

September: Introduction to MOOCs
In short
On October 19th the Hans Christian Andersen Center
at the University of Southern Denmark offers a MOOC,
an open online course about the author Hans Christian
Andersen. The purpose of the MOOC is to introduce participants to some of the author’s most popular fairy tales
and to give an insight into Hans Christian Andersen’s life
and authorship.
Course description and registration
Sign up for the MOOC on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytales here!
The MOOC has been designed by experts from the Hans
Christian Andersen Center in collaboration with the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Southern denmark. During the six-week course, the experts
will facilitate discussions, analyses and interpretations
of the fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen. This will
give participants the opportunity to explore the fairy tale
genre and the themes in the selected fairy tales.
The MOOC is to give a deeper insight into why the fairy
tales of Hans Christian Andersen have achieved such
cross-cultural significance and enduring universal appeal
for both children and adults.
The MOOC will run on the largest European MOOC-platform, FutureLearn. FutureLearn is a platform that offers
free online courses all over the world. You simply choose
the desired course and create a profile.
FutureLearn has more than 2 million users and offers
courses from well-reputed universities and culture organisations. Courses are offered within science, humanities, social sciences, health sciences and also technology.
Prorector Bjarne Graabech Sørensen regarding the
Bjarne Graabech Sørensen states that he hopes the project will help brand The University of Southern Denmark.
Furthermore he explains that the MOOC deals with a
very broad and interesting subject that will appeal to
people all over the world.
Read more here:
• What are MOOCs?
• Why MOOCs?
• Hans Christian Andersen becomes a MOOC star
Teaching and learning courses
• The multilingual and multicultural
Classroom, 30/9. info and registration - deadline
• Teaching to celebrate diversity,
9/10 - info and registration
– deadline 1/10.
• ePortfolio as a tool for learning and
assessment, 7/10 info and registration - deadline
• Seminar: Evaluering og anerkendelse i undervisning, 24/9 info and registration – deadline
Sign up for TAL2015 now!
Get inspired on how to implement the
Underlying Principle of Education at the
Teaching for Active Learning conference
at SDU, 3/11 2015. Sign up here.
You can find information about all our
courses in the CUU catalogue and on
our website.
Responsible for
this newsletter:
Inger-Marie F. Christensen
6550 7501
Centre for Teaching and Learning
Campusvej 55,
5230 Odense M
Entrance H by the SDU Swimming Pool
2014 2015