April (PDF) - House of Finland


April (PDF) - House of Finland
APRIL 2011
Finnews is a free publication to the House of Finland members
FinnFest 2011 - August 10-14
Opening Ceremony at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, August 10
California Barbeque & Pool Party will follow the opening ceremony to set off the next four days
of events spanning the spectrum of entertainment, cultural, educational, sport, family-focused, and
business programs. Thousands of North American, local and international visitors are expected to
attend the events and browse the Tori Marketplace brimming with Finnish products.
Tentative Calendar of Events
Wednesday, August 10
Opening Ceremony
Pool Party - Conga se Menne Entertainment
Performing Artists (tentative)
Sami Pitkämö
Tenor Lieutenant Raimo Salo
Conga se Menne
Pirkko Mannola
Vieno Kekkonen
Pekka Pentikäinen
Pörriäiset Folk Dancing Group
Kaleva All Stars
Polka Chicks
Anttu Koistinen
Many, many more . . .
FinnFest 2011 is looking for
friendly, outgoing people to
volunteer at the festival. If this is
you or someone you know who
would like to help, please contact
Irma Niskala
858-722-3478 or
Thursday, August 11
Classical Music Concert
Folk Music Concert
Children’s Theater: Santa Claus and Magic Drum
Elvis Presley X 3 Musical Theater
Friday, August 12
Gala Dinner and Fashion Show
- Celebrity Chef Stefan Richter
- Hostess Anna Easteden
- Dancing to the Music of Lenni-Kalle Taipale and Sami Pitkämö
Theater: Tyrmäys (Knock-out)
Finnish-American Concert
Gospel Concert with Pekka and Henna Simojoki
Saturday, August 13
Finnish Rock Concert
Ballroom Dance Competition
Golf Tournament
Kantele Concert
Elvis Presley X 3 Musical Theater
Sunday, August 14
Celebration Church Services
Closing Ceremony
Dancing every night
Tori open every day
Art exhibits every day
Lectures, cooking demonstrations every day
Poolside party every night
Enjoy pulla, sauna, Koskenkorva . . .
Welcome to Celebrate
Modern Finland and
Finnish-American Heritage!
See website
for more information
President’s Message
other matters affecting the southern European Union countries.
Minister Stubb will be attending informal meetings with other
European Union foreign ministers in Brussels and Gödöllö,
United States Vice President Joseph Biden made a formal
state visit to Finland at the beginning of March. The accompanying
delegation held meetings with Finnish government representatives,
focusing on bilateral relations, the situation in Northern Africa
and Libya, the international operations in Afghanistan, as well
as discussions related to Russia. Finland’s participation as an
active member in NATO’s Partnership for Peace was
recognized. Finland will be participating with Sweden in
NATO’s 2011 Crisis Management Exercise, involving close
coordination between the Finnish Foreign Ministry, the Finnish
Defense Ministry, NATO Headquarters and NATO strategylevel military staff, among others.
April is here already and Springtime is upon us. The best
is yet to arrive with this Summer being the busiest the House
of Finland & Finnish Community will ever be.
Our House of Finland Annual Lawn Program will be held
on June 19th, 2:00 at the Lawn Stage next to the House of
Finland. We hope to have a full complement of Finnish
entertainers, singers, dancers, and great Finnish food to provide
to our guests on that day. This is our day to shine and present
the best of Finland and the culture to the public on June 19.
Our traditional Midsummer Bonfire-Kokko will be held
at Crown Point on June 25th. In the Years past we have had
great turnouts and minimal turnouts. Please plan to make this
a great start for your Summer of Finnish activities.
Tower after Hours at the Museum of Man on July 28th is
sponsored by the House of Finland. This is in conjunction with
FinnFest 2011 and the San Diego City Proclamation that
August 2011 be proclaimed Month of Finland by the City of
San Diego.
This is an opportunity to show San Diego and the public,
our Finnish culture, arts and music along with our traditional
cuisine. This is the first time that the House of Finland will
participate in this event, and hopefully it will leave wonderful
memories for all those who participate. FinnFest 2011 is right
around the corner from The Tower After Hours event and will
serve to advertise FinnFest 2011.
August 10-14th, at the Town & Country Resort in
Mission Valley, will be the culmination of a few years of work
by many dedicated volunteers. This is a group effort spearheaded by Annina Lukiini-Johnson, Henri Syvänen and
company. The amount of time and hours spent on this project
is phenomenal. Such dedication by volunteers I have never seen.
Please check out a few websites; FinnFest2011.com,
balboapark.org, houseoffinland.org & enjoy what is going on
in San Diego’s Crown Jewel, Balboa Park & Finnish Community.
Hannu Mikkonen
Sunday Volunteering is a Great Option!
Thank goodness for the members of the House
of Finland’s hardworking, dedicated Sunday
volunteers! Without them, there is no telling how
many more days the house would be open each year. Visitors
explore cottages constantly, looking for information and tasting
different kinds of food from all the countries. All the cottages
rely on volunteers and donations to keep their efforts going.
Each volunteer has his/her own style to host and that is what
makes it so alive and interesting for first-time visitors and for
those who visit cottages regularly.
All members have a few things in common. They are made
up of extremely caring, passionate volunteers who work
tirelessly to make Finland well known. Unfortunately, we still
have Sunday volunteer positions open, and we would love to
see those empty Sundays to be taken as soon as possible. New
and old members join us! The House of Finland is open one
day a week for public, on Sundays 12-4 p.m. When you
volunteer, you are giving an empty house a heart.
Need volunteers: May 15 and 22; June 5 and 26; July 3,
10, 17 and 31.
From the Consul’s Desk
by Kathrin Mautino
Earthquakes and revolutions—this has certainly been an
unsettled time for Finland and the world! The Finnish Foreign
Ministry has been very active in looking after Finnish citizens
in the wake of the earthquakes in New Zealand in February
and in Japan this last March 11. The Foreign Ministry was
able to contact all Finnish citizens for which it had contact
information in New Zealand (approximately 90) and in Japan
(approximately 830) shortly after each earthquake. No deaths
or serious injuries were reported. The Foreign Ministry requests
that Finnish citizens leaving Japan notify the Ministry, and the
Ministry is available to help with travel arrangements. At
present, the Finnish Embassy in Tokyo estimates that
approximately 300-400 Finnish citizens remain in Japan.
Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb has continued to be a
leading voice in formulating European Union policies in light
of the “people power” revolutions in Northern Africa and the
Middle East. Concerns about maintaining basic civil rights
are high on the agenda, as are issues related to refugees and
Hosting coordinator for April, May and June. Position
entails coordinating hosting volunteers for these 3 months.
Currently April is taken care of with hosting volunteers and
only four Sundays are open in May and June.
We need bakers to fill the House of Finland’s freezer.
Because we only offer pullaa to visitors, the amounts have risen
suddenly and we need more help to fill the freezer and satisfy
our hungry guests. You can bake at your home and bring the
pulla to the house on Sundays, or if you want to schedule some
other day contact me.
All volunteers deserve our most sincere gratitude for
making this work!
Please call or send an email, how you want to help.
Kati Nupponen, 858-774-4186 or kati@nupponen.com
Vappurieha 2011
International Food Fair
at Balboa Park
Lauantaina 30.4
klo 12.00 – 16.00
Sunday, May 29, 2011
10 a.m. till 5 p.m.
Tule viettämään perinteistä
vappuriehaa kauniiseen Balboa
Myytävänä herkullista lohikeittoa
ruisleivän kera, karjalanpiirakoita, hodareita, simaa, munkkeja, kahvia
ja muita herkkuja niin lapsille kuin aikuisillekin!
Tule haastamaan viime vuoden hiihtokilpailun voittajajoukkue.
Pienemmille lapsille askartelua, pelejä ja leikkejä sekä ongintaa.
Arpajaisissa mahtavat palkinnot: Suunto, Nokia ja monet muut
arvokkaat palkinnot.
Mukaasi tarvitset iloisen mielen, viltin, rantatuolit ja jos tahdot kohottaa
maljan Vapun kunniaksi, niin kuohujuomaa!
Rennosta musiikista vastaa Kyytipojat
HOF is serving blueberry soup, lettu
crepes, coffee breads, coffee, juice, and water.
Blueberry soup has been always a big hit and
the lettu lines last throughout the day. Visitors
are counting on being able to buy authentic
Finnish taste treats. If you can spare an hour or
maybe longer, please let Irma Niskala know,
858-722-3478 or iniskala@gmail.com.
House of Finland
Lawn Program
Sunday, June 19, 2 p.m.
International Cottages Stage, Balboa Park
Järjestäjänä San Diegon Suomi-Koulu
May Day Celebration 2011
Saturday April 30 12 – 4 pm
House of Finland, Balboa Park
For sale: delicious salmon soup
with rye bread, Karelian pastries,
hot dogs, doughnuts, coffee and
other treats for kids and adults
Come and challenge the unbeatable
Girls’ Team at the traditional ski
race. Crafts, games and angling for smaller children.
Searching for Finnish talent
Dancers, singers, musicians, etc., come and
show your talent in front of adoring crowds.
Also, come and support our performers by
cheering and encouraging at the event.
House of Finland is the center of attention
on our Lawn Program day and will be busy
serving coffee and baked goods to interested
customers. Please bring something to share if
you can.
Call Hannu Mikkonen (619-729-8234) or
email him at hannu.mikkonen.pres.hof@gmail.com
if you can help in any capacity.
Raffle with great prizes; Suunto, Nokia and many others.
All you need is a smiling face, blanket, lawn chairs and a sparkling
drink for toasting to spring and May Day!
Tower After Hours
August 4, 6-8 p.m. - See date change
Museum of Man, Balboa Park
Live music with Kyytipojat
Organized by the Finnish School of San Diego
The most gracious thanks to the new House of Finland
team. You are San Diego’s future. Every generation of
San Diego Finns since 1940 has contributed to the
awareness of Finland and its culture in San Diego. Your
contribution is very much appreciated. Spread the word about Finland
being the “best country to live in” (according to the Newsweek poll) and
having the best educational system, not to mention so many other
contributions Finland has to offer. The veteran Finnish generation in
San Diego applauds you!
It’s the House of Finland’s turn to host the
event and everyone is encouraged to attend.
There will be entertainment, food, drinks and
plenty of good Finnish camaraderie.
Tickets (at the door):
Museum of Man Member
General Admission
Seniors, Students and Military
Please let Hannu Mikkonen know if you can
help in organizing this event.
Tervetuloa koko perheen pääsiäisen konfirmaatiomessuun
huhtikuun 24. päivänä klo 16.00!
Welcome to the family Easter worship service
on April 24, 2011 at 4 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Incarnation
16889 Espola Road, Poway, CA 92064
(Take HWY 15, Rancho Bernardo Rd. exit. Go 1.7 mi. east. Church is on top of a hill on left side.)
Suomi-kirkon messu vietetään ensimmäisen kerran oikeana pääsiäispäivänä
Real Easter Mass
Messussa konfirmoidaan rippikoulunsa päättäneet nuoret Sindi Heikkilä sekä Atte ja Riku Myllykoski
Confirmation of Sindi Heikkilä, Atte and Riku Myllykoski
Messun jälkeen konfirmaatiojuhlat tarjoiluineen, jonne kaikki ovat tervetulleita
After Mass Confirmation celebration – all are welcome!
Lapsille oma saarna
Chilren’s Easter Message
Irene Erkko saarnaa, Seppo Vesala on liturgina
Message Irene Erkko, liturgy Seppo Vesala
Kuoro laulaa johtajanaan Kimberly Bedell
Choir lead by Kimberly Bedell
Iisakki Niemelä soittaa saksofonia
Iisakki Niemelä saxophone
Erikoisvieraana Suomen kirkon ulkosuomalaistyön sihteeri Ilkka Mäkelä kirkkohallituksesta sekä vieraita
Dallasin Suomi-kirkosta
o Special guest from Finland: Ilkka Mäkelä, The Rev., Executive Secretary, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland,
Department for International Relations, Ministry to Finns Abroad
• Juhlan jälkeen jokainen halukas on tervetullut keskustelutilaisuuteen San Diegon seurakuntatyön
tulevaisuudesta Riitta ja Jussi Hokkasen kotiin os.12524 Nacido Dr. San Diego CA 92128 (muutaman
minuutin ajomatka kirkolta). Ilkka Mäkelä haluaa kuulla seurakuntalaisten odotuksia ja toiveita
järjestellessään Kalifornian alueen Suomi-kirkon toimintaa.
o After the coffee we welcome people to Riitta and Jussi Hokkanen’s home at 12524 Nacido Dr. San Diego CA 92128
to discuss the future of the congregation. Ilkka Mäkelä wants to hear people’s expectations and hopes for the
Finnish church in California.
• Tämä messu on näillä näkymin Irenen ja Sepon viimeinen vierailu San Diegossa Sepon siirtyessä kesällä
hoitamaan omaa virkaansa kasvatustyönjohtajana Lahden seurakuntayhtymässä. He toivovat näkevänsä
paljon tuttuja messussa.
o This is also good-bye mass for Seppo and Irene since Seppo will return to his old job in Lahti, Finland.
6000 Morriss Rd. Flower Mound, TX 75028
Pastori Seppo Vesala 972 310 0166 seppo@finnishlutheran.org
Pastori Irene Erkko 972 310 0167 irene.erkko@gmail.com
Finnish-American Chamber of Commerce Luncheon in San Diego
. . . and a Surprise
The Finnish Ambassador to the United States
Pekka Lintu was the keynote speaker at the FinnishAmerican Chamber of Commerce luncheon held at the
San Diego Yacht Club on Saturday, April 2nd. The
House of Finland monthly meeting was held later in
the afternoon that same day, and the members got a
real treat when San Diego’s Honorary Consul Kathy
Mautino brought Mr. and Mrs. Lintu to visit the
cottage and say hi to the members who were present at
the meeting.
Green technology is very close to Mr. Lintu’s
heart and that was the message he brought to the
luncheon. The Finnish Embassy in Washington D.C.
has gone totally green. It is first of the kind and has
created quite a lot of interest for being the frontrunner
in the field and a point of interest to visitors.
TT - Tiistai Tiimi - Team Tuesday
We have a new group meeting at HOF for everyone.
The purpose of this group is to get together, have fun,
chat and do some fun activities at the same time. There
is no sign-up fee for this team. Only cost may be
admission fee if we are visiting a museum, etc. Check
our calendar and join us whenever you like!
We meet once a month, first Tuesday morning of
the month. Usually we meet at 10 a.m. First we do our
planned activity and then we enjoy lunch together
depending on everyone’s schedule. Last time we had a
delicious lunch at Little Italy after visiting Museum of
Contemporary Art, Downtown.
Toukokuun (May) 3. Antic stores at Ocean Beach
Kesäkuun (June) 7. Coronado and Seaport Village
(kamerat mukaan – bring your cameras with you)
...and there are more fun places and activities coming up in
Contact Kirsi Ahmavaara, cell 858-722-1726 or email:
kirsi@ahmavaara.com to get more information and to
find out the exact meeting place.
Please come join us for the monthly meetings and
social gatherings. We are shaking things up in this
town, and want to have fun, develop lasting friendships
and build a strong Finnish community in San Diego!
Pictures taken in February when some ladies and a young
man strolled through the San Diego Botanical Garden.
My Finland Trip
By: Atte, 10yrs
As I arrived at the Kajaani Airport, my heart was
thumping. I was looking out the window at the white nature and
the bitterly cold wind. My family and I were visiting our
grandparents. After we landed, we rode to their house, in their old,
grey Volkswagen.
Before we even got to their front door, we were amazed at the
massive amount of snow. That’s when I decided that it was time. I
rushed inside, put on some warm clothing, and headed outside.
Despite the -26.7°F weather, I started swimming in the snow!!!
About in the middle of our trip, we traveled to Helsinki. In
Helsinki, we visited our cousins, and we even got to go to school
with them. After two days in Helsinki, we came back to Kajaani.
As our last days grew closer, we visited The Nakertajan Koulu.
The Nakertajan Koulu is a smaller school than the school we
visited in Helsinki. It was our second time there.
From this experience, I learned that liking two opposite things
doesn’t change you. I experienced the freezing Finland, and the
warmth of San Diego. This trip means a lot to me because all of
our family lives in Finland. We’re the “outsiders” of the family.
We do this trip every year, but as it is, it is always exciting.
Thank you, our new rowing reporter, Atte Ahmavaara. He attends Suomikoulu and is a 5th grader at Monterey Ridge Elemenary School in 4S Ranch.
In Kajaani, children on sidewalks were showered with candy when graduating
seniors riding on the truck beds were leaving for the study break before finals.
Visiting Finnish schools was very interesting . . . and wintery.
Finland in Winter (the coldest day during the trip was -32F)
Tero Pitkämäki Voted
While training at the Chula Vista’s Olympic Training Center, Finnish World
Champion javelin thrower Tero Pitkämäki and his trainer Hannu Kangas went to
cast their votes. Here is an excerpt (translated) from Hannu’s blog about the
We did our civic duty and voted in the election at San Diego’s beautiful
Balboa Park. Our navigator took us to the right place but finding a parking spot
was a challenge. It was quite a treat to cast our votes overseas at Suomi-talo with
friendly American-Finnish officers present. Pulla-coffee conversation included our
training camp, as well as weekly volunteering at Suomi-talo. I found out that a
couple of thousand Finns reside in San Diego, and some 200 are actively involved
in Finnish causes. Thumbs up to those keeping Finland’s flag high.
Suomen kieli on niin monimuotoinen ja -selitteinen
Joskus joutsenet näyttävät kurjilta.
Kiropractikot vetävät lonkkaa.
Taksifirman perustamisen perustajaksi riittää perustaksi.
Arkkitehdille sattui vahinko; oli käytävä vessassa.
Saunottajan lempiasiakas on vastapäinen mies.
Mitä teit puolityhjälle pullolleni? – Vein vajaan.
Huonon pidon vuoksi 10 panssarivaunua piti teloittaa.
Ette tulleet kutsuntoihin?!? Minulla oli oma syyni.
Huomenna kylvetään sanoi likainen maanviljelijä.
Kaljanjuontikilpailussa otettiin pitkästä aikaa.
Tietokonehakkareita ei voitu syyttää, kun näyttöä ei löytynyt.
Suutari toivoi saavansa paljon kanta-asiakkaita.
Mies ajoi auton katolleen ja joutui korjauttamaan katon sekä savupiipun.
Kuuntelen etupäässä rokkia, sanoi linja-auton kuljettaja.
Kumpi on parempi, hevonen vai auto? Koneista ei ole mihinkään.
Enpäs lentänyt retkuun, sanoi kärpänen kun pummia väisti.
Finnish language is so
complicated and hard to explain
This is impossible to translate in English. It just
shows how words together can have a different
meaning. I had to read some of them two or three
times (slowly!) before I got the meaning. Who
said Finnish language is straightforward?- sh
Remember the date:
August 10-14, 2011
at the Town & Country Resort
Please support these businesses. – They support House of Finland.
Finnews Advertising Rates Are Still the Best in Town:
One Issue Annual (4 Issues)
1 page
½ page
¼ page
Business Card
Prices subject to change without notice. Call the editor
(619-303-2146) for more information.
9155 Southern Rd.
La Mesa, CA 91942-3609
Editor: Sirkka Huovila
Reporters & Staff: House of Finland members
Opinions expressed are those of the individual authors
and do not necessarily represent the philosophy of the
House of Finland or its members.
House of Finland
Balboa Park
San Diego, California
Since 1940
Located in the International Cottages area in Balboa Park.
Monthly meetings are held at the House of Finland Cottage in Balboa Park on the first Saturday of the month at 2 p.m.
More information from:
President: Hannu Mikkonen - 619-729-8234
Vice President: Jouni Nupponen
Secretary: Anu Rawlins
Treasurer: Kirsi Ahmavaara
Hostess Coordinator: Kati Nupponen
Membership Coordinator: Jan Gilinsky
Newsletter: Sirkka Huovila
Website: http://www.houseoffinland.org