benefits of therapeutic music in the clinical setting
benefits of therapeutic music in the clinical setting
BENEFITS OF THERAPEUTIC MUSIC IN THE CLINICAL SETTING Bonnie Berk, MS, RN. HNB-BC, CCM SOUND MEDITATION ANCIENT SOCIETIES Horden, P. (Ed.) 2000. Music as medicine : The history of music therapy since antiquity. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. Plato (428 BC – 348 BC) “ Music molds character, when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the state change with them. Music is medicine to the soul. Justice is to the soul as health is to the body. Through music, the soul learns harmony and rhythm and even a disposition to justice.” Kleisiaris CF, Sfakianakis C and Papathanasiou, L Med Ethics Hist Med, 2014, 7:6. Health Care practices in ancient Greece: The Hippocratic Ideal,. APOLLO: GREEK GOD OF MUSIC AND MEDICINE Elements of Music Used in Conscious Ways: 1. Harmony: Evokes spiritual feelings. 2. Melody: Appeals to emotions/mind. 3. Rhythm: Influences the body. Holism = MIND + BODY +SPIRIT Carroll, D. 2011. Professor of Music Therapy, Music Department, Universite’ du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal, Quebec. PYTHAGORAS AND MUSIC Through music, Pythagoras performed what he called “soul-adjustments”. He discovered: Music is Mathematics Arithmetic= Number in itself Geometry= Number in space Music/Harmonies= Number in time Astronomy= Number in space & time Carroll, D. 2011. Professor of Music Therapy, Music Department, Universite’ du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal, Quebec. Hall, M.P. The therapeutic value of music including the philosophy of music. Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society.1982. VIBRATIONAL MEDICINE “Within certain subspecialties of conventional medicine, the groundwork for a shift from the Newtonian pharmacokinetic approach to an Einsteinian view of pure energetic healing is presently being formulated. This permutation from conventional drug and surgical therapy to electromagnetic healing represents the beginnings of a revolution in consciousness for the medical profession.” Gerber R. Vibrational Medicine: Third Edition. 2001. Bear & Co. Vermont..p. 91. HUMAN MULTIDIMENSIONAL ANATOMY Newtonian Einsteinian ! Mechanistic: physical clockwork ! Intricate chemical systems powering a structure of nerve, muscle, flesh and bones. ! Matter as a substance composed of particles of light. ! Wave/particle duality of matter: Holographic energy field. ! Difference between physical matter and etheric matter is difference of frequency. Gerber R. Vibrational Medicine: Third Edition. 2001. Bear & Co. Vermont. p.119 – 121.. CHAKRA ENERGY SY STEM M E R I D I A N E N E RG Y S Y S T E M THE RESONANT SY STEM Your Body Piano THE RESONANT SY STEM Your Body ! Trachea, throat, mouth, nasal cavities and sinuses, ! Vocal Chords: Vibrating strings, ! Breath is energy source. Piano ! Hollow, box-like body, ! Strings vibrate, ! Human hands are energy source. Riley L. & Sweeney D. Integrative Anatomy and the Resonant System. Harps for Healing LLC. 2014. WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THE RESONANT SY STEM? “ Every body organ and tissue has a frequency or group of frequencies. The human body is an orchestra of harmonic sound. Every organ has an inherent resonance. When one of these gets out of tune, like an orchestra, the entire body suffers.” Laura Riley, Founder, Harps for Healing LLC VIBRATIONAL TOOLS Strong humming for one hour daily to terminate chronic rhinosinusitis in four days: a case report Eby, G. Strong humming for one hour daily to terminate chronic rhinosinusitis in four days: a case report and hypothesis for action by stimulation of endogenous nasal nitric oxide production. .Med Hypothesis 2006;66(4):851-4. Epub 2006 Jan 10. ENTRAINMENT 1. A technique for identifying the slowest pacing necessary to terminate an arrhythmia, particularly atrial flutter. 2. The synchronization and control of cardiac rhythm by an external stimulus. Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. © 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. TIMBRE tim·bre (tim'bĕr, tam'bĕr), The distinguishing quality of a sound, by which one may determine its source, for example, type of musical instrument, v oice of a person based principally on thedi stribution of overtones. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 HEALTH BENEFITS OF MUSIC ! Pain Relief : Siedliecki, SL, Good, M. Effect of music on power, pain, depression and disability. J Adv Nurs. 2006. Jun:54(5): 553-62. ! Decreases Blood Pressure: Teng XF, Wong, MY, Zhang, YT. The effect of music on hypertensive patients. Eng Med Biol Soc. 2007.: 4649-51. ! Improves Heart Function: Bernardi, L. Porta C. Sleight P. Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and respiratory changes induced by different types of music in musicins and nonmusicians: the importance of silence. Heart. 2006 Apr:92 (4): 445-52 HEALTH BENEFITS OF MUSIC ! Speeds Post-Stroke Recovery: • Sarkarno T. Tervaniemei M, Laitinen S. et al. Music Listening enhances cognitive recovery and mood after middle cerebral artery stroke. Brain. 2008. Mar: 131:866-76. • Sarkarno T. Ripolles P. Vepsalainen H., et al. Structural changes induced by daily music listening in the recovering brain after middle cerebral artery stroke: a voxel-based morphometry study. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 Apr 17;8:245. ! Boosts Immunity: • Kuhn D. The effects of active and passive participation in musical activity on the immune system as measured by salivary immunoglobulin A. J Music Ther. 2002 Spring: 39 (1):30-9. • Le Rouz FH, Bouic PJ. Bester MM. The effect of Gbach’s Magnificent on emotions, immune and endocrine parameters during physiotherapy treatment of patients with infectious lung conditions. J Music Ther. 2007 Summer:44(2):156-68. MUSIC BENEFITS HEALTH Medical News Today: March 2013: “ First large scale review of 400 research papers in the neurochemistry of music showed that music increases an antibody that plays an important role in immunity of the mucous system, known as immunoglobulin A as well as natural killer cells.” H I G H L I G H T S F RO M R E V I E W ! Listening to music was better than prescription medications in reducing stress before surgery. ! People who listened to music had an increase in levels of Immunoglobulin A (IgA). ! Music listeners had higher numbers of an immune cell type called "natural killer cells," whose job it is to attack bacteria, infected cells, and cancerous cells. ! Listening to music reduced levels of cortisol in the body. HEALTH BENEFITS OF MUSIC ! Postpartum wellbeing: Simavli S, Kaygusuz, I, Gumus, I, et al. Effect of music therapy during vaginal deliery on postpartum pain relief and mental health. J Affect. Disord. 2014 Mar: 156; 194-9 ! Induces sleep: • • Harmat L. Taka’cs J. Bo’dizs R. Music improves sleep quality in students. J Adv Nurs. 2008 May:62(3): 327-35. Lai, HI. Good M. Music improves sleep quality in older adults. J Adv Nurs. 2005 Feb: 49(3): 234-44. ! Decreases depression: Maratos AS. Gold C. Wang X, Crawford MJ. Music Therapy for depression. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2008 Jan 23"1): CD004517. Review. REDUCING ANXIETY L E V E L S I N C A N C E R PA T I E N T S American Cancer Society says that music therapy: “ may be used to encourage emotional expression, promote social interaction, relieve symptoms, and for other purposes.” Bradt J. Dileo C. Grocke D. Magill L. Music Interventions for improving psychological and physical outcomes in cancer patients. Cochrane Database published online Aug. 10, 2011. Hendrick, B. Music Therapy may ease anxiety of cancer patients. WebMD, Aug 10, 2011. EFFECTS OF MUSIC LISTENING ON CORTISOL LEVELS ! 2011: Double-blind Study explored effects of instrumental music on hormonal system, immune system and sedative drug requirements during surgery. ! Patients (40) randomly assigned to music group or control ! Patient of music group had a lower propofol consumption and lower cortisol levels compared to control group. Koelsch, Fuermetz, Sack, et al. Effects of music listening on cortisol levels and propofol consumption during spinal analgesia. Frontiers in Psychology. 2011; 2: 58 British Journal of Occupational Therapy British Journal of Occupational Therapy November 2014 vol. 77 no. 11556-564 November 2014 vol. 77 no. 11556-564 Live Music Promotes Positive Behaviors in People with Alzheimer's Disease Cox E. Nowak M. Buettner P. Live music promotes positive behaviors in people with Alzheimer's Disease. Brit J of Occupational Ther. Nov 2014 77 (11). 556-564. Pacifier Activated Lullaby (PAL) Cevasco AM, Grant RE. "Effects of the pacifier activated lullaby on weight gain of premature infants." J Music Therapy, 2005 Summer;42(2):123-39. Whipple J. "The effect of music-reinforced nonnutritive sucking on state of preterm, low birthweight infants experiencing heelstick." J Music Therapy, 2008 Fall;45(3):227-72. LIVE VS RECORDED MUSIC Advantages of Live Music: ! Moment-by-moment flexibility which allows the music therapist to control the tempo, loudness, and vocal and instrumental quality. ! Offering the advantage of observing the physiological and behavioral responses of the client and then responding appropriately. Hunter, BC & Sahler, OJZ. 2006. Music for very young ears. Birth, 33(2), 137-138. Bonnie Berk, RN, MS, HNB-BC, CCM with her Thormahlen harp For more information, contact / 717.258.4641