arkansas gazette index 1961 - 1962
arkansas gazette index 1961 - 1962
ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX AN ARKANSAS INDEX 1981 - 1982 BY SHANNON J. HENDERSON COPYRIGHT 1993 ARKANSAS TECH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS 72801-2222 HOW TO USE THE ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX The Arkansas Gazette Index consists of brief summarizing statements of the news of Arkansas as it was published in the final edition of the Arkansas Gazette. Only those articles dealing with Arkansas people, places and events are considered for inclusion. Material Routine not considered useful for future reference is omitted. articles reporting on sports, social events and business activities are omitted. HEADINGS Subject headings (entries) are the main type of entry and are used when possible. Names of prominent persons and of firms and organizations are used as entries, but most names are cross referenced to subjects. All subject headings (entries) are arranged alphabetically, by-word. Example: Old Washington Oldham word Use of commas in subject headings result in an unusual filing system since the computer considers them when arranging entries that are identical up to the comma. Example: Harris, Summer Michelle Henderson Farms Henderson State University Henderson, John David Henderson, Shannon Elizabeth Abbreviations used �s subject headings are arranged alphabetically as if they were words. Example: Payne PCBs Pea Ridge cross references are arranged in alphabetical order and are listed before summaries of articles under that same heading. LOCATION SYMBOLS Each summary is followed by the month, day, year, page and column number where the article appeared in the Final (City) edition of the Arkansas Gazette. Reference from a person's name to a subject does not indicate if the named person is directly involved or is merely commenting on the topic. In all cases, the article should be read for clarification of this point. DATE PAGE COL ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961-1962 A AND A MANUFACTURING CO Firm owned by Paul Ales turns out fine garden tools ABANDONED CHILDREN see Children and youth ABANDONED SPOUSES see Famil ies and family life ABDUCTION see Kidnapping ABORTION see Birth control and abortion ABSENTEE VOTING see Politics and elections ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY see also Asphyxiation and suf focation see also Aviation and aircraft see also Boats and boating see also Electrocution (Accidental) see al so Explosives and explosions see also Forest and brush fires see also Industrial accident s and safety see also Lightning see also Parades see also Railroads see also Shootings see al so Swimming see also Traffic accidents and safety Mechanical cotton picker kills Altheimer farmer ACCOUNTING AND ACCOUNTANTS Bill in Legis would require licensing of public accountants Gazette sees no need fer proposed l icensing bill ACME BRICK CO Firm plans to make Arkansas center of its operations ACT 2 OF 1960 (Ark) see also Economic devel opment ACTORS AND ENTERTAINERS see also Pebley . Fred Dick Powell to narrate travel film en Arkansas Dick Powell, June Allyson te end 15-year marriage June Allyson, Dick Powell divorced Henry C Hink tells hew Bob Burns ' bazooka came to be in 1909 Pat Beene to address Harding College graduates Mitzi Gaynor appearing at Vapors in Hot Springs Pat Boone speaks at Harding College Cast ef "Gunsmoke" to appear at Arkansas Livestock Shew 1 3/10/61 B12 1 12/ 4/6 2 A2 4 2/ 1/61 Al 2/ 4/6 1 A4 5 2 2/27 /61 AB 3 1/ 5 / 6 1 1/ 6/61 2/ 1/61 2/15/61 5 / 2 1/61 5/29/ 6 1 5/29/61 10/ 2/61 Bl Al5 A3 A12 A12 A2 A2 Al 3 S 2 1 3 3 6 3 DATE Sally Rand doing her fan dance at Het Springs Jayne Meadows to speak at LR fund-raiser for mental health Jayne Meadows interview"ed at LR Rex Allen te entertain at Pine Bluff livestock show Arkansas native Dick Powell s tricken by cancer Entertainer Johnny Ray pays visit te Deaf School Sheb Weeley to entertain at Arkansas Livestock Shew Lorne Greene and Dan Blecker in LR for show Cancer has spread in Dick Pwell 1 s bedy, physician says ACTUARIES see Insurance AD CRAFT OF ARKANSAS INC see alse Bennett, Bruce ADAMS FIELD see Aviation and aircraft ADAMS. ARNOLD M see also Bankruptcies ADAMS , CARL see alse Construction programs, State see also Poer see also Welfare Department (Ark) Close friend of Faubus says Gov will seek re-election ADCOCK, CHARLES see also Athletics and sports ADDINGTON, EDYE see also Miss Arkansas ADKINS, HOMER M Ex-Gev of Ark asks Kennedys not to force Ole Miss integration ADKINS, HOMER M (Mrs) Named president of United Daughters of the Confederacy ADKINS-HELPS SEED CO Opens warehouse at Portageville, Me ADULT EDUCATION see Education, Adult ADVERTISING see also North Little Reck see also Parks, recreation and tourism see also Traffic accidents and safety ARC opposes plan to ban billboards from interstate highways LR studies tighter rules on bil lboards Mary Dedd wins damage suit against Olen Mills Studie Sidney M Brooks henored by Ad Club ' s S ilver Award AGED see also Nursing homes see alse Poer Charlie Medlock, a NLR Negro, dies at age 1 1 2 W C Mize was bern 100 years age during Civil War AARP Chapter President P D Gathright discusses work ef Assn Interview" with William Shearer, 102 Frank Starks of LR. turns 103 , says he ' done give down ' Negro whe claimed he was 115, dies at LR 2 3/23/62 4/20/62 4/26/62 9/27 /62 9/28/62 9/29/62 10/ 1/62 10/ 5/62 12/ 1 9/ 6 2 PAGE COL Bl Bl4 Bl Bl A6 Al Al A2 A2 2 3 6 2 5 3 3 4 8 4/13/62 Al 7 9/29/62 Al 7 10/ 6/61 Al9 1 2/ 1/61 B7 1 1/28/61 6 / 9/61 1/23/62 2/20/62 Al Bl Bl Bl 7 2 6 6 5/ 9/61 Al 5 3 3 1 2 7 5/23/61 6 / 6/61 7 / 9/6 1 1 2/16/61 9/13/62 Bl A4 El A2 BB DATE Ark in study ef older workers ' problems AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORK C A Vines cemments on centreversy in Grant Ceunty Farm Bureau wants Joseph D Ferd Jr rehired as county agent Jos eph D Ford Jr resigned rather than be transferred Ferd hints W R and Albert Stephens behind his problems Joseph D Ferd Jr blames his woes on ' big boy s ' in county W R Stepehns denies statements by Joseph Ford W R Stephens says he had no rele in Joseph Ferd ' s removal Toes and the man (ed on Jee Ford problems in Grant County) Thomas G Fudge named extension agent fer Grant County Jospeh D Ford J r calls fer law on transfer of agents AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION AND CONSERVATION SERVICE State committee to be enlarged to five members Agri Secy Orville Freeman names four te state panel ASC committee backs A C Mowery Jr for state directer State Repr A C Mowery Jr is close friend of Gov Orval Faubus A C Mewery Jr wins USDA approval to head state office James Weir continues his 7-year battle with ASCS James Weir attorneys raise constitutional question Mark S Glover under consideration for appmt to ASC Mark S Glover added to panel James Weir takes fight with Chicot County ASC to court Judge rules ASCS has right to measure James Weir ' s 196 1 crop With backing of court, ASC to measure James Weir ' s acreage James Weir absent but rice crop gets measured James Weir explains his fight against crop controls ASCS rejects James Weir ' s petitien te grow mere rice Leonidas L Mack charges j obs awarded to political favorites Leonidas L Mack resigns frem state ASC Committee Federal ct upholds crop fines against James Weir. of Dermott US Appeals Ct denies review case of 2 Jackson County farmers Dr James T Ralph addresses state ASCS conference at LR Ralph Hudspeth te get state ASC pest Chicot County ASC office being probed Chicot County prebe is technical, ASC chief says Chicot County ASC probe completed J C Portis , Ralph D Abrahamsen debate farm merger rule AGRI CULTURE see also Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service see also Labor see also Land and real estate see also Taxation see also Wildlife see also Winreck Farms State has lest 50 , 000 farms St Francis River Basin could become l ike San J oaquin Valley Supplemental irrigation helps soybeans become leading crop State co-ops to held conference in Hot Springs New weapon may help farmers defeat blackbirds Arkansas ignoring many problems that hinder econ develepment 3 PAGE COL 10/12/62 AlO 2/ 4/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 7 /61 2/ 7/61 2/ 8/61 2/ 8/61 2/10/61 2/ 12/61 3/ 1/61 4 B2 B2 B2 A7 A7 Bl Bl A4 A3 A4 7 7 7 5 5 3 3 1 3 3 3/ 3/61 3/26/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 4/61 5/19/ 6 1 6/30/61 7 / 1/61 7/ 8/6 1 7 /11/61 8/25/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 6/61 9/ 7/61 9/10/61 10/ 4/61 12/22/61 12/22/61 12/30/61 1/25/ 62 2/16/62 3 / 15/62 8/ 7/62 8/ 8/62 11/18/62 12/ 6/62 Al ClO Al2 A12 A2 B9 A3 A2 A2 Bl A9 AlO A6 ClO A7 Al Al Al Al3 Bl Bl A3 A6 ClO Al2 3 2 1 1 1 8 8 1 5 4 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 5 3 4 3 1 1/ 1/61 1/18/61 1/22/61 1/31/61 2/ 3/61 2/ 4/61 Bl4 Bl ClO BB A2 Al 1 4 6 7 5 2 DATE Congress passes bill allowing transfer of cotton acreage Grant County Farm Bureau chides role of Harold Ohlendorf Tomato harvest in south Arkansas begins Harold F Ohlendorf lashes out at federal aid ALC wants Legislature to consider bill to firm milk prices Phillips County farmers win awards from FCIC fer crep less U S govt seeks to reverse FCIC award to Phillips Co farmers Agricultural weather service extended to large area ef state High quality cottonseed produced in Ark Farm Family of the Year contest has 64 candidates Rice growers want acreage increase Farm Bureau meeting at Little Rock Ark Farm Bureau hears talk by Wilbur D Mills Farm Bureau hears Gev Faubus attack U S foreign pol icy Harold F Ohlendorf tells Farm Bureau of communism threat The Ohlendorf warning to the Farm Federation {ed) Farm Bureau l eaders hit govt� urge battle against communism Farm Bureau re-affirms opposition to controls on poultry Lavon V Watson family is NW Ark farm family of the year Winthrop Rockefeller urges diversification of agriculture Winthrop Rockefeller urges in-state processing of products R E Lee Wilson asks Univ of Ark to de mere farm research William H Wade is Farm Family of Year in North Central Dist Ark asks to be excluded from white-fringed bettle quarnntine William H Wade family of Smithville is Ark Farm Family of Yr Sixteen counties declared emergency areas for credit leans James Weir was fined fer everplanting rice allotments Attys for James Weir ask testimony from Orville L Freeman Weir contends acreage allotments unconstitutional Orville L Freeman balks at testimony in James Weir case Weir ' s attys will have to go to Freeman fer deposition James Weir says Freeman ' s balk ground to kill suit James Weir refused court order on Orville L Freeman Lawyers for James Weir decide to go to Orville L Freeman Inventory shows soil and water needs ef Arkansas James Weir changes plan on testimony of Orville L Freeman James Weir ' s interrogatories directed at U s. not Freeman Judge closes James Weir case; issues $ 16 . 97 2 judgment USDA files another suit to collect money from James Weir James Weir tangles anew with USDA ever crops James Weir fighting USDA over planting wheat without permit Arkansas Farm Bureau dislikes Kennedy Adm farm proposals Airplanes used for several agricultural operations James Weir ordered to post bond er lose his farm James Weir's bid to block sale of his farm rej ected by court James Weir ' s interest in Chicot County farm auctioned Farmers vs . State {ed on seizure of James Weir farm) James Weir called a man of courage Cotten crop estimated at 1 , 45 6 . 000 bales James Weir says USDA action illegal . wants suit dismissed Creps suffering from lack of rain 4 5/ 18/61 6/ 8/61 7 / 16/61 8/ 1/61 8/ 11/61 8/25/61 8/25/61 9/ 3 / 6 1 10/ 8/6 1 10/22/ 6 1 1 1/10/ 6 1 11/19/ 6 1 11/21/61 1 1/21/61 11/21/61 11/22/61 1 1/22/61 11/26/61 1 1/30/61 11/30/61 1 2/ l/ 6 1 12/ 2/61 1 2/ 2/61 12/ 8/61 12/ B/61 12/22/61 1/16/62 1/ 16/62 l/16/62 1/17/62 l/lB/62 l/ 25/62 1/26/62 1/27 /62 1/28/ 62 2/ 7 /62 2/ 9/62 i/ 13/62 2/14/62 2/17 /62 3 /15/ 6 2 4/ 4/62 4/11/62 4/13/62 4/17/62 4/18/62 4/30/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 9/62 5/ 15/62 5/ 24/62 PAGE COL Bl A2 E2 Bl4 B6 Bl Bl Bl2 ES ClO Bl C3 Al B9 B9 A4 B9 CB AB B5 Bl A3 B8 Bl Bl2 B9 BB BB BB A2 A7 Bl Bl2 BlO C3 BB A6 A3 A7 A7 AlO B9 El Al6 Bl Al A4 E3 Bl A5 Bl 2 7 1 4 5 B B 3 2 2 3 3 3 1 l 1 1 1 1 l 8 2 1 2 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 5 1 7 7 6 1 1 2 3 6 4 1 2 2 7 8 DATE James Weir's effort te check rice farming files blocked James Weir calls off rice. cotton quota test James Weir ponders suit against Agri Secy Orville L Freeman James Weir fined $10,244 for overplanting rice crop James Weir asks that USDA be forced to shew him records . Federal judge enters new decree against J ames Weir Swifton farmer Alfred N Moon turns to grass for cash crop Gov Faubus may try to revive plan for state Agriculture Dept James Weir reverses lawyer's plea for rice sale USDA declares 15 Ark counties drouth disaster areas Purchaser of J ames Weir's Chicot County farm to pay today Louisianians pay U S for seized James Weir property Federal officials say James Weir had chance to see records Federal Land Bank Assn at Searcy doing a big business ASCS advises farmers to use land for recreational purposes Ark Farm Bureau President Harold F Ohlendorf addresses group Ark Farm Bureau convention under way at LR Farm Bureau delegates approve cotton resolution U S Appeals Ct affirms fine of James Weir of Dermott Dr and Mrs J N Thompson named Farm Family of the Year AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT (Ark) see Agriculture AIR-LANE see Aviation and aircraft AIRPORTS see Aviation and aircraft see Civil rights and discrimination AIRTHERM PRODUCTS INC Forrest City to get new industry ALBERT PIKE HOTEL see Hotels ALBIN. EDGAR A see also Trademarks, trade names and emblems Albin urges architects to rebel against ugliness Letter on destruction ef trees in Fayetteville. LR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL DEPARTMENT (Ark) Directer Rolla Fitch is business partner of Harry Hastings Harry Hastings is wholesale liquor dealer at LR Willis H Ricketts asks Rella Fitch ten questions Willis Ricketts says Rella Fitch should be fired ALC refuses Gov Faubus ' request fer raise for Rella Fitch ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES see also Construction programs, State see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation see also Taxation see also Trademarks, trade names and emblems see also White County Christian Civic Fdn seeks tighter laws on alcohol sales White County totally dry after 6 years ef effort List ef wet, damp and dry areas in Ark Judge asks probe of liquor sales to miners at Hot Springs 5 5/31/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 8/62 6/29/62 7/18/62 7/27 /62 8/ 5/62 8/17/62 9/ 5/62 9/18/62 9/28/62 9/29/62 10/16/62 11/1 5/62 1 1 /20/62 11/20/62 1 1/20/62 1 1 /21/62 ll/29/62 12/ 8/62 PAGE COL Bl A2 Bl B13 A2 Bl C12 A3 BlO A2 A6 A3 A6 B5 A9 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 5 1 3 4 8 7 1 6 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 I 1 4 1 10/ 3/62 A12 4 1 2/10/61 A6 2/ 6/62 A4 5 3 9/30/62 9/30/62 10/26/62 1 1 / 4/62 1 1/16/62 E2 E2 Bl A13 Bl 2 2 5 1 8 1/1 7/61 1/19/61 1/19/61 2/ 1/61 Bl 5 1 3 4 AS A5 A3 DATE Wet-dry electien bill defeated in Heuse vete Federal agent asks Hot Springs te help end meenshine evil Agents raid still near Denaldsen Agents raid still near Hot Springs Presecuter Frank W Wynne plans crackdewn on bootleggers Ernest Woodrow Vaughn pleads guilty in moonshine whiskey case Illegal still raided near Hector. Willis Ray Morris arrested ABC warns that price wars will net be allowed Abuse in the ABC demands a remedy {ed on price-fixing) Christian Civic Fdn plans 16 liquor elections in wet counties Arkansas liquor laws conflict Drive-in moonshine business broken up in Madison County Pine Bluff Negro fined for transporting moonshine whiskey Another person 'finding ' moonshine is fined White County drys plan to make sure law obeyed Paul E Williams ef DeWitt. gets prison term en liquor count Bootleg suspects held to federal jury Probation revoked fer Virgil Gene Riley on moonshine charges Carroll County to vote en abolishing sales in county Illegal stills found in Garland County Conway County drys ask vote on anti-liquor law Large still operation broken up in Hempstead County Wets ask fer vote in Hempstead County Petitions ask wet-dry votes in fourteen areas Map shews where sale of alcoholic drinks legal in Ark Rellew Fitch wants stranger law on club sales of liquor Dr George S Benson urges Conway County te vote dry Election results en wet-dry issues around state Anti-liquer forces plan campaign in Legislature Results ef wet-dry veting in various counties Ouachita County 'wets ' contest election wen by 'drys' Still raided in Saline Ceunty; two arrested ABC fights Air Force on liquor outlets at Blytheville AFB Blytheville AFB closes liquor stores state had pretested Fitch and the Air Base (ed) ALCOHOLISM see alse Substance abuse and traffic ALES. PAUL see also A and A Manufacturing Ce ALFORD. BOYCE see also Geverner (Ark) ALFORD1 DALE see also Congress - House Dist 5 see also Congress - Reapportionment see also Geverner (Ark) Taps David P Weed fer postmaster at NLR Alford will resume medical practice in LR Article outlines Alford's political rise and fall Alford escapes plane crash at Knoxville. Tenn. uninjured Alford stayed calm. helped passengers off plane ALGERIA 6 PAGE COL 2/ 2/61 2/ 9/61 2/12/61 3/16/61 3/18/61 4/25/61 6/ 4/61 8/11/61 8/14/61 1/16/62 2/10/62 3/ 9/62 3/16/62 3/18/62 4/14/62 5/ 1/62 5/30/62 6/23/62 8/21/62 8/25/62 9/ 7/62 9/13/62 9/13/62 9/16/62 9/16/62 9/19/62 11/ 6/62 11/ 7/62 11/ 7/62 11/ 8/62 12/ 2/62 12/12/62 12/21/62 12/22/62 12/26/62 Bl A5 All A9 Bl A5 A5 Bl Bl A8 Bl Bl A4 A5 Bl A2 A6 1 6 2 7 2 7 5 3 1 2 3 2 4 5 1 2 1 2 5 5 2 4 3 1 2 5 3 3 5 4 2 2 8 1 1 6/21/62 8/ 4/62 8/ 4/62 8/ 7/62 8/ 7/62 Bl2 Al Al Al Al 1 8 8 7 7 A5 Bl A2 Bl BlO B12 Al4 Al A4 B8 A5 Bl Al3 A6 A2 A6 BlO A3 DATE Algerian rebels killed Homer F Kellems. ef Sileam Springs William D Hobbs tells of escape frem Algerian rebels ALLEN CANNING CO Fire heavily damages Siloam Springs plant ALLEN, A HALL JR (Mrs) see also Gevernment employees ALLEN, REX see also Actors and entertainers ALLEN, TOM see alse Educatienal television see also Peor ALLIGATORS see Little Reck Zoo see Wildlife ALLIN. JOHN MAURY see also Episcopal Church ALMA CANNING CO Firm bought by H L Hunt interests ALMA SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Alma District ALPENA see also Land and real estate see also Traffic accidents, violations and safety ALTHEIMER, BEN J, FOUNDATION Validity of Foundation upheld by Ark Supreme Ct ALTUS Fire destroys two buildings in Franklin County town ALUM COVE NATURAL BRIDGE see Parks, recreation and teurism ALVIN THE CHIPMUNK see Bennett, Alvin S AI.WORTH, LANCE see also Football see also Governor (Ark) AMBULANCE SERVICE see also Emergency services AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN see University Wemen, American Association of AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY see Cancer Society, .American AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR-CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL see Laber AMERICAN GREETINGS CORP Osceola 1 s new plant to be opened with celebration Plant dedication at Osceola attracts 1,500 AMERICAN LEGION see Communism see Fereign Policy Association see Pornography and obscenity see Religion AMERICAN MEDICINE'S FESTIVAL OF FAITH 7 PAGE COL 2/12/61 E2 2/12/61 E2 l l 10/ 5/62 B13 4 3/ 8/61 B9 8 10/ 3/61 A2 1 12/22/ 61 BlO 4 5/ 6/62 Cl 5/ 8/62 Bl 5 2 DATE see Medicine and health AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK (Nerth Little Rock) see Banks AMERICAN OIL CO Four injured in explosion at El Dorado plant Two burned in oil blast dies AMERICANISM SEMINAR (Harding College) see Harding College AMERICANS FOR CONSTITUTIONAL ACTION see Congress AMF CYCLE DIVISION Union leader says Faubus supporters trying to foment strike Workers spurn pay raise after conspiracy charges made Gov Faubus denies his friends wanted strike Unien leader clarifies remark on Faubus supporters and strike AMUSEMENTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Court rules tax valid en juke bexes A dissenting view on the juke box question (ed) ANDERSON. FRANCES JANE see also Miss America Named Miss Arkansas ANDERSON. ROSS E see also Banks ANDERSON. TOM see also Congress - Senate (Class I) see also Harding College Farm magazine publisher says nation ruled by evil men Anderson's return (ed) ANDERSON. WOOTEN Estate of $416,000 turned over te Presbyterian institutions ANDREWS, THOMAS L see also Heroism ANGELL. E L see also Colleges and univs - Administration and Management ANIMALS see also Folklore, folk medicine and superstition see also Little Rock Zoe Several counties under rabies quarantine Weman accuses NLR of 'dognapping ' her beagles Rabies en increase in Ark; extends to 40 counties (map) NLR to revise dog leash law. refer it te voters Bob Meffitt1s chinchilla ranch is west of LR Reports ef lien in Clarksville area circulates Clarksville lien hunt delayed by work week Lien hunt at Clrksville ends with ene lest deg Clarksville hunters and degs en trail of unknm,yn animal Clarksville lien hunt called ef f to allow dogs to rest Lion hunt at Clarksville awaits fair weather Clarksville lion seen again, but outruns shotgun blast Clarksville lien seen by tourist Hill people have no doubt Clarksville lion is real 8 PAGE COL 10/10/62 BlO 10/11/62 A16 4/30/62 4/30/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 4/62 Al Al Bl Bl3 5 5 3 3 6 3 10/ 3/61 Bl 10/ 4/61 A4 2 1 7/17/61 Al 2 3/31/62 AB 4/ 1/62 E2 3 2 7/27/62 Bl 5 1/ 5/61 1/ 5/61 1/15/61 1/24/61 1/26/61 3/22/61 3/24/61 3/25/61 3/27/61 3/28/61 3/31/61 4/ 1/61 4/ 3/61 4/ 6/61 2 1 3 1 2 4 5 5 5 2 8 1 7 3 A6 ClO C3 A3 Bl Bl A2 A2 BS A2 Bl A2 Al Al DATE Sheriff. deputy see Clarksville 's lien Clarksville Lkion breakfasts en chickens Injury to deg blamed en lion at Clarksville Bear takes stroll through North Little Reck neighborhood Bear tracks reported at Palarm Faulkner County bear may be moving inte Conway County Clarksville lien back Rare fungus infection found in dogs in SE Arkansas Degs in Lawrence County under rabies quarantine Dogs in Heward County under rabies quarantine Arkansas Kennel Club to have 400 dogs on display at shew About 30 dogs in Roland area die of poisoning Concord man strangles fox that bit him Ira A Wreyford chgd with poisoning dogs in Saline County Article en buffalo in Arkansas's early history Arkansas State College acquires five buffaloes Dr Ralph Phelps Jr reperts panther-like animals in Clark Co ANIMALS. Fossil see Fossils ANNEXATION. Municipal see Area planning ANTAEUS LINEAL MEDICAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES Drs Andersen and Mae Banwell Nettleship run research firm ANTHONY. EDWIN WILSON Prominent lumberman of South Arkansas dies at age 48 ANTHONY. KATHARINE see alse Beeks and writing ANTHROPOLOGY see Archeology and anthropelegy ANTIQUES see also Automobiles and automebile drivers see also Brick and tile ANTISEMITISM see Politics and elections ANTS see Insects APIARY BOARD (Ark) LJAC notifies Gav Faubus beard is toe lax in handling meney APPAREL AND DRESS see alse Folklore and f elk medicine Clethes frem small shop at Leslie going all over the world Mrs Sally Fex operates shep in Leslie Mrs Charlie Crain is accomplished hat-maker APPARITIONS Account ef strange events at C E Shinn home at Mena Mr and Mrs C E Shinn say abjects threwn. fleat b y them Polk County sheriff investigating events at C E Shinn heme C E Shinn says ghosts. haints. spirits net behind mystery Several members ef Shinn family witnessed strange events State treeper. sheriff stay at Shinn home: nothing happens C E Shinn family plans to move back into their heme 9 PAGE COL Al Al 8 6 2 6 3 5 7 6 8 6 5 5 7 6 2 2 5 7/15/62 E4 1 4/12/61 A8 2 3/17/62 A8 4 11/16/61 Bl 11/16/61 Bl 2/11/62 FS 3 3 2 12/ 12/ 12/ 12/ 12/ 12/ 12/ 1 l 1 4 4 4 2 4/11/61 4/17/61 4/22/61 5/21/61 5/24/61 5/26/61 7/ 9/61 8/25/61 10/10/61 10/12/61 11/16/61 11/29/61 12/16/61 5/ 1/62 5/ 6/62 12/ 1/62 12/ 3/62 3/61 3/61 3/61 4/61 4/61 4/61 5/61 Al A2 Al Al Bl Bl A2 Bl Bl Bl Bl A8 B7 A2 E5 A6 A6 A6 Al Al Al Bl DATE Elbert Shaeffer, 15. admits he caused events at Shinn home Editorial en hoax played by Elbert Shaeffer en Shinn family APPEL. JOHN G see also Pine Bluff Arsenal APPLE CAVE see Caves APPLEBY, JOHN T see alse Beeks and writing APPLES see Fruit and vegetables APPROPRIATIONS, State Govt see Finance and budgets. State govt ARCHEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY Archeelegical Society te survey Ashley Ceunty Indian relics Indian cemetery en Ouachita River excavated; tragedy unfolds Legis passes bill te pretect sites, artifacts and antiquities Gov Orval Faubus vetees bill protecting archeelegical sites F D Thomas explores caves. finds relics ef Indian cultures Ozarks cave yielded fine examples of Indian pottery UA excavating Indian campsite en White River near Rogers A C Looney ef Fordyce. has thousands ef Indian artifacts Remains ef old steam.beat found in Arkansas River channel College student digs fer Indian relics on Crowley's Ridge Large ancher dug up in Arkansas River channel near LR Skull pierced by arrow uncovered near Sheridan Amateur archeologists dig into state 's past Baxter County cave is site ef archeology dig Archeologists digging at site of original Fort Smith ARCHITECTURE AND ARCHITECTS Euine Fay Jenes honored fer heme design Charles L Thempesn designed Arkadelphia Public Library Fayetteville architect T Ewing Shelton speciali2:es in schools Heward Eichenbaum wins international honor Famed architect Edward D Stone to visit Univ ef Ark Graphic works ef I Granger McDaniel en display at Hot Spgs Edgar A Albin urges architects to rebel against ugliness William S Allen. James C Wellborn receive prestigious award AREA PLANNING AND RENEWAL see alse Blytheville see also Capitol Building and Grounds (Ark) see alse Clarksville see also Dardanelle see alse Economic development see also El Dorado see also Fert Smith see also Harrisen see also Hot Springs see also Jacksonville see also Junction City see also Little Reck see alse Little Reck Metropolitan Area 10 PAGE COL 12/ 6/61 Al 12/10/61 E2 1/15/61 2/12/61 3/ 8/61 3/17/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 4/61 7/11/61 5/23/62 7/ 8/62 7/ 8/62 7/11/62 8/26/62 9/20/62 9/20/62 9/21/62 AA 4/27 /61 5/24/61 9/ 3/61 9/22/61 10/29/61 11/12/61 12/10/61 5/20/62 A2 E3 A2 Bl 2 Bl Bl Bl Bl Al Al3 B4 A3 Bl Bl Bl Bl D2 Bl A7 E5 A6 Cl 3 2 8 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 6 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 7 1 2 5 1 DATE see also Morrilten see also Nerth Little Rock see also Pine Bluff see alse Pine Bluff see also Rogers see also Russellville see alse Searcy Bill in Legis would allow property ewners vote on annexation LR City Mgr Ancil Douthit sees bill as stifling grewth Rep Glenn F Walther's annexation bill appears dead Rural citizens ef Pulaski County favor Walther bill This bill would stifle Little Rock's growth (ed) Jacksonville votes to annex 250 acres to city Glenn F Walther to withdraw bill en annexation votes NLR Chamber of Commerce opposes annexation voting bill Rep John E Miller introduces second bill in House Rep Glenn Walther would change judicial annexatien law Bill in Senate would allow annexation area to vote first Senate kills bill on vote in proposed annexation area LR Chamber of Commerce rallies te defense of Urban Renewal Arkansas cities take lead in Urban Renewal Officials scoff at myth ef urban renewal control by U S Pepe County group seeks plan fer 6 counties along river Feur Arkansas River Valley counties put up funds for project State program ef planning essential, Metroplan says AREA REDEVELOPMENT ACT see Economic development ARKADELPHIA see alse Libraries, Public see alse Police Dr H D Luck urges city mgr ferm ef gevt fer city Editorial en ideas ef Dr H D Luck fer improvements ARKADELPHIA SCHOOL DISTRICT see Educatien - Arkadelphia District ARKANSANS-AT-LARGE see Executives ARKANSAS see alse Buildings and offices, Govt see alse Capital Building and Grounds (Ark) see alse Censtitutien (Ark) see also Censtructien programs, State see also Contracts and purchasing, Govt see alse Ecenomic development see alse Executive Mansion (Ark) see alse Finance and budgets, State Govt see also Flags and emblems see also Government bends and investments see alse Government departments and agencies (Ark) see alse Government employees see alse Government officials, State see alse History (Ark) 11 1/19/61 l/20/61 1/21/61 1/22/61 1/23/61 1/24/61 1/24/-61 2/ 3/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 5/61 2/16/61 3/ 2/61 4/28/61 8/27/61 10/ 9/62 11/25/62 12/11/-62 12/30/62 PAGE COL Cl2 Bl Al Al2 AA A7 B12 B6 A2 A4 Al C12 A12 Al Bl Al8 Al5 A2 7/30/ 61 Al 3 8/ 1/61 A4 4 2 4 2 1 3 1 4 5 7 3 2 1 4 2 1 2 2 6 2 DATE PAGE COL see also History (Ark) see also Legislature (Ark) see also Politics and elections see also Pepulatien and vital statistics see also Prisons and prisoners see also Tuberculosis Sanatorium (Ark) 6/16/61 Bl State's 125th anniversary passes unmarked Dorothy Kilgallen barb draws fire frem Clevis Copeland 3/23/62 Al 3/23/62 Bl Charles Albright column en Dorothy Kilgallen jab at state Mrs Winthrop Rockefeller asks. ''Whe is Dorothy Kilgallen?" 3/23/62 Bl Columnist Derethy Kilgallen takes jab at state natives 3/23/62 CB Kilgallen column deals with Mrs Rockefeller and the artmebile 3/23/62 cs Public responds to Dorothy Kilgallen in letters-to-editor 3/24/62 A4 Publicity Directer Clevis Copeland to reply te Kilgallen .3/24/62 A7 3/27/62 A4 Letters chastize Dorothy Kilgallen for remarks Ernie Deane comments on Dorothy Kilgallen dig at Arkansas 3/27/62 Bl Letters to editor en Dorothy Kilgallen column 3/29/62 A4 Anna B Winston confronted Chet Lauck en poking fun at state 3/31/62 A4 Letters en Dorothy Kilgallen column continue discussion 3/31/62 A4 4/ 8/62 E2 Letter on Derethy Kilgallen jibe at Arkansas natives 8/15/62 Bl State misunderstood in minds ef top-flight management Time magazine calls West Ark scantily populated, impoverished 10/18/62 Bl 11/20/62 Bl Article on meeting point of Ark with neighbor states ARKANSAS A & M COLLEGE see also Construction programs, State see also Music Lee Reaves named dean ef personnel at Arkansas A & M College 5/15/61 A15 7/27 /61 A3 College losing 18 teachers Plans for fall semester announced 8/13/61 C3 4/ 1/62 All Drawing ef Ark A&M's proposed new science center 5/ 1/62 Bl Forestry students display skills 5/10/62 A2 Arkansas A & M president Jack Mears resigns fer Calif job Dr Mears departs (ed en resignation ef Ark A&M president) 5/11/62 A4 Turmoil at Ark A & M discussed in campaign fer geverner 5/18/62 A2 Departure ef Ark A & M president J W Mears regretted 5/20/62 E3 5/30/62 A14 Dr Claude H Babin named acting head ef Arkansas A & M 6/ 6/62 A3 Lee Reaves may be next president ef Ark A & M Dr Claude H Babin named president 8/23/62 Bl 8/24/62 A4 Naming Dr Claude H Babin te head Ark A&M draws praise 8/29/62 B2 Enrollment may eutpace facilities 9/13/62 Bl President Claude Babin announces staff changes at college 9/26/62 B9 College enrells record 1,088 students ARKANSAS A M & N COLLEGE see also Construction programs. State see also Culture and the arts see also Foed contamination 1/25/61 Bl College gets NCA warning en accreditation 1/30/61 A4 Arkansas A M & N's accreditation (ed) 1/31/61 Bl A M & N asks help ef Gov Faubus in funds pinch Gav Faubus te ask Legis to give mere money to college 1/31/61 Bl Legis to ferm panel to study money needs ef A M & N 2/ 1/61 Bl 12 3 6 1 1 7 7 3 1 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 1 1 7 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 4 8 1 6 3 6 5 1 6 6 2 DATE Senate approves additienal funding fer Ark AM& N Senate vetes salary raise fer AM& N president Lawrence A Davis Gav Faubus ties Ark AM& N funds te hiring Earl E Evans Trustees of Ark AM& N refused te hire Earl E Evans Gav Faubus admits letter en Ark AM& N. but denies threat Senate passes funds bill fer Ark AM& N Trustees reverse position. back Dr Lawrence A Davis Trustees supported in refusal te hire Earl E Evans Hearing likely fer J M Cheatham President Lawrence Davis gets 2-yr contract Case ef J M Cheatham at Ark AM& N to be heard by Trustees Trustees vote net to renew contract of J M Cheatham Lawrence A Davis says AM& N never recd machines under contract President Lawrence Davis signed blank centracts Lawrence A Davis says he has net benefitted from contracts College to construct vocational arts building Audit critical of Arkansas AM& N handling of accounts LJAC postpones action on Ark AM& N audit case Editorial en Ark AM& N's vecatienal training program AAUP probing dismissal of instructor at Ark AM& N Arkansas AM& N appeals fer funds to upgrade college Arkansas AM& N may establish junior colleges fer Negroes President Lawrence A Davis makes plea fer funds Rep Paul Van Dalsem criticizes AM& N's fiscal affairs ARKANSAS A M AND N COLLEGE Plans set fer fall semester ARKANSAS AND OZARKS RAILROAD see Land and real estate see Railroads ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER see Culture and the arts ARKANSAS ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY WELFARE DIRECTORS see Welfare Directers. Arkansas Assn ef County ARKANSAS AUTOMOBILE CLUB see Automobile Club. Arkansas see Trucks and trucking industry ARKANSAS BAPTIST COLLEGE Arkansas Baptist has rich feetball history College now led by J C Oliver ARKANSAS BAPT"IST HOSPITAL see Medicine and health ARKANSAS BASIN ASSOCIATION see Rivers and lakes ARKANSAS BUS AND TRUCK ASSOCIATION see Bus and Truck Association, Arkansas ARKANSAS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CORP see also Lenders Service Cempnay, Inc Alan C Springer indicted en fraud charges in securities case Financial Security Corp is subsidiary ef ABDC Federal judge hears case en dividing ABDC assets Alan C Springer enters innocent plea to embezzlement chgs 13 PAGE COL A20 A20 A29 B14 A3 A3 A4 Al2 Bl Bl Bl Bl 6 6 6 6 l 1 7 8 l 1 l 3 l 1 1 7 1 1 2 1 7 7 7 7 8/20/61 A15 3 9/30/62 AS 9/30/62 AB 3 3 2/25/61 2/25/61 2/28/61 2/28/61 3/ 1/61 3/ 2/61 3/ 2/61 3/ 7/61 4/ 5/61 4/ 7/61 5/11/61 5/13/61 3/23/62 3/23/62 3/23/62 4/11/62 6/16/62 7/21/62 9/ 3/62 11/15/62 12/ 5/62 12/ 5/62 12/ 5/62 12/ 5/62 2/21/61 2/21/61 11/23/61 1/ 4-/-62 Al Al Al Al Al2 A2 Bl Bl A3 A16 B6 AS B9 B9 Bll B6 l 1 6 2 DATE Court approves plan te divide ABDC assets ARKANSAS CAREERS INC see College graduates ARKANSAS CEMENT CORP Foreman plant te be expanded Wilten R Stephens is president ef firm Foreman voters approve bends fer addition to plant ARKANSAS CHEMICAL INC Bremine production begins at El Dorado plant ARKANSAS CHILDREN'S COLONY see Children's Colony, Arkansas ARKANSAS CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL see Medicine and health ARKANSAS CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT see also Civil rights and discrimination ARKANSAS CITY Restoration ef town continues; 1880 pesteffice dedicated Town making a comeback Steps taken to reclaim seme glamor Columnist writes on Arkansas City ARKANSAS CITY WATERSHED PROJECT see also Rivers and lakes ARKANSAS COLLEGE Professor Sergio Rigel was schoolmate of Fidel Castro Arkansas College receives bequest from Wooten Andersen ARKANSAS COLLEGE PRESS ASSOCIATION see Journalism ARKANSAS COMMITTEE FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS see Construction Programs, State ARKANSAS COMMUNITY ACCOMPLISHMENT CONTEST Arkansas Community Accomplishment Contest judging begins Mere towns present claim fer Community Accomplishment award Three mere cities present data for Accemplishment award Community Achievement panel visits Southeast Ark towns Springdale, Magazine, Fordyce, Mountain View take tap heners ARKANSAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN ACDP replaces Arkansas Cemmunity Accomplishment Contest ARKANSAS CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL WELFARE see Social Welfare. Arkansas Cenf erence on ARKANSAS COTTON MILLS Morrilton plant plans te expand Morrilton te vote en bends te expand mills ARKANSAS COUNCIL OF CHURCHES see Churches, Arkansas Ceuncil ef ARKANSAS COUNCIL ON HUMAN RELATIONS see Human Relations, Arkansas Council en ARKANSAS COUNTY Article en county's ceurtheuses ARKANSAS DAIRY PRINCESS see Dairy Princess ARKANSAS DENTAL ASSOCIATION 14 PAGE COL 3/31/62 AB 6 3/ 1/61 Bl 3/ 1/61 Bl 4/12/61 Bl 6 6 3 6/20/61 A7 7 3/ 4/61 B6 6 11/ 4/62 l l /l l/62 l l /13/62 l l/16/62 Al 3 Bl Bl 1 2 2 2 9/17/61 A4 7/27/62 Bl 3 5 2/21/61 2/22/61 2/23/61 2/24/61 3/ 9/61 Bl A6 A9 Bl A7 2 7 l 2 1 7 /16/61 Cl 1 9/ 13/62 B7 9/20/62 Bl 6 6 4/ 1/62 E5 2 E5 DATE see Dental Associatien. Arkansas ARKANSAS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION see Education Association, Arkansas ARKANSAS ELECTRIC CO-OPERATIVE CORPORATION see also Electric power ARKANSAS ENTERPRISES FOR THE BLIND see Handicapped ARKANSAS FARM BUREAU see Farm Bureau. Arkansas ARKANSAS FEDERATION OF GARDEN CLUBS see Garden Clubs. Arkansas Federation of ARKANSAS FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS see Women ' s Clubs. Arkansas Federation ef ARKANSAS FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS see Festival of the Arts. Arkansas ARKANSAS FOUNDATION OF ASSOCIATED COLLEGES see Colleges • Arkansas Feundatien of Associated ARKANSAS GAZETI'E see J eurnalism see News and news media see Nursing homes ARKANSAS GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION see also Reads ARKANSAS GRAIN CORP Helena to be site of $5 million soybean oil plant ARKANSAS HAIRDRESSERS AND COSMETOLOGISTS ASSN see Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Association. Arkansas ARKANSAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION see Historical Association. Arkansas ARKANSAS HISTROICAL QUARTERLY see Periodicals ARKANSAS HOME FINDING SOCIETY see Medicine and health ARKANSAS INDUSTRIAL POLICY COMMITI'EE see Industrial Policy Committee. Arkansas ARKANSAS INVESTMENT CORP Joseph Pecery. Jack Hill chgd with securities law violation Joseph P Pecery changes plea. gets 6-year prison sentence Joseph P Pecery held 'police ' job in securities Picture identified as Jeseph P Pecery was in error Jack Hill pleads guilty to twe charges Ferty-six file suit asking refund on investments in stock ARKANSAS JUNIOR MISS Carolyn Rawlings wins title Fifty-seven girls to compete fer title ARKANSAS LANDMARK SOCIETY see Landmark Society. Arkansas ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL see Colleges and univs - Legal education programs ARKANSAS LAYMEN INC see also Education - North Little Rock 15 PAGE COL 1 2/23/62 BS 3/ 2/61 3/15/61 3/15/61 3/16/61 4/ 4/61 9/ 2/61 All Al Al Al 2 BS 1 3 4 6 l 2 1/14/62 B9 1 2/30/62 A4 7 5 A3 DATE see alse Lutheran Church ARKANSAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION see Libraries ARKANSAS LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION see Expesistiens and fairs ARKANSAS LOUISIANA GAS CO see also Governor (Ark) see alse Oil and gas see alse Reynolds Gas Regulator Co Ark La bids fer municapal system at Memphis W R Stephens comments en idea ef buying Memphis system Ark La offers te raise taxes it pays cities Ark La seeks tax revision, rate increase Ark La seeks basic fee raise Firm purchases building at Sheridan fer maintenance station Ark La reports slight decline in 1960 income El Dorado, Pine Bluff hit proposed rate increase Consumers in dark en rate raise Rate increase gees into effect without PSC approval Pine Bluff pushes fight on gas rate rise Cities press fight en gas rates, run into blunt PSC warning Company raised rates without public notice President W R Stephens defends method used in rate hike The Ark La increase and the right to pretest (ed) Hew the gas rate increase was discovered Pine Bluff attacks PSC as hostile te full inquiry of rate Ark La moving into east Ark with MidSeuth Gas Co merger Ark La must prove need for rate increase, PSC member says PSC Chmn Lewis M Robinson calls merger of MidSouth fine History ef MidSeuth Gas Co outl ined List of 54 tE>W'ns Ark La will add with MidSouth merger City ef Russellville pretested rate increase, withdrew it Russellville feared making W R Stephens mad, James Yeung says PSC Lewis M Rebinsen effers safe way to test rate rise Nashville withhdraws objection te rate increase Little Reck f ailure to pretest rate hike exp l ained Editors comment en rate case Reports 8 pct drep in net income Rate increase fellows three tied te escalator rider Greup of MidSeuth Gas Ce stockholders fight merger plan Gov Faubus steps inte rate raise dispute Cities te hire ewn analyst in rate fight The gas rate inquiry (ed) Merger with MidSouth Gas Ce set fer December 31 MidSeuth blec indicates suit against merger with Ark La Attorneys fer cities pretesting rate invited to hearing PSC methed fer figuring fair rate explained Foes of rate rise hire their own rate expert W R Stephens admits rate request not publicized T J Gentry defends Ark La and PSC en raise in gas rate MidSeuth Gas Ce te join Ark La, owners decide 16 2/ 2/61 2/ 3/61 2/12/61 2/25/61 3/ 4/61 3/11/61 3/27/61 4/12/61 4/26/61 4/27/61 4/28/61 4/29/61 4/30/61 4/30/61 4/30/61 5/ 1/61 5/ 3/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 5/61 5/ 6/61 5/ 7/61 5/ 7/61 5/10/61 5/11/61 5/12/61 5/17/61 5/18/61 5/19/61 5/20/61 5/25/61 5/26/61 5/28/61 6/ 1/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 4/61 6/ 9/61 PAGE COL Al Al Cl AS Al A2 AS Bl Bl A4 Bl6 Al Al Al E4 Al A3 Al Al3 A2 A2 A2 A4 A4 Bl A6 Al E4 Bl A9 Bl Al Bl A4 A3 AB Bl Al Bl A7 Al O Bl 4 4 5 1 4 4 l 8 7 2 2 3 2 2 1 4 7 5 4 1 2 3 1 1 7 3 5 6 4 1 6 4 2 2 7 3 2 4 8 4 1 5 DATE Fees ef rate increase te ask Little Reck te join battle LR City Directers hear plea te join gas rate rise pretest Ark La rests gas rate case in 4th hearing Suit filed to prevent MidSeuth Gas merger inte Ark La Merger ef MidSeuth Gas best fer state, W R Stephens says Pine Bluff, El Derade ask PSC te veid gas rate increase Cities contend Ark La earned 16.19 pct Fair field price methed being used to f:ix rates Supreme Ct threw eut fair field price, Legis made it legal MidSeuth Gas steckhelder files brief with PSC urging delay Experts claim Ark La profits by juggling funds PSC approves union ef Ark La and MidSeuth Gas Ce Motion asks dismissal ef suit to bar MidSeuth merger Govt not entitled to recover $323,283, Court of Claims rules Request filed fer rehearing en merger ef MidSeuth Gas Ce Southwest Natural Gas Ce may merge into Ark La MidSeuth Gas Ce merger te stand, PSC says Ark La contends profit belew limit Attorney fer Ark La charges distertien in gas rate fight Ark La expert finds mistake in his figures Ark La consultant explains theery en earnings rate Consultant says customer charged fer Ark La sales lesses Ark La te market world's first gas pewered dish washer Ark La deductions ceme under issue in PSC rate case PSC chmn. atty fer cities squabble over rate methed Ark La increase net unreasonable, consultant says PSC pays expert $7.500. uses him little en stand El Derade asks Ark La te prove it is entitled te increases Eight cities agree to centribute te fight against rate raise Ark La expected te win case en disputed rates Ark La calls El Derade demand a harassment Merger ef MidSeuth Gas Ce gets ceurt approval Ark La's raise in rates wins PSC approval; cities te appeal PSC rejects El Darade's challenge ef price increases Ark La closes merger details with Southwest Natural Gas Ce Arkla seeks rate reduction fer farmer MidSeuth customers Rate case gees te court Stuttgart will lese revenue under meter fee instead ef tax Article tells hew gas meter plant at Russellville began Wilton R Stephens conceived idea fer gas meter plant Wilton R Stephens likes to hire cellege graduates Wilten R Stephens explains success ef Ark La Suit to block Mid South. Arkla tie dismissed by court New gas pipeline will cress nerth Arkansas Net income of Arkla hits $18.1 million Ark La te buy gas at new Arkema Basin field W R Stephens replies te political charges against company Sid McMath alleges W R Stephens pressured Russellville Russellville Mayer C A Hughes responds te criticism New operations center at Texarkana te open Junction City's special status en gas rates discussed 17 6/14/61 6/15/61 6/17/61 6/22/61 6/27/61 6/27/61 7/ 1/61 7/ 4/61 7/ 4/61 7/ 4/61 7/ 6/61 7/ 6/61 7/ 8/61 7/10/61 7/14/61 7/15/61 7/19/61 7/20/61 7/25/61 7/27/61 8/ 8/61 8/ 9/61 8/ 9/61 8/10/61 8/11/61 8/12/61 8/13/61 8/16/61 8/16/61 8/20/61 B/26/61 9/26/61 9/30/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 3/61 11/ 4/61 11/16/61 11/28/61 1/28/62 1/28/62 1/2B/62 2/ 4/62 2/20/62 3/ 1/62 3/28/62 6/ 2/62 7/13/62 7/15/62 7/21/62 7/25/62 7/29/62 PAGE COL Al Al A3 Bl A3 Bl A3 Bl Bl Bl Al Bl B4 Al Bl B4 Bl A3 Bl A3 Bl Bl B9 Bl Bl A3 Al4 Al A6 Cl A2 Bl Al Cl Bl Al A3 A6 Cl Cl Cl Cl A2 Al BB B6 Al A2 B7 BB E3 5 3 6 4 1 7 1 3 3 8 5 4 7 2 2 1 4 1 7 1 7 7 1 7 7 1 1 4 2 1 8 5 6 2 4 5 1 4 l 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 DATE W R Stephens philosophiz es in pest-electien letter PSC dismisses El Dorado ' s attack en Ark La gas rates El Dorado asks PSC rehear dismissal of gas rate protest Ark La chides El Dorado plea for rehearing NLRB examiner orders ArkLa to rehire fired truck drivers High court backs PSC in handling gas rates ARKANSAS MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION see Mental Health Association. Arkansas ARKANSAS MILITARY ACADEMY Officer school at Camp Robinson has commissioned 127 ARKANSAS MISSOURI POWER CO Power. gas rate cuts scheduled by Ark-Mo ARKANSAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE see Municipal League. Arkansas ARKANSAS NORMAL COLLEGE see History (Ark) ARKANSAS NURSERIES AND LANDSCAPING Joe C Murphy Jr wins battle with neighbors on nuisance chg ARKANSAS ORCHESTRA SOCIETY see Music ARKANSAS PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION see Peace Officers Association. Arkansas ARKANSAS POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE see also Basketball see also Construction programs. State see also Football see also Foreigners in Arkansas see also Music Graduate courses to be offered at Tech by Univ of Ark Plans fer opening of fall semester announced Eliz abeth Yun comes to Tech from Korea Aneta Pauline Morris graduating at Arkansas Tech at age 18 Atty Gen approves unique funding plan for science bldg Lew bidders announced fer twe bldgs at Arkansas Tech Bonds sold fer married students housing at Arkansas Tech ARKANSAS POST see alse History (Ark) ARKANSAS POST NATIONAL HISTORIC PARK see Parks, recreatien and tourism ARKANSAS POULTRY COOPERATIVE Strikers fran. Bentonville plant organiz ing boycott of product Strike settled at Bentonville plant Hearing set en charge against union ARKANSAS POULTRY COOPERATIVE INC Strike forces Bentonville plant to close Bentonville plant closed fer repairs ARKANSAS POULTRY FEDERATION see Poultry Federation, Arkansas ARKANSAS POWER AND LIGHT CO see also Electric pewer see also Property, Unclaimed 18 PAGE COL A4 Bl Bl A2 A7 Bl 1 2 8 1 4 2 6/22/61 Bl 2 6/ 2/61 Bl 2 3/18/61 B6 4 8/12/62 8/17/62 8/29/62 9/15/62 1 1/27/62 12./ 4/62 Bl Bl 8 4 3 1 4 7 8 1 / 5/62 A3 4/ 1/62 Cl 5/ 3/62 Bl 3 2 7 1 0/24/61 Bl 1 1/18/61 A2 4 1 6/ 2/61 8/13/61 1 1 /22/61 5/13/62 5/23/62 6/21/62 8/22/62 Bl A16 Bl A21 AS DATE Private power victory is certain. speaker tells AP&L greup Company wants te berrew $12 million Staff and eperatiens personnel dept to meve te LR AP&L shows healthy gains in customers and inceme Bids opened fer $12 million in building bends Firm. in $20 millien construction program in Arkansas Witness describes Oct 1 1 . 1957 explosion at Stamps facility Testimony continues in trial ever blast at Stamps Metallurgist testifies in trial ever explesien at Stamps Second expert testifies in trial ever explosion Expert witnesses cite furnace as cause ef blast at Stamps Jury awards AP&L $1.658 . 63 4 in plant explesien at Stamps AP&L reports 13 anti-trust suits filed against manufacturers Rebert E Ritchie renamed AP&L president; sen is elevated Floyd W Lewis named vice president Reeves Ritchie elected president ef AP&L AP&L heats touring financiers at dinner meeting Reeves E Ritchie rose through company ' s ranks ARKANSAS PRESS ASSOCIATION see Press Association. Arkansas ARKANSAS PRESS WOMEN see News and news media ARKANSAS PRINTING AND LITHOORAPHINC CO see also Contracts and purchasing. Govt ARKANSAS PROBATION OFFICERS ASSOCIATION see Probation Officers Association. Arkansas ARKANSAS PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION see Public Health Asseciatien. Arkansas ARKANSAS RANGERS see Pelice ARKANSAS RETAIL HARDWARE ASSOCIATION see Hardware Association, Arkansas Retail ARKANSAS RIVER see Archeology and anthropelegy see Harbors. ports and marinas see Pollution see Rivers and lakes ARKANSAS RIVER CONSTRUCTION CO Pratt C Remmel heads firm formed te provide barges for river ARKANSAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Sonic beems damaged building, Scheel tells Gav Faubus Scheel asks $2. 437, 451 te replace antique building Building program begins with razing of administration bldg ARKANSAS SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION see Sheriffs Associatien, Arkansas ARKANSAS SHOE SUPPLY CO Jenesbero plant located in old armory building is dedicated Company swamped with applications for jobs ARKANSAS SPORTS HALL OF FAME see Athletics and sports ARKANSAS STATE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 19 1/26/61 3/ 8/61 4/ 9/61 4/30/61 5/16/61 5/16/61 7/11/61 7/12/61 7/13/61 7/14/61 7/ 1 5/61 7/19/61 1/28/62 5/ 16/62 7/29/62 9/28/62 10/16/62 10/22/62 PAGE COL C14 B9 Cl Al B7 B7 A6 BlO Bl Bll A3 BlO Al4 Bl Cl Bl A6 B7 1 7 7 4 1 1 7 4 6 7 1 1 6 7 2 8 2 1 10/29/61 Cl 5 4/28/61 Bl 8/ 3/61 A3 1/25/62 Bl 5 1 3 1 1 / 3/61 BlO 1 1/26/61 A6 1 7 DATE W M Shepherd named president New Frcntier preposals attacked by speaker Steve Stahl State had geed year with industrial growth, Chamber reports ARKANSAS STATE COLLEGE see alse Animals see also Construction programs, State see also Weather and storms Plan on univ status clearly intended for Arkansas State Coll College band. ROTC cadets to attend JFK inaugural Federal gevt loan received fer new student union bldg House kills bid fer university status Pell shewed 5 B pct believe Arkansas State should be univ College has record enrollment of 2, 225 College in danger of losing accreditation Officials were seeking univ status 5 menths ago ASC wees caused by everambition, Rep Harry B Celay says The problem at State (ed) Plans announced for fall term College te build million-dollar library bldg Dr Carl R Reng discusses funding ills ASC students seek change in campus highway Policy en political rallies is moderate Building a campus is struggle fer college Univ status fer ASC favored by candidate Vernon Whitten The university issue (ed en Vernon Whitten and ASC status ) Gov Faubus would apprGV'e change in status of Ark State Coll Blaze destroys huge dairy barn at college farm Gazette says state cannot afford two state universities Jonesboro firm lew an bid fer new library at Arkansas State ARKANSAS STATE COLLEGE. Beebe Branch Ralph Underhill peints to efficiency ef school at Beebe ARKANSAS STATE ELECTRIC CO-OPERATIVE CORP see Electric pewer ARKANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE see also Basketball see also Construction programs , State see alse Football ASTC te add wing te Short derm fer wemen Plans announced fer epending of 55th regular fall term Speech clinic produces miracle ef speech fer child Alumni seek te build chapel on ASTC campus ASTC to clese Irby Demonstration Scheel How ASTC came te Conway and prospered ASTC sets enrollment record ef 2 . 271 ARKANSAS STATESMAN see Contracts and purchasing, Govt ARKANSAS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION see Teachers Association, Arkansas ARKANSAS TERRITORIAL RESTORATION Document was given by Mrs M H Watkins, ef LR Document signed by President Andrew Jackson goes to museum 20 PAGE COL 11/ 8/62 AB 1 2/19/62 A2 12/23/62 A3 1/18/61 1/18/61 1/3 1/61 2/10/61 2/10/61 2/11/61 7/20/61 7/20/61 7/21/61 7/23/61 8/13/61 3/24/62 4/ 6/62 5/27/62 5/27 /62 6/ 3/62 7/13/62 7/14/62 7/17/62 8/10/62 8/21/62 B/22/62 Al BB Bl Al Al A7 Al Al Bl E4 A17 B6 A2 Al2 Al2 A4 Bl A4 Bl Bl A4 Bl 8/17/61 A4 4/ 5/61 B/13/61 10/15/61 11/ 9/61 3 /24/62 5/ 3/62 9/28/62 A8 Al2 ES A9 A2 Bl A6 1/ 5/61 Bl 1/ 5/61 Bl 5 1 6 2 3 6 2 2 1 4 4 5 2 1 8 l 3 3 1 4 2 8 6 1 B 4 4 2 2 5 3 3 6 3 4 DATE The late Annette Dickisnon was W S Fulte n ' s great-granddau Document given museum is appmt ef William Fulton as secy Restoration celebrates 20th anniversary ef its opening Photos of resteratien going en national tour Louise Watkins Wright Leughbereugh leaves estate to Comm ARKANSAS TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS see Prisons and prisoners ARKANSAS TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS see Prisons and prisoners ARKANSAS TRAVELER CERTIFICATES Article en certificates given noted visitors to Ark ARKANSAS TRIAL LAWYERS ASSOCIATION see Legal profession ARKANSAS TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM see Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Arkansas ARKANSAS UTILITIES CO see Electric pewer ARKANSAS VALLEY BANK (Dardanelle) see Banks ARKANSAS VALLEY INDUSTRIES INC Dardanelle purchases Fox Deluxe Feeds , rents bldgs to AVI Ground broken fer hatchery, precessing plants at Waldren Dardanelle sets day te honor AVI Earnings triple last years ' s AVI acquires three companies in Mississippi Conway County veters appreve bonds fer building plant Dardanelle plant to add 150 workers Subsidiary buys firms Less of $59 3 , 6 00 reported by AVI Earnings by AVI best in its history First AVI stock sold in Europe ARKANSAS VAULT CORP Lincoln County fraud suits testimony ends Federal Judge Henley says jurisdictien lacking in fraud case ARKANSAS WRITERS CONFERENCE see Beeks and writing ARKANSAS-MISSOURI POWER CO see also Electric pewer ARKLA VILLAGE Horse-and-buggy tewn (ed) Village was created by W R Stephens Old-style stagecoach built at Arkla Village buggy factory Heep and pusher game made at Ark La gees en market ARMED FORCES see Defense and armed forces ARMISTEAD, LEWIS ADDISON see also Old State Hause (Ark) ARMOUR. CARLTON M Henered by Little Reck Junior Chamber ef Commerce ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS see United States - Army Cerps ef Engineers 21 1/ 5-/-61 1/ 5/61 7/ 4/61 1 0/12/61 12/21/62 PAGE COL Bl Bl Bl Cl4 A21 3/ 4/62 E4 4 5 5 5 3 3 A3 A23 Bl A2 B4 BlO B13 B1 4 B6 B6 All 5 2 4 7 5 6 2 1 1 1 6 4/27/61 ClO 1 2/ 9/61 B2 1 4 9/12/61 9/1 2/61 1 1 / 3/61 1 2/10/61 A4 A4 Bl C2 2 2 2 4 2/ 1/62 C6 5 2/24/61 3/17/61 3/24/61 5/ 5/61 1 1/28/61 4/25/62 5/18/62 7/18/62 7/21/62 7/26/62 9/ 16/62 DATE ARNETT. LUKE see also Government empleyees. State ARSON see Fires ART see Culture and the arts ART CENTERS see Culture and the arts ARTMOB ILES see Culture and the arts ARTS see Culture and the arts ASH FLAT SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Ash Flat ASHLEY COUNTY see also Archeology and anthrepelegy ASPHYXIATION AND SUFFOCATION Harrison man. twe women die frem fumes in Bull Shoals cabin Bodies ef three men feund in autemebile near Hughes Infant twins asphyxiated at Shaver Springs Three feund dead in heuse at Beebe found dead in car atop rack in service station Man found dead in car at Caraway Hunter dies frem fumes in parked car Twin inf ants die in bed at heme ASSAULTS Mrs Heward 0 Reeves. 2 young daughters. found stabbed Washington Ce Judge Bruce Crider injured in attack Man at Fayetteville slips into hemes. beats w01lle n LR woman attacked in her heme by Negro youth Sixth woman reperts beating at Univ of Ark ASSESSMENT. Property see Taxation ASSOCIATED INVESTORS SECURITIES INC LR firm violated securities law. SEC says; accusation denied Securities firm is headed by Jess Paul Odom ATHLETIC MINING AND SMELTING CO Fort Smith plant resumes work after 1 0 months ATHLETICS AND SPORTS see also Baseball see alse Basketball see also Defense and armed forces see alse Football see also Track and field Hall ef Fame inducts Len Warneke and Earl F Quigley Hugh Bezdek inducted into Hall ef Fame pesthumeusly Morley Jennings. Paul Runyan inducted inte Hall of Fame Little Reck Univ seeks to j ein NAIA Rele ef athletics in schools discussed at LR AIC rejects most proposed rules changes Warren Weodsen returns te ASTC fer reunion with his players 22 2/27/61 11/10/61 1/13/62 1/14/62 12/1 4/62 1 2/15/62 12/1 7/62 12/18/62 4/ 2/61 3/16/62 4/ 3/62 4/1 4/62 5/20/62 PAGE COL Al Bl A5 A2 Bl A5 B6 Bll AlO AB AB A3 A2 2 4 1 1 5 4 7 1 3 6 4 1 5 7 /26/62 AlO 7/26/62 AlO 2 2 l/ 7/61 A3 4 B2 B2 B2 b2 A3 B7 B6 2 2 2 3 5 1 1 1/20/61 1/20/61 1/20/61 3/12/61 3/31/61 4/ 9/61 6/18/61 DATE AIC votes mandatery reund rebin schedule fer athletics Jahn Tucker. Carey Selph in Arkansas Hall ef Fame Ray Winder. Lynweed Rowe. Rube Rebinsen in Hall ef Fame Biog sketch ef Jehn E Tucker. Ark Hall ef Fame inductee Carey Selph. Lynweed Rowe chosen fer Ark Hall ef Fame Ray Winder and Rube Robinson chosen fer Ark Hall of Fame Hall ef Fame induction is tonight Hall of Fame ceremony she1Vs neighborly teuch Charles Adcock hired as full-time paid AIC exec secy Athletic deficits at colleges mentioned in ALC hearing Arkansas Hall of Fame te induct four new members in J anuary Clyde Scott. Dutch Harrison named to Arkansas Hall of Fame George Cele. Russell May named te Arkansas Hall ef Jee Garagiela enly master of ceremonies Ark Hall of Fame uses Scott. Clyde - Biog sketch ef Ark Hall ef inductee Scett. Clyde - Biog sketch ef Ark Hall ef Fame inductee Scott. Clyde - Biog sketch ef Ark Hall ef inductee Scott. Clyde - Bieg sketch of Ark Hall ef Fame inductee Scott. Clyde - Biog sketch of Ark Hall of Fame inductee Scott, Clyde - Biog sketch of Ark Hall of Fame inductee Scott. Clyde - Biog sketch ef Ark Hall ef Fame inductee ATKINSON. ROBERT H see also Parks. recreation and tourism ATOMIC ENERGY see Energy and pewer A'ITORNEY GENERAL (Ark) see also Contracts and purchasing, Gevt see alse Legislature (Ark) Bruce Bennett leaves office with NAACP battle still unsettled J Frank Holt Jr announces his seven assistants fer staff Jack Helt Sr trying to expedite emnibus expenditures suit Frank Holt Sr hespitalized in LR Frank Helt is Attorney General Bruce Bennett to seek effice if Frank Holt does net Bruce Bennett te seek return te office he gave up in 1960 Bruce Bennett pays filing fee Thorp Themas files fer Dem nomination Sam H Boyce and Dave E Witt file fer Dem neminatien Thorp Thomas uninj ured when plan fell in field near Benton Candidate Sam H Boyce flays Bruce Bennett as 'has-been' Four candidates seek Democratic nomination Bruce Bennett wins election as attorney general Jack L Lessenberry named asst atty gen Frank Helt hiring employees wanted by new AG Bruce Bennett A'ITORNEYS see alse United States - Attorneys AUDITOR (Ark) Jimmie (Red) Jones files fer re-election W B McSwain files fer Dem nomination Jimmie Jones easily wins re-election AUDITS AND MANAGEMENT REVIEWS 23 PAGE COL 1 2/10/61 1 2/17 /61 12/17/61 1/14/62 1/14/-62 1/14/-62 1/18/62 l/ 1 9/62 4/15/-62 12/ 5/62 1 2/23/62 1 2/23/62 12/23/62 12/23/62 12/24/-62 1 2/25/62 1 2/26/62 1 2/27 /62 12/28/-62 1 2/29/62 1 2/31/62 B4 B2 B2 Bl Bl Bl B2 B2 B3 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl B2 Bl Bl B2 B3 B2 B2 5 2 2 2 7 7 6 2 5 7 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 3 4 1/ 4/61 l/- 8/61 4/ 7/61 4/- 8/61 2/ 4/-62 3/29/-62 4/14/62 4/17 /-62 4/-27 /62 5/ 3/62 5/-1 1/62 7 / 5/62 7 /-29/62 8/01/62 8/28/62 1 2/ 9/62 A3 1 2 7 A9 Al Al A3 A2 A2 Bl A6 Al A2 B3 Al2 A2 A2 A6 4/ 7/62 A2 5-/ 3/62 Al 8/ 2/62 Al 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 4 1 5 5 3 1 5 5 8 DATE PAGE COL see also Education - Pulaski County District AUDITS AND MANAGEMENT REVIEWS, Gevt see also Apiary Board (Ark) see alse Publicity and Parks Cemmissien (Ark) AUGUSTA see also Weather and sterms AUTOMOB ILE CLUB, Arkansas see also Berry. Hamer F see Taxation AUTOMOBILE DEALERS see Autemebiles and autemebile drivers AUTOMOB ILES AND AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS see also Contracts and purchasing, Gevt see alse Museums see also Parking facilities see also Robberies and thefts see alse Taxation see also Traffic accidents, vielatens and safety 1/31/61 Al State Rep David P ryer wants license deadline extended 2/ 1/61 Bl Gov Faubus opposes extension ef license purchase time 2/ 8/61 A7 State has new law al.lowing right turn en red signal 2/16/61 A9 List of persons awning 100 lowest license numbers 2/16/61 Bl Proposal to license dealers draws manufacturers ' opposition 2/24/61 A2 Senate defeats bill creating meter Vehicle Commission 2/24/61 A2 Summary ef Senate arguments against Meter Vehicle Cemm 2/24/61 A4 Licensing aute dealers (ed) 2/25/61 Al Senate reverses itself, votes fer Meter Vehicle Comm 2/28/61 Al Senate passes bill setting two prices fer auto tags 3/ 8/61 A2 Legis approves pasting driver' s license instead of bail 3/ 9/61 AS Gov Faubus signs bill creating Meter Vehicle Commission 3/ 9/61 A7 Penalty point system fer drivers is defeated in Senate 3/10/61 Al Illegal vete in House passes raise in auto license fee 3 /1 1/61 A4 Gazette critical ef restructuring of license fee schedule 3/12/61 A4 Rep Alvis W Stokes to fight te void license fee vote 3/12/61 A4 Semeene voted fer Rep Alvis W Stakes en aute license fee 3/14/61 A3 Pretest ever aute license vete was late, J P Bethell says 3/17/61 Bl2 Gov Orval Faubus vetoes funds fer driver education programs 3/18/61 Al Gov Faubus vetoes flat license fee rates 4/28/61 Bl Petition attacks validity ef Meter Vehicle Commissi0n Act 6/ 6/61 Bl Petitions filed fer vete te repeal Meter Vehicle Comm act 2 antique autemebiles frem James Melton collection te be seld 1/28/62 Al5 2/15/62 Bl Winthrop Rockefeller buys twe James Melton antique cars 2/25/62 A7 List ef license owners with lewest numbers 3 /18/62 Al State Police want single agency te handle driver licensing 4/ 8/62 E4 Ark began requiring driver licenses in 1 93 7 4/29/62 E5 Mr and Mrs Andrew Waldo made trip to Calif in 1921 b y auto 1 1/27/62 Bl Referred Act 1 99 te regulate car sales defeated by voters AVIATION AND AIRCRAFT Instruments ease landing hazards at Adams Field 1/ 1/61 A3 1/ 1/61 BlO Jay Harry Stacy Sr missing in $60, 000 borrewed plane Jay Harry Stacy Sr found dead in wrecked plane 1/ 2/61 Al 24 4 4 3 1 7 l 1 2 6 7 3 1 6 6 l 8 8 l 1 4 7 2 3 5 1 2 1 2 5 l 3 3 DATE Editorial tribute te Jay Harry Stacy Sr Widews cf Save-A-Step officials settle plane crash suit Misseurian feund dead in plane ruins near Bald Kneb Twe men injured as plane crashes near Lake Village Three Texans killed in crash at Amity State has aeronautics laws on paper. but ne funding Hewell Oliver. 23. killed in crash of stolen plane Trans-Texas Airways adds Jenesbere to system Bomb jeke backfires en passenger bearding at LR P lane crash in Independence Ceunty kills three Texans Texans ' bodies found in flooded Black River bottoms Girl pilot. 16. lost ever Ark fer three hours Search on for plane believed dawn in Walnut Ridge area FAA reccmmends airport imprevements in Ark Two injured when light plane crashed near NLR Andrew L Clark files suit in crash ef jet ever LR in 1960 Crash at Dumas kills Tommy Denton and his sen Govt to pay $210,000 te widows of men killed in 1958 crash Plane makes emergency landing in clearing in Newton County Plane flewn f rem clearing in Newton County mountains LR pilot hurt in crash in weeded area near city Little Reck airport enters the jet age Blimp Mayflower II to visit LR Plane wreckage, bodies feund en mtn peak northwest ef Mena Plane crash near Paragould kills one, injures twe Twe men killed in plane crash at Pine Bluff Plane crash in southwestern Carrell County kills 2. hurts 1 Second victim ef crash in Carroll County identified Plan crash near Star City kills local pilot Pilot in crash ef military plane crash near Bald Knob Civil Air Patrol continues te render essential work Arkansas Aviation Sales gets contract to fly ven Braun B-47 engine that exploded near Arkadelphia never found Court hears testimony in B-47 crash damage suit Plane piloted by Murray Rogers missing in south Louisiana Four died when plane fall north of Het Springs Plane crash kills two men near Het Springs Four Texans die in plane crash in hills near Mena Adams Field will build its awn fire and crash building LRAFB jet crashes in Texas; 2 die, 1 hurt Terry Aircraft Inc planes used fer agricultural purposes Plane crash near DeWitt fatal to twe Plane crash near Wynne fatal te four Several Arkansans escape injury in crash at Knoxville. Tenn Adams Field opens parking let for private planes Fred K Darragh Jr en sole flight around werld Fred K Karragh Jr returns frem flight around world Stuttgart, Hepe airports listed in study critical ef FAA Siloam Springs dedicates new airport Three injured by helicopter landing at Christmas party Bob Lane sets up charter service called Air-Lane at LR 25 1/ 3/61 1/24/61 2/ 4/61 2/13/61 2/17 /61 2/19/61 2/22/61 3/ 1/61 3/ 9/61 3/21/61 3/22/61 3/26/61 4/ 2/61 4/25/61 5/21/61 6/21/61 7/13/61 8/15/61 8/21/-61 8/25/-61 8/-28/61 9/27/61 10/-13/61 10/-18/-61 1 0/23/61 1 1/13/61 1 1 /28/61 1 1/29/61 1 2/ 1/61 1 2/ 3/61 12/ 3/61 12/10/61 12/15/-61 1 2/15/61 1/11/62 1/15/62 1/25/62 3/22/62 4/ 1/62 4/11/62 4/11/62 4/22/62 6/27 /62 8/ 7/-62 8/-19/62 9/ 8/62 10/ 6/62 1 0/18/62 1 1 / 3/62 1 1/18/62 12/21/62 PAGE COL A4 Bl B3 A8 Bl ES Bl Bl Al Al AlO Al AlO A7 Al4 Bl B6 A6 BlO A6 A3 Bl A3 Bl Al Al Al Bl Al6 A2 ES Al4 A2 A2 Bl Al Bl A.1 Cl2 Al El Al2 Al Al Al2 Al B6 Bl A3 A2 B9 2 4 5 2 7 1 2 3 6 2 2 4 6 l 4 7 4 1 4 1 1 2 3 5 2 6 3 4 2 5 2 3 6 6 5 7 2 s 2 7 2 1 6 6 5 2 4 8 2 3 1 DATE AXUM, DONNA Runner-up in Arkansas Poultry Princess contest Chosen Southeast District Forest Queen Denna Axum named 1961-62 Forest Queen Named state Forest Queen Interview with Forest Queen Miss Axum has spent busy year as Arkansas Forest Queen Named National Cotton Picking Contest queen BABCOCK, BERNIE Mrs Babcock was founder ef Natural History Museum at LR Nationally noted author, historian dies at Petit Jean home Editorial salute te the late Mrs Babcock Mrs Babcock made notable contributions te literature BAB IN. CLAUDE H see also Arkansas A M & N College B AILEY, LUTHER see also Sex crimes BAKER, JOHN A see also United States - Department of Agriculture BAKER, TRUMAN see also Governor (Ark) see alse Highway Department (Ark) see also Legislature (Ark) see also Reads BAKERIES AND BAKED PRODUCTS see Feed BALDNESS see Medicine and health BALDWIN, THEODORE C see also Politics and elections BALES, JAMES D see alse Books and writing see alse Harding College Letter on Africa and cold war Letter on congressional investigations of crime, Communism Bales insists Communism is biggest threat te world Letter en free speech Letter on clergy and communism Letter on communism and socialism Letter en Norman Thomas and socialism Letter on Linus Pauling and cemmunism Cellaberating with Pat Beene en anti-communism book fer teens Letter en communist mevements Letter en socialism Letter en problems in the Congo Bales sees conflicts in JFK statements Letter on Arkansas Gaz ette and dealing with the Reds Letter en Senator J W Fulbright's military memorandum Letter on communism and witch-hunts Letter te editor Letter en communism ' s expansionism 26 6/ 11/61 8/ 17/61 9/ 2;/61 9/ 2/61 4/ 4/62 8/21/62 10/ 6/62 6/ 15/62 6/15/62 6/16/62 7 /22/62 1/14/61 1/27/61 2/ 28/61 4/30/61 5/15/61 5/15/61 6/ 7/61 6/1 7/61 6/30/61 8/14/61 1 0/ 16/61 1 1/1 5/61 1 1/-24/-61 12/ 2/ 61 12/ 19/61 1/15/62 9/29/62 1 0/26/62 PAGE COL Al Al A3 Bl Bl A2 5 3 4 4 2 3 3 Bll Bll A4 E4 2 2 1 1 A4 A4 A4 E4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A6 4 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 4 A3 DATE BALFOUR. L G. CO see alse Jewelry and jewels BALL. N K see alse Milwhite Ce Inc BALLMAN. ED LOUISE Donates funds fer classreems at Fort Smith school BANK OF ARKANSAS see Robberies and thefts BANK OF ATKINS see Robberies and thefts BANK OF QUITMAN see Banks BANK ROBBERIES see Robberies and thefts BANKERS PREFERRED INSURANCE CO Two suits against Bankers dropped BANKERS PREFERRED LIFE INSURANCE CO see First Security Life Insurance Co BANKING BOARD (Ark) Gev Faubus names Jame T Karam to beard BANKRUPTCIES see also Hester Mobile Heme Manufacturing Inc see alse Life and Industrial Companies Inc see alse Villa Mobile Hemes Manufacturing Cerp Lee Cazert Sr retiring as bankuptcy referee in Arkansas New bankruptcy referee is Arnold M Adams Bankruptcy is new field fer Referee Arnold M Adams BANKS see also Taxation Legis gets bill to allew detached teller windows Bill to control branch banks in Ark runs into fire Senate passes teller window bill Legislature passes bill fer separate teller windows Paul Van Dalsem foresees day when Ark has only large banks Jerry Screeten put en beth sides in two lawsuits ever leans Suit over leans invelve Prairie Cunty Bank and J erry Screeten Program of Arkansas Bankers Assn cenv outlined About 900 persons registered for Ark Bankers Assn cenvention Arkansas Bankers Assn endorses proposed state bend program Bankers approval of construction bend rigged. member says American Natl of NLR expands to meet demands Commercial Natl Bank names Ress E Andersen president Commonwealth Federal Savings observes 50th anniversary Approval given for Arkansas Valley Bank at Dardanelle to open Arkansas Bank and Trust Bldg at Het Springs completed Worthen Bank and Trust te start new trust service Column on W W Campbell and National Bank of Eastern Arkansas Dean of Batesville bankers H M Kennerly retires Commonwealth Federal S&L plans new building at LR First Natl at Warren meves into new building First Natl of Springdale opens new headquarters 27 PAGE COL 12/28/61 Bl 5 2/ 3/61 Bl2 1 5/10/62 Bl 7 12/19/61 Bl 12/19/61 Bl 12/31/61 A12 4 4 5 2/ 3/61 2/10/61 2/21/61 2/28/61 2/28/61 4/15/61 5/ 7/61 5/21/61 5/24/61 5/25/61 5/27/61 6/ 1/61 6/17/61 6/18/61 7/28/61 11/23/61 11/25/61 12/19/61 2/11/62 5-/10/62 8-/17/62 8/19/62 4 8 6 8 8 5 5 7 l 1 3 AB Bl Al Bl Bl AS A4 C2 B9 B7 Al BS A2 C3 Bl Bl B7 Bl F6 Bl Bl Cl l 2 3 4 3 1 3 1 4 2 2 DATE Bank ef Quitman opens new facility Harlan Lane sues directers ef Merchants and P lanters Bank Defendants in Merchants Bank at Clarendon case answer suit Citizens Bank of Jenesbere adds three £leers te building BANTA, RALPH see alse Fruit and vegetables BAPTIST BOOK STORE New stare in LR te be dedicated. formally opened BAPTIST CHURCH see alse Gambling see alse History ( Ark) Baptists buy campground near Faren Pulaski County Assn te divide into two associations Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine opposes state bend issue Dr A R Reddin re-elected head of North American Baptist Assn American Baptist Assn elects Arkansans te natl offices Deeter. dentist take 2 weeks eff te treat Panama Indians Rev and Mrs Wendell Welch report en tour of Israel Independent Baptists combine preaching. anti-communism cause General Baptist Church holding national meeting in LR Pulaski County Assn divides inte two associations State Convention te vete en record budget this week Dr Bernes K Selph addresses Baptist State Cenventien Rev C Z Helland elected president of State Baptist Cenv Rev C Z Helland has ability to find a middle ground Baptist State Cenv urges cleanup ef vice and crime in Ark List of beard members elected for varieus agencies Ruth J Vandenburg helps Baptists take root in Indonesia Lewisville First B aptist dedicates new education building Arkadelphia ' s First Baptist votes to accept foreign Negroes Rev W 0 Vaught Jr endorses court ban en prescribed prayers Erwin McDonald. Dale Cowling back Supreme Ct on prayer ruling S A Whitlow, Herschel H Hobbs agree with Supreme Ct ruling Clearing the issues en church and state (ed) University Baptist at Fayetteville dedicates new auditorium Executive Bd of Ark Baptist State Cenv approves record budget Ark Baptist State Cenv set te open in LR Baptist State Convention names officers Dr H E Williams urges Baptists te raise funds fer Ouachita Appointments to boards and cam.missions end 1962 convention BAPTIST HOSPITAL see Medicine and health BAR ASSOCIATION, American Mid-South regional meeting to be held in Ark BAR ASSOCIATION. Arkansas see Legal pref essien BARNARD. HOWARD J see also University of Arkansas Medical Center BARNETT. J C see alse Maumelle BARNHART, RALPH C 28 PAGE COL Cl Bl A2 Cl 5 2 6 2 10/15/61 E8 6 2/28/61 3/ 2/61 3/28/61 3/30/61 6/30/61 71 9/61 8/13/61 9/30/61 10/18/61 10/22/61 1 1/ 5/61 11/ 8/61 ll/ 9/61 11/ 9/61 11/10/61 11/10/61 1 1/24/61 1 1/25/61 2/ 7/62 7/ll/62 7/14/62 7/20/62 7/22/62 9/ 8/62 9/21/62 11/ 4/62 11/ 8/62 1 1 / 8/62 1 1/ 9/62 4 5 3 3 8 6 1 1 5 6 1 7 4 3 7 8/19/62 9/12/62 10/13/62 1 0/-28/62 B8 Bl Bl A2 Bl A3 E2 A6 A7 AS A3 Al Al A6 Al Al A9 A6 Bl Bl AB Bl E2 Bl2 Bl El2 Bl Bl A2 11/ 5/62 A3 1 3 5 5 3 6 8 l 4 8 1 6 8 1 4 DATE see also Birch, Jehn, Society see also Censtitutien (Ark) BARR, JOHN TILMAN SR see also Presbyterian Church BARS AND NIGHT CLUBS see also Gambling Ceurt lifts padlock erder en The Keg tavern near NLR Crawn Club near LR raided and clesed Order sought te padlock North Little Reck AmVets Club Four Jefferson County clubs close bars after warnings Am.Vets Club at NLR padlocked as a nuisance AmVets Club te reopen en condition ef geed conduct Meese Club at NLR gets warning. reopens AmVets Club near NLR padlocked third time in 18 moths Pulaski Grand Jury wants tighter rein en private clubs Judge sees public benefit if Hollywood Club burns Judges adopt rules aimed at crackdown en clubs Judge revokes charter ef Red Gate Supper Club BARTON FOUNDATION see also Culture and the arts BARTON, T H Clese relatives fall heir te mest ef Barton estate BASEBALL Article en Little Reck Midgets team ef 1901 Arkansas has produced many tep prefessional baseball stars BASKET MAKING C H Muncy of Het Springs. makes beautiful baskets BASKETBALL Lake City High Schoel player dies during game Column en Arkansas Tech ' s J ames Paul Lovelady and his career Arkanas Tech star James P Lovelady critically injured Arkansas Tech ' s John P Levelady still critical Arkansas Tech wins AIC championship with win over Southern St Arkansas Tech ' s John P Levelady taken eff critical list Arkansas Tech ' s James Paul Levelady dies of injuries Arkansas Tech Wonder Beys pay respects to James P Levelady Lovelady family goes to Pine Bluff to support Ark Tech team Arkansas Tech. ASTC in finals ef NAIA Dist playeffs ASTC Bears defeat Arkansas Tech fer trip to natl tournament All-AIC team named Arkansas Tech ' s Kenny Saylors leads All-AIC ballets ASTC Bears draw top seed for NAIA taurney opener ASTC falls to top-ranked Westminster in NAIA tourney. 68-60 Viela girls team has wen 1 16 games in a rew Arkansas Tech wins third straight AIC championship Arkansas Tech faces Ouachita in NAIA Dist 1 7 title game Ouachita demolishes Arkansas Tech. 1 1 0-88 in NAIA Dist final Arkansas Tech ' s Kenny Saylors en 2nd team Little All-America Gazette ' s All-AIC team chosen Ouachita suffers 95-70 less in NAIA tourney Ouachita defeats Arkansas Tech fer AAU women ' s championship 29 1/18/61 2/ 9/61 2/10/61 3/18/61 8/ 3/61 8/ 11/61 9/20/61 1 2/20/61 9/25/62 10/18/62 1 1/22/62 12/ 1/62 PAGE COL B3 All Bll BlO Cl4 Bl6 B14 BlO BB 3 1 2 2 3 4 2 4 1 2 1 1 1/29/61 A5 4 1/28/62 Bl 1 2/ 9/62 ElO 4 1 9/20/61 Bl 2 l/28/61 1/31/61 2/ 1 3/61 2/14/61 2/15/61 2/15/61 2/24/61 2/25/61 2/26/61 2/28/61 3/ 1/61 3/ 5/61 3/ 5/61 3/11/61 3/15/61 1/19-/62 2/28/62 3/ 6/62 3-/ 7 /62 3/ 9/62 3/11/62 3/13/62 3/18/62 4 1 4 2 1 3 6 2 3 2 5 1 1 l 2 3 6 3 3 1 1 2 3 A5 A14 A3 B2 B2 Bl B2 B4 B4 B2 Bl Bl Bl B2 B4 B4 Bl B2 B4 B2 B2 B2 BS B7 B2 B6 DATE Arkansas Tech ' s Kenny Saylors named first team All-American Deer High Scheel player. Jerry Edgmon, dies during game Little Reck Central may get its first Negre player BASORE, JOE N see alse Cherekee Village BASS, ANDREW S see alse Gambling BATES• DAISY see alse Beeks and writing Files suit seeking desegregation of New Orleans hotels BATES, L C see also Civil rights and discrimination BATES, RUDOLPH see also Government employees, State BATESVILLE see alse Histeric buildings and sites Fire ruins one building, damages another BATESV ILLE RUBBER CO Unien vote set at plant Batesville Chamber of Commerce urges defeat ef union Union loses plant election BAUCUM HOUSE ( Little Reck) see Historic buildings and sites BAUM, ED see also Catholic Church BAUMAN ' S MEN ' S SHOP Committee of wemen representing labor picket Bauman ' s BAUXITE see also Reynalds Metals Ce BAUXITE (Mineral) Report on bauxite in Arkansas BAXTER COUNTY see also Archeology and anthropology Court orders vote records in Demecratic primary revealed BAXTER C.OUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL see Medicine and health BAXTER LABORATORIES INC Mountain Heme te get major drug firm BAYLES, MARION Bayles has extensive collection ef photos of Madison County BAYOU BARTHOLOMEW see also Rivers and lakes BAYOU DEVIEW see Rivers and lakes BAZOOKA (Musical Instrument) see also Acters and entertainers BEALL, RUTH see alse Medicine and health BEAN, W G. Family Family provided music up and dewn Ark rivers in early 1 900s BEAN, WILEY W 30 PAGE COL 4/ 1/62 B3 1 1/18/62 C4 12/ 5/62 B4 1 1 6 12/ 9/62 Al 4 8/ 7/61 A3 1 3/22/62 A7 4/ 5/62 Bl 4/21/62 A2 1 6 6 4/22/61 A6 4 1/ 1/61 D3 1 8/19/62 A8 4 8/ 2/62 Bl 4 12/16/62 E5 2 11/29/61 Bl 2 DATE see alse Courts. State and lecal see alse Western Arkansas Telephone Ce BEAR BRAND HOSIERY CO Firm te open plant in old factery building at Bentonville BEARD. FANNIE H State ESD employee headed fer similar pest in Washington BEARDEN. J LEE see alse Censtructien programs, State State Senater named in alienatien of affection suit BEARDEN, ROBERT E L see alse Methodist Church see also Ministerial Asseciatien. Greater Little Rock BEARS see Animals see History (Ark) BEAUMONT, W E JR see alse Nursing hemes BEAUTY PAGEANTS see also Arkansas Junior Miss see alse Cherry Blessem Queen see also Dairy Princess see also Maid ef Cotten see also Miss America see also Miss Arkansas see also Miss Teen-Age USA see also Razorback Jubilee BEAVER see alse Hotels BEAVER DAM see Rivers and lakes BEAVERFORK LAKE see Pellutien, wastes and hazardous materials BECKER, BILL Letter of support fer medicare BECKWITH. PAUL LOUIS see alse Murders - Fuller, Sue Helen BEER see Alcoholic beverages BEES Hill folk still practice bee keeping in old way BELL. CLARENCE E see also Geverner (Ark) see also Legislature (Ark) BELL, SAM Former convict chgd in shooting of nephew at Plumerv ille Sam Bell shot and killed 4 persons at Selgehachia in 1915 Sam Bell held in sheeting ef his newphew, Billy Bob Bell Samuel Bell dies in state prisen at age 74 Samuel Bell was convicted ef killing 4 persens in 1915 BELLA VISTA Retirement and recreational area may locate near Bentonville 31 PAGE COL 1 1/10/61 AlO 4 1 1/19/61 A13 6 9/28/61 Al3 1 8/19/61 A4 3 7/ 1/62 E6 l 1 1/19/61 1 1/19/61 1 1/19/61 12/ 1/62 12/ l/62 Bl B8 BB 4 4 2 4 4 12/18/62 Bl 5 A3 A3 DATE BELLAS HESS see alse Retail stares BELLEVILLE Dispute ever breiler heuse brings discord to city gevt BELLS AND CARILLONS see alse Capital Building and Grounds (Ark) see alse Christian Church BENNETT. ALVIN S Blytheville native is president ef large recording company Fictional animal Alvin the Chipmunk named fer Bennett Party te honor Bennett visit te Mississippi County BENNETT. BRUCE see also Attorney General (Ark) Bennett reveals private life plans Sued by Ad Craft of Arkansas. Bennett countersues Bennett and A d Craft Inc settle suit ever account BENNETT. CLEOTOS 0 see also Colleges. Arkansas Feundatien of Associated BENNETT. EDWARD see alse Pulaski County BENSON , GEORGE S see also Congress - Senate (Class I ) see also Harding College Dr Benson speaks te Pine Bluff Citizens Council Links l iquor, communism in talk at Merrilten BENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT see alse Education - Benton District BENTON. THOMAS HART see also Culture and the arts BENTONV ILLE see alse Loitering and vagrancy see also Medicine and health Fire damages downtown building BERKOW ITZ. ABE (Mrs) see also Clinton BERNHARDT. ED see also Culture and the arts BERRY, GEORGE CLARK see alse Funerals and mortuaries BERRY, HOMER F Berry claims he is responsible fer rain that fell at NLR Rain machine used by Berry described Berry offers city-wide air cenditiening fer $500 monthly fee Radie statien KLRA hires Berry te produce rain at LR Berry disclaims puny showers; he werks en real rain Berry claims downpour at LR is his doing; Weather Bureau mum Radie station has rain tested fer silver iedide Maj Berry gets paid fer rainmaking , premises mere prejects Flippin threatens te sue Berry fer diverting rain te LR The rain-maker (ed) Rainmaker bombards skies te lure reluctant showers 32 PAGE COL 7/13/61 Bl 3 8/21/62 AB 8/21/62 AB 8/21/62 AB 5 5 5 l/ 7 /61 A3 1/31/61 A3 8/ 2/61 BlO 4 4 l/31/62 BlO 1 1/ 6/62 Bl 3 3 3/22/61 Bl 6 6 / 3/62 6/ 3/62 8/22/62 8/23/62 8/24/62 8/25/62 8/25/62 8/26/62 8/26/62 8/26/62 8/28/62 1 l 4 5 2 2 2 2 4 2 7 A1 5 Al5 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al E2 A2 7 DATE Berry hard at werk with his rain-making machine Berry announces retirement frem rainmaking Berry heads fer Joiner fer ene last try at rain-making Berry claims credit fer rain. is paid, retires again Rainmaker may have done jeb tee well, columnist writes Rainmaking tactics draw seme skepticism Making it rain (editorials en Berry ' s werk) Berry effers plan te prevent rain during Ark Livestock Shew Berry and Expesitien agree; he will try te prevent rain Berry trying te steer rain away frem Ark Livesteck Shew Berry sets up apparatus near Livestock Show Grounds Berry gets pay fer keeping rain away from Livestock Show Berry feels snow fer Christmas is doubtful Berry says snow fer Christmas a sure thing Maj Berry claims snow is his Christmas gift te Ark Arkansas Autemebile Club bills Berry fer harm snow caused Berry will bill Aute Club since he changed sleet to snow BERRY, ROBERT N see also Educatien BERRYHILL. ERNEST see alse Laundries BERRYV ILLE see alse History (Ark) see also Land and real estate BETHELL. JOHN P see alse Legislature (Ark) BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU see also Consumer pretectien see alse Pulaski County BEVERAGES see also Alcoholic beverages see also Construction programs. State see alse Taxatien Seft drink battlers fought off tax. then raised prices BEZDEK. HUGH see alse Athletics and sports BIG ROCK STONE AND MATERIAL CO Ark Supreme Ct rules fer Big Reck in damage suit BIGAMY see Van Rippy, David Reginald BILLBOARDS see Advertising BINNS, MACEO ANTOINE JR see also Education - Little Reck District BIRCH, JOHN, SOCIETY Dr Lee Smith says Seciety has chapters in Ark Article en semi-secret right-wing organization Rebert B Snowden says Society gre111 ing fast in Arkansas The abhorrent doctrine ef the Birch Society (ed) Mrs Edson L Bishop is defender of John Birch Society goals State editors note coming ef John Birch Society 33 8/29/62 8/30/62 8/31/-62 9/ 2/62 9/ 7/-62 9/12/62 9/16/62 9/21/-62 9/23/62 10/ 1/62 10/ 2/62 10/1 1/62 12/ 6/62 12/23/62 12/25/-62 12/ 27/62 12/ 27/62 PAGE COL Bl Al AlO A9 Bl AB E3 Al5 Al Al Al Bl Bl Al Al Al Al 2 4 4 6 2 4 3 4 6 3 4 5 2 5 7 3 3 8/20/61 E5 1 3/28/ 61 Bl2 1 3/22-/61 3/26/61 3/27/61 3/27/61 4/ 7/61 4/ 9/61 2 2 4 1 6 6 A4 E5 Al A4 Al E4 DATE UA Law Dean Ralph Barnhart raps Birchists as immature Dale Al.ferd defends Gen Edwin A Walker. demands restoratien Christian Church eppeses Birch-type activities Letters critical ef Dr Ralph Barnhart ' s statements on loyalty Mrs Alfred Lippman Jr. 0 D Hadfield Jr en Endorsers Comm BIRDS see Agriculture see Wildlife BIRDSEYE DIVISION. GENERAL FOODS Plant ta be built at Searcy BIRTH CONTROL AND ABORTION Mrs L B Fendern chgd at Fert Smith with inducing abortions Penalty slated for Mrs L B Fondren en abortion charges Mrs L D Fondren gets 7 yrs in abortion case at Fart Smith Pharmacy Bd te crack down on illegal sales ef contraceptives Sales ef contraceptives limited ta pharmacies by state law Dr Richard M Rutledge. nurse Helen Kelso face abortion chgs Hot Springs abortien clinic operated in apartment building Second charge filed against Rutledge and Kelso BISHOP, EDSON L (Mrs) see also Birch, John, Society see alse Politics and elections see also States Rights Party. National BLACK BOAR HUNTING LODGE Wild bear hunting preserve proves successful in Ozarks BLACK DOG see also Treasure-trove BLACK, WARD M Ark Supreme Ct orders mere evidence en typewritten will Court te hear new evidence in carbon copy will case Lecation ef typewriter is big issue in retrial ef lawsuit Carbon will ruled valid second time Walter L Black Sr dies: sen seeks to take father ' s claim Ark Supreme Ct declares carbon will a forgery Forged will beneficiary seeks $7,881 in fees Administrix says estate lest $15,482 Four file new claim te disputed Ward estate Lawyers fer Clio Tompson entitled te fee from estate. ct says Walter L Black Jr says cost in ferged will case is $18,868 NW Ark family testify in support of claim te Black estate Thomas Jefferson Black mentioned enly 3 sens in his 1935 will Trial postponed while Black family history searched BLACK])URN, SYLVANUS see alse History ( Ark) BLACKWELL. LAWRENCE see alse Highway Department (Ark) BLACKWOOD, BOB see alse Junior Chamber ef Commerce BLADES MANUFACTURING CO NLRB aide recommends citing firm as unfair te labor Reeter firm wins round with workers ever unfair labor chg 34 4/15/61 4/20/61 4/22/61 4/25/61 12/17/61 PAGE COL Al Al A2 A4 A3 6/ 7/62 All 1/12/61 1/19/61 3/ 1/61 8/ 8/62 8/ 8/62 11/ 7/62 ll/ 7/62 11/ 9/62 A2 Bl Bl A6 A6 Bl Bl All 4/ 8/62 B7 2/28/61 4/ 9/61 4/26/61 5/ 7/61 9/24/61 12/19/61 2/ 8/62 3/30/62 10/ 3/62 11/20/62 12/ 9/62 12/13/62 12/14/62 12/14/62 B8 A4 Bll A13 C3 Bl Cl4 Bll BlO A5 C12 BS A22 A22 3/20/62 Bl 11/29/62 A2 3 4 7 3 1 l 8 8 5 3 3 8 8 4 6 3 4 1 1 5 2 1 5 l 6 5 1 1 1 5 1 DATE BLAIR. L D see alse Werkmen ' s Cempensation Cemmission (Ark) BLALOCK, LARRY see alse Villa Mobile Hemes Manufacturing Corp BLAND. JAMES L see also Government employees see also Gevernor (Ark) BLANKENSHIP, DAVID T Recalls his career as riverboat skipper BLANKENSHIP. G W Donates cellectien of Lincoln materials te LRU Library Gazette commends Blanke nship fer gift to LRU BLASS CO Premetiens ef five executives announced Blass te epen elegant new Fashien First facility BLEDSOE, DAVID W see also Politics and elections BLIND see Handicapped BLOOD BANKS AND DONORS see Medicine and health BLOSSOM, VIRGIL see also Governor (Ark) BLUE KEY FRATERNITY see Fraternities and serorities B LUE LAWS see Sabbath and Sunday legislation B LUE STAR MEMORIAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM see Veterans B LYTHEVILLE see also Electric power see also Hester Mobile Home Manufacturing Inc City authorizes Urban Renewal planning Utility rates are political issue at B lytheville Blytheville AFB annexed by city BLYTHEVILLE AIR FORCE BASE see Alcoholic beverages see Education - Gosnell District BOATRIGHT. JOHNNY H see also Trade schools BOATS AND BOATING Shivering youth end canee trip on Ouachita River In-board motor exploded en Lake Hamilton injuring 8 Bey killed en Lake Ouachita by boat driven by 1 4-yr-old Yeuth bound te grand j ury in beat death at Hot Springs Suit filed over explosion ef boat en Lake Hamilton David T Blankenship recalls days as riverboat skipper William L Tedford and crew try te set mark en Mississippi Fouled meter halts William L Tedferd's river run BODCAW SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Bodcaw District 35 PAGE COL 1/10/62 Bl 2 5/11/61 C 1 4 5/ 15/61 A4 7 1 1 2/20/61 A2 8/26/62 A13 2 1 5/17/61 Bl 10/ 4/61 Bl 6/ 3/62 A1 2 8 5 6 1/ 2/61 6/ 7/61 8/14/61 8/23/61 10/10/61 1/10/62 8/13/62 8/20/62 4 l 3 3 5 2 l 1 Al A3 N3 Bl Bl2 Bl A3 A3 DATE PAGE COL BODY-SNATCHING see alse Dead BOGGS, MARION A see alse Presbyterian Church BOHLINGER, NEILL see alse Courts. State and Local BOMBS AND BOMB THREATS see alse Civil rights and discrimination see also Education - Little Reck District BONDS see alse Stocks and bends BOOKER. J R 1 2/28/62 A3 Brief bieg sketch ef the late Mr Beeker 1 2/28/62 A3 New junier high scheel at LR named fer Beeker. a Negre atty BOOKOUT, BILL see also Police BOOKS AND WRITING see alse Colleges and univs see also Ferd, Edsel see also Theater and drama Alvarez . H G: "Cimarron Valley" 10/21/El0/3/62 Anthony. Katharine: Noted writer is Ark native 05/28/E2/6/61 0 9/2/Dl0/4/62 Appleby. Jehn T : "Henry II" called impressive Bales. James D : Ce-authors book with Pat Beene 06/30/Al/4/61 Bales, James D : Editorial en book fer youth 07/3/A4/2/61 Bales. James D : Writing book with H A Philbrick 11/ll/A7/2/62 ll/4/E9/3/62 Bates, Dais y : "Leng Shadow ef Little Reck" ll/1 2/A3/5/62 Bates. Daisy : Autograph party fer Mrs Bates 1 0/17/A9/7/62 Bates. Daisy : "Long Shadow ef Little Reck" Boyd. Sue Abbott: "Decanter" is peem collection 07/22/E9/2/62 Brown, Helen Gurley : "Sex and the Single Girl" 06/3/E9/2/62 Campbell. Craig : "From Little Reck to Omaha " 01/13/Bl/2/61 05/28/E6/2/61 Collier, Calvin L : "First In - Last Out" 02/5/A1 2/7/61 Creger. Ralph : "This is What We Found" Dresbach. Glenn Ward : Honored by Arts Institute 10/l/B8/7/61 Edringten, Mabel F : "History of Mississippi Co" 06/24/E9/6/62 02/18/E9/l/62 Farish. Charles L : "Timothy Pine" 06/28/Bl0/2/61 Farish. Charles L : "Timothy Pine" author dies 05/1 4/E6/2/61 Ferd , Edsel : "A Thicket ef Sky" 07 /1/E9/7/62 Fudge. Calvin Louis "The Yeung Love " Gates. Sherweed (Mrs ) : "Guide ta the Use ef 11 02/23/A2/2/62 12/16/E8/6/62 Gathright. P D : "Modern Maturity" 05/-27/-ES/3/62 Gravley. Ernestine called writer's writer 1 0/15/EB/1/61 Griffith. Henry : "And" Hall, Andrew M : "Directional Signals en Campus" 06/10/E9/2/62 07/30/E6/5/61 Harris. Etta Caldwell: "Lest the Harvest " 12/30/D9/2/62 Holiman, Den : "Leese Ends" Hunter, Joseph B : "Glimpses" is devotions beek 09/-1/BlZ/1/62 05/6/A9/ 1/62 Lawsen, Curtis L : UA student ' s novel accepted 05/28/E6/5/61 Marinoni, Rosa Zagneni: "Ozarks and Mare " Marinoni. Rosa Zagneni: Feature article en poet 1 1/26//E4/61/l • • • • • • • • • 36 • • • • • • 6 6 DATE 06/5/Al/4/62 McClellan. John L : "Crime Witheut Punishment" 10/7/E3/5/62 McClellan. John L; Crime Without Punishment" McClellan. John L : Plans to write book en crime10/12/C 1 4/3/61 McCey. Maurice E : "Rainwater. Sunshine and • • • " OS/27/E9/2/62 McHale. Larry : "Dark Shadows" 05/27/E9/6/62 10/14/ES/2/62 McMillan. Verne : "On Oleander Street" 07/8/E9/3/62 Petty. Jo: "Apples of Geld" 02/19/E6/6/61 Record, Wilsen: "Little Reck USA" Robertson. Mary Elsie: "Jordan ' s Stermy Banks" 04/30/E6/2/61 02/19/E6/1/61 Rathrock, Thoma s : "Old Testament for Lay • • • " 03/4/E8/2/62 Rothrock, Themas : ' Wilderness te Statehood • • • " 0 9/1 7/E6/6/61 Sanders. Lee and Nola Green: "Sarah Jane" 10/8/E8/61 Schultz, William: "Historical Sketches ef • • • " Schwartz. Kessel : "New History ef Spanish Lit • • • 1110/29/EB/S/61 Schwartz, Kessel : "New History ef Spanish Lit • • • " ll/5/A5/3/61 Simpson, James B : Simpson tells hew he wrote bk 12/2/E4/l/62 Simpson, James B : Wrote "Hundredth Archbishop" • • 1 2/2/E4/l/62 1 2/2/El0/1/62 Simpson, James B : "Hundredth Archbishop • • • " Snelling. Leis : "Mystery of the Red Gourd" 05/1 4/E6/5/61 Ol/1/D6/6/61 Stuck. Charles A : "Story ef Craighead County" Turner, Marguerite : "Who ' s Who in Arkansas Arts • • • "10/l/E8/61 Turner, Marguerite : "Who ' s Who in Ark Arts • • • " 03/9/Bl0/5/61 Webb, Jee : "Training the Tennessee Walking Horse" 08/5A5/3/62 Williams, S Miller: Wins Lewell Grant fer poetry 1 2/8/A7/7/62 Winslow. Thyra S : Ft Smith native prolific writer 7/16/E2/5/61 see alse Pornography and obscenity see also Winslew. Thyra Samter "Battles of the Civil War" is majer publ ishing prej ect in Ark Springdale Penpeint Club finds part-time writing profitable Arkansas Writers Cenf held at Harding College Arkansas Writers Conf award winners listed Column en Arkansas authors and their books Critic blasts section of ''Battles of the Civil War" Arkansas Writer ' s Cenf presents awards BOOMS (Noise) see Defenses and armed forces see Neise BOONE COUNTY see alse Civil War see also Rivers and lakes Recount in county treasurer race ends in tie Eulan Meore. a Republican. declared county treasurer BOONEVILLE Blaze ruins three buildings City cited for its progress in community development BORDEN CO see also Central Arkansas Milk Producers Association BORG-WARNER CORP Entire refrigerataer-freezer eperatien to move te Ft Smith Chairman cites favorable business climate in meve te Ft Smith Decision te move te Fort Smith is final. officials say 37 PAGE COL A6 2 4 2 8 1 1 2 1/20/61 Bl 3/ 1/61 Bl 7 4 8/31/61 Al4 9/24/61 A4 6 2 2/ 3/61 Bl 2/ 5/61 Cl 2/12/61 A2 4 2 7 l/ 1/61 4/30/61 6/13/61 6/13/61 6/25/61 6/25/61 6/ 5/62 Dl E2 Bl Bl El E5 DATE Michigan legislature te probe reason fer move to Arkansas Financing ef plant in Arkansas noted by Michigan probers Chamber official denies firm was lured to Arkansas frem Mich York Division. as well as Norge Division. to move to Ft Smith Nerge Division may bring 175 men te Fert Smith plan Move te Arkansas begins Nerge Division plant at Fort Smith te be dedicated Norge Division plant at Fort Smith dedicated Design of Fort Smith plant brings honers fer architects BOWEN, WILLIAM H Elected president ef LR Chamber of Commerce Bowen says LR better due te lessen learned in 1957 BOWERS. M DREW Dean ef federal presecuters te retire BOWMAN. RED D see also Traffic accidents and safety BOY SCOUTS Scouts to trace course ef De Seto across Arkansas Jahn E Stauffer Jr is executive with Pioneer District Order ef the ArrO'N boosts interest in Scout work BOYCE. SAM H see also Attorney General ( Ark) BOYCOTTS see also Franz Feeds see also Parks. recreation and tourism BOYD. SUE ABBOTT see also Beeks and writing see also Periodicals Letter en current political affairs Letter en Cyrus Eaten Critical of Congressman Dale Alford Boyd's epinien of Rep Dale Alford (letter) Fert Smith peet henered Letter en anti-communism crusades of Mrs Alfred Lippman J r BOYS STATE Beys listen te lectures. begin veting Officers elected; Bill Allen named governor Gov Orval Faubus addresses Beys State Delegates to Beys Natien selected Several delegates interviewed en needed govt changes Thirty cities in Beys State elect officials Beys State cheeses county ef ficers David Zerub ef Het Springs, named Governor Gov Orval Faubus tells Beys Staters about himself Beys State takes ever Capitol fer half day BRACEROS see Laber BRACK, CARL O'ITO see alse Historic buildings and sites BRACKEN RIDGE DOLL MUSEUM see Museums 38 2/14/61 2/15/61 3/31/61 6/ 1/61 7/ 8/61 8/13/61 1/11/62 2/ 2/62 5/20/62 PAGE COL B12 Bl Bl Bl A2 Cl Bl Bl Cl 4 3 2 7 3 3 1 3 1 10/25/61 Al 10/ 9/62 A2 4 7 12/25/62 Al3 3 4/ 2/61 Al 12/ 9/61 A3 8/12/62 E4 6 5 1 2/19/61 2/24/61 4/1 4/61 8/25/61 10/15/61 l(}/25/61 E4 A4 A4 A4 A2 A4 5 4 4 3 3 3 Al Bl A6 A2 El A6 Bl All 4 5 4 5 1 1 5 5 1 4 6/ 5/61 6/ 8/61 6/ 9/61 6/10/61 6/11/61 6/ 4/62 6/ 5/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 8/62 6/ 9/62 A3 AB DATE BRADFORD Arsonist has burned 2 police cars in last 5 menths BRAGG. JUNIUS N see alse Civil WAr BRAIN DRAIN see College graduates BRANCH NORMAL SCHOOL AT PINE BLUFF see History (Ark) BRAND NAMES see Trademarks. trade names and emblems BRANDON, BENTON D (Doug) see also Legislature (Ark) BRANDON. GLADYS NEAL see also Nursing hemes BRANDON, JIM Supports writing of new state constitution Branden attacks opponents ef a new state constitution BRANTON. WILEY A see also Civil rights and discrimination BRAZIL, CLAY State Rep Brazil suffers heart attack, dies at Morrilton BRECKLING, JULIUS J R see also Parks. recreation and tourism BREWER. ADRIAN see also Culture and the arts BREWER, EDWIN see also Culture and the arts BREWER. JOE R (Mrs) Mrs Brewer receives honorary doctorate from Smith College BRICK AND TILE Bricks frem old State Hospital Bldg in demand as antiques BRIDGES see Rivers and lakes BRIDGES, STYLES see also Congress - Senate (Class I ) BRIGGS. PORTER see also Construction programs, State BRINKLEY City planning maj or annexation Brinkley scolds Morrilton fer swips in anti-manager ads BRITT, HENRY M see also Construction programs, State see also Governor (Ark) see also Politics and elections BROOKS, SIDNEY M see alse Advertising BROTHERS, RICHARD see also University of Arkansas BROWN CENWRY CORP Lake Village welcomes plant BROWN TRIO 39 PAGE COL 9/15/61 A2 8 12/ 1/61 Bl 1 0/17/62 BlO 6 1 2/13/61 Al 2 6/12/61 A3 1 1/29/62 B3 2 3/30/61 A2 5/17/-61 All 4 3 4/27/61 A7 2 DATE see alse Russell. Tommy H BROWN. HELEN GURLEY see alse Beeks and writing BROWN. ROBERT R see alse Civil rights and discriminatien BROWN, WILLIEM E see alse Geverner (Ark) BROWNE, HUGH A see alse Medicine and health Former head ef McRae Tuberculesis Sanatorium dies Editorial en werk ef Dr Brewn BROWNING, JOHN W Aide te Gev Faubus is strong admirer of Gen Edwin A Walker BROYLES, FRANK see also Construction pregrams. State see also Football BRUNNER, ROBERT T see alse Veterans BRUTALITY, Police see Police BRYAN, LLOYD L see alse Conway County BRYANT• KELLY see alse Secretary ef State (Ark) BUDDHISM DevBlllitta Upaya runs Buddhist mission near Clarksville DevBlllitta Upaya uses name Frank Newton New Harmony Buddhist Mission located near Clarksville BUFFALO see Animals BUFF.ALO CITY see History (Ark) BUFFALO RIVER see Rivers and l akes BUFFINGTON• T E see alse Medicine and health BUHLER, HENRY FERNANDO see also Hendrix College BUILDING (Censtructien) House at Conway covered with tin oil cans BUILDINGS AND OFFICES see also Housing Medical building planned fer western LR Seven stery office bldg going at West 7th and Bishop in LR 7-stery Pike Plaza Building planned for NLR Medical building te be erected on Univ Ave at LR National Old Line Bldg te be expanded 555 Bldg at LR sold; new office bldg te be built en site BUILDINGS AND OFFI CES� Govt see alse Capitol Building and grounds (Ark ) see alse Old State House (Ark) 40 PAGE COL 11/16/62 Bl3 1 1/18/62 E2 3 2 1 1/12/61 E3 1 3/ 5/61 ClO 3/ 5/ 61 ClO 6/ 3/62 Al6 4 4 5 1/28/62 E5 2 8/ 6/61 1 2/ 3/61 1 2/14/61 2/ 12/62 7/27/62 8/17/62 AlO ClO Cl8 AlO BlO Bl 4 3 2 1 1 7 DATE see also United States - Government buildings and offices Senate gets proposal to finance new Revenue Dept Bldg Proposed state Revenue Bldg draws attention fram legislators Joel Y Ledbetter presents plan for Revenue Dept Building ALC favors revenue bonds to finance new Revenue Building Atty Gen Frank Holt rules bonds can be used fer Revenue Bldg Swelling clay made cracks in new Justice Building Charles S Warman te supervise state building program Bonds fer new Revenue Dept Bldg upheld by high court Charles S Warman is state ' s first building consultant State asked te buy National Old Line Insurance Bldg National Old Line Bldg net fer sale. William E Darby says Cracking of Justice Bldg fault of rare clay that swells Revenue Building may be lecated off Capital grounds BULL SHOAL S LAKE see Parks. recreation and tourism BULL. JOHN B see also Government employees. State BULLARD. W T see also Culture and the arts BULLION. BRENDA see also Culture and the arts BUMP. GUY see also Household furnishing and equipment BURCH PLCM WORKS INC Factory to relocate to West Memphis BURFORD. HOUSTON see also Little Reck Metropolitan Area BURGAUER. CARRYE ROSENBAUM Will of Mrs Burgauer affirmed by state Supreme Court BURGESS. ISAAC H see alse Veterans BURIALS see Cemeteries BURIED TREASURE see alse Treasure trove BURKS . GENE see alse Postal service BURLESON, DAVID J see also Censtitutien (Ark) see also Laber BURNETT. JOHNIE see also Education BURNS AND SCALDS Mary K Griggs ef Clinton, dies ef burns BURNS PARK see Parks . recreation and tourism BURNS. BOB see also Actors and entertainers Daughter ef late comedian frem Ark dies of narcotic overdose BURTON, MARION B 41 1/13/61 7 /23/61 8/ 9/6 1 8/11/61 8/11/61 11/ 1 / 6 1 11/ 2/61 1/23/62 3/ 11/62 6/ 1/62 6/ 2/62 7/14/62 12/21/62 PAGE COL All E5 Al Al Bl Bl2 Bl Bl Al A6 A2 A2 Bl 1 1 3 2 4 8 7 8 2 1 4 7 2 8/ 1 0/62 Bl 4 1 2/12/61 B4 3 1 1/26/61 AlO 1 1/ 2/62 AB 4 DATE PAGE COL see also Politics and elections BUS AND TRUCK ASSOCIATION, Arkansas 1 2/ 16/62 A6 Manager Marien G Ward resigns his post BUSES see also Transit systems BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN ' S CLUB S see alse Governor (Ark) BUSINESS LAW Proposed Uniferm Commercial Cede completed, new before Senate 2/12/61 Cl 2/17/61 A9 Senate passes uniform commercial cede bill 2/18/61 Al House passes Uniferm Commercial Cede BUTLER. VIRGIL J see also Constitution (Ark) BUTTERFLIES see Insects BUTTONS 9-/16/62 E4 Delma Turner has 4 . ooo buttons in her collect ion BUTTRAM, W M see also Commerce Commission (Ark) BUYING OF GOVERNMENT GOODS AND SERVICES see Contracts and purchasing. Govt BYNUM, BEN see alse Legislature (Ark) 2/18/61 AS State Rep frem Chicot County inj ured as cars collide BYRD ' S MANUFACTURING CORP NLRB finds Byrd ' s guilty ef unfair labor practices 1 2/20/62 Bl BYRD, CLYDE 8/26/62 E6 Byrd has been mayer, state Senator. exposition manager BYRD. JOHN HENRY see also Histery (Ark) CAB INS see alse History (Ark) CACHE RIVER see Rivers and lakes CADDO SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Caddo District CALDWELL, A B Caldwell recalls his days with Vice President Garner 2/10/61 Bl CALDWELL, SARAH 2/21/61 AS Conductor of Bosten group ' s ' La Boeheme ' is Arkansan CALE SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Cale District CALICO ROCK see also Electric pewer CALLIGRAPHY see Handwriting CAMDEN see alse Historic buildings and sites see also History (Ark) see alse Reads CAMPBELL. ARCH 42 1 1 l 5 1 2 2 2 3 6 DATE see alse Pestal Service see also Pulaski County Claims he can determine parentage by father. child ear lobes CAMPBELL� CRAIG see al se Beeks and writing CAMPBELL. GORDON H Preps.ring te retire as active head ef Aetna Life agency CAMPBELL. JAMES W Marmaduke native has had celerful Army career CAMPBELL. WILLIAM M see also Banks CAMPS AND CAMPING Camp Clearferk maintained by LR YMCA Camp Yorktown Bay en Lake Ouachita cGmpleted Sen Jehn L McClellan te make dedication speech at Yerktewn Tep military brass te help dedicate Camp Yerktewn Bay Many dignitaries attend dedication of Camp Yerktewn Bay CANADA. EUGENE (Bud) see alse Legislature (Ark) Stat Rep urges JFK t o be mere aggressive teward Cuba CANCER see Medicine and health CANCER SOCIETY. American Arkansas division elects officials CANDY see Feed CANOES AND CANOEING see Boats and beating CANTRELL. FRANK see also Taxation CAPITAL CITIZENS COUNCIL see Civil rights and discrimination see Firearms CAPITAL HOTEL (Little Rock) see Historic buildings and sites see Hetels CAPITAL PUNISHMENT see also Murders - Caldwell. William N see also Murders - Hollman. Rey see also Sex crimes CAPITOL BUILDING AND GROUNDS (Ark) see also Arkansas Territorial Restoration Fire in Capital does little damage , fills reems with smeke Legislature of 1 9 1 1 met in new Capitol Bill planned t e halt commercial gr9ilth around Capitol Bldg Grounds extension bill gets ' de pass ' Capital Building te get prayer ream Ground fer Capitol at present site cost state $ 1 . 000 Senate votes t e exclude bleck frem land te be acquired Bill te permit acquistien ef mere property is withdrawn Nancy J Hall apposes preposed lecatien of prayer room 43 PAGE COL 12/13/62 A6 l 1 2/ 9/62 Cl 1 3/14/61 B l 2 5/17/61 6/ 5/62 6/13/62 6/13/62 6/17/62 Bl Bl A2 A2 C3 3 3 2 2 2 7/26/61 Bl 3 11/ 17/61 A12 1 1/12/61 1/29/ 61 2/19/61 2/24/61 2/26/61 2/26/61 3-/ 2/ 61 3/ 8/61 3/21/61 Bl El A2 Al8 A4 A4 A2 Al Bl 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 4 DATE Heavy stene slabs on Capitol dome are lease Stenn damages stained glass domes en Capitol Outer glass on Capitol dames replaced Liberty Bell replica safely returned to rotunda after Huge mural at Capital restered, te be returned te its Paul H Heerwagen painted mural being restered Tentative site chosen fer new Revenue Building Portrait of C G Hall placed in Capitol New Revenue Dept Bldg faces additional cost with soil Employees j ostle fer parking slets en greunds CAPITOL HILL APARTMENT HOTEL see Hotels CARNNAY SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Caraway District CARMllAY, HATTIE see also Congress CARLISLE see alse Weather and storms CARLSON, T C see alse University of Arkansas CARNAL, CHARLES H see alse Robberies and thefts CARNES, GROVER C State lawmaker dies at age 7 2 Gazette comments e n passing ef Mr Carnes CARNEY, CY see also Congress - House Dist 3 CARPENTER, CLAUDE JR see also Governor (Ark) CARPENTERS UNION see also Constructien industry CARR, GEORGE W see also Congress - Reapportionment CARROLL COUNTY see also Alcoholic beverages Article gives seme history ef county Article en county ' s two courthouses CARROLL. BENJAMIN see also Marriage and diverce CARRUTH, L H Carruth had l arge land holdings in Crittenden Ceunty Judge settles Carruth estate tax l itigatien CARSON, SAM D see alse Congress - Heuse Dist 6 CASH, JAMES B JR Under consideration fer high govt pest Cash named deputy cemmr ef Federal Reusing Adm Cash fired from FHA j eb ever alleged gambling 2 years FHA says Cash fired fer geed ef the housing agencies Firing ends leng service in gevernment fer Cash CASH. PATRICIA VIVIAN 44 E3 6 7 4 1 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 2/21/61 B4 12/24/ 61 D2 4 1 11-/ 4/ 62 ES 11/ 4/ 62 E5 2 2 11/ 3-/61 A2 11/ 3/61 A2 1 1 1/ 8/61 2/ 5/61 l l/ 21/61 11/22/61 11/26/61 5 5 2 2 5 4/ 5/61 4/27/61 5/ 4/ 61 5/28/61 lean 1 1/ 4/61 arch 11/ 4/6 1 9/ 1/62 10/-18/62 problem 1 1/ 9/62 11/11/62 age PAGE COL Bl Bl Bl E5 A3 A3 A5 Bl Bl ES ES Al Bl E3 DATE see alse Kidnapping CASTI.EBERRY. G F see alse Educatien Association. Arkansas President ef Arkansas Education Assn dies at Newport CATHOLIC CHURCH see also Education Bell and tewer at Newport te honer Ed Baum Discalced Carmelite nuns meve into new menastery at LR Des criptien ef primitive ceremony enclosing discalesced nuns Ten nuns forsake real world, enter monastery at LR Sixteen Arkansas priests promoted Honers extended by Pepe Jehn XXIII t o 1 6 Arkansas priests Father Joseph Lauro leaving his beleved hills of Arkansas Arkansas new has 46 . 677 Catholics LR' S Bishop Edward Fitzgerald left mark at First Council Rev James F Drane extolls unity movement among Christians Bishep Albert L Fletcher returns frem Rome History ef Our Lady ef Perpetual Help at Altus CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL (Little Rock) see Education - Private see Historic buildings and sites CATS see Folklore. folk medicine and superstitien CAVE CITY . see also Medicine and health CAVE SPRINGS see also Water CAVES Apple Cave near Aurora has interesting history Arkansas caves are of interest te scientists and ' cavers ' Photographs ef Fitten Cave in Newton County Univ of Ark spelunkers explore caverns in Ozarks Diamend Cave especially well-suited fer falleut shelter Nerth Central Ark caves feund suitable fer fallout shelters Article en caves in Nerth Arkansas CAVIN. WYLIE D SR see also Pulaski Ceunty CAVINESS, PAT see alse Economic development CAZORT, LEE SR see alse Bankruptcies CEMETERIES see also Archeology and anthropology Holiday Inn planned en site of Odd Fellows Cemetery at NLR Relocation ef graves at Odd Fellows Cemetery at NLR halted Six mere enter suit te step grave moving at Odd Fellows Arkansas Cemeteries Assn holding cenventien in LR Workers at Paragould cemetery strike. may have lest j obs Story ef founding of Bidville Cemetery in Crawford County Nine cemeteries in Benten Ce te be relecated fer Beaver Lake Removal ef bodies from Odd Fellows Cemetery at NLR halted 45 PAGE COL 10/10/61 BB 1 2/18/61 10/15/-61 11/ 5/61 11/ 5/61 11/ 8/-61 12/19/61 8/19/62 8/26/62 1 0-/ 12/62 10-/ 13/62 12/12/62 1 2/30/62 2 4 2 2 3 1 1 5 2 1 4 2 5/14/61 6/18/61 2/ 4/6 2 2l 4/ 6 2 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 11/ 4/62 4/ 6/61 4/ 6/61 5/16/61 6/13/61 8/18/61 8/20/ 61 9/20/61 10/21/61 A3 A4 AB AB Bl A3 E4 E3 A2 A5 A4 DS E3 E2 E5 E5 A4 A4 E4 B6 B6 A6 A6 A9 E3 Bll A5 1 1 2 2 1 1 l 4 4 7 3 4 2 1 2 DATE Order asks fer return ef bodies remeved f rem Odd Fellows New suit expected ever remeval ef bodies at Odd Fellows New lawsuit filed en relecatien ef Odd Fellows Cemetery Gray Reck Cemetery near Paris te be mGVed fer Dardanelle Lake State requires perpetual care fund fer cemeteries Farmer ewners ef 13 slaves in Russellville cemetery unknown Three cemeteries in Pepe County being relocated fer lake Proposed Rest Hills Cemetery turns te court fer permit Founder ef Sigma Nu fraternity buried in Old Martin Cemetery Old Martin Cemetery at Mabelvale being restored Odd Fellows Cemetery at NLR cleared ef bodies fer Hol iday Inn Stary ef Confederate Cemetery at Fayetteville CENSOR BOARDS see Pornography and obscenity CENSORSHIP see Education - North Little Reck District see Pornography and obscenity see Televisien CENTER RIDGE see also Fires CENTERTON Volunteers built fire truck fer town CENTRAL ARKANSAS MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION CAMPA' s record praised by expert CAMPA faces FTC charges ef conspiracy in restraint ef trade Lawyer fer CAMPA says FTC charges untrue CAMPA accused ef conspiracy te restrain competition H S Coleman testifies in FTC probe ef CAMPA pacts Dairyman says CAMPA gave price favors FTC hears dairyman testify on milk deal with CAMPA CAMPA plea fer Borden records denied by federal govt Hearing en CAMPA resumes Borden Ce must produce record s , FTC rules CAMPA gives data te j ustify hauling prices Two farmers take stand for CAMPA Sam Dean is en stand all day in FTC hearing Sales mgr fer Pure Milk Assn testifies in CAMPA hearing FTC refuses t o recess 7-week-old hearing CAMPA defends cheaper sales of milk te Dean, Borden Premium price pol icy halted, CAMPA tells hearing Hearing transferred to Washington FTC examiner says CAMPA engaged in restraint of trade CAMPA seeks federal renewal ef milk order CENTRAL BAPTIST COLLEGE Central was formerly Conway Baptist College College at Conway plans expansien CENTRAL TRANSFORMER CORP see alse Industrial accidents and safety Pine Bluff plant hit by strike Nails scattered on driveway at plant Plant hiring workers to fill slets of strikers 46 10/24/61 11/ 2/61 1 1/ 3/61 1 2/ 1/-61 2/15/62 3/29/62 3/29/62 4/21/62 5/10/62 5/-10/62 6/14/62 7/ 8/62 PAGE COL ES 1 8 7 3 8 8 8 4 4 4 2 2 4/ 2/61 C4 2 2/24/61 5/26/61 5/28/61 3/28/62 3/28/62 3/29/62 3/31/-62 4/ 6/62 4/12/62 4/-28/62 5/- 1/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 8/62 5/10/62 5/ll/62 5/15/-62 5/17/62 5/19/62 12/14/62 1 2/-19/62 Bl2 B6 B12 A2 A2 Bl Bl BlO Al4 A14 Bl2 BlO Al ClO Bl Bl Bl AB Bl6 A2 A3 Al2 Dl B9 Al3 Bl B4 Al6 A3 A4 Bl 1 1/-23/61 Bl 5/ 4/62 Bl 3/14/61 Al 3/ 18/61 BlO 3/25/61 BS 1 5 2 8 8 5 7 3 1 l 1 8 5 1 5 1 l 4 1 5 8 8 4 2 2 DATE Strikers soften their demands Strike at Pine Bluff plant settled CERAMICS AND POTTERY Leonard and Marie Sherman are accompl ished petterers CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Arkansas Chamber holding 33rd annual session; officers elected Kenneth Pat Wilsen elected head ef Chamber CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE see also Chamber ef Commerce. Arkansas see alse Little Reck Chamber ef Commerce CHAMPION AND CO SEC orders firm probed fer possible fraud and deceit CHANDLER. WINSTON G see also Congress - Senate (Class I ) see also Education - Pulaski County District Critical of Dr Ralph Barnhart ' s statement en loyalty CHARLESWORTH. MYRL (Mr s ) see also Culture and the arts CHASE BAG CO Wildcat strike at Gressett involves 200 workers CHASE-GROCORD RUBBER CO Union county approves bends fer factory Union County voters approve bends fer expansion CHEADLE. JIM see also Culture and the arts CHEATHAM. ROBERT G Cheatham fined fer failure te file income tax returns CHEESMAN. W A (Mrs ) see also Music CHEMICAL S Employer held net liable fer disease caught en j eb CHENEY. J ORV ILLE see also Cemmerce Cemmissien (Ark) CHEROKEE VILLAGE Bias accusation made by Walter Mondale against show exhibit Jee N Basore says personnel ef firm de net discriminate CHERRY BLOSSOM PRINCESS Charlette Cherry is Arkanssas ' s candidate fer title Charlette Cherry named Cherry Blessem Princess CHERRY VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Cherry Valley District CHERRY• CHARLOTTE see alse Cherry Blessem Princess Named to Cotten Carnival Royal Ceurt CHERRY. FRANCIS A Says Mine. Mill and Smelter Werkers unien Red-infiltrated Wants labor greup branded Cemm.unist-infiltrated organiz ation Former governor speaks at LR en cemm.unist danger in America CHICOT COUNTY AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION AND CONSER see Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service CHICOT LAKE 47 PAGE COL 3/28/-61 B9 4/ 4/61 Bl 2 8 10/17/62 Bl 2 11/ 8/61 Bl 11/ 9/61 Bl 6 5 5/11/61 Bl 8 4/25/61 A4 5 9/26/61 Bl 7 5/17/61 All 10/ 2/62 Bl2 7 2 5/19/61 A2 6 3/21/61 A2 2 4/ 5/62 Bl 4/ 5/62 Bl 2 2 3/ 18/62 ES 4/ 3/62 AlO 5 1 4/18/62 A8 l 12/29/-61 A2 1/21/62 F3 10/-16/62 A6 l 5 2 DATE see Rivers and lakes CHIC.OT STATE PARK see Parks , recreatien and tourism CHILD ABUSE see Children and yeuth CHILDREN AND YOUTH see also Dr awnings see also Kidnapping see also Loitering and vagrancy see alse Lollar. Peter see also Mental health and diserders see also Murders - Cex. Willy see alse Murders - Green. Anita see alse Murders - Henson. Christine see also Murders - Horten. Charles David see also Murders - Naylor. Douglas B reck and J ames W Melton see also Murders - Shearer. Dennis R see also Murders - Smith, Dennis see also Murders - Talley. Jee and Irene Talley see also Murders - Tayler. Lannie see also Murders - Willman. Wayne see also Peer see also Prisons and prisoners see also Pulaski County Junior Deputy Sheriffs see also Punishment Legis defeats child welfare proposal ef Welfare Dept Baby left en doorstep ef J R Utley heme at Sylvan Hills Parent s who chained bey . 1 4 , at Hot Springs to be charged Mr and Mrs Bill Hight chgd in chaining of their son Ark will turn dewn federal aid te children of the j obless Juvenile del inquency declined in Pulaski County last year Nancy L Arendt Long seeks te keep infant state wants te take Two Negro parents bring five sons in t o face up to j ustice Parent s who give up child fer adoption often want it back Children at Pentacestal Church have net had polie shots Pentacostal Church parents obj ect te taking vaccinatiens Scheel Bd at Het Springs requires polio vaccinations Flaw found in bill en abandonment of children by fathers Senate passes amended child abandonment law NLR city adm alarmed by delinquency ameng youth Parents l iabl e fer misdeeds ef miner children. high ct rules NLR students urge Mayor Laman net to punish the innocent J C Cottons can bring suit ever adoption of grandchil dren NLR Mayer Casey Laman suggests yeuth council en del inquency Mr and Mrs Clyde J Long give up fight ta keep child Gordon and Alma Hartrick are long-time fester parents Trained employees greatest need in hemes fer children State willing te take ever Pulaski County child care program LR fire. police officials urge law te curb child neglect Hot Springs S choel Bd sets deadline fer pupils to get ' shots ' Pentecostal Church children at Het Springs not vaccinated 48 2-/ 7-/61 2/12/61 2/27/61 3-/ 1/61 3-/ 9/6 1 3/29/61 5/14/61 8/ 3/61 8/ 6-/61 9/ 17/61 9/17/61 9-/17-/61 9/21/61 9/22-/61 10/31/61 11/- 1/ 6 1 1 1/- 2-/ 61 1 1/- 7/61 11/ 7/61 11/ 9/61 12/24/61 1/26/62 2/10/62 2/11/62 2/11/62 2/11/62 PAGE COL Al A2 Al A6 Bl A9 Al C14 E5 A3 A3 A3 Al A2 A6 Bl A9 Bl Bl2 Cl2 D4 AB A5 All All All 8 6 2 5 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 8 6 1 3 7 1 7 7 DATE Children ef Pentecostals spurn shots . quit Hot Springs school Ophelia Polk Moore Heme at Helena plans building Ark leads natien in teen-age mothers Hepe boy, 1 0 , was chained te building by his father Mayse Walker sent te prison fer chaining bey Hand-size baby at Pocahontas survives , now weighs five lbs Jee Webb plans te open camp fer underprivileged children Donald Malvaney fined for keeping children out ef scheel Mulvaneys cite rel igious beliefs in keeping children at heme Nur sery estabd at Pulaski Ce Juvenile Adm Bldg Baby girl abandoned in Fort Smith hospital Over 100 seek adoption ef abandoned baby girl at Fert Smith Statistics en girls 17 er younger whe had babies in 1 96 1 Statistics en teen-age mothers . by county (map) Arch Campbell claims parentage can be determined by ear lobes Badly beaten bey , 5 , made ward ef Miller County court CHILDREN ' S COLONY , Arkansas see also Construction programs, State see also Taxation Col ony to increase capacity te 3 20 Funds being raised for chapel at Celeny Gov Faubus releases funds to ease crisis at Colony Dr Fay Smith named directer ef education and training Sen Robert Harvy asks if facilities should expand statewide ALC gets study ef state ' s plan fer retarded children Admissien of adults te programs irks seme legislators Funds request draws attack in Legislative Council meeting Sen Ellis M Fagan referred te facil ity as a country club ALC wants accounting ef long-distance calls by David Ray Sens Ellis M Fagan. Rey L Riales Sr hit Children ' s Cel eny Bd Arkansas Gazette defends role ef Children ' s Celeny Legis Ceuncil rej ects bid te set maximum age fer clients Facility fer Negroes urged by Rep Jim Linde r Gov Faubus says it would be cheaper te take Negroes at Conway Gaz ette urges facility fer Negrees be built at Conway Kiwanis Clubs raising funds fer chapel at Col ony Rep Alvis W Stakes would give Colony state parks funds Gav Faubus opposes admission ef mentally :Unpaired adul ts Gov Faubus urges continued expansion to meet needs Four cottages te house 96 children planned Building to be named for Gev Orval E Faubus Colony to take Negroes soon on segregated basis, Faubus says UTC raising funds fer swim peel at Colony Mosaic fer chapel presented by Federation of Women' s Clubs Gov Orval Faubus speaks at dedication of building CHILDREN' S CONVALSCENT CENTER see Education - Remedial and Special CHILDREN ' S DAY Article describes celebratien ef Children' s Day in Ark CHINCHILLAS see Animals 49 PAGE COL 2/20/62 3/ 7/62 6/ 3/62 6/16/62 6/27/62 7/ 3/62 8/ 5/62 10/18/62 10/1&/62 1 1/18/62 11/19/62 1 1/24/62 12/ 2/62 1 2/ 2/62 12/13/62 12/22/62 Al Bl E3 2/ 5/61 3/30/61 4/ 6/61 6/ 9/61 7/12/61 7/18/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 3/61 8/ 4/6 1 8/ 4/61 8/ 6/61 8/ 9/61 8/16/61 8/17/61 8/17/61 8/18/ 6 1 8/24/61 8/25/61 8/25/61 9/30/61 3/ 3/62 3/13/62 4/29/ 6 2 6/24/62 10/15/62 Al Bl Al Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A3 A7 Bl A5 Bl Bl AB C14 BS E6 E6 A6 A2 3 7 5 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 7 Bl Bl E4 Al Bl A2 A4 Bl A2 Al Al A2 A7 Bl AB D9 Al 7 2 8 1 6 4 7 7 4 7 7 2 3 4 5 1 8 4 3 3 8 4 8 1 1 4 6/25/61 E2 1 A3 DATE CHINESE IN ARKANSAS see al se Foreign descent greups CHIROPRACTIC AND CHIROPRACTORS see Medicine and health CHRISTADELPHIANS Arkansas has about 200 members ef Christadelphians CHRISTIAN CHURCH Convention adepts reselutien opposing ' Birch-type' activities First Christian Church at LR rings city ' s eldest church bell First Christian at LR completes new facil ity on Mississippi History ef the Christian Church in LR Disciples of Christ holding state conv in Harrison Cenventien asks ban en further legal gaming in Ark Cenventien elects officers for next year Lawsuit seeks te forestall sale of Wright Ave Church at LR CHRISTIAN CIVIC FOUNDATION. Arkansas see also Alcoholic beverages see also Construction programs . State see also Gambl ing see alse Geverner (Ark) see alse Horse racing CHRISTIAN. JERALD DEE see alse Peace Corps CHRISTMAS see also Parades Article en ' Twelfth-night. er ' Old Christmas' LR streets decorated w ith 100 cedar Christmas trees Description of Christmas in Arkansas in old days Stories of Christmas miracles in Arkansas Maxine Miracl e Wasson describes old time Christmases Mountain-barn folk keep old traditions of Christmas CHRONICLES OF ARKANSAS Note: This series en Ark histery written by Margaret Ress New Year ' s Day ef 1 86 1 feund nation and state tense. uneasy Civil War separated talkers from do-ers Time grews shert fer backers of the Union Gaz ette views the new year with foreboding Governor ' s nemination of 1 86 0 brings split among Dem.ecrats Uneasy ' normality ' on eve ef battle Drum-maker suggests a ' buy Arkansan' pol icy State moves toward point of no return Gazette felt Constitution ceuld resolve North-South disputes Gazette changes l ine en the biggest issue Buchanan ' s pol icy : tee much - tee late Georgia elects route of the secessionists Family letters shew differences over secession issue in 1 86 1 Christopher C Danley becomes arms buyer Secessionist party draws new recruits Secession convention date approaches in Arkansas Newly opened telegraph office plays part in secession move Little Rock Arsenal a small-bare Sumter so PAGE COL 6/16/62 A5 1 4/22/61 9/ 4/61 2/25/ 62 2/25/62 4/27/62 4/28/62 4/-28/-62 5/16/62 7 3 2 2 3 5 5 4 1/ 1/61 11/20/61 12/17/61 12/16/62 12/23/62 12/23/62 1/ 1/ l/ 1/ 1/61 2-/ 61 4/6 1 6/61 1/ 8/61 1/ 9/61 1/1 1/61 1/13/61 1/15/61 1/16/61 1/-18/- 61 1/20/61 1/22/61 1/23/61 1/25/-61 1/27/61 1/29/61 1/30/61 A2 A2 E5 ES Bl A6 A6 B16 D4 D6 4 3 1 2 1 1 D3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 5 4 6 5 6 3 6 D2 Al E4 E5 DATE Henry M Reeter sends smoke signal to the west Arkansas begins te batten dewn the hatches False tells of reinf ercements fer LR Arsenal Gev Reeter interposes between meb, troops Gev Henry M Reeter takes key te Little Reck Arsenal Excitement at Little Rock Arsenal gradually subsiding Seizure ef Little Rock Arsenal opposed by both sides Irregulars meve in on Army ' s supplies at LR Hope ef peace was l ong time in dying Voters asked to leak again before leaping Ark held convention election as South inaugurates its pres Delegates to secessien conv disclose their allegiances More delegates te secession conv show their affil iations Secession convention delegates l isted Secession feel ing strong in Ark • Fort Smith stands for Union Children ' s crusade in Arkansas County Albert Pike switches te secessionist line Secession convention settles upon its officers State awaited word of President Lincoln ' s inaugural address Sparring begins in secessien convention Initial secession motien is entered President Lincoln ' s speech change s minds of many Convention resolution proposed 8 amdts te reselve controversy Gov Reeter sends fermal word te convention Unionist s ' good faith impeached Outsiders push the session campaign Convention continued while secession ordinance debated Extremists suffer temperary setback in secessien convention First convention session is adj ourned Twe sides prepare for shewdown vote Resolutiens . circulars urge secession as feel ings run high Gazette comes to aid ef Union ' s defenders Gazette carries the fight te ' Cossacks ' Gazette firm fer moderates ' cause First US Cavalry at Fort Smith previded generals fer armies Troops begin some preliminary moves Letter-writers chafe fer shewdown U S Army shapes up its defenses en border Lincoln ' s preclamatien final blew to Unionism in Arkansas Arkansas on brink of secession Arkansas Militia drilling in LR President Lincoln issues his call te the troops Northern, Western sections ef state receives news of Sumter Report frem Sumter changes everything Arkansans rally te differenct standard Second convention call made official Five military units frem Pulaski County leave for Fort Smith Confederates make counter troop call Arkansas sends its initial volunteers Gazette editor outlines military strategy Cincinnati group seizes arms bound fer Ark ; state retal iates 51 2/ 1/61 2/ 3/61 2l 5/61 2/ 6/61 2/ 8/61 2/ 10/61 2/1'2:/ 61 2/13/61 2/15/61 2/17/61 2/19/61 2/20/61 2/22/61 'l/24/61 2/26/61 2/27/-61 3/ 1/61 3/ 3/61 3/ 5/-61 3/ 6/61 3/ 8/61 3/10/61 3/12/61 3/-13/61 3/15/-61 3/-17/61 3/19/61 3/ 20/61 3/22/61 3/-24/61 3/26/61 3/27/61 3/29/61 3/31/61 4/ 2/61 4/ 3/61 4/ 5/61 4/ 7/61 4/ 9/61 4/10/61 4/ 12/61 4/14/61 4/16/-61 4/17/61 4/-19/-61 4/21/61 4/23/61 4/24/61 4/26/61 4/2S/61 4/30/61 PAGE COL A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E4 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 5 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 5 6 4 DATE May Day revelries take en new sound Defiant lener breught inte line Time fer cheesing up on the campuses Secession convention votes te take Ark eut of the Union One mere vete fer secession maj ority Regulators ride in Prairie County Convention speeds order ef business 1st Arkansas Infantry meves en to Virginia Second thoughts en seizure ef "Argo" Privateering gets convention' s approval Albert Pike en mission te the Indian country Convention asks Confederacy ' s plans fer defense Cenventien acts to bridge a new chasm State troops meve to the western border The war-like spirit and the word of Gad Confederacy seeks Ark regiments fer use en Indian frontier Vigilantes rally in Fulten County Unrest . confusion beset state banks Arkansas Infantry Regiment en scene in Virginia Convention adj ourned en June 1 . 1 86 1 Union forces fear move toward Caire Themas C Hindman ready te leave fer Virginia Encampments set up along Mississippi River Albert Pike composes popular variation of ' Dixie' Invincible guards move into Little Reck. camp at Arsenal CSA President Jefferson Davis sets day ef fasting. prayer Cherokee Nation says no to involvement in conflict Missouri events provide background fer situation in Ark Change of name fer Tetten ' s artillery Arkansas divided en use ef troops State troubled by Indian neutral is ts McCulloch rallies Arkansans to repel invasion frem Missouri Feurth ef July observed as usual News blackout observed in state Sale of war bends picks up in state State troops march teward Missouri. meet enemy. win victory Unien rebuf fed in southern Missouri Gen McCulloch pulls back te regroup Forces under Gen McCulloch advance in Missouri Gen Ben McCulloch shifts encampment to Bentonville Newspapers give accounts of activities inv olving Arkansans South sees signs of divine intervention Gen Wm J Hardee transfers state treeps te Confederacy State continues te mobiliz e and deploy Self-censorship in the Arkansas press Red tape delays troop transfers Bull Run was decisive Confederate vict ory State claims its ewn volunteer mette State inventories its war materials Confederates seek aid of Indians Confederates agree te j oin forces . march en Springfield 52 5/ 1/61 5/ 3 / 6 1 5/ 5/ 61 5/ 7/61 5/ 8/61 5/10/61 5/12/61 5/14/61 5/15/61 5/17/61 5/lr:f/61 5/21/61 5/22/61 5/24/61 5/26/61 5 / 2 8/61 5/29/61 5/31/61 6/ 2/61 6/ 4/61 6/ 5/61 6/ 7/61 6/ r:>/6 1 6/11/61 6/12/61 6/ 14/61 6/16/61 6/18/61 6 / 1 9/-61 6/21/61 6/23/61 6/25/61 6/26/61 6/28/ 6 1 6/30/61 7 / 2/61 7/ 5/61 7/ 7/61 7/ 9/61 7/10/61 7/12/61 7 /14/61 7/16/61 7 /17 /61 7/19/61 7/21/61 7/23/61 7 /24/61 7/25/61 7/28/61 7/30/61 PAGE COL A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 D3 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 DATE Score-cards differ en Missouri ambush Stage is set at Wilson ' s Creek Feds steal a march in early morning raid at Springfield South wen Battle of Wilson ' s Creek near Springfield, Me Second-guessing after Battle of Wilson Creek Ben McCulloch, Sterling Price disagree en strategy Second-guessing en Battle of Wilsen Creek Union forces retreat frem Springfield to Rolla Newspapers laud unit led by William E Woodruff Jr More dissension on transfer of troops In camp w ith the Fourth Arkansas Confederacy missed opportunity to take Missouri Waiting fer the word from old New Madrid State prepares for a new kind ef vote Recruiters meving in on Little Reck Brig Gen Ben McCulloch falls back to Jackson. Arkansas Text ef song written by W J Shumate War effort hurt by newsprint shortage Preparations fer school affected by war fears Arkansas schools planned for 1 86 1 terms Criticism. charges of cowardice mark Battle of Oak Hills Arguments ever arms and areas of command Deployment, transfers , supply cause headaches Need for guns published as armory established Problem ef pretectien fer western Arkansas Jealeusy. resentment crep up in command Military Beard cemes in fer additional criticism Confederate election of ' 6 1 was unusual Recruiting campaign pushed in Arkansas Yankee POWs create mild sensation in state Soldiers elect officers and get seme clothes Volunteers hemesick, they decide te disband Albert Pike calls en Choctaws te j oin Confederacy Gen Hardee gets orders to meve his command to Kentucky Arkansas names 4 members to Confederate Reuse ef Reps Gev Henry M Reeter calls fer mere volunteers Army officers seek clothing contributions State residents urged to operate salt springs Fame comes te dentist M McClure Gen Ben McCulloch refuses to march with Gen Sterling Price Gen Sterl ing Price meets the enemy near Dry Wood, Me Gen Sterl ing Price advances through Missouri Fall ef Lexington. Me, severe blew to Unien Unien Gen James H Lane adds te his reputation Gen Ben McCulloch uses threates te get some wapons Volunteers sought fer artillery company Controversy flares ever calling ef Confederate troops Completion of railraed bridge cheered Little Reck Kentucky ' s neutral ity precarieus ; South makes a wrong move Absent state officials urged te return or resign Third Arkansas demonstrates its valer 53 7/31/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 4/ 6 1 8/ 6/-61 8/ 7/61 8/ 9/61 8/11/61 8/-13/61 8/15/-61 8/16/61 8/18/61 8/-20/61 8/21/61 8/23/61 8-/-25/-61 8/27 /61 8/28/-61 8/30-/-61 9/ 1/61 9/- 2/61 9/ 3-/-61 9/ 4/61 9/ 5-/- 6 1 9/ 6/61 9/ 7/61 9/ 8/61 9/ 9/61 9/10/61 9/11/61 9/12/61 9/13/61 9/14/61 9/-15/61 9/16/61 9/17/61 9/18/61 9/19/61 9/20/61 9/21/61 9/22/61 9/23/61 9/-24/61 9/25/61 9/26/61 9/27 /61 9/28/ 6 1 9/2'>/61 9/-30/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 2/61 10/ 3/61 PAGE COL A4 B4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 E2 A4 A4 B7 B4 D3 B3 BS Al2 C4 B6 B4 E3 B3 B6 B6 C4 B7 B4 E3 B4 B6 B6 C7 B7 A6 E3 B4 B4 B6 C4 BB B5 E6 B3 B4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 1 l 4 7 l 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 l l 1 1 1 1 4 1 l 1 1 l 1 4 1 1 DATE Little Reck l adies sew and sponsor concerts Campaigns fer clothing meet good response Inventers keep busy to meet war demands Charges ef cowardice at Oak Hills still haunt volunteers Gen Albert Pike concludes treaty with Cherokees Invasion threat spurs state recruiting ef ferts N Y Journal ' s report irks the True Democrat South realizes need for home manufacturing Needing lead. the South seizes Missouri mines Wool . cotton present preblems in blockade Two pol iticians battle over personal matter Gen John C Fremont plans all-out campaign against Gen Price Gen Ben McCullech ' s dilemma awakens people of the state Northern papers mistakenly report Gen Ben McCullech ' s death Arkansas uses prison as war manuf actory Receivers named for Sequestration Act Religious meetings held despite war difficulties Educator establ ishes language study classes at LR Gen Thomposen ' s Missouri maneuvers touch off panic in NE Ark Tax-paying big preblem fer moneyless citizens Confederate currency grabbed up eagerly Better communication noted in Arkansas Little Rock tightens ' pass ' rule fer Negroes Seized U S land used to back up war bonds Deposed Missourians vote to j oin South Arkansas selects its Canfederate senaters Three Arkansas companies organized inte battalion Governors. newspapers assail war speculators News ef federal shipbuilding reaches Arkansas Soldiers keep friends and families informed War news crowds out reporting en affairs ef Little Rock Twe views put forth en defense ef Arkansas Special legislative session convene s ; Gov Rector ' s message War bond depreciation causes much cencern Charges of inefficiency plague military board Heme Guard abolished in favor ef the Militia Caire and Fulton Railroad faces less of land in Arkansas Memphis heme provides care fer ill soldiers Information en industry sought by Confederacy Gen U S Grant attacks at Belmont. Mo Shadow ef suspicion falls on Germans and Irish Negroes do their part in fund-raising drives Much progress made in telegraph service Women' s new fashions irritate j ournal editor Wagons utilized te take arms, supplies te Fort Smith New Little Reck daily boasts big circulation General Grant takes the field against Gen M Jeff Thempsen Volunteers sign up fer the Fourth Arkansas Col Patrick R Cleburne wins prom.etien to general Confederates construct fortifications on Mississippi River Albert Pike gets command of Indian Territory 54 10/ 4/61 10/ 5/61 10/ 6/61 10/ 7/61 10/ 8/61 10/ 9/61 10/10/61 10/1 1/61 10/12/61 10/13/61 10/14/61 10/15/61 10/16-/61 10/17/61 10/18/61 10/19/61 10/20/61 10/21/61 10/22/61 10/23/61 10/24/61 10/25/61 10/26/61 10/27 /61 10/28/61 10/29/61 10/30/61 10/31/61 11/ 1/61 11/ 2/61 11/ 3/61 11/ 4/61 11-/ 5/61 11/ 6/61 1 1/ 7 /61 1 1/ B/61 1 1/ 9/61 1 1/ 1 0/61 1 1/11/61 1 1/ 1 2/61 11/13/61 11/ 14/61 1 1/15/61 11/16/61 11/17/61 1 1/18/61 1 1/19/61 11/20/61 11/21/61 1 1/22/61 1 1/23/61 PAGE COL B6 cs BlO B4 E6 B4 B4 BS C4 BlO A6 E6 B3 B6 B5 C4 B7 B4 E6 B3 B4 B6 C4 BlO B4 E6 B4 B6 B4 C6 B7 B4 E6 B4 B4 B6 C4 BB B4 E6 B3 B6 B6 ClO BB B4 E6 C4 B6 B6 B6 l 1 1 1 4 1 1 l l 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 l 1 1 l 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 DATE Gen Themas C Hindman routs Yankees in Kentucky Masons and Odd Fellows cenvene at LR Unien ferces w ithdraw frem Springfield. Me Arkansas slew te criticize Gen Ben McCulloch Anether battal ion j eins service ef Confederacy Unienists from hills face treason charges Mil itary takes steps te curb speculators Ex-Arkansan invents new battering ram Press. Military Beard keep eld feud going Gazette criticism ef Military Bd brings challenge te Danley Cemmanders ef militia inspect their units Journal ' s weekly fails te get eff ground Gen Sterling Price ' s aide visits state te enlist treeps Four entertainments held fer benefit of soldiers Fourth Arkansas leaves Little Rock fer Kentucky Gen Ben McCulloch ' s treeps ge into winter quarters Conflict between Gens McCulloch and Price arises Augustus H Garland wins Congressional election Mechanics unite te fight pay system ' s hazards Funds appertiened fer Memphis and Little Reck completion Solen Borland-James Gee dispute becomes public Artillery group ferms. meves te Little Rock Secession almest halts Arkansas ' s commerce Jefferson Davis resisted Western Command for Sterling Price Confederate Congress enact s bonus legislation 12th Arkansas Regiment sent to Missouri Loss of postal system brings South problems Selan Berland stays in news with erder en finance Little Reck firm tries te keep prices dewn Hindman ' s Legion invited te ball in Kentucky Sixth Arkansas treated te feast fer Federals Col Deughlas H Cooper conducts campaign in Indian Territory Gen Albert Pike takes Indian treaties to Richmond Newspaper gives report of a Kansas refugee Newspapers take · up discussion ef new flag Southerners examine symbols ef old nation The 1 2-months soldiers receive peer treatment Secret society of Union sympathizers discovered in N Ark J M Gee ' s Fifteenth Ark Infantry enters Army of South Confederates send Missouri recruiters t e Ark te raise troops Treops ef Cenf Brig Gen M Jeff Thempson refuse te re-enl ist Col Edward W Gantt ' s request fer Ark troops denied Officers hope te put Arkansans in one brigade Few Arkansans became Confederate generals Maj Gen Earl Van Deren takes ever Trans-Mississippi District Several in Ark offer designs fer South ' s flag Unsold 186 1 cotton crop presents farm problem Seuth realizes need to be self-sustaining LR Mayer William E Ashley re-elected without opposition Special session of Legis passed plan en tax relief Facing money crisis. South turns to bends 55 1 1/24/61 1 1/25/61 1 1/26/61 11/27/61 1 1/28/61 1 1/29/61 1 1/30/61 1 2/ l/'61 12/ 2/ 61 12/ 3/61 lZ/ 4/61 12/ S/61 1 2/ 6/61 12/ 7/61 12/ 8/61 12/ 9/61 1 2/10/61 12/11/61 12/12/61 12/13/61 12/14/61 12/15/61 12/ 16/61 lZ/17/61 1 2/ 18/61 1 2/19/61 12/2G/61 12/21/61 1 2/22/ 6 1 12/23/61 12/25/61 1 2/25/ 61 12/26/61 1 2/27 /61 12/ 28/61 1 2/29/61 12/3(}/61 12/31/61 1/ 1/62 l/ 2/62 1/ 3/62 1/ 4/ 62 1/ 5/62 l/ 6/62 1/ 7/62 1/ 8/62 l/ 9/62 1/10/62 1/ 11/62 1/12/62 1/13/62 PAGE COL B7 B4 E6 B3 B6 BS C4 BlO BS E6 B4 B4 B6 Al8 BB B3 E6 B4 B6 B5 C4 BS B3 E6 B4 B6 B6 C6 B6 A6 B5 D6 BS B4 C6 B6 A5 D6 BS B4 AB C6 B6 A6 E6 B3 B4 AlO C4 B4 A6 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 l 1 4 l 1 1 1 l l 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 l 1 1 1 l 4 1 1 1 1 1 l 4 l l 1 1 1 1 DATE Memphis and Little Reck Railroad epens te Little Rock Little Reck unprepared for Maxey ' s ill soldiers State sadly lacking in hospital facilities Newspapers modify attacks en Military Board Journal tries to divide press foes ef Reeter War begins te take tell among newspapers Produce sales controls bring attacks on Solen Berland Federal Army uses winter months to train troops Brig Gen Albert Pike returns to state after rept en Indians Many Arkansans cured at hospital in Memphis Little Rock business thrives despite war General and paper effer wool-weaving prizes Sectional bias distorts news from the Nerth Gideon J Pillew ' s claim te fame based en martial career Confederate. Unien armies plan maj or reorganizations Samuel Housten sank beat deliberately to thwart Confederates Rise in cost of l iving greater at Little Reck Little Reck man finds new tanning process Memphis and Little Reck Railroad asks funds to complete line Need fer small change continuing problem Confederate Congress holds its first sessiE:>D. Fall of Fort Henry in Tenn shocks Confederacy Little Reck realizes need fer a hospital Changes in command of Ark treeps announced Arrival of Maj Gen Earl Van Dern curtails recruiting plan Gov Henry M Rector requests 8 , SOO volunteers Gaz ette attacks Col Edward M Gantt as incompetent. climber Arrival of tw o generals brings treeps to pests Grant takes Fort Donelson. Tennessee South alarmed by fall of Forts Donelson and Henry Gen Earl Van Dern gives orders to concentrate troops Gen Samuel R Curtis tarried too long in Springfield Reports of Price ' s retreat reach Col Herbert South reportedly wins skirmish at Petts Hill Gen Alexander Asboth sent to take Bentonville Gen Ben McCull och ' s scorched earth policy draws protests Gen Curtis orders Asboth to enter Fayetteville Confederates restless at camp in Beston Mountains Federal numbers. actions difficult to estimate New threat of invasion presented in northeast Mill 011Tners in northwest Ark welcome federal protection Maj R P Crump ' s caval:cy unit honored at Washington Armies assemble in northwest Ark as prelude to Pea Ridge Seventeenth Arkansas Regiment plagued by disasters Request of Earl Van Dern boosts state recruiting Gen Van Dern visits camp to settle dispute Gen Van Dern begins drive teward federal camps in NW Ark Union private gathers facts en Price ' s camp Armies moving into position near Bentonville Bloody Battle of Pea Ridge begins Van Dern. Curtis review events , await dawn at Pea Ridge 56 1/14/62 l/lS/62 1/16/62 1/-17/62 1/18/62 1/19/62 1/20/62 1/21/62 1/22/ 62 1/23/62 1/24/62 l/25/62 l/26/62 1/27/62 1/28/62 1/29/62 1/30/62 1/31/62 2/ 1/62 2/ 2/ 62 2/ 3/62 2/ 4/ 62 2/ 5/62 2/ 6/62 2/ 7/62 2/ 8/62 2/ 9/62 2/10/62 2/11/62 2/12/62 2/13/62 2/14/62 2/15/62 2/16/62 2/17/62 2/18/62 2/19/62 2/20/62 2/21/62 2/22/62 2/23/62 2/24/62 2/25/62 2/26/62 2/27 /62 2/28/62 3/ l/62 3/ 2/62 3/ 3/62 3/ 4/62 3/ 5/ 62 PAGE COL D6 B3 B4 B6 C6 BS A6 E6 B3 B4 B4 C4 B7 A6 E6 A6 B4 B6 C14 B5 A6 E6 B3 B4 B4 C8 B6 A6 F6 B3 B4 B4 C8 B7 B3 E6 B3 B4 BS C6 B6 A6 E6 B4 B6 B6 ClO B7 A8 E6 B4 4 1 l l 1 1 l 4 1 1 1 l l 1 4 1 1 l l 1 1 4 1 l 1 l 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 l 4 1 1 l 1 1 l 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 DATE Gen Curtis moves treeps at Pea Ridge, erders them te held Gen Ben McCulloch killed at Pea Ridge Gen Curtis decided en name ef Battle ef Pea Ridge Seme fantastic accts ef Battle ef Pea Ridge given Confederates attribute defeat at Leetewn te death ef leaders Second day ef Battle ef Pea Ridge dawns Reports on size ef armies at Pea Ridge conflict Gen Van Dern sends party te negotiate prisoner exchange Two physicians provide Pea Ridge information Curtis pretests tactics ef Albert Pike ' s Indians Indians under Albert Pike fought briefly at Pea Ridge News frem Pea Ridge distributed quite slewly Confederate retreat frem Pea Ridge was disastrous Telegraph lines used te advantage ef Curtis Several divisiens late fer Battle of Pea Ridge Dead ef beth armies were stacked en ElkHorn Tavern perch Fire prempts report that dead were burned at Pea Ridge Curtis moves quarters te get away from Pea Ridge stench Expedition sent te find Confederate guerrillas Seuth suffers heaviest in river swamp fighting Gev Reeter calls special session of Assembly Nine Union soldiers win Cengressienal medals in Arkansas duty Land sales suspended. land officers ' pay cut Two Arkansas acts encourage growing of grain Judge Jahn M Tebbetts was staunch unionist at Fayetteville Gen Samuel R Curtis orders troops te behave cautiously Troops centinue moving although Gen Earl Van Dern gene Confederate forces make stand belew Columbus . Kentucky Maj George W Brent investigates evacuation ef New Madrid Evacuation of Fort Thompson directed by Stewart and Walker 1862 Congress ponders hew to abolish slavery Sen Robert Ward Jahnsen had great political influence Rebert Ward Johnson. Henry M Rector wanted Ark men in state Many non-Arkansans raise troops in state Federal Gen Jehn Pepe establ ishes operations base Lt Cel W D S Cook commanded Twelfth Arkansas Infantry Reports en action en Island 10 unsatisfactory Gen Pepe gees down river after taking Island 10 Federal treeps visit Osceola te survey region Planters requested to give plantation bells With men eff at war. women begin working Little Reck churches offer bells fer Confederate cannon Shiloh was ene ef Civil War ' s bloodiest battles Thirteenth Arkansas Regiment fought in Battle of Shiloh Two Helena generals direct brigades at Shiloh Patterson ' s 8th Arkansas was in Weed ' s Brigade Capital Guards ' role in Battle ef Shiloh described Federal army begins drive f rem Pea Ridge Confederate Congress passes Conscription Act Van Dern meves his treeps to j oin Johnston, Beauregard Gen Earl Van Dern issues call fer Texas regiments 57 3/ 6/62 3/ 7 /62 3/ 8/62 3/ 9/62 3/10/62 3/11/62 3/12/62 3/13/62 3/14/62 3/15/62 3/16/62 3/17/62 3/18/62 3-/19/62 3/20/62 3/21/62 3/21/62 3/22/62 3-/ 23-/ 62 3/24/62 3-/ 25/62 3/26/62 3/27-/62 3/28/-62 3-/29/62 3/30/62 3/31/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 2/62 4-/ 3/62 4/ 4/62 4/ 5/62 4-/ 6-/62 4/ 7/62 4/ 8/62 4/ 9/62 4/10/62 4/-11/62 4/12/62 4/13/6.2 4/14/-62 4/15/62 4/15-/62 4/16-/62 4/17/62 4/18/62 4/-19/62 4/20/62 4/ 21/62 4/22/62 4/23/-62 PAGE COL B6 B6 C6 B9 B3 E6 B3 B6 B6 C14 B6 B3 E6 B3 B4 BS BS CB B7 B3 E6 B4 B4 B4 cs B6 A6 E6 B3 B4 B6 C6 B7 B3 E6 B4 B4 BS C9 B7 B3 B7 E6 B4 B4 B6 C6 B6 B3 E6 B4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 l 4 1 1 l l 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 l 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 DATE Little Reck gets report that Federals are en their way Albert Pike ' s supplies. men shift te Earl Van Darn ' s use Buildings in LR used as emergency hespi.tals Federals take central ef telegraph; news reports hampered Federal spring drive brings newspaper crisis Gen Samuel R Curtis leaves Pea Ridge area. will attack LR Curtis ' soldiers find Batesville is delightful Gen Henry W Halleck takes te field after Battle of Shiloh Rumors circulate that Jehn S Phelps is governor Union army ' s presence tests loyalty of citizens Gen Samuel R Curtis readies march by planning supply line Closeness ef Federals brings fears fer cotton Account of moving of state govt to Hot Springs . Washington Curtis ' plan t e capture LR forces gevt flight to SW Ark Arkansas papers lead pretest of proclamation Gov Reeter remains silent until farewell speech Gen John Selden Roane left in chg te forward troops Texas troops halt fer rest at Washington Local women organize te care fer ill soldiers Two Congressmen return holding hepe fer South Floods . supply problems deem Curtis ' plan to attack LR State changes opinion en guerrilla warfare Gen John Selden Roane declares martial law in Little Reck Few complaints heard abeut martial law in LR Gev Henry Reeter, Richard H Johnson plan duel Editor publishes letters about duel that failed Charles Ellet ordered to set up steam fleet Gen Samuel R Curtis leaves camp near Searcy Landing Gen Samuel Curtis sends eut scouts t e disperse opponents Yankees. Confederates complain of brutal ity Batesville. Jacksonport publish Union j eurnals Reorganiz ation begins under conscript act Conscript Act stirs displeasure General Hindman gives orders far encounter Beauregard ' s shattered forces retreat frem Shiloh Beauregard dispatches force to meet advance Gen Samuel R Curtis feared fleet on White River Gen Samuel R Curtis hopes ta capture the gunboat Maurepas Cavalry unit departs to raid federal camp near Searcy March is uneventful. so soldiers act feel ish Gen Samuel R Curtis seeks to raise 1 0 regiments New defense commands created in Trans-Missis sippi area Needing men. Hindman threatens. gets his way Hindman ' s men gather arms and ammunition Memphis surrendered after shert naval fight Federals break. retreat after Red River incident Cotten burning started; Hindman eases pol icy Gen Samuel R Curtis says guerrillas must face death penalty Albert Pike reluctant to strip his depleted command Gen Themas Hindman sends treeps . but federals retreating Col Albert G Brackett sent Federals for feed; party raided 58 4/24/-6Z 4/25/-62 4/26/-62 4/27/62 4/28/62 4/29/-62 4/-30/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 2/62 5/- 3/ 62 5/ 4/62 5/ 5/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 7/62 5/ 8/62 5/ <;}/6 2 5/ 10/62 5/11/62 5/12/62 S/13/62 5/ 14/62 5/15/62 5/16/62 5/17/62 5/18/-62 5/19/62 5/20/62 5/21/62 5/-22/62 5/23/62 5/24/62 5/25/62 5/26/62 5/27/62 5/28/62 5/29/62 5/30/62 5/31/62 6/ 1/62 6/ 2/62 6/ 3/62 6/ 4/ 62 6/ 5/62 6/ 6/62 6/ 7/62 6/ B/62 6/ 9/62 6/10/62 6/11/62 6/12/62 PAGE COL BS BS C6 BB B3 E6 B4 BS B8 Al6 B8 B3 E6 E6 B4 B6 B7 ClO BB B3 E6 B4 A6 B7 C6 B9 B4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 l 1 l l B4 B6 B6 1 1 4 1 1 1 ca i B7 B3 1 1 4 1 1 1 l l 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 E6 E6 B4 B6 BS C6 B6 A6 E6 B4 BS BS C6 BS B3 E6 B4 BS DATE Steamer Clara Delsen eutruns federal boats Gunboat Arkansas stirs fear in federal hearts Gen Themas Hindman requests citizen units Seley sends men te get feed: they meet treuble at Smithville Federal White River Expeditien opens with St Charles battle Martial law declared throughout Pulaski County Neither Price nor Magruder get command ef western theater Themas C Hindman reorganiz es hospitals at Little Reck Missouri unit burdened w ith excess generals Gen Curtis became nervous when troops did net arrive Pike County yarn factory ewner irritates his customers Gen Curtis makes forced march te j ein White River Expedition Gen Albert Rust alters plan to bleck Federals Fitch sends transports w ith supplies fer Curtis Jacksonport residents hostile to Federals Curtis ' treeps begin march te Augusta Public lacks reports en Curtis movement of troops Curtis ' army leaves Augusta fer Clarendon Cache River battle was see-saw affair wen by Union forces Curtis pushes fe:cward, has supply problems Gen Samuel R Curtis denies rumors of Monroe Ce depradatiens Actions of Gen Curtis assailed by both South and North Gen Cadwallader C Washburn moves eut of Clarendon Col Powell Clayton ' s men made ferced march to Helena Gen Themas Hindman makes effort to halt march of Curtis Federal troops capture some camels at Helena Gen Samuel R CUrtis occupies Helena Fifteenth Texas Cavalry camps near Batesville Gen Themas C Hindman issues order setting up martial law Col B F Danley issues regulatiens fer district Hindman ' s enforcing conscript law forces Unionists to flee Federal army arrests many civilians in state Hindman agents scour ceuntryside fer guns Ironclad ram ' Arkansas' strikes terror in Union fleet Defense of Missouri left ta new militia Gen Samuel R CUrtis giving f reedom papers to slaves Gen Samuel R CUrtis seeks troops ; authorization delayed Col W Morgan authoriz ed to raise state cavalry Confederates receive arms despite bl ockade Col James R Shaler takes regiment . received unpepularly Federal troops f rGIIJ. Kansas meve te reclaim Indian Territery Gen Samuel R Curtis named military governor ef Arkansas Sentiment runs high against orders ef Themas C Hindman C Hindman orders release of federal surgeens Small Southern force keeps Federals en edge Col Edward Daniels craves activity, gets rebuke Many local Negroes j oin Federal march Gen Albert Pike resigns his command Four Southern governors meet secretly in Texas State archives returned to LR after three menths Many desert Gen Thomas C Hindman: executions end flights 59 6/13/62 6/14/62 6/15/62 6/16/62 6/17/62 6/18/ 6 2 6/19/62 6/20/62 6/21/62 6/22-/ 62 6/2.3/62 6/24/62 6/25/62 6/-26/62 6/27/62 6/2&/62 6/29/ 62 6/30/62 7/ 1/62 7/ 2/ 6 2 7/ 3/62 7/ 4/62 7/ 5/62 7/ 6/62 7/ 7/62 7/ 8/62 7/- 8/62 7/ 9/62 7/lG/62 7 /11/-62 7/12/62 7/ 13-/62 7/14/62 7/15/62 7/16/62 7/17/62 7 /18/62 7/19/62 7/20/62 7/21/62 7/22/62 7/23/62 7/24/-62 7/25/62 7-/ 26/62 7/27/62 7/28/62 7/29/62 7/30/62 7/31/62 8/ 1/62 PAGE COL B6 C6 B6 B3 E6 B4 B4 B6 C6 B8 A6 E6 B4 BS BS CB BB A6 E6 B4 B4 B6 C6 BS B3 E6 E6 B4 B4 1 1 l l 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 l 1 1 1 1 4 1 l l 1 1 1 4 4 l 1 BS l CB B7 B3 E6 B4 B4 B5 1 l 1 4 l l 1 1 1 1 4 1 l l 1 1 l 4 1 1 1 cs B6 B3 E6 B3 B4 B5 C6 B7 B3 E6 B5 Al4 C4 DATE Cem.m named by Thomas C Hindman te j udge the disleyal Col James Fleming Fagan resigns cemmissien Gen Samuel R CU.rtis goes te Helena, puts off march en LR Ram Arkansas ' s career ends as her crew destroys her Gen Alvin P Hevey ' s division leaves, then returns to Helena Federal ferce sent to check White River Former Confederate gives Gen Alvin P Hevey infermatien Sum.mer of 1 86 2 brought twe big postal changes Business restrictions by Gen Themas C Hindman resented Gen Samuel R Curtis angered by issuing of free papers Gen Theophilus H Helmes takes cem.mand at LR Gen Sterling Price ' s men believe they will be in campaign Gen Theophilus Helmes finds Gen Hindman putting army tegether Censcriptien increased: many ferced te flee Arkadelphia filled with sick soldiers Federal army begins raiding to take cotton Action in Mississippi hurts Arkansas army Gubernatorial term of Henry M Rector cut short by court Gen Samuel Curtis gets permission to build fort at Helena Illinois infantryman tells of activities along Mississippi Sutlers reap profits; whiskey trade halted Gen Themas Hindman orders beards to consider vielatiens Regulation en passports proves very unpopular Gen Albert Pike returns te heme amid Hindman dispute King Cotton gains mere significance as economic factor Gubernatorial campaign begins late in August Editors offer advice on legislative sessien Many seek te evade draf t ; rules tightened Gen Samuel R Curtis sends expedition te take Southern beat Schools closed by war begin reepending Slew. uncertain mails create anxiety in state Gen Frederick Steele takes command with Curtis en leave Gen Helmes issues order if effort te halt depradatiens Debts ef Confederacy continue te rise in Arkansas Capture ef the Fair Play adds te arms shortage Blankets, clothes sought anew as sum.mer ends Gen Theophilus Helmes finds command is deficient in of ficers Gen James H McBride premeted Harris Flanigan wen governor ' s race; didn ' t knew he was in it Governors ' conclave drafted letter te Jefferson Davis Federal cavalry raids beat during unleading Arkansas treeps fought in battle at Richmond. Kentucky Federals awaiting big march en Little Reck grew restless Austrian ' s book gives account ef Arkansas Hopeful season for Confederates begins to fade Arkansas troops in Battle of Iuka Capt Jo 0 Shelby gets brigade under Federals ' neses Gen Themas C Hindman sends brigade te drive out federals Gen Sterling Price mr;aits return after Mississippi battles Most Southerners end action in Arkansas Unienist Isaac Murphy departs with Federals 60 8/ 2/62 8/ 3-/-62 8/ 4/62 8/ 5/62 8/ 6/62 8/ 7/62 8-/- 8-/-62 8/ 9/6 2 8-/-10-/-62 8/ 11/62 8/12-/62 8-/13/62 8/ 1 4-/-6 2 8/ 15/62 8-/-16-/-62 8-/17/62 8/18-/62 8/19/ 6 2 8-/-20-/-62 8-/-21/62 8-/-22/62 8/23-/-62 8-/24-/-62 8-/-25/62 8-/26/62 8/27/62 8-/-28/62 8/29-/-62 8-/-30-/-62 8/31/62 9/ 1/62 9-/ 2/6 2 9-/ 3/62 9/ 4/62 9/ 5-/-62 9-/- 6-/62 9/ 7/62 9/ 8-/-62 9/ 9/62 9/ l(}/62 9/ll/62 9/12/62 9-/-13-/-62 9/14/62 9-/-15/62 9/16/62 9-/-17/62 9/ 18/62 9/19/62 9/20/62 9-/-21/62 PAGE COL C6 B7 A6 E6 A8 B4 B5 C4 B9 B4 E6 B4 B4 B6 C6 B7 A6 E6 B4 B4 B6 C4 B7 B3 E6 B4 B4 B7 C4 BB A6 D6 B3 A9 B6 C6 B7 A6 E6 AlO B6 BS C6 B7 A6 E6 B4 B4 B5 C6 BB 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 l 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 l 1 1 1 l 1 4 1 1 1 l 1 l 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 l 1 1 l 4 1 1 1 1 1 DATE Private in Texas unit recalls Arkansas march South ' s guerrilla tactics gain preminence during 1962 Leave fer Gen Samuel R Curtis revoked. he assumes command Gen Eugene A Carr put in command; Steele demands march Two Federal s couting parties sheet it out near Helena Confused Texas Unionist finally reaches safety Prisoner return begins; Arkansan included Supplies run short; substitutes improv ised Battle of Corinth is Federal victory Gen Earl Van Dorn retreats w ith slight opposition Gen Theophilus H Helmes assigns stations to men under him Col Rebert G Shaver leads brigade te Yellville Salt shortage acute. Gen Theophilus H Helmes takes action Gen Eugene A Carr takes command ef Army of the Southwest Rain prevents Gen Theophilus Helmes f rem completing order Rep Grandison Royston moves to block martial law in 1962 Arkansas Patriot assailed as Henry M Rector sheet Efforts increased to aid soldiers' families Reports of life in North influence slaves to stay Attacked Federals panic. then Southerners flee Fat Federal ' s hiding place in culvert leads to thumping Maj er John C Wilbur begins march, returns te Missouri Schofiel d ' s Army of the Frontier meves into Arkansas Southerners fall back in Northwest Ark Union Gen decides net te pursue Jo Shelby at Huntsville Texas units ordered to mave te Virginia Confederate Army in Ark increases: readiness doubtful Col J C Tappan ef Helena, called on Pres Jefferson Davis Federal Gen Eugene A Carr fears attack Gen Schofield strikes last blew in Ark ; returns te Missouri Federal treops meet Fayetteville ' s 'Wild Bil l ' Hungry Unien army finds its own suppl ies Union men hate te see federal army leave Fayetteville Unien foraging party taken by surprise Victorious Confederates flee te safety across river Federal troops take Current River Ferry Pike-Hindman centreversy continues as Richmend studies chgs Christopher Danely suffers inj ury that will preve fatal Dr Roscoe Jennings. believed dead. manages to get heme Federal troops revisit Pea Ridge Battlefield Martial law lifted: civil courts reopened Two newspapers forced to raise their rates Legislature convenes minus complete rester Gev Henry M Rector delivers farewell address Harris Flanagin inaugurated as governor Legislature passes act to aid indigent families Legislature passes slave conscription act Legislature amplifies govt safety plan Act ef 1 86 2 suspends state ' s collecting ef taxes True Democrat assails Gov Rector ' s adm General Assembly tries to make state sel f-sustaining 61 9/22/62 9/23/ 6 2 9/24/62 9/25/62 9/26/62 9/ 27/62 9/28/62 9/29/62 9/30/62 10/ 1/62 10/ 2/62 10/ 3/62 lo/ 4/62 10/ 5/62 10/ 6/62 10/ 7/62 10/ a/62 10/ 9/62 10/10/62 10/11/62 10/12/62 10/13/62 10/14/62 10/lS/62 10/16/62 10/17/62 10/-18/62 10/19/-62 10/-20/-62 10/21/62 10/22/62 10/23/62 10/24/62 10/-25/62 10/26/-62 10/-27/62 10/28/ 6 2 1 0/-29/ 62 10/30/-62 10/31/-62 11/ 1/-62 11/ 2/62 11/ 3/62 11/- 4/62 11/ 4/62 11/- 5/62 11/- 6/-62 11/- 7/-62 111- 8/62 1 1/ 9/62 11/-10/62 PAGE COL BS E6 B4 BS BS C3 BlO A6 E6 A12 B4 B6 ca B6 A6 E6 B4 B6 B5 C6 Ba A6 E6 B4 B5 BS C6 B9 A8 E6 B4 B6 BS C6 B9 B4 E6 B4 B4 B5 A3 0 B9 A8 E6 E6 B4 B4 B4 ca B8 A6 l 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 l 1 1 1 l l 4 l 1 1 1 l 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 l 4 1 1 1 l l l 4 4 1 1 1 l 1 1 DATE General Assembly elects US Senater, feur state officials State Institute for Bli.nd starts eut en denatiens Gev Harris Flanagin vetoes bill te help Camden bank Two new counties created by Legislature in 1 86 2 Gen Samuel R Curtis finds relations grewing uncomfortable Col Wm Vandever leads force en s couting expedition at Helena Gen Theophilus H Helmes tries te bolster force, meets trouble Low water forces Federals te abandon expedition in SE Ark Federal soldiers raise doubts about Arkansas Pest expeditien Themas Hindman units retreat: reorganiz ation started Gen James Blunt left te held area as Schofield pulls eut Col J Q Burbridge told to stop supplies fer Gen Schofield Gen James B lunt sends out scouts ; Southern guard retreats Cavalry rests, begins raid on federal supplies Battles rage at Cane Hill and Prairie Grave Gen G Blunt takes ever Can Hill camp Yellville plant damaged, but seen resumes operation Federals again attack saltpeter works at Yellville Gen James G Blunt ' s army published one paper at Cane Hill Battle of Prairie Greve stops work en j ournal Gen Themas C Hindman issues erders fer discipl ine in battle Gen Jehn S Marmaduke threwn back at Cane Hill Prairie Greve reperts clouded en erganiz atien Gen D M Freet led ene division at Prairie Greve battle Gen James G Blunt headed U S force at Prairie Greve Gen Themas C Hindman heped te feel federal forces by ruse Gen James G Blunt decides Harrison net rel iable in battle Skirmishes resumed; treeps leave Cane Hill Fameus Battle of Prairie Greve begins Capt S P Pittman l ived at Prairie Greve, fought in battle Eyewitness acct of Borden ' s orchard scene at Prairie Greve Casualties total 2 .574 in Prairie Greve Battle Gen Themas C Hindman ' s strategy wins praise ef enemy Gen Thomas C Hindman ordered men te kill Unien officers Fayetteville was uneasy as battle ferce passed Church, homes become hespital after Prairie Greve battle Gen Themas C Hindman retreats from Prairie Greve Gen Themas C Hindman censures unit under C W Adams ' command Criticism ef fighting by Confederates refuted Gen Themas C Hindman protests use of Indians at Prairie Greve Isaac Murphy family target of guerrillas Confederates leave wounded behind after Prairie Greve Beth sides claimed victory at Prairie Greve Gen Themas Hindman flees as B lunt. Herron attack Van Buren West ' s Cenfederte battery shelled Van Buren fer an hour Van Buren pillaged as Union treops leave Civilians calm as federal troops reach Van Buren Gen Thomas C Hindman ' s destitute army leaves Van Buren area High Confederate desertion rate after Prairie Greve explained Gen Themas C Hindman had te leave the wounded behind Gen Themas C Hindman ' s hungry troops march teward LR 62 11/11/62 1 1/12/62 11/-13/62 1 1 / 1 4/62 1 1/ 1 5/ 6 2 11/16/62 1 1/17/62 1 1/18/62 11/-19/ 62 1 1/20/-62 1 1/21/62 1 1/22;/62 11/-23/62 11/24/62 1 1/-25-/-62 11/26/-62 11/27/62 11/28/62 1 1/29/62 11/-30/62 1 2/ 1/62 1 2/ 2/62 1 2/ 3/62 1 2/ 4/62 12/ 5/62 1 2/ 6/62 12/ 7/62 1 2/ 8/62 1 2/ 9/62 1 2/10/-62 1 2/ 10/-62 12/-11/62 1 2/12/62 12/13/62 12/14/62 12/ 15/62 12/16/62 12/17/-62 1 2/ 1 8/62 12/19/62 1 2120/62 1 2/21/62 1 2/22/62 12/ 23/62 1 2/24/62 1 2/-25/62 1 2/26/62 1 2/27/62 1 2/28/62 12/29/62 1 2/30/62 PAGE COL E6 B4 B4 B5 ClO BB A6 E-6 C4 B4 B4 B5 B8 A6 E6 B4 B4 Al8 C2 B9 B4 E6 B6 B5 B6 A24 BB B4 E6 B4 B4 B5 B6 A20 BlO B4 E6 B4 B6 B5 ca B6 B3 D6 B3 B6 BS C4 B4 BlO D6 4 1 l 1 1 l l 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 l 1 1 1 4 1 1 l l 1 l 4 l l 1 1 1 1 l 4 1 l 1 1 l 1 4 1 l l l 1 1 4 DATE Little Reck merale lew as Cenfederates arrive CHUCHILL. L J see also Politics and elections CHURCHES see Denominatienal names see Religion CHURCHES. Arkansas Council ef see Communism CHURCHILL. L J see also Disability Determination Department (Ark) CHURCHILL. OLEN R see also Disability Determination Department (Ark) CIA. D J see also Traffic accidents and safety CIGAR BANDS see Hobbies CIGARETTES AND CIGARS see Tobacco CIRCUS see also History (Ark) Old-time circus described CISSELL. MICKEY see also Geverner (Ark) CITIES AND TOWNS see also Arkansas Community Accompl ishment Contest see also Finance and budgets. Local Gevt Billy Free te head Arkansas Municipal League CITIZENS BANK OF JONESBORO see Banks CITIZENS COACH CO see Transit systems CITIZENS COUNCIL S OF AMERICA see also Congress - Senate (Class I ) CITIZENSHIP Ceremony at LR makes 28 persens citizens Thirty-one natural ized in ceremony at LR Twelve natural ized at Jenesbere CIVIC PROGRESS ASSOCIATION see Civil rights and discriminatien see Little Reck CIVIL DEFENSE see Disasters and emergencies CIVIL RIGHTS AND DISCRIMINATION see alse Baptist Church see also Basketball see also Cherokee Village see alse Colleges and univs - Civil rights see also Comet Rice Mills see alse Courts. Federal see also Education - Civil rights see also Green. Ernest G 63 PAGE COL 12/31/62 B3 1 10/ 8/61 E4 l 10/10/62 Bl 6 4/ 7/61 Bl 10/26/61 A5 1 1/ 7/61 A7 2 4 2 DATE see alse Metropolitan Little Reck Ass ef Free Ministers see alse Ministerial Association, Greater Little Recek see alse Murders - Caldwell. William N see alse Politics and elections Ark Supreme Ct sets hearing in case ef Negre sit-ins Review ef Bruce Bennett ' s battle against the NAACP Arkansas has come full circle in segregation. Gazette says Laws used against 12 Negro student sit-ins called invalid Column on fate ef several laws approved by 1 95 8 Legislature Twe legislators speak out fer rights of the accused Arkansas Christian Mevement urges Negro student sit-ins Amis Guthridge elected president ef Capital Citiz ens Council Trials ef Negroes de_layed for study ef effect ef court ruling Judge William J Kirby considers quashing j ury Quashing of j ury would allow more Negroes to serve Negroes ' j ury trials step while state fights ruling Pine Bluff Citizens Council hears Gen William L Lee Decision in Luther Bailey case raises new bias issue Text ef federal ct decision in Luther Bailey case Ministers urge LR te prepare fer court-ordered integration LR ministers lack integration plan. Rev Caharles Higgins says Jury discrimination (ed) W H Tewnsend obj ects te Judge Kirby ' s actien en j ury makeup Jury trials of 3 1 Negroes delayed until j ury matter settled Charles Parker asks j ury trial fer sit-in trial Negroes chgd w ith rape ask speedy trial er posting of bend Request by Negroes fer speedy trial challenges Kirby decision Three Negroes held on rape chgs demand 3rd guarantee Further delay in sit-in cases indicated Judge Wm J Kirby rej ects move to speed Negroe s ' trials Negroes file metien asking pupil law edict in LR Dist Atty Gen Helt asks court te reconsider ruling on j uries State petition in j ury cempesitien dispute called illegal Sit-in cases def erred until September l Trial ef Dave Lillard delayed by dispute ever j uries Pulaski juries chesen en basis ef race. federal court says U S Ct ef Appeals upholds ruling Pulaski Ce j uries illegal Ark Supreme Ct denies request ef 3 Negroes fer speedy trial Negroes held in rape case appeal ta U S Supreme Court Chancellor Murray 0 Reed voids three 1 95 8 laws aimed at NAACP Wemen picket Paster Ralph W Seckman at LR lectures Citizens Council pickets l ectures by Rev Ralph W Seckman Exclusion of Negroes from j ury panel in Pulaski is raised Latest challenge te all-white j ury not l ikely te prevail Judge Guy Amsler hints that anti-NAACP suit is deemed Suit sought te bar NAACP frem practicing law in Arkansas Judge Henry W Smith urges lawmen te prevent race disturbances Judge Henry Smith warns that violence will not be tolerated Judge Guy Amsler says state cannot bar NAACP from federal cts Negre breaks white pelicy. plays golf at Rebsamen Park course Negre gelfer left Rebsamen course when requested to de so 64 l/ l/61 1/ 4/ 6 1 1/12/61 1/17/61 2/11/61 2/26/61 3/ 4/6 1 3/ 8/61 3/21/-61 3/-22/61 3/22/61 3/-23/61 3/25/61 3/26/61 3/26/61 3/28/ 6 1 3/29/61 3/30/-61 4/ 4/61 4/ 4/61 4/11/61 4/13/61 4/13/61 4/14/61 4/20/61 4/20/61 4/22/61 4/26/61 4/27/61 4/28/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 5/61 5/ 5/61 5/ 9/61 5/13/61 5/14/ 61 5/16/61 5/ 17/61 5/17/61 5/ 18/61 5/19/61 5/ 19/-61 5/26/61 5/31/61 5/31/-61 6/ 2/61 6/ 2/61 PAGE COL AB K3 A4 Bl A4 E5 B6 BlO A2 Al Al Al A3 Al A2 Bl A6 A4 A4 Bl B12 Al Al A6 6C A6 A6 Bll Bl Bl5 BB Al Al Bl A2 Al All All All A5 Bl Bl AB A4 Bl Bl Bl 1 1 2 8 6 1 6 8 6 3 3 3 5 6 5 8 7 2 4 8 6 4 4 1 l 1 5 3 8 6 5 2 2 8 8 2 6 2 6 3 8 8 5 6 6 3 3 DATE PAGE COL Segregatien is policy. but net law at LR park facilities 6/ 2/61 Bl Methodist Church Cenf enderses nen-vielent demonstrations 6/ 3/61 A5 Two Negroes eat at Greyhound lunch counter in LR 6/ 4/ 61 C4 Order voiding 1958 anti-NAACP laws issued 6/ 8/61 BS CORE group ef Freedom Riders te stop in Little Reck 7/10/61 Al Feur Freedom Riders j ailed at Little Reck fer threat to peace 7/11/61 Al LR Police Chief R E Glasscock explains arrest of Riders 7/11/61 Al 7/11/-61 Al Threatening crowd ef 400 met Freedom Riders at LR 7/12/ 6 1 Al Freedom Riders surprised by arrest at Little Reck 7/12/61 Al Freedom Riders te test validity of Act 226 of 1 95 9 L R City Mgr Ancil M Douthit discusses Freedom Rider arrests 7/ 12/ 6 1 Al 7/12/61 P:3 Sit-in demonstrators have already challenged Act 226 ef 1959 7/12/61 A4 Arrest of Freedom Riders hurts LR ' s recovery record (ed) 7/13/-61 Al Freedom Rider declares he ' ll starve in j ail to protest 7/13/61 Al Civic Progress Assn formed to support LR city govt 7/-13/-61 Al Some in Civic Progress dislike way Freedom Riders handled 7/13/61 Al LR city policy en Freedom Riders unchanged. Douthit says 7/13/61 Al Freedom Riders convicted at LR; penalty suspended 7/13/-61 Al Freedom Riders take j ail at LR instead of terms of fered Freedom Riders spend 7-hr freedom at LR resting. making plans 7/ 13/-61 P:3 7/14/61 Al Freedom Riders released at LR. resume trip te New Orleans Judge Quinn Glever admits he lacks power to send Riders heme 7/14/61 Al 7/14/61 Al LR Mayor Werner C Knoop asks people ta aveid trouble spets 7/14/61 A4 Strong city pel icy en the Freedom Riders (ed) Shreveport Journal comments en LR handling ef Freedom Riders 7/14/61 A4 Civic Progress Assn statement draws I S McClinton rebuttal 7/14/61 Bl Rev Jehn Curtis Raines tells why he is a Freedom Rider 7/15/-61 Al Anita Martin says Greyhound driver would net let her en bus 7/16/61 Al Bus ticket bought at LR terminal window marked fer whites 7/16/61 Al Notes en Freedom Rider events at LR 7/16/61 E5 Ancil Douthit reiterates defense of arrest ef Freedom Riders 7/17/61 A6 7/18/61 Al Negroes try tennis game at War Memorial Park courts 7/18/61 Al Police step Negroes from playing tennis at War Memorial Park 7/20/61 Al Gav Orval Faubus attends states rights cenf in Mississippi 7/21/-61 Al Mere Freedom Riders arrive at LR witheugh problem 7/21/61 Al Stuttgart restaurant refused service to Freedom Riders 7/-22/61 A3 Freedom Riders leave LR 7/22/61 A4 Encouraging contrast in Freedom rides (ed) 7 /23/61 E4 Editors discuss Freedom Riders 8/-14/-61 AB L C Bates critical ef NAACP inaction in Arkansas 9/ 1/61 All Duke Ellington concert at Robinson Auditorium cancelled 9/ 1/61 All Segregated seating at Rebinsen Auditorium pretested 1 1/ 1/61 B9 Judgment in F W Woelwerth store sitin delayed 5th time All three bus stations at LR proclaim desegregated status 1 1/ 2/-61 Bl Integration of LR parks is goal ef NAACP 11/-13/-61 BS 1/ 3/62 P:3 George Het11 ard is state president ef NAACP 1/ 3/62 P:3 George Heward urges resistance te segregation in Ark Judge delays j udgment in sit-in cases from 1 96 0 demonstration 1/17/62 B14 Weelwerth store at LR was site ef 1 960 sit-in demonstration 1/17/-62 B2 Pine Bluff Citizens Council hears talk by Dr George S Bensen 1/31/-62 BlO 2/- 2/-62 Bl Nightriding chg filed against five youths in Dermott area 65 3 1 5 1 4 5 5 5 2 5 5 1 l 4 6 6 7 8 8 6 7 7 8 l 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 4 l 6 2 4 4 1 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 DATE NAACP files brief in case relating te 1 95 8 laws George Heward Jr j ailed briefly en contempt ef ceurt charge Negrees drep suit against feur 1 957 acts Suit attacking 1957 acts is dismissed Desegregation of Fert Smith airport may be sought in suit Desegregation ef all public facilities in LR sought in suit Wiley Branton is atty fer Negroes in LR desegregation suit Arkansas Council en Human Relations saddened by LR suit LR may sell er close swimming peels if integration ordered LR officials shorr.7 little interest in settlement ef suit Nat Griswold urges LR te desegregate voluntarily. avoid suits Fort Smith mayer Rebert Brooksher Jr says airport integrated Facing the issue {ed en suit te integrate LR city facilities) Negro leaders prepesed comm in l ieu ef court action at LR Traditien centrals use ef LR parks. not written rules LR City Bd members in quandry ever desegregation suit LR branch NAACP hears leader urge legal war en discrimination Gav Faubus meets w ith three Negro leaders en state j ebs Gev Faubus says suit will cause closing of LR swimming peels Gaz ette calls fer effort to settle LR discrimination suit Segregated seating is problem fer Little Reck Auditorium City Beard passes desegregation lawsuit te its attorney Gov Faubs reminds that law allows recreatien facilities lease Hot Springs te farm biracial greup te help selve problems State law allows govts to dispese ef recreational facilities Sit-in case at LR new two years eld with no reselutien seen Ark Supreme Ct take s 4 1958 segregation laws under study Nancy Hall will cancel Easter services if Negroes en program Negroes refused program rele at Capitol service en Easter Irony at Easter (ed en segregated program at Capitol ) Nancy Hall bel ieves desegregation demand is publ icity stunt Nancy Hall says she gets nothing but praise fer her stand Letters critical ef Nancy Hall en Easter service stand Pastors urge that Easter program at Capital be canceled Wiley A Branton leaving Pine Bluff te head veter proj ect Letters attack Nancy Hall decision en Easter services NLR asked te plan fer desegregation of all city parks Easter service scheduled for Capitol steps canceled Letters en Nancy Hall decision continue The sunrise service (ed) LR City Mgr Bd says it has not denied rights te Negroes NAACP organized boycott of Pine B luff Kreger Store Education of illiterate Negroes urged by Charles H Murphy Jr Capital Citizens Council offers Negroes free ene-way ride First one-way riders te be taken to Hyannis Pert , Mass President of Capital Citizens Council is Amis Guthridge Amis Guthridge says Ted Kennedy will be asked te meet Negroes Citizens Council says money raised te fly Negroes ta Mass Ted Kennedy assails Citizens Council ' s Negro airlift Ted Kennedy arranging welcome fer Ark Negro families Capital Citizens cannot find Negrees who want te go to Mass 66 2/ 8/62 2/13/62 2/15/62 2/ 27/62 3/ 9/62 3/ 9/62 3/ 9/62 3/10/62 3/10/62 3/10/62 3/10/62 3/ 10/62 3/10/62 3/11/62 3/11/62 3/l'N62 3/12/62 3/13/62 3/13/62 3/13/62 3/14/-62 3/ 15/62 3/ 15/62 3/ 15/62 3/15/62 3/18/62 3/20/-62 3/22/62 3/22/62 3/-23/62 3/23/62 3/23/62 3/25/62 3/27/62 3/29/62 3/29/62 3/3 0/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 4/62 4/10/62 4/10/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 2/62 5/- 4/62 5/ 4/62 5/ 5/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 8/ 62 PAGE COL Bl Al Bl Bl Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al BS Al Al A4 Bl A3 A3 A3 A3 E3 Bl Bl Bl A4 Bl Bl E2 Al A3 A4 B5 Al E2 A4 Al Bl Al Bl Bl Bl Al3 Al3 Al A3 Bl 4 1 4 2 6 8 8 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 6 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 l 3 5 6 3 2 3 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 4 5 DATE Amis Guthridge sees Negro off fer free ride to Calif Negro who gees every 2 years takes free ride te Calif Orval Faubus declines comment on one-way rides fer Negroes Faur Negrees play gelf at Burns Park without problems Amis Guthridge finds Negro taker fer trip to Kennedyland Ted Kennedy te greet LR Negro upon arrival at Hyannis Port Little Rock Negro David Harris gets welcome at Hyannis Editorial en reverse freedom riders Amis Guthridge puts another Negro en bus fer Hyannis Pert Amis ' s boomerang (ed en Guthridge ' s reverse freedom riders) Freedom rider David E Harris gets j ob in cafe at Hyannis Dr Richard V Ebert offers te pay return fare ef Negro riders Fourth j obless Negro take s ride te Hyannis Jobless white man at Stamps asks te be sent north Theophilus Pruitt admits pol ice record. blames race trouble Theophilus Pruitt sent te Hyannis by Capital Citizens Council Theophilus Pruitt te return to LR from Hyannis Would-be freedom rider Robert Chandler former mental patient Hyannis officials to seek ban en free rides north program Shameful new phase in the reverse rides (ed) Amis Guthridge sends women with large families te Hyannis Candidate David A Cox upbraids Guthridge te his face Hyannis officials call reverse rides an ev il scheme Lack ef state leadership allows Amis Guthridge te eperate Hyannis houses mothers. children in college dorm Massachusetts geverner sees travesty en human j ustice Presbyterian Synod ef Ark condemns reverse freedom rides Little Rock ' s loss in reverse ride farce (ed) Letters te editor discuss reverse freedom rides Amis Guthridge says Citizens Council slandered in newscast NAACP field secy L C Bates tries te discourage reverse riders Oppesitien te reverse freedom rides growing in Little Reck Couple living in 4 reems offer housing to Bell. 1 1 children Rhode Island governor criticizes Ark ever reverse rides Gov Faubus asks what was done to step f reedem rides South Sid McMath, Marvin Melton assail reverse freedom rides Capital Citizens Council sends 3 mere riders te Hyannis Capital Citizens Council has sent 30 Negroes to Hyannis Episcopal Bishop Rebert R BrGllln effers to help Negroes Free rides deceive Negroes. Urban League directer says Letters to editor discuss reverse freedom riders Ministerial Assn denounces reverse freedom rides Reverse freedom rider says Capital Citizens Council lied Reverse freedom rider Edward Burton leaves fer Hyannis Amis Guthridge says he ' s finally get integration en the run Arkansas' 3 4th reverse f reedom rider leaves fer Bosten Dr Malcolm G Taylor sugge sts JFK heme fer houslng Negroes Cape Ced Refugee Relief Comm notes many in Ark embarrassed James T Karam organiz ing group to return reverse riders Amis Guthridge accused ef mis-stating facts Article en Wiley Branton ' s new work in Atlanta 67 5/ 9/62 5/ 9/62 5/ 9/62 5/ 9/6 2 5/11/62 5/-12/62 5/13/62 5-/13/62 5/ 15/62 5/-16-/62 5/ 16/62 5/17/62 5/18/62 5/19/62 5/19/62 5/19/62 5/20/62 5/20/62 5-/21/62 5/22/62 5-/2'2;/62 5/22/62 5-/22/62 5/23/62 5/-23/62 5/23/ 62 5/24/62 5/24/62 5/24/-62 5/24/62 5-/24/-62 5-/ 24/62 5/24/62 5/24/ 62 5/25/-62 5/25/-62 5/26/62 5/27/-62 5/27/62 5/28/62 5/29/62 5/29/62 5/30/62 5/31/62 6/ 2/62 6/ 2/62 6/ 2/62 6/ 2/62 6/ 3/62 6/ 3/62 6/ 3/62 PAGE COL Al Al Al Bl6 Bl Al Al E2 A5 A4 A6 Al Bl Al Al Al Al Al A3 A4 Bl Bl Bl A4 Bl Bl A2 A4 A4 Bl Bl Bl Cll Cll All All A3 A2 A2 A12 A4 Bl A8 Bl A3 A3 A3 A4 A2 A2 E3 1 2 4 1 6 2. 2 2 2 l 2 3 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 5 5 7 l 3 6 6 6 1 1 2 2 4 6 6 3 3 6 5 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 1 DATE Cripple gets f ree ticket as rider number 3 5 Hyannis j ails reverse rider frem Arkansas James T Karam geing Nerth te aid reverse freedom riders James T Karam begins riders ' aid trip today Methedists say reverse rides embarrassment te state Mr Karam ' s missien and leadership ' s default (ed) James T Karam cancels trip to North; 2 mothers plan to stay Nat R Griswold comments on freedom riders Arkansan arrives in Indiana; sister critices Citizens Council Capital Citizens sends unemployed watchman. children te NY State press comments en James T Karam ' s new proj ect Amis Guthridge stresses he promises freedom riders no j obs Feur more riders leave for Hyannis Citz ens Ceuncil sends goat te freedom riders in Hyannis SPCA in Massachusetts to rescue goat. send it te farm Four reverse f reedom riders reach Hyannis Amis Guthridge sends 6 Negroes to Hyannis Funds for reverse freedom rides exhausted. Guthridge says Negroes at NAACP rally condemn reverse freedom rides Six more Negroes fram Ark reach Hyannis Cress burned en church lawn at Pine Bluff recently Searcy Daily Citiz en comments on reverse freedom rides Urban League to advise Negroes of reverse ride problems Capital Citizens Council sends twe mere Negrees ta Hyannis Amis Guthridge . Malcolm Tayler, Wesley Pruden attack Faubus Capital Citiz ens Council leadership breaks with Gev Faubus Handbill attacks Gov Faubus as quitter en segregatien Sit-in cases stemming frem 1960 postponed 8th time Racists' disavowal is preef he ' s free. Gev Faubus says Capital Citizens says Faubus non-captive by its cheice Capital Citizens Council denounces Gov Faubus as a deserter Amis Guthridge responds te chgs in attacks en Gov Faubus Negroes picket Negre-ewned Fisher ' s Barbecuse at LR White part ef Fishers cooler than fer Negroes, pickets say Negroes still picketing Fishers Barbecue Restaurant Owner of Fisher ' s calls police, but pickets leave Fisher ' s Barbeque practices segregation. pickets say Negroes w ithdraw pickets at Fisher ' s Barbecue Amis Guthridge says lack ef funds slews reverse riders Negro mother, 2 daughters head north en reverse freedom ride I S McClinten says Southern demagogues create racial strife Cases of Woolworth sit-in by students in 1960 postponed F W Woolworth lunch counter is site of sit-in at LR Negro college students resume dewntewn LR sit-ins About 50 Negre college students held sit-in at Woolworth Bohannon children sue Jefferson Ce deputy ever arrest Jefferson deputy tells his version of arrest of Behannens Twenty Negroes continue sit-in at Woolworth ' s in LR Nine sit-in at Walgreen in LR; white man. Negro arrested William Hansen is white arrested at Walgreen sit-in William Hansen. Werth Leng get pestpenement in sit-in case 68 6/ 5/62 6/ 6/62 6/ 6/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 8/62 6/ f}/ 62 6/ 9/62 6/ 9/62 6/10/62 6/12/62 6/12/62 6/13/62 6/14/62 6/14/62 6/17/62 6/17/62 6/18/62 6/19/62 6/23/62 6/24/-62 6/26/62 7/ 1/62 7/11/62 7/11/62 7/11/62 7/11/62 7/12/62 7 / 13/62 7 /28/62 7/31/62 8/21/62 8/21/62 8/24/62 8/26/62 9/ 2/ 62 9/ 9/62 10/ 6/62 10/ 6/62 10/15/62 10/-17/62 11/- 8/62 11/ 8/62 11/ 9/62 1 1/ 9/62 1 1/ 1 0/62 11/10/62 1 1/29/62 11/29/62 1 2/ 8/62 PAGE COL Bl A3 A3 Al All A4 Bl A4 A5 A5 E3 Bl Bl Al Al All A12 Al2 B6 A3 Al E3 Bl A3 Al Al Al BlO A13 A3 A3 Al A3 A3 Bl All AlO A4 B6 B6 B6 BlO A4 A4 All Bl A2 B7 Al2 Al2 Bl4 2 6 7 4 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 4 4 2 5 1 2 2 5 7 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 7 l 6 3 3 7 2 2 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 8 3 7 6 2 2 2 DATE PAGE COL CIVIL WAR see alse Beeks and writing see also Chronicles ef Arkansas see also Civil War Centennial see also Menum.ent s. memorials and markers Original account ef Red River Campaign recalled l/ 8/ 6 1 E2 Memorial wreath placed en grave of Civil War here David Dodd 1/ 'f/6 1 A2 Letters ef Dr Junius N Bragg published by his daughter 1/11/61 Bl Relics from Arkansas Pest made safe fer display l/l'l/61 Bl Joel W Strong wrote personal account of the war 1/22/61 El Account ef Peace and Censtitutienal Society in Searcy County 4/ 9/61 E2 Jehn W Morris of Searcy Ce. relates his war experiences 4/ 9/61 E2 Peace and Constitutional Society members arrested (names) 4/- 9/6 1 E2 Peace and Constitutional Society members forced into army 4/ 9/61 E2 Swerd ef Brig Gen Albert Rust embedded in tree at Camden 5/ 3/61 Bl 6/ 4/61 E2 Beene County was scene of robbery of wemen and children 6/ 4/ 6 1 E2 John Wertman Morris company fought in NW Ark battles John Wertman Morris ' s story continues 6/ 4/6 1 E2 6/ 4/61 E2 Map shews features. structures at Battle ef Prairie Greve 7/ 9/-61 E2 Article on Leetewn and the Battle of Pea Ridge 7/ 9/6 1 E2 Map of Battle of Pea Ridge and photo of Elkhorn Tavern Body of Confederate Peter Cl ingman to be moved to Atlanta 7/-30/61 ClO Account of killing ef Rev William Shepherd by bushwhackers 8/20/61 E3 Old Wire Read in NW Ark coveted by beth North and South 8/-27/61 E3 Article en puzzles made by Rebert K Hall during war 11/ 5/61 ES Richard C Rhodes was hanged by bushwhackers. l ived to tell it 1 1/14/-61 Bl State never unified in Civil War. John L Fergusen says 11/23/61 Al3 2/18/62 E4 Fert Smith ' Grapevine Telegraph ' had Civil War rele Marker at B entonville notes amusing incident at Eagle Hotel 3/20/62 Bl Omer R Weaver was first Arkansan killed in the Civil War 4/29/62 E6 Indiana te return Ark flags lest in Civil War 5/17/62 A16 Flags taken in war returned te Arkansas 6/ 2/6 2 Al 7/ 1/62 E5 Secend Arkansas Mounted Rifles studied by W T Leeper Iewa has Arkansas flag captured at Helena 7/ 3/62 Bl 8/26/62 E6 Letters from war era filled with humor. pathos 9/ 6/62 Bl Brief history of Battle of Poison Springs 9/ 9/62 ES Battle of Prairie Greve re-enacted by Hindman ' s Raiders 9/17/-62 AB Brief summary of history of First Arkansaas Infantry Rgmt CIVIL WAR CENTENNIAL 1-/- 8/61 AlO Four-year Civil War Centennial opens today 4-/-30/61 AlO Ceremonies to nete state ' s sece ssion frem Union in 1 86 1 4/30/61 AlO Gev and Mrs Faubus te lead grand march at centennial. event 4/30/61 AlO Saline County events mark centennial observances Cast announced fer re-enactment of secession conventien 5/ 3/61 All 5/ 6/-61 A6 Re-enactment ef secession convention set for today 5/ Secession convention re-enacted at Old State House 7/61 Al Jackson County marks entry into Civil War 5/16-/-61 Bl St Charles marks centennial of Civil War battle 6/13/62 Bl CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS 4/12/ 6 1 Bl Veteran CCC members get together. discuss their werk 5/17-/-61 Bl Clearfork Creek dam and camp facilities were built by CCC 69 4 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 l 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 5 1 3 2 4 6 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 DATE CIVITAN CLUB see also Little Reck Zoo see also Little Reck Zee CLAIMS COMMISS ION (Ark) see also Suits and claims . Gevt CLARENDON see also Medicine and health see also Pel ice CLARK COUNTY see also Animals see also Fossils CLARK.1 ANDREW L see also Aviation and aircraft CLARKS RIDGE see also Weather and storms CLARKSVILLE see also Weather and storms Wrngle ever alderman ends up in state Supreme Court Three ousted frem City Council Ouster of 3 Council members gees te court Fire destroys four store buildings ; dam.age runs high Switch to city manager plan being studied Report given en city manager plan City Council approves urban renewal project Federal grant approved for renewal proj ect Mass meeting of citizens approves urban renewsl proj ect Voters approve Spadra Park urban renewal proj ect CLARKSV ILLE SHOE CORP New plant to be dedicated CLAYTON. J VANCE State Treasurer dies at age 56 CLAYTON, LEE ARTHUR see also Government official s , State see also Treasurer (Ark) CLEARFORK CAMP see Camps and camping CLEMENTS. W S see also Housing CLENDENIN, JOHN J see also History (Ark) CLINGER, SHERMAN T see also National Guard CLINGMAN. EDWARD PETER see also Civil War CLINTON see also Medicine and health Mrs Abe Berkowitz is mayor of Clinton at critical time CLOAR, CARROL see also Culture and the arts CLOWERS , CLIFTON Clewers says sang about him not true . but he does net obj ect 70 5/17/61 6/21/61 6/23/61 7/11/61 7/lPf/61 8/23/61 8/18/62 9-/ 1/62 9/20/62 10/17 /62 PAGE COL A6 A5 AS Bl A5 BlO A8 Bl Bl l 3 1 7 3 5 8 1 7 8 1/29-/61 AB 1 7/23/61 Al 2 11/21/61 Bl 3 6/ 6/62 Bl 5 A3 DATE Hit song. ' Wolverton Mountain ' is about Conway County man Musical benefit fer Clowers to be held at Morrilton Clewer attends Wolverton Mountain day event s at Morrilton CLUBS, Private see Bars and night clubs CO-OPERATIVES. Agricultural see Agriculture COAL Changing economic pattern hits Ark coal-mining industry COAL HILL see also History (Ark) see also Loitering and vagrancy COBB, OSRO see also United States - Attorneys Cobb expresses appreciation for Arkansas COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Labor dispute settled, workers to be rehired Employees vote against Teamsters representation COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO Coke settlement leads to rehiring 30 striking employees COCKFIGHTlliG Four arrested in raid on cock f ight near Het Springs Mr and Mrs George Oster fined for holding cock f ights COFFELT, KENNETH C see also Crime and vice see also Gambl ing see also Governor (Ark) Offers his aid te Mississippi Gov Ress Barnett COGGINS , JOHN TAYLOR see also Education - Little Reck District COHN, M M, CO see also Robberies and thefts COHN, SALLY Jew who defied Hitler finds Arkansas l and of opportunity GOLAY, HARRY B see also Arkansas State College COLE. GEORGE see also Athletics and sports COLLEGE GRADUATES Arkansas Careers Inc being formed to halt brain drain Ten LR firms w erk te keep Ark college graduates at home William F Reeter leader in effort te halt Ark brain drain Salaries are reason fer exodus frem state, column says Employers begin te go after grads � keep them at heme in Ark Grades, leadership prime necessities fer college graduates Jehn Brewn Univ radie graduates are world travelers COLLEGE OF THE OZARKS see alse Museums College of Ozarks enrol lment is 313 Plans fer fall semester announced College leses NCA accreditatien 71 PAGE COL 6/ 6/62 Bl 8/15/62 Bl 8/19/62 A3 5 2 1 2/ 5/ 61 A4 5 5/ 14/61 E4 3 3/29/61 Al 6/ 8/61 AS 2 l 3/30/61 Cl6 1 l/ 4/61 Al2 1/ 5/6 1 Bl 7 7 9/21/62 A2 4 2/26/61 E2 l 4/ 8/62 4/ 8/62 4/ 8/62 4/15/62 4/22/62 4/29/62 5/ 6/62 1 1 l 1 1 l 2 Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl ES 1/27/61 Bl 8/13/61 C35 4/ 7/62 A7 2 3 DATE President William S Findley resigns College names interim head Dr Don E Davis named president COLLEGE PRESS ASSOCIATION, Arkansas see Journalism COLLEGE STATION Anti-crime drive helps community te improve COLLEGES AND UNIVS see alse Arkansas A & M College see also Arkansas A M & N Cellege see also Arkansas Baptist College see alse Arkansas Cellege see alse Arkansas Polytechnic College see alse Arkansas State Teachers College see also Arkansas State College see also Arkansas State College. Beebe Branch see also Athletics and sports see also Central Baptist College see also Civil rights and discriminatien see also College ef the Ozarks see also Construction pregrams, State see also Cenway Baptist Cellege see also Fort Smith Junior College see also Harding College see also Hendersen State Teachers College see also Hendrix College see also Histery (Ark) see also Housing see also Jehn Brown University see also J ournalism see also Little Reck University see also Ouachita Baptist College see also Philander Smith College see also Robberies and thefts see also Shorter Cellege see also Southern State College see also Substance abuse and traffic see alse University of Arkansas see alse University ef Arkansas Graduate Institute ef Tech see alse University ef Arkansas Medical Center Summary ef 1 95 1 Burns-Kibbee report en Ark higher education New college may be organiz ed at Shumaker Naval Depot College students hear C of C explain its policy COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Accreditation see also College of the Ozarks COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Accreditation and Standards see alse Arkansas A M & N College see also Arkansas State College COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Administration and Management see also Arkansas A & M College see also Arkansas A M & N College 72 PAGE COL 4/19/62 Cl6 4/26/62 Bl 6/14/62 Bl 4 4 7 4/ 4/61 Bl 2 1/ 3/61 K3 9/29/61 Bl 10/ 3/62 Bl 5 8 2 DATE see alse Cellege of the Ozarks see also Harding College see also J ohn Brewn University see also Philander Smith College see also University ef Arkansas l/ 3/61 Repert charging rivalry retards progress is revived l/ 5/61 Creation ef council en higher educ finance favered by ALC Higher educ f inance council would supervise budgets l/ 5/61 1/10/61 Beard of Control bill would consolidate colleges 1/21/61 Presidents seek Faubus help to sidetrack overall beard plan 1/26/61 Bill te create beard of control passes committee 1/29/61 Arkansas has l ong wrestled with idea of everall beard l/2�/61 State Rep Glenn F Walther wants Univ of Ark system fer cells 2/ 6/61 Henderson pres D D McBrien says educators dislike single bd 2/23/ 6 1 Single board for colleges rej ected by House 7 / 5/61 Repr Lonnie Etheridge te try again fer board en higher educ 7/ 6/61 Proposed beard should have real pewer. Gazette says Ark A and M president Jack W Mears favors co-ordinating beard 8/ 9/61 8/ 9/6 1 Arkansas Polytechnic president J W Hull opposes overall bd 8/ 9/61 Rep J H Cottrell Jr to fight fer estab of Higher Educ Bd 8/ 11/61 New hope fer creation of college beard (ed) 8/25/61 Bills in Legis would create a state Beard of Cantrel 8/25/61 Purpese of Beard of Central outlined in bill 8/26/61 Conflict arises in Legis over prepesed Beard ef Cantrel 8/26/61 Giving real authority to new cellege beard (ed) 8/29/61 Reuse apprGVes bill te estab single beard fer all colleges 8/29/61 Cornell Report ef 1 95 8 rev iewed 8/30/61 Control Beard idea seems near collapse in Legislature 8/30/61 The advisory beard fer state colleges (ed) 8/31/61 Camm en Co-erdinattien of Higher Education Finance proposed 8/31/61 Senate stifles Central Beard by amendment 9/ 1/61 Compromise developed en Board of Control ; Senate approves 9/ 1/61 The alternatives en a Cellege Control Beard (ed) 9/ 2/61 Higher education finance comm appreved by Legis. sent to Gov 9/10/61 Camm on Co-ordination of Higher Education Finance is law 9/ 10/61 Powers of CCHEF described 9/10/61 Rep Marien Crank advocated CCHEF. J W Hull eppesed it 9/ 19/61 Gev Faubus appoints first members ef new CCHEF 10/ 3/61 William E Darby named chairman of CCHEF 2/16/62 E L Angell named director ef CCHEF 3/11/62 E L Angell picked te head CCHEF 3/13/62 College co-ordination (ed en work ef E L Angell) 3/17/62 E L Angell asks fer more time te study college budgets CCHEF has opportunity te meve inte budget action 11/19/62 12-/ 6/62 Gazette calls CCHEF able advocate fer higher education COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Admissions see Colleges and univs - Enrollment and retention COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Apprepriatiens see Colleges and univs - Finance and budgets COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Athletics and Sports see Athletics and sports 73 PAGE COL A3 Al2 Al2 A2 A3 Al C4 C4 Al Al A6 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Bl Al A4 Al Al Al A4 Al A7 A7 A7 Bl B8 Bl Al A4 A2 A4 A6 5 l l 5 3 2 l 2 4. 5 l 2 3 3 3 l 4 4 4 l 2 2 6 l 2 2 3 1 5 1 1 l 4 3 6 4 1 5 1 2 DATE COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Awards and Honers see alse Harding Cellege see also University of Arkansas COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Bombs and B001b Threat s see alse Philander Smith Cellege COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Civil Rights see alse Ouachita Baptist College see also Philander Smith College see also University ef Arkansas COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Contracts and Purchasing see also Arkansas A M & N College COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Curriculum see also Ark A & M College see also Arkansas A M & N College see also Arkansas Polytechnic College see alse Fart Smith Junier College see alse Little Reck University see also Ouachita Baptist College see alse Southern State Cellege see also University of Arkansas COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Enrollment and Retention see also Arkansas A & M College see also Arkansas State College see alse College ef the Oz arks see alse Harding College see also Little Reck University see alse Ouachita Baptist College see also Southern State College see also University of Arkansas State colleges te use ACT scores fer admission purposes State ' s colleges expect enrollment ef 3 0 . 000 this menth State-supported colleges enrell 20. 642 COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Exchange and Intnl Pregrams see alse Arkansas Pelytechnic Cellege Foreign students in Ark get together near LR COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Facilities see also Ark A & M College see alse Arkansas A M & N College see alse Arkansas Polytechnic College see alse Arkansas State College see alse Censtructien programs . State see alse Harding College see also Hendrix College see alse John Brewn University see alse Ouachita Baptist Cellege see alse Philander Smith Cellege see alse University ef Arkansas Legis Council makes recem.mendatiens en censtructien program State seeking means te fund college censtructien pregram Canstructien bends appreved by state Supreme Court Help fer the colleges (ed en construction bends decision) 74 PAGE COL 4/ 12/61 BB 9/ 2/ 62 A7 1 1/18/62 Al2 4 l l 1 1/28/61 Bl 4 B/13/61 1/16/62 1/30/62 1/31/62 Al Bl Bl A4 8 8 7 2 DATE Several maj er buildings te be constructed on campuses COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Finance and Budgets see alse Arkansas A M & N Cellege see alse Shorter Cellege see alse University of Arkansas see also University ef Arkansas Medical Center Funding bills introduced in Legislature Apprepriatien bills pass Legis. ge to Gav Faubus Editorial en use ef revenue bands far censtructien Legis has right ta switch state accts fer call fund. ct told Arkansas sets recerd fer college support Rep Paul Van Dalsem wants study of bonded debt ef colleges CCHEF questiens AEA' s proposal fer funding public education Bonded debt shews large increase ; legislators concerned Budget requests unrealistic, ALC and Gav Faubus say Legislative Council approves increased funding COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Fires see Arkansas State Cellege see University of Arkansas COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Fraternities and Sororities see alse University ef Arkansas COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Fund Raising and Gifts see also Harding Cellege see also Hendrix Colllege see alse Jahn B rewn University see also Little Reck University see also Ouachita Baptist College see also University ef Arkansas AFAC reperts rise in donations to private colleges AFAC distributes $21 , 636 te member colleges Gift te allaw faculty at AFAC schools te study this summer AFAC receives $172. 248 fer aid te private colleges in state AFAC raises funds for private colleges in Arkansas COLLEGES AND UNIV S - Gifts see Colleges and univs - Fund raising and gifts COLLEGES AND UNIVS - History see alse Arkansas State Teachers Cellege COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Housing see alse Arkansas Polytechnic College see alse Arkansas State Teachers College see alse Harding Cellege COLLEGES AND UNIVS - International Programs see Celleges and univs - Exchange and intnl programs COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Junior Colleges see alse Arkansas State College. Beebe Branch see also Fort Smith Junior College Pine B luff may get j unior college State ' s new rules may stir changes in j unior colleges COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Law Education Programs Present Arkansas Law Scheel at LR is private UA may ask fer funds to take ever night law school at LR 75 PAGE COL 5/ 15/62 A2 1 Bl 5 7 1 8 5 1 8 1 1 7 Bl Bl Bl A2 A2 2 3 2 1 4 2/24/-62 B5 10/-14/62 A4 3 1 1 1/ 2/62 Al 1 1/ 2/62 Al 4 4 1/20/61 2/ 3/61 10/30/61 1/16/62 3/11/62 6/23/62 9/26/62 10/- 6/62 11/17 /62 1 2/ 7/62 l/ 6/61 2/22/61 5/12/61 1/ 6/62 7/ 4/ 62 Al Bl A4 Bl A3 A2 Bl A2 A3 DATE The Law Scheel need in LR area (ed) COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Libraries see alse Arkansas State College see alse Ouachita Baptist Cellege see also Philander Smith College COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Mascots see alse University of Arkansas COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Medicine and Allied Health see also University ef Arkansas Medical Center COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Research see also University of Arkansas see alse University of Arkansas Graduate Institute ef Tech see alse University of Arkansas Medical Center COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Retention, Student see Celleges and univs - Enrollment and retention COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Role and Scope see also Arkansas State College see also University of Arkansas Graduite Institute ef Tech Bill calls fer automatic univ status when criteria met Summary of previsions ef bills en university status Gaz ette opposes permissive univ status designation proposal University status bills impreved. Gev Orval Faubus says Private colleges retain a key rele COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Salaries and Benefits see also Arkansas A M & N College Auditors report value of homes of presidents of schools CCHEF asks salary increases fer teachers Higher education ' s case fer better salaries (ed) COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Tests and Grades see also Colleges and univs - Enrollment and retention COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Tuition and Fees State Rep Clarke Kinney urges tuition increase Gov Faubus opposes raising tuition at state schools Feur state colleges charge no out-of-state tuition COLLEGES AND UNIVS - University Status see Colleges and univs - Role and scope COLLEGES, Arkansas Foundation of Associated see alse Colleges and univs - Gifts Brig Gen Hugh Cort retires as executive directer Col Cletes 0 Bennett named executive secretary COLLIER, CALVIN L see also Books and writing COLORED PEOPLE, National Association fer the Advanc see Civil rights and discrimination see Negroes COLUMB IA MANUFACTURING CO New firm at Magnolia te begin producing pre-built buildings COMBS, HARVEY G see also Insurance COMET RICE MILLS INC Federal govt te review Stuttgart mill ' s hiring policies 76 PAGE COL 11/- 3/62 A4 1 Al Al A4 A2 A4 2 2 2 4 6 4/30/61 E5 12/ 4/-62 Bl 1 2/ 5/62 A6 1 7 1 1/28/-61 A3 2/ 1/61 Bl 4/ 6/62 A2 6 4 3 9/ 3/-62 A2 9/ 3/62 A2 6 6 5/28/61 ClO 3 4/17/-62 Bl 2 1/-18/61 1/18/61 1/20/61 2/ 8/61 5/11/61 DATE Ban en rice centracts withdrawn by federal govt COMMERCE COMMISSION (Ark) see also Railroads see alse Trucks and trucking industry Arthur M Shirey Jr resigns frem Cemmissien Gov Faubus names J Orville Cheney chairman ef Cemmissien Directer W M Buttram is nationally-known fer his expertise COMMERCIAL CODES see alse Business law COMMISSION ON CO-ORDINATION OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL see Higher Educatienal Finance. Cemmissien en Ce-ordination COMMONWEALTH COLLEGE see also Governor (Ark) COMMONWEALTH FEDERAL SAVING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION see Banks COMMUNISM see also Education - Curriculum and teaching methods see alse Harding College Rep Dale Alford wants query made ef Rev Joseph B Hunter Rev Joseph B Hunter criticized mevie. "Operation Abelitien" Mr Alford ' s challenge te freedom ef speech (ed) Ouachita Baptist Cell students view "Operation Abolition" State Education Dept employees te view "Operation Abolition" Dr Jeseph B Hunder explains stand en "Operation Abelition" Dr Joseph B Hunder is exec secy ef Ark Ceuncil ef Churches Dr Joseph Hunter would welcome FBI probe. release of findings FBI will net say if known Communists l ive in Ark Dr Joseph B Hunter backed by ministers en Operation Abolition Court j ustices. legislators see. appreve Operation Abolition LRCTA backs Forrest Rozel l , raps American Legion critics American Legion called fer firing ef Forrest Rozzell Forrest Rezzell opposed tactics ef "Operation Abolitien" American Legien endorses film. "Operation Abolitien" New law makes it illegal to be a Cemmunist in Arkansas Rep Milt Earnhart sponsored bill barring Communists in Ark State has ne knewn Communists at this time AF.A President Hugh L Mills supperts ' Operation Abolition' AEA Bd ef Directors gives full support te Forrest Rozzell Michigan gaverner bans shewing of "Operation Abelitien" Charles T Vetter J r to discuss red techniques at LR conf Strategy fer Survival conference scheduled at LR 3 Texas men engage in fist fight over "Operation Abolition" State Repr Virgil Fletcher communism study in high schools Gaz ette fears anti-communism course leads to brain-washing State to buy "Operation Abolition" fer use in scheels Editorial en Arch Ferd ' s plan te purchase Operation Abolition Dr Jamed D Bales. Pat Beene collaborate en beek fer teens Editorial en Strategy fer Survival Cenf at Fert Smith Mrs Alfred E Lippman J r lectures en fight against Communism Ark Federation ef Women ' s Club te hear one side at a time Strategy fer Survival group at Fort Smith finds a mission • 77 PAGE COL 5/ 3/62 Bl 4 10/13/61 Al 10/13/61 Al 1/ 7/62 E5 4 4 l 1/ 5/61 1/ 5/61 1/ 6/61 1/ 6/61 1/ 7/61 1/ 8/6 1 1/ 8/61 1/ 8/61 1/11/61 1/24/61 1/25/61 1/29/61 1/29/61 1/29/61 1/30/61 l/31/61 1/31/61 1/31/61 2/ 7/61 2/12/61 4/ 8/61 4/ 9/61 4/ 9/61 4/30/61 6/13/61 6/16/61 6/18/61 6/20/61 6/30/61 10/ 9/61 10/ 10/61 10/11/61 10/11/61 8 8 l 3 3 l 1 1 4 3 6 1 7 7 6 5 5 5 1 3 2 l l 4 8 2 5 2 4 1 4 l 2 • Bl Bl A4 Bl A2 AB AB AB A3 Bl Bl C4 C4 C4 AB A3 A3 A3 Bl2 A3 A2 A7 A7 A12 Bl A4 Al A4 Al A4 Bl A13 A3 DATE Fort Smith Junior Civic League will net spenser Mrs Lippman Letter an Mrs Alfred Lippman J r ' s speech at Fert Smith Clarification of Fort Smith Junior Civic League action Winston G Chandler says U S promotes communism mere than USSR Mrs Alfred Lippman J r writes booklet under her maiden name Harold F Ohlendorf tells Farm Bureau of communism threat The Ohlendorf warning te the Farm Federation (ed) Farm Bureau urges fight against communism COMMUNITY ACCOMPLISHMENT CONTEST. Arkansas see Arkansas Community Accomplishment Contest COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT see Area planning COMPANIES see also A and A Manufacturing Ce see also AMF Cycle Division see also Adkins-Phelps Seed Ce see also Airtherm Products Inc see also Allen Canning Ce see also Alma Canning Ce see also American Greetings Corp see also American Oil Ce see also Arkansas Business Development Corp see also Arkansas Cement Corp see also Arkansas Chemical Inc see also Arkansas Cotten Mills see also Arkansas Grain Carp see also Arkansas Investment Corp see also Arkansas Louisiana Gas Ce see also Arkansas Missouri Power Ce see also Arkansas Poultry Cooperatives Inc see alse Arkansas Pewer and Light Ce see also Arkansas Shee Supply Ce see also Arkansas Valley Industries Inc see also Athletic Mining and Smelting Ce see also Batesville Rubber Ce see also Baxter Laberateries Inc see alse Birdseye Division, General Feeds see also Blades Manufacturing Co see also Borg-Warner Corp see also Brewn Century Cerp see also Burch Plew Works Inc see also Byrd ' s Manufacturing Corp see also Central Transformer Corp see also Chase Bag Ce see also Chase-Grecerd Rubber Ce see also Clarksville Shae Corp see also Ceca-Cela bottl ing Co see also Columbia Manufacturing Ce see also Comet Rice Mills see also Ceeper Tire and Rubber Co see also Gressett Co 78 10/13/61 10/25/61 10/31/61 11/17/61 1 1/ 1 9/ 6 1 1 1/21/61 1 1/22/61 1 1/22/61 PAGE COL Bl A4 A4 Bl E3 B9 A4 B9 5 3 3 6 3 1 1 1 DATE see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see alse also alee also also also alse also also alse also also also also alse alse also also also also also also also alse also also also also also also also also also also alse also also also alse also also also also also also also also also also also also Curtis Mathes Ce Daisy Manufacturing Ce Dantan Ce DeWitt Shoe Corp Del ight Egg Farms Inc Dierks Forests Inc Douglas-Lema.sen Co Duncan Parking Meter Ce Dure-Test Corp Elkhart Products Corp Emerson Electric Ce Empire Life Insurance Company of America Ferd Chair Ce Fordyce Lumber Ce Fester Oak Ce Franklin Electric Ce Franz Feeds Further Precessing Inc Georgia-Pacific Paper Ce Gerber Products Ce Gotham Chalkboard and Trim Ce Grimm Breeder Manufacturing Ce Inc Grocord Rubber Ce H and B Canning Ce HLH Parade Ce Hays Bros Flooring Co Hester Mobile Hotnes Corp Hope Lumber Manufacturing Co Heward Manufacturing Ce Hunt . J B . Co Hurley Co Hydrel Conveyor Co Industrial accidents and safety International Telephone and Telegraph Corp Interstate Manufacturing Ce Jacuzzi Brothers Inc Johnsen County Frozen Feeds Inc Kellwood Ce Lake Catherine Footwear Inc Landers, Frary and Cl ark Lashlee Steel Ce Life and Industrial Companies Inc Magnet Cove Barium Corp Mar-Bax Shirt Campany Inc Matthew s , John, Ce McCoy-Couch Furniture Manufacturing Co Midwest Casting Corp Milwhi te Co Inc Monsanto Chemical Co Morrilton Cotton Oil Co National Hem-Lite Inc 79 PAGE COL DATE see alse National Rej ecters Inc see also Nerth American Car Corp see also Ohio Rubber Co see also Orbit Valve Ce see alse Pan American Southern Corp see also Phillips-Van Heusen Corp see also Pioneer Grain and Seed Inc see also Polk County Garment Manufacturing Co see also Prescolite Manufacturing Co see also Price-Fewell Inc see also Priebe and Sens Inc see also Prince Gardner Co see also Razorback Method Inc see also Reaser-Hill Corp see also Revere Copper and Brass see also Reynolds Gas Regulators Co see also Reynolds Metals Co see also Scott Valve Ce see also Selb Manufacturing Corp see also Sobereff and Sons Co see also Southern Extrusions Inc see also Sutten Products Inc see also Swift and Co see also Twentieth Century Foods Corp see also Twin Table and Furniture Ce see also Villa Mobile Hemes Manufacturing Corp see also W and A Manuf acturing Ce see also Waldridge Knitting Mill see also Ward Body Works see also Ward Scheel Furniture Ce see also Western Arkansas Telephone Ce see also Westinghouse Electric Corp see also Wiederkehr Wine Callers Inc see also Wilson and Co see also Windsor Door Ce see also Yale and Tewne Manufacturing Co see alse Yoder Manufacturing Ce COMPUL SORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE see Children and youth CONDOMINIUMS see Reusing CONFEDERATE HOME see Veterans CONFLICT OF INTERESTS see Gevernment employees. State see Legislature (Ark) CONGRESS see also Nerrell. William F All ef Arkansas delegation en hand for opening of session Arkansans split en rules fight in House Arkansas delegatien cemments on Kennedy inaugural address 80 PAGE COL 1/ 4/61 Al 1/24/61 Al 1/31/61 Al 4 4 6 DATE Ark delegation in Heuse splits 4-2 en Rules Cemm changes Arkansas delegatien saying little abeut 1962 electien plans House battle en Rule Cemmittee draws fairly heavy mail Effigene Lecke Winge was elected te Cengress in 1930 First Arkansas weman elected te Cengress was Pearl P Oldfield Hattie Caraway was twice elected United States senator Arkansans held key te shaping fereign policy Delegation attends receptien given by the Kennedys Delegatien j eins in praise of space fl ight ef Alan Shephard Ark delegation cautious en federal aid fer education AAUW group frem Ark urge delegation te support federal aid Delegation split en support fer Kennedy program Arkansas delegation praise Russia ' s space feat Ark delegation comments en death ef Reuse Speaker Sam Rayburn Records ef Ark delegation en voting party line Ark delegatien small. but has large influence Reaction ef delegation te JFK' s State ef the Union message Delegation pleased with JFK budget fer river werk in Ark Laber rates Ark delegation en key laber votes Arkansas and Oklahoma delegations farm pewerful blec GOP te file fer House seats. Winthrop Reckefeller says Reuse delegatien seeks mere funds fer twe farm pregrams Ark power in Congress rests heavily en fall electiens State delegation upset with JFK fer remeving Jehn S Cress Conservative ratings ef Ark delegation State delegation batting . 5 00 with President Kennedy Alex H Washburn sets record straight en Menree Doctrine rept Why Arkansas delegation attained such stature (ed) Arkansas 1 s six members are a powerful bloc Attendance records ef members listed Official returns in contested races fer delegation seats Medicare ' s ghest present as decters. ethers honer lawmakers CONGRESS - Heuse Dist 1 E C Gathings t e meet with Farm Bureau l eade rs in Ark E C Gathingg wages war en blackbirds E C Gathings expectrs increase in cetten suppert E C Gathings warns farmers ef union ' menace ' E C Gathings s eeks to keep cottonseed preps E C Gathings at edds with JFK ever bracere wage rule E C Gathings seeks aid fer flood-damaged cetten planters E C Gathings polling his dist en JFK pregrams E C Gathings reports on farm wees in Ark E C Gathings urges rise in cotton acreage allotments E C Gathings 1 s bill would allew farmers to swap allotments E C Gathings votes against cellege funds E C Gathings fights Laber Dept plan te pay Mexican labor mere E C Gathings addresses pretest meeting en bracere pay E C Gathings urges court contest ef bracere pay order E C Gathings seeks te aveid cut in support price for rice E C Gathings in forefront in drafting new farm bill E C Gathings prepares te seek selutien on cetten laws 81 2/ 1/-61 2l 4/61 2/10/61 3/ 5/61 3/ 5/61 3/ 5/61 3/19/61 4/23/61 5/ 6/61 6/ 4/ 6 1 6/21/61 7/ 2/61 8/ 8/61 11/17/-61 12/17/61 1/ 7 /-62 1/13/62 1/21/62 2/ 6/62 2-/25/62 5/ 1/62 6/13/62 8/19/62 8/31/62 9/23/62 10/21/-62 10/24/62 1 1/ 4/62 11/-11/62 11/18/62 11/29/62 12/ 1/62 2/ 3/61 2/14/61 2/15/61 2/22/-61 3/ 5/61 3/19/61 5/11/61 5/ 1 4/-61 7/ 7/61 9/22/61 1/18/62 1/31/62 2/16/62 3/ 3/62 4-/ 5/62 5/ 4/;62 6/23/ 62 12/ 9/62 PAGE COL Al A2 AB E5 E5 E5 E5 E5 A5 AlO Bl D5 A2 A2 E3 E5 A2 Al A6 E3 Bl Bl E3 Al E3 E3 A6 E2 E3 E3 A4 A3 Bl A6 Bl B7 ClO C4 A2 E5 Bl Bl B6 Al Al Al Bl Bl 2 Al E3 7 1 4 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 7 2 5 5 1 2 3 5 4 4 5 3 1 5 1 1 5 5 6 2 3 1 2 1 3 4 4 5 5 2 2 3 5 3 4 l 6 5 DATE E C Gathings will ask cotton legislation convering 1963 crop E C Gathings told that cotton industry faces price problem CONGRESS - Heuse Dist 2 Rep Wilbur D Mills seeks cempremise en rul es panel fight Wilbur Mills rules out tax revision this session Wilbur Mills te sponsor twe of Kennedy ' s anti-recession bills Jack Files j eins staff ef Wilbur D Mills in Washington Wilbur Mills helped Dale Alford secure Appropriations pest Wilbur Mills warns adm. to curb pickerlap cotton imports Wilbur Mills often presides in House committee ef the whole Kansas City Star urges Ark to keep Wilbur Mills in Congress Wilbur Mills in running for Speakership if Rayburn retires Wilbur D Mills may succeed Sam Rayburn as Speaker Pell shUNs John McCormack favored for House Speaker House could make Wilbur Mills Arkansas ' s first Speaker Wilbur Mills says crises are product ef atom age Wilbur D Mills will not be House Speaker Wilbur D Mills addresses Farm and Ranch Club of Arkansas Wilbur Mills pivotal in FJK ' s plans Wilbur D Mills addresses Arkansas Farm Bureau Drive begins to put Wilbur Mills in race fer maj ority leader Wilbur Mills supports Carl Albert fer maj ority leader Wilbur Mills says dams must be dual purpese Wilbur Mills plays vital role in federal highway program Wilbur Mills rej ects GOP scheme te gain House Speakership Wilbur Mills favors end te welfare chisel ing Wilbur D Mills praised by federal Treasury official Wilbur Mills calls Kerr-Mills Medicare Act right step Wilbur Mills not in line fer eventual Hause Speaker Wilbur D Mills thanks Agri Dept Secy fer rice increase Wilbur D Mills holds key to success of Kennedy programs Wilbur Mills meets with JFK to explore coming bills Wilbur D Mills called obj ect of political courtship Pell ranks Wilbur Mills among top five in Congress Wilbur D Mills speaks on trade bill Wilbur Mills imperils JFK medicare program Wilbur Mills votes fer college funds Wilbur Mills busy with trade bill Wilbur Mills at anvil ef power en big l egislation Tax bill amdts by Wilbur Mills appreved by committee Wilbur Mills called key to passage of JFK Medicare bill Wilbur D Mills files fer re-election to House seat Wilbur Mills ' panel alters trade bill Wilbur Mills asserts he will not back inceme tax cut Wilbur D Mills wen personal victory in trade bill passage Wilbur D Mills shepherds trade bill through House Wilbur Mills unmoved by tax cut proponents Wilbur Mills praises JFK for refusing te reduce taxes Wilbur D Mills deals new rebuff te State Dept plan Wilbur Mills advises against income tax cut at this time Wilbur D Mills thinks tax reduction chance is weak 82 PAGE COL 12/-13/62 Bl 1 2/ 1 4/62 A27 7 1 1/ 5/61 1/26/61 2/ 4/61 2/19/-61 3/ 7 /61 7/18/61 8/27/61 9/ 3/61 9/10/61 10/ 6/61 10/11/61 10/18/-61 10/-25/61 10/29/-61 1 1/ 16/-61 1 1/ 1 9/61 11/21/61 1 1/-23/-61 1 1/28/61 11/28/61 1 1/29/61 1 1/30/61 1 2/ 1/61 1 2/ 2;/-61 1 2/ 12/-61 12/12/61 1/ 3/62 1/ 4/ 62 1/ 7/62 1/ 8/62 1/19/62 1/24/62 1/-26/62 1/31/62 3/ 4/62 3/15/62 3/23/62 3/25/62 4/ 17/62 6/12/62 6/13/62 6/29/62 6/-29/62 8/ 5/62 8/14/62 10/14/62 1 1/ 21/62 11/-27/-62 3 6 l 5 3 4 5 5 5 3 l 2 3 5 1 5 3 4 6 3 7 5 4 4 3 2 2 6 6 3 2 1 7 3 5 6 1 2 4 1 5 6 8 5 6 5 3 8 Al A5 A3 E5 Al Bl2 E5 D5 ES Al B6 Bl A2 E3 A2 E3 Al Al A2 Bl Bl Al Al A2 A6 Bl Bl A4 Al A2 Bl A3 Al Al E3 A4 A3 ES Bl BlO Al Al Al E3 Al E3 BB A4 DATE Wilbur Mills eppeses tax cut unless spending control led Wilbur D Mills wants cempetetive exam fer NLR postmaster j eb Wilbur D Mills says Kerr-Mills Act catching en CONGRESS - House Dist 3 J W Trimble seeks lower rates for federal electric power J W Trimble ' s bill seeks cheaper power fer Southwest J W Trimble says Democrats returned te pOW'er j ust in time J W Trimble wants gevt to continue turkey purchases J W Trimble accused of aiding . abetting Communist Party J W Trimble defended by Gazette as Christian gentleman Cliften Ganus denies making remark about Rep J W Trimble Gaz ette insists Clifton Ganus was talking about J W Trimble Jim Trimble defends federal aid fer Gassville James W Trimble brings the bacon te his district James W Trimble warmly praised at Ozark gathering J W Trimble splits vete en twe Kennedy adm bills James W Trimble votes fer college funds Gov Faubus says he may seek seat if J W Trimble doesn ' t J W Trimble files for re-election J W Trimble ' s filing fer 10th term is topic of column J W Trimble foresees ne changes in status of Fort Chaffee Cy Carney files as GOP candidate for J W Trimble ' s seat J W Trimble. Oren Harris seek reads fer their dists J W Trimble seeks funding for Oz ark Dam J W Trimble wants $500.000 more fer river j obs W Trimble to be honored by Jehn B rEMn University J W Trimble wants weather reports via telephone available J W Trimble served as chnin ef state Demecratic Party cenv Wilbur D Mills wins year-leng fight ever trade bill Cy Carney calls J W Trimble a rubber stamp fer JFK J W Trimble says U S in critical times Cy Carney hits J W Trimble vete en farm bill J W Trimble Day set at Russellville Cy Carney calls J W Trimble a big spender Cy Carney plans 3-day tour ef Third Dist J W Trimble leading handily in electien returns J W Trimble wins reelection by big margins Wilbur D Mills says JFK trade law is eutstanding J W Trimble hepes te avoid rules battle J W Trimble seeks expansion. renevatien ef Fort Chaffee CONGRESS - Heuse Dist 4 Oren Harris offers bill te reduce gas regulations Oren Harris oppeses threat te curb regulatory agencies Oren Harris sponsors bill te expand Federal Power Comm Oren Harris introduces bill giving FCC chamn mere pewer Oren Harris prepeses overhaul ef FCC Rep Oren Harris effers segregation amendment Oren Harris supports scenic read at Rich Mountain Oren E Harris cenf irms he will seek re-electien Oren Harris begins werk immediately en hearings Oren Harris calls pinball machines evil 83 PAGE COL 1 1 1/30/62 A5 1 2/ 7/-62 A24 1 2;/ 14/62 A3 l l 1/ 5/61 1/18/-61 3/17/61 7/ CJ/61 7/17/-61 7/17/-61 7/26/61 7/27/-61 7/-28/-61 10/ 8/61 10/-19/-61 1/-25/62 1/31/62 2-/ 8/62 4/ 8/62 4/ 8/62 4/12/62 5/- 3/-62 5/- 3/62 5/- 8/62 5-/-18/-62 5-/-20/62 7/ 6-/-62 9/15/-62 10-/- 5/-62 10-/-16/62 10-/-18-/-62 10-/-19/62 10-/-25/-62 10/-27/-62 10/-31/62 11/- 7/62 1 1/- 8/62 11/- 8/-62 1 1/-18/-62 1 1/-20/62 4 2 4 5 2 2 4 2 2 5 2 6 3 4 5 5 4 6 2 4 4 2 8 1 4 4 2 8 6 1 2 6 5 2 5 8 1/ 7/-61 1/ 8/61 3/24/61 5/26/-61 6/27/61 9/24/-61 12/ 6/61 1 2/29/61 1-/14/62 1/20/-62 Al Bl A2 E5 A4 A4 Bl A4 A3 E3 Bl A2 Al Al BB E5 Al Al Bl Bl A7 A7 Bl A4 Al A6 Bl B13 B5 A9 Bl A4 A14 Bl E3 Bl A3 A2 AB AlO BlO Al A7 Bl 03 BB 5 8 1 1 3 3 2 2 5 5 DATE Oren Harris vetse fer college funds Oren E Harris writes FCC opposing move ef KA.TV tew"er Oren Harris files papers te seek 12th term in House Warren G Lieblong is GOP opponent fer Oren Harris in 4th Dist Oren E Harris plugs his drug price centrel bill Oren Harris ' Quality Stabilization Bill criticized (ed) Oren E Harris tells why business needs regulation Oren E Harris seeks ban en pinball traffic in commerce Oren Harris l eads very active public life Oren E Harris sponsors bill en cosmetics . hair dyes Oren Harris supports scenic drive in Ouachita Mountains Oren Harris may have duty ef locking deer en dangerous drugs Oren Harris will work fer tight drug control bill Warren Lieblong says Oren Harris absence hinders werk Rep Oren E Harris blocks Reuse attack on radio bill Oren E Harris te meet with new constituents in his dist Oren Harris calls en Democrats fer shaw ef unity in electiens Oren Harris says JFK action en Cuba justified Frank Jarrett is write-in candidate in 4th Dist Oren Harris addresses Brotherheed ef Railroad Trainmen Oren Harris says JFK acted late en Cuba. but is right Warren Liebleng attacks Oren Harris support of JFK bills Oren E Harris defeats Warren Lieblong handily CONGRESS - Reuse Dist 5 Dale Alford wants query ef LR minister. Rev Jeseph B Hunter Dale Alfred wants US Supreme Ct members reaffirmed every 6 yr Dale Alford sponsors bill to allow aged to earn $50 per me Dale Alford names candidates to service academies Dale Alford assigned te House Appropriations Committee Wilbur Mills helped Dale Alford get Apprepriations post Dale Alford proposes tax break fer retired persons Dale Alford voted against restoration ef Eisenhewer ' s rank Gazette says Dale Alford out ef step en Eisenheiwer vote Gov Orval Faubus backs Dale Alford ' s vote en Eisenhewer Dale Alford says acting postmaster nominated for LR Letter en Dale Aferd vote against Eisenhewer rank restoration Dale Alford backs Ed I McKinley fer LR postmaster State editors respond to Dale Alford ' s anti-Ike vote Sue Abbott Boyd critical of Dale Alford Dale Alford defends Gen Edwin A Walker: respects B irchers Dale Alford supports JFK stand en Cuban communism Dale Alford opposes medicare administered by Social Security Dale Alford originally wanted C E Mcswain fer LR postmaster Dale Alford speaks at dedication of Ricks Armory Dale Alford attacks Medicare bill in Hot Springs speech Dale Alford to be main Confederate memorial speaker Washington rum.or has Dale Alford after J W Fulbright ' s seat Dale Alford raps Army rebuke of Maj Gen Edwin A Walker Dale Alford ef fers school aid bill without federal control Dale Alford speech in House defends Maj Gen Edwin Walker Dale Alford attacks foreign aid as way to fight communism 84 1/31/62 2-/28/62 3/27/62 5/ 3/62 5/23/62 5/24/62 6/ 3/62 6-/21/62 7/ 8/62 7/12/62 8/ 9/62 8/12/62 8/21/62 9-/12/62 9/22-/62 9/23/62 10/ 7/62 10/23/62 10-/-23/62 10/24/62 10/27/62 10/28/62 11/ 8/62 1/ 5/61 1 / 6/61 1 / 1 9-/-61 2/l'f/61 3-/ 7/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 10/61 3 / 1 5/61 3/16/61 3/17/61 3/17-/-61 3/ 1 9/61 3/23/61 3/26/61 4/14/61 4/2G/61 4/26/61 5/12/61 5/14/61 5/22/61 5/30/61 6/ 4-/-61 6/11/61 6/15/61 6/17/61 6/18/61 7/ 9/61 PAGE COL Al A5 Bl Al Bl A4 Al Bl E3 Bl A7 E3 Al A2 A5 Al2 A2 A9 Bl A8 B9 C4 A14 Bl A5 Cl2 A6 Al Al A2 Al A4 AB Bl E4 Al E4 A4 Al Bl Bl E5 B5 A2 E5 E5 Al5 A2 ES A4 3 l 2 6 8 2 5 4 5 3 l 5 5 1 5 7 5 8 8 4 6 1 5 8 l 3 4 3 3 4 6 1 2 6 5 3 6 4 4 4 7 5 4 6 5 1 2 6 5 2 DATE Dale Alferd urges build up of U S military strength Dale Alford shocked by J W Fulbright memo en military/right Dale Alford attacks President Kennedy ' s mobilization plan Dale Alford says foreign aid is senseless The small. wonderful world of Dale Alford (ed) Dale Alford. Dr Joseph A Norton testify against Medicare Dale Alford flays memo ef J W Fulbright Dale Alford says Voters fer the Constitution organized in Ark Dale Alford applies the reversal principle (ed) Dale Alferd backers unaware of Voters fer the Constitution Dale Alford says Veters fer Constitution net a third party Dale Alford t o probe TV advertising Dale Alford s ay s federal govt hinders anti-communism fight Barry and Dale (ed en statements on J W Fulbright) Dale Alford thought to be preparing to challenge Fulbright Dale Alford may be preparing fer battle against Fulbright T E Lawrence comments on Dr Alford ' s new ' ledge ' Dale Alford begins speech with j oke about Negroes Dale Alford calls fer abolition ef modernism in church. state Dale Alford te check status ef post office j ob fer McKinley Dale Alford attempts to linke Radie Swan. anti-Walker paper Radie Swan ewner hotly denies allegations ef Dale Alford Rep Dale Alford l inks social welfare. communism Of welfare and religien (ed on Alford talk te ministers) Dale Alferd confused. his charge incredible. Radio Swan says Sue Abbott B oyd ' s epinien of Dale Alford (leteer) Dale Alford applies ample alliteration in speeches Dale Alford to conduct prebe TV effect on small business J W Fulbright ' s speech apparently aimed at Alford criticism Dale Alford heads House greup seeking j ustice fer Gen Walker Dale Alford repeats Radie Swan charge, gives source Dale Alferd questions Peace Corps Dale Alford new supports C E Mcswain Sr fer LR postmaster Dale Alford ' s Radie Swan l ink hard to find Dale Alford says Washington approves C E McSwain Sr Dale Alford sayd U S tee materialistic Dale Alford plans te speak all ever state during recess Dale Alferd opposes federal controls en poultry Dale Alfred silent en Voters fer the Constitution Dale Alford lashes out at several targets in talk at LR Dale Alford says Civil War was constitutional fight Dale Alford l auds speaking eut by patriots Dale Alford speaks at conv of National Assn of Feed Chains Alford an business (ed) Dale Alford does net understand world struggle, Gaz ette says Dale Alford would apply loyalty tests te get radio license Dale Alford may seek office ef governor next year Esther Duckworth responds te Dale Alford en social ism talk Dale Alford favers some foreign aid Dale Alford comments en resignation of Gen Edwin A Walker Dale Alford says he has net mellewed en foreign aid 85 7 /20/61 7/22/61 7/25/61 7/26/61 7/26/61 8/ 4/6 1 8/ 9/61 8/ 9/61 8/10/61 8/10/61 8/11/61 8/11/61 8/12/61 8/13/61 8/13-/61 8/19/61 8/21/61 8/22/61 8/ 22/61 8/23/61 8/23/61 8/23/61 8/23/61 8/24/61 8/24/61 8/25/61 8/27/61 8/27/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 5/61 9/ <:ti 6 1 9/18/61 9/28/61 9/28/61 9/29/61 10/ 2/ 61 10/ 6/61 10/ 6/61 10/ 8/61 10/11/61 10/13/61 10/18/61 10/19/61 10/21/61 10/26/61 10/27/61 10/29/61 1 1/ 3/61 1 1/ 3/61 l l/ 4/6 1 1 1/ 5/ 61 PAGE COL A3 A3 A7 A2 A4 Bl Al Al A4 Bl Bl Bll A2 E4 ES A2 AA Bl Bl A3 A7 A7 Bl A4 Bl AA ES E5 A3 Al AS AB Bl B6 Al A3 Al AB A13 A13 A3 A2 Cl4 A4 A4 Bl E3 A4 Bl6 Al Al 7 l 1 2 1 3 8 8 1 2 2 5 4 2 5 3 3 2 2 7 6 6 8 2 2 3 2 5 2 7 5 3 7 7 2 6 4 1 1 8 7 6 7 2 l 6 1 3 1 6 4 DATE Oilman H L Hunt invites Dale Alford to speak at Amarillo Dale Alford hits at J W Fulbright in talk to American Legien Dale Alford attends anti-communism lecture at LR Dale Alford says Edwin A Walker would make a great president Dale Alford says U S policies schizophrenic Alford and NATO (ed on Dale Alford stand en foreign aid) Dale Alford assails critics . taxes. foreign aid. imports Dale Alford implies foreign aid is treasonous Dale Al ford renews attack on J W Fulbright Press is anti-American, Dale Alford implies Dale Alford getting progressively mere extreme. Gazette says Dale Alford says conservation part ef his put-America first Dale Alford w armly praised by Sen J Strem Thurmond Dale Alford may run fer Ark Secretary of State Dale Alford says he has been asked to run fer governor Dale Alford announces he will run fer governor next year Dale Alford reveals he is candidate fer governor of Ark Dale Alford continues opposition te JFK programs Dale Alford blasts JFK on two policies Dale Alford selects 27 candidates for military academies Dale Alford blasts crop curb s . farm labor proposal in speech Dale Alford flails Kennedy trade propresal Dale Aflerd votes with GOP en JFK tax revisien bill Dale Alferd attacks JFK Medicare bill as social:i:zed medicine Dale Alford accuses Supreme Ct ef a.mending Constitution Dale Al ferd meves to dislodge Red aid bill Dale Al ford £ avers Bailey ' s bill fer education Dale Alford may miss chance te name pestmaster at Little Reck Dale Alford probably will not get te name NLR postmaster Dale Alford, Hyman G Rickover clash on schools Editor thinks campaign educated Dr Dale Alferd on agriculture Dale Alford flails govt stand en Univ of Miss desegregation Dale Alferd wins high praise frem Rep John Bell Williams Dale Alford speaks on free enterprise at Hot Springs club CONGRESS - House Dist 6 Rep William F Norrell seeks old federal bdg for Hot Springs Rep W F Norrell found uncounscious in his office Rep W F Nerrell dies at age 64 in Washington W F Nerrel l ' s traced in his obituary Editorial on the late Rep W F Norrell of Arkansas Special election necesary te fill 6th Dist seat Capital mourns death of Rep W F Norrell Congressmen pay last respecte to Rep W F Norrell Hundreds gather in Ark te pay final tribute te W F Norrell Hundreds gather in rain to pay final tribute to W F Norrell Catherine Norrell seeks seat held by her late husband Gav Faubus delays calling vote to fill W F Norrell seat Catherine Norrell. Sam D Carsen seek 6th Dist seat M C Lewis becomes 3rd te enter race for 6th Dist seat John Harris Jones enters race fer 6th Dist seat John Harris J enes files fer Dist 6 seat 86 1 1/ 11/61 1 1/ 11/61 11/14/61 1 1/14/61 1 1/17/61 1 1/18/61 11/25/61 1 1/29/61 1 1/29/61 1 1/29/61 11/30/61 12/ 1/61 1 2/ 3/61 1 2/10/-61 12/23/61 1 2/ 27/61 12/27/61 1/ 7/62 2/ 2/62 2/11/62 3/13/62 3/24/62 3/30/62 4/16/62 4/19/62 5/ 2/62 5/11/62 5/20/62 8/11/62 9/16/62 9/26/62 10/ 2/62 1 1/ 1/62 12/27/62 1/ 4/61 2/14/61 2/16/61 2/16/61 2/17/61 2/17/61 2/17/61 2/-18/61 2/21/61 2/21/61 2/ 23/61 3/14/61 3/23/61 4/ 1/61 4/ 2/6 1 4/ 5/61 PAGE COL A4 BS A6 A6 A3 A4 A7 A2 A2 A2 A4 Bl Al E3 A2 Al Al Al B9 A12 B14 B6 Al BlO C16 Bl A2 E3 Al E3 A4 A3 A32 Bl 2 2 3 5 8 2 1 5 5 5 2 3 6 1 2 6 7 3 7 6 1 2 5 1 5 2 3 5 5 5 1 1 3 8 Bl Al Al Al A4 Bl Bl BS Al Al Bl A3 Bl A2 A7 A9 8 3 5 5 2 7 8 6 4 4 6 5 7 6 2 1 DATE PAGE COL James F Cress files fer 6th Dist seat 4/ 6/61 A2 Mrs Nerrell doen ' t need office ' s salaty . John H Jenes says 4/ 9/61 A7 Candidate James F Cress £avers raise in tax exemptions 4/13/61 AlO Sixth Dist te vote en Repr next Tuesday 4/16/61 Al James F Cress tells TV audience that senierity net an issue 4/17/61 A2 Sixth Dist candidates draw campaigns to end 4/18/61 A9 Catherine Norrell easily defeats 4 oppenents fer House seat 4/-19/-61 Al Catherine Norrell prepares te return to Washington 4/20/61 A2 Election returns in special election in Dist 6 4/2(}/61 A2 4/26/61 Bl Catherine Norrell takes oath. casts first vete in Reuse 4/3G/-61 ES Catherine Norrell quiet en plans te seek re-election Catherine Norrell gets Pestef fice and Civil Service Committee 5/16-/-61 A6 7-/-20/61 A3 Catherine D Nerrell te be feted by women at LR 8/ 1/61 B14 Catherine D Nerrell wants President Kennedy to cut spending 8/29/61 Bl Catherine Nerrell rises in Heuse te laud Ark suffrage rele 10-/15/61 A2 Catherine Norrell speaks at Demecratic women ' s luncheon 12/17/61 E3 Federal pest rumored likely fer Catherine D Norrell 1/21/62 AlO Catherine D Norrell silent about her political ambitiens 1/21/62 AlO Catherine D Norrell weuld have te run against Oren Harris 1/31-/62 Al Catherine Norrell votes against college funds 2/ 6/62 A6 Catherine Nerell appeals fer funds fer blackbird control 2/13-/62 A5 Catherine Nerrell seeks funds fer fish farm at Kelso 3/-16/62 A13 Catherine Norrell attends meeting in LR en Arkansas Pest 3/23/62 A6 Catherine D Nerrell asks IRS fer report en Dallas Ceunty 4/15/62 E3 Catherine D Norrell at home in Ark fer soul-searching 4/29/62 Al Catherine D Nerrell te retire from Congress CONGRESS - Reappertienment Reapportionment may be handled in special Legis session 1/ 5/61 Bl Legislature receiving prepesed plans fer redistricting 1/10-/61 Al 1 / 1 1/61 Al Eighteen senators back plan endorsed by Reuse 1/11/61 Al State to lose twe Reps when Congress reappertiened 1/11/61 A2 Dale Alford asks short delay in redistricting 1/12/61 Al Senator Merrell Gathright staved eff vote en plan 1/12/61 A4 Again. the unhappy redistricting task (ed) 1/12/61 A4 Alford ' s weak case {ed) 1/13/61 Al Ark Senate beats back amdts , passes plan by Raymond L Mays 1-/13/61 A2 Gov Faubus surprised by quick vote in Senate 1/ 13/61 A2 Gov Faubus wants redistricting plan delayed in Legislature 1/ 14/61 Al W F Norrell chgs Oren Harris wrote Mays districting plan 1/14/61 Al W F Norrell thinks ethers in delegation approved Mays plan 1/15/61 Al Reuse pledges indicate Mays plan heading fer approval 1/15/-61 A2 Map shows Mays redistricting plan 1/ 15/-61 E4 Dale Alford used telegrams to plead fer delay in action Lincoln and Jefferson delegations take plea to Washington 1/17/61 A2 1/-17/61 Bl Public hearing set fer Mays plan 1/18/61 A3 Reuse committee passes Mays plan with enly ene change 1/19/61 Al Altered Mays plan passes beth houses ef Legislature 1/19/61 Al Plan puts Dale Alford. Wilbur Mills in same district Plan puts W F Norrell. Oren Harris in same district 1/19/61 Al �.ap shews districts approved by Ark Legislature 1/20/61 Al 1/20/61 Al Gev Faubus to sign Mays plan. which has now passed Legis 87 2 2 3 4 3 7 4 2 2 5 6 3 l 7 5 6 5 5 5 3 3 1 l 4 5 6 3 8 5 5 8 8 l 2 2 l l 6 6 8 4 l 1 4 l 8 8 8 2 5 DATE Heartbreaking task has new been done (ed en reappertienment) Faint possibility remains that state may net lese seats Gov Faubus signs Mays plan fer reapportionment State has chance ef regaining one lest House seat Senate gets plan in case five seats are retained by Ark Hepe fer exapnding Reuse membership fading fast T E Tyler te head drive te repeal redistricting law T E Tyler ' s aim is to save seat fer Dale Alford Judge allews 2 legislaters to intervene in suit Prepestereus scheme te save Alford ' s seat (ed) State Rep Virgil T Fletcher vews battle te keep plan T E Tyler denies he is acting fer Dale Alferd Editorial en Fletcher ' s plan t o save districts G D Smith Jr to head group seeking vete en plan Examining Tyler ' s plan (ed) Redistricting vote petition gets legal approval Petitions to call vote en redistricting are in circulation State Sen Knox Nelsen leads campaign fer referral for vete Petitions have 3 0 , 0000 names, T E Tyler says Deadline set fer petitions on districting law Prospect of at-large race in 1 96 2 concerns lawmakers At-large race might create political turmoil Redistricting vote drive disappointing. T E Tyler says Laber advised te shun petitiens en redistricting Efferts te get vote en redistricting plan fares peerly Redistricting petitions still lack sufficient names State Repr G D Smith Jr says sufficient petitions filed Opponents of plan file sufficient petitions te nul lify act Legislative remedy fer districting problem (ed) Four Reuse members unhappy at prospect ef statewide race District principle hs served us well (ed) Opinien en action in special legis sessien te be rendered All seats will be contested state-wide if changes net made Atty Gen Helt likely te rule Legis can pass new plans Legislators draft new redistricting prepesal New plan by Rep G D Smith Jr weuld have 2 diets Gev Faubus wants problem left eut ef special legis session Editorial en stand ef Gov Faubus en redistricting Yeung Democrats urge enactment of new districting plan Ark AG Frank Helt gives three apiniens en redistricting Way clear fer redistricting (ed) Statewide candidates must seek specific seats. Atty Gen says Alternate plan fer redistricting being readied fer Legis Rep Oren Harris urges Congress to act en enlarging House Rep Raymond L Mayes releases text ef his redistricting bill Special session ef Legis seems sure te consider new plan Ark excluded from bill to expand Hause membership Gev Faubus calls special Legis session en redistricting Ark Legislature easily passes districting plan New districting bill signed into law by Gev Orval Faubus New 4th Dist dwarfs ethers in size and population 88 1/20/61 1/22/ 6 1 1/-24/61 2/12/-61 2/23/61 3/ 5/61 4/ 4/6 1 4/- 4/6 1 4/ 4/61 4/- 5/61 4/ 6/-61 4/ 6/-61 4/- 7/61 4/ 9/-6 1 4/10/-61 4/11/61 4/14/-61 4/18-/61 4/22/-61 4-/25/-61 4/29/61 5/ 7/61 5/13/61 5/-14/61 5/17/61 6/ 4/6 1 6/- 7/61 6/ 8/61 6/- �/6 1 6/23/61 7/- 5/61 7/18/61 7/21/61 7/30/61 7/-31-/61 7/31/-61 8/ 1/61 8/ 3/61 8/- 3/-61 8/ 6/61 8/ 8/61 8/ 8/61 8/25/61 8/25/-61 8/27 /61 9/ 1/61 9/ 6/61 9/-15/-61 9/20/61 9/22/61 9/ 24/61 PAGE COL A4 E5 Al A3 Bl E5 Al Al A6 A4 Bl Bl A4 A4 A4 Bl A2 A9 A3 Bl AlO E5 A5 AlS A3 C4 Bl Al A4 All A4 Bl Bl A5 A2 A2 Bl A4 Bl A4 A4 A6 Al A3 A2 AB A2 Bl Al Bl A3 1 5 2 1 2 5 2 2 6 1 B 8 1 5 2 5 1 6 6 2 3 l 7 2 6 5 3 6 1 1 1 5 3 5 4 4 2 2 2 l 1 6 5 4 1 2 5 2 2 6 1 DATE PAGE COL Map shCW"s districts 9/24/61 A3 Number ef voters in twe districts vary widely 10/15/61 A6 Lawsuit seeks te veid redistricting plan (Act 5 . 1 96 1 ) 8/29/62 Al The unsettl ing suit e n House Districts Ced) 8/30/62 A4 Redistricting suit could bring upsets in Cengress races 9/ i/62 A3 Judge delays ruling on suit seeking te veid redistricting 9/15/62 Al Ruling delay prevents at-large contests fer Congressmen 9/15/62 Al Suit was filed by George W Carr. ef Pine B luff 9/15/62 Al George W Carr says he has ne ax te grind 9/ 15/62 A2 CONGRESS - Senate (Class I ) J W Fulbright te be henered w ith ball by Latin American l/ 1/61 D5 1/ 5/61 A2 J W Fulbright moves te aid J FK ' s program J W Fulbright almost named Secretary ef State 1/ 8/61 ES J W Fulbright gets at werk en patrenage recommendations 1/15/61 E5 J W Fulbright has been able te benefit bis state ever the yrs 1/15/61 E5 1/23/61 A4 J W Fulbright strengthens hand with new committee assignment 1/31/61 A3 J W and Mrs Fulbright entertain JFK. LBJ. others at luncheon 2/ 1/61 A2 J W Fulbright says JFK foreign aid plans most effective 2/ 3/61 Al7 J W Fulbright hopes for new pol icy in Laos crisis 2/ 5/61 C4 J W Fulbright seeks mere river funds for Ark 2/ 7/61 B l J W Fulbright praises JFK action en public facilities l oans J W Fulbright pushes fer agri building in counties 2/13/61 A3 2/15/61 A2 Russian moves undermine UN. J W Fulbright says Jehn L McClellan te broaden probe ef alleged payoff 2/15/61 A3 W F Norrell is in critical condition fellewing stroke 2/15/61 Bl 3/ 3/61 AS J W Fulbright seeks rice quota increase J W Fulbright seeks law te update Fulbright exchange program 3/ 3/61 B l 3/ 9/61 Al J W Fulbright says rich must help pear pay for education 3/13/61 A4 Fulbright and the pre�s (ed) 3/16/61 Bl J W Fulbright asks for feed stamp pilot proj ect in Arkansas J W Fulbright hails President Kennedy and his aides 3/18/61 BlO J W Fulbright backs support fer JFK in Laes crisis 3/27/61 Al 3/29/61 Al J W Fulbright asks for soil. water conservation research sta 4/ 7/61 Bl3 J W Fulbright seeks expanded agri weather service fer Ark 4/30/61 AlO John L McClellan says missile site strikes invite laws 5/ 1/61 Al J W Fulbright says mere than soldiers neede d te save Laes 5/ 3/61 Bl J W Fulbright seeks funds fer forest work in Ark 5/ 5/61 Al J W Fulbright leans te using U S troops in Vietnam J W Fulbright ' s irritation hints serieus rift with State Dept 5/11/61 Al 5/12/61 Al J W Fulbright calls fer broadening of NATO role 5/12/61 Al Floed in Harrison proves need for study . J W Fulbright says 5/16/61 Al J W Fulbright favors private summit between JFK. Khruschev J W Fulbright seeks acreage transfer fer flooded cotten farms 5/16/61 A3 5/17/61 Bl J W Fulbright urges funding fer agri weather reporting 5/ 18/61 All J W Fulbright calls school aid bill turning point fer educ 5/18/61 A8 J W Fulbright prevails on longer terms fer ambassadors 5/20/61 A2 J W Fulbright thinks U S to recognize Korean j unta J W Fulbright praises Kennedy program. sees bright future 5/21/61 Al2 5/21/61 E5 J W Fulbright rates high at White House 5/23/61 Al J W Fulbright wants marshals out of Alabama 5/24/-61 BlO J W Fulbright seeks funds fer Arkansas agri proj ects 89 3 l 7 1 l 2 2 2 4 5 l 5 5 5 1 2 8 1 6 7 3 1 1 7 1 4 3 2 5 1 8 3 2 4 ..., J 2 5 4 7 8 5 6 5 4 7 4 1 5 7 4 DATE J W Fulbright praises JFK plan en foreign aid J W Fulbright critical ef new Senate subway system J W Fulbright seeks pestage stamp henering Pea Ridge J W Fulbright calls fer prebe ef Dominican Republic situation J W Fulbright wins reund against Senate subway J W Fulbright asks hospital aid fund increase J W Fulbright. Jehn L McClellan seek funds to repair reads Senate approves Fulbright-McClellan request en reads Arkansas Senaters in no hurry en patronage j ebs in state Fulbright ' s counsel en non-intervention (ed) Speech by J W Fulbright draws wide attention J W Fulbright says cutting foreign aid program not wise J W Fulbright draws criticism of Barry Geldwater J W Fulbright re-election seems assured, Gaz ette says Dale Alferd shacked by J W Fulbright memo en mil itary/right J W Fulbright says meme en military/right-wing ties private J W Fulbright plans en Berlin vetoes by President Kennedy J W Fulbright sees appreval of foreign aid plan J W Fulbright supports Mongolia bid fer recognition Panel headed by J W Fulbright ekays fereign aid bill Fulbright asks Goldwater te chart victory ever communism J W Fulbright speaks at opening ef AP&L power pl ant J W Fulbright urges blending ef free world into a blec J W Fulbright did net want to be Secretary of State J W Fulbright wanted freedom £rem restraints of State pest J W Fulbright asks U S to take lead in dispute ever Berlin J W Fulbright says East Germany escape hatch negotiable West Berlin in uprear ever J W Fulbright ' s remarks J W Fulbright deplores defense in Sen ef ' radical ' forums Military sponsorship of right-wing speakers worries Fulbright Gazette cemments en J W Fulbright remark en West Berlin Editorial en Fulbright challenge ef military in politics Styles Bridges calls fer probe of Fulbright military memo J W Fulbright says he dees net advocate closing West Berlin J W Fulbright fires first shot in foreign aid battle J W Fulbright ; s ideas are u�epia. Barry Geldwa�er says J W Fulbright draws criticism frem Senator Jehn Tewer John L McClellan receives ever 2 . 000 letters an labor issue Dale Alford flays Fulbright memo en military/right J W Fulbright hears that GOP will try te unseat him next year Sen Barry Goldwater says GOP cannet defeat J W Fulbright J W Fulbright memen en military was a service. JFK says JFK and the military (ed en Fulbright memo) Winthrop Rockefeller rankled by Barry Goldwater remark J W Fulbright memo blocked Panama seminar . Sen Thurmond says Congressman supports J W Fulbright en military meme J W Fulbright steers foreign aid bill ever hurdle Barry and Dale (ed en statements on J W Fulbright) North Little Reck Times comes to defense of J W Fulbright Dale Alford thought to be preparing to chal lenge Fulbright J W Fulbright plans foreign aid bill change 90 PAGE COL 5/27/61 Al 5/30/61 Al 5/30/61 A2 6/ 2/61 Al 6/ 4/61 ES 6/ 6/61 Bl 6/15/61 AlB 6/16/61 Al 6/lB/61 E5 7/ 1/61 A4 7/ 6/61 A4 7/ 7/61 A7 7/15/61 Al 7/17/61 A4 7 /22/61 A3 7 /22/61 A3 7/23/61 Al 7/24/61 Al 7/24/-61 A2 7/25/61 Al 7/25/61 Al 7/2B/61 Al 7/29/-61 A3 7/30/61 ES 7/30/61 ES 7/31/61 Al Bl 3/61 Al 8-/ 3-/61 Al 8/ 3/61 Al Bl 3/61 Al 8/ 3/61 A4 8/ 4/61 A4 Bl 4/61 A6 Bl 5/61 Al Bl 5/-61 AS 8/ 6/61 Al Bl 6/61 A6 B/ 6/61 ES 8/ 9/61 Al B/10/61 A7 8/10/61 A7 B/ 11-/61 Al 8/11/61 A4 8/12/61 A2 8/12/61 A2 8/13/61 Al6 B-/13-/61 A2 1 8/13/61 E4 BJ 13-/61 E4 B/13/61 E5 8/15/61 Al 6 4 7 2 5 1 6 4 5 l 6 1 4 1 1 l 4 3 l 2 4 4 1 5 5 3 2 2 8 8 l 1 l 7 7 2 4 5 B 1 1 4 2 2 7 2 7 2 6 5 3 DATE J W Fulbright memo on the military affects Louisiana seminar J W Fulbright urges trade reprisal Dale Alford may be preparing fer battle against Fulbright J W Fulbright tells military group purpose ef his memo American tradition and the rele of the military (ed) J W Fulbright urges that Civil Right Camm be ended J W Fulbright wants feed stamp plan extended te Arkansas J W Fulbright ' s speech apparently aimed at Alford criticism J W Fulbright asked te clarify anti-communism seminar views Leading Canadian magazine heaps praise en J W Fulbright Gov Faubus ' s weekly newspaper steps up attack en Fulbright Excerpts ef J W Fulbright speech en role of the military Dr George S Benson calls Fulbright meme comfort to communism Dr Bensen widens his target sights (ed en cemments) J W Fulbright says Fort Chaffee slated fer reopening Memo en military brings flood ef mail te J W Fulbright Several maj or newspapers endorse J W Fulbright memo J W Fulbright says US helped created Berlin crisis J W Fulbright repeats that Berlin crisis blame shared J W Fulbright to begin tour ef state Fulbright in London (ed) J W Fulbright favors chicken-grain swap in food for peace Fulbright military memo hit by Strategy fer Survival speaker J W Fulbright blames GOP fer foreign ills Republicans may run a candidate against J W Fulbright J W Fulbright blasts scare-mongers in talk at LR J W Fulbright calls cellapse-frem-within idea nonsense Fulbright gives credit for LRAFB hospital te Jehn McClellan Fulbright says Marshall Plan kept Europe frem geing Communist Fulbright says strength of US econ l inked te foreign affairs GOP leader in Me wants study of effects ef Fulbright remarks Malvern civic clubs held j oint meeting to hear J W Fulbright Fulbright accounts to the felks at heme (ed) Winston G Chandler disagrees with Fulbright en communism Gov Faubus appears te have needle out for J W Fulbright J W Fulbright says scare talk benefits Reds Gev Faubus says he has net taken pot shets at J W Fulbright Dinner at Oz ark pays tribute te J W Fulbright AF.A Journal editorial praises J W Fulbright fer qualities J W Fulbright warmly greeted at Ozark appearance Mrs Alfred Lippman challenges J W Fulbright te debate J W Fulbright en military in politics and Senator-General s J W Fulbright addresses Arkansas Education Assn convention J W Fulbright comments en resignation ef Gen Edwin A Walker Rumors ef Fulbright-Orval Faubus summit denied J W Fulbright asks VA to review decision en housing leans J W Fulbright hits hard at ' collapse within' theory Senator Fulbright addresses Ark State Chamber ef Commerce Witch hunts s ow seeds of distrust . weaken us. Fulbright says Sen J W Fulbright did net make comment on Gen Edwin A Walker Where Fulbright finds his greatest strength (ed) 91 8/-15/61 8/18-/-61 8/19/-61 8/ 22-/-61 8/23/61 8/30-/-61 8/31-/-61 9/ 1/61 9/ 2/-61 9/10/61 9/10/61 9/-10/61 9/15/61 9/16-/-61 9/19/61 9/ 24-/-61 9/24-/-61 10/- 1/61 10/ 3/61 10-/- 3/ 61 10-/- 4/61 10/- 6/61 10/- 6/61 10/ 7/-61 10/ 8/61 10/-10/-61 10/-10/61 10/-10/61 10/10/61 10/10/61 10/-10-/-61 10/11-/-61 10/11/61 10/11/61 10/12/61 1 0/ 12/-61 10/17/61 10/18/-61 10-/-1�/61 10/19/61 1 0/20/61 10/22/61 1 1/ 3/61 1 1/ 4/6 1 1 1/ 5/61 1 1/ &/61 11/ 9/61 1 1/- 9/61 1 1/ 9/61 11/10/61 1 1/- 10-/-61 PAGE COL A2 Al A2 A5 E4 Bl Al3 A3 A3 C3 E5 E5 A2 A4 Al E5 E5 Al A3 A3 AA A8 Bl A2 E3 Al Al A4 Bl Bl Bl A2 A4 A7 A2 Bl Bl Bl Al Bl A2 E3 Al Al E3 Bl Al Al Al Al A4 5 7 3 l 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 4 1 4 5 5 8 1 3 2 1 5 2 1 4 4 2 2 2 3 4 l l l 8 3 4 4 2 4 2 2 4 1 5 3 3 3 4 l DATE Gev Orval Faubus backs Fulbright stand en extremists Dale Alford hits at J W Fulbright in talk te American Legion Citizens Councils ef America attack J W Fulbright Winston G Chandler appears te aim communism talk at Fulbright J W Fulbright defends neutral s ; defends Fulbright Memorandum J W Fulbright te dedicate Mar-Bax Shirt Co at Gassville J W Fulbright praised by State Dept ' s Rebert M McClinteck Rebert M McCl inteck says Faulbright helps erase image ef LR Fulbright says Genge will ge communist if Katanga breaks away Dale Alford renews attack en J W Fulbright and foreign aid J W Fulbright takes ne stand on resignation of Gen Walker J W Fulbright praised by federal Treasury efficis.l J W Fulbright answers J Strom Thurmend ' s claim J W Fulbright doubts U S te j oin Common Market J W Fulbright praises nerth Ark area in speech at Gassville Fulbright tells Doyle Venable te report communists to FBI J W Fulbright hits Birchist brand of ' lease talk' J W Fulbright announces fer re-election J W Fulbright finds many Arkansans fear communism from within The Fulbright bid fer another term (ed) James D Bales letter en Fulbright military memorandum Dale Alford decision te run for gov may mean Fulbright free J W Fulbright went to JFK t e secure rice allotment rise Poll ranks J W Fulbright among tep 5 in Congress J W Fulbright encouraged by developments in Dominican Repub J W Fulbright backs JFK trade bill J W Fulbright. Jehn McClellan push Jehn E Miller fer ct post J W Fulbright making series ef speeches in Ark J W Fulbright veted against John A McCone fer CIA director J W Fulbright disturbed by disunity brought by cold war CIA' s beut with J W Fulbright is old story John L McClellan blasted by James R Hof fa in speech at LR J W Fulbright says ,federal aid is net social ism John L McClellan vows to resist speed en urban affairs bill J W Fulbright asys US holding its own in cold war J W Fulbright strikes back at right-wing critics J W Fulbright files fer 4th term as senator frem Ark J W Fulbright say s Barry Goldwater is an opportunist J W Fulbright says H L Hunt. Billy J Hargis seek his defeat J W Fulbright defends Rebert S McNamara en censors ' names The Fulbright candidacy (ed) J W Fulbright says study ef Gary Powers case proper J W Fulbright may be named president ef Cornell University J W Fulbright attacked by rightist literature J W Fulbright says tariffs imperil income John L McClellan opposes urban affairs plan of JFK J W Fulbright wants pilot feed stamp program for Arkansas John L McClellan hints at delay in action en urban affairs J W Fulbright says summit plea immature J W Fulbright submits bill fer Beaver Dam water outlet John L McClellan proposes study of cabinet-level science pest 92 11/-10/61 11/-11/61 11/12/61 11-/-17/61 11-/-21/61 11/22/61 11/27/61 1 1/27/61 11/28/-61 11/29/-61 11/29/61 12/ 2/61 12/ 4/61 12/- 7/61 12/10/61 l 2/ 12/61 12/-12/61 12/14/61 12/14/-61 12/16/61 12/19/61 1 2/31/-61 1/14/62 1/19/62 1/21/-62 1/26/62 1/28/62 1/31/62 2/- 1/62 2/ 4/62 2/ 4/62 2/ 5/-62 2/ 6/62 2/- 7/62 2/ 7/62 2/ 8/62 2/ 8/62 2/ 8/62 2/ 8/62 2/ 8/-62 2/-10/62 2/- 1 4/62 2/14/62 2/-14/62 2/15/62 2/ 15/62 2/17/62 2/17/62 2/ 18/62 2/23/62 2/24/62 PAGE COL Bl BS All Bl BlO A2 A2 A2 Al A2 B4 A2 Al A2 A14 Al6 Al6 Al Al A4 A4 Al D3 Bl p;J A2 E3 A8 A2 A2 E3 Al A5 Al3 BS Al Al Al Al A2 A4 p;J A5 Bl A7 Bl A3 A7 A2 Bl A2 8 2 7 6 4 8 2 2 2 5 7 4 6 2 1 1 1 7 7 1 3 3 5 2 1 1 5 6 1 3 5 3 1 1 5 2 3 3 3 7 2 3 6 8 1 8 5 8 5 3 1 DATE J W Fulbright seft en communism, Rep Garden H Scherer says John L McClellan principal speaker at Federal Bldg dedication J W Fulbright seeks funds fer soil and water conservation J W Fulbright wants seil and water research station in Ark John L McClellan summoned by defense in James R Hoffa trial John L McClellan asks ban en strikes at defense bases J W Fulbright seeks increase in funds fer Ark proj ects J W Fulbright eppeses amdt ending use of pell tax Pell tax needed in Ark te help fund educ. J W Fulbright says John L and Mrs McClellan honored guests at Pearl Mesta party J W Fulbright makes 3-hr speech against pell tax ban John L McClellan asks what ' s wrong with pell tax George S Bensen says he may oppose J W Fulbright fer seat John L McClellan comm rept en organiz ed gambl ing J W Fulbright . John L McClellan defend Ark pell tax system J W Fulbright defends JFK peregatives J W Fulbright seeks federal funds fer school at Scott Jehn L McClellan panel probes excessive pr�fits en missiles H L Hunt says he will net finance opponent of J W Fulbright J W Fulbright urges aid fer fish farmers J W Fulbright says l iteracy test bill violates states ' rights J W Fulbright speaks en current intnl issues John L McClellan says missile waste is Pentagon ' s fault John L McClellan critical of power of labor unions John L McClellan questions profits of missile maker John L McClellan begins inquiry into grain storage program J W Fulbright is target of Freedom Forum at Harding Tom Andersen wants J W Fulbright replaced by George S Bensen Winston G Chandler considers race against J W Fulbright Freedom Forum speakers keep up drumfire against J W Fulbright J W Fulbright says his critics j ust maladj usted George S Benson still undecided on race against Fulbright Fulbright says civil rights bill is try te embarrass south J W Fulbright hits at Senate ' s pending civil rights bill John L McClellan is publicity-seeker. James R Hoffa says J W Fulbright to be opposed by Winston G Chandler in primary John L McClellan beef ing up B illy Sel Estes inquiry Gev Orval Faubus notes he will oppose J W Fulbright J W Fulbright. Jahn L McClellan seek te aveid Natl Guard cuts Winston G Chandl er pays filing fee te oppose J W Fulbright Dr Kenneth G Jones files as GOP candidate against Fulbright J W Fulbright claims U S shews partiality with aid te Israel Fulbright ' s fees (ed) George S Bensen decides not to run against J W Fulbright Senate race had its appeal . Orval E Faubus says J W Fulbright. John L McClellan fight Natl Guard cutback J W Fulbright j ust a ' paper tiger. ' Winston Chandler says John L McClellan alarmed by trend in federal spending Some American Legion leaders hope to tarnish Fulbright image Kenneth G Jones lashes JFK regime en steel. Cuba policies John L McClellan broadens investigation of Billie Sel Estes 93 2/24/ 62 2/26/62 2/28/62 3/ 4/-62 3/ 9/62 3/ 9/62 3/11/62 3/17/62 3/17/62 3/18/62 3/23/-62 3/24/-62 3/28/62 3/29/62 3/ 29/62 4/- 6/-62 4/ 7/62 4/ &/62 4/ 8/62 4/10/62 4/12/62 4/14/62 4/15/62 4/16/62 4/18/62 4/18/62 4/19/62 4/19/ 6 2 4/20/62 4/20/62 4/20/62 4/27/62 4/28/62 4/28/62 4/28/62 4/2'Jl62 4/-29/-62 5/ 1/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 4/-62 5/ 4/62 5/ 9/62 5/13/62 5/13/62 5/ 15/62 5/17/62 PAGE COL A2 Al A3 E3 Al A6 E3 Al Al E3 A6 A2 Al Al A7 All A5 Al A4 Bl Al8 A5 Cl A5 Al Bl Al Al A8 Bl Bl Al Al Al A2 Al A3 A2 Bl Bl3 Al A2 A4 Bl Al Bl Bl A21 E3 B8 Al 6 5 1 5 3 1 5 6 6 5 l 1 6 4 4 5 l 5 2 5 2 7 2 4 2 8 3 3 6 7 8 5 2 2 4 3 4 3 8 4 6 7 2 8 3 5 6 4 1 4 2 DATE Jehn L McClellan says nation cannot afford Natl Guard cut Winston Chandler says J W Fulbright naive. uninfermed. deemed J W Fulbright seeks aid fer fish farmers Jahn L McClellan prepeses Cengress power te arrest witnesses J W Fulbright says trade bill aid to U S farms J W Fulbright spending twe weeks in Arkansas Kenneth Jones says enly Republicans will save freedem J W Fulbright says foreign aid is necessary evil J W Fulbright te address Ouachita Baptist graduates Winston G Chandler asks JFK to keep eut ef Senate race Jehn L McClellan sees Arkansas River as his monument Jahn L McClellan says Billie Sel Estes deals invalid Jehn L McClellan auther ef beok. "Crime Without Punishment" Jehn L McClellan te open probe ef Billie Sel Estes case J W Fulbright gets re-election boost frem Lyndon B Johnsen Winston G Chandler applauds Senate vote to bar aid to Reds John L McClellan in ne hurry to fill Appeals Court vacancy Winston G Chandler asks Lynden Johnsen te apelogize Winston G Chandler comments net worthy ef reply. LBJ says John L McClellan to investigate Am Guild ef Variety Artists J W Fulbright announces $ 1 8 . 8 million l ean fer LR renewal J W Fulbright predicts LR renewal prej ect te help state John L McClellan werd-whips witnesses in striptease case Jahn L McClellan flails American Guild ef Variety Artists Winston G Chandler says gevt is meving to socialistic ferm Conservative Seciety ta aid Winston G Chandler Winston G Chandler welcomes support of right-wing group J W Fulbright opposes sugar bill previse Winston G Chandler hits J W Fulbright ' s foreign views Winston G Chandler invites Fulbright te bring leftist friends Winston G Chandler wants te debate J W Fulbright en 10 issues Jehn L McClellan wants crackdown en crime in entertainment Jehn L McClellan ready fer Billie Sel Estes investigation John L McClellan plays morals guardian ef fectively John L McClellan says perj ury committed in AGVA probe Winston G Chandler reacts te court ruling en Bible in schools J W Fulbright hails quick action en crep aid Conservatives Society unit forms at LR te defeat Fulbright Jahn L McClellan irked by Jeey Adams charge of ' smear ' J W Fulbright hits at stalemate en school aid Winston G Chandler gees en TV ta blast Fulbright, j ustices Editorial response te Rev M L Maser ' s criticism of Fulbright J W Fulbright ' s panel votes te probe foreign lobbying J W Fulbright hopes fer cempremise en Cache River proj ect Winston G Chandler picks tap campaign aides J W Fulbright epens campaign offices. defends JFK ' s record Winsten G Chandler says papers giving him a bad deal John McClellan says Estes case figure did net kill himself Chandler ' s 12 points (ed) J W Fulbright says federal help vital te Ark John L McClellan discusses Billie Sol Estes and farm aid 94 5/18/62 5/20/62 5/22/ 6 2 5/23/62 5/24/-62 5/25/62 5-/25/62 5-/27 /62 5/28/62 5/31/62 6/ 3/62 6/ 4/ 6 2 6-/ 5/ 6 2 6/ 7/6 2 6/ 8/62 6/ 8/62 6/ 8/62 6/ 9/6 2 6/ 9/6 2 6/10/62 6/12/62 6/12/62 6/16/62 6/20/62 6/20/62 6/22/62 6/22/62 6/23/62 6/23/62 6/24/62 6/24/62 6/24/62 6/24/62 6/-24/62 6/-26/62 6/-26/62 6/-26/62 6/26/62 6/-27/62 6/28/62 7 / 3/62 7/- 4/62 7/ 7/62 7/ 7/62 7/10/62 7/11/-62 7/12/62 7/13/62 7/13/62 7/-13/62 7/14/62 PAGE COL A6 6 A2 1 Bl A12 Cl2 All 8 1 1 1 7 5 2 2 5 l 4 1 3 6 8 6 6 4 6 6 4 4 4 7 7 6 5 2 2 1 1 5 5 4 6 3 3 2 6 1 6 5 4 2 4 3 2 1 4 A3 E3 A3 Bl E3 BlO Al A14 Al AlO A6 A9 A9 A13 Al Al Al Al Bl A3 A3 B4 BS A6 A6 A8 El E3 Al A2 A3 Bl4 Al Bl A3 A4 Al A2 Bl A2 Bl Al A4 Bl2 Al DATE J W Fulbright, John L McClellan votes kill medicare bill J W Fulbright lauds federal activity at electric co-op meet Winston G Chandler says J W Fulbright offers ' servitude ' J W Fulbright says rept wrong en reserve. Guard cutback J W Fulbright rakes right wing ' s scare tactics Winston G Chandler premises te fight reserve. Natl Guard cuts Winston G Chandler says J W Fulbright using his platform John L McClellan ends hearing on science agency Oilman H L Hunt warmly praises Winston Chandler Winston G Chandler says Fulbright running scared J W Fulbright says outside groups aid Winston Chandl er J W Fulbright ' s record is only big issue in Senate race J W Fulbright endorsed by Pulaski County Dcheel Dist Beard J W Fulbright endorsed by Arkansas Gazette Winston G Chandler incensed by board endorsement ef Fulbright John L McClellan charges strike payoff tried J W Fulbright defends his record in TV address te voters Winston G Chandler attacks Fulbright record as campaign ends J W Fulbright easily wins re-election ever Winston G Chandler J W Fulbright wins reelection Fulbright 1 s victory (ed) Winston G Chandler carried Van Buren County John L McClellan charges tep ef ficial tried hiding Estes case Editorial explains J W Fulbright ' s peer shewing in Sebastian GOP may send Goldwater and Tewer to campaign fer K J enes J W Fulbright comments on several current issues J W Fulbright calls for increase in educational exchanges Dr Kenneth G Jones may have aid of Gol dwater and Tewer Dr Kenneth G Jenes gives women talk en conservatism Senator J ehn Tewer (Rep. Texas ) te campaign fer Kenneth Jones Gaz ette responds to attack by Kenneth J ones en liberals John L McClellan says Freeman aides shielded Billy S Estes Hoover and Fulbright on the United Nations (ed) Editorials discuse the Fulbright-Jones contest fer Senate J W Fulbright thinks Goldwater. Tower would fail in Ark Still trying to walk (ed on GOP drive for Fulbright seat) Barry Goldwater te speak at LR in behal f ef Kenneth Jones Kenneth J ones asks equal time en ABC-'IV after Fulbright Dr Kenneth Jones says GOP must step social ism trend Fulbright-Jones contest to present Arkansas a big show J W Fulbright ne liberal ; may be Whig, Rey Reed writes Dr Kenneth Jones to open campaign fer Fulbright seat Kenneth Jones criticizes Fulbright opposition t o Bay of Pigs J W Fulbright warns U S must not take hard military line Kenneth Jenes asks, J W Fulbright answers with views en Cuba J W Fulbright names James H Pilkinton campaign manager J W Fulbright opens campaign headquarters at Hetel Marien Kenneth Jones says Russia will net fight fer Cuba J W Fulbright attacks Republicans J W Fulbright speaks with ambassador in London via Telstar Kenneth Jenes says Washington. net Moscow� biggest danger 95 7/18/62 7/21/62 7/-22/ 6 2 7/22/-62 7/23/62 7/-24/-62 7/25/62 7/-25/62 7 /26/-62 7/-26/62 7 /28/62 7/29/62 7/-29:/62 7/29/62 7/-30/-62 7/-31/-62 7/-31/62 7/31/62 8/- 1/62 8/ 2/-62 8/- 2/62 8/- 3/62 8/ 4/6 2 8/ 6/-62 8/- 8/62 8/- 8/62 8/-14/62 8/14/62 8/16/-62 8/- 17/62 8/17/-62 8/18/-62 8/19/ 6 2 8/-19:/62 8/20/62 8/20/62 8/23/-62 8/23/-62 8/23/62 8/26/62 8/26/-62 9/ 8/62 9/ 9/6 2 9/ 9/62 9/11/-62 9/-11/-62 9/11/-62 9/12/62 9/-13/-62 9/13/62 9/13/62 PAGE COL Al A2 A2 A2 A3 Bl A3 Bl A4 Bl AlO A12 A4 E2 Al Al A3 A3 Al Al A4 Bl Al A4 Bl Bl AB Bl AlO Al A4 Al E2 E3 A2 A4 Al Al B14 E3 ES A3 A3 E3 Al AS A5 Bl Al Al Bl 7 1 2 7 3 5 3 8 4 2 6 1 6 2 5 3 2 2 2 8 1 8 6 1 5 5 6 3 4 5 2 6 1 2 3 1 2 2 4 5 1 2 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 3 6 DATE Steel executives border en centempt . Jehn L McClellan says Editerial en Kenneth Jenes statement on American secial ism Mrs William A Snodgrass Jr heads Demecrats fer Janes Kenneth Jenes says Fulbright has ne concept ef democracy Sen J W Fulbright epens his race teday at Jenesbere Kenneth G Janes says Democratic Party is Socialist Sen J W Fulbright cannot believe Ken Jenes stand far real J W Fulbright says he favers right ' isims ' Overflew crewd attends dinner fer J W Fulbright at Jenesbore Kenneth W Jones says Fulbright views make him sick Physicians in NW Ark erganize te support J W Fulbright Gev Orval Faubus has high praise fer J W Fulbright J W Fulbright speaks te crowded luncheon at Little Reck South ' liberal ' en rating scales used by Dr Ken Jones Sense and nensense in the Senate campaign (ed) Jehn L McClellan absolves tep U SDA chiefs in Estes case J W Fulbright praises trade bill J W Fulbright campaigns in Baxter Ceunty John L McClellan backs Rebert F Kennedy in Heffa row Mrs L Gardner j oins campaign staff of J W Fulbright J W Fulbright calls Univ of Miss riets tragic Dr Kenneth G Jones ef fers his sympathy to the Seuth J W Fulbright raps Supreme Ct ruling en segregation in 1954 Dr Kenneth Jenes attacks 14th Amdt te federal constitution J W Fulbright j ekes abeut his electien fee U S Senator Jehn G Tewer te campaign with Kenneth Jenes Jehn L McClellan beek tells story of labor investigatiens Americans fer Censtitutienal Action endorses Kenneth Jones J W Fulbright j ibes at Texans telling Ark hew te run business Jahn L McClellan appearances te premete his beek John L McClellan autographs books. reminisces about yeuth Sen John Tewer arrives teday te aid Ken Janes campaign Sen John Tewer arrives to help Ken Jones in race fer seat Sen Jahn Tewer refuses te attack J W Fulbright in Ark Editerial examines Americans fer Constitutienal Action stand Jehn C Tewer tells Jonesboro crewd JFK want to be royal Tower ' s contributien te the Senate campaign (ed) Editorial en campaign ef Dr Kenneth Jenes J W Fulbright gets works from the poison penmen (column) Rebert B Snewden spensers poison pen attack en Fulbright Kenneth Jenes calls vote fer Fulbright a vete fer Kennedys J W Fulbright attends barbecue in his honer at Malvern Kenneth Jones repeats charges about ' ene-werlder' fee Budget deficit near criminal. John L McClellan says Editorial asks Kenneth Janes to define his use of social ism J W Fulbright says GOP destroyed South after Civil War J W Fulbright says overseas bases cemprom.ised Menree Doct rine Sen Richard B Russell gives J W Fulbright high praise J W Fulbright says ' The Deeter ' wants push-button Senators J W Fulbright defends U S foreign aid program J W Fulbright speaks at dedication ef fish research station 96 9/15/62 9/18/62 9/18/62 9/18/62 9/21/62 9/21/62 9/21/62 9/22/62 9/22/62 9/22/62 9/22/62 9/23/62 9/23/62 9/23/62 9/24/62 9/25/62 9/26/62 9/27/62 9/27/62 9/27/62 10/ 2/62 10/ 2/62 10/ 5/62 10/ 5/62 10/ 7/62 10/- 7/62 10/- 7/62 10/ 9/62 10/ 9/62 10/10/62 10/11/62 10/11/62 1 0/12/62 10/12/62 10/12/62 10/13/62 10/-13/62 10/14/-62 10/14/62 10/14/62 10/-17/62 10/18/62 10/-18/-62 10/18/62 10/-19/62 10/19/62 10/19/62 10/21/62 10/21/62 1 0/22/-62 10/22/62 PAGE COL A3 A4 A6 A6 AlO A2 Bl AS AS AS AS AlO AlO E3 A4 Al A3 A3 A8 Bl A2 A3 A3 AB A2 A2 E3 A6 Bl A7 Bl BlO Al Al M A2 A4 E2 E3 E3 A2 A6 A6 Bl A4 Bl3 B13 A2 A8 A2 A2 2 2 3 4 6 6 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 l 1 3 1 l 1 5 8 3 3 3 5 6 5 2 4 3 6 1 3 3 2 1 l 2 l 1 3 2 2 4 1 7 7 2 2 2 2 DATE Legiennaires take issue with J W Fulbright en Monroe Doctrine J W Fulbright talk te teachers protested by Winston Chandler J W Fulbright warns Reds that Kennedy means business in Cuba Aide to Kenneth Jones disclaims knowledge ef ACA agents J W Fulbright says what Russian ships de is key te crisis Ne win pol icy caused Cuban crisis. Kenneth Jones says J W Fulbright advises waiting te see if US wen Cuban shO"tldewn Kenneth G Janes wel comes Sen Robert S Kerry te Arkansas Party rally at Fort Smith hears J W Fulbright. J W Trimble Dr Kenneth G Janes accuses J W Fulbright ef mis-statement J W Fulbright says he has been consistent en Cuba situation Chester Lauck does premetienal werk for J W Fulbright Ken J anes, Barry Goldwater paint Fulbright as ' appeaser ' Sen Barry M Geldwater flies in ta beast Ken J anes candidacy Senator Barry M Goldwater calls J W Fulbright a ' retreater ' Dr Kenneth Jones gets $5, 025 donation from natl GOP fund Norris Goff obj ects te Lum ' n ' Abners spots for Fulbright Republican attempt te exploit Cuba crisis (ed) His GOP fees use McCarthyism, J W Fulbright says J W Fulbright supports stern measures in Cuban crisis Senator Rebert S Kerr speaks fer J W Fulbright candidacy Nerris Gaff sends Dr Jones telegram criticizing Fulbright Jones accuses Fulbright ef misrepresentatien or ignorance Dr Kenneth G Jones receives denatien from ACA, may return it Kenneth G Jones says enly issue is liberalism v s . freedom Sen J W Fulbright defeats Kenneth G Jones in landslide vete Sen J W Fulbright happy with win ever Dr Kenneth Jones Campaign against J W Fulbright called ' vicious ' The smashing victory fer Senator Fulbright (ed) J W Fulbright carries Pulaski County by margin ef 2-1 Election returns in Fulbright-Jones centest (by county) J W Fulbright says Europe out as mediator between U S-USSR J W Fulbright holds poultry talks with Eur:epean leaders J W Fulbright asks President �ennedy to raise rice acreage Lausche asks J W Fulbright te probe Red planes ever U S CONGRESS - Senate (Class I I ) John L McClellan investigated, turned Griffin brothers loose John L McClellan ' s bill woul d give JFK power to reorganize John L McClellan praises Rebert F Kennedy nomination fer AG Jehn L McClellan gets down te work en patronage Jehn L McClellan seeks new life fer Laber-Mgmt committee James R Hoffa chides John L McClellan en labor wages in Ark James R Hoffa. John L McClellan engage in exchange ef words Jahn L McClellan asks broader power in crime prebe James R Hoffa scathed anew by Jehn L McClellan John L McClellan says crime syndicates will get trouble John L McClellan comments en Earl and Ermen Griffin case John L McClellan obj ects te increased support fer soybeans John L McClellan offers bill to unseat James R Hoffa Jahn L McClellan faces task of finding US atty fer east Ark Jahn L McClellan addresses National Rehabilitatien Assn cenv 97 10/22/62 10/22/62 10/23/62 10/23/62 10/24/62 10/24/62 10/25/62 10/27/62 10/27/62 10/28/62 10/28/62 10/30/62 11/ 1/62 11/ 1/62 11/ 1/62 11/ 1/62 1 1/- 2/62 11/ 2/62 ll/ 2/ 62 11/ 3/62 11/ 3/62 11/ 3/62 1 1/ 3/62 11/ 4/62 1 1/ 5/62 11/ 7/62 11/ 7/62 11/ 8/62 11/ 8/62 11/ 8-/62 11/ 9/62 1 1/20/62 12/- 1/62 1 2/ 6/62 12/ 7/62 1/ 1/61 1/ 6/61 1/-14/61 1/15/-61 1/19/61 1/26/61 1/-26/-61 1/27/61 1/29/61 2/ 3/61 2/ 7/-61 3/22/-61 3-/22/61 3/26/61 4/15/61 PAGE COL A2 B6 A2 A3 AS BlO Al A2 A9 Al6 E3 A2 Al Al Al 2 5 3 4 2 8 5 3 3 3 5 2 6 6 6 A2 1 A13 A4 Bl Al Al 3 1 8 3 3 2 1 1 7 8 7 l l 1 l 4 7 1 2 A2 A7 AB A6 Al A2 A6 A6 Cl8 A4 Bl A4 Al9 A9 A3 A3 Al E5 A4 A7 A7 A3 Al A8 A2 AlO AlO A4 BS 1 1 8 5 6 1 4 1 8 5 5 4 5 7 8 DATE Jahn L McClellan irked by unien official Jeseph W Margan John L McClellan calls missile site strikes ' damnable ' John L McClel lan ' s panel creates scare headlines. labor says John L McClellan wants marshals out ef Alabama John L McClellan. J W Fulbright seeks funds te repair reads Jehn L McClellan renews battle fer budget watchdogs Senate appreves Fulbright-McClellan request en reads Arkansas Senators in ne hurry te fill patronage j abs in stat e Jehn L McClellan tangles with Robert Kennedy en marshal pay John L McClellan says Gorden M Tiffany unfit for position Jahn L McClellan obj ects to cost of Stevenson ' s Waldorf suite John L McClellan wants domestic glass industry protected John McClellan tells plan te bleck Hof fa machine John McClellan accuses Ref fa of dragging up 2S-yr-old smear John L McClellan concerned by preliferatien of committees Jehn L McClellan to direct new assault en organiz ed crime Jahn L McClellan speaks at AP&L pewer plant opening John L McClellan tells his critics te check the record John L McClellan says some Hat Springs residents to be called John L McClellan panel ready fer drive en creaked gambl ing John L McClellan leads battle against Civil Rights Cemm McClellan panel subpoenaes Het Springs telephone records McClellan panel hearing testimony on gambl ing Witnesses scared. balky as McClellan prebers l eek at devices McClellan panel to hear Owen Madden testimony John L McClellan nettled by gaming probe witnesses ' silence C Julian Lytle takes Fifth before McClellan panel Owen Madden. James Vitro plead Fifth as prebers apply heat John L McClellan sees stringent bills en illegal gambling McClellan inquiry cencerns itself with interstate gambl ing John L McClellan draws praise fer role as investigator John L McClellan names curbs needed fer gambling Editorial en J ohn McClellan proposals te curb gambling K Barney Levine takes Fifth en betting in Arkansas Kenneth Coffelt wants l ocal officials questioned en gambling McClellan says his panel cannot check intrastate gambling John L McClellan meves te outlaw strikes at missile bases John McClellan warns of danger of surrender in Germany John L McClellan speaks at Central Baptist Church in LR John L McClellan says US must step retreat frem communism Jehn L McClellan hits power ef transportation unions John L McClellan plans to write book en crime Jahn L McClellan may ga to 8th Circuit Court of Appeals John L McClellan irked by possible public works cutback Jehn L McClellan addresses Arkansas State Chamber ef Commerce Sen Jahn L McClellan commented en Gen Edwin A Walker Jehn L McClellan to make tour of Latin America John McClellan says incidents in Venezuela exaggerated John L McClellan calls Latin America tour most rewarding Jehn McClellan will fight back if Pat Hendersen net confirmed Jehn McClellan cemrinced Latin aid plan important 98 4/29/ 61 5-/12-/61 5/18/61 S/23-/61 6/15/61 6/15/61 6/16/61 6/18/61 6/20/61 6/22/61 6/22/61 6/3(}/-61 7/ 7/61 7/19/61 7/23/61 7/23/61 7/28/61 7/2CJ/61 8/ S/-61 8/20/61 8/22/61 8/22/61 8/24/61 8/26/61 8/27/61 8/31/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 2/ 61 9/ 3/61 9/ 3/61 9/ 5/61 9/ 6/61 9/ 8/61 9/10/61 9/20/61 9/24/61 9/29/61 9/29/61 10/ 3/61 10/11/61 10/12/61 10/22/61 11/ 1/ 61 11/ 9/61 11/10/-61 11/lS/61 12/ 9/61 12/10/61 12/ 14/61 12/14/61 PAGE COL A7 A6 A2 Al Al8 A3 Al ES Al A2 A2 Bl Bl Bl ES ES Al BB Al Al Al BlO Al A2 Al AlO Al Al B8 A2 D5 Al A4 Al A2 Bl Al6 A3 A3 BB A6 Cl4 E3 A6 Al Al Bl B7 A14 Al Al5 3 3 6 7 6 4 4 S 4 1 7 4 2 6 S 5 4 4 5 3 2 6 2 7 3 2 4 4 1 7 5 2 2 3 3 2 5 1 2 5 4 3 5 1 3 4 7 7 4 4 1 DATE Senator McClellan reperts on the ' Alliance ' ( ed ) John L McClellan helps dedicate armory at Mountain Home John L McClellan calls fer lie tests on AGVA pair John L McClellan favors eutlawing strikes in defense plants John L McClellan urges JFK net te give an inch en Cuba John L McClellan calls Kennedy acts way to peace Jehn L McClellan says probes have benefitted l abor John L McClellan discusses vacancy en appeals court John L McClellan blames courts fer crime rise John L McClellan proposes new law to curtail labor ' s ' abuses ' John L McClellan raps deficit spending John L McClellan denies AFLCIO charge he is anti-union John L McClellan worried by Hoffa' s try fer CWA grab Jahn L McClellan calls Cuban crisis a great vict ory fer U S John L McClellan speaks en crime and deficit spending Taxes . spending big issues. John L McClellan says John L McClellan opposes filibuster rules change John L McClellan wants cordon around Cuba renewed John L McClellan sends investigators te scan dock strike CONNALLY RESERVATION Ark House votes fer Connally Reservation; unsure what it is CONSTITUTION (Ark) see also Government official s . Local see also Politics and elections Editerials en proposal fer quickie amendments Gazette urges care in cheesing proposed amendments House panel hears proponents of 37 proposed amendment s Gev Faubus drops drive fer fast revision amendment Instant amendments and Faubus 1 s bargain (ed) Tetal ef 43 amendments proposed in Legislature Senate votes 32-1 to call constititienal convention Whose constitution? (ed en Senate vete fer convention) House by-passes Faubus proposal in cheesing amendments House kills bill fer calling constitutional convention Legis sends 4 proposed amendments to Secy ef State Officials in no hurry to settle 4th amdt question Repr Virgil Butler says state needs new charter State Repr David Pryer says new charter would correct evils David H Pryer. Virgil J Butler want new document written Problems with 1 87 4 charter listed by Butler and Pryer Rep Virgil J Butler urges new constitution New constitution must wait fer awhile (ed) Rep Virgil J Butler supports David H Pryer call fer reform Battle shaping up between Reps David Pryer. Paul Van Dalsem Gazette argues time net right fer new constitution Virgil Butler continues crusade fer new charter David J Burleson. Ray S Smith Jr seek to reform charter Hardy Crexten. Joel Ledbetter j oin group seeking changes Paul Van Dalsem suggests Ray S Smith Jr start reforms at home Gov Faubus comments en drive fer reform Ray Smith Jr declines help of Paul Van Dalsem in reforms 99 lZ/ 15/61 12/24/-61 6/29/ 62 10/22/62 10/-27/62 10/-28/6 2 10/28/-62 11/ 1/62 1 1/ 9/6 2 1 1/18/62 1 2/ 1/62 1 2/ 3/62 1 2/ 5/62 1 2/ 9/-62 12/11/62 12/19/62 1 2/-23/62 12/28/-62 1 2/30/62 PAGE COL A4 A5 Bl8 Al A2 C4 E3 Bl Bl A3 B8 Al A5 E3 B14 A4 B12 A7 A7 2/25/-61 Al 2/19/61 2/27/61 2/28/61 3/ 1/61 3/ 1/61 3/ 1/61 3/ 2/61 3/ 3/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 8/61 3/21/61 4/ 14/ 6 1 5/31/61 6/13/61 7/ 9/-6 1 7 / 9/61 8/30/61 9/14/61 9/19/ 6 1 9/24/61 9/28/61 10/26/61 10/29/ 6 1 10-/-29/61 10-/-31/61 1 1/ 1/61 1 1/ 1/61 E4 A4 Bl Al A4 A7 A2 A4 Al Al B4 Bl Bl A7 Al Al Bl A4 BlO E5 A4 Bl Al Al Bl Al A7 l 7 6 5 1 4 5 5 8 7 7 5 7 5 4 1 4 8 1 4 6 l 5 4 l 1 1 2 7 7 5 2 1 7 3 3 4 1 6 1 2 5 5 5 3 3 3 DATE The Yeung Turks (ed) Repr Jim Branden j eins call fer new constitution Virgil J Butler says new constitutien advocates to meet Rewriting censtitutien new effers little hope fer referm (ed) Gov Faubus says he could go along with constitutional cenv Rep David Pryer alarmed by Faubus remarks en convention Rep Virgil J Butler continues pitch fer revision Idealist reformers concerned with overtures by Gov Faubus Judge warns against tampering with 1 87 4 constitution State Rep David H Pryer urges new canstitutien Rep Jim Branden outlines timetable fer reform Legislature referred 4 amdts ; only 3 can be en ballet Committee forms te push fer rewriting ef Censtitutien Gov Faubus decision not te seek re-election may help reform Preston W Grace te head committee fer rewriting Constitution Reps Virgil Butler and David Pryer push fer new charter Wallace Hurley is vice-pres ef cemm for Constitutional reform A time te undertake constitutional reform (ed) Law Dean Ralph C Barnhart warns revision is tough task Dean Barnhart ' s counsel en constitutional reform (ed) UA Law Scheel Dean Ralph C Barnhart commended fer lecture Voters te decide en 5 prepesed amendments Charter burdened with antiquated previsions. atty says Methed and timing in constitutional reform (ed) Proposed initiated act s . amdts analyzed by Law School dean Numerous proposals en ballot may cause defeat of all ef them Voters being asked te appreve 5 amendments All proposed Amdts failing in late returns Only voting machine proposal survived at polls CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Wage dispute threatens halt to construction in Central Ark Wage dispute could halt construction work today Trades strike still in talking stage Associated General Contractors amends offer te Carpenters Associated General Contractors. carpenters union agree Picket routed by students at Springdale ' s new high scheel Strike at Univ of Ark involves new dorm fer wemen Union asks Supreme Ct to void ban on picketing at UA site Pickets set up at Titan missile sites in labor dispute NLRB upholds picketing Van Buren school building sites Carpenters strike in NW Ark slews work on UA proj ects Union strikers may be replaced in NW Arkansas CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS , State see also Buildings and offices. Govt Rep A W Stokes wants ta divert cell bend money ta trade schs State Hospital Bd endorses tax en soft drinks Soft drink industry lining up te def eat proposed tax Soft drink tax seems deemed before it is even considered State ' s editors l ook at proposed tax on soft drinks Arkansas Children ' s Colony supports proposed soft drink tax Higher education and institutions support soft drink tax 100 11/ 2/61 12/ 1/61 1/ 5/62 1/28/62 1/31/62 1/31/62 2/ 2/62 2/ 4/6 2 2/ 1(}/-62 2/14/62 3 /- 1/-62 3/25/-62 4/ 5/62 4/ 5/62 4/ 5/62 4/ 5-/-62 4/ 5/- 62 4/ 6/62 4/25-/-62 4-/-26/-62 5/ 6/62 7/ 6/62 7/20/-62 7/21/62 10/21/62 10/21/-62 11/ 4/62 11/ 7/62 11/27-/-62 1/ 1/61 1/ 2/61 1/ 3/61 1/ 5/61 1/ 6/61 1/-13/61 2/-20/62 2/20/62 3/ 6/62 8/ 17/62 8/30/62 9/ 2/62 1/ 4/61 l/ 7/61 l/ 8/61 1/ 8/61 1/ 8/61 1/13/61 1/13/61 PAGE COL A4 Bl A2 E2 A7 A7 A6 E3 AS A7 Bl A6 Al Al Al Al Al A4 Bl A4 E3 Bl Bl A4 AlO E3 AlS Al Bl Al Al Al A3 Bl AlO A2 A2 Al Bl Bl A5 B7 A3 Al Al E4 Bl Bl 2 6 5 l 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 5 5 5 l 5 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 5 5 6 3 4 5 8 2 1 1 3 8 2 2 3 3 7 7 6 8 8 DATE College presidents explaining needs te their student bodies The sef t drink tax (ed) Seft drink bill shews hew funds weuld be divided Seft drink tax bill intreduced in House Seft drink tax runs inte snag in Beuse; rocky read expected Soft drink supporters give dinner far legislators, push plan College heads see hope at ballet box fer tax proposal Editorials ceel teward seft drink tax fer college funding Fate ef soft drink tax uncertain: may wind up en ballet Reuse gets bill fer bend plan in place ef soft drink tax House receives bill that would replace soft drink tax bill Drink tax foils Gev Faubus ' ew-n construction plans Ark chapter ef AAUW endorses tax en soft drinks Bill in Legis would control state building through a comm Sen Ellis Fagan offered bill fer state Building Cemmissien Gev Faubus gives State Hospital, Children ' s Colony priority Legislator fed up with mail apposing soft drink tax Building needs reviewed by legislators Map shews proposed changes in State Hospital buildings College heads talk up soft drink tax t o legislators Bond backers cite urgent building needs at institutions Colleges, Univ of Ark list immediate, urgent needs Reuse penel pins ' do net pas s ' en soft drink bill Panel vete en sef t drink tax may have doomed building bends Public hearing en soft drink tax drew 7 00 te Hotel Marien Sh5"1i"dewn due in Reuse en soft drink tax Bill woul d let State Hospital sell 800 acres for bldg program Sen J Lee Bearden opposes soft drink tax. sees its def eat Rep Ray S Smith Jr promotes bill fer bends without drink tax Editors argue question of tax on soft drinks Jenesbere. Blytheville residents favor drink tax, pell shOTNS Arkansas Tech president J W Hull comment s en end to tax fight Gov Faubus giving thought te alternative te soft drink tax Soft drink tax dies as backers abandon effort fer passage Building program claims highest priority (ed) Bill fer new state Revenue Bld runs into trouble in House Rep David Pryor wants State Hospital needs met first Rep Ray S Smith retrieves building bend bill fer mere study Proposed bend program could damage state, W R Stephens says Gov Faubus may offer tax on beer. cigarettes fer bldg program University of Arkansas says building needs still urgent Colleges get Gov Faubus ' s plan fer building program Beer is l ikely target of tax for new state construction Gov Faubus presents ambitious building program to Legislature Public vote en proposed bends required under Faubus plan Under Faubus plan. every county would receive building funds Table shews what Faubus plan would provide Rep W R Stephens killed smaller issue, backs Faubus plan Beer tax proposal had strings attached, Gov Faubus says Faubus has alternative plan in case bond plan fails Faubus ' $78 , 1 45 , 000 program seems to be favored 101 1/15/61 1/15/61 1/17/61 1/17/61 1/18/61 1/18/61 1/21/61 1/22/61 1/25/61 1/26/ 61 1/26/61 1/26/61 1/26/61 1/26/-61 1/26/61 1/27/61 1/28/61 l/28/61 1/29/61 1/29/61 1/31/61 1/31/61 2/ 1/61 2/ 1/61 2/ 1/61 2l 3/61 2/ 3/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 5/61 2/ 5/61 21 6/61 2/ 7/61 2/ 7/61 2/ 7/61 2/ 7/61 2/ 8/61 2/ 8/61 2/ 9/61 2/ 9/61 2/11/61 2/12/61 2/16/61 2/21/61 2/22/61 2/22/61 2/22/61 2/22/61 2/22/61 2/23/61 2/23/61 2/23/61 PAGE COL ClO E4 Al Al Al B8 A3 E4 Al Al Al Al Bl Bl Bl A6 Al A3 A5 ES Al A2 Al Al Al A5 Bl A3 A3 E4 A5 Al Al Al A4 A2 A2 A9 A9 Al A2 Bl Bl Al Al Al A2 A2 Al Al Al 3 2 5 5 5 4 1 6 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 6 4 2 1 2 3 5 5 5 1 2 2 1 6 7 8 8 8 l 1 1 4 8 6 1 8 5 8 8 8 2 3 3 4 4 DATE Need for safeguards in state bend program (ed) Building plan would raise state debt to $7 2 . 5 2 per persen Smooth sailing seen fer Faubus bend program Highlights frem Gov Faubus ' s speech en program Editorials comment en Faubus bend issue proposal House blocks attempt te rush bend bill through Legis Faubus ' s bend prepaasl passes Reuse. 83-11 Gov Faubus ' omnibus censtructien bill hits snag Faubus forces seek support of teachers en bond issue Gazette doubts $60.000, 000 bend issue desirable Bend proposal passes Senate, goes to Gov Faubus Omnibus appropriation bill runs into trouble, pulled dewn Summary ef Senate debate en $60 million bend issue Faubus ' actions indicate omnibus building plan on the reeks Guarding the funds (ed) Gev Faubus stumps fer bonds in speech te grocers Faubus bond proposal gets varied reaction frem press Gov Faubus adds teacher pay raise te construction bill Senate passes Faubus ' omnibus construction bill Gazette urges voters to rej ect building program Faubus says construction program will meet future needs Gov Faubus signs $17 , 000. 000 emnibus construction bill Farm Bureau president Harold Ohlendorf may lead bond drive Gov Faubus signs bill fer $60 million bond issue fer program Educ Cemmr Arch Ferd supports $60 million bend issue AEA calls Faubus ' s bond plan a threat te state education Gev Faubus insists bond issue best fer Ark and the AEA AF.A earns gratitude fer bend issue stand (ed) Rep J H Cottrell filed suit against omnibus appropriation Suit challenges $16 million ' emnibus ' construction bill Two teachers, State Police back Faubus in suit AEA Council backs AEA beard in opposing bend plan Colleges back Gev Faubus ' $60 million bend plan Heads of colleges cite need for building program Gov Faubus left to carry ball en bend issue Editorial en college support fer bond issue Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine opposes construction bends Gov Faubus says he will not cempremise en bend amount Tie of bond issue to horse racing draws Baptist ' s fire Gov Faubus silent en opposition to his bond program Rep Virgil T Fletcher wants special session on omnibus bill Faubus accused of using retarded children as pawns in dispute Rep J H Cottrell made chg of Faubus use of children Forrest Rozzell responds ta Faubus charges Forrest Rozzell using J H Cottrell Jr. Gev Faubus says Gov Faubus cites plight of Children ' s Col ony . State Hospital List ef proj ects in abeyance pending court suit outcome Werk stoppage order includes Children ' s Colony , armories Arkansas Municipal League backs omnibus bill Editorial en omnibus construction bill contreversy Dr Hubert L Minten, ex-AF.A head, backs Faubus bond issue 102 2/23/61 2/26/61 2-/26-/61 2/ 26/-61 2/26/61 3/ 1-/61 3-/ 2/61 3/ 2/61 3-/ 2/61 3-/ 2;/61 3-/ 3/61 3-/ 3/61 3/ 3/-61 3/ 4/61 3/ 4/61 3/ 4/61 3/ 5-/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 8-/61 3/ 9/61 3/ 9/61 3/16/61 3/18/61 3/18/61 3-/ 19/61 3/19/61 3/21/61 3/21/61 3-/24/61 3/24/61 3/25/61 3/26/61 3/26/61 3/26-/61 3/26/61 3/28/61 3/28/-61 3/28/61 3-/28/-61 3/29/61 3/30/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 PAGE COL A4 Al Al Al6 E4 Bl Al AlO A2 A4 Al Al Al Al A4 B6 E4 Al Al A4 Bl Bl2 A2 A2 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al E5 A4 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Al Al Al Al Al A2 A2 A2 A4 Bl 1 3 3 1 6 8 5 1 4 1 5 5 5 4 2 3 5 6 7 1 8 1 1 1 6 8 2 l 4 4 7 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 5 6 6 6 8 8 8 2 2 5 1 7 DATE Work stoppage at proj ects acress state stuns officials Werk stoppage fault ef Forrest Rozzell. Gev Faubus says Editorial on Faubus use of children to promote programs Faubus offer ef deal en Children ' s Colony angers J H Cottrell Omnibus suit generating plenty of heat Children ' s Colony te keep 35 children while fund search on Faubus should use emergency fund fer Children ' s Celeny (ed) Omnibus suit gets new interventions ; judge blasts delay Pewerful Faubus backers meet privately en program Deadline set fer pleadings in omnibus suit Stenn Whaley says censtructien pregram v ital te state Gov Faubus bitterly criticized opponents ef program Gev Faubus releases funds te ease Children ' s Celeny crisis Effort under way te bring omnibus suit te trial speedily Gov Faubus discusses flap ever omnibus bill Omnibus bill trial sought within feur days Omnibus bill net devoted exclusively te construction Strong case againt use ef omnibus bills (ed) Experts stumble on amnibus bill item fer Children ' s Cel eny NE!IN pleadings filed in omnibus appropriation bill Beth sides heard in challenge ef emnibus apprepriatien bill Eugene Warren says omnibus act gives tee much pawer te gov Gav Faubus may seek poll en $60 million construction program Three briefs filed in suit ta void omnibus act Gav Faubus plugs bend issue in Benton speech Omnibus bill wins first court test; appeal planned Serious questiens ramain about omnibus Acts (ed) High court sets date te hear omnibus suit Faubus waiting fer college presidents te act en bend program Arnold B Sikes may lead bend drive; Joshua Shepherd the fees Arch W Ferd wants delay in calling election en bend plan Omnibus act aid to economy . Frank Helt tells Supreme Court Yeung Democrats of Arkansas back construction program Harol d F Ohlendorf. Arnold B Sikes te lead bend drive Gazette commends Joshua K Shepherd for anti-bond leadership Joshua K Shepherd leads Arkansas Committee fer Public Schools Arnol d B Sikes takes leave of absence to work for bond drive Park in Mississippi County could be funded from bend issue Chaise ef Harol d Ohlendorf to lead bend campaign (ed) Construction bond program net conservative. Gaz ette says Omnibus bill not prohibited. William J Smith argues Omnibus bill gave Faubus blank check, Gaz ette says Semeene must pick up the tab , Gazette reminds readers Bend issue beneficiaries meet. discuss money needs Henry M Britt questions Omnibus plan, bend issue Bend issue supporters organiz iang costly campaign (ed) Ark Committee fer Public Schools list obj ections ta bends Publ ic school forces open fire en construction bends program Hew the building program developed Election probably will be in late June, observers say Late June election would find AEA leaders out of state 103 PAGE COL 4/ 1/61 Al 4./ 1/61 Al 4/ 1/61 4/ 2/61 4/ 2/61 4/ 3/61 4/ 3/61 4/ 4/61 4/ 4/61 4/ .5/61 4/ 5/61 4/ 6/61 4/ 6/61 4/ 7/61 4/ 8/61 4/ 8/61 4/ 9/61 4l W61 4/ 9/61 4/11/61 4/13/61 4/13/ 61 4/14/61 4/15/61 4/15/61 4/19/61 4/20/61 4/25/61 5/ 5/61 5/10/61 5/11/61 5/13/61 5/14/61 5/14/ 61 5/15/61 5/15/61 5/16/61 5/16/61 5/16/61 5/16/61 5/16/61 5/17/61 5/17/61 5/19/61 5/2G/61 5/20/61 5/21/61 5/21/61 5/21/61 5/21/-61 5/21/61 A4 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al A2 Al Al Al Al Al E4 E4 ES Al Al Al Bl A5 B6 Al A4 Bl Bl A7 A6 A3 Al5 A2 A4 A4 A2 A3 A4 A4 Bl A4 A4 Al A2 A4 Al Al A2 E5 E5 5 5 2 5 5 6 1 7 7 2 2 8 8 7 1 7 1 1 1 6 5 5 6 3 1 2 1 7 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 l 6 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 DATE Gav Faubus l ashes at Hemry M Britt ' s statement en bond plan Dr Carl Reng assembles Ark State Cell faculty. staff for talk Gav Faubus plugs bend plans at meeting at Winreck Farm Arkansas Bankers Assn endorses Faubus bend plan Arnold B Sikes discusses bend plan with Educ Dept employees Bankers Assn support fer bend issue rigged, member charges State colleges need te plan fer 8 0 . 000 students, Faubus says Bends mean millage raise, opponent says Editorials comment en Faubus ' s bend proposal Pumping the calliope in the bend campaign (ed) Gov Orval Faubus attacks fees ef construction bend program Mass mailing of letters supporting bond issue made Women' s Emergency Camm for Public Education opposes bonds Univ ef Ark President David W Mullins to boost bonds Gazette ponders source of financing for bend drive Gav Faubus seeks role of underdog. Gaz ette says Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine opposes bend issue Christian Civic Fdn links bend issue te Hot Springs gambling Gov Faubus plugs construction bend issue, criticizes Roz zell Construction trades labor leaders enderse bend pregram Gov Faubus sympathetic te labor request en wage scale Fact sheet en censtructien bend effects put eut by AEA Gov Faubus sets June 27 fer vote en censtruction bends The issues at stake in election en bends (ed) Arkansas Democratic (Negro) Voters Assn opposes bend issue Arkansas Committee fer Public Schools beeklet hits at bends Beth sides active after election date set Ark Supreme Court rej ects Gov Faubus ' Omnibus Act Fees ef $60, 000 . 000 bend issue heartened by Omnibus ruling Joshua K Shepherd. Forrest Rozzell comment on court ruling State Repr J H Cottrell Jr cemments en overturn of Omnibus William J Smith comments en overturn ef Omnibus Act Gov Faubus says fiscal stability endangered by court ruling Omnibus construction law (Act 442, 1 96 1) voided by high court Supreme Court ruling en Omnibus bill came en 4-3 vote Summary ef previsions of Omnibus construction bill The fallen Omnibus Act and a special session (ed) Faubus te await election befere calling Legis into session Forrest Rozzell replies te criticism of Gov Faubus Gov Faubus challenges critics te say which prej ect unneeded Gov Faubus to ge en statewide radio, TV te promote bonds The geverner cheeses expediency ever duty (ed) Bond issue eppositien leaders ask questions Gov Faubus continues attack en Ferrest Rezzell. Eugene Warren Gev Faubus takes te aizwaves te premete bend issue Ordinary working man would benefit frem program. Faubus says Faubus did not answer right questions . Forrest Rozzell says The cloud from Sheridan (ed en Farm Bureau obj ection) Faubus dedges real issues. Eugene Warren. Joshua Shepherd say $7 million bonds fer Helena bridge te cost $14 millien State Hospital diverts funds after Omnibus Act inval idated 104 5/24/61 5/25/61 5/25/61 5/25/61 5/27 /61 5/27 /61 5/27/-61 5/28/61 5/28/61 5/29/ 6 1 5/29/61 5/30/-61 5/30/61 5/31/61 5/31/61 5/31/-61 5/31/61 6/ 1/-61 6/- 1/61 6/ 2/61 6/- 2/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 4/61 6/ 4/6 1 6/ 5/61 6/- 6/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 6/-61 6/ 6/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 7 /61 6-/ 7/61 6/ 7/61 6/ 7/-61 6/ 7/61 6/ 8/61 6/ 9/61 6/ 9/6 1 6/ 9/61 6/ 9/61 6/ 9/-61 6/10/61 6/10/61 6/10/61 PAGE COL Bl AlO Bl B7 Al Al A2 Al3 E4 A4 BS Al Al Al A4 A4 Bl Al2 Bl Al Al Al Al A4 /.3 /.3 /.3 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al Al A4 Bl Al Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Al 2 7 3 1 3 3 4 1 6 1 2 4 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 7 7 7 7 1 1 2 1 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 2 1 6 6 6 7 1 8 8 8 8 2 2 5 6 7 DATE Faubus evades the real issues, Gazette says Need fer new library at UA challenged by J H Cattrell J r Pre-bonds forces release list ef needs a t institutiens Rey Milum chgs state empleyee shakedown fer pro-bends funds Verbal barrage gees en about Faubus bend plan Advertisement premetes bends Text ef the censtructien bend issue l aw Gutter tactics generally absent in bend fight Gov Faubus hits at Rey W Miuam and J H Cottrell Jr J H Cattrell J r says bond payments could fall en welfare Jeshua Shepherd wants study ef needs ef higher education Welfare Dept Directer Carl Adams disputes Cottrell statement Gov Faubus says school ' clique' wants 62 pct ef revenue Forrest Rozzell insists vete fer bonds is vote fer tax rise Forrest Rozzell says bond issue cannot be j ustified Needs ef higher education recognized by AEA, Rozzell says Welfare Cemmr Carl Adams replies te criticism ef J H Cottrell Welfare check raise er cut may depend en bend passage The bend alternative (ed) T E Lawrence lr opposes bend program Bend fees attack pressure en wel fare clients by Carl Adams Faubus says Legislature ceuld cut wel fare funds Gov Faubus says welfare grants te increase regardless of vote Gev Faubus te seek review of Omnibus Act ruling Carl Adams ' shacking tactic in bend issue campaign (ed) Sterm Whaley, Joshua Shepherd debate merits af bond issue Arkansas Municipal League meets with Faubus , endorses bonds Bond opponents take leaf from Faubus ' book (ed) Overstating the case fer college building (ed) Arkansas Farm Bureau beard supports bend issue Bond issue draws approvals . dissents College presidents. Coach Frank Broyles plead for bend issue Dr Silas D Snow, Dr David Mullins make pitch fer bends J W Hull praises bend prepesal as great step forward fer Ark State Repr Harry W Carter says bond plan risks graft, waste State Sen Olen Hendrix: faulted for tactics used for bonds Bend proponents ignore sensible alternatives. Gazette says Arkansas County Judges Assn backs Faubus bond program Bend fees turn en heat; Faubus hits old targets Hew would the state pay the bond issue charges? (ed) Power in hands ef the bend-issuing beard (editorial ) Fees across state pounce en Faubus ' bends as peril to indus Repr J H Cottrell Jr says use tax could net support bond pay Gazette says Faubus uses pol itical web-spinning in bond drive Gov Faubs sits in as Education Dept employees hear bend foe Joshua Shepherd explains his eppesitien to bend program Arch W Ford writes ' Dear Teacher ' letter in support ef bends Forrest Rozzell chides Faubus fer ' petutlant name-calling ' Gov Faubus premises surprise in his telecast teday Paster Dale Cewling calls vote fer bonds a vote for evil State Sen Rebert Hays Williams supports bend issue 105 6/10/61 6/11/61 6/11/61 6 / 1 1/61 6/11/61 6/11/61 6/11/61 6/11/61 6/13/61 6/13/61 6/13/61 6/13/61 6/13/61 6/14/-61 6/14/-61 6/14/61 6/14/61 6/14/61 6/14/61 6/14/61 6/15/61 6/15/61 6/15/61 6/15/61 6/15/61 6/ 16/61 6/16/61 6/16/61 6/16/61 6/16/61 6/16/61 6/17/61 6/17/61 6/17/61 6/17/61 6/17-/-61 6/17-/-61 6-/-18/61 6/20/61 6/20/61 6/21/61 6/21/61 6/-21-/-61 6/-21/61 6/22/61 6/-22/61 6/22/61 6/22/61 6-/-22/61 6/22/61 6/22/61 PAGE COL A4 Al Al Al Al AlO A7 E5 Al Al Al Al A7 Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 Al Al Al Al5 A4 Al A2 A4 A4 A6 Bl Al Al Al A2 A2 A4 A4 Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al A1 A1 Al Al A1 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 4 8 1 5 l 1 1 l 2 4 4 4 5 6 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 DATE Paul Sullins speaks eut en bend issue dangers (ed) Supreme Ct asked to reverse its ruling en omnibus act Faubus attacks newspapers fer eppositien te his bond program Faubus calls bend opponents moderates and integratienist s Gov Faubus ties fight on bend program t e his ' 5 7 crisis Ex-Gov Ben T Laney opposes Faubus bend program Most state newspapers lambaste Fauubs bend program as unsound State Repr Marien H Crank takes Faubus stand en bend issue Faubus backer James E McDaniel eppeses bend issue Faubus warns SGS funds may be reduced if bend issue fails The Gazette and the cause ef education (ed) Editorial en Arch W Ford ' s ' Dear Teacher ' letter UA professor Newton Barnette writes en need fer bond issue Re-hearing en omnibus act set fer today : foes flay plea Bend opponents blast Faubus ' speech of ' big surprise' Bend backers take breather in campaign UA Student Body President Perter Briggs opposes bend issue Bend proposal is non-political . Gov Faubus tells VEW Legis te be called into session seen if bend program passes Omnibus spending act laid te rest by state Supreme Court Dr David W Mullins plugs bend issue at Stuttgart The Faubus surprise in the bend campaign (ed) Why the big bend plan should be voted down (ed) Gov Faubus, C Hamiltan Meses take te TV te support bend issue Natienal Guard, Military Dept urged to support bend issue Republ ican State Executive Committee opposes bend issue Joshua Shepherd l ists 4-step plan te meet state ' s needs Olen Hedrix. Hugh Hardin support bend issue Harald F Ohlendorf answers fees of bend issue Marketing bend issues complicated. article says Conway Chamber ef Commerce endorses bond prepesal Planned use of funds under invalid omnibus act listed Arkansas State Cell rating in peril, trustee says State ' s newsppaers speak eut en proposed bend issue Dangers ef apathy in the bend election (ed) State ' s largest public works program faces voters temerrOrN J H Cottrell Jr calls fer probe of pre-bond letters to Guard Bend campaign closes today with television, radie talks Editor calls lr to Guardsmen an abuse of military authority List ef supporters. opponents ef bend issue Gov Faubus sees tax increase if bend issue fails Army orders investigation of letter en bond issue Bend fees hit racing l ink. Faubus tactics Sid McMath gees en TV to warn of peril in issuing bends The grave implications in National Guard order (ed) Arnold Sikes conceded defeat ef bond issue Joshua K Shepherd comments en defeat of bend issue proposal Arkansas voters defeat Faubus bond proposal by 3-1 margin Bend vote listed by counties Gov Faubus cheerful in wake of bend issue def eat Legislators convinced veters de net want bends. new taxes 106 6/22/61 6-/22/61 6/23-/ 61 6/23/-61 6/23/-61 6/23/61 6-/23/61 6/23/61 6/23/61 6/23/61 6/-23/61 6/23/61 6/23/61 6/23/61 6/24/-61 6/24/61 6/24/61 6/24/61 6-/24/61 6/24/61 6/24/61 6/24/61 6/25/61 6/25/-61 6-/25/-61 6-/25/61 6/25/61 6/25/61 6-/25/61 6-/25/61 6/25/61 6/25/61 6/25/61 6/25/61 6/26/61 6/26/61 6/26/61 6/26/61 6/26/61 6/26/61 6/27/61 6/27/-61 6/27/61 6/27/-61 6/-27/61 6/28/61 6/28/61 6/28/-61 6/28/61 6/2fJ/ 61 6/2fJ/ 61 PAGE COL A4 Bl Al Al Al Al Al Al Al B Al 8 A4 A4 A4 Bl Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 E4 Al Al Al Al A4 A4 Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al A2 Al Al 1 8 3 3 3 4 4 4 l 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 l 3 6 6 7 8 8 1 l 4 4 7 6 2 4 6 8 1 7 6 7 7 8 l 3 3 7 1 3 4 DATE Repr Hardy W Croxton comments en pessible new directien Building needs still there. Dr Silas D Snew says Duty attends triumph after bend electien The people speak (ed en defeat ef bend issue) Gev Faubus te send no building plans to Legislature Repr Virgil Fletcher offers building plan Sid McMath cemes up w ith program te meet censtructien needs Sid McMath plan calls fer ne tax. ne bend prepesal Dr David W Mullins calls for effort to meet state ' s needs An alternative plan fer state building (ed) Column analyzes defeat ef bend issue Two new proposals fer state building (ed) Gev Faubus calls Sid McMath plan ' pretty stupid ' Legislative Council te develop plan fer construction State can ' t afferd the Omnibus Act spirit, Gaz ette says Repr Virgil T Fletcher ready te abandon his budget-cut plan Children' Colony bldg pregram expected te resume soon Gav Faubus wants Legis te stick te plans in omnibus bill Gev Faubus will net request all funds of omnibus bill ALC £avers creation of a state construction fund Rep Paul Van Dalsem pushes fer construction fund program Escape at State Hospital stirs hot debate ever emnibus act Rep J H Cattrell angered by Dr G L Jenes remark en State Hosp ALC recommends finance program for building fund Higher education asks ALC for $17 million fer emergency bldg Plan presented by higher educ tied te ne other state agency Gav Faubus nen-cemmital en any construction plan J H Cottrell J r attacks bend plan ef colleges as phony Legis Council hears twe ideas for funding needy agencies . Legislative Council may allew spending of state cushion fund ALC allocated $800�000 fer State Hospital building List of allocations made by ALC for funding from surplus Legis Council makes recommendations en items to be funded Senator Oliver R Williams wants figures en sq feet cost Legislators having second thoughts about soft drink tak Gov Faubus outlines plans fer special session of Legislature Editorial comments en Faubus and the legislative sessien Funds sought fer fallout shelters fer politicians Dissent arises early in Legis en Gav Faubus ' s plan Rep J H Cottrell seeks increased funding for State Hospital Children ' s Colony funds approved by Jeint Budget Committee Arkansas Educ Assn compiles its p�ierity list Joint Budget Committee votes against State Hospital bill Senate blacks vote en college construction bills College construction bills sidetracked by Paul Van Dalsem Senate approves $6 .6 million fer four colleges Senate approves two varying plans fer building fund Legis begins passing appropriation bills at Faubus urging Legis passes all spending bills recommended by ALC Legis refuses to fund second trade scheel List ef items funded by special sessien of Legislature 107 6/29/61 6/29/ 6 1 6/29/61 6/29/61 6/30/61 7/ 1/61 7/ 2/61 7/ 2/61 7/ 2/61 7/ 2/61 7/ 2/6 1 7/ 3/61 7/ 8/61 7/ 8/61 7/ 9/6 1 7/11/61 7/17/61 7/24/61 7/26/61 8/ 1/61 8/ 1/61 8/ 2/6 1 8/ 2/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 8/6 1 8/ 8/61 8/ 8/61 8/ 9/61 8/ 9/61 8/10/61 8/11/61 8/11/61 8/13/61 8/13/61 8/20/61 8/23/6 1 8/23/6 1 8/24/61 8/25/61 8/25/61 8/26/61 8/29/61 8/29/6 1 8/29/61 8/30/61 8/30/61 8/31/61 9/ 1/61 9/ '2/61 9/ 2/ 61 9/ 3/61 PAGE COL Al A2 A4 A4 Bl Al Al Al Al 04 D5 A4 Al Al E4 Bl A7 Al A6 A2 A2 Al Al Bl Al Al A6 Al Al A3 Al Al Al E5 E5 Al A4 Cll Al Al A2 Al Al Al Al Al A3 Al Al Al A2 4 3 1 2 8 7 2 2. 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 5 5 5 7 7 3 3 7 3 3 4 3 3 1 2 2 8 1 1 5 1 1 2 2 l 2 4 5 2 6 1 2 2 3 7 DATE Gov Faubus signs bill fer work at Blind and Deaf schools State Hospital takes steps tGW"ard new buildings Gov Faubus warns he wants ne hint of scandal in programs Faubus signs bill fer $400. 000 Children ' s Celeny construction Gev Faubus prepeses new plan for college building funds Cost of censtructien program examined Arkansas Educ Assn led fight against construction program Friendly suits test validity ef construction laws CONSUMER CREDIT see Credit CONSUMER PROTECTION Better Business Bureau of Pulaski County does a lot ef geed Better Business Bureau sued fer libel by King Furniture City CONSUMERS CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION State Supreme Ct upholds denial ef j obber ' s permit fer firm CONTESTS AND PRIZES see also Grand National Bakeof f Mrs Edward F Lipsmeyer wins grand prize in Kellogg contest CONTRACEPTIVES see B irth control and abortion CONTRACTS AND PURCHASING H A Williams Sr gets to keep twice-sold dragline Sale of dragl ine was j ust paper-work. j udge rules CONTRACTS AND PURCHAS ING. Govt see also Education - Administration and management see also Reads State auditors want printing centract changes Low bid resulted in receipt ef contaminated drugs Senate vetes 3 pct preference fer Ark centracters Bill requiring counties to take bids soundly defeated in Hse Cart blanche (ed en defeat ef purchasing lSSi7 fer counties) Printers kick up ruckus ever way bids are handled Secretary ef State Nancy Hall seating ever bids controversy State method of handling printing bids have been ruled legal Clerks read all day. hardly make dent in printing bids Public pol icy violated in award of printing contracts (ed) Reading of printing bids to continue during holiday Print contracts are decided Printing contracts ge te 15 companies Lessons en printing (ed) Competetive bids cever most ef state ' s purchases Court suit say s Parkin Printing not eligible fer contracts Harry W Perkin ' s AHC membership is basis ef suit Arkansas Statesman editor asks state te buy 6 5 . 000 copies Arkansas Statesman is owned by Gev Orval E Faubus Gov Faubus vetoes paper-selling scheme of his editor Gazette comments on Faubus veto of selling papers to state Gov Faubus says contract with Parkin Printing is proper Parkin Printing answers suit on contracts State to held Parkin ' s pay until rul ing en contract Plaintiffs present case in court fer voiding Parkin contracts 108 9/ 8/61 9/ 9/61 9/15/61 9/l'J/61 9/19/61 10/ 8/61 10/ 9/61 10/28/61 PAGE COL Bl A3 A8 Al A6 Al Al A3 6 4 7 4 l 3 4 l 7/16/61 El 7/18/62 BlO 1 1 2/ 7/61 A7 3 3/ 2/61 A3 3 1/ 1/61 A3 1/ 1/61 A3 1 l 1/ 1/61 2/21/61 3/ 2/ 61 3/ 3/61 3/ 4/61 7/ 1/61 7/ 1/61 7/ 1/61 7/ 2/61 7/ 4/61 7/ 4/61 7/14/61 7/20/61 7/23/61 8/ 13/61 11/25/61 11/25/61 1 1/26/61 11/26/61 11/29/61 1 2/ 1/61 1 2/ 7/61 1 2/ 9/61 12/22/61 12/22/61 B7 Bl A2 Al A4 Al Al A3 Al A4 Bl Bl Bl E4 Al3 Al Al Al Al Al A4 A2 B2 Bl Bl 6 4 1 2 2 3 3 2 6 1 2 8 8 2 2 3 3 6 6 5 2 l 3 2 7 DATE Harry W Parkin tells ceurt ne influence used in bidding Gazette calls fer laws forcing purchasing by bids Court voids· state printing contract with Parkin Printing Officials at Capital startled by ruling in Parkin contract Parkin owner ' s position on Highway Cemm makes contract void Gsv Orval Faubus calls ruling "far-fetching" Ruling on printing contract shakes state officials The casual attitudes teward the Constitution (ed) Meat state business net affected by ruling in Parkin case Parkin Printing files appeal ef ruling en contracts Editorials en court ruling en Parkin Printing contracts Parkin Printing case becomes famous fer controversy Arkansas Printing files brief in Parkin Printing case Atty Gen Frank Helt urges ceurt te den;y printing award Justice Neill Bohlinger will sit on court in Parkin appeal Ark Supreme Ct says printing contracts net constitutional A sound j udgment on conflict of interest (ed) Parkin ruling left disputes unsettled, Gev Faubus says Conflicts of interest (ed en Parkin Printing Ce case) State Auditor seeks epinien on three printing contracts Editorial comment continues en the Parkin Printing ruling Harry W Parkin resigns ARC pest te submit printing bids Bids epened en Parkin Printing ' s lost j ebs New centreversy arises ever printing contracts Rebid printing contracts opened State buying of insurance from legislators attacked in suit The insurance suit (ed) Mack Sturgis admits writing Plymeuths out of specifications CONVENTION FACILITIES AND CONVENTIONS see also Bar Association, American see alse Nerth Central Association ef Colleges and Secondary Hot Springs selects site fer new convention auditorium CONVENTIONS FACILITIES AND CONVENTIONS see also Hairdressers and Cesmetelogista Association, Ark see alse Square Dance Festival CONWAY see also Pollution, wastes and haz ardous materials see also Weather and storms Court approves annexation ef 2 , 000 acres Grand j ury begins voting inqui::cy at Morrilton Pepulatien tops 12, 000 Article en progress enj oyed by Faulkner County city Business leaders pledge $100 , 000 fer industrial park Judge Wiley Bean declines to order vete list filed CONWAY BAPTIST COLLEGE Name changed to Central Baptist College CONWAY COUNTY see also Alcoholic beverages see alse Morrilton Election irregularities in special election charged Geed Government League probes election complaints 109 1 2/23/61 1/ 1/-62 1/ 5/62 1/ 5/-62 1/ 5/62 1/ 6/-62 l/ 6/62 1/ 6/62 1/ 7/62 1/ 12/62 1/-14/62 1/-21/62 2/ 7/62 2/ 9/62 2/13/62 2/-27/-62 2/28/62 2/28/62 3/ 1/62 3/ 1/62 3/ 4/62 3/30/62 3/31/62 3/31/-62 4/ 7/62 7/12/62 7/13/62 12/ 7/62 PAGE COL A2 Bl Al Al A3 Bl A4 Bl 1 1 8 8 8 7 7 1 4 8 2 l 1 2 8 7 1 7 l 4 2 8 5 5 1 5 1 2 2/24/61 A3 4 7/ 1/61 10/ 4/61 1 1/12/61 1 1/- 1 9/61 1/18/62 6/ 1/62 A4 Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Bl D3 A4 B12 Bl Bl Al A4 Bl A4 Bl E3 A3 Al5 All ES B6 Al2 5 5 1 2 2 1 1 1/23/61 Bl 8 7/20/61 Al 7/20/61 Al 3 3 DATE Merrilton Democrat editor Gene Wirges reperts threats en him State Rep Leid Sadler says he wen fairly; chgs sore losers Gaz ette calls Marlin Hawkins and old-style machine boss Tax Assessor W 0 Hice guilty in assault ef Gene Wirges Gene Wirges files damage suit against W o Hice Gene Wirges uses his newspaper te cembat ' political machine ' Seme residents say there is no political machine in county Suits chal lenge result ef Democratic primary elections Grand j ury commends Sheriff Marilin Hawkins in election case Grand j ury throws eut charges of veting irregul arities Winthrop Reckefeller calls grand jury report shacking Better Gevernment League takes election wees t o Gov Faubus Gayle Windsor Jr finds group ' s appeal to Faubus amusing Judge Paul X Williams dismisses election suit of Fred Perter Sheriff Marlin Hawkins donates land fer state trade school Jury deadlocks on suit filed by Gene Wirges against W O Hice Suit attacks poll tax book. names Sheriff Marlin Hawkins Sheriff Marlin Hawkins elected head of Ark Peace Officers Sheriff Marlin Hawkins in dispute (!Ver Peace Officers pest Lawsuit challenging listings en pell tax list dismissed Marlin Hawskins says pell tax suit meant to embarrass him New pell tax suit set at Merrilten Third suit en poll list is dismissed Morrilton Democrat te be auctioned te satisfy j udgment Judge Audrey Strait refuses to halt Morrilton Democrat sale Marlin Hawkins is target ef lawsuit by Gene Wirges Dr Stanely C Gutewski attacks ' boss rule ' in ceunty Dr Stanley C Gutewski pay s eff Wirges debt on paper Dr Stanley Gutowski says payment of Wirges debt net a lean Calls pouring in to Gene Wirges, Dr Stanley C Gutowski Gene Wirges ferced to pay $528 ceurt costs te keep paper Gene Wirges gets te keep paper; new IRS wants part ef meney Kenneth C Ceffelt lashes out at Marlin Hawkins Article en Dr Stanley Gutewski of Perryville (Perry County ) Dr Gutowski had never seen Gene Wirges prier to yesterday Dr Stanley C Gutewski alerts Sheriff Hawkins ef actien Sheriff Marlin Hawkins says Gene Wirges made his own troubles Sheriff Hawkins asks court to decide where Wirges money goes Gene Wirges sues Marlin Hawkins fer part of court costs Gene Wirges receives Levej ey award in j eurnal ism Gazette congratulates Gene Wirges en Lovej oy award Absentee ballet handling violates law , FBI told in complaint Dale Alferd. Vernen Whitten. Sid McMath file ballet complaint Gene Wirges takes ballet complaint to FBI in person Sheriff Marlin Hawkins says ballets handling fellews law Better Govt League loses attempt ta police polls A day in the life ef Sheriff Hawkins (ed) Sheriff Marlin Hawkins sued fer money paid to kin Gene Wirges asks fer federal help at polls this Tuesday Gene Wirges tells federal govt violence imminent in county Wirges says palls te be watched despite j udge ' s order 110 7/20/61 7/20/61 7/24/61 8/ 5/61 8/ 6/61 8/13/61 8/13/61 8/15/61 1 1/ 1/61 1 1/ 1/61 11/ 3/61 1 1/22/61 1 1/25/61 12/16/61 2/ 1 9/62 3/28/62 5/ 18/62 6/ 2/62 6/ 7/62 6/12/62 6/ 12/62 6/16/62 6/21/62 7/ 3/62 7/ 4/62 7/ 4/62 7/ 5/62 7/ 5/62 7/ 5/62 7/ 6/62 7l 6/62 7/ 6/62 7/ 6/62 7/ 6/62 7/ 6/62 7/ 7/62 7/ 7/62 7/11/-62 7/12/62 7/17/62 7/-18/62 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/26/62 7/29/62 7/30/62 7 /30/62 7/30/62 PAGE COL Al Al A4 AS A2 A8 3 3 1 4 3 1 AB l Bl Al Al Al Al A4 B7 Al Al A6 6 4 4 6 4 5 7 2 7 7 5 4 7 7 3 2 8 4 4 5 5 1 3 3 3 5 6 6 4 6 5 6 1 2 5 5 5 5 l 1 5 2 2 2 AS A8 Bl Bl A6 A6 A6 Al Al Al Al A2 Al Al Bl Bl Bl Bl A6 A6 A2 Bl Bl A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A4 A24 Al Al Al DATE Request fer federal help at Merrilten turned down Jim Huett says taxpayer suit against Marlin Hawkins misfiled FBI sends men te check compl aint pell watchers rebuffed Gene Wirges complained that pell watchers rebuffed FB I confirms pell watchers turned away in Conway County Hawkins ' slate ef county candidates wins easily Petition says Democrats elected Republ ican te committee Absentee ballets cast in Democratic runoff are in dispute Gene Wirges charges absentee voters were net really absent Spokesmen fer L L Dec Bryan and Eugene Gifford cam.plain Democrats deny seating Republ ican en Democratic committee Judge delays rulings in three Gene Wirges suits J G Beudra asks fer ruling en his seat en Democrat panel State Rep Paul Van Dalsem owned lien on Morrilton Democrat Rex Paul claims Paul Van Dalsem quoted him erroneously CONWAY COUNTY BETTER GOVERNMENT LEAGUE see Conway County CONWAY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL see Medicine and health CONWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Conway District CONWAY. CHARLES see alse United States - Attorneys COOK. SAM see also Education - DeWitt District COOPER TIRE AND RUBBER CO Federal govt helps ef fert fer plant at Texarkana COOPER. RAY G see also News and news media COPELAND. CLOVIS Resigns state j eb te publish paper at Merrilten COPELAND• CURT see alse Civil rights and discriminatien CORNELL REPORT see Celleges and univs - Administration and management CORNING see alse Weather and storms CORNWELL. SCARLET!' see alse Maid af Cetten see also Miss Arkansas CORT, HUGH see alse Colleges. Arkansas Foundatien of Associated COTI'EN. JOHN NEWTON. Family see Histery (Ark) COTTER see alse Reusing COTTON BELT RAILROAD see Railroads COTTON PICKING CONTEST. National see Festivals COTTON PLANT 111 7/31/62 7/31/62 8/ 1/62 8/ 1/62 8/ 2/62 8/ 3/62 8/ 5/62 8/16/62 8/16/62 8/16/62 8/26/62 9/ 8/62 9/12/62 1 1/ 4/ 62 11/ 5/62 PAGE COL Bl Bl Al Al Al A7 C4 Al Al Al A2 B8 A16 A2 A2 2 7 4 4 5 1 3 3 3 3 6 3 5 l l 10/21/62 All 1 7/24/6.2 Bl 5 DATE see alse History (Ark) COTI'RELL, J H JR see else Colleges and univs - Administration and Management see alse Constructien programs , State see also Disabil ity Determination Department (Ark) see alse Geverner (Ark) see also Legisl ature (Ark) see also State Hospital (Ark) COUCH, HARVEY C see else History (Ark) COUNCIL OAKS (Dardanelle) see Historic buildings and sites COUND, GERALD see alse Track and field COUNTRY CLUBS see also Hot Springs Gel£ and Country Club see also North Hills Country Club COUNTY CLERKS ASSOCIATION, Arkansas see Land Department (Ark) COUNTY JUDGES ASSOCIATION, Arkansas see Gevernment officials, Local COUNTY OFFICIALS see also Government official s , Local COURTHOU SES Twelve Arkansas counties have dual county seats COURTS , Federal see also Education Ark Legis wants state pewer ta overturn Supreme Ct ruling Judge John E Miller too old fer Appeals Ct, screeners rule John L McClellan ' s pull will determine John E Miller appm.t Paul Wolfe seeks appmt to federal bench in Ark Marlin Hawkins , Pat Henderson top contenders fer U S Marshal BeaL Kidd ' s term as marshal expires John L McClellan will block all appmts if Henderson denied Nomination of Pat Hendersen fer marshal runs into trouble Rebert D Smith sworn in as US Atty, Eastern Dist ef Ark Senaters seek premotion of Judge Jehn E Miller te Appeals Ct Pat Henderson. Dan M Deuglas nominated for US Marshal Pat Henderson opposed by Wemen' s Emergency Committee Segregationist activities of Pat Henderson cited by women Women ' s Emergency Committee sends Pat Henderson data te Cong Women ' s Emergency Comm is integrationist erGN. Faubus says Senate panel te consider Pat Henderson neminatien seen James T Gooch te be named federal j udge in Ark Pat Henderson, Dan M Douglas confirmed as marshals Pat Henderson well-qualified fer j eb of marshal Pat Henderson assumes marshal pest Age bars Judge Jehn E Miller frem appt to Appeals Court Bill Penix apptd commissioner at Jonesboro Judge John E Miller says prison a been fer some inmates Sen John L McClellan discusses appeals court judgeship status 112 PAGE COL 6/18/61 El 1/27/-61 3/30/61 4/ 7/61 6/11/61 7/ 2/-61 8/ 6/61 12/14/-61 1 2/ 1 4/-61 1/-13/62 1/28/-62 3/14/62 3/16/62 3/ 16/62 3/16/62 3/17/62 3/23/62 3/30/-62 4/ 3/62 4/ 13/62 4/13/62 6/ 7/62 6/27/-62 10/17/62 11/ 1/62 Bl Al A2 All Al AlO Al Al A5 E3 A3 Al Al Al A3 AB Al Bl Bl Bl Al A2 Bl Bl l 8 5 8 6 3 1 4 4 7 5 l 4 4 4 l l 7 2 5 8 6 4 4 5 DATE COURTS , State and Lacal see also Civil rights and discrimination see alse Politics and elections Speculatien en Faubus choice fer appmt ta Helt seat Bill in Legis would cut eff pay if judges held cases tee leng Judge James H Pilkington plans te resign fer private practice Bill seeks end te j ury trials in municipal courts Legis tackles j eb of redistricting court circuits Bill weuld let j udges run fer Congress without resigning Gazette says j udges sheuld resign te seek ether offices Bill in Legis would merge chancery and circuit courts Bill dropped fer j udges to seek ether offices while in office Plan to merge state courts hits obs tacles in Legis Circuit, chancery merger much needed, Robert H Williams says Recerds shew enly 2 judges have been removed from office Paragould Municipal Judge John Watkins chgd with j ury tamper Judge Audrey Strait named outstanding Arkansas j urist Arkansas Bar Assn to study. help solve court problems Judge John Watkins free of j ury tampering charge Judge J Seaborn Helt reported ready te leave Supreme Court J Seaborn Helt te retire from State Supreme Ct on Sept 4 Gav Faubus asks Legis to cerrect race problem with juries Ark Supreme Ceurt faces heavy werklead during next term Legis passes bill te correct j ury racial flaw Retiring Ark Supreme Ct Justice J Seaborn Held lauded Gev Faubus names Neill Bohlinger te complete Helt term Seven Negroes included en petit j ury panel at LR Wiley W Bean named successer te Chancellor George 0 Pattersen Richard Mobley. Gayle Windsor Jr file fer j udgeships J Fred Jenes files fer seat en Supreme Ceurt Grand Jury has almest unlimited power in law enforcement J Frank Holt files fer seat en ceurt T J Gentry files for position on Supreme Court T J Gentry hits Supreme Ct prayer ruling in his campaign Editorial critical ef Supreme Ct candidate T J Gentry George Rase Smith says T J Gentry using false issue Supreme Ct candidates listed George Rose Smith leads T J Gentry fer Supreme Ct seat Frank Holt defeats J Fred J anes fer Supreme Court seat George Rose Smith returned to seat en Supreme Ceurt bench Assoc Justice Jim Johnsen disagrees with ct en opening prayer Judge Wiley Bean backs Mississippi on segregation Assoc Justice Neil Behlinger honored as tenure ends COWLING. DALE see alse Censtructien programs . State see alse Pulaski County COX. DAVID A see alse Geverner (Ark) CRABAUGH. MARGE Derm at Girls Training Scheel named fer Mrs Crabaugh CRAIGHEAD COUNTY 1 13 8/27 /-51 l/29/-61 2/ 0/61 2/ �/6 1 2/11/61 2/ 12/61 2/ 14/61 2/24/61 3/ 1/61 3/ l/61 3/12/61 4/ 9/61 6/ 2/ 6 1 6/ 9/61 6/27/61 8/ 2/61 8/17/61 8/18/61 8/23/61 8/29/61 8/30/61 9/ 5/61 9/ 6/61 9/26/61 12/ 3-/-61 1/ 3/62 2/10-/-62 3/11/62 4/19/62 4/26/62 7 / 1 1/62 7/12/62 7/26/62 7/29/62 8/ 1/62 8/ 2/62 8/ 2/62 9/ 5/62 10/ 2/62 12/18/62 PAGE COL ES NJ A2 Bl A7 A3 A4 A3 A2 Bl ES ES Bl A6 Bl4 Bl A7 Bl2 A3 Bl A6 A3 Bl BS A9 Bl A5 A3 Bl A3 B9 A4 A12 A12. A2 Al Al Bl A4 AlO 11/ 6/62 A2 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 3 5 2 1 1 7 1 1 8 l 6 4 7 1 2 8 2 6 5 3 1 6 3 6 2 2 1 3 8 8 6 3 4 8 DATE see alse History (Ark) Article en dual j udicial districts CRAIN, JOHN E SR see alse Agriculture CRANK DRUG CO see alse Religion CRANK, MARION H see also Colleges and univs - Administratien and Management see alse Constructien pregrams . State CRATER OF DIAMONDS see Parks , recreation and teurism CRAVENS. JOHN PARK Letter on political issues CRAWFORD COUNTY see alse History (Ark) Gov Faubus cuts prison term ef ex-treasurer Omer E Fears CRAWFORD• MAUD Disappearance ef Mrs Crawford 5 yrs age still a mystery CRAWFORD. P R see alse Politics and elections CRAWFORD, PAT R see alse Politics and elections CREDIT Bill in state Senate weuld allow interest rate abeve 10 pct Senate passes bill lifting ceil ing en censumner credit rate Consumer fergetten in the usury bill. Gazette says Gev Faubus says consumer credit bill may not be tee bad Streng resistance in House te time pay bill Young Democrats blast proposed raise in time pay fees Automobile dealers behind bill allowing carrying charge Under Rey Milum ' s bill. carrying chg is net interest Senate expunges record en bill en installment buying Car sale voided because of usurious interest rate Interest en nete ef Rial Moter Parts ruled usurieus CREGAR. RALPH see alse Beeks and writing CRIME AND VICE see also Cockfighting see also Darneille, Steckten Van Buren see also Gambling see also Hilderbrand, Jee see alse Kidnapping see also Murders see also Pornography and obscenity see also Prisons and prisoners see also Prestitutien see alse Pulaski County see also Robberies and thefts see also Sex crimes see alse Sheetings see also Treasure trove 114 PAGE COL 10/ 1/61 E5 2 6/26/62 A4 3 5-/17/61 Bl 8 3/ 3/62 Al 4 1-/20/61 2/ 9/61 2/ 10/61 2/ 10/61 2/11/61 2/12/61 2/23/61 2/23/ 61 3/ 10/61 2/20/62 10/ 5/62 Al Al A4 Bl A5 A4 BlO BlO A2 Bl Bl4 4 8 l 3 l l 3 3 l 2 2 DATE Ex-Arkansan Willis E Hirsch has long string ef j ail sentences Texarkana pelice held nine beys in crime spree Chicago Daily News reperted mobster gathering in Het Springs Het Springs officials say gang gathering did not take place Negro gang at LR known as The Untouchables The Untouchable gang charged in beating Negro youth LR murder rate up in 1960 Rogers pel ice capture 5 escaped youths frem Missouri Arkansas convict Rey Kimes escapes frem Missouri j ail Oklahoma police nab Rey Kimes Kenneth Coffelt wants state crime comm in legislative call Gov Faubus includes crime comm idea in call ef Legislature Gov Faubus makes no recemmendatien en crime commission Legislature handles bill for crime comm with kid gleves Paul Van Dalsem blocks bill te create crime commission Legislators unsure ef Kenneth Coffelt ' s motives en crime comm Negro youth gang called The Untouchables going to trial Court delays trial of six ef The Untouchables Hot Springs to arrest ' undesirables ' during racing season Charles (Lucky ) Luciano spent much time in Hot Springs The Untouchables gang sentenced te prison terms Crime figures shew increase in LR Crime rate at LR rises Crime Comm should be under control ef Legis. C Kinney says CRIME COMMISS ION (Ark) Rep Clark Kinney promotes prepesed Crime Cemmissien CROCKETT. ROOSEVELT D see also Philander Smith College CROOKED CREEK see Rivers and l akes see also Rivers and lakes CROSS COUNTY Move under way te build new courthouse and j ail CROSS. JAMES F see alse Cengress - House Dist 6 CROSS. JOHN S see also United States - Federal Communications Commission Cress and Fuller families have interests in Eureka Springs CROSSETT Fire destroys J enes Funeral Chapel CROSSETT CO see also Education - Crossett District see also Georgia-Pacific Cerp Article en monster building at Crossett firm Company te double its electric generatieng power Firm may be sold te Geergia-Pacific Corp Crossett says Georgia-Pacific Corp of fer tee lew Tesan challenges effort ef Georgia-Pacific to take ever President says his family will sell te Georgia-Pacific Sale clesing set fer July 9 NLRB says Crossett uses unfair labor practices 115 1/28/61 2/ 9/61 3/ 3/61 3/ 3/61 7/ 1/61 7 I 2/61 7/25/61 8/ 7/61 9/- .5/61 9/-12/61 9/16/61 9/17/61 9/19/ 6 1 9/20/61 9/21/61 9/24/61 12/17/61 12/19/61 1/24/62 1/27/62 4/ 4/62 5/29/ 62 8/-28/ 62 12/ 1/62 PAGE COL A3 Bl Bl Bl A3 A.Q Bl Al A3 AS A2 Al Al Al Al ES A15 Bl4 Bl BS Bll Bl A7 A3 6 8 4 5 5 7 2 3 4 2 2 7 4 3 3 1 1 2 6 8 1 8 6 2 11/25/61 A2 3 5/24/ 62 A7 2 10/15/61 E3 5 4/ 5/61 Bl 5 2/ 12/61 2/16/61 4/24/62 4/26/62 6/21/62 6/25/62 6/28/62 7/ 3/62 El A6 B9 l l 6 ca s Bl 2 1 3 2 A2 Bl Bl DATE Georgia-Pacific Corp purchase of company assured NLRB examiner says beth Crossett. union are wrong Tewn of Crossett bids misty-eyed farewell to Crossett Co CROSSETT SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Crossett District CROWLEY ' S RIDGE see also Archeology and anthropology CROWLEY ' S RIDGE ACADEMY see Traffic accidents. vielatiens and safety CROXTON, HARDY W see also Constitution (Ark) see also Construction programs. State see also Legislature (Ark) see also Politics and elections CRUELTY LR woman drove children from perch during hailstorm Dehumaniz ation (ed en woman who drove children frem perch) CRUELTY TO CHILDREN see alse Children and youth CUDDY. LUCY HON Honored by University of Arkansas CUFFMAN, J C see also Inventions and inventors CULTURE AND THE ARTS see also Arkansas see also Beeks and writing see also History (Ark) see also Music Art Center te feature works of LR native James S Morris Arkansas Arts. Center seeks 5 . 000 members Paintings of the late Adrian B rewer to be shown in LR Ark Arts Center to shew works ef Luciano Guarnieri Adrian Brewer Memorial Exhibit honors outstanding artist Fourth annual Arkansas Arts Festival scheduled at LR Fort Smith moving forward in field of culture and the arts Betty Dortch Russell paintings en display at UAMC Works by Arkansas atists en display at Arkansas Arts Center Heward H Whitlatch sculpture exhibit opens in LR gallery Renaissance of art in Ark near epidemic stage Little Reck Univ excited by grewth of the arts and culture Helen Terry Marshall and sen. Fred. display art at LR Clarksville artist Mrs W A Gagon paints familiar scenes Fourth annual Arkansas State Festival ef the Arts scheduled C Byron Smith Jr te shew his vine sculpture during Festival Bust ef Count Pulaski created by Sascha A S Schnittmann Festival of the Arts opens today Carrol Clear became artist after illness cut baseball short Festival of the Arts schedule listed Arkansas Arts Festival opens ; winners listed Arts Festival abstractions irk some pa trans Lethar Krueger calls debates on abstract painting silly 1 16 PAGE COL 7/ 9/62 Al 7/10/62 Al5 7 /11/62 Bl 6 8 3 4/27 /61 Bl 4/30-/-61 E4 1 2 5/28/61 A4 4 1-/ 1-/-61 1/15-/- 6 1 1-/-29/61 2/ 2/6 1 2/ 5/61 2-/ 1 9/61 2-/-21/61 3/ 2-/ 61 3-/ 3/61 3-/ 5/61 3/12/61 4/ 2/61 4-/ 5/61 4/ 7/61 4/23/61 4/25/61 4-/-28/61 4/30/61 4/3G/ 61 4/30/61 5-/- 1/61 5/ 3/61 5/ 4/61 2 1 1 6 1 1 2 4 6 4 l 1 3 2 1 5 2 2 3 l 1 3 3 A4 A5 A16 Bl E2 A4 Bl C18 A13 E2 A4 El A9 Bl E2 Bl All Al A15 A4 A3 Al A3 DATE Het Springs painter Harry Kunasch discovers realism his field Pepular vete winners at Arkansas Festival ef Arts named Univ ef Ark arts graduates make comfortable l iving Arkansas Arts Center to expand museum building Jim Cheadle chooses reek mosaics for his medium Marj erie Lawrence to give 2 concerts at Petit Jean Arts Fair Morrilton te honor Marj orie Lawrence w ith two special days Arkansas arts and crafts on display at Petit Jean fair Mrs Muriel B Christison to head Arkansas Arts Center Petit Jean Arts and Crafts Fair described Construction ef $600.000 Arkansas Arts Center te begin soon Mrs Myrl Charlesworth ef West Fork. creates art from stamps Medel of proposed Arkansas Arts Center War Eagle Arts and Graf ts Fair building te be erected Muriel B Christison is directer of Arkansas Arts Center Artist Townsend Wolfe teaches course at Arkansas Arts Center Arkansas Arts Center groundbreaking today at MacArthur Park The Arts Center (ed) Ground broken fer Arkansas Arts Center Fourth Annual Delta Art Shew attracts 61 exhibitors Feature article en Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair at War Eagle Origin of Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair is operated by Blanche Elliett Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair has eutgrewn space Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair exhibits many talents Vera Stagg Fulton will leaves eil painting te Arts Center Delta Art Exhibition winners announced Works of architect I Granger McDaniel displayed Mrs Eva Jane Pearson helps develop talents of ethers Arkansas Arts Center Director Muriel B Christison resigns Vincent Herodes sculptures from weed Betty Dortch Russell. Marge Helman win mural campetitien Brenda Bullion shews premise in painting and sculpture Alan R Symonds te serve as interim admr Lyle Ward paintings and drawings ge en exhibit in LR LRU instructor Josephine Graham has shOW'ing at NY gallery Artmebile donated te Arkansas Arts Center David and Winthrop Rockefeller and Barton Fdn gave artmebile Calder mobiles en display at Arkansas Arts Center Helen Marshall . sen Fred Marshall . show art werk at UAMC Painting owned by Jim L Hankins may be Homer original Maria Regnier is silversmith artisan W T Bullard building cellection of art glass Baptist Hospital has cultural program fer student nurses Josephine Graham ' s subj ects fer painting are old buildings Arkansas State Festival ef the Arts opens Sunday in LR Expanded State Festival ef Arts opens in LR Complete program fer Arkansas Arts Festival listed Arkansas prsves a mecca fer glass collectors Josephine Graham wins artists exhibition at Festival List of award winners at Arkansas Festival of the Arts 1 17 5/ 4/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 1 4/61 5/23/61 6/ 2/61 6/18/61 6/22/-61 6/25/61 6/25/61 6/27/61 7/ 8/61 7/12/61 7/13/61 7/18/61 8/ 3/61 8/ 10/-61 8/20/61 8-/20/61 8/21/61 10/29/61 10/29/61 10/29/61 10/-29/61 10/31/61 11/ 1/61 1 1/ 2/61 11/ 3/61 1 1/ 1 2/61 11/ 14/61 1 1/15/61 11/26/61 1 1/28/61 12/10/61 12/14/-61 1/14/-62 2/ 4/62 2/20/62 2/20/62 2/25/62 3/ 4/62 3/ 4/ 62 3/21/62 4/ 1/62 4/15/62 4/22/62 4/27/62 4/29/62 4/29/ 62 4/29/62 4/30/-62 4/30/-62 PAGE COL Bl A9 E2 A93 A6 A7 Bl AB ClO Bl B5 Bl Bl BB Bl Bl Al6 E4 Al Al E5 E5 E5 Bl Bl B6 Bl6 E5 BlO B10 E4 BlO E4 Bl B14 ClO A3 A3 AB A4 A7 Bl AlO E4 E4 B20 Al All E4 A3 A3 6 8 1 1 7 3 3 2 2 l 2 2 7 4 5 4 1 5 2 2 2 2 3 3 8 2 2 4 4 3 2 l 2 6 2 7 7 3 5 2 3 3 4 4 l 4 1 1 1 l DATE Warren helds 5-day festival of the arts Ben Durian is accomplished weedcarver Edwin Brewer will open NLR hospital ' s art program Hospitals makes space available fer art exhibitions Art by Jehn M Heward marked by power. versatil ity Jehn M Heward heads art dept at Arkansas AM&N College Clarence Cash Jr shOW"s high premise as painter Brenze statue ef Diana stolen from Same Peck Hetel courtyard Prairie Greve Clothesline Fair held; young artist discovered Column discusses artists at Prairie Greve Clothesline Fair Art scheel to open at Arkansas Arts Center Interest in art blessems in Arkansas County Fert Smith Art Center housed in antebellum mansion Fifth annual Delta Art Exhibitien going en Feature article en Pine Bluff Festival of the Arts Woodcarver Jehn M Stalker is real artist in his f:i.eld Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair at War Eagle thrills visitors Delta Art Exhibition wen by New Orleans graduate student Column en exhibitors at Ozarks Arts and Crafts Fair Ed and Mary Bernhardt make obj ects from sassafras weed Arkansas Arts Center asks LR fer $50 .000 budget Arkansas Arts Center Artmebile te take art te the people Ida Rice Rogers visits Middle East in search of art pieces Arkansas Arts Center theater te present first preductien Arts Center Theater ' s first presentatien hailed Artist Mayme Heard Hostetter paints oil wells Arts Center member teurs new artmebile during dedication Themas Hart Benton dedicates Arts Center artmebile Gev Orval Faubus . Winthrop Rockefeller attend artmebile event Themas Hart Benton talks bluntly abeut abstract art Arkansas Orchestra Society production is a sellout CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH see Presbyterian Church CURFEW LAWS see also Loitering and vagrancy CURFEWS see Loitering and vagrancy CURTIS MATHES CO New plant at Benton te produce TV sets. ether electrenics DABOLL0 RAYMOND F see also Handwriting DAIRY PRINCESS Pat Sharp is Arkansas Dairy Princess DAIRY PRODUCTS see Agriculture see Central Arkansas Milk Producers Association DAISY MANUFACTURING CO Buys assets of Ranger Beet and Shae Ce Union vete sought at Daisy plant at Rogers Unien speaker te address Daisy workers Daisy workers rej ect union by vete of 378 te 164 118 5/ 2/62 6/ 6/62 6/17/62 6/17/62 7/ 8/62 7/ 8/62 8/12./62 8/16/62 9/ 5/62 9/ 6/62 9/12/62 9/18/62 9/30/-62 10/ 7/62 10/28/62 10/28/62 1 1/ 1/62 1 1/ 2/62 1 1/ 2/62 11/ 2/62 1 1/15/62 1 1/18/62 11/18/62 12/ 5/62 12/ M62 12/ 9/62 12/14/62 12/14/62 12/14/62 12/16/62 12/17/62 PAGE COL Bl Bl B4 E4 E4 E4 A2 3 2 2 2 1 l 2 7 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 2 2 l 2 2 1 3 l l 3 2 2 2 3 1 3 9/l'J/62 B8 1 6/24/62 ClO 2 2/11/61 3/20/62 3/23/62 5/19/62 3 2 4 4 E5 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl E4 A2 E4 E5 Bl AlO Bl Bl A4 Al E4 A9 A14 E5 A3 A3 A3 A7 Al A6 Bl A2 DATE PAGE COL Cass S Heugh calls industrial climate in Ark ideal 5/24/62 A7 DALEY, 0 L JR see also Lenders Service Company Inc DALLAS COUNTY see alse Taxation Ceunty demonstrates its desire te be progressive 11/25/62 B5 DALRYMPLE. JOHN C see also United States - Army Cerps of Engineers DAMS see Rivers and lakes DANTAN CO 2/ 7/61 Bl Ernie Deane describes visit te Dumas cl othing plant Dumas manufacturer plans te open plant for Negro werkers 8/23/ 61 Bl DANVILLE 12/ 8/62 A3 Fire destroys Coger Drug Stere DARBY. WILLIAM E see alse Celleges and Univs - Administration and management 8/23/62 B2 Donates funds fer wing en athletes' dorm at Univ ef Ark DARDANELLE see alse Government bends and investments see also Histeric buildings and sites see alse History (Ark) see also Hotels Tewn threws party te henor Arkansas Valley Industries Inc 3/24/61 Bl City gets Urban Renewal agency 9/23/61 A2 DARDANELLE AND RUSSELLVILLE RAILROAD see Railroads DARDANELLE DAM see Rivers and lakes DARDANELLE LAKE see Parks . recreatien and tourism see Rivers and lakes DARNEILLE, STOCKTON VAN BUREN 5/16/61 Al Homburg Gang member had run-in with Ark lawmen 5/16/61 Al Seattle police sheet. kill , Darneille after return frem Ark DARRAGH. FRED K JR see alse Aviation and aircraft DAUGHTERS OF 1812 3/16/62 Bl Gov Faubus addresses state meeting ef Society DAVENPORT. CLIFF 4/25/62 Bl Article en Cherokee Village resident DAVIS, DON E see also College ef the Ozarks DAVIS, JAMES C see alse Lenders Service Company Inc DAVIS, LAWRENCE A see also Arkansas A M & N Cellege DAVIS , RICHMOND C see also Nigeria DAY CARE CENTERS FOR CHILDREN Parent group epens state ' s 1st center fer handicapped Negrees 12/ 7/61 A15 119 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 5 2 1 DATE DE SOTA. HERNANDO see also History (Ark) DEAD 1/ 6/61 Body of Mrs Alma Summers stripped of $300 worth ef j ewelry 1/ 6-/-61 Mrs Alma Summers had been buried in Jacksonville cemetery 1/ 7/61 Another grave robbed at Jacksonville. body of weman missing Grave robber hunt at Jacksonville yields tool s . clothes l/ 8/61 Clues s carce in robberies at two graves at Jacksonville 1/ 9/61 Airman Jerry Reynol ds. 22. arrested in Jacksonville cases 1/11/61 Body of 17-yr-old girl taken from cemetery is recevered 1/11/61 Police say Jerry Reynolds confessed to taking bodies 1/11/61 Airman J erry Reynolds committed for mental tests 1/12/61 Legis toughens penalties for grave robbing 2/ 4/61 3/ 14/61 Jerry Reynolds ruled mentally ill. net legally responsible 3/ 14/61 Jerry Reynolds to remain in State Hospital indefinitely 6/14/61 Jerry Reynolds to be sent to VA hospital in Topeka DEAN. JAY HANNAH (Dizzy Dean) 12/ 7/61 Dean reminisces about his career in LR appearance DEATHS see also American Oil Co see also Asphyxiation and suffocation see also Basketball see also Fires see also Insects see also Nursing hemes see also Police see also Weather and storms 04/21/AB/4/61 Alford. Li.llian Shirley 1 1/8/BB/2/61 Allbright. William Watson 06/2/A8/3/62 Allen. Charles Forrest 07/16/Al/7 /62 07/17/A4/2/62 Ame. William Knex 08/26/B5/3/ 196 l Andersen. Jeseph Hubert 02/25/B6-/-4/6 l Bailey , Jereme Abbott Jr 08/31/A14/3/61 Bankston. Marvin Stewart 04/1 1/BlO/l/62 Barney . Iley M O'J/12/Al3/l/61 Barten. Dudley S 09/ 1 9/B9/2/62 Batsen. Reese E 04/2'J/B7/2/61 Bauer. Willie Cooper 03/12/C4/3/61 Beasley . Frank 10/14/A9/1/61 Beeby . Charles B 04/ 10/Al/6/62 Benj amin. George H Sr 04/4/B12/2/62 Berry. A Y Sr 07/27 /C9/4/61 Berry . James E 05/ 1 9/B1 4/4/62 Bohannon. John Herndon 06/4/C4/l/61 Bordeaux. Kate Mercer 02/06/13/BS/4/62 Botsford, Harriet Emily Ol-/-10/B8/3/61 Bourne. Emily Bayle 04/15/BS/2/61 Bowman, W A 10/23/A9/3/61 Boyd, Horace George 1 1/29/B?/2/62 l 'l/ 1/A4/2/62 Bragg. Frederic Capron Sr 06/1 2/B9/5/62 Breeding. J E 120 PAGE COL A3 A3 Al B6 A5 Al Al Al A12 Al Bl4 Bl4 A7 2 2 6 5 6 3 3 3 1 5 4 4 4 B2 2 DATE Breadhead, Ann Carelyn Bryant 10/6/AB/5/62 Brooksher. William Riley Jr 04/15/Al/4/62 Brown. Fleyd B 0 9/ 14/B8/ 3/61 Brown. Fred I 07/24/-Al/4/61 Brown. Juanita Arrington 09-/ 1 l/Al0/3/61 Brysen1 Fred Robertson 06/15/Bll/4/62 Burgess. Thomas E 12/l/Bl4/3/62 Burke . J Graham 07/24/B9/ l/62 Burrew, Elizabeth A 04/20/Al0/3/62 1 1/28/BB/4/6 2 Busey. Samuel T 03/ 10/A5/4/6 2 Bylander1 Ernest Gerhardt Cale, Walter Sr Ol/2/B7/l /62 05/ll/Bl 2/l/62 Canaday . Paul 0 10/-30/AB/1/61 Carter, Fred 02/4/B3/3/61 Carter. Rollin H 03/5/B3/3/62 Cashion, Elbert Thomas Sr l l/30/-C20/ 12/ 61 Castleberry . Rex 04/3/BB/ 1/62 Cheney , James Edward 03/1/BB/3/62 Chesnutt . Charles Raphael 05/4/Cl4/2/61 Clark . Edward V 07/16/All/2/61 Clayton. James Edgar Clear, Jefferson 03/2/Cl6/l/61 01/22/AB/2/61 Coffman, John Franklin Coffman, Victor 04/25/Al0/2/ 61 Cohen. Mabel 62/01/1 1/Cl2/3 Cele. Ken Sr 10/30/AS/3/61 10/31/A4/2/61 Cennell, Claude A 03/15/AlS/3/61 Ceek. J C 02/16/Al0/4/62 Ceeper. Claude Fenell 1 2/27/Bl/2/62 10/25/Bl0/2-/61 Crabtree, Minnie Paratine Crain, J H 07/24/B9/2-/62 10/25/Bl0/4/61 Crawford, H P 06/4/C4/2/61 Growly. James 0 09/14/Al2/l/62 Day . Herbert J 02/10/BS/3/62 Dees, Ben Weedall 0 1/4/A12/2/61 Deweedy . T Sorrells 09-/ 22/A7/3/62 Diemer, Viola Haven 03/6/Al l/'};/61 Denham. Jahn Rey l 1/4/C3/2/62 Douglas. Frank C 06/5/A14/6/62 Duckett. John C 12/23/Bl 2/7/62 Dunklin, Irby W 12/1 1/B6/2-/ 61 Duty . Claude 03/29/C18/3/62 03/30/A4/2/62 Dyke . Nathaniel J r 08/1/Bl0/2/61 Early, N D 06/ 10/BS/2/ 61 Eason. Elmer A 05/1/B4/4/62 Easen1 William J Ol/3/B9/3/61 Edrington. William B 1 1/21/Al0/1/62 Eiermann. Frederick William Anthony 003/9/B6/1/61 Ell is, Cecil 0 01/ 10/BB/3/61 Engstrem. Jehn Edwin 06/24/A5/4/61 Estes, Kenner L 121 PAGE COL DATE Etheridge, Y W Evans, Preston, L Fais st, Bernard Falls, Andrew Nail Farish, Charles L Farmer, B J Faulkner, Thomas H Fausett, Carey Blanton Ferguson, Edna Heed Fergusson, John P Fleeman, E C Fleniken, A R Fletcher, Paul Wilson Flewers, Flavy Clayton Freeze, William Joe Galbraith, Fred F Gardner, Lacurgius Garrison, Horace Garrett , Ernest Perry Jackson Ginocchio, Robert E Gladney , Deanl d W Goodier, George Gez a, L M Grant, Elmer Upchurch Greene, Glendine Hill Greene, Joseph Allen (Mr s ) Gregg, I da Grisham, Lamar W Groves, William M Hale, Ruth Finne Hall, C E Hall, Joe S Hall, Orville J Hamilton, Nathaniel M Hamilton, William Perter Sr Harned, William S Harrell, Den W Harris , J W Harris , Patrick C Harrison, M J Hart, Bernard Ellis Hayes, C Van Haynes, Earle Hefner, Carsen E (Mr s ) Hegarty. Charles K S r Hendricksen, James William Henry , Themas F Heuer. Tate C Hickey , George Martin Hilton, L L Hines, Robert F 07/20/A3/5/61 02/ 15/Bl 4/4/61 07/30/Al4/2/ 61 0 8/24/Bl l/l/62 06/28/Bl0/2/61 10/24/Bl0/62 03/18/A7/2/61 03/15/B.5/ 1/62 01/27 /A9/ 2/61 05/29/B4/3/61 02/5-/Al/6/62 03/15/A15/4/61 07/8/b6/3/61 1 2/ 1 9/Bl0/4/61 07/19/B9/2/61 10/24/BB/ 4/61 1 1/9/Al0/2/61 10-/5/BB/2/61 06/9/A5/ l/62 08/15/Bll/7/62 10/ 1/A8/ 2/61 01/24/B8/3/61 Ol/8/C4/4/61 07/11/Bl/6/62 07/13/A4/ 2/62 10/8/Al06/61 05/16/A6/1/61 04/l7/A13/2/62 12/ l/Bl4/5/62 04/16/A14 3/61 08/23/A3/4/62 03/29/ClB/1/62 05/S/Bll2/61 09/28/B8/3/61 07/6/AB/3/62 05/30/B9/4/62 05/13/B8/3/62 10/24/B8/5/61 03/26/Bl0/2/62 06/7-/AB/2-/61 09/8/B7-/4/62 07/ l8-/B8/l/61 04/ 18/A9-/8/61 04/18/Bl0/1/62 08/27/C3/2/61 1 1/6/B7/l/61 0 4/8-/A16/2/62 12/7/B12/4/62 Ol/l0/B8/3/61 1 2-/28/C12/l/61 04/28/Bl5/4/61 04/ 10/AB/3/6 l 122 PAGE COL DATE Hedge. George L Holyfiel d. William E Herne. Themas A Hurley. Walter F Jr Hutchins. Arthur Lemuel Isenman. Charles H Izard. Emma Cotten Jackson, Walter A Jewell. James R Johnsen. Arthur P Johnsen. Paul Johnsen. William E Jones, Bertha Janes, James M Jones, Neel H Keatts, Henry Kelly. Charles Elton Kelly, James W Kincannon. Pettus A Kinney , Mabel Ford Kolb, William Burg LaGrone, T A Lackey , G Hendrix Lackey , George Washington Lander. Roswell Sears Laney . Fred A Langley. J 0 Lasley, Paul Augustus Lauck, Wi.lliam J Lawrence, Ernest G Lemley , Clarence Edward Lemley , William Kendall Lincoln. Benj amin H Livingston, John J Legan. Bruce Luker, William V Mabry, Helman Mallery . George Leonard Mann, Lewis Preston Martineau, Andrew C Mathis, Themas L May . J Kelly McClinteck, Rebert Smith McCervey , Annie Maude Mccown. R M McCullough. Albert William McEachin. R E McGill , Jehn Themas McHenry . Martin Josiah Mcilrey, William Hayden McKinney , Rebecca Hinton 01/30/B8/2/62 09/ 21/B13/1/62 02/3/Bl6/3/61 10/25/A14/3/62 1 f>/24/Bl0/2/62 10/23/A9/6/61 04/15/BS/61 02/11/All/2/62 10/13/Bl2/4/62 04/ 1 9/Bl0/61 OCJ/22/A7/5/62 04/15/BS/4/61 12/28/BB/2/62 10/30/Bl2/2;/62 06/8/Al0/3/62 06/26/B9/5/62 07 /16/All/2/ 61 01 /22/B5/3/-62 02/-25/B6/1/61 07/9/B6/4/62 1 1/10/B13/1/61 01/10/Bl 0/2/62 03/ 14/Bl0/5/6 2 05/20/Al l/-4/6 2 08/27 /B6/3/62 12/ 8/BS/2/62 06/ 16/Bl0/5/61 3/25/A3/8/ 6 l 07/10/Al5/4/62 06/17/B5/-5/-61 12/17-/-C4/2/61 1 0/28/C3/5/62 07/ 1 4-/-A7-/-2/ 62 03/9/Bl3-/-4/62 08/3/B6-/-2/61 07/-2/AS/-2/61 10/20/Bll/6/61 04/29/B7/3/-61 04/30/-A12-/-4/61 09/12/A13/3/61 09/ 6/B8/3/62 05/28/-B6/2/61 06-/-23/Al2/ 1/61 OC)/ 10/-B4-/-2/62 12/ 4/Bl0/2-/-61 09/9/A7-/-2/61 07/20/A7/3-/-61 05/29-/-B4/2/61 12/7/C14/3/61 04/19/A3/2/ 62 4/-20/A4-/-2/62 03/19/Al4/1/61 11/21/Al0/2/62 123 PAGE COL DATE 1 2/3/BB/4/62 McMillan David Williams 04/l l/B12/1/61 Meinecke , Orval Henry 10/-3/Al 9/ 4/-6 2 Meux. Clarence D Ol/ 1/A7/2/6 1 Miller. Archie Ray Miller. Charles Beverly 11/27/AB/4/62 Mitchell . R Bland 03/8/Bl0/1/61 Mobley, Henry E 04/4/A6/3/61 08/28/A4/3/62 Montgomery, Mary McRae 3/28/A7/2/-61 Meere, Guy Allen Morehead. Connor 10/9/B4/5/-62 05/-22/A5/l/61 Muldrew. Milten W 03/-10/-A5/2/62 Myers. Louis Rebert ll/22/A9/ 2/62 Neill, Ernest 1 1/14/BlO/'l/61 Nelsen, Mary H 0C)/18/B3/4/62 Nelsen. W F 10/21/A9/4/62 Newton. Themas Willoughby Sr 05/-18/AS/-61 Norwood. Belle 10/12/B13/3/62 Norwood. Raymond Anderson 04/15/BS/3/61 Oateut. Walter Hollaway 11/21/Al0/4/62 Orr, Raymond T 10/-1/Al2/2/ 61 Ottenheimer, Hannah Berger 06/-5/Al2/3/-61 Paisley, Henry Lewis l 1/-16/Bl3/-1/62 Paladino, Angel e A 03/11/A6/3/-61 Paladino, Tony 09/1 1/-Al0/-2-/61 Parke . Augustus Winfield 08/-5/A2/-3/-61 Parker. David E Ol/20/B7/3-/-61 Parker, L A 09/7/B8/1/61 Passmore. Daniel Frederick (Mr s ) l l/30/C20/4/6 l Patterson. George 0 10/-11/-Bl2/-4/61 Peacock, Arthur L 03/7-/-Bl0/2/62 Pettigrew, Marien Dewoody 05/-14/-AS-/-3/61 Petway, 0 W 03-/-12/C4/2/61 Phillips, Mel 08/12/B6/1/61 Pierce. Glenroy Nelsen 12/ 9/B7/2/61 Pitner, Charles Grey 03-/-13/B7/-2/61 Pittman. Harrison V Ol-/-10/B8/ 1/61 Pelle. John T 03/14/Bl0/3/62 03/ 15-/-A4/-2/62 Porter, Q Lamar 02/25/B0/2-/-61 Petts. John Gane 01/ 16/AB-/ 2/62 Price, Rose Stein 10/7/-A12-/ 2-/62 Queen, J F 06/10-/-BS/3/-61 06/1 1/E4/2/61 Radcl iffe. Jay Vincent 02/3/-B16/1/61 Ragon, Absolum Newten 04/26/Al0/1/61 Rand, Benj amin A 04/1 1/A7-/2/-61 Rankin, Bob 1 1/ 16/-B13-/ 2/-62 Rapp, Jesse Carlisle 01/27 /Bl0/-3/61 Red. Jee 02/ 10/-Al2/3/61 Reed. Sidney L 09/3/AS-/3-/-62 Rephan. Edward I 06/8-/Bl/6/62 06/-9:/A4/-2/ 62 Reyburn, Samuel W Rialses. Les L 0 8-/-23/AB/2/61 124 PAGE COL DATE Riegler. Tennie Eliz abeth French Rivers. Annie Wilkerson Rogers . William F Regers. William Jude Resen. Harry R Rethert . Huge C Row. Roy Sr Rowel l . Albert Royer. Ca.reline Rudolph. Tracy T Rushing. Henry Andersen Rushing . Walter Scott Ruthven. Roderick McKenz ine Sanderlin. Roy L Sargent . James W Saunders. Earl L Self. W D Shaw. Helen E Sheedy , Anna Bertner Shiras. Ennes B Short. Ona Carter Sigman, Vivian Mariah Simpson. Kelly Edgar Smallwood. John Marshall Smith, Henry King Sparks. Albert Reuel Sparks. Albert Reul Spessard, Earle A Stanford. John Mitchell Stanley. Joseph Sr Stecker. George Patrick Tayler. Harve J Sr Tayler. Oscar Terrell. Marvin T Terry. Ann Hemmelrath Thalheimer, Sol Sr Themas. Ira Benyen Sr Thompson. George D Thompson. William M Thorn. Harvey B Sr Timberlake. John C Tewnsend. Albert Ewell Trice. Frank A Tucker, D A Tull . Howell Van Buren Tyson. Ardis Upton. Neva McMillan Vencill. Edward (Boeger Red) Vinz ant. William B roadfoot Volker. Frank J Walther. Gorden Glenn 05/13/BB/2/62 08/ 14/Al0/2/ 61 01/ 18/A7/2/61 10/15/A3/8/61 03/ 18/C4/3/62 Ol/3/B6/5/ 62 12-/2/Al4/3/62 09/2/A7/5/61 03-/14/Bl0/6/61 Ol/ 15/BB/ 2/61 05/31/-AS/4/61 01/ 1/Al/3/62 Ol/2/A4/2/62 05/14/B6/3/62 06/3/B7/3/61 04/27/C14/4/61 05/3/A6-/5/62 09/1/Al/7/62 10/6/BB/ 2/61 0 8/4/AB/3/62 02/28/BB/2/61 Ol/12/B9/ 2/ 62 05/5/A7/2/62 1 1/10/B13/3/61 01/19/C4/3/62 Ol/31/A7/2/61 05/l/A9/3/61 l96 1/4l30/A12/2/61 07/9-/B6/2/62 07/12/A4-/ 2/62 10/27-/BB/3/61 0 9/20/Al 2/2/ 6 1 12/ 22/Bl0/2/61 03/24/B7/4/62 12/8/BB/4/62 10/ 10/B8/3/61 02/ 19/BB/2/ 62 1 2/9/C4/2/62 l0/ 14/C4/2/62 05/9/Bll/-5/ 62 12/21/Bl0/-4/62 l0/4/B8/4/62 03/10/AS/ l/62 11/13/Bl0/1/62 02/25/Al0/3/62 10/ 14/A9/2/61 05/20/B7/3/61 10/19/Al0/2/62 0 9/2/A7/2/61 1 (.}/-23-/A2/2/61 10/14/C4/3/62 11/29/B7/3/62 0 9/ 15/B7 /3/62 125 PAGE COL DATE PAGE COL Weddington, Ralph Eilert 08/3/B6/3/61 Weinmann, Jeanne Fox 08/7/Al4/3/62 06/23/BS /2/62 Wharten, Joseph Burleson Whiteside. Frederick William 0 8/ 15/Bl0/3/61 Wickard, Charles Phillips 11/20/Bl2/3/62 Wiley, Dayle 0 8/27/A2/6/62 Wiley. Joseph Stuart 02/16/B6/5/61 Williams, Esmend L 01/26/Bl2/2/61 Williams, J Lee 6/18/A12/2/ 61 Williams. Stephen Herace 10/4/Bl2/ 4/6 1 Williamsen, Marvin 03/3/B5/1/61 Wilsen, Charles William 0 4/26/Al0/3/61 Wilsen, Eloise F 1 1/ 2 9/B9/4/6 l Wilson. James Oscar 03/31/B7/1/62 Yancey , L B 03/3/B5/3/61 Yarbrough, Walter L 06/13/Bl0/2/61 Yates, Jenab E 02/4/B6/l/62 Zeek, Harold Richard (Ted) 05/8/B5/3/61 Fires take tragic tell in Arkansas each year 3/25/62 E6 DEBT. Consumer see Credit DEER SCHOOL DISTRICT see Basketball DEESE. TOMMIE STEWART NLR Scheel Beard member killed in collisien 1 2/26/61 Al DEFENSES AND ARMED FORCES see also Arkansas Military Academy see also Aviation and aircraft see alse Land and real estate see also McConnell, Jehn P see also Pine Bluff Arsenal see also Roads l/ 4/6 1 Bl Construction begins on first of 18 Titan II missile siles Ground broken fer first of 18 Titan Missile sites 1/10/61 A2 70th Strategic Reconnissance Wing at LRAFB te be transferred 1/17/61 Al Farewell te the 10th (ed) 1/18/61 A4 l/26/61 AS Truscen Division gets $5. 000, 000 Titan contract 2/22/61 Bl Army conducts tour ef 1st site fer Titan sile (phete) 3/12/61 A6 Titan Missile bedy te be raised at LR fer public viewing 3/17/61 Al SAC anniversary observed at LR and at LRAFB 3/17/61 Bl Col Clifford J Van Sickle to head state Army reserve 4/ 9/61 A2 Col George E Gleber is new commander ef LRAFB 4/-30/61 A2 Command changes at LRAFB announced Little Reck complaints of sonic boems disturb Air Force brass 5/ 2/61 A7 5/ 9/61 Bl Titan II missile installations in Ark may be scrapped 5/10/61 Bl Defense Dept says Titan work te proceed as planned LR cam.plaints of booms come £rem area where plane fell in 1 6 0 5/20/61 A7 LRAFB to get n ew $1 , 900, 000 hospital 6/28/61 Bl Bid opening set fer 2nd phase ef Titan proj ect 6/28/-61 Bl Inside view of a Titan Missile silo 7/ 7/61 Bl More Titan II missile silo bids opened 7/ 8/6 1 Al 126 1 3 2 2 2 1 4 8 3 3 7 6 6 1 2 7 1 6 8 6 4 DATE Funds fer a hospital at LRAFB deleted from bill LRAFB spending in central Ark totals $3 . 6 million annually Army considering reopening Fort Chaffee Gen Clyde D Eddleman visits Fort Chaffee Titan II proj ect te cost govt $100 , 00 0 , 000 Arm.y verifies that Fort Chaffee may reopen LR, NLR listed as possible targets fer atomic attacks Funds for LRAFB hospital restored te military bill Two military units in Ark alerted to possible call First phase ef Titan siles almost completed Titan II missile shaft may be cause ef wells l asing water Men of 916th unit take mobilization in stride Gallup of Natl Guard, Reserve brings Cold War te 6 Ark areas SAC stands ready at LRAFB Flap over speech by Maj Calvin L Callier is column tepic Sen J W Fulbright says Fert Chaffee slated for reopening Fort Chaffee reopening cenfirmed Mere state units activated Army reveals that Fort Chaffee te get 17 , 000 traeps Arkansas Razorback Harald Harton granted deferment Gev Faubus says he will dischrge no Guardsman called te duty President Kennedy asks to see film ef Heber Springs event Military and civilians muster to reopen Fort Chaffee New hospital at LRAFB to bring better medical care to base NLRB hears charge against unien. missile base workers Peak training l ead at Fort Chaffee te be 9 , 000 Last members of Army Surgical Unit leave Little Reck Fert Chaffee gets first shipment of recruits Description. phetes ef Titan facility under construction Air Force will keep 70th Reconnaissance Wing at LRAFB 1 48th Hospital Unit leaves fer Chaffee and year ' s duty Pine Bluff Arsenal celebrating 20th anniversary of founding Titan missile workers lose lawsuit against union Fort Chaffee employs 1 , 2 80 civilians Col Robert W Streng Jr new commander for LRAFB Col Rebert W Strong Jr takes ever at LRAFB Titan base workers net covered by FLS Act . j udge rules Kentucky ' s lOOth Division adjusts te life at Fort Chaffee Defense Dept considering end to training at Fort Chaffee Laber dispute halts work en Titan missile silo near Conway Completion of first Titan silo due June 25 Col Robert W Streng Jr is new commander ef LRAFB Army to keep Fort Chaffee epen, JFK says Eighteen Arkansas Titan bases te be operational in 1963 Navy to stage A-defense exercise in War Memorial Stadium Judge dissolves order barring Titan silo site pickets Fort Chaffee may lose lOOth Division seen, column says LRAFB to lose 7 0th Strategic Recennissance Wing LRAFB is state ' s biggest business Fort Smith getting water plant from Fort Chaffee Titan Missile Wing activated at LRAFB 127 7-/22/61 7/27/61 7/30/-61 8-/ 1/61 8/- 3/61 8/ 4-/61 8/15/-61 8/15/61 8/17/-61 8/18/61 9/ 9/6 1 9/10/61 9/10-/61 9/-10/61 9/17 /61 9/19/61 9/20/61 9/20/61 9/-21/-61 9/23/61 9/23/61 9/30/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 1/61 10-/ 3/61 10/ 7/61 10/10/61 10/18/61 10-/20/61 10/-24/61 10-/28/61 10-/29/61 11/ 2/61 11/ 5/-61 1 1/16/61 1 1/21/61 11/22/61 1 2/ 3/61 1/27 /62 2/ 1/62 2/ 2/ 62 2/ 8/62 2/21/62 3/ 6/62 3/11/62 3/15/62 3/18/62 3/22/62 3/25/62 4/ 3/62 4-/ 3/62 PAGE COL A2 Bl Al Bl A6 Bl Al Bl Al A9 A2 A5 A5 E2 ES Al Bl Bl Bl Al Al A7 A3 Bl A3 A2 Bl A2 Bl Bl Al C3 B6 Cl Cl5 AlO BlO Al5 Al Bl Bl4 Bl Bl Al E4 A5 E3 Bl E4 AB Bl 3 3 3 5 1 2 7 6 5 1 4 1 6 1 3 4 7 7 8 2 2 5 1 3 2 1 5 8 2 8 3 7 5 6 1 1 5 2 5 2 1 2 5 3 1 3 5 8 l 1 2 DATE Phase I werk at Titan sites nearly finished No changes in Fort Chaffee foreseen State assured that Fert Chaffee will net close Fort Chaffee te become a permanent field artillery base Electrical workers walk off j obs at missile sites in Ark Werk near end en first ef 1 8 Titan II silos Engineers turn Titan site ever te Air Force Air Force Reserve group has tough, complex j ob Missile age sparks grewth of Little Reck Air Force Base Guard callup at this time not expected, Gov Faubus says Table Reck, Bull Shoals da.tns get armed guards in Cuba crisis Expansion, renovation ef Fort Chaffee sought Army fires Honest John rocket at Camp Chaffee; first fer Ark DEGRAY DAM see Rivers and lakes DEHKES, EVELYN SOLVEIG Writer of books for j uveniles drowns at Little Rock DELIGHT EGG FARMS INC Deal finished fer $1 , 000,000 plant at Hope DELLINGER, S C see also Rivers and lakes Urges support for wilderness act in Congress DELTA ART EXHIBITION see Culture and the arts DEMOCRATIC (NEGRO) VOTERS ASSOCIATION, Arkansas see Construction programs , State DEMONSTRATIONS AND PROTESTS see also Bauman ' s Men ' s Shep see alse Civil rights and discri.m.inatien see al sa Nudism and nudity DENOBLE . HENRY M see also Little Reck DENTAL ASSOCIATION. Arkansas see Dentistry and dental health DENTISTRY AND DENTAL HEALTH Gev Faubus vetoes funds fer eut ef state study fer dentists Arkansas Dental Assn meeting in LR Gav Faubus tells dentists to try again en education bill Fluoridatien by all t€Mns urged by Ark Public Health Assn Ark Denatl Assn holding state cenventien Flying Dentists Assn combines profession with pleasure DENTISTRY AND DENTAL HEALTHs Dr Emanuel Cheraskin addresses Ark Dental Assn convention DENTISTS see Dentistry and dental health DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES (Ark) see alse Livestock Sanitary Beard (Ark) DERRICK, EARL see also Railroads DESECRATION OF THE DEAD see Dead 128 4/ 8/62 4/12/62 5/25/-62 6/13/-62 7/- 3/62 7 / 7/-62 8/ 5/62 8/26/62 10/14/62 10/24/62 10/26/62 11/20/62 12/ 16/62 PAGE COL A4 E4 E4 A2 Bl Bl A2 7 4 6 3 4 1 1 l 1 1 3 8 5 1/ 9/61 Al 3 2/10/-62 A2 5 5/ 2/62 A4 5 3/17/61 4/12/-61 4/12/ 61 5/11/61 4/ 8/62 4/22/62 1 4 4 6 1 1 A5 Al Bl Al Al A5 B12 Bl Bl Bl A9 E4 4/10/62 A6 5 DATE DEWITT see alse Laber DEWITT SCHOOL DISTRICT see Educatien - DeWitt District DEWITT SHOE CORP DeWitt residents indicate they de net want union at factery Chamber ef Commerce te study turnover at plant DIABETES see Medicine and health DIAMOND MINES see Parks , recreation and tourism DICKEY. BILL see alse Stephens Inc DICKINSON. ROLAND B see alse Names. Persenal DIEHL. J F Dr Diehl attends science meeting in Russia DIERKS FORESTS INC Gypsum wallboard plant planned near Nashville Ernie Deane writes en leng history ef company DIET AND NUTRITION, Human see also Weight and weight Centrel Arkansas teen-agers ' diet surveyed DILDAY. JANICE Cengressienal secretary retires after 25-yr career DILDAY, MAXINE Dr Thomas F Dilday asks help in locating mising wife Investigators call fer help in search fer missing woman Mrs Dilday ' s body found in attic of her heme DINOSAURS see Fossils DINSMORE see alse Newton Ceunty DIPTHERIA see Medicine and health DISABIL ITY DETERMINATION DEPARTMENT (Ark) Bureau allegedly created se Olen R Churchill can be fired J H Cattrell J r says Churchill is political enemy ef Faubus Olen Churchill ' s brother, L J Churchill ran against D Alford Olen R Church is brether ef Repub L J Churchill ef Dover Olen R Churchill heads a section of Vecatienal Rehabil itation Rep Paul Van Dalsem favors removal ef Olen Churchill Gov Faubus comments en legislation affecting Olen Churchill Dept allegedly formed te get rid of Olen R Churchill, a Repub Faubus te sign bill creating Dept inte law Harold Overbey reportedly will head new department Harold Lee Overbey named te head agency DISABLED see also Rehabilitation Center, Hot Springs DISASTERS AND EMERGENCIES see also Telephone service 129 PAGE COL 2/19/61 A2 10/ 5/61 A8 7 1 11/19/61 A8 1 3/31/62 A8 12/ 5/62 Bl 8 2 1 1/- 4/ 62 A14 l 7/ 2/61 D5 5 10/23/62 A8 10/28/62 A3 10/31/62 A4 2 5 2 9/21/61 9/21/61 9/21/61 9/21/61 9/21/61 9/21/61 9/-22/-61 10/-10/61 10/10/-61 10/ 10/-61 10/-11/61 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 7 7 7 2 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al 1 BB B8 B8 Bl DATE LR pelice arrest 2 fer sounding false fire alarm LR City Bd appreves standing reward en false alarms State has 13 stared hospitals around state Eudora offers te dig holes for fallout shelters Fallout shelter sales in LR is slew Ten schools in Ark have radiation fallout shelters Money sought fer politicians ' bomb shelters Gaz ette questions size ef fallout shelter at Huntsville LR plans mobile radio net far nuclear attack Many fallout shelter owners prepared te repel neighbors Fallout shelter plan at LR called inadequate Little Reck scheel admrs told shelter plans needed Fallout shelters at Winthrop Rockefeller home studied Community falleut shelter being built in suburban LR Fallout shelter building booming in Ark Plans fer bembpreef state shelter at LR abandoned Survey to locate suitable fallout shelters in state Plans for shelters at 3 Little Rock s chools cancelled Survey to mark fallout facilities throughout state SW Ark counties to locate workable community fallout shelters Army Engineers select 375 bldgs in Pulaski as fallout shelter Newport in uprear after police seized Civil Defense guns State offers medical sel f-help course ef A-attack survival Civil Defense plan fer LR scheel s to be tested Caves, dams in Oz arks could be used as fallout shelters Schools go through civil defense drills Little Reck sounds air raid w arning sirens weekly LR City Mgr Bd names members te serve if needed in attack Basement ef new Federal Office Bldg in LR is fallout shelter Many areas in Ark will be shelterless if attack Wheat wafers and water te be fallout shelter fare Rule at public shelters te be first come, first served Stewart K Presser named Civil Defense directer fer Ark Bids awarded en massive fallout shelter at Huntsville LR has 47 buildings ready to serve as shelters Feed, medical kits arriving fer use in public shelters Two mines in Izard County could shelter 200,000 Little Reck has 135 , 3 89 shelter places Little Reck ' s City Hall fully equipped as a shelter Ark CD office beseiged with calls en nuclear war preparation Mere supplies moved te Civil Defense shelters CD rushes shelter procurement LR schools to held civil defense drill Arkansas caves called natural fallout shelters DISCALCED CARMELITE MONASTERY see Catholic Church DISCRIMINATION see Civil rights and discrimination DISEASE AND ILLNESS see Medicine and health DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 130 PAGE COL 2/ 5/61 Bl 2/ 7/61 A5 1 l 2/61 A2 8/16/61 Al 8/16/61 A8 8/20/61 Al6 8/24/61 Cll 8/26/61 A4 10-/ 5/61 A3 10/22/61 E3 10/27/61 Bl 11-/ 3-/61 A5 11/ 5/61 A20 1 1-/ 8/61 Bl4 11/18/61 A3 11/21/61 AlO 1 1/30/61 Cl8 12-/ 7/61 Bl 12/10/61 E3 l/ 7/62 AB 1/28/62 Al5 2/11-/62 Al 3/18/62 A4 3/29/62 Bl 4/ 1/62 A4 4/ 4/62 Bl 4/15-/62 E5 4/26/62 BlO 5/27/62 A14 1/ 2/62 Al 7/ 4/62 Bl 7/10/62 Al 8/ 2/62 A3 8/25/62 A3 9/ 6/62 Al 10/ 7/62 AlO 10/14/62 AlO 10/14/62 AlO 10/18/62 A3 10/24/62 Al 10/26/62 Al5 10/28/62 Al 1 0/28/62 A9 11/ 4/62 E4 2 l 5 6 2 7 1 2 1 l 5 4 4 2 5 5 4 8 5 5 l 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 4 4 5 4 1 2 1 1 4 6 4 1 4 2 1 DATE Papers denounce Ark Legis for rej ecting vote fer residents Ark was only state te turn dOW'n vete fer citizens DIVORCE see Marriage and divorce DIXON, EDGAR H see alse Middle South Utilities Inc DOBSON, JACK Debsen left established career te study medicine DODD. DAVID 0 see alse Civil War DODGE, JENNIE W Ex-Arkansan. civic l eader dies in New Yerk DOG RACING see also Race tracks Matinee racing at Seuthland te be allowed for first time Thomas A Griffin asks court to lift ban frem Southland track Thomas and George Griffin win right te return te track DOGS see Animals see Deg racing see Police see also Animals DOLLARWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Della:rway District DOLLS AND DOLL HOUSES see Museums DOLLS AND DOLLHOUSES see Teys and playthings DONAGHEY FOUNDATION see also Little Reck University DONHAM, TED E see also Geverner (Ark) see also Revenue Department (Ark) DOOLITTLE RAIDERS see alse Veterans DOOLITTLE. JIMMIE see alse Veterans DORSEY, ODELL see also Governor (Ark) DOUBLEDAY. ROBERT D Heads City Beautiful campaign in LR DOUGLAS . DAN M see alse Courts. Federal DOUGLAS. WILLIAM 0 see alse Rivers and lakes DOUGLAS-LOMASON CO United Aute Workers seeks unien at Marianna plant DOUTHIT. ANGIL M see alse Civil rights and discrimination DOVER see also Indians. American 131 PAGE COL 2/ 4/6 1 A2 4/ 2/61 E4 2 1 5/ 6/62 E4 l 1 1/22/61 BlO 5 6/21/61 Bl 9/ 7/62 Bl 11/15/62 A3 4 1 7 3/16/61 B 1 2 2 1/18/61 A3 6 DATE see also Weather and storms DOWELL, DUDLEY State native heads New York Life Inusurance Ce DOWNING, REX see also Music DOWNTOWN PRINTING CO see Gambling DOWNTOWNER MOTOR INN (Little Reck) see Hetels DOWSING Art ef ' water witching ' almost old as the hills DRAINAGE, Land see Rivers and lakes DRAMA see Theater and drama DRANE, JAMES F see also Catholic Church DRESBACH, GLENN WARD see also Books and writing DRIFTWOOD, JIMMIE see also Geverner (Ark) DRIVER EDUCATION see Automobiles and automobile drivers DROWNINGS see Swimming Mrs Evelyn Selveig Kehkes , author of j uvenile boeks , drewns Four fishermen drewn in Old River Lake near Arkansas City Dicus brothers drown in ditch near Paragould Catholic High Sr Burch V Raley drowns en class outing Garry Casey ef Wayten. drowns in pend Four children drewn in ditch near Marianna Yeuth drowns in river at LR; body net yet recovered Body of LR youth recovered frem Arkansas River Three 8-yr-old boys drawn in pool at Fort Smith Four drown in beating accident en Lake Hamilton Twe children drawn in stock pend near Cabot DRUGS AND DRUG TRADE see alse Contracts and purchasing. State Ark Pharmaceutical Assn cenv hears talk by Oren Harris Pharmaceutical Assn opposes Medicare Four physicians in Ark received drug Thalidomide Thalidomide taken by 1 1 0 persons in Arkansas Druggests teld te fellow law en prescription refills DRUNKEN AND RECKLESS DRIVING see Traffic accidents Vielatiens and safety DUELS AND DUELLING Nathaniel Barker, Robert D Holly engage in duel DUKE , PAUL 0 see also Little Reck Metropolitan area see alse Nerth Litte Reck Column traces career of NLR alderman 132 PAGE COL 5/17/62 Bl 5 7/29/62 E6 1 1/ 9/-61 3/12/61 4-/30/-61 5-/24/61 7 /24/61 8/ 8-/6 1 8/ 11/61 8/12/61 4/ 9/-62 5/ 6/62 8/ 5/62 5 6 1 4 2 1 2 4 5 7 5 5/23/62 5/24/62 7 /31/62 8/ 8/62 12/27/62 Al Al AB A2 A2 A6 A2 A7 Al Al A8 Bl AlO Al AlO 8 4 4 A2 4 4 4/ 6/61 Al 8 12/10/-61 A12 1 DATE Alderman wins slander suit filed ever deg dispute DUMAS see alse Reusing DUN & BRADSTREET INC see alse Robisnen, Dan DUNAWAY. HETTY JANE Conway native, creator ef Dunaway Gardens in Georgia. dies DUNCAN PARKING METER CO Harrison firm may provide meters fer all NYC DUNCAN, MAUDE see also News and news media DUNLAP• ALBERT see also News and news media DUNN, E F see alse Education - Pulaski County District DURHAM, CARROLL see alse Secretary of State (Ark) DURIAN, BEN see also Culture and the arts DURO-TEST CORP Light bulb firm considers plant in Little Reck DURST. DAV ID see also Culture and the arts DURST, MARY MARGARET Letter te editer en segregated Easter program DUTCH ELM DISEASE see Trees and shrubs DUTCH MILLS see alse History (Ark) DWIGHT MISSION see History (Ark) DYNAMITE Three men inj ured in blast near Tuckerman DYSENTERY see Medicine and health EAGLES see Wildlife EARNHART• MILT see also Communism EARTHQUAKES Earth tremer felt at Fayetteville and Northeast Ark Excerpts f rem centemperary accounts of New Madrid earthquake New Madrid quake was state ' s worst disaster EASTER Description of Easter observance in the eld days EASTERN STAR, Order ef Arkansas Chapter names officers at 86th annual meeting Officers installed at 87th sessien of state OES EBERT, RICHARD V see alse Civil rights and discriminatien ECHOLS. ROBERT M 133 PAGE COL 10/17/62 BlO 1 12/13/61 Bll 5 6/24/62 All 1 12/ 3/61 Al 5 3/25/62 E2 3 6/26/62 A2 3 2/ 3/62 B3 3/11/62 E5 3/ 11/-62 E5 8 2 2 4/ 2/61 E2 1 12/ 9/61 A2 12/ 8/62 P:3 4 4 DATE PAGE COL see also Forests and forestry ECONOMIC CONDITIONS AND TRENDS 1/- 15/61 Fl Annual progress report en Ark economy 4/18/61 Bl Newport ' s grewth aided by manufacturing Manufacturing income exceeds agriculture in Arkansas 9/24/61 Al 9/27/61 A4 Manufacturing replaces agri as largets single income source Jeb total in state registers increase 9/29/61 B12 Factery payrolls listed (by county) 10/2Z/61 A3 12/12/61 B9 Statistics en employment and income Retail sales sets new high ( listed by county ) 8/19/62 AB 9/ 2/62 D3 Statistics en economic state ef Arkansas 11/22/62 Bl State made gains in several areas. report says ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT see also Gevernm.ent bends and investments see also Rivers and lakes see also Shumnaker Naval Ammunition Depot 1/ 1/61 BlO 1960 was record year for gaining new j obs in state 1/ 4/61 Bl More tax breaks will net help lure indus. Chas F Smith says 1/ 4/61 Bl New tax favors to lure industry called unlikely this year 1/ 8/61 A4 Schools, industries called key to Little Rock growth 1/2[}/61 A3 Gov Faubus. AIDC take opposite stands en tax lures fer indus 1/20/61 BB Lack of large site cost NLR a new industry 1/22/61 ES AIDC fretting ever relations with Gov Orval Faubus 1/24/61 Bl Gov Orval Faubus says he is not at odds with AIDC 1/31/61 B7 Mar-Bax Shirt Co case tests val idity of Act 2 (1960) Marien and Baxter County j ointly financed Mar-Bax under Act 2 1/31/61 B7 1/31/61 B7 Opponents ef Mar-Bax financing raise several points in court 2/ 5/61 Al Joint financing of Mar-Bax Shirt Ce upheld by court Legis passes bill allowing local govts to issue revenue bends 2/ 5/61 Al4 2/18/61 A5 Funds bill gives Governor say in hiring AIDC experts 2/25/61 Al Little Reck gets its first maj or plant since 1957 2/25/61 A4 A large new industry after long dreuth (ed en LR industry) 2/26/61 ES AIDC ponders depressed area aid implications fer Ark 3/11/61 Al Act 9 ( 1960) is effective industry lure other states envy 4/16/61 Al UA trying te get Arkansans te talk about state ' s problems 4/22/61 BB Russellville raises funds in drive fer industrial grO"#lth 4/29/61 A7 Twe industries te locate at Springdale 4/30/61 Cl2 Arkansas Future series to draw 5 0 . 000 participants 5/ 3/61 A2 Pat Caviness te leave AIDC for federal j eb 5/ 3/61 A3 Winthrop Rockefeller urges state to great ecenemic efforts 5/ 5/61 BlO Clean water in quanity may aid Ark in search fer industry Group in Marien and Baxter County file brief en Mar-Bax bonds 5/13/61 A5 5/14/61 A3 Future ef Arkansas discussed at meeting at LR 5-/16-/61 Bl Arguments en Mar-Bax financing presented te Ark Supreme Ct 5-/16/61 Bl Ark Supreme Ct asked te clarify j oint financing of industry 5/21/61 A2 Wayne L Besecker j oins staff of AIDC staff 5/28/61 Al4 Industrial bends tep $39 million 5/28/61 E5 AIDC Comtnissieners turn their checks back te AIDC Foundation 5/30/61 Bl Ark Supreme Ct rules 2-ceunty financing fer factory valid 6/17/61 A3 AIDC wants te handle all state planning Federal . state govt agencies discuss Area Redevelopment Act 7/12/61 BB 134 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 l 5 8 1 7 7 1 l 1 1 7 1 l 1 6 1 4 4 l 1 7 2 1 4 2 2 5 1 5 1 2 2 5 1 3 7 7 1 DATE State lands 8 . 5 1 1 j obs Little Reck getting first big plant in feur long years Gassville is first te get Area Redevelopment Act aid Aid to Gassville reuses anger ef US Rep Rebert P Griffin Federal aid fer Gassville defended by J W Trimble Gassville ' breaks ' really new ground (ed) Gassville called key in JFK ' s campaign against peverty GOP lashes at Gassville grant as union buster AIDC certifies Lonoke as prepared for industrial development First Arkansas Development Finance Cerp aids indus growth Madison County ' s plan wins ARA approval Little Reck trying te land federal water pollution laboratory AIDC takes l eek at best use fer state ' s raw materials AFLCIO head Geerge H Ellisen takes W P Rock te task en wages Gassville ' s grant fer factory touched off widespread talk AIDC wins cut in freight rate fer steel shipped by rail Tax experts disagree en tax lures ta attract industry Business comm.unity in uprear ever remarks ef E Harris Laber leader E Harris derides quality ef new plants Repr Gayle E Windsor Jr butted heads with Themas E Harris Arkansas asked te j oin 9-state pact te secure industry A call fer a new regienal alliance Winthrop Rockefeller werks fer in-state precessing of agri AIDC seeking ways te help ailing industries LR Chamber asks native sens to epen firms in Arkansas St Louis j udge erders twe firms te return te Missouri William P Reck concerned by order fer plants te return te Me William P Reck speaks as AIDC directer Gov Faubus calls j udge ' s erder en factories ' far-fetched ' State may enter case ef f acteries ordered te return te Me Tightening restrictions on idustrial movement (ed) Gov Faubus backs indust develp amdt by Rep Jack Oakes AIDC conducting industrial preparedness pregram around state Annual progress report f rem around state List of new plants announced fer Ark during past year Fart Smith J r Coll trains workers fer industry Arkansas Industrial Policy Comm organiz ed by businessmen Northwest Ark net represented en Industrial Development Camm Availability of gas tags state as site fer big industries AIDC says decentraliz ing ef industry is slewFADFC is a broad-based capital credit "bank" FADFC meeting attracts tap l eaders in politics. finance FDAFC has l arge role in economic development Rebert McCord urges county-wide effort fer Pulaski County NE Ark group bidding fer industry through organiz ation Metroplan gives report on sites fer Pulaski County industry Six east Ark counties te ferm economic development assn C ef C wants Rep in Capital to secure defense contracts Osceola develops plan te wee. win worthy industries Tax benefits to attract industry to be discussed by AIDC Attracting new industry and setting tax rates (ed) 135 7/-15/61 7 / 1 9/61 7/25/61 7/27/61 7/28/61 7/28/61 7/29/61 8/10/61 8/17/61 8/26/61 8/3 1/61 10/ 1/61 10/-10/-61 10/-18/- 61 10/29/-61 11/ 4/61 11/ 8/61 11/12/61 11/12/61 11/12/61 11/22/61 11/24/-61 l Z/- 1/61 12/ 9/61 12/24/-61 1/ 3/62 1/ 3/62 1/ 3/62 1/ 4/6 2 1/ 4/6 2 1/ 4/6 2 1/13/62 1/17/62 1/21/62 1/-21/62 2/ 7/62 2/ 7/62 2/ 9/62 2/11/62 2/18/62 3/ 9/62 3/ 9/62 3/- 9/62 4/ 4/62 4/19/62 4/22/ 6 2 5/ 4/62 5/ 6/62 5/13/62 5/-15/-62 5/16/62 PAGE COL Al A4 Bl Al A3 A4 Al Bl A2 B4 Bl Al B7 Bl Cl Al Bl Cl Cl Cl Bl A4 Bl A7 Al Bl Bl Bl A2 A2 A4 A2 Bl Fl F2 Bl Bl Bl Cl E3 Bl2 Bl2 Bl2 Bl6 Bl Al4 A7 Al6 Cl Bl A4 7 1 2 5 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 8 1 3 7 1 1 1 8 1 8 6 4 2 2 2 5 5 1 3 2 1 1 2 8 8 1 1 1 1 l 1 7 1 1 7 2 5 1 DATE Tax break for lecal industries discussed by AIDC Osceela cheesey about plants coming te area Industrial climate in Ark ideal, Cass S Hough says Highly skilled j ebs net opening up (ed) NLR Chamber ef Cemmerce gears up to premete industrializ ation Sid McMath encourages recruitment of higher paying industries State hopes to lure defense industries te Ark City spirit. potential brings plants te Fort Smith Vecatienal educators back ARA training programs Federal judge voids his order fer 2 plants te return to Me Lack ef applicants may cest Leneke a large factory Sufficient workers found fer Leneke plant Legislators angry with AIDC Chmn Winthrop Reckefeller William P Reck te leave AIDC executive directer j eb AIDC still needs Winthrop Rockefeller (ed) Editorials urge keeping Winthrop Rockefeller as AIDC chief River work could include state in space program Arkansas moves ahead en proj ects te spur ecenemy Ark had a geed year with industrial grewth, C ef C reports EDEN ISLE Resort and hem.esites being developed at Greers Ferry Lake EDENS, ARNOLD E see alse Stocks and bends EDMONDSON. LOCKE F see also Inventions and inventors EDRINGTON. MABEL F see also Beeks and writing EDUCATION Nate: Subdivisions by dist fellow subdivisions by subj ect see also Children and youth see also Communism see alse Education Asseciatien. Arkansas see also History (Ark) see also Teachers Asseciatien. Arkansas see also Traffic. accidents violations and safety Judge changes mind, rules teachers net state empleyees AEA holding meeting en accomplishments of General Assembly Seme legislators irked by AEA meetings en session ' s work Seme classrooms evercrewded. ethers have sparse attendance Indebtedness by districts at record high Arkansas Comm fer the Public Schools seeks impreved education Joshua K Shepherd is l eader in imprevem.ent efforts Arkansas Cemmittee decides vigorous action needed Scheel needs under study by six groups Scheel forces. Gov Faubus offer three censtitutienal amdts AEA pol icy statement defends freedoms AEA Exec Secy Forrest Rozzell flays Faubus adm Forrest Rozzell urges teachers to get involved in politics Gazette lists governors with better records than Faubus League of Women Voters opposes amdt on race mixing in schools AEA president-elect is Amy Jean Greene 136 5/17/-62 5/20/-62 5/24/-62 6/ 2/-62 6/ 6/-62 6/ 8/62 6/14/62 6/-20/-62 8/22/62 10/18/62 10/27 /-62 1 1/ 2/62 1 1/-10/62 1 1/-10/62 1 1/12/62 1 1/-18/-62 1 2/ 6/62 12/16/-62 1 2/23/62 PAGE COL Bl E3 A3 7 1 3 1 1 4 8 2 5 6 4 7 3 3 1 2 4 5 6 6/25/-61 Cl 1 1/ 8/61 4/-23/61 4/23/61 4/30/61 7/ 7/61 11/ 9/61 11/ 9/61 11/11/-61 1/16/62 3/ 4/62 3/11/62 3/18/62 3/18/-62 3/24/62 4/ 3/62 4-/ 8/62 A12 E3 A7 A4 B9 Al Bl Bl Bl Al A2 A3 Al Al A4 E3 A9 ES E5 AB Bl A9 A9 A7 B8 Al A4 Al Al A4 AB A16 1 1 1 2 8 6 6 1 8 2 7 2 2 2 6 7 DATE PAGE COL State PTA Congress epens 3-day sessien this week K3 .AEA has plenty of signatures fer ballet proposals in Nevember A2 E4 A4 A6 Bl Bl Al Al 4/15/62 5/27/62 Arkansas faces a shortage of teachers 5/27/62 Gaz ette advises voters te think carefully about AEA proposals 5/29/62 AEA files petitions fer vete en education measures 6/21/62 Arkansas te have 1 6 , 000 teachers next fall 7/ 6/62 Smal ler rural schools face teacher shortage 8/24/62 AF.A will push guaranteed fund act despite ALC opposition 9/16/62 9/22/62 Forrest Rozzell says Act 1 push en funding net slowed Number ef dists in Ark shews sharp decl ine 9/25/62 Forrest Rozzell says fees of Act 1 tipped hand en money plans 10/17/62 .AEA convention will draw 8 , 000 teachers te LR 10/2B/62 AF.A Council en Educ meets, approves legislation 12/16/62 Gov Faubus , AEA leaders meet, come out smiling 12/21/62 12/22/62 Faubus and the AF.A seek a concil iation (ed) EDUCATION - Accreditation and Standards 2/16/61 Ark ranks second frem last in latest NEA l isting EDUCATION - Administration and Management see alse Education - Cadde District see also Education - Conway District see also Education - DeWitt District see alse Education - Fort Smith District see also Education - Little Reck District see alse Educatien - Nerth Little Reck District see also Education - Pulaski Ceunty District Beene Ceunty drops pest of county school supervisor 5-/ 5/61 Alex H Washburn wants county sueerviser posts abolished 1 1/12/61 Supts in Hempstead Ce want county supervisor pest kept 1 1/18/61 Alex H Washburn begins drive te abolish pest ef co supervisor 1 2/ 8/61 9/30/-62 County school supervisor j ebs sl ewly fading from scene Candidates filing fer school board pests in LR Dist 11/10/62 1 2/ 5/62 Results of school elections around state 12/ 6/62 All Negro candidates fer beard seats defeated Negro wen school beard pest in Jefferson County 12/ 7/62 12/ 9/62 Results ef elections around state en bends, millage rates 12/29/62 Elections in twe Conway County scheel dists challenged EDUCATION - Admission Requirements 2/ 1/61 Senate approves age six as minimun to enter school 2/ 7/61 New law requires child te be 6 yrs old to enter school EDUCATION - Awards and Honers see alse Education - Little Reck Disrict 4/30/61 High Scheel Press Assn awards announced Simms McClintock ene of 10 named fer Natl Teacher ef the Year 1 2/20/62 EDUCATION - Calendars and Schedules see alse Education - Little Reck EDUCATION - Censorship see also Education - Pulaski County District 6/ 2/61 Letters hit Gazette fer stand en censorship in schools EDUCATION - Civil Rights see also Education - Dollarway District see also Education - Fort Smith District 137 Bl A A9 Al A4 1 1 2 2 4 8 5 2 6 1 5 1 1 4 1 Bl 3 Bll AB BS Bl A6 Al Al5 A2 5 3 2 8 1 4 1 5 4 1 7 A6 Bl 3 8 A4 Bl 7 2 A4 3 K3 K3 A2 A2 DATE see also Educatien - Gesnell District see alse Educatien - Hat Springs District see alse Educatien - Little Reck District see alse Educatien - North Little Reck District see alse Education - Pine Bluff see alse Educatien - Private see alse Education - Pulaski County District Faubus request fer funds fer le' gal aid te dists (ed) Wemen ' s Emergency Committee attacks two Faubus prepesals Gov Faubus signs bill voiding beard recall law ef 1 95 8 Arkansas te j oin Louisiana in scheel desegregation brief Negroes attend mixed classes in ten districts Proposed amdt would allow students te leave integrated school Eleven scheel districts te be integrated by 225 Negroes Integrated schools in Ark enroll 249 Negroes Arndt 5 1 may kill pupil assignment act. AF.A atty says Proposed Amdt 5 1 would net force integrated schools Why Amdt 51 is worse than worthless (ed) Proposed Amdt 51 defeated by voters EDUCATION - Consolidatien see also Education - Ash Flat District see also Education - Bodcaw District see also Education - Cale District see also Educatien - Cherry Valley District see also Education - Gill District see also Education - Hardy District see also Education - Keiser District see alse Education - Laneburg District see also Education - Little Reck District see alse Education - Nerth Little Rock District see also Educatien - Osceola District see al so Education - Starr District see also Education - Waldron District see also Educatien - Willisville District see alse Education - Wilsen District Gev Faubus apposes cempulsery school consolidation Can censelidatien be left te districts? (ed) Apparent apathy te scheel redistricting (ed) Mrs Kenneth Starnes attacks annexation view ef Gazette The clear achievements in school redistricting (ed) Legislatien te speed s chool mergers urged by Marvin Melton Censolidatien need (ed en Marvin Melton ' s statement) Arkansas cuts its districts te 418 Voluntary conselidatien difficult to achieve (ed) Consolidation issue rising again in Ark Article examines arguments fer consolidation of dists Consolidation bill may be befere 1963 Legislature The Faubus opportunity en school canselidatien (ed) Gov Faubus eppeses compul sory consolidation fer any reasen Faubus en censelidation (ed) Forrest Rozzell urges school consolidation. teacher raises 138 1/-13/-61 2/ 3/61 2/- �/61 5/18/61 9/24/61 4/- 3/62 8/30/62 9/30/-62 10/17/62 10/-17/62 10/18/62 1 1/27/62 1/13/61 1/14/61 2/21/61 3/16-/-61 3/22-/-61 5/19/61 5/21/61 10/-2�/61 2/ 9/62 4/ 6/-62 10/ 7/62 10/20/62 10/21/62 10/23-/-62 10/26/62 1 1/ 1/62 PAGE COL A4 A12 Bl A2 A2 Af3 A6 All Bl Bl A4 Bl A2 A4 A4 E4 A4 Bl E4 El A4 A4 El A2 E2 A9 A6 Bl 3 4 8 7 l 6 1 1 2 2 1 5 2 1 1 3 1 5 2 1 1 6 1 3 1 7 1 8 DATE Selling consolidatien (ed) New approach te censelidatien may be in the making State penal izes districts that consolidate State Educ Commr A W Ferd is neutral en censelidatien Arch W Ferd takes cue from Gev Faubus en censelidatien (eel) Children pay fer the state' s consolidatien lag. column says Nevada County : a case study in censolidatien EDUCATION - Contracts and Purchasing see Education - Administration and management EDUCATION - Cooperative Proj ects House passes bill al.lawing school-sharing of services Legis appreves plan fer dists to share resources Gov Faubus signs bill al.lowing dists te share facilities EDUCATION - County Supervisors see Education - Administration and management EDUCATION - Curriculum and Teaching Methods see also Education - Arkadelphia District see Education - Little Reck District see also Education - North Little Reck District see alse Education - Timbe District House appropriates funds fer driver education courses ALC te study mandatory lessens in communism Why ' Americanism ' (ed en call fer teaching about communism) The pandora ' s be:x ef anti-cemmunism (ed) Lennie Etheridge lr on teaching communism in the schools Arch W Ferd says state needs no crash program en communism Ferd ' s seund advice (ed en statement en teaching communism) Arch Ferd supports stripping frills from phys educ programs The vigilantes (ed en demand fer anti-communism classes) Educators should shape curriculum, Gazette says Ark Legislative Council approves study en communism education Legis panel favers leaving curriculum matters te educators Mrs Alfred Lippman complains te ALC about textbook in use Educatien Committee (ALC) gives cause for pride (ed) Editorial chides Mrs Alfred P Lippman Jr en criticism ef book Gov Faubus agrees with ALC approach te teaching communism Mrs Alfred Lippman Jr writes en appearance befere ALC Life Line speaker at LR urges mere teaching en cemmunism Peucher ' s approach (ed) ALC te hear twe plans en teaching communism ALC told teachers must be free te teach controversial subj ect State has 2 men en natl panel on study of communism Forrest Rozzell writes en place of dissent in freedom Conference en teaching language sponsored by AEA Council formed te premete econemic study in schools Survey being done en heritage studies in schools Foreign language classes shew steady gr01Yth Economics teaching plan outlined fer state educators Article en method of teaching math te young children Helen Terry Marshall deplores level ef art educ in Ark Report reveals curriculum lack in smaller scheel dists 139 11/ 2/62 11/18/62 11/25/-62 1 1/28/-62 12/ 2/-62 12/ 2/62 12/ 9/62 PAGE COL A4 E3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/20/61 Al 1/27/-61 Bl 2/ 3/61 A6 1 8 4 2/24/-61 7/15/61 7/16/61 7/18/-61 7/20/61 8/12/61 8/14/61 8/20/-61 9/14/61 10/29/61 11/ 7/61 11/ 7 /61 1 1/ 7 /61 1 1/ 8/61 11/10/61 1 1/10/-61 11/14/-61 11/14/61 11/16/61 11/ 1�/ 6 1 11/26/61 12/ 8/61 12/11/61 1/31/62 2/28/62 3/ 3/62 3/ 4/ 62 4/17/62 10/ 7/62 11/ 2/62 12/ 'U62 E3 E3 A2 E3 E3 Al A2 E4 A4 A4 A7 A4 E5 A4 E2 Al Al Al A4 A4 Bl A4 A6 A4 A3 A3 Bl A4 Bl A6 A3 ES Bl A9 Bl E3 5 6 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 8 3 3 1 7 7 6 3 5 3 7 2 3 1 3 l DATE PAGE COL EDUCATION - Discipline and Safety Preblems see alse Educatien - Bismarck District see also Education - Nerth Little Reck District see also Education - Pine Bluff District see also Education - Rogers District Carrell County PTA asks program te selve truancy problem 3/12/62 A7 Mother chgd with assault. stabbing ef bus driver 12/16/62 A3 EDUCATION - Drepeuts and Retentien Seven out of ten first graders in Ark fail te finish high sch 3/ 7/62 Al 3/ 8/62 A4 Reducing drepeut rate is critical . Gaz ette says Mere effort urged te halt drep-euts 4/18/62 A3 State faces big problem with school drep-euts 4/22/62 Al EDUCATION - Elections see Education - Administration and management EDUCATION - Facilities see also Education - Little Reck District see also Education - Menifee District see alse Education - North Little Reck District see also Education - Pulaski Ceunty District see also Education - Sheridan District 10/ 8/61 E3 Mere parents beginning to fret ever school frills 1/14/62 A4 Arkansas schools need 2. 696 additienal classrooms 5/20/62 A4 Education Dept helps schools make best use ef facilities 11/11/62 ES Scheel constructien faces dramatic changes EDUCATION - Faculty and Staff Discipline see also Education - Pulaski County District EDUCATION - Faculty and Staff D ismissal see alse Education - DeWitt District EDUCATION - Federal Aid see Education - Finance and budgets EDUCATION - Finance and Budgets see also Education - Benton District see alse Education - Jenesbore District see alse Education - Little Reck District see alse Education - Pulaski County District 1/22/61 A4 Cemmr A W Ford wants federal aid without federal control Catholic Bishop Albert Fletcher raps federal aid to education 2/21/61 Bl 3/ 9/61 Al Expenditures fer public schools and per pupil . 1 880- 1960 3/24/61 A3 Schools may get only half ef $10 million Legis appreved 3/27/61 Al State Beard of Educ adopts education budget fer 1961-62 5/19/61 Bl Arch W Ferd asks Congressmen te support federal aid bill 6/13/61 A2 State raises scheel budget by $1 million 6/14/61 Bl Arch Ferd says funds increased 10 pct annually fer 7 years 7/18/61 A5 Educ Cemmr Arch W Ford plugs fer federal aid bill 7/19/61 A2 Arch W Ford disappointed at failure of federal aid bill 7/19/61 Bl Education Dept te try te recover $2 . 5 9 2 . 000 in Omnibus Act 8/25/61 Al Gov Faubus says extra million found fer school budgets 8/26/61 Al Scheel forces begin drive in Legis fer mere funds 8/29/ 61 Al AEA sizes up state needs. gives its own priority list 8/30/61 Al Lieut Geiv Nathan Gorden rules 2 school bills net in call Ark Educ Assn te make study of diversion ef school funds 9/23/61 Al 140 1 5 5 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 7 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 7 DATE Fifty-three dists ask for millage raises Veters te decide en 46 bend issues; 60 millage increases Election results en bend issues. tax measures List of bend issues approved and rej ected by dist voters State doubles school budget over 10 years A defective approach te scheel financing (ed) Gev Faubus willing te negotiate school fund formula The illusory remedies in earmarked funds (ed) Cest per pupil in public school reaches $261 in Ark AF.A may use initiated act ta get set amt ef taxes fer educ AF.A Council vetes te fester guaranteed finance plan AF.A will try initiated act fer half ef revenues fer educ Defining the issues in earmarking fer schools (ed) Arch Ferd testifies fer federal school aid, minus strings 3 dists may lose federal aid when children go to base scheels Arch W Ferd stands his ground befere US House panel Constitutional amdt s prepared on school financing Arkansas PTA Congress supports federal aid te education Schoel surplus funds of $1 . 5 million forecast fer month ' s end Public school debt at record high Initiated Act 1 (earmarking educ funds ) will have opposition State Beard of Education may eppose earmarking funds State analyzes AEA preposal. sees difficulty State Educ Bd decl ines te take stand en earmarking tax funds Gov Faubus may be considering alternative to AEA finance plan Hew net to appropriate (ed en AF.A school funding plan) AF.A s choel fund prepesal has ne defenders en ALC Proposed s chool budget shews need fer Act 1 , F Rozzell says Higher education' s CCHEF questions AEA' s funding proposal Act 231 ( 196 1) earmarks certain local funds fer teacher pay Several school boards seek exemptien frem Act 231 ( 196 1) AF.A officers mail letters urging passage of Initiated Act l Joshua K Shepherd defends Initiated Act 1 previsions Legislative Council, Univ ef Ark trustees eppese Act 1 Gov Faubus calls Initiated Act 1 'wrong ' Scheel tax increases sought by 5 8 districts Joshua K Shepherd attacks fees of Initiated Act 1 Proponents of Initiated Act 1 point te other earmarked funds AF.A urges teachers to push fer adeptien of Initiated Act 1 Higher Educ Dept votes against Act l Joshua K Shepherd attacks logic of college greup on Act 1 Initiated Act l defeated School finances up to Governor. Legislature Defeat ef proposals does net lessen need fer meney (ed) Iniated Act l on dedicated taxes fer educ defeated at pol ls Local dists to pay higher interest en bonds. E F Dunn says Sixty diets te vote on bend issues EDUCATION - Fires see also Education - Alma District see also Education - Cherry Valley District see also Education - Jessieville District 141 10/-17/-61 12/ 3/61 12/ 6/61 12/ 7/-61 12/17/61 3/ 6/62 3/ 6/62 3/ 7/-62 3/ 9/-62 3/ 10/62 3/11/62 3/25/-62 3/-27/62 3/29/62 3/31/62 4/ 8/62 4/11/-62 4/-18/-62 7/12/62 8/10/62 8/-17/-62 9/ 2/-62 9/-10/-62 9/-11/-62 9/12/62 9/12/62 9/15/-62 9/25/62 9/25/62 10/ 3/-62 10/ 3/-62 10/- 4/62 10/-14/62 10/-14/-62 10/-15/62 10/-16/-62 10/-21/62 11/- 1/-62 1 1/ 2/62 11/- 3/-62 1 1/ 4/62 1 1/- 7/-62 1 1/-18/-62 1 1/-18/62 1 1/27/-62 1 1/30/62 12/ 2/62 PAGE COL Bl Al A7 A2 Al A4 Bl A4 Bl Al Al Al A4 Bl A8 E5 Bl Bl Al Bl Al D3 Al Bl Al A4 Al Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Al A2 Al Bl Al AlO Bl A2 A2 Al A12 E2 Bl Al A23 2 2 4 l 5 1 4 1 8 5 4 4 1 8 1 5 6 5 3 8 2 1 2 2 6 2 4 2 8 8 8 8 6 1 4 2 2 1 2 4 4 7 4 1 5 4 1 DATE PAGE COL see alse Education - Little Reck District see alse Education - Norphlet District see also Education - Oark District see also Educatien - Timbe District EDUCATION - Feed Services Five scheels clean up kitchens after warnings from state 1 1/29/62 Al6 EDUCATION - Gifts see also Educatien - Gressett District see also Education - Fort Smith District EDUCATION - Kindergarten Kindergarten in public schools is goal ef state educators 6/18/61 ES Arch W Ferd says state must plan fer kindergarten 1 2/ 5/62 Bl EDUCATION - Private Catholic High at LR set te open spacious new facility 1/22/61 Al3 2/26/61 A3 Catholic High Scheel at LR to be dedicated Negro Catholic school at Pine Bluff to take whites 4/ 3/62 A2 EDUCATION - Religious Issues see also Children and youth U S Supreme Ct outlaws reading of official prayers in schools 6/26/62 Al U S Supreme Ct ruling may abrogate Ark statute on Bible 6/26/62 Al State politicians react to ruling en official school prayers 6/26/62 A2 Rev Braxton B Swayer urges letter campaign on ban on prayers 6/27/62 Bl Rul ing en prayers may net affect Bible reading in Ark schools 6/27/62 Bl 6/27/62 Bl State will ask rehearing en Supreme Ct ruling en prayer 6/29/62 Bl 8 Very Rev Charles A Higgins welcomes prayer ban in public sch 7/ 1/62 E3 State press comment s en U S Supreme Ct prayer ruling Ministers group in LR seeks to impeach Supreme Ct j ustices 7/ 3/62 A3 Rev M L Moser Jr leader in meve te impeach Supreme Ct 71 3/62 A3 7/ 8/62 E3 State ' s editers comment en Supreme Ct ruling en prayers Rev W O Vaught Jr enderses Supreme Ct ruling en prayer 7/11/62 Bl 8/21/62 A5 Drive en in Ark te impeach US Supreme Ct ever paryer ruling 8/27/62 A4 P L Oliver l r supperting separation ef church and state EDUCATION - Remedial and Special Jacksonville Convalescent Ctr te educate crippled children 3/19/-61 E5 Failure te help underachievers is weakners. Arch Ford says 1 2/ 3/61 Al3 4/ 1/62 E4 Children ' s Convalescent Center educates handicapped children EDUCATION - Reorganiz ation and Reform see also Education - Caraway District see alse Education - Hoxie District see also Education - Monette District see also Educatien - Vanndale District 1/15/61 Al Split-term school s dying eut in Arkansas 1/-15/-61 B7 Marvin Melton says state must improve schools 5/-31/61 Bl Divided terms still used by 3 0 dists fer 500 students 1/21/-62 E4 Educators ponder longer term fer schools . colleges 4/-20/62 Bll Arkansas still has 9 1 ene-roem schools EDUCATION - Retirement see also Housing Bill in Legis would add Social Security fer teachers 1/25/-61 B8 Gev Faubus wants state ' s share ef retirment pay cut to 5 pct 1/31/-61 Al Gev Faubus wants teachers placed under Social Security 1/31/-61 Al 142 4 1 2 1 1 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 4 1 4 6 5 1 5 4 4 4 DATE Revised retirement plan for teachers appreved by legis panel Controversy over state funds fer teacher retirement continues Retirement System bills favored by teachers introduced State retirement centributien ef 5 pct favored by Faubus Gev Faubus slaps pension plan of teachers. hints at veto AEA rallying forces en teacher retirement issue Forrest Rezzell strikes back at Gev Faubus en retirement bill Gev Faubus sees possible truce en teacher retirement Senators advance AF.A pension bill proposal State share ef teacher retirement coming te shewdewn in Legis Editorial discusses teacher retirement controversy Gov Faubus mails his views en retirement to 1 5 . 000 teachers Teacher retirement issue coming to a head teday Winston G Chandler files taxpayer ' s suit ever retirement l aw Senate votes 33-1 fer retirement plan favored by AF.A Forces of Gev Faubus win Hause vote delay on teacher fund Gev Faubus declines to appear before House en educ bill House invites Forrest Rozzell to ceme expl ain ' his ' bill Rozzell instructed by AEA bd net te go te House mtg Rozzel l ' s failure te appear angers Faubus forces in House Bill in Senate weuld trim Teacher Retirement System rells Bill weuld drep 4 greups frem retirement system entirely Proposed bill weuld remove nan-teaching members ef ATRS Prepesed law would adversely affect AEA ' s Forrest Rozzell Gov Faubus explering compromise en Teacher Retirement bill Rep Paul Van Dalsem slews Teacher Retirement bill in House Faubus ' s compromise (ed) AEA strongly eppeses Faubus recommendation en retirement Tax diversion is real issue en retirement fund. teachers say Scheel forces fail to budge Faubus stand en retirement bill Delay ef Reuse vete en retirement bill seen as setback AEA leaders don ' t serve teachers ' best interest. Faubus says Grant County teachers send Faubus letter en retirement plan The Assembly ' s choice en teacher retirement (ed) Reuse palling teachers en retirement plan preferences Senate votes te keep Johnie Burnett in Teacher Retirement Faubus and the AF.A (ed) Sen Charles L George questions beth teacher retirement plans Gev Faubus revises retirement offer: teacher poll is off AEA rejects Faubus effer en teacher retirement bill Gov Faubus calls fer probe of Teacher Retirement System Editorial en refusal ef AEA t o surrender en retirment plans Beaten twice. Gev Faubus tackles teachers again AEA panel. Women ' s Emergency Comm eppese Faubus proposal Johnsen County Teachers Assn backs AF.A en retirement Teacher pension feud discussed Faubus shew'down with teachers due in Legislature today Teachers overwhelmingly vote fer �A teacher retirement plan House passes AEA t eacher retirement plan: defeats Faubus ' Repr Paul Van Dalsem threatens filibuster en retirement bills Compromise may call fer 2-yr delay in retirement law changes 143 PAGE COL 2/ 1/61 Al 2/ 4/6 1 A3 2l 8/61 Al 2/ 8/61 Al 2/ �/-6 1 Al 2/10/61 Al 2/10/61 Al 2/10/61 Al 2/10/61 Al 2/1 1/61 A3 2/13/61 A4 2/14/61 Bl 2/15/61 Al 2/15/61 Al 2/16/61 Al 2/16/61 A2 2/16/61 A2 2/16/61 A2 2/16/61 A2 2/16/61 A2 2/16/61 Bl 2/16/61 Bl 2/16/61 Bl 2/16/61 Bl 2/17/61 Al 2/17/61 Al 2/18/61 A4 2/19/61 Al 2/19/61 Al 2/21/61 Al 2/22/61 Al 2/22/61 Al 2/22/ 61 A3 2/22/61 A4 2/23/61 Al 2/23/61 A2 2/23 /61 A4 2/23/61 AB 2/24/61 Al 2/-25/61 Al 2/25/61 Al 2/25/61 A4 2/26/61 Al 2/26/61 A2 2/26/61 A2 2/26/61 A3 2/28/61 Al 2/28/61 A2 3/ 1/61 Al 3/ 1/61 A3 3/ 2/61 Al 6 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 7 1 4 2 2 2 l 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 8 8 2 2 2 5 5 6 1 1 6 2 2 1 8 7 7 l 4 1 1 l 3 1 8 1 6 DATE Faubus cracks whip . Hause appreves his teacher retirement Senate vetes commission to study teacher retirement system Gov Faubus says public awakened. eppeses AEA pensien plan AEA panel appears reluctant to deal with Gov Faubus The governor ' s blitzkrieg on teacher retirement Ced) Gov Faubus pushes his teacher retirement bill through Senate Gov Faubus sent Senate letter premising veto of AEA bill Summary of Senate debate on teacher retirement bill Legislature votes raise in pensions of retired teachers Senate puts emergency clause en teacher retirement bill Gov Faubus used full farces te beat AEA retirement plan Gov Faubus ' premises te teachers during primary (ed) Gov Faubus signs his teacher retirement. vetoes AEA versien Teachers may vote en Social Security participation this fall Forrest Rozzell says AEA made every effort to deal with Gev Public scheel teachers to vote en adding Social Security Teachers . vote fer Social Security participation AEA goal is te ger retirment system embedded in constitution Lawsuit en AEA inclusion in retirement system te be heard Winston Chandler challenged AEA inclusion in retirement plan Suit being heard on AEA membership in teacher retirement Arndt 53 en teacher retiremnt has backing ef A W Ford Amdt 53 has l audable geal , but bad public policy, ed says Forrest Rozzell berates Gev Faubus fer switch en Amdt 53 Gov Orval Faubus says he did net switch en Amdt 53 Amdt 53 trailing in late returns Def eat ef Arndt 53 blamed en AEA by Gev Orval E Faubus Voters defeat proposed amdt en Teacher Retirement System Proposed Arndt 5 1 protected students whe rej ect integration Proposed Amdt 53 (teacher retirement) defeated Teacher Retirement System sale ef bends blamed for high rates AEA panel asks Legis te pass legislation intended by Amdt 53 Teacher Retirement System financing can be settled, Bell says EDUCATION - Salaries, Benefits. Etc see also Education - Forrest City District see also Education - Hazen District see also Education - Little Reck District see also Education - North Little Reck District see also Education - Pulaski County District Teachers net el igible fer Workmen ' s Cempensatien under ruling Teachers ' premised funds cut $500 , 0 0 , Forrest Rezzell says Gov Faubus adds teacher pay raise to construction bill Teachers deg Education Department en raises Teachers being shortchanged en raises. Forrest Rozzell says Gev Orval Faubus replies to Forrest Rozzell with ' haw haw ' Teacher pay net funny , Forrest Rozzell repl ies te Faubus ALC refuses to pass recommendation for $2 million raise Forrest Roz zell scoffs at Gev Faubus ' premise en salaries Teachers pay pol itical tell, Forrest Rezzell says Faubus wording prevents Legis considering teacher bonus Eleven <lists ask okay en lewer teachers t pay 144 3/ 2/ 6 1 3/ 2/6 1 3/ 2/61 3/ 3/61 3/ 3/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 7/6 1 3/ 7/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 7/61 3/12/61 3/13/61 3/15/61 4/14/61 4/ 14/61 9/17/61 9/27 /61 11/ 3/61 1/21/62 1/21/62 1/24/62 10/21/62 1 1/ 1/62 1 1/ 5/62 11/ 6/62 11/ 7/62 11/ 8/62 1 1/ 1 4/62 1 1/27 /62 1 1/27 /62 11/30/62 1 2/ 2/62 12/ 8/62 1/ 8/61 1/12/61 3/ 7/61 3 / 1 9/61 5/ 7/61 5/ 9/61 5/10/61 8/12/61 8/15/61 8/15/61 8/23/61 9/ 8/61 PAGE COL Al A2 B2 Al A4 Al Al Al A2 A2 Al4 A4 Al Bl Bl A2 Bl Bl AlO AlO B9 Fl A4 Al A2 Al Al4 Bl Bl Bl Al A22 A3 A9 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 Bl 8 1 7 6 1 8 8 8 1 5 1 1 8 4 5 3 7 7 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 6 2 5 5 4 1 l 1 6 6 4 8 2 3 2 4 4 1 8 DATE Teachers ruled inel igible fer workmen ' s cempensatien State Educ Bd agrees te be lenient en teacher salary law NEA ranks Ark 49th in size ef teacher salaries Unexpected rise in revenue found: teachers to get bonus Cemm.r Arch W Ferd asks release ef extra million fer teachers Forrest Rozzell foresaw teacher bonus plan year in advance Bonus fund ef $1 millien passed en te school districts Gazette says funds withheld fer political purposes EDUCATION - Split terms see Education - Reorganiz ation and reform EDUCATION - Statistics Statistics en teachers in Ark schools Statistics en years ef service by Arkansas teachers Arch Ferd newsletter tells of advances in education State has gained 12, 6 83 children in last two years EDUCATION - Textbooks and Teaching Aids see also Education - Fayetteville District see also Education - Ola District Legis te study free textbooks fer high school students Free textbooks fer high schools would cost $2.5 million EDUCATION - Transportation State finds 372 school buses without heat Bill in Legis seeks increase in transportation aid Rep Paul Van Dalsem undees transportatien aid vete EDUCATION - Alma District Fire destreys Central Elementary at Alma EDUCATION - Arkadelphia Arkadelphia leases land fer forestry study proj ects EDUCATION - Ash Flat District Ash Flat and Hardy Dists may merge Hardy and Ash Flat voters approve merger ef districts EDUCATION - Benton District Benton dist facing financial crisis, official says Voters asked to approve 1 5-mill increase fer bldg program EDUCATION - Bismarck District Supt Rey Ray Watson accused of beating a student EDUCATION - Bedcaw District Bodcaw , Laneburg. Cale, Willisville Dists plan te merge EDUCATION - Caddo District Six indicted in Caddo Scheel District election EDUCATION - Cale District Bodcaw . Laneburg. Cale, Willisville plan to merge EDUCATION - Caraway District District seeks return to split terms Caraway did not have te submit split term issue fer vote EDUCATION - Cherry Valley District Cherry Valley rej ects consolidation with Wynne Dist Cherry Valley High School destroyed by fire EDUCATION - Civil Rights Faubus proposal would become part ef state constitution Gov Faubus seeks new measure te maintain school segregation 145 9/12/61 9/12/61 1/ 9/62 5/23/62 6/ 2/62 6/10/62 6/12/62 6/15/62 3/26/61 4/ 9/61 1 1/ 5/61 7/11/62 PAGE COL Bl Bl A6 Bl Al E3 Al A4 A3 AlO Al Bl 2 8 5 3 6 1 3 2 7 l 7 2 3-/11/62 A3 8/17/62 AB 1 l 1/ 4/61 Bl 1/25/61 Bl 2/15/61 Bl 8 4 5 2/13/62 A3 5 2/11/61 A6 8 3/16/61 A6 12/16/62 E3 1 1 1/21/61 AB 12/ 3/61 A9 2 5 1 1/ 3/61 A2 4 1 2/ 2-/62 AB 1 5/ 2/61 Bl2 6 12/ 2/62 AS 1 9/27/62 Bl 10/23/62 AB 8 1 5-/ 2/62 A2 12/13/62 Bl 4 2 1 / 1 1/61 Al 1/11/61 Al 8 8 DATE Faubus proposal already in state law in four different acts Reuse rej ects Faubus prepesal en school segregation Amdt prevides educ fer children refusing integrated s chools Gev Faubus proposed amdt en children refusing integration Sen passes amdt en children refusing integrated school s Gov Faubus favors dividing school plants along racial lines Gov Faubus says courts may make segregation amdt necesary Editorial critical ef Senate passage ef Faubus bill Entire Pulaski House delegation voted against Faubus measure Faubus proposal says ne child must attend integrated school House gives Faubus segregation prepesal spot en ballet Creating false hope (ed en Faubus ' segregation plan) EDUCATION - Conway District Hays Gibson rehired as superintendent of Conway District EDUCATION - Crossett District Crossett Cempany donates $157 . 000 te expand school EDUCATION - DeWitt District DeWitt Dist Bd action seen as aimed at Coach Sam Coek Dismissal of 4 DeWitt High Scheel teachers draws pretests DeWitt taxpayers group files suit against school beard Suit against DeWitt board alleges favoritism Suit alleges beard engages in illegal activities Supt Harold Bretherten, School Bd, named in taxpayer suit Buildings casting $350.000 dedicated Local businessmen testify they were net offered bids Court defines school suit issue: two charges dismissed Board president def ends purchasing procedures Voters elect directer who favors open competitive bidding Chancellor Dawson tells beard te alter business pol icy DeWitt Scheel Bd fires head f eetball coach Sam Cook Fired DeWitt Coach Sam Cook honored by about 100 residents EDUCATION - Dollarway District Dollarway Scheel Bd offers details en desegregation plan Dollarway Dist 1 s test plan unfair. Negroes charge Dellarway School desegregation case te be heard next month Dellarway Dist teld plan fer 2nd grade may need altering Judge J Smith Henley accepts Dellarway desegregation plan Both sides in Della:rway Dist case look for final settlement Dollarway Dist begins registering first graders under plan Negro bey seeks admission te Dolla:rway Elementary Second Negro registers te enter Dellarway Scheel next fall Dellarway Scheel Dist rej ects two Negro students Dellarway Scheel Dist asked te accept 4 Negroes Dollarway Scheel Bd hears Negroe s ' request fer transfer Beard assigns 2nd Negro te Dolla:rway school Negroes obj ect te pupil assignments fer 1 96 1 Court schedules hearing en desegregation case District ' s desegregation plan ineffective. Judge Henley says Judge J Smith Henly te hear testimony of 5 Negro students Atty calls number ef pupils peer gauge fer desegregation Desegregatien plan lags . Federal Judge J Smith Henley notes 146 PAGE COL Al Al Al A2 A2 A4 Al Al Al A4 2 7 8 8 8 1 1 1 8 8 8 l 1/12/62 A2 4 1 1/23/61 Bl 5 3/29/61 3/29/ 6 1 5/19/61 5/19/61 8/ 1/61 9/28/61 10/17/61 11/28/61 1 1/29/61 12/ 1/61 12/ 6/61 12/29/61 3/17/62 3/2CJ/62 Bl Bl Al Al Bl Bl Bl Bl A2 Al2 A7 Bl B2 B3 2 2 7 7 4 2 5 7 1 1 7 8 4 5 Al A3 3 6 2 l 5 1 1 1 6 2 1 5 5 3 3 1 3 7 7 1-/12/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 8/61 3/ 8/61 3/ 8/61 3/ 8/61 3/ 8/61 3/ 8/61 3/ 9/ 61 3-/ 9/61 3/ 9/61 3/11/61 3/12/61 4/ 1/61 4/15/61 5/ 6/61 5/13/61 5/14/61 5/29/61 5/30/61 5/31-/61 6/16/61 6/17/61 6/23/61 7 /16/61 7/22/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 5/61 8-/20/61 8-/22/61 8/26/61 A4 Al AS A9 Al AlO B5 Bl Bl Al A2 A8 A2 A2 Bl4 AS A9 Bl Al DATE Judge orders twe mere Negroes admitted to white schools Two Negre children may net be eligible te attend white scheel Mr and Mrs York were fired when they enrolled children Parents ef York children have net moved te Denver Scheel official says 4 Negroes can enrell Calm marks Negroes ' entry in Dellarway school Negroes to appeal Federal Judge Gordon Young ' s ruling Judge rej ects Dist request te transfer Negro bey to Negro sch George Heward will ask his daughter be meved to Dellarway Dellarway Scheel Bd delays decision en integration Dollarway Dist faces suit by George Heward Dellarway Scheel will net reconsider admitting Sarah Haward Desegregation ef Dellarway teacher staff asked by Heward George Heward asks ct to order daughter meved te Dollarway Dollarway Scheel Bd says teacher integration net relevant George Heward Jr cannot intervene in Dellarway staffing Negro students at Dellarway Elementary reduced to two Dellarway Dist may net need desegregation plan. j udge says Federal ct halds hearing on Sarah Hor.vard. Dellarway case George Haward Jr states his case in Dellarway Schoel case Dellarway School Dist asks year renewal ef school plan Dellarway School Bd ordered to admit S arah Heward. Negro Judge says Dellarway net making enough desegregation progress One Negro remains in Dellarway Elementary School EDUCATION - Fayetteville District Fayetteville may get closed-circuit TV system EDUCATION - Forrest City District Forrest City supt angered by promise of teacher bonus EDUCATION - Fort Smith District Fert Smith Schoel Bd wants grand jury probe of school s Fort Smith funds use to be probed by grand j ury Fort Smith plan te rebuild Negro school draws pretest Only 10 pct of eligible Fort Smith Negroes cheese integration Grand Jury probe at Ft Smith finds only Preston Rase guilty Suit cites pupil placement law in dispute ever child ' s meve Bids opened fer building of Southside High School Ed Louise Ballman donates funds fer classrooms at Ballman Fart Smith Dist feels pinch as population grewth spurts EDUCATION - Gill District Gill Scheel Dist consolidated with Marianna Scheel Dist EDUCATION - Gosnell District Blytheville AFB school setup hit by NAACP NAACP ' s L C Bates will take AFB compl aint to Justice Dept Negro students frem Blytheville AFB sent to Negro school Students £rem AFB should attend Gosnell schools . NAACP says Air Force says hands tied in Blytheville AFB school case Gosnell Dist enrolls twelve Negro students EDUCATION - Hardy District Hardy and Ash Flat voters approve merger ef dists EDUCATION - Harrisburg District New high scheel te be all-electric 147 8/26/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 3/61 9/ 3/61 9/ 5/ 61 9/ 6/61 9/23/-61 11/ 7/-61 6/- 6/62 6/27/62 7/18/62 8/ 9/62 8/18/62 8/18/62 8/25/-62 8/31/62 9/ 1/62 9/ 7/62 9/ 7/-62 9/14/62 9/15/-62 10/26/-62 10/-26/62 12/13/62 PAGE COL Al Bl Al Al A2 A2 A2 Bl Bl A24 A3 A12 Al2 Bl 7 7 2 2 5 1 4 l 1 6 6 4 7 7 3 1 6 7 7 4 3 1 1 3 6/-24/62 ClO 4 6/-16/62 A2 1 2/10/61 3/- 1/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 7/61 4/13/61 12/ 3/61 12-/21/61 12/28/61 9/ 9/62 AB A7 B9 Bl Al4 Al Al A3 AlO AS Bl Bl Bl Bl A2 A4 Bl Bl FlO 3 4 2 2 1 7 7 5 1 4/17/62 Bl 2 1/28/-62 1/28/-62 1/28/62 1/28/62 1/-31/62 9/ 6/62 Al Al Al Al Bl Bl 5 5 5 5 2 2 12/16/62 E3 l 10/-27/61 A3 4 DATE PAGE COL EDUCATION - Hazen District Hazen Scheel Bd labels AEA dictaterial 4/27/61 A6 4/27/61 A6 Haz en teachers will not be paid while attending AEA cenv 5/ 7/61 Al4 Hazen Schoel Bd often outspoken en controversial subj ects 5/ 7/61 A14 Hazen Scheel Bd sparked by Jerry J Screeten 5/ 7/61 A14 Haz en Scheel Board does battle with Arkansas Education Assn EDUCATION - Hot Springs District see also Children and youth Negroes seek admission to Hot Springs elementary school 8/31/62 AlO NAACP calls fer integration of Het Springs schools . hespital 12/17/62 B6 EDUCATION - Hexie District Hoxie Dist drops split terms 5/ 19/62 B9 Hoxie residents who favor split term threaten board recall 7 l 4/62 BlO 7/13/62 Bl Hoxie Dist will return to split term EDUCATION - Jessieville District Jessieville Dist gym destroyed by fire 2/18/61 A5 EDUCATION - Jonesboro District l/ 5/61 AB Jonesboro seeks to solve school financing preblems Jonesboro Dist may chg tuition to finish out school year l/ 7/61 A7 1/13/61 A2 Jenesbere citiz ens face problem ef funding fer 9-month terms 1/16/61 A4 Crisis in Jenesbere (ed en voter rej ection ef 1 2-mill rise) 1/21/61 A2 Jonesboro raises $4.284 in donations to keep scheels open 2/ 1/61 P3 Jenesbere PTA plans house-to-house canvass fer school funds 2/ 5/61 C4 Jonesbere receives $13 . 224 in drive to keep schools open 2/ 9/6 1 A2 Jonesboro PTA drive adds $9. 197 more te fund collectien 2/14/61 Bl Jenesboro drive fer donations te keep scheel epen nears end 2/22/ 61 Bl Jenesbere assured ef full scheel year as fund goal reached Jenesbere te seek 10-mill increase in taxes 4/ 6/-61 A6 EDUCATION - Keiser District Consol idation ef Keiser and Wilsen Dists rej ected by voters 2/ 7/62 Bl EDUCATION - Lake City District see alse Basketball EDUCATION - Laneburg District 12/ 2/62 A8 Bodcaw. Laneburg. Cale . Willisville plan to merge EDUCATION - Little Rock District see also Basketball 1/ 8/61 Al LR Schoel Bd faces multitude of serious problems 1/10/61 Bl Bombing convictions of Jesse R Perry, John T Coggins stands J R Perry. J T Coggins found guilty IN 1 95 9 Labor Day bombing 1/10/61 Bl 1/10/-61 Bl LR School Bd office, mayor ' s office, city car bombed in 1959 Atty fer E A Lauderdale Sr argues state evidence insufficient 1/17/-61 Bl2 E A Lauderdale chgd in 1959 dynamiting of LR Scheel Bd of fice 1/17/61 Bl2 1/27/61 Bl LR Dist Bd re-elects officers 2/- 2/61 Bl Jesse R Perry , Jehn T Coggins to enter prison today 2/14/61 Al E A Lauderdale Sr conviction in bombing case affirmed Ark Supreme Ct Justice Jim Johnsen dissents en E A Lauderdale 2/21/61 Bl 2/21/61 Bl E A Lauderdale Sr did net get fair trial , Jim Johnsen writes Annexation of area in west edge of LR Dist subj ect of talks 2/28/61 Al Jee T Robinson Schoel area te fight adding land to LR Dist 3/ 2/61 Cl3 High points of U S Appeals Ct ruling in LR Dist case 3/ 3/61 Al LR Dist using pupil assignment laws illegally. court rul es 3/ 3/61 Al 148 1 1 1 1 1 4 7 7 5 3 3 4 8 3 2 7 3 5 7 7 2 3 5 1 2 2 2 6 6 6 2 4 6 6 3 1 8 8 DATE Excerpts frem LR Dist case ruling by US Court of Appeals E A Lauderdale ' s lawyers ask rehearing in bombing case LR Dist beard disturbed by U S Appeals Court ruling Addressing problem in new scheel decision (ed en LR Dist) Ted Lamb assails his fellow LR Dist members en desegregation Three colleagues of Ted Lamb score his blast at LR Beard US Appeals Ct te study suits against Eugene G Smith estate Ark Supreme Ct upholds cenv ictien ef Macee A Binns Jr Macee A Binns J r convicted ef dynamiting Carletta Walls heme Ne vete will be held en merger ef Pulaski Dist with LR Dist Ark Supreme Ct reversal ef Macee A Binns Jr conviction (ed) LR Dist te convert Rightsell El ementary te school fer Negroes Kenneth Starnes blocks transfer ef 2 scheels te LR Dist Gazette says Pulaski Dist shoul d yield suburban scheols Meadewcliff and Brady scheel areas want te j ein LR Dist Pulaski Dist agrees fer LR ta annex twe scheels LR Dist te accept Meadowcliff and B rady Elementary Schools Ted Lamb criticizes LR Dist Bd record en Negro enrollment E A Lauderdale Sr going to prison next menth en bomb charges Brief history ef public education in LR Rightsell Schoel ence served s cions ef elite of Little Reck NAACP raps LR Dist shift ef Rightsell te Negro scheel Annexation of 2 areas te LR Dist will slaw merger pressure Gev Faubus asked to grant leniency fer E A Lauderdale Sr Ted Lamb says time fer LR te stand up te meral ebligatiens Negroes and whites pretest LR Dist plan fer Rightsell Scheel Whites fear property value drep if Rightsell Schoel changed LR Dist may integrate j unior highs this fall LR Dist Bd president Everett Tucker Jr comment s en ministers Kenneth Starns . Winston Chandler oppose ceding te LR Dist Pulaski Dist Bd formally cedes 2 areas te LR Dist Summary ef actions at LR Dist Bd meeting Editorial discusses differences among LR Scheel bd members Pine Bluff Commercial eppeses clemency fer E A Lauderdale Sr E A Lauderdale Sr begins serving prison term in bombing case Beth factions in LR Dist school fight claim victory Claim filed fer infermatien reward in Labor Day 1959 bombing Reward ef $25 . 000 in Labor Day bemb case delayed by suit Macee Binns J r may ge free en chg ef dynamiting Walls heme High court alters decision en Macee A B inns J r case New trial ordered fer Maceae A B inns J r in bombing case LR Dist studies program fer gifted children Appeals ct restores suits against Eugene G Smith estate LR Dist Bd hires 14 Negro teachers for Rightsell Elementary LR group pretesting Rightsell change asks dist-wide changes LR Chamber urges dismissal ef suit ever bomb case reward Judge Gordon E Yeung placed in charge ef LR desegregation Macee A Binns J r retrial delayed by race issue en j uries LR Police Dept rej ects share of Laber Day bombing reward fund LRSD change of Rightsell leaves big area without white school LR Dist 7th graders to undergo physical checkup 149 3/ 3/-61 3/ 3/61 3/- 4/61 3/ 4/61 3/- 5/61 3/ 7/61 3/10/61 3/14/61 3-/14/61 3/ 15-/61 3/15/61 3/16/61 3/16/61 3/18-/61 3/21/61 3/21/61 3/22/61 3/23/61 3/25/61 3/26/61 3/26/61 3/26/61 3/26/-61 3/28/61 3/29/61 3/30/61 3/30/61 3/-30/-61 3/30/-61 3/30/-61 3/30/-61 3/31/61 4/ 1/61 4/- 2/-61 4/- 4/61 4/- 6/61 4/ 8/61 4/15/61 4/23/61 4/25/61 4/-25/-61 4/28/61 4/28/61 4/29/ 61 5/ 2/61 5/ 2/-61 5-l 3/61 5/ 3/61 5/- 5/61 5/11/61 5/14/61 PAGE COL A2 A2 Al A4 Al Bl Bl Al Al A3 A4 Al A9 A4 Al Al Al A3 Al A14 A14 A2 A4 Bl Bl4 Al Al Al A3 Bl Bl Al2 A4 E4 Bl A2 Al A2 A5 Bl Bl A2 Bl Al Bl B12 A3 BS Bl Bl Al2 1 3 2 1 5 4 8 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 7 7 2 2 3 1 1 1 l l 1 5 5 7 3 7 7 l 1 6 7 1 5 3 l 7 1 1 4 3 5 1 1 3 5 2 4 DATE LR Scheel Bd still undecided en fall integratien plan About 2 . 000 sign pretest ef making Rightsell a Negro school LRSD class crowding f erced Rightsell cenversien decision Rightsell area residents still hope te persuade LRSD beard LRCC distributes reward money in bombing case. holds names Whites te give LRSD Bd petitions opposing Rightsell change LRSD bd plans te stick by plan on Rightsell Elemenatry Scheel LRSD bd silent en plans fer j unier high integration LRSD bd suddenly postpones action en Rightsell change LRSD t o begin desegregation in j unior highs this fall LRSD bd upholds plan to convert Rightsell to Negro school LRSD bd fulfilled obligation in Rightsell school case (ed) Group at LR to continue fight te keep Rightsell School white The Rightsell choice (ed) Wiley A Branton critical of LRSD bd en j r high integration Judge Garden E Yeung tells LRSD to explain pupil assignments LRSD pol icy on desegregation hurts Negees. Wiley Branton says LRSD bd actions point te slower integration plan Reassignment requested by 1 5 Negroes in LRSD Judge G Yeung turns down request the LRSD reassign Negrees LRSD Beard faces moral issues. Seuth ' s tradition Threat made on life ef LRSD Beard Chmn Ted Lamb Patrons plan suit te halt conversion of Rightsell Scheel Everett Tucker Jr expects calm in LRSD integratien this fall LR Schoel Bd te hear pleas for transfers Ten Negroes ask LRSD fer transfer to white schools LRSD ekays funds for werk at ' Old Gibbs ' fer overflew Three convicted in bombing of school offices seek freedom Meadewcliff and Brady areas transferred te LR District Greup renews plea not te convert Rightsell to Negro school Hall High sr John G Wilkes w ins army award fer experiments Floyd W Parsens chosen as superintendent Supt Terrell E Powell te return te Hall High as principal Fleyd W Parsens says teachers core ef a geed scheel system Gazette comments en selection ef Floyd W Parsens as supt Scheel Bd vetoes pleas ef 1 5 Negroes en assignments Beard kills elementary interscheel athletic program Beard rej ects plan fer grade school physical education Administration Building at 8th. Louisiana te be sold Capital City Business Cell makes high bid en Adm Bldg Old adm bldg sold te Capital City Business College Central High Student Council prepares fer school opening Supt Floyd W Parsons reports fer duty PTA te press fer physical education in grade scheel Hearing en Rightsell Elementary Scheel case ends Scheel Bd upheld in decision to convert Rightsell school NAACP lawyer argues 48 Negroes in white scheel s insuf ficient Citiz ens Councils predict Little Reck te resegregate Preperty owners te appeal Rightsell decision by court Parents in newly annexed area unhappy with decision Scheel Bd appreves budget ef $6 .7 millien 150 5/17/61 5/17/61 5/20/61 5/20/61 5/21/61 5/23/61 5/24/61 5/24/61 5/ 26-/-61 5/ 26-/-61 5/27/61 5/27/61 5/28/61 5/28-/-61 5/30/-61 6/ 1-/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 4/6 1 6/10/61 6/14/61 6/18-/61 6/18/61 6/20/61 6/27 /61 6/28/61 6/29/61 6/30/61 7/ 1/61 7 / 2/61 7/14/61 7/16/61 7/19/61 7/19/61 7/19/61 7/20/61 7/25/61 7/28/61 7/28/61 8/ 1/61 8/ 5/61 8/12/61 8/13/61 8/16/61 8/16/61 8/22/61 8/24/61 8/24/61 8/27/61 8/29/61 8/29/61 9/ 1/61 PAGE COL All All A4 A7 Al3 Bl2 Al5 AlS Al Al Al A4 Al2 E4 A3 A13 BB Al A3 Bl A3 A3 Bl Bl Bl Bl A2 Al A9 A2 Al2 Al Al Al A4 Al A3 A3 Bl B5 A2 El Bl Bl B4 A3 Bl A6 A6 Bl AlO 1 8 6 6 5 1 1 5 6 8 2 2 2 1 1 1 l 4 l 4 1 1 7 2 2 7 1 5 1 4 1 2 2 3 l 5 1 1 6 1 5 1 3 8 1 1 8 1 7 2 2 DATE Supt Floyd W Parsons outlines his scheel philosophy Wiley A B ranton attacks total number ef Negroes in white sch Amis Guthridge claims school bd vielates segregation law Integration quietly expands with 46 Negroes in 8 schools What school reopening means to Little Reck (ed) '!'we Negroes go back to Negre schools Federal ct appraves schoel bd ' s pupil assignment fer year Sound decision on pupil assignments (ed) Amis Gutheridge asks speedy trial in Eugene G Smith estate Suit against Eugene Smith estate grew out of desegregation Amis Guthridge satisfied beard complies with Act 7 E A Lauderdale Sr was convicted ef bombing School Dist office E A Lauderdale Sr ' s prison term reduced by Gav Orval Faubus Editorial en action of Gev Faubus in E A Lauderdale case Scorecard on bombers involved in Labor Day 1 95 9 violence Court affirms sentence of Odell Ments in bombing Walls home Women ' s Emergency Committee decides to continue work Administrative offices moved to East Side Junior High School Raise sought in school tax City atty asks dismissal ef suits against Eugene Smith estate Wiley A Branton will net appeal latest desegregatien ruling Terrell E Powell calls placement law desegregatien keystone Floyd W Parsens calls fer quick remedy ef low teacher pay Beard endorses proposed raise in teacher pay Gen Edwin A Walker receunts his actiens in LR Central case Ted Lamb files fer re-election te school board Ted Lamb led drive to get schools open in 1959 in LR Special course en communism opposed by Supt Fleyd W Parsons J H Cottrell J r te file fer election te school beard Gazette pleased that Lamb and Cottrell te seek beard seats Admr of Eugene G Smith estate seeks dismissal ef suit Dr James G Stuckey te oppose Ted Lamb fer board seat Chamber of Commerce te honer about 150 honor students Dr James G Stuckey says Dale Alford called him about running Dr Stuckey ' s silence en maj or school issues (ed) Charles C Walker notes that Horace Mann schalers not honored Floyd W Parsens would lengthen school year to gain depth Beyond the platitudes (ed en Floyd W Parsons adm) Technical High Scheel te operate at present site l mere year Fire damages 10 rooms at Gibbs Elemtary (Negro) Schoel Herbert Odell Ments sentenced fer bombing Carlotta Walls heme Residents of Rightsell Schoel area appeal te high court Letter j ackets to be awarded fer scholastic achievement Dr James G Stuckey calls Ted Lamb an extremist Ted Lamb 1 s service to the city schools (ed) Ted Lamb re-elected te school bdi tax raise appreved Campaign fer beard was free of eld defiance ef law ideas Ted Lamb carries all five wards in election New j unior high te be built at Barber and East 21st Scheel Board acts on several items en agenda Macee A Binns Jr chgd in 1960 bombing of Carletta Walls heme 151 9/ 1/61 9/ 1/61 9-/ 3/61 9/ 6/61 9/ 6/61 9/ 7/61 9/10/61 9/12/61 9/13/61 9/13/61 9/13-/61 9/14/61 9-/14/61 9/15-/61 9/15/-61 9-/19/-61 9/27/-61 9/30/61 10/ 4/61 10/24/61 10/25/6 1 10-/-25/ 61 10-/26/61 10/27 /-61 1 1/ 3/61 11/ 4/61 11/ 4/6 1 11/ 5-/-61 11/ 6/61 11/ 7/61 11/ 10/61 1 1/11/61 11/12/61 11/12/61 1 1/14/61 11/17-/61 1 1/21/61 1 1/22/ 61 1 1/25/61 11/29/61 l l/29/61 1 1/30/61 1 2/ 1/61 12/ 1/61 12/ 3/61 12/ 6/61 12/ 7/61 12/ 7/61 12/20/61 12/21/61 1/ 4/62 PAGE COL A8 Bl A5 Al A4 Cl3 Al A4 BlO BlO BlO Al Al A4 AB BS Bl A5 Al Bl2 Al Bl Bl Al Al Al Al A7 A2 A4 B13 Al Al A3 A4 A4 BlO A4 A5 A8 BlO Bl A6 BB E2 Al A4 Bl Bl Bl B6 7 6 2 3 l 2 2 1 1 1 2 6 6 l l l 8 2 6 6 7 5 2 2 6 7 7 5 2 2 5 5 2 l 1 3 7 2 3 2 2 3 2 6 l 3 1 2 4 8 3 DATE Macee Binns s Herbert Odell Ments chgd in Walls heme bembing Christine Poindexter ef CHS ene ef 10 best U S teachers Court denies bid te dismiss suits against Eugene G Smith Suits against Eugene G Smith were filed in 1959 Bayonet incident suit stemming from 1957 to be heard Rul ing on suits against the late Eugene G Smith appealed Libel suit filed by LR teachers during 1959 recall withdrawn LR Scheel B d concerned ever U S court desegregation rulings Rebert N Berry nurtures young scientists at Hall High School Conversion ef Rightsell (LR) te Negre school pretested Property owners say Rightsell change lowers property values Ark Supreme Ct upholds conversion of Rightsell te Negro sch LR Schoel Bd assigns 36 Negroes te six schools LR Schoel Dist desegregation shertln in statistics LR Scheel Dist te be sued te speed up integration pace Wiley A B ranton discusses planned suit against LR Schoel Dist LR Scheel Bd foll01r1ing natl law in geed faith. editorial says LR Dist desegregation pace defended by twe beard members Kenneth C Coffelt te remain atty fer B inns in bemb case LR Dist will place 1 feund ' money in general fund State ' s main w itness against Maceo A B inns J r is in prisen LR Dist gees te central ized buying to save meney Dam.age suit in bombing of Mayer Werner Kneop ' s office dropped Mayer Werner Knoop ' s office was bombed en Labor Day 1959 LR Dist begins year with 21 . 265 pupils Dr John A Harrell Jr is candidate for LR Dist Board Article shONs where money goes in LR Dist operations Pine Bluff students chgd in painting walls at Hall High Natl TV program. Redhook revisit LR Central High School Gev Faubus calls CB S-'IV piece en Central High ' propaganda ' LR Chamber of Commerce dinner cm.its Horace Mann seniors Everett Tucker . Dr M A Jackson seek LR Dist Beard seats LR Dist buying lets at 800 West Markham fer adm of fices Dr Louis E Tolbert Jr seeks LR Dist bd seat Wiley A Branton preparing suit in LR Scheel Dist case Nine suits against the late Eugene G Smith te be tried Suits against Eugene G Smith stem from Central High in 1957 Campaigning fer LR beard seats quiet LR Dist Bd explains reasons fer downtown site fer adm offices Businessmen rally te support Everett Tucker J r for LR bd Candidate Sara Murphy hits LR Dist adm bldg site choice Issues and candidates in LR school election (ed) Candidates fer LR beard seats w inding up campaigns LR Dist voters elect Everett Tucker J r . Dr J A Harrel Jr Gav Faubus restores rights of E A Lauderdale LR Dist candidate endorsed by segregationists loses LR Dist affected by westward growth of city Eugene G Smith estate suits consolidated. trial date set Consolidation of schools in Pulaski County urged LR Dist Bd elects officers Negro dissuaded frem j oining LR Dist s cheol band 152 1/ 4/62 1/26/62 2/10/62 2/10/62 2/14/62 3/ 1/62 3/20/62 4/22/62 4/22/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 1/62 5/15/62 5/23/62 5/24/62 5/24/62 5/24/62 5/25/62 5/25/62 5/31/62 6/16/62 6/21/62 8/17/62 8/23 / 62 8/23/62 9/ 5/62 9/ 8/62 10/ 7/62 10/12/62 10/25/62 1 0/26/62 1 1/ 7/62 11/11/62 1 1/13/62 1 1/ 14/62 11/15/62 11-/- 1 5/62 11/ 15/62 1 1/25/62 1 1/27/62 1 1/28/62 1 1/29/62 11/30/62 12/ 2/62 12/ 5/62 1 2/ 5/62 12/ 6/62 12/16/-62 1 2/-20/62 12/21/62 12/21/62 12/ 21/-62 PJ1.£E COL B6 Al B6 B6 B8 Bl A7 All A17 A2 A2 Bl Al Al Al Al A4 Bl Bl A2 BB Al3 ClO ClO A3 Al El A6 A12 A15 Bl A4 Bl Al Al2 A3 A3 A9 B3 A4 Bl A6 Al7 Al Bl AfJ AlO B7 Al A15 Al5 3 4 1 l 2 4 l 2 2 1 l 8 8 3 3 3 2 2 6 1 l 2 l 1 l 3 l 4 l 4 8 l 8 3 1 3 3 l 7 3 8 1 l 8 2 2 1 7 5 1 6 DATE Negrees j ein LR Dist school clubs. Wiley A B ranton teld LR Dist Supt Floyd W Parsons explains overrun on bldg funds LR Dist building budget everspent by $805 , 000 Single scheol dist in Pulaski Co seems inevitable. Dunn says Race issue was present in school election at Little Reck J R Beeker school in LR Dist may remain all-Negro LR Dist names new school fer the late J R Booker. a Negro New junior high scheel in LR named fer J R Booker. a Negro Negroes evenly divided in voting for LR Dist Bd members EDUCATION - Magaz ine District J D Leftwich donated $12, 000 teward cest of new- high school New high school to be dedicated EDUCATION - Menifee District Menifee Dist bids opened fer school and underground shelter New high school will net be built underground as planned EDUCATION - Monette District Menette and Caraway Dists seek return te split terms EDUCATION - Morrilton District Grant recd to provide training fer retarded students EDUCATION - Newport District District Influx of migrant children taxes district budget EDUCATION - Norphlet District Gymnasium at Negro school burns EDUCATION - North Little Reck t:>l •.f.ri c.-t Arkansas Laymen Inc ask fer course in patriotism Scheel Bd rej ects Doyle Venable ' s plan on patriotism 12/21/62 12/23/62 12/23/62 12/23/62 12/23/62 12/28/62 1 2/28/62 12/28/62 12/30/62 PAGE COL Al5 A3 A3 A5 D3 A3 A3 A3 D3 6 4 4 l 1 6 6 6 1 10/15/61 All 10/15/-61 All 3 3 5/27/61 A2 11/-17/61 A8 3 4 9/27/62 Bl 8 7/ 6/61 B l 2 10/ 1/61 A13 5 12/ 5/62 A2 1 9/ 1/61 B16 9/15/61 Bl6 1 3 B18 Bll AlO A7 B16 A4 B9 Al l B14 A3 Al B18 A5 B6 All BlO Bl4 B14 Al6 Al C20 Bl6 1 1 3 l 3 2 l 1 4 1 7 4 1 2 l l 1 l 1 6 1 1 1 2/20/61 AlO 4 •' Ambey and Meadow Park may j ein NLR Dist Playground suit against Pulaski Dist settled fer $40 , 000 Arkansas Laymen protest NLR Dist use of 2 books in libraries NLR Dist te expand program for handicapped students School Bd to accept Amboy . Meadow Park into District Teaching the heritage (ed) Bend issue may be sought fer building fallout shelters Schoel Bd kills campaign te step students driving to schoel Dr Harvey T Brewn files fer . seat held by Branch T Fields Issues in school election District faces desegregation lawsuit NLR Dist teachers will net get bonus. Supt F B Wright says NLR teachers te receive extra $45 ; Wright says pay . not bonus NLR High Scheel class of 1 93 2 holds reunion Biographical sketch of NLR Supt F B Wright NLR Dist te annex Indian Hills Subdivisien Group of patrons in NLR pick three-man slate of directors NLR candidate challenges grew to reveal its doubts abeut bd Fight developing ever NLR beard seats NLR Dist incumbents returned to beard positions Ridgeroad coach quits. says campaign role questioned by supt NLR School Bd accepts resignations of two coaches EDUCATION - Oark District Elementary school building destroyed by fire 153 4/ 14/61 4/lf}/61 5/28/61 6/ 1 4/-61 8/11/61 9/17/61 10/13/61 11/10/61 11/15/-61 1 2/ 3/61 3/ 9/62 6/- 8/62 6/23/62 6/24/62 8/ 5/62 10/10/62 1 1/27/62 11/-28/62 1 1/29/62 12/ 5/62 1 2/20/62 12/21/62 DATE EDUCATION - Ola District Ola Dist teacher. pupils develop their awn museum EDUCATION - Omaha District see also Medicine and health EDUCATION - Osceola District Osceola Dist invites neighboring dist te talk censelidatien EDUCATION - Pine Bluff District Negroes urge integration of Pine Bluff High School Negroes seek s chool policy and plans on desegregation Integration talks scheduled NAACP group net satisfied by scheel bd response Wiley Branton asks if bd intends to force Negroes to sue Students charged in painting wall at Hall High School in LR EDUCATION - Pulaski County District see alse Education - Little Reck District see also Education - North Little Reck District Pulaski Dist watchdog group votes net to disband Pulaski Dist sells $1 . s oo . 000 in construction bends Kenneth Starnes says Pulaski Dist Supt E F Dunn controls bd Negro knifed in back during class at scheel at Scott Pulaski Dist premises Oak Greve a new j r-sr high school Suit filed against Pulaski Dist ever playground accident Pulaski Dist teachers premised pay raise if money available Feud ever Jee T Robinson principal Alton Williams erupts Petitions with 500 names seek ouster ef Alton Williams Pulaski County Dist bends sold Editorial en Doyle K Venable. Arkansas Layman and censorship Supt E F Dunn says Alton Williams to be transferred Bids seught en high school fer Negroes at sweet Heme New high school fer Negroes te be built at Sweet Heme Scheel Bd gives Alton Williams chance to pretest transfer Beard backs transfer of principal Alton Williams John W Maxwell replaces Alton Williams at Robinson Alton Williams resigns fram district Beard decides te invite J W Fulbright ta address teachers Teacher pay raise contingent on federal aid Supt Dunn. Winston Chandler disagree en anti-communism course Board asks fer 3-mill increase Schoel Bd endorses idea of anti-communism programs in school s Scheel Bd rej ects plan for programs en cemmunist peril IRS investigating tax exemption claimed fer school buses The trial assemblies (ed on anit-cemmunism assemblies) Contract let fer new j unior-senior high school at Oak Greve Mark H George Jr files fer beard seat Rev M L Moser Jr accompanies George te file fer beard seat Board candidate urges teaching of communism Tilmon L Waters re-elected te beard; millage passes Beard begs dawn in arguments . delays action Kenneth Lorance is one ef few male elementary teachers Winston G Chandler urges stricter audit of Pulaski Dist funds Pulaski Supt E F Dunn chgs Winston G Chandler needling him 154 PAGE COL 5/29/62 Bl 3 3/16/61 A6 2 9/15/61 11/ 5/61 11/ 9/61 11/15/61 1 1/15/61 10/12/62 Bll A8 Bl A2 A2 A6 8 1 2 1 l 4 1/ 6/61 1/18/61 3/- 8/6 1 4/ 5/61 4/12/61 4/ 16/61 5/ 5/61 6/ 9/61 6/ 9/61 6/ 9/ 61 6/12/61 7/ 8/6 1 7/14/61 7/14/61 7/14/61 7/21/61 7/23/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 2/61 8-/ 2/61 9/14/61 10/ 3/61 10/11/61 10/11/61 10/11/61 10/13/61 10/18/61 1 1/15/61 1 1/15/61 1 1/30/61 12/ 6/61 12/-15/61 12/17-/61 2/14/62 2/15/62 Bl Bl A6 BB Af3 A5 A9 Bl Bl Bl A4 A3 A2 A2 A2 Bl A4 B14 B14 Bl4 A4 Al A7 A7 A7 A4 BlO A6 A6 Cl5 A7 A12 ES A5 A8 5 3 l 1 6 1 l 6 6 8 2 l 1 l 2 2 3 l l 1 2 6 1 l 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 l DATE Winsten G Chandler asks prebe te settle rift with E F Dunn Negre high scheel s in Pulaski County have 200 secret agents Pulaski Dist Bd member Kenneth Starnes resigns Issues emerging in Pulaski Dist scheel dispute District faces desegregatien lawsuit Pulaski Dist feud between Winsten Chandler, E F Dunn heats up Winston G Chandler says he has preef ef waste ef funds Pulaski Dist Bd dispute revolves around Dunn, eppenents Pulaski County dists may suppert building a technical high Pulaski Dist Bd hints at truce in audit scrabble Pulaski Dist Supt E F Dunn, Winsten Chandler debate prices Winston Chandler sees ' impasse ' in Pulaski Dist finances Winsten G Chandler fails te put waste blame en E F Dunn Vandals damage Sylvan Hills High Scheel Jacksonville J r High may face integratien problem next year Pul aski Ce Dist rehires Supt E F Dunn; W Chandler absent Winston G Chandler cal ls fer probe ef Pulaski Dist purchasing Winston G Chandler incensed that beard endorsed J W Fulbright Pulaski Co Dist Bd meets secretly, renews bus insurance Three Negroes enrell in Jacksonville schools Hearing audience approves tax rise fer Pulaski County Dist Winsten Chandler pretests talk by J W Fulbright to teachers Pulaski Dist fiscal policies may be reviewed by Grand Jury Winston G Chandler challenges Pulaski Dist Bd minutes Winston G Chandler will tape Pulaski Dist Bd meetings Winston G Chandler asks state te audit Pulaski School Dist Pulaski Dist voters elect beard members. pass millage Winston G Chandler, ether bd members continue feud The basic problem in Pulaski Rural Scheel Dist (ed) EDUCATION - Rogers District Heme ef principal Howard Sutten vandal iz ed; he will resign EDUCATION - Sheridan District Sheridan Dist ' s East End patrons threaten te quit dist Architect ' s drawing ef windowless school planned fer Sheridan EDUCATION - Stamps District German exchange student Cerd Cordes graduates at Stamps EDUCATION - Star District Closing ef ene-reem school at Star upheld by Supreme Court EDUCATION - Timbo District Timbe Dist teaches French in elementary schools Timbe Dist Schoel destroyed by fire EDUCATION - Vanndale District Vanndale Dist vetes te keep split school term EDUCATION - Viola District see also Basketball EDUCATION - Waldren District Scott County reduced 46 dists te 1 (Waldren) Waldren is only county-wide district in Arkansas EDUCATION - White Hall District White Hall teacher cemplains that AF.A membership required EDUCATION - Willisville District 155 2/16/-62 2/25/62 2/28/62 3/ 2/62 3/- 9/62 3/16/-62 3/-16/62 3/18/62 3/23/-62 4/11/62 4/11/-62 4/-15/62 5/11/62 5/22/62 6/ 1/62 6/13/62 7/30/-62 7/30/-62 9/ 1/62 9/- 7/62 9/25/62 10/-22/62 11/-18/62 11/28/62 11/28/-62 12/ 1/62 12/ 5/62 12/21/62 12/-24/62 PAGE COL AlO A3 A6 A4 Al Al Al cs A3 A7 A7 Al6 A3 B14 Al3 AlO Al Al A3 A2 Bl B6 A8 A3 A3 A2 Al Al2 A4 3 l 1 1 7 4 4 4 6 l 4 1 3 1 4 1 5 5 4 l 4 5 4 2 2 1 7 3 1 11/ 7/61 Bl 2 11/-30/62 A8 12/16/-62 A9 3 4 5/17/-62 Bl 2 1/-16/62 Bl 5 6/15/61 Al6 3/ 1/-62 Bl 2 6 5/ 9/62 Bll 7 4/ 6/62 Bl 4/ 6/62 Bl 5 5 5/21/61 A4 3 DATE Bodcaw . Laneburg. Cale. Willisville plan te merge EDUCATION - Wilsen District Censelidatien ef Keiser and Wilsen Dists rej ected by voters EDUCATION - Wonderview District Wenderview Dist patrons vete te help bus drivers pay back tax EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. Arkansas see also Communism see also Congress - Senate (Class I ) see also Education see also Housing see also Legislature (Ark) see also Trade schools G F Castleberry nominated AEA president; ether offices listed 93rd annual meeting te bring s . ooo educators to LR Convention opens en quiet note Educator previews education in year 2000 U S Senator J W Fulbright addresses cenventien Confidence in the AEA (ed) Leu Ceuch named head of Classroom Teachers Dept Hays Gibson comments en goals of AF.A EDUCATION BOARD (Ark) see Education Department (Ark) EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (Ark) see alse Government empleyees Bill in Legis requires Cammr te have decterate Rep Paul Van Dalsem attached requirement fer doctorate Arch W Ferd ' s j ob rescued by Gev Orval Faubus A red letter day fer Paul Van Dalsem (ed en Ferd ' s tenure ) Rep Paul Van Dalsem says Arch Ferd net werth $10, 000 Legis raised Arch Ferd ' s salary while Paul Van Dalsem away Rep Paul Van Dalsem makes ne effort to reduce Ferd pay Arch Ford ' s salary raised again House rej ects pay raise fer Cemmr Arch Ferd Repr Paul Van Dalsem led fight against Ferd salary raise Editorial en Paul Van Dalsem fight on Arch Ferd ' s salary Hubert L Ferguson ef Conway apptd to bd by Gev Faubus Edward Garden ef Morrilton. apptd te state B eard of Education EDUCATION. Adult State Educ Dept schedules adult schooling on trial basis Adult education is a growing program in Little Reck Arkansas urged to remeve frills frem adult education program EDUCATIONAL TELEV ISION State-operated network prepesed by state committee Gov Faubus signs educational TV bill into l aw KATV offers studio tower fer educational television station Pine Bluff leaders call KATV offer a ' gimmick' KATV ' s offer accepted; state plans program fer network Building at Texarkana offered te Cemm. Progress en network awaits FCC decision en KATV meve request AF.TC Beard te hear experts en ETV SYSTEMS First station in Ark to be in eperatien by next year 156 PAGE COL 1 2/ 2/62 AB 1 2/ 7/62 Bl 5 1/21/61 JU 7 1/18/61 10/2�/-61 11/ 1/61 1 1/ 2/61 11/ 3/61 1 1/ 3/61 1 1/ 3/61 1 1/ 3/61 A2 A3 Bl Al Al A4 Bl Bl 3 1 2. 7 2. 2 3 7 1/26/61 1/26/61 2/ 8/61 2/ 9/6 1 2/ 9/61 2/12/-61 2/15/61 3/ 1/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 8/6 1 10/-20/-61 3/13/62 A2 A2 Al A4 A4 2 2 3 1 l 1 5 6 5 5 2 1 5 ES Bl Bl Al Al A4 All Bl 7/14/-61 JU 1 2/ 3/61 E4 3/20/62 A6 l/20/61 3/ 9/6 1 1/-24/-62 1/26/62 3/23/62 3/24/-62 5/ 4/-6 2 6/ 3/62 6/ 9/62 C14 A5 AB Bl A3 AS AS AlO A3 4 1 3 1 1 3 2 7 8 1 1 3 DATE Greup te study educational 'IV setup in Texas ALC refuses te authorize budget fer prepesed statien State Sen Tam Allen calls prej ect a ' frill we can ' t afford ' Gev Faubus favors educational TV as seen as pessible Gov Faubus says budget still pending EICHENBAUM. HOWARD see also Architecture and architects EISELE. G THOMAS see alse Reusing EL DORADO Fire destroys twelve buildings Voters rej ect urban renewal program EL DORADO BRICK CO Fire damages plant ELDRIDGE. JOHN see also Legislature (Ark) ELDRIDGE, ROLFE see also Geverner (Ark) ELECTIONS see Politics and elections ELECTIONS, Contested and Disputed see Cenway County see Miller County see Newton County see Paragould ELECTION S, Schoel see Education - Administration and management ELECTRIC POWER US Rep J W Trimble seeks lower rates fer federal power Group urges Gev Faubus te push fer PSC probe ef rates in Ark AP&L 1 s giant Helena power plant nears cempletien Blytheville group wants prebe of Ark-Me rates en power, gas Rich Mountain Co-op gets lean fer expansion ef service Blytheville group wants shGWdewn ever power rates Blytheville is served by Arkansas-Missouri Power Ce AP&L to be part ef giant power grid in seven states NLR City Council seeks abeut $840 .000 refund frem AP&L Lawyer files suit fer NLR seeking refund frem AP&L NLR City Council appreves pact with AP&L fer electric power AP&L says NLR owes them $214.896 AP&L steam generating plant at Helena to be dedicated NLR alderman Den W Garrison wants suit against AP&L dropped AP&L plant at Helena has worl d ' s largest generator of kind FPC approves AP&L purchase ef Arkansas Utilities Ce Ground broken fer Arkansas Electric Ce-ep plant at Ozark AP&L generating plant at Helena dedicated AP&L offers te swap power with TVA Gas turbine generator at Park Plaza watched by industry NLR Mayer Laman takes up suit against AP&L AP&L says NLR drops mere in arrears en bill due AP&L te build 667 mere miles ef power lines (map) 157 9/ 1 2./ 1 2/ 1 2/ 1 2/ 9/62 6/62 6l62 7/62 7/62 PAGE COL A3 1 l A3 Bl Bl 1 5 5 4-/ 17/62 Bl 8/15/62 A7 8 l 7/10/61 Al 8 l/ 5/61 1/14l61 2/ 5/61 2/15/61 3/ 7/61 3/12-/61 3/12/61 4/13/61 4-/19/-61 4/21/61 4/25/-61 6/ 2-/ 61 6/ 4/61 6/ 8/61 6/18/61 6/21/-61 7 1 1/61 7/28/61 8-/24/61 8-/30-/61 8-/30/61 8/31/61 9/-12/61 4 6 1 6 3 4 4 8 1 1 6 4 1 4 7 5 1 4 2 5 5 5 7 A2 Al A2 El Bl Bl Al Al Bl B14 Bl4 BS Bl8 A2 Cl2 A3 A3 A2 Al Bl Bl B14 Cl4 Bl DATE Rates in Ark top national average Court rules AP&L must pay Weodruff Electric fer territory Arkansas electric co-operatives hears talk by Stuart Udall Ce-operatives urged te build power plant in east Arkansas Calico Reck studies buying AP&L system in city Calico Reck wants public system as aid te only local industry Calico Reck would give Hayes Bros Flooring Ce lewer rates AP&L , North Little Reck in dispute ever electric rates AP&L , rural co-ops sign pewer pacts Arkansas ce-ops seek lean te build steam plant at Augusta Harry W Oswald explains plan fer ce-ep pawer network Marshall may try te buy AP&L facilities in town AP&L income rose in 1 96 1 despite drop in pewer sales Blast wrecks power plant at J enesbere Arkansas Electric Co-ep plant at Ozark te cost less Fitzhugh Steam Generating Plant at Ozark under construction Fitzhugh generating plant at Ozark is gas-fired Water from Arkansas River will cool Fitzhugh Steam Plant AECC asks $24 . 2 million lean fer Fitzhugh plant at Ozark AP&L denies making pact with co-ops Higher electric bills explained AP&L j oins group that will exchange power Ce-ops continue plans te expand despite linking systems Computers quickly switch lines ta continue power flew AP&L seeks lower rates fer all-electric hemes REA approves $22 million loan for AECC steam plant at Augusta Electric bill in Ark remains above national averagee AP&L alters rates: lawyer T J Genntry says PSC denied facts Pumped-storage facilities may be built along Arkansas River REA admr Nerman M Clapp addresses Ark State Electric Ce-ep Arkansas Electric Co-operatives hear talk by Jerry Veerhis Gov Faubus tells Ark State Electric Ce-ops he solves problems ELECTRICIANS see also Defenses and armed forces ELECTROCUTION (Accidental) NLR Electric Dept lineman electrocuted New-ten County man electrocuted while wiring TV set Man killed by electrical shock at Fordyce Pair killed while meving TV antenna Man killed when he grabbe d l ive wire across highway Legan County man killed while installing TV antenna ELEVATORS AND ESCALATORS Man trapped in Federal Office Bldg elevator 3 5 minutes ELEVEN POINT RIVER see Rivers and lakes ELKHART PRODUCTS CORP Indiana plant to locate branch in Fayetteville Fayetteville raising funds te assist in purchase ef site ELKHORN TAVERN see Parks, recreation and tourism ELLIOTT. BLANCHE 15 8 PAGE COL 10/-26/61 1 1/ 7 /61 1 2/ 5/61 1 2/- 6/-61 12/-21/61 1 2/-21/61 12/21/61 2/ 1 4/62 3/-27/-62 4/ '5/-62 4/- 5/62 5/ 2/62 5/- 6/62 5/ 8/62 5/-29/-62 5/-31/-62 5/31/62 5/31/62 6/ 6/62 6/- 7/62 8/ 5/-62 8/22/62 8/23/62 9/16/62 10/11/-62 10/20/-62 10/-26/62 11/-10/-62 1 1/-12/62 1 2/- 4/62 12/- 4/-62 1 2/ 5/-62 Bl A7 Al Bl Al Al Al A6 Bl Al Al Bl Cl Bl Bl 4/ 11/61 2/ 6/-62 9/- 15/-62 1 2/- 7/62 1 2/-24/62 1 2/27/-62 Bl2 Bl A2 Bl A5 AS A5 Bl A5 Cl Al Bl Cl Bl Al Bl Al A2 A3 BB B9 A3 Bl 7 l 3 7 2 2 2 3 5 8 8 4 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 5 1 5 5 2 5 6 1 1 1 4 3 5 6 8 2 1/-26/-62 Bll 4 8/ 2/61 Bl 8/23/-61 Bl 4 2 DATE see alse Culture and the arts ELLIS. CLYDE T Ellis was considered by JFK fer Interior Secretary Apptd te advisory panel ef the Intnl Ce-operation Adm Ellis charges private power companies are waste-makers ELLIS. LIPPERT S Former dean of Univ of Ark College of Agriculture dies Gaz ette eulogizes Dr Lippert ELLIS• MATT L see alse History Cemmissien (Ark) ELLISON. GEORGE H see alse Economic development see alse Laber see alse Medicine and health ELROD . RUSSELL see alse Legislature (Ark) ELROD . SEARCY see also Railroads EMBEZZLEMENT AND MISAPPROPRIATION see Robberies and thefts EMERGENCIES see Disasters and emergencies EMERGENCY SERVICES Physician appeals fer mere caution by ambulance drivers New read code set fer drivers of ambulances EMERSON ELECTRIC CO Paragould plant workers on strike Strikers at Paragould teld to return er lese j ebs Negotiators fail at Paragould plant Vandalism. gun incidents may be linked te strike Emerson offers reward fer data en vandal ism Shotgun blasts that ripped two vehicles linked te strike Emerson suit charges union violence at Paragould Talks futile in walkout at Emerson Strike deadleck continues Striking workers te ask Gov Faubus fer help Unien enj oined frem violence at Paragould plant Union leader j oins effort te end strike Twe accused of violating strike order Three mere face charges at Paragould Workers rej ect firm' s rehiring prepesal EMINENT DOMAIN see Land and real estate EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA IRS says Empire owes $280 , 000 in taxes EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DIVIS ION (Ark) see also Government employees James L Bland praises Orval Faubus and j ob gains in state Federal govt gives raises te 618 employees at ESD James Bland ties Gev Faubus te new cempensatien plan request James Bland warns empl oyees net te tear dewn ESD image 159 PAGE COL 1/- 8/6 1 ES 9/ 3/61 D5 11/ 3/61 B l 5 5 2 1/15/62 Al 1/16/62 A4 3 2 2/ 2/61 B l 3/29/ 6 1 B l 8 8 6/21/62 6/26/62 6/27 /62 6/29/-62 6/30/62 7/10/62 7/11/62 7/12/62 7/17/62 7/22/62 7/27/62 8/ 7/62 8/ 11/62 8/12/62 1 1-/ 1/62 Bl BlO B9 Bl A2 A2 Bl Bl Bl AlO Bl A2 Al A6 All 3/25/61 BB 1 1-/11/61 12-/ 9/61 12/ 9/61 12-/ 9/61 Al A5 A5 A5 3 1 2 6 1 1 8 3 1 1 5 l 2 5 7 l 2 3 3 3 DATE Empleyees resign at Jenesbere; one cites falsified j ob data The new chapter in ESD ' s troubles (ed) James L Bland denounces Gazette fer publishing article James L Bland admits repert en padding ef figures is true ESD Advisory Council named by Gev Orval Faubus ENCEPHALITIS see Medicine and health ENERGY AND POWER Dr Edward Teller te speak at seminar en nuclear energy Dr Wernher von Braun te speak at nuclear seminar in Het Sp gs Werner Ven Braun speaks at Het Springs energy conf Dr Edward L Teller speaks at Het Springs conference ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERS see also United States - Army Corps of Engineers National Engineers Week observed ENGINEERS. Army Corps of (US) see United States - Army Carps of Engineers ENTERTAINERS see Actors and entertainers EPIGRAMS , MAXIMS . SAYINGS , ETC Ozark sayings often drawn from calamities Ozark hills still have lasts of eld sayings in use EPISCOPAL CHURCH Arkansas Diecese meeting in Het Springs Helena te be site of next Diocese meeting Arkansas delegates voted against end te capital punishment Rev Jehn Maury Allin named bishop coadj utor ef Mississippi Arkansas Episcopalians call fer rise in evangelism Diocese of Arkansas transacts business at 90th annual cenv Hillspeak spreads a message of love and faith Site near Eureka Springs is headquarters fer Hillspeak Dean Charles Higgins welcomes ban en prayer in schools Rev Beb G Jones te serve cengregatiens in the Arctic Emery Washington. a Negre. erdanied priest ESCHEAT see Property , Unclaimed ESTES. BILLIE SOL Atty Judson N Hout explains Estes rele in Blytheville houses ETHERIDGE, LONNIE see also Education - Curriculum and Teaching Methods EUDORA see also Disasters and emergencies EUREKA SPRINGS see also History {Ark) see alse Hotels see also Treasure-trove see also Weather and storms EURMAN, STUART see also Little Reck Metropolitan Area EVANS, BOB see also Publ icity and Parks Cemmissien (Ark) 160 9/29/62 10/ 1/62 10/ 6/62 10/ 6/-62 10/16/62 8/17/61 8/20/61 8/31/61 9/ 1/61 PAGE COL Al A4 Al Al Bl Lj. Bl Al4 Bl Al 5 3 7 4 3 l 1 2 2/18/62 C2 1 5/21/61 E2 1 2/ 3/61 E5 5 2 1/27/61 1/28/6 1 3/20/-61 9/ 8/6 1 1-/26-/62 1-/27/62 6/10-/62 6/-10/62 6/29/62 8/16/62 9/ 1/62 Bl A3 Al Bl Bl A5 E4 E4 Bl8 Bl A3 5/29/62 A6 5 1 3 7 8 l l 1 4 6 7 2 DATE EVANS. EARL E see alse Arkansas A M & N College EVANS. NELSON F see alse University ef Arkansas Medical Center EVANS, PRIOR Preminent Arkansas sports figure dies at NAIA teurney EXECUTIVE MANSION (Ark) Senate-Hause panel approves refurbishing ef Mansien George Golden te re-decerate interier ef mansion Elegant furnishings recently added te mansion EXECUTIVES Arkansans-At-Large listed aleng with their firms Ferty-three Arkansans-At-Large return fer visit Arkansans-At-Large line up fer photo The native sens (ed) EXPENSE ACCOUNTS see alse Government official s . State see also Legislature (Ark) EXPLOSIVES AND EXPLOSIONS see alse American Oil Refinery see alse Arkansas Power and Light Ce see alse Bombs and bemb threats see alse Dynamite see also Electric power see alse United States - Government buildings and offices Black gunpowder ignites, wrecks car. burns twe beys Cause ef railroad explesien at Traskweed still unknEll'tln Isaac Turner lases suit over blown-up house EXPOSITIONS AND FAIRS see alse World ' s Fair. 1 964-1965 Gav Faubus may seek funds fer Arkansas Livestock Exposition Gev Faubus appeals te Legis te fund livestock shows House passed bills funding state. regional and county fairs Sen Rey W Milum reminds Senators state fair is private Senate fees ef Faubus kill funding ef fairs Faubus maneuve r means fair funds must stay in treasury Gov Faubus tells balky Senate that fair funds tied up anyway Senate kills funding ef fairs in last heur ef sessien AEA attys te check l egality of tying up unappropriated funds Arkansas Livesteck Show (special sectien) Cold rain dampens expesitien epening Talent and beauty centests highlight day at State Expe Arkansas State Fair queen is Judith Eddins Fairs losing favor with same state legislators Ark has spent $5 millien in 23 years en fairs White County opens fair season Arkansas Livesteck Expesitien opens Special sectien en 23rd Arkansas Livestock Expesitien FAGAN. ELLIS M see also Children ' s Celeny . Ark see alse Censtructien pregrams . State 161 PAGE COL 3/14/61 B4 1 1/26/61 Cl4 3/16/61 A9 1 2/ 3/61 E3 5 4 l 10/12/62 10/12/62 10/13/62 10/13/62 Bl Bl A2 A4 2 6 1 2 6/20/61 Bl 6/23/61 A6 11/28/62 B9 l 1 2 AS Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Fl Bl Al A4 l 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 l 7 3 5 1 1 3 4 1 9/16/61 9/19/61 9/-20/61 9/-20/-61 9/20/61 9/21/61 9/-21/-61 9/22/61 9/23/61 10/- 1/61 10/ 3/61 10/ 5/61 10/ 8/61 10/15/61 8/22/62 9/ 2/62 9/30/-62 9/30/62 E3 B9 AlO Al Fl DATE see also Pulaski Ceunty Women ' s Emergency Commettee disagrees with FAgan stand 10/ 1/61 FAIRS see Expesitiens and fairs FALLOUT. Atomic see Pellutien, wastes and hazardous materials FALLS (Accident s ) Hot Springs businessman killed in fall at hotel 10/17/61 Body ef Marcus Jim Acord ef Hartman. found at base ef cliff 12/10/61 FAL SE ALARMS - see also Disasters and emergencies FALSE IMPRISONMENT see also National Food Stares Inc FAMILIES AND FAMILY LIFE Louis V Johnsen Jr sentenced fer abandoning his family 9/30/62 FARISH. CHARLES L see also Beeks and writing FARM BUREAU , Arkansas see Agricultural extension work see Agriculture see Construction programs. State FARMLAND see Land and real estate FARRIS, JEFF Veteran ASTC prof esser dies after brief illness 2/26/61 FAUBUS, ALTA see also Faubus. Orval E. Foundation FAUBUS. FARRELL EUGENE see also Faubus. Orval E . Foundation see also Legislature (Ark) Gev Faubus says Farrell may as well get feet wet in politics 6/-17/61 Farrell E Faubus seeks election to House f rem Madison County 6/lC)/61 Says he would like te be governor some day 6/21/61 Yeung Faubus echoes his father ' s famous l ine 6/21/61 Pressure by Gev Faubus alleged in Farrel l ' s l egislative race 6/26/61 Governor denies pressure in behalf of Farrell Faubus 6/27/61 Faubus wins election ta state Legislature 6/28/61 Says Orval Faubus decisien net te seek re-election welcome 4/ 2/6 2 FAUBUS, ORVAL E see also Faubus. Orval E, Foundation see alse Governor (Ark) FAUBUS, ORVAL E , Feundatien Faubus family sets up f dn te restere Greasy Creek s cheel bldg 4/14/62 Orval E Faubus attended Greasy Creek s chool near Combs 4/14/62 4/14/62 William J Smith is first dener te feundatien FAUGHT. ALMON (Mrs) see alse Governor (Ark) FAULKNER COUNTY see also History (Ark) Rival factions ef Democratic Committee schedule meetings 3/25/61 Rival Democratic factions set filing fees 3/26/61 162 PAGE COL E3 2 A2 A7 5 4 A3 2 B2 8 A3 A2 Bl Bl A2 Bl Al A2 4 3 2 2 4 6 8 1 A2 A2 7 7 7 Al A15 4 3 A2 DATE Trial set in Democratic Party feud in county Warring Democrats make rules (2 sets) fer vete Clerk 0 P Ward refuses to recognize 3 new voting precincts Democratic Party feud flares anew Judge rules Guy H Jones Sr cannot serve as party chairman Guy H Jenes asks State Supreme Ct te rule he chairs Dem Comm Guy H Jones denied party pest by Ark Supreme Court FAULKNER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY see also Museums Exhibition ef historic items draws several visitors FAU SSETT. ELBERT L see alse Parks . recreation and teurism FAYETTEV ILLE see alse Hotels see also Libraries. Public Court rules en territory city may annex Article on Shulertewn and Cl int and Clifton Murphy Origin of name of Shulertewn Albert L Trent responsible for city ' s many maple trees New type ef city gevt proposed by committee Fire causes heavy damage te two stores FAYETTEVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Fayetteville District FEATHERSTONHAUGH0 GEORGE see also Folkkore. folk medicine and superstition FEDERAL AID see Education - Finance and budgets see Grants in aid FEDERAL BUILDING (Jonesboro) see United States - Government Buildings and Offices FEDERAL BUILDING (Little Rock) see United States - Buildings and offices FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION see United States - Federal Bureau ef Investigation FEDERAL RESERVE BANK see United States - Federal Reserve Bank FERGUSON, JAMES G see also Libraries. Public Fergusen has been generous dener te Ark scheels, hospitals FERGUSON. JOHN G see alse History (Ark) FERGUSON. JOHN L see also History Com.mission (Ark) see alse Parks. recreation and tourism Historian says state never unified in Civil War FERRIES see Rivers and lakes FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS . Arkansas see Culture and the arts FESTIVAL S Arkansas Poultry Festival held at Batesville 163 5/ 3/61 7/16/61 7/26/61 7/30/61 8/ 5/61 2/ 6/62 4/10/62 PAGE COL A2 A12 B9 ClO A2 B8 A7 9/ 6/61 Bl 1/14/61 6/ 7/61 6/16/61 10/24/61 11-/12/61 10/ 2/62 5 6 7 2 3 6 7 2 B4 Bl Bl Bl A7 Bl 7 2 2 2 1 4 4/24/61 B8 5 1 1/23/61 Al3 1 5/21/61 A2 1 DATE Mickey Lambers is Arkansas Poultry Prince ss Heward County Peach Festival resumes after 1 5-yr halt Meunt Nebo Chicken Fry hears talk by politicians White River Water Carnival plans announced Dianna Bernice Arey crowned Queen White River Tentitewn Grape Festival celebrates 63rd annual run Ludwig holds interesting celebration Yellville schedules 16th annual turkey calling contest National Cotten Picking Contest begins today National Cetton Picking champion is E D Neighbors World Duck Calling Contest winners Five poultry festivals scheduled fer this spring Arkansas Poultry Festival te be staged today Pink Temate Festival features political speeches Jahnsen Ceunty Peach Festival opens temerraw Sixteenth Mount Nebe Chicken Fry scheduled Fried chicken. politics served at Mount Nebo Chicken Fry Batesville ' s White River Water Carnival features beauties Tentitewn holding 64th annual Grape Festival White River Water Carnival draws thousands to Batesville Natl Cetton Picking Contest te be staged at B lytheville Donna Axum is queen ef Natl Cetten Picking Contest E D Neighbors named national cotton picking champion FIELDS, CHARLES FRANKLIN see Sex crimes FILES, JACK D see also Congress - House Dist 2 FINANCE AND BUDGETS, Local Gevt Gov Faubus opposes cities. towns raiding read funds Senate passes bill to increase counties share ef gen revenues Gov Faubus irked by general revenue diversion to counties Reut ef the ' sl ickers ' (ed) Gev Faubus says he will net place cities en par with counties Gov Faubus signs bill to increase turnback funds te counties Cities lasing eut to counties in bid for state money Heme Rule amdt premeted by Gaz ette Legis refers proposal to remeve limit en cities ' taxing power Passage of censtitutienal amdt 50 only hepe, speaker says Proposed canst amdt 50 would remove millage restrictions Cities prepare to seek relief again (ed) Ark Municipal League intends te fight fer share of taxes Gov Faubus favors amdt te let cities increase taxes Counties get biggest share of state turnback funds Lawsuit seeks te block proposed Amdt 5 0 en local finances Backers of Amdt 50 ballot title not defective BackeRs ef Amdt 50 accused ef deceptive campaign Use of taxes t o sell Amdt 50 defended by Glenn G Zimmerman A l eek at the arguments in Amdt 50 debate (ed) Cities claim need fer $250 million appropriation Amdt 50 fails in vote Legislative Council vetoes another try fer tax l imit change 164 PAGE COL 6/11/61 6/30/61 7/20/61 8/18/61 8/20/61 8/20/61 9/ 7/61 10/10/61 10/12/61 10/14/61 l'l/ 3/61 Z/ 4/62 6/ 8/62 6/17/62 7/12/62 7/15/62 7 /19/62 8/12/62 8/12/62 8/19/62 9/30/62 10/ 6/62 10/ 7/62 Al Bl A3 Bl Al El Bl A7 A2 A2 B4 ClO Bl Al Bl A13 Al Al4 A3 A3 AB 5 2 7 3 4 1 2 2 2 1 5 3 4 3 4 4 5 1 3 3 l 3 2 1/12/ 61 2/11/61 2/11/61 2/ 12/61 2/16/61 2/16/61 2/26/61 2/26/61 3/10/61 4/17/62 4/17/62 4/18/62 5/10/62 5/12/ 6 2 5/19/62 10/17/62 10/17/62 10/21/62 10/27 /62 11/ 1/62 11/ 4/62 11/ 7 /62 1 1/14/-62 Al Al A3 E4 AlO AlO Al3 E4 Al A3 A3 A4 Bl A3 A3 Bl Bl Al2 B9 A6 Al7 zl 6 7 4 2 1 1 1 2 8 7 7 1 2 2 1 7 8 6 3 1 l 4 AB l A5 A2 DATE Cities, towns face task of ' selling ' tax increase Proposed Amdt 50 defeated ALC balks at increasing funds far cities and tewns Stonewal l Van Dalsem and municipal aid (ed) ALC approves higher city budget formula Paul Van Dalsem says he will be genereus with ' city beys ' Editorials en prepesed repeal af law on printing expense acct FINANCE AND BUDGETS, State Gevt see also Colleges and univs see also Education - Finance and budgets Two-year outlay put at $836 million List of appropriation bills approved by Legisl ature Maximum state can spend is $745 million State collects $ 1 . 226 . 416 from Oaklawn Park Agencies warned net to spend all ef extra money State collects $13 , 694.633 in taxes in May Comptroller ' s office says state revenue leaking geed State tax surplus in treasury is $10 , 2 1 2 , 1 7 8 Tax intake i n state up by $6 million State ' s surplus hits $11 million Faubus. legislators discuss splitting ef surplus funds Faubus made mere premises than funds will cover. Gaz ette says Gov Faubus will participate in surplus funds distribution Re-enter Mr Faubus (ed en plan te help distribute surplus) Cast ef credit illustrated by 1 941 read bend issue Cushion fund and its uses explained A need fer caution in earmarking funds (ed) Tax revenue up by $1 .3 million in November Christmas came early fer state agencies Revenue Stabilizatien Act challenged in court suit Suit against Revenue Stabilizatien Act filed by James Hooker Suit en Revenue Act is harassment ef his adm. Faubus says Political circles surprised by attack en five acts Editorial analyzes challenges of five act s Ceurt freezes Gov Faubus ' emergency fund in finance suit College construction bands law approved by state Supreme Ct Chancellor denies request te nullify 5 state fiscal laws The fis cal act ruling (ed) Gov Ben T Laney responsible for Revenue Stabiliz ation Act Revenue Stabilization Act result of 1 945 financial morass State files s trong reply te suit attacking fis cal acts Ark. ceuld save cash by improving credit. study shews Revenue matches expenditures in 1 96 1 Unexpected rise in revenue feund; benus for teachers planned Five key laws upheld by Ark Supreme Ceurt Court ruling en finance laws called gratifying Tax collections running ahead ef estimates Agencies advised te build ' cushion funds ' fer lean months Tax collection of $168.000,000 will set record Cost of state gevt last year set at $5 .3 million Gev Faubus orders all padding stripped from budget reque sts 165 PAGE COL 11/ 18/62 1 1/27 /62 12/ 7/62 1 2/ 8/62 1 2/22/62 1 2/22/62 12/30/62 Cl Bl Bl A4 3/10/61 3/19/61 3/2'2/61 4/12/61 5/12/61 6/ 2/61 6/-13/61 6/21/61 7/ 1/61 7/ 4/6 1 7/12/61 7/13/61 8/ 1/61 8/ 2/-61 8/ 6/61 8/24/-61 8/27/61 1 2/ 1/-61 12/10/61 1/ 19/62 1/20/-62 1/20/62 1/21/62 1/21/62 1/25/62 1/30/62 2/ 7 /62 2/ 8/62 2/25/62 2/25/62 5/ 4/62 5/ 6/62 5/13/62 5/23/62 5/29/62 5/-30/ 62 6/ 1/62 6/ 2/62 6/-29/62 8/ 7/62 8/-22/62 Al AB AB D3 AB A2 A6 Bl Bl A7 Al Al Al Bl A4 Al A4 Cl AlO E4 Bl E3 Bl Al Al Al E2 Bl Bl Al A4 Al Al AB A3 E2 Al Al A4 Al A3 Bl Bl Bl l 5 7 1 1 l 2 6 5 1 1 4 8 1 6 4 4 7 2 5 2 1 1 1 7 1 7 2 2 4 1 8 7 3 2 4 4 1 1 6 3 3 2 5 6 2 8 8 DATE Tax receipts shew rise. except fer inceme tax Gev Faubus calls fer tighter centrels en state spending Increase in income forecast fer 1963-65 period Gov Faubus expects $14. 1 million rise in state revenues Gev Faubus makes recemmendatiens en state budgets A geed Faubus budget. with a notable flaw (ed) ALC continues hearings on budgets State tax take shews increase ef $1 . 1 millien ALC fellows Faubus ' s desires in appreving budgets ALC acts en budget requests ef 3 2 state agencies ALC appreves mere fer higher educ. but net cities ALC budget session had ' harmony ' as usual ; little dissent FINCH. ROY JR see alse Lenders Service Company Inc FINDLEY. JOHN Ozarks ' whittl ing man FINKBEINER. CHRIS E Finkbeiner is here in Fuerte Rice Resigns pest with Fuerte Rice Meat Packing Ce Finkbeiner cemplains te U S Reuse panel en TV sponsorship FIREARMS Sheriffs te ask Legislature fer curb en sale ef pistols Arkansas Retail Hardware Assn opposes pistol sales bill Capital Citiz ens Council premetes ' right te bear arms ' Federal agents seize weapons from William F McLaughlin FIREMEN see also Little Reck NLR Mayor Casey Laman blasts bill te shorten firemen ' s day Russellville firemen devise automatic warning network Senate defeats bills en salaries. liabil ity ef firemen NLR Dept patches up fire trucks FIRES see also Allen Cannning Co see also Batesville see also Capitol Building and Greunds (Ark) see also Clarksville see also Colleges and univs - Fires see also Crossett see also Danville see also Education - Fires see also El Dorado see also El Dorado Brick Ce see also Fayetteville see also Forest and brush fires see also Gibson Oil Well Cementing Co see alse Green Forest see also Harrison see also Heber Springs see also Helena see also Historic buildings and sites see also History (Ark) 166 10/ 2/62 10/30/62 11/14/-62 11-/27/62 11/27/62 11/28/62 11/30/62 1 2-/ 1/62 1 2/ 5/62 1 2/ 6/62 12/ 7/62 1 2/ 9/62 PAGE COL Al Bl Bl Bl Bl A6 Bl A3 Bl A3 Al Al 4 7 7 7 7 l 7 5 4 2 7 4 10/25/61 Bl 6 1/17/61 Bl 10/ 2/61 AS 12/ 8/6 1 Bl 3 l 2 2/ 8/61 2/14/-61 2/26/61 8/29/62 A7 B9 A2 4 2 1 7 1/22/61 2/ 6/61 2/23/61 7/27/61 AlO AlO A2 Cl6 2 1 1 l ES DATE see also Hepe Lumber Manufacturing Ce see alse Hetels see alse Jacksonville see Jenesbere see alse Little Reck see alse Magnolia see also Malvern see alse Marvell see also Merril ton see alse Morrilton Cotten Oil Ce see also Mount Ida see also Murders - Wallace, Henry see also Newport see also Norphlet see also North Hills Country Club see also North Little Reck see alse Perry Equipment Ce see also Pioneer Grain and Seed Inc see alse Presbyterian Church see also Prisons and prisoners see alse Pruitt Hide and Fur Ce see also Rail reads see alse Raz orback Method Inc see also Searcy see also Sherrill see also Sterling Stores see also Trumann see also Warren see also Yellville see also Standard Ice Ce Mountain View man dies in heme fire Child dies in fire at Dermott Child dies in fire at Camden Child dies frem burns Four children die in house fire at El Dorado Farmer dies in house fire at Harrisburg Five children die in fire at Texarkana Party-line talker delayed rept of fire fatal to five Waldren Junior High Scheel destroyed by fire Infant dies in Manchester heuse fire Child dies in fire at Booneville Twe children killed in fire at Streng Elderly man dies in house fire at LR Two children die in blaze at NLR heme Man dies in fire at Fert Smith heme Infant dies in fire at Monticello LR resident dies in home fire Mr and Mrs Rex Ledford faund guilty in fire at their heme Baby dies in house fire at Stuttgart Christine Martin dies in heme fire at Texarkana Parthenon man dies in house fire 167 1/ 4/61 1/12/61 1/18/61 1/19/61 1/22/61 1/23/61 l/-27/61 1/28/61 l/28/-61 Z/ 2/ 61 2/ 4/ 61 3/ 1/61 3/ 1/61 3/10/61 3/11/61 3/11/61 3/29/61 4/ 7/61 4/23/61 7/-18/61 7/22/61 PAGE COL A12 A2 Bl Bl Al A2 Al A2 BS A9 B3 A7 B14 Al A2 B6 B14 Bl A2 Bl K3 5 8 5 8 7 2 2 6 3 4 3 1 4 4 8 4 4 7 1 7 6 DATE Benton child dies in house fire Three children die in heuse fire at North Little Rock Twe elderly sisters die in heuse fire near Judsonia Action against parents urged in cases of false alarms Prison term fer Mr and Mrs Rex W Ledf erd in arson affirmed NLR blaze fatally burns el derly man Three Negroes die in fire at Cotton Plant Pine Bluff Negro dies in fire Three Negro children burn to death at Cotten Plant Home fire near Risen kills f eur Negroes Disabled veteran dies in fire at LR heme Fire kills couple near Marked Tree Man dies in fire at heme near Hope Fire kills Heward James Stracner, of Leneke Jee Layne dies in house fire at Siloam Springs Infant Benita K Trimble dies in heme fire Bedy of child feund in ruins of burned apartment bldg at NLR List of state ' s worst residential fires in terms of deaths Ten in Andrew Paladino family near Center Ridge die in fire A loss shared (ed on Paladino family deaths) Center Ridge community mourns less of Paladino family Child died when clothing caught fire Four children die in heme fire at Pine Bluff 5 children in Orville Scott family at Charleston die in fire Building housing radie statien at Paris burns Article en fire safety measures Child dies in house fire at Warren Felix: Keiffer burns to death in heme Fires take tragic tell in Arkansas each year Juanita Harp, five children inj ured in blast and fire Fert Smith man dies in heme fire Three die in hous fire at Kestene (Ouachita County) Mrs Delia Lee Barnes killed in fire at Lake City Two children die as fire hits NLR frame home Mississippi County child dies in house fire Blaze ruins big tewbeat an Ouachita River at Mere Bay Eunice Culpepper dies in apartment fire at Magnolia Man dies in trailer fire at Mountain Heme Three die in fire at Menette Fire kills resident ef trailer heme at Trumann Grannis house fire kills three Three die, nine hurt in fire at Phillips County farmhouse Child died when kerosene stove exploded, father hurt Twe infants die in heme fire at NLR NLR fire that killed children was result of kerosene heater Two infants die in fire set by children Blind man burns to death in fire at Natural Steps Pine Bluff child dies in closet ef his heme Couple die in heuse fire at Parkin W A Churchwell dies in house fire at Bradford William Tell Kendrick and sister. Mary Kendrick. die in fire 168 8/ 9/61 10/ 7 /61 11/ 7/61 11/11/61 1 1/28/61 1 2/ 7/61 12/14/61 12/ 15/61 12/15/61 12/ 16/61 12/28/61 12/30/61 l/ 1/62 1/ 9/62 1/10/62 1 / 1 1/-62 1/-12/62 1/16/62 1/16/62 1/17/62 1/17/62 l/ 18/-62 1/20/62 1/27/62 1/28/62 2/ 4/6 2 2-/ 7/62 3/21-/62 3/25/ 62 4/ 3-/62 4/16/62 5/18-/62 5/22/62 6-/15/62 7/28/62 8/17/62 9/ 8/62 1 1/ 2/62 1 1/ 7/62 11/11/62 11/12/62 l l/ 14/62 11/ 19/62 1 2/- 4/62 1 2/ 6/62 12/ 7/62 1 2/ 9/62 12/-16/-62 12/21/62 12/26/62 1 2/29/62 PAGE COL A2 A5 Bl Al A6 Al C18 Bl Bl A3 Bl A8 B7 A2 BlO B4 B9 Al Al A4 Bl AS A2 Al A17 E4 Bl A7 E6 Bl A2 A2 Bl4 Bl B7 A2 A3 Bl4 Bl A17 A2 Bl A2 A3 cs A2 Al5 A12 A4 A2 A2 4 4 4 6 l 3 6 2 5 1 5 3 7 2 3 7 4 7 7 2 2 1 l 6 3 1 3 2 1 4 8 3 6 5 8 8 1 l 4 3 4 2 3 1 4 6 8 2 3 1 1 DATE FIRST ARKANSAS DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION see Ecenmnic development FIRST NATION.AL BANK ( Springdale) see Banks FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Warren) see Banks FIRST PYRAMID L IFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Firm gains control ef Participating Annuity Life Ins Ce FIRST SECURITY L IFE INSURANCE CO Bankers Preferred Life Insurance merges inte First Security FISH AND CRAYFISH CULTURE Frank McCartney operates minnow farm at Remmel Fish farm program under way at Kelso FISHER, GERALD see also Rehabilitation Center, Hot Springs FISHERS BARBECUE RESTAURANT see Civil rights and discrimination FISHING see also Wildlife FITCH. ROLLA see also Alcoholic Beverage Control Department (Ark) FITTON CAVE see Caves FITZGERALD, EDWARD see also Catholic Church FLAGS AND EMBLEMS see alse Civil War Use of state flag in ads fer proposed amdt called illegal FLAT CREEK LAKE see Rivers and lakes FLATT, BILL see also Assaults FLEEMAN, E C see also Deaths see also Legislature (Ark) FLEET, CHRISTIAN H Fleet sent to Siberia by military during 1918-1 920 period FLETCHER, ALBERT L see also Education FLETCHER. VIRGIL T see also Communism see also Cengress - Reapportionment see also Construction programs. State see also Legislature (Ark) see also Population and vital statistics FLIPPIN see also Berry. F FLOODS see Rivers and lakes FLORIDA. ANDREW AND GEORGE FLORIDA Bank at Osceola files evictien suit against lean co 169 PAGE COL 5/28/61 C l 2 10/21/62 Cl 3 1 2/ 3/61 E4 Z/13/62 A5 5 10/11/62 Bl 3 1 1/18/62 ES 2 3/19/61 C3 l 3 DATE Federal govt te hear 92 witnesses in income tax case Flerida counsel allowed $6. 000 by federal j udge Fleridaa werth $10 million less than tax claims Debt refinancing plan approved Court studies l ean Th0tnas Florida says he made to brothers Decision gives $30. 400 te Th0tnas P Florida ef Osceola Metien seeks dismissal of indictment Federal j udge says Andrew J Florida tee ill te be tried Attorneys clash in talks en Florida case procedure Federal govt has $ 1 1 . 708, 925 tax suit against Feridas Tax suit te begin after three yrs of legal maneuvering IRS wins skirmishes as stage set for trial Judge allews $17 , 000 mere in Florida case Attorneys feud aver stipulation Land deal ings take limelight in Florida brothers case Federal govt completes case, Fleridas file 21 motions Defense begins testimony in case Auditor say s Florida firms ewe $114,552 in taxes Trial recesses after Floridas enter exhibits Mere exhibits given te ceurt in tax trial suit Fund entries net correct, accountant fer Fleridas says Judge says Florida case will be tried er dropped seen Fleridas get approval to pay $20, 000 fer accounting services FLOWERS Peony in yard at Little Reck is ever 150 years old FLOWERS , ROBERT E LEE Flewers enriched yeung l ives FLUORIDES AND DENTAL HEALTH see Dentistry and dental health FLYING DENTISTS ASSOCIATION see Dentistry and dentists FOLK MEDICINE see Folklore. felk medicine and superstitien FOLK MUSIC Bentenville barber Fred Smith is leading folk singer Description ef Ozark Folk Festival events at Eureka Springs Oz ark Folk Festival continues Adolph and Augusta Kukler te pl ay zither at Waco festival Article en music ef Adolf and Augusta Kukler Fifteenth annual Oz ark Folk Festival opens at Eureka Springs Ernie Deane column en Ozark Folk Festival activities Oz ark Felk Festival described as big success Many participants at Ozark Folk Festival are youths FOLKLORE. FOLK MEDICINE AND SUPERSTITION see alse Dowsing Felk beliefs about the weather Newton Ceunty man tells ef rain of frogs and fish in tornado Article on sassafras tea as medicine Old time remedies used to restore hair Folk remedies for certain ailments Superstitions about cats 170 5/17/61 5/25/61 5/25/61 9/ 8/61 9/ 15/61 10/18/61 1 1/23/61 12/13/61 2/24/62 2/24/62 3/ 4/6 2 3/ 6/62 3/ 8/62 3/15/62 3/28/62 3/29/ 6 2 4/10/62 4/11/62 4/26/62 6/ 8/62 7/17/62 10/ 25/ 62 1 2/28/ 6 2 PAGE COL Bl A9 A9 Bl Bl 2 A2 AS Bll A2 A2 A2 Bl Bl Bl Bl A2 BB Bl A2 Bl A2 Bl Bl 2 4 5 3 l 7 l 7 2 2 l 6 4 2 3 1 5 8 l 4 4 4 4 4/27/61 AB 6 3/ 8/62 Bl 2 1-/ 8/61 10/20/61 10/25/61 5-/ 1/62 9/23/62 10/21/62 10/26/62 10/30/62 10/31/62 1/29/61 1/29/61 3/ 18/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 8/62 4/ 8/62 E3 Bl Bl A2 E4 FlS Bl Bl Bl E2 E2 E6 E6 ES E5 1 2 2 7 1 2 2 2 2 l l 1 1 l 2 DATE Ozarks insects have a felklere all their awn. Wm Hewe writes Fred Star lists seme Ozark superstitiens Cera Pinkley-Call responds to William H Hewe article Same ' superstitiens ' are enly tall tales . letter say s George Featherstenhaugh fell fer tall tale about buffal o Superstitiens about planting seasens Fishing lore ef the Ozarks Mullein is geed for everything Old folk beliefs include spiders Folk tale ef the Ozarks about a rooster named Ring-Teeter Folk medicine remedies fer rabies patients Sample felk tales about peeple bitten by mad dogs Superstitions about Fridays and the number 13 Butterfly weed was used fer medicinal purposes Lowly nettle bad many uses as medicine Sayings and superstitions die hard in the Ozark hills Remedies used by hill folk to thwart witches Superstitions about hatmaking Column en Vance Randolph. ether felklerists ef the Oz arks FONDREN. L B (Mrs) see also Birth control and abortion FOOD M L Greer makes fine candy at Kopper Kettle at Van Buren Health Dept to set regulations on water content in hams Health Beard adepts ruling en drier hams Culinary and canning note en peke ' sallet 1 Recipes fer dishes that include reses Greek Orthedex Church at LR holds sale ef Greek feed FOOD CONTAMINATION Feed peisoning kills mether ef 1 4 at Heber Springs Bad feed £ells 300 students at Ark AM&N College Feed poisoning probe at Ark AM&N feiled by cafeteria workers Ark AM&N officials deny effert made to stall probe FOOD STAMPS see Peer FOOTBALL Arkansas Tech falls te Texas A&I in Great Southwest Bewl Duke defeats Arkansas in Cotton Bewl. 7-6 R D (Rab) Rodgers returns as Ouachita head coach UA Ceach Frank Broyles signes new 6-year contract Gov Orval Faubus urges UA to continue series with Ole Miss Hayden Fry named asst te UA Coach Frank Broyles Preview ef 1 96 1 season Arkansas Tech clinches AIC title despite tie by Ouachita Arkansas sure fer either Cetten or Sugar Bowl Arkansas ranked 10th in UPI poll Arkansas Razerbacks accept bid to Sugar Bowl Arkansas to face Alabama in Sugar Bawl Arkansas Raz orbacks and Coach Breyles hit career high point All-AIC selections named Lance Alwerth named te Football Writers Assn All-America team 17 1 PAGE COL 4/15/62 4/15/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 6/62 5/13/62 5/20/62 6/ 3/62 6/17/62 6/24/62 6/24/62 7/ 8/ 62 8/ 5/62 8/ 1 2/62 8/19/62 10/28/62 11/18/62 12/12/62 E4 E6 A4 A4 E5 E6 E6 4/ 5/61 4/ 7/61 4/l<:t/61 7/23/61 6/10/62 12/13/62 Bl Al Bl El Bl 2 3 4 1 1 4 1 1/25/61 10/ 9/62 10/12/62 10/13/62 Al A6 A6 A2 6 2 2 1 1/ 1/61 1/ 3/61 1/13/61 1/24/61 1/26/61 2/ 1/61 8/27/61 1 1/13/61 1 1/19/61 11/21/61 11/26/61 1 1/26/61 1 1/26/61 ll/ 26/61 12/ 5/61 Bl Al B4 B2 B2 B2 F2 B2 Al B2 Al Bl Bl B3 B3 3 3 3 5 3 2 1 4 2 3 5 2 5 E5 E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 E5 E6 E6 E5 E5 Bl E6 1 1 5 5 2 1 1 2 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 7 DATE Arkansas Tech end Powell McClellan named Little All-American High scheel All-State selectiens Powell McClellan named te 2 All-America teams Univ ef Ark faces Alabama in Sugar Bewl teday Univ ef Ark Razerbacks fall to Alabama in Sugar Bowl. 1 0-3 Preview of 1 96 2 college and high scheel season in Ark Arkansas State Teachers College wins AIC championship Arkansas Razerbacks te meet Mississippi in Sugar Bewl All-AIC team named FORD CHAIR CO Firm believed to be Columbia County ' s eldest firm FORD. ARCH W see alse Censtructien programs, State see alse Education see alse Educatien Department (Ark) see also Government empleyees Ferd te head U S Council ef Chief State Schoel Officers FORD . EDSEL see also Beeks and writing Letter en memorizing poetry as form ef punishment in schools Humorous side ef noted poet seen in some peems FORD, JOSEPH D J R see also Agricultural extension werk FORDYCE LUMBER CO Large firm at Fordyce te be seld FORDYCE MINERAL SPRINGS see Historic buildings and sites FOREIGN DESCENT GROUPS Bew Hung Lee to be allowed to j ein parents at Lake Village Pelish immigrants settled at Marche in Pulaski Ceunty Mrs Frank Lulky te visit sen in Russia after 50-yrs apart Mrs Frank Lulky reunited with sen on visit to Russia FOREIGN POLICY ASSOCIATION American Legion opposes discussion groups en foreign pel icy FOREIGNERS IN ARKANSAS Iranian student at Arkansas Tech gives dinner fer 200 friends FOREST AND BRUSH FIRES Abeut 600 acres of timber destroyed in Lake Wedington area Big forest fire near Batesville brought under central Fine imposed on Belton Cecil over grass fire will stand Fire burns ever hundreds ef acres near Morrilton Paris area hit by forest fire Brush fire at Springdale damages at least six hemes Crews battle forest fires in three counties Ranger falls from 40-ft cliff while fighting Newton Ce fire FOREST QUEEN. Arkansas see also Axum, Donna Photographs ef regional final ists fer title FORESTS AND FORESTRY see also Wildlife Arkansas moves ahead in tree productien 172 1 2/ 7 /61 1 2/ 7/61 12/ 8/6 1 1/ 1/62 1/ 2/62 8/26/62 11/18/62 11/23/62 1 1/25/62 PAGE COL B2 B4 B4 Bl Al Fl B6 Bl B4 4 l 8 6 7 1 3 8 5 3/16/61 Bl 2 11/18/62 Al2 3 4/15/-62 A4 8/19/62 E4 5 3 9/15/62 A2 6 Al El Al2 C22 4 1 2 1 8/15/61 Bl4 1 1/21/61 A2 5 3/17/61 7/ 9/61 10/-15/62 11/15/62 4/-21/61 10/19/61 11/ 7/61 2/ 6/62 2/13/62 3/29/62 3/30/62 1 1/24/62 Bl A2 Bl Bl A2 A2 A2 A3 2 6 2 7 1 3 6 3 8/27 /61 ClO 2 1-/ 8/ 61 El 1 DATE Counties get $924.414 frem Ouachita, Oz ark Forest sales Huge walnut tree cut in 1887 (photo) Dr Rebert M Echols heads USDA ' s new forestry research program Sixty-two pct of Arkansas is in timber Arkansas was first Seuthern state to get a national forest St Francis is Arkansa s ' newest national forest Much ef Ouachita Natl Forest covered by mining claims Oz ark hills could produce valuable crop of trees FORREST CITY City has made much progress ever past few years FORREST CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Forrest City District FORREST MEMORIAL HOSPITAL see also Medicine and health FORT CHAFFEE see Defense and armed forces FORT SMITH see also Archeology and anthrepelegy see also Civil War see also Culture and the arts see also Economic development see also Historic buildings and sites see also History (Ark) Bob B rooksher elected mayer Bob B rooksher wins recourt in mayor ' s race Urban Renewal Agency sets boundaries fer renewal area Urban Renewal p lanning funds received Group teurs Little Rock ' s urban renewal proj ects Group gets facts en urban renewal in LR visit Residents obj ect te Urban Renewal proj ect Oklahomans renew fight to tax part of Fort Smith Urban Renewal fees seek vete on plans FORT SMITH CHAIR CO Judge fines three unien leaders fer contempt ef court NLRB examiner recommends rehiring, pay fer 186 workers FORT SMITH JUNIOR COLLEGE see also Trade scheels Scheel expands its curriculum Fort Smith JC t rains workers fer industry FORT SMITH MUNICIPAL AIRPORT see Civil rights and discrimination FORT SMITH NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE see Historic buildings and sited FORT SMITH SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Fort Smith District FORT SMITH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA see Music FOSSILS Oyster. sharks ' teeth found in Clark Ceunty Mastadon j awbone feund en Arkansas River sandbar Mastadan j awbone was found near Fart Smith 173 2/22/61 10/ 8/61 1 1/ 8/61 11-/l�/61 1 2/ 10/61 1 2/10/61 6/17 /62 11/ 11/62 PAGE COL Bl E6 Al E5 E5 E3 E4 2 1 3 4 2 2 5 l 2-/18/62 E5 2 4-/ 5/61 4/ 7/61 4-/25/61 7-/- 6/61 11/29/61 1 2/ 3/61 1 1/24/62 12/ 5/ 62 12/22./62 AB Bl Bl Bl Bl A6 Cl BlO All A2 7 3 5 8 2 1 5 5 7 8/23/6 1 Bl 5/24/62 A6 6 2 8/13/61 A15 2/ 7/62 Bl 7 2 7/16/61 Al2 6/29/62 A2 6/29:/62 A2 1 6 6 DATE Dinosaur skeleton being excavated near Delight in SW Arkansas FOSTER CARE see Children and youth FOSTER OAR CO Boat paddles from Conway plant seld world-wide FOURCHE LA FAVE RIVER see Rivers and lakes FOX DELUXE FOODS INC see also Arkansas Valley Industries Inc FOX. SALLY see also Apparel and dress FRANCE. ISABEL Announces she has incurable ferm of cancer Love of the meuntains. humer . mark announcemnt ef cancer Returns te hospital fer treatment Lists things for which she is thankful FRANKE I s INC see Restaurants FRANKLIN COUNTY County divided into 2 dists because ef Arkansas River FRANKL IN ELECTRIC CO Plant to locate at Siloam Springs FRANZ FOODS Union asks buyer boycott of Franz ; court steps it Feed Handlers lose round in court in Kreger Stores action Union told to step handing out leaflets at Kreger Stores Kroger drops union suit it filed against leafleteers FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES see also Colleges and univs - Fraternities and sororities Univ of Ark registrar Carter A Short is natl Blue Key officer FRAUD AND SWINDLING see also Arkansas Business Development Corp see also Champion and Co see also Lenders Service Company Inc see also Livestock and peul try see also Murders - McCool , J Thurman see also Stocks and bends see also Villa Mobile Hemes Manufacturing Cerp Four Texarkana men chgd in swindle of 81-yr-old minister Mrs Sharon Sellers gets 3-yr-term in hot check case at Mena Ira Celeinan Roberts chgd in $17 , 500 con game Woman at LR leses $560 in pigeen drop game Pigeon drep game casts woman $3 , 200 she saved fer heme Woman reports loss ef $1200 to swindlers Negro man reports he was slicked eut of $500 Bogus agents sell Grand Ole Opry ticket s at two cities see alse Stecks and bands Sellers ef bogus Grand Ole Opry tickets face charges Warner Heward Frith. Van Adams chgd with kiting checks Three men chgd in l ivestock swindle at Morrilton FREDERICK, DAVID 174 PAGE COL 9/16/62 AlO 3 12/13/61 Bl 2 10/21/62 10/21/-62 1 1/ 4/62 1 1/18/62 E6 E6 E6 1 l 1 1 8/27/61 El 1 10/ 7/61 B7 2 11/22/61 11/23/61 11/23/61 l l/24/61 7 8 8 3 E6 A6 Bl Bl BlO 9/ 9/62 A8 1/26/61 5/ 4/61 1/17/62 2/16/62 4/ 3/62 9/ 8/62 9/ 18/-62 9/30/-62 00/ /62 10/ 3/62 1 1/15/62 11/25/62 3 AlO B3 B12 A6 Al4 3 2 3 1 6 2 l 1 Bl Bl A2 5 2 1 Cl4 Bl K3 DATE see also History (Ark) FREE ENTERPRISE ASSOCIATION INC see Wages and salaries FREE, BILLY see also Cities and tewns FREEDOM FORUM see Harding College FREEDOM OF S PEECH see also Communism FREEDOM RIDERS see Civil rights and discrimination FREEMAN. ORVILLE L see also Agriculture FRENCH IN ARKANSAS see History (Ark) FRISCO RAILROAD see Railroads FROGS see Jumping Frog Jubilee FROLIC FOOTWEAR CO Jenesbere te buy plant, rent it te Frolic FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Ralph Banta of Green Forest. is noted apple-grewer FRY, HAYDEN see also Football FUDGE, CALVIN LOUIS see also Beeks and writing FUDGE, THOMAS G see also Agricultural extension work FULBRIGHT, J WILLIAM see alse Congress - Senate (Class I ) FULBRIGHT, ROBERTA see also Libraries, Public FULLER. CLAUDE ALBERT Biographical sketch ef f ermer Congressman f rem Arkansas FULLER, MAY OBES SHAIN Wife of former Rep Claude A Fuller dies at Eureka Springs FULLER, SUE HELEN see also Murders - Fuller. Sue Helen FULMER, W L SR see alse Medicine and health FULTON, VERA STAGG see also Culture and the arts FULTON • WILLIAM SAVIN see also History (Ark) FULTZ . EDWIN F Elected head ef national ESD employees group FUND RAIS ING see also Pulaski County FUNERAL S AND MORTUARIES Burial funds l aw validity tested in suit filed in court 175 PAGE COL 10/ 7/61 A2 3 10/21/62 E5 2 1/15/61 E2 5 10/ 8-/61 AlO 3 7/ 8/ 61 A3 5 3/24/61 Bl3 6 DATE PAGE COL Judge upholds act requiring holding of pre-paid funeral funds 8/ 4/6 1 B l l 12/17/61 Cl Ruebel Funeral Heme plans new bldg en West Markham 6/ 3/62 A16 Buddhist funeral at Clarksville may have been first fer Ark 8/31/62 AlO Marianna funeral heme has kept embalmed bedy since 1 909 9/ 2/62 A5 Ark Medical Center refuses body at Marianna mortuary 9/ 4/6 2 A2 Baby kept 53 years at Marianna may be that of William Kerr 9/ 5/62 Bl Tommy Meon may end up in UAMC after all 9/ 7/62 All Tommy Moon finds heme at last in Univ of Ark Medical Center 9-/-27/-62 Bl Mrs Thomas Peck says Tommy Moon is her father. George Berry 10/ 7 /62 AB Funeral services planned for George Clark Berry 10/-15/-62 A2 George Clark Berry ' Tammy Moon' buried at Vanndale Cemetery FUR see also Wildlife FURNITURE see Heuseheld furnishings and equipment FURTHER PROCESSING INC 7/13/61 B6 New plant at Russellville to test new poultry products FU'ill RE HOMEMAKERS OF AMERICA 3/11/-62 A12 Cenvention at LR te draw 1 2 . 000 girls to city FUTURE TRADESMEN ASSOCIATION 3/13/62 Bl Members told to stay in school and in Arkansas GALENA see also Mines and minerals GALLOWAY COLL'EGE see History (Ark) GAMBLING 3/ 8/61 Al Bookies at Hot Springs robbing state of revenue. Gev told 3/ 8/6 1 Al Gev Faubus asks efficials te closed dewn Hot Springs bookies 3/ 8/6 1 Al Hot Springs bookies operating wide epen, Gev Faubus told 3/ 8/61 Al State Sen Q Byrum Hurst says bookie reperts net true 3/ 8/6 1 Al Unwritten cede says Hot Springs beekies close during racing 3/19/61 A2 Lid clamped en beekies. Hot Springs officials say 3/31/-61 Al2 FBI seize 5 slet devices at Het Springs Dr L V Rowe files civil rights suit against Vapors Night Club 4/ 8/-61 A3 4/ 8/61 A3 Dr L V Rowe says he was falsely imprisoned at Vapors Club 5/ 6/61 A9 Gerald Vandeslice made party te lawsuit against Vapers Club 2 slet machines seized at Silver Dollar tavern at Hot Springs 5/20/61 Al 5/-20/61 Al 9 slot machines seized at Het Springs Gel f and Ceuntry Club Parade Magaz ine lists LR as farmer home of gambling syndicate 5/23/61 A3 5/26/61 AB Slet machines confiscated in third raid at Het Springs 5/27/61 A2 Gambling discussed in hearing en Vapors suit by Dr Rowe Vapors Night Club denies holding Dr L V Rewe against his will 5/27/-61 A2 6/ 7/61 Al Rebert F Kennedy cites Het Springs in rackets testimony 6/ 8/6 1 A3 Christian Civic Fdn will try te ban gambl ing in Arkansas 7/ 2/61 A2 Court drops rights suit by Dr L V Rawe against Vapors Club 7/25/-61 Al Biographical sketch ef Owen V Madden 7/25/ 61 Al Ot.\ren V Madden reportedly subpoenaed in Hot Springs probe 7/25/61 Al U S Senate prebers reportedly probing Hot Springs gambl ing 7/-30/61 E5 Rumers flying en resasens fer gambling probe at Het Springs 8/ 5/-61 Al Sen John L McClellan sets crime probe in Washington 8/22/61 BlO Phone records at Het Springs subpoenaed by Sen McClellan 176 6 3 5 3 2 5 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 l l l 3 3 3 3 6 6 4 3 2 3 3 3 1 5 6 DATE C J Lytle of NLR. subpoenaed by McClellan committee Owen Madden te testify bef ere U S Senate panel Beekies at Hot Springs and LR clesed up en eve of inquiry C Jul ian Lytel takes Fifth before Senate cemmittee Owen Madden. James Vitro take Fifth Amdt before Senate panel Hot Springs gamblers fret about U S Senate inquiry effect The repugnant concept of legalized gambling (ed) Pulaski Sheriff£ L C Yeung says co free ef syndicted gambl ing Court tells LR te preve Legion Post machines are fer gambling Kenneth Coffelt wants county officials questioned en gambling Pulaski grand j ury probing gambl ing. l iquor vielatiens The grand j ury inquiry (ed en Pulaski County probe) Judge William J Kirby cites 4 persons over Coffelt allegation Churchmen urge residents to demand probe ef gambl ing Report that Dutch students saw gambling in Pulaski checked U S Senate panel cannot check intrastate gambling Conway W Helmes charged in gambl ing probe Pulaski grand j ury questions three witnesses en gabling Grand j ury finds no syndicated gambling in Pulaski County The unimpressive report of the county grand j ury (ed) Bets totaling $ 1 . 5 million reported by state ' s bookies Gaming counts cost Meese Club mgr $300 Slet machines seized at Het Springs Country Club destroyed Hot Spings gambl ing net concern te maj ority . Gov Faubus says Illegal Hot Springs gambling net state problem. Faubus says The Hot Springs problem (ed en Faubus statements) Head ef Christian Civic Fdn asks U S prebe of Het Springs Rev W 0 Vaught calls fer halt to law violation in Hat Springs Ed Masters ef NLR fined fer allowing poker game in his heme Baptist State Cenv urges cleanup of vice and crime in state U S Atty Gen Rebert F Kennedy promises probe of Hot Springs Rebert F Kennedy has ne plans fer probe of Hot Springs Alleged gambl ing closes new cafe near Lake Village Sen Q Byrum Hurst te push fer legalized gambl ing in state Gazette urges cleanup of illegal gambl ing in Hot Springs Fine upheld in seizure of slot machines at NLR Meese Club Machines seized at Legion Pest legal. Grand Jury says Slot machines seized at NLR Meese Club destroyed Two mere slot machines ordered destroyed Two more slot machines destroyed in Pulaski County Raid at LR nets three en bookie charges Ministerial Assn charges widespread gambl ing in Pulaski Co Two assessed fines fer gambling operation at Dick ' s Place LR city employee te be fired in pinball raid case Pinball machines are headache fer NLR officials Pulaski Co Grand Jury wants laws en gambl ing passed Sid McMath takes issue with rept he allowed gambl ing Sports Illustrated says Hot Springs gambling wide-open Eight held to Circuit Ct en pinball payoff counts Downtown Printing Co of Hot Springs named in U S Senate rept U S Senate comm rept l inks Owney Madden to Dewntewn Printing 177 8/ 23/61 8/27 /61 8/27/61 9/ 1/61 9/- l/61 9/ 3/61 9/ 8/61 9/ 9/61 9/ 9/61 9/10/61 9/12/61 9/-13/61 9/14/61 9/15/61 9/19/61 9/20/-61 9/-21/-61 9/23/61 9/-26/61 9/27 /-61 9/27/61 10/ 6/61 10/21/61 11/ 1/61 11/ 1/61 11/ 2/61 11/ 2/61 11/ 9/61 1 1/ 9/6 1 1 1/10/61 12./13/61 12/14/-61 1/ 8/62 2/- 3/62 2/ 4/62 2/14/-62 2/ 1'5/62 2/16/-62 2/17/62 2/20/62 2/25/-62 2/27/62 2/27/62 3/ 2/62 3/ 4/ 62 3/ 6/-62 3/ 18/-62 3/ 18/62 3/28/62 3/29/62 3/29/62 PAGE COL Al Al All Al Al Al A4 Al Cl2 Al Bl A3 6 3 1 4 4 2 l 2 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 2 1 6 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 6 2 2 7 3 4 A2 l A2 1 1 1 1 3 1 6 2 6 8 8 4 4 6 6 1 4 4 A2 A2 Al A4 Bl Bl2 A6 Bl C14 Al Al A4 AB Al4 A5 Al Al A4 Bl A2 E2 A6 C20 Al A7 BS Al Bl Bl Bl Al Al AlO AlO Bl4 Al Al DATE K Barney Levin ' s Westweed Club has given up gambl ing Eleven defendants accused of running gaming house at LR Christian Church calls fer ban ef further legal gaming in Ark Black market tax en illegal gambling to be offered te Legis Black market tax en illegal gambl ing called hypocritical Kenneth Ceffelt chgs Gev Faubus blocked crime comm creation Gov Faubus maintains Het Springs gambl ing is a local problem Article en wide-epen gambl ing at Het Springs Crewds l ine up te gamble at Vapors Night Club. article says Southern Club in Hot Springs has 44 slot machines Gambl ing at Het Springs shewn in photos Het Springs mayer. pastors disagree en city ' s gambling Hot Springs ' crime and erganiz ed gambl ing (ed) Report reveals illegal wagers off in Arkansas Andrew S Bass charged by FBI in West Memphis Julius Gerard Jr convicted of permitting gambling at club Police raid Red Gate Supper Club near Little Rock Witness says he paid Andrew S Bass $50 per week in payoffs Andrew S Bass found guilty, given three years Andrew S Bass to appeal his conviction Gaming s chool allegedly operating at Hot Springs Grand Jury te leek into gambling at Het Springs Grand Jury may consider legality of cashing checks at clubs Understanding the issue in legalized gambl ing (ed) Sentinel-Record comments en gambl ing in spa city Grand Jury probe ef gambling in Ark begins Grand Jury cleses prebe ef gaming; refuses to indict Hot Springs officials hail Grand Jury verdict en gambling Church forces gearing up to oppose legalized gambl ing The federal investigation en Hat Springs gambl ing (ed) Churchmen ef Ark reveal plan fer fighting move en gambl ing Methodist and Baptist leaders head anti-gambling forces Editorials dis cussing gambling issue West Memphis night clubs closed; ne presecutien planned IRS seiz es pinball devices at LR. NLR fer lack of stamp Ralph Underhill apposes gambling in Ark State drops charges against three men Etwin L McDonald says effort te legalize gambling unl ikely Editorials en Hat Springs gambl ing situation GAME AND FISH COMMISSION (Ark) see alse Land and real estate see also Wildlife Gov Faubus switches Truman Baker frem G&FC te Highway Comm Sam Helt apptd to Comm by Gev Faubus Sam Helt was net a Faubus supporter in 195 4 G&FC crew cut trees at Lake Atalanta; residents angered G&FC crews did net cut white oaks at Lake Atalanta Stanley McNulty named to Comm Athel Hill ef Bass. seeks remeval of game warden 0 R Willis Athel Hill ' s suit alleges false impris onment Budget blacked by Rep Paul Van Dalsem 178 4/ 1/62 4/ 13/62 4/28/62 5/27/62 6/ 1/62 6/ 7/62 6/12/62 6/17/62 6/17/62 6/17/62 6/17/62 6/28/62 7/15/62 8/17/62 9/ &/ 62 10/ 9/62 10/29/62 11-/- 6/62 ll/ 7/62 11/18/-62 11/-25/62 11/-28/62 11-/29/-62 1 2/ 9/62 12/ 9/62 12/12/62 1 2/14/62 1 2/14/-62 12/15/62 12/15/62 1 2/16/62 12/ 16/62 12/ 16-/-62 12/18/-62 12/20/62 12/20/-62 1 2/20/62 1 2/30-/-62 1 2/30/62 1/18/61 1/18/61 1/18/ 61 1 2/13/61 12/21/61 5/10/-62 10/12/62 10-/-12/62 11/ 1/62 PAGE COL Al Bll A6 E3 A4 Bl A4 Al Al Al A3 Bl E2 Al D3 2 7 5 1 1 2 l 4 4 4 1 4 1 5 3 7 2 2 2 4 3 5 3 1 2 8 6 6 3 1 l 1 2 4 4 3 8 1 3 Al Al Al A6 Bl Bl B6 B6 Bl 3 3 3 4 2 7 5 5 2 A5 BlO A2 Bl Bl A2 Al Al Al E2 E3 Bl Al Al A2 A4 A3 A3 E3 Bl Al A6 B7 A5 DATE Legislators order increase in budget fer trapping predaters ALC cuts 40 key j ebs frem 1 963-64 budget; reduces salaries Pelitics seen in actiens ef ALC against G&FC staff State says Athel Hill lacks right to sue G&FC GAMES see alse Gambling Article en puzzles made by Civil War soldier Heep and pusher game made by Ark La Village Piggett bans pinball machines because children lese money Piggett loses in ceurt test en pinball machines GANGS see Crime and vice GANNAWAY. ALBERT C see also Metien pictures GANUS. CL IFTON L JR see alse Congress - House Dist 3 see alse Harding Cellege GAR see Wildlife GARAGIOLA. JOE see also Athletics and sports GARDEN CLUBS. Arkansas Federation of see also Veterans Annual cenventien elects officers. committees GARLAND COUNTY Former County Collector Ray Ow'en paroled f rem prison Fermer Ceunty Judge H C Warren freed of remaining three chgs Ex-baseball great Lon Warneke seeks ef fice ef county j udge GOP apposes reduction in number ef townships Len Warneke seeks county judge pest as independent Circuit j udge approves plan te abolish all tewnships Only 1 1 tewnships abolished by order County Judge Henry Murphy wants Warneke petitions rechecked Ark Supreme Ct upholds ruling against former county judge Len Warneke wins county j udge pest in receunt GARLAND. AUGUSTU S HILL see also History (Ark) GARRETT. U G see also Hempstead County GAS see Oil and gas GAS9 Natural see Oil and gas GASOLINE see Petroleum products see also Petroleum. products GASSVILLE see also Economic development GASTON. SAM Gasten left established career te study medicine GATES . SHERWOOD (Mr s ) 179 11/ 1/62 1 1/27/62 1 1/27/62 1 1/30/-62 1 1/ 5/ 6 1 12/10/61 5/16/62 8/28/62 PAGE COL Bl Al Al AB E5 C2 Bl A2 5/ 7/61 Dl5 2/ 2/61 1/ 5/62 8/ 18/62 8/22/62 9/ 5/62 9/-11/62 9/ 12/62 9/ 28/62 10/ 2/ 62 1 1/ 9/62 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 4 A2 Bl A2 A6 A6 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl 1 5 2 2 5 2 8 2 2 2 5/ 6/62 E4 1 DATE see alse Books and writing GATHINGS, E C see alse Cengress - Reuse Dist 1 GATHRIGHT. MORRELL see alsa Congress - Redistricting GATHRIGHT• P D see alse Boeks and writing GATLIN• J ALBERT see alse Rel igion GAYLEAN0 ROY H State repr calls fer study of free high scheel textbooks GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Ark) see Legislature (Ark) see Legislature (Ark) GENTRY. T J see also Arkansas Louisiana Gas Ce see also Courts. State and local see alse Electric power see also Rail reads GEOLOGY Mississippi embayment once extended te site ef Little Reck Geologic chart shows evolution ef the Ouachita Mountains High Ouachitas were once part ef inland sea bettem Highway cut near Benton reveals interesting f ermatiens Read cuts at Lake Maumelle shaw interesting f ermatiens Article on reek formations along US 7 1 near Mountainburg Geologist Charles G Stene studies LR area reeks. minerals Natural bridge formation at Harrison (photo) GEORGE , CHARLES L see also Education GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORP G-P buys Imperial Bag and Paper Ce at Pine Bluff Pine B luff plant to expand Officials discuss plans fer newly-acquired Crossett Ce Acquisitien of Crossett plant opens new markets fer G-P GERBER PRODUCTS CO Gerber plans large plant at Fort Smith Daniel F Gerber says firm never finishes plant. just expands GEREN. PAUL see alse Peace Cerps GERMANS IN ARKANSAS see History (Ark) GERRARD. W H see also Junior Chamber of Commerce GERSTAECKER. FRIEDRICH see also History {Ark) GEYER. WALTER Geyer left established career te study medicine GHOSTS see Apparitions GIBSON on. WELL CEMENTING CO 180 PAGE COL 3/11/62 A3 E2 E4 E4 ES 1 1/ 8/61 12/10/61 12/10/61 3/25/62 4/ 8/62 4/22/ 62 7/15/62 10/21/62 E4 E6 1 4 4 2 2 2 4 1 9/ 6/61 6/28/62 7/19/62 7/21/62 B7 Bl Bl A2 1 3 4 4 6/l<:f/62 Al 6/20/62 B l 7 2 5/ 6/62 E4 l E5 E5 DATE PAGE COL Fire at El Dorado facil ity dees $100,000 damage 6/13/61 A7 GIB SON, HAYS see alse Educatien - Conway Ditrict see alse Governor (Ark) GIDEONS INTERNATIONAL 8/27/62 A2 LR Gideons teld of werk in placing Bibles in Ceylon, India GIFFORD, EUGENE see also Conway County GILL SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Gill District GILLETT 1 1/16/62 Bl Mayer Jee Cloud remains en j ob ; ne one else will take it GIRLS STATE Girls State epens with 865 in attendance 6/11/61 A16 Three sets of twins are delegates 6/12/61 Al 6/13/61 Bl Girls elect mayors 6/16/61 Bl Governor chosen, ether officers elected 6/18/61 El Comments by delegates en current issues 2/14/62 Bl First Girls State fer Negroes scheduled 6/14/62 A3 Counties pick their ef ficers 6/17/62 Al2 Delegates te Girls Nation chosen GLASS see also Culture and the arts 7/23/61 E2 Beb Baty has creamer collection of ever 2 , 000 items GLASSCOCK, R E see also Civil rights and discrimination GLOVER, MARK S see alse Agricultural Stabiliz ation and Censervatien Service GLOVER, ROSS M see also World War I I GOFF, NORRIS see also Lauck, Chester GOLDEN, GEORGE see also Executive mansion (Ark) GOLDSMITH, ALLEN see alse Southwest Securities Inc GOLDWATER. BARRY M see alse Congress - Senate (Class I ) GOLF 7/15/61 B2 Richard Sikes fights way te Publinx finals 7/17/61 Bl Richard Sikes wins National Publinx title at Detroit 3 / 1 1/62 B2 Richard H Sikes invited te Masters Teurnament 4/16/62 B2 Richard H Sikes plays in Masters Teurnament 5/27/62 B3 Richard H Sikes ef Springdale favored in Riverdale 4-ball GOOCH, JAMES T see alse Courts. Federal GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION, Arkansas see also Roads GOODFELLOWS CLUB see History (Ark) GORDON, EDWARD 181 3 l 2 1 6 4 6 l 4 6 3 1 6 4 l 3 4 DATE Apptd te State Beard ef Educatien GORDON• NATHAN see also Lieutenant Governor (Ark) GOSNELL SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Gosnell District GOTHAM CHALKBOARD AND TRIM CO Plant boosts economy of Marked Tree GOVERNMENT BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (Ark) see Government departments and agencies (Ark) GOVERNMENT BONDS AND INVESTMENTS see also Governor (Ark) Bills in Legis propose sale of industrial bonds held by state Senate passes bill to revoke bend authority Reuse bill calls fer pay-as-you-go bend plan fer building Dardanel le asks state Finance Bd ta buy indus revenue bonds State buys Dardanelle ' s industrial bonds State funds draw no interest Gazette calls fer interest en state funds in banks Banks holding funds of state are kept secret List ef banks holding deposits ef state money State should get interest from money in banks. ed says The central issue en state bank deposits (ed) State Treasurer decides size ef deposits fer each bank State Treasurer candidate says he would change deposit system A non-political system in bank deposits (ed) Interest en state funds (ed) Gaz ette insists state should get interest en bank deposits How other states put idle funds te work (ed) Idle funds for Revenue Bldg cannot be invested under law GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES (Ark) see also Alcoholic Beverage Control Department (Ark) see also Apiary Beard (Ark) see also Banking Beard (Ark) see alee Claims Cemmissien (Ark) see also Commerce Commission (Ark) see also Disability Determinatien Dept (Ark) see also Disability Determination Department (Ark) see alse Education Board (Ark) see also Education Department (Ark) see also Empleyment Security Division (Ark) see also Game and Fish Cemmissien (Ark) see also Health Beard (Ark) see also Health Department (Ark) see also Higher Educatienal Finance. Commission en see also Highway Department (Ark) see also Highway Department (Ark) see also History Commission (Ark) see also Industrial Development Cemmissien (Ark) see alse Labor Department (Ark) see also Land Department (Ark) see also Medical Board. Arkansas State • 182 • • PAGE COL 3/13/62 Bl 5 2/23/62 Bl 2 1/19/61 1/25/61 1/26/61 4/11/61 4/ 12/61 6/ 4/6 1 7/11/61 9/16/61 6/10/62 6/19/62 6/20/62 6/20/62 6/20/62 6/21/62 6/26/62 7/10/62 7/27/62 9/16/62 8 4 2 8 6 l 2 3 3 l l 1 4 l 2 1 1 l Bl Al Al Bl BB E5 A4 A3 Al A4 A4 A6 A6 A4 A4 A4 A4 E3 DATE see alse Merit System Council (Ark) see also Oil and Gas Cem.missien (Ark) see alse Parden and Parole Beard (Ark) see also Public Service Commis sion (Ark) see also Publ icity and Parks Commission (Ark) see also Racing Commission (Ark) see also Teacher Retirement System (Ark) see alse Welfare Department (Ark) see alse Workmen ' s Compensation Cemm.issien (Ark) Senate passes bill te curb absenteeism at beard meetings Column discusses filling ef commissions pests Gov Faubus te fill about 1 7 0 vacancies in his 5th term GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. Local County employees have been under state retirement system 2 yr Little Reck will keep its ewn retirement plan GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. State Ark Empleyment Security Div employees face Hatch Act charges ESD employees accused ef violating l aw in Faubus campaign Gev Faubus doubts five ESD employees guilty Five ESD employees identified in Hatch Act case Federal govt says it can preve charges of ESD shakedewn ARD s ays pay raises would cost $ 1 . 2 million under bill ESD employees. state rej ect Hatch Act vielatiens charges Municipal employees ask Legislature fer pensien plan Bill in Legis weuld increase county employees salaries State Hospital Supt Granville L Jenes says no politics there State Hospital political policy is similar to Hatch Act Legis sets up j ob classification and analysis system Five ESD empleyees face April hearing en Hatch Act chgs Unnamed senator 1 s son reportedly te get j ob without exam Arnold B Sikes takes leave ef absence te work in bond drive ESD empleyees testify donatiens fer Faubus were solicited Summary of testimony by ESD empleyees en Faubus campaign fund Five ESD officials testify they did net solicit Faubus funds Hatch Act hearing raises grave question (ed) Faubus fund solicitor Jehn B Bull has say en hiring Merit System Council uses Jehn B Bull as oral examiner John B Bull holds pest despite ban against political activity Haw Faubus machine uses its pewer (ed on ESD and Hatch Act) Daughter ef Forrest Rozelle lands state j ob for summer Merit Council backs Faubus fund-raiser Jehn B Bull Sen Rudolph Bates takes j ob as ESD auditor; sees ne conflict Senator Rudolph Bates can held ESD j ob . Merit Council says Senator Rudolph Bates quits ESD j eb Gaz ette cemments en resignation ef Sen Rudolph Bates Mrs A Hall Allen Jr. withess in Hatch Act case. resigns Case ef Mrs Allen and the ESD headsmen (ed) Gov Faubus denies knowledge ef Mrs Allen' s ESD resignation ESD Admr J L Bland silent en resignation ef Mrs Allen Mr Bland ' s silence (ed on resignatien ef Mrs A Hall Allen) Civil service examiner advises 3 in ESD vielated Hatch act 183 PAGE COL 1/28/61 A2 5/28/61 E5 1 2/26/62 A9 5/21/61 A6 6/ 1/61 A13 1/14/-61 1/14/-61 1/15/61 1/16-/-61 1/17/61 1/2'2;/61 1/25/61 1/29/-61 1/31/61 2/12/61 2/12/61 3/10/61 3/31/61 4/ 2/61 5/ 16/61 6/ 7/61 6/ 7/61 6/ 8/61 6-/- 8/61 6/10/61 6/10/61 6/11/61 6-/-11/61 6/11/61 6/13/61 8/ 5/-61 8/ 6/61 8/24/61 8/27/-61 9/30/61 10/ 2/ 61 1 0-/- 4/61 10/ 7/61 10/ 8/61 10/11/61 Al Al Al A2 Bl A4 Bl AB A3 E4 E4 A2 Bl E5 A2 Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al E4 ES Bl A2 Al Al E4 Al A4 A2 A2 E2 Al 5 1 1 1 3 2 2 7 4 2 7 8 1 3 3 3 1 8 l 6 3 3 3 l 5 5 6 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 4 1 1 6 l 3 DATE Firing ef ESD ' s Luke Arnett. Charles Weed, Wm Watkins asked Paul F Hegan testified he refused te give te Faubus campaign Paul F Hegan will not say if he has resigned ESD positien Paul F Hegan had been transferred from Russellville office Paul F Hegan has resigned ESD j eb Hatch Act chickens ceme heme ta roost (ed) Three ESD empleyees act te keep j obs in Hatch Act case AAUW te ask Knnedys te probe case ef Mrs Allen Gov Orval E Faubus defends ESD for its efficiency Gov Orval Faubus says AAUW pretests of ten and regularly Keeping score on ups and dewns ef ESD witnesses in Hatch Act AAJJ P protest in case ef Mrs Allen brings enly one reply ESD employee Jee T Hirscheide r ' s j eb abelished Jee T Hirscheider testified in Hatch Act hearings in June AAUW branch sends 16 telegrams to Washington in pretest ESD firing of Jee Hirscheider prempts AAUW telegrams Joe B Hirscheider appeals his case te Merit System Council Hearing fer Jee T Hirscheider called off William Watkins. ESD figure in Hatch Act case. resigns Federal govt reviBr.7ing Hatch Act case and ESD ESD relents. rehires Jee T Hirschider whe had been fired AAUW urges probe of alleged reprisals against ESD employees ESD employee Charles F Weed feund guilty in Hatch Act case ESD empleyees Luke Anett. William Wat sen guilty in Hatch case Gazette cem.ments en Hatch Act vielatiens at ESD ESD Admr James L Bland silent on suggested dismissal ef three Fear hampers prebe of ESD Gov Faubus assails prebe in ESD, backs accused efficials Gov Faubus contends ESD prebe aimed at him personally The ESD scandal (ed) Gov Faubus orders end te personal use of state cars ESD empleyees who violated Hatch Act still en state payroll U S Civil Service Comm asks status ef ESD employees Pelitical leyalties and a $51 , 3 00 loss (ed en ESD case) Gov Faubus says he has done nething about ESD Hatch Act case U S Civil Service awaits reply frem. Gev Faubus on ESD case ESD hires first Negrees fer white collar j ebs Funds te be withheld from ESD because ef Hatch Act vielatien Gev Faubus te keep Arnett. Wood in ESD j obs. lese funds AAUW hits flouting ef order in ESD Hatch Act case Rey Reed speculates en Faubus motive fer Negroes in ESD posts Gov Faubus meets w ith Negro leaders en state empleyment Editorials critical ef Faubus keeping two officials in pests State empleyees anxious about Faubus re-election decision State Educ Commr Arch Ford cautions workers en politics Gov Faubus keeps ESD vielaters on payrell despite cast ESD Hatch Act case is a machine in action. Gaz ette says Editorial en Gov Faubus and the ESD Hatch Act violation Text of US Civil Rights Comm finding in Hatch Act case ESD empleyees net fired, funds net cut over Hatch Act case ESD penalties en Hatch Act case coming seen 184 10/-11/61 10/11/-61 10/11/61 10/12/61 10/12/61 10/12/61 10/-20/61 10/29/61 1 1/ 1/61 1 1/ 1/-61 11/- 5/61 1 1/22/61 12/14/61 1 2/ 1 4/61 12/17/61 12/17/61 1 2/ 1 9/61 1 2/28/61 1 2/29/-61 12/31/61 l/ 5/-62 1/ 7/62 1/16/62 1/16/62 1/-17/-62 1/17/-62 1/19/62 1/-19/62 1/-19/62 1/20/62 2/10/62 2/16/62 2/17/62 2/17/62 2/-20/62 2/24/62 3/ 2/-62 3/ 6/62 3/ 7/62 3/ 9/62 3/11/-62 3/13/62 3/18/62 4/ 1/62 4/10/62 5/12/62 5/13/62 5/16/62 5/16/62 5/25/-62 6/ 1/62 PAGE COL Al A2 A2 A2 A2 A4 Bl A2 B8 BB E3 A2 Al Al A3 A3 Bl4 A3 Bl Al Al Af3 Al Al A4 Af3 Al Al Al A4 A2 Al Al A4 Bl B6 Bl Al Al Al E3 Al E3 E3 A3 Al E2 A4 E4 Al Al 3 1 1 1 1 l 8 4 5 5 1 8 4 4 1 l 1 1 2 6 5 5 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 7 3 7 l 8 3 6 6 6 7 1 2 2 1 7 5 1 2 6 .5 4 DATE State ferfeits $30, 600 te keep ESD empleyees en payrell Dr Granville L Jones says politics cest him State Hosp j ob State Hespital empleyees received pay raise this month Pelitical fees unite in appeal for pay raises Statehouse pres achieve status eutside Arkansas Gov Faubus w ants pay raise fer lewer paid employees ALC passes ARD budget witheut raises fer officials Retirement pay authorized fer Rey W Milum. 20 ethers GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. Local Sheriffs vote ta try again fer end to pay limits in charter Sheriffs Assn wants pay raise plan pegged to county size Ceunty Clerks Assn endorse proposal fer raising pay County judges view critics as innocently ignorant Proposed Amdt 52 would allew higher salaries fer officials GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. State see also Attorney General (Ark) see also Auditor (Ark) see also Gevernor (Ark) see alse Land Commissioner (Ark) see also Land Department (Ark) see also Lieutenant Gevernor (Ark) see also Secretary of State {Ark) see also Treasurer (Ark) Date fer taking office has been muddled ever the years Arndt to lift bar en pay endorsed by Arkansas Bar Assn Officials send Christmas greetings Many officials . employees paid higher salary than Governor Challenge may be made ef ef ficials holding military cemms State Auditor Jimmmi e Jones also holds National Guard comm State Treasurer L A Clayton is active in Naval Reserve Taxpayer suit challenges expense acct s f er govt officials Proposed Amdt 5 2 would allew salary increase for efficial s Gazette endorses Amdt 52 State flag use in advertising Amdt 5 2 called illegal Arndt te allew higher salaries fails Suit en public relations activities funds dismissed by judge Prepesed Amdt 5 2 defeated GOVERNMENT REFORMS see Politics and elections GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION see Politics and elections GOVERNOR (Ark) see also Executive Mansion (Ark) see also Politics and elections Faubus met with Reynol ds officials te help keep plant open Gov Orval Faubus celebrates S l st birthday Orval E Faubus becomes state ' s first 4-term governor today Faubus says college finance board measure in Legis not his Faubus names two assistants l iaison te Legislature Legislators divided ever Faubus speech at opening session Description ef House chamber during Faubus speech 185 PAGE COL 6/29/-62 7/24/-62 7/31/62 9/19/62 9/30/62 10/-24/62 12/ 6/62 12:/20/-62 Al Bl Bl Bl E3 Bl A3 Bl 3 1 4 8 1 5 1 4 1/12/61 1/13/61 1/15/-61 1 1/25/61 9/16/62 Bl Bl ClO Al A7 4 1 4 1 1/ 8/61 6/10/-61 12/24/61 1/14/-62 1/28/-62 1/28/62 1/28/62 7/ 4/62 9/16/62 9/20/62 10/ 11/62 11/- 7 /-62 1 1/27/62 1 1/27/-62 ES A3 D3 D3 E3 l/ 6/-61 1/- 8/61 1/10/61 1/10/61 1/10/-61 1 / 1 1/61 1/-11/-61 E3 E3 A2 A7 A4 Bl Al Al Bl Al A9 Al Al A2 Al Al 2. l 6 1 1 1 1 1 6 l l 3 5 3 5 3 7 4 5 l 6 7 DATE Faubus asks Legis fer law te plug dike around sch segregation Summary of maj er ideas presented to Legis fer consideration The issues emerging in Faubus inaugural (ed) Faubus apposes raiding read funds by cities and counties Faubus praises Lawrence Blackwel l ; non-commital en re-appmt Faubus wants delay in appreval ef Congressional redistricting Senate ' s quick vote en redistricting Cengress surprises Gov Faubus reaffirms eppositien to compulsory scbeol mergers Faubus to skip inauguration of President J ohn F Kennedy 4 ESD employees accused ef violating Hatch Act in campaign Faubus plan fer welfare is advanced by White House Conf panel Group urges Faubus to push fer PSC prebe ef electric rates Faubus doubts five ESD employees violated Hatch Act Change in Faubus inaugural noted between 1 95 5 . 1 96 1 Faubus defends his county vehicle l icense tax plan Appoints Sam Holt to Game and Fish Comm Appoints l engtime crony Truman Baker to Ark Highway Comm Sam Helt was net a Faubus supporter in 1954 Paying political debts (ed en recent appmts to commissions) Faubus may try te save Shumaker Depet from being sold Faubus supports end te state purchase of industrial bonds Faubus will sign Mays plan fer Congressional reapportionment Faubus disagrees with AIDC on tax concessions te lure indus Faubus defends naming Truman Baker to Highway Cemmissien Gov Faubus meets privately with college heads en tax plan College heads want Faubus aid to defeat overall beard plan AIDC fretting ever relations with Governor Faubus Gov Faubus signs Congressional reapportionment plan Gov Faubus says he is net at odds with AIDC Faubus building program blocked by issue ever soft drink tax Faubus endorses Sam Rayburn plan to enlarge Rules Committee Faubus plans te keep state eut of sale of Shumaker Depot sale Faubus asks Univ ef Ark te continue football with Ole Miss Faubus gives State Hospital , Children ' s Celeny funds priority Faubus concerned by tax cuts proposed in Legis Lawmakers sheM unconcern fer Gov Faubus ' plans Gov Faubus having legis reapportionment plan drawn up State turnbacks and Mr Faubus ' s duty (ed) Gov Faubus tells why speedy changes in constitution needed Faubus w ants state ' s share of teacher retirement cut te 5 pct Faubus wants teachers placed under Social Security System Faubus premises to seek mere funds fer Ark A M & N College Gazette opposes Faubus plan fer quick constitutional amdts Faubus favors control ef billboards along interstate reads Faubus opposed te raising tuition at state colleges, univ Women ' s Emergency Committee attacks two Faubus proposals Faubus questions motive of tax cut advocates Faubus comments on centreversy ever teacher retirement funds Article en methed Faubus used te reappartien Legislature Gazette commends Faubus stand en reducing state taxes Faubus te study method fer financing construction program 186 1 / 1 1/-61 1 / 1 1/-61 1-/-11/-61 1/12/61 1/12/61 1/13/61 1/13/61 1/13/61 1/-13/61 1-/-14/61 1/14/61 1/14/61 1/15/-61 1/15/61 1-/17/-61 1/18/61 1/18/-61 1/18/61 1/19/61 1/19/61 1 / 1 9/61 1/20/-61 1/20/61 1/20/61 1/21/61 1/21/61 1/22/61 1/24/61 1/24/61 1/26/-61 1/26/-61 1/26/61 1/26/61 1/27/61 1-/-27-/-61 1/29/61 1/29/61 1/29-/-61 1/-31/61 1/31/61 1/31/61 1/-31/61 2-/ 1/61 2/ 1/61 2/ 1/61 2-/ 3/61 2/ 3-/61 2-/ 4/61 2/ 5-/61 2-/ 5/-61 2-/ 7/-61 PAGE COL Al Al A4 Al Al A2 A2 A2 A2 Al A2 A2 Al ES B3 Al Al Al A4 AB Bl Al A3 Bl A3 A3 E5 Al Bl Al AS A5 B2 A6 Bl Al AS E4 Al Al Al Bl A4 Bl Bl A12 Bl A3 A9 E4 Al 8 8 1 6 6 1 1 2 2 2 6 6 1 1 6 3 3 3 2 1 8 5 1 8 l 3 l 2 1 3 1 6 3 3 2 5 1 1 3 4 4 6 2 4 4 4 6 3 1 1 8 DATE Gov Faubus signs into law leng list ef new acts Gov Faubus. teachers disagree en retirement funding Gev Faubus says bills fer university status improved Faubus slaps teacher pension plan . hints at vete Faubus signs repeal of schoel board recall act ef 1 95 8 Faubus bel ieves free elector law helped J FK Forrest Rozzell strikes back a t Faubus en teacher retirement Gov Faubus signs highway bond bill Gov Faubus says change in consumer credit limit not tee bad Faubus says costly govt reforms net necessary Angered by news leak. Faubus belittles B rooks Hays appmt Faubus says Brooks Hays about as valuable as 5-yr-old child President Kennedy consulted Faubus before Hays appmt Faubus may turn to tax en beer. cigarettes to finance bldgs Faubus irked by general revenue diversion to counties Faubus attack on Brooks Hays draws Gazette response Faubus and voting (ed en statement en election system) Faubus moves to settle highway fund wrangle Faubus mailing his views on retirement to 1 5 . 000 teachers Faubus signs 16 bills. 4 resolutions Editerial discusses Faubus ' problems with the Legislature Faubus signs bill increasing turnback funds te counties Faubus will not place cities en funding par with counties Faubus presents his plan fer censtructien at colleges Gov Faubus seeks compromise en Teacher Retirement bill Faubus wants War Memorial Stadium Comm enlarged Legis lets Faubus decide en sales tax en indus equipment Faubus signs 2 1 measures passed by Legis AIDC funding bill gives governor say in hiring consultants Faubus compromising to avert legislative logj am Editorials on Faubus and his quickie amendments prepesal Pol iticians w onder why Faubus blew his stack ever Hays appmt Schoel forces fail te budge Faubus stand en retirement bill AF.A leaders den ' t serve teachers ' best interests. Faubus says Faubus presents ambitious construction program to Legislature Gov Faubus addresses j oint session ef the Legislature Grant County teachers send Faubus letter en retirement plan Editorial analyzes Faubus stand on teacher retirement Beer tax fer construction program had strings . Faubus says Faubus has second construction plan if first one fails Faubus plan fer state construction program gains f aver Faubus and the AEA (ed) Faubus signs bill reducing industrial exemptions to use tax Faubus agrees to teacher retirement cempremise offer AEA rejects Faubus offer en teacher retirement bill Faubus calls for investigation ef Teacher Retirement System Smooth sailing seen fer Faubus bond program Beaten twice, Faubus tackles teachers again Highlights f rem Faubus speech en state constructien pregram Faubus remarks en Breaks Hays draw editorial comment Faubus ties Ark AM&N funds t o hiring ef Earl E Evans 187 2/ 7/61 2/- 8/61 2/ 8/61 2/ 9/61 2/ 9/61 2/ 9/61 2/10/61 2/10/61 2/10/-61 2/10/61 2/11/61 2/1 1/61 2/11/61 2/11/61 2/11/61 2/12/61 2-/ 12/61 2/14/61 2/14/61 2/14/61 2/15/61 2/16/61 2/16/61 2/16/61 2/17/61 2/17/61 2/18/61 2/18/61 2/18/61 2/19/61 2/19/61 2/19/61 2/21/61 2/22/61 2/22/61 2/22/61 2/22-/61 2/22/61 2/23/61 2/23/61 2/23/61 2/23/61 2/23/61 2/24/61 2/25/61 2/25/-61 2/26/61 2/26/61 2/26/61 2/26/61 2/28/61 PAGE COL Bl Al A2 Al Bl B9 Al Bl Bl Bl Al Al Al Al A3 E4 E4 Al Bl Bl A4 AlO AlO Bl Al B2 A2 A5 A5 Al E4 E5 Al Al Al Al A3 A4 Al Al Al A4 Bl Al Al Al Al Al A16 E4 Al 8 2 4 2 8 2 3 2 3 5 4 4 4 6 4 1 2 2 4 8 2 1 1 8 8 3 1 1 4 3 6 5 5 6 8 8 1 1 3 4 4 2 8 8 7 7 3 4 1 7 6 DATE Teachers overwhelmingly rej ect Faubus plan on retirement Faubus drops plan fer speedy revision of constitution Governor ' s teacher retirement bill defeated by House Faubus admits letter en Ark AM&N. but denies threat Instant amendments and Faubus ' s bargain (ed) Compromise may delay teacher retirement changes fer 2 yrs Faubus cracks whip; Hause passes his teacher retirement bill Faubus says public awakened, eppeses AEA pensien plan Faubus forces seek support of teachers on bend issue AF.A panel appears reluctant to deal with Gov Faubus The governor ' s blitzkrieg en teacher retirement (ed) Peevish Faubus may indicate building program en the reeks Faubus stumps fer construction bends in speech te grecers Faubus adds teacher pay raise te construction bill Reuse rej ects Faubus ' proposed school segregation amdt Faubus pushes his teacher retirement bill through Senate Faubus told Senators he would veto AEA retirement bill Faubus allows repeal of free elector law without his action Faubus asks officials te close Hot Springs bookie operations Faubus proposed amdt en children refusing integrated schoels Faubus f avers dividing scheel plants aleng racial lines Faubus says courts may make segregated scheel amdt needed Faubus ' proposal en school segregation to be en ballet Proposal says no child has te attend integrated school Faubus signs bill fer state te start educational 'IV Faubus pleased w ith treatment Legislature gave his program Faubus says his construction program will take care of future Faubus says he alene makes decisions in his administration Repert had said William J Smith is a second governor Faubus summoned full forces to beat AEA retirement prepesal Faubus get everything he wanted frem Legis; had te push hard Faubus favors medical care plan financed by Social Security Faubus premises to teachers during Dem primary (ed) Faubus delays call of election to fill Cengressienal seat Faubus signs his teacher retirement bill, vetoes AEA version Gov Faubus signs l ong l ist of bills passed by Legislature Gov Faubus signs numerous bills into law Faubus backs Dale Alford vote en restoring Eisenhower ' s rank Faubus says he is unconcerned by anything I S McClinten says Orval Faubus wonders what ' Faubusism.' means Writers use word, ' faubus. ' as a verbs Faubus vetoes closing of Confederate Heme at LR Faubus vetoes several bills passed by Legislature Faubus vetees some. but net all. free ferry bills Gev Faubus signs l ong l ist of measures passed by Legis Faubus vetoes bill fer flat aute license fee rates Gov Faubus signs several bills into law Faubus signs bill fer proposed $60 million bend issue Faubus replies te AEA attack en his construction bond program Legislators not counting Gev Faubus eut after all Construction bend issue best for AEA and Ark. Faubus says 188 2/28/-61 3/ 1/61 3/ 1/-61 3/ 1/61 3/ 1/61 3/ 2/61 3/ 2/61 3/ 2/61 3/ 2/61 3/ 3/61 3/ 3/61 3/ 4-/61 3/ 4/6 1 3/ 7/61 3/ 7-/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 7/61 3-/ 7/61 3-/ 8/61 3-/ 8/61 3/ 8/61 3/ 8/61 3-/ 9/61 3-/ 9/61 3/ 9/61 3/ 9/61 3/ 9/61 3/10/61 3-/10/61 3-/12/61 3/12/61 3/12/61 3-/13/61 3/14/61 3-/15/61 3/15/61 3/16/61 3/17/61 3/17/-61 3/17/-61 3-/17/61 3/17/-61 3/17/61 3/17/61 3/17/61 3/18/61 3-/18/61 3/18/61 3/19/61 3/19/61 3/21/61 PAGE COL A2 Al Al Al2 A4 Al Al A2 B2 Al A4 Al B6 Al Al Al Al Bl Al Al A2 A2 Al Al A5 A5 Bl A2 A2 Al4 A9 ES A4 A3 Al Al Bl2 A8 A8 A8 A8 B12 Bl2 B12 Bl2 Al Al A2 Al ES Al 1 4 8 1 1 6 8 7 4 6 1 4 3 6 7 8 8 3 3 8 1 l 8 8 1 2 8 4 4 l l 5 1 5 8 8 1 2 2 2 2 1 l l l 4 4 l 8 1 2 DATE Gazette cemmends AEA fer opposing Faubus on bond issue Faubus left to carry ball on construction bend issue Gev Faubus urged te grant leniency to E A Lauderdale Sr No cempremise en construction bend amount . Faubus says Faubus silent en opposition te his bend issue plan Faubus gives up bodyguard as threats en life diminish Faubus does net plan special legis session en omnibus bill Faubus accused of using children as pawns in omnibus dispute Rep J H Cottrell makes harsh attack en Faubus and his style Forrest Rozzell responds to Faubus charges Forrest Rozzell using Rep J H Cottrell Jr. Faubus says Faubus blames Forrest Rozzell for construction stoppage Editorial en Faubus use ef children to premete his programs Faubus offer of deal en Children ' s Celeny angers J H Cottrell Faubus concerned at atheism rise among college students Faubus meets privately with monied backers en bldg program Faubus bitterly critical ef opponents on construction program Faubus releases funds to ease Children ' s Colony crisis The Governor yields (ed en funds for Children ' s Colony) Faubus names L D Blair head ef ' s Compensation Comm Gov Faubus names Dan D Stephens atty fer PSC Gov Faubus discusses flap over emnibus apprepriatien bill Gazette disputes Faubus en legality of emnibus bills Faubus tells dentists te try again on dental educ bill Faubus calls States Rights Party claim en Jews ridiculous Faubus says he has first-hand knowledge of German atrocities Gov Faubus te skip meeting in Hawaii. costs cited Mr Faubus corrects the Thunderbelters (ed en NSSP writing) Forrest Rozzell says AEA made effort te deal with Faubus Faubus may have pell made en $60 millien centructien plan Mrs E L Bishep gives Faubus ' the fact s ' en Eichmanm trial Faubus plugs his censtructien bend program in speech Addresses National Rehabil itation Assn cenventien Faubus fears Shumaker te end up in j unk pile. asks U S help Omnibus apprepriatien bill wins first court test Faubus carries plea en Shumaker Depot to President Kennedy Faubus says state may lease Shumaker Naval Ammunition Depot Faubus irked by AIDC stand en Shumaker Naval Ammunition Depot Faubuses will participate in Civil War centennial event Faubus waits on college presidents en bond issue election Faubus replies te Forrest Rozzell with ' haw haw' Teacher pay net funny , Forrest Rozzell tells Faubus Gov Faubus to seek disaster aid fer flood. ternade victims Faubus voluntarily testified fer Gaz ette in libel suit Gov Faubus seeks federal disaster funds fer 41 counties Faubus says state agencies well off even without budget raise Faubus backs idea ef 1 8-mile-leng park in Mississippi Ceunty Gov Faubus steps into Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co rate dispute National Civil Defense directer visits with Faubus Faubus censures Rebert Kennedy fer action in Alabama pretest Faubus says freedom-rider movement backed by Justice Dept 189 3/21/61 3/26/61 3/28/ 6 1 3/28/61 3/29/61 3/29/61 3/30/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 3/31/61 4/ 1/61 4/ 1/61 4-/ 2/61 4-/ 3/61 4/ 4/6 1 4/ 6/61 4/ 6/61 4/ 6/6 1 4-/ 6/61 4/ 8/61 4/ 8/61 4/ 9/61 4/ 12/61 4/13/61 4/13/61 4/ 14/61 4/14/61 4/14/ 6 1 4/ 1 4/61 4/15/61 4/15/61 4/ 15/61 4/18/61 4/19/61 4/19/61 4/22/61 4/27/61 4/30/61 5/ 5/61 5/ 9/61 5/10/61 5/11/61 5/11/61 5/13/61 5/13/61 5/16-/61 5/17/61 5/17/61 5/23/61 5/23/61 PAGE COL A4 E5 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al A4 A7 Al Al E4 Bl Bl Bl A2 A4 Bl Bl Al B6 B6 Al Al Bl A6 A6 AlO Bl Al Al A2 B6 A2 A3 A3 Al Bl Al Al 1 1 2 3 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 5 2 5 2 7 8 8 1 2 4 7 1 4 4 4 4 1 5 6 4 l 8 5 2 8 2 1 1 3 2 3 8 1 l 7 1 4 6 7 7 DATE Gov Faubus tells A & M seniers to have courage Faubus lashes at Henry M Britt ' s statements an bend pregram Henry M Britt says Faubus ' acts are fair game fer comment Faubus sees state GOP reorganiz ation is ineffectual Celleges need te plan fer 80 , 0000 students, Faubus says Faubus speaks frankly about his personal views on integration Gov Faubus attacks foes ef constructien bend program Gazette says Faubus seeks rele of underdog in bonds case Faubus plugs bond issue. Omnibus bill, hits at F Rozzell Faubus meets w ith construction trades labor leaders en bonds Faubus sets June 27 for vote on construction bend issue Faubus in sember meed after court voids Omnibus Act Faubus says J H Cottrell Jr may lead attack on stabilization Faubus l ashes into critics Forrest Rozzell, Hugh B Patterson Faubus remarks draw reply frem Forrest Rozzell Faubus tells bend issue critics to say what proj ect unneeded Faubus to await election before calling Legis session The governor cheeses expediency ever duty (ed) Editorial en Faubus appointees and the Hatch Act Faubus continues attack en Forrest Rozzell. Eugene Warren Faubus takes te airwaves to premote construction bends Werking man would benefit from construction program. Gov says Faubus did net answer right questions . Forrest Rozzell says Gev Faubus addresses Boys State Eugene R Warren. Joshua Shepherd reply te Faubus criticism Faubus evades real issues in bond proposal . Gazette says Hew Faubus machine uses its pew-er (ed on ESD and Hatch Act) Gov Faubus warmly praised by Rev Billy J ames Hargis Faubus hits at bond critics Rey W Milam and J H Cottrell J r Gov Faubus takes peke a t federal govt role in scheels Gov Faubus says school 1 cl ique" wants 62 pct of revenue Faubus reassures welfare clients ef raise in benefits Faubus says Legis could cut welfare funds for proj ects Faubus to ask fer review of ruling en Omnibus Act Faubus wins Ark Municipal League endorsement of bond issue Bend issue opponents take leaf frem Faubus book (ed) Gov Faubus attacks America ' s foreign aid program Faubus sets special election in Madison County fer repr Fees of bend issue pounce en Faubus assertion ef no new tax Gazette says Faubus uses political web-spinning in bend drive Mr Faubus and usury (ed en Faubus attack on Sen Milum) Faubus sits in as Joshua K Shepherd addresses Educ Dept Faubus premise s surprise in telecast supporting bend issue Forrest Rozzell chides Faubus fer ' petutlant name-calling ' Faubus attacks newspapers for opposing his bond program Faubus calls bend opponent s moderates and integratienists Faubus ties f ight en bond program te his '57 crisis Mest state newspapers lambaste Faubus bend plan as unsound Faubus warns SCS their funds may be reduced if bonds fail Bond opponents blast Faubus ' speech of ' big surprise ' Faubus tells VFW his proposed bend pregram is non-political 190 5/23/61 5/24/61 5/26/61 5/26/61 5/27/-61 5/28/-61 5/29/61 5/31/61 6/ 1/61 6/ 2/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 7/61 6/ 7-/61 6/ 7/61 6/ 7/61 6/ 7/61 6-/- 8-/61 6/ 9/61 6/ 9/ 61 6/ 9/61 6/ 9/61 6/ 9/6 1 6/10/61 6/ 10-/-61 6/11/61 6/12/61 6/13/61 6/13/61 6/13/61 6/15/-61 6/15/61 6/15/61 6/16/61 6/16/61 6/16/61 6/17/61 6/21/61 6/21/61 6/21/61 6/22/61 6/22/61 6/22/61 6/23/61 6/23/61 6/23/61 6/23/61 6/23/61 6/24/61 6/-24/61 PAGE COL A3 Bl A5 Bl A2 E5 BS A4 Bl Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 Al Al Al A2 A6 Al A4 E4 A2 Al A2 A7 Al Al A15 A2 A4 A8 A3 Al A4 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A18 Al Al 2 2 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 8 8 8 2 4 5 1 1 2 2 5 2 4 4 8 1 l 4 4 5 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 l 3 4 DATE The Faubus surprise in the bend campaign (ed) Faubus accused ef pressure in son ' s legislative race Faubus sees tax increase if bend issue fails Bend fees hit racing link. Faubus tactics Faubus denies he exerted pressure in son ' s legislative race Faubus bend proposal defeated by 3-1 margin Faubus has suffered two setbacks at polls in last 8 months Gov Faubus cheerful about less of bend issue election Faubus suffered personal defeat en bend issue. Gazette says The people speak (ed en defeat of bend issue) Embittered Faubus te send ne building pl ans ta Legislature Faubus believed weakened by defeat ef bend issue Repr Paul Van Dalsem asks Faubus te delay legis session Gaz ette suggests Faubus may be seeking delay of legis session Faubus calls Sid McMath censtructien plan ' pretty stupid ' Faubus commutes sentence ef bombers over prosecutor ebj ectien Faubus made no move te lighten term ef J D Sims in bomb case Faubus shuffles membership ef state Racing Commission Faubus. legislators discuss spl itting of funds surplus Faubus made mere premises than funds will cover. Gaz ette says Faubus appearnace en natl B&PW program brings pretests P&PW invitation te Faubus defended by Fannie Hardy Faubus says he will speak at B &PW cenventien in Chicago Gov Faubus speaks at Meunt Nebo Chicken Fry Faubus wants Legis te stick te plans in omnibus bill Faubus gets standing ovation fren B and PW natl convention Resolution againts Faubus appearance defeated by B and PW Faubus will net request all funds in veided omnibus bill Faubus cites Negroes in govt j obs in Ark Faubus says B and P W gave him a fine reception Faubus attacks foreign aid in speech to American Legion Income tax withholding plan has favor ef Faubus Gev Faubus will participate in state funds decision Faubus wants Cengressienal redistricting left eut of session Faubus comment s en Jee Hilderbrand escape frem State Hospital Re-enter Mr Faubus (ed en plan te help distribute surplus) Faubus reasoning on Cengressienal reapportion (ed) Gev Faubus non-cemmital en state construction program Gov Faubus sets date fer start of special Legis session Faubus pondering what subj ects to place in Legis call Forrest Rozzell scoffs at Faubus premises en teacher salaries Gev Faubus dedicates Phillips-Van Heusen plant at Des Arc Gev Faubus delays start of legis session by three days Faubus endorses bonds fer Jacuzzi Brothers plant at LR Gov Faubus favors admitting Negroes to Children ' s Colony Faubus hits welfare aid te methers ef illegitimate children Gov Faubus writes call fer special session of Legislature Gov Faubus outlines plans fer special session ef Legislature Forrest Rozzell warns Faubus AEA to resist ' pork barrels ' Text of Faubus call fer special session of Legislature Faubus ' s disinterest in the college reform (ed) 191 6/24/61 6/26/61 6/27/61 6/27/61 6/27 /61 6/28/61 6/28/61 6/29/61 6/29/61 6/-29/61 6/30/61 7/ 2/61 7/ 6/-61 7/ 7/61 7/ 8/61 7/11/61 7/11/61 7/11/61 7/ 12/61 7/13/61 7/14/61 7/-14/61 7 /15/61 7/20/61 7/24/61 7/24/-61 7/25/61 7/26/61 7/26/61 7/26/61 7/29/61 7 /31/61 8/ 1/61 8/- 1/61 8/ 2/61 8/- 2/-61 8/ 3/61 8/ 8/61 8/12/61 8/15/61 8-/15/61 8/16/61 8/17/61 8/17/61 8/17/61 8/19/61 8/22/61 8/23/61 8/23/61 8/-23/61 8/23/61 PAGE COL A4 A2 Al Al Bl Al Al Al A4 A4 Bl D5 Al A4 Al Al Al A5 Bl A4 Al Al Al A3 Al A3 Bl A6 Bl Bl Al Al Al Bl Al A4 A4 A6 Al Al Al Bl Al AlO A2 A2 Al Al A2 A2 A4 1 4 6 7 6 7 7 3 1 2 8 1 6 2 2 4 4 2 7 2 4 4 2 7 5 3 3 5 8 8 2 6 5 2 2 2 2 4 5 4 4 2 3 5 5 1 6 5 1 3 1 DATE Gev Faubus addresses special session of Legislature Gov Faubus tells Legis extra millien feund for education Faubus says fees in Legis act out of animosity ta him Faubus says he has no program before Legislature Gov Faubus slaps at some foreign aid programs Gazette questions size ef fallout shelter at Huntsville Gazette cemments en Faubus speech te Legislature Faubus plans te stay clear ef legislative disputes Gev Faubus unfurls the big whip. Legislature falls in line Faubus and l eadership (ed) Inside Orval Faubus (ed) Faubus directs fire at Sen Marshall Shackleford and J 0 Meere Gov Faubus labels 8 state senators ' chronic aginners ' Editorial en Faubus ' name-calling ever Legis session Gev Faubus appoints Neill Bohlinger te Ark Supreme Court Clarence Bell. John Moore, John Eldridge fire back at Faubus Faubus hints at reprisal by removing Texarkana tax break Faubus says Sen Clarence E Bell in bed with ' obstructionists ' Editorial en Faubus branding of 8 senators as ebstructienists Faubus signs numerous bills passed by Legis Newspaper owned by Faubus steps up attack en J W Fulbright Faubus names Mark E Woolsey chief ceunsel fer PSC Gov Faubus fires salve at foreign aid, sinful mothers Faubus agrees peer should werk if j obs available Faubus trims prison term ef E A Lauderdale Sr Lauderdale was convicted ef bombing LR Schoel Bd effice Faubus and Lauderdale (ed) More acts signed by Gev Faubus Faubus warns he wants no hint of scandal in building program Faubus may include trade school , livestock shews in call Faubus lists 12 items fer special session of Legislature Faubus cluttered agenda fer Legislature. Gazette says Delay in signing bills may be weapen fer 2nd legis session Faubus use ef State Police noted in column Faubus claims credit fer approval for speech by Maj Collier Faubus addresses special session of Legislature Faubus tells Legis her.\' te get trade scheel by simple maj ority Faubus asks Legis te fund livestock shews Faubus makes no recemmendatien en creation ef crime cemm Faubus signs Children' s Celeny construction appropriation Geverner ' s message te the special session (ed) Gev Faubus names first members ef CCHEF Faubus says he has no central ever Legislature. j oins laugh The Governor changes the rules of the game (ed) Faubus accused of plet to have Olen R Churchill ousted Faubus maneuver ties up fair funds until they are appreved Gov Faubus disposes ef all bills f rem first special session Faubus comments on new law that may get rid of Olen Churchill Faubus recounts 3rd legis session; some bitterness noted Gov Faubus signs Congressional districting bill into law Comment en Faubus philesephy en lecal laws 192 8/25/61 8/25/61 8/26/61 8/26/61 8/26/61 8/26/61 8/28/ 6 1 8/29/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 2/61 9/ 5/61 9/ 6/61 9/ 6/61 9/ 6/61 9/ 6/-61 9/ 7/61 9/ 7/61 9/ 7/61 9/ 7/61 9/ 9/61 9/10/61 9/13/61 9/13/61 9/13/61 9/14/61 9/14/61 9/15/61 9/15-/61 9/15/61 9/16/61 9/17 /61 9/17/61 9/17/61 9/17/61 9/17/61 9/19/61 9/19-/61 9-/19/61 9/19/6 1 9-/19-/61 9/19/61 9/19/61 9-/2r>/61 9-/20-/61 9/21/61 9-/21/61 9/21/61 9-/22/61 9-/22/61 9-/22/61 9-/24/61 PAGE COL Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 A2 Al A4 A4 AlO AlO A4 Bl Al Al Al A4 A3 ES A13 Bl Bl Al Al A4 A8 AB A5 Al A4 A8 ES ES Al Al Al Al Al A4 Bl Al A4 Al Al A7 All All Bl ES 3 3 3 3 3 2 l 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 8 2 2 2 2 3 1 5 5 8 6 6 1 3 7 1 7 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 4 4 1 4 4 1 2 3 3 1 l 6 2 DATE Gev Orval Faubus j eins in praise ef JFK speech at UN Southern Governors Cenf passes over Faubus fer chairman Dedicates new paved read frem Scranton te Midway Gov Faubus net tee worried by rebuff from Southern Governors Gov Faubus shakes hands with departing Natienal Guard unit Faubus says he knows nothing of ESD resignatien ef Mrs Allen Gov Faubus says private nursing homes give inferior care W E Beaumont J r takes issue with Faubus en nursing homes Not all nursing hemes bad. Gov Faubus says Faubus names Harold L Overbey te bead Disability Dept Faubus appears te have needle out fer Sen J W Fulbright Gov Faubus names J Orville chmn of Commerce Commission Nursing heme operator berates Gev Faubus Gov Faubus says he has net taken pet shots at J W Fulbright Faubus names beard te oversee student college leans Gov Faubus te spend a few days at Huntsville Gov Faubus says funds available fer new parks Faubus appts Hubert L Fergusen te state Educatien Beard Gov Faubus has ne plans te meet JFK at Fert Smith Gov Faubus doubts gevt referm preposals of much value Faubus disagrees with taking vote frem welfare clients Speculatien abeut possible candidates next year begins Gov Faubus introduces President Kennedy at Fort Smith Editorial en Faubus oppesitien to referm ef politics. gevt Gov Faubus says gambling at Het Springs net a state problem Faubus defends ESD. under attack in Hatch Act allegations Faubus says AAUW pretests eften and regularly The Hot Springs problem (ed) Faubus names E E McLees acting head of Revenue Dept Faubus says GOP call fer bi-partisan state bds preposterous Faubus at Jenesbore fer dedication of shoe firm GOP 1 s Henry M Britt attacks Faubus criticism of GOP manifesto Gev Faubus dedicates Higden Bridge at Greers Ferry Reservoir Rumored Fulbright-Faubus summit denied Faubus agrees with ALC decision en teaching communism Faubus agrees with J W Fulbright en extremism ESD Admr James L Bland warmly priases Faubus l eadership Editorial en Faubus remarks on the military and politics Gov Faubus says faith. family ties are answer to communism Gov Faubus speaks with Japanese spiritual leaders Municipal League vote en PSC seen as slap at Gov Faubus Faubus and the J apanese (ed) Faubus praised Municipal League. struck at press Faubus has reservations about election of PSC Arkansans do not have inferiority complexes , Faubus says Gov Faubus dedicates read bypass at Siloam Springs Young Demecrats group talks ef freedem from Gov Faubus Gov Faubus attacks U S f ereign pelicy in Farm Bureau talk Conway County group takes election wees te Gov Faubus Gev and Mrs Faubus celebrate 30th wedding anniversary Faubus asked te work with 9-state pact fer indus grewth 193 9/27/61 9/28/61 9/3(}/61 10/- 1/61 10/- 3/61 10/ 4/6 1 10/10/-61 10/10/-61 10/11/61 10/-11/61 10/-12/61 10/13/-61 10/15/61 10/17/61 10/-18/61 10/19/61 10/19/-61 10/20/61 10/-20/61 10/26/-61 10/28/61 10/29/61 10/30/61 10/-30/61 1 1/ 1/61 1 1/ 1/61 11/ 1/61 11/- 2/6 1 11/ 2/61 11/ 3/61 11/ 3/61 11/ 5/61 11/ 5/61 11/ 5/61 11/-10/61 11/10/61 11/11/61 11/12/61 1 1/-14/-61 11/14/61 11/-15/61 11/-15/61 11/15/-61 11/16/61 1 1/17/61 11/18/61 11/-19/-61 1 1/21/61 1 1/22/61 11/-22/61 11/22/-61 PAGE COL A4 Al A5 E3 Bl A2 A3 A3 A6 Bl A2 Al E2 Bl A6 A3 Bl All Bll A5 Bl8 E3 Al A4 Al BB BB A4 Bl Bl BlO AB C3 E3 Bl Bl Al E2 A6 A6 Al A4 A6 Cl6 Bl3 A2 E 3 B9 Al A6 Bl 2 3 6 1 7 l 3 3 3 2 1 4 3 3 2 6 5 1 7 3 2 1 7 2 3 5 5 2 2 3 1 6 5 1 8 8 2 2 7 7 8 2 3 8 7 5 1 1 4 6 8 DATE Cuban trained at Commonwealth te take over country , gov says Gazette pekes fun at Faubus memory of Cuban at Cenunenwealth Gayle Windser Jr amused by Cenway Co group appeal te Faubus Editor asks state te buy 65, 000 copies ef Faubus newspaper Gov Faubus vetoes paper-selling scheme of his editor Faubus urges that care be taken te give welfare te needy only Ark AM&N choir dedicates Battle Hymn ef Republic te Faubus Gazette comments en Faubus vete of sale of papers te state Conference en Relation ef Religion te Higher Educ criticized Faubus tells about ' front ' group meeting at Mount Magazine Gov Faubus is target fer virtually all charitable drives Faubus exploits issue of aid fer illegitimate children (ed) Faubus says state contract with Parkin Printing is preper Faubus treats Winthrop Rockefeller ' s political acts lightly Faubus premised te increase welfare rolls. T E Lawrence says Gov Faubus dedicates Rogers Hall at State Hospital Moral Re-armament movement says it is endorsed by Faubus Faubus often gets incensed over welfare aid under ADC program Faubus hails federal program te check welfare program abuse William E Brawn denies try to change Faubus en segregation Faubus will pretest any attempt te reduce National Guard Gov Faubus says he criticized wrong Brawn Faubus remark en Dr Brwn t.ilas diversienary . Gazette says Ct says Faubus acting officially in Trinity Nursing Heme case Dale Alford s ays he has been approached about seeking office Gov Faubus helps dedicate Mountain Heme ' s new armery Dale Alford announcement that he will run is surprise Dale Alford reveals he is a candidate fer governor of Ark Text of Dale Alford ' s announcement he will seek office Dale Alford s ays he has been planning race fer a long time Speculation made of break between Alf erd and Faubus Dale Alford says he is in race to stay Observers say Dale Alford may have felt squeezed out Gazette comments en Dale Alford mev-e Gov and Mrs Faubus leave fer Sugar Bawl game Faubus says his hard-cere eppesitien backing Dale Alferd W 0 Vaught Jr. Hugh B Patterson support Alford. Faubus says W 0 Vaught, Hugh Patterson calls Faubus statement wreng Marvin Melton. W K Ingram say they may seek office Why Dale Alford is running for geverner (ed) Dale Al ford decision damages Faubus image Faubus supporters have ne fear of Dale Alford in race Dr Alford discards cenventien in announcement (column) Gov Orval Faubus criticizes federal ct en factery order Order fer factories to return te Missouri irks Gov Faubus Candidate Dale Alford to speak at LR banquet Gov Faubus comments en ceurt ruling on printing contracts Gov Faubus named comm ta study participation in World ' s Fair Dale Alford warns against "one-man rule" Lee Smith says Breaks Hays weuld net stand up fer his dist Editorials comment en Dale Alford candidacy 194 11/25/61 1 1/25/61 11/25-/61 1 1/26/61 11/29/61 1 2/ 1/61 12/ 1/61 l 'U 1/61 12/ 3/61 1 2/ 3/61 12/ 3/61 1 2/ 5-/-61 1 2/ 7/61 12/ 7-/-61 12/ 8/61 1 2-/ 8-/61 12/ 9-/61 1 2/ 1 1/61 1 2/ 13/61 12/15/61 12-/15/-61 12/16-/-61 12/-19-/-61 1 2/19/61 1 2/22/61 12/24/61 1 2/27/61 12/27/61 1 2/ 27/61 1 2/28/61 1 2/28/61 12/28/61 12/28/61 12/28/61 12/29/61 1 2/-30/61 12/30/-61 1 2/30-/-61 1 2/30/-61 12/30-/-61 12/31-/- 6 1 12/31/61 1 2/31/61 1/ 4/6 2 1l 4/62 1/ 4-/-62 1/ 6/62 1 /- 6/62 1/ 7/62 1/ 7/-62 1/ 7/62 PAGE COL A4 A4 A4 Al Al Al Al A4 A2 A2 E3 A4 A6 A6 A4 Bl BS A4 Bl Bl Bl A3 A4 Bl A2 A5 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 A3 Al Al Al A2 A4 Al Al 03 A2 A2 BlO Al A2 A8 E2 ES 2 2 5 6 5 4 5 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 5 2 6 8 2 5 4 2 7 2 7 6 7 7 6 7 8 8 1 8 4 4 4 7 1 3 3 2 5 5 3 7 2 3 3 2 DATE Faubus-Alford pol itical split discussed by Dr Lee Smith Gov Faubus unaware ef any mismanagement at Rehab Center Gev Faubus inspects penitentiary and Negro Boys Scheel T E Lawrence l r en Drs Lee Smith. Dale Alferd and Medicare John F Wells challenged credentials of Dale Alford Faubus backs industrial develop amdt proposed by Jack Oakes Dr Lee Smith explains Dale Alferd ' s l iberal votes in past Faubus assails Hatch Act probe of ESD, backs accused Faubus contends probe ef ESD aimed at him personally Faubus sees suit against Revenue Act as harassment of adm The ESD scandal (ed) John F Wells addresses lr to Dr U Lee Smith en Dale Alford Dale Alford would quit race if US House membership expanded Faubus says KATV will donate tower fer educ TV if move comes Dale Alferd denies any intention of leaving race Legal attacks en adm may influence Faubus decision Illness forces Gav Faubus ta cancel talk to Sheriff ' s Assn Pine Bluff leaders say KA.TV sold Faubus ' bill of goods ' Gev Faubus tells newsmen he has stopped smoking Faubus says Ted Woods fired at Publicity and Parks fer cause Faubus warms up to Yeung Turks who want new constitution Gov Faubus asks audit ef Publicity and Parks Commission Seme advocates ef constitution reform concerned by Faubus Editorials remark en Faubus hint ef fifth term try Six names bandied about en possible candidates fer geverner Gov Faubus says he might run fer Cong if J W Trimble doesn ' t Faubus announces plans fer Withr6117 Spring State Park Faubus orders end te private use of state-owned cars Gov Orval Faubus wants free horse racing passes ended Gov Faubus signs petition fer voting machines Dale Alford sidesteps dispute with Gev Faubus en statements Gov Faubus accuses Dale Alford of saying Faubus net ta run Faubus criticizes Dale Alford fer saying he is net running Welfare grant increase interpreted as sign Faubus to run Welfare raise ef $5 per month approved by Gev Orval Faubus Political loyalties and a $51 ,300 less (ed en ESD case) Gov Faubus blasts pre-marital sex talk at Univ of Ark Gazette welcomes increased welfare checks (ed) Faubus says he has done nothing about ESD Hatch Act case Gev Faubus praises Morrilton as site fer state trade school Gazette comments on Dale Alford ' s soft answer to Faubus Gov Orval Faubus repeats indignation at sex lecture at UA Trucking complaints stem from competition, Gov Faubus says Winthrop Rockefeller says Faubus gave nation black eye in 157 Gov Faubus fractured rib in fall in bathtub Faubus says Winthrop Rockefeller may be reminded ef remarks Faubus says ruling in Parkin case left disputes unsettled Faubus asks if Sid McMath wants to compare administratiens Children ' s Colony bldg te be named fer Gov Faubus Gev Faubus. schoel forces of fer conflicting educ finance plan Faubus tells US Civil Service Comm ESD employees en payroll 195 1/ 7 /62 1/10/62 1/10/62 1/11/62 1-/-12/62 1/13/62 1/16/62 1/19/62 1/19/62 1/20/62 1-/-20/62 1/21/62 1/21/62 1/24/62 1/24/62 1/24/62 1/25/62 1/26/62 1/30/62 1/30/62 1-/-31-/-62 2/ 3/62 2/ 4/62 2/ 4/62 2l 4/62 2/ 8/62 2-/- 9/62 2/10/62 2-/-10/62 2/16/62 2/17/62 2/17/62 2/17/62 2/17/62 2/17/62 2/-17/62 2/18/62 2/19/62 2/20/62 2/20/62 2/21/62 2/22/62 2/24/62 2/25/62 2/27/62 2/28/62 2/28/62 3/ 2/62 3/ 3/62 3/ 4/ 62 3/ 6/62 PAGE COL ES A2 A2 A4 A4 A2 A4 Al Al Al A4 E2 E3 AB Bl Bl A2 Bl Bl Bl A7 B3 E3 E3 E3 Al Bl A2 A5 A3 Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al A4 Bl B12 A4 Bl A5 A5 Al A6 Bl A9 A7 Al Al 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 5 3 2 8 4 2 2 6 1 7 1 2 5 4 3 7 4 6 3 3 4 6 6 1 3 1 8 3 2 8 7 4 2 2 7 3 4 2 6 DATE Gev Faubus willing te negotiate en school funding formula Faubus keeps Arnett. Weed in ESD j obs despite funds less ' Laz arus ' Faubus and the ESD case (ed) AAUW protests Faubus flouting of erder in ESD Hatch Act case Letter defends Faubus fer speaking out on sex talk at UA Wallace D Hurley rents space fer headquarters fer gev race Wilton R Stephens will net seek governor ' s office this year Faubus motive fer hiring Negroes at ESD is topic of column Faubus orders dept heads te curtail travel at public expense Faubus meets w ith Negro leaders en state j obs fer blacks Faubus says desegregation suit will close LR swimming peels Faubus defends beard in apportioning state Legislature Faubus disagrees with Ark Supreme Ct en Legis apportionment Kenneth C Coffelt plans bid fer governor ' s office. rept says Faubus appts Edward Gorden to State Education Beard Faubus says Children ' s Colony to take Negroes seen Faubus still coy on plans fer re-election Gov Faubus seeks compromise en bracere wage boost Faubus says l aw provides ' out ' fer parks being desegregated Streng economy net built ef starvation pay , Faubus says Faubus urges public te aid inmates released from facilities Gov Faubus addresses Daughters ef 1 81 2 Gov Faubus l inks ancestry t e several early wars in America Faubus says Women ' s Emergency Comm is integratienist group Faubus adm flayed by AEA Exec Secy Forrest Rozzell Kenneth C Coffelt announces candidacy fer office ef governor Kenneth C Coffelt makes seven pledges fer campaign platform Kenneth C Coffelt pledges te reveal present adm corruption Column on Faubus order te reduce travel expenses Editorials criticiz e Faubus fer keeping ESD officials in pest Faubus invokes God. patriotism. service in reply to Rozzell Gov Faubus, Forrest Rozzell criticize each ether Marvin Melten backers donate $25 , 000 fer possible race Hottest rumor in town says Faubus will net seek re-election Faubus sees little chance Dale Alford can be elected Orval Faubus says newspapers abuse. lie about him Dale Alford ef ficially files fer geverner Dale Alford says he has no John Birch membership Atty Gen Frank Helt may make race if Faubus does net Kenneth C Coffelt will demand equal time unless Faubus pays Orval Faubus te reveal his pol itical plans en Saturday Orval Faubus keeps guessing game geing en political plans Desha Sheriff Rebert S Meere may run if Faubus does net Faubus ' s big shaw (ed en coming announcement ef plans) Orval E Faubus now expected to run fer fifth term Orval E Faubus te reveal his pol itical plans today Biographical sketch traces rise of Orval E Faubus Democratic primary election results in Faubus campaigns Orval E Faubus is product of populist movement Gev Faubus reads letter from weman fearing welfare less Gov Orval E Faubus announces he will net seek re-election 196 3/ 6/62 3/ 7/62 3/ 8/62 3/ 9/62 3/10/-62 3/11/62 3/11/-62 3/11/62 3/-11/62 3/13/-62 3/13/62 3/13/62 3/13/62 3/13/-62 3/13/62 3/13/-62 3/14/62 3/15/62 3/15/62 3/16/62 3/16/62 3/16/62 3/ 16/62 3/17/62 3/18/62 3/18/62 3/18/62 3/ 18/62 3/18/62 3/18/62 3 /20/62 3/20/62 3/21/62 3/24/62 3/27/62 3/27 /62 3/27/62 3/27/62 3/28/62 3/28/62 3/28/62 3/29/62 3/29/62 3/-29/62 3/30/62 3/31/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 PAGE COL Bl Al A4 Al A4 A3 Cl E3 E3 Al Al Al Al Bl Bl Bl A7 Al A3 Al3 Bl Bl Bl A3 Al Al Al Al E3 E3 Al Al Bl Al Al Bl Bl Bl Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al 4 6 1 7 5 7 1 1 1 2 2 6 6 2 5 8 4 3 2 7 4 5 5 1 2 4 4 4 1 2 4 4 8 5 7 6 8 8 6 8 8 4 5 2 4 2 5 5 5 7 7 DATE Orval E Faubus mentiens Forrest Rozzell. Erwin L McDonald Orval E Faubus says he will leave office te rest. write Orval Faubus recites accomplishments in televisien address Segregation discussed by Faubus in retirement address Orval E Faubus says he felt like he did when war ended Winthrop Reckefeller considers Faubus announcement political Forrest Rozzell wanted voters ta turn Faubus eut Reactien te Faubus decisien not to run is mixed Farrell Faubus says Governor ' s decision welcomed by family Looking te the future after the Faubus years (editorial) Faubus talks in general about future plans out of office Marvin Melten sets up temporary campaign headquarters at LR Faubus and the feds (ed) Of ' machine ' candidates (ed) Faubus favored Ark participation in World ' s Fair Orval Faubus pledges net to help or hinder any candidate Trumann residents raise funds fer Marvin Melton campaign Wilton R Stephens does not close door en possible race Faubus criticizes press. integration. foreign aid program Faubus says he is tempted to seek another term GOP rally at Fayetteville calls for Win Rockefeller race Winthrop Reckefeller te disclose his pelitical plans seen Henry M Britt willing te be GOP candidate again this year Reckefeller candidacy would be taken seriously, Gaz ette says Faubus enemies disappointed by retirement . Rey Reed writes Mr Faubus retires (editorials in state press) Governor Faubus takes a backward glance (ed) Dem Party Chmn Tom Harper not worried about Rockefeller Rockefeller could be tough te beat. Orval Faubus says Ark needs born-again Christian fer Gev. James T Karam says James T Karam resisting requests to run fer Geverner Kenneth C Coffelt files fer gev . brothers will pay fee Mixed feelings (ed en Faubus decision net to seek re-election Gov Faubus warmly praised in letter te editor T E Lawrence tells why Faubus decided not te run Marvin Melton resigns State Chamber pest; may seek office Marvin Melton says funds rolling in fer campaign James T Karam will not be a candidate Carl Adams says Faubus reconsidering decision net to run A tearful Marvin Melton pulls out ef race fer governor Draft-Faubus mGVement may be under way J Frank Holt says he will net be a candidate Marvin Melton has net officially announced fer governor Odell Dorsey t e announce candidacy Orval E Faubus refuses comment en developments in race Rebert S Meere withdraws from contest; backs draft-Faubus Candidate field is thin; several ask net to be considered Kenneth C Coffelt says Faubus ' draft ' j ust a ' sideshow ' Dale Alford speaks to J acksonville B&P Women ' s Club Faubus will seek fifth term this year. Win Rockefeller says Winthrep Reckefeller says he will not be a candidate 197 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 2/62 4/ 2/ 62 4/ 2/62 4/ 2/62 4/ 3/62 4/ 3/62 4/ 4/62 4/ 4/62 4/ 5/62 4/ 5/62 4/ 5/62 4/ 5/62 4/ 6/62 4/ 7/62 4/ 7/62 4/ 7 /62 4/ 7 /62 4/ 8/62 4/ 8/62 4/ 8/62 4/ '$/6 2 4/10-/-62 4/10/-62 4/10/62 4/10/62 4/10-/-62 4/11/62 4/11/62 4/11/-62 4/ 11/62 4/12/62 4/12/62 4/13/62 4-/14/62 4/14/62 4/14/-62 4/14/62 4/14/-62 4/14/62 4-/14/62 4/14/62 4/14/62 4/14/62 4/15/62 4/15-/-62 PAGE COL Al Al Al Al Al A2 Al Al A2 A4 Al Al A4 A4 A5 Bl Bl Bl AlO Al Al Al A2 E2 ES ES A4 Al Al Bl Bl Bl A4 A4 A4 BlO A2 A8 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 A3 Al Al 7 7 7 7 8 2 6 6 1 1 6 6 1 2 6 8 8 8 l 3 8 8 1 2 1 2 1 4 4 2 2 8 1 3 5 3 3 5 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 2 2 DATE Odell Dorsey fermally announces fer gov in TV speech Governor ' s race becomes big guessing game Threat ef Faubus re-entry ties up campaign funds State press continues to comment en Faubus decision Time ef challenge as primaries near (ed) Gov Faubus says he will run again if physical check okay Marvin Melton hints that he may seek effice Orval Faubus gets standing ovation from labor leaders Orval Faubus tells labor group he may seek re-election Orval Faubus undergoing physical exam at Oschner Clinic TV stations may have te charge Faubus fer his ' farewell ' talk The talk ef ' draft' and whence it comes (ed) Kenneth C Coffelt angered by meeting ef Sid McMath supporters Marvin Melton has decided te make race fer governor Sid McMath ' s supporters raising funds t o encourage him te run Sidney McMath speaks en upcoming gubernatorial primary Madison County friends raise filing fee for Gev Faubus The premising turn in the governor ' s race (ed) Dale Alford opens headquarters in Grady Manning Hotel Gov Faubus calls frem clinic. says he is feeling fine Sid McMath fund grGWing. but he plays it coy en plans Marvin Melton formally enters race: pledges active campaign Gov Orval Faubus returns frem Oschner Clinic The Melten candidacy and what it means (ed) Gov Faubus gees into seclusion w ith ne hint of his plans Time for political decisions will arrive in next 10 days Editorials discuss possible re-entry ef Faubus in race Editorials discuss Winthrop Rockefeller decision not te run David A Cex, a farmer from Weiner. files fer governor Kenneth Coffelt fears Faubus trick at filing deadline Marvin Melton depends en his northeast Ark friends Sid McMath te take te TV to reveal his plans Big race wide open with one week te deadline Faubus trying to dry up funds fer ethers , Sid McMath charges Kenneth Coffelt says Faubus adm pressures potential doners Sid McMath, Kenneth Coffelt claims amuse Gav Orval Faubus Wallace Hurley says his campaign has net gotten off greund Kenneth Coffelt pays filing fee, blasts away at Faubus adm Gov Faubus pretests planned cut in Natienal Guard Rolfe El dridge . Vernen H Whitten will seek neminatien Dale Alford says he has been running as a submarine Cost of campaigning (ed) Sid McMath makes decision, will announce plans en Tuesday Rolfe Eldridge withdraws as candidate Gev Faubus dedicates shirt plant at Gassville Faubus supporters seek to foment trouble at AMC, union told Sid McMath te reveal plans en statewide radio, TV tonight Vernen H Whitten pays filing fee fer governor ' s race Faubus notes he will oppose Sen J W Fulbright fer seat Gov Faubus visits Ark Cengressienal delegation Gov Faubus denies chg his friends wanted AMF strike 198 4/ 15/62 4/ 15/62 4/15/62 4/ 15/62 4/15/62 4/ 16/62 4/16/62 4/16/62 4/16/62 4/ 16/62 4/16/62 4/16/62 4/18/62 4/ 18/62 4/18/62 4/18/62 4/18/62 4/19/62 4/ 19/62 4/19/62 4/19/62 4/20/62 4/20/62 4/20/62 4/21/62 4/22/ 6 2 4/22/ 62 4/22/62 4/24/62 4/25/62 4/25/62 4/25/62 4/26/62 4/27 /-62 4/27/62 4/27/62 4/27 /-62 4/27/-62 4/27/62 4/28/62 4/-28/ 62 4/28/-62 4/-29/62 4/29/62 4/29/62 4/30/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 1/62 PAGE COL A2 A2 E3 E3 E5 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al Al Al Al A2 A4 Bl Bl Bl Al Al A4 A3 Al E3 E3 Al Bl Bl Bl Bl Al Al Al Al A2 Bl Al A2 A4 Al Al A3 Al Al Al A2 A2 Bl 1 5 1 2 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 2 1 8 8 8 5 6 1 1 3 2 4 3 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 1 8 6 5 2 3 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 6 DATE Sid McMath enters race fer Dem nemination fer governor Fayetteville pharmacist Willis Ricketts files as GOP hopeful Orval Faubus te seek 5th term. Washingten friends say GOP ' s Henry Britt rules out race fer governor this year Sid McMath refers te Faubus dynasty of fear Sidney McMath cites Faubus record in several areas Vernon H Whitten endorses veting machines Kenneth Coffelt fires opening salve in campaign fer gevernor Kenneth Coffelt limits campaign donations to $300 per person Wallace Hurley files fer lieut gev . not fer governor W Harold Sadler files fer GOP nomination fer office Nine men seek election to governor ' s office Orval E Faubus asks for 5 th term as governor Orval Faubus lists seme issues in campaign ahead Pessible return ef Virgil Blossom mentioned by Faubus Faubus in trouble (ed) Promising outlook fer the summer campaign (ed) Gov Faubus pays fer radio, TV time used fer ' retirement ' talk Gev Faubus says he hopes Republicans vote in awn primary US Senate race had its appeal. Orval Faubus says Gov Faubus mostly nonpolitical in speech to LR Rotary Club Faubus allews AHC te name its next commissioner Unien leader clarifies remark en Faubus and AMC Cycle strike T E Lawrence comments en re-surfacing of Gev Faubus Vernen H Whitten denounces UA ban en pol itical candidates Gov Faubus criticizes policies of Kennedy adm Blessem bit (ed en Faubus ' inveking name of Virgil Blossom) Faubus re-entry in race pleases beth enemies and friends Orval Faubus spent twe fast-paced days in Washington. D C Sid McMath invites candidates to j oin him at Fayettecille Kenneth C Ceffelt, Marvin Melton reserved in stand en UA ban Faubus refuses comment en ene-way rides fer Negroes Faubus says he could be defeated. but net in bad shape now Editorial en Faubus handling of AHC appointments Gev Faubus appts James T Karam te Banking Board Fayetteville rally ta hear McMath. Melton and Whitten Faubus defends keeping ESD vielaters ef Hatch Act en j ob Kenneth C Coffelt chgs Gev Faubus sold eut te JFK Gav Faubus £avers amdt ta allow cities te raise taxes Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten take swipes at Univ ef Ark ban Sid McMath favored by Wern.en ' s Emergency Committee Vernen Whitten draws criticism ef Wemen ' s Emergency Committee Vernen Whitten says he will provide relief en inceme tax Column lists Orval Faubus ' fees in previous elections Kenneth C Coffelt calls WEC approval ef McMath grave sodding Kenneth Coffelt says B illy Sol Estes counterparts in Ark Editorial en ESD Hatch Act violation and Gev Faubus Text ef U S Civil Right Comm finding in Hatch Act case Kenneth C Coffelt fires at Parele Beard and PSC Orval Faubus takes up smeking again Sid McMath. Marvin Melton. Vernon Whitten blast Faubus pewer 199 5/ 2/62 5/ 2/ 62 5/ 2/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 4/62 5/ 4/62 5-l 4/6 2 5/ 4/ 62 5/ 4/62 5/ 5/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 6/62 5/- 6/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 7/62 5/ 8/62 5/ 9/62 5/ 9/62 5/10/62 5/10/62 5 / 1 1/62 5/12/62 5/12/62 5/12/-62 5/12/62 5/13/62 5/13/62 5/13/62 5/13/62 5/14/62 5/16/62 5/16/62 5/16/62 5/17/62 5/17/62 5/18/62 PAGE COL Al Al Al Al Al Al A6 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 D2 Al Al A3 Bl Bl3 A4 Al A2 E2 E3 E3 Al B4 Al Al A4 Bl Bl Al A2 A3 A3 Al Al A2 E3 A2 Bl E4 E4 A12 Bl Al 5 6 6 7 7 7 2 4 4 5 6 8 8 8 8 1 l 4 3 3 7 8 3 3 6 3 2 1 5 7 7 4 4 2 7 8 5 7 2 5 2 2 7 l 2 4 2 6 6 2 3 DATE Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten continue attack en UA pol icy Dale Alferd says he will answer vicious rumers. falseheeds Candidates shy B!ilay frem. integrated athletics at Univ of Ark Sid McMath favors scheel conselidatien Mrs David D Terry sets meeting fer McMath to discuss educ Dale Alford spikes rumers he will withdraw from contest Dale Alford ' s headquarters will be traveling house trailer Three men speak with the veice ef reason (ed) Orval Faubus talks about war experiences Faubus adm near moral bankruptcy. Vernen Whitten charges About 500 college students volunteer to work fer Sid McMath Dale ' s surfacing (ed) Sid McMath addresses wemen at heme of Mrs David D Terry Candidate David A Cox upbraids Amis Guthridge te his face Unexpected finding of mere revenue may be political Faubus fees suspect additienal revenue find is trick Leadership vacuum allews Amis Guthridge te speak fer Ark (ed) David Cex endorses AF.A education funding plan Gev Faubus en read tour. recounts betterments under his adm Kenneth Coffelt questions AHD airplane teur. educ surplus Gov Faubus asks what was done te halt freedom rides South Sid McMath. Marvin Melten assail reverse freedem rides GOP candidate W Haral d Sadler calls fer cenversien of Dems Dale Alford shews off his campaign 'wagon ' VJSrvin Melton quits race. says fund seurces fear Faubus Orval Faubus bel ieves he will pick up Melton supporters Gov Faubus tells state workers net ta accept campaign funds All candidates see windfall in Marvin Melton ' s supporters David A Cox te spend only his ewn meney in primary Sid McMath defends AHD past. says he wanted politics eut A realistic appraisal of Melton ' s withdrawal (ed) Sid McMath blasts class conflict. fear tactics Kenneth C Coffelt names his wife campaign manager Arkansas making big strides under his adm. Gev Faubus says Dale Alford tells his program fer progress Dale Alferd skips race stand in appeal fer Negro vote Gev Faubus criticized by Christian Civic Fdn en gambl ing Another obj ection raised to Faubus ' teacher ' bonus ' Kenneth C Coffelt to stay en Macee A Binns J r bomb case Sid McMath makes nen-pelitcal talk te religious group Deft Coffelt Ced en handling ef segregation question) Sid McMath says people fed up with Orval Faubus Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten field questions in Jenesbero Dale Alford says it is time fer Faubus te retire Gov Faubus had endorsement ef Ark State Cenf ef Painters Sid McMath hits record of ESD State Chamber of Commerce poses 9 questions fer candidates State press comments on Marvin Melton ' s withdrawal Kenneth Coffelt refuses to appear after painters okay Faubus Ark State Painters Cenf say they did net endorse Faubus Sid McMath appeals te teachers fer support 200 5-/ 1 8-/-62 5/ 18/62 5/18/-62 5/18-/62 5/-18-/-62 5/19/-62 5-/19-/-62 5/19/62 5/20-/62 5-/-20/62 5/20/-62 5-/-20/62 5/22/62 5/22/62 5-/-23/-62 5-/-23-/62 5-/23-/62 5-/-23/62 5/24/62 5/24/62 5-/25-/62 5/25/62 5/25-/62 5/25/62 5/26/62 5-/-26/62 5/26/62 5/27/62 5/27/62 5/27/62 5/27-/-62 5/29/62 5/29/62 5/30/62 5/30/62 5/30/62 5/31/62 5/31-/-62 5/31/62 5/31/62 6-/ 1/62 6/ 1/62 6/ 1/62 6-/ 3/62 6/ 3-/62 6/ 3/62 6/ 3/62 6/ 3/62 6-/ 4/62 6-/ 5/62 6/ 6/62 PAGE COL Al Al A2 A2 A2 Al Al A4 AlO A2 K3 E2 A5 Bl Al Al A4 A6 K3 K3 All All K3 Bl Al Al K3 Al Al Al E2 Bl Bl A2 Bl Bl Al Al Bl Bl A4 Bl Bl A14 A2 A2 A2 E3 K3 A8 Al 3 4 1 1 5 7 7 1 2 1 5 2 3 2 3 4 2 1 4 8 2 2 7 5 8 8 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 5 5 6 2 3 8 8 2 8 8 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 DATE Vernen Whitten claims he was effered bribe te quit race Christian Civic Feundatien eppeses election ef Faubus Gov Faubus cenfirms Painters Cenf did net endorse him Kenneth C Coffelt charges Faubus blocked crime comm creatien Jaunty . politicking Gev Faubs dedicated Guien Ferry Dale Alford premises tax reform if he is elected Sid McMath calls fer recruiting of higher paying industries Gov Faubus answers questions at Beys State appearance GOP must held primary since twe candidates seek office Dale Alford declines forum appearance without Gev Faubu s Kenneth C Coffelt kick-off rally te be held at Conway Dr L E Drewrey urges defeat ef Faubus : cites Medicare support Sid McMath attacks W R Stephens as pewer behind Faubus Sid McMath releases list ef banks holding state deposits Five candidates attack Faubus recerd at ferum in Fart Smith Kenneth C Coffelt cemes eut swinging te epen his race Kenneth C Coffelt ignores Vernen Whitten and David Cox Orval Faubus weuld net change any ef his maj er decisiens Gov Faubus. Treasurer L A Clayton say McMath wronged them State Treasurer L A Clayton says he dcides en bank deposits Gov Faubus maintains Het Springs gambling is a lecal problem Orval Faubus seeks labor vote at Pine Bluff Gov Faubus. Sid McMath trade barbs en bank deposits Kenneth Coffelt ties Faubus to l iquer. utility. gambling Sheriff Robert E Moore ' s work fer Faubus draws rebuke Vernen H Whitten ' s prime obj ect is ousting Gev Faubus Money and power (ed) Blytheville group announces eppesitien te Gev Faubus Political timing ef release ef teacher bonus funds (ed) Dale Alferd says Faubus claims fer pregress net legitimate Kenneth Coffelt criticial ef the PSC under Faubus adm David Cex blames Gov Faubus fer his ruined fish fry Sid McMath hits at ' unhol y ' tieup ef politician and meney Gev Faubus says Sid McMath is out of touch Gov Orval Faubus expresses pride in his unequaled record AFLCIO ' s COPE condemns Orval Faubus regime Candidates meet. laugh. then attack each ether at festival Summary ef remarks of 6 candidates at Pink Tem.ate Festival Sid McMath gets specific en accusations against W R Stephens AFLCIO lists ways Faubus adm has harmed working people Summary ef candidates ' remarks to laber group Mrs Bessie Coffelt serves as husband ' s campaign manager Faubus prospects appear werse than previeusly State press cemments en governor ' s race Sid McMath says he would review utility rate increases Jim Tem Smith. Floyd E Bradberry manage Alford campaign State Treasurer L A Clayton critical ef McMath en funds Sid McMath says Faubus adm is abusing pewer. cites cases Orval Faubus is expendable. Dale Alford says Vernen Whitten claims state still losing population Orval Faubus addresses American Baptist Assn cenventien 201 6/ 6/62 6/ 6/62 6/ 6/62 6/ 7 /62 6/ 7/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 8/62 6/ 8/62 6/ 8/62 6/ 9/62 6/ 9/62 6/ 9/62 6/10/62 6/10/62 6/10/-62 6/10/-62 6/10/62 6/11/62 6/12/62 6/12/62 6/12/62 6/12/62 6/13/62 6/13/62 6/ 13/62 6/13/62 6/14/-62 6/14/-62 6/-15/62 6/15/62 6/15/62 6/16/62 6/16/62 6/16/62 6/16/62 6/17/62 6/17/62 6/17/-62 6/17/62 6/17/62 6/17/-62 6/-17/62 6/-17/-62 6/17/62 6/18/-62 6/ 19/62 6/19/62 6/20/62 6/20/62 6/20/62 6/20/62 PAGE COL Al A2 A3 Bl Bl Cl2 Al A3 A6 A2 AS AB Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 BlO Al A6 A6 A6 A4 Bl A4 Bl Bl Al A3 A3 A3 Al Al Al Al A12 A12 A4 E3 E3 A2 A3 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bll 2 1 4 2 4 2 4 1 7 1 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 3 4 4 l 5 7 1 1 1 2 4 2 4 7 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 8 7 8 8 5 DATE Dale Alferd gives his ideas on taxes and utilities Dale Alford tells why . when he breke with Orval Faubus COPE attack on him will balance out. Gev Faubus says Vernen Whitten would change aute license sales procedure Kenneth C Coffelt says Faubus backs state slate of candidates Dale Alford prenuncments called peculiar by Arkansas Gazette Most Republicans vote in Democratic primary. GOP leader says Republican candidate W Harold /Sadler leaves race for gov Orval Faubus gives his version of Dale Alford ' s opposition Dale Alford challenges Faubus to explain welfare pay delay Vernon Whitten says he contributed most good ideas Sid McMath asks why state shoul dn ' t get interest on deposits Sid McMath' s prepared text does net match speech. editor says Kenneth C Coffelt pledges read imprevement program Sadler ' s withdrawal (ed) Faubus inconsistencies on federal funds and the welfare state Marvin Melton still net officially out of race Cross-burning incident at PB crops up in race Dale Alford dares Faubus to debate en reasen fer eppesitien Dale Alford ' s brether. Boyce. calls Faubus a liar Marvin Melton ' s name off ballot Orval Faubus says Congressional districting upset Dale Alfred Faubus decries national debt in talk te veterans group Sid McMath propeses beard te distribute state funds te banks Kenneth C Coffelt says Faubus tune nearing an end Dale Alferd s ay s bend prepesal caused rift with Faubus Faubus to open campaign in Union. enly county he lest in 1960 Vernon Whitten praises lawsuits on expense accts of legis Vernon Whitten ' s three sons j oin in campaign Exit Mr Melton (ed) Warren Eagle Democrat says it is time fer a change Sid McMath says rural reads losing funds Dale Alford critical ef high ceurt ruling en school prayers Kenneth C Coffelt reacts to court ruling on school prayers Bank president Sam Bowman critical of McMath on state funds Central Trades Council at Camden supperts Faubus Gev Faubus opens campaign headquarters Vernon Whitten says special interests support Faubus Faubus comments en state. natl debt is editorial topic Faubus does not let facts get in his way. Gazette says Dale Alford urges expansion of Arkansas Highway Commission David A Cox criticiz es Dale Alford absences en v ital votes Gov Faubus bestows planning priority en six watersheds Campaign manager fer Gev Faubus is State Sen Clarence E Bell Lance Alwerth. Mrs Almon Faught are Faubus campaign aides Ted Morley. J L Bland j oin Faubus re-election campaign Former Razerback place kicker Mickey Cissell j eins McMath Dale Al ferd calls teacher benus effert te buy votes Kenneth C Coffelt says McMath. Alferd. Faubus all same Vernen Whitten puzzled by Clarence Bell work fer Faubus State employees want te remain under Faubus umbrella. ed says 202 6/21/62 6/21/62 6/21/62 6/21/62 6/21/62 6/21/-62 6/2l/62 6/21/62 6/22/62 6/22/62 6/22/62 6/22/62 6/22-/62 6/22/62 6/22/-62 6/-22,/62 6/22/62 6/23/62 6/23/62 6/23/62 6/23/62 6/23/62 6/23/62 6/24/-62 6/24/-62 6/24/62 6/24/62 6/-24/62 6/24/62 6/24/62 6/24/62 6/25/62 6/26/62 6/26/62 6/26/62 6/26/62 6/26/62 6/26/62 6/27/62 6/27 /62 6/27/62 6/27 /62 6/27/62 6/28/62 6/28/62 6/28/62 6/28/62 6/28/62 6/ 28/62 6/28/62 6/28/62 PAGE COL Al Al A2 A2 A2 A4 Bl Bl Al A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A4 A4 Bl Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 E2 E3 A2 A2 A2 A4 Bl Bl Bl A4 A4 A5 Bl BB Al Al Al Al A3 A3 A3 A4 3 3 1 4 5 1 8 8 4 l 3 4 4 6 1 2 8 3 3 3 3 3 8 1 5 6 7 8 8 2 2 2 4 4 3 8 8 8 l 1 3 8 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 2 DATE Ark Highway Comm appeses Alford plan fer expansion Faubus brings up 1957 Little Reck scheel crisis Faubus calls Women ' s Emergency Comm integratienist greup Faubus says Dale Alferd splitting states rights greup Gev Faubus centers his attack en Sid McMath in speech Gev Faubus defies fees te find flaws in his administration Gov Faubus mentions ban en prayer in public school s Length ef time in ef fice net important. Gov Faubus says Political reunion ef Mr Faubus and Mr Bell (ed) A grid star ' s rele (ed en Lance Alwerth work fer Faubus) Dale Alferd charges Truman Baker profited in armory deal Sid McMath campaign prepares film fer use in race Kenneth Coffelt gives his version of Alford-Faubus split Kenneth Ceffelt weuld support Whitten in a runoff Vernen Whitten. Kenneth Coffelt hit Faubus en gambling issue Vernen H Whitten says Faubus skirted shortcomings Dale Alford says Orval Faubus rekindling race issue The Faubus speech (editorial analyzes opening speech) Dale Alford challenges Orval Faubus to debate issues Faubus charges Sid McMath helped bring federal treops te LR Faubus says Dale Alford ewes fer last two campaigns Faubus says Sid McMath annointed by Arkansas Gazette Sid McMath says W R Stephens hurts industry. little peeple Sid McMath tells how W R Stephens gets gas rate increases W R Stephens is ruler ef Arkansas. Sid McMath charges Kenneth C Coffelt. Vernen H Whitten blast Faubus. Arkla Gas Forrest Rozzell says Clarence Bell won ' t change teacher vete Pine Bluff Commercial backs Vernen Whitten; flays Faubus adm Building Trades Council lauds. endorses Gev Faubus Citing history fer candidate Faubus (ed) David A Cox finally fries his fish. feeds 250 at Newport Coffelt asks Robt F Kennedy te explain bomb plet at LR in ' 6 0 Faur candidates reply te gambling. liquor questions Gazette calls fer issues that are worth discussing Coffelt claims he could net get cigarette tax records Revenue Cemmr Ted Denham says he told Coffelt records epen Vernen Whitten opens headquarters . asks fer funds Dale Alford would prorate funds in state banks Clarence Bell surprised Faubus named him campaign manager Kenneth Coffelt asks about tax funds cigarette dealers pay Vernen Whitten names 5-man beard ta run race Sid McMath accuses Faubus ef using big lie technique Dale Alford says welfare aid increase net Faubus ' doing Faubus campaign names staff wemen in six counties Kenneth Coffelt blasts gambling. liquor Portia picnic crowd hears hopefuls in state race Gov Faubus to endorse AEA funding proposal for education Dale Alford w ants change in way state funds deposited Dale Alferd dares Faubus te tell all en Searcy armery sale Gov Faubus defends his record against attacks ef opponents Sid McMath says Faubus group net invincible 203 6/28/62 6/29/62 6/29/62 6/29/62 6/29/62 6/29/62 6/29/62 6/29/62 6/29/62 6/29/62 6-/29/62 6/29/-62 6-/29/62 6/2'if/62 6/ 2'if/62 6/29/62 6/30/62 6-/30/62 7/ 1/62 7-/ 1/62 7/ 1/62 7/ 1/62 7/ 1/62 7-/ 1/62 7/ 1/62 7/ 1/62 7-/ 1-/62 7/ 1/62 7/ 1/62 7/ 1/62 7/ 2/62 7 / 2/62 7-/ 2/62 7/ 2/ 62 7/ 3/62 7/ 3/62 7-/ 3/62 7/ 3/62 7/ 4/62 7/ 4/62 7/ 4/62 7/ 4/62 7/ 4/ 62 7/ 4/62 7/ 5/62 7/ 5/62 7/ 6/62 7/ 6/62 7/ 6/62 7/ 6/62 7/ 6/62 PAGE COL Bl Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 AB AB A8 AB AB AB Al A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A2 A2 A2 E2 Al A2 A3 A4 Bl Bl Bl Bl AlO All Bl Bl Bl Bl A3 A3 Al A4 A6 A6 A6 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 l 1 2 2 2 4 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 4 7 1 3 1 6 l 6 6 7 8 4 4 6 7 8 8 1 1 6 l l 1 4 DATE Ceffelt attacks Paul Van Dalsem, Marlin Hawkins am.eng ethers Kenneth Ceffelt lauds Gutewski ' s actiens Kenneth Coffelt praises physician whe saved Merrilten paper Orval Faubus tells veters te pick best man fer ef fice Vernen Whitten says Ted Donham led Faubus fund-raiser David Cox� Vernen Whitten, W H Ricketts answer questionnaire Kenneth Coffelt want s early primaries in ceoler weather Faubus campaigner will not resign from Dem Wern.en pest Dale Alford scores meve ef Faubus te AEA pesitien Faubus ' s faulty plea fer idle state funds (ed) Vernen Whitten has recording out called "The Whitten Twist" Dale Alferd asks Faubus to preve WEC ever endorsed Alford Elecrical Werkers Assn votes te commend Gev Faubus Sid McMath to put out filmed ad fer himself Vernen Whitten would call constitutional convention Faubus group picks leaders fer women Democratic Women ' s Clubs to decide if Faubus leader te resign Faubus ence said tee many charges make critics skeptical Kenneth C Ceffelt points to rise in taxes under Faubus Sid McMath blasts party rule on voting as anti-independent Gev Faubus te dedicate new ANG armory at Forrest City Vernen Whitten chg that Faubus forces demanded funds denied Orval Faubus makes Sid McMath target in Conway speech Burglars ransack desk ef Sid McMath at his heme Candidates show disregard for Mack-Blackwell Amendment Faubus and debt (ed en claims of reduced state debt) Dale Alford will continue attack on Faubus as a millionaire T E Lawrence reviews the Faubus record Kenneth Coffelt says State Police campaigning fer Faubus Candidates strike eut at each ether in campaign appearances Dale Alford asks if Faubus awns fourth of Fereman Cement Co Faubus criticizes Sid McMath ' s campaign film Faubus says Sid McMath spent tee much time out of state Faubus suggests Sid McMath would attend NAACP meetings Gev Faubus apposed closed Democratic primaries Sid McMath fund-raiser draws 474 to Marien Hotel breakfast Amis Guthridge , Malcolm Tayler, Wesley Pruden attack Faubus Capital Citizens Council leadership breaks with Gov Faubus Handbill attacks Gov Faubus as quitter en segregatien Lance Alworth. Clarence Bell claim State Police after speeder Dale Alford charges Gev Faubus scaring wel fare clients Gev Faubus says Wemen' s Emergency Comm urged Alferd race Cost of running Geverner ' s Mansien criticized by Sid McMath Kenneth C Coffelt wees Republicans. premises to aid them Lance Alwerth featured en TV shew supporting Faubus Vernon H Whitten hits role of Ted Denham in Faubus campaign Mr Faubus ' disavowal ef the party purge (ed) GOP candidate Willis H Ricketts plugs 2-party system Faubus says McMath used prison labor . food at Mansien Integrationist s , segregationists buffet him, Faubus says Racists ' disavowal is preef he ' s free, Orval Faubus says 204 7/- 6/-62 7/ 6/-62 7/ 6/-62 7/- 7/-62 71- 7/62 7/- 7/-62 71 7/62 7/ 7/62 7/ 7/-62 7/- 7/-62 7/- 8/62 7/ 8/-62 7/ 8/62 7/- 8/62 7/- 8/62 7/ 8/62 7/ 8/62 7/- 8/-62 71 8/62 7/ 8/-62 7/- 8/ 62 7/- 8/62 7/ 8/62 7/- 8/62 7/ 8/62 7/- 8/62 7-/ 9/62 7/ 9/62 7/ 10/62 7 /10/62 7/10/-62 7/10/-62 7/-10/62 7/10/62 7-/10/62 7/10/-62 7/1 1/-62 7/11/62 7/-11/-62 7 /11-/62 7 /11/-62 7 /11/-62 7-/11/62 7/11/62 7/11/62 7/11/62 7/11/-62 7/11/-62 7/lZ/62 7/12/-62 7/12/62 PAGE COL Bl Bl Bl A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A4 Al A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A3 A3 A3 A7 E2 E2 A3 A4 Al Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Al Al Al Al AlO AlO AlO AlO AlO AlO A4 Bl Al3 A13 Al3 5 5 5 1 1 2 2 3 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 6 1 1 5 6 1 2 1 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 l 5 1 1 1 DATE Kenneth C Coffelt wees veters ef North Arkansas Dale Alferd wants agri preduct precessers t e come te state State empleyees must hand out Faubus stickers . McMath says Wilten R Stephens replies te charges ef candidates Sid McMath vews decent l iving fer Arkansans Kenneth Coffelt says Faubus seld out te JFK; rakes tax rise Vernon Whitten favors univ status fer Arkansas State Cellege Gev Faubus stumping in East Arkansas Dale Alford blasts U S Supreme Ct, two opponents Amis Guthridge says Faubus asked he and Tayler te Mansion Capital Citiz ens says Faubus non-captive by its choice Jimmie Karam says he delivered no message te Amis Guthridge Taxpayer suit against Clarence Bell called harassment Faubus ' time machine (ed) Dale Alford declares a runoff is certain in primary Dale Alford says Faubus camp wants Sid McMath in runoff Dale Alford would increase turnback funds te lecal gevts Dictatorship up te voters. Sid McMath warns Lance Al.worth completes his work with Faubus campaign Kenneth Coffelt says he sees more people, spends less meney Gev Faubus appeals fer support by state ' s teachers McMath chgs W R Stephens pressured Russellville te drop case Sid McMath charges arkla ' deal ' en Junction City gas rate Faubus says McMath weuld allew gambl ing syndicate in Faubus says McMath weuld try fer relative responsibility law Gov Faubus hits at Sid McMath, laughs at David Cox Kenneth Coffelt finishes 64-stop swing, criticizes costs Vernon Whitten says he would name women te tep pests Dale Alford chgs pol itical appointees favored at institutiens Sid McMath blasts Clarence Bell ' s figures fer teachers End ef the affair (ed en Faubus-Capital Citizens splitup) Issues in race seem irrelevant in many cases Pine Bluff receptien fer Gev and Mrs Faubus draws 2 , 000 Runoff seems certain, Kenneth C Coffelt says Dale Alford charges customers paying for Arkla subsidiaries Vernen Whitten says Faubus lures backing ef public officials Sid McMath ' s aim is te build county reads with federal funds Gov Faubus would approve univ status fer Arkansas State Coll Vernen Whitten plans talkathen Gev Faubus premises te fight US Supreme Court prayer ruling Searcy armory deal is on the level, Gov Faubus says McMath en reads (ed) Dale Alferd attacks Faubus fund, tax increases Sid McMath continues drive fer better county reads program All 6 Democratic candidates attend Meunt Nebo Chicken Fry Vernen Whitten expects 5 candidates te blend platforms Sid McMath charges Faubus has net kept pace with j eb benefits Vernon Whitten covers many issues in Fort Smith speech Dale Alferd dees not share Faubus view of Searcy armory deal Kenneth Coffelt says he will fire 7 .500 state empleyees Campaign office ef David A Cex does net have telephone 205 7/-12/62 7 /-12/-62 7/-12-/62 7/-13/-62 7/13/62 7/13/62 7/13/62 7/13/62 7/-13/62 7/ 13/-62 7 / 13/-62 7-/13/62 7/ 14/62 7/14/-62 7/14/62 7/14/62 7/14/-62 7/14/-62 7/14/-62 7/14/62 7/15/-62 7/15/-62 7/15/-62 7/15/62 7/15/62 7/15/-62 7/15/-62 7/15/-62 7/15/62 7/15/62 7/15/62 7/-15/62 7/16/62 7/17 /62 7/17/62 7/17/62 7/17/62 7/17/62 7/18/-62 7-/-18/-62 7/18/62 7/18/62 7/18/62 7/-18/62 7/-19/62 7/19-/62 7/19/62 7/-19/62 7/-19/62 7/ 19/62 7/19/62 PAGE COL A13 Al3 B13 Al A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Al A4 AS AS AS A5 A5 AS A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 E2 E3 A2 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A3 A3 A3 A4 A7 Bl Al Al A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 3 4 3 4 1 2 4 5 6 7 7 7 3 l 1 1 1 3 4 5 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 6 8 2 l 6 2 4 6 7 8 1 2 3 2 1 2 5 5 1 l 3 6 7 DATE The McMath film (ed) Governor ' s race full of new tactics Fifth term threat overhanging Arkansas (ed) Levy pol itical rally dedicated to Dale Alford this year Incumbent and field (ed) Sid McMath corrects editorial en his reads program Faubus talks ' conspiracy ' , integratien. reads and papers Gov Faubus says he has rural reads program Gov Faubus says fees gang up against him David A Cox arrested at Springdale en drunkenness charge Kenneth Coffelt says he can win in runoff Sid McMath calls his read pregram plan sound Vernen Whitten asserts his lumber business was successful Sid McMath en band-shaking teur at Pine Bluff Seil tillers are close te Ged. Gev Faubus says Hew the Faubus machine can be overturned (ed) David A Cox says he has seen all ef NW Ark he wants te see Faubus' Arkansas Statesman costs the people. McMath says Gov Faubus says race pits him and Sid McMath Kenneth Coffelt says he would clamp lid en gambling Dale Alford says State Police ream state fer Faubus Vernen Whitten labels fight en Faubus as revolution Russellville Mayer C A Hughes responds te charges in campaign A 10-ceunt indictment ef the Faubus record (ed) Pistol-packing David A Cex arrested at Harrisburg Feature articles en the 6 candidates fer Dem neminatien Dale Alferd attacks rivals in race. offers his pregram Clarence E Bell predicts Faubus victory in all 7 5 counties Dale Alford accused of posing befere crE:Md he did not address Sid McMath weuld visit JFK to premete Arkansas rivers program Kenneth Ceffelt cites politics in Pine Bluff read decision Sid McMath says public pays fer ads in Faubus newspaper Vernen Whitten says Gov Faubus abuses. uses public officials Dale Alford terms Faubus record as mest corrupt in history Gev Faubus praises ewn record. hits at Sid McMath The read programs (ed) Derisive Faubus gets laughs . criticizes press Faubus reception at Marien Hotel brings out large cre1111 d Editorial en lack of telephenes at David Cox headquarters Governor and publisher (ed) Dr Granville L Jenes writes bitter lr te Faubus ever j ob less Claude Carpenter Jr is field secy fer Dale Alferd campaign Dale Alford blasts Faubus letter mailed to el derly voters Sid McMath says W R Stephens money will try te turn tide Kenneth Coffelt says he is enly one able te beat Faubus Orval Faubus credited with national welfare program change Faubus says McMath weuld use troops te force integration Faubus says Sid McMath invited federal troops te LR in 1957 Whitten, Alford and McMath complain of Conway Ce procedures Sid McMath warmly received by large crewd at Harrison Dr Dale Alford endorsed by Wynne Progress 206 7/19/62 7/19/62 7/20/62 7 /20/62 7/20/62 7/20/62 7/20/62 7/-20/-62 7/20/62 7 /20/62 7/20/62 7/20/62 7/'20/62 7/20/62 7/20/-62 7/21/62 7/21/62 7/21/62 7/21/62 7/21/62 7/21/-62 7/21/62 7/21/62 7/22/62 7/22/62 7/22/62 7/22/62 7/22/62 7/-22/62 7/22/62 7 /22/62 7/22/62 7/22/62 7/22/62 7/22/62 7 /22/62 7/23/62 7/23/62 7/23/62 7/24/62 7/24/62 7/24/62 7 /24/62 7/24/62 7/24/62 7/24/62 7/24/62 7 /24/62 7/25/62 7/-25/62 7/25/62 PAGE COL A4 A4 Al Al8 A4 A4 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 Bl Al Al AB AB AB AB AB B7 Al Al AlO All Al l All All All All All A14 A2 E2 Al Al A4 A4 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Al All All 1 6 3 4 2 3 1 1 4 5 5 5 6 7 2 3 4 1 1 3 4 4 4 3 3 1 l 2 2 2 3 4 4 1 6 1 4 4 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 6 8 8 5 1 2 DATE Faubus tells crowds Sid McMath will ferce integratien Vernen Whitten says he ' s mederate ameng extremists. puppet Kenneth Coffelt takes Faubus j ibe. strikes back Dale Alferd blasts Faubus record en states ' rights David A Cox irked by whispers. details his arrest record Letter frem Dr Jenes net mentioned by Faubus at Benton Faubus charges Gazette news blackout en his campaign Sid McMath clear favorite of Negroes at LR rally Faubus endorsed by farmer president of Ark (Negro) Educ Assn Letter details Calico Rock preparation fer Faubus visit Vernen Whitten says Faubus leads law defiance AEA pres Hays Gibson says Faubus act harmed retirement system Kenneth Coffelt says Faubus surrendered te truckers Dale Alferd reminds voters of McMath-Faubus adm links Dale Alford s ay s Faubus ' moved in' en his campaign schedule David A Cox says he will sell farm to finance runef f race Rain, sound equipment failure nearly ruined Faubus rally Sid McMath maps expanded plan fer industry Gov Faubus has resisted effort fer state interest en funds Gov Faubus accused of selective accounting en govt employees Faubus links J W Hull. president ef Aransas Tech. to his adm Faubus says Dale Alferd premised same twe j obs te 54 men Faubus says Vernon Whitten dismissed from State Police j eb Orval Faubus calls fer sufficient votes te avoid runef f Orval Faubus says his opponents directed by Hugh Patterson Dale Alford hits Faubus absenteeism record Dale Alford pledges aid te county . city workers Kenneth Coffelt speaks fer hour en Fort Smith TV station Vernen Whitten ' s visit causes sir at Capitol ; workers shy Capital Citizens Council to explain its split with Faubus Russell C Roberts ef Conway . accompanies Sid McMath Sid McMath campaigns at rally at Manila Gov Faubus answers questions telephoned te TV studio Sem.e Faubus critics say phones at TV studio rigged Dale Alford enly ene te oppose restoring Eisenhewer rank Dale Alford preud he voted ' no ' against Eisenhaw"er rank Faubus pledges 18-mile lake fer Northeast Ark John Norman Harkey says he was warned net te introduce McMath Sid McMath dares Orval Faubus te debate Vernon Whitten invites Faubus to release state police record Vernon Whitten says his name net en Phillips County ballet Capital Citizens Council denounces Faubus as a deserter Dale Alford gees extra 22 miles trying fer 9 votes The Faubus record en teacher retirement (ed) Must the gevernership be closed ta all ethers? (ed) Sid McMath says he ran because he knew ' barons ' Vernen H Whitten doubts ethers can win runoff with Faubus Dale Alford says Faubus has no authority en pestal j obs Dale Alferd says Faubus regime is state ' s worst Dale Alford says Faubus spreading untruth Gev Faubus closes campaign at J enesbero; praises his adm 207 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/25/62 7/26/-62 7/26/62 7/26/62 7/26/62 7/26/62 7/26/62 7/26/62 7/26/62 7/26/62 7/26/62 7/27/62 7/27/62 7/27/62 7/27/62 7 /-27/62 7/27/-62 7/27/62 7/27 /62 7/27 /62 7/27/62 7/-27/62 7/27/62 7/-27/62 7/27/62 7/27/62 7/27/62 7/28/62 7/28/62 7/28/62 7/28/62 7/28/ 62 7/28/62 7/28/62 7/28/62 7/28/62 7/28/62 7/29/62 7 /29/62 7/29/62 7 /29/62 7/29/62 7/2W62 7/29/62 PAGE COL All All All Al l All A4 A4 B9 Al A4 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A4 A4 AS A5 AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS A5 AS Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A3 A3 A4 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al 3 4 5 6 7 l 2 4 5 3 1 2 3 5 5 6 6 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 3 3 4 5 5 7 7 l 6 l 3 3 3 6 6 6 7 DATE Kenneth Coffelt says he is at deer ef runoff With racism gene, campaign back te nermal ; Faubus is issue Sid McMath answers questions. Jimmy Driftweod sings Sid McMath answers questions called in te TV shew What Arkansas needs in its next governor (ed) Four candidates te clese campaign with TV appearances Campaign fer Democratic neminatien ends in blaze ef oratory Capital Citizens Council Bd did net appreve attack en Faubus Duty ef the citizen is to vote teday Reply of Amis Guthridge te chgs en attacks on Faubus Vote ef 400 , 000 expected in Democratic primary Gev Faubus answers 88 questions on eve ef election Official denies politics in pay raise at State Hospital Sid McMath hopeful urban returns will put him in runoff Faubus hailed by hunderds as election returns mount Dale Alford says late returns will give him runoff spot Article reviews campaign for Democratic nomination Gov Faubus has 17 , 000-vote edge ; runeff in deubt Kenneth C Coffelt running in 5th place. concedes defeat Vernon Whitten takes ' wait and see' attitude on returns David A Cox invites ether losers in election te his bash Gov Faubus gees te Capitol te claim his fifth term Gov Faubus will not be forced inte runoff Top foes may ask recounts ef huge Faubus maj erities Vernon H Whitten says beek is closed until future date Gov Orval Faubus wins 5th term without runoff Faubus ' fifth term and the eppesitien ' s role (ed) Election returns (by county ) Dale Alford huddles with advisers. has net conceded defeat Sid McMath drops idea of recount, concedes te Gov Faubus Little Rock ' s voting in the governor ' s race (ed) A governor ' s tenure (ed) Dale Alferd congratulates Faubus en election win With fifth term. Orval Faubus is king again List of counties giving Faubus largest maj ority State ' s editors comment en election Gov Faubus differs with ceurt. intervenes to save bond Dale Alferd runs second in race with most returns counted Final vote count gives Faubus 5 1 . 6 pct • Sid McMath is second A final critique en the ef ficial returns (ed) Final . official election returns listed (by county ) Column specul ates on possible Faubus race in 1964 State press comments en re-election of Faubus Gav Faubus may try te revive plan fer state Agriculture Dept Charge of disturbing peace against David Cox dropped Gov Faubus probably will head Southern Governors Cenf erence J T Stevens appeared in ads fer both Faubus and McMath Faubus to preside at discussion at Southern Gevernors Assn Faubus urges that all padding be stripped frem agency budgets Faubus supports end te pell tax as voting requirement Gev Faubus opposes National Guard reorganization plan 208 7/29/62 7/29/62 7/29/-62 7/29/62 7/30/62 7 /-30/-62 7/31/62 7/-31/62 7/31/62 7/-3 1/-62 7/31/62 7/31/62 7/31/62 8/ 1/62 8/ 1/62 8/ 1/62 8/ 1/-62 8/ 1/62 8/ 1/62 8/ 1/62 8/ 1/62 8/ 2/62 8-/- 2-/62 8/ 2/62 8-/ 2/62 8/ 2/62 8-/ 2/ 62 8/ 2/62 8-/- 3/62 8/ 3-/-62 8/ 3/62 8-/- 3/62 8/ 4/62 8/ 5-/ 62 8/ 5/62 8/ 5/62 8/ 7/62 8/ 8/62 8/10/62 8-/-10/-62 8/10/62 8/12/62 8/12/62 8/17-/-62 8/-18-/62 8/19:/62 8/19/62 8/20/62 8/22/62 8-/28/62 8/28/62 PAGE COL Al Al A25 A25 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A16 Bl Al Al Al Al Al Bl Bi Bl Al Al Al Al Al A4 Bl Al Al A4 A4 Al AlO E3 E3 Bl Al Al A4 A5 E3 E3 A3 A3 E3 E3 B7 Bl Al A7 7 7 2 2 2 7 6 6 6 6 8 2 4 3 4 6 7 7 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 8 l 2 7 7 1 2 8 6 1 2 2 6 5 l 1 1 2 6 3 1 2 1 8 5 2 DATE Gov Faubus speaks abeut welfare programs and illegitmacy Gov Faubus repeats attack en welfare at Het Springs meeting Faubus sees little shading f rem JFK t e Nelsen Rockefeller Luther Hedges beek tells of Faubus and crisis ef 1957 Faubus praise ef Marvin Griffin is issue in Georgia pelitics Demecratic candidates file expense account statements Gov Faubus honored by National B reiler Ceuncil GOP candidate Willis H Ricketts epens race tonight Willis H Ricketts efficially opens campaign in Fayetteville Faubus may be considering alterntive te AEA school fund plan Welfare benefits increase announced by Gov Orval Faubus Faubus says Democrats in Ark running against the Rockefellers Summary ef Faubus address te state Demecratic Party cenv Gazette pleased that Faubus friend defeated in Georgia The old dance routine (ed en Faubus speech at Dem cenv) Faubus remarks en farm surpluses draw Gazette reply Gazette calls fer legislative opposition to Gav Faubus Gov Faubus wishes Mississippi Gov Ress Barnett well U S usurping taxing rights, Gov Orval Faubus says Faubus support of Ress Barnett. Marvin Griffin (ed) Gov Faubus trims life terms ef twe slayers in prison Gov Faubus defers his decision en testing feed stamp plan Gov Faubus has high praise fer Sen J W Fulbright Gov Faubus vetoes state ' s paying fer Worl d ' s Fair exhibit Attends barbecue fer Democrats in Baxter Ceunty Faubus says Kennedy may turn Seuth into wasteland for Dems Faubus alerts State Police, Natl Guard to be ready for action Faubus fears turmeil in Ark ever Mississippi race problems Gov Faubus undecided en testing feed stamp plan Faubus remarks en Mississippi problem criticized Gov Faubus is one ef enly two governors supporting Barnett Gov Faubus may not be named head of Southern Governors Cenf Gov Faubus tells natl TV audience he is a moderate Southern Governors Cenf elects Gav Faubus as chairman Orval Faubus blames federals fer violence at Ole Miss Mr Faubus finally wins the chair (ed) Gov Faubus urged te approve feed stamps plan Willis Ricketts pledges removal ef sales tax en feed items Willis Ricketts reveals his plan fer j udicial reform Gov Faubus calls Initiated Act 1 ' wrong ' Gov Faubus speaks at dedication ef Children ' s Colony Members of ESD Council appointed by Gov Faubus Gov Faubus praises progress and kicks these eld fees Gov Faubus repeats j oke about JFK ' s death a Southern hol iday Gov Faubus defends Amendement 5 1 proposal Faubus te study tree cutting in Black River preserve Willis Ricketts calls fer tax ref erms Willis Ricketts says campus rally vetoed by Univ of Ark The Faubus opportunity en school consolidation (ed) Gev Faubus apposed to forced school mergers for any reasen Willis Rickett s hints Faubus kept him ef f Univ of Ark campus 209 8/ 28/-62 8/29/62 8/31/62 9/ 2/62 9/ 5/62 9-/- 7-/-62 9/ 7 /62 9/ 8/62 9-/- 9/6 2 9/ 12-/-62 9/14/62 9-/-14/62 9-/-14/62 9-/-14-/-62 9/15/62 9/17/-62 9/17/62 9/18/62 9/18/62 9/21/62 9-/-21/-62 9/22/62 9/23/62 9/25/62 9/-27/62 9/28/62 9-/-29-/-62 9/29/62 9/29/62 9/29/62 10/ 2/62 10/ 3/62 10/ 3/62 10/ 5/62 10/ 6/62 10/ 7/62 10/10/62 10/14/62 10/14/-62 10/15/62 10/15/62 10/15/62 10/17-/-62 10/17/62 10/18/62 10/19/62 10/-20-/-62 10/21/62 10/21/62 10/23/62 10/23/62 PAGE COL Bl A2 Bl2 DlO Bl Bl BlO A3 A3 Al Al Al Al A4 A4 A4 A4 Al A5 A4 Bl A2 AlO Bl A3 A2 Al Al A2 A2 A2 A5 A9 All A3 E2 Bl A2 A2 Al Al Bl A9 A9 Bl B4 A2 AS E2 A9 Bl 4 1 6 1 6 5 1 1 5 6 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 6 3 8 7 1 4 2 7 1 8 7 7 4 4 4 1 1 8 6 8 l 1 7 2 DATE Faubus calls blockade ef Cuba "step in right direction" Gov Faubus says ne Natl Guard callup set fer now Gov Faubus raps JFK. but says GOP worse Win Rockefeller had ne part in forming AIDC. Gov Faubus says Faubus says Win Rockefeller appreved treeps in LR in 1957 Faubus irked by prej ectien ef Ark pepulatien less Gov Faubus says he did net bleck U of A rally by Ricketts Faubus seeks pay raise fer lewer-paid state employees Faubus anticipates no immediate Guard callup in Cuba crisis Faubus calls CBS-'IV shaw en LR ' damn propaganda piece ' Gov Faubus te be briefed en Cuban crisis Faubus en censelidatien (ed) Willis Ricketts calls at ABC office. asks Fitch 10 questions After briefing en subj ect. Faubus says Cuba crisis grave Willis Ricketts pledges merit system fer all j obs Ricketts ' service {ed) Gov Faubus offers cure fer Cuban problem Gov Faubus opposes appointment of county assessors Tighter centrals on state spending requested by Gev Faubus Faubus names Dan D Stephens asst supt ef prison system ALC resists Faubus plan fer funding Water Pollution Central Faubus uses emergency fund to pay prison supt asst Stephens State Sen Cliftan Wade serves as governor for one day Faubus apposes Act 1 . backs Amdt 5 1 and 52 Willis H Ricketts wants ABC Beard ' s Rella Fitch fired Endorses re-election of State Rep Paul Van Dalsem Faubus supported Amdt 53 before primary . then switched Forrest Rozzell deplores cynical moral ity of Faubus Faubus says he did not switch sides en Amdt 53 Gav Faubus defeats Willis Ricketts in landslide Calls Democratic landslide slap in face ef Win Rockefeller Faubus blames defeat of Amdt 53 en AEA Orval Faubus carries Pulaski Co by 2-1 margin in voting Faubus says meed ef voters indicates ne tax �ncrease in 1963 ALC turns dewn Faubus request fer raise for Rella Fitch Faubus recommends closing of state Confederate Heme Gov Faubus calls higher educ budget requests unreal istic Gov Faubus reduces life sentences of six murderers, rapist Faubus challenges any state te match his record Gov Faubus says Ark better; j ibes at U S Faubus clears way fer feed stamp test in Independence Co Vernen H Whitten probably will not sue Faubus for slander Faubus recommendations en state budgets Gov Faubus expects $14. 1 million rise in state revenues A good Faubus budget. with a notable flaw (ed) Plan to expand aid te retarded persons pleases Gov Faubus Gov Faubus defeated Willis Ricketts. 225 , 5 90 to 82,674 Faubus calls Natl Guard reorganization plans unacceptable Faubus restores rights of Lauderdale in civil rights bombing Faubus says he has been busy solving problems in state Faubus favors setting up educational TV as soen as possible 210 10/23/62 10/24/ 6 2 10/24/62 10/24/62 10/24/62 10/24/62 10/24/-62 10/24/62 10/25/62 10/26/-62 10/-26/62 10/26/62 10/26/62 10/27/62 10/-28/62 10/29/62 10/30/62 10/30/62 10/30/62 11/ 1/62 11/ 1/62 11/ 2/62 11/ 2/ 62 1 1/ 4/62. 1 1 / 4/ 62 1 1/ 4/-62 1 1/- 5/62 11/ 5/62 1 1/ 6/62 11/ 7/62 1 1/ 8/62 1 1/ 8/62 1 1/ 8/62 1 1/ 9/62 1 1/16/62 11/16/62 1 1/17/62 1 1/-17/-62 11/17/62 11/20/-62 1 1/20/62 1 1/21/62 1 1/27/62 11/-27/62 1 1/28/62 1 1/28/62 11/-29/ 6 2 1 2/ 5/62 12/ 5/-62 1 2/ 5/62 1 2/ 7/62 PAGE COL BlO A2 A2 A2 A2 A3 Bl Bl Bl Al5 A17 Af> Bl A9 C4 A4 Bl Bl Bl A4 Bl Al3 A3 Al Al3 A2 Al Al A2 Al Al4 A14 Cl8 A4 Bl Bl A3 A5 B7 A4 Bl A5 Bl Bl Af> B9 A4 A2 Bl B9 Bl 3 l 6 6 7 3 4 5 8 4 4 1 5 4 1 2 2 3 7 1 3 4 6 4 1 2 3 3 3 6 6 6 1 2 8 8 1 3 6 1 2 3 7 7 1 4 6 l 2 1 5 DATE Faubus says gasoline tax increase suggested te him What Faubus found on the Capitol steps (ed en gas tax talk) Welfare abuse assailed by Gav Faubus in Paragould talk Faubus is first te tour Arts Center ' s new artmebile A J Mess is candidate te head Welfare Dept . Faubus says Agency heads present Faubuses with player piano fer Christmas Faubus. AEA l eaders meet. come out smil ing Faubus grants clemency te 2 embezzling officials Faubus and the AEA seek a concil iation (ed) Faubus appointees dominate state boards and com.missions Faubus faces task of filling about 170 beard, comm pests What ef the future in Arkansas politics (ed on appointments) GOVERNOR' S MANSION (Ark) see Executive Mansion (Ark) GRACE. PRESTON W see also Constitution (Ark) GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY see University ef Arkansas Graduate Institute ef Technology GRADY MANNING HOTEL (Little Rock) see Hotels GRADY-GOULD WATERSHED PROJECT see Rivers and lakes GRAHAM. JOSEPHINE see also Culture and the arts GRAHAM. R HALL Donates funds fer Little Reck Univ Library books GRAND JURY see Courts. State and local GRAND LAKE Writer describes visit to ghost tewn in SE Ark GRAND NATIONAL BAKEOFF Frances S Spooner wins $ 1 , 000 Pillsbury bakeeff GRAND PRAIRIE see also History (Ark) see also Water GRANT COUNTY see alse Agricultural extensien werk Article en creeks in ceunty with edd names Plans fer new ceurtheuse appreved by Querum Court GRANT. ULYSSES S see alse History (Ark) GRANTS IN AID Federal-aid pr ograms sent $86 . 03 8 , 000 to Ark last year GRASS Johnsen grass has seme friends. many enemies GRAVE ROBBERS see Dead GRAVEL RIDGE (Pul aski County) see also Water Pulaski County cemmpunity censidering incorporation Incerporatien case gees te County Judge 211 12/12/62 12/13/62 12/14/62 12/14/62 12/15/62 12/20/62 12/-21/62 12/22/62 12/22/62 1 2/26/62 1 2/-26/62 12/27/62 PAGE COL Bl A6 AlB A3 AS Bl Al Al A4 A9 A9 A6 5 1 1 2 4 4 5 4 1 1 l 1 2/ 4/62 A3 7 11/15/62 Bl 2 9/19/62 Al 2 7/22/62 E6 12/30/62 A3 1 3 5/28/61 E5 5 2/12/61 ClO 2 12/ 9/61 A7 2/ 8/62 Cl6 2 l DATE Ceunty judge denies petitions fer incorperatien GRAY ROCK CEMETERY see Cemeteries GRAYSON• WILLIAM B Henered by UA Medical Center GREATER LITTLE ROCK MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION see Ministerial Asseciatien. Greater Little Reck GREEN FOREST Fire destroys drug store bldg in town GREEN. ERNEST G First Negro grad of CHS claims bias in heusing in Michigan GREEN. NOLA see alse Beeks and writing GREENBERG. JACK see alse Negroes GREENE. AMY JEAN see alse Education GREER0 M L see alse Feed GREERS FERRY DAM see Rivers and lakes GREERS FERRY LAKE see Land and real estate see Rivers and lakes GREGORY. LLOYD F see alse Medicine and health GREVE. BESSIE see also Werm farms GRIDIRON SHOW Pulaski Bar Assn satirizes politics and pol iticians GRIFFIN. EARL see also Laber GRIFFIN. ERMON see alse Laber GRIFFIN. LEO H see also Little Rock GRIFFIN. PAUL Y SR Griffin estate settles tax dispute with IRS GRIFFIN. ROBERT P see also Ecenemic devel opment GRIFFITH. HENRY see also Beeks and writing GRIMM B ROODER MANUFACTURING CO INC New Jersey firm moving eperatiens to Rogers GRISWOLD. LENA SCHIRALDI Malvern residents send Mrs Griswold te Italy te visit family GRISWOLD. NAT R see also Civil rights and discriminatien GROCORD RUBBER CO Firm planning El Derade plant if bonds pass GROVE. T.VAN H 212 PAGE COL 3/29/62 Cl3 2 6/11/62 A3 1 3/13/61 A2 1 12/ 7/61 A17 1 5/25/62 K3 1 1 2-/22/61 Bll 1 1/25/61 BB 3 4/ 8/62 Al 6 4/ 5/61 Bl 8 DATE see also Hendrix College GRUNDFEST, DAVE Warns against military takeover of govt GUEST STA'IUTES see Traffic accidents and safety GUION FERRY see Rivers and lakes GUNS see Firearms GUS BLASS CO see Blass Ce GUTHRIDGE, AMIS see alse Civil rights and discrimination see alse Educatien - Little Rock GUTOWSKI, STANLEY C see alse Conway County see alse Legislature (Ark) GYPSUM see Mines and minerals H AND B CANNING CO Van Buren firm bought by H L Hunt interests HADFIELD, 0 D JR see alse Birch, Jehn, Society HAIRDRESSERS AND COSMETOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION. Ark Cenventien te bring 1 , 500 te Little Reck Annual meeting te draw 3 , 000 te Little Reck HALE, MILAS H see also Politics and elections Elected secretary ef Yeung Democrats Club of America HALL OF FAME, Arkansas see Athletics and sports HALL, ANDREW M see alse Beeks and writing HALL, CLARIS G (Crip) see alse Capitol Building and grounds Death takes Secy ef State ' Crip ' Hall. dean ef Ark officials Obituary lists maj er accompl ishments of Mr Hall Legislators te attend funeral ef Secretary ef State HALL, NANCY J see also Civil rights and discrimination see alse Secretary of State (Ark) see also Treasurer (Ark) HALLOWEEN Account of eld-time celebratien HAMILTON, SCOTT D see also Little Reck HAMMERSCHMIDT, JOHN PAUL see alse Politics and elections Elected officer in Southwestern Lumbermen ' s Assn HAMPSON MU SEUM see Parks, recreation and tourism 213 PAGE COL 3/15/62 Al 5 3/ 8/61 B9 8 10/20/61 A2 10/21/-62 Cl 3 2 1 2/ 10/61 A14 4 1/15/61 Al 1/-15/61 Al 1/16/61 Al 6 6 4 10/29/61 E5 3 1/22/61 A4 8 DATE HAMPTON. WAYNE see alse Highway Department (Ark) HANCOCK. REX Dr Hancock hunts with bew and arrOl\7 in Alaska HANDICAPPED see alse Arkansas Scheel fer the Deaf see also Day care centers fer children see also Education see alse Rehabilitatien Center, Hot Springs Southwest Rehabilitatiien Ctr fer the Blind highly praised Southwest Rehabilitation Ctr for the Blind is Liens prej ect Charlene Terry paints. types with her tees J C Williams turns to art after disabl ing injury Alvin Curtis attended high scheol by intercom. is graduating Enterprises fer the Blind te dedicate three new buildings ASTC speech clinic produces miracle of speech fer child Interview with deaf ASTC ceed Anne Andersen Article en blind trainee Betty Hardcastle at Rehab Center Guide dogs bring ' ligh t ' te world of darkness College prep students study at Southwest Rehabilitation Ctr HANDWRITING Raymend F DaBell is one of nation ' s foremost calligraphers HANKINS, HERMAN H see alse United States - Farmers Heme Administration HANKINS, JIM L see alse Culture and the arts HANSEN. WILLIAM W JR see also Civil rights and discrimination HANSHAW, PAUL see also Land Depaatment (Ark) HARBORS, PORTS AND MARINAS Pert Autherity ef Pine Bluff sets hearing Pine Bluff groups enderse plan fer Arkansas River port Group ekays barber plan fer Pine Bluff Site near LR recommended fer Arkanssas River pert facilities Five sites studied fer Arkansas River pert at LR Planning fer Little Reck pert facilities continues LR panders way s , means te push land acquisition fer pert HARDGRAVE, G L see also Medicine and health HARDING COLLEGE Memphis residents attack Harding heusing prepesal Harding Cellege film. "Communism en the Map" called distorted George S Bensen defends film en spread ef Communism Editorial en film, ' Communism en the Map" College shares in Sterl ing Merten estate Anti-Red film te be shown at 22nd annual Freeedem Forum Outline ef program fer annual Freedem Forum George S Bensen urges US adept sterner anti-red attitude Freedom Forum cites l iberalism. labor. high taxes, etc Freedom Forum told report ef Russian ' space walk ' is heax 214 PAGE COL 9/30/62 E5 1/16/61 1/16/61 2/ 1/61 4/ 4/6 1 5/21/61 5/25/61 10/15/61 11/ 19/61 1/ 7/62 5/13/62 9/ Z/62 A2 A2 Bl Bl El AlO ES E44 ES E4 D4 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 10/21/62 ES 1 1/ 5/61 1/13/61 4/21/-62 11/29/62 12/ 2/ 62 12/ 5/62 1 2/26/62 Bl A1 8 A3 Bl Cl A13 A3 2 3 1 5 2 3 6 A9 A3 Bl A4 A9 Bl Bl A3 A7 A7 7 4 2 2 6 6 6 7 1 1 2/23/61 2/2S/61 2/28/61 3/ 6/61 3/18/-61 4/18/61 4/18/61 4/-19/61 4/-20/61 4/20/61 DATE Norman Themas says NEP greater threat than John Birch Saciety George Bensen denies Harding werk tied te John Birch Society Opium is sabotage weapon of Red China. Freedom Forum told The Harding philosophy (ed) George Benson urges lecal efforts to curb Reds College paper wins tap ACPA award Memphis approves Harding plan fer expansien there Gazette reporter gets semantics lesson at Freedom Forum Harding preserves cornerstone of Galloway College The Reporter calls Harding seat of right wing movements The Reporter charges draw reply frem Dr George S Bensen Harding-type programs harmful . columnist writes Cl ifton L Ganus quoted as saying Jim Trimble abet s communism Gaz ette defends Jim Trimble as Christian gentleman James D Bales lists his qualifications fer writing beak Presidnet George S Benson receives American Legien award Editorial on Dr Ganus ' s attack en J W Trinmble challenged Gene E Rainey writes en separation of powers at Searcy H W Jinske writes en Dr Cliften L Ganus and J W Trimble Dr Clifton Ganus denies making statement abeut J W Trimble Gazette insist s Dr Ganus was talking about J W Trimble Dr George S Bensen attacks Gaz ette in anti-communism talk Summary ef speech by Dr George Benson te American Legion Gazette comments on speech by Dr George S Benson Letter en Harding and the National Education Program Dr James D Bales ' anti-Mermen comments draw letter te editor James D Bales says no anti-Mermen drive under way there Letter to editor supports Harding stance en issues Harding prepares for opening of fall semester President George Bensen discusses possible US-Russia war George S Bensen blasts Fulbright memo as comfort te communism Dr Bensen widens his target sights (ed) New dormitory fer women opens NEP and William P Campbell get Freedoms Foundation awards President George S Bensen to retire Freedom Forum headquartered at Harding College in Searcy George S Bensen. James D Bales speak at Freedem Forum Eddie Rickenbacker. Tom Andersen are Freedom Forum speakers Speakers turn guns on J W Fulbright; want George S Bensen Tom Andersen says J W Fulbright shoul d be impeached George S Benson te study Latin politics NEP Harding College sponsors Freedom Forum Twenty-third Freedom Forum is biggest yet Clarence W Manion attacks J W Fulbright at Freedom Forum Forum speakers continue drumf ire against J W Fulbright J W Fulbright says Freedom Forum critics j ust maladjusted Freedom Forum told hew to combat ' Reds ' in own communities George Benson sorry partisan politics get into Freedom. Forum James D Bales l r en Harding Cell rele in political issues P L Oliver questiens Harding College education Letters en Harding College teachings 215 4-/-20/61 4-/-21/61 4/21/61 4-/-22/61 4/22/ 61 5/ 3/61 5/ 4/6 1 5/14/61 6/14/61 7/14/61 7/14/61 7/15/61 7/17/61 7/17 /61 7/-17 /61 7/23/61 7/23/61 7/25/61 7/25/61 7/-26/61 7/27/61 7/29/61 7/29/61 7/31/61 8/ 1-/61 8/ 1/61 8-/- 5/-61 8-/ 9/61 8/13/61 8/16/61 9/15/61 9/16/61 9/ 17/61 2/22/62 3/- 7 /62 4/18-/-62 4/18/62 4/19/-62 4/19/62 4/19/62 4/19/62 4/19/62 4/19/-62 4/20/62 4-/-20/62 4/20/-62 4/21/62 4/21/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 8/62 5/14/62 PAGE COL A7 Bl Bl A4 BB Bl C14 ES Bl Bl Bl A3 A4 A4 A4 A3 E4 A4 A4 Bl A4 Al Al A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Al5 BlO A2 A4 All Bl A6 A3 A3 Al Al Al A2 A2 A2 Bl Bl Bl A2 A2 E2 A4 A4 4 6 6 2 1 5 8 2 2 4 4 7 2 2 6 1 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 1 3 4 5 4 1 3 4 1 2 3 l 6 6 3 3 3 2 3 3 7 7 8 1 l 3 4 3 DATE Seventh annual Americanism Seminar attracts 150 students Harding wins tep award for student yearbook Harding sets $2 million goal fer building program Suit ever textbook names George S Bensen. Clifton Ganus J r Thomas H Stevenson filed suit against Harding. officials Twe tsp efficials sued ever unfinished book Harding Coll asks dismissal of suit ever textbook HARDWARE ASSOCIATION. Arkansas Retail see also Firearms HARDY SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Hardy District HARDY TELEPHONE CO see Telephone service HARDY. BENJAMIN H LRU professor tells of his trip through Berlin wall HARDY. FANNIE see also Geverner (Ark) see alse Insurance HARDY, ROBERT CHARLES see also University of Arkansas Medical Center HARGIS. BILLY JAMES Hargis speaks at LR. sees Reds abounding, lauds Faubus Hargis vs Churchill (ed) Calls secret meeting of supporters in LR HARKEY. JOHN NORMAN see also Governor (Ark) Jy28 HARPER, TOM see also Governor (Ark) HARRELL, JOHN A JR see also Education - Little Reck District HARRIS, ETTA CALDWELL see also Books and writing HARRIS, JOHN H see also Congress HARRIS, OREN E see also Congress - House Dist 4 see also Congress - Reappertienemnt HARRIS. THOMAS E see alse Ecenemic development HARRISBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Harrisburg District HARRISON see alse History (Ark) see also Railroads see also Rivers and l akes see also Weather and storms Urban Renewal work planned for Harrison Residents te vote en bond issue fer Urban Renewal Lean approved fer Crooked Creek urban renewal proj ect Fire destroys Midwest Supermarket building Harrison gets grant fer urban renewal work 216 6/12/62 10/24/62 10/31/62 12/ 4/62 12/ 4/62 12/ 4/6 2 12/27/62 PAGE COL Bl A8 Bl Al4 A14 Al4 Bl 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 9/20/62 Bl 2 6/12/61 A2 6/13/61 A4 5/11/62 Al 2 2 7 5/25/61 9/27/61 10/ 6/61 12/29/61 6/ 8/62 Bl Bl Bl Bl AlO 2 5 6 7 6 DATE HARRISON. ERNEST J ' DUTCH ' see alse Athletics and sports HARTMAN. EUGENE see also Phetegraphy HARTRICK. GORDON. Family see alse Children and yeuth HARVEY, ROBERT see also Children ' s Colony (Ark) HARVEY, WILLIAM H see also Mente Ne HASTINGS, HARRY SR see alse Alcoholic Beverage Central Department (Ark) see alse Trademarks. trade brands and loges HATCH ACT see Gevernment empleyees. State HAVEN OF HOPE NURSING HOME see Nursing hemes HAWKINS. MARLIN see also Cenway Ceunty see also Ceurts. Federal HAWKINS, MARTIN C see also Medicine and health HAWKINS, WILLIAM see also History (Ark) HAYS BROS FLOORING CO see alse Electric power Hays ordered te cease unfair labor practices HAYS . BROOKS Under consideration fer high govt pests Apptd Asst Secy ef State fer Congressional Relations Hays appointed te State Department pest Angered by news leak. Gev Orval Faubus belittles Hays Gov Faubus says Hays about as valuable as 5-yr-eld child President Kennedy consulted Gev Faubus before appointment The Hays appointment and integrity ' s reward (ed) Hays called prophet with honer in the TVA country Senate panel praises Hays. approves State Dept post An exercise in educatien fer Hays (letter te editor) Editorial cemment en Hays vs Faubus Hays te held reunien with his old cengressienal staff Washington Pest hails Hays stand in Little Reck crisis Hays has warm praise fer Peace Corps Hays says he is enj eying hard werk of new j eb Hays ' stories l iven staff conferences Hays says U S sheuld help Latin America develop independence Hays en government (quotes) Alabama critics ef moderate stand may reduce Hays audience Hays given standing evatien after Alabama Bar Assn speech Pitch-hits fer Styles B ridges at New Hampshire event Hays tells humereus story about Arkansas family fracas Hayes named special assistant ta President Jehn F Kennedy 217 PAGE COL 12/21/61 Bl 2 1/ 8/61 2/10/61 2/11/61 2/11/61 2/11/61 2/11/61 2/12/61 2/16/61 2/17/61 2/24/61 2/26/61 2/26/61 2/26/61 3/ 5/61 3/18/61 3/19/61 5/ 14/-61 7/ 9/61 7 /15/61 7 /30/61 9/ 3/61 9/17/61 1 1/27/61 5 7 3 4 E5 Al Al Al Al Al E4 A4 A9 A4 E4 E5 E5 A2 A5 E5 A4 E5 B4 ES D5 ES Al 4. 4 1 7 5 3 7 5 5 6 l 5 6 5 7 5 5 5 8 DATE Hays requested j ob change ; says new post is prem.etien Hays will be principal speaker for Kennedy adm policies Hays te take eath as JFK assistant Hays take oath. makes JFK laugh New post fer Hays is part of JFK hope te reach people Hays paid courtesy call on Pope John XXII I in the Vatican Says right-wing extremists de not represent America ' s soul Dr Lee Smith says Hays did not stand up for his dist in 1957 T E Lawrence defends Hays frem Dr Lee Smith ' s criticism Special asst te President Kennedy to tour nation Interview with special asst to President John F Kennedy Says nation backs JFK in fight with steel industry Represents JFK at National Rifle Assn banquet Hays schedules speeches in Ark Hays to speak at Arkadelphia Chamber of Commerce dinner Hays says right will prevail in the South Speaks at dinner honoring Tuberculosis Assn worker Says Mississippi will adjust te desegregation Hays played a role in Cuban crisis Church, state need contact , Hays asserts HAZEN SCHOOL DITRICT see Education - Hazen District HEALTH see Medicine and health HEALTH BOARD (Ark) Samuel Auburn Walker is board president fer 1961 Beard marks 80 years of pregress HEALTH DEPARTMENT (Ark) see alse Feed see alse Medicine and health Bureau of Vital Statistics keeps numereus records HEBER SPRINGS Fire destroys three warehouses HEERWAGEN, PAUL M Painted huge mural being restored at State Capitol HEINE DUCK CLUB Nineteen members sued by another member ever inj uries Sixteen members settle their part of lawsuit by Rey C Mess HEISKELL, JOHN NETHERLAND Gazette editer honored en his 90th birthday by XV Club HELENA see alse History (Ark) see also United States - Government buildings and offices Fire hits Negro residential area; five homes destroyed HEMINGWAY, ERNEST Piggott, Ark, played part in author ' s life and work Ernie Deane recalls encounter with Hemingway HEMPSTEAD COUNTY see also Alcoholic beverages Taxpayers group begins prebe into county affairs County gets back truck that was obj ect of court suit 218 11/28/61 11/28/61 12/ 1/61 12/ 2/61 1 2/ 3/61 12/14/61 1/ 5/62 1/ 7/62 1/11/62 1/ 14/ 62 4/ 1/62 4/ 14/62 4/ 15/62 9/23/62 9/30/62 10/ 2/62 10/ 3/62 10/ 4/62 1 1/ 4/62 11/22/62 PAGE COL Al Al A2 Al E5 A8 A2 E2 E4 D3 E3 A5 E3 E3 A5 Bl2 Bl Bl E3 Al4 5 5 2 3 5 4 8 3 3 5 5 2 5 5 1 3 7 2 5 4 2/ 17/61 Bl 2/19/61 El 4 2 4/ 9-/ 61 El 1 3/26/61 AB 7 11/ 4/61 A3 4 1/14/61 A3 2/ 5/61 AA 2 8 11/25/62 Al5 1 1/23/61 Al 6 7/ 3/61 Al 7/- 4/ 61 Bl 3 3 3/15/61 A3 3/23/61 A3 8 3 DATE Another suit filed against U G Garrett . ex-County Judge Grand j ury probes adtn ef ex-county j udge U G Garrett Feurth taxpayer suit filed against U G Garrett Grand Jury indicts farmer County Judge U G Garrett. 2 others Former County Judge U G Garrett on trial in funds case Jury acquits U G Garrett Jury clears U G Garrett of new charges HENDERSON STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE see also Censtructien programs , State see al so Music Plans announced fer opening of fall semester HENDERSON. PAT see al so Courts. Federal HENDERSON, WILLIAM E see also Little Reck Chamber ef Commerce HENDRICKSON. THAYER D see also Veterinary medicine HENDRIX COLLEGE see also Robberies and thefts College receives $50.000 donation Freshmen included in program fer the gifted Plans fer fall semester opening announced New phy sical educ building honors Ivan H Grave H F Buhler donates property worth $2,500, 000 to Hendrix H F Buhler comments on his gift te Hendrix Gift property ef H F Buhler identified H F Buhler says he gave Hendrix mere property than listed Ivan H Greve Gymnasium dedicated Mere deeds recorded in turnover ef H F Buhler ' s gift Long-range campus beautification proj ect begins Dr Marshall T Steel discusses increasing Hendrix enrellment College to dedicate Trieschmann Fine Arts Bldg Hendrix epens Trieschmann Fine Arts Building Hendrix congratulated on new fine arts building Campus beautification proj ect under way HENDRIX. OLEN see alse Censtructien programs . State HENSLEE. LEE see also Prisons and prisoners HENSON, HAROLD E JR see alse Little Reck HEPATITIS see Medicine and health HERCULES POWDER CO Purchases Reaser-Hill Corp at J acksonville HERMANNSBURG see History (Ark) HERMITS Albert Ballard of Streng, judged mentally ill Wes Ballard ruled mentally ill HERODES, VINCENT 219 4/ 9/61 5/12/61 6/16/61 6/23/61 7 /-18/61 7/1'}/61 7 /20/61 PAGE COL A6 Bl Bll AB AS Bl A2 8/13/61 A12 1/26/61 2/26/61 8/13/61 10/12/61 11/ 10/61 11/10/61 11/14/61 1 1/15/61 1 1/28/61 12/13/61 12/31/61 4/ 5/62 9/15/62 9/19/62 9:/ 21/-62 10/ 7 l62 C16 A2 A7 4 5 8 1 3 6 5 4 E5 8 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 8 6 5 8 7 3 1 2 12/12/61 Al 2 A8 Al Al Bl AB B3 AlO A6 K3 A2 Bl A4 4/-13/61 Bl 5/16/61 B12 9 5 DATE see alse Cul ture and the arts HEROISM Thomas L Andrews who died in rescuing bey. is henered Prather O ' Neal receives award frem Red Cress HESTER MOBILE HOME MANUFACTURING INC Blytheville trailer firm is bankrupt Blytheville holds mortgage, net title. referee says HICE, W 0 see also Conway County HIGDEN Descriptien ef town that meved eut of lake ' s way HIGGINS, CHARLES A see also Education HIGHER EDUCATION see Celleges and univs HIGHER EDUCATIONAL FINANCE, Cemmissien en Co-erdina see Celleges and universities see Colleges and univs HIGHWAY COMMISSION (Ark) see Advertising see Highway Department (Ark) HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT (Ark) see Land and real estate see also Reads Friends urge second term en ARC fer Lawrence Blackwell Gov Faubus requested te re-appoint Lawrence Balckwell to AHC Lawrence Blackwell not re-appointed te AHC Longtime Faubus crony Truman Baker apptd to ARC History of AHC appmts since 1952 Paying political debts (ed en Faubus appmt ef Truman Baker) Truman B aker served en ARC frem 1949-1953 Gov Faubus def ends naming Truman Baker to AHC State editors comment en Truman Baker appmt to AHC Doubts grow in Legis that AHC is politically independent Reduction frem 9 9 to 21 j ob classifications not for layoffs Every county getting a state highway building Directer F R Oliver incensed by hint of highway scandal Gov Faubus lets Highway Comm name its next commissiener Wayne Hampton named te AHC Gazette sees election year ruse in Wayne Hampton appmt Apparent disregard fer Mack-Blackwell (ed) William E Huie named safety directer Women meving into professional j obs once held by men Last appointee ef Gev Cherry attends final AHC meeting HILDEBRAND, ALFRED L Stuttgart farmer fined fer never filing any income tax HILDERBRAND. JOE Needs physical. mental health, State Hespital says Gov Orval Faubus comments en escape of Hilderbrand Involved in thwarted escape attempt about 10 days age Legend revived as Hilderbrand escapes frem State Hospital 220 PAGE COL 10/12/62 Bl3 1 2/ 5/62 Bl 4 2 6/16/62 B6 10/ 9/62 Al 7 5 7/ 6/61 Bl 2 1/ 1/61 1/12/61 1/18/61 1/18/61 1-/18/-61 1/19/61 1/19/-61 1/20/61 1/29/61 2/ 5/61 5/ 14/61 1/12/62 2./ 11/62 5/ 4/62 5/ 9/62 5/10/-62 7/ 8/62 9/ 7/62 10/ 7 /62 12/20/62 BlO Al Al Al Al A4 Bl Bl E4 A5 6 6 3 3 4 2 2 8 6 1 1 2 1 8 7 2 1 4 1 2 3/27/62 Al 5 1/20/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 2/61 4 2 2 2 E5 E5 Bl F3 Bl Bl A4 E2 Bl E3 Bl Al Al Al DATE Over 700 names were en petitien for release ef Hilderbrand Parole Bd denied pardon despite petition from area residents Escape sparks hat debate over State Hospital spending pol icy Frances Standridge says she is through with Hilderbrand Hilderbrand continues te elude officers The Hilderbrand escape (ed) Search fer Hilderbrand centered in Dover area Search of Hilderbrand heme fails te disclose fugitive Officers getting fewer tips. Pope County sheriff says Police capture Hilderbrand at father ' s home north of Dover Till Hilderbrand (ed) Hilderbrand admits guilt. gets 5 years in prison Hilderbrand chgd fer State Hospital escape on Aug 1 . 1 96 1 HILL, JACK see also Arkansas Investment Carp HILL. LYLE 0 see also Reaser-Hill Corp HILL SPEAK see Episcopal Church HINDMAN, BISCOE Hindman wills $40 0 . 000 te Ark fer memerials to T C Hindman Little Reck and Helena also te share in Hindman bequest The Hindman memorials (ed) LR Museum of Science and History wants share of funds Helena studies hew to spend its $250.000 left by Hindman Hindman was not well-known in Helena. his birthplace Money cannot be distributed until March 1963 Univ ef Ark should get substantial share of estate Bequest of $50.000 te LR may go fer park at the little reek HINDMAN. THOMAS C see also Hindman. Biscoe Assassination ended career ef stormy general . pol itician Elizabeth Biscoe Nethern is Hindman descendant at Helena HINDSVILLE see also Weather and storms HINK. HENRY C Tells hew Bob Burns ' baz ooka came te be invented HIRSCH.EIDER. JOE T see also Government employees. State HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND S ITES see alse Arkansas Territorial Restoration see also Hotels see alse Old State House (Ark) Carl Otto Brack heme built in 1910 te be demolished Ringgold Hause. built at Batesville in 1827 . is razed Vandervoort Hetel at Paragould to be razed Vandervoort Hotel at Paragould hosted famous persons. groups Storm toppled trees on lawn of historic Trapnall Hall at LR Col David D Terry Sr is chmn of group seeking to save Quapaw Historic district in LR to be called the Quapaw Quarter LR Housing Authority panel wants to save outstanding bldgs 221 PAGE COL Bl 2/6 1 Al Bl 2/61 Al 8/ 2/61 8/ 3/61 8/ 3/61 8/ 3/61 S/ 4/6 1 8/-13/61 1 1/-17/-61 10/- 6/62 10/10/-62 11/ 2/ 6 2 1 1/24162 Al Al Al A4 Bl A2 Bl4 Al A4 B2 B.5 3/23/61 3/-23/61 3/24/61 3/24161 4/ 2/61 4/ 2/61 4/ 6/61 5/27/61 11/21/62 Al Al A4 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 l 3 5 2 5 6 Al2 Al2 Bl A3 Bl 4 4 2 3 3 6 5 2 2 4/ 2/61 Al2 4/- 2/61 Al2 3 6 2/15/ 61 A12 1 2/19/ 6 1 3/ 6/61 3/15/61 3/15/61 4/27/61 6/ 4/ 61 6/ 4/61 6/ 4/61 2 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 A6 All A1 2 Bl Bl Bl Al Al Al DATE 108-yr-eld Knoble Brewery at Fort Smith restored Knoble Brewery at Fert Smith restered by C H Wertz Jr House subcommittee appreves Fert Smith Natl Historic Site House passes bill te estab Fort Smith National Historic Site U S Senate approves Fort Smith Natienal Historic Site Claim made that leg cabin in NLR was Jehn Clendenin heme Leg cabin feund when house in NLR dismantled Waxhaws at Fayetteville is 125-yr-eld heme of Gov A Yell Old Water Pump Station at NLR may be condemned Fert Smith Natl Historic Site bill signed by JFK Terry Bldg at LR to be tern down Deed te Fert Smith Historic Site te be given te JFK Historic preservation official to visit LR Restoration expert teurs Little Reck sites Historic railroad depet at Het Springs torn dewn History af Fort Smith Historic Site Arkansas Landmark Seciety fermed to preserve landmarks Group seeks te resteree eld Het Springs Opera House Friends seeks funds te save Hot Springs Opera House Fordyce Mineral Springgs shown in drawing Fire destroys historic Lee Robertson house at Ogemaw Drawing ef W R Pearsen & Ce mill at Thornton in the 1 890s Funds sought te buy old courthouse at J acksenpert Council Oaks of Territory days still stand at Dardanelle Arkansas Normal College bldg at Paragoul d in 1 891 (sketch) Meve te save old courthouse at J acksonport begins Old Catholic High bldg at LR to be tern down (photo) Administration bldg at Scheel fer the Deaf te be tern dawn Baucum home at LR te be used for Continental Restaurant Old print shE7.Vs Unien Depot at Stuttgart Ancient buildings at State Hospital te be tern dGW"n (phete) Sketch of eld Merrill Institute at Pine Bluff Fort Smith waterfront in Civl War times (sketch) St Francis Lumber Ce mill in 1891 ( sketch) Twenty houses chosen fer preservation in LR ' s Quapaw Quarter Pine Bluff ' s water and l ight works in 1891 ( sketch) Stuttgart ' s ' Metropolitan block' in 1890 ( sketch) Horse-drawn car stables ef Wiley Jones at Pine Bluff ( sketch) Sketch ef Camden in 1 890s Old Hetel Trulock at Pine Bluff shewn in sketch Moore Hotel at Lewisville te be tern dewn Brick cottage constructed in 1 83 8 still stands in LR Garland-Brough house at 1404 Scott St in Little Reck (photo) Absalom Fawler residence at LR (photo) Samuel Montgomery Weaver house at LR (photo) Charles J Lincoln heuse at LR (pheto) Old Martin Cemetery at Mabelvale is historic burial ground Andersen Mills house at LR (phete) Capital Hotel (phete) Capital Hotel ' s iron front was made in Europe Old Washington contains historic buildings 222 7/30/61 7/30/61 8/12-/61 8/23-/61 9/ 2-/61 9/ 3-/ 61 9/ 3-/61 9/13/61 9/13/61 9/ 14/-61 10/ 6/61 10/27/61 10/29/61 10/31/61 1 1/ 9/61 1 1/-19/61 11/25/61 1 1/26/61 12/ 8/61 1/ 7 /62 1/-12/62 1/14/62 1/18/62 1/19/-62 1/21/62 1-/24/ 6 2 1/25/62 1/25/62 1/28/62 1/28/62 1/29/62 2/ 4/62 2/18/62 2-/18/62 2/ 19/ 6 2 2/25/62 3/ 4/6 2 3/11/-62 3-/ 18/62 3/25-/- 6 2 3/29/62 4/ 8/-62 4/ 15/62 4/22/62 4/29/ 62 5/ 6/62 5/10/62 5/13/62 5/20/62 5/20/62 5/27 /62 PAGE COL A2 A2 A7 Bl B7 A4 A4 Bl B14 Bl A8 Bl K3 A2 Bl ES A5 Al2 Bl E6 A2 D6 B6 Bl E6 Bl Al3 Bl C3 E6 B3 E6 E4 E6 BB E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 Bl E6 E6 E6 E6 E6 Al4 E6 E6 E6 ES 7 7 4 2 5 1 l 2 2 2 3 5 5 l 2 2 7 7 2 1 3 l 3 2 l 2 4 3 3 l 2 l 4 1 5 2 1 l 1 l 2 l 1 1 l 1 4 l 2 2 2 DATE Fred Miller cottage at Little Rock (phete) White River scene at Calica Reck in earlier days Old ferry on White River at Buf fale City (photo) Picture of group at mountain spring near Pineville Old Opera House at Hot Springs te be razed Picture of pre-Civil War farmhouse near Melbourne Nelsen ' s Ferry en White River (photo) McFadden house at Arkadelphia moved te Benton Column discusses history ef McFadden house Charles Miner Tayler mansion at LR tern down Article en trees en property ef historic sites in LR Pilgrim Rest Church bldg meved te Saline County , restored Quapaw Quarter te restudy list of old hemes ta be included Old Baucum plantation heme east of NLR destroyed by fire HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Arkansas Group holding its 20th annual convention in Camden HISTORICAL SOCIETIES see alse Historical Association, Arkansas HISTORY (Ark) see also Beeks and writing see also Cemeteries see also Chronicles of Arkansas see also Civil War see also Fossils see also Historic buildings and sites see also Mente Ne see also News and news media see also Treasure trove see also Weather and storms Document given Restoratien is Wm Fulten appmt as secretary Document signed by President Andrew Jackson given te state Several descendants of William S Ful ton live in LR Territorial Restoration gets document signed by Pres Jackson Early ad for St Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad Pine Bluff in 1890 (photo) Legislature of 1 91 1 met in new Capitol building M E Oliver sketch of early days in the Ozarks Panther killed in Japton area (Madison Ce) 1 887 (photo) Stomping barn in the Ozarks (drawing) Sheeting match in the Oz arks (illus) Puncheon house in the Ozarss (drawing) David Dale Owens drawing of natural dam on Lee ' s Creek Cress tie making in the Ozarks (illus) Shaving horse (illus) Arkansas Midland Railroad completion might have changed hist Little Reck Cotten Exchange and Little Reck Board of Trade Sketch of Slew Tom Mill near Wittier Article en old Little Reck and Fort Smith Railroad Bey Scouts to trace De Seto trail across Arkansas Illustration of feet-power weed lathe in use at Viela Bruten Williams family lived under bluff in Madison County 223 PAGE COL AB 1 1 l 2 2 2 1 2 3 5 l 3 l 2 4/23/61 A7 5 1/ 5/61 1/ 5/61 1/ 5/61 1 / 5/61 1/15/61 1/22/61 1/29/61 1/29/61 2/ 5/61 2/12/61 2/1'}/-61 2/26/61 2/26/61 3/12/61 3/19/61 3/26/61 3/26/61 3/26/61 3/29/61 4/ 2/ 61 4/ 2/61 4/ 9/61 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 l 4 1 l 1 l 1 1 1 l l 2 6 l 1 5/27 /62 6/ 10/62 6/17/62 6/24/62 7/ 4/6 2 7/ 8/62 7/29/62 9/ 8/62 9/11/62 9/ 14/62 10/ 7/62 10/ 9/62 10/ 17 /62 1 1/30/62 E6 E6 E6 E6 Bl E6 E6 A2 Bl Bl E4 Bl "3 Bl Bl Bl Bl E3 E3 El E3 E2 E2 E3 E2 E3 E3 E3 El E2 E3 Bl Al E3 E3 DATE Mentien ef Izard family. early settlers and l eaders in Ark Mentien ef Jehn Newton Cotten family. Ark pioneer settlers Dr William Henry Sims was early settler of SW Ark Journal ef Mary Owen Sims tells of Judge Jehn Quillin family Mary Owen Sims . William Henry Sims. were early residents Pertrait ef Josephine Owen Quillin painted by Jehn Henry Byrd Circus came te Drakes Creek in 1 893 ( sketch) Tom and Mary Self represent early Ozark settlers Tub mill built by Bill Emerten near Bexley (Newton County) William Hawkins water-mill built en War Eagle in 1 83 0 ( illus) Helena as tewn appeared in 1 890 (phete) Feud alm.est stole Ouachita River frem Camden Tate family settled in Camden in 1810 Edward V Clark credited with creating Ark Highway 7 War Eagle Mills operated by Sylvanus B lackburn (sketch) Apple Cave near Aurora has interesting history Story ef bridges in Arkansas Erskine and his 5 dogs killed by bear at Big Point Mountain Erskine killing by bear was en Hurrican Creek, Crawford Ce Friedrich Gerstaecker hunted bear, ether game near Combs Sequoyah l ived at Dwight Mission Site ef historic Dwight Mission te be covered by lake waters Boathouse was center of water recreation at LR in early days Gallaway College histery recalled Account of last steamboat to reach Arkadelphia 50 years ago Peter Van Winkle saw mills near War Eagle described Sketch of pioneer heme en Drakes Creek European settlers helped build Arkansas 1 890 photo of Federal Building at Helena Old ghost tewn of Schaberg is scene ef reunion Jonesbere ' s Main Street in 1 890 (phete) Pine Bluff ' s Second Ave in 1 890 (photo) Cotten Plant in 1 886 (photo) Arkansas was a rough place in early days. John Fergusen says Tentitawn ' s beginnings summarized Morrilton in 1 887 (sketch) Ferry activity at Dardanelle in 1 880s (photo) LR land bought by Judge John J Clendenin in 1846 sold Brief history ef early days of Frankl in County Paris Academy in 1887 (photo) Washington County history and outlaws discussed Marble marker notes visit of Gen and Mrs U S Grant to LR Brief history of Legan County History of the Arkansas prison system Old drawing shew-s penitentiary when it was at LR Capt B C Blakeley ' s beat ' Border City ' at Fort Smith ( sketch) History ef Arkansas State Penitentiar1 Craighead County ' s dual court districts reflect history Fort Smith ' s Garrisen Avenue in 1880 ' s (sketch) Famous case ef ex parte Garland involved Augustus H Garland Huge walnut leg en way to Sebastian lumber mill (photo) 224 4/15/61 4/15/61 4/16/61 4/16/61 4/ 16/61 4/16/61 4/16/61 4/23/61 4-/23/61 4/30/61 4/30/61 5/ 3/61 5/ 3/61 5/ 4/6 1 5/ 7/61 5/14/61 5/21/61 5/21/61 5/21/61 6/ 4/6 1 6/ 5/61 6/ 5-/61 6/11/61 6/14/61 6/20/61 6/25/61 7/ 2/61 7/ 9-/61 7/16/61 7/23/61 7/23/61 7/30/-61 Bl 6/61 8/16/61 8/20/61 8/20/61 8/27/61 8/27/61 8/-27/61 9/10/61 9/13/61 9/ 1 4/61 9/17 /61 9/17/61 9/17 /61 9/17/61 9/24/61 10/ 1/61 10/- 1/61 10/ 8/61 10/ 8/61 PAGE COL B5 BS E2 E2 E2 E2 E3 E3 E3 E2 E3 Bl Bl Cl4 E3 E3 El E3 E3 E3 BB BB E2 Bl Bl E3 d3 El E3 A4 E3 E3 E3 Bl4 El E3 A2 ClO El E3 Bl A2 El E2 E2 E3 E2 E5 E6 El E6 4 4 l l l l 1 l l l l 2 2 2 l 1 l l 1 l 5 5 4 2 3 l l l l 2 l l l 5 l 1 l 7 l l 2 7 l l l 1 l 2 l l l DATE History ef Arkansas Nermal College at Jamestown Merchants Bank at Fert Smith, 1 887 ( sketch) Sketch of Big Reck in early days Faulkner County Courthouse in the 1890s (phote) Brief histery ef Dis.mend Jee Reynolds and his railroad line Print ef Crewley ' s Ridge scene in 1893 Early Arkansas murders recalled in talk te history group History of French fortifications at Arkansas Psot in 17S8 Names of several French settlers at Arkansas Pest mentiened Photo of Branch Normal Scheel at Pine Bluff in the 1 890s Article discusses fur trapping in early days Rockport, en Ouachita River (sketch of early day s ) Stuttgart ' s Main Street in 1890s (sketch) William E Woodruff dreve last spike in Memphis & LR Railroad History ef estab ef Christian Church in LR Lawrence County history reviewed Old black kettle was familiar sight in pioneer hemes History ef Arkansas County ' s two county seats State ' s first steam-powered sawmill was at Helena North Little Reck breaks away fram Little Reck Early j ournal s recorded accounts of large buffalo herds Founding ef University of Arkansas Old Washington buildings and artifacts reveal history Shrine to be built at site of first sermon in Arkansas Account of career ef Ark, Okla lawman James F (Bud) Ledbetter James F (Bud) Ledbetter began lawman career at Ceal Hill James F (Bud) Ledbetter cleared Caal Hill saloon of rewdies Johnson Ce Sheriff Bud McConnell hired James F Ledbetter White River was ence a maj or waterway fer shipping Article briefly discusses Smackever ' s early eil boom days Cabin heme in the Ozarks (photo) Description ef scheel days in the eld days Jonesboro Stave Mill (photo) History of theater and drama in Ark summarized Scene at Buffalo City. in early 1900s Article en big oil boom at Smackover 40 years age Description ef oil field fire in Unien County in 1922 Legislators once traded their postage stamps for liquor Legislators were once paid $5 per day Sen John Keel sponsored bill requiring hotel quilt s 9 ft long Berryville public square at turn of the century (photo) Evangelist Sam P Jones and the Jenesbere saleenkeeps Carry Nation brings her famous crusade to Eureka Springs Account ef Carry Nation visit to town of Mena Martin L Stoufer fashioned j ewelry box £rem part of gallows Old gallows at Fort Smith was built by Martin Luther Stoufer Scene fram interior of Harrison Times effice about 1900 Harvey C Couch persuaded President F D Roosevelt to visit Ark Highway paved, homes painted prier te visit by FDR in 1936 Pres F D Roosevelt spoke at state ' s eldest Baptist church Pres Franklin D Roosevelt spoke at Baptist Church at Rockport 225 10/lS/61 10/15-/-61 10/29/-61 11/ 5/-61 11/ 9/61 11/12/61 1 1/20/-61 1 1/26/61 11/-26/61 12/10/61 12/17/-61 12/24/-61 12/31/61 1/14/-62 2/25/62 2/26/62 3/25/62 4/ 1/62 4/12/62 4/29c/ 62 5/ 6/62 5/10/62 5/27/62 6/23/62 6/24/62 6/24/-62 6/24/62 6/24/-62 7/15/62 8/26/62 8/26/62 9/ 2/62 9/ 2/62 9/16/62 9/30/62 10/10/62 10/14/-62 11/ 4/62 11/ 4/62 11/ 4/62 11/11/62 11/18/62 11/25/62 ll/2S/62 11/25/62 11/25/62 11/25/62 12/ 2/62 12/ 2/ 62 1 2/ 2/ 62 12/ 2/62 PAGE COL E4 E6 E6 E6 Bl E6 ClO ES ES E6 ES D6 D6 D6 E5 ES E5 E5 Bl Al5 E5 Bl E5 AS E4 E4 E4 E4 E5 ES E6 D5 DS E4 E4 Bl E5 El4 E14 El 4 E6 ElO A4 E4 E5 ES E6 ElO ElO ElO ElO 4 l 2 1 2 l 1 2 2 l 2 l 1 4 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 l 1 1 l 1 2 2 l 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 l 2 2 1 l 1 1 1 DATE Fert Smith ' s past being uncovered at Belle Pointe Clyde Dollar J r has been active in uncovering Fort Smith hist David Frederick letters en Grand Prairie life in late 1 800s David Frederick lr tells ef U S Grant visit te Arkansas FDR spoke at Methodist Church in Reckpert. letter says Henry ' s Chapel Methodist Church was built in 1 817 Mere en historic Methodist church at Rockport Dutch Mills ( Hermannsburg) was settled by Germans Dutch Mills history reviewed in article en Hermannsburg Article en St Paul Branch ef Frisce Railroad St Paul (Madison County) was terminus ef railroad (photos) Harry L Wlliams adds te record on Roosevel t ' s Rockport v isit Geedfellews Club formed at J onesboro ta aid the needy White Eagle Mine at Yellville at turn of the century (photo) America ' s notables appeared at Het Springs Opera House Hot Springs Opera House was center of social life fer years Sketch ef Grand Opera Hause at Het Springs in 1 888 Ozarks leg cabin is a monument to the past Wild game was plentiful in Jenesbere markets some 60 yrs age HISTORY COMMISSION (Ark) Director Jehn G Fergusen discusses werk ef Cemmissien Dr Matt L Ellis named chairman CSA money donated te Camm is one ef worl d ' s mest complete Harry B Selmson was dener ef CSA money collection John L Ferguson instrumental in gift of CSA meney collection Valuable historical papers donated by A Heward Stebbins Directer John L Fergusen cemments en Stebbins donation HLH PARADE CO Firm building canning plant at Van Buren HOAXES see Apparitions see Vinson, Charles (Mrs) HOBBIES see also Buttens see also Toys and playthings Leslie J Miller collects cigar bands HOBBS, ROSCOE V Donates land fer state park at Withrert.7 Spring (Madison Ce) HOBBS, WILLIAM D see also Algeria HODGES 1 KANE STER JR Ordained a Methodist deacon HODGES, LUTHER H Secretary of Commerce to speak at Hepe event Secretary Hedges to speak at Newport Hedges tells poultry industry te seek werld markets Discusses hew states get industry HOFFA, JAMES R see also Congress - Senate (Class I I ) see Laber HOGAN, PAUL F 226 12/ 2/62 12/ 2/62 12/ 6/62 12/ 7/62 12/ 8/62 12/ 9/62 12/ f}/62 12/11/62 1 2/ 1 1/62 12/16/62 12/16/62 12/18/62 12/23/62 12/23/62 12/30/62 12/30/62 12/30/62 12/30/62 12/30/62 PAGE COL ES E5 Bl Bl A4 E2 E3 Bl Bl E5 ES A6 DlO D6 D4 04 D4 06 D9 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 l l l 5 1 3 A5 1 6 5 5 5 l 3 10/18/61 Bl 2 9/ 3/61 Dl 1 2/ 9/6 2 Bl 3 6/ 2/ 61 Bl3 4 5/20/62 5/24/62 5/26/62 5/27/62 3 5 3 l 1/15/61 6/20/61 1 1/28/61 11/28/61 1 1/28/61 2/24/62 2/24/62 El Bl Bl Bl Bl A5 C12 Bl A2 A2 DATE see alse Government employees H<X;UE1 W A see alse Music HOLCOMBE, JOBELLE ·Famed f igure at Univ ef Ark dies HOLIDAY INN see Hetels HOLIDAYS AND SPECIAL OCCASIONS see alse Children ' s Day HOLIMAN. DON see also Books and writing HOLLAND. C Z see alse Baptist Church HOLLIS see alse Weather and sterms HOLLY GROVE see alse Weather and storms HOLMAN. MARGE see else Culture and the arts HOLT. J FRANK JR see also Attorney General (Ark) HOLT, J FRANK SR see also Attorney General (Ark) see also Courts, State and l ocal see alse Gevernor (Ark) Helt visits Berlin Wall in East Germany HOLT, J SEABORN see alse Courts, State and Local HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUBS Nation ' s oldest club is at Mabelvale HONESTY Ervin Patten J r hitchhikes te Calif te pay hitchhiking fine Fine, term ef Ervin Patten J r suspended in California HONEYSUCKLE see Trees and shrubs HOOKER. JAMES J see also Finance and budgets, State govt HOOP AND PUSHER ( Game) see Games HOPE see alse Weather and storms City bringing Texas judge who maligned them to visit area HOPE LUMBER MANUFACTURING CO Fire destroys main sawmill HORSE RACING see also Race tracks Senate vetes te extend Oaklawn season frem 3 1 te 43 days Christian Civic Fdn opposes longer racing season at Oaklawn State Senate passes seasen extension bill Bill fer lenger racing seasen at Oaklawn signed inte law Oaklawn te have 43-day meet this year under new law 227 PAGE COL 7/27/62 Bll 12/23/62 A9 1 6 5/ 10/62 Al4 4 1/15/62 Al 1/16/62 Bl 2 2 5/ 7/61 A4 3 4/14/62 A2 2 1/12/61 1 / 17/61 1/18/61 1/19/61 1/20/61 8 5 5 2 5 Al Bl Al A8 A6 DATE Special sectien covers upcoming seasen at Oaklawn Attendance, betting down at Oaklawn Park this seasen State cellects $ 1 , 226 , 416 frem Oaklawn Pastor group at LR ask cancellatien of extra racing days Gov Orval Faubus wants free pases te Oaklawn ended Preview ef 1962 racing season at Oaklawn Arkansas Baptist hits anew at racing, effect en state HORSE SHOW ASSOCIATION Senate vetes down bill funding premiums fer horse shew HORTICULTURE SOCIETY, Arkansas Dr Dwight M Meere te address fall meeting ef Seciety HORTON, HAROLD see alse Defense and armed forces HOSPITAL S see Medicine and health HOSTETTER, MAYME HEARD see also Culture and the arts HOT SPRINGS see also Actors and entertainers see also Civil rights and discriminatien see also Convention facilities and cenventiens see also Crime and vice see also Gambling see also Historic buildings and sites see also History (Ark) see alse Hotels see also Parks, recreation and tourism Hot Springs National Park celebrates 129th birthday Urban Renewal planning grant recd fer dewntewn proj ect Hot Springs unique ameng Arkansas cities City undergoes ' face-lift ' Bathhouses moderniz ing therapeutic facilities Maj estic Hotel building first maj or bathhouse in 40 years HOT SPRINGS GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB see also Gambl ing HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL PARK see Parks, recreatien and tourism HOT SPRINGS REHAB ILITATION CENTER see Rehabilitation Center, Hot Springs HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT see Children and yeuth see Education - Het Springs District HOTEL, MOTEL AND RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL Earl F Yeargan named agent ef maj er unien HOTELS see also Histeric buildings and sites see alse Histery (Ark) Glenn Hetel at NLR condemned as unsafe Hazel Hotel at Newport destroyed by fire Narrews Hotel at Beaver destroyed by fire Downtowner Meter Inn te open today in LR 228 2/12/61 3/16/61 4/ 12/61 7 /11/61 2/10/62 2/11/62 4/12/62 PAGE COL Fl Bl A6 Bl Gl Bl 1 5 1 8 4 1 2 2/10/61 Bl 4 10/14/62 Dl4 3 4/ 19/61 8/15/61 9/19/61 12/31/61 7/ l/62 8-/26/62 Bl A2 Bl D5 A4 A2 2 6 3 2 1 6 9/ 2/62 A5 7 1/ 5/61 1/29/61 2/ 2/61 2/18/61 4 1 2 3 A5 ClO A2 A6 A6 DATE Dewntewners at Little Reck is fifth in chain NLR te get $1 millien Holiday Inn Article en Pless Hetel at Dardanelle Grady Manning at LR gets new leek with celerama Fire damages Park Hetel at Little Reck Capitol Hill Apartment Hetel seeks te add £leers. expand Beard delays approval ef Capital Hill proj ect Capital Hill Apartment Hotel sold to LR syndicate Capital Hotel marker notes 1880 visit of Gen U S Grant Marien Hetel gets new leek w ith extensive remodeling Park Hotel in Het Springs is outstanding retirement hotel Large motel te be built east of Hot Springs en Gulpha Creek Dewntewner Inn at LR te add 5 2 rooms Article en the new Mountain Inn at Fayetteville Coachman ' s Inn signs pact with union The New Orleans at Eureka Springs is run as Danish hotel Imperial 400 Motels to build 87-unit motel in LR Union defeat at Downtowner Meter Inn set aside Albert Pike Hotel workers turn dewn unien NLRB orders new union electien at Dewntewner Metel Velda Rose Tewers te be built at Hot Springs Drive-in. fly-in motel may be built at LR' s Adams Field Albert Pike Hetel agrees te new vote en unioniz ing HOUCHINS, HAROLD RAYMOND JR see also Pardon and parole HOUGH FAMILY FOUNDATION see also Libraries. Public HOUGH, CASS S see also Daisy Manufacturing Ce HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT Guy Bump family back in business making fine chairs 5 generations ef Bump family involved in recking-chair making HOUSING see al se Laber Winreck Enterprises plans new addition ef 457 hemes at LR Article explores disruption of families in slum clearance Planner Gerald J McLinden wants rEM housing fer NLR Den Manes j oins LR Housing Authority staff Lonoke County Reusing Authority created Pulaski Planning Comm rej ects plan for Meadowlark development Big apartment complex planned fer West Reck area at LR J Wythe Walker, G Themas Eisele own Reck View Develep Corp Poinsett County money fer housing frozen Winreck Enterprises buys land fer West Reck develepment North Little Rock has 872 acres of slum areas Photographic evidence of housing slums in NLR Old heuse at NLR occupied by as many as 40 persons at a time Weedruff Electric Co-op offers lean fer Lake Forest proj ect Publ ic housing prej ect appreved by federal govt Dumas te seek aid te construct units Same LR whites fear they will be replaced by Negroes 229 2/18/61 3/28/61 3/30-/61 4/ 7/61 6/- 4/61 6/18/61 6/20/-61 8/ 3/61 9/14/61 9/14/-61 10/-15/-61 11/-27/61 2/ 6/62 2/ 9/-62 5/25/62 7/22/62 8/ 8-/62 8/25/62 9-/ 7-/62 10/14/-62 10/-14/62 10/16/62 10-/30/62 PAGE COL A7 A7 Bl A6 Al A4 Bl Cl2 A2 A3 E4 A3 B7 Bl A20 E4 Bl A5 All A9 Cl Bl A3 1 4 2 7 2 4 3 7 7 3 1 4 1 2 3 1 2 8 3 1 3 7 6 l/-31-/61 BB 8/28/-62 Bl 4 2 1/ 5/61 1/ 8/61 2/-15/-61 2/19/61 2/22/-61 2/24/61 3-/ 5/61 3/ 5-/61 3-/ 9/61 3-/12/61 4/ 2/61 4/ 2/61 4/ 2/61 4/26/-61 6/ 2/61 71 2/61 7/ 2/61 3 1 7 6 A3 Cl B7 AlO A6 Bl Al Al A5 A6 Al A2 A2 Bl Bl /-3 D2 l 8 5 5 4 1 4 2 4 8 2 6 1 DATE Apartment cem.plex near Getter to house 540 persons NLR Authority and City Council rift flares anew Trumann takes giant step by meving to public housing program LR Housing Authority accepts proposal en Dunbar proj ect Walnut Ridge drops plans for public housing proj ect NLR Housing Authority resigns en masse. cites ' expediency ' LR Housing Authority has been in operation 20 years NLR Housing Authority urged te add Negre member NLR Mayer W H Laman names Negre te Housing Authority Beard W S Clements heads NLR Housing Authority AF.A may build apartment house for retired teachers John Matthews Ce plans maj or development at J acksonville Heme at Batesville made of two eld MePac depots Summit House te be built at 400 North Univ in LR Summit Reuse te include luxury penthouses Presbyterian group to build retirement village at LR Over one-third of hemes in Ark lack flush toilets Statistics en housing in Arkansas Philander Smith Cell will build. awn. operate apartments Village Square Inc fdn set up te build Philander Smith apts Pleasant Valley formed to develop large tract in West LR Walton Heights subdivisien being developed by Winreck State ' s first condominium being built on Lake Hamilton Twelve-story apartment bldg fer elderly te be built at NLR Philander Smith Cell erganized Village Square Inc New eppertunities in housing fer Negrees Ced) HOWARD COUNTY PEACH FESTIVAL see Festivals HOWARD JOHNSON RESTAURANTS see Restaurants HOWARD MANUFACTURING CO Nashville veters appreve bends fer construction of plant HOWARD . GEORGE J R see also Educatien - Della:rway District see also Negroes HOWARD . JOHN M see alse Culture and the arts HOWELL. MAX see alee Legislature (Ark) HOXIE SCHOOL DISTRICT see Educatien - Hoxie District HUETT, JIM HAYS see also Conway County h"UGHES. CLAUDE A see also Arkansas Louisiana Gas Ce see also Geverner (Ark) HUGHES. SARAH F see alse Legal profession HUIE, WILLIAM E see also Highway Department (Ark) HULL. GENE 230 7 /27/61 8/16/-61 8/28/ 6 1 8/31/61 9/ 7/61 9/ 9/61 9/14/61 9/16/61 9/26/-61 10/ 3/61 10/19/61 2/ 1/-62 2/18/62 5/18/62 5/ 18/-62 5/ 23/62 6/17/62 6/17/62 8/ 9/62 8/ 9/6 2 8/19/62 8/26/62 9/ 9/62 1 1/ 1 8/-62 12/29/62 1 2/30/62 PAGE COL Bl BlO Al D2 7 l 3 3 6 l 2 7 1 2 2 2 2 8 8 2 6 7 3 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 8/16/61 Bl 2 .A3 Bl K3 Bl2 A5 BB Bl2 Bl Bl ES Bl Bl All A4 A4 cs CB Cl Cl Cl C2 K3 DATE see also Railroads HULL, J W see alse Colleges and univs - Administration and Management see alse Censtructien programs . State see also Governor (Ark) HUMAN RELATIONS, Arkansas Council en see also Civil rights and discrimination HUMOR see Wit and humer HUNT, H L Hunt appears te be turning his attention te Arkansas Says he will net finance opponent ef J W Fulbright World ' s richest man speaks at Little Reck Praises J W Fulbright eppenent. Winston G Chandler HUNT, J B , CO Johnnie B Hunt ef LR, building rice plant at Stuttgart HUNT, JOHNNIE B see alse Hunt. J B . Co HUNT, SILAS see University ef Arkansas HUNTER, JOSEPH B see also Beeks and writing see also Communism see Congress - House Dist 5 see also Japanese in the United States HUNTING see Wildlife HUNTING CLUBS see B lack Bear Hunting Ledge see Heine Duck Club HURLEY CO see also University of Arkansas Secend union election te be held at Camden plant Second union vote set Hurley is maj or publ isher of school yearbeeks HURLEY 1 WALLACE D see Censtitutien (Ark) see also Governor (Ark) see also Lieutenant Governor (Ark) HURST, ELLA Mrs Hurst has led colorful, exciting l ife HURST, Q BYRUM see also Gambl ing see alse Legislature (Ark) HURT, JOHN JETER Early editer ef Arkansas Baptist Advance dies HYDROL CONVEYOR CO Jenesbere chesen fer nev.7 plant ILLEGITMACY see alse Paor IMPOSTERS 231 11/11/61 4/ 8/62 4/ 8/62 7/26/62 PAGE COL A4 A4 A4 A4 2 2 2 4 8/25/61 Bl 7 2/19/61 A4 3/ 9/ 61 Bl 9/ 3/61 Dl 4 5 1 1 1/ 4/62 E5 2 12/27/61 Bl 4 8/ 1/62 Bl 8 DATE see also Van Rippy, David Reginald IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS see alse Pellutien. wastes and haz ardous materials Judge rules en atty fee fer Parker Parker in 1936 case Parker Parker suit involved Dardanelle Sewer Imp Dist Ne. 1 Parker Parker takes case fer mere fees to federal court Parker Parker gets fee in 1 93 6 case INCOME, Personal see Wages and salaries INDEPENDENCE COUNTY Treasurer Beulah Kelly refuses to quit office pending audit INDIAN WARS see also Veterans INDIANS, American see alse Archeology and anthrepelegy see also Museums see also Treasure-treve Quapaws to get $900 each fer yielding land in Ark in 1824 Lake will cover site ef Dwight Mission (Pepe County) Twelve Quapaws return to Sal ine County fer ceremony Cast-iron kettle used by Sequoyah on display at Dever Osage win land compensation claim in Ark Mr and Mrs P E Turner retire frem teaching Indians INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY Twe men drcwn when scaffolding collapsed into river Weaver Leen Maj ors killed at Central Transformer Ce Worker killed at C J Herner Ce at Pine Bluff Cecil Bynum killed in accident at Riverside Furniture Mfg Grader eperated by father kills boy, 1 8 White Reck man killed by read grader INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMIS S ION (Ark) see alse Economic develepment see alse Shumaker Naval Ammunitien Depot see alse Taxation see also Rivers and lakes INDUSTRIAL POLICY COMMITTEE, Arkansas see Ecenemic development INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL S see Negre Beys Industrial Scheel (Ark) INFLUENZA see Medicine and health INGRAM. W K see also Geverner (Ark) INHUMAN TREATMENT see Cruelty INSECTICIDES see alse Chemicals INSECTS see also Folklore. felk medicine and superstition Victories scored in battle against fire ants 23 2 1/12/62 1/12/62 2/ 1/62 2/ 3/62 PAGE COL C6 B6 3 3 1 1 l/ 4/61 Al 5 K3 K3 5/25/61 6/ 5/61 5/ 6/62 6/29/62 12/ 6/62 12/ 9/62 Bl BB A14 Bl Bl E4 2 5 3 3 7 1 1/ 7/61 7/16/61 1 2/16/61 10/15/62 10/2()/62 10/26/62 K3 4 8 5 B 4 l A12 A2 A2 Al 1 A2 5/ 1/62 BB 1 DATE Stamps man killed by wasp sting Wasp sting kills Legan Ceunty farmer Arkansas being invaded by beautiful menarch butterflies INSTALLMENT BUYING see Credit INSURANCE see alse Contracts and purchasing. Govt see alse Werkers cempensatien Dr William Smith attacks view ef Fannie Hardy en health ins Insurance Commr Harvey G Combs disowns views ef Fannie Hardy Insurance Cemmr Harvey G Combs rej ects suburban area rate Safer meterists subsidize risky drivers in Ark Insurance firms l imiting their right te veid aute policies Article en Arkansas ' 6 actuaries Medical malpractice insurance cests rising Proposal made fer penalty against uninsured meterists INSURANCE DEPARTMENT (Ark) see alse Insurance INSURANCE INDUSTRY see also Bankers Pref erred Life Insurance Ce see also First Security Life Insurance Ce see alse Taxation Bill in Legis requires foreign firms to invest in Arkansas Senate defeats measure en non-resident fire insurance firms Southern Natl Life Insurance Ce at LR seld Firms use eld charters to increase their ' age ' INTEREST (Money) see Credit INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO see also Shumaker Naval Ammunitien Depot INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS see Educatien - Stamps District INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CORP Electrenic firm te be located at Camden INTERNATIONAL VIS ITORS Agricultural ecenemist in Taiwan visits Ark en study teur Dutchmen find Americans rich, friendly. reasonable Pierre Emanuelli visits Ark INTERSTATE MANUFACTURING CO Plant te locate at Morrilton if bends approved Conway County residents te vote on bends fer factory INVENTIONS AND INVENTORS see alse Colleges and univs - Research T Sorrells Dewoody ef Pine Bluff. develeped Mexana Powder Dr Charles R Meyers invents device te aid contact lens users John F Scett. 1 6 , finds faster way ta make glucose John F Scott. 1 6 , receives patent notice en glucese method Dr Howard J Barnhard develops new X-ray methed J C Cuffman ef Malvern designs new sunlamp Arthur D Williams invents eutdeer cooking device Yoder Mfg Ce at LR makes water ski fer sitting dewn 233 PAGE COL 7/ 6/62 B14 9/22/62 AS 10/ 7/62 ES 2 3 4 3/30/61 4/ 7/61 10/20/61 12/ 1/61 12/ 2/61 12/24/61 2/18/62 12/19/62 Bl Bl Bl Al A3 Cl Bl 4 8 8 4 5 2 1 8 2/24/ 61 2/24/61 1/-19/62 9/30/62 Al A2 BB Cl 5 1 1 1 9/29/62 A3 5 4/15/61 A2 9/17/-61 A2 5/23/62 Bl 2 4 2 11/15/62 Bl 1 2/25/62 A5 4 8 1/ 4/-61 5/26/-61 6/ 7/61 7/ 4/61 7/20/61 11/ 7/61 1/28/ 6 2 3/18/62 2 5 4 6 6 2 2 2 A5 A12 Bl B14 B14 Bl Bl Cl cs DATE Dr Locke F Edmondson designs methed fer protecting milk David D Percifull invents schoel bus safety device IRANI.ANS IN ARKANSAS see Foreigners in Arkansas IRON ORES see Mines and minerals IZARD COUNTY see also Wildlife IZARD , MARK. Family see History (Ark) JACKSON COUNTY see also Civil War Centennial see alse Historic buildings and sites JACKSON. ANDREW see alse History (Ark) JACKSON. GEORGE W see alse State Hospital (Ark) JACKSON. M A see also Education - Little Rock District JACKSONPORT see alse Historic buildings and sites JACKSONVILLE see also Park s . recreation and tourism see also Pollution see alse Reaser-Hill Corp City ' s first budget adopted Fire destroys J Roland Williams Lumber Ce JACKSONVILLE CONVALESCENT CENTER see also Education - Remedial and Special JACOBY, ARTHUR M see alse Rivers and lakes JACUZZI BROTHERS INC Pump firm may locate facility at Little Reck Jacuzzi to open $1 million plant at LR to make pumps Plant requires $ 1 . 400. 000 bond issue LR vote en bends may come next month Gaz ette urges LR voters to appreve funding proposal LR Chamber of Cemmerce pushes fer approval of bonds Gov Faubus endorses bend issue Company efficials already at werk in LR Gaz ette urges passage of bends Bend approval could end industrial dreuth fer Little Reck Backers ef bond issue outline reasons te vote Bends approved in l ight vete Plant lease signed; bids are next Pickens Bond Construction Ce te build LR pl ant Contract signed fer construction of plant at LR Entire J acuzz i clan visits Arkansas plant JAILS see Prisons and prisoners JAMES. JESSE 23 4 PAGE COL 6/24/62 E4 1 1/24/62 Al l 5 1/31/61 A2 11/22/61 A2 5 4 1/14/61 2/25/61 5/18/61 7/13/61 8/12/61 8/13/61 8/17/61 8/19/61 8/20/61 8/20/61 8/22/61 8/23/61 1 1/ 8/61 1 2/15/61 1/16/62 1 1/ 4/62 6 4 1 8 1 2 5 2 3 1 3 3 2 8 2 5 B4 Al A12 Bl A4 Al AlO A2 Al A6 Al Al Bl Bl Bl A18 DATE see also Treasure treve JAMESTOWN (Ark) see History (Ark) JAMISON. W L see alse Politics and elections JAPANESE IN THE UNITED STATES Dr Joseph B Hunter urges upkeep ef cemetery at Rohwer National monument status to be sought for Rohwer shrine About 20.000 were held in relocation camps at Rohwer. Jereme Memorial service te be held at Rohwer Relocation Center Monuments at Rehwer {phete) Rohwer Relocation Cenete services honer Nisei dead Ex-inmates plant trees at Rohwer Relocation Camp site JARRETT. FRANK see also Congress JASPER see alse Water JAYCEES see Junior Chamber of Commerce JEFFERSON COUNTY Civil rights suit against Sheriff Harold Norton dismissed JEHOVAH ' S WITNESSES see Religion JENNINGS. MORLEY see also Athletics and sports JESSIEVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Jessieville District JEWELRY AND JEWELS Underwood College Jewelrs file menepely suit against Balfour JEWS see also States Rights Party. National Congregation ef Temple B ' nai Israel honer Rabbi Ira Sanders Honoring Dr Sanders (ed) JINKS• HAROLD Under consideration fer Asst Postmaster General position NAACP obj ects to Postoffice Dept j eb fer Jinks Gets postal pesitien in Washington. D C JOGGING AND RUNNING Charles Murff plans. 3 . 600-mile goodwill run JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY see Birch. Jehn. Society JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY see also College graduates Rebert W Hyde matches gifts of Jehn Brewn Univ alumni Announces plans fer fall semester Letters urge students te overthrew Jehn Brown Univ adm John Brewn Univ ' s $3 million building plan approved JOHNSON COUNTY see also History (Ark) see also Laber JOHNSON COUNTY FROZEN FOODS INC 235 4/24/61 5/ 7/61 10/15/61 10/15/61 10/lS/61 10/16/61 4/30/62 PAGE COL A4 E4 ES ES ES A2 A2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 4/21/61 Bl8 1 6/28/ 6 1 Bl 5 5/16/61 A3 5/17 /61 A4 3 2 1/ 8/61 ES 2/24/61 Bl 4/ 7 /61 Bl 5 2 5 6/26/61 AlO 2 3/16/61 8/13/61 3/30/62 1 2/16/62 A5 A17 Bl A14 1 l 2 2 DATE PAGE COL Plant gets loan of $140 . 000 fer censtructien 2/22/61 Bl Clarksville frozen fruit plant epens 7/20/61 Bl Article en new industry at Clarksville that processes peaches 12/31/61 D4 JOHNSON COUNTY GRAPHIC see News and news media JOHNSON COUNTY PEACH FESTIVAL see Festivals JOHNSON, FRED W see also United States - Internal Revenue Service JOHNSON. JAMES D see also Ceurts, State and l ocal JOHNSON, JIM see also Civil rights and discrimination Assoc Justice backs Mississippi segregation stand 9/22/62 A2 9/22/62 A2 Predicts Univ of Mississippi to stay segregated Assoc Justice visits Oxford. Miss. with Sen James 0 Eastland 10/12/62 A2 JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES 6/ 8/62 Al Johnsen uses speech to Bar Assn fer plug fer J W Fulbright Vice President in Hot Springs te address Arkansas Bar Assn 6/ 8/62 A7 6/ 9/62 A9 Asked by Winston Chandler to apologize fer Fulbright support 6/ 9/6 2 A9 Says Winston Chandler comments not worthy ef reply JOHNSON. PAUL 3/21/61 Bl Named asst US Atty fer Eastern Dist of Ark JOHNSTON, GAITHER C see also United States - Federal Housing Administration JONES, EUINE FAY see also Architecture and architects JONES, GRANVILLE L see also Government employees see alse State Hospital (Ark) JONES, GUY H (Mutt ) see also Faulkner Ceunty see also Legal pref essien JONES, H FAY Honored by UA Medical Center 6/11/62 A3 JONES, J FRED see Courts, State and local JONES, JIMMIE (Red) see alse Auditor (Ark) see alse Government official s , State JONES, JOHN HARRIS see alse Cengress - Reuse Dist 6 JONES, KENNETH G see alse Cengress - Senate (Class I ) Fears less of individual freedoms t e big gevernment 1/28/62 E2 JONES, PINK 11/ 14/61 A7 Ceurt upholds will leaving property te woman JONES, SAM see else Land Department (Ark) JONES, SAM P see alse Histery (Ark) 236 4 4 1 1 1 6 3 6 6 6 3 1 3 3 DATE JONES. W DUANE see alse Tuberculosis Sanaterium (Ark) JONES. WEBSTER LEWIS Ex-president ef UA sees state ' s problems unchanged JONESBORO see also Histery (Ark) see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation see alse Weather and storms Fire heavily damages B rokerage Department Store at J enesbere JONESBORO SCHOOL DISTRICT see Educatien - Jenesbere District JORDAN. D W Undertaker admits tax evasion. is fined $ 5 . 000 JOURNALISM Arkansas College Press Assn announces winners Patrick J Owens receives Hillman Award fer widely read werk Arkansas Gaz ette wins award from Univ of Missouri Gaz ette commends Patrick J Owens en Hillman Fdn award JUDGE PARKER COURTROOM MUSEUM see Museums JUDSONIA see Weather and storms JUKE BOXES see Amusements and entertainmnt see Taxation JUMPING FROG JUBILEE Arkansas entry in Calif event is named "Arkie" JUNCTION CITY see alse Sheetings City to get grant fer 1 92-acre Urban Renewal project JUNGKIND. B F Creates models ef cannon JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Bob Blackwood named Outstanding Yeung Man in Ark W H Gerrard named state ' s top young farmer National meeting to be held in LR in January Oklahoma Jaycees ask that Heward K Smith be barred as speaker Jaycees ignere plea. keep Hewark K Smith as speaker Ten Outstanding Yeung Men named fer awards in LR in January JUNIOR CIVIC LEAGUE OF FORT SMITH see also Communism JUNKYARDS see Pellutien. wastes and hazardous materials JURIES AND JURY DUTY see Civil rights and discrimination see Legal pref essien JURY TAMPERING see Ceurts. State and lecal JUVENILE DELINQUENCY see Children and youth see alse Pulaski County Junior Deputy Sheriffs 237 PAGE COL 3/1�/62 A3 l 3/10/61 Bl8 5 12/ 7 /62 A23 l 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 4/62 4/62 5/62 6/62 E2 3 2 1 2 5/16/62 A6 6 12/ 7/61 A2 7 7/23/61 El 1 2/26/61 2/26/61 1 1/20/62 1 1/20/62 11/21/62 1 2/30/62 Al2 Bl AB A3 A3 A9 A9 Bl AB 4 4 4 4 6 1 DATE KARAM, JAMES T see alse Banking Beard (Ark) see also Civil rights and discriminatien see alse Governor (Ark) Will stick te church work. skip race fer geverner KEEL, JOHN see alse History (Ark) KEHART, MARTIN W Arkansas admiral due te retire KEISER SCHOOL DI STRICT see Education - Keiser District KELLEMS , HOMER F see alse Algeria KELLWOOD CO Ottenheimer B rothers Mfg Ce merges into new firm KEL SO. HELEN see alse Birth control and abertien KEMPNER' S STORE see Retail stores KEMPNER, DAVID W Preminent LR businessman dies in Heuston Tribute frem Arkansas Gazette KENDALL, BRUCE E Madison County native prem.eted to Brig Gen in Army KENNEDY, EDWARD M see alse Civil rights and discrimination KENNEDY, JOHN FITZGERALD President Kennedy to visit Fort Smith briefly, make speech JFK will get deed te Fort Smith Historic Site while in city Gov Orval Faubus introduces President Kennedy at Fort Smith Thousands cheer Kennedy en stop at Fert Smith Editorial en brief remarks at Fert Smith Over 2 , 000 greet President Kennedy upon return to Fort Smith Kennedy visit and words cheered Fort Smith KENNEDY, ROBERT F see alse Laber U S Atty Gen to address Arkansas Bar Association KENNERLY, F H see alse Banks KERBY, J C see also Stocks and bends KETTLES see History (Ark) KIDNAPPING - Pearson. Harold Wille D Carrigan gets 36-yr term in kidnapping of Pearson KIDNAPPING - Simpson, Garry Duayne Patricia Vivian Cash held in kidnapping ef Garry Simpson, 4 Probe of taking of Garry Duayne Simpson continues Tep witness in Simpson case missing Patricia Vivian Cash chgd with kidnapping of Garry Simpson Federal charge of kidnapping filed against Patricia Cash 238 PAGE COL 4/12/62 AB s 3/24/61 A2 3 9/12/61 B9 1 4/10/-62 Al 4/-11/62 A4 2 2 3/15/61 Bl 2 10/19/61 10/27/-61 10/30/61 10/30/-61 10/31/61 10/31/61 11/ 5/61 Al Bl Al Al A4 Bl E3 4 5 7 7 l 3 2 5/ 4/-61 Bl 3 1/24/61 Bl 8 2/28/62 3/ 1/62 3/ 2/ 62 3/ 3/62 3/15/62 4 2 3 3 4 Al A6 A2 A3 Bl DATE Patricia Vivian Cash te get psychiatric examination Patricia Vivian Cash sentenced te 4-yr term KILGALLEN. DOROTHY see alse Arkansas KIMES. ROY see also Crime and vice KINDERGARTEN see Education - Kindergarten KING FURNITURE CITY see alse Consumer protection Knm. MARTIN L SR Rev King te speak in church at LR KINNEY. CLARKE see alse Crime Cemmissien (Ark) see alse Stocks and bends State Rep Kinney writes en state finances KIRSPEL • ROBERT J see also North Little Rock KIWANIS CLUB see alse Children ' s Coleny . Arkansas KNIKER. TED see alse University of Arkansas Medical Center KNIVES Famed Bowie knife comes back te Washington KNOBLE BREWERY see Historic buildings and sites KNOWLES• LEONARD Carrell Tax Collector missing Knowles feund safe in Oklahema KOLB . JAMES M see alse Medicine and health KOPPER KETTLE see Food KREBS. LEO J see also Worl d ' s Fair. 1964-1965 KROGER STORES see alse Civil rights and discrimination see alse Franz Feeds KUHL. ROBERT H see also Medicine and health KUHL. WILLIAM E see alse Medicine and health KUKLER. ADOLPH see alse Folk music KUKLER. AUGUSTA see also Folk music KUNASCH. HARRY see also Culture and the arts LABOR see also AMF Cycle Division see also Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co 239 PAGE COL 4/ 6/62 A20 5/30/62 Bl 3 8 3/ 2/61 Bl 7 3/10/62 A4 3 5/22/62 Bl 3 2/23/61 AB 2-/ 24/61 AB 1 5 DATE see alse Arkansas Poultry Coeperative Inc see alse Batesville Rubber Ce see alse Bauman ' s Men ' s Shep see also Blades Manufacturing Co see alse Cemeteries see alse Chase Bag Ce see alse Ceca-Cola Bottling Ce see alse Congress - Reappertienment see alse Construction industry see also Crossett Co see also Daisy Manufacturing Ce see alse DeWitt Shoe Corp see alse Defenses and armed forces see also Deuglas-Lemason Ce see alse Economic development see alse Emerison Electric Ce see also Franz Foods see also Hays Bros Flooring Ce see alse Hurley Ce see also Lake Catherine Footwear Inc see also Martin-Marietta Corp see also Monsanto Chemical Co see also National Rej ectors Inc see alse Ohio Rubber Ce see also Prescelite Manufacturing Ce see alse Price-Fewell Inc see also Railroads see also Restaurants see alse Restaurants see also Rivers and lakes see also Sutten Products Ce see also Twin Table and Furniture Ce see also United States - Federal Mediation and Conciliation see also United States - Government buildings and of fices see alse University ef Arkansas see alse Vireo Manufacturing Cerp see also Ward Bedy Works Inc see alse Western Arkansas Telephone Co see also Wilsen and Ce Earl and Erm.on Griffin are target ef Justice Dept prebe Griffin brothers are business agent ef Plumbers. Pipe Fitters Sen Jehn L McClellan turned Griffin brothers leese US Atty Gen Robt F Kennedy te talk with Earl . Ermen Griffin Earl and Ermen Griffin backed by Plumbers, Pipefitters Lecal Unemployment climbs te 6 pct in Central Arkansas Earl Griffin has support ef his Mermen church Bill te make unions subj ect te lawsuits introduced in Legis Employment drep werst in five years Union agent fined fer net acquiring l icense at DeWitt Cities fight t e harness unien growth in Arkansas Many municipal leaders believe unions inhibit indus grO'W'th 240 1/ 1/61 l/ 1/61 1/ 1/61 1/ 1/61 1/ 7/61 1/ 8/ 61 1/ 9/61 1/24/61 1/27/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 5/61 2/ 5/61 PAGE COL A3 A3 A3 A3 A2 Al A3 Bl B9 Al Al Al 1 1 l l 6 6 l 2 1 5 3 3 DATE Earl and Erm.en Griffin accused ef breach ef trust Sen Jehn L McClellan comments en Griffin case State has 413 laber unions Unemployment tapering off in Central Ark ESD survey shews emigrant families want te return te Ark Ark must have braceres te harvest cetten crep. Congress teld Jobless rate impreves in state Bureau ef Employment Security checking housing fer Mexicans Farmers may lose Mexican laborers if housing net impreved Farmers teld B racero supply net in danger Phillips County to get mere Mexican migrants fer cetten crep Unemployment level qualifies 4 counties fer depressed aid Ermen Griffin re-elected business agent ef Plumbers l ocal Springdale Laber Center fer migrants described Mexican workers reportedly paid less than legal minimun Rept that bracere laber underpaid in Ark was an error Non-agricultural employment shewed a gain in June Employment rolls climbing in Arkansas Arkansas quota of Mexican workers reduced Survey of right-to-work in Arkansas Johnsen County classified as blight area AFLCIO te test state agency shep ban in right-te-werk law Teamsters Lecal 878 violated rules in electien, rept says Public airing ef election chgs scored by Teamsters lawyer Dissident greup names slate fer Teamsters election Organiz ed laber may have unrewarding pol itical time next year Teamsters Union re-elects Odell Smith president of lecal Teams ters Unien President James Heffa te speak at LR Mr and Mrs James R Hoffa te be honored at LR James R Hoffa blasts Sen Jehn L McClellan in talk at LR Mr Hoffa ' s visit (ed) U S Laber Dept proposes Ark farmers pay Mexican laborers more About 500 east Ark farmers pretest higher bracere pay Congressmen surprised by number of braceros used in Ark Few braceres te come te Ark this year, John E Crain Sr says Gev Faubus asks compromise en bracero wage boost Bracero rate ef pay for Ark set at 60 cents Editerial comments en increased pay fer Mexican laborers Ark Supreme Ct says union can picket one j ob ever another Earl F Yeargan is labor leader who stays en move in Ark Arkansas quota of Braceres is 6 , 000 men Uniens trying te organize northwest Ark cempanies Unien organiz ers view their work in northwest Arkansas Farm labor panel head urges geed relations with migrants Influx ef new plants in NW Ark contributes te unempl eyment AFLCIO ' s COPE to hear talks frem 13 political candidates AFLCI0 1 s COPE condemns Orval Faubus regime AFLCIO censures Gev Faubus, decides net ta endorse anyone State ' s labor leaders never say die en ' Right te Werk ' Manpower training schools being set up in Ark AFLCIO adepts 16-point Program of Progress fer Arkansas 241 2/ 7/61 2/ 7/61 2/10/61 2/ 1 1/61 2/26/61 3/10/61 3/22/61 5/ 3/61 5/ 3/61 5/ 4/61 5/19/61 6/16/61 6/22/61 7/16/61 7/20/61 7/26/61 7/29/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 2/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 7/61 10/15/61 l l/17/61 1 1/-18/61 11/19/-61 1 1/26/61 1 2/21/61 1/20/62 2/ 4/62 2/ 5/62 2/ 6/62 2/16/62 3/ 3/62 3/ 6/62 3/ 8/62 3/15/62 3/30/-62 4/ 1/62 4/ 3/62 4/22/62 5/16/62 5/17/62 5/ 18-/-62 5/24/62 5/31/62 6/16/62 6/17/62 6/17/62 6/-24/62 6/28/62 7/22/62 PAGE COL A2 A2 Bl A3 ClO Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Al A3 El Bl A2 B6 BlO B7 Cl A2 Cl Bl A3 A12 F3 A6 Al A6 Al A4 Al Al Bl Bl Al Al E3 A9 Al5 A6 Bl Bl A3 Bl A7 Al Al2 Cl A2 A3 5 7 6 1 1 5 8 7 7 5 2 7 8 1 2 6 l 1 6 l 3 6 8 6 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 5 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 5 DATE Arkansas queta ef Braceros is 1 2 . 000 Star City dreps anti-labor law Businessmen must raise sights. salaries, W F Reeter says Prebers check rept en Star City repeal of anti-union law ARA says it was unaware ef Star City ' s anti-unien law Empleyment hits new peak in state Clarence R Thornbrough tells why he opposes right to werk law Reps David Burleson, Paul Van Dalsem question Thornbrough George Ellisen nominated to head state AFLCIO another term State AFLCIO convention meeting at Hotel Marien AFLCIO hears UAW secy-treasurer address on pirating industry LABOR DEPARTMENT (Ark) see also Laber LACKEY I WALTER F see alse Rivers and lakes Obj ects to transfer ef part ef Newten County to Madison LAFAYETTE COUNTY Grand Jury to probe alleged vete fraud in Demecratic primary Jack McClenden sets eff prebe of conduct of election Fifty quiz zed in vote inquiry Five indicted fer vete fraud in Democratic primaty LAKE CATHERINE FOOTWEAR INC Workers turn dewn unien LAKE CATHERING FOOTWEAR INC Employees vote dswn union LAKE CITY SCHOOL DI STRICT see Education - Lake City District LAKES see Rivers and lakes LAMAN, WILLIAM F see also Maumelle see also North Little Reck NLR public l ibraty named fer Laman Public libraty at NLR named fer Laman LAMB , TED see alse Educatien - Little Reck District LAMBERT, MICKEY Named 1961 Arkansas Poultry Princess LAMBRIGHT, W FRANK Honored by Little Reck Junior Chamber of Commerce LAND AND REAL ESTATE see alse Harbors, perts and marinas see also Indians . American see alse Parks. recreation and tourism see alse Reads Suit entered te purchase land fer Titan missile complex Marshall Stanley wants $20 m.illien fer land taken by ARD Owner receive award fer farm taken fer Greers Ferry Lake Morrison-Quirk now awns 20, 000-acre farm at Weona Ts chudy Farms at Weena seld to Morrison-Quirk Grain Cerp Ts chudy Farms consists ef 1 3 , 000 acres ef land 242 8/24-/62 9/17-/62 9/28/62 9/30/62 10/21/62 10-/27/62 1 1/15-/62 11-/15/62 1 1/27/62 l l/27/62 1 1/28/62 PAGE COL A2 1'3 Al 2 Al6 A9 BB Bl Bl B9 B9 Bl 2/ 8/61 A4 8/23-/62 9-/ 9/62 9-/12/62 10/-26/62 7 3 2 1 5 1 7 7 1 1 8 3 Bl E3 Bl Bl 3 1 7 8 10-/28/61 1'3 3 3/ 3/61 Bl 6 1 2/ 1 2/62 Bl6 12/31-/62 1'3 3 1 6-/11/61 Al 5 2/ 1/62 C6 5 l/ 8/61 1/ 1 5/61 1/18/-61 1-/26/61 1/26/61 1/26/61 6 2 8 8 8 8 A4 al Bl Bl2 Bl2 Bl2 DATE Mrs RGW"ena Bend awarded $38, 225 fer land taken fer highway Highway Comm uphel d by state Supreme Ct in condemnatien case Marshall Stanley ' s suit te be heard teday Marshall Stanley defends $20 millien claim as land value Highway appraisers testify Stanley land w erth $3 ,500 Two file suit against AHD, seek pay fer Prethe land Jury places $30 , 000 price en land of Maria E Bragg at LR Marshall Stanley claim te $20 millien goes te j ury Marshall Stanley awarded $150, 000 by jury Federal Compress wins $215, 000 fer land taken fer I-40 U S govt awns 9 pct ef land in Arkansas Federal govt &Wns 9 pct of land in state Ark Supreme Ct rules Beulah Sherman awns Phillips Co land High court upholds land payment in Petit Jean airport case Group picked by judge helps with Greers ferry land cases Greers Ferry greup sets value en land taken fer lake Conservationists want U S govt te keep land at Lake Nerferk Public scrambling te buy land areund Lake Nerferk Arkansas Game and Fish Camm wants excess Nerferk land Third trial ordered in case ef Helen J Cook ' s land in Chicot Jack W Rich awarded $325,000 fer land taken fer I-40 Valuable property at Markham. Rodney Parham net fer sale Panel named t e begin trials on land values at Greers Ferry Surveys tell a story of Arkansas Camm recommends federal gevt pay $7 1 . 007 fer Cleburne Co land Marshall Stanley ' s award fer land taken reversed by ct ruling Court rules 200-ft strip at Alpena has no G"Wner Disputed Alpena land is Arkansas and Oz arks RR right-of-way Paul Van Dalsem suit claims Army Engineer dikes hurt his farm Paul Van Dalsem lases suit over dikes Berryville te sue Ark and Ozarks ever track. right-of-way MePac wins Pepe County land l awsuit involving oil and gas Panel values land taken for Greers Ferry project at $21 1 . 150 NLR awned land under Central Fire Station all along Marshall Stanley takes his suit back to court Trials set en value of land taken for Greers Ferry Reservoir Advance money in condemnation cases may carry interest due High Court rules couple must pay $32,000 interest to AHD Earl Watts ef Tilly. seeking to reclaim land IRS seized. sold Federal judge dismissed Watts case while he was at another ct LAND COMMISSIONER (Ark) see Land Department (Ark) LAND DEPARTMENT (Ark) Land Office funds stir House battle in budget session Legislators decide net to call Cammr Sam Jones in fer talks Sam Jones announces fer fourth term as Land Cemmissiener Candidate Paul Hanshaw says Sam Jones violates eath Sam Jones defeats Paul Hanshaw fer Commissioner ALC panel recommends Land Office be abolished Sam Jones would be stripped ef most duties under proposal Members ef ALC shy away frem proposal te end Land Office 243 1/-26/61 1/31/-61 2/- 6/-61 2/- 7/61 2/- 8/6 1 2/ 8/61 2/ 9/61 2l 9/61 2/10/-61 2/16/61 3/-15/61 3/ 19/61 3/-21/61 3/28/61 4/ 2/61 4/11/-61 4/23/61 4/-23/61 4/-27/61 5/ 2/61 7/-l'd/61 10/-22/61 1 1/19/-61 11/-19/61 1/ 3/62 1/ 9/-62 2/ 6/-62 2/ 6/62 3/ 2/-6 2 3/- 3/62 3/15/62 5/17/62 6/ 8/62 8/21/-62 11/ 9/ 62 11/27 /62 1 2/ 4/62 12/11/62 12/18/-62 12/18/-62 1/31/61 1-/31/61 4/ 1/62 7/-26/62 8/ 2/62 11/29/62 1 1/29/62 1 1/30/62 PAGE COL B7 AS A2 Bl A14 B12 All A2 Al BlO Bl Cl Bl AS ClO A7 A15 A15 A2 Bl Bl2 Al 5 1 5 2 1 l 3 1 3 3 3 l Bl Bl AlO AlO 8 1 l 6 2 2 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 7 2 2 5 6 5 4 8 1 5 3 2 7 1 l Bl Bl A3 Bl Al A4 A4 Bl 7 7 8 4 8 4 4 6 A8 E4 B7 B8 Bl Bl Bll A6 AlO A12 Bl A8 Bl A8 DATE Rep J H Cattrell Jr closely questiens Commr Sam Jones ALC pares Land Office ' s budget request Sam Jenes predicts budget to be restored by Legislature Ark County Clerks Assn spars over Land Office dispute Failure to keep geed travel records makes audit difficult Economy and the Clerks (ed on proposed abolition of Dept) Gaz ette favors abolishing Land Department LANDERS. FRARY AND CLARK Fert Smith plant te be expanded LANDMARK SOCIETY. Arkansas see Historic buildings and sites LANE. BOB see also Aviation and aircraft LANE, HARLAN see also Banks LANEBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Laneburg District LANEY, BEN T see also Construction programs , State Responsible fer Revenue Stabilization Act ef 1 945 LANGHAMMER, CHARLES WOODSON Mystery cloaks case of missing Little Reck businessman LASHLEE STEEL CO Ground broken fer new plant at Benton LASTER, ROBERT W see alse Legal pref essien LAUCK, CHESTER see also Arkansas Dees promotional work fer Sen J W Fulbright Norris Goff obj ects te involving him in J W Fulbright ads Norris Goff sends telegram to Dr Jones criticiz ing Fulbright LAUDERDALE, E A SR see also Education - Little Reck Distric see also Shootings LAUNDRIES Oak Forest Washerette considers customer always right Oak Forest Washerette operated by Ernest Berryhill LAURO, JOSEPH see alse Catholic Church LAWRENCE COUNTY Ernie Deane column en ' Mother of Counties ' LAWRENCE HALL NURSING HOME see Nursing hemes LAWRENCE. MARJORIE see alse Culture and the arts LAWRENCE 1 T E Letter opposes proposed censtructien bend program Supports U S Supreme Ct decision en segregated schools LAW SON, CURTIS L see also Beeks and writing LAWYERS 244 12/ 1/62 12/ 7/62 12/ 8/62 12/20/62 12/22/62 12/23/62 12/26/62 PAGE COL A7 Bl A3 Cl3 Af3 D2 A6 1 6 3 1 5 1 2 2/16/61 B6 3 2/25/62 Al 4 1/ 4/61 Bl 2 2/ 1/62 C20 5 10/30/62 A2 1 1/ 2/62 Bl3 11/ 3/62 A2 2 3 2 4/30/61 Cl 4/30/61 Cl 1 l 2/25/62 E5 2 6/14/-61 A4 11/16/62 A6 3 3 DATE see Legal pref essien LEDBETTER. JAMES F (Bud) see alse History (Ark) LEDBETTER. JOEL Y see alse Buildings and offices. Govt see alse Censtitutien (Ark) see alse Legislature (Ark) State repr recovering frem heart attack LEE CREEK see alse Rivers and lakes LEEPER. W T Shreveport oilman frem Sevier Ceunty is Civl War historian LEETOWN Article en enly surviving bldg at once-thriving town LEFTWICH. J D Donated $ 1 2 . 000 fer new high scheel at Magazine LEGAL EDUCATION see Colleges and univs - Legal education programs LEGAL PROFESSION see also Gridiron Shew see alse Libraries. Law Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association formed Arkansas Bas Assn meeting in Hot Springs Arkansas Bar announces awards at cenventien Ark Bar Assn endorses amdt te lift curb en officials ' pay Lawyers raising funds te build Bar Center at LR Rebert W Laster takes law pesitien in Jenesbere Craig Spangenberg gives lawyers tips en cheesing a j ury Edward L Wright named head ef ABA Reuse ef Delegates Vice President Lynden Johnsen te address Ark Bar Assn cenv Lynden B Johnsen plugs fer J W Fulbright re-election in talk Federal Judge Sarah F Hughes of Dallas addresses Bar Assn Harry E Meek named state ' s outstanding lawyer Derethy Orsini ef LR. heads nation ' s women attorney s Guy H (Mutt) Jones fined fer being tardy in federal court LEGAL SERVICES see Legal pref essien LEGISLATURE (Ark) see alse Accounting and accountants see alse Alcoholic beverages see also Archeelegy and anthrepelegy see also Area planning and renewal see alse Automobiles and automobile drivers see alse Banks see alse Braz il. Clay see alse Business law see also Children and youth see also Colleges and univs see alse Communism see also Congress - Reappertienment see alse Connally Reservation 245 PAGE COL 3/10/62 B7 1 7/ 1/62 ES 2 7/ 9/61 E2 l 10/15-/61 All 3 4/1 1/61 6/ 4/6 1 6/ <;>/61 6/10/61 7/ 1'$/-61 1/ 1/62 1/26/62 2/22/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 8/62 6/ 9-/62 6/17/62 7/2<;>/62 1 0/24/62 1 1 l 6 4 6 2 6 6 3 5 2 3 1 Bl2 A14 A6 A3 BlO A2 Bl Bl Al Al A2 A9 A9 Bl4 DATE see al se Constructien programs . State see alse Courts, Federal see also Courts. State and Local see also Credit see also Crime and vice see alse District ef Columbia see also Deg racing see alse Education see also Education - Curriculum and teaching methods see also Educatien Department (Ark) see also Executive Mansion (Ark) see also Expositions and fairs see also Finance and budgets. Local govt see also Firearms see also Firemen see also Game and Fish Commission {Ark) see also Government employees. State see also Government empleyees. Local see alse History (Ark) see alse Horse Shew Association see also Horse racing see also Insurance industry see also Labor see alse Land Department (Ark) see also Medicine and health see alse Negro Beys Industrial Scheel (Ark) see al so Parks . recreatien and teurism see al so Petroleum products see also Politics and elections see also Pornography and obscenity see also Premiums and trading stamps see alse Presidential election see also Railroads see also Reads see also Stadiums and arenas see also Taxation see also Weights and Measures Division (Ark) see also Werkers compensation Rep Paul Van Dalsem calls fer hard l ook at industry tax break Sen Chas F Smith says mere tax breaks fer indus net needed Sixty-third General Assembly opens temerrew The ' 6 1 Assembly and the breath of change (ed) Voting machine in Hause is outdated Session epening today te be f ermal and routine Sen Clifton Wade named president pre tem ef Senate Legis convenes with Congressional redistricting en minds Legislators divided in opinion ef Gev Faubus ' speech Faubus speech gets 15-secend applause. standing ovation J H Cottrell wages futile battle en patronage fer Reuse The issues emerging in Faubus inaugural (ed) Reform-aimed measures fill House hepper 246 l/ 4/61 1/ 4/61 1/ 8/61 1/ 8/61 1/ 8/61 1/ 9/61 1/10/61 1/10/61 l/11/61 1/11/61 1/11/61 1/11/61 1/ 1 2/61 PAGE COL Bl Bl Al E4 E5 Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Al 7 7 7 1 1 3 6 8 6 7 7 l 5 DATE Several measures filed in Reuse House reappertionemnt plan being drawn Legislators te attend funeral ef Secy ef State C G Hall Summary ef action en bills Legislators try te curb l obbying during sessions Session runs smeothly during first week Marien H Crank edges closer te Reuse Speaker fer 1963 session Richard Themposn urges Legis te curb patronage abuses Rumers adrift ef payef fs Copies ef NSRP newspaper placed en desks anger lawmakers Gazette comm.ends Legis fer respense te NSRP material Legislators teur state institutions at Conway Rural faction reasserts strength in beth houses Gov Faubus having reappertienment plan drawn before bd meets Feference te ' junk ' mail divides Mississippi County members Legis approves resolution calling fer balanced federal budget Reappertienment plan would affect only twe counties Reapportionment formula a secret Growth short-changed in reapportionment . Gazette says Several bills approved by each heuse Reapportionment plan was political. Gaz ette says Session has been routine during first four weeks Lengthy article en method Gov Faubus used fer reappertienment Suit asks state Supreme Ct te reapportion Reuse Apprepriatien bills cleared by Senate House passes numerous bills. ethers introduced Summary ef action in Legis during past week Legis voted geed retirement plan for members 4 yrs age Several bills passed. ethers introduced fer consideration Several proposals introduced in Legislature Lobbying en truck weight limits is at high level House group studies revision ef rules Several proposed laws introduced in House Gov Faubus using cempremise to avert legislative logjam Rep Ode Lee Maddox commended fer leading fight fer educ bill Several bills introduced Gov Faubus addresses j eint session of Legislature Newton County Rep W D Baker suffers heart attack at heme Apportionment Bd answers suit ever reapportionment formula Reapportionment plan challenged in court Legislative Council. Joint Auditing Comm members chosen Four issues remaining before 63rd General Assembly Influence of pressure groups assailed by Gazette Repr Raymond E Mays seeks reform ef House procedures Search fer equity in reapportionment (ed) Suit contesting apportionment of Hause is amended Russell Elred te head ALC: Joel Y Ledbetter gets no. 2 pest Illegal vote caused House to pass aute l icense fee increase The 63rd Assembly ' s record of failure (ed) Q Byrum Hurst, Ray S Smith Jr head LJAC The final travesty en adj ournment day (ed) 247 1/13/61 1/13/61 1/16/61 1/18/61 1-/19/61 1/22-/61 1/22/61 1/22/61 1/22/61 1/24/-61 1/26/61 1/27/61 1/29/-61 1/29/61 2/ 1/61 2/ 1/61 2/ 2/61 2/ 3/-61 2/ 3/61 2/ 3/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 5/61 2/ 5/61 2/ 7/61 2/ 7/61 2/ 8/61 2/12/-61 2/12/61 2/15-/ 61 2/15/61 2/16/61 2/17/61 2/18/61 2/19/61 2/lCJ/61 2/21/61 2/22/61 2/22/61 2/28/61 3/- 3/61 3/ 3/61 3/ 5/61 3/ 5/61 3/ 5/61 3/ 6/61 3/ 7 /61 3/ 9/61 3 -/ 10/61 3/10/61 3/10/61 3/11/61 PAGE COL A2 A2 Al Al AlO Al E5 ES ES BB A4 Bl Al A5 A6 Bl Al Al A4 Bl A4 Al A9 Al Bl2 A2 Al E5 A6 Bl A7 A9 Al Al E5 Al Al Bl Bl Bl Bl E4 E4 E5 A4 A5 Bl Al A4 Bl A4 1 2 4 5 3 2 1 l 1 7 2 6 5 1 1 7 5 2 1 2 1 3 1 7 1 1 4 1 1 8 4 3 5 3 1 6 8 8 2 6 7 1 2 1 1 1 5 6 1 6 1 DATE Legis was genereus in apprepriatins Maneuvering en vote machine legislation described Speaker J P Bethell explains why recorded vete stands Pulaski delegation evaluates themselves and the Legis Editors review the legislative record Court suits challenge reappertienment plan Special session seems inevitable Chairmen and vice chairmen fer standing committees chosen Repr David Pryer seeks funds for UA study of county govt Farrell Faubus may seek state repr seat from Madison Ce Repr Paul Van Dalsem asks Faubus to delay calling session Gazette wonders if Faubus is net the one seeking delay Special session delayed fer ALC study ef censrtructien needs Repr J H Cottrell Jr seen as maverick eager fer higher office Column recalls ether meeting of Legis is middle ef summer Amid bickering. ALC approves fund hearings fer Aug 1-8 Construction program opponents absent f rem ALC meeting One construction program opponent calls· ALC meet a trap A political emergency ( ed) Dual holding ef state offices due fer a court test Legislators cannot serve twe masters (ed) ALC hears funding requests frem college heads ALC considers use ef cushion fund ALC making recommendations en building fund ALC in shouting sessien ever division ef surplus funds ALC in shouting session over proposed teacher salary raise ALC hears twe plans to stretch surplus Gev Faubus sets special session start fer Aug 21 ALC refuses te ask Gev Faubus te broaden scope ef session ALC makes recemmendatiens fer college construction program The issues confronting the General Assembly (ed) Legislators have problem ef not reading enough. column says Gev Faubus ponders items to place in call fer session State fund allocations (ed en work of Legislative Council ) Gov Faubus delays calling special session by three days State wanders what to expect from special session Urgent needs for the Legislature te consider (ed) Gov Faubus writes call fer special session Gov Faubus outlines plan fer special session agenda Text of Gav Faubus ' call ef special session Funding bills will need 75 pct vote. Atty Gen Helt rules Gov Faubus addresses Legis, reveals extra funds fer educ The special session and what ' s te be done (ed) Scheel forces begin drive fer mere education funds Faubus says opposition in Legis is to his pol itical futur e Gov Faubus says he has no program before special session J H Cottrell Jr leads fight te reduce patronage fund Sen Clifton Wade skeptical about opinion on votes needed Special session lacks cehesien and direction Legislature te decide votes needed to pass money bills Hause action en bills summariz ed 248 3/12/61 3/12/61 3/14/61 3/16/61 3/19/61 3/23/61 4/ 2/61 5/ 6/61 5/13/61 6/15/61 7/ 6/61 7/ 7/61 7/ 8/6 1 7/ 9/61 7/16/61 7/18/61 7/18/61 7 / 1 8/61 7/19/61 8/ 6/61 8/ 7/61 8/ 8/61 8/10/61 8/11/61 8/12/61 8/12/61 8/ 12/61 8/ 12/61 8/13/61 8/13/61 8/13/61 8/13/61 8/15/61 8/15/61 8/17/61 8/20/61 8/-20/61 8/22-/ 61 8/23/61 8/23/61 8/24/61 8/25/61 8/25/61 8/26/61 8/26/61 8/26/61 8/26/61 8/26/61 8/27 /61 8/28/61 8/29/61 PAGE COL Al ES A3 A8 E4 Bl E.5 BS A2 Al Al A4 Al ES E5 Al Al Al A4 E4 A4 Al A3 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al E4 E.5 Al A4 Al Al E4 Al Al A2 Al Al A4 Al Al Al A2 A5 7 1 1 2 6 5 1 6 6 4 6 2 2 1 l 5 5 5 2 l 1 3 l 2 2 2 3 5 6 8 1 1 4 2 3 6 l 6 5 3 5 3 1 2 3 3 3 l Al 2. Al Al 3 2 DATE Lieut Gev Nathan Gerden backs Atty Gen Helt en votes needed House begins voting en appropriatien bills House defeats feur apprepriatien bills advised by Faubus Rep Harry W Carter seeks te extend special session Rep David H Pryer pushes bill te bar cenf lict ef interests Gev Faubus unfurls the big whip. Reuse falls in l ine Reuse economy forces ' victery reversed. bills passed SUllllnary ef actien in Legislature Senate passes funds bill fer Children ' s Celeny Special sessien comes te a clese Rep Jehn P Bethell storms Senate te l obby fer trade school Senate rebuffs Rep John P Bethell en trade school bill House of Reps ask Cengress te push for nuclear testing Secend special session planned fer Sept 1 8 Lawmakers attack Gazette en rept of Faubus cracking whip Successes and failures in the special session (ed) Gov Faubus labels 8 senators ' chronic aginners ' Marshall Shacleford Jr. John O Moore draw ire of Gov Faubus Sen Clarence E Bell replies to being branded ' obstructionis t ' Sens John 0 Meore. John Eldridge fire back a t Faubus charge Editorial en Faubus branding of 8 senators as obstructionists David H Pryer calls state a political mudhole David H Pryer raps apathy ef veters David H Pryer predicts scandals in 2 counties in weeks Paul Van Dalsem. Aubrey Mccasland hit Pryer talk ef scandal Rep Paul Van Dalsem says his peeple easily satisfied Gov Faubus signs mere acts inte law Secend special sessien set fer Sept 1 8 Trade scheel , l ivesteck shEMs may get 2nd chance in Legis Gev Faubus includes 12 items in call fer legis session Rep Jehn P Bethell will net give up en trade school bill Gov Faubus cluttered agenda, Gaz ette says Rep Clarke Kinney urges Faubus te act en bills now Second special session ef 1 96 1 starts teday Faubus tells Legis haw to get trade scheol by simple maj erity Gov Faubus addresses special session Gov Faubus asks Legis te fund livestock shOW"s Senate sends ' ebstructienist s ' ta tell Faubus session ready Cengressienal districting plan passes easily in beth heuses Crime cemmissien bills get kid gleve reception in Legis Senate fees ef bill for livestock shei;;r s beat down bill Gov Faubus says he has ne control ever Legis, j oins laughter Legislature easily passes bill fer a second trade scheel The Governor changes the rules ef the game (ed) Gov Faubus acts en all bills passed by 1st special session Eight ' obstructionist s ' refuse te yield en funding fairs Reuse spends last day of session in horseplay Gev Faubus shews some bitterness over session j ust ended A record of success in the speicial session (ed) Bonus pay ef $100 each drawn by 22 senators Paul Van Dalsem eften abject ef horseplay on clesing day 249 8/29/61 8/31/61 8/31/61 8/31/61 8/31/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 2-/61 9/ 2/61 9/ 2/61 9/ 2/61 9/ 2/61 9/ 2/61 9/ 2/61 9/- 3/61 9/ 6/61 9/ 6/61 9-/ 7/61 9/ 7/61 9/ 7/61 9/13/61 9/13/61 9/14/61 9/14/61 9/14/61 9/15/61 9/15/61 9/16/61 9/17/61 9/17/61 9/17/61 9/18/61 9/18/61 9/19/61 9/-19/-61 9/19/61 9/ 19/61 9/20/61 9/20/61 9/20/-61 9/20/61 9/20/61 9/20/61 9/21/61 9/22/61 9/22/61 9/22/61 9/22/61 9/23/61 9/24/61 PAGE COL A2 Al Al K3 K3 A1 Al Al Al A1 Al Al A1 A2 A2 D4 AlO AlO Al Al A4 A2 A2 Bl Bl Bl A8 Bl AS Al A8 E4 Al Al Al Al Al A6 Al Al Al A1 Al A4 A7 Al Al All A4 Al E5 1 2 2 4 7 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 7 1 3 l 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 3 2 1 7 4 1 5 5 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 4 5 1 3 7 7 l l 3 3 DATE PAGE COL Anti-clique representatives report quiet progress 11/12/61 AS W R Stephens will seek re-electien fram Grant County 1 1/22/61 A6 Seven Pulaski County reps file in body fer re-election 1/ 4/62 Bl Virgil T Fletcher seeks Senate seat 1/18/62 Bl Rep Hardy W Crexten files fer re-election 1/22/62 A3 Eugene Bud Canada files fer Q Byrum Hurst ' s Senate seat 1/31/62 A2 2/ 3/62 A2 Sen Q Byrum Hurst files fer re-election Atty Gen Frank Holt defends house dists under reapportionment 2/ 4/62 A3 2/ 5/62 Al Repr E C Fleeman dies while in Florida Eugene Helleway te seek House seat held by Farrell Faubus 2/ 7/62 Bl 3/ 4/62 AS GOP strategists seek 12 seats in 1963 session 3/ 7/62 Bl Brothers Jehn and E W Hargett seek same House seat Gov Faubus disagrees with Ark Supreme Court on apportionment 3/13/62 Al 3/13/62 Al Ark Supreme Ct everrules beard on Legislative apportienemnt 3/13/62 Al Urban areas gain seats under Ark Supreme Ct ruling 3/14/-62 A4 The new apportionment of representation (ed) 3/16/62 Bl Benton D (Doug) Branden Jr files fer House seat 3/23/-62 Al Farrell E Faubus will net seek re-election te House seat 3/25/62 E3 Editorials on Supreme Ct decision en House seats 4/ 1/62 E3 Editorials comment en court ruling on apportietiment 4/11/62 A2 Sen Oliver R Williams will not seek re-election 4/20/62 Bl Some members irked by AEA circulation ef their records 4/21/62 A3 ALC shuns fight with AEA ever voting records 4/22/62 A12 Legislators getting sensitive te AEA taking issues te veters 4/-23/62 A4 Calling the rell (ed en AEA' s alleged ' purge list ' ) 4/-27/62 Bl Rep Ben Bynum seeks te restrict numer ef seats in ene county Big step backward in eur appertieilI!lent (ed en Ben Bynum plan) 4/2�/62 E2 Republ icans te seek seats in Legislature 5/ 2/62 Bl 5/ 3/62 A9 Several candidates file in Pulaski County 5/ 3/62 Bl List of Republ icans filing fer seats 5/25/62 A13 AAUW eut te keep Rep Paul Van Dalsem off Legislative Council 5/25/62 Bl Richard Thompson to finance candidates to clean up Legis Pulaski Ce delegation pre. con and mum on AAUW and Van Dalsem 5/27/62 All Suits contest pay fer travel te ALC and beard meetings 6/23/62 Al 6/25/62 A4 Editorial en lawsuit over expense accounts 6/26/62 A3 Most Pulaski Hae candidates say Van Dalsem ne friend to co 7/13/62 Bl Lawmakers respond te suit on expenses 7/ 14/-62 Al Clarence E Bell sued ever expense account 7 /21/62 A2 Suit claims Leid Sadler. E L Mosley hold dual ef fices 7 /21/62 A2 Suit filed ever Paul Van Dalsem ' s expense account 7/25/62 Bl John P Bethell added te suit en expense accounts 8/ 1/62 A7 Election results in Democratic primaries 8/ 2/62 A9 Results of voting en House races 8/ 2/62 A9 Results ef votes in Senate races 8/ 3/62 A7 Seme incumbents defeated in House and Senate elections 8/ 5/62 C4 Rep-elect Roscoe Brewn were shees out campaigning Ralph Underhill says he refused te bow te Truman Baker demand 8/ 8/62 A4 Rep Ralph Underhill says Truman Baker orchestrated his defeat 8/ 8/62 A4 Ralph Underhill says liquor. gambling forces defeated him 8/-14/62 M 8/15/62 Al Gayle Windsor Jr defeated by Gary Eubanks fer House seat 8/16/62 A4 Defeat of Gayle Windsor Jr disappoints Gazette 250 1 3 8 2 7 8 1 1 6 6 1 2 6 8 8 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 3 2 5 1 7 1 4 1 2 l 4 1 l 5 3 6 6 1 1 1 7 1 4 3 3 3 6 2 DATE Legislature certain of 36 new faces at next session Holding ef dual elective effice by J H Cettrell Jr challenged Suit filed te remove state Rep J H Cottrell Jr from office David Pryer tells ef Yeung Turks plan te reform politics W R Stephens sets sights en House Speaker post The House ' s mortgage (ed en selitciting Speaker vetes) W R Stephens gets pledge ef Pulaski delegation W R Stephens has vetes fer 1965 Speakership Electing a utility head Speaker ef the House (ed) Rep Ben Bynum still seeking 1965 Speaker pest Pulaski House delegation suppert fer W R Stephens explained Harrison paper opposes W R Stephens for Reuse Speaker Gazette calls fer restoring independence in 1963 sessien Ex-Senator Richard Thompson attacks extravagance Chancellor rules J H Cottrell Jr can hold state. school pests William J Smith tells of suit en redistricting Legislature Dr Stanley C Gutowski seeks seat held by Paul Van Dalsem Paul Van Dalsem crashes rally fer Republican Stanley Gutowski Paul Van Dalsem awned Merrilten Democrat lien. Gutowski says Gov Faubus endorses re-election ef Paul Van Dalsem Twenty Democrats have GOP eppenents Legislative Council begins teur of state institutions Legislative Council continues tour of institutions Legislators praise profit-making prison system Legis Council teurs Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Boonevile ALC reprimands Laber Cemm.r Thornbrough en right to werk stand Congressienal committee pattern adopted by Reuse of Reps Number of committees reduced frem 69 to 24 Panel posts picked by House members ALC gives 3 big lobbies preview ef how they may fare Legislative Council abdicated comm.en sense. Gazette says Challenge te service en state bds by legislators dismissed Suit had challenged dual roles ef E L Mealey. Leid Sadler Stonewall Van Dalsem and municipal aid (ed) ALC budget session had few dissenters Max Howell te be Senate president pro tem in 1963 session Jim Atkins lr en antics of Rep Paul Van Dalsem Membbers ef House standing committees named W L Ward Sr. 8 2 , will be dean ef Legislature LEHIGH. CHARLES H IRS claims Lehigh e.wes mere than the $296 . 413 he wen at track Trial ef Lehigh te start tomerrow in federal court Court to study dispute over winnings at Venezuela race track IRS tax claim en race winnings dismissed by federal court LENDERS SERVICE CO INC James C Davis. 0 L Daley Jr, Roy Finch Jr accused of fraud Lean case figures ' plea dismissed as ' frivolous ' Same 4 1 000 persons allegedly paid Lenders to secure l eans Thirty-six officials and salesmen indicted Eight company officials slated te enter pleas Tuesday Arkansas men plead innocent in fraud case 251 8/19/-62 8/23/-62 8/23/62 9/ 6/62 9/ 7/62 9/ 8/62 9-/ 9/62 9/13/62 9/14/62 9/14/62 9/16/62 9/16/62 9/17/62 9/21/62 10/ 2/62 10/ 5/62 10/12/62 10/12/62 11/ 4/-6 2 11/ 4/-6 2 11-/ 6/62 11/ 8/62 11/ 9/62 1 1-/ 9/62 11/1 1/62 11-/-15/62 1 1/17/62 1 1/17/62 11/18/62 11/29/62 11/30/62 12/ 5/62 12/ 5/62 12/ 8/62 12/ 9/62 12/10/62 1 2/ 13/62 12/23/62 1 2/30/62 PAGE COL AlO All All Bl Al A4 Al Al A4 Bl E3 E3 A4 A4 B8 Bl A6 A6 A2 A2 Bl A2 AB A20 A20 A4 Al A2 A6 AlO A3 1 5 5 5 5 2 2 6 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 l 1 2 7 7 1 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 1 9/17/61 9/17/61 9/1 9/-61 1 2/30/61 Al Al BlO Al 6 6 5 3 1/ 7/61 1/ 7/61 1/ 7/61 1/ 7/61 1/22/61 1/25/61 Al A2 A2 A2 A1 2 Bl 6 6 6 6 4 3 AB A9 Bl AS A5 Al3 A4 A6 DATE Mail fraud trial ef Lenders and 30 individuals continues Farmer says Lenders firm failed in lean Lawyer warned against deal with Lenders . weman testifies Fraud case counts cut by court Eye-rolling by witness Ida Maye Kindy pretested Texan tells ceurt ef Lenders lean deal Witness tells of chasing official ef Lenders Witness tells of ' pep talks ' by Lenders Client learns ef Lenders bankruptcy while testifying in court Agent tells of training by lean firm Judge rej ects severance bid in fraud case Judge rej ects defense plea in fraud case Postal official heard in fraud trial Rey Finch Jr testifies in fraud trial Lenders is a subsidiary ef Arkansas Business Development Corp Trial nears end after 18 weeks ef testimony and argument Testimony in case ends Case gees te federal jury in Bismarck. N D North Dakota j ury finds 20 guilty of mail fraud Sentencing in fraud trial begins Alan C Springer . 13 ether sentenced LEOLA Grant County tewn works te selve its problems LESLIE STATE BANK see Robberies and thefts LESSENBERRY. JACK L see also Attorney General (Ark) LEVINE. BARNEY K see also Congress - Senate (Class I I ) LEWIS. H LEE Lewis family to gather fer reunion at Little Reck 24 descendant s of minister attend Lewis family reunien Several family members are pastors. er evangelists LEWIS. M C see alse Congress - Reuse Dist 6 LEW IS. MAUDE BETHEL Fermer state peet laureate dies at 87 LEW ISVILLE see alse Historic buildings and sites LIBEL AND SLANDER see alse Geverner (Ark) see alse Little Reck see alse Nursing hemes see alse University ef Arkansas LIBRARIES Little Reck residents have access te several l ibraries Ark Library Assn to open conf with re-enactment of 1 91 1 conf Arkansas Library Ass opens convention Ark Library Assn re-enacts 1911 convention Ark Library Assn names officers fer next year G Fergusen henered fer denatiens te libraries 252 PAGE COL A8 4 4 5 4 6 2 7 2 1 2 1 5 8 2 1 1 2 1 4 4 1 10/22/61 E4 1 12/22/62 A5 12/26/62 A4 12/-26-/62 A4 4 7 7 4/20/61 A7 3 4/ 5/61 4/ 6/61 4/ 7/61 4/ 11/61 4/12/61 4/14/-61 4/20/61 4/21/61 4/26/-61 4/28/-61 4/-29/61 5/ 4/61 6-/14/61 7/19/-61 7/20/61 7/20/61 7-/22/61 8/- l/61 8/10/61 9/26/61 9/27/61 1/22/61 9/24/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 2/61 10/- 8/6 1 3/18/-62 Bl ca Bl A7 A8 A6 A7 Al A6 B20 A6 C14 Bl A3 A5 AS A8 A3 Al Bl E2 B8 A4 AS Al2 1 3 5 3 5 cs l DATE Ark Library Assn ends 40th annual sessien with electien Mrs Karl Neal named president-elect ef SW Library Assn LIBRARIES, College and University see Colleges and univs - Libraries LIBRARIES, Law Pulaski County te set up law library at 3 1 4 West Markham LIBRARIES , Private see also Robinson, Jee T LIBRARIE S , Public Dedication ef new library at Marshall set New bldg at Marshall is gift ef Jim G Fergusen Fayetteville ' s new library ta be named fer Roberta Fulbright Five counties plan te enlarge library systems Rogers l ibrary te be paid fer by Heugh Family Foundation LR Public patrons check eut mere non-fiction than fiction Searcy County Library te be dedicated Jim G Fergusen henered by Searcy County fer gift ef library Arkadelphia has beautiful library building Little Reck Public furnished with nen-tippable chairs Little Reck seeks legal aid te recover 700 overdue volumes Librarian expl ains why LR Public taking l egal actien Overdue, stolen boeks being returned te LR Public LR Public having little luck retrieving everdue books LR Public seeks law en failure te return beeks Mr and Mrs Jim Fergusen made Marshall l ibrary possible Little Reck Public ' s new bldg nears cempletien (phete) Perry County has new library LR Public Library needs mere inceme and books Western Union will collect everdue books at LR Public LR Public Library nearing completion Jenesbere-Craighead Library Bldg planned LR Public starts get-tough plan on borrower cards. everdues Delay in completion of LR Publ ic ' s bldg explained North Arkansas Regional wins $ 1 , 000 Fisher Award NLR te name l ibrary ef Mayer Casey Laman Stuttgart to dedicate new library Users of Pulaski-Perry Regional Lby beekm.ebile brave weather Mrs Clare Speer recalls NLR ' s first public library W F Laman Public Library in NLR dedicated LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Arkansas see Libraries LIEBLONG. WARREN G see alse Congress - Hause Dist 4 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR (Ark) Nathan Gorden files fer ninth term Wallace Hurley files fer Dem neminatien Nathan Gordon easily wins re-election LIFE AND INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES INC Firm and three affiliates declared bankrupt Bankruptcy Ref Lee Cazert Sr names panel to study finances LIGHTNING 253 PAGE COL 9/26/62 Bl 10/30/62 BB 2 1 1/31/61 A7 5 1/ 9-/ 6 1 1/ 9/61 2/16/61 2/26/61 4/13/61 4/16/61 4/16/61 4/-24/61 5/24/61 5/26/61 6/21/61 6/22/ 6 1 6/27/61 7/28/61 10/11/61 1 1/21/61 11/26/61 12/ 5/61 2/21/62 3/31/62 4/ 8/62 4/1 1/62 9/27/62 9/30/62 1 2/ 7/62 1 2/12/62 1 2/16/62 12/23/62 12/31/62 12/31/-62 BS BS A9 A7 Bl Al ClO BB Bl AB A2 Bl Bl4 A2 B6 Bl A2 Bl Bl A2 A2 A2 A3 Al Bl Bl6 A20 D4 A3 A3 4 4 6 1 4 4 5 5 2 6 7 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 7 7 3 3 1 3 3 3 l 1 1 3/29/62 Bl 5/ 3/62 Al 8/ Z/62 Al 8 5 8 1/14/61 Al 2l 1/61 BO 7 l DATE PAGE COL 7/21/61 Bl Wayne Duke killed by lightning while werking en farm LINCOLN COUNTY 2-/ 2/62 Bl Old courthouse tern down LINCOLN, ABRAHAM Arkansan R A Scott witnessed assassination ef Lincoln 2/18/62 E6 LINDER. JIM see alse Children ' s Celeny . Arkansas LINDSEY, HERMAN E see also Police LIONS INTERNATIONAL see also Handicapped 10/11/61 Bl Tep Lien visits Little Reck club 6/ 3/62 A4 Arkansas Liens geing te meeting at Nice. France LIPPMAN. ALFRED (Mrs) see al so Birch, John, Society see also Congress - Senate (Class I ) see also Education - Curriculum and teaching methods LIPSCOMB. THOMAS HANSEL Supt ef Arkansas Tuberculosis Sanatorium dies ef heart attack 1/28/62 Al6 LIPSMEYER, EDWARD F (Mr s ) 3/ 2/61 A3 see also Contests and prizes LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS see Oil and gas LIQUOR see Alcehelic beverages LITTLE RIVER see Rivers and lakes LITTLE ROCK see also Advertising see also Arkansas Pewer and Light Ce see al so Civil rights and discrimination see also Cenventien facilities and conventiens see also Ecenemic development see also Government employees. Lecal govt see also Historic buildings and sites see also Housing see also Little Reck Metrepelitan Area see also Parking facilities see also Parks. recreation and tourism see al so Pollution, wastes and hazardous materials see also Pornography and obs cenity see alse Retail Stares see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation see alse Springs see also Transit systems see also Weather and storms see alse Westinghouse Electric Cerp 1/ 1/61 A5 Five independent agencies te garner $3 . 25 million this year 1/ 4/6 1 Al Spelling ef Fillmore Street corrected after 47 years 1/10/61 A8 Pulaski Heights families eppese plans for new water tank Completion of Univ Ave will help clear up traffic snarls 1/11/61 Bl 1 254 6 6 2 4 1 3 3 1 5 1 8 DATE Bill in Legis would thwart annexatien plans of LR 1/20/61 Glenn F Walter ' s bill en annexation appears dead in Legis 1/21/61 University Ave widening satisfies mest merchants 1/22/61 Walther bill would stifle LR growth. Gaz ette says 1-/23-/ 61 Glenn F Walther to withdraw bill en annexatien vetes 1/-24/61 1/27/-61 Map shows area proposed fer annexatien 1/27/61 Annexation ef 17 . 8 square miles on west side approved by ct Foes ef annexation plan appeal ef ruling 1/27 /-61 1/27/61 Raymond Rebsamen reminds business leaders ef planning needs 1/28/61 Editorial en ruling en annexation 1/31/61 Fire destroys 4 businesses in 6500 b leck ef West 12th 2/- 2-/61 Lean ef $6 million appreved fer High Street Urban Renewal 2/ 2/ 6 1 University Ave wees laid te lack of planning 2/ 3/61 Gaz ette comments en High Street Urban Renewal funding 2/ 4/61 Chancellor appreves annexation ef 1 7 . 8 square miles 2/ 8/61 Obie bank duns city fer $1 debt incurred in 1873 2/ 8/ 61 Rural citizens to appeal annexation ruling 2-/18/61 Pulaski Heights residents win hassle; water tank plan ended 3/ 3/61 Annexation opponents file appeal notice 3/19/61 City ends year in the black Ambitious capital imprevements program slewed by funds dearth 3/26/61 4/ 8/61 Faes ef annexatien ask j udge te reverse his decision Annexatien settled (ed) 4/ 9/61 Cantrell Road bears name of Deadrick Cantrell, an attorney 4/16/61 4/16/61 Cantrell Read being widened by original centracter 4/-30/61 Antiquated l aw s still en books at LR are interesting 5/20/61 Annexation fees seek extensien fer hearing 5/26/61 Judge grants mere time fer eppenents ef annexation fees 5/28/61 Apartment-shopping center planned fer Dunbar area 6/ 1/61 Manager Bd waives law en sidewalks fer new federal buil ding 6/ 1/61 Manager Bd waives l aw en fire safety fer LRU building 6/ 6/61 Sidewalk rule waiver approved by City Mgr Beard 6/11/61 Planners proj ect rapid gru.vth of high-rise buildings 6/1 5/61 Developer Elbert E Fausett wants to use read in Boyle Park 6/30/61 Judicial question raised in suit ever annexatien 7/ 8/61 City atty agrees with fees ef 17 . 8 sq mi annexation 7/13/61 Civic Progress Assn fermed te support city govt 7/18/61 Judge rej ects latest moves by fees en annexation ef 17 . 8 mi 7/30/61 Henry M DeNebl e werks to solve traffic problems 8/ 6/61 Remodel ing of downtown LR planned 8/13/61 Population shifting to west and southwest 8/17/61 Explosion. fire damages buildings en Cantrell Read 8/24/61 Funding received fer vast East End Urban Rennewal Prej ect 9-/ 3/61 Central Urban Renewal Project plans detailed 9/ 4/-61 Plan to revitalize LR aimed at pulling trade 9/ 5/-61 Plan prevides fer return te central LR from suburbia 9/10/61 LR urged to have soundly based police, firemen pensions 9/10/61 City workers w arned net to expect salary raises East End Civic League president urges election by wards 9/18/61 Desegregation blight fading with time; grG'i.lth stressed 9/-24/61 City manager system tries te be sure human touch is there 10/ 1/61 255 PAGE COL Bl Al Al A4 Bl2 Al Al Al Bl A4 B12 Al Cll A4 B2 Bl Bl A5 Bll All K?, Al E4 A7 A7 El A7 Bl A12 Al Al AlO Cl A18 K?, K?, Al Bl E2 A4 A4 A2 Bl A2 A2 A8 Al A6 K?, A6 AlO 2 4 3 1 1 4 6 6 3 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 4 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 8 2 5 5 7 1 1 l 4 6 8 1 6 l 7 5 3 1 1 4 l 7 6 l DATE Central Urban Renewal proj ect held up by federal rule Residents on West Markham protest commercial inroads Markham area residents told development cannot be halted Little Rock Urban Renewal werk leads nation, UFA head says City ' s Urban Renewal pregram gets rave notices LR leads in Urban Renewal werk Rebert H W Welch Jr calls urban renewal socialistic scheme City files argument fer prepesed 17 . 8 square-mile annexation New zoning proposal draws little criticism City manager seeks raise in garbage fees Garbage fee raised te $ 1 . 25 by Board City Mgr Bd adepts stringent budget ef $4, 3 8 1 , 650 Comparison of budget items fer 1 96 1 and 1962 Ark Supreme Ct approves annexation of 17 . 8 square miles City moves swiftly to previde fire, police fer annexed area Central Little Reck Urban Renewal plan approved by City Bd City moves ahead w ith plans to extend service te annexed area Rewards in sight in annexation (ed) City gains new shape, size with annexation Fees ef annexation of 1 7 . 3 sq miles ask rehearing in court Ark Supreme Ct denies rehearing en 17 . 8 sq mile annexation University Park renewal proj ect proposed Proposed municipal parking authority raises ' socialism ' cry Annexed area adds 17 , 833 te pepulatien City ' s pepulatien is 1 25 , 646 Water Supt L A Jacksen retiring after 38 yrs in system Central Urban Renewal Proj ect lean ef $18 . 8 million approved Bright premise lies in Central prej ect (ed) University Park urban renewal plan study approved Scott Hamilton Drive honors the late Mr Hamiltan Slander suit filed against Alderman Paul 0 Duke Planning agency seeks annexatien ef 1 4 . 2-mile area Ancil M Douthit prefers 15 . 2 mile annexation Ray Winder. Lee H Griffin, Harold E Hensen Jr seek beard seat Central Little Reck Urban Renewal plan begins Dr William H Tewnsend and Samuel E Williamsen Jr seek bd seat William Tewnsend is first Negro te seek office since 1951 Dr William H Townsend says he is in race ta win Harry W Smith will net be certified as City Mgr Bd candidate City blessed with thousands of trees planted earlier City budget put at $ 4 . 8 million Two dewntewn stores damaged by fire Dr William H Townsend defeated for beard seat Harold E Hensen Jr, Ray Winder win City Bd races Harold E Hensen Jr, Ray Winder elected te City Mgr Bd Arkansas Arts Center seeks increase in budget New City Bd members committed to program Record budget of $4 . 8 million adopted LR studying 1928 amdt as possible solution te money problems Circuit Clerk files unapproved plats. z oning group says Dunbar Urban Renewal proj ect gets final okay fer work 256 10/ 8/61 10/15/61 10/18/61 10/20/61 11/ 5/61 11/19/61 1 1/19/61 11/21/61 11/21/61 1 1/26/61 1 2/ 5/61 12/14/61 12/17/61 12/19/61 1 2/ 19/61 1 2/19/61 1 2/20/-61 1 2/20/61 12/24/61 l/ 5/62 1/16/62 2/10/62 2/20/62 2/24/62 3/ 6/62 6/ 6/62 6/12/62 6/13/62 6/20/-62 6/24/62 6/26/62 8/-24/62 8/25/62 9/ 9/62 9/14/62 9/ 16/62 9/16/62 9/17/62 9/29/62 10/ 7/62 10/17/62 10/17/62 11/ 7/62 11/ 7/62 11/ 8/62 1 1/15/62 11/18/62 1 1/20/-62 12/16/62 1 2/20/62 12/28/62 PAGE COL Al Al B14 Al E3 Cl E3 Bl Bl4 Al All Cl2 A12 Al Al A7 AlO A4 A3 Bl Af3 A4 Bl Al Bl Bl4 Al A4 A2 Af3 Bl4 A3 A5 Al Bl Al Al A3 A3 E4 A3 A9 A4 A4 C7 A4 Af3 A9 A16 Bl Al 2 2 4 4 5 1 3 8 1 3 l 1 1 2 3 1 1 l l 8 4 2 4 8 5 1 6 l 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 4 4 6 l 1 7 3 1 1 l 1 1 3 1 7 2 DATE University Ave has become Cinderella street of Little Reck LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE see Defenses and armed forces LITTLE ROCK BOARD OF TRADE see alse Little Reck Cotton Exchange LITTLE ROCK CENSOR BOARD see Pornography and obscenity LITTLE ROCK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE see alse Walker. Edwin A Annual tour to visit Dallas Arkansans greeted in Dallas Report on tour te Dallas CEO Boyd Ridgway resigns Resignation of Boyd Ridgway is less to LR (ed) William E Henderson is new executive directer W S Mitchell elected presidenti directors selected Scholastic achievement honers omit Horace Mann seniors LITTLE ROCK COMMUNITY THEATER see Theater and drama LITTLE ROCK COTTON EXCHANGE Cotten Exchange has declined. but hopes fer improvement Exchange was preceded by Little Reck Beard of trade Leng-time expleyee August Probst recalls history of exchange Secretary-treasurer August Probst Sr dies LITTLE ROCK METROPOLITAN AREA John P Matthews chairs Metropolitan Area Planning Comm Metropolitan Area Planning Comm te study industry this year Metropolitan Area Planning Comm issues study en business Stuart Eurman named directer of Metreplan John P Matthews. Housten Burford leaders in drive fer merger Merger ef Little Reck. Nerth Little Rock planned by group North Little Rock ' s division from Little Rock explained The resurgent plan fer a municipal merger (ed) Changing name ef Little Reck suggested Little Reck-North Little Reck merger plan gets mixed reviews LR City Bd ef Directors approve idea of merger with NLR North Little Reck ef ficials attack merger idea NLR Alderman Paul Duke calls merger plan socialism North Little Reck Times comments en prepesed LR-NLR merger NLR mayer supports seme aspects ef proposed merger Preliminary research begins en merger ef city services Metroplan sets up 15 community areas and policies fer develep LITTLE ROCK MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION, Greater see Ministerial Association. Greater Little Reck LITTLE ROCK MU SEUM OF SCIENCE AND HISTORY see Museums LITTLE ROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY see Libraries . Public LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Little Reck District LITTLE ROCK UNIVERSITY 257 PAGE COL 1 2/30/62 A5 3 4/16/61 4/20/-61 4/21/61 5/17/61 5/18/61 5/26/61 10/20/62 11/ 7/62 El Bl Bl Al A4 AlO Al Bl 2 3 2 4 2 3 7 8 3/26/61 3/26/61 3/26/61 4/19/61 E2 E2 E2 BlO 1 1 1 l 1/19/61 1/19/61 1/19/61 5/28/61 4/-29/62 4/29/62 4/29/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 7/62 5/ll/62 7/27 /62 8/ 7/62 1 1/25/62 Bl Bl Bl A6 Al Al Al5 A4 A4 Al Al Al A4 B18 Bl A3 A8 4 4 5 1 8 8 1 l l 2 3 3 2 2 8 2 1 DATE see alse Athletics and sports see alse Culture and the arts Gus Ottenheimer heads Little Reck University Feundatien LRU needs mere than Donaghey Fdn funds . James H Penick says LRU receives G W Blankenship ' s cellectien ef Lincoln material Gazette cemmends G W Blankenship fer gift te LRU Graham R Hall donates funds fer LRU Library beek fund Feature article en grEMth ef LRU LRU te effer degrees in business educ, music educatien LRU sets enrollment record of 1780 LRU library benefits frem fund-raisers LITTLE ROCK UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION Inc see Little Reck University LITTLE ROCK ZOO Sloth donated te z ee . zebras produce young Civitan Club building railroad for children at z ee Mountain lien bites tails off her twe effspring Jaguar named Pally dies Pet deer with mean temper winds up in zee Parks Directer W K Ame abj ects to giving land fer highway Gazette urges Highway Cemm te spare zee land wanted fer ramp Alligator, Big Arkie1 suffering from fungus Big Arkie ne better; laboratory tests planned Big Arkie shews improvement Directer Raymend A Squires makes animal trades at cenvention Twenty mallards given te zee Kangaroo born at z eo Zoe acquires its first black leopards Big Arkie en read to recovery Two yeung yak added te animal cellectien Civitan Club installs train at Kiddie Zee at park Big Arkie is well again Entry fee being considered LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY see also Peterson Breeding Farm see also Taxation Peultrymen sue Swift and Ce ever drug furnished in feed Cattle at Cherry Hill (Polk County) hit by rabies Pelk1 four ether counties under rabies alert USDA purchases 2 , 550, 000 lbs ef broilers fer lunch program Wilton R Stephens adds 5 buffaloes te his cattle herd Sam Gilbert ranch has Longhorn steers. American bison Article en growth of broiler industry at Springdale Rogers area beef cattle swindle tied t o ring LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION. Arkansas see Expositions and fairs LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD (Ark) Politics may have scuttled plans fer non-political panel LOBBYING AND LOBBYISTS see also Legislature (Ark) LOCAL GOVERNMENT 258 4/15/61 5/ 4/6 1 5/11/61 5/15/61 21 4/62 2/25/62 8/11/62 10/20/62 1 2/ 2/62 5/14/61 9/10/61 11/26/61 12/ 2/61 1 2/ 3/61 12/30/61 1/ 3/62 1/ 6/-62 1/17/62 1/24/62 3/11/62 3/17 /62 3/23/62 3/28/62 4/ 4/62 5/ 14/62 6/13/62 8/ 9/62 11/ 1/62 7/ 18/61 10/- 4/61 10/ 6/61 10/20/-61 4/25/-62 5/13/62 6/ 3/62 9/12/62 PAGE COL A5 A12 Cl4 A4 A3 E4 A2 A2 A4 A6 C3 A3 A6 C3 A3 A4 Al A2 Bl AS A3 Bl Bl Bll Al Bl Bl A3 Bl A6 B7 A3 Bl ES 6 7 7 1 7 1 4 2 6 4 5 4 2 3 1 2 4 5 4 1 4 5 5 7 4 6 5 7 BlO 4 4 6 7 2 2 2 7 2/12/61 ClO 1 E5 DATE see alse Finance and budgets. Lecal govt see also Pelitics and elections Repr David Pryer seeks ALC appreval for county govt study ALC approves study ef lecal government eperatiens ALC vetees any funds to pay for study of county govt The sacred courthouse and Mr Pryer ' s study (ed) Eleven cities have tried for manager rule; four succeed Cities have taxing eptiens if voters refuse te change constit Ceunty Judges Assn adepts new constitution County Judges assn re-elects Ray Sikes as president The ' enviable system' of county government (ed) Counties must publish accounting ef funds expenditure LOCKE. GEORGE ED Apptd sheriff ef Ashley County LOOAN COUNTY see also History (Ark) Article en Logan ' s two county seats LOOOS see Trademarks. trade names and logos LOITERING AND VAGRANCY see also Prostitution Bentonville curfew takes youths off streets at 10 p . m. Pepe County curfew issued; rise in j uvenile crime cited Curfew set fer youths at Coal Hill LOLLAR. PETER Medical plight of LR child touches hearts of sailors en ship Sailors s eek way to assist stricken bey Weather delays mercy flight te Chicago clinic Postcards £rem Germany give hope to parents of Peter Lollar Trip to Chicago hospital rescheduled Oft-delayed mercy flight is begun Infant to undergo operation in about two weeks Lollar doing fine after surgery in Chicago Crew ef cruiser Little Reck donates $3 . 7 00 to Lellars Secend operation performed en young Lollar Yeung Lollar undergoes 4th ef 6 operations scheduled LONOKE see also Ecenemic devel opment LONOKE COUNTY Grand j ury fails to indict. but pleads fer honest elections LONOKE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY see also Housing LONOKE COUNTY JAIL see Prisons and prisoners LOONEY. A C see alee Archeology and anthropology LOST MOUNTAIN see Stene County LOUGHBOROUGH, LOUISE WATKINS WRIGHT Mrs Loughborough is descendant ef William S Fulton Main leader in Territorial Capitol restoration dies 259 5/13/61 6/16/61 6/17/61 6/-18/- 61 8/ 6/61 1 1/26/61 11/26/-61 1 1/-26/61 11/27/61 10/- 2/62 PAGE COL A2 Bl Al E4 Al3 Al Al2 A12 A4 Bl 6 8 5 1 1 4 l l 1 8 3/ 2/62 Bl 3 9/17/61 El 1 2/17/61 A9 10/10/62 Al 1 2/ 8/62 A3 4 6 3 5/27 /61 5/27/61 6/ 0/61 6/10/61 6/13/61 6/16/61 6/17/61 6/28/61 7/ 1/61 7 /19/61 10/26/61 A5 6 6 4 2 6 2 5 7 2 2 7 3/ 4/61 Al 2 1/ 5/61 Bl 12/11/62 AlO 5 l A3 A3 A6 A3 Bl4 A6 B4 Bl A3 Bl DATE Funeral plans announced A weman' s great work (ed) Will creates trust fer Resteratien Commission Legacies te history (ed) LOUIS IANA AND ARKANSAS RAILROAD see Railreads LOVE. M MONROE see also Pardon and parole LOVELADY. JAMES PAUL see also Basketball LUCIANO. CHARLES (Lucky) see also Crime and vice LUCK. H L see also Arkadelphia LUDWIG see also Festivals LUM 1 N 1 ABNER see also Lauck. Chester LUTHERAN CHURCH First Lutheran Church at LR suspends Rev Gorden Winred Rev Winred speaks te Arkansas Laymen LYON. FRANK. COMPANY Firm plans move te industrial park LYTLE. C JULIAN see also Gambl ing MACARTHUR. DOUGLAS Gen MacArthur cheeses Virginia over LR as his burial site MacArthur premises to send relics te museum at Little Rock Mrs Walter Riddick Sr asks MacArthur fer museum items Gen MacArthur visited by Ark military officers in NYC MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT. Industrial see Taxation MACK. LEONIDAS L see also Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service MACKEY. B FRANK SR see also Pulaski County MADDEN. OWEN B (Owney ) see also Congress - Senate (Class I I ) see also Gambling MADDOX. ODE LEE see also Legislature (Ark) MADISON COUNTY see also History (Ark) see alse History (Ark) see also Newton County Republ ican voters in Venus Township find no ballots GOP to drop complaint over Venus Tewnship problems GOP worker taken into custody by county sheriff MAGAZ INE SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Magaz ine District MAGNET COVE BARIUM CORP 260 12/12/62 12/12/62 12/21/62 12/26/62 PAGE COL AlO A6 A21 A6 4 2 3 2 6/ 24/61 A2 6/24/ 61 A2 4 4 6/11/61 Cl 4 1/ 4/61 1/26/61 1/26/61 2/19/61 A4 Bl Bl E2 2 6 6 4 6/28/61 Al 6/30/61 Al 11/ 7 /62 Bl 4 4 4 DATE Faces $1 millien trespass suit filed by Natienal Lead Corp MAGNOLIA Fire at Thrifty Store may be arsen-related Bends voted fer municipal improvements MAHONEY. PAUL L Henered by UA Medical Center MAID OF COTTON Scarlett Cornwell among final ists MAJESTIC HOTEL see Hot Springs MALPRACTICE INSURANCE see Insurance MALVERN see also Police Fire heavily damages business MANASCO. JOHN HARMON SR see also Robberies and thefts MANION, CLARENCE W see alse Harding Cellege MAR-BAX SHIRT CO see also Economic development Marien and Baxter Counties sell $53 5 , 000 in bends fer plant Businessmen raising $ 1 2 , 000 te start censtructien Ark Supreme Ct uphol ds 2-ceunty financing fer factory Factory at Gassville dedicated by Gev Orval E Faubus MARCHE see also Foreign descent groups MARIANNA see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation MARIJUANA see also Substance abuse and traffic MARINAS see Harbors, perts and marinas MARINONI, ANNA ZAGNONI see also Periodicals MARINONI , ROSA ZAGNONI see also Beeks and writing MARION HOTEL (Little Reck) see Hotels MARKERS see Monuments , memorials and markers MARKS Family Descendants ef pioneer family hel d 85th reunion MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE Divorce ef Benj amin and Peeda Carrell voided by high court New law requires 60-day residency bef ere diverce filing Divorcee Olive Hegan te get half ef Greater LR Steckyards Rebert L Lewis faces perj ury chg in effert te obtain divorce MARSHALL see also Electric power MARSHALL, FRED 261 PAGE COL 1/ 3/62 A3 7 4/ 5/61 Bl 5/24/61 A2 5 3 6/11/62 A3 l 12/ 7/62 A2 2 8/20/61 Al 3 5/ 6/61 5/23/61 5/30/61 4/29/6 2 B6 Bl Bl A3 6 2 7 1 7 / 8/62 C2 3 1/17/61 3/ 2/61 12/19/61 3/17/62 Bl All BlO A7 2 l 4 2 DATE see alse Culture and the arts MARSHALL . HELEN (Terry) see alse Culture and the arts see also Culture and the arts see also Education - Curriculum and teaching methods MARSHAL S . Federal see Courts. Federal MARTIN. ANITA see also Civil rights and discrimination MARTIN. NEIL see alse World War II MARTIN-MARIETTA CORP NLRB to held union election at Titan sites in Ark Workers at Titan silos choose UAW as their union MARVELL see also Weather and storms Three stores hit by fire MASCOTS see also Colleges and univs - Mascots MASTADONS see Fossils MATTHEWS. JOHN P see also Little Reck Metropolitan Area MATTHEWS, JOHN. CO see also Housing MAUMELLE NLR may purchase 5 , 3 00-acre site for industrial park NLR Mayer Casey Laman to �sk special vote en Maumelle plan Private firm offers te buy property . NLR Mayer Laman says Perry Equipment Ce makes bid for Maumelle North Little Reck pl ans te buy site from Perry Equipment Perry Equipment Ce purchases Maumelle Ordnance Works Perry Equipment interested in chemical mfg equipment Transfer ef facil ity te Perry Equipment Ce begins Perry Equipment Ce will help NLR find industries fer park Perry Equipment Ce seeks industry fer Maumelle NLR Council wants public vote en bends fer purchase NLR te vete en bend issue fer purchase ef Maumelle Firm refuses te delay NLR eptien to buy land. utilities Mayer Laman details NLR revenue plans fer Maumelle purchase NLR sets vete en $ 1 mill ion bond fer purchase of Maumelle J C Barnett heads panel promoting NLR purchase ef Maumelle NLR Mayer Casey Laman te lead bond fight NLR electric rates would be raised te pay off bends NLR alderman Paul 0 Duke j abs Mayer Laman in bend dispute LR. NLR Chamber members visit Maumelle NLR Mayer Layman yields en rate rider if Maumelle purchased Rate rider proposal at NLR removed NLR te vote on bonds for Maumelle purchase this Tuesday Opportunity at hand for NLR (ed) NLR Mayer Laman makes final plea fer purchase of Maumelle 262 PAGE COL 12/ 9/-62 Cl 1 2/14/62 Bl 4 2 1/ 9/ 61 AS 3 1/ 7/61 1/19/61 1/ 26/61 2/ 4/61 3/ 4/61 3/ 4/61 3/ 4/ 6 1 3/ 8/6 1 3 / 1 8/61 5/10/61 5/12/61 5/12/61 5/26/61 5/30/61 6/- 2/ 61 6/- 7/61 6/ 8/61 6/ 8/61 6/- 9/61 6/11/-61 6/22/61 6/27 /61 7/ 9/61 7/10/-61 7/11/-61 3 7 1 l 1 l 1 7 1 B2 Al Cl6 B6 A3 A3 A3 Bl B6 5 A13 Al3 B13 Al BlB A12 C12 Cl2 B16 A6 AB A7 Al A4 Al 1 1 3 4 1 l 1 2 1 5 1 1 3 1 2 DATE Industrial pregress and NLR ' s vote teday on bends NLR veters approve bends fer purchase ef Maumelle NLR appreved $1 millien in bends fer purchase Nerth Little Rock sells $700.000 worth ef Maumelle bends Purchase by NLR made ef ficial Industrial dist, residential areas planned MAXIMS see Epigrams , maxims , sayings , etc MAY, DAN G Account ef 1 941 elopement ef Dan May and Dorothy Gene Masner MAY, JOHN 0 see alse Pesta! service MAY, RUSSELL see alse Athletics and sports MAYNARD, CHARLES D see also United States - Army Carps ef Engineers MAYS . RAYMOND E see alse Legislature (Ark) MAYS . RAYMOND L see also Congress - Reapportienment see alse Wildlife MCBRIEN, D D see also Colleges and univs - Administration and Management MCCASLIN, AUBREY see alse Legisl ature (Ark) MCCLELLAN, JOHN L see alse Books and writing see also Congress - Senate (Class I I ) MCCLELLAN, POWELL DEAN see alse Feetball MCCLENDON, JACK see alse Lafayette County MCCLINTON I I s see alse Civil rights and discrimination McClinton sees alliance to kill JFK ' s urban affairs program MCCONNELL, BUD see also History (Ark) MCCONNELL, JOHN P General frem Ark picked fer fourth star. European pest MCCOOL, J THURMAN see also Murders - McCool , J Thurman MCCORD I ROBERT s see also Econemic development see also University ef Arkansas North Little Reck Times publisher loves his city MCCOY. LESTA GILES see also Methodist Church MCCOY. MAURICE E see alse Beeks and writing MCDANIEL. I GRANGER see alse Architecture and architects 263 7/11/61 7/12/61 7/13/61 8/15/61 12/ 2/-61 5/17/62 PAGE COL A4 Al C14 A9 A5 Cl8 1 2 1 1 4 1 10/15/61 A5 l 2/17/62 A8 1 8/17/62 A2 7 1 2/17/61 All 1 DATE MCDANIEL. JAMES E see also Censtructien programs. State MCDONALD• ERWIN L Mentioned by Gov Orval Faubus as fee in retirement address Says effort to legalize gambl ing unl ikely MCKEE. George T see also Religion MCKINLEY. ED I see also Postal service MCLAUGHLIN• WILLIAM F see alse Firearms MCLEAN. ARTHUR EDWARD Commercial Natl Bank president dies of heart attack at home Editorial tribute from Arkansas Gazette MCLEES. E E see also Revenue Department (Ark) MCLEOD. PAUL C see also University ef Arkansas MCMATH. S IDNEY S see also Governor (Ark) Urges Kennedy adm to provide cheaper power for Southwest McMath sees sane South if politicians stay eut Opposes abolishing j ury system fer seme trials McMath cited fer his educatienal seminars en law Urges state te demonstrate responsible politics Gov Faubus asks if McMath wants to cempare administrations McMath takes issue with rept he allewed Het Springs gambl ing McMath helped select Ten Outstanding Yeung Men ef America MCMILLEN. VERNE see also Beeks and writing MCNEW. CHARLES S JR Pine Bluff executive dies MCOY-COUCH FURNITURE MANUFACTAURING CO Benton firm is run by young executives MCRAE SANATORIUM see Medicine and health MCRAE. THOMAS C Family Mary McRae Montgomery . dau of gov. dies at age 83 MCSWAIN. C E see also Festal Service MCSWAIN• C E SR see also Festal service MCSWAIN. W B see also Auditor (Ark) MEARS, JACK W see also Arkansas A M & N College see alse Colleges and univs - Administration and management MEDICAL BOARD , Arkansas State see also Medicine and health MEDICAL SOCIETY. Arkansas see Medicine and health 264 PAGE COL 4/ 1/62 Al 12/30/62 AS 7 1 6/ 6/61 Al 6/ 7/61 A4 6 2 1/ 18/61 3/ 5/61 4/30/61 7/30/61 3/ 1/62 3/ 2/62 3/18/62 1 2/28/62 Bl A2 A6 AlO A8 A9 AlO Bl l 3 3 5 1 3 6 6 12/15/61 B7 5 2/ 2/61 BS l 8-/28/62 A6 3 DATE MEDICINE AND HEALTH see also Children and y euth see also Civil rights and discriminatien see alse Dentistry and dentists see also Felklere. folk medicine and superstition see alse Lellar. Peter see also Mental health and disorders see also Nursing hemes see alse Peer see also Repreductien (Human) see alse State Hospital (Ark) see also Tobacco see alse University ef Arkansas Medical Center LR decters using investigatienal drugs te treat cancer Arkansas closing gap in doctor-patient ratio Child dies ef burns suffered in bathtub at TB Sanatorium Hepatitis strikes feur at Marvell (Phillips Ceunty) Nineteen more cases ef hepatitis reported Life-saving bleed plasma flown te patient in LR Salem added te list approved fer federal hospital aid Forrest Memorial Hospital te be enlarged TB tests in Pine Bluff schools show high positive rate State will have 4 , 7 00 cancer cases in 1 96 1 Wilmot worked t e secure a decter, and succeeded Dr G L Hardgrave has practiced medicine in J ehnen Ce 50 yrs Expert points te state ' s peer rank in TB detection. treatment Cancer clearing heuse proposed by Dr Martin C Hawkins Arksansas Medical Society te meet in LR fer 85th annual cenv State Medical Society urged to fight JFK ' s Medical care plan Dr H King Wade Jr elected president ef State Medical Society Tam Kepenhafer. s . must take shots if deg net found teday Tam Kepenhafer starts shots after being bitten by deg First open-heart surgery in private hospital in Ark performed Mississippi County group seeks te step plans fer hospital Syphilis en the increase in state. Health Dept says Child at LR born without functioning l iver Mississippi County group sues te step hospital expansion Handicapped Children' s Center aids cerebral palsy patients Public Health Dept moves in fast te aid Harrison after flood State unveils medest plans fer Medicare Warner Brew-n Hespital at El Derade sets $2 millien expansion Unien County vetes bends to construct ceunty hospital Cecil Shadden files $149 , 003 suit against Dr W E Phipps Hospitals in LR to impose strict rules fer visitors Proposed Union County Hospital gets boost fer federal aid Baxter County voters approve bends fer new hospital Kolb family has four generations of physicians Sister Margaret Vincent leaving St Vincent Infirmary pest Ark provides sufficient care fer the aged. physician says Little Reck hospitals to impose tighter rules en visiting Steve Spearman. keeps up spirits, while living in iron lung 265 1/ 1/61 2/ 1/61 2/ 8/61 2/16/61 2/18/61 2/19/61 2/23/61 3/ 2/61 3/24/ 61 4/ 2/ 61 4/ 2/61 4/ 6/61 4/ 8/6 1 4/13/61 4/16/61 4/18/61 4/20/-61 4/23/61 4/29/61 4/-30/61 5/ 9/6 1 5/ 9/61 5-/10/61 5/ 12/61 5/14/61 5/14/61 5/24/61 6/ 2/61 6/ 7/61 6/14/61 6/18/61 6/23/61 6/24/61 7/23-/61 7/26/61 7/28/61 7/30-/61 7/30/61 PAGE COL A4 Bl2 AS B6 Al Al Bl All A8 A6 E2 Bl A3 Bl A4 Bl Bl Al A8 A6 Bl BS Bl Bl El ES Bl Bl BlO A7 Al A6 A8 C3 A3 A3 A1 5 El 5 4 1 4 6 4 5 5 4 2 4 2 6 6 7 2 3 4 7 3 4 l 6 6 l 1 4 1 4 1 3 4 8 2 5 4 4 1 DATE Visiting rules fer LR hospitals listed Little Reck area hospitals pleased with new visiting rules George H Ellison tells Cong unien will pay more for Medicare Syphilis cases increase in Ark. mostly among teen-agers Cave City starts drive far building te house medical services Infectious hepatitis claims four lives in Ark Typhoid fever case reported at Blytheville Medicare program to start in Ark en Sept 1 Sanke bites sends Stamps farmer te hospital LR woman bitten by rabid bat. first ever in Arkansas Snake bitres 1 1-year-eld girl at Vimy Ridge Typhoid carrier infects 5 mare at Jereme Court rules school can require pelie shots before admission State gets 2nd report of tick fever Arkansas Children ' s Hospital Supt Ruth Beall retires Miss Beall ' s retirement (ed) Court nullifies Searcy County bend election fer hospital VA Hospital gets particle accellerator Twelve hospital and nursing proj ects get $3 . 2 million Judge says state Medical Bd has right te sue chiropractors YJ.Slpractice suit names anesthetist Dr J P Hickey Bite by brOOin recluse spider nearly fatal to Searcy youth Mysterieus virus kills members ef Tem Westbrook family Twe relatives of Tom Westbrook family have same malady Vaccine fer flu in short supply Pathologist sees ne general virus danger Ark Supreme Ct upholds ruling favoring St Joseph ' s Hospital Omaha schools closed after scarlet fever cases diagnosed Arkansas ranks 6th in rate ef TB cases Dr Euclid M Smith tells of new treatment fer arthritis License ef Dr Ezra Leroy Callahan revoked by state beard High rate of diabetes around Clinton puzzles health officials Article on fight te eradicate tuberculosis TB fatalities in Ark (by county) Court studies request ef James W Beckman for eclectic license White Ceunty voters rej ects prepased county hospital tax James W Beckman fails in effort to get license frem. court Football helmet linked to case ef tetanus in teen-ager Lines drawn in conflict at LR ever suppliers ef bleed Drs William E and Robert J Kuhl seek reneNal of licenses Conway youth dies ef viral hepatitis Trial ef chiropractors William E Kuhl and Rebert H Kuhl set NLR Memorial Hospital under construction State outlines new program te wipe out tuberculosis Influenz a outbreak cleses feur schools More school s closed by influenza Memorial Hospital at North Little Rock to open today Arkansas Baptist ta open center fer eye diseases Rebsamen Memorial Hospital at Jacksonville opens Throngs turn out fer Memorial Hospital dedication at NLR Influenza closes two mere schools 266 7/30/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 3/61 8/ 6/61 8/ 8/61 8/ 9/61 8/12/61 8/16/61 8/22/61 8/26/61 8/28/61 8/31/61 9/ 8/61 9/14/61 9/22/61 9/23/61 10/10/61 10/12/61 10-/-13/61 10/14/-61 10/15/61 10/24/61 10/24/61 10/26/61 10/27-/-61 10/27/61 10/31-/-61 1 1/ 3/61 1 1-/- 6/61 11/ 8-/-61 1 1/10/61 11/ 12/61 1 1/ 1 2/61 11/ 12/61 1 1-/-23/61 1 1/ 29/61 1 2-/- 1/61 1 2/ 1/61 12/17/61 12/29/61 1/ 3/62 1/ 5/62 1/ 7/62 1/17/62 l/24/62 1/27 /62 1/28/62 1/28/-62 l/28/62 1/29/62 1/30/62 PAGE COL .A5 2 2 1 2 5 1 4 2 8 6 4 8 2 5 3 1 8 1 1 4 C3 A2 Bl Bl Al A2 Bl4 Bl Al Bl Bl AB E4 E4 Bl A2 A2 Bl Al B4 B7 B4 Al3 Bl Bl A3 Al2 Al4 A6 Al Bl 4 2 4 2 3 5 l 5 2 4 5 1 1 4 5 2 l 2 5 3 6 8 2 8 2 5 3 5 1 2 3 E4 Bl A7 AlO Bl A2 A7 Bl Bl BS AlO Bl Bl A7 A6 A4 Bl BlO DATE Influenz a closes schools in Batesville area Dr Jahn M Smith writes en Medicare NLR Veterans Adm Institute wins top recognition Physicians urged te write Rep Mills opposing Medicare Baptist Hospital to add twe floors to surgical wing Four typhoid cases found in northwest Ark Syphilis cases mere than doubled in Ark in past five years Ark Supreme Ct denies writ in case of William and Robert Kuhl W L Fulmer Sr te supervise Tuberculosis Sanatorium Dr W A Fowler opposes Medicare legislation Medicare plan aids 33. 800 in Arkansas Chiropractic Beard bares probe finding en Ors Kuhl List ef accredited hospitals in Arkansas Clarendon clubs raising funds fer community medical clinic Arkansas needs five times mere nurses than it new has Diptheria claims life ef Tyronza child. 4 ethers ill State Medical Society te meet at Het Springs Conway Memorial Hospital wins accreditation Arkansas Medical Society told medicine in web ef socialism Arkansas Medical Society told aged care plan hypocritical Article en 4 men who left careers to study medicine at UA New strain of salmonella discovered by Ark Health Dept Chiropractors ouster ef Kuhl brothers backed in court test Memorial Hospital at NLR operating far below capacity Women gaining prestige in medical fields Dysentery claims life ef adult in Faulkner County Dr T E Buffington has served Saline County fer many years Feur members ef Parker families are UA Medical Scheel grads Bentonville voters approve bends te build hospital Univ Medical Center researches psychosomatic disorders Arkansas Baptist Hasp authorized to expand facility Eight chidren exposed by rabid cat Pulaski Medical Society plans drive against polio Arkansas Children' s Hospital marks 50th year Arkansas Children ' s Hospital was Ark Heme Finding Society Highlights ef history of Arkansas Children ' s Hospital Ruth Beall became supt of Children ' s Hospital in 1934 Construction begins en Baxter County Memorial Hospital Girl wakes up at Pine Bluff after year in coma Doctors offer special unit plan to relieve bed shortages Two cases of typhoid reported at Cherry Valley ' Disease-finding ' devices seized frem chiropractors Case of encephalitis (sleeping sickness) suspected Dallas County woman dies ef tetanus Dr Hugh A Browne retires as head of McRae Sanatorium American Medicine ' s Festival ef Faith held at Tyronz a Medicine ' s Festival ef Faith draws 6 . 000 te Tyronza Two cases ef encephalitis reported in Jefferson County American Medicine ' s Festival ef Faith draws ever 1000 Dr Norman Vincent Peal speaks at Festival ef Faith event Encephalitis suspected in seven persons 267 2/ 2/62 3/ 4/ 62 3/ 4/62 3 / 10/62 3/14/62 3/15/62 3 / 1 8/62 3/20/62 3/21/62 3/22/62 3/23/62 3/23/62 3/27/62 4/ 1/62 4/ 1/62 4/18/ 6 2 4/22/ 62 4/22/ 62 5/ 1/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 6/-62 5/11/62 5 / 1 1/62 5/20/62 5/20/62 5/24/62 6/ 3/62 6/10/62 6/13/62 6/17 /62 6/21/62 6/29/62 7/ 1/62 7/- 1/62 7/ 1/62 7/ 1/62 7/ 1/62 7/10/62 8/ 1/62 8/12/62 8/14/62 9/14/62 9/15/62 9/27/62 9/28/62 9/30/62 9/30/62 10/ 2/62 10/ 5/62 10/ 5/62 10/13/62 PAGE COL B9 A4 E4 A7 Bl A3 A7 Bl Bl A4 A8 Bll B9 A15 A7 A7 A4 cs Al2 AS E4 Al Bl 8 A8 E4 AlO E5 AS B5 E4 Bl Bl Al E4 E4 E4 E4 A5 Bl E4 Bl A8 Al Bl A8 Al4 Al4 Bl Bl Bl Bl2 8 3 l 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 6 l 5 2 7 3 5 3 3 l 5 4 2 1 3 2 1 6 1 6 7 6 1 1 1 1 5 1 l 2 1 5 8 1 2 2 3 5 5 l DATE Ark doctors may be unaware of Kerr-Mills Act previsions Bulbar polio fatal te bey in Fayetteville Pelie strikes nine at Fayetteville: clinics planned Dr Lleyd F Gregory critical of certification under MAA Pelie hits Fayetteville boy whe had received all shots Washington County gives polio vaccine te 37 . 242 Pelie vaccine administered to 6 . 000 UA students, faculty Physician says state intern program is weak Two hospitals agree to raise pay ef interns Case of polio reported at Van Buren High Schoel Licenses ef twe physicians revoked by Medical Board Negroes should be allowed to use TB Sanatorium, ed says ALC discusses needs ef McRae Sanatorium fer Negroes Polio outbreak in Washington County bel ieved ever Feuntien Hill salutes Dr Jessie T Weeds with dinner TB rate is high. but Sanatorium total is lew (statistics) Pelie imJnunizatien campaign te be organized en county level Health Dept worried about rabies in wildlife State Health Dept devises new program fer finding TB cases Het Springs chosen fer nation ' s 2nd arthritis clinic MEEK, HARRY E see also Legal prefessien MELTON, JAMES see alse Museums MELTON, MARV IN see also Geverner (Ark) Says state must impreve its image and its public education Addresses Natienal Rehabilitatien Association cenventien MELTON, MARVIN W Plans South American trade tour MEMORIAL DAY Confederate dead te be henored en April 30 at LR cemetery LR. NLR te honer war dead in Memorial Day tributes MEMORIAL S see Monuments , memorials and markers MENA see alse History (Ark) MENIFEE SCHOOL DISTRICT see Educatien - Menifee District MENTAL HEALTH AND DISORDERS see alse Children ' s Celeny . Arkansas see alse Education - Morrilton District see al so State Hospital (Ark) Dentist says bad teeth may cause mental illness Study shews 3 pct ef children in Ark retarded Mentally retarded children need special training Jeanette Rockefeller asks aid fer Arkansas ' s mentally ill ALC panel asks state adm te devise plan fer mentally retarded Plan te expand services te mentally retarded devised MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION. Arkansas Rebert L Parson named executive directer 268 10/26/62 10/-27/62 10/31/62 1 1/ 1/62 11/ 4/62 11/- 5/62 1 1/ 6/62 11/-14/62 11/15/62 1 1/-15/-62 11/-17/62 1 1/-20/-62 11/-27/62 11/30/-62 12/ 2/62 12/ 2/62 12/ 9/62 12/12/62 12/16/62 12/-28/62 PAGE COL Al A2 Bl A4 A18 Al Bl2 Bl Bl Bl A2 A6 A2 Bl A6 ES A2 A4 Al Bl 5 4 3 3 2 6 4 6 5 8 2 l 4 6 6 2 7 7 4 2 1 / 1 5/61 B7 4/15/-61 BS 6 8 10/ 3/61 Bl 3 4/28/61 AB 5/-30/-61 Bl 5 2 C4 A3 B9 4 1 2 5 l 4 1/10/-61 BB 6 4/11/61 3/ 8/6 2 7/15/62 10/28/62 1 1/24/62 1 1/28/62 A2 C16 E5 DATE MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK (Cl arendon) see Banks MERIT SYSTEM COUNCIL (Ark) see alse Government employees. State MERIWETHER, LILBOURN Walked 250 miles from Fayetteville to Paragould in 1910 MERRILL INSTITUTE (Pine Bluff) see Historic buildings and sites METEORS see alse Phenomena METHODIST CHURCH see alse Gambl ing see alse History (Ark) Mrs Lesta Giles McCoy has taught Sunday Schoel fer 54 years Buckner Methedist Church to be dedicated Rev Robert Paul Sessions chides clergy ef South en race issue Women picket Dr Ralph W Seckman as he speaks at LR church Interview with Pulaski Heights lecturer Dr Ralph W Seckman Leng-time paster at LR, Dr J K Shamblin moving te Housten North Ark Conf te meet at Russellville North Ark Conf hears Bishop Gerald H Kennedy , Dr M T Steel North Ark Cenf hears attack en gambl ing l ink te bond issue Rev Joel Cooper named paster of Winfield Methodist at LR North Ark Conf hears criticism of John Birch Society leader North Ark Conf endorses civil rights sit-ins Pastoral appmts announced fer North Ark Conf Little Reck Cenf meeting at Hot Springs Little Reck Cenf sessien opens at Het Springs Little Reck Cenf draws 500 te Het Springs Little Reck Cenf names elders and deacens LR Cenf lists pastoral appointments Negro Methodists te meet at Philander Smith College Pulaski Heights lecturer Ralph W Seckman picketed Rev Robert E L Bearden named to high church pest Bishop W Kenneth Pope says critics of church aid communism AME Church assignments announced Little Reck Conference meeting in Hot Springs LR Cenf gets cheering news frem Bishop W Kenneth Pepe Actions ef LR Conf summarized Elder, deacons ordained at LR Cenf at Het Springs LR Conf reassignes 57 ministers Nerth Arkansas Cenf epens at Conway North Ark Conf condemns reverse f reedem rides program North Ark Conf erdains 21 deacons North Ark Conf announces 60 pastoral assignments Lakeside at Pine Bluff celebrates 75th anniversary CME assignments made fer two districts METRO PLAN see Little Rock Metrepelitan Area METROPOLITAN AREA PLANNING COMMISS ION see also Little Rock Metropolitan Area 269 PAGE COL 6/14/62 Bl 3/16/61 4/15/61 5/10/61 5/16/61 5/17/61 5/24/61 5/27/61 5/31/61 6/ 1/61 6/ 1/61 6/ 2/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 7/61 6/ 9/61 6/10/61 6/11/61 6/16/61 8/26/61 1 1/ 8/61 1 1/ 8/61 5/29/62 5/30/62 5/31/62 6/ 1/62 6/ 2/ 62 6/ 5/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 8/62 10/27/62 11/11/62 C16 A8 Bl All Al l A2 B5 A3 Al2 A7 Bl3 A5 A5 A5 B8 A3 A6 AS A13 All A3 A13 NlBl Bl Al A2 B12. A9 All All Al A6 A20 5 5 1 2 6 2 1 1 5 1 1 4 1 1 7 7 4 2 1 1 6 8 5 5 2 3 2 4 1 6 1 1 7 7 1 DATE METROPOLITAN LITTLE ROCK ASSN OF FREE MINISTERS Conservatives break frem Greater LR Ministerial Assn Fundamentalist pasters hear reusing talk by Dale Alferd MEXICANS IN ARKANSAS see Laber MEYER I s BAKERY Little Reck firm celebrates 50th anniversary MEYER. MIKE Ernie Deane tells ef visit with Meyer at Van Buren MICHNER. JAMES A Micheners visit LR as exhibitien ef bis art epens MIDDLE SOUTH UTILITIES INC Steckhelders meeting bested by AP&L at Nerth Little Reck President Edgar H Dixon dies MIDSOUTH GAS CO see Arkansas Louisiana Gas Ce MIDWAY see alse Weather and storms MIDWEST CASTING CORP Furnaces placed in eperatien at LR plant MIDWEST VIDEO CORP see also Television MIGRANT LABOR see Laber MILAM. T A. Family Family reunion held at LR MILES MOUNTAIN MU SICAL MUSEUM see alse Museums MILITARY DRAFT AND RECRUITMENT Number ef men ordered by draft fer examination and inductien Draft call fer Ark triples to 1 , 500 State receives call te increase draft in August Draft call includes 273 Arkansans MILK see Agriculture see Central Arkansas Milk Producers Asseciatien MILLER COUNTY Arkie M Knight Sr indicted en vete fraud charges MILLER COUNTY JAIL see Prisons and pris oners MILLER. EMMETT E see alse Philander Smith Cellege MILLER, HENRY LOUIS see alse Veterans MILLER, JOHN E see alse Area planning and renewal see also Courts. Federal MILLER, LESLIE J see alse Hobbies MILLS, HUGH L see also Communism 27 0 PAGE COL 6/ 6/61 AlO 8/22/61 Bl 4 2 7/ 2/61 B7 2 l l/29/62 Bl 2 5/ 4/62 Bl 3 5/20/61 A3 8/ 3/62 All 4 1 5/18/61 B7 1 7/23/61 A3 1 1/11/61 7/21/61 7 /28/61 8/18/61 A5 Al Bl Bl l 4 8 8 6/10/61 B4 6 DATE PAGE COL MILLS. WILBUR DAIGH see alse Congress - House Dist 2 see alse Congress - Reapportionment MILLWOOD DAM see Rivers and l akes MILLWOOD LAKE see Parks , recreation and t ourism see Rivers and lakes MILUM, ROY W see alse Construction programs . State see also Credit see also Expositions and fairs see also Politics and elections MILWHITE CO INC 6/ 1/61 A2 N K Ball files $2. 130. 980 breach of contract suit MINERAL RIGHTS AND LEASES see also Oil and gas MINERAL S see Mines and minerals MINES AND MINERAL S see also Bauxite see alse Coal Galena to be milled in Sevier County by Saline Minerals Co 1/15/61 Cl Water-filled pit near Paron said te be an old gold mine 3/26/61 A9 Article an Arkansas gypsum deposits in Pike County 5-/28/61 El Mineral production declined in Ark in 1961 12/31/61 AB Southwest Ark developing iron ore deposits 5-/31/62 Bl MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. Greater Little Reck Rev Darnell Ress critical ef nominating Negro to head Assn 6/ 2/61 Al 6/ 2-/ 61 Al Rev Rufus K Yeung would be first Negro to head Association 6/ 2-/61 Al Rufus King Yeung, a Negre, neminated fer president ef group 6/ 3/61 B8 Rev Rebert E L Bearden says choice of Young is unwise now 6/ 6/61 AlO Conservative pastors break away . form their own group Rev Rufus King Yeung elected to head group 6/13/61 Al MINTON. HUBERT L see alse Censtructien programs . State MISCHIEF. Malicious see Vandalism and mischief MISS AMERICA 9/ 8/61 Al Miss Arkansas Frances Jane Andersen wins swimsuit event 9/10/61 Al Miss Arkansas Frances Jane Andersen is first runner-up 9/11/61 A2 Pine Bluff wel comes runner-up Frances Jane Andersen home Runner-up Frances Jane Andersen ta get LR. Pine Bluff welcome 9/13/61 BlO Runnerup Frances Jane Andersen returns home 9/ 15/61 AB 8/17 /62 A2 Mrs William (Mary Burt) named pageant j udge MISS ARKANSAS see also Andersen. Frances Jane Miss Magnelia L inda Rushton receives l r frem Sen Goldwater 1/ 8/61 A3 7/ 9/61 A3 Pageant to get under way Tuesday at Oaklawn Park 7/13/61 A2 Prel iminary winners listed 7/14/61 A3 Mere prel iminary winners listed 27 1 1 5 l 1 2 2 5 5 5 1 4 1 6 4 2 3 4 2 2 3 2 7 DATE Ferty-twe contestants relaxed as announcement nears Rain forces delay of pageant Rains again delay pageant: finals te be this aftereen Frances Jane Andersen named Miss Arkansas Pageant opens Tuesday with 48 candidates Miss America Maria Beale Fletcher attending pageant Scarlett Cornwell seeks title ef Miss Arkansas Libby Burnside is Pine Bluff ' s entrant Miss ASTC Edye Addington wins title Edye Addington j ubilant with her success at pageant Edye Addington given party at Faubus campaign offices Edye Addington appears on netwerk TV shew, 11Whe De You Trust" Magnol ia pageant named third best in America MISS TEEN-AGER - USA Suz anne Parker of DeWitt, is winner ef Arkansas title MISSILES see Defense and armed forces MISSING PERSONS see also Crawford, Maud see also Dilday, Maxine see also Knowles, Leanard see also Langham.mer, Charles Woodson Searchers find Augustus Lietgable , who was net really lest MISSISSIPPI COUNTY see also Peer Group forms to work fer better voting practices in county FBI cenf irms pell watchers turned away in county MISSISSIPPI COUNTY PENAL FARM see Prisons and prisoners MISSISSIPPI EMBAYMENT see Geolegy MISSISSIPPI RIVER FUEL CORP see alse University of Arkansas MISSISSIPPI RIVER PARKWAY see Reads MIS SOURI PACIFIC LINES see Railreads MIS SOURI PACIFI C RAILROAD see Railroads MITCHELL. J W Receives American Legion ' s Americanism plaque MITCHELL, LONNIE see also Sex: crimes MITCHELL, W D see alse Trees and shrubs MITCHUM, J H see alse Treasurer (Ark) MOBLEY, RICHARD see also Ceurts, State and l ocal MOBSTERS see Crime and vice 7/15/61 7/15/61 7/16/61 7/17/61 7/15/62 7/18/62 7/19/62 7/20/62 7/22/62 7/23/62 7 /27/62 9/ 1/-62 9/16/62 PAGE COL A2 A2 Al Al A3 Bl Bl Bl Al Al Bl All 3 4 5 2 1 2 2 6 5 2 2 2 4 4/ 8/6 2 A14 6 1/30/61 Al 2 4/l�/62 Bl 8/ 2/62 Al 3 5 6/17/62 AB 7 A5 · 27 2 DATE MODELS AND REPLICAS see also Railroads see alse Ships MONASTERIES see Cathelic Church MONDALE. WALTER see alse Cherokee Village MONETTE see alse Fires MONETTE SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Menette District MONEY see also History Commission (Ark) MONSANTO CHEMICAL CO Wage talks deadlecked MONTE NE State will allew Beaver Lake te cever temb ef W H Harvey W H (Cein) Harvey ' s amphitheater te be covered by lake water Tomb of W H ( Coin) Harvey te be saved from reservoir waters History ef Harvey ' s censtructien at site Mente Ne is dying with Coin Harvey ' s dream Original name was Silver Springs Photographs ef hotel buildings. amphitheater MONTICELLO see also Weather and storms MONTS. HERBERT ODELL see also Education - Little Reck District MONUMENTS. MEMORIAL S AND MARKERS see also Veterans Time capsule buried at Benton until year 2000 Ark Centennial markers were melted fer World War II effort Fist ef 400 Civil War centennial markers at Old State House Monument in MacArthur Park to Capital Guards is 50 years old MOON. ALFRED N see also Agriculture MOON. TOMMY see Funerals and mortuaries MOON1 WALTER Awarded Bronze Star posthumously by U S Army MOORE (E R) CO Firm to open plant at Osceola, hire up te 7 0 persons MOORE. BESSIE BOEHM Says teachers must be free te teach controversial subj ects MOORE, DWIGHT M see also Herticulture Seciety , Arkansas MOORE. JOHN 0 see also Legislature (Ark) MOORE. ROBERT S see also GGVernor (Ark) MOORE. ROY K see also United States - Federal Bureau of Identification 273 PAGE COL 7/ 8/6 1 B6 7 6/ 6/61 5/25/62 5/25/62 9/ 2/62 9-/- 2/62 9/ 2/62 9/ 2/62 Bl A2 Bl D4 D4 D4 D4 2 7 7 3 3 3 3 1/ 1/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 4/61 5/14/ 61 A5 3 2 2 3 A13 Al3 A2 9/ 2/62 A7 1 1/ 3-/-61 B9 8 11/26/61 .A3 7 DATE MORAL RE-ARMAMENT MOVEMENT see also Governor (Ark) MORGAN. JOSEPH W see alse Congress - Senate (Class I I ) MORLEY. TED J see also Governor (Ark) see alse Politics and elections MORRILTON see also History (Ark) see alse Pellutien. wastes and haz ardous materials see also Weather and storms Businessmen urge adeptien ef city manager form of gevt Residents te vete en switch to city manager Brinkley scalds Morrilton fer swipes in anti-manager ads Pretests filed against election officials selected Suit challenges vete officials at Morrilton Circuit Court j udge disqualifies vote officials Record vote in city manager election expected City manager form of gevt voted dawn handily Urban Renewal grant fer city approved City Council gets motion to drep Planning Commission Ark Supreme Ct orders new trial in 1961 alderman race suit Fire. blasts do heavy damage at Street Dept MORRILTON COTTON OIL CO Fire causes $50 . 000 less at mill MORRILTON SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Morrilton District MORRIS. ANETA PAULINE see also Colleges and universities MORRIS. JAMES S see also Arkansas Polytechnic College MORRIS. JOHN WORTMAN see also Civil War MORRISON ' S CAFETERIA see Restaurants MORRISON-QUIRK GRAIN CORP see also Land and real estate MORROW, JOHN P SR see alse Rivers and lakes MOSER, M L JR see also Cengress - Senate (Class I ) see also Education - Pulaski County District MOSES. C HAMILTON Urges South te lead nation back to censtitutienal sanity MOSLEY. E L see also Legislature (Ark) MOSS. A J see also Poer see also Welfare Department (Ark) MOTELS see Hotels 274 2/12/61 4/13/61 5/17/61 5/28/-61 5/-31/61 6/ 4/61 6/ 6/61 6/ 7/61 8/18/61 8/23/61 9/18/-62 11/20/62 PAGE COL AA 1 3 3 6 8 1 4 3 3 5 1 7 12/20/62 Bl 2 AA A5 All Al4 Bl All Bl Bl4 A9 BlO B12 3/-21/61 BlO 1 DATE PAGE COL MOTHER OF THE YEAR Parks Comm refuses te pay expenses ef Ark rep te pageant 4/28/61 A2 Publ icity and Parks relents , gives $250 fer trip 4/30/61 A10 MOTION PICTURES see also Communism see also Park s , recreatien and teurism see also Pernography and obscenity LR native Albert C Gannaway premieres his film in LR 1/ 1/61 B10 8/ 9/62 Bl Movie made at Scotland now shewing in Ark . MOTOR VEHICLE COMMISSION (Preposed) see alse Autemebiles and autemebile drivers MOUNT IDA Fire destroys cafe building 2/20/61 A2 MOUNT NEBO CHICKEN FRY see Festivals MOUNT ST MARY ' S ACADEMY see Weather and storms MOUNTAIN INN HOTEL (Fayetteville) see Hotels MOWERY, A C JR see also Agricultural Stabilization and Censervatien Service MOYERS . CHARLES R see also Inventions and inventors MRS ARKANSAS Twenty-one seek title 9/24/61 All Finalists shewn 10/ 1/61 A2 Winner te be crewned tonight 10/ 6/61 A2 Mrs Devon Hobby Jr named Mrs Arkansas 10/ 7/61 A5 MULLEIN see Folklore. folk medicine and superstition MULLINS. DAVID W see also Censtructien programs , State see also University ef Arkansas Addresses Career Day crewd at Hendrix College 4/ 12/61 Bl MULTIPLE B IRTHS 9/ 3/61 D2 Feature article an identical twins 3 / 7/62 Bl Ceoper twins of Greenbrier, start 97th year bright, chipper MULVANEY, DONALD, Family see also Children and youth MUNCY. C H see alse Basket making MUNDT , KARL US Senater f rem South Daketa speaks at LR 2/ 14/62 A5 MUNICIPAL LEAGUE, Arkansas see alse Cities and tewns see alse Canstructien programs , State see alse Finance and budgets , Local Gevt see alse Public Service Cemm.issien (Ark) MURAL S see Culture and the arts MURDERS 275 7 4 6 5 7 2 4 6 7 5 4 3 3 DATE see alse History (Ark) Arkansan Billy Wayne Sees t e be executed in the Billy Wayne Sees hanged in the Bahamas MURDERS - Akins , Robbie Faye David L Hardy gets life term in slaying in 1959 MURDERS - Andersen. Nadine Kenneth Eugene Andersen chgd in death ef his wife MURDERS - Andrews. Libby Leander Lee seught in stabbing death at Dumas MURDERS - Arrington, Aliene Mrs Arrington slain. stare she operated at Rixey robbed Article on slaying ef Mrs Arrington Reward fund deposited in bank; twe suspects held MURDERS - Ash. Raymond Ash sl ain. Mrs Ash critically wounded at Fayetteville heme Incident believed te involve murder-attempted suicide Mrs Ash chgd w ith slaying of her husband MURDERS - Ashley . Herman Ashley fatally shat during argument MURDERS - Ashlock, Lawrence Sr Marked Tree grocer found stabbed te death MURDERS - Banks , Arthur Jimmy Williams Jones arrested in death at LR Jimmie William J anes held on manslaugter charge MURDERS - Bevels , Rosa: Alex Gibson: Leywellan Hoga Roy Bevels chgd with killing his wife. 2 ethers at El Dorado MURDERS - Bogard, Lloyd B Lucille Bogard held in slaying ef her husband at Egypt Fear led Lucille Bogard te kill husband, defense say s Trial ef Lucille Bogard in slaying of husband begins Mrs Bogard tells j ury of beatings Mildred Begard tells j ury her husband beat her Jury finds Mildred Lucille Bogard innecent MURDERS - Bend, Thomas 0 Change ef venue granted Jerrell K Marlar Murder trial of Jerrell K Marlar meved te Lafayette County Jerrell Kenneth Marlar gets life term in slaying Jerrell K Marlar sentenced to life for slaying ef Bond MURDERS - Beeker, Leen Eddie Muldrew convicted ef murder in death ef Booker Eddie Muldrew gets 8 yrs in prison MURDERS - Broomfield, Herschel Three men face murder charges at Magnol ia W L Franks gets life term in slaying Gladys Broomfield sentenced te life in death of husband MURDERS - Brewn, W R Manila alderman shot fatally by hitchhiker MURDERS - Buie, Billy Jee and Eloise Owens Billy Buie and Eloise Owens shat te death at Malvern ESD effc Buie. Owens, 6 ether persons shot by William Shuller Jee Joe says he shot because he was being mistreated at ESD 276 PAGE COL 5/ 9/6 1 A2 5/10/61 A2 l 5 8/11/61 Bl2 1 8/27 /61 C3 7 8/ 8/61 A6 l 8/ 1/62 B7 8/ 2/62 Bl 8/ 7/62 A12 4 5 1 10/-29/ 62 A5 10/29/62 A5 10/31/62 Bl l l 8 4/24/62 Bl4 5 1 2/ 3/61 AlO 5 1 2/24/61 A7 l/ 3/62 B7 8 l 12/ 4/62 A2 6 5/ 16/61 ll/21/61 4/19/62 4/20/62 4/24/ 62 4/26/62 A2 Bl Bl A2 Bl Cl4 7 8 6 1 3 8 9/15/62 10/21/62 1 1/20/62 12/ 6/62 A2 A8 Bl Bl 6 3 3 6 2/ 7/62 Bl 2/ 8/62 A8 2 2 7/25/62 Bl 10/11/62 AlO 10/13/62 A2 5 3 5 11/13/62 A2 3 6/22/61 Al 6/22/61 Al 6/22/61 Al 4 4 4 DATE Witnesses describe actiens of William Shuller Jee William Shuller Jee committed te State Hospital fer tests Funeral services set fer B illy Jee Buie William Shuller Jee is mentally ill, State Hospital says William Shuler Jee committed te State Hespital MURDERS - Burks , Betty Clee Burks gets suspended sentence in slaying of wife MURDERS - Burten, Lee Gussie Keys held on murder charge in death ef Burten MURDERS - Butler. Curtisteen James Ed Butler apparently killed his wife and himself MURDERS - Caldwell, William N Ark Supreme Ct upholds death sentence fer Clarence Stewart Jr Clarence Steward raises question ef racial bias in j ury U S Supreme Ct refuses te hear appeal ef Clarence Stewart Jr Condemned man ' s metien denied by Ark Supreme Ct Clarence Stewart Jr files petition fer habeas corpus writ Clarence Stewart J r gets stay of execution fer 1 96 9 slaying Clarence Stewart J r likely te get new trial Lawyers argue Clarence Stewart J r plea fer new trial Stewart ' s brief charges race bias in j ury duty State te fight new trial fer Clarence Stewart Jr MURDERS - Carothers, Rebert Lee Carethers stabbed to death at Little Reck MURDERS - Clark, Harry V Mrs Virginia Rand to be given second trial in Rogers case Atty fer Virgina Rand asks federal ct to take ever case Second trial for Mrs Virginia Rand set Change ef venue granted for trial of Virginia Rand Second trial ef Virginia Rand begins teday Jurors selected in Rand trial Jury includes only ene weman Motien fer mistrial denied Three neighbors ef Mrs Rand testify Several prosecution w itnesses testify Mrs Rand ' s husband and sen give testimony Final witnesses in case heard Divided j ury debates fate ef Mrs Rand Jurors acquit Virginia Rand in death case MURDERS - Coffey , Shelia Joyce Coffee. 22, kills daughter. hersel f. wounds sen Mrs Coffey had been despondent, husband says MURDERS - Cele. Fred Mrs Annie Smith arrested in slaying at LR MURDERS - Cole. Willia A Murder chgs filed against Jee Aden MURDERS - Coleman, Ralph Visitor to Hot Springs found shet to death near race track MURDERS - Collier, James Rey Jackson sentenced to 2 1 years in prison MURDERS - Connelly. Joseph 277 6/22/61 6/23/61 6/24/61 7/25/61 8/ 19/61 PAGE COL Al A6 Bl A3 4 7 2 4 8 3/11/61 B6 2 2/20/62 A6 7 12/16/61 B7 8 A5 Bl A2 Bl B14 AlO AlO Bl2 B8 A2 Bl 8 5 2 3 1 1 3 8 7 2 11/16/62 Bl3 8 4/18/61 8/ 1/61 12/ 5/61 12/19/61 2-/ 6/62 2/ 6/62 2/13/62 2/20-/62 3/13/62 7/11/62 1/ 8/61 2/11/61 3/ 5/61 3/28/6 1 4/10/61 4/ 11/61 4/12/61 4/14/61 4/15/61 4/18/61 4/19/61 4/20/61 4/21/61 4/22/61 A12 A3 Al4 A2 A2 Bl AB Bl A5 A2 A3 A2 Bl Al 4 5 5 1 2 6 7 8 1 3 1 1 8 2 7/ 7/61 Al 7l 8/61 BlO 3 5 8/ 6/61 A2 3 9/22/62 A2 3 3/15/61 Bl 5 10/ 4/62 Bl 7 DATE Bennie Connelly fails to surrender to begin serving term Presecuter seeks extradition of Bennie Connelly te Arkansas MURDERS - Cook. David Eddie Lee Charleston gets 21 years in slaying case MURDERS - Ceok, Joyce (Decker) and Raymond Decker Rebert E Cook killed wife. father-in-law and himself MURDERS - Cox. Willy Johnny Green. 17 . arrested in death ef Cox MURDERS - Craig. Franklin Nall Craig and his girlfriend found slain at Helland. Me Officers think twe men involved in deaths Negro man admits killing Franklin N Craig Negro chgd with murder and rape in killings MURDERS - Dalton, W P Bessie Dalton released te daughter ' s custody in slaying case MURDERS - Davis , Lester Murder . suicide ruled in death of Mr and Mrs Davis MURDERS - Decker, Nettie Jean Moore William Eugene Decker te be tried fer death ef wife William Eugene Decker gees en trial William Eugene Decker found guilty ef 2nd-degree murder Decker lawyers to file appeal MURDERS - Decker, Raymond see Murders - Cook. Jeyce and Raymond Decker MURDERS - Ditmars , Jack Juanita Ditmars held in slaying ef her husband Junita Ditmars en trial in slaying ef her husband Mrs Ditmars admitted having an affair. police officer say s Jackie Ditmars, 1 1 , testifies father made threats Jury acquits Juanita Ditmars ef slaying MURDERS - Duty, Dere L Glen A Davis admits sheeting Duty at Sylvan Hills heme Charge filed against Glen A Davis Glen A Davis charged with first-degree murder Widow ef Duty seeks $650 . 000 frem Glen A Davis Glen A Davis feund mentally ill MURDERS - Ellis. Charles Jee Beb Herrod held in slaying ef Ellis MURDERS - Emerson, James Franklin Jr Oliver Rey Livingston charged in death ef Emerson Three witnesses testify in trial ef Oliver Ray Livingsten MURDERS - Flanery , Ted R Mrs Mary Perkins chgd in death of Russellville man Mary Perkins chgd in fatal sheeting ef Flanery MURDERS - Flemming, Alenz e Flemming slain at Walnut Ridge ; Velpe Bell held Velpe Bell gets 6 years for killing Negro neighbor MURDERS - Flowers, Willie Roy Huddleston chgd in Miller County sheeting MURDERS - Fogle, Sam Leonard Green gets life sentence in slaying at Camden 278 PAGE COL 12/ 9/6 1 B2 3/23/62 Bl 8 2 10/24/61 Bl2 8 5/ 9/61 Bl 4 2-/11/62 AlO 4 A3 A2 Al Bl l 1 4 7 2/ 9/61 Bl 5 9/ 7/62 Bl 2 A2 12/24/61 12/25/61 12/26/61 12/27-/61 3/23/61 4/ 3-/61 4/ 7/61 4/ 8/61 Bl Al 2 2 5 4 9/15/61 3/21/62 3/21/62 3-/22/62 3/23/62 A2 B9 B9 Bl A2 7 4 4 8 l 4-/22/61 4/23/61 4/25/61 5/26/61 5/27 /61 A6 A2 Bl2 B13 B6 3 1 4 3 A5 l 8/28/62 A7 7 5/15/62 B4 1 0/12-/62 B6 2 6 3/ 7/62 A3 3 / 14/62 Bl 6 5 6/24/61 AB 11/ 7/61 Bl 6 8 7/13/61 Bl 5 2/21/61 A5 1 DATE MURDERS - Foster. Willie Harold LR man killed by Billy Frank Gess. an ex-cenvict MURDERS - Fuller. Sue Helen Charges of murder filed against Paul Louis Beckwith Mrs Fuller was slain at her B rinkley heme in 1954 Trial date set fer Leuis Beckwith in slaying of Mrs Fuller MURDERS - Gandy , Anna Faye Nicklaus Clyde L Gandy apparently killed his wife, then himself Murder-suicide ruled in deaths ef Gandys MURDERS - Garland, Gerald Arthur Ward chgd in sheeting death at Pine Bluff MURDERS - Gibson, Alex see Murders - Bevels , Rosa Lee MURDERS - Gelden, Lee A H Prueninger held en epen charge in death ef Golden MURDERS - Graves. Charles F Trial ef Dorothy Louise Graves fer 1 96 0 slaying postponed Dorothy L Graves en trial in slaying of her divorced husband Derethy L Graves says sheeting was accidental Dorothy L Graves convicted, gets suspended term MURDERS - Green. Anita Ernest Green gees berserk. kills daughter, 9 1 then himself MURDERS - Green. Thomas Bent&n Clarence Edward Sherry chgd in death ef Green at LR hotel Clarence Edward Sherry gets 5-yr term in manslughter charge MURDERS - Green. Willie Mae Morgan Delbert Green chgd in shotgun slaying of estranged wife MURDERS - Grissom, Advance Two women held in slaying ef Grissom at Camden MURDERS - Grissom. Vernon and Georgia Mae Meses Grissom and Meses found shot to death in double homicide MURDERS - Haggerty. Hareld Haggarty found shat to death at his Madison Ceunty farm MURDERS - Hall, Edward Lee W A Calvin held in killing ef Crumred cemmunity man MURDERS - Hall , Minnie Jehn L Fewell charged in fatal shooting at Ark AM&N MURDERS - Hallman, Ray Ark Supreme Ct upholds death penalty fer Edward Walton Jr MURDERS - Harper, Velma Frank Stewart chgd in killing at Stamps MURDERS - Harris . Rufus Ernest Lipkins chgd with murder in street sheeting MURDERS - Hawkins, Thurman Winfield farmer stabbed te death Wayne Helms chgd in fatal stabbing MURDERS - Hensley, Christene Mary Leu Hensen returned te j ail at J enesbere MURDERS - Hensen. Christine Mary Leu Henson questioned in death of infant stepdaughter Charges filed against Mrs E J Hensen PAGE COL 7/23/61 A3 8 8/21/62 Al 8/21/62 Al 1 1/26/62 A2 7 7 2 1 2/ 3/62 A2 12/ 4/62 Bl 5 6 11/29/62 Bl 4 8/19/62 AB 1 2/21/61 4/18/61 4/19/61 4/20/61 2 3 1 6 B9 B9 Bll A3 · 279 6/21/61 Bl 6 2/11/61 A6 4/ 12/61 BB 6 3 9/ 7/61 A6 2 8/ 1/61 Bl 5 10/ 8/62 A3 3 1 2/ 1 4/62 A27 4 9/28/62 Bl 8 3/ 2/62 A2 2 10/17/61 Bl 3 3/ 8/61 BlO 5 4/ 4/62 Bl6 2 1/ 7/61 AB 1/10/61 A2 2 5 1/12/61 Bl 8 1/ 3/61 B9 1/ 7/61 a2 7 6 DATE Grand j ury te probe death ef child at J enesboro Mrs E J Hensen inicted in death of her infant stepdaughter Mary Leu Henson fails te appear fer trial at J onesboro Mary Lou Hensen still missing Mary Lou Hensen surrenders at Jenesbere Trial ef Mary Lou Hensen postponed All-male jury to try Mary Leu Hensen in death of step-child Deeter feels blew caused chil d ' s death Mrs Mary Lou Hensen denies abuse ef child Mrs Henson ' s trial ends in deadlock Three testify in trial ef Mary Lou Hensen Three doctors testify they doubt fall killed inf ant State rests in second Henson trial All-male jury quickly frees Mary Leu Henson MURDERS - Hensen , Phillip H Reward offered for slayer ef Henson in 1960 at Waldenburg MURDERS - Hickenbottom. Kenneth Mrs Hickenbottom says intruder shot her husband Helen Gene Hickenbottom chgd in death of her husband Helen Gene Hickenbottom on trial in slaying ef her husband Helen Gene Hickenbottom found innocent MURDERS - Hegan, Leywellan see Murders - Bevel s . Rosa Lee MURDERS - Hollis . Norma Wesson Carrell Hollis killed his estranged wife, then himself MURDERS - Hellman, Rey Edward Walton J r gets stay ef execution fer appeal MURDERS - Holtman. Francis B Naemi Shinn wins 60-day furlough fer medical treatment MURDERS - Horton. Charles David LR cab driver rebbed. fatally beaten Yeuth held as suspect in slaying of taxi driver Fred Heoks . 17 . chgd with slaying Horton Trial ef Fred Heoks set for Jan 9 MURDERS - Howell. Ottis Dr Whit Terrell held in sheeting ef Howell at Hot Springs Bend set fer Dr Whit Terrell Dr Whit S Terrell . accused of murder. dies at heme MURDERS - Hoyt, Carl Bob Rankin held in death ef Heyt in Perry ounty MURDERS - Ingram, Ronald Ingram dies after being struck by Reece Morici Reece Morici sheets himself te death while in pelice car MURDERS - Irvin, Lenera Ollie Mae Hatchett found guilty in killing at NLR MURDERS - Jacksen. Napeleen Frank Roosevelt Calleway chgd in shooting at Texarkana tavern MURDERS - Jaco. Temmy Charles Reberds te be charged in October 3 0 shooting Murder trial of Charles Roberds under way at Harrisburg Charles Roberds testifies Jaco attacked him 280 4/ 7/61 4/ 19/61 1 1/15/61 11/16/61 11/19/61 1 1/25/61 1/23/62 1/24/62 1/25/62 1/26/62 4/26/62 4/27/62 4/28/62 4/29/ 6 2 PAGE COL Bl Bl Bl Bl A3 A26 AB A3 A2 AB A2 Bl A7 A3 9/13/62 A6 12/27/61 12/29/61 3/20/62 3 / 21/62 6 4 5 3 8 3 2 7 l 8 5 4 3 1 Bl Bl A2 AB 5 3 l 1 10/ 8/62 A2 6 2/ 6/62 A2 4 2-/ 1/61 A3 2 11/25/62 11/26/62 11/27/62 12/ 4/62 AlO B6 AB A14 1 6 1 l 5/ 4/62 Bl 5/10/62 All 9/28/62 Bl 5 1 3 1 2/ 1 1/62 A3 3 1/28/62 Al 1/28/62 Al 2 2 6/22/61 AB 2 3/ 7/61 Bl 2 11/ 7/61 Bl 10/ 5/62 AB 10/ 6/62 A2 8 2 3 DATE Charles Reberds cleared in murder trial MURDERS - Jenkins. Rebert Lee Clarence Everett gets 15-yr term fer slaying ef Jenkins Clarence Everett gets 15-yr term fer murder MURDERS - Johnsen. Frank Alvin Hugh King says he shet Jahnsen after 1 2-yr feud Brothers Hugh and W H King face slaying count at Paragould Hugh and Will King chgd in sheeting at Unity MURDERS - Jahnsen. Freddie Lee Mese Williams fired fatal shet Mese Williams charged in slaying at NLR cafe MURDERS - Jahnsen, J C Prison trusty Jesse Ring kills fellew inmate J C Jehnsen MURDERS - J ehnsen0 James Estella Murry tells police she shot J ohnson te death MURDERS - Johnson. John F Johnsen dies after fight with Housten Vetete Housten Veteto charged in death ef Jahnsen MURDERS - Johnson. Willie Rebert Themas held in sheeting ef Johnson at B rinkley MURDERS - Janes, Wiley Jones shot fatally by Curtis Lee Themas during argument MURDERS - Kimbell . Clarence Buss Rebinsen chgd in sheeting ef Kimball at Crawfordsville MURDERS - King. Mack David Lillard gets 7 yrs in prison in slaying of King MURDERS - Knighten. Phillip Rebert N Hester chgd in killing near Hope MURDERS - Knox. Letcher H G Woods found innocent of slaying of Knex MURDERS - Laudermilk, Luther Hepe Negro found dead MURDERS - Lawson. Ruby Lee Lawsen kills his wife. then himself MURDERS - Lewis. Bobby Jack Mariam A Lewis en trial in slaying of her husband Mrs Lewis cenvicted in slaying of her husband MURDERS - Lloyd, William Alfred Jr Ann Lleyd en trial in murder ef husband at Russellville Jury in trial ef Ann Maye deadlocks again MURDERS - Loyd. Buford J Trucker found beaten te death at Fert Smith J D Atkins surrenders en murder charge J D Atkins convicted of manslaughter in killing ef Loyd MURDERS - Lyle, Tem Garland Algie Dyer arrested in slaying ef Clarendon man MURDERS - MacDonald , Ernest B Terse of unidentified man found in well near Mena Nerma MacDonald accused ef killing her husband Mrs MacDonald admits disposal of parts of husband ' s body Head found in Louisiana may be that ef Mena man 281 PAGE COL 10-/ 9/62 BlO 5 11/28/62 B9 12/ 1/62 BB 1 3 4/18-/61 B l 2 5-/ 5/61 Bl 1 2/ 6/61 Bl 1 6 6 6/25/61 Al3 8/ 3/61 C9 2 1 7/27/61 Cl6 5 4/ 2/61 AB 5 7/10/62 Bl 7/11/62 Bl 6 2 11/29/61 B9 7 9/ 2/62 AS 4 12/ 5/61 A6 4 6/22/ 62 Bl3 5 10/25/62 Bl 8 2/15/62 Bl 3 3/ 9/61 AB 5 8/-3 1-/61 Bl 5 4/19/61 K3 4/20/61 A2 6 4 4/ 5/61 A9 4/ 6/62 Bl 3 7 2-/21/61 AS 4/12/61 Bl 5/26/61 Al 8 2 5 9/30-/62 A13 8 1/ 1/61 1/ 8/61 1/10/61 1/12/61 A2 B6 Bl A9 1 5 7 2 DATE FBI j oins search fer man implicated in slaying ef MacDonald Terse being returned te Ark from Louisiana; FBI net involved Bleody lard can may have been used te transport body parts Norma MacDonald to be extradited to Arkansas Extradition hearing set fer Mrs MacDonald Corener says MacDonald may have been tortured Extradition appeal filed in Louisiana State to get custody of Norma MacDonald temorrew Norma MacDonald being held in j ail at Mena Mental tests ordered fer Norma MacDonald Mrs Norma MacDonald Yeung ruled sane Mysterious couple at Mena figure in sensational case Norma MacDonald Yeung gees en trial temerrew Guilty plea l ikely in case at Mena Jury gives Mrs Yeung life sentence fer slaying her husband Norma MacDonald Yeung enters prison te begin serving term MURDERS - Masterson. Earl Mason Masterson assassinated at his heme near Hardy Killing may have been revenge . or suppressien ef evidence Masterson was to be retried in slaying of Clay Orr MURDERS - Matthews, Jack E dwards Thomas Cody Adams chgd in sheeting death ef Matthews MURDERS - McCauley. Irene Will McCauley pleads guilty. gets life imprisonment MURDERS - McCool. J Thurman Central figure in 1956 fraud case found slain at Sheridan Slaying may have been result of grudge McCool tried t e resume quiet life after pris on term Grant Ceunny Grand Jury gets rept an McCool case Business machines reported missing from McCeel estate Dr Lawrence A Davis says he signed contracts fer machines Claims tetaling $250.000 filed against McCool estate Hearing en claims against McCool estate begins Federal, state govt told te file briefs on McCool claims Judge rules federal govt has first claim on McCool estate MURDERS - McCoy. Viola Mrs McCoy killed, husband Freddie McCey seriously wounded Tilman Sikes allegedly shot McCoys . then wounded himself Tilman Sikes gets 21-yr sentence in slaying at Newport MURDERS - McDonald . Ernest B Trial date fer Nerma McDonald Yeung set MURDERS - McFee, Willie Lee Rebert Lee McFee held in slaying ef his wife near England MURDERS - McKim. Billie G McKim killed. twe inj ured in sheeting at Hellyweed Club at LR MURDERS - McMillan. Albert Augusta Weedland man shat to death; Rebert Thurl ew Baskin held Rebert Thurlow Baskin chgd in death of brother-in-law MURDERS - McNeal. Jack Suspect captured in Memphis Earl Dewey Leak chrged with slaying of McNeal 282 1/13/61 1/14/61 1/18/-61 1/18/61 1/24/61 1/27 /61 2/ 4/61 2/ 5/61 2/ 7/61 2/14/61 3/14/61 5/28/6 1 5/-28/-61 5/2'iJ/61 5/30/61 6/ 1/61 PAGE COL Bl A2 B3 BS Bl All B3 C4 Bl2 Bl Bl A2 A2 A2 Bl Bl 6 4 7 6 8 l 5 5 6 8 8 4 4 l 4 1 5/ M·6 1 Al 5/10/61 Bl 5/10/61 Bl 2 8 8 11/12/62 A2 2 5/17/61 A2 5 Al Al Al C4 7 2 3 1 7 1 7 1 7 3 1/12/62 1/13/62 1/17/62 3 / 1 1/62 3/22/62 3/23/62 9/20/62 10/18/62 10/19/62 1 1/29/62 A'3 A20 Al3 A6 A5 Bl 4/ 7 /62 A2 4/ 7/62 A2 10/11/62 Bl 4 4 4 4/ 7/61 Bl 7 7/27/61 Bl 3 9/17/62 A3 7 4/ 4/ 61 Bl 4/ 5/61 A9 6 2 1/10/62 B7 1/11/62 B4 2 6 DATE MURDERS - Melton. James Wallace see Murders - Nayler. Deublas Breck and James Wallace Melten see Murders - Nayler. Douglas B reck and James W Melton MURDERS - Mencer. Charles Andrew Mencer killed by prison escapee Charles Franklin Fields Prison escapee Charles Fields kills Mencer MURDERS - Merriman. Joe Pat Penrod held in slaying in Marien County MURDERS - Meedy. Alberta J o Moedy arrested in slaying ef his wife at Piggott J C Meedy feund innocent by reasen ef insanity MURDERS - Meere0 David L Jr Calvin Cook held in sheeting ef Maere Calvin Cook J r charged in killing of Meore at LR MURDERS - Moore. Raymond Victor Henry Luster. 1 9 . chgd in slaying MURDERS - Morgan. Otilia Willie Morgan charged with killing of his wife near Scott MURDERS - Murphy . Kenneth Huntsville man found shot te death in bed MURDERS - Nayler. Douglas Breck and James W Mel ten Murder hearing set fer Gurvis Basil Nichol s . 1 4 Nichols chgd with killing Melton. 1 1 , and Naylor. 9 Lawyers named te defend Gurvis Nichols Gurvis Nichols enters innocent plea in slayings Funds seught fer private mental test fer Gurvis Nichols Trial of Gurvis Basil Nichol s . 1 4, delayed again Summer trial probable fer Gurvis Basil Nichols Gurvis Basil Nichol s . 1 5 . te ge en trial fer murder Murder trial ef Gurvis Basil Nichols begins Jury selection continue s State cencludes its testimony Psychiatrists argue over Nichol s ' mental state Jury deadlocks in trial ef Gurvis Basil Nichols Gurvis Basil Nichols geing back en trial in slayings Gurvis Basil Nichols gets 21-yr term in shotgun slayings MURDERS - Nelsen. Walter Clinton and Velma Conyer chgd in stabbing death MURDERS - Nida. Jehn Alvin Suspect arrested in slaying near Clarksville William Conner gets 5-yr term fer slaying at Rogers MURDERS - O ' Neal. Jehn Morgan Miller County man slain in dispute with neighber MURDERS - Oliver. Curtis Cullendale man shet te death. Charlie Myers chgd MURDERS - Orr0 Clay Earl M Masterson assassinated at his home near Hardy Masterson slain day before he was te testify in Orr case MURDERS - Osburne. Gus Lannal Osburne arrested in death ef husband MURDERS - Overman. Charles N 283 PAGE COL 1/16/62 Al 1/16/62 Al 2 2 1 2/ 3/62 A2 1 10/11/ 61 Bl 2/ 1/62 A9 8 3 10/22/61 AB 11/16/61 B6 5 2 2/ 3/62 B6 3 1 1/16/61 B6 2 12/25/61 AB l 1/ 4/61 1/ 5/61 2/ 1/61 2/11/61 2/17/61 2/21/61 3/28l61 8/27/61 8/29/61 8/30/-61 8/31/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 2/61 8/24/-62 8/28/-62 A2 A2 A3 AlO Bl A5 A2 A3 Al A7 Bl Bl A3 Bl Bl 2 2 4 1 2 6 1 1 7 2 6 2 1 7 5 9/-11/62 Bl 3 9/ 7/61 Bl 12/17/61 A5 6 l 9/ 7/62 A2 l 7/ 6/61 Bl 8 5/-10/-61 Bl 5/10/61 Bl 8 8 9/ 7/61 BB 6 DATE Lleyd Driggers kills pl ant supt. then himself MURDERS - Owens. Eloise see also Murders - Buie, Billy Jee MURDERS - Pafferd, Bob Herbert Douglas freed ef charges in slaying of sen-in-law MURDERS - Parsley , Paul Fleyd Burkhart held in sheeting of his brother-in-law Fleyd J Burkhart gets 21 years in slaying ef brether-in-law MURDERS - Phillips, John E Tenie Nerman admits she killed Phillips MURDERS - Pinkerton, Melvin T Pinkerton shot te death; Russell Leasure arrested MURDERS - Penders. Avis Marie Willie Hulien Penders kills wife and himself at Jacksonville MURDERS - Randolph, Walter Jackson Coats charged in stabbing death ef Randolph MURDERS - Ray , Charles Frank Banks held in slaying near Reeter Fred Banks chgd in slaying in Clay County MURDERS - Reed, Rosie Mae Eugene B Carter killed mother-in-law and himself MURDERS - Roberts, Stanley Ernest C Sweet held en chg of slaying Roberts at Magnolia MURDERS - Rowe, James Lucie ROW"e freed of charges in sheeting of her husband MURDERS - Rush, Paul Paul Rush shot to death, sen Frederick wounded at plant Paul Rush was president of Rush Manufacturing Ce MURDERS - Russell, Delbert L High Court asked to confirm conviction of Lee Mede Ark Supreme Ct upholds sentence given Lee Mede in slaying Lee Mede ta appeal his second cenvictien te U S Supreme Ct Lee Mode gets bail approval fer appeal time Four children of Russell get $90 , 102 from Lee Mede Lee Mode was conv icted of 1 95 8 slaying of Delbert L Russell Lee Mede begins prison term in 1958 slaying at Conway Russel l ' s sens te get $7 9 , 000 j udgment from Lee Mode MURDERS - Sanders, Evans State rests in trial ef Morris Faucett Faucett guilty ; gets 5-yr suspended term MURDERS - Sanders , Pomple J r Sanders stabbed te death; George Bennett held MURDERS - Schuh, George W Fort Chaffee soldier slain; Bill Seabeurn held Billy Seabourn found guilty ef second-degree murder MURDERS - Scott, Louis Dorothy Lawrence held in sheeting ef Scott at LR Three mere held in slaying Three chgd with murder in slaying ef Scott MURDERS - Shackelford, James Melvin Weldon Meses chgd with slaying at Booneville 284 PAGE COL 11/11/62 Al7 2 1/11/62 /l3 1 6/13/61 Bl 10/19/61 Bl 5 4 1/ 8/62 BS l 3/ 18/62 A6 5 1 2/24/-62 A2 1 4/29/61 B7 5 11/13/61 A2 11/14/61 Bl 3 2 9/ 3/62 A2 1 1/15/-62 A5 3 6/20/61 Bl 8 5/15/62 Bl 5/15/62 Bl 3 3 9/ 2/61 10/31/61 1 2/ 7/61 12/19/ 6 1 1/ 4/62 1/ 4/62 6/ 1 4/-62 11/ 6/62 Bl A16 AB Bl Bl Al Al 3 2 6 5 3 3 5 3 6/28/61 B14 6/29/61 Bl2 4 3 /l3 12/23/62 A5 3 6/29/62 Bl 7 /20/62 Bl 8 8 5/26/61 AB 5/27/61 A2 5/28/61 All 2 2 2 9/11/62 A5 7 DATE MURDERS - Sharp, Mary C, Family After 4 years, William Patrick O ' Brien still in coma Mrs Sharp shot her children and herself 4 years age MURDERS - Shearer, Dennis E Franklin Thomas Shearer, 14 , chgd in slaying of his father Grand j ury exenerates 14-yr-eld Temmy Shearer in shooting MURDERS - Smith. Dennis Geneva Arlene Smith admits at church she killed her infant Body exhumed for autopsy after mother confesses in church Autopsy shGW"s baby died ef suffocation MURDERS - Smith, Floyd Dennis Geneva Arline Smith ruled insane MURDERS - Smith, Lemuel Monroe J W Smith says he killed his sen in sel f-defense Grand j ury te investigate sheeting MURDERS - Smith, Thee Three teen-agers held in death of Negro man at Parkin Charles Drew chgd in death ef Negro at Parkin MURDERS - Spann, Jimmy Austin Hern held in sheeting death ef Spann at Hensley MURDERS - Spann, Jee H Davis Jee Spann, 1 9 , chgd in death of his father Jee David Spann found innocent in sl aying ef father MURDERS - Spivey , Barbara Little Police believe Warren Spivey Jr shot wife, then himself Suicide, murder ruled in sheetings MURDERS - Springer , Eddie Springer fatally stabbed by Mason Thurman MURDERS - Stoval l , Bud Murder conviction of Ed Hulsey upheld by Ark Supreme Court MURDERS - Sullenberger. Nell Lance G Sullenberger Sr killed his wife, then himself MURDERS - Super, Berry Executien ef Jessie Jurden postponed by technical error Convicted killer Jesse Jurdon dies ef cancer en Death Rew MURDERS - Talley. Carolyn Jeanne Trial of Mrs Carrie Talley set New mental test fer Carrie Talley denied Carrie Talley ruled insane Mrs Carrie Talley on trial in slaying of granddaughter Mother ef Carolyn Jeanne Talley testifies about sheeting Jury deadlocks in trial ef Mrs Talley Mrs Carrie Talley found guilty. gets 5-yr term MURDERS - Talley , Jee and Irene Talley Youth arrested in slaying ef Talley couple in White County Clifford H Cash. 17 , arrested in murders Clifford Cash declared sane Clifford Cash, 17 . pleads guilty, gets life sentence MURDERS - Tanner, Charles Estes Buck McGowan arrested in sheeting ef Tanner at Heber Springs Buck McGowan chgd in death of Tanner 285 PAGE COL 6/13/61 A2 6/13/61 A2 l 1 7/ 4/61 Al 1 2/ 5/61 A6 2 3 6/ &/6 2 Al 6/ �/ 6 2 A2 6/13/62 Bl 5 3 5 8/22/62 Bl 2 5/28/61 B6 6/ 1/61 A2 5 4 1 2/24/61 A7 1/ 7/62 A2 l 2 2/ 5/62 BS 4 1/ 3/62 BlO 2/21/62 B1 4 5 3 8/10/-61 Bl 8/11/61 B 1 2 6 4 9/ 2/62 A5 8 5/16/61 A2 1 4/ 27/61 A7 2 1/ 7/61 A7 5/17/61 Al2 8 6 2/ 3/61 2/21/61 10/27/61 2/ 1 4/62 2/15/62 2/16/62 2/17/-62 A17 Bl2 Bl A5 6 1 3 8 6 6 3 5/13/61 5/14/-61 6/30/-61 11/ 7/-61 AS Al5 Bl Bl l 5 8 7 A8 A2 Al 2/13/62 A6 2/15/62 Bl 4 8 DATE MURDERS - Tash, Eugene Tash shot te death after argument in Prairie Greve tavern MURDERS - Tayler, Arthur Jesse Mae Leach Tayler chgd in death of husband MURDERS - Tayler. Lonnie Charles Tayler Jr, 9 , kills his 4-yr-eld brother. Lonnie Charles Tayler Jr, 9 , sent to Beys Industria1 School MURDERS - Thompson, Charlie James Curtis Davis gets 15-year term en murder charge MURDERS - Tinnin. Dora Faye Robert Van Hooser held Tinnin slaying, sheeting of Fitzhugh Rebert Van Reeser charged in slaying MURDERS - Tucker. Kenneth Columbus McCree held in death of Tucker at Crossett MURDERS - Turner. Jessie Gaines Turner held in death of his wife at Scott MURDERS - Vann. Norma Jean Bobby Vann chgd in sheeting of his wife at Fort Smith heme Bobby Eugene Vann found innocent in slaying ef wife MURDERS - Vaughan, Ernest W DeWitt farmer slain by ex-wife Mrs Mary North in custody feud Mary North leses cempesure. hearing postponed Hearing fer Mary North delayed second time Witness says Mrs North ' s present husband fired fatal shots Mary North free en $3 , 000 bend Grand j ury exonerates Mary North in slaying of ex-husband MURDERS - Vaughn, E W Shooting leaves second man and a weman w ounded MURDERS - Virgil , Clarence Stabbed body ef Virgil found at LR MURDERS - Wadkins. Lela Berniece Arthur Lee Wadkins killed wife then himself. officials say MURDERS - Wallace, Henry Charge of arson. murder filed against Mrs Rosie Bell Byrd Rosie Bell Byrd denies she set fire. gives account ef events Arson, murder charges dropped; lesser count filed Judge orders involuntary manslaughter charge filed MURDERS - Watson. Thomas H01111 ard Man 1 s bedy feund half submerged in Hill Lake near NLR Slaying victim identifed as Themas Heward Watson. a Texan Bedy positively identified as that ef Watson Roland William Whitaker. 1 9 , arrested. charged in slaying Suspect says slaying occurred in Texas MURDERS - Webb , Claude Webb found slain at Trumann MURDERS - West, Marsha11 Rufus Harris arrested in Pulaski County case MURDERS - White, Arletha Negro woman killed near Conway. Jee Land arrested Jee Lang. 86 . gets 21 years fer slaying of White MURDERS - White. Roosevelt 286 PAGE COL 12/23-/-62 A2 6 8-/-22/61 Bl4 5 6-/-22/ 6 1 A2 6-/-30/61 Bl 6 4 l-/-28-/-6 1 A3 3 1 2-/-16/62 A6 12/17-/-62 B6 3 l 1/22/62 K3 8 6/ 4/6 1 A3 6 4/11/61 B8 2/15-/-62 Bl 6 3 7/ 5-/-61 71 6/61 7/ 7/61 7/ 9-/-6 1 7/11/-61 1 1/ 8/61 A2 A20 Bl Al Bl Bl 1 1 2 3 6 8 7/ 5/61 A2 1 1 1/20/62 A9 6 1 1/ 1 4/61 A2 1 Al A7 Bl B2 3 2 6 3 Al Al Al Al 3 7 3 3 3 10/10/62 Bl 7 1 1/25/61 B7 7 8-/-28/61 A3 9/10/61 C3 6 8 1 2/ 8/6 1 12/ 5}/61 12/13/61 12/16/61 7/ 7/ 7/ 7/ 7/ 2/61 5-/-61 7/61 8/61 8/61 AB DATE White stabbed te death in LR tavern MURDERS - White. Ruby Beatrice Mrs White stabbed te death by Raymond H White MURDERS - Whitehead. Clarence M Remer Lee Becher gets 5-yr term in slaying at NLR MURDERS - Williams . Billy Charles Dara Lee Williams acquitted in stabbing ef husband MURDERS - Williams, John Fletcher Van Buren County man slain. weman held Helen Heward White gets prison sentence MURDERS - Williams, Maxine Williams fatally shat in her hotel room Brown Swopes charged with murder of Williams MURDERS - Willman, Wayne J W Geldswerthy chgd in death of Paris yeuth age 17 MURDERS - Windham. Johnny D Bedy ef Californian found at Fort Smith Slaying victim ' s clothing. papers feund at campsite Californian Carl 0 Fare seught in slaying ef Windham MURDERS, Attempted - Morris, Abe Elderly Negro shet at Helena fer no apparent reason MURFF. CHARLES see alse Jagging and running MURPHY CORP Canada firms censelidated by Murphy MURPHY. CHARLES H JR Advises students te learn to accept integration Explains why he keeps Murphy Oil headquarters in El Dorado Urges training ef illiterate te be productive citizens Mr Murphy ' s counsel en a wern-eut issue (ed) Murphy wen ' t conferm te a stereetype MURPHY. CLIFTON see also Fayetteville MURPHY, CLINT see alse Fayetteville MURPHY. JOE C JR see also Arkansas Nurseries and Landscaping MURPHY, SARA see alse Education - Little Reck District MUSEUMS see alse Arkansas Territorial Restoration see alse Old State House (Ark) see also Parks. recreation and teurism Crossett Museum gets Indian relics frem Ray Hamm.ends Miles Mountain Musical Museum described Penrod ' s Museum at Lakeview offers picture ef the past Bracken ridge Dell Museum at Eureka Springs is fascinating Washington tavern. blacksmith shop restored Univ ef Ark Museum gets 130-yr-old loam Museum ef Science and History gets J K Thibault collectien Thibault collection consists of 902 Indian artifact s 287 PAGE COL 3/ 17/62 B7 7 6/ 4/ 62 A2 2 4/- 5/-61 BB 1 10/-21/61 BB 4 1 1/-27 /62 A2 1 2/ 8/62 B8 8 5 3/18/-62 C4 3/19/62 B2 5 2 1 1/28/-62 B9 4 7/ 6/61 A2 7/10/61 Al 7/12/61 Bl 4 2 3 5/10/62 B4 7 1 2/ 1 4/61 Al6 3 4/12/61 4/12/61 5/ 2/62 5/ 4/62 5/-13/62 Bl Bl Al A4 E3 5 5 2 1 5 2/19/61 3/19/61 6/25/-61 8/20/61 9/18/-61 1 2/ 17/61 1/18/62 1/18/62 A3 E2 E2 E2 A2 A12 Bl Bl 4 4 1 2 5 6 6 1 DATE Antique autemebiles te be displayed in Museum ef Automobiles Museum te heuse James Melten Aute Cellectien at Winreck Winthrep Reckefeller beught Melten cellectien of antique cars Winthrop Rockefeller buys 2 antique cars fre:m Melton Cellege ef the Ozarks Museum holds interesting items Museum at Old Washington heuses knives. including Bewie Mrs Bernie Babcock founded Natural History Museum at LR Belle Starr ' s revolver stolen from Judge Parker Ceurtreem Faulkner Ceunty Historical Society spnsers leg cabin museum Leg cabin built about 1820 donated fer Conway museum Weed beam replaced at Museum ef Natural History Alvin Seamster displays his collection in Garfield Jee Holland has unusual museum at Brentwood MUSIC see also Clewers. Clifton see also Folk music see also University of Arkansas Arkansas Tech concert honers native composer Clif ten Williams James Clifton Williams ranks among top ten composers fer band Seuth Arkansas Symphony brings a new interest ta region Booneville Community Chorus te sing at NFMC meet in KC Interest growing in Univ of Ark epera proj ects Mr and Mrs W A Hege recall days on knife and fork circuit Chris Witherspoon of Russellville chosen fer All-Star Band Fuller B rothers ef LR. te appear en NBC shew Mrs W A Cheesman has spent years playing for LR Boys Club W G Bean family previded music up and down Ark rivers Venable Quartet has high ranking in TV ratings in LR Article reclalls playing ef Rex Dawning in j azz broadcasts Henderson State Teachers College dance band in contest finals Fert Smith Symphony is a leading civic proj ect Music camp at Arkansas A&M College develops top bands Arkansas Orchestra Seciety formed. will present 4 programs Natl Singing Conv te draw 1 0 . 000 te Crossett Natl Singing Cenventien draws 3 . 000 te Crossett MUSIC CAMPS see Music MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS see also Museums MUZUMDAR. HARIDAS T Letter en attracting foreign tourists t o the United States NAMES. Geographic French names abound in Arkansas Article on creeks with edd names NAMES, Personal Dr Roland B Dickinson studies Christian names in Ozarks NARROW S HOTEL see Hotels NASH. MARY BURT see al so Miss America NATION. CARRY 288 PAGE COL 1/28/62 1/28/62 1/28/62 2/ 1 4/62 4/18/62 5/22/62 6/15/62 6/-24/62 6/26/62 6/26/62 6/27/62 11/ 6/-62 12/19/62 Al5 Al5 A15 Bl Bl Bl Bll A4 BlO BlO Bl Bl Bl 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 l 1 5 2 2 2/12/61 2/26/61 3 / 1 2/61 4/23/61 4/30/61 5/28/61 8/20/-61 9/ 1/61 9/10/61 1 1/29/-61 1 2/ 3/61 2/21/-62 4/ 8/62 4/29/-62 7/29/62 10/-28/62 1 1/ 1 1/62 1 1/19/62 A7 A6 E2 C12 El AlO All Bll El Bl Al4 Bl A14 E4 ES 6 l 4 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 l 1 3 1 l K3 A20 A2 3/17 /61 A4 3 6/ 8/6 1 Bl 7/22/62 E6 2 l 8/21/-61 AS 1 DATE see alse History (Ark) NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED see Celered People, National Association fer the Advancement NATIONAL BROILER COUNCIL Gov Faubus ameng 23 Arkansans henered by Council NATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM see Harding Cellege NATIONAL FOOD STORES INC William C Utley files false imprisonment suit against stare William C Utled testifies about ordeal in NLR j ail William C Utley receives $ 10 , 000 award in arrest dispute NATIONAL GUARD see also Government officials, State Earl T Ricks Memorial armory is fine new facility Congressman Dale Alferd speaks at dedication af Ricks Armery Guardsmen urged tc suppert state censtructien bend issue J H Cettrell Jr wants probe of pre-bend letters ts Guard Editorial calls l r to Guardsmen abuse ef military authority Army orders investigation of letter en bend issue The grave implications in order en bend issue vote A j ustified inquiry into letter en bend issue (ed) Secrecy veils federal probe ef Guard ' s vote ' order' State lacks matching funds fer four planned arm.eries Arkansas units ready fer active duty when called Unit at Heber Springs te ' fight ' in Bull Run observance Alert en possible active duty no surprise te Ark unit Funds sought fer armory censtructien Maj Gen Sherman Cl inger tells ALC politics tough en Guard The traffic in armories (ed) State Guardsmen preve they are ready Six Arkansas units called fer active duty Gev Faubus shakes hands with Heber Ssprings departing unit Guard officials get mild reprimand en bond issue letter Military vs civilian issue closer to heme (ed) Twe-year expenditure in . Ark totals $18 millien Mountain Heme ' s new armory dedicated Ark Adj Gen Sherman T Clinger fights cut in companies Natl Guard officials testify against cuts in manpower 87th Engineer Battal ion at Jenesbore fights te survice Shel ls frem Camp Robinson impact near heme Reerganizatien will affect units in Ark Gev Orval Faubus unhappy with planned reorganization Guard issue sends Adj t Gen Clinger to Pentagon Guard officers s ay change new asked te be only miner Gev Faubus says Ark may lose ene unit in reorganization Army revises reserve plans fer Arkansas NATIONAL HOM-LITE INC New plant at LR te build heme yard l ights NATIONAL LEAD CORP see also Magnet Ceve Barium Carp NATIONAL OLD LINE INSURANCE BUILDING (Little Rock) 289 PAGE COL 9/ 7/62 BlO 1 5/20/61 A5 10/26/61 Cl6 10/27/61 P3 l 2 1 5/21/61 5/22/61 6/25/61 6 / 26/61 6/26/61 6/27/61 6/27/61 6/30/61 6/30/61 7/ 5/61 7/14/61 7/ 15/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 4/6 1 8/ 4/61 8/ 5/61 8/13/61 8/26/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 2/61 10/ 3/61 1 2/ 7/61 12/24/61 2/ 1/62 5/24/62 6/ 1/62 6/16/62 1 2/ 5/62 1 2/ 5/62 12/ 6/62 12/ 6/62 12/12/62 12/23/62 6 4 6 6 1 7 1 l 2 3 7 1 3 4 4 2 1 2 73 7 1 1 7 3 2 5 4 4 1 7 7 1 5 Al2 BS Al Al A4 Al A4 A4 Bl Al A9 A2 A2 Al Al A4 El Al Bl A2 A4 AB A5 A2 Bl Bl P3 Al A2 Bl Bl B12 A6 10/18/61 BS 1 DATE see also Buildings and offices. Gevt NATIONAL REJECTORS INC Plant opens at Het Springs Hot Springs plant hit by strike Spikes placed in driveway. water tank shet as strike begins Worker ' s car hit by shots in labor dispute Back-to-work order fails te halt strike at Hot Springs National Rej ecters. union near accord Strike at Hot Springs plant ends NATIONAL STATES RIGHTS PARTY see States Rights Party. National NATIONAL TRAILER CONVOY INC Tulsa firm wins right te transport mobile hemes within Ark NATURAL BRIDGES see Geology NATURAL HISTORY MU SEUM (Little Rock) see Museums NATURAL RESOURCES Ark collected $157 . 900. 000 last year en raw materials sales Priority bestowed en six watersheds fer pl anning purposes NATURALIZATION see Citizenship NAVIGATION PROJECTS see Rivers and lakes NEAL. KARL (Mrs) see alse Libraries NEGRO BOYS TRAINING SCHOOL (Ark) see Prisons and prisoners NEGROES see alse Arkansas A M & N College see also Baptist Church see also Beeker. J R see also Children ' s Colony . Arkansas see alse Civil rights and discrimination see else Civil rights and discrimination see also Culture and the arts see also Dantan Ce see alse Day care centers for children see also Girls State see also Gevernment employees see alse Ministerial Association. Greater Little Reck see also Parks see alse Police see also Population and vital statistics see also Sex crimes see also Shootings see alse University of Arkansas see also Woodard. Catherine NAACP pays back taxes. can resume state operations NAACP schedul es annual state meeting George W Heward Jr elected Arkansas NAACP president 290 5/ 21/-61 1 2/ 7/-61 12/ 7/61 1 2/28/-61 1/ 3/-62 1/ 4/62 ll 6/62 PAGE COL Al2 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl .A8 4 4 4 5 4 4 1 9/25/-61 Bl 2 1/20/61 B6 6/27/62 B8 1 1 8/19/61 Al 1 1/ 5/61 A6 11/12/-61 All 4 2 1 DATE NAACP hears goals listed; j eb bias, Little Reck parks W Harold Flowers urges Negroes to arm themselves with vote Jack Greenberg addresses state meeting ef NAACP NELSON, SHEFFIELD Elected president of student body at ASTC in Conway NELSON. T E Veteran marshal and peace officer retires NETTLESHIP. ANDERSON see also Antaeus Lineal Medical Research Laboratories NETTLESHIP. MAE BANWELL see also Antaeus Lineal Medical Research Laboratories NEW ORLEANS HOTEL (Eureka Springs) see Hotels NEWPORT see Disasters see also Economic conditions and trends see also Hotels Fire destroys five shops Blaze ruins two buildings in Newport Voters approved city mgr ferm ef govt. court rules NEWPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Newport District NEW S AND NEWS MEDIA see also Contracts and purchasing. Gevt see alse Geverner (Ark) see also Journalism Tom Dearmore urges fellaw editors to ' ruffle the waters ' Arkansas Press Assn hears Memphis editor ' s address Arkansas Press Assn elects officers Camden and Fordyce papers win Southwestern Bell awards Arkansas Press Wemen cheese ef ficers Editorial en Tem Dearmore speech urging ruffling the waters Arkansas Press Women list writing contest winners Ray G Cooper te edit Faubus paper. The Arkansas Statesman Four weekly newspapers produced in printing plant at Wynne Jerry Russell named manager ef Arkansas Press Association Jahnsen County Graphic seld te Mary Clarke Arkansas Gazette honored by housing group Seven Ark wemen honored by Natl Federation of Press Wemen Gaz ette wins national award fer ceverage of education Winslew American history preserved in museum Winslow American was edited by Albert Dunlap. Maude Duncan Gaz ette expands coverage. adds New York Times News Service Arkansas Press Assn contest winners announced Small newspapers moving to offset printing Negroes plan to publish Arkansas Dispatch at Pine Bluff Helena pesteffice yields 76-yr-eld copy of Gazette Rogers Daily News first in state te publish by offset Arkansas Gazette wins Missouri honer Ark Associated Press Assn elects officers Gazette receives bouquet from Woodruff descendants 291 PAGE COL 11/-13/61 B5 3/26/62 A3 11/19/62 C7 3 3 1 5/ 6/62 C2 5 1 1/12/61 E4 4 2/20/61 A3 2/ 1/62 Bl 12/18/62 Bl 5 1/l/ 1/ l/ 7/61 8/61 8/61 8/61 1/ 8/61 1/ 9/61 3/ 9/61 3/31/61 4/ 2-/-61 4-/- 9/61 5/11-/-61 5/31-/-61 6/17 /61 6/ 29/61 7/13/61 7 / 13/61 8-/-20/-61 10-/- 7/-61 1-/- 7 /62 4/ 3/62 4-/- 6/62 4/12/62 4/21/62 5/- 7/62 11/21/62 A2 A5 AS AS AS A4 Bl Al 2 El A7 A8 Al A3 Bl Bl Bl Al A3 E4 A9 Bl Bl Al A2 Al s 8 3 1 2 2 4 1 6 8 1 2 5 3 2 3 2 2 4 4 1 3 2 4 4 1 4 DATE Hugh Park says his paper is eldest weekly in Ark NEWSPAPERS see News and news media NEWTON COUNTY see alse Caves see alse Felklore. f elk medicine and superstition see alse History (Ark) see alse Wildlife Bill in Legis would transfer land f rem Newton te Madison Bill te transfer 3 sq mi te Madisen County brings en feud Dinsmore residents thought they were already in Madison Ce Editorial en border dispute over Dinsmere area Grand j ury te hear chargs against Ceunty Judge Rey Raul ston Citizens Cemmittee cbmn J L Tupy letter en election probe Grand j ury quizzes County Judge Rey Raulston Grand j ury clears Judge Rey Raul ston after hearing Legislature adj ourns w ithout action en Dinsmore case Citizens cemm takes election com.plaint te state beard Citizens Cemm head J L Tupy cited for contempt of court Court convicts J L Tupy . fines him. suspends j ail term Taxpayer suit seeks te oust County Judge Rey Raul ston Case against Rey Raulston transferred te circuit court Virgil Martin challenges ene box in vetes for state Repr NEWTON. FRANK see also Buddhism NICHOLS, DWIGHT Dwight and Dorothy Nichols bring faraway places home NICHOLS. GURVIS BASIL see also Murders - Nayler, Dauglas Breck and James W Melton NICHOLS. ROBERT see also Veterans NIGERIA Arkansas educater Raymond C Davis has key rele at univ NIGHT CLUBS see Bars and night clubs NOISE see also Arkansas School fer the Deaf NORFORK DAM see Rivers and lakes NORFORK LAKE see Land and real estate see Rivers and lakes NORGE DIVIS ION, BORG-WARNER CORP see Borg-Warner Corp NORPHLET Down ' s Grecery Stere destroyed by fire Fire raz es former hotel NORPHLET SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Norphlet District NORRELL. CATHERINE D see also Congress - House Dist 6 292 PAGE COL 1 1/30/62 Bl 2 2/ 8/61 2/19/61 2/1()/61 2/21/61 3/ 5/61 3/ 5/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 9/61 3/10/61 6/11/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 6/61 6/ 7/62 7/ 7/62 11/ 8/62 Bl 3 3 3 1 l 4 2 8 2 2 1 2 8 1 3 12/ 16/62 E4 l 11/ 12/61 ES 2 3/13/61 A2 8/22/62 Bl 1 2 A4 Al Al A4 A2 E4 Bl Bl Bl A9 All Bl Bl A6 DATE Named an asst Secy of State fer educational , cultural affairs Article traces life ef Mrs Norrell NORRELL, WILLIAM F see alse Congress - Reuse Dist 6 see alse Congress - Reapportionment Obituary traces career of Mr Nerrell Rep Norrell dies at age 64 in Washington Editorial on the late Representative frem Ark Capital mourns death ef Rep Norrell; services today Congressmen pay last respects NORTH AMERICAN CAR CORP Plans fer new facility at Texarkana announced NORTH ARKANSAS REGIONAL LIBRARY see Libraries. Public NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SECONDARY Commissien en Secondary Schools meeting in LR for first time Commission en Secondary Schools gathering in LR NORTH HILLS COUNTRY CLUB Club at NLR left in ruins by blaze Club maps plans to rebuild NORTH LITTLE ROCK see also Animals see also Buildings and of fices see also Economic development see also Electric pewer see also Firemen see also History (Ark) see also Hetels see also Little Reck Metropolitan Area see also Maumelle see also Parks, recreation and tourism see also Police see also Pornography and obs cenity see also Prostitution see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation see also Traffic and parking see also Weather and storms Planner says NLR may eutgain LR in 20 years Mayor Laman seeks study ef areas needing urban renewal work Bill in Legis would allow creation ef urban renewal agency Comprehensive z ening ordinance is in final draft Absenteeism halts Council ' s try at budget-cutting Legislature approves urban renewal fer NLR Urban Renewal proj ects changing face of city City Council adepts budget of $3 ,67 1 , 485 Mayer Laman names five to Urban Renewal Agency Talk of changing name ef city surfaces again City leaders give tepid support to name change proposal Industrial park purchase, sewer bonds may be l inked General pay raise for city workers studied by Mayer Laman Controversy grews mere complex ever Planning Comm terms 293 PAGE COL 11/ 3-/62 Al 1 2/ 2/62 E3 2-/16/61 2/16/61 2-/17/61 2/17/61 2/18/-61 2 5 Al Al A4 Bl BS 5 5 2 8 6 ll/ 13-/62 B9 8 10/16/62 A2 10/18-/62 A6 7 7 5-/16-/61 BB 5 -/ 18-/61 C12 2 6 Al Bl2 BB A14 Bl2 B6 B6 A9 BlO Bl4 Cl2 Al Cl4 A4 2 6 3 7 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 5 1/ 1-/61 1/ 4/6 1 1-/20/61 1/29/61 1/31/61 2/ 3/61 2/ 1 2/61 2/14/61 2-/16-/61 3-/ 8/61 3/ 9/61 4/-12:/61 4-/20/61 4-/23/61 DATE City cancels contract with atty W M Herndon in AP&L dispute Lawyers te push fight fer refund from AP&L Council te act en proposed bend issue temerrew Council approves bend issue fer Matllrle lle. sewer improvements Council wants public vete on issuance ef bonds fer proj ects Controversy over ice cream vendors' bells and music in city Council silences plan te permit ice cream bells and music Mayer Casey Laman accuses sanitation workers ef slewdewn Mayer Laman wants city to repeal dual purpose bend issue Court orders NLR to allow use ef ice cream bells Airport Comm Chmn John W White will net be re-appointed Neighbors file complaint ever Alderman Paul 0 Duke ' s deg Bend money for capital improvements running short Mayer Layman declines pestmastership at NLR Businessmen interested in urban renewal fer downtown Pay raises fer city empleyees impossible, Mayer Laman says Urban Renewal funds received fer study of Shorter Gardens Police and Courts Bldg almost ready fer occupancy Doyle K Venabl e talked impeachment. Mayer Laman says Municipal image revealed in list of actions by govt Some aldermen move te private garbage cellecters Doyle K Venabl e opposes any Negro fer housing directer Grand j ury suggests W F Layman. Reed Thampsen end disputes Placing non-uniformed empleyees under Civil Service not valid City te rent back ef traffic signs fer advertising State law bars use ef traffic signs fer advertising Mayor Casey Laman fires six employees Mayer Layman fires eight Electric Dept empl oyees Attorney asks Mayer Laman te reinstate nine fired employees Doyle K Venable resigns frem Planning Cemmissien Doyle K Venable ' s resignation accepted without cemm.ent Laber Council softens attack on Mayor Laman ever dismissals Mayer Laman proposes cutting Planning Cemm te 9 members Paul O Duke angered by Laman proposal en Planning Commission Laber greup vews war on Laman fer firing city empleyees Mayer Laman tells city officials te let public in on problems Seven fired Electric Dept employees ask rehiring in suit Mayor Laman wants pension plan fer nen-unifermed employees Laman-Duke Planning Commission fight averted Mayor Laman says 10 fired electric workers were insubordinate Council to receive record budget City employees give Mayer Laman $2. 000 fer Christmas Mayor Laman walks out of City Council meeting City Council approves record budget Military Heights Urban Renewal Proj ect gets $2 million grant Electric Dept workers fired in Nev still protected Urban Renewal Agency buys first land under program Dr L D Redden may be first Republican to seek city office Negro William J Mattin among GOP candidates fer aldermen Mayer Casey Laman angrily addresses Airport Commis sion Six houses in Dark Hallow burn 294 4/25/61 5/ 5/61 5/ 7 /-61 5/ 1 2/61 5/12/61 5/20/61 5/23/61 5/27/61 5/29/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 7/61 6/13/61 6/21/61 6/21/61 6/22/61 6/2B/ 6 1 7/ 6/61 7/30/61 8/30/61 9/10/61 9/ 1 4/61 9/22/61 9/26/61 10/10/61 10/11/61 10/13/61 10/14/61 10/17/61 10/19/ 61 10/22/61 10/24/61 10/24/61 11/ 1/61 11/ 1/61 11/ 2/61 11/14/61 11/ 18/61 1 1/23/61 11/28/61 1 2/ 8/61 1 2/20/61 12/23/61 1 2/23/61 12/30/61 2/21/62 3/ 20/62 4/ 5/62 4/26/62 5/ i/62 5/ 3/62 7/ 8/62 PAGE COL BB Bl6 Al6 Al3 A13 A5 A9 B6 Al A7 A12 Bl4 A6 A6 AB B14 Cl2 A5 B14 A9 Cll Al4 Bl A9 A4 Bl Al Bl C14 A7 B12 B12 Bl2 B12 A9 Bl BB Bll BlO A3 0 B4 AB AB AB Bl4 A6 Cl8 CB Bl8 Dl A3 6 1 2 1 1 4 5 1 2 1 5 1 l 3 3 1 l 3 l l 1 1 B 3 2 4 7 7 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 l 1 1 1 4 l 1 l l 6 1 1 1 4 1 DATE Council rej ects flat reductien in sewer fees Rift between Mayer Laman and Alderman Rebert Kirspel official Varieus dates l isted for birth ef city ef NLR Rebert J Kirspel wins re-election L D Boyer may ask recount in his less to Rebert J Kirspel L D Beyer says he did net ask fer receunt Recount fer L D Beyer set today Receeunt shews tie between L D Beyer and Rebert J Kirspel Special election to settle Boyer-Kirspel contest Winreck asks city to annex 48 acres ef Indian Hills Rebert K Kirspel easily wins alderman seat in special vote Complaint says city doing paving j obs fer individuals Annexatien of 3 0 square miles to city prepesed Camp Robinson to be excluded f rom proposed annexation Annexattien would make city 2nd largest again Mayer Casey Laman asks ethers te share city work lead Same employees resent Mayor Layman push fer United Fund Approval given fer Shorter College Urban Renewal work High court upholds Mayer Laman in firing of 10 empleyees Mayor Laman names Rebert J Kirspel to pewerful position NORTH LITTLE ROCK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Charles E Joseph blisters Chamber in farewell address NORTH LITTLE ROCK JAIL see Prisons and pris oners NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - North Little Reck District NUCLEAR ENERGY see Energy and power NUDISM AND NUDITY Nudists te strip for freedom en steps ef State Capitol Crowd ef 500 show up at Capital , but nudists fail te appear Nudist says he is victor ( in absentia) Editorial en claim ef Rebert Clegher that he broke Ark law NUISANCES see alse Arkansas Nurseries and Landscaping NUNN, MAX W see also Robberies and thefts see alse Stocks and bends NURSES ASSOCIATION, Arkansas State Association observing its 50th anniversary NURSING see Medicine and health NURSING HOMES Raney High Scheel seld for use as rest heme Home te be built at Het Springs en Park Ave Several new facilities opening in state Arkansas Gazette did not libel Gladys Neal B randen, j ury says Gov Faubus ' accusations against Gladys Branden basis ef suit Gov Orval Faubus voluntarily testified for Arkansas Gazette Mrs Gladys B randon was eperater of Trinity Nursing Home Little River County voters approve tax fer nursing heme 295 7/10/62 8/10/-62 8/12/62 8/ 15/62 8/-16/-62 8/17/-62 8/18/62 8/19/62 8/21/62 8/23/62 9/ 5/62 9/ 7/-62 9/ 9/62 9/18/62 9/30/62 11/ 1/62 11/ 1/62 11/20/62 12/18/62 l "t/30/62 PAGE COL A7 A4 All BB B8 Bl B5 l l 1 8 1 1 7 4 4 1 5 1 7 l l 1 4 l 7 7 6/30/61 Bl4 1 7/ 4/61 7/ 5/61 7/ 8/61 7/10/61 Al Al Al A4 4 3 3 2 10/14/62 A2 8 2/ 8/61 3/16/61 4/21/61 5/11/61 5/11/61 5/11/61 5/11/61 6/28/61 A9 B20 A13 Al Cll B16 Al Al Al Cl6 Al AlB A5 A2 A2 All B6 B6 B6 B6 Bl 8 2 4 l 1 1 1 6 DATE Lawrence Hall at Walnut Ridge is unique facility Reseweed at Het Springs te cest $1 m.illien te construct Gov Faubus says private homes give inferier service W E Beaument takes issue with Faubus en nursing hemes Gov Faubus says net all nursing hemes bad Private heme eperater Selma Zimmerman chastizes Gov Faubus High ceurt upholds Gazette in suit ever Trinity Nursing Heme Estate ef Harley L Hall awarded $7 .500 in death case Harley L Hall allegedly drank keresene at Granite Mtn Heme State admenishes he.mes te start keeping better records Plans fer twe hemes in Harrison announced Eunice Lee Pugh Lindsey seeks l icense back fer Haven of Hepe Request fer l icense reinstatement net same as for new license NUTRIA see Wildlife NUTRITION. Human see Diet and nutrition OAKES. JACK see alse Taxation OAKLAWN PARK see Horse racing OBERMAN MANUFACTURING CO Arkadelphia garmet plant te reopen OBERSTE, LOUIS J JR see also Publicity and Parks Cemmissien (Ark) OBITUARIES see Deaths OBSCENITY see Pernegraphy and obs cenity ODOM, JESS PAUL see also Asseciated Investors Securities Inc ODORS see Pollution, wastes and haz ardous materials OGEMAW see also Historic buildings and sites OHIO RUBBER CO Fart Smith plant epens with dedication service Fart Smith plant werkers turn dewn unien OHLENDORF. HAROLD F see also Agriculture see also Communism see also Constructien pregrams . State Pregressive Farmer honers Ohlendorf OIL AND GAS see also Arkansas Louisiana Gas Ce see also Ecenemic development see also History (Ark) see also Petroleum products see also United States - Buildings and ef fices Search fer petreleum begins near Forrest City Ark Oil and Gas Comm leaves preductien allowable unchanged 296 8/17/61 9/ 18/61 10/10/61 10/10/61 10/11/61 10/15/61 1 2/19/61 1/17/62 1/17/62 5/10/62 6/23/62 10/ 6/62 10/20/62 PAGE COL Bl AB A3 A3 A6 E2 Bl Bl 4 B14 Bl B4 B6 AS 2 2 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 6 7 8 3 2/ 14/61 Bl 5 5/ 5/61 Bl 5/13/62 A4 2 6 12/27/61 Bl 8 1/17/61 Bl2 1/19/61 AlO 2 2 DATE Arkansas eil preductien industry began in 1921 Arkansas blessed with gas deposits. Gulf Oil magazine says Use ef liquefied petroleum gas growing in Ark Expleratien fer eil and gas in Helena area under way Lawsuit asks accounting in oil expleratien leases OIL AND GAS COMMISS ION. Arkansas see alse Oil and gas OIL TROUGH see alse Weather and sterms OKLAHOMA Stery of famed lawman. James F (Bud) Ledbetter OLA Naming of Yell County tewn explained OLA SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Ola District OLD CARROLLTON see alse Parks. recreatien and teurism OLD RIVER CLUB Fishing club near Scott was founded in 1896 Club drops suit alleging infringement ef fishing waters OLD STATE HOUSE (Ark) Lawsuit over damage to caretaker bldg settled. repairs made Civil War marker placed in yard of Old State Hause Letter by Rebert E Lee given te museum Lewis A Armistead photo framed by niece of John Marshall Lewis Addison Armistead mentioned in l r by Robert E Lee OLDFIELD. PEARL PEDEN see alse Congress Former U S Rep frem 2nd Dist dies OLIVER. F R see also Highway Department {Ark) OLIVER. J C see also Arkansas Baptist College see also Harding College OLIVER. M E see alse History (Ark) OMAHA SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Omaha District OPERA HOUSE (Hot Springs) see Histery ( Ark) OPITZ . JOHN H see alse United States - Area Re-devel opment Administration ORBIT VALVE CO Tulsa firm moving pl ant te Little Reck Groundbreaking fer new plant set ORCHESTRA SOCIETY. Arkansas see Music ORSINI. DOROTHY M see alse Legal pref ession OSAGE INDIANS see Indians. American 297 1/22/61 1/23/61 9/23/62 11/17/62 12/23/62 PAGE COL El B5 E5 l 4 2 A2 l A5 4 6/24/62 E4 l 11/ 8/61 Bl 2 8/ 6/61 E2 8/23/61 BlO 5 4 l/ 8/61 5/ 4/61 6/27/62 6/27/62 6/27/62 A5 6 2 5 5 5 4/14/62 A7 3 9/ 7/62 Al 10/25/62 BS 7 6 A6 A13 A5 A5 DATE OSCEOLA Fire destroys twe businesses OSCEOLA SCHOOL DISTRICT see alse Education - Osceela District OSWALD. HARRY W see alse Electric power OTTENHEIMER BROTHERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC see also Kellwood Co Merges into new firm called Kellweed Co OTTENHEIMER, GUS see also Little Reck University OTTINGER, LEO Batesville resident recalls old days with fendness OUACHITA BAPTIST COLLEGE see also Baptist Church see also Basketball see alse Communism see alse Football Ouachita te offer master ' s in music degree New seal fer school adopted Ouachita enrollment exceeds 1 , 000 Bible Building nears completion College library supported by Emma Riley Ouachita Baptist College library called ene of state ' s best Plans fer fall semester announced Three members of Aranswerth family teach at Ouachita President Ralph A Phelps Jr takes j ob in Houston Dr Ralph Phelps may withdraw his resignation Birkett L Williams donates $100 , 000 te endowment fund Ouachita not ready te admit American Negroes new admits two Negroes. beth Rhodesia teachers Ouachita to open techical school at Camden OUACHITA COUNTY Feurth veter fined fer illegal voting OUACHITA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL see Civil rights and discriminatien OUACHITA MOUNTAINS see also Geelegy OUACHITA NATIONAL FOREST see Ferests and forestry OUACHITA RIVER see Histery (Ark) see Rivers and lakes OUTLAW OF THE OZARKS see Hilderbrand. Jee OVERBEY. HAROLD LEE see also Disabilities Determination Department (Ark) OWEN, RAY see alse Garland Ceunty OWENS. PATRICK J see also Jeurnalism 298 PAGE COL 1/ 4/61 B7 3 9/ 12/61 B9 1 10/19/62 Bl 2 1/ 8/61 1/ 8/61 1/28/61 4/23/61 5/ 7/61 5/ 7/61 8/13/61 8/25/61 9/27/61 10/13/61 11/29/61 1/26/62 1/26/62 5/20/62 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 6 2 2 2 5 5 3 All Al2 A3 A4 E2 E2 A13 Bl A2 Bl Bl Al Al A9 1/15/61 C4 1 DATE OZARK see also Weather and storms Arkansas Traveler Ernie Deane describes visit te Ozark OZARK DAM see Rivers and lakes OZARK FOLK FESTIVAL see Felk music OZARK MOUNTAINS REGION see alse Epigrams, maxims . sayings . etc see alse Folk music see alse Folklore, felk medicine and superstition OZARK NATIONAL FOREST see Forests and forestry OZARK SAYINGS see Epigrams , maxims . sayings . etc OZARK SOCIETY INC see also Rivers and lakes OZARK UNITED TELEPHONE CO see Telephene service OZARKS ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR see Culture and the arts OZARKS PLAYGROUNDS ASSOCIATION see alse Parks. recreatien and tourism OZARKS REGION see also Names , Personal PAINTING see Culture and the arts PALADINO, ANDREW. Family see also Fires PALEONTOLOOY see Fossils PAN AMERICAN SOUTHERN CORP Firm sues Prairie Ce sheriff under rarely-used attachment law Pan American suit involves former eperater B W Coyle PANKEY Mrs Josephine Pankey led way fer establ ishment ef cammunity PANTHERS see Wildlife PARADE S Christmas float rams into Fayetteville cr0111 d , four inj ured PARAGOULD see also Historic buildings and sites see alse Park s , recreation and tourism Suits by losers in Demecratic primary contest electien Winners in Dem primary file countersuit Ark Supreme Ct rules J T Brewn is mayer Ark Supreme Ct reverses itself, erders recount in mayer race PARDON AND PAROLE Ferty-eight prisoners given paroles by Parden and Parele Bd List of inmates granted paroles Beard approves 5 8 requests fer paroles 299 PAGE COL 11/28/62 Bl 2 10/23/62 A4 10/23/62 A4 4 10/ 14/62 C3 7 1 2/ 2/61 A2 7 8/31/61 9/20/61 6/ 5/62 10/ 9/62 8 6 3 1 Bl Bl Bl A2 1/ 5/61 B6 2/ 2/61 A2 3 / 2/61 AlO 4 2 1 2 DATE Arkansas parelee Hareld R Heuchins Jr in trouble in Calif Harold Raymond Houchins gets prison term in California Former Beene County collector Paul Young wins pardon Arkansas convicted killer Curtis Lee Jones taken in Calif FBI takes charge of Curtis Lee Jenes in California List of inmates paroled by beard Parole fer Worth Gregory criticized by court officials Worth Gregory arrested by Garland Ceunty inside prison gates State files claim fer return of Curtis Lee Jenes Ex-Carroll County Treasurer Edwin L Champlin paroled Labor Day 1959 bomber J D Sims wins parole List of inmates granted parole Gov Faubus commutes sentence of two Laber Day 1959 bombers J D Sims got longest sentence. testified fer state en bomb Beard pareles 5 2 inmates. suggests clemency fer 5 Beard paroles 42, suggests clemency fer 9 inmates Gav Faubus reduces term ef several convicts Board paroles 62, suggests clemency fer 9 List ef 45 inmates receiving parole List of inmates paroled includes ex-lifer Twenty-seven convicts paroled by beard M Monroe Leve named senior parole officer fer Arkansas Paroles granted 62 inmates Board grants 66 paroles List of inmates paroled frem prison Civil. political rights of Jesse Raymond Perry restored List of inmates paroled List ef 49 paroles granted by beard Sixty-eight convicts win paroles State paroled 67 2 convicts last year: 146 failed te adjust Pareles granted 61 inmates Fifty-two inmates granted paroles: clemency advised fer ten Gov Faubus trims life terms ef twe slayers Pareles granded 53 inmates: clemency given 1 1 List o f 5 3 inmates being pareled Life sentences ef 7 reduced by Gov Faubus Paroles granted 77 convicts: 1 1 win clemency approval Gov Faubus grants clemency te twe officials PARDON AND PAROLE BOARD (Ark) see also Parden and parele PARENTS see alse Children and yeuth PARENTS AND TEACHERS ASSOCIATION see Education PARHAM, RODNEY JR see also Publ ic prosecutors PARIS ACADEMY see History (Ark) PARISH. JAMES M see also Park s . recreatien and tourism PARISH, JAMES THOMAS 300 4/ 7/61 4/ 15/61 4/ 19/61 5/ 3/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 5/61 5/ 6/61 6/ 9/6 1 7 / 6/61 7/ 6/61 7/ 6/61 7/11/61 7/11/61 Bl 3/61 9/ 7/61 9/14/61 10/ 5/61 11/ 2/61 12/ 7/61 l/ 4/ 62 1/11/62 2/ 8/62 3/ 8/62 4/ 5/62 4/ 13/62 5/ 4/62 6/ 7/62 7/ 6/62 7/ 8/62 8/ 2/62 9/ 6/62 9/21/62 10/ 4/62 11/ 9/62 1 1/17/62 12/ 6/62 12/22/62 PAGE COL A2 B4 A2 Bl A3 BB Bl A6 Bl Al Al Al Al Al BlO AS Al BB C17 BB A12 Bl B6 Bl2 Cll Bl Bl3 BS B4 AlO Al2 BB Bl B8 AlO A5 B7 Al l 7 3 2 6 7 4 2 l 7 7 7 4 4 1 5 6 6 l 1 1 3 6 l 2 4 7 5 5 5 4 6 2 6 l 3 3 4 DATE see alse Parks . recreation and teurism PARK HOTEL (Het Springs ) see Hotels PARK. HUGH see alse News and news media PARKER. SAMUEL. Family see alse Medicine and health PARKER, SUZANNE see also Miss Teen-Ager - USA PARKIN City Clerk I H Thempsen chgd with embezz lement ef city funds Auditors find shortage in city accounts ef $15 ,880 Bending firm pays city $24.000 missing frem treasurer accts Ex-City Clerk Inman H Thompson indicted en embezzelement chg Inman H Thempsen pleads guilty te embezz lement ef city funds Inman H Thempsen gets 5-year term PARKIN PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO see also Contracts and purchasing. Gevt PARKING FACILITIES LR dewntewn groups back city parking authority The case fer a city parking authority (ed) LR City Mgr B d creates parking authority PARKING METERS R D Burrew gets fine, draws j ail term fer cutting meters down PARKING VIOLATIONS see Traffic and parking PARKS • RECREATION AND TOURISM see alse Civil rights and discrimination see alse Hat Springs see also Publ icity and Parks Commission (Ark) see alse Taxation see alse Winreck Farm Boundaries ef Arkansas Pest Natl Memorial outlined by Seaton Jenkins Ferry Battleground Park bill gees te governor Gain noted in visitors at Corps of Engineers reservoirs Paul Van Dalsem sponsors bill fer state park at Tead Suck Land being acquired fer Jenkins Ferry State Park Ozark Playgrounds Assn meeting in Rogers te boost tourism Ozarks Playground Assn elects officers in Rogers meeting Ozarks Playgreunds Assn takes steck ef its tourism program Pea Ridge Natl Park site cleanup is under way Reuse passes bill to estab Louisiana Purchase State Park Pea Ridge sets battle memorial fer March 5 New law authoriz es Louisiana Purchase State Park Study te be made ef Marks Mills as state park site Funds asked fer Arkansas Pest National Memorial Nation ' s eldest national park is Het Springs National Park MacArthur Park menument te Capital Guards is 50 years eld 18-mile leng park planned aleng river in Mississippi County Park plan fer Mississippi County has backing of Gev Faubus Army Engineers plan 20 recreation areas on Dardanelle Lake 301 2/22/61 3/ 2/ 61 7/16/61 9/ 6/61 9/12/61 9/13/61 PAGE COL Bl Bl All Bl Bl4 Bl 4 7 5 3 2 8 3/22/62 Bl 3/30/62 A4 4/ 3/62 Bl 7 l 8 4/10/62 Bl 2 1/13/61 1/24/61 2/ 2/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 17/61 2/19/61 2/21/61 2/22/61 2/23/61 2-/24/61 2-/26/61 3/ 7/61 3-/ 7/61 4/ 6/-61 4/21/61 5/ 14/61 5/16/61 5/16-/-61 5/21/61 6 2 5 3 2 2 8 2 2 5 2 3 3 7 2 3 1 1 7 Bl Bl A9 Al Bl Cl Bl2 Bl Bl Al A2 All All Bl Al6 A2 A3 A3 A4 DATE Special sectien en Ark as a vacatien spot State parks recorded 3 million visitors in 1 96 0 Dardanelle and Russellville contend fer site ef park area Funds fer Pea Ridge Natl Park construction gets panel ek Map shews proposed lake along Mill Bayou in Mississippi Ce Marvin Reynolds donates Reynolds Park te Paragould Queen Wilhelmina Inn being restored te original appearance State parks provide scenic vacationland Land condemned fer park near Russellville still in dispute Land wanted fer park near Russellville owned by the Parishes LR refuses te allew developer Fausett use ef Bayle Park read James M Parrish agrees te yield te U s. give up 80 acres James M Parrish leases land back until needed far park Parks and Publicity Cemm defends camp fees at Bull Shoals Arkansas to drop ads in Holiday because ef critical article Ted Weeds discusses his anger with Hel iday magaz ine Ted Weeds irked by Argosy Magazine caver en speed traps Description of scenic drive in Ozarks in NW Ark 9-yr-eld girl finds big diamond at Crater of Diamends Crater ef Diamends eperated as tourist attraction Teurist finds 5 . 83-carat gem at Crater of Diam.ends Ted Woods net satisfied with lr from Holiday publisher LR compromises with Elbert Fausett en use ef Boyle Park read Almest $3 million in state funds sought fer parks State Rep Stokes wants park funds meved te Children ' s Colony State te spend $80,000 fer premetienal film War Memorial Park area for senier citizens planned Planned improvements at state parks listed Ralph Underhill writes letter of support for parks Mississippi County group seeks funds fer lake and park Pea Ridge shamefully neglected, letter says Ralph Underhill commends state on Arkansas Post plans Recreation use plan fer Millwood Reservoir te be discussed State pleased with results of publicity films Column explains hew thermal waters at Hot Springs handl ed Article on Senier Park fer War Memerial Park Hampson Museum houses natienally-knewn Indian artifacts Parks develepment will not hurt private business. letter says National Park Service official aids state with planning List of proj ects slated for improvements Publicity and Parks Comm will net advertise in Holiday Gov Faubus says funds available fer new parks Jacksonville gets plan fer parks development Free use ef cabins near Chicot Park by officials questioned Legislative auditors question price paid fer Chicot Park land Operation ef rental cabins by Chicot Park supt is concern Architectural firm hired to plan fer state parks improvements List ef improvements planned fer each state park Arkansas exhibits planned at 13 travel shews in U S Buffale River Park f avered by Interior Secy Stewart L Udall Lake Chicot cettages deal defended by L C Dial 302 5/21/61 5-/21/61 5/26/61 6 / 3/61 6-/ 4/6 1 6/11/61 6-/11/61 6/11/61 6/13/61 6/13/61 6/ 15-/61 6/15/61 6/16/61 6/18/61 6-/29/61 6/30/61 7/ 8/6 1 7/11-/61 7/12/61 7/12/61 7/23/61 7/24/61 7/28/61 8-/ 5/61 8/24/61 8/26/61 9/ 3/61 9-/ 3 / 6 1 9/ 6/61 9/ 6/61 9/ 9/61 9/16-/61 9-/17 /61 9/17/61 9/21/61 9/24/61 9-/28/61 9-/30/61 10/ 3/61 10/ 8-/61 10/ 8/61 10/19/61 11/23/61 11/26-/61 11/26/61 1 1/26/61 11-/26/61 11-/26/61 11/29/-61 12/ 5/-61 1 2/ 16/61 PAGE COL Fl Fl3 AB B7 A3 A16 El El BlO BlO A18 A18 AB A2 A16 Bl A3 Bl A5 A5 A2 A2 Bl A2 A2 BS A2 A7 A4 Bl A4 A4 A6 E5 Bl El Bl A4 A2 A3 A3 Bl AB A2 A2 A2 A3 A3 Bl Al B2 1 3 l 7 3 4 1 l 5 5 l 4 3 3 1 4 7 3 3 3 8 2 2 l 4 6 3 4 3 6 4 3 5 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 5 2 l 1 1 1 l 5 4 6 DATE Hot Springs Natienal Park draws 1 . 2 millien visiters State parks shew visiter increase Dick Pewell te narrate travel film en Ark without fee Part ef Arkansas Pest Natl Park would be fleoded by dam Paragould given ready-made 7 0-acre park Land at Arkansas Pest Park already ruined by fleeds John L Fergusen apposes any flooding of Arkansas Pest Park John L Fergusen says history cannot be relocated Arkansas Pest Museum Assn net upset by plans fer dam Founder ef St Leuis said te be buried at Arkansas Post park NPS te moderniz e thermal bathing facilities at Het Springs Rescee V Hobbs donates land for park at Withrow Spring Civil War cannon being brought to Pea Ridge Battlefield site Report en historic Pea Ridge Battlefield Park Conflict en Arkansas Pest park te be ironed eut by agencies History ef each ef Little Rack ' s municipal parks Arkansas Post land te be inundated probably has no artifacts Reads. parks compete fer land as cities push superhighways Negroes ask NLR te abolish Sherman Park Beard NLR Negroes again petition city fer desegregation State estimates tourism breught in $150. 920. 000 in 1961 Army Engineers refuse te reroute Arkansas Pest Canal Army Engineers explain decisien en Arkansas Pest Canal reute Devil ' s Den State Park te be improved Arkansas River change at Arkansas Pest abeut 1886 cenf irmed Secend camping site te be built at Buffale River State Park Ark ranks 5th in natien in tourist industry Old Carrellten church being restored NLR creates position of city recreatien director Reperts vary en visitors te Ark Special section en Arkansas as vacatien spet Teurism is big business in Arkansas Incident at Mather Ledge at Petit Jean has political twist Mather Lodge mgr Marcus Reland allegedly struck bey with gun Parks Comm to act today in Marcus Roland case Parks Cemm cancels Mather Ledge contract with Marcus Roland Canal plans changed te avoid Arkansas Pest State Park Constructien t e begin en Poison Springs Battlegreund Park Signboards in other states will lure tourists te Arkansas Diamond faund at Crater ef Diamonds weighs 4 . 3 9 carats LR Parks and Recreation directer W K Am.a dies Virginian finds 2 . 3 5-carat gem at Crater of Diamonds History ef Civil War battle at Poison Springs Peisen Springs battlefield to became state park. shrine Battle ef Prairie Greve re-enacted by Hindman ' s Raiders Little Rock names Jul ius Breckling directer of Parks Dept Bab Evans says Arkansas film te be shewn world-wide Little Reck may purchase land near Meadewcliff fer park New chief ef Het Springs National Park is Rebert H Atkinson Description ef Elkhorn Tavern at Pea Ridge Battlefield Alum Cove Natural Bridge near Wayten (Newten Ce) dedicated 303 1/ 4/ 62 l/ 5/62 1/ 5/62 1/ 8-/62 1/10-/-62 1/11-/-62 1/1 4/62 1/14/62 1/18-/-62 1/18/62 1/29/62 2-/ 9/62 2/ 11-/62 2/11/62 2/22/62 3/11/62 3/ 16/62 3 / 1 8/-62 3/30/62 4/ 6-/62 4/ 7/62 4/ 8-/62 4/15/62 4/29/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 'iJ/62 5/10-/62 5-/-11/62 5/15/62 5/17-/-62 5/20/62 5/20/62 6-/ 1/62 6/ 1/62 6/ 2/62 6/ 3/62 6/21/62 6/30/62 6/30/62 7/ 6/62 7/16/62 8-/ 7/62 9-/ 6/62 9/ 6/62 9-/ f}/62 9-/ 1 2/62 9/ 14/62 9/27/62 10/16-/-62 10-/31/62 1 1/ 4/62 PAGE COL Bl A3 Bl Al Bl B4 D2 D2 A7 A7 A3 Bl F5 F5 Bl A2 Al3 Al BS B16 A5 A2 E3 A3 A3 A2 Bl A3 Bl2 Bl Fl FS A7 A7 A3 A2 A3 A3 A3 Bl Al Bl Bl Bl E5 A9 Bl A3 Bl B5 A17 2 4 3 7 2 1 3 3 6 6 2 3 2 2 2 l l 4 5 1 2 4 5 3 1 1 4 4 1 8 l 1 l l 8 6 2 2 3 5 7 6 3 3 2 1 2 7 3 1 8 DATE 7 00-acre island in Bull Sheals te be medel recreation center ASCS advises farmers te use land for recreatienal purposes City te be asked to use bequest fer park at the little reek Outdeer altar to be built in Burns Park at NLR PAROLE see Parden and parele PARSON, ROBERT L see also Mental Health Association, Arkansas PARSONS, FLOYD W see also Education - Little Reck District PARTLC1;l, HAYWOOD GRAHAM Circuit j udge dies at Blytheville PATTERSON, HUGH B see alse Geverner (Ark) Addresses Anti-Defamation League meeting in Pine Bluff PATTON, ERV IN JR see alse Honesty PEA RIDGE NATIONAL PARK see also Parks, recreation and tourism PEACE AND CONSTITUTIONAL SOCIETY see Civil War PEACE CORPS Arkansan Paul Geren named deputy director ef Peace Corps Lila Dulaney Gardner prepares fer duty in Manila Jerald Dee Christian leaving fer 2-yr stint in Pakistan PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION, Arkansas see Police PEALE, NORMAN VINCENT see also Medicine and health PEARSON• EVA JANE see also Culture and the arts PEARSON, W R, AND CO see also Historic buildings and sites PEBLEY, FRED 7 50-lb shew-man dies at Tulsa: burial was in Harrisen PECORY, JOSEPH see alse Arkansas Investment Cerp PECORY, JOSEPH P see also Arkansas Investment Corp PENDLETON FERRY see Rivers and lakes PENITENTIARIES see Prisons and pris oners PENIX. BILL see alse Ceurts, Federal Keeps 1945 premise te bring student te Arkansas PENIX, FRED L Retired insurance executive dies at Jonesbere PENMANSHIP see Handwriting PENROD 1 S MUSEUM 304 11/ 6/62 1 1/20/62 11/21/62 12/22/62 PAGE COL A4 A9 Bl B7 1 1 2 5 3/ 10/61 B13 3 2/20/61 A2 4 9/24/61 Al 12/18/61 3 1 2/28/62 A4 2 4 1/ 4/61 Bl 2 1 2/30/61 A3 2 12/16/61 B7 2 DATE PAGE COL see Museums PENTECOSTAL CHURCH see also Children and yeuth PERCIFULL. DAVID D see also Inventiens and inventers PERIODICALS New publicatien, "South and West" edited by Sue Abbott Beyd 3/16/62 A4 First issue of "South and West" released 6/ 3/62 Al2 Mrs Anna Zagnoni Marinoni helps produce "South and West" 6/ 3/62 Al2 Arkansas Historical Quarterly records history ef state 9/16/62 E5 PERRY COUNTY 2/12/61 Al County has net had a grand j ury in 17 years PERRY COUNTY PUBLIC L IBRARY see Libraries, Public PERRY EQUIPMENT CO see also Maumelle 2/13/62 A7 Fire destroys $100 . 000 bldg at Maumelle Industrial Park PERRY, JESSE RAYMOND see also Civil rights and discriminatien PERSONAL NAMES see Names. Personal PETER. LILY 11/ 5/61 ES Miss Peter combines lots of j ob s . is geed at all of them Miss Peter sets up two scholarships at Arkansas State College 4/15/62 A16 PETERS, JOHN L Dr Peters speaks to LR Rotary Club 6/ 9/61 A2 PETERSON BREEDING FARM Poultry raised at Decatur kn0ii1n internationally 2/26/61 El PETERSON. ALDEN A 1/14/62 A7 Promotes music program in Pulaski County schools PETIT JEAN AIRPORT see also Land and real estate PETIT JEAN ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR see Culture and the arts PETROLEUM PRODUCTS see also Taxation 2/17/61 Al Gasol ine retailers want share ef wholesalers • shrinkage tax 2/17/61 Al Legis tol d customer gets less gasol ine than he pays fer PETTY0 JO see also Books and writing PFEIFER, HARRY W Jr 1/26/61 Bl M M Cohen Ce president named te head United Fund PFEIFER. PRESTON Last son of founder ef Pfeifer • s Stere dies 12/16/61 B7 PFEIFFER see also Weather and storms PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION, Arkansas see Drugs and drug trade PHARMACY BOARD (Ark) see also Birth centre! and abortion PHELPS . RALPH A JR 305 5 4 4 2 4 7 2 6 6 1 l 5 5 3 3 DATE see alse Animals see alse Ouachita Baptist Cellege Ouachita president finds time fer sports, writing PHENOMENA Fiery light reperted aver state may have been meteorites PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE see alse Reusing Jury resumes prebe ef July 12 bombing try at Philander Smith Grand Jury returns true bill in bembing case Emmett E Miller arrested in bemb case Emmett E Miller pleads net guilty in bemb case Grand Jury cempletes prebe ef bemb attempt Grand Jury leaves bemb case epen Dr Reesevelt Crockett named president ef cellege Bemb plet suspect changes lawyers Attys say Emmett E Miller trial plet te discredit segregation Emmett E Miller faces trial in Philander Smith bomb plet Curt Copeland was active leader ef White Citiz ens Ceuncils Curt Cepeland was in court as friend ef Emmett Miller Emmett E Miller charges FBI complicity in bomb attempt Emmett E Miller freed at request ef federal government U S gevt did net want FBI methods revealed at Miller trial Curieus FBI policy in the bembing case (ed) New fine arts-library bldg ready fer use Philander Smith president Roosevelt D Crockett faces debt Bomb attempt at Philander Smith Cell in 1960 brought up U S gevt asked that 196 0 bomb charges be drepped PHILLIPS COUNTY Circuit Clerk Hugh Tardy te resign after audit PHILLIPS, AVON see alse Secretary ef State {Ark) PHILLIPS-VAN HEUSEN CORP Dedication ef shirt factery at Des Arc set fer Tuesday Des Arc celebrates opening of plant PHOTOGRAPHY Semi-blind phetographer Eugene Hartman sees with his camera PICKENS, FRED see alee Politics and electiens Heads drive te pass proposed Amendment 5 0 PIGGOTT see also Games see also Hemingway . Ernest PILKINGTON. JAMES H see alse Courts . State and l ocal PINBALL MACHINES see Gambling see Games PINE BLUFF see alse Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co see alse Historic buildings and sites see also Histery (Ark) 306 PAGE COL 1/-31/-61 B8 5 1/31/61 A3 5 1/-13/61 1/18/-61 1/20/-61 2/14/-61 2/19/61 3/ 7 / 6 1 3/ 15/-61 5/18/61 5/21/61 5/21/61 5/23/61 5/-23/61 5/23/61 5/23/61 5/-23/61 5/24/61 1/12/62 3/11/62 7/ 2/62 7/- 2/6 2 A2 A2 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A4 A2 E4 A2 A2 1 7 6 1 1 8 6 1 6 6 5 5 7 7 7 1 3 4 1 1 7/13/61 Bl 2 8/13/61 Cl 8/16/61 Bl 4 2 2/11/-62 F4 1 9:/ 16/6 2 A2 7 A6 Bl Al B12 A7 Bl A8 A5 DATE see alse Rivers and lakes City wins 9-yr battle ever sewer installation Site fer Civic Center argued in Pine Bluff City Council interested in starting Urban Renewal proj ect Report urges Urban Renewal Agency handle new civic center City creates Urban Renewal Agency Fight premised en 7 . 5 sq mile annexatien te city County j udge appreves annexation of 7 . 56 square miles Federal gevt checks te see if disaster funds misused Grant received fer urban renewal study Edward D Stene meets with officials to discuss civic center Residents to vete en bends fer new municipal facilities City debates new civic center; fate rests en bend issue Judge orders 7 . 5 square mile area annexed Annexation fees want services immediately Suit by E W Heed seeks te halt bends sale fer Civic Center PINE BLUFF ARSENAL Arsenal te undergo big expansion j eb A/rmy to make gas grenades at Arsenal Grenades te breathe new life into Arsenal Arsenal being rebuilt fer chemical. biological research Brief history ef Pine Bluff Arsenal Col John G Appel is new commanding officer ef Arsenal Arsenal te precess disabling. but not harmful chemical PINE BLUFF CITIZENS COUNCIL see also Civil rights and discriminatien PINE BLUFF HARBOR see Harbors, perts and marinas PINE BLUFF LAKE see Rivers and lakes PINE BLUFF L ITTLE THEATER see Theater and drama PINE BLUFF PORT AUTHORITY see Harbors, perts and marinas PINE BLUFF SCHOOL DISTRICI see Education - Pine Bluff District PINE MOUNTAIN DAM see alse Rivers and l akes PINEVILLE see also Histeric buildings and sites PINK TOMATO FESTIVAL see Festivals PINKLEY-CALL. CORA see also Felklere, felk medicine and superstition PIONEER GRAIN AND SEED INC DeWitt facility heavily damaged by fire PIPELINES see Arkansas Louisiana Gas Ce PLANNING see Area planning see Economic development 307 7/ 1/61 9/ 3/61 9/ 7/61 10/17 /61 11/ 8/61 1/ 9/62 2/28/62 5/31/62 7 / 5/62 8/ 1 4/62 8/24/62 11/ 4/62 1 1/27/62 11/28/ 62 12/ 23/62 PAGE COL A3 A7 A6 5 AlO Bl Bl A2 A6 Bl A3 AlO A7 A4 BB 8 2 8 4 1 2 7 2 5 2 2 Al Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Al 3 5 2 7 3 3 4 7/ 7/61 A2 3 6/12/61 8/23/61 9/ 8/61 6/27/62 8/31/62 8/31/62 9/26/62 7 1 1 DATE PAGE COL PLANTS see else Felklere. felk medicine and superstition see alse Trees and shrubs List ef common plants and flewers that can be fatal if eaten 5-/ 6/-62 A9 PLEASANT PLAINS see alse Weather and sterms PLEASANT VALLEY see Housing PLOSS HOTEL see also Hotels PLUM BAYOU see also Rivers and lakes PLUMBERS AND PIPE FITTERS UNION see Labor POCAHONTAS see also Weather and s torms POETRY see also Beeks and writing 5-/21/61 A4 Peets Reundtable ef Arkansas award winners announced 10/16/61 A2 Winners in Arkansas Poetry Day contest announced POETS ROUNDTABLE OF ARKANSAS see Poetry POINDEXTER. CHRISTINE see alse Education J a26 POINSETT COUNTY 2/21/62 Bl County Judge Rex Downing was once natienally-knEllW' n musician POISON SPRINGS BATTLEGROUND STATE PARK see Park s . recreation and tourism POLES IN ARKANSAS see Foreign descent groups POLICE see alse Assaul ts see also Firearms see also Little Rock see also Robberies and thefts NLR patrolman Huey P Leng chgd with burgl zy . larceny 1/21/61 Al Jack Quaile gets 10-yrs fer sheeting of Trooper Elton Brewn 2-/28/61 AlO Texarkana Police Chief Max Tackett admits beating Bill Flatt 3/11/61 Al 3/-18/61 B6 Max Tackett violated rules. Civil Service Cemm decides Bill Bookout chgs State Trooper Victor Hanshaw with brutal. ity 4/ 4/61 Bl4 4/ 7/61 A7 Little Reck police get refresher ceurse in evidence handling 5-/ 3/61 Al Clarenden Chief Ned James shot by escapee during recapture 5/20/61 A7 Arkansas Rangers . fererunners ef State Pelice. set reunien 5/24/-61 Bl Negroes at College Statien meb pelice efficer after arrest Ark Peace Officers Assn hears talk from FBI agent 5-/25/-61 AlO Arkansas Rangers held reunion 5/26/61 Af3 Negroes who attacked officer given fines. lecture 5/27 /61 A3 6/ 1/61 Cl4 Former NLR officer Huey P Long admits thefts . wins l eniency Burglazy . grand larceny chgs reinstated against Huey P Leng 6/- 6/61 Bl2 6-/ 7 /61 Bl Grand Jury returns no indictment against Chief Max Tackett NLR Chief Ray Vick. FOP make verbal armistic in dispute 6/29/61 B12 308 2 6 1 2 8 5 4 6 2 2 5 4 6 l 2 l 4 4 3 1 DATE NLR pelice lodge plans te pretest premotiens NLR patrolmen file suit against premetien ef 10 an ferce Prebe of NLR Felice Dept begins; records ef chief impounded Plot te kill Texarkana Police Chief Max Tackett reported Team in NLR te investigate problem with Civil Service Comm Heber Springs officer fatally sheets Max Ferguson in sheeteut NLR premetion contraversy at a standstill NLR police file new charges en promotions NLR Civil Service Comm approves 11 fer premetions Hot Springs officers are abselved in burglary Marshal at Eudora kills Scott J ackson at night club Court advises NLR Civil Service Comm te remove reprimands Pine Bluff adds twe pelice dogs te force NLR officer Joseph Carl Styers Jr chgd in bootleg liquor case Ark Peace Officers Assn conv to hear La Gov Jimmie Davis Ark Peace Officers Assn elects Marlin Hawkins eut of turn Louisiana Gav Jimmie Davis spreads sunshine for Peace Offers Two sheriffs feud with words ever Peace Officers election Mobiliz ing the troops (ed on Peace Officers election) State trooper Bill Bogle ruled j ustified in ,killing man Suit alleges J efferson Ce deputy shot J ames Owens Jr State Police Director Herman Lindsey approves Faubus idea Grand Jury foreman critical ef LR traffic officers LR City Mgr Ancil M Douthit denies chgs made by Grand Jury Clyde Warwick Jr appeals firing from Malvern pelice force Arkadelphia names Ed Bleomfield its first police chief B Frank Mackey te replace many Pulaski County deputies POLIOMYEL ITIS see Medicine and health POLITICS AND ELECTIONS see alse Agricultural Stabiliz ation and Conservation Service see also Attorney General (Ark) see also Auditor (Ark) see also Beene County see also Communism see also Congress see also Constitution (Ark) see also Cenway County see alse Ceurtheuses see also Courts. State and l ocal see also Disabil itiy Determination Department (Ark) see also Faulkner County see also Foreign Pol icy Asseciatien see alse Garland County see also Government employees see also Governor (Ark) see also Lafayette County see also Land Commissioner (Ark) see also Legislature (Ark) see also Local government see also Madison County 309 8/11/61 8/23/61 8/26/61 9/28/61 1 1/ 10/61 11/14/61 11/17/61 1 1/30/61 1 2/ 1/61 1 2/ 2/61 1/ l/62 2/14/62 2/15/62 5-/-26/6 2 5/27/62 6/ 2/62 6/ 2/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 8/62 6/27/62 7 / 17/62 1 1/ 1/62 11/23/62 l l/24/62 1 2/ 1/62 12/16/62 12/23/62 PAGE COL Bl6 Bl4 Al A3 All BlO Bl4 Cl9 A16 A2 B7 A6 Bl Al Al2 A5 A5 AB A4 A3 BlO A31 Al A3 A3 A6 A9 1 l 4 5 4 4 3 2 l 7 8 2 5 3 1 5 6 4 2 3 2 1 4 1 4 7 4 DATE see al so Miller County see also Newton County see also Ouachita County see also Prairie County see also Searcy County see also Secretary of State (Ark) see also St Francis County see also Treasurer (Ark) Bill in Legis calls fer appmt of Supreme Court j ustices Bill in Legis calls fer constitutional convention Bill in Legis cal ls fer lowering voting age to 1 8 Bill in Legis calls fer split sessions of Legislature Bill in Legis would limit governor to two 4-yr terms Reuse bill proposes veter registration system Measure in Legis calls fer veter registration by party Measure in Legis would abolish county quorum courts Measure in Legis would require listing campaign donations Measures in Legis would reform state and county govt County Judges Assn to meet . study proposed acts before Legis County judges hear Gev Faubus defend county vehicle tax plan House is cold teward bill fer constitutional convention AAUW lobbies en scene fer voting machine support AAUW survey shews officials using voting machines like them State Sen Roy Milum wants ban en absentee voting National States Rights Party defended by Mrs E L Bishop Hardy W Crexten suggests creation of ' idea department ' Gov Faubus tellw why speed needed in amending constitution Republicans begin drive fer voting machines in Ark Quickie amendments (ed en Faubus plan fer a.mending censt) Fabus plan would allow amending constitution in few days time Faubus plan en censtitutien goes te House House gets substitute fer Faubus ' fast-a.mdt bill Court rules Electien Cemm.issien net responsible fer booths Gov Faubus says costly referms net necessary Faubus and the voting (ed) Judge rules election comm need not provide voter booths Posting of voter lists after polls close ordered House refuses funds for purchase ef voting booths Supporters of veting machines to present case in hearing Bill to end absentee voting withdrawn in Senate House approves public vote en purchase ef voting machines Vote machine plan appears lost in snarl as Legis session ends Women get political lesson en vote machines Gaz ette urges direct action on voting machines National States Rights Party rally held in LR State Supreme Ct to decide if voting machine permissible District candidates should pay fees to each county Supreme Ct hears arguments fer. against voting machines use Pulaski Co GOP meets, discusses national cemmitteew6man Ne voting machine en market satisfies Arkansas law Vote machine makers refuse to alter them to meet Ark law 310 1/12/61 1/12/61 1/12/61 1/1 2/61 1/12/61 1/12/61 1/12/61 l/ 12/-61 1/-12/61 l/ 1 2/61 1/16/61 1/-17/61 1/18/61 1/21/61 1/22/61 1/22/61 l/26/-61 1/29/61 1/31/61 2-/ 1/61 2-/ 1/61 2/ 1/-61 2-/ l/61 2/ 7/61 2/ 9/61 2-/10/-61 2/ 12/61 2/16/-61 2/16/61 2-/24/61 2/26/61 3-/ 1/61 3-/ 9/61 3/10/61 3-/12/61 3 -/ 1 9/61 3/25/61 3/-28/61 3/29/ 61 4/ 4/6 1 4/ 8/61 4/11/-61 4/12-/61 PAGE COL Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A5 B3 Bl2 A3 A12 A3 A4 E5 Al A3 A4 Bl Bl Al All Bl E4 Bl Bl Al A2 A2 Al Al E5 E4 Bl2 B9 .A3 A6 A5 A2 Al 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 l 6 4 5 5 7 3 l 2 8 2 2 2 5 1 5 2 2 2 5 7 5 8 8 1 1 3 3 1 7 3 1 6 DATE Best guarantee fer clean electiens is vete machines (ed) Milas H Hale urges Ark te erase its Dixie image Death camp stories are Jewish fakes. States Rights Paryy says Gev Orval Faubus calls States Rights Party claim ridiculeus Has first-hand knewledge of German atrocities . Faubus says Mrs E L Bishop says she believes Germen atrocities are hoax States Rights party calls Eichmann trial a giant hoax Mr Faubus cerrects the Thunderbolters ( States Rights Party) Gazette comments on state ' s Old South image Mrs Edson L Bishop tells Gov Faubus ' the fact s ' in letter Veting machine makers propose ene solutien fer Ark problem Voting machines backed by Ark Div of AAUP Young Democrats of Ark te cenvent in LR. discuss issues Court says voting machines constitutional if record previded Judge ponders dispute between rival Democrats in Faulkner Yeung Democrats pass resolutions. elect officers GOP reorganized. adepts new look in Arkansas Wallace Tewnsend expected te yield GOP reins to W Reckef eller GOP names Winthrop Rockefeller national committeeman GOP takeever by Rockefeller forces called the New Guard Mrs W L Jameson Jr is new natl GOP committeewoman from Ark Mr Rockefeller ' s task (ed) Gev Orval Faubus views GOP ' s reerganizatien as ineffectual State GOP te use Win Rockefeller talent te get meving New head ef States Rights Party in Ark is P R Crawford Committee fer the Two-Party System organized GOP predicts it will carry Ark in presidential election David H Pryer decries sel f-perpetuating mess in Ark govt Results of mayer races in state Bipartisan greup feels new election code needed Winthrop Rockefeller begins drive to revive GOP in Arkansas Democrats net much concerned by stirring of Republicans Shakeup in state officials may occur in 1962 Fayetteville chesen fer start of Rockefeller drive fer GOP GOP to push hard in 1 96 2 . Winthrop Reckefeller says Winthrop Rockefeller talks te GOP en polls. party outlook The way to build a twe-party system (ed) Winthrop Rockefeller urging Dwight D Eisenhswer to visit Ark Gov Faubus doubts govt reform proposals of much value ALC staff will try to rewrite electien laws Editorial en Gav Faubus ' s dim view ef need fer reform GOP outlines its aims for Arkansas in document GOP call fer bi-partisan state bds preposterous. Faubus says Veter rolls show decline (list by county fer 1960. 1 96 1 ) Comm rule fer counties urged by Van Buren Ce Farm Bureau GOP to accent youth in party rejuvenation drive Henry M Britt takes issue with Gev Faubus en GOP manifesto Paul Van Dalsem and David H Pryor te debate state politics Four-county GOP rally to be held at Winrock Farm Winthrop Rockefeller calls fer study of state book-keeping Paul Van Dalsem and David H Pryer to debate need for reform 311 4/12/61 4/12/61 4/13/61 4/13/61 4/13/61 4/13/61 4/13/61 4/14/61 4/ 14/61 4/15/61 4/30/61 5/ 7/61 5/ 7/61 5/11/61 5/ 12/61 5/14/61 5/24/61 5/24/61 5/25/61 5/25/61 5/25/61 5/26/61 5/26/61 5-/28/61 6/ 8-/61 7/ 2/61 7/ 16/61 7/21/61 7/26/61 7/26/61 9/17/61 9/26/61 10/- 1/61 10/10/61 10/13/61 10/15/-61 10/16/61 10/18/61 10/-26/61 10/28/61 10/30/61 1 1/ 2/61 11/ 3/61 1 1/ 4/61 1 1/ 4/61 1 1/ 5/61 1 1/ 5/61 1 1/ 6/61 11/ 7/61 1 1/ 8/61 1 1/12/61 PAGE COL A4 A8 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A4 A4 Al A6 A4 El Al A2 Al5 Al Al Al Al Al A4 Bl A4 Cl2 AlO ES AS A2 A2 A6 Bl A8 Bl Bl BB A4 A2 AS A3 A4 Al Bl AS B7 A6 AB A2 Bl B8 E3 1 7 4 4 4 4 4 l 2 4 5 7 l 4 6 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 4 l 5 3 5 4 3 4 l 3 l 6 8 3 l 3 3 4 2 3 3 1 6 3 6 1 4 4 1 DATE David H Pryer and Paul Van Dalsem debate need fer reforms The old and the new (ed en Pryer-Van Dalsem debate Summary ef remarks by David Pryer and Paul Van Dalsem Sem.e Democrats alarmed by receptien Win Rockefeller getting Yeung Democrats talk of freedom frem Gev Orval Faubus County j udges view critics as innocently ignorant Official says Negroes wanted electors listed by race Pell tax books indicate race of qualified electors Laber may have unrewarding year in next elections Winthrop Reckefeller takes middle-of-read stand amid Repubs Four lawmakers give statement en govt ref erm plan Rockefeller in the middle (ed) Gov Faubus treats Winthrop Rockefeller political acts l ightly Rift in Washington Ce GOP praised by Winthrop Reckef eller Negro named te Jefferson County Republican Cemmittee Winthrop Reckefeller speaks te Republicans at Pine Bluff Yeung Democrats invite Yeung Republ icans te debate program Changed scene in Arkansas politics (ed) Senator Jehn G Tewer to speak at state GOP fund-raiser Ballet title approved for vete en voting machines Voting machine a.mdt premated by AAUW Washington buzz ing ever GOP choice of Jehn Tewer te speak Yeung Republican League ef Ark suggests county mgr system GOP dinner ticket sales exceed 1 . 000 US Sen John G Tower did not l ive up ta billing in LR speech Panel fermed te work fer vote machine adoption Sen Jehn G Tower makes plea fer mere Republicans in Congress Jehn Paul Hammerschmidt named treasurer ef state GOP Gov Orval Faubus signs petition fer voting machines State ' s voting rolls decline from 1 959 figure NLR Republican Club organized with 60 members The GOP Nerthside (ed en meeting at NLR) Yeung Demecrats. Yeung Republicans debate gevt policy Sen J W Fulbright urges keeping ef poll tax te aid scheels The remedy required te cure defeatism (ed) Birchism hit frem. twe sides at Pine Bluff forum William E Miller to speak at GOP rally at Fayetteville States Rights Party meeting addressed by J D Stener States Rights Party members fuss; 2 Ark officials resign Theedere C Baldwin. Pat R Crawford resign States Rights pests States Righters hear anti-Semitic speech by J D Staner Mrs Edson L Bishop gest NSRP chairmanship Some YDC members at Southern State Cell go ever te YRs New Mexico Gov Edwin L Mechem speaks at GOP rally at PB Human Events sponsors right wing meeting in LR Unsettling influence has crept into GOP en state level Winthrop Rockefeller says state GOP moving to the right Complete candidate list fer Democratic primary A l eek at the gains in two-party drive (ed) County candidates in Democratic primaries listed Winthrop Rockefeller unveils film to sell two-party system 312 1 1/-17/-61 11/-18/61 1 1/ 19/61 11/19/61 11/-19/61 11/-25/-61 11/26/61 1 1/-26/-61 1 1/-26/-61 12/- 2/ 61 1 2/ 3/61 1 2/ 4/61 1 2/ 7/61 1 2/- 8/61 1 2/20/-61 12/20/61 1 2/-24/-61 12/-28/61 1/ 7/62 1/-14/62 1/14/62 1/14/62 1/15/-62 2/10/-62 2/ 1 1/62 2/11/62 2/11/62 2/11/62 2/16/62 2/21/62 3/ 2/62 3/ 4/62 3/-15/62 3/17/62 3/-19/62 3/24/-62 4/ 6/62 4/14/62 4/14/62 4/14/62 4/-14/62 4/15/62 4/21/62 4/-21/62 4/-21/-62 4/-22/62 4/22/-62 5/- 3/62 5/- 5/62 5/ 6/62 5/-11/-62 PAGE COL Al A4 A12 E3 E3 Al A5 AS E3 A3 Al A4 A6 A2 Al4 A14 A7 A4 A4 A6 A6 D3 A5 A3 Al Al A2 A9 A3 Al6 B16 A4 C20 Al A4 A2 Bl A3 A3 A3 A3 Al3 Al A3 BlO E3 E3 A2 A4 A7 Bl 7 1 3 1 1 4 7 7 l 6 3 2 2 3 5 5 3 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 2 5 4 2 6 1 1 2 7 6 1 2 4 2 2 2 3 3 6 5 7 1 l l l l 2 DATE Speaker derides efforts for two-party system in Ark Most Republicans vete in Dem primaries. GOP leaders say Poll tax statistics shfJIW'n by county percentages Two--factien system may be arising in state politics Petitions fer vete machines filed at Capitol David W Bledsoe named GOP field representative in Ark Democrats pass reselutien allowing enly faithful in primaries Legis candidate in Carrol obj ects te Dems-only primary rule Sid McMath blasts Dem rule on voting in primaries Democrats-only primary rule draws Gazette ' s apposition High cost ef seeking office gets biennial rap Democratic Women ' s Club again asks Mrs Perry te resign Nothing wrong with Ark Democrats. GOP ' s W L Jamison says Gov Orval E Faubus opposed closed Democratic primaries Fred Pickens astounded at controversy ever closed primary Mr Faubus ' disavowal of the party purge (ed) Protecting the voters frem party purge rule (ed) Craighead County Dems will net close their primary Dissent te the purge (ed en closed Democratic primary) Democratic Women ' s Club removes Mrs Perry frem rester State editors comment en Democratic primary purge plans Prevention of voting by nen-Dems may be impossible Ouachita County will ignore closed-primary rule Conway County will net honer closed primary rule Heward County to ignore ruling en closed primaries Judge Wiley Bean rules polling places restricted Article discusses veting procedures in Arkansas Most counties te ignore Democratic Party rule en primaries Results ef elections fer county officers Election returns fer county offices around state GOP strategist arrives te help Ark Republ icans plan campaign Underscoring the case fer voting machines (ed) Election results in county races around state GOP ousts Pratt Remmel frem Pulaski County party posts Pratt Remmel surprised, disappointed by his ouster Pulaski GOP elects new slate ef officers : new stars rising Ark Republican Party platferm being readied Gov Orval Faubus appreves abolishing pell tax fer voting New wing ef GOP appears to be in control of Ark party William L (Bill) Spicer picked as state GOP chief Winthrop Rockefeller backed Spicer ever Henry Britt fer pest Democrats plan state convention GOP falls in line behind Winthrop Rockefeller Democrats note activity of GOP, plan active fall campaign Ted J Morley named mgr of Democratic Party campaign Democrats drafting new platform State Democrats assail Republicans as whining radicals Democratic platform pledges te pulverize Republican Party Democrats running against Reckefellers . Faubus tells party Philosophic review ef state Democratic Party conv Ced) Group working en recedification ef primary election laws 313 5/13/62 6/21/62 6/24/62 6/24/62 7/ 3/62 7/ 5/62 7/ 7/62 7/ 8/62 7/ 8/62 7 / 8/62 7/ 8/62 7/ 10/62 7/10/62 7/ 10/62 7/11/62 7/-11/62 7/12/62 7/13/62 7/15/62 7/15/62 7/15/62 7/19/62 7/19/-62 7/25/62 7/27/62 7/29/-62 7/29/-62 7/31/62 8/ 1/62 8/ 2/62 8/ 3/62 8/- 4/62 8/15/-62 8/21/62 8/21/62 8/26/62 8/26/62 8/28/62 8/30/62 8/-30/62 8/30/62 8/30/62 9/ 2/62 9/ 6/62 9/ 9/62 9/12/62 9/-13/62 9/13/62 9/14/62 9/15/62 9/16/62 PAGE COL A21 Bl A13 E3 Bl A6 Al Al A2 E2 E3 Bl Bl Bl Al A4 A4 A8 A4 A4 E3 A3 Bl A2 Bl A2A E4 Bl A6 A8 A7 M A6 Al Al Al A12 Al A3 A3 A3 Bl Bl Al All Bl Al Bl Al A4 A3 2 8 l 1 2 5 6 6 6 2 l 2 4 7 7 1 1 3 1 3 2 4 5 1 8 6 1 7 1 1 3 1 1 4 4 4 4 5 1 1 1 8 5 5 2 8 3 8 3 1 l DATE Republicans may have developed kangaree ticket , paper says William J Smith says veting machines wanted fer efficiency Vote machines would improve state ' s image , W J Smith says William L Spicer warns GOP will net allow ballot tampering About 500 hear GOP candidates in rally at Winreck Veter machines bring eut mere voters , William J Smith says William J Smith defends politicians US Sen Rebert S Kerr te address state Democratic rally Beth parties planning big rallies as campaign nears end Pell tax total near 6021 000 (totals. by county) Democratic rally expected te draw 1 0 . 000 Democratic rally draws 3 , 000 te Coliseum GOP builds blaze in state, but ne fire likely Democrats urge party line vete; Repubs urge breaking free State press comments en appreaching general election Democrats. Republ icans held listless rallies at LR Gazette urges passage of am.dt allowing voting machines General election ballet is hefty one Republican candidates ge down stoically in Ark voting FBI gets several cemplaints about voting Results of voting in local races around state Vote machine amdt holds slim margin in election returns Results of voting in local races around state GOP flop in Ark called a psychological disaster Seme practical advice fer the Arkansas GOP (ed) Voting machines amdt passes Voting machines in time fer ' 6 4 (ed) State GOP starts planning fer 1964: tactics will change Marien B Burton j oins staff of state GOP full-time Editorials comment en general election resul ts ALC agrees to recedificatien ef election laws State Republicans meet in closed session. talk money POLK COUNTY see alse Apparitions Ark Supreme Ct reverses conviction of ex-judge John M Gordon F.x-County Judge Gordon convicted of paying excessive prices Citizen ' s suit filed against County Judge Rey Stockton Taxpayers suit against County Judge Rey Stockton dismissed County Judge Rey W Stockton has unique plan fer raising funds Stockton leases county equipment to secy fer private work Supreme Ct asked to rule en legality of Stockton ' s plan Ark Supreme Ct sends suit on use of county equipment to court POLK COUNTY GARMENT MANUFACTURING CO Shirt plant at Mena holds dedication POLLOCK, HARRY N Indicted en charges of income tax count Pollock pleads guilty to evading taxe s . draws fine POLLUTION. WASTES AND HAZARDOU S MATERIALS 'l\vo new sewer dists proposed south of Little Reck John Barrew Addition residents forming sewer district Salt water damage claim in Union County affirmed by court 314 9/16/62 9/25/62 9/30/62 10/ 9/62 10/17/62 10/19/62 10-/21/62 10-/26/62 10-/28/62 10/28/62 11/- 2/ 6 2 1 1/ 3/62 11/ 4/62 1 1/ 4/6 2 11/- 4/6 2 11/- 5/62 11/ 5/ 62 11-/ 6-/62 11/ 7/62 11/ 7-/62 11/ 7/62 11-/ 8-/62 11/- 8-/6 2 11-/11-/62 1 1 / 1 1/62 11/14/62 11/16-/62 1 1/17 /62 11/-24/62 1 1/25-/62 12/ 15/62 12/16-/62 3-/14/61 3/14/61 10-/ 4/ 61 1 1-/17/61 3/18/62 3/18-/62 3-/18/62 9/11/62 PAGE COL A9 3 4 7 1 3 8 1 2 1 l 1 3 4 1 2 5 1 8 5 7 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 4 3 2 1 7 AB AB Bl Bl A3 A3 A3 A6 4 4 7 5 1 1 1 1 E3 Al Al3 BlO A2 Bl E3 Al A12 A8 A4 Al Al E3 E3 Al A4 Al A2 A4 AB Al A14 A1 4 E2 Bl A6 A5 B5 E3 A6 2/ 12/62 A10 3 3/ 1/62 Bl 5/25-/62 Bl 8 4 1/ 5-/61 Cl2 2/12/61 A3 4/25/61 A2 1 4 1 DATE Merrilton sewage treatment plant brings complaints Lewis J Jahnsen heads Arkansas Water Pellutien Central Cemm Strentium-90 level in milk at LR highest in country Falleut in central Ark reported unusually high Radiatien level in Ark may be highest in US High falleut in Ark is result ef tricky weather Radiation level dreps quickly Water Pollution Comm reports progress during 1961 Jacksenville passes anti-litter ordinance Little Reck uses litterbug in anti-litter campaign Arkansas River pollution reported as high James B Lile filed suit against Russellvile plant tee late Sanitary Engineering Bureau keeps watch en state environment Radiation increases in milk in Arkansas Univ ef Ark research en atomic f allout reported Russellville seeks federal aid with new sewer line Plan being made te curb Iedine 131 fallout in milk in Ark Court voids 1955 law banning j unkyards frem roadsides Beaverferk Lake homes pese possible health problem fer Conway Justice Jim Johnsen ' s heme at Beaverferk meets standard State Health Bd approves rules fer centrol of radiation ALC resists Faubus en funding Pollution Centrel Commission Gov Faubus wants Pellutien Cantrel Comm funded by gen revenue PONCA see also Weather and storms POOLE. L C see also Sex crimes POOR see also Constructien programs. State see also Econemic development see also History (Ark) see alse United Rescue Mission see also United States - Rural Development Program Federal gevt threatens AFDC cutoff over ' suitable hemes' law Suitable homes law challenge dees net werry Welfare Dept Over 200 . 000 persons receive surplus commodity feeds Sen J W Fulbright wants pilot feed stamp program in Arkansas Welfare rolls rise in March; figures listed en clients Surplus feed gees to 3 02 . 250 in Arkansas Carl Adams wins delay en ' suitable hemes ' ruling en aid Carl Adsms raps 4 counties net in surplus feed program Report sherNs 3 1 6 . 300 persons received surplus feed in April Surplus feed goes to 296 . 750 in state Wel fare Dept te delay pregram ef hospital care fer the aged Mr Adams ' s delay (ed en delay in Medicare fer the aged) Gav Faubus hits welfare fer mothers ef illegitimate children Mississippi County pl ans te cut 17 . 000 from free feed rells Mississippi County welfare office asked fer methed used Welfare Cemmr Carl Adams concerned by Mississippi Co action Mississippi County to add 4 . ooo te welfare rolls Gov Faubus attacks welfare aid to sinful mothers 315 PAGE COL 7/ 5/61 7/29/61 9/13/61 9/20/61 9/21/61 9/22/61 9/24/61 1/ 1 1-/ 62 4/ 6/62 4/ 8/62 4/21/62 4/27/62 5/10/62 5/31/62 7/ 6/62 8/ 1/62 8/25/62 9/11/62 10/25/62 10/25/62 10/26/62 1 1/ 1/62 11/ 1/62 A6 A7 Bl Bl Bl Al Al B4 Bll Al B15 A12 A3 Bl Bl A2 Bl Bl Bl A2 Bl Bl 3 1 3 4 2 4 3 4 5 4 1 4 3 7 3 1 1 8 7 7 1 3 3 1/19/61 1/19/61 1/29/61 3/16/61 3/22/61 4/21/61 5/14/-61 5/20/-61 5/20/61 6/14/61 6/30/-61 7/ 1/61 8/19/ 6 1 9/ 7/61 9/ 8/61 9/ 8/61 9/10/61 9/-13/-61 AlO AlO Al2 Bl Bl Bl 4 1 1 1 5 5 3 AS ES l A7 A7 Bl Al A4 A2 Al Al Al A9 Bl 7 7 4 3 2 1 3 4 4 5 5 DATE Gov Faubus supports Mississippi County action in feed case Mississippi County has farm j obs fer feed recipients U S govt may investigate Mississippi Co actions Welfare Cenunr Carl Adams ends Mississippi Ce inquiry St Francis County dropping about 14, 000 from free feed rolls Statistics en welfare recipients in Arkansas Assn ef County Welfare Directors asks mere funds for children Alex H Washburn proposes taking vote frem welfare recipients Restricting the vote (ed en Alex H Washburn ' s proposal) Gev Faubus disagrees with taking vote from welfare clients Gev Faubus urges care te see that only needy get welfare aid Welfare Cemmr Carl Adams vews te help end welfare chiseling Wilbur Mills favors efforts te end cheating en welfare aid State Sen Tero. Allen urges welfare workers t o educate public Taking a closer leek at the welfare rolls (ed) Faubus exploits issue ef aid fer illegitimate children (ed) Faubus premised te increase wel fare rolls, T E Lawrence says Gev Faubus often gets incensed ever misuse of ADFC Statistics en ADC program in Ark Geedfellew Christmas Club needs $5000 te help the needy Feed variety in commodity pregram makes bills hard to pay Carl Adams says state will review" ADC program Federal program to curb wel fare abuses praised by Gov Faubus Surplus food gees to 220 , 3 88 in state. Dept ef Welfare repts Asst Welfare Commr A J Mess attacks JFK welfare plans Gov Orval Faubus grants $5 per month increase in welfare pay Welcome grants (ed en increased welfare payments ) Mother. 8 children found at LR in destitute circumstances Surplus feed distribution up in state ever last year Alex Washburn would disenfranchise welfare clients Independence County in extended feed stamp plan Independence Co relief cl ients polled en aid by feed stamps Gov Faubus ties illegitmacy te welfare programs Gav Orval E Faubus continues attack on welfare Welfare recipients te get $5 monthly increase Gov Faubus defers decision en testing f oed stamp plan Probe ef aid t o dependent children program to be held Gov Faubus undecided en testing new feed stamp plan Gov Faubus urged to approve feed stamps plan Profile en f am.ilies en ADC rolls given by Welfare Dept Mississippi County has 2 1 . 106 receiving surplus commodities Gev Faubus assails abuse of national welfare program HEW te study state ' s Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) cases About 160 cases figure in natl probe ef ADC program POPE COUNTY see also Cemeteries see also Indians, American see also Loitering and vagrancy Sheriff Beb Rankin dies Erma (Mrs Bob) Rankin te cemplete Sheriff Rankin ' s term POPE COUNTY JAIL 3 16 PAGE COL 9/13/61 Bl 9/13/61 Bl 9/13/61 Bl 9/13/61 Bl 9/14/61 Bl 9/17/61 A2 10/14/61 AS 10-/20/61 Bl 10/22/61 E2 10/28/61 Bl8 12/ 1/61 Al 1 2/ 1/61 Al 12/ 1/61 Al 12/ 2/61 A3 12/ 2/61 A4 12/ 5/61 Al+ 12/ 8/61 A4 1 2/ 1 1/61 A4 12/11/61 A4 12/12/61 Bl 12/13/61 . AB 1 2/13/61 AB 12/13/61 Bl 1/ 9/6 2 Bl 2/ 4/62 Al2 2/17/62 Al Z/19/62 A4 3-/ 6/62 Bl 3 / 14/62 A7 4/ 4/62 A4 8/ 3/62 A3 8/28/62 Al 8/28/62 Bl 8/29/62 A2 9/14/62 Al 9/22/62 A2 9/28/62 Bl 9/29/62 A2 10/-10/62 Bl 10/-19/62 AB 11/-27 /62 Bl 12/14/62 Al8 12/-23/62 D3 1 2/26/62 Al 8 8 8 8 3 7 2 6 2 2 4 4 4 1 1 2 3 6 6 2 1 3 8 7 7 6 1 2 3 l 7 3 4 l 2 1 2 3 8 4 2 1 5 5 4/11/61 A7 4/14/61 A9 2 1 DATE see Prisens and prisoners POPE, WALTER L Chmn of Arkansas Werkman ' s Cempensatien Comm dies at 7 2 Tribute f rem Arkansas Gazette Bulk of estate left te Mrs Pepe in will POPULATION AND VITAL STATISTICS see also Health Department (Ark) Urban areas ef Ark sh01Ved gain frem 1950 te 1 96 0 Final 1960 census total fer Ark is 1 . 7 86 . 27 2 Negroes leaving Ark faster than white persons Pepulatien trends in Ark is subj ect of editorial Less ef population is subj ect ef column NLR only city in state gaining in rank Pepulatien center of Ark is in field near Jacksonville About 11 pct of state residents are ever 6 5 . census reveals Breakdown of tetal population by age groups Arkansas faces 10 pct population less by 1 97 0 State Rep Virgil T Fletcher questiens Ark census data Univ of Ark estimates of Ark population (by county) Fert Smith new state ' s second largest city Ark will lose population, Dean Witter and Co says Popul ation less proj ection fer Ark denied by Census Bureau Probable source of Ark population loss rept Frank Cantrell discusses population estimates Census official expl ains population loss figure Univ of Ark predicts grewth ef populatien Excerpts frem Census Bureau gives prefile ef Arkansas Health Dept statistics summary PORNCGRAPHY AND OBSCENITY see alee Nudism and nudity LR City Mgr B d fails to rename 3 members ef Censer Beard Jerry Russell. eutspeken critic ef censors, en LR Censer Bd LR Censer Bd wants public meney te buy ' sexy ' materials Rep Glenn F Walther offers bill te tighten curbs on obscenity New state law weakens power ef local censer boards NLR ordinance prepeses censer board fer city American Legion decides films tee sexy fer Arkansas youth LR Censor Bd wants PTA help in checking stare shelves Jerry Dacus arrested with nude pictures in his possession Feur charges filed against photographer J erry Dacus Yeuth held at Cenway fer making obscene telephone calls Conway youth gets probation in lewd telephone calls case PORTIS. J C see also Agricultural Stabiliz ation and Censervatien Service PORTS see Harbers. perts and marinas POSTAL SERVICE see also Jinks . Harold Rogers is first te come under Dept ' s new leasing program Harol d Jinks te get regional directer in St Louis LR Postmaster I C Belleville te retire 3 17 PAGE COL 3/26/61 Al 3/27/61 A4 4/ 6/61 B6 1/ 8/62 2/ 3/61 3/ 8/61 4/ 8/61 4/ 9/61 4/30/61 9/ 3/61 2/26/62 2/26/62 6/ 1/62 6/ 6/62 6/16/62 6/22/62 10/18/62 10/18/62 10/20/62 10/22/62 10/29/62 11/25/62 1 2/23/62 12/30/-62 1/17/61 1/22/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 1 4/61 3/22/61 5/ 6/61 8/ 2;/61 1/26/62 3/15/62 3/16/62 11/27/62 1 2/ 9/62 7 2 3 A5 1 5 4 l 5 5 3 2 2 4 3 2 5 2 2 6 1 1 l 5 6 B3 A13 B3 Bl AlO B8 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A4 7 4 6 5 6 l 4 7 8 7 7 4 A2 Bl Bl AA ES ES A6 Al Al Al A4 A7 Bl Al Al A7 A3 A3 A4 D3 1/ 9/61 A2 1/14/61 A2 2/22/61 Al 1 5 4 DATE Speculatien en replacement fer I C Belleville begins Arch Campbell interested in LR postmaster ' s j ob Harol d Jinks will not get position because of NAACP ebj ectien Gene Burks is acting postmaster at NLR John 0 May seeks appmt as NLR postmaster Ark Demecratic Voters Assn opposes Ed McKinley fer LR pest Ed I McKinley Jr. C E McSwain are contenders fer LR pest Merit should be basis fer postal appmts . Gazette says Dale Alford says acting chief at LR has been neminated Ed I McKinley gets j ob as acting postmaster at LR Ed I McKinley has been leader of ardent segregationists Merit and postmasters (ed) Flooded by pretests . Washington holds up en McKinely appmt Rep Dale Alford backs Ed I McKinley . blames integratienists Ed I McKinley Jr will not be installed as planned at LR Rey L Sharpe te take charge of LR pestef fice Editorial en delay in confirming postmaster at LR LR postmaster may net be named until 1 96 2 electl ien ever Pesteffice inspector in LR to check McKinley ' s acceptability Naming ef postmaster at NLR te be delayed Dale Alford originally wanted C E McSwain fer LR postmaster Dale Alford to ask status of Ed I McKinley Jr fer LR pest Ed I McKinley definitely eut as postmaster far LR Gazette peints eut qualifications ef Rey L Sharpe fer LR Rep Dale Alferd supporting C E McSwain Sr fer LR postmaster Rep Dale Alford says C E McSwain meets approval of Washington Mail route changed te make C E McSwain eligible fer j eb Postal inspecter returns te LR te check on appointment C E McSwain Sr named acting postmaster at Little Reck NLR merchant s unhappy with plan te move pesteffice Charles H Earl named te Pesteffice Dept Advisory Committee C E McSwain Sr will probably be next postmaster at LR Dale Alford taps David P Weed fer NLR postmaster Three men certified eligible fer LR postmaster Dale Alferd admits David P Weed will not get NLR pest Postmaster at NLR will prebably be Arnol d Sikes Shall politics prevail in NLR pestmastership? (ed) Speeded-up business mail delivery put in effect in LR POTLATCH FORESTS INC Plans to build paper mill in Desha Ceunty still en track POTTERY see Ceramics and pottery POTTERY. Indian see Archeelegy and anthrepelegy POULTRY FEDERATION, Arkansas Annual meeting t o be held in LR Federation refuses te allow any form of govt control POULTRY FESTIVAL. see Festivals POVERTY see Peer 318 2/22/61 2/23/61 3/12/61 3/14/61 3/15/61 3/16/61 3/16/61 3-/17/61 3/17/61 3/18/-61 3/-18/61 3/19/-61 3/22/61 3/23/61 4/28/-61 4/28/61 4/ 29/61 5/ 7/61 5/ 9/61 5/ 10/61 5 / 1 4/61 8/23/61 8/24/ 6 1 8/27/61 9-/28/61 9/29/61 9/30/61 10-/14/-61 10/-26/61 11/ 3/-61 1 1/12/61 4/30/62 6/21/62 7/10/62 8/11/62 8-/11/62 8/12-/62 10/-23/62 PAGE COL Al Al ES A9 BlO Bl Bl A4 Bl Al Al E4 Al Al Al Al A4 E5 Bl Bl4 ES A3 Bl E4 Bl Al A7 A3 A2 B12 A15 Al Bl2 Al Al Al E2 Bl 4 4 5 1 6 8 8 l 6 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 5 2 l 5 7 4 1 7 2 2 7 6 6 7 7 1 5 5 5 l 4 8/18/61 Bl 5 6/ 4/ 61 C3 9/15/61 BlO 3 l DATE see United States - Rural Development Pregram POWELL. DICK see al se Acters and entertainers POWELL, TERRELL E see also Education - Little Rock District PRAIRIE COUNTY Two indicted en chgs of voting irregularities in Dem primary Names ef two men idicted en irregular voting chg net released Eagle Boyd, Jee Chambers indicted in election prebe Publisher William F Weeds defends handling of primary ballots Judge te hear charges ef betting on election outcome Judge asked te dismiss new grand j ury ever election probe Grand j ury epens Hazen ballet boxe s , finds ne voter lists Veter lists still missing at Hazen Twenty witnesses quizzed in election probe Grand j ury criticizes Democratic Central Comm. adj eurns Grand j ury calling witnesses for vote probe Grand j ury indicts 10 after probe of election events Two Negroes also indicted in vote case Phillip Smith acquitted in school election case Fifty-two persons testify in voting trial Three election officials freed of vote fraud at Hazen Two fined. six dismissed in vote case PRAIRIE COUNTY BANK see Banks PRAIRIE GROVE, Battle of see Civil War PRATHER, GILA WICKERSHAM Mother-in-law of Brooks Hays dies PRATTSVILLE Prattsville Garden Club has led pregress in city Community gains incorperatien PRAYERS see alse Education - Religieus issues PREMIUMS AND TRADING STAMPS Legis prepesal te regulate trading stamps is controversial PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cumberland Presbyterians may build headquarter s west ef LR Cumberland Church teurs . studies tract en Lake Maumel le Cumberland board votes te buy 160 acres near Little Reck First Presbyterian at Warren has new building Dr Jehn Tilman Barr Sr te retire after 50 years Ark Syned ef Presbyterian Church U S A names mederater Ark Synod asks accusers te call names ef red clergy Twe beys chgd w ith burning White Oak Cressreads Church White Oak Church near Ozark te be rebuilt Two beys get suspended arson terms in burning ef Ozark church Dr Marien A Beggs ends 23-yr pastorate at Secend Presbyterian Arkansas Synod vetes te merge children ' s homes Reverse freedom rider program condemned by Ark Synod General Assembly of Cumberland Presbyterians te be in LR 319 1/19/-61 1/21/61 l/-25/61 1/27/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 8/6 1 3/ 9/61 3/10/61 3/11/61 3/22/61 3/28/61 3/29/61 3/30/61 10/31/61 11/ 2/ 61 11/- 3/61 3/ 7/62 PAGE COL Al A3 Al A9 Bl Bl Al A12 B6 A7 A2 Al A3 Bl Bl Bll Bl 7 4 6 5 7 7 6 5 1 1 3 4 8 5 4 7 2 3/ 9/6 2 Bl 4 12-/ 17/61 E4 1 1/18/62 A7 1 2 2/10/61 A6 4 1/20/61 3/ 1/61 3/ 2/61 5/13/61 5/ 1 4/61 5/17/61 5/ 18/61 1/ 14/62 2/ 9/62 3/ 1/62 4/27/62 5/24/-62 5/-24/62 6/20/62 3 6 3 6 7 1 5 1 6 6 6 7 7 4 Bl Al2 AlO A7 A6 A2 Bl A6 Bl A5 Bl A2 A2 A2 DATE PAGE COL PRESCOLITE MANUFACWRING CO Federal j udge rules fer Prescelite in laber dispute 2/23/61 AB PRESIDENT (US) see United States - President PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Bill in Ark Legis weuld repeal 1 959 ' free elector ' law 2/ 7/61 Bl Gazette says maj ority will welcome end te ' free electors ' 2/ 8/61 A4 Free electer law helped JFK, Gov Orval Faubus bel ieves 2/ 9/61 A9 Senate vetes te end ' free electer' law 2/16/61 A7 House vetes te repeal free electer law , sends measure te gev 2/24/61 Al Free elector law repealed witheut actien by Gov Faubus 3/ 7/61 Bl PRESS ASSOCIATION, Arkansas see News and news media PRESS WOMEN, Arkansas see News and news media see alse News and news media PRICE MAINTENANCE see al se Agriculture see also Alcoholic Beverages PRICE-FEWELL INC 6/ 5/62 Bl Picketing ban affirmed by Ark Supreme Court PRICE-FIXING see Price maintenance PRIEBE AND SONS INC 10/ 3/61 BB Clarksville peultry firm asks authority te reorganiz e 2/ 7/62 Bl Peultry plant at Clarksville clesed by receiver Clarksville plant taken ever by Swift and Ce 11/16/62 A2 PRINCE GARDNER CO 8/lB/62 B5 Construction ef plant at Conway is under way Conway veters approve bends for plant 9/ 2&/62 A2 PRINTING Specialist printers in Ark give state world reputation 10/15/61 Cl PRISONERS see Prisons and prisoners PRISONS AND PRISONERS Note: Entries refer te Ark State Prison, except as neted see alse Murders - Mencer. Charles Andrew see also Parden and parole see alse Sex crimes 1/ 2/61 A2 Three escape frem Washingten Ceunty Jail 1/ 4/61 B7 Two escapees back in j ail in Fayetteville 2/ 1 0/61 Al Fire at Negro Boys Industrial Scheel killed 21 boys in 1959 3/ 9/61 Bl Three Phillips County j ail escapees recaptured 3/20/61 BB Two yuths flee Ashley County Jail 3/25/61 Al Inmates at Negre Beys Scheel werk T J Raney farn nearby 3/25/61 Al LJAC wants rept en earnings ef boys at Negre Training School 3/31/61 Bl Five escape Garland County j ail LJAC told Negro Beys Industrial Scheel records boy s ' earnings 4/22/61 A3 Inmates Bennie Muldrew and Luther Wren flee prison 4/30/61 A9 Two Negro escapees captured after sheeteut with police 5/ 3/61 Al Convict claims shock ef prison sentence caused crippled feet 5/ 3/61 B8 3 20 3 5 2 2 3 5 3 8 4 7 1 7 8 1 3 2 4 2 2 5 5 5 7 1 5 1 DATE '!We Negro inmates escape frem State Hospital Cummins Prison Farm houses 2 . 1 1 5 inmates Jeel R Garson arrested in California Gov Faubus praises efficiency of system under Lee Henslee Mrs Bobbie Christensen ex:capes frem Garland County Jail Escapee Babbie C Christensen recaptured Inmate J C Johnsen shet te death by Jesse Ring. a trusty NLR' s infamous eld j ail being replaced Mississippi County Prison Farm complex destroyed by fire Willie West Began offers te serve brether-in-law ' s term Six excape j ail at Osceola; five are recaptured Mrs Gladys S Quimby to head Girls Training Scheel E A Lauderdale Sr leaves prisen. but faces 2nd bomb charge History ef Arkansas State Penitentiary History of Arkansas State Penitentiary Pulaski County may use bend issue fer new penal farm Prison has mere white then Negre female prisoners Pulaski County cancels bend vote en penal farm Pulaski County offers to sell portion ef penal farm Judge Quinn Glover urges j ail matrons te search females State Training Scheel fer Girls will not grant holiday leaves Part of Pulaski County Penal Farm sold te Winrock Enterprises Pulaski County veters turn dawn meve ef Penal Farm Training Scheel girls making Christmas gifts fer families Gov Faubus inspects state penitentiary . Negre Beys Schoel Ples Duty . 83 . behind bars again Latin American policemen amazed at Cummins Prison Farm Mest guards at Cummins Prison are inmates themselves Supt Lee Henslee runs Cummins with less than 12 empl oyees Pulaski Penal Farm getting rid ef beef cattle operation Conditions at Pulaski Penal Farm blasted by Grand Jury Woman who paraded as man gets parole from prison Earnest C Heuff . 1 5 . sent te prison; prebatien revoked Eight beys flee frem Training Scheel at Pine Bluff Six ef eight escapees returned te Ark Beys Training School Three girls try to flee Pulaski Co Jail; j ailer is shet Youths admit supplying gun to girls in Pulaski Ce J ail Wm Leonard Lee, Rudolph Behr held in Pulaski j ailbreak try Two escape frem Pulaski County Penal Farm; one drowns Jailbreak try by 2 yeuths ends en ledge ef Pulaski courthouse Pulaski County prisoner dies of heat stroke Girls involved in Pulaski Jail break get 6 yrs in prison Several prisoners attempt escape from Cress County J ail Five inmates break out ef Lawrence County Jail Three inmates try te escape Pocahontas City Jail Three inmates beat j ailer, escape Miller County Jail Texarkana j ail escapees recaptured Inmate Walter McWilliams escapes after rel igious conversion Escapee Walter McWilliams recaptured in house en prison f arm Women form auxil iary to help Training Scheel for Girls Lee Henslee to retire as head of prisons . cites health 321 5-/14/61 6/ 4/61 6-/10/61 6-/13/61 6/24/61 6/25/61 7 /27/61 7/30/61 7/31/61 8-/ 4/61 8/ 6-/61 8/-10/61 9/15/61 9/17/61 9/-24/ 61 9/-26/61 10-/ 6/61 10/12/61 11/-19/61 11/29/61 12/ 2/61 12/ 5/61 12/ 6/61 12/ 14/61 1/-10/-62 l/ 20/-6 2 1/28/62 l/ 28/-6 2 l/28/62 2/18/-62 3/ 6/62 4/- 5/62 4/ 11/62 4/25/-62 4/27/62 6/15/62 6/16/62 6/16/62 6/17/62 6/ 20/62 6/-30/62 7-/ 3/62 8/ 4/62 8/ 5/62 8/ 9/62 8/20/62 8/24/62 8/28/62 8/-31/62 9/30/62 10/31/62 PAGE COL A15 C4 B6 A2 K3 A6 Cl6 AS Al Bll C3 A12 AB E2 E2 Bl B7 A12 Al6 A6 K3 All A2 Bl A2 K3 A13 Al3 A13 A3 K3 Cll Bl4 Bl4 Bl Al Al Al A6 Al A3 AS A3 AB A2 Al Bl Bl Al Al6 Bl 6 6 1 5 5 6 5 3 2 6 6 2 l 1 l 6 3 5 1 6 3 7 3 6 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 8 2 2 3 3 4 6 4 3 5 5 4 4 7 4 4 7 DATE Dan D Stephens named asst te Supt Lee Henslee Ark Training Scheel fer Girls bldg named fer Marge Crabaaugh Legislaters praise prefit-making system Frank Van Cleve escapes Pope County Jail; caught at Morrilton Arkansas Girls Training Scheel Auxiliary supports workers Girls Training Scheel at Alexander ceunseler fights apathy '!We men escape Pulaski Penal Farm. voluntarily return Wemen ' s group aids girls in Collegeville Training School '!We youths beat Leneke Ce Sheriff Warren Minten. flee j ail PRIZES see Contests and prizes PROBATION OFFICERS ASSOCIATION, Arkansas Social workers and j uvenile delinquents subj ect ef talk PROB ST. AUGUST SR see also Little Reck Cotton Exchange Veteran cetten broker dies at age 84 in Little Reck PROPERTY TAXES see Taxation PROPERTY. Unclaimed AP&L deposits of ex-customers subj ect ef escheat action PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS see Public prosecutors PROSSER, STEWART K see also Disasters PROSTITUTION 'IWenty young women at Texarkana plead guilty to vagrancy NLR detectives probe prostitution, report 50 arrests Judge reinstates chgs of operating disorderly house at LR PRUDEN, WESLEY see alse Civil rights and discrimination PRUITT HIDE AND FUR CO Blaze rages at LR business for three hours PRYOR. CORNELIUS, Family Article mentions several members ef pioneer family PRYOR. DAVID H see also Autembiles and autemebile drivers see alse Constitution (Ark) see alse Censtructien programs, State see also Legislature (Ark) see also Politics and electiens, Local Repr Pryer urges end te passage ef conflicting bills Urges Hendrix students to encourage yeung people te seek effc PUBLIC ACCOUNTING see Accounting and accountants PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. Arkansas Annual meeting opening in LR Association urges all tewns to fluoridate water supplies PUBLIC LIBRARIES see Libraries, Public PUBLIC PROSECUTORS Rodney Parham Jr is chief deputy te John T Jernigan 3 22 11/ 1/62 1 1/ 6/62 11/ 9/62 11/ 16/62 11/16/62 12/ 9/62 12/18/62 1 2/23/62 1 2/25/62 PAGE COL A4 A2 A8 A2 A2 E4 A1 2 Al 1 8 l 1 7 3 1 6 3 10/20/61 Bl 6 A6 4/19/61 BlO l 1/ 6/61 Bl 6 2/ 4/61 A2 6/24/61 A3 10/ 4/62 Al 4 4 1 1 1/16/61 Al 6 2/18/62 E4 l 3/ 1/61 A3 2/ 21/62 B14 1 5 5/ 7/61 All 5/11/61 Bl 2 6 l/ 1/61 B7 4 DATE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (Ark) see also Arkansas Louisiana Gas Ce see also Television Gev Faubus appts Dan D Stephens atty for PSC Gov Faubus names Mark E Woolsey chief counsel te PSC Group seeking reform of PSC Ark Municipal League wants vote on plan to elect PSC The inherent weaknesses in electing the PSC (ed) Gov Faubus has reservations about election of members PUBLICITY AND PARKS COMMISSION (Ark) Refusal to fund trip for top mother irks l egislator Agency relent s , releases $250 for Mother-of-the-Year trip Comm tightens control ever agency . denies any displeasure Directer Ted Woods says he has been dismissed from his j ob Ted Woods was fired fer cause, Gev Orval Faubus says Bob Evans of Helena. te serve as interim directer Gev Orval Faubus calls fer special audit of Commission Louis J Oberste Jr named publicity directer PULASKI COUNTY see also Little Reck Metropolitan Area Razing of elder section of county courthouse suggested If County Judge agrees. county pay raises have chance County Judge Arch Campbell plans to abolish budget committee Memphis BBB accuses Sheriff 1 s office of shady fund-raising Judge Arch Campbell decides te retain Quorum. Ct budget comm Delinquent tax cellecters garner $159 . 5 0 1 fer ceunty Equalization Bd Chmn Edward Bennett may lese j ob Sen Ellis Fagan. Dan Sprick want Edward Bennett ousted Mr Fagan ' s intervention in county assessment (ed) State Senate backs Fagan ef fert to oust Edward Bennett Mr Fagan ' s purge (ed en Edward Bennett controversy) Summary of grand j ury repert Penal Farm west of LR has been used by county since 1918 Pulaski County Penal farm to be sold Bust ef Count Pulaski planned for courthouse Judge Arch Campbell eager te get bust funds drive rolling Penal Farm offered fer sale; ne takers found County te ask fer old posteffice fer county use Bust ef Count Pulaski unveiled at Pulaski Federal Savings Arch Campbell begins drive fer bust ef Count Pulaski Sheriff L C Yeung Sr disappointed with professional solicitor Cleek tewer atep Courthouse te be tern down: safety cited Penal Farm property floods as floodgate left open Water covers 80-90 acres of penal farm Judge Arch Campbell refuses deputy pay fer sheriff ' s sen Sheriff L C Young Sr plans te sue over son ' s pay Sheriff Yeung te pay sen out of own packet Sheriff L C Yeung Sr sues te get pay fer his sen Sheriff Yeung talks with Campbell. gets son ' s pay approved Count Casimir Pulaski 1 s coat ef arms placed in courthouse Arch Campbell plans rayal titles fer VIP visitors t e county 323 PAGE COL 4/ 8/6 1 9/13/61 10/15/61 11/15/61 11/16/61 11/16/61 Al A13 E3 Al A4 Cl6 4 5 1 8 l 8 4/28/ 6 1 4/30/61 8/30/61 1/29/62 1/30/62 2/ 1/62 2/ 3/62 8/23/62 A2 AlO Bl Al Bl A9 B3 AB 7 4 8 2 6 3 7 2 1/ 8/61 1/ 8/61 1/13/61 1/19/-61 1/ 19/ 6 1 2/ 15-/-61 Z/23/61 2/23/61 2/24/61 2/25/61 2/26/61 3/ 7/61 3/16/61 3/16/61 3/29/-61 3/29/61 4/-12/61 4/16/61 4/28/61 4/29/6 1 5/ 2/-61 5/ 9/61 5/13/61 5-/-14/61 6/ 1 4/61 6/15/61 6/16/61 6/17/61 6/22/61 6/23/61 7/26/61 All A4 AlO A3 Cll AB Al Al A4 Al E4 A6 Cl8 Cl8 A9 A9 A6 A7 All A7 Bl A2 A2 1 7 5 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 5 5 4 5 5 2 2 7 8 l 4 6 4 5 5 1 1 2 6 A5 Al Bl A6 B4 Cl2 Bl Bl DATE County Judge Campbell reveals JFK plan fer Ceunt Pulaski Day Delinquent tax collectors bring in $201 . 6 81 Bust ef Ceunt Pulaski arrives fer placement in courthouse Bust ef Count Pulaski unveiled at courthouse Grand Jury miffed by absence of Sheriff L C Yeung Sr Sheriff Young unperturbed by Grand Jury unhappiness Judge Arch Campbell asks about ending Planning Beard Judge Arch Campbell wants four mere busts in courthouse Statistical profile of Pulaski County 131 years of assessment records new an film Woodrow W James enters race fer sheriff C W Tracy announces for Sheriff C M Pinckney is GOP candidate fer sheriff B Frank Mackey Sr j oins 4 ethers in sheriff race Rev Dale Cewling promotes election of C W Sheriff candidate C W Tracy premises to clean up vice Illegal liquor . gambling corrupts youth. Dr Dale Cowling says Officials of fer to act if Rev Cowling presents evidence Ministers ask Sheriff L C Yeung to act to clean up vice C W Tracy woul d appoint censor board for county Three seek to unseat Sherif£ L C Yeung L C Yeung. B Frank Mackey in runoff for sheriff B Frank Mackey victorious in race fer sheriff Wylie D Cavin Sr chosen electien Cemmissien chmn PULASKI COUNTY JUNIOR DEPUTY SHERIFFS Aim is to curb j uvenile delinquency, premete citiz enship PULASKI COUNTY PENAL FARM see Prisons and prisoners see Pulaski County PULASKI COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Pulaski County District see Weather and storms PULASKI. CASIMIR see also Pulaski County PULASKI-PERRY COUNTY REGIONAL LIBRARY see Libraries, Public PUMPED-STORAGE FACIL ITIES see Electric power PUNISHMENT Wynne youths sentenced te sweep streets one day PURCHASING� Gevt see Contracts and purchasing, Govt PURYEAR. 0 L. Family Dumas family operates several businesses PUZZLES see Games QUAPAW QUARTER HISTORIC DISTRICT (Little Reck) see Historic buildings and sites QUIGLEY. EARL F see also Athletics and sports QUILLIN• JOHN 3 24 9/27 /61 10/- 5/61 10/ 9/61 10/-12-/61 12/16/61 12/17/-61 1/ 4/62 1/12/62 1/ 14/-62 1/30/-62 3/25/62 4/11/-62 4/29/ 6 2 5/- 'l/62 6/ 8/ 62 6/ 8/6 2 6/24/62 6/26/62 6/27/62 7/25/62 7 /29/62 8/ 2/62 8/15/-62 10/ 6/62 PAGE COL A8 6 l 1 1 7 3 8 4 1 2 3 5 6 4 2 2 4 6 1 8 3 3 8 3 1/22/61 A3 1 12/ 6/-62 B16 4 10/-11/61 Bl 3 AB A9 A9 ClO A3 A14 B6 A3 D4 A6 A2 A2 A14 AB A2 A2 A2 Bl AS Bl Al3 Bl Al DATE see also History (Ark) QUILLIN 1 JOSEPHINE OWEN see alse History (Ark) QUILTS AND QUILTING Quilting new almost a lest art QUIMBY. GLADYS S see alse Prisons and prisoners QUITMAN No names will appear on bal let fer city of fices QUORUM COURTS see Politics and elections RABIES see Animals see Livestock and poultry see Medicine and health RACE DISCRIMINATION see Civil rights and discrimination RACE TRACKS see also Deg racing see also Horse racing House passes bill aimed at preventing more deg tracks Legis passes bill making estab of new tracks mere difficult Maj ority ef qual ified voters must approve any new tracks Gazette endorses restrictive legislation en new tracks Deg racing would be voted en every 4 yrs under bill in House RACING COMMIS SION (Ark) Gov Faubus shuffles membership ef Commissi.on RACING1 Dog see Deg racing RACING. Horse see Horse racing RADIATION EFFECTS AND HAZARDS see Pollution. wastes and hazardous materials RADIO Feature en B rother Hal radio personality Arthur Godfrey taping radio shew in LR Nashville firm to buy KTHS for $620.000 Nashville firm files te buy KTHS KAAY beams Veice ef America broadcasts to Cuba KAAY honored by JFK for help during Cuban crisis RAGAN, W A (Mrs) see also Culture and the arts RAILROADS see alse Explesives and explesiens see alse History (Ark) see also Land and real estate see alse Little Reck Zoe see alse Trucks and trucking industry Fameus railread car. Traveler. bought by Searcy Elrod Ernie Deane describes ride en an old iron horse MoPac begins probe ef derailment and explosion at Traskweod 3 25 PAGE COL 4/ 1/62 ES 2 11/12/61 Al 4 Al Al Al E4 A2 5 5 5 1 1 7/11/61 AS 2 1/28/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 5/61 2/ 9/61 9/ 3/61 10/18/61 5/25/62 5/30/62 10/25/62 12/ 5/62 AS Bl4 Bl AS A4 Bll l/ 7/62 E5 1/ 4/61 Bl 1/ 5/61 A2 l 2 8 5 l 7 2 2 3 DATE MePac cannet determine cause ef derailment at Traskweod Train derails near West Memphis MoPac makes last passenger run into El Dorado Legis passes bill en rem.oval ef Arkansas & Ozarks tracks Bill taxing companies for removal ef tracks becomes l aw Legislature votes t o repeal rail leekout l aw Arkansas has had Lookout Statute since 1891 Repeal ef Lookout Statute signed by Gev Faubus Ex-Atty Gen T J Gentry seeks restoration of Lookout Statute T J Gentry sees hand of William J Smith in repeal ef law Ballet title approve fer petition fer vete on Leokeut repeal NLR hump yard to begin operations Missouri Pacific ' s $ 8 . 400. 0000 hump yard at NLR new in use Part of train leaves track at Hazen Arkansas Midland completion might have changed history Map shows railroads of Arkansas in early days Article en eld iron horse on Little Reck and Fort Smith run Gene Hull is collector ef railroad history MePac train rams truck at Hamburg: one killed Reader Railroad operates the old iron horse ICC gives approval fer Arkanssas and Ozarks te abandon l ine Petitions seek repeal of law ending railroad l eokeut law Missouri Pacific delays classification yard at McGehee Petitions te refer repeal ef leokeut law filed Missouri Pacific to expand NLR facilities Old steam lecometive donated te Batesville fer city park Cotten Belt Railroad shops at Pine Bluff damaged by fire Change in prepesed leekeut law requested Legislature votes te reinstate lookout laws Freight derails . smashes into passenger train at Bay 'IWo accidents by same train fatal te five Engineer involved in Z crashes has 36-yr perfect record Train rams another train at Pine Bluf f : engineer killed Wreck at Pine Bluff inj ures 14 persons Mrs Edward V Hilburn loses suit against railroads Missouri-Pacific seeks te drop three passenger trains Locomotive used by Arkansas and Ozarks sold (photo) Commerce Comm hears 2 views en MePac plan te curtail service Tayler kept its Louisiana and Arkansas Rilread depot Article on old Dardanelle and Russellville Railroad Shops at NLR weld rails to make centinueus rails Missouri Pacific freight j umps track at Myersville Boulder derails Missouri Pacific freight near Batesville Arkansas and Ozarks stopped running trains in 1 960 Frisco Railroad files suit against defunct Arkansas and Ozark Seven fuel cars burn after derailment near Black Reck Earl Derrick makes working model ef f amous engine, General Camilla Hough Conklin was oldtime girl telegrapher Harrison seeks construction of 7-mile spur te Bergman State seeks t o halt dismantling ef Arkansas and Ozarks RR MoPac hurt by Arkansas full crew law. efficial says 326 PAGE COL 1/ 6/61 Bl 1/ 8/61 AlO 1/15/61 2/ 4/61 2/ 9/61 3/ 3/61 3/ 5/61 3/ 7/61 3/ 11/61 3/11/61 3/15/61 3/19/61 3/21/61 3/26/61 3/26/61 3/26/61 3/29/61 3/29/61 4/ 1/61 4/ 9/6 1 4/11/61 5/ 9/61 5/11/61 6/ l/61 6/25/61 7/ 9/6 1 7/30/61 8/31/61 9/ 2/61 9/25/61 10/ 23/61 10/24/61 1 1/ 1/61 1 1/ 1/61 11/ 2/61 11/10/61 11/17/61 1 2/ 1 2/61 1/ 3/62 1/21/62 l/23/6Z Zl 1/62 2/ 2/6Z Z/ 17/62 2/17/62 3/17/62 4/10/62 4/15/62 4/28/62 4/28/62 5/18/-62 A7 Al Bl Al2 A7 All Al Al A3 cs Al Al El El Bl Bl A3 E2 Al BlO Bl Bl Al A3 A2 A3 A2 Al Al Bl Al Al A9 Bl Bl Bl4 Bl E5 Bl Al Al A5 A5 B7 Bl ES A6 Bl2 Bl 2 1 1 5 9 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 4 5 6 5 2 1 2 7 2 7 2 3 3 3 5 5 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 7 3 2 5 3 2 DATE Court nullifies act placing heavy tax en A & 0 railroad Crewmen arrested fer blocking NLR crossings Reader Railroad appreved fer hauling passengers MePac discentinues twe passenger runs through LR Train derails near NLR; 25 cars wrecked Railroads seek intrastate rate increase in Ark Rate increase would j epepardize G-P plant. official says Higher rates would hurt railroads . state Cemmerce Comm teld Reynalds Metals says rate increase would harm production 5/22/62 9/16/62 11/ 8/62 11/ 9/62 12/ 3/62 12/12/62 12/13/62 12/14/62 1 2/ 15/62 PAGE COL Bl Al2 Bl A2 Al Bl Bl Bl A3 8 3 2 6 3 2 6 4 8 RAIN see see Berry • Hamer F Weather and storms RAND. SALLY see alse Actors and entertainers RANDOLPH. VANCE Ernie Deane writes en famed folklorist of the Ozarks RANEY, T J see alse Prisons and prisoners RAPE see Sex crimes RAULSTON. ROY see also Newton County RAWLINGS. CAROLYN see alse Arkansas Junior Miss RAY. JOHNNY see also Actors and entertainers RAZORBACK JUBILEE Nancy Cochran wins talent contest Nancy Gibson crewned Miss Personality RAZORBACK MASCOT see University of Arkansas RAZORBACK METHOD INC Blast and fire destroy plant near Manila One-af-a-kind machine destroyed . in fire READER RAILROAD see Railreads READING Kay Turner ef Conway reads 2 . 556 words per minute REAL ESTATE see Land and real estate REAPPORTIONMENT. Congressienal see Congress - Reapportionment REAPPORTIONMENT. Judicial see Courts. State and lecal REAPPORTIONMENT, Legisl ative see also Legislature (Ark) REASOR-HILL CORP see also Hercules Pewder Ca Jacksonville pl ant manufactures herbicides Jacksonville te vete on bends to bolster chemical industry Lyle 0 Hill was founder of company 327 12/12/62 Bl 7/ 9/61 AlO 7/ 9/ 61 AlO 5 5 2/ 8/6 2 Bl 2/ 8/62 Bl 7 7 1/ 7/62 Al2 3 9/10/61 AlO 9/ 10/61 AlO 9/10/61 AlO 1 l 1 DATE Jacksonville voters defeat Act 9 bonds fer company Act 9 confusion beat bonds, city officials say Plant at Jacksonville seld te Hercules Pewder Co Reaser-Hill was establ ished at J acksonville in 1 945 REAVES, LEE see also Arkansas A & M College REB SAMEN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL see Medicine and health REBSAMEN. RAYMOND see alse Little Rock Addresses Memphis Rotary Club Honored by housing group Elected to beard of Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis RECORD. WILSON see also Books and writing RECREATION see Park s . recreation and tourism RECTOR. WILLIAM F see also College graduates RED RIVER see Rivers and lakes REDDIN, A R see also Baptist Church REFORMATORIES see Prisons and prisoners REHAB ILITATION CENTER FOR THE BLIND, Southwest see also Handicapped REHAB ILITATION CENTER, Het Springs Center at Hot Springs opens this week in old Army-Navy Hosp State Rehabilitation Directer Den W Rus sell outlines pl ans First ten students check in at Center Legislature rescinds Den Russel l ' s pay raise Center credited to hard work of Den Russell and ethers Center doing wonders fer the disabled Therapy area to be expanded Patricia Masingale is first student te graduate at Center Irving Jones quits post at Het Springs Rehab Center Rehab Ctr admr Gerald Fisher, Den Russell criticized by Jenes Gev Faubus says he knows of ne mismanagement at Rehab Center REHAB ILITATION, Human see Rehabilitation Center. Hot Springs RELIGION see also Baptist Church see also Buddhism see also Catholic Church see also Children and yeuth see also Christadelpbians see also Christian Church see also Communism see also Episcopal Church see also Gideons International 3 28 9/13/61 9/15/61 12/12/61 12-/12/61 PAGE COL A2 Bl Al Al 2 8 2 2 1/18/61 A7 5/31/61 Al 11/15/61 Bl 5 3 2 l/ 1/61 1/ 1/61 1/ 4/61 3/ 7/61 4/15/61 5/26/61 12/12/61 1 2/ 17/61 1/ �/62 l/ 9/62 1/10/62 2 2 4 5 8 2 8 7 8 8 1 Al Al Bl Al B5 Bl Bl A2 Bl Bl A2 DATE see also Methedist Church see alse Metrepel itan Little Rock Assn ef Free Ministers see also Ministerial Associatien, Greater Little Reck see also Pentecostal Church see also Presbyterian Church see also Sabbath and Sunday legislatien see also Seventh Day Adventist Church see also Wildlife Arkansas Ceuncil ef Churches hears plea fer werldwide church American Legien protests Jehovah ' s Witness use of school LR Schoel Bd vetes to allew Jehovah ' s Witnesses use ef school Dr and Mrs George T McKee were missionaries te Africa 3 0 yrs Story about Sam P Jenes and the saleen keepers at Jenesbore Catholics , Protestants meet together fer prayer. Bible study RELIGION AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS see Education - Religieus issues see Gevernor (Ark) REMMEL. A C (Mrs) GOP committeewoman frem LR gives Pres Eisenhewer a kiss REMMEL, ELLEN LUCY CATES Arkansas ' s ' Mrs GOP ' dies at age 73 Editorial lauds useful life lived by Mrs Remmel Funeral plans announced REMMEL, HARMON L JR Letter en Ark delegation in Congress Letter en Remmel family ef Arkansas REMMEL , PRATT C see alse Arkansas River Censtructien Inc see also Politics and electiens Harmen L Remmel Jr lr gives brief biog of Pratt C Remmel RENG, CARL R see also Arkansas State College see also Construction programs . State Dr Reng heads Dist 615 of Rotary International REPRODUCTION (Human) UAMC scientist Dr J K Sherman studies freezing of sperm REPUBLICAN PARTY see Construction programs. State see Politics and elections RESCUES see also Swimming Jimmy Stevens. 1 5 1 saves a life with artificial respiration RESERVOIRS see Rivers and lakes RESTAURANTS Unfair practice charge filed against Morrison ' s Cafeteria Unfair labor practices suit filed against Heward Johnsen ' s Negre waiter claims harassment at Morrison ' s Cafeteria Morrison ' s spokesman says waiters fired for peer werk Morrison ' s Cafeteria in LR held unfair te empleyees Strike closes twe Fra�e ' s Cafeterias 329 1 1/ 7/61 2/23/62 2/23/62 8/22/62 1 1/18/62 1 2/ 2 4/62 PAGE COL Bl Al Al Bl ElO Al 5 4 4 2 4 4 1/ 7/61 A3 2 3/ 8/61 Al 3/ 9/61 A4 3/ 9/61 B6 4 2 4 8/ 3/62 A4 8/28/62 A4 3 3 8/28/62 A4 3 4/29/62 AB 4 4/15/62 All 1 4/ 2/61 Al 2 4/18/61 7/ 8/61 7/26/61 7/27/61 10/20/61 12/ 3/61 A9 BlO B9 Bl A3 A3 4 4 4 5 8 8 DATE Franke ' s keeps 3 cafeterias open during strike Strike closes fourth Franke ' s Franke ' s Inc will ebey NLRB order te rehire two workers Mere charges ef unfair labor filed against Franke ' s Continental Restaurant to open in Baucum heme at LR NLRB orders Merrisen ' s at LR te give waiters j obs . back wages Second labor complaint filed agsinst Franke ' s Inc Third complaint against Franke ' s Inc filed with NLRB New labor complaint filed against Franke ' s Inc NLRB opens hearings en labor complaints against Franke ' s Franke ' s tells why employees not rehired NLRB eases demands fer rehiring by Franke ' s Union sues Franke ' s Inc over arbitrating grievances Franke ' s Inc wins labor decision RETAIL STORES see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation Shopping center being built at Asher. Univ Ave in LR Kempner ' s te remodel Main Street store in LR University Shopping Center te open today in LR Bellas Hess te open store in LR RETARDED PERSONS see Mental health and disorders RETIREMENT see alse Government employees. Local REUNION OF SOLDIERS OF ALL WARS see Veterans REVENUE DEPARTMENT (Ark) see also Buildiings and of fices. Gevt J Orville Cheney leaves Dept fer Commerce Commission post Mack Sturgis may be replacement fer J Orville Cheney E E McLees named acting head of Dept Ted E Donham is new Revenue Commissioner REVENUE DEPARTMENT BUILDING ( Proposed) see Buildings and offices. Gevt REVERE COPPER AND BRASS INC Expansion of Newport mill announced REYBOLD. EUGENE Former chief ef Little Reck Dist Army Engineers dies REYNOLDS GAS REGULATOR CO Arkla te build new plant at Sheridan Sales unit maved to LR. combined with sales unit REYNOLDS METAL S CO Contreversy ever proposed closing of Arkadelphia plant Closing ef Arkadelphia mill will cost j obs of 3 00 workers Conference to be held to try te avert closing of plant Arkadelphia spirits rise at decision to keep plant open Gov Orval Faubus met with Reynolds president en closing Reynolds te keep Arkadelphia plant open at 25 pct capacity A welcome decision en Arkadelphia plant (ed) Fuss solved fer now. but clouds remain Reynolds cites high cost electricity at Arkadelphia plant 330 12/ 5-/61 12-/12-/61 1/17-/62 1/24/62 1/28/62 3/ 2/62 3/10/62 4/13/62 4/24/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 4/6 2 7-l 4/62 8/15/-62 PAGE COL BB BlO A2 K3 C3 Bl A2 Bll B9 Bl3 D2 B13 2 5 1 4 3 2 l A6 6 6 5 1 l l 8 1/15/61 10/29/61 3/22/62 5/23-/62 B7 Cl D2 A2 8 4 1 l 10/13/61 10/14/61 11/ 2/61 1 1/16/61 Al Al Bl All 4 5 2 3 All 5-/ 6/62 Cl 3 11/23/61 BlO 2 8/17/62 BlO 8/26/62 C2 6 7 1-/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1 3 3 3 3 3 l 2 2 1/61 5/-61 5/61 6/61 6/61 6/61 7/61 8/61 8/61 BS Al Al Al Al Al A4 K3 K3 DATE Federal govt approves plant power cost cut Rel ief fer Reynolds (ed) Plant at Arkadelphia will stay epen Company lays ef f 90 empl oyees at Hurricane Creek pl ant REYNOLDS• JERRY see alse Dead REYNOLDS• JOSEPH see alse History (Ark) REYNOLDS• MARVIN Donates park to city ef Paragould RHEA. JOAN see also Shootings RHINEHART. ROBERT J Fellew title bestowed en AP&L superintendent RHODES. RICHARD C see also Civil War RIALES, ROY L SR see also Children ' s Col ony . Arkansas RICE GROWERS BANK see Rebberies and thefts RICH l-DUNTAIN ELECTRIC CO-OPERATIVE see alse Electric power RICHARDSON, FOUNT Henered by University of Arkansas Univ ef Ark directer ef student health services dies RICKENBACKER. EDDIE see also Harding College Rickenbacker reads 19-page speech at American Legion luncheon RICKETTS, WILLIS see also Governor (Ark) RIDDICK, WALTER SR (Mrs) see also MacArthur . Douglas RIDGWAY, BOYD see alse Little Rock Chamber ef Commerce RIGHT TO WORK LAW see Labor RIGHT-TO-WORK see Labor RIGHTSELL0 RICHARD W Celebrates 90th birthday with party RILEY. BOB COWLEY Dr Riley te address American Legien convention RILEY, EMMA Generous supporter ef Ouachita Baptist College RITCHIE. REEVES E Installed as Saraha Shrine chief RITCHIE, ROBERT E see also United Fund RIVERS AND LAKES Nete: Entries here include floods and fleod central see also Cemeteries 331 2/ 4/61 2/ 5/61 11/16/61 12/13/62 PAGE COL Al E4 Bl Bl 6/ 11/61 Al6 8 2 8 2 5 10/20/62 A5 2 5/28/61 A4 11/24/61 A18 3 2 4/19/62 Al 4 5/ 1/62 A6 3 1/22/61 A4 5 5/ 7/61 E2 1 l/19/61 AlO l DATE see alse Harbors. perts and marinas see alse Land and real estate see also Mente Ne see alse Parks . recreation and teurism Greers Ferry Dam has 40 pct ef concrete in place Over $90 million to be spent this year en river basins Ouachita River barge shipping shews increase SCS approves funds fer Arkansas City Watershed Proj ect Eisenhewer budget asks fer $52 million fer state river work Eisenhower ' s final budget brings river dreams nearer (ed) New floedwall te protect Clarksville from Spadra Creek Progress en the Ouachita (ed en navigation program) Discussion en proposed Pine Mountain Dam slated at Van Buren Pine Mountain Dam would be constructed en Lee Creek Lee ' s Creek dam backers present pleas at hearing Bayeu Bartholemew often overflaws covering farmland Barney Holland wants te operate barge l ine en Red River Interest fades in Plum Bayeu flood control ; proj ect dies Replacement of old White River bridge at Des Arc needed Huge recreational lake to be built near Forrest City Ouachita River development group meets at El Dorado Senate vetes te previde free ferry near Dumas Editerial en proposed free ferry at Pendleton John L McClellan seeks te keep navigation proj ect en schedule House votes t e require ARD te estab 7 mere free ferries Legislators say Gev Faubus plans to vete all ferry bills Blytheville greup wants state te build lake in vicinity Millwood Dam werk to begin seen Senate approves bills fer free ferries: Faubus veto seen Buff ale River should be preserved. Mrs Laird Archer writes Buffalo River needs control s . Gibson L Walsh writes Dardanelle Dam under construction (photo) Barges could reach Little Reck in six mere years Arkansas River Basin backers plead fer speedup in proj ects Greers Ferry Dam work is 58 pct complete Arkansas basin Development Assn ends annual meeting at Tulsa Gev Faubus veteos seme. but net all. free ferry bills Navigation expected en Arkansas River in ten years President Kennedy seeks fund increase fer Arkansas River work President Kennedy aids river development (ed) OUachita River flooding Camden areas Plum Bayou flood central work rej ected by Army Engineers Rivers flooding in state Old Habberten B ridge ever White River near Fayetteville Engineering rept on site fer Pert of LR almost ready Proposed drawdown at Lake Norfork poses problem fer engineers Proposed drawdown at Nerferk is fer fish management purposes Arkansas River development two years ahead if funds available Aerial view ef Dardanel le Dam site Nine workers at Greers Ferry Dam go on strike DeGray Dam censtructien te begin in 1 96 3 332 1/ 2/ 61 1/ 2/61 1/ 8/61 1/-13/61 1/17/61 1/18/61 1/20/61 1/21/61 1/22/61 1/22/61 1/26/61 1/29/61 2/ 2/6 1 2/ 2/61 2/17/61 2/17/61 2/17/61 2/18/61 2/19f61 2/19/61 2/ 24/61 2/24/-61 2/25/61 2/26/61 3/ 4/6 1 3/ 7/61 3/ 9/61 3/ 9/6 1 3/ 9/61 3/11/61 3/11/61 3 / 12/61 3/17/61 3/24/61 3/25/61 3/26/61 3/30/61 3/31/61 4/ 2/61 4/ 4/61 4/ 8/61 4/ 9/61 4/ 9/6 1 4/ 9/61 4/ 9/61 4-/13/61 4/13/-61 PAGE COL A3 A3 Al2 Bl Al A4 Bl A4 A3 A3 Bl ClO Bl Bl A9 Bl Bl AS E4 E5 Al Al B6 AlO A2 A4 A!+ AB AB A2 A2 A2 B12 AB Al E4 A2 A12 Al A2 A2 Al Al Cl Cl Al6 Bl 2 2 3 5 6 1 3 2 4 4 8 3 3 5 3 4 6 7 l 5 5 5 4 l 1 4 3 3 5 1 3 4 1 6 2 1 2 3 2 2 l 2 2 1 2 4 5 DATE White River Trout Assn epposes dams on Buf fale River Engineers study moving Ozark Dam downstream Arkansas River proj ect makes prevision fer catching sediment Piers of Dardanelle Dam taking shape (phete) Arkansas River beosters advised te werk hard on proj ect Hearing set on Dardanel le Reservoir recreation plan White River fleeding between Calico Reck and Newpert Dozens of persons missing after flood hit Harrison Harrison battered by flood that killed twe persons Harrison business buildings collapsed or were washed away Harrison flood damage estimated at $5 mill ion Harrison fleodwaters roared down Crooked Creek during night Wall of water that struck Harrison was 7 to 10 ft high Aerial view of Harrison f leed damage White River reservoirs holding floodwaters fer later release Flooding hits several areas of state Harrison begins cleanup of flood damage swollen rivers keep flood threat alive Relief agencies. Small Business Adm. seek to aid Harrison Third body found in fleed debris at Harrison Table Reck Reservoir waters at record height Bayeu Bartholemew flood control plan and benefits Harrison residents salvaging what they can frem flood Harrison school s closed for rest of term after flood damage Statistics on destroyed. damaged buildings at Harrison Harrison flood control . once called toe costly. being revived Flood damage to public property in Beene County is $350.000 Dams on Buffalo River needed. H C Wilmering says Five bridges t o open in state soon Arkansas seeks federal disaster aid for flood victims Harrison set for onslaught of sightseers as cleanup continues Open floodgate allews flooding at Pulaski Penal Farm Beaters te cruise Ouachita River to shew potential Harrison notes signs of recGVery f rem flood damage Over 330 buildings in Harrison destroyed or damaged by flood G&FC opens bids on Lake Greenlee and Distress Creek Lake Body of fourth flood victim found at Harrison Harrison water supply declared safe fer use Greers Ferry Lake bridge at Edgemont under construction Barge service on the Arkansas River could start new Clearfork Creek dam was built by Civilian Conservation Corps Dardanelle Dam to block river traffic for four years State allotted $824.000 in federal disaster aid Harrison has minor flooding from heavy thundershOrNers Springdale and Rogers flooded after heavy downpour Grady-Gould watershed proj ect has backing of JFK Muddy Fork watershed proj ect in Washington Co backed by JFK Maj er bridge prej ects under way in state Publicity trip en Ouachita by Chamber ef Commerce completed Creaked Creek control plan to be speeded up by Engineers Engineers te begin study ef fleed hazards in Ark valleys 333 4/15/61 4/16/61 4/16/61 4/28/ 6 1 4/28/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 7/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 9/61 5/ 9/61 5/ 9/61 5/10/61 5/ 10/61 5/10/61 5/10/61 5/10/61 5/11/61 5 / 1 1/61 5/11/61 5/11-/61 5/12/61 5/12/61 5/12/61 5/13-/61 5/13/61 5/13/61 5/14/61 5/14/61 5/14/61 5/14/61 5/15/61 5/15/61 5/16/61 5/16/61 5/17/61 5/18/61 5/18/61 5/20/61 5/20/61 5/20/61 5/20/61 5/21/61 5/22/61 5/23/61 5/24/61 PAGE COL B2 A4 Cl All Bl A13 A2 Al Al Al Al Al Al AB Al Al Bl Al A2 A2 A2 B8 Al Al Al A2 Al A4 Bl A2 A2 A2 A3 A4 A4 B4 AlO Bl2 A2 Bl Bl Bl Bl Al Al A2 A2 El A5 A3 Al4 l 5 l 5 8 6 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 l 6 8 5 8 1 1 5 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 4 1 3 4 6 6 6 5 3 6 4 3 3 6 8 4 4 3 3 1 5 4 4 DATE Censtructien of 400-acre lake at Pine Bluff delayed Bridge across Mississippi at Helena te be dedicated Article en new $12 million bridge at Helena Lake Dardanelle te inundate site ef historic Dwight Missien Suspension bridge ever White River at Des Arc (phete) $7 million bond issue fer Helena bridge te cost $14 million Huge dragline digging new Arkansas River channel near LR Investment ef Helena bridge funds earns $208.542 East Arkansans te testify on Cache River-Bayou DeView proj ect Arkansas River use fer water sports. fishing in future Arkansas River was once highly popular fer recreation Arkansas gets help of JFK en Arkansas River funding Dispute ever Cache River drainage heard in House committee Arkansas River banks at meuth ef Maumelle te be stabilized Ouachita River development backers push fer federal funding Harrison flood lesses placed at $5 . 27 8 . 000 Account ef last steamboat te reach Arkadelphia 50 years ago Pine Bluff lake construction held up by legal problems High bids delay start ef construction ef Millweed Dam Col Arthur M J acoby warns river valleys everdeveloped Sketch of prepesed Lake Pine Bluff White River bridge at Calico Reck to be studied by AHC Arkansas River bridge at Morrilton has unusual st ory Freeway Bridge at LR te epen seen Arkansas River bank werk under way near LR Arkansans encouraged to fleat Buffalo River Problem of cracks in Norfork Dam turned ever te scientists Letter supports building ef dams en Buffalo River Beaver Dam construction halted by labor strike Freeway Bridge at LR to open tomerrew Freeway Bridge at LR opened with ceremony Nine-inch rain brings flooding across state Dragl ine builds mound te escape rising Arkansas River at LR Arkansas River swirls around giant dragline on snndbar Beaver Dam work resumes after labor dispute settled Engineers rej ect G&FC proposal to lower Lake Norfork water Helena bridge te be dedicated en Thursday New bridge across Mississippi River at Helena is a blessing Col Arthur M J acoby summarizes accomplishments of Corps Arkansas River backers bid f arewell te Cel Arthur M Jacoby Charles E Halbert retires as Helena ferry captain Sidelights ef Helena bridge dedication event Festive air marks Helena dedication of bridge Promise paid : J B Lambert pushed across new Helena bridge Five-county group forms to push fer Buffalo River dams James Tuder heads association seeks to dam Buffalo River Success of Bull Shoal s . Norfork cited by Buffalo dam advocate Construction te start on Flat Creek Lake in Lawrence Co Keep Buffalo River as it is . Mrs Jee Upchurch urges NLRB uphol ds appeal ef workers en Bull Sheals Dam Greers Ferry Dam is 85 pct complete (photo) 33 4 5/24/-61 6/ 4/ 61 6/ 4/61 6/ 5/61 6/ 6/61 6/10/61 6/11/61 6/11/61 6/11/61 6/11/61 6/11/61 6/11/61 6/13/61 6/14/61 6/14/ 6 1 6/14/61 6/20/61 6/20/61 6/21/61 6/23/61 6/25/61 6/29/61 6/30/61 7/ 2/61 7/ 2/61 7 / 2/61 7/ 4/6 1 7/ 8/61 7/ 12/61 7/14/61 7/ 16/61 7/17/61 7/18/61 7/19/61 7/19/61 7/21/-61 7/ 23/61 7/23/61 7/23/61 7/26/61 7/27/61 7/28/61 7/28/61 7/28/61 7/30/61 7/30/61 7/30/61 7/30/61 8/ 3/61 8/ 3/61 8/ 8/61 PAGE COL BlO A2 El BB Bl Al Al AlO Al3 E2 E2 E5 BlO A3 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl All A6 Bl A3 A6 B4 A6 A4 5 A3 Al Al Bl Bl Bl Bl Al A3 ClO Bl Al Al Al Al A2 A2 A2 B4 A4 Bl Bl 2 1 l 5 4 6 4 1 1 1 4 5 4 l 7 8 3 5 6 8 3 2 2 1 1 2 4 3 l 2 6 3 3 6 7 2 1 3 5 4 3 4 4 6 6 6 4 3 3 3 DATE Helena bridge tells exceed expectatiens Dr Neil Cempten urges preservatien ef the Buff ale River William A Wilsen writes en Buffale River controversy Spring Creek everflews. fleeds Springdale steres Greup plans te seek restoration of Lake Chicot Greers Ferry Dam abeut 80 pct complete (pheto) Head of Ozark Wilderness Waters Club makes plea fer Buffalo After fleod ' s devastation, Harrison rises again (photos) List ef prej ects te be funded by pending bill in Congress Arkadelphia flotilla promotes Ouachita River navigation Hause passes river funds fer Arkansas water proj ects Werk en Lake St Francis to begin seen Article recalls enly pontoon bridge at Dardanelle Beaver Dam work delayed by discovery ef cave at dam site National Park Service te study Buffalo River as park site Bayou Bartholemew Improvement Assn premises aid with proj ect Letter pleads for saving the Buffalo from dams Map shEMs where river work scheduled fer 1 96 1-62 Group te ask fer state ferry at Pendleton on Arkansas River Towboats driven by water j ets may transform Arkansas River Creaked Creek dam proposals being debated in Beene County Harrison City Council supports large dam en Crooked Creek Cave at Beaver Dam site te be filled with concrete State to provide free ferry on White River at Oil Trough National Park Service team teurs Buffalo area. is impressed Censtructien te start next year en Millwood Dam Buff ale River should be saved, G A McKelvey writes Bridges at Edgemont and Higden to be dedicated Jehn P MerrOW" Sr was a leader in fight fer flood control Greup forms te push fer Water Valley Dam en Eleven Point Higden Bridge at Greers Ferry Reservoir dedicated (photo) Proposed Water Valley Dam en Eleven Point is controversial Water Valley residents have defeated dam twice before New channels cut fer Arkansas River near Little Reck (photo) Concrete being poured at Beaver. Dardanel le . Greers Ferry Werk expected te start seen en Lake Pine Bluff Water Valley Reservoir Assn says it has 2 . 000 members Lake Ouachita chosen fer underwater blast tests Army Engineers begin new study en Buf fale River development Greers Ferry Dam. will be finished six months early AIDC asks Pocahontas Chambver ef Commerce te support dam Helena B ridge traffic still shows �ecline Concrete being poured fer second section ef Dardanel le Dam Photos shGW' preparation ef riverbed fer Dardanelle Dam Marien County group proposes com.premise for Buffalo River Fees ef large dam en Creaked Creek claim 4 . 000 backers Large dam on Crooked Creek approved by Army Engineers of fice Three maj or studies ef Buffalo River use have been made Public hearing set te discuss Buffalo River dispute Prepesed dam at Pendleton woul d fleod part of park site SCS says 20 dams needed to stop Crooked Creek £leading 335 8/13/61 8/13/61 8/14/61 8/15/61 8/22/61 8/24/61 9/ 3/61 9/ 6/61 9/ 7/61 9/11/61 9/14/61 9/16/61 9/17/61 9/l'J/61 9/19/61 9/20/ 6 1 9/22/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 4/6 1 10/ 5/61 10/ 5/ 61 10/ 5/61 10/10/61 10/15/61 10/18/61 10/29/ 6 1 10/29/61 11/ 4/61 1 1/ 5/61 1 1/12/61 1 1/12/61 1 1/ 1 2/61 1 1/14/61 11/25/61 12/ 1/61 1 2/ 2/ 6 1 1 2/ 7/61 12/ 7/61 12/ 9/61 1 2/ 9/61 l 2/ 10/61 1 2/ 10/61 1 2/16/61 l'l/17/61 1 2/24/61 1/ 4/ 62 l/ 4/62 l/ 8/62 1/10/62 PAGE COL A12 E4 A4 Bl BlO Bl A4 Bl A7 A2 Bl A2 A8 Bl Bl B9 A4 AlO A9 E4 A7 A2 A6 Bl Al A4 A4 A3 ES B2 C3 A4 A4 A8 B4 B7 Bl A5 AlO Bl A7 BB C3 C3 A2 A4 A2 A3 A3 A2 A3 1 5 5 8 5 3 3 3 1 2 7 8 2 4 8 l 3 3 l l 1 1 l 6 3 1 5 7 2 6 5 1 1 3 6 7 2 5 2 5 6 l l 1 1 3 8 3 4 7 2 DATE Engineers study 4 sites en Arkansas River fer Ozark Dam Land at Arkansas Post Park already ruined by river fleods Harrison Chamber of Cemmerce wants big dam en Crooked Creek W B O ' Neal favers dam en Buffalo River Jahn L Ferguson opposes interference with Arkansas Post site Norfork Dam cracks do not need repair. Army Engineers say Sponsors of Arkansas Post Park not upset by plans for dam President Kennedy seeks $70 million fer Ark water proj ects JFK budgets mere fer river work in Ark than other states Hearing set en proposed Water Valley Dam on Eleven Point Corps of Engineers inspects lewer Ouachita River Hearing set on Buffalo River dams controversy Marshal businesses to close during Buffalo River hearing Column on planned navigation channel fer Ouachita River Proponents and opponents ef Buffalo River dams speak out Jee Stroud article describes natural beauty ef Buffalo River No clear choice seen in Buffalo River dispute Pendleton Ferry still private despite Legislature' s erder Article en planned Arkansas Post Canal Army Engineers to study Fourche La Fave basin development Beaver Dam en White River near Eureka Springs taking shape Letter discusses need for Buffalo River preservation Jasper Informer says Newten County does not favor park Fleod study of LR could change grewth trend Dr S C Dellinger discusses Buffalo River as a natl preserve Large crowds expected for hearing on Eleven Point River plan The Buffalo Dam (ed in Marshall Mountain Wave) Arkansas River navigation program moving ahead Hearings on proposed Water Valley Dam epen on bitter nete Fees ef Water Valley Dam have their day before Corps Buffalo River Dam opposed by Walter F Lackey Rivers and Harbors Bd defers action en Creaked Creek dams Hearing held en possible development ef Fourche La Fave basin Harrison officials urge speedup en Crooked Creek dam work Opposition rises te naming Bull Shoals Lake fer Truman Plans offered for drainage at Pine Bluff to control flooding Scenic value of Buffalo River rated high Editorials obj ect te changing name ef Bull Shoals Lake Army Engineer asks Arkansas River boosters fer patience Arkansas Pest area te be flooded probably has no artifact s St Francis River floods thousands ef acres in 3 counties Editorial urges keeping Greers Ferry name Army Engineers stick te plan fer canal route in Desha County Engineers te fill Greers Ferry Reservoir at faster pace Last bucket of concrete goes inte Greers Ferry Dam Army Engineers will net reroute Arkansas Pest Canal Beaver Dam construction continues around the clock Seismic survey to help locate site for dam at Ozark Army Engineers explain decision on Arkansas Pest Canal route Harrison mfg plant depends en single big dam. mayer says Missourian speaks up en damming the Buffalo River 336 1/11/62 1/11/62 l/12/ 62 1/13/62 1/14/62 1/15/62 1/-18/62 1/19/62 1/21/62 1/23/62 1/-26/62 1/28/62 1/28/62 1/28/62 1/31/62 2/ 1/62 2/ 1/62 2/ 4/62 2/ 4/62 2/ 6/62 2/ 8/6 2 2/ 9/62 2/11/62 2/13/62 2/17/62 2/ 18/62 2/18/62 2/18/62 2/21/62 2/22/62 2/23/62 2/28/62 3/ 2/62 3/ 2/62 3/ 4/62 3/ 9/62 3/10/62 3 / 1 1/62 3 / 1 4/62 3 / 16/62 3/17/-62 3/18/62 3 /30/62 4/ l/62 4/- 8/62 4/ 8/62 4/15/-62 4/15/62 4/15/-62 4/21/-62 4/22/ 62 PAGE COL A5 B4 B7 A4 D2 Al A7 Al Al Bl Bl A16 A16 E5 K3 A4 A4 A6 A7 Bl C16 A4 F3 Bl A4 A2 E3 E4 Bl A2 A4 Bl A6 Bl Al2 A2 B6 E3 Bl Al3 B6 E3 Bl Al5 Al A2 A4 A5 E3 A5 B4 2 1 6 4 3 5 6 5 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 6 6 l 2 2 2 5 3 3 3 1 2 1 8 1 5 2 1 5 2 6 6 2 8 1 2 4 5 6 8 4 1 1 5 1 5 DATE Additional $74 million sought fer state ' s river programs Dardanelle Dam half finished Buffalo Dams opposed by seme residents of the area Justice William 0 Douglas canoeing 5 fishing Buf fale River Justice William O Douglas urges keeping Buffalo River intact The ' unique ' Buffale (ed) Buffalo River dam backers score William Douglas ' views Bids epened fer Millwood Dam en Little River Arkansans to ask Congress fer mere river funds Pbete essay on Justice Wm 0 Douglas en the Buf fal e River Engineers cenfirm change in river at Arkansas Pest abeut 1886 Visit by Justice William 0 Douglas te Buffale draws comment Rep J W Trimble asks for funds for Ozark Dam Opponents of Water Valley Dam say study needless Delegations going to Washington to seek mere funds Proposed Cache River drainage proj ect draws opposition State beesters ask increase in river funds fer Ark Buffalo River dam proponents are conservationists, paper says Oz ark Society forms to fight dams on Buffalo River Letter on need to keep Buffalo River free-flewing Werk to begin next month en DeGray Dam site Letters en dams fer Buffalo River John L McClellan sees Arkansas River as his monument Letters pre and cen on Buffalo River develepment Clearing the air along the Buffale (ed) Letter frem proponent of dam on Buffale River Letters en prepesed dams en Buffale River Greundbreaking planned fer Millwood Dam Ozark Society pres Neil Cempten comments en Buff ale River Letter lists flaws in Buff ale River dam. argument Arkansas River revetment work described Only one bid offered to construct Pine Bluff Lake Lumber mattress 2 miles leng protects Arkansas River banks Greund broken fer Millwood Dam Arkansas Pest canal changed slightly t e avoid park land Planners want Arkansas River bridge built at Maumelle AHC to try to buy Pendleton Ferry fer f ree crossing Sen J W Fulbright hopes fer com.premise on Cache River issue Bid taken fer pewerbeuse centructien at Dardanelle Dam White River was once a maj or waterway Gov Faubus premises 18-m.ile lake fer Northeast Ark Greers Ferry Lake just coming eut of eld river channel Fourche Island drainage proj ect will epen fertile lands Dr Hugh H Iltis encourages preservation ef Buffalo River Hill ' s Lake near LR is a natural beauty spot Barges serve as work bridge acress Arkansas River DeGray proj ect to utilize water twice through pumped storage Army Engineers want site fer Ozark Dam changed Changing site of Ozark Dam would mean one less leek and dam Ouachita River group complains about navigation proj ect delay Osceola lake proj ect l acks wholehearted state backing 337 4/22/62 4/26/62 4/27/62 4/3G/62 4/30/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 2/62 5/ 4/6 2 5/ 4/6 2 5/ 6/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 8/62 5/11/62 5/13/62 5/17/62 5/17/62 5/20/62 5/24/62 5/25/62 5/30/62 5/31/62 6/ 3/62 6/ 4/6 2 6/ 6/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 8-/62 6/10/62 6/13/62 6/14/62 6/14/62 6/16/62 6/17/62 6/18/62 6/21/62 6/27/62 7/ 1/62 7 / 7/62 7/11/62 7/15/62 7/28/62 7/29/62 8-/ 9/62 8/19/62 8/l'J/62 8/26/62 9-/ 2/62 9/11/62 9/ll/62 9/14/62 9/15/62 PAGE COL E3 ca Bl3 Al Al A4 Bl A13 Bl Al2 A3 E3 Bl A2 A21 A17 Bl E3 Cl4 A4 A2 A4 E3 A4 A4 A4 A4 Cl A4 A4 A9 A6 A8 B6 A3 Al2 Af) A2 AlO E5 Al B4 Bl E2 ES Al2 Al A2 A2 A24 A2 5 8 3 2 2 2 8 5 8 1 1 3 4 1 4 1 4 2 7 5 4 3 5 3 1 5 3 6 6 3 l 4 3 6 2 7 4 5 5 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 DATE Engineers build scale model of Dardanelle Leck and Dam Beaved Dam en White River nearly half completed (photo) Agencies approve recreation lake near Osceola Proposed public works bill has $80 million fer Ark proj ects Working model ef Dardanel le Leck and Dam cempleted Texas visitor calls fer preservation of Buffale River Dardanelle Dam constructien has river almost blocked Blytheville hoping terminal te make city a maj or pert Arkansas Basin Assn seeks te spur river shipping Table Rock, Bull Shoals under guard during Cuba crisis Federal govt allets $83 million fer Arkansas proj ects Dam already built en Reck Creek, but permit net granted Bridge may be built along with dam near Arkansas Post Plans fer highway bridge en top of dam at Ark Pest dropped River development extolled at banquet in Russellville Pine Bluff Lake dedicated with 500 in attendance Pine Bluff to develop industrial site at proposed pert RIVERSIDE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CORP see also Industrial accidents and safety ROADS see also Advertising see also History (Ark) see also Land and real estate see alse Trucks and trucking industry see also Veterans AHD count shews state has 7 2 . 909 miles of highway s . streets Gov Faubus eppeses cities and t ewns raiding read funds AHC would approve bends te match federal aid fer highway s Bids werth $ 1 . 7 05 . 582 opened by AHC Legis asked fer censtitutienal am.dt earmarking read funds ARC pleads with Legis te divert ne mere read funds te ethers Bill in Legis w ould freeze turnback funds at present level Bills in Legis freeze turnback formula. transfers bridges Local gevts te seek increased share ef read funds Highway mappers face touchy issue en bypass routes State read system has te come first (ed) Beth houses ef Legis get bills to freeze turnback quotas Rural lawmakers want 1950 census used for turnback formula Pepe Ceunty judge hits AHD figures en rural reads Rural legislators pass measure freezing turnback funds level Frozen turnbacks and ghost reads (ed) Geed Reads Assn shews result ef diversion of highway funds State turnbacks and Mr Faubus ' s duty (ed) Bills in Legis would raise ARD share of road taxes Rep Clark Kinney ' s sharp criticism answered by AHD leaders State Rep Clarke Kinney recalls old AHC, protests billboards Measure freezing turnback funds levels passes Legislature Gov Faubus favors central ef billboards along inerstates Senate bill weuld set aside $ 1 . 500. 000 for county reads Billboard advertising (ed) Turnback bill in House favors counties l osing populatien 338 PAGE COL 9/16/62 9/20/62 9/25/62 9/29/62 9/30/62 10/ 3/62 10/ 7/62 10/ 7/62 10/2f}/ 62 10/26/62 10/26/62 10/28/62 11/15/62 1 1-/21/62 11/28/62 1 2/ 7/62 1 2/23-/62 All Bl Bl A2 Al4 A4 Al2 A7 A2 Bl Bl Al6 Bl Bl A2 A3 A3 2 4 2 l 3 6 4 2 1 3 4 2 3 1/ 3/61 1/12/61 1/12/61 1/12/61 1/13/61 1/18/61 1/18/61 1/20/61 1/22/61 l/23 /61 1/26/61 1/27/61 1/27/61 1/27/61 1/28/61 1/28/61 1/29/61 1/29/61 1/31/61 1/31/61 1/31/61 2/ 1/61 2/ 1/61 2/ 1/61 2/ 2/61 2/ 2/ 61 A3 Al Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A2 A3 A3 A4 Al Al A6 Al A4 B6 E4 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A4 1 6 7 7 2 5 8 3 3 l 1 8 8 2 4 l 5 1 2 3 3 2 4 7 2 1 A5 s 4 2 2 DATE Bill authoriz ing read censtructien bonds passes Senate Hause passes read bend bill fer funds to match federal aid Diversion of read funds may null ify $7 . 5 00 . 000 federal grant Arkansas Federation ef Wemen ' s Club seeks ban en billboards Municipal League reveals gain by cities under read bill Legis vetes down bill fer AHD te pay ef f Pocahontas bends New evidence shews road fund danger (ed) Cities lose bid te get mere read turnback funds AHD te sit out billboard fight Country beys in Legis win fight en turnback funds ARC authorizes $956.000 for asphalt seal ing work en reads State Senate votes te set aside funds fer county reads Gov Faubus signs bill allowing highway bends ARD threatens te lop $10 million fer secondary read program House blocks highway money bill fer counties Gev Faubus meves te settle wranagle ever highway funds Counties wrangle gains after Gov Faubus announces com.premise Senate passes two bills on highway fund split Bill in Senate requires ARD to add county reads annually Arkansas Geed Roads Assn promotes better highways Senate defeats bill adding county roads te state system ARC awards five read contracts AHD may take ever Phillips County read system Utility lines block werk on freeway at LR Arkansas uses all federal read money available US 70 from LR te Memphis is state ' s most traveled read Huge steel girders used en Freeway overpases at NLR LR City Bd moves western by-pass route ARC institutes policy of helping clear right-of-ways Contracts let on 12 proj ects Highway program changed te give all counties j ebs Highway pregram te suffer frem Legislature ' s actiens (ed) LR ready te acquire land fer East-West Expressway East-West Freeway land acquisition nearly complete Levy overpass designed by AHD ; NLR' s plan rej ected Edward V Clark credited with creating Ark Highway 7 Cleburne County gets federal funds fer reads t o be flooded State makes progress in highway ' signing ' Titan missile j obs te take tell en reads in state Fleod damage points up flaws in 196 1 act en reads AHD Directer F R Oliver proposed tunnel fer western LR read State seeks pay fer road ruin in Titan missile silo work Low bidders on read work listed State told to leek te Ti�an sile builders fer read repairs Titan contractors must obey statutes en highways State halt s evetweight trucks carrying Titan site materials J W Fulbright. John L McClellan seek funds te repair reads U S Senate adepts amdt fer pay te reads damaged in Titan work State budgets $54 million fer read work Solution found to read damage by missile site werk ARC awards $ 7 . 403 � 03 1 in read work contracts 339 2/ 2/-61 2/ 4/61 2/ 4/ 61 2/ 4/61 2/ 5/61 2/ 5/61 2/ 6/61 2/ 7/61 2/ 8/61 2-/ 9/ 61 2/ 9/61 2l 9/61 2/10/-61 2/10/-61 2/11/61 2/14/61 2/15/61 2/21/61 2/-24/61 2/26/-61 3/ 3-/61 3/16/61 3/16/-61 3/23/61 3/25/-61 3/26/61 4/ 7/61 4/-18/-61 4/20/61 4/20/-61 4/20/61 4/21/61 4/28/61 4/30/61 5/ 3/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 7/61 5/ 7/61 5/14/61 5/14/-61 5/14/61 5/ 18/61 5/25/61 6/ 1/61 6/ 3/61 6/10/61 6/15/61 6/16/61 6/21/-61 6/23/61 6/29/61 PAGE COL A5 Al Al A3 AB ES A4 Al Bl Al AlO A9 Bl Bl Al Al Al Al Bl Al4 Al3 AS A6 Bl AS AlO Al Bl2 Bl Bl Bl A4 Bl6 A6 Bl2. Cl4 A6 El Al A3 E5 Bl Bl Bl A3 A3 Al8 Al Bl Bl Bl 4 3 6 1 3 l 1 5 8 6 3 l 2 7 7 2 3 6 5 3 1 l l 8 l 2 3 l 2 5 7 2 l 1 1 2 l 2 4 7 1 8 8 2 l 2 6 4 2 7 2 DATE Bid opening en Titan reads, ether j obs set State hopes te have all state reads paved by 1 966 ARC awards contracts fer $4, 6 54 , 2 1 4 in read work Werk en Markham interchange in LR begins Lack of funds keeps additions te state read system lew History ef Old Wire Read in NW Arkansas Springdale businessmen support ARD plan fer 7 1 widening State plans 22 read j obs in 1 8 counties Mississippi River Parkway route through Ark approved Mississippi River Parkway nearing real ity Industry spokesman urges use ef asphalt en interstate reads Land in NLR • s Burns Park needed fer I40 right-of-way NLR may haggle fer !40 interchange revision Pictorial essay on building of !40 through Pulaski County AHC orders 7 proj ects AHC awards read contracts worth $3 . 4 million AHC files suit fer 1 45 acres ef land in NLR• s Burns Park Snow Lake seeks read to serve isolated area Group organiz es to promote read to Snow Lake County Judges Assn president wants reads division in AHD NLR Alderman Reed Thompson wants !40 rerouted at Burns Park Cantrell Read prej ect at LR nears cempletien Rep Oren Harris supports scenic drive at Rich Mountain NLR Parks Comm says it cannot give away Burns Park land Contracts awarded by AHC fer read j ebs Weather damage te reads te cost state about $ 1 , 000, 000 AHC lets contracts en several read and bridge j obs AHC orders plans for werk en I40 in Eastern Ark ARC updates read-building plan, adds 56 proj ects Landowners win appeal in ARD suit te Ark Supreme Court Rul ing ef Supreme Ct en right-of-way puts AHD en spot Pine Bluff must buy right-of-way fer expressway , ARD says State accepts mere reads from counties ARD asks new hearing en right-ef-way suit ruling Supreme Ct • s right-of-way ruling affects 90 pct of reads State agrees to widen Ark-Me Highway through NLR State may take ever all county reads within ten years Pine Bluff frets ever need to furnish Expressway right ef way Cities no longer oppose building bypass reads te ease traffic AHC accepts bids worth $8.5 mill ion fer 15 read j obs Counties need for money to secure federal matching funds East-West Expressway at LR te change face ef city Scenic drive frem Mena into Oklahema sought in Congress Suit seeks te force AHD to· pave road t o Charlette Bids opened en $4.5 million in read j obs Bids seught en read j obs Werk on interstate system making progress New read proj ects. new offices s chedul ed by AHC Truman Baker honored by Highway 267 residents Residents plan trail blaz ing fer extension ef highway B5 Right ef way plea frem LR approved by AHC fer expressway 340 7 / 1 2/61 7/27/-61 Bl 3/61 B/17/61 8/23/61 B/27/61 9/ 1/61 9/ 7/61 9/21/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 7/61 10/11/61 10/11/61 10/22/61 11/ 9/6 1 11/ 9/61 1 1/ 1 1/61 11/19/61 11/22/61 1 1/25/61 1 2/ 2/61 12/ 6/-61 1 2/ 6/61 12/ 9/61 12/16/-61 1/30/62 2/ 1/62 2/ 1/62 2/ 1/62 3/ 6/62 3/ 7/62 3/ 8/62 3/ 8/62 3/15/62 3/15/62 3/22/62 3/25/-62 3/25/-62 4/ 8/62 4/12/62 4/18/62 4/-29/62 5/ 3/62 5/-20/62 5/24/62 6/ 6/62 6/-22/62 6/28/62 7/- 5/-62 7/20/62 8/ 3/62 PAGE COL Bl Bl Bl AlO A6 E3 A8 Bl A7 E5 AS Bl6 Bl6 E5 Bl Bl BB Al5 AS A2 AS A3 A7 A7 Bl2 Al Bl Bl Bl BlO A3 A3 Bl AlO AlO A8 Cl E3 Al Bl A2 A6 Bl A7 AlO Bl Bl Bl A3 A2 Bl 2 2 7 6 3 4 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 6 8 4 7 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 7 4 6 7 8 1 l 6 2 2 1 1 1 3 7 4 l 2 1 1 8 2 7 5 4 7 DATE U S Rep Oren Harris supports scenic drive in Ouachita Mtns Freeway to Jacksonville te open by December Aerial view ef interstate work in LR-NLR area Scenic drive in Ouachita Mountains proposed (map) Camden greup gives $100.000 toward cost ef expressway ARC awards contracts fer read work AHC t e hold up on j eb awards . says contraacters behind Contractors deny that they are behind en road j obs Bill fer skyline drive through Ouachita Forest in Congress Local delegations seek addition ef reads te state system AHC authoriz es several proj ects AHC method for condemning land challenged in suit Contracts let fer $8 million worth of read j obs ALC panel gees ever county read issue. sees taxes as answer Where priorities lie in state read building (ed) Section of !40 opens at NLR Gov Faubus explains suggested rise in funds fer counties State lets 13 contracts fer work en highway s . bridges Seven mere miles of !30 open at LR ROBBERIES AND THEFTS see also Arkansas Business Development Corp see also Aviation and aircraft see also Culture and the arts see also Murders - Horten. Charles David see also Museums see al so Parkin James Speer recevering frem battle with robbers at Piggott Warren merchant rebbed in daytime en Main St Preston Rese faces embezzlement chgs at Fort Smith Embez zlement ceunts against Preston Rese mount Bennie Herren admits burglary of j ewelry store at Ft Smith Preston Rese pleads guilty at Fort Smith Embezzlement suspect Max W Nunn surrenders at Sheridan Max W Nunn waives ceurt hearing at Sheridan Max W Nunn released en bend Max W Nunn gets 6-yr term for embezz lement in Sheridan case Three students held fer stealing at Univ of Ark Presten Rose gets 9-yr term fer embezzelement at Fort Smith Tayler bank rebbed of $4.060 by gunman H award Nerman Gray chgd in robbery of Tayler bank House missing f rem church let at El Dorado found Max W Nunn ' s trial postponed; prison of ficials net notified Farmer Hot Springs Scheel band directer Jehn Harding guilty Max W Nunn pleads guilty. gets 5-year term James Edward Geyer confesses robbing two students Gunman gets $3 . 6 00 at Safeway Store in NLR Three stores robbed at NLR in f eur hours Five charged in burglary of M M Cohn Ce store at LR Charles H Carnal says he did not knew he bought stolen beef Conv iction. prison term fer Charles H Carnal to stand Two suspects in M M Cehn burglary give up 341 PAGE COL 8/ 9/62 8/12/62 8/12/62 8/12/62 8/28/62 9/ 6/62 9/20/-62 9/20/62 9/23/62 9/26/62 10/11/62 10/-12-/62 11/-21/62 11/-28/62 11/2'J/62 12/ 1/62 12/12/62 12/20/62 12/22/62 A7 Al A3 A7 Bl Bl Al Al E3 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A6 1/ 4/61 1/ 6/61 2/ 1/61 2/ Z/61 2/ 6/61 2/ 9/61 2/11/61 2/12/61 2/ 14/61 5/ 2/61 5/14/-61 6/ 1/61 7/19/-61 7/22/61 8/ 2/-61 9/15/-61 9/28/61 10/ 4/ 61 10/18/61 12/ 3/61 12/ 9/61 4/20/62 4/24/-62 4/24/62 4/26/62 A3 Bl A3 A3 A2 BlO A6 A3 Bl A7 A5 Bl A5 A3 AB Bl A3 A2 A3 B12 A3 A1 4 A7 Al Al Al Bl Bl A6 1 2 2 1 6 8 3 3 5 4 8 8 8 2 1 l 5 2 5 8 3 2 1 4 2 2 4 6 5 3 1 4 6 4 2 4 2 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 DATE Leen Horne en probatien fer embezz lement conspiracy Twe gunmen rob Bank ef Atkins of $16 . 87 9 Burglars take $5 . 7 00 at Leslie State Bank Carrell D Mallett and Louise Loyd chgd in Bank ef Atkins case Carrell D Mallett and Louise Mallett Loyd are brother. sister Rice Grewers Bank at Wheatley held up by masked man Gunman gets $800 in robbery ef DeWitt Bank branch at Gillett Lester Kester held in robbery ef bank branch at Gillett Vernon Wilsen arrested in Bank of Atkins holdup American Natl branch at Prothro Junction robbed; 3 arrested Suspect s in Atkins bank robbery attempt j ail break Jerry Sherman Tucker gets 9-yr sentence in bank robbery Jerry Wayne Archer pleads guilty in mail theft spree Hendrix College safes cracked by burglars Twe yeuths arrested in holdup of Arkansas S&L Carrell D Mallett, Vernen Wilsen turned ever te Kansas Robbers ef Arkansas S &L get j ail terms Prison trusties worked with burglary ring, sheriff says Donald R Glidewell admits embezz lement frem Bank ef Arkansas Glyn B Glisson gets prison term fer using slugs in machines NLR police efficer John Harmen Manasco Sr chgd in auth thefts Arrest of Jehn H Mansace Sr may solve JC Penney burgl ary ROBERTS, RUSSELL C see also Geverner (Ark) ROBERTSON, MARY ELSIE see also Beeks and writing ROBEY. J H Account ef last steamboat te reach Arkadelphia 50 years age ROB INSON, JOE see alse Sex crimes Rebinsen given damages in suit against Dun & Bradstreet Inc ROBINSON. JOE T Senator ' s extensive l ibrary housed at LR Pest Office ROB INSON, RUBE see alse Athletics and sperts ROCK CREEK see Rivers and lakes ROCK. WILLIAM P see alse Ecenemic development ROCKEFELLER, DAVID see alse Culture and the arts ROCKEFELLER, JEANETTE EDRIS Reckefel lers besting conference of mental health werkers Hests patients £rem State Hospital at teur ef Winrock Farms Response te Dorathy Kilgallen j ab at Arkansas Asks aid fer Arkansas ' s mentally ill ROCKEFELLER, WINTHROP see alse Politics and electiens see else Reckwin Fund see alse Winreck Enterprises Inc see also Winreck Farm 342 5/ 1/62 7/13-/62 7/15/62 7-/16-/62 7/16/-62 7/18/62 7/19/62 7/21-/62 7/21/-62 7/28/62 7 /30-/62 8/21/62 10/12-/62 10/16/62 10/24/62 11/-13/-62 11/20/62 1 1/30/62 12/21/62 12/22/62 12/29/62 12/29/62 PAGE COL A3 Al Al Al Al Bl Al Al Al Al A2 BS B6 A5 Bl A2 Bl A4 Bll A2 Al A2 5 4 7 3 3 4 s 2 2 5 6 1 3 2 7 5 7 7 7 4 6 4 6/20/61 Bl 3 2/28/61 B9 1 4/28/61 A12 3 4/ 2/61 7/ 7/61 3/23/62 10/28/62 A7 Bl Bl C4 7 3 1 5 DATE Paid $5 million in taxes in 1954-55 ; IRS seeks $48 . 7 46 mere Rockefeller cl aims funds sought by IRS are legitimate expense Addresses Career Day audience at Hendrix College Rests Deelittle Raiders at Winreck Farm at Petit Jean Addresses Ark businessmen at cenventien Elected as Arkansas member ef Republican Natienal Cemmittee Hints that he may run fer geverner next year Rockefeller te address summer graduates ef ASTC Rankled ever Barry Geldwater remark on J W Fulbright Business emphasis en college degree examined by Rockefelle r Chairman of Seminar en Management ef Nuclear Energy Plans tour to revive GOP in Arkansas Fayetteville chesen fer start of Rockefeller drive fer GOP Tells Rayetteville group GOP will push hard in 1962 Rockefeller talks te GOP en polls. party eutleek The way te build a two-party system Ced) Rockefeller urging Dwight D Eisenhewer te visit Arkansas Amaz ed by report of Conway County grand j ury en elections Engineers study building fallout shelters at Winreck Meets with yeung Repul icans at Arkadelphia Hosting 4-ceunty meeting of Republicans at Winreck Disputed tax case settled out of court Calls fer study ef state ' s book-keeping method Urges diversificatien ef agriculture in Ark Want in-state precessing of agri products Takes middle-of-read stand amid Republicans Rockefeller in the middle (ed) Rockefeller favers study ef rele of various colleges in Ark Sees geed chances fer GOP in 3rd Ceng Dist Gov Faubus treats political acts ef Reckef eller l ightly Calls rift in Washingten County GOP geed for party Speaks to GOP at Pine Bluff . pledges 2-party system Building museum to house cellectien of antique automobiles Senator and Mrs John G Tower ef Texas . are house guests Urges Arkansans to be hospitable te newcomers te state Helps pay fer artmebile fer Arkansas Arts Center Says actions ef Gev Faubus in 1957 gave nation a black eye Gov Faubus says Rockefeller may be reminded of remarks Rockefeller backs reform with two-party system Speaks at organizational meeting of NLR Republ ican Club Admits he is considering run fer geverner on GOP ticket Favers lower voting age Recefeller answers questions posed by Yeung Republican Club Warns that Gov Faubus may central every board. comm in Ark Attitude of defeatism in Ark disturbs Mr Rockefeller GOP rally at Fayetteville urges Rockefeller te run fer Gev Candidacy fer governor weuld be taken seriously. Gazette says Dem Party Cbmn Tom Harper net worried about Reckefeller Rockefeller could be hard te beat. Gev Orval E Faubus says Talk at Forrest City is non-political Announces that he will net be candidate fer geverner 343 3 / 16/61 3/16/61 4/-12/61 4/16/61 5/ 3/61 6/ 2/-61 6/22/61 8/ 9/61 8/12/61 8/14/61 8/17/61 9/ l7/61 10/10/61 10/13/61 10/15/61 10/16/61 10/18/61 1 1/ 3/61 11/- 5/61 11/- 5/61 11/ 7/-61 11/ 8/61 11/ 8/61 11/30/61 12/ 1/61 12/- 2/61 12/ 4/61 1 2/ 5/-61 1 2/ 6/61 1 2/ 7/-61 1 2/ 8/61 1 2/20/61 1/28/-62 2/ 1 1/62 2/14/62 2/20/62 2/25/62 2/28/62 3/- 2/62 3/ 2/62 3/15/62 3/15/-62 3/15/62 3/ 15/62 3/16/62 4/ 7/62 4/ 8/62 4/10/62 4/10/62 4/14/62 4/15/62 PAGE COL A6 A6 Bl A3 A3 A3 Bl A2 A2 A8 Bl A6 Bl Bl BB A4 A2 Al A20 A6 Bl BlO BB BS Bl A3 A4 Bl Bl A6 A2 A14 A15 A2 Bl A3 AS A6 Bl Bl6 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl Al E2 Al Al A2 Al 1 3 5 l 5 4 2 1 2 6 5 l 6 8 4 1 3 6 4 3 4 1 4 1 8 6 2 8 3 1 3 5 3 4 8 7 4 2 6 1 5 5 5 5 8 8 2 4 4 4 2 DATE Doubts that Republican can be elected geverner this year Fear rules electiens in Ark, Reckefeller says Predicts that Orval E Faubus will seek fifth term this year Wants state Republican Party built frem grassreets George B Mathis asks Reckefeller te back his remark en ' fear' Reckefeller ' s appraisal ef ene-party record (ed) Rockefeller leeks at GOP bent en state level Says state GOP is moving te the political right Editerials discuss decision net te run fer gov Editorial ponders what might-have-been had Rockefeller run Tells Searcy rally key to victory is lecal unit Says GOP to file fer Cengressienal House seats Amazed at ban ef politics on Univ ef Ark campus Unveils film te be used te premete twe-party system Addresses disabled veterans greup Rockefeller says GIT net helping state as expected Rockefeller pinpoints the GIT ' s problems (ed) Rockefeller holds 50 pct ef stack in Pleasant Valley Inc Honored by Colonial Williamsburg Asks Republicans fer autematic giving to GOP fund Backed W L Spicer aver Henry Britt fer state GOP chief GOP falls in l ine behind Reckef eller Henered for contributiens Reckefellers made te Virginia Sponsors rally fer GOP candidates at his farm Approved use of federal troops in LR in 1957 . Gov Faubus says Had no part in forming AIDC. Gov Faubus says Displeased by JFK administratien Democratic landslide slap in Rockefeller face, Faubus says Legislators angry at Reckefeller. rumers say AIDC still needs Winthrop Rockefeller (ed) Editorials urge that Rockefeller remain as AIDC Chairman Helps dedicate Arts Center ' s new artmebile ROCKING CHAIRS see Furniture and household equipment ROCKPORT see alse History (Ark) ROCI<W IN FUND Fund buys bldg at Morrilten fer Community Service Agency RODGERS, R D (Rab ) see alse Feetball RODGERS. WILLIAM CHAMP Retired legislator dies at Nashville ROGERS see alse Festal Service see alse Rivers and lakes City to appeal cut in area approved fer annexation Oppenents of annexation te take fight to Ark Supreme Court ROGERS DAILY NEWS see News and news media ROGERS PUBLIC LIBRARY see L ibraries. Public 344 4/15/62 4/15/62 4/15/62 4/15/62 4/16/62 4/17/-62 4/-22/62 4/-22/6 2 4/22/62 4/23/62 4/-25/62 5/ 1/62 5/11/62 5/11/62 5-/20/62 7/-14/62 7/16/62 8/19/62 8/23/62 8/23/62 8/30/62 9-/ 2/62 9/22-/62 10/-17/62 10/24/62 10/24/62 10/27/62 11/ 8/62 11/10/62 11/12/62 11/18/62 12/14/62 PAGE COL Al Al Al Al A3 A4 E3 E3 E3 A4 BlO Bl AlO Bl AlO AB A4 Cl Bl B7 A3 Bl B9 A2 A2 A2 A3 Al4 Al A4 E3 A3 2 2 2 2 6 1 1 l 4 2 5 4 2 2 3 1 1 l 4 6 1 5 6 3 6 6 4 6 3 1 2 2 2-/22-/61 A6 6 12/16/-61 B7 4 1/ 8/ 61 All 6/10/61 B5 5 8 DATE ROGERS SCHOOL DISTRICT see Educatien - Rogers District ROGERS. IDA RICE see also Culture and the arts ROGERS, MURRAY M Spouses of missing guests ef Rogers sue fer $100, 000 ROHWER RELOCATION CAMP see J apanese in the United States ROLAND , MARCU S see alse Parks , recreatien and tourism ROOK, RED, FAMILY Sen killed, family home burns en same day ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN DELANO see alse History (Ark) ROSE, GEORGE Honored by Little Reck L iens Club ROSE, GLEN Honored by University ef Arkansas ROSES see Feed ROSS, DARNELL see also Ministerial Association, Greater Little Reck ROSS, MARGARET see also Chronicles of Arkansas ROTHROCK, THOMAS see also Beeks and writing ROWAN, CARL T Member ef Kennedy adm speaks te packed house at LR ROWE, LYNWOOD T see also Athletics and sports Ex-pitching star Schoolboy Rowe dies in El Dorado ROWLAND, BEN DUDLEY SR Figure in 1959 LR school fight dies ROZZELL, FORREST see also Communism see also Education - Finance and budgets see also Education - Salaries, benefits, etc see also Geverner (Ark) RUEBEL FUNERAL HOME see Funerals and mortuaries RUNNELLS, LEE ROY see also SWimming RUNNING see Jogging and running RUNYAN, PAUL see also Athletics and sports RURAL COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT CONTEST Hattieville is contender fer honers RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROORAM (US) see United States - Rural Development Program RUSSELL, BETTY DORTCH 3 45 PAGE COL 8/ 9/62 Cl4 4 5/ 7/61 A4 l 4/20/61 A6 4 5/ 28/61 A4 3 1/20/62 A3 6 1/ 9/61 Bl 7 12/27/61 Bl 1 2/28/61 B7 1 DATE see also Culture and the arts RU SSELL, DON W see alse Rehabilitation Center, Hot Springs Elected president ef National Rehabilitation Services ergn RUSSELL, JERRY see alse News and news media see alse Pornography and obscenity RUSSELL, MAXINE BROWN see alse Russell, Tommy H RUSSELL, TOMMY H Husband of Maxine Brewn Rus sell arrested fer assault Maxine Brewn Russell filed fer divorce this week Mrs Russell is member ef well-known group, The BrEMn Trie RUSSELL. WAYNE L Navy ' s tep enl isted man is Arkansan RUSSELLVILLE see alse Arkansas Louisiana Gas Ce see also Ecenemic development see also Firemen Town completes industrial preparedness program City Council vetes te participate in Urban Renewal Program RU SSIANS IN ARKANSAS see Foreign descent groups RUST, ALBERT see also Civil War RUTLEDGE, RICHARD M see also Birth central and abortion SABBATH AND SUNDAY LEGISLATION LR City Bd to await high court ruling en blue laws Grocer yields te LR ordinance, steps Sunday sales U S Supreme Ct ruling may mean LR can meve forward w ith law Issue of revising blue law te ceme before LR Directors Sunday closing (ed) Three views offered LR City Bd en Sunday clesing Sunday clesing law placed en agenda of LR Mgr Beard Sunday closing law revised by LR City Mgr board LR beard to consider blue law amendments LR City Mgr B d expands salable items fer blue law LR City Bd to pass new , broader Blue Law LR City Mgr Bd appreves Blue Law New Blue Law gees into effect at LR next Sunday Crank ' s Drug Stores pretest LR ' s new Blue Law Sunday closing plan filed at NLR NLR City Council te held public hearing en Blue Law- proposal LR City Bd getting pleas to revise B lue Law list Seventh Day Adventists attack NLR ' s proposed Blue Law North Little Reck City Council reviews Blue Law Effort te ban gasoline sales en Sunday in Jonesboro rej ected Sunday closing (ed) Furniture dealer Rey Schuster arrested under closing law Rey M Schuster fined fer Sunday sales of furniture 346 PAGE COL 10/ 5/61 Bl 2 1 2/29/62 A5 12-/29/62 A5 1 2/29/62 A5 1 1 1 1/26/61 A6 3 1/17/62 Bl 3/14/62 BlO 2 3 1/ 4/61 3/15/61 5/30/61 6/ 1/61 6/ 4/61 6/13/61 6/-15/61 6/20/61 6/29/-61 7/ 6/61 7/16/61 7/-18/61 8/13/61 8/21/61 8/22/61 9/12/61 9/14/61 9/23/61 10/10/61 10/ 18/61 10/19/61 1 1/ 6/61 1 1/ 7/61 A3 Bl Al Bl E4 A6 A18 B12 Al3 C7 C3 BB A7 Al Bl4 AB A3 A3 A9 Al A4 Al Bl 3 5 2 3 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 7 DATE Roy M Schuster say s he was having private sale by invitatien NLR City Council refers Sunday sales l aw te voters Forrest City grecers seek Sunday closing ordinance NLR businessmen and clergy draft new blue law NLR aldermen propose two mere blue laws Judge passes second case under Little Rock ' s blue law Opinion clarifies blue law question NLR passes blue law. plans election en it Marianna citiz ens seek grocery stores closing en Sundays Battle ever blue law in NLR raging as vote nears NLR voters rej ect Sunday closing ordinance Rev J Albert Gatlin battles liquor and Sunday sales ef goods Suit alleges Crank ' s Drug Ce made illegal Sunday sales Hot Springs tavern operators chgd with Sunday liquor sales Crank ' s Drug Ce challenges LR closing ordinance SABBATH OBSERVANCE see Sabbath and Sunday legislation see Wildlife SADLER, LOID see also Conway County see also Legislature (Ark) SADLER. W HAROLD see also Governor (Ark) SALARIES see Wages and salaries SALEM see also Telephone service SALINE COUNTY see also Civil War Centennial see also Mines and minerals SALINE MINERAL S CO see also Mines and mineral s SALZMAN, BEN N Elected International directer of Retaryna Gas Ce SANDERS. IRA E see Jews SANDERS, LEE see alse Beeks and writing SAVE-A- STOP INC see also Aviation and aircraft SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS see Banks SAWYER. BRAXTON B see also Education SAYINGS see Epigrams , maxims , sayings . etc SAYLORS• KENNY see alse Basketball SCARLET FEVER see also Medicine and health SCHABERG 3 47 11/ 7/61 11/ 7/61 1 1/11/61 12/ 1/61 12/20/61 2/ 2/6 2 2/ 7/62 2/13/62 2/ 19/62 3/15/62 3/21/62 4/22/62 11/ 1/62 12/ 5/62 12/11/62 PAGE COL Bl Bl2 A2 A16 BlO A6 Al4 A7 A2 C20 Al A6 A3 2 B9 B14 6/ 3/61 A7 7 l 4 3 2 5 l 1 4 l 7 1 2 7 l l DATE see History (Ark) SCHNITTMANN. SASCHA ALEXANDROV ICH STANISLAV see also Culture and the arts SCHOLA CANTORUM see University of Arkansas SCHOLARSHIPS AND LOANS National Merit Scholarships ge te 1 8 high school seniors Anna G Maj ors receives full scholarship to Vanderbilt Univ Ruth Veasey Educational Fdn te help deserving students Gev Faubus names board te oversee student leans fer college New Student Lean Beard stymied by law. finance puzzlers Federal lean program helping many Ark college students National Merit Scholarship winners include 27 Arkansans SCHULTZ . WILLIAM see also Beeks and writing SCHUSTER1 ROY M see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation SCHWARTZ , KESSELL see also Beeks and writing SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Jan Lance Besser is Ark winner in science talent search SCOTT VALVE MANUFACTURING CO Detroit firm te locate at Blytheville United Auto Workers unien studies suit te protect workers UAW threat no worry. officials report SCOTT, CLYDE see alse Athletics and sports SCOTT, JOHN F see alse Inventions and inventors SCOTT. ORVILLE, Family see also Fires SCOTT. R A see alse Lincoln. Abraham SCREETON1 JERRY J see alse Banks see also Education - Hazen District see also Sheetings SCREETON1 PAT see also Sheetings SCULL. MILES JR Ark native gets FAA j ob in Washington SEAMSTER. ALVIN see alse Museums SEARCY see also Weather and storms Six businesses ravaged by fire Grant fer Urban Renewal received SEARCY COUNTY see also Civil War see alse Medicine and health Fight breaks out at Marshall ever alleged vete vielatiens 348 4/26/61 5/ 4/- 61 8/11/61 10/-18/61 12/ 1/61 4/ 11/62 4/26/62 PAGE COL Bl A6 Bll A6 Bl A2 Bl 2 2 7 2 5 6 2 1/25/62 AB 1 3/24/61 Bl 7/14/-61 Bl 7/15/61 A2 8 5 8 3/16/61 A9 7 7/23/61 Al 11/10/61 AlO 2 8 1 1/ 7/62 A4 7 DATE PAGE COL SEARCY COUNTY LIBRARY see Libraries, Public SEBASTIAN COUNTY Article en county ' s two j udicial district s, courthouses 10/20/61 ES SECRETARY OF STATE (Ark) see also Civil rights and discrimination see also Contracts and purchasing, Gevt see also Hall, Claris G Nancy Hall (Mrs C G) Apptd Secretary of State 1/18/61 Bl 6/ 1/61 Bl Several prospective candidates fer post appear Arnold Sikes serieusly considering race fer office 9/23/61 A2 4/ 4/62 Bl Arnold Sikes will net be candidate fer office 4/ 4/62 Bl Kelly Bryant, Milton J Willis plan to seek ef fice 4/ 6/62 Bl State Rep Milton J Willis files fer office 4/11/62 Bl Kelly B ryant files fer Secretary ef State 4/12/62 A2 Carrell Durham announces candidacy fer office 5/ 3/62 Al Avon Phillips files fer Dem nomination 8/ 1/62 A2 Kelly Bryant, Milton J Willis in runoff fer office Kelly Bryant, Milton J Willis in runoff 8/ 2/62 Al 8/ 2/62 Bl Election returns (by county) 8/ '5/62 Al Milton J Willis withdraws frem runoff with Kelly Bryant 8/ 7/62 Al Name of Milton J Willis will be en runoff ballet 8/ 9/62 Bl Back in runoff , Milton J Willis appeals te supporters 8/10/62 Al Milton J Willis backs out again, backs Kelly Bryant Election quandary is left to whim of counties 8/12/62 Al Kelly Bryant holds big lead ever Milton J Willis 8/15/62 Al 8/16/62 Bl Milton Willis carries 11 counties despite pullout SECURITIES see Stocks and bends SEES, BILLY WAYNE see also Murders SEIBERLING RUBBER CO 9/12/61 Bl Seiberl ing to meve shoe products plant te Batesville SELB MANUFACTURING CORP 1 2/30/61 Al Federal j udge orders Arkansas plant returned to Missouri 1 2/30/61 Al Federal j udge orders Southern Mfg Corp returned te Missouri SELF. TOM see also History (Ark) SELPH. CAREY see also Athletics and sports SEQUOYAH see also Indians. American SESSIONS. ROBERT PAUL see also Methodist Church SEVENTii DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH see al so Sabbath and Sunday legislation SEX CRIMES 2/ 8/61 A7 Willie Nathan Jr chgd with raping white weman at Helena Lack ef Negro on j ury noted in Luther Bailey case reversal 3/18/61 Al Luther Bailey was convicted of 1956 rape of white in LR 3/18/61 Al 3/ 18/61 Al Luther Bailey was sentenced to death in rape of woman 349 2 6 2 3 8 8 2 7 4 5 1 6 6 2 2 4 4 2 7 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 DATE Luther Bailey wins retrial in Federal Appeals Court ruling Charged in NLR case are Riley Williams . Troy Alexander Charges filed against 3 Negroes in rape ef white girl at NLR Marvin Aren Hammond chgd in rape ef white girl at NLR Wallace D Lyles. Jr. James E Bruce chgd with child molesting Three Negroes chgd with raping white girl ask trial er bond Ark Supreme Ct denies appeal ef Lennie B Mitchell third time Luther Bailey gets execution stay fer new trial Alfred J Dees charged with carnal abuse at Camden State asks US Supreme Ct te overturn Luther Bailey ruling J D Sharp sought en charge ef raping 17-yr-eld Negre girl Jehn D Patrick chgd in rape ef weman at Hape Ark Supreme Ct delays meve te save life of Lennie Mitchell Jehn D Patrick, Negre. chgd with rape ef elderly white weman Trial date fer Riley Williams, Trey Alexander, Marvin Hammond Mr and Mrs Edward Pratt get 21-yrs for abuse of their child Luther Bailey te get date fer new trial en rape cenvictien Trial set fer 3 Negrees in rape of white girl at NLR New trial, defense counsel in sight fer Luther Bailey Luther Bailey ' s new rape trial set fer 1 96 2 Atty fer 3 NLR Negroes ask transfer te federal dist ceurt Jack Henderson Crain Jr chgd with melesting boys US Supreme Ct te review ruling in Luther Bailey case Delano Franklin Morris . a Negre, chgd with rape ef white Trial of 3 Negrees chgd in NLR rape of 16-yr-eld to start Negroes in NLR case lese pleas: trial set Eleven j urers seated fer trial ef 3 Negrees in NLR case Negro seated en j ury to try 3 Negroes in NLR case Two Negroes seated te hear trial ef 3 Negroes in NLR case Presecutien rests in trial ef 3 Negroes in NLR rape case Defendants in NLR rape case testify Three Negroes get life terms in NLR rape case Convicted molester Wallace D Lyles Jr gets 3 years Gerald Dixen. Havis B Holloway . Themas Terry ge en trial Three men chgd in PB with raping crippled woman deny chgs Three Pine Bluff youth convicted in attack ef crippled girl Three Pine Bluff youths sentenced te 3 yrs in prison Three teen-aged Negroes get life terms fer rape ef white girl Escapee Charles Frankl in Fields killed Charles A Mencer Charles Franklin Fields escapes prison. rapes weman Luther Bailey has been under death sentence since 1 956 Luther Bailey ' s new trial in 5-yr-old rape case opens at LR Change ef venue fer 2nd trial of Luther Bailey denied Luther Bailey ' s defense accepts rape j ury Luther Bailey rape trial j ury hears six state witnesses Weman identifies Luther Bailey as her attacker Luther Bailey gets death sentence in second rape trial Cenvictien ef L C Peele en chg of assault reversed L C Peele is Negro. alleged victim is white 1 4-yr-eld girl Judge William J Kirby te intervene in Luther Bailey suit Federal j udge rules against Luther Bailey 350 3/18/61 3 / 25/61 3/25/61 3/25/61 3/31/61 4/13/61 5/ 9/-61 5/24/-61 6/-15/61 6/15/61 7/- 1/61 7/ 6/61 7/13/61 7/22/61 9/ 8/61 9/-13/61 10-/ 1/61 10-/ 3/61 10/- 3/61 10/ 4/61 10/1 1/-61 10/12/61 10/17/61 10/-28/61 10/29/61 10/-31/61 11/- 1/-61 11/ 2/ 61 1 1/ 3/61 1 1/ 4/61 11/ 7/-61 1 1/ 8/61 11/11/-61 11/29/61 1 1/30-/61 1 2/ 1/61 12/ 1/61 1/ 4/62 1/16/-62 1/16/62 1/-28/62 1/28/62 1/30/62 1/31/62 2/ 1/62 2/ 2/62 2/ 3/62 2/ 6/62 2/ 6/62 2/ 1 4/62 2/18/62 PAGE COL Al Bl2 B12 B12 Bl2 Al BS Bl4 A2 Bl A3 Bl Bl A3 A6 BlO B8 B3 B3 Bl B6 Bl A2 B2 A16 Bl A3 All B12 A3 A6 AlO B8 B9 A6 A16 Al6 B6 Al al AlO AlO Bl2 Al A9 A6 Al A2 A2 A5 All 3 5 5 5 1 4 1 6 1 4 4 6 4 3 3 6 1 3 7 8 l 8 1 1 7 8 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 4 4 2 2 2 l 1 1 6 1 1 5 l 1 5 7 DATE Luther Bailey ordered to die Ark Supreme Ct denies Lonnie Mitchell plea in death penalty Jury picked for trial ef Billy Maxwell at Hot Springs White woman points to Billy Maxwell as her rapist William Lee Maxwell gets death penalty in rape case Charles Franklin Fields gets death sentence in rape case Charles Franklin Fields sentenced to die Luther Bailey gets stay of death penalty pending appeal Ex-convict sought in attack of 1 2-yr-old girl at LR Joe Robinson. 1 5 . a Negro. chgd with rape of white weman Paul A Fleschner arrested for rape ef 1 2-yr-old girl at LR Man rapes 8-yr-old girl at LR Lennie Mitchel l granted execution stay by federal j udge Death sentence of Lonnie B Mitchell argued in federal court Lonnie Mitchell Jr loses plea in federal court U S Appeals Ct ruling puts Luther Bailey under death sentence Rape victim of Charles E Fields sues state for $40 . 000 US Supreme Ct asked to review trial of Luther Bailey SHACKELFORD. MARSHALL JR see also Legislature (Ark) see also Trucks and trucking industry SHAEFFER. ELBERT see also Apparitions SHARP COUNTY JPs want voters to decide en courthouses SHARP. PAT see alse Dairy Princess SHARPE. ROY L see alse Postal Service SHEARER, WILLIAM see al se Aged SHELL, RUSSELL Airfield at Fert Rucker ta be named fer Arkansan SHELLEY, BEN Shelley elected te head Scimitar Shrine Temple SHEL TON. T EWING see also Architecture and architects SHEPHERD. JOSHUA K see alse Construction programs . State see also Education SHEPHERD . W M see also Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce SHEPHERD , WILLIAM see else Civil War SHERIDAN SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Sheridan District see Traffic accidents and safety SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION. Arkansas Association elects officers at Het Springs meeting SHERMAN. J K see also Reproduction ( Human) 351 2/27/62 3/ 6/62 3/20/62 3/21/62 3/22/62 3/28/62 4/10/62 4/17/-62 7/ 6/62 7/10/62 8/13/62 8/13/62 8/17/62 8/22/6 2 9/ 7/62 11/22/62 11/25/62 12/23/62 PAGE COL Bl Bl A6 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A2 A2 A3 BlO B6 A6 All A3 ClO BB 4 8 8 5 4 4 8 2 2 5 l 3 4 1 l 6 5 1 1 2/20/61 Bl 2 8/19/62 A2 2 1/22/61 Al3 l 1/26/62 Bl 5 DATE SHERMAN. LEONARD see Ceramics and pottery SHERRILL Three buildings burn SHINN. C E see alse Apparitions SHIPPING BY WATER see Rivers and lakes SHIPS W A Walther makes model ships SHIREY• ARTHUR M J R see also Cemmerce Cemmissien (Ark) SHIVERS. ALLAN Shivers speaks at annual Little Reck Chamber dinner SHOOTINGS see alse Duels and duelling see also Murders see also Police Elderly man shoots two young men sheeting firecrackers E A Lauderdale shoots George Hill. who was burglarizing store E A Lauderdale was convicted in 1959 Laber Day bombings Club owner sheets two men in dispute Sheeting of Negro by E A Lauderdale ruled j ustifiable Sonny Girard says fear caused him te sheet B illy Cummings Willie Albert Ballard and Wes Ballard arrested at Streng Grand j ury sets probe ef schooting at AmVets Club at NLR Two indicted in shooting in AmVets Club at NLR Billy Frankl in Cummings shews j ury inj uries he received Julius Girard Jr convicted in shooting at Am Vets Club Absent Girard witness J C Whitten faces contempt charge Hulus Owens chgd with sheeting Mrs Nell Themas. of Clarksvill Bill Coffer wounds wife. kills himself Wife of Hazen Mayer Jerry J Screeten sheets herself Pat and J erry J Screeton net involved in any sheeting Leren A Creek shot ta death while rebbing l iquer store USDA auditor shet at Eureka Springs bar Jee Halden. a LR Negre. killed after sheeting at taxi. pol ice Fifteen Negrees bound over in sheeting at Gillam Park LR police trap. shoot man at LR caf e Mrs Jean Rhea shat by Harold L Walker en LR street Harol d L Walker chgd in sheeting ef Jean Rhea Curtis L Hardge gets 12 years fer sheeting a pol iceman Ivery Housten Bettis wounds wife. then kills himself at LR John Darity gets 3-yrs fer sheeting John D Clayton Melbourne tewn marshal shot. suspect arrested Faur Cox brothers arrested in mountains of Yell County Four Cex brothers sentenced te prison fer shootout Child killed accidentally at Cemmissary ( Greene Ceunty) Child killed by gunshot intended fer birds Rey E Mills Jr held in sheeting of Mrs Peggy Gyer Fatal sheeting ef Mrs Asa Henry Smith at lake unsolved 352 PAGE COL 2-/12:/62 AlO 3 4/23/61 El 1 12/15/-61 A14 1 1/24/61 2/ 8/6 1 2/ 8/61 2/ 9/61 2/1 1/-61 3/ 8/61 3/12/61 3/-19/61 3/28/61 5/25/61 5/26/61 6/ 1/61 7/ 7/61 7/13/61 7/27/61 7/-28/61 8/ 4/61 8/17/61 9/ 1 2/61 9-/16/61 9/30/-61 10/11/61 10/12/61 10/13/61 10/19/61 10/29/61 11/23/61 12/19/61 1 2/20/61 Bl Bl 3 5 5 3 l 6 2 6 1 2 1 2 4 7 2 8 5 4 6 6 8 3 5 1 2 4 4 7 6 A15 B3 A1 2 B4 6 8 2 2 1/28/ 62 1/29/ 6 2 6/24/62 7/ 6/62 A6 Bl Bl B6 A3 B14 Al All B8 A7 Bl3 Cl4 Bll Bl A6 Al B16 Bl AB B7 B9 Al Bl All A3 Al5 AB DATE Freddy Bynum, 1 8 , take s his awn life after sheeting ef ficer Faur charged in weunding of marshal at Ashdown Twe Rixey neighbors inj ured in shootout ever property line Junction City Mayor Floyd Slaughter, Harvey Pennington duel Four yeuths sentenced in shooting Ashdewn tewn marshal Five persons weunded in sheeting in Leneke County Mrs Charles Andrews accidentally killed by her husband Upten Staples shot, killed at store at Kelse Youth killed, 3 hurt in wild shets meant fer deer Deer hunter charged in killing of youth Youth killed in hunting accident near Star City R T Peeples gets prison term fer deer season fatality SHOPPING CENTERS see Retail stores SHOREY, WINSTON K see also University ef Arkansas Medical Center SHORT, CARTER A see also Fraternities and s ererities SHORTER COLLEGE Bishop John D Bright J r has plan to retire college debt SHROPSHIRE, JACK L see also University of Arkansas SHULERTOWN see Fayetteville SHUMAKER NAVAL AMMUNITION DEPOT Effort to be made te keep property fer industrial use Gov Faubus wants to keep state out of sale ef Depot Camden watches anxiously as Navy base gees on bleck Vast size of site and its facilities amaze visitors Scenes at Depot Intnl Paper Ce appears te be high bidder with $8, 1 46 , 000 Gov Faubus fears depet to end up in j unk pile. asks U S help Gov Faubus carries his plea te President Kennedy Brewn-Breot premises to make eve-ry ef fert to attrat industry State may lease Depo t; AIDC reacts cooly to idea Gov Faubus irked by AIDC stand on Depot property GSA endorses bid of Bre�m-Raet Inc fer property Lawmaker s . GSA confer en Shumaker Breown Engineering Ce te buy rest of Shumaker property Brawn Engineering reps moving to take ever preper ty Corn being stored in concrete magaz ines at Depot Dispute ever electrical pewer service gees te court Government turns keys ever to new ewner SHURKUS , ANTON B Four Lithuanians establish claim to Shurkus estate SIGMA NU FRATERNITY see also Cemeteries SIKES. ARNOLD B see also Construction programs , State see also Postal service see also Secretary ef State (Ark) 353 8/ 5/62 8/ 8/62 8/-10/-62 8/-14/62 9/11/62 10/ 9/62 10/20/62 11/-12/62 11/13/62 1 1/15/62 11-/25-/62 1 2/ 7/62 PAGE COL Al Bl AlO Bl Bl Al A7 B6 A2 Bl Al6 Al 3 4 3 7 8 5 4 3 3 5 8 5 12/12/62 Bl 3 1/19/61 1/-26/61 3/ 5/61 3/ 5/61 3/ S/-61 4/ 5/61 4/-18/61 4/19/61 4/21/-61 4/22/61 4/27/61 4/-29/-61 5/ 2/61 5/13/61 7 / 9/61 8/16/61 10/ 5/61 11/16/61 l 6 2 2 l 8 5 8 4 2 1 l 6 l 8 2 l 8 A8 A5 Al Al A4 Al Al Bl A6 A6 A6 A9 AB A3 A2 A2 Cl4 Bl 2/22/61 BS 2 DATE PAGE COL SIKES, RAY see also Local government SIKES, RICHARD H see also Gel f S ILVER SPRINGS see Mente Ne S IMPSON, BRYAN L McGehee mechanic retires after 44 years of service 3/30/61 A9 SIMPSON, JAMES B see also Books and writing SIMS, MARY OWEN see also History (Ark) SIMS. WILLIAM HENRY see alse History (Ark) SIT-IN DEMONSTRATIONS see Civil rights and discrimination SLOW TOM MILL see also History (Ark) SMACKOVER Tewn te thank Waynesboro. Va fer kindness to stranded youths 7/18/62 Bl 7/20/62 Bl Waynesboro. Va pays tribute to Smackover 8/26/62 E5 Article discusses early days in oil boom tewn SMITH. BRENDA 12/10/62 A16 Brenda Smith was lost on West Mountain fer five hours SMITH, C BYRON JR see also Culture and the arts SMITH. CHARLES F see also Legislature (Ark) 8/ 3/62 Al State senator feared drewned in Crittenden County lake Body of state senator found in Horseshoe Lake ; drowning ruled 8/ 4/62 Al SMITH, EUGENE G see also Education - Little Reck District SMITH, FAY see also Children ' s Colony . Arkansas SMITH, FRED see also Folk music SMITH, G D JR see also Congress - Reapportionment SMITH, GEORGE ROSE see also Courts, State and l ocal SMITH, GERALD L K 8/ 12/62 E2 Smith ' s successors (ed) SMITH, LEE see also Birch, John, Society see also Geverner (Ark) SMITH, ODELL see also Laber SMITH, RAY S JR see also Constitution (Ark) see also Construction programs , State SMITH. ROBERT D 354 1 8 5 2 3 7 4 2 DATE see also Courts. Federal SMITH. WILLIAM J see Railroads SMITH. William J see Faubus. Orval E. Foundation SMOKING see Tobacco SNAKEBITE see Medicine and health SNELLING 1 LOIS see also Beeks and writing SNOW AND SN�STORMS see Weather and storms SNOW. ARMIL see University ef Arkansas SNOW• SILAS D see alse Censtructien programs. State SNOWDEN, ROBERT B see also Birch, John, Society see also Congress - Senate {Class I ) SNYDER, HAROLD AV! leader heads businessmen fer Democratic candidates SOBOROFF AND SONS CO Cap manuf acturer te move te B lytheville. employ 3 50 Chicago firm scraps plans fer plant at Blytheville SOCIAL WELFARE, Arkansas Conference en Conference opens 50th convention this week 51st annual meeting s cheduled at Marien Hotel in LR Leaders face future unafraid of stern challenges te programs SOCI<MAN, RALPH W see else Methodist Church SOFT DRINKS see Beverages SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE (US) see also Rivers and lakes Technicians trained to measure radioactive fallout SOLMSON, HARRY B Donated valuable Confederate meney collection to state SOUTH AND WEST (Periodical) see Periodicals SOUTH ARKANSAS SYMPHONY see also Music SOUTHERN CLUB ( Hat Springs) see Gambl ing SOUTHERN EXTRUSIONS INC Company holds meeting fer employees en S euthern State campus United Steelworkers pretested use ef college facilities SOUTHERN MANUFACTURING CO see Selb Manuf acturing Corp SOUTHERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY see Insurance industry 355 PAGE COL 9/30/62 All 3 1/27/62 BlO 10/24/62 Bl 4 Sl 7/61 A14 4/ 8/62 BB 4/15/62 All 4 3 1 6/ 1/62 BlO 1 l 11/28/61 Bl 5 10/27/61 A2 10/27/61 A2 6 6 DATE SOUTHERN STATE COLLEGE Graduate courses te be effered at SSC by Univ of Arkansas Orientation period set fer f al l semester Use ef facility in labor dispute draws pretests College has record enrollment of 1425 SOUTHERN STEEL AND WIRE CO Construction ef plant at Fort Smith begins SOUTHLAND GREYHOUND PARK see Deg racing SOUTHWEST NA'TIJRAL GAS CO see also Arkansas Louisiana Gas Ce SOUTHWEST REHAB ILITATION CENTER FOR THE BLIND see Handicapped SOUTHWEST SEURITIESS INC IRS cl aims Allen Geldsmith ewes $167 , 6 55 en defunct business SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO Micrewave system being installed between Harrison and LR SOlBEANS see also Agriculture SPADRA CREEK see also Rivers and lakes SPEARMAN. STEVE see also Medicine and health SPECTERS see Apparitions SPEED L IMITS AND SPEEDING see Traffic accidents and safety SPELEOLOGY see Caves SPICER, Wil.LIAM L (Bill) see also Politics and electiens SPIDER BITES see Medicine and health SPORTS HALL OF FAME, Arkansas see Athletics and sports SPO'IVILLE see Weather and storms SPRICK. DAN T see also Pulaski County Heart attack l eaves Sen Dan T Sprick in critical condition SPRINGDALE see alse Ecenemic development see also Rivers and lakes Court rules en land city may annex SPRINGDALE LABOR CENTER see Labor SPRINGDALE PENPOINT CLUB see Beeks and writing SPRINGDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT see Construction industry SPRINGER. ALAN C 35 6 6/ 2/61 8/13/61 10/27 /61 9/25/62 PAGE COL Bl C3 A2 Bl 8 4 6 2 1 1/ 4/61 A2 6 11/15/61 All 3 2/ 4/61 A2 5 1 1/28/61 Bl 6 1/15/61 B4 7 DATE see also Arkansas Business Devel opment Cerp SPRINGS see alse History (Ark) Hillside spring near Cantrell Road was once used fer water SQUARE DANCE FESTIVAL Square Dance Festival to draw 3 . ooo to Little Reck Officers elected at LR meeting SQUIRES. RAYMOND A see alse Little Reck Zee ST CHARLES see also Civil War ST FRANCIS COUNTY see also Poor Fees of County Judge M D Clark publish list ef warrants Grand Jury warns about private use of county equipment Critics of County Judge M Darrell Clark list complaints Refusal te ' slop' foes behind his woes. M Darrell Clark says Two mere suits filed against County Judge M Darrell Clark County Judge M Darrell Clark hits back in suits ever affairs Expenses County Judge M Darrell Clark paid himself upheld Court orders county to publish monthly list of warrants ST FRANCIS NATIONAL FOREST see Forests and forestry ST FRANCIS RIVER see Rivers and lakes ST FRANCIS RIVER BASIN see also Agriculture ST JOE see also Weather and storms ST JOHN ' S SEMINARY Seminary at LR celebrating 50th year Celebration involves 2 . 000 Catholic laymen Bishop Victor J Reed recalls study at St John ' s Mass marks celebration of 50th year ST LOUIS & IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD see History (Ark) ST PAUL (Madison Ceunty) see also History (Ark) STACY. JAY HARRY SR see also Aviation and aircraft Estate of Mr Stacy valued at $50. 000 STADIUMS AND ARENAS Bill in Legis weuld finance bend issue fer War Memorial work Senate votes 3 2-0 fer ticket tax at War Memorial Stadium Gov Faubus wants War Memorial Stadium Comm enlarged Senate passes bill to enlarge War Memorial Stadium Comm War Memerial Comm asks fer ' tenders ' te speed bond refunding STAGECOACHES see also Arkla Village STALKER, JOHN M see also Culture and the arts 357 PAGE COL 3/26/61 A13 10/19/61 Bl 10/22-/61 AB 1/ 12:/61 2/17/61 3/ 2-/61 3/ 2/61 3/16/-61 4/ 6/61 5/ 5/-61 2/ 7/62 10/-21/61 10/23/61 10/-25/61 10/-26/61 6 2 A2 A2 Bl Bl Bl A6 A2 Bl 8 7 2 2 2 1 3 4 A7 Al A3 Cl6 1 6 5 7 1/ 5/61 Bl 2/ 2/61 2/10/61 2/17/61 2/23/61 1 1/29/61 l B2 B2 B2 B2 B3 6 3 2 3 2 6 PAGE COL DATE STAMPS SCHOOL DISTRICT see Educatien - Stamps District STANDARD I CE CO Fire destroys Pine Bluff plant STANDRIDGE. FRANCES see also Hilderbrand. Jee STANLEY. MARSHALL see alse Land and real estate STAR CITY see also Labor Progress ef city wins Briten 1 s praise STAR SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Star STARNES. KENNETH see also Education - Pulaski County District STARR. BELLE see alse MuselUils STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY CO State Farm applies fer suburb break en fire insurance STATE HOSPITAL (Ark) see alse Construction programs . State see alse Government empleyees. State see also Historic buildings and sites Hospital bldg damaged by broken water pipes Crack in wall at State Hospital farces closing ef bay Beard fires 2 attendants at State Hospital fer patient abuse Mental Health Week te be observed Baucum Unit test preving successful Female patients ef State Hospital teur Winreck Farms Buildings are a fire hazard. Dr Granville Jones warns Dilapidated bldg cited as aid te Hilderbrand e scape Mountain outlaw Jee Hilderbrand escapes Hilderbrand escape sparks het debate ever bldg fund less Rep J H Cettreel Jr resents statement ef Dr Granville Jenes Hospital seeks $12 million fer building pregram The Hilderbrand escape (ed) Legis Council allocates $800. 000 fer new building State Hospital Bd wants Dr George W Jackson te head hospital Dr George W Jacksen named directer of State Hospital Gazette welcomes return ef Dr George W Jackson Dr George W Jackson to take ever in December Dr Granv ille L Jones wonders why he is being replaced Kansan thinks George W Jackson resigned ever hospital tax cut Dr Granville L Jenes accepts rele as assistant. salaty cut Dr Granville J ones gets offers frem many states Volunteers make life easier far elderly patients Dr Granville L Jones may be going te New Jersey Dr Granville L Jones resigns to take New Jersey pesitien Asst Supt Hayden B Donahue accepts pest in Oklahoma Board accepts new security building. wants it touched up New security unit is named Rogers Hall 358 8/14/62 BB 1 11/ 9/61 Bl 3 9/ 7/61 Bl 7 2/ 5/61 2/18/61 3-/18/61 4/30/61 6/25/61 7/ 7/61 7/21/61 8/ 2/ 6 1 8/ 2/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 2/61 8/ 2/61 8/- 3/61 8/11/61 9/26/61 9/29/61 9/30/61 9/30/61 10/ 1/61 10/ 5/61 10/11/-61 10/22/61 10/22/61 11/ 3/-61 1 1/ 8/61 ll/15/61 11/21/61 1 2/ 8/61 . A2 A2 A2 All A3 Bl Bl Al Al Al Al Bl A4 Al Al Al A4 A5 Al Bl Bl A9 E4 Bl l A2 Bl A7 Bl 3 4 6 1 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 7 2 2 4 1 2 4 4 3 7 5 1 7 1 8 1 5 DATE Regers Hall dedication draws 300 guests Dr George Jackson assumes cemmand of hespital Section ef ceiling falls at State Hospital State Hespital Bd accepts plans fer dramatic new bldg at LR New State Hospital plant te stress personal teuch Ground being cleared for new buildings Rehabil itatien center at Benton may be nation ' s first New State Hospital te bl end medical efficiency . beauty Large ceiling collapses at State Hospital STAUFFER. JOHN E JR see also Bey Scouts STEBBINS, A HOWARD Donates valuable papers ta Ark History Commission STEEL . MARSHALL T see also Hendrix College STEINKAMP, GEORGE R Arkansan ' s role in AF is air safety STEPHENS, ALBERT see also Agricultural extension work STEPHENS, DAN D see also Prisons and prisoners see alse Public Service Commission (Ark) Named general counsel for state Highway Commission STEPHENS• INC Former baseball pitcher Bill Dickey j o ins Stephens staff STEPHENS, JACK see also Union Life Insurance Ce STEPHENS , JAMES R Metroplan directer dies of heart attack at age 3 4 Gazette lauds James R Stephens fer his achievements STEPHENS, WILTON R eee also Arkla Village see also Agricultural extension work see also Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co see also Construction programs , State see also Governor (Ark) see alse Legisl ature (Ark) see also Livestock and poultry Stephens is head ef Arkansas Cement Cerp Henered fer pioneering resurgence in use of gas W R Stephens to seek re-election te L egislature Stephens te seek re-election to Ark House of Reps Stephens philosophizes in pest-election letter STERLING STORES NLR stare destroyed by fire. twe blasts Damage to NLR stare estimated at ever $100. 000 STEVENS, JIMMY see also Rescues STEVENSON, THOMAS H see also Harding College STILL. WILLIAM GRANT 359 12/ 8/61 12/12/61 2/ 6/62 5/ 5/62 6/ 3/62 6/24/62 7/13/62 8/ 5/62 10/ 9/62 PAGE COL Bl Bl A2 A3 E4 A3 Bl Al Bl 5 5 1 2 1 2 6 4 5 2/24/62 AS 3 1/25/6 1 Bl 2 9/ 7/61 Bl 3 4/ 16/61 Cl 7 3 / 14/61 BlO 3/ 15/61 A4 4 2 3/ 1/61 10/ 4/61 3 / 11/62 4/ 21/62 8/12./62 Bl Bl Cl A19 A4 6 4 1 3 1 l/ 3/61 AB 1/ 4/61 B12 2 3 DATE Neted Negro composer, ex-Arkansan, wins music award STILLS (Distilleries) see Alcahelic beverages STOCKS AND BONDS see alse Arkansas Business Development Corp see also Arkansas Investment Corp see also Arkansas Valley Industries see also Assaciated Investors Securities Inc see al so Champion and Co see also Gevernment bends and investments High court upholds prison term fer J C Kerby in stocks sales J C Kerby seld United Standard Corp steck in Newton County David M Cohn trial set en f radulent stack transaction chgs Plaintiffs awarded $50 , 923 in David M Cohn litigation Max W Nunn gets 6-yr term in stock fraud case Max W Nunn to ge en trial at Sheridan in securities case Arnold E Edens gets 11-yr term in false pretense case State industrial bond issues top $39 mil lion Paragould broker Arnold E Edens indicted en fraud charges Arnel e E Edens appeals prison sentences he received Arnol d E Edens pleads innocent of stock fraud scheme Arnold E Edens chgd with embezz ling Arnold E Edens sentenced on embezzlement-by-agent charge Rep Clarke Kinney wants state te tighten up en securities David M Cohn released en bond in stack f raud case Witness says he lest $ 16, 500 with Arnold Edens Two witnesses at Arnold E Edens trial relate losses Witness says he made profit deal ing with Arnold Edens. Jehn W Recker says he lest over $200, 000 to Arnold Edens Arnol d E Edens relates story of life at fraud trial Arnol d E Edens says he is innocent of any fraud New $689 , 285 suit filed against Arnold E Edens Jury finds Arnold E Edens guilty on ten counts Arnol d E Edens gets 18 years on mail fraud, ether counts Arnol d E Edens pests bend, leaves j ail STOCKTON, PURL see also Union Rescue Mission STOKES, ALVIS W see al so Trade schools State Rep Stokes proposes free hunting, fishing for elderly STONE COUNTY Legend ef Lost Mountain and little Jee Brown STONE, CHARLES G see also Geology STONE, EDWARD D see also Pine Bluff STONE, EDWARD DURRELL see also Architecture and architects STONER, J D see also Politics and elections STORMS 360 PAGE COL 10/21/61 A3 6 1/24/61 1/ 24/61 1/26/61 1/27/61 4/26/61 4/29/61 5/ 27 /61 5/28/61 6/15/61 7 /25/61 9/15/61 1 2/ 6/61 3/15/62 8/11/62 9/12/62 10/ 2/62 10/ 3/62 10/ 4/62 10/ 5/62 10/ 6/62 10/ 9/62 10/10/62 10/11/62 10/ 12/62 10/16/62 l l 6 2 4 5 5 l l 1 7 5 8 1 l 8 8 5 8 1 8 4 2 l 5 AlO AlO B7 B1 4 Bl A7 A3 A14 A17 AS Bl AB A3 A2 BlO Bl A2 BB Bl B6 Bl Bl Bl A6 A6 7/27 /61 Bl 8 4/29/62 E6 l DATE see Weather and storms STOUFER. MARTIN LUTHER see also History (Ark) STRAIT, AUDREY see alse Courts. State and local STRATEGY FOR SURVIVAL CONFERENCES see Communism STRICKLAND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY INC Dallas firm meving 110 truck drivers t e LR STRIKES see Arkansas Poultry Ce-operative Inc see Central Transfermer Cerp see Chase Bag Ce see Ceca-Cola Bettling Ce see Censtructien industry see Defenses and armed forces see Natienal Rej ecters Inc see Rivers and lakes see Sutton Products Ce STRONG, JOEL W see also Civil War STRONG. ROBERT R JR see also Defenses and armed forces STUCK, CHARLES A see also Beeks and writing STUCKEY. JAMES G see also Education - Little Reck District STUDENTS see alse Colleges and univs see also Educatien see alse Trade scheels STURGIS. MACK see also Revenue Department (Ark) Gets new AHD post S'IUTTGART see also Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co see also Historic buildings and sites see also History (Ark) see also Libraries. Public see also Weather and storms Article in New York Times features Stuttgart SUBIACO ABBEY AND ACADEMY Alumni Assn approves construction of retreat and guest house SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND TRAFFIC Sad case ef Dr Nathan Walton Greene. an alcoholic Chez Paree Lounge operator held en marij uana pessessien chgs Pol ice rept find of marij uana; four youths arrested Four accused ef possessing bulk marijuana Marijuana. liquor seiz ed in raid at Harrison Narcotics charge filed after raid en Beene County farm Univ of Ark student arrested fer sale of amphetamine at U A 361 PAGE COL 8/22/61 Bl 6 4/12/62 Bl 4 7 / 8/62 AS 1 4/17/61 A2 8 5/21/61 6/27/62 8/22/62 8/23/62 10/31/62 11/ 3/62 1 2/21/62 AlO BlO Bl A3 Bl A2 Bl 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 DATE SUFFOCATION see Asphyxiatien and suffecation SUICIDES Woman rescued after leap f rem Arkansas River bridge at LR SUITS AND CLAIMS , Govt Verna Mencer seeks $142 . 6 03 frem state in husband ' s death SULLINS. PAUL see also Censtructien programs , State SUMMERS, ALMA see Dead SUMMIT HOUSE see Reusing SUMMITT see also Weather and storms SUNDAY LEGISLATION see Sabbath and Sunday legislation SUNDAY OBSERVANCE see Sabbath and Sunday legislation SUPERSTITIONS see Felklere, felk medicine and superstitien SUPREME COURT (Ark) see Ceurts, State and L ocal SUTTON PRODUCTS INC About 30 men walk eff j ab in centract dispute at Harrison Strike ends as company fills j obs vacated by strikers SWIFT AND CO see alse Livestock and poultry Swift takes ever Priebe and S ens Inc plant at Clarksville SWIMMING Lee Rey Runnells. 1 2 , saves three girls frem drowning Lee Rey Runnells rewarded with horse, saddle and stable SWORDS see also Civil War SYMONDS , ALAN R see alse Culture and the arts SYPHIL IS see Medicine and health see Medicine and health TACKETT, MAX see also Pelice TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY see Weight and weight central TATE FAMILY see alse Histery (Ark) TATE. AU STIN see also Treasure-trave TATE. JACK see alse Treasure-trove TAX EVASION AND DI SPUTED RETURNS see also Empire Life Insurance Company ef America see alse Florida, Andrew and George Flerida 362 PAGE COL 2/ 9/61 Al 4 12/20/62 Bl 4 4/14/61 A6 5/ 5/61 A2 3 2 1 1/16/62 A2 1 6/14/61 Al 6/17/61 Al 2 5 DATE see alse Griffin, Paul Y Sr see alse Hildebrand. Alf red L see also Jordan. D W see also Lehigh. Charles H see alse Pelleck. Harry N see also Rockefeller. Winthrop see also Washburn. Alex H see alse Watkins. Harrison see also Watkins, Ralph Jack Rose. Paul G Tedder sentenced in unrelated cases Federal Judge Gardon E Yeung vaws te get teugh TAX EXEMPTIONS see Taxation TAXATION see also Amusements and entertainment see also Beverages see also Construction programs. State see also Economic development see also Education see also Fort Smith see also Land and real estate see also Southwest Securities Inc see also Stadiums and arenas see also Transit systems Business interests seek exemptions te sales taxes Efforts to pass soft-drink sales tax began in 1941 Court suit ta test taxing ef insurance firms ' intangibles Big tax dodge attempt by auto transport cempany uncovered County vehicle l icense tax suggested by Gev Orval E Faubus Some fancy footwork en county vehicle l icense tax Gov Faubus defends his county vehicle license tax plan Bill in Legis weuld exempt industrial equip and machinery College heads see hope at ballet box en sef t drink tax Editorials ceol t(;'Mard tax en soft drinks Bottlers warned ef danger in soft drink tax Heuse votes te repeal tax on honey ; eases lead en low income House passes bill exempting agri supplies frem tax House passes feur tax-cutting measures House-passed bills would cost state about $2 million Gav Faubus hints he will net approve tax cuts Senate vetes te exempt industiral machinery f rem sales tax Bills in Legis te reduce taxes would cut state funds Gev Faubus shows seme concern ever tax cuts Rep Gayle Windser Jr explains his tax deduction bill Cities cool to Faubus ' plan fer revenue by local vehicle tax Frank Cantrell defends tax exemptions as industry lure Gev Faubus questions motives of advocates ef tax cut Rep Gayle Windsor def ends his income tax reduction bill Gazette commends Gov Faubus ' stand on reducing state taxes Repeal of tax en honey completed Senate defeats bill that would have reduced income taxes 363 PAGE COL 1 2/20/61 B l 3/28/62 A6 1/ 1/61 l/ 1/61 1/ 8/61 1/14/61 1/16/61 1/16/61 1/17/61 1 / 1 9/61 1/21/61 1/22/61 1/23/61 l/24/61 1/25/61 1/25/61 1/25/61 1/25/61 1/26/61 1/27/61 l/27/61 1/30/61 1/31/61 2/ 2/61 2/ 3/61 2/ 4/ 61 2/ 5/61 2/ 7/61 2/ 8/61 A3 B8 AS Al A4 A4 B3 Al A3 E4 AS Al Al Al Al Al Al A4 Bl A4 Bl A4 Bl A3 E4 Bl Al 8 6 7 1 l 4 l l 6 6 1 6 8 3 2 2 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 4 6 2 l 8 4 DATE Angry exchange takes place in Legis panel ever tax breaks Industrial machinery tax exemption drew angry exchange Rep Paul Van Dalsem asks Frank Cantrell te leave tax talks Suppl iers battle fer revision of state ' s use tax Act 396 ( 1 955) killed by state Supreme Court Act 3 96 ( 1 955) let counties tax insurance firms ' steck State Supreme Ct en Act 396 ( 1955) will benefit banks Legislature passes bills on use and sales taxes Ark Senate passes bill asking repeal ef federal income tax Ark Senate veids vote te seek end te federal inceme tax Legis lets Gev Faubus decide en sales tax en indus machinery Gov Faubus signs bill reducing number ef use tax exemptions Reuse defeats reselutien to end federal income tax Senate defeats twe bills te allow income tax relief Ceurt uphol ds Phillips Ceunty land appraisal methods Ark may seen implement its 1929 law en withholding taxes Oklahoma tax l aw hits workers employed in Arkansas Withholding plan fer inceme taxes urged by Paul Van Dalsem Van Dalsem ' s ' windfal l ' (ed) New strategy seen fer plan en inceme tax withheding Withholding tax plan favered by Gev Orval Faubus Texarkana residents te be affected by Texas sales tax law Four counties warned assessment ratio tee lew Merchants in neighboring towns like Texarkans sales tax U S Tax Court opens sessien in Little Reck Rul ing en tax en j uke bex income appealed U S Tax Court ends session at LR ABC wants LRAFB to pay liquor taxes State moves to collect tax en alcehelic drinks at LRAFB Assessment ratio listed fer each county ; Van Buren lew Most ceunties toe the line te keep assessments up IRS tax survey ef Dallas County upsets residents. business Letter protests descent of IRS employees en Dallas County IRS directer regrets problems survey caused in Dallas County Flustered Dallas County says farewell to IRS team IRS check ef Dallas County found $48 . 83 3 ewed in taxes Mrs Catherine D Norrell asks IRS fer report en Dallas County Juke hexes net subj ect to sales tax. Ark Supreme Ct rules State te press fer rehearing en j uke boxes Legislative Council panel calls fer bill fer withholding tax ALG te study tax laws en peultry State Rep Jack Oakes calls fer tighter tax law en ' outsiders ' Amendment 50 drive to be headed by Fred Pickens Proposed Amdt 50 would remove limit en tax voted by cities Fees mount effort te defeat proposed Amdt 50 Assessment level listed fer each county Fees of Amdt 5 0 says ballet title misleading Legislative auditors criticize tax return handling Gasoline tax increase suggested te him. Gev Faubus says What Faubus found en the Capitol steps (ed en gas tax rise) Firm ef doctors tests state laws fer tax purpose 364 2/ 8/61 2/ 8/61 2/ 8/61 2/12/61 2/14/61 2/14/-61 2/14/61 2/15/61 2/17/61 2/18/61 2/18/61 2/23/61 3/ 9/61 3/ 9/61 4/- 4/ 61 5/-21/61 6/28/61 7/-25/61 7/26/61 7/30/61 7/3 1/61 8/18/61 8-/-27/-61 8/31/61 11/-14/-61 11/15/61 11/-15/61 11/-17 /61 11/29/61 1/ 3/62 1-/ 7/62 3/14/-62 3/15/-62 3/ 15/62 3/16/62 3/22/62 3/23/62 4/10/62 4-/11-/62 4/20/62 8/18/62 9/ 1/62 9/16/62 9/16/62 9/18/62 9/23/62 9/30/62 11/18/-62 12/12-/62 12/13/-62 12/16/62 PAGE COL A2 A2 A2 A5 Al Al Al A6 A9 Al A2 Bl A5 AB A5 ES Bl Al A4 Al Al Bl Al2 Bl Bl Al All Bl A6 Bl Al4 Al A4 Bl Bl Al A6 Bl Bl A3 BS A3 A2 A2 Bl A6 cs A13 Bl A6 Cl 6 6 6 1 4 4 4 1 1 3 1 8 2 1 1 1 8 3 2 2 6 2 1 2 8 3 3 4 3 8 1 2 3 8 2 4 4 2 2 1 3 3 7 7 5 1 6 3 5 1 1 DATE Ralph Underhill letter en Faubus premises and talk of taxes Legislative panel seeks exemption for intangible property Ralph Underhill warns gas tax hike would harm tourism in Ark TAYLOR (Ark) see also Railroads TAYLOR. EUGENE Tayler left establ ished career to study medicine TAYLOR. JETA Tayler has warm words fer Senater J W Fulbright TAYLOR. MALCOLM G see alse Civil rights and discrimination TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM (Ark) see al so Education - Retirement Beard vetes to invest up te $500.000 in corporate bends TEACHERS see Colleges and univs see Education TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, Arkansas Negro teachers te held convention at Het Springs TEAMSTERS UNION see Laber see Trucks and trucking industry TEDFORD , WILLIAM L see alse Beats and beating TEEN-AGE PREGNANCY see Children and youth TEETH see Dentistry and dental health TELEPHONE SERVICE see alse Southwestern Bell Telephone Ce Five Ark tewns to get 1st person-te-persen dial system Newton County te get dial system this year United Telephone Co te sell system te Ozark United Telephone Salem moves te buy Hardy Telephone Co exchange there Salem vetes te buy Hardy Telephone exchange Hardy Telephone Ce suit says Salem vote to buy firm illegal Two women refuse te yield l ine to inj ured man at Pecahentas Judge orders Hardy Telephene Ce seld te city ef Hardy TELEV ISION Twe firms seek to bring pay television system to LR Pay TV fer Little Rock awaits further tests Plans fer pay TV in LR still en course Television Service Assn of Ark eppeses pay 'IV Theater Owners of America to help fight pay TV fer LR Midwest Video Corp files new action in pay TV case Midwest Video Corp maps first service area fer pay TV Pay 'IV promoters hope te fill veid in free station programs Theater ewners see ' evil' in pay TV setup. call fer rej ection Southwestern Bell agrees te carry pay TV cables fer fee Pay TV a peril to film talent. state PSC warned in hearing Opponents ef pay TV file new brief with PSC 365 PAGE COL 12/18/62 A6 12/21/62 A2 12/24/62 A4 4 5/ 6/62 E4 1 10/-19/61 Bl 2 10/12/61 Bl 3 10/-29/61 AlO 2 1/23/61 2/ 16/61 7/13/61 12/22/61 12/27/61 2/14/62 12/23/62 12/30/62 A3 A6 A2 Al Al BB A3 A2 6 1 4 3 4 4 3 1 1/24/61 2/13/61 2/14/61 3/10/61 5/ 3/61 5/ 9/61 5/-16/61 5/21/61 5/25/61 6/20/-61 6/21/61 7/ 1/61 Al Al 4 4 1 2 6 l 7 1 6 6 8 5 A6 Bl A2 A2 Bl A3 AlO Al Bl A3 5 2 DATE PSC vote en pay TV being kept secret fer new PSC approves pay TV fer area in LR Ceurt te determine if Little Reck te have pay TV Attorneys rehash pay TV arguments as court hears appeal KATV plans te move transmitter tower to site near LR Pine Bluff C of C asks PSC to deny meve of KATV KATV getting static en plea to meve frem Pine Bluff Pay television at LR will win court approval KTHV cites moral grounds in cancelling 2nd half of play Iceman re-routed (ed) Letters respond te cancel lation ef O ' Neal ' s ' Iceman ' Gov Orval Faubus announces KATV of fer of tewer fer educ TV KATV offers tew"er fer educational TV if meve te LR approved Pine Bluff leaders say KA.TV sold Faubus ' bill of geeds ' U S Rep Oren Harris writes FCC to oppose KATV meve ef tower Searcy Daily Citizen backs KATV 1 s plan to move tower FCC to hear fight ever KATV request te move its antenna KATV drops plea te add mere pewer Six cities to protest move of KATV at hearing by FCC FCC examiner says KATV must prove its case Witnesses say KATV cannot serve area without present tower KATV proposes compromise in tower case Hearing en KATV application ends with no decision Pine Bluff interests offer to buy KA.TV Pay 'IV fer Little Reck w ins PSC approval TELEVIS ION, Educational see also Educational television TELLER, EDWARD see alse Energy and power TEMPERANCE see Alcoholic beverages TERRY AIRCRAFT INC see Aviation and aircraft TERRY, ADOLPHINE FLETCHER see also Governor (Ark) Vassar alumnae magaz ine honers Mrs Terry Instrumental in location of Arkansas Children ' s Hospital TERRY, DAVID DDICKSON SR see also Historic buildings and sites TERRY, DAVID DICKSON JR Col Terry, here ef war. dies at age 50 Parents are David D Terry Sr and Adelphine Fletcher Terry TERRY, DAVID DICKSON SR (Mrs) see Terry, Adelphine Fletcher TESTERMAN, MAURICE K see alse University ef Arkansas TETANUS see Medicine and health TEXARKANA see also Taxatien City Manager ferm of govt adopted 366 7/18/61 7/29/61 10/13/61 ll/15/61 11/17/61 12/30/61 1/11/62 1/21/62 l/22/62 1/24/62 1/24/62 1/24/62 1/24/62 1/26/62 2/28/62 3/11/62 9/ 6/62 9/11/62 10/21/62 10/23/62 10/24/62 10/25/62 10/26/62 10/26/62 11/ 6/62 PAGE COL A2 Al Bl A2 Bl3 A3 Bl Al A2 A4 A4 A8 AB Bl A5 E3 AlO A9 A2 Bl AB A3 A2 A2 Al 4 6 2 6 7 5 8 8 6 2 3 3 3 2 l 3 4 3 4 8 6 6 6 6 6 5/ 4/61 Bl 7/ l/62 E4 5 1 5-/-27 /62 A15 5/27 /62 A15 l 1 3/15/61 A3 4 DATE TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHING AIDS see Education - Textbooks and teaching aids THACH, JAMES HARMON Pine Bluff native Admiral James B Thach dies Gaz ette eulogiz es the late Admiral Thach THALIDOMIDE see Drugs and drug trade THANKSGIVING Mountain people keep old custems Old-timers recall Thanksgivings ef days past THEATER AND DRAMA see also Culture and the arts Little Reck Commm.unity Theater to present play Pine Bluff ' s Little Theater is real ' pre' greup Arkansas was once a theatrical center THEFTS see Robberies and thefts THIBAULT. JAMES KEATTS see also Museums THOMAS, F D see alee Archeology and anthropology THOMAS , NORMAN see also Harding College THOMAS , THORP see also Attorney General (Ark) THOMPSON, CHARLES L see also Architecture and architects THOMPSON, HORACE Arkansas educator assists Fuerte Ricans THOMPSON. J N see also Agriculture THOMPSON. RICHARD see also Legislature (Ark) Former state senator opposes Amdt 50 THORNBROUGH. CLARENCE R see also Labor THORNSBERRY, GORDON E Russellville serviceman survives plane crash at sea THORNTON see also Histeric buildings and sites THURMOND , J STROM see also Veterans American Legion group te hear foe of J W Fulbright Thurmond blasts BMay at many targets in LR speech Thurmond refuses ta expl ain charges en Reds, ' muzz ling ' State Dept. J W Fulbright answer Thurmond ' s claim Drawing conclusions fer Strom Thurmond (ed) TICK FEVER see Medicine and health TIFFANY. GORDON M see alse Cengress - Senate (Class I I ) 367 PAGE COL 7/ 5/62 B6 7/ 6/62 A4 3 2 11/19/61 E6 11/ 18/-62 E4 2 4 3/ 6/-61 E2 8/26/-62 E5 9/16/62 E4 1 2 l 1/18/61 Bl 2 10/-15/62 A4 3 9/29/62 A2 7 12/ 1 2/ 12/ 12/ 12/ 2/-61 3/61 3/61 4/61 5/61 Al Al A2 Al A4 3 6 3 6 l DATE PAGE COL TIMBO SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Timbo District TIME CAPSULES see Monuments. memorials and markers TITAN II MISSILE PROGRAM see Censtructien industry see Defenses and armed forces TOBACCO see also Construction pregrams, State Cancer risk presented te high schoel students at Cenway 9/27/62 Bl High school students attend conf on smoking and health 10/28/62 E4 TOLBERT• LOUIS E JR see also Education - Little Reck District TOMATOES see Agriculture TONTITOWN see also His tory {Ark) TONTITOWN GRAPE FESTIVAL see Festivals TORNADOES see also Weather and storms TOURISM see Parks, recreation and tourism TOWER, JOHN G see alse Congress - Senate {Class I ) see also Politics and elections TOWNSEND, WILLIAM H see also Civil rights and discrimination see also Little Rock see also Politics and elections TOYS AND PLA'YTHINGS Dell collection of Mrs L J Witherspeen of Mena, cavers 80 yrs 1/29/61 E2 TRACK AND FIELD 6/ 3/62 B6 Gerald Ceund wins event in natienal NAIA meet TRACY. SPENCER (Mrs) 5/27 /62 Al 2 Mrs Spencer relates methods use by deaf clinic TRADE SCHOOL S Rep Alvis W Stokes wants funds fer colleges diverted te ve-ed 1/ 4/-61 B7 7 /22/61 AB ALC auditors te inspect state trades school at Pine Bluff 9/ 3/61 D5 Several towns contending fer lecatien ef new trade school 9/12/-61 Bl4 State needs increased vecatienal training. Arch W Ferd says 9/16/61 AS Gov Faubus may give trade scheel 2nd chance in Legislature 9/17/-61 Al Ark Educ Assn quickly aims against trade school 9/17/61 Al Pine Bluff school falls short of expectations. AF.A says 9/17 /61 A8 Rep Jehn P Bethel will net give up en second school 9/ 1 9/61 Al Gov Faubus tells Legis how trade school can be authorized 9/19/61 Bl Three groups dispute AEA statement en Pine Bluff school 9/19/61 Bl Head of school at Pine Bluff defends its geal and work 9/20/61 Al Legislature easily passes bill fer second trade school 9/23/61 Al AEA attys te check to see if appropriation bill was l egal Trade scheel s may become a third public education system 10/ 4/61 Bl6 368 3 4 4 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 7 7 4 2 5 7 5 7 l DATE Arch Ferd favers big expansion ef pregrams Merrilten wants vecatienal school lecated there Merrilten seeks l ocation of school there Fort Smith JC of fers facilities fer trade school Fart Smith gives presentation fer trade school Morrilton makes streng case fer trade school location Reasons fer net selecting Fort Smith listed by beard Sheriff Marlin Hawkins donated land fer trade school State Education B d selects Morrilton site fer new school State Rep Johnny Boatright chgs Council stacked fer Merrilten Supporters ef Fort Smith site charge politics in selection Gov Orval E Faubus praises Morrilton as site ef trade school Fuss continues ever selection of Merrilton fer school State editors smell politics in selection ef Morrilton Thurston Kirk te head new school at Morrilton State Educ Bd allocates funds te train Fort Smith workers All bids exceed estimate en Petit Jean Ve-Tech Scheel TRADEMARKS . TRADE NAMES AND EMBLEMS Advent ef Razorback brand whiskey upsets U of A officials Harry Hastings Sr comments en use ef Razorback as brand Univ of Ark. Harry Hastings reach accord on Raz erback use Edgar A Albin has suggestiens fer use ef Razerback emblem TRADING STAMPS see Premiums and trading stamps TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS. VIOLATIONS AND SAFETY Driver ' s license may become weapen against unsafe drivers Federal ct upholds Arkansas ' ' guest statutes ' Rex D Bowman fined. sentenced to j ail in traffic death E E Davis struck. killed by bus in LR LR fireman D J Cia killed when fire truck. car collide Legis passes bill clamping down en drunken drivers Gov Faubus vetoes measure allewing posting l icense far bail Ceurt upheld l aw allowing anguish claims in death cases Ruling en anguish claim came in McClure Gin Ce truck wreck Mourner dies in car wreck after funeral at Dever William C Clifford gets $125 . 000 out-of-court settlement Four die. seven hurt in crash near Rector ALC calls for study ef aute inspection laws in ether states 3-car crash near Lake Village kills 2. inj ures 10 High court gets appeal an Alpena traffic l ight Alpena gees to circuit court te keep its traffic l ight Twe-car collision near Stuttgart kills four children Continental Trailways bus overturns near Hot Springs Alpena ordered to rem.eve traffic light en highway Trumann scheel bus struck by auto. no students inj ured Crash near Jonesboro kills 1 0 injures 7 Placing ads en back of traffic signs net legal Multiple crash north ef Dever kills 10 hurts 11 Alepna stopl ight conviction affirmed by state Supreme Court Head-en crash at Newport kills four Crewley ' s Ridge Academy bus accident hurts 17 students 369 PAGE COL 12/15/61 12/23/61 2/ 9/62 2/10/62 2/14/62 2/14/62 2/ 19/62 2/19/62 2/19/62 2/19/62 2/ 1 9/62 2/20/62 2/25/62 2/25/62 3/13/62 9/11/62 10/10/62 Bl B5 Bl B4 A2 A2 Al Al Al Al Al Bl2 E3 Bl A2 BlO 5 5 5 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 4 1 3 10/13/61 10/13/61 10/14/61 10/18/61 Bl B2 A2 A4 3 3 4 3 1/ 1/61 1/ 6/61 1/ 7 /61 1/10/61 1/24/61 2/ 4/61 3 / 17 /-61 3/21/61 3/21/61 4/ 17/61 5/ 24/61 6/11/-61 6/16/61 7/ 10/61 7/27/61 8/16/61 9/ 4/61 9/12/61 9/24/61 10/15/61 10/ 15/61 10/26/61 11/12/61 1 1/ 1 4/61 11/24/61 12/ 5/61 Al Bl A3 Bl Al Al B12 Bl Bl Al A14 A2 Bl A2 A6 Bl Al Al A4 A2 A2 C16 A2 A2 Al Bl 5 4 6 3 8 5 1 2 2 5 1 1 6 3 1 8 2 2 7 l 8 1 6 2 2 4 E3 DATE Infant killed as 12-yr-eld driver loses control of aute Highway statistics misleading, State Police Capt Miller says LR had better traffic control , mere accidents in 1 96 1 Alpena must remove traffic l ight en Highway 6 21 court rules Four killed, one injured in collision at Benton Expert says state suffers from lack ef safety group Little Reck drivers have difficulty adj usting to new system Smashup at Third. Main in LR takes life of Arlen P Trebey Patrelman fellowed procedures in chase of car at LR Bettie J Childress. Carol Marie Pickett face manslaughter chg Childress and Pickett in car that killed Arlen P Trebey Donald Clyde Burton killed by hit-run driver at Helena Driver chgd in traffic death at Helena Hit-run car kills weman en Roosevelt Road William Tayler chgd in death of Rosalie Davis. 10 Driver stricken. car speeds eut of control , kills weman Six persons die in twe-car wreck Widow ef Charles E Alred wins suit against Clarence Cornett Scheel bus, truck crash inj ures 6 at Sheridan Floyd English found dead in road at Deer: hit-run suspected TRAFFIC AND PARKING Parking survey creates massive traffic j am at NLR Reporter chose j ail ever paying parking violation fine TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Arkansas see Prisons and prisoners TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Arkansas see Prisons and prisoners TRANSIT SYSTEMS Citizens Geach Ce at LR cuts service , lays eff 1 2 Citiz ens Coach Ce explains plan fer cutback NLR efficials agree en terms fer Citizens Coach Ce servi.ce Citizens Coach to curtail service pending higher fares Citizens Coach drivers agree te pay cut te save service Citizens Ceach promises better service based en rate raise LR, NOR officials discuss proposed offer to Citizens Coach City bus service must be preserved (ed) Citizens Ceach fare increase granted by NLR Citizens Coach still eperating in the red Citizens Coach Co seeking new rate plan Head of Citizens Geach Ce warns cities to grant relief Fare increases en intercity buses approved by Commerce Comm Citizns Geach Ce at LR ponders problems ; city grows angrier Citizens Coach asks businessmen ' s aid en bus problem Little Rock ' s problem in mass transportation (ed) Citizens Coach Co complains that franchise tax tee high Citizens Coach Ce te give up franchise; chgs city with scheme Citizens Coach needs City Mgr Bd approval to sell franchise American Transit Corp may buy Citizens Coach Ce LR. NLR accept bus proposal f rem St Leuis firm Some favorable emens in the bus agreement (ed) Sale of Citizens Coach Ce seems certain 370 1 2/ 7/61 12/17/61 1/28/62 3/20/62 3/26/62 4/ 3/62 4/ 8/62 4/ 13/62 4/13/62 4/14/62 4/14/62 5/ 1/62 5/ 2/62 7/ 1/62 8/ 7/62 8/18/62 9/ 1/62 10/ 16/62 11/ l/62 11/17/62 PAGE COL Al6 A2 7 1 l 2 2 4 1 3 l 3 6 3 6 6 5 3 7 5 4 4 2/ 14/61 Bl 3/18/61 Al 2 3 1/ 1/61 1/ 4/61 1/ 6/61 l/ 8/61 1/ S/61 1/10/61 1/11/61 1/15/61 1/17/61 3 / 1/61 5/10/61 5/ 20/61 5/23/61 1/25/62 1/28/62 1/30/62 2/11/62 3/23/62 3/24/62 3/29/62 4/10/62 4/11/62 4/ 13/-62 4 6 1 7 2 4 5 1 3 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 1 3 E3 E4 A3 Al AB E4 Al A2 A3 .A3 B14 A6 Al Bl Al Al A6 .A3 Al Bl A6 BB Al A2 Bl E4 Al A12 Al A2 A3 A14 A15 A4 A14 Al A3 Al A3 A4 Al DATE Sale of Citizens Coach Ce stalls Sale terms bog down sale of Citizens Coach Co LR asks Capital Coach Co to pay $8.000 franchise tax Citizens Coach Co issue back where it started The transit picture (ed on muddled transit at LR) Citiz ens Coach must operate en old franchise Taxes disptue puts Citizens Coach Co on block again Sale ef Citizens Coach Ce called off again Citizens Coach Co franchise request rej ected by City Bd Union official seeks te save franchise of Citizens Coach Co Ohio firm may buy Citizens Coach Ce Citiz ens Coach Co may be taken ever by Reland E St John Citizens Coach Co president approves sale te Roland St John St John deal en Citizens Coach Co nearing close LR-NLR will net block new franchise fer bus firm Twin City Transit to operate buses in LR-NLR Twin City Transit begins its renevatien Twin City Transit becomes official TCT offers reward for arrest of vandal s Bus vandals (ed) CCC surety agent files suit against claim en tax TRAPNALL HALL see Historic buildings and sites TRAPPING see Wildlife TREASURE-TROVE Black River bank near Corning said to contain check of gold Jesse James supposedly buried chest ef gold near Corning Organiz ed search for Jesse James ' chest ef geld planned Several efforts have been made te lecate James gold cache Austin and Jack Tate may be en track ef silver cache Cave where Tate brothers are searching is near Eureka Springs Indian named B l ack Deg left directions to Tates ' cave TREASURER (Ark) Treasurer J Vance Clayton dies ag age 56 Lee Arthur Clayton apptd te complete term ef his father Nancy J Hall considering race fer Treasurer Nancy J Hall files fer Demecratic nomination fer office J H Mitchum files fer Dem nomination J H Mitchum says he would change system fer state deposits Nancy Hall defeats J H Mitchum TREES AND SHRUB S see also Historic buildings and sites see alse Little Reck Article en wild honeysuckle as a pest W D Mitchel l ef Mountainburg. sells chestnut trees Dutch elm disease enters state in northeast corner TRENT. ALBERT L see alse Fayetteville TRESPASS see alse Magnet Cave Barium Corp 371 PAGE COL 4/18/-62 4/ 1 9-/62 4/21/62 4/-27/-62 4/30/62 5/ 8/62 5/26/62 6/29/62 7/ 3/62 7/13/62 8/11/62 8/21/62 8/22/62 9/ 1/62 9/13/62 9/22/-62 9/27/62 10/21/62 1 1/-16/62 1 1/-19/62 11/21/62 Bl A3 A6 A3 A4 Bl Al Bl A5 Bl Al Bl Al Al A3 Al Bl A4 Bl A4 A2 7 6 6 1 2 7 5 7 6 8 2 7 4 6 1 2 6 1 4 1 2 3/12/61 3/12/61 3/-12/61 3/12/61 12/24/61 12/24/-61 1 2/24/61 E2 E2 E2 E2 D5 DS D5 1 1 1 1 l 2 2 7/-23/-61 7 /26/61 1/ 5/62 2/-10/62 5/ 3/62 6/20/62 Bl 2/62 Al Al Al A6 Al 2 3 3 5 5 4 8 5/20/-62 E6 12/13/62 Bl 1 2/29/62 B4 1 2 1 p.:J p.:J DATE TRIAL LAWYERS ASSOCIATION, Arkansas see Legal prefessien TRIMBLE, JAMES W see also Congress - House Dist 3 TRINITY NURSING HOME see Nursing hemes TRUCKS AND TRUCKING INDUSTRY Over hal f ef Ark reads ceuld be damaged by heavier trucks Ark Autemebile Club te oppose l ifting of lid on truck weights Bills te raise trailer lead weights filed in Senate Truckers urge lean increase Columnist analyzes effects of propesed weight limit increase Truck operators seeking te drive hard bargain en weights The trucking bills (ed) Trucking l ebby pushes campaign to lift limit on van leads Lumbermen claim smaller leads costing them business Senate passes bill allowing larger leads fer tractor-trailers Senate passes bill fer license fee increase fer heavier loads Rep Paul Van Dalsem seeks te damage weight increase bill House blocks Senate-passed truck lead bill Heavy hand ef the heavy truck l obbyists (ed) Ralph Underhill looks at trucker s ' bill (letter to editor) Legislators receive scores of telegrams fer weight increase Restriction of sliding fifth wheel pulled down in House State could lese $21 million in federal aid if wt bill passes Ark Autemebile Club alerted federals te pending bill in Legis Sen Marshall Shackelford J r te check bil l ' s federal status Gaz ette supports Ark Autemebile Club intervention Prepesed weight increase meets federal l aw . official says Paul Van Dalsem delays vote on lead bill in House Business writer suggests truckers be put en par in all areas Paul van Dalsem blacks truck weight bill third time in Reuse Reuse def eats bill te raise truck weights en Ark reads House defeats bill te raise license fees fer heavy trucks House voted en license fee bill before truck weight raise Truckers blame railroad lobby fer defeat ef weight bill Editorial en final defeat ef truck weight bill this session AHC takes action te reduce truck abuse of reads, bridges Teamsters in Ark j oin drive to curb railroad piggybacking Eighty truck l ines ask state Cemmerce Cemm for rate increase Illegal hauling en increase, state Commerce Cemm dir says Truckers compl ain that Weights Div asks gifts frem them Weights and Standards Div officials ordered te rej ect gifts Truckers voice gripes te state Pelice Chief Herman E Lindsey Natural resources l icenses allegedly seld fer unassessed rigs The stakes and issues in trucking investigation Allegation made that Weights Div does net weigh Nash ' s trucks Truckers tell of harassment at twe points in Ark Complaints result of competition. Gev Orval Faubus says AHD Directer F R Oliver to try to raise truck weights Truck weight l imit expected te be raised 372 1/ 1/61 1-/15/ 6 1 1/26/61 2/ 2/61 2/ 5/61 2-/ 5-/61 2/ 7/61 2-/16/61 2/17/61 2/17/61 2/17/61 2/17/61 2/18/61 2/18/61 2/21/61 2/21/61 2/21/61 2/22/61 2/23/61 2/23/61 2/24/61 2/25/61 2/25/61 2/26/61 3/ 4/61 3/ 8/61 3/ 8/61 3-/ 8/61 3/ 8/61 3/ 9/61 3/16/61 4/10/61 5/ 4/61 5/1 2/61 2/12/62 2/12/62 2/13/62 2/14/62 2/15/62 2/22/62 2/23 /62 2/24/62 5/24/62 6/ 3/62 PAGE COL B8 Cl Bl A5 Cl Cl A4 A7 Al Al Al Al Al A4 A4 Bl Bl Al Al A2 A4 Al Al Cl Al Al Al Al Al A4 A5 A2 Al Bl Al Al Al Bl A4 Al Bl A5 Bl Cl 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 8 5 1 3 8 8 7 2 3 1 5 7 1 5 6 6 6 6 2 1 1 2 8 3 3 4 5 1 3 8 7 3 1 DATE ARC werking en bill te allow increased truck weights en reads Bill under study weuld raise costs fer truck tags Truck lobby faces new weight fight in Legislature Time te fight the big trucks again (ed) ARC te take ne stand en prepesed truck weight increase The Highway Cemmissien and the big trucks issue (ed) Lebby girds fer license fight as AHC retreats TRULOCK HOTEL (Pine Bluff) see Historic buildings and sites TRUMANN see also Reusing Fire strikes twe businesses in Trumann TUBERCULOSIS see Medicine and health TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM (Ark) see also Medicine and health Suit filed in death of child whe was scalded te death '!We employees fired fer signing lr critical of staff, admrs State negligent in baby ' s death, Henderson ' s lawyers argue Two men flee facility without permission Counties ewe Sanatorium ever $1 million Mr and Mrs James C Henderson awarded $10, 000 in scalding case Dr W Duane Jones named medical directer TUCKER, EVERETT see alse Educatien - Little Reck District Comments en forced integration TUCKER, JIM GUY Among students at Hall High attending speech congress TUCKER, JOHN E see also Athletics and sports Excerpts from address ta NLR football banquet TUDOR, JAMES see also Rivers and lakes TUPY. J L see alse Newten Ceunty TURKEY-CALLING CONTEST see Festivals TURKEYS . Wild see Wildlife TURNER, DELMA see also Buttons TURNER. KAY see Reading TURNER, MARGUERITE see also Beeks and writing Mrs Turner te entertain at FHA convention in LR TURNER, P E see also Indians, American TUR'll. E S see Wildlife 'IWENTIETH CENTURY FOODS CORP 373 9/23/62 10/21/62 1 1/25/62 12/17/62 12/20/62 1 2/21/62 12/23/62 PAGE COL Cl Cl Cl A4 A6 B6 1 1 1 1 8 l 1 4/ 5/62 Bl 2 4/ 7/61 4/13/61 5/ 4/61 5/ 5/61 8/19/61 9/15/61 11/20/61 A5 A3 AlO Bl B16 B6 Bl A3 10/ 3/62 A9 4 2 8 6 1 3 6 4 4/ 2/61 Dll 1 1/ 20/61 B2 7 3/11/-62 A12 1 DATE State j oins in bankruptcy case Walter Nesbitt appointed trustee of plant Unable te save Salem milk plant , trustee tells court Greup hopes to reopen Salem plant Trustee files plea to reopen pl ant at Salem Court allows Salem plant to open again Russell Benton named trustee fer plant Salem plant reorganized; reopening set Court inquiry on feed firm begins Bankruptcy referee says firm manipulated its beeks 'IWIN CITY TRANSIT see Transit systems TWIN TABLE AND FURNITURE CO NLRB orders rehiring of empl oyee fired fer union activities '!WINS see Multiple births TYLER, T E see also Congress - Reapportionment TYPHOID see Medicine and health UNCLE SAM see Wilson, Samuel UNDERHILL, RALPH see also Legislature (Ark) Letter en trucking industry effort to raise weight l imits Praises new law outlawing Communists in Ark Letter en the truckers ' bill in Legislature Letter defends criticism ef U S Supreme Ct Letter en efficiency of Arkansas State College . Beebe Branch Letter of support fer state parks Commends state en plans fer Arkansas Pest Natl Monument Says development of parks will net hurt private businesses Letter en l ivestock industry centributien to state grewth Letter en value of timber te state ' s economy Writes en issue of ever-centralization of govt Separation ef powers still valid. Underhill writes Letter on talk of gasoline tax increase Letter opposes gambling in Ark Letter opposes any increase in gasoline tax UNDERWOOD COLLEGE JEWELERS see also Jewelry and j ewels UNEMPL OYMENT see Laber UNEMPL OYMENT COMPENSATION INSURANCE State runs out ef federal funds fer 1 , 5 80 j ebless UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE see also Business law UNION LIFE INSURANCE CO Company was founded in 1920 by Elma Walker Jack Stephens teek ever firm and made it grew UNION RESCUE MISS ION 374 1 1/ 1/61 11/ 8/61 2/16/62 2/17/62 3/ 8/62 3/17/62 5/ 1/62 5/11-/62 10/10/62 10/ 13/62 PAGE COL A3 Al3 Bl A2 Bl A2 B4 A7 BlO B7 8 3 8 4 5 l 6 2 6 1 10/19/61 A2 3 2/ 5/61 2/12/61 2/21/61 3/13/61 8/17/61 9/ 6/61 9/16/61 9/30/61 10/ 4/61 10/20-/61 8/24/62 8/27 /62 12/18/62 1 2/ 20/62 12/24/62 E4 E4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A6 A6 A4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3/21/61 Bl 4 3/ 5-/61 Cl 3/ 5/61 Cl 1 1 DATE New facility te be dedicated New home en Confederate B lvd opens today Rev Purl Steckten operates mission in Little Reck UNIONS• Laber see Hotel , Motel and Restaurant Employees Intnl Union see Laber see also Franz Feods UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC Attache Salah Kamel comes to Ark drum.ming up tourists fer UAR UNITED AUTO WORKERS see also Douglas-Lomasen Ce UNITED FUND OF PULASKI COUNTY Harry Pfeifer J r te head 1961 fund drive Rebert E Ritchie te direct second United Fund campaign Geal is $96 4, 5 82 Executives to assist in fund drive Workers report 95 pct ef goal reached Little Rocle is $3 1 , 000 short of goal Goal exceeded Pulaski County goal is $989 , 7 22 UNITED STANDARD CORP see also Stocks and bends UNITED STATES - Agriculture Department see alse Agricultural Stabilization and Censervatien Service UNITED STATES - Area Redevelopment Administration Jehn H Opitz named co-ordinator in Arkansas UNITED STATES - Army Corps of Engineers see also Rivers and lakes Col John C Dalrymple heads Little Reck District Little Reck District to celebrate 25th birthday LR Dist headed by Col Charles D Maynard UNITED STATES - Attorney General see alse Labor UNITED STATES - Attorneys Finding suitable US attorney fer Eastern Dist may be teugh Osre Cobb to remain in Eastern Dist office until Jan 196 2 Charles Conway to get U S Atty pest fer Western Dist of Ark UNITED STATES - Bankruptcy Court see Bankruptcies UNITED STATES - Buildings and Offices Federal Building at Little Rock completed GSA to accept $7 million federal bldg at LR UNITED STATES - Civil Service Commission see also Government employees. State UNITED STATES - Civilian Conservation Cerps see Civilian Censervatien Corps UNITED STATES - Department of Agriculture see also Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Arkansan J ehn A Baker appointed aide in USDA Column discusses J ehn Baker ' s new assignment UNITED STATES - Employment Security Bureau 375 PAGE COL 3/19/61 A2 3/24/61 Bl 3/24/61 Bl 4 2 2 4/12/62 Al 2 5 1/26 /-61 3/ 19/61 8/13/61 8/17/61 11/16/61 12/12/61 12/23/61 9/ 20/62 Bl A4 Al Bl Bl Al Al A15 3 2 3 8 2 4 4 1 3/ 7/62 Bl 3 8/ 8/61 Bl 6/17/62 AB 7/12/62 Bl 3 1 6 3/26/61 A4 3/26/61 A4 12/ 6/61 Bl 7 7 4 12/10/61 A2 12/14/61 Bl 1 7/19/62 Bl 7/29/62 E3 4 5 B DATE see also Labor UNITED STATES - Farmers Heme Administration State Directer Maurice J Mills resigns position Herman H Hankins named state director of agency UNITED STATES - Federal Aviation Administration see also Aviation and aircraft UNITED STATES - Federal Bureau ef Investigation Roy K Moore is new offficer in charge of LR office Offices in LR meved te post ef fice building UNITED STATES - Federal Communications Commission Arkansan Jehn S Cress is member ef Commissien Jahn S Cress dumped frem FCC by President Kennedy Resentment of JFK actions in Cress case expressed John S Cross comments en being dumped by President Kennedy Editorial on non-reappointment ef Jahn S Cress Storm rages over remeval ef John S Cress frem. Commission UNITED STATES - Federal Housing Administration see also Cash, James B Jr Charles R Watson resigsn as FHA chief in Arkansas Gaither C Johnston sworn in as state directer of FHA UNITED STATES - Federal Land Bank see Agriculture UNITED STATES - Federal Mediatien and Cencil iatien Charles A Wheeler retiring after 35 years of service UNITED STATES - Federal Power Commission see also Electric power UNITED STATES - Federal Reserve Bank Proposed expansion ef bank at LR te cost $2, 000, 0000 Sketch of proposed building addition at LR New branch building planned fer Little Rock Building fer Little Rock in the works UNITED STATES - Federal Trade Cemmissien see also Central Arkansas Milk Producers Association see also Central Arkansas Milk Producers Asseciatien UNITED STATES - Gevernment Buildings and Offices Federal Building at LR is massive, solidly built Federal Bldg at LR nears completion Dispute between two uniens halts werk on Federal Bldg at LR AFLCIO beard settles dispute over werk at Federal Bldg in LR New federal building at Helena te be dedicated Federal Bldg at Helena dedicated Federal Bldg at LR 97 pct complete Contents of cornerstone ef federal bldg at LR described Finishing touches put en new federal building at LR Federal Bldg at LR cornerstone holds mementos of 1 96 1 Federal Office Bldg a t L R t e be dedicated today Federal Bldg at LR dedicated Basement of Federal Bldg at LR equipped as fallout shelter Gas explosion damages Federal Bldg at Jenesbore Cause of gas explosion at Federal Bldg in Jenesbere found UNITED STATES - Health, Education and Welfare Dept 376 PAGE COL 3/29/61 B 1 4 4/21/61 A6 6 1 3/21/62 Bl 9/ 2/62 BS 6 1 E3 Al Al A2 A4 A5 5 3 3 5 1 1 11/25/61 Al 1/ 3/62 Bl 4 3 12/28/62 A4 2 1 1/10/61 11/ 10/61 8/17/62 8/18/62 Al Bl Al A2 3 4 7 4 1/ 8/61 4/ 2/61 5/10/61 6/ 3/61 6/ 4/6 1 7/28/61 10/15/61 1 1 / 1 9/ 6 1 11/ 19/ 6 1 1 1/22/61 2/25/62 2/26/62 5/27/62 12/14/62 1 2/ 15/62 AlO A4 A6 A3 A2 Al A3 A4 A4 Bl A3 Al Al4 Al A2 2 6 2 3 1 4 2 1 1 6 1 5 1 6 6 10/15/61 8/31/62 8/31/62 8/31/62 9/ 1/ 62 9/ 1/62 DATE PAGE COL see alse Peer UNITED STATES - Internal Revenue Service Fred W Jehnsen serves ad dist directer in Ark 11/25/61 Al 1 2/ 3/61 All Fred W Johnsen likes ham radio, geld UNITED STATES - Justice Department see alse United States - Attorneys UNITED STATES - National Aeronautics and Space Adm 9/16/62 Al Directer James W Webb te speak at LR Chamber dinner meeting UNITED STATES - Natienal Park Service see alse Parks, recreation and tourism UNITED STATES - Pest Office Department see alse Postal service UNITED STATES - President see also Kennedy , Jehn Fitzgerald UNITED STATES - Rural Develepment Program 2/ 10/-61 Bll Five Arkansas counties participate in program 2/ 10/61 Bll Program is aimed at lessening rural poverty UNITED STATES - Rural Electrification Adm see also Electric pewer UNITED STATES - State Department see alse Hays. Brooks UNITED STATES - Subversive Activities Cantrel B d see alse Cherry , Francis A UNITED STATES - Supreme Court see Education - Religious issues see alse Courts. Federal UNITED STATES - Veterans Administration VA te shut down five effices in Arkansas 1 1/ 8/- 61 B8 UNITED STATES - Vice President see alse Jehnson, Lynden Baines UNITED TELEPHONE CO see Telephone service UNIVERSITIES see Colleges and univs UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL see University ef Arkansas Medical Center UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS see alse Construction industry see also Construction programs . State see alse Economic development see alse Football see also Holcombe, Jebelle see also Music see also Robberies and thefts see also Substance abuse and traffic see also Trademarks. trade names and logos President David W Mullins discusses money wees of Univ ef Ark 1/ 8/61 Al 1/ 8/61 Al Univ ef Ark budget much tee lew, trustees told 1/15/61 Al UA student paper, The Arkansas Traveler, named by C G Hall 1/ 1 8/-61 A2 Dr David W Mullins says Univ of Ark must have mere funds 1/29/61 A3 List of students receiving graduate degrees 377 7 1 2 1 1 4 3 3 6 7 l DATE Dr David Mullins asks UA alumni help in building academics Life of counselor in women' s derm at UA described Mandatory retirement age set at 67 Armil Snew te edit Arkansas Traveler next year Dr David W Mullins te be installed at Univ ef Ark president Dr Phil Trapp helps UA students with psycholigical problems Treasurer T C Carlsen retiring ; Jack Weedy is replacement Brief history ef Univ ef Ark (sketch of Old Main. campus) Dr David W Mullins te be installed as UA' s 14th president Dr David W Mullins says 1960s decade te challenge UA The U of A and the hope ef the future (ed) Columnist describes inauguratien ef Dr David Mullins at UA Univ of Ark proj ect may help selve heart problem U ef A produces highly successful commercial artists UA honers Glen Rose, Fount Richardson, Lucy Hen Cuddy UA to offer graduate work at Southern State, Arkansas Tech Univ ef Ark class of 1 91 1 helds reunion at Fayetteville Univ ef Ark enrollment since 1 940 shewn on graphs Maurice K Testerman, Paul McLeod find new way te measure gas Testrerman and McLeod used deg whistle as basis fer research Article on electronic music produced at UA Pig ' s Delight refuses te vacate let fer dorm contructien Plans fer start ef 90th year announced Music Dept gets gift ef a 'Viola de Gamb a ' Jury awards money in dispute ever land needed fer dorm Enrollment ef 7 . 5 1 9 is a record University High School te clese at end ef scheel year Twin-engine. 10-passenger airplane given to University University was given plane by Mississippi River Fuel Corp History ef University High Scheel R E Lee Wilsen asks UA te de mere agricultureal reaseach Univ ef Ark te raze camp Neil Martin housing facility Univ of Ark engineers engaged in several research proj ects List of Univ of Ark students receiving graduate degrees Guest lecturer at U ef A allegedly spoke fer pre-marital sex Univ of Ark adm rebukes speaker en pre-marital sex Gov Faubus criticizes Arkansas Traveler en sex talk reporting Gev Faubus remarks on sex talk angers Dr Le Men Clark Gov Orval Faubus blasts pre-marital sex talk at Univ ef Ark Traveler editor Armil Snew says UA did not obj ect to report A proper disavowal (ed en pre-marital sex talk at U ef A) Dr Richard V Ganslen sorry about sex lecture at Univ ef Ark Arkansas Traveler editor Armil Snow disputes Faubus talk Letters en Dr Albert Ellis ' s U A talk en pre-marital sex Gov Orval Faubus repeats indignation at UA sex lecture Letters en Dr Ellis ' s sex talk at Univ of Ark State editors comment en sex talk furor at Univ of Ark Letter commends Gev Faubus fer speaking out en sex talk Univ of Ark Schola Canterum invited to sing in Italy Univ of Ark gets NSF grant for study of gas bubble in vacuum Gaebale is no longer same old binge at Univ of Ark 378 2/ 7/61 2/19/-61 2./25/61 3/ 3/61 3/17/-61 3/19/61 4/ 9/61 4/-23/61 4/-23/61 4/25/61 4/26/61 4/26/61 4/-30/61 5/14/61 5/-28/61 6/ 2/-61 6/ 4/61 6/18/61 7/30/61 7/-30/61 7/30/61 8/ 9/61 8/13/61 8-/13/61 9/15/-61 10/14/61 11/ 9/61 11/10/61 1 1/10/61 11/26/61 1 2/- 2/61 1/ 11/62 1/14/62 1/28/62 2/17/-62 2/17/62 2/18/62 2/18/62 2/18/62 2/18/62 2/18/62 2/19/62 2/21/62 2/22/62 2/22/62 2/24/62 2/25/62 3/10/62 4/ 1/62 4/11/62 5/ 3/62 PAGE COL Bl E2 A2 Bl Bl E2 C4 El El Bl A4 Bl E2 E2 A4 Bl A3 B6 A3 A3 El A2 A12 E2 A2 A2 All Bl Bl E5 A3 Bl D5 A17 Al Al Al Al Al Al E2 A2 Bl A4 Bl A4 E3 A4 All Bl Al 6 1 4 5 3 4 l 1 l 3 1 3 1 1 3 8 4 1 1 2 l 8 1 4 5 6 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 l 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 3 8 3 2 5 1 8 6 DATE Pelitical candidates barred frem speaking at Univ ef Ark Vernon H Whitten denounces UA ban en political candidates Ban en political candidates called beyond reason (ed) Editorial en ban ef pol itical speeches at Univ of Ark Univ of Ark students plan pretest petition en politics ban Establishment ef Univ of Ark due Vermonter, Confederate gen 'I'rustees to discuss ban en politics Winthrop Rockefeller amazed at UA ban of politics en campus UA Student Senate asks fer definition ef political ban Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten critical of politics ban by UA Trustees ease its political ban Editorials en ban en politics at Univ ef Ark University rallies (ed en Univ of Ark policy) Univ of Ark president bars l ocal candidates from campus talks Ban en political rallies under attack Dr Mullins fails te correct an error (ed on politics ban) Larry Dunn files l ibel suit against Razorback yearbook editor Libel lawsuit against yearbook also names Hurley Printing Co Univ of Ark employees form union local Univ of Ark Schola Canterum heads for competition in Italy Wing for dormitory fer UA athletes donated by W E Darby Univ ef Ark Schola Canterum wins tep prize in intnl contest UA business maj ers team with banks fer work experience Schela Canterum win elates Arkansans Schola Canterum invited te White Reuse by Pres Kennedy Schela Cantorum was first American win intnl contest State Dept feund UA Schela Canterum net geed eneugh fer funds State Dept refused Schola Canterum request fer funds fer trip Schola Canterum reaches New Yerk; gets TV bid. mere cash New York gives celebrity treatment to UA Schola Canterum Schela Canterum sings fer President Kennedy Schela Canterum and the State Dept (column) Fayetteville plans big welcome heme for Schela Cantorum Fayetteville, Univ ef Ark, welcome Schela Canterum heme Schela Canterum directer Richard Brothers made hit List ef pledges sororities and fraternities State papers comment on honers fer Schela Canterum Music critic Paul Hume praises U of A Schola Canterum Schela triumph only one side of UA' s arts program Praise fer UA ' s Schela Canterum continue s Dr Richard Brethers clears the record on Schola funds Hew the famed ' razorback' became the famed ' Razorback ' U A has record enrollment ef 7 , 899 Admission ef first Negro described in article Reporter Rebert S McCord was present when Hunt entered U of A Second Negro te enroll at U ef A was J ack L Shropshire Silas Hunt was first Negro to enroll at UA White students remeved rail from area used by Silas Hunt Univ of Ark research seeks cure fer recluse spider bite GOP candidate Wilis Ricketts says cam.pus rally vetoed by UA Univ ef Ark tells why Willis Ricketts rally net allowed 379 5/ 5/62 5/ 6/62 5/ 6/62 5/ r:F/62 5/ 9/62 5/10/62 5/11/62 5 / 1 1/62 5/12/62 5/12/62 5/13/62 5/13/62 5/15/62 5/17/62 5/18/62 5/18/62 6/ 7/62 6/ 7/62 7/15/62 8/ 3/62 8/23/62 8/25/62 8/25/62 8/26/62 8/30-/62 8/31/62 8/31/62 8/31/62 9/ 1/62 9/ 2/62 9/ 5/-62 9/ 6/-62 9/ 6/62 9/ 7/62 9/ 9/62 9/ 9/62 9/- 9/62 9/14/62 9/16/62 9/16/62 9/25/62 9/30/62 10/ 7/62 10-/13/62 10/-13/62 10/13/62 10/13/62 10/13/62 10/14/62 10-/21/62 10/-23/62 PAGE COL Al Al E2 A4 Bl Bl AlO AlO A2 A3 A2 E3 A4 Bl Al A4 Cl4 Cl4 A6 A3 B2 Al B6 A3 Bl Bl Bl Bl Al Al Al A4 Bl Al A12 A9 E3 Bl A6 E3 A4 E4 A13 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 AlO A8 Bl 3 6 l 2 3 2 1 2 l 5 4 2 1 7 3 1 5 5 5 4 2 5 l 2 2 4 4 4 3 4 5 6 6 3 4 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 2 DATE Dr David W Mullins tells budget needs ef Univ ef Ark Univ of Ark te ask l arger apprepriatien. Dr Mullins says Abandoned bldg at UA converted fer use by speech program Schela Cantorum members tell ef fund-raising efforts Fire destrGys derm. fer Negro girls at Univ ef Ark Schela Canterum te sing at Little Reck Schela Canterum to perform in LR Schola Cantorum gets standing ovations at LR performance Univ ef Ark seeks funding to absorb Arkansas Law Scheel Univ ef Ark asks $2 million rise in funding Housing issue at Univ of Ark prompts pretest march NAACP leader hints at suit against Univ of Ark ever housing UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENS ION SERV see also Agricultural extension work UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF TECH Directer William B Stiles charts course fer GIT Graduate Institute ef Technology disappoints Win Rockefeller Rockefeller pinpoints the GIT ' s problems (ed) Univ ef Ark wants no fight with Win Rockefeller over GIT Building the GIT (ed) Graduate Institute ef Technology does research for NASA UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS MEDICAL CENTER see also Reproduction (Human) Receives health grants fer research UMC picks Dr Winston K Shorey as dean The Medical Center and its new dean (ed) List ef 139 Univ of Ark School ef Medicine graduates Sen Rey Milum asks why Medical Sch turns out se few decters Dr K S Juniper Jr gets grant for research at UAMC Dr Howard J Barnard develops new X-ray method Dr Winston K Shorey begins werk as new dean Paul Van Dalsem lases scuffle in ALC ever funding University Hospital te add 28 peds te pediatrics unit Hospital Admr Nelsen F Evans leaves fer j ob overseas Dedication of T H Barton Institute fer Medical Research set Rebert Charles Hardy named hospital administrator Summary of remarks by Dr Abner McGee Harvey at dedication T H Barton Institute for Medical Research dedicated Birth defects special treatment center to be establ ished Dr Ted Kniker developing new method fer TB detection Rebert Charles Hardy is University Medical Center director UMC warns that patient quotas te be enforced UAMC conducts patient research center Quotas at UAMC exhausted fer peer patients UMC patient quota will affect LR. Pul aski County mest Money problems plague UMC Univ ef Ark Medical Scheel admitted first weman in 1901 UAMC honors three doctor-teachers Article traces history of Univ of Ark Medical Center U ef Ark plans bid for funding for full use ef Univ Hospital New attitudes en Univ of Ark Medical Center (ed) 3 80 10/27/62 10/31/62 11/ 7/62 11/ 9/62 1 1/10-/-62 11-/ 15/62 11-/16/-62 11/-18-/62 12/ 0/-62 12/ 5/62. 12/18/62 12/19-/ 62 PAGE COL A8 A3 Bl A6 B7 Al Al A6 A6 Bl A2 Bl Al2 6 6 2 3 6 4 3 l 1 5 1 2 7/- 9/61 7/14/62 7/16/-62 7/18/-62 7 / 1 9/62 10/ 7/62 A4 Bl A4 All 1 1 1 7 2 l 1-/- 1/ 61 5/20/61 5/21-/61 6/ 4/ 61 6/17 /61 6/-30-/61 7/20-/-61 8/- 2-/-61 8/11/61 9/29/61 10-/- 1/61 11/ 12/61 11/-14/-61 1 1/ 17/61 11/-17 /61 1 1/30/-61 12/ 3/-61 1/ 4/62 2/ 3/62 2/11/-62 2/20/-62 4/-27 /-62 5/ 6/62 5/20/-62 6/-11/-62 9/ 9/-62 9/18/-62 9/19/-62 A4 Al E4 A2 Al A6 Bl Bl4 Al All AlO A15 Al A3 A3 Al Al2 A3 A3 A6 A3 Bl All E4 A3 E5 Al A4 l 3 l 7 4 2 6 4 2 2 7 1 4 1 1 3 1 5 1 l 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 l A8 DATE U of A Scheel of Medicine paper suspended ever editorials LR, NLR tell ALC they cannot give aid te Medical Center Physicians. hospitals obj ect te mere paying patients at UMC State Sen Robert Harvey wants mere paying patients at UMC Gazette discusses funding dilemma facing Center UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS MUSEUM see Museums UNIVERSITY WOMEN. American Association ef see also Construction programs. State see also Government employees see also Legislature (Ark) see also Politics and elections Ark group urges passage of federal aid to education URBAN LEAGUE Little Reck chapter is bankrupt; fund drive net successful URBAN RENEWAL see Area planning and renewal USE TAX see Taxation U SURY see Credit VACCINATION AND VACCINES see Children and youth see Medicine and health VAGRANCY see Loitering and vagrancy VAN BUREN Voters defeat bend issue fer sewer improvement again VAN BUREN COUNTY see also Medicine and health VAN DAL SEM. PAUL see also Arkansas A M & N College see also Banks see also Construction programs, State see also Disabilities Determination Department (Ark) see also Education - Retirement see also Education Department (Ark) see also Finance and budgets, Local govt see also Game and Fish Commission (Ark) see also Labor see alse Land and real estate see also Legislature (Ark) see also Parks. recreatien and tourism see alse Taxation see also Trucks and trucking industry see alse Weights and Measures Division (Ark) Threatens filibuster on teacher retirement bills Mr and Mrs Van Dalsem inj ured in aute crash Van Dalsem awned l ien en Merrilten Democrat when it was sold VAN RIPPY. DAVID REGINALD Man held in state ' s j ails 4 menths , turns out te be a women 381 10/19/-62 12/ 15/62 12/28/62 12/2&/62 12/2'J/62 PAGE COL Bl Al Al A4 2 3 3 3 1 6/21/61 Bl 5 ll/-13/62 Bl 4 12/13/61 Bl 4 3/ 1/61 A3 4/16/61 Al 11/ 4/62 A2 1 4 1 1 2/ 14/61 Al 3 Ah DATE Van Rippy says she is father ef twa beys Van Rippy was sentenced te prisen fer bigamy Van Rippy stays his prisoner. Supt Lee Hensley says Real name is Dorothy Van Rippy Van Rippy entered prison as man. but is actually a weman Weman who paraded as man gets parele from prison VAN SICKLE. CLIFFORD J see also Defenses and armed ferces VAN WINKLE, PETER see also History (Ark) VANDAL ISM AND MISCHIEF see al so Apparitions see also Education see also Education - Pine Bluff District see also Educatien - Rogers District see also Emerson Electric Ce see also Transit systems NLR police arrest 17 teen-agers fer ' rolling ' heuses Reporter tells hew teen-agers ' rol l ' houses with toilet paper VANDENBURG. RUTH J see also Baptist Church VANDERVOORT HOTEL (Paragould) see also Historic buildings and sites VANNDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Vanndale District VAPORS NIGHT CLUB (Hot Springs ) see Gambling VAUGHT, CARL G Vaught wins grants te pay way through PhD program VAUGHT, DOROTHY JEAN Bedy ef Clarksville woman exhumed fer autopsy State Police Lab unable te determine if death a suicide VAUGHT, W 0 JR see alee Baptist Church see also Geverner (Ark) VEASEY, RUTH, EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION see alse Scholarships and l eans VELDA ROSE TOWERS see Hotels VENABLE QUARTET see Music VENABLE , DOYLE K Head ef Arkansas Laymen Inc see also Congress - Senate (Class I ) see also Nerth Little Reck Editorial on Venable, Arkansas Layman and censorship Deyle has many activities in Levy and NLR area VENEREAL DISEASES see Medicine and health VENNER. FRED J Founder ef Southwest Manufacturing Co dies 382 12/14/61 12/14/61 12/15/61 1 2/24/61 4/ 5/62 4/ 5/62 PAGE COL Al Al Bl A2 Cll Cll 3 3 2 5 2 2 11/25/61 A7 1 1/26/61 A7 2 1 4/ 1/61 A7 3 7/ 7/61 A6 8/12/61 A3 3 8 6/12/61 A4 12/ 3-/61 A14 2 1 4/25/61 BB 1 DATE Tribute frem Arkansas Gazette VETERANS see alse Cem.munism see also Foreign Policy Asseciatien see alse World War I I M M Eberts Legien Pest pretests hearing test fer veterans Bill in Senate would keep half of Confederate Home fer widows Senate agrees to keep Confederate Heme two mere years Legislature approves clesing of Confederate Veterans Heme Gov Faubus vetoes measure te close Confederate Home at LR Deolittle Raiders te held reunien at Camden JilllIDie Deelittle. Henry Louis Miller te attend reunion Camden gees all out fer Doolittle Raiders convention Maj Gen Jimmie Doelittle to attend Camden convention Doolittle ' s Raiders to begin reunion at Camden teday Deelittle Raiders retell daring venture ef Tekye run Jimmie Doolittle steps at LR; relives famed fl ight Camden gives its best fer Deelittle Raiders reunion Doolittle Raiders visit Winreck Farm at Petit Jean Rebert Nichels says he fought in Civil War at age 17 VFW hears talk by Gev Orval E Faubus en bend proposal American Legien hears speechs by George Bensen. Orval Faubus 7 4th annual Reunion ef Seldiers of All Wars begins Thursday Seldiers ef All Wars Reunion epens at Heber Springs Reunion of Seldiers ef All Wars one ef best at Heber Springs Spanish-American War veterans hear report en pensions Spanish War veterans meeting in LR, select officials Maj Robert T B runner recounts his rele in twe World Wars State American Legion te hear talk by Sen Strem Thurmond The Thurmond v isitation (ed) American Legion group to hear Strem Thurmond tonight Legionnaires hear Strom Thurmend blast at many targets Drawing conclusions fer Strem Thurmond (ed) Isaac H Burges s is only Ark survivor ef Indian Wars Veterans get $87 . 9 million in benefits annually Rebert Lane receives war medals 17 years late Annual Reunion of Soldiers of All Wars at Heber Springs Heber Springs honors its soldiers Arkansas has l arge contingent of Naval reserves Legiennaires dispute J W Fulbright en Menree Doctrine Gov Faubus recommends state close its Confederate Heme State ' s first Confederate Heme opened at Sweet Home in 1 891 Arkansas Federation ef Garden Clubs plan Blue Star parks Blue Star Memorial Highway System honers WW II veterans Standard marker designates Blue Star Memorial System VETERINARY MEDICINE Dr Thayer D Hendricksen named veterinarian of the year VETTER, CHARLES T JR see also Communism VICK. RAY see also Police 383 PAGE COL 4/28/61 A4 2/18/61 3/ 1/61 3/ 2/61 3/ 8/61 3/17/61 4/ 3/61 4/ 3/61 4/ 9/61 4/ 9/61 4/13/61 4/15/61 4/15/61 4/ 16/61 4/16/61 5/21/61 6/24/61 7/29/61 7/30/61 8/ 4/61 8/ 6/61 9/19/61 9/21/61 11/ 5/61 1 1/17/61 11/19/61 12/ 2/ 61 12/ 3/61 12/ 5/61 2/23/62 2-/23/62 6/26/62 8/ 2/62 8/ 5/62 10/21/62 10/22/62 11/16/62 11/16/62 1 2/23/62 1 2/23/62 12/23/62 A2 Al2 All A2 Bl2 A2 A2 A6 A6 AlO A3 A3 A3 A3 A2 2 6 3 3 3 1 2 3 l Al A3 Bl Al Bl Bl E4 Bl E2 Al Al A4 A2 Bl Bl Bl Al E4 A2 Bl Bl DS D5 DS 1 5 1 2 1 1 3 4 2 4 4 3 2 5 3 2 1 3 6 1 5 l 6 8 5 1 2 8 8 2 2 2 2/20/62 B7 1 Al DATE VIGILANCE GROUPS see also Birch, Jehn, Society VILLA MOB ILE HOMES MANUFACTURING CORP Camden factory operated by Larry Blalock FBI arrests seven in sale ef assets of Camden firm Trailer firm ' s creditors plan to meet at El Dorado Nine charged with fraud in bankruptcy case VILLAGE SQUARE INC see Housing VILONIA see also Weather and storms VINCENT. MARGARET see also Medicine and health VINES. C A see also Agricultural extension work Returns frem trip to Japan VINSON. CHARLES (Mrs) Hoax caller told Mrs Vinson her daughter was dead VIOLA see also History (Ark) VIOLA SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Viola District VIRGO MANUFACTURING CORP Conway plant employees vete fer union VIS ITORS, International see International visitors VITAL STATISTICS BUREAU (Ark) see Health Department (Ark) VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL SCHOOLS see Trade schools VON BRAUN, WERNHER see also Energy and power Arkansas Aviation Sales gets contract to fly ven Braun VOTER REGISTRATION see also Politics and elections VOTERS FOR THE CONSTITUTION see Congress VOTING MACHINES see Politics and electiens W AND A MANUFACTURING CO Pine Bluff firm develops tools tailored te Delta farms WADE , CLIFTON see also Legislature (Ark) State Senator serves as governor fer one day WADE, H KING JR see alse Medicine and health WADE , WILLIAM H see alse Agriculture WAGES AND SALARIES see alse Educatien - Salaries , benefits, etc see alse Laber 38 4 l/ 5/61 5/ 6/61 5/28/61 5/26/62 PAGE COL Bl A6 ClO A3 2 1 4 4 9/28/61 B7 4 7/ 8/61 A2 7 3/29/61 A3 3 1 2/-10/61 A14 3 5/14/61 ClO 3 11/ 2/62 A3 6 DATE Ark per capita inceme rate leads all ethers fer 1950s decade Geed news fer state. alse a challenge (ed en inceme rise) Twe reports note state inceme rise Arkansas leading rise in income Ark median family income fer selected cities (statistics) Per capita inceme up fer Arkansas Free Enterprise Assn spekesman discusses factery wages Arkansas factory pay less than in adj eining states High-wage industries do net push up nearby plants ' pay Arkansas leads natien in income rise fer 1 960-61 Gaz ette analyzes rept en Ark gains in inceme Little Rock ' s median family inceme is $5 . 23 4 WALOO • ANDREW see alse Automobiles and autemobile drivers WALDRIIX;E KNITTING MILL Marvell pl ant closing after 17 years of operation WALDRON SCHOOL DI STRICT see Education - Waldren District WALKER. EDWIN A see also Birch. John. Seciety see also Education - Little Reck District LR Chamber of Commerce resolution of confidence in Walker WALKER. HAROLD L see also Sheetings WALKER. J WYTHE see also Housing WALKER. SAMUEL AUBURN see also Health Beard (Ark) WALKING see also Meriwether. Lilbourn Mrs Mable McMillian. sen Reger. walking te Florida Mabel McMillan and son arrive back in Jonesboro WALL S. CARLOTI'A see Education - Little Reck District WALNUT RIDGE see Weather and storms WALTHER. GLENN F see alse Pernegraphy and obscenity WALTHER. W A see Ships WALTON. SAM Bentonville businessman ' s plane stelen at Rogers airport WAR EAGLE ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR see Culture and the arts WAR EAGLE MILLS see History (Ark) WAR MEMORIAL STADIUM see also Stadiums and arenas WARD BODY WORKS INC Hail shattered between 4 . ooo and 5. ooo windows at plant Dave H Ward te be honored fer his hiring practices at Conway 385 5/18/-61 5/19/61 5/19/61 12/12/61 3/18/62 4/22/62 5/ 3/62 5/ 6/62 8/14/62 8/20/62 8/21/62 10/29/62 PAGE COL Bl A4 B12 B9 Al A4 Cl Bl Al A4 A5 3 1 1 l 3 6 3 2 4 2 2 4 9/ &/6 2 B7 6 7/15/61 B4 7 3/17/62 A2 4/19/62 Bl 1 2 2/2'l/61 Bl 2 3/21/61 BlO 8/ 8/61 Bl 5 2 E5 DATE PAGE COL 8/16/61 A2 Unien vete set at Cenway plant WARD FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO see alse Workmen ' s cempensatien insurance WARD SCHOOL FURNITURE CO Conway plant seld te Charles Chamberlain ef Iewa 4/10/62 A2 WARD. DAVE H see also Ward Bady Works Inc WARD, LYLE see also Culture and the arts WARD , ZEB JR 9/-19/61 BlO Member of well-known LR family dies in Texas accident WARMAN, CHARLES S see alse Buildings and offices. Gevt WARNEKE, LON see also Athletics and sports see alse Garland County WARNER BROWN HOSPITAL see Medicine and health WARREN 1/13/61 Bl Fire ruins building housing automobile dealership WARREN, EUGENE R see also Construction pregrams , State WARREN, H C see alse Garland County WASHBURN. ALEX H see also Education - Administration and Management see alse Peer 3/22/61 A2 US Supreme Ct rules against Washburn in $18, 000 tax suits Washburn claimed deductions fer expenses of tax referal drive 3/22/61 A2 1/27/-62 A3 Washburn and Assessor Carter Sutten file assault charges Sets record straight en Fulbright comment en Monroe Doctrine 10/24/62 A6 WASHINGTON (Ark) see also History (Ark) see also Museums WASHINGTON COUNTY see also Histery (Ark) 3/16/62 AB County Judge B ruce Crider inj ured in assault WASHINGTON COUNTY JAIL see also Prisons and prisoners WASHINGTON. EMERY see also Episcopal Church WASPS see Insects WATCHES AND. CLOCKS 6/24/62 Al4 Thief misses most valuabl e watches at MacArthur Park 6/27/62 A2 Musetun gets back pilfered watches WATER see also Dentistry and dental health see also Little Reck 1/-22/61 E2 Changes in river levels affect same water wells 3/28/61 Bl Company ordered te continue pumping water fer Cave Springs 386 1 3 2 3 6 6 8 3 6 4 6 5 5 DATE Thirty-three Ark cities rate high en water supply Water district farmed to serve 360 families in west Pulaski History ef Little Rcek ' s water supply Plan advecates sending Greers Ferry water te Grand Prairie Engineer explains the earth as reservoir fer greund water Water table dropping in Grand Prairie area Jasper gets federal leans te build water system Gravel Ridge residents at edds over water supply Beaver Water Dist te supply water te surrounding cities LR te build new filter plant west ef city Firm says new water plan fer LR will cost $3 . 7 millien Half ef state ' s pepulatien draws water from inspected sources Little Reck cleaning l ines te improve pressure Yellville waits fer federal grant to solve water problems WATER POLLUTION CONTROL COMMI SSION. Arkansas see Pellution WATER VALLEY DAM see Rivers and lakes WATER-WITCHING see Dowsing WATERSHED PROJECTS see Rivers and lakes WATKINS. HARRISON Fined for failure te file federal tax returns WATKINS. JOHN see also Geurts. State and Local WATKINS. RALPH Fined fer failure to file federal income tax returns WATKINS. W H (Mrs) see alse Arkansas Territorial Restoratien WATKINS. WILLIAM see also Government empl oyees. State WATSON. CHARLES R see also United States - Federal Housing Administratien WATSON. LAVON V see also Agriculture WATTS. EARL see also Land and real estate WAXHAW S see Historic buildings and sites WEATHER AND STORMS see also Berry• F see alse Felklere. felk medicine and superstitien see also Roads Surprise snew blankets state at year ' s end State going through severe cold Freez ing rain. snew spread ice en state reads Lew temperatures l inger in state Celd siege brings coating ef snew to South Arkansas Cold wave that gripped state last week ends Snow, sleet pelt NW Arkansas 387 5/14/61 5/17/61 5/21/61 8/ 6/61 8/ 6/61 10/27/61 12./13/61 1/ 7/62 6/ 3/62 7-/29/62 1 2/ 1/62 12/ 2/62 12/28/62 12/31/62 PAGE COL AB B14 E2 A4 E2 A13 Bl A4 AlO Cl A7 Al3 Bl A2 5 3 1 3 l 1 4 1 1 1 5 1 8 6 4/ 6/62 Bl 8 4/ 6/62 Bl 8 1-/ 1/61 1/26/61 1/27/61 1/28/61 1/29/61 1/30/61 2/ 6/61 4 8 1 1 7 5 7 Al Bl A7 A2 Al Al Al DATE Snow hits Ozarks: schools dismis sed Feet ef snow in Oz arks region melted by sunshine Northwest Ark has snow Carlisle area hit by tornado-like sterms ; heavy damage reptd Elderly couple at Lynn hurt as sterm destroys heme Parts ef state hit by hail. heavy storms Clarksville residents watch as tornado devastated Woodland Northwest and Central Ark hit by ternadees and high winds Ternade inj uries listed at 3 5 across state Ternadees damage Clarksville and Eureka Springs areas Tornadoes were accompanied by heavy hail in many areas Twisters hit at Searcy. Augusta, Harrison, Vilonia and Hollis Cenway area suffered heavy damage from tornado Faulkner County residents ef ' Tornado Alley ' begin cleanup Several hemes east ef Conway totally swept away by ternade Twe tornadoes fellowed same path in eastern Faulkner Ce Five worst tornado days in Arkansas history Area east ef Mena hit by tornado; hemes destroyed Damage estimates exceed million dollars Northern Beene County reported heavy damage from tornado Tornado destroyed 17 hemes at Witt Springs ( Searcy County ) Map shews where ternadees touched down in Sunday ' s outburst Weather Bureau explains why Ark had se many ternadees Sunday Ternade carried couple seine 100 yards a s they sat on sefa Tornado-struck regions named disaster areas Ternadees inj ured 51 persons in Ark en Sunday Victim ef tornado at Clarksville dies High winds lash Oaklawn race track at Het springs Clarksville struck by high winds ; preperty damage heavy Sterm ef March 1 2 shattered ever 4 , 000 windows at Ward plant Rain changes to snow and sleet across north Arkansaas Federal disaster funds sought fer tornado victims Snow sprinkles north Arkansas Arkansas State College campus heavily damaged by high winds High winds rake Little Rock area. inflict heavy damage Mount St Mary 1 s Academy at LR suffers heavy damage Streng winds damage Jonesboro and Walnut Ridge Lightning wrecks NLR Electric Dept switch. city loses pewer Scheel buildings in Pulaski Dist heavily damaged Radio tower doubled up by storm at LR LR woman ordered scheel children off porch at height ef storm Damage at LR near $750, 000 Sterm tepples trees en lawn ef historic Trapnall Hall State Capitol building suffers damage in storm Editorial en who dreve children off perch during storm Storms whip across Ark; ternade touches down near Springdale Hail damages Johnsen County peach crop Dever weman killed when tornado struck Tornado damages community on Lake Hamilton; 6 persens inj ured Tornado hits at Midway. Oil Trough and Pleasant Plains Preperty damage heavy as winds batter Little Reck 388 2/ 8/61 2/ 'J/61 2/25/61 3/ 6/-61 3/ 7/61 3/ 8/61 3/13/61 3/13/61 3/ 13/61 3/13/61 3/13/61 3/13/-61 3/14/61 3 / 1 4/61 3/ 14/61 3/14/61 3 / 1 4/-61 3/14/61 3/14/61 3 / 1 4/61 3 / 14/61 3/14/61 3 / 1 4/61 3/-14/-61 3/15/61 3/16/61 3/17/61 3/18/61 3 / 1 9-/61 3/21/61 4/ 1/61 4/13/61 4/16/61 4/-26/61 4/26/61 4-/26/61 4/26/61 4-/26/61 4/26/61 4/26/61 4/27/61 4/27/-61 4/27/61 4/27/61 4/30/-61 5/ 1/61 5/ 2/61 5/ 6/61 5/ 6/61 5/ 7/61 5/ 7/61 PAGE COL Al Bl A2 Al Bl Bl Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Bl Bl Bl Bl Al Bl BlO AB BlO Al A2 Al Al Al Al Al A6 A6 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl E4 Al AB Al Al Al A2 5 5 4 3 2 2 6 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 2 2 7 8 4 8 5 4 5 3 l 7 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 7 2 3 8 3 3 5 1 DATE Golf ball size hail hits Merrilten Ternadic winds . heavy hail. high waters plague state Corning rural area hit by ternado Tornado at Midway killed one person. inj ured 5 ethers Tornado hits Summitt. killing twe persons Whiteville and Clarks Ridge in Baxter County hit by twister Inj uries. death strike family which declined storm cellar Marvell damaged by high winds Monticello suffers frem wind damage Pfeiffer community hit en successive days by storms Second day of high winds. rampaging water hit Arkansas St Joe damaged by twister Small ternadees hit at Pocahontas. Holly Greve , Stuttgart Tornado picks up truck and driver at Pocahontas '!Wel fth victim ef tornadoes dies Huge hail clusters pummel Vimy Ridge area of Pulaski County Ternade pases ever Little Rock w ithout touching ground El Dorado lashed by 75-miles-per-hour winds Yellville area hit by strong storms Searcy Airport damaged by winds Hope area damaged by winds Hope suffers heavy damage Storms damage creps in area north of Wynne Winds destroy house, sheds in Union County Temperature drops to 21 at Batesville Sleet falls briefly across state Little Rock area hit by 4 . 2 inches ef rain Nerthwest Ark gets l ight snew Travel in state hazardous with feg, rain. sleet and snew Driving cenditiens in state continue te be hazardous Light sleet falls in LR Northwest Ark cevered by blustering snowsterm NW Ark experiencing brisk winds. snow Snew falling in most areas ef state Heavy snow ferces clesing of schools in Central Ark area Fordyce has record 9-inch snowfall City services battle snow storm Temperature drops te l belew zero at LR Severe celd leeks state in snew and ice Grandmother. child spend two days in stranded bus at Crossett Youth freezes to death near Helena Frozen pipes are maj er problem at LR Freezing rain falls in north Ark ; warming trend begins New cold wave hits state ; dangerous ice fellows rain High winds damage Jenesbere area Little Reck high of 83 degrees is record fer date North section of Ark glazed with sleet and snew Seuth Arkansas gets l ight snow Article reviews horror ef Judsonia tornade ef 1952 Ternada at Ponca inj ures woman Tornado damages Hindsville: Eureks Springs hit by large hail 3 89 5/ 7/61 5/ 7/61 5/- 8/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 8/61 5/ 9/61 5/ 9/61 5/ �/61 5/ 9/61 5/ 9/61 5/15/61 5/15/61 5/ 20/61 5/23/61 5/23/61 5/24/61 6/ 6/61 7/15/61 7 / 15/61 7/16/61 8/ 6/61 9/13/61 10/28/61 11/19/61 11/23/61 12/ 9/61 12/ 10/61 12/12/61 12/ 14/-61 1/ 5/62 1/ 8/62 1/ �/-62 1/10/62 1/-10/62 1/10/62 1/11/62 1/11/62 1/12/62 1/ 14/62 1/17/62 1/22/62 1/23/62 2/10/62 2/13/62 2/28/-62 3/15/-62 3/18/62 3/21/62 3/21/62 PAGE COL A2 A2 Al Al Al Al A9 Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al A9 A9 A16 AlO A2 A3 A12 A6 A2 � Al Al A2 Al B4 C14 Al Al Al Al Al Bl Al Al Al A2 Bl A2 Al B4 Bl Bl A3 E4 Bl4 Bl4 3 3 4 4 4 4 7 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 4 7 7 1 3 1 8 1 6 6 3 2 3 5 3 5 8 7 4 7 6 8 8 6 7 3 2 6 5 2 8 2 5 7 1 3 3 DATE Recerd l ow for date set at LR Tornado hits Spotville (Columbia County) inj uring two Heavy winds damage Carlisle area Rain brings relief frem. drouth in western Ark Damage slight as high winds. sterms hit state High winds cause inj uries in Arkansas Severe wind ruins 3 planes. damages hangars at NLR airport Temperature hits 106 at Little Reck Het Springs hit by hard wind. hail Temperature of 105 yesterday was record fer date at LR LR again experiences record high temperature for date August 1 96 2 setting record fer hottest. driest in many years High winds overturn trailer house at J acksonville Temperatures drop te record lews for date in Ark State gets first snew of season. but no accumulation Cold. snow flurries hit in north Arkansas State gripped by cold wave; temperatures drop to near 0 Record-breaking cold front enters state; minus 0 reported Warm trend fellews second day ef record lews Arkansas gets first general snowfall of season Little Rock ' s only other Christmas Eve snow was in 1 924 Some icing on bridges and highways reported WEAVER. OMER R see alse Civil War WEBB. JAMES E see also United States - National Aeronautics and Space Adm WEBB. JOE see alse Boeks and writing see alse Children and yeuth WEDDINGS Iranian student at Henderson State marries by praxy Everyene in wedding party at LR were reller skates WEIGHT AND WEIGHT CONTROL Mrs J B Davenpert farming chapt of Take Of£ Pounds Sensibly First TOPS meeting draws 67 wemen WEIGHTS AND MEASURES DIVISION (Ark) Rep Paul Van Dalsem bill seeks creatien of divisien Reuse defeats bill te establish agency State Rep Paul Van Dalsem premetes creation ef Division Blytheville Courier supports creation of division WEIGHTS AND STANDARDS DIVIS ION. State Police see also Trucks and trucking industry WEIR. JAMES see also Agriculture WELCH. WENDELL see also Baptist Church WELFARE see Poor WELFARE DEPARTMENT (Ark) see also Construction pregrams . State see also Peer 390 4/17 /62 5/ 1/62 5/18/62 5/30/62 6/25/62 7/24/62 7 /25/62 8/ 8/62 8/10/62 8/20/62 8/21/62 8/23/62 8/26/62 9/22/62 12/ 8/62 1 2/ 1 1/62 12/12/62 12/13/62 1 2;/ 1 4/62 12/25/62 12/25/62 12/25/62 PAGE COL Bl Al AB Bl A3 Al B14 Al AlO Al Al Bl A9 A2 A2 AlO Al Bl Bl Al Al Al 5 7 5 2 1 8 5 4 6 7 3 6 4 8 1 4 7 8 8 7 7 7 1 2/ 3/61 AlO 7/18/62 A2 6 5 8/ 1/61 Bl 8/ 4/61 A2 2 1 2/18/61 2/28/61 6/16/62 6/24/62 4 8 7 4 Al Bl A3 E3 DATE Cemmr Carl Adams tells Ribiceff Ark plan has ne bias Creatien of new admr pesitien legal , Atty Gen Holt says Successer to Carl Adams net yet anneunced A J Mess is candidate te head Dept, Gov Faubus say s Carl Adams ready to leave pest as directer WELFARE DIRECTORS. Arkansas Association of County see also Poer WELLS, JOHN F see also Geverner (Ark) WESTBROOK, TOM see also Medicine and health WESTERN ARKANSAS TELEPHONE CO Ark Supreme Ct orders Judge Wiley Bean out of labor dispute Russellville-based company sold te Independent Telephone Corp WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Headquarters moving te Little Rock frem NYC WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP Little Rock appreciates company despite conviction LR City Bd sympathiz es with firm in price-fixing troubles WHALEY. STORM see also Construction programs , State WHISKEY see Alcoholic beverages WHITE COUNTY see also Alcoholic beverages Grand j ury probing 1958 voting in wet-dry election Grand j ury critical of election official s . indicts no one WHITE EAGLE MINE see History (Ark) WHITE HALL SCHOOL DISTRICT see also Education - White Hall District WHITE RIVER see Rivers and lakes WHITE RIVER TROUT ASSOCIATION see Rivers and lakes WHITE RIVER WATER CARNIVAL see Festivals WHITEVILLE see alse Weather and storms WHITLATCH, HOOARD J see also Culture and the arts WHITLOW, S A see also Baptist Church WIEDERKEHR WINE CELLARS INC Al Wiederkerh te study grape growing in France Al Wiederkehr returns from tour ef French vineyards WIEDERKEHR. AL see also Wiederkehr Wine Cellars Inc WILDLIFE see also Old River Club see alse Rivers and lakes 391 3/ 1/61 12/ 1 9/ 6 1 11/22/62 12/15/62 12/30/62 PAGE COL Al Bl Bl A5 A6 6 6 2 4 4 3/24/62 A3 12/12/62 BlO 3 1 7/16/61 C l 7 3/16/61 Al 3/21/61 A6 6 3 3/11/61 B6 3/18/61 A2 1 3 3/25/62 cs 12/20/62 Bl 2 2 DATE Alligator measuring 7 feet leng captured near Arkadelphia LR yeuth proj ect installs houses fer bluebirds Thousands of blackbirds invade area seuth of Little Reck Legis approves lifetime hunting and fishing licenses Catfish weighing 57 pounds caught in Ouachita River cutoff Billy Katilius lands 30-lb Buffalo en casting red at Maumelle Crackdown en sales of wild ducks nets 5 2 arrests in Arkansas Catfish weighing 74 pounds caught in White River 20 East Ark residents indicted en chgs of selling wild ducks G&FC uses two airplanes in its work around state G&FC has 204, 1 89 acres fer its wildlife proj ects Warrants served en 32 charging them with selling ducks Free hunting. fishing fer the elderly proposed Twenty-one persons charged with selling wild ducks Fourteen fined at Jenesbere for selling wild ducks Twenty-seven schedul ed te make pleas in sales ef wild ducks Court assesses fines fer wild duck sales G&FC te build fish nursery pends around Bull Shoals , Norfork Nutria ranching is growing business in Ark Univ of Ark gets grant fer fish study of Beaver Lake Secret agent testifies about wild duck sales Undercover agent tells abeut buying ducks in Ark Fivr plead guilty te selling wild ducks Article an fishing at Lake Maumelle Defendants in duck-selling case say ducks belonged to ethers Federal j ury finds 7 quilty ef duck sales Reports ef three panther sightings in Newton County Seven Stuttgart area residents sentenced in duck sales Trapping still big business in Arkansas Arkansas herd dropped te under 280 about 35 years age Restoration ef deer and ether wildlife in Ark discussed State Rep Raymond L Mays critical ef G&FC fer Sunday hunting G&FC hearing draws no protesters Only 66 bald eagles remain in state. ceunt indicates Alligator gar ' s image has changed frem predator to glamor Mounted gar at G&FC Bldg weighed 204 pounds Southwest Ark farmers demand govt help in fighting wolves Wildlife refuges blamed by farmers fer increase in predators Arkansas County is tops in deer kill Wild turkey regaining ground in Ark Little River County offers bounty on wolves State stocks 3 million walleye in state ' s deeper lakes Sunday inclusion in deer season upsets Rep Edward L Works Loggerhead turtle weighing 87 lbs captured in White River Cutting trees in Black River preserve draws complaints Game and Fish Comm accused ef ignoring Black River pretests Gov Orval Faubus te study Black River controversy Izard County voters rej ect doe harvest Johnsen County hunters upset by open season en dee G&FC res cinds order te permit killing of does in N Arkansas Map shews deer harvest in each county in first deer hunt 392 1/12/61 2/ 5/61 2/19/61 3/ 8/61 3/30/61 4/27/61 5/ 6/61 5/16/61 6/15/-61 6/18/61 6/18/61 7/ 7/61 7 /27/61 9/13/61 9/15/61 9/21/61 9/22/61 10/ 8/61 10/ 8/61 10/20/61 10/27/61 10/29/61 10/29/61 10/29/61 10/31/61 1 1/ 1/61 11/11/61 11/ 18/61 12/17/61 1 2/24/61 1 2/24/61 l/ 3/62 1/16/62 1/20/62 1/21/62 1/21/62 l/26/62 1/26/62 1/28/62 2/ 4/62 4/25/62 6/17/62 8/25/62 9/ 4/62 10/19/62 10/19/62 10/19/62 11/ 8/62 11/25/62 1 2/ 8/62 12/23/62 PAGE COL Bl All All A2 B4 BB Al B2 Al? B4 B4 A2 Bl Bl Bll Cl2 Bl B4 E4 B6 Bl A4 A4 E4 A2 Al A2 K3 ES D4 D4 B7 B3 A2 A4 A4 Bl Bl B4 B4 Bl B6 A4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B12 B6 Bl B5 3 1 7 3 1 1 4 3 1 2 5 2 8 2 3 3 8 5 1 4 8 2 3 l 6 2 5 1 2 4 4 5 3 2 4 4 4 5 l 2 6 5 4 3 6 6 6 2 6 5 2 DATE Article describes marketing ef wild game over 60 years age WILKES, JOHN G Hall High student wins Army award fer experiments WILLIAMS , ARTHUR D see alse Inventions and inventors WILLIAMS , BRUTON see also History (Ark) WILLIAMS, BURKETT L see also Ouachita Baptist College WILLIAMS . H A Sr see alse Contracts and purchasing WILLIAMS , JAMES CLIFTON see also Music WILLIAMS I OLIVER R see also Censtructien programs , State see also Legislature (Ark) WILLIAMS , ROBERT HAYS see also Censtructien programs , State see also Courts, State and l ocal WILLIAMS , S MILLER see also Beeks and writing WILLIAMS , THOMAS JEFFERSON Tep Argentine industrialist returns to state to visit WILLIAMSON, SAMUEL E JR see also Little Reck WILLIS, MILTON J see also Secretary of State (Ark} WILLISVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Willisville District WILLS AND ESTATES see also Andersen, Wooten see also Barton, T H see also Black, Ward M see al so Carruth, L H see al so Jones, Pink see also Loughborough , Louise Watkins Wright see also Pepe, Walter L see also Shurkus, Anton B WILMOT see also Medicine and health WIL SON AND CO Union vote sought at Springdale plant WIL SON SCHOOL DISTRICT see Education - Wilsen District WILSON, KENNETH PAT see also Chamber of Commerce, Arkansas WILSON, R E LEE see also Agriculture WILSON. SAMUEL Descendant of Uncle Sam is Helen Sheldon Brocket, ef Ozark WIMBERLY, BOB 393 PAGE COL 1 2/30/62 D9 7/16/61 A12 3 l 12/ 7/61 Bl 3 3/20/62 A6 2 9/30/62 A2 1 DATE PAGE COL 8/15/62 Bl Reperts en survey en image of Arkansas in other states WINDER. RAY see also Athletics and sports see also Little Rock WINDSOR DOOR CO 1/29/61 Cl New plant at LR nears cempletien WINDSOR. GAYLE JR see also Courts, State and local see also Economic development see alse Taxation Letter en Dale Aferd vote against Eisenhower rank restoration 3/10/61 E4 7/30/61 E4 Letter en need for tax reform Windsor finds appeal to Faubus by Conway Co group amusing 1 1/25/- 61 A4 WINE see Alcoholic beverages WINGO, EFFIGENE LOCKE see also Congress 9/20/62 A13 Former US Rep £rem Arkansas ' s 4th Dist dies in Canada WINROCK ENTERPRISES INC see also Housing see also Housing Winreck te open shopping center in New Mexico 3/ 1/61 B l 1 2/ 5/61 All Winreck buys 130 acres of Pulaski County Penal Farm WINROCK FARM Annual sale of Santa Gertrudis cattle draws wide attention 5/11/61 BS Cattle sale brings record prices 5/14/61 Al 5/14/61 Al Santa Gertrudis bull sold fer $59 . 00 0 te Alabama firm Winreck gees at breeding seriously, aims fer business profit 5/ 14/61 A4 5/-16/61 A4 Values at Winreck Farm (ed) Bargains found at auction as prices fall belew previous sales 5/13/62 ClO 9/ 9/-62 E4 Farm en Petit Jean Mountain is maj or tourist attraction 9/ 9/62 E4 Winthrop Rockefeller welcomes touris ts te farm WINSLOW 4/19/-62 Bl Article on charm ef old Washingten County tewn
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