
Rights — 2016
Calle San Pedro, 20
(Barrio de las Letras)
28014 - Madrid
+34 911 376 171
Ricardo Esteban
4 El Fantasma de Gaudí
6 Cervantes
7 Goya
8 hoy es un buen día para morir
9 Roman ritual
10 La última aventura
11 Aventuras en la calle estación
12 Kiosco
13 Serie B
14 El infierno del dibujante
15 Bienvenidos a krpkruett - Krpkruett (la guía)
17 Bitcoin
18 Nancy in hell
19 Bribones 1 & 2
20 Recuerdos de perrito de mierda
21 todas putas
22 El velo - El bosque de los suicidas
23 Las brujas de Westwood - Tambores
24 Secretos arcanos
25 Paolo pinocchio
26 Consejo real - Puntos de experiencia
16 Procyon 1, 2 & 3
2015 Best Scriptwriter Award in Expocomic (Madrid)
2016 Best National Comic Award in Barcelona Comic Fair
El Torres & Jesús Alonso Iglesias
Hardcover - 124 pp. in colour
195 x 275 mm - price: 22 euros
For adult - Genre: Thriller
Publishing rights sold to France, Germany & Holland
Ghost of Gaudi. Serial killers are just Hollywood material, isn't it? No. In the
city of Barcelona, someone is murdering atrociously in some special places.
The places where the genial architect Antoni Gaudi created his most famous
buildings. The police have no clues about the killings. A woman, just a mere
cashier in a supermarket, meets someone resembling Gaudi himself, and
this person is pushing her to visit the places... before the murders happen.
An investigation tour in the actual Barcelona, in real places that can be
la ensoñación del genio
Hardcover - 192 pp. in colour
170 x 240 mm - price: 20 euros
For all audience - Genre: Biographical
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
Cervantes tells us about Miguel de Cervantes' life and the process of creating
his famous Don Quixote. What motivated him to write this renowned and
immortal book? This graphic novel is set in Madrid in the XVII Century; and
like a theater performance, it is divided in six acts.
An exquisite and charming graphic novel that commemorates the 400th anniversary
of Cervantes' death in 2016.
El Torres & Fran Galán
Hardcover - 120 pp. aprox in colour
195 x 275 mm - price: 22 euros
For adult - Genre: Thriller
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
Francisco de Goya is located in Cadiz, recovering from a serious illness
that left him deaf, with terrible headaches, high fever and hallucinations.
He is suffering delusions, seeing things that aren't really there, being
beset by visions of death that will become real during the Spanish War
of Independence. Those monsters may not even be real... but his friend,
Asensio Julià is real... Although he belongs to another world.
Goya. The Sublime Terrible is a horror story where a man is beset by the unreal,
dreadful, sorcery and Evil. A man who does not want to slide beyond the Reason's
Hoy es un buen día
para morir
Softcover with flaps - 384 pp. in colour
195 x 275 mm - with CD - price: 30 euros
For adult - Genre: Thriller
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
Today is a good day to die. Due to the global warming, a virus gets free
in the melting icecaps. This virus attacks the nervous system creating
depressing symptoms that end with the death or the suicide of the subject.
At Rex Lab, the last pharmaceutical laboratory that remains in the world,
some scientifics are researching a vaccine, a product that would bring them
substancial benefits. They order Waits, a professional killer, to create an
outbreak in Camboy to get more income for their investigation.
The edition of this book comes with a music CD.
Roman ritual
El Torres & Jaime Martínez
Hardcover - 112 pp. in colour
170 x 240 mm - price: 16 euros
For adult - Genre: Thriller / Terror
Publishing rights sold to USA
Roman Ritual. The death of a cardinal is shaking the Vatican; a murder so
cruel and vicious that it goes beyond any crime or conspiracy the Catholic
Church has ever seen before. Self-exiled priest John Brennan, a bold yet
troubled exorcist, is summoned to Rome to tackle the ancient evil that is
spreading within the halls of the Holy See itself!
A revolutionary story about possession and exorcism with ties to the Church’s
shady past, and a man who must stand before this evil, almost helpless and alone,
to prevent what could be the complete destruction of the Catholic Church.
Josep Busquet & Javi de Castro
Hardcover - 120 pp. in colour
170 x 240 mm - price: 16 euros
For adult - Genre: Adventures / Thriller
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
The Last Adventure. Any adventures lovers knows their names by heart:
McBull, Hans y Hollister, Frank Thunders, Anna Bolton, Zannia o the twins
Ray. Some of the greatest adventurers who have appeared on our television
and cinemas. This heroes made us dream about exotic and distant places.
A comic full of frenetic adventures with thrilling dialogues and amazing journeys;
we will enjoy them while we are mesmerised and captivated to our childhood.
Best New Illustrator Award in Barcelona Comic Fair 2016
en la calle estación
Wé Vé
Hardcover - 112 pp. in colour
240 x 170 mm - price: 16 euros
For adult - Genre: Adventures
Publishing rights sold to Holland
Adventures in Station Street. Life is not easy. Even less when you live in
Station Street and you do not have a cent. And, what if you would want
to have sex with the most beautiful girl you have ever known? Discover
how the street life of this bunch of boys is and why they are daydreaming
all the time.
WéVé (Willem Vleeschouwer - Amsterdam) gets creative in a fresh and boundless
graphic style full of power and colour.
Juan Berrio
Hardcover - 144 pp. in colour
220 x 150 mm - price: 18 euros
For all audiences - Genre: Slice-of-life / Without Text
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
A kiosk is a place to have a rest, to enjoy, to talk... But it is also a watchtower
from where one may stare at the world. Every morning, the roller blind is
raised as a hope and a wish is drawn up. This is the small tragedy of a tiny
hero, his private adventure in a world that seems to ignore his existence. A
lonely person that observes how life keeps on going, without stopping in
front of him.
No need for words in a story where the picture says it all. Just as its character,
quiet and expectant, the author of this book offers us a story where the questions
are expressed voiceless, and doubtlessly the reader, who contemplates it, has the
Andrés G. Leiva
Hardcover - 152 pp. in colour
170 x 240 mm - price: 18 euros
For adult - Genre: Short Stories / Graphic Novel
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
B-Movie is a choral story that relates the shooting of a PULP style movie
with a low budget, and where the reality and fiction are twined along a
thin thread.
Odd character such as the gigant woman, amphibious men, an astronomerjournalist obsessed for building a paradise on the Moon, a mysterious woman
in search of his lost daughter, Evelyn and Doctor Corman chasing the elixir
of the eternal youth, whalers being like pirates and a pirate playing at being
a whaler while hiding a huge treasure. Everyone searching their fate.
Make yourself comfortable in the seat and get ready to walk around this B-Movie,
where everything is possible.
El infierno
del dibujante
Kiko da Silva
Hardcover - 64 pp. in colour
245 x 325 mm - price: 16 euros
For adult - Genre: Slice-of-life
Publishing rights sold in Galician
The Cartoonist's Hell. Manuel Pardo is a seventy-two years old cartoonist
and he has spent his whole life drawing comic strips... Despite his versatility
and technical skills, he never has been published. Each time he creates a new
comic strip, someone has published an identical idea before he does. How
This is not only a tribute to the greats comic artists, but also an emotional story where
the rich mixture of styles enriches this marvelous comic.
2014 Castelao Comic Award
Josep Busquet & Jorfe
Hardcover - 185 x 185 mm
64 pp. in colour
Price: 14 euros
For all audiences - Genre: Humor
Hardcover - 170 x 240 mm
88 pp. in colour
Price: 15 euros
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
As every fake country, Krpkruett
needs a guidebook. A book that
mislead a millions of tourists to come
promptly. Klaus Goldkey is the right
man for the job. He is in reality not,
but he is the only one who accepts.
Welcome to Krpkruett is an unbelievable,
comical, and absolutely weird comic in which you
will discover the ins and outs of this awesome
guidebook –we know you already have it! Discover
Klaus Goldkey adventure writting the guide book.
PROCYON 1, 2 & 3
Ricardo Machuca
Hardcover - 128 pp. in B&W
195 x 275 mm - price: 16 euros
For all audiences - Genre: Sci-Fi
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
The year is 2414 (standar time).
Agent 22222 (Five-Ducks) and Sergeant Octavio Perrillo have defected
Federal Police and they escape on board the cargo ship Venture just in time
to avoid being arrested.
The cargo ship will end up at Hades, a minor planet in the Khan Empire.
Once they get there, they will face an old rival and assassin, Procyon, who
discloses the most shocking Federation's secret.
In 2015, we came to three episodes of this sci-fi saga. An incredible story full of
action and a very solid script.
Preukschat, Busquet & Ares
Hardcover - 112 pp. in colour
195 x 275 mm - price: 16 euros
For all audiences - Genre: Thriller
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
Bitcoin: The Hunt for Satoshi Nakamoto. In 2008 a mysterious
and enigmatic genius using the name Satoshi Nakamoto,
created the ultimate tool for global financial disruption
now worth six billion dollars: "The Bitcoin Protocol". After
publishing his creation and nurturing it he faded away into
the shadows of the internet. Now he is being hunted for his
fortune, but will his hunters succeed in extracting him from the
depths of the web?
El Torres & Juanjo RYP
Hardcover - 104 pp. in colour
170 x 240 mm - price: 16 euros
For adult - Genre: Terror
Publishing rights sold to USA, France & Germany
Nancy in Hell. Good girls go to heaven, right? But it seems like there are no
good girls anymore. After her death, Nancy awakens in a creepy landscape
to find decomposing lost souls, demons lurking in the shadows, outcasts,
booze and certain doom. Nancy claims to be a good girl -but, now she’s
a sexy, chainsaw wielding chick wandering a tormented landscapes filled
with tortured souls, lusty demons, and a broken-hearted Lucifer!
Amazing artist Juan José RYP (Black Summer, No Hero) and writer El Torres (The
Veil) take you on a white-knuckle tour of the underworld to find out... because it
seems it’s the only choice in the afterlife!
(1) El Torres, Juanjo RYP & Diego Galindo
(2) El Torres & Lolita Aldea
Softcover - 170 x 260 mm
136 pp. in colour
144 pp. in colour
Price: 16 euros
Price: 16 euros
For adult - Genre: Fantasy & Humor
1. Publishing rights sold to USA
2. Publishing rights sold to USA
Rogues 1. From the poultry-ish and terrible
consequences derived from the kidnapping
of a wizard’s daughter, to the incursions
into cursed and forgotten cemeteries to
summon a lich, as well as being chased
by bounty hunters and Black Guards, or
being thrown into a prison for women,
joining the Brotherhood of Thieves, and
even guiding some assassins through the
underground tunnels of the city in a shady
mission, always wielding a sword… Being a
rogue isn’t an easy job!
Rogues 2. The words by El Torres and
the spectacular art of Lolita Aldea
illustrates the second volume of the
adventures of Bram and Weasel, the
two outlaws of Gelada, the mighty city.
This time, their friendship will be put
to the test when a ship full of undead
takes Bram to join them in a quest to
kill the last dragon!
Marta Alonso Berná
Hardcover - 132 pp. in colour
170 x 240 mm - price: 16 euros
For all audience - Genre: Slice-of-life / Humor
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
Memories From A Shitty Dog. Maria Fuencisla, a long-term resident in some
Madrid centric neighborhood, sees how her pet dies in a tragic accident. Three
friends, Anastasia, Dori and Ricarda, try to comfort her, but it’s almost impossible,
because the dead dog was the focus of the old lady’s entire universe. These
pages are full of memories showing us how Maria Fuencisla and her small dog
formed a solid team. Together, they overcame the difficulties of being an old
person and a puppy in this hyper-modern age. The puppy was her dearest one,
the son that she never had, the focus of that tendency that every old woman
has: to enthusiastically care for a small, vulnerable creature, even if it’s not of
the same species.
The story of this old lady and the ghost of the deceased chihuahua creates a costumbrist
and surrealist tragicomedy. This is the first work, sincere and original, by the young
Spanish author.
Various Authors
Hardcover - 136 pp. in B&W
170 x 240 mm - price: 16 euros
For adult - Genre: Illustrated Short Stories
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
In 2003, the short-stories book All Whores was about to be banned in
Spain because of its content, presumably misogynist. Accuse for being
a “statement in support of rape” by many political parties and famous
writers, the book was the object of a heated debate in the Congress.
Now, fifteen well-known women authors from Spain and South America
take on the challenge of adapting in comic the several short stories withing
All Whores to premiere their own version of the satiric, hot content.
el velo
(2) el bosque
de los suicidas
El Torres & Gabriel Hernández
Hardcover - 104 pp. in colour
170 x 240 mm - price: 16 euros
For adult - Genre: Thriller / Terror
1. Publishing rights sold to USA & France
2. Publishing rights sold to USA, France & Japan
The Veil. Chris Luna is your averagetype cheap private eye, but her
customers are the dead. That’s
because sometimes she can see
through the veil between our realm
and the unknown beyond. But to see
and speak to the dead is not enough
to pay bills and earn a living, and
now completely broke, she has to
come back home to Maine, and to
face the darkness that lurks beneath
the surface of her quiet hometown…
or just it’s only the darkness of her
own past.
The Suicide Forest. Just outside of Tokyo
lies Aokigahara, a vast forest and one of the
most beautiful wilderness areas in Japan…
which is also the most famous suicide spot in
the entire world. Legend has it that the spirits
of those many suicides are still roaming—
haunting deep in those ancient woods.
This series from the creators of the acclaimed
The Veil examines the lives of Alan, an average
worker from Tokyo and his rather unhealthy
relationship with Masami, and Ryoko, a forest
ranger who recovers the suicide victim’s bodies
from the woods. We discover that behind Ryoko’s
unconcerned surface lies a secret, and these three
lives will be forever changed by the darkness
waiting for them in the Suicide Forest.
tambores (1)
las brujas
de westwood (2)
El Torres & Abel García
Hardcover - 170 x 240 mm
104 pp. in colour
112 pp. in colour
Price: 16 euros
Price: 16 euros
For adult - Genre: Thriller / Terror
1. Publishing rights sold to USA
2. Publishing rights sold to USA
Drums. FBI Agent Martin Irons is sent to
investigate the sudden deaths of an entire
gathering of followers at a voodoo ceremony,
an assignment horrible enough before one
of the mangled corpses rises and leads him
on a sinister path. A new horror story with
possesions, santeros, zombies... all set to the
thunderous boom of drums!
Unprecedented creativity (...) El Torres’ religious
research is thorough, completing this mini-series
with elements real enough to scare even
the most rational of us.
Christian Sager, Geeks Out, CNN
The Westwood Witches. Jack is a
successful writer of bestsellers… which
he hates. Suffering from writer’s block,
he decides to come back to his old
neighbourhood, not knowing that his
neighbours are real witches, the kind of
demon worshippers that kill anyone who
could disturb Westwood. The writer of the
horror bestsellers The Veil and The Suicide
Forest tells us a tale about coming back
home, loss of faith and satanism.
It seems to be difficult to find good terror
comics nowadays,and The Westwood Witches
is the salvation in these difficult times.
Bleeding Cool
Ángel Antón Svoboda
Hardcover - 88 pp. in colour
170 x 240 mm - price: 16 euros
For all audiences- Genre: Humor
Publishing rights sold to USA
Arcane Secrets. Dr. Mento and Harry Callahan are amateur detective
partners of the paranormal phenomena but they fell in the trap of the
gangster Tamontti. Dr. Mento is infected with the curse of the mottled
tentacle that makes his head sprout with plants and flowers so his mind can
be controlled by others. Only Selma the clairvoyant from New Orleans will
be able to help him.
The references of the author are evident: Jules Verne, Spirou and Fantasio,
Sherlock Holmes, Lovecraft, Hellboy and Ghostbusters could be predicted in every
page and every turn of the script. A story full of surprises, exotic, laughter, absurd
humor, colors and movement, a gallery of bizarre characters will lead us through the
amazing journey of a hilarious story of adventures.
Lucas Varela
Hardcover - 80 pp. in colour
170 x 240 mm - price: 16 euros
For teen & adult - Genre: Humor Short Stories
Publishing rights sold to France
Paolo Pinocchio is the adult version of the traditional Pinocchio. A wooden
puppet left to his fate, with no story, with no moral. A puppet who enjoys
lying to everyone's faces. And he goes to Hell because of it.
Hell is one common factor in Lucas Varela's stories, alongside with the meaning of
the beauty. Paolo search in Hell is an impossible idea, a subtle moment, something
that it is found in the most unexpected places and in the most gruesome adventures.
He knows well his interests: Dante's iconography of Hell, now depicted here as a
theme park.
(1) Josep Busquet & Roc Espinet
(2) Josep Busquet & Pere Mejan
Hardcover - 170 x 240 mm
96 pp. in b&w
88 pp. in b&w
Price: 16 euros
Price: 16 euros
(1) For adult - Genre: Humor
(2) For teen & adult - Genre: Slice-of-life
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
Real Council. The kingdom of Brekemburgh has
suffered the loss of his king and the council will
take part of the control. They will provoke a war
so people do not start thinking about another
This album is for those who want to enjoy the black
humor of other time and other place but that can be
considerably compared with the current situation in
every country nowadays. Irony, black humor, criticism
and funny moments are the ingredients of this story
that you would feel familiar. "You think your politicians
are bad? Meet ours."
Experience Points. After his divorce, Alberto
finds himself separated from his daughters,
alone and bitter. But he meets again his friends
of youth, his friends of these long evenings
with the role-playing games. When he begins
to play again, Alberto finds himself as the
person that he really is, not the person that
they wanted him to be.
A book about friendship, maturity, nostalgia... The
creators of Experience Points play the right tune
to talk about role-playing games and the hard
times we meet sometimes.
28 Downtown
29 Materia dispersa
30 Polo sur
31 Conejo frustrado 1 & 2
32 ¿Dónde está el guionista? - Anunciado en tv
Noël Lang & Rodrigo García
Hardcover - 136 pp. in colour
200 x 200 mm - price: 16 euros
For all audiences - Genre: Humor Strips
Publishing rights sold to Korea, Japan, France,
Italy, USA & Brazil
"My name is Blo, and I have Down’s syndrome, a girlfriend,
many friends and a favorite album". Normalcy and
integration are the hallmark of the comic strips found in this
book, Downtown. On the words of the authors: "who ever
has someone in the family with Down’s syndrome has great
anecdotes. Our intention is to tell them from their point of
view, in a simple manner of seeing the world".
It is difficult to talk with normality about the illness; we should treat
people for who they are: Human beings. Noël Lang and Rodrigo
García, however, greet us with a jewel of love, tenderness and
Dino Lanti & Daniel Montero
Softcover with flaps - 88 pp. in duo-tone
140 x 210 mm - price: 14 euros
For teen & adult - Genre: Humor
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
Scattered Matter is a group of panels performing a wide spectrum of humor:
satire, irony, black humor, play on words... even metaphysical humor. In the
panels of Scattered Matter the words and the drawing are the jaws that
creators use to bite into our everyday facts, and to laugh at it. The authors
of the book have used a great sense of synthesis: illustrations only use
red, black and white and only a few lines of text. A playful spirit, attentive
observation, experiments on words and an open sense of humor are some
of the characteristics of these comic strips, which have received high praises
when they were published at, and in some
magazines like Diagonal, Tercera Información and Whynot Magazine.
Mike Bonales
Hardcover - 64 pp. in colour
265 x 175 mm - price: 14 euros
For all audiences - Genre: Humor Strips
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
South Pole. How is the life of a polar fox, a penguin and a polar bear? You
have been wondering for years. Well, they search for food and try not to
be eaten. When you live in the South Pole you have to devote your time for
survival. Especially if one of your best friends is a huge and starving polar
bear. However you also have to dedicate time for girls…
South Pole is a compilation of Mike Bonales’ amusing comic strips first published
in the web page with a great success (available in English). The dark humor of the
cybernetic author comes back with characters from the animal kingdom, to pull out
in an entertaining way basic matters that concern all of us. Absurd and witty… for
kids and adults.
Mike Bonales
Hardcover - 48 pp. in colour
265 x 175 mm - price: 14 euros
For adult - Genre: Humor
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
Frustrated Bunny. Life is not easy for a bunny like Rudolph
Carrot. After getting divorced, he lost his house, his car and his
savings at the hands of his ex-wife. The only thing he got is
the custody of their son, Rudy. But that's not all, because the
little money he has left isn't enough to pay the residence of his
father... and there is no option to take him out. Now Rudolph
lives with them in a rent flat in the suburbs... and now his
frustration his growing every day that passes.
More than 36,000 visitors each month on the
website and more than 30,000 youtube viewers of short animation
film of Frustrated Bunny.
2010 Webcomic Award in Expocomic (Madrid)
2011 Best New Cartoonist Award in ImaginaMálaga
(1) ¿Dónde está el guionista?
(2) Anunciado en tv
Andrés Palomino & Álex Roca (1)
José Luis Ágreda & Sergio Morán (2)
Hardcover - 170 x 240 mm
128 pp. in colour
Price: 16 euros
Hardcover - 210 x 297 mm
152 pp. in colour
Price: 18 euros
(1) For teen & adult - Genre: Humor
(2) For adult - Genre: Humor
Publishing rights available for worldwide licensing
Where is the writer? is a comic strip
inspired by real facts, starring a couple
of writers at the service of a despotic
successful showman.
Although some successful and famous TV
comedians take all the credit, behind every
joke or behind every line in a monologue,
there is an unknown little person, crying in
silence. The writer. Now we can know how
looks like an usual day in the life of the
writers of a late night show. Seen far from the
glamour and the lights, these writers usually
are talented, ignored nerds.
Seen on TV. Everyone usually makes
fun of advertising but, as a matter
of fact, advertising makes fun of
us. Skinny models trying to lose
more weight, weird ads advertising
a perfume or just the arts of the
subliminal publicity that we are
so used to that we do not realize
of them. Can we live without it?
Yes, we can. And our lives would
improve considerably.
This is a collection of comic strips first
released by the satiric magazine El
Jueves in which you will find irony,
parody and harsh humor.
Calle San Pedro, 20
(Barrio de las Letras)
28014 - Madrid
+34 911 376 171
Ricardo Esteban
Front illustration: Colo – Back Illustration: Fernando Vicente