Stocksbridge Study Guide v1-4


Stocksbridge Study Guide v1-4
Libraries, Archives and Information
Sources for the Study of Local
History: Stocksbridge
© Sheffield City Council, 2010
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© Sheffield Libraries Archives and Information 2010
v. 1.4
Front Cover Illustrations – left to right:
Aerial view of Stocksbridge showing: Stocksbridge School, Shay House Lane,
Alpine Road (including Stocksbridge Nursery and Infant School) and Linden
Crescent, St. Ann's RC School and McIntyre Road.
(Picture Sheffield: w01027)
Woman worker, polishing stainless steel at Samuel Fox and Company
Limited, [1960s]
(Sheffield Archives: 1994/7, box 16)
Advert for ‘Silver Fox Stainless Steels’ manufactured by Samuel Fox and
Company Limited, [1960s]
(Sheffield Archives: 1994/7, box 16)
Images can be copied for private or educational use without permission from
us, though we ask that the following acknowledgement is included ‘[document
reference number] From the collections of Sheffield Libraries Archives and
Information’. Please contact us if you wish to publish, exhibit or broadcast any
of the information within this Guide
You can download a copy of this Study Guide from
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Timeline showing key dates
Selection of images from the Sheffield Local Studies Library
and Sheffield Archives collections:
The census
Maps and plans
School records
Records of business and industry
Reminiscence and oral histories
Deeds and planning applications
Church records
Council minutes and reports
Court records
Medical Officer of Health reports
Newspapers and local magazines
List of documents, books, photographs and other items
available at Sheffield Archives and the Local Studies Library
Sheffield Local Studies Library and Sheffield Archives facilities
Contact details
© Sheffield City Council, 2010
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This Study Guide provides references for sources located at Sheffield
Archives and the Local Studies Library relating to Stocksbridge and district.
Stocksbridge is approximately 10 miles north of the City of Sheffield. It lies on
the edge of the Peak District National Park.
The modern town of Stocksbridge dates back to the mid-nineteenth century.
However, the area from which it developed has been part of the ancient
Chapelry and Manor of Bolsterstone for hundreds of years.
The Stocksbridge and Upper Don Ward in Sheffield includes:
Wharncliffe Side
It includes Stocksbridge Town Council and part of Bradfield Parish.
As Stocksbridge was in the West Riding of Yorkshire until 1974 there will be
additional archive and library material at the West Yorkshire Joint Archive
Stocksbridge Library also holds a number of books and documents relating
to the local area.
Stocksbridge is in the Diocese of Sheffield. Prior to 1914 it was in the
Diocese of York. Some ecclesiastical records (such as faculties) will also be
available at the Borthwick Institute for Archives in York.
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Timeline showing key dates:
The growth and development of Stocksbridge
Sale of Bolsterstone Manor.
Opening of the Wadsley and Langsett Turnpike.
The wooden footbridge at Stocks Bridge was replaced by
a stone carriage bridge, so vehicles no longer needed to
ford the river.
The Independent Ebenezer Chapel was built in the hamlet
of Stocks Bridge.
1841 Census shows that of the 871 population of
Bolsterstone Chapelry in Bradfield Parish, 34 lived in 5
households in Stocks Bridge.
Samuel Fox arrived from Bradwell in Derbyshire, seeking
premises to rent for a wire-drawing business.
A Local Board of Health was appointed to implement the
requirements of the 1842 Health of Towns report. Samuel
Fox began production of steel umbrella frames.
The Paragon Umbrella frame was patented. Three years
later, Samuel Fox began production of crinoline wire.
The Fox family moved to Townend House, Deepcar. The
first houses were built on Hunshelf Bank to accommodate
his workers, known as Brick Lump. Deepcar National
School was opened.
Stocksbridge Hall was built.
St. Ann’s Catholic Church was built in Deepcar.
Formation of the Stocksbridge Band of Hope, the
Industrial Co-operative Society, which first met at the
Friendship Inn, but was later to give rise to the
Stocksbridge Temperance Society.
The Congregational Chapel was built. It was first known
as the Salem Chapel.
Samuel Fox built the Works School, sometimes known as
the Red School, then as Bramley’s, after a head teacher
of that name, and finally as the Co-op School.
The Wesleyan Chapel opened at Old Haywoods,
Stocksbridge National School was built at the bottom of
Nanny Hill. It was used as Church and School until St.
Matthias was built in 1890. From 1920 it was known as a
Church of England School.
St. John’s Church, Deepcar was built, daughter Church to
St.Mary’s, Bolsterstone.
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The Stocksbridge Local Board was elected to administer
the new Sanitary District of Stocksbridge and issued
Byelaws to regulate the use of the new water supply.
A rail link with the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire
railway enabled Samuel Fox to transport his products
directly. The Stocksbridge Railway Co. was formed.
Samuel Fox died.
St. Matthias’ Church was built as a memorial to Samuel
Stocksbridge Urban District Council was created.
Underbank Reservoir was begun (completed 1907).
Population calculated at 6,566.
The Stocksbridge Works Institute, later known as the
Miners’ Welfare, was founded as a reading room, with
baths and billiards.
Samuel Fox and Company Ltd became part of the United
Steel Companies Ltd.
The Urban District Council took over responsibility for
Stocksbridge Fire Brigade, previously run by volunteers.
The Clock Tower Memorial was built.
The first estate of 94 council houses was built at Shay
A Town Hall was built to replace the old Council offices.
The Council School was built – called the New School – in
Shay House Lane and the Works’ and the British Schools
were closed.
The Cemetery was opened on Bocking Hill.
Nationalisation of all steelworks: S. Fox & Co became part
of the British Steel Corporation.
The Central Library was built, replacing demolished
housing on Button Row
Stocksbridge Swimming Pool was built in Oxley Park.
Abolition of the West Riding and creation of South
Yorkshire. Stocksbridge Urban District and the Civil
Parish of Bradfield became part of Sheffield Metropolitan
District. The Urban District Council became Stocksbridge
Town Council.
For a more detailed timeline, see: compiled by Brenda Duffield of Stocksbridge
History Society.
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The main series of photographs and illustrations (60,000+) is available at
Sheffield Local Studies Library. Over 45,000 of these available online at
Picture Sheffield (
Images of Stocksbridge (from top left): Stocksbridge Ladies Bowling Club, 1920s
(s03935); The Stocksbridge Palace, 1960s (s21362); The Victory Club, 1920s
(s17022); Peace celebrations after First World War, 1918/1919 (s00152).
There are a number of images relating to Stocksbridge, Deepcar,
Bolsterstone, Oughtibridge, Midhopestones, Ewden, Wharncliffe Side and
surrounding areas on Picture Sheffield dating from the 1860s to the present
These include: people, buildings, roads, churches, schools, pubs, clubs and
societies, industry, reservoirs, transport, events and celebrations.
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The census
People have lived in the Stocksbridge
area for hundreds of years. However,
it wasn’t until the 19th century that the
population significantly increased with
the coming of industry. The names of
people living in Stocksbridge are
recorded on the census which has
been taken every ten years since
census shows that of the 871
population of Bolsterstone Chapelry
in Bradfield Parish, 34 lived in 5
households in Stocks Bridge. The
1871 census showed that the
population of Stocksbridge Sanitary
District, which now included parts of
Hunshelf, was 3,725.
Searching the census
The easiest way to search the Census is via This is free to
use at all Libraries and Archives in Sheffield.
This example shows who
was living in Stocksbridge in
1901. By clicking on a
name, you can view the
original record which gives
the address and names of
all persons resident on
census day. Copies of the
original census returns
(1841 - 1901) are also
available on microfilm at
Sheffield Archives and Local
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Maps and plans
The development of Stocksbridge and surrounding areas can be traced using
maps and plans. The earliest maps for this area date back to the 1700s at
Sheffield Archives.
An early plan of Bolsterstone
Common, drawn up in 1778 following
a dispute over land between the Earl
of Surrey and Lord Melbourn
(Sheffield Archives: ACM Bra 169 L)
Ordnance Survey mapping started in the 1850s. There are large scale maps
of Sheffield from 1853 to the present day. Ordnance Survey maps of
Sheffield and surrounding areas (including Stocksbridge) are available at
Sheffield Local Studies Library.
1931 Ordnance Survey Map of Stocksbridge
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School records
Records survive from many schools in the Stocksbridge area dating back to
the 1860s. A full list is given on page 34 of the bibliography.
Some of the class of 1935, Stocksbridge Church
School (Picture Sheffield: s17068):
Log Book, Stocksbridge
National School, 1869
(Sheffield Archives:
CA35/336). Day to day
events were recorded here.
Attendance was often poor
during the summer months
when children were busy
haymaking and ‘bilberrying’.
Modern view of St Ann’s RC Infant and Junior School (Picture Sheffield:
School records include:
 log books
 punishment books
 admission registers
 photographs
 governors’ minutes
They tell the story of the staff,
the pupils and the school.
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The records of business and industry
Stocksbridge is famous for steelmaking and as a result, many records survive
for Samuel Fox and Company Limited (Sheffield Archives: 1994/7 box 19):
However, as this trade
directory from 1906
shows, Stocksbridge
people were employed in
a variety of different
Fried fish dealer
Clay pipe
Picture frame
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Reminiscence and oral histories
Oral histories give a fascinating account of people’s lives and often record the
experiences and feelings that are not documented by ‘official’ records.
Marjorie Hirst worked at Samuel Fox's in Stocksbridge, Sheffield during the
Second World War. She was interviewed in 2009 as part of the South
Yorkshire Women in Industry project ( The oral
histories and transcripts are at Sheffield Archives (ref. X303).
“…the bombing raids
missed Fox’s and hit a
Riveting shop, Samuel Fox &
Company, Stocksbridge,
1920s (Picture Sheffield:
war wasraids
on they
took us into the works…they
missed Fox’s and hit a
were all women, like me…”
In 2005 the Bolsterstone Community Group conducted an oral history project
called Bolsterstone – in living memory. Voices from a moorland parish
(Sheffield Archives: TIV/LOCAL). Interviews were conducted by Year 6 pupils
from Stocksbridge Junior School.
“…the usually
about mid-August. Local
missed Fox’s and hit a
men who worked in the
house!” often returned
to the land for a few days.”
Men of Bolsterstone – church bell ringers, early 20th century
(Picture Sheffield: s04110)
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Deeds, planning applications and records relating to buildings and land
Records such as: planning applications, deeds and sale particulars are useful
for tracing the history of a building or ownership of a piece of land. The
earliest deeds at Sheffield Archives detailing land in the Stocksbridge area
relate to Oughtibridge and date from the 1400s.
Lease of land (including a cottage) at
Midhopestones, 1749 (Sheffield Archives:
ADC 18)
Planning records show the construction of new houses and buildings and
sometimes show alterations that have been made to existing buildings.
These documents show a proposed house to be built on St John’s Road,
Deepcar in the 1930s (Sheffield Archives: CA759).
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Church records
Parish registers are kept by the local parish church and detail baptisms,
marriages and burials. They are essential records for tracing ancestors.
Other church records
church registers
extensions or
additions to
church buildings)
Extract from a baptism register,
St Matthias Church,
Stocksbridge, 1917 (Sheffield
Archives: PR136/1/1)
Stocksbridge Church Junior
Football Club, 1918 (Picture
Sheffield: s17044)
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Council minutes (Stocksbridge Urban District Council and Sheffield City
Council minutes are a record of all
committee meetings. Sheffield
Archives has a near complete set of
original signed minutes for the
council and all of its committees from
1843, as well as minutes from urban
and rural district councils of outlying
areas before they became part of the
city (e.g. Stocksbridge).
from G. C. Knowles of
Stocksbridge offering house in
Albany Road rent-free for three
months ‘in sympathy with the
most urgent cause’ of the
‘Homeless Belgians’, 1914
(Sheffield Archives: CA 68/11
(Stocksbridge Belgian SubCommittee)
More recent minutes detailing the
‘proposed by-pass of Deepcar and
Stocksbridge in 1977 (Sheffield
Archives: CA-POL/10)
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Court records
Not all of our ancestors
were law abiding citizens.
Court records at Sheffield
Archives include the
registers of the
Magistrates’ Court dating
from the 1880s which
detail petty crimes in the
Newspapers also report
on crimes.
A snapshot of the Upper
Strafforth and Tickhill
area in July 1898 (which
covered north-west
Sheffield including Bradfield) taken from the Magistrates’ Court registers
(MC/1/3) shows who was in trouble with the Magistrates and why:
Using obscene language
Unmuzzled dog at large
Furiously riding bicycle
Allowing pigs to stray on highway
Stealing growing gooseberries
Attempted suicide
Not sending child to school
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Medical Officer of Health reports
For matters of life and death, the Medical Officer of Health’s reports offer a
fascinating insight into public health in Stocksbridge during the early to mid
20th century. They often report:
Housing conditions
The usual problems
associated with growing
towns during this period.
‘The matter of food supply
being intimately connected
with public health I would
suggest that the importance
of producing vegetables –
especially potatoes – be
brought to the notice of the
people of the district.
(Stocksbridge, 1917)
‘A case of Anthrax
occurred last week at the
farm of Mr Elias Jubb of
Horner House. The animal
was destroyed and the
premises disinfected.’
(Stocksbridge, 1915)
‘There are a considerable
number of destructive
rodents in the district. All
methods of [extermination]
should be adopted – poison,
trapping and the use of
(Stocksbridge, 1920s)
‘At 10 o’clock last night I
saw a child of a few months
old being nursed by a child
of about 10 in the open air in
one of the side streets of the
village. A disadvantage of
the Summer Time Act.’
(Stocksbridge, 1920s)
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Newspapers and local magazines
Back issues of newspapers and local
magazines are a great way of finding
out about everyday life in Stocksbridge.
The Local Studies Library has copies of
the Penistone, Stocksbridge and
Hoyland Express from 1898 to 1940
(thereafter called the South Yorkshire
Times) and it records all sorts of things
from theatre listings to
the latest local news.
Copies of the old newspapers are
on microfilm at the Local Studies
Library. No booking necessary –
just turn up and browse!
A number of local magazines
survive from the 1940s onward.
One of the most well known is The
Fox Magazine – a journal produced
by Samuel Fox and Company Ltd.
It gives a fascinating insight into the
social world of Fox’s, recalling those
who worked there, the daytrips, the
social clubs, the sports teams and
everything else Fox-related!
(Left and above): Extracts from
The Fox Magazine, 1947
(Sheffield Local Studies Library:
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List of documents, books, photographs and other items available at
Sheffield Libraries, Archives and Information
General histories of Stocksbridge and district
Branston, Jack, History of Langsett and a few more Stocksbridge stirrings,
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74S)
Branston, Jack, History of Stocksbridge, [1982]
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74S)
Branston, Jack, Stocksbridge cum Fox, [1980s]
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74SSTQ)
Branston, Jack, Pennine people and places: history of Stocksbridge, book 2,
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74S)
Eastwood, Harry, The history of Stocksbridge and district, 1968
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74SQ)
Hepworth, Olive, Some historical notes on Stocksbridge and district, 1954
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74SQ)
Hinchliffe’s Stocksbridge Almanack 1908-1910
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 032.74S)
Kenworthy, Joseph, The early history of Stocksbridge and district: or, annals
and antiquities of the Little Don and Ewden Valleys, with an account of some
industries in Hunshelf and Waldershelf, 1914-1928
(Published parts, Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74S)
(Unpublished parts, Sheffield Archives: MD3336-3341)
The three Sheffield newspapers of the period are available on microfilm at
Sheffield Local Studies Library:
Sheffield Daily Telegraph
Sheffield Independent
Yorkshire Telegraph and Star
In addition, the Penistone, Stocksbridge and Hoyland Express (later South
Yorkshire Times) is available on microfilm from 1898.
There are no indexes to the newspapers but other sources can be used to try
to establish the dates of events. ‘The year’s record’ in The Sheffield Year
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Book (Local Studies Library: 032.74 S) provides a chronological list of events
taken from the newspapers.
The British Library British Newspapers 1800-1900 website includes over two
million pages from over 70 national and local newspapers (including the
Sheffield and Rotherham Independent) (
Archives of some national newspapers are available on the internet, notably
The Times ( and The Guardian
Reminiscence and oral histories
Local Studies has a collection of oral history CDs, mainly recorded in the early
1980s, which include a number of people talking about their memories and
experiences of living and working in Sheffield. There is a subject index on
cards and for most recordings there is a printed sheet with a summary of the
interview. Listening equipment is available.
Oral histories conducted by the South Yorkshire Women's Development Trust
(SYWDT) project: ‘South Yorkshire Women in Industry’. Includes interview
with Marjorie Hurst; Town: Sheffield; Industry: Steel (Samuel Fox); Age: 94;
Date of Interview: 1 Apr 2009.
(Sheffield Archives: X303)
Whitehead, Leila, From the corners of my mind: memories of a South
Yorkshire childhood, 1992
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: B.Whit.S)
Notebook of First World War Sheffield Reminiscences – ‘friends who had built
a dug-out at Stocksbridge’, mid 20th cent.
(Sheffield Archives: X382/1)
Francis Tivey, Bolsterstone in living memory, voices from a moorland parish,
(Sheffield Archives: TIV/LOCAL)
Photographs and illustrations
Picture Sheffield ( is an online database of
photographs drawn mainly from the collections in the Local Studies Library.
Over 200 historical images of people and places in Stocksbridge and Deepcar
are available to view on Picture Sheffield.
Photographs of Stocksbridge Works, c.1910
(Sheffield Archives: SY677/Z1/2)
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Sketch of Watering Close, Bithoms
(Sheffield Archives: MD3707/25)
Photograph of miners at Fox’s Footrell Pit, Stocksbridge, c.1913
(Sheffield Archives: SY677/Z1/1)
Trade Directories
Trade directories were issued from the mid 18th century until around 1945 and
can be seen as the ‘Yellow Pages’ of their day. Broadly speaking they list
addresses, names and occupations or trades and historical and geographical
A comprehensive collection is available at the Local Studies Library, whilst a
smaller selection is available at Sheffield Archives. See: for more information.
Census Records
The census returns for the whole of England and Wales are available for free
at any Sheffield Library using (via on
any Sheffield Libraries computer). Census returns for Sheffield 1841–1901
are also available on microform at both the Local Studies Library and
Sheffield Archives.
The 1911 census is available to view via subscription at:
Maps and plans
The Ordnance Survey is the national mapping agency of Great Britain. There
are large scale maps of the Sheffield area from 1853 to the present day.
Comprehensive coverage of Sheffield and partial coverage of the surrounding
areas (including Stocksbridge) is available at Sheffield Local Studies Library
in the Central Library. Sheffield Archives have incomplete historic coverage of
most of South Yorkshire.
Plan of Stocksbridge area: land measured for George and Thomas Roebuck
at Hunshelf in the Parish of Penistone, [1793]
(Sheffield Archives: FC Pen 11 S)
Map of Bolsterstone Common, 1778
(Sheffield Archives: ACM Bra 169 L)
Plans of Bolsterstone including: Edge End Farm, Coit Farm, Waldershelf
Farm, New Hall Estate etc, [1700s – 1800s]
(Sheffield Archives: FC)
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Plan of Lower Town End Farm, Town End Lane, Deepcar, Stocksbridge,
c.1997 – 2003
(Sheffield Archives: MD7691)
Map showing Moor Hall, Bolsterstone
(Sheffield Archives: MD3519)
Copy enclosure award and map, Bolsterstone, 1782
(Sheffield Archives: CA366)
Papers and map relating to public roads and enclosure and geological maps,
20th cent
(Sheffield Archives: CA367/1-4)
Plan of Cownes estate, Oughtibridge, 1762
(Sheffield Archives: EM 1805)
Plan of proposed buildings, Oughtibridge, 1788
(Sheffield Archives: EM 1806-7)
Oughtibridge: valuation plan for poor rate, c.1840 and 1864; valuation map
(Sheffield Archives: SY555/C1/6,10; SY555/C4/1; SY555/C2/1)
Wharncliffe Side: valuation plan for poor rate, 1864
(Sheffield Archives: SY555/C1/2)
Plan of Old Forge, Oughtibridge, 1969
(Sheffield Archives: SY758/B2/2)
Plan of pot clay mine at Wharncliffe Side, 1908
(Sheffield Archives: WhM, MP46)
Deeds and land
Copy surrender and admittance, Oughtibridge, 1416; Copy surrender and
admittance, Oughtibridge, 1419
(Sheffield Archives: FrC 17; FrC 20)
Cooke Family of Wheatley, conveyances etc. 1600s
(Sheffield Archives: CWM)
Agreements and letters regarding corn mill at Oughtibridge, 1728 – 1747
(Sheffield Archives: WhM 55)
Deeds relating to Oughtibridge, 1610 – 1723
(Sheffield Archives: LD315 - 324)
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Conveyance of two closes, Oughtibridge, 1638
(Sheffield Archives: EM 391)
Conveyance of closes, Oughtibridge, 1854
(Sheffield Archives: EM 392 - 396)
Agreement to let Cownes Farm, Oughtibridge, 1910
(Sheffield Archives: EM 401)
Lease of Cownes Farm, Oughtibridge, 1921
(Sheffield Archives: EM 418)
Deeds relating to Oughtibridge, mortgages, conveyances, settlements,
assignments etc., 1672 – 1941
(Sheffield Archives: EM 438 - 520)
Mortgage of property of Elmhirst family, Oughtibridge, 1836
(Sheffield Archives: EM 177 - 178)
Deeds relating to Oughtibridge, 1787 – 1848
(Sheffield Archives: LD336 - 351)
Conveyance concerning Oughtibridge, 1788
(Sheffield Archives: PC 276)
Conveyance of property at Oughtibridge, 1788 - 1875
(Sheffield Archives: MD5821 - 5823)
Conveyance of Oughtibridge House and adjacent paper mill (including plan),
(Sheffield Archives: MD6473)
Deed of partition, Gate Farm, Oughtibridge, 1917
(Sheffield Archives: MD7210/19)
Deeds relating to Hole House, 1622 – 1838
(Sheffield Archives: MD5564 - 5586)
Lease of Bate Green glass house with counterpart, 1726/7
(Sheffield Archives: MD2100 - 2101)
Deeds to Croft House, 25 Hunshelf Road, 1886-1914
(Sheffield Archives: Microfilm A202)
Deeds, wills and settlements relating to the Walker family, Hunshelf and
Bolsterstone, 1722-1791
(Sheffield Archives: SC)
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Land at Stocksbridge sold to Samuel Fox and Company Ltd, 1914
(Sheffield Archives: SC 559 - 562)
F. R. Smith’s register of mortgages at Stocksbridge, 1896 – 1932
(Sheffield Archives: SC 563)
House and mill mentioned in a will at Deepcar, 1864
(Sheffield Archives: PhC 516)
Lease, Bolsterstone, 1715
(Sheffield Archives: LD320)
Deeds mentioning glass house, Bolsterstone, 1777
(Sheffield Archives: MD6266/5)
Agreements regarding coal working, Bolsterstone, 1876 – 1880
(Sheffield Archives: EM2081/9c)
Deeds concerning land at Bolsterstone, 1730 - 1791
(Sheffield Archives: SC73 – 78)
Deed of exchange concerning Bolsterstone, 1835
(Sheffield Archives: SC529)
Conveyance concerning Bolsterstone, 1831
(Sheffield Archives: SC530)
Deed of partition concerning property at Bolsterstone, 1851
(Sheffield Archives: SC532a&b)
Sale particulars of property known as Coit House, Bolsterstone, 1878
(Sheffield Archives: MD7286/2)
Lease of land at Midhopestones, 1749
(Sheffield Archives: ADC18)
Farm leases, Ewden, 1743/4 – 1765
(Sheffield Archives: MD6267-6268)
Deeds, bargain and sale, land at Wharncliffe Side, 1807
(Sheffield Archives: LD2072/16)
Various deeds relating to Wharncliffe Side, 1807 – 1854
(Sheffield Archives: LD2072/17-27)
Auctioneers’ plans, particulars etc. for property at Wharncliffe Side, 1879
(Sheffield Archives: EM473 - 477)
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Lease concerning Wharncliffe Side, 1700
(Sheffield Archives: WhD544)
Land Valuation 'Domesday Books' for South Yorkshire, compiled under the
Finance (1909-1910) Act, 1910
(Sheffield Archives: SY384)
Forms 37 (Land) for South Yorkshire under the Finance (1909-1910) Act,
(Sheffield Archives: SY385)
Council planning, transport and related records
Records of Stocksbridge Urban District Council, 1873 – 1970
Includes: minutes of the Local Board of Health, minutes of the Urban District
Council, minutes of other sub-committees, financial records, wage books,
letter books, reports of the Medical Officer of Health, rent account books and
housing records (relating to: Shay House Estate, Wilson Road at Deepcar,
Royd Estate, Spink Hall Estate, Stubbin Farm Estate, East Whitwell Estate
(Sheffield Archives: CA60-61; CA67-101)
Planning applications, various: Stocksbridge, Bolsterstone, Midhopestones,
Ewden, 1974 - 2009
(Sheffield Archives: CA206)
Planning registers, Stocksbridge Urban District Council register of plans
received (formerly applications determined) 1922-1968, plan registers 19371967, and completions of dwellings registers
(Sheffield Archives: CA773)
Stocksbridge Urban District Council, planning application files, 1876 - 1974
(Sheffield Archives: CA759)
General contracts, Stocksbridge, 1959 – 1992
(Sheffield Archives: CA357)
Sheffield City Council Housing Committee, minutes and papers, Stocksbridge
modernisation Scheme, May 1983 - Jan 1984
(Sheffield Archives: CA-HOU/2/24)
Sheffield City Council Policy Committee, minutes, Stocksbridge by-pass, Feb
1977 - May 1978
(Sheffield Archives: CA-POL/10)
Sheffield City Council: full committee minutes, 1974 - present
(Sheffield Archives: CA-MIN)
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Sheffield City Council: Water Committee Signed and Draft Minutes and
Reports relating to reservoirs and watercourses, 1886 - 1974
(Sheffield Archives: CA-WTE)
Sheffield City Council: Water Works Committee Signed Minutes, 1876 - 1882
(Sheffield Archives: CA-WWK)
Sheffield City Council planning policies for Stocksbridge and Deepcar, pp.2832. Draft Unitary Development Plan, 1991
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 309.26SQ)
Sheffield City Council, Department of Planning and Design, Stocksbridge
District Plan (typescript), 1981
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 309.26SQ)
Department of Transport, Stocksbridge/Penistone bypass: plans for choice of
routes, 1977
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 388.1 SSTF)
Department of Transport, Stocksbridge/Penistone bypass: please give us your
views (leaflet with map), 1977
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 2007 M)
Stocksbridge Urban District Council, Byelaws made by the Urban District
Council of Stocksbridge with respect to new streets and buildings in the urban
district of Stocksbridge, 1926
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 352.042 SS)
Annual report of the Peak Park Planning Board regarding the Stocksbridge
bypass, 1977-78
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 914.251 S)
Stocksbridge Local Board, Waterworks regulations, 1876
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Local Pamphlets, vol.176, no.6 042S)
Dearne, M. E. J., ‘The Stocksbridge Railway Company’ in the British Railway
Journal, no.37, 1991
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 1076 L)
National Centre for English Cultural Tradition; 1. Stocksbridge Urban District
Council East Whitwell Phase 5 (Plans showing houses, garages, roads,
gardens etc; hand coloured elevations of houses/bungalows. 1965)
(Sheffield Archives: X199)
Brearley, A. and Marsh, P. G., Rights of Way in Stocksbridge, 1981
(Sheffield Archives: SY430/Z1/1)
© Sheffield City Council, 2010
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Yorkshire Water Authority, Plans of Stocksbridge water courses etc., 1896 1979
(Sheffield Archives: YWA/10)
Footpath 2000 - A Survey of the Rights of Way in Stocksbridge Parish
(Sheffield Archives: MD8006)
Draft Unitary Development Plan relating to Oughtibridge, 1991
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 309.26SQ)
Church records and ecclesiastical history
Parish records: Sheffield, St Mary, Bolsterstone, Anglican Parish, 1723 - 1979
(Sheffield Archives: PR53)
Parish records: Stocksbridge, St Matthias, Anglican Parish, 1875 – 1986
(Sheffield Archives: PR136)
Parish records: Sheffield, St John the Evangelist, Deepcar, Anglican Parish,
c.1940 - c.2000
(Sheffield Archives: PR151)
Faculties, St Mary, Bolsterstone, 1919 – 1997; St Matthias, Stocksbridge,
1919 – 1997; St John the Evangelist, Deepcar, 1985 - 1997
(Sheffield Archives: DIOC/FAC)
Bishops’ Transcripts, Bolsterstone (microfilm), 1778 – 1871
(Sheffield Archives: SY337/X1/9)
Stocksbridge Christian Centre, Sheffield, 1974 – 1994
(Sheffield Archives: NR)
Stocksbridge Wesleyan Methodist Church, 1900 – 1977
(Sheffield Archives: NR)
Sheffield North Methodist Circuit, 20th cent
(Sheffield Archives: NR)
Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Haywood, Stocksbridge, 1914 – 1992
(Sheffield Archives: NR)
Sheffield (Methodist) North Circuit and Chapel [1736]-1976 including:
Stocksbridge Wesleyan Methodist Church 1863-1974; Stocksbridge West End
Primitive Methodist Church 1892-1973
(Sheffield Archives: NR792-914)
South Yorkshire Methodist Chapels, marriage registers and other records
(Sheffield Archives: SY139)
© Sheffield City Council, 2010
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Papers concerning chapel at Bolsterstone, 1700s
(Sheffield Archives: LD709/Z1/8/1-3)
Edgington, Cyril, Historical details of Stocksbridge in the latter part of the
nineteenth century. A memoir of the incumbency of the Reverend Canon
Wilson, Vicar of Bolsterstone, 1867-1914, [1915]
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Local Pamphlets, vol.234, no.7 042S)
Hampshire, Fred, Stocksbridge Primitive Methodist – West End Methodist
Church, 1866-1966: centenary handbook, 1966
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 287.4S)
Stocksbridge Congregational Church monthly magazine, 1944
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 1109 M)
Centenary of the Stocksbridge Congregational Sunday School, 1816-1916,
Deepcar: 1916
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Local Pamphlets, vol.204, no.7, 042S)
Stocksbridge Wesleyan Methodist Church, Jubilee souvenir of the
Stocksbridge Wesleyan Methodist Church 1868-1918, [1918]
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Local Pamphlets vol.174, no.13, 042S)
Stocksbridge Wesleyan Methodist Church, Centenary souvenir of the
Stocksbridge Wesleyan Methodist Church 1868-1968, [1968]
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 287.1 S)
Deepcar, St Ann (with Penistone St Mary), Roman Catholic Parish, 1975 –
(Sheffield Archives: CATH13)
St John's Institute, Deepcar, Sheffield, 1922 – 1952
(Sheffield Archives: X133)
Correspondence of church building fund, Deepcar, 1879
(Sheffield Archives: WhM 468)
St Anne’s Chapel, Deepcar - ‘Sacristan’s House’, building details in
Biographical notes and a list of the principal works of John Grey Weightman,
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 927.2SQ)
Thickett, Edward, A History of St John’s Church, Deepcar, 1877-1977, [1977]
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Local pamphlets, vol. 316, no.7, 042S)
Parish magazines, St Mary’s Church, Bolsterstone, 1881; 1950s-1960s
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP2259S; 283.4274S)
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Ambler, Jack, Dates and events in the history of the Church of the Ascension,
Oughtibridge, 1993
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 283.4274S)
‘Zion Congregational Church, Oughtibridge – history, sketches and pictures’,
Sheffield Congregational Year Book, 1933
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 285.8S)
Oughtibridge Handbook 1854 – 1954. Centenary celebrations, Oughtibridge
Wesleyan Reform Church, 26 Jun – 1 Jul 1954
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP4688M)
Birtin Cemetery, Oughtibridge – index to burials, 1906 – 1996
(Sheffield Archives: MD7344)
Local magazines and journals
The Fox Magazine, 1946 – 1966 (with gaps)
(Sheffield Local Studies Library, 052.74S)
Steel News, 1995 – date (with gaps)
(Sheffield Local Studies Library, 052.74SF)
South Yorkshire Times: Hoyland, Chapeltown, Stocksbridge, Penistone
edition, 4 Jan 1991 – date
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 072.74SQ)
Stocksbridge and District History Society, Newsletter, 1992-1995; Paragon,
1995 – date
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74SQ)
Stocksbridge Gazette, issue no.1 (18 Apr 1896) to issue no.79 (24 May 1993)
(with gaps)
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 052.74F)
Stocksbridge Gazette: newsletter of Stocksbridge Engineering Steels (later
UES Steels News), 1986 – 1993 (with gaps)
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 052.74SF)
Stocksbridge and Deepcar half-year news report, 1978
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Local Pamphlets vol.46, no.6, 042 SQ)
Wharncliffe Side Community Association, Quarterly News Bulletin, 1950
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP1209M)
© Sheffield City Council, 2010
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Stocksbridge Urban District Council, Annual Report of the Medical Officer of
Health, typescript: 1913 – 1960s; printed: 1958-1963
(Sheffield Archives: CA76/1)
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 352.4S)
Stocksbridge, Deepcar and District Nursing Association, 25th anniversary
balance sheet for the year ending 30 Apr 1935
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Local Pamphlets, vol.143, no.1, 042S)
Stocksbridge Electric Theatre: architectural and historical details, pp.7-8.
Sheffield Cinema Society newsletter, no.19, Jan 1992
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 791.43 SQ)
‘Stocksbridge Palace’ and ‘Stocksbridge Electric Theatre’: short historical
articles in the ABC of the cinemas of Sheffield by Sheffield Cinema Society,
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 725.82 S)
‘Stocksbridge Palace’ historical article in Notes on cinemas by C. Shaw,
pp.28-31, 1992
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 791.430942 SQ)
‘The Castle Pub, Bolsterstone – a brief note’, Beer Matters, Jan 1985
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 663.4SQ)
Clubs, cooperatives and societies
Stocksbridge Band of Hope Industrial Co-operative Society, 1859 – 1961
(Sheffield Archives: MD6502 – 6509)
Stocksbridge Liberal Association, c. 1991-1994
(Sheffield Archives: MD7578)
Samuel Fox Stocksbridge Works Photographic Society, Minutes,
programmes, correspondence. Includes some programmes of Sheffield
Photographic Society and Yorkshire Photographic Union. [20th cent]
(Sheffield Archives: MD7820)
Stocksbridge Works Photographic Society, Sheffield, 1946 - 1976
(Sheffield Archives: X375)
© Sheffield City Council, 2010
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Stocksbridge Horse and Pony Society, Sixth annual display of leaping, driving
and turnouts, Sat 19 Jun 1948 at the Old Club Cricket Ground, Stocksbridge,
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 2191 (6) S)
Oughtibridge War Memorial Sports Club and the Stocksbridge Horse and
Pony Society, Second annual show of horses and cattle and display of
turnouts and leaping, Sat 14 Aug 1948 at the War Memorial Sports Ground,
Oughtibridge, 1948
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 2191 (a) S)
Stocksbridge Works Victory Club, 1920 – 2001
(Sheffield Archives: X184)
Stocksbridge Primitive Football Club – picture of the team in 1919-1920, p.27
and news cutting from South Yorkshire Times 1974-1975
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74 SF)
Industry and business
Company records of Samuel Fox and Company Limited, Stocksbridge,
Sheffield, 1847 - 1971
(Sheffield Archives: FOX)
Company records of United Steel Companies Limited, Sheffield, 1879 - 1970
(Sheffield Archives: USC)
H. M. Factory Inspectorate, Sheffield Area, Registers. These give the location
of the factories with their manufactures, arranged alphabetically under street
names, and after 1935 a note of the number of persons employed. There is
also a brief indication of the date and type of inspection.
Wortley and Stocksbridge, 1944 – 1952
(Sheffield Archives: MD6257)
Stocksbridge, 1953 - 1961
(Sheffield Archives: MD6258)
Records of the Brightside and Carbrook, Oughtibridge and Stocksbridge Cooperatives, late 19th cent - 1930s
(Sheffield Archives: MD8251)
Patent granted to Samuel Fox of Stockbridge of an invention for
"improvements in apparatus to be used in rolling steel for the manufacture of
wire", 1874
(Sheffield Archives: MD6310)
Article on the coke industry at Deepcar and picture of ‘open’ coke burning at
Holly Bush Colliery in Hinchliffe’s Stocksbridge Almanack, 1909, pp.21, 73
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 669.1 SSTF)
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Hepworth, F. History of glass making with special reference to Bolsterstone
industry, photocopy manuscript [20th cent]
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 669.19SST)
Kenworthy, Joseph, The broken earthenware of Midhope potteries - also
includes two chapters on Bolsterstone and Gawber glass works, 1928
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74S)
Auckland, H. A., A short history of Peter Dixon and Sons Ltd, paper makers of
Wharncliffe Side and Grimsby, 1950
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP1210M)
Stocksbridge Engineering Steels, Yorkshire Topic Profile, Apr 1989
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 4256 M)
Brief history of the steel industry at Stocksbridge, together with a profile of the
present day Stocksbridge Engineering Steels in South Yorkshire Topic, Apr
1989, pp.19-35
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 052.74 SQ)
Stocksbridge Park Steels Football Club: brief note on the football team,
Sheffield Alternative Magazine, issue 1, Feb 1994
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 052.74 SQ)
Stocksbridge Park Steels Football Club: article on their promotion to the
Unibond League, p.8, Steel News, no.11, May 1996
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 052.74 SQ)
Pendrous, Rick, How green is steel valley? Article on the effects of new
environmental legislation from The Engineer, 27 Jun 1991
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 4295 M)
Illustrated article on the railway between British Steel Corporation
Stocksbridge Works and Deepcar in Steel News, p.6, no.55, 7 Oct 1971
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 052.74 SF)
Stocksbridge Victory Club Hall, ‘Messiah’, 2 Oct 1946, 7pm
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 2733 S)
Records of Stocksbridge Works Victory Club, 1920 – 2001
(Sheffield Archives: X184)
Sheldon, Joseph, The founders and builders of Stocksbridge works, 1922
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 942.74 S)
Obituary of Samuel Fox
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Misc newspaper cuttings, vol.3, p.26)
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Will of Samuel Fox
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Misc newspaper cuttings, vol.3, p.60)
Samuel Fox & Co. Ltd – “Durehete” creep resisting steel free from
temperature-strain, age embrittlement, for steam temperatures of 660 degrees
farenheit (350 degrees centigrade) to 932 degrees farenheit (500 degrees
centigrade) with high pressures, 1935, p.68
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Stocksbridge: Fox 620.17 SST)
Samuel Fox & Co. Ltd – A collection of press announcements, 1842 – 1942
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 338.4 SSTQ)
Samuel Fox & Co. Ltd, Report of the Directors, 1881-1913 [Sheffield: Leader,
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 338.4 SQ)
United Steels Companies Ltd, Road vehicle springs: their design, materials
and manufacture, 1944
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 629.243 SST)
United Steels Companies Ltd, Samuel Fox & Co. Ltd, Stocksbridge, Sheffield,
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 338.4 SQ)
A 60 ton arc furnace, Stocksbridge, 1954
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Local Pamphlets, vol.202, no.2, 042 S)
Sykes, Irene, Stocksbridge umbrella girls, 1987
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 338.4 S)
Various articles on plant and production at United Steels Companies Ltd,
Stocksbridge in Quality of Sheffield, 1954 - 1984
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 380 SQ)
'Candles, Corves & Clogs: A History of Ganister Mining in the Wadsley to
Stocksbridge Area', 1970 – 1981
(Sheffield Archives: MD7539)
Stocksbridge Trades Council, minute books, 1949 – 1988
(Sheffield Archives: MD7612)
Photocopy of Articles of Partnership: Samuel Fox and William Chesterman,
(Sheffield Archives: LD1125)
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Various articles on Stocksbridge manufacturing appear in the following
journals and gazettes: Steel News, British Steelmaker, Unicon, Quality of
Sheffield, The Stocksbridge Gazette, The Anvil, Metallurgia, Unisteel, The Fox
Magazine, c1950s – 1980s
(Sheffield Local Studies Library – various references, check subject index
cards for more information)
Stanley Moxon (United Steels Corporation), A Fox Centenary: Umbrella
Frames 1848 – 1948, 1948
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 338.4SQ)
Historical and technical article on the works at Stocksbridge in Iron and Steel
and Allied Trades Souvenir, 1910, pp.34-48
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Local Pamphlets, vol.16, no.10, 042SQ)
United Steel Companies Ltd, This is United Steel, 1961 – illustrated article
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 338.4SQ)
The Age of Giants, 1 May 1909 – supplement to the Illustrated London News
on Samuel Fox and Co.
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 221 L)
Tweedale, G, Steel City: Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Technology in
Sheffield 1743-1993, 1995
(Sheffield Local Studes Library: 338.4S)
Stansfield, Hazel, Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd, [1967] – illustrated; maps
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 338.4SQ)
Trade advertisement – ‘Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd, umbrella manufacturer,
Stocksbridge works near Deepcar’, 1858
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP125M [2])
United Steel Companies Ltd, examples of press advertisements, 1950s-1960s
– 10 volumes, illustrated (volumes 3-5 cover Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd)
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 669.1SSTF)
Printed notes for lectures on protection against gas attacks - issued by
Samuel Fox and Co. Ltd., May 1939
(Sheffield Archives: MD6878)
Ashurst, Denis, Excavations at the 17th-18th century glasshouse at
Bolsterstone and the 18th century Bolsterstone Pothouse, Stocksbridge, 1987
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 666.1S)
© Sheffield City Council, 2010
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Education and schools
Bolsterstone Church of England Infant and Junior School (formerly
Stocksbridge Bolsterstone Endowed Church of England), 1959 – 1988
(Sheffield Archives: CA724)
Bolsterstone Junior and Infant School, 1852 - 1988
(Sheffield Archives: CA35/244-252)
Stocksbridge Nursery and Infant School, 1908 – 1990
(Sheffield Archives: CA682/176-177; CA724/P132/1-3)
Stocksbridge Junior School, 1977 – 1990
(Sheffield Archives: CA724/P133/1-3)
Stocksbridge National School, 1869 – 1982
(Sheffield Archives: CA35/336-354; CA682)
Stocksbridge High School, 1977 – 1988
(Sheffield Archives: CA724)
Stocksbridge Church of England School, 1958 - 1982
(Sheffield Archives: CA35/819-820)
Midhopestones Council School, 1884 – 1968
(Sheffield Archives: CA35; 268 - 273)
Midhopestones Special School, 1969 – 1985
(Sheffield Archives: CA35; CA724)
Oughtibridge Infant and Junior School, 1977 - 1988
(Sheffield Archives: CA724)
Wharncliffe Side Nursery, Infant and Junior School, 1977 – 1990
(Sheffield Archives: CA724)
Dungworth Junior and Infant School, 1875 – 1947
(Sheffield Archives: CA35; 724)
Angus, Keith and Moorhouse, Mary, The History of Stocksbridge School,
section 1 & 2: 1929-1971, 1983
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 373.4274 SQ)
Bainbridge, John, The History of Stocksbridge School, section 3: 1971-1982,
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 373.4274 SQ)
Sheffield City Council education contracts, Stocksbridge, 1970s
(Sheffield Archives: CA514)
© Sheffield City Council, 2010
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Architectural plans, Deepcar School, 1856
(Sheffield Archives: AP)
Sheffield Further Education Colleges, Prospectuses for Stocksbridge College,
(Sheffield Archives: MD8229)
Other records relating to Stocksbridge and district
Bolsterstone accounts, 1684 – 1688
(Sheffield Archives: MD150)
Stocksbridge Steel Valley Project, Steel Valley Walk, [1990]
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 2856 S)
Steel Valley Project, October 1990
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 982 L)
Stocksbridge Astronomers, Northern lights, issue no.5, July 1988 – date
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 520.5 SQ)
Records collected and created by J G Ronksley of Bradfield (called the
Ronksley Collection) relate to the history of the chapelry of Bradfield and
include: Dungworth and Wigtwizzle: documents relating to commons (3), 13th
century (attested copy), 1709; Transcripts of Bolsterstone: parish registers,
1691-1814; Transcripts of Midhope chapel yard inscriptions.
(Sheffield Archives: RC)
Records of the Ellis family of Midhope Hall and subsequently of Don View,
Oughtibridge, 1679 – 1904
(Sheffield Archives: MD6264-6266)
Records of the Marsden Family of Ewden, 1730 - c.1842
(Sheffield Archives: MD6267-6273)
Pencil and Paint Drawing of Richard [Hudson] of Bolsterstone, 19th cent
(Sheffield Archives: MD7899/6/1)
Records of the Bolsterstone Educational Charity, 1996
(Sheffield Archives: MD8015)
Transcripts of tombstone inscriptions for the Marsh family, d 1870-1986, and
Smith family, d 1741-1989, in St Mary's churchyard, Bolsterstone.
(Sheffield Archives: 1992/63)
Records of the Wilson and Alderson Families of Sheffield and South
Yorkshire, clergy associated with Bolsterstone and other places, 1684 - 1930s
(Sheffield Archives: X90)
© Sheffield City Council, 2010
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An Act for dividing and inclosing the several common and waste grounds
within the Manor of Bolsterstone in the Parish of Ecclesfield, 1778
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Acts of Parliament relating to Inclosures,
1760-1794, No.7, 346.1SQ)
Cyril Edgington Memoir
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: Local pamphlets, Vol. 234)
Davey, S. R., Crossin’ O’er – includes sections on Ewden Bridge,
Oughtibridge, Deepcar Bridge etc.
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 624.2S)
Davey, S. R., Where t’watter runs o’er t’weir – includes notes on Oughtibridge
watermills, pp.19-21
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 621.21S)
Photographs of Ewden Valley Waterworks under construction - three volumes
with correspondence, [c.1920]
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 352.6SSTQ)
Ryder, P. F., Timber framed buildings in South Yorkshire, 1979 – refers to
Oughtibridge, Bolsterstone etc.
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: 721.21SQ)
Oughtibridge trail hunt – a descriptive poem
(Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 1721 M)
See the website of Stocksbridge Town Council for an excellent introduction to
the history of Stocksbridge:
The Stocksbridge Community website:
Steel Valley Beacon Arts
Steel Valley Project:
Bolsterstone Community Group
Stocksbridge Library:
© Sheffield City Council, 2010
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Sheffield Archives and Local Studies services collect and preserve original
records and printed material relating to Sheffield and the surrounding area.
The information dates from the 12th century to the present and relates to
Sheffield, South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire.
Included are extensive collections of books ● pamphlets ● photographs ●
church registers ● newspapers ● census records ● minutes ● diaries ●
films ● maps ● deeds ● records from schools ● hospitals ● businesses and
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