Tandstangsmotor rack and pinion drive ZA 35 / ZA 85(-HS) / ZA 105(-HS) / ZA 155 24VDC B 08 11 22802 026 Zertifikat-Nummer certificate-number Produktbeskrivelse For alle vinduestyper for all types of windows Mikroprocessorstyret motorelektronik microprocessor-controlled motor electronic Individuel programmerbar via PLP individual programmable via PLP Anvendelig for ABV og komfortventilation applicable for smoke and natural ventilation Høj tryk- og trækkraft, op til 1500 N high pressure and tensile force, up to 1500 N Stor åbningslængde, op til 1000 mm stroke lengths, up to 1000 mm ABV-system Smoke- and Heat Vent Systems Naturlig ventilations-system Natural Ventilation Systems Motor-system ABDL-system Drive Systems Fire-door Control Systems Product Information ZA 35 / ZA 85 / ZA 105 / ZA 155 Kendetegn Features - - - - Anvendelseseksempel 15 Standard udførsel / Standard version useable for smoke ventilation, D+H Euro-SHEV according to DIN EN 12101-2 as well as daily natural ventilation for façade windows, roof flaps and dome lights available as high-speed version (HS) for a fast window opening in case of fire adjusting of stroke with PLP1 directly at the drive individually programmable via Powerline (PLP1 and PDA service tool) low power consumption due to an high efficiency fire resistance (30 minutes/300°C) and 10.000 double strokes with rated push strength, tested extra silent motor running in ventilation mode cable entry and drive unit interchangeable possibility of paint in all RAL-colours individual stroke lengths and change of structural dimensions possible mounting-sets coordinated with profile systems available Example for Application Bestil venligst konsolsættene separat / please order bracket sets separately -3 Ø 6 5 max. Kraft / max. load / N 46 12 9 10 4 0 16 Maximal tryklast på tandstangen / maximum pressure load of toothed rack 1600 13 30 -5 5 Ny tte åb n. /n om ina 9 ls tro ke +1 1200 1000 62 30 9 13 vedvarende / durable 800 600 400 200 0 30 21 korttid / temporary 1400 6 7 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Åbn. / stroke / mm Tekniske data Udførelse uden Tubus (Option "-OT") / Version without tube (option "-OT") Technical Data Motortype / type ZA 35 ZA 85 (HS) Strøm / rated current 0,5 A 1,0 A (2,0 A) 1,2 A (2,2 A) 1,4 A Trykkraft / rated push strength 300 N 800 N 1000 N 1500 N Trækkraft / pull strength 300 N 800 N 1000 N 1000 N Lukkekraft / closing strength 300 N 24 VDC ±15% Spænding / rated voltage Type Type Art.-Nr. Ord.-No. ZA 35/350 ZA 35/500 ZA 35/600 ZA 35/800* ZA 85/350 ZA 85/500 ZA 85/600 ZA 85/800* ZA 85/1000* ZA 105/500 ZA 105/600 ZA 105/800* ZA 105/1000* ZA 155/500 ZA 85/600-HS ZA 85/800-HS* ZA 85/1000-HS* ZA 105/600-HS* ZA 105/800-HS* 27.005.05 27.005.10 27.005.15 27.005.20 27.005.30 27.005.35 27.005.40 27.005.45 27.005.50 27.005.60 27.005.65 27.005.70 27.005.75 27.005.90 27.006.05 27.006.10 27.006.15 27.006.30 27.006.35 Realåbn. Kraft Vægt Tandstang real stroke Force Weight Gear rack 350mm 500mm 600mm 800mm 350mm 500mm 600mm 800mm 1000mm 500mm 600mm 800mm 1000mm 485mm 600mm 800mm 1000mm 600mm 800mm 300N 300N 300N 300N 800N 800N 800N 800N 800N 1000N 1000N 1000N 1000N 1500N 800N 800N 800N 1000N 1000N 1,72kg 1,95kg 2,10kg 2,40kg 1,72kg 1,95kg 2,10kg 2,40kg 2,70kg 1,95kg 2,10kg 2,40kg 2,70kg 1,95kg 2,10kg 2,40kg 2,70kg 2,10kg 2,40kg Messing / brass Messing / brass Messing / brass V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel V2A / stainless steel ZA 105 (HS) ZA 155 Forriglingskraft / locking pressure Løbetid-ÅBNE / opening time Løbetid-ÅBNE / opening time (HS) Løbetid-LUKKE / closing time 800 N 1100 N ~ 7,1 mm / s Lastafhængig ~ 8 mm / s (~ 17 mm / s) load-dependent ~ 7,1 mm / s Beskyt.grad / protective system IP 65 Temp.-område / range of temp. -5°C ... +75°C Tilslutning / connection Hus / housing 2,5 m silikone Aluminium / Polycarbonate * Uden boring forneden. Kun for konsolmontage foroven. Without boring at bottom. Only for topside mounting. Forbehold for tekniske ændringer. Rights to technical modifications reserved. © 2010 D+H Mechatronic, Ammersbek/Lumex A/S Lumex A/S · Havnepladsen 12, bygn. 21 · DK-9900 Frederikshavn · Danmark Tel: +45 98 43 02 44 · Fax: +45 98 43 82 44 · info@lumex.dk · www.lumex.dk 99.730.07 1.8/06/10 - Anvendelig for åbning for røgventilation, D+H Euro-RWA i.h.t DS/EN 12101-2 såvel som daglig ventilation For facadevinduer, taglemme og ovenlyskupler Kan fåes som Highspeed-Version (HS) for en speciel hurtig åbning af vinduerne i tilfælde af brand (ABV) Indstilling af åbningslængde med PLP 1 Individuel programmerbar via Powerline (PLP 1 og PDA Servicetool) Lavt strømforbrug via høj virkningsgrad Temperaturstandsikkerhed (30 min./300°C) og 10.000 dobbeltoperationer afprøvet med nyttelast Speciel lydreduceret funktion ved komfortventilation Kabelindgang og motorenhed kan ombyttes Lakering i alle RAL-farver mulig Individuelle åbningslængder og motordimensioner er mulig Profilsystem afstemte montage-sæt kan fåes