Hans Peter Møllgaard - Copenhagen Business School


Hans Peter Møllgaard - Copenhagen Business School
Updated: 21 January 2015
H. Peter Møllgaard, p. 1
Hans Peter Møllgaard
Nørrevænget 118
Dean’s Office, Research
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
Porcelænshaven 16A (1.79)
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
e-mail: hpmollgaard@gmail.com
Skype ID: peter.mollgaard118
Phone: +45-38152020
Mobile: +45-21622015
e-mail: pm.r@cbs.dk
Date of Birth February 23, 1964
Citizenship: Danish
Married to Lene Kastrup Møllgaard, three children (born 1995, 1998 & 2004)
1993 Doctor of Economics (Ph.D.), European University Institute (EUI), Italy
1990, M.A. in Economics, EUI
1989, Cand.Polit., University of Copenhagen
Jan. 2015 – present, Dean of Research, CBS
Apr. 2009 – present, Professor of Industrial Organization, CBS
Previous Full-Time Positions:
Jan. 2005 – Dec. 2014:
Head of Department, Dep.t of Economics, CBS
Oct. 2001 – Mar. 2009:
Professor with a special assignment in Law & Economics, CBS
Aug. 1996 – Sep. 2001:
Associate Professor of Applied Microeconomics, CBS
Sep. 1994 – July 1996:
Assistant Professor, Dep.t of Economics, University of Aarhus
Sep. 1993 – Aug. 1994:
Head of Section, Ministry of Industry and Coordination, DK
Sep. 1992 – Dec. 1992:
Visiting Scholar, Dep.t of Economics, Stanford University
Sep. 1989 – June 1993:
PhD Fellow, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
Sep. 1988 – Aug. 1989:
Head of Section, Ministry of Finance, Denmark
Current Professional Activities:
2014-present Editor-in-Chief, Danish Journal of Economics (Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift)
2013-present Member, Council for Research Issues, Swedish Competition Authority
2013-present Member, National Committee for Research Infrastructure, Ministry of Science
2012-present Member, Capital Growth Forum
2007-present Member, VL-70 (a network of business leaders)
2004-present Board member, Energinet.DK
2004-present Associate member, Centre for Competition Policy (CCP), U. of East Anglia
2003-present Fellow, Economics Network for Competition and Regulation, U.of
Academic areas:
Industrial Organization; Competition Policy and Antitrust Economics;
Microeconomics; Law & Economics
Languages: Danish (mother tongue); English (fluent); Italian (conversational); French
(good); German (good); Spanish (notions); Swedish (understood); Norwegian
Running, swimming, biking, kayaking and skiing.
Other leisure: Classical guitar, listening to jazz, reading literature.
Updated: 21 January 2015
H. Peter Møllgaard, p. 2
Previous experience:
 Member/Chairman, of a panel to annually assess research
activity at Reykjavik University, Iceland
 Chairman, School Board, Lille Værløse Skole
 Member (independent expert), Commission on
Competition Legislation, Ministry of Economic and
Business Affairs (ØEM)
 Secretary, Association of Competition Economics (ACE)
 Academic delegate, Nordic Globalization Forum,
Riksgränsen & Keflavik
 Member, Commission on Change of Danish Merger
Control, ØEM
 Academic partner, Copenhagen Economics
 Member of the executive committee, EARIE, European
Association for Research in Industrial Economics
 Vice President, Danish Competition Law Society
 Deputy to the independent expert members of the
Competition Council
 Member and co-founder, Centre for Industrial Economics
University governance:
Member, CBS Team for assessing CBS’ strategy process
Member, CBS Task force for assessing administrative
Chair, CBS Strategy group on “Improving Society
through Research”
Chair, CBS Task force on recruitment of scientific
Member, CBS Task Force on “Committing to
Board member, CBS Learning Lab
Member, Working Party on the Quality of CBS’
Member, Working Party on the Financial Management of
Program coordinator, CBS M.Sc. of Applied Economics
and Finance
Member, Board of the Department of Economics, CBS
Member, Faculty Council, Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration, CBS
Spring 2013
Spring 2010
Autumn 2009
Spring 2006
Updated: 21 January 2015
Teaching Experience: Numerous courses on:
Introductory Economics
Microeconomics for Mathematical Economists
H. Peter Møllgaard, p. 3
Dep.t of Economics, U.
Dep.t. of Mathematics, U.
Industrial Organization (theoretical and applied; introductory Dep.t of Economics, U.
and advanced)
Undergraduate Microeconomics and Trade
Central European
University, Prague
Graduate Game Theory
EU Competition Policy and Industrial Economics
Maersk International
Shipping Education
Liberalization and regulation
State and Market
Merger control
CRESSE: Competition and
Regulation European
Summer School for
Executives, Greece
Refereeing (selected): RAND Journal of Economics; International Journal of Industrial
Organization; Journal of Industrial Economics; Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade;
Scandinavian Journal of Economics; European Economic Review; Journal of International
Business Studies; Journal of Competition Law and Economics; Applied Economics;
Manchester School; Oxford Economic Papers; Scandinavian Journal of Management;
Information Economics and Policy; Southern Economic Journal.
Research grants:
- Danish Council for Strategic Research, DKK 11 million, “'5s' - Future Electricity
Markets” (with DTU and a consortium of institutions and companies), 2013-2017
- ForskEL, ENERGINET.DK, DKK 26,4 million, “TotalFlex” (www.TotalFlex.dk,
with a consortium of academic institutions and companies), 2012-2015
- Danish Social Sciences Research Council, DKK 4,974,356, “Risky Power: Choice of
technology, security of supply, and market power in power market”, 2007-2011
(Principal Investigator)
- Danish Ministry for Business and Industry, DKK 850,000 “Consumer information,
information transmission, and competition” (with Per B. Overgaard, U. Aarhus)
- European Commission, PHARE-ACE research grant P97-8122-R, “Multinational
firms and vertical restraints in Eastern Europe, and EU enlargement: problems for
competition policy” (with a number of academic institutions across Europe), 19992001.
- European Commission, PHARE-ACE research grant P95-2152, “East-West Trade
Bilateralism and Patterns of Foreign Direct Investment in Europe”, (with a number of
Updated: 21 January 2015
H. Peter Møllgaard, p. 4
academic institutions across Europe), 1995-1998
- Received the FUHU Research Communication Award 2008 with six colleagues, in
particular for a path-breaking cooperation with DR, the Danish National Broadcasting
Corporation, We delivered features on economics and the economy during six months
in 2007.
PhD Dissertations supervised to completion
- Benedikte Rosenbrinck, “Revenue Management: Economic, Competitive and
Organizational Consequences”, August 2005
- Petter Berg, “Cartel Damages and Cost Asymmetries”, February 2012
Current PhD supervision:
- Nihat Misir, “A Real Options Approach To Determining Power Prices”, expected
Autumn 2014
- Luis Boscán, “Designing af Market Place for Trading Demand Flexibility in Power
Markets”, expected 2015
Consulting jobs:
Danida, Copenhagen Economics (for a variety of customers),
Telestyrelsen, Plesner, OECD, Eastern and Western High Courts (court-appointed expert
witness on damages on two occasions), Norwegian Competition Authority, Howrey, EU DG
Competition, Copenhagen Airports, AP Møller-Mærsk, Danish Bankers’ Association, Danish
Consumer Council, Danish Competition and Consumer Agency, Bech-Bruun.
Further Training and Education
 LinKS@Wharton: Governance and Strategy Program (one week at Wharton), 2014
 Personal drive. A two-day management course organized by Kjerulf & Partners for
CBS ECON leadership team.
 CBS Lead: A two-year programme organized for CBS by Implement, 2009-2011.
Four modules on 1) personal leadership, 2) strategic management, 3) leading change,
and 4) execution. In addition, the programme entailed a 360 degrees leadership code.
 Institutlederkursus: Management and Leadership Training for Heads of Department
arranged by University of Southern Denmark and Universities Denmark, 2006-7. 13
days of training in management, strategy, organization and leadership.
 Academic writing, Natalie Reid for CBS, 2009 (three days)
 Presentation techniques, Kvorning, 2007 (four hours)
 Media training: get your message across, JKL, 2004 (two days)
 Rhetoric: oral communication, theories and strategies of rhetoric, CBS, 1999 (four
 Use of voice and presentation techniques, CBS, 1998 (four hours)
 Teach your students better writing, CBS, 1998 (three hours)
 Case Teaching Workshop: goals, methods and practice, CBS 1996 (three days)
 Pedagogical training for academics, University of Aarhus, 1995 (five days)
Peter Møllgaard
List of Publications
Articles in English:
“Law-Assisted Collusion? The Transparency Principle of the Danish Competition Act”
(joint w. Svend Albæk and Per B. Overgaard), European Competition Law Review,
17(6), 339-343, 1996.
“Asymmetric Adjustment in Symmetric Duopoly” (joint w. Per Svejstrup Hansen, Per
B. Overgaard, and Jan Rose Sørensen), Economics Letters 53, 183-188, 1996.
“A Squeezer Round the Corner? — Self-Regulation and Forward Markets”, The
Economic Journal, 107(440), 104-112, 1997.
“Government-Assisted Oligopoly Coordination? A Concrete Case” (joint with Svend
Albæk and Per B. Overgaard), Journal of Industrial Economics 45(4), 429-443, 1997.
“Globalisation in Emerging Markets: Does Foreign Capital in Central Europe
Promote Innovation?” (joint with Jochen Lorentzen and Matija Rojec), Journal of
International Relations and Development, 1(1-2), 84-104, 1998.
“Partnerships, Buy-Out Options and Investment in Emerging Markets” (joint with Per
B. Overgaard), Scandinavian Journal of Economics 101(4), 651-672 1999.
“The Ineffective Harmonisation of Danish Competition Law” (joint with Niels
Blomgren-Hansen), European Competition Law Review 20(5): 287-291, 1999.
“Market Transparency and Competition Policy” (joint w. Per B. Overgaard), Rivista di
Politica Economica 91: 11-58, 2001.
“Market Domination: Tests applied to the Danish cement industry” (joint w. Lisbeth F.
la Cour), European Journal of Law and Economics 14: 99-127, 2002.
“Meaningful and Measurable Market Domination” (joint w. Lisbeth F. la Cour),
European Competition Law Review 24(3): 131-135, 2003.
“Competition Compliance: Limits to Competition Policy Harmonisation in EU
enlargement” (joint w. Jochen Lorentzen), European Competition Law Review 24:
“Host-country Absorption of Technology: Evidence from Automotive Supply
Networks in Eastern Europe” (joint w. Jochen Lorentzen and Matija Rojec) Industry
and Innovation 10(4): 415-432, 2003.
“Exclusive Safeguards and Technology Transfer: Subcontracting Agreements in
Eastern Europe’s Car Component Industry” (joint w. Jochen Lorentzen), European
Journal of Law and Economics 17: 41-71, 2004.
“The Competition Law and Economics of Electricity Market Regulation” (joint w.
Claus Kastberg Nielsen), European Competition Law Review 25(1): 37-43, 2004.
“Countervailing Power and Price Transparency” (joint w. Morten Hviid), Scandinavian
Journal of Economics 108(3): 499-512, 2006.
“Simultaneous v. sequential market delineation – the case of salmon” (joint w. Niels
Haldrup & Claus Kastberg Nielsen) Journal of Competition Law & Economics 4(3),
893-913, 2008.
“Transparency and Coordinated Effects in European Merger Control” (joint w. Svend
Albæk & Per Baltzer Overgaard), Journal of Competition Law & Economics 6(4),
839-851, 2010.
“Fishy Business: Multijurisdictional treatment of a merger in salmon farming”,
European Competition Journal 6(3), 677-688, 2010.
“What is a Service of General Economic Interest?” (joint w. Grith S. Ølykke),
European Journal of Law and Economics, (forthcoming), 2014
Peter Møllgaard
List of Publications
Book Chapters in English:
“Oil Futures and Strategic Stocks at Sea” (joint w. Louis Phlips) in L. Phlips and L.D.
Taylor, ed.s, Aggregation, Consumption and Trade, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, 1992.
“The Danish Competition Act and Barriers to Entry” (joint w. Svend Albæk and Per B.
Overgaard), in Stephen Martin (ed.) European Competition Policies, Elsevier-North
Holland Publishers, 1998.
“Access to Essential Facilities and the Danish Competition Act” in Thomas Riis &
Ruth Nielsen (eds.) Law and Economics — Methodology and Application, DJØF
Publishing, Copenhagen, 1998.
“Competition Policy and Innovation” (joint w. Jo Lorentzen) in Patrizio Bianchi and
Sandrine Labory (eds.) International Handbook on Industrial Policy, Edward Elgar,
“Transparency and Competition Policy” (joint w. Per Baltzer Overgaard) in Mats
Bergman (ed.) The Pros and Cons of Information Sharing, Swedish Competition
Authority, 2006.
“Industrial Economics in Scandinavia, 1880-1980” (joint with Nicolai Foss) in Henk
de Jong and William Shepherd, eds. Pioneers of Industrial Economics, Edward
Elgar, 2007.
“Excessive Prices as an Abuse of Dominance? A Test Applied to the Danish Cement
Industry” (joint w. Lisbeth la Cour) in Yannis Katsoulacos (ed.) Abuse of Dominance,
Athens: AUEB, 2007.
“Information Exchange, Market Transparency and Dynamic Oligopoly” (joint w. Per
Baltzer Overgaard) ch. 51 in Wayne Dale Collins (ed.) Issues in Competition Law
and Policy, American Bar Association, 1241-1268, 2008.
“Research Strategy at the Copenhagen Business School” (joint w. Nicolai J. Foss) in
Jan Molin & Alan Irwin (eds.) The Distinctiveness of Diversity – CBS: A Case in
Point, CBS Press,103-125, 2009.
“Calculation of Damages in the District Heating Pipe Cartel”, ch. 6 in Bruce Lyons
(ed.) Cases in European Competition Policy, Cambridge University Press, 159-176,
Articles in Danish:
“Input-Output Prismodeller — Teori og Empiri” (Input Output Price Models –
Theory and Application), Ceteris Paribus, 6, 5-14, 1989.
“Dansk Konkurrenceret og Vertikal Kontrol” (Danish Competition Law and Vertical
Control), (joint with Svend Albæk and Per B. Overgaard), Nationaløkonomisk
Tidsskrift 133, 268-283, 1995.
“Markedsmagt” (Market Power), Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 136, 350-369, 1998.
“Konkurrenceret og retsøkonomi”(Competition law and Law & Economics),
Samfundsøkonomen 3, 19-24 (joint with Per B. Overgaard), 2000.
“Frie markedskræfter, regulering og markedsmagt” (Free market forces, regulation
and market power), Samfundsøkonomen 2, 4-11, (joint with Niels BlomgrenHansen), 2004.
”Kampen om mælken – Konkurrenceråd vs. monopol og ankenævn” (The battle for
the milk – Competition Council v. Monopoly and Appeals Tribunal), Økonomi og
Politik 77(2): 18-34 (joint with Niels Blomgren-Hansen), 2004.
”Økonomiske aspekter af el-markedets konkurrencepolitik” (Economic aspects of the
competition policy of electricity markets), Økonomi og Politik 77(2): 51-59 (joint with
Claus Kastberg Nielsen), 2004.
Peter Møllgaard
List of Publications
”Konkurrencelovgivningen i Danmark: Mål og Virkning” (Competition legislation in
Denmark: aims and effects), Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift 4/2006, 316-325, 2006.
”Hvor meget og hvordan vedrører konkurrenceloven danske virksomheder?” (How
and how much does the Competition Act affect Danish firms?), Samfundsøkonomen
3, 11-18, 2010.
“Nobelprisen i økonomi 2014: Jean Tirole”, Finans/Invest 6/14: 24-26, 2014.
Book Chapters in Danish:
“Homogenitet i Input-Output Prismodeller” (Homogeneity in Input Output Price
Models”) in L. Spange Mortensen, ed., Symposium i Anvendt Statistik, UNI.C, Århus
(pp. 229-250), 2001.
“Den Danske Konkurrenceret i Moderne Industriøkonomisk Belysning” (The Danish
Competition Act from a Modern Industrial-Economics Viewpoint), (joint with Per B.
Overgaard and Ole Øhlenschlæger Madsen), in Per N. Bukh og Peter Skott, eds.,
Markeder i Opbrud, 1996.
“Industriøkonomi” (Industrial Organization), (joint w. Stephen Martin, Per Baltzer
Overgaard and Christian Schultz), in Christian Hjorth-Andersen, ed., Udviklingslinjer i
økonomisk teori, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 2000.
“Aalborg Portlands Markedsstilling og Markedsmagt” (The Market Position and
Market Power of Aalborg Portland), (joint w. Lisbeth F. la Cour) in Niels-Erik Jensen
& Peter Linde (eds.) Symposium i Anvendt Statistik 2001, Copenhagen: University
of Copenhagen & Statistics Denmark (pp. 279-294), 2001.
“Industriøkonomi” (Industrial Economics) in Ivar Friis, Mark Lorenzen & Tamás
Vamosi (eds.) Erhvervsøkonomisk Teori, Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur, 2004.
“Fra gennemsigtighed til forbud: Konkurrencerådet 1990-2009” (From transparency
to prohibition: the Danish Competition Council 1990-2009) in Svend E. Hougaard
Jensen & Peter Møllgaard (red.) Design og styring af institutioner – økonomiske
essays til ære for Niels Blomgren-Hansen, Copenhagen: Handelshøjskolens Forlag,
“Gennemsigtighed og koordinerede effekter i fusionskontrol” (Transparency and
coordinated effects in merger control; joint with Svend Albæk& Per Baltzer
Overgaard) in Per Nikolaj Bukh and Niels Peter Mols (Eds.) Strategi og
driftsøkonomi: Festskrift til Ole Ø. Madsen. København : Gyldendal, 2009; pp. 27-43.
“Fremtidens klimaledere” (Climate Leaders of the Future), (joint with Susse Georg
and Christian Erik Kampmann) in Eva Born Rasmussen, Sigurd Bunk Lauritsen &
Hans-Martin Friis Møller (eds.) Håndbog i Klimaledelse; Forlaget Andersen.
“Konkurrence og konkurrencepolitik” (Competition and competition policy) in John
Smidt (red.) Jubilæumsskrift: De Økonomiske Råd · 1962-2012. København : De
Økonomiske Råd, 2012. pp. 229-239.
Books in Danish:
Design og styring af institutioner – økonomiske essays til ære for Niels BlomgrenHansen (Design and Governance of Institutions – Economic Essays in Honour of
Niels Blomgren-Hansen): Svend E. Hougaard Jensen & Peter Møllgaard (Eds.),
Copenhagen: Handelshøjskolens Forlag, 2009
Peter Møllgaard
List of Publications
Unpublished Working Papers:
48. “Dynamic Game Treatment of an Oligopoly Model of Prices with Demand Inertia: An
unsolved solved problem?” paper presented in the Graduate Module on Differential
Games organized for COMETT by INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
49. “Oil Stocks as a Squeeze-Preventing Mechanism - Is self-regulation possible?” (joint
w. Louis Phlips), Working Paper no. 93/12, 1993, EUI
50. “Bargaining and Efficiency in a Speculative Forward Market”, Working Paper no. 9339, 1993, EUI
51. “FDI-Promotion in Denmark”, mimeo, presented at the Workshop on East Central
Europe and the Global Economy, European Studies Department, Central European
University, Prague, 1994
52. “Strategic Inventories in Two Period Oligopoly”, Working Paper no. 1994-29,
Department of Economics, University of Aarhus, 1994
53. “Monopoly and Difference of Opinion in Futures Trading”, mimeo, Department of
Economics, University of Aarhus, 1994
54. “Dynamic Bargaining in a Market with Multiple Encounters and a Time Constraint”,
mimeo, Department of Economics, University of Aarhus, 1995
55. “The Danish Competition Act from an Industrial Economics Viewpoint”, mimeo,
Department of Economics, University of Aarhus, 1995
56. “Clout: Control vs. Prohibition in the Danish Competition Regime”, mimeo,
Department of Economics, University of Aarhus, 1996
57. “Asymmetric Adjustment in Menu Cost Duopoly” (joint with Per Svejstrup Hansen,
Per B. Overgaard, and Jan Rose Sørensen), Working Paper No. 1996-10,
Department of Economics, University of Aarhus, 1996.
58. “Strategic Adjustment Asymmetries” (joint with Per Svejstrup Hansen, Per B.
Overgaard, and Jan Rose Sørensen), mimeo, Department of Economics, University
of Aarhus, 1997.
59. “Danfoss Compressors’ Investment in Slovenia: Motives and Obstacles” Working
Paper 7-97, Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, 1997.
60. “A Siemens Investment in Slovenia: Motives and Obstacles” (joint with Philipp
Schröder) Working Paper 8-97, Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business
School, 1997.
61. “A Bosch-Siemens Investment in Slovenia: Motives and Obstacles” (joint with Philipp
Schröder) , Working Paper 2-98, Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business
School, 1997.
62. “Market Transparency: A Mixed Blessing?” (joint w. Per B. Overgaard), CIE
Discussion Paper 99-15, Centre for Industrial Economics, University of Copenhagen,
63. “(Af-)Sløring af stiltiende karteller” (Revelation of tacit collusion), (joint w. Charlotte
Bornhøft), mimeo, Department of Economics, CBS, 2000.
64. “Strategic inventories in two-period oligopoly” (joint w. Sougata Poddar and Dan
Sasaki), Discussion paper 00-17, Department of Economics, University of Exeter,
65. “Oligopoly Equilibrium with Generalised Strategies”(joint w. Sougata Poddar and Dan
Sasaki), work in progress, CBS, National University of Singapore & University of
66. “Aktive forbrugere og økonomisk performance” (Active consumers and economic
performance), working paper, Centre for Economic and Business Research, CBS,
Peter Møllgaard
List of Publications
Work in Progress:
67. “The competitive effects of state aid in oligopoly”, mimeo, Department of Economics,
CBS, 2007.
68. “Research Strategy at the Copenhagen Business School” (joint w. Nicolai J. Foss),
mimeo, Department of Strategic Management and Globalisation & Department of
Economics, CBS, 2010 (under review).
69. “The Effects of Asymmetric Costs on Cartel Damages: The Role of the
Counterfactual.” (joint w. Petter Berg), mimeo, Department of Economics, CBS, 2014
70. “Trading Flexibility in Power Markets”, (joint w. Peter Bogetoft and Luis Boscán)
mimeo, Department of Economics, CBS, 2014
Popular publications in economics
71. “Nobelpris til tre spillefugle” (Nobel prize to three gamesters), Børsen, October 19,
p. 15, joint w. Svend Albæk and Per B. Overgaard.
72. “Konkurrenceloven — hvad er der galt?” (The Danish Competition Act — what is
wrong?), Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten, August 2, joint w. S. Albæk and P.B.
73. “Konkurrencelov med konsekvens og uafhængighed” (Competition Act with
Consequence and Independence), Børsen, August 13, joint w. S. Albæk and P.B.
74. Teleauktioner på bølgelængde med samfundet” (Are tele auctions at society’s wave
length?), Berlingske Tidende Erhvervskronikken, November 26, joint w. Christian
Schultz and Claus Kastberg Nielsen.
75. “Forbrugerinformation, informationstransmission og konkurrence” (Consumer
information, information transmission and competition), Facts om
afsætningsøkonomisk forskning 14: 5-8, joint w. Per Baltzer Overgaard
76. “Markedsgennemsigtighed” (Market Transparency) Facts om afsætningsøkonomisk
forskning 17: 7-9, joint w. Per Baltzer Overgaard
77. “Two summits, one city and the big fudge,” European Business Forum, joint w.
Jochen Lorentzen, http://www.ebfonline.com/main_feat/trends/trends.asp?id=368.
78. “Komkurrencerod” (Competition Mess), Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten’s kronik,
February 7, 2003, joint w. Niels Blomgren-Hansen.
79. “Mælkens andel af konkurrencen” (Milk’s share of competition), Morgenavisen
Jyllandspostens kronik, November 24, 2003. joint w. Niels Blomgren-Hansen.
80. 12 features at the programme Orientering of DR (the Danish National Broadcaster) –
see www.cbs.dk/econ for a list of programmes.
81. “Hul på konkurrencen eller hul i hovedet?” (Break through for competition or breaking
the skull?), Børsen, letter to the editor, November 6, 2009.
82. “Aktive forbrugere og økonomisk vækst” (Active consumers and economic growth),
Politiken’s kronik, June 21, 2011, joint w. Rasmus Kjeldahl.
83. “Er konkurrencepakken en jule - eller kalendergave?”, Økonomisk Ugebrev 19(36),
p. 8, 2012.
84. "The Danish Parliament adopts amendments to the Danish Competition Act
introducing criminal sanctions against cartels", e-Competitions Bulletin, N° 50873,
www.concurrences.com, 2013
85. “The Danish Public Prosecutor for Serious and International Crime cracks down on
resale price maintenance (Miele)”, e-Competitions Bulletin, N° 56421,
www.concurrences.com, 2013
86. “The Danish Competition Council approves merger in the furniture retailing industry
Peter Møllgaard
List of Publications
(Jysk /IDdesign)”, e-Competitions Bulletin, N° 59336, www.concurrences.com, 2013
87. ”Opgør med et ineffektivt Konkurrenceråd”, Økonomisk Ugebrev 10, 16/5-2014 p. 7