What is osteoarthritis? Professor Ewa Roos Research Unit for Musculoskeletal Function and Physiotherapy University of Southern Denmark eroos@health.sdu.dk A whole organ disease, clinical diagnosis No problem, I can fix it with an artificial joint A costly disease: 11.5 mia annually in Denmark Pain and functional limitations! Person with osteoarthritis Close to 900.000 Danes self-report OA Cartilage loss, Joint space narrowing on radiographs Education, exercise and a healthy weight is effective treatment Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis (OA) also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease or osteoarthrosis, is a group of mechanical abnormalities involving degradation of joints, including articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Cartilage Matrix Degradation Synovium Protease Protease Fragments Protease Histology by E Hunziker OA development Structural changes •radiographic •arthroscopic •MRI •Biomarkers in blood and Joint fluid Early phase 10-20 years Courtesy: Leif Dahlberg Late phase A degenerative meniscal tear is a sign of osteoarthritis OA -a whole organ disease NORMAL JOINT Subchondral bone Meniscus Joint capsule OSTEOARTHRITIS Subchondral bone thickening Fibrotic joint capsule Degenerated meniscus Loss of cartilage and joint space Osteophytes Cartilage Bone cysts Muscle weakness Poor correlation between symptoms and structural changes Artrose diagnose checklist Symptomer Risikofaktorer Belastningssmerte ☐ Alder (40+) ☐ Nedsat funktion ☐ ☐ Morgenstivhed ☐ Overvægt Kliniske fund Køn (kvinde) Tidligere ledskade ☐ ☐ Krepitation ☐ Hårdt fysisk arbejde ☐ Nedsat bevæglighed ☐ Overbelastning i fritid ☐ Knogleudvækst ☐ Artrose i familien ☐ www.glaid.dk OA is one disease with very different risk factors Dieppe and Lohmander.. Lancet 2005 Burden of disease ranking ”yearsRank measured withYLD lived with disability” OA among top-20 already at age 40… 1 20 40 60 80 34 o 39 o 44 o 49 o 54 o 59 o 64 o 69 o 74 o 79 plus o t t t t t t t t t t 0 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 8 Age Group There ain’t no cure.... The OA Treatment Pyramid First+second +third line treatment First+second line treatment First line treatment Few Surgery Pharmacological pain relief, aids and passive treatments* given by a therapist Some All Education, exercise and weight control © E Roos Roos & Juhl. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2012 The OA Treatment Pyramid First+second +third line treatment First+second line treatment First line treatment Few Surgery Pharmacological pain relief, aids and passive treatments* given by a therapist Some All Education, exercise and weight control © E Roos Roos & Juhl. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2012 The OA Treatment Pyramid First+second +third line treatment First+second line treatment First line treatment Few Surgery Pharmacological pain relief, aids and passive treatments* given by a therapist Some All Education, exercise and weight control © E Roos Roos & Juhl. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2012 Land-based and aquatic exercise as treatment for patients with osteoarthritis in clinical practice Ewa M. Roos Carsten Juhl Ben Waller (Finland) Søren Thorgaard Skou Facilitator: Marius Henriksen