Adult School - the Bellflower Unified School District
Adult School - the Bellflower Unified School District
Bellflower Unified School District Bellflower Adult School ! w e N classes this Spring! check inside! Spring 2008 Schedule of Classes Adult High School Diploma ❀ General Educational Development Business Technical Training Center ❀ English-as-a-Second Language Cosmetology ❀ Career-Technical Education ❀ Fine and Applied Arts Nursing Assistant Program ❀ Instrux Online ❀ Locksmith I, II & III Global Logistics Technician/Import, Export Specialist Parent Education ❀ Older Adult Programs Principal’s Message Welcome to the Spring Semester 2008. It is my hope, and that of all of the staff, that you experience continued growth and prosperity as we celebrate the City of Bellflower’s anniversary. I truly believe that prosperity begins with a personal commitment to learning and development, which is coupled with preparation. We are committed to meeting the ever changing needs of our community and we work hard at developing new classes to do so. Some of the new classes we are offering this semester are; conversational Spanish, online GED preparation, upholstery, and ground-school, in preparation for a private pilot license. We encourage you to give us ideas for classes you would like offered. We are always looking for new ideas and personable, knowledgeable and compassionate people to share their expertise. If you find pleasure in teaching others and seeing them succeed, please call the adult school to discuss the possibilities of sharing that expertise. GENERAL INFORMATION We look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Patrick Dixon, Principal, Educational Options Programs BELLFLOWER UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Bellflower Unified School District is to open the doors for all students to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills and attitudes that will empower them to become independent and contributing citizens to perform successfully in their chosen fields and in society. TABLE OF CONTEN S General Information................................ 2-5 English-as-a-Second Language........... 6-7 Adult Diploma Center.................................8 Adult Academic Classes/GED...................9 General Education Development..........10 High School Subjects . ......................... 11-12 Online Courses ..........................................13 Classes for Active Adults......................14-17 Adults with Disabilities Program...............17 New Classes this Spring........................ 17-19 Business-Technical Training Center.........20 Vocational Education...............................21 Nursing ........................................................22 Medical Front Office ................................23 Allied Health...............................................23 Cosmetology........................................ 24-25 Regional Occupational Program..... 26-27 Health & Safety Education.......................28 Older Adult Programs..........................29-30 Parent Education..................................31-32 Adult School Locations ............................33 District Map ................................................34 Mail-In Registration Form..........................35 CALENDAR 2 February 4, 2008...........................................Adult and Vocational Classes Begin February 11, 2008.......................................................................... Lincoln’s Birthday February 18, 2008..............................................................................President’s Day March 24 - 29, 2008.............................................................................. Spring Break May 23, 24 & 26, 2008.........................................................................Memorial Day June 14, 2008................................................................................... End of Semester June 17, 2008........................................................................................... Graduation Minimum Days: No classes after 6:00 pm May 22, 2008 Bellflower Unified School District BOARD OF EDUCATION Paul Helzer, D.C., Ph.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Laura Sanchez-Ramirez .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President Rich Buonocore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk Jerry Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Bill Ste. Marie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Rick Kemppainen, Superintendent ADULT SC OOL ADMINISTRATION & STAFF Katie Gilpatrick, Main Office Clerk Ruben Presiado Assistant Principal, Educational Options Rachel Valverde, Main Office Clerk Pam McMackin Program Administrator, Educational Options Betty Wilke Program Administrator, Educational Options Linda Fitch Administrative Secretary Nellie Avila Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) Data Clerk Aileen Tolentino Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) Data Clerk Belinda Davila Guidance Technician Arlene Bumgarner, RN Nursing Program DSD Bridget Reyes Guidance Technician Victoria Martinez Department Chairperson, Cosmetology PROGRAM INFORMATION ACAD M C COMPUTER AND VOCAT ONAL PROGRAMS Guidance Center Bellflower Adult School, 9242 East Laurel Street, Bellflower, CA 90706 (562) 461-2218 - Facsimile: (562) 461-2221 Email: Main Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 7:30 am to 9:00 pm Closed 6:30 to 7:30 pm Friday, 7:30 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 to 4:00 pm Schedule February 5, 2008 to June 12, 2008 ENG ISH AS A SECON ANGUAGE P OG AM Bellflower Adult School ESL Annex 9301 East Flower Street, Bellflower, CA 90706 (562) 461-2218 Schedule February 5, 2008 to June 12, 2008 GENERAL INFORMATION Patrick Dixon Principal, Educational Options COSME OLOGY PROGRAM Bellflower Adult School of Cosmetology 6024 N. Clark Avenue, Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 804-6506 Office Hours: Tuesday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday, Friday & Saturday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Schedule February 4, 2008 to June 14, 2008 3 REGISTRATION DRESS CODE GENERAL INFORMATION The Board of Education adopted a dress code policy that applies to any person attending classes within the Bellflower Unified School District. The complete policy is available at the Bellflower Adult School and District Offices. Non-discrimination: The Bellflower Unified School District does not discriminate in matters of employment or admission to educational programs and activities on the basis of ethnic group identification, religion, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, gender, race, ancestry, national origin, or mental or physical disability. Uniform Complaint Procedure: It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to provide procedures and regulations by which individuals may resolve complaints or charges arising out of actions or omissions of an identifiable district employee. A copy of the uniform complaint policy and procedures is available at the adult school office, district office, and every school in the district. Release of Liability & Indemnification: Persons park on campus at their own risk. The Bellflower Adult School and the Bellflower Unified School District assume no liability for damages to persons or property by reason of class attendance and/or parking privileges. Each person shall protect and hold harmless the Bellflower Adult School and the Bellflower Unified School District, or its employees, from all claims for injuries to persons or damage to property by reason of class attendance and/or parking privileges on the grounds of the Bellflower Unified School District or its satellite campuses. Admissions: Classes are open to all adults. High school students in Bellflower Unified School District schools, 16 years or older, may enroll in approved classes after obtaining a concurrent enrollment form from their high school counselor. Priorities: Enrollment will be on a “first come, first served” basis utilizing the following priorities: 1. Adults residing in the district. 2. Adults residing in other districts. 3. Secondary students from the Bellflower District. Waiting Lists: A waiting list will be established to notify potential students of additional class offerings. Residency Requirement: Adult school diploma-track students must earn at least 10 credits in a regular academic class at the Bellflower Adult School. Veterans: Diploma-track veterans with active duty after 1/31/55 are eligible for benefits if satisfactory progress and attendance is maintained, as required by the Veterans Administration. Concurrent High School Students: High school students attending fulltime classes at their home high school within the Bellflower Unified School District are allowed to take adult classes under these conditions: A face-to-face meeting with the high school counselor, student, and the parent/legal guardian must take place to agree that enrollment in the adult school class is for sound educational purposes and that enrollment in the adult school is voluntary. Interested students must have a concurrent enrollment form with the signatures of the high school counselor and the parent. These forms are available at the high schools in the Bellflower Unified School District or the adult school main office. Credit: All academic courses listed will earn 5 diploma credits unless otherwise stated in the course description. Adult diploma-track students may also receive credit for work experience, military service, and previous schooling, including credits earned at recognized correspondence schools. 4 EX ANA ON OF FEES No checks accepted. Cash, Postal money order, VISA & MasterCard only. STUDENT ID CARDS Student identification cards are available to students who are enrolled in the Bellflower Adult School and who have attended at least 75 hours. Cards cost $5 each and are valid for the semester in which they are issued. Advantages of a student ID include: • Student discounts at bookstores and other retail outlets • Reduced student fee for public transportation and • May be used when a picture identification is necessary. Ask how to obtain one when you register for classes. ID picture dates for Spring 2008: W February 20, 2008 - 7:30 pm M February 25, 2008 - 10:30 am W March 19, 2008 - 7:30 pm M March 31, 2008 - 10:30 am W April 23, 2008 - 7:30 pm M April 28, 2008 - 10:30 am GUIDANC S RVICES General Guidance Services: Guidance services are available to all students seeking information concerning courses offered, diploma requirements, and veterans’ benefits. Students working toward a high school diploma are required to meet with a guidance technician before enrolling. Diploma Candidates/Concurrent Students: Diploma-track and concurrent high school students must meet with the guidance technician at the beginning of each semester to evaluate progress and ensure proper class placement. Attendance: All students are expected to attend classes regularly, promptly, and remain for the entire session. Failure to do so will negatively affect the 80% minimum attendance requirement. Any student who has more than three consecutive absences will be dropped. High school students must also attend full-time classes at their home high school. All students are required to print their names and sign the attendance sheet when arriving and leaving each class meeting. Guidance and Assessment Center: The Assessment Center is located at the Bellflower Adult School and provides an academic assessment. The Assessment Center assesses skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. It is designed to individually assist each student in setting, monitoring, and achieving academic goals that are compatible with the individual’s interests, abilities, skills, and talents. Students who need assistance developing an academic plan should contact the guidance technicians for an appointment. GENERAL INFORMATION State Funded Classes: All students shall pay a class fee of $10. Some classes may require additional fees for supplies, use of equipment, or excess cost of instruction. The material fees are the responsibility of all students. Exempt from Class Fees are: A.Adults enrolled for an Adult School Diploma. B. Adults enrolled in literacy classes. C.Adults enrolled in U.S. Citizenship or English as a Second Language classes. D.Students over 55 years of age or enrolled in classes held in residential facilities. E.Concurrent high school students referred by a counselor. F.Students enrolled in residential care or community facilities. Class Cancellations: Any class in which student attendance falls below 14 students in attendance may be discontinued. Students from the cancelled classes will be offered enrollment in comparable classes. Refunds: Bellflower Adult School will refund all fees if the class is cancelled prior to the second class meeting. Refunds are not given for Cosmetology lab and student fees, kits or books, or client services performed by students. Children are not allowed to attend classes with the exception of some parenting classes, with teacher permission. Bellflower Adult School GUIDANCE CENTER HOURS: February 4 to June 13, 2008 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Thursday 1:30 to 8:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Bellflower Adult School is a Non Smoking Campus. 5 ENGLISH-AS -A-SECOND LANGUAGE Spring SEMESTER ESL CLASSES REGISTRATION, TESTING, and PLACEMENT February 5 & 6, 2008 8:00 - 11:00 am & 6:00 - 7:00 pm at the ESL-ANNEX WEEKLY REGISTRATION IN the Guidance Center Every Monday through Friday 8:00 - 10:00 am Tuesday & Thursday 5:30 - 7:30 pm Free Classes! Classes: February 5 to June 12, 2008 E S L-AN N E X 9301 Flower Street Bellflower, CA 90706 (562) 461-2218 All ESL classes will focus on learning the English language skills of pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar. Placement in specific classes will be based on results of the CASAS tests, taken at the time of enrollment. Classes Offered: Beginning M & W M - Th 10:45 am - 1:15 pm 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm CDO 2 SHS 8 Geiger Knapp/Chandler Intermediate T & Th M - W 8:00 am - 10:30 am 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm CDO 2 SHS 12 Droessler Staff Advanced M & W M - T 8:00 am - 10:30 am 6:00 am - 9:00 pm CDO 2 CDO2 Droessler Geiger Writing Skills T & Th 10:45 am - 12:45 pm CDO 2 Geiger ESL Reading F 8:00 am - 10:30 am CDO 2 Droessler CDO 2 CDO 2 Tully Geiger All Levels (Computer Assisted) T & Th 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Th 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm 6 Learn English! FUTURES IN ENGLISH Learn English at home through the use of videotapes, DVD’s and worksheets. Students meet with a teacher on an individual basis to ensure progress in listening, speaking, reading, and writing English. If you have difficulties with childcare, transportation, or work schedules, then this program is for you! NO CLASS FEE. A refundable deposit of $10 for the loan of tapes is required. FUTURES IN ENGLISH Hours and Locations: ¡APRENDA INGLÉS EN CASA CON VIDÉOS o vidéos digitales! FUTUROS EN INGLÉS - Permite que los estudiantes aprendan inglés en el hogar por medio de vidéos y lecciónes. Los estudiantes podrán reunirse con el maestro individualmente para asegurar que progresan en el escuchar, hablar, leer, y escribir inglés. Si usted tiene dificultades con el cuidado de sus niños, con el transporte, o su horario de trabajo, éste programa es para usted. l se es g t s Se require $10 depósito por los vidéos prestados. ENGLISH-AS -A-SECOND LANGUAGE LEARN ENGLISH AT HOME WITH VIDEOS and DVD’s! Morning Classes M - F 8:00 am - 12:00 pm CDO 3 Chandler Evening Classes W 6:00 - 7:30 pm CDO 3 Berger 7 Bellflower Adult School ADULT DIPLOMA CENTER The Diploma Center includes a variety of programs and services to help students meet their personal goals. Students who want to work toward their high school diplomas must complete these steps prior to class attendance: 8 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS High School Diploma 2007 - 2008 English. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Mathematics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Algebra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 zz Meet with a Guidance Technician any time during office hours to review programs and any credits earned at previous schools. Please bring transcripts, if available. Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 World History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 U.S. History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Government/Political Systems . . . . 10 Economics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 zz Complete assessment test- ing to find the appropriate class level to successfully meet goals. Students who test below the high school level in reading, writing, or math will be enrolled in Adult Basic Education classes until skills reach the appropriate levels. Assessments are scheduled by the Guidance Technicians. zz Concurrently enrolled high Geography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fine Arts/Foreign Language. . . . . . 10 Additional Math/Science. . . . . . . 10 Electives (Exclusive of PE) . . . . . . . 50 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 zz The Dress Code adopted by the Board of Education applies to any person attending classes within the Bellflower Unified School District and must be followed. The complete policy is available at the Bellflower Adult School and Bellflower Unified School District offices. school students are bound by the same rules and regulations as at their home high schools, as well as the rules and regulations of the Bellflower Adult School. zz High school students at- tending full-time classes at their home schools are allowed to take adult classes under these conditions; interested high school students must have a concurrent enrollment form for the current semester with the signature of the high school counselor and the parent/ legal guardian. The forms are available at the high schools in the Bellflower Unified School District. Get A Diploma ! G D Preparation Open Entry - Contact the Guidance Center for Information (562) 461-2218 Prepare for GED tests through teacherassisted classes, using a variety of materials and media, including direct teaching and computer instruction. Students may enroll in as many classes each week as necessary. One fee is charged, regardless of the classes taken. See the Guidance Technician for information. Cost: $25 - one time charge with continuous attendance. This fee is applied to the cost of the GED test if taken at Bellflower Adult School. Textbook purchase suggested. $25. Work independently, with teacher direction and computerized instruction while studying subjects commonly taught in grades 1-8, including reading, grammar, spelling and math. Students may enroll for individual review and improvement or as the first step toward earning their high school diplomas. These courses do not count toward academic credit requirements for the high school diploma, but prepare students for those classes. T, Th & F 8:00 - 11:30 am Brakband BAS 2 Adult Reading L iteracy Open Entry - Contact the Guidance Center for Information (562) 461-2218 Designed to help below average readers improve their skills in a supportive atmosphere through teacher-directed lessons and individualized computer instruction. T, Th & F 8:00 - 11:30 am Brakband BAS 2 Adult Independent Study (AIS) Independent study allows adult students to study and do course work at the student’s convenience and own pace. Course work is provided and monitored by the instructor through weekly meetings. Students must earn the last ten credits for a diploma in an academic class. Students must register through the Guidance Center. Reading Assessment is required prior to placement. $40 refundable textbook deposit required. W 2:00 - 6:00 pm CDO 3 Brakband GED® is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education and may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the American Council on Education. T, Th, F (All Tests) BAS 2 8:00 - 11:30 am Brakband T, Th (Mathematics) SHS 11 6:00 - 9:00 pm Tully M (All Tests) SHS 11 6:00 - 9:00 pm Williams W (Writing) SHS 11 6:00 - 9:00 pm Tully GED Online Preparation Class Hybrid Course: Class and Online Instruction. This class is specifically designed for students who find it difficult to attend General Education Developmental (GED) classes more than one day a week. It combines a weekly teacher-directed class to provide personal instruction with a series of online activities designed to prepare students for the GED Exam. Students can work at their own pace and complete assignments during the hours which best suit their schedule; all under the guidance and assistance of a teacher. Successful participating online learners need to have access to the Internet and a minimum of ten hours per week to devote to online class work. You also need to be self-motivated, comfortable working independently and have good time management skills. The weekly teacher-directed class is conducted in a computer equipped classroom and will also utilize video instruction. Based on individual learning goals, students will choose from several different online projects. Students will communicate with the instructor via e-mail regarding their online projects. T 5:30 - 8:30 pm SHS 4 Valent ADULT ACADEMIC CLASSES Adult Basic Education 9 GED - General Educational Development GED® Test 10 The General Educational Development (GED) Test is another way to complete your high school education. Eligibility requirements to take the GED Test are: zz You must be a California resident. zz You must be 18 years of age or older or within 60 days of your 18th birthday. zz You must present current valid government-issued picture identification at the time of the test. Scores from the current test CANNOT be combined with scores from any test taken prior to January 1, 2002. The five subject areas tested are English, reading, science, social studies, and mathematics. The mathematics test includes some algebra, geometry, data analysis, statistics, and probability. The use of a scientific calculator is allowed. The content of these tests reflects the knowledge and skills that graduating high school seniors demonstrate. Students who pass this test receive a certificate of completion indicating that they have demonstrated knowledge equivalent to that of a high school graduate. They are invited to participate in graduation ceremonies in the spring. GED TESTING SCHEDULE SESSION February March April May June Mandatory Orientation No Test Thursday 3/6/2008 5 - 6 pm Tuesday 4/8/2008 5 - 6 pm Tuesday 5/6/2008 5 - 6 pm No Test Session I English & Reading No Test Tuesday 3/11/2008 5 - 8 pm Tuesday 4/15/2008 5 - 8 pm Tuesday 5/13/2008 5 - 8 pm Re-test only as needed Session II Math No Test Wednesday 3/12/2008 5 - 8 pm Wednesday 4/16/2008 5 - 8 pm Wednesday 5/14/2008 5 - 8 pm Re-test only as needed Session III Science & Social Studies No Test Thursday 3/13/2008 5 - 8 pm Thursday 4/17/2008 5 - 8 pm Thursday 5/15/2008 5 - 8 pm Re-test only as needed zz All candidates must pre-register in the Guidance Center and attend the Orientation session prior to the first test. zz All test sessions begin at 5:00 pm to complete mandatory paperwork. zz Testing begins at 5:00 pm. Plan to be in attendance until approximately 8:00 pm each night. zz If you need to take the entire test battery, please sign up for sessions I, II and III during the same month. zz If you need to re-test for a specific test, you may pre-register for any of the nights on which that particular test is given. There is no walk-in registration. zz On each test night, you MUST bring a current government-issued picture ID (driver’s license, military ID, etc.) that shows that you meet the 18-year-old age requirement and that you are a California resident. zz Costs are as follows: $95 - Entire test battery if you are NOT enrolled as a Bellflower Adult School student. $75 - Entire test battery if you are enrolled as a Bellflower Adult School student. $15 - Cost for EACH test being re-taken. zz Cash or credit cards only; no personal checks accepted. COSTS ARE NOT REFUNDABLE BUT MAY BE APPLIED TO FUTURE TESTS AT THIS SITE zz Priority registration for Adult Diploma students: January 22 - February 8, 2008 zz Spring Registration, including concurrent high school students: February 4 to 15, 2008 zz All classes begin February 5, 2008, except as noted (*) below. * These classes begin the week of February 19, 2008. This is primarily a competency-based, individualized, self-paced study center in which adult students can complete courses required for graduation. Select courses of interest in a variety of academic areas. Individual units allow each student to complete each course at his/her own pace. Computer-assisted instructional units are used in some subject areas. Instructors are always available to answer questions and to assist students, when necessary. These classes are open to diploma students whose assessment scores are at the high school level. There is open enrollment throughout the semester with variable credit. High School Subjects Forum - Possible Courses Offered • English • Earth Science • Government • U.S. History • Health • Biology • Geography • Environmental Science • Economics • World History • Electives M - Th M - Th* M - F M & W M & W T - W T, Th & F W BAS 2 SHS 11 BHS/MHS BAS 2 BAS 2 MHS BAS 2 SHS 1 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm 3:45 pm - 5:45 pm 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm 8:00 am - 11:00 am 11:30 am - 2:30 pm 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 8:00 am - 11:30 am 3:45 pm - 8:00 pm Droessler Droessler Bradley/Gomez Tully Tully La Grass Brakband Manriquez * Beginning February 19, 2008 HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS FORUM HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS TEACHER DIRECTED INSTRUCTION ENGLISH - Develop reading and critical thinking skills through the examination of district required core literature. Emphasis will be placed on the development of theme, plot, style, characterization, and tone. The class will operate on a contract system, which will allow for any grade level to be addressed. M & W* 3:45 - 5:45 pm SHS 14 Koehler M & W* 6:00 - 8:00 pm SHS 14 Koehler T & Th* 3:45 - 5:45 pm SHS 14 Koehler Beginning February 19, 2008 11 MATH REV EW HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS GENERAL MATH REVIEW/CAHSEE Math Preparation - A review of basic math concepts up to beginning algebra. Students will prepare for the math section of the CAHSEE and the Algebra I readiness requirement. M - Th* 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm SHS 13 Staff T & F 11:30 am - 2:30 pm BAS 2 Tully Sat.* 8:30 am - 12:30 pm TBA Staff ALGEBRA I Basic algebra concepts are taught through computer assisted instruction with teacher assistance. Students can earn up to 10 credits to meet the Algebra I graduation requirement. $15 materials fee required. M - Th* 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm SHS 13 Sat.* 8:30 am - 12:30 pm TBA Staff T & F 11:30 am - 2:30 pm BAS 2 Staff Tully TEACH R-DIRECTED INSTRUCTION U.S. HISTORY - The political, social, and economic history of the United States will be covered. This course meets the high school graduation requirement for one semester of U.S. History. Textbook purchase required. ($15) Class begins the week of February 19, 2008. T & Th* 6:00 - 8:00 pm SHS 3 Russell CAHSEE PREPARATION (HIG SC OOL Mathematics EXI EXAM) Direct teacher help and computer assisted instruction will be used to prepare the adult learner for the California High School Exit Exam. Students will work on the sections of the test in which they need the most help. There is no cost for this class. M 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm TBA Staff Modern World History This class meets the high school graduation requirement for one semester of World History. Teacher directed group instruction is combined with individual student contracts. M* 6:00 - 9:00 pm BAE Turien *Beginning February 19, 2008 GRADUATION INFORMATION California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) zz Beginning with the graduation class of 2006, all students in California public schools are required to pass the CAHSEE. This includes Bellflower Adult School students. zz The test is based on the California Content Standards for reading, grammar, essay writing, and mathematics. Math standards include some first-year algebra, statistics, data analysis and probability, number sense, measurement, and geometry. zz Test dates are March 11 & 12, 2008 for adult school students. The tests are given from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. There are no exceptions for these dates and times. zz Assistance in preparing for this test is available for adult diploma students. There is no charge to take the test or the preparation class. ALGEBRA I zz Algebra I - Any student who graduates from high school must pass a 12 year of Algebra I. A higher level of algebra may also qualify. Guidance Technicians will help you select a math class that meets your graduation needs during the enrollment process. Bellflower Unified School District Bellflower Adult School’s Instructor-Facilitated Online Learning 8. Call for information to submit fees, (562) 461-2218. Our instructor-facilitated online courses are informative, fun, convenient, and highly interactive. Our instructors are famous for their ability to create warm and supportive communities of learners. It’s no wonder that many long-lasting friendships have formed in our lively and intelligent discussion areas. 9. When your course begins, return to the Online Instruction Center, and click on the “Classroom” link on the top of the page. Log in with the name and password you provided during orientation. All courses run for six weeks (with a two week grace period at the end). Courses are project-oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments, discussion areas, supplementary links, and more. You can complete any of these courses entirely from your home or office and at any time of the day or night. Online Registration Steps: 1. Visit our Online Instruction Center at: Don’t hesitate to call us for assistance at (562) 461-2218 More Than 200 Online Courses zz Speed Spanish zz Creating Web Pages zz Introduction to zz zz zz zz zz 2. Click on “Adult Education” 3. Click on “On-line Course Schedule” 4. Type in a keyword of a course in which you are interested, or click on “Courses” on the top of the page. By choosing the “Courses” option, you are given the opportunity to view every online course offered by simply clicking on the “All Courses (alphabetical listing)” selection. 5. Click on the title of the course you would like to take, then select the “Enroll Now” box. 6. Choose the month and date the class will begin by clicking the circle to the left of the date selected, then click on the “Continue” box. 7. Set up your User Name, Password, and any other enrollment information requested, then click on the “Continue” box. zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz Course at $7 s Start 9 Microsoft Excel Accounting Fundamentals Grant Writing A to Z Grammar Refresher Introduction to QuickBooks Medical Terminology: A Word Association Approach Introduction to Microsoft Access Solving Classroom Discipline Problems Introduction to Microsoft Word Computer Skills for the Workplace Intermediate Microsoft Excel Real Estate Investing Introduction to Dreamweaver MX Creating Web Pages II Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay Project Management Fundamentals Introduction to PC - Troubleshooting Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint Introduction to SQL Speed Spanish II Effective Business Writing Beginning Writer’s Workshop and many more... ONLINE COURSES Experience the Convenience of Online Learning Requirements All courses require Internet access, e-mail, the Netscape Navigator, or the Microsoft Internet Explorer. Some courses may have additional requirements. Please visit our Online Instruction Center for access to complete course descriptions, student evaluations, instructor biographies, requirements, and other info. 13 Classes are open to all adults. Computer classes are especially appropriate for senior citizens. No class fee for students 55 and older. CLASSES FOR ACTIVE ADULTS IN RODUCTION TO THE INTERNET 14 Have you wanted to learn more about the Internet, but didn’t know where to get help? This course will introduce receiving and sending e-mails, using attachments, conducting searches, using anti-virus software, accessing on-line services, and many applications and web sites. Each lesson will be presented in an entertaining, easy to follow, step-by-step manner. This is perfect for Senior Citizens and anyone else interested in learning more about the Internet. Class fee $10, materials fee $15. Th 11:45 am - 1:45 pm BAS 2 Hernandez COMPUTER REPAIR & TROUBLE SHOOTING Learn to repair, upgrade and build personal computers. Through lecture and hands-on exercises, we explain how to keep your computer hardware, operating systems and utilities healthy. Your computer problems can be solved with this class. Class fee $10, materials fee $15. M & W 6:00 - 9:00 pm N ew ! BAE Center Jensen Beginning Microsoft Word for Seniors Microsoft Word is the most widely used word-processing software. Learning this program will help you with every day tasks. With the skills you will gain from this class you will learn to create an array of documents including basic letters, flyers, labels for envelopes, calendars, letterheads, agendas, and much more! This class is appropriate for both the home and office computer user who wants to progress in their learning of computer programs. Everyone will receive stepby-step instructor assistance. Class fee $10, materials fee $15. T 3:15 - 5:45 pm BAS 2 Hernandez COM UTERS FOR SENIORS Do you want to learn the basic functions of the personal computer or to improve your existing skills? Are you looking for a patient, supportive teacher and a welcoming environment? This is the class for you! You will learn basic computer terminology, computer hardware and software, basic Windows tasks and functions, and learn to use the computer program, Microsoft Works 7.0. This course is instructor-led and provides step-bystep instruction for the beginning student. Class fee $10, materials fee $15. M & W 3:15 - 5:15 pm BAS 2 Tully W indows Basics for Seniors MS Windows is the most widely used operating system there is. If you are new to computers and you don’t know exactly where to start, this is the class for you. Learning to use Windows will give the new computer learner confidence and lay the foundation for learning almost any other computer application. This class will be taught in a simple and easy to understand format that will make learning enjoyable. Class fee $10, materials fee $15. Th 1:45 - 3:15 pm BAS 2 Hernandez Creative Photo Projects in Microsoft Word This class was designed for the student who wants to be creative with their photos. Using the capabilities of Microsoft Word, students will create projects that will not only be fun and easy to do, but will look professional. Personalized calendars, stationary, flyers, brochures, along with scrapbook pages, will be among the projects created in this class. Class fee $10, materials fee $15. Th 3:15 - 5:45 pm BAS 2 Hernandez Classes are open to all adults. Computer classes are especially appropriate for senior citizens. No class fee for students 55 and older. FINE & APPLIED ARTS HOME DECORATIVE ARTS HOME DECORATIVE ARTS Learn brush techniques, use of color, depth perception, and all the necessary elements and fundamentals of art. A demonstration will be presented daily and will include ALL SUBJECTS. Watercolor and acrylic painters are also welcome and can expect teacher assistance. Class fee $10. Material fee $15. W 8:00 am - 12:00 pm TP Armiento T 9:00 am - 1:00 pm SP Armiento This course provides the fundamentals and basic techniques in creating gifts, decorative and functional home artifacts, and beginning quilting. Hand arts will include decoupage, papiermache, clay maché, paper tole, batik, and decorations appropriate for holidays, birthdays, and festive occasions. Class fee $10. Material fee $15. Th 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm BFM Contreras M 9:00 am - 12:00 pm BTV Contreras Fine and Applied Arts OIL PAINTING - ACRYL CS WATERCO OR Experience the fun and excitement of painting with an enthusiastic teacher! Students are encouraged to bring their own photos or ideas to paint. Subject possibilities are endless! You will have teacher assistance in creating your own personal masterpieces as they unfold on your canvas. Class fee $10. Material fee $15. M 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm SP Room 6 Armiento Home Decorative Arts Antiques for F un and Profit Experience the fun of oil painting. A wide variety of subjects and painting techniques will be presented. A demonstration will be given each month. This class will also provide the opportunity for students to do original work with teacher supervision. Class fee $10. Material fee $15. W 9:00 am - 12:30 pm BFM Richards W 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm SP Richards Join author, antique collector, and appraiser Diana Sanders-Cinamon and turn your hobby into cash. Learn how to identify antique furniture, silver, and metals, Native American collectibles and Asian antiques, with a special section on retail marketing. Ms. Sanders-Cinamon has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Marketing and will share her knowledge of proven methods for retailing success. Due to demand, two sections are being offered. Class fee $10 Materials Fee $15. Th 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm BKH Cinamon Th 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm BKH Cinamon Fine and Applied Arts Home Decorative Arts Experience the fun and sense of accomplishment of learning the skills of stained glass. Students will learn the crafts of cutting glass, copper foiling, leading, and soldering while creating stained glass projects. The class is designed for beginners through advanced students and provides group and individualized instruction. Students are required to supply their own tools and materials. This course provides fundamentals and basic techniques in the age-old craft of quilting. Various stitching techniques and projects will be taught and suggested. This is just the class to create gifts and decorative or functional home artifacts. Be a part of an exciting class, and discover new friends and talents. Class fee $10. Material fee $15. T 10:00 am - 3:00 pm BFM Contreras Fine and Applied Arts BAS C TECHN QUES N OI PAINTING STA NED GLASS T & Th 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm SHS 6 Leaders CLASSES FOR ACTIVE ADULTS Fine and Applied Arts OI PAINTING AL LEVELS QUILTING 15 Classes are open to all adults. Computer classes are especially appropriate for senior citizens. No class fee for students 55 and older. CLASSES FOR ACTIVE ADULTS COMMUNITY RESOURCES ACC SS NG Local COMMUNITY RESOURCES Students will receive information and support in adjusting to the many transitions older adults face. Issues of special interest to the older adult, such as consumer skills and how to find and access cultural attractions and recreational offerings in the community will be provided. Costs vary for optional field trips. W 8:15 - 11:15 am FMBC Young F 9:00 am - 3:00 pm SP Young (1st & 3rd Friday of each month) Senior F ine Arts STUD O Awaken the artist within you! Explore an array of fine arts and crafts reflecting world cultures and seasonal and holiday crafts. Students will experiment with glass, wood, and clay projects to gain appreciation of their own talents and natural gifts, increase cognitive awareness, and improve fine motor skills. M 8:30 am - 12:00 pm TP Young Dancercise is a great class to enhance overall flexibility, build muscle, and increase circulation, energy and endurance. Simple dance steps will follow a 10-15 minute warm up period. The last 15 minutes will be floor work, so please bring an exercise mat or a large towel. M, T & Th 10:00 - 11:30 am BKH La Commare Country Western Line Dancing - Beginning No dance background or partner is needed for this class! Come and share in the popular and fun experience of country western line dancing. Learn the Slide, Tush Push, Ten Step, Watermelon Crawl, Black Velvet, Caribbean Cowboy, Power Jam, Cowboy Hustle, Copperhead, Boots Scootin’ Boogie and more! So bring a smile and enjoy the music and the exercise. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a friend! W 6:00 - 7:00 pm BKH La Commare Ballroom Dancing - Beginning PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR ACTIVE SENIORS This course is designed to improve mobility, strength, and muscle tone and includes no-impact, simple aerobics. 16 Dancercise with TLC Explore the exciting world of Ballroom Dance. Learn the basics of the Cha Cha, Merengue, Waltz, Swing, Fox Trot, Salsa and Tango. No prior dance background needed, and no partner is required. Wear comfortable shoes, and be prepared to have fun. W 7:00 - 8:00 pm BKH La Commare Intermediate & Advanced Country and Ballroom Dancing T 9:30 - 10:30 am BFM Nelson T 10:40 -11:40 am WCC Nelson Students are exposed to the various advanced dance techniques that will impress everyone on the dance floor. Th 9:30 - 10:30 am BFM Nelson W 8:00 - 9:00 pm BKH La Commare Classes are open to all adults. No class fee for students 55 and older. Chinese for Beginning and Intermediate Speakers ADULTS with Disabilities L ife Skill and Functional Academics Classes offered promoting self-reliance for adults overcoming drug and alcohol addiction and mental illness. Topics covered include: self-care, life-coping skills, relationship skills and workplace and community access skills. Education on physical and emotional health and well-being will be emphasized as well. This program is designed to assist participants to become more independent and have an improved quality of living. This class is an on-going continuous class. No fee. M & W 9:00 am - 12:00 pm RC Burke ! w e N Classes This Spring! ADMINISTRA IVE MED CAL ASSIST NG Hybrid Course: Study at home & Saturdays. Class starts: February 9, 2008. The Administrative Medical Assistant class is a comprehensive administrative clerical program which prepares students in learning all the facets and skills of Medical Assisting. This course prepares students with online work at home on teacher directed assignments, and meets weekly with the teacher to provide personal instruction and assessment of learning goals. This is a step-by-step, competency based approach that covers virtually all the facets of the administrative front office medical assisting profession. Students will also learn how to work with patients in an efficient, effective manner dealing with scheduling, records management, and communications. Textbook purchase required. No class fees for Spring 2008. Sat. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm COS 4 CLASSES FOR ACTIVE ADULTS Hybrid Course-Class and Online Instruction Have you thought about doing business with China? Would you like to order your restaurant combo plate in Chinese? In this Mandarin-Chinese class you will learn conversational and writing skills needed for daily situations, employment, travel, business, and education. You will also learn about the history and culture of China through documentary films and monthly field trips. Beginning through intermediate levels are accommodated in one course. Online instruction requires a computer and Internet connectivity. Students may join this class throughout the semester. Class fee $10 Material fee $15. T & Th 5:00 - 9:00 pm SHS 15 Chai Augustine Conversational Spanish This class is intended as an overview of the Spanish language. Learn basic communication skills through games, pair work, simulations and fun activities, whether you want to travel, talk to friends or use Spanish at work. Structures will be developed to meet the special needs of the class. No class fees for Spring 2008. M & W 6:00 - 9:00 pm SHS 5 Chavez 17 No Class or Materials Fees for These Classes For Spring 2008 Semester. In response to community requests, we are pleased to offer the following classes. For more information, call the adult school at (562) 461-2218. New Classes This Spring! Introduction to Global Logistics Nerw ! uctor Inst Hybrid Course: Class and Online Instruction. Global Logistics, the distribution of goods and commodities throughout the world, has been identified by California’s Employment Development Department as one of the fastest growing occupations in Southern California. Learn the basics of importing and exporting through class projects that perform mock shipments between countries using industry-based software. Students also complete assignments online at home at their convenience, with internet-based assignment. Graduates of this class have skills needed to start their own businesses or to explore a career working for freight forwarders, export management companies, or third party logistics providers. Course content includes how to research buyers, sellers, and suppliers, and to understand trade relations and agreements. If you’re looking for a new career direction, you’ll learn everything you need to know in this exciting course. M & W 6:00 - 9:00 pm SHS 15 Tober Introduction to For ensic Science Are you intrigued by the science involved in solving crimes? By studying the history of forensic science, the discovery of DNA, crime scene diagramming, scientific process, evidence collection procedures, and much more, you will begin to understand the wondrous world of forensic science. This course can articulate with continuing education courses at the community college or Regional Occupational Program (ROP) and become the initial step in a career path in forensic science. No class fees for Spring 2008. T & Th T & Th 3:30 - 5:30 pm 6:00 - 9:00 pm SHS 5 SHS 5 Armenta Armenta Upholstery Do you have an heirloom or a fine piece of upholstered furniture that is in need of a new look? Upholstery is fun and easy and requires a minimum of tools, many of which are common tools used around the house. With a patient and knowledgeable instructor, you will soon be designing and creating a whole new look for your home furnishings. Students provide their own materials. No class fees for Spring 2008. M 5:00 - 9:00 pm SHS 6 Ward Organize Your Digital hotos Using Picasa If you’re having trouble finding, organizing, and changing digital images on your computer, you haven’t discovered a simple and FREE program named PICASA2. You will learn how to catalog and organize images on your computer, remove red eyes from photographs, create images from existing pictures and much more. After you learn how to store, edit and organize your photos with Picasa, learn to design personalized photo projects such as greeting cards, brochures and calendars with MicroSoft’s Publisher. Best of all, the program is offered FREE to students. No class fees for Spring 2008. 18 Th 6:00 - 9:00 pm SHS 4 Barron No Class or Materials Fees for These Classes For Spring 2008 Semester. In response to community requests, we are pleased to offer the following classes. For more information, call the adult school at (562) 461-2218. ntroduction to Flight and Ground School Careers T & Th 6:00 - 9:00 pm SHS 9 McClaren Basic Woodworking and Cabinet Construction Do you have a woodworking project you would like to complete? Bring your own project plan or ideas about the skill you would like to learn. Furnish your own materials then use the high school woodshop’s hand and power tools to complete your project. Work independently with the instructor offering expert advice and assistance. Instructor approval is recommended before materials are purchased. Enroll early as class size is limited. W 3:30 - 9:00 pm SHS 6 Klatte Accessing Community Resources Learning about a destination before you visit it makes any trip more pleasurable and exciting. Students will study various points of interest such as local museums and attractions, national parks, and even other states. Students will then travel together to visit them. Share your travel photos and memories with classmates as you plan your next trip. For a schedule of currently planned trips, call (562) 461-2218. The cost of each trip varies and is the responsibility of each student. M 9:00 am – 12:00 pm BFM Bilby Yoga Basics/ ntroduction to Yoga This series is a valuable introduction and useful way to begin the study of yoga. It will also enhance one’s foundation for those already familiar with yoga. The focus of the class is on breathing and alignment to quiet the mind and cleanse the body. We will explore the philosophy of yoga and learn basic poses and meditations to find stillness, build strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. This practice will imprint itself naturally and gradually into one’s awareness and posture. Come with an empty stomach, wear comfortable clothes, bare feet and bring a yoga mat. No class fees for Spring 2008. M & W 8:00 - 10:00 am Kiwanis Hall New Classes This Spring! Have you ever wondered what is required to become a pilot? This introductory course, taught by an instructor with decades of flying and teaching experience, will introduce students to the requirements and training needed to become a pilot. Students will receive instruction in developing a plan to earn a pilot’s license. Textbook purchase may be required. No class fees for Spring 2008. Staff Wellness, F itness & Health Your Own Personal Trainer Hybrid Course: Study at home & Tuesdays. Class starts: February 5, 2008. No matter what shape you are in now, this class will help improve your health through fitness, exercise and nutrition. This class provides in-class exercise combined with online assignments and exercise routines specific to the stamina and strength of each student. Online instruction requires a computer and Internet connectivity. Textbook purchase may be required. No class fees for Spring 2008. T 5:00 - 8:00 pm BKH Staff 19 Business -Technical Training Center 20 Certificate of Mastery Programs Other Applications Microsoft Training Workshops Y NG CERTIFICAT S Typing tests will be given: M-Th 3:00-7:00 pm. The cost is $20 and may be applied toward enrollment in the Business Technical Training Center. LOCKSMITH Locksmith Locksmith This course is designed to provide entrylevel employment skills to become a locksmith. Learn laws relating to locksmithing, key identification, lock construction, re-keying, and installation for residential, commercial and automotive applications. Class fee: $10. Materials fee: $15. Additional materials, equipment and registration with the Bureau of Consumer Affairs are required. This course provides students with more advanced locksmithing skills. Class fee: $10. Materials fee: $15. Additional materials, equipment and registration with the Bureau of Consumer Affairs are required. INTROD CTION O LOCKSM TH M&W 6:00 - 9:15 pm MHS 503 Edoff 6:00 - 9:15 pm Ross Locksmith ADVANCED LOCKSM TH Students participating in this course will receive training and knowledge advancing their previous skills and become aware of technological locking devices. Upon completion of the course, students will qualify for certification. Class fee $10. Materials fee $15. T&W Join Now! 6:00 - 9:15 pm MHS 520 Garcia ! graduate in June 2008 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION M & W MHS 501 NTE MED A E LOCKSMITH 21 2007 - 2008 NURSING Assistant Three, 14-week class terms Term III April 21 – July 24, 2008 Students successfully completing this course qualify to take the state examination for Nurse Assistant certification. After passing this examination, students are prepared for immediate employment in a long-term care or skilled nursing facility. This state-approved course combines classroom and hospital training under the supervision of a licensed nurse. Admission requirements include: ability to push, pull, and stand, and lift a minimum of 50 pounds; physical and tuberculosis clearance; mandatory criminal screening and fingerprinting during the first two weeks of class; possession of a picture ID and an original Social Security Card. A competency exam is required to demonstrate reading, writing, and understanding English at the 10 th grade level or above. Students who do not meet this standard must enroll in a reading improvement course. Enrollment fee: $70, with additional fees for textbooks, a physical exam, etc. Total cost is approximately $200. Nurses’ Job Fair & Pinning Ceremonies: April 19 & July 24, 2008 Days: M, T, W & Th 8:45 am - 1:00 pm EP 48 Bumgarner Nights: M, T, W & Th 5:00 pm - 9:15 pm EP 48 Horrington NURSING Please Note: Schedule includes 5 Saturdays Saturday day hours: 6:45 am - 12:30 pm Saturday evening hours: 3:45 - 8:00 pm. Test Preparation for Nurses Hybrid Course – Study at home, Online & Attend Class Are you ready for the next step in your nursing career? This course is for current Nursing Assistant students who wish to prepare for the Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) entrance exam, a basic reading and mathematics test which is one of the admission requirements for a local Regional Occupation Program (ROP) LVN program. Students participating in this program will experience a comfortable and relaxed environment in which to refresh their basic math and reading skills. Class begins February 8, 2008. Days: Friday 9:00 am - 11:00 am EP 49 Burke N RSE ASSISTANT REGISTRA ON Orientation for Term III: March 31, April 7 & April 14, 2008 Class begins April 21, 2008 Students interested in our Nurse Assistant Program must attend one of our orientation and assessment dates: Monday, March 31, April 7 & April 14, 2008; 10:00 am to 12:00 pm for morning students and 5:00 to 7:00 pm for night students. Registration is held at the Bellflower Kiwanis Hall, 9302 East Laurel Street; Bellflower, California. (Adjacent to the Adult School) Certified Nu se Assistant (CNA) CONTINUING EDUCATION WORKSHOPS (Two convenient schedules: Monday evenings or selected Saturday) Certified Nurse Assistants are required to accumulate 48 in-service training/continuing education hours during each certification period. Each of these state approved (NAS #6628), four-hour workshops provides a working CNA with four continuing education units (CEU) as required by the Department of Health Services for renewal of your CNA Certification. CLASS SIZE IS LIMITED TO 40 STUDENTS! Registration begins one-half hour before class begins. Each class will begin promptly at the times noted below; late entries will not be admitted. Class fee: $12.50 per 4-hour workshop. 22 Saturday classes:Saturdays, February 23, March 8 & 15, April 12 & 26, May 10 & 31 and June 14, 2008 Time: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Instructor: Bumgarner Location: EP 48 Monday classes: Mondays, beginning February 4 through June 9, 2008 Time: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Instructor: Germain Location: SHS 3 Medical Records Clerk Pr inciples of Medical B illing This course uses the Medisoft Patient Accounting software program and prepares students by simulating a medical office environment. Students who successfully complete this course should, with minimal training, be able to use other available software. Textbook purchase required. Prerequisite: Basic Keyboarding/Computer Skills. Class fee: $10. Materials fee: $15. M 6:00 - 9:00 pm SHS 4 Westerdale MED CAL TERMINOLOGY This course teaches the basic design of medical terminology and how to remember the meanings of 350 Latin and Greek word elements. Students will learn to easily interpret and understand more than eleven thousand complex medical terms, giving them a powerful foundation for understanding the language of medicine. Textbook purchase required. Class fee: $10. Materials fee: $15. T 6:00 - 9:00 pm SHS 1 Burke Medical CD-9-CM & CPT Coding Hybrid Course: Study at home & Saturdays. Class starts: February 9, 2008. Students will study both online and attend class on Saturdays. Emphasis is placed on learning ICD-9-CM (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification) and Current Procedural Training (CPT) coding for insurance reimbursement and its principles. Students will understand and identify diagnoses involving the different body systems and their related surgical procedures utilizing Volumes I, II, and III of the ICD-9-CM Coding book. The course will include an introduction to, and basic use and structure of the CPT code book, accuracy checks and tips on speeding up the coding process. Textbook purchase required. Class fee: $10. Materials fee: $15. Sat. 9:00 - 11:00 am COS 4 Augustine Introduction to Medical Transcription Hybrid Course: Study at home & Saturdays. Class starts: February 9, 2008. Medical transcriptionists are medical language specialists who interpret and transcribe dictation by physicians and other health care professionals. The California Employment Development Department lists this as a high-growth industry, with increasing opportunities for jobs. Students will learn to utilize current medical technology to transcribe dictated information to document patient care and facilitate delivery of health care services. Students will also learn proper techniques of editing for grammar and clarity. Textbook required, approximate cost $85. Sat. 9:00 - 11:00 am COS 4 Augustine HOME HEALTH AIDE January 18 to February 29, 2008 & May 2 to June 21, 2008 Prerequisite: CNA, current CPR, health clearance (history and physical) including Rubella and Tuberculosis screening. Upon completion of your Nurse Assistant certification, enhance your employment potential and wages by completing the Home Health Aide training. Classroom and clinical experiences prepare students for the certification requirements set by the California State Department of Health Services. State approval # HHP571. Lab fee: $30. Class fee: $10. Orientation will be held January 18 & May 2, 2008 at 8:00 am, at Ernie Pyle Elementary, room 48. Friday & Saturday 7:00 am - 1:30 pm Class: January 18, 19, 26, February 1, 2, 9, 15, 16, 29, 2008 Class: May 2, 3, 9, 16, 17, June 7, 13, 20 & 21, 2008 EP 48 & Clinical Facility Bumgarner MEDICAL FRONT OFFICE & ALLIED HEALTH Medical Front Office Classes 23 Cosmetology & Esthetics COSMETOLOGY Join the exciting field of hair, skin, and nail care. This is a public school program so costs are much lower than in the private schools. All of our experienced instructors are fully licensed and credentialed. Small class sizes and personalized instruction help prepare students for a rewarding career in the beauty industry. Our high passing rate on State Board Examinations demonstrates the success of this well-respected program. Students must be at least 16 years of age with a 10 th grade education and attend orientation before enrolling. Students currently enrolled in high school must bring a Concurrent Enrollment Form from their high school counselor. Orientation and Enrollment Dates Cosmetology Esthetician January 22, 2008 January 8, 2008 February 5, 2008 March 10, 2008 March 4, 2008 May 5, 2008 June 30, 2008 April 8, 2008 May 6, 2008 June 3, 2008 6024 N. Clark Avenue, Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 804-6506 TUITION FREE CLASSES Books, Equipment, Student & Lab Fees Only WE ARE A “ DERMALOGICA” PARTNERSHIP SCHOOL Cosmetologist COS E O OGY - 1,600 Hours - This state-approved course prepares students for the State Board Examination by covering both the technical and practical aspects of the license. New techniques of hairdressing and styling are taught to ensure a successful career. Mandatory costs: student fee, $50; lab fee, $50; kit, $635; books, $176; one required uniform, $26. Total: $937. Day Classes: Night Class: M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm COS 1, 2, 3 & 4 M-Th 5:00 - 10:00 pm Sat. 8:00 am - 4:30 pm COS 1 & 2 COS 1, 2 & 3 Burris Instructors: Gonzalez, McFadden, Cousins, Mandella Cosmetologist ES ICIAN - 600 Hours - Train for an exciting career in skin-care. This includes plain, electrical and European facials, makeup application, cosmetic preparation, and hair removal. Mandatory costs: student fee, $50; lab fee, $50; kit, $580; books, $165; one required uniform, $45. Total: $890. Day Classes: Night Class: M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm COS 5 & 6 M-Th 6:00 - 10:00 pm COS 5 & 6 Instructors: Simon & Martinez Sat* 8:00 - 4:30 pm COS 5 & 6 *Required for night classes MAN CUR NG - 400 Hours - Prepare for an exiting career as a manicurist. Learn to do manicures, pedicures, all artificial nail applications, and nail art such a painting and airbrushing. Approximate costs: student fee, $50; lab fee, $50; kit, $400; books, $164; one required uniform, $26. Total: $690. Scheduled for Summer 2008. Please call for more information. Cosmetologist 24 COSMETOLOGY BRUSH UP COURSE - 550 Hours This course is for students needing to update skills to pass the State Board of Cosmetology exam. Equipment required. Student fee: $50 (waived for BAS graduates). Lab fee $50. Total cost $100. Times arranged. Bellflower Adult School of SERVICE SALON PRICES Senior Prices, 55+ Senior SHAMPOO & STYLE Prices (We use Wella hair care products) SHAMPOO & STYLE (Short) SHAMPOO & STYLE (Long) HAIRCUT & STYLE HAIRCUT ONLY NECK OR BANG TRIM PRESS & CURL (Long) PRESS & CURL (Short) SHAMPOO & PRESS ONLY (Short) SHAMPOO & PRESS ONLY (Long) 7.00 14.00 13.50 8.00 4.00 28.00 19.00 14.00 18.00 5.60 11.20 10.80 6.40 3.20 22.40 15.20 11.20 14.40 TINT TOUCH-UP (no more than one 1”)** Excess regrowth (over 1”)** TINT BACK TO NATURAL** Weaving with foil (short/one color)** EYELASH OR EYEBROW TINT 22.00 17.60 28.00 22.40 45.00 36.00 45.00 36.00 7.00 5.60 PERMANENT WAVE SPIRAL (or long hair) Extra Solution All Perms 50.00 40.00 10.00 N/A 30.00 24.00 MANICURING MANICURE (Plain) MANICURE (Oil) PEDICURE POLISH CHANGE ACRYLICS (Full Set) Each 5.00 7.00 10.00 2.50 15.00 2.50 4.00 5.60 8.00 2.00 12.00 2.00 ESTHETICIAN (We use only Dermalogica products) FACIAL (Plain) EUROPEAN FACIAL Age Smart Facial Chemical exfoliation treatment BACK FACIAL (Not Massage Therapy) ARCH (With Tweezers) WAX Per Facial Area EYELASH APPLICATION** MAKE-UP Daytime MAKE-UP Evening 15.00 12.00 25.00 20.00 35.00 28.00 36.00 N/A 25.00 20.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 4.80 11.00 8.80 8.50 6.80 12.00 9.60 FULL SERVICE SALON Open to the Public Shampoo & Style Hair Color Facials Manicures Pedicures NO REFUNDS for any service. ALL WORK is done BY STUDENTS. Please inform the instructor if not pleased with any service HOURS of SALON OPERATION Wednesdays & Thursdays: 10:30 am - 7:30 pm Fridays & Saturdays: 8:30 am - 2:30 pm (Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 pm) SENIOR Salon Prices COSMETOLOGY COLOR & TINT Cosmetology 20% Off All Services ** A PD (Pre-disposition) test must be done 24 hours before service. 25 REGIONAL OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM ROP SCHEDULE - Spring 2008 26 ROP CLASS DESCRIPTIONS - Spring 2008 REGIONAL OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM 27 HEALTH & SAFETY EDUCATION Classes held in the District Office Board Room ANYONE ARRIVING MORE THAN 10 Minutes LATE WILL NOT BE ADMITTED IN CLASS HEALTH & SAFETY EDUCATION Requirement of Red Cross: Must bring a CURRENT CPR/First Aid Book or be prepared to purchase one for $15. All participants must pre-register at the Adult School Office and pay an $8 fee for Red Cross Certification Card CARDIOP L ONARY RES SCITAT ON CPR - This class will teach you how to recognize when an emergency has occurred and to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for adults, infants, or children. Upon successful completion, an American Red Cross CPR Certificate will be awarded. Class fee: $10. Material fee: $15. Required textbook: $15. Mondays, May 12, 2008 - Adult; May 19, 2008 - Infant & Child 5:00 - 9:00 pm District Office Board Room (Adult CPR 1st night - Infant & Child 2nd night. Open to public.) CARD O UL ONARY RESUSC TA ION Re Certification CPR - This class will teach you how to recognize when an emergency has occurred and how to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for adults, infants, or children. Upon successful completion, an American Red Cross CPR Certificate will be awarded. Class fee $10. Material fee $15. Required textbook: $15. Monday, February 25, 2008 5:00 - 9:00 pm District Board Room (Re-certification class only!) (Only certified students may participate.) (Open to public.) FIRS A D FIRST AID - (3 Hours) - This class will teach participants to identify ways to prevent injury and/or illness, to recognize when an emergency has occurred, and to provide care for injuries and/or sudden illnesses until the victim can receive professional medical help. Upon successful completion, a Red Cross First Aid Certificate will be awarded. Class fee: $5. Material fee: $5. Required textbook: $15. Monday, March 17, 2008 5:00 - 8:00 pm District Board Room ! w e N (Open to public.) Wellness fo Disabled Adults Bellflower Adult School conducts classes at the locations below for adults with developmental disabilities, to assist students in becoming more independent and improve the quality of life. The program includes wellness and nutrition classes and includes hands-on real life learning to enhance the students’ personal skills and purpose. No fees for Spring 2008. 28 Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:00 am - 12:00 pm RC CADC Burke Burke These are classes primarily intended for persons 55 years and older. The Older Adults programs are open to all interested adults. Sign up in the class at the scheduled class time. The schedule is subject to change without notice. HOME ECONOMICS EDUCATION Fine and Applied Arts Fine and Applied Arts CRA S - This course includes the basic fundamentals of a variety of arts and crafts designed especially for the disabled student. Fine and Applied Arts M SIC APPR C AT ON - This course covers singing, music appreciation, listening, discussion of composers, folk songs and an understanding of musical America. Accommodations are made for disabled students. M 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm RV Clark (Alternate weeks) M M W W Th 2:05 pm - 4:05 pm 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 9:00 am - 11:30 am 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm WCH BCRC WCC BCRC BCH Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark BV RV BCRC WCC Clark Clark Clark Clark Designed to improve mobility, muscle tone and range of movement. Exercises tailored to the older disabled adult. M 8:00 am - 9:00 am BM M 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm RV TTh 9:30 am - 10:30 am BFM T 10:30 am - 11:30 am WCC Th 10:30 am - 11:30 am BTV Th 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm RV F 9:00 am - 11:00 am BM Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson (Twice/monthly) M T T T W W 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:00 am - 12:00 pm BCRC Nelson WCC Armiento BTV Armiento WCC Nelson RV Armiento RV Nelson Fine and Applied Arts Watercolor This course is designed for those in residential and convalescent care facilities. Special consideration and instruction given to assist in physical and mental recovery. M 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm BM Armiento Th 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm WCC Armiento Th 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm F 9:30 am - 11:30 am F 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am - 11:30 am Health: Physical and Mental PHYS CA FITNESS - OLDER ADULT PROGRAMS HOME DECORATIVE ARTS - This course provides the basic fundamentals and techniques in creating gifts, decorative and functional home artifacts, and beginning quilting. Hand arts will include decoupage, papier-mache, clay maché, paper tole, batik, and decorations appropriate for holidays, birthdays, and festive occasions. T 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm WCH Contreras W 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm WCC Contreras W 9:00 am - 1:00 pm WCH Contreras Th 9:00 am - 12:00 pm WCC Contreras F 9:00 am - 1:00 pm WCH Contreras 29 These are classes primarily intended for persons 55 years and older. The Older Adults programs are open to all interested adults. Sign up in the class at the scheduled class time. The schedule is subject to change without notice. PERSONAL & SOCIAL IDENTITY OLDER ADULT PROGRAMS CU T RAL STUDIES This course offers a view of life and landscapes in America and other countries. Includes cultural happenings in the L.A. area with special attention to current events. Planned for the homebound, armchair traveler. T 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) BCRC Nelson Historical and Current Perspectives H S ORICAL EVEN S This course is designed to increase the students’ knowledge of the world of literature and history. American historical areas will be emphasized. Special accommodations made for disabled students. T 10:00 am - 12:00 pm W 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm F 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm F 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm BCH RV WCC WCH Clark Clark Clark Clark Historical and Current Perspectives CURRENT EVENTS This course is designed to develop each student’s awareness of current events in the world and to increase his/her understanding of local, social and political trends. Group participation and interaction will be heavily emphasized throughout the course. M T Th 9:30 am - 11:30 am WCC Clark 1:30 pm - 3:45 pm RV Clark 10:00 am - 12:00 pm BCH Clark (Twice/monthly) Enroll Now! 30 Popular Classes Fill Quickly ! All of the Bellflower Unified School District Parenting Education Programs offered satisfy all court-ordered and children’s agencies’ requirements. Certificates of completion will be awarded to parents who complete the program. For more information please contact Marquitta Infante, Parenting Education Specialist, at (562) 866-9011, ext. 3313 DEVELOP NG CAPABLE PEOPLE Parenting Education - 20-Hour Program There is a $5 program fee, which covers the cost for all 20 hours. Scholarships may be available to BUSD families who qualify. No child care is provided. A certificate of completion is awarded to participants who complete 20 hours of class time. For additional information, please contact Marquitta Infante at (562) 866-9011, ext. 3313. Parent Education through Parent Child Participation PARENT CH LD COOPERATION & PARTICIPATION This class offers opportunities for parents with children ages 2½ to 5 years of age to share learning experiences together. Kindergarten readiness includes development, social adjustment, muscular coordination, musical rhythm, and many types of role-playing activities. Nutrition is provided for the children. Occasional field trips. Class fee: $10. Materials fee: $20 - one day/week; $40 - two days/week; two days per week maximum. M - F T & Th M & W T & Th M & W T & Th 9:00 am - 12:15 pm 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm 9:00 am - 1:30 pm 9:00 am - 1:30 pm 8:15 am - 12:15 pm 8:15 am - 12:15 pm LFKing LFKing SHS Sennett SHS Sennett WASH Olsen WASH Olsen PARENT EDUCATION Topics covered: zz Discipline Issues, Anger Control zz Communication, Relationships zz Parenting Styles, Perceptions zz Peer Pressure, Bullying Wednesdays from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Beginning March 5, 2008 through June 11, 2008 Bellflower Unified School District - Building A - East Conference Room Instructor: Marquitta Infante - Register the first day of class. 31 ! w e N Family Stories This class provides parents a family reading program for parents and their children. The goal of this program is to establish and support a family reading routine to improve English language skills. Please call Marquitta Infante at (562) 866-9011 ext. 3313 for more information. PARENT EDUCATION - CBET Parent Academy for Student S uccess (PASS) ! w e N PASS is designed to assist parents in helping their children be successful in school. PASS creates a link between home and school through developing skills and parent-teacher interactions, which lead to achievement in school. PASS will focus on providing participants with information on effective parenting techniques, nutrition, and exercise. Please call Marquitta Infante at (562) 866-9011 ext. 3313 for more information. Bellflower Unified School District Distrito Escolar Unificado de Bellflower Community Based Englis Tutoring Family Literacy Program Programa de Alfabetización Familiar The Bellflower Unified School District offers free English as a Second Language classes with emphasis on oral communication and conversational language. These classes allow parents to improve their English skills so they can help their children at home. Computer-based ESL classes are also available. Classes are held at different school sites throughout the district. For further information, please call (562) 804-7633. El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Bellflower ofrece clases gratis de Ingles como Segundo Idioma con énfasis en la comunicación oral y la conversación en este idioma. Estas clases permiten que los padres mejoren su ingles y así poder ayudar a sus hijos en casa. También se ofrecen clases de ingles a base de computadora. Las clases se ofrecen en diferentes escuelas a través del distrito. Para mayor información, llame al (562) 804-7633. ! Wanted If you have an idea about a class you would like to see us offer, or you would like to teach, please complete the form below and return it to the address listed below. Thank You! You I deasr My idea for a new class ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Day & Times __________________________________________________________ Preferred Location _____________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number _________________________________________________________________ Email Address __________________________________________________________________ Mail to: Bellflower Adult School 9242 East Laurel Street, Bellflower, CA 90706 Att: New Class 32 Or contact: Ruben Presiado (562) 461-2218 Voice (562) 461-2221 Facsimile Email: * BELLFLOWER ADULT SCHOOL LOCATIONS Albert Baxter School.................. BAX 14929 S. Cerritos Avenue, Bellflower Intensive Learning Center........... ILC 4718 E. Michelson Street, Lakewood Bellflower Adult School............... BAS 9242 E. Laurel Street, Bellflower Las Flores School............................ LF 10039 E. Palm Street, Bellflower Bellflower Adult Cosmetology.. COS 6024 N. Clark Avenue, Lakewood Mayfair High School.................. MHS 6000 Woodruff Avenue, Lakewood Bellflower Adult ESL................... CDO 9301 Flower Street, Bellflower Bellflower Alternative Education Center........................ BAE 16703 S. Clark Avenue, Building C Bellflower Bellflower High School................ BHS 15301 S. McNab Avenue, Bellflower Bellflower Kiwanis Hall................BKH 9302 Laurel Street, Bellflower District Office................................ DO Bellflower Unified Schools 16703 S. Clark Avenue, Bellflower Crossroads Adult Day Care Center........CADC 8518 E. Artesia Blvd., Bellflower Ernie Pyle School............................EP 14500 S. Woodruff Ave., Bellflower First Missionary Baptist Church... FMBC 9246 Rosser Street, Bellflower Frank E. Woodruff School...........FWS 15332 S. Eucalyptus St., Bellflower Ramona Elementary School.......RES 9351 E. Laurel Street, Bellflower R.O.A.D.S. Center..........................RC 17660 N. Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower Simm’s Park.....................................SP 16614 S. Clark Avenue, Bellflower Somerset High School................. SHS 9242 E. Laurel Street, Bellflower Stephen Foster School................... SF 5223 E. Bigelow Street, Lakewood Thompson Park............................... TP 14001 S. Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower To Be Announced........................ TBA Call Bellflower Adult School at (562) 461-2218 for information Washington School..................WASH 9725 E. Jefferson Street, Bellflower Woodruff Elementary School......WES 15332 S. Eucalyptus Street, Bellflower Whitewood Child Care Center...WHT 5511 Whitewood Avenue, Lakewood CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL & RETIREMENT SITES Bellflower Christian Retirement Home..................... BCRH 9349 Rose Street, Bellflower Bellflower Convalescent Hospital.............. BCH 9710 E. Artesia Blvd., Bellflower Bellflower Friendship Manor.......BFM 9550 Oak Street, Bellflower Bellflower Senior Center.............BSC 9919 Ramona Street, Bellflower Belmont Place................................BP 9830 Belmont Street, Bellflower Bel Tooren Villas.......................... BTV 16910 Woodruff Avenue, Bellflower Ramona Senior Center...............RSC 9843 Ramona Street, Bellflower Rose Villa Care Center............RVCC 9028 Rose Street, Bellflower Woodruff Care Home................ WCH 16409 Woodruff Avenue, Bellflower Woodruff Convalescent Center...............WCC 17836 Woodruff Avenue, Bellflower BELLFLOWER ADULT SCHOOL LOCATIONS SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SITES 33 BELLFLOWER UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT THOMPSON PARK PYLE ELEMENTARY BAXTER ELEMENTARY BUSD SITE MAP FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH MAINTENANCE/OPERATIONS TRANSPORTATION/GARAGE CUSTODIAL/SECURITYSERVICES WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY ESL ADULT SCHOOL BELLFLOWER HIGH SCHOOL SIMMS PARK WOODRUFF ELEMENTARY SCH. RAMONA ELEMENTARY BELLFLOWER K WANIS HALL BELLFLOWER FRIENDSHIP MANOR ALONDRA ANNEX BELMONT PLACE DISTRICT TRAININGCENTER EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS APPLE & REACH TELECOMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT WAREHOUSE DISTRICT OFFICES SOMERSET HIGH SCHOOL Ron Yary Stadium WOODRUFF CARE HOME BELLFLOWER ADULT SCHOOL ESL ADULT SCHOOL BELLFLOWER ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION CHILD DEVELOPMENT OFFICE LAS FLORES SCHOOL BELLFLOWER CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL LACOE CHILDCARE Campbell PAU OFFICE ROSE VILLA CARE CENTER Bellflower Christian Retirement Home BELLFLOWER SENIOR CENTER RAMONA SENIOR CENTER WOODRUFF CONVALESCENT CENTER WILLIAMS ELEMENTARY THOMAS JEFFERSON SCHOOL BELLFLOWER ADULT COSMETOLOGY MAYFAR HIGH SCHOOL STEPHEN FOSTER SCHOOL LINDSTROM ELEMENTARY INTENSIVE LEARNING CENTER WHITEWOOD CHILD CARE 34 MAILAIL-IN NREGISTRATION REGISTRATIONFORM FORM ail MaIn l-In Registration Registration Deadline: Deadline: S January 25, 2008 ST LAST NAME NAME RST FIRST NAME NAME MI Male Male HECK CHECK ONE ONE � � � Female Female RTH B RTH DATE: DATE: / nth Month / Day rYear ailing Mailing Address Address ty City ate State ) ening Evening Te Telephone: ephone: ( ( � Data Entered Data Entered ) mail e mail: WI W SHSH TOTO ENROLL IN IN THEHE FOLLOWING ENROLL FOLLOWING: # URSE COURSE YS DAYS STRUCTOR INSTRUCTOR ES FEES FEES ES 1 2 3 4 $ PAYMENT DUE: YMENT DUE OTAL TAL $ $ ETHOD OFOF PAYMENT (no(no checks accepted) METHOD PAYMENT checks accepted): � Money Money Order Order payable payable to to BASBAS C edit card (c rcle one): A MasterCard � Credit card (circle one):V VISA MasterCard - - piExpirat ation Da o Date: e: / nth Month ount Number Account Number dholder Nameame (please ) Ca hosder's (ple prin se print) rYear METHOD THOD OF OF PAYMENT: YMENT: � Money O der Money Order � Credit Credit ca card d horized Signatu e A thorized S gnature OW HOW DID ID YOU YOU HEAR HEAR ABOUT ABOUT OUR OUR COURSES? COURSES? ease Please check check one: one: � school course A Adult ult school course c catalog talog � student Fe Fellow low student � Referred Referred by by � Other O her ve youyou Have ever ever been been enrolled enrol ed at at BAS? BAS? � YesYes Enter thethte m term andnd year year which which youyou la tas at atten endeded ter � N No mTerm / rYear no If no, lastast instnstitution tut on at atten endeded MAIL-IN A L-I R REG GISTRATION STRATIONI INSTRUCTIONS STRUCTIONS ail Mail In Registrat n Registrations ons postmarked postmarked after after SeJanuay 25, 2008 will not be accepted. Mail In gistrat registration o materials materials areare processed processed in i hethe order order received received byby Bellflower Bellflower Adult Adult School School. REGISTRAT GISTRATIONON INFORMATION INFORMAT ON MAIL-IN REGISTRATION FORM ay Day Te Telephone: ephone: ( ( OFF F CECE U EUSE NLY ONLY ZIP )(1) ListList each each class class you you w wish h t to enroll enroll in by n by course, course, day(s), day(s), i structor instructor and andees fees. )(2) Academic Academic and and GED GED classes clas es notnot available v lableorfor Mail Mail In Inegistrat Registration. o . )(3) Texbooks Texbooks may may bebe purchased purchased in adult in adult school scho ofl office. ice. ease Please bebe su sure e to to include include al all registrat registration on materials materials lis listed ed below: below: )(1) Mail Mail In Inegistrat Registration o Form Form )(2) Payment Payment of of fees fees )(3) SelfSelf addressed addressed stamped stamped envelope envelope ai Mail to:to: Bellflower Bellflower Adult Adult School School, 9 9242 42 East East Laure Laure St eet Street, B Bellflower llflower CACA 90706 9 706 ter After your your registrat registration on has has been been p ocessed, processed, y you u w will l receive receive byby return return mail: mail: )(1) E Enrollment rollment verificatio verification )(2) Cashier's Cashie receipt 's rece pt 35 Bellflower Adult School Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE 9242 E. Laurel St., Bellflower, CA 90706 PAID ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER Permit No. 2140 Artesia, CA