PDF - UP OSU - University of the Philippines
PDF - UP OSU - University of the Philippines
PIS. RETURN '1'0 ost Rtc:OBDS The University of the Philippines ;~(~~~:;~:_~:::~l~~~~r G t-\ ZETTE: 1 ~ ISSN No. 0115·7450 Dr. Ernesto G. Tabu}ara Dr. Jose V. Abueva The benefit of their judgement and experience as ~~ademic administrators P~~l PETUP.~ T2 :..g,." , . - ~ - as,y - - i . CONTENTS . DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS l028th BOR Meeting, 25 January 1990 Appointments, renewal of appointments, etc. Transfer to permanent status . . . 'Establishment.of professorial chairs . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 5 6 6 Proposal for the establishment and operation of the electron I microscope service laboratory at BIOTECH . . . 6 Holding of the UP Vargas Museum Summer • Program on Philippine Society. Culture and the Arts . . . . • 6 Proposed establishment of the Philippine Science ' ....•.••. ~6 involving Elizabeth Diaz , .• '. " " " . Increase in tuition in the Master of Business Administration Program. : • • . • . . . . ' . Amendment of the guidelines on the computation of overload teaching honoraria ' , . , . , , . , , • . . • • . ' Reprogramming of CY 1987 and 1988 savings from accounts PElyable in the total amount of PS,0l1,744, Reprogramming of savings from CY 1986, CY 1987, 6 High School in the Visayas. • . • ." Creation of a,committee to mvestiqate the case 6 6 6 and CY 1988 accounts payable in .the total amount of Pl1 ,263P05 . • 6 Programming of the amount of P4.625;796 representing the unappropriated income of UPLB f~r CY"1989"l . . . 6 ReprOgramming of unexpended balances in the total ·6 amount of P4,580,498 : . Memorandum of Agreement between the UPLB Institute o{Plant Breeding and the National Agricultural 7 . and Fishery Council .. , . • • . • . . , , , . , , . . • . Memorandum of Agreement between the UPLB National Institutes of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology and thePhtlippine Council for . 7 Industry and Energy Research & Development. , ••••• ' Memorandum of Grant Conditions between the UPLB Postharvest Horticulture Training and Research 7 center and the lntemationat Development Center •. Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB re'garding the project identification and evaluation course for the , I staff Cover Story During his first meeting with the deans and directors of! UP· Diliman as their Chancellor las? January 3, President Abueva stated that UP employees should speed up their work. "UP really shares the problems of the country. If wei demand of our' society and government to change, we mustj first do it here," he said. . I r Abueva succeeded former UP Diliman Chancellor I Ernesto G. Tabujara whose term ended last December 31. One of the things some deans will likely remember about Chancellor Tabujara is their enjoyment of autonomy during his term. To allow the academic units to develop further, Tabujara's approach was to leave them to their own selfdetermination and· administration. ~mbers of BACOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorandul}' of Agreement between the UP vtsaves regarding the development of low cost artificial feeds for seabass, . , . ". . , . . . • . ' , , , . • • ' . . , , ., General Agreement between the University and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel,Belgium , .. , , .. , . , . , • , . Memorandum of Agreement between the UPV College of Fisheries and BFAR Fisheries Scholarship Program. , . 7. .7 7 7 IBM Higher Education Software Consortium Membership Agreement between the University • and IBIYl Phils .• lnc. . . . . . '" .••. " , . . • . • . Implementing Agreement between the University and Mindanao State University System . . . , , . • . . , , ,". , Agreement of Cooperation between the University and the Asian I nstitute of Technology . , , . , .••. ", . • . . ' Agreement on Academic Exchange 'and Cooperation between the University and the University of Tokyo, , .• , General.Construction Agreement between the University and Hilmarcs Construction Corporation .••• Contract of Lease between the University Kitchenette and UPV • '.' , .." .. , , . ' , , , ..., , . , ' , Executive Order No, 01/1990 placing the operations of the Campus Planning, Development and Maintenance Office under the administrative supervision of the Office 6f the Chancellor of UP Diliman . , , . ' , .. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 ------~~-,!,j Executive Order No. 021 1990 stati~ that all businessrelated and revenue generating units, with the exception of those related to housing shall be under administrative control and supervision of the Office of the Business Manager ' .. : Acceptance of donation of four 141 units used motor . vehicles under the UPLB-IRRI-IDRC Project. . . . . . . Acceptance of a donation of photogrammetric instruments from the National Irrigation Administration. . • . • . . • Acceptance of a donation of an initial partial amount of $1,000 from the Espaiiola familv . . . . . . . . . . . . Graduation of Students . . • • • • . . • • . • • • . . • . ". • . Matters for Information : •.......... Memorandum of Understanding and Management Plant 7 .. 7 " 7 .. •. " 7 7 8 1029th SDR Meeting. 1 Mardi 1990 Appoointptents, automatic promotions,etc. . , . . . . , .. " 8 Transfer to permanent status . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . ,. 9 Conferment of honorary degrees 9 . Confir.mation of the modification/reclassification of items/upgrading of new positions for research personnel of U~lB ', " . . . . . . . 8 Protessorlat chairs , . . . . . . . . . .. 9 Authoritv of the UPV Chancellor to btd out the construction of the proposed facilities of the FAs ..... " 9 Authority to Lease the area frontIng UP San ~ ' _'. 9 Vicente Bliss , Conversion of the Tanzanian Scholarship Grant, to African Graduate Scholarship Grant. , , '9 Inerease in honoraria of faculty members involved in 9 .. Undergraduate theses/special protilemadviSing • . . . . . . Adoption of formula for determining honoraria rates for faculty members given administrative assignments. . .. 10 Increase in honoraria for Deans and Directors of Centers ofExcellence ' , 10 Payment of honoraria to Associate D.eans/Assistants. , ',' . . . . . .. 10 to the Dean .. ' Payment of honoraria to the Administrative Officers of UP College Baguio, UP COllege Cobu, UP College Tacloban and the School of Health Sciences. . . . Grant of one·time sala~y ~ugmentation to 98 personnel ofthe Institute of Plant Breeding .. .'. . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Reprogr~mming and realignment of UPV prior years savinga. . . . . '. ' , . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Repro~ramming of unexpended baiancesof UP Oiliman. . . .. to Payment of professional services fee of the Executive' . Architects for the UP civil works project..• , . . • . . . .. 10 Amendment to the rule on sabbaticals ;. .. 10 lskclar ng Bayan proposed refinements of the purposes " 10 'and structures of the 'Reform Program .-. , Payment of cvernme claims of workers and employees of the UP Land Grant in Basitan City. , . . . . . : ... , .. 10 Pa~ent of separation pay to 68 AIT house employees .'. . .. 10 Memorandum oJ Agreement amorlg the Unlversjtv, IBM Phils., and Meralco Foundation, Inc , ' 10 Agreement between the University and the Claret Formation Center'.' ' , " 10 Menlorandum of Agreement between the University through the MarIne Science Institute, College of Science and the Man and the Biosphere Inter10 Agency Committee on Eoo'iogical Studies .._.. , .. ~ . 1q ......'" 1:l ~ c ~ ;:;l ....•... '" .I:; E .=Z .... ~ ~ '" E = "0 ;> 2 Agreement of Cooperation between the University and , the University of New South Wales. , .. , . . . . Memorandum Of Agreement between UPLB and ' . . . -Biool Unfversitv . Memorandum of Agreement between UPlB and Tarlac College of Agriculture. ; , . . . . . Memorandum of Agreement between the Phll~ppine Council for Industry and Energv Research and Development and UPLB National Instltutes of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology . . . . . , . . . 10 10 10 .... 10 " between UPLB. through the I ~st1tute of Eiwironmental Science and Management and Dalhousie University.. , .•. Subcontract for research project on NIA Provincial Irrigation Offices' Services to communal irrigation systems in,Western Visayas between U'PV'and the' International Irrigation Management Institute. . . . ., Memorandum of Agreement between DAR, Policy. Strategic Research Office and UPLB Instituteo! Agrarian Studies, ,'. , . ,', , .. , . , . , .-. , . . Memorandum of Agreement between'UPLB and IRR': . Memorandum of Agreement between UPV and RadIo Budyong DYBQ. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contract of Supply of whole human blood between the University and the Doctor's alocdBank . .. , , . , . , 'General Construction Agreement between the University . and Hilmarc's Construction Corp. (Math. BuildingPhaselll! : , : General Conrtruction Agreement between the University and Hilmarc's Construction Corp. (Marine Science 'BUilding.Phase IY) .:. '.. . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . • . Memorandum of Agreement between the University' and the UP Dillman Tennis Club. , .. , . . . . " .. : ,'; Memorandum of Agreeme~ among the DPWH, Department of Science and Technology. et al.and the University regarding the acceptance sampilng of incoming water supply materials. '. . . . • ,. • . . • • . . . . . Contract for janitorial services between the University and Philcare Manpower Services ..- . . . ' . . . . . . . . . Service Agreement 'between the Multi-Computer Services, Inc. and UPLB, through the Los Banos Computer Center • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . , . . . . . . . . General Construction Agreement batween UPLB and COR 'TRADE' and ConStruetion, : .. , , .. " General Construction Agreement between UPLB and MPC Construction , . , .. ' : .. , . .. General Construction Agreement between UPLB and COR TRADE and Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . " Generar"Constructio'n Agreement between UPLB and LML Enterprises ~ .. ; .. ; . , , " General Construction Agreement between UPLB (100 Maoortiz Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . ~ . • . . . . . . . • . General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Triad Construction and Development Corp. . Contract for Services between UPV and Curtains Unlimited. . . Construction Agreement between UPV ~nd F, Gurrea Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Administrative Order No. 19 on the UP Olliman Security and ~afety Commission., . . . . . • . . . . . . . . " . . . ; , Donation of Scientific journals and textbooks from Dr. Bader for the Institute of Plant Bref!ding Donation from the heirs of Irene Pascual Sarmiento for the creation and establishment of an Scholarship '. Endowment Fund Increase in Fee/Honoraria .. , Executive Order No. 03 on the Dillman Liaison OfficeofUPV " .. , .. · Contracts entered into by th~ UPV Chancellor. 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 .) 1~ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 l030th 80R Mooting. 29 Mardi 1990 . Appointments, reappointments, etc Transfer to permanent status. , , .. ~ Establishment of professorial chairs , ", 'Issuance of Academic Transcelpt of Record without reference to Dishonorable Dtsmlssel to ...... Telemachus 0, Magno '", . . . Amendment of the rules 0l"! sabbatical . . . . Amendment of the rules on sick leave .. , .. Increase in the amount of medical aid granted to UP Personnel . . . , 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 Payment of honoraria to Assistant Principa.ls of 13 University High Schools, . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . . . Increase in UPCAT Application Fee . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 13 Industry·Educatlon Linkage Program Agreement between the Philippine Computer Society. Inc. and the University . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . ~ .....' .. 13' Memorandum of Understending between the Hospicio 13 de San Jose and UP Manila.. ~ Memorandum of Understanding between the Monash Vn"iversity end the University of the Philippines . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . '. . . . . . • • . . . 13 Memorandum of Agreement between Philips Components Inc. end UP Dillman through the UP NEC.....•.' .... 13 Techni.cal Services Agreement between WHO and ' UP CSSP . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . . . • . . . 13 Memorandum of Agreemem among the Science and Technology Coordination Council, through the 'Department qf Science and TechnolOgy, the Technical Planning and Review Committee for Process Sector and sori1e institutio!1s _ '._. .. 13 Implementing Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Education, Cutture and Sports. . Region VI end UP Visayes :.' . . • . . . . 13. Memorendum01 AgrllBment between DAR end UPLBI Institute of Agrarian Studies: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13 eprogramming/Allocation of Funds 1990'lnternal Operating Budget . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 13 Increase in rates for; graduate assistantships. .- . • . . . . ~.. . . 13 . Memorandum of Agreement among the Municipal Government of Nagcarlan. Province of Laguna, .the Department of Agriculture et. al to undertake collaborative researches and projects: '. . . . . 13 Contract of Agreement among the Phitlpplne Council for' Health Research and Development, Mrs. Gloria ' 13 D. Reyes, et. 81 for a thesis assistance grant . ~ Memorandum of Agreement between the UPLB-Institute ', of Environmental Science and Managemem and the University of Eastern Philippines' . . . . . . . • . . ' 14 Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB lrstftute'of Environmental Science and Manag~ment and Camarines Sur State Agricultural College . • . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . 14 Memorandum of Agreement between the Purefoods " 14 Corp. end UPLB Microbiology LabOretory Memorandum of Agreement between the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center and UPLB. .. 14 Memorandum of Agreement among the UPLB throug~ the Department of Agrometeorology at. al regarding the project. UPLB·PAGASA·PCARRD Netionel 14 Agrometeorologictl Station. : . . . . . . . . . . . . Contract for Security Services between the Kaiser Security and Allied Services. Inc. and UPV 14 Contract for Janitorial Services between JEJ Enterprises and the University of the Philippines : . : 14 Architect Owner Contract between UPLB College of • Arts and Sciences and Architect Mauro C. Simpliciano. • . . 14 Agreement between the University and BLISS Development Corporation ' 14 (Administrative Order No. 52 '.' . : .. ' 15 Graduation of Students ' 15 AppOintment of University Officials 15 ADMINISTRATIVE·CIRCULARS Executive Order No. 01/1990 control and supervision 15 .cver the CPOMO of UP OiUman ExecutiVe Order No: 02/1990 supervision and control over business-related and revenue generating units ct ustnumen 1• • • • • • • • • • "'; •.•• :.15 Executive Order No'. 03 renam1ng of the External Relations and Resources Development Staff of UPV to Olliman Llaiscn .office of UPV 15 Administrative Order No. 01 des;gnation.as Acting Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs .••. ~ . . . • . Admlnlstretlve Order No. 04 constitution 01the UP Telecommunications Advisory Committees. Admlnistretlve Order No 05 creation 01 the 1990 UP • Foundation Day Steering Committee. . . • . . . . . . . . . . Administrative Order No. 06 exemptiOn from customs d~ties and taxes on importations by the University. Administrative Order No. 08 Irnplementing the . resolution of the' UP Board of Regents reorganizing the UP Law Complex. . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Administrative Order No. 10 creation of a UP panel in the' Arboretum Development Committee of UP and the Government . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . .' ...• Administrative Order No. 13 constitution of an Ad Hoc Committee to draft the code of duties and responsibilities·of teachers and non-teaching penonnel . Memorandum No. 01 attendance at the weekly flag ceremonies. . . . . : '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . Memorandu.m No. 03 ONO-UP Agreement . . . . . ... . . . Memorandum No. 15 accounting of funds from the· Ford Foundation Grant . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . a.c. 16 16 16 16 17 19 20 20 20 , 20 Letters To Mr. Jose B( ,~.el Rosario . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To Secretary Fiorello R. Estuar . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . To Mr. Christopher C. Smart " .. To Representative Nikki M.L. Coseteng ' .•..•••. To President Corazon C. Aquino . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . To Secretary Delerlne Follosco : To Brigido R. Simon. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . • . To Congressman Honorato Aquino ,. . . To Or. Akita Arima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ' To Secretary ·franklin·Orilon . . • . . : To Governor Jayier A. Ariosa : ', . . . . . To Secretary Isidro O~ Carino To Secretary Isidro O. Carifto" '. . . . To President Ellis E. McCure of Califo'rnia State ,University .. '. To Dean Pacifico Agabin . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . To Ambassador Jose M. Laurel III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • To Fr. W.H. Kreutz, SJ '• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To Dean Juan P. Ramos To Justice Jose C. Campos, Jr. . '. . . . . To Dean Armando J. Matay . . . . . • . . ' 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 To Mr. Thomes Que To Mr. Jaime Zobel de Ayala . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . To Mr. Felimon Berba,Jr _ . To Mr. Mineleo Carlos 'Io Or. Ricardo Lamican " . . . . . . . . .. ToMr. RobertT. Lu :. To Mr. June-Hyuck Cho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,' .. To Chairman Patricia a.s-e, Tomas of esc To President Ellis McCure of California State University. . .... To Secretary Raul S. Manglapus. . . '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i 26 26 :'27 ' ,27 27 27 28 28 28 29 rriga "tl. oDO s ~ MESSAGES To UP Pre-Medical Honor Society . • . . • . . . . . . . . . Sa Kasapi "9 UP Bachelor ofl nterter -.DesignBatch '90 . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . '.' Sa mga magslslpagtapos sa UP Statistical Center .. '. . . . Sa alumni ng Philippine Collegian . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Para sa Teatro Umalohokan : . . . . . . , Para sa mga kasapl ng UP Economics Toward Consciousness : .. ~ . Para sa University Student Counicl Sa mga magsisipagtapos ng School of Dt!Yelopment Management, UPV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To the Board of the Child Development Center Parents and Teachers' ASSOciation . . . . . . . . . . d . .. 29 29 , 29 . .. 29 " 29 . .. 29 ...• ~ e... ; :: DO . . . 29 ;, . . 30 . . . 30 30 g. .... '" :g 3 , , . , ~, , ; Para sa'Cent~ forWo-inen Stuc!ies:a. UP Film Ceiiter' 'To the first gradu'atlng cJasl of .the College ~f F.iSheries ~,~ To Sigma DeltaSorority .. ', .;:r.' ••( • • • • ,~"", To UP Junior Marketing Association , ., To UP Statistical Cente~·Research Foundation; Inc. ,. !o UP ~CTS., , .' .. : ';, .". : : . . ~ .. 'Sa mga kasapi ng UP MatheniC!~ics Club .,' , . 30 30 30 30 .. •t 31 31 31 - 'Sa mga,Kasapi'ng'UP Delta Lambda S~ma, Sorority ,To',Rayadilio 'Honor Guard Battalion,c1f theUP 'Corps of Cadets, To UP'Vanguard, Inc, To UPSI LON SiGMA Phi 'To 'UP Varieties. : , .. 31, 31 3) , ~, 32 ,'32' To UP Junicr-Finence Association ,, , .' -, ,, " , ; t I !' • ~. . •.l. , ,. / " .' J.: ••' : f , t, ,. I , l !. . , "I, s, " " 'BOA~D OF REGENTS The Honorabl~\oUrd" R, Quisumbing. Cholrman. sec-e. terv.Department of Educaiion, Culture'and Sports eThe Honorable Jose V. AbU8V8 PreS.ident, University of the Philippines -The Honorable,edgard~ J. Angara. Chalr: ma~, Senate Committee on Educa~ion eThe Honorable Carlos M. Padilla. Chain:nan .: House Committee on Edu~t~on • The Honorable Gonzalo A. 8ongolan •.The Honorable Poncia'!O, GA. Mathay. President; U.P. Alumni Association e The Honorable Cesar A. Buenaventura eThe Honorable Angellta·T. Reyes·.Tl1e Honorable Fler~' Ruth p~ Romero e The Honorable Delfin L. Lazaro. The Honorable Primo E. Gonzales e~The Honorable Ruben B. Aspiras e Or. 'Emerlinda R. Roman. ~retary.· .• I " '. (- .' ,. 't- -( i- " OFFICERS OF THE ADMINISTRATiON Dr, Jo. V, Abu.... , President 'e -Dr: Gemino H. Abad: Vice-President for Academic Affaits • Dr. Felipe M.' Medelfa. Vice-President :fur Planning a~ Finance eO r. Belinda A. Aquino. Vice-President for PUblic.Affairs • Or. Oacar M. AtfoniO. Presidential Assistant ,. Or.-Emerlinda R: ~ Roman, Secretary ........ > 1, I '• ..c " E '::: Z .... ~ , ~ . "E , ::: ;; " , EOITO.RIAL STAFF,: Sec. Em.tinda R. Romln. Editdr,eM8,i. ChristiM F.' Rey., Ma~ing Editor. Ai'll Est... M. M~·uez. ' 4 , " I' Editorial 'Assistant. , . , ~. , ., " . , DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS 1028th BOR Meeting 25 January 1990 APPOINTMENTS. RENEWAL OF APPOINTMENTS. ETC.: The Board approved the following appolntments.. renewal of Casi~_iro V. Miranda, Jr.-change in honorarium as lsabelo delos Reyes Associate Professor of Development Eccnomlcs from 40% of basic salary to P2,OOO for each annual chair lecture. effective 1 July 1989. . Solita C. Monsod-change'in honorarium as Go Kim Pah OJ Associate Professor of Banking from 40% of basic salary to P2.000 appointments, etc.: UP SYSTEM Information Office Angelita L Santos-appointment as Director I, effective 1 . January 1990 until 31 December 1990. , Office of the President Josefina Albores-renewal of appointment as Executive Assistant IV (Grade ~2J. effective 1 January, 1990 until 31 December 1990. Office of the Vice-President for Planning and Finance Proceso G. Ramos-renewal of appointment as Business Manager Director II (Grade 26), effectiVe 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. U.P.OILIMAN School of Econom ies Florian A. Alburo-change in honorarium as Development Bank of the Philippines Professor of Economics from 40% of basic salary to P2,OOO for each annual chair lecture. effective 1 July 1989.' Ruperta P. Alonzo-change in honorarium as San Miguel Corp. Associate Professor of Economics from 40% of basic salary to P2,OOO for each annual chair lecture, effective 1 July 1989. Dante B. Canlas:-change in honorarium as Enrique T. Virata Professor of Statistical Economics from 40% of basic salary to P2.000 for each annual chair lecture, effective 1 July 1989. Rolando A. Danao-change in. honorarium as Vidal A. Tan Professor of Mathematical EConomics from 40% of basic salary to P2,OOO for each annual,chair lecture, effective 1 July 1989:_ Emmanuel S. De Dios-change in honorarium asArnedov. Her· nandez Associate Professor of Economics tram 40% of basic salary to P2,OOO for each annual chair lecture; effective 1 July 1989. Benja."in E. Oiokno-change in honorarium. as Philippine National Bank OJ Associate Professor of Economics from P16,516.80 to·P2.000 for each annual chair lecture.reffective 1 July 1989. Jose Enc,:,rnacion, Jr.-change in honorarium as Miguel Cuaderno Professor of POlitical Economy from 80% of basic salary to P2,OOO for each annual chair 'lecture. effective 1 July 1989. Raul F. Fabella-change in honorarium as Central Bank of the Philippines OJ Associate Professor of Foreiqn Trade from 40%.of basic salary to P2.000 for each annual chair lecture, effective 1 July, 1989. Ma. Socorro H. Gochoco-change in .tJonorariu~ as Rosa ::>. Alvero Associate Professor of Economics from 40% of basic salary to P2.000 for each annual chair lecture. effective 1 July 1989. Alejandro N. Herrin-change in honorarium as Conrado Benitez Professor in Demographic Economics from 80% of basic salary to P2;OOO for each ~nnual chair lecture, effective 1 July 1989.. Joseph Y. Lim-change in honorarium as peED Professor in Eccnomics trom 40% of basic salary to P2,OOO for each annual chair lecture. effective 1 July 1989. Joseph' Y. Lim-change of professorial chair title with increase _in honorarium from eqA Assistant Protassorof Economics at P12,OOO . p.a. to PCED Associate Professor of Eccnornlcs with an honorarium of 40% of basic salary as Associate Professor IV, effective 1 February 1988 until i8 September 1988. Felipe M. Medalla-change in honorarium as Henry Co OJ Associate Professor of· Economics from 40% of basic salary to P2;000 for each annual chair lecture, effective 1 July'1989. for each annual chair lecture. effective 1 July 1989. Manuel F. Montes-change in honorarium as Central Bank of the Philippines Associate Professor of Money and Banking from 40% of basic salary to P2POO for each 'annual chair lecture. effective 1 July 1989. Cayetano W. Paderanga. Jr.-change-in honorarium as Blenvenido . M. Gonzalez Associate Professor of Economics from 40% of basic salary to P2,OOO for each annual chair lecture, effective 1 July 1989. Edits A. Tan-change in honorarium as SGV Founclation Profes· 'sor of Economics from 80% of basic selarv.to P2.000 for each annual chair lecture, effective 1 July 1989. Gwendolyn R. leeson-change in honorarium as Lecnjdas S. Virata Professor of Development Ecoromlcs from 40% of basic salary to P2,000 for each annual chair lecture, effective 1 July 1989. • Education. College of Mercedes P. Adorio-appointment as OJ Associate Professor of . Special Education. effective 1 January 1990 .until 31 December 1990. Julian E. Abuso-appointment as UPIP Associate Professor of Educational Foundation, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. S::e C. Garcia-appointment as OJ Assistant Professor of Health Education. effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December -'990. Waldetrudes M. Sison-appointment as UPIP Associate Professor of Special Education, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Beatriz A. Soriano-extension of appointment beyond the CQmpulsorv retirement age of 65 as Associate Professor VII. ettective 18 February 1990 unt.il7 March 1990. Engineering, CoIIElge of Teodorico F. Festin-appointment as Professor emeritus. effective 25 Jenuarv 1990. Islamic Studies, Institute of Carmen A~ Abubakar-promotion with salary adjustment to the minimum from Assistant Professor IV at P55.188 p.a. to Associate Professor I at P64,272 p.a.• effective 1 Pebtuarv 1988. Mass Co'mmunication, CoIIEl98 of Raul R. Inlges-appointment as Professor Emeritus. effective 1 January 1990. Small Scale Industries. Institute of Ma. Adela A. Santiano-renewal of Appointment as Tralolnq Speclellst IV (Grade 22), effective 1 January 1990. Social Sciences end Philosophy. CoIIElge of Alfredo V. Lagmay-appolntment as Professor Emeritus. effect· lve 2 November 1989. J \:.Ip Extension Program in Olongapo Cecilia A. Alip-renewal of appoi_ntment as Director. effective 1 April 1989 un~i1 31 March 1990. U.P. LOS BAliios Arts and Sciences. College of Juan B. Pancho-extension of appointment beyond the compulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor IV of Botany. effective 31 January 1990 until 31 May 1990. 5 Creetion of e Committee to Invostlgete the caM Involving EII._ U.P. VISAYAS Diaz FI_Ies, College of , Teodoro U. Abelo.....reclassification with retention of tenure frol')'1 Research Associate at P43,176 p.a. to Assistant Professor I of Aquaculture at P68,040 p.a. (Grade 181. effective 1 July 1989.. Roman C. Senare-reclassification with retention of tenure from Research Associate at P35,388 p.e. to"! nstructor IV in Aquaculture at P57,432 p.a. (Grade 16), effective 1 July 1989. . Rodotfo F. Ventura-reclassification with retention of tenure' from Researcher ~l at P58,188 p.a. to Associate Professor I of Aquaculture at P99,OOO (Grade 22), effective 1 July 1989. Confirmetion of the Appointment of Regent Ruben B. Aspiru The Board confirmed the appointment of Regent Ruben B. Aspiras as member of the Board of Trustees of the UP FouridatlOn. Inc., effective 25 January 1990..' TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS I The Board approved the transfer to permanent status of the, following: U.P. MANILA Arts and SCiences, College of Josefina J. Delos Rey8S--'-as Assistant Prctessor IV, effective 30 October 1989. Aida M. salonga-as Associate Professor I (part-time), effective 25 January 1990. Medicine, College of Regina "M. Canlas-as Assistant Professor I [part-tlmel, effective 8 December 1988. Irene C. Limag-as Assistant Professor IV (part-time). effective 25 Januerv 1990. Nursing, College of Cynthia L. Maglasang-as Assistant Prof. IV. effective 25 January 1990.' ' Josefina A. Tuazon-as Assistant Professor If ettectlve 25 January 1990. " Hea~h. Colllllle of NOet D. lawaI-as Assistant Professor IV, effective 25"January 1990. Public Establishment of Professorial Chelrs The Board approved the establishment of two (21 professorial" chairs at P500,OOO each, out of a donation of Pl,OOO,OOO from Benguet Management Co'rporation~ to be managed by the UP -foundation,lnc. The Chairs shall be named as follows: a. Benguet Management .Corporation Professorial Chair in Engineering b. Benguet CorPOiation Professorial Chair in Engineering" • Propoml for the' Establishment and Operation of the Electron Micro.cope Servtce L8borato'v at BIOTECH " The' Board approved the proposal for the estebtishment and operation of the Electron Microscope Service Laboratory at BIOTECH. Holding of the UP Vargas Museum Summer Program on Phiiippine SocietV. Cufture and the Arts The Board approved the holding of the UP Vargas Museum Summer Program on Philippine scctetv. Culture and the Arts fro,:" April 16 to May 18. 1990. 6 Proposed Enablishment of the Philippine Science High School in the Visayas within the UP VJsayas Campus at Miag-ao The Board approved the proposal to set aside a piece of land within the UP vtseves Campus in Mias-ao, for the proposed estebIishment of the Philippine Science High School in the Visayas. . The Board _Weed to the creation of a committee to investigate Elizabeth Diaz, an Associate Professor of the College of Mass cernmunication. Incr.18 in Tuition fn the Malter of Business Administration (MBAI' Program The Board approved the increase in tuition in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program of the College of Business Administration from Pl90/unit to P27S/unit, effective the Third Trimester of AY 1989-1990., Amendment of the Guidelines on the Compu18tidn of Overload TBBChing Honoraria The" Board approVMI the amendment of the guidelines on the computation of overload teaching honoraria to reduce the required average class size for inclusion of research and administrative load credit in the computation- of overload honoraria. effective the Second Semester 1989·1990, as follows: As a general rule, research anc:l administrative load shail not be counted in computing overload teaChing. However, research and administrative load mav be counted only under the follow',ing conditions: ~m: a. the average class size handled by the faculty member is 36 or higher. (In computil')9 average class size, enrolment in graduate ecursesmev be multiplied by 1.51 To: a. the average etass size handled by the facu'lty member is 15 students. for graduate courses and 30 students for undergraduate courses. i~ leal Reprogramming of CY 1987 end savings from Accounts Payebleln the totalemOunt of PS,ol1,744 The Board approved the reprogramming of CY 1987 and 1988 savings from accounts payable in the total amount of PB,011,744 to' be utlized as follows: A. University Administration 1. General Administration ane' Support Services 2. Research Services B. UP OiUman 1, Advanced and Higher Education 2. Capital Outlays Reprogremmlng of Savings from CY 198&, CY 1987, end CY 1988 AccOunts Payable in the total amount of P11,263, 005 "The Board approved the reprogramming of savings from CY 1986. CY 1987 and CY 1988 Accounts Payable in the total amount of Pl1 ,263,005 to be-utilized as follows: Function 6-Health Service (PGH) Personal Services , (1001 3.966.000 Project 3-Equipment Outlay (300·331 7,297,005 Total for UP Manila" " P11,263.005 D . Programming of the amount of P4,625,796 representing the unap~ p<op<lated Income of UPLB for CY 1989 The Board approved the programming of the amount of P4,625,796 representing the unappropriated income of UPLB for CY 1989. Reprogramming of UNixpended Balances in the total amount of P4,580,498 The Board approved the reprogramming of unexpended balances in the total amount of P4.580,498. • , I Impl. .enti,. Agr. . . ent between the Univorllty and Mlndanoo _randu,m of Agr.....ent betwoon the UPLB Instltuto of Piont , , Stete Univonlty System Brooding end the Notlonol Agrlcultunlend Fish.y Council The Board confirmm the Memorandum of Agreement between I The Board confirm" the agreement between the University and Mindanao State University System on the joint program ,to strength· ; the UPLB Institute of Plant Breeding and the National Agricultural and Fishery Council on the installation of a- Netafim drip irr~ation en the capability of MSU to provide high quality edueation'~tO"'" Systemfor Increased agrlcuttural production. ~ Muslim Mindanao in partleular and to MINSUPALA in general. Momorondum of Agreement IIotw8et1 the UPLB Netlonei Institutes of BiotechnoloiIY and Applied MicroblolollY and the Philippine Council for Industry end Erwgy R_rch anil Development The Board CDnfir~ed the Memorandum of Agr,eement between the UPLB National Institutes of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology and the Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and Development on the joint activity .In developing the Agreement of Cooporotlon botween the Univ••Ity' and the Aslon . Institute of Technology The Board confirmed the Agreement of Cooperation between the University and the Asian Institute of Technology on the' establishment of exchange programs and promotion of development of · joint. studies, researCh educetjonel and other ,training programs of mutual Interest. fermentation technologies for lysine production. i Agreement on Academic E~d1ange and Cooperation between ~ Momorendum 'of Gnnt Conditions between the UPLB Postharvest Horticulture Traini~' and R. .rch Center and the Internatiol1lll -D8V8ktpm..t Center " . The Board confirmed th~ Memor.andum of Grant Conditions between the UPLB Postharvest Horticulture Training and Research Center and the International Development Center on the joint . research activity penaining to the improvement of. tratport and handling methods cf bananas for domestic markets entitled "Banana Post Ha;';'est Technology: (PhilsJ." \ , University arKS the University of Tokyo ~ The Board confirmed the Agreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between the University and the University of Tokyo to promote academic exchange and cooperation between b~h Unlvers{sites in various fields of. mutual interest through appropriate means.· General Construction Asreententbstwe.. the University and HUmarca ColWtructlon Corporation - The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between the !University aOO Hilmarcs Construction Corporation regarding the College of Public Administration Building (.Phase ttl}. Memonndum of ""reement between UPLB, through the AgrlCuI· turel Credit end Coop_"'" Instltut.. end the Bureeu of Agrlcu~ tur81 Cooper_Ivel Development regarding the project identification ; CD~1ICt of ·Lea_ butween the UniYenity Kitchenette and UP in the and 8V8luation courm for steff members of BACOD. .The Board confirmed the MemOrandum-of Agreement between : VisoYos The Board confirm" the Contract of Lease between the Univer~ UPLB:, through the Agricultural CrecHt and Cooperative Institutes sity Kitchenette and UP in the Visayas regarding the .Cafeteria and the Bureau·of.Agricultural Cooperatives Development regarding BuildinQ located in its Iloilo City campus effective 1 January 1990 . the project identification and evaluation course for the staff mem. ' until 31 December 1990, subject to renewal upon mutual consent of. bers of BACOD. both parties. the Memorandum of Agreement b _ the UP Visoyas. through Its Institute of ,Aq.",ultura, CoIiOlla, of F_les and the Philippine Council for Aquatic land Marine R8SIIrch and DevelOpment The·Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between the UP Visayas, through its Instftue .of Aquaculture, ColleSe of Fisheries and the Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine.Research' and Development regarding the development of low cost artificial feeds for Seabass. Exocutiv.e Ordor No. 01/1990 piecing the oporotlons of the Campus Planning, Development and Maintenance Office under the administrative supervision of the Office of the Qlencellor 'of UP Dillman The Board confirmed Executive Order No. 01/1990 placing the oper:ations of the Campus Planning, Development and Maintenance Office under t~e administrative 'supervislcn of the Office of "the · Chancellor of UP Diliman. General Agreement between the University and the VrUe Univet'siteit Brussel,Belgium The Board confirmed the General ;Agreement between the u~i~~~~~y-and th-;-Vrje ·u~njversjteit Brussel, Belgium on how to . i;';prove the sciantlflc and ed~eatlOnal levels of _the two institutions, to promote and intensify the friendship and the mutual understanding between their people in general and the two (2) institutions in particular. Executiva Ord. No. 02/1990 _11111 thot an busi_elated and revenue generating units. with the exception of those related to houlh;g shell be under the administrative control ~nd supervision of the Office of the Business Manaa. The Board confirm" Executive Order No. 02/1990 stating that I .all business-related and revenue generating· units, with the exception , of those related to housing shall be under the administrative control and supervision of the Office of the Business Manager. " Memorandum of Agreement b : - n the UP VisByos College of FI_I.. and BFAR Flsh.l.. Scholarship Progrom The Board confirmed the Memorand~m of.Agreement between the UP vtsevas College of Eisherles and BFAR Fisheries Scholarship Program regarding the preparation, construction and reproduction of test materials for the conduct of the 9th Open Competitive Examination on Fisheries Scholarship. IBM High;" Educotlon Software Co_rtium MIP_lp Agreement between the Unive'sity and IBM Phlls., Inc. The Board confirmed the IBM Higher Education Software Consortium Membership Agreement between the University a~·IBM Phils., Inco on the enhancement of the academic .precess through· the effective use of modern computer technology in teaching, research and sch~lar,ship. ' Accep1ance of donation of four (4) units u~ ~otor vBhicl. under , the UPLIl-IRRHDRC Project The Board Confirmed the acceptance of donation of four (4) units used motor vehicles under the UPLB-IRRI·IDRC Project. Acc8ptanc& of a donation of photogremmetric instruments from the National Irrigation AdmlnistrBtion The Board confirmed the acceptance of a donation of photogrammetric'instruments from the National Irrigation Administration. " 1 t't · Aceept8nc:e of a donation of en inttial partial amount of $1,000 the ElPllftole femily . . . The Board confirmed the acceptance of a donation of an initial partial amount of $1 ,000 from the Espaflola family. from r , 0 rc COl .. 0> N til 1" • ',10> :I = ... 0> '<, ::: ,,,0>... ::r .... <0 <0 Q Graduation of Students The Board approved the graduation of students of the following 7 - constitutent universities for various degrees as' of the end 'of the , • I First Semester 1989·90: . 1. UPDiliman 2. UP Los Baflos 3. UP Manila 4. UP Visayas . 5. Additional list for UP Diliman Home Economics. College of Lydia B. Arriba..-appointment as Lui~ Stevenson IsidrO Associate Professor of Clothing "and Textiles, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Law. College of Domingo P. Oilini Jr .-reclassificationand transfer to full-time from Professor Lecturer II at P129/hr. and P296/final exam given to Associate Professor IV (Grade 24l at P121,620 p.a., effective 1 October 19B9 until 31 May 1990. Alfredo F. Tsdiar-increaSe in honorarium from SYCIP Professor of Law at P15.000 p.a. to SYCIP Professor of Law at P24.000 p.a.• effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990. Matt... for Informlltion The Board noted the following: 1. Increase of Fees in 'the pharmacy training program being given by the Department of Pharmacy 2. Revised Summary' of laboratory Fees of UP Los Banos 3. Contracts entered into by the Chancellor of UP Los Banos 8. Renewal of Contract of Lease between UP Los Banos and the Burger Bar (Beside the Institute of Develop- Science. College of Dick Van 'OulSt-appointment as Visiting Professor I (Grade 26), effective 13 November 1989 until 31 May 1990. ment Communication l;Suilding) b. Contract of l,ease between UP Los Banos and the Burger Bar l~ the back of the Men's Dorm) Social Sciences and Philooophy. College of ~idea. P. De Guzman-appointment as Visiting Research AssO•. elate, effective 2 November 1990 until 31 January 1991. 1029th BOR Mooting. 1 March 1990 APPOINTMENTS. AUTOMATIC PROMOTIONS, REAPPOINT. MENTS. ETC. The Board approved· the following appointments. autometfe promotions; reappointments, etc.: U.P. DILlMAN Statistict Center Lisa Grace S. Benalel-appointment as Central Bank Diamond Jubilee Assistant Professor of Statistics, effective 1 January 199tl1111i.\ until 31 December 1990. . ~ Adolfo M. De Guzman-appointment as Roberto Cuyuito Asso- ciate Professor of Statistics, effective 1 january 1990 until 31 December 1990. Asian cent. U.P. LOS BAIQoS Sitvino V. Epistola-extension of appointment beyond compulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor IX (Grade 28), effective 11 March 1990 until 30 April 1990. Josef. M. Senlel-extension of appointment beyond compulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor X (Grade 29), effective 23 March 1990 until 30 April \990. 0' Agriculture. College Emiliano N. Bernardo-appointment as L.B. Uichanco Professor of Pest Management, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Rodolfo P. Cabangbang-appointmerit as Dioscoro -L. Umali Assoclate Professor of Agronomy, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Le Trong Trung-appointment ·as SEARCA Assistant Professor of Dairy Nutrition. effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. " Baguio. College Jocelyn C. Madrid-automatic prorrotton from Assistant Professor III IGrade 191 at P74.Jll8 p.a. to Associate Professor I of Bio. logy (Grade 22) at P99.000 p.a .• effective 1 November 1989. Susan 1;). Russel-reappointment as Visitin9 Research Fellows, effective 1 May 1990 until 31 August 1990. cem. for Integralive and Oevelopment stUdies Bella R. Lucas-renewal of appointment as University Researcher III IGrade 20). effective 1 October 1989 until 30 June 1990. Education, Q)lIegl of Nestor R. Balmores-appointment as Metquiades Castro Associate Professor of Educational Administration, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. . . Natividad J. Munarriz-appointment as Professor Emeritus, effective 1 March 1990. Eveline M. Ortega-appointment as Visiting Professor, effective 2 February 1990 u~til15 March 1990. Maxima J. ,VeJasquez-appointment as UPIP Associate Professor of Language Teaching. effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. ....• ~ I: ::l "0 ;;,... 8 , EngineeriAil. College of Richard Q. Chu-apppiQJment as Associate Professor I of Chemical Engin~eering, etfoof!h 2 January 1990 until 31 May 1990. Marino M. Mena-renewal and increase in honorarium as UPERDFI Professor of Environmental Engineering from P1.500/month to P2,.500/month. effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Edwin N. Quiros-appointment as Vidal A: Tan Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, effective 1 January 1990 until·31 December 1990. . Arts and Sciences. College of Melina A. Barrion-appointment as SEARCA Assistant Proli fessor of Genetics, effective 1 January ·1990 until 31 6ecemb~ 1990. ,. Ida .F. Dalmacio-appointment as Director, National Institutes of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology, effective 1 January 1990, until 30 ~arch 1993. Pacifico D. Espanto-appointment as Diamond Jubilee Associate Professor of Humanities, effect",e 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. James Sarnule FuU.ka-aPJllintment as Visiting Researcher, effective 1 November 1989 ontil31 OctOber 1990. Anne Inez G. Gironetla-reappointment as Diamond JUbilee Associate Professor of Mathematics and Physics. effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Dario C. Sebul~apPOintment as Diamond Jubilee Assistant Professor of Chemistry, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 Decem-. ber 1990. .., Agnes F. Zamora-appointment as Diamond. Jubilee Assistant Professor of Microbiology, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Economics and Milnagement. Collegl of P8:1ro R. Sandoval-appointment as Professor Emeritus, effective 30 December 1989. Veterinary Med leine. College of Rene A. N.i-appointment as Dial'!lOnd Jubilee Assistant Pro- \ tessorot Zootechnics, effective 1 Jenuarv 1990 until 31 December 1990. \ Authorky for the U~V Chancellor to bid out the Construction of the Pro"""" Facnitl.. of the Fr.....wat... Aquecukure' Station . {FASI I . . I U.P.MANILA • I . Modlclne, Colllllle of Lulu C. Bravo-appointment as Diamond Jubilee Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990. Augusto M. Manalo-appointment 8S Elena P. Tan Associate . ProfeSS9r of Obstetrics and Gyneoology. effective 1 July 1988 until 30 June 1989. Gociofreda R. Vergei,.Oalmacion-appointment as Marsman Assistant Professor of Pharmacol~gy. effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990.· Nunlng, College of Dolor. M. Reclo·appointment· as Professor Emeritus, effective 1 March 1990. ' PharmlcY, College of Magdalena C. Clntorill-extension of appointment beyond comP':Ilsory retlrement age of 65 as Professor VIII (Grade 281. effective 22 October 1989 until 24 April 1990: TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS The" Board approvm the transfer to permanent status o.t the following: I U.P.OltIMAN Fine Art., Coli. of . ·Petronllo C. Cul8l1ede-as Assistant Professor III (Grode 191, effective 1 December 1989. , / U.P. MANILA Modlclne, Colllllle of Nanette G. :Gall8-as As.sistant Professor I (Grade 18), effective 1 March 1990. , Alexand. '0. Tuazon-as As~istant Professor I (Grade 18), effective 1 March 1990. • NUning. Colhee of Joieflna AJTuazon-as Assistant Professor I (Grade lSI. effective 1 February 1988. , Conf ...ment of Honorary Ollllr_ The Board approved the conferment of honorary degrees of the fOllowing: 1. Paulo C. Campos-Doctor of Science 2. Renata Constantino-Doeto~of Laws 3. Jovita Salonga-Doctor of Laws c!onfirmatlon of tile ModNicatlon/Rec_ication of itemoiUp· lII'adlng of new pooftlons for r....rch penonnel of UPLB The Board confirm" the modification!reclassitrcation of items! u'pgrading of new positions for research personnel o~ UPLB which were converted into faculty positions under the Salary Standardization Law ISSLl. Professor Ial Cha irs ; "The Board' appr01!'ed the establishment of the "UP Science Re'search Foundation Professorial Chair' hi Science" carrying a month- . honorarium of P2.500/month, out of an endow.ment fund-of P270,OOO setu'p by the UP Science Research. Foundation, Inc. The 1 .' Foundation Shall manage the endowment fu~. The Board .approved the ~tablishment.·.of two professorial chair~lr~earch ~antF one for the College of Business Ad.ministration and one for the Coll8ge Of E~gineering to be fu~ed out of a donat'ion ofP500,OOO endowment fund: The amount was donated .' by Philippine -Fnvestment M~nageme~t Co,.nsu~tant, Inc. (PHINM~l ~ - and by Or. MagdalenC? B. Albarracin, Jr· Jy The Board luthorlzed the Chancellor to'bid out the construction of the proposed facilities (building and fishp<?nd .evsternsl of the Freshwater Aquaculture Station of the Institute of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries in Miag-ao-. Authority to .L.... tile area tronilng UP san Vicente BLISS to Ukimate Eltlites Manageinent Corporation .nd Jubilant Food. COrpora: tktn The Board approved the proposal to lease the area fronting the BLI,5S urider the following terms and conditions: . a. Ultimate Estates Management Corporation shall: 1. Leasethe property for a period of twenty (201 years, with the right to renew the lease for another twenty (20) years; 2. Pay a fixed annual rental of P960,OOO for the first five (5) years, and after the end of the fifth (5th) year, increase this amount at five percent 15%) fNery year: or two-thirds (2/3) of the Consumer Price Index (CPIl for Metn~ Manila, whichever is higher; 3. Pay the rental upon the start of our commercial operations, or six. months after the leasecontraet i~ signed, whichever comes first; 4. Construct a, two-storey reinforced concrete buikting with air~conditioning systems, with a floor area of at least two thousand (2.0001 SQuare meters, and parking spaces to house a drug!tore, a bank, and a bookstore; 5. Have the building and improvements insured with the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) with the UP as co-beneficiary; 6. Transfer the ownership of the building and improvements to UP upon the completion of the first twenty ("20) years; years; 7. Pay rental to ,UP after the second twenty 1201 years, in addition to the fixed rental; 8. Offer a goodwill fee of P150.000 to llP. b. Jubilant Foods Corporation shall: 1. Lease 2.000 square meters for twenty (20) years with an · option to renew for another 20 years. 1 2. Construct a Jollibee Drlve-Thru Restaurant ~ith parking space 3. Shoulder the cost of building and improvements, equipment, air-eanditioning system with. operating capital of 1 P4,OOO,OOO (minimum) . 4.: Pay 'P960.ooo annually as rent for, the first five years and • increase this amount by 5% every year starting on the 6th year, or two-thirds (2/3) of' the Consumer Price Index 0 (CPI) for Metro Manila,Whichever is higher. 5. Pay a Goodwill Fee of P250,OOO upon signing of contract • 6. Other terms and Conditions . ~ ; 6.1. Construction Period: 8 months to 12 months from ,...,. ,'I .removal of existing structures ~ · 6.2. Lessee willing to assist in the demolition; relocation ~ and possible occupants at Section B. ;: . Conversion of the Tanzanian Scholarship Grant to African Graduate : Scholanhip Gre'" The Board approved the conversion of the Tanzanian Scholar· ship Grant to African Graduate Scholarship Grant. liu::.... in . Honoraria of Facutty Members Involved in Undergraduate theses/special problem edvising The Board- 8pprOV8d the increase in honoraria of faculty members involved in undergraduate theses/special problems advising effective first semester 1990-1991. The payment of honoraria shall be made gnly :to faculty members who are involved in advising and who are not given load credit ~or it . I..: ':l .= .~ ... ~ '< • ~' ... ~ g. ..... o:c> o:c> O. From P50.00 100 P.nel M.mb... Adviser P.yment of Dvartlm. dllm. of _ k.... Ind omploy_ of tho UP Land Grant In Balian City The Board apprOY8l the payment of overtime claims of workers .nd employees of tho UP Land Grant in Basilan City. To . . Pl00.00 300 _bar. Adoption of Formula for dot«mlnlng hono..,10 rlIt. for FlCUlty given Admlnl~.. Aalgnm_ The Board .pproved the adoption of formule for det... mlnlng honoraria rates for faculty members given administrative assignments, effective 1 January 1990. . HoUli Payment of SIporatlon pay to 68 AIT EmploY- who'optad to ba -..tad from th........ . The Board approved the payment of separation pay to 68 AIT House Employees who opted to ba separated from the (government) service due to the privatization of the AIT House in the total amount of P418,334.06. In....... In Honorarill for Oaans .nd DlractOfl of Cent. .. of Ex· call....· The Board approved the increase in honoraria for deans and dlrectors of Centers of Excellence, effective, 1 January 1990. , From Mam01'llnd~m of Agrfiment among tho Unlv.,.ity of tho Philip· pi".., IBM Phill., inc. .nd Moralco Foundation, Inc~ . The Board confirmed the Memoraooum of Agreement among ·the University of the Philippines, the IBM Phils.• Inc. and Meralco Foundation. Inc.· on the offering of courses to advance the kno~ledge and skills of practicing EDP professionals. To Deans Size of College Small Medium Large Directors of Center of Excellence . PSOO 1,000 1,200 PI ,COO 1,250 1,500 P500/PSOO Pl,OOO , Agre9meni batwaan tho Unl_lIty.nd tho Clarat Formatlon'Cant« The Board confirm" the Agreement between the UniversitY and Claret Formation Center amending the Memorandum on faculty ex. ch.nge program deted October 30, 1~89. , Amendment: On request by Claret. the· University thrqugh its constituent university of UP OHiman. shall permit its faculty and other personnel to serve in· the former on a PART· TIME basis in such capacity as may be desired by Claret. Payment of Ho_«10 to AlIOciateDaamlA_nt. to tho Daan The' Board apprOved the payment of honoraria of P1,OOO 8 month to Associate Deans/Assistants to the Dean, effective 1 Jenuery 1990.' . • Payment of Honor.rlo to tho Administrative OfficarJ of UP Collog. llagulo, UP Collage Cobu, UP Collage Toeloban .nd tho School of Haalth Sci...... The Board IIpproved the payment of honoraria to the administrative officers of UP College Baguio, UP College Cobu, UP College Tecleben and the School of Health Sciences (Leyte) in the amount of P400 8 month, effective 1 January 1990. ' . \ Grant of one-tlm. SII." Augmentation to 98 .....nnel of thl' IlIItltuta of Plant Bre«ling The Board approved the grant of one-time salary augmentation to 98 personnel of the Institute of Plant Breeding, UP Los Bafios, whose salaries were reduced when their positions were regularized -wlth OCPC rates. The PBS, 726 needed will be charged to lhe salary savings of the Institute. Reprogramming end Raalignment of UPV prior yaa" lOVing. The Board approved the reprogramming and realighment of prior years savings In the total amount of P13,251 ,778. ! .. ·ell Reprogramming of Unoxpandad !!alenees of UP DIlIm.n The Board approved the reprogramming of unexpended balances of UP Dihman for CY 1986 .ndCY 1987. ~ ~ ...•.. ell .0 a z ::I ~ ell § - o ;;. 10 Agraament of Coo...atlon batwoon tho Univaritty of !h. PhiliP. pi".. .nd tho Unlvenlty of Naw South W.I. The Board conf.irmed the Agreement of Cooperation between the University and the University of New South Wales (Syd.ney.· Australial, on an acedemle and educational exchange proqram. _randum of Agraament b _ UPLB, through tho IlIItituta of Plont Bre«ling .nd Biool Univ... otty The Board confirmed the Memora~um of Agreement between UPLB. through the lnstitue of Plant Breeding and Bicol University on a joint program in the development of regional testing and seed multiplication of releases and promising crop varieties. . Payment of Professionslservices fee of the Executive Architect. fot : tho UPV civil worlel projact . The Board approved the payment of P558,834.86 to cover the remaining professional services fee as of July 30, 1988 of the Ex ecutive Architects for the UPV civil works project, Memorandum of Agroenient _oon UPLB, through the IlIItltut• of Plant Braading.nd T.rloe Collag. of Agricultur. The Board conn'mud the Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB, through the Institute of Plant Breeding and Tarlac College of Agriculture on a joint program in the, development of regional testing and seed muttiplieation of released and pr:om1slng crop varieties. Amendment to the Rule on Sabbatical. The Board approved the Amendment to the rule on Sabbaticals, effective 1 March 1990: Sabbatical-subject to the exigencies of the service, a ,sabbatical may be g~anted to a member of the faculty for study. research, or some scholarly or creative work for a period not exceeding one year, with full salary. Memorandum of Asraement _ tho Philippi... Council fO!' Indu...., .nd EIlIrlIY R_rch .nd DevelOpment end UPLB National Inotltut.. of Biotoehnology .nd Appliad Microbiology The Boa'rd confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between the 'Philippine Council for Inclustry and E~rgy Research and Development and UPLB .National Institutes of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology on biopiocesslng of ramie. <II c . Memorllndum of Agreement between the University through the Marina Sclen.. Inotltut., Collag. of Sclancl Ind the Man end tho Biooph.... lnt...·Agency Committee on Ecological Studl.. The Board confirmed the Me·morandum of Agreeme:nt between the University through the Marine Science Institute; College of Science and the Man and the Biosphere Inter-Agency Q,)mmitte on Ecological Studies for the project entitled, "The Expansion of the Underwater Nature "Treil System and Reef Rehabilitation Studies." ~oraixfum of Understanding .nd ManagamentPlant b _ . lokolM ng Bavon Propooad Rofinament. of tho Pur_ .nd Struct· UPLB.\through the In.itute of Envronmemal Science 8.nd Manas. ures of the Reform Program ment and Dalhousie University The Board approved the proposed refinements of th~· purposes The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Understanding and end structures of the Iskolar ng Bayan and of·the details of these Mana9ef!lent Plant between UPLB, through the Institute of Enrefinements. i ~~ -l...~::::::"':'::'::"::::::::::::''':::''=:'~::'''=''::::;=:'''':'''''''''-J I vircnmental Science and. Management and Dalhousie UniVersity for a Mutual oooperation between the two institutions, particularly the , School for Resource and Environmental StudieS of DU anci IESAM of UPLB. Subconri~ fo~ Research Project on NIA,'ProvinCial1rription Off.. to Communal Irrigation SyStems in Wistern Visayas between UP Visaya and the International Irrigation Management InstitUte .The Board confirmed the subcontract for research project on NIA Provincial Irrigation Off~c:es' Services to communal irriQation systems in Western Visayas between' UP Visayas and the International 'Irrigation Management Institute'to conduct a research project on the services of the NIA·Provinc:ial Irrigation Offices to communal irrigatiOn systems in Western vtsavas. ce( . serVices . Memorandum of Agreement between the Depa"ment of Agrarian Reform, Policy Strategic Research Office and UPLSlnstitute of Agrarian Studiss The Board confmned the ~emorandum of Agreement between the Department of Agrarian Reform. Policy and Strategic Research Office and UPLB Institute of Agrarian S'tud,ies concerniOg a'studY on selected variables 'on other crops, effective 1 January 1990. Objectives of the Project: 1., To generate profiles on non-rice and non-corn farms by .prjnctpal crop; 2. To determine the existing tenurial arrangements and working relationships among the owner-cuttjvators, tenants and farm workers: _ '- 3. To determine the - productivity of lands planted to crops other than rice and corn; and 4. To Ktentify the sources of fa~m financing and the marketing practices tor non-rice and non-corn farms. T. Memorandum of Agreement between the University and the UP Diliman Tennis Club -The Board confirmed the Memorandum of- Agreement between ~ the University and the UP Diliman Tennis Club on the operation arid management by the UP Diliman Tennis Club of the tennis court fecllitles of UP Diliman. Ma:norandum of Agreement between UPlS and the Int.national Rice Research Ir:astitute The Board i:onfirm" the Memorandum of Agreement between the'UPLB and the International Rice Research Institute amending , the Memorandum of Agreement executed on March 5,-1987 to donate to UPLB such available motor vehicles and other disposable equipment chosen by UPLB. After UP~B has made its choice, IRRI shall in its discretion dispose of the remaining motor vehicles and other equipment. Memorandum of Agreemerit between, UP V~yas 'a~ Radio udyongDYBQ The' Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between UP Visayas and Radio Budyong DVaa on the implementation of a more effective, and more efficient means of dissemination of technical and practical knowledge, most particularly in areas of marine ttshertes, fish processing technology, cultural and political science, management and business.. Contract of Supply of Whole Human BloOd between the UniversitY and the DoctorS Blood Bank The Board confirmed the Contract of Supply of ~hole Human Blood between the University and the Doctors Blood Bank on the supply of whole human bjood to the Philippine General Hospital. , , --' , ' ! General Construction Agreement between the University and Hilmarc's Construction Corp. (Mathematics Bufiding-PhaS8 III) The B~ard confirm~ the Ge;;-e-;;-I---C;n~ruetion Agree~ent 'between the University and Hilmarc's Construction Corp. on the continuation of. the General 'Construction .work for the Mathematics Building (Phase 11,1). Gen.al Construction Agreement between the University and Hilmarc's Construction Corp. (Marine Science BUilding.Phase IV) The Board confirmed_ the ,General Construction Agreement between the University and Hilmarc's Construction Corp. on the continuation of the General Construction work for the Marine Science Building (Phase,IV). Memol'llndum of Agr,eement among the Department of Public Work. and Highways, the Department o(Science a~ Technology. through the Industrial Technology Development Institute arw:l Metals Industry R8S8Irch and Development Center and the University of the , Philippines ' The Boerd confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement among ! .the Department of Public Works and Highways, the Department of Science and Technology, through ttie Industrial Technology Development Institute and Metals lndustrv Research and Development Genter and the University of the Philippines on -the conduct of , acceptance sampling of incoming Water supply materials to ascertain quality. ' its Contract for Janitorial Services between the University and Philcare M1npower Services The Board confirmed the Contract for Janitorial Services between the University and Philcare-Manpower Services on janitoiral and maintenance services at, various areas of PGH. Service Agreeinent between the Multi-cOmput. S4rvices. Inc. and UPLB. through the Lo. Bano. Computer Center . The Board confirmed the Service Agreement between the Multi,Computer Services, Inc. and UPLB, through the Los Bafios Computer Center on a monthly maintenance service of computer machines. -J General Om.ruction Agreement between UP Los Banos and COR TRADE end Construction (NCPC Bldg.) The' Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UP Los Banos and COR TRADE and Construction on the painting/varnishing of NCPC Building interior, exterior, including roofi,ns as Phase II and interior walls including planet boxes, Phase l. ',.- - General Construction Agreement between UP Los Banos -and MPC Constru~ion The 'Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UP Los Banos and MPC Construction on the replacement of G.I corrugated sheet, roofing. gutter, defective ceiling, painting and repainting of exterior caves only, including roofing at the Humanities Department, CAS. General Construction Agreement between UP Los BpI and COR TRADE end Construction (Men'. Dormitory) The Board confirmed' the General Construction; Agreement betW"een UP Los Bafios and CO'R TRADE and Construction on the general 'repair of Unit I, including repainting of interior surfaces and roofing; Men's dormitory. \ General Construction Agreement betw~n UP Los Banos andLML Enterprises The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UP Los Baftos'and LML Enterpris_eson the improvement of the National Crop Protection Council service area. including printing. General Construction A. . . ment betwe8n UP Los ~.nos .nd Macortiz Englnewd1g, lne. The Board confirmed the General Construction, Agreement , between UP .Lcs Bal\os and Macortiz Engineering, Inc. en the proposed NSF Facility Building-Mechanical Air-COnditioning Works in the I nstitute of Plant Br~ing. College of Agricul~ure. General Construction Agreement between UP Los BafiDsand Tried , Construction and Development Co~atiOn The' Board 'confirmed the General Construction Agreement -; 11 --------------.. , ' " betw.een UP Lo~ Bafto.s'snd Tl'fad'Construetion~and o'evelopment · Co"'rPoration on' the' reconstruction of the NSF ··f;.acility BUilding;. .< Phase I, in '~ , ,, r ',' the Inst~te of Pla'nt Bn!edin~,'Co-II* ~f Agri~!ture. . ;.',', .. ':~./ 4 Corilract 'or,servli:es botweeii UPV and Curtainl UnlimitlKl • The Board confirmed the Contract "for, Sert;ices between UPV anti Curterns Un.limited on the supply-of materials and installation of' eurtain~ 'and' 9th~r items hi ,he Audic-vlsuel ,room' ot th~ UP: College ceeu, f . ~ "'.. . , Engin.... lng.CO'lioga of F. Gum. Con- Science. Collage oiF 'A~rora G.' Garcia-extension of appointment beyond the coinpulsory retirement of '65 as Professor VII, ettectfve 20 March 1990 until 20 April 1990: Visayas and, F. Gurrea Construction on the construction o~ two 12l b6~ culverts in Miagao. r, , ~ ,'" ~ t _ age -., ._, , 'AliministrBtive Ord. No. 19 on:th~ U~ Diliman Security and Silfety Commission .\. ' . The Board confirm.t Administrative oreter N,o. 19 amendin~r' Administrative Order-No. 146datecf21 December 1988creating the .,UP: Dill,man .Security anc;t Safety COmmission. . ~ . '. . 0, ~, ., , , .;~, ', U.P. LOS BAIiiOS • Agricultura, Collaga 0,'. . • Roland J. Buresh....appointment as Visiting Associate Professor I • of Soil Science, effective February 1990. . , ~.~. MANILA, . • Medicine, College of Romeo V. Fajardo=-apPointment as DiamOnd Jubilee Professoreffer;:t'ive 1 ~uly 1988 urifil 30 Jun~"1989. of Ophthalmology, , ' \ \ DonatiOn from th~ heirs of Irene Pascual'Sarm lento for the creation esta'blishment of an Schcilarship Endowm~, F~rid J . The .Board confirmed the' donetfon from the .heirs of Irene , ;, Pascual Sarmient~ tt)e amount of P250,OOO fO~',the creanon a~ establishment of the "Irene-Pascual-Sarmiento 'Scholarship Endow· ment F~nd".'. ! :I \ : • I and' '. NUrS'Ing, College of -i Dolores M. Rec~reappointment as Professorial Lecturer Ill; effective 1 June 1989'unti11 March 1990. of . , '. -' . _ In';.se inFee/Ho~raria ~ , i i i . ';, • The Board noted the increase in hororatlai 'of Bar Review . " Lecturers from P150!hour to.P170!hou/. _' ~ The Board noted the increase in:fee for the Bai.'Review Institute fr~m pi ,200 to pl.sOO. . i • e ,' Donation "'of Several:Volumes of Scientific Journals and Textboo~1 . fro~,br. Raylnond F. Bader for the Institute.qf Plant Breeding. ' " .. -The B~rd ca'nf'i'mechhe donation of' several v~.hJ~s o{SCientiflc ,Journals and textbooks from Dr. Raymond ,F. Bader for the 't-.:'I'nstitute of Plant Breeding, UP.J..B. ' ',' ~ , , Pharmacy, College of " Magdalena C. Cantoria-extension of appointment bevond -the: . .computsorv retirement ~e of 65 as Professor V of Pharmecy., effective 25 April'1,~O until 24 October 1990. I :J , TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS U.P. VISA VAS ", ~ Executive Order No. ,03 on the Diliman ,L~-isOn Office 'of U,:, Visayas <j The Bo""rd ~ \ ; 7 of . , ...... , <I) N Ol ,; Po; ~ ....• , ... . <I) ..0 5;:I Z/ .'. xl .~ : ..Th~. Board notid the Contract f~or Serv~cels'~,ith ·the Robertr,on . Multiplex Systems for the installation of 24 station intercoms in the' UP',College.Cebu Ca~~us in Lcihug,'Cebu City. 10000hBORMeeting, 29 March 19Ao APPOINTMENTS, , R EAPPOINTMENT~, CREASE IN HONORARIA,:ETC. '. 4 Ame~ment of t,he.Rules on ~btiatiC81 IN, '. . The Board approved the amendment of the rules On sabbatical, as follows: . ~, " - ", U.P, DILlMAN , "0 ' Chemistry, Institute of ',' :;.> ~ . Clara Y. Lim-Sylianco-aPPl?intment. as 'U~iversity I ~12 , Professor (Salary Grade 30),'" effective 29 March 11990 until her retirement from the University. ' . , . . .• '. . ., 1. Pauli~o and' Miriam Cruz Professorial Chair 2. Telengtan Foundation Professorial Chair in Medicine 3. ~illiam J. Shaw Foundation Professortal Chair lssua~e of ACademil? Traosc,ript of Record' without reference to Dishonorable Dismissal to Telemachus D. ~no ~ l ' , : " , , The Board approVed the Issuance to Telemachus O. Magno of his . academic transcript of record without reference to dishonorable dismissal. ;. The' BOard ~PPrOved the 'foll~Wing apFX"intments, reappoint· ments, renewal and increase in honoraria, etc,: . <I)" 5; ;:I. RENEWAL AND " 'The Board approved the establishment :01 the·following professorial chairs: ~ "I .' CoRtr.aets Emered into by the UpV.Chancellor: .;. The Board noted the Contract-fer th,e Repair/Renovation of the' Multi-Purpose Halt, Annex A-3 Bliilding of the ~UP College Cebu . ~. . with' Engr. Nicart~r V. Teves. <I) 0 ' '~ .. • scil!r'ces Development Staff .ot UP Visayas" to "Dillman LiaiSO~ Office of' UP vtsavas" . ~ : '.,' ~ . EstablishmeRt of ProfessOrial Chairs J. 1, U.P, Cebu t Jesus V. Juario-as Associate Professor III of Biology and Zoo" logy, 'effective 29 Minch 1990~ • noted. Executive' Orde'f No. 03 ameOdi"ng Seetio~ · Executive-Order No.9, renaming-the "ExternalRefetions andHe- L i ' , .,.The Bo~rd ·confirm.t the COnstruction Agr~ment between UP - \ ease LIIw"College of -\ .' ., Anuro E. Balbastro~appointment as Quintin Paredes Professor., of Remedial Lew.etteenve 1 July 1990 until30Jur1e 1~91, .' COnstructiOn Agreement .b'8twe'en. UP Vimyai and druetion ' , . '-. ,: . , Romeo C. Bruce-renewal and inc, in honorarium as UPER· ;OFI Professor of Photo-Interpretation trom' P1S.QOO p.a, to' P30.000 P,;". effective I'January·1990 until 31 December 1990. wniredo I. J.renewal and increase in ho'norarium as UPER· OFI Associate Professor (tf Waste Utilization from P18,OOO p.a. to P30.ooo p.a.,. effe~ve 1 January ,1990 until 31 Oecembe~-1-990.""" , A. Sabbatical 1. That the faculty 'member has served the,University not less than,six oonsecutive years immediately prior to the sabqatical, 'at'least as associate professor in,the last tWO y~rs; provided that he shall have been iii active service in the University 'at I,east two years before the sabbatical; prOVided. further that any vacation.or sick leave without pay .or not more 'than five months shall not be consi· . . - , " " dered a break in the six year period, provided:finally, that active service as used in this particular case shEil I be understood to mean actual direct service to the, University,· which shall also include special detail. ' . '2. :That in no case shall the sebbatlcal be 9ranted w~hin two years before the faculty member's compulsory retirement. 3. That the faculty member shall report back tor service to the Unlversttv immedia~ely after his sabbatical. . Amendment of the Rules on Sick Leave The Board approved the Amendment of the rules on sick leave ~rticle· 233. Sick leave shall be granted only on account of sickness on the part of the person concerned or any rnernber of his immediate family. I n no case shall sick leave be used as a reason for seeking employment anywhere. Incr8ll. in the Amount of Medfcal Aid granted to UP Personnel The Board approved the increase in the amount of medical aid granted to UP personnel from P375 for employees receiving Pl,553 per month and below and P187.50 for employees receiving monthly salarv above Pl,553 but not more than P2,500 to P600 for employees belonging to Salary Grades 1 to 11 ",' . . yment of' Honoraria to Assistant Principals of University High 1100b The Board approved the payment 'of honorarium of P500 per month to Assistant Principals of University high schools, effective. 1 January .1990. ' Increase In UPCAT Application Fee The Board approved the lncrease jn UPCAT Application Fee from P125 to Pl50. T~hnotogy, the Technical PJanning arid Review Committee for . Process Sector and lOme institutions "The Board confirmed the Merrtora'ndum of Agreement among the Science and Technology Coordinating Council, through the Department of Science and Technology, the Technibal Planning anct: Review Committee for Process Sector and the folloWing institu- . tlons: the Philippine Coconut Authority, the _UP Diliman, the ust.a, the vfsaves State College" of Agriculture, the Mindanao" State University-I ligan [nstttute, the Piliplnas Keo, tnc.. the United' CoConut Association of the Philippines, ·the Twin Rivers Research Center, the Philippine Oleochemical Manufacturers Association, the PhiJippi~e Institute of Pure and ·Applied Chemistry, the Board of Investment, the Industry Technology Development Institute, and th~ Food and Nutrition Research Institute to establish a synem of working relationship, for their mutual benefit and advantage, in conducting collaborative researches in coconut. Implementing Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Educa'tion, eutture and Sports, Region Viand UP Viseyas ' The Board confirmed ttle Implementing Memorandum of Agree~ ment between the Department of EduCation, 'Cutture and Sports, Region VI and UP vtseves On the offering of graduate extension degree program in I1)snagement, education-and human development in the Province of Negros Occidental, Capiz, Antique, Aklan and Iloilo. I • '1 Memorandum! e.f Agrefment between the Depanmant of Agrarian Reform' end UPLB/lnstitute of Agrerlan Studies The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreeme.n~ between the Department of Agrarian Reform and the UPLB I nstitute of Agrarian Studies to, unc:lertake the Benchmark Survey for the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. Reprogramming/Allocation of Funds The Board approved the reprogramming of savings in accounts Industry-Education Linkage Program Agreement between'the Philpayable of CY 1988 in the total amount of P2,091 ,214.83 to be ippine Computer·Society, Inc. the University , The 'Board ~nfirmed .the lndustrv-Bdueatlon Link~ge· 'Program. utlllzed-fcr the same purpose in the current year, particularly in the Agreement" between the Philippine Computer Society, .Iflc.·and.the '..purchase of 'books and other needs of the University library in. Oi/iman, . unfversttv. '. 1 . ' . The Board approvid the Allocation in CY 1990 of the CY 1989 ., ..j unallocated income of Pl ,507., 661 ,39. . " Memorandum of Understanding betWeen the Hospicio. de San JOE The Board approv8d the reprogramming of ·CY 1990 of the and UP Manila .. . P676,433 prior years unexpended balances of UP College Tecloban. The Board confirmed the Merrorandum of Understanding linc. betwee'n the Hospicio deSan Jose and the University of the Philipines Manila for Cooperation in the implementation of health rograms. ,Memorandum of Understanding between the Monash Un.lversitvand the University of tha Philippines The' Board confirmed the Memorandum of Underst.inding between the Monash Univer~ity and the University of the Philip·pines for collaboration on academic and research activities. I " .Memorandu'm of A9reem~t between Philips'Components (Phils.) Inc. and UP Diliman, through the UP National Engineering Center The Board conftrmed the MerOorandum of Agreement between - Philips con-ccnents Inc. and ~p Diliman, through the UP NatiOnal Enginee'r.ing Center, to undertake the project on aluminum wire l bonding: · Technk:ltl services Agreement between the World Htldth OrganiZe· tion and 'the UP College of Social Sciences end PhllolOphy The Board confirmec;l the Technical Services Agreement between the World Health Organization and the UP College of Social seen. ; ces and Philosophy on a long term support grant intended to ; strengthen the University by assisti~g the University in the development of social science dlscfplines applied to the tropical disease in · the areas of lmerventlcn studies 'and information systems: 1990 I ntemal Operating Bu'dget . The Board approved the Internal Operating Budget. , Increase in Rates for Graduate Assistantships The Board approved the increase in rates for graduate assistants from P14.30/hour to P18.00/hour, but nOt to exceed 100 hoursl month. Memorandum of Agreement among the Municipal Government of Nagcatlan, PrQvince of Laguna, the Department of Agriculture, Reg;"n IV, and 'UPLB, College of A.griculture-Agrlcultural Development Program for the O1untryside The Board confirmed the Me-morandl:lm of Agreement Cj:mong the Municipal Government of Nagcarlan, Province of Laguna, the Department of 'Agriculture·, Region IV, and UPlB, College of Agriculture-Agricultural Development Program· for ·tlie countryside to undertake collaborative researches and. projects for a more effective and systematic approach to countrvslde develQ~rnent.forthe'Muni· cipality of Nagcarlan. .,. . Contract of Agreement among the Philippine Council for HBetth Research and Development, UP Los Bafto. National Institute of , Biotechnotogy and Appli.-f Microbiology and Mrs. Gloria D. Rey. The Board confirmed the Contract of Agreement among the Philippine Council for HealthHeseerch anc:l Development, UP Los Banas National Institutes of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology and Mrs. Gloria D. Reyes for a thestsasststance grant to enable · Memorandum of Agreement lmol1ll the Science, and Technology· the grantee to complete her thesis project entitled "Microbiological , COordiMtion Council, through the Department of Science and 13 -----~--'--_--:-_' '---- ond ToxiCOlogical Evaluation of Selected Herbal Drug. in the Philippines". , 4. Momonondum of AgrtlOlllant batween the UPLII-I"'~ut. of Emi· ,0nm_1 Science end Meneliemont end the Unlvel'llty of Ee_n Philippines . The Board confirmed the Memorandum, of Agreement between the UPLB~lnsth:ute of Environmental Science and Management and , the University of Eastern Phllipplnes to undertake a collaborative endeavor with the Environmental Education Network 'of the PhiliP. pines to link up Colleges. Universities and non-governmental organizations in developing environmental resources management,instruct". ion. research and extension towards the promotion of environmental education end awarene~ In the country. "5. 6. 7. Memo,endum of AQ'tIOlIIont _ . . . . UPLII-Inst~ute of Emlro", m_1 Science Ind Mellllllament Ind Coma,lnes Su' Stata Agr,lcui· , tur •• College .. The Board c:anfi'med the MemQrandum of Agreement between UPlB-1 nstitute of Environmental ScienCe and Management and Camarines Sur State Agricultural College to undertake collaborative endeavor with the Environmental Education Network of the Philippines (EENT) to link up colleges, universities ar.f nonllOvernmental organizations in developing environmental resources management, instruction, research and extension towards "the promotion of environmental education and eearereern the country. ( _nondum of AQreamont b _ tho Pu,qIood. o>,,,,,,ltlon Ind UPLB Microbiology lIborotory, 1..._ of Biological Sclene. The Board confirmed the MemOrandum of Agreement between the Purefoods Corporation and UPl:-B Microbiology Laboratory, Instltute of 'Biological Sciences to' undertake a mycotoxic laboratory analysis of finished feeds ar.t feed ingredients. 8. D 9. 10. 11. Memorandum of Agreement' between the Asian Vegetable R. .rch Ind Davllopmant Cent ... and UPLB. th,ough the lnotltuta of Pllnt Braeding The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between the Asian Vegetable Research and Development center and UPLB, through the Institute o.f Plant Br'eeding to' undertake a project on seed increase, characterization, and preliminary evaluation of pepper germplasm. .. <ll i 1 .' ~I 'cu I '-'I ;l.o ;> ....• .. -'onondilm of AgrtlOlllant lmore tho UPLB through the Dopa,,mont of Agrometaoiology, O>lIagl of Erelneorlre ondAgrIcuItu,al Technology, thl Philippinl Atmosphll'ic, Gaophylicallnd Astrolll!, micel ServIces Administration, Department of Science end Techno· 'logy ond tho Philippine O>uncil for Agricultu,e, Forostry Ind Natural Resources R_rch and Development, Department of' Sclenca Ind Tachnology , , The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement among the UPLB through the Department of Agrometeorology, CoIlege of Engineering and Agricultural Technology and Philippine Atmos· pheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, . Department of scenee and Technology and the Philippine Council for Agriculture. FOrestry and Natural Resources Research and Development, Department of Science and Technology to undertake the '. project, UPLB·PAGASA-PCARRD National Agrometeorological Station. ' crops under obse'rvation; and ex~rcise coordinative administrative supervision. over both the station and its personnel; UPLB 'hell guarent.. said property against any judicial or administrative action Which may disrupt the operation of the said station for the duration of the project; UPLB shall furnish research results of agrometeorological related researches to PAGASA and PCAAAO, and prepare and submit annual reports of its operation to PCAARD, PAGASA; and it shaH make available its results for the NARRON; UPLB shall develop a9rometeorological instruments using locally available materials; end it sh'al! make ~s staff and facilities available for'training agrometeorological research personnel all over the country subject to prior arrangements; PAGASA shall be responsible for the assignment of fully quali-. fied and trained .perscnrel who shall man the established National Agroment Station at UPLB; and to designate a duly trained PAGASA employee who shall assume the duties and responsibilities of Chief Meteorological Officer in the' said station; however, PAGASA personnel assigned to the station shall be subject to the Un1versity rules and regulations; PAGASA shall furnish the'station all necessary arid available" rreteorcloatcal instruments together with a manual of observations, .instructions, meteorological conversion tables, observation forms, chans, special oil an:l ink. and other related supplies; and shall conduct periodic 'inspection and- main-.4 tena,nee of the station at least once a year and/or upon request ~ of the parties concerned; , PAGASA shall furnish PCARRD related data/information ,as may be requested; PCARRD shall conduct yearly evaluation and inspection of the UPLB·PAGASA·PCARRD National Agrom et Station together with the representatives of PAGASA and UPLB. PCARRD shall extend financial and technical assistance in the operation and maintenance of the said station upon written request by UPLB in coordination with PAGASA andsubjeet to the availability of funds. ,{U PCARRD shall eXtend additional assistance, if available for \ specific agrometeorologlcal research and related projects whiCh may be jointly conducted by PAGASA andlor UPLB through· Out the country or at the station. Ownership of any equipment, tnstrumem," funds, capital investment an:l the like contributed by the partie! shall become the property of the said station, through a deed of. donation, and shall not be affected by the withdrawal of any party, provided the other parties deem it necessary to continue the'ope-.) ration of the station. If'the contracting partles decide to dis- , solve the Agreement for operation of the station, the disposition of all assets shall be decided by the signatories of the Agreement. . 12. 13. • O>ntrlCt fo, Secu,~ Servlcao b _ tho Kliser Secu,~y Ind Allied Servlcas, Inc, Ind UP In the VIsoyo. The Board confirmed the Contract for Security Services between t'he Kaiser Sec~ity and Allied Services, Inc. and UP in the Visayas. Contrect for Janitorial Services tistwean JEJ Enterpri. . and the Unlverllty of ,tho Philippines The Board confirmed Contract for Janitorial Services between JEJ Enterprises and the Un"!ersity of'the Philippines. <ll .::: E ;:l Z ~ ~ <ll s ;:l "0 ;> 14 Particulars: 1. UPLB is committed to undertake agricultural researches within the Nat~nal Agriculture and Resources Research and Developmerit-Network: 2. UPLB shall provice an initial 5,000 square meters for the lnstallatlon of the agromirteorological fnstruments, and the construction of station building and experimental plots for '\., phenological d a t a ; ' 3. UPLB shalt maintain the office building and provide the necessary office furniture, equipment. and free light. water and telephone; provide for the security. proper care and maintenance of the said building. fence, grounds and agricultural Architect Owner Contract between UPLB College of Artl end ' Sciences and Architect Mauro C. Simplicillno The ~ard confirmed the Arctiltect-Owner Contract between UPLB College of Arts and Sciences and Architect Mauro C. Simplic~no to undertake architectural and engineering designs for the renovation of the College of Arts and Sciences Building, Phase II IOId Chemistry bUildin~l. ' Agraamant batwaen the Unlverllty Ind BLISS Devalopmanl Cor. porltloil _ The Board confirmed the Agreement between the University and BLISS Development Corporation for the return of some 1.2 , I I hectares of land which includes the present site where the taljpapa vendors and gardeners are located. . . .Appolntment of University Officials (Executive s.oionl AdmlnlltTBllV8 Ord .. No. 52 The Board' confirmed Administrative Order No. 52 on "Further Oelegation- of Authority to Act for and Sign in behalf of the UP Om'man Chancellor". GraduBtion of Students , . The 80ard approved the following: a. Graduation of students for various degrees from the different schools and colleges of UP Manila as of the end of the Second Semester, 1989-1990. b. Grant of Authority to the President to approve; in behalf of tne Board, the graduation of students for various degrees from the different schools, 'and colleges of UP OHiman, UPLB, UP Visayas and UP Manila as of the end of Second Semester 1989-1990. The Board approved the appointment of the fo.llowing, effect ive 1 May 1990, or as otherwise indicated: 1. Renewal of appointment as Dean: a. Prof. Cynthia Abad Santos; College of Human Kinetics, UPDiliman . ' b. Prof. Ro.. M. Vallejo, I nstitute of Library Science, UP . Oiliman 2. Original Appointment as Deans: a. Prof. Cecilia A. Fk»rencio, College of Home Economics, UP Diliman b. Prof. Honrado F. Fernandez, College of Architecture, UP Oiliman "c. Pr9f.Elnorll A. Cabelfin, College of Arts and Sciences, UP vtsaves, effective 1 April 1990, EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 03 EXECUTIVE OROER· NO. 01/1990 ·SUBJECT: SUBJECT: Reqaming 'of the External Relations and Resources Develop.ment Staff ¢ U.P. Vlsayas to olliman Liaison Control and Supervision over the C."pus Planning, Development IInd·Mai~tenance Office of (J.'."Diliman By authority of the U.P. Board of, Regents and pursuant to Article 38 of the Revised University Code, effective immediately the operations of the Campus Planning, Development and Maintenance Office (CPOMOl, which is presently' attached to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Ccmrnunltv Affairs of U.P. Dtumen, shall be placed under the administrative control and supervision of the Ottlce of the Chancellor, U.P. Dillman. The, U.P. Business Manager is hereby designated to assist the Office of the Chancellor in the supervision and control of CPDMO. The U.P. Business Manager shall coordinate the lmptementation of University policies on campus planning, development and mai,ntenence services. This Order shall take effect immediatley. ' Dillman, Quezon City, January 2, 1990. ISgd.l JOSE V. A8UEVA President EXECUTIVE ORoER NO. 0~1990 SUBJECT: Supervision and Control Over Butln.,.Related lind Revenue Generating Units of U.P. Dlliman Consistent with the Aesoluti0r:'l of the U.P. Board of Regents adopted during its 1009th Meeting on February 26, 1988, all business-related and revenue generating units, witl:l the exception of those related to housing, presently attached to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Community Affairs of U.P, Dillman shall be under the administrative control and supervision of the Office of the U.P. Business Manager effective immediatley, The present. Housing and Business .Office shall be renamed Housing Office whose functions shall be confined to housing matters. Office of U.P. Visaya. WHEREAS, Executive Order No.9 issued on September 8, 1983 created the External Relations and Resources Development Staff of U.P:Visayas; WHEREAS, 'the Staff, partly based in the U.P. Oiliman Campus, is tasked under Section 7 of Executive Order No.9 to provide the Chancellor of U.P. Visayas with support services required to promote the interests as well as follow up the needs of the U.P. Visayas in relation to foundations and international/regional organizations, to national" agencies, to other educetlonal institutions and private groups, and to the U.P. Central Administration and other U.P. System units; WHEREAS, there is a need to rename the External Relations and Resources Development Staff to reflect what it is actually doing; • NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSE V. ABUEVA, President of the University of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Board of Regents, do hereby issue this Executive Order amending Section 7 of Executive Order No.9, by renaming the "External Relations and Resources Development Staff of U,P. vlsaves" to "OHiman Liaison Office of U.P. Visayas," Section 7 to now read as follows: "Sec. 7. oiliman Liaison Office of U.P. Visavas. - The Diliman Liaison Office of U.P. Visayas, partly based in the . U.P. Diliman Campus, shall provide officials and the staff of U.P. Visayas adequate support services necessary to promote the best interests of 'u.r. Visayas as it relates to the U.F!. Central Administratio.n, other U.P. units, and other government and private institutions." This Order shall take effect immediately. DONE in Quezon City this 25th day of January in the year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Ninety. . (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA Pretldent· Diliman, Quezon City, January 2, 1990.,. ~ - - ' - ~ (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA Prf!:Sident ..-:J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS' 4) 2 January 1990 - The committees shall coordinate with each other in the discharge of their functions. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 01 TO: SUBJECT, T? provide from time to time, advice on technical matters related to the upkeep and improvement of the PABX system after completion of its installation. Dr. Oscar M. AIfo_ Designlltion 81 Acting VicH:hencellor for Academic Affairs (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA President are You hereby designated Acting vfce-Chancencr tor Academic Affairs of U.P. Oiliman effective 2 January 1990 until the report for duty of Prof. Ester Albano·Garcia but not lEiter than 31 March' 1990. Thank you so much for your.willingness at all times to help me and the University meet important and urgent needs that call for leadership and experience. 26 January 1990 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 05 SUBJECT' Croatlori of tha 1990 U.P. Foundation Day St.... ing Committee -, (Sgd,)JOSE V. ABUEVA President '22 JanuarY'1990 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 04 SUBJECT: Constitution of tha U.P. Talcommunications Ad- visory Commit1ees IA} Telecommunications Policy Committee (B) Technical Advisory Committee The Telecommunications PoliCyCommittee IA) is hereby constituted as follows: . .. . Prof. Emerfenda.H. Roman, Vice-President for Administration. Chairman • . ~ Prof.Ernesto R. Santos, UP Diliman Vice-Chancellor for Administration, Member Prof. Honesto G. Nuqul, Budget Director, UP Diliman, Member Prof. Luis M. AlarilJa, Jr., Computer Center Director, Member Its duties are: To recommend to the President and Chancellor appropriate policy and guidelines on telecommunications and the distribution of telephones and access privileges to the new' PABX system which will be completed sometime .ln ' March ·1990; 2} To draw up a . list of of'Hces and persons that will be assigned PABX locals; 3) To periodically review requests for local telephones, direct lines and other telephone equipment made by venous units. 1) ...... Ql Ql N <II Co' ~ .....• ... • Ql E ISgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA President 5 February 1990 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 06 :: Z ~ .~ Ql E :: 16 3. 'The Steering Committee shall plan and organize a program of activities in commemoration of the 8200 anniversary of th founding of the University. The proposed pro~ram of activities shall be submitted to the Office of the President not later than Monday. 7 May 1990. 4. In order to ensure the success of this undertaking, the Steering Committee ·is hereby authorized to constitute sub-committees and solicit the assistance of all acaclemic and non-academic personnel of the University. Prof. Efren F. Abaya, College of Engineering, Chairman Prof. Rolando P. Devco, College of Engineering. Member . Oir. Antonio P. Cruz, Director; CPDMO, Member ' Mr. Lulslto Falcon. CPOM 0, Member ,.Q 0 rs. The Technical Advisory Committee (Bf shall be composed of: ::J -:.- 1. The 82nd anniversary of the founding of the UniversitY ·is on ' ·Juna 1990. 2. The 1990 _U.P. Foundation Day Steering Committee is hereby constituted as follows: CHAIRPERSON' Vice-President Belinda A. Aquino MEMBERS Ylce-Presldent Gemino H. Abad vtce-sresident Emerlinda A. Roman Chancellor Raul P. de Guzman Chancellor Ernesto O. Domlnqo Chancellor Francisco Nemenac Vice-Chancellor Oscar M. Alfonso Vice-Chancellor William G. Padolina Prof. Julita I. Yabes Vice-Chancellor Oscar L. Evangelista Prof. Ester A. Garcia Director Fe. A. Arcinas Budget Director Honesto G. Nuqui Dr. Jonathan Malicsi Director Angelito L. Santos UPFI Director Ertinda S. Emanis Director Antonio P. Cruz Mrs. Belen Angeles , Its duties are: 1) To provide technical advice to the Telecommunications Poncv Committee; . 2) To recommend to the Chancellor an appropriate organizational structure to take charge of the operation and maintenance of the PABX system in the DiUman campus; 3) To' oversee the on-going installation of the PABX system and coordinate. the necessary actions expected of concerned U.P. units (CPDMO,SPMQ, Office of the Budget Director and offices in the beneficiary units); FOR : The UniVersity General Counsel SUBJECT: Exemption from Customs Duties and Taxes on Import&:tiona by the University Due, to thestraln on resources-and loss of valuable manhours that attend importation of essential equipment, it has become imperative for the University to seek bV all means, exemption from customs duties ancl taxes on' importations and inbound shipments of equipment. The Office of Legal Services is hereby. requested to 'I t~ study. propose, and actively implement steps which-mev be taken in securing exemption for the University. wtiether by executive or legislative action. The plan of action may include information campaign and strategy to gain the support of concerned instrumentalities of government. . The University General Counsel is hereby empowered 'to tap the assistance of any unit or office of the University and to request for .en appropriate b'udget for thi~ rnlsslon, in the discharge of his functions. This Office will appreciate a preliminary plari on or before Feb., ruarv 15, 1990 and progress reports every 15 davs upon approval of a final 'plan. Thank you for your invalu~le help in this regard. 1S9d.) JOSE V. ABUEVA President hancing knowledge of the law on the part of the citizenry,· and as part of general education in democratlc.vefues. Sec. 2.~G~idi~ Principles. - In order to maintain and enhance its tradition of excellence and remain relevant to the needs and aspirations of the Filipino people, the foll~ing guiding principles shall be observed In its programs and operations: _1. Training in the U.P. Law Complex must be training in the public interest: it must be a continuous, conscious and systematic effort at policy decision-making, where important values of a democratic soctetv as embodied in the Constitution are d'istributed' 'and shared. 2; The ~.P. College of Law should aim to train lawyers who are not on IV superior craftsmen but also socially-conscious leaders who would be mere interested in promoting the public interest than in protecting the private property rights of individual clients. 3. The study and teaching of law must be integrated with the other disciplines and professions. 1).- is only thus that law can be viewed as part of the social process, that is, as a system for making of important decisions by society. 4. To dev~lop the professional skills of students and lawyers, the U.P. College of Law should not only impart substantive legal SUBJECT: Implementing the Resolution of the U.P. Boerd of knowledge, but -it should also develop the basic working skills Regents Reorganizing the University of the Philippines necessary for successful law practice, suet! as analytical skills, comlaw Complex munication skills, and Aegotiating skills, as well as awareness of their institutional and· non-leqal environment. 5. In order to enhance training for professional competence, WHEREAS. 'The U:P. Law Complex, as an integrated system of legal education offered bv the U.P. College of Law should be WOven national legal institutions within the University of the Philippines, around a sense of purpose, as it is an accepted pedagogiCal truth that is dedicated to teaching, research, training, information, and legal a sense of purpose eases the path of learning, Thus, students of law extension services to ensure a just society; will more e_asHy master legal doctrines and principles if they see WHEREAS, the U.P. Law Complex is mandated by 1.811\I to be' these in relation to a given purpose and as tools for problem-salvinq, responsive to the challenges of social change, and to be relevant to instead of just 'vievving them as diverse and disoriented rules and the growing legal and other law-related needs of the Filipino people; doctrines existing in a vacuum. WHEREAS; in its 1021st Meeting held on May 29, 1989, the 6. Likewise. the research and extension functions of the U.P. , U.~. Board of Regents approved the Resolution Reorganizing the Law Center should be structured around an organizing focus so as to U.. P. law Complex and the Reorganization Plan for the L!.P. Law properly motivate its professional and administrative staff. A pro~mplex in order to enable it to effectively pursue its mandate, perly motivated staff working with a .sense of 'mission is more efflWHEREAS, said Resolution reorganized the U.P. Law Complex cient and effective than one working with mercenary motives. to Consist of the U.P. College of law, with the U.P. Law Center to 7. The objective of training lea~ers who are innovative and perform its research and outreach functions: • responsive requires a two-way learning- process between trainer and. WHE,REAS, in the same Hesolutlon, the U.P. Board of Regents trainee, as well as an environment of freedom for anyone to exauthorlzed the President-to take the necessary measures in-order to press his political, social, economic and reliqlous. ideas without fear implement the reorganization of the U.P. Law Complex; of retribution. NOW, THEREFORE, I. JOSE V,. ABUEVA, President of the 8. The range of courses offered by the U.P. College of Law University of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me should be so wide as to accomodate the varied demands of the by the University Cnarter and'by the U.P. Board of Regents do people for legal services, and not. just the demands of the highhereby order as ~OIlO\Ns: . payi\ng, high-stakes sectors of society. In short, the U.P. College of Law should make provisions in its curriculum for an equitable dlstriARTICLE 1 bution of services, especially to the poor who constitute the Obiectivesand Guiding Principles , majority of the Filipino people. 9. The training programs of the U.P. Law Center should not be, Section 1. The U.P. Law Complex .... Its Objectives - The U.P. limited to upgrading of professional skllls and knowledge of the Law Complex' is an integrated system of national legal institutions In law on the part of lawyers and judges. Through appropriate prothe University of 'the Philippines dedicated to teaching, research," grams and methods, the U.P. Law Center should aim to stimulate training, information, and legal extension services, to ensure a just the concern of the members of the bench and the bar for justice and and democratic society. Towards that end. it shell be..lesponsive to to intensify their sense of injustice. the challenges of social change and progress. and be relevant to the demand of the Filipino people for justice and democratization. 10. The increasing' importance of human rights and .the demoThe objectivesof the UP Law Complex are: cratization of- our institutions are' developments which underscore (1) To discover and transmit knowledge of law so as to achieve . the needs of the citizenry to understand the law andothe legal prodistributive justice for all; cess so that the people can properly assert and protect their rights (2) To train students for the practice of -law in a democratic and take part meaningfully in the d~cision-making process. The continuing I~I education program of the U.P. Law Center should, socjetY. instilling in them the social responsibility to work for the therefore, continue to expand by expanding' linkages with approattainment of a just and humane Filipino communttv.. priate institutions for the teaching of elementary knowledge in law (3) To contribute to the improvement of the legal system and and by instituting a program of translation of basic level materials. the qualitY of administration of justice for the full proteetlon of including codifications of ethnic custom law. into the Filipino and . human rights in our sqfrty;, major dialects. (41 To train lawyers for responsible leadership that i~ innovative 11. The professional staff of the U.P. Law Oomplex - "the + and responsive to the needs and aspirations of the Filip1no people; teachers, researchers. trainers, editors, and edmlnlstrators -- should' .nd undergo periodic training through academic development programs (51 To develop a new level of legal education with a vlewto en- .ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. OB Series of 1990 • • 17 calculated to fami!iarize them with new legal perspectives, new methods ~f teaching. These development program should take the form of annual faculty conferences, grants-in-aid for scholarships, research projects, facultY exchange programs, and textbook writing. 12. The strength of any educational institution lies in its faculty. In this respect, there is great need for the U.P. College of Law to strengthen and augment its faculty .by recruiting more professors who are experts and authorities in their'field of specialization so . that students can acquire mastery over substantive areas of the law, needed skills not only as advocates but also as architects of the social order; The lip. College of Law should be known by its dominant capabilities in various areas of the' law. 13. The clinical concept of legal education should be given more weight in the present curriculum, for it is one of the most effective" methods of initiating the student to social reality while at' the same time cultivating his professional skills. The legal aid clinic should be expanded in conjunction with the out-reach programs of the U:P. Law Center, thus also extending legal services to a wider seg. ment in the community. 14. There should' be an effective system of recruitment Jcr the academic a.nd professional staff of the U.P. College Law and the U.P. Law Center boosted by substantial Increase in their basic salaries. This will solve the problem of depletion in the ranks of the professional staff, and attract more Jegal minds into the faculty. 15. There should bee complete integration of the law faculty and the research and ecedemlc staff of the U.P. Law Center such that faculty members can serve in the U.P. Law Center along the lines of their specialization and qualified research staff can teach in the U.P. College of Law. 16. Professionalism .and collegiality should be the guiding principles in the decision-making processes of the U.P. College of Law and the Ll.P. L~ Center. Policies, projects and programs adopted by these units cannot be successfully implemented without the cooperation of all their constituents. 17. The Legal Research Fund should be used more intensively, ettectfveiv and [udiclouslv. Furthermore, all funds pertaining to the U.P. law Complex should be administered by a s·lngle body with faculty representation which will decide budgetary and fiscal policies of the Co;"plex. •. . " 18. The U.P: Law Complex should exert earnest efforts towards the Filipinization of law through translations of legal materials and through classes and seminars using FiI'Ipino as medium of communication. 19. The components of the U.P. Law Complex should function under "the unified leadership of the Dean of the U.P. College of Law. This should consolidate the. otherwise . divid~ authority between the U.P. College of Law and the U.P. Law center. H0\oY· ever, this should admit of delegation of authority in appropriate cases. as well as acquire the 0' ArtiCle 2 Organization of Instruction, Research, and Extension Servh:8s '... ..... Cl> ~ E ::l ....z . ~ ~ Cl> E ::l "0 ;> . 18 Sec. 1. Governing Body. ~ (a) The U.P. Law Complex shall be governed by the bean of the U.P. College of Law 81d its Faculty as a collegial body, who may delegate such functions and responsibilities as they may deem appropriate to the li:ecuHe Committee as herein constitued; Sec. 1. Governing Body. - (a) The U.P. Law Complex shall be governed bv the Dean of the U.P. College of Law and its Faculty as a collegial body..who may delegate such functions and responsibilities as they may deem appropriate to the Executive Committee as herein constituted: Provided, that the U.P. College·of Law proper shall continue to be governed· and to perform its functions and responsibttlties in accordance with the University Charter and the pertinent University rulesend regulations; provided, further, that the Faculty with the Dean as presiding officer shall decide on all academic and curricular matters in the U1P. College of Law. (b) The Executive Ccmrnlttee shall be composed of the Dean as Chairman, the Associate Dean as vice chairman, the Directors of the Instltutes. and one other member to be elected by the Facultv to serve.for one academic year. (cl The following functions may .be delegated to the Executive Committee: (l!Approve the "proposed programs of the U.P. Law Complex; (2) Adopt the final budgetary proposals for the U.P. Law Complex for approval by appropriate higher authorities; (3) Promulgate rules and guidelines to ensure adherence to the principles end objectives of the U.P. law Complex .and of the University; (4) Enhance the int~ration/coordination among the units of the U.P. Law Ccrnplexand resolve inter-unit disputes. Sec. 2. The Dean. - (al The Dean shall have general responsfbility for the maintenance of high academic standards and enforcement of discipline. He shall continue to exercise such powers and functions as are provided by the University Charter and under the University Code, as well as those which may, be delegated to him by the U.P. Board of Regents, the President or the Chancellor. TheDean shall not serve as head of any sub-unit of the U.P. ~ollege of> Law Or the U.P. Law Center. (b) As administrator of theU.P. Law Center, the Dean may deleaete- his powers and functions to the Associate Dean. He shall, however. continue to exercise general supervision over the operations of the U.P. Law Center as a whole. 131 Associate Dean. - (a) In addition to the delegated powers and functions as herein authorized, the Associate Dean shall assume such other responsibilities as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Dean or the Executive Committee. Upon such delegation, he shall have general supervision over the Institutes of the U.P. 'Law Center. (b) Upon the recommendation of the Dean, the Executive Committee shalt by resolution determine the delineation of functions and powers of the Associate Dean in relation to those of the Institute Directors. tel The term of office of the Associate Deafl shall be coterminous with that of the Dean. ! Sec. 4; Law Consultative Council. - (a) There shall be a Law Consultative Councill/YhiCh shall: (1) Consider policy matters rel!J!ing to the programs, annual budget, plans and procedures of the U.P. Law Complex and to submit recommendations thereon to the Dean; Provided. that this function shall exclude academic and curricular matters in the U.P. College of Law; f21 Review and assess the operations of the U.P. Law Complex, in particular wlth the respect to the relation of plans and performance to the objectives of the U.P. Lew Complex in the ligl'ltof new developments, and to make appropriate recommendations based on such evaluation; 13) Consider such other matters as may be broughtbefore it. Ib) The Law Consultative Council shall be composed of: (1) the Dean, Associate Dean and .Institute Directors as ex officio members: "I, (2) one representative of the full-time faculty and one representatives of the part-time faculty of the U.P. College of Lew: . (3) two representatives from the Research, Extension and Professional,Staff of the U.P. Law Center; (4) one representative of the administrative personnel; (5) the President of the U:P. LaW Alumni Association; (6) the President of the Law Student Government; and (7) Scholars from other disciplines as may be invited by the Law Consultative Council. let The Council shall' annuallv elect its,preslding officer and its secretary, who shall not be officers of any unit of the U.P. Law Complex.' The term of office of the,non-ex-officio members of the Council shall be one year . ,I ., . Sec. 5. Institutes of tile U.P. Law Center. Ie) The U.P. Law Center shall initially be composed of the following Institutes: (1) Institute of Government: and Law Reform. '- This Institute will perform the functions of the Code Commission, and in all areas not cOvered by existing Institutes. shall conduct studies for legislative reform and develop proposals for legislation. and for adminis- .J trative rule-making in cooperation with pertinent agencies of the ~overnment, so as to enhance effectiveness of government and responsiveness to the needs of the people. This Institute shall eontlnue projects of pOpularizing the law' by establis~ing linkages with other institutions for the teaching of etementerv knowledge in I~w and by-translating legal materials into the Filipino and the major dialects. / (2) Institute of Human Rights. - This Institute shall concern itself with the protection and promotion of human rig~t5. including political. civil, economic, social and cultural rights/Of the people, especially those of indigenous cultural. communities. the urban poor. the working class. and the 'p~santry. 131 Institute of Judicial Administration. - This Institute shall eonttnue to conduct, encourage and coordinate research and'studY of the operation of the court system in the Philippines; develop and present for consideration by the Supreme Court reccmrnendetjons for the improvement of the edmmistratien of the Philippine courts; \ develop and conduct programs of continuing education and training Jj8~ of the members of the Judiciary and its support personnel, and .e·' memb'ers of the, Bar; and assist in the provision of research and ptan-. niog aid to the Supreme Court. The Governing Board of this Institute shall henceforth serve as its Advisory Board. (4) Institute of International legBl Studies. - The areas of concern of this Institute shall be international relations which directly affect the interests of the country and the people, including Phitip-, pine .foreign policy, regional. economic and cultural aggregations, bilateral and multilateral agreements, the international monetary and trading arrangements, financing and credit systems, and disarmaments and securftv. (b) The general functions and responsibilities set forth above' shall be supplementary to those defined in Republic Act No. 3870, as amended. ' Sec. 6. Institute D·irectOr. - Each Institute shall have a Director who shall be its chief academic and executive officer. The Dfrector . shall be appointed by the Chancellor' upon recommendation of the Dean for a term of three years without prejudice to reappointment. The Director shall: ..... (1) Execute the programs and policies ~opted by the Executive Committee and, in appropriate cases, by the U.P. Board of R~ents. 'q; (2) Prepare the programs, work plans. and budget estimates for consideration by the Law Consultative Council and adoption by the Executive Committee. (3) Recommend the appointment of fellows. officers and staff members ~f the Institute. ' (4) Prepare the organizational and staffing pattern of the Insti· tute for consideration ~y the Executive Committee. I (51 Submit to the Executive Committee through the Associate Dean an annual report on the operations of the Institute. (6).. Recommend the disbursement of funds Or payment o,f honoraria. flnt I • • .~ J Sec. 7. Transitory ProvISions. - To the extent not inconsistent with the foregoing, all powers vested in the V.P. Law Complex Supervisor are hereby vested in the Dean, and all existing rules and requletlcna applicable to the U.P. Law Complex shall remain in force until such time that new rules and regulations are approved by this office or the U.P.Board of Regents. The Dean is herebv directed to submit to the President of the University the proposed new rules and 'regulations, including the staffing pattern fo~ the entire Complex. Sec. 8. Effectivity. - This Order shall take effect immediately. Oiliman, Quezon City City; March 1,1990. (Sgd.lJOSEV. ABUEVA President 5 MC!.rcli 5, 1990 ADMINISTRATIVE OROER NO. 10 SUBJECT: CreatiOn of 8 UP Panel in the Arboretum Development .Committe8 of UP and the Quezon City Government. Whereas, Quezon City Mayor Brigido R. Simon. Jr., on behalf of the Quezon City Government, has proposed the establishment, of a park and aviary for residents of Quezon City and nearby urban ccenters: ' .J Whereas, he has proposed location of the park and evterv.et the Arboretum area owned by the UniversIty of the Philippines; Whereas, he has designated a Quezon City panel that will be part of a joint UP --; Quezon City Arboretum Development Committee which will study the feasibility of establishing a park a~ aviary in the' UP Arboretum area; Whereas. the University shares the concern of the Quezon City Government in providing suitable recreation areas and facilities for its residents; Now, therefore, I. Jose V. Abueva. 'by virtue of the powers vested 1':'l me by the Board of Regents, do herebY constitute a U.P. panel as follows: Vice-President Belinda S. Aquino, Chairman Vice-Chancellor Oscar L. Evangelista, Member Uniyersity~Bbsiness Manager Proceso G. Ramos, Member to complement the Quezon City team composed of: Atty. Charito Planas _ President. Que~n City Parks Development Foundation, Inc. Mr. Cesar L. Sianghio Dfflcer-in-Charqe Q.C. Parks Dev. & Adm. Office Architect Domingo R. Tapay City Buildipg Official, Quezon City Functions of the UP Panel. The UP Panel in coordination with, the Quezon City team, shall have, among others, the following functions: 1. to evaluate the 'over.all concept ot- establishing a park and aviary in the Arboretum area, with the assistance of UP faculty specialists on landscape architecture. environmental science and related fields of biology, and to see that the concept is consistent with the Up";s own land use objectives: 2. to formulate a development plan for the area in Question con' sistent with the Universi~y's .land .use plan and policy, and thereafter; 3. to consult with the Quezon Cltv ,Government, through the Quezon City panel, in the preparation of a memorandum of understanding between the Quezon City Government and the University of the Philippines which shall include. among others. provisions for: I· a. site preparation and clearing the area of squatters; b. budget for planni"g and implementation of the project and for maintenance of the physical plant; c. corresponding responsibilities of the parties in the maintenance and supervision of the park and aviary. including . security and order: d. sharing of proceeds/income from- operation of facilities; e. duration of the project and provisions for renewal; f. evaluation and assessment of the project; g. other provisions that will safeguard the ownership and interests of the' University over the long-term use of the property for the project. --_._---- . In 'connection with item No.1 of F,unctlon. of tho U.P. Pano/, the following faculty menmers shall assist -the U.P.' Panel,a"nd the (Monday) flag raising ceremony. We shall also revive the 5:00 p.m. r&t,.t ewry Friday during which everyone .in Quezon Hall is expected to bepresent. _ __ _ . _ By reviving this tradition, we express our./oyalty to the Republic and to the University and our commitment to our work in the Uni· versity. Absence from the flag ceremony means that personnel come late to their offices, unless they have an early appointment elsewhere or some other valid reaso!!. Announcements m~v also be ma:te during the flag ceremony. I will appreciate your full cocperetjcn. flag Arboretum Development Committee as Consultants: 1.. Prof. Mary Ann Espina . UP College of Architecture 2. Prof. Reynaldo dela 'Paz . UP Marine Science Institute (Aviary) 3. :Prof. Daniel Laguniad . ,UP Institue of Biology. Consuttant \ ;(Environmentalist) 'The panel shall submit a repo~ tc the President after '~ry meeting of the Committee ~nd in January for the full"Y8.sr that has ended. . . , In the discharge of these functiOns. the UP, 'panel is authorized l ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA Presidentl·U.P. and Ch.nce!/or, UPD .1- -1 ....;. to seek assistance and advice of UP Offices, faculty and staff eec ec propose a .rea~nable budget only'for ·incidental expenses. ' ISgd.lIOSE V. ABUEVA . ProIidont . . 20 March 1990. . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 13 : Dr. Jo.,ina R. Cort8s, Chairman . Prof. ROphlielJ'erpetuO Lotilla; Mamber Any. Pio P!frOllo, Mamber . SUBJECT·: ·Constliutlon of an Ad Hoc Committee tolli'aft th8 Code of .Dutlas and Rospomlbilitlas of Taachors and Non-Taachlng Personnaf . . You are 'hereby c~nstituted into a, Committee to draft, a "Code of Duties and RespOnsibilities of Teachers and Non-teaching Personnel" for submission to Congress for possible Integration In House Bill No. 21902. House. Bill No. 21902 antitled "An Act Provldin9 for An Integrated Magna Carta of Teachers end Non-T-bchlng Perronnel" Is attached herewith for your ready reference. The undersigned shall welcome a report from your Committee not later than April 16. 1990. I MEMORANDUM NO. 03 TO RE ; ,. : Vice-Chancellor for Community Affairs Oscar L. EY8nge1l1tl1 University General Counsel Demaree JB. RaV8'l DND'UPAgroomont You are hereby appointed a member of the UP Monitoring ,Group in connection with the Department of National' Def~nse -. , -. UP Agreem.ent signed on' June 30, 1989. rega·rding the conduct of ,i . any military or police operations on any of the UP campus In th: . constltutent universities, The Agreemem provides for a Joint Monitoring Group cOmposed 'of the Facuity Regent, Student Re-· gent, Vice:Preside.nt. for Public- Affair~ (or representative), the PC-INP Assistant Chie" of Staff for Operation s, the PC"INP NCR· ccmmercer for "Ope-etjons and the Con!it8bulary Judge Advocate . (or representative) .from OND. The, purpose of the Joint Monitoring. Group is to en'sure, compliance with the provisions of the 1989 Ag,eement. " (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA . President and Chancellor . (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA . 13 MarCh 1990 President MEMORANDUM NO. 15 TO MEMORANDA 2 January 1990· ... ..... MEMORANDUM NO. 01 ' .se ><: <II e -;.. ::l o I 20 ". TO : All UP.Personnel Based in Quezon Hall SUBJECT : Atton ....... at tlla Weeidy ·Flag ea;amonlas· In the past year. I noticed that very few officials and employees of Quezon Hall attended the weekly flag ceremony at,8:00 a.m. on, Mondays. I myself attended ·this ceremony 8S regular'fy as my schedule allowed. May ·1 requeSt: all officials and employees based in Quezon Hall to be punctual, starting next week, in attending the 8:00 8.m. ~I I 31 January 1990 : SU9JECT : Prof. Ulpianolgnacio, Jr. Mr. Jose B. Antonio. Chief Accountant . Mr. Ricardo Ozoa, Office of the Vice-President for Planning and Finance Accounting of Funds from the Ford Foundation Grant , Please constitute yourselves into a Committee. with Prof, Ignacio as Chairman to undertake an accounting and audit of funds of the Ford Foundation grant to the U.P, College of Music. In the course of your work, you may call "on the faculty of 'the College of Music to give pertinent details on the grant. The Committee is expected to submit Its report to my Office on or before 15 April 1990. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA Chancellor , HISTORICAL PAPERS AND DOCUMENTS LETTERS 9 January 1990 4 January 199C· Ref. No. JVA·90.Q07 Ref. No. JVA-89-Q04 Mr. Christopher C. Smart Deputy Director Mr. JoseB. del Rourio Admhiistrator Nattonallrrigation Administration E. de los Santos Avenue Quezon City Social Science Division International Development Research Centre P.D: Box 8500 Ottawa, Canada K1G 3H9 Dear Director Smart: Dear Mr. del Rosario; Thank you for the donation of photogrammetric instruments by the National IrrigaUon Administration to the UniversitY of the • Philippines. We want to assure you that the instruments shall be fully utilized for training and research in fields related to photoqrarrsnetrv, such as mapping for water resources, irrigation, soil sciences and natural resources management that our country'so badly needs at present. Dr. Anselmo O. Almazan, Director of the Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry, is hereby authorized to receive the donated instruments in behalf of the University. Sincerely vours. (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA President I have the honor to endorse to the IDRC the request of the Cotdillera Studies Center of the University of the Philippines College Baguio (UPCBI", for a pre-proposal grant of Five Thousand Cenedian Dollars (C$5.000) that will enable the college to develop a fullblown proposal for a 2-3 year research program on Natural Resource Management for the Cordillera Region. " The Cordilleras, a region in northern Luzon. has been the subject of a movement for regional autonomy. The natural resource management program 1hat-UPCB researchers seek to develop will be useful in oor~'lPlementing political headway in" the quest for self~ determination. The Cordillera Studies Cent •• a research arm of the University's academic :..!nlt in the region. has a good track record of multidiscipfinary reseerebes focusing on the needs of the region. We firmly deem this to be a worthy project and hope the IORC will again favor the University with its support as 'It has so favored other UP projects in the past. The enclosed concept paper contains the details of our request. With out best wishes. 8 January 1990 Sincerely yours, Ref. No. JVA-90-OOS (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President Han. Fiorello R. Estuar Secretary Department of Public Works and Highways 16 January 1990 Bonifacio Drive POrt Area. Manila Ref. No. JVA·90-o13 Dear Secretary Estuar: • Further to an earlier request contained in our letter of 28 November (copy attached), could the Department of PubUc Works and Highways (DPWHI please loan to U.P., free-of-charge, one medium-sized bulldozer-grader for 7 to 10 days? We need it to level and clean several erees in the U.P. Diliman Campus, If you can grant this request, expenses for diesel fuel and lubricants for the bulldozer-grader, as well as the operator's allowance, shall be for the University's account. Thank you very much and best regards. The Honorable Nikki M.L. Co58teng Bepresentatlve.Brd District of Quezon City House of Representatives Constitutional Hills Quezon City Dear Nikki Coseteng: This is regarding your request for the University of the Philippines to share 1.5 hectares of its cam3us for the use of the Balara High School. Sincerely yours, (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA PrB<k!ent • Much as we would like to be of 'assistance. we regret to inform you that we cannot favorably grant the request, The Board of Regents of the UniversitY has approved a land Use Plan assigning all areas of the Oiliman Campus to specific uses. We therefore ask your kind understanding and hope the University 'can extend assistance to the Balara High School in some other ways. With our warm reqerds. Sincerely yo",rs • (SgdJ JOSE V. ABUEVA President 21 Ref. No. JVA·90~4 Her Excellency President CorllZon C. Aquino Republic of the Philippines Hon. Brigldo R. Simon Mayor of Quezon City Quezon City Hall Malacal\anQ, Manila Dear Mrs-.President: l Executive Oreter No. 204-A -dated 'July 15. H~87 entitled "Further Amending· Presidential Decree No. 58, 85 amended" provides, among others, that it is your prerogative, Mrs. President, to 8f:lPOint whomever you choose to be the UP Student Regent. Inasmuch as the term of Student Regent Gonzal0 A. Bongol8" ended on December 31, 1989, ~e respectfully request you to appoint his replacement. The National Alliance of, UP Student Councils - KASAMA sa conducted a selection process to identify the nominees for Stu- UP dent Regent. Through a democratic process, the following names were identified: 1. Mr. Fernando Balmaceda _ 2. Mr. Romeo de 18 Cruz 3. Mr. Amante Jimenez Among them, I ~ish to recOmmend the appointment of Mr. Amante Jimenez, currently Chairman of tht! UP OHiman Student COuncil, who is the leading nominee 85 determined by student leaders of the University through a democratic selection process. Mr. Ji";enez topped ,the final balloting of ~:es which was COn· ducted on 17 December 1989. Messrs. Balmaceda and de la Cruz are the current Chairman of the Student Councils of UP Los Baf'os and UP Visayas, respectively. If you should favor Mr. Jimenez, he will be the one to replace Mr. Gonzalo A. Bongolan. His term shall be for one year. commencing this January". With our highest esteem and best wishes. Respectfully yours, ISgd.)JOSE V. ABU EVA President Ref. No. JVA-9Q.Q22 24 JanuarY 1990 Secretary C~8I"ino Follosco Department of Science and Technology Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila , , ...l:l , <ll OJ <U .C,,? t ,; , ~ ~ ....• . <ll ~ 6, :l ....Z~ I ~ <ll 6 - ::l 0 Dear Secretary Follosco: I am pleased to inform" you that the bUilding for'the National Institute of Geolog,ical Sciences INIGSI on the U.P. Campus has been completed. As you know, NIGS isone of the National Centers of Excellence established" with the cooperation of NSTA in 1983. We are planning to inaugurate the bu~lding in conjunetio~-with the sixth anniversary of the UP College of Science on February 12, 1990, at nine o'clock in the mQrning . In this co~neetion, we would like to invite you to deliver the, keynote address for the occasion. We are certain that DOST will playa key role in the advancement of scientific research and education in the Philippines in the 1990's. In vievv of the vital role of the Department of Science" and Technology in the promotion of research on science in higher education, you may want to emphasize the plans of your Department ~IOFlgthis line in the COMing decade. We lock forward to YQur~ac~ptance of-this invitation and your presence on February 12 to share your thoughts with us. With warm regards. S.. lncerelv yours, ;> ISgdlJOSE V. ABUEVA 22 25 January 1990 22 January 1990 Ref. No. JVA·91H119 President Dear Mayor Simon: . The University of the Philippines would like to reiterate its eommitment to donate to qualified residents of Brgy. Krus-ne-Llgas 15.8 hectares of the area they are presently occupying. You will recall that in our last meeting On October 12, 1989, the draft Deed of Donation referred to you on June.2, 1988 was, discussed. The matter of finencial packaging was to be addressed by your good office. We were agreed, then. that under no instance will the qualified "residents of Brgy. Krus-ne-t.taas be unduly burdened . should the donation push through, and that the City Government would effect a financial package very beneficial 'to the residents. We will greatly appreciate" being advised on the status of your financial evaluation,' and we hope that we can meet on this matter at the soonest possible time: With best wishes. I Sincerely yours, (Sgd,) JOSE V. ABUEVA President 26January 1990 Ref. No. JVA·91H125 " Cong. Honorato Aquino House of Representatives Constitutional Hills Quezon City Dear Congressman Aquino: This refers to the exploration of the possibility of establishing a Cordillera Region Science High School to take the place of the UP College Baguio High School, which by decision of the UP Board of Regents has started to phase out thiS: schoolyear 1989.1990 and shall cease to exist after the schoolvear 1991.1992.. . You may recall in this connection my COnstituting an Ad Ho'c Committee with invited representatives from UP. "the Department of EducatIon, Culture and Sports (DECSI, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Cordillera Autonomous Region. The Committee twice scheduled a meeting, but was unable to meet on 22 November 1~9 beCause of Typhoon "Unsing" and on 8 December 1989 because of the EDSA rally for peace. At its first meeting on 16 January 1990, the Committee was appriSed of the bright ",Ospotts of some 50 high schools all over the country, including three in the COrdillera region, being given DeCS end COST suPPOrt' starting June 1990 under the Science Education Development Plan. Or: Ester A. Gar~ia, who shall be Vic~Ch~ncellor for Academic Affairs of UP Dillman' starting 1 April 1990 and who has been worki"9 with DOST as Deputy Director of the Philippine Council for Advanced Science and Technology Research aOO Oevalopment IPCASTRO). said that the. beneficiary high schools' teachers shall be given training and their laboratories upgraded, using the Philippine Science High School as model. The three high schools in the Cordillera region included in this program are the Baguio City High School, the Mankayan National High School in Benguet a':'" 'the Mountain Province Comprehensive High School. The region would in effect get three "science high .. I \ schools," already complete with staff and infrastructure though not designated as such. As Mr. Abrino Aydinan noted at the com. mittee .meetinq •. the DOST program could well be "a necessary initial step thet . could lead to the establishment. if the need is validated; for a science ·high school" in the Cordillera. It has been a pleasure for UP to be of sssistacne in this matter. With the DECS and DOST collaborating closely in implementing the Science Education Development Plan. however. perhaps it would be more expeditious ~w to deal with them directly in moving toward establishing a :'clence high schec! in the Cordillera. As suggested at the meeting of the ad hoc committee, OECS/DOST can teke the lead henceforth. in calling the next and subsequent meetings on this matter. UP shall continue to help as a resource institution. say,,", in curriculum design. whenever its help maybe necessary and appropriate. For further details. I am sending herewith a COPy each of the following: 1. Minutes of the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee for a Cordillera Region Science High School held on 16 ·January 1990. 2. Sectoral Implementation Plan. Manpow~Development in Science and. Mathematics, Secondary School Level, "Report to the STCC December 20. 1989." Withal) good wishes. Sincerely yours. (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President Ref. No. JV A·90-o34 6 F,ebruary 1990 Honorable Franklin Drilon Department of Justice. Padre Faure. Manila Dea~ Secretary DrHon: We received a letter from Dr. Won Sui Lee, President of Han Narri University in Taejon, Korea, informing us that he had sent Mr. TAE MYUNG KIM. an Associate Professor in Han Nam University, to the University of the Philippines in order "to find cooperative ways for the promotion of substantial exchange programs" between UP and Han Nam.. Mr. Kim is also a Ph.D. candidate in our School of Urban· and R~ional Planning, aoo he has informed us that he would also like to devote his time here to work on his dissertation and defend it before returning to Korea in August of this year. fn eccordence with the Agreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation between UP and Hen Nam University, we agreed to accept Mr. Kim as an exchange scholar. As an exchange scholar. he shall be entitled to free tuition and other fees for the second Semester and Summer Term of the School Year 1989-1990. Mr. Kim's longer stay in the Philippines would thus require him to change his Temporary Visitor's visa into one that is appropriate for an exchange schollar [47 (al (2)]. May we then request your Department to asstt him in converting his visa t that of an exchange scholar? . Very truly yours, (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA President. 1 February 1990 Ref, No. JVA·90-o31 '. Dr. Akito·Arima President The University of Tokyo Hoogo. Bunkyu-Ku Ref. No. JVA·90-o35 Tokyo 113 Japan Gov. Javier A. AriosaProvince of Zamboanga del Sur Pagadian City Dear President Arima: Dear Governor Ariosa: \ Your recent visit to our University was truly memorable. I sincerely hope that the Agreement of Academic Exchange and Cooperation between our two Universities will prosper through the years as our scholars and colleagues in various fields begin to interact more and more with one another -. I deepfv appreciated too your lecture on the development of scientific thought in Japan. With this letter. I send you several pictures of your visit with President Carazon C. Aquino that we have received oply today from Malacailang., With these I have also lneluded pictures of your visit,to our University which was taken by our lnfonretlon Office. With our highest esteem. Sincerely yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President • 7 February 1990 We wlsh to acknowledge, with appreciation, the resolution 'adopted on 19 July 1989 by the Sang9uniang Panlalawigan of Za~oanga del Sur, requesting the President of the University of the Philippines to establish a UP branch in your province. I received a copy of the. resolution through Provincial Secretary Conchita E. Dayan last month. We understand how beneficial it would be for UP to help Mindanao achieve its developmental aspirations. So do UP alumni in Mindanao who through the years have petitioned for the establishment of a UP branch in Davao City or in Cagayan de Oro City. or .. welsewhere in Mindanao. I have had this matter constantly in mind since I became UP President. Costs Considered, we are thinkirig of pursuing an out: reach approach which hopefully would be supported with national funds through a bilI now pending in Congress for this purpose. We are sending you herewith two different issues of UP in Mindanao Update. They recall the historical efforts tc ~Iish· UP in Mindanao and describe what we hope to do in face of finan. '. cial constraints. Your support of the bill pending in Congress would be most e ~ i~ i= ,. I~ ',Il> :I e Il> ~ a: welcome. Il> 1"1 With all good wishes. ~ 0- Sincerely yours, ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA President i~ I~ i'23 ~ 21 February 1990 13 February 1990 Raf. No. JVA-9().()42 Raf. No. JVA·9().()3(l eormo Han. Isidro D. Carino Secretary Department of Education, Culture and Sports Palacio del Gobernador . lntramuros, Manila Saeretary llidro D. Depa~ment of Education, Culture and Sports Governing Board, National Learning Resource C8ntet for Teacher Training Palacio del Gobernador,lntramuros Manila t: Dear secretary Carino: Daar Sacretary Carillo: may I suggest that the training For the reasons listed below, (acllity heretofo~e longlshly referred ~o 8S the "National Learning Resource Center for Teacher Training" (NLRCTTJ be officially named the "Science Teachers' Training Cent.... ~STTC). followed in parenth..as by (A Project of DECS-DOST-lJPI; i ~I 1. The sugges.ted name wou Id more appropriatefy describe, relatively succinctly, the functions to be discharged in or .through. the facility.. Notably, the longer name of .NLRCTT does not even indicate its having to do with science and mathematics. 2. "Science" in the suggested name would include Mathernetcs even without specific reference to It. 3. l:he word "Training" in the suggested ,name does not exclude research and extension work. which woUld be under\ taken in or through the facility alongside training/teaching. 4. "Pr.oject" would make it clear that the Instituta for Science and Mathamatics.~dueation and Davelapmant (ISMEDI con_tinues to have its separate identity. and that the reference-is to an add'ed facility. It had been suggested that the facility be named either "National Institute of Science Education" (NISE) or "National Institute of Science and Mathimatlcs Education" (NISME). Using the word '~National" raises the'question. however. of whether the NISE or the NISME has or is intended to have the same prestige end stature that attach to national centers of excellence such as the National lnstituta of Physics (NIP)' and the National Instltuta of Gaological Scianc.. (N IGSI. . Moreover, "National Institute of Science education" could easily' be confused with the DOST's Sc!ence Education '1 nstitute. Not to rnentton that "NBtionat~lnstltuteof Science Edueat;on" . migh~' seem to confer upon this facility alone the function of science education creditably discharged in maior ways by other academic institUtions s~ch as the College of Science. We hope to have your response soon, hopefully In ttrne for the turriover'of the facility from the Gbvernment of Japan. . Wkh all good wish... . ~ , . I am pleased to inform you that I have approved the special detail of Prof. Rt-mea C. ·TomaCfu{ to the Department of Education, Culture amt Sports, effective upon his report for duty~at the DECS. ,'" Prof. TomacrLiz's special detail shall be without pay from the University and sh$'1 be for 8 peri~d of one year. .. . Best regards. t .Sincerely yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. AB.UEVA President . •,I Ref. No. JIiA-9()'()47 28 February 1990 . P;esident EllisE. McCune California State University. Hayward Hayward. CA 94542·3001. USA Dear President McCune: Thank you for your facsimile letter of 19th February (received 21 Feb.) and ks original (receiVed 28 "Feb.!. We lOOk forward to your visit erdwcujd be very happy to meet with you on 19 March at 5:00 p.m, for the signing of the Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between ou~ two Unjyersitres. We ere indeed very happy that your own faculty are setting up a Center for Philippine Studies in your University. We have made a tentative program for you for 19th March and would appreciate having yOur own ideas and suggestions in th regard: . Tentative Program: March 19, Mondoy Morning: A small group meeting/dialogue with deans and facu~y , (Asian Center, Philippine Studies, Social Sciences) Early Afternoon: Meeting/dialogue with deans and faculty (Business Administration, Small·Scale Industries) Sincerely yours, <II c 5:00 p.m.••. Signing of the Agreement for! Educational and Scientific ~ Cooperation between U.P. and CSU·H; Cocktails at the Executive House. U.P. Oiliman Dinner with U.P. President' I Un~ve"'sity officials Short Cultural Presentation c/o Dr. Jonat.han Malicsi (SlI'U JOSE V. ABUEVA ~ ~i ....• 'i . jl ~I Sl s'" • i '::I PrwIdIHll 5:30 p.m . 6:00 p.m. 7:00p.m. We have also. made hotel reservations for you las requested by~ . Prof. Ricardo L. Si"gson) for March 18·22 _at Sulu Hotel near the University of the Philippines.. , . Very truly yours, '0 ;;., 24 !L...- (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA PreskJent ~I....----------'-----I . 8 March 1990 13 March 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90-oS2 Ref. No. JVA·90-o67 Dean Piocifico Apbln College of Law U.P. DlIiman Fr. W.H. Kroutz, SJ President Ateneo d..e Zamboanga Zamboanga City SUBJECT: Philip .......p tition i......natiD.... Law Moot Court CompeDear Father Kreutz: Dear Dean Agabin: I heatfully encourage the participation of U.P. laIN students in the moot court ccmpetttjon. With fts record last year in mind, I' am confident that our. students will excel - in the great tradition of law students who have come before them. However. in view of our limited University financial resources (including funds held by the Friends of U,P. Foundation in America), we cannot support the request for international travel under"our budget. I hereby authorize you, just as I did last year, to use other funds of the College of Law (including tho"sa in the U.P. Foundation or This has reference to your letter of February 14,1990 seeking clarification on the Scholarship Program for the Faculty of State ColleQes and Univer~itjes in Mindanao. We would like to inform you. for the sake of clarity, that the abcve-mentloned scholarship is available ONLY to the faculty of state colleges and universities in Mindanao with which the U.P. has a memorandum of agreement (please see attached scholarship rules). ' Rest assured that, in the, future,.shoukl there be some programs that would be offered by U.P. to private school teachers. the same shell al~ be publicized. s- other foundations) for the support of our team. in the event that -~incarely yours, they win in the national eliminations and be chosen to represent the Philippines in the 1990 Philip C. Jessup Internatiqnal Law Moot ~ \ Court Comp8tition in Washington, D.C. t .'j My oongretulations to the team, in advance. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA PrB&irI.nt Sineerely yours, (Sgd.) JOSE B. ABU EVA Prosident 13 March 1990 Deen Juan P. Ramos College of Music U.P. Dillman, Quezon City 8 March 1990 Dear Dean Aamos~ Ref. No. JVA-90-063 A Ambassador Jo.. M.....relill Philippine Recommedning Committee JASCAA Scholarship Progrem Dominion Buikling 833 A. Arnalz Avenue· ,Maketi ~9 Dear ArriJassador Laurel: ,• Thank you for your letter of 26th February, received here on 6th March, informing us that the JASCAA Selection Committee in Tokyo awarded scholarships to Yolando B. Beronque, Ma. Elena Y. Cabusas, Nathaniel C, Libatique, and Noel S. Perpetua. We are glad tha~ Ambassador Date was impressed with the credentials of the candidates nominated by the Philippine Recom-mending Committee. The credit for the good work of the Committee should undoubtedly be given to you. I~ was 8 pleasure working with·you in this year's search for the JASCAA scholars, and we look 'forward to the continued close cocperatlon between JASCAA Philippine and our University. This refers to the request of some 'sixteen (16) faculty mermers of the College for an accounting of the $135.000 grant from the Ford Foundation in support ola research and training project in ethnomusicology. The records show that the grant was made to the University of the Philippines. Upon represehtation of former 'Dean Ramon Santos, Ford Foundation made the fund transfers through the U.P.. Musical Arts and Research Management Foundation, Inc. I understand that the Foundation has already made an accounting of funds. The Foundation's report .may well serve as the basis. for a separate acoounting which the University will conduct. In this connectton, therefore, please inform the College faculty that the University will undertake an accounting and audit of funds of said project and that their cooperation in this undertaking is needed. Thank you. I ~ :-= oII> toO Sincerely yours, ~ ::;: ~ (Sgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA President • -II> ::I Very truly yours, (Sgd'}JOSE V. ABUEVA ProskJent . I: II> -e, ::: II> ~ ::r .... CC> CC> Q 25 \. -----~_.~--- ~---....,..-----. 15 Marth 1990 . ReI. No. JVA.g~70 21 March 1990 ReI. No. JVA-9(}.()79 Justice'-' C. Com_ Jr. Coun 01 Appeels Mr. Thom. Que Grand Chancellor Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity U.~. Oiliman, Quezon City Manila Dear Justice Campos: -Dear Mr. Que: This has reference to your letter of 21 February 1990. inquiring whether the University wlll consider leasing out a 2,OOO-square meter portion of the campus at the eastern side bordering Keu-. puna" Avenue and Daant Tube for a first cl~s eatery. This property is part of an area which the University is tentatively 'reserving for the Light ~ail Transit Authority's terminal station and stabling area' In O H i m a n . . 1-regret, therefore, t~at '", we ere unable to respond favorably to your query. . Thank you and best wishes. Sincerely yours. (SiJI.I JOSE V. ABUEVA Presiderrt I am pleased to endorse the project DIVES FOR PEACE initiatedby Mr. Ernesto Alcanzare, one of vcur Alumni brads, and adopted by' the Fraternity. I understand that the Inter-Fraternity Council has likewise endorsed this project. . I share your vision of peace. Any effort towards its attainment deserves the support of every member of the U.P. constituency. Under my Presidency, the University declared all Its constituent campuses nuclear fr~ zones; U.P. faculty and students have signed a declaration against the continued stay of US forces and facilities inthe Philippines as an assertion of Our sOvereignty,' and astep in making the Philippines and other ASEAN Stetes eacne of peace, freedom and neutrality. ' Let us once again [otn hands and lead the way in declaring U.P~ a zone of peace. In this context, the DIVES FOR PEACE fi'roject becomes relevant as a starting point. Sincerely yours, 16 Merch 1990 " ISgd.1JOSE V. ABUEVA President Dean Armendo J. Maley 15 Gen. De Jesus St. Heroes Hill,Quezqn.City 21 March 1990 Dear Dean Malay: .....• . ~ ~ E z= X ;.< ReI. No. As pert of the ~~nd'8nniYersary celebration of U.P.,we are planning to hold a ser!es of tributes to outstanding personalities who have made significant contributions to the University of the Philippines. Our tribute to you is in recognition of your excellent ccnmbutions in teaching. research and-extension 'over 'vcur long years of service at U.P. will be the first in the series. This will be on 15 June 1990 at 4:00 o'clock p.m. at the U.P. Vargas Muse~m and Fin. piniana Research Center. 1 - ' This te-e special year for the University. It marks the 25th annlversary of the College of Mass Communication (formerly lnstjtute], 80th anniversary of the College of liberal Arts [the predecessor of the Colleges of Science. Social Sciences and Phitosophy, and Arts and Letters). This year is also the 8200 anniversary of the founding of the University • . Vice Presidents Gemlnc H. Abad and Belinda A. AQuino will coordinate the Tributes series with the assistance of Mrs. Belen B. Angeles of. the Universit.y library and Prof. Elsa P. Jurado of the 'Vargas Museum. The University is deeply honored to have you as-its first honoree in the series of tributes to those-who have made U.P. an excellent institution. Our best wishes. Sincerely yours, • ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA Pmident ~ E = "0 ;;;.. 26 r--------- . _. JVA·~O Mr. Jaime Zobel de Aye" Chairman and President Kyala Corporation 7th Hr., Mak,atiStock Exchange Bldg. Ayala Ave., Makati, Metro Manila Dear Mr. Zobel de Ayala: We are honored to invite you the University's Review and Planning Workshop on Science and Technology (S & Tl on' April 3-4;; 1990 in U.P. Oiliman. We shall send. you the Programof Activities for the W()rk~hop on the'26th of March. This University-wide Workshop will enable us to assess our S &.T programs and formulate our S· & T th~usts and priorities over the next 5 to 10 years. The output will be a comprehensive ~nd integ1ated S & T Plan and Program' of. the University. Our aim is to align, as much as may be necessary, our University S, & T 'Program with the National S & T goals, and so make it more responsive to .the needs of our people as we advance to the Year 2000. We look forward to your acceptance and active participation. Our warm regards. SinCerely yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President ., .', • 21 March 1990 21 March 1990 Ref. No. JVA-90-Q80E Ref. No. JVA-9IHl8OA Mr. F.iiri'lon Berba,Jr. President Philippine .Electric Corp. Chronicle Bldg •• Marsico Avenue Ortigss, Metro Manils. Or. Ricardo Lantican ·Un(ierseCr~tary for Research and Development Department of Science and Technology , Bicutan, TB.9uiS,Metro Manila -, Dear Or. Lantican: Dear Mr. Berba: "\.- We are hono'red to invfte you to the University's Review and Planning Workshop on Science and Technology (5 & T) on April 3-4. 1990 in U.P. OIliman. We shall send you the Program of Activi- , ties for the Workshop on the 26th of March. This University-wide Workshop will enable us to assess our S 8t T programs and formulate our S & T t.hrusts and priorities over the next 5 to 10 years. The output will be a comprehensive and integ· rated S & T Plan and Program of the University,. 9ur elm is to al igo, as much as may be necessary. Our University ~ & ·T Program with the National S & T goals, and so make it more respon~iv~ to the needs of our people as we' advance to the Year 2000. e. look f?rward to your acceptance and active participation. J• w. ~ U Weare honored to invite you to the University's Review and Planning Workshop on Science and Technblogy ($ & T] on April 3-4, 1990 in U.P. Oiliman. We shall send you the Program of Acitivitias for the Workshop on the 26th of March. i -Thls University-wide Workshop will enable us to assess our S & T " programs and formulate our S &: T thrusts and priorities over the next 5 to 10 years. Th"e output will be a 'comprehensive and integ:. i rated S &: T Pian and Program of the University. I Our aim is to align, as much as may be necessary, our University j S-& T Program with the National S &: Tgoals,and someke it more I respcnsive to "the needs of our people as we advance to the Year 2000. \ We loo~ fo'rwartl to your acceptance and active partfcipetlcn. Our warm regards. Our warm regards. . Sincerely vows. I "Sincerely yours, ISgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA President !Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU~VA Presiflent 26 March 1990 21 March 1990 Ref. No. JVA·9Q.083 Ref. No. JVA·90-08OB Mr. Robert T. Mr. M1noloo Corloo Lu President ELCO Development and Construction Corp. 202 E.Rodriguez Sr. Quezon City President, Resin Inc. "E. Rodriguez Ave., Pasig Metro Manila r~ear Mr. Carlos: Dear Mr. Lu: .p We are honored to invite you to the University's Review and & T) on April 3-4, 1990 in U.P. Diliman. We shall ~nd you the Program of Acti· vities for the Workshop on the 26th of March. ' . This University·wide Wo~kshop will enable us to assess our S & T programs and formulate our S '& T thrusts and priorities over the next "to 5 to 10 years. The output will be a comprehensive and integrated S & T Plan and Program of the University. ' Our aim is to align, as much as may be necessary, our University S & T Program with the National S & T goals, and so make it more responsive to the, needs of our People as we advance to the Xesr Plan~ing Workshop on Science ~nd Technology IS This has reference tothe two oontracts entered into between the University and your company on -December 2, 1982 and November 16.1983, respectively. ' .In view of the difficutties and circumstances preventing the prosecution of the above projects, we wish to serve notice of the recession of the above-mentioned contracts, without prejudice to the r"elease of your c;:ompany's retention fee in the amount of ~1,444,. 980.76, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules. Plaa" be guided accordingly. . , ~ .Sincerely yours, 2000. We look forward to your aCCE!ptance and active participation. .J Our warm regards~ ISgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA President " Sincerely yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA PreSident • , 27 • 28 March 1990 Ref. No. JV A·8Q-089 Mr. June-Hyuck Cho Second SecreJ8ry. Consul Embassy ofthe Republic ~ Korea 3rd Flor., ALPAP 8ldg. 140.Alfaro St., Salcedo Village Makatl, Metro Manila Dear Mr. Cho: Thank you for your letter of 13 March 1990 regarding your re- quest for exemption from the EOF (Educational Development Feel. I regret to Inform vou that we cannot grant your request for . exemption. At present all students of the University of the Philippines are heavily subsidized by the National Government since revenue from tuition and other fees cover only 15% of total exPenditures of the University. The basic rationale, therefore, for imposing an additional fee .on all foreign students is the strong belief that Filipino taxpayers. who on the whole are poor. shoufd the U.P.,Board of Regents. Thi. I. further confirmed by ·th.. Civil Service Law Itself IP.D. No. 8071, which provide. In Section 5 121 thet.- "Closed career poslttons which a;e scientific' or highly tech. nical in nature; these inchJcte the faCUlty and academic staff of state colleges and universities, and sc!entific and technical posttions In scientific or researth institutions which shall establish and maintain their own merit systems." We would else like to invite the attention of the Chairman to the agreement entered Into between then Commissioner Abelardo Subkto, and then U.P. President Carlos P. Romulo. deleg.atintJ to officials of the University of the Philippines the prerogative to choose the academic staff. This arrangement has suited the Unlversity's purposes all these years, and for this reason we hope that the COmmission wo.uld seriously COnsider maintaining the status quo. Please accept Our assurance 'that the University will continue to cooperate with the Commission: We- do need vcur valued support in fulflliing our academic freedom aOO Institutional autonomy. Thank you, and best regards. fSgd.l JOSE V. ASUEVA President not have to pay as much subsidy for the education of foreign students in U.P. Even with the additi~nal fee: each foreign' student is still subsidized by the State. I trust vcu will understand our situation. With best wishes. 28 March 1990 Sincerely yours, (Sgd.1 JOSE V, ABUEVA Pr..ident Ref. No. JV A-9D-093 President Ellis McCune California State University, Hayward Hayward, CA 94542·3001 U.S.A. March 22, 1990 Ref. No. JVA 90-091 Honorable Patricia B. StD. Tomas Chairman Civil Service Commission Quezon City Dear Chairman Sto. Tomas: ... Ql Ql N ·Ol c I i '" !, ;;J ....• ... Ql ~ E ::I z ~ ~ Ql i ! I E ::I "0 I c- ,I 28 I This is with reference to a letter sent to us by the Dir~or of the National Capital Region of the Commission, following up a letter from Commissioner Yango requiring the University to submit the Merit System for Faculty and Academic Staff, for approval by the # Commission. We beg to take exception from this requirement of the Commission. We beneve that the Merit System for Faculty and Academic Staff is the sole prerogative of the U.P. Board of Regents.. This is consistent with the academic freedom of the University as guaranteed in Article XIV, Section 5 (2) of the Constitution and Its tredltional institutional autonomy. .Purther, it must be noted that Section 6 of Act No. 1870 (the U.P. Charter) clearly empowers the U.P. Board of Regents1 "To appoint, on the recommendation of the President of the University, professors, instructors, lecturers and other employees o~ the university: to fix compensation, hours of service, . -and such other duties and conditions as it may deem proper:" Additionally. Section 11 of Act No. 1870 provides that."Professors and other regular instructors in the university shall be exempt as such from any civil service examination or regulation as a requisite tc appointment. It is evident from the foregoing that the law exempts academic personnel of the University from the requirements of the commission in order to yield the determination of their appointment to Dear President McCune: Thank you for your letter of 13th March. received here On the 27th (but its facsimile on the 14th.), fa) exp·ressing r~ret for your inability to proceed with your scheduled visit to our campus, and' lb) el)closing two sign~ copies of the proposed Agreement between our two Universities. and even the draft Charter of CSU.Hayward's proposed Center for Philippine Studies. My colleagues and I feel quite !!Orry that unfortunate circum stances have prevented you from visiting with us. All concerned parties have been duly informed of course about this unexpected turn of events. We ~ish to assure you that you are always welcome' here, and that my colleagues and 1- still loo.k forward to your visit . at same future time . Please find enclosed your copy of the signed Agreement for Edu· catlonal and Scientific Cooperation between UP and CSU·Hayward. In accordance with our own procedures, the Agreement will be submitted to our Board of Regents at Its next meeting in' April Or May. We shall inform you then about our Board's action. j I . Very truly yours. (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA· President ., . f - ---::; , .. -j :~ ~ • - laran~n !l9 esterlstlke .ay krosyal ne bihikular Para sa: ka-' ! unlar.~n rig(atin:s ltpunan. Mah~l~a ang gamit nit~', maging _~ . agham. Ref,No,JVA~:' ' edukasyo,:,. iJtang panlabas; 'kumunikasyon, sining at kultura. Sa . pagbuOd rrltc n9 lmpormesvon, mahaJega _rin ang estatistika sa pegHonorable Raul S. ""~,,,.,u. , 'papasiya at pamumuno no atlog bansa. >, ~-' ; . seCretarY of For.eiBn, .,~airs 1, Sa ganitong pamamaraan ay binabati ko ang mga magsisit~pOs.sa Departl"('lsntof Foreign Affairs Ur Stati§UCe1 Center sa,taong no.' .-." ;'. -. . . Manila .J. MaT;"ki, ang paninlwala kc -n.a inyorlg gagarnitin-ang mga konseptO /~ ". at teoriya Sa estatistlke na inyong natutuhan para.sa kapakanan rig Dear SeCretary Manglapus: lahat.lalorig lalo".na ang mga hi'git na nangangailan9an: ' . Sa gan~ong pagsisikap ay - rneeesahan- ninyong taQatangkiiik t : Tila'nk, you .for YOUr lett~r of 2,3rd January- 1990 inQ,uiring:, If it ' I nioyo. karning taga-UP commiJnity. ./ . . would be possible for Dr. Vietor Sumsky. of the 'Institute of-World I Muring pagbati ~ loyal Ecqno~y a~ International Relatio!'.s. ussa ~~e.my Sciences. ! . to stay at the Univer:sitv of, the Philippines from May to AlIQun i {Lagdal JOSE V, ASUEyA 1990 to do research on the fall of the Marcos regi'me. . . I . ~ ) _ f'llflgulo Dr. Sumsky 'is welcome to.U.P, He can avail our library facilities " for his research, Please 'provide' us his biodata and lTl:aiilng address. We wish to wrtte hlmdireetJy for details about his scheduled visit. ,. ;., In accordance, with the P~ogram of Cultllral E~change bel.veen t Kasama sa'jarangan ng'per.yodismri:at kerepet-depat naman ng~ t':'e USSR and ~he Philippines~ the University has opened discussions l a,ng panunungkulan Sa Ilpunan: Nangunguna ito .s:a pagpa~hay~ .og , with" the Institute of Oriental Studies, USS~ Academy pf Sciences, for a possible Agreement on Academic Cooperation. The visit of : mga kar~pat!i0 at, pangangailangan ng mga mamamayen, at sa pag.," ' . ~ Dr. Sumsky' to U.P. may; be a good opportunity to explore a pos- ~', huhuqls 09 makaba"nsang kaisipan, ~asisiyahan aog· UOibersidad sa' ganit6'ng: panunungkulan "09 : sible cooperation between our University and his Institute of Wo'rld Philippine"Collegian ~~ isa nang institusyon sa·larangang fro. SadiECC?nomy 'and International'RelatiOns. ' .." .,. mabilang na ~~taon. ang mga dati at kasalukuyang manunulat War':" persOnal regards. )( , .. nlto ay Olga ulir;an rlg tapang at komitment sa Philippine mass ' media. .- - 1 .. ~ Vefy truly yours,. ~ ,_ Malugod kong blnebatl "kayong alumni ngPhilippine 'Collegian , ". I , ' \ ISgd.) JOSEV. ABU EVA l sa ~nyoog hom~coming. , Inaasahan 'kong. petutov ang inyong ~sisikap at komltment j . President , alang..aiang. sa' ikauunlad ng ating .bansa at sa ikabubuti OS naka:, rarami. Maaasa~an ninyo anglubos na supcrta ng Unibersidad sa , '. iriyong pagpupunyagi. .. I " MESSAGE '. Mabuhay kayol J.' ~ Ang I .~ . ,'~ • . ' ~ 0:' . ,. , ~ , j , , ( ~ " ~, . . I; , , • , . , , . ,. • Greetings'; ~ • '. t. ~ On behalf .of-the University. I congratulate the UP Pre-Medical Honor {)ociety fo~ its premier presentation of the movie. "War of , the Roses":' and the organization's sense of public commitment through its outreach programs. ' '. • We,at.theUP community are proud o'i o~r~rganizatlons whi~h undertake fund-raisi('lg activities to benefit both the' ecederne and ·the poore: ~ect,ors o'f our society. May this new""decade ush~r in' t:::. O~ga~j~iO~S, W~i~~ a.re committed to' .such wO~hwhile acti- Your premier showing. ,I believe, will also generate renewed pubiiC consci9usneS$ on the welfare of our peopi~. Again.,my congratUI~ions and happy viewir:-9! (Lagdal JOSE V, ABUEVA 1--=--'--;-:---------..;.------------.:.1 ".!'It ' i <!. ' Binabati kO,ang Teatro Umalohokan sa pagtatanghal ng aatof.l9. ' Malak~~ isang eplkongn~glalarawan ng kontr~usyon ng U.P. Los, Banos sa' pag-llnlad ng .Laguna mula· noong mga taon ng 1940 ha!19gang Si:'I dekada' 1980, l : .Hinatlangaan ko.li)Jl9 9~nitong pagsisikap. ~alaki ang maitututorig og Sarong MaJakir sa ~PaPairal ng; rnakasaysayang' pananaw sa, ating mga mag-aaral. ' . ., 09 / .. ! , . Mabutiav kaVOI-' , " ., « , Pengulo {SgdJ JOSE V,ABUEVA , "". "" President ILagdal JOSE V. ABUEV"" . f'sngulo· \ ,. , lsang malugod.' na pagbati sa ~ kasapi !lg UP Bachelor of Interior Design Batch.'90.. , Lubas na ikinagaga'iak ng' Unibersid~ eng pagkakaroon ,n9 mga gruPD.,g walahg sawang nagtataguyoo ng fTI98 proy~ktong naglala'long paunrarin ang ating kurtura. Kabilang na rho ang'inyong eksibit pinamagag8tng A.T.B.P. (Aiming Towards the Best in . Pinoy) na itatangllat 'sa i'ka-apat ng Pebrero hanggang ika-dalawamput't apat sa Padiiia' Arcade ng Greenhills Shopping' Center. f Blnabati kQ- kaY!l sa lnyong pagpupunyagi. Nakikiisa ang buong . unibersidad sa pagnanals 'n~ rT~!flng matagumpay ang proyektong ito. . Maraming salamat~ na , - 1-'10 (Lagda) JOSE , , , . , V~,ABUEVA Penguio lsang inaligayang pagbati sa 01ga. kssapi .ng UP EconomiCi' ~MI;iousneSSfIUPETCJ.Sa pagdaraos ninyo ng/,Inter.,~ : scholastic Economics Quiz" na gaganapi':! sa Pebrero 9. . j Ang mga proyektong genito'y dapat lamang na itaguyod, Dean lang mga ito sa malikhaing gamit ng henyo at dunong tungo sa' : ikBuunlad ng Unibersidad at n9 lnangbayan~ . . .•." Binabati kf? rin :kayo sa inyong iki-11 anibersaryo - sa tabing" isang taOng pagtangkilik, ninyo sa ugnayan ng mga mag·aaral ng I ating Unibersidad sa mga 15 School of, Economics sa ban'Sa. lna-,:' asahan kong mcigiging ,matagumpay ~ng. inyong Pallgsahan ng'. dunorig at k~laman. i To~~ • , . .' I , (Lagdal JOSE V,ABUEVA .. Pengu/O , , 29. • ,. lsang malugod na pagbati sa Uriiversity Student Council•. May nakapaloob na kahulugan sa pamagatng Annual UPFair sa .t80ng -ito: Alii 1'8••• ~Falr. Malamang na eng pamagat na ito eng siyang hahatak sa marami pang dumalo. "Para Fair," lka nga. This is a most auspicious occasion marking the first graduation ceremony of our Fisheries ~ajors after undergoing a preparatory lib....1education. Our country1needS to develop our marine resources to generate enough food and ert:l,p/oyment.for--the majority of our people. To Ang tagumpay 09 inyong mga programs at proyekto ay tagum~ pay os rin 1'19- lahat "g istudyante - 09 buong Unibersktad. Sana'y do so, we need competent scientists end technicians who have the magbunga Ito ng"maraming makabuluhsl)9gawsin -ng Counc:il. skills to put these resources to good use. Muli, maligayang pagbatl. The University. through its College of Fisheries at UPV, isb.n the cutting edge ·of research: and extension desigaed to devetop pur ILagd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA· ocean resources. We are pkJneering in the ocean sciences in South· , east Asia. "Fhe work of the College of Fisheries at Miag-ao is crucial Pa/Vulo to maintetning this academic leadership in an area that could generate 'employment 'opportunities for cur growing population. We also need to conserve our resources for future generations. As the first graduating-class of the College of Fisheries,·you have Pinupuri ko kayong mga magsisipagtapos na sanggawaan - ng _special respo-nsbi·l1ty: to make the marina aOO related industries a a I _Schoo" of Deve1o:pment Managef'!'1ent. U.P. Visayas, sa inyang pag-. vRible,and succesSfUl component of our, natiot:lal development. slsikap at knmltment sa karunungan dito sa Unibersldad. I am confident that you 'will meet the challenge of your gradua:Malakt eng maitutulong 09 inyong natutuhan para sa Industriv~ tion 1'by becoming the leaders of the future in your chosen prensasyon ng ating bansa. . fession. Samakatuwid, inaasahan kong lubusan ninyong 9Sgamitin eng mge -kcnseptc at teoriyang ihyong natutuhan para m>kapakanan ng ISgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA .. ! lahat, lalong-Ialo na ang mga nakararami. Prelidetlt I Sa ganitong-pagsisikap ay tagatangkilik rHnyo kami dito sa U.P. , , community. Mabuhay k.yong lahetl (Lagd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA Pa/Vulo I congratulate the Board of the Child DevelOpment Center Parents' and Teachers' Association for reviving this yearbook: Many years from now, the children whose growth and development are documented in this lssua of Supling will, as adult~, encounter their fanner selves in these pages. AncrtheY will be appre-· ciative and grateful for the happy memories preserved by this product of their parents' and teachers' cooperative effort. Indeed, there is nothing more precious that one can give a child. than memories' of a happy youth - menWries of ioving parents, helpfui teachers, childhood friends, ahd pleasant experiences. Allow me therefore to commend the Department of ~-8'mlly Life and Chifcl Development of our University's College of Home Econo· mics for its excellent pre-school program. It is truly fitting that CDC is housed at the Teodora Alonzo Hall, which hencrs a paragon of Filipina motherhood and teaching in an earlier age but who is remembered to this day. III oW oW III N c ~ .. ; III ..c S .:: Z .... ~ ~ III S - :: 0 ;, 30 b President I am heartily- extending my Congratulations to the UP Junior Marketing Association on the. occasion of its 31st year celebratio'n. The University is an arena for academic discourse, where we .. learn about theories and principles in the context of existing realities.. But beyond these discourses, ·the process of learning continues; one of whicf1,Is through the series of activities sponsored by Bilang institutsyong nagmlmlthi gumagalaw tungo sa meka. your organization. Sl,Ich activities are deeply treasured by the Unibuluhang pag-unlad ng ba·nsang Pillpino, ang UnibersidSd ng Pili· versity, eSpecially when thev-ara initiated by. students themselves. pinas BY malugod na ·naklklisa sa Kababaihang Pilipino sa pagdi-Let us hope that we will have more organizations~like yours riwBng nito ng Psndaigdigeng Araw ng Kababaihan. Ang pagtatang- . . that are committed to the students' learning beyond the. classrooms.. he.! _09· isang pista ng mga pelikulang nagtatampok n9 .kalagayan at Again, I extend my appreciation to the UP Junior Finance Assohinaharap ng kababaihan ay magandang okasyon upang llnawin eng ciation. mga isyung kaugnay ng kilusang peminista.lsang mabisang midyum Mabuhay k.yol eng pelik!..!la sa paghatid ng mga larawang dapat patlngkarin at ng mga larawang dapat nang iwaksi. Inaasahankong sa pamamagitan ISgd.lJOSE V. ABUEVA ng pistang itlnataguyod ng Center for Wo~n Studies at ng U.P. President Film Center ay lalong· sisigla sng pagsusuri sa mga problema at pagtalaeet ng mga tunas hindi lamang sa harap ng mga guro at estudyante sa U.P. kundi pati sa harap ng mga mamamayan sa labas ng kampus. it .- :;J ....• (Sgd.lJOSE.V. ABUEVA ISgd.l JOSE. V. ABUEVA _klMt I· ~ Our people's hopes. bouyed up by the EoSA People .Power Revolution in 1986, are under threat at this time of national crisis. The theme of your 57th an·niversary "PtBce-tIIhll"i • Oiliman: in CetebrBtion of 8 Decade of.'-ce." is therefore most ti~ely. .It reminds us'sgai,:, of the need to unify against the forces of violence despite our differences. This way, Our people who are still reeling in.the aftermath ofthe fallen dictatorship would manage to keep ,their newly-regclined equanimity. . I greet the Sigma Delta, a sorority that has become a campus institution, for having co~sistentty nurtured all these years thespians and artists, including some alumnae who have made their Alma Mater proud. I wish you the best of tuck in this and. future endeavors. • , ILagd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA Pangu~O \ .1 congratu'late the UP Statistical Center Research Foundation, Inc. for sponsoring this one-of-a-kind piano concert of Mr. R~ul Sunico at the Abelardo Hall Auditorium. The Foundation's creativeway of raising funds for the research programs of the UP Statistical Center speaks well of its Trustees' innovatlveness. This year, the University's modest appropriation from the national budget for basic research calls for augmentation. This funclraistng scheme of the Foundation shows that there are more doors open to us at the University in our continuous search for more fUnds than those opened by the Department of Budget and Management. I commend the organizers and sponsors of this concert for highlighting the need to 'support research eff9rts and for giving the UP Dilima,:, community a ..rare treat - the keyboard wizardv of Raul Sunico. . {Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA Presk/ent makatarungan, makabayan at makateo. Maligayang panonood para sa inyo at sa inyong mga tagatang- . kilik. (Lagdal JOSE V. ABUEVA Pangulo I sang maligayang pagbati sa mga kasapi ng UP Delta Lambda Sigma Sorority. Sa loob ~g epatrepunq taon, ~jng tradisyon na ng inyong kapatira.n.ang magsagawa n9 mga proyekto para sa kapakanan ng Unibersidad sa partlkular, 'at sa kagalingan ng. Iipunang Pilipino sa· pang_ kalahatan. Binabati ko kayo sa inyong pagpupunyagi na makatulong sa mga mag-aaral at higit sa lahat, sa kapus-palad nating mga kababayan Iplnagmamalaki ng Unibersidad ,08 magkaroon ng isang sorority ne tulad ng sa i~yo na mulat at nakikilahok sa mga usaping pambansa. Ipinananalangin kong magtagumpa'y sana kayo sa invong mga · gawain at nawa'y ipagpatuloy ninyo ang inyong .magagandang simulajn~ Muli, maligayang pagbati at Mabuhay sa inyong lahatl I congratulate the officers and members of the UP ACTS for their effort to apply in thts full-scale fa~hion show what they learn~ in the etessrcom.abcut clothing technology. Through pro{Lagdal JOSE V. ABUEVA jects such as this clothing technology students at the UP College of Pangulo Home Economics can get very valuable insights about the nature of entrepreneurial undertaking that should serve them very well after grad~ation. . I am extending my cordial greetings to the meeeersot the RayaThe Philippine garments industry has, of late, been seen as a dillo Honor Guard Battallion of the U.P; Corps of Cadets as they possjble "superarowth" industry. The industry's 10caJ and internacelebrate their 25th anniversary. tional markets for Ready to Wear material are especi~lIy promising' · . The crisis that continues to threaten our basic freedoms 'V'd as dollar-earners and labor-absorbers. If the industry is to attain its potential in the near future, I like to think that UP ACTS have . democratic rule' in Our ccurnrv is rooted, ironically enough, in the apparent breakdown of discipline in segments of the military estabSOmething to do with it. Isihment. Certain sectors of said establishment seem bent on seizi-ng political poNer wltjtout the people's consent. (SgdJ JOSE V. ABUEVA As role models of coordination and discipline in citizens' miliPresident tary training, the Rayaclillo Batallicn exemplifies the University's emphasis on discipline as the hallmark of excellence aOd leadership in every human endeavor. It is an emphasis you underscore anew · everytime youparticipate In a parade. lsang maligayang pagbati sa mga kesapl ng UP Mathematics I congratulate you for living up to the vision of the founder of Club. the Honor Guard, former U.P. President ~rlos P. Romulo whose Sa loob ng labingpitong tacn. naging isang traclisyon na ng inmemory we all treasure. . . ,~ong samahan na magdaos ng "Annual Search for the Math Wizard" . . jpars sa kaunlarang pangkatalinuhan sa matematika. (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA . Oahil dito, nais ko kayong betfln sa inyorig marapat na punyagi President at sa rnakabuhihang proyekto ninyong nilalayon para sa mga kapWa mag-aaral. Lubos 08 ikinagagalak ng Unibersida(na magkaroon ng ~ samahang tulad ng sa inyo na walang sawang nagtataguyod ng jbe't ibang provekto upang pagtibayin ang semahen ng mga magI am extending my cordial greetings to members of the U.P. saral sa ating Unibersidad. . ~ Vanguard, Inc. as they celebrate their. 68th anniversary celebration Inaasahan kong magtatagumpay kayo sa inyong proyekto at with an Annual Homecoming and Convention at Baguio City. , nawa'y ipagpatuloy'ang insyong pagsusumigasig na maitaguyod ang The theme of your homecoming this year, the U.P. Vanguard 0 inyong magagand;ang simu lain. and the' Challenges of the 90s, is very timely. We have just been' , II> Mull, maligavang batt.' N through a national crisis that seriously threatened the gains we have ~ made since the. 19~6 EOSA Revolution to .restore our basic free· ~ (Lagdal JOSE V. ABUEVA' doms and re-establish democratic rule in our country. This crisis Pangulo was brough about by the ambitions of a certain sector in the miliII> tarv establishment to capture natlonet power'without"benefit of free choice by the' people. I ::l II> Having existed for 68 years, the U.P. Vanguar organizatiOn has Ang kagalingang akademiko ay walang gaariong kabuluhan kuilg a wealth of experience "and other resources that must be harnessed '<, hindi .ltc gamitin sa pagsisilbl sa bayan. Gamitio sana ninyo, bllang to protect our democracy by supporting the governmant's initiatives mga iskolar rm bayan, ang inyong natutuhan para- sa hangaring ito. ~ II> lsang hakbang tungo dito ay a~g pagsasagawa ng mga aktibidades · and programs for ~ational peace and development. this occasion reI congratulate you on your homecoming. May t'l para sa kapakanan n9 mga mamamay~n. new and strengthen not only your fraternal ties but also your comKaya nga, labi. kong ikinalugod ang i"yong pagtangklllk "9 mitment to serve our alma mater and our country. pangunahing palabas ng sineng ",uncle Buck" ~ Marso 13 sa Green- • ..... will i , :-c .. ....• 1---...:...----------'-------------1'. I = .., .., ...:r '\ belt Theater., upang makatulong kayo sa Bigay Puso Calamity Fund. Malaki ang hangarin kong ang mga aktibidades tulad ng isasagawa ninyo ay makakatulong sa pagt8hak ng daa~ tungo sa iSang lipunang I, ~ ~ . (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA Prtnident Q ,31 \_ . . -, ,. It is with pleasure that I grettthe·UPSILON SIGMA PHI as it holds its 3rd POLO-5INGAN. While the evant'sname issuggestive of unkindled'merry-making, I am lure,UPSI LON officers and membersat-large only have in mind the energetic participation of the student~ rv in achieving stronger ties of friendship and cammaraderie. I trust that your pQLO.sIN~AN '90 will give rise to more worthwhile projects this year and In the years to come. I wish you success in your quest for a large brotherhood. (Sgd.l JOSEV, ABUEVA ftesident This only underscores the urgency of maintaining the relisQility of statistics in order to better serve as an Index of progress or as an early warning devise if things go astray. We therefore need to intensify the training of statistics majors as future practitioners of a highly sensitive instrument in Our national life. I commend the interest shown by the UP Varieties in fostering among statistical majors It commitment to academic excellence. social awareness and personal development. It certainly is among the student organizations that deserve the support of members of the UP community. ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA President The present world thrives on a steady flow of accurate inform- atkJn through technical reports as well asthe mass media. Decisionmaking processes in industry or in government, owing to the interdependence of these major: sectoral troupings, may tie facil~ted or . tempered by the availability of accurate data. The central role of correct data in the framing of decisions ancf policies cannot be overemphasized. In fact, statistical tabulations and analyses unfailingly caP the ~iodic reports of an organization and management team. at the end of an operation and right before launching a new campaign and program. Sid to say, it has been observed time and again that statistical summaries and projections in this country have been flawed wittingly or unwittingly with self~ serving distortions. Ever'! the banking and finan~ Institution~"haY'e n'?t been spared .of this malady. to Congratulations the U.P. Junior Finance Association on its fund raising "activity entitled "Jeans and Tonic". This laudable project will go a long way in augmenting the U.P. Junior Finance Association Educational Fund. Since government funds fer higher education are always limited. this fund-raising activity will help not only promote academic exCellence but also self-reliance among students. I wish the U.P. Junior Finance Association all the bestin its activities. May there be more innovative student ~rganizat~ons like yours. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEV Prerk/ant . • • ClI .... ....ClI N <U U - ~ ~ ....•... ClI J: 5 ::I - Z ~ ~ ClI 5 ::I "0 .... 32 l .... The typeface in this journal is Uni.e" medium, set in two-point le.adsat the U.P. Printery The printing in offset lithography is by the Uninrsity of the Philippine. Printery ! _ ,f ... . PLS. RETURN TO O&Jj RECORDS - , OSU, UN/V. OF THE PHIL. REcuRe _~q~¢"': . The University of the Philippines : GAZETTE :~:~::eX:9::mbcr2 aSSN No. 0115·7.50 • Renata Constantino Intellectual excellence for people's welfare Dr, Paulo Campos . . , . CONT~NTS . . ". --- DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS 1031,51 BOR Meeting, 28 June 1990 "Appointments, reappolntments. promotions with salary increase, etc. : Transfer to permanent status. .. . . . .'35 · 35 Repeal and adoption of UP Cottege Baguio Charter Provisions Pertaining to the UP Baguio High School Abolition of the Department of Community Health, . College of Public Health. Abol.ition of the Security.Service Force and creation of a UP vlsaves Police. , . . . . Reorganization of the UP Dillman Police Reorganization . .Penaltles . ,35 · 36 Proposed amendments t~ the rules on Secondment. .36 ·.36 .36 .37 : 37 Proposed rules governing visiting Professors/ visiting Scientists/visiting Researchers .. ,37 ! I I '- Reprogramming of unexpended balance of P15,lis trorn Cover StorY UP Dillman .grOduated 3,500 students at 'its 79th general commencement exercises held at the University Theater last April 29. They represented about 64 percent of the total number of System-wide graduates: . ,Senate President Jovito R. Salonga and nationalist writer A:enato Constantino were conferred the degrees of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, Dr: Paulo Campos, recipient of the Doctor of 'Science, honoris causa degree was honored during the generai commencement exercises of UP Manila held on April 8. the Institute of Development Communications Graduate Education Development Fund share of' P121 ,890. . . . .. . . . '.' ..... Confirmation of the schedule of rental rates of the facilities/services of the ISMED/NLRCTT Complex, Adjustment in fees current I..,: charged. for analyses conducted in the Microbiological Services Laboratory of the Institute of Biological Science and the Analytical Service Laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry . ',' . . . , , . . . . , . . . . ' " . Request of students of UP Dillman to increase the amount of sh~rt-term cash loan, ,'.~ Grant of 'meal allowances to artists involved in UP's cultural productions .. Realignment of P450,OOOfor personalservices .. Swapping of-items ,.from the pool of vacant items, Payment of monthly honoraria of Pl,500 to the top officials whose faculty salaries are higher than the salaries of their administrative positions .. Increase in meal allowance (in lieu of overtime pay) . of UPV Police during holidays, . , , Proposed amendments on the revised rules and regulations governing fraternity and other student organization-related incidents, .. .. Realignment of a parf of the budget already appropriated for STFAP administration and student privileges. " .. " " . . . ' Authority of UP Manila to lease a 2,900 sq. m. area of land to Royal Asia Development Co., Inc. and Ultimate Estates Management Corporation Professorial Chairs Approval by referendum of the Board of Regents of the conferment of the Degree of Docter of Laws (honoris causal on Willy Brandt-of the Federal' Republic of Germany, " . ' .. , ' . Waiver of Article 186 of the Revised University Code in favor of Prof. Vilma Resume . . . . Grant of authority to the President to include load for research and administrative work in 'computing overload tea~hing . Deletion ~f the encumbrance to the titles of, the homelots of tenant-tillers to whom lots were sold or given by UPLB Annotation with an encumbrance/lien in favor ,of BLISS of titles of homelot recipients occupying houses built by the BLISS Development Corporation .'.38 . . . . 38 .38 .38 .38 · 38 .38 .38 .38 .38 .38' • , . 38 .. 38 .38 .38 .39 .'.39 .39 '33 Reprogramming of prior savings in accounts payable to make these available for current expenditures ',' Proposed program on active recruitment of Filipino PhD's abroad . .. ",. "\" . . . . . . • . Supplemental budget for UP Oiliman in thee total amount 01 P9,479,311. . . .. ... .... .. . 39 Administrative Order No. 23 policy regarding film and video screenings in the University of the Philippines. . •. . 45 . 39 LETTERS ..' ... 39 Assessment of laboratory fees in the Molecular Biology and Biotechnoloqv'propram . : . . . . . . 39 Proposedamendments on the rules on tecultv tenure . 39 Proposed policy on tuition privileges for dependents of UP personnel. • . .. .. .•. .. ..," • 40 Donation from the Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation Inc. . • . . ....•. Donation from IRRI of 27 units used motor vehicle's to UPlB .. Revised residence hall rules and regulations of'UP Diliman . Matters from the University Council .. .' •. .• ..• . Matters for' ntorrnatlon., '" . . . . . Appointments of University officials (Executive session) Other matters: . .. ... . . . . • . . . Resolution expressing outrase and concern over the murders of Cochise and Beebcm and condolences to their families. Tbe Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines. 40 40 40 43 43 44 . 44 . 44 . 44 ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULARS .. Administrative Order No. f5 designation as Offlcer-In-Charqe of the Office of Vice-President for Academic Af,fairs. .. Admlnlstratlve Order No. 17 designation as Officer-In-Charge of the Universrtv .• , •... i . . , . • . . . . . . • • . . • Adminlstratlve Order No. 22 designation as Offlcer-ln-Charqa ..•. • • . .. : . ,'. of the University .45 , 45 To Mr. Feliciano Belmonte. Jr. To Mr. Antonio Cantero, . To Senator Joey D. Una, Jr. . • T~ Senator SantaninaT. Rasul To Ambassador Bienvenido A, Tan, Jr.: To Secretary Fidel V. Ramos To Mr. Serge Lepointe ...•• To Mr. Xavier P. Loinaz . ... . To Prof. 'Flora Z. Rivera.·, To Dr. A. M~ Capili . '.. , To Deal) Romeo B. Ocampo. . •. _ To Secretary Guillermo N. Cereque. .• To President Corazon C. Aquino - To Mr. HvuKlm ... To Dean Virgilio Esguerra . To Dr, Teresita T. Tumapon . To the members of the graduating BS Biology Class 1990, . Sa Board of Governors para sa Vanguard Year 19~O-1991 To the alumnion the occassion of their 1990 horneccmlnq and reunion . , To the School of Nursing Alumni Association .. , To the 1990 College of Education graduates To the graduates of the University of the Philippines. To the graduates of UP Cebu High School.. •. . ... - .. .46 .46 .46 .47 .47 .47 .47 .·48 ".48 .48 .49 : 49 .49 ,49 ..50 · 50 · 50 · 50 · 51 · 51 · 51 · 51 · 51 , 45 BOARD OF REGENTS The Honorable Isidro D. Carino, Chairman Secretary, Department -of Education, Culture and Sports. The Honorable Jose V. Abueva. .Prestdent. University of the Philippines. The Honorable Edgardo J. Angara, Chawman, Senate Committee on Education. The Honorable Carlos M. Padilla. Chairman; House Committee on Education ~ The Honorable Amante 1\1: Jimenez. Jr••. The Honrable Ponciano G.A. Mathay. President, U.P. Alumni Association. The Honorable Cesar A. Buenaventura • The Honorable Angelita T. Reyes. The Honorable Flerida Ruth P. Romero. The Honorable 'Delfin L Lazaro. The Honorable Primo E. Gonzales .. The_Honorable Ruben B. Aspiras. Dr. Emerlinda R. Roman. Secretary l OFFICERS OF THE ~DMINISTRATION Dr. Jose V. Abu ..., . President. Dr. Gemino H. Abad. Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Dr: Emerlinda R. Roman. Vice-President for Administra.tlon • Or. Felipe M. Medalla, Vice-President for Planning and Frnencee Or. Belinda A. Aquino, Vice·President for Public Affairs. Atty. Melvyn S. Martin. Vice-President for Development _ Dr. Oscar M. Alfonso. Presidential Assistant. Dr. 'Emerlinda R. Roman, Secretary EDITORIAL STAFF: Dr. Emerlinda.R. Roman. Editor ill Ramon L.\ Bobis. Managing Editor. Ana Emla M. Marquez. Editorial Assistant 34 • ~" . , , , "". . ~ . . DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF. REQENTS . '. 1031ST MEETING, 28 JUNE 1990 APPOINTMENTS, REAPPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS WITH SALARY INCREASE, ETC.: The Board approved the following .eppolntrnents, reappointments, promotions with salary infrease, etc.: U.P. DillMAN Arts and Letters, College of Bienvenido L Lumbeia-appointmeflt as Oscar Carino DJ Professor of Philippine Llteraturev effective 1 July 1989 until 30 June 1990. Campus Planning Development and Maintenance Office Lauro'R. Aldover, Je.c-oeomottcn with salary increase from Engineer IV (Sal. Gr. 22) at P99,OO p.a. to Architect V (Sal. Gr. 24) at P121,620 p.a.. effective 1 January 1990. . Elias C. Avante, Jr.c-crcmonon with selarv increase from Engineer III (Sal. Gr: 19) at P74,388 p.a. toEnqineer IV (Sal. Gr ... 22.1 at P99,OOO p.a., effective 1 January ·1990. Delfin B. Del Rosario. Jr.-promotion with salary increase from Engineer III (Sat. Gr. 19) at P74,388 p.a. to EnqineerfV (Sal. Gr. 221 at P99,OOO p.a.. effective 1 January 1990. Emiliano D. Sotalbo-promotion with salary increase from .. Supervisor (Sal. Gr. 12) at P42,480 p.a. to Supervising ECosystem Management Specialist (Sal. Gr. 22) at P99,000 p.a.. effective 1 January. 1990. Economics, School of Onofre D. Corpua-ceappolntment as Professor XI, effective 1 June 1990 until 31 May 1991. Education, College of Ma. Fe G. Sanehez-eappcintrnent as SMC OJ Associate Professor of Health Education, effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June 1991. Science, College of Christopher C. Bernido-appointment as UPSRF Associate Professor of Physics, effective 1 July 1990 until 30 J~ne 1991. Leticia L. Castillo:""appointment as Foundation Professor of Science Teaching, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Lydia H. Flcres-eappointment as Enrique Virata Professor of , Mathematics, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December" 1990 -. Elma C. Llaqunc-canpcintrnent as UP Investment Portfolio Professor Chemistry, effective"! January 19Q.O until 31 December 1990. ' UP of Milagros P. Navarro-appointment" as UP Law Class Professor of 'Mathematics, effective 1 January 1990 until.31 December 1990. Clara L. Sylianco-extension of appointment beyond the compulsory retirement "age of 65 as University Professor, effective 18 August until 17 August 1991. Reynaldo A,·Tabbada-ehange' of professotial chair assignment and increase in honorarium from PNOC OJ Professor .of Botany at P18,OOO p.a. to Don Norberta Ty Professor of Biology, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Social Sciences and Philosophy, College of Rita .0. Estrada-extension of appointment beyond the compulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor IV ISa!. Gr. 27), effective 29 March 1990 until 30 April 1990. UP Extension Program in Olongapo Cecilia O. Alip-renewal of 'appointment as Director, effective 1 April 1990 until 31 March 1991. ,. UP Press Emmanuel J. De Guzman-transfer to another unit and change of item from College Business Manager III, Resource Gener~tion Staff (Grade 22) to Assistant Superintendent. , U.P. LOS BANDS Agriculture, College of . Avelino P. Raytnundo-appointment.as OJ Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Engineering, College of . Anselmo D. Almazan-appointment as, Ambrosio Magsaysay Economics and Management, College of Associate Professor of Geology, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 ·E~logio T. casnuc-ecoorntrnenr as Department of Agriculture December 1990. . Assistant Professor of Cooperatives, effective 1 January 1990 until Ibarra E. Cruz-change of professorial chair asslqnrnent andln31 December' 1990. crease in honorarium from TLC-JV-MIESCOR Professor 'of MeCamilo L. Opena-appointment as Land Bank of the Philippines 'chani~al Engineering at P18,OOO p.a. to Benguet MenaqementCorp. Assistant Professor of Aqribusljtess, effective 1 January 1990 until Professor of Mechanical Engineering, effective 1 ~anuary 1990 31 December'1990. until 31 December 1990. Gemiro T. 'Marz8n-reapp~i~tmeht as F.F. "Cruz Professor of U,P. MAI)IILA . Geodetic Engineering; effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December ·1990. . .. Arts and Sciences, College of _ Manalo G. Mena:""change of professorial chair assignment and A.,:,rea R. Aparato-reappointment as Professor Lecturer I, effecincrease in honorarium from UP'ERDFI .Professor of Extractive tive 1 November 1989 until 30 April 1990. Metallurgy at P18,OOO p.a. to Benquet Corp. Associate Professor of.' Josefina G. Tayag-appointment as OJ, Associate Professor of Metallurgy, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. ' . Political Science, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Labor ~nd Industrial Relations, School of Jorge V. Sibal-reclassification from Professor Lecturer I in Industrial' Relation at P9g/actL.al service/296 per final exam given to Associate Professor I (part-time) (Sal. Gr. 22) at P49,500. effective 2 January 1990 until 31 May 1990. Mass Communication, College of Richard E. Shafer-appointment as -Visiting Professor of Journalism and Ccmmunlcation. effective 1 June 1990 until 31 October 1990. c: :-c C) :.;:. -N rt " ... ~ " Medicine. College of Josefina R. Bobadilla"'::'appointment as Eusebio S. Garcia assistant Professor of Medicine, effective 1 July .1989 until 30 June 1990. : , Virgilio G. Santiago--extension of appointment beyond the compulsory retirement age of 65 as Clinical Professor {part-time}, effective 16 September 1989 until 31 May 1990. Cynthia I. Valencia-appointment as c-. Jose Naveto Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, effective 1 Januarv 1990 until 31 December 1990. 35 Nursing, College of Josefina D. Baylon-appointment as OJ Associate Professor of - Nursing, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Thelma F. Corcega-appointment as Miltmen-dela Cruz Associate Professor of Nursing, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS U.P. DillMAN Economics, School of Ma. Socorro H. Gochoco-as Associate Professor I (Sal. Gr. 22), effective 1 March 1990. Fidelina B. Natividad-as Assistant Professor III [Sal. Gr. 19), effective 1 March 1990. Ma. Agnes R. Quisumbing-as Assistant Professor V {Sal. Gr. 211, effective 1 March 1990. Orville C. Solon-as Assistant Professor III (Sal. Gr. 191. effective 1 March 1990. Engineering, College of Rolando P. Dayco-as Associate Professor I of Electrical Engineering, effective 1 June 1990. Labor and Industrial Relations, School of Virginia A. Teodosio-as Assistant Professor I (Sal. Gr. 18), effective 1 April 1990. Social Work and Community Development, College of Ma. Lyra T. Del Castillo-as Assistant Professor II, effective June 1990. Editha V. Maslang-as Assistant Professor IV, effective 1 June 1990. U.P.MANILA Public Health, College of Remedios B. Gose-as Assistant Professor I [Sal. Gr. 18), effect· lve 1 November 1989. Arturo M. Pesigan-as Assistant Professor I, effective 1 April 1990. Wilfred U. Tiu-as Assistant Professor III (Sal. Gr. ive 1 January 1989. 1~1. effect- Repeal and Adoption of UP College Saguio Charter Provisions Per: taining to the UP Baguio High School. The Board repealed Section 2, Article 2-a and Section 3 in the UP COllege Baguio Charter pertaining to the Division of Educatfon: 8. Section 2, Article 2-a Division of Education 1. Department of Professional Education 2. High School Department, and b. Section 3 (Section 3 is a discussion on the Division of Education Departments. It includes the functions of the High SchoolDepartment, the disciplines under the High School Department, the functions of the Principal and the Department Secrerarv.l The Board also adopted the foHowing provision pertaining to the UP Baguio High School: In the High Schqol Department, there shall· be a Principal who shall be nominated by the Dean, for appointment by the Chancellor, from among the regular members of the Faculty of UP College Baguio. The Principal shall act as an academic leader and administrator and shall report directly to the Dean of the College, tne College Executive Board, and the College Academic Personnel Committee. 36 Abolition of the Department of Community Health, College of Public Health The Board approved the abolition of the Department of Community Health, College of Public Health, effective AY 1990-1991. Abolition of the Security Service Force and Creation of a UP Visayas Police The Board confirmed the abolition of the Security Service Force and Creation of a UP Vlseves Police, asembodied in Administrative Order No. 081 of the UPV Chancellor dated March 28. 1990. R,organization of the UP Oiliman Police I UPDP) The Board confirmed the reorganization of the UP Diliman Police (UPDP) per General Order No.1 of the UP Diliman Safety and Security Commission. Reorganization The Board approved the reorganization of UP College Cebu and UP College Tacloban. Proposed Amendments on the Rules to Govern Outside Activities (Bracketed words to be deleted, words in capital to be added) The Board approved the proposal amendment on the rules to govern outside activities including the proposed amendments on the rules on secondment. I. Outside Activities 1. Coverage - Outside activities of University personnel shall include: limited practice of profession, management of private enterprises, outside consultancv. secondment, teaching in other educational or training institutions with which the University has a Memorandum of Agreement, as well as research and other activities or projects under the auspices of outside agencies which are not considered integral 'functions of the University. Such activities shall not be considered part of the regular work load of the personnel concerned. 1.1. TEACHING IN OTHER EOUCA TlONAL OR TRAIN' ING INSTITUTIONS A. TEACHING BY THE FACULTY SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY IN OTHER EDUCATIONAL OR TRAINING INSTITUTIONS WITH WHICH THE UNIVERSITY HAS A MEMORANDUM OF .AGREEMENT AND ONLY UNOER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. THE. EDUCATIONAL OR TRAINING INSTITUTION SHALL OFFICIALLY REQUEST AUTHORIZATION fROM THE PRIOR CHANCELLOR FOR THE TEACHING SER· VICES OF THE UP FACULTY OR STAFF MEMBER. 2. THE REQUEST SHALL INCLUOE SUCH IN· FORMATION AS: FACULTY/STAFF MEMBER'S • THE TEACHING LOAD IN UP: • THE COURSES TO BE TAUGHT'OUTSIDE UP AND THE EQUIVALENT NUMBER OF UNITS FOR EACH COURSE: 'THE TIME ANO DAY SCHEDULE FOR THE TEACHING OF COURSES. 3. FACULTY/STAFF MEMBERS MAY TEACH ONLY AFTER WRITTEN PERMISSION HAS BEEN GRANTED. 4. MAXIMUM TEACHING LOAO IN OTHER EOUCATIONAL ANO TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED SIX 161 UNITS II.E.,COURSE CREDITS) PER SEMESTER. B. AS A GENERAL RULE, FACULTY MEMBERS ADMINISTRATIVE OR RESEARCH WITH LOAO CREOITS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWEo TO TEACH IN OTHER EDUCATIONAL OR TRAINING INSTITUTIONS. • C. ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL AND REPS WITH'OUTAFFILIATE FACULTY APPOINT· MENTS MAY BE ALLOWED TO TEACH IN OTHER EDUCATIONAL OR TRAINING INSTI· TUTIONS, SUBJECT TO THE SAME CONDI· TlONS IN NO. 1.1, LETTER "A" ABOVE. IN ADDITION, THEIR TEACHING IN OTHER EDU· CATIONAL AND TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SHALL BE DONE' OUTSIDE OFFICE HOURS. 1.2 'LIMITED PRACTICE OF PROFESSION AND MAN· AGEMENT OF PRIVATE ENTERPRISES 1.2.1 Article 250: No member of the academic staff, officer, or employee of the University shall, with- out prior permission from the [President ad Chancellor. practice any profession or manage personally any private enterprise which in any way may be affected by the functions of his BER SHALL IMMEDIATELY SUBMIT A REPORT,-ON ANY VIOLATION OF THE RULES TO THE OFFICE OF THE CHAN· CELLOR, THROUGH CHANNELS.' DISCIPLINARY ACTION ON ANY FACULTY/STAFF MEM· BER MAY BE IMPOSED, BUT ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW, AND AFTER DUE PROCESS. PROVISIONS OF -THE RULES ON OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES APPROVED AT THE 987TH MEETING OF THE BOARD AND OF ALL OTHER RULES ON OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES THAT ARE INCONSISTENT 'WITH THE FOREGOING AMENDMENTS ARE HEREBY AMENDED OR REPEALED, AS THE CASE MAY BE. Proposed Amendments to the Rules on Secondment 'portions in br~cket deleted, portions in capital letters added): less permitted by the Board. Violation of this Secondment-upon request of another agency, qovemrnentor private, and whe." the needs of the University so permit, University personnel mav be detailed by secondment-io the requesting agency, subject to the fcllowinq conditions: provision shall be punishable by reprimand, suspension, or dismissal.from the sevtce. 1. Secondment to a private agency or to a career position in the office; nor shall he .be directly financially interested in anv contract with the University un- 1.2.2 Practice of Profession - Permission to engage in . private. nracnceot profession may be granted provided that such practice: (1) Is not adverse to the interests of the University; (2) Shall not be conducted on official time: (3) Will improve person's efficiency and usefulness to the University; and (4) Shall be subject to such other requirements as may be imposed by law or University rules and regulations. ~ 1.2.3 Management of Private Enterprise - Permission to engage in management of private enterprise shall be subject to the conditions imposed on practice of profession. 1.2.4 UP PERSONNEL REQUESTING PERMISSION ,SHALL STATE THE: AI EXACT NATURE OF THE PROPOSED LIMITED PRACTICE OF PROFE'SION/MANAGEMENT OF PRIVATE ENTERPRISES; B) THE AMOUNT OF TIME TO BE SPENT; AND CI THE REASONS FOR 'PURSUING THESE OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES, THEY SHALL FILL· UP HRDIO FORM NO. F·12: 1.2.5 THE DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN OR OFFICE HEAD CONCERNED SHALL SEE TO ITTHAT A FACULTY OR. STAFF MEMBER GRANTED 'PERMISSION TO ENGAGE IN LIMITED PRAC· TICE OF PROFESSION OR IN ANY OTHER OUTSI DE ACTIVITY SHALL CONTINUE TO FAITHFU,LL Y DISCHARGE HiS DUTIES AS A FACULTY OR STAFF MEMBER OF THE UNI· VERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES AND TH'AT, CONDITIONS SPECIFIED IN 1.2 ABOVE ARE COMPLIED WITH. 1.2.<; ATTHE END OF THE PERIOD AUTHORIZED. A WRITTEN REPORT ON THE PRACTICE OF PROFESSION/MANAGEMENT OF PRIVATE ENTERPRISES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO' THE CHANCELLOR THROUGH CHANNELS. MOREOVER, 'REQUEST FOR RENEWAL SHALL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A REPORT ON THE PAST YEAR'S OUTSIDE ACTIV ITIES. government shall not exceed one calendar vear, renewable for a like period; provided, that should the person seconded fail to return to the University after the expiration of two calendar years, the position in the University shall be ipso facto vacated; Provided; further, that .secondment to accept academic positions with an academic institution with which the University has a Memorandum of Agreement shall be for the duration of the term of the position to which the Secondment is mad e. 2 .. Secondment to a policy determining, primarily contidential or highly technic~1 position in the civil "service may initially be for two calendar years, renewable for a like period; provlded, that should the person seconded 'fail to return to the 'University after the expiration of four calendar years, the position in the University shall likewise be vacated ipso facto. PROV'IDEDFURTHER THAT, IN THE CASE OF THOSE. SECONDED TO THE' POSITION OF SECRETARY OR UNDERSECRETARY IN THE EXECUTIVE, JUDICIARY OR LEGISLATI.VE BRANCH, TWO TWO·YEAH RE· NEWALS MAY BE ALLOWED; PROVIDED MOREOVER THAT'THE SECOND RENEWAL MAY BE ALLOWED ONLY IF THE FACULTY MEMBER RESUMES TEACH. ING IN THE UNIVERSITY DURING SUCH SECOND RENEWAL; PROVIDED FINALLY, THAT SHOULD ,A ,. PERSON SECONDED TO THE POSITION OF SECRET· ARY OR UNDERSECRETARY FAIL TO RETURN TO THE UNIVERSITY AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE SiX CALENDAR YEARS, THE POSITION IN THE UNI· VERSITY SHALL L1KEWI.SE BE VACATED IPSO FACTO. 3. If a full-time secondment is with pay, honorarium, or allowance equivalent to OJ" higher than the' salary and allowance in the University, such secondment snail be without pay from the University. 4. Secondment to internation-al agencies or organizations shall be Isublect to existing aqreernents between such agencies or organizations and the Philippine governmentJ INITIALLY FOR ONE YEAR, RENEWABLE FOR A LIKE PERIOD. IN MERITORIOUS CASES, THE 'CHANCELLOR MAY ALLOW A FINAL EXTENSION OF NOT MORE THAN SIX MONTHS. ' ' • Proposed Rules Governing Visiting Professors/Visiting Scientists/ Visiting Researchers The Board ap'proved the proposed rules governi!"lg visiting sclen- .tists. visiting professors and visiting fellows: .11. Penalties VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE RULES ON OUTSIDE ACTI; VITIES SHALL BE GROUND FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION. THE IMMEDIATE SUPERIOR OF THE FACULTY/STA,FF MEM· 1. The University may appoint Visiting Professors, Visiting Scientists,' Visiting Fellows, subject to the following rules: 1.1 The present rank of the prospective appointee shall be considered in determining his rank in U,P. 37 1.2 "Initial appointment shall be for a period not exceeding one year; ren~able for a similar period. And unless waived by the President, upon recommendation of the Chancellor for merit orius the maximum number , of years of appointment shall not exceed five (5) years. 1.3 Reco~mendations for appointments shall be made, in accordance with existing policies, guidelines and such fules of procedure as are being observed by· the 'University ,in the appointment .of faculty and staff members. 2, Subject to exigencies of the service, ,faculty/staff members may be allow~ to accept appointments as visiting professOrs/ visiting scientists/Visiting fellows in other institutions under the follOWing conditions:. _ 2.1. The assignment shalf be without pay from the Unlver. sity of the Philippines. 2.2 It shall 'in-itially be-tor a period not.exceedinq one year, renewable only for ancthes year .. Extension of assignment beY0nQ..the second year may be allowed for exceptionally meritorious cases. The extension shall be subject to approval of 'the President, upon the recommendation of the Chancellor. 2.3' In no case shall faculty/staff members be allowed to accept appointments as visiting' professors/visiting scientists/visiting fellows in other institutions two years before the facultv/staff member's retirement from the University. ' , ' 2.4 Moreover, in no case shall personal leave of absence be allowed immediately after an assignment as visiting professor. visiting scientist or visiting fellow. cases, Realignment of P450,OOO for personal services The Board approved the realignment of the amount of .P450.000 which was previously elloceted-under the MOOE of the Institute of Human Rights under the Personal Services-Lump Sum. SwalJping of Items from the pool Of vacant Items . The Board-approved-the swapping of items with items from the poet-of vacant items 13 Clerk" items from the University Library in exchange for Utility Worker II items from the paoli. Payment of Monthly Honoraria of P'1;SOO to the top officials whose facultv salaries are higher than the salaries of their administrative Positions /. . , The Board approved the payment of rnpnthly honoraria of Pl,500 to the tOP officials Ivrce.Prestdents. Chancellors, ViceChancellors and Secretary) whose tacctrv' salaries are higher than the salaries of their administrative positions, e'[fective 1 January ~990. Increase in Meal Allowance lin lieu of overtime pay) of UPV Pollee during Holidays The Board approved the increase in meal allowance (in lieu of overtime pay) of UPV Police during holidays from P4.00 to P30.00 per meal. effective 1 January 1990. Proposed Amendments on the Revised Rules and Regulations Governing Fraternity and Other Student Organization-Related Incidents The Board .approved the Proposed Amendments on the revised rules and regulations governing fraternity and other student organization-related incidents. - Reprogramming of 'Unexpended balance of P15,175 from the Institute of Development Communications Gr8du8~e Education Development Fund share of P121,890. The, Board approved the reprogramming of unexpended balance of P15,175 from the Institute. of Development Communications Graduate Education Development Fund share of P121 ,890. Confirmation of the Schedule of Rental Rates of the faciUties/ser· vices of the ISMED-NlRCTT Complex The Board,approved the schedule of rental rates of the facilities! services of the ISMED-NLRCn Complex. ....".. ""os o Q.; ;:i< • "".. "e ::s .Q Z ;< ;< s"::s "0 ;> 38 Adjustment in fees currently charged for analyses conducted in the Microbiological Services Laboratorv of the' Institute of Biological Sciences and the Analytical Service Laboratory of the Iristltute of.- ~ Chemistry • The Board approvect the adjustment in fees currently charged for -enarvses conducted in the Microbiological Services Laboratory of the lnstitute of BioJogical SCiences ehd the' Analytical Service Lebo. ratorv of the Institute of Chemistry. Request of Students of 'UP Diliman to increase the .emount of Sho,"Term Cash loan The Board approved the request of students of UP Diliman to increase the, amount of Short-Term Cash Loan (Emergency Loan) fromP200 to P500. Grant of Meal Allowances to Artists involved in UP's Cultural Productions The. Board approved the grant of meal allowances to artist's involved in UP's cultural productions under the foJl~wing conditions: a. Allowance shall be P30 per meal not to exceed P90 a day; 1;>. Prior approval shall be obtained for each project with a request indicating the proposed budget; c. Meal allowance may be given only on days when actual" rehearael/performanceis rendered; and d. Honoraria granted shall be recomputed to exclude the amount set aside for meal allowance. (applies only to cases where performer is entitled to honorarfa.) R~lignment of a part Of' the budget already appropriated for STFAP Administration and Student-Privileges The Board approved the realignment of a. part of the budget already appropriated for STFAP administration and student prlvl'leges to student assistantship tund and STFAP Student Loan Trust Fund to effect the inno~ations already approved' for the STFAP in the total amount of P6,317 ,BOO. Authority for UP Manila to lease a 2,900 sq. m. area of la,nd to Royal Asia Development co., Inc. aOd Ultimate Estates Manage· ment Corporation . The Board approved the, Authority for UP Manila to lease an area consisting of 2,860 sq. m. of land,at the corner of Taft Avenue and Pedro Gil Streets to Royal Asia, Development Co., Inc. and Ultimate Estates Management Corp. Professorial Chairs , The Board &'pproved the acceptance of additional donation of P90,OOO for each of the two lY1etrobank'Foundation-sponsored professorial chairs namely: the Don Norberto Ty Professorial chair in Zoolcqv and the Metropolitan Foundation- Professorial Chair in Science The Board approved the renaming of the Metropolitan Foundation Professorial Chair in Science to Don Pia Pedrosa Professorial Chair in Science. Approval by refereridum of the Board of Regents-of the Conferment of the Degree of Doctor of Law's (honoris causa~ on Willy Brandt of the Federal Republic of'Germany The Board con~irmed the approval by referendum of the Board on 24 May 1990 of the conferment of the Degree of Docter of Laws . (honoris causal' on Willy Brandt of the Federal Hepubllc . of Germany. Waiver of Article 186 of the Revised University Code in favor of Prot. Vilma Resuma The Board approved, the waiver of Article 18'6 of the Revised U'niversity Code in favor of Prof. Vilma Resume. Associate Professor, UP Integrated.School, on her application for Local Faculty Fellowship to finish her Ph.D. in Filipino. " Grant of Authority to the President to Include load for research and administrative work.in computing overload teaching . . The Board 'approved the Grant of Authority to the President to include load for research and administrative work/ir:- C0I11Puting overload teaching. Assessment of -Laboratory 'fees in the Molecular Biology and Bictechnology (MBB) Program The Board approved the assessment of laboratory fees in the Deletion of the Encumbrance to the titles of the homelots of tenant-tillers to whom lots were SOJdQf given by UPLB . . The Board approved the 'deletion of the encumbrance to the titles of the' hometcta of tenant-tillers. to whom lots were sold or given by UPLB. effective First Semester, 1990-.1991, as follows: Annotation with an Encumbrance/lien in favor of BLISS of titles of hamalot recipients occupying houses buitt by the BLISS Development Corporation \ _ The Board approved the annotation with an encumbrance/lien in favor of BLISS of titles of home lot recipients occupying houses built by the BLISS Development CorporationIn the amount equivalent to the cost of dwelling units constructed thereat. Reprogramming of Prior Savings in accounts payable to make these available for current expenditures The Board approveid the reprogramming of prior savings in . accounts payabl~ to make these available for current expenditures as-follows: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MBB} Program, effective First Semester, 1990-1991, as foll?ws: -------------------------------~-------- Lab Subject Total' Units' Lab Fee 1 ,3 2 5 5 -, 3 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 '400 400 Units ---------------------------------------2 4 P200 MBB 101 MBB 102 MBB 120 MBB 140 MBB 201 MBB 202 MBB 220 MBB 223 MBS 240. MBB 252 MBB 2BO MBB 309 MBB 351 MBB 352 2 1 1' 1 ,1 1 '1 1 _1 1 1 3 3 3 3 .3 3 3 3 3 UP DillMAN Savings'from Requisition No. 02749-89 in the total amount of P595,125, UP MANILA Savings from CY 1986, 1987, "1988 and 1989 in the total amount of P5,296.596. Proposed program on active recruitment of Filipino PhD's ab.road The Board approved the proposed program on active recruitinent of Filipino PhD's from abroad. Eversince the University was founded, faculty or staff developrnent has been undertaken mostly via the so-called nurturing approach. The' University recruited faculty from new baccalaureate qreduates with excellent academic records and with the greatest potential tor teaching, research and extension work. ThUs'- the University took the trouble of lockfnq tor andl or granting, to a limited extent, SCholarships, fellowships, and other training opportunities for its faculty so that they can earn a doctorate degree. The process is admittedly rather slow and very expensive, and hampers to a certain 'extent, the University's teaching, research and extension functions. Moreover, there have been problems with some University scholars who have' reneged on their contract to come back and serve the University. In light of the' current situation, the University proposes to undertake active recruitment of FiJipinos who already have doctorate deqrees, with very good credentials and ~ho have the potential fo~ teaching, research or extension. Specifically, the University proposes to do the following: 1. Locate and identify Filipinos with doctorate degrees 2. Offer them the following package: a. A faculty appointment with the rank of at least Assistant Professor III b. A Research Grant of Pl00,OOO with P50,OOO to be given as honoraria c. Other benefits e.q. a houamq unit, transportation expenses, etc. \may be given if available in a, constituent university. 3. In return the gran-tee shall execute a contract to serve the University full-time for the next three years. Supplemental Budget for UP Diliman in the total' amount of P9,479,311 _ The Board approved the supplemental budget for UP Dlliman to be funded out of unspent balances as of 31 December 1989_,~rom increase in special student 'fees in the total amount-of P9,~79,311. Proposed Amendments on the Rules on Faculty Tenure The Board aPJJroved the Proposed amendments on the rules on facultv tenure. (Words in capital letters added) Art. 177,lnstructors ..... Iel The initial appointment in the University to the rank of Instructor shall be temporary in character, for a period not exceeding one (11 year. (bl A temporary eppclntrnent shall automatically terminate at the end of that one-year period, unless the Chancellor or the President, upon recommendation of the Dean of the Unit." renews the appointment for a period of one (1) year, In no 'case, however, UNDER NORMAL CIRCUM~ STANCES, shall such renewal exceed five IS) years from the date of'tl\e initial appointment. lei AFTER AN INSTRUCTOR HAS SERVED THREE 131 YEARS, IT SHALL BE MANDATORY FOR THE HEAD DF THE ACADEMIC UNIT 1',9" DEPART· MENT) TO REVIEW HIS/HER TENURABILlTY, AND TO INFORM HIM/HER OF POSSIBLE NON,RENEW, WAL OF APPOINTMENT AT THE END OF THE 4TH YEAR, AFTER THE INSTRUCTOR HAS SERVED FOR FOUR 141 YEARS, THE SAME REVIEW SHOULD BE UNDERTAKEN,' ' THIS REVIEW SHALL BE REGULARLY ,RE, PORTEDTO THE DEAN, ., (d) After that five-year period, the appointment shall automatically terminate, unless the instructor is promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor, with Our without tenure. (e) .Promonon to the rank of Asslstant Professor shall be , given only when the Instructor shall have obtained a graduate degree or accomplished outstanding academic, creative, or professional work. (f) OTHER RULES ON TENURE TO THE CONTRARY NOTWITHSTANDING, AN INSTRUCTOR MAY BE GIVEN TENURE UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDI· TlDNS: 1,' APPROPRIATE ACADEM'IC BODIES HAVE ACT, ED FAVORABLY ON HIS/HER TENURE AS WELL AS PROMOTION TO ASSISTANT PRO· , , FESSOR; 2, HOWEVER, THERE IS NO FUNDING FOR, THE PROMDTIDN TO ASSISTANT PROFESSOR;, 39 \ , 3' HE/SHE HAS ALREADY OBTAINED AN MAIMS DR EQUIVALENT DEGREE, DR ACCOMPLISH· ED OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC, CREATIVE, OR PROFESSIONAL WORK; 4. HE/SHE HAS ALREADY SERVED AT LEAST FIVE IS) YEARS AS INSTRUCTOR. Proposed Policy on Tuition Privileges for dependents of UP Perso,:,nel. The Board approved the Proposed Policy 0'0 tuition priveleqes for dependents of UP Personnel: The privilege 6f free tuition and discounted laboratory fees and miscellaneous fees for dependents of UP personnel should apply only to tenuredor permanentregular personnel, or to temporary regular personnel who have served UP at least 5 years in a full-time capacity. This privilege does" not extend to non-regular personnel such as lecturers, consultants (with Or without compensation), clinical prof.essors wit.hout compensation and project personnel. Dependents of full-time (permanent, regular) personnel will be entitled to 1001 tuition discount and a 50% discount 'on 'Iab~ratory fees and miscellaneous fees except Student Fund fees. Dependents of part·time permanent regular personnel (since they are, in effect, half-tlmel will be entitled to 50% tuition discount and 25% discount on laboratory fees and -miscellaneo~s fees except Student Fund fees. It is further stated that this privilege is granted only to dependents of personnel on active service in the University. In particular, dependents of those on leave without. payor on secondment outside-the University cannot avail themselves of the privilege. This policy shall be implemented starting June 1990. Donation from the Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation Inc.The Board confirmed the donation from the Small Enterprises Research and Developm'ent' Foundation Inc. of a motor vehicle (Toyota Corolla De Luxe 4-door Sedan). . ( 'Donation from IRRI of 27 units used motor vehicles to UPLB The Board confirmed the donation from International Rice Research Institute (lRRI) of 27 units used motor vehicle to. UPLB. Revised Residence Hall RuleS and Regulations of UP Diliman The Board confirmed ·the Revised Residence _Hall Rules and Regulations of UP Dttiman: Pursuant to the provisions of the rules and regulations regarding accommodation in students' residence halls, as approved by the Board of Regents at its 837th meeting on September 21,197_3, and amended at its 998th meeting on April 3D, 1987, the following are hereby promulgated for the' information and guidance of all concerned. ; E..Policies on Accommodation in Residence Halls. 1. Residence hall.ac~ommodations are exclusively for bonafide students of the University during the time there are classes in a given semester,'trimester andlor summer. _ 2. Female graduate students will be accommodated only at Sanggumay and lpil. 3:. Foreign students will be accommodated at the International Center according to the priority listing. Other'residence Halls may accept foreign students only if they cannot be ac~om· rncdated by the lnternational Center,. and only if there ar~ existing 'vacancies. They shall be subject to the, Rules and Regulations of Residence Halls for accommodation. 4. The Residence" Hall accommodation is on 'a semestral/trimes. tral or summer basis. II. Accommodations Residen~e halls are classified into the following categories; 1. Kalevaan Residence Hall ~ co-educational, freshr:'an. students on a single-fee operation (board and lodging), based on the internal policies of Kalevean Residence Hall. 2. Hang-liang Residence Hall - female students-sophomores to senior students on a single-fee operation. '3. I Kamia Residence Hall-female ~udents - Sophomores 'to senior students. 4. Sampaguita Residence Hall -.female students-sophomores to senior students. 5: Sanggumay Residence Hall - female graduate students, 6, Ipil Residence Hall- co-educational, graduate students, 7. Molave Residence-Hall- co-educational, sophomore students preferred, on single-fee operation (board and lodging). 8. Narra Residence Hall - male students - sophomore to senior students.. ;,) 9., Yakal Residence Hall·~. co-educational - sophomore to senior students, 10. I nternatio'nal Center - co-educatlonet, primarllv for foreign students. A. B. Categories of applicants who may be given accommodations: 1. A student of the University of the Philippines Dltlrnan who is duly enrolled in a degree proqrqm in at least nine units of undergraduate courses, or six units of graduate courses, and who has never been dismissed from or has no unpaid obligations,in any residence from or has no unpaid obligations in any residence'hall. Admission of students shall b subject to the fol.lowing list of priorities: (al full academic load Ib] STFAP bracket (e) place of origin (d) strength of~ecommendation from previous residence hall. I. Policy Statement A, Residence halls are more than mere provisions for board and • ~ tl ..c e::J z ~ x e"::J :0 > 40 lodging of students; they 'are institutions which must fulfill more than the functions of providing food and shelter to the students; they must also provide experience in liberal education through social interaction and group living_ . B~ The residents of each residence holl are expected to develop certain social values in community living, emphasizing both their rights and their responsibilities as members of society. . C. Apart from the 'social development of the residents, the resi· ,:dence hall proqrarn should contribute to the intellectual development of the students by providing educational opportunities to complement the academic curricula, and in the process fost~r ~n atmosphere conducive to serious study, tolerance of opinions, open debate and inquiry. D. As the residence halls are subsidized, to a certain extent, by I" the University and can acccmrnodate only so many students, accommodation in these halls is clearly a privilege and not a right, ~, ' 2. A student from another campus of the University of the Philippines System who is duly cross-registered as a full-tlme student atUP Diliman during the sernester/trtmester or summer. Parents or quardlaes of residents, on etraneient basis, in residence h;lls with guest rooms. Th'e maximum stay shall be . not more than fourteen .consecutfve days; renewable tor at most the same period, subject to availability of space. 4, Delegates or representatives to seminars, conferences. meetings or activities of like nature sponsored by andlor held in the University of the Philippines System for the duration of the seminar or conference attended, 5. Acccrnrnodations in the .jnternatlonal Center are based on the following considerations:' (~) Enrolment 'status of applicant (b) Nationality distrlbutlon. and (c) Date of filing of application (dl The following have the priority, in the orderqlven. to admission to the Internatfonal Center: 3. ... (1) G,edUll1lltudlntl who er" II) 5cl1ol... of thllr 'MPletlvl gOV"nmlnll lbl RlClpllntl of oth" ",IIol...IIlpl . -121 Other g'edultlltudlml (31 Undlrg,edultl Itudlntl I, Filipino Ippllclnlllllill b. Icc.ptod according to til. IOml prlorltl". To pre.lrv•• whol'lOm, ratio of ,01· d.nll, no Ilngll n.tlonallty 111111 IXCnd 20% of till total cop.clty of till Int"nlllonil C.nt", C, bc.pt fa' thl flrlt and llcond cllogorl.llbev. (B,' & 21, In Ippllclnt "'III b. edmlttod ., tron,l.nt upon .pprov.1 of till ,"I· d.nc. II.od or dulV conltltut.d lutllorltlll .nd II .ubjoct to till 11m. rul •• ,nd ,,,guletlanl II nudent r..ldentl, A trlntilnt f" thaiI b. Plld In odv.nc., In .ccord.nc. wltll .It.bll.llod ..IIodul. of fll'. ISII App.ndl••tt.cllod to till. Rulill 0, Until mor, Iccommod.tlon. Ir. IVlllebll, tenure of relld,nCV .11.11 b••ccordlng to til. following ,chodul •. " An und"grodu.t. Itud.nt 'Mld.nt m.V b. ollowod to .tlV In ".Idlnce hoil/. for not mora tilIn four V...., 2. A groduol. Itud.nt rllld.nt mlV bl IlIowod to It.V In 'III· dlnc. 11.11/. fa, I ml.lmum Plrlodof 2 VII" for M.A. IIU' dlnll .nd tll," VII" for PH,O.•tudonll. IApp,ovld.t 8181h 10" mHt11lQ on Ap,lI 30. 18871 3. lew Itudenu In th,lr frlfhm.n or sophomore V"f, ,hall b' ollglbl. for Idml"lon In rllld.nc. h.lI, fa' underg'oduill Itud.nl., ••c.pt In Kollvaen Rllidonco HIli. provided, tillt Ihl. rul •• hlll opplv olIO to grodull1' Itud.nll In th.lr flrlt . ond IICOnd VOI".IApp'ovld II lIlI81h mlltlng on Ap,lI 30,1"7) ~. Junior ond IInlor law Itud.nt. ,11.11 b. ellglblo fa, Idmlllion In ,,,ldlne! hell' for grldulte ,tudents for an aggreg.te period of two VI'" H.I., on. VII' II junior plul one Ylar I' ,.nlar law ,tvd,nt, or only two velUI III Junior, or only two year, I' pnlor); provided. th.t .tnlor Ilw Itud.nu who are ravllwlng for til. ber ond ero ItIVln~ In tho r~ld.nc. h.lI. 'holl bo Illowad to continuo stlvlng tharlln until tho .nd of tho b.r I ••mlnotlon" Immodl.t.lv following th.lr grlduotlon from tllo Collog. of ~IW. IApprovld It 88lth 10" milling on Ap'1I30. 18171 e, No IppllCint shell b. ,co,pt.d without olear,nce from other r"ldlnel hlll/s of which 1'1, WI' • relldlnt prior to 1'11. currlnt Ippllcatlon. F. Upan edmllllon, thl ,..Id.nt .11011 bo furnl.llld with 0 ltudV tobll, chllr, lockar Ind bod with mlttrlll, Furnl.hlng. provldod bV th. ,"letlne. 1'1.11 may not b. rtpl.cld with plnonal prop,rtyof tho r..id.ntl. A pr.""lbod P20.00 d.pa,lt .hlll b. mod. for IIch k.V, If Inv I. furnl.llod, ond I. rafundobll upan the retu,n of tho klv on til. d.v of ch.cklng out. Upan follura to raturn tho kev on dlt. ofOrm.ntloned. tho d.pallt I. d.omod forf.lted. lootlon 1111 Rontal Agr......nt A. Upon tdmlillon, th, rtlldlnt 11'1111 PlY on. (n month'l r,nt II dlPOllt, Thll sh,1I bt hlld II b"lk,gl fM end I. refundlbll whln thl rnid.nt v.cat.. the premllli. It m.y .110 be applied to thl "IId.nt'. rent for the lilt month of oecuptncy. B. Thl r"kJlnt 11'1,11 ply 1'111 monthly room rent on or blfo" tho 1Stll of •• ch month during which tho R..ldlnc. HIli Au'"mint II In forel. 'F,lIurl to PlY r,ntlll for .t Ilin two (2) lueell' •Iv, monthllhlll bla ground for Ijletm,nt. C, Thl r.ntal period conltltut.. th.t timl deslgnlttd by the Unlvlrslty .. nmest,r/trlmllt.r or ,ummlr and Ihell covar thl flrl1 dlY of r,glltr'tlon end tnl 1,It day of Ixamlnatlon. Two (21 daYI .ft,r the lelt dlY of fln.1 ex.mlniitlon, trlnlilnt fee will bl ch.rgtd Iccordlnglv· D. R,fund' of restrvatlon dlP011t II a rllult of Clneell.tlcn of r'''Netlon or other elUl1i .1'1.11 bl bllad on tne followIng Ichtdul.: 1. a.fora thl rogular roglst"tlon parlod, 75" 2. Ourlng thl r.gular "gllt"tlon Plrlod .. , , .. 5011 3. Ourlng Ih' fI"l w"k of Clllll' .•.. , .. , , . 25" N. refund ",.11 ba glv.n Iftar tho flrlt WHk of cl."M. ~Ikawlll, rnld.nts who fill to cn.ck In ,ftlr th. first wllk of el....1 forfllt th'rllervatlon. Tarmlnotlon of thl ogrllment I••llowod If tho ,..Id.nt .ppllo. for It or If II. cen p,ov. onv of tho following Ju,t caUIl" " Offlclll IIIVI of ob.nci from tho Colleg•. 2, Honorobll dl.ml.1I1 from tho Unlv."ltv, 3, Oth,r JUlt C8U'" II m.y bl con.ldered m,rltoroUI by the (llld,ne, h'ld In the 'xerel., of hl.lOund dllcretlon. Other'th.n the Ibov.mentlontd lust c.u .... th' rtlldent 11'1.11 b. ch.rged • dlPlrtlng fH of SOlI of tho rontll duo fo' thl rom.lnlllQ po'iod of tho ogrHmlnt. F. In 0111 • r..ld.nt mov. out Without wrttten ptrmlulon of tho ralld.nc. IIl1d. II••hlll b. lI.ble for tho full povm.nt of hi' room r.nt for the remllndor of thl perIod ,xprnlld In thl Agr.ement. e. lootlon IV' Chocking Out A. Ro.ld.nll chocking out .hlll bo clo..lfJod Into tho following a.tegarlll: 1. """.nent Check-out - r"ld,nts who have no Intlntlon to r,iLrrn to tht hell for r..ld,nel ,net tholl wholl een- "letIon with thl Unlverllty II tsrmlnated for Iny rUlOn, ,Residents cone,rn.d 11'1.11 rtturn all r.. ldanc. h.1I pro· p'rty Inued to them to the hili cUltodlln, remove .11 ptrlOnel 'ffeeta from th'lr room' IU~ Mttl' III their I.gltlmllte obllgatlonl with thl re,ld.nc. hili luthorltlll, 2, Ttmpor,rv ChlCk·out - r.. ld,nts who go on Ilm ..tr.1I trlmestr,l. IUmm,r. or Icademlc INve with the int.n· tlon to return, 11'1.11 obllrv. thl lame procedure In ch.ck, Ing out with tho.. under permlnent check-out cltegory. 3. P•• - r,.ldente who go out for a w,ekend, overnight, or for oth'r purpa.., not Included Ibov•. RlildentslhDl1 be reQuired to lion out In the dorm log book wh.nev,r they go out of thl r..ldlne. 1'1.11 for purpaltl othtr th.n clalle•. B. Clter.nee Ihell b, Iflued only whln the rtlldlnt hi' el.ared up hl.l.gltlmat. obllgotlon.ln tho rllld.nc. hili. Soctlon V: Norm. of Conduct Ind Raoponllbllhv of Rllld.,tI A, Th. r"ldlnt .1'1.11, et all tim". relP"ct the PIIICI and privacy of 1'111 co·rllld,ntl .nd ebllrv, proper d,corum, B, Th. rilident .hall coop,r.t' with the rtlldlnce 1'1.11 mlln.ge· mint In maintaining th' Clllnll""1 and orderJlne.. of the h.ll. No ,nld.nt 'holl b. IlIowod to bring In~or t.k. hl,/her moel. In.ld. hl./her room, C. The rMld.nl .holl Db..rvo proper ul. of toll.1I Ind both· rooml, C, Tne resld.nt 11'1.11 b. h,ld li.bl, for any damagl done to the faell1tlll Illued to him end to thl furnl.hlng. of the hall. 1:, POllllslon of ffrllrml, dlIIdly w'lI~n" gambling devlcal. pyrotlchnlc devlc.' or pornographic mat"lels II 'trletlv prohibited In thl rllldinci h,ll. F. Thl rtlld.nt Ih,1I COOPlrtt. with thll resIdence h.1l men.gl' m.nt In thl adoption of mUlur.. to prevent f,lrt, Iccldtntt .nd th.ft. Th' rtlldtnc. hall managem,nt will nat allume rtspan,lbl· Iity for the loa of .ny perlOnallt.ml. G, Any retld,nt lnt,ndlng to 1.111 .n electric f.n. "dlo or ,lie· tronlc tclulpm,nt t.p. rlcorder, word procellor, .te. which will m.ke 1.1111 of tnl h.lI'. ,I,ctrlc powlr. 11'1.11 first IIcura • ptrmlt from th, Retldinci H'ed. An Iddltian.1 monthly fit for IIch of thl IIIld ,ppllllncil Ihell b' ch.rgld thl"for. Alrcondltlon,r., refrlg.ratorl. frttz,n, televIsIon IIU end other similar .ppll.nctl er. prohIbited, Anklentl found wIth unauthorIzed electrIc appll.nell 41 inside their room shall b. fined an amount equivalent to ona (1) month current fee thereof, determined in accordance with pre. v.lling MERALCO rates. H. The volume of radios, phcnoe. musical Instruments and similar appliances mutt be regulated in order not to disturb or inconvenience the other residents. I. Study and visiting hours shalt be observed at all times. J. The resident is not allowed to cook nor heat food unless the residence hall Is provided with cooki!'19 facilities. K. The resident il not allowed to transfer occupancy from one room to another without prior permission from the residence head. L. Laundering is prohibited except undergarments, launderln'l of which can be done only In the bathroom or laundry room. M. Keeping pets in the Residence Hall Is prohibited. SlC1lon VI: Laundry, ModlcBl Attention and Peddling 1. Change the room assignment of a studant-resldent. 2. Inspect residents' rooms for the purpose of checking safety provisions, E. Each resident shall pay a semestral essociation fee to the Residence Hall Associetlon and other f.es determined end estebIished by the House Council. F, No storage fee shall be charged for samestral and Christmes vacation. However, during summer veceuone, Itorege fee of P5.00 per day for 8 maximum of three regular-sized boxes shall be charged. Storage shall be for not more than sixty (001 davs. G, Memoranda, circulars and/or orders emanating from the respective residence heads or other duly constituted University auhtorltles, are part of these rules and regulations if such do not contrediet any of these rules and regulsttans. H. All the above rules shall bind the applicant upon the approval of his/her application and his/her admission to the residence hall by the Retk:lence Head or his duly 8uthorlzed representative. A, Laundry The residents shall transact bu'inesl with duly authorized laundrymen, laundry women and/or bootblacks only at the place and the time designated for such purposes by the Residence Head. Schedule of Monthly Rlnt., Trlnlilnt and other F... Residlnt/Room Monthly Room Rentl' • COEO .8. MlClicll Attention The resident shall inform the residence 'head or his asslltant whenever he Is sick. The latter shall refer the matter to the University Health Service for appropriate eencn. International Center lit Floor 2nd Floor Extension 2 P565 3 2 700 2 2 2 230 230 665 Ipll C' Poddling Peddlers shall not be a!lowed to peddle their wares In the residence hall. Violation of this rule shall be brought to the attention of the University Police Force for appropriate action. Section VII: Mltten.neou. Male Female Kelevean Malave Yakal Male Femele 4' 300 185 3 200 4 180 250 2 FOR WOMEN A. The following shall be groundl for disciplinary action and/or cancellation of residence hall privileges: liang-liang Ksmla 200 4 4 175 185 185 215 205 P185 3 .". ] ,,; ::i • """.. ~ z" "Ei ..:! o ;> 42 1. Feilure to pay monthly rentals for at least two (2) months; 2. Destruction of any part of the hall or property thereof: 3. Leek of due respect and consideration for the hafl staff or his co-residents: 4, Possession of flreerm. or other deadly weapons, prohib ited drugs, pyrotechnics; gambling, drinking intoxicating liquor, drunken behavior, using prohibited drugs; 5. Display of pornographic materials; 6. Violation of these rules or any rule or regulation of the University. 8. Proceedings for the cancellation of residence hall privileges sbell be commenced with a written report by the Dormitory Manager to the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs through the Office of Student Housing (OSH) Ipecifiylng the ect 'Or acts constltutiong grounds for the cancellation. The aSH shall notify in writing thestudent against whom a complaint has been filed, giving the letter five (51 days from receipt of notice within which to submit a written explanation. The aSH Director may require the giving of testimony as may be necessary for II fair decision. The Director shall cancel the privilegewhen the circumstances 10 warrant. C. When In the evaluation of evidence, appreciation of facts and circumstances end the imposition of the proper penalty, doubt arises due tb some technicality of procedure and application of jurisprudence, the Director in his discretion may consider his investigation 8S a preliminary Inquiry and elevate the case to the Student Disciplinary Tribunal for formal investigation and decision. In every case, the decision of the Director or the Tribunal is appealable to the President or the Board of Regents of the University within ten (10) days from the receipt of the same by the respondent. Otherwise the same shall become final and executory. D. The Admlnlstretlon reserves the right when necessary to: 2 2 wi tolltt facllltl•• 2 wlo tollet Sampaguita Sanggumay 4 2 300 FOR MEN 130 4 4 Ne-re , 3 2 145 160 170 TRANSIENT FEES (DAILY RATESI Int«natlonel Clnter Guest Room - W/linen wlo linen Regular Room Narra Gueet Room - w/llnen w/o linen P75 60 50 50 35 , ipil 65 45 Alrcon Ncn-elrcon All Oth..." For U.P. Students For Non-5tudents Linen Surtharge 30 35 15 OTHERS Rates for UII of the following electrical appliances: (1) Fans, Radios and tape·reeorders-P50.00/month for each 12l Word Processors -P75.00/month MATTERS FROMTHE UNIVERSITY COUNCIL from that elreedv taken at the MQ degree, and the residency program. \ The Board approved the following matters from the University Council: Insthution of M,S, in Clinical Medicine (Surgery) Program in the College of Medicine 3. 1.1 Concept 4. This Master of Science program is geared towards an ecedemic career for surgeonl. 1.2 Objective The program alms to provkle complemental academic medical education for those Interested in an academic and/or 5. research career inSurgery. 1.3 Ratkln.l. Graduates of accredited surgical residency programs are well prepared for surgical practice. Unfortunately, they are utilized to teach surgery to undergraduate students as well as residents In training. They are also the ones who undertake and supervise surgical research. Providing residency graduates with the opportunity to learning pedagog!c and research methodologies as well as going in depth in their respective surgical specialties will provide our country with adequately prepared academic surgeons. 1.4 Aue.ment of Potentilll Dem.nd Current supply of Master of Science (Surgeryl degree holders in the country is very minimal. A good example is the Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, UnIversity of the Philippines MenlJa. that has only five such degreehoklers, all of whom obtained their degrees in the United States, These are Drs, Vietor Reyes, Porfirio Recio, Roman Ibay, Jr., Carlos Magsanoc and Alfredo T. Ramirez. Of these, only two remain, the rest having retired or passed away. M.S. degree in Surgery is obtained abroad and there are only very few specialists who come back to the Philippines after their overseas training. At present, it is even worse, for herdly can anyone go to the U.S" for graduate training. The demand comes from the 27 medical schools as well as the private hospitals with accredited surgical training programs. , In the U.S., only university-affiliated hospitals are accredited for training resident physicians. On the other hand, in the Phlllpplnes, because of the lack of university training hospitals, some private hospitals which are not unlvereltv-atttuated, are also accredited for training. So even if the graduates of our program do not get connected with any of the medical schools, still they will be better prepared as trainors of resident physician trainees in private hospitals. 1.5 Resource Requlrementslnd AVlillbllity Faculty and Staff - existing faculty and staff of the Department of Surgery as well as invited lecturers and percaptora. SIMee - existing conference rooms, section offices and wards in the Philippine General Hospital. Library - existing library of the UP ColI~e of Medicine, books end journals belonging to the department as well as the consultant staff. Equipment - computer, typewriter, slide and overhead projectors, and other Budio,visual equipment. Fellowshills and Scholarships - scholarships from the Department of Science and Technology as well as fellowship grants from other sources. 6. It is expected that the mastersl courses are at a higher or advanced level. This ought to be reflected in the course title and/or course description. At least half of the Surgery courses should have more structure (l.e. specified objectives, content, methods, and evatuetton). The M.s. in Clinical Medicine l------) program should prepare surgeons for a research career. The courses should be consistent with this research focus. One 3-unlt course on the teaching-learning process may be offered as an elective course rather than the seven-unit required health education courses. The Iecultv may still reconsider renaming the M.S. in Clinical Medicine (-------1 program to M.S. l I. Confirmation of the Certificate in Oral Surgery Internship Progrll'R of the Deplrtmlllt of Hospital Dentistry in UP-PGH Rationale Oral Surgery - is the field of Dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, the surgical and adjunctive treatment of the diseases, injuries and defects of the human jaws and associated structures. At present, there is no comprehensive University structured hospital training program in the Philippines. The available hospital training programs for dentists are short-term (6 months at the most) and clinical experience oriented, These programs which do not have formal course outlines to follow, cater to the out- patient dental needs and do not offer a 24 hours, 7 days a week service. The University of the Philippines College of Dentistry, being the lead center of dental education in the country, must initiate a program to provide the opportunity for graduate students or dentists to pursue, improve and develop their training in Oral Surgery as well as in research. The Philippine General Hospital can be utilized as the venue for this program. The U.P. College of Dentistry shoukJ develop a progressive, academically-oriented hospital based on postgraduate education and stimulate dentists to specialize in various fields of dentistry. Although the proposed program has as its primary goal the training of dentists in Oral Surgery with emphasis on acquiring clinical experience and skills, it should not prevent them from maturing in an acedemically-approved program that 'will award a graduate degree. Objf1CtivB 1. To train dentists in data collection, interview and clinical examination. 2. To develop the dentists skills In correlating knowledge of Basic WIth Clinical Sciences. 3. To utilize these anelytlcelskitla in arriving at correct diagnoses and developing a treatment plan. 4. To train dentists to work in a hospital and experience the environment of working closely with other members of the medical staff. 5, To train dentists to treat patients with oral infections and its associated structures, 6. To train dentists on how to work in the operating room. 7. To train dentists on how to manage dental patients who .ere medically-compromised. 8. To train dentists and familiarize them on the different laboratory tests and know their values on patient disease. Inatructlonal MBttJf~/s - audio-visual aids. Note that, In ~he implementation of the program, the College of Medicine faculty shall seriously consider the following recommendations of the University Council's Curriculum Committee: 1. There Is a need for the proponents of the level of the program to identify the basic medical science courses or content that will provide the foundation for the ctlnlce! science courses (surgery cou rses). 2. There is a need to differentiate the level of basic and clinical science knowledge that shall be gIven in the masteral program, MATTERS FOR INFORMATION The Board noted the following: 1. Resolution of the Court En Bane (Supreme Court) on GA No. 9244' lOr. Mario T. Gutierrez vs. Han. Wenceslao Palo, et aLl referring the case to the Court of Appeals "for proper disposition". 43 2. RllOlution of Ihl Couri En B.n. (Suprem. Courtl on Ih. M.mor.ndum of AgrOlm.nt b.twun Ih. Suprom. Courl.nd Ihl Unlv."ltv of Ih. Phlllppin.. on Ih. Inllitul. of Judl.I.1 Administration. 3. ACId.mlo C.I.ndor for 10UO·1991 •. UP Olllm.n b. UP VlllYII ACId.ml. C.I.ndor Ind Irlmlllrel .11.ndor of Ih. gradu.l. !Chool c. UPI.B 4. Conlre.t ••nlored InlO by Ih. Ch.n•• llorof UPI.B •. Dud of "" with Mr. Rlc.rdo M.mlno b. Contr•• t of Lu.. with UPI.SCh.ml•• 1So.llIy e. Contr.c, of L with Entomology Mini Ccop S'ore d. Conlr.ct of I. with UP Phylop.thologl•• 1 So.l.lY •. COntrlCI of I. with UP Agrlbu.lnm Soel.ly, UP Ag Econ Clr.l. UPLS Econoon and UP AEMS. 5. Memonmdum of Agr"mlnt b'tween tht Unlv,,.Ity 'nd tn. S.nlgno S. Aqulnc, Jr. Found.flon ISSAF) on oc:holor.hlp, gronlod by Ih. Found.tlon to dlllrving UP high ••hool Itudents. B. Con're.' b.tw •• n UNESCO end ISMEO·UP fer. le-d.y cln., prln.lpelly the O.. n Of Ih. Collogt .nd 'h. Ch.nc.llor of UP Menll.,10.dmll th.lollowlng lIud.nto: 1. M.rlc.r BI.nch. Olc.no 2. albrlll NlZor.no 3. !dword B.M"ldong 4. S.lvodor VIII.nu..., Jr. e. Allnodoro Rul., Jr. B. Morll BornodllllSln,o, B. Boord Rooo1utlon on 'h. Murd." of Born.b••nd Call.no •. RESOLUTION IXPRI.INO OUTRAGE ANI)CONCERN OVf,R THE MURDER'OP COCHIIE AND IIiBOM ANDCONDOLENCIITOTHIIR PAMILIII Th. grUllom. murd." of Unlv."lly of Ih. Phlllppln.. llud.ntl Ern.no ..Cochl.... Born.b. 11 .nd Ann. Lourd.. "Sltbom" CIII.no. dl"rv. Ih. OWIil' of .vory p lovlng Filipino. Thl. ry rull In human b.· .hocklng dl,pl.y of vlol.n.1 go.. IlIIlnll nevlcr. . W••trongly cond.mn Ih. brutel torture Ind coldblood.d ,I.ylng mlnl·workshop on th. Dwttopment of Sel,nee Tilts; Ef. f.ctlve Domeln 7. Ccntr.CI bltw•• n UNESCO .nd ISME~·UP fo' • netlon.1 productlon-cum-trelnlna-wcrkmop on dlv,lopmllnt '" of th... two 'tudentl, both of whom hed grl.t proml,e If future prof,,,lontllln the (lQuntrv. . W. Itrongly urge the 1M ,nfore.ment ag.nel,. to Ix,rt Iclence and technology .due.tlon, B. Con'rlC! of I..... b.tween UP ColI.g. T•• lob.n 11.."orl .nd T.urillien Copy C.ntlr 11......1 for th.I.... of, '~IC' with • n er.. of e 00. rn, In,ld. ,h. UP Colllll' T•• lob.n compound for xerox copying l.rvl~l. 9. ContrICt of I..... bOlw•• n UP Colleg, C.bu .nd Emili. J. Cllllou.n"1 .nd oru,lty In the r'otnt Inn,ll of PhilippIne ertme. W•• ro axllndlng our .lnoor..1 condol.nc. 10 'h. flmill.. of 0,lt80 for the 111M of a portion of In .r.. dlrectlv under th. 11.1" of ,h. Admlnlotr.t1on Building of tho Colleg. Cobu, lIhug, C.bu CllY for ••ro. copying IIrvl... 10. lIbor.tory feo of PleO.OO por .'ud.n, por cour.. for HEEd 203 .nd HEEd 21 I In 'h. Collog. of Homo Economl••, UP Olllm.n. maximum .flortl 10 oolv. Ih. crlm. which I. unpor.II.lIed In Ito CochlM .nd B.obom on Ih.lr trom.ndou, lOll end profound grl.f. Wt .re IlklWl.. Ixpr,ulng our conclf'n OVIf "portl th.t ,1,_ m.nt. of tho OUlZon City .nd P.m""nlll poll•• oro Involved In thl' htinoul crimi. When we can no longer rely on our law liInforeemtnt 1genclll for protection b,e,u.. they them"lvll .rl fe.red by tht people, thll n8tlon II In rell troublt. Wt Ire maTI IPprehenllv, btelUN the UP clmpu.II locatld "eaT th' ,rn where the two students WIf' ebductld. We ere d"ply .nxioul .bout th, ufew Ind Iteurlty of our thoullndt of Itud,nu .1 UP. THE BOARD OP RIOINTS OF THI UNIVERSITY OP THI PHILIPI'INIl APPOINTMENT OP UNIVERIITY OPFICIAL8 IExICullv. ""onl Th. Bo.rd ,"ffl,mld III d•• I.lon on Ihl ,ppoln,m.nl of Pro· C. A..olullon.lrom Ih. P.m.n ....ng A..mblu of UP M.nll. fl..or Lltlcla Gutierrez I' deln of th, Collegeof Phlrmllcv.' . Th. Bo.rd '1nIWId 'h ••ppolntm.n' of Mr. M.lvynS. Mortln "' Vlce-Pr.,lder.t for Development, effeotlve Mev 1, 1990 until April 30. ,gg1. . Th. BOlrd oppoln'ld Or. Ltd. Olyo·Olnoo II OHn of tho ColI.g. of N""lng, Iff.c,lvI MlY 1, 1990 un,lI April30, 199~. The Baird r.fflrmld lu decl,lon to .ppolnt Profl!l'lOr Lltlel. Gutierrez 81D.an of the COllrlgl of Pnlrm.cv. A. Adml..lon of SI. S'ud.nlllo tho Colllg. of Medlclno Th. Board unlnlmoully r.olved to .pprov. tnl edmlilion of th, Ih( Itud.nu. and order the ([Iutherltl.. of the UP College of 44 Medl~ Th. Bo.rd look noll of tho lollowlng rooolulion. Mn' by Ih. Allmbl•• : 1. Plh.yl'l n9 P.m.ntl.. ng A..mbiN ng UP Mlnlll TUnGkol .. Ioyu ng Ppgb.blllk ng Po.l.yon n9 Vloo-<:hlnc.llor,. 2. P.h.yeg ng P.m.n.... ng AlIITlblN ng UP M.nU. Hlnggll .. Kldn.pplng II Pogkomll.y nl Bornob. It C.lllnO. ng Unl· btrlldld ng Pillpinu. 3. P.h.yeg ni P.m.nt.llnG A•• ~I .. ng UP Monll. Hlnggll II I.yu ng Kollhlyo ng P.emIlY., C. Th. Soord axpr.,td III th.nk.lo Reg.nl Moth.y 10' hl.lnvilo. tlon to hold the meeting It the NIUo",1 Pow.r Corpor'tlon Conf,rlnee ADorn. . ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULARS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS 2 May 1990 19 June 1990 • ADMINISTRATIVE 'ORDER NO. 23 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 15 TO: SUBJECT: Policy Regarding Film and Video Screenings in the University of the Philippines Dr. Oscar M. Alfonso Presidential Assistant You are hereby designated Officer-in-Charge of the Office-of the Vtca-President for Academic Affairs from May 5 to 20, 1990, until the return of Dr. Gemino H. Abed from Austria and England. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA -Preskient 18 May 1990 I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 17 . . I - TO: Dr. Feli!'8 M. Medalla Vice President for Planning & Finance SUBJECT: Designation as Offic~r·in.charge of the Univs-rsity You are hereby designated Officer-in-Charge of the University from 21 Mav 1990 until my return from Bohot and Legaspi City, but not later than 25 May 1990. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA President 18 June .1990 , ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 22 Dr. Belinda A. Aquino Vice-President for Public Affairs b.p. Diliman SUBJECT: Designation as Officer-in-eharge of the' University TO: In my absence due to my official trip to Korea, I am designating you Officer-in-Charge of the University of the Philippines,effective . The University of the Philippines upholds academic freedom guaranteed to ,the institution in the Constitution (Art. XIV, Sec. 5 (2)] . The University asserts the right of a member/members of -the academic community, to exhibit and view films and videograms for academic and educational purposes without prior restraint. To apply the above principles, there: is need to designate in each campus-a clearing house for notices-on non-commercial, public f.ilm/ video exhibition on campus, and to adopt guidelines to be observed by parties concerned. L There should be designated in each campus a clearing house for notices on public film/video screenings on campus. In U.P. Dillman, this has been identified as the Office of Student Affairs, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Attars . 2. The following guidelines shall be observed by the parties con,cerned: a. lndividuals/qroups in the University-intending to show on campus a fijm/~ideo which is not part of academic class work shall seek the permission of the dean of the college and inform the OSA. b. Should a potentially objectionable tttm/vtdeo be Identified by the O·SA.-the Film and Video Advisory Committee, -to be established in each constituent universltv pur'suant to this administrative order endto be chaired by the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (or by another high officials designated by the Chancellor where there is no Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs) and with a lawyer as one of the members, shalt discuss with the sponsors of the exhibition the legal implications of the event tor-the University" c. The Film and Video Advisory Committee and the. sponsors shall' seek to reconcile the academic freedom of the sponsors end. the right of expression of the protesting individuats/qrcups in the University. For the guidance of all concerned. I ISgd.J JO.SE V. ABUEVA President . 20 to 26 june 1990. (Slid.) JOSE V. ·ABUEVA President . . 45 HISTORICAL PAPERS AND DOCUMENTS' and Beta Upsilon Fraternities on 6 April 1990 at the Valley Golf Club, Antlpolo. Riza!. I regret that I could not personally attend your gathering as I had another. official engagement at the same time. Vice-Chancellor Olivia C."Caoili has already briefed me about the UP Barkada n9 mga Fratmen's initiatives in promoting peace and camaraderie among the resident fratemitvmernbers in UP Diliman. We appreciate very much 'the efforts of UP. Barkada in assisting the University in the search for-ways to resolve interfraternitv.confficts peacefully. Indeed, we need every help we can get in eliminating the causes of conflict and violence on campus. We hope that you will continue to assist us in training our student leaders to become responsible future leaders of our country and to undertake projects that shall contribute to the quest for excellence which our University stands for. _ ~ With best wishes to you and the UP Barkada. - LETTERS 25 Aprii'1990 Ref. No, JVA·90·116 Hon. Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. President/General Manager Government Service Insurance System Manila Hotel, Luneta Park Manila 'Dear PGrv'! Belmonte: This has reference to the GSIS property in Baguio City which was the subject of our meeting at your office at the ~anila Hotel on 16 February 1990: To follow up on this, Mr. ProcescG. Ramos, our University Business Manager; made a trip to Baguio City last week. Together with UP College Baguio Dean Patricio Lazaro and Mr. vjceote Encarnacion, Jr., Mr. Ramos met with" GSIS Assistant Manager Ricardo Gaerlan. They discussed ttie possible return to UP of the two areas adjoining the UP womens' Dormitory lot, the subject matter of our meeting. If you will recall, the main reason for our request for these additional two lots is to make our-area larger and contipuos. The area, together with the UP Womens' Dormitory lot, will total a little ever 13,000 square meters. Mr. Gaerlan said that GSIS can initiate the survey of the areas requested for transfer. Mr. Gaerlan also briefed M"r, Ramos and his UP cofteaques on the ongoing ejectment cases initiated by the GSIS at the sala of Baguio R'!C Judge Salvador J. Valdez. They noted that despite these ejectment cases, the squatter problem remains unabated. As structures are demolished, new ones come up, the latest being a house of strong materials on the west 'side of the dormitory, allegedly owned by a 'Police sergeant.' In the meantime, GSIS' plan to fence the property will be Impiemented, according to Mr. Gaerlan. He strongly suggested that the UP undertake a similar fencing of the areas to be returned to the Unlversitv as soon asthe same are turned over. Mr. Gaerlan promised 'to transmit the results of the discussions to you that same afternoon following their meeting. We are very pleased with the efforts of the GSIS otflcials in Baquio City towards the fulfillm~nt of our understanding to benefit _UP. Coltege Baquio. We look forward to the early resolution of the matter through the generosity of the GSIS and your kind intervention. . Thank you and best regards. Sincerely yours, ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA . President 15 May 1990 Ref. No·. JVA·90·138 Senator Joey O. Lina, Jr. 5th Floor, Philippine Veterans Bldg. Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila Dear Senator Lina: This has reference to your letter of 02 April 1990 inquiring ebcut the possibility of giving one Of two college, scholarships, particularly, to deserving 'and talented_ Filipino athletes who will, be trained for international competitions. We would like to inform you that. the University- has an existing scholarship program giving free tuition to indigent-athletes recruit from the provinces for the U.P. Varsity Teams. The College 0 Human Kinetics of the U.P, Diliman accepts applications for the programs after the students have been admitted to the University either on the .reqular basis or througtt- the Varsity Athletic Admis· sion System. Enclosed are leaflets, containing the guidelines for athletes applying for the Varsity Athletic Admission System (VAAS) Program and the Varsity Athletic Admission System (VAAS) together with a copy of the appllcatlon form. We would like to stress, however, that the above echctershlp covers only matriculation: It does 'not give any living and book 'subsidies. However, the student l!'ay apply for the ISKOLAR NG SAYAN PROGRAM Which would e~title him to a living/book Sincerely yours, ISgd.l JOSE V: ABU EVA President • '" ~ " E z 26 April 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90·120 .0 ;:l X ;< "E ;:l "0 > 46 Mr. Antonio 'Cantero Chairman BAAKADA ng mpe.Ll.P. Frat~en - U.P. Barkada Agustin 1 8/F cor. Emerald & Julia Vargas Ortiqas. Metro Manila Dear Mr. Cantero: Thank you very much for inviting me to witness the signing of the Engineering Peace Initiative between the members of Tau Alpha . subsidies in addition to the free school fees if he meets the requirements of the program. Attached is a cOpy of an application form and a newsletter. containing the particulars of the said program. Should you have 'any further questions. please do not hesitate to write again. Warmest, regards. t. Sincerely yours, ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President I' tJune 1990 18 May 1990 Ref. No. JVA-90-16L Ref. No. JVA-90-147 Han. Fidel V.' Ramos Secretary of National Defense Department, of National Defense , Camp Aguinaldo EDSA, Quezon City Senator Santanina T. Rasul Chairperson .. Senate. Committee on 'Women,& Family Helatlons Philippine Veterans Bank ~ldg. Port Area, .Manila .' Dear Senator Rasut: In October last year, the University of the Philippines launched .. the Center for Women's Studies to' promote a program of research and extension services on women's issues and to 'complement the academic program on women in development' that we developed earlier. The Center has become fully operational" with the appointment of Dr. Sylvia Guerrero as Director and Dr;, Thelma Kintenar and Proserpina Tapales as Coordinators. It is assisted by an Ex- _. ecutive Committee. Since Women's Studies covers a wide range of issues and the Center is just beginning to prioritize its concerns, we decided to form" an Advisory Counclj-destqned to provide counsel and ideas, particularly with regard to funding-sources and links with other stttutions. There are several women's organizations in the comunity that we want link up with and there are so many professional activities related to gender issues that we at the University want to' be involved in. Knowing your interest 'in supporting programs related. to women, I would like to invite you to become a member of the Advisory CQun~il of the Center for Women's Studies at U~ starting this year. , I "am fully aware that you are a very busy person-so I would like to assure you that membership in the Council will not constitute an onerous burden .cn your time. We would be most appreciative and grateful if you could serve on the Advisory Council. As soon as we hear from you and the ottiers we haye invited to , ' be on the Council, Dr. Guerrero will formulate an agenda that will include an initial meeting of the group. • Maraming satemat. Sincerely yours; ISgd.J JOSE V, ABU EVA President 29 May 1990 Ref. No. JVA-90·166 , ,. Dear Secretary Hames: Thank you fer-vour Memorandum to the Acting~Chief of Staff, dated May 23, 1990 regarding the implementation of the UP-DND Agreement. We appreciate your concern over the recent occasions in which U.P. authorities were not notified immediately of the arrest of U.P. faculty a~d students as provided in the Agreement. It's good to work with you in our common search for sound and viable alternative uses of the mllitarv bases, and in relation to other bases issues. With warm best wishes. , Sincerely yours, ISgd.lJOSE V. ABUEVA President - 4 June 1990 Ref. No. JVA-90-169 Mr. Berge Lapointe Executive Secretary International' Association of Universities l,rueMiollis· 76732 Paris~ Cedez 15 . France Dear Mr. Lepofnte: . This is in reply to. yo'ur letter of 10"April 1990, Ref. 90/1014, Which we received on 18 May 1990, regarding the invitation to the . Ninth General c6nference of the International Association of Universities to be held from 5·11 Augusf1990. in Helsinki, Finland. Although I sent a telex message on 30 March to Dr. FrenzEberhard, IAU Secretarv-Genetel, .1Iccepting the invitation to -the Helsinki Conference {copy attached]. I regret to say that I shall not b~ able to attend the Conference because' of pressing matters I must attend to at that time. I wish tAU a successful General Conference. - /' Ambassador Bienvenido A. Tan Jr. Philippine Embassy Argelander Str. 1 5300 Bonn 1 Federal Republic of Germany c Sincerely yours, .... ISgd.J JOSE V. ABU EVA President .,0 .N " Dear Ambassador Tan: ~ ~ Thank you for your letter of 23rd February, received here on 23 May, informing us about your correspondence with Professor HansDieter Evers of Bielefeld University. We have requested our Deans of the College of Arts and Letters, the College of Social SCiences and Philosophy, and the Asian Center _ to consider a possible academic linkage with Bielefeld University. - •" - > -e ...= :! ..: , :> .".. Sincerely yours, ISgd.l JOSE V,ABUEVA , President <l> <l> 0 , 47 I ( Ref. No. JVA·90·174 11 june 1990 5 June 1990 . Mr. Xavier P. Loinaz President .Ref. No. JVA-90·201 Bank of the Philippine Islands Metro Manila Dr.,A.M. Capili 840 Mause Street Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 U.S.A. Cear Mr. Loinaz: Dear Dr. Capili: BPI Bldg., Ayala Avenue corner Paseo de Roxas, Makati This has reference to your letter of 25 April 1990 regarding the College Scholarship Program for BPI dependents Jaunched by the Bank, and your request for the University to help in the monitoring of the performance of the BPI Scholarhl who will be enrolling in U.P. Prior to your letter, this matter was already discussed by BPI representatives and our Mrs. Bella M. Villanueva, Chief of the Scholarship Office. BPI was informed, thru your Ms. Len Boqnct, that private scholarships donatedto the University follow specific .quidetines approved by the Board ot Regents. Since the BPI scholarship is purely a BPI-administered grant and since it appears that the only role of the University is to allow the scholars to charge their school fees against BPI, it was.suqqested that arrangements be made with. the U,P. Registrar's. Office to allow the BPI.schC!lars to enroll 'and to bill BPI later on. On the progress report requested from the University, we suggested the following, for direct monitoring of the status of the scholars by the BPI: the students must be required· to submit to the BPI' Scholarship Committee, before the start of each semester, a true copy of their grades obtained in the preceding semester; and to obtain a certification of good moral character from the College Secretary, tcqether with a clearance from any offense/violations! disciplinarv actions, issued by the U.P. Student Disciplinary Tribunal. Here is to the success of your laudable program. ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA President Ref. No. JVA·90-19G 7 June 1990 Prof. Flora'Z. Rivera Director, UP Cherubim & Seraphim College of Music U.P.Diliman' Dear Professor Rivera: I am pleased to inform you that the UP Cherubim & Seraphim, the official children's Chorus of the University has been designated Official Representative of the University of the Philippines to the 10th Choral Concert of Children to be held in Osaka, Japan from" August 1 to 10, 1990,. . The University is happy to endorse your participation and congratulates you. We will g.ive permission for the children and the faculty members to be excused from their studies and duties at the University for the duration of the Festival. Inasmuch as the air fare will have to be borne by the group, I _ authorize vou to raise funds for this purpose. The University shall help the members of your group in getting their official passports and travel tax exemption. ~ , With my best wishes. Sincerely yours> 48 ,ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA President i Thank you for your letter of 30 April 1990. We would like you to know how especially appreciative we are of, your continuing concern for our University. U.P. welcomes all donations, big and small, but regrets that not all donations can be named. If UPAAM's interest is to assist' students, there .ere three types of such assistance, all of equal importance, that the University recognizes-scholarships and talent awards; study grants, and program grants. {a-t] Scho'larsMps are awarded on the basis of academic achievement. It ls intended-to encourage a student'S: scholarly performance throughout the period of his deqree-course program (normally four yearsl. However, it may also take the form of a year-end cash award, such as for a student with the highest average in a particular degreeprogram or college. ~ {a-Zl Talent awards are given to students with outstandln potential, or initial achievements, in creative writing; the fine arts, music, drama, or athletics. These awards may be used to defray expenses for special equipment, instruments, supplies and materials, or the hitlnqof special tutors or coaches. (b) Study grants are awarded on the basis of the student's financial need. The .actual'benefits depend on the extent of that need, but recipients are required to meet at least the minimum academic requirements It.e.. a minimum weighted average of 3.0, and no failing grades) in their degree programs. tel Program grants encourage students to 'enrol in particular programs which are important. for academ ic reasons or in light cf national development policies. Recipients must commit themselves to finishing the program and meeting at least the minimum academic requirements. The minimum amounts for donations of fuJI grants for each of these ewards (a-c) are: P30,OOO··per year annual contribution (for at least two years), or . I l - ' Pll0,OOO lump sum donation (which with'10% p.a. intere can supply at least P30\OOO per yearfor four years) For partial grants for each of the awards: P15,OOO per year annual contribution (for at least 2 veers). P55,OOO, lump sum donation [which with .10% p.a. interest can supply at least P15.000 per year for 4 years) The best type of donation is the endowment of at least P300,OOO earning a net rate of about P30,OOO per year which 'is sufficient to fund the annual requirements of the scholarship, talent, studY'4 or_program grant in perpetu;ty. If this lump sum is too much for your group, you may authorize the University to pool "your donation with those .of others to build up tbis amount; or your chapter can build it up gradually over a specific period . ~ You may have heard of the Socialized Tuition Fee and Financial Assistance Program (STFAPI whj'ch,the University has adopted since last academic year. This program has effected a more equitable distribution of, the built-in State subsidy in the University's tuition structure. Students from families who can afford would have less subsidy, and a greate( number of Qualified students from the lowerincome families would have tuition subsidies and!or stipends to cover board, lodging and other school expenses, such as books. Your' donation of a scholarship. or study grant will mean a decrease in U.P.'s outlay for' student subsidies since the University will only have to pay for the grantee's school expenses that are not covered by the grant; consequently, too, more students from lower-income families can enjoy ST'FAP benefits. ' , ( • Another form of student assistance which has not yet been institutionalized in the University, is for alumni chapters to.underwrlte the transportation costs of students from low-Income families residing in areas far from the U.P. campus where the student qualifies, e.g., if they come from Mindanao or Palawan. This idea _has actually been proposed to two alumni chapters in Mindanao for students in their respective regions. With the rising costs of travel, two return tickets per academic year per students will be a very welcome boon to deserving students. Besides direct assistance to students, your chapter may wish to donate some of the following: laboratory equipment. computers, or subscriptions to scientific journals which the University is usually hard put in maintaining. We could furnish you lists of specific ltems.jf you wish to undertake a project along this line. Should you decide on giving equipment to the University, it may be best for the UPAAM to provide the funds for U.P. to purchase them in the PhiJippinesJ.to avoid the bureaucratic hassle and expense of shipping them over and then paying taxes for them when they arrive. Warmest regards. Sincerely yours, ISgd.J JOSE V. ABU EVA Please note that the requests are all for school buildings (continuation of previously authorized construction, rehabilitation and repair - not cosmetic renovation - of .old buildings), and rehabilitation of power distribution systems and water systems. None of the buildings in the list are for executive offices or the like. For U.P. Dillman, our concern is to make some partially completed buildings (such as the Public Affairs Complex, the Film Center, and the two M51 buildings) already usable or occupiable by our personnel. Thus, while the proposed amounts wil( not complete these buildings, the amounts will ensure that the completed portions can already be utilized. We think you will agree Wit~ th is strategy. The rehabilitation (again, repeat: not cosmetic renovations) of our old school buildings is necessary because they are in various states of disrepair. Since new constructions are banned, it is very important for U.P. to be able to get optimal utilization of its present structures. This is by way of explaining the various requests for "rehabilitation". Our capital outlay for 1990 is only half of what we received in 1989. Hence, it becomes even more urgent that we are now able to utilize the 1990 allotments. To repeat: we request the release of allotments for the 1990 capital outlay projects listed in the attachment. Sincerely yours, President ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA President 11 June 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90·207 15 June 1990 Ref. No. JV A·90·213 Dean" Romeo B. Ocampo College of Public Administration U.P. Ditirnan Her Excellency Cornon C. Aquino President of the Republic of the Philippines Malacafiang, Manila Dear Dean Ocampo: Dear Mrs. President: t support your decision for CPA to pull out of a five-year local government project approved by the German Foundation for International Development (OSE) for' the reasons you so ably explained in your letter to me of 30 May and in your letter to Director Joachim Krell. With my best wishes to you and all our other colleagues at the· CPA. Sincerely yours, . ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA President I have the honor to transmit the Budget Proposal of the University of the Philippines for 1991. Knowing the financial constrelnt on the Government at this time, we have trimmed our request to the bare minimum which we 'believe is required to enable the University of the Philippines to achieve its main functions in teaching, research and extension service. The Government has to continue to fully support U.P. as' the premier state university of the country, otherwise it will lose that position in the country and in the ASEAN region to the detriment of the entire Filipino people. We would like to express our gratitude for your continued support of the University of the Philippines. Sincerely yours, 14 June 1990 '.' [Spd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President Reference No. JVA 210 Han. Guillermo N. Carague Secretary of Budget and Management Malacanang, Manila 15June 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90·216 Dear Secretary Carague: The University requests the release of the Advice of Allotment for the 1990 capital -ourtav projects totalling P112,361,OOO (ONE HUNDRED TWELVE MILLlDN THREE HUNDRED SIXTY ONE THOUSAND PESOS) authorized under the General Appropriations AC\ RA 6831. The proposed projects may be found in the attacked list. This list was the result of discussions among the constituent universities of the U.P. System considering "the urgent requirements of the University this year, our prospects for 1991 capital outlays and also the spirit of NEMO 24. Mr. Ryu Kim Cultural & I nformation Attache Embassy of the Republic of Korea 3rd Fir.• ALPAP Bldg. 140 Alfaro St., Salcedo Village Makati, Metro Manila Dear Mr. Kim: I received your letter dated June 5, 1990 informing me of the end of your assignment in the Philippines. -'"'" o 49 ( As you prepare to leave for your new post, I wish to thank you most sincerely for your kind assistance in" coordinating the many collaborative activities we .heve had with the 'Korea~ Embassy. i would like to make a speclal mention of the coordination hou have been doing in relation to my forthcoming visit to Korea. I appreciate it very much. In behalf of the University,J wish you a fruitful and fUlfillihg stay in Germany. Sincerely yours, be carried out in stages, and after consultations with all interested sectors. this 'is .to "insure that the programs... will strengthen and complement those of existing universities and colleges without duplicating and competing with them" (Senate Bill 1496, page 2, and UP in Mindanao Uoaste, November 1989; page 31. May I suggest that this may be a good time for the members of your Association to conduct an appraisal -cf their programs, consl_dering their relevance and capabilities, and their willingness to initiate improvements with the help of other institutions, Thank you and very best wishes. I look forward to working with you in PASUC. . (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA ,. -President Sincerely yours, ISg~.I JOSE V. ABUEVA President 29 June 1990 . Ref. No. JVA·90·228 Dean·Virgilio EsglJerra College, of Veterinary Medicine U.P. Los Banos.........., College, Laguna Dear Dean Esguerra: This is to formalize the arrangement which I 'understand, Business Manager Proceso Ramos, Dean Vinluan of the Colleqe of. Fine .. Arts and you have agreed on. The main builidng, Bartlett Hall, will be. turned over to the College of Fine Arts not later than July 31, 1990. The College of Veterinary Medlclne wlll conti,",~e to use the Animal Clinic at the back of the main building until a new site for the clinic is found, .but not later than the end of the year. The auxiliary buildings across the street will also beturned over by the end of 1990. I wish to convey my thanks to you for. your cooperation and for helping us with our problem of space here in UP Dillman. May I also request you and Dean Vinluan to submit a lolnt report to me on the progress of the tum-over of the buildings by the first week of August. Thank you. The. vast marine resources and maritime regions of the Philippines are the traditional food sources of the Jaraest.sector of our population, particularly in terms of protein requirements. But scientists and. researchers have been lamenting the steadily decreasing productivity of these areas, The reversal of such a critical nendceus for prompt corrective measures; and in terms of generating the necessary scientific cornponent of such a drive, the University of the Philippines has linked up with various institutions here and -abroad for joint research/ training programs. Towards this goals of training the manpower required' in this undertaking to ensure the viability of our natural resources, on land and in water and sea, the University of the Philippines has been strenghtening its programs. To the members of the graduating "BS Biology Class 1990, ~ offer my 'felicitation~ along with -thls quick reminder: the best inspiration to make use of your knowledge and 'enerqies must spring from the task of helping our biologicai environment maintain 'ItS Jife-sustaining potentials for Our nation. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA President Sincerely yours, , (Sgd.l JOSE V.. ABUEVA President . .., " 29 June 1990 ~ .~ .. o Ref. No. JVA:90·229 ~ President. MASCU Bukidnon State College N ~ • ...., .c N ~ E z" :-: :-:~ "E " "0 > 50 Dr. Teresita T. Tu~apon • Malaybalay, Bukidnon Dear President Tumapon: Thank you for sending me a copy of.MASCU Resol~tion No.3, dated'March 1, 1990, defining the position of your Association' on .' House BiII2214~.·, You will recel that we had a luncheon meeting on May 14 at the Army and Navy' Club where we, together with Drs. Can las, Aralar,' Rusgal and Alfonso, shared ideas about the BilL On May 15, we 'appeared before the Semite Committee on Education and presented our positions on Senate Bill 1496, which is similar in-intention to. the House Bilt. You will note from our opening statement, which is attached, that our plan to work with universities an~ colleges in Mindanao will Kasama ng aking pagbati sa pagkakaluklok sa tungkulin ng Board of Governors para sa Vanguard -Year 1990-1991" ang kahilingan na sana ay maging makabuluhan sa lahar ng kasapi ng U.P. Vanguard, Inc. -ang karanqalanq ibinibigay sa Invo ng Unibersidad, at ang kagelingang iplnepaklta ninyo sa inyong·piniling kurso at mga propesyon ay pakinabanqan og buhay at klnabukasan n9 bayang ito. Dahil mayroohg mas marangal na lavunln kaysa sa pansarlllna kapakanan at mavroonc mas malaking hamon at mas mahtrao na pagsubok na dapat harapln. hinihiling kc rtn sa mga kasapi ng U.P. Vanguard, Inc. na sa positibong paraan ay maging kritikal sa ating kapaligiran upanq mapagsilbihan ang ating mga rttamamavan. Paulit-ulit nating' dinaranas aog mga pagtatangkang wasakin ang ating katataganq pampulitika kaya nananawagan din aka sa U.P . Vanguard, Inc. na makiisa sa pagtatanggoI sa ating konstltuavunal na demokrasya at labanan ang mga inapamuksang puwersang nals maging makapangyarihan sa,ating bansa. Hangad ko na lalong tumibay ang samahan ng U.P:\ianguarcl. Inc. at maging Iigtas kavong lahat sa anurrienq klase ng panganib. ILagdal JOSE V. ABU EVA Pangulo • ;;, It gives me great pleasure to greet the alumni on the occasion of their 1990 Homecoming and Reunion. More than an affair for a jovial renewal of friendship and shared experiences, this reunion provides you the timely venue for the celebration of the Silver Jubilee Anniversary of the "Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry." This is an opportune time for you, as graduates' of the Center's training programs, to discuss how you can participate ·in_ solving pressing problems of land reform and economic instability of our country today. We look upon. you as a source of manpower with technological skills to help solve these problems through maximum utilization and conservation of our natural resources with which our countrv has so fortunately been richly endowed. I extend my warm felicitations and pood wishes for the succ~ss' of your endeavors. the future. I am therefore optimistic that they will continue to provide critical inputs for our country's social transformation on its ~ytti~r~. 1 • In a sense." what we most urgently need at this time are mass education strategies - strategies and methods for unlearning biases, for .relearning human values, and learning new. technologies - to' enable our people' to make full-use of our newly-restored democratic institutions. Yea;s from now, I expect to recognize the face on this first College of Education yearbook among the leaders not only of the Phili~pine educational system but of the whole country. ISgdJ JOSE V. ABU EVA President ISgd.) JOSE V. ABU EVA Pres;dent I am delighted to extend my greetings to the School of Nursing Alumni Association on your homecoming this June. I have heard of your role in helping promote the primary he'alth care program in various parts of ·the country and I· commend vou for it. I have long. been concerned with this. priority on health care delivery since it makes the community aware of its resporistbilities in maintaining its health, instead of relying on hospitals and medication that are usually beyond the reach of many families. With your continued service, it should be possible-sometime in the future to develop a self-reliant .program on hea lth in various communities' around the country; I 'understand that you are extending assistance to the traditional . healers in the rural areas-the hUots and berbotertos. In having gone ail the way to the grassroots sector of our society, you have demonstrated not only your technical skills but also a social conscience that we at the University are proud d. Please carryon with your unselfish service in the interest" of a healthy nation. ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA President - In taking the 'initiative to break with tradition and come out ".with a college vearbock, the 1990 College of Education graduates have shown a sense of initiative, responsibility and hard work. These are qualities of leadership that the, country need at this time and in Finishing high school is an exciting experience. It is the culrnl- . nation, first of all,' of those late nights devoted to reviewing for the periodic tests and those tong hours at the library to do research for your theme and essays. But there have been other days filled with funend jokes during the class excursions, parties and school festivities. You will cherish ~II these memories covering the joy and pain that .afwavs go with schooling. . Then when you come to the end of this educational stage in your life, your g~.';lduation rites are proclaimed as "comrnencernent," pddtv enough. But it is really a commencement, a beginning for the bigger challenges in life. The University of the Philippines Cebu High School has sharpened your vision to look far int~ the horizon. Your academic status today necessarily brings you to the college level of formal schoolwork where you have to select a specific field for a· future career. By this time. you would have known that pursuing a career path is a great adventure to any young person. Sometimes, there seems to betoo many roads and choose from 8'1d you .ere confused. It. is a real challenge decidinq what you want to become. ~. One ~hing certain is that now-more than any other time in the past, you have an opportunity to go to college because we have instituted at UP a socialized tuition program which will enable you to enjoy free tuition and benefits if you Qualify. 1< hope menvot you will decide to continue your studies at UP Cebu College, if not on the other U~ campus. My warmest congratulations to you on your qraduation. Remember you are the leaders of the future in our country. (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA President e :"l o " N . " ". ~ ~ • > -e ~ """ 0: "..,. '" <.0 0 51 I I <. r .. .' The typeface in this journal is Univers medium, setin two-pcint leads at the U.P..Printery The printing in offset litho9'~phy is by the Uni..nity of thePhilil>plne. PrinterY 52 ,-.._----- 1>15. RETURN TO OStT .~v . RECORDS i .J I WORST urr: 08U. UN·\). RE~lIpr IF HIE NUt.. G4 ~a,J'Iii. :- . r. ,~ . . . . ~ ~ . CONTENTS ' ' ' . . _ : DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS -' 1032nd Special BOR Meeting, 13 . July 1990 ,59 Request of the College of Medicine Faculty for .59 reconsideration of the Board of Regent's decision of 28 June 1990 on the admission of six students mtheooll.. . 1033rd BOR Meeting. 26 55 " .59 .,.59 .59 July 1990 Admission 'of six students.to the coneaect Medicine 55 1034th BOR Meetin9. 30 August 1990 Apnointrnenta-etc Transfer to permanent status .. " -.'; '.' ,59 55 : 56 Correction regarding the approval of the amendments on the revised rules and regulations governing fraternity arid other school organizations in the 1031st Meeting. : . , .57 UP·Wide Internal faculty exchange program . . . '. . , . '. ,57 Affirmation of an earlier resolution 'of the Board .59 regarding tenure, . • . . . . . . • .. • . • . • . , , .. 57 rant of incentive package for UP 110;10 faculty and staff: .57 Authority for the UPV Chancellor to sign,in behalf of the University the application for a permit to cperatea" shuttle service •. ~ . . . . . • • . • . . . . . .. .. 58 Authority for the UPV Chancellor to charge fares and prescribe a reasonable fare structure • . • . . . . . . " ,58 Request for the UPLB Chancellor for authority to waive or red~ce administrative overhead cost charges imposed on . .reseerch projects ..• " 58 'Authority of the President to revise existing rates of honoraria.. , ., .. , . . . • . . • • . . • . . . • . • . • . . . 58 Admission to the Unlversitv as new freshmen in UP.Diliman - of holders of PEPT Certificates ... ". . . . . , • , • '.' ••. ".58 Curriculum tor UPV High School Cebu and UP\! High , School Iloilo , • , , •.. , , .. , , , , . , ,59 ,60 , .60 ,60 .60 : 58 Affirmative action program for Mindanao •... ~ 58 Authority to undertake repairs of the TRV Sardinella • . . . . . . 58 Confirmation of lonq-terrn occupancy rates for at least sixmonths occupancy at the STYC Dormitory. ".. " , 58 eproqrammlnq of unexpended balances of a total "amount of P 1,019,174, Co,:"puter Center ... " .59 .. 60 , 'I--------.:---~------I Cover Story " The main entrance of the newlv-bullf UP College Baguio library collapsed during the July 16 earthquake. UPCB suffered damages eslimated at P9.5 million. "We will overcome." This was the simple message of President Abueva to the students, faculty and staff of the UPCB where classes resumed September 17 after quake-damaged structures were repaired by Campus Planning, Development and Main· tenance Office. "If people can come through with what you suffered, delermined to carry' on, not only for yourselves but for your' country and people, there is hope fo~ our, nation," Abueva said durinq a short re-orientation program. .. The photograph was taken by Norris Falguera of the UP Information Office. . , • ·c ~ ,.,o 'N " ;:; ~ • '-' ~035th "ri> ~ BOR Meeting, 27 September 1990 ... , " Appointments, extension of appointments, etc. ..... Transfer to permanent statu.s '. . -, .. ' . , ' " ..... On the Cclleqe of Medicine Admission Issue.•... Resolution of the" UP Board of Regents regarding the UP College of Me:cHcine Case.. ' : Redpient of the Prestigious Elmer Best A~ard Auth~rity to modify .iteme. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. " Request of !JPLB to contmoe implementing the .g 61 62 62 62 63 63 ;:; g. ~ .... ~ ~ o 53 vehicle sticker system and colleeti~g the gate pass f~ . . . . . 63 ponfirmation of the President's approval on the request of . Mr. Roman Vietor Gaceta. . .. 63 Establishment of the Salas Professorial Chair iii Public Administration. . . .. , . , . . . .63 Designation 01 two trustees for the UP' Foundation, Inc. .63 Supplemental Budget of P5,OOO,OOO for the estebllshment .63, , ·of a UpLB Research trust fund. .. . . . . . . . . • . . . Supplemental Budget for UP Diliman in the total amount .63 of P13.000.000 . .. ..' Raising the minimum honoraria levels for "orotessonat chairs and tacuttv grants " ~ . .63 Grant of economic amelioration" to ncn-teachlng personnel. .63 Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB.lnstitute of Agrarian Studies and th~ Highland Agriculture and Resources ReSearch and Development Consortium. ." . 63 Memorandum of Agreement among the Marinduque Institute of Science and Technology; UPLB; et at.. "" '.63 Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of AgrarianlReform, Region IV, and UPLB, tl)rough the Agricultural Credit and Cooperatives Institute . . . . Memora.ndum of Agreement between UPLB. through, the College of Agriculture and the College of Economics and Management and the Educationai Development . . . . .. . . . . . . 64 Project lrnplementlnq Task Force. . Memorandum of Agreement between the National ,-I Nutrition Co~ncil and UPLB, through the R~ional Training Programme on Food and Nutrition Planning .'. . . .. . , ' 64 Memorandum of Agreement between UP vtsavas and ·. ·. "\ the Uni~ersity of San Carlos . .64 Letter. of ,Agreemer.~ between the Institute of, Human Nutrition and Food of the College of Human E~logy, UPLB through the UPLB Foundation, Inc. and the UPV Foundation : .' . · .. 64 Memorandum of Agreement between the UP College of ~ Engineering and the Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research "and Development.". . .. . . . . . . 64 Contract for janitorial services between UP vtsevas and Aquarius Marketing and Janitorial Services. . ,64 Memorandum of Agreement between DECS-Educationai' Development Project Impiementing Task Force and UP Visayas, College of Fisheries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 64 Supplemental Contract to the principal contract for security services between the University and exBataan Veterans Security Agency,. Inc. .. " .. .. .64 Matters for Information. . . .. " . • . . . .. .. .64 Appointment of Uriiversity Officials. .. . .. . . . ., .64 Other matters. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 64 ...." , , i I "~ ! o ,.,; ;:;i •I '"... "e .0 ::s Z X ~ "e .E! 0 :> 54 1 ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULARS Executive Order No. 09 providing for the rates of honoraria in the University of the Philippines . . . . . . . . . \. 65 / AdministratiVe Order No. 2.6designation as officer-in-charge. Office of the Secretary of the University and the Board of Regents and the Office of the Vice-President for Administration . , . . .. 65 Administrative Order No. 2.6-A extension of designation ~" as offlcer-ln-charqe, Office of the Secretary of the University and of the Board of-Regents and the Office of the Vice-President for Administration. . . . .. .. 66 Administrative Order No. 27 verification of STFAP applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 66 LETTERS To President Alastair M. North of Asian I nstitute of Technology. . . . . . . . .. .. To Secretary Raul S. Manglapus. . , . To Professor Minda Luz Quesada. To Mrs.'Teresa Feria-Nieva. .. .' . . . . ...., . To Dr. Mal Logan. To Secretary Isidro Y. Carino. . . . . . . . . To Governor Javier A. Ariosa of Zamboanga del Sur. To Mr. MaurO G. Martin " ,. To Mr. Jay -Henderson. . .. . . 'To Dean Virgilio"Esguerra of the College of Veterinary Medicine. . . . ~ . To Mayor Benjamin F. Arao of the City of Pagadian . . . To'Ms. Yvette Fernandez. . . . . . . . . . . . . To the faculty, College of Medicine .. To Mr'. Turhan K. Mangun. . . , . To Professor Ulpiano Ignacio, Jr ...• To Professor Jose Ma. de Castro. To Professor Alfredo Juinio, Jr. To Dr, Vicente R. Limcaoco. . . . .. .• To Congressman Carlos M. Padilla To Fr. Virgilio A. Ojov, D.P. . To Professor Elsa P. Jurado To Professor Alan D. Gilbert . To Professor Detlef scnweter .. : . To Engineer Engracio P: de Garcia ., To Mr. Juan G: Frivaldo . ·To Ms. FelicitasHadalc. .. . .. To Congresswoman Charito B. Plaza. To Atty. Januario Azarcon , . . . . . . To Chairman Patricio Sto. Tomas ot the Civil Service Commission. . . , . . . . . . To Dr. Chungwon Choue.. .. . . To Secretary Guillermo N. Careque: . To Solicitor General Francisco I. Chavez. To President Coraion C, Aquino . . . ' To Secretary Alfredo A. Benqzcn. To Chief Justice Marcelo B. Fernan. To Dr. Albert J. Simone"." . . . To Secretary Isidro D. Carino. BOARD OF REGENTS The Honorable Isidro D. Carino, Chairman, Secretary. Department -of Education, Culture and "Sports. The Honorable Jose V. Abueva, President. University of the Philippines _ The Honorable Edgardo J. Angara, Chairman, Senate Committee on Education'. The Honorable Carlos M. Padilla, Chairman." HouSe' Committee on Education .. The Honorable Amante N. Jimenez, Jr. • The Hcnrable Ponciano G.A. Mathay. President, U.P. Alumni Association II The Honorable Cesar A. "Suenaventunt a The Honorable Angeiita T. Reyes _ The Honorable Flerfda Ruth P. Romero. The Honorable Delfin L. Lazaro. The Honorable Primo E. Gonzales. The Honorable Ruben B. Aspires. Dr. EmerJinda R. Roman, Secretary OFFICERS OF THE, ADMINISTRATION Dr. Jose V. Abu ..., President ~ Dr. Gemino H. Abed. -Vfca-Presldent for Academic Affairs. Dr. Emerlinda R; Roman, Vice-President for Admlnlstra> tlon • Dr. Felipe M. Madalla, Vlce-Presldent for Planning and Finance. Dr. Belinda A. Aquino, Vlce-Presldent for Public Affairs • Atty. Melvyn S. Martin, Vlce-Preeident for Development _ Dr: Oscar M. Alfonso, Presidential Assistant • Dr, Emerlinda R. Roman, Secretary . ',: 66 ,66 .67 .67 .67 .". : 67 .66 .68 .68 , .68 · 69 · 69 , · .,69 · 70 · . 70 · 70 · 70 · 71 · 71 · 71 .71 .72 .72 .72 .72 · .,73 .73 . . . · .73 .74 .74 ,.74,' .,75 · .76 .'.76 .'.76 · . 76 Ii ; - .. EDITORIAL STAFF: Dr. Emerlinda R. Roman, Editor. Ramon L. Bobjs, Managing, "Editor. Ana Estels M. Marquez, Editorial Assistant ' DECISIONS OF THE BOARD.OF REGENTS 1032nd Special BOR Meeting; 13 July 1990 Request of the College- of Medicine Faculty far Reconsiderlltion Of Regent's Decision' of 28 June..1 990 on the Admission of Six Students to the College The Board unanimously reaffirmed its earlier decision at its 103151 meeting of June 28,1990 to edmttthe six students to the College of Medicine. The Board decided to direct the Dean and the faculty to allow immediately the students in their classes, with all "the rights and privileges of students in the College. Moreover. the Board else. decided to direct the Dean, the College Secretary and faculty to desist immediately from committing any further acts of obstruction, insubordination and defiance. The Board also authorized the President to do any and all acts necessary to ensure compliance with these directives of the Board. the Board of Pilar E. Marino-appointment as Carlos P, Romulo Professor of English, effective 1-July 1990 until 30 June 1991. Naida U. Rivera-automatic promotion from Assistant Professor V (Sal. Gr. 21) at P89,736 p.e. to Associate Professor II l~al. Gr. 22) at P99,OOO p.a., effective 29 April 1990. Filonila M. Tupaz-appointme.nt as UPFI Professor of English, effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June 1991. Herminia J. Vap-appointment as-MMC OJ Professor of English, effective 1 July 1990 until30 June 1991. Asian Center Masataka Kimura-appointment as Visiting Research Associate, ' effective 1 June 1990 until 31 March 1991: BUsiness Administration. College of Errol 8. Perez-reclassification from Professorial Lecturer III at P142/hour, P296/final exam. to Associate Professor II (Sal. Gr. 22) at P99,OOO p.a., effectIve 1 June 1990 until 31 May 1991. 1033rd BOR Meeting, 26 July 1990 Admission of Six Students to the College of Medicrne The Board took up anew the question of the admission of six, students to the College of Medicine, namely, Maricar Blanche Oeeano, Gabriel Nazarene, Edmund B. Muldong, Salvador ueva, Jr., Atenodoro Ruiz, Jr.. and Maria Bernadette Santos. The discussions, lasting some six hours and occupying most of this meeting, focused On recent important developments since the Board's special meeting on this same matter on July 13, 1990, including' among others (1) the continued non-implementatlon by Dean Marita V.T. Reyes and College Secretary Josephina A. Lazaro and some faculty of the College of Medicine, of the Board's decision to direct the Dean and the faculty to "allow immediately the students in their .classes"; (2) the promulgation of administrative charges against the Dean and the College Secretary for "qravemlsccnduct" and their preventive suspension On July 20 by the President for 90 days pending, the resolution of the administrative case; (3) pertinent developments in the Court of Appeals arid the Regional Trial Court in Manila; (4) the adoption on JuN 20 by the University Council of U.P. ManIla of two resotunons, one on theadrnissions question and the other on the preventive: suspension of the dean and the college secretary; a~ (5) a walk-out of some faculty and students in the college. vma- , (For a copy of the complete set of minutes, please refer to-the lles at the Ottlce of the Secretary of the University.) 1034th BOR Meeting, 30 August 1990 . APPOINTMENTS, REAPPOINTMENTS, ETC. The Board approved the following appointments, reappointments, etc.: . U.P. OILIMAN ArchitectUre, College of Aurelio T. Juguilon-extension of appointment beyond the compulsory retirement 'age of a; as Professor IX- (Sal. er.: 28), effective 15 October 1990 unti,1 14 October 1991. Arts and Letters, COllege of Pedro R. Abraham. Jr.-appOintment as Onofre O. Corpuz OJ Assistant Professor of Arts Studies, effectiVe 1 July 1990 until 30 June 199,. ,Gerald Thomas Bumi-rene'Nal of appointment as Visiting Professor, effective 1 June 1990 until 31 ~ay 1991.. Adetaida -F. Lucero-automatic promotion from Assistant Professor III (Sal. Gr. 19) at P74,388 p.a. to Associate Professor I (Sal. Gr. 22) at P99.000 p.a., effective 29 April 1990- Economics, College of Onofre, D. Corpuz-appointment as Sultan Kudarat Professor of Economic Histoty... effective 1 -August 1990 until co-termlncus with appo intment as facu Ity, KatsUmi Nozama-appointment as Visiting Research Associate, effective 1 Apri119~0 until 31 March 1991. Education, College of _ Aniceta M. Ortinero-transfer to another- unit from CAS, Manila to College of" Education, Diliman"'as Associate Professor III (Sal. Gr.' 23), effective 1 June 1990. Aurapan Pornsima-appointment as Visiting Lecturer, effective 15 June 1990 until 31 March 1991. Marie Rosborough-appointment as Visiting Lecturer, effective 11 June 1990 until 30 June 1991. Engineering, College of Efren F. Abaya-renewal and change of professorial chair assignment end' increase in honorarium from UPERDFI Assistant Professor of Communications System at P18.000 p.a. to J.J. Vergara Associate Professor of CommuniCations System at P30.000 p.a., effective 1 June 1990 until 31 May 1991. Angel A. Alejandrino-reneNal and change of professorial chair assignment and increase in honorarium from NWRC Professor o! Water Control Management at P30.000 p.e., effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June 1991. Jose C. Aranet8-reneNal of additional assignment with increase in honorarium as HRCC Associate Professor of Energy from P18,OOO to 'P30,OOO p.a .• effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June 1991. Miguel T. Escoto-renEMIal of additional assignment with ln,I~ crease in honorarium as Meralco. Assistant Professor of Electrical" Engineering from P18POO to p30,oo6 p.a., effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June 1991, ~ Ferdinand A. P8cs0n-renewal of additional assignment with increase in honorarium CIS Cezar Nuguid Assistant Professor of Mecha· .' nical Engineering from P18,OOO to P30,OOO p.a., effective 1 July i '1990 untf 30-""'une 1991. Nestor O. Ra"eses-renewal of additional assignment with In~ crease in h~norarium as Alejandro M.elchor, Sr. Associate Professor t'n of Systems Engineering from P18,OOO to P30POO p.a. effective 1 )uly 1990 until 30 June 1991. Fl1Incisco L. Viray-renewal of additional assignment with In, 3a: crease in honorarium as NPC Professor of Power I from P18.000 , to P30,OOO p.a .• effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June 1991. <D <D :-c .. o "... •" " .g ... ," ""... 0 55 Islamic Studies, Institute of fessor III (Sal. Gr. 19) at P74,388 p.a. to Associate Professor I (Sal. Gr. 221 at P99.000 p.a .• effective 21 July 1990. . Law. College of . Richard- Claude-appointment as Visiting Professor, effective" October 1990 until 28 February 1991. Military Science and Tactics, Department of ~esus M. Dachm-appointment as Commandant and Department Head, effective 16 May 1990 until recalled by the AFP. Music, College of Julius Severin-appointment as Visij:ing Professor, effective 1 July 1990 until 31 August 1990. Science. College of Adoracion T. Aranez-renewal and - sor of Management, effective 1 June 1990 until 31 Mav 1991, Mashur B. Jundam-automatic promotion from Assistant Pro- change of professonal chair assignment and increase in honorarium from PNQC OJ Professor of Biology at P12,OOO p.a. to MMC OJ Professor of Biology at' P24.000 p.a., effective"! January 1990 until 31 December 1990. . Samuel D. Bern'ai-appointment as Visiting Professor, effective 1 March 1990 until 28 February 1991. Virginia S. Carino-renewal and change of professorial chair assignment and increase in honorarium from Ralph Nubia Professor of ZooJogy at P12,OOO p.a. to PNOC Jose Halili Co. Professor of Biology at P24,OOO p.a., effective 1 January 1990 until 31. Deeem-· ber 1990. - ' • Social Sciences and Philosophy, College of ,Denys Lcmberd-cappointment "as Visiting Professor, effective 1 September 1990 until ,30 September 1990. - .U.P. LOS BI'.NOS Agriculture, College of John Michael Bonman-"reappointment as Visiting' Associate Professor, effective 1 June 1990 until 31 May 1991. Eduvigis ~. Pentaetfcc-ereeppointment as ProfessOr II (Sal. Gr. 26), effective 1S June 1990 until 31 May 1991, Keith L~ Williams-appointment as Visiting Researcher, effective 1 June 1990 until S'lDecernber 1991. I Arts and Sciences, College of Antonio Tadeo Bautista-appointment as Visiting Instructor in Genetics, effective tJune 1990 until 31 March 1991, Cesar·G•.Demayo-appointment' as Visiting Instructor in Genetics, effective 1 June 1990 until 31 March 1991. Rebecca J. Nelson-appointment as.Visiting Assistant Professor of Genetics, effective 1 June 1990 until 31 May 1991. Arnold S. Parco-appointment as Visiting Instructor in Genetics, effective 1 June 1990 until 31 March. 1991. Scott R. Templeton-appointment as Visiting Researcher, effective 1 June 1990 until 31 December 1991. 56 Economics and Management, College of Severino B. Vergara-reappoin.tment as v isiting Assistant Protes- . veterinary Medicine, College of Grace D. De Ocampo-appointment 3S Dr. Stewart H. Parker-Dr. Jose A. Solis Assistant Professor of vetertnary Anatomy, effective 1 July 1990 until·30 June 1991. . U.P.MANILA Arts and Sciences, College of Marilou G. Nicolas-appointment as RS Benedicto OJ Assistant Professor of Chemlstrv, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1991. U.P; VI5A'tAS Fish'aries, College of Enrico P. Villoso-auto"matic promotion from 'Assistant.Professor III at P74,3S8 p.e., to Associate Professor I of Marine Fisheries at P99,OOO p.a., effectiveB January 1990. . Enrico P. Villoso-salary increase [transfer incentive] from Associate Professor I ISal. Gr. 22) at P99,000 p.a. to Associate Professor -IV (Sal. 241 at P121 ,620 p.a., effective ~ January 1990. c-: TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS' or Clinton s. Dewes-eppctntmsnt as Visiting Professor, effective 5 August 1990 until 20 August 1990. Daniel 'A. lagunzad-automatic promotion from Assistant Professor.1 II (Sal. Gr. 191 at P74,388 p.a. to AssoclateProfessor f (Sal. Qr. 22) at P99,OOO p.a.. effective 1 May 1990. Glorina N. Pocsidio-renewal ~nd change .of professorial chair assignment and increase in honorarium from OJ Associate Professor otZooloqy at P12,GOO p.a. to PNO.c·PNB OJ Associate Professor of Zoology at. P24,OOO p.a., effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990. Gavi~o C. Trona, Jr.-renevval and charme of professorial chair assignment and increase in honorarium from PN B OJ Professor 'of Marine Science at P12,OOO o.e. to MMC Ralph Nubia Professor of . Marine Science at P24,OOO p.a., effective 1 January 1990 until 31 December 1990, . . . . U.P.OILIMAN Architecture, College 'of Manuel R. Aleta-as Instructor IV (Sal. Gr. 17). effective 1 June 1990. / Business Admhlistration, College of Sylvia 8. Concepcion-as Assistant Professor III (Sal. Gr ' 19), effective 1 June 1990. . Nelson H. Salita-as, Assistant Professor III (Sal, Gr. 191,'effect· ive 1 June 1900. Education. College of Ligaya S. De Guzman-as Assistant Professor III {Sal. Gr. 19t, effective 1 June 1990. I Barbara W. Fernc:ndez-as Assistant Professor I (Sal. Gr. -18), effective 1- June 1990. Engineering, College of Arnulfo D. De Castro-as Assistant Professor 111 of Electrical Engineering (Sal. Gr. 19), effective 1 June 1990. ~ Epifanio'D. Lopez-as Assistant Professor I of Photogrammetr (Sal. Gr. 181.:effeetive 1 June 1990. Jose F. Mortero-as Assistant Professor IV (Sal. Gr. 20), effective 1 June 1990. 4 Mass Communication, College of Ellen J. paglinauan-as Asslstent Professor 11 (Sal. ·Gr. 19),· effective 1 June 1990.' • Elena E. Pernia-as Assistant Professor I (Sal. Gr. lS), effective 1 June 1990, Seiehee, College of Edgar ~. Escultura-as Associate Professor V of Mathematics (Science and Society) (Sal. Gr. 25), effective 1 June 1990. Liana T. 'McManus-as Assistant Professor V (Sal. Gr. 21)"ef-' fective 1 June 1990. , . .Manuela Fe H. 'rerrcla-es Associate Professor"J (Sal. Gr. 22), effective 1 June 1990. Irene .M. Villasenor-as. Assistant Professor III (Sal. Gr. 19), effective 1 June 1990,. ~cial Sciences and Philosophy, College of Agerico M: De Villa-as Instructor III (Sal. Gr. '15), effective 1 June 1990. Luciano B. Mariano-as Instructor IV (Sal. Gr. 16), effective 1 June 1990. Roberto O. T:angco-as Instructor VI ISal. Gr. 17), effective 1 June 1990. -, Social Work and Community Development;Coflege of Vilma N. Nafarette-as Assistant Professor I· (Sal. Gr. 18), effective 1 June 1990, , U.P. LOS BANOS Arts and Sciences, College of Nic:omedes 0, Briones-as Assistant Professor iN (Sal. Gr ..191, effective 25 June 1990. Economics and Management, College of Zenaida M. Sumalde-as Assistant Professor III tsst.. Gr. 19), "l effective 8 August 1990. 2. Preliminary screening shall be done by the faculty member's home unit. Those who are included in the pool should be among the best in our teaching staff .: 3. The assignment to another c.u. shall cover-a minimum of one semester to a maximum of two years teaching. 4. Departments interested in hosting a visiting professor may apply to a University-wide committee consisting of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs as chairman and Vice-Chancellors for Academic Affairs as members. 5. The host university shall provide the exchange faculty member the following: . . a, a salary appropriate to his rank in his home unit; b. housing allowance of P3,OOO,OO per month; c. 'round-trip plane ticket .per semester; d. semestral baggage allowance (P500,OO); e. an onentation/familtarizaticnbrtefinq: f. access to, or procurement of, necessary instructional rnaterials/alds. g. a semestral report to the home unit of the visiting professor. Forestry, College of Myrna C. Gregorio-as Assistant Professor III. of Forest Re· sources tSal. Gr. 19), effective 26 July 1990. On page 8 ~o. 2.4, on' the Amendments on the Revised Rules and Regulations Governing FraternitY and other student OrganizationsRelated Incidents.•• ~ The Board corrected' its approval of the amendments, in effect withdrawing, its 'action of 'approval so that the University Council UP Oiliman can first consider them pursuant te Section 9 of the University Charter. of UP-Wide IntemalFaeulty Exchange Program' The Board approved the UP-Wide Internal Faculty' Exchange Program: C9ncept A faculty member may teach in a constituent university [c.u.l other than his/her own. Such service shal! be considered as service also to his mother unit. Ra.tionale 1. All four constituent. universities .cuqht to grow and develop as one integral system. Resources therefore should be shared, e~pe dally faculty expertise. 2. It should be the duty of older or more developed departments to help build .up their 'counterparts in other c.u "s. not to. enforce uniformity but to achieve equivalence in the quality of instruction and research. 3. If the entire university is to become a real community ·of scholars, there should be constant intellectual interaction among faculty members across the C.U. '5. This interaction will' foster collegiality among faculty members and reinforce the integral unity of the entire University. 4. Avisiting faculty member can stimulate thinking and dlscusslon In the host unit; at ·the same time, his exposure to a different milieu will help him refine his own ideas, and even bring about renewal in his own home unit. Teaching in another environment often enriches one's perspective, and encourages one to test a variety of teaching styles. The refreshing break from the monotony of "home routine'.' may also diff~se parochialism and factional quarrels, and imbue faculty members with a renewed sense of their academic mission. _ A researctt-onented faculty merr.!:,~r l'l1ay also have an opportunity to conduct studies in other parts of the country. Implementing ~uidelines 1. A regular faculty member who has rauqht for at I,east twO years in a constituent unwersttv may apply for inclusion in an inter- nal faculty exchange pool. on his teaching performance, 6. The mother unit shall: a. assume the responsibility of finding a substitute instructor; b. consider the exchange faculty member's service in another c.u. as part of his service in his home unit. In fact, after one year of service, riot necessarily continuous, in the other c.u., 'the faculty member may be given a one-step salary increase depending on the report from his host unit -on his teaching performance. Note that the salary step promotion may be effected. only if his teaching performance is excellent, as reported', and only if such step promotion does not cross academic ranks; e.g. not from I nstructor to Assistant Professor, or from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor. If . there should. be-a crossing of academic .ranks, there should also be a COncurrence by the Academic Personnel Committee "of the faculty member's home unit; without such' concurrence, there shall be, in lieu of the salary step promotion, an incentive allowance of P3,OOO/month of service.. c. As' incentive to the home unit of the faculty exchange member. the amqunt of P30,OOO per year shall be added to the budget of the home unit. Affirmation of an earlier resolution of the Board regarding Tenure The'Board affirmed its earlier resolution of the Board of Regents at its 1018th 'meeting on January 30, 1989 regarding tenure, particularly the followlnq: "In regard to the amendment of faculty tenure rules approved by the Board at its 1017th meeting held "on December 8, 1988, the Board clarified that in the grant of tenure the College may, with the approval of its faculty. adopt higher standards or tequlrements. The clarification was given in light of the decisions of some units, including the College of Science. to adopt higher requirements in the grant of tenure." Note: The,above is in connection with the request of. the College of Science for exemption from the new tenure rules, particularly Article 177 of the Revised University ?~e. Grant of Incentive package for UP Iloilo Faculty and Staff The Board approved the grant of lncentlve Package for UP Iloilo faculty and staff transferrinq from the Iloilo City Campus to the Miag--ao Campus: a. Transfer incentive pay equivalent to 20% of the current basic salary effective on the date of actual transfer: PROVIDED, 1. the incentive pay shall be for a period of not. more than . three (31 years; 2. the lncentfve pay shall not be less than P300.00 nor more than Pl ,000.00 per person per month; 3. the incentive pay shall' not be treated as part of basic salary for purposes of computing retirement pay, acrossthe-board salary increases, veer-end-bonus, and other similar benefits; 57 4. the incentive pay shall automatically cease to be enjoyed on the date tlie employee is granted on-cempus (Miag-ao) staff ho.using,' ... ", Curriculum for UPVHigh School Cebu and UPV High School 110110 The Board approved the curriculum for UPV High School Cebu and UPV High School Iloilo. b. Free use of Shuttle Service from Iloilo to Mlag·ao and viceversa for three (3) years effective on the date of actual. transfer. Affirmative Action Program for Mindanao The Board approved in principle the Affirmative Action Program for Mindanao: The Board appr;ov8d the eddltlonel crovmon to the transfer Incentive Scheme for the College 0.1 Fisheries faculty and staff who will transfer to Miag-ao. particularly on salary increase. approved by the Board of Regents at its 997th meefing on March 24, 1987 which reads as follows: Objectives 1. To increase the number of students from Mindanao enrolled in' the U njversltv of the Philippines. 2. To provide .asslstance to those students in terms of financial support and special psychosocial and learning assistance pro- "tBecurrent "a. A J.:step salary increase without promotion in rank. "b.A 2-step ~Iary increase for those who transferred earlier to the Brackishwater Aquseultore Center from the College of Fisheries in Diliman:' grams to help them .during their adjustment period in the Unlversity . The additional provision shall be: ."Provided that in cases where the faculty member, staff or employee is already in the maximum salary step or beyond the maximum salary step of his current rank, he/she shall receive a transition allowance equivalent to 15% of salary." Authority for the UPV Chancellor to sign in behalf of the University 'the application for a permi1 to operate a shuttl~ service The, Board approved the authority for the UPV Chancellor to sign in behalf of the University the application for a permit to operate a shuttle .servtce (school bus). to be filed with the Land Transpcrtatlon Regulatory and FranchlsinqBcard (LTRFBl, Authority for the UPV Chancellor to charge fares and prescribe a reasonable fare structure for the Shuttle Service The Board approved the authority for the UPV Chancellor to charge fares and prescribe a reasonable fare-structure for the shuttle service sufficient to augment the meager' funds necessary to meer the maintenance requirements of the shuttle tleet. Such fare structure as may be prescribed by the UPV Chancellor pursuant to BOR's authority shall have the following features: . a. For faculty and staff-FREE for three (3) years effective on date of actual tran~r; after three (3) years, 15% discount off the regular fare. b. For students-30% discount off the regular hire . " ~ ",., ,,: Request for the UPLB Chancellor for Authority to waive or reduce Administrative Overhead -Cost Charges imposed on Resean:h Projects The Board approved the request for the UPLB Chancellor f_or authority to waive or reduce Administrative Overhead Cost Charges imposed on research projects with' total budgets not exceeding P125,OOO, ,"' ,I ~I ;:J • '"b e ::s Z - :< :< "S ::s ~ 58, Authority of the President to revise Existing Rates of Honcrarla, to , formulate new rules on the grant of honoraria and to delegate to Chancellors, Vice-Presidents ·and V ice-Chancellors, the authority to approve grants of honoraria in the University The Board approved and confirmed the euthorttv of the President to revise existing rates of honoraria, to formulate new rules on the grant of honoraria and ta,delegate· to chancellors, vice-presidents and vice-chancellors the authority to approve grants of honoraria in the University in accordance with the rules and rates as may be prescribed by the President. Admission to the University as NeW Freshmen in UP Omman of holders of Philippirie Educational Placement Test (PEPTI Certificates The Board approved the admission to the University as new . freshmen in UP Dlttman of holders of Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) Certificates in lieu of high school grad,:,&- I )iori provided they pass the UPCAT and the NCEE. Components of the Program ;< 1. Active Recruitment of Students: Twelve teams of fac,ulty men-. bers will visit schools In Mindanao to meet with 4th year high school students and inform them about the special programs in UP ~ch as STFAP, waiver of UPCAT fees for deserving students, scholarship programs, etc. Priority will be given to the top ten (10) students in both public and private schools although anyone who is interested will be welcome to participate in the discussions. The visit is scheduled for 2;3-24 July 1990 in time for the deadline for UPCAT application for next school year. A list of . interested faculty members and places-to be, visited tlave been prepared (A·nnexes A and 'B); Two faculty members will be. available for each of the 12· centers. The proposed budget is P250,OOO (AnnexCI. 2. Schofarshlp Prbgra!" This component of the program is meant for those Mindanao students who Qualify under the usual STFAP guidelines. They will be given the foil owing benefits: school fees b. book allowance c. living allowance d. transportation e. dormitory privileges 8. full P500/semester PI,OOO/month round trip ticket actual cost 3. Psychosocial. Assistance Programs _ The first yea.r w.ill be spent in UP Visayas wherespecial psychosocial and learning assistance programs will be implemented, For this purpose, UP vlsavas wilt.need assistance from UP Oiliman in terms of faculty especially those with experience in the XOS program . Authority to undertake repairs of the TRV SARDINElLA" the cost of which will emcunt to Pl,172,200 The Board approved the request for authority to undertake repairs of the TRV SARDINELLA, the cost of which will amount to P1, 172,200. This amount is currently available in the budget of the TRV SARDINELLA. Confirmation of Long-Term Occupancy Rates for at least six .months occupancy at the Science Teachers Training Centilr (STTCI Dormitory The Board 'confirmed with the correction from P2,250 to P2,500, for double occupancy in 33 1/3 discount per person per month applicable to UP students, the Lcnq-Term Occupancy R.rt9S. with discount of 33 1/3% and 20% for UP students and other long-term residents, respectively. for at least six (6) months' occupancy at the Science Teachers Training Center (STTC) Dormitory. as follows: -, UP Students Regula, 33 1/3% Discount Monthly Rm. Raie/ Per PerRate Month sonlMo. Others 20% Discount Rm. Rate/PerPerMonth sonlMo. ---------------------------------------Single occupancy P4.5oo P3.OO0 P3.0OO P3.6OO P3,600 Double occupancy 7,500 5,000 2,500 6,000 3,000 9,000 6,000 2,000 7,200 2,400 Tr-jple occupancy -------------------------~~------------- Reprogramming of Unexpended Balances of a total amount of P1.Q19,174, Computer Center The Board approved the reprogramming of unexpended balances of 05·03518-88 in the amount of 1'566,323 and 05-03979-88 in the arncunt of P452,851 or a total of P1.o19,174 for the following purposes: P 606,466 412,706 Pl,019,174 for the ~urchase of eleven display terminals and one dot band printer for the purchase of IBM'Workstations - .Total tv, out of a dcnatroncf P24,OOO a year for a guaranteed period of five {51years from the Faustino family. The Board approved the changing of the Jesus J. Vergara Professorial Chair i~~Power Systems Engineering to Jesus J. Vergara Professorial Chair i~ Communications System. .' . UP Oblation SCholar>hip . The Board approved provided that' the students will not get lower benefits tha'n if it is done under the STFAP, the UP Obfaticn Scholarship that will be granted to the top 50 students in the UPCAT, effective first semester, 1991-1992 with the following benefits: ~, a. Free tuition/otherschool fees PS,OOO to P15,OOO/year (ex. cept student fund fees) b. Semestrsl book subsidy P500.00 c. Additional benefits (e.g., monthly living allowance) may be given depending on financial need, up to a maximum of Pl,OOOlmonth Duration: Normal lengt~ of time for the degree course program chosen (computed from time of first enrollment in UP) Establishment of the John NelsOn R. Divinagracia Memorial 'Scholar· 'ship The Board approved the establishment of the' John Nelson R. Divlnaqrecle Memorial Scholarship out of a donation (seed money) of P150,OOO frdrrHtle family at Atty. Santiago C. Divinagracia. Supplemental Budget of .P2.5 Million for Drugs and Medicines of PGH The Board approved with the suggestion that verification be made as to whether this is consistent with the purposes for which the revolving fund was created, the supplemental budget of P2.5 million to be .drawn trom interest earnings of the Revolving Fund . for drugs and medicine for the following purposes: a. P2 million to buy urgently .needed basic medical and office equipment related to patient case; b" P.5 mllllcn'for continuation of Hepatitis 8 immunization program for PGH employees exposed to lob-related risk of Hepatitis 8 infection. _ Price Escalation Claim of C.P. GUinto Constructi~n and Development CorporatiGn in the'arnount'of P1.134.086.70. The Board approved the price escalation claim of C.P. Guinto Construction and Development Corporation in" the amount of P1,734,086.70 on the oonstruction of the College of 8usinessAdministration and the Center for Management Studies Building. Reprogramming of P1,317 ,470 Representing Savings in Accounts Payable CV 1988 and CV 1989 ~ The Board approved the reprogrammi.ng of P1,317 ,470 representing savings "in accounts' payable in CY 1988 ~i1d CY 1989. of the ASSPFAPS Project of the.' Institute of. P-1ant Breedinq, U,P. Los Banos. in Purchase of some equipments chargeable against the UP Trust Equipment Fund with the UP Foundation The Board approved the purchase of the following equlprnents, chargeable. against the UP Trust Equipment Fund with the UP Foundation: ! P600,ooO P700,Ooo . - Mobile Generator for the office _of the University Registrar, Computer Center. etc. - Supplementary funding for the purchase of IBM Workstations, UP Computer Center Appeal of Imelda Villaluz The ~oard agreed that it was not necessary for them to act on the appeal conside.ring that the case filed by ~iss Villaluz in the Court of Appeals hed been submitted for decision. The Faculty Regent, will be requested to report on the matter at the next meeting of the Board, particularly as regards the question of why Miss vuteluz is not being recommended for tenure or renewal while having been recommended by the Department of Anthropology for promotion. Appeal of Elizabeth L. Cia. The Board approved the recommendation of the Administrative Disciplinarv: Tribunal to -reprirnand Prof, Elizabeth Diaz for discourtesy. Memorandum of Agreement between the University and the De La salle University The Board confir1J1ed the Memorandum of Agreement between the University and the De La Salle University on the establishment of a faculty exchange program in education on the graduate level. Lette"r Agreement i:J,etween the University and ATS Technologies, 1·00•. The Board confirmed the Letter Agreement between the University and ATS Technologies, Inc. concerning the participation of state and private. universities and colleges on implementation and development of 'Information Technology Skills Training Program. • Memorandum of Understanding between the Universjty, thro~gh its College of Engineering and the Industrial Technology Development Institute The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Understanding between the University, through its .College of Engineering and the Industrial Technology DeGelopment Institute on mutual assistance in terms of exchange of technical expertise, use of facilities, participation in R&D activities, relevant seminar workshops, and others. Memorandum of . Agreement among' the Department of Agrarian RefOrm, Department of Educatiol:'l Culture and Sports and UP Los ProfessOrial Chain Benes, through the Institute of Agrarian Studies The Board approved the establishment of the Celestino M. Dizon "The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement among Professorial Chair in Geology out of a donation of p?40,OOO endowthe Department of Agrarian .Reform, Department of Education ment fund. Culture and SPOrts UPLB, ·through the Institute of Agrarian The, BoarcL approved the establishment of. the Leopoldo A. Faustino Faculty .Grant in Geology for research-active junior fecul- I " Studies on a joint two-week course on Agrarian Reform for Second- and 59 , ary School Teachers untitled. ~'1990 Summer Institute of Agrarian Reform for Secondary School Teachers". Supplemental Contract 'to the Contract entered into on 2 March 1990 between University and Frontiers Security and Detective th; Ag;mcy Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Agrarian Reform and UPLB~lnstitut8of Agrarian Studies The Board. confinned the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Agrarian Reform and UPLB-Institute of Agrarian Studies on the project entitled "Socio-Political Implications of Agrarian Reform." Memorandum' of Agreem~nt between the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and UP Los 88°95..through the College of Forestry The Board confirmed the Memcraedurn of Agreement between the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and UPLB,' through the College of Forestry regarding the release of the amount of P300,OOO.OO by DENR to UPLB for implementatlon of the project for the 1st quarter of CY 1990 consistent with the prepared work and Financial 'Plan, and to monitor and evaluate progress of project activities: Amendment No.1 to the Memorandum of Agreement between the National Economic 'Development Authorit~ and the UP Engineering Center The Board confirmed the Amendment No. 1 to the Memorandum of Agreement between the National Economic Development Authority and the UP Engineering Center on Project No. 53 entitled, "Development 'of Data, Model & Techniques to Determine Optical Reliability Levels of Electric Power Supply for the Philippines." The amendment provides for a one month extension of the project u.ntil15 October ,1990without additional cost to NEOA. Memorandum of Understanding between the University and the University of H8W'aii The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Understanding between. the University of the Philippines and the University of Hawaii on a cooperation on international programs based on the -p-incipfeof reciprocity. 'Agreement of Cooperation between the Universtty and the Asian Institute of Technology The Board confirmed the Agreement of Cooperation between the University of the Philippines and the Asian Institute of Technology on the establishment of exchange programs beneficial to the respective educational institutions and promotion of the' development 'of joint studies. research, educational, and other training programs of mutual interest. t": "tJ' ".,,; ;:i • '". -s" z" ..Q ~- :>< e .ao ;>- 60 Contract for Security Services between the University of the Philip· 'pines System and the Frontiers Security and Detective Agency The Board confinned the contract for security services between the University of the Philippines System and the Frontiers Security and Detective Agency 'the contract to take effect from March 1., 1990 until December 31.1990. Construction Agreement between the University ~ the Philippines Visayas and Royal International Builders Co., Inc. The Board confirmed, with the correction of the typographical error as regards the amount of the performance and payment bonds which is, correctly. Pl.709.499.83 the construction Agreen:'lent between the' University of the Philippines Visayas and Royal International Builders Cc., Inc. on the construction of the Wet and Dry Laboratory Complex: the Multi-PurjXlse Hatchery Bldg. and Fresh Water Fishpond, approximately 5' HAS, at the UPV Miag-ao Campus, General Construction Agreement between the University of the Philippines Los Banos and Stern Builders The Board confirmed the 'General Construction Asreement between the University of the Philippines Lea Banos andSte-n Builders on the renovation/extension of the existing old Chemistry Building at the College of Arts and SCiences. < The Board confirmed the Supplemental Contract to the Contract entered into on2 March 1990 between the University and Frontiers Security and Detective Agency on the hiring of one add it lonal security guard for the School of Labor and' IndustrielHetations (S9LAIR) Building in the UP Oiliman Campus. PreVentive Maintenance 'Agreem~nt .between the University end 'Advance Business Efftciency Trading The Board confinned the Preventive ·Maintenance Agreement between the University of the Philippines and Advance Business · Efficiency Trading concerning maintenance of typewriters of the different units of UP Diliman. Contracts between the University of the. Philippines Manila al'Kt J. D. Legaspi Corporation The Board confirmed the contracts between the University of the Philippines Manila and J.D. Legaspi Corporation on the construction of the CAMP Building and renovation of the Dissection Room, College of Allied Medical Professions. · Contract for Security Services between the University of the PhiliP-. pines Manila and Aguila Security Agency. hlc. The Board confirmed the Contract for Security Services between the University of the Philippines Manila and Aguila Security Agen- cy, tnc.. General -ccnsereencn Agreement between the University and Equi~ Tri Construction The. Board corifirmoo the General Construction Agreement' between the University and Equi-Tr! Construction for the renov.a:. tlon and repair of the kitchen of the liang-liang Residence Hall. Memorandum of Agreement between the University of the Philip- . -pines System and the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) The Board confirmed with the suggestion that the period of 25 years be reduced to 10, the Memorandum of Agreement between' the University of the Philippines System and the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) wherein the University .allows CCP to occupy an area located at Mt. Makiling forest covering ab~ut13.5 hectares. subjectto certain terms and conditions. Donations/Grants . . The" Board confinned the donation 'from Mr..JohnTio Eng Huy of two (2) bicycles, BMX brand worth·P1,500 each, specifically for 'the Sanitation and Water Utility Section of UPV, Miag-ao. The Board confirmed the donation of the amount of P250,OOO emergency fund for PGH from the Tan Yu family thru Dr. Emilia Bien Bien Hoxas. The Board confirmed the. grant of $18~,OOO (Grant.No. 840· 0860-1') from the Ford Foundation to the School of Economics for the latter's 1nternationa,1 Econom ic Program (I EPI Phase III. Matters from )he University Council The Board approved the lnstltutlon of the follOWing programs: 1. Certificate in Music 2. M.S. in Biochemistry 3. Institution of the Diploma in Librarianahip Program, with different subject speclatlzanons in library and information studies The Board approved the graduation of students for various degrees from the different schools and colleges of the, constituent universities as of the end of Summer, 1990: - 1. UP Oiliman (Additional list) , 2. UP Los Banos 3. UP Visayas r--:;::--::-""-:-~::--:-::--;--::----;--:-;-:"--;--"7'--;;------------------""'" .The Board confirmed the graduation of students for various degreS"s from the different colleges and schools of UP Dillman, asof the end of Summer, 1990 and of UP Manila, B_S of the end of Summer, 1989; the second semester, 1989·1990; Summer, 1989·1990; and Summer 1990, approved by their respective University Councils (by referendum in the 'case of UP Manila). APPOINTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS (Executive Session) A., The Board approved the appointment of the following: 1. Dr. Domingo M. Lantican as Vice-Chancellor fcr'Adrnlnlstration, UPLB, effective 5 August 1990 until 31 March 1991 (E~tension) 2. o-. ~ Ruben L. Villareal as Dean, College of Agdculture, UPLB. effective 1 May 1~90 until 30 April 1993 (ReneV'{an B. The Board confirmed the ad interim appointment of Dr. Hector L. Edrosa as Director, UP Health Service, UP Dillman, effective 1 July 1990 until3,O.~une 1993 (Original Appointmentl . Matters for Information The Board noted the'follow-ing: 1. Open' lrwitatfon from the management .of the AIT Hotel for the Board of Regents' to avail itself, of their newly-renovated restaurant/function room tor a future meeting of "the Board (with hosted lunch/dinner) 2. Resolution of the Board of Regents (1031st meeting held on June 28, 1990) expressing outrage and concern over the murders of UP student Emesto "Cochise" Bernabe II and Anna Lourdes "Beeborn" Castafics and condolences to their families. 3. Resolution of the Fourth Division of the Court of Appeals on the case of Dean Marita V.T. Reyes, et al. (Respondents) requiring the respondents .to file their answer within ten (lOI,days from notice thereof, on the Petition for Prohibition with Preliminerv Injunction. 4. Statement of 'the UP Medicine Student Council (July 6, 1990) regarding the admission controversy in the College of Medicine. 5. Pertinent documents relative to-the administrative case of 'DL Cesar G. Saldana, Dean of the coueae of Business Administration, UP Diliman, as follows; a. Letter of Dean, Saldana to Pres. Jose V. Abueva dated July 19, 1990 b. Letter-response of Pies. Abueva to Dean Saldana dated July 24,1990 6, Donation from the Frledrlch Ebert Stiftung "1:0 the' School of - .Labor and Industrial Relations of the following: a. One copier b. Twelve telephone-type intercom sets c. 'One mixer for the sound system' ~' Court of Appeals finds the order of the, Board of Regents to have been issued in 'the proper exercise of its authority endduty. b. Resolution of th'e Court of Appeals, Special Fourt Djvlsion, dated 23 August 1990, finding no merit in the motion for r-econsideration filed by. the Petitioners and therefore denvinq the same, 10. Communication entitled' "So the .Universltv May Know" from "Professorial Lecturers in the UP College of Law," disowning any participation in, much less .concurrence with, the so-called "Opinion of f14 of their colleagues in .the Law Faculty on the ongoing controversy Inthe UP College of Medicine, , The Board noted the Executive Summary of a paper entitled, "Health on Campus," Committee Report on the UP Health Service and app~oved the President's recommendation to create an Advisory Board. OTHER MATTERS 1. Letters addressed to and noted by the Honorable Chairman and members of the Board of Regents, from faculty Regent Ruben B, Aspires relative \0 the UP Manila College of Medicine'Admieslon Case. ' 2. The Board approved the resolutions of the Board of Regents expressing profound ~rief over the tragic ceatb.es a consequence of the earthquake of July 16, 1990, of Mrs. 'Alice S. Laya, wife of Dr. Jaime C. Leva, 'fermer chairman of the Board: Miss Jocelyn Aquino, Executive Assistant at the Small Enterprises Research Development Foundation (SERDEFh'lihich assists the Institute for Small-Scale Industries, UP Diliman; and Mr. Roberto Uwanag, student of UP, and extending to all the members of their respective families the Board's deepest sympathy on their bereavement. 1035th BOR Meeting, 27 September 1990 APPOINTMENTS, EXTENSION OF APPOINTMENTS, ETC, . The Board approved the following appointments, extension of appointments, etc.: U.P. SYSTEM Raul C. Pangalangan-appointment as University General Counsel, effective 15 September 1990 until 14 September 1991. U.P.OILIMAN Amelia P. Guevarra-appointment as University "effective 1 November 1990 until 31 October 1993. Registrar, ~ The 39th class of the Workers Institute on Labor Lew (WILL) donated the intercom cables and wires. 7. Donation from the F-rench Embassy to UP Col'eqe Baguio of the following: one second-hand 16 mm. film projector and fifty . assorted 16rr!m films. 8. Donation from the UP Management Association (UPCB) to the UP College Baguio'Manageme~t Sciences Division of thirty (30) narra upholstered chairs. 9. Pertinent documents cncese No. CA-GA.SP. No. 22136 filed by Dean Marita V.T. Reyes, et al. (Petitioners) \IS. the Board. of Regents of the University ofthe Philippines, et al. (Respo"ndents) on the admission of Maricar Blanche Decano et al. (lntervernorsl . to the'UP Manila College of Medicine a. Decision of the Court-of Appeals, Special Fourth Dlvlsion, dated 14 August 1990 denying the petition "to enjoin the enforcement of the order of the Board of Regents" as regards the admission .cf Decenc et a1. The Arts and letters, 'College of Lourdes C. Brillantes-appointment as Eusebio H. Tanco Assistant Professor of Spanish, effective 1 July" 1990 until 30 June 1991. Reynaldo D. Coronel, Jr.-appointment as Catedra Fit-Hispanica Assistant Professor of Spanish "Lenquaqe and Civilization, effective 1 July 1990 until 31 o"ecember 1990. . Jesus F. Ramos-appointment as Santiago Fonacier Assistant Professor of Flllplno.effecttve 1 July '1990 until 30 June 1991. Ofelia J. Silapan-appointment as CASAA Assistant Professor of Filipino, effe~ive 1 July 1990-untiI3~June 1991. 'Home Econom jcs, Colleg! of . Salome p, Dominguez-appointment as Associate Professor III (part-time), (Sal. Gr. 23), effective 1 June 1990 until 31 May 1991. U.P. Extension Program in San Fernando Pam~ng3 Romeo C. ,omacruz-extension of appointment "beyond the compulsory retirem~nt age of..65 as Professor II of Business Management, effective 24 September 1990 until 'is October 1990. 61 U.P. LOS BAliIos Agricukure. College of Teodoro C. Mendoza-appointment as Felix D. Maramba, Sr. Asslstant Professor. of Agro~lndustrial Fanning System. effective 1 July.1990 until 30 June 1991. The Board approved the transfer to permanent status of the follOVlJing: Economics and MSna9ement, Collegeof Law. College Of . Pacifico A. Agabin-as Professor IV (Sal. Gr.. 27), effective September 1990, Louie A. Divinagrecia-appointment es SG Assistant ProfessOr of Agribusiness, effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June .1991. • ..... ~ ~ o =-: ;:i ..•.. . e<'l; E' z'" .... ~ ~ ... E .a0 > 62 <II U.P. DILlMAN U.P.MANILA U.P. LOS BANOS· Allied Medical Profession. College of Policarpia M. Magpili-reappointment as Assoiciate Professor I [part-tlmel , ISaI. Gr. 221•.effeetive 1 June 1990 until 31 Moy·I991. Agricu tture.College Of Luis Rey I, Velasco-as Assistant Professor III of Entomology ISol. dr. 191. effective 1 July 1990. Health Sciences, Institute of Angeles F.OcaA8Tappointment as Francisco J. NicolasAssociate ' Professor of Rural Medicine, effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June 1991. . On the College of Medicine Admission Issue The Board confirmed its decision to order the College of Medi· cine faculty' to return to their classes. Following is a ccpv of the Resolution: Philippine General Hospital ~ Terese F. Bernabe-appointment as Assistant Director for Planning and Development, effective 4 August 1990 until 3 August 1991. • TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS RESOLUTION OF THE U,P. BOARD OF REGENTS ORDERING ALL MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY. U.P. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. TO RETURN TO THEIR CLASSES . WHEREAS, On June 28, 1990, the Board of Regents ordered on legal grounds as well as for reasons of justice and equity, the admisU.P. VISAYAS sion to the fourth year of the CoUegeof Medicine of the following students: (1) Maricar Blanche Decano; (2) Gabriel Nazareno; Arts and Selene... College of (3) Edmund 8. Muktong; 141 Salvador Villanueva, Jr.: ·(51 AtenoFelisite 'S. B,lancaflor-appointment as EP Estampador Associate doro Ruiz, Jr.: and (6) Maria Bernadette Santos. Professor of Zoology. effective 1 August 1990 until 31 July 1991. WHEREAS, the six students had passed their first three years in Elnora· A. C8balfin-appointrnent as Dr. Prospera A. "F.iores the College; , Associate Professor of Chemistry. effective 1 "A"ugust -1990 until 31 WHEREAS, on July 13, the Board unanimously affirmed its July 1991. Diana Edna G. Corda-appointment as UPVF I As~ciate Profes- . Order of June 28; WHEREAS, some faculty had not been meeting their classes in sor of Biol~gical Science. effective', August "1990 until 31 July defiance of the Board's Order issued June 28 as well as a similar 1991. Order issued June 27 by Judge Ruben Reyes of the Manila Regional - Henry F. Funtecha-appointment as Franklin nrucn Assistant Trial ·Court, and Dean M,arita V:T. Reyes with those faculty memProf,essor of History. effective 1 Augu"tt-1990 until 31 July 1991. bers continued to defy the Board's order; Alicia P. Magos-appointment as OJ Assistant Professor of AnWHEREAS; on the petition of Dean Marita V,T. Reyes etal. to thropology,effective 1 August 1~O llntil31 July 1991. restrain the 'Board, from enforcing its Order; the Cout of Appeals on August 14 Ruled against the petitioners, asserting that the Order Fishe'ies. Collega of . was a proper exercise of the Board's authority and duty, denying Carlos O. Baylon-appointment as' UCPB OJ Associate Professor the petitioners' allegations that: 1) the Board's Order is violative of of Inland Fisheries, effective 1 August 1990 until 31 July 1991. the Charter of the University; 2) the Order was issued "in violation of Amulfo N. Marasigan-appointment as DJ Assistant Professor of ' academic freedom: and 3) there was grave abuse of discretion by the Aquaculture, effeetfvet August 1990 until 31 July 1991. ~ , Board in ordering the admission of the six students; 'llanO' M. Santos-appointment as OJ Professor of Fish ProcesWHEREAS, on August 23, the Court' of Appeals found rio merit sing Technology, effective 1 August· 1990 until 31 July 1991. ' in the motion for reconsideration filed by Deen Reves et aLand resolved to deny the same, thereby in effect affirming' its decision U.P. College cabu of August 14; Helen V. 'Banez~appointment as' OJ Assistant Professor of WHEREAS, the more jhan six weeks at' thefaculty strike have 'English, effective 1 August 1990 until 31 Juiy 1991. done almost irreparable damage to all the students in the College of Filoteo V,'Delfin-appo'intment as Ramon Durano Assistant ProMedicine; ~ fessor of Urban Planryin'g, effective 1 August 1990 until 31 July· WHEREAS, various efforts by the University administration to 19~. . resolve the controversy and persuade the faculty to resume classes , Feliss U. Etemadi-appointment as Agustin Y. Klntanar Assisthave failed. , ant Professor of Asian Studies, effective 31 July 1990 until 31 July WHEREAS; concerned medical students and their parents have 1991. expressed distress over the continuing disruption of classes at nearly 'all levels in the College of Medicine;, U.P. Coli. Tacloban . WHEREAS, the striking faculty have continued to defy UniverAntonl~ A. Abllar-appointment as UPVF I Assistan; Profes~or sity authorities and the courts; of Public, ManagelT!ent, effective 1 August 1990 until 31 July 1991: WHEREAS, the. Board stressed the obligation of the medical faculty as teachers and as civil servants to perform their duty to Development Management, School of their students and to' the. University, a tax-supported institution; Serena M. Luntao-appointment as JM Cacho Assistant Professor WHEREAS, the Board underlined the responsibility of the of Entreprenuerial Development, effective 1 August 1990 until 31 faculty and the University to respect the rule of law "and dulyJuly 1991. . , constituted authority; Lorenza B. Padojinog-appointment as OJ A~sociate Professor of WHEREAS, Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular Development Management, effective 1 August 1990 until 31 July No.2, Series of 1985 directs t~e dropping from th~ rolls of such 1991. . recalcitrant employees who fail to resume their official duties within five (5) days from receipt of notice to do so; THEREFORE, the U.P. Board of Regents, during its 1034th meeting held on August 30, 1990.adopted this Resolution ordering all striking faculty to return to their respective ~1~s5es and resume their teaching duties. The Board further resolved that they should do so not later than Thursday, September 6, 1990, or they will be dropped from the faculty rolls. The Board finally, resolved to direct the Chancellor of U.P. Manila and the ~,P. College. of Medi· cine officials to accept all the stri!<ing faculty under the same terms. and 'conditions obtaining before the strike, without prejudice to whatever disciplinary action has already been taken or hereafter may be tak~.n against said faculty by the proper authorities.. CERTIFIED CORRECt: OSCAR M. ALFONSO Officer-ln-Charqe Office of the Secretary of tbeUnlversltv and of the Board of R~ents Recipient of the Prestigious Elmer Best Award _ The President infonned the Board that Regent Primo Gonzales was the recipient of the prestigious Elmer Best .Award from the Pierre Fauchard Academy, an lntematlonal honor dental organization. The award was given in a ceremony held in Singapore on September 9, 1990. The Board congratulated Regent Gonzales. the Rafael M.Salas Foundation, tne. Designation of two trustees for the UP Foundation, Inc., /' The Board designated Heqent-Heben Aspiras'and Regent-Am~nte Jimenez as trustees of the UP Foundation,lnc. Supplemental Budget of P5,OOO,OOO for the esteblishment of e ' . ' , The Board approved the Supplemental Budget of P5,OOO,OOO funcled from interest income for the establishment of a UPLB Re, search Trust Fund. i UPLB Research Trust Fund Supplemental Budget for UP Diliman in the total amount of P13.000,OOO The Board approved the Supplemental Budget for UP Dillman in the total amount of P13,OOO,000 to be funded hom the accumulation of unspent balances of income collections in the Hevclvlnq Fund (Fund 1641. ! Raising the Minimum Honoraria lavels for 'Professorial Chairs and , Faculty Grants · The, Board approved the raising of the honoraria levels for the professorial chairs and faculty grants funded from UP funds managed by the UP Foundation Inc, as follows: Professorial Chairs - 'P2,OOO/month Faculty Grants - P1,OOO/month · Authority to Modify Items The Board approved the modification of personal servlcesttems . The adjustment,will be effective June 1,1990 and shall affect for the following purposes: , only those professorial chairs (PC'sl or faculty grants (FG's) which · have incumbents Or holders as of said date. It shall not affect PC's' a. to accommodate the step-increases and/or' promotions of "or FG's which already provide at least the minimum levels set new Ph.Ds-emonq the faculty and REPS. above. b. To accommodate the step-increases" and/or promotions of instructors with master's degrees and at . least 3 years of service. Grant of Economic Amelioration to Non-teaching personnel c. To implement reassignment of P.S. items from ·the pool of The Board approved the Grant of Economic Amelioration to vacant items for more optimal or equitable distrlbution of non-teaching personnel classified below SSL grade level 24 and who workloads. were adversely affected or hardly benefited by the Salary Standardid. To implement some reclassifications or changes of position zation Law (SSLl Or R.A. 6758. titleS to reflect actual duties of incumbents. e.. To implement transfers of personnel from one unit to anoThis is a continuation of the grant approved by the Beard of ther- (e.g. some administrative personnel from AIT to Regents last year. It shell be funded from income sources in the CPDMO in Oilimanl. Revolving Fund {Fund 164l other than those COllected from stu. f. To fulfill some staffing needs of-scholarship or STFAP. offices dent fees. The following formula shail be used to determine the workloads of which have expanded in the past year due to amount accruing to each employee entitled to benefit from this the implementation of socialized tuition. grant: g. To create new faculty items (out of ncn-eecuttv items] which will be assigned to colleges and departments already identiMAX 18% of BSBSSL, P2,OOQI fied to have unusually heavy workloads, e.g. most A.S. less MAX (SSLS-TCBSSL,ol colleges in the constituent universities. Basic Salary Before SSL · where: BSBSSL · "Request of UPLB to continue implementing the Vehicle Sticker SSL Sulery SSLS System and collecting the Gate Pass" Fee of One Peso per entry for Total Compensation Before SSl, TCBSSL ·every vehicle with no sticker Ii.e.; BSBSSL + COLA)' The Board approved the request of UPLB to Continue implementing vehicle sticker system and collecting the gate pass tee of Ail figures above refer to saterv for on~ year. on~ peso per entry\ for every vehicle wltf no sticker. J Confinnation of the President's approval on the request of Mr. Roman Victor Gaceta to be allowed to stay in the bu~low leased to his mother (deceased) , The, Board confirmed the President's approval of the request of Mr. Roman vfctor-Gacete. who is not employed in the University, . to be allowed to stay in the bungalow leased to his mot.her (deceased] until August 13,'1993. Establishment of th~ Salas Professorial Chair in Public Administration The Board -approved the establishment of the Salas Professorial Chai'r in Public Administration out of a dcnetlon of P250,OOO from Msnorandum of' Agreement between UPlB. Institute of Agrarian Studies and the Highland Agriculture snd Resources Research and Development ConsortiUm The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB, Institute of Agrarian Studies and the Highland Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium on the pro.jeet entitled "Benchmark Survey- for the Comp.rehensive Agrar.ian Reform Program" effective May 15. 1990 until May 14, 1991. Memor8~dum of Agreement among the Marinduque Institute of SCience and Technology; UPLS, through the Department of Agricultural EduC8t~n and Rural Studies. et at ! '. 63 The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement among Contract for Janitoriai services between the University of the Philippines Visayas and Aquarius Marketinll and Jani~orial Services The Board confinned rhe Contract -for Janitorial Services between the University of tha.Philfppines Visayas and Aquarius Marketing and janitorial Services. the Marinduque Institute of Science and Technology; UPlB, 'through the Department of AgriCultural Education and Hural Stu-, dies, College of Agriculture; Technical 'Panel .for Agricultural Education. DECS; Office of the Governor,'through the Provincial Agriculturist. Mar'induque and the Department of- Agriculture, throuqh the Office of the P~ovincial 'A9~icultur~1 OffiCer, Marin-. duque, on the MIST-U'PlB Institutional Assistance Program, effective upon signing by the parties IJuly 6, 1990) and shatl continue in force and effect up to December 31. 1992. Memorandum of. Agreement between DECS-Edueational Development Project I~plementing Task' Force and the Universjty of the Philippines Visayas, College of Fisheries The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between DECS-Educational Development Project· Implementing Task Force and the University of the Philippin;s vtsevas, College of Fisheries on the payment of remaining fees to at least four Executive Architects (EAs) who were commissioned to draft the plan~ for the construction of buildings across the recipient schools of the Fishery Training Project, including the University, as of project closing (30 June 19881 per Loan Agree~ent 178&PH between the Philippine Government and the World Bank, effective July 27,1990. Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Agr'arian Reform, Region IV, and UPLB.through the Agricul1ural Credit and' Coopa~ives Institute' ' The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Agrarian Reform, Region IV, and UPLB, through the Agricultural Credit and Cooperatives _Institute on the utilization of 'broadcest media for agrarian reform and cooperatives develop-ment, effective fdr a period of one (,1)' year, January 1, 19.90 to December 1990 subject to renewal, and shall be in force and effect until the submission of the terminal repcrt roDna Region IV. Supplemental COntraCt· to the' Principal Contract for Security Services between the Universjty and ExoBataan Veterans Security Agency,-Inc. The Board confirmed the Supplemental Contract to the PrinMemorandum of Agreement between UPLB, through the College of . cipal contract for Security Services covering the period from Agriculture and the College of Economics and lV!anagernent and the -- January 1, 1990 until June 30. 1990_-betwt:;.en· the University and Educat!onal Oeivelopmen~ Project Implementing Task Force. . Ex-='-Bataan Veterans Security Agency, Inc. The Board confirmed the Memorardurn of Agreement between EconoUPLB, through th_e College of Agriculture and the College Matters for Infcrmatien mics and Manaqament and the EducationalDevelopment Project Implementing Task Force on the Management Enhancement course The Board Noted the following: for Agricultural Educetlon Executives (MECAEl, effective -upon signing by the parties' (June 21,.1990) and- shall remain in force 1. Contract of Lease between Doming Suson and UP Visayas until" activities mentioned and all terms and condhions stipulated through the UP College Cebu for the former to lease his are satisfied. - . house_as a guest house for one (1) year et.a monthly rental of of P5,985.00. Memorandum of Agreement between the National Nutrition Council arid. UPLB, through the Regional Training Programme on Food and f':'utrilion Planni.ng The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between the National Nutrition Council and UPLB, throuptrthe ·Regional Training Programme on Food and' Nutrition Planning, ali external monitoring and evaluation of LAKASS Program, effective May 2, 1990 for a period of one (1) veer from the date of, signing: subject to extension by mutual agreement of the parties, 2. Memorandum of Agreement between Santeh Feeds Gorp. and UP Visayas for the 'former'to set upa TATEH Academic Study Grant at UP'!. APPOINTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OFFICIAls . (EXECUTIVE SESSION) A. The President Informed the Board that he approved the appclntmenf of Dr. Santiago M. Alviar as Acting Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Development of UPLB,-effective 1 September,1990 until 23 April 1991. . B. The Board took note of the letter of Regent Aspiras objecting to . the appointment of Ruben Villareal as Dean of the College of Agriculture. Memorandum of Agreement between the University of the Philippines ViS8"yas and the Universjf:y of San Carlos The Board cOnfirmed. the Memorandum of Agreement between the University of the Philippines vtsevas and the University of San Carlos concerninqcollsboratlon on academic undertakings, effective July 17, 1990. Letter of Agreement between the Institute of Huma~ Nutrjf:ion and' Food of_the College of _Human Ecology; UPLB through the University of_ the· Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) Foundation, Inc. and the UPV Foundation The Board confirmed ·the Memorandum of Agreement between the lnstttute of Human Nutrition ~nd Food of the College of Human Eco!ogy, UPLB through the Unlversltv of the Philippines Los Banos Foundation, Inc. and the UP Visayas Foundarlon on the - project entitled "Stre;'gth~ning the Barimgay Integrated Develop- ' ment Approach Nutrition Improvement Network (BI DANI I"~ OTHER MATTERS· I t Memorandum of Agreement between the UP College of Engineering and the Philippine Council for Industry and- Energy Research and Oeyelopment 64 The Board co.nfirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between "the UP College of- Engineering god the Phltipplne Co~ncil for I ndus~ try arid the Energy "Research and Development on PCI ERD Project No. 90-002: entitled "Support to Masters Program in Engineering University of the Philippines", effective upon signing of the Agree. ment (22 August 1990) and shall be effective for a period covering schoofvear 1990-91. I A, Requests of the A.U U.P. Workers Union The Secretary. and Vice-President for Administration presented to the Board a letter from the AU U.P. Workers Union which listed the following requests: 1. Pro-rated 0 socialized amelioration allowance a Christmas bonus upang maka-angkop sa biglang bills na teas n.g mqa pangunahing bilihin dahtrsa taas ng presvc.ng langis; 2. P1000 allowance para sa 1989 para sa mga non-teaching' personnel saJlatim ng grade 8 dahl! sa masamang epekto ng Salary Standardization Law sa kenlla: 3. Housing (o transportation) allowance para sa mga .~alang housing on campus. Ang butinq baha ang naqpaklte kung ~anl::!. kahirap ang mag-biahe ng mga welanq bahay sa campus; 4. Rice subsidy para sa m!:la empleyado; '5. Pagsasaregular ng mga casuals na may isang teon na ang ... serblsvo 6. Implimentasyon ' :19 longevity promotions; 7. lmpltmentesyon ng promotions at tenure ng mqe Jnstructors." • with the help of the 'heads of some universities. This i~ the first" association that will bring together universities, both state and priyate. It will network all the colleges and universities in the country for the purpose of studying issues and problems on education at all .levels and proposing improvements, reform and legislation. r She said that Item No. 1 in effect ·had already been addressed by the .Board when it approved earlier in todav's meeting, the proposal to continue the grant of economic' amelioration allowance to those who did not benefit under the Salary Standardization Law. As regards hem No.5, regularization of appointment is subject to rules promulgated by the "Civil Service Commission and to availability of items and funds. Item No.7 is currently being looked into by the University. Vice-President Medalla added that Item No.6 is a crcvrsian of law and that the UP is ready to implement this. The other requests, i.e., -the Pl000 allowance, housing or transportation "etlowence. rice subsidy, etc., require funds which the L!t:\iversity does not have. . President Abueva said ·it woutd.be nice if the University had all the resources" to respond to the requests but it has always been "constrained financially. Moreover, the President explained that under SSL, an agency is no longer allowed to" provide allowances except those that were already being given before the SSl. NI-UFE hopes to undertake the following: , 1. conduct annual conference on education; 2. conduct and commission studies to help' "the newly-or" ganized congressional joint commission in its review. and " assessment of education in the country; and 3. publish a newsletter that will inform all colleges"and universities of important developments and improvements on the educational system and eventuellv. publish a journal on higher education. will B, National lnter-Universitv Forum on Education The President informed the Board about the National InterUniversity Forum on education ,(NI-UFEI which he initiated To "enderteke the ebove. the President said he is seeking the assistance of the Asian Development 'Sank (ADS), There is a big pcssfbilitv that ADS provide'funding support to enable NI-UFE to pursue its plans. The President said that being the premier university of the land. UP should playa leadership role in the .studv and improvement of the country's educational system. i - ) ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULARS , I 24 September 1990 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 09 'SUBJECT: Providi~g for the Rates of Honoraria in the University of the Philippines .-- • WHEREAS, the' Bo"ard of Regents at its 1034th meeting On August 30; 1990, authorized the President to revise existing rates of hnoraria, to formulate new rutes.on the grant of honoraria, and to delegate to Chancellors, Vice-Presidents, and Vice-Chancellors the authority to approve grants of honoraria in the 'University in accordance withthe rules.and rates as may be prescribed by the President. WHEREAS, there is now a need to update existing honoraria tes, which were set almost seven years ago, and to unify the honoraria structure and the rules governing their grant among .eu constituent campuses. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jose 'V, Abueve. President of the Unlversity of the Philippines. by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Board of Regents, do hereby issue this Executive Order pro- _ viding for the rates.of honoraria in the University of the Philippines. SECTION 1. Delegation of the AuthorITV to Approve the Grant of Honoraria. Chancellors, Vfce-Preeldents and Vice-Chancellors are hereby .euthcrtzed to approve the grant of bonorarta charqeebje against their, respective offices ar:d. also the offices under their respective supervision, provided such grants do not exceed the rates given in Section 2 of this Order. SECTION 2. The following are the maximum "!onthly honoraria rates that may be granted to faculty and staff who have assignments that are additional to their (reguiar duties and resource persons! . experts in the offices of 'the President, Vice-Presidents, Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors, University Secretary and the Controllership and Budget ,Staff: MAXIMUM Monthly Rates of Honoraria in the University Assistant to the Vice-Presidents! Chancelfors Assistant to the Vice Chancellors • Consultants/Resource Persons! Experts Technical/Administrative Staff 3,000 1,000, SECTION 3. Honoraria for offices and positions not covered" above and honoraria higher than the maximum rates prescribed above shall require "the approval of the Preskfent. ~ SECTION 4~ Repealing Clause. All Executive Orders: memoranda, and other administrative issuances or provisions thereof, that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Executive Order arehereby repealed or "modified accordingly. SECTION 5. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect , immediately, "Done in OuezonCttv, this 24th day of September, in the year of "our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Ninety, ISgd.) JOSE V. ABU EVA President ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 18 July 1990 ~ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 26 .. '0 TO SUBJECT , Dr, Oscar M. Alfonso Designation as Offlcer-In-Charqe, Office of the Secretary of the University and "of.tbe Board of Regents and ttie Office of the Vice-President for Administration You.are hereby designated Offtcer-in-Charqe ot the Office of the Secretary of the University and of the Board of Heqents and the Office of the Vice-President for Administration, effective 18 July until 11 August 1990, during the leave of absence from the Unlversity of Secretary and Vice-President Emerlini:ta R. Roman, ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA P4.0oo 3,000 c President -~- :"::: •"c '--< .:z '"" "0 ;>' 3 C" ".,.... '"o'" 65 '19 Bayan Program, in view of reported material discrepancies 16 August 1990 between information given in the application papers and those -qathered by the Committee from its own investigations; ADMINISTRATIVE.oRDER NO. 26-A Or. OscarM. Alfonso Extensionof Designation as Officer·in-Charge, Office TO _SUBJECT, I of the Secretary of the University and of the Bcard: of Regents the Office of the Vlce-Presidenj for \ and Administration At the request of Vice-President and Secretary Emerlinda R. Aoman, upon her doctor's advice, for the extension of her leave of absence, your designation as Offlcer-in-Cherge of the Office of the Secretary of the University and of the Board of Regents, and the Office of the Vice-Presldent for Administration effective 18 July 1990 is hereby extended u~ti1 her return from h,er leave of absence but not later than 17 September 1990. " ISgd,1 JOSE V. ABU EVA President- ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 27 Series of 1990. SUBJECT : VERIF'ICATION OF STFAP APPLICATIONS WHEREAS, verification is consistent with the undertaking of every applicant's Parent or guardian as appearing in the second paragraph of the statement preceding the Acknowledgement pcrtlon of every application, reading as follows: "Moreover, I understand that the University may send a factfinding team to visit my home/residence to verify the information provided in this eppltcetion and I will give my utmost cooperation in this regard." NOW. THEREFORE, by the powers vested in me by lavv and the U.P. Board of R~gents, I hereby authorize personnel involved in the Iskolar ng Bayan Program and those in .the Financial Assistance Service of the different campuses of the University, or their respectlva representatives, to conduct home' visits on STF AP .applicants. and carry out the purpose of verifieation of all material information in the evaluation of the STFAP application. For "the purpose of verification, 'all 'such authorized personnel may use video camera and other means ~o record the actual ccndltions or circumstances of the applicants. The Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs or his equivalent in the different constituent universities are hereby authorized to issue Identiflcetion papers to all personnel involved in the verification process. This authority shall continue to be in 'force until recalled. SO ORDERED_ WHER EAS, "at a meeting of the University Committee on Dil'froan, Quezon City; August 6, 1990~ Scholarships and Financial Assistance on June 5, 1990, the Committee emphasized the. need to verify information given in connection :~ith applications for tlnanclal assistance under the Iskolar ISgd-! JOSE V. ABUEVA President - . . HISTORICAL PAPERS AND DOCUMENTS· ., - ,, , . , ' . ' , . " LETTERS . , 9 July 1990 , Ref, No ..JVA-90-233 5 July '1990 Ref. No. JV A-90-234 Honorable Raul S. Manglapus Secretary of Foreign Affairs Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alastair M. North PICC. Manila Presidertt Asian Institute of Technology 'GPO Box 2754. Bangkok 10501 Dear Secretary Manqlapus: Thailand The Unlversitv of the Philippineshas actively participated in the implementation over the last two vearscf our country's Executive Programs with the People's Republic of China (PRC), France, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Over the next two years, it is most likely that UP will also participate in our country's Executive Program with India and again, with China. ln participating in these Educational and Cultural Agreements between the Philippines and foreign countries, the U,niversity has 'drawn from its own financial resources. Attached is a summary of 'the cost to the Univer~ity, May it be possible for your Department to set aside some funds to I help support a ":"ore...active participation by the Universitv in our , government's Exec~t!,Y~I_~"p9ramswith foreign countries?_ Wei look forward tb"your sympathetic response to our request in the hope that we could more actively collaborate in our country's various programs of cooperation with foreign countries in educational and cultural exchange- for international understanding and peace. Dear President North: Thank you for your letter of 23 May 1990 where, you have ereposed minor alterations to the draft Agreement of Cooperation, and suggested AIT's inputs to the Project Proposal, Annex II. These . suggestions are all acceptable to us, and I will await the set of 3 copies of the Agreement that you will prepare for both our sig~a· tures. Incidentally, I have been informed that Prof. Mora, Chairman of the Division of Energy Technology of AIT, is scheduled to visit the . Philippines on August 19 to 31, 1990. Perhaps it would be an opportune time for our College of Engineering staff to discuss with him some details regarding implementation of our Ag-reement. if Prof. Mora can find some time to visit us at U .P. - Thank you again for your wholehearted support to our proposed Agreement, and highest regards. 66 Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours, ISgdJJOSE V. 'ABUEVA ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President President 1 / 12 July 1990 12 July 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90-251 Ref. Prof. Minda Luz Quesada I President Mrs. Ter-esa Feria-Ni~a Chairperson Concerned Women of the Philippines 303 State Condominium I Salcedo Street Legaspi Village . Makati, Metro Manila University Assembly U.P. Manila • Dear" Professor Quesada: As-I indicated to' you in my letter of 6 June 1990. I would take up with the Board of Regents the report of the Grievance Committee of the Pemantasanq Asamblea on the complaints against Prof. Leticia Gutierrez. Dean of the College of Pharmacy. During the meeting, -I presented to the Board the Committee's findings and its verdict oneach of the allegations made by former Dean -Amorita Castillo against Prof .. Gutierrez. I read to them the last paragraph of the Committee's report which said: No. JVA-90-247 Dear Mrs. Nieva: I'm honored and pleased to accept-your kind invitation to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the Aurora Aragon Quezon Peace Awards Foundation. ·Warm regards. Sincerely yours, / "Although .she was guiltY of only three out of eight allegations mentioned in the letter of ex-Dean-Amorita Castillo, the Grievance Committee believes that it cannot be said that her integrity, honesty, and administrative capability and professlonallsm are unquestionable". (Sgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA President 1TJuly 1990 I informed the Regents that the Assembly resolved to recom- mend that the Board undertake a review of its decision regarding the appointment of Prof. Gutierrez dean of the College. The Board focused its discussion on those allegations where Prof, Gutierrez was found "guilty" by the Committee. I presented to the Board the bases for the Committee's verdict, plus additional information regarding these allegations and the Dean's response to them. r also informed the Board that Chancellor Domingo had created a committee to ,review .the College of Pharmacy and it~ programs. You will recall that in my letter to you of _6 June 1990,1 said: as , "My· Own observations of the College since September 1987 tell me that it had long become so fractious and diverted from its scholarly 'and professional aims, and that a number of its members have been so consumed by pettiness, that it is difficult for any insider to lead the College even if acedemlceuv qualified to redirect its course. Over the years it is the -faculty as a whole who have depressed the College to its sorry state. There are no easv.readv SOlutions, but all concerned should unite to build its remaining strength and reduce its weakness. A thorough review of the College is what is needed." - The Board took note of the report of .the Grievance Committee of the Parnantasanq Asarnbtea. 'and after some discussion, agreed to affirm -its decision on the appointment of Prof. 'Gutierrez. It also took note of the Chancellor's decision to create the committee to review the College and pointed out the urgency for the review cornmittee to finalize its report. Finally. although the documents reached us only on the day of the meeting, I presented to the Board the three resolutions vou submitted concerning your position on: 1) the "Vice-Chancellor issue"; 2) the murde~s of Ernesto Bernabe II and Ana Lou'rdes Casta nos; and 3) the issue on the College of Pharmacy. The Board took note of these resolutions. "Thank you. Sincerely yours, tSgd.) JOSE V. ABU EVA President ' Ref. No. JVA-90-225 Dr. Mal Logan Vice-Chancellor Monash University Clayton. Victoria 3168 Australia Dear Professor logan: On behalf of the University of the Philippines, I am pleased to invite you to ~isit our University on 1-3 October 1990. Your visit will provide an excellent opportunity for us to discuss how we can implement the Memorandum of Understanding between our two Universities which was signed· on ./February. and confirmed by Our Board of Regents 01) 29 March, this year. We can also discuss the prcqrams of mutual interest that you and your faculty had taken up with our Vice-Chancellor for ACademic Affairs. Dr. Ester Albano Garcia. during her recent visit to Monash. I look forward to your favorable response. I hope that .our meeting would not only formalize but also strengthen the various informal contacts and linkages that have been ongoing between our two Universities. / Sincerely yours, ISgdJ·JOSE V_ ABUEVA President !, c '" o ~ " •" ~ 17 JulY 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90-254 Secretary Isidro Y. Cariiio Dept. of Education, Culture & Sports palacio. del Gobernador . lntrarnuros. Manila Dear Secretary Carino: Warm greetingsl We are pleased to inform you that the proposed members of the Coordinating Council of 'the new National lnter-Universitv Forum ~ ...... -"en< " "3 "0 ~ <T ..." .... ."" "" 0 67 on' Education "(NIUFE) will hold its first meeting on July 27 at 2:30 'p.m. at the Conference Roo~ of the Science Teacher Training Center in the U.P, Diliman campus. You may recall that in September 1989,. you participated, with other University Presidents "and Presidents of University Associations, in a consultative meeting on, the idea of establishing a "National Inter-University Commission on Education". Enclosed is a summary of that meeting. With the organization of the NIUFE, we hope to have a concerted .effort "arnonq public and private universities and colleges in the goal of helping to revlew and assess education in our country. in attempting to draw boundary lines, we wish to assert the present boundary line of U.P. in the C.P, Garcia area, including the area of the BLISS housing.,This is to- assure that the paramount authority of the University shall prevail in the areas mentioned even if a survey would show that some members of your Barangay may in fact be alreadysituated in the areas owned bvLl.P. I note with satisfaction that you have a good working relationship with the Office of Vice-Chancellor Oscar' L. Ev~ngelista on matters involving housing and lthe entry of new squatters. Let us continue. this relationships and work together towards the solution of the problem of the entry of new squatters in your Barangay. Sincerely yours, Very truly yours, . (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA tSgd.) JOSEV. ABU EVA President President, . 1 Auqust 1990 31 July 1990 Ref. No. JV A·90-280 Ref. No. JVA-90·275 Mr. Jay Henderson Representative for China Director for Southeast Asia Council on International Educational Exchanqe Hong Kong Arts Center Han. Javier A. Ariosa Provincial Governor Zamboanga del Sur Paqedfan City 12/F .• 2 Harbor Road Dear Governor Ariosa: Wan Chai,Hong Kong Greetings! I received a copy of Resolution No. 334 of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of. your province", regarding the establishment of a U.P. branch in Paqadlan City'. As 'you probably know, we have been interested in having a presence in Mindanao for some time now. Enclosed you will find two (2) issues of U.P. in Mindanao Update which describe our efforts in this direction. • The latest development is House Bill No. 22142, endorsed by all of Mindanao's Congressmen, which would provide funds for theextension of Y.P, programs and services to universities in Mindanao through a consortium or network approach. Since it is felt that this approach is the most feasible under existing conditions, we shall appreciate your active support .of House Bill No.' 22142 by making your position known to the Congressmen. Please express my appreciation to the members of the Sanqguniang Panlalawiqan of your province. Dear Mr. Henderson: Thank you for _your letter of 17 July 1990 and our copy of the. materials on_ International Faculty Development Seminars to be offered within the next six months in Warsaw, London, Vietnam, and Berlin. We shall share the materials with our colleagues in the faculty, through ou~ Chancellors. We shall also publish information on those Seminars in our V.P. Newsletter. But for financial constraints, a good number of our colleagues would most certainly participate in _ those Seminars. We" acknowledge your support for institutions 'of higher learning such as the Universltv of the Philippines, especially in the area of faculty development. With our warm regards; Sincerely yours, (Slid.) JOSE V. ABU EVA Sincerely yours, President ... ISgd.1 JOSEV. ABUEVA President ~ ...... ~ .. c 2 August 1990 • Ref. No. JVA-90-283 ,,; ::> • 31 July 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90-279· c<l ...... E Z Mr. Mauro G. Fortin Barangay Chairman Barangay San Vicente' U.P. Campus, Quezon City ;;< ;;< Dear Mr. Fortin: J:l - ::l e ::l '0 :> 68 . We are in receipt of your resolutions No. 12-90 &' 05·90, the former, on a survey 'to establish the territorial boundary of your Barangay, directly involving the University of the Philippines. Our concern in 'the University is the prbliferation of ;quatters cin your area and in other boundarv areas of the Campus. Therefore, Dean Virgilio Esguerra College of Veterinary Medicine U.P. Los'Bafios College, Laguna Dear Dean Esquerra: This is in reply to your letter of 25 July .1990. As indicated in my letter of 29 June 1990, Bartlett Hall (main building) should have been turned over to the Cortege of Fine Arts as of 31 July 1990. The utilization of theeast wing of Bartlett Hall as offices by your faculty assigned in Djlfmen was never taken up, nor agreed upon, during your meeting with University Business Manager Proceso Ramos and Dean Nestor Vinluan. What was discussed, as _ reported to ine by Mr.. Ramos, was vour occasional use of some of the classrooms thereat for instruction purposes.. This was agreed. upon On a sharing basis with the College of Fine Arts which would coordinate the scheduling of Classes. I shall appreciate, therefore. compliance with the contents of my letter of 29 June J990, a copy of which is attached. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE FACULTY. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE THROUGH: Chancellor Ernesto O. Domingo, UP Manlta . Sincerely yours, ISgd.J JOSE v. ABUEVA President 6 August"1990 Ref. No. JV A-90·289 Han. Benjamin F. Arao City Mayor City of Pagadian ~ I 10 August 1990 Dear Mayor Araa: Thank you for a copy of 'Resolution No. 138 of the Sanggu- niang Panlunqsod," regarding the establishment of a u.P. branch in your city.' Earlier, I received a similar Hesolutlon from the pear Faculty Members and Colleagues: For nearly three weeks now, many classes in the UP College of Medicine have not met, to the disadvantage of the students. There is a basic disagreement on issues concerning who has the final sayan the admission of .the six students, and on the relevant powers of the Board of Regents and the faculty and University Council. These issues are now before the Court of Appeals, In a democratic society governed by the rule of law, the acts of' the Board of Regents and the President are presumed to be valid and legal until declared otherwise by the courts. ... I therefore believe that we should all await the resolution of 'those issues by the Court of Appeals. Pending such resolution, it is the duty and responsibility of the faculty to the' students and the University to resume classes. Let' us not forget that' the citizens and the government that support the' University of. the Philippines expect all of us to do no less, Despite our differences of opinion, I believe we share the cornman values of learning,-academic freedom, and service to the Fili· plnc nation for which Up: was established and is distinguished. Sanqqunianq Panlalewlqan of Zamboanqa del Sur. There is a pending bill in COngress (House Bill No. '22142) which would provide funds for the extension of U.P: programs and services to universities in Mindanao. The approach that is considered most feasible is the consortium or network arrangement with existing universities in the Region. We, therefore, appreciate your making your needs known to the Congressmen of the province. On our 'part, we 'shall do our best to respond to your request b'i working with Congress and the - institutions concerned. Please extend my best wishes to the members of the Council. Sincerely yours" ; Very truly yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA. President 13 August 1990 Ref. No. JV A·90·301 Prf!!Sident Mr. Turhan K. Mangun~ Resirient Representative United Nations Development Programme NEDA sa Makati Bldg. 106 Amorsolo St., Legaspi Viflage Makati, Metro Manila 9 August 1990 Dear ~r. (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA Ref. No. JVA·90;296 Ms. Yvette Fer.nandez Manila Times Robinson's Hvpermart Complex 30 Pioneer St. cor,EDSA Mandaluyong ... Metro Manila Dear Yvette, Your reporting and assessment of the' controversy in UP over the six medical students stand out among many stones on the subject for their truthfulness, balance and fairness. I am grateful to you, for you have enlightened your readers on this important controversy, The fact is that the legal issues are now joined and it's up to the courts to rule on them. As a scholar and UP President, I am doing all my best to protect academic treedcm, and the institutional autonomy of UP. Mang~n:. It has taken me time to consult the appropriate persons in order to reply to your letter of July 27 with the text of the telexed message from the United Nations University (UNU). Kindly convey to Dr, Uchida the following message: "The University Center for Integrative and Development Studies of the University of the Phlllppines is interestd -in collaborating with the United Nations University in developing the proposed, proqrarn for a 4-week intensive course in 1991 focussing on domestic conflicts and resolution in Asia. Regards. Our FAX nu~bers are: 98--67-80; 99·28~63. Thanks and regards." .Thank you for your kind assistance. Sincerely yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President Sincerely yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEV A - President 69 16 Augu'st 1990 .) / . Ref. No.JVA-90-307 Prof. Ulpiano Ignacio, Jr. Department of Civil Engineering College of Engineering University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City Dear Professor lpnacfo: loss of lives and property and to guide their repair and rehabilita-· tion. In particular, we gratefully note your assistance as: (1) . Member, _inspection committee of the PARDEC/SAAC . building yYh}ch houses the College of Public Administration _ and COA State Accountinq and Auditing Service. (2) Team Leader, U.P. College Baguio Inspection Team which reviewed the damaged buildings as a result of the July 16, 1990 earthquake, and the preparation of the inspection report. (3) Team Leader, inspection of faculty residences. U.P. Baguio ilidividualfaculty residences, and the preparation of the inspection report. .... (4) Team Leader, inspection of 5 colleges and universities in .Baquio City and the preparation of the inspection report. (5)" "Member, Earthq~ake Inspection Team for the U.P;·Dilil11an campus buildings. "> The Unive~sity of the Philippines' acknowledges your invaluable services as a member of the PARDEC/SAAC Building Inspection Committee with Prof. Jose Ma. de Castro as chairman, The-timeliness of the. inspection and your report may have prevented the loss of lives as a result of the earthquake last 16 July 1990. For this, the University and its constituency are grateful. Once again, thank you very much, Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours. (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President . .lSgd.1JOSE V. ABUEVA President "" 1"6August i 990 n Ref. No. JVA-90-306 Ref. No. JVA·90-318 Prof. Jose Ma. de Castro Head, Department of Civil-Engineering College of ~ngineerin9 University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City Dr. Vicente R. Limcaoco Friends of U.P. Foundation' in America (FUPFA) 439 Loucroft Road Haddonfield \ Dear Professor de Castro: The Univer~ity qf the Philippines acknowledges your invaluable services as Chairman of the inspection committee for the PARDEel : SAAC building which houses the College of Public Administration and State Accounting andjAuditing of COA. The timeliness of your inspection and report may have prevented the loss of lives and property as a res.!:!.1t ofth~ 16 July'1990 earthquake. Your report has' "!1ad~_ the occupants more conscious of the vulnerability of the building and consequently they have taken the neceseerv precautions. Once again, thank you for your assistance on this matter;. Sincerely yours, . (Sgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA " President ~ ~ " N 8 .... 16 ;i • '".... Prof. Alfredo Juil;lio, Jr. Department of Civil Engineering College of Engineering U.P. Dlflmen quezon City :>< :>< Dear Professor Juinio: "E =" ~" 70 ~ugust 1990 Ref. No. JVA-90-305 "E z= .J:l August 199 The University of the Philippines would like to ecknowledqe your invaluable services [n Connection with the assessment of buildings both on the U.P. Diliman campus and' at U.P. College Baguio. The University is grateful for what you have accomplished in checking and reviewing their structure and safety to prevent the New Jersey 08033 - U.S.A. Dear Or. Limcaoca: The University would like to endorse to the Friends of the U,P. Foundation in America (FUPFAI the attached request of Prof. Ma. Lourdes L, Ladrido for financial assistance In the amount of $2,850 to cover her doctoral dissertation expenses, Prof. Ladrido is currentJy pursuing her doctoral degree in Reading Educatlon at Syracuse Unlversftvjn New York, where he academic performance has-been excellent. She is a valuable member of the U.P, Vi.sayas (UPV) faculty who has served the University for almost 20' years in the UPV High School Department and in UPV's graduate program in 'Education. UPV has extended her financial assistance IP20,OOOl within its limited resources. She -;'QlN requests additional funding to enable her to finish her doctoral' dissertation. She ~op.es to finish her dissertation before the end of SY 1990-91, and return ~o the University as soon as she earns her degree . We hope that FUPF A can extend to her the financial assistance she earnestly requests. On behalf of the University. thank 'you for your continued and' generous assistance to our faculty development program, especially in the area ot.srecuate studies. With my warmest personal regards. Very truly yours, ISgd.) JOSE V. ABU EVA ,. ~ "" President . 22 August 1990 20 August 1990 Ref_ No. JVA-90-319 Ref. No. JVA-90-314 Prof. Elsa P. Jurado Han. Carlos M. Padilla Committee on Educarlcnand Culture ~ House of Representatives r cia Miss Mitch Perez Constitution Hills Quezon City Office of the Vice.Presiden"t for Planning and Finance U.P. Dillman, Quezon City Dear Congressman Pedllla: Dear Professor Jurado: wermest greetingsl We received a copy of House Bill No. 30358,"ao Act·to Estabiish the UP." in Mindanao, introduced" by'Congressman Prospera C. I received your letter dated J5 August 1990 informing me of your decision to resign from your position as Curator of theVarqas Museum and Filipiniana Research Center, effective 1 Auqust 1990. I wish to thank you most sincerely for your kind assistance in coordinating the many activities of the Center. The University also takes note of your - initiative, to melition just one instance, in helping organize the recently concluded 5.week summer extramural program or. -Philippine Art, Culture and Society participated in by 26 teachers from various disciplines in arts and-letters. On behalf of the University, I wish you continued and more fulfillment in'whatever you undertake. I wish you also the best of health. Ncgrates, from your good Office. We note that it is similar to Senate Bill No. 1496 and-to House Bill No. 22142 in that V.P. in Mindanao will strengthen and complement the programs of existing universities and colleges and not compete with nor duplicate them [Section 3 of .the proposed Bill}. We, therefore, agree with the provisions of House Bill No. :JJ358. particularly that giving "the Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines the authority to carrv out the est~blish.· ment of u..P. in Mindanao in consultation with existing educational and local government institutions in the ,area.. We look forward to more consultations with you on the subject: , ,Sincerely'yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President Sincerely yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President 23 August 1990 22 August 1990 Ref. No. JVA-90-322 Professor Alan 0. Gilbert Pro-Vice-Chancellor . The University of New South Wales. P.O. Box 1, Kensington, NS~ Australia 2033 Ref. No. JVA-90-320 Fr. Virgilio A. OjOV,'O.P. Acting Secretary General University of Santo Tomas Espana St., Manila \ Dear Professor Gilbert: Dear Father Ojoy: Thank you very much for your letter of August 6. We are glad to-hear that Rev, Fr. Rolando de le Rosa, O.P., has been installed as the new Rector of the,University of Santo Tomas; and that he has kindly agreed to serve as member of the 0rgan}zing . and .Ccordlnatinq Council of the new National Inter-University Forum on Education INI.-lJFEl. We have recorded .the change and we shall henceforth send all communications to Fr. de la Rosa. We look forward to meeting him soon, .... Warmest regards: Sincerely yours, (Sgd,) JOSE V. ABUEVA President Thank you for your letter of 24 July, received here on 15 August, informlnq us that your Vice-Chancellor-Professor Michael Birt-signed the Agreement for Cooperation between the University of the Philippines and the University of New South Wales on 22 June 1990 in a simple signing ceremony. We are happy to know that our Ambassador to your country graced the signing ceremony with her presence. . ...... As we .sald in our letter to you of 26 January, we ~ould present the' Agreement to our BOard- of Regents for confirmation. The Board cohf;rm~ it at.its 1029th meeting held on"! March 1990. We look forward to the close cooperation of our College of Home Economics and College of Engineering, and your. Department of Food Science 'and Technology in a possible joint indorsement to the Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (~IDAB) of a 'proposed program of academic cooperation. This proposal could very well be our initial project under our Agreement for Cooperat ion. V~ry truly yours, ,. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President e .,""C'J N ....".. •" '- " v, ~ -e " ... "S a... ".... <&> <&> ·0 71 - • 28 August 1990 28 August 1990 -, ·Ref. No. JVA·90·328 Ref. No. JVA·90,330 Prof. Detlef Schwefel Mr. Juan G. Frivaldo Consultant Deutsche Gessallscnaft fur 2514 Esmeralda Street . Singalong, Manila Technische Zuzarnmenarbeit (GTZ) Dear Mr. Frtvatdc: Thru : College of Public Health Subject : Turnover of "newly-constructed College of Public Health Annex "Building funded under the Phil- U.P. Manila I have referred your letter of 24 February 1990 in which you expressed'vour interest to teach a course on ethics and accountability in government to the ~ollege of Public Adrninistratkm. Owing to its interest in this area, the CPA has regular faculty members who could teach such a course. However, it welcomes occasional lectures and other forms of 'participation by practitioners in its classes, seminars, and symposia. Prof. Romeo B. Ocampo, Dean of the Cpllege, aS,sured me that you will be 'considered .should there be enough student interesttn such a course during the second semester of the current" academic year, or if there will be a seminar or conference on the ,subject. Dean Ocampo knows 'you will get In touch with you when such an occasion arises. . , wo~ld Iik~ to thank' you for your interest in sharing with our students your knowledge and views as _a former provincial government executive. With my highest personal regard arid best wishes . German (GTZ) Public Health Prolect " Dear Dr. Schwefel: I hereby formally accept the turnover .tc the University of the Philippines of the newlv-constructed" College of Public Health Annex Building at UP. Manila. The construction of this facility as well as the provlslcn of necessary equipment, made possible through GTZ's financial assistance, would upgrade significantly the teaching end research cap~bilities of the College of Public' Health. ~ On behalf of the'C:University, ,I e,xtend my 'sincere thanks and .. .eppreclaticn. ~ Sincerely yours; Sincerely yours; .ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA ISgd!1 JOSEV. ABU EVA President President , 28 August 1990 Ref. 10 September 1990 No. JVA·90·327 Ref. No. JVA·90·347 Engr. Engracio P. de Gracia President. Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. New Manlla Condominium 21 N. Domingo Street Queion City -- Ms. Pelieitas Radaic Managing Director Dance Theatre Philippines 'clo College of Music U.P. Diliman Dear Tita, Dear Egnineer de Gracia: It-is heartening to know, from your letter to me datecl13 August 1990, that the Association of Structural, Engineers of the Philippines (ASEP) hosted a ~ymposium on 17. and 18 August on Post Earthquake Information. I am also glad to hear that most of the invited- resource persons ~ were faculty members, researchers and alumni of U.P. We are much appreciative that AS.EP hosted the- -symposium mainly on its very limited resources and those of its members. Unfor:tunately,'giving discounts 'at AIT is not within the University's ability inasmuch as the hotel is now under private management and "out cf tfPc's hands. ~J We salute the initiative taken by ASEP under your enlightened 'Ieadershi'p in assisting as a group and individually. in an area of concern 'thrust upon the country 'by the calamitous earthquake of 16 July 1990. ' ' " ... With all QOt?d wishes. I deeply regret that, much' as Lpersonallv wish the Universit could continue its subsidy for Dance Theatre Philippines (DTPl, r am now constrained by our limited resources to withdraw our offer for a second renewal of OTP's residency contact with the Unlversltv. ,'do sincerely hope we could work together again when the University Theatre becomes operational. There are so many competing needs in the University's cultural development 'program (not to speak of other priorities). but we have' very meager .resources to -meet those needs. Merely to -Hlustrate those needs: lthe dance certificate program in the Co-t1~ge of Music and the College of Human .Ktnencs both need equipment and materials; the U.P. Filipiniana Dance Group needs new costqmes and instruments; a new folk denca troupe in our Iloilo campus needs _ support' for its initial production ... I'm sure you understand; our current budget is simply not adequate for all, ~ _ '. . With our highest esteem for your lifelong dedication to the Art of~n~. ~ Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours, lSgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA President ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA _ President 72 / -------_._. -- ---'-- ., 1.2 September 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90-350 . Han. Charita B. Plaza Member. Houseof Representatives Conqress of the Philippines Quezon City, Metre M,anila Dear Congresswoman Plaza; manent professorial half-chair" for the Departmentof Art Studies (formerly Humanities) of, the Colleqe of Arts and Letters (one of three colleges of .the old CAS). I am pleaded too that vou are in-" tending the chairfer one of the original A.S. departments. In this regard, your association might 'want to know that the minimum honorarium for a.professorlal chair is P2,000/month or. P24,OOO/year, At the present peso-dollar exchange rate of P25 per dollar, this would mean just less than $l,OOO/year, The present policy of the Board of Regents stipulates that a named professorial chair must be' backed by an endowment of at least P240,000. I am presuming here that the association would eventually want establish a protessorlal chair named after the UPAA in' Metro, _ politan Washington DC. The· amount of P240,OOO is equivalent to P9,600 at the present rate of 25:1, but. this assumes the donation willbe converted to pesos and invested in the Philippines. Return rates are usually lower in the U.S. and a larger dollar endowment may be needed to yield the annual requirement of $1,000. I would lik'e to encourage your association to-rrv and raise an endowment large enough to yield $1.000!yea,. • By building up the endowment fund of P240;OOO ~r more over a period not-·exceeding 5 years, however, it would still be possible to establish a chair whose annual earnings can maintain it in per. petultv. You may_wish to discuss this matter with Prof. Fe ·A·rcinas, our Director for Alumni Relations, who will be visiting the U.S. in October. She will be getting in touch with you as soon as she gets there. I have sent Pearl a copy of my latest Progress Report and a brochure' on U.P. professorial chairs and faculty grants. Prof. Arcinas will be in touch with your regarding her trip to the U.S. in-October. ~ Congratulations again and I wish the best of luck in' your new position. to In reply to your request- by letter to me last -month, I wish to say that Mr. Roy M. Beluan of your .otttce is welcome to gather data in connection with your proposal to establish U.P. in Butuan City under the University of the Philippines System. Please ask him tosee Dr. Emertihda R. Roman, Secretary of the University, on the first floor, north wing of the U.P. administration building (Quezon Hall!. • Your interest in establishing a U.P. presence in Mindanao co. incides with our own view that the University's service to the nation and our people would be considerably enhanced by the inclusion . of Mindanao in such service in more significant ways than now obtain. In wha_t ways, to what extent, by What"· meana.or wherewithal, and where in Mindanao, are questions hopefully answered, the sooner the better, by extensive consultations with policyjnakers, opinion- leaders, educators and other concerend parties, particularly in Mindanao. Yours is a vital-· role in making an enlarged U,P. presence in indanao a ~.ealitY -. 1 would therefore much appreciate your help in this regard and would 'welcome hearing from you ~n develop'mente regarding this matter. With all good wishes, Sincerely yours, . Very truly yours, ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President ISgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA "President I 14 September 1990 17 September 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90·358 Ref. No. JVA-90-362 Atty. Januario Azarcon clo Atty. Pearl Garganera Gauzon The World Bank 1818 H, Street, N.w: ashioqton DC 20433 SA Dear Attv. Azarcon: Chairman Patricia Sto. Tomas Civil Service Commission Quezon City Dear Chairman Sto. Tomas: Our attention has been called by our constituent universities (UP .Dilhnan. UP Los Banos, UP· Manila andUl" Visayasl to the current I have been informed by Atty. Pearl Gauzon that you are the incoming President, tor 1991-1.992, of the U.P. Alumni Association of Metropolitan Washington DC, In October 1988 I was fortunate to have been in Washing~~n DC and the the Inducting Officer for the incomlnq Association. Leaders. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations. your Association ls.one of the mor~ active U.P, alumni chapters in the U.S. I am sure this is due to the enthusiasm- and leadership of alumni such asvou. Pearl was in Oiliman last February and she informed me then about your intention to set up a professorial chair in the mlmanlties. The University appreciatesthe efforts of its alumni to help their Alma Mater especially dcnetlcns for professorial chairs. While U.P. welcomes all donations for professorial chairs are especially welcome because 'it helps the University keep its best professors. One of the U.P.'s most pressing problems at the moment is how to attract the best minds to the tecurtv - and keep them in -its rolls. As atl U.P. alumni know, the main strength of the University has always been in its bright and dedicated faculty, Pearl wrote me that $1,124 has been pledged to put up a "per- practice of the Civil Service Commission of converting to permanent 'status Research, -Extensicn and Professional Staff (REPS) who possess the Career Service Professional Eligibility but who are being appointed for the first time. We have also beeninformed that some REPS personnel who were recommended for appointment on a temporary basis by the University were issued permanent appointments by the Commission. We wish to invite your attention to your April 24, ·1990 letter in which you stated your agreement with us that the merit system for faculty and academic staff of the University lsthe sale prerogative of the U.P. Board of Regents. We provided our constituent universities copies of your letter for their guidance and-information. As we have explained to fhe heads of your Civil Service offices, the REPS are classified as academic staff of the University and are therefore Covered by the University's merit system. The REPS consist of research, ex~ension and professional staff who do research and perform- extension and other academic work; Many of our REPS personnel have master's degrees and some are doctoral degree holders. As member of the academic staff of the University, they are evaluated based on academic output. . j 73 We would therefore appreciate it very much if you could remind . your officials in the field offices that decisions o~ permanency of the REPS are the prerogative of tt\e University and that appoi_nt· rnent papers of REPS shan be submitted to the Civil Service Field Office only for notation and record, Thank you for kind attention to this request and for vcur.advlce in regard to some problems I have raised with you. the balance unreleased for retirement gratuity is only One Million two hundred twenty seven thousand pesos IP1,227.000). Thus, our current needs for supplemental appropriations are as follows: Unfunded Claims Terminal. Leave P1,839,126.o0 Retirement Gratuity 4,518,850.00 Very truly yours. lS9d.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA Pressident 'Total 19 September 1990 Ref. No. JV A-90·364 Chungwon Choue. Ph.D. • Unreleased Balance Supplemental -0- 1,839.126.00 , ,227,000 -------- ----- Neees : 3,291,850.00 ------- P6,357.976.00 P1,227,000 P5.13O,976.00 =--==--=== ====== ======= Please be informed that the main reason for these deficiencies is the increased requirement for Terminal Leave end Retirement Gratuitv "due to the standardization of salaries under RA 6758. Please be informed further that our savings are barely enough to cover our requirements for the following: Committee for International Exchanges The Kyung Hee University 1. Adjustment of salaries and wages of lump sum personnel under RA 6758 and prior NCCs for salary adjustment for which no supplemental appropriations have been received; 2. Automatic promotion of faculty earnlng new PhD degrees: 3. Terminal leave/separation pay of personnel who have resigned/separated but are not eligible to retire under existing laws; 4. Deficiency requirement for overload teaching honoraria an lecturers fees that are affected by increase in,teaching loads and adjustment of faculty salaries; 5. Deficiency requirements for uniform/laundry/clothing allowance of health, security and maintenance service person-' net, particularly PGH; and 6. Deficiency requirements for MOOE. Seoul 130·701. Korea Dear Or. Choue: Thank you for your Jetter of 23 August, received here on 12 September, expressing interest in a possible. international exchange program between the University of the Phillpplnes and Kyung Hee University. The Deans of our Asian Center. College.of Social Sciences and Philosophy; and College of Arts and Letters, have been meeting on a Possible program to develop Korean Studies in our University. I shall request them to consider the proposed academic" exchange between our two Universities as a concrete step towards that end. We shall Write again to inform you about.our Deans' views. ./ Best reqards. '. . Furthermore, the latest policy providing for the payment of mandated longevity steps under RA 6758 to be charged against savings indeed places the University in very tight financial strains. In view of the foregoing, we hope you shall see your way clear to granting this request. Attached is a Iist ' of pending approved claims that cannot be paid due to I'ack of funds . Thank you again for your continued support of the University. Sincerely yours, ls9d.l JOSE V. A~UEVA President ~" .. Very truly yours, 19 September 1990 ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA Ref. No. JV A-90·352 President Honorable Guillermo N. Carague Secretary, Department of Budget and Management Malacai'iang, Manila 20 September 1990 -, Dear Secretary cereaue: 74 Ref. No. JV A·90·367 , Thank you for the advance release of part of our 4th Quarter allotment for Terminal Leave and Retirement Gratuity in the total amount of Six Million Four Hundred Thirty Thousand Pesos (P6.430.000L fn this connection. may we follow up the release of the corresponding notice of cash allocation for this amount which we have not received to date. We have been paying claims out of the release using our available cash from the common fund but we fear" we might soon face a crisis in the payment of reqular salaries if we" do not receive this notice soon enough.. ! Meanwhi!e. may we reiterate our request fo;. the release of the unreleased balance and supplemental appropriations for terminal leave and retirement gratuity. To date, unfunded pending claims now total One Million Eight Hundred Thirty Nine Thousand One Hundred Twenty Six Pesos IP1,839,126.1 for terminal leav"d and Four Million Five Hundred Eighteen Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Pesos (P4,518.850.00) for retirement gratuity. Our 4th' Quarter allotment for terminal leave has been fully released while ~ f"----------- .• Hon. Francisco I. Chavez Solicitor General -Office of the So llcltor General Makati; Metro Manila SUBJECT: G.R. No. 94961 entitled: "Dean Marit~ V.T. Reyes, et al.• vs. Court of Appeals, et al.," before the Supreme Court {tst Division) Dear Sol leiter General Chavez: For purposes of the above-entitled case, may I request for the deputation" of the following lawyers as Counsel for the U.P. officials cited 8S Respondents: \ 1. Atty. Demaree J.B. Bevel IBP No. 266055; l·28~B. a.c. PTR No. 792083; 2-06-90. o.c. . 2. Atty. Jhosep Y. Lopez -, IVP No. 228595; 3-30·90. Q.C. PTR No. 807445; 3-17-90. o,c, 3. Atty. Rolando D. Gamalinda IBP No. 291949i 3-22-90. Q.C. PTR.No. 813169; 4-27-90. Q.C. the other hand, will be used to purchase laboratory supplies and equipment. Our laboratories need not only rrucrosccpes-oscthoscopes and computers but also such other equipment as refriqeraters for specimasn and air conditioners for maintaining room temperature/humidity"(~meof which are banned by AO 177/ NEMO 24). Dormttcrv fees will be used not only for maintenance and operating expenditures but also for such necessary items as mattresses and curtains. Our students expect the use of their fees for such. purposes as we have just indicated but some provisions of AO 177/NEMO '24 appear to prevent us from meeting the expectations. We, therefore, request exemption for e~penditures funded from the U.P, Revolving Fund. . These lawyers have been handling all the court cases related to the U.P. College of Medicine controversy. starting from the Regional Trial Court, and the related administrative cases. Cited as Respondents for the above-entitled case; in addition to 'the Court of "Appeals and the six students, are the U.P. President, ttie U.P. Manila Chancellor and-the U.P. Manila Registrar. . We have been ordered by the Supreme Court (151 Division) to submit not later than September 30. 1990 our Comment to the Petition, We hope to receive your favorable response to this request before that date. Thank you very much and best 2. EXEMPTIONS FOR UNIVERSITIES ~ishes. , Very truly yours, [Sqd.} JOSE V. ABU EVA Preslcfent 20 September 1990 Ref. No. JVA-90-365 Her Excellency President Corazon C. Aquino Malacafiang, Manila SU8JECT: APPEAL FOR SELECTIVE EXEMPTION'S ·FROM ADMINISTRATIV~ ORDER NO. 177/NATIONAI: EMERGENCY MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. 24 Dear Mrs. President: NEWSLETTERS OF CONSTITUENT The AO 177/NEMO 24 prescribes the discontinuance of all in-house publications. We feel that newsletters of the four constituent universities of UP (Diliman, Los Banos. Manila and Visavas] should be exempted. Our constituent universities have more than ninety-nine colleqes and institu·tes. Their newsletters are vital in disseminating information and getting feedback on academic developments, current issues ana new policies affectinq the University. In the case of the implementation of the salary standardization law and the Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program (STFAP), for example, the newsletters were crucial not only. in communicating the program's objectives but also in eliciting reactions from various sectors of the University on how to improve implementation. As a community of scholars effective communication via the newsletters is indispensable in U.P. We do agree. ho~ever, with the objective Of.AD 177 in regard to in-house'publications. Therefore, the number of copies, issues and pages will be reduced to reduce expenses on the newsletters by at least 75%. /' It is my honor to request for exemptions from some of the provisions of AO 177/NEMO 24 even as the University fully supports the spirit of the Orders. While some provisions are applicable to the line agencies, they are not quite suitable to the University. We certainly agree with the 9blectives of AO 177/NEMO 24. Indeed, apart from the 10% mandatory reserves imposed by the National Government, the University has also imposed 'internal reserves of 3-5% on different types of expenditures. Moreover; U,P. as instituted various economy measures, specially in controlling s consumption of utilities. In UP Dillman, for example, despite its increased level of acti~ities, water consumption was reduced by'20% and the, increase in electric consumption was limited to 0.5% (in kilowatt-hours}. However, because of the unique requirements of theUniversitv, we are appealing for exemption from some provisions of AD 1771 NEMO 24. 1. EXEMPTIONS FOR THE U.P. REVOLVING FUND We request that expenditures funded from the Revolving Fund or income of the University be exempted. U.P. income comes, mostly from fees paid by students, such as tuition, laboratory, Iibrarv medical, athletic and dormitory fees. The University also draws revenue, from the U.P, Food Service and other auxiliary services and from pay patients of the PGH. Before the issuance of NEMp 24, we raised tuition and other fees after consulting with our Students. In fact we raised tuition by about 400%. Many students did not object beca~se we we~e - able to convince them thai the increases would help Improve the quality of education and the tacllitles. . . Library fees, for example, will be used to improve the library, l.e., purchase books and periodicals, microfiche. photocopiers, audio-visual and other library equipment. Laboratory fees, on 3. EXEMPTIONS FOR SOME EXPENDITURES FROM THE GENERAL FUND More than 80% of the U.P. budget still comes from the General Fund. There are expenditures not covered ~y the ex:' ernptions sought above which are absolutely necessary for a university. We seek exemption for: PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FOR CLASSROOMS, LABORA· TORIES;INFIRMARIES AND HOSPITALS -: COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER ACCESSORIES FOREIGN TRAVEL FOR FACULTY FELLOWS. I.E. FACULTY WHO ARE GOING ABROAD FOR THEIR GRADUATE DEGREES. PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT/FICTURES TO REPLACE LOSSES OR DAMAGE DUE TO THE EARTHQUAKE. TYPHOONS, OR FIRE. CAPITAL OUTLAYS: REPAIR.• EXTENSION OR COMPLETION OF ACADEMIC BUILDINGS. INFIRMARIES. HOSPITALS, STUDENT DORMITORIES; LAND IMPROVEMENTS IE.G. RIPRAP AND AND OTHER ANTI-EROSION WORK) DESIGNED TO PROTECT BUILDING SiTES_ EQUIPMENT DESIGNED FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF POWER LINES AND UTILITIES N'ETWORK (INCLUDING. SEWERS. ETC.! DESIGNED TO PROTECT SECURITY OF U.P. PROPERTY AND SAFETY OF PERSONNEL AND.STUDENTS. We are not requesting blanket exemption but ~nly for expenditures that absolutely necessary for a good university. In fact, apart from 'those measures specified in AD 177, we are implementing our own economy measures. U.P. has a unique role, not only as a state university but also as the nattonal university which must strive for at least ASEAN academic standards. We hope that you will find merit in our urgent appeal. thank you very much for.your kind attention and continuing support of ·the Univetsitv of ttte-Phllippfnes. c ~ I 0 " " N ~ ~ " • ..... " ~ '"" '0 ~ "3r:r "..... ~ '"'" 0 75 our gratitude to Mr. Jalme-Mendozaand M~. Dominador ltHong for their very generous cooperation .and assistance. Mrs. President, this is both an official and personal appeal in the . best interest of U.P. and the many constit~encies it _serves. " Sincerely yours, Sincerely. vours. '(Sgd.) JOSE V. ABUEVA ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA President Ref, No. JVA·90·376 President Ref. No, N A·90·374 September 24, 1990 Or. Albert J. Simone President University of Hawaii 2444 Dole St., Bachman Hall Honolulu. Hawaii - Honorable Alfredo A. Bengzon Secretary of Health Department of. Health ~ear Secretary Bengzon: Dear Dr. Simone: We are writing to Inform you of the official designation of Dr. Rafael S: Recto, Director of the National Orthopedic Hospital as Chairman of the Administrative Disciplinary Tribunal formally in" vestigating the cases against U.P. College of Medicine Dean Marita V.T. Reyes and College Secretarv Josephina Lazaro for their actions in open defiance of lewtul.crders "issued by the U.P. Board of Regents in connection with the admission of six students to their College. University authorities have decided to pursue discipli'nary proceedings against the above-named employees. It is the consensus that Dr. Recto, who has been on secondment to the NOH from the faculty roster of the College of Medicine since 1987; is endowed with sufficient objectivity and perceptive judgment to head the Tribunal which has been constituted, other members thereof being Atty. Bert. Sison and Or. Jane Baltazar, Dean of the College of Public Health. The Tribunal is expected Jo complete its investigation within ninety (90). days from the initial hearing scheduled on- the first week of October; hence, we will sincerely eppreclate your giving due consideration to Or. Recto for the time he will devote to these proceedings. ~ W~th sincere and best wishes from the University community. It was an honor and a pleasure to have you with us for a short visit with Mrs.. Simone, Regent Robin Cemoanano, Dean Mark Jurgensmeyer, Dr, Amy Agbayani and Dr. Teresita Peencs. I would like to thank you and Mrs. Slrnone.for your personal contribution" of $600.00 for the rehabilitation of U.P.· College Baguio which suffered 'structural damage during the earthquake in July. The· official receipt for your. contributio~ is attached. I am glad to inform you that last Monday. September 17. two -months after the killer quake, we reopened the U .P. College Baguio. The damaged structures have been completely repaired and reha· btlitated. Your contribution was shared bve number of cur.emplovees. 1 was there along with some other officials of V.P. DjJj· man to welcome the returning faculty and students. If was a happy reunion. Thank yo~ also for the book and the wlndchlrnes. You've been very kind. With warm personal regards to you and Mrs. Simone. , Sincerely yours, (Sgd.) JOSE V. ABU EVA President Very truly yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA Ref. No. JVA·90,379 < 28 September 1990 President Re(...No. JV A·90·372 " " 25 September .1990 Hon. Marcelo B. Fernan Chief -Justlce Supreme Court PadreFeura. Manila ~ ~ N o'" '. '" ;:j "..." "S ..Q :> , Z X X "S:> "0 ;:76 Dear Mr. Chief Justice: On behalf of U.P. College Baguio, I would like to convey my sincerest gratitude for your approval of our request to make use of some rooms in the AdrninlstretlonBultdlnq of the Supreme Court in Baguio City. I was informed by Dean Patricio B. Lazaro that the College will no longer need to occupy the rooms you have made available'. Our tacultv.end students have managed to find other housing facilities and the ' College Student Relations. Officer h~s a list of other boardifl.9 house for students who may still be scouting for these. _J am sure you will also be happy to know that classes have re·_ sumed in U.P.- College Baguio and that things have returned to-normalcy for all' our constituents there. Thank you very much for your accommodation. Kindly extend Han. Isidro D. Carino Secretary Dept. of Education, Culture and Sports Palacio del Gobernador lntramuros, Manila Dear Secretary Carino: As I mentioned to you in my letter of July 17, the first meeting of the Organizing and Coordinating Council of the National InterUniversity Forum on Education (NI·UFEI was held in our campus on Julv 27. In. order to obtain financial support and contribute effectively to present efforts of our Government to improve the quality of education as mandated by the Constitutlo~, we shall again need vour assistance. I request that NI-UFE be included and supported by DECS in its education development program. Thank you and warm regards. Sincerely voura. '(Sgd,1 JOSE V. ABUEVA - ....President The typeface in this journal is Univers medium, -set in two-point leads at the. U.P. Printery. The printing in offset lithography is by the University of the Philippines PrinterY [ f'f\! r\,: t.:. i ~ .(.; 1"'" 1.1. T' fo. n () ! : v t..', I";hpry OCI I - 1991 The University of the Philippines GAZETTE VolumeXXINumber4 - October-December 1990 ISSN No. 0115-7.50 Joya: Filipino Recipient ASEAN Artist Awards DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS 1036th BOR MEETING, 22 November 1990 Appointments, salary increase. etc. Transfer to permanent status .. .79 .80 Reproqrarnmtnq of savings from accounts payable in CY" 1986 of the IPB-ASSP Project Correction of an approval at its 1034th meeting held on .80 30 August 1990 for reprogramming of savings .80 Creation of a Dr. Salvador P. lopez Professorial Chair in English . Establlshrnent of the Felix D. Maramba. Sr . Professorial Chair in Agro-I ndustrial Farming System Acceptance of donation teem the Spanish Government Proposed disbursement of the Graduate Education Development Fee. Realignment of funds in the UP Diliman Budget Cover Story lrtter'nationallv-renowned painter and former Dean of re UP College of Fine Arts Jose T. Joya on November was nosen one of the Filipino recipients of the ASEAN Awards, a prestigious honor given every three years to indi-viduals with outstandinq achievements in culture, cornrnunication, literature. and other fields that have enriched ASEAN cultures. Only four out of this year's 24 awardees from various ASEAN countries are from the Philippines. Of the four Filipino awardees, three are UP faculty members: Amelia Lapefia-Bonitacto, Lucio D. San Pedro, and Joya. As a visual. artist, Joya have made his mark nationally and internationally. He have exhibited successfully his works in Europe, USA, and Asia. He was the first Filipino artist to exhibit a collection of 200 drawings at the Chinese Working People's Pala~e at Tian An Men Square in Beijing in 1985. A recipient of the French Government's Chevalier dans L.Ordre des Artes et Lettre," Joya have contributed a lot to the definition of Oriental Awareness in contemporary society. Pttotoqtaob by Ernie Cayabyab .80 ~ . .80 .81 · 81 · 81 Creation of a separate Trust Account for collections from new business projects . .81 Grant to the President of authority to revise honoraria rates at the Law Center and delegate to the Dean of the College of Lew the authority to approve payment of honoraria . . . . .81 Contract with Pilipinas Shell. · 81 Contract with the National Computer Center. · 81 Modification of Incentive Policy for faculty member transferring to UP San Fernando · 81 Creation of the Central Record Management Office. .82 Request of Mr. Miguel S. Almazan, UP Press employee. to write off the Loan of his daughter. . . .82 Selection of Faculty Regent. .82. Agreement between the University and the PhilippineAmerican Education Foundation on the Implementation of the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program . . . . : .82 Memorandum of Agreement between UP Dillman and the Department of Tourism on the research project entitled, "1990Study on Regional Travel in the Philippines" .82 Sub-Contract between UP vtsevas and the Municipal Government of Anilao,lIoilo on uaininq-serninar , .82 Memorandum of Agreement between UPV and the Zamboanga State College of Ma'rine Science and Technology . _ . . . . . . 82 Memorandum of Agreement entered into by UPLB, through the Institute of Agrarian studies on the project entitled. "Benchmark" Survey for the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program" . . . .. .82. Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB, and the Bureau of Animal Industry on the training program entitled. "Efjectiva Training Management for the Bureau of Animal Industry" . _ ~ .. .82 Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB anu the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources on the implementation of the ASEAN·US Watershed Project .. ... 82 Memorandum of Agreement among the Department of Science and Technology; DECS, et. at.. for coordination in the collection of biological specimens . : .. 82 Agreement among the University of Saskatchewan, Simon Fraur University and the University of the Philippines on Project Ugnayan: Strengthening University Capability. . . . .82 . Agreement between the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration and UP LQw Center on a seminar! workshop on an integrated approach to Hlegal recruitment . . . . _ . . . . 82 77 :~'t I '.~ j Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB and the Vlsevas State College of Agriculture on Farm Mechanization Survey of Region VIII. .. i:: .. .... .. . . .83. Memorandum of Agreement.between Boy Scouts of the I Philippines and the University of the Philippines. .83 Memorandum of Agreement between the University of the Philippines and the National Parks Development Committee .83 Construction Agreement between UP vrsavas and ! F, Gurrea Construction. . . . . • . .. .83 General Construction Agreement between INTERTECH Development and Construction Co. and the University of the Philippines. . . . . . . . .83 General Construction Agreement between EQUI·TRI Construction and the University of the Philippines _ . . . . . 83 .construction Agreement between EQU I-TR I Construction and the University of the Philippines.. . . . 83 Construction Agreement between G.l:Gonzalez .. Construction Inco and the University of the Philippines .83 Construction Agreement between J. C. Cruz Construction and the University of the Philippines. " ... . .83 Supplemental Contract to the Contract for Janitorial Services entered into on 1 March 1900 between UP . . , .. .83 Oiliman and JEJ Enterprises. Supplemental Agreement to the Contract for Security Services dated March 14, 1990 between UP Vtseves and Kaiser Security and Allied.Services. . . . . . .83 Contract for Security Services between UP Diliman and Bolinao Security and Investigation Services, Inc .. .83 General Construction Agreement between UP LB and Stern Builders Corporation .. .83 General Construction Agreement between UPLB and ANECON Construction .. . . . 83 Supplemental Agreement between UPLB and ANECON Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 General Construction Agreement between ACT Construction 'and the University of the Philippines. . . . 83 General Construction Agreement between UPLB and R EAN Builders .. .83 General Construction Agreement between UPLB and AG-CON Enterprises. . . . . .83 General Construction Agreement between UPLB and ANECON Construction .. ,84 General Construction Agreement between UPLB and F. Yonzon Construction. . . . .. , . . . . . . . .84 General Construction Agreement between UPLB and AN EGON Construction . . . . . . . . .84 Generat'Oonstructlon Agreement between UPLB and Power Equipment and Supplies, Inc. . .. .. . 84 G~neral Construction Agreement b~tween UPLB and .. R.C. De Villa Construction .84 Memorandum of Agreement between the University of the Philippines and the Organization of. Non-Academic Personnel of the University of the Philippines. . 84 Contract of Lease between the University of the Philippines and Bulacan Garden Corp. . . . . • . .. .•. 84 Contract of Lease between the Untversltvcf the Philippines and Mr. Rodolfo C. Hanio .. . 84 Contract otLease between the University of the Philippines and Ma. Estrellita S. Bautista . . . . .84 Contract of Lease between the University of the Philippines and Mr. Leopolda de la Cruz . . . , .. .. 84 Contract of Lease between the University of the Philippines. 84 and Mr. Teodulo Topeclo.vr. .. . . General Construction Agreement between UPLB and 84 Ruben Enterprises ... .,., .... General Construction Agreement between UPLB and 84 Ruben Enterprises .... , . . . . . General Construction Agreem'ent between UPLB and .84 Correa-Cruz Trading and Construction . . . . , General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Stern Builders . . . , . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .84 General Construction Agreement between UPLB and MPC Construction . . . . ... . .. 84 .84 Donations . . . , . . . .. . . .,84 Matters noted by the Board. Other Matters. . . . . .85 , ADMINISTRATIVE CiRCULARS , Administrative Order No, 31 designation as offlcer-ln-charge. .85 Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs Administrative Order No. 32 designation as otrtcer-In-ctrarce of the University of the Philippines . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 85 Administrative Order No. 34 designation as otficer-ln-charge of the University of the Philippines. . . . . . . . .. 85 Memorandum No. 26 Xi-An Art Academy exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art and a-person delegation on .. 85 January 15 - February 16. 1991. . . . . • . LETTERS To To To To To To To To To To To To Dr. Raul P. de Guzman. " , .. 86 Secretary Cayetano Paderanga. . . .86. Director Antonio P. Cruz .. .86 President Won Sui Lee of Han Nam University . .86 President Ponctano Mathay of UP Alumni Association. .87 Mr. Roqelio Mirasol Elorete . .87 Mr. Greg Salas Taruc . .87 Mrs. Clarita M. Bautista .87 Mrs. Nelia Teodcro-Gonzalez .88 Mr. Cipriano C. Ferraris .88 Congressman Dante O. Ting<i .88 Senator Alberto Homulo, Chairman Holendo Andava, and Secretary Guillermo Carague. ., .89 Para kay Ginang Zenaida Manso. .. ,. .89 To Dr. C.hua Chiacoand Dr. Utchanco-Denoqa .90 To Secretary Guillermo Carague .,. , .90 To Professor Amelia Lapefia-Bonifacio . . . . .•. 90 To Professor Jose T. Jove . -. . . . . . . 91 To Senator San'tanina T. Rasul ... . .91 Para kay Propesor Emeritus Lucio D. San Pedro .. . 91 To Director Joseph Alabanza . . . . . .92 . . To Atty. Cecilia G. Hechanova . .92 To Consul General Alfredo L. Almendrala. Jr . .92 To President Corazon C, Aquino . . . , .92 To Mr. Turhen K. Mangun. . . ,92 To Dean Aurelio B. Ramos of UPM College of Dentistry .92 .92 To Ambassador Junq-Ki Ro of the Republic of Korea . To Dean Pacifico Agabin of the UP College of Law. .93 To Dr. Salvador P. Lopez .. .93 , 1 ., , '"1 ! 1 1 •! , .! II ., ,'. 78 6: ~, \ ' . ' , .' . ) .~ ".' DECISiONS OF THE. SOARD dir REGE'NTS " ',fi .' ,L " ,~ • .' \ • ~ , ' . ' • 1036th BOR Meeting, 22 November 1990 ',t,. APPOINTMENTS;' SALARY INCREASE, ETC.: .1 ,, ". " ,.. " '1," • ! ::~ I " .~.' Regent Reyes noted that some recommendations are submitted to the Board many months after the start of their effectivity. In some cases, the recommendations reach the Board after the proposed effectivity date had lapsed. Regent Bcmerc sald that there is need to remind unit heads that no one. should be allowed to serve or report for duty without a. formal appointment. She also said that the University should review the procedures as well DS the deadlines for the review and evaluation of recommendations so that the papers reach the Board even before the start of the effectivity of the appointment. The Board approved the following appointments, salary increases, etc.: U.P. DillMAN Arts and Letters, College of Pamela C. Constantino-salary increase from Associate Professor l (Sal. Gr. 22) a~ P99,OOO.p.a. to Associate Professor 3 (Sal. Gr. 23) at Pl09,572 p.a. Lydia G. Garcia-promotion from Associate Professor 4 (Sal. Gr. 24) at P121 ,620 p.a. to Professor I (Sal. Gr. 261 at P151 ,800 p.a., effective 1 June 1990. Amiel Y. Leonardia-appointment as CASAA Foundation Professor of Speech and Drama, effective 1 July ·1990 until 30 June 1991. , Jovita H. Orara-cprcmotton from Associate Professor 5 (Sal. Gr. 25) at P136,620 p.a. to Professor I (Sal. Gr. 261 at P151,800 p.a.. effective 1 June 1990. Economics, School of Felipe M. Madalla-increase in professorial chair honorarium as Henry Co OJ Associate Professor of Economics, effective 1 July 1989. • Haruhito Takeda-appointment as Visiting Associate Professor, effective.20 October 1990 until 31 May 1991. Ii. I Education, College of Judith C. Pambid-salary increase from Associate Professor 4 (Sal. Gr. 24) at P121 ,620 p.a. to Associate Professor 6 (Sal. Gr. 251 at P136,620 p.a., effective 1 June 1990_ Ma. Lourdes G., Tavaa-salary increase from Associate Professor I (Sal. Gr. 22) at P99.000 p.a. to Associate Professor 3 (Sal. Gr. 231 at P109,572 p.a., effective 1 June 1990. I,~ , " -, '.1 ,, , "' Home Economics. College of Leonora N. Panlasiqul-salary increase from Associate Professor I (Sal. Gr. 221 at P99,OOO p.e. to Associate Professor 5 {Sal. Gr. 251 at P136,620 p.a., effective 1 June 1990. Human Klnetics, College of Lydia E. Buendia-promotion from Associate Professor 6 (Sal. Gr. 25) at P136,620 p.a. to Professor 2 (Sal. Gr. 26) at P151,800 p.a., effective 1 June 1990. Islamic Studies, Institute of Carmen A. Abubakar-salary increase from Associate Professor t (Sal. Gr. 22) at P99,OOO p.a. to Associate Professor 3 (Sat. Gr. 23) at Pl09,572 p.a., effective 21 July 1990. Ll!bor and Industrial Relations. Scllool of Marie E. Aganon-salarv increase from Associate Professor 3 tssr, Gr. 231 at Pl09.572 p.e. to Associate Professor 5 (Sal. Gr. 25) . at P136,620 p.a.. effective 1 June 1990. ." r ': • " ~ ", ,). " ".", ! ~ " " '; ';:., - . . ('Jose C. Gatehalian-salary increase from Professor 3 (Sal. Gr. 26) at P151,800 p.a. to Professor 4 (Sal. Gr. 271 at .P166,980 p.a., effective 1 June 1990. Law, College of Salvador T. Cartoto-renewal with increase in honorarium as Edgardo J, Angara OJ Professor of Law from P12,OOO p.e. to P24.000 p.a.. effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June 1991. Mass Communication, College of Luis V. Teodoro, Jr.c-renewal with increase in honorarium and change of professorial chair assignment from Teodoro Valencia Associate . Professor of Journalism at P12,OOO p.a. to Carlos P. Romulo Associate Professor of Journalism at P24,OOO p.a.. effective 1 July 1990 until 30 ~une 1991. Science, College of Dich Van Dutst-cresppointrnent as Visiting Professor I (Sal. Gr. 261. effective 1 November 1990 until 31 May 1991. Ernesto P. Sonldo-eextenstlon of appointment beyond the compulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor 9 of Geology (Sal. Gr..28). effective 2 Marc~.1991 until 1 March 1992. Ernesto P. Sonido-renewal with increase in honorarium as Lepanto Consolidated Mining Corp. Professor of Geology from P12,OOO p.a. to P24,000 p.a .• effective 1 July 1990 until 30 'June 1991. Edwin M. Wong-appointment as Associate Professor I [Sal. Gr. 221. effective 2 November 1990 until 31 May 1991. Social Sciences and Philosophy. College of Segundo E. Romero-promotion from Assistant Professor 4 (Sal. Gr. 20) at P81,576 p.a. to Associate Professor 2 (Sal. Gr. 22) at P99,OOO p.a.. effective 1 June 1990. Clarissa A. Rubio-salary increase from Associate Professor-Z (Sal. Gr. 221 at P99,OOO p.a. to Associate Professor 3 (Sal. Gr. 23) at Pl09,572 p.a.. effective 1 June 1990. University of the Philippines, College Baguio Julius O. Mendoza-appointment as Modesto Farolan OJ Associate Professor of Philoscphv, effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June' 1991. • Steven A. Rood-reappointment as MMC OJ,Associate Professor of Political Science, effective 1 July 1990 until 30' June 1991. U.P. Extension Program in San Fernando Pampanga Romeo C. Tomaeruz-extension of appointment beyond the compulsory retirement age of 65 as Professor 2 of Business Management [Sal. Gr. 261. effective 24 September 1990 until 23 October 1990. Urban and Regional Planning, School of Zenaida A. Manalo-salary increase from Associate Professor 3 (Sal. Gr. 23~ at Pl09,572 p.e. to Associate Professor 4 [Sal. Gr. 24) at P121,620 p.a.. effective 1 June 1990. UP. LOS BANOS Agriculture, College of Songho Chce-ceppointment as Visiting Research Fellow, effect· lve 20 September 1990 until 10 September 1991. Arts and Seleneee, College of Mariano C. Javier-promotion from Assistant Professor V (Sal. Gr. 211 at P89.7,36 p.a. to Associate Professor I (Salt Gr .. 22) at P99,ODD p.e., effective 1 Mav 1990. 79 , .,i, UP. MANILA Arts and Sciences. College of,. lourdes E. Abadingo-salary increase from Associate Professor I (Sal. Gr. 221 at P99,OOO p.a. to Associate Professor IV of Political Science at P121,620 p.a.. effective 29 April 1990. Ma. Lourdes G. Rebullida-salary increase from Associate Professor I (Sal. Gr. 22) at P99.000 p.a. to Associate Professor IV [Sal. Gr. 24) at P121,620 p.a., euecnve za April 1990. II Medicine, College of Eduardo V. Nlevera-cappotntment as Felix Ltarnldo Associate Professor of Radiology, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 Decem- il 1 ber 1990. Baltazar V. Reyes. Jr.-appointment as Paulino Cruz, MD ('65) Professor of Psychiatry, effective 1 January 1990 until 31 Decem"ber 1990. Nelia S. Ten-Llu-canpointment ee Eusebio S. Garcia Assistant Professor of Pathology. effective 1 January '1990 until 31 December' 1990. :11 , 'I I Social Sciences and Philosophy. College of . Carolyn M. Anonuev~-as Assistant Professor I (Sat. ,Gr., 18!. effective 1 June" 1990. Enrico R. Azlcate-as Assistant Professor I (Sal. Gr. 181: etfect-" ive 1 June 1990. Reynaldo R. Ty-as Assistant Professor I (Sal. Gr. 181, effect- . ive 1 June 1990. , Social Work and Community Development. College of Emmanuel M. Luna-a's Assistant Professor I [Sal. Gr. 181,. effective 2 ~ o...ember 1990. University of the Philippines College Baguio Ma. Luisa A. Carino-as Assistant Professor I ISal. .c-, 18t. effective 1 June 1990. ,. UP Extension Program in San Fernando Pampanga Gloria Luz M. Nelzon-as Assistant Professor lit (Sal. Gr. 19l, .eftective 1 June 1990. U.P. LOS BANOS Philippine General Hospital Antonio A. LimSon-appointment as Assistant Director for Health Education [Sal. Gr. 26), effective 1 May 1990 until 22 November 1990 (to ser ve the unexpired term of Dr. Garcia). Public Health, College of Ruben N. Caracay-appointrnent as MMC OJ Associate Professor of Public Health Administration, effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June 1991. Lina C. Somera-appointment as MMC OJ Associate Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health, effective 1 July 1990 until 30 June 1991. Ma. sandra B. Tempongko-promotion from Asslstent Professor III (Sal. Gr. 19) at P74,388 p.a. to Associate Professor I (Sal. Gr. 22) at P99,OOO p.a.. effect! ve 9 April 1990. Wilfred U, Tiu-appointment as MMC DJ Assistant Professor of Parasitology. effective 1 Janu~y 1990 until 31 December 1990. Minda luz M. Quesada-salary increase from Professor I (Sal. Gr. 24) at P121.620 p.a. to Professor II (Sal. Gr. 25t at P136,620 p.a., effective 8 April 1990. TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS • The Board approved the transfer to perrnrfnent status of the following: U.P. DILlMAN Architecture. College of Michael V~ Tomeldan-as Assistant Professor I (Sal. Gr. 18), effective 1 June 1990. Education, College of Ma, Rosario L. Chan-as Assistant Profess~r I (Sal, Gr. 18j, effective 1 June 1990. Human Kinetics, College of Ronualdo U. Dizer-as Assistant Professor I (Sal. Gr. 181, effective 1 June 1990. Rowena C.T. Pefia-eas Assistant Professor I ISal. Gr. 181. effective 1 June 1990'-1 Roberto M. Ramas-as Assistant Professor t (Sal. Gr. 18), effective 1 June 1990. Elednor S. Rivera-as Assistant Professor I (Sal. Gr. 181, effective 1 June 19,90. Naei K. Rivera-as·Assistant Professor 1 (Sal. Gr. 181. effective 1 June 1990: I "e '0= ;;. 80 ? Law. Collage of Danilo L. ConcepCion-as Assistant Professor VII (Sal. Gr. 21), effective 1 June 1990. Engineering and Agro·lndustrial Technology. College of Felipe A. Santos-as Assistant Professor II (Sal. Gr. 19), effective 16 October 1990. I .•• U.P. MAr~1 LA Medicine, College of Abundio A. 881ga5-8S Assistant Professor .1 [pert-time}, effective 1 May 1990. Public Health, Collegg of Vicente Y. Belizario-as Assistant Professor I' (Sal. Gr, .181. effective 1 June 1990. Reprogramming of savings from Accounts Payable in CY 1986 of the IPB;ASSP Project The Boa;'d approved the reprogramming of savings from eccounts payable in ~y 1986 of the IP8·ASSP Project in the total amount of P397,195 from MOOE (Code 200) to Capital Outlays (Code 300-32), which shall be utilized for the continued construction of the National Seed Foundation Facility {NSFFl. a very irnportent part of the IPS Complex. Correction of an approval at its 1034th m~ti"g held on 30 August 1990 for Reprogramming of Savings The Board approved the correction of an approval at its 1034th meeting held on 30 August 1990 for reprogramming of savings from accounts pavable at UPLB in the total amount 'of Pl,317 ,470.of the ASSP·FAPS Project of the Instltute of -Plant Breeding as follows (bracketed portions to be deleted, underscored 'portions to be added): "2. Financial 2.1 Reprogramming of P 1,317 ,470 representing savings in accounts payable in ICY 1988 and CY 1989] CY 1985 and CY 1987 of the ASSP·FAPS· Project. , Creation of a Dr. Salvador P. Lopez Professorial Chair in English The Board approved the creation of a Dr. Salvador P. Lopez Professorial Chair in English from one of the unnamed UP Foundation Professorial Chairs, as a fitting tribute to a distinguished UP Alumnus, scholars, writer, and diplomat. Establishm!3nt of the Felix D. Maramba. Sr. Professorial Chair In Agro·lndustrlal Farming System The Board approved the establishment of the Felix D. Maramha, Sr. Professorial Chair in Agro-Industrial Farming System out of a grant of P24,OOO annually from the FeliX D. Maramba, Sr. Foundation. i :~ ,. \ Aceeptal\Ce of donation from the Spanish Government The Board approved the acceptance of donation from the ~anish Government in the form of the following: a. Professorial Chair in the amount of P24,OOO per annum; b. Scholarships for Spanish majors not to exceed P30,OOO per annum {the amount can support three (3) scholars per veer}: c. cash award of P15,000 for the best undergraduate thesis. Proposed Disbursement of the Graduate Education Development Fee (GEDFI The Board approved the proposed disbursement of the Graduate Education Development Fee (GEDF) for the second semester, 1989·90, amounting to US $117 ,400 IP2,688,4601NOTE: Please see OSU files for the report on collection and disbursement Realignment of Funds in the UP Oilima" Budget The Board approved the realignment of funds in the UP DiUman budget in the total amount of P450,OOO from Capital Outlays (Code 300-32) to maintenance and other operatinq expenses to augment the MOOE funds of the College of Human Kinetics. Creation of 8 separate Trust Account for collections from new business ,projects The Board approved the creation of a separate trust account fO,.ctions from new business projects undertaken by the Office of t . niversity Business Manager. Grants to the President of Authority to revise Honoraria rates at the Law Center and delegate to the Dean of the College of Law the Authority to approve payment of honorarie The Board approved the authority for the President to revise honoraria rates at the Law Center and delegate to the Dean of the College of Law the authority to approve payment of honoraria subject to the following conditions: a. -The Dean will submit annual and quarterly budgets of the Law Center for approval by the Chancellor'; b. The honoraria do not exceed the rates approved by the President and are consistent with the approved budget of the Law Center. . Dean Agabin provided the details regarding the honoraria rates and the fees charged by the center's various projects, including the Bar Review P r ? j e c t . · . Regent Romero suggested the following: a That lectures be paid after submission of written lectures; , .dltors be given deadlines within which to complete their • editing work; ,.' c. There be proper monitoring of the grant of honoraria to each and every person to ensure that there is compliance with prescribed UP and eOA rules especially as regards the maximum amount of honoraria one may receive. Contract with Pilipinas Shell Pilipinas Shell is submitting for the consideration of the Board the revised proposal as follows: a. Original and New Rental Offer \ Year Old 1·5 . 6·10 . P 80,640 96,768 11 '2 13 14 15 16 17 j New Percentage Increase "6,'22 123,089 130,474 P 80,640 96,768 , 40.243 , 48,657 , 57 .577 20.81 20.8! 20.81 138.302 167.031 20.8% 146,600 '55,396 164.720 '77.053 167,676 198,932 . .O! .or 20.8% 20.8% . 20.8% 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 174,603 '65,079 ,96,184 207,955 220,432 233,656 247,677 262 ,538 2'0,873 223.,526 236,937· 251,153 266,223 282,196 299,128 3'7,075 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% b. Escape Clause Pilipinas Shell may pre-terminate this Contract without necessities of judicial action at the end of the fifteenth 115th) and the twentieth (20th) years of the contract term by giving written notice thirty (30~ days prior to the end o~ said years in the event that the continuous lease of the premises in the opinion of Pltiplnas Shell will adversely affect its operation. In the event of pre-termination, the rental payable to the University shall accrue pro-rata up to and become payable on the termination date and ownership of 'the building and all kinds of permanent concrete improvements constructed on the premises, except the machineries and equipment enumerated on Sedan 4, Article III shall be' automatically transferred to the University. Backgrou nd: The Board of Regents asked that a reopening clause be added to Shell's proposed contract- Shell, however, would rather pay higher rent than add a reopening clause to the proposed con- tract. ; Committee action: the Board authorized the President to neqc-. tiate the best terms for the University, bearing in 'mind the Board's preference far a reopening clause provides flexibility and protection to the Universltv especially in times of inflation. Contract with National Computer Center (NCC) The Board approved the contract with National Computer Center (NCel as follo~s: a. The University will provide an area of one (1) hectare, more' or less, in its Diliman Campus which shall .be used by the NCe only for the performance of its legal functions. b. The lease is for a period of twenty (20) years, starting from the date of execution. c. The building and other improvements to be constructed on the leased property shall become the property of the University at the end of ,the term or. upon ane arlier termination of the lease. d. During the term of the lease, NCC shall provide; free of , charge, to the University: lll data communication equiprr-·dlink that will access the NeC's computer systems fro. specified data terminalsl workstations in the University; , (2) access to the NCC's Librarv/Pubflc data bases by the faculty, staff and students of the University; (31sufficient space for the use of University staff within Nee's building; , (4) accommodation by the NCC of University faculty, staff , and students in its tr'aining programs; . (5) supplies, consumables and use of NCC computers and equipment as required by (1) and (4). '. {51 The NeC shell not directly or indhectly Jssign, sublease" sell, transfer or convey, mortgage or in any manner dispose Of or encumber its right on the lease contract in whole or in part without the written consent of the University . (7) Other provisions that the University may impose (e.g.,· insurance, maintenance and security, visitorial rights, utilities, architectural plans and improvements, etc.l Modification of Incentive Polley fa; feculty members transferring to UP San Fernando The Board approved the modification of incentive policy tor. ,faculty members transferring to UP San Fernando as follows: al Tenured faculty members in a main campus acceptable to UP 'I' . ."\'. , \': -t, Clark/San Fernando IUPCA8SF) and who transfer perma- . nently to the College shall be entitled to receive a 30% incentive based on basic salary. This entitlement shall be for a maximum -perlcd of three (3) years. . b] The tenured faculty members of UPCABSF now already receivlnq the 30% incentive shall continue to receive the incentive as long estnev remain with the College but not . Jonqer than 3 more years, l.e., not later than December 31. 1993, .' cl During the a-veer period, the tenured faculty members aucve are' encouraged to transfer residence in the Clark/San Fernando area, Upon actual transfer of residence, the faculty member shall be entitled to' a one-time moving allowance of . P5,OOO. Creation otthe Central Record Management Office The Board approved the creation of the Central Record Manage-ment Office under the' Office of the Vice-Ch~ncellorfor Adrnmlstra,tion. UP vtsaves. Bequest of Mr. Miguel S. Almazan, UP Press employee, to write off the loan of his daughter . The Board approved the request of Mr, Mi9~ul S. Almazan. UP Press ernplovee. to write off the loan of his daughter, Theresa Marie P. Almazan (deceased) from the Student Loan Board in the total amount of P872. SeleCtion of hculty Regent -The Board approved the revised procedure for selecting the next faculty regent. ' ' . The pro~edure involves two '(21 states: Stage I ..... Write-in Nomination . All regular full-time and part-time faculty members in active service (not including lecturers) of.the University shall write in the . name of only one ncmlnee.t.Nomtnees shall be chosen from the full-time Iacultvln any constituent university. Nominees shall be ranked according to the number of nominations received by each one. These among the top ten nominees who are witting to serve Shall become the candidates for Faculty Regent. I " . l, ! Stage II - University-wide Voting All regular fu'll-time and part-time faculty in active service (not' including lecturers) of the University shalt participate in' a general election on all the candidates for Faculty Regent. The names of the top three candidates shall be submitted to the UP President who shall make the formal endorsement to President Aquino .: .. Justification: . The proposed procedure provides the widest opportunity for all faculty members to participate in the selection of the Faculty Regent. ; Slnce'the Faculty Reqent regents the entire faculty of the Unlversltv, the pool of prospective nominees and of voters should not' be limited to ariy single constituent university, The proposed 'procedure Widens, the pool of prospective nominees and. allows all Iucultv members to choose their candidates. Regional Travel in the Philippines"': . '.' ., The Board confirmed the Memorandum of '!'greement between UP Dillman and the Department of .Tourlsrn on the research project: .entltled. ;'1990 Study on Regional Trsvet.ln the Phillppin~s""to be conducted the Asian Institute of Tourism,'UP Dilimen, fQr the Department of Tourism. . . by .!-l Sub-Contract between UP Vlsayas find the Municipal Government of ) Anilao, Jloilo, on Training-5eminars relative relative to project ope·· .~. rations, technical skills and community organizing and development needs '.'., , The Board confirmed the Sub-Contract between UP vtseves and the Municipal Government of Anilao, Iloilo, on training-seminars relative to project operations, technical skills. and .community or- , ganizing and development needs of both the project lmplementors and the beneficiaries to effectively implement the reforestation project subject of the Memorandum of Agree~ent between the municl~nty of Anilao, Iloilo, and the Department of Environment -end Natural Resources covering 100 hectares of mangrove rehabilitation. Memorundum of. Agreement between UP 'Visayas and 'the Zamboanga State College of Marine Sciences and Technology The Board confirmed the Memo~andum of Agreement between UP vtsaves and the-Zarnboanqa State College ofMarfne Sciences and Technology for the UP in the vtsevas Graduate Program in Fisheries and Marine Sciences at the Zarnboanqa State. Colleg~ of ' Marine Sciences IZSCMS~. Memorandum of Agreement entered into by UPLB. through the Institute of Agrarian Studies on the p~oject entitled, "Benchmark Survey for the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program" I'· The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement entered . into by UPLB, through the Institute 0.1 Agrarian Studies, with different institutions': namely: Vlsavas State College of Agriculture,' Central Luzdn State University, Camarjnes .Sur State University, Xavier University and Ateneo de nevao on the project ehtltled. "Benchmark Survey for the Comprehensive Agrari~n Reform Program" . I·' , ,I ",. -I ,.~~ <¥~., ~f. Memorandum of Agreement between .UPLB, and· the Bureau of. Animal lndulitry on 'the 'training proeram entitled, "E~fective Training Management for the Bureau of Animallndustr.y·'. The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between' UPLB, through the Research. Manaqarnent Center of the College.of Econo~ and Manaqement and the Bureau of Arllmal Industry, through t~e Animal Products and By-Products Traininq Center on the training program entitled "Effective Training Manepertrent for the Bureau of Animal Industry". Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB and the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources on the implementation of the ASEAN-US Watershed Project 'The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB. through the' College' of Forestry. end the Department of .Environmental and Natural Resources, throuqh the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau on th: .mptementatfon of the ASEAN-US watershed Project in Watershed manpower development, research support.. information generation and dtssernlnatton in the ASEAN reqion. , Memorandum of Agreement among the Department of Science B'nd Technology; DECS, et el., for' coordination in the c~lIection of biological specimens The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement among the Department of Science and Tectmoloqv: DECS: De pertrnent of Environment and Natural Resources; Department of, Agriculture; and 'the University' of the Philippines for coo~dination in the ~ol. lection of biological specimens.' UP. Memorandum of Agreement between UP OHiman and the Department of T~urism ~n the research project enti~led."1990 Study on "J '-: <·i. Agreetnent among the. University of Sesketcbewen, Simon Fr~ser University, and the University of the Philippines ori. Proiec~ Ugna~ yan: Strengthening University Capabllttv ;, ..•. '" :~1t, ,.:t :k '.,. r '- ':.1, I . Agreement between the University and the Philippine-American Education Foundation on the Implementation of the Fulbright Teacher Exchange P~odram 'Tlie Board confirmed the Agreement between the University and the Philippine-American Education Foundation on the implementation of the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program at the UP Integ.rated School (UP IS) wherelnia faculty from UP will teach at a . ~c.tlOol, to be dostonated and a 'counterpart therefrom will teach at '."i ~-, ' .The Board' confirmed the agreement among the University of Saskatchewan, Simon Fraser University and the University of the Philippines on Project Ugnavan: Strengthening University Capabilitv to Improve Oualltv of Education through Philippine-Canadian Cooperation. ' ! f::t, I Agreement between the Philippine Overseas Employment Adminis-tration and UP Law Center oil a SeminarlVVorkshop on an Integrated Approach to Illegal Recruitment . The Board confirmed the agreement between the Philippine Overseas Emplcvment Administration 'and UP Law Center on a Seminar/Workshop on an Integrated Approach to Illegal Recruitment for Forty (401 lawyers and investigators of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration. Memorandum of Agreement between ,UPLB and the Visayas State College of Agriculture on Far~ Mechanization Survey of Region VIII Tile Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between UPLB, through the Agricultural Mechanization Development Program, College of Engineering and Aqro-tndustrial Technology and the V lsavas State Col/ege of Agriculture on Farm 'Mechanization Survey of Region vtft. Memorandum of Agreement between Boy Scouts of the Philippines the University of the Philippines . Ihe Board conffrrned the Memorandum of Agreement super• seding previous agreements dated March 1, 1966 and June 6,1972 between the Boy Scoutsct the Philippines and the University oi.the Philippines on the lease of 57.7 has. land area more or less, located at Mt. .Makiling Forest Reserve for exclusive use as Boy Scouts Campsite and Training Center. - ,, Memorandum of Agreement between the University ofthe Philip· pines and the National Parks Development Committee The Soard confirmed the Memorandum of Agreement between the University of -the Philippines and the National Parks Development Committee on the lease of 5.92 has, area located at the Makiling Forest for use exclusively for parks and nursery site pur: poses. Construction Agreement between the University of the Philippines Visayas and F. Gurrea Construction The Board cpnfirmed the Construction Aqreement between the University of the' Philippines vtsaves and F. Gurrea Construction t he construction .of one (1) unit' Basketball court; one (1) unit i . • levbatl court; and onel l l unit Tennis Court. ' . General coostrueuon Agreement between INTERTECH Develop. ment and Construction Co. and the University of the Philippines , The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between INTERTECH Development and Construction Co. and the University of the Philippines on the construction of steel gate, fence and WI grilles, at the National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS), College of Science, , General Construction Agreement between EQUI·'rRI Construction and the University of the PhiHppines The' Board confirmed' the General Construction Aqreement between EQUI·TRI Construction and the University of the Philippines on the rehabilitation of the Basement. Southwing Gonzalez • ' Hall. . -I Construction Agreement between EQUI·TRI Construction and the University of the Philippines , The «Board confirmed the Construction Agreement 'between, EQUI-TAI Construction and the University of the Philippines on the renovetlon of Rooms 2113-2115. Pev. 2, Institute of Chemistry, ,.' I; Construction Agreement between G.L. Gonzalez Construction Inc. and the University of the Philippines The Board confirmed the Construction Ag~eement between G. . Supplemental Contract to the Contract for Janitorial Services entered into on 1 March 1990 between UP Diliman and JEJ Enter, prises .' the Supplemental Contract to the Contract for Janitorial Services entered into, on 1 March 1990 between UP '. L' Oiliman and JEJ Enterprises on the increase in the number of janitors presently servicing the following units: Sanggumay Besi'dence Hall, one 111; College of Arts and Letters, one (1); College;of Business Administration. three (31. T:1C Board confinned Supplemental Agreement to the Contract for Security Services dated March 14, 1990 between UP Visayas and Kaiser: Security and Allied Services The Board confirmed the Supplemental Agreement to the coe-. 'tra.ct for Security Services dated March 14, 1990 between UP Visayas and Kaiser Security and Allied Services on the hiring of . additional securitv personnel to secure the Miag-ao. Campus and UPV's other facilities and installations. Contract for Security Services between (Jp Diliman and Bolinao Security and. Investigation Services,lnc. The Board confirmed the.Contract for Se~urity Services between. UP Dillman and Botinac Security and Investigation Services'; Incto guard the premises of Marine Science Research Station located' at , Bclinao, Panqaslnan. General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Stern BUilders. corp. The Board confirmed the General .Construction Agreement, between UPLB and Stern Builders Corp. on the improvement of rooftop and gutter including painting of Unit III. Men's Dormitory. General Construction Agreement between UPLB a'nd ANECON Construction : The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement· between UPLB and ANECON Construction on the repalr/tenovation of the Forestry Residence Hall Extension, College of ~!irestrv. Supplemental Agree~ent between UPLB and ANECON,Construction The Board, confirmed the Supplemental Agreement between UPLB and ANECON Construction on labor and materials for the: installation of reinforced concrete culvert at the entrance of Pump House N o . 5 . ' . General Construction Agreement between ACT Construction a·nd the University of the Philip'pines . The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between ACT Construction and rhe University of the Philippines on re-roofing of. the Engineering Libr~ry, Melchor Hall. UP DiUman.· . '. ' . .: General Construction Agreement between UPLB and REAN Bulld- ." The . Board confirmed the General Construction 'Agreement between UPLB and REAN Builders on the construction of security fence around the. National Crop. Protection Center:' (NCPC.1 New -, Area, General Construction Agreem'ent b~een UPLB and AG-CON ~n~ terprises , ..' The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UPLB and AG-CON Enterprises on the repainting/improv~ment NCPC Service Area, .UNIT II. . of I General Construction Agreement between UPLB and ANECON Construction The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UPLS and ANECON Construction on the repair of plumbing fixtures at the AdministratIon Building. I General Construction Agreement between UPlB and F. Vonzon Construction .The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UPLB and F. Yon zan Construction on the construction of curb and gutter and RCP drainage line at IAS/CVM Complex. ! l" General Construction Agreement between UPLB and ANECON Construction The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UPLB and ANECON Construction on the conversion of 'classroom to office and laboratory, Forest Biological Science Base. ment, College of Forestry.' I',I I L I General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Power Equipment and Supplies, Inc. The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Power Equipment" and Supplies, Inc. on the construction of UPLS Single Metering Distribution System. !, i I /. • General Construction Agreement between UPLB and R.C. De Villa Construction The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UPLB and R.C. De Villa Construction on the repair of main roofing and ceiling 'at Baker Hall Building. Memorandum of Agreement between the University of the Philippines and the Organization of Non-Academic Personnel of the University of the Philippines The Board confirmed the Memorandum of Agre~rnent between the University of the Philippines and the Organization of NonAcademic Personnel of the University of the Philippines on the management and operation bv- ONAPUP of the UP Botanical Garden and Park along Mag~aysay Boulevard, Taclcban City. • Contract of Lease between the University of the Philippines and Bulaean Garden Corp. . The Board confirmed the Contract of Lease between the Unlvesity of the Philippines and Butacan Garden Corp. on the lease of . 10,000 sq. m. land area, more or less, located along the perimeters of oaang Tuba comrnencinq from Katipunan Avenue, UP Dillman, for use exclusively for the propagation of orchids and ornamental plants and cut flowers. Contract of Lease between the University of the Philippines and Mr. Radolfo C. Ranjo The Bo'ard confinned the Contract of Lease between the University of the Philippines and Mr. Rodolfo C. Rania on the lease of 5,000 sq. m. land area.mere or less, located.afonq C.P. Garcia Avenue in front of the Science Complex, UP Dttjman, for use exclusively for the propagation of orchids and ornamental plants and cu~ flowers. Contract of Lease between the University of the Philippines and Ms. Estrellita S. Bautista The Board confirmed the Contract of Lease between the University .ot the Phitippinej and Ms. Estrelllta S. Bautista on the lease of 10,000 sq , m. land area, more or less. located along C.P'. Garcia Avenue in front of the Science Complex. UP Dillman. for use exclusively for the propagation of orchids and ornamental plants and cut flowers. 84 Contract of LeaS'] between the University'of the Philippine'l end Mr. Leopolda de Is Cruz The Board confirmed the Contract of 'Lease between the Universitv of the Phi.lippines and Mr'. Leopolda de la Cruz on the lease of 10,000 sq. m. land area, more or less, located along Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, in front of the Iglesia ni Krista for use exclusively for Horticulture acnvitles.' Contract of Lease between the University of the Philippines and Mr. : Teodulo Topacio, Jr. The Board confitmed the Contract of Lease between the Unl-. versitv of the Phhipplnes and Mr. TeoduloTopacio, Jr. on the tease.' of 10,000 sq. m. land area, more or less, located along C.P. Garcia Avenue in front of" the Science Complex, for use exclusively for the propagation of orchids and o-namentat plants and cut flowers. General Construction Ag~eement between UPLB and Suben Enterprises The Board confirmed the . General Construct.ion Agreement between UPLB and Suben Enterprises on the improvement of the Narra Road, UPLB. General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Suben Enterprises The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Suben Enterprises on the asphalt overlay of the road lead!ng to .the UPLB .Admtntsnatton Building and Parking Area. General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Carrera-Cruz Trading and Construction The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Carrara-Cruz Trading and Construction on the repair of existing qareqe of the UPLB Police. ' General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Stern Builders The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UPLB and Stern Builders on the improvement of the rooftop and gutter including painting of Unit III, Men's Dormitory. General Construction Agreement between UPLB sod MPC Construction , The Board confirmed the General Construction Agreement between UPLB and MPC Construction on the repair of roofing, gutter, ceiling and paintlnq of the AdministratlcnBulldlnq, College of Forestry, Donations The Board confirmed the following deed of donations: 1. Deed of donation dated October 31, 1990 between wlnrock International and UPLB, through the Department of Economics, College of Economics and Management for a donation . of a motor vehicle for the primary use of the Department of Economics, CEM. 2. Deed of donation' dated November 9, 1990 between Rijksunversiteit Gen IState University of Gent), Gent, Belgium and UPLB, through the College of Veterinary Medicine for a donation of a motor vehicle for the exclusive use of project personnel in the project known as "Establishment of a Mobile Clinic at the College of Veterinary Medicine, UPLS" The Board noted the following: 1. Donation from the British Govemment of se....era! pieces of Scientific equipment for the UP vtsaves Marine Biological Station in Taktonq Island. 2. Revised Academic Calendar 1990-91 for Year levels 3 and 4, College of Medicine. 3. Revised Academic Calendar of the UP College Baguio High School for AY 1990-91: 4. Acceptance of the cancellation' of Eoucational Service Aqrnement between the University and UP College Clark Air Base. ' 5. Rejection of 11 proposed enreemeo t. 6. Resolution under the auspices of the UP AfumntAssocla'tton Board of Directors supporting the establishment of a UP in Mindanao. c.> : -,. 7;. E~ablilhrnent of"a trust fu'nd by the UP Medicine Classaf .',.' 1939 the UP Medical Library. " . . • ' : ~ 8. Donation of' 8 .Penescntc Dental X.Ray Apparatus to the • ... " , - '. '" . <;'':} ColI~of Dentistry: .',' '.:~ - .' _ . ", ,.; . 'i~ 9. Sale of Unserviceable motor vehicle of UP Manila to Mr. Hermeni!1ildo Yamson; 10; TranSfer of an unserviceable Mitsubishi Willy's Jeep from the Bracklshwater Aquaculture Center IBAC) to the Muni- pality of Legenes. . . . ' . 11. Acceptance of a 'grant from the Mirasol·Florete. famUy. 12. Suppfemental Contracts to' the Contract for Security Servlces between 'UP Dillman and Frontiers Security an'd Detect- ive Agency; Ine.<':- Other Mauers 1. "I melda Villaluz Case 2: . . Housing for Wilfredo Ma, Guerrero" • . . . . ADMINISTRATIVE CIR'CUl.;ARS , ' . ' . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER " ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO, 34 5 October 1990 '-.~:' -:: ~...... : , • , .' r TO SUBJECT 'ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO, 31' • " . > ' ";;';.\?,;.: Vlce.·Presldent Gamino H. Ab~d' ,". . '," ,': DeSignation as Officer-in-eherge ~f t'he .UniversitY·: :',t, . '''. -;~.' ,:' . , .,' .' l ' . , ..- .. -' :~ :.' In my. absence due to my official trip ,tP Bangkok to attend the :,' Conf~rimce of Presidents'of Nattonal.tlniversltles in th~·Asia.pacific.:'. I am designating you Officer;in-Chargeol the UniVer"sitV:"Qf't'h~: Philippines. effective 27 November 1990 uotH1 December 1990.,. ";."1 :j ";"" . -v, -, ,i 5,oetober 1990 TO ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 32. • '," .... ' . TO' Professor Emerllndl R. Roman' Vlc;e·Presldent' .for .Adminlstratio.n and Secretary of'. the L!niversity , • SUBJECT ' .-, ,?e~ignation·.as Offic~r·in·Charge of the University ",', .. 91 the PhHlppine$," d. ,_ ,~ . "" . ." . . 1/' Please serve as"Officer.in-Charge of the University of th~ Philipl .plnes in mY-absence,effeetive 9 October 1990 until my. return from an official trip to Chlna but nOt later.than -22 October 1990. ~, ;'",' '~.,' , 159d.)JOSE V. ABUEVA ,'" SUBJECT ' > > ' '".'" ,. ' ',,"President \ ',' ,', ." ,. , ." .." .,' " ,f· • ...c.". ~ .-1" •!' ",' -.» .', . ;~'. f . " .. "" ' •, . .,' " '. ' " '! . .. , .;_,,":. ~ ::.-::E:~~:~,,-",; ">2~~~'~,1,:~,::"K} t ,.'.~,. ~ ",',.OIl Or Raul P. de Gu~ma,!· Chancellor UP Los Banos University of the PhilIPPines·., Oiliman, Quezon City' Dear Raul: ,Li":....Thank_.you 'for sending us 'a 'copy of the UP Los Banos 1989 . 'I. . " . ':"The R'eport" is ve~y protesslonally-prepared and shows the range Ann·ua(Repo"rt.' ;0; "achievements 'of urt.e as Asia's center of excellence in eqrfcul· ture.: rur'al development, ~rid related fie ids: iJpLB has maintained the Universlty's tradition of excellenc'e In Its three basic missionsof tnauuctlcn. research. and community service." . 1'- ,. . The Report rightly stresses the need to build up the country's " ··'~~ii,., . research and development capability; focusing on, among others, the ("..-" .,: ".,'fields ~f 'forestry," agricultural enqiheerlnq. biotechnology, and: '.. biology. This' is one-area in which the University and UPLB ln partl-\ u, . . euler Can ctav ateedrnn role In ·the country's development. .'.',.. . " witA vour able' leadership, I am sure UfLB will continue to make . "e positive impact and significant ccntributlon to the growth and · development of our ccuntrv and the Asla-Paclttc region. ' . ~.: Ccnpratulaticnsand more power to you and your staff. ~)~,,~_,~,;,,: ~~,',:~",."'(" , .,~ \ :~,~ i ';, , . • " ,~ . " '.".- October 2 1·199~ ,Ref, No, JV A,388,90 '" .' ft. " , " .'" , Ref. No, JV A,90401 Dr, Won Sui Lee . President Hall NAM universitv . 1330jung Dong TAEJON ,300'791 Korea' , We hav~ the hcncrto submit herewith the project documents on the upgrading of the Philippine General Hospital Project which is being considered tor 8 US $5.2 million grant under the first P~iljp· · pine-Italian Protocol for Technical and Financial Cocperetfon; . -: May we request for a.NE.QA endorsernent.to the Italian Government 'of the project. Please be Informed that this project package i~corporates, the agreements bv PG~ with' an Italian non-qovernment 'orqanlzatlon (ARCl Cultura Ii Sviluppo)·dispatched bvthe Italian Government in August 1990. We most welcome the assign'trent of ARCI Culture eSvuuopo as the Italian NGO to handle the project.. . ., " '. ,. .' " . .' '. Your.u$ual lmmedlate' action on the matter wilt be highly appreciated. ' \ . vcurs. ISgd.lJOSEV, ABUEVA President ',: " '.1 ", Dear Secretary' Paderan~a:· , :'}' l '. , ...... ' i I: ,,,,~ , Attn.: Assistant Director General Carolina Guina " "I'~~ """ ',<I t ,. I I. :.'. ' '~': :·,<r-:;'·..[."·"··} Secretary of Scclo-Economlc Planning and Di;ector.General· . .; National Economic and Development Authority' Amber Avenue, ~. Pasig; Metro Manila. : :,. ;Io-~ - , '., .Sjnce~ely. J r Honor~·bl~'~yeta~o Paderanga , . "~ I'::'::X~,..:.~,;: ~i' •• - ) ,'The 16 July 1990 earthquake was one of the worst dis~sters we .~j.' have experienced. U.P, College Bagulo was the ,~or_st hlt_U~lt in t~e ~ t -unlversltv. It was important .that we had to respond pre;tmptly to' '-: . urgent needs. one of Which was the Immediate r~palrl.~,econ.str.~etl~n 'I ,i;, .of the demeqed buildlnqs. i,· r " ' , ", " -\"/,,ri~·::.··.·'~ Your positive and efflclent response ,·and, the .un,selfi.sh .pe·r~.: \ tormance ·Of CPDMO personnel enabled the l)niversity to 'reopen ' ':( . . ' classes in U ,P, ColI~ge Ba~uio ?n the targeted date lastmbnt.tJ~ - ;:' ,{ ,}' . We wish to thank and commend you and the CPD~O ~r.ew .10t:"<. \':, this wonderful work.don~ in record time and under a~verse f?Ondl~':1 ~, tions. '~ .. ~ .':.;'/ ~;' ~~buhayl ;, '\, " ,'."" ." .,~~",' '~'~/h" '. '_ ". Stnc~~eIY, yoUI'S, ;.,;,~, "-, .. ~. 1-' 1?-' .. ,;,. Dear Director Cruz: " Very truly yours, .~ ISgd,l, JOSE V, ABUEVp, President' i .i "','" . '" Pet~b~r·:~r990;' , .. '.' '. . (' .-' , '(Sgd,IJOSEV;ABUEVA~,;, :~ .' 'pffisident'i-'> .v : l~ ': ,',' .'. ~' . ,"i . '~ • ,} ...:. , ,,' s. / 9 October 1990 ", .;.. -,.",' .J "'>, i.:.-· '.:' f • "I, ~ • • '1 .,'',. :,H~n. Ponciano Mathay· President , U.P:' Alumni As~dation :...... U,~. Dilimen . ,~ " ., "I .. . r . . ~ ~,. , \ ' ; Oear·Mr. Pons Mathay:·, .... . " .1 would like 'to formally thank you and through you, the 'U.P. Alumni Association, for its donation to the U,P. Research Endowment Fund of SEVENTY·FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P75,000.001. We have -t~rned over the amount to'the U.P. Foundation'lnc, which has issued the enclosed Official Receipt No. 166584. '.' . This amount will be a big help to various' research projects in the pursuit of the University's objectives. It Is through the UP Research Endowment FlJn~ that we" hope to u'ndertake ·sign·ificant. quality research 'on' 'subjlkts ,of ,t,he' highest order of prforttv without depending on external tun~ing which .sometlrnes deflects us from our own priorities, : With best regards.' I: Sincerely yours, '. '. ,. ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA· .' President 9 October 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90-409 Mr. Rogelio Mlrasol Floreta Il,oilo City. . ·f :.'. Dea~'Mr. Pforete: .;:. .On behalf Of .the University,' I would like to thank you and · through· you, the' members of the. Mlrasol-Flcrete family, for the scholarship' grant in memory of vour late mother, Salome Mirasol Florets. in' the amount of. Thirty.Two Thcusan-' Five Hundred :',J?,500,OOl" to.suppor~,.s qual.rfi~ high s.choOI. fr~shm~n l~' l!... iSayas; 11011.0 City. , " '" ' '., . ,. ·,·Weare pleased to' know that you are willing to continue voursupport to the, serne scholars should they decide to pursue a degree in, mass communication or, broadcast communication. and to assist · them in sec~ring.a job in yout family-owned Consotldatad Broadcasting System, .Likewise, we are happy to note that you have plans of increasing the grant in the future to-support a bigger 'number of , poor but deserving students. '. ' .. W~ in the' University. are very grateful for your generosity be' " ca~se it is through the help ot"">rivate lndlvlbuals like you' that U.P. '. is able tp implement its special programs and projects in the pursuit of its objectives. . . ".' . Thankvou once aqcln.. p.' • .~. < ... ' ' ." • ~ 'I ,',-'l ,. I' "', ,. " ; ,.,~ ,< , -; ~' "., ... '"., ., ," '. •.<.•.• ,) :/ . : ,' .. ~:' [Sqd.l JOSEV:ABUEVA' President" " ., l···.~ . Sincerely vovrs, ~ , • " ,.", ' ;'; . ~' . ,,' ,.'(; .. , "', t Mrs. Clarita M. Bautista Acting City Secretary City Council Baguio City 2600_ a. . , '! ~':": 1.,'- " . . , .~, • tralnor.lnhelplng children cope with the trauma of the earthquake. •She canelso be requested 10 furnish you e copy of h., report, We also sent 8 team of structural engineers and guidance eounselars speclflcally"to deal with U.P. Baguio and its' con~ituentl. Dean PatriCio Lazaro of U.P. Bagulo has an extensive report.. o ;",Vig{\ ;~;"lj ' ,: all iI' foreign student! beginning June 1988,10 eugmtn! Ihe ,ub'idY1 .~ It derives fro~ the natlonB1' gOVernmBn~~ .This fee to th~:'~al~; ~ lenance or.llbrery and'lea~hlng fecllllie' of .the co . liege, w.here~ .'il . !orej~n students are' enrolled. Moreo~er; eVen, wlt,h. :the' eo~ /.thoo,? ~, University', tuition and other fet1l cover only part 'of:the: cost oft education in U.P. As a result. all students, including fo~I~~udent.~ ~ goes J! . To get quick results from the Inter~Agency Committee, I suggest \ '1 . • that.' you gat 10 touch with Dr. Raymuntlo Punongbayan, ere PHI.LVQCS Dtrector, who Is on top 6f several studies being done on the' earthquake, and who II a lead ·member. of the Inter-Agency 50% discount on th~ EDF, not an exemptlon~for vour;flvll scholaf'l~ :~ · Committee. Undersecretary Celso Roque, who chaired the initial· .this current' academic year i 1st end.'2nd semester.,', 1990-9H,'si' 8:~~ ,,~ 'two meetings of the Committee, has apparently resigned from the cereesercn to the VMO.•Volunteer Programme" Whlch'·the.Phll1pplnej~ J "l' ~ f.: DENR.:. . government entered into with partielpating countrles,!n,th8·,r~io~~S :~ - . We 'will request Doctors TamesiS'and SQnido; and Dr: Ventura We hope, that PAGASA wllf co,n,lder Ih.·full EDF(US$500 per,:, j~' to 'send vou copies of their .repcrt. Whatever report on Baguio I~' graduate student per semester) in its request fO"8Pprt?P~la~lo'ni fr.om.,':"._~' submitted' to ·us .by ether faculty member. will also be available the national government' for Its foreign'scholers next .choof'yea';-,', ' :o.you. _..T hank vou very much fot you; kj~:.un.de.rstSndlng_::,~'~::-'/;'r .::,'-.:/~:/'l • :~b:::~Z~fbl~:h~i,I':::r::a::~u~"we .:~;;jg:~~iC;j ~ . . 'Very truly yours: .. , ,<':1. ~ ,~,.. ,~". "~·::·:_";>!~;VP,~,1.'~~:~{~t ,... '. " SincerelvY~url;;:t.tlt::~.·:~~·;~~ " 'Y ISgd,1joSE V;ABUEItA,' ,';; ".' • ~, .: "'-. < ., , Ref. No. JItA,~lJ.438 • " PrBiSldent ,_,,'" 29 October 1990 ~ .i .: '+' , (Sgd,) JOSE V. ABU EVA " : ~ith best wls~~I ". ". "" ,;~. .' "~":"~'f~-'~"":'(~;~~ :c~·-'l:i."-:·;Pr;;'fdent~·'~V:,{ -: -, ",;,:<. \;:\"Yj· . ~'~·,.-J'<;-C~,~·':\ •• 1 ':':~:f/i~~.1:'.+~f,t~'~:::~~ " Mrs; NeliaTeodoro-Gonzalez Chairman Cornmlttee on Corporations and Franchises" House of Representatives " Republic of the Philippines . I am delighted to hear that you' have been chosen the' "UP Los 'BanOS Most DiStinguished Alumna" for 1990 by the UP Los Ba~os · Alumni Association: C~gratulationsl" It 'Is certainly 8 mostdeserved honor, 8 .fltting culmination of your 10'~9' years of hard work .8S8n agribusiness expert In thasetvlce of both public and' 'private: secatrl,' and' as an active officer and organlzars of 'the UPLBCA AlumnI Association and the UPlB Alumni Federation. W~ at" the' University are proud of What you have achieved and happy' for the irecognitiOf! gIven you as' a distinguished 'alumna.. May'You raapqreater successes in' the veers to come. . ., My w~rniest.'wlshes to you and yo!!r famity~ Keep up the good work. and morepower to you. ::::::~~::~man ','" .J: : , " ._.•~{';,,-;~,:,<-,.;=." ~ >;l;j,'JJ<')lt:~l Tlnga: , :,. Th'ls is to formalize out request to V9ur Committee thaf~~ U~i:';.' ~~ versily of the Philippine, System (UPS), rather than U.P. Les Banos,,' ,::;j IUPLB). be granted a franchise to construct, eStablis~.rn~iritainand,~ ~;1 operate radio and television broadcasting .stations, Withll'1_the ~hllip.{,· ,~~ ,pines. • ' . ' , ,-, ";'" ,., .•• '".•...: .... ':;'.~";/~.:;.".,.~; ~~ . -Since 1983, we have been kept informed 'by oui eolh!aguM 8ttha;, Institute of OevelopmMt Communication OOC) at UPlB'of their: initiatives to obtain- a franchise for Radio Stat~n OZlS, In May Of;'~ .this year we were notified that a bill wal sponsored' 'by Congress·;, man Joaquin Chipec:o, Jr. To seek such a·~iranchise;"wa have allO". been informed recently that the only question taised'durln~vour? delibe~atl~ns wa~ whether ·~PL.B '.,ha.'lhe legal perso,n.~lity'~.o.·. h~\d'( , frenchlse, and. Whether, In teet. It ,. Ihe UPS which 'should b,.;t~e.' franchisee; O':Jr legal of:fic~rs are 'of the .0Plnion t.tl~.~· u~~a,d\b.r~(~of!;: I Sincerely yours. ISgdlJOSE V. ABUEVA ; Pr(J$ident , .. " " . :' .,.' , '. '-' ~1 October 1990 . ", ,. Dear' Mr~' 'F~rrar1s: .. '.. , ~ 'Thank you for your letter' of 26 S~~tember 1990. reque.ting for ftom the' Eciucatlon i.'bevefopment Fee (EDF) for P.AGASA·s foreign'lcholarJ in the UnlversltV of the Philippines . . ,~i undentahd that Vice-Chanceltor Caoill wrote Dr. RomaT'l Kin'tana; a'Jetter on 5 April 1990 -'nforming htni, about the collection'. ofthe,EDF' from yoo'r scholars.r.he U.P. has: imposed tpe E-DF on ,',. ... < \~ ~ '~I. \1. I(, :;~ . We welcome this development because .if tha l!.~;~Sv'tem ,i,~:' ?; granted such a franchise, it will automaticallV cbver:Radlo.!tatlo"-;;: 'i.. oiup (foea.ted. In .~.P. D.il!man~' a.nd oth.ef ~ad.io...I,.~e,!~. 1,~,i::O. ,,~.·,~a~_.i~.~S.....,. ~ .~~ . that our lofanous units are Intendmg to establish .. ~" ;\;:"',,;<'-""";' ;:.:.~"; J. May we, therefore, reiter~te'"our request t~at ·H.o!Jse:';Bili 'No;.~ ~, 23931, entitled "An Act Granting. the University ,ot.the .P~lItppines.~' ~1 at Los Banos a Francnise to. Consttuet,E.tabllsh, Malrnain. and,";~ j~~ Operate Radio and .Television Broadcasting Sla.IJOn,WII.h. InRagl~n.:.).,~,. IV" be modified,to reflect the fact thatit Is neW theUriiversltv of:'-:. ) .. ,the Philippines System which seeks a franchise' to,con.t~ct. estab.::; :: iili,h, ma,intain: ~nd oper8te':r8di~ andt.ele~i~si.O~ ~!,~~~~~!~~~~~t~r~) Within.. the Phd~pplneI1' . :I '. '< ": .. :':J'l:"::""'~';~'-'''\~,\''''~;'':!':>'~~-:> ~~ We ere ~ttachin9 a copy of the charter of ttle V.P. Sy~.m.i: part\: ~,,\ of this' submIssion.' Kindlv lnfprm, Us of an{othe(nqulrements :,' ..~:.~ n·~:~PUld like ~o'take Ihl, oP~~;tunltv'to ~;h~'~:~~u'~~~'i~~~' ~ Honorable Members of your. Committee "or the support·Y()u 'have,~' ;-~.~ a . given our institution. If approved, this franchise will hiVe big boost:" :~':~,\ ",. ' , '.', ..... ;- ." .::,#' . ; I,' ~ 1J ,.' ex~mptlo", r',. )' ~:e:~'" legal persona~'lyto hold ,uc~'a .tr·~~~~~;:~i~f~'"f~::~h~l t~.:.: , 1 Mr; Cipriano rio Fe'r'r.rri (Deputy Director) Offic:er.in-Charge. PAG~ASA ATB Bldg., 1424" -Qu'ezon'Ave'. . /' , Quezon City ,I :::"::::~.: ';;7.J4~a I "UPLB Alumnl.Assodation ,I " ·i.os Ballos. Laguna , , Dear Nell~ Gonlalez; ; t. . f I~ ~,':t'~~ "".,;.~"-,,-'?JY: ~ . t"~'ir-,' ii. . . ~ ; ''''''~1IF '1, ~'J"..;),.~~." .. ,,:~. "'111 .. '_.~.1 ~'(t. >.--, \ ~ .. '! r.i: ,,; to inforfnational/educational radio stations, a sector greatly out.. nU'llbered by their commercial counterparts. We therefore hope for 'pur favorable action on this matter and for the speedy passage of the bill. receive at least the total of Pl,272 M (Fund 101 and Fund I 1021. 4. APPEAL FOR 1991 INCREASES FOR UP·PGH Sincerely, ISgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA President . 2 November 1990 Ref. No. JVA·90-448 Honorable Senator Alberto Romulo Senate of the Philippines . Honorable Rolando Andaya Chairman, Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Honorable Guillermo Carague SecretarY,OBM .De_ntlemen: ~re writing to clarify certain points regording the implications to th.e University of "rcenectinq the 1990 budget": 1. CURRENT OPERATION EXPENDITURES As far (IS COE is concerned, our interpretation in the University i~ that: for 1991, U ,P. will get in COE what it received in the 1990 GAA (Pl.031 MI plus the mid-year supplements totalling Pl03 M plus an estimated P8 M mandated longevity pay under RA' 6758 - or at least the total of P1,142 M. Please see attached tabulation and copies of the OBM supplemental releases. It will be noted in the attached documents that the supplements are mostly due to SSL and some projects. While longevity pay is being paid out of aqencv savings this year, such savings which are non-recurring, e.q., .lterns of faculty and staff on leave without P<JY, wi'l no, longer be available n ex t .vear. Please note too thnt while two projects were arted this year two other projects were terminated. It is otso our interpretation in U.P. that the "reenactment of the 1990 budget" means that the 1991 ceiling for the entire National Government will not exceed the 1990 ceiling for the entire National Government. Interpreted thuslv. "reenactment"- does_ not preclude actual increases in 1991 for the UP·PGH. Please allow me to submit our urgent appeal for the addltlon of P50 M to the Pl,272 M ceiling mentioned in NO.3 above. This sum is for the operatlonatizatlon of the 5th floor of the UP-PGH Central Block. ., While UP. understands the present problems besettinq the country, we are also confident that you appreclute the need 01 the Filipino pecote for additional services at UP-PGH. The PGH building has been completed but the top 4 floors remain unused. The P50M we request for 1991 would mean mare operating rooms. labs. and. more hospital beds for both charity and pay patients. ,. 5. IN SUMMARY, we request your kind assistance so that UP . mnv reclevc for 1991 the tc tal of Pl,322 M lFund 101 and Fund 1021. Finally 'we would like to acknowledge, with qratltude the time, effort and support you and your technical staffs have been granting the University of" the Phiuppines. We rem <lin hopeful that you will continue to' understand the special role and the unique requirements of the University of the Philippines. With assurances of our highest esteem. Very truly yours, {Sqd.} JOSE V. ABU EVA Presidem 2 November 1990 Ref. No. JVA-~0-446 ·1~1 • The projected 1991 budget. lor UY. would have included a "P5 M increase 'for terminal leave and another P15 M increase for retirement gratuity over 1990. We understand that the reenactment also means Inreqomq these projected increases. Meanwhile. as of 10 September 1990 a supplemental release of P5 M for these purposes is beinq requested to pav pending claims. In 1991, it is very likely the reenacted 1990 budget would also be very much deficient but we shall just ask tor supplemental releases as the need arlse. 2. CA'PITAL OUTLAY As far as CO is concerned, our tntemretatton is that: for 1991, U.P. will get the total of P129 M, as the DBM and the President has recornmenqed to Conqress and as we have discussed with both the House Ccmrnitter.? on Appropriations and the Senate Technical Committee on the Budqet in the past 2 -3 months. We realize that the proposed CO for 1991 is actually P9 M lower th,ln the 1990 GAA ceiling of P138 M but we understand the reasons for this; 3. Thus, for us in UY. our tnte-oreranon of "rcenactmen t of the 1990 budget" is that:· for 1~91, the University woutc Ginanq Zenaida Manso Adlas. Silang Cavlte Mabel na Ginang Manso: Natanqqap ng aking opisinaang inyong sutat na may petsanq Oktubre 1. Naiintindihan ko anq inyong lebls ne pnqka-balisa bunqa n9 p~gkakabig8Y ng pormnt na pabatid kay Proposer Emeritus Wilfrido MOl. Guerrero na lisanin ang kanyang tinitirahong cottage sa D'ilimnn campus. . Walun!] nltnlanqan at walanq pascbulinq matak l anq naging knnt ribusvon ni Pr opesor Guerrero, hindi lamang sa Unibersidad kundi pat! na rin sa o1ting lipunan. Ngunit gaya naming Iahat sa taga UP community, nerarepat ternanq na kern! din av maqsakrtptsvc para anq karumihan av rnaktnebnnq din sa mqa pribilehiyong idinulot sa atin. Isa sa rnqe malak i at' rnasetan na problema n9 Unibersidatl- ay kakulangan ny paba hay para sa mga faculty, stafl, at ernptevado. Sa. kasatukuven, may hi~it·kumulang &20 sa kanita ang nasa listang nagaantav para maqkaroon nu pebahav sa campus. Dahil dito [IV mnyroon kaming mqa patakarnn <It ko rnire para sa' pabahav na sivang humahnr ap SA mga problema tungko) so oebabev. S<l ngayon ev tinurulunqan narnin ang rnqa emolevadonq gustong rnagkaroon ng paba hay sa tabes nq campus. ~I - r ~t c ;;, . it o I. I '" N " ~ ~. •" o n ~ o C7 + " " o "n "sC7 . ~' ~ - .~ <a <a i o ., ,~ '-"'-,====::_---------' 89 ,'\\1 . . I' <".:. '.' - ' • 20 November 1990 Director Joseph Alaban43 Regional DevelopmentCouncll Cordillera Autonomous Region B Baguio City' Ref. No. JVA·90-483 Consul General Alfredo L. Almendrala, Jr. 447 Sutter Street San Francisco, CA 94108 U.S.A. Dear Director Alabanza: I would like to follow up the release of funds for the repair and rehabilitation of the damaged buildings and tacillties at u.r. College . Baguio. With your assistance, we hope to completely restore our facilities, revive the once lively and active campus, and help our students, faculty, and staff to fully recover from the devastation caused by the July 16 earthquake. We hope to hear from you soon. With best regards. lj I I, i • i I I i 26 November 1990 Dear Consul General Almendrala: , I am glad to learn that you are willing to serve as trustee of the Friends of U.P, Foundation in Amenca. I would like therefore to formally invite you to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the Friends of U.P. Foundation vice ,Ms. , Teresita V. Marzan. I look forward to working with you in the Foundation in the interest of a greater U.P. Very truly yours, Sincerely yours" ISgd.l JOSE V. ABUEVA President ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABU EVA President 4 December 1990 21 November 1990 Ref. No. JVA-90-494 Ref. No. JVA-90-481 Her Excellency Corazon C. Aquino President, Republic of the Philippines Malacefianq, Manila Atty. Cecilio G. Hechanova Chairman Philippine Sports Commission Malecafianq. Manila -Thru: Han Catalina Macaraig, Jr. Executive Secretary DearAttv. Hechanova: Dear Mrs. President: This is with reference to your letter dated July 20, 1990, requesting a site for a Shooting Range somewhere between the INNOTECH and ARBORETUM. I am sorry it has taken me a Ionq-tfme to respond. • " " o'" Much as we would like to accommodate your request; it is with, regret that the site you have identified has been earmarked for specific uses under the University's Land Use Plan, While I cannot make any commitments, we are aqaln exploring if another site mav be available for your needs which U.P, could also make use of in connection with our College of Human. Kinetics (formerly SPEAR). Thank you for your interest -to help our College of Human Kinetics. • With warmest regards. ~ ~ N ~ ~ ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEItA President • " .0 E ::l Z x x " E ::l 0 > 92 "·1 . . The vehicles to be purchased are not cars. These are strictly service Or utility vehicles. The estim~ted total cost is approximately P996,OOO (at todav's prices}, to be paid from University income. 1. ONE AUV. (APPROX P280.000J FOR THE COLLEGE OF. HUMAN KINETICS This AUV will be for the use of the college in transporting. various athletic equipment within' the campus le.g. gym, tennis. court, track oval, swimming pool, etc.l and the transport of U.P .. varsity teams to various athletic meets. At present the college has' an old 1975 Toyota Coaster-service vehicle that is either eating up MOOE money while being repaired or guzzling gasoline when working. Because the service vehicle is often out of order, the bus has to be used to transport equipment or carry small teams which more easily' fits an AUV. ~ ,. , Sincerely yours, "<J< ( , We respecttultv : request exempttcn from the Natlonel Emergency Memorandum Order (NEMOI No. 24 dated 17 May 1990 to purchase five service/utility vehicles - three Asian Utility Vehicles " lor AUV's) and two motorized tricycle cabs - for three units of the University: , 1. COLLEGE OF HUMAN KINETICS 2. OFFiCE OF lHE UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR 3. CAMPUS PLANNING OEVELOPMENT ANO MAINTENANCE OFFICE ICPOMOI· . .. 2. ONE AUV· IAPPROX P280.0001 FOR THE OFFiCE OF THE UNIVERSITY'REGISTRAR .J This AUV will be for use in transporting registration materials" equipment (e.q. microcomputers, cash registers, etc.l and/or personnel within campus during registration and UPCAT season. . transport of nersonnef/reccrds !including computer tapes, disc I , packs, etc.l between office and the Computer Center tusuallv ,, 14 December 1990 " .. late at night because of the assigned computer block time). etc. ReL No. JVA-90-503 3. ONE AUV IAPPROX P280,OOOI ANO TWO ~10TORIZED TRICYCLE CABS IAPPROX P7B.OOO EACH I FOR nlE CAMPUS PLANNING DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE OFFiCE ICPOMOJ These vehicles will be for tile transport of personnel, supnties (lumber. cement, wood, wires, etc.l. toots. equipment, etc. wttbin the campus, between the CPDMO offices and the various construetlcn/repalr sites. The Dtltman campus occupies Illnre than 400 acres and consists of about 100 buildings, a complete power, water and road network which must be inspected, maintained and repaired. The tricycle motor cabs <Ire specially suited for transporting small teams (e.q. -2-3 people ~nd their tools) specially electricians and plumbers, or archltects/enqlneer s l who need to inspect construction or repairs. The vehicles are on stand-by 24 hours/day because of ni9ht cresses and occasional repairs which have to be completed at night Iso as not to disrupt classes or offices). The monitoring of utilities (electrtcltv and water) consumption also requires that our inspectors and repairmen have some mobility. " '. ,. ," We bow to the spirit of NEMO 24, but. we know you understand that the acquisition of these vehicles will actually result in efficiency end effectiveness - which, after all. is the ultimate • of the NEMO. We repeat that these are not alrcondltlcned cars or staff vehicles. but are primarily service and utility vehicles. Dean Aurelio B. Ramos College of Dentistry UP Manila I - Let me congratulate you for the truly exceptional performance of UP-- candidates in the licensure examination for dentists given by the Professional Regulation Commission in May this year. This unprecedented achievement of garnering all the Top 20 slots and 100 per-cent passing for the rest of your candidates is a rel!~ction of your excellent stewardship of the College. It is a first in Philippine UP history and I'm glad to be the UP President to witness its attainment by your College. . This honor and prcsti9c that you have given to our University will serve as a model to our other professional units to excel in their respective fields And equal your record in the professional board examinations. Of this, , am sure. May you continue to give honor and pride to the University by not only topping the board exemlnatlons but also by getting and upholding standards of excellence in the profession of Denttstrv. Sincerely yours, ISgd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA Very truly yours, r: Prcsident ISyd.1 JOSE V. ABUEVA PresKient 18 December 1990 ' 5 December 1990 Ref. No. JVA-90-506 Ambassador Jung-Ki Ro Embassy of the Republic of Korea AU'AP Building 140 Alfaro St. Salcedo Villilge Makatl. Metro Manila ReI. No. JVA-90·495 Mr. Turhan K. Mangun 41 Cabildo Street Urdaneta Village Makati, Metro Manila Dear Mr. Ambassador: e M r . Mangun: , ,1 . On the occasion of the completion of your tour of duty as Hesident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme lUNDPl and other UN agencies in our country, we wish to extend to you, on behalf. of the Unlversitv of the Philippines, our gratitude for UNDP's assistance to our University. The specific projects in our University which were supported by UNDP under your leadership arc too many to be completely enumerated here. But allow me to mention some of them - (11 UNDP Scholarships to our academic staff (11 in 19891. (2) travel grants to our faculty (5 In 1989), (31 research grant in the amount of P79,800.00 for "Study on the Non-Monetnrv (Subsistence) Sector of the National Income Accounts"; and (4l 22 training courses conducted in 1988 nnd 1989 which wen! held in UP Dtltman, UP Los Banos, and UP vtsavas with a total funding support of P3,342,183.45 from UNpP.' Indeed: all these demonstrate '{our genuine concern for our University, and we thank you very sincerely for your generous assistance. With our warm personal: regards. Sincerely vours. ISgdJ JOSE V. ABUEVA President:' I should like to acknowledge most sincerely your generous donation of 116 volumes of books on Korea. The University is indeed torunrote to be a recipient of an impeesslve collection of hooks on Korean culture, society. polity, history, and foreign retetlons which are useful in supporting and promoting our stuides and research (In Korea in U.P. These will lead to a better understanding of vour people and country among Fill . pinos. Thank you once cqa!n and best wishes for the hofldavsl • I remain. .. Sincerely yours, ISgdJ JOSE V, ABUEVA President .... . <0 <0 o 93 • 21 December 1990 26 December 1990 Ref. No. JV A·90-510 Ref. No. JVA-90-511 Dean Pacifico Agabin ' U.P. College of Law Or. Salvador P. lopez No.1 Matimtiman St. U.P. Village, Oiliman Ouezon City Dear Dean Agabin: This is in response to the request of the Law Complex personnel for a bonus from Law Complex funds in the Investment Portfolio in the UPFI. I deeply sympathize with the object of the request but with' a heavy heart, r regret that I cannot grant it. Sec. r.1 of DBM National Compensation Circular No. 63 states that "Payment of year-end benefits other than that authorized under this circular shall be considered illegal disbursement of public funds." Instead, on the basis of the General Appropriations Act, I have approved Clothing/Uniform Allowance of P1,OOO for 1990 for all employees of the University. \ The law Complex personnel seem to consider the L3'N Complex Investment Portfolio funds as private funds, just because the portrene is managed by the UPFI. The fact is that the UPIP funds are government funds subject to legal, accounting and auditing rules. All U.P. employees are suffering the same plight as the Law Complex personnel, so I feel that whatever relief is available for one V.P. unit should be made available for all others as well-at least insofar as government funds are the source. Even without the proposed incentive, UPLC personnel already have access to several "income augmentation opportunities" not available to other U.P. personnel. While it may be true that the Law Complex portfolio is now worth about P11.1M (from P1.8M in Dec. 1977), it is also true that the law Complex is in for difficult budget times in 1991 because of increased activities and slow LRF remittances. The UPLC has proposed 1991 expenditures totalling almost P22M but, partly due to slow income intake, we have advised it to limit is proposal to P14.7M. I agree the portfolio should be used for more than just supporting the Jessup delegation and it is my view that the port· folio income is best alloted for subsidizing the projected shortfalls in the proposed 1991 UPLC budget. With best wishes. Very truly yours, ISgd.1 JOSE it. ABUEVA President Dear S.P., Thank you for your tetter enclosing accpv of your speech ~hich Or. Belinda Aquino showed me. We are enclosing a complete set of the testimonial speeches of the various speakers during the . "Parangal" in your honor last November 22. We are also enclosing five additional copies of the "Program" which you might want to send to some of your friends. We have sent it to every Dean, Director and Chancellor in the constituent universities. On behalf of the University, I would like 'to conqratulate you once again for being the honoree on the occasion and thank you for donating a portion of your personal collection to the University Library. I am certain that the materia is will go a long way in enhancing the three basic missions of the University. It was great to see" you, too, and please convey our regards to Mrs. Lopez. Merry Christmas! Sincerely yours, (Sgd.l JOSE V. ABU EVA President \ \ • • ~. "~ DOARD Of REGENTS The Honorable Isidro O. Carino, Chairman, Secretary. Department -of Education, Culture and Sports. The Honorable Jose V. Abueva; President, University of tile Philippines _ The Honorable Edgardo J. Angara, Chairman, Senate Committee on Education. The Honorable Carlos M. Padilla, Chairman. House Committee on Education. The Honorable Amante N. Jimenez, Jr. • The Honrable Ponciano G.A. Mathay. President, UP. Alumni Association. The Honorable Cesar A. Buenaventura • The Honorable Angelita T. Reyes _ The Honorable Flerida Ruth P. Romero. The Honorable Delfin L Lazaro. The Honorable Prlmo E. Gonzales. The Honorable Ruben B. Aspires. Dr. Emerlinda R. Roman. Secretary .,~ "., , , '.; " i \ .. ,, .. J OFFICERS OF THE ADMINISTRATION Dr. Jose V, Abuev., President. Or. Gemino H. Abad, Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Emerlinda R. Roman. Vice-President for Administration • Dr. Felipe M. Medalla. Vice-President for Planning and Finance. Dr. Belinda A. Aquino. Vice-President for Public Affairs. Atty. Melvyn S. Martin. Vlce-Presldent for Development. Dr. Oscar M. Alfonio, Presidential Assistant. Or. Emerlinda R. Roman. Secretary c ~ "'" " l, ~ ~ .,, n .j o •"0 ~ 0 sr .," 6 "n "sr 3 "., EDITORIAL STAFF: Dr. Emerlinde R. Roman, Editor _ Ramon L. Bobis. Managing Editor. Ana Estels M. Marquez, Editorial Assistant , .! ~ ~ 0 95 1 ! , ..J ~1 ) ,j 1, ',1I <ij '·1 .~