Foreign Rights 2016


Foreign Rights 2016
Foreign Rights
EchnAton Verlag
Spirituality, Zen, Buddhism, Taoism
Introduction and information on the author
Books & Audio Cds
1 Awakening to your true self
Sample layout
2. True Life Through ZEN
Sample layout
3. The direct ZEN-Way to Liberation
Sample layout
4. Lao Tse –Tao Te King
Sample layout
Contact details of publishing company
Dear Sir / Madam,
we would like to present you the following books by Zen Master Zensho
W. Kopp, which were published by EchnAton Verlag, together with the
accompanying audio books, published by steinbach sprechende bücher.
The titles were successfully introduced into the German-speaking market
and were very well received by the readers and listeners. Therefore we
would now like to make the Zen Master's wisdom and teaching available
to a greater foreign market.
In his books and audio books, the internationally renowned Zen Master
brings the timeless wisdom of Western and Eastern mysticism into a
form adapted to our modern language and way of living.
We would be delighted if your publishing house could bring closer the
clear, modern words of this extraordinary, awakened Western Zen
Master to spiritually interested readers and listeners in book and audio
For the books, we not only deliver the complete English translations but
also the print-ready typesetting, the print-ready cover files, and for the
audio books, the production-ready audio files.
About the author
Zen Master Zensho W. Kopp is considered to
be one of the most significant wisdom
teachers of the present.
He teaches a contemporary way to spiritual
realisation by providing a new opening to the
profound wisdom of Zen and all-embracing
mysticism, making it readily accessible in a
modern language and adapted for the world
of today.
In Germany, over 50 book reviews and press articles have been written
on his literary works. The English audio books were recorded by a
renowned BBC-speaker in London in a professional sound studio.
The internationally renowned Zen master and author of numerous
spiritual books and audio books instructs a large community of students
and directs the Tao-Chan Zen Center in Wiesbaden, Germany.
1. Awakening to your true self
The source of all joy is constantly present within us
We are so caught up with the concerns of everyday
life that we have lost ourselves. This book deals with
the question of the meaning of life. For ultimately,
this is the question of our true self. It is the question
of who and what we really are at the base of our
In clear words, Zen Master Zensho W. Kopp shows
us in an inspiring way how we can see through the
deceptive nature of our concepts so that we rise up
above our self-made limitations. Through this we
transcend our identification with the unreal and
reach the absolute reality of our true self. We
experience a liberating transformation to a deeper
and all-embracing universal consciousness and thus
to freedom of the mind.
> A splendidly written book, which describes the
Zensho W. Kopp
way to true joy and inner peace.
is considered to be one of the
most significant spiritual
masters of the present. He
teaches a contemporary way to
spiritual realisation, in which he
opens anew the profound
wisdom of Zen and allembracing mysticism, making it
available in a modern language
and a form adapted to our world
of today. Further infos:
> The author is an expert on ZEN, who instructs a
Contact for rights for books and
audio-books: EchnAton Verlag
Diana Schulz
Tel. +49 (0) 8039/90 99 256
large body of students.
> An in-depth book, small and compact, with
wonderful colour photos, very well received by the
Format 11,5 x 16,5 cm, 144 pages, paperback
compact, in colour throughout, new release
(Germany): September 2016
Reading extract:
Audio book:
1CD, 74 min, speaker: Jonathan Lloyd
Audio clip:
Awakening to your true self (Sample layout)
2. True Life Through ZEN
The path to crystal-clear consciousness and an active life
We are living in a time in which more and more
people are striving to combine a spiritual and active
life. Thus, a book such as this takes on a most
special value in that it can change our whole life.
Zen Master Zensho’s practical instructions for Zen
practice in daily life make the book a reliable
orientation-aid for the modern western person. In
an easily understood way, Zensho shows us what
this Zen practice is all about and how it leads us to
inner peace, deeper wisdom and a meaningful life.
Zensho W. Kopp
is considered to be one of the
most significant spiritual
masters of the present. He
teaches a contemporary way to
spiritual realisation, in which he
opens anew the profound
wisdom of Zen and allembracing mysticism, making it
available in a modern language
and a form adapted to our world
of today. Further infos:
Contact for rights for books and
audio-books: EchnAton Verlag
Diana Schulz
Tel. +49 (0) 8039/90 99 256
Contemporary and absolutely true-to-life, he
imparts to us a heedful life, filled with awareness.
He shows us how we can achieve spiritual clarity
and joy in ourselves in everyday life, as the true
place of practice. Thus we become able to
experience the preciousness of each moment with
our whole being, and live crystal-clear awareness
and our active involvement in life as a single reality.
> True-to-life and practical for our modern times!
> An in-depth book, small and compact, with
wonderful colour photos, very well received by the
Format 11,5 x 16,5 cm, 144 pages, paperback
compact, in colour throughout, first edition
(Germany): September 2015
Reading extract:
Audio book:
1CD, 75 min, speaker: Christopher Kent
Audio clip:
True life through ZEN (Sample layout)
3. The direct ZEN-way to liberation
A profound wisdom which transforms and liberates
In this book we feel the absolute directness and
freedom of Zen. With clear words that expose each
illusion, Zen Master Zensho captures the essence in
a nutshell. He shows us the mirror of our true being,
and in it we recognise our constantly present
buddha-nature, our original, true self. His clear
words are filled with such spiritual force that they
touch us at our very deepest. Here, the logic of our
conceptual, discriminating thinking is often
profoundly shaken so that we can grasp the truth
beyond all words.
In a clear and lively way, Zensho shows us a direct
path to spiritual realisation and, by means of
authentic Zen-anecdotes and quotes, he brings to
life the old masters of Zen. With Zenistic
consistency, everything is swept away so that we are
able to reach liberation of the mind beyond our
limited intellectual logic and can experience the
state of pure awareness.
Zensho W. Kopp
is considered to be one of the
most significant spiritual
masters of the present. He
teaches a contemporary way to
spiritual realisation, in which he
opens anew the profound
wisdom of Zen and allembracing mysticism, making it
available in a modern language
and a form adapted to our world
of today. Further infos:
Contact for rights for books and
audio-books: EchnAton Verlag
Diana Schulz
Tel. +49 (0) 8039/90 99 256
> Special to this book are Master Zensho’s 50
expressive drawings, which breathe the Zen mind.
> A book which imparts the fundamentals of ZenBuddhism.
232 pages, hardcover, format 13 x 20,5 cm, first
edition (Germany) August 2015
Reading extract:
Audio book:
2CDs, 145 Min., speaker: Christopher Kent
Audio clip: Recording in progress
The direct ZEN-way to liberation (Sample layout)
4. Lao Tse Tao Te King – The book of Tao and spiritual force
A timeless wisdom book of unique mystical fullness and linguistic
The 2500 year old Tao Te King by the Chinese sage
Lao-tse is a jewel of Eastern wisdom. It counts as
one of the most profound and most translated books
of world literature. In a language of incomparable
imagery the Tao Te King speaks of the Tao, the
divine origin of all existence, and its effect in man as
spiritual force.
Its goal is to lead him back to the original oneness
with the Tao, and so into harmony with the allembracing wholeness of existence. In this
outstanding new transcription, Zensho has
succeeded in masterly conveying the whole mystical
expressiveness of the work whilst strictly adhering
to the original sense, and thus providing a
completely new and deeper insight.
> Lao Tse's sayings are true jewels of wisdom,
Zensho W. Kopp
is considered to be one of the
most significant spiritual
masters of the present. He
teaches a contemporary way to
spiritual realisation, in which he
opens anew the profound
wisdom of Zen and allembracing mysticism, making it
available in a modern language
and a form adapted to our world
of today. Further infos:
Contact for rights for books and
audio-books: EchnAton Verlag
Diana Schulz
Tel. +49 (0) 8039/90 99 256
scintillating in their clarity and universally valid.
> With this book, Zen Master Zensho W. Kopp has
achieved a contemporary, modern and authentic
transcription of Lao Tse's wisdom.
120 pages, hardcover, format 13 x 20,5 cm, first
edition (Germany) September 2017
Reading extract:
Audio book:
2CDs, 117 min., speaker: Christopher Kent
Audio clip:
Lao Tse Tao Te King (Sample layout)
For any questions on foreign rights, please do not hesitate to
contact us at any time.
Questions on rights for books and audio-books
EchnAton Verlag
Diana Schulz
Wasserburger Str. 12
D – 83561 Ramerberg
Tel. +49 (0) 8039/90 99 256
Fax +49 (0) 8039/90 99 253
Contact with the author
Zen Master Zensho W. Kopp
Adelheidstr. 37
D-65185 Wiesbaden