
Department of Marketing
1 Contents
Marketing education and research at the University of Oulu Business School .... 2 Year 2014: some highlights ............................................................................................... 3 Review of the year 2014 ..................................................................................................... 5 TEACHING ................................................................................................................ 5 Teaching development team’s review of the year 2014 ..................................... 6 Student’s slice of life in the Marketing Department ................................................. 7 RESEARCH ................................................................................................................ 7 Research development team – MTETR ................................................................. 8 External funding ........................................................................................................... 9 Seminars and other research-related events ........................................................ 9 International visits ..................................................................................................... 11 International visitors ................................................................................................. 12 Projects ........................................................................................................................ 13 EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES, SOCIETAL IMPACT AND CITIZENSHIP............ 17 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 18 Editors: Jari Juga and Johanna Tolonen
University of Oulu
Department of Marketing
P.O. Box 4600
FIN‐90014 University of Oulu
Email to the staff:
2 Marketing education and research at the University of Oulu
Business School
Oulu Business School at the University of Oulu is an international research and educational
institute for economic sciences. Oulu Business School is accredited by AACSB International
(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), the premier accreditation
body for business schools worldwide. Oulu Business School is one of the ten faculties
within the University of Oulu, the second largest multidisciplinary university in Finland.
With 1400 students and 100 staff members, Oulu Business School is solely responsible for
the University level Business Education in the whole of Northern Finland.
The Department of Marketing educates marketing professionals for international and
domestic businesses. The education is based on world‐class research especially in the areas
of industrial business relationships, digital economy and logistics/supply chain management.
The areas are studied from an international viewpoint, assuring academic rigor and
managerial relevance while covering changes in business environment – such as
globalization, digitalization, and co‐creation of value. A marketing graduate is qualified for
managerial and expert positions, with typical duties including product management,
customer relationship management and marketing communication.
3 Since the first marketing students were admitted in 1991 the Department of Marketing has
grown rapidly. We work in close cooperation with the business community, and combine
theory and practice both in teaching and research with an innovative approach. The
Department is active participant in the global academic network providing great
opportunities for international exchange periods and also a double degree arrangement
with the University of North Carolina. Erasmus scholarships allow students to visit
European universities as exchange students.
The research is carried out in close cooperation with the business community and public
organizations. Active collaboration with national and international academic partners is
fostered in research projects, many of which get supported by external funding
organizations such as the Academy of Finland and Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for
Innovation). The goal is to produce high-level academic research of international standards
that is published in refereed international journals.
Year 2014: some highlights
The year 2014 brought a major educational reform at the Oulu Business School. The
School’s teaching programmes were completely renewed as the old 5-year discipline-based
programmes were replaced with a general Bachelor’s programme and five Master’s
programmes in the different disciplinary areas, including marketing. The first students in the
new Bachelor’s programme started in September 2014.
The new Bachelor’s programme includes courses from each of the five teaching disciplines
of the Oulu Business School. The courses that are offered by the Marketing Department
are: Principles of Marketing, Marketing Practices, Retail and Distribution Management and
Strategic Marketing Management. In addition, the Department participates in joint courses
such as the Firm Project and Bachelor’s thesis supervision.
The two-year Master’s programme is now mainly focused on marketing studies and is
taught in English. All marketing courses were updated in 2014 with a view of the AACSB
accreditation standards. Much attention has been given to the learning goals and the ways
how the achievement of these goals can be measured. Through these reforms and changes,
we believe that we can offer the students more flexibility and high-quality business
education of international standards.
Strong research activity continued through 2014 and resulted in a number of refereed
international journal and conference publications. The researchers have participated in
4 international conferences and have made visits to foreign universities. All this shows the
high quality of our research and valuable connections with international academic partners.
The business relevance of our research is shown by the projects that we conduct with our
business partners.
Universities have in recent years faced considerable economic pressures and project
funding is one avenue to improve the situation. The researchers at the Marketing
Department have again been very active in this area and several new externally funded
projects were started in 2014.
I thank the faculty for their commitment and dedicated work in 2014. I also thank our
academic and business partners as well as project funding organizations for support and
cooperation. I hope that this annual report gives a good overview of our key activities and
results in 2014.
Oulu, 4.5.2015
Jari Juga
Professor, Head of the Marketing Department
5 Review of the year 2014
This chapter presents some of the main activities and results of 2014 in the areas of
teaching, research and external activities of the Marketing Department.
In 2014, 46 students completed their Bachelor’s degree and 50 students their Master’s
degree in Marketing at the Oulu Business School. A total of 43 Master’s theses were
accepted in Marketing in 2014 (see appendix for list of thesis topics).
The Department aims to ensure high quality teaching through continuous development and
innovation. One way to accomplish this is the Teaching Development Team (MOKTR) that
has already a long history in the Marketing Department. A review of its activities in 2014 is
given below by Ilkka Ojansivu. A student’s perspective in marketing studies at the Oulu
Business School is then given by Johanna Tolonen.
6 Teaching development team’s review of the year 2014
It has been a year of inspiring ideas and new experiments for the teaching development
team of the Marketing Department (MOKTR). MOKTR got together seven times in the
year 2014. Two themes were of primary importance: redesigning and organizing the annual
marketing student feedback event and initiating Oulu Business School level development
towards uniform student evaluation criteria.
The yearly marketing student feedback event is one of the pinnacles of MOKTR. This year
the event was redesigned to attract shifting student needs and consider urban lifestyle. The
venue was moved from the campus to café Tuba, which is located in the heart of the city
and popular among students. The name of the event was changed to Marketing Mashup,
which better conveyed the relaxed atmosphere of the event. The Learning Café method was
used to collect feedback on four themes: Bachelor’s programme development, Master’s
programme development, student motivation and future teaching methods. MOKTR then
analysed the feedback and developed it into practical guidelines for lecturers and professors
to follow in their teaching.
Over the years the department of marketing has pioneered in the development and
adoption of various learning and evaluation methods. In order to streamline the oftenscattered learning and evaluation methods MOKTR reviewed current spectrum of
evaluation criteria and provided common guidelines for their use. This resulted in specific
evaluating criteria for verbal presentations in marketing teaching, later also adopted at the
faculty level in Master’s thesis assessment. MOKTR then launched a faculty level initiative
towards development of uniform student evaluation criteria for both written and verbal
assignments. The initiative was accepted and the Oulu Business School is now moving on
with this aspiring task.
Members of the teaching development team in 2014 were: Ilkka Ojansivu (chair), faculty
members: Jaana Tähtinen, Outi Nuojua and Timo Pohjosenperä. Our student members:
Tiina Reponen, Mika Tiainen, Miia Paavola and Mikael Rahkamo. Our alumni representative:
Mikko Ronkainen (Kaleva). Our guest members: Sinikka Moilanen, Satu Nätti and Pauliina
‐ Ilkka Ojansivu
7 Student’s slice of life in the Marketing Department
I’m a marketing student at the Oulu Business School and about to graduate in June 2015.
Feels like it was only yesterday when I first time stepped my foot on the grounds of Oulu
University. I have really enjoyed my time here at Oulu Business School: the inspiring course
catalog, exciting international spirit and active student life has made these years
Studying marketing as a major subject in Oulu Business School is demanding but rewarding.
Extensive course selection makes sure that everyone gets to study their field of interests and
get a glimpse into different areas of marketing. Fascinating case exercises offer a great
chance at learning by doing and applying theory into practice.
Writing the bachelor’s and master’s theses in department of marketing has been – not a
walk in a park – but still rewarding and relatively smooth processes. Thanks for that belong
to the great guiding system and caring supervisors. In a month I’m going to hand in my
master’s thesis and then my studies are complete. I’m grateful for the Oulu Business School
for the path I have been allowed to take here, and most of all to the marketing department
which made it possible for me to gain important and valuable working experience as a
university trainee during my last semester. I know I will always carry a warm memory of
Oulu Business School in my heart.
– Johanna Tolonen
Research in marketing at the Oulu Business School has three focal areas. The first area is
industrial marketing, especially business-to-business relationships and value-creating
networks. The second area is digital business, with digital marketing, social media and
mobile commerce as central research themes. The third area is logistics and supply chain
management with logistics services and outsourcing as specific areas of interest. Services
and service business management is a cross-cutting theme that is explored in a multidisciplinary group, SHARP (Sensing and Shaping Service Business Relationships), selected as
one of the Martti Ahtisaari Institute’s Research Groups for the period 2013-2015.
The research is carried out in close cooperation with the business community and public
organizations. Active collaboration with national and international academic partners is
fostered in research projects, many of which get supported by external funding
8 organizations such as the Academy of Finland and Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for
A total of 17 international refereed
conference publications were published by
the faculty of the Marketing Department
in 2014. In addition, a number of other
scientific and professional articles and
publications were published, including four
doctoral theses. More details about the
Jouni Juntunen and Mari Juntunen received the best paper award for an article they had written jointly with P. Kess and M. Paananen for the Tiim (Technology Innovation and Industrial Management) Conference, May 28‐
30, Seoul, South‐Korea. publications can be found in Appendix.
Research development team – MTETR
The Research Development Team of the Marketing Department (MTETR) established as its
main goal to develop doctoral education for the Department. During 2014, MTETR
organized weekly research seminars and one bigger event. This event was the research
afternoon that focused on research funding opportunities on 3rd June.
In our weekly research seminars we had three international visitors. On 27 November Dr.
Christian Kowalkowski from Hanken School of Economics introduced a call for papers for
Industrial Marketing Management special Issue: "De-constructing the assumptions behind
service-led growth in product firms: Deservitization, multiple strategic positions, mergers
and acquisitions, industries and markets, and theoretical foundations". On 4 December Dr.
Richard Gyrd Jones from Copenhagen Business School presented on topic “Brand identity
and Brand Image: Multiple level meanings in and around the organization” and Lecturer
Annmarie Ryan from Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick on "The Role of the
Boundary Spanner in bringing about Innovation in Cross-Sector Partnerships".
Additionally, in 2014 MTETR launched a project that focuses on enhancing Master’s
students enthusiasm and motivation for academic research and thus interest in doctoral
studies. Four faculty members were involved in the MTETR work: Mari Juntunen (chair),
Anita Virta (secretary), Eeva‐Liisa Oikarinen and Eija-Liisa Heikka.
- Mari Juntunen
9 External funding ̵ scholarships
One indication of the level of research activity, especially among the doctoral students, is
the scholarships that are awarded by the research foundations. During 2014, our
researchers and doctoral students had remarkable success in acquiring external funding
from the various foundations. These include the following:
Suomen kulttuurirahasto (Finnish Cultural Foundation): Outi Nuojua.
Liikesivistysrahasto (the Foundation for Economic Education, spring 2014):
Eija-Liisa Heikka, Kerttu Kettunen, Minna Mäläskä, Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen, Ilkka Ojansivu, Teea
Palo, Elina Pernu, Jari Salo & research team and Pauliina Ulkuniemi & research team.
Liikesivistysrahasto (the Foundation for Economic Education, fall 2014):
Minna Mäläskä and Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen.
Tauno Tönningin säätiö (Tauno Tönning Foundation): Eija-Liisa Heikka, Satu
Helin, Outi Nuojua and Ilkka Ojansivu.
Emil Aaltosen säätiö (Emil Aaltonen Foundation): Kerttu Kettunen and Teea
Martti Ahtisaari International Doctoral Scholarship Programme: Eija-Liisa
Heikka, Minna Mäläskä and Waqar Nadeem.
CIMO (Centre for International Mobility): Muhammad Anees-ur-Rehman.
Seminars and other research-related events
2nd Northern Service Day in Oulu
2nd Northern Service Day took place on 30.1.2014 in hotel-restaurant Lasaretti. The
seminar was particularly targeted to the public administration and entrepreneurs of
Northern Finland and it brought together more than 200 participants. The theme of the
seminar was networks in service business and it was organized by the University of Oulu,
University of Lapland, BusinessOulu, City of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences,
Tekes and VTT.
Professor Marja Toivonen from VTT gave the keynote speech, after which Lauri Antila from
JOT Automation Oy, Lauri Salovaara from FilmMe Oy, Pekka Paurola from Cocktail
Trading Company, Olli Lyötynoja from BusinessOulu and Satu Miettinen from University of
Lapland shared real life stories about service business. The afternoon continued with
10 workshops from which the participants received practical procedures for developing their
service businesses. From the Department of Marketing Saila Saraniemi, Teea Palo, Minna
Mäläskä, Timo Pohjosenperä, Eija-Liisa Heikka and Tero Huhtala were involved in organizing
the seminar and a workshop called “Networked service business model” which aroused
considerable interest.
More information: Saila Saraniemi, saila.saraniemi(at)
Northern Service Day, Oulu
Polar Bear Pitching event in Oulu
Business Kitchen is a community founded by Oulu Business School, Martti Ahtisaari
Institute and Oulu University of Applied Sciences in August 2012. Business Kitchen aims at
promoting entrepreneurship and helps businesses to grow by providing support and
bringing the expertise of universities available in an entrepreneurial oriented network.
Business Kitchen and its partners organized a Polar Bear Pitching event on 7.2.2014. The
event gathered together the entrepreneurs, investors and the best speakers. Startups
looking for financing had to convince the investors with their elevator pitches while
standing in an ice hole. There was no time limit but the entrepreneurs had the chance to
talk as long as they could stand the cold. The meaning of the event was to catch the
attention of the media, investors and start-up community. The day continued with a party
with networking, prize ceremony of the pitching competition and keynote speeches.
More information:
11 Are you doing business with humor seminar in Oulu
Business Kitchen organized the most humorous seminar on 6.11.2014. What fun can there
be in developing the business? How humor can be utilized in business? How can business be
innovated through humor? The event was hosted by stand-up comedian, work welfare
trainer and consultant Päivi Kuuva. Chairman of the board from Ponsse Oyj and Vieremä,
Juha Vidgrén gave a speech about “Humor in the enterprise culture and story of Ponsse”.
Innovation management professor Liisa Välikangas from Aalto University and HANKEN
gave a speech about “Jesters, management and innovating”. The seminar was organized in
cooperation between the University of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Martti
Ahtisaari Institute, the Foundation for Economic Education, Kaleva and motiMind.
International visits
It was an active year for our faculty with regard to international research and educational
collaboration. A number of our researchers participated in international conferences and
also paid longer visits to international universities.
Professor Jari Salo visited the Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia, during
26.11.2013 – 26.1.2014. The visit included research collaboration, with several articles in
progress towards journal publication, and a presentation in an international seminar
“European Perspective on Online Education”.
Doctoral student Minna Mäläskä visited the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark,
during 7.10.-5.11. During the visit she finalized her doctoral thesis related to corporate
branding in small and medium sized company networks. She also worked on a joint
publication with Richard Gyrd-Jones related to the development of corporate brand
identity. The visit is a part of ongoing research collaboration that will continue in a Tekesfunded REDO (redefining digital opportunities) project starting in January 2015.
Doctoral student Eija-Liisa Heikka worked as a visiting researcher at AACSB accredited
Copenhagen Business School (CBS) during 2014, where she paid two month-long visits. The
first visit took place in the spring term from March to April 2014 and the second visit in the
autumn term from November to December 2014. Research visits were part of her
dissertation project. During her visits, she worked with her doctoral research and wrote a
research paper in an international co-operation. In addition, she presented her research in
research seminars, which enabled her to get feedback for her research from her colleagues.
During her visits, she also had a great opportunity to share her thoughts and experiences
12 with other doctoral students and researchers through which she gained a good overview
e.g. of the doctoral training, teaching, research and other practices at CBS.
International visitors
In addition to our faculty’s international visits, colleagues from foreign universities visited
the Oulu Business School during the year 2014.
Among the international visitors at the Marketing Department we can mention lecturer
Annmarie Ryan from Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland
(16.11.2014-12.12.2014) and associate professor Richard Gyrd Jones from the
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (30.11.2014-13.12.2014). Both visits were
continuation to long research collaboration and served to advance ongoing projects and
educational cooperation.
Associate Professor Richard Gyrd-Jones’ visit was funded via the short term travel grants of
University of Oulu granted for University lecturer Saila Saraniemi. Gyrd-Jones studies
challenges to managing brands in the context of the multiple stakeholders. He has also
established the Social Media Research Group at Copenhagen Business School.
SHARP research group organized Martti Ahtisaari Institute’s research seminar during GyrdJones’ visit. In the seminar Richard Gyrd-Jones gave a presentation about “Integrating the
Corporate Brand across the Organization: Overcoming Silo Mindsets”. In the same seminar
doctoral student Minna Mäläskä gave a presentation about the theme of her doctoral thesis
“Employing Stakeholder Relationships in B2B SME Corporate Brand”. Gyrd-Jones gave also
a lecture for bachelor students and co-operated with Saila Saraniemi and Minna Mäläskä
related to several research papers.
13 Projects
The department has had remarkable success in externally funded projects, serving as a good
indication of the business relevance of our research activity. Two research projects were
concluded in 2014 (Barents Logistics 2 and ModuServ) while three new externally funded
projects (Public Procurement Bridging International Forerunners BRIIF, Digital Health
Revolution DHR and Efficient Logistics Support Services in Health Care) were started. The
following information cards give an overview of the projects that have been in progress
during the year 2014.
Barents Logistics 2
Barents Logistics 2 ended in March 2014. The international partners in the
project included Luleå University of Technology in Sweden and the Arctic
Training Centre together with Murmanshelf Association in Murmansk, Russia.
The project was funded by the ENPI Kolarctic CBC Program and national co‐
funding organizations.
In February 2014 the researchers and doctoral students working in the project
gathered to a final workshop in Kemi. Key results were presented and continuing
research ideas discussed by participants from the three countries. In addition, the
closing project meeting between the project partners and the funding
organizations was held in Kemi. The representative of the ENPI Kolarctic
programme expressed satisfaction with the implementation and results of the
Barents Logistics 2 project. In fact, the project was selected by the funding
organization as one of four exemplary projects to demonstrate the achievements
of the Enpi Kolarctic CBC Programme.
The project was coordinated by the University of Oulu Business School and
included partners from Luleå, Sweden and Murmansk, Russia. More than 600
people participated in the various activities (seminars, conferences, workshops,
study trips etc.) during the three-year project. Several master’s theses,
conference papers and other publications were produced during the project.
Doctoral theses that were started in the project are still in progress.
More information: Professor Jari Juga (jari.juga (at)
14 BRIIF – Public Procurement Bridging International Forerunners
The main objective of BRIIF is to generate knowledge on value co-creation in a
triad of public procurers, suppliers and end-customers. The triad is examined
from strategic management, marketing and business network viewpoints paying
particular attention to the legal and technological considerations. Utilizing the
partner cities as research laboratories the aim is to support the development of
practices that facilitate pioneering in public procurement.
The research work and the collaboration between the partners were already
established when the BRIIF research project started on 1.10.2014. During the fall
2014 extensive material collection was started in three procurer organizations.
Data were collected by interviewing participants of selected procurement
projects and by observing on-going projects in different stages of the decisionmaking process in the target organization.
BRIIF is funded by TEKES and the work is implemented in cooperation between
University of Oulu Business School (departments of marketing and MIB), Center
for Internet Excellence, University of Lapland, City of Oulu, City of Hämeenlinna
and Municipality of Tyrnävä.
More information: Professor Tuija Mainela (tuija.mainela (at) and project
manager Saara Pekkarinen (saara.pekkarinen (at)
DHR – Digital Health Revolution
The DHR Project started in August, 2014 and is funded by TEKES - the Finnish
Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation. The DHR project aims at
changing how people think, act and access health related services in their lives.
Main drivers for new health care system approaches are global megatrends, e.g.
prevention (or staying healthy), need to cut health care costs, personalization of
medicine and convergence of healthcare and wellbeing businesses.
DHR project focuses on developing future MyData based health services.
MyData is a subset of personal data of which an individual can access and
control. The goal is to identify future business opportunities and potential value
propositions, business contexts and alternative business models related to future
connected health MyData services.
The project is conducted by multidisciplinary research and expert consortium
including University of Oulu, coordinator CHT, University of Helsinki and
Lapland, Aalto University, Tampere University of Technology, Technical
Research Center of Finland and National Consumer Research Center.
More information: professor Timo Koivumäki (timo.koivumaki (at),
project manager Saara Pekkarinen (saara.pekkarinen (at)
15 Efficient logistics support services in health care
Tekes-funded project “Tehokkaat ja käyttäjäkeskeiset tukipalvelumallit pitkien
etäisyyksien terveyspalvelujärjestelmissä” (Efficient logistics support services in health
care) focuses on health care systems in sparsely populated areas. Long distances
cause challenges on logistical support operations such as material supply,
pharmacy, laboratory, instruments and equipment, food supply, laundry, etc. In
this project we concentrate on value creation of support operations and scalable
services across organizational boundaries in areas characterized by long distances.
During the first year researchers from different disciplines have focused on e.g.
value creation of logistics support services in healthcare, cost accounting of care
chain, geographical locations of service centers and work division between care
personnel and support service personnel.
The project is conducted in collaboration between Department of Geography
(University of Oulu), Industrial Engineering and Management (University of Oulu)
Itella-Posti Oyj, University Hospital Districts of Northern Ostrobothnia (PPSHP)
and Lapland (LSHP), City of Oulu and Oulu Business School.
More information: project manager Timo Pohjosenperä (timo.pohjosenpera (at) and professor Jari Juga.
Emotions in Challenging Business Relationships, EmoCha
The purpose of EmoCha is to uncover the state of buyer-seller relationship
ending research and expand its interdisciplinary opportunities by applying Critical
Realism. The project is funded by the Academy of Finland and is conducted in
collaboration between The University of Oulu Business School, University of
Uppsala, Sweden, IESEG School of Management, France, and Lancaster University,
During 2014 EmoCha focused on relationship ending and recovery, as well as
rational and emotional understanding of them. Two journal articles were accepted
in 2014, and the results were presented at an international conference (Academy
of Marketing Science) and workshop (Nordic Workshop on Relationship
Dynamics, NoRD2014) as well as national seminars. During NovemberDecember, Dr. Annmarie Ryan from Limerick visited the Oulu Business School
More information: Professor Jaana Tähtinen (jaana.tahtinen (at)
16 Value Co-creation in Modular Service Network, ModuServ
The ModuServ Project, financed by TEKES, was successfully completed in January
2014. The overall purpose of this research project was to describe, analyze and
evaluate how value is co‐created in business services through modularity and
collaborative business networks. The project aimed to challenge the traditional
research conventions by combining three theoretical backgrounds on value co‐
creation, collaborative networks, and service modularity. By doing this, new
perspectives on business service innovations could be found and explored.
The project was conducted by the Marketing Department at the University of
Oulu Business School and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in close
collaboration with three companies: Kiinteistöhuolto Jurvelin, PCS Engineering
and Pöyry Finland.
For more information: Project director Saara Pekkarinen, email: saara.pekkarinen
Value Co-creation in Technological B2B Services
Value co-creation in Technological B2B Services is a postdoctoral research
project financed by the Academy of Finland. The overall purpose of this project is
to explore value creation in the context of emerging technological business
services by focusing on three main themes: value co-creation, technological
business services and business models.
During 2014 Hanna Komulainen was on a maternity leave for ten months and
worked in the project for two months. During this year she published two
articles, one in the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing and one in
Management Decision. She also participated in the working group focused at
developing the thesis instruction guidelines at the University of Oulu and lectured
a course “Managing customer relationships”.
(hanna.komulainen (at)
Our faculty has actively participated in various academic and external activities not directly
linked to their own research and teaching responsibilities. These include external teaching
and research related assignments, committee memberships and positions of trust as well as
other duties and responsibilities related to societal and university citizenship. External
activities of the Department include for example one marketing course “Markkinoinnin
perusteet” (Principles of marketing) offered at the Open University. Among other external
activities, the department’s researchers have actively contributed to academic publishing by
working in editorial boards and serving as reviewers for conferences and international
peer‐reviewed journals. A list of reviewer responsibilities of the marketing faculty is
presented in the Appendix.
Key figures
Conference, workshop and seminar presentations
Assignments related to scientific publishing
Assignments related to scientific conferences
Expert statements and evaluations
International researcher exchange and visits
Master’s theses accepted in 2014
19 Key figures
Source: Oulun yliopisto tutkii database
20 Staff
Eija-Liisa Heikka
M.Sc., doctoral
Jari Juga, D.Sc.,
professor, Head of
Jouni Juntunen,
D.Sc., post doc
Mari Juntunen,
D.Sc., university
Kerttu Kettunen
D.Sc. post doc
Koivumäki, D.Sc.,
D.Sc., post doc
Lehtimäki, D.Sc.
post doc
Minna Mäläskä,
M.Sc., doctoral
Waqar Nadeem,
M.Sc., doctoral
Sakari Nikkilä,
M.Sc., lecturer
Outi Nuojua,
M.Sc., doctoral
Satu Nätti, D.Sc.
M.Sc., doctoral
Ilkka Ojansivu,
M.Sc. doctoral
Teea Palo, D.Sc.
post doc.
D.Sc., university
Elina Pernu,
D.Sc., post doc
M.Sc., doctoral
Jari Salo, D.Sc.,
21 Saila Saraniemi,
D.Sc., university
Hannu Torvinen
M.Sc., doctoral
Jaana Tähtinen,
D.Sc., professor
M.Sc., doctoral
Ulkuniemi, D.Sc.,
Anita Virta,
M.Sc., doctoral
Adjunct professors (docents)
Wesley Johnston, D.Sc.,
Georgia State University,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Veikko Seppänen D.Sc., Christian Kowalkowski, D.Sc.
Associate Professor
Oulu Business School/
Linköping University
Martti Ahtisaari Institute
Linköping, Sweden
22 Publications in 2014
International refereed journal articles
Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Lehtimäki, T. (2014). Commercializing a radical innovation: Probing
the way to the market. Industrial Marketing Management 43(8), 1372−1384.
Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Sandberg, B., Lehtimäki, T. (2014). Networks for the
commercialization of innovations: A review of how divergent network actors contribute.
Industrial Marketing Management 43(3), 365−381.
Andreini, D., Pedeliento, G., Bergamashi, M., Salo, J. (2014). The Cross-Effects of
Sponsorship in Non-Professional Sports Communities. Management Decision 52(10),
Grant, D., Juntunen, J., Juga, J., Juntunen, M. (2014). Investigating brand equity of thirdparty service providers. Journal of Services Marketing 28(3), 214−222.
Hausman, A., Johnston, W. J. (2014). The role of innovation in driving the economy:
lessons from the global financial crisis. Journal of Business Research 67(1), 2720−2726.
Hausman, A., Johnston, W. J. (2014) Timeline of a financial crisis: introduction to the
special issue. Journal of Business Research 67(1), 2667−2670.
Jain, M., Khalil, S., Ming-Sung Cheng, J., Johnston, W. (2014). The Performance
implications of power-trust relationship: the moderating role of commitment in the
supplier-retailer relationship. Industrial Marketing Management 43(2), 312-321.
Juntunen, M. (2014). Interpretative narrative process research approach to corporate
renaming. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 17(2), 112−127.
Komulainen, H. (2014). The role of learning in value co-creation in new technological
B2B services. Journal of Business & industrial Marketing 29(3), 238-252.
Lappi, M., Hirvasniemi, R., Pekkarinen, S., Kiuru, E., Perälä-Heape, M., Salo, S. (2014).
Open innovation in health and social services. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal 3(4), 269−281,
Makkonen, H., Komulainen, H. (2014). Networked new service development process: a
participant value perspective. Management Decision 52(1), 18−32.
Marcos-Cuevas, J., Nätti, S., Palo, T., Ryals, L. J. (2014). Implementing key account
management: Intraorganizational practices and associated dilemmas. Industrial Marketing
Management 43(7), 1216−1224.
Nätti, S., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P., Johnston, W. J. (2014). Absorptive capacity and
network orchestration in innovation communities: promoting service innovation. Journal of
Business & Industrial Marketing 29(2), 173−184.
Nätti, S., Pekkarinen, S., Hartikka, A., Holappa, T. (2014). The intermediator role in
value co-creation within a triadic business service relationship. Industrial Marketing
Management 43(6;SI), 977−984.
23 Nätti, S., Rahkolin, S., Saraniemi, S. (2014). Crisis communication in key account
relationships. Corporate communications 19(3), 234−246.
Soderlund, M., Liljander, V., Gummerus, J., Hellman, P., Lipkin, M., Oikarinen, E-L., Sepp,
M., Liljedal, K. T. (2014). Preferential treatment in the service encounter. Journal of Service
Management 25(4;SI), 512−530.
Virta, A., Tähtinen, J. (2014). Modeling detoxification treatment relationships: A
longitudinal case study from Finland. Drugs and Alcohol Today 14(2), 67−75.
Articles in compilations
Heikka, E-L., Pekkarinen, S. (2014). Developing persuasive value propositions to
business customer. Proceedings of the 5th international seminar on service architecture and
modularity. In: Hsuan, J., Frandsen, T. (eds.). International seminar on service architecture and
modularity, 1−10.
Pernu, E., Mainela, T., Puhakka, V. (2014). Organizing MNC internal networks to manage
global customers: strategies of political compromising. Orchestration of the Global
Network Organization. In: Pedersen, T., Venzin, M., Devinney, T. M., Tihanyi, L. (eds.).
Advances in International Management 27. Great-Britain, 349−376.
Conference papers
Alajoutsijärvi, K., Kettunen, K., Sohlo, S. (2014). Getting accredited: Relationship dynamics
within a multidisciplinary university (Abstract). EFMD Higher Education Research Conference,
Stockholm School of Business, Sweden. May 15-16, 2014.
Alajoutsijärvi, K., Kettunen, K., Sohlo, S. (2014) Network perspective on accreditation:
Inertia and change within a multidisciplinary university. Proceedings of the 30th EGOS
Colloquium, Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University, The Netherlands. July 35, 2014.
Heikka, E-L, Pekkarinen, S. (2014) Developing persuasive value propositions to
business customers. International Seminar on Service Architecture and Modularity, Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark. January 23-24, 2014
Holmlund, M., Ryan, A., Tähtinen, J. (2014). How to develop theory and keep our jobs? A
NoRD perspective on relationship dynamics. 8th Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dynamics,
NoRD2014, Oslo, Norway. October 15-17, 2014.
Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P., Nätti, S., Helin, S. (2014). Innovation network orchestrators:
Distinction between types and roles. Proceedings of the 30th EGOS Colloquium, 1-26,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands. European Group for Organizational Studies., EGOS European group for organizational studies. July, 2014
Juntunen, J., Juntunen, M., Paananen, M., Kess, P. (2014). Searching loyalty between
power and relationships: a latent class approach. Proceedings of 2014 international conference
24 on Technology, Innovation and Industrial Management (TIIM), S4: 17-28, Seoul, South Korea.
May 28-30, 2014.
Kangas, A., Tähtinen, J., Oikarinen, E-L. (2014). Method for Management to Determine
Corporate Brand Identity. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Research in
Advertising (ICORIA), 54, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. June 26-28, 2014.
Mäläskä, M. (2014). Corporate Brand Identity Development of a B2B New Venture: From
Technology Manufacturer to Service Brand (Abstract). 9th Global Brand Conference of the
Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group (SIG), 116.
Mäläskä, M., Gyrd-Jones, R. (2014). Corporate Brand Identity Developments in SMEs: a
new co-creative typology. (Abstract). 19th International Colloquium on Entrepreneurial and
Small Business Marketing: “Sustainability, Entrepreneurial Marketing and Marketing Practice in
Nuojua, O. (2014). Atmosphere of triadic public-private partnership. Proceedings of the
30th Annual IMP Conference: Coping with recurring issues in b-to-b research: The sisyphus effect or
a rolling stone syndrome? Bordeaux, France. September 4-6, 2014 .
Ojansivu, I. (2014). And then there were none: how project marketing lost its way.
Proceedings of the the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) conference
2014: Agents of Change, Brisbane, Australia. December 1-3, 2014.
Ojansivu, I., Alajoutsijärvi, K. (2014). Archetypes of project professionals in serviceintensive projects: analyzing inbuilt tensions. Waves and winds of strategic leadership for
sustainable competitiveness: EURAM 2014, 14th Annual conference of the European Academy of
Management, Valencia, Spain. 4-7 June, 2014.
Pekkarinen, S., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P., Ulkuniemi, P. (2014). Modularity and
innovation appropriability: Value appropriation of service innovations. The Proceedings of
XXV ISPIM Conference - Innovation for Sustainable Economy and Society. June 2014.
Pernu, E. (2014). The process of casing in business studies: the impact of researcher’s
sense-making. Proceedings of the 30th Annual IMP Conference: Coping with recurring issues in bto-b research: The sisyphus effect or a rolling stone syndrome? Bordeaux, France. September 46, 2104.
Ryan, A., Tähtinen, J. (2014). Reconsidering business-to-business relationships: multiplicity
and complexity. 8th Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dynamics, NoRD2014, 7, Oslo,
Norway. October 15-17, 2014.
Tähtinen, J., Havila, V. (2014). Clarifying business relationship ending. (Abstract). 8th
Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dynamics NoRD2014, 24, Oslo, Norway.
Tuomela-Pyykkönen, M., Ulkuniemi, P. (2014). Procurement competencies in start-up
phases of large investment projects - case study in the mining industry. Proceedings of 23rd
Annual IPSERA Conference, 793-802, South Africa. April 13-16, 2014.
25 Articles in professional press and newspapers / Other publications
Pöykiö, Risto; Leppioja, Irina; Alila, Hanna (2014). Murmansk uudistaa jätehuoltonsa.
Uusiouutiset (1), 28−29.
Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Lehtimäki, T., Simula, H. (2014). Verkostot kaupallistamista
edistämässä. Johtamisen käsikirjat: Tieto ja osaaminen kilpailuetuna. Ståhle, Pirjo. Helsinki,
Lehtimäki, T., Simula, H., Aarikka-Stenroos, L. (2014). Lanseeraus kaupallistamisen osana.
Johtamisen käsikirjat: Tieto ja osaaminen kilpailuetuna. Ståhle, Pirjo. Helsinki, Kauppalehti.
Simula, H., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Lehtimäki, T. (2014). Kaupallistaminen
innovaatiotoiminnassa. Johtamisen käsikirjat: Tieto ja osaaminen kilpailuetuna. Ståhle, Pirjo.
Helsinki, Kauppalehti.
Kotavaara, O., Korhonen, K., Miettinen, M., Lehtinen, U., Muilu, T., Juga, J., Rusanen, J.
(2014). Lähi- ja luomuruoan saavutettavuus Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla. MTT Raportti 152.
Jokioinen, Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus MTT. Verkkojulkaisu, saatavilla:
Ahlqvist, T., Ahokangas, P., Artkowa, I., Alasaarela, E., Bräysy, T., Calo, A., Haapala, A.,
Hentilä, H-L., Heikkinen, H., Juga, J., Kaivo-oja, J., Keränen, H., Keränen, V., Kettunen,
H., Leinonen, A., Myllylä, Y., Niskanen, I., Pohjosenperä, T., Pongracz, E., Rautio, A.,
Rintamäki, H., Rusanen, J., Seppänen, V., Suojärvi, H., Sundqvist, H., Valjus, A., (2014).
Doctoral theses
Ashraf Abdul Kareem Mohamed 17.12.2014. Cross-functional conflicts in new product
launches in the food industry.
Ojansivu Ilkka, 31.10.2014. Exploring the underlying dynamics of buyer-seller interaction
in project afterlife.
Palo Teea, 07.02.2014. Business model captured? Variation in the use of business models.
Sirotkin Andrey, 05.09.2014. How to build an experience differentiation strategy for
software business: customer values perspective.
26 Conference, Workshop and Seminar presentations
Heikka, E-L & Pekkarinen, S., Developing persuasive value propositions to business
customer. The 5th international Seminar on Service Architecture and Modularity, Copenhagen,
Denmark. 16.01.2014.
Holmlund, M., Ryan, A., & Tähtinen, J. How to develop theory and keep our jobs? A
NoRD perspective on relationship dynamics. The 7th Nordic Workshop on Relationship
Dynamics, NoRD2014, Oslo, Norway. 17.10.2014.
Salo, J. Value based digital business: Perspectives on organizations, processes and people.
The 13th IFIP conference on e-business, e-services and e-society, Sanya, China. 28.11.2014.
Salo, J. Value driven E-commerce: Perspectives on organizations, processes and people.
11th International Conference on e-Commerce (IADIS), Lissabon, Portugal. 17.07.2014.
Juntunen, J. Suomen Puolustusvoimien toimitusketjun organisaatiollisen kaksikätisyyden
kehittäminen. Suomen Osto- ja logistiikkayhdistys (LOGY) Pohjoisen piirin vuosikokous, Oulu,
Finland. 30.10.2014.
Juntunen, J. Ulkoistamisen strategiat ja vaikutukset. Suomen Osto- ja Logistiikkayhdistys LOGY
ry:n Foorumi-iltapäivä, Helsinki, Finland. 14.04.2014.
Nuojua, O. Atmosphere of triadic public-private partnership. 30th Annual IMP Conference,
Bordeaux, France. 05.09.2014.
Oikarinen, E-L. The effects of humorous employer brand communication in online job
ads. A mixed methods research. 3rd Nordic Conference on Consumer Research 2014. Doctoral
Colloquium, Vaasa, Finland. 20.05.2014.
Oikarinen, E-L. The moderating role of Congruence between humour and fun climate on
the effects of humour in job ads. Markkinoinnin yksikön tutkimusseminaari, Oulu, Finland.
Oikarinen E-L., Vuorela, T. HURMOS - Huumorista strateginen työkalu innovatiiviseen
liiketoimintaan. Teekkö nää huumorilla bisnestä? Seminaari Business Kitchenillä, Oulu, Finland.
Pernu, E. The process of casing in business studies - the impact of researcher’s sensemaking. Industrial Marketing and Purchasing conference, Bordeaux, France. 04.09.2014.
Pohjosenperä, T. Value of Logistics Support Services in Health Care - Literature review
and findings from a pre-study. NOFOMA 2014 26th Conference of the Nordic Logistics Research
Network, Copenhagen, Denmark. 12.06.2014.
Ryan, A. & Tähtinen, J. Reconsidering business-to-business relationships: multiplicity and
complexity. The 7th Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dynamics, NoRD2014, Oslo, Norway.
Tähtinen, J. & Havila, V. Clarifying business relationship ending. The 7th Nordic Workshop
on Relationship Dynamics, NoRD2014, Oslo, Norway. 17.10.2014.
27 Tuomela-Pyykkönen, M. Evolving procurement and procurement competencies in fast
emerging mining companies. Barents Logistics 2-project research seminar, Kemi, Finland.
Tuomela-Pyykkönen, M. Kaivannaisteollisuuden hankintaosaaminen.
liiketoiminta ja logistiikka, Barents Logistics 2-hanke, Nivala, Finland. 25.02.2014.
Lehtimäki, T., Ojansivu, I., Cleantech-ratkaisujen kaupallistaminen: yhteiskehityksestä
arvon todentamiseen. SME-MET Workshop, Oulu, Finland. 19.05.2014.
28 Assignments related to scientific publishing
Juga, Jari
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Emerald
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. Emerald (Reviewer)
Juntunen Jouni
International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications. Taylor and Francis
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Emerald
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research. Inderscience (Reviewer)
Juntunen Mari
Journal of Brand Management. Palgrave Macmillan (Reviewer)
Lehtimäki Tuula
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Emerald (Reviewer)
Nätti Satu
Industrial Marketing Management. Elsevier (Reviewer)
Pekkarinen Saara
Industrial Marketing Management. Elsevier (Reviewer)
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Emerald
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Emerald
Journal of Business Industrial Marketing. Emerald (Reviewer)
International Journal of Logistics Management. Emerald (Reviewer)
Salo Jari
Service Business. Springer (Member of editorial board)
Contemporary Management Research. Contemporary Management Research,
Taiwan (Member of editorial board)
International Business and Economics Review. ISG, Portugal (Member of editorial
Journal of Information Technology Research. IGI Global (Editor)
International Journal of E-services and Mobile Applications. IGI Global (Member of
editorial board)
International Journal of Electronic Business Management. IJEBM (Member of
editorial board)
29 ‐
Journal of Information Technology Research. IGI Global (Member of editorial
Saraniemi Saila
Journal of Travel Research. Sage Journals (Reviewer)
Matkailututkimus - Finnish Journal of Tourism Research. Suomen
matkailututkimuksen seura (Reviewer)
Tourism Management. Elsevier (Reviewer)
Tähtinen Jaana
Industrial Marketing Management. Elsevier (Member of editorial board)
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. Emerald (Member of editorial board)
Ulkuniemi Pauliina
Industrial Marketing Management. Elsevier (Reviewer)
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. Emerald (Editor)
Assignments related to scientific conferences
Lehtimäki, T. European Marketing Academy Conference, Valencia, Spain. 03.06.201406.06.2014 (Reviewer)
Salo, J. The 13th IFIP conference on e-business, e-services and e-society, Sanya, China.
28.11.2014-30.11.2014 (Organizer, Session chair, Panelist, Reviewer)
Tähtinen, J. - European Marketing Academy Conference EMAC2014, Valencia, Spain.
01.01.2014-22.01.2014 (Reviewer)
Expert statements and evaluations
Juga, J. Docentship evaluation. Aalto University. August 2014
Salo, J. Pre-examiner’s statement for doctoral thesis & Opponent for doctoral thesis,
Hanken Svenska Handelshögskolan, August 2014.
Salo, J. Pre-examiner’s statement for doctoral thesis, Aalto University School of Business,
Centre for Doctoral Programme, August 2014.
Saraniemi, S. Opponent for doctoral thesis, Jyväskylä University School of Business and
Economics, April 2014.
Saraniemi, S. Pre-examiner’s statement for doctoral thesis, Griffith University, October
Tähtinen, J. Opponent for doctoral thesis, University of Southern Denmark, October
30 Tähtinen, J. Opponent for doctoral thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology, October
Ulkuniemi, P. Pre-examiner’s statement for doctoral thesis, Jyväskylä University School of
Business and Economics, September 2014.
Ulkuniemi, P. Opponent for doctoral thesis, Jyväskylä University School of Business and
Economics, November 2014.
Tähtinen, J. Vetenskapsrådet, Member of the assessment panel for research project
International researcher and exchange visits
Researcher exchange and international visits
Mäläskä, M. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, 06.10.201406.11.2014 (Research).
Ulkuniemi, P. IPMI International Business School, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10.04.201412.04.2014 (Teaching).
Salo, J. Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia 28.11.2013-28.01.2014
International visitors at the department
Gyrd-Jones Richard, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, Teaching and research
collaboration, 30.11.2014-13.12.2014.
Ryan Annmarie, University of Limerick, Ireland, Research collaboration 16.11.201412.12.2014.
31 Master’s theses accepted in 2014
Aamuvuori, Aki: project deliveries: barriers & opportunities of transport logistics in
the Barents region.
Ahola, Tomi: Liiketoiminnan palveluistamisen hyödyt ja haasteet vähittäistavarakaupan
kontekstissa: tapaus
Alakuijala, Anna: Branding in temporally restricted campaigns.
Alaluusua, Jutta: Pk-yrityksen ostotoiminnan strategia.
Alamaunu, Kati: Asiakasarvon muodostuminen luksustuotteiden verkkokaupassa.
Alatalo, Anna-Marika: Asiakkuuksien kehittäminen metsänomistajuuteen liittyvissä
Finnerman, Tomi: The motivational landscape of first-person shooter games.
Flygare, Jani: Asiakkaan osallistaminen uuden ohjelmistopohjaisen palvelun
kehittämisprosessiin: tapaus S-mobiili
Halinen, Mikko: Kuluttajan ostopäätösprosessi digitaalisen uutismedian kontekstissa.
Heusala, Perttu: Asiakkaan kokema arvo kuntokeskuspalveluissa.
Huhtala, Tero: Tutkimusryhmän markkinointiviestinnän kehittäminen.
Husa, Ville: Facebook kuluttajatuotelanseerauksessa.
Huusko, Hanna: Mobiilikuponkien lunastamiseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden mittaaminen.
Hämäläinen, Juha: Arvoperustainen myyntistrategia.
Inget, Olli-Pekka: B-to-B –asiantuntijapalveluyrityksen asiakassuhteiden vahvistaminen:
tapaus ProAgria Oulu.
Kangas, Katja: Logistiikkatoimintojen kansainväliseen ulkoistamiseen vaikuttavat
toiminnot ja tekijät startup-yrityksessä.
Kantola, Petteri: Sosiaalinen media osana suhdemarkkinointia: mielipidejohtajat
sosiaalisessa mediassa markkinoinnin apuvälineenä.
Karppinen, Mikko: Huumori vaikuttamisen keinona julkishallinnon verkkopalveluissa.
Kemppainen, Paula: Asiakastiedon hyödyntäminen asiakaspalvelutilanteessa
Kenttämaa, Katariina: Identifying and measuring the dimensions of customer
experience – a study in the Finnish ice cream bar chain.
Kiimamaa, Tarja: Rules of origin and their effects on supply chain. (In logistics)
Kilpelä, Matti: Hyväntekeväisyyttä vai osa suurempaa suunnitelmaa? - Pienten yritysten
harjoittama urheilusponsorointi.
Koistinen, Vili: Vetovoimainen kaupungin keskusta: yrittäjien näkemys vetovoimaisesta
Kosonen, Jenni: Asiakaskannattavuuden tarkastelu pk-yrityksessä
Kukkonen, Jenni: Strategisen urheilusponsorointisuhteen kehittäminen
yksilöurheilussa Suomessa.
Kuro, Mika-Petteri: How to beat the double C: a model for coping with low-cost
competition in the heavy engineering industry.
32 27.
Kurtti, Jarkko: Pohjois-Pohjanmaan matkakohteiden saavutettavuuden ongelmat ja
Kuusiniemi, Outi: Asiakaslähtöisen julkisen palvelun kehittäminen: hyvinvointikoulu
Leinonen, Eero: Asiakkaan rooli tietointensiivisen palvelun arvonluontiprosessissa –
tapaus: Targetor Oy.
Leppilahti, Samuli: Empiirinen viitekehys viraalimarkkinointikampanjoiden
suunnitteluun ja arviointiin sosiaalisessa mediassa.
Leppä-Aro, Jyri: Kuluttajien välisestä mobiilimaksamisesta koettu arvo.
Lähdetluoma, Silja: Asiakasymmärryksen kehittäminen palveluyrityksessä: case
Mehiläinen Oy Työelämäpalvelut.
Nauha, Mari: Asiakaslähtöisen palvelukonseptin kehittäminen pk-yrityksessä:
asiakasymmärrys ja palvelutuote osana palvelukonseptia.
Nousuniemi, Henna-Laura: ”Niissä vaan nuo pakkaukset on kivemman näkösiä…se
sisältöki on parempaa, vaikka emmää tiiä onko se” – pakkauksen roolit äitikuluttajan
Pohjola, Miikka: Sidosryhmien roolit matkailukohteen brändi-identiteetin
rakentumisessa: tapaus: Ruka.
Pohjola, Riitta: Market potential analysis of value propositions related to projectorsensor technology in hospitality environment.
Posti, Maaret: Arvonluonti yhteisessä rakennussuunnitteluprosessissa asiakkaan ja
yrityksen välillä.
Reinikainen, Niina: Ethical fashion supply chain management.
Räisänen, Antti: Asiakaskokemuksen johtamisen strategian muodostuminen B2Byrityksessä: tapaustutkimus.
Suopajärvi, Aapo: Uutta reseptilääkettä koskevan lanseerausviestinnän vaikutus
lääkärin kokemaan arvoon.
Torvinen, Hannu: Arvon yhteiskehittelyllä innovaatioihin public-private partnership –
hankkeissa: käyttäjäosallistaminen Oulun kaupungin kouluhankinnoissa.
Vasankari, Essi: Venäläisten asenteiden muodostuminen luomuruokaa kohtaan.
Virkkunen, Annastiina: ”Yhteen hiileen puhaltamista monella tasolla”: tutkimus
maabrändäysverkoston toiminnasta.
33 Department of Marketing
University of Oulu Business School
PL 4600, 90014 University of Oulu