DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC transmission Grids
DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC transmission Grids
1 DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC transmission Grids Dragan Jovcic Aberdeen HVDC Research center, University of Aberdeen, UK d.jovcic@abdn.ac.uk 2 Overview: 1. Role of DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC grids, 2. Isolated MMC-based DC/DC converter, 3. Thyristor LCL DC/DC converter, 4. IGBT LCL DC/DC converter, 5. IGBT LCL DC hub, 6. Aberdeen DC grid demonstrator 3 1. DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC grids, The role of DC/DC converters: • DC voltage stepping (transformer), • Power, voltage or current regulation (regulator), • DC fault isolation and fault current limiting (DC Circuit Breaker), • Interconnecting DC grids of different manufacturers (firewall). The role of DC hubs (multiport DC/DC): • Connecting multiple DC systems of different voltage, • More cost effective than multiple DC/DC converters, • Central power flow balancing and DC fault management, 4 1. DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC grids DC/DC 1 (Cb-E1) achieves: • Voltage stepping 200kV/400kV, • Power flow control, • Improves stability, DC/DC 2 (Cb-B1) achieves: • Power flow control, • Improves stability, Figure 1. CIGRE B4.57, B4.58 DC grid benchmark [1] [1] T K Vrana, Y Yang, D Jovcic, S Dennetière, J Jardini, H Saad, „The CIGRE B4 DC Grid Test System”, ELECTRA issue 270, October 2013, pp 10-19. 5 1. DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC grids Onshore Offshore 1.0GW I14 1 DC CB14_4 1.0GW (1.56kA) ±320kV DC Cable 45 100km, 1GW 1.0GW AC2 Idc2 2 Zac2 AC CB2 DC Cable 25 300km, 1.0GW I56 Idc3 Offshore DC platform 2 1.0GW 5 Idc5 DC/DC 5 1.0GW 3 I36 (2.0kA) VSC5 ±250kV 1.0GW 0.0GW DCCB56_6 1.0GW 1.0GW Zac3 AC CB3 VSC4 1.0GW 0.0GW DC CB25_5 1.0GW ±250kV Idc4 ±320kV I25 DC Cable 56 100km,1.0GW AC3 DC/DC 4 1.0GW DCCB45_5 1.0GW (2.0kA) VSC2 1.0GW 1.0GW (1.56kA) DC Cable 14 300km,1.0GW I45 VSC1 1.0GW 4 DC/DC achieves: • Voltage stepping 250kV/320kV, • Power flow control, • DC fault current limiting • DC fault isolation, 100km Idc1 Zac1 AC CB1 100km AC1 Offshore DC platform 1 1.0GW 6 Offshore DC platform 3 Idc6 (1.56kA) (1.56kA) VSC3 1.0GW ±320kV DC Cable 36 300km, 1.0GW DC CB36_6 ±320kV 1.0GW VSC6 1.0GW 300km Figure 2. Three HVDC systems interconnected with 2 DC/DC converters [2] [2] D Jovcic, M.Taherbaneh, J.P.Taisne, S.Nguefeu, “Topology assessment for 3 + 3 terminal offshore DC grid considering DC fault management” IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, Vol9, issue 3, Feb 2015, pp221-30, 6 1. DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC grids DC/DC achieves: • Voltage stepping, • Power flow control, • DC fault current limiting • DC fault isolation, Figure 3. Three radial DC grids interconnected with DC/DC converters [3] [3] D Jovcic, M.Taherbaneh, J.P.Taisne, S.Nguefeu, “Offshore DC Grids as an Interconnection of Radial Systems: Protection and Control aspects” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, Vol 6, issue 2, March 2015, pp 903-910, DOI: , 7 1. DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC grids, Terminal 1 +400kV I1 220kV 300km Pac1,Qac1 LCC1 DC substation 3/4 +400kV I13 1.0GW V1 1 66kV Pac2,Qac2 +50kV 0.2GW Vac2 Iac2d, Iac2q 0.2GW Terminal 2 I2 +50kV P2 -400kV DC/DC 2 (type 2) V2 200km I2a fs2 -50kV V2a 3 V3a 500km -200kV fs3 -400kV I12 Vac1 I3 +200kV I3a V1b V1a 600 Terminal 3 DC/DC 3 (type 1) 1000km 1.0GW P3 220kV Pac3,Qac3 0.6GW +120kVI 4a DC/DC 4 (type 1) 1 Vac3 fs4 +120kV 0.6GW -120kV 1.6 1.8 Control system summary -120kV Converter controller LCC1 PI control of V1 (1), with inner I1 control, LCC3 PI control of Qac3 (3), with minimum override, LCC4 PI control of Qac4 (4), with minimum override, VSC2 PI control of Pac2 (My), and PI control of Qac2 (Mx) with inner Iac2d and Iac2q control, DCDC2 PI control of V2a (fs2), DCDC3 PI control of P3, with droop V1b (fs3), DCDC4 PI control of P4, with droop V1b (fs4), 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 200 Fault on V4 Vac4 V4 100 0 Fault on Vac4 P4 Power reversal -100 -300 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 time [s] 220kV 4 V4 2 time [s] I4 Pac4,Qac4 LCC4 VSC2 -50kV Mx My Figure 4. DC grid with 3 DC/DC converters [4] 1.4 -200 Terminal 4 V4a 1.2 300 -200kV 400km 0 -200 -600 P4 I14 200 -400 LCC3 V3 P4 P4ref 400 Voltage [kV] DC substation 2 860 Voltage [kV] P1 Power [MW] +200kV 1.8GW V1ref V1 840 820 800 780 760 Vac4 740 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 time [s] DC/DC achieves: • Voltage stepping, • Power flow control, • DC fault current limiting • DC fault isolation, • DC voltage reversal [4] D Jovcic and B.T Ooi, “Developing DC transmission network using DC transformers” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 25, issue 4, October 2010, pp 2535-2543. 8 1. DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC grids, 1000MW +250kV 345kV 345kV CIGRE benchmark 1000MW HVDC Idcr Idci dcinv dcrec Y 230kV Y 230kV Vdc Lhp Rhp 33kV L13 C 13 Lact L 11 C11 Pact,Qact L7 L5 Y Y Chp L23 C 23 33kV R act dcinv dcrec Y Y 25MW Idct1 +22kV It1 25MW Ltap Vdct1 Rg Cf1 Lf1 dct +250kV It2 Cf2 Lf1 Cf1 Qactc V C7 V actc act C5 -250kV DC/DC type 1 -22kV Rf2 Vdct2 - Firing angle, f - operating frequency Cf2 -250kV fs Idct2 Rf2 Figure 5. Taping on HVDC using DC/DC converters [5] DC/DC achieves: • Voltage reduction, • Power flow control, • DC fault current limiting • DC fault isolation, • DC voltage reversal [5] D Jovcic and B.T Ooi, “Tapping on HVDC lines using DC transformers” Electric Power Systems Research 81 (2), January 2011, pp 561-569. 9 1. DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC grids, 1GW AC1 Zac1 AC CB1 4 1 Idc1 I1H I 4H_ _1 VSC1 1.0GW 1GW Idc2 AC2 Zac2 AC CB2 DC I2H I2H_2 DC Cable 2 1.0GW VSC2 1.0GW ±250kV Idc3 Zac3 AC CB3 3 (1.56kA) VSC3 1.0GW I2H_H2 H3 I 4H_ DC Hub _H 1 1 2 3 I 3H_ 5 3 I 3H_ ±320kV 4 ble Ca W C D .0G 1 H4 4 6 1GW 4 I 4H I5H-H5 I6H I5H 5 I5H-5 _6 DC 3 ble Ca W DC .0G 1 C 1.0 able GW 6 1.0GW _H 6 6 VSC5 1.0GW 1.0GW Idc6 (1.56kA) W 1G ±320kV ±320kV 300km Figure 6. 6-terminal DC grid with a DC hub [2] Offshore DC platform 2 Idc5 ±250kV I6H VSC4 1.0GW (2.0kA) DC Cable 5 1.0GW I6H I 3H 1GW AC3 I1H C 1.0 able GW 1 2 (2.0kA) Offshore DC platform 4 I1H ±320kV Idc4 (1.56kA) 1G W (1.56kA) Offshore DC platform 1 1.0GW 100km Offshore VSC6 1.0GW 100km Onshore DC hub achieves: • Voltage stepping (each line has different dc voltage), • Interconnecting different vendors, • Power flow control, • DC fault current limiting • DC fault isolation, Offshore DC platform 3 10 1. DC/DC converters and DC hubs in DC grids, Glasgow ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = 1GW×5 Firth of Forth DC hub ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = 1GW×2 1GW×5 1GW×5 ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = Hull 1GW×5 ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = Norway Dogger Bank DC hub 1GW×5 ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = 1GW×5 1GW×2 1GW×4 East Anglia DC hub ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = 1GW×3 1GW×10 1GW×5 London 1GW×5 Baltic Sea 1GW×10 Germany ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = 1GW×5 ≈ = 1GW×5 ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = 1GW×2 ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = ≈ = DC hub achieves: • Voltage stepping (each line has different dc voltage), • Interconnecting different vendors, • Power flow control, • DC fault current limiting • DC fault isolation, Germany ≈ = ≈ = Belgium Figure 7. North sea Supegrid with 4 DC hubs [6] [6] D Jovcic and W.Lin “Developing Offshore DC Supergrid With Multiport Reconfigurable DC Hubs” CIGRE Belgium Conference, Brussels, March 2014. 11 2. Isolated MMC-based DC/DC converter, • • • Operating frequency: 300-500Hz, Limits DC fault current, but one MMC must be blocked, Isolates DC faults MMC1 Rdc1 ½Vdcs1 MMC Submodule S1 S2 MMC2 SM1 SM1 SM1 SM1 SM1 SM1 SM2 SM2 SM2 SM2 SM2 SM2 SMN SMN SMN SMN SMN SMN LS1 R1 Vdc1 LS1 R1 LS1 R1 L Rac LB Va L Rac LB Vb Rac LB Vc L iaca1 iacb1 ½Vdcs1 VSM CSM Rdc1 idc2 idc1 R1 LS1 R1 LS1 R1 LS1 iacc1 Tr LS2 R2 ½Vdcs2 LS2 R2 iaca2 iacb2 iacc2 n:1 Fault 2 LS2 R2 Rdc2 Vdc2 ½Vdcs2 R2 LS2 R2 LS2 R2 LS2 SM1 SM1 SM1 SM1 SM1 SM1 SM2 SM2 SM2 SM2 SM2 SM2 SMN SMN SMN SMN SMN SMN Fault 1 Rdc2 Figure 8. Isolated MMC-based DC/DC converter [7] [7] D Jovcic and H Zhang, “Optimal Control and DC Fault Ride-Through of Transmission Level, MMC-Based, Isolated DC/DC Converter” IEEE PES GM 2016, Boston, July 2016. 12 Active power(pu) DC voltage(kV) 2. Isolated MMC-based DC/DC converter, 600 400 200 Vdc1 Vdc2 0 (a) 1 0.5 0 Pdcref -0.5 2 0.6 0.4 M1ref,M2ref 0.2 AC voltage(kV) dq current(pu) 0.8 M1 M2 0 -2 Idref Id (c) 600 v v a 400 b 4 v c 200 0 -200 i i aca1 0 -2 Arm current(kA) Arm current(kA) MMC1 acc1 -2 MMC2 2 0 -2 (h) MMC1 2 1.5 1 1.2 1.4 Time(s) Capacitor voltage(kV) Capacitor voltage(kV) i 0 (g) (i) acb1 (f) 2 0.8 Iq 2 (e) 0.6 Iqref (d) AC current(kA) Control index 1 1 0.4 Pdc (b) MMC2 2 1.5 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (j) Figure 9. Isolated MMC-based DC/DC converter response to DC faults 1.2 1.4 Time(s) 13 3. Thyristor LCL DC/DC converter, • • • • Operating frequency: 200-500Hz, no transformer, Only for relatively low stepping ratio 0.5-2 Limits DC fault current, and isolates DC faults Voltage or current polarity reversal High voltage circuit L2/2 Lf2/2 Lf1/2 L1/2 Low voltage circuit I1 T1 I1s T6 T8 I 2s 2Cr 2Cf1 V1 Ic Vcr1 2Cf1 T2 Vcr2 Vc T1 fs I2 2Cf2 V2 2Cf2 2Cr Lf1/2 L1/2 filter T5 T7 T2 T6 T8 T5 T7 L2/2 Lf2/2 fs 2up 2down filter controller Figure 10. Thyristor LCL DC/DC converter [8] [8] D.Jovcic, “Bidirectional high power DC transformer” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Vol. 24, issue 4, October 2009, pp 2276-2283.. 14 3. Thyristor LCL DC/DC converter, • • • • • Prototype: 30kW, DC/DC 200V/900V, 40kg, Operating frequency: 580Hz, no transformer, In house developed Litz-wire inductors, Power reversal using voltage or current polarity reversal DC fault tolerant Figure 11. Thyristor LCL DC/DC converter prototype [9] [9] M. Hajian, J. Robinson, D Jovcic and B. Wu “30kW, 200V/900V thyristor LCL DC/DC converter laboratory prototype design and testing ” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol 29, issue 3,2014, pp 1094-1102. 15 4. IGBT-based LCL DC/DC converter, • • • • Operating frequency: 500-1000Hz, no transformer, Any stepping ratio, AC current in phase with voltage on both bridges, Limits DC fault current, and isolates DC faults I1 IDC1 IDC2 I2 S5 + I1ac I2ac V1ac L1 Ic C Vc L2V2ac C2 - V1 + C - 1 V1 S1 S3 C + C1 - L1 S4 S2 S7 V2 C2 + L2 V2 S8 S6 - Figure 12. IGBT LCL DC/DC converter [10] [10] D Jovcic, and L Zhang, “LCL DC/DC converter for DC grids” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol 28, iss 4, 2013, pp 2071-2079. 16 4. IGBT-based LCL DC/DC converter, • • • • • Prototype: 30kW, DC/DC 200V/900V, 30kg, Operating frequency: 1700Hz, no transformer, In house developed Litz-wire inductors, Power reversal using current polarity reversal, DC fault tolerant, Figure 13. IGBT LCL DC/DC converter prototype [11] [11] M Hajian and D Jovcic “30kW, 200V/900V LCL IGBT DC/DC converter prototype design and testing” IEEE ISGT Europe 2014, Istanbul, October 2014. 17 4. IGBT-based LCL DC/DC converter, • • • • • 1GW, DC/DC ±250 kV/±320 kV, Operating frequency: varied 300-700Hz, Number of cells: varied 40-200, Design for best efficiency (onshore): Total losses 1.6%, Total weight: 1293ton, Design for low weight (offshore): Total losses 2.7%, total weight: 585ton, Operating frequency (Hz) Ccell (µF) (MMC1, MMC2) 300 1660, 1000 500 1000, 600 700 700, 420 Larm (mH) (MMC1, MMC2) LCL inductors (mH) (L1, L2) LCL capacitor (µF) Total weight1 (103 kg) Total volume (m3) LCL inductors total losses (MW) MMCs total power losses (MW) DC/DC total power losses (MW) DC/DC total power losses (%) 8, 12 65, 71 5 1293 1118 0.37 15.73 16.1 1.61 5, 7 39, 42 3 775 672 0.33 21.37 21.7 2.17 3, 5 28, 30 2.1 585 504 0.22 27.21 27.4 2.74 Figure 14. IGBT MMC-based LCL DC/DC converter [12] [12] A. Jamshidifar, M. Hajian, D Jovcic and Y. Audichya, “Optimal Design of High power MMC-based LCL DC/DC Converter” IEEE PES GM 2016, Boston, July 2016. 18 600 5. IGBT-based LCL DC hub, vcA- vcC(kV) 0 Any number of ports. Each port has different DC voltage level. Number of phase depends on power level and reliability requirements. 330MW per phase. A phase can be connected/disconnected on the fly. Redundant phase increases reliability. Fault on any DC line will not affect operation. vcB vcC -400 -600 0.999 0.9995 200 V1dc V1dc C1d S1_1 S3_1 S5_1 S7_1 L1 v1 C1d S2_1 S4_1 S6_1 S8_1 CB3A CB1B CB1C CB1D CB3B 120 100 0.9 vcB vcC S1_2 S3_2 S5_2 S7_2 L2 CB2A v2 C2d S2_2 S4_2 S6_2 S8_2 1.1 1.15 1.2 P1dc P2dc P3dc P4dc 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 L3 S1_3 S3_3 S5_3 S7_3 C3d S4_3 S6_3 S8_3 C3d S3_4 S5_4 S7_4 C4d S4_4 S6_4 S8_4 C4d V3dc v3 C3 V3dc S2_3 Bus_D ignd CB2B CB2C CB2D V2dc 1.05 Time(s) Time(s) Bus_C Port 2 C2d 1 CB3D Bus_B vcD Bus_G V2dc 0.95 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 CB3C Bus_A vcA C1 Time(s) 140 Port 3 CB1A 1.0005 1.001 1.0015 1.002 1.0025 160 0.9 Port 1 1 180 Pidc(pu) • vcA 200 -200 Δφ(deg) • • • • 400 C2 Port 4 CB4A S1_4 L4 V4dc CB4B CB4C CB4D C4 v4 S2_4 V4dc Figure 15. 4-phase IGBT LCL DC hub [13] [13] W Lin and D Jovcic, “Reconfigurable Multiphase Multi GW LCL DC hub with high security and redundancy”, Electric power Systems Research, Elsevier, Vol 110, May 2014, pp. 104-112 19 5. IGBT-based LCL DC hub, • • • • • 3-port DC hub prototype: 3x30kW: DC/DC/DC 200V/900V/900V. Operating frequency: 2000Hz. Port1: 5-level, 2-phase, MMC, 200V DC (16 cells). Port2: 5-level, 2-phase, MMC, 900V DC (16 cells). Port3: PWM, 2-phase, 900V DC. Figure 16. 3x30kW LCL DC hub prototype 20 6. Aberdeen DC grid demonstrator •900V and 200V DC bus with DC fault hardware, • 30kW 200V VSC converter • 30kW 900V VSC converter, • 30kW 200V LCC converter, • 30kW 900V LCL VSC converter • 30kW 200V/900V Thyristor DC/DC converter • 30kW 200V/900V IGBT DC/DC converter • 3x30kW DC hub, 200V/900V/900V Figure 17. Aberdeen DC grid 21 6. Aberdeen DC grid demonstrator Figure 18. Aberdeen DC grid photo. 22 Funding support for research results presented: • EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) grant no: EP/H010262/1, • EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) grant no: EP/K006428/1 • ERC (European Research Council), Starting Grant no: 259328, • Scottish Enterprise, Proof of Concept award, • Royal Academy of Engineering, Global Research Fellowship, • RTE (Réseau de Transport d'Électricité), France, • SSE (Scottish and Southern Energy), UK, Dragan Jovcic University of Aberdeen, UK d.jovcic@abdn.ac.uk Dragan Jovcic and Khaled Ahmed “High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission: Converters Systems and DC Grids” Wiley, 2015 1 Towards Application of Global Energy Interconnection - a Demonstrator of DC Grid with DC/DC Converters Liangzhong Yao China Electric Power Research Institute yaoliangzhong@epri.sgcc.com.cn 2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting July 17-21, 2016, Boston, USA Outline 1 Background 2 Key requirements 3 Challenges 4 Dynamic tests by a DC grid demonstrator 5 Conclusion and prospect 1. Background-Why HVDC 2/3 coal, wind and solar resources are distributed in the North and Northwest More than 2/3 power demand is concentrated in the East and Middle East Status: By the end of 2015, wind power installed capacity exceeded 129GW, solar power installed capacity arrived 43GW. Load center Photovoltaic Wind power Coal Hydropower Power demand area 4/5 hydropower Southwest Characteristics: is distributed in the Large-scaled centralized develop Onshore and offshore Power supplies and loads are distributed reversely with a remote distance 1. Background-Why HVDC Technical advantages of HVDC (compared with HVAC) Lower loss with long transmission distance Lower cost with long transmission distance • >800km (onshore) • >50km (submarine cable) Larger transmission capacity with smaller transmission channel. The transmission channel of AC system is 3 times larger than that of DC system with the same transmission capacity DC power can be controlled and the control is independent of that of AC system Realizing the interconnection of AC systems with different frequency (50-60Hz) Without increasing the short circuit current level of AC systems Providing damping for AC systems Isolating the faults and power oscillation in AC systems Achieving stable operation at a low power level etc cost DC converter substation AC substation Break even point distance Fig. AC vs DC 1. Background- Status of LCC HVDC in China The development situation of LCC-HVDC Total 23 HVDC projects (6 UHVDC, 3 B-TB ) in operation (2014) 8 UHVDC/HVDC lines from hydro-plants in Southwest sending hydro-power over 2,000 km separately to the coast area of ECPG and SCPG Thermal Base 3000MW 7 HVDC Terminals 31.76 GW 2500MW 1800MW 7200MW 10000MW Hydro Power Base 9000MW 2000MW 3000MW DC ±400~500kV DC ±660kV DC ±800kV Hydro plants 8 HVDC Terminals 1. Background- Status of LCC HVDC in China The situation of VSC-HVDC projects The commercial projects have been realized in the world, and main enterprises are ABB, SIEMENS and ALSTOM The demonstration projects have been constructed in China, and the main companies are SGCC and CSG Project Time in operation Basic profile MMC Transmission capacity: 20MW DC voltage: ±30kV DC cable length: 8.6km Nanhui HVDC project 2011.07 Zhoushan 5-terminal HVDC project 2014.07 MMC Longest distance: 40km DC voltage: ±200kV 2015.12 MMC Distance: 10.7km Transmission capacity: 1000MW DC voltage: ±320kV 2013.12 MMC Transmission capacity: 200MW DC voltage: ±160kV Xiamen HVDC project Nanao 3-terminal HVDC project 1. Background - Global Energy Interconnection Global Energy Interconnection – A way for clean energy sharing The Global Energy Interconnection GEI = UHV Grid + Smart Grid + Clean Energy (GEI) is a globally interconnected strong and smart grid backboned by UHV grids. It is the basic platform for large-scale development, allocation and utilization of global clean energy. GEI can realize two replacements. Clean Energy Replacement: Replacing fossil energy with clean energy like solar and wind at Supply Side. Electricity Replacement: Replacing direct consumption of fossil energy with electricity at Consumption Side. Challenges: Wide area grid interconnection Long distance transmission DC grid technology is one of the effective ways to meet the requirements for transboundary transmission and wide-range accommodation of renewable energy power globally Outline 1 Background 2 Key Requirements 3 Challenges 4 Dynamic tests by a DC grid demonstrator 5 Conclusion and prospect 2. Key Requirements of DC Grid AC Grid 1. Power supplies (50Hz/60Hz synchronous power supplies) 2. AC loads 3. Grid structure (radial or meshed network) 4. Transformer (step-up, step-down) 5. Substation (power collection and distribution) 6. Series/parallel compensation (seriesconnection controls active power, parallel-connection controls reactive power/ voltage) 7. Operation and control (active power/frequency, reactive power/voltage, stability) 8. AC circuit breaker 9. Fault protection, system recovery 10.…… DC Drid 1. DC power supplies (LCC or VSC converters) 2. DC loads 3. Grid structure (series-connection, parallel-connection?) 4. DC Transformer (step-up, stepdown?) 5. DC Substation (power collection and distribution?) 6. Series-connected DC power flow controller (DC power control of DC lines) 7. Operation and control (start/stop, power/voltage, stability) 8. DC circuit breaker 9. Fault protection, system recovery 10.…… 2. Key Requirements of DC Grid A comparison in short currents between AC and DC Respond time/speed: AC in second scale, and DC in millisecond scale (EMC ) Overload capability: AC device can have large overload capability in seconds, DC is limited Key Challenges: Overload capability Storage & Inertia Shout circuit characteristics current of AC Grid 2 times,10ms 1.3 times ,500ms DC grid structure, operation and protection DC Fault Ride Through Capability 2. Key Requirements- Grid Structure 1. Zhoushan 5-terminal HVDC demonstration project 2. Typical DC grid by CIGRI B4 3. Super grid interconnected by DC hub in Europe 5. 3-voltage level 4-terminal DC system with DC hub 6. 2-voltage level DC system with DC/DC converter DC AC ±200kV直流输电系统 DC AC kV DC AC DC AC DC AC 4. 4-terminal DC system with DC/DC converter 0.5[ohm] #1 #2 gsVSCp hvVSCp dc-v-fixed ac-v-fixed #1 #2 lvVSCp Ulowp dc-v-fixed Ig faultac A->G Ipos BRKNeg Timed Fault Logic faultac #1 #2 gsVSCn hvVSCn dc-v-fixed BRKDCn 0.5[ohm] ac-v-fixed #1 #2 lvVSCn Ulown dc-v-fixed BRKNeg Ineg DCPMSG 2. Key Requirements- Grid Structure 7. DC grid with 4-port DC hub 8. DC grid with 5-port DC hub 9. 2-voltage level 5-terminal DC grid with DC/DC converter DC/DC converter 690 V 60 kW 30 kW I3dc I1dc 300 V 30 kW DFIG AC 端口 端口 WF1 VSC3 DC DC 1 3 电缆 3 U U vsc1 = ±400 V 电缆 1 vsc3 = ±300 V U port1 = ±400 V B2B U port3 = ±300 V U port2 = ±400 V dc-dc U port4 = ±150 V DC I2dc 60 kW 电缆 4 30 kW 端口 端口 690 V 300 V 30 kW DC 2 4 I4dc DFIG 电缆 2 U vsc2 = ±400 V AC . 330kV GSVSC VSC5 Vvsc1=±400kV 1GW ±30kV AC DC AC . Vport1=±400kV Vport4=±250kV Vport2=±400kV Vvsc2=±400kV I2dc DC cable 2 Port 2 Port 4 DC cable 4 220kV DC cable 6 DC DC 0.5GW P3 DC/DC3 Receiving side DC bus Vvsc2=±400V ±80kV直流输电系统 Vd4 AC 0.5GW 0.5GW Vd1 DC 海上风电场2(WF2) DC . 交流电网2 AC AC DC DC DC cable7 Pend2 DC GSVSC2 ±80kV DC DC/DC2 ±30kV AC Vvsc2=±500kV DC AC AC DC ± 500kV 端口1 1GW ± 160kV 端口2 ± 320kV Grid LCC 750kV Vvsc3=±400kV 西北新能 源基地 . 8GW ± 800kV 8GW LCC1 LCC2 ± 800kV ± 800kV LCC-HVDC输电系统 WF1 海上风电场1 ± 250kV 500MW 500MW 端口4 端口1 端口2 电缆8 DC/DC5 ± 200kV 直流风场 电缆10 海上直流系统 端口2 DC VSC3 ± 160kV DC/ DC4 DC/DC3 AC AC DFIG 陆上电网2 VSC2 ± 500kV 0.5GW 220kV DC VSC6 WF2 VSC4 Vvsc3=±250kV VSC2 电缆6 DC/DC2 端口3 端口1 ± 320kV PMSG 0.5GW 0.75GW 电缆3 330kV 1.3GW I4dc . ± 320kV 端口2 500MW 220kV DFIG 电缆9 电缆7 电缆5 端口11GW 端口2 ± 320kV 2GW 500kV 0.8GW 1GW 220kV 端口1 电缆2 ± 500kV 电缆4 Port 1 DC cable 1 VSC1 AC DC DC/DC1 GSVSC1 VSC1 ± 500kV Vport3=±320kV DC HUB DC DFIG DC ±160kV 1GW Vd1 DC DC DC/DC1 交流电网1 Vvsc3=±320kV 500MW 1GW 电缆1 VSC3 Vport5=±400kV 220kV 海上风电场1(WF1) 2GW 500kV WF1 Port 3 DC cable 3 Vd3 陆上电网1 Pend1 1.5GW DFIG I3dc DC cable 5 Port 5 12. Typical DC grid with multiple voltage level 直流环网 1GW . 220kV AC Converter station 2 Converter station 3 11. Hybrid DC grid with 5-port DC hub DC AC DC l23=80km DC AC 0.75GW l24=125km AC 1GW 220kV Converter station 4 l12=200km l13=160km 1GW 陆上电网3 Pend3 AC Converter station 1 ±160kV直流输电系统 0.75GW 220kV DC l14=160km DC U vsc3 = ±150 V 10. 3-voltage level 5-terminal DC grid with DC/DC converter DC Converter station 5 WF2 VSC4 AC AC DC VSC1 VSC2 DC l45=250km 500kV 交流电网3 海上风电场2 2. Key Requirements- Grid Structure A Example: Multi-voltage level DC grid mixed with VSC and LCC converters 直流环网 2GW 500kV ±500kV 线路1 1GW 500MW DC/DC1 交流电网1 VSC1 端口1 ± 500kV 线路2 DC/DC6 线路3 交流电网2 VSC2 ± 500kV 1GW 线路6 DC/DC2 ± 500kV 端口1 ± 160kV ± 320kV 线路4 8GW 端口2 ± 320kV 西北新能 源基地 ± 800kV LCC-HVDC输电系统 海上风电场1 ± 250kV 500MW 500MW 端口4 端口2 端口1 线路8 DC/DC5 ± 200kV 直流风场 线路10 海上风电场2 Characteristics: 8GW 500kV LCC2 LCC1 ± 160kV 海上直流系统 DC/DC3 ± 800kV VSC3 DC/ DC4 端口2 750kV 端口3 端口1 端口11GW 端口2 ± 320kV 2GW 500kV 线路7 线路5 ± 320kV 端口2 500MW 220kV DFIG 线路9 WF1 ± 800kV 交流电网3 A DC grid structure of multi-voltage level DC grid mixed with VSC and LCC converters DC grid with multi-voltage level using DC/DC converters Large-scale renewable energy integration Integration of multi-type power electronic equipment 2. Challenges- DC Equipment Equipment 1:A type DC/DC converter ±500kV 线路1 1GW 500MW DC/DC1 端口1 DC/DC6 端口11GW 端口2 ± 320kV ± 500kV 端口1 GW 线路6 DC/DC2 端口3 端口1 ± 160kV ± 320kV 线路4 线路3 线路7 线路5 ± 320kV 端口2 VSC3 ± 160kV 500MW 220kV DFIG 线路9 WF1 海上风电场1 DC/ DC4 端口2 ± 320kV Typical network topology ± 250kV 500MW 500MW 端口4 端口2 端口1 线路8 DC/DC5 ± 200kV 直流风场 线路10 海上直流系统 海上风电场2 DC/DC3 端口2 ± 800kV 8GW 500kV LCC2 输电系统 ± 800kV 交流电网3 Technical requirements: Realizing the interconnection of pseudo bipolar DC systems and real bipolar DC systems Realizing the transformation of voltage level Realizing the bidirectional power flow Typical topology of A type DC/DC converter Prototype 2. Challenges- DC Equipment Equipment 2:B type DC/DC converter 0kV 路1 1GW 500MW DC/DC1 端口1 DC6 线路5 ± 320kV 端口2 端口11GW 端口2 ± 320kV 线路6 DC/DC2 00kV 端口1 VSC3 端口3 端口1 ± 160kV ± 160kV ± 320kV 线路4 路3 线路7 500MW 220kV DFIG 线路9 WF1 海上风电场1 DC/ DC4 端口2 ± 320kV ± 250kV 500MW 500MW 端口4 端口2 端口1 线路8 DC/DC5 ± 200kV 直流风场 线路10 海上直流系统 海上风电场2 DC/DC3 端口2 0kV 电系统 8GW 500kV LCC2 ± 800kV Typical network topology 交流电网3 Prototype Technical requirements: Connecting multiple DC systems with different voltage level As a super node, facilitating to form a DC grid without DC circuit breaker Ports can control the DC voltage or power If one port is out of operation, the rest ports can keep running Achieving free distribution of power among ports Playing the role of DC circuit breaker in DC grid B type DC/DC converter without bus 2. Challenges- DC Equipment Equipment 3:C type DC/DC converter 直流环网 2GW 500kV ±500kV 线路1 1GW DC/DC1 交流电网1 VSC1 端口1 ± 500kV 线路2 DC/DC6 线路3 交流电网2 VSC2 ± 500kV ± 320 线路4 端口11GW 端口2 ± 320 2GW 500kV 线路 ± 320kV 端口2 ± 500kV 端口1 1GW 线路 DC/DC2 ± 320kV DC/DC3 端口2 750kV 8GW ± 800kV 西北新能 源基地 ± 800kV 8GW LCC2 LCC1 LCC-HVDC输电系统 ± 800kV Typical network topology Technical requirements: Realizing the interconnection of DC systems with different voltage level Through medium/high frequency AC transformer to match the difference between DC voltage level and realize a high ratio output Controlling the DC voltage or power of ports Playing a role in the fault isolation in DC grid C type DC/DC converter (threephase two-level topology) Prototype C type DC/DC converter (single phase MMC topology) 2. Challenges- DC Equipment Equipment 4:D type DC/DC converter 直流环网 2GW 500kV ±500kV 线路1 1GW DC/DC1 交流电网1 VSC1 端口1 ± 500kV 线路2 DC/DC6 线路3 交流电网2 VSC2 ± 500kV ± 320 线路4 端口11GW 端口2 ± 320 2GW 500kV 线路 ± 320kV 端口2 ± 500kV 端口1 1GW 线路 DC/DC2 ± 320kV DC/DC3 端口2 750kV ± 800kV 8GW 西北新能 源基地 8GW LCC2 LCC1 ± 800kV LCC-HVDC输电系统 ± 800kV Typical network topology Technical requirements: Realizing DC line power redistribution (power Flow controller Fine adjusting current High requirement of insulation Small capacity design Needing to consider reliable bypass technology Internal topology of D type DC/DC converter Prototype 2. Challenges- DC Equipment Equipment 5:E type DC/DC converter 直流环网 2GW 500kV ±500kV 线路1 1GW DC/DC1 交流电网1 VSC1 端口1 ± 500kV 线路2 DC/DC6 线路3 交流电网2 VSC2 ± 500kV ± 320 线路4 端口11GW 端口2 ± 320 2GW 500kV 线路 ± 320kV 端口2 ± 500kV 端口1 1GW 线路 DC/DC2 ± 320kV DC/DC3 端口2 750kV 8GW ± 800kV 西北新能 源基地 ± 800kV 8GW LCC2 LCC1 LCC-HVDC输电系统 Technical requirements: Realizing the interconnection of VSC based DC system and LCC based DC system The LCC side need to realize voltage polarity reversal to meet the requirement of power reversal in LCC based DC system Realizing the bidirectional power flow ± 800kV Typical network topology Internal topology of E type DC/DC converter Prototype 2. Challenges- DC Equipment Equipment 6:DC circuit breaker Technical requirements: Rapidness of detection Accuracy of recognition Timeliness of response Topology of mechanical DC circuit breaker Topology of solid-state DC circuit breaker Technical difficulties: Due to no zero-crossing in DC current, the arc extinguishing is difficult Due to high rising speed of DC fault current, the fault locating is difficult Energy storage in the smoothing reactor and capacitor during fault is large Development level currently: Topology of hybrid DC circuit breaker 320kV/16kA/5ms 180kV/7.5kA/2.5ms 200kV/15kA/3ms 2. Key Requirements- Control Strategies Coordinated operation, control and protection Master-slave control DC voltage control technologies Voltage-margin control Voltage-droop control Voltage-droop control with voltage margin Control technologie s of DC grid DC power control technologies Power control of converter station Fast power transfer of DC power flow controller DCCB DC fault protection technologie s Selfblocking ACCB 2. Key Requirements - Technical Standards Reliability evaluation and standard system Standard category system Standard content DC voltage level Maximum power loss Maximum DC line power Interconnection protocol of different DC grid Short capacity of AC system Control and protection Power control mode of DC lines Start and stop timing and control mode of converter station Fault mechanism (including fault current limit, over voltage limit, etc.) Installation location of fault clearing devices Fault selection and protection division Protection acting time equipment Parameters of AC/DC converter Parameters of DC cable Parameters of DC over-head line Parameters of DC/DC converter Parameters of DC circuit breaker Parameters of communication system CIGRE: 1) B4-52 HVDC Grids Feasibility Study (2009-2012) 2) B4-56 Guidelines for Preparation of Connection Agreements or Grid Codes for HVDC Grids (20112014) 3) B4-57 Guide for the Development of Models for HVDC Converters in a HVDC Grid (2011-2014) 4) B4-58 Devices for Load flow Control and Methodologies for Direct Voltage Control in a Meshed HVDC Grid (2011-2014) 5) B4/B5-59 Control and Protection of HVDC Grids (2011-2014) 6) B4-60 Designing HVDC Grids for Optimal Reliability and Availability Performance (2011-2014) 7) B4/C1.65 Recommended voltage for HVDC Grids (2013-2015) CENELEC: 1) European Study Group on Technical Guidelines for DC Grids (2010-2012) 2) New TC8X WG06 (2013-) IEC: 1) TC-57 (WG13 Management and Exchange CIM) Power Systems Associated Information Outline 1 Background 2 Key requirements 3 Challenges 4 Dynamic tests by a DC grid demonstrator 5 Conclusion and prospect 3. Challenges Technical issues to be focused and studied Research on equivalent modelling and simulation of DC grid • Topology, control and modelling of high-power, high-voltage, modular and high efficiency DC power generation unit • Dynamic simulation and equivalent modelling of key equipment in DC grid which can reflect the electromagnetic transient characteristics Research on operation and control of DC grid, including • Voltage control and power control • Power dispatch and distribution of DC grid Research on fault protection of DC grid, including • Economical, efficient and reliable fault current blocking methods (DC circuit breaker, DC/DC converter, etc.) • Protection configuration of meshed DC grid (protection configuration, protection coordination, operating recovery of healthy part) DC Grid protection needs to meet the requirements of : • • • • Sensitivity, which can detect the occurrence of fault; Selectivity, which can identify the fault area and isolate the healthy area; Fast, which can isolate the fault quickly; Reliability, which can clear the fault reliably (main protection, backup protection, regional protection, etc.); • Restorability, which can recover from fault with shortest time and lowest loss. 3. Challenges Technical Challenges Computation speed – need to solve the problem of low computation speed for large-scale electromagnetic transient simulation Real-time simulation of the electromagnetic transient process of complex systems, enhancing simulation accuracy Coordinated simulation technology between AC and DC grids Electromagnetic transient co-simulation technology in multiple time scale for complex AC (electromechanical) / DC (electromagnetic) hybrid power grid Fast co-simulation technology of multiple power electronic devices Dynamic simulation technology based on real-time simulation platform Source / grid coordinated operation, control and protection technology Co-operation technology of renewable energy power generation unit and DC grid Co-operation technology of energy storage unit and DC grid Coordinated operation strategies for meshed DC grid with multiple voltage levels Development of key equipment for DC grid (DC/DC converter, DC circuit breaker, DC fault current limiter) Equivalent dynamic simulation test of complex DC grid Outline 1 Background 2 Key requirements 3 Challenges 4 Dynamic tests by a DC grid demonstrator 5 Conclusion and prospect 4. Dynamic tests by a DC grid demonstrator Introduction of the DC grid test system Location: CEPRI Nanjing Area: 300 m2 Equipment: 32 System design and research System scheme discussion and formulation Development of system devices Communicatio n function test of single device Local system integrated test System integrated test 4. Dynamic tests by a DC grid demonstrator Introduction of DC grid test system Objectives & Characteristics: DC grid demonstrator with multiple voltage levels test system 1. Simulate renewable power collection and transmission 2. Meshed topology, real bi-polar operation 3. Multiple voltage levels 4. Controllability of DC power flow 5. Interconnection of VSC-HVDC and LCCHVDC 6. Consider different DC/DC converters 4. Dynamic tests by a DC grid demonstrator Introduction of control platform: The control platform of test system can achieve independent displaying of global display and operation on double screen, real-time operating of equipment and refreshing display, dynamic refreshing of main interface data and power flow, accurate and fast executing of multiple operating modes, query displaying and real-time refreshing of real-time / historical curve, query displaying and export of data report. Displa 4. Dynamic tests by a DC grid demonstrator DC voltage control Example Test 1 VSC1 Power control Objective: to verify the performance of DC/DC converter C type DC/DC converter VSC2 DC voltage controlDC voltage control Parameters of DC/DC converters: 60kW stable operation 62A DC current 60kW ~ -45kW power flow reversal Response time 460ms Rated power: 60kW Rated input voltage: DC ±400V (± 10%) Rated output voltage: DC ±800V (± 10%) Control mode: DC voltage, power, DC current -45kW stable operation 51A DC current 4. Dynamic tests by a DC grid demonstrator VSC Example Test 2 LCC1 D type DC/DC converter Parameters of D type DC/DC converter VSC side LCC side ±800V Rated DC Voltage ±900V 50A Rated DC current 45A 8个半桥子模块 单相子模块数 8个全桥子模块 200V 子模块电容电压 225V 12 桥臂电抗总数 12 LCC2 Objective: to verify the performance of DC/DC converter Operating mode 1 waveform Operating mode 2 waveform Outline 1 Background 2 Key requirements 3 Challenges 4 Dynamic tests by a DC grid demonstrator 5 Conclusion and prospect 5. Conclusion and prospect Conclusion: DC grid technology is an effective way to solve the problems of the centralized integration of large-scale renewable energy with long transmission distance, and it is also an effective solution for implementation of global energy interconnection in the future. Combined with China’s national gird conditions, one of its development modes in the future will be the multi-voltage level DC grid mixed with VSC and LCC based DC converters. CEPRI has carried out the basic theoretical research, and developed a DC demonstration grid with multi-voltage level using various DC/DC converters. Through dynamic tests carried out on the scaled-down DC grid demonstrator, the feasibility of multi-voltage level DC grid is verified. 5. Conclusion and prospect Prospect: DC grid contains a large number of power electronic equipment ( i.e. DC converters) , and its dynamic response speed is very fast. Therefore the system simulation modeling, coordinated operation and fault treatment methods of DC grid are very complex. The requirements for secure, economic, and reliable operation of the DC grid impose big challenges on the functions of DC equipment, including the characteristics of operation and control, and the methods of DC equipment/grid protection. Thus, it is necessary to carry on the related research work in the future. For example, the problems associated with reducing the loss of converter, improving the operation reliability, protection of DC fault, simulation modeling and operation and control technologies, etc. Thank you for your attention! Liangzhong Yao China Electric Power Research Institute yaoliangzhong@epri.sgcc.com.cn 2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting July 17-21 2016, Boston, USA 1 HVDC Grids Magnus Callavik, ABB Power Grids IEEE PES GM Boston, 2016-Jul-19 DC transmission Systems with DC/DC converters Panel Paper 16PESGM1881-DC grids 2 Outline • Why and when HVDC Grid and Multiterminal HVDC • Status of HVDC Grid Components – – – – – Voltage source converters (VSC) Cable systems and overhead lines Breakers DC – DC converters Offshore developments • Examples of ongoing work on HVDC grids 3 HVDC and HVDC Grids Benefits • Technology advances in large power, longer distance, lower losses, voltage support – 0-3000 km, 0.05-13 GW, <1% losses/ station, VSC • Energy system with large renewable integration from remote and offshore locations – Balance load and demand over long distance • Market driven interconnection between grids • Resilient grid zones, black start, handle n-1 HVDC – High voltage direct current. VSC – voltage source converters http://abbtv.inside.abb.com/2015/12/04/turning-on-the-lights-in-thealand-islands-finland-hvdc-light-black-start-demonstration/ 4 Market driving interconnections and offshore wind connections HVDC a future solution for Energy trading Security of supply Integration of renewables Balancing of intermittent power Closing nuclear and fossil Optimizing total grid efficiency HVDC planned or under discussion 5 NordLink and North Sea Link NordLink Interconnecting Germany-Norway 1 400 MW Bipole North Sea Link UK-Norway 1 400 MW Bipole Interconnecting German wind & solar with Norwegian hydro Interconnecting Norwegian and British energy markets, better use of renewables ± 525 kV, 623 km mass impregnated cables VSC to support grid connection points Integration of renewable power and energy markets Fig. 1. http://spectrum.ieee.org/video/energy/renewables/nordlink-a-landmark-project-enabling-a-more-interconnected-europe HVDC power increase by higher voltage and current LCC UHVDC (Classic). 8-13 GW / bipole >150 links since 1954 Voltage increase up to 1100 kV Current increases 4.5-5.0-6.25 kA. Further increase in peak power? Reactive power consumption may be challenging VSC HVDC (HVDC Light) >20 since 1999 First 500 kV bipoles with cables Voltage increase for converters straightforward Current increase would be beneficial Cables at 2.6 kA, 525 kV [MW] [MW] 1 400 1 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 ? 800 500 1100 [kV] 200 320 500 [kV] Loss minimization is always important. At higher currents also for cooling design 1. Dark blue in construction or operation. Light blue released 2. Examples Hami-Zhengzhou 8 000 MW (LCC, 2014). EWIC NordLink 1400 MW (VSC, award 2015) 7 HVDC distances are stretched Marine link up to 700 km between Continental, British and Nordic grids NSL NordBalt Future: Radii of 1000-2000-3000 km equals 500 – 800 – 1100 kV UHVDC 8 Difference between Links and Grids • Scale and density in favor of grids (always) – HVDC Grids enable more benefits as transmission capacity and voltage support functions improves – Make sense to grid connect as density increase • However, a single link is easier to plan, justify economically, regulate, build and operate – Better planning tools, scenario studies, grid codes on DC side, technology guidelines – Make new links future grid-enabled 9 DESIGN Grid example • An attempt for a step-wise approach to prepare regulative framework • A five line, e.g. each link 2 x 2.5 GW connected into a network system • Decouple wind and grid • Create a starting point • Proposed by KU Leuven, Ronnie Belmans 10 Joint activities towards HVDC Grids • Friends of the Supergrid – Technology roadmap 2012-2030 • CENELEC TC8X-WG06 – Multiterminal (radial) guidelines, pre-standard • EU framework programs, approx. 100 MEUR – BestPath 2015-2018 (e.g. multivendor HVDC) – Promotion 2016-2019 (offshore grids) • Multiple CIGRE working groups (not only B4) Key components of HVDC transmission systems Converters Conversion of AC to DC and vice versa Three High power semiconductors Silicon-based devices for power switching manufacturing perspectives in HVDC technologies. HV testing. Clean room, cables HV Cables Underground and marine transmission of power 12 HVDC Cable Systems Rapid development of extruded cables It is a cable system, CIGRE TB 496 2014: 525 kV rated voltage Cables and accessories Installed 80 kV in 1999. 320 kV 2015 2600 A Sea,land,cupper,aluminum,… ABB awarded close to 6000 km Cable system with terminations, prefab joints and factory vulcanized joint Both MI and Extruded DC at 525 kV. There are benefit to raise the voltage even further for certain applications 13 Hybrid HVDC Breaker Fault clearance < 5 ms. Losses <0.01%. Scalable concept. First 320 kV, next level 500 kV Hybrid HVDC Breaker HVDC Breaker Main Breaker Current Limiting Reactor Residual DC Current Breaker Ultrafast Disconnector Load Commutation Switch Hybrid concept: Mechanics and power electronics VSC voltage source converter Artist impression Flexible multiple protection zone HVDC can be designed and planned for 14 HVDC Grids Control & Protection HVDC Grids simulation Hardware-in-the loop real time simulation of multiterminal grids with breakers and several protection zones VSC-HVDC based. Ultra-fast breaker are needed. Protection works! Hybrid HVDC Breaker Developments in VSC-HVDC ratings and density in the grid leads the way Main Breaker Current Limiting Reactor Residual DC Current Breaker Ultrafast Disconnector Load Commutation Switch 15 Friends of the Supergrid (FOSG) Roadmap http://www.friendsofthesupergrid.eu/ 16 FOSG Roadmap, cont. 17 FOSG Roadmap cont. 18 (HV)DC-(HV)DC converters • Connect and protect two HVDC system voltage levels – Voltage ratio typically <3 (cf. HVAC typically 1.4-2) • Fit HVDC systems of slightly different voltage – Voltage ratio difference 10-30%, e.g. 500-550 kV • Tap/feed-in a small load/generation to a high power – Voltage ratio may be >5 • Special compact offshore solutions • Connect monopole (MP) and bipole (BP) DC systems 19 DC-DC converter preferences Inverter Rectifier • Using state-of-the-art VSC multilevel components, since it is a relatively small DC-DC converter market near term • Optimized on losses and availability and cost • Scalable and handle both mono- and bipoles • Provide insulation of two grids • Low technology barrier, e.g. could be built today • Available for planning and simulation studies already today Points towards front-to-front converters (DC-AC-DC) 20 DC-DC converters preferences II NB. HVDC grids are preferably built on similar voltages, cf. CIGRE B4.C1.65 • In the longer term, more advanced DC-DC converter topologies could emerge from today’s technologies • Special considerations for MV-MV, MV-HV schemes and tapping and infeed converters • Boosting voltage is a special application when grids of equal voltage are connected to steer power flow in meshed grids and to maintain power capacity overall 21 Offshore converters: Dolwin Beta 1) Construction in Dubai Dolwin Beta platform. 900 MW 3) Installation of electrical equipment in Haugesund, Norway 2) Transport to Norway Worlds largest offshore connection platform 22 Dolwin Beta at sea Left: The wind turbines are seen far in the distance. Mid and Right: Compare the size of two persons leaning on the fence 70 x 100 x 100 (w x l x h). 23000 tonnes Worlds largest offshore connection platform DolWin2 installation DolWin2 Sailout DolWin1 handover 23 Why start now? • More and more HVDC links in the AC grid • HVDC links are closer to each other • First multiterminal systems are emerging – Projects under discussion in Europe, constructed and in planning in China • The rating of VSC-HVDC increases to 3 GW • The renewable generation increase • Uniformity of HVDC grid codes emerging 24 Concluding remarks • HVDC transmission technologies enable – Integration of energy markets over long distance, across sea, and non-synchronized grids – Integration of renewable ´generation over long distance and over time zones – Transmission between regions for grid resilience – Ever increasing power capacities – Asset optimization solutions – Grids, and DC-DC converters, can be planned for 25 1 DC/DC converters and their role in future grids Dr. Ervin Spahic Head of Future Technologies, Transmission Solutions, Energy Management, Siemens Germany Page 2 HVDC Europe today PtP no grids 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 3 HVDC Europe 2020+ PtP, no grids, several multiterminals 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 4 HVDC Europe 2030+ several multiterminals, grid 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 5 HVDC Europe Look into the future - vision Existing/executed projects Projects up to 2025 Projects beyond 2025 Vision DC Overlay grid * Projects from TYNDP from ENTSO-E, MedGrid, Desertec, FOSG… 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 6 HVDC grids Possibilities at the example of Germany Major questions to be answered: 1. Need for the new transmission lines? 2. Economic benefits of DC links and grids? 3. Technical benefits? Existing and planned HVDC links Possible HVDC links 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 7 HVDC grids Allready considered in DENA grid study II Existing and planned HVDC links Possible HVDC links 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 8 HVDC grids Answers - example Transmission grid in 2022 with and without HVDC 2022 AC grid 2022 AC grid incl. HVDC PtP 2022 AC grid incl. HVDC terminal 2022 AC grid incl HVDC grid 3,5 % 2,8 % 2,8 % 2,1 % Overloadings (number of congestions) 11 6 5 0 Voltage (number of critical regions) 8 2 2 0 22,2 Gvar 2,3 Gvar 3,6 Gvar 0 Number of converter stations 0 8 9 12 Length of HVDC lines 0 km 3103 km 2706 km 3980 km (n-1 secure) Losses total Reactive power demand Source: Spahic et. al. „Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen“, Dezember 2012 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 9 HVDC grids A scenario for a step by step evolution • Subsequent stage The small HVDC Grids become interconnected • Full Bridge MMC in combination with fast disconnectors provide reliable and cost efficient fault clearing and fast recovery • Subsequent stage The small HVDC Grids become interconnected • Full Bridge MMC provides increased DC voltage control range as needed for longer transmission distances • Selectivity between sub grids may need additional fast switching devices, like fault current limiters or DC Breaker The expected step by step growth of HVDC Grids requires standardisation of HVDC Grid design and operating principles. 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 10 HVDC grids A scenario for a step by step evolution • Subsequent stage The small HVDC Grids become interconnected • • Full Bridge MMC in combination with fast disconnectors provide reliable and cost efficient fault clearing and fast recovery DC/DC DC/DC Subsequent stage Need for DC/DC converters??? The small HVDC Grids become interconnected • Full Bridge MMC provides increased DC voltage control range as needed for longer transmission distances • Selectivity between sub grids may need additional fast switching devices, like fault current limiters or DC Breaker The expected step by step growth of HVDC Grids requires standardisation of HVDC Grid design and operating principles. 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 11 HVDC Auto Transformer A Single Stage HVDC-DC Converter Within the AC Grid distinct voltage levels, suited to the transferred power level and connected via transformers have proven useful à For the success of HVDC grids a similar component, a HVDC-DC converter, is necessary to support distinct HVDC voltage levels ± P2 ± State of the art: Front-to-Front HVDC-DC converter • Reverse Back-to-Back link with two stage energy conversion through full AC link 320kV DC AC P1 DC AC ± 320kV ± 500kV AC Netz 500kV GND GND DC AC New Technology: HVDC Auto Transformer • Single stage energy conversion with partial AC link • Series connected DC-AC converters • Partial energy conversion • Twice as efficient as Front-to-Front solution • Lower footprint and converter effort • Full DC-AC capability 7/8/2016 N1 DC AC N2 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 12 HVDC Auto Transformer A Single Stage HVDC-DC Converter ± 500kV P2 281MW DC AC ± 320kV 281MW P1 500MW DC AC 281MW AC Netz 0MW 1124MW GND 500MW DC AC GND 1124MW 281MW N1 281MW DC AC 281MW N2 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 13 HVDC Auto Transformer A Single Stage HVDC-DC Converter ± 500kV P2 281MW DC AC ± 320kV P1 500MW DC AC 562 MW 281MW 0MW 562 MW GND 500MW DC AC AC Netz GND 1124MW 0MW N1 281MW DC AC 281MW N2 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 14 HVDC Auto Transformer A Single Stage HVDC-DC Converter ± 500kV P2 281MW DC AC ± 320kV P1 500MW DC AC 0 MW 281MW 281MW 1124 MW GND 500MW DC AC AC Netz GND 1124MW 281MW N1 281MW DC AC 281MW N2 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 15 HVDC Auto Transformer A Single Stage HVDC-DC Converter ± 500kV P2 281MW DC AC ± 320kV P1 500MW DC AC 1562 MW 281MW 500MW AC Netz 438 MW GND 500MW DC AC GND 1124MW 500MW N1 281MW DC AC 281MW N2 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 16 HVDC Auto Transformer A Single Stage HVDC-DC Converter ± 500kV P2 281MW DC AC ± 320kV 0MW P1 500MW DC AC 500MW AC Netz 1000 MW 1000MW GND 500MW DC AC GND 0 MW 500MW N1 281MW DC AC 0MW N2 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 17 HVDC Auto Transformer Advantages Within the AC Grid distinct voltage levels, suited to the transferred power level and connected via transformers have proven useful à For the success of HVDC grids a similar component, a HVDC-DC converter, is necessary to support distinct HVDC voltage levels P2 DC AC P1 à Single stage voltage conversion à Lower losses (~ 50%) à Less installed conversion power à Lower footprint à Same functionality as Front-to- Front topology (except for galvanic isolation) DC AC GND AC Netz GND DC AC à Based on MMC Technology à Subconverters are state of the art MMC converters à Know an proven technology à Same Submoldules à Full DC Fault resilience with Fullbridge Submodules à Optimal for DC grid integration à No additional DC breaker needed 7/8/2016 N1 DC AC N2 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 18 HVDC Auto Transformer Modular design Possible two stage approach: • 1st stage: bipole DC-AC converter feeding connecting the OWF with the AC grid P1 ± 320kV AC Grid DC AC GND GND DC AC N1 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 19 HVDC Auto Transformer Modular design ± 500kV P2 DC AC P1 ± 320kV AC Grid DC AC GND Possible two stage approach: • 1st stage: bipole DC-AC converter feeding connecting the OWF with the AC grid • 2nd stage: extension to HVDC-DC auto transformer for connection to a e.g. 500kV DC transmission line GND DC AC N1 DC AC N2 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 20 Implementation of DC/DC converters – stage 1 Example for offshore wind farm Onshore Wind and Solar Power Offshore Wind Power AC DC AC DC ± AC DC 200kV AC DC ± 320kV 400kV DC DC AC 7/8/2016 ± AC Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 21 Implementation of DC/DC converters – stage 2 Example for offshore wind farm AC DC AC DC ± DC DC 200kV AC DC DC ± DC DC ± ± 320kV AC 400kV DC AC DC AC 500kV Extension to a multi terminal DC grid using HVDC-DC converters to equalize volatile generation 7/8/2016 Dr. Ervin Spahic Page 22 Implementation of DC/DC converters - stage 3 Example for offshore wind farm AC DC AC DC ± DC DC 200kV AC DC DC ± DC DC ± ± 320kV AC 400kV DC AC DC 500kV Long distance DC transmission to remote load centers 7/8/2016 DC AC Dr. Ervin Spahic 23 DC/DC converters and their role in future grids Dr. Ervin Spahic Head of Future Technologies, Transmission Solutions, Energy Management, Siemens Germany 1 Samuel NGUEFEU, RTE − France Update on the roadmap of a TSO anticipating future DC networks Panel session on DC transmission systems with DC/DC converters July 19, 2016 2 CONTENTS • • • • • • • Overview of French HVDC systems and projects From point-to-point links to meshed DC grids Mapping of ongoing projects @RTE, with multiple partners 5-terminal « TWENTIES » Hybrid mock-up 250V-400V DC-DC converter between terminals 1 and 2 Simulation results, to be confirmed by experimental tests Appendix DC transmission systems with DC/DC converters Overview of French HVDC systems and projects FAB: France Aldernay Britain 2*700 MW - 2022 Cross–Channel 2 GW 1986; 2015 IFA 2 1000 MW - 2020 Eleclink 1000 MW –2018 In operation Decided/Under construction Proposal/planning Granted merchant interconnector Celtic Interconnector 700 MW - 2025 Piémont Savoie 2*600MW 2019 France Espagne Golfe de Gascogne 2*1000 MW - 2022 Midi Provence 1000 MW - 2020 France Espagne 2*1000MW - 2015 4 From point-to-point links to meshed HVDC grids Specific DC grid Components • AC-DC converter structures • Breakers, disconnectors, limiters • DC-DC converter structures • Prototypes + low scale testing Control and Protection • f/P, Udc/P, Udc/Idc droop controllers • Fault detection algorithms • System Protection strategy DC grid topologies • Large enough (> 10 substations) • CAPEX and OPEX comparisons Investigation methods and tools • Offline Static/dynamique simulations • Real-time interoperability (SMARte) • Contribution to pre-standardisation 5 Mapping of ongoing projects @ RTE, with multiple partners • Hybrid DC CB • Current Limiter • Mechanical Breaker • DC-DC Converter (and DC Hubs) • AC-DC Converters Development of EMTP models for specific components • DC Fault detection Algorithms and Protection systems • DC voltage and Power Flow control – System stability • Steady-state studies • Dynamic studies • Relevant Control and Protection strategies Pre-STANDARDIZATION CENELEC ENTSO-E CIGRE B4- WG Project 1 Elaboration of functional building blocks Elaboration and simulation of 3 large HVDC grid topologies Comparison of performances and costs Project 2 AC-DC innovative structures: HB, FB, Mixed-Cell, AAC, etc. Projects 3a + 3b PROMOTioN Project 5 Innovative DC grid voltage and power flow controllers - Diode-Unit converter stations - Prototypes of switchgear devices; - Protection system interoperability - DC-DC Prototype testing on low scale DC grid mock-up - MMC Prototype testing and validation versus FPGA models Project 4 Development and Implementation of protection algorithms for DC grids BEST PATHS (Demo 2) Interoperability assessment with EMTP-RV and the HYPERSIM simulators of ABB, GE-ALSTOM and SIEMENS converter stations 6 General overview of the 5-terminal « TWENTIES » mock-up Udc = ±125V, Idcnom = 10A Uac = 125V Low voltage DC cables 1 3 2 AC Grid and windfarms simulation 4 RT simulated VSC 5 Real VSC DC Breaker and protection algorithms SCADA system 7 Five terminal DC grid with embedded 250V-400V DC-DC converter between terminals 1 and 2 1,7 kHz IGBT based LCL DC transformer with no internal AC transformer employed. Also operable in 400/400 V configuration. FLV2 Starting sequence. Normal operation, including Power reversal in DC-DC Converter. System behaviour during pole-to-pole faults. Improved DC grid with 2 protection zones. Symmetrical monopolar configuration 8 DC grid with embedded 250V/400V converter simulation: Voltages’ results with two successive DC faults FHV1 and FLV2 a- 400V protection zone voltages DC fault isolation from either side of the DC-DC converter. b- 250V protection zone voltages 9 DC grid with embedded 250V/400V converter simulation: Powers’ results with two successive DC faults FHV1 and FLV2 c- Master terminals powers Fault isolation using inherent property of DC-DC converter (the fault is not transferred to the other side when the converter is in open loop). Transient dc fault is studied and results show nice recovery of the dc grid after dc fault is removed. d- Slave terminals powers 10 DC grid with embedded 250V/400V converter simulation: Converter variables (DC faults FHV1 and FLV2) internal ac currents internal ac voltage 11 DC grid with embedded 250V/400V converter simulation: Converter variables (DC faults FHV1 and FLV2) a- power port variables b- power balancing port variables 12 DC grid with embedded 250V/400V converter simulation: Voltages’ results with two successive DC faults FHV2 and FLV2 a- 400V protection zone voltages Applying the fault at HV2 (instead of HV1) leads to very similar results. b- 250V protection zone voltages 13 DC grid with embedded 250V/400V converter simulation: Powers’ results with two successive DC faults FHV2 and FLV2 c- Master terminals powers d- Slave terminals powers Thank you for your attention 15 Annexes DC transmission systems with DC/DC converters 16 BEST PATHS: Interoperability of Multivendor VSC HVDC grids HYPERSIM Control and Protection Replica Objectives: Real-Time Simulator Demonstrate the interoperability of VSC-HVDC converters from three different manufacturers, associated in the same multiterminal DC grid. ABB Develop a testing methodology based on a Hypersim dedicated vendor independent platform. SIEMENS GE-ALSTOM 17 Contributions to CIGRE, ENTSO-E and CENELEC « HVDC grids« WG - B4-52 (HVDC Grids) - B4-56 (HVDC Grid Codes), - B4-57 (Converter Models for HVDC Grids), - B4-58 (Load Flow and DC voltage Control - B4-59 (Control and Protection of HVDC Grids) - B4-60 Optimal Reliability and Availability. - B4-72 DC grid Benchmark models ENTSO-E: HVDC Connection and DC connected Offshore Power Park Module Requirements (HVDC Code). Work start beginning 2012. Draft for Assembly approval sent out 15 April 2014. The drafting team has to formulate the requirements that must be met for the connection of Offshore Power Park Modules, that are o E: Radial DC Offshore Connection and AC Collection o F: Hybrid AC/DC Offshore Solution o G: Meshed Multiterminal DC-Offshore, AC Collection o H: Meshed Offshore DC, DC Collection These requirements are to be functional in nature and build upon the high level requirements set out in the ACER Framework Guidelines on ‘Electricity Grid Connections’. To extend the work recorded in FprTR 50609:2013 "Technical Guidelines for Radial HVDC Networks«, reference CLC/TC 8X 24711, the CENELEC CLC/TC8X/WG6 WG has been launched in April 2013. RTE leads subgroup 1 (Coordination of HVDC Grid system and AC systems) and participates to subgroup 2 (HVDC Grid Control), 3 (HVDC Grid protection) and 5 (Models and Validation). prTS expected by end of 2016. DC transmission systems with DC/DC converters 18 Ongoing developments Based on large DC grid topologies with more than 10 stations and several lines and cables, similar to the CIGRE benchmark model… CIGRE HVDC Grid Benchmark Benchmark Rev. 11 DC Overhead DC Cable AC Overhead AC Cable A0 C 1 A1 Develop a DC grid model using HBMMC and Hybrid DCCBs + conventional protection system C2 Investigate the strategy of simultaneous disconnection of all DCCB Develop a DC grid model using HBMMC and Hybrid DCCBs + mechanical DCCBs and DC-DC Converters or DC Hubs Develop a DC grid model using FBMMC and some DC switches D1 B 0 B4 B 1 E1 B 5 B2 B3 B 6 Performance and Cost Comparisons Pros and cons of next 3 topologies will be listed at the end of the developments F1 19 Example (1) of HVDC grid topology with HB-MMC and Hybrid DCCB (km) 800 A1 750 C1 Ba-A1 800MVA Ba-A0 309 200km SA0 618 1200MVA809 = 200km 309 809 1200MVA Cb-A1-2 = 800MVACm-C1 50km 107 ±400kV Bb-C2 600 200km 1200MW 400 800MVA 500 Cb-D1-1 ±400kV Bb-D1 = 1000 500 Cb-D1-2 = 1000 Bo-D1 800MVA B1 175 = ±400kV 783 Bb-B2-1 ±400kV 1200MVA = Cb-B2-2 Cm-B2 Bm-E1 100 Cm-E1 ±400kV Bb-B2-2 1200MW 200km 200km = Cb-B2-1 800MVA = Cb-B1-2 1200MVA ±400kV Bb-B1 562 120 0 200 MW km 783 1200MVA Ba-B2 B2 B3 F1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400(km) 1200 150 100 750 = Cb-B1-1 Ba-B1 1580 300km 1200MW 790 300km 1200MW SB0 200km E1 188 750 448 250 200km 1200MW ±400kV Bb-B4 200km Ba-B0 1200MW 200km 620 350km B4 300 50 450k m 800M W 12 447k 00 m MW D1 400km 1200MW OFFshore 450 Cb-C2 800MVA 0 1200MW 400km ONshore 500 200 619 980 550 350 1600MW 300km 619 500 Bo-C2 = 650 600 500 = ±400kV 600 Bb-A1 1000 Bm-C1±400kV 392 200km 800MW Cb-A1-1 C2 700 0 Bm-A1 ±400kV = Cm-A1 0 392 = AC/DC Converter Station Hybrid DC CB DC Cable DC Overhead line 200MVA Bo-E1 100 M 319 103 0 = 1300 Bm-B2 ±400kV 200km 89 200km 86 800MW 200km 0 Bm-B3 800 Ba-B3 ±400kV = 1200MVA 900Cm-B3 808 1200MW 200km Bm-F1 497 ±400kV = 500 Cm-F1 800MVA Bo-F1 20 Example (2) of HVDC grid topology with FB-MMC and Mechanical DCCB Ba-A1 800MVA FB MMC Mechanical DCCB DC Cable DC Overhead line (km) 800 A1 750 C1 Ba-A0 309 200km SA0 1200MVA C2 700 Cm-A1 Cb-A1-1 809 Bm-C1 Cm-C1 800MVA Bb-C2 Bb-A1 600 200km 1200MW 1618 OFFshore 500 Bb-D1 450 B4 800MVA 500 800MVA B1 1000 Bo-D1 1000 300 Ba-B0 200km 2800MW 620 Ba-B1 750 188 Bb-B4 (200) 250 200 Cb-D1 500 D1 400 350 Cb-C2 800MVA Bo-C2 0 ONshore 500 600 600 550 500 392 200km 800MW 107 Cb-A1-2 1000 650 0 1200MVA 809 200km 309 618 Bm-A1 0 E1 1200MVA750 SB0 150 1200MVA 175 Cb-B1-1 Bb-B1 120 0 200 MW km 562 Cb-B1-2 Bm-E1 1200 100 100 100 1200MVA Ba-B2 50 B2 B3 F1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400(km) Cb-B2-1 Cb-B2-2 103 782 Cm-E1 Bo-E1 200MVA Bb-B2-1 M 782 319 Bb-B2-2 0 Bm-B2 Cm-B2 1300 200km 0 800MW 800 800MVA 89 Ba-B3 86 900 Bm-B3 Cm-B3 1200MVA 1200MW 800 200km Bm-F1 497 Cm-F1 Bo-F1 800MVA 500 21 Example (3) of HVDC grid topology including DC-DC Converters A1 750 800MW 50km (km) 800 C1 650 OFFshore 500 450 D1 350 B4 =C D C D= 400 B1 200km 150 B2 B3 F1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400(km) MW 800 50 200km 100 103 448 E1 790 300km 1200MW 790 1200MW 300km 250 200 500 00 1200 M 730k W m 300 12 MW 00 12 50km 4 450 ONshore 20 28 0MW 0k m 550 4 1 47 44200Mkm 7 12 k m W 97 00 1 MW 97 1 600 800MW 300km 800MW 300km 500 C2 700
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