תיירות כמקדמת שלום בין אנשים ומדינות: חזון או מציאות?


תיירות כמקדמת שלום בין אנשים ומדינות: חזון או מציאות?
‫המחלקה לניהול תיירות ומלונאות מזמינה‬
‫ לתיירות‬8-‫אתכם לכנס כנרת הבינלאומי ה‬
Tourism as a Peace Promoter
among People and Countries:
Vision or Reality?
‫תיירות כמקדמת שלום בין אנשים‬
?‫ חזון או מציאות‬:‫ומדינות‬
2016 ‫ בינואר‬12 , ‫ ב' בשבט תשע"ו‬,‫הכנס יתקיים ביום שלישי‬
‫ טבריה‬,‫במלון ליאונרדו פלאזה‬
‫ עברית למעוניינים‬-‫הכנס ילווה בתרגום סימולטני אנגלית‬
The Conference Program
08:15 – 08:45 Registration and light refreshment
08:45 – 11:00 Opening Session: The Tourism and Peace Debate
Session Chairperson:
Dr. Alon Gelbman, Kinneret College, Israel
A Song for peace
Prof. Shimon Gepstein, President of Kinneret College
Mr. Amir Halevi, Director General, Israel Ministry of
Prof. Sibylle Heilbrunn, Dean, School of Social
Sciences and Humanities, Kinneret College
Mr. Joseph Ben-David, Mayor of Tiberias
Ms. Glenda Ganot, Head of Supplier Relations,
Amsalem Group
Dr. Alon Gelbman, Head of the Department of
Tourism and Hotel Management, Kinneret College
Prof. Daniel Laven, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Heritage and peacebuilding: Implications for tourism
Prof. Yaniv Poria, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
The show must NOT go on – Is there a chance that the
tourism INDUSTRY will promote peace?
Ms. Minna Lundgren, Mid Sweden University,
Tourism in Contested Abkhazia: Inner Peace and
External Challenges
Dr. Sharif Sharif, Nazareth Municipality, Nazareth,
Cultural Heritage sites in Nazareth as a catalyst for the
development of new touristic attractions and functions
in the old city
Prof. Eli Avraham, University of Haifa, Israel
Destination image repair during crisis: Attracting
tourism during the Arab Spring uprisings
Dr. Eran Ketter, Kinneret College, Israel
Waiting for Peace: Media Strategies for Maintaining a
(Relatively) Peaceful Image
Prof. Jovan Popesku, Singidunum University, Serbia
Tourism and peace: towards reconciliation after Balkan
region conflicts
13:30-14:30 Lunch Break
Prof. Dimitri Loannides, Mid Sweden University,
Challenges to Tourism Development in Post-Conflict
Zones: Recent Lessons from Cyprus
Panel Chairperson:
Dr. Noga Collins-Kreiner, University of Haifa, Israel
Prof. Anya Diekmann, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Building bridges through intercultural encounters: An
Urban Tourism Case Study
Mr. Yuval Rabin, Chairman, Israel Peace Initiative
Mr. Gidon Bromberg, Israeli Co-Director EcoPeace
Middle East, Israel
Can a Master Plan for the Jordan Valley be a Means to
Advance Peace and Prosperity?
Ms. Yana Abu Taleb, Deputy Director Amman,
EcoPeace Middle East, Jordan
14:30 – 16:15 Panel Session: Can Tourism Promote Peace in the Temporary Global Society?
A Song for Peace
Mr. Oren Drory, Senior Deputy Director General, Israel
Ministry of Tourism, Israel
Prof. Hezi Israeli, Kinneret College, Israel
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
Mr. Tareq Shisada, CEO, Nazareth Cultural and
Tourism Association, Israel
11:30 – 13:30 Second Session
Prof. Daniel Laven, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Session Chairperson:
Dr. Dalit Gasul, Kinneret College, Israel
Mr. Maoz Inon, Fauzi Azar Inn & Abraham Hostels,
A Song for Peace
Discussion and Summary
:‫להבטחת השתתפותכם לרשותכם טופס הרשמה מקוון‬
kinneretconference@gmail.com :‫ ניתן לפנות בדוא"ל לכתובת‬,‫כמו כן‬
₪ 70 ‫ארוחת צהריים לבאי הכנס תוגש במחיר השתתפות של‬
04-6653795 :‫הכנס הינו נגיש | טלפון‬