to - Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Canacona South Goa
to - Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Canacona South Goa
JAWAHARNAVODAYA VIDYALAYA, CANACONA, SOUTH GOA E-Tender Notice 2016-17 – 01 Sealed & covered tender papers are invited for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Canacona, South Goa for the period from July-16 to June-17. E l i g i b l e T e n d e r e r s , Central Govt. & Semi Govt. Agencies, Registered and Reputed Firms/Companies, Authorized Dealers, Small Industries Unit, experience retailers, distributors dealing with the particular class of goods registered with Sales Tax/CST/VAT(TIN) and with upto date VAT, I.Tax & P.Tax clearance may participate in the tender for the supply of below mentioned items. All the sealed tenders must be duly supported & tagged with necessary certificates and SBI Draft of Earnest money in favour of Principal, Jawahar NavodayaVidyalaya, Canacona, South Goa. Tender Paper will be available from 04.05.2016 to 24.05.2016 on all working days from-10.00 Hours to16.30 Hours and tender will be accepted upto 17.00 Hours of 25.05.2016. Tender paper will be accepted through registered post or dropped by hand in the sealed Tender Box kept in the Vidyalaya Office. Anybody downloading the form from vidyalaya website“” or Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) will pay the cost of tender paper along with earnest money. Tender will be opened at 11.30 A.M. on 26.05.2016 in the Office of the Principal, JNV, Canacona, South Goa. The Chairman PAC reserves the right to accept or reject any tender. S.N. Name of Item 01 Grocery (Food Grains, Edible oils &Spices etc.) items 02 03 Earnest Money Cost of Tender Paper(non-refundable) Rs.2,000.00 Rs.100.00 Vegetable & Fruit Non-veg. items in each case (fish, Egg, chicken) Rs.500.00 Rs.500.00 Rs.100.00 Rs.100.00 04 Milk &Milk Product Rs.500.00 Rs.100.00 05 Bakery & Confectionery items Rs.1,000.00 Rs.100.00 04 Electrical Materials Rs.1,000.00 Rs.100.00 05 Plumbing Materials 06 Other Equipments Rs.500.00 Rs.100.00 07 08 09 Laboratory Equipments Rs.1000.00 Rs.1000.00 Rs.100.00 Rs.100.00 Sports Equipments Furniture Rs.1000.00 Rs.1000.00 Rs.100.00 Rs.100.00 10 Foot wears & School Bags Rs.1000.00 Rs.100.00 11 12 Track-suits & T-Shirts Bedding Material Rs.1000.00 Rs.1000.00 Rs.100.00 Rs.100.00 13 Daily Use items Rs.1000.00 Rs.100.00 14 Office and Students Stationery Items Rs2000.00 Rs100.00 15 Stitching of students uniform Rs.500.00 Rs100.00 16 17 Hair Cutting for boys Washing of Uniform and Bedding Rs.200.00 Rs.200.00 Rs.100.00 Rs.100.00 18 Maintenance & renovationWorks Material Items Rs.300.00 Rs.100.00 19 Paint (Interior/Exterior/Enamel) Rs.500.00 Rs.100.00 20 Carpentry Materials viz. supply wood etc. Rs.500.00 Rs.100.00 21 22 LPG Pipeline materials including Labour charges for Repair/change/replacement oldSession pipeline by new one Refilling of Fire Extinguishersoffor 2015-16 Rs.500.00 Rs.500.00 Rs.100.00 Rs.100.00 23 AMC (Non comprehensive) for computer system Rs.1000.00 Rs.100.00 Note: - No Tenderer is allowed to claim any extra charge even he is from out of the state. Land Line (Vidyalaya Office Phone) No. : 0832-2633304 Principal JNV Canacona,South Goa J A W A H A R NAVODAYAVIDYALAYA, CANACONA, SOUTH GOA TENDER INVITATION FORM No. E. Tender/JNVSG/2016-17/ Date: / /2016 To, M/S…………………………………. ………………………………………… ………………………………………… Sub: Tender for supply of _________________________________________ As requested by you blank tender papers is / are enclosed herewith for the above item(s). Duly filled in and signed tender papers must be submitted upto 17.00 hours of 25.05.2016. Tender should be submitted in two separate envelopes one meant for Technical bid and other will contain the Financial bid i.e. the rate of the items under strong sealed cover marked “Tender for the Supply of “_______________________________________” by Registered Post or to be dropped in the tender box kept in the Vidyalaya. Details of bids may be seen under Serial No. 18 which is essential for dropping of tender. The tender will be opened in the office of the Principal, JNV Canacona, South-Goa on 26-05-2015 at 11.30 hours. The tender shall be submitted in accordance with the Terms and Conditions specified in paragraphs 1 to 26. Unless specified otherwise, it shall be construed that the terms and conditions stipulated here under have been agreed to. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The r a t e should be F . O . R . concerned Vidyalaya (here-JNV Canacona, South Goa) and should include excise duty, sales tax, Freight charges, any other taxes rates of imposition whatever liable in respect of the supplies. The Vidyalaya shall not be liable to pay any tax, freight etc. which has been expressly stipulated in the tender in the event of acceptance of the tender. Suppliers are bound to pay tax to the Govt. at their own level. 2. Hypothetical or conditional Tender will not be entertained. Tender once submitted shall not be allowed to be withdrawn or altered. If the tender is withdrawn or altered by the concerned party at any time after its submission, appropriate action may be taken. 3. There should not be any over writing or corrections in the tender. If a figure is to be amended it should be neatly scored out, and the revised figure should be written above and the same should be attested with full signature and date. In the absence of attested signature the tender is liable to be rejected. 4. The Vidyalaya does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept the tender in whole or in part i.e. with respects all articles mentioned in the attached statement or in respect of anyone or more than one articles specified in the attached statement as Vidyalaya may decide. 5. On acceptance of the tender it will become a contract and shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the tender under the provisions of GFR. -26. The successful tenderer will have to deposit Performance Security amount of 10% of the total amount of the supply order except that of mess items for which 10% security money is required based on the average monthly supply in the form of Demand Draft payable in the name of Principal. Amount of Earnest Money deposited with the tender form will be adjusted in the security money. EMSD demand draft is to be prepared in Favour of Principal, JNV, Canacona, South Goa payable at SBI Canacona. 7. If the supply is not made within stipulated period and the Vidyalaya is forced to get it done from open market at higher rates the difference as such involving/ repairing/replacement/transportation/delay supply etc. charges as compared to approved rates will be deducted from the Bill. 8. Irrespective of the fact as to whether the Vidyalaya gets the job done or not from the open market, a penalty of 1% per week for value of delayed job will be deducted from the Bill in respect of the jobs which are not done with in the stipulated period, if the delay is attributable to the willful lapses or negligence of the tenderer. 9. The Vidyalaya will deal with the tenderer directly and no general order supplier/ middleman/commission agents etc. should be asked by the tenderer to represent the case and they will not be entertained by the Vidyalaya. The successful tenderer will have to abide by the terms and conditions as may be fixed from time to time by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti or Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Canacona, South Goa. 10. The Vidyalaya in i t s discretion, reserves the right to r e j e c t OR a c c e p t any or a l l t h e tenders, partly or completely, at any time without assigning any reason thereof. 11. Even after awarding the said contract, the Vidyalaya reserves the right to terminate the same, if the services of the Contractor are not found satisfactory and to entrust the work to another tenderer and recover from the defaulter contractor, the loss if any, sustained by the Vidyalaya. 12. The P e r f o r m a n c e Security amounts shall stand for feited in c a s e of breach of any of the conditions mentioned h e r e i n and if the services o f the contractor are found unsatisfactory. 13. The quantity of a r t i c l e s indicated in the attached s t at e m e nt may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the Vidyalaya without assigning any reason. 14. At the time of opening of tender, tenderers will have to produce the sample items. Sample of food grain items should be well packed so that it could be preserved for the whole operative period of the tender. 15. In the event of acceptance of the tender and placing of supply order for purchase of the articles ordered, it may kindly be noted that the supplied items should be subjected to an inspection by the Vidyalaya or its representative and are liable to be rejected if the articles supplied are not according to approved samples or do not confirm to the specifications prescribed. 16. The amount of the security deposit shall be retained by the Vidyalaya for a period of six months from the date of completion of supply as a safe guard against any defect appearing in the articles supplied with in this period. 17. In case of furniture, the type of wood to be used in furniture should be seasoned wood and wood should not exceed more than 10% gap. The contractor shall be required to fix a metal label on the furniture supplied by him giving his/her name & year of manufacture. -318. Tender paper will contain two envelopes, one for technical bid and another for financial bid. After opening technical bid, PAC will decide to open the financial bid based on the listed documents to be given by the tenderer with their technical bid. The following Papers are required in the technical bid to entertain financial bid: a. Copy of license of the State Govt. of the particular items/head for which tender is applied. b. CST/VAT Registration Certificate(s). c. The current sales Tax/VAT Clearance Certificate alongwith copy of latest Sales Tax/VAT Deposit Acknowledgement/Challan issued from the Sales Tax/VAT Department must be attached. d. PANNo./TANNo. e. Original copy of the CS -12 in support of purchased Tender document separately for each tender. f. Bank Draft for the required amount as advertised in the newspapers against the particular head in the form of Earnest Money. g. Demand Draft in favour of the Principal, JNV Canacona, South GoaforRs.100/in each case toward the cost of Tender Form. Tender Form may be downloaded from the Website. h. The financial bid contains all the rates of the items in the prescribed proforma. 19. The rate quoted by the contractor shall hold up to 30th June 2017. No amendment in the rates against expected increase in the rate of sales tax during the period of execution of the contract will be accepted. 20. This bid document is not transferable. 21. The tenders of only those bidders, who have purchased the documents in their names, will be considered. 22. The bidder will accept all conditions of the Bid Document unconditionally. 23. The firms which have been blacklisted by any Govt. department are not eligible to participate in this tender. 24. In no case, payment will be made higher than M.R.P. of any item. 25. If needed tenderers of one vidyalaya will have to supply the items on the approved rate to other vidyalaya which are situated within the radius of 100 K.M. for which they will not claim any extra cost. 26. These instructions to tenderers are to be signed by the contractors and returned with the tender. PRINCIPAL Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Canacona, South Goa For Tenderer (Signature & Address) All the above conditions are accepted by me/us. Signature …………………………. Name: ……………………………… Address: …………………………… Station: ……………………………. Date: ………………………………. Seal …………………………………. Sr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF GROCERY ITEMS FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 Name of items weight Rate n Rs. Rice ( steam) HMT 1. Jodhanandi 2. Namaste India 3. Paree tukdha Sona masuri 4. King fisher 5. Other brand ( with name ) Boiled Rice (Bell) Boiled Rice ( Ghoda) Rice ( regular) hmt 1 .Krishn rath 2. Other brand Rice basmati 1.Daawat 2.Kohinoor rice 3.Others ( with name ) Toor dal ( good quality ) Moong dal 1. Mayur 2. Jodhapuree Moong dal chilka Moong sabut Urid dal Chana dal( harabhara dal) 1. rajbadhi 2. pistoor Akha masoor Black chana Soyabean akha Kabuli chana Green peas Cow peas Atta ( wheat) 1. Atta ashirwad 2. Atta shakti bhog 3. Atta jodhanadi 4. Atta pillsbury 5. Atta Dev bhog 6. Other ( with name) Maida 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg Sr Name of items 18 Groundnut oil 1 Gemini oil 2 Star oil 3 Fortune oil 4 . other ( with name) cottonseed oil 1 Gemini oil 2 Star oil 3 . other ( with name ) Palmolein oil 1 Ruchi gold 2 other ( with name) Vanaspati Dalda 1 Dalda 2 Gemini 3Fortune 4 other ( with name) Idli rava Kesari rava Weight rava 1 Double gun 2 Double talwar Besan (gram flour ) 1 Heera 2 Samrat 3 Other ( with name) Sugar good quality Sugar M 30 Jiggery Ground nut 1 Fule pragati 2 Ghugharu 3 Gujarat Sago rice ( sabudana) 1 Moonlight 2 Mother India Poha good quality 1 Bhadhas 2 Kaka ji 3 Kela 4 Shaktiman 5 Other ( with name) Chirmure 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -2weight 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 15 ltr 15 ltr 15 ltr 15 ltr 15 ltr 15 ltr 15 ltr 15 ltr 15 ltr 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 10 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg Rate in Rs. -3Sr 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Name of items weight 1Captain cook 2 Tata 3 Annapurna salt Soybean ball 1 Nutrela 2 Other ( with name) Coffee 1 Nescafe 2 Bru coffee Tea powder 1 Tata tea gold 2 Red label tea 3 Bag bakri tea Dates ( khajoor) Turmeric powder(agmark ) Sesame seed ( til weight) Black pepper Bay leaf (Tej Patta) Munakka Green cardamom Black cardamom Charoli (Chironji ) Almond (Badam) Pomegranate seed Cumin seeds Mustard seeds Cloves Coriander powder Asafoetida ( hing) powder 1 Laxmi 2 Badshah 3 Everest Cinnamon (Dalchini ) Carom/thymol seed (Ajwain) Fenugreek seed (Methi seeds ) cooking soda Citric acid Garam masala 1Surya 2 Everest 3 Badshah 4 Chandelkar 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg Salt 100 kg 100 kg 100 gm 100 gm Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per 50 gm Per 50 gm Per 50 gm Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Rate in Rs. -4Sr Name of items 59 Custard powder 1 Brown polson 2 Floric 3 other ( with name) Tamarind Red chil ( bedhgee mirch ) 1 Sabut 2 powder Red chili powder (agmark) Mango pickle / mix pickle 1 Charminar 2 Kubal 3 Relish 4 Sradha Lemon pickle 1 Praveen 2 Toofan 3 Relish Papad 1 Lijjat 2 Suhana 3. Trupti 4. other ( with name) Sambhar masala 1 Everest 2 Badshah 3M TR Pulav masala 1 Everest 2 Badshah 3M TR Veg briyani masala 1 Everest 2 Badshah 3M TR Pav Bhajee masala 1 Everest 2 Badshah 3M TR Chat masala 1 Everest 2 Badshah 3M TR 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 weight Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg 10 kg/ per kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 200 gm pkt 200 gm pkt 200 gm pkt 200 gm pkt Per 50 gm Per 50 gm Per 50 gm Rate in Rs. -5Sr Name of items 71 Chola masala 1 Everest 2 Badshah 3M TR Black pepper powder 1 Everest 2 Badshah 3M TR Chicken m asala 1 Everest 2 Badshah 3M TR Kasuri methi 1 Everest 2 Badshah 3M TR Kaju 1 One peace 2 Four peace 3 Eight peace Kishmis Vermicelli ( sevai) 1 Bambino 2MTr 3 other ( with namae) Tomato sauce 1 kissan tomato sauce 2 Maggi tomato sauce 3 Indianna Maggi tomato ketchup Soya sauce 1 kissan 2 Maggi 3 other ( with name) Chilli sauce Vinegar supar Gulabjamun mix 1 Gitas 2 Goverdhan Rajma 1 Padhra 2 kala Walnut kissan mixed fruit jam Any other Brand 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Weight Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per ltr Per ltr Per ltr Per ltr Per ltr Per ltr Per ltr Per ltr Per ltr Per ltr Per kg Per kg 100 kg 100 kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Rate in Rs. Sr 87 88 89 91 92 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Name of items Pista Four seeds( watermelon , melon seeds) boss food colour 1 bournvita 2 boost health drink 3 horlicks biscuit glucose 1 Mari Gold 2 Mari Light 3 Sunfeast cream biscuit 1 Sunfeast 2 parle 3 Britannia Namkeen biscuit 1 krackjack 2 parle 3 Britannia 50/ 50 4 Monaco kokam sharbat Amla sharbat orange sherbet Rasna sharbat SEMOLINA Masoor dal Rosted chana dal ( futani dal) Coriander seeds vanilla essence Khaskhs Javirti Dagarful Javitri Jaifal Veg magi cubs Non veg magi cubs Kashmiri mirch Good day biscuit Namkeen paper plates Plastic glass -6Weight Per kg Per kg 200 gm Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per ltr Per ltr Per ltr Per ltr Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per bottle Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per kg Per packet Per packet Per packet Per packet Per packet Per 100 Nos Per 100 Nos Rate in Rs. -7- Sr 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 Name of items Parsal box Tea paper glass Wheel washing powder Scotch brite Salted kaju Coconut Big size Coconut Middem size Weight Per 100 Nos Per 100 Nos Per Kg Rate in Rs. Per packet Per kg 100 Nos 100 Nos The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No.____________ Date __________ Rs_______. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF VEGETABLES ITEMS FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 Sr No 1 Name of items & Specification Onion (Per Kg.) 2 Potato (Per Kg.) 3 Cabbage ( Per Kg.) 4 Brinjal (Per Kg.) 5 Beans (Per Kg.) 6 Lady Finger (Per Kg.) 7 Tomato (Per Kg.) 8 Bottle Guard (Per Kg.) 9 Beet root (Per Kg.) 10 Carrot (Per Kg.) 11 Green Chilies (Per Kg.) 12 Tendali (Per Kg.) 13 Cauliflower (Per Kg.) 14 Radish (Per Kg.) 15 Pumpkin (Per Kg.) 16 Red Pumpkin (Per Kg.) 17 B- Guard ( Dodki) (Per Kg.) 18 Nab/ Navalcol (Per Kg.) 19 Cucumber (Per Kg.) 20 Capcium ( Shimla Mirc) (Per Kg.) Rate in Rs. (Per kg) -2- Sr No 21 Name of items & Specification Ginger (Per Kg.) 22 Garlic (Per Kg.) 23 Palak (Per Kg.) 24 Methi (Per Kg.) 25 Red Vegetable (Per Kg.) 26 Green coriander (Per Kg.) 27 Lemon (Per No.) 28 Chitaki (Per Kg.) 29 Curry patta (Per Kg.) 30 Coconut (Per No.) 31 Drum sticks ( Per kg) Rate in Rs. (Per kg) The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges, freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs_______. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF FRUITS ITEMS FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 Sr. No. 1 Name of items & specification Banana Green Big Size 2 Banana Yellow Big Size 3 Apple 4 Pineapple 5 Orange 6 Grapes Green 7 Grapes Black 8 Chiku 9 Water Melon 10 11 Papaya Rate in Rs. (per kg) Any other Seasonal Fruits The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No.____________ Date __________ Rs_______. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF NON –VEG. ITEMS FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 Sr. No. Name of items & specification Rate in Rs. (per kg) Chicken- (LIVE) kg 1 Chicken (DRESSED) kg 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fish- 1. Bangada/ MackerelBig Size - kg Fish – 1. Bangada/ MackerelSmall Size - kg Fish- 1. Bangada/ MackerelMedium Size - kg Fish- 1. Tarle/Sardine kg 9 Fish- 1. Peddi kg Egg- Standard Size(per 100 Nos) Pam plate 10 King Fish per kg 11 Prawns per kg 8 The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs_______. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUATATION FOR SUPPLY OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 Sr. No. Name of items Specification Rate in Rs. 1 Milk - Per ltr. 2 Ghee Deshi – kg 3 Gulab Jamun - kg 4 Pedha - kg 5 Burfee – kg 6 Pedda Sada – kg 7 Jalebee – kg 8 Mava – kg 9 Fresh Paneer kg 10 Packet Paneer kg 11 Amul Panner kg 12 Malai pedda kg 13 Curd kg 14 Kesar Padha kg 15 Kaju Burfee 16 Rasgulla kg 17 Motichoor Laddu kg 18 Besan Laddu kg 19 Gujya kg 20 Sev bareek kg 21 Mix Namkeen kg 22 Banana Chips kg 23 Mix Namkeen kg 24 Kaju Full kg 25 Kaju ½ kg 26 Kaju 8 pcs 27 Salted Kaju kg 28 Kismis kg 29 Cream Roll kg 30 Maska Pav kg 31 Good Day Biscuit 32 Cold Drink Fanta 1 ltr The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs_______. VAT/ CST / Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA, CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY ITEMS FOR THE YEAR-2016-2017 Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name of items specification Ban Pav Sweet Pav Goan Pav Khari Biscuits Rate in Rs.(per kg) Veg. Patties Mushroom Pattice Cake Plain Eggless Cake Fruit Cake Toast (Slice Bread) Egg Pattice Sweet Biscuits Coconut Biscuit Salted Biscuit Sliced Bread Samosa Fruit Jam 11 The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No.____________ Date __________ Rs_______. VAT / CST / Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF E L E C T R I C A L ITEMS FOR THE YEAR 2016-17 Sr. No. Name of Items Specification Brand 1. Tube Light (40 Watts ) Full size Philips/ Surya 2. Tube Light Set (20 Watts ) Half Size Philips/Surya 3. Starter ( Tube light) - Philips/Surya 4. Tube light Chock ( 40 Watts) - Philips/Surya 5 Tube light Electronics Ballast 6 Tube light Side Holder 7 Tube light Start off 8 Tube light Electric Holder 9 C. F. L Bulb ( 85 Watt) 10 C.F.L. Bulb ( 14 Watts) 11 C.F.L . Bulb (45 Watts) Surya/ Oveva Surya/ Oreva 12 10 Watts Bulb Philips/ Surya 13 40 Watts Bulb Philips/ Surya 14 200 Watt Bulb Philips/ Surya 15 Spot anc coroptatux Bulb 16 Halogen( MV) 500 watt 17 Metal Halide lamp 18 Mercury lamp 250 watt (HPSV) 19 Mercury lamp holder 20 C.F.L Bulb Based commercial Philips / Surya passing - - Surya/ Oveva - 150 watt Philips/ oveva Philips/ Havells 150 watt Philips/ Havells Philip/ Havells - - Oreva/Philips Fixture light 21 Sodium Street light Set 250 watt Philips/Crompton 22 Sodium Bulb 250 watt Philps/ crompton 23 Mercury lamp Chock ( HPSV) 250 (HPSV) 250 Philips/crompton watt watt 24 Tube light set Full Size Philips/ Crompton 25 Tube light set Electronic Full size Philips/ Crompton 26 Angle Holder - Anchor 27 Pendent Holder - Anchor 28 Socket ( 6 Amp) - Anchor 29 5- In – 1 with Box 16 amp Anchor 30 5- In- 1 31 Switch ( 6 amp) 32 33 Ceiling Rose Roma Socket 16 amp - Anchor Anchor - Anchor - Anchor Rate in Rs. (Per) -2Sr. No. Name of Items Specification Brand - Anchor 34 Roma Switch 35 Roma 5 In 1 16 amp Anchor 36 Roma switch 16 amp Anchor 37 Cassing- capping 1’’ Anchor 38 Multi plug top 6 amp Anchor 39 Multi plug Top 6 amp Anchor 40 Multi plug top ( 16 amp) 41 Flexible wire 42 Service wire ( connection) per mtr 43 1 mtr Anchor 4 sq. mm,6 mm - Multicore wire per mtr 1 sq mm Anchor 44 Multicore wire per mtr 2.5 sq mm Anchor 45 Multicore wire per mtr 1.5 sq mm Anchor 46 Multicore wire per mtr 4.5 sq mm -Anchor 47 Multicore wire per mtr 10 sq mm Anchor 48 Aluminium Armourd cable per mtr 49 Aluminium Armourd cable per mtr 3.5 core 25 sq mm 3.5 core 50 sq mm Anchor Anchor 50 Aluminium lux per mtr 25 sq mm, 50 sq mm Anchor 51 3 core cable per mtr 1.5 sq mm Anchor 52 3 core cable per mtr 2.5 sq mm Anchor 53 M.C.B 10 amp single pole Anchor/ Havells 54 M.C.B 55 M.C.B 16 amp single pole 32 amp single pole Anchor/ Havells Anchor/Havells 56 M.C.B Double pole 10 amp Anchor/Havells 57 M.C.B Double pole 16 amp Anchor/Havells 58 M.C.B Double pole 32 amp Anchor/ Havells 59 M.C.B Four pole 16 amp Anchor/Havells 60 M.C.B Four pole 32 amp Anchor/Havells 61 M.C.B Four pole 42 amp Anchor/Havells 62 M.C.B 50 amp Anchor/Havells 63 M.C.B Four pole 150 amp Anchor/Havells 64 D.P 30 amp Anchor 65 T.p 32 amp Anchor 66 T.p 63 amp Anchor 67 Change over Switch 125 amp 4 pole L& T 68 Change over switch 63 amp L &T 69 Exhaust Fan 12/12 ’’ Khetan/ Havells 70 Exhaust Fan 24/24 ’’ Khetan/ Havells 71 Ceiling Fan 1200 mm Khetan/ Havells 72 Ceiling Fan Capacitor Crompton Rate in Rs. (Per) -3Sr. No. Name of Items Specification Brand 73 Ceiling Fan Regulator - crompton 74 Stop Regulator - Anchor 75 Ceiling Fan Winding & Repairing 76 Fan pipe 12 ’’ 77 Drill bits Per Size 78 Insulation Tape 79 Ceiling Fan Bearing 80 2 way switch Anchor 81 Fuse 32 amp Anchor 82 Fuse 63 amps Anchor 83 Wooden Board 84 D.O.L Morfox starter 85 Metal Gang Boxes 1 & 2 module Anchor 86 Metal Gang Boxes 4 module Anchor 87 Metal Gang Boxes 8 Module Anchor 88 Metal Gang Boxes 18 Module Anchor 89 Cover plates 1 & 2 Module Anchor 90 Cover plates 4 Module Anchor 91 Cover Plates 8 plates Anchor 92 Cover plates 18 plates Anchor 93 Rowal punch 8 number 94 Rowal punch 10 95 Tester 96 Copper Earthing wire 97 G. I pipe Earthing 5 ft 98 Arcatin pipe Rate in Rs. (Per) Anchor 01 & 02 12x18 sonomic L& T The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No.____________ Date __________ Rs_______. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF P L U M B I N G ITEMS FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 Name Item Sr. Specification Brand ½ ’’ 10 kg cm Finolex 1 P.V.C & W.P.V.C Elbow 2 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Elbow ¾ Finolex 3 P.V.C & W.P.V.C Elbow 1 ’’ Finolex 4 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Elbow 1 ½ ’’ Finolex 5 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Elbow 2 ’’ Finolex 6 P.V.C Elbow 2 1/3 ’’ Finolex 7 P.V.C Elbow 3’’ Finolex 8 P.V.C Elbow 4 ’’ Finolex 9 P. V.C & W. P.V.C Socket ½ ’’ Finolex 10 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Socket ¾ ’’ Finolex 11 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Socket 1 ’’ Finolex 12 P.V.C & W. P. V.C Socket 1 ½ ’’ Finolex 13 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Socket 2 ’’ Finolex 14 P.V.C Socket 2 ½ ’’ Finolex 15 P.V.C Socket 3 ’’ Finolex 16 P.V.C Socket 4 ’’ Finolex 17 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Tee ½ ’’ Finolex 18 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Tee ¾ ’’ Finolex 19 P.V.C & W. P. V. C Tee 1 ’’ Finolex 20 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Tee 1 ½ ’’ Finolex 21 P.V.C & W. P. V. C Tee 2 ’’ Finolex 22 P.V.C Tee 2 ½ ’’ Finolex 23 P.V.C Tee 3 ’’ Finolex 24 P.V.C Tee 4 ’’ Finolex 25 P.V.C & W. P. V.CM.T.A ½ ’’ Finolex 26 P.V.C & W.P.V.C M.T.A ¾ ’’ Finolex 27 P.V.C& W. P.V.C M.T.A 1 ’’ Finolex 28 P.V.C & W. P.V.C M.T.A 1 ½’’ Finolex 29 P.V.C & W. P.V.C M.T.A 2 ’’ Finolex 30 P.V.C & W. P.V.C M.T.A 2 ½ ’’ Finolex 31 P.V.C M.T.A 3 ’’ Finolex 32 P.V.C M.T.A 4’’ Finolex 33 P.V.C F.T.A ½ ’’ Finolex 34 P.V.C F.T.A ¾ ’’ Finolex 35 P.V.C F.T.A 1 ’’ Finolex 36 P.VC F.T.A 1 1½’’ Finolex 37 P.V.C F.T.A 2’’ Finolex 38 P.V.C F.T.A 2 1/2 ’’ Finolex 39 P.V.C F.T.A 3 ’’ Finolex 40 P.V.C F.T.A 4 ’’ Finolex Rate in Rs. (per) -2Name Item Sr. Specification Brand 41 P.V.C& W. P.V.C Reducer /Socket ½ x ¾’’ Finolex 42 P.V.C & W. P. V. C Reducer / Socket ¾ x1’’ Finolex 43 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Reducer / Socket 1’’x 1 ½ Finolex 44 P.V.C Reducer/ Socket 11/2 ’’x 2 Finolex 45 P.V.C Reducer/ Socket 2 ’’x 2 ½ ’’ Finolex 46 P.V.C Reducer/ Socket 3 ’’x 4 ’’ Finolex 46 P.V.C Reducer/ Socket 21/2 ’’ x3’’ Finolex 47 P.V.C Reducer/ Socket 3’’x 4 ’’ Finolex 48 P. V. C & W. P. V. C Reducer/ Socket 1/2 ’’x 3/4 ’’ Finolex 49 P.V.C& W. P. V. C Reducer/ Socket ¾’’x 1 ’’ Finolex 50 P.V.C & W. P.V.C Reducer/ Socket 1 ’’x 1 ½ ’’ Finolex 51 P.V.C& W. P. V.C Reducer/ Socket 1½ x 2 ’’ Finolex 52 P.V.C Reducer Bush 2 ’’x 2 ½ ’’ Finolex 53 P.V.C Reducer/ Bush ½’’x 3 ’’ Finolex 54 P.V.C End Cap ½ ’’ Finolex 55 P.V.C End Cap ¾ ’’ Finolex 56 P.V.C End Cap 1’’ Finolex 57 P.V.C End Cap 1 ½ ’’ Finolex 58 P.V.C End Cop 2 ’’ Finolex 59 P.V.C End cop 2 ½ ’’ Finolex 60 P.V.C End Cop 3’’ Finolex 61 P.V.C long band ½ ’’ Finolex 62 P.V.C long band ¾ ’’ Finolex 63 P. V.C long band 1 ’’ Finolex 64 P.V.C long band 1 ½ ’’ Finolex 65 P.V.C long band 2 ’’ Finolex 66 P.V.C long band 2 ½ ’’ Finolex 67 P.V.C long band 3 ’’ Finolex 68 P.V.C long band 4 ’’ Finolex 69 Sarvice Saddlas Per Size 70 P.V.C Solution 100 ml 71 C.P.V. Solution cement 100 ml 72 U P.V.C Solution cement 100 ml 73 Liquid pipe sedant 200 gm M. seal 74 The parfect liquid sealant 200 gm Holdtite Rate in Rs. (per) -3S r. Nam e It em S peci fi cat i on Brand 75 M- Seal 1 kg 76 Araldite 36 gm 77 P.V.C pipe & W. P.V.C ½ ’’ Finolex 78 P.V.C Pipe& W. P.V.C ¾ ’’ Finolex 79 P.V.C.pipe& W. P.V. C 1 ’’ Finolex 80 P.V.C pipe & W. P.V. C 1 ½ ‘’ Finolex 81 P.V.C pipe & W. P.V.C 2 ’’ Finolex 82 P.V.C pipe 2 ½’’ Finolex 83 P.V.C Pipe 3 ’’ Finolex 84 P.V.C Pipe 4 ’’ Finolex 85 G.I Tee ½ ’’ Finolex 86 G.I Tee ¾ ’’ Finolex 87 G.I Tee 1 ’’ Finolex 88 G.I Tee 1 ½’’ Finolex 89 G.I Tee 2 ’’ Finolex 90 G.I Tee 2 ½’’ Finolex 91 G.I Tee 3 ’’ Finolex 92 G.I Reducer ½ ’’x ¾ ’’ 93 G.I Reducer ¾’’x 1 ’’ 94 G.I Reducer 1 ’’x 1 ½ ’’ 95 G.I Reducer 1 ½’’x 2 ’’ 96 G.I Reducer 2 ’’x 2 ½ ’’ 97 G.I Reducer 2 ½’’x 3 ’’ 98 G. I long band 1 ’’ 99 G.I long band 1½ ’’ 100 G.I long band 2’’ 101 G.I long band 3 ’’ 102 G.I Elbow ½ ’’ 103 G.I Elbow ¾ ’’ 104 G.I Elbow 1’’ 105 G.I Elbow 1 1/2’’ 106 G.I Elbow 2 ’’ 107 G.I Elbow 2 ½ ’’ 108 G.I Elbow 3’’ 109 G.I Socket ½ ’’ 110 G.I Socket ¾ ’’ 111 G.I Socket 1 ’’ 112 G.I Socket 1 ½ ’’ 113 G.I Socket 2’’ 114 G.I Socket 2 ½ ’’ 115 G.I Socket 3 ’’ Rat e i n Rs. ( per) -4Sr. Name Item Specification 116 G.I. plug ½’’ 117 G.I plug ¾ ’’ 118 G.I plug 1 ’’ 119 G.I plug 1 ½’’ 120 G.I plug 2 ’’ 121 G.I plug 2 ½ ’’ 122 G.I plug 3 ’’ 123 G.I Nipple ½ ’’ 124 G.I Nipple ¾ ’’ 125 G.I Nipple 1 ’’ 126 G.I Nipple 1 ½ ’’ 127 G.I Nipple 2 ’’ 128 G.I Nipple 2 ½ ’’ 129 G.I. Nipple 3 ’’ 130 G.I pipe (B) ½’’ 131 G.I pipe ( B) ¾ ’’ 132 G.I pipe (B) 1 ’’ 133 G.I Pipe ( B) 1 ½ ’’ 134 G.I pipe ( B) 2 ’’ 135 G.I pipe ( B) 2 ½ ’’ 136 G.I. pipe ( B) 3 ’’ 137 G.I Band Nipple 138 Bib Cock ½ ’’ 139 Stop cock ½ ’’ 140 Pillar cock ½’’ 141 Metal cock ½ ’’ 142 P.V.C push cock ½ ’’ 143 Long body bib cock ½ ’’ 144 Garden pipe Plastic/ 1 ’’ Per size Flexible 145 P.V.C float Ball 146 Float Valve ¾ ’’ 147 Float Valve 1 ’’ 148 G.I Union ½ ’’ 149 G.I union ¾ ’’ 150 G.I union 1 ’’ 151 G.I union 1 ½ ’’ 152 G.I Union 2 ’’ 153 G.I Union 2 ½ ’’ 154 G.I Union 3 ’’ 155 Horse pipe 1 ’’ Brand Rate in Rs. (per) -5S r. Nam e It em 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 Horse counter Connection pipe Connection pipe P.T.F.E Tape C.P.V.C pipe C.P.V.C pipe C.P.V.C pipe C.P.V.C Elbow C.P.V.C Elbow C.P.V.C Elbow C.P.V.C Socket C.P.V.C Socket C.P.V.C Socket C.P.V.C Tee C.P.V.C Tee C.P.V.C Socket Sintax Water tank 500 ltr Sintax Water Tank 1000 Ltr Flush Tank Non Retirn Valve Flench Pvc PIPE – 10 KG Sluice Valve Ball Valve S peci fi cat i on Brand Rate in Rs. (per) 1 ’’ ½ ’’ 1 ½ fit ½ ’’2 fit 12 meters ½ ’’ ¾ ’’ 1 ’’ 1 ’’ ½ ’’ ¾ ’’ ½ ’’ ½’’ 1 ’’ ½ ’’ ¾’’ 1 ’’ per Per 3 ’’ 3 ’’ 6 ’’ 3 ’’ 3 ’’ The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No.____________ Date __________ Rs_______. VAT / CST / Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF OTHER EQUIPMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 Sr. 1. Name of Items Steel Top Specification Size 30 Size 32 2. 3 Flask Steel Lunch Plate 1 ltr (Cello) 2 ltr (Cello) Stainless Steel, Weight 730 gms to 750 gms, Size – 38 cm *29 cm, 6 block s Good Quality Stainless Steel, Weight 240 gms to 455 gms, Size 24 cm*24 cm, 3blocks, Good Quality 4 Breakfast Plate 5 Stainless Steel Spoon Standard Size 6 Steel Tumbler Stainless Steel, Weight 65 gm to 75 ( Steel Glass) gm, Capacity 200 ml, Good Quality Hot pot for Chapatti Standard Size 7 Big Size for 200 Nos. Chappatti 8 Commercial Mixer Heavy Moter / Grinder 2 Year Warranty with lifetime free service ISI Mark 9 Vegetable Cutter Blade Standard Size for salad 10 Service spoon Standard Size 11 Side Wall Fan Standard Size 12 Halva Plate Stainless Steel, Weight 90 gm to 95 gm, Size- 38 cm -15 cm diameter of circle, 13 Electronic Insect Killer 14 S.S Tea container 15. Lunch plate Stand Good Quality Standard Size / 10 ltr For keeping 250 Nos plate Rate in Rs. -2Sr. Nam e of It em s S pe c i fi cat i on Rat e i n Rs. Electronic water 16 Heater with 20 to 30 ltrs / Aquagard 17 Grinder 10 to 15 ltrs Heavy motor Masala Grindering 18 Machine for grindening Dry 10 – 15 kg capacity With heavy moter masala powder The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No.____________ Date __________ Rs_______. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF LAB EQUIPMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 CHEMISTRY- CHEMICAL Sr. No. Name of items Capacity Brand name 1 Mohr's salt 500gm SDFine/Merck/LOBA/Reidel 2 Potash alum 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 3 Sulphuric acid 2.5 lit SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 4 Acetone 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 5 Lead acetate solution 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 6 Paper pellets 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 7 Potassium chromate 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 8 Magnesia mixture 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 9 Potassium dichromate paper 1 pkt SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 10 Ammonia Solution 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 11 Lead acetate paper 1pkt SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 12 Oxalic acid 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 13 Starch paper 1pkt Standard Make 14 Filter paper-circular 2pkt SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 15 Hard chromatography paper 1pkt Standard Make 16 Silver nitrate solution 500ml Standard Make 17 Iodine solution 500ml Standard Make 18 Tollen's reagent 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 19 Nesseler's reagent 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 20 Fehling A solution 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 21 Fehling B solution 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 22 Methyl orange 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 23 Molisch's Reagent 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 24 Benedict's Reagent 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 25 Ninhydrin Reagent 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 26 Million's Reagent 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 27 Chloroform 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 28 Glucose 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 29 Nitric acid 2.5 Lit. SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 30 Hydrochloric Acid 2.5 Lit. SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 31 Ethanol 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel Rate in Rs -2Sr. No. Name of items Capacity Brand name 32 Acetic acid 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 33 Phenolphthalein 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 34 Phenol 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 35 Potassium Permangnate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 36 Potassium ferrocyanide 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 37 Nickel chloride 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 38 Nickel nitrate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 39 Nickel Sulphate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 40 Nickel Carbonate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 41 Copper nitrate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 42 Copper chloride 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 43 Copper Sulphate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 44 Copper Carbonate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 45 Ferrous sulphate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 46 Ferric nitrate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 47 Formaline 500ml SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 48 Ferric Chloride 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 49 Ammonium carbonate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 50 Ammonium Sulphate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 51 Ammonium nitrate 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 52 Ammonium chloride 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 53 Sodium Chloride 500mg SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 54 Sodium hydroxide flakes 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 55 Sodium Thiosulphate 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 56 Sodium sulphide 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 57 Sodium sulphate 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 58 Sodium nitrate 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 59 Sodium carbonate 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 60 Barium chloride 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel 61 Dimethyl Glyoxime 500gm SDFine/Merck/ LOBA/Reidel Rate in Rs CHEMISTRY S . N. Nam e of i t em s S peci fi cat i on Brand nam e Capacity 250 ml Tanzan / polylab 1 Kipps Apparatus 2 Beaker 100ml Borosil 3 Beaker 250ml Borosil 4 Beaker 500ml Borosil 5 Beaker 1000ml Borosil 6 Spatula Metallic Standard Make 7 Pipette 10ml Borosil 8 Burette 25ml Borosil 9 Burette 50ml Borosil Borosil 10 Conical flask 250ml 11 Burette stand Metallic 12 Wire gauze with metallic frame 13 Test Tubes Big Borosil 14 Test tubes small Borosil 15 Test tube holder 16 Tripod Stand 17 Standard Volumetric Flask 1000ml Borosil 18 Standard Volumetric Flask 500ml Borosil 19 Standard Volumetric Flask 250ml Borosil 20 China Dish 21 Spatula 22 Test tube brush Standard 23 Burette brush Standard 24 Dropper 25 Burette brush 26 Test tube stand 27 Glass rod Rat e i n Rs. with wooden handle Iron metallic black Big Metallic small Standard Plastic Standard The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No.____________ Date __________ Rs_______. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number BIOLOGY S r. No. Nam e of i t em s C apacity Brand nam e 1 Benedict Solution 2000 ml 2 Millon’s Regent 1000 ml 3 Ammonia solution 2000 ml 4 Ethyl alchol 5000 ml 5 Cover slip 50 pkt 6 Blotting paper 100 Nos 7 Glycerin 1000 ml 8 Cavity Block ( 12 or 16 well) Larger size Best quality 9 Glass funnel Larger size (10cm wide) 25 nos (Borosilicate) Beaker Borosil 500 ml 50 nos (Borosilicate) Beaker 250ml borosilicate 50 nos (Borosilicate) 11 Watch Glass larger size ( 10 cm wide) 100 nos (Borosilicate) 12 Funnel large size ( 10 cm width) 25nos’ (Borosilicate) 13 Glass Vial 10 nos (Borosilicate 14 Filter paper 25 pkts 15 Small funnel ( 5 cm mouth width) 50 nos 16 Entamoeba histolytica( slide) 2 nos 17 Plasmodium vivax (slide) 2 nos 18 Spirogyra( slide) 2 nos 19 Striated muscle ( slide) 2 nos 20 Non striated muscle (slide ) 2 nos 21 Collenchymas cells( slide) 2 nos 22 Iodine solution 1000ml 23 Beaker ( 500ml) borosilicate 25 nos 10 (Borosilicate) (Borosilicate) Rat e i n Rs. -2S r. No. Nam e of i t em s C apacity 24 Parenchyma cells (slide) 2 nos 25 Sclerenchyma cells Slide) 2 nos Brand nam e Rat e i n Rs. The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone Number PHYSICS S r. No. Nam e of i t em s C apacity 1 Connection Wire 500 gm 2 Concave lens 3 ’’ diameter 3 Convex lens 3 ’’ diameter 4 Galvanometer 5 Optical Bench set 6 Traveling Microscope 7 Potentiometer ( 10 M) Brand nam e Rat e i n Rs. The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone Number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA, CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF SPORTS EQUIPMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 Sr. No. 1 Name of item Specification Brand Name Basketball ******* Size-6 BB-199-TOPGRIP Nivia Size-7 BB-195-TOPGRIP Nivia 2 Volleyball (Size-5) VB.-477-Classsic(32pc) Nivia 3 Football ******* Size-5 F.B.281-Classic Nivia Size-6 F.B.281-Classic Nivia Cricket Tennis Ball Gold-VCTB-G-10 Vinex Kanna Kanna VCB-LM-10 Vinex Other-(Give brand name) ******* 4 5 Cricket Leather Ball ******* ******* 6 Hoops-Segmented (30 pc set) HP-SEGPK -30 Vinex 7 T.T.Ball Stag Stag Stiga Stiga 6 feet Vinex 6 feet Nivia Good Quality Vinex Good Quality Stag VB-5603 Nivia Vb-5604-PE without knot Nivia Anckal Support As-588 Nivia Knee support - Ks-586-Slip-in -Style Nivia Badminton Racket ******* ******* Jonex -Power Jonex Jonex -Gold Jonex Gold Vinex 8 9 10 11 12 13 T.T.Net T.T. Net poles Vollleyball Net Badminton Shuttle cock Box Skylark Skylark Basketball shoes ******* ******* NO-5 BS-188-Nivia-Panthor Nivia NO-6 BS-188-Nivia-Panthor Nivia NO-7 BS-188-Nivia-Panthor Nivia NO-8 BS-188-Nivia-Panthor Nivia NO-9 BS-188-Nivia-Panthor Nivia NO-10 BS-188-Nivia-Panthor Nivia 15 Soft Expander SG-575-12 X 2 X 1400 mm Nivia 16 Basketball Ring Ring with spring Nivia 14 Rate in Rs. -2- Sr. No. Name of item Specification Brand Name 17 Chest expander Ce-815 -Crome steel Nivia 18 Cricket Stumps Good Qualiity Wodden Nivia 19 Cricket Season Bats VCB-D 100( Kashmir Willow) Vinex 20 Cricket Tennis Bats HP-SEGPK -30 Vinex 21 Archary kit for Age of 14 to 18 Kindley Mention Brand Name ---- 22 Lezims Wooden+Iron ---- 23 Exercise Bike/Eliptical Cycle ---- ---- 24 Air Bike CEB-604 A Cosco 25 Eliptical Cycle CEB-609 C Cosco Inspire Finess Exercise Bike CB-10 Inspire Skipping Ropes Nivia-Heavy 26 High Jump pit with rain cover ---- Rate in Rs. ---- At-613--6.65 mX 4mX70 cm Nivia VHJP-700--6m X 4m X 77cm Vinex The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges, freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date._________ Rate___________ VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF FURNITURE ITEMS 2016-2017 S r . No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P articulars of Items S peci fi cat i on Computer Table having laminated particle board system for keeping monitor, CPU, Keyboard with metal stand Wooden Desk and bench for class room Wooden Bench Steel Rack with four shelfs (Adjustment type) Steel Made folding type dinning table attached with stool ( 10 seaters) 32’’x18’’x30’’ Dinning Bench metal stand and ply of (ISI) Mark with sunmica top Arm chair having steel frame mixed with teak wood with cane seat and back rest Steel almirah (Cupboard) 20 gauge (big) Steel almirah (Cupboard) 20 gauge (small) Desk with bench 1” Ms. Metal Frame with 1” angle with sunshine on top and seat (1” square tube & 1” angle) Single Bed Of marine ply with sunmica of 19 mm thickness & 12 mm thickness of marine ply with top Plastic chair study 48’’x16’’ 48’’x12’’x18’’ 12’’x36’’x78’’ 15’’x36’’x78’’ MS Table with MS frame:7ftx 3 ftx2 ½ft Ms stool: 1 ½ft height with round seat ( Top) Standard Size ( Specification with Diagram is also attached) 96’’x 12’’x78’’ 35’’x17’’x23’’ 18’’x36’’x78’’ 18’’x30’’x54’’ Desk: 44’’x16’’x30’’ Bench: 11’’x47’’ 36’’x16’’x78’’ Standard Size Neelkamal, Polyset/Moderna/ Commander Rat e in Rs. -2Sr. P a r t i cul ar s of It e m s S peci fi cat i on Rat e i n Rs. No. 13 Library Counter Tables ‘L’ Shape Space for computer 01 set Barcode printer, 01-Barcode Reader, 04- Drawer, 14 Working Tables Stainless Steel for Standard Size: 2ftx 4 ft Kitchen 15 Stainless Steel Counter Table 16 Book Case with 4 compartments, Standard Size: 2 ft x 4 ft Size:66’’ x 33 ’’ x 12 ’’ each having disappearing shutters with glass panels and lock having common keys made out C.R. sheets 20 gauge. Pretreated for antirust and even baked paint finish. 17 Plastic Chair without Arms Black 18 Stainless Steel Rack for keeping Neelkamal/ polyset Lunch Plate ( 250 Plate) 19 Premium Executive Table fabricated Size 72 ’’x 36 ’’ from Marine grade plywood / block board covered with good quality teak veneer having paneiling edge beading moulding in teak wood. Table top with 8 mm glass having 3 drawers with central locking facility. All exposed surfaces polished in chosen shade. The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges,freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date._________ Rate___________ VAT/ CST / Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA, CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF FOOT WEARS AND SCHOOL BAG FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 Sr. No 1 Name of items Sports Shoes (Brown) 2 Shoes for Boys – Black 3 Shoes for Girls- Black 4 Chappal/ Slipper- Black 5 Socks – White 6 Socks – Blue 7 School Bags Duck back Specification Size: 12-1 Size : 2-5 Size: 6-10 Size: 11 Size: 12-1 Size: 2-5 Size: 6-10 Size: 11 Size: 12-1 Size: 2-5 Size: 6-10 Size: 12-1 Size: 2-5 Size: 6-10 Size: 6 Free Size Rate in Rs. Size:6 Free Size Size: Medium Size: Large The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges, freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date._________ Rate___________ VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF TRACK SUITS AND T-SHIRTS WITH SHORT FOR THE YEAR 2016-17 Sr. No. Name of items Rate in Rs. 1 Track Suit [Navy Blue With School Name Printing] Size : 28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42 As per sample 2 Sport T- Shirt with short [House-wise – colour Green/Red/Sky Blue – Nilgiri/ Aravali/ Shivalik House. Size :28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges, freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date._________ Rate___________ VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF BEDDING ITEMS 2016-2017 S r. No. 1 P articulars of item Coir and Foam Mattress 72’’ x 35 ‘’ x 2 ‘’ 2 Pillow 3 4 SOLAPURI CHADDAR S peci fi cat i on Brand – Rubco Sleeping system Model –Sleep on Thickness-51 mm Density / Type : 60 Kg/M3 rubberized coir Block Uphoistery : 10 mm//10 density PU foam pasted both sides of the bare block Cover : 85 gsm polyster fabric finished with both side n tape edge machine Border/ : 85 gsm printed polyster fabric is covered Stabilizer : over the 5 mm 10 density peeled foam Corner Label : Exclusive film label provide at the corner Packing : PVC cover with a gauge of 240 and pasted a poster at the center top of the mattress. Brand : Rubco Polyester Fibre pillow Model : Nano soft Dimension : 24” x 15” Weight : 550 + 10 gm Nature of cloth : Micro polyester, wrap 62, weft 60 gsm:59-65 Nature of fibre : 15D X 64 mm conjugated hollow non Siliconised Nature of filling : Machine Finishing : Without beading Packing : Printed LDPE-220-250 Gauge Model Labels : Side Satin Label . SIZE - 120 CM. X 180 CM. BEDSHEET SIZE - 120 CM. X 180 CM 5 PILLOW-COVER(SINGLE) Turkish Towel White Turkish Towel Colour Mosquito Net Polyset Standard size - 16” x 24” 6 7 Rat e in Rs. (Standard Size) Size : 6x 3 ft The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges, freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date._________ Rate___________ VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF DAILY USE (TOILETORIES) ITEMS FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 S L. NO. 1 ITE MS Toothpaste - 50 Gms 1. Colgate 2. Close - Up 2 4. Lifebouy 5. Dettol Washing Soap - 250 Gms 1. Wheel 2. Rin 3. Power 4 Tooth bursh – Medium 1. Pepsodent 2. Colgate 3. Sensitive 5 Coconut Oil - 50 Ml/100 Ml 1. Cocoraj Co. 2. Parachute Co. 6 Shampoo 1. Sunsilk 2. All Clear 3. Vatika 8 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 250 Gms Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Cherry (Liquid) 1. Black (50 Ml) 2. White (50Ml) 9 Rs. Rs. Neel - 100 Ml 1. Ujala 2. Robin Blue 3. Disha 7 50 gm Bathing Soap - 100 Gms 1. Lux 2. Hamam 3. Savlon 3 RATE P ER UNIT/NO. Phenol - [Cented] Cleaning PurposeHygia/Other Co. 1. 5 Liters Plastic Cane 2. 1 Liters Bottle Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 50 Ml 100 Ml -2S L.NO. 10 11 ITE MS RATE P ER UNIT/NO. HCL Acid - Cleaning Purpose Rs. 1. 5 Liters Plastic Cane Rs. Broom: 1. Coconut [Hard] Rs. 2. Soft 12 Washing Powder - 1 Kg/600Gms 1. Wheel 2. Nirma 13 14 Rs. 1 Kg Rs. Rs. Bleaching Powder 1. 25 Kg. Bag 2. 1 Kg. Bag Rs. Rs. Wiper - Cleaning Purpose Rs. MOP - Cleaning Purpose Rs. The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges, freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date._________ Rate___________ VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number. JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF OFFICE AND STUDENTS STATIONERY FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 Sl. No 1 Particulars Of Items Specification Rate in Rs. COPIER PAPER REAM FS SIZE – 70 GSM- 21.5cm X 1. JK BOND CO 34.5 cm. 2..OTHER CO. 2 COPIER PAPER REAM – 1.JK BOND A-4 SIZE – 70 GSM- 21.0cm X 29.7 cm. 2.OTHER CO. 3 COPIER PAPER REAM 1.JK BOND A-3 SIZE – 70 GSM- 210 X 297 MM. 2.OTHER CO. 4 5 CHALK BOX WHITE 100 PC BOX – KORES CO. CHALK BOX COLOUR 100 PC BOX – KORES CO. OFFICE FILE WITH THICK/ GOOD (SUJATE) PLASTIC CLIP QUALITY WITH SCHOOL NAME PRINTING 6 BOX FILE- (Aqua lever) 7 LONG REGISTER – GOOD QUALITY HARD COVER-34.5 CMX21CM 96 /100 P 8 LONG REGISTER – HARD COVER-33 CMX21CM -192 /200 P. 9 LONG REGISTER – SOFT COVER-33 CMX21CM -64 pages /100 P 10 LONG REGISTER – SOFT COVER-21cmx33 cm 160 pages Navneet 11 STAPLER PIN – 10 NO. PKT. – KORES CO. RS. 12 PONTED PIN BOX – 25 MM – 50 GM/ 65 ARISTO ARJUN Kores 13 “ U ” CLIPS BOX PLASTIC COATED – 26 MM 10 X 14 CARBON PAPER BOX 100 Nos.( Kores) KORES/CAMEL BR. SIZE 210 X 330 MM – BLUE / BLACK -2- Sl. No 15 Particulars Of Items Specification ENVELOPES – SIZE 1. 9 X 4 ” 2X ” Thread coated 3. 12 x 10 ” 4. 16 x 12 ” 16 PEN/USB Drive 8 GB capacity – Sandisk/Transcent/ Kingston 17 OFFICE GUM 18 Dot Matrix Printer Ribbon 19 Inkjet Printer Cartridges 700 ML bottle – Camel / Kores i) Black 21 A –HP ii) Colour 22 A- HP 20 Laser Printer Toner 21 CD - Re-writable with Black 88 A - HP Laserjet P1007 Cover 22 White/Colour chart / Card sheet paper 23 Geometrical Box (Navneet product-Fun / Camel –Scholar) 24 Foot Ruler – Plastic -12” (Navneet /Camel ) 25 Drawing Book Size: 17 x.24.5 cms Navneet 36/40 Pages Drawing Book Size: 34 x 24 cms Navneet 36/40 26 HB Pencils {Non – Toxic}– Navneet-Fun/Camel/ Natraj 27 Eraser [Dust free] fun Navneet co. /Camel/ Natraj 28 Note Books – 76 pages Regular size (15.5 X 19 cm) single line (Navneet / Sundaram / Classmate) – soft bound 29 Note Books – 148 pages Regular size (15.5 X 19 cm) single line (Navneet / Sundaram / Classmate) – soft bound Rate in Rs. -3- Sl. No 30 Particulars Of Items Specification Note Books – 100 pages Regular size (15.5 X 19 cm) Four line (Navneet / Sundaram / Classmate) – soft bound 31 Long Books – 160 pages Regular size (17 X 27 cm) single line (Navneet/ Sundaram / Classmate) – soft bound 32 Practical Book Navneet/Classmate/Sundaram) 120 Pages ( A4 Size) 33 Practical Book Navneet/Classmate/Sundaram) 170 Pages (A4 Size) 34 Graph Book -84 Pages (Size 22cm X 28 cm ) 35 Graph Book - 32 pages ( Size 19 x 16 cm) 36 Poster Colour Box 1 0 6 Shade (Camel) ml 12 Shade (Camel) 37 Water Colour Cakes box Tubes 12 Shade (Camel) 38 Pen 1. Cello Griper 2. Rotomac (Buttery Flow) 39 Drawing Paper Full Imperial 40 Sketch Pen 41 Drawing Board 42 Tinted\ Drawing Sheet 43 Drawing Board Pin Box 44 Oil Colour pastle Camel (Half Imperial (16 x 23”) Black Brawn Green Yellow 06 Shade Camel 12 shade Camel 45 Fevicol 500 ml 1000 ml 46 Poster Colour Box 47 Water Colour Tubes Box 10 ml (6 Shades) Camel (6 Shades 10 ml )Camel Rate in Rs. -4Sl. No Particulars Of Items 48 Fabric Colour 49 Glass Colour 50 Brown Paper 51 Student Oil pastel Colour Specification Rate in Rs. 12 shade box 52 Drawing Pencil (2 B BOX Nos) (6 B 3 Box Nos) Camel The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges, freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date._________ Rate___________ VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone number JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF Stitching Of Students Uniform for the Year 2016-2017 S r . No Nam e of i t em s 1 Full Pant 2 Half Pant 3 Skirt 4 Full Shirt 5 Half Shirt 6 Kameez 7 Salwar 8 Curtain Stitching 9 Games Half Pant 10 Scout Dress 11 N.C.C Dress 12 Music Band Party Dress 13 Apron for Mess 14 Karate Dress 15 Dance Dress 16 Group D Dress Rat e i n Rs. Full Shirt Half Shirt Full pant 17 Divided Skirt The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No.____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone No JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF Hair Cutting for the year 2016-2017 Sr Name of items Rate in Rs. No 1 Hair cutting for Boy The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone No JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF WASHING OF UNIFORM AND BEDDING FOR THE YEAR 2016-17 Sr no Name of items Rate in Rs. 2 Half Pant 3 Skirt 4 Full Shirt 5 Half Shirt 6 Kamez 7 Salwar 8 Duppata 9 Scout Dress 10 Guide Dress 11 Track suits 12 T-shirt with short 13 Chaddar 14 Bed Sheet 15 Pillow Cover 16 Towel 17 Curtain 18 Table cloth 19 Sofa set cover 20 Sari 21 Dhoti 22 Ghagara, chunari with blouse 23 Shirt and Paijama The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone No JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR S UP P LY OF MAINTE NANC E & RE NOVATION WORK S MATE RIALS ITE MS FOR 2016 -2 017 S r. No. Nam e of items S pecification Rate in Rs. 1 Cement ACC /Ultratech Per Bag 2 Sand Good Quality Per Mtr. 3 Gitty Per Mtr 4 Brick Per No. 5 Stone Per mtr. 6 Iron rod 8 mm Per Kg. Iron rod 12 mm Per kg Iron rod 16 mm Per kg Nails 2 inch Per kg Nail s 3 inch Per kg 8 GI Pipe Size 2’’ Jindel Brand 9 GI Pipe Size 2’’ Other Brand 10 Coated Sheet Size 5 7 ft 11 Coated Sheets Size 10 Ft 12 Coated Sheets Size 15 Ft 13 Iron Net per Mtr 1’’x1’’ 14 Aluminum frame 1 Mtr x 1 Mtr ( for window frame ) 15 Aluminum frame 1.5 Mtr x 1.5 Mtr 16 Aluminum Sheets Size L- 8ft x 4 ft The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone No JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF PAINT (INTERIOR/EXTERIOR/ENAMEL) FOR THE YEAR 2016-2017 S r No 1 Na m e of items Distemper S pecification 5 kg Bucket 10 kg Bucket 20 kg Bucket 2 Chuna for white washing Per kg 3 Black Board paint 1 ltr Tin 4 Grill Paint 1 ltr Tin 10 ltr 20 ltr 5 Primer Internal& External 5 ltr 10 ltr 20 ltr 6 Water Repellent Paint 5 Ltr ( Chemicals Solution) 10 Ltr 7 Acrylic Distemper white 20 Ltr 10 kg/ ltrs 20 kg/ ltrs 8 Acrylic Distemper Shade 20 kg/ltrs 9 Interior Primer 20 kg/ ltrs 10 Exterior Primer 2o kg/ ltrs 11 Acrylic Exterior Emulsion Apricot 20 kg/ Ltrs 12 Acrylic Emulsion 20 kg/ ltrs 13 Black Oil Paint Per ltr 14 White Oil Paint Per Ltr 15 Tractor Emulsion White 20 ltr 16 Water Base Primer (Asian Paint) 20 ltr 17 Plaster of paris (Asian Paint) 1 ltr 18 Turpentine ( Asian Paint) 5 ltr 19 Violet Stainer ( Asian Paint) 1 ltr 20 Apex Teracotta ( Asain Paint) 20 ltr/ kg 21 Oil Paint Brown ( Asian Paint) 22 Fevicol 4 Ltr 1 kg 5 ltr 10 ltr 23 Sand Paper 24 Wire Brush 60 No 80 No 120 No Rate in Rs. -2S r No Na m e of items 25 Painting Brush 26 Wall Putty ( Good Quality) S pecification 2 inch 4 inch 5 inch 6 inch 25 kg 27 Labour charge for Interior and Per sq. Mtr Rate in Rs. Exterior painting work at JNV Canacona complex building i.e. for scrapping, cleaning, one coat primer and 2 coats paints work The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD D D No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone No JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF CARPENTARY MATERIAL FOR 2016 -2017 Sr No 1 2 Name of items Specification Wood Teak wood Jack Wood Season Wood Plywood Water Proof 6mm 9 mm Rate in Rs. (Gun Foot) 12mm 16 mm 19 mm 3. Laminate 0.8 mm 1 mm 4. Beading 6 mm S H. Fevicol 1 kg. 5. The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Signature Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone No JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF Refilling of fire Extinguisher for the year 2016-2017 Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 Name of items a) ABC Type Fire Extinguisher 5 kg Capacity each b) Refilling a) DCP Type Extinguisher 5 kg Capacity b) Refilling a) ABC Type Fire Extinguisher 10 kg Capacity each b) Refilling a) DCP Type Fire Extinguisher 10 kg capacity each b) Refilling Rate in Rs. The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone No JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENTS/PAREPHARIALS F O R THE YEAR 2016-2017 Sr. No 1 2 3 4 Name of items Specification BRAND DGS 1024 D 24 Port Switch D LINK SWITCH 5 PORT BIOS CELL KEYBOARD D-Link D LINK DLINK MULTIMEDIA WIRED WITH 3 YEARS WARRANTY LOGITECH IBALL HP 5 6 7 MOUSE RAM FOR DESKTOP PC OPTICAL WITH 3 YEARS WARRANTY 9 DVD DDR2 - 2 GB KINGSTON WITH WARRANTY DDR3 4GB TRANSCEND KINGSTON WITH WARRANTY WITH WARRANTY TRANSCEND KINGSTON WITH WARRANTY WITH WARRANTY TRANSCEND WITH WARRANTY KINGSTON WITH WARRANTY TRANSCEND WITH WARRANTY 8 GB 4.7 GB 10 CD 700/750 MB 11 INTERNET SECURITY eSCAN(4 PC X 1 USER) KASPERSKY INTERNET SECURITY TONER FOR PRINTER COMPATIBLE ESCAN 12 14 A4 size PAPER RIM (3 PC X 1 USER) SAMSUNG ML-2161 HP P1007 75 GSM 15 LEGAL PAPER RIM 75 GSM 13 IBALL 3 YEARS WARRANTY 3 YEARS WARRANTY 3 YEARS WARRANTY 3 YEARS WARRANTY DDR3 4GB Plastic Cover for DVDs LOGITECH 3 YEARS WARRANTY 3 YEARS WARRANTY HP RAM FOR LAPTOP HCL DDR2 - 2 GB ME 8 Any remark SONY MOZER BAER SONY MOZER BAER SONY/MOSERBAER ESCAN KASPERSKY JK EASY COPIER SAMSUNG HP JK EASY COPIER Rate in Rs. -2- Sr. No 17 Name of items Specification BRAND MOTHERBOARD HCL 18 MOTHERBOARD FOR DESKTOP PC 19 20 HARD DISK INTERNAL HARD DISK INTERNAL HCL LAPTOP MODEL: HCL ME Compatible with dual core processor Compatible with i3 processor 1 TB 500 gb 21 BATTERY chargeable 22 White board marker (RED,Green, blue,BLACK) White board eraser(duster) PEN DRIVE Camlin easily erasable MOTHERBOARD FOR DESKTOP PC 23 26 27 CATRIDGES FOR CANON INK JET PRINTER IX 5000 29 REFILLING OF TONER IN PRINTER 30 WIRELESS MODEM / DONGLE 31 32 33 34 35 SMPS CMOS BATTERY Head Phone with mice for PC LAN CARD EXTERNAL HARD DISK Any remark Rate in Rs. G31 H61 SAMSUNG HCL LAPTOP MODEL: HCL ME HCL LAPTOP MODEL: HCL ME THREE FOR EACH COLOR 8 GB 16 GB BLACK SANDISIK SANDISIK PGI 5BK BLUE RED 8C 8M YELLOW 8Y TONER SAMSUNG DOT MATRIX ALL IN ONE cum fax CANON COLOR CARTRIADGES HP 3G RELIANCE 4G VODAFONE iball rockey iball FOR DESKTOP SEAGATE LENOVO 1 TB 1 TB 36 PCI USB CARD 37 BATTERY FOR UPS 12 VOLTS 7 AH 38 BATTERY FOR UPS 42 AH The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. N Name and Address of the shop Shop Loc. No Date: With Rubber stamp and phone No JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTER ITEM 2016-17 SR NO NAME OF ITEM SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION 1 DESKTOP COMPUTERS ACCER 2 DESKTOP COMPUTERS HCL 3 LAPTOP SAMSUNG 4 LAPTOP HCL ME 5 COLOR PRINTER CANON ix 5000 6 LASER PRINTER SAMSUNG ML 7 LASER PRINTERS HP 8 ALL IN ONE PRINTER CUM FAX MACHINE HP 9 PROJECTOR RICOH 10 PROJECTOR INFOCUS 11 HYKON INDIA 15 KVA 12 EMERSION UPS 6 KVA 13 WIRELESS MODEM RELIANCE Rate in Rs The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. N Name and Address of the shop Shop Loc. No Date: With Rubber stamp and phone No JAWAHAR NAVODAYAVIDYALAYA CANACONA SOUTH GOA COMPARATIVE STATEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF LPG PIPELINE MATERIALS INCLUDING LABOUR CHARGES FOR Repair/change/ placement of old pipeline by new one for the year 2016-17 Sr No Name of items Rate in Rs. 1 2 M S Manifold 12 x 1 3 Non return Valve 4 20 PSI fixed pressure regulator 5 ½’’ Ball Valve 6 Loose pin sets 7. ½’’ Clamp with saddle 8. ½’’ Barrel Nipple 9 3/8’’ Ms Coupling Cylinder Pigtail 24’’ ( Suraksha) 10 Needle Control Valve 11 Click on adaptor 12 ½’’ MS Tata ‘C’ class pipe with labour charges The rates are inclusive of all taxes, levies, Transportation, charges , freight etc. Enclosed EMD DD No. ____________ Date __________ Rs. __________. VAT/ CST/ Regd. No. Shop Loc. No Date: Name and Address of the shop With Rubber stamp and phone No.