Curriculum Vitae - Rockwool Fonden


Curriculum Vitae - Rockwool Fonden
Curriculum Vitae: Signe Hald Andersen
Personal Data:
Born 19th of May, 1978
Current Position
Head of projects and Senior Researcher at the Rockwool Foundation Research Unit
Sølvgade 10, 2.
DK-1307 Copenhagen K
Telephone: +45 39 17 38 13
Telefax: +45 39 20 52 19
2009: PhD-degree in Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen. Thesis title:
Dealing with unemployment. Programme Effects on Psychological and Labour Market Outcomes
(Examination board: Andrew Clark, Mattias Strandh, and Jørgen Elm Larsen)
2004: Master’s Degree in Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen. Thesis
title: The Perfect Match.
2001: Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen. Thesis
title: Demokrati og den vestlige kulturarv [Democracy and the Cultural Heritage of the West].
Research Experience
 December 2011- current: Head of Projects and Senior Researcher at the Rockwool Foundation
Research Unit
April 2010 –December 2011: Senior Researcher at the Rockwool Foundation Research Unit
September 2008 – April 2010: Researcher at the Rockwool Foundation Research Unit
April 2006 – august 2008: Ph. D. Student at the AKF (Institute of Local Government Studies –
Denmark) and the Institute of Sociology, University of Copenhagen. Title of my project:
Sociological perspectives on the effect of active labour market policies on labour market
May 2004 – April 2006: Research Assistant, AKF, Institute of Local Government Studies –
Denmark. Main task: Labour market research based on statistical analyses of data from
administrative registers
May 2000 – August 2002: Student assistant, AKF. Main task: Statistical analyses of data from
administrative registers on projects concerning unemployment, health and education.
Teaching experience:
Spring semester 2012: “6QNM. Quantitative Methods II” at the institution for BSc in Business
Administration and Sociology, Copenhagen Business School.
Fall semester 2011: “Causal Criminology” at the Institute of Sociology, University of
Copenhagen (joint with Lars Højsgaard Andersen and Peer Skov)
March 2003 – June 2004: Teaching assistant at the Royal School of Library, Copenhagen. Main
task: Teaching qualitative and quantitative methods to students at bachelor level.
September 2001 – June 2004: Teaching assistant at the Institute of Sociology, University of
Copenhagen. Main task: Teaching sociological theory and sociological problems to students at
bachelor level.
Other qualifications
Ph.d. courses taken:
Experimental Summer School (w. Professors Raymond Duch, Michele Belot, Luis Miller,
Dominick Hantgartner & Wojtek Przepiorka), july 2011
Economics of Education (w. professor Victor Lavy, at the Department of Economics, University
of Aarhus), april 22.-24., 2008.
Academic Writing (w. Natalie Reid, at Institute of Sociology, University of Copenhagen), april
15.-17, 2008
Causal Inference (w. Professor Dan Rubin and Professor Guido Imbens, at IFAU, University of
Uppsala), June 18. – 21. 2007
Causal Inference: Regression discontinuity (w. Professor David Lee, at IFAU, University of
Uppsala), May 22. – 25. 2007
The Econometrics of Policy Design (w. Professor Edward Vytlacil, at the Department of
Economics, University of Aarhus), April 30.- May 2., 2007
Program Evaluation (w. Professor Jeffrey Smith and Professor Michael Lechner, at the
Department of Economics, University of Aarhus), December 18.-20. 2006
Empirical Strategies (w. Professor Joshua Angrist, Department of Economics, Aarhus), August
21. – 23. 2006
Normativitet i samfundsvidenskaberne [Normativity in the Social Sciences], (Department of
Sociology, University of Copenhagen), 27 April 2006.
Economics and Econometrics of Program Evaluation (w. Professor Jeffrey Smith, Department
of Economics, Aarhus), October, 2005.
Structural Equation Modeling (Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen), autumn
Visiting scholarships
 September 2006- December 2006: ECASS Visitor, ISER, University of Essex, UK
 July 2009 – January 2010: Visiting fellow, CIQLE, Yale University
PhD project “Beskæftigelseseffekten af arbejdsmarkedsforanstaltninger i et sociologisk
perspektiv [The labour market effects of active labour market policies, seen from a sociological
angle], Strategic Research Council grant DKK 1.806,706 (app. USD 301,100)
Post Doc Project ” How and why does parental absence from the labour market affect child
outcomes?” Danish Social Science Research Council. DKK 1.526,935 (app. USD 255.000)
Computing skills:
MS Office, for statistical analysis: SPSS, SAS, Mplus, Stata, GAUSS.
Recent Publications:
Articles in peer reviewed journals
Andersen, Signe Hald (forthcoming): Serving time or serving the community? Exploiting a
policy reform to assess the causal effects of community service on income, social benefit
dependency and recidivism. Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Andersen, Signe Hald, Andersen, Lars Højsgaard, & Skov, Peer (forthcoming): The Effect of
Marriage and Spousal Criminality on Recidivism. Journal of Marriage and Family
Andersen, Signe Hald & Wildeman, Christopher (forthcoming): The Effect of Paternal
Incarceration on Children’s Risk of Foster Care Placement. Social Forces
Andersen, Signe Hald (forthcoming): Complex patterns: On the characteristics of children who
experience high and low degrees of foster care drift. British Journal of Social Work
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard & Andersen, Signe Hald (2014): Losing the stigma of incarceration:
does serving a sentence with electronic monitoring causally improve post-release labor market
outcomes? Criminology & Public Policy, 13(3): 1-31
Wildeman, Christopher, Andersen, Signe Hald, Lee, Hedwig & Karlson, Kristian Bernt (2014):
Parental Incarceration and Child Mortality in Denmark. American Journal of Public Health,
104(3): 428-433.
Andersen, Signe Hald (2013): Common genes or exogenous shock? Disentangling the causal
effect of paternal unemployment on children’s schooling efforts. European Sociological Review,
29(3): 477-488
Breen, Richard & Andersen, Signe Hald (2012): Educational Assortative Partnerships and
earnings Inequality in Denmark. Demography, 49:867-887
Andersen, Signe Hald and Hansen, Lars Gårn (2012): The Rise and Fall of Divorce–
Implications of Bourdieu on Becker’s model of the Marriage Market. Journal of Mathematical
Sociology, 36(2): 97-124
Andersen, Signe Hald (2011): Exiting unemployment: How do program effects depend on
individual coping strategies. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(2): 248-258
Andersen, Signe Hald & Fallesen, Peter (2010): A question of class: On the heterogeneous
relationship between background characteristics and a child’s placement risk. Children and
Youth Services Review, 32(6): 783-789
Andersen, Signe Hald (2010): A Good Place to Live: On How Municipality Level
Characteristics Explain Municipality Level variation in Children’s Placement Risk. Social
Service Review, June
Andersen, Signe Hald (2010): The Cost of Sickness: On the Effect of the Duration of Sick
Leave on Post Sick Leave Earnings. Social Science & Medicine, 70(10): 1581-1589
Andersen, Signe Hald (2009): Unemployment and Subjective Well-being. A Question of Class?
Work and Occupations, 36(1): 3-25
Heinesen, Eskil, Husted, Leif & Andersen, Signe Hald (2009): Labour market integration of
immigrants: Estimating local authority effects. Journal of Population Economics, 22(4): 909
Andersen, Signe Hald (2008): The short and long term effects of government training on
subjective well being. European Sociological Review, 24(4):451-462
Andersen, Signe Hald & Heinesen, Eskil (2008): Estimating the relative success of local
authorities at labour market integration of immigrants. European Journal of Population, 24(1) :
Andersen, Signe Hald & Fallesen, Peter (2013): Når man anbringer et barn 2. Årsager, effekter
af anbringelsesforanstaltninger og konsekvenser. Odense: Syddansk Universitets Forlag
Book Chapters:
Andersen, Signe Hald (2005) ’Globaliseringen og den vestlige kulturarv’ [Globalization and the
Cultural Heritage of the West]. In: Kaspersen, Lars Bo (red.): Globaliseringen på vrangen.
[Globalization cut up rough]. Frydenlund, København.
Andersen, Signe Hald & Holm, Anders (2003): Breaking up Relationships: Women
marginalizing weak Males. In Kærgård, Niels (ed.): Symposium i Anvendt Statistik [Symposium
in Applied Statistics]. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen.
Andersen, Signe Hald (2007): Unemployment and Well-being – a question of entry states? In
Linde, Peter (ed.): Symposium i Anvendt Statistik [Symposium in Applied Statistics]. School of
Economics and Management, Aarhus.
Andersen, Signe Hald (2008): Heterogeneous Treatment Effects from Government Training does Well-being During unemployment explain the variation? In Bradshaw, Jonathan (red.):
International Studies on Social Security. Vol. 14
Ebsen, Frank & Andersen, Signe Hald (2010): Foranstaltninger for udsatte børn i Danmark:
Historisk oprindelse og den seneste udvikling. In Andersen, Signe Hald (eds.): Når man
anbringer et barn. Odense: Syddansk Universitets Forlag
Andersen, Signe Hald (2010): Hvad skyldes kommunale forskelle? In Andersen, Signe Hald
(eds.): Når man anbringer et barn. Odense: Syddansk Universitets Forlag
Andersen, Signe Hald & Fallesen, Peter (2010): Risikofaktorer og sociale skel. In Andersen,
Signe Hald (eds.): Når man anbringer et barn. Odense: Syddansk Universitets Forlag
Andersen, Signe Hald (2010): Svingdørsbørn? In Andersen, Signe Hald (eds.): Når man
anbringer et barn. Odense: Syddansk Universitets Forlag
Andersen, Signe Hald & Fallesen, Peter (2010): Efter anbringelsen. In Andersen, Signe Hald
(eds.): Når man anbringer et barn. Odense: Syddansk Universitets Forlag
Andersen, Signe Hald (2006): Kommunal beskæftigelsessucces. [Success in municipal
employment schemes in Denmark]. Akf forlaget.
Andersen, Signe Hald, Eskil Heinesen og Leif Husted (2005): Benchmarkinganalyse af
integrationen i kommunerne målt ved udlændinges beskæftigelse 1999-2002. [Benchmarking
Analysis of Danish Municipalities’ Integration Policies in the period 1999-2002]. Akf forlaget,
Andersen, Signe Hald, Heinsen, Eskil & Husted, Leif (2005): Benchmarkinanalyse af
integrationen i kommunerne målt ved udlændinges selvforsørgelse 1999-2003. [Benchmarking
Analysis of Danish Municipalities’ Integration Policies in the Period 1999-2003]. Akf forlaget,
Arendt, Jakob, Eskil Heinesen, Leif Husted, Bjørg Colding & Signe Hald Andersen (2004):
Kontanthjælpsforløbs varighed og afslutning. [The Duration and Termination of Periods on
Subsistence Benefit: Municipal Differences]. Akf forlaget, Copenhagen.
Popular science
Andersen, Signe Hald (2006): Hjælper uddannelse indvandrere i beskæftigelse? Akf NYT,
Andersen, Signe Hald (2005): Hvordan skal man måle integration? Akf NYT, 2005:3:3-5.
Andersen, Signe Hald (2007): Hvordan skal man vurdere en kommunal indsats. Danske
Kommuner, 2007(33).
Working papers
Andersen, Signe Hald: Unemployment and crime: Experimental evidence of the causal effects
of intensified ALMPs on crime rates among unemployed individuals.
Andersen, Signe Hald: Getting into the game: An assessment of the causal effect of low birth
weight on out of home care, using mother's exposure to stressful handball matches.
Andersen, Signe Hald & Özcan, Berkay: The Effects of Unemployment on Fertility.
Andersen, Signe Hald & Hansen, Lars Gårn: Reforming ALMP Allocation when Caseworkers
Have an Information Advantage.
Andersen, Signe Hald: The wage effect of a social experiment on intensified Active Labor
Market Policies.
Andersen, Signe Hald (2004): The perfect match. Master’s Thesis, University of Copenhagen
Andersen, Signe Hald (2009): Dealing with Unemployment. Programme Effects on
Psychological and Labour Market Outcomes. PhD Thesis, Institute of Sociology, University of
Academic and conference presentations:
Analytical-Quantitative Seminar Series (Oslo), April 2012. Paper: Serving time or serving the
community? Exploiting a policy reform to assess the causal effects of community service on
income, social benefit dependency and recidivism.
European Population Conference (Stockholm), June 2012. Paper: Paper: The Impact of
Unemployment on Fertility Timing (joint with Berkay Ozcan, LSE)
4th Annual Meeting on the Economics of Risky Behaviour (Istanbul), April 2012. Paper:
Serving time or serving the community? Exploiting a policy reform to assess the causal effects
of community service on income, social benefit dependency and recidivism.
ASC Conference (Washington), November 2011. Paper: Serving time or serving the
community? Exploiting a policy reform to assess the causal effects of community service on
income, social benefit dependency and recidivism.
CIQLE workshop (Yale University), November 11th 2011. Paper: Serving time or serving the
community? Exploiting a policy reform to assess the causal effects of community service on
income, social benefit dependency and recidivism.
Life course dynamics and the mechanisms of social inequality? Workshop (Turku Center for
Welfare Research), August 29th-September 2011. Paper: Serving time or serving the
community? Exploiting a policy reform to assess the causal effects of community service on
income, social benefit dependency and recidivism.
Stockholm Criminology Symposium (Stockholm), June 2011. Paper: Active labour market
programs and crime: On the causal effects of intensified ALMPs on unemployed persons’ crime
6th European Workshop on “Labour Markets and Demographic Change” (Vienna), April 2011.
Paper: The Impact of Unemployment on Fertility Timing (joint with Berkay Ozcan)
ASC Conference (San Francisco), November 2010. Paper: Active labour market programs and
crime: On the causal effects of intensified ALMPs on unemployed persons’ crime rates
ESC Conference (Liege), November 2010. Paper: Active labour market programs and crime: On
the causal effects of intensified ALMPs on unemployed persons’ crime rates
ISA Conference (Gothenburg), July 2010. Paper: Active labour market programs and crime: On
the causal effects of intensified ALMPs on unemployed persons’ crime rates
2nd meeting of the Danish Microeconometric Network (Kandestæderne), June, 2010. Paper: The
Wage Effect of a Social Experiment on Intensified Active Labor Market Policies
CIQLE Workshop (Yale University), September 18, 2009: Paper: Active labour market
programs and crime: On the causal effects of intensified ALMPs on unemployed persons’ crime
RC28 Conference (New Haven), August 3. – 6., 2009. Paper: Active labour market programs
and crime: On the causal effects of intensified ALMPs on unemployed persons’ crime rates
RC28 Conference (Florence), May 15.-17, 2008. Paper: Common genes or exogenous shock?
Disentangling the causal effect of paternal unemployment on children’s schooling efforts.
ISQOLS Conference (San Diego), December 6.-9., 2007. Paper: The short and long term effect
of government training on subjective well being.
ESA Conference (Glasgow), September 3.-6., 2007. Paper: The short and long term effect of
government training on subjective well being.
BHPS Conference (Essex), July 5. – 7., 2007. Paper: The short and long term effect of
government training on subjective well being.
FISS Seminar (Sigtuna), June 15.-17., 2007. Paper: The short and long term effect of
government training on subjective well being.
CIM/AKF workshop (Nyborg), April 23.-24., 2007. Paper: Selection into training programs –
Norms or Economics?
Symposium in Applied Statistics (Århus), 30.-31 January 2007. Paper: Unemployment and
well-being – a question of entry states?
Panel Data Conference (Cambridge), 7.-9. July 2006. Paper: Do Transitions in marital status
change sex-role attitudes? – the Cowed Wives.
The British Sociological Association’s Conference (Harrogate), 21.-23. April 2006. Paper: Do
Transitions in marital status change sex-role attitudes? – the Cowed Wives.
Seminar on Migration, Academy for Migration Studies in Denmark (Ålborg), 5.-6. April 2006.
Paper: Benchmarking Analysis of Danish Municipalities’ Integration Policies in the period
The Danish Sociological Association’s Conference (Roskilde), 18.-20. August, 2005. Paper: Do
Transitions in Marital Status change Attitudes towards Marriage?.
Symposium in Applied Statistics (København), 27-28 January 2004. Paper: Breaking up
Relationships: Women marginalizing weak Males.
Journal Review
Social Forces
European Sociological Review
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
Journal of Economic Psychology
British Journal of Social Work
British Journal of Industrial Relations
Social Science & Medicine
Work & Occupations
Acta Sociologica