CV og publikationer for Tina Broby Mikkelsen


CV og publikationer for Tina Broby Mikkelsen
Tina Broby Mikkelsen – e-mail: – telefon 21 74 81 13
Tina Broby Mikkelsen (f. 1968)
Forsker, cand. scient, ph.d.
Telefon: 21 74 81 13
Tina har arbejdet på RehabiliteringsCenter Dallund, der rehabiliterer kræftramte efter endt
behandling, i 7 år. Tidligere omhandlede hendes forskning kost i graviditeten i projektet
Bedre sundhed for mor og barn.
Tina arbejder primært med kortlægninger af palliativ indsats og af rehabilitering til
mennesker med livstruende sygdom. Derudover arbejder hun med at samle forskningen fra
RcDallund for at sikre at den opsamlede viden kommer med over i Videncenter for
Rehabilitering og Palliation.
Tina Broby Mikkelsen – e-mail: – telefon 21 74 81 13
2015 –
2008 – 2014
2007 – 2008
2005 – 2006
1997 – 2005
1997 – 1997
Forsker, Videncenter for Rehabilitering og Palliation, Syddansk
Videnskabelig assistent, RehabiliteringsCenterDallund
Selvstændig forskningskonsulent
Forskningsadjunkt, Syddansk Universitet
Projektforsker, Statens Seruminstitut, København
Underviser, Vejle sygeplejeskole
Den offentlige lederuddannelse 2 moduler
PhD, Københavns Universitet
Cand Scient i human Ernæring fra Odense Universitet (1996)
Mikkelsen TB: Validation of the Food Frequency Questionnaire used in the Danish National
Birth Cohort. P.hd. thesis (2004), University of Copenhagen 2004.
Schow TB: Selenholdige kosttilskuds sammenhæng med antioxidative enzymer i
trombocytter. Speciale (1996). Odense Universitet.
Artikler (referee bedømte)
Mikkelsen TB, Laursen L, Mark K, Juul S og Svendsen H. Tværfaglig rehabilitering kan
motivere overvægtige brystkræftoverlevere til vægtreducering. Ugeskrift for Læger 2014
Mar 17;176(12A)
Klemmensen A, Tabor A, Østerdal ML, Knudsen VK, Halldorsson TI, Mikkelsen TB, Olsen SF.
Intake of vitamin C and E in pregnancy and risk of pre-eclampsia: prospective study among
57 346 women. BJOG. 2009 Jun;116(7):964-74.
Haugen M, Meltzer HM, Brantsaeter AL, Mikkelsen T, Osterdal ML, Alexander J, Olsen SF,
Bakketeig L. Mediterranean-type diet and risk of preterm birth among women in the
Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa): a prospective cohort study. Acta Obstet
Gynecol Scand. 2008;87(3):319-24
Mikkelsen TB, Osterdal ML, Knudsen VK, Haugen M, Meltzer HM, Bakketeig L, Olsen SF.
Association between a Mediterranean-type diet and risk of preterm birth among Danish
women: a prospective cohort study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2008;87(3):325-30
Tina Broby Mikkelsen – e-mail: – telefon 21 74 81 13
Olsen SF, Halldorsson TI, Willett WC, Knudsen VK, Gillman MW, Mikkelsen TB, Olsen J;
NUTRIX Consortium. Milk consumption during pregnancy is associated with increased infant
size at birth: prospective cohort study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Oct;86(4):1104-10.
Knudsen VK, Orozova-Bekkevold IM, Mikkelsen TB, Wolff S, Olsen SF. Major dietary patterns
in pregnancy and fetal growth. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2008 Apr;62(4):463-70
Knudsen VK, Hansen HS, Ovesen L, Mikkelsen TB and Olsen SF. Iron supplement use among
Danish pregnant women. Public Health Nutr. 2007 Oct;10(10):1104-10
Mikkelsen T.B., Olsen S.F. and Osler M.: Relative validity of fruit and vegetable intake
estimated by the food frequency questionnaire used in the Danish National Birth Cohort.
Scand J Public Health. 2007;35(2):172-9
SF Olsen, TB Mikkelsen , VK Knudsen, I Orozova-Bekkevold, Th I Halldórsson, M Strøm, and
ML Østerdal. Data collected on maternal dietary exposures in the Danish National Birth
Cohort. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2007 Jan;21(1):76-86
Mikkelsen TB, Andersen AM and Olsen SF. Pica in human pregnancy in a privileged
population: Myth or reality, Acta Obstetrica et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2006;85(10):12651266
Mikkelsen T.B., Osler M., Orozova-Bekkevold I.M., Knudsen V.K. and Olsen S.F.: Association
between fruit and vegetable consumption and foetal growth: a study among 43,585
pregnant women. Scand J Public Health 2006 Dec; 34(6):616-622
Mikkelsen T.B., Osler M. and Olsen S.F.: Relative validity of protein, retinol, folic acid and n-3
fatty acid intake estimated by the food frequency questionnaire used in the Danish National
Birth Cohort. Public Health Nutrition 2006 Sep; 9(6):771-778
Lauritzen L, Halkjær LB, Mikkelsen TB , Olsen SF, Michaelsen KF, Loland L, and Bisgaard H.
Fatty acid composition of human milk in atopic Danish mothers. Am J Clin Nutr 2006
Vibeke K. Knudsen, Harald S. Hansen, Marie Louise Østerdal, Tina Broby Mikkelsen, Huiling
Mu, Sjurdur F. Olsen. Fish oil in various doses or flax oil in pregnancy and timing of
spontaneous delivery: a randomised controlled trial. . BJOG. 2006 May;113(5):536-43
Knudsen VK, Orozova-Bekkevold I, Rasmussen LB, Mikkelsen TB, Michaelsen KF, Olsen SF.
“Low compliance with recommendations on folic acid use in relation to pregnancy: is there a
need for fortification?” Public Health Nutr. 2004 Oct;7(7):843-50.
Lauritzen L, Jorgensen MH, Mikkelsen TB, Skovgaard M, Straarup EM, Olsen SF, Hoy CE,
Michaelsen KF. “Maternal fish oil supplementation in lactation: effect on visual acuity and n3 fatty acid content of infant erythrocytes.” Lipids. 2004 Mar;39(3):195-206.
Tina Broby Mikkelsen – e-mail: – telefon 21 74 81 13
Olsen J, Melbye M, Olsen SF, Sorensen TI, Aaby P, Andersen AM, Taxbol D, Hansen KD, Juhl
M, Schow TB, Sorensen HT, Andresen J, Mortensen EL, Olesen AW, Sondergaard C. The
Danish National Birth Cohort--its background, structure and aim. Scand J Public Health. 2001
Artikler i og redaktion af antologier
Tina Broby Mikkelsen & Susanne Juul. Erfaringer fra Dallund i Johansen C. 2013. Kræftens
senfølger og rehabilitering. Hans Reitzels forlag.
Mikkelsen TB. Kost I graviditeten. I Taxbøl D. 2007. Graviditetsbogen. Lindhardt og Ringhof.
Artikler (ikke referee bedømte, udvalgte)
Hjortebjerg U og Mikkelsen TB. Træthed blandt danske kræftoverlevere før, under og efter
et 6-dages rehabiliteringsophold. Fokus på Kræft og Sygepleje (2010), nr 3 side 46-49.
Mark K. og Mikkelsen TB. Behov for fysioterapi blandt deltagere behandlet for lungekræft –
erfaringer fra RehabiliteringsCenter Dallund. Fysioterapeuten (2009) nr 14 side 8-14.
Evaluerings- og forskningsrapporter (udvalgte)
Tina Broby Mikkelsen, Susanne Juul, Lisbeth Bøilerehauge og Bo Andreassen Rix.
Kræftrehabilitering på RehabiliteringsCenter Dallund 2001-2010, august 2011. (Rapport
Kræftens Bekæmpelse)
Bo Rix, Lisbeth Bøjlerehauge, Susanne Juul, Tina Broby Mikkelsen, Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton,
Christoffer Johansen, Randi Karlsen og Trille Kjær. 10 års forskning og udvikling på
RehabiliteringsCenter Dallund. Kræftens Bekæmpelse 2011. (Rapport Kræftens Bekæmpelse)
Dalton SO, Hansen HP, Johansen C, Malik-Høegh S, Mikkelsen TB, Olsen J, Møller K, Rix BA.
Rehabilitering efter brystkræft, tyk- og endetarmskræft og prostatakræft - en medicinsk
teknologivurdering. København: Sundhedsstyrelsen, Monitorering & Medicinsk
Teknologivurdering, 2010. Medicinsk Teknologivurdering - puljeprojekter 2010; 10(3).
Postere præsenteret ved konferencer
Tina Broby Mikkelsen, Hanne Svendsen, Helle M. Larsen and Karin B Dieperink. Weight
reduction of obese breast cancer survivors after a multidisciplinary intervention. ECRS 2014
Tina B. Mikkelsen, Bente Sørensen and Karin B. Dieperink. After cervical cancer – who wants
to participate in a residential rehabilitation stay? ECRS 2014
Tina B. Mikkelsen, Bente Sørensen and Karin B. Dieperink. Health related quality of life, late
effects and self-efficacy among Danish women treated for cervical cancer. ECRS 2014
Karin B. Dieperink, Karen Mark and Tina B. Mikkelsen. Sexuality after Prostate Cancer – A
matter of intimacy. ECRS 2014
Tina Broby Mikkelsen – e-mail: – telefon 21 74 81 13
Karin B. Dieperink, Jan Tofte, Ninne Jacobsen, Karen Mark and Tina B. Mikkelsen. To eat is to
practice – everyday challenges after head and neck cancer. ECRS 2014
Mikkelsen TB, Hjortebjerg U, Svendsen H, Mark K and Tofte J. Evaluation of a 3-days followup stay three months after a residential rehabilitation stay. ECRS 2012
Mark K, Svendsen H, Hjortebjerg U, Tofte J, Søe M and Mikkelsen TB. Rehabilitering med
fokus på vægt reduktion kan motivere overvægtige kvinder med brystkræft til at ændre
vaner og tabe sig. Landskursus 2012
Mark K, Svendsen H and Mikkelsen TB. Rehabilitation with focus on weight reduction can
motivate overweight breast cancer survivors to change habits and lose weight. MASCC 2012
og ECRS 2012
Mark K, Svendsen H and Mikkelsen TB. Rehabilitation with focus on weight reduction among
over weight breast cancer survivors. MASCC 2012 og ECRS 2012
Jan Tofte and Tina Broby Mikkelsen. Evaluation of a 3 week work clarification project of
cancer survivors who is on sick leave or social benefit - a pilot study. NCRS 2010
Karen Mark and Tina Broby Mikkelsen. Rehabilitation of cancer survivors with mild to
moderate depression - a pilot study among 14 cancer survivors. NCRS 2010
Ulla Hjortebjerg and Tina B. Mikkelsen. Rehabilitation of spouses to cancer patients - A pilot
project with 19 participants. NCRS 2010 and MASCC 2010
Tina Broby Mikkelsen. Self rated improvement of a 6-days rehabilitation stay on several
psychological issues and function levels. NCRS 2010
Tina Broby Mikkelsen. Self rated benefit of a 6-days rehabilitation stay on function level
immediately and 3 month after the stay. NCRS 2010
Tina Broby Mikkelsen and Jan Tofte. Problems reported by 3798 cancer survivors before a 6
days rehabilitation stay - differences between age groups and gender. NCRS 2010
Karen Mark, Ulla Hjortebjerg, Dorte Ringer, Jan Tofte, Hanne Svendsen and Tina Broby
Mikkelsen. Lymph oedema problems at rehabilitation: Need for physiotherapy. Lymphology
2009, Sidney & MASCC 2010
Ulla Hjortebjerg, Karen Mark, Jan Tofte, Dorte Ringer, Hanne Svendsen and Tina Broby
Mikkelsen. Selvrapporterede senfølger blandt 316 brystkræftoverlevere i
rehabiliteringsfasen efter besvarelse af et åbent spørgsmål og et struktureret lukket
spørgeskema. Landskursus 2009
Ulla Hjortebjerg, Karen Mark, Jan Tofte, Dorte Ringer, Hanne Svendsen and Tina Broby
Mikkelsen. Side effects at the time of rehabilitation as reported by 316 breast cancer
Tina Broby Mikkelsen – e-mail: – telefon 21 74 81 13
survivors in response to an open question and a structured, closed questionnaire. Ecco-esmo
2009, Berlin
Ulla Hjortebjerg, Mogens Munch Nielsen, Tina Broby Mikkelsen, Karen Mark og Dorte Ringer.
Træthed blandt danske kræftoverlevere før, under og efter et 6-dages rehabiliteringsophold.
Landskursus 2008 (Vandt 2. Premie)
Mogens Munch Nielsen, Ulla Hjortebjerg, Tina Broby Mikkelsen, Jan Tofte, Anna Nielsen and
Steffen-Malik Høegh. Self rated improvement of a 6-days rehabilitation stay on psychological
issues and functional level. MASC 2008
Ulla Hjortebjerg, Mogens Munch Nielsen, Tina Broby Mikkelsen, Karen Mark, Dorte Ringer
and Steffen-Malik Høegh. Fatigue among Danish breast cancer survivors before, during and
after a 6-days rehabilitation stay. MASC 2008