Fall 2013 - Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science


Fall 2013 - Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science
Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science
Whoot News!
2013 Annual Fund
14 Class Notes
Outside The College Doors
The Blue Streak is published three times per year by the GSC Alumni Services
Tisha Bruemmer, Editor, Alumni Services, tisha.bruemmer@email.gscollege.edu
Mary Jo Kathman, Dean of Student/Alumni Services,
Donna Karda, Alumni Relations , donna.karda@email.gscollege.edu
Clare Allaire, Student/Alumni Secretary, 513-862-2389
Kelly Vance, Foundation, Kelly_Vance@trihealth.com
or, in this case, inside them as well!
A Big Welcome to Whoot, our GSC Blue Owl mascot! Whoot flew in to GSC in September
and quickly became a popular icon around campus. We thought we’d ask Whoot a few
questions of introduction.
Just How Did You Come to
Well, it was a lengthy process. The
flight took almost a year! First,
having a mascot was a glimmer in
the eyes of a few folks in the
Alumni Relations department here
at the college. Then the mascot
idea took flight and soon many
wise alumni and students were
making suggestions. It was
narrowed down to three
candidates and people commented
on all of us. Of course, eventually,
the wisdom of choosing me came
through and suddenly this old bird was it!
Where do you think you’ll live?
I hope to be nesting in the college for a long
time. I’ll likely hang out on the GSC website and
make several appearances on the GSC Facebook
page. I’ve already been blinking on the college
monitors and some of the spiritwear. I’m
hoping to fly in for a few student and alumni
events – you know, add some extra fun to the
place. Really, I’m here for whatever and
wherever I’m needed. I just want people to
“give a hoot about Whoot!”
The BlueStreak
December 2013
But tell us, why do you
think you are the perfect
mascot for GSC?
Well, I certainly am observant –
you know my eyes never blink.
And, I’m a wise bird – remember
that “wise old owl” saying? I’m
very confident in my role – note
my hands on my hips. At the
same time, I’m a relatively happy
bird – see how I have that smile
on my beak? And the obvious
thing – I’m the GSC Blue.
Changing myself to a blue owl
was a sacrifice, I mean how many
blue owls have you seen flying across the night
sky? But I was willing to become blue because
like others in the health care profession, I’m
dedicated. And I’m honored to be the GSC
What do you think about that name
Oh, I really like it. It totally goes with the way
people think I sound. GSC’s WHOOT THE BLUE
OWL! It’s got a good screechy sound to it, don’t
you think?
The Cor
ner Office
As we move rapidly towards the end of the semester and the holiday
season, I am pleased to share some of the exciting things going on at the
college. First, have you met “Whoot” the Blue Owl, our new mascot?
After nearly a year of soliciting ideas and input from students, faculty,
alumni and staff, Whoot was selected to be our mascot. Whoot is
introduced on our front cover and you soon will see Whoot on T-Shirts
and coffee mugs, and featured in our publications.
The BSN program continues to grow. We have more than 60 students enrolled and six
of them are scheduled to graduate in May. We are preparing for the Accreditation
Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) self-study and site visit this winter.
Exciting times ahead…
The college has also begun using Moodle (through our vendor “Remote-Learner”), for
our course management system. Moodle provides a platform for hybrid and online
course development. Faculty now have the ability to share learning resources with
students (audio clips, video, PowerPoint shows, MSWord documents, PDFs, etc.)
electronically. Moodle also helps organize courses by week in a visual manner that is
easy to follow.
Since we now have this tool, we recently purchased iPads for all teaching faculty and
some professional staff to enhance our connectivity to all the college technology and
especially to our students. Faculty can plug their iPads into classroom flat screen
monitors for enhanced teaching capabilities. The purchase of iPads was made possible
through our Annual Fund Campaign which you generously support…so, a big “Thank
You” goes to all of you.
In November, the college purchased two more traveling flat screen monitors. The
portable monitors are easily moved between rooms, providing more technical flexibility
and adaptability in the classroom.
New financial aid software PowerFAIDS was implemented this summer in GSC
Enrollment Management. It is designed to help the college better manage the financial
aid process and adds automation to many tasks that were previously manual.
I am sorry to end with sad news, but am sure many of you would want to know that our
friend and colleague Larry Schaller lost his battle with cancer just a few months ago. He
was diagnosed last spring when he was treated for an unrelated injury. Larry joined the
college six years ago as our Bursar and from the very first day became part of our Good
Sam family. Larry was more than 6’7” tall and had a great sense of humor. He will be
remembered as our “gentle-giant” who loved working with students. Please keep him in
your prayers and remembrance.
I do wish everyone a joy-filled and safe holiday season.
Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science
Want to hear about social/educational
Give us your email! Send to:
Tisha.bruemmer@email.gscollege.edu or
update your information on the GSCollege website.
23-Jan1 Christmas Break, College
7 New Student Orientation
8 NUR 101 Orientation
NUR 201 Orientation
9 NUR 202 Orientation
NUR 102 Orientation
BSN Orientation
13 Classes Begin
College Fair
20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
College Closed
3 Winterfest
28 Last day to Withdraw with “W”
10-14 Spring Vacation
17 Classes Resume
31 Spring 2014 Assessment Day
7 Spirit Olympics
10 Spring Open House
17-20 Easter Break
Thursday noon through Sunday
College Closed
21 Classes Resume
Reception Desk
Dec. 23-Jan. 1, 2014
College Closed
Mon.-Fri. 6:30am-6:30pm
Saturday and Sunday Closed
Morris Cohen, President
Stay Connected!!
“Like” us on Facebook, http://
Check out GSC pictures and news.
Tag your friends, leave comments.
Updates to tell us about? Want to
change your address?
www.gscollege.edu Click Alumni on the
left side of the page.
The BlueStreak
December 2013
n that October day in 2005, when the
doctor approached Beth Morsch’s
bedside and took her hand, she knew
that her life would carry a scar forever.
It had been a balmy St. Patrick’s Day
when Beth and Jason Morsch learned the
exciting news they were expecting a
baby with a due date of mid-November.
It was a typical pregnancy with regular
checkups and ultrasounds, and lots of
fetal movement.
into surgery for a C-section. Doctors
With the help of compassionate
were cautiously optimistic that
nurses, staff and family, Beth and Jason
everything would be fine.
spent the next several days caring for
Stephen was born a few minutes
their new baby son. They held him,
later. He was breathing with difficulty,
rocked him, bathed him and changed
but he did not move, cry or open his
him – normal ways new parents spend
eyes. He was hooked to an oxygen
time with their newborns. She is grateful
machine and neonatal doctors Kurt
for the time they had with Stephen, Beth
“He left this world with a perfect smile.
A sense of
peace came over me as I held him there with the light
spilling over his face for that smile let me know that we
would all be okay.”
But, on October 26th, Beth noticed
her baby wasn’t moving. A visit to the
obstetrician confirmed a heartbeat, but
they requested she go to Good
Samaritan Hospital to deliver the baby
that day. When they broke Beth’s water
and her baby began crowning with the
umbilical cord showing, she was rushed
Schibler and Tonya Phillips requested an
says, because it affirmed in their minds
EEG to check for brain functionality.
that Stephen was born and lived on this
Within minutes, the two doctors
knocked on the door and, while crying
themselves, approached Beth and Jason
baptized and he received the Anointing
of the Sick rites. On November 3rd,
brainstem functionality - meaning his
eight days and one hour after his birth,
reflexive actions such as breathing and
Stephen died in his mother’s arms.
“He left this world with a perfect
missing completely. Without a miracle,
smile,” she said. “A sense of peace came
Stephen’s prognosis was extremely
over me as I held him there with the
light spilling over his face for that smile
that my heart had been ripped from my
The Morsch family had Stephen
had no brain function and little
In Beth Morsch’s own words, “I felt
The BlueStreak
she notes, are not given that chance.
with the life-changing news that Stephen
swallowing would be minimal or
Earth as their first child. Many parents,
let me know that we would all be okay.”
Stephen’s funeral mass was held at
body. I found myself unable to breathe
St. Teresa of Avila Church in Price Hill.
at times. I couldn’t believe that this was
Beth delivered her son’s eulogy with
happening to us.”
Jason at her side and she told the story of
December 2013
how their son Stephen held on to this world for eight days
many nonprofit organizations in Cincinnati. That event is
and one hour.
held each November at the Duke Energy Convention Center.
ithin months of Stephen’s death, the Morsch
One of the sponsors of the Night in White event, Lee
family established a scholarship at Good
Krombholz Jewelers, has created a pendant designed from
Samaritan College in his name.
the photocopied footprint of Stephen’s feet. Each recipient of
“We were helped so much by every nurse in the
NICU - their caring, their compassion. We could see in
their faces that they carry that compassion in their hearts.
This is not a job to them, it is a calling and it is God’s
calling,” she said. “We felt good setting up Stephen’s
scholarship knowing that someone’s life was going to be
better today because of our son’s short life.”
In August of 2006, just nine months after Stephen was
born, Beth and Jason came back to Good Samaritan
Hospital to present the first Stephen Jason Morsch 8 Days
and 1 Hour Scholarship at the Good Samaritan College
Scholarship Reception. It was the first time they had
entered the building since Stephen’s death. It was very
difficult to walk back through the parking garage and
into the hospital, Beth remembers. The smell of the
hospital overwhelmed her and she felt panicked and
The Morsch family with Nichole Haight, the 2013 scholarship recipient.
heart-sick. Pregnant with her daughter Maria, Beth says she Nichole will graduate in December and is applying to work in the NICU,
mother baby and labor and delivery units.
felt better knowing this was not the end of a story, but the
the scholarship receives this pendant. Beth and Jason also
The first recipient of the scholarship was Holly Stewart
have given it to some of the nurses who helped care for
‘07, who became a NICU nurse at GSH. When the Morsch
Stephen at Good Samaritan Hospital – GSC graduates who
daughter Emily was born in 2009, Holly stopped in and
received pendants were: Bonnie Nead Weatherford ’81,
thanked them for the scholarship that had helped her become Carolyn Venneman Menner ’73, Neka Hutson Williams ’04
a nurse. Another recipient Stephanie LeGette ‘08 is a travel
nurse who has worked all over the world. Beth and Jason
and Cara Colyer Barrow ’87
“There were countless nurses and doctors that were
keep in touch with her and follow her travels through
incredibly compassionate and beautiful examples of Good
Facebook. Eight students at GSC have benefitted from the
Samaritans, but those nurses stood out in my memory,” Beth
Scholarship since its inception.
he scholarship’s endowment was originally
Each year Beth, Jason and their two daughters attend the
funded through the Morsch family, along with a
GSC Scholarship Reception and personally give Stephen’s
matching gift from Cincinnati Bell. As it became
scholarship to the next recipient. His name continues to be
more established, the family enlisted the help of Amy Scalia,
spoken, Beth says, and his life continues to make a difference
editor of the local online magazine cincychic.com. She
in the world – especially to those GSC students who receive
launched the fundraiser “Night in White,” which shows
the Stephen Jason Morsch 8 Days and 1 Hour Scholarship.
support for the medical field by having all attendees wear
white at the annual spring event. The scholarship fund also
is a beneficiary of the Rusty Ball Fundraiser, which supports
For more information about GSC scholarship funds, contact Kelly Vance, Foundation,
The BlueStreak
December 2013
Alumni Awards recipient
Marjorie Walter with Alumni
Andrea Joy Brown
Francesca Buonsante
Madison Ann Cooley
Brandon Michael Cuffe
Eric Dale Dozier
Chelsey Joelle Erhart
Abby Rae Ertel +
Kendal Rae Fette
Brittany Nicole Florimonte
Stephanie Lauren Fora
Matthew Ryan Foulks
Mary Alice Franz
Elizabeth Marie Hall
Shannon Nicole Hammer
Kendra LeeAnn Hayes +
Jessica Elizabeth Kincaid
Brenda Marie Lotz +
Alise Marie Merkle
Megan Patricia Morgan
Nancy Marie Narwold +
Michael Gerald Osterbrock
The BlueStreak
Nicole Lisa Patterson
Carrie Ann Pierce
Jennifer Ayn Pruitt +
Robert Matthew Rendle
Jamie Rochelle Roos +
Mandy Lynn Scott-Smith
Stacey Morgan Siebert
Matthew Allan Sparks
Kailyn Elizabeth Stelzer
Jessica Christina Stewart
Laura Elizabeth Voet
Marjorie Lynne Walter + * **
Kelsey Elizabeth Wiesman
Jessica Ann Wurzelbacher
Jamie Richelle York
Lindsay Rae Ziegler
+ Academic Honors
* Alumni Award to the
Outstanding Graduate
** Alumni Exemplary Service
December, 2013
May, 2013
Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science
Associate of Applied Science in Nursing
Worth Noting
Registrar Leah Boerger, BA has been selected to serve on
the TriHealth Steering Committee for the 37th Annual Heart
Mini Marathon to be held in March, 2014.
Associate Professor Michele Bunning ’79 MSN, BSN
participated in the 2013 NCLEX-RN ATI All-Stars Webinar in
November. She represented GSC as one of four panelists
sharing strategies which have been utilized to increase and
maintain their College’s high NCLEX pass rates.
Associate Professor Rosemary
Fromer, PHD, MSN, BSN, CNE,
received her Doctoral Hood in August
from Capella University Minneapolis.
Her degree is a Doctor of Philosophy
with a focus on Nursing Education. She
received a Graduation with Distinction
Instructor Nancy Henson, MSN,
BSN, presented “Human Trafficking
Awareness is Key” to the Philippine
Nurses Association of Ohio/Cincinnati
Northern Kentucky Subchapter. Nancy is a member of the Ohio
Attorney General Victims Committee. She works under Dr.
Jeffrey Barrows and they have recently outlined protocols for
health care facilities in Ohio regarding victims/survivors of
human trafficking.
Associate Professor Patricia Zinser Koral ‘68, MSN, BSN,
CSN, and recently retired Associate Professor Jacquelyn
Mayer, MSN, BSN, have been honored by the College of
Mount St. Joseph, Cincinnati. Pat received the Distinguished
Nurse Educator award and Jackie received the Distinguished
Alumni Nurse Leader award. They both were cited for their
work in hospital and education settings.
Associate Professor Michelle Roa,
PhD, MSN, BSN, received her
Doctoral Hood in August from Nova
Southeastern University. Her degree
is a Doctor of Philosophy with a focus
on Nursing Education. She received
Highest Honors with a 4.0 GPA.
Professor Karan Singh, EdD, MS,
BS was the keynote speaker at the 6th
Annual Conference of ALTA
(Associacion Latinoamericana y del
Caribe de Transporte Aero) on Aerotoxic Syndrome. The June
conference was held in Costa Rica.
Learning Specialist Cynthia Sproehnle, MEd, BS has been
appointed to serve on the Governing Board of the National
College Testing Association until 2015, Treasurer of the Ohio
College Testing Association 2013
-14, and Planning Committee
Board Member for the 2014 Great
Lakes Testing Conference.
The Simulation Lab will be
receiving a new Tube Feeding
Simulator thanks to a GSH Guild
Grant that was requested by
Professor Joann SullivanMann, MSN, BSN. The
simulator will be used for training
on EN tubes and utilizes real
liquid foods.
New At The College
Instructor Lisa Cuntz ‘99, MSN, BSN, Nursing II. She
was most recently in the Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit
at GSH.
Instructor Michele Towe Simms ‘07, MSN, MEd, BSN,
Nursing IV. She was an Emergency Room nurse at GSH.
Learning Specialist Cynthia Sproehnle MEd, BS,
Learning Specialist. She previously was at Gateway
Community and Technical College.
Instructor Jacqueline Wright ‘08, MSN, BSN - Nursing
III. She previously taught at
Kettering College of Medical Arts
and was in the Pediatric ICU at
Dayton Children’s Medical
In memory of GSC Bursar
Larry Schaller who passed
away October 3, 2013.
Good Samaritan College wishes to announce that it will host a site review for initial accreditation of its baccalaureate nursing
program by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). You are invited to meet the site visit team and share your
comments about the program in person during the site visit scheduled for the first week of February 2014. Check the College website
and email for further details about the date, time, and location.
Written comments are also welcome and should be submitted directly to:
All written comments should be received by the ACEN by Jan. 27th,
Dr. Sharon Tanner, Chief Executive Officer
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850
Atlanta, GA 30326
Or e-mail: sjtanner@acenursing.org
The BlueStreak
December 2013
Whoot Knew!
Accreditations and
Firsts in the BSN
The BSN program was accredited
by the Higher Learning
Commission in March. The
College is now seeking specialty
accreditation from the
Accreditation Commission for
Education in Nursing (ACEN –
formerly the NLNAC). The BSN
program has been granted ACEN
Candidacy status, and will receive
a site visit in the spring. The
ACEN Board of Commissioners will
then determine accreditation.
Dr. Michelle Roa and Professor Pat
Zinser Koral ‘68, became the first
nursing faculty hired for the BSN
program. The first practicum
course, Population Health Care,
was offered this fall. Students
have been experiencing
community learning through the
Good Samaritan Free Health
Center, TriHealth
Ministries, and
The first
graduates of the
BSN Program will
receive their
degrees in May,
The BlueStreak
Moodling It Up
Student O Officers
President: Joe Coz
Vice-President: Jennifer Snyder
VP - Community Action: Emily
VP - Student Activities: Sarah
VP - Fundraising: Tricia Hurst
Secretary: Hannah Wright
Treasurer: Melissa Jones
Student Advisory Council
Tiffany Adams
Mindy Cole
Mike Perry
Allison Sansone
Alyssa Schrand
Rachel Thatcher
Walking the Walk
With a generous matching
donation from TriHealth, the GSC
team raised more than $5500 in
the 2013 Arthritis Walk held at
Sawyer Point in Cincinnati. The
GSC Articulators were named the
third top fundraising team of the
city-wide event. With 112
walkers, the college also had
more participants than its Christ
College competition, so the
traveling trophy now will be
displayed permanently at GSC.
During the summer, staff became
students when they attended
sessions to learn about Moodle,
the new software system that is
being used to enhance GSC’s
nursing and Gen Ed courses. The
new system is quickly taking hold
in classrooms across the GSC
Tee It
$800 was raised for the Alumni
Fund at the 5th annual GSC
Scholarship Fund Golf Outing held
in June at the Bruin Golf Center,
Kings Island. Mark your calendars
for next year, 6/11/14.
Winning Team
Dave McCowan
Frank Gialloreto
Michael Simmons
Sign Sponsor
Pepe & Son
Hole Sponsors
Mary Morris
Jillian Kent
Ken Pitcher
Mike Douglas
Jennifer Heffron
GSC Library
Jason Slayton
Karen Weber
Mary Jo Kathman
Terrie Getha-Eby
Larry Schaller
December 2013
More than 90 Students receive Scholarships for
2013-14 Academic Year $115,000 awarded. Thank You Donors!
Alumni Association
Melinda Cole
Anastasia Dwelly
Laura Elliott
Courtney Esz
Meghan Giordano
James Hankey
Douglas Heidenreich
Michelle Hodapp
Samantha Lanham
Emily Leigh
Lindsay Michel
Abigail O'Brien
Kara Oehler
Samantha Pelfrey
Desiree Penick-Burrow
Catherine Perry
Mandy Randolph
Natalee Reif
Jonah Salyers
Brooke Sanders
Lisa Schowalter
Margaret Schroeder
Dushawn Sellers
Erin Shine
Joseph Sweeney
Randi Swisshelm
Sarah Tebelman
Miranda Waltermann
Allison Wilkes
Barbara M. Hobbie Memorial
Nursing Scholarship
Alisha Kunz
Betty Rush Scully Scholarship
Alixandra Puthoff
Brunsman Family Scholarship
Kelly Murphy
Carl and Joyce Braun
Lisa Thierauf
Carol Mayborg Scholarship
Carol Lasiewski
Class of 1958 Scholarship Fund
Stephen Brinkman
Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund
Rachel Hamlin
Amanda Stevens
Cora Budde Scholarship
Jaime Suttles
Edward and Rita Ross
Bramkamp Scholarship
Kelly Murphy
Erna Dalton Butler
Jamie Ball
Kacee Jobe
Ginny Roberts Memorial
Tricia Hurst
Alise Merkle
Ellen Schetzer
Good Samaritan Hospital
Guild Scholarship
Kimberly Flanagan
Jessie Hamilton
Kristie Madewell
Good Samaritans Scholarship
Melissa Carley
Helen Coard Scholarship
Nicole Baden
Rebecca Bolger
Melissa Carley
Laura Elliott
Paul Eubanks
Douglas Heidenreich
Michelle Hodapp
Kacee Jobe
Alixandra Puthoff
Jonah Salyers
Shelley Wehder
Helping Hand Scholarship
Gayla Lawson
Jacqueline Boothe Lips
Rebecca Bolger
Jami White
Jan W. Klarquist Single Parent
Nursing Scholarship
Gena Chase
Jane Hartman Whalen
Allison Birkenhauer
Christina Carley
Joan Dornette Scholarship
Megan Cannon
JoAnn Dellegrotti Memorial
Paul Eubanks
Bridget Kinne
John and Mary Sparke
Memorial Scholarship
Behroze Dalal
Josephine Walters CareStar
Joanna DiTullio
Gayla Lawson
Amanda Quaresimo
Jennifer Snyder
Karen Ann Mulholland
Stephen Brinkman
Kathleen Carrigan Scholarship
Lauren Meisman
Marge and Charles J. Schott
Kristopher Anderson
Marian and Roy Evers
Sharethea Fairbanks
Marilee Aubuchon Satchell
Kayla Hountz
Mother Ryan Scholarship
Dorian Fowler
Letitia Munday
Ray Bergman Scholarship
Shelley Wehder
Rita DeFazio Yokers Nursing
Carol Lasiewski
Rita Howe Hutchinson
Memorial Scholarship
Sara Folck
Antoinette Fuller
The BlueStreak
Robert and Christine
Steinmann Family Foundation
Nicole Baden
Gena Chase
Rachel Reno
Rose Marie Niehoff Lukens
Megan Fultz
Shaw Family Scholarship
Joseph Coz
Stephen Jason Morsch 8 Days
1 Hour Scholarship
Nichole Haight
Vivian Honor Oestreicher
Nursing Scholarship
Alyssa Schrand
December 2013
2 0 1 3
Good Samaritan Alumni Association
College of Nursing Annual Campaign 2012-2013
Donations through June 30, 2013
Direct any questions to:
Kelly Vance
GSH Foundation
The College’s goal of $115,000 was reached and surpassed!
Thank you donors! Your generosity makes a difference!
$2,500 or More
Mr. Roger Arling
Good Samaritan College of
Nursing (Miscellaneous)
Jack & Jackie Mayer
Pat McMahon
Ruth Ann Ravenna
$1,000 or More
Clare C. Allaire
Carol L. Belmont
Madeline Bluemle, LTC Ret.
Morris & Lucinda Cohen
Mary Blanche Early
Ginny Roberts Bowling
Ms. Linda Hayes
Jeannette Kansal
Mary Jo Kathman
Hal & Donna Klink
Mr. Willard F Small
The Staubach Family
$500 or More
Edward Anderson
Rita Brickner
Mr. Gerard Buelterman
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Dumbauld
Debra Hettesheimer
Mary L. Irvin
Patricia Kessler
Carol Merkel
Mary Morris, RN, MSN
Nancy Mackenzie Powell
Mr. John S. Prout
Mary Rath
Mary Jo LoParo Roe
Gardenia Butler Roper
Mary Jeanne Ryan
Beth Malone Schurr
Mr. & Mrs. William D.
Mary L. Simcoe
Marianne Hoobler Staubach
Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Weber
$250 or More
Judy Bradley
Susan Goydan Brown
Michele Bunning
Kathryn Caples
Bobbie Lampe Cornell 1961
Katherine Geers Donlon
Joan Dornette
Duke Energy Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Alisa M. Frondorf
Barbara Rukavina Garber
Marilyn Esch Gibel
Good Samaritan College of
Nursing Class of May 2012
Good Samaritan College of
Nursing Class of December
Susan Hanselman
Cathy Hensel
Molly McKenna Hodapp
Nancy Steinwert Horn
Katherine Howell
JoAnn Hoyer
Linda Juengling
Mary Katherine Keegan
Pauline Kelly*
Patricia A. Koral
Mary Ann Kroger
Laureate Delta Mu
Carol Litkenhaus
Dr. and Mrs. Walter
Judy Maraan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGuire
Christopher A. McPhillips
Mr. Kevin Moran
Diane Hawthorne Motz
Rosemary Dister Parker
Patricia Quaresimo
Nancy Cahill Reidy
Mrs. Kenneth H. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Steven C.
Terri Schumacher
JoAnn Strong
Lois Kammerer Wall
Sharon Klepper Walters
Nancy Weber
$100 or More
Sheila G. Abbott
Charlene Adamson
Mr. and Mrs. Lafe E. Adkins
Elizabeth L. Anderson
Kathleen Filbin Arns '50
Eileen Ashurst
Lee Badinghaus
Valerie Woll Badinghaus
Jane Baker
Patricia M. Baldwin
Barbara Bardon
Mary Ellen Bayer
Betty Benken
Julie Berkowitz
Patricia Berning
Deborah A. Beyer
Catherine Gillich Birkle
Ruth Hellmich Bishop
Jane Boden
Susanna Buerger Bonnette
Monica Bourke
Mary Brecount Bernhold
Joan Brogan
Ann Miller Brooks
Bernadette M. Brunsman
Patricia L. Bulcher
Rose Mary Bunke
The BlueStreak
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Carol Ann Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Milissa Couzins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Mary Ann Cieply
Cincinnati Marathon, Inc.
Cincy Chic
Lucie C. Clemons
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Matching Gift Program
Marjorie M. Collins
Mr. Michael Connell
Christy Pace Connelly
Rita Cooper
Barbara Luchsinger Corbett
Martha Hopkins Crothers
Rita Cucinotta
Mary Daly
Paula Daves
Jeanette Dickhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Eckert
Elaine Ehrhard
Janet Ackerman Emmett
Nan Engle
Miss Claire Esselman
Ms. Melissa Favreault
Claire Fedasch
Molly Moran Federle
Diane Mairose Feeney
Sylvia Feist
Patricia Ferschke
Joann C. Finn
Ann Marie Friedmann
Eileen M. Funk
Kate Gaunt
Mary Ann Geeslin
General Electric Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Teresa Getha Eby
Sandy Bayless Gleeson
Glenro, Inc.
GSH Clinical Documentation
Matt Gunderman
Cathie Habegger
Hamilton Township
Janet Hammericksen
Andrea Beckman Hardcorn
Jeanne Harjo
Alvin H. Harmeyer
Lisa Harper
Candy Jean Hart
Nancy Hastings
L. Patricia Hauser
Kathleen A. Havlin M.D.
Claire Hazel
Nancy Hellman
Margie Hermann
Jeannette Hildebrandt
Isabelle Karen Hill
Christine Hiltz
Valerie Hobbs
Dorothy Beck Hollenkamp
December 2013
JoAnn Hoppenjans
Mary Joan Huber
Carolyn J. Huls
Jeannine Imhoff
Yvonne C. Irvin
Zita Klett Jeanmougin
Joanne M. Johnson
Georgene Jones
Rita Jones
Sherri Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C.
Anne Kenney
Denise L. Klaber
Eugene W. Klaber
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C.
Karen Knapp
Marlene E. Kocher
Patricia Kremers
Rita J. Krempin
Karen Krieg
Krombholz Jewelers
Loraine Krue
Mary Ann Krusling
Barbara Kube
Dorthy Kuhlman
Marjorie Breslin Kuhlman
Darlene Lageman
Elaine Lameier
Patricia S. Landon
Kathy Balser Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T.
Layden Jr.
Bernice M. Lazar
Margaret Cooney Leary
Eileen M. Lenhard
Lindsey Livingston
Dolores Saelinger Lorenz
Anita Lutz
Mary Lynch
Julia K. Mahoney
Alice Martin
Beth Mastriani
Meredith Mathias
Michelle Matthews
Nancy Maurer
Brenda K. McMillen
Rose A. McNelis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. K.
Donna M. Montgomery
Mary G. Moran
Jo Ann Mueller
Elizabeth Mullen
Patricia Murray
Kimberly A. Navaro
Arlene M. Niehaus
Jane Niehoff
Mary Niewahner
Anita Marie Oblinger
Dorothy Osterhage
Karen Osterhout
Patricia R. Pasquinelli
Winifred Payne
Pat Plas
Pamela W. Popp
Myrtis H. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Prater
Margaret Progler
Karen Rahe
Donna Miller Ranker
Pauline Ratermann
Mary C. Rebold
Norma C. Rieder
Marcia Rigling
Mary Rizor
Pauline Rohde
Janet Roth
Mary T. Ruggerie
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco P.
Lucinda Hurley Sauer
Reita Kiessling Schmidt
Joan TenBieg Schulte
Diana M. Schutte
Carol Shannon
Mrs. Dianne Shaughnessy
and Mr. Jonathan Taylor
Betty Singler
Mary Brinker Skahan
Beverly Smith
Mary Kay Smith
Shirley Smith
Margaret N. Sohmer
Regina Soloria
JoAnn Sommer
Mrs. Cheryl D. Spencer
Spirit of Cincinnatus, Inc.
Kathleen Steele
Alene Stevens
Rosemary K. Stoeser
Diane Schlake Stonefield
Kathleen Strenk
Joyce Sullivan
Maria E. Sullivan
Joann Sullivan-Mann
Jeanne-Marie Tapke
Mary Sandra Tippenhauer
Alice Tse
Pattie and Dennis Tull
Sally Verdin
Ann D'Arcy Visconti
Carol A. Vlasich
Robin Wagner
Edith Waldrop
Marie Walling
Jane C. Whalen
Nancy A. Wilberding
Rita Williams
Ann Wilmers
Philomena Wirth
Sally Wolfer
Marianne Teten Wuebker
Maria Wynn
Anita Abanto-Pretty
Bernice Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B.
Mary Ann Albrinck
Doris E. Altenau
Mr. James Amato
Geri Franz Amrhein
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl W.
Mary A. Angst
Karen Anzel
Ms. Nancy Apfel
Daryl Asbrock
Christine M. Atkins
Jean Ann Auberger
Jean A. Baehner
Gretchen Ball
Yvonne C. Balzer
Mary M. Barker
Christine Barney
Margaret A. Barth
Barbara Bartlett
Kathleen Hand Bastin
Jo-Ann Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Sabrena Bedwell
Mary Bell
Carolyn Gustin Bellman
Kelley Bender
Elizabeth Dodson Bennett
Michele Benson
Ms. Janet M. Berger
Linda Berting
Elaine Imbus Best
Mariann Biedenharn
Maureen Bill
Darrith M. Bishop
Ruth A. Bittner
Ms. Kimberly R. Bley, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V.
Lorraine Bloemer
Paula Wiedeman Blue
Nancy Bockerstette
Jean Boehme
Lynn M. Bolin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Maureen Bosken
Cheryl Brunsman
Lillian M. Bosse
Michelle Bosse
Anna M. Bowman
Elaine Brabec
Rosemarie Werning Brafford
Mrs. Chris Brand
Mary Ann Brauer
Ms. Joy Braun
Katherine Braun
Nancy Brauning
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brennan
Peggy Breslin
Jean Bresnen
Donna Bretnitz
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H.
Kisha Britton
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broerman
Darlene Brooks
Margy Brown
Samirah Brown
Tisha Bruemmer
Marien Bryson
Linda Buckmaster
Jeanette M. Buller
Joanie Burrell
2 0 1 3
Pamela L. Burton
Mary Jean Bushman
Patricia Cahill
Kimberly Candrl
Kristina Carlisle
Alice Carney
Lori Luken Casnellie
Jane Dorenbusch Cassidy
Ms. Angela M. Charron
Jana Chavez
Virginia L. Clear
Joleen Cullen Coffaro
Mary Beth Combs
Marguerite Comparetto
Julie Connelly
Jeanette K. Cooley
Mary Maxine Ruhenkamp
Janice Copfer
Mr. Joseph M. Coz
Julie Crossen
Mary Kay Crotty
Mr. Brandon Cuffe
Judy Sziraky Culbertson
Teresa Curtis
D. S. Engineering, LLC
Dolores Daniel
Carroll Daniels
Barbara L. Davey
Cathy Davis
Judith Davoran
Phyllis Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Day
Janet Deutsch
Joan Lonnemann Deye
Sheila C. Dick
Arlene Diersing
Debora Dine
Connie Dinwiddie
Lynn Dirkhising
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dirr
Alan Doerman
Patricia A. Doller
Carol Dolzine
Margie Steimer Donovan
Mary Beth Doran
Michael Douglas
Harriett Rolfes Doyle
Amy Dressman
Gail Clear Duff
Joan Dumbacher
Kathleen A. Dunn
Sharon Eaves
Mr. and Mrs. Urban G.
Ebert Jr.
Diane Eble
Mary Egan
Ann E. Enderle
Mr. Philip Enzweiler
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L.
Martha B. Ernst
Mary Beth Exeler
Barbara L. Faecher
Lisa Ann Fair
Amy E. Fathman
Joan Fattlar
Marguerite M. Fearn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.
Feldhaus Jr.
Bobbie Niehaus Ferrara
Ms. Kendall Fette
Fifteenth St. Project
Donna Findley
Dawn Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Damian Fischer
Kathleen Ann Florea
Carol Mountel Flournoy
Marian Foote
Ms. Stephanie Fora
Rose Marie Forbeck
Jeannette Saul Fox
Robin Fox
Judith A. Francis
Ms. Mary Alice Franz
Laurie A. Freese
Kay Fritschi
Peggy Frondorf
Mary Rose Galbraith
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Gast
Marion Phillips Geil
Patricia Geiss
Molly George
Patricia Daria Gerke
Theresa Gertz-Kelsey
Dorothy M. Gillen
Barbara Gillman Lamping
Elizabeth Giuseffi
Terri Giwer
Beverly Gladish
Jeanne Glassmeyer
Robert J. Good
Julia Greene
Valerie L. Grein
Carol Grimm
Margaret Grogan
Patricia Gulden
Laura Hagen
Mary Lou Amrhein Haley
Ann Marie Halverstadt
Ms. Shannon Hammer
Virginia Hansen
Marlene Harmon
Mary Ann Hart
Diane Hartman
Dorothy M. Hathorn
Ms. Kendra Hayes
Rose Ann Hayes
Pamela J. Healy
Mary Carol Heidrich
Mary Lou Heiselmann
Sandra P. Held
Marianne E. Helmchen
Connie J. Henderson
Carol J. Henshaw
Ms. Nancy M. Henson
Virginia A. Herbers
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C.
Martha Herriff
Mary Lou Hinton Heyob
Linda Hinson
Jayne A. Hirth
Susan Hiyama
Margaret S. Hoban
Janice M. Hodapp
Beatrice Hodovanic
Jean A. Hoelker
Vera F. Hoffman
Bonnie Hofmann
Nancy L. Hollmann
Sandra Holman
Laberta Holowiecki
Karen L. Honkomp
Nancy Honschopp
Constance Hornbach
Pamela Hornsberger
Joan Hudepohl
Jill Hughes
Michael Hughes
Dolores Imam
Diane Indriksons
Bonita L. Jackson
Helen Claire Jacobs
Susan Jacobs
Edith M. Jacobs
Suzanne Johannigman
Karen B. Johansing
Ms. Nicole Johns
Mariann Lindeman Johnson
Pamela M. Johnson
Sandra W. Johnson
Dorothy Elbert Jones
Ms. Ernestine W. Jones
Gloria L. Jones
Joyce M. Josephic
Mr. Joseph Kappen II
Mary Mitchell Kappesser
Ms. Donna Karda
Marion Keen
Jamie L. Keipert
Ruth M. Kenkel, RN
Mary Jo Kern
Ceil M. Kessler
Vivian M. Ketterer
Barbara Perazzo Kettler
Rita Kettler
Charlotte E. Kettman
Tamara Kilbride
Mr. Joseph M. Kindt
Mary C. Kissel
Alice Klaserner
Betty J. Klein
Kathleen Egan Klein
Nancy Klusman
Rita A. Kneflin
Sister Celestia Koebel
Arlene M. Koon
Mary Lou Kopmeyer
Carol Krabbe
Sandra Lynn Krabbe
Pamela A. Krieg
Mary Kay Kristofferson
Barbara Ann Krollmann
Colleen Kuderer
Diana M. Labadie
Rosalyn Lagedrost
Susanne Rohe Lahrman
Debra A. Lampe
Stephanie LeGette
Diane Lemen
Shirley Leopold
Mary LeSaint
Liquor Outlet, LLC
Janet Krummen Long
Pat Longi
Betsy Schuler Lorenzi
Jennifer Lusheck
Melissa Lutz
Anne Lyons
Lois M. Lytle
Barbara Dwyer Mack
Marilyn Maegley
Clara E Mahler
Doreen Makara
Jill Malay
Ms. Joann E. Mann
Debra Caudill Mardis
Jeanne Markle
Judith Marx
Mary Margaret Mast
Margaret Mathews
Carol Ann Mayborg
Maureen Peters McCabe
Colleen Mullen McCafferty
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C.
Ms. Mimi McClatchey
The McClatchey Family
Linda McConnell
Mr. Dave McCowan
Kathy McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A.
Mary Ann McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A.
Wilma McGlasson
Dee McGuire
Darlene McKernan
Mary M. Mecklenborg
Jane M. Menke
Carolyn A. Menner
Joan Merritt
Ronda Mesmer
Marilyn J. Methven
Marilyn Durkin Metz
Dee Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T.
Mary Jo Meyer
Nancy Meyer
Susan Meyer
Ms. Kelly M. Miller
Mary Lou Miller
Mary A. Millisor
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J.
Mary Kay Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Monti
Sharon E. Moore
Sharon Moore
Jean Weber Morgan
Ms. Megan Morgan
Rose M. Morrisey
Kathleen C. Moster
Ms. Maureen Mullen
Peggie Munson
Mary Holman Nau
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A.
Susan Newland
Vickie Neyer
Ann Marie Nie
Julie Applemann Nieberding
Marilyn Niehaus
Kathy Niemann
Mary L. Norris
Sheila J. Novosel
Jill Nutter
Patricia Dabbelt O'Brien
Mary A. Oka
Helen Olding
Mavis O'Leary
Rosario P. Ongkiko
Mary Helen Ostendarp
Paula Osterday
Josephine A. Ottaviani
Julie L. Packer
Julie Paeltz
Ms. Dorothy Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parks
Odell Pearl
Jean Pennisi
Dianne Pentenburg
Patricia Perkins
Marlene Pfarr
Ursula Pfeiffer
Ms. Carrie Pierce
Jennifer L. Pierce
Lori Pike
Carrie Pohlman
Phyllis Cull Poletz '50
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R.
Katharine Price
Procter & Gamble Fund
Matching Gift Program
Kathy Moran Proffitt
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R.
Ms. Catherine M. Rahmes
Joan Rairden
Connie S. Randol
Valerie F. Ratchford
Julia Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R.
Betty Rein
Paula Ress
Janet M. Retzler
Susan Reutman
Cindy A. Rhoads
Gina L. Rice
Peggy Rickard
Ms. Terri Rieser
Sister Jeanne Roach, S.C.
Holly Robertson
Linda Streb Roeder
Pat Vest Roeller
Janice Roenker
Elizabeth D. Rohs
Jane M. Rohs
Jamie Roos
Mr. Janos M. Roper, R.N.
Mary Diers Rosselot
Constance L. Roth
Kathleen Rottman
Teresa S. Ruman
Jeanne Hess Rutherford
Joan C. Ryan
Carol Sander
Brooke Sanders
Shirley Perez Sanders
Rosemary Sandker
Ms. Ethel Sandlin
Ms. Judy Santel
Larry Schaller*
Donna Schlake
Marianne Schlinkert
Margaret Kues Schneider
Yvonne Meyer Schneider
Mr. Eric H. Schneiderman
Patricia H. Schoo
Patricia Schorsch
Margaret Blair Schrand
Elizabeth Schuermann
Mr. & Mrs. R. Kenneth
Joan Schultz
Margaret Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory H.
Carol A. Schwab
Carol Schweitzer
Evelyn Richter Schweitzer
Marianne Schwerman
Tina L. Grundhoefer
Mary Kay Herman Seifert
Anne Shaffer
Mary Jo Shearer
Bernarda Simendinger
Sharon Singer
Ms. Phyllis A. Skidmore
Carolyn Heller Skinner
Mary Colleen Slager
Mr. Jason S. Slayton
Carol Sliwa
Janice E. Smith
Lois H. Smith
Mary Ann Smith
Vicki Smith
Marlene Snodgrass
Carol Peters Soete
Dorothy Crawford Soller
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Solsman
JoAnn Sonntag
The BlueStreak
Mara Spaccarelli
Mr. Matthew Sparks
Ms. Andrea M. Speckter
Carrie Sprague
Charlene Stanley
Rita Stapleton
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict
Diane Stauffer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. & Mrs. Donnie J.
Margaret A. Stemen
Bonnie Strassell
Jacquelyn Strayer
Sally Townsend Stypinski
Kathy Supe
Sister Maura Jean Tapke
Sarah Taulbee
Kathleen A. Taylor
Ms. Mae Beth Taylor
Mary Kay Taylor
Myra O'Neil Thiemann
Carol A. Thomas
Catherine Clancy Thurin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tibbets
Mary Jane Toerner-Brown
Anna E. Tollner
Jo Ann Sepate Tompkins
Annie L.Tromey
Pamela Tudor
Delores Turner
Mary Ann Turner
Jeanne M. Uhl
Barbara Ulm
Marianne Ulmer
Anne Miller Varner
Elizabeth Verkley
Christina Vest
Eileen A. Vester
Victor M. Villarejos, Jr.
Kathleen Voelker
Ms. Ann Volz
Nancy VonBenken
Cecile Walsh
Virginia Fleming Walsh
Ms. Marjorie Walter
Ms. Heather L. Ward
Kristin Warren
Katherine M. Waters
Waters Pharmacy, Inc.
Bonnie Weatherford
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Webb
Wilma Weidl
Joy Burnett Weidner '67
Patricia L. Welling
Rita Rockenfield Wellinghoff
Helen Jeanette Wess
Rita West
Diane M. Westerfield
Ann S. Weyler
Mary Whalen
Margaret Brodbeck WhiteSherlock
Arlene Wilgenbusch
Christine Wilhelm
Yvonne Dubach Wilkins, '63
Barbara Brown Williams
Dori Williams
Ellen Williams
Jo Williams
Melissa Williams
Marie Willingham
Clare Wilson
Ruth Ann Wimmel
Laurie Windt
Patricia Witsken
Carol Wittkamp
December 2013
2 0 1 3
Cheryl L. Wittmeyer
Anne Marie Wolfer
Michele J. Wood
Sarah Wood
Jessica D. Woodruff
Claire Woycke
Jessica A. Wurzelbacher
Jane Wyman
Kris Yakura Kurtz
Nancy Disque Yenke
Mary F. Young
Carol Yungbluth
Karen M. Zimmer
Women of Compassion
Rita Ross Bramkamp ‘57
Jane Whalen ‘79
Mary Jo LoParo Roe ‘63
Gray Children &
Mary Jo Kathman
Homecoming 2013
Silent Auction/Raffle
Adriatico’s Pizza
Archbishop Moeller High
Cincinnati Nature Center
Cincinnati Playhouse in the
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Symphony
DuBois Book Store
Eddie Lane’s Diamond
Claire Kettler Fedasch ’70 &
Jerry Fedasch
Good Samaritan Alumni
Association Board of
Good Samaritan College
Hamilton County Park
Maurice Henning, GSC Asst.
Hilvers Catering
Kings Island
Mary Morris ’75, GSC
Department Chair
Proud Rooster Restaurant –
Ruth Ann Sparke
Ravenna ‘61
Rising Star Casino & Resort
The Bonbonerie
TriHealth Library Services
Gifts in Tribute
n Honor of…
Dr. Marc A. Alexander
Ms. Donna M. Dick
Clare Allaire
Tisha Bruemmer
Ms. Donna Karda
Mary Jo Kathman
Mr. Dave McCowan
Jill Nutter
Lori Pike
Theresa R. Schumacher
Edward Anderson ‘91
Clare Allaire
Nicholas Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Barwell
Mrs. Barbara Bardon
Ms. Nancy Apfel
Ms. Diana Brunsmann
Ms. Kimberly R. Bley, R.N.
Cathy Davis ‘04
Clare Allaire
Paulette L.
Demarkowski ‘68
Beatrice Hodovanic
Mr. Carlyle Dorroh
Margaret Mathews
Elaine Ehrhard
Clare Allaire
Mr. Michael Connell
Amy Dressman
Beverly Gladish
Ms. Nancy M. Henson
Beatrice Hodovanic
Yvonne C. Irvin
Mary Jo Kathman
Marion Keen
Patricia Koral
Barbara Ann Krollmann
Jack & Jackie Mayer
Delores McGuire
Patricia McMahon
Mary Morris
Karen Osterhout
Ms. Terri Rieser
Janice Roenker
Theresa R. Schumacher
JoAnn Sommer
Diane Stauffer
JoAnn Strong
Joann Sullivan-Mann
Jane Wyman
Nancy Gibson ‘66
Mary Ann Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J.
Jeanne Glassmeyer
GSHSN Class of 1955
Anonymous Donor
GSHSN Class of 1958
Arlene M. Koon
Marianne Helmchen ‘58
GSHSN Class of 1961
Patricia Geiss
Mary Rizor
50th Anniversary Class Gift
- GSHSN Class of 1963
Patricia Passmore Berning
Elaine Imbus Best
Susanna Buerger Bonnette
Susan Goydan Brown
Mary Ann Egan Cieply
Virginia Wagner Clear
Christy Pace Connelly
Barbara Luchsinger Corbett
Carroll Haney Daniels
Arlene Schwab Diersing
Katherine Geers Donlon
Barbara Wilhelmy Faecher
Paricia Werner Ferschke
Joann Mullaney Finn
Barbara Rukavoma Garber
Mary Ann Busse Geeslin
Molly Machock George
Janet Davenport
Nancy Hastings
L. Patricia Smith Hauser
Claire Edelmayer Hazel
Molly McKenna Hodapp
Bonnie Bertke Hoffman
Sandra Sue Doughman
Diane Weigel Indriksons
Georgene Podracky Jones
Mary Ann Riedinger
The BlueStreak
The 2014 Annual Fund Campaign has
With the addition of the BSN program, our
student population is growing quickly and more
than 89% of them receive financial aid to help
them pay for their nursing education. Help us
help the nurses of tomorrow!
Thank you,
Julie Nieberding ‘88
2014 Annual Fund Chair
Elaine Zukowski Lameier
Bernice Duffy Lazar
Carol Koetter Litkenhaus
Anita Melelko Lutz
Dolores Fossell Meyer
Nancy Glaser Mueller
Mary Holman Nau
Mary Norris
Rosemary Dister Parker
Mary Jo LoParo Roe
Patricia Vest Roeller
Reita Kiessling Schmidt
Marianne Gress Schlinkert
Patricia Traut Schorsch
Carol Hofmann Schweitzer
Mary Dyer Shearer
Marianne Hoobler Staubach
Joyce Stein Sullivan
Marianne Dewey Ulmer
Marie O’Neil Walling
Yvonne Dubach Wilkins
Patricia Powell Welling
Michele Martin Wood
GSHSN Class of 1966
Carol A. Schwab
GSHSN Class of 1967
Mary Margaret Mast
Molly Hodapp ‘63
Mary Jo Roe
Mr. Thomas E. Imhoff
Good Samaritan College of
Holly & Connor Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Jung
Loraine J. Keller ‘46
Mary M. Barker
Dr. Margaret LeMasters
Mrs. Laurel Abrams
Dr. Joann M. Lohr
Mrs. Sue Hurley
Patricia Longi ‘64
Donna Findley
Mr. & Mrs. Tony J.
Mastriani Jr.
Donna M. Montgomery
Carol Ann Mayborg
Brooke Sanders
Jacquelyn Mayer
Clare Allaire
Deborah A. Beyer
Mr. Gerard Buelterman
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Cohen
Joan Dornette
Amy Dressman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Eckert
Elaine Ehrhard
Ann Friedmann
Ms. Nancy M. Henson
Beatrice Hodovanic
December 2013
Yvonne C. Irvin
Mary Jo Kathman
Marion Keen
Mr. & Mrs. Howard C.
Patricia Koral
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T.
Layden Jr.
Carol Ann Mayborg
Patricia McMahon
Mary Morris
Karen Osterhout
Janice Roenker
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco P.
Theresa R. Schumacher
Mr. Jason S. Slayton
JoAnn Sommer
JoAnn Strong
Joann Sullivan-Mann
Sarah Taulbee
Jane Wyman
Karen M. McGee
Nancy M. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miller
Donna M. Montgomery
Dr. Brion Moran
Mary G. Moran
Mrs. Mary Lou Morrison
Eileen Ashurst
Nancy M. Powell
Clare Allaire
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E.
Prater Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James A.
Mrs. Chris Brand
Ms. Joy Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Broerman
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Dirr
Margie Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H.
Feldhaus Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C.
Mr. Joseph M. Kindt
Ms. Joann E. Mann
Ms. Mimi McClatchey
The McClatchey Family
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. K.
Ms. Maureen Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Parks
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Prater
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Prater
Ms. Phyllis A. Skidmore
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict
Ms. Ann Volz
Patricia Witsken
Ruth Ann Ravenna ‘61
Clare Allaire
Frances E. Richardson
Beatrice Hodovanic
Jane M. Schappacher
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
Lisa Scorpio ‘79
Anonymous Donor
Betty Singler ‘55
Mrs. Bernadette M.
St. Ursula Academy
Dorothy Crawford Soller
Rosemary Stoeser ‘39
Joyce Sullivan
Patricia Weiner
Beatrice Hodovanic
n Memory of…
Paul Alexander
Mary Jeanne Ryan
Noreen Allaire
Clare Allaire
Irwin & Tirzah Amrein
Patricia L. Bulcher
Howard Ankenbauer
Lynn M. Bolin
GSH Clinical Documentation
Mary Lee Atkins ‘44
Christine M. Atkins
Dolores Beckman
Andrea Hardcorn
Margaret Berning ‘41
Ms. Ernestine W. Jones
William J. Blocker
Patricia Kremers
Dr. David Jack Brecount
Mary Bernhold
Rosann M. Brennan ‘48
Mary T. Ruggerie
Jean Ann Bruns ‘58
Ms. Mary E. Skahan
Patricia A. Brunsman
Mrs. Bernadette M.
Nancy Buelterman ‘74
Mr. Gerard Buelterman
Peggy Frondorf
Sybil A. Burt
Meredith Mathias
Clorinda Caproni ‘48
Mr. & Mrs. Lafe E. Adkins
Clare Allaire
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl W.
Bristow Pharmacy/Bob &
Gail Waters & Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Day
Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Gast
Margaret S. Hoban
Mary Jo Kathman
Pauline C. Kelly*
Vivian M. Ketterer
Mary Lynch
Rose M. Morrisey
Diane Hawthorne Motz
Ms. Dorothy Pappas
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R.
Theresa R. Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory H.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Solsman
Glenro, Inc.
Mary Frances Carnes ‘34
Mrs. Margaret Schneider
Kathleen Carrigan ‘69
Charlene Adamson
Clare Allaire
Barbara Bartlett
Patricia A. Doller
Gail A. Duff
Teresa Getha Eby
Carol J. Henshaw
JoAnn Hoppenjans
Sandra W. Johnson
Barbara M. Kettler
Janet Long
Arlene Niehaus
Sheila J. Novosel
Dianne Pentenburg
Kathleen Rottman
Theresa R. Schumacher
Evelyn Schweitzer
Mary L. Simcoe
Kathleen Voelker
Nancy J. VonBenken
Jane C. Whalen
Ida Casey
Elaine Ehrhard
Joseph M. Coffaro
Joleen Coffaro
Daniel Connell Jr.
Rosemary Stoeser
Thelma Cull ‘22
Phyllis Poletz
Joann Dellegrotti ‘66
Mr. James Amato
Mary Lou Heiselmann
Rita Jones
Josephine A. Ottaviani
Mary C. Rebold
Mr. & Mrs. William D.
Diane Stonefield
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Tull
James F. Disque
Nancy Disque Yenke
Elisa Domingo
Betty J. Klein
Lucia Ebbing
Patricia M. Baldwin
Sr. Margaret Ebbing ‘42
Patricia M. Baldwin
Ewers & Enderle Family
Ann Enderle
Mary Jane Fleming ‘46
Margaret S. Hoban
Peggy Foster ‘84
Linda K. Hinson
Holly Robertson
Janet Fry ‘59
Patricia Daria Gerke
2 0 1 3
Helen Gibbons ‘47
Jean Boehme
Laura Glassmeyer
Jeanne Glassmeyer
Thomas J. Gleeson Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gleeson
Nola Godfrey
Ruth Ann Ravenna
GSHSN Class of 1948
Lois M. Lytle
GSHSN Class of 1961
Nancy Reidy
Sally N. Verdin
GSHSN Class of 1965
Jeanne Saul Fox
Constance Hackett
Gretchen Ball
Kathleen Haley ‘32
Ellen Williams
Eileen Heider
Julia K. Mahoney
Mary Jane Toerner-Brown
Lois Ann Helfrich ‘59
Patricia Daria Gerke
Nancy Horn-Spillane
Frances Henkel ‘68
Linda Berting
Robert Herzog
Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Bley
Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Brewer
Mr. & Mrs. Urban G.
Ebert Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H.
Feldhaus Jr.
Mr. Joseph Kappen II
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. K.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Prater
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Sr. Grace M. Hiltz ‘42
Christine Hiltz
Betty J. Hunt ‘48
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A.
Edmond & Mary Joseph
Beverly Smith
Barbara Karig ‘70
Claire Fedasch
Pauline C. Kelly ‘48
Margaret S. Hoban
Vivian M. Ketterer
Tanya Marie Siebert
Klaber ‘65
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Alma E. Knecht ‘39
Janet Deutsch
Virginia Kvasnicka ‘61
Anne M. Varner
Cathleen Lally ‘67
Ms. Mary E. Skahan
Grover C. Lawson
Mary Kathleen Lawson
Ruby Leopold
Shirley Leopold
Lisa Limerick ‘03
Mrs. Pat Bleh
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bonfield
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A.
Edgar S. Lotspeich
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Ahlers
Ms. Janet M. Berger
Ms. Angela M. Charron
Mr. Philip Enzweiler
Ms. Melissa Favreault
Mr. & Mrs. Damian Fischer
Molly Hodapp
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Molloy
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R.
Ms. Catherine M. Rahmes
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R.
Ms. Ethel Sandlin
Mr. & Mrs. R. Kenneth
Mrs. Dianne Shaughnessy &
Mr. Jonathan Taylor
Ms. Andrea M. Speckter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tibbets
Hamilton Township
Fifteenth St. Project
Rose M. Lukens ‘51
Clare Allaire
Carol L. Belmont
Dr. & Mrs. Walter M.
Henry Maertz
Joan Rairden
Adele Mahoney ‘45
Carolyn Skinner
Angela Mairose ‘34
Diane Feeney
Irene Mischell Mairose
Diane Feeney
Fritz Manczyk
Elizabeth Mastriani
Mary Ann McGrath ‘57
Jean A. Hoelker
E. Teresa Miller ‘46
Rosalyn Lagedrost
Anne Mohr ‘33
Judith A. Francis
Mary Mootz ‘67
Karen L. Honkomp
Stephen Jason Morsch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C.
Carolyn A. Menner
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Monti
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Webb
Cincy Chic
Krombholz Jewelers
GSC Graduates Continue
with Superior NCLEX
Passage Rates
In the fall of 2010, GSC began to implement
a new Concept Based Curriculum into the
nursing program. The goal was to improve
NCLEX passage rates for graduates and
prepare them more fully for a nursing career.
The 2012 annual rate for GSC graduates
NCLEX passage is 96.67%. This is more than
six percent higher than the national average
of 90.34% and almost 7% higher than the state
of Ohio’s average of 89.85%.
AASN Department Chair Mary Morris reports
that rates continue to look promising in 2013.
For the first two quarters of this year, GSC’s
passage rate (98.32%) has continued to
surpass national (87.03%) and Ohio (83.89%)
D. S. Engineering, LLC
Cincinnati Marathon, Inc.
The Spirit of Cincinnatus,
Hugh J. Mullen
Colleen M. McCafferty
Warren North
Pauline Rohde
Loraine Pace
Christy A. Connelly
Margaret Pohlgeers ‘61
Jean Ann Auberger
Ann L. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Caruso
Diane Eble
Marilyn A. Gibel
Rose Ann Hayes
Ms. Katherine M. Howell
Diana M. Labadie
Rose A. McNelis
Joan Merritt
Nancy Reidy
Sally N. Verdin
Sharon Walters
James A. Rieder
Norma C. Rieder
Patricia A. Rigsby ‘57
Carol M. Merkel
Kenneth H. Roberts Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A.
Ginny Roberts ‘93
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A.
Mrs. Kenneth H. Roberts
Ginny Roberts Bowling
Wandetta Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Eppert
Carol Rolfes ‘56
Charlotte E. Kettman
Lawrence E. & Mary T.
Mary Colleen Romer Slager
Toni Royce
Patricia Quaresimo
Geri Minges Ruoff ‘77
Linda K. Hinson
Linda Juengling
George & Veneranda
Dolores Imam
Connie Sauerbeck ‘70
Carol Ann Cahill
Claire Fedasch
Robert Savage
Marcia Rigling
Dr. Elmer A. Schlueter
Mrs. Mary S. Krumdieck
Dr. James A. Schlueter
Mrs. Mary S. Krumdieck
Mark Schoenbergern
Nancy M. Powell
Helen C. Schuler
Betsy Schuler Lorenzi
Norma M. Schulz
Katherine M. Waters
Margaret M. Sexton ‘63
Ms. Katherine M. Howell
Mary Kay Kristofferson
Elizabeth Sinatra ‘41
Nancy Honschopp
Dorothy Singer Moran ‘42
Mr. Kevin Moran
Betty Jo Small ‘48
Joleen Coffaro
Willard F. Small Trust
Grace Smith
Sharon L. Eaves
Charlotte Snider ‘50
Eileen A. Vester
Jerome M. Sohmer
Peggy N. Sohmer
John & Mary Sparke
Ruth Ann Ravenna
Betty Sparks
Ms. Katherine M. Howell
Cathy Sziraky
Judy Culbertson
Areta Ann Tapke
Sr. Maura Jean Tapke
Florence Ann Tapke ‘30
Sr. Maura Jean Tapke
Rose Mary Tillman ‘65
Connie Dinwiddie
Regina Soloria
Mary E. Ryan Uehlin
Ann Wilmers
Rev. Robert Vater
Mary M. Mecklenborg
Hank Verstege
Betty J. Klein
Dr. Edwin Glenn
Waldrop Sr.
Edith Waldrop
Mary Jane Bishop
Walsh ‘44
Diane Hawthorne Motz
Helen Webb ‘36
Lucie C. Clemons
Eileen Weber
Mary Kathleen Lawson
Mildred & Sylvan Weigel
Diane Indriksons
Terry Wise ‘66
Mary Jo Meyer
Mary C. Rebold
Annie L. Tromey
Barbara Wolfer ‘55
Sara E. Wolfer
Elizabeth Wolff ‘45
Linda K. Hinson
Sharon E. Moore
Spring Semester 2013 Honors
The following AASN and BSN
students were recognized for
achieving GPA of 3.25 or
Jodi Andres ‘09*
Julie Arnold
Stephen Brinkman
Andrea Brown
Scott Darner
Joanna DiTullio
Jenifer Elsaesser
Abby Ertel
Courtney Esz
Sara Folck
Meghan Giordano
Heather Grant
Sara Hammond
James Hankey
Karen Huber
Sara Hylton ‘04*
Judith Duwel Janka ‘86*
Maggie Johnson
Alan Lockwood
Kristie Madewell
Mary Marker
The BlueStreak
Samantha Martin
Darlene Mokson ‘08*
Samantha Morgan ‘10*
Michael Mullen*
Peyton Napier
Kristine Norris
Patricia Patton*
Catherine Perry ‘12*
Caroline Roberto
Debara Oaks Rogers ‘97*
Connie Walerius Ruff ‘91*
Jonah Salyers, Jr
Brooke Sanders ‘08*
Ellen Schetzer
Margaret Brueggemeyer
Schroeder ‘88*
Rachel Schroff
Erin Shine
Mackenzie Smith
Chelsea Soward
Randi Swisshelm
Lisa Thierauf
Joan Von Korff*
Alexandria Watson
Shelley Wehder
*BSN Program
December 2013
April 25, 26 Homecoming Weekend 2014
April 25, Friday
Evening Get-together
Cock and Bull Rest., 2645 Erie Ave, Hyde Park Square, 45208
Visit with GSC faculty, alumni and friends
Enjoy Appetizers and Cash Bar
April 26, Saturday
GSH 4th floor Conference Center
Join us for reminiscing and camaraderie. Raffle, Split-the-Pot
and Silent Auction (special Auction item is 1 week rental of Santa
Rosa, Fla. Beach home)! Classes ending in a “4” and “9” will
celebrate reunions but ALL Alumni are encouraged to attend.
Watch for your invitation in March!
Reunion Class Contact Volunteers Needed for Classes ending in
‘4’ and ‘9’. Act as liaison with your classmates - with lots of help
from the alumni office!
Donna Karda, 513-862-3727, donna_karda@trihealth.com.
June 11, Wednesday
6th Annual GSC Golf Scramble
Tee Off - 11:30am, Bruin Golf Center Kings Island, Mason, Ohio
Play 9-holes, then enjoy a Grill Out Buffet and Raffle.
Form a Team! Golfers (or non-golfers) welcome!!
Jason Slayton, 513-862-1678, Jason.slayton@email.gscollege.edu
Date TBD
Summer Seminar
Continuing Education for RNs. See website and
mailings for additional information.
February 11, 13, 17, 19
Phonathon for 2014 Alumni Annual Fund
Good Samaritan College
Orientation & Light supper – 5:30pm, Calls – till 8:30pm
We welcome Alumni volunteers during our four-night Phonathon.
Pick a day that works for you, join with your alumni friends and
help make calls.
Clare Allaire, 513-862-2389, clare_allaire@trihealth.com
March 22 & 23, 29 & 30
Ginny Roberts Bowling Tournament
Gilmore Lanes, 5595 Dixie Highway, Fairfield, Ohio
The tournament raises thousands of dollars every year for the
Ginny Roberts Memorial Scholarship.
To form a team, contact Gilmore Lanes 513-874-3838
Apply Now for 2014 Alumni Association Graduate
Alumni of GSC/GSHSN who are continuing their
education in a degree program are encouraged to apply for
scholarships available through the Alumni Association.
Scholarships are designed to help meet tuition expenses. Ten
graduates received $17,000 in 2013 scholarship awards.
The 2014 Alumni Graduate Scholarships will be awarded to
alumni pursuing a Masters or Doctorate degree and to alumni
pursuing a Bachelor’s degree at an institution other than GSC.
Alumni in the GSC Bachelor of Nursing program should contact
the college Financial Aid Department for separate scholarship
Alumni who are pursuing a Nursing Education degree should
submit the Graduate Scholarship Application to be considered for
the Nancy Mackenzie Powell Scholarship which was established
for alumni seeking a Master or Doctorate in Nursing Education.
For more information or to request an application, contact
Alumni Secretary Clare Allaire, 513-862-2389,
clare_allaire@trihealth.com. Completed applications are due by
March 15, 2014 and scholarship recipients will be announced in
Pamela Gindele Krieg ‘81, Alumni Association President
Fellow Alumni,
Wishing you a Happy Holiday!
I want to let you know of a few changes that will be taking place to the 2015 Graduate Scholarship supported by the Alumni Annual
Fund (there are no changes in the 2014 Graduate Scholarship). In light of the college offering a BSN program of its own, beginning in
January 2015, the criteria to be considered for the scholarship will change.
 Only alumni pursuing a graduate education in post-Bachelor programs will be eligible for the 2015 Alumni Graduate Scholarship.
 Alumni enrolled in the GSC BSN program will continue to be eligible for the Alumni Undergraduate Scholarship for GSC
 Alumni seeking an undergraduate BSN degree from other institutions will no longer be eligible for the Alumni Graduate
Post-Bachelor applications will continue to be processed in the current manner, with funds being awarded by the Alumni Association
Graduate Scholarship Committee. Monies are distributed as available from the endowment.
We are excited about the new BSN program and look forward to GSC adding graduate programs in the next few years. When GSC
begins to offer graduate education, Alumni Scholarships then will be reserved for alumni attending the GSC graduate degree program.
As always, thank you for your support of the Annual Fund, which makes our student and graduate scholarships possible.
The BlueStreak
December 2013
Molly McKenna Hodapp ’63 (Alumni
Association Board of Directors) was recently
honored as one of “Mary Jo’s Angels” by the
Mary Jo Cropper Family Breast Center at
TriHealth’s Bethesda North Hospital. Her
nomination reviewed Molly’s personal
experiences with breast cancer and her
ongoing work on behalf of cancer patients.
She has attended and led breast cancer
support groups, volunteered at Hospice,
visits the Bone Marrow Unit to support
patients there, and has been involved in the
Clovernook Country Club “Rally for the
Carol Martin Belmont ’67 recently retired
as Vice-President of Dell Services Healthcare
Consulting Practice. She was previously Vice
-President at IBM and at Ernst and Young.
Carol worked at GSH until 1989 when she
began consulting work.
Kathy Oates Finkelmeier ’72 recently
retired from Mercy Hospital Western Hills
after 41 years. She worked in the Cardiac
Cath/Special Procedure Lab for the last 26
Diane Deye Kramer ’73 retired on
September 30 from Mercy Hospital Western
Hills, where she worked in the Cardiac Cath/
Special Procedure Lab.
Colleen Albers Richter ’73 was named GSH
August 2013 Employee of the Month. She
was cited for her work in developing a
database to identify risk factors for corneal
abrasion after general anesthesia and then
developing an intervention. The result was a
dramatic decrease in corneal abrasions.
Colleen works in the PACU.
Martha Bredestege ’77 was nominated for
recognition in the recent Johnson & Johnson
Amazing Nurse contest. She was chosen as
one of ten finalists from 1,000 nominations.
Martha is a Hospice Nurse and her
nomination described her work with her
hospice patients and their families.
Pamela Ryan ’87 received Certification as
Hospice and Palliative Nurse in December
2012. She has been working at Hospice of
Hope for six years.
Tamar Canaan ’99 has been accepted in
the PhD program at the University of
Jessica Wing ’08 is one of four GSH Labor
& Delivery nurses who will be visiting remote
African villages in February. They have been
raising funds for the medical mission trip to
Kenya and will take 200 delivery kits to
educate women about safe home-birthing
Janos Roper ’09 graduated with a BSN
from Wright State University in April 2013.
He was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau and
presented his research on Compassion
Fatigue at the Sigma Theta Tau Nightingale
Tea in May.
Jennifer Hall ’10, BSN and Med/Surg
Certification, July 2013
Serena Collins ’11, BSN from the
University of Cincinnati, April 2013.
Recent Degrees
Lori Schwab Reid ’91, MSN from Xavier
University, May 2013.
Pamela Plummer ’94, MSN with
concentration in health care law from Xavier
Denise Reid ’99, MSN from Xavier
Ginger Mann ’01, BSN from Ohio
University, May 2013 Magna Cum Laude.
Brigette Parker 01, BSN from Ohio
University, May 2013 Cum Laude.
In Memoriam
Mary Margaret McKenna ‘42
Betty Carroll Hunt ‘48
Nancy Rellick Ishac ‘57
Marjorie Mooney ‘76
Leslie Clark ‘86
Nina Tissandier ‘87
Julia Duerksen Vollette ‘90
Daisy Awards
The Daisy Award is given to outstanding
nurses whose care serves as a role model to
other nurses. The following alumni received
Daisy Award recognition in August:
Amanda Torok Frye ‘01
Lindy Vitatoe Mathes ‘06
Ashley Morton ‘09
(Left to Right) Maria Fox ’05 with husband James and Tamara White ‘90 with husband Chris
on the top of the Blarney Castle, very near the famous Blarney Stone in Ireland. They
traveled throughout the country on the Irish Splendor Alumni Association Trip.
Name________________________________________Grad Year________
Email: _______________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________
Your News____________________________________________________
SEND US your personal and professional
updates for Class Notes.
EMAIL: donna.karda@email.gscollege.edu
WEBSITE: www.gscollege.edu Click Alumni on the left side of the page.
FORM: Donna Karda, Good Samaritan College, 375 Dixmyth Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45220
The BlueStreak
December 2013