Europass CV - FIŠ - Fakulteta za informacijske študije


Europass CV - FIŠ - Fakulteta za informacijske študije
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Blaž Rodič
Gubčeva 7, SI-8250 Brežice (Slovenia)
Google Scholar Link
SI.CRIS link
Year of birth
Research interests
My research interests include the development of new and original methods and tools for
simulation and modelling (continuous and agent-based); solutions for real-life optimization
problems in manufacturing, transport/logistics and service systems within the regional and
national economy; development of multi-agent simulation models of societal and
organizational systems.
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
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Blaž Rodič
1 Jan 2000 - 1 Feb 2007
Researcher and teaching assistant
Project proposal development
Project execution and management
Lecturing (laboratory classes)
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Kidričeva 55a, 4000 Kranj (Slovenia)
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Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
1 Feb 2007 →
Senior researcher
Project proposal development
Project management and execution
University and research centre Novo mesto
Novi trg 5, 8000 Novo mesto (Slovenia)
Professional, scientific and technical activities
1 Oct 2007 →
Assistant professor
Teaching several IT courses
Project proposal development, management, and execution
School of Advanced Social Studies
Kidričeva 9, 5000 Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
1 Oct 2008 →
Associate professor
Teaching several IT courses
Project proposal development, management, and execution
Faculty of Information Studies
Sevno 13, 8000 Novo mesto (Slovenia)
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
1993 - 1996
Electrical engineer - telecommunications
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (University)
Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Level in national or international
Title of qualification awarded
1996 - 1999
University graduated organizer - informatics
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
Information systems development and management
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences (University)
Kidričeva 55a, 4000 Kranj (Slovenia)
Level in national or international
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
Name and type of organisation
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Blaž Rodič
1999 - 2002
Master of science - information systems management
Information systems management
Decision support systems
System simulation and modelling
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences (University)
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providing education and training
Kidričeva 55a, 4000 Kranj (Slovenia)
Level in national or international
Title of qualification awarded
2002 - 2004
Doctor of philosophy - information systems management
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
Information systems management
Decision support systems
System simulation and modelling
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences (University)
Kidričeva 55a, 4000 Kranj (Slovenia)
Level in national or international
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
Technology transfer workshop
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Josef Stefan Institute (Science Institute)
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
How to Write a Competitive Proposal for the Fifth Framework Programme
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Dr. Sean McCarthy, Hyperion Ltd. (Private institute)
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
How to Write a Competitive Proposal for FP6
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Dr. Sean McCarthy, Hyperion Ltd. (Private Institute)
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
How to Negotiate, Manage, Administer & Finish an EU Contract
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Dr. Sean McCarthy, Hyperion Ltd. (Private institute)
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
PREACTOR sheduling tool seminar
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Inea d.o.o. (Private company)
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
Licensing of Intelectual Property, two day seminar
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
European Patent Academy
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Principal subjects / occupational
skills covered
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Blaž Rodič
Simulation and modelling workshop, Anylogic tool, four day seminar
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Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Mother tongue(s)
Fair Dynamics Consulting (Anylogic Company Rep.)
Milan (Italy)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
Spoken interaction Spoken production
C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user
Basic User
Basic User
Basic User
Basic User
Basic User
Basic User
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and competences
Teamwork skills and good communication skills acquired through teamwork in several
organizations and in several project teams
Ability to adapt to multicultural environment, gained through participation in several
international projects
Organisational skills and
Good sense of organization (experience with several large projects)
Experience in project management
Good Knowledge of Organizational Theory
Technical skills and competences
System modelling and simulation (gained through several years of experience in the
Laboratory of Cybernetics and Decision Support Systems at FOV, University of Maribor)
Information systems design and development (experience from several projects)
Decision Support System Design (decision modelling, multicriteria decision modelling)
Computer skills and competences
Good skills in relational database design
Good skills with Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Good skills with audio editing tools (Audacity, Soundforge, Audition)
Basic image editing skills (GIMP, Photoshop)
Good skills in Internet information Search and Gathering
Good skills in research database usage
Basic software design and development skills
Driving licence(s)
SCIENTIFIC EXPERIENCE Research Projects Experience, Consultancy, Publications, Mentorships
International projects:
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Blaž Rodič
IRC - Innovation relay centre of Slovenia, (EU Framework programme 5), 2001-2003,
budget: 417.811 EUR, role: collecting, preparing and publishing technology offers and
requests of companies in the network of several dozen of IRC centres in the EU,
Cyprus, Israel, Turkey and Chile,
Collaboration: Faculty of Organisational Sciences at University of Maribor (Kranj,
Slovenia), Josef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
2. Mo.Di - Montagne Digitale, digital divide in mountain communities (Mo.Di, Interreg
IIIC South), 2005-2007, Lead partner: Tecla, Rome, Italy, budget: 1.022.450 EUR,
producing a model for the improvement of IT literacy and access to online public
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Blaž Rodič
services in remote mountain communities, role: internet access and public e-service
analysis, training and coordination of work of tutors at public internet points,
equipping of internet points, technical support, support in physical exchanges of
Collaboration: Faculty of Organisational Sciences at University of Maribor and Business
Support Centre (Kranj, Slovenia), TECLA - Associazione per la cooperazione
interregionale locale ed europea (Rome, Italy), regional governments of Province de
Modena, Province de Bergamo, Province Autonome de Trento (Italy), Conseil Général
de Huesca (Spain), Foundation Business Incubator Centre, Kalisz (Poland)
M-Lab – Youth Laboratory, improvement and development of youth’s employment
opportunities, (M-LAB, EU EQUAL programme), 2005-2006, budget: 312.848 EUR,
development of a model for improvement of employability of vulnerable youth groups
and its support information system,
Collaboration: Faculty of Organisational Sciences at University of Maribor and Business
Support Centre (Kranj, Slovenia)
ARRGOS 3% - “Advance of European regions’ R&D governance systems to reach the
3% objective” (Regions of Knowledge 2, Framework programme 6), 2006-2007,
budget: 700.000 EUR, analysis of regional RTD governance systems and development
of tools for development of regional RTD systems, role: researcher (regional
application of tools and feedback collection),
Collaboration: regions de Bretagne and d'Aquitaine (France), region Madrid (Spain),
region Hessen (Germany), Erhvervsudvikling Vest (Netherlands), region Wielkopolska
(Poland), One North East agency (UK), University and research centre Novo mesto
CRIPREDE - Creating a Research and Technology Development (RTD) Investment Policy
for Regions in Emerging and Developed Economies (Regions of Knowledge 2,
Framework programme 6), 2006-2007, budget 500.000 EUR, The purpose of this
project was to analyse the current RTD policy processes of the partner regions
constituting the consortium; and to clearly identify the bottlenecks that are hindering
effective R&D investments to, and accordingly the economic development of, these
regions. Project result: adaptive model for regional RTD strategy development and
tools for its application,
Collaboration: Waterford Institute of Technology – WIT (Waterford, Ireland), Saxion
Universities (Netherlands), Cumbria County Council (UK), BICEPS (Latvia), University of
Siegen (Germany), University of Central Lancashire(UK), University and research centre
Novo mesto (Slovenia)
INSARTY - Introducing Science and Art to Slovenian Youth and Citizens, ‘European
Researchers’ Night’ is a pan-European event involving a wide range of scientific and
research organisations – including museums, laboratories and academic institutions –
hosting a variety of entertaining and fun events planned to run late into the night
of Friday, 23 September 2011. The aim is to give the public, and in particular young
people, the opportunity to meet researchers within the context of festive and ‘fun’
activities and to highlight the appeal of pursuing a research career. Financed by the
European Commission FP7 Marie Curie programme.
Collaboration: Faculty of Information Studies (Novo mesto, Slovenia), Josef Stefan
Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Technology Park Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Research Centre of the
Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
ReNATECH - REsearchers for NAture preservation and TECHnology use for the benefit
of the society , ‘European Researchers’ Night’ is a pan-European event involving a wide
range of scientific and research organisations – including museums, laboratories and
academic institutions – hosting a variety of entertaining and fun events planned to run
late into the night of Friday, 27 September 2013. The aim is to give the public, and in
particular young people, the opportunity to meet researchers within the context of
festive and ‘fun’ activities and to highlight the appeal of pursuing a research career.
Financed by the European Commission FP7 Marie Curie programme.
Collaboration: Faculty of Information Studies (Novo mesto, Slovenia), Josef Stefan
Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia), National Institute of Biology (Ljubljana, Slovenia),
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Technology Park Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University
of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Economics at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia),
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Faculty of Natural Sciences and
Engineering at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
WEFORYOU - Meet and learn What excellent science does for you and the society
(WeForYou). "Researchers 'Night 2014-2015' is a pan-European event involving a wide
range of scientific and research organizations - including museums, laboratories and
academic institutions. The aim is to promote research careers. It is financed by the
European Commission's H2020 Programme.
Collaboration: Faculty of Information Studies (Novo mesto, Slovenia), Josef Stefan
Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia), National Institute of Biology (Ljubljana, Slovenia),
Institute of Chemistry (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Technology Park Ljubljana (Slovenia),
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of
Economics at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Natural Sciences and
Engineering at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Computer and Information
Science at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Higher Education Centre Novo mesto
(Novo mesto, Slovenia)
National projects:
Reingeneering of a manufacturing scheduling system in automotive company Iskra
Avtoelektrika d.d., Kranj, Šempeter pri Novi Gorici, 2000-2003, applied project at
Faculty of Organisational Sciences at University of Maribor (Kranj, Slovenia)
Development of a human resource scheduling solution, for company BLOK d.o.o.,
2006, applied project at Faculty of Organisational Sciences at University of Maribor
(Kranj, Slovenia)
Development of solutions for the scheduling of human resources and other resources,
for company ICIT d.o.o. (subsidiary of HIT d.d.), 2005-2006, applied project at Faculty
of Organisational Sciences at University of Maribor (Kranj, Slovenia)
GambLib: public online database of publications in gambling and gaming research, for
company HIT d.d., 2007-ongoing, applied project at Faculty of Advanced Social Studies
(Nova Gorica, Slovenia)
IS model for Slovenian higher education institutions, (CRP), 2008-2009, budget 90.000
EUR, financed by the Slovenian Research Agency
Collaboration: Faculty of Information Studies (Novo mesto, Slovenia), Faculty of
Advanced Social Studies (Nova Gorica, Slovenia), VIRIS - varnost in razvoj
informacijskih sistemov, d.o.o. (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
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Blaž Rodič
Member of programme group “Decision Support Systems in Global Electronic
Commerce”, 2004-2009, appr. budget 300.000 EUR, financed by the Slovenian
Research Agency
Collaboration: Faculty of Organisational Sciences at University of Maribor (Kranj,
Slovenia), Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Use of ICT for higher energy efficiency, 2010-2011, app. budget 50.000 EUR, financed
by the Slovenian Research Agency
Collaboration: Faculty of Information Studies (Novo mesto, Slovenia), Institute of high
technologies and systems (Novo mesto, Slovenia), TECES - Research and Development
Centre for Electrical Machines (Maribor, Slovenia), Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science Sciences at University of Maribor (Maribor, Slovenia)
Creative Core FISNM-3330-13-500033 'Simulations' project funded by the European
Union, The European Regional, Development Fund. The operation is carried out within
the framework of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional
Development Potentials for the period 2007-2013, Development Priority 1:
Competitiveness and research excellence, Priority Guideline 1.1: Improving the
competitive skills and research excellence.", 2013-2015, budget: 999.120 EUR.
Collaboration: Faculty of Information Studies (Novo mesto, Slovenia)
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Developing the Quality System at the Faculty of Information Studies; funded by the
European Union, European Social Fund, Operational Programme for Human Resources
Development, 2012-2015, Budget: 243.000 EUR
Collaboration: Faculty of Information Studies (Novo mesto, Slovenia)
10. Development of information literacy of university students as a support for solving
authentical science problems, 2013-2016, budget 100.000 EUR, financed by the
Slovenian Research Agency
 Collaboration: Faculty of Information Studies (Novo mesto, Slovenia), Faculty of
Natural Sciences and Engineering at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Biotechnical
Faculty at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Education at University of
Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics at University of
Maribor (Slovenia), Faculty of Organisational Sciences at University of Maribor (Kranj,
11. National infrastructure programme “Online Support for Development of Project
Proposals”, 2012-2020, appr. budget 200.000 EUR, financed by the Slovenian Research
 Collaboration: Faculty of Information Studies (Novo mesto, Slovenia)
12. Member of programme group “Complex networks”, 2013-2017, appr. budget 500.000
EUR, financed by the Slovenian Research Agency
 Collaboration: Faculty of Information Studies (Novo mesto, Slovenia)
Selected publications:
RODIČ, Blaž. Distribuirani sistemi za podporo odločanju in programski agenti. (Distributed
decision support systems and software agents), Nova Gorica: Fakulteta za uporabne
družbene študije, 2008. 170 pgs.. ISBN 978-961-6718-05-9.
BRESKVAR, Uroš, RODIČ, Blaž. Optimiranje operatorjev genetskih algoritmov. (Optimizing
the operators of genetic algorithms), Ljubljana: Vega, 2011. 158 pgs., ilustr. ISBN 978-96193138-6-2.
Chapters in books:
RODIČ, Blaž. Issues of collaboration in a virtual environment. In: LEVNAJIĆ, Zoran (ed.).
Facing ICT challenges in the era of social media. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, cop. 2014,
pgs. 11-22.
JAMBROŠIĆ, Andi, RODIČ, Blaž. Perceived effects of web classrooms in primary schools in
Slovenia. In: LEVNAJIĆ, Zoran (ed.). Facing ICT challenges in the era of social media.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, cop. 2014, pgs. 41-51.
Articles in peer reviewed journals:
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Blaž Rodič
RODIČ, Blaž, BAGGIA, Alenka. Dynamic airport ground crew scheduling using a
heuristic scheduling algorithm. International journal of applied mathematics and
informatics, ISSN 2074-1278, 2013, vol. 7
RODIČ, Blaž, VUKOVIČ, Goran, ZAVRŠNIK, Bruno, MIGLIČ, Gozdana. Issues in
introducing training needs analysis in Slovenia´s public administration. Transylvanian
review of administrative sciences, 2012, no. 37 E, str. 155-171, ilustr.,
%20VUKOVIC,%20BZAVRSNIK,%20MIGLIC.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 2048002835], [JCR, WoS
up to 5. 12. 2012: no. of citations (TC): 0, without self-citations (CI): 0, weighted no. of
citations (NC): 0, Scopus up to 16. 11. 2012: no. of citations (TC): 0, pure citations (CI):
0, normalized no. of pure citations (NC): 0]
RODIČ, Blaž. Mobile agents for distributed decision support systems. Int. Sci. J. Manag.
Inf. Syst., 2011, vol. 6, no. 1, str. 20-27. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024296769]
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VUKOVIČ, Goran, ZAVRŠNIK, Bruno, RODIČ, Blaž, MIGLIČ, Gozdana. The training of civil
servants in the Slovene state administration: issues introducing training evaluation.
Int. rev. adm. sci., dec. 2008, vol. 74, no. 4, str. 653-676. [COBISS.SI-ID 6357779], [JCR,
WoS up to 15. 2. 2013: no. of citations (TC): 5, without self-citations (CI): 4, weighted
no. of citations (NC): 19, Scopus up to 16. 11. 2012: no. of citations (TC): 6, pure
citations (CI): 5, normalized no. of pure citations (NC): 24]
RODIČ, Blaž, KLJAJIĆ, Miroljub. Accessing distributed data sources with mobile agents
and XML. V: JAŠKOVÁ, Mária (ur.). ECON '05 : [selected research papers], (Research
works proceedings, Vol. 12, 2005). Ostrava: Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of
Economics, 2005, str. 280-287. [COBISS.SI-ID 4689683]
KLJAJIĆ, Miroljub, BRESKVAR, Uroš, RODIČ, Blaž. Computer aided scheduling with use
of genetic algorithms and a visual discrete event simulation model. WSEAS Trans. Syst.,
2004, vol. 3, no. 3, str. 1021-1026, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 4018451]
Doctoral thesis “Simulation model of a food self-supply system in Slovenia” at Faculty
of Organizational Social Studies, in progress
Doctoral thesis “Influence of gender on the management in schools” at School of
Advanced Social Studies, in progress
Doctoral thesis “Success factors in distance education” at Faculty of Information
Studies, in progress
Doctoral thesis “Influence of IT support for project management in companies on their
success in national and EU calls” at School of Advanced Social Studies, in progress
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Blaž Rodič
2007 - 2008: Member of the research committee of the Municipality of Novo mesto
2008 - 2011: Member of the expert council at the University and Research Centre of
Novo mesto
2009 - present: Member of the expert council at the Business Incubator Podbreznik in
Novo mesto
2010 - 2010: Evaluation of project proposals for the Research Promotion Foundation
(RPF), Cyprus
2011 - 2013: Member of the institute council at the University and Research Centre of
Novo mesto
2011 – present: member of the Nahtigal Award council at the University and Research
Centre of Novo mesto
2012 - 2014: Member of the board of management of the Slovenian Research Agency
2014 – present: Member of the board of management of the Slovenian Society for
Simulation and Modelling (member of EUROSIM - Federation of European Simulation
2015 – present: evaluation of project proposals for European Commission's Horizon
2020 programme (call FoF8-2015)
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