CURRICULUM VITAE Mr. Tervo, Valtteri Topias 08.10


CURRICULUM VITAE Mr. Tervo, Valtteri Topias 08.10
Mr. Tervo, Valtteri Topias
Address: Toppilansaarentie 3 B 18, 90510 OULU, Finland
Mobile: +358404167991
Date and place of birth: 17.07.1984, Kuopio, Finland
Nationality: Finland
D.Sc. (Tech.), University of Oulu, 27th of February, 2015.
 Degree Programme: Telecommunication Engineering, postgraduate education
 Major subject: Telecommunication Engineering
 Doctoral Thesis: Joint Multiuser Power Allocation and Iterative Multi-Antenna Receiver Design
 Contact details of the University of Oulu
o Postal address: P.O. Box 8000, FI-90014 University of Oulu
o email: university.of.oulu(at)
o Tel. +358 294 48 0000
Ph.D., Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 20th of March, 2015.
 School: School of Information Science
 Outstanding Performance Award
 Contact details of the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
o Postal address: 1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa Prefecture 923-1211, Japan
o email: kyoumu(at)
o Tel. +81 0761-51-1936
The two degrees above are the result of completing the dual degree doctoral program between the University of Oulu
and Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
M.Sc. (Tech.), Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, 17th of Septermber, 2009
 Master’s Thesis: Joint Source and Channel Coding for Markov Sources
 Degree Programme: Degree Programme in Telecommunications
 Area of specialization: Engineering Mathematics and Signal Processing
 Best Diploma Thesis award, Centre for Wireless Communications, 2009
Matriculation Examination, communication high school, Paltamo, 2003
 4G, 5G, power allocation for iterative receivers, PAPR constrained precoding, interference management in
multiuser SIMO networks, joint source-channel coding, relay networks allowing lossy forwarding, power
minimization, convex optimization, LTE, LTE-A, Matlab, cvx.
 Programming: Matlab (very good), C, C++ (basics)
 Operating systems: Windows (good), Unix (basics)
 Application programs: Matlab (very good), Latex (good), NS2 (basics), Opnet (basics), ADS (basics), Office
 Finnish (first language), English (very good), Swedish (satisfactory)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Communications Engineering (DCE) & Centre for Wireless
Communications (CWC), University of Oulu, 2015 –
Main research topic: Lossy forwarding in relay/sensor networks.
Main tasks:
 Work package (WP) leader in FP7 project RESCUE funded by EU.
o Responsibilities:
 Coordinate the technical work of the WP
 Establish and update on regular basis a WP plan. The WP leader is responsible for the project
plan on task level to be in line with the overall plan.
 Plan, coordinate and harmonise deliverable content
 Schedule deliverables preparation and their interrelationships
 Monitor the progress of the work in the work package
 Comment documents (publications, deliverables, etc.)
 Contribute to the periodic, annual and final reports
 Report on technical progress to the project manager and the technical manager in regular
 Organise work package meetings
 Coordinate the work package input/output from/to external parties
 Ensure communication and coordination with the relevant other work packages
o Project manager in RESCUE and NETCOBRA (Network Compression Based Wireless Cooperative
Communication Systems).
Doctoral student/Research Scientist, Centre for Wireless Communications, 2009 – 2015
 Main topic: Multiuser power allocation for iterative multi-antenna receivers.
Research Assistant, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), School of Information Science,
2009 (3 months)
 This position is related to my doctoral studies.
Master’s thesis student/Research assistant, Centre for Wireless Communications, 2008 – 2009
 Main topic: Joint source-channel coding for binary Markov source
Electronic worker, Hebilla Oy, 12.6.2007 – 31.8.2007
Main task: Production tasks in Nokias factory in Salo, Finland.
Groundkeeper, Paltamo Golf OY, 4.5.2006 – 31.8.2006
Main task: Maintenance of the golf course.
Trainee, Paltamo Golf OY, summer 2005
Main tasks: Maintenance of the golf course.
Various summer jobs during 2000-2004
Main tasks: Forest harvesting and construction.
 DIDES (Distributed decision making for future wireless communication systems) funded by the Finnish Funding
Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES), 2008-2010, Project researcher.
 SWOCNET (Slepian-Wolf Cooperation Wireless Networks) funded by the Academy of Finland (AoF)., 20112013, Project researcher.
o Preparation of Finnish abstract for the funding application.
 IMANET+ (Interference Management for Wireless Networks beyond Present Horizon+) funded by TEKES,
2012-2013, Project researcher.
 NETCOBRA (Network Compression Based Wireless Cooperative Communication Systems) funded by AoF,
2014, Project researcher, project manager.
o Preparation of Finnish abstract for the funding application.
 RESCUE (Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust, Efficient and Smart Communication in Unpredictable
Environments), FP7 project funded by EU, 2015-, Work Package leader, project manager.
Teaching assistant, Communication Signal Processing II, 2014
 Main task: Responsible person for laboratory exercise.
 Kushal Tiwari (master’s student): PAPR aware Power Allocation in OFDMA Uplink using MMSE Receiver
 Best Diploma Thesis, Centre for Wireless Communications, 2009
 IEEE VTS Japan 2010 Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award
 Diploma For Collecting Fame and Fortune Abroad, Centre for Wireless Communications, 2010
 Outstanding Performance Award (for doctoral studies), Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
 Personal grants/scholarships: Nokia foundation, TES, Tauno Tönning’s foundation, Riitta and Jorma J.
Takanen’s foundation, Walter Ahlström foundation, Ulla Tuominen foundation, KAUTE foundation.
 International journals: Springer Wireless Personal Communications, IEEE TWC, IEEE TVT
 International conferences: GLOBECOM, PIMRC, ICC (TPC member in 2015), WCNC, VTC, 5GU (PC member
in 2014).
 Presentation experience: Numerous seminar, conference and project presentations.
 Invited speeches:
o EU FP7 RESCUE Project: General Introduction, achievements during the first year, and my impression
of working as a work package leader of an EU project, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, 2015
o Successive Convex Approximation and Its Applications to Power Allocation Problems, Japan
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
o Vice-president, Teekkaritorvet ry, 2006
o Member of the board / Vice-president, TT Big Band Ry, 2007-2015
 Military rank: Lance corporal.
 Professor Tad Matsumoto
DCE/CWC, University of Oulu, Finland,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Mobile: +358400697168, E-mail:
 Professor Markku Juntti
DCE/CWC, University of Oulu
Phone: +358294482834, E-mail:
 Docent Antti Tölli
DCE/CWC, University of Oulu
Mobile: +358445000180, E-mail:
 Football, futsal, playing trombone, fishing, hunting.
Peer-reviewed scientific articles
International journal articles
V. Tervo, A Tölli, T. Matsumoto, ” PAPR Constrained Power Allocation for Multi-Carrier Transmission in
Multiuser SIMO Communications,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., accepted with minor revision.
V. Tervo, A Tölli, J. Karjalainen, T. Matsumoto, “Convergence constrained multiuser transmitter-receiver
optimization in single carrier FDMA,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 1500–1511, 2015.
V. Tervo, T. Matsumoto and P.-S. Lu, “Distributed Joint Source-Channel Coding for Correlated Sources Using
Non-systematic Repeat-Accumulate Based Codes,” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Netherlands,
ISSN: 0929-6212, URL:
International conference articles
V. Tervo, X. Zhou, P.-S. Lu, M. Juntti, T. Matsumoto, “ Power Allocation for Orthogonal Multiple Access
Relay Channel Allowing Intra-link Errors, to be submitted to ICC 2016.
C. Schneider, M. Käske, R. S. Thomä, A. Roivainen, J. Meinilä, V. Tervo, ” Directional Analysis of Multipath
Propagation in Vehicle-2-Vehicle Channels, to be submitted to EuCAP’2016.
V. Tervo, X. He, X. Zhou, P. Komulainen, ”Error rate model for RESCUE PHY”, to be submitted.
V. Tervo, A Tölli, J. Karjalainen, T. Matsumoto, ”Transmission Power Variance Constrained Power
Allocation for Iterative Frequency Domain Multiuser SIMO Detector,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech,
Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, May 4-9, 2014.
V. Tervo, A Tölli, J. Karjalainen, T. Matsumoto, ”PAPR Constrained Power Allocation for Iterative Frequency
Domain Multiuser SIMO Detector,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014.
V. Tervo, A Tölli, J. Karjalainen, T. Matsumoto, ”On Convergence Constraint Precoder Design for Iterative
Frequency Domain Multiuser SISO Detector,” Proc. Annual Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Comp., Pacific
Grove, USA, November 4-7, 2012, pp. 473 - 477.
V. Tervo, K. Fukawa, T. Matsumoto, ”Error Resistant Lossless Data Compression with Equal Length Coding
using Fine Tuned Multiple Label Mapping,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., Ottawa, Canada, June 10-15
2012, pp. 1-5.
P.-S. Lu, V. Tervo, K. Anwar and T. Matsumoto, “Low-Complexity Strategies for Multiple Access Relaying,”
in Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf., Budapest, Hungary, May 15-18 2011.
V. Tervo, T. Matsumoto and J. Karjalainen, ”Joint Source-Channel Coding Using Multiple Label Mapping,”
in Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf., Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 6-9 2010, pp. 1-6.
Publications intended for professional communities
Martin Käske, Christian Schneider, Juha Meinilä, Gerd Sommerkorn, Valtteri Tervo “Deliverable D4.3,
Report on channel analysis and modelling V1.0, ICT-619555- Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust, Efficient
and Smart Communication in Unpredictable Environments (RESCUE),” (, August 2015.
Jiancao Hou, Tad Matsumoto, Shen Qian, Na Yi, Maximilian Matthé, Albrecht Wolf, Valtteri Tervo, Xiaobo
Zhou “Deliverable D2.2.1, Interim Report of Detailed Optimisation Algorithm and Performance Comparisons
V1.0, ICT-619555- Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust, Efficient and Smart Communication in
Unpredictable Environments (RESCUE),” (, April 2015.
Christian Schneider, Valtteri Tervo, Sebastian Sośnik, Olayinka Adigun, Martin Käske, Marek Natkaniec,
Filippo Mariani, Petri Komulainen, Katarzyna Kosek-Szott, Szymon Szott, Jacek Wszołek, Hicham Khalife
“Deliverable D4.1, Report on Considered Scenarios for Performance Validation and Field Trials V3.0, ICT619555- Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust, Efficient and Smart Communication in Unpredictable
Environments (RESCUE),” (, April 2015.
Na Yi, Szymon Szott, Andreas Festag, Valtteri Tervo, Hicham Khalife “Deliverable D5.4, First Dissemination,
Standardization and Exploitation Report V1.0, ICT-619555- Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust, Efficient
and Smart Communication in Unpredictable Environments (RESCUE),” (, April 2015.
Doctoral thesis
V. Tervo, “Joint multiuser power allocation and iterative multi-antenna receiver design, Centre for Wireless
Communications, University of Oulu, 2015.
Master’s thesis
V. Tervo., “Joint Source and Channel Coding for Markov Sources,” Master’s thesis, Centre for Wireless
Communications, University of Oulu, 2009.