. Mitchell pointed out that thtj Board of Utilities is a con'jumer-driver, souruu of rever.u.;. and ••'_iat. board members are elected. It Ihf-csmnmnity is unhappy with wage increases or anything else, they iri\ make th« changes at the poles. "They arc a well*nii] ringed Board of Utilities," Mitchell said. "I'm surprised this hasn't been amended already." Council member Ron Andotsen raised concern over how Council would be aware of wage increases if the amendment were to pass. "The board develops a budget aa dncs. a private enterprise. ".Ye conduct business on that budget." Kilbrido ansvercd. Pikes Good Wed., Dec. 7th, thru Tues., Dec 13th. 1994 W • R*MfvJ Iha RIcM T 3 LMI O J « W U M And Convd TypognvNcaT Efron ncyis deHi best poliq^. how !org« of »nofl *»• iiz» of your buvnen, « • ten prowide one corrwii«nl plan mada up ofti*CSWWOQM yoor buiirwu nowk CaB n hdoy (or a ETM Mamd opinion. BOMMER 453 AVON BELDEN ROAO. AVON LAKE F O O D S ^ONVENlSn^HOPPIN^T ITS FINEST | In Our Dairy Depl. \ Breyers All Natural Tom Car Quality Meats I j | '-Cut Rump Roast S-J89 ***** I All Varielits Gttbtr Whole or Spli* Fryers FROZEN DESSERT Faytjo OK 2 litbf California Carrots t rt>. Cello Bag 3/99* 79* SIRLOIN PORK ROASTS * | Tom Car frnb Product ] COUNTRY PORK RIBS Ddisy/ifld Cetilcr-Cul $299 Pork Chops SALAD MIX » « S799 Fruit 3dskets Starting at V Chopped fcfaicb <O19 PICKLE iPIMEMTO LOAF 9£' * ; Eckrid? SALSA Bilmar $169 SPAGHETTI ETT SAUCE 14 02. L1 $Q29 $179 DinHfr BfH Virginia , \ Fragapane Bakeries BAGELS *J * 2/49 HoImoy LONGHORN CHDF.SC 4BOU 69< i' , ELBOV/MACARONI SALAD 14% 79« * * Turkey Breast $$149 g so1 OLWELO/>F / $049 Ham ^ fc COLO B E E R - W I N E - T O P GREAT -At State Minimum PricoSELECTION "OPEN DAILY 7:30 A.M. TILL MIUN1UHT ? AVON Bfci.D£NftOAO.AVON LAKE 933-9115 $2 4 9 Potato Cb$s~ *Vl Eckrkb CHEERIOS TTwnwssons • All Varieties- Qwfity C BATHrTOOM TISSUE Suft«20 Gofos M«fi?ff/ Cantor dStt COFFEE SI 29' ^ LHUSHELPl "OUR PARTY TRAYS ARE FPFMIUM QUAUTY" • IARCE SELECION • BEST PRICE POTATOES ^ WESSON OIL fcjcrllr COUHTRY KITCHEN Full Scrutcc Deli Depl 'LANNINC A HOLIDAY PARTYI have privileges at EMH diea! Center and jUpona SLjohn WatShore Hospital $149 8f BEEF RIB STEAKS HOUDAYSCG [I 2 to. EYE OF ROUND STEAKS*£?* UILK DR. <5ftbsEL received his medical degree from Wright State University and completed his internship ond residency at tdty Hospital. •A • 'A Hash Browns Certified Angus Bttj A , CHOICE GRADE BKH W '•-• Vz Gallon - AB Flavors Frozen Foo£ Selections | - O r lia Southern Certijid Angus Betj Boneless ** Ice Qream $299 INSURANCE AGENCY 2219 Wisteria Way, Avon, Ohio Incdntinence^eno Q. QUALITY MEATS c PETTTE PASTRIES $549 HoliJay P-rtry mi Cookir Ttayt Ava^Mt Ci/l CrfUficatn AvaibbU For Papa Joe's Pies From Vermilion e S^ectton of Crwm Fnjft Ple» In AH Stee* 6"- 8" «nd 10". Avon Lake Public Library Between the Bookends 933-8128 MONDAY NIGHT *= Vr&- i Wed. &Thurs. iBESTTACOS $3,0G in town $1-25 ea. ILU • • E.clurf-Hl APPY HOUR PMCE lH«mr_Hoi»lnttCEai ALLDAYSUNDAY!! $ q^jjso ut Onlv Carry uui : uniy 1 | ,- ? _E*i«r™ 33-13-0-4 J E??^ 1 i' i i^i ^.rrru^ox'^^v^^f (la da: Lodcfi Ook) EVRO ^oiiday is what , HcreJ5>vhat $24,895 will bu $23.8 CAMAR0^a CONVERTIBLE R298 19&SDUIPALASS S79 Here is what 522,595 will buyi 1994 DEMO FULL SIZE G20 CONVERSION VAM R143 DEMO 1994 ASTRO CONVERSION VAN R123 Here is \yhat^> Here is what S17;895willbiiy $18,895 will buy TJ95 LUMINA LS S63 CIO PICKUP CONVEHS1ON 1995 CAPRICE 1995 S-10 4X4 S41 CLASSIC PICKUP S29 1995 ASTRO 1995 LUMINA S74 UTSCE raw 1995 MONTE CARLO S59 HcreisAvhqt,, Here is what Here is what $16,895 will buy SI5.895 will buy $13,895 will buy 1994 CAVAUERRS Demo 1995 CONVERTIBLE R206 LUMINA S871994BERrTTA226 R2B2 1995 S-10 _ „ „ S23 Mete is'what S1J .895 \viH bt 1995 S-10 PICKUP S12 1995 LUMINA S83 1594BERETTA R215 ,.- Here is what $39.95 will buy WINTERIZE YOUR ^ VEHICLE NEWCOOUKT ANOAIH CLEANER .\ND SET ENGINETO FACTORY SPECS Here is what $15.95 will buy S 23.95 will buy IICFC IS Wlwi . OIL CHANGE SETOF WINTER WIPER BLADES FOR YOUR WITH : v PRESENT CAR UPTO5QUARiS ORANYOFTHE CASTROLOILOIL FILTER & LUBE ABOVE VEHICLES Trainer. He has served as a consultant to the State Department of Education on Sports Medicine a s well a s being • member of the Joint Advisory Committee which serves as consultants to the Ohio General Assembly on Sports Medicine. He is active in research on. functional knee braces and sports nutrition. . , ' ,. Admission is Tree and open to the public Those in attendanca will receive handouts to reinforce the content are* diacussed. Plenty of parking will oe available behind the high school, iryou have any questions about the evening, please call Frank Coughlin at Avon Lake High School. 933-6290, for more details. OolfCoursft S76 Flcrc is wjtat Here is what -S89.95 will bin $119195 will buy : AND AIR CLEANER AND SET i ENGiNETOFACTOHYSPECS The Avon Lake High School Concerned Teens/S.A.D.D. group will be sponsoring a seninar dealing with steroids and nutritional supplements. Mr. Ralph "DudcJy" Young will bo the featured speakeV, for the evening. It will be held on Th'ysdny. Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. in (he high sci)tol auditorium. Parents, studuntathlctes, community members and any interested parties aru welcome to attend. Th.j program will run for approximately .',ne hour and Will include the opportune r t y To.-.* question and answer session. "'-.Mr. Young is the director of Public Rclatinns and Marketing for Ohio Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Inc. He has his Master's Degree in Education and is a Licensed Athletic S66 1995 GEO METRO TUNEUPYOUR4CYL GMCAR HCLUDESNEW iINCLUDES NEW PLUGS. FUEL FILTERS, AND , U S O R C T K K B a J S L H M K , LABOR. CHECKBaTS-HOSES,1 ALHS teens sponsor speaker 1995BEREnA Here is what $10,495 will buy^ JUNEUPVOUR6CYL £ GMCAR. Please s'.up by lh« Library Shou to we at! the n«;w wwrchaadise that is a m v i n s 'i^ily. Prices range from uiidor Si to S20O. ' . . . . T!itt Library Shop is a non-profit shop operated by the Friends of the Avon Lai^a Public Library. All proceeds go to help the library expand educational programming, give support and serve visitors through the sale of muscurrt quality merchandise, new and used books, and unique it^mE related to Discovery Center exhibits. Thu shop i> located within the Avon UVo Public Library- at :!2G-19 Electric Blvd.. Avon Lake. The hours are Mondav. !U a.m. to 8 p.m.. Tuesday through. Thursday. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and closed Friday and Sunday. _ , ., _. Gift ideas from The Library Shop ioclisJ* Avon Lake postcards. Peter Rabbit awortfld gifts. Kaleidoscopes. Assorted holiday ornaments. Gallery mouso pads, luca! artisl'-J nctccards, minerals and fossils, cottor. ih'.ows, original pins and carTii-.gs. Archival supplies. Discovery gifts. cr«itiVB crafts, autographed books, local arts, poster, original prints, pupP 6is and dolls, handblown glassware, paintings, Holusion art and more. | Stop by the Library Shop to see all th», new merchandise arriving weekly.; Prices from under SI to S200. Tha library is located at 32649 Elnctric BlvdL.; Avon Lake. 1995GEOPRKM 1994 S-10 PICKUP R149 1995" S-10 PICKUP S19 Holiday Hours. Exuilumfiit •> m ln« iiir and th« Library btiop. locaU-d uvu^the Avon Lake I'ublic Lioniry, has h«.;n busv «o»ins f-Mdy for the lioiuUy senwn. With nuw and umqiw merchandisu arrivin« daily. th« Fri«nds oMhe Library Shop will have s ^ : i a l liolidaj hours from ti 8 p.m. on Thursday. I ,-:. 8; W«ln«s<loy. D«c 14; and Tuesday, S70 FLUSH AND ANTIRUST ADDITIVE Here is what, 29c will buy ONEii) U.S. POSTAGE STAMP •Forilimittdtimtonly.". o;, tile 8i document feei Alates do notrefiectrebates a n d Pro S h o p •-•! ^ * w \ J Holiday Savings CALLAWAY. COBRA & PING Large Selection a n d LOW Prices For The Off Season Golfer: Great Selection of GORETTEX SUITS and W1NDSTOPPER GEAR from Etonlc, Sunderland & MacGregor New Fashions for Men & Women Frame Descents. Ping & EP Pro BAGS. SHOES, BALLS-IN STOCK 7f»0 JaycoxRd. Avon Lake •i 933-9001/871-0822 Open Year Ro«nd 8-6pm Our Gift CcrUncatca arc Great for The Holidays mcusroM ENGRAVING and Screenprihting 114 Mcnrc Kd.rAvon Lake OH 933-2902 Next 7b Pussy Cleanen Tropnies • Plaques • Awards Industrial & Commercial Erigraving Scrcenprlnting» Tranafcrs ComputcrizcOEmbroidery Vinyl Signs I GJFT~WEAS~ I ENGRAVED CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS HOLIDAY SWEATSHIRTS AVON LAKE APPAREL G E N U I N E CHEVROLET O O K . ' 933- 607 MUlcr Road AVON LAKE. OH ci«v«i«nd MGP announces auditions Mighty Goliath Product it.-us anjiriiwnc". and '.ifrons actinjt and si nounces nuditmns for their MurcJi I'JUS skills, Lcuiinq \,wiy L:)U V'.iniJS-.i/K' production of Cute Ponur's KJ.-LS Aft*. soprani!. :s u s(:lJ-'-.ibsorb«f:I ••-tiirk-t Xafe. Dircctnr fJrejj Dziunia says that all1 also pos.i-ji'it.'j a m>tt side, she muo roles un* available, and nil leadin;: urn. . hn ;i str^ns sinpor anJ jctur. I'red Gi'^ham and I.il!i Vutifsti are on .'iMge small roles wii! be cast from tho'audifor 2 majority of the production. Sufi[jurtions en Friday. Dec. S and IB at 7 p.m. in liiij Avon Lake . Hijjh School linp chordcter IVtl't C^h'iur.i. a tt-nur, must also ..e ablo to nicvu ".--oil on I^'RU. auditorium. Tho^o interested in any tola Su}jf»ortit'" character Loh Lone iiitii? bt; are encouraged to plan !:> attuv.tl both abift to iniVt* well. Her low-range vc-ciii audition days. Auditions for those who wish to be dunctirs will by hold at Ihi; numbers fnnd to b« >/ery jai*i:y and she pn*(crabiy should be a 'lu'l.'jr'. Twu same time. Chorus members nt-nd not1 gangster? charae'er* are larfjr supjiyraudition, but are welcome la observe linp roles which renuire ver> {jnod cointhe auditions. edlc timing. Theitt art' many additional , A complete descriptive list of small roles which require speaking, dancharacters will be made aval table at the cinj;. singing, or a cnmbinatioii cf those auditions, but the principal roles are as ..«lills. Th^r? are many l-irjjo chorus iftllows: Leading man Fred niirnbers. so the entire cast wilt be exGrt'ham/Ptjtruchio, • is n baritone w!w tremely busy. must exude charisma and stage All those auditioning will '<JS jsked lo sing a prepared song oF their choice, read from the script and learn a very simpiii mof«iTient routiKc with choreographer Joan Hofelzer. Those Cootinutd from page i who wuh tn bu featured dancrrs will be customer stating the pioposed rein and asked to learn slightly ir.ore complicated oakinig for approval. • sttips. Kohearsals for the entire cast in**Thu .PUCO UalerminM the percen- cluding chorus members will begin on tage of acceptauco needctl io do this," Friday, Jan. 6 si Avon Lake High School. Kubii. said. "It is' normally around SO WP hope to see you all at auditions! For percent."' more information about auditions or rshearsab, please contact ;.^he eUtifid thai Avon Lake has nearly 8.000 pliOTin lines, and she believes there Krtsten Manlhey at 323-5756. is enough qE a demmui., '."If Century doesn't went to work with us in a roasonablw-fashion, we could pursue other facilities,*' said Council Hear Terry l e e Goffee 'inembrr MattLundy. Terry L w Gortee shares h»n Gosp*i singing a1 • He sugfpMl'ed an option whure the city New Haven Baptist Church, corner French Cnwk could subcontract cut to other phone 3«d Abbo Roads, SrieMie'd Villaoe. Tho dale is cotiipaples if this doesn't work out. Saturday. Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. Following th* proTho.i' funior ' Women's .CJub -needs gram, share refreshments and fellowship and Tery wil have sonw tap«3 awaitable lor sa^. $1,500 tnoj<* to pay the attorney who Is representing the effort. Mrs. Kubik asked the city for $150. ROCKY RIVER RECREATION UEPT. HAMILTON SCE ARENA "Vtir-y "Reasormbjc IPrices J»/iV£5 - X* VCTT Tmw~rtJI« it & BLUES C&m/r In Touil Be dfiitd.! ^ 35514 DETROIT RD. AVON ^ } ; CLINIC f ^ SANTA SAYS... ^ ^ T H E SECRET THE NAIL to Buying'GREAT GIFTS That Everyone Will Love Rn22ws BODY SPA i s a G I F r CERT2FJ[CATE from T h e NAIL CL2NIC 37480 HARVEST DRIVE AVON. OHIO Jtutt south of 1-90 934-6994 NAILS Acrylic or Fiberglass ...NOW... With Delia or Ivory Only Expires 12-17-94 21018 Hilliard Bhfd • 35S-S&56 (Z4hr. Info). 356-5666 Comer of Hnilard & Wagar, one block from Westgato Mail. Skate with Santa Claua Free Hoi Chocolate & Candy Canes. Admission $3.00, tor aC-is ' S2.00 students • Si.00 age 6 or under. " v! Skate rental Sl .75 WE SHIP BY MOTOR FREIGHT. JUSTWHT A1R or UPS Expert Packaging SkatnROn*il$1-75 GUARANTEED BY . CHRISTMAS IF Shipped Stoto Sharpening $2.50 Dec. MINUtt 22 COUPON Buy Postage Stamps 20 lor $5.00 wi'Ji min. $10.00 Shipping Cost Expires 12-31-94 CUJTOMFRAMlKeiFRAHEDART 37340 French Creek Rd. Holiday Hours Mon.-Sat. 9-7 Sun. 12-5_ certification Quickie tm:t rL'<;t;ivdd certificaliu Ohio pUnt ha; 1 .t l ruary. 'lu[it-'d J 1 1 y moiiitur the com- . sy^tums program. Accor-puny M iMiiii to li-O NOUO policy. Quickie must ; « maintain ii"in.'«i>lratiuiiindunnLloly rod rontiuudlly docunitfdl its qualily nssuranco system. The company vtlULv audited twice ;' y«ar i» ordt-r to muiamanv riS* is d discpline fw ma.iita.ntjin its certification. W AccokdinK to loin O Ponnoli. COKV. .'.l.iy and unirornniy m world inB !U [MIIV president. "ISO certification ij fii'.t becoming a prerequisite for interna^ e ISO 9UOO certifiL.i. tional trade relative to all manufacturing must mw» n»jid retiun. iv.id service industries. Specific stanare several level, ^ Thv dards enable companies to implement quality mandsement systems to ensure customer satisfaction with the goodi or QuicJde r«c«iv«u and th« mmk-t tor services provided. Quickie's inclusion in quality assurance in pronuclwu installathe NSA1 Register is evidence that we tion and servicing has one of the most hive quality assurance procedures that stringent requirwments. conform with worldwide technical and "We be-an the process of becoming safety legislation." L_-' certified in April I9*t." says Murphy. Quickie Designs is a division of Within six months auditor* from Dublin. Ireland camo to the plant and. Sunrise Medical. Inc.. which designs. manufacturers and markets nwdlcai after two days, awarded Quickie its cerproducts used in institutional and home-, tification. Statistically, tharo is only care settings which address the about a 22 percent chance that a comrecovery, rehabilitation and respiratory, pany receives certification on the first needs of the patient. Sunrise U tha try world's largest manufacturer of medical "It just proves the dedication of the devices used in the home and a proud ofAssociates ol Quickie to be able to put ficU! sponsor or the 1996 Atlante this t o c h e r and have a quality product Paralympir. Games. for our customers. We also follow the CMP guidelines of the FDA-haring ISO certification just makes us belter." Mur* nhy said. .... . , Avon Lake Mayor Vincent Urbin said Quickie's certification Is "proof ortheir commitment to produce a product that is second to none." During the time from April <o November. Quickie Associttcs worked diligently to comply with tho numerous elements of ISO 9002. "We nlso had the benefit of the internal audit team from Fresno (Quickie-Ohio's parent company in California) to help us evaluatuiour progress." said Murphy. Quickies Fresno-based manufacturing unit \adltl.il WI ? ere prccc tail 5** me full line :^ij FAMILY Books & Gifts Next To Ssson's rREBBATING OUR 2ND ANNIVERSARY Butterfly Lapel HII h Wth coupon and 3 puic.naie of SS or more O r e coupon per vtin While suppEes Last Expires 12-24-94 Buy One Box - 2nd Box ;; , . - . jA.T-t- •• 1/2 OFF—-:: With thti coupon E»pirei 12-24-94 |, ' Mix Watch Reg.51.29 io for $5.99 yj^ ^ ^ coupon Expires 12-24-9* - BOOS • wusc • vrjeos • Tort • ova' rees • CHURCH SUPPJES • PKEOOUS MOT«NIS t MORE 690AvonBelden(Rt83J Avon Lake 933-7073 In'Avon Lake real estate ,. tt5s riot always.what you Krtbw:lt^ WHO yoti know, ' thatknowk s"' / Industry veteran of 15 years MikeHexter QT HT. 3T Of .Pool Tennis Court Wooded Lots Mature Trees Quality Service Value "FRENCH CRE XA1newRneighborhood - E • s - ofEbeautifully - R. v. E and designed Hill ce: (216)933-3733 Vcice-Mall: 1-800-589-8207 Eit. 7875 crafted homes *ilh samlhing For ever/one... run filled reaealior orerc, proleded green SOOCB mature trees and the widows in your own bedcyuri Treat your family !o trw best hJidtry gift everl SMYTHE. CRAMER CO. I S CABOR Professional of the Year Award S Salesman of the Year Award S Multi-Million Dollar Sales Cli V Outstanding Sales Achievement Award ^.Marketing Concept ,. •peyelopment Award HEALtOBSSIflCeiMl Stop by the neighborhood of the ntnelies.. located 1000 yards west of Route 83 on Octroi! ltd in Avon, just seconds from 1-90. Avoid Probate 1U) Moon i M d A*on L.U, Chio V0H CONSTRUCTION CO. - Call Gina Capone at 934-6262 t = i | - . MOM - THUfc I P M - 5 : 3 0 PM FRIDAY: BY APPOINTMENT SAT -SUN: 12 PM-5:30 PM • Save Estate Taxes • Reduce Costs and Expenses of Estate Administration Contact Smith7 & Smith Attorneys Ask, for Jody L. Shumaker, Esq. To Establish Your LIVING TRUST Phoiie Phone 871-2223 933-3231 Man.. omcenouR* wed., m^ HRIfl flND NfllL STUDIO AVON LAKE - Nancy Hwitun Kinjj. 40, a fourth-grade teacher m Iirievu;n Elementary School, died of cancer Munday. Nov. 28 at the Cleveland Clinic. Mrs. King, -vho paisud away on her 13th wedding anniversary, was Avon Lake Schools' Teacher of the Year and a Martha Holden Jennings Scholar for the 1990-91 school year. A fourth-grade teacher at '^rievicw since 1977. Mrs. King was selected Teacher of tht Year at that school for 1939-90. Mrs. King, born in Bay Village, lived most of her life in Avon Lake and graduated from Avon Lake High School in 1972. She U survived by her husband. William W. and three children: daughter, Rebecca; and sons. Robert and David. She is also survived by a sister. lu addition to teaching and raising ht-r children. Mrs. King volunteered for community activities such as Safety Patrol Her undergraduate degree in education was from Marshall University in West Virginia, and she earned a master's degree in education front Bowl- 933-3669 The Landings Walker Rd. Lake Here to help you with your Holiday Hair & Nails Jackie, Patty, Kane, Carol, Chris, Laura and Melinda. Hand-Painted Nail Art Expertly done by Patty from Playful to Elegant (Appointments A K x necessary) Nancy King ing Creen State University. Mrs. King was a member of the Avon Lake Education Association and St. Joseph Catholic Church- AL choruses to sing Dec. 11 It's T h s Most Wonderful Time cf the Year" again, time for the Avon Lake Men's Chorus to join with the Avon Lake Women's Chorus for a coucert of tunes both,religious and secular. The singing starts at 4 p.m., on Suuday. Dec. 11 in the Avon Lake Presbyterian Church, 32340 Electric Blvd.. Avon Laka. u Among the men's selections will be tha'Coventry Carol. IJJ HOW n Rose. Beteiehemu and The Sleigh. The wnmon's presentations will include Jing-a-lina Holiday, tingle; Boll Rock, SJolghrida and The Christmas Song. Tho choruses.will join for double-choir ren- ditions of The Most Wonderful Time of ihe Year and White Christmas. The men's chorus, entering Us sezotA season, is under the direction ot* Rick Fortney. director of music ministries at Bay Presbyterian Church. The women'* chorus, d venerable community institution, is led by Paul Cmith. a realtor wilh Realty One. BJth groups welcome any singers who-would like to join them, starting .'n January. Both rehearse in she Avon Lake United Church of Christ. 32001 Electric Blvd. The men prtictict: at 7:15 p.m. Sundays, (he women at 9:30 a.m. Mondays. Free babysitting is provided for the Monday morning sessions. 10% OFF Any TRESSA Perm or Color Service Offers eepinU*3I$i -{fapfj '^dfflot valid vntHany other offir • FREE MANICURE Given Away Every Week ! Stop In and Sign Up (No Purchase Necessary ! CHOOSEi COMPLETE "Get Fit Gift Kit 1 Month Trial Membership T-Shirt & Morel $3O (Save $2O) Offer " ass.?6 Car Rcn!al$ Inlomallonal Free Walt Disney World Vacation When You Crulso with Tho dig Red Boat0 Here's what you'll receive: North Coast Nautilus & Tanning, The Landings, Avon Lake CALL FOR DETAILS. 9 3 3 - 8 0 7 5 Happy Holidays from the Staff • A4-idghtcrulsa cm your choice of The Die Red Boat's Itineraries • six sumptuous moali dailv • rUnstop entertainment • Casino action • BomaUc dancing • The best kids* program afloat . 3-Day admissior. to the Walt Disney World Resort theme parks TpTus, 3 rtthts at a Watt Dlwey World n**r)rt, Disney's Village Resort area or Orlando Hotsl • Choice of admission to Pleasure Island -. r AMJonaut Hall of Fame or a tour of Kon^dy Space Center's Spaceport US* *" • Round-^'»J coach airfare from most major fate*ays • And rental car CALL For Reservations! MEW LOCATION: • in THE LANDIINQS^ WALKER &: RT. 8 3 BLDG 1-4 AVON LAKE, OHIO -no r r tro*oim SERVtcesv—» 933-9455 il:. ! Schilling earns GRi designation * * • • Poinsettias Cyclamen Ivy Topiaries Holiday Dish Gardens Fresh-S. Artificial Wreaths & Roping * Exquisite Holiday Decorations * Fresh & Silk Floral Arrangements Garden Statuary Birdhouses & Feeders Wlndchimes Decorating &.Gift Giving N Mon.-Sat. 9-6: Sun. I 1-5 35638 Derrolr Rd., Avon 1/2 mlieeasrrr. S3 1-216-937-SbdO OPEN FOR V LUNCH & DINNER' 2 LARGE 1 Item Pizzas $9.75 3 LARGE 1 Item Pizzas $13.99 RESTAURANT & PIZZA dollars in sales volume. !n addition, the;' Susan Schilling, a wcil-krov/n Uor.iin Avon Lake real estate professional isa > County rua'tur with tho -Smytho. Cr;»ni«r 'recipient of the Smythe. Cramer Co. , Ci).t Avon Laky utfict?, lias rt'Cuivcri tho Quality Service Award, which is bestow- \\: ativancit! I'rofassionul dusijjnaiion of «d on company realtors who have bo?n -.: Craduale Realtors Institute from th1-' consistently singied-out by clienis and . Ohio Association of Realtors. Only hotfor providing exceptional:, vrnan 9-10 purcont of all roaltors natiun- customers s-jivicc. vvidu have received GRI designation. ;icHer impressive background in nxi ' r.urding to the National Association of estate also includes being named Profes- ~j, Realtors. sional of the Year by the Lorain County.-^ In ordi't to r«ceiv« the prestigious Association of Realtors. She also has',' recognition, Schilling was required to b>en honored l o r hor sales aci : complete course work and instruction complisiiments with membership in tha'i.s thai included construction, marketing, Ohiu-Assocfation of Realtors Presidents:\ agency, equal opportunity, appraising, Sales'Club. , . „; financing. broKernge management, taxaSchilling resides in Avon Lalto with••< tion, ucvelopmen*. and property her husband. Dennis. They are the:V management. '-.;.-• She is an industry veteran o* 5 1/2 parents of four grown children. Smythe, Cramer Col serves ihe real^ years who has distinguished herislf as a million dollar or two million dollar.sales - estate needs of northeastern Ohio frorav producer in each yecr in which she has 32. office locations. The company's,' been in teal estate. So far, in 1994. shu Avon Lake branch is located at 32KO.;! Walker Road. has attained ir. excess of 2 3/4 million Avon Women's Club update Countryside Plaza - Avon • Steaks • Chicken • Burgers • Soups & Salads • Pizza's • Calzones W E DELIVER AFTER 4 P M LIMITED A R E A r FAMILY OWNS) >WD OP6W7ED • COUNMSDE FLASH. •Vinyl 'Ceramics • Carpet • Hardwood Floors KITCHEN & BATH PLANNING , WINDOW .TREATMENTS Capet Samples 25cto50e e a •-.'' GfXst tor Car or Door Mats December 1894 meeting. The Avon Women's Club will celebrate the holiday season with a Christmas party on Monday, Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Avon Oaks, Nursing Home and Child Care Center on French Creek Road. In addition to caroling and a gift exchange, new members will bo initiated into the club. Avon Women's Club is a community service and social organization established in 1949. Guests and new members are cordially invited to attend. For more information, please call Gloria Belak at 937-6715. Holiday Gifts. Are you in need of some holiday gift ideas? Members of the Avon Women's Club have two groat ideas that anyone would love to roceive as gifts. For those with a sweet tooth, why not.; surprise them with a docorativa candy"! wreath packed full of delicious, assorted , hard candies. These wreaths a n in Umited supply and sell for tha reasonablb price of $9. Place your order:* today by calling Marge at 937-6816 or Judy at 937-5812. ;• The Club ako has a limited number of.! "Entertainment 9 5 " Books still available. These books, $28 oach, are full ~ of coupons for year-long savings fordhv ing out, service items, travel savings and. more! Gel ono for yourself or uso them 1 as gifts far family, friends and/or business associates - a gift that lasts oil : year long. Call Marilyn at 365-0398 to order yours today. r 1 m m Northern Ohio Podiatry Group, Inc. Complimentary Initial Consultation* . Introductory Offer from GREGOBY R. POYLE, D,C. GHIROPRACnC CONCEPTS 5] 90 Detroit Road (CornerF^- 254 & R t . 301/AbbeKd;) W. Michael Forman, DPM ' William Donahue Jr., DPM FACFAS . JohnR.HIaciilc,b?M FACFAS Are you troubled with these foot and ankle conditions! -Bunions Heelptin ': T . Arthritis, Joint disease, ipuo - Neuromas and nerve pain - Ankle/foot sprains and Fractures - Ingrown nails and deformities - Geriatric and diabetic conditions - Corns, eaUowtt and warts T a i Si. Join Wfxufcci* Frndy ftscUet 32730 W«fctrM.,BW J .H W O M 44012 2 9 1 0 1 H u l * Ompui Drivt V Bldg. # 2 Suite 250 Wfotlakc, Ohio 44145 (216)899-4399 OPEN DAILY 7A.M.-10P.U. - (2273) FREE Exam & Consultation (a 475.00 Value) X-Rayt if necLSiary arc additional GiveYour Loved OnesTbeGift OfHmlth This Holiday Season Gift Certificates Available A ZPBCIAL 33382 Walker Rd., Avon lake (Drugmart Plaza) 933-4862 $1.19 $ li ^ - LUNCH & DINNER PININQ WITH A COMFORTABLE 3 ATMOSPHERE 9 9 SPECIAL Country Fried Stoak Baby Beef Uvar 2 E(jgs. Homo Frioa. Toast ••' | M O a t Loaf or 2 Pancakia or Fronch Toast ; Broiled Chicken Braual Add 2 Bacon or 2 Sausage I Breaded Ocean Perch Just 40« Moro j A n include Potato, Soup & Salad ' No Discounts on Special ! ^ifpSK^^f^c™ ; tin e,,k*i;t.,in» ntn«Tin n»i,, " Sofved Man -Fri. irotn 1 tam-9pm No Subslitules- Dme In Only _ _ _ — _ — . &,,. 4 S u n . 3 p m . 9 p m OH«Good7am-11amMon.-F[i. NQT.VAUp j | nosubstituiw- oinemomy Make Your Holiday Lunch & DjnngLggseryations_Now The Landings 933-3159 Mm. 1 a1 S IN1 I 1i ii m M * H ! H ! IsSiiSSillli^ ! Letters Trees for Diabetes '94 To the Editor: The "Trues for Diabetes" campaign is now underway. Pluiwe contribute Continued from page 3 senurously this yoar so that we may ; together to find a cure for tins . Thanks for a great season wurk disease. . i To the Editor: Your one dollar (or more) donation < Thanks unil cheers to the ShoremiMi can be made at the following ; junior Varsity Football Team. Thanks. establishments: HairEase (formerly Far;- i boys, for an onjoyab'e suusun. We lovml tustic Sam's). Fantastic Sam's In North , wiitchit.s you play. Thanks. Coach Olmsted. Close Quarters I'ub. Mane Dii;ksan and Caach Fottys for giving so Event. Stella's Lounge (now serving much ot vourselves. your time (family Cappuccino). Lear Koad Inn and the tiirirt and UVLMI vacation time), yuiir American Legion Post 211. Or make knowiuiige and mostly your patience. your donations direct to: American It's remarkable how much the guys have niabetes Association. Northeast Ohio matured under your guidance. Servic Area. Cleveland Area Office. Our thanks to Jetf Siufke and rivu 12434 Cedar Rd.. Suite 10. Cleveland beautiful trainers: Amy Mtnnich. Jenny Hts.. OH 44106 - Attn: Carrie Masteller. Mahnke. Kelly Inman. Lisa Thornton, Administrative Assistant. uml Sarah Wolfe for caring for our uuys. Personalize, decorate or place your treating them like kings even who* they business card on the 12" green cardwore less tlian grateful. Thanks for all board tree and be a part of 1) free adverthe goodies, too! tising 2)decorating the establishment Thanks to those two yumig men. brie for the holiday, and 3] helping to find a Cook and Jamie Waddell. who accom- cure for a diseaso that afflicts over panied the team Friday nights and were 605.000 Ohioans. faithfully there again on Saturday Jeanette Smith. A.D.A. Volunteer mornings. We also thank our IV cheerleaders: Tamara. Kristin. Terry. Molly. Brooke. Mindy. Ali and Megan. Guess we fans didn't always keep up with you but we did always appreciate you! Support group meets Finally, thanks to Coach Dlugosz and You are invited to 'One la A Whole Number." a singles support group r.^eeting on Thursday. the entire coaching staff and the Varsity 8 ai 7;30 p.m. ol the Sheffield Lake ComShoremen for helping develop the JV Doc. munity Center. 4575 take Road. Florence team. We would like to join with all the Boehnef will furnish music. There will be games parents, families and friends in express- and carols. Bring a wrapped gift lor an exchange. ing our thanks for such n great season! What a legacy you've left us! Guy & fill l-ursdon BRUNCH WITH SANTA jom us ON SUNDAY DECEMBER ECEMBER 18th 18t f U a M * : U y n i b n of Sheffield Lake Is t t t t i d fb> her bona marrow tissue type by nu>*» Sharon Straw of Roctie 10:30 a.m. • 2:00 p.m. tended the Dec. 4 bone marrow drive hold at the Lakeshore United Methodist Church in Avon Lake. The testing is virtually painless and sHupie. PRESS photo - Dadd Brandt In The We»tla3c« Ballroom - Btonwdleal Utcratorias. Uymon at- Adults $10.95 Children $4.95 Re«ervatlon» Required: CaU 871-6000. Ext. 644 or 645 1100 Crocker Rd.. Westlake. OH • 1-90 at the Croeker-DoMett Eadt North Operetrd by Snat*tU Management Service* prelonos 'Floors. For advice you can trust and value you CLASS can depend on. OOOft* 10% OFF We hove the professional e-perience ittalce*to recommerK! the right coverage* Qt ihe rflh. prices to suit your specific insurance needs and budget. ^ And we baclop our promises with supefior wrvke 10 gi v« you the moil value for your inwrance dollars. Call us today. (216)947-8775 1508 St. Rt- 60 ®mm HOLIDAY SPECIAL O Toning and Combo Packages are also available YOU I! SATURDAY fl-6 t5Sessions 530.00 25Sessions $40.00 NEW IMAGE a ^ f S 156 Lear Rd. Avon Lake, Ohio 933-7447 COLUMDtACAS LARRY VAN DER O O R D NAnONWlOE INSURANCE tf • • • ) • Sheffield Lake gets 4 citations from state auditor's office little Caesars" 1 •s that the applicant was charged J\ with any such taxes, a copy of the stato-1 k\ menl shall bo transmitted by the city's' -.'.-] COLUMBUS - Tho city ul ShuffiuM fiscal officer to tho county treasurer-' v Liiku n;i;i;iv.;(i four citations from tin) within'Mldays of tho date it is submil. - -'| jlali auditor's uftv.v fur tin* jjuritul of ted. No pawiiL-iit shall be mads unless'-i\ tirr.u from J.iti. 1. V.i'fZ thrmiuh !>':. 31. such statement has been incorporated 'Pi into the contract. The citations involve ( l | unapIn one case, the propyr sworn/-" propriated i-xptmdi lures: {2} proper statements wure not included in the cor^ / sworn statumunts that were not includtract files. . •-'. L-d in an application for o competitive In reference to the third cilatiojj,;theC bid; (3) failure to obtain documentation Revised Cod? requires a bid applicant to- -•• needed, such as a letter of credit or bid file a guaranty in the form of a bid bond'•.: ";\ hand for the competitive bidding piocess: and H) money collected from the or certified check, or lettor of credit for'l * 10 percent of the bid. • .'.. .,-.-.*" municipal court was not deposited in a The city entered an awarded bid'f': timely manner without obtaining this documentation.. '' ' More specifically, with the first citaThe fourth citation pointed out that on^ V. tion, the Ohio Revised Code prohibits a city from spending money unless it has many occasions money collected from U*. the municipal court was not dopojited r:^J boon properly appropriated. The followwithin 24 hours of receipt, as required.'^ ing funds had expenditures that exceedThe auditors also recommended tia,ed appropriations: Fire Levy Fund. city make the following improvements-}! Street Lighting Fund. Community Housto its financial record-keeping system: :^' ing Improvement Fund. Capital ImA record of "opon items" (moneys:-'^! provement Fund and Self-insurance deposited but not yet disbursed] Is" Fund. necessary in order to reconcile moneys Regarding the second citation, the on deposit with tfc-~ court's cash book.; Revised Code slates that after a city balance. V . , •' _ • • . • - , ? . , , 4 ] awards a bid. but before the bid contract "We recommend that a record of open ";;* is signed, the bid applicant must submit a sworn Ftatcment saying he or she has items be currently maintained and-"i reconciled to the cash book baJanceifl not been charged with any delinquent monthly," said the auditors. vv.j-*; personal propeny taxes. If the statement By Marccllii Grande The value loader in tho Food & Pizza tstubllshmenl (Avon, Avon Loke, Sheffield Lake) 32730 Walker Road Landings Shopping Center Efi^ot MORE , AFFORDABLE 'INSURANCE.'-.* ' Save with Naticnwides Home & Car Discount! Women's chorus ready for holidays Irouts bolh your home and car wiin Nationwide, and get o special money-saving discount on ywr homeowners tnsuroncs AND another money-saving discount on your auto insurance. Call today. THE SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY DRUG MART PLAZA I | 3 ] NATIONWIDE 933-3826 U ? 2SSHMHSI 1-800-635-0523 The holiday season is upon us end the Avon Lake Women's Chorus Is ready to add to the joy and merriment. They have prepared a wonderful selection of ChrV,-ras favorites such as Sleigh Ride. It'sS.m'-'Most Wonderful Time of the Year, ind White Christmas. Jingle Bell Rock and Fruitcake are some of the fun tunes that are Included In the program. Undor the direction of Paul Smith and accompanied by Loretta Conrad, the Chorus will be performing for the Immaculate Conception Altar and Rosary Society of Grafton. tho Senior Citizens of Amhcrst. Lake Avenue United Church of Christ Women's Group of Elyria, Northridgo Retirement Center of O n e ofthe area's kept secrets. North Ridgeville, Lorain County Retired ''• Teachers. Town Club of North Ohnstod,^ and tho Elyria Men's Fellowship-Club.-£ On Sunday. D s c 11. the Wbraon'f-' Chora? will Join the Avon Lake Men'* Cboru3 for a free concert to bo held at. the Avon Lake Presbyterian. Church. The concert begins at 4 p.ra. and tho -; church is located at 32340 Electric Blvd.. just west of Jaycox. - -V If you would like to book the Women's Chorus for some outstanding entertainment for your organization, or need in-,formation on becoming a member, '':•. please call Fran at 949-fi34B or Ann nt933-2407. c , . • "Westlake's Little ItalyAuthentic Italian Food Choo«« from 2 5 , V«*i, Chlckan ax Su*k Entrt«i And * Lirt« Salactton of Flrw Wbiw 1 Rated lit th» TOP TEN ftataurantt In CUvetttrut Arm • Featured on Chaimml 3 AVwj In mvwdnJon fcrJ y w n ofpstrrxutm; Prasvnt this Ad far a FREE AppvtUw or Ocu«rt With Purchase of Dinner Entree. hoi's something we hear a lot from people visiting ourfacilityfor the Bra time Located directly acrossfromSi John West Shore Hospital, iheStJohn.West Shore Fitness Center is home to a wide array offitnessand rehabilitation programs. Featuring the latest exercise equipment, and staffed by a team of fitness specialists ready to design an exercise program mat's right Tor you, the Center is a great resource for individuals of every age andfitnesslevcL O Mon.-W.: 11:30 am-10:00 pm S*t.: 4:30 pm- IO:OO pm 27828 Center Ridge Rd. • VJestlake • S92-9J1 Kathleen R, Fleming OJ) » proud to announce the addition oi IindaM.StolfbO.DS to her practice of optomctrf",^ Dr. K. Fleming HOURS i HI i i MI \i vn MIII i t s m r mrniirin mis ,u\ ,\\\a we ll <|iuf ynu k riir/nlii-r-,lti[i Come HI HI U i i ul DIM pi)(n|iment or .in .iHruIiicn.i.r.' And il yon (If cult tu liBf.riino ,i ificinlJGj vrn- H i)ivi'*you !>|] nil nn you* fldfutlinprtl ICIJ . Monday-Friday: 6 AM - 9:30 PM Satuntiy& Sunday: SAM - 4 PM Babysitting Available! Ask about o u r new expanded hours. sfyvs St. John West Shore Fitness Center 2892/Center ridge/taxi. West/tie • (2W)83$-6!5I -""^ Dr. Stolfo will be specializing in Tf1? Children's Vision, Visual Training ;-; and General Optometry Dr. Stolfo rcccired her !jachclors from Wittenberg University and cnmplctcd hrr doctorate at the Pennsylvania COIICRC of Optomeuy 33398 Walker Road Suite B Avon Lake, OH Dr. Linda Siotfo 933-3214. .', A J . Rose building nicely progressing in Avon Continued tram page t will amount to between $325,UUl) and $331,000. The county will provide the remaining cost of more lli.m S100.O0O. Hyde said the project was scaled down from tht: original 42-inch sewer line and estimated cost of S1.2 milliop. The A.J. Rose budding should be <:rmpleluly Finished by the end of f.!»ich. 1995. according to Dave Prichard. vice president of Enj{ineerii]g fur Rose. Prichard said the entry level pay for tho jobs will be between 59.50 and SlO per hour. Positions available will include factory workers, skilled trades, engineers and officn staff. Prichard said the original, estimated cost of Mic plant was $4.2 million, but now iho projected cost has climbed to more than $5 million for the building alone. " Ahhc^XiVrpet 26691 Detroit Rd. • Westlake • 835-2555 fe * Tho A.J Rose stamping plant la well under construction at Chsster and Moore h Roads The plant's completion is scheduled lor the end of January. Full operations , WB not begin until an the equipment and staffing is in place. All should be ready by K the end of March or beginning of April. 1995. PRESS photo - Marcella Grande Press Line Located lA mile ivest of Canterbury & 'A mile east of Dover Center on DETROIT. 933-5100 How much of an increase? Q I road in 'a recant edition of your paper that Sheffield Lake is increasing its penalties forjato filing of city income taxes, and increasing the interest rates for ntonrjowed doB to late filing. -.„. . JTowM30C& of'ma Increase?I don't trust City Hall and will bet the increases ant W- ••• big.' Cap yon Bodthlr oat for me? ;*:*.'.-* '•::•-.••! • • R^., Sheffield Lake w*_;«rji;'*ifJ3*n Ff-1- Accordlng to Finance Director Robert Hamilton, tho deadline for filing was movUp fromi April SO to April 15. Thoso who file after April 15 will have to pay a 1 1/2 arctmt ponalty on v.hat they owe. or a $50 minimum penalty, (up from $25.) Thorp Is an additional penalty [this is now) for anyone who files but doesn't pay. gBln. this ponalty Is 1 1/2 porcont of what is owed, or a minimum of $50. 'if you filo lato and dori't'pay, you may owo $100," Hamilton said. "Some people will bring In thoir returns, but not pay anything on thoir taxes." i i U i d • • • • - • • • • * : Hardwood Floors Ceramic Hie Marble Porcelain Carpeting Custom Area Rugs Custom Window Treatments Wallpaper Explore your flooring needs in the "ONLY" showroom of its kind, assisted by our helpful design consultants. " ... •taw Director Tim Smith said there is also a penalty that employers must pay if they don't Kind their employees' city withholding taxes to the taxing authority on *"' B.The penalty Is five percent per month of what (sowed to the taxing authority , , . , & o n j 3 percent)- Smith pointed out that such a ponalty mual bo borne by the -r'employer. not tho omplnyee. ' y. any parson with a balance that is not paid in full, 60 days after the flung o, will be alappod with an additional 10 percent penalty on what Is owed. Mon. thruThurs. 10-8 FrL&Sat. 10-5 • Closed Sun. 6 mo. Same As Cash Sec me for quality Grange Insurance. ^f>;8yM» Uvell '•FREE ESTIMATES -'-•*-' •%4 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE 3"JAato • Home k'L Business • Life •SINCEi1874 ^ , wf • ANY FURNACE OR AIR • • WE SERVICE ALL BRANDS | CONDITIONER INSTALLATION I REFRIGERATION **<¥burpartntr In protection CALL CHRIS ALLEN wnteilnd m iisurance • • 933-2^35 835-3369 5o7650ErflOrTROAD 934-5133 m NOT VALID WITH ANYOTHtR OfFER TRANS GAS FURNACE CLEAN & CHECK | It's Hard To Stop A Trans: NO SERVICE ChTARGE • • ) - r: J1 I1 m m m i i mm Alleged illegal aliens arrested at Avon Lake restaurant mm mt rn n9 «B <& s-a H<«a rare attorney - at - law : • ESTATE PLANNING AVON LAKE - On Nuv. 15. special agents from the United Slutcs Immigra- Wills - Estate - Probate Trusts • living Wills Power of Attorney 934-1440 tiun and Naturaliiation SLTVICL- (INS) ar- rested two undocumented aliuns from Mcxicu at the Empress C"inese Restaurant on Avon Uuldeii/walker Roads in Avon Laku. Tht: two individuals. Daniel BautistaCoronel. age 24. and Manuel SorcqueSetberino. 19, were employed at this restaurant. Soreque-Selberino had previously bi-en arrested by INS agents in July of this year in Sheffield Lake and had an outstanding warrant of deportation for failure to appear for his immigration hearing. Both individuals were held in DETSOTT-WISTERIA PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 2217WJSTHUAWAYiAVON DELIVER 70ataft.KLAKERD. 933-8154- .153LEARRA ' C A R R Y O U T O N l l Y . CARRY OUT & £EAJHNG Call once and for all. n—tii, —• ton wtii^ 5ui6-» ptre.'it pm. any budget. Gal ui laiaj. A baby girl. Megan Jane, was born to Mike and Micki VVintrodu on Sept. 27. 199-i at Fairviow General Hospital. Megan weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz. und was 19 3/4 inches1 long. She was welcomed home by big brother Travis. 5. Proud grandparents are Bob and Pat Jackson of Avor. and Ed and Marge Wintrode of Phoenix, Arizona. A baby boy. Dakota Michael, was born to Miko and Anita (Etter) Watson at Fairview General Hospital on Sept. 30.1994 at 3:00 a.m. Dakota weighed 9lbs. 2 oz. and measured 20 inches long. Proud grandparents are Tony and Rita Ettor of Avon Lake and Rev. William and Grace Watson oF Bradford. Pa. Dakota was welcomed homo by big brother, Tyler and big sister, Brittany. i A baby girl, Kasey Mao. was bom to Patty Mudrock and Nick Monda of Avon Lako on Sept. 30, 1994 at 10:53 a.m. at St. Joseph Hospital. Kasey weighed in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. and measured 201/2 inches long. The proud grandparents are Sandy Mudrock and the late Gerald Mudrock of Avon Lake and Andy and Iris Monda of Avon. Send new baby information to us at P.O. Box 300, Avon Lake. OH 44012. The Bam Out Back ^<z-; ^ ; 7—) Outdoor Work Wear • Boots "-—=p^>~^i]LHufltio2,4 Fishing Apparel ^Celebration Gsh-KoshB'Gosh Duofold ' KooVDri Cartot "Rocky Boots GeorgiaBopts laCrosse Footwear and Other Fine Outdoor Accessories 93&7000 Sofl.12-6 RObottVOay tnsiiane*Ap«ncy 52&ftoadwoy 2&ftoa • LoniriOMo M 245-lS«8 NATIONWIDE I INSURANCE Handicap 363I7DctroitRd. ; Van - Avon, Ohio Accessible , otictuu *^J utter A SEASON^QF/ROMANCE • ChridinG Robinson -S--1 GLASS BLOCK WINDOWS fc 5 V^NDOWS INSTALLED item. $399 32OT.S0UDWUH1VENT EXPIRES DEC. 31.1994 ^METROPOLITAN Glass Block & More 1-800-266-8501 265-8500 11350 BraokparkRd. Avon Lake Podiatry, Inc. The Perfect Gift. Enhance her Holiday Season with;a tittle romance. - All jewelry will be reduced 2OXforthe entire month of December! 871*7117 'un Smart UtniSRd < HOURS: Daily 10-6 Thursday 10-9 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 1-5 Scholarships available College Club West is offering tuition grants for the school year 1995-96, up to a maximum of S1.000. to qualified women who are residents of the west shore area of Greater Cleveland. Communities included are; Avon I.akc, Avon. Bay Village. Bcrea. Brooklyn. Fairview Park, Lakewood. Middlnburg Heights. North Olmstcd. North Ridgeville. Otmsted Falls, Parma. Rocky River. Strongsville. Westlako and the west side of Cleveland, west of W. 25th Street. The purpose of the scholarship program is to encourage women ages 25 or older to obtain or complete baccalaureate or graduate dnsrees. Grants are based an the maturity, academic record, goals and financial need of tha applicants. Applicants must bo current-, ly enrolled in a baccalaureate cr graduate program. Request for application forms and information must be made in writing before Feb. 15,1995 to Jane C. Williams, 2637 Carmen Drive. Rocky River, OH 44116. St. Mary honor roll The following students of St. Mary's School* In Avon have achieved honor roll status for the First grading period: Grade 1: Anna Dan MO. Cody Looser. Kyle McCIeor. Karlo Spaetxel. Lauren Barlloy. Audru Klzina. Christopher Novnk. G retch on Vofiol, Jonathan Wolf. Grada 3: Joseph Janosik. Amanda Vllagi. tamos Brady. Kelly Colbert. Amelia Fbher. Justin ForIhofor. Michael Mssmond, Elizabeth Hotowecky. Joshun Kruegor, Jessica Paul. Ashley Peshek, Brian Posomlok bradley Smltok. Grade 4Allison Hrlte. Megan Quimper* Danny Rmko. Bryan Hyla Corv Paul. Nicole Vllagl. Grida S: Kogina FUher, Jason Bommar. Ashley Churchill. Scott Churchill. Brian Haiiculak. Clna Loone. Sarah Lcwier, MatIhew Ror.ko. M i c h a n ] Scholschnolder. Chrisloptwir Scherry. [anal S.-nilh. Colin Vogel. Grada 6: Katie H e v mond. Kristin Burgn. Tom Flshor. Erin Parker. AUyson Plntor. Scott Posendek. Rachol Smltek. G r a d t 7: K m t i m Cuoney, Matthew D-jgan, Vickl Cuggonblller. Mar/ Hrlcovec. Melissa Klilnn. Kim Ujtuilnski. Daniel Meyar. Grid* a: Erin Dugan. Beth Cuggonblllur, Mike Hanculak. Jennifer Noll. Nlcolo Zllka. DR. MARK D. GOULD Family Practice of Foot & Ankle Problems Bunions - Plantar Warts - Hammer Toes -Heel Pain - Ingrown Nails - Fracture & Sprains. Hospital & In-Offlcc Surgery Most Insurance Piatxs Accepted We Accept Medicare Assignment 933-4021 ClasSiVj INS custody until Nov. IB. when they were deported back to M«««V. . An tnvcitUation into the hiring of these two individuals by the hmpreu Chinese Kestaun>nt has also b«>ninitiated. Under the Immigration Reiorm and Control Act of 1986. employers are required to verify the identity and employment eligibility of anyone they hire If it is determined that the restaurant violated any i" 11 ? 18 ^!"!! laws in connection with tnoir hiring practices, they will be subject to possible fines. OfUct Hours Iiy Appointment U>ciit«l At The UiKllniM 32730 Walker RJ. Rtiltrl-a.AvonUkc att-(an)ji. 1. expression beyond ordinary significance Complete Art Services Newsletters • Logo Design • Brochure Design Photo Retouching & Restoration Illustrations, Pen & Ink and Airbrush Architectural Rendering ' Michael Krai _ „ Phone/Fax: 933-2229 m m i 1I i 1m 9 m BBS m November 23 VILLAGE POLICE BLOTTER Dolinilions ol >orr.e or the abbreviations found in the Pofica Logs. dOA-Gone On Arrtvai UTL-UnaWe to Locate MVA-Motor Vehicle Accident UE-BreaMng a Entering BOLO-Be on me Lookout FTD-Ftetd rntefTogatod DWOrMng While Intoxicated NCC-NQ Causa for Complaint Dlcp. UnrKMspatcned Units SUtOrMng Under mo influence 1333-RopoM ol railroad trac^ on firg on Harris Rd. Fire D?pt. ri^pondetJ and put cul hre I u umamas*maw u m it* is now establishing his November 24 0102-Avan Police Dept. notified this dopl. ol an accid(?nl with a truck vs Irain Officers and Rescue Squad dispo^c^od to sct-na Male artvor transported to St. Jc-o's. Charged with DUI. Excessive BAC. Reasonable Control, Expired Plates and No Seatbeft. 1715-Tratdc stop. License plates found to be fictitious Vehicle towed and male driver transported to police dept. and released to relatives. fcrWSPCK 32730 Walker Rd.. Bldg H. Avon Lake ecard Calilied in Famify P r a i a 933-734! HOURS Monday 8-5 Tuesday I-9 Wednesday 8-1 Thursday 4-9 Friday "8-5 November 25 1729-Accidont report on Abbe & Colorado. Two female* transported to Si. Jca'a Hospital. Report filed. a yea* fiimi/y cw luUn«u tttyidoueti GrCcaun \ X - RAY AVAILABLE ON SITE November 26 November 20 0037-Tnttic atop. Male driver charged with DUI ard We«vtng. C334-received 9-1-1 can requesting Rescue Squad on Barfcwood Or. for child having convulsions. Transport to SJWS. OOOO-fleport ot a firs by tracks between Lake Breeze and Karris Roads. Firo Dept. responded and was able to douse the fire. 0239-Report ol accident at the bridge of Lower James Day Park. Rescue squad requested along with additional units for traffic control. Injured transported (or treatment. SANTA SAYS» • • FOR FAST PACKAGE DELIVERY, TAKE YOUJ3 PACKAGES TO... November 21 0043-fematoreportedbeing assaulted In parkingtatof business on SR 254. Officer and Squad dtopatctwl Report fUed. u729^ecaivfld 9-1-1 call reporting accident on Colorado Ave. FemaJo transported to S I Joe's. Report Mod. 2215-Offlcer dispatched to Lornin County Jail to MfV« warrant to mate subject In custody. Teddy Bears spotlighted Teddy Bears will take center stage at (he Doc. 20 Christian Woman's Club - Cleveland West luncheon, as we;; as an Inspirational speaker and an a canpella chdr. For reservations call 333-1567. "Haw a Bsary, Merry Christmas!" This is a non-denominational organization. I I SMITH'S UPS SHIPPING SERVICE S SMITH'S COUNTRY COUNTER J§3 37500 COLORADO ROAD, AVON 934-5403 ffi • United Parcel Service • Daily Pick-Up OA • Santa's Sleigh Leaves 3:30 pm SHARP I 1 Hg We m sfcrt to »Np podups up to ISO a s , combined lenjth md (!rth of 130 b e t a . Big or small, we ship it all. My WELCOME WAGON basket Is loaded with uMful gift*. Information and cards you can redflflm for more gifts at local businesses who'd nketosaVm-Mycaiiis a friendly visit to help you wMh tips for all your needs. Engaged? * New parent? Movod? Call me. CLQASCBAAF 933-3460 V * *• * t. * * t *• tf. * * "I want to talktoTO about life. H V - :i w tO 1 MAIL BOKES ETC [ ^ T \ AlMWtot (hi dm i^itmh i f - * ' ' '•-"•*• tart p p i lift DCmn « U M to- $ SryiiisMtf David W. McCLENAHAN 753-A Avon Belden Rd. Avon UK9 YYESTUVKE Williamsburg Square 25935 Detroit Rd. • 035-2650 5 ^ANY CXISTOM I NEXT DAY PACIG\GING AIR SHIPMENT 899-7227 O i u Coupon PtTCiau*T«T | 933-7044 Ov Coupon Pet Customer Mail Boxes Etc * f Mail Boxes Etc* Clave. 236-3588 1.00OFFi 2-00OFF ANY Savannah Commons 30628 Detroit Rd. iiiii $ IT'S NOT WHAT W E D O . I T ' S HOW W E D O I T . ' »ir)3 Mail Baioa Etc. I OftorEiplrMi-tWB J^Ww^jiPJI^JI^* J Ho//day festivities planned at historical Benjamin Bacon Museum BKOWNMELM TOWNSHIP - Turn buck, thu clock and unjoy a festive holiday gathering for the whole family at the Benjamin Bacon Museum in the Mill Hollow-Bacon Woods Memorial Park. This Christmas, it will be 18W. and Frederick H. Bacon will have resigned his commission, returning safely from the War of the Rebellion to help with the family business. A few of the boys from the unit have stopped v)y to see thoir old comrade. Friends and neighbors .vill be there, and you a.-? welcome, too. Grab your winter Coot and don't forget a hat and mittens, as you head over the river and through the woods for an experience you won't forget. Pioneer Holiday is going on Friday, Dec. 9 from 7 to 9 p.m.: Saturday. Dec. 10 from 7 to 9 p.m.: and Sunday, Dec. 11 from noon to 4 p.m. Pioneer Holiday is sponsored by Pepsi and Dr. Pepper. Burger King and Ross Environmental Services. Nature Center programs • Monday, Dec. 12. from 1 to 2 p.m. Live thu lives of animals through educational stories. Held at the French Creek Nature Center. • Tuesday. Dec. 13, from 10 a.m. to noon - Homoschoolcrs Special at the French Creek Nature Center. Learn about Ton^iiss. a temperate rainforest. Parents must accompany children. • Wednesday. Due. 14. from 10 to 11:30 a.m. • Park Pals: Rainforest in a Box. at the French Creek Nature Center. Parents, join your 4- and 5- year- olds and learn about our country's cool rainforest. Admission is 50 cunts per child at the door. Make reservations by Dec. 12. Call 1-aOQ-LCM-PARK. • Thursday. Dec. 15. from 7 to 8 p.m.. Critter Corner: The Barred Owl. Held at the French Creek Nature Center, this is a monthly program highlighting live animals. For 5th graders and up and their parents. See and learn of this wonderful hunter and master hooter. Live. • Wednesday. Doc. 21, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Ul" Folks Fun Night at the French Creek Nature Center - A nature series for 3- to 6-year-olds and thoir parents. Each program may include nature crafts, live animals and hikes. • Wednosday. Dec 28, 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the French Creek Nature Center Park Pals Puppet Show. Parents, join your 4- and 5-year-olds and learn about our country's cool rainforest Admission is 50 cents at the door. Coll and make reservations by Dec 26, 1-800-LCMPARK. Caregivers support group meets David A. Myers will bo speaking to the Caregivers Support Croup at Avon Lako Unitod Church of Christ, 32801 Electric Blvd. Mr. Myers, attorney at Inw, has been in private practice in Elyria from 19872 to the present. His practice has focused upon serving the needs of older adults with advice about health, personal care, and estate planning, as well as Medlcaid and other public benofits. guardian* Aff Our fruA ffowm-lW* <J«r«*W 600 Aron B«lden ltd. OW. 83) Ann Lake, Olilo whips, mining home, and long-torm care isauos. Mr. Myers is a member of the, National Academy of Elder Law At-' torncys and a membor of Senior Citizens Association. He is a periodic columnist foi The Senior Years. •' • All Interested persona are invited to attend this session on Tuesday, Dec 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Avon Lako United Church of Christ. MEGUIAR'S® MIRROR GLAZE' We've Been Santa's Helpers for over 300 Tears NIELSEN JEWELERS A 6 STEP RECONDITIONING PROCESS. AT WATER WHEEL CAR WASH . Special S Step RecondWofiina P r o c e s s . . . 1. Rub Out Body Z. Clean & Wax Chrome 3. Glaze Body 4. Completely Wax & Seal Finish 5. C l e a n * press Tires 6. interior Cleaning Included <t^A_ QC/& for fill 9 d T f 9 9 A Size Cars LCAL Call 933-4377 Hours: MwivSat. 8:30-7: Sun. 8:30-5 454 Avon Belden Road - Avon Lake* Ohio M Orrefors^ 12METER Mappy Molidays from Let our "Elves" be of Service to You! Vhe Corner CoMnectiott J4air Studio Corner Kt 671 Vet wit Rd. Avon, Ohio ROLEX NIELSEN JEWELERS Darierra, Nancy, Gail Here to serve your Jewelry needs. low Offering You Personalized Consultations on Cuts, Colors, & Perms For That Special Occasion Hairstyle This Holiday Season. 216-244-4255 753 Broadway Lorain, Ohio Holiday Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-7pm Saturday 9am-5pm Other hours by appc. 10% OFF ANY COLOR SERVICE 'TIL DEC. 31,1994 Call and Hcscrvc your Appointment Zoday. WfTiatrlx* 934'2400 ami li,indluil maturnils. tjoslin^ ami prucurumunl- ; l*n."iidi'!>ts IiMitiy Hull and Sabrina Simu coordinated the utiurt to suit and distribute nearly 5U0 flower orJtjrs, Tin* two groups shared approximately $300 nul profits. Sheffield Lake City Schools In NUMJIHIHT th« Senior Class won an lUF.-spunsorud Stiiuunafr Hunt. The Seniors uarnud a S35 donation hum IHK by "dUi-stavasi'iK" their compulttive classes. "I'h" hunt vji-notati'iJ ap[iru\niiiiti;ly S1UO after EiKiun Marinii: and Hucky Keisin^ coordinatiid advertising sinus thruuiiliout the high school. I'art'iital support has been vitil throughout tho year. Actively itivol\ed parents >nclud.o Mrs. Turn Hull, Mrs. Alicia Uarto and Mrs. Denist,1 Hockenberry. Kach project has presentetl learning experiences selected fram state- prescribed competencies. At Brni)k.sii!e tlits school year, 14 students are truly taking care of business. THE FIRST THANKSGIVING. Mrs. Ford's iourlh grado reading class at Forcslluwn prL-suraud hur annual Thanksgiving play entitle"! "Thi; First Trunks^, viij;" not only for iho students al FurirUlawn bu! also to Ihu studonts at William Burr Elementary. The play tells the story of the Pilgrims and thtiir lift- in the New World. The First Thanksgiving feast is celebrated with Governor Bradford speaking, filgrims, and Indiana tmd even the audiencu joining in with Thanksgiving Bongs. : The children enjoy looking the part of Pilgrims and Indians as they retell the story of our u?ry first Thanksgiving celebration. VOCATIONAL STUDENTS MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS. The vocational accounting Intensive Business Education program at Bruoksitlc High School is currently practicing what they preach-or at least what thoy learn. Since recently failed levies have curtailed available cash, 14 students will generate over $800 this yoar in order to fully participate in registration foes as well as travel and lodging costs throughout the year. Tho class has made a "learning experience" out of fuodralsing, thus minimizing the "work" aspects. Class member and Treasurer Lana Ezso has maintained class financial records uilng a computerized accounting system. In September, Stacy Lore bad Lisa Eppley served on a Budget Committee to analyze past expenses and Brookside honor rol! Ryan. Harris, one of the ,iarrators (or "The First Thanksgiving." present their proposal to the full membership for adoption. Fundraising began with a Saturday morning car wash attended by Jenny Barto. Chris Laslovka. Jenny Hall. Jaime Centifanti. Pam Arra. Lana Ezso. Jaime Couin. Sakura Olah and Stacy Lloyd. Approximately $100 was earned with the cooperation of Shoreway Rini-Rego's who donated the site. Class members then teamed with National Honor Society for a Sweetest Day flower sale. A marketing plan was developed including point-of-purchase and media promotions. Kara Hockenberry chaired tho effort Tin- fulliminn liruoksidt* HiK^ Stiwul student* luvu btwi luincii lu lh« honof roll Far the firii nine wteL* ttrJiliiig Iiuriud. Ctode 9: Jill Connelly. TfjJtl M. Uillon. Wirndjr Ko«o. Lilli.im Coir/alw, ['"isicu Manu Crundd. MjrmJ HaUh. Kobefl JacttiKin. ESentM* Lynn Lund- t)er»t. Sia Markuu. Scan Medina. Mita Olah. Mary Pelefi. Iwnnifec Satlcrfield. Timothy Sierzpuluwski. Chaunj Dimu. William Eddy. Trlsha Frederick. Cynthia lohmon. Kimterly Lynn Scott. Ml-jhells Turmnn. Monica V.V^iht. AmaodJ Zaltareclds. DeretCr?i« Zoladz. Gradf tO: Chtiitopher Ahniod. D«Ia Cataneie. Nicholn Caudill. ]a»ica C^rchi. Shanuna Rae Collitu. J»wn Cook. Yolanda Maria Cordova. Ryan Co Ha. Pamela Crawford. Suwn Fa- biun. (L-nnifer Iljliburton. Miuhjcl Komluiy. JB«1-M Kopp<;u. Michjfl MUIIII, Mary Elizabeth Prunckuruii, t.'arriu buddler. Diiint' Si mo, Virginia Weiti)(jrtz. Shannon Baker. Kelli Cdrver. Chrijtina Cunningham. Paul | a son Died. Kelly C a r t o n . S t e p h a n i e Hill. Kimb«rly Lee Smith. Ariel Terra nova-Web)). Grids 11: Corey Bar'ow, Lua Bo<{dun. Kellie Buckoih. Joce!yn Hatch. Charles Mutlhew Schill. MatIhew Trogdan. Manily Wagner. Sylvia Alvarado. Shannon PankraU. Chrissy S«ni. Gnd« 12: |ames Edward*. Patreso Leola Evnns. April Fonlina. Christina Guurreto, Kathy Henjlcy. Jessica Lynn Jorgenson, Susan Kruman, John Kwuny, ]«soo Lanca. JetTroy Millar. Phillip Rhodes. Colleen Sarowski. Sabrina Sabo, loan Faier. Elizabeth Gupar. fAead & UsefThe; Classifieds Dk mm Kit V, b hnu m3t*to\- -.---. ' mt it rllttt &TRUST \\ Cftll BtfRB For fast, fair, friendly service contact... There's a Bold New Spirit in Avon and Sheffield Lake F We are in business lo serve you - our customer. Each banking service we offer is designed with you in mind. From our smallest depositor, to our newest mortgage holder, lo our largest corporate business, our sentiment of service holds true. h A good person to know tor yoar Insurance nteds Mt*F1n ^Please give us a call and let us show you a spirited new style of banking that sets us apart from our competition. tummmun •• i mi trttwi !•*••<• O *** I ' *•*" For a Fresh New Approach Atitftti 4CR accUiiM'Vff frrwtt to Community Banking I I tmdm m W tmtotttam TfremieiBank Ouutinc L Sbnfield 228 Miller Road Avon Lake, OH 44012 &TRUST FAX (216) 93M848 Member FUIC 36KI5 Deirf?it Road. Avon 4120 East Lake Road, Sheffield Lake EWU _ T - _ J - J - . ^ , ^ ... J-jrMf-rm*r*4*j2m—^'^:=a^— ~ zTrtTtt 77rfi\*^% Traveling exhibit on Alaska's rainforest at French Creek Shoppe" Calendar! French Creek Nature Center on Colorado Avenue is offuring cxUmdad hours The center w;ll be open Trom 8 ni to 9 p '»• Mon da y through Thursday and Friday. Satunlay and Sunday, froni 0 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. With the support of iho Nordson Cornorate Foundation, the traveling exhibit has been inadu possible. Amon? otter artists the exhibit fcatu.us the jlhotography of Robert Gldbn Kotchum and Art Wolfoli , The French Creek Natu;Tj center is looted at 4530 Colorado^ Avenue In Shofhe'd. SHFFFIEU1 " ' l ' hl ' L o r a i l 1 C'ollItlV Mutn,'parks is privile^l ty an.muMCL. th-.- hostinnoli. trav«linK-!..nilhsmuan Mubuum L-xhibit on Tlic -U.nKJss. now Full-color, 13-month calendar with over $20 worth of coupons! acr«s of lumpcrale raitiforosl which occupies almost the onliro Alaskan panhondlc Rare plants arid an.mals umquo la this rainforest are furlhor onhanc* od by Its sconlc majesty. ' The Mulroparks will Euppleiiiunt thb exhibit with special displays oF tolum poles and mounted grizzly bears While The Ton«aas is on exhibit, the Bring in This Ad And Receive $3.00 Off any new or transferred prescription at The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacy! I I 445 Avon.Belden Rd. Avon Lake (The Landings) 933-4000 "Not valid with any othetoffetot requtml co-^y t Bird Feeders Bird Baths ALL Pottery :J i i reg. prices Potted Evergreen LIVE TABLE TOP Trees TREES 2 for* POINSETTIAS PINEROPING •WREATHS-BOWS •LIGHTS'GREENS •CHRISTMAS PLANTS Blue Spruce • White Pine • Frazier Fir • Concolor pir • Douglas Fir John J. Sebastian "Stf*-' EC holds Placement Test A Placement Test tor eighth grid* planning to attend Syria Catholic High this coming tail vrill be glvtm Saturday, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. T h m h RESERVATION AND NO FEE to tak* * t For further details coll Amy Va}*nUc 366^ Admissions. ;*; BRUSNAHAN & STUART ATTORNEYS AT LAW RichwdP.SttVfl 158 - A Lear Road, Avon Lake, Ohio '14012 ; • (216) 930-2600 Avon Lalce Off.ce 861-1992 Cleveland Office Office Hours: 9:00 - 5:00 Monday, Tut s, Thurs. & Friday 9:00-9:00 Wednesday . 10:00-2:00 Saturday Rt. 57 Oraflon O7H631 Thistle Seed 69*/*. Limit 10 lbs. V John J. Sebastian or Ridgn Cleaners has earned the title "Certified Environmental Dryctconer" as a result of meeting established qualifications for the title and successfully passing a standard examination pertaining to the environmentally safe operation of drycleaning establishments. By achieving this designalmn. he is entitled to use the professional designation "CED" through Oct. 1097. Sebastian was among the candidates nationwide who took a three-hour examination on Oct. 8 administered by a professional testing corporation under contract with the International Fabricare Institute (1F1). IFI. a trade association is based in Silver Spring. Maryland. "Drydeaners who earn a CED, reflect a movement throughout the industry nationwide to improve thn environment in which WJ all work and live," states Jack Alqulst c.i Lodi. California, co-chair or the Environmental Certification Council. "This is a high mark of distinction which reflects well on each successful candidate and the public thoy serve." CRIMINAL DEFENSE • Felonies • Misdemeanors • DUI / Traffic • Appeals '24.99 each 1063 E BROAD ST. -ELYRIA EAST BROAD ST. PLAZA * 366-9557 Sebastian earns industry honor 36383 DETROIT RD.» AVON OFP RT. 90 • 327-8726 Of 934-5286 TIRED of the Christmas Rush? Enjoy a Relaxing MEAL With US! Now Available Gift Certificates from the Unicom for a gift with good taste. Enjoy Fine Holiday Dining fw Lunch w Dinner Open Tue.-Sal - Closed Mon. SHEFFIELD LAKE - Suvunil p««[>lu with disabilities shared ways to make their lives easier during u discussion hosted by RASAP (Recognition. Acceptance and Support of All People) on Nov. 29. Thoso with various disabilities such as head injuries, blindnnss, V:;-&. deafness and physical disabilities swapped Ideas ana related some of the problems they consistently experience. -'The meeting, held at Dcmonkas library, included Marilyn Robertson, RJJ-". of Avon Laie, who experienced a head injury; Sherry Ruth of Elyria. who is blind: Roland Emerson of Elyria, who is deaf; Miry Butler of Elyria, who has muscular dystrophy: and Karen Meyers, Americans with Disabilities coordinator for the City of Avon. Meyers talked about an annual inaccessibility problem that makes it extremely difficult to do Christmas shopping. Stores stuff the aisles full cf merchandise - clothes racks, boxes, etc. making it nearly Impossible for people nctin wheelchairs to get through aisles. lot alone' someone in a wheekhair. Sometimes, clothes tags catch on power wheelchairs - a potentially dangerous situation. ~ Emerson, whoso deafness was caused by meningitis when he was born, had boon a Ford employee for 30 years. His wife is. also deaf. Having recently retired. Emerson is active in a group : called Flowing Fingers. Tbo group was instrumental in settog up an interpreter's service: Hearing Impaired Services of Loralt County. , Emerson pointed out that deaf people ere now permitted to drive. Insurance Agencies and the Bureau of Motor Vehicles haw .realized that people with hearing probSems arc actually better &&•'• K iiiunl'i. KASAI* plans \o make this drivers - purliaps because they list; mir- " T i n ; I'l'ii l l u m i i i i i n t l n n m i s {fur c o m rt.'suurcc .iviiiliible tu all communities rors iiiv.t pay ljuttur attention. m u n i c . i l i us* w i t li I ' I M I J I I I w itli that Ihe jirani (nuiuct has served-Avon. Mary Butter is married and leads ii U i s a b i l i l k - s ) . " ;i !>r;md-iii'w vitk-u lh.il 1 Avun Lake. Sheffield Village and Shef(iikus ii liKht-lioiirtml l u u k ill tiiL w . ' t i n u busy life advueating for lugislutiuu and field Lake. To j-et a copy of this and ri^lit ways uf cunnnunicating. accommodations. One such accom25-mi>mtc video or to contact j}Hjakers. modation she p'quu.slud but was never Th'» vid'-'u can bunufit bu;;tnt*ssos and call 933-25G4 or 933-5B21. granted was at her former church - just co-workers as well as people in public service such as police ami fire dupartone pew be cut back so that her husbaii'l would not have to carry her into church. Members of her church offered to carry her instead of making the modification she asked for. but Butler argued that she Could )ou shouldn't have to be carried. The p^w make your should have been accessible. house payments Sherry Ruth last all her sight five years if you were sick ago f - m diabetic retinopothy. Although or hurt and couldn't work? a kiduey-pancreas transplant cured her diabetes, it was too late to save her sight. Ruth and her husband. Tom, have two Aatc About Health Insurance sons. Shu lead:* a busy Hfe as treasurer The Suit Harm Way for the Lorain Comity Chapter of the National Federation for thu Blind and is GUI ME. president of he" church's Women's Bible Study group. Learning Braille and some mobility skills has enhanced Ruth's independence. Some of her difficulties: people at the mall think it's funny to use hnr folding [Used-Cars cane as a Jump rope, nearly causing accidents. People leaving their doors half S1069 BUICK ELECTOA 225 BILL TH0RNH1LL open is another hazard. 215 MILLER ROAD * IV-^.tuto.air To help with her impaired memory AVON LAKE processes, Robertson uses a laptop com5i986 CHEVROLET CELEBRITY 933-2720 puter to record and assist with recent mwmory. She needs accessible olectpcal Lifcr * (uoil Hi«<>bu(. S u n Finn it Lh S1S90 GEO METRO outlets for this - things she sometimes can't even find in newer buildings. The panelists agreed that the most im81S87 MERCURY KWRQUIS portant thing to realize is that people are 5 'Idr.tuto.V-e.iir people first, and accommodating Suit Fvm MutmJ JC1994 PLYMOUTH ACU1M AUtMnuUle Inounm CDmpanjr everyone means everyone is treated Home OOkx: Muualntmn. IW-uM equally with the opportunity to conS 4 dr, auto, V-6,iIr, pwr locks 1 window tribute to the community. S i 992 CORSICA LT The audienco and panelists viewed LUPE CHE YEAR EN JS SELL OFF $9,494% $8,994\ Huh777What?7?Hmm777 HOLIDAY SPECIALS |l992GEOPRIZM Putting Your Thoughts On Paper Is HARD Work. CORE RELATIONS C\N HELP - . -dean.. -Condse- PERM SPECIAL , ACRYLIC NAILS § NAIL ART %992 CHEVROLET CAPRICE •SCLASSIC LTZ % V-fl, suto, air, pwr locks & windows 9 9 9 2 CHEVY LUM1NA CPE 3 V-6t«uto,«Ir, pwr lock* k windows K •-•• rSirilan ~F-^OSmvERESULTS! . Don't ildmp on time and sacrifice darity I Used Rental Cars ADULT CUT & STYLE S14^ i__ i994 CHEVROLET CAVAUER RS 5 o w a Matrix Products „ _ 814 Center RH., Avon 937*9200 32421 Walker Rosrf^ Avon Lako, Ohio' 216-933-9672 . "Wincty Winners of Eight Modals in 19941 This Christmas choose a unique gift . far your friends and loved ones We offor top Quality. Award Winning-Wines for all occasions. Chardonnay Johanntsberg Resting American grape wines, toot '^Custom Wine Baskets Gift Bags Op«n 10 the Public piannlnu M1994 CORSICA LT $11,994 S 5 4 dr,iuto,V-6, air, pwr locks* windows g $12,8941 5 Carry-out Hours: Mon.-Thurs 10 a m- io 7 p.m. Frl-Sat 10 am. to MWiughl In-Hous: Hours: Fri.-Sat. 6 p.m. to Midnight j $12,194$ 4dr,wnlto,V-«,aulo,tir,pwrlockit ISSMNTIAC GRAND PRIX irff,V-6, auto, lir, pwr locks k windows [Used Trucks $13,694 C1994 CHEVY C10 PICKUP W/T * V-6, sir. 5 spMd, casiettt Si994 CHEVY ASTRO PASS 9pass,r«nUl,V8, 1993 CHEVY G 30 SPORTVAN •$13,89*1 $14,894* $16,994* $12,494 $10,994 $11,294% $7,994\ $7,994* 11992 CHEVY C20 PICKUP French-American Hybrids Your Outdoor Living Area § 3- S B!ue,V-6,iUto,Jiir, pwr locks h windows Oft. 83 L The R»fln»d JratW nwt\ UBEy $11,294 8i9MOLDS CIERA VIDEOS GUI Grttficawt AwfliHc ModdTralns & Supplies £ «». $1994 CHEVROLET CAVAUER RS 51994 OLDS CIERA 4 DR John Christ T $11,694 4 dr, tulo, air, biu«, pwr locks & windows hi pwr llocks k & idows _ Sff 4 dr, auto, air, whltt, & windows 216-933-8368 CAILTODAY Wh in something Is worth writing about JR $9,994 5 - V-8,SiWBrido,iIr k §1991 CHEVY S-BLAZER 4 DR f V-6,2wd,iuto,Uhot S1991 CHEVY ASTRO PASS S V-6,«uto,ilr S1989CHE:VYG 30 CARGO 1 v-8,iuto, fir, pwr locks 4 windows 11989 DODGE RAM Jj V-fl, conversion, ilr -S 5 Expires 12-21-M See Tim Stanlslo or Gary Lupe tor more downs. 933-6151 I CHIVIOIIT1635-3533 AVON LAKE. Oil O r f \ Hi ill plications. This responsibility cuuld bu , Shinko and Council wuru awaiting word frutn Servku Diructur Hob Bob- n-[iianili;(l ID th« buikiiHK iifiju-'clor. Law Uireclur Ujniel Stringer saitl the bins on whether the drainajit-' in the area AVON - Carol Shinko, owner of a couCoiiunutiity Reinvestment Area should could accommodate further runuff from pie of antique shops in town, uagurly not include the entire city as it does awaits the chance to expand and im- a paved parking lot. However. Kobuins could not attend Monday's meeting. prove the Country Store building at 2540 now. Stoney Ridgo Cd. In the meantime. Council discussed Krystowski pointed out that the abateamundiiiK its Community Reinvestment Mrs. Shinko would like to providu ment acquired through the Community Area ordinance to speciiy areas oE the paved parking, park benches, sidewalks Reinvestment Area cuuld not be on percity that can take advantage of (he pro- sonal property, but only on tho building. and streetlights to maku tho Country gram. One of the areas would be the Store one of the French Creek District's "Tin: m.ixiirmrn is 10 years, but the French Creek District, where Mis. key attractions. However, the city has percentage of ubulumunt could decline Shinko's Country Store is located. plans to install a storm s«w»r on Stoney each year." lie said. "You could have 75 Road, bit when is the big Community Reinvestment is a form of percent for five years, then zero purcunt tax abatement extended to commercial, for the last five years." uiistion. industrial and residential areas. The "It could be six,years. It coulil be six Maximum abatement allowed is 75 por- In other business months." said Planning Commission t»nt for 10 years. • City officials want to meet with chairman Paul Burik, at Council's work Council Pres-iont Ed KryMu.vski and North Kidgeville officials this week to session Monday night. C!er>-. of Council Patricia Vierkorn discuss meters for thu Camclot developNeither Mrs. Shinko,- nor the city, recently drafted applications for Iho proment. North Kidgeville is demanding would want to tear up brand-new gram. Although the ordinance was passthat either Avon a.- the Camclot sidewalks and pavement for the storn. ed several months ago. the city did not developer pay $30,000; to S3G.000 for a sewer, thus City Council approved have in place an application procedure - new flow meter before Camelot can tap modified plans which would allow her in at Case Road ne-ir Mills Road. to refrain from paving Iho parkins lot until now. Developers of CiMitclot [-avo their hands until after the storm aewer is installed. Councilman Jay Curtis said h« s and say they will piiy the money inHowever, she would bo assessed the received a few phone calls from people tied stuad uf having their project delayed. cosl oF tho sewer, according lo Burik. who had called City Hall to apply, but Once the developer pays for the meter, Shlnko's architect said that with alt the the people were told to contact their the city of North Ridgeville will own it. improvements she is making - cleaning councilman, because City Hall had no up a dilapidated building; putting \a according to Council member T«d Gracapplications. streetscapes — she cannot afford tht zyk. "They could decide to move it at Krystc-wski asked Curtis if he still had storm i'twer. The cost is estimated ui any time," he said. the names of the people. Curtis sa'd he $250 per linear foot or $45,000 for Another council member cautioned had tho names at home. Shinto, according to her architect. that the ci'y of Avon has no idea who Tho city is required to appoint a Direcwill read .ho meters. "Tilts Is not worthwhile for her. We're tor of Developmenl to review the apobviously asking for leeway." he said. The two cities are already headed to an arbitrator over tho ongoing sewer infiltration dispute. • Although the Avon Police Departm s . V •;:.•'.. •• i - J » L i 7 . 1 . ' ^ l . ment wanted to purchase three police cars In 1995, Chief John Vilagi said the price of *ho cars has gone up so much 37IQO thst there Is only enough money tor tv.u new cruisers. Vilagi said he'd prefer to Route 6) I buy Fords, but Chevrolet was awarded 1 Avon, OKio 44011 the stale co-op contract this year, whicl. moans'Ford may not ha the lowest bidder, v"Lorain County lives and dies on Fords." Vilogi said. "We like Fords. We By Ma reel la Grande 1 mber Albert P. Zakel, D.D.S. hope we get Ford?" • Fire Chief Fmnk Root recommended a now part-time member for thu Fire Department. Koot said tho department has lost six firemen Irom active duty, and he will be recommending more people. The prospective recruit. B. Buehler. must be trained before starting duty. Soot said Buuhler is available during the day. adding daytime part-timers are difficult to find. Buehler. a resident, is opening a sandwich shop in Avon and can leave his business In the event of a fire cull. • Mayor Jim Smith recommended the hiring of R.E. Warner & Associates for a preliminary engineering study on costs for the Avon Road and Chester Road water lines. Besides Avon and Chester, the city wants tu install water lines on Mills and Jaycox Road*. Smith said property ow ners wiU be a^jeised at roughly S24 per linear fool. "People'on both sides of Mills Road want water lines. Mills is a must, so is Jaycox," said Smith. "Whan these are done, this will basically complete cur water lines in thin community." • Mayor Smiti recommended contract renewal fitr Petiir Zwlck' & Associates for cit1/ engineering services. Smith said he bas been satisfied wfrh Zwick's work oVer tho pejl year. •'..- ''•' • The Columbian Club's Knights of Columbus Hall \'s'requesUug a IM Liquor permit fot :its locatloo ei 1783 Moore Rd. If tht city oppoios^Uio ecquisition of the liquor license, it must notify the stnta, aaA a hearing would be held. Vv Women's dub meets Trte Laka Shore Women's Club * « imM on Dec. 14 at noon ttl The Chrict EvanotOeal' Lutheran Church at (he conwr of Fte. 03 md llk»Ho«J.RIs«poti«lL ,. Pniaram win to: Meiro Pwto by Mr. Gar/ G«r-; iono. Chdmwn Is Saine Nawport wfth hwl«w* Heton SUM3«r and Virginia Johrasn. 20 Years in Private Practice Dentistry For Adults & Children "New Patients Welcome" 934-4900 i money saving coupons JAN 3 S DODGE Bvenlng and Saturday Hours Laura's Learning Treehouse Call 934-KIDS (5«7) Accepting Oovemment Frogiams FREE. PREV/iNTER CHECK LUBE, OIL/FILTER CHANGE ENGINE MAINTENANCE TUNE-UP $118.95 $39*95 4-cyi. • WMrt pluga ' <n«p>cl •mhiien I tmmUeom-****** [\v± I * ComfMA cooing tf (Mm Pnca qa. canM HOM o o * l IW* * • y{ oil tni J#Mt Mtan earb and m Ignum tH«M>y • | j t I j COOLING SYSTEM SERVICE $38.95 • Impact toM* and bata • •ngkiM w d addaanM pamT taboram) _ I JAN OS DODGE JANCSDODGJiI iJAHOS DODOSI '; rQrnopar . .Wed.. 4-11 Thur., \\*\\ Fri-ftSaL 11-12 Sunday M l WE DELIVER after 5 pm Avon i Family Size ? - - 1 ICW^BI^BWI FREE i 2-ItemWm i934-4128J DELIVERY • $10.00 Seconl Una 16.00 137100 Colorado Ave. I _ . "_. • - _ __ __ _ AVOn — with this coupon •— mm mm — 1 *_ Scrumptious Baked Goods I Delicious DoliSoups 4 Sandwiches Specialty Imparted Footh'A Gifts for Thm Courm&t food Lovmr Holiday Nut and • •Rolls ' Discover A New Adventure In Eating 1 OtmMk' Stub'Cakti* fits Cimopor ^> v • • ( D o p a r ^KX B a m o p a r ^ CUSTOMETICARE ^ ? * > • BEARING REPACK | | $44.98 wto) and tromt rmm vmmt mm M nawHd • bMoaet rront pvatf 1 I I CU&mMUlCARE. ^ * " * > • AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TUNE-UP SERVICE CUifOMfKCAnt ---< I FRONT DISC BRAKE j | SERVICE I | $89.98 CAR ' OMTIMUC • Htm Uopat I m M u n MMr (KMdal M m « t n ) • IraUl ntw |K<KWbnWp«ta. vaMcM> JANOS DODGE; I JANOS DODGS I JJAHOS BODGE (All Offers Expir JANOS DODGE Hours: Monday 1530 KANSAS AVENUE thru • Lorain (216) 288-1116 Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 1-800-253-6343 ^ ^ H I mm I mm 9 BUM M Sugardate OT YOU NEED A PART TIME JOB Semi-Boneless Hams FLEXIBLE HOURS? $top-ih$tiop & Now Hiring wrm Customer Oriented People, APPLY M ANY STORE TODAY! 64 Oz. On. Reg., Country Style Or w/Catdum Minute Maid Orange Juice _ 4.55.5 Oz. Assorted Varieties BOTH FOR Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes B F0R ™ • . . / / HAHTZf .air a HAirrz Fat Free. UnsaJtedOr 16 Oz. Low-Salt. CAT LITTER aon: fiarb Gat Litter. JI 9FOR r feebler Zesta SaWnes BOTH TOR If 10OzBag Assorted V&riefes 32 oz. Conoentmte w/BJeach ***** Or Ann & Hammer S B 1 PowerFi&h Liquid 9-26 Oz. Regular Or Fat Free ZEntenmann's ^Assorted Pastries * Cookies Hold Gold Pretzels BOTH TOR 50 U Indoor-Outdoor Ultra Bright Christmas JUVf m% s On Your Local Court Dockets ^02B By Chrii '.Menhelmer What greater gift could you give your . | chJJd than self confidence, self control and self discipline? These determine the level Gf happiness and success he or she.will achieve as ah adult. FromoUng.lhe Highest ' Stanrlarus or i ^ Excellence In .'"!• TraClUonai Martial Arts ,'••• ,'nslruction Tor N AVON MAYOR'S COURT luiojih C. Chew. 3691 WisiFiuliI Kd.. Wt»t field CiMltt-r. was fintid SIKKJ o.n a ih.!fs« i)f beinK unable to maintain p h y k a l conlrul oT u; motor vehicle. He wui also finuil SUJ on " riMvinablc control viul.itlun. JoiL-ph I. DxictjV. 10-1 Uki-ivwid. Avon lj»i.i!. W J I finiul S'>5D on a ztiiiixu of operating a molar vehicle while inloiicatL'U. He was :»I*o lined $50 for mtdvinu. Cynthia S. Otbustt. 253 I'urkviuiv. Avon I.2ku. n m fined Sti5Don a cl.urmiof Of iirallnga mutur vitiicle while intoxiciitHd. KV wa» aiw fln.H] S5U . for it lutt of center violation. Gn;({ury I. Srr.l'h, 5815 rrankltJi Avu.. Cleveland, wu* fined $100 Tor tpeedins;. ll.inlilmin P. McAk-ur 111. ^t,'SM Kluzel kidAvon, wa* fined S30 on f. charge of uspiicd plait's, with S-iU of the firii suspendwl. Ht> was also fined $50 fur consuming alcohol in a motor vtjhiclf. - Douglas J. Taylor, t-1-13 Purkwood. Lake wood, was fined 570 on u charge or speeding. Fined SCI <m charges of speeding wuru Amy K. Wu«or. 1S2S Rudclirfe. Wesllako; ] a m « R. Pulton. 35199 NikH Dr.. North Kldgevlllv: Sloven A. Dadus Jr.. 1B4 Highland Ave.. Avon Lake: and Jamus B. Essex. 120 Lafayette. Elyria. Julio A. Shoak. 362G1 Kiniel Rd.. Avon, was flnnd SBO for failure to yield. Fined $60 en charges of apct^ilnK warn Todd C. Crefms. 250 Duff. Avon Uke; James A. Ar- •p:.;- All i ^ i i " " urakr the dlrrrilnl nf intnTtaUiinanv OftlDal , Inntructor Jrttert D. EUw i KARATE CENTERS Ctauttief* O^i'Jitf *I*tlt9 A t TTtUted C b u r c l i o r OSurtst Other Locations In ' -i '• - 1 StaiUnfDcc. 14 r t R l"t«- , • •>-••, The congregation of Avon Lalca Presbyterian Church will dedicate a new sanctuary on Sunday, Dec. 11 at a special 10 a.m. service. Located at 32340 Electric'Blvd.. tho new facility will include a 300-soat sanctuary, two new classrooms to serve an expanding Christian education program, and two new offices to meet increased staff needs. The current sanctuary is being converted into a Fellowship hall. v The now facilities represent the culmination of an effort begun by a planning committee three years ago, and a pledge campaign last year that netted . _.v.-r,._rea oj":t>Qriy^rigi.V^m*tttmas Vi,<ai^Js? H e f e c o unique '•'iS>v V.). '-'.40U\10ytt'krSowr.now mucn ijou'Ctir^ tnis f^olidciq ^ Merry ' ! • ' to let tn« TOU'ftMVIVIMa Christmas to an, our friends, Dick. Kathy, Chris & Claire Brothers Greatest Gift Love, Mom & Happy LMoSqays from Marcy, Jim& _. Dottie Dog r Shaun, Hope to i Se« You Home V for Christmas! I We Miss You I. / \ Jennifer & Erik / May Your Holiday Season bo Blessed! from The Regut£ Family Our Christmas Joyl Lolly & Papa •a —— 3ft Large Greeting $14.95 with Photo & 6 words Large Greeting without Photo $11.95 Choose from a Bell or Wreath All Ads must be paid in advance..Ads will run in Dec, 21st issue $9.95 ' ..-. 1 ,ii.Tt| sorao $600,000 from tho opproximitB 400-mBraber congregation. ;.'-".- p?% ALPG pastor. Dr. Airrod Al Hart »iid;? "Our Aomo, 'Butldina tho -Vision, Family Growing'Togc&etf refloc need for more space tocartyoutChriilfi mission and our desire to rotalri Iti^clur; ing Tollowship or our c "Wo are o family, it b vital thai wo together spiritually: our now faciIiUos;»WttjfielR;"U|i-ii?fl^i^ church family to grmvtoget^s/ej'(5od'«|^ children." '/ jr^'V'^-^r^'-C'v, V'^T'^fi Q^reeti cr. • . Cindy Hammondj, Z1Z Jackson A v t . Eljiii,, wai fined SSO on a charge of con trap*, pfj courOfallura to appear. '"' '.,.,. ^y'^ Church dedicates new sanctuary -\-- .-,;.#. ° P I 5 maro. 5B83 Iiiyco». North Ridgeville: Robert L. Crarcjr. 33600 Uetroit Kd- Avnn; Jeffrey C ' Cunningham. 113? Carson Rd.. Ashtabula;^ Kob^rl W. Uuehnor. OU6 Allanwood. Parou; Angela D. Bellomy. 4011 Case Rd.. Avon: Row \\ L. Katr. 2231 Northland. Lakowood; J o y ' E . " Shunrfr. ari) Long Points. Avon lake: Ron<ud l_.' Oiborno. U7B5 Root Rd.. North Ridgovillt^ and '•'. E. Vlrsinia Kov.ich. 1952 Towl Rd.. Elyris. . - -= Dan'ml A MtCuIcheon. 20201 Lnroln A«t,.'. r - ' r . i e w Pdrlt. wai fined S35 for a stop »ifn • violation. •-• " \C Shoila M. MontemaoBO. 20030 SL. RL 30t. _ W-illiogton, was fined S55 for pawing oii.tba : rinhl sido of t h - road. 0 •.:,. .'j Fin yd aS5 on charges of speeding worn BaTTjl^ Trcst. 6^6 Pasadena Ave.. Sheffield Lata: Lto-' j'. .la L Verib. 171 Baachwood Ave.. Avon Lclu>;' Kuneu D. Morris. 937 Randall Rd.. Eljrrta: l e d Pumela |. Scully. Z41C4 Knlckerbockor.^Bay *Village. i1 -.-••>? ,w-: Paul E. Rigor. 30701 BauordoV v CrU Aron,'-; was fined $50 on « charge of d(;*uiblng tfao"? peace, with 525 of the fine impended. •'.'•'•', Melissa A. Boozer. 3147 Stoney Ridge, Shef--field l^ku. was fined 550 on • charge of dog af& largu. wiili $40 of the fine suspended. • ;;- < _• Clen A. Wilson. 3018 Rlvoriid* R d , Lortln," ^ was finid 550 for not having e front Ikmuo DEADLINE: December 16th - NOON 158 Lear Road, Avon Lake Truck, cash lifted by ex-girlfriend , On Nov. 29. at 12:19 p.m.. a male complainant was at his residence1 when his ox-girlfriend, who reportedly has a drug problem, showed up wanting money. Complainant took ex-girlfriend to work vtlHi him. Ha left her in truck with his wallet containing S2C0 and the keys to the truck. At approximately 12 p.m.. she took off in truck. Complainant attempted to follow her in his work vehicle, but "• lost her in North Ridgeville. Complainant believes she was headed to Akron to buy drugs. AVON POLICE BLOTTER while intoxicated. She was cited for a left of center violation as well. Wednesday, November 30 Thursday, November 24 - 9:37 a.m. - Complainant reported that on several occasions he has warned people *bout hunting and trespassing on his ^.property. On this date he observed a vehicle parked by his greenhouse and stated that he wanted a verbal warning to bo issued by police. Vehicle on his property was registered to Mark Dewitt. Dewitt was advised of complainant's "concerns, and would need written permission to use owner's land. ;.A second vehicle was observed' by "complainant, as well as two persons walking by his greenhouse. Vehicle was registered to Mr. John Smith. Mrs. Smith was notified and said she would advise her son of complainant's concerns. Complainant has had several problems with theft add glass breakage, nnd doo* not want people en his property. 8:07 p.m. - While working n stationary radar, an officer observed a vehicle passing traffic at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was clocked at 75 mph, and a traffic stop was made. Officer noticed driver, fames Minor to rove red eyes and an odor of alcohol on or about his person. The efficer requested Minor to perform sobriety tests. Minor was then charged with speeding and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. His vehicle was secured. Insure both your car and home with quality Grange coverage and pay lower rates on both policies. You may also qualify Tor discounts on boats and other personal property. Plus, you'll have Ihe convenience or working with just one insurance agent. Call or visit us soon so we can tell you more. ^ INSURANCE On Saturday Dec. 10, the Sheffield Village Police Department Women's Auxiliary will be hosting -pictures With Santa' from 12-0 p.m. ai the Sheffield Village Police Department. Children can come see Santa and receive a treat, and II they wish, get their picture taken with him for S i . Frpe fingerprinting of the children will also be done at the time by the police officers. Church offers babysitting " Faith Lutheran Church, located at Garden Drive and Lakeland In Avon, will be sponsoring a Christmastime Mother's Day Away babysitting sorvico on Saturday. Dec. 10 for kids ages pottytrainod through seven years old. We'll have crafts, a movie, singing, a nutritious snack, and even a mystery Christmas guest. Babysitting hours are from 9 a.m. - t p.m. twllh mandatory registration from 8:3O-P a.m. To reserve a spot or lor more In forma lion, pleaso call the church at 934-4710. Legal Services Youri mrtnertn protection BOB ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY, INC, 33399 Uklker Rd., Avon Lake 933-5223 cometll \It doesn't get any better! | « 3 or S IIJK Brlggt «fi Stntton engines _ Low-proflU, wide whetl-ba.se • Single or doubt* seat models available 158-A LEAR ROAD AVON LAKE, OHIO Appointment nti $1 TO YOURRBGIONAL SAUWATIOKARMy for every Total Look purchased O N i y * * -* ^ * * * H Ncr.'ember 6tri — December 3lst ;t" {Famihr Michael Kearns, D.D.S. Glenn Kuemerle, D.D.S. Convenient Hours Evening or Saturday New Patients Arc Always Welcome 33398 Walker Rd.-Suite "AT Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 "" ^Adjacent to Drug Mart) 933-4486 ^ ' IOOK FOR OUR HOUOAY TANNING GIFT BAG - , * * « , „ .«•> «/. IHCIUOING A VARIETY OF TRAVEL SIZE PROFESSIONAL HAIRCApE AND TANNING PRODUCTS PLUS tO TANNING SESSIONS P L ? » 3 50 New Location How Bv Free wrap-around safety rait, chain guard, plus free safety flag Superior, strong, stttl construction Balloon, turf or knobby K m Sale A Service 288-2&S5 > JOHN D. PINCURA CALL 933-0674 MADE IN TUB USA. M&n QIOWER ° Attorney ,:•('> \ Pictut^es with Santa November 28 . ., . 11:43 p.m. - While on patrol an officer absorvod n vehicle facing east in westbound traffic. Officer approached car ^end immediately noticed a smoll of alcoholic beverages on or about the driver. Cynthia S. Orbash. Orbash stated that sho didn't know what had taken place or how sho had gotten to whore aho waj. Officer askod Orbash to exit vehicle and perform field sobriety teats. 'Shu was advised that she was being arrested for operating a motor vohido Save two ways with our Auto/Home Discount. LEARWOOD SQUARE 375 N. Lear Rd. (Between Rini-Rego Stop-N-Shop & Rcvco Drugs) 933-0015 Sheffield/Sheffield LakeNews T33382WalkorRtJ. Avon Lake, OH i ?33-2327 i Prices Effective 12-7-34 thru 12-13-94 Morton Pot Pies Chicken, Turkey or Beef Boz. Pepsi, Diet Pepsi Plus Mark Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi Gift Wrap 3 Roll 100 Sq. FL 921049 #21045 K ' Slice, Barq's or Gotten Age Ginger Ale Spangler Classic Canes *!• Reiter 100% Pure Orange Juice ' ~ Dy Pally Washburn Pit-use stMitl all iturns uf interest lo uur communities to Putty Wasliburn. 2l}G Suns'.-t, Avon Lako. GH -14»i" i>r call 933-0754 iind luuvu u tnussauu. All ilums mus! bu ruceivud by noun on ihu Wcdiiufiday bufurc tliuy uro lu be prinlud. Chrislmns Cookie Sale. The Women's Fcllowshiu of Ihi; F''urn«ld Lake United Church of Christ. Gp3 Sunsut. will hold a Christinas Cookie/'Sale. Saturday. Dec. 17 from 9'IQ a.m. until sold out. Pick your own from a large selection. UK-USA Ha mis Across the Ocean Fundraisers. Twonly students from Sheffield MidtNe School and Brooksido High School will be going lo Sheffield. England in Jiine of 1995 and in April oF 1995, students from Hinde House (Sheffield, England) will be coming here. Fund raiser.-! for this exchange program and all muncy earned will be used lo help the students pay their way to E; gland. Saturday. Dec. 10, the group will be sponsoring a Breakfast with Santa at Knoll wood School in Sheffield Lake. Enjoy nil the pancakes you can cat, sausage, juice and coffee from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Photos with Santa w'U be available, and there will be a coloring contest with piizes and surprises. The cost for this evnr^, will be $3.50 for adults, $2.50 far students, and children kindergarten and unller are free. ^ Byte; OH 365-8319 O r e Ida C o m O n The Cob ~ FRESH CUT CHRISTMAS TREES Ideal Egg Noodles •Wmiht Farm Fresh Grade A Extra Large Eggs 6 9 * * * V BIYODRQIUIIY TREES... t WE WILL PUT THEN 11 YOUR STWI1.. HOUKSi Moo. through M. 124 pjn. | FREE I »i&m$l!&*fr WIAKTUASEDW ANNOUNCE YOUWfNOWFLHAU TOUIFAVOim S-chr.uit- LncuJscipinrj At Symbols Ot'iK'HhoifUfj X -j 35799 1 0 P A I N R D . ATOWCOtTrTtSYCQUKTtt •SEVEN DAYS A W i t t - if E.BARNARD ii W. ROBERTSON Attorney* • EiUiei • DiTora • B*n]cruptc7 . * D.U.I. * Criminal Defence Initial CouuIaiioB 444 ATOB B«M«n RJ. FREE '• * AronLtU <*; DEAR SANTA WHATCANI GET FORA PERSON WHO HAS EVER/THING 33461 York Street Avon lake A ROCKIES GIFT CERTIFICATE Redeemable for Services plus 10% OFF (Shampoo,-Cut & Style) WED. KKJS C t / n IOiundcS5:Req.S7.95 WED. SENlbRS f3% OFF (,' THURS. Uttn DAY jf-SO (Srumpoo"Cut & StyfcJ P>riMi-f3T4up Color - H I * Up BMlrG Nan C*netfU 933-5974 HAincuts iio.so EL CORPORATION Serving Our Communities Since 1973 Business & Pleasure Travel • Airline Tickets - « Hawaii Vacattcns • Caribbean Cruises • LasVegas —Atlantic City JOB Smith • Frank Smith Ohio ReprettmtallVBS SMITH BUILDING « 33439 LAKE ROAD • AVON LAKE « 933-5500 » 476-2012 O Q -J ? ' Q J If you -.tsli lo buy advanced sale tickets, ccnluct Uruokside High School nnd savu 5U c<:nts. Sunday. Dec. 11. WuCaru Hoir oalon i\ill be g'ving haircuts for S5 and donating all the uoney raised to the group from 1-S p.m. WeCare is allowing the group to use their shop free ol charge, and the beauticians are volunteering their time. WeCare Hair Salon is located in the Shoreway Shopping Center in Sheffield Lake. Domonkas Doings. Computer Orinntolion - Thursdays. Dec 6 and 22 at 7 p.m. The Damonkas Library will be holding computer orientation sessions for third graders through adults who would like to learn hew to use tho library's personal computer. No prereglstration is required, but you must attend at least one sssston to bo able to use tho library's computer. Holiday Craft Program - Saturday. Dec. 17 at 2:30 p.m. the library will bs having a holiday craft program for children in third grade and up. Prerogistraticn is required to attend this program. Holiday Story Program - Tuesday. Di;c. 20 at 10:30 a.m. or 7 p.m. a special holiday story program will be hold for throe to six year olds. No pre- registration will bo required to attend this, special program. .-, Tho Domonkas Library is located at 4125 E. Lake Rood in Sheffield Lake. For more information about tbeso or any other programs or to pre- register, pteaso. contact the library at 949-7410. ^ ' Naturo Happening*. Wednesday, Doc. 7 is Li't Folks Fun Nighl Tram 8:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Throe to six year olda and their parents arc invittd to-thlr nature program. Each progrem may In-' cludo naturo crafts, livo animals, or hikes. >; Monday. Doc. 12. from 1 to 2 p.m. tho Nature Confer presents naturo stories. Come livo tho lives of animal through thoso educational stories. No proregistration is required. Tuesday, Dec. 13 from 10 a.m. to noon, the Nature Center presents a Hotiiu-schooler's Special on Tongs.,; Como learn about this temperate rain forest. No pro-registration is required to. attend, but parents must accompany thoir children. Wednesday, Doc. 14. from 10 a.ra. to 11:30 a.m. parents ore Invited to loin..: thoir 4 and 5 year olds to learn about our,: country's cool rain forest. P r o - ' registration is required by Monday. Doc**:; 12 and thoro will bo a foo of SO cents par* child at tho door. Tho FronrJi Croak.:,' Naturo Centor is located on. Route 611, Colorado Avo., • : ir^ ^ near tho Harris Ropd intersection' lit; Shofflold. For more information on those or any other program?, or to prorogistor, call the Lorat'h County MetroParks at 1-aoo-LCM-PARK.' PET CARE Alfred C. Standen Veterinarian Horo ore just a fow household tips before bringing that how kit* ton or puppy homo: 1. Lock up poisons and cleaning solutions you keep under the sink. 2. Secure your trash, particularly ff it contains tempting Itiftavurs. 3. Put potpourrie away in a closot or store it on a high shelf, 4. Make sure wiring is bundled up. out of sight or at least not hanging temptingly from s o c k e t s . 5. Houscplants mny hnvo lo be . c u l t i v a t e d elsuwhcre. 6. Move ceramic or glass picture frames, as well as breakable figurines tc high shelves. 7. Keup windows closed, espt/i tally op upper floors. 8. Navor leave your pet on a balcony, and never chain tho animai to tho edge' of the deck.' Finally, keep a collar and Identification tag on your pot and make certain you closo the door each time you, enter or loavo your home j v Thls~ message is brought to you as a public service from Dr. Alfred C. Stand-m, Avon Lake Animal Clinic. 124 Miller Road. Avon Lake, Oh. Phono: 933-5297. , sa. Vis !|H3K m I1 111 i i Ms i I !p ! 1 m mm mm 11 1 Si 1 1 1 11 1 IP! P 1 Ps AT i 1s i Iiiil 111II i 1si S 1i1 1 s 1 S i I II 8 1 1 i I 1 1 I m1 il i Ml si 1 1 Ii 1 1 I 1 1 i i i ! 1 1 1 M i i 1i I11 i < i i i1 1 i i I 1 X 1 1 i i 1 11 1 9 I il IS H i 1 ii 11 I 1i1 Ei •wnTDv n ffATVnn 1 Hi P t 11I Si? i Ml 1 11 1I i 8 1 ( 1 P« d UrCal in 1B ii mm W 1 Sheffield Lake 2017-HARRIS-Complalnt ol harassment. Roport. 2044-WARWICK-MVA. Report. 214Z-HARRIS-Complalntofmeancing. Report. 2302-IDLEWOOD-Artompted suicide. Roport. 1910-LAKE-Rcport of vehicle B4E. 2 males arrested. 1935-LAKE-Heport ol threats. Advised 1957-EAST DR.-Complaint ol criminal damaging Report. November 29 November 27 Definitions ol some c .' ••• abbreviations found In the Police Logs. OOA-Gone On Ajrtvai UTL-UnaUe to Locate MVA-Motof Vehicle Accident BIE-Breaking & Entering BOLO-Bo on the Lookout FTD-Held Intenogaied OWI-Orivtng While Intoxicated NCC-No Cause for CompJainl Dlip. Unlt-Oapatchod Units DUHWving Under the Influence 1224-LAKE-Report o* suspicious persons. GOA. 20 53- LAKE -Complaint o'loud mi>sic, Advsod. November 25 0039-LAKE-Uni! checked on st'^picious male. Checked OK. 0047-1RV1NG PARX-Hil-skip MVA. Report. 1833-LAKE-MVA. Male arrested (or OUI. 2040-LAKE-Complainl ol loud music. Advised. November 30 OO-tt-LAKE-Triffic stop. Ferrule arrested lor open container. 0829-lVANHOE-Domeitic. Settled. 1212-GAYLE-Umt assisted Rescue St]uad. 1244-OUVER-OomesUc. Settled. 1646-LAKE-Unit checked on welfare ol resident. Checked OK. 004(HAKE-Unit assisted Rescue Squad. 0229-LAKE-CctnplaJn! ol loud radio. Advised. 0854-WEST SHORE-Oomostic Sotlled. 0910-STARK-Roport ol vandalism. Advised. A 0724-GAYLE-Minor domestic. Advised. 1539-IRVING PARK-Problem wttn Juvenile. UTL 1848-LAKE-TraHic stop. Female arrested (or O.L Required. 1855-HARRIS-Male arrested on warrant out ol Lorain Municipal Court 1937-MAPLE-Complaint ol threats. Report. November 26 November 24 ol 3 vandalism. Report. 1552-EDGEWATER-Complaint of harassment. Advised. 1917-HARRiS-Male arrested on warrant out o! Sheffield Laku Mayor's court. 1947-FEFNDALE/MAPLEWOOD-MVA with injuries. Report. 19S4-IRVING PARK-Domestic. Advised. 0031 -LAKE-Juvenilo picked Up lor curlow violation. Parent cited. 0058-LAKE-Unit out with male & female fighting. Settled. 0309-ABBE-Traffic Stop. Malo arresled 'o' OUI. 0952-WEST DR-Missing juvenile. Roport. Located. 1441-EAST DR.-Report ot unwarned male. GOA. 1612-HAHRIS-Malo arrested on warrant out of Lorain Municipal Court. 1849-LAKE-Problem wtin juvenile. Advised. 195t-ERIEtflEW-Unit assisted Fire Dopl. November 28 1236-LAKE-ComplaInt of theft. Report. 1242-HARRIS-Male arrested on warrant out ol Lorain Municipal Court. Tupperware Open to the Public Holiday Sale 'ewey s T«ro*t S*l*«, 33«SO Lor«ln Rd., No. Rldfjavllla i m w w n 4S0 • Tumplk* 80 Prt, D*o. S-B ajTt.-8 pjn. . . Sat^ O*c 10-10 «jnv-3 pjn. TTiur*^ D»o. 18-10 •Jn.-fioon * s-a pjn. Otfl ttlmmm mntl Ejicluatv* tMmi Instant d i l N t t y on most Itwm* nring thla ad for a FREE catalog and maon«t• On*'par person pCaaaa. V I M , M » ) * T Card at Discover Accvptcd Gift Guide/ WILCOX FARMS CHRISTMAS TREES Cut Pine - $14, $18. $22. $28 ..•|'- ChooscJ& Cut - $21 Dug Fine & Blue Spruce Braided Rugs Brass Headboards Pine Roping • Bows Tree Stands • Crafts • Amish Cheese ' : v *Trall Bologna • Wagon Rides Take Rt. 303, 2 mi. West of ! - LaGrange, Vfe m!. South at 17620 Diagonal Rd. 355-4027 Don't Freeze From $199 Entertainment Centers I From From LANE* Cedar Chests „ 5699 fJ269 Gun Cabinets RIVERSIDE* Rolltop Desks From From WumUp Totd1 Winter .$599 Howard Miller" Grandfather Clocks LA-Z-BOV Recliners $' $59 .. $ 239 9 5 $ BttfPlUHH Bofltf 109 95 County Line' iwing Rockers ,95 atfitticl ill's one of the most comfortable and cost-cffectlTC heating forms: hydronic heat with a !3urnham# gas boiler. Whether rou are repbdri or : upgrading ui editing gMboUer, temBInf a hwlirw epiem tat a new home, ol tvpUdng mother Ibnn of heal; the ,. expert* at ;wp.ciu flndout ^by'J"'n|i*rieat'-• broking., i 70u"D receive FREE Oils Hot ,.;;Book on Home Heating from rOurnhim." .. „, C0WMBM0A8 S>rfrq Erarqy. Saving awEra*CTm*ril Student Easel Desks Prte rtribo'bUnlttttHtt Burnhaoi OOIIRT purclwsel You don't him to frrete jma UU off thU winter) An efficient, d o n gu-flred boiler nur rie theuvwer. From Table Lamps Assorted styles $189 Bar Stools $99 $4Q95 From From ~ V From W W Curio N Cabinets Kids' Metal Lockers $19995 From Howard Miller* ; Anniversary Clocks Child's Rockers ••L Student Desks Sleepers $ 199 5 From $49 Jewelry Armoires From $199 I V Sofas Bunk Beds H99 95 $279 Floor Lamps Assorted styles ,95 Swivel Rockers .95 LAYAWAYNOW tan THE HOLIDAYS W DAYS SAME AS CASH Na Piymant • Ma hitorirt - For wer (O yean. Oeliel lua been helping people Jiitt like you wiih their heal Ing nceU*— (election, Instillation, and our expert jervice LAKEROAD(R0tJ"iE6) ELYRIA ' L0BA1N 323-2869 233-3548 HOURS: . Monday-Friday 9:00-8:30 • • S u n d a y 1-5 (216) 967-9400 F U R N I T U R E * C A R P E T me. 1 m m m n Police Log Kg KB V JMliamH i | I Ron TSBf Hffljfjjf hi 3 FREE DELIVERY! 1 933-3733 *365-2587 871-0488 32020 Walker Rdw Avon Lake CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NOVEMBER LEADERS 676194. Fabulous Westwlnds Tudor! Elegant sunken LR. formal DR. lam. rm. w/FP. 1st lloor masler suilo. 2nd BH on 1st floor w/lull bath. 2 BH. full bath, and lo« / poss 5th BR on 2nd. $277,900. Janis Garner. 933-3733. 87t-0488. LAURIE BRILL LISTING LEADER VALERIE WADDELL SALES LEADER 688784. Palatial Britannia home! Amenities fill this 4 8R. 3Vi bath colonial Irom the 2 story foyer to the alt-white gourmet kit. w/hardwd. floors. 2 story fam. rm. w/wet bar & rear stairs. 5423,900. Janis Garner. 933-3733. 6929W- tieu listing] Tnis Is your opportunity to tivo-on Ctwry Lane! Nestod' In trees » adjacent to park, this crlonlal.fMlures S bdrms.. 2V* baths.'country kit.formalliv. & din. ma., tarn. im.. don A more) $188,500. Elaine Rotz. 533-3733: 684166. Wooden castlu. colonial, 4 bedrooms. 2% baths, nintral air, attached 2 car gangs, family room w/fireplaco, woodburning stove in hedroom; Intercom, roc area has tennis, pool plus. $158,900. Buddy Glover, 933-3733. 686696. Charming home on quiet deed-end street has 3 bdrms. & 1<4 baths plus family room & attached 2 car garage. Fenced backyard with deck & mature trees. Nice! Won't last long! S129.900. Uurio BrM. 933-3733.933-7055: 608884. Smugglers Condo - freshly decorated carriage unit now carpeting - screened balcony - in-suite laundry - all appliances remain • custom blinds • 3 ceiling fans - garage door opener. Call to see. $61,900. Loretta tails, 933-3733. - E93341. Newly listed colonial has 4 bedrooms, 2'£ baths • great maslor w/skytlght & w/1 closel. light & brtght rooms, targe kitchen, separate 1st floor laundry & full basement plus much morot J2O4.900. Laurie Brill. 0^3-0733.933-7055. 692972. New construction dose to completion!! 4 bedrooms. 2Vt baths, great room w/fireplacs, largo kitchen & formal dining room, 1st floor laundry & 2 car garago. Gai hoat S central air. $159,900. Uurfo Brill. 933-3733.933-7055. rjF. 801169.Lovely 4 bedroom split, largo kitchen plus separate dining room, family room Is 13x20 and great for entertaining. 3 car attached garago with doutlo wido concrete drive. A must f t * . $119,500. Call Carol J. Gresco. 933-3733. • . ; > 684144. Lakefront condo. Vermilion. Grand Harbour, Neutral decor, ree area has pool & beach, gas firepMce In living room, 2 bod rooms, 2 full baths, 1 car del. garago w/storage, ago 3 yoars. $166200. Buddy Glover, 933-3733. •- • • • • ~- New Listing. Darting ranch has totally updated newer kitchen sure to please. 2 btxlrooms & bath plus living aroa on double wide lot w/1 car garage S front perch plus rsar patio. Call now! $62,000. Lnurle Bhll, 933^733. 933-7055. LINDA HOMM Committed To Quality Service 933-3733 or 933-6881 888208. Groat new price. $152,900. Condominium, nautnl decor, 2 bedrooms, each bedroom has Its own full bath, living room with gas fireplace, family room, ga*. air conditioning, age 2.2 car att. garago. Buddy Glover. 933-3733. 687881. Condo, Crystal Covo, 3 bedrooms. tV* baths, fireplace, lawnhouse. 2 pallos. central air, format dining room. appliances. 1994 square teet. roc area w/pool, tonnis. playground. $109,900. Buddy Glovor, 933-3733. Find new proi'c^sioruH challenges and rewards! ty Chrlsta Mory, Manager Avon Lake Office, 933-3733 Reasons to select Smyiht, Cramer Co. 'Full-time management support. 'Comprehensive training and education. 'Benefit from quality company image. 'Northeastern Ohio's longest running tv home show. 'Nationally recognized relocation division. 'Builder marketing excellence. Quality Service Since 19031 •f..m Kathe Standcn Manager __Elyrla Office 324-2444 Parts and Service Open 'til Midnight Monday - Friday Sun. Hon. Tue. Wed. Thr- Fri. Sal. 114 9 4 9*8 9*8 9-9 9*8 9-6 I SAVE ON •BRAND NEW 1994 1994 F-SERIES FULL SIZE PICKUPS SHCHER SALE VEHICLES STOCK U OPTIONS RANGER PICKUP F1W F1M F1M flM F1S0 FtM FIN F1M F15OXLT F1SOXLT F1SOXLT F19OXLT F150XLT M«S 5twto, CUXh Itim 113.1:3 (1J.1M 1«39 55p«rt. p . Air 1UU Jport, Chfomt W « h 115.190 «W* Sport. R t » Bumctf J11.H0 1M57 Sport. S*(»o JII.tH 1MM Sport, Intuition » g . $15,«M 1M«S Spei. Crwn Piinl ltJ.fSM 1ttM Sport. Air 1U.«M 97«* Auto.Alf I1«W SMM Pw.tr Window*. Loda J19.4U SW* Sp««J Cortnl, TMI 119,431 HIM 4m««ISMt It),111 S73M Po*«, Two Tont lt9.SU ^| 1U1M 11M1Q $11,110 SUMO SU4J0 JtlMQ JUUS HUM $1*.W 111.UQ 111,810 HUM AEROSTAR SPORT "• w ;!£""" $16,280 ZZ1*. BRAND N E W 1995 F150 PICKUP • Air Condilioning STICKER PRICE gu,gu> $13,865 lurxcn, rniuc • Argent Wheels X BRAND NEW 1994 STICKER SIH.eiG BRAND NEW 1994 LUXURY CCPVERSION. E150VAN'n,.... IAU unit • Cloth Trim I SAVE THOUSANDS ON NEW TAURUS $8980 $21,880 • Stereo I $12,980 «BAIE itmr 2.&AFR BRAND NEW EXPLORER XLT 4 DOOR 4X2 i $21,980 STICKER J23.47S $10,000 S15.000 S20.Q00 Rear Defroster AM/FM Stereo tOV. AI'H fAYMCMt SAVING!! WITH !•*-, *V' . $221 332 442 $254 381 508 ' S1584 „ 2352 31G8 MUSTANG GT ASPIRE •Air Conditioning • Premium -Cassette 1 Vf. AI'M I'AVMtNl BRAND NEW 1995 BRAND NEW 1995 BRAND NEW 1995 ~*p I %J\J REBATE 48 MONTHS WITH APPROVED CREDIT THROUGH JAN. 4, 1995 Remote Keyless Entry Rear Defroster I SALE PRICE S13.980 REBATE $500 STICKER $9195 FAMILY • SPORT • ECONOMY 1993 FORD Ff50 XLT $17,995 . 1992 FORD •F 150 XLT $15,995 .1992 FORD BRONCO XLT $18,995 1992 FpRD EXPLORER SPORT 1994 FORD E EXPLORER XLT $22,995 $17,995 1991 CHEVY S-10 TAHOE 1992 FORD STEPSIOE XLT $16,995 . CLEVELAND MIKEBASSllS FORD IHTERSTATE90 ROUTr 2 INTEflSTATESO. HOUTt I $7995 $8495 £1/£g5 • LORAIN 934-6591 ; ELYRIA •...-•• 365-7323 SERVICE 'TIL MIDNIGHT MONDAY - FRIDAY Coming Next Week: High School Basketball Previews SPORTS SHORTS h Awards monger. Accolades keep rolling in for Avon Lake football star Tom Cardor, who was recently chosen Division III first team All-Ohio. f And why oot? Tho Shoremen linebacker was the toughost player in tho Southwestern Conference hands-down. And though I didn't got the chance to sec every team in the state play this year, it would be lough to imagine many pn>p defensive players that had anything on Carder. When A.L-'s opponents attempted to run, their running backs faced the prospect of blowing through a hole and having their face masks broken in two or their heads snapped back, when they mot up with "Torrible" Tom. who leveled many a bone-crishing hit throughout the Shoremen's 11-1 SWC title season. Carder was accompanied by ct;.forence scoring loader Derek Thcison. .who landed on the second team Alt-Ohio offensive list. Thoisen, the Avon Lako workhorse the j entire year, admirably filled tho shoes of """legendary scat back John Perretti. and though he may not have caused Shoremen Tans to forget about Perretti entirely, he sure put the former A.L. star out of their minds for a season^ . Three other Avon Lake standouts also received notoriety, with Brian Morrissoy (wideout), Jeremy Wallace tqu-irterback), and Tim Lcszynski (OUDL). getting .special mention honors. • E u l s and Cardinal stars. Three Avon ftriddcrs. Marc Smith (RB/LB). Willie Schober (RB/K)^ and lineman Luke Wyiockl;. hit'tho Division VI headlines, securing , special mention All-Ohio honors. The senior cu-captuin lit thu- L.uly Sailors up for ;i gainf-tu^b 2»> puinls Nov. 30, including u trio uf Irifeclas from the perimeter. Amanda Chawansky, Megan's sister, was next on tin; Shoregal scoring list with seven [mints in her varsity dubut. Bruoksidu picked up win number one on the season, burying Rocky Kivei 51-26 behind Colleen Seruwski's gatm*high 17 points. The Lady Card standout also grabbed six rebounds to lead the winning effort. Avon wasn't as fortunate, suffering its first loss of the year to Columbia, lo fall to 1-1. The Lady Eagles, who got 13 points from Sarah Ballog. and nine from Julie Hollars, were oulscored 18-0 in the opening quarter and trailed 34-12 at halftime. before succumbing (33-41. ' : - if 0 '. ' ' •' :"V f fef." i§^' "••/£VT ! • • - .^ li :;'r i .-?^i. Avon Lake point guard Sean Deasy drives around an Eryria Catholic defender en route to the hoop in the Shoremen's 79-75 season opening victory over the Panthers. PRESS photo - David Brandt AL tames Panthers in season opener By Chris Assenhelmnr AVON LAKE - Led by a 20-point. 15-robound performance from pivotman Terry Urig. the Avon Lake Shoremen roundballors kicked off tha 1994-95 campaign with a 79-75 victory over independent rival E'yria Catholic. The defending Southwestern ConFeranco champion Shoremen hold n seemingly comfortable 58-44 advantage nfler three quarters, but had to fend nff the rallying Panthers, who outscored the victors 31-21 in tho final period to make things interesting. Avon Lako inflated its third quarter j • •->s\ cushion to 17 points, when senior point guard Sean Deasy buried one of his trio of throe-pointers with a little over two. minutes remaining in the contest. Doasy followed Urig In !ho scoring column, hitting for 15 opening night points. • With tho Shoremen relaxing a bit to admire their work through 30 minutes of action. Elyrin Catholic pouncod.v.pn them, slicing thoir' load under,double digits.' before Avon Lake finally salted the game away down tho stretch. Joining Urig and Doasy in double figures 'for the night was Jason Hurbanok, who threw in 11 points. •••¥ _• ••', | 1 . " v ••• The Eagles' 1 conference rlva! Brookstde;landed a pair on the Division III special mention lot, in running back GndVickof Mike Stigru'e, and defensive lineman Brandon Strichek. Girl* hoop roundup. Defending Division II state champ Avon Lake kicked rift its 1994-95 campaign with a 5G-45 victory over Vermilion. Freshman Nate Port goes to the basket It's nice tonoo that Sharogal star during Avon Lake's season debut versus Megan Chawansky hasn't missed a boat from last season, whore she averaged Elyrla Catholic. just under 20 points a gams and was • PRESS photo - David Brandt chosen Division SI Player of the Year. Bird seed sale Boy Scout Troop 300 is holding its annual Bird Seed Sole. Help focd our footnoted friends by purchasing a 40 pounds bag of seed for $10. To have the seed delivered free to your homo call Kon HUIo 933-6510 or Paul Hilston 937-6162. Boxes for the needy Holiday Helpers will bo packing boxes for those who neod them on Thursday. Doc. 22 at 9 p.m. at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church on Rte. 83 and Lake Road. Those wanting a box may apply at Community Kesourcos or Shefflold Lake Community Center. Those wanting to help with time, money or food may call Catherine Scullin, 933-2082 o r A g n e s Gohrko, 933-4532. 0, - * Monday to Thursday, from 4 to 9 p.m.; Friday from 4 to 10 p.m.: Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, from 1 to n p.ml These work hours wilt bo dividod AKRON - F i v e Avon Lako boys qualified at Goodyear Park In Akron to represent Greater Cleveland at the among throe teams of two workers each. Those positions pay $4.15 per hour. AAU National Cross Country Championships that were If you are interested in part-time work from late hold DflC. 3 In Highland. Indiana. December to early April, applications are available at In Akron (Nov. 19). in tha 10 and under ago group. the Avon Lako High School guidance office during JamoB Weaver. 8. qualified at the 3K distance by placing school hours and at Avon Lake City Hall from 0 a.m. to •10th'''at the qualifier.,In the .11 and 12 ago group, Tim J u Guonthor placed 2nd, Matt Howard placed 4th and 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Pleaso return applications to the Recreation DepartNick Herman placed 16th. In the 13 and 14 age group, ment mall box at City Hall by Dec. 23. If you have any 'Dan McDorroott qualified at tho 4K distance by placing questions, please call the Recreation Department et 7th at tho qualifier. 933-8171, Monday through Thursday. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Tho Creator Claveland Cross Country team consists and Friday, noon to 4 p.m. of. all, the best age group runners from the Cleveland aruo and.as far south as Columbus. The national meet was hsH Dec. 3 at Wicker Memorial Park Golf Course in Highland. Indians. ' AVON LAKE - The High School Sports Boosters have a variety of maroon and gold apparel for sale for the holiday gift-giving season. Avon Luke sweiilshiris, AVON LAKE - Th« Recreation Department is accep"Mom" sweatshirts, golf shirts, caps, knil hats, ting applications for employment ns ice pond attenturtlenocks, rain ponchos and T-shirts are nil nviillnbli! dants. Ice pond attendants' responsibilities are to open for immediate delivery. Thu sportswear is on display ai the Ico pond shelter houseforuse by sVatcrs and mainthe high school outside thu athletic office. You can purlain order and safety at thu ico pond. Applicants must chase sportswear in the lobby during home basketball bo at least age 16. It Is not necessary to know how tc games, or by contracting Kit thy Valek at 933-5051. s k a t e . •. •, , , , , ~ All of Iho profits from Iho sportswear sale go directly Weather permitting, tho ico pond hours arc from toward special projects supported by tho ALHS AL boys off to nationals Sportswear Safe ice pond attendants needed Boosters for the student athletes. Do some one- stop : shopping and support our ALHS students at the same time! •, • Rose-Hulman breaks record TERRE HAUTE. Indiana - Tho Roso-Hulman Inr stituto of Technology football team had a record* breaking season this yoer. Tho school's numorous offen- sivo records included a school-best 314 points and a 7-3 soason.. 4-2 and third place in the Indiana Colloglatc Athletic Conference. Tight End Matt Allen of Avon lottorod for e second. straight year. He caught seven passes for 116 yards, startod eight of 10 games and played in nine. Allen caught two passes for 37 yards against Hanovor. ' His major Is mechanical engineering. Allen Is tho son o f C p n n i G A u s . f l u g . . • ' " c High-schoolers can join team AVON LAKE - The Avon Lako Swim Team (ALSTJ Is offering any Avon Lako High School student athlete who wishes to participate tn Independent High^chpol swimming tho opportunity to swim. There ore currently five independent high school swimmers on tho ALST swim team. If you are a high school ago swimmot and would like to learn more about the team, pleaso call Mr. or Mrs. Froohlich at 933-4159. High school wrestling schedules Fri., Jan. 20 - at Wcstlakc - 7 p.m. Sat., Jan. 21 - Firclands Quad - A - G p.m. Sat, Jan. 21 - Invit. at Elyria (JV and 9) • S a.m. Fri., Jan, 27 - Bay Village - H - 7 p.m. Fri., Feb. 3 - at Rocky River - 7 p.m. Fri., Feb. 10 - at Amherst - 7 p.m. Sat., Feb. 18 - SWC Championships F TBA Man., Feb. 20 - SWC J.V. Preview at Bay - TBA Frl. and Sal., Feb. 24-25 - Sectionals TBA Fri. and Sat. March 3-4 - Districts • TBA Fri. and Sat, March 10-11 - State • TBA Avon Varsity/JV Wrestling Thurt., Dec. 8 - at Wellington - 7 p.m. Fri., Dec. H - K. of C. Tourney - A, 5:30 p.m. Sal., Dec. 10 - K. of C. Tourney - A, 11 a.m. Thurs., Jan. 5'- at Brooksldc, 7 p.m. Sat, Jan. 7-at Columbia Tourney, I t a.m. —VThiitt., Jan. 12 - Obcrlin - H, 7 p.m. Frl., Jan. 13 - Cuy. HU. Quad - A, 6 p.m. Sat, Jan. 14 - Open Door Tourney A, 11 a.m. Than., Jan. 19 - at .Keystone, 7 p.m. Fri., Jan. 20 - Lulh WJOpon Door - A, 8 p.m. Thurs., Jan. id - at Cleaxview, 7 p.m. Thar*., Fob. 2 - Finland* - H, 7 p.m. Sat, Feb. 11 - Conference - A, 12 p.ra. Thnn., Feb. 16 • Elyria Cain. - H, 7 EVENINGS SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE • Pmontlurd Pi!i*ni Cut for AJIAq*, • Lt-Housa Lab - Fast. Acciirila, A "" "' • Glaucoma a Catv*ct Ev^,* Uom • ConUCI L*n««l - Afl Ty WU« St<«non In Slock ' DH. ROUAN BOIWKA OPTOMETRIST . QIKOV I & WananB« A*ail- HE CORNER OF MOORE • WiiXER) LAW OFI:ICGS OS RUSSELL T. MCLAUGHLIN 'SERVING LORAIN' COUNTY SINOU i*>7-i Brookside Varsity Wrestling T2 PERSONAL INJURY V Bodily Injury or Wrongful Death Free Initial Consultation No Recovery-No Fee 9 3 4 - 6 5 4 3 2217 Wisteria Way -Avon, Ohio REAL ESTATE/* PROBATE • SMALL BUSINESS Sweetbriar Golf Course Holiday Sale! Taylor Made Mid-Size Woods wilh Craphite Shafts Normal Size Price - $229.00 HOLIDAY PRICE S Ellis named international referee -; Joff Eilit, the chief instructor for International Karate Centers, was selected as the International Referee for the United Sltioi during the World Ju Jitsu Champlontnlpf whfch table place Nov. 22 through Nov. 20 In Bologna, Italy. Tho l&Jttiu Championship ti aanctloned by : tho International Ju ]Itsu Federation and had countries from ell over tho globo -participating:,. ; Mr. Bills Is a 6 Dan Block Bolt certified . with the USA Ju Jltiu Federation and tho Inlorntttlar.nl Ju Jitsu Federation. Ho also holds Black Bolt grades in Kcrnto, Chang Moo Kwon. Judo, and Chinoso Mirtiil Arts. Mr. Ellis has devoted 25 yaars to parfocUna and teaching tho martial arts and has schools in Strongtville. Rocky Rivor nnd Avon Lako. H e a U o holds tho position of » M « ™ « - >• tt*5 MOORE ROAD • SUITE III • AVON LAKE Fivfnilunjt l'ft/un Cart far The Fntirr Famil Fri., Dec. 9 - K. of C. Tourney, 5:30 p.m. at Avon Lake ' p.m.• • ' Sat., Dec. 10 • K. of C. Tourney. 11 AL Vanity/JV Wrestling a.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Avon Lake Thurt., Dec 15 - Oberlin - 11 - 7 p.m. "• ' Than., Dec 8 - Triangular at NorSat, Dec. 17 - Brookalde Invit - H mandy (JV)-0p.nl. 10 a.m. Fri., Dec 9 • K. or C. Invit. - H • 5:30 Thurs., Dec 22 - Keystone J.V. p.tn. Tourney • A - 10 a.m. Stt, Dec 10 - K. o! C. ZnviL - H - 11 Wed., Dec 28 «jn. lo 0 p.m. Thurs., Dec 29 • Sat, Dec 17 • Buckeye Invit, - at • Tbura., Jan. 5 - Avon - H - 7 p.ra. \ Boclnya • 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat, Jan. 7 - Columbia Invit - A - 11 ,'v TOBB., Dae. 20 - at Fairviow - ? p.ro. a.m. to 7 p.m. ' Tour*., D»c 22 - Tournament at Thur«., Jan. 12 - at Keystone - 7 p.m. v Kiyitons -10 mjn. Thura., Jan. 19 - Clearview - H - 7 • Wad., Dae 2S- Invit at BrunSwlck p.m. -: jaoontoB'JOpjQ. j Thurs., Jan. 28 - at Finland's - 7 p.m. - Tntw*., Dec. 39 - Invit. at Brunawlck Thurs., Feb. 2 - Wellington - H - 7 --noon to 8:30 poo* p.m. Sat, Feo. 11 - Loraln County Fri., Jan. 6 - Olmatod Falli -11-7 Conference - noon. Keystone '-(•pJB- • ' ' * Sectional Tournament • Feb. 24-25 .Sat*; Ian. 7 - Tourney (fltfa) at N. ' District Tournament - March 3-4 ' loyalton* 10aun. :" ' 1 < State Tournament - March 9-11. Sat, Jan. 1« • N. Obnatsd - H - 7 p.m. c B l l o l Chairman and Coach in the USA Karate Federation junior program, is a Director of tho Southwest Karnto Association and instructs at Baldwin-Wallace College in Bcroa. Mr. Ellis war among sovornl candidates from the USA and other countries attonding tho )u Jitsu World Cup last year in Denmark for a referee course. He was one of only two persons from tho USA that wore certified as an International Referee. Individuals must be licensed first by their national federation before applying for an International Roforoo's Ucenso. As a side note, Mr. Ellis also received the highest grade on the roforee examination among thoso from the U.S. and other countries participating. 159 9 5 'in stock only !j Jones C a n y Bag w/ Legs With the Purchase of Big & Umbrella fj Receive matching Fur ?.-Ieadcovers FREE - $30.00 Value! // ... F o o t Joy 100% Cotton CJ. Cotton Sweaters Great selection of styles and sizes. Buy ONE and get the SECOND ONE at '/i [•RICE! Golf Shoe Closeout Dry Joys from $8950, Soft Joys from M5-50, Green Joys from S32.S0. W/ stock only. Wld* selection of style* and ' ittm 1* *A cijiMt or trim* value) Sweetbriar I G , O L F fie P R O S F i O P 750Jaycox Bd.. Avon Lake. OH/M012 (216) 933-9001 / 871-0822 (Cleve.) ' • % " . NAPAAuTa CARE CENTER Avon Lake Academy CALL 930-AUTO, . (2886) f Serving the Community Since 1958 149 Lear Rd., Avon Late .&.' YOU HAVE JO BE Christmas Gift Special 20% Off A LITTLE SLOW TO Buy three months of Karate lessons for your . child, spouse or friend... i At Inst under th« ipetd IImil. If you W e a clean driving ncord Tor forty months, you may qualify for reduced HIM. To find oul tnon, fill mil ihli coupon ind mail II In lodiy. " • - * • • • • Mill to: Libtny Mutualve Inturancc Company 2274 Knit* D» - Amh«r$t O R «00l 282-5009 UBEKIY MUTUAL.' immtt \M», I*—11 Packago Includes: Karate uniform with belt and patches Throe months of unlimited Karate classes Personalized gold nmbossed gift certificate Membership to Amerfjan Okinawan Karato Asscdalion CALL 933-KICK FOR MORE DETAILS 690 Aion Dtldon Road A*on IJtWt, Ohio (nt*t la SUwn'i Viowrn) - Classos taught by Sth Dogroe Black Bolt 0 0 i Shoregals 'Gund' down by Trinity By Chris Assanheimcr kvo Laura Eastman, 11. is the Carrier of the Month for September. Laura, who is in the sixth grade at Learwood Junior High School, delivers to Parkwood. Laura has been a earner since January of 1993. Her favorite school subject is science, and when she grows up, she would like to be a scientist. A member of the local swim team, Laura's hobbies include collecting rocks and playing basketball. Her parents are Wayne and Gloria Eastman, and she has one sister, Jenna. The PRESS congratulates Laura on her dedication and hard work. Her customers appreciate her promptness and friendliness. lake Of Avon Ukt PieatJ 01 Sheffield UtePrewnH Uavie Rentals. AFREEHza. Twice As Much Power As A Single-stage CLEVELAND - Defending girls Division II state champ Avon Lake got a taste of life without Stacoy Fifer, Both Lora and Michelle Fincfrock when they took on last year's Division I titlist Trinity, in ihe second game of the McDonald & Company High School Tipoff Classic at Gund Arena. The cuisine was 1 lejs than appetizing 73-46 spanking at the hands of the Lady Trojans, who figure to be Avon Lake's main nemesis come sectional and district tournament time. With the three standout starters from last year's A.L. dream season gone to graduation, the Shorcgals struggled to find an identity. Fifer's protection and distribution of the ball was replaced by 30 turnovers against the Lady Trojans. Lora and Flnefrcck's reboundins proWBSS wus interchanged with 19 Trinity offensive rebounds. "A lot of people don't understand that it's not like the pros where you have the jame people on your team and ycu come back the next season and defend your title," said Shoregal head coach Amy Manco, who suffered only her fourth defeat In 55 games on the Avon Lake . bench. "Most of the kids that got us to ' state arc gone. Wo're a whole other team. We're going to be good, but wo have to focus on this year and not last seasoq." Ono of the keys to last year's success was the play of Division II player of the year Megan Chswansky, who is back in action this year, but struggled against the Lady Trojans. Chawansky not surprisingly led A.L. in the scoring department with 16 points, but she wasn't as sharp as Shorogal fans ore used to seeing. "We looked too much to Megan," said Manco. "Everybody was afraid to do anything. Maybe it was the atmosphere. We settled down in the second half a little bit, but wo were too far behind." Thu reason Avon Lake (1-1) found itself trailing big at halftime, 40- 25. was the play of Trinity sophomore sensation Someka"" Randall, who led all scorers with 18 on the night. With her squad in front 19-14 after a Chawansky layup to bagin tho second quarter, Randall hit three straight . buckets to spark a 10-2 run. She finished tho oight-minutr segment with 10 points, With the Avon Lake.defensive effort concentrating on stopping tho perimeter work of Randall and point guard Chrlssy Falcone, a pair of Lady Trojans made life miserable for the Sharegals insido the paint. Juniors Kamllaii Cunningham and Sasha King, two post players that the A.L. damage control did not foresee as much of a threat, combined for 33 points and seven of Trinity's 19 offensive boards. "We got in troublerebounding-wiso,". Manco said. "Our post play wasn't where it should be. I thought we did a nice Job dofending Falcone (sevon points). We told our players to box out the other kids and we didn't do it." That hurt, and the fact that tho Shoregals couldn't make a layup or froo throw to save thoir lives didn't holp tha cause. Time and time again Avon Lako would break the Lady Tn)|onvre« and wind up with a player underneath the basket with tho ball. Thd'.odly problem was that whoever the -playar wai couldn't put the ball in the hole, which U: the same thing that plagued them at the charity stripe, where they hit only 14 of 28 attempts. "That's disgusting." said Manco referring to the Shoregals* shooting woes. "If wo can score norao layups wo can bo in tho game. We missed something llko five layups in a row. You have lo bo able to convert when you're that close to the basket." i • • i The final Prow football star of the week is Avon Lake wide receiver Brian Morriuey, who hauled in nine passes for 166 yards in the Shoremen's 21-10 regional final loss to Clyde. The first team All-SWC senior gave A.L its final lead of the g?me when he latched onto a 65 yard sewing strike. He was also on tltc end ora circus reception in the second quarter, outleapins a Flier defender for 36 yards ana afirstdown. r- Lightest two-stage snowthrower in the industry for easy operation and storage. • 3 HPJfecumseh Engine • Auger-Propelled Drive for pulling power • Dual-Stage for Superior Clearing • 21" Clearing Width • 5 Year Limited Consumer Warranty THE PRESS.:. Sponsors This Weeks COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE at the OLD FIRE HOUSE SATURDAY DECEMBER 3,1994 c^irkms. I I ZHQtHllXlD FOK Tilt EXTStWES" Sdd and Stntad %f AVON LAKE POWER EQUIPMENT 69O Avon Belden Rd. A. L. (Rt. 83) 933-44OO 1-8OO-231-4433 8:30 AM-1PM for appt. call 933-6164 Al (The Count) Whitney or 233-8827 Jackie at The Lorain County Blood Bank. • Walk-Ins Welcome » LORAIN COUNTY BLOOD SAVE A LIFE . . . . DONATE BANK BLOOQ, Be the sponsor of our next WEEKLY^ Community Blood Drive. . . GALL 322-5700 Janine, L.C.B.B., Marketing Avonite earns bioscience award Ltc. Richard A. Ade has just won tliu Outstanding Bioscinnce Officer Award tor tho entire Air National Guard. USAF. He was presented ihis award Nov. 14 in Orlando, Florida by tho military. Ltc. Adc works for (he Cleveland V.A. Medical Center in Cleveland as a Clinical Specialist in nursing. He is a resident of Avon. Ltc. Ade holds a Master's degree in Public Health from tho University of Los Angolas end Is currently enrolled in a Doctorate progrnm in Public Health, and Air War College of the University of the Air Force. Ltc. Ade also holds a dogreo in Radiology Technology and currently holds a National Certification. Ho has been in the field of medicine since 3971 when he became a Registered Nurse. Through his vast experience and knowledge Ltc. Ade has made a positive impact on the mission of tho 112th/171st Medicul Squadron in the past 12 mon ths, which resulted In an outstanding grade In tho Bloodborno Pathogen Prodram on the Health Service Readiness Inspection. This was accomplished through his dedication and follow up of many hours ho committed for this Military Unit. He. Ade wrote and provided tho education and training for the full time work force, as well as Iho purttimp Guardsmen. Ho also developed protocols for the Aircraft Lavatory Program. The personal contributions that Ltc. Ade is responsible for is loading a tunior stuff of officers and enlisted personnel of tho Btoonvrionmentol Engineering and Military Public Health, which became more efficient and aware of tholrcresponsibilities as traditional Guardsman. U c Ade hai developed educational and training tools for tho J military shops on base and provides an open door policy with an excellent rapport with the supervisory staff. He provides soloctod in-service programs for tho Modicol Squadron on o regular basis. Ltc. Ado was instrumental in makina recommendations for tho remolding ' of the food facility for the base, which is operated by civilian porsonnol. FAVORITES Hundreds of Ideas to add a Festive Tbuch to your home Special HolidayHours: Open 7 Days Mon. - Fri. 8:30-5=30 Sat. 9-5 Victorian • Country • Nautical • Traditional Sun. 12-5 Contemporary • Woodland • Custom designs Uc. Richard A. Ade Ltc. Ade is very active and respected in his community. He is the Treasurer of the Avon Band Boosters, serves as the Affiliate Faculty for the American Heart Association v.-htre he personally trained over 100 physicians at the Cleveland V.A. Medical Center, and also (rained and re-certified tho 112lWl71st Medical Squadron in Advanced Cardiac Life Support which filled an important need In the mission of tho Military. He Is currently tho President of the Ailianco of Bloenvlronmental Engineering and Public Health for tho Air National Guard. Ltc. Ade is affiliated with the following professional organhtatlons: Critical Care Nurses 'Association, American Nursos Association, Amnrican Red Cross. Loruin County Kidney Foundation. (Past Prosident in tho early stages of development), and the American Registry nf Rnd'.ology Technologist. Fresh &. Silk Arrangements Fruit, Wine & Gourmet Baskets • "Wreaths • Centerpieces • , 2 Floors of Gifts Items .Deportment CAST'S c&rwwhabies. 7Wmvl-7>M? • Candta • Nativity Sets • Collectibles • Music Boxes • Santa Figurines & Teddy Bears • Brass • XFlcker • Crystal • Potpourri & HOUSE or HATTEN • DREAMSTCLES Much More 10th & Reid Ave. Lorain 244-5259 '95'S IN STOCK NOW mk NO DOWN PAYMENT _ !/ g tfo SECURITY DEPOSIT < c s v l LlMITED'S '/ 60 MONTH LEASE " ^ V ^ IN>STOCK N O W NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 36 MONTH LEASE VOYAGER ••95" GRAND VOYAGED V . 6 . AIR • CBUISE • TILT • CASSETTE • BEAR DEFROSTW • . CLOTH INTERIOR • PLUS MORE -• * 1.000 DOWN NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 9A MONTH LEASE YOUR CHOICE " 9 5 " VOYAGER V-6»AUT0»7PASS. • AIB '^ _ . o - DOWN MO SECURITY DEPOSIT 24 MONTH LET M A ice Counts „ 33725 WALKER RD. AVOHUKE 933-3500 or &35-5900 . T ^ _ _ . T . W Tint »wnPLATESnrrnA. •i I V * BXJTTERFLY FAMILY BOOKS & GIFTS \ ; n i V u hi rx UJ m 650 Avon-Betten Bd. (R\ 83) (Next tu Saeon't) Avon Lake Phone 933-7073 DALE'S TV Compliments of DR. MARK D. GOULD -PODIATRIST W* »[wdilu* in BIG v w n fV* Ii \'tR'l L'wl « « wo! 753 Avoi Bi'lJen KJ. ISutth cf RK tradul Avcn U l * Pht™ 933-13JB 31730 Walkvr RJ. Avon Lake, Ohio Phorw 933-4U21 oUl a AVON LAKE KIWANIS requests you attend the Church of your choice. Please bring tht.* children to Sunday School STATE FARM INSURANCE UJ BiUThomhUI 2l5MU!«Rd. Avon Lake Phone 933-2710 rx GOOD SAMARITAN NURSING HOME DeANGELIS RESTAURANT LOUNGE SISSON'S FLOWERS, CARDS & GIFTS MO Avon Belden RdAvon Lake, Ohio Phone 9XV32S3 32901 Detroit Rd. A von. Ohio ; phone 937-6201 33499 U k e R d . Avon Ljkr, Ohio Phcne 933-4007 PAINT £t PAPER PLACE 137 Lear Kd. Avon Lake Dr. Dwuld R. ROHIM 51t Avon Batoan Avon Lake ONo Phone TO-IH* Sheffield lake TOM'S COUNTRY PLACE/ CATERING 3430 Stoney RJdgeRd. Avon Phone 934-15£) THE CHILDREN'S CENTER Aran Lai* Community OtocatlanCaiMr 337 Bdnur Blvd. _ Avon laka R a w «J-51» "tWptaf You** OiUnn LMin* AVON LAKE PRINTING 33447 Ult*fld. Avcn Uk*. Ohio Phon* TO-ISOO 1-80O-23M4J1 BONNIE'S LAKESIDE MFXODIE AUSTIN'S SEASONS IN COLOR SALON > tt Mam* ltd. ind IMAGE OF SUCCESS Avon Life Otto 2*50 Dover CeniarRii. 7 W M b b 44.145 KJS-FACEC1Z23) "Why look p o d . when you can look FAWTASTICr DR. ROMAN BOIWKA 515 Moo* R<U Suite 3 *-• Avon Lafc*. Ohto 933-EYESor9»-3333 RAVS AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE Ann. Ohio j vimtr d**n b aemnpanW by • hoihrt flmractixt—itt one taatt the abnoti Impcrcrptibfer imprmJoo of an«d "Infi **Ulng U and fro. One Jeep* pok out tbc window iotm (fee myMttj. To* flnt ino* of Ibr m w a b bnsrifiig th* earth with ib pabtt of tloln wUtc *rt«t Awaknlnt from (hat bat itmrt m n brfon vUag,aiMlwr wood it dtarIj rvld*nL_cUUrra'i «t»ttlj of [ k c Tbt mow tun braofht withttin aanptcttd bolidij. SJnb In >H Mtfu of upUitkatian «Un ttat UD » dwrki and nom flow IStt lUdolph't. Ulndowi fnunt that jojon tent cadi •Inter. Tbt hOI It the tan*. The wmdt a n the same. Y M caa etwnt on if. O f f tht ;tan thtn k •nlj oat d»na*. A new iranatkn of dUUrto lUm that oia|k*l UIL Yn. tratntkm ram aad to. but thtn *01 alwaji be tnow<ovmd nOb, aOdrtn. batkUr-ud Cod. WanUp Kim iMt wttk. God arttr dnaf«. Y M cas tovnt on It. EASY STORAGE Mini Storage/All Sizes Wedneaday Prayer MaeUr* 7 pjn. CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 3X7*7 U h * K d . iS-i Strrlc* Ilk IB «jn. Stmday School M 0 a^n. AVON LAK5TOESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3ZM0 Ebttrte Wvd. 9M-*2«0 Or. Alfred A. HM. P » o r KM. 171-90S* 9undsT WanMp 9O0 b It A) a.m. Sunday 9*ool 9J0 * 11*0 ajn. fcTFdU TO-AUTO 141 Lear M , Avon LUt . -^. ^ Vtnnllion 1509 5 u w R t 60 DETZEL'S GARAGE W« R»p4lr All M*k« & Model* DBV* DrtuL Owner 310** DetroU R d Phone 937-5261 GREAT LAKES GYMNASTICS 33«00 Pine O«k Pukway Avon Uke, Ohio Phone 933-1674 36976 Detroit M , Avon 93M3S7 AVON LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH ST. CLEMENT OF OHRID MACEDONIA ORTHODOX CHURCH 3 M » French Cr»»h Rd.. Avon Botfce Klprovakl. Minuter Sun. 1030 a.m. FREEDOM CHAPEL (Non-DmomtiuHonal) 1575Stoney Rldt* Rd.P.O. Urn 205 OH 44011 Ph. V34-4131 UKE SHORE UNrttD METHODIST CHURCH Avon. Sunday: 1U00 a-m. "CROSSWALK- radio 1M.9 FM 33119 Electric Boulevard 93342M itflO Wonhlp SRVICT Mrradith O. Colenun. MUUilar Wrdnrndayi 7:00 p.m. Bible Study * corf** Worthlp l^DO a.m. Nuneiy and Crib Koom O n l» Avalbbla During tf> Wonhlp Itour AVON CHURCH OF G O D Sunday School 11:10 *.m. 37*45 Detroit Ril., Avon (CK 434-5110) Rev. Daniel SvaRerko Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday hUwn. Wonhlp 11:03 a.m. Sunday Eve. Worship 6:00 p.m. Thimday Family Training tlour 7:00. pjn. AVON AVON LAKE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST J W l QecMc t4vd, «J-32«1 Sunday Wnnhtp 9 and 11 ajn. SUKIIY Setwurf 9 a^vl JuniorOnarch II ajn. l U . M«tk Fnnbertan. AeaocUte Minuter ST. MARY of Ibt IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 3MO Stoney Rkl«* Rd. 534-1212 Avon. Ohio Arthur D. tptan. Mintilrr M a w i Sat. 9JO p m . Sun. I ajn-i tO «jn.-ll Noon Wed. 730 tf Jn. HOLY TRINITY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 33601 DvtroltRd- Avon 937-5363 , • Father John I. Corekl. MlnUter Sal. 5 p.m . Sun. 9 a.m.»103t) a.m-12 Neon CALVARY BAPTIST CJ1URCM SHOT Electric Blvd. O M f f l Gary ILSchraeder. MlnlWef Sun. « « S ajn. Sund«)r Set™) • 3 0 a-m. ei U « 0 a^n. Momlnc Wonhlp Bvanlng Service *«30 p-m. Wed. *JO-*15 pjn. AlVANA Oube FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH C u d m and LafctUnd Dr.. Avon 9.W-I7I0 Bev. Wayne D. Decker Sum!*/ School. Adult !Ubl* C l a u 10-45 a.m. Worthlp 9 3 0 «.m. HRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 31M7 lAto Fd. 9XM330 Stnday 10 »-m. Plnl Wedrwvday o( Ihe motuh. 7 3 0 p.m. HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH AVON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 37711 OrtTOlt Rd.. Avon <O4-!I121 MinJ*l*r: Dr. Djvl1 W, Blent Sunlav 10 a.m. Worship S»rvk« Sunday School •* 00 a.m.; tlkt>l* 5tu.ty - Wrtl. 7J0 p.m.; ChoU rrn<n« »1» a m . «t0 Lmw Rd. 933-3777 Umr. I I M II. UMHY, P W W Weekday* 1 ; » a - i n Sal. 4 3 0 4i TOO p-tn. Sun. »«J.tOJO-U Noon ST. JOSEPH CATHOUC CHURCH f t . V * IW. 933O153 . Noewan WWy- Mlntot« CHRISTIAN HERITAGE ASSEMBLY OF GOD 3MM0 Chrtlrr Rtl.. "»7*2I6 tUv. lotui Hunney Mumlng Wonhlp and Child r«V* Church 900 a.m. »ivl 10.49 a.m. EvmlKg Wontup 6:30 p.m. Thunday Family Nf^ht [Cotnpiat* Christian t J h n j u m l 730 p.m. SHEFFIELD LAKE NEW HAVEN BAPTIST SI90 Fi«Kh Creek 9J4-t203 SMciiMUI. Otua 440M Richard White, raihw 9:43 a.m. Sundar School 11.00 a.m. Wonhlp t.W Church Training 7:00 Wonhlp Wrd. 7 UO Piayer & Dlbl* Study SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH 715 Harris Ktud. Srwfflirltl Lak* 149.7741 |ohn 1. McOfirey, Taator S.X. "> p.m. Sun. BJO a.m-lOJO a.m.-12:W p m. UCC O r SHEFFIELD LAKE 'biX\ Stmwl ii Kichvllvu Rlft)Wu-St7l lt-t CarUin Community Church [>winr Hohnt Hflch Wonltlp Servk^ - 10.W a m. "Share, rtayei. Cjre" 930-10:15 a.mNiinvry available 32000 Detroit %L. Avon 163 Avon Btklen Avon Lake, Ohio P h e w 933-3202 ALLEN HEATING &COOUNG 614 Moor* Kd. Avon U i * , Ohio Phone 933-3535 36964 Detroit Rd. Avon Phone 934-1MD KOUNTRY KUPBOARD &CAFE M l I M T Bd- « i > « 2 4 Elmy Holt, MiHinlet Sunday * 3 0 «.i^- FaTVnnhlp l i r*fra*hnwni> 10 e-m. Sunday School: 11 • m . W m h l p • pjn. Bible Siudjn 7 p.m. Wonhtp Wed. 7 3 0 pjn. Prayei 4a Shulng BURMBSTER-BUSCH FAMILY FUNERAL CHAPELS SKUGGEN INSURANCE AGENCY COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICES AVON LAKE LAKESIDE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Complete Auto Repair FuU wrvlor au p All nukea of a n *i nucks 1H LMT tUL/PO. Box 300 Avon Lit*. Ohio PhonaWJ-SlOO "Wednraday tort Wednesday Without ThtPiwa-' M l » LaM W . 9XM11S HARTSEL'S AUTOMOTIVE H & I AUTO SERVICE BRELANDS FLOORS "S<niing tht ma fa* J O Avon L*k« 449 Avon M d t n Phoiw933-30M WilkarSquanBldg32?*S Walktr Bd. Avon LBICP, Ohio Phone 933-3111 1300 M o m Rd, Avcn HMXW93+47U 38390 O f U d I-W&Rte.tU Avon, Ohio THE PRESS ttr Our Ijmllr serving *tt* iamilir* lot 27 yrars. 37800 French Crwik Rd., Avon photw 934-5201 Ul LANDINGS ANIMAL CONVENIENT FOOD MART HOSPITAL yr- AVON OAKS NURSING HOME &CH1U) CASE CENTER SPARKLE MARKET 33*79 LalwKrf. Avon Lakft, OWo Phone 933-4303 LUFE CHEVROLET TRUCK i n J G E O 307 MiBer Roed Avon Lik*. Ohk> Phone 933-C131 Q m U M Lfaw B3SOB33 TYLER RENTAL no ctnMriu.au. m Avon, OWo •;" Fhm937-UU / "AH your 'handrnan'needi" CHURCH OF G O D , SHEFFIELD . THE CHURCH LOVE IS BUILDING ZUO North Abbe I d . «34-63Z> Of 934-VW John P. Yeoman, MrdaMr Scott Sfceana. MlnMur of Yourft a, Muale Suralay School 10:00 ajn. Morning WonMp 11C0 ajn. SuKlay Ev«ntna Wonhlp «.00 p j n . Wad. LJJ.B. 7 « 0 p j n : . . HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH _- , •&'.•• 4791 Cater Rd 4 Shafltald. 94O-3aW Paator MJehael Eckstkarrtp Wonnlp: Sun. 1030 ajn-JSat &O0 pjn. (Nuraery Avaltiblat Educanonal Study Opportunities Sun. 9:13 a-m. OOldren/Adult Sun. KM p j n . T i e * . 7:00 pjn. (10/11) Watla. 7 3 0 p.m. Commuraiy Otble Study (All dinvntnatfaswi ri«-5chool -Tu«a_ W a d i . T h u n . LAKE BREEZE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 1430 Lake Breata Rd, Sheffield 930 a-m. Sunday School. 1030 a.m. Wonhlp Sovfca. 7.W pjn. Wedrunday DlbU Study 949-7U8 or 3W-11U HRST BAPnST CHURCH *33 Harrta R d . Sheffield Lakt> 949-UW Rev. Billy B. Cooper Ra*. 949-7170 ,: Youth Duvctor-Loml Schneider Muale Director-Urn Wataon Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Mumlng Wonhlp H A ) a j n . Ennlng Wonhlp * i » p JTL. Youth Bible Study 7115 pjn_ and M U Week Prayer Service 7:15 pjn. Wedneaday. SAINT TERESA C A T H O U C CHURCH II7H Abbe Rd- Sheffield 934-4337 Rev. Edward h Luca. )CD, Paalor 5at.:430pjn. :> Sun. 9:00 ajn. and 11:00 ajn. *" v. [J BAY VILLAGE BAY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 39431 Lak* Road Bay VUlan. Ohio B7W0BI Revetvnd Alfml UubUrt <*M* ILOOSunday Wonhlp S«rv k m 9JO Church School-All A m 1030 Cofftn Fellowthlp ST. DARNABAS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH 46* UradUy Road al Wolf Road. Bay VUlig* Th* Rev. K. Janm TwWer, R»ct« Sunday Service: B.OO a.m. llnlxCommuruoru lQflO a.m. Holy Communion; lOiXl a.m. Sunday School Wadneulay 1O30 a.m. Monday 1(KX) a.m. Blbte Study BAY VILLAGE CHURCH ON THE RISE Non- Denomlna ttonal Located al VI mile East of I luntLtftton tteach. on the south tide of Laka Road. Sunday Service* 1030 a.m. and 63d p.m. Kkli on Ihe Rlae 1030 a m . Ruyal Hangn* and MlMlonettn *JO p m. Call 933-7»»0 . Taitol Paul EndrvL ChlUrens Paator Jim Wllke> SL Christmas Parade SHEFFIELD LAKE - The city recreation department's annual Christmas t'arudu and party will be hold Saturday. Dec. 10. The parade starts at 12:30 p.m. ;it the Shorcway Shopping Center and proceeds down Luke Road to the Community Center. Santa Claus wil) welcome party-goers at the Community Center, where children can have their photos taken with him. Refreshments will also be available at the center. Guaranteed Principal & Interest Rate NO FEES! NO SALES CHARGES/ Santa at Learwood Dec. 10, 17 AVON LAKE - Santa Clam is coming to Learwood Square on Saturday. Dec. 10 and Dec. 17 from I t a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Children can have their photos taken with Santa for free, courtesy of Revco. HOUDAY OPEN HOUSE DEC. 4 - You're inviiod to a Holiday Open House Sunday, Dec. 4 from noon to 5 p.m. at Learwood Square, Thero will be special discounts and values, refreshments, caroling by the Avon Lake Merples and Santa Claus. loo! EACH ACCOUNT GUARANTEED UP TO $300,000 BY THE STATE OF OHIO BENEFICIAL STANDARD LJFE INSURANCE CO. Rated "A + " fry A JU. Best - Ineiept-ndent Rating Servt'rr STOP LOSING MONEY TO TAXES AND INFLATION! CALL TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-521-8283 Santa at the Firehouse AVON LAKE - Santa Claus will also stop at the Old Firehouse (corner of Avon Belden and Lake Roads) on Saturday. Dec. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Kids, bring your Christmas lists, and adults, bring your cameras. m Indiutts Bast Rate of'5.75% + 3% 1styear bonus. Director gets pay hike READY MIX CONCRETF AVON LAKE - City Council approved a 3 percent pay increase for Utilities Director John Knlopper in accordance with the sumo pay increase his employees will receive. ' Knioppor, who presently earns $60,456 annually, will get a salary of $68,449.68 beginning Jan. 1.1995. BUILDING SUPPLIES L Residential Commercial Industrial sun* Dog licenses on sale Bag UatanaM: Uii-K*nk Dog licenses go.on sale Doc 1 at various locations throughout La rain County. Individual llcoofios oro $8 and kennel licenses arc 540. There is on additional administrative Too for licenses purchased at branch outlets. Licenses must be purchased by Jon. 20.1M5. •• .In Avon: Smith's Country Counter. 37500 Colorado Avo.: In Avon Lake: The Fish Connection Pot ft Food Center. 33445 Lake Rd. In Sheffield Lake: Lakeside Pet Center. 41SZ B. Lake Rd. Or. ltcenies can bo purchased at the Lorn In County Auditor'? office/county udrnintttrnUon building, 228 Middle Avo.. Elyria. Avoid a penalty and purchase by Jin. 20. SUKfSand . i " • L X Ho?ne Care Benefits under Medicare AVON LAKE - Interim Health Caro will givo a free presentation to all senior dtfcons regarding tholr home caro bonortts avallablethraush Medicare on Thursday, Doc. a from 11 c m . to 1 p.m. Moot at tho Old Flnmuiue (corner or Avon Beldcn and LoJeo R^adsJ If Interested. , • . , „, , . ... . , Sally Tomfco, R.N., B.S.N.. and Arleno Jaroscak, R.N. will prestnt tho, following. Eligibility requirements for homo caro; services available: types of hon.w care such os intermittent and continuous care: and how to make a referral. , . , Allor tho presentation, sonlor citizens can have their blood pressure taken lor •s Blood Pressure Screening AVON LAKE - Thoro will he a froo blood pressure clinic at the Old Firehouso (corner of Avon Boldon and Loko RoadsJ on Wednesday. Dec. 14 from 11 a.m. to noon. AVON CONCRETE 930 Miller Rd., Avon 2 mi. from Rt. 2 & 90 off 611 Cl*v*land U»« 1 •ss s Jr -s —Elyti«- •35-5775 937-KM I T o r more information, coll tho Avon Lake Recreation Department at 933-.8171 bet-ween 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday; and noon through 4 p.m. on Friday. nadloDtapatctwd SaturdtyDtOnry Strvbtc lorain vtd CuythogiCountlM Brick PtvwuBnck DnMT Merchants form Association • • -AV0NrLAKE - Tho Oldo Downtown Merchants Association of Avon Lako Is the name of the new business association that was recently formed by thu wostsidu business community. The first mooting was hold Nov. 30. Co-chairs are Rkl.an.CUranlc of Lloyd-ManwoH Ford and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Kdhleen WUhelra:Tho next association mooting will bo;hold Jan. 18. Sl*3 ' UaionSanct Concraw Block E m m Block pro am 324-6420 \Photography\ Mid* Atold Tilt Mill PirHlH Hllllt Quality Photograph* with Santa Claus MolPcUmldSnspMtieu Nonnter n through Dtc«mb«r Fridays Saiurdays Sundoys Alio: Dec.ai.W.23. Kids - Pmt$ , \ \ - tttOOlo * r l&OOto&OO \ noonio4:00 .\\tft00iofr00 K U Bid much lower than estimate AVON LAKE - Marino Contracting of Lorain will install a 54-inch water intake that will food water to the new water main btflng laid from Lako Erio down through Columbia Station. „ „ The estimate for tho project was $3.1 million according to Utilities Director John Knioppor. He said tho board was pleased to award this bid of only $1.8 million to the local company, whoso owner lives In Avon Lake. Laura Pandy, D,D.SVFAMILY DENTISTRY NEW\ PATIENTS WELCOME! ? t h year of practice Jr. Women's Christmas Party GEl^ERAL DENTISTRY AVON - T h o Avon Junior Women is having its first annual Christmas party on COSME1YC DENTISJRT • Bleaching, bonding and porcelain veneers Stump at 937-6B23; KiwanisDec programs r.lwanis Club of Avon Lako meets woekly at tho E5T Bank building on Ukc Road from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Programs for December ore: Doc. 1 - Avon Laic School Foundation-; Barb McGrath: •-Doc 0 - Coast Guard Auxiliary • Com- modore Andy Jurocko. Due. 15 • Northcoast YMCA • Judy Schmitz. -Dec. 2'1 - Christinas Party at Beach Park Tower. D 0 c . 2 9 -"BLOOPERS *' , | ,,„,i Most Insurances Accepted Laura Pandy, DDS Children are always welcome! For Appointment Call 933-2710 Evening & Saturday Hours Available ["TRTi Walker Commons North 33398 Walker Rd. Unit F Avon Lake '1— NEWLY USTED1 Ths 8 room older Home features 4 bedrooms, den. woodbumina fireplace in the carpeted living • jrti, central air, 2 dining areas, larje front porch 3 car garage and a possible bulldable lot $108,500. Call BETTY lftUKEFlELD for more deteilsl 9338195. («nj345) £t NEW USTING NORTH HIDGEV1LLE Lowly 3 bdrm. ranch.wWi.f lots to offer 2 woodbumlng fireplaces, nenwr windows. fauBUg bookMses Great 80x288 toll $95,000. Cati for details, CAROL \ MCDONALD. 333-0195. (692424) (HOT 4700) ,•- . ^ GREAT START - STAY & EXPAND Already has 3 BR's. gas fuel, C/A. 3 car garage. 105 lot. 2 decXs. S79.SU0. ADA TAYLOR. 933d195. (680704) YOU CAN GO HOME AGA.N $315,000 Westwlnds Wltliomsaurg ambJancs pervsdas this most charming 4 bedroom, 3 lull & 2 half bath classic colonial homo. It offers 6 panel wood tiuors,. crown moldings, hsrewood floors, cherry : kitchen, marble foyer floor, huge solarium on f*— J 225' deep lot. JIM & C A R O L JUDGE, 9336550. (M7153) LAKEFROrT STEAL - $299,500 You will be * owed by thu view from the great room addi- f Man to this 3 bedroom. 2 bath Bay Village ; home with a stunning new contemporary. Kitchen and possible 4th bedroom. JIM ft CAROL JUDGE. 9334550. (671656) WESTW1NDS - One of » kind custom harms! Magnificent rnaslur suitol Unbelievable gourmet kitchen! <1 bdrm, 3'A bath! Remarkable denl 78' of decking w/hot tubt Extensive landscaping offers much privacy! The unique amenities go on & on! 3500+ sq. ft of mctchiess appcintmentsl Reproduction costs exceed $550,000!! Priced et only $369,300 CnH HOT 5032, then can KEN & LOIS KODGER, 933-0550. (063937] ; - -" Buying or Soiling Make the Right Cholco Call CHRIS MAYER Graduate Senior Appraiser 933-7700 NEW LISTING 3219 LINCOLN STREET Motivated Mlier. VA assuroable, 3 BR plus den. alum, bungalow - fintshod roc rm.'.nbasement with newer carpoling. 4 yr. old roof, furnace, wiring & hot water tank. Priced to selllt Call WENDY LAFORCE-ZAMBO, 933-7700 or 1800-509-8207. (X06288) NEW OFFICE CONDO RENTAL, 1300 sq. ft. on S1t. Ca3 WENDY for more details, 9337700- JUST LISTED AVON WOODS, rCONDO 693035. This one owner ranch style home features 2 BR, faml*y room with fireplace. C/A, 2 car att. garage. Comes complete wtth aU appl. and a one yea: home warranty to make this your best buy priced at only $92,900. Call new not to miss this great buy: CHRIS MAYER. 933-7700. THREE C A R SIDE-HMTRY - WESTWINDS 3,000, W- f C ' - f bdrm., 2V$ bath, o n e owner home! Pniahed basement « t i i v slvely wired for s o u n d l Family room h u iricompofibte b B * library ond electronic component cabinetnv WBFP mantle and indirect llghttngl W a c r v i o l Is nicely troedl Call H O T 4082. t h e n call K E N & LOIS KODGER. 933-6550. >•'. EXPANDED NEW ENGLAND CAPE CODI Avcn Lakot Nearly 2400 sq. fL of charm! Extensive pegged hardwood flooring! Inje country kitchen w/WBFPI Huge master bedroom nnd batht Tranquil family room! Full basement! Unparalleled 100' x 395' properly which Is mostly serene, nature! w^rvr:—'••'• woodst Very peaceful and private! Outstanding -*— neighborhood! Priced to sell at 5204,800. Call HOT 2486. then call KEN « LOIS KODCER, 933-6550. (089215} GREAT O P P O R T U N I T Y i 1 7 9 , 9 0 0 I Groat, opportunity for astute buyetl 5 bedroom, 2 full and 2 half baths! Current living space of 2500 sq. f i t 1000* s q . f t o f unfinished area! Full finished basement! ACTS lot! A/CI Deck! Possible pmiMtioiwts offices with homo! Immediate occupancy In AVON LAKE) C « t KEN & LOIS K O D G E R . 833-6550. (080808) (HOT 4097) , ; " > } HORSES1 HORCESI HORSESI • 2V4 acres of | country in Avon! Two acres of fenced pastutol j WHY RENT?? ONLY,$84,900 Avon Lake Bam with full second floor built In 1904t Three , four bedroom home! Large living room! Modbedroom, two full balhl Near century home has been remodeled em kltchon ft bath! Delightful dining rooml Remarkable condt- and updated! Eat-in kitchen! 9 foot ceilings! CaJI KEN & LOIS Uonl Aluminum siding] Utorp. newer decort Newer carpeting! KODGER. 9334550. PRICE REDUCED TO ONLY S129.S00I Paved driveway! Sharp, well landscaped yard! Can KEN & (674288) (HOT 6279) LOtS KODGEK. 9334550. (S8S14S) (HOT 8830}. Learwood honor roll Brandy Carr, Jure my Cartor. Robfccca Casey. Chrlitine ... Cbada, Madeline Ctamnnt." The.. fnllnwlnji Learwood Mlddl* SchotA WutfenU have boan natrted to the honor roll ' Tor Oat tint nlni weoks gradlos poriod. Gisdt 6: Lyr.fi* Baira. < Mitan Btkn. Scott Ball. Rynn BockB.*., KIraberly Bolmont. LiureD Benedict, Marts D m n , Bnmdl Berry, Kriitia 'Bltknlm. Elhabeltt, Bolting. Jutiln 8ooh«r,--Amy Uri-Ienbifcer, Undny Qroultliitte, - Mnain BURB, JanniffT Cirlnni. MlCbnel Costallo. - Kry»tal Ciwhaiuki. Collln Dawion, Bottule Oeub. Kristlne Divers. Jo»hua Dolezal, Kathleen Donatacclo. letslca Dunwood le. Uurn Eaitman, Metln Eren. Dantolls Fabry, CoUoon t-etttatt^r,. Choliaa Fitahugh, lonai Ford. Carly Fox. 1 Mlchello Funovlti. Lama Car- JOnly a Few Select Suites-Available '"" Quality construction, comfort anil convenience, Muirwood Village offers all the features and amenities that you're looking for in a new home. H w CoMSTTuetiow Starting at '89,900 • All-hrtek one-story ranch couihintniiims • Tiro-bedroom tiilb family mom oribnv-lx'itroom • jVoifipJ • Attack-it x«'ii^fi • Mnlntvotl Center iritb pool, stiittf-of-ttw-ttit tiofrche center tuut Jkiity room tiitli/iivpliicc ' Caiweiiieiitly IMMIII to t-90. 'HSOHIIII HV U1<IO Turnpike Tiki artvuttxqi of thli ptrfut opportimttYlof horrv - tiwi u rutwfiq ovti Cleveland: (216) 23W1W • tonln County: (216) 327-1187 _ J t W lath tmHhmimiH \ I M OhM Howi by Ap«dM / iirKIUmiil,mUfi>rrrntirrffnHf^r H I 1 l U t h t ] "IJIOO f n i w l t h Avowt • Wortn RJdggyilla, Ohio 44039 fc; 'lit ba, Jennifer Cendic*. Jcnathan Gregory Jonft*. Brian Kauff. Carulli. Knlhryn Clovor. man. Lance Kennamer. Brail Christopher Clynn. Justin K l r w a n . Kelly Koechel, GaUbach. Jason Gray. Patrick Michelle Kurak, Brent Law ton. Gremban. Jonathan Groxa, Jeffroy Loach, Kristin Lee, JenJams* Harper. Laura Hay. nifer Luce. Peggy Martin. Krliten Hoynal. Sarah Melbert. V i r g i n i a M a t h * . Kevin Klmberly HIrd. Katie Halton. McDonlol. Adam McKorcher. Brian Inglerlght, Erin Jan oil art. l»son Moody, Robert Morris, Christopher Jaroscak, Kurt Tiffany Murallo. Bethany tonkins, Kathorlne lohntton, Neumann. Leah Nylkns, Jmiica Cynthia Jurada. Comtance Onan. Jaime Ottorson. Sarah Kauor. Carolyn Kim. Krystal Roby. LJndsey Romas. Kristin Kloln. Steven Koray. Mlchaol Shlmko. Steven Snyder, Eric Krajny. Jennifer Lin dor. Onbra Sommer. Christopher Thomas, Loeier. Undsny Mansnerui, i Andrew Tfllotson. Nella Jordan Man sour. C1 n a Wlllkomm. Ashley Wl!man. Maolonl. Andrua Martinez, Andrew May, Maureen McCrath. Jennlfar Me No mo ra. Michael Moddorj, Monika Melster. Rita Mentturlitk.. Nicholas Milter. Elizabeth Mlnnlch. Nathaniel MOOD, fake The following Sheffield MidMorgan. Masaaki Na ray a ma. dle School students have been Paul Nelson. Elys la Ondrlcl. named to the honor roll for thu Jeutca Ostor. lack 1'hllllps. first nine weeks f(rudlng Zachary Prosak, Marta period. Grade 0: Keilh HoffRalston. Jon Rnmslar. Koyla man. Danielle Lo^ar. Jofsica Rellly, Andrew Keiar, Jennifer Jacob. Lyndsay Jnnowak. Rlppnth. Brett Rudolph, Courtney Darmos. Kelly ZimSlcfanli) Ruehlman, Zockary merman, Jordan Hutch. RebocRush, Pamela Schikms, Aaron ca Lynn Turmon. James Schneider. Andrew Sodloviky, Rndeff, Krlitofor McCullough, Bretl Sharkody. Rachel James Williamson, Holly Marie Shlmko, Alissa Simon, Curl Jennings. Nathan Collier. Smerk. MorKun Smith. ,\faf((0 Ashley Anns Flko, Ambor Soldi. Shawn Stuntten. Hyan Terry. Adam Mawson. Jessica Stevens, Jeffroy Slrauch, Cicely Stinnett. Jennifer Patterson. Suhayda, Bath Sutton. Kyle Donald Banner. Melissa Thomas. Aimec Thornton. Rutherford, .Nlchclhs While. Tara Tykowskl, Sara Urban, Michael McDonald. Robin MePtirab Vlswanath, Monhan . Callle. Masie E. Surface. David Walters. Alistalr Watts, Caret) Hunt. Carty Shoemaker. Alexis Wick. Uslie Wllhelm. Ceorflia Catherine Bomback, Erie Willson. Derek Wilson, Susan Yonkof. Jessica Blaseg. Joshua Wolan, Marc Woltman, Aaron Sheets. Stephanie Mihalek. Wysocki. Katie Zemfaryckl. Grade 7: Nlckl Hopkins. Fred Ingram. Brandy Michaels, Grade 7: Elizabeth Antor how, Kimberly Arra, Jessica O'Koffe. Steven Gorton, Jiiremy Hildebrand, Matthew Bradley Bart el. John Bayer. McClelland. Angela Jackson, Matthew Hlosi. Katherlne Butts, Meghan Cagley, Ben -. janalyn Brooke Dean. Paula Roth. Amy Schnebeltn. Alecla CUto, Julia Oelikat. Lindsay Doerr. Ally sun Doty. Lyndioy Zinaalos. Allison H. Griffith, Paul Davis. Melanle Scott. Edelsteln. Abby Fisher. Robert Flanlgan, Alison Fowle, Jon Erica Caudltl. Abraham Papadikls. Amy Kuiffer. LindFrank, tamos Camellia. Anthony Cforga, Hilary George, say Strichok. Michelle Doyer. Tommy Blackford. Michelle Kathryn Ceslckl, Robert Craebert. Nicholas Herman, Connolly. Alexis Alvarndo. Jeffrey Cizf, Lucas Holman, Karen Christopher Hehep. Slofanle I l l l l e i , Jonathan Haduex, Bunch. Angela Schiller. Kriiten J, Yatson. Bridget Kathryn Hoffmann. Matlnnw Howard. Zachary (anicok. luckson. Andrea McArthur. Casc^1 Wobowski. Alexander Zilka. < \Grada 8: ChrUUne Altgood, <aymond Dartel. Ben Behm, iTfrocy Benedict, Michael Herons, Collln Braun. Jameel Chohan, Stephnle Choi, Bethany Close. Joe Divert, Michelle Dorian, Kristin r)uda». Brian Ferguson, Samjnlha Gillette, Stephanie Crachonln, Michael HerUcber. Stacey Horn. Jennifer Huong. Lea Kalynskl. Ryan King. Kendra Koch, Megan Korey, Don lie Krebs, Jeremiah Leach. Chris Lonsberry. Justin Mc- Cllntock. Amanda Mcln David Mouenhelmor. Miller. Miclual Monjot, s Mooney. Rachel Navrlln, Anop t Patei. Lauren ParralU, ) < 1 Kada. Jarrod Riddell. AltJa Scheel. Joucy U l Selig, Kaaay Sorrow, Sor. don, Erin Starlu. Stuebner, U»% Sylvwwr, ^, Trttter. Justin Uhl. Rib«er» Upton. Almee Urban, MlttlHHvT Urbln, Rysn Vance, DivU) WledU Erin William*,- U t t \ Wolan. SMS honor roll Robert Barnhart. Elizabeth McNeely, Matthew Rouhlor. Jamie Sanchez, Abby Mason, Elizabeth Anderson, Connie McDavid. Matthew Madison Jones, Justin Lawrence Leonard, Justin Sims, Christopher Browning. Emily Rltter. Rana Harrison, Melissa Kompfer, Ryan Stead. Patrick Evans. Don be Smithberger, Jeffrey Hoyt. Brand! Herrun. Jason Ploseg. Grade 0: Stacoy Swearns, Anthony Edwdrd DeVito. [eislca North, April Wood, Suzanna Vonderou, Karen Ann Witt. Stephanie Bonde, Richele Marie Springer. Angola Lee, Robert Camp, Roxanne (ftocki) Hall. Gina Co race, Brelt McDavid, Leslie Tomes, Jennifer Abbott. Knllo Czech. Richard Troyor, Jessica •v<s Carlson. Mark Stackolelt,-. Christopher Allen Danav: Michael Campana. Rkhi Norton, Antonio Reyos, Ci Rodach, Ryan Terry, J M I Burt, Deslreo Surface. Jonathan,!: Smart, Dobra Co?ingtott/Brooko Dagy, Philip Htihial, M a t t h e w L o s k o , Sari'.. EJackford. Colleen McC«lli«,;j] Katherlne Krall, Angola Grift. J Clen Jamleion, Patricia^ Starkey, Carla Froderlcfc^ J Rebekka Murrell. Tan Qlllir.; Lorie Zlmamrman. Joljr"; Williams. Mil Clatltt Christopher Jamti .Dodt, Timothy Elcholbergor, Aman-.< da Rogers, Terrance MtigberVr Kelly Etixabeth Ward. Joiltui.. M o u n u . K a t h r y n Aon.;. Mihalek. : :\;.i» Forestlawn honor roll The following Forestlawn School students have been named to the honor roll for thn first quarter, 1094-95. Gradt 4: Michael Brannon. Almee Custlt. Brandon Drew. Ashloy Honse, Amber Kuhns, Candlce Little, Sara Naugle. Kelly Billor. Alexis Child, Veronica EmpIng. C l i n t S m i t h , Jon Shs^maker. Marty Amailor, Samanlha Melbar. Donald DoFrenn. Lauri Ufiak. Glfljh 3: NlcoJar Arra, Jannlhr..Adkins, Cindy Campa'.UunMiSlwiork*. Danielle SUfTord,J . Leah Billlnghunt. Suiin Ctemr chl, Stephen Edwardi. K i f l y . ^ Gray, JoMlca Trinj). Rowmirf .-iK Soeder, Jennifer Cunter, Knia"'*'* Rowe. Brittany Taylor. •Donote all A ' I . Realty One Win-win negotiations. Smooth transactions. Finn handshakes. These »re the icsulu or Realty One's Toul Representation icrvice. 1. Look (or the "HOT*" ot Realty One listings in our ads and on our yard signs. 2. From 3ny touch-tone phone, call C91-2345 or 1-800-691-2345. 3. Enter the 4-digit " H O T f number to hear a detailed description ot thai property. T«al Representation meinj that Realty One out rcprwent you whether you're buying or filing a home. It hclpi everyone reach . their goal — a successful sale 1 mn •gre=able price. Th3 HolUne offers FREE. 24-hour access - ^ to real estate information and every Realty ^ ™ V One property for sale. Try It! Cill your local RemUy One ofTkc for all your real estate rwedi. And get ready for • whole loo* shtkln'. «=~ 691 -2345 « 1 -800-691 -2345 -ti MEDIATE POSSESSION HOMESOVER NEW LAKEFRONT LISTING $249,900 [ 2 BDBU BRICK RANCH witn basement, |Bffx700> de«p lo*. with brc.Jkws'1, Immediato I possession, home needs work. Great opporjturity. Cat! HARK MORAN today, 933-6195. JSt SI NEWLY USTEDil Enjoy great" famii/livlrtg in this 4 bedroom Cs&o Cod. The area shows pride of ownership and is dose So schools, reception a no shopping. Features a family room with masonry fireplace, larg« basement 2 car attached garage. Central air. Immedbte occupancy! S163.nO0. Call BETTY WAKEHELD, 933-61S5. (693443) <t\ AVON LAKE COLONIAL • MOVE RIGHT INTO this socdacular 3000* sq. foot home w/ 4 bedrooms, first Door library, huge family room plus finished rec room au1 toads of extras. Asking $241,900. Can CAROL MURPHY. CRS at 933-6195. (690916) (HOT 3638) 3 NEW HOMES OPEN SUNDAY ROCKY RIVERI Luxurious new cluster home at Incomparable Mantucket Row! First floor master suite offers "1 level living" for the master" of this 3 bedroom. 2Vi balh lownhorrw. Formal Ihrfng & dining, fully appifanced eat-in kitchen, family room w/gas log Tireplace.- 2 car attached garage I The ultimate lifestytot $198,900. 3R0WN1E HARD E STY f. FAULETTE SHORT. 933-6185. (GS5386) HURON LAKEFROWTt Fabulous panlhouse [condol Spvdacular vtew of Lake Erie! " 2 or 13" bedrooms. 2 baths, family room whiro[plBca. tuvoom," heated garage. Upgrades QSlorel Enfoy the private twact., pool A tennis courts.- Boat dockage avotobte! 5174,900. PAULETTE SHORT, 93M19SL (8851*4) )GREAT BUY PRICED FROM $158,000 $174,000 each home features fireplace. 1st ilr. utility, basement,/fully landscaped and more. Tcur all 3 homes Sunday 2-5 Come to ApuJocreek Dr. In Sh«rtlold Village off Abbe Rd. or can CHRIS MAYER. 933-7700. Leading The Way Home (IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY OH AN ACRE k o n AVOW LAKH Featuring 3 bedrooms, [epttcicxn tMrtfl room vrfih fireplace and picture [window overlooking a parkllto yard- Country f sized kitchtn. hardwood floors, contra) air, lull IbwwnonL two car oarage. J141.900. BETTY jWAKEPIELD, 83M195. (8821M) (HOT (50M) VINEYARDS COLONIAL - 2800 sq.v ft. or spacious lining! Cenlor hall, loyor with vw»d noohngl Dontal crown moulding In living S dining rooml Cheny kitchen with cor-Jof island & planning desk! Oversized utilityfmud room with aorvlco doort Many amenities! $229.9001 Call KATHY KREEOER & LORENE COUQHL1H. 833-7700. (CW41S) TOO NEW FOR PHOTO- Completely redone 13 year old Colonial with 4 bedrooms. 2W baths. 26' family room wAwoodbumor and avallaole Immediately. Asking $129,900. Call CAROL MURPHY. CRS at 833-6195. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ON THE FOLLOVVING: t^/Z/ZWZ/Z/&Z/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/ZS2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/&7i ^ MAKE THIS A SPECIAL f CHRISTMAS GIFT - Thinking of | '^ selling g t your home? § *s • • 528 Ashley Circle.- Avon Lako...$ 179,900. 4 bedroom colonial on an almost 3/4 acre lot. Easy access to major highways... grant schoots...srnall town atmosphere. A GREAT VALUE. __^_ 182 Alexander Orlvo- AmhorsL.. $224,900. New ccnstnjdton loaded with extras...9 foot ceilings, full basemont. ceramic tils, brick front, gourmet kllchen. 1st floor laundry. walk-In closets, Jacuzzi tub, built In bookshelves... OONT PASS THIS ONE BY WITH OVER 2600 USABLE SQUARE FEET. y &» Call your local Realty One Q <' ^ c ^&» i. ^i £» - » r * S ^ office to learn aboi^crr & * • A "V ** '»' < ei " New Guaranteed Said. Program. § ...GUARANTEED! <l Now you can acquire your new home and sell !VESI BETTER THAN NEW V M 5 LANDERWOOD LANE. AVON LAKE - Beautifully dtilrjfwj and elegantly landscaped executive home. This homo Is newly listed and won't •tev for longt Country club at ytwr doorstop. Ofltrod at $237,900. CaU ADA,TAYLOR. •S34195.. CATHY HUC1CK 871-7273, 933-6195 your vmtvmcimnabcyaiKxmtxmomcw&imcz KPl I EYS ISLAND - BUY=NOW FOR NEXT SUMMER r ^ /••AII POSSIBLE OWNER F I N A N C E D • Modified A Frame • • Three Years Old • Vaulted Colling • Open Oak Staircase • Two Full Baths s - Wooriburning Fireplace • Wrap Around Deck • Lake View and Lake Access • Large Dining Area CQWIP HISEY NOW FOR WINTER LAKEVIEW THREE BEDROOM TOUR 933-6195 YEAR AROUND VACATION • Three Full Baths • Access To Lakeshore • Wrap Around Porch • Balcony Sitting Room • Multiple or Large Family Size • Country Size Kitchen • Ctose To Marina and Ferry • Spacious Bay Windows • New Construction With Options HOT 3182 HOT 6733 HOME • New Construction With Options • 2nd Floor Silting Room • 2nd Floor Balcony Deck • Three Bedrooms • Two Full Baths • First Floor Deck • Balcony Reading Room - Woodb'urning Fireplace • Access to Lake Shore HOT 3178 — i . "• - Visit us at our NEW OFFICE B M B ! Every Thursday evening from 6-8 p.m. a loan officer \A/olkor RH Avnn {mm First Ohio Mortgage Coloration will bo ava.l- 3 2 7 1 3 W a l K e r K O . , A V O n able for preparations or a ^ e s f o n s you may nave. C g | | 933.7790forDetails i M m in Pi 1 s U 1 3 88 n ' • • 1 1 1 ^ Hi IN i 41 p m Hi is 1 1 ISO IP H SBSSSr 1 S k 1 iI m ; jBjgj 3 m I m s 11 Ii s Si , of Uus x7 into a ciivu- 'l'i."i [iiitH.^rulioes in the cave wuro uach "salttsd" ivitn 2U rotks and mineraU ur ii liVt* nur.ibor of fussils. SiifuniiiiUun, itislruutions -nd gijoloKist kits invited visitors to dm, discover and identify. Displays demonstrated how rocks were fiminnl. particularly in the northeast Ohio area. For five weeks, in additior to library Most Prestigious on Rt. 2 Corridor * 2400 Sq. FL Free Standing .; : ' Suigle . Family Homesl $229,900 GTY OF HURON COUNTY OF ERIE A Natural Setting With Over 8 Acres of Condonuniumizecl Land •;...; 700 fist of Water Frontage :•*'•' 36 Hole Golf Course Across the Street Walking Distance to Huron lagoons Marina p a t r o n s , iill Krii.'Vti.'u anil Kutlwuod lliird iiml iuurlli ni-inltjs. SI. l()S(.'(ih's fuurth ur.uli-'s j n d «vi:n t w o H»*rtl (jrinlt.1 i.lasaes from a school i:i Euclid carau tu the bus to di« a.id to discover how goologi^ts work. Latu in Otlober tho cuve "dtsuppuurcd" and the inside of Uus »7 bucamo o laboratory. Kitchen Chemistry showed visitors how to identify acids, bases and starches in foods and household products, using color indicators found in the home, or how to turn a dull penny shiny again. Children and adults alike were challungud in thu Senses Lati to identify smells, sue three dimensions in two. trust their touch, and experiment with spund. Leona Grigsby (middle), staH interpreter 3y mid-November, over 1000 children lor Hearing Impaired Services of Lorain and parent?, students and teachers had County, uses sign languagegone exploring aboard a bus that didn't skills, create a stream (and destroy itl). movo. But the changing weather limited the days Bus "7 cculd be open and then experiment with physics and chemistry, finally closed it altogether. The displays operate tho Lake Shore Electric Railway and equipment have been temporarily and the activities at old Beach Park, stored to await the opening in late delve icto the mysteries of the human January of Disco very Works, body, videotape your act or message to Disco very Works is a large room stretGrandma, and take apart o TV without ching 84 feet along the back of the old having to worry about putting it back library building. Forty fe>;l wide and together again. with rafters that start 17 feet above the More then $40,000 in grants have been f l o o r and s o a r to 32 f o o t . obtained from T/ie Nord Family FounDiscoveryWorks will provide an arena dation, the Avor(Lake Junior Women'sfor tho hands-on exploration of the Sciences, the Arts and the Humanities. 0 Club, and the Av^n Laka Library FounAvon Lake's Ubra*y will be only tho sedatinn to obtain the materials for the. cond In the U.S. with such a facility. opening exhibits. Many local residents and businesses are already involved. In Large windows across the south side exhibit development. In tho next-twowill provide amplo light to explore the months there will be opportuniUos for spectrum of colors and patterns in kaleidoscopes, mirrors, lenses, .ant! __ everyone to be a part of this uhlquo' . prism and to experiment with paints , feature of our town. Visit tho Library to- • day, say good-bye to Bus -17, and and crafts. You can try to out-guess the pros at the weather station, create fandiscover how you can be a part of tho .ciful bubbles, test your puzzle- solving future excitomoQt. Designed by, T.A. Krebs, Architectr Sarasota, Florida KRIDIH HOM€Sf INC ••V. Phone: (216) 327^6897 : From left to.light: Marilyn Robertson/ Sherry Ruttv Roland Emerson and Mary;1.' U ,.£" Butler. •;.l\ 95F-150XII 4Dn SALE PRICE '25,000 KOPF Builders proudly announces T h e Colonies. A community of quaint single^faniily homes crafted in the old-world tradition. Ahh... life in a beautiful tree-lined neighborhood where the kids can safely play and you con enjoy a peaceful evening stroll. There's nothing like it! Nowvyou can take advantage ofour pre-construction pricing and be among the first who secure the most saughj-ofterhomesites! ••••'. j | : . The Colonies... it's more than just where you live, it's HOWyoij'Hve. Starting at*190,000. Located on Webber Rd. off Rt. 83. just south of Walker Rd. in Avon Lake. 933-6908 or 371-8234 Mon.-Fri. 1-5:30; Sat. * Sun. 12-5 351 V8,-AufoT O/D, Air, Cruise, Tilt. Trailer Tow, Cassette, Running Boards ' .. ' ON SALE NOW ... SEE: RICH CIFRANIC, HENRY BOEPPLE, LARRY STEINMAN, ROGER BROOKS III ' KM K 5 i m 1 m i | 1 im 1SBBHJI H9 I UHlHAil to bring hands-on science exploration to library When one door closes, another opens...well. almost. 13us H7, Avon I^iku Public Librae's own version of thu Magic School Bus. U clusud and will soon be gone. Discovery Works will open in late January. In Set-tombor, Kalhy Diamond of the Library staff, vlth cardboard, papec, puints und skill, transformed the inside Mm>1 asae EL H BUIB S ftI m Si CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR , LEADERS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER LISTER LISTER & SALES 1 EXCELLENT STARTER HOME 678590. Cai! (or an appointment to see this quaint 3 bedroom colonial with uai-in kitchen, dining room, living room, full basement, screanod in porch and 1 car garage. Neutral decor throughout. Convenient location to schools, library, and pool. $99,500. Contact Unda Ackorman or Debt DoChanL 690087.2 bedroom bungalow with eat-in kitchen, dining room / living room combination, woodburning fireplace, sun room, basement, and 2 car garage. Situated on a wooded lot. $74,900 For a personal lour ca!l JAMES REALTY OFTCRS: Free Market Analysis Pre-Qualiiying with Lenders MOVE BIQHT1H1I 689487. Immsdlale occupancy. Features 3 bedroom ranch with Irving room, «aMn kitchen, first floor utility. Interior and exterior recently painted. Back yard patio overlooks ft wait manicured yard. 134,900. Call Mary Louisa QamaOift for more details. W&ikl$ffl GflMCUIR >L" Minimum 1/3 acre wooded homesites. BEAUTY HAS B££N CAPTURED! A REAL JEWEL!! 672981. Features th!s magnificent 5 bedroom colonial with formal dining room, family room with woodburning f iroplace, oat-in kitchen, first floor utility room, 3V4 baths, finished basement, and situated on a well manicured 100x203 lot. 3.000 square feet $225,000. Contact Mary Louise Gamellla. - Only Locally Owned Company With Over 30 Years of Service T i v ^ o n Lake And The Surrounding Communities . , .OPEN 7 DAYS To Serve You - " — - - — ^LOCATION C E W T E R a Northern Ohio Regional Multiple Listing Service Local 933-2500 • 32745 Walker Road' Avon Lake • Cleveland 871-5255 - Barr rhonor roll REAL ESTATE ComMsrcial Property LOPUUN MOUffmUL P*WC imuatrW aa>a 2-00 acrat. Wfl eel! or turn t t aua. Two &000 «q.n. vmom now avaMMa. loniert adacart to FORI UMor Co. off BnrawucRd. baiwtan R U J / S 0 , Loraln. Ohio. Cortact Oemv DaUareo. C O M M I Qaraar 1 M Onga Haairv. (216) 333- roOowina WJUlun Btrr , HlnBHny Schcol • atudonU hm bora named totimhonor roO'for the firit quarter. 19M4S. Gmda 4! Cbdr Daf iaoa *aitf«.*, David Carace", ChrWto* Kniubi. Trtcy IColp*. 10 Homas For 3a3g David r.MttCawca*.. Dana AFTOflDAaU HOME LOAIO. ''Spencer*; KevinHolm. Emily E N N EUlJFY Jtikanen. Jeclyn Kopp-o. Cal UaA of Um Lundy, ,krlit«n Kraixas,, Anthony PAMLVHOWE ; Lymn. Zach MutraU |o«i« MORTOAOeCOflP. Avon tafca. OH 033-7*00. Sldc,-.'Nkol«..iudoft, P«ul ?OB WA££ BY H o l I y Signer. Grade 5: SwSH 4 Qadroom. 1-1« tfmlHnt Adkim. William OWWfi/AOIHT: Bath CnlonlaL flange. 1 acra lot' ^Afl«'. John Btystonn*. Alesfo Juat nnowiad. New tdunn, carpet, &&sbba,Dtl]i«!W Davis*. Robert decor. GoamMealy and ttncturnly A-11 Land contiact a t wRh 20% fi**ii?|k L t k ' immediate occupency. Ni L'oudfn, S h i w n dnwn. B4frO6» Of 63S-P40B. Vuikrttz, Brandon Slmi*. yW,«M. LAKE BY OWNHR: lovely ter." Jo»pb Aycock. AVON 2750 3arL Capa on a ig-CuMo-tac r. Milthww Dlnlko, 'lotZiABaoX l i t Boor Master WUim S n l r C o j i r , - Matthew batn. 3 Sadraoms k lol) a i M Up. &CnwfonI. James Gruonlob. tomal LMnoDWnq rooma. 2 atory «rt>nck fireplace, to.^Itrtl*lM Mirier. Christopher Famly Room Wand kitchen, basement, -&|lW)umn;tau» Knwgsr. Ksrm oantrat securny. hot tub. noutral dacor a e C U H o u j h . I o s o p h many extra*. 1244.900. cull 933Mbori. Denny Metro. eaifl. ^Kabtu Hederr. Stevmi Sad- AVON L A K I i Urge 4 bedroom ^'dkr, John SedowsW. Colonial. Golf Coutsv lot. Full tiuanmn. 6 yvtnt young. Oralwnt SS1: •todfcatat all A*a. K a . 1220.000.fcati633-2300. - | p-LRA honor roll r.clto following area slutlonU .haW received honor roll ilatus M lalw Rlda« Academy Upper & I H » 1 Tor tho flml academic ftUii^r of the 1894-95 nchuct bm. Grad* U : David Borl, Avon: Ray Woodrlng. Avon lak« and Michael Montaieri, Like. Grade 11: Ami . Avon Lako. Grade 10: oajr D'Amlco, Avon: |oih iknnblln. Avon Uke. Grade 8: Scholi. Avon. DABQAIN HOMES - Foradotod, HUD, VA. S»L Bftltout proponto*. Low Down. Fantamc untom. Cai i • DOb-OS2-S0O0 EH. H-J1031W mt BAY VIUAOE: 4 bedroom. 2-lffl bam. 0raom.2400 tQ.1. cctontal on KflW M o 502 Crettvtew Or. iiapJoacaMlfaM so , N.OLMSTED! Open Sun.. i-4prr>. 26760 Rota Circle. Largo 4BH spKL 2 . 5 0 * . tireplac*. cuideiac lot. 1154.900. T78-4CB2. WE8TERN WE8TLAKE DT OWNCHiRanch. 3PRflOA. brighl kitchen, lamHyroom w/liroolace, icreened pordi, lenced backyara AsUng $t5%?00. 835-1521. "More Than Meota TTn Eya.* 16 Business For Solo AVON LAKE - Wen e«tabllihed pet grooming bualneee tor oete. Faat m n t alarae elleni me. Sartoua In- ly. U>con. 20 Lots and Acraagw ForSala AVON LAKE LOTS FOR SALE OR BUILD TO SUFT Wo currently h m 3 (aOviiS) too enOaMe wffi) all umntae. O D M to Sehoole, Ubnwy and thopptrg. Cllil Trademark Horn** 933-4341 LOT AT CANDLEWOOD LAXB: Development in Mt.Ollead.Ohlc. acip«a DM ftreet from iike 1 beat launcn, pool prtvoagas etc B7t-54;7 WE8TLAKE C 0 N 0 O . 273B7 Weattown Blvd.. 2 BH. Walk-in dOMt. amUancaa. air conditioning. aaraga. pool. Outat butMlng. heat (ndudid. S525 plus aecurtty dapOblL NO p«tl. 871-5284. ~52 Commercial For Rant BAYVtLLAQE Retail, office A ahowroom apjee evailabio. 500 » 1500 tq.fi. Dover Canter Rood. Raymond J. Negroni, lnc-4S4404B Off Ico Spactt For Ront AVON LAKE RETAIL SPACE •' High Traffic Area Ample Parking CompetHNs L»ase naiee t Jo Add On cnaroM niRNtSHBD UOBtLE HOUIS with CttflDtCKMAYB Ftoflda room, «Mepe 8. A IrterxSy (216) 033-7151/871-9320 aonlor parti m Wlrttemaven. Fla. area. FolRVlEW PARK-21400 Lorain Rd. 327-aWO. Easy access to I-4S0. 1-7*. 1-90. BseutHui brick bMg.. 1400 sq.M. 1st Moor. Private entry from nsaied garage. Available Hoy. 15. 33135 Vacation Property 042a&ay«; 77g.5137/«vw. 30 Out of Town Property For Sal* RP/ER riNES Camporauno*. Coat) to coast memberihip. Paid Lp CotuoM, Indoor-outdoor poots, war round actMOaa, eieiclu room. 14,100. (216)621-3500. RENTAL 45 For Rent 1140.00 FOR • MONTHS tntldo atoragatorcarortrallef, l7IL4tn.or lMr. 837-5637 between 7-9pnt amnM. 3-HEOROOIf HOME FOR HEHT. Full baiemsnt, eltached garage, •ecludad wooded area. No pots. tUOOAnontti + uUIIUes. PWuo tend reply to P.O. Box 300-DVM. Avon LatoOH440t2. . APARTMENTS FOR REMT. remodeled. 933-8247. 1 budroomt. AVON LAKE: 1 Bedroom Condo. AvoilAble 4 Mocltn. Jan. tst-Aorll 30lh. Furnished. UtilWos Paid. $400 * 1 Month Security. 933-3G83. ROCK\ RIVER, 2 OR Condo. livtng/oom. dining room, appliances HMlod garage. Stcured bulldlnrt 2 baths. No pou. Non-smoker. 7M8374. ^ ^ SHEFFIELD LAKE: 3-Bedroom Ranch. Ertlden Gas. KC. Garage w/Aliached Patio. Privacy Fence, Sidewalks. Near Park. N o P t l i i $65O/Month * Security. MB-2473. $$$$ BEST JOB INTOWNU $10-14 4-Avg.hr. !• * Guaranioed Hourty Wage ': • Parmanent/Tamporanr Posmom Available * ReUbki AtVPM Waakand Snifa • Paid Training •iB^aVrtaWy Hours • Frtandty / Professional Atmocpnero Bring Thla Ad a ftocatn $50 • Holiday Bonus CaS ForTmmedbtto CaHForim intantowaOppryio EARN SI J00 before IhsHondeya 333-3367 FOR SUPERMARKET IN NORTH RIOdEVILLE. Oapi. Managitra. caarilers end pert-time opportuntiM. Send Inquine* to: North RktoevHla Prase iTUgtit, P.O. Box 390IW-DR, North HJdgevme. Ohio 4403S OR accepttno appltaoona on Dtc 0 !h * 10th. rnjm 10 am.-2 p.m. 33111 Center rudoe Rd. N.R. HIQH SCHOOL STUDENT ^ ^ win do your yard work, odd )oba ft lanaonal B3v<767 HJGH aCMOOL ORAOUATtS Begin a nrwarrtng ca«ar m Bw fleW of mortal murdaucn. Full and Part time staff: male and female. Work wfih fnenutify ratarded/daveiopmantally disabled In vocational and residentta! service*. Contact: Per. sonnal-Laraln County BOOR} of Mental RetardaBon and Dovelopmentar DlsabUliM.iO95tnftrma<yHd..E)yna OH 44035 EOE. HOWE TYPISTS, PC user* needed? S35.0O0 potential. DataHs. Call (1) 8O38a2-fl00Q Ert. B-81B3 BUSY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE m Great Northern area, took Ing for IMMEDIATE OPtNIHO Part Dm* Of Chiropractic Assistant for Therapy f uB Uma den OertL Appty in panon ai Department. X-Rny knowledge Convenient Food Marl 325OS Canter preferred but will train. 5en<* all INDIVIOUA<JZEO OFFICES Ridge Rd. at Barton. ^. resume t to: Wo at Lito. P.O. Do* 1D50Q L*ka Road, Rocky River. OH. 4S0I4 CA. Weatlake. OH 44145. (216)356-3591. Starting as low as tUTCHEN/DCJNaROOH HELP $329.00 month. Pr&fasslona! BUdY ROCKY RIVER salon has KnNo eipenenca naceuary. Win train. meduite opening for laundress. Ughl Must be dependable. Clean pleasant ckwnlng dutiss. Fun Ome/sctm «voOFFICE 8HACE AVAILABLE. woriunrj condlUone. Cafl B35-2110. Wno hounj requlrad. tS.SC/ho*.*. 333Downtown Lorain. all or part oi LOCAL TREE SERVICE 10,000 aq.ft. Contact: Denny 5osa. . Now hiring Qroundaman and OoMarco. Coldwell Banker Les CASHIER/CLERK, Mil motlvBIOd. CUrtbeis. Mlnhixm of 5 yean • * • Orega Reaffy. (216) 323-1B60. good starling pay. full or part-time. g g py. p prelemid Sea ProvtUiB oiporlense prelemid. Sea perience wflti rafersnoes and a vaud drivers Hcante. W Sunoco, Stev* at the Datreit Cuw 871-B979. NOTICE™ CLEANINO: Residential homes. WANTED POOTAL EMPLOVEUENT Looking lor dopondabfe, mature tvlp. Transportation required. Good pay. S12.2S/Hour * Benefits. Carrier, Sorter, Oar* positions. Tor your ImParl-limo, neilblo hours. Apply at 75 Autos Wanted' 340SB Centor Hldge Rd. N.R. 327- mediate application/hirlnn information, call f-flOO-tlio-y tff. 6346, ' A-A-A Ext. P660.9am-0rn 7 dayi. ; < CLERK, Full t»ne position. Reiibie BuyingUsed * Junked Car* hours. Apply in person, 8am-lpm. Running or Not NOW HIRING 22*74 Lake t1d..Rocky River. Free Towing All Position* D E N T A L 44t-44i s or ni-oooa Dynamic new EUstro/ A33I3TANT/REC5.PT.CNI8T. Coffee House. Nowfy openod. exportenced or willing to tram a selfCall M M t i i Help Wanted 80 starter. 30 hours PAINTERS WANTED, full time. including Saturdays to surt Apply or Good pay. Enporlonced. 327-QQC7 BABYStTTER NEEDEO In our Avon resume to: Ron Stem ODS. 26777 PART TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE Lake home. M-F. 6:45am-4:45pm. Lorain RoMtfOO, North Otmsted. REP. positions available at B.P. OU. Call 033-3956 after 7pm. 734-2171. rjSQOS Confer Ridge Rd^N.R. 402 E. BAOV51TTER needed in my rwme. Brtdon. Efyrta. Apply M/F 8-2 p.m. ETuesdays & Thursdays (1pmqual Opportunity Employer. 5:30pm) Haforence*. experience DISHWASHERS NEEDEO. requlrad 933-9207. FrIATELLO'S RESTAURANT. CALL 933-33BOORB71-30M. PART TIME HANOVMAN WANTED BETTER RESUME Coll Adrian Fradertck at 327*2123. FREE consultation. Ad careers and EARN UONEY FOR HOLIDAY CoUtwen Banker/Huntar Realty. levels. Composition and layout. BILLS SELLING AVON TO FAMILY Lifetime updating Cover lottenj. * FRIENDS. NO DOOR TO DOOR PLUUBflR WANTED. Earn SHOO 270701)etrolt Rd. SALES REQUIRED. COMMISSION TO 5 0 * . AVOWS MR. KEN. 368- pluBweek.&$»rienoBdonry. . 835-4260 CalJtan E W al 6B2-OO0O. 5435 OR t.flOO-368-5450. Mention this art lor 20% discount. PROPERTY MAINTENACE PAHT-TtUE Bay Village. 10 hours p«r week. momlrws. Ught maintenance ana larttortJ wonx Can 484-0048. RECEPTIONIST: Part-time lor busy animal clinic. M u i l b * mature, onthusiaalic. people onented & abto todo4thlngsatonce.WuilrBln.Avon Lake Animal CUrtc.124 MHierHd. No phone Inquiries. SALES CLERK • W t l t w M bridal shop. Mature part-bine solas d a f t , 20-30 hrs'per/wk. Immediate opening, CaB 331-1 U P . i STAFF WRITERS NEEDED 10 cover '•ports, f e e l u m , governmental and school boanl meetings. Please M n d short resume mnd dipping* o l your past work m NEWS EDITOR, CJO THE PRESS. P.O. BOX 300. AVON .LAKE OH 44012. Ho phone calls P>ea«e• _ TREE WORKERS WANTED. •nOUNO MEN AND CUMBERS CALL 734-2B74. WAtTER/WAtTRESS Lookingtorhart working. personable walla r.%aitress to w o n lunch and dinner shifts. Aptw ki porsom Pear! ol ma Orient. 19300 Dotrort Rd.. HockyWw. WANTED-, Honest. Down-to-Eann Person as a port-time house&eeuor t k » r t CY a i 0 3 4 C 2 5 WCSTLAXE CLEANING CO. Parttime. Experienced. Own trarwportaonn, G-xxl pay. Cad 6353030. .- v i V V 83 Child Care BABY SITTER. Do y o u need a respcostte and re«»tt- boby swor? It so. I am a Leaiwood Wddfc School student arudoun to 08 your needs. C a l 033-0101. IN YOUR AVON LAKE Home for our 2 hMaroamnboys. Monday Bwoutfi Friday, hour* require flexibility. (Morning school noun), may require trinsportailon. NONsmoker a n d ' Iterance* raqtired. R e a m cad 4440197. leave name, phone 0. and ad #£507. BABYSITTING M my home. Was! Pant area. 1st.2nd.3rd shuts and Now Yocrs Eve. 671-0500. 85SUuatlons Wonted~ Are your Christmas presents too big lor your car? Oonl want to mess up your car wttJi mat Christmas Irwi. 1 have a tnxk. I can he*p. 337-1365. BABYSITTER WHO YEARS EXPERIENCE WILL BABYSIT your children hill or part lime. M-F, until 6pm. Will provide lunch, sneers, crafts arcl lots ol TLC. References » needed, call 937-5006. B A B Y S m i N a BY TAMMY, mspons«to Dirt w i l care lot your children, evenings, or weekends. 327-4455 Miave message. CHRISTMAS SHOP wnue I coo*. clean, nanny. Ruguiaily. occasionally, great clientele. noWay doan-UP. 834-1543. DO YOU TAKE PfilOE IN YOUR APPEARANCE? Are Y o u Housecound/Hantfcapped? Licenced Traveling BoaoUdan, 934-1400. EXPERIENCED MOTHER will babysit In my home, weekdays. Piav area m back yard, win prevkto lunch. afternoon snack & T.LC. EasMew School swa.fl33-M10, EXPERIENCED MOTHER will babysit m my hcoe. References. Cw), anytime. 033-3<5a :_ Home Sweet Home daycare cen provtoe a tovtno home daycare environment tor your chlkt Fun-time & f a r t - l i m e hours available now. Please cad 833-7378 attar Gent for a personalInterview. " • •• •;.:'...;OUAUTY CLEAN1NO Hones: Raltac** todHrirtuai .-• Persons**** w r i t * »Mft time NotaetoartnrjUam Custom reference . *'ft*eEiftneion l • ' •. 333-1133 M - 3 ( » 4 7 4 3 9a Wanted To Buy HAND YKAH TOOL COLLECTOR tooklngtorused toota. Prererabry miKhirMUs or.EO.Ten»r tools. 835• ; • >. • • - • • i i & « . - • • • • • ' • : 95 Wanted To Rent FAX SERVICE GARAGE wanum to rant lor antquo car. CallE?J^(J45. SINGLE PROFESSIONAL FEMALE with small dog leaks tto2 bedroom housetopsnmenl to runl. S*00-S500 range. Easlem Loraln County. 216- 120 " 25 Yrs. Experience Big or Small CaiDonuy. Plurrtlng. Bathroom Ceramic Tito. Recroom. Wtchen. oic. Reasor^Ne. Belefences. FRtE ESTIMATES General tractor wont Reasonable Ralw 892-0507 734-0779 Kitehens- Ba»i rooms Countertopv-nooucemeni windows Window treatmenB-Oryv.all Ctosela-Pnintlno-Deco " D^woied fenwJoKnq end .nore, SHOWROOM • 33449 LAKE RO. 833-2990. Repaliaa Benching Stucco a Custom Teitunna C i eC^ ti wW a C^i eAg a i t d l i i e EsUmaias cneerluly ghran Neat a Clean FIEASONABLE BATES g Efficient Impoccsuie References Bonded • Insured EsUmates Repair-Service Installation Safety cnook O & M KEATING 871-6169, 228-8070 _ GUTTER CLEANING SERVICE Reasorwtfe Rates Senior Ctttien Dtacouni Can Jim 845-S222 135GenBralSarvlcas A BEAUTIFUL CEILING M.T.OOFFICE CLEANING FURNACES HEAT PUMPS r - HANDYMAN 30 Years Eaporlonce Also Older Homes CaUtorEsllmatu R^lphMetzgef 834HteT CRLBWOOO-FUHWTUREREPAIR, * » a JAVCOX. AVOW. 837-gaoa. ELECTRICAL *. TELEPHONE WORK. Licensed, bonded & Insured. Reasonable rains. 833-O53. PHILLIPS VACUUM CLEANER CO. SALES AND SERVICE. New and rebuilt cioanors, ouarantoed lowest Drtcas on row cioanors. Wo repsir ell mHkea. vtaitanty store lor Hoover and Eureka 15118 Detroit Rd.. Lakawood. Pick-up and delivery available. Cal l-22frO730. POWERWASKMa STEAM CLEAWNQ PAJHTma Homes. Decks. Fences, Eoiipmert ReskhrJlal-ComrntfctaMnaustrlot 10% Discount for Senior C U a n a 633-ia90 or 331-8538 UBERTY HOME ly'paOYEMENTS. ail typos of romodoling ceramic Die. linoleum, banrooms. Oacks, patios, kltctiens. replacement windows. FREE ESTIUATES, 10% dleCOWrt (o. senior citizens. Call Doug 8e4t •IW-2041. • , FORD HOME IMPROVEMENT Avon Lake. CaU Valerie. 933-99.39 ST. j y o E NOVENA." May trio Socred Moart ol Jjsus t « »i3-#C. giotttwd. lower & [/reserved irau^grwut irw whole world, now & forever. Sacred Heart ol Jenjr pray let us. SL J-<a, Wa.V«r or Myr^loa & Ht'fla* ol the Hopei«Ki. pmytorus. Say this prayer 9 ttmea por deyto/8 days. Pi*mrv it has rwver been touwn to (all. M.K. "COMMERCIAL HANDYUAN REPAIR-REMODEL FIELDRotoblUng MOWING Personals , PSYCICKlGHTreWvy 9prr) Homefs CaM. 119 **»?J DICK MILLER 327-6922 THE PRESS tS8 LEAR RD. AVON LAKE ~~ Novena t o St. Jude - May too Sacred Heart ol Jeosus bo adoren. olorllled. loved, and preserved inrouahout the world, now and lorever. o n . Sacred Hoan erf Je»un p n y for us. St. Jude. wortier ol miractes. pfov to us. St. Jude. he£o( ol trjt hopeless, pray tcr us. SAv T m s P«AYER. nine umes o day. By the etahth day your prayer will be urawered. it has na«r Peen yniv, to tall. Publications m u i l be promised. THANK YOU ST. JUOE. FOR FAVORS GRANTED. A . R L 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Plumbing. Eioctncal. Carpenlry 261-4663. NOTICES HANOY MAH 30 Years Eywrtence inlHtior • Exiertor Also Ok»f Homos Rosto ration Call lor Estlmato Raiyh WotTOOf 934^195 HANDYMAN ATTENTION HOME OWNERS; Homo* 4 l i w i am loal avory yoar due <o f.res Be u ' e ' Call SwoooRila Climr^y S w w p l at 3CC-1TZ3. Lte«nsed. Insured. WESTLAKE COLLECTOR wtll buy Pockat walches. wnst walcnes, ciocfts and re*a!ed material. Call 734-6197 anytime. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL BUILDING & REPAIR SERVICES (Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing) Wheel Chair Accessible Construction -• . .- 835-5036 HEW Service company forming m Avon Lake tor crlUcafly needed, aamo day delivery service ot n o n naiardous materials tram one pound UD to 1.500 pounds anywhere In onto. Fiatratos. Cal 1-216-933-4593 for details. . PAINTING & PAPERHANGING (Rampi, Doorways,;: Bathrooms™) ^: r , • J • ' • ' ' ' : -ii' Customer SnDstogjonla>i.v.. CoflJohnstJREMJERPWSES ;. 77V7303 • ~ . Futy frnured ' ; /^|v|fe RUBBISH : v '; I1AUUNQ - ^ XltchenaBalriReppvttton DrywaH Renelr Exponenced • Insured Cell JIM LEKAN Coment or any flfP« (lO0(t!VSD[fla^ n s removed, also oarages d e a n e t t , 779-0383 - S H I P . - . 221-92M ^ =!'••• jji PACKAGES UPS ^ a i N A P A A u t t p a m . ,*•-•" \ iS24SDetnAnd. Rocky m w r l s ^ 035-4255 ONE CALL DOES IT ALL casSJ! ARTWCRKbyJASOM Caricatures, cartoons, p o i t e r i . OiCJ^tjWTwIlday c&nU, algns.'and r m n . Por porionaJ or budnasa. Can 835-2009. -•.-•• S V O K U U t l WOOOWORKINO CO. *n i i ' i !T*de s i wonl, < « can do Mr B o o k i h e W o i . cBbln»'». c u i l o r n c l o a a u . entertalnmeni center*, U n ntrMs. Free atUmalea. 933-2500/933-2820/871 -5255 inbeauttful AVON LAKE... nesttea in the woods off ; > Walker Rd., is our new Home. YOUR NEW HOME CAN BE HERE. DISCOVER "WINDSOR HOUXW DISCOVER "GAMELUA CRAFTSMANSHIP" Comnnta home ft m o t m home v , • ;; '. 8 U t i l M C » S ft TELEPHONE SYSTEMS. Salei. addWona, tnovu and cnanoea. New or uaed aquipmtni available. Service on matt ma&r hturju.-.nooKhviltot wiring. Restorubla reiaa. Lake T0l#com. B33-5771. 1.800-523S771. ; HANDYMAN REMODEL1NO Pturrfnrj. Etoctrical. Carpentry. No Job loo big cftootmaB. 835-9687 CELLAR POSTS BEAMS Installed & Replaced SAGGING FLOORS Starting J n The $190's CrWINDSOR HOtLQW A NEW DEVELOPMENT " A NEW OPPORTUNITY foryoutoowna GAMEUIAHOME Those who do are already experiencing the pride & pleasure of living amidst Gamellla craftmanship. YouCanToo! We're continuing the tradtlon of Quality and Service In our new "WINDSOR HOLLOW" Subdivision. We have many wooded homesltes available for custom building, as well as models available for Immediate occupancy. Stop In to see Debt or Linda 1-5 Sat thru Thurs. or give us a call at 933-2820/871-5255/933-2500. '-. It. II w.n.r»«4. WINDSOR HOLLOW ? | 3 j a i VVltM COLUMBIAQA5 Of, C I te^ti BOD'S MAINTENANCE HANDYMAN SERVICE CAC MA1NTGNANCE.1NC. t£*4l£ft&kS , -V Livetod Mural & Son. Inc. 11940 Brookpark C l t d a T M a 2 CHAIR CANIN0 and Ruxh Weavmg. Phone- Jim Slmmgrw at 933-5870. CLEANING SERVICE: Owner * u peiMaM every d*tned houae. We am * tocal co.npar.yi We can design • planned tegular mtlnienance program u of»n u you need. We can perform an extensive daaninq anytline irtrouonout the year or |u*t one smalt sanies, even window. Y o u l take prtd* In DM wpearancit ol your dean homo. (WS M E NOT COMPLETELY WHlSHtD UNTIL YOU ARE COUPLKTLEY SATISPfEOtj CALL CLEAN C O n N M B FOR FREE ESTIMATE, M7-44M. _.. CLEANING. Commercial. nMidentlat, new oonstruHoa tatora or after you move, apartmenli. o l f l c o i , peisonollieo tervlco. Bonded L Insured. Free estimates. All work guaranleed. For more information can DAY'S EASE. INC.. 327-63«6. Oinors sond you a cleaning team... we Bend yju service. BUIL If you're thinking about upgradingyourhemes.^ appearance we want to be responsible. ' (Loraln Co.) • Design, Interior, exterior renovation ^-% • Additions, decks, redwood screen perches £&< : • ?tU window replacements (Outelde loraln Co.) n .• " 1'3OO-352-31_3O_ SWEDA, SVVEDA & ASSOCIATES 37211 Colorado Avo. • 934-1000 *'The Roal Estate Company So Small Evory Customer Still Counts!" Opon Sunday 1-4 Dec. 11 JUST U3TEDI C H A R M I N G C E N T U R Y HOME on a beautifully traod acre lot) The home offers a country sized kitchen wtth s cozy nook overlookIng the deck and yard beyond. SofW cherry woodwork, woodbuniing riieptace, 2 M l bains and so much more for ynur'jrnlly to enjoyt vOeslrabto A v o n ranch In Ihe hear! cf Avont Sprawline ho*?* o n .1 sprawUnp lotrr^i", walk-ou! basemetit, 2 car attacvid garage p l w • 3 0 K 5 1 bam. • ;, Great opportunity Tor your small Avon business! 000' cHnp lot! Live and work a l hornet Avon Lake ranch with full basoment and 8 slaS horso barn! ii CLEVELAND CALLIGRAPHY Quotes lor display, cemncates. larnly trees. Invitations, slum, place cards...You name ill Custom work. reaionoDle rates. Coll Marc ol 321-2521 COPIES MADE 25 CENTS < anysUeuptoiixi7 THE PRE3S 156 LEAR RD. AVON LAKE NEW AVON LAKE LISTING! LOW $90'S You must visit this beautifully decorated three bedroom homel A/of a drive by! Won't fast long! VARCtf VACUUM 160 SEWING MACHINE CO. 933-4049 or S7t-WT0 Free Pickup & Delvory WHITING CONSULTATION - Wnnna ace your book reports, research papers, and other wrttinp pfOjocW Talk to a ptolaasiona] ttAar nrlth an EnoiUH major from a prodigious codago. m riofp you ooi a big lai 'A" on jour next walcnmont 635-2009. 140 170 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY LORAtN - Newer Downtown oHko comptex wtth parUng decfc & surface pojUno- Two bUot, Joined by common a n t e One ndg. 40,000 iq.ft laaseable. 9 0 % leased by governmental apAndea. One bug. 2OD00 tq.it wlh 10.000 tq.li b a w d by a n » ol ONo. WMtoBMapest or • * • togaatvx or taparntafy. Ccrtact Demy DaMarco. CoHwefl Sarfcar L M OraQt Realty (2ie) 3 Z H 060. LAWN MOWING GARDEN ROTOT1LUNG EDGING Call Dennis Breese 933-3618 1 m.. Cleaning A-1 HOUSECLSANHQ '•- Eivarlanoad, DeptntaUa, • ' Thorough Cnaaant Rafarancea Available DIRT OUT! : • haavy Duty t dan. Charing "_ WaU,FV»n,WVxkwi : Cwpett. UpnolUtry.DmparlM ' Deodorizing. Carpal Repair* Patting Spacer Hanging t 195 Snow Romoval SNOW PLOWING p RoaJdeoual - Commordal Fnw Estimates KINCAIO SNOW PLOWING INTERIOR P.O. DECORATING * Hang All WoUcovwtrta • All Inionor Pa'nling * Texluro CaillnQj * Plaster • Oryvnui * Holiniin KanTwood Floors ' Slain • GlaiD ' Woodgratn • Including Odd Jobs. 30 Yrs- Exper-afice WorK Guaram^d FREE ESTIMATES B71-19O6 870-7551,333-7177 INTERIOR/EXTERIOR 198 CALL JERRY JAWORSKI 244-5807 PAINTING Finn Interior Pawing Faux Rntohee - Papornanging CreathnWatlCaatgns 835^255 tntsrlcr-Extartor CauUng-Gbulng Windowt Ropeuw) WaDpapar Ramov«d CERTIFIED PAINTING 734-2498 351-S843 ONE CALL DOES rT ALL Can SWv« Star Firewood FIREWOOD Seasoned WliW nard wood wp Call Hoivatli Treo Saf 331-7092 JAWORSKI PAINTING Painting A CUSTOM DESIGN 1133 a Corf SSSaRodc Fraedeflwy EUROPEAN P*IMT1HQ a SERVICE, me. RICK JAWORSKI ft SONS S135. Daltvorod A« hardwood* CK 835-8468 734-2874 WILSON'S TREE SERVICE 353-0083 SEASONED FIREWOOD FOR SALE: 1J3 o* a Cord- $50. FuB CordS140. Free delivery. 934-6898 or 871.2323. SEASONED IntartortEJdartor. DrywaB rapalr. Walbapar rvmovaL Powrn Wath. Guttsr daartng $ s a 8antor Discount - Insured For Protatxtonal Work & SWEAT BROTHERS THEE • inmmlng, removal, slump grinding, storm darna^o, pkliillng. lot clearing. Tractor work A biuih chipping, also available. Insured. 933-3244 FIREWOOD 327-0168 Palnttng A Dacoratlng Intrrtor paMng. walgla£ng Wood oymlninQ, naBcovaring Or^-wallftpiaster repair' Texturing Rick, t i M Cord DaUnred Call 899-8132 282-4C84 937-6300 SUPLHIOP CLLANING CO INC CAOTCTftrUMOTURE CIEANINQ •24' The Communications People 937-0482 i0 * ""*"' °*"" " « " ^ *- CLEAN 8c SHINE FLOORCARE 933-5976 awdWk«>JIO'«»'^*»»w«wt«tar«f t ' i pt toj«*hftorfano*aw m en at i f wnm to you. •X* MC IS RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE Avon (LoceladhAvonnaza) 3>4164 HECRO*^ StUNCUsV FIAT HOOFS • CUTTttt* 'VWDOWS -SIDiNC.- WTCHEN4BATH \ LU9JO FREE ESTIMATES • Thorough Consittenr Quality a Professional jnded & Insured CAROLINE'S UPHOLITEBY » DECORXnNG ftjf Professional Sarvtea •toupholataring OMcttaalHt Ltrg* Section Of Brand N*m» Ftbfkt To CAoos*1 Fmm Ctotti N We, Vkqt ina U i l h t r Craft Salaa d i e S&imHt 4275 Center M . 934^764 Avon. CtU 44011 WEST SHORE Marine Construction • AnnwSuMKlreakwiUf 4-7 ton intcrioddnf timotonc • Concrete RrinTorccd P«r» • Ukc Front Eicmtlon • Pumped Concrtie • SUirttotheUke •Oeda 933-8197 Education & Instruction 280 SaL. Deci0(iO-5pm) Sun.. Dec.11 j'2-Spm) 40S1 Eaat LatM Road ShaffMdUka HOLLY HILL RIDING STABLE teaching all a g e i . boarding & training. Our aonool l i knowntorl a Quality of teaching (tne safe way}. B3S-633S. HORSEBACK RIDtNQ IXSCOHS. Learn ronemarartp and rkang •UDa. Bednnerj tmoogh advanoecL Nortn Croft Eouaaman Canwr. 333-ws*. RIOINO LESSONS: Snow Huntan Inc. oHors PrivateftmdMd-jal Hiding Programa tor an aoeaftlovats. Bain Nieiten or Pam Nock. 4M-B8Q3. SALES Res Markets EARN MONEY, SAVE UONEY at Fiaa Ma^atsftSwap Maots. A book. T h e Baa MarkatMrt- try Wan Uta •tarler*. Howard SwlnOeU & Mary Hocpor tana you how. Sond S a w poatiga Includad lor aacft copy to: 1522Maorla Av-noe. Lakawood OH 44107 or ptvcm 226^341. 290 Garage Sale» . Entrtfllnmant •MIDNIGHT* CONNECTION A-1 Experienced , WeddnQ/PanyBand w/vocals • Top 4O/oidles 23S-0294 DR. J ' a wtll play mutlc lor any occasion. 5 0 ' * thtu tha SO'a. RaaMnaUe.933-aiS1. IL&] Plastering & Drywall Repair Texturing & Painting IS Years Experience • Free Estimates COMPLETE PLUMBING, HEATING AND SEWER CLEANING SERVICE NO JOB TOO SUALLI • Guaranteed (216) 949-5216 (216) 934-4196 937-5826 AIX 933-5565 % J \ 1-H0O-707-ANDY GUTTER CLEANING CLEANING Average House Plu3 Tax Commarclal/Offices• Residential • New Construction Personalized Service • Banded and Insured • Freo Estimates A!) Work Gua'anteed Appointment Only Rooting Specialist 933-9450 (218) t?1-OK0 DVBiQ" Stali VarnKtilna mterlcr ^Exterior Tree Estimates insured , Moving Sales AVON LAKE: 103 TOMAHAWK Dacnmber lOtti (9-12) Many housahoMllamsl AVON: 3533a KELLER OR. Large Moving Sale! Lama eccunxHaUon o( houwhold dama 1 cooacdblaa. Ona day only, Thursday 12/3 (9-?). ANDY'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Ws Service & L -Major Brands* • wot & Puff Wood Room . strip ft.WCKTOpFtooa • Cbon Carpet & Fumrturo NEW CASTLE ROOFING CO. — 240 FREY PLUMBING AND HEATING ;-perIenced *X-act * X-cellent EAQLEGRAPHICS at AVON: 1023 CfcNTEO RO (Hie S3) 12/11 (11-5) Furnllufo; Antiques: Olasawara A Miac. Housohold Hams. No aa.iy tHnui .^ ERTE Craft Classes (>sp) 225 OFF: (216) 886-9783 R€S: (£16) 933-5433 Coll For FRCCCSnMRTCS DAY'S EASE, INC. 327-6346 COMMCnCMUMSIDINTMl mr *•» ^ * OTHERS SEND YOU A CLEANING TEAM-WE SEND YOU SERVICE! ^aaf ! MAINE L1QHT STUDIO t?7 Mull Avenue. Avon Laka 933-2B88 Unique Hand-Painted Omamenb. arts & Yummy Treats lor me whole lamiy Saturday, r - CHRIHTMAS AT HOME Potpourri d Crafti Marry Itams UoeJar $10 Trura.ft.FrL 230 - 235 YOUR TREE IS GROW1NQ at 35514 Detroit Rd. Avon al Ed irVitstnaie Trea Farm. Also pro-cuts, J3.S0 par ft. 205 871-1601 ANNUAL HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE ^ 202 Christmas Trees FIREWOOD 419-863-7442 SEASONED FIREWOOD A CONSIGNMENT SHOP 27333 De'ruit Rd.. WatHako Woman's new & geotly u w d Clothing OPEN. 7 days. 11 ^.m. - 6 p.m.. Thjraday liti 7 p.tn. : Ne* to aroa. near Ingaraoll Hdwe. GOOD NEIGHBOR THRIFT SHOP, ' 1 *Q Lear Rd.. Avon Lake, 933-8627. , RESAIL OH THE LAKE ' We've EjiparKledtlt CWdrens terns. Maternity Clotnos. QuaUly Furniture & Household tiems. Acceptlnri Consignments Dally. 4140 E. Lake Rood. ShotfleM Laka. 949787B. 871-3623 871-3623 FIREWOOD FIRSWOOO. siitall tnxuoad. needs somo •plintng. Woll toasoned. Only S50. Barbara. B3S-5042 FREE firewood. You had. irs yours. Cat) 882-0514, SEASON FIREWOOD: Buy more. 5ava man. S140 torono cord. S250 hxrooconH. (410)668-4773. SEASONED CLASSIC CLOSET And Land leaping Trge S Slump Removal. Topping. Trimming Sfirub planting & cam. New lawns. CTearuc S majnienanco Spilt. Seuonad A D t l l t w t d t13SaCord Fraa Eitlmal— - Ratoninqw POWSnWASHINQ STEAM CLEANING PAJNT1NG Hornet, DacUi, Fancat. Equtprnant natidcrlla»ODmrnerclal-tndustrial 10% DUcount (or Sanlor Cttlxana 833-5500 or 331-0539 .Calfflwvegttr Tree Care HORVATH TREE SERVICE Trees H« moved Traas Trintmod p * Seasonad Firewood 450 a rick dotlverad PAPERINO, PLASTEfdNQ PnmlumWork Baa./Apt/l«Ju». • t r O R l Tr« Flnrt Thna* FREEESTIUATES B 331-tiOI o r S M - W T i ONE CALL DOES rT ALL 200 SNOW REMOVAL. INDEPENDENT LAWN CAHE U33-511 a I'almlnfl and Drvwoll Work Also. CoJtngs suppled and wallpaper removed. Exlorlor: Scraping. walorWasl^-a and painting. No Job loo SmallFma EsHmaltU. Ewortonced. Chris Imparator* 185 835-4253 - • •*••:.•• D.C. POLOVICH. Eaiy Roller PalnLng. Cloailng & Hign Preaauna Waihlng. Call 037-S400 tor lieo gstimaio. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. ALUMINUM BIDING RtflNISHINQ, WALLPAPERINa FULLY INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES. Discount U o M l n e Warehouse. TO*. Ca> lor appl SW77 158 Landscaping LANDSCAPES EXTRAORDINAIRE. Landscape sonrtco spodolLilng In lignum. waterfalls, ponds, trick sidewalks end patkw. Call Pan. 937-6753. Business Opportunities 141 Building Supplies Construction CONCRETE REMOVAL a. REPLACEMENT ROUGH a FINISH GRADING We Handle An Jobs 8<g or Small 358-2001 QDS ENTERPRISES ^^^^— —- — — • Sprinkler Systems • lotun Maintenance • landscope lighting • Loum S Shwb Removal > • UJood 61 Stone Retaining Walls • ' A I L PRODUCTIONS* Wednesdays & SaMrtoyi ai Boacfi Park Lcunge Karaoke 10 p.m. 10 2:30 aJiOO3PEL SINQIMQ: Tho Measongors. Avon Churcn ot God. 37*43 Oolroit Rd, Avon. OoccmbCf 11,1094 295 Health & Beauty MASSAGE Roiadnrj. wotMnrj. haallng. ReJievo stress. Croats wcll-twlng Qtve a gltt to yourietf or scmwsw atM. ONLY 123/tv. or S55/l-t/2 tit. Call Barbara B3 5-5042 SUNOUEST WOLFF TANNING BEDS New CommerriaJ-Home Unlls F Lamps-LoUons-Atcsssortes Monthry payments low as 11100 Can Today FREE NEW Color Cttaiog ATTENTION GOLFERS: Cuslom Rt Clutw. Rocrip, RopaK. Ooi' AccoiSOrWs/Ciotfilng. (jrem pf«03i Taking orders lor Xmasl Call UoO at TUT Gott. I MISCELLANEOUS MENREOON uchoisiensd occasional cdars. 2 aqua. 1 loal/roso/pton). t brnwn, J70 oacrt. oicuilont condiiion 48* wool a ma I\KJ. b«iigortoal/ro», 356-6115 Miscellaneous For Sale 345 19S0-I COKE 4 PEPSI MACHINES, t93ffi 10 rani M'll'* Siei MacN"«. 1940 JuKebo*. 1959 Cadillac. 323GAS DRYER, KenmoiB *tiite heavy duty N«J cyd6. vory rjocQ condition, 6C57. 188B DODGE Caravan, 5250. negotiable 835-2752. S5.2rjQ.,aietnc »tove. l i o o . tiisnwasner. $100.. relnilqefalor, Collactlbles 323 $175.complolet)ali'oom?t75.af>rt 1 BY LIONEL TRAINS. Call 034- partially i«miu CM engines. 8715FO6. 8311. 3 ELECTRICAL DE3KStor compuiera/micrcviaves, largo «ood deax, Antiques 325 display counter * / 2 acrylic slool*. PLUM CREEK ANTIQUES in South misc. cosmetic (JispUy ftoms. twin Otart(n. Wo orter a larye selection ol bod A mattress. Seasons In Color, antique lurrtture & collectibles, In- 26S0 Dover Or. RO. 835-3323. ducing a newety opened room ot lur- ALUMINUM 7tt. Oinstmas tree. 201 niture in me rough. Tuesday-Satur- branWes; boy's *lnier [aciioi.siio day 11am-5pm. 14301 State Hta 58 XL: one piece sMl suii. »«8 14. 7777536 South In ObetHn. 774-2977. Appliances 320 Avori Musical Instruments 300 PIANO TUNING and RtPJUR SERVICE 54 yrs. axpertonca 1-933-5Q2S WALNUT BALDWIN SPINET OHQAH Model 172. Easy Ptoy Features. Ifca rww. Can altar 4pm 833-8002. 310 Sporting Goods •OAIWU LIME COUMTER REELS*. Baar Paw Eottrtc Fish Sealers. Gift CartfttcflMS 930 Value. Only »2S. QAHWELL'S. Loraln. 2B2-6Q40 BRUNSWICK 4-xSr siau pod table with •ccoMOrte*. Mini condition. MOO or bait ofter. 882-6615. CAKI SHOHEMEN JACKET: Never worn, rtctii out ol the bo«. ^4o numbers or name sewn on a SOFAS, 1 low seal $200. eacrt. Great CWtsimas present Only $75. OH wnita. formjl loo*, wary good compare at 395. Great deal. 933Condition. 734-9307 2769. CHILDREN'S BEOROOU SET: BABY FUPJJirjnE misc., Sesanw Triple DnMMf w/Mlrror. High Soy Stojei olaynouse, Unie Tyke toys & Dresser. Double Beef Frame & baby coming. 651-5B2S, Headboard. Beat Otter. 933-7ioa. COLEMAN GENERATOR 22S0. DRAPES, wine on *mite damask, New. $350. 9332907custom made, lined. (1) pr. COLONIAL COUCH: 76* long (Blue t l 6 ' * 9 * * t . (1]pr. 48*»B4'L. wiin decoMtor iraversa rod), pinv S20Q. and v!«et. Ute new. $200 lirm. 9335364. 871-17S4. CULLIOAN WATER SOFTENER. HhNREOON 2-pWce sectional, pow- One year old. S5OO 930-2302. der blue biocade. down cushions, DOQ HOUSE, wood construction. $C00. Dinlngroom table, glass. -Vtulty 24*i2e*x34\wrael! lock door. 12"» uphoisterad chairs, cream & mauve, 20". Piice reduced $49.85J20O. 651-5835. 777-4449. S O P * . Hgnt ore an lioral, good ORAPCS: Ant^ua Sattn (QcXif lined. 144*wam. 933-5205 after 3pmconliton. $80. Small bedroom chair, DRAWTITE TRAILER HITCH tor grjod condition, MO. CaU 356-0134. Ford Van. Heavy Duty, $150. 3332397. Furnishings 330 EDDIE HAUER ' m'j Fur Coat !5i ANIMALS J ) 4-lCO 360 Animal Services Elaine Magnus ORGAN. «ith £ rciingr lujyi 0 Very qooO con ^ " l 81/2' . 221-6755 FIREPLACE TNSEUT WITH TNSEUT CERAMIC TILE. Wu'Ks well S1W. Medium uog cage .125 3l'7-B3?3. GRAY STEEL DESK 5<" LONU laminatedi wood I t p S4C.: Black directofscnoirS'5 3.17-O753 K-1 KEROSENE,..Srr«trr» Country Counter. Avon. »34-5»03. KEROSENE HEATER, .wgy. 100. 19.40O BTU. good condilion. $25. B35-2626. . NORDIC TRACK Sequoia. I Yr OH) yttlfi video $350 9^9-5346 SNOWfGAROEN supphei. Tor.i mower & snow blower. S e a r i Crattvnan Cut-N-Ca'j;n ia«n mw«r. weed/saod spreadsf. marua! lawn mower. Fairniew Part. 682-0146 STEREO COMPONENTS: ! 6 " c t l high Advent spoaVors, 395. ea:h; Panasonic SX-750 stereo receivrtf. $135., Magnavgj compact disc player. $125. B71-504S. ,_ TIRES: Four 2O3-7S-R14. $40 sel Two 215-70-R15. $10 each. Ona 215-75-014. 15. t4-x15" Rims,, $3/eactvB71-7493 TRUCK C A P , Century, black' fiberglass. I m small inxA. $225. U d der rack, full siie pickuo. heavy t -3/4* galvanteed ptpo. |7S. B71-195>. WANTED: OLD BO AT OARS. CALL 833-7146. WHEELCHAIR. 65 CTU furnace. kltctien table, chairs, stereo, leat vuc. door outside. 2 ton hand hoisl. liM cabinets, lefrfgerator. 671-3981. 346 Computer Equipment IBM COUP. 366 SX. 40MQ HO. CD ROM, expandable memory, 14'SVOA. software. 3.Slloppy. Originally $1,700.. asking S800. Immaculate. 779-1937 aRer 6pm. CRUTER CARE tfe're tiiero y.fwn you can't bo Cnttur Cara oMeis lender. specmh/HO carng visils lor your pot in your home •when you have to be away Wo con also provide I ran ipo tin Iran to and .'ftjm [tie vet and the groo<Tw>f when you need us to help For luiiy insured professional vot recommended pt)l can) vijiis lo your home while you aro away...Call u i anytime. Don & Loulte Sundberg Featured on P.M. Magazine MS-1S40 We'll ba there when you need us. PROFESSIONAL PET CARE SERVICES In-horn* care. E*ctuavery descried lor the proiessional by professional* We give TLC to your pets & your homo In wour aBsence. Fully insured. Vol recommended Vet tail servtco available. " TRANSPORTATION 390 Autos For Sale ^5, CHEVY NOMAD 327/350. " 510 SCO. '67 Ponuc CslaNna. oil J T i ^ l i a l . 81999- 775-4422. •OS CADILLAC ELDORADO, YVhitB with buroindy Mother Interior. New T M N*e' M S " . 4964 OBO - «««• 3 2 T " •88 CAPRICE ESTATE WAGON. Metallic Btnge A woodgrain, loadad. S2.O00. 933-0' gO1B54 FORD, 2dr. custom iedan. onoinai 239 O.H.V.. V-8 (eompteWy pcotesslonally reboitt. not y e l Installed.) FORD-O-MATIC. verv oood conlkiion. 12500 negotiable. f419)668-47/5. ; tSBU FORD PROBE GL: Charcoei nmv AJUO. A/C, Am/Fm C m a t a . ffl ctean ^ . 96K. J3S85. 93i- 2229 TBBi Ford T-Bltd, W K highway miles, iuaded. e r a M r t condition. S5900 or best o«er. 327^575. CARS FOR $1001 Trucks. Boats, 4wheelers, motorhomei. lurnHunj, electrartcs, compuwra ett. by FBI. IRS. O£*- Awallatt* you. sr«a now. 892-9122 SAXON'S KENNELS BOARDING All size dogs 236-5444 ra5 t-eoo-5i3-*343 teoo53 fca.s^isa VEHICLES UNDER « 0 0 ( CAH3 AUCTIONED BY IRS. DEA. FBI. QSA. DOO N ATCNWI06. TT1UCK3, BOATS. MOTORHOMES. COMPUTERS. AND MORE! CALL TOLL FBEEt 1(300) 953-3377. EXT.M-1209 365 Housohold Pffts i SIAMESE STUD SERVICE Good Blood Uno Bflrtin Heights. (419) 583-2901 FREE CATtarloving home, tirloor, year-oU tamalo cabco mix. BoxiraMed. spade, de-dawwl shots. sweet disposition, hooded litter hoi Ind. 802-9628 c w a . HIMALAYAN A SIAMESE Mhl Kittens. B Wks old- In lime lor Christmas. Beautllul, loving 2 females. 1 male.Si00each. M i«tyr shots Incfcjded 93<-6036. Himalayan & Siamssa mix KTTTFNS3 iireela oid. m One lor Chrliimas. Rejutllut loving 2 temales. t male StOO/oadv. AH Hnt year shuts included. 216-034-5036. 400Boate&Motof» WANTED: OLD BOATOAfla. CALL 933-71*6. 430 Trucki For Satw " 19*6 OOOCE RAH M HalMon. 4 ' CYL. 5 ^ T M a B4K. Y0U1 bva IB 9346672- E RTT ?V>tf X-P0rienced - X-act * Emergency : Estimates SPECIALIST^ (216)933-9450 ' Creative Kitchens MM300 7 Shingles • Slats • Hubbor Roofing * Wood Shake Guttert/Downspouts • Tear Otis • Roroofs • Repairs HANDYMAN SERVICE i Cvpantry • EJ#CtrfcU • H o u » PtJndnp; • Piw/tXng • Dryw*! CLOSETtyCRAFTERS Showroom V. AVON lAKt, OHIO \ • LOACIER • DUMP Tnuclc IQGO Old B w t t Road, Watilaka GARAGES00R5 & OPERATORS Residential & Commercial • ECONOMICAI • INSURECI * FREE ESTIMATES • Htjurlr im All Mut«- 83S-tO83 1ST. 32*7-7270 INTERIOR PAINTING e Powofwo*hli(j-Steam aoanhrj-Palnting • • Roddonflal-Comm«clal-bndu3tr1al • e Our aoanlng Froducfs aro EnvlfonmontoV SafB onO Non-Toxic • • R j y fewxed - FREE ESTIMATES • • 10% Dttcount for Seniors • 9334JB90 • 331-9539 PAINTING & WALLCOVERING Specializing in AM Wallpapers "' Runge 933-9495 l Complm SHOW Plowing Slavics Rick Additions - Garages - u « IBaUiraoms-Ritchons ROB SCHNAUFETt Fully Insured •, i f i i l B k 09MS97 949-6194 • • • • • Finish Grading , Landscape Design Seed & Sod Lawns Tree & Shrub Installation Brick & Stone Walks & Patios, Retaining Walls, Ponds, Fountains & Waterfalls • Clean-up & Mulching • Shrub & OmainaitaT Tree, Pruning' FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 2 0 TEARS EXPERIENCE SEASONED FIREWOOD $5O Rick $15O Cord Delivered CALL. 937-63OO NORTH COAST FURNITUHE REPAIR COMPAINPT QUALITY KKFINISHING &? REPAJHS • 1-: JI k ".• F l f i f n - ! flvon lakoTf PLUMBING, Inc. RES1DMIAL H COMMERCIAL HEW v REMODEL • REPAIR State Certified Backflow Inspector 9334969 Bob WedeJl - Owner - - a tiniK rMKKtitifl StKUil TIM FORTHOFER Builder* Contractor Inc. Now Homos Garagos HemodeBng Addttons Kitchens Docks Hcrn» Repairs Service all Makes & Models Air Conditioning Repair & Inst Humidifier & Air Cleaner Furnace Repair & Inst. 24 Hr. Emergency Service Phono. 937-64'JO 34875 Timberview D'. Avon. OH Call Or Tell Fu« 933-2517 t-800-251-2517 "If It's Made a WOOD.. We Can Do IL -^BOOKSHELVES ", MOU3KQ \ —^CUSTOM CU3SETS —1MTCHEN —iEffTERTAMJENT CENTERS ' PM Consolations sndEsVmtn R H A B b i THE - AVON LAKE WOODWORKING CO. • \ 933-3676 •=• builders inc. ALL TYPES OF HELt-ARC RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AND REMODELING • Aluminum • Pipe • Stainless " Cast Minor Fabrication No Job To Small CHRIS BRITTON FREE ESTIMATES PHONE: 934-4716 QUALITY WELDING RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL-" • Tuf-OfTi • is Yur FUl it. « S.i.jln * Stitti • Cinrlil! »««l Htlil Jinki • 40 Yitr DtitulMil SUiflu * RiJii Dijpit«bt4 Grin Strvtei 933-8733 Fully Insured - 24 hr. Emergency Service Tree Trimming and Removals 118' Crane Service 934-4400 Jett and Debt Mitchell. Onn FAIRWEATHER ROOFING Service MARK DUDZIAK. PRESIDENT AVON. OHIO 937-6067 FIRST IMPRESSIONS LAST FOREVER. . . 'Cuslorn Guttor Present! PVC S o c m l o u Stool Siding' The BIGGER little Store Wilh More HARDWARE & Home & Garden Center - ALSO VINYL & ALUMINUM SIDING - 949-6296 FREE ESTIMATES 2 3 3 - 6 4 5 0 323-7V07 1-80O686-0709 200 WARDEN - ELYTHA. OHIO 1-C00-67S-SNUR 5254 EAST LAKE ROAD Sun. 10-2 Mon.-Fri. 8-7 SaLS-S Corner Abb* & Lake Roads SHEFFIELD UIKE. OHIO 44054 933-4492 933-3514 KRUMWIEDE CONSTRUCTION "Your Tnltii ReinwMing Co. " Third Generation ' Additions • Rooms Finished • Roofs • Siding _ Major or Minor Repairs Interior/Exterior Painting Wallpaper Hanging - FREE ESTIMATES Russ Harkins J.©. Indoor G'omjort 949-6075 @ fhr Conditioning Sarvlng Loraln County RCKDCNTtAL *. COMVCnCIAL HCA1INC * COO UNO BLANCHARD'S PAINTING SALES - SERVICE m INSTALLATION" iirtariw^> - « w W P^M , •Exterior Wallpapering-Deck Reflhlshtng • Power Washing • ...,-,, - | M Firewood Makes A Great Christmas Giftt KATHY'S EXCAVATING Dig Basement BaMmvfrt WaJI Repair Fooler Work Waler ft S*wor Llrwis ' Driveway Stone, Slac or U m m t o n * GARR^TT-DUBER PAINTING, INC. 933-7898 w O INTERIOR • EXTERIOR WORKERS COM P. GACK HOE. DOZER. DUMP TRUCK SERVCE. SEPTIC TANK HEPAIH & NEW INSTALLATIONS 937-5020 LICENSED & BONDED HARTSEL ELECTRIC UcsrotdSondtd-lnsurod Euy Roller Piindng\* Clewing il Bxcerior Prep Services AvaHable 937-5750 Distressed by Pregnancy? Call Birthright at 3 2 2 4 6 5 2 or 24Z-4652. 24 HOUR SERVICE • Free Estimates 7 - BASEMENT WATERPROOFING QlffilB 933-8197 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM or 621-6332 Lenny's Glass Authorized Dwltr of Service Company CALL 9 4 9 - 5 4 4 2 ANYTIME Storm*-Scrwns Repaired KEARNEY CONSTRUCTION WHY DO SO NMd an up*t»lr» nm*n«d. add>ng on a lam-ry foom W garage? For mator or minor repairs, call lor a frw estimate. pl kN %I 0 'datflftfl Home Improvements • Windows • Painting OWNER OPERATED-FREE ESTIMATES FREE Estimates • Carpentry • Siding 835-3377 Gutters Masonry CALL 24 HRS. A DAY GRNERS? . ...OWNER SUPERVISES EVERY CLEANED HOME 937-6337 ».. We Now Do ft For Your TREE ESTIMATE Coll. SUE L.EUENBERGER 327-4455 compart/ prtvataty owned and r^wr alnd. • W* can d««tgn • olnnnad fegular mainlerwneo program a i often as you neat) tn your homo or offlca. •Wo can perform an ' rtr* eilarwivo ctoanlng swvfc*. even vrindmn.1' - Ws odd M the penonal louchai to our ctoanlng lhal you wcuM do youriair • Wo aro flnlshvd wrl-enyou nrj utlntod . The Super Store With So Much More" • Dog LltCDse • VH5 niatendo RenUls • Rug Dr. RcnUl Annk 0/ Avon Homemade foods Catering K-l Kcn»e»e LTS 5hlpplng SUlloD 5f Photo Copiei Avon's OPiLY Family Owned ec Operated Grocery Store Since 1950 3 A Cut Above The Rest COUNTER 37500 COLORADO RD., AV01V, OHIO 44011 934-5403 • Pig Roast Of d a m Cooktr Rental *i wholesale food* HOURS: M-P 9-9. SAT 8-0. SUN. 9-6 MIS AD GOOD THRU TUES. DEC. 13TH OR WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Pork Loin Boiled Bump Boast Top Round Steaks Sirloin Patties Eckrich. All Meat London Broil Pork Chops Eye of Bound Boast Cube Steaks Ground Chuck Philadelphia Cream Cheese 7908 0S. Ole Carolina Country Style Fresh. Lean Lean. Meaty Bologna Sliced Bacon Spare Ribs PHIsbury Ready Kraft Pie Crusts Salad Dressings $159 13 oz. $t?9 16 OZ. . Your Choice of This Bonus Item With Each « Every $5. $ 10 or $20 Purchase * Coupon Item (Excluding AlcoholftTobacco Woducto) PRODUCE DEPT. Halves & Pieces '- Shelled lUnntL. cut . ( - '• Baby Carrots— DAIRY Christmas Tree or Santa Claus i%or5falm 4 $|89 Smlih"s2%. MUfa in" 89* Slices— JCI Pierre's Homcstylc Smith's 10 Lb. Ban Idaho ...... I quart BiWnjPoUtoe* 0 FROZEIS DEPT. DEPT. Hlllandalc Butter Quarters Green Peppen. Tangerines— $|39 l«« $129 Ice Cream vr/Xmas Tree Center L Chocolaie Mini Truffle Dove Bars *p ,$299 $|69 Troplcajia Grapefruit Ptnb Grapefruit.—WffL luice Ptppctmlnt 4 E«No8 Centers ^ 4 ^ 7 & Beefrteablomiioes- Ice 5Lb.Pba. S a l a d S i z e .,•• Smlih'sLowFat 2% 91b. Bag'. E«Nofi EipIosI«Popcorn_ T aa7** Dove Bites Super Scoop Your Choice $|99 liStfil. $309 Cre&in t v*« p^ We Have K-l Kerosene mm #f*«5* Your r^fc" 1995 Dofi Licenses So on sale here Thurs. Dec. 1 GROCERIES Crlsco "§.:.-•. . Shortening ££& Evaporated Milk J C » Eagle Brand Foltfers Coffee ........ 13 OZ ,5lb. - ^ $329 $109 Scot Lad ^ Prlncclla YamS .5 lb. Fruit....' M T Nestles -.•••-;, ; ,^:.y>:;:;-v"riffiSyi^Bjtii^ Ch^oila^'^ipi^^ll^; Ready GrahitfCra^^^*i|p •" M » A T h a n b V b u . : •••-*;••.•..•• Marshmallow Creme • - ? oz # «r £440 ......40 or. m Del Monte Lite or Regular tUad Granulated ' = -1S: A | Condensed Mllb :.4ozTl' Chips B e t t y ; C r 6 c b e r •.•• -.'v.^ • t - ; - - ' - ^ f l f r | h p ..:.:,.^oi*! 1 ^ Carnation !„.: J:^r.;.......™a iiter^ (^00 9 O 6 .;'.......-...r..,«:.. 16 oz. •'.;(# •"•'-:;-$.V*1»M4JiJk-t> Cherry Pie FlflintL isi «?[I??S Kara Red Label 0 . .MJ.- • 6MA& syrup..:.:.:,^:j..:::;::;,^>l?l!& .Wesson;:.^..;;;-.-; .^;V; ; : " ^ - ^ a i | | j |